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Dedicated to my mother

Late Mrs. Sarla Gursahani who taught me that in life

holding the ladder for others to climb can give you equal
if not more happiness than climbing the ladder yourself.
I also learnt from her that spirituality and a good heart
lie at the source of all achievements in life.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

• Numerology is a science
that makes you understand
the deeper meaning of
numbers and names.

• A philosopher once said that

‘Behind the warm colourful
manifestation of created
life lies the glacial peaks of

Butterfly collection by Kjell B. Sandved

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

• The early Greeks taught that Numbers are
central to the understanding of life.

• They believed that the primary numbers one to

nine represented the entire creative process
from the creation of the universe out of chaos to
the rhythms of an individual life.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

• Modern mathematics an intellectual pursuit
reduces numbers to bare figures and does not
appreciate the link of the numbers to the divine.
Numerology attempts to restore that link.

• Galileo the Italian astronomer once said ‘The

book of nature is written in mathematical
Dr. Prabha V. Choksey
• By learning the meaning of numbers in all their
forms we can begin to understand more about
ourselves and our potentials. We begin to
recognise the rhythms and patterns within us
which make us unique.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

• We can use the same
tools to find out about the
people who accompany
us in our lives and gain
insight into how and why
our relationships may or
may not work.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

You can give a stable future to your children by
selecting numerologically correct names

Missing numbers in names signify missing aspects of

your personality.

Many people change their names later in life. This is

usually to gain numerological advantage.

Understanding numerology is understanding life itself.

Rather than enduring the effects of various life

circumstances knowledge of numerology acts as a
navigator to guide you to a happy fulfilled life.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Special significance of some numbers.
Number 7.
• This number represents the spiritual side of life.

• There are are 7 generations from the birth of David to Jesus.

• Birth of Jesus Christ on 25th December.

• 7 spirits of Egyptian religion

• 7 Devas of Hindu religion

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

• 7 notes of music

• 7 colours of rainbow

• 7 wonders of the world.

Number 8.

Our genetic code written on our

DNA resembles the number 8.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Number 9 and its effects on life

• 9 months of gestation- Human

life takes birth after being in the
womb of the mother for 9
• Heart rate- Human heart rate on
an average is 72 per minute
• Respiration rate normal
respiration is 18 per minute

360 degrees of a circle 3+6+0=9.
Dr. Prabha V. Choksey
• Number nine is a unique indestructible number.
If you multiply nine with any number it will always
be nine.
Example 3x9=27= 2+7 =9.
• Nine is a number of energy and life. If you add
number nine to any number it will give it energy
and life without altering it.
Example 9+3 =12 = 1+2=3
• If you add all the numbers

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

World trade centre attack.

• Tragedy occured on 11th September.

• September 11th is the 254th day of the year


• Air craft that hit the North tower was flight 11

• Flight 11 had 92 passengers in it 9+2+=11

• The aircraft that hit the south tower had 65

passengers in it 6+5= 11

• Twin towers resembles the number 11

• New York city has 11 letters and it is the 11th

state of America.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Believe in yourself in whatever you do.
Each challenge that comes will bring
something new.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Carry your spirit safe and sure
open your heart and all is pure
spread your wings and fly up high
you can touch the sky.
Serena Giselle MC Reery.
Number 1
People born on the 1st 10th 19th 28th of any month are people with Number 1
Number 1 is the symbolism for the planet Sun.

Number 1 people are creative, inventive and strongly individual. They are also
courageous, focussed and powerful. Many of the good leaders and company directors
are Number 1 people.

Number 1 people are ambitious and dislike restraint.

They rise in whatever profession they are in.

Get along best with 2,4,7.

Famous No.1 personalities
Bill Gates Princess Diana
Indira Gandhi

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Born on 19th November 1917 Born on 28th October 1955. Born on 1st July 1961
• It is not by muscle, speed or physical dexterity that great things are

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

• But by reflection, force of character and judgement.
• In these qualities old age is usually not only poorer but it is even
Marcus Tullius Cicero
Number 2
People born on 2nd, 11th, 20th and 29th of any month are people with Number 2
Number 2 is the symbolism for the Moon.

Number 2 people are gentle by nature. They are imaginative, artistic and
romantic although they are not very forceful in carrying out their ideas.
Winning comes second to participating in the group. Many twos enjoy
the power behind the throne to more powerful bosses.

Diplomacy is an innate quality within the psyche of 2 people.

Marriage and partnership are easy to handle for the number 2 people.
Get along best with 1 4 7
Famous No.2 personalities
Mahatma Gandhi
Oprah Winfrey

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Born on 29th January 1954 Born on 2nd October 1869
Some of us have great runaways already built for us.
If you have one take off.

