(Attachment 1) Guidebook For SEE Research Degree Students (Updated On 2020-08-18)

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City University of Hong Kong

Guidebook for SEE

Research Degree Students
School of Energy and Environment

18 Aug 2020
School of Energy and Environment
Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students

Table of Contents

1. COURSE REGISTRATION ............................................................................................................... 3

1.1 Coursework Requirements ......................................................................................................... 3
1.2 Courses for Research Degree Programmes ................................................................................ 3
1.3 Coursework Plan and Course Registration Method ................................................................... 4
2. SUPERVISION — QUALIFYING PANEL ...................................................................................... 5
3. SUBMISSION OF REPORTS AND ORAL PRESENTATION ...................................................... 5
3.1 Qualifying Report ...................................................................................................................... 5
3.2 Annual Progress Report ............................................................................................................. 6
3.3 Submission Method ................................................................................................................... 6
3.4 Assessment................................................................................................................................. 6
3.5 Annual Assessment .................................................................................................................... 7
3.6 Reflective Practice Log Book .................................................................................................... 8
3.7 List of Publications/Research Output for Qualifying/Annual Progress Report ......................... 8
4. SUBMISSION OF THESES ................................................................................................................ 8
4.1 Notification of three months before the intended date of submission ....................................... 8
4.2 Submission Method ................................................................................................................... 8
4.3 Assessment and Oral Examination ............................................................................................ 9
4.4 Financial Support for Seeking Professional Thesis Editing Service .......................................... 9
5. STUDENTSHIP .................................................................................................................................. 10
6. TEACHING DUTIES ........................................................................................................................ 10
7. FEE PAYMENT ................................................................................................................................. 12
7.1 Acceptance Fee (for candidates with offer of admission) ........................................................ 12
7.2 Tuition/Continuation Fees ....................................................................................................... 12
7.3 Other Fees for All Students...................................................................................................... 12
8. STUDY LEAVE / VACATION LEAVE .......................................................................................... 14
8.1 Vacation Leave ........................................................................................................................ 14
8.2 Study Interruption and Study Leave ........................................................................................ 15
8.3 Leave of Absence Due to Health Reasons ............................................................................... 16
9. FINANCIAL AWARDS AND ASSISTANCE ................................................................................. 17
9.1 Research Tuition Scholarship (RTS) / Institutional Research Tuition Scholarship (IRTS)..... 17
9.2 Outstanding Academic Performance Award (OAPA) ............................................................. 18
9.3 Conference Grant ..................................................................................................................... 19
9.4 Research Activities Fund (RAF) .............................................................................................. 19

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School of Energy and Environment
Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students

9.5 Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies Scholarships .................................................... 20

9.6 Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies Entrance Scholarships (Applicable to
government-funded students only) .......................................................................................... 21
9.7 External Financial Awards and Assistance .............................................................................. 21
10. DOWNLOAD FORMS ...................................................................................................................... 22

School of Energy and Environment

City University of Hong Kong
Room G5703, Green Zone
5/F, Yeung Kin Man Academic Building
Tat Chee Avenue
Hong Kong

Enquiries Tel: 3442-7496 / 3442-2414

Fax: 3442-0688
E-mail: see.enquiry@cityu.edu.hk
Website: www.cityu.edu.hk/see/

Research Degree Coordinator:

Dr. Denis YU, Associate Professor

Tel: 3442-6885
Email: denisyu@cityu.edu.hk
Office: YEUNG-B5429

For enquiries, please contact:

Ms. Prisca WONG, Executive Officer / Miss Kitty CHAN, Clerical Officer
Tel: 3442-7496 / 3442-2414
Email: prisca.wong@cityu.edu.hk / kitty.kychan@cityu.edu.hk
Office: YEUNG-G5703

In the event of discrepancies between the Guidebook for Research Degree Studies issued by
the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies and the Guidebook for SEE Research
Degree Students, the former one shall prevail.

