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Unit 1:  At Home and Away 

Week 1 7/8

Writing Skill: Write a Narrative 

Assignment: Write a short narrative to show who Esteban, the drowned man, really
was before his death. Write the narrative from his perspective.

PREWRITING: Develop and Introduce a Character

© 2021 Alpha Education for Publishing & Distribution Group LLP

When you write this narrative, you will use a first-person point of view, using the voice of
Esteban, the drowned man in the story. Before you begin writing, your character must be
well-developed. This means that you should know many details about Esteban, such as
his real name, personality, interests, and important life events. Use your imagination to fill
out the chart below and create the real Esteban.
Real Name Personality Interests Important Life Events

Now, think about what happened to Esteban. How did he drown? What important events
led up to his death? Fill out this chart as you brainstorm ideas. Use this information to
determine the main events of your narrative.
Main Event 1 Main Event 2 Main Event 3 Main Event 4

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