But if you don’t have one, realize, it is your responsibility to grab

a shovel and build one for yourself and for those who will follow
after you.
Amelia Earhart

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Number 3
People born on the 3rd, 12th, 21st or 30th of any month are people with Number 3

Number 3 is the symbolism for the planet Jupiter.

Powers of creation, preservation and destruction lie in three people. 3 is

considered to be the child of 1 Sun and 2 Moon inheriting the best of the two.
Their aim is to rise in the world and to have control and authority over others.
Number 3 people are excellent in execution of commands. They excel in
positions of authority in the army and navy. They make good counselors,
teachers and advisors.

Gets along best with 3, 6, 9.

Famous no. 3 personalities

Marlon Brando Sir Winston Churchill

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Abraham Lincoln

Born on 3rd April 1924 Born on 30 November 1874 Born on 12th February 1809
The wise man in the storm prays to God not for safety from
danger but for the deliverance from fear.
It is the storm within that endangers him and not the storm

Ralph Emerson Waldo

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Number 4

People born on the 4th, 14th, 22nd or 31st of any month are people with Number
4 personality.
Number 4 is the symbolism for the planet Uranus.

4 also represents the Earth, eternally stable.

Number 4 people have a distinct character of their own.
They rebel against rules and regulations. Life moves slowly for fours. Wait and
see is a favorite expression. Financially carefully they do not take unnecessary
They are attracted to social questions and reforms of all kind and have a
burning desire to make the world a better place to live in.
Get along best with 1,2, and 7.
Famous number 4 personalities

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Rosa Parks Barrack Obama

Born on Feb 4 1913. Born on 4th August 1961

If you are guided by the stars you will only be able to travel by night.
If you are guided by a map you will be dependent on a piece of paper that is
easily lost.
If you are guided by your soul you will always choose the right path.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Number 5

People born on 5th, 14th or 23rd of any month are people with Number 5
Number 5 is the symbolism for planet Mercury.

Number 5 people are mentally highly stung. They are quick in thought and
make quick decision. They are attracted to Stock Exchange.
Many number fives are successful stock brokers.
They could also amass money from inheritance and windfalls.

Get along best with number 5 and all the numbers

Famous number 5 personalities

Albert Einstein Walt Disney

William Shakespear

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Born on 5th December 1901 Born on 23rd April 1564
Born on 14 March 1879
To laugh often and much.
To win the respect of intelligent people and the affection of the children.
To leave the world a better place.
To know even one life has breathed easier because you have lived.
This is to have succeeded.
Ralph Waldo Emerson

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Number 6.

People born on the 6th, 15th or 24th of any month are people with
Number 6 personality.
Number 6 is the symbolism for planet Venus.

Number 6 people are extremely magnetic. They attract others to them. They are
loved and often worshipped by those under them. Their love is protective and
unconditional more like mothers love rather than sensual.

They love beautiful things and surroundings. Sixes will decorate their
homes, offices or gardens with beautiful harmonious colours.
Their refined tastes and gentle manner make them attractive to others and

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

they are rarely alone in life.
Famous Personalities
Ronald Reagon Martin Luther King Lucille Ball

Born on 6th February 1911 Born on15th January ,1929 Born on 6th August 1911
Lord make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love.
Where there is injury, Pardon.
Where there is doubt, Faith.
Where there is despair, Hope.
Where there is darkness, Light and
Where there is sadness, Joy.
St.Francis of Assisi

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Number 7.

People born on the 7th, 16th, or 25th of any month are people with Number 7
Number 7 is the symbolism for the planet Neptune.

Number 7 people love change and travel. They are extremely good writers,
painters or poets. They are deep thinkers and have profound insights into the
nature of humanity. They are natural philosophers, kind hearted and romantic.

Sevens make natural healers and prefer the holistic approach to medicine
and health. They are drawn to meditation, yoga and reading of holy

Get along best with 1,2,4 and 7.

Famous Number 7 personalities

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Pablo Piccaso Charlie Chaplin

Born on 25th Oct, 1881. Born on 16th April 1889

When the strong man exercises his strength for the sake of justice
And when the rich man uses his wealth to promote kindness
Then there is something to glory in.
Irving M Bunim
Dr. Prabha V. Choksey
Number 8

People born on the 8th 17th or 26th of any month are people with number 8

Number 8 is the symbolism for planet Saturn.

The two circles of 8 represents the two worlds –Material and Spiritual.
In later life destiny gives number 8 people both material wealth as well as
spiritual awakening.
888 is also considered the number for Jesus Christ.

