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Selected Topics in Fiber-Optics

Pro Anatoly P.
M.Sc. in Electro-Optical Engineering


Exercise 1
Daria Morav Frieman
ID 307220236

Question 1
Fiber No. Fiber model Fiber type Wave length
1 Corning, SMF-28e Single-mode 1394 [ nm ]*
2 Corning, HI 980 Single-mode 1054 [ nm ]*
3 Corning, LEAF Single-mode 1634 [ nm ]*
Fiber index for Question 1

*Wave length calculation by personal ID:

λ om=1430−36=1394 [ nm ]
λ om=1090−36=1054 [ nm ]
λ om=1670−36=1634 [ nm ]

Need to calculate :

u ,β, MFD; n2 ¿, n1 ¿, n eff ¿, n g ¿

¿ ¿ ¿ ¿

Fiber No.1

Refractive index


λ om=1430−36=1394 [ nm ]

λ o 1=1310 nm, n g 1=1.467 6−datasheet ¿ λ o 2=1550 nm, n g 2=1.46 82−datasheet ¿ NA =0.14−datasheet

¿ ¿


∂n 1 ∂ n1
n g 1=n1− λ0 1 × →n 1=n g1 + λ 0 1 ×
∂ λ01 ∂ λ 01
∂ n1 1
∂ λ0 1
μm [ ]
−¿ λ0 variation table
Selected Topics in Fiber-Optics
Pro Anatoly P.
M.Sc. in Electro-Optical Engineering

λ 0 variation table

∂ n1
n1 =ng 1 + λ 0 1 ×
∂ λ0 1
n1 =1.4676+1.310× (−0.01126 )=1 .4528
n1 =1.452 8
n1 , si =1.44 71
n1 om , si =1.446 5
∆ n=n1 −n1 , si=1.4526−1.4471=0.0057 ∆ n=0.0055
∆ n=n1 om−n1 om ,si →n1 om=∆ n+n 1om , si =0.0055+1.4465=1.4522n1 om=1.452 2
NA =√ n1 om2 −n22 → n2 om= √n1 om2−N A2 =√ 1.4522−0.142=1.445 4
n2 om=1.445 4

Normalized frequency

Dia meter
a= =4.1 μm

V= ×a × NA V = 2 π × 4.1× 0.14=2.587 V =2.5872 .405<V <3.832→ number of modes: 4
λ0 1.3 94

effective index of refraction

Selected Topics in Fiber-Optics
Pro Anatoly P.
M.Sc. in Electro-Optical Engineering

n eff om=√ b × N A2 +n2 om2b 0.6 ¿ graph

n eff om=√ 0.6 ×0.14 2+ 1.44542=1.449n eff om=1.449 rad

Mode field diameter

A more empirically accurate formula

MFD=2 w0=2 a ( 0.65+1.619 V −1.5 + 2.879V −6 )

MFD=2× 4.1 × ( 0.65+1.619 ×2.587−1.5 +2.879 ×2.587−6 )=8. 599 8.6 [ μm ]
MFD=8.6 μm

Propagation constant

First will find θc :

NA 0.14
θc = = =0.0964 [ rad ] =5.523 °
n1 om 1.4522

β= × n1 om × cos ( θ c )
λ0 om

2π 1 1
1.3 94
×1.4522 × cos ( 5.523 )=¿ ¿6.515×10 6[ ]
m [ ]
β=6.515×10 6
Normal component of wave number vector

u= ×n 1om ×sin ( θ c )
λ 0 om

2π 1 1
×1.4522 ×sin ( 5.523 )=¿¿ 0.62997×10 6
[ ]
u=0.63 ×106[ ]

Fiber No.2


λ om=1090−36=1054 [ nm ] λ om=0. 1054 μm

Selected Topics in Fiber-Optics
Pro Anatoly P.
M.Sc. in Electro-Optical Engineering

= mμ ∆= 1%AN =.012
− 156.0
λ=o mμ n 1=4.1 17 @156teehsatad
mn − ¿
DFM =2.4 3±.0 @089teehsatad
mn −

Refractive index

∂n 1
n g 651 =n1−λ 0 × =1.471−0.651× (−0.02714 ¿
∂ λ0
∂ n1 1
∂ λ01
μm [ ]
−¿ λ0 variation tablen g 651 =1.488