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School of Energy and Environment
Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students

1.1 Coursework Requirements
Students are required to fulfil the following minimum coursework requirements (at
postgraduate level) within their study period in accordance with the date of commencement
of studies:

 MPhil students: 7 credit units

(including core course(s) of at least 2 credit units which shall be research
methodology or foundation course(s) at postgraduate level);
 PhD students: 14 credit units
(including at least 9 credit units of core courses and at least 2 credit units of research
methodology and ethics course at postgraduate level)


a compulsory 1 credit unit course on teaching and learning (SG8001 Teaching Students: First
Steps). The School of Graduate Studies will pre-register the course, SG8001, for all newly
admitted students in the first semester of study, except individual students with insufficient
English proficiency may be required to take a 1 credit unit course English as Medium for
Instruction (SG8002) before they are allowed to enroll into SG8001.

1.2 Courses for Research Degree Programmes

Students are required to fulfill the stipulated core course and elective requirements by the
Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies (SGS) and their home College/Department. The
list of approved courses for research students can be found at

Core Courses offered by SEE:

For all SEE students:

SEE8003 Skills for Scientists 1
SEE8212 Data Analysis in Environmental Applications

For students of Energy stream

SEE8125 Emerging Energy Technologies
SEE8130 Advanced Thermosciences for Energy Engineering

For students of Environment Stream

SEE8213 Environmental Modelling
SEE8224 Environmental Chemistry and Physics

For students of Sustainability Stream

SEE8219 Environmental and Energy Policy
SEE8225 Environmental Assessment
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School of Energy and Environment
Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students

Students taking the courses are required to complete 12 entries in the Reflective Practice
Log Book for Research Postgraduate Students.


Students can register electives offered by other departments or other local institutions under
the Cross-Institutional Course Enrolment Scheme with the approval by the course offering
academic units and the student’s own supervisor.

Cross-Institutional Course Enrolment Scheme

A Cross-Institutional Course Enrolment Scheme has been introduced by eight local

institutions (CityU, CUHK, HKBU, HKIEd, HKU, HKUST, LU and PolyU) to allow their
research students to enrol in courses offered by participating institutions. Under the scheme,
students can take courses from other institutions that are relevant to their research areas. Once
enrolled in a course, students are required to participate fully in the course, which includes
completion of coursework and examinations, if applicable. For CityU students, all the credits
gained can be counted as fulfilling the University’s coursework requirements for research
degree studies unless otherwise specified by the Department/School.

SGS will normally announce application arrangements on its website for cross-institutional
course enrolment one month before the start of a semester/term at respective institutions.
Students who wish to apply for courses offered by the local institutions should submit an
application to the host institution via their home institution at least one month before the
course starts. The application should be accompanied by the endorsement of their home

All the credits gained can be counted as fulfilling the University’s coursework requirements
for research degree studies, unless otherwise specified by the department or school.

Please refer to the information at http://www.sgs.cityu.edu.hk/student/RPg/crossinstitutional

for the application period and application methods.

1.3 Coursework Plan and Course Registration Method

Students should discuss with their supervisors on the coursework plan when the study is
commenced. Students can plan the coursework by completing the Form SGS16A and submit
it to the General Office of SEE at the beginning of the first semester of study.

Students should submit the Form SGS16B for any change in coursework plan throughout the

Meanwhile, students should also register for the courses offered in current semester in AIMS
in the course add/drop period.
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School of Energy and Environment
Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students


The School will establish a Qualifying Panel for each student. The Panel should consist of at
least three members, including the supervisor of the student who should be the chair. The
supervisor and at least one of the other members should be from the Department/School

The Panel will

(a) assess the qualifying report and monitor the student’s performance in coursework;

(b) assess the student’s performance by conducting an interview, oral examination or

presentation, as deemed appropriate, for the purpose of confirmation of candidature;

(c) make a recommendation to SGS, after the assessment mentioned above, about the
student’s suitability to continue the study, or to transfer from MPhil to PhD
candidature or vice versa;

(d) recommend termination of candidature if the student’s academic performance is


(e) monitor the progress of the student through the supervisor for the entire duration of
the study period and report to SGS annually; and

(f) certify, before a thesis is submitted for examination, that the student has satisfied all
coursework requirements.