They have deep and intense nature. They generally play some important
role on life’s stage. Living with honour and being loyal to people around

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

them comes naturally to number 8.
Get along best with 2 6 9
Mother Teresa Narendra Modi Hillary Clinton Pope Francis

Born on Born on Born on

Born on
July 1910 26th October 1947 17th December 1936
17 September 1950
Blessed is he who has learned
To admire but not envy
To follow but not imitate
To praise but not flatter
And to lead but not manipulate.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Number 9

People born on the 9th 18th or 27th of any month are people with Number 9
Number 9 is the symbolism for the planet Mars.

Number 9 people are fighters. They are prepared to fight for the rights of
others. They have great courage and make excellent soldiers.

Get along best with 3,6,9.


Pope John Paul II Hellen Keller Nelson Mandela

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Born on 18TH May 1920 Born on 27th June 1880
Born on 18th July 1918
Destiny Numbers

Destiny Number highlights your destiny, your purpose in life, and your destination on the
journey of life from your birth on the planet to your exit from the world.

When you are young and when your personality is slowly unfolding you are governed by your
personality number the actual date of birth. As you grow older and learn the lessons life has to
teach you your destiny number starts playing a major role.

Destiny Number is the total of Date of birth, Month and Year of birth.

Example if someone is born on 15th June 1976

Personality Number is 6 (1 + 5 = 6)

Destiny number is 8 which you get from addition of your date of birth including the month you
were born in and the year you are born in

(1 + 5 + 6 + 1 + 9 + 7 + 6 = 35 = 3 + 5 = 8)
The number can be extremely powerful if both Personality Number and the Destiny Number
are the same.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Destiny Number 1

Pythagoras identified Number 1 with Godhead.

It is indivisible. It stands for Ambition, Confidence, leadership and assertion.

A personality with Number 1 destiny Number has all the above qualities and are also
extremely creative and full of energy.

They have that inner strength to overcome all life’s challenges and handicaps.
A personality with this destiny number is calm in a strom, they lead by example and usually
are extremely successful in life.

Famous people with Number 1 Destiny Number

Martin Luther King
DOB 15th Jan 1929 Walt Disney
DOB 5th December 1901

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

(1 + 5 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 2 + 9 = 28 = 1) (5 + 1 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 0 + 1 = 19 = 1)
Destiny Number 2

A personality with Destiny Number 2 is a caring, imaginative and gentle

individual who believes in teamwork and co-operation with others.
They love peace and harmony.
The success they achieve in life is also due to some outside help and patronage of
While Number 1 is active and male
Number 2 is passive and female.
Famous people with Number 2 Destiny Number

Barack Obama Rosa Parks

DOB 4th August, 1961 DOB 4th February, 1913

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

(4 + 8 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 1 = 29 = 2) (4 + 2 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 3 = 20 = 2)
Desitny Number 3
A personality with number 3 destiny number is independent in thought and actions.

They generate sparkle and effervescence in all their actions.

They usually have a pleasing personality and are very popular among friends and

They are ambitious and destined to rise high in life.

As with personality numbers 3, 6, 9 destiny numbers also get along very well in life.

Hillary Clinton Indira Gandhi

DOB 26th October 1947 DOB 19th November 1917

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

(2+6+1+0+1+9+4+7=30=3) (1+9+1+1+1+9+1+7=30=3)
Destiny Number 4
The four sided square is the symbol of this number and the foundation of Number
4 destiny number personality.

It is the number of justice and equality.

This is a good number bringing luck and money.

They prefer to work and live in one place after they have adjusted to it.

Famous people with Number 4 destiny Number

Bill Gates Ophrah Winfrey

DOB 28th October 1955 DOB 29th January 1954

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

(2 + 8 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 9 + 5 + 5 + 5 = 31 = 4) (2 + 9 + 1 + 1 + 9 + 5 + 4 = 31 = 4)
Destiny Number 5

This number is presided by Mercury which is very volatile planet.

Persons with number 5 destiny number love freedom of thought and actions.
Their interest wit sense of humour makes them a centre of attraction.
Their ruling planet does not allow them to have a steady life. There are many quick
and frequent changes in life.
They may do more than one thing at a time which may give them double rewards.

Famous people with Number 5 destiny Number

Hellen Killer NarendraModi

DOB 27th June 1880 DOB 17th Sept, 1950

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

(2 + 7 + 6 + 1 + 8 + 8 + 0 = 32 = 5) (1+ 7+9 +1+0+5+0 = 32 = 5)
Destiny Number 6

This number represents peace, harmony and co-operation.