NA =√ n12−n22 → n2= √ n12−N A 2=√ 1.4 712−0. 212=1.4 559n2 =1.4559

n1 =1.4 71

n1 , si =1. 4568

∆ n=n1 −n1 , si=1.471−1.4568=0.0 142∆ n=0.014

n 1 , si =1.45 0

∆ n=n 1 −n 1 , si → n 1 =∆ n+n 1 , si =0.014 +1.4 50=1.4 64n 1 =1.452 2

1054 1054 1054 1054 1054

−n22 → n 2
NA = n √ 1 2 √
= n 1 −N A 2=√ 1.452 22−0.212=1.4369
1054 1054 1054

n 2 =1.4 37

Normalized frequency

a= =1.75 μm

V= ×a × NA V = 2 π ×1.75 ×0. 21=2.190V =2.1900<V < 2.405 → number of modes :1
λ0 1.0 54

effective index of refraction

Selected Topics in Fiber-Optics
Pro Anatoly P.
M.Sc. in Electro-Optical Engineering

n eff = b × N A2 +n 2 0.996 2
√ 2
1054 (
b= 1.1428−
V ) −Empirical – 1.5≤ V ≤2.5

0.996 2
b= 1.1428−
2.190 )=0.473

n eff =√ 0. 473 ×0. 212 +1.4 372=1.4 4 4n eff =1.4 4 4 rad

Mode field diameter

A more empirically accurate formula

MFD=2 w0=2 a ( 0.65+1.619 V −1.5 + 2.879V −6 )

MFD=2×1.75 × ( 0.65+1.619 ×2.190−1.5 + 2.879× 2.190−6 )=4.114 [ μm ]

MFD=4.114 μm

Propagation constant

First will find θc :

NA 0.21
θc = = =0. 1446 [ rad ] =8.28 5°
n 1 1.452 2

β= × n 1 ×cos ( θc )
λ 0 1054

2π 1 1
1. 05 4
× 1.4522× cos ( 8.28 5 )=¿ ¿8.56×10 6
m [ ]
β=8.56 × 106
m [ ]
Normal component of wave number vector

u= × n 1 × sin ( θc )
λ 0 1054

2π 1 1
1. 054
×1.4522× sin ( 8.28 5 )=¿ ¿ 1.247×10 6
m [ ]
u=1.247× 106
m [ ]
Fiber No.3


λ om=1670−36=1634 [ nm ] λ om=1 .634 μm

Selected Topics in Fiber-Optics
Pro Anatoly P.
M.Sc. in Electro-Optical Engineering

λ=.0 n g=4.1396
a=8.4 mμ erocemas
∗ ( DFM
sa 0@551 AN) =.041
− o 551 mμ 0551
@ teehsatad
mn − ¿
Affe=27mμ 0@551DFM = 9 .6 ±.0 40@551 teehsatad
mn −

Refractive index

∂ n1
n 1 =n g + λ0 × =1.469+0. 155 ×{−0.0118 }=1.4671
1550 ∂ λ0
∂ n1 1
∂ λ01
μm [ ]
−¿ λ 0 variation table }n 1 =1.4671n1 , si =1.4 44

∆ n=n1 −n1 , si=1.4 6 71−1.4 44=0.0 231∆ n=0.0231

NA =√ n12−n22 → n 2 =√ n12−N A 2= √1.4 6 712−0.1 4 2=1.4 60n 2 =1.460
1550 1550

n2 , si =1.44 6
∂ n1
n 1 =n g + λ 0 × =1.469+ 0.1634 × {−0. 0233 }=1.46 51
1 634 ∂ λ0
∂ n1 1
∂ λ01
=−0. 0233
μm [ ]
− ¿ λ 0 variationtable }n 1 =1.46 5 1n1 , si =1.44 6
1 634

∆ n=n1 −n1 , si=1.46 5 1−1.44 6=0.0 19 1∆ n=0.0 19 1

NA =√ n12−n22 → n 2 =√ n12−N A2= √ 1.4 65 12−0.14 2=1.4 58n 2 =1.4 58

1 634 1 634

n2 , si =1.44 52

Normalized frequency

a= =4.8 μm

2π 2π
= V0551 = ×8.4 ×.041200.4
= V0551 = × a×AN
50.1 5 λ0
238.3 <V0551631.5
< rebmun
→ sedom
fo :7

2π 2π
= V4361 = ×8.4 ×.041485.2
= V 436
1 = × a×AN
436 λ0
504.2 <V4361238.3
< rebmun
→ sedom
fo :4

effective index of refraction

Selected Topics in Fiber-Optics
Pro Anatoly P.
M.Sc. in Electro-Optical Engineering

n eff =√ b × N A2 +n22= √0.6 × 0.142 +1.4602=1.464b 0.6 ¿ graphn eff =1.464 radn eff =83.88 °

