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Creating Your Ideal
Life Vision


Answer Four Critical Questions

Remember that beautiful, all-encompassing Life Vision you created in the last chapter of
Lifebook Online - Category 12: Life Vision? Please have that ready before starting this

In this week’s session, Jon will help you mold, shape, and perfect it so that you can step
into your vision and live it every day.

There are four powerful questions that will reveal with a high degree of certainty whether or
not your Life Vision is IDEAL for you – all things considered.

If you answer NO to any one of these four questions, you have NOT created a powerful or
clear enough vision of your ideal future, and chances are you won’t be able to build it – no
matter what kind of tools we give you, no matter how supportive your community is, and no
matter how hard you try – because your FOUNDATION simply isn’t solid.

This exercise is about making sure that you have a solid foundation.

Upon reflection of these four questions, if you answer NO to any of them, take a few
minutes to MODIFY your Life Vision (or the parts of it that made you say NO) until you can
say YES or you feel strongly about the result.

Once your answer is YES, ask yourself the additional question “How do you know?”, and
record your answers. This is for an extra dose of clarity.

Now that you’ve done all that and you can HONESTLY answer YES to all four of these
questions, you’re all set! You’ve created an IDEAL VISION for your life, and you can
proceed to create a plan to achieve that vision with absolute CERTAINTY that it’s exactly
right for you.

So let’s get started! Have the Life Vision you created handy, play the “Creating Your Ideal
Life Vision” session and let Jon guide your step-by-step through this exercise.


1. When I look at my Life Vision, am I asking enough
of myself?
The Principle of Immense Potential says you’ve got more potential inside you than you
could ever develop in a lifetime. True fulfilment flows from attempting to develop your

You have IMMENSE potential. Are you planning to REALIZE that potential? Are you
planning to GO for it?

If the answer to this question is NO, then modify those parts of your Life Vision until you can
say YES. Write the modified parts below:


When you can look at your Life Vision and say YES, ask yourself "How do I know?”

• How do I know I am asking enough of myself?

• What about my Life Vision will challenge me?
• How do I know that I’ve raised the bar high enough and that I’ll be truly fulfilled when I
accomplish it?

Feel free to write as much as you want, but the minimum should be one sentence that
starts with the following:

When I look at my life vision, I am certain that I’m asking enough of myself, because…


2. Is my Life Vision achievable? Or am I asking too
much of myself?
The Principle of Limited Potential says you can not be, do or have anything you want just
because you want it. Especially if it is disconnected from the facts of reality.

There are BOUNDARIES to your potential, so you don’t want to ask too much of yourself.
Do you have a reasonable chance of accomplishing it?

If the answer to this question is NO, then modify those parts of your Life Vision until you can
say YES. Write the modified parts below:


When you can look at your Life Vision and say YES, ask yourself "How do I know?”

• How do you know it’s achievable?

• What makes me certain that my Life Vision is realistic?
• Do I have a track record that gives me confidence?
• Do I know people who have achieved similar things?
• Have I heard stories of people in history that have done it before?
• Do I have a rational justification that this is something I can actually achieve?

Feel free to write as much as you want, but the minimum should be one sentence that
starts with the following:

When I look at my life vision, I am certain that I’m asking enough of myself, because…


3. When I look at my Life Vision, am I willing to pay the
price to get it?
The Price Tag Principle says every goal you set comes with a price, and you MUST be
willing to pay the price, or it's not a REAL goal.

Achieving your ideal life is a step-by-step process of paying the price for every goal upon
which your life vision rests.

Make a list with several of the goals or items that you can identify. The ones that your Life
Vision will require and the costs associated with them. What do you need to be, do or have
to achieve that Life Vision?

• What is the price I’ll have to pay?

• What are some of the things my Life Vision will require – some of the COSTS
associated with it?
• What are the most important things I’ll have to do?


Once you've identified them, verify if you are willing and you commit to paying that price.
Ask yourself “When I look at my Life Vision am I willing to pay the price to achieve it?”

Here are a few examples:

• In order to achieve my Life Vision I'll wake up and work out every morning, and YES - I
am willing to pay that price.
• In order to achieve my Life Vision I'll need to develop more self-discipline, and YES - I
am willing to pay that price.
• In order to achieve my Life Vision I will need to figure out a way to double my income
within the next 2 years. This is going to take some serious work, and YES - I am
willing to pay that price.

Feel free to write as many of the goals as you can uncover at this point by looking at your
Life Vision, but the minimum should at least 1 goal that you are willing to pay the price for.


4. Will my Life Vision make me truly happy? And not
just the "having" it but the "getting" it?
The Big Picture Principle says that ultimately people just want to be happy - and everything
else they want is a means to that end. And here's a huge secret: is not just the "having" of
your Life Vision that should make you happy but the "building" of it as well. Is not only about
the final destination but also about the journey to get there.

The only way you can BUILD your ideal life is step-by-step-by-step, so you’ll be spending a
lot more time on the JOURNEY than you will at the ultimate DESTINATION. So, will this
vision make you happy?

If the answer to this question is NO, then modify those parts of your Life Vision until you can
say YES. Write the modified parts below:


When you can look at your Life Vision and say YES, ask yourself "How do I know?”

Feel free to write as much as you want, but the minimum should be one sentence that
starts with the following:

I am absolutely certain that the achievement of my life vision will make me HAPPY,


Your Life Vision Synopsis

When you’re done answering with YES to the four questions it’s time to do your activation
exercise for this stage. Write a clear and compelling  1-2 page synopsis of your Ideal Life
Vision, which you can refer to every day over the coming weeks and months. This short,
vivid description of your ideal life will become the TARGET of this program.




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