It rules the emotions and ‘psyche’ in human beings. It is presided by Venus governing the
craving for pleasure and enjoyment, romance and poetry.

Love is the predominant factor in their life and their destiny dictates that they teach the
meaning of love to humanity.
They are often called to play the role of a peacemaker as they can easily find a meeting
ground for both parties and pinpoint the pleasant side of relationships.

A warm pleasant personality that gives Number 6 destiny number persons a good home,
stability in life and spirit of service.
Famous people with Number 6 Destiny Number

Albert Einstein Jawaharlal Nehru

DOB 14th March 1879

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

DOB 14th November 1889

(1 + 4 + 3 + 1 + 8 + 7 + 9 = 33 = 6) (1 + 4 + 1 + 1 +1 +8 +8 + 9 = 33 = 6)
Destiny Number 7

Persons with Number 7 destiny number are Idealists, living more in the realm of
thought than in that of actions.

In life their’s is a role of Philosopher, teacher and healer.

All things beautiful impress them specially painting, sculptures and a good book.
Their destiny number gives them the ability to create, paint or write amazing works.

They are rare individuals who can enjoy every stroke of the brush in a painting not the
overall effect.
Their planet Neptune is the ‘God of the Seas’. They may do well in jobs connected to
water and seas.
Famous people with Number 7 Destiny Number
Winston Churchil Princess Diana

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

DOB 30th November 1874 DOB 1st July 1961

(3 + 0 + 1 + 1 + 1 + 8 + 7 + 4 = 25 = 7) (1 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 6 + 1 = 25 = 7)
Destiny Number 8
This destiny number bestows sound judgement, productive labour, leadership
and success.

Persons with number 8 destiny number never know the meaning of poverty or
subordination. Fame, power and fortune are the 3 corners of their crown.
They acquire material things in life without much effort but their happiness lies in
spirituality and being connected to the Divine.

Their whole lifetime will be spent on lending a hand to anyone who needs it.
They often display great courage in fighting for equal rights for all mankind.
Outwardly they may appear cold and detached but they are warm at heart.

Famous people with Number 8 destiny number

Mother Teresa Nelson Mandela

DOB 26th July 1910 DOB 18th July 1918

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

(1 + 8 + 7 + 1 + 9 + 1 + 8 = 35 = 8)
(2 + 6 + 7 +1+ 9 +1+0 = 26 = 8)
Destiny Number 9

A number 9 destiny is the sum total of all the other numbers. Therefore it
carries all the attributes and negatives attendant to each making them supremely
powerful in every way.

They are always in the public eye in one way or the other. They also believe in
living life to the full.
This destiny number gives them peace and contentment in life.
Doing for others is one of their finest characteristics and they derive great
pleasure from knowing that they were able to help in some way.

The fruits of their kindness may return when they least expect it.

Famous people with Number 9 destiny number

Mahatma Gandhi

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

DOB 2nd Oct 1869

(2 + 1 + 0 + 1 + 8 + 6 + 9 = 27 = 9)

According to numerology a cycle of nine years is expected throughout

life. There are some predictable vibrations for each of your personal
years. There is also a guidance to life in each of these years.

A simple calculation of your

• date of birth,
• month of birth and the
• current year or the year under study can give you your personal
year in the nine year cycle.
Add all the numbers to a single number less than nine.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Example - Your date of birth is 17th November and you want to see
what your personal year is in 2017. Add 17 to 11 for November to
2017. 17+11 +2017 =38=11=2
A person born on 17th November is in her 2nd personal year in
Significance of personal years.
1.Personal year.

Prime Vibration – Change of Destiny

1 personal year is an excellent time for laying down the

foundations for future success in all areas. Ideal period
for forming new bonds, new business relationship and
new friends.

• Start something new, depart from the past, take all the
opportunities that come to you.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

2 Personal Year

Prime Vibration - Teamwork.

Unexpected but favourable job offers or advancements in

the place of work could descent upon you like a bolt from
the blue.

The 2 year influences are excellent for team work of all

kind – in career or business matters.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

3 Personal Year

Prime Vibration – Love, Peace and Prosperity.

This year favours projection of your personality. If you
are artistically inclined, talented or a social leader this
is a very favourable year.

3 spells honeymoon. Be outgoing, have fun, cultivate

happy disposition.

This is the year to be a master of ceremonies and to

work your sense of humour.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

4 Personal Year

Prime Vibration – Difficult Year Financially

and Healthwise.

Your personal magnetism is low. You are

warned not to make a change in your job as
you may be unemployed for sometime.

You may have health problems this year. Take

a second opinion before undergoing any
treatment or surgery.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

5 Personal Year

Prime Vibration – Consistently Unpredictable Changes.