Mode field diameter

A more empirically accurate formula

MFD=2 w0=2 a ( 0.65+1.619 V −1.5 + 2.879V −6 )

MFD=2× 4.8 × ( 0.65+ 1.619× 2.584−1.5 +2.879 × 2.584−6 ) =10.074 [ μm ]

MFD=10.074 μm

Propagation constant

First will find θc :

NA 0. 14
θc = = =0.0955 [ rad ] =5.4749 °θ =5.4749 °
n 1 1.4651 c
1 634

β= × n 1 ×cos ( θc )
λ 0 1634
1 634

2π 1 1
× 1.4 651× cos ( 5.4749 )=5.608 ×10 6 [ ]
β=8.56 × 106
m [ ]
Normal component of wave number vector

u= × n 1 × sin ( θc )
λ 0 1634

2π 1 1
1. 634 [ ]
×1.4 651 ×sin ( 5.4749 )=¿ 0.5375 ×10 6
¿u=0.5375× 106
m [ ]
Selected Topics in Fiber-Optics
Pro Anatoly P.
M.Sc. in Electro-Optical Engineering

Question 2
Fiber model - OFS, CF01493-10


λ om=750−36=714 [ nm ]

mode 1=1200−36=11 64 [ nm ]
mode 2=300−36=264 [ nm ]

001 mμ AN =.073
− epolS
@006 mn −@058 mn 820.0
=− [
mn mk∙ ]
L= m a@058 mn ,≤ 6Bd mk

Need to calculate:

n eff , 𝜃𝑖,∆ τ

2π 2π
V om= ×a × NA= ×100 × 0.37=3 25.599 325.6
λ om 0.714

V2 325.62
M= [ ][
2 ]
=5 3007 [ modes ]

mode 1=1164 nm
n1 om @1164=1.449 1

NA 0.37
θc = = =0.25 53 [ rad ] =14. 627°
n1 om 1.4 491

i 1164
θmode 1=θc
√ M
=14. 627 ×
=2.167 °

n eff ,mode 1=n1 om × cos ( θmode 1 ) =1.4 491 ×cos ( 2. 167 ) =1.4 48
Selected Topics in Fiber-Optics
Pro Anatoly P.
M.Sc. in Electro-Optical Engineering

L∙ n1 om2 L ∙ n1 om2 n1 om−n2 L ∙ n1 om L ∙ n1 om

∆ τ=τ slow −τ fast = ∆= ∙ = −
C ∙ n2 C ∙ n2 n 1om C ∙ neff ,mode 1 C

2500 ∙1.449 12 2500 ∙ 1.4491

∆ τ= − =9.1736 [ ns ]
3 × 108 ∙ 1.448 3 ×108
a0 −aom dB
→ aom=6+ 0.028∙ ( 850−714 ) =9.808
km [ ]
L 2500
Lmode 1= = =2501. 789 [ m ]
cos ( θ mode 1) cos (2. 167 )

Lmode 1 ∙ a om=2.501789 ∙ 9.808=24.537 [ dB ]

mode 2=264 nm
n2 om @264=1.4 568

NA 0.37
θc = = =0.25 39 [ rad ] =14.547 °
n2 om 1.4 568

i 264
θmode 2 =θc
√ M
=14. 54 7 ×

=1.026 °

n eff ,mode 2=n2 om × cos ( θmode 2 ) =1.4568× cos ( 1.026 ) =1.4 56

L∙ n2 om2 L∙ n2 om2 n2 om−n2 L∙ n2 om L∙ n2 om

∆ τ=τ slow −τ fast = ∆= ∙ = −
C ∙ n2 C ∙ n2 n 2 om C ∙ n eff ,mode 2 C

2500 ∙1.45682 2500∙ 1.4 568

∆ τ= − =6.670 [ ns ]
3× 108 ∙ 1.456 3 ×108
a0 −aom dB
→ aom=6+ 0.028∙ ( 850−264 ) =22.408
km [ ]
L 2500
Lmode 2= = =250 0 . 400883 [ m ]
cos ( θ mode 2 ) cos (1.026 )

Lmode 2 ∙ a om=2. 500400883∙ 22.408=56.0289 [ dB ]

Selected Topics in Fiber-Optics
Pro Anatoly P.
M.Sc. in Electro-Optical Engineering

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