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Your Premise refers to the foundational beliefs you hold about this category. What do you
believe? What deeply held beliefs are shaping your life? Are your beliefs empowering? Do
they move you at a deep level or are they holding you back? What is your Premise for this
area of your life, or what would you like it to be?

The examples below are from Jon & Member Wisdom PREMISE statements. Keep them,
modify them, or delete them all and replace them with something that truly appeals to you.
Your choice. Your final page should have your unique mark.

• Nothing in life is more important than my physical health.

• My body was designed to be well.
• I am in control of my physical destiny.
• I can exercise a tremendous amount of control over how my body ages biologically.
• It's effortless for me to stay in perfect health. I am naturally fit and my body is designed
specifically for the life I want to live.
• I believe in listening to my body. It knows what it needs in terms of food and what
exercise and movements it needs.
• I exclusively control my outcomes in this category of my life - discipline and dedication
are what manifest the results I want.
• My body is a blessing and a wonder. I trust the wisdom of my body. My Body is by
nature full of energy and self-healing power.
• I absolutely never get sick.
• My innate intelligence knows how to keep my body well. The choices I will make either
aid or hinder this process. My health is up to me.
• My body is a gift, so I will love it for all the days we're together.
• My body has a divine intelligence to solve all physical errors and illnesses.
• Excellent health = True Freedom.
Vision refers to the ideal state you would like to achieve in this important category. Ask
yourself: How do you want this area of your life to feel? What do you want it to look like?
What do you want to be doing on a consistent basis? Clearly describe your ideal Vision.

The examples below are from Jon & Member Wisdom VISION statements. Keep them,
modify them, or delete them al and start fresh. Your choice.

• Being in great physical shape is my identity.

• I choose to be a strong muscular athlete for the rest of my life.
• I will continue to improve my aerobic capacity, my strength, and flexibility as time goes
• I'm planning to live to be at least 100 years old.
• My body is strong, powerful, and resilient. My health and wellness glow from within and
without, radiating true beauty.
• My greatest wish is to feel amazing, look great and live an enriched, fulfilled life. I have
the mental & physical strength to live every single moment to the fullest and not be
crippled by poor choices.
• I am fit, slim, healthy, pure, vibrant, youthful, strong and flexible. I am full of energy,
vitality and radiate beauty. I always take the right fun actions for my health and fitness.
• My health and vitality is a bottomless well of energy -unmatched and unending. I only
crave beautiful, lean, clean, forkful, organic fuel to feed this beautiful organism.
• Deep sleep every night; a strong immune system; a strong self-healing power; all organs
working well and smoothly; my mind at ease and clear.
• I embody the full potential of the human structure; to run, jump, carry, throw, crawl, climb
and play - enjoying a life of grace & ease in movement, comfortable in all environments.
• I will be a strong, fit, energetic and feminine athlete for the rest of my life. My body and
physical appearance exude abundant strength, power, and health.
• My extraordinary level of internal health shows on the outside - I look great, I radiate
posit energy, I think clearly and I feel amazing.

Your Purpose refers to the compelling reasons behind what you want in this category.
What energizes you? What empowers you to take action? What motivates you to achieve
your Vision? Describe WHY you want to make the most out of this area of your life.

The examples below are from Jon & Member Wisdom PURPOSE statements. Keep them,
modify them, or delete them all and start fresh. Your choice.

• I want to live a longer life and a better life.

• I want to maximize my life experience in every way. I want to create the energy I need to
accomplish my goals in life.
• I want to look and feel as young as I can for the rest of my life.
• I want to be the best I can for myself, my family, and the world.
• I want to set a stellar example for my children of what it means to be a self-responsible,
conscious human being. I will show them what it means to deeply respect life, longevity,
and happiness.
• My purpose is to stay young and sexy, to maximize my abilities and energy - and to stay
away from doctors and hospitals.
• My excellent health allows me to have a high degree of mental and emotional fitness and
to realize my true  character and spirituality,
• I will stay in extraordinary physical shape so my lover will never be able to get enough of
me. I want him to feel like he is the luckiest man in the world to have me.
• My purpose is to embody youthfulness and inspire others to reshape their beliefs about
aging. TO be pain-free into old age and enjoy it all.
• I want to make my wife proud of her husband’s beautiful body.
• I want the freedom to do all the things I love to do - climb, ride, hike, sky, - to feel
incredibly sexy in my body and have a wildly abundant sex life.
I am more in love with me every day as I grow stronger, sexier, more vibrant and resilient. I
really am the very best I can be. I am free to be more, do more & love more.

Your Strategy refers to the specific actions that will get you from where you are now to
where you want to be. How will you bring your vision into reality? Ask yourself what kind of
positive habits, attitudes and action steps you can implement. What’s the RECIPE for the
Vision you want to create?

The examples below are from Jon & Member Wisdom STRATEGY statements. Keep
them, modify them, or delete them all and start fresh. Your choice.

• I will create the ideal meal plan for me. [E.g: green smoothies]
• I will create the ideal exercise program for me. [E.g: Resistance Training, Interval
Training & Super Slow Resistance Training]
• What goes in my body creates my body. So, I will always make sure it is beautiful,
nutritious and clean.
• I will practice Hot Yoga at least once a week to increase my flexibility. And never miss
my monthly visits to my chiropractor.
• I will learn more about natural treatments and healing nutrition, I will dance every
morning and practice energy and relaxation exercises in the evening.
• I will be mindful and grateful regarding food and exercise. I will honor my body and my
commitments to it.
• My recipe for optimum health and wellness is based on consistency. A low-carb diet
combined with moderate exercise 3 to 4 times a week is an effective strategy.
• All my meals are whole foods, fresh, locally grown, nourishing and satisfying. I love how,
when and why I eat. It is a sensuous experience.
• Daily meditation, letting go of stress, adequate restorative sleep, and a sensible diet -are
the keys to my success.
• My choices define me. When I choose to make my health, fitness, and vitality of utmost
importance “I choose Life.” I will make “looking after myself” the most important part of
my daily routine.

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