5 Personal year usually brings a turning point into your
destiny. Some of the changes may surprise you by their

Keep your mind open, take decisions according to the

demands of the situation.

There are unusual turning points in job conditions. There

may be promotions or demotions. Whatever the changes
financially it is a good year.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

6 Personal Year

Prime Vibration – Home Happiness.

The Good Book says “It is not good that the man shall be alone”. This
advice applies to woman as well. Six year comes as a welcome relief to
lonely souls invariably ending in marriage or togetherness.

You long for domesticity and companionship more than ever before. Six is a
home vibration giving a lot of home happiness. In order to make your home
permanent, you may buy or build a house, acquire a farm or purchase a
real estate site.
Family ties are strong in your 6 personal year.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

7 Personal Year
Prime Vibration – Awakening of Spiritual Consciousness and
Inner Growth

The 7 is a Sabbatical influence and those who can afford it

should engage in a restful vacation, for your foremost
psychological urge is to be alone, to get away from it all.

You may also enjoy meditation, yoga and other activities related
to spiritual awakening.
It is an year of getting to know yourself ,taking stock of life,
learning lessons from the mistakes of the past and planning
new direction for the future.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

8 Personal Year

Prime Vibration – Money Money Money.

This is the year of reaping the harvest.
Financially it is the best year so make
influential contacts, meet top executives and
do everything that will bring monetary
If marriage takes place in number 8 year you
usually get married to someone who is
financially better off than you. Money can
come from matrimony as well.
It is a year when you may gain power and your
talents recognised.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

9 Personal Year

Prime Vibration – New Friends, Socially Active Period and Overall


In numerology nine is a finishing year. It is an year of winding up

the affairs of the preceding eight years.

This is an active period when you make new friends , find new
directions in life and do everything that brings happiness. Many of
your dreams and ambitions will come true.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

For your understanding you can go back in life and see what
your personal year it was when for example you got married,
when you moved into your new house, when you started your
business or when you expanded it.

You will be surprised to see that the vibrations have a similar

rhythm and almost a prearranged plan.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey


Personality number comes from your name and shows how

you express the Universal Vibrations in your own unique way.

Successful people always have a clear match between their

numbers and their roles in life. Studying this aspect of
Numerology, you can know your own potentials and
Missing numbers in a name implies that aspect of personality
which the number represents could be missing.

Changing the spelling of your name sometimes can make

tremendous changes in your life.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Numerological value of the alphabets can be easily found by
writing the numbers 1 – 9 and writing the alphabets A – Z
against them.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

In naming children attempt should be made to

make the name as complete as possible. There
should not be many missing numbers.

Example of a complete name.

4 5 57 1 2 38 6 7 9 1
Dr. Prabha V. Choksey
Missing 1.
This is a difficult handicap to overcome. The ego lacks the
necessary drive and confidence to face the various
obstacles in life. There is a weak desire to please everyone.

Missing 2.
There is a lack of feelings of co-operation and teamwork. A
missing ‘2’ personality finds destiny pushing him or her
into touchy situations.

Missing 3.
The desire for self expression is often curbed by lack of
talents or opportunities in life. A missing 3 tends to over-
emphasise their outer appearance and they may lay stress
on the trivial things in life.
Missing 4.
Menial work is distasteful to a missing 4 personality.
They like to run away from drudgery and unimaginative

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Missing 5.
When this number is missing, we meet a personality that
shies away from life’s experiences. The mind is intolerant
towards others who enjoy living life whole heartedly.

Missing 6.
Missing 6 personality may have to shoulder unnecessary
family responsibilities. They may have to live with people
whose intrinsic nature is opposed to their ideas and ideals.

Missing 7.
Missing 7 indicates a personality that is apt to repress this
emotions. They tend to shrink from demonstrating their
affections, stand aloof from human intercourse and seek
solace in solitude.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Missing 8.
This is a material vibration and if it is missing from a name you
see a personality that is always worried about money and may
sacrifice their family happiness in pursuit of financial success.

Missing 9.
This is the easiest challenge to meet. An unfeeling attitude
towards your fellowmen is the drawback of missing 9.

If it gives you numerological advantage, you could consider using

your second name, father’s name or in case of married women
husbands name. In my opinion 1,3,6 and 8 are important numbers
that one must have in a name.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

• In conclusion, knowledge of numerology provides us
with a means of understanding our individual rhythms in
life and our inner divine qualities. Its application can
help us harmonise with the natural flow of our lives so
that we can become masters of our fate rather than its
helpless victims.

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

Dr. Prabha V. Choksey

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