3.1 Qualifying Report

Students must submit a qualifying report (typed and in English) within the specified
qualifying period as follows:

Full-time: Within 6–12 months from start of study

Part-time: Within 9–18 months from start of study

A qualifying report should include a survey of the relevant literature, an identification of a

specific research topic, the research methodology and a discussion on possible outcomes. The
Qualifying Panel will assess the student’s suitability to continue his or her studies on the
basis of the qualifying report, an oral examination on the qualifying report, coursework
results and any other assessment as considered appropriate by the Panel.

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School of Energy and Environment
Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students

3.2 Annual Progress Report

After the qualifying period, students must submit progress reports (typed and in English) on
an annual basis until they have submitted the final version of their thesis for oral examination
and completed any other academic requirements. On the basis of the annual progress report,
the Qualifying Panel should make a recommendation regarding the student’s suitability to
continue his or her studies for approval by the Department/School.

3.3 Qualifying Examination [Applicable to PhD students (including those under joint
PhD programmes) admitted from 1 September 2019 onwards]
PhD Students are required to pass the qualifying examination (QE) within 10-24 months (full
time) or 20-48 months (part-time) after commencement of their PhD studies. The QE will be
consist of written examination only. A maximum of two attempts will be allowed. Those
students who cannot pass the examination by the deadline may result in termination of PhD

3.4 Submission Method

SGS and SEE will remind students to submit the reports. Students should submit the
qualifying report or annual progress report to their research supervisors for review. Once the
reports are ready for assessment, students should submit three hardcopies of the reports
together with the Form SGS35 (for Qualifying Report) or Form SGS36 (for Annual Progress
Report) to the General office of SEE for forwarding to the Qualifying Panel for assessment.

3.5 Assessment
Students in SEE should structure the report in a way that reflects the expectations of their
discipline, which would typically include: introduction, literature review, methods, results,
discussion and a conclusion that covers the key outcomes, future work plan and a summary
plan with a timetable.

The panel will read the reports and ask questions where clarifications are need. The reports
will be assessed much as the review of an academic paper and the balance of content will
vary dependent on the year of study, topic etc. The assessment might address questions such

i. Originality: Is the work sufficiently novel and interesting to warrant PhD research.
Does it add to the canon of knowledge? Are there clear hypotheses or research

ii. Introduction: Does the introduction show relevant prior research, provide context and
explain what is being challenged or extended? Does the student appear to understand
the relevant issues in the literature?

iii. Method: Is there a clear explanation of how the data was collected? Is the design
methodology suitable and feasible and will it answer the question posed? Was the
sampling appropriate? Have the equipment and materials been adequately described?

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School of Energy and Environment
Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students

iv. Results: Is the analysis appropriate? Are likely statistical issues addressed? Do the
figures and tables form an important part of the story? Do the figures illustrate the
data accurately? Are they consistent, e.g. bars in charts are the same width, the scales
on the axis are logical.

v. Discussion: Is the interpretation justified such that the claims in this section supported
by the results? Do they seem reasonable? Is there an indication of how the results
relate to expectations and to earlier research?

vi. Conclusion: Does the report support or contradict previous theories? Does the
conclusion explain how the research has moved the body of scientific knowledge
forward? Are the plans for future research likely to advance the subject forward in a
timely way?

vii. References: Are the references appropriate, up to date and reasonably comprehensive?
Does the student appear to be familiar with the references?

Grading scale

The Qualifying Report and Annual Progress Report will be rated as follows:

Assessment Explanatory Notes

Outstanding in line top 5% researchers internationally
Very good has the potential to be an outstanding PhD (Top 5%-20%)
Satisfactory meet the expectations of a PhD
Unsatisfactoryneeds improvements in a number of areas which should be in evidence at the
next assessment
Inadequate the report should be rewritten to present a convincing case for a PhD project
within 3 months
Deeply flawed needs fundamental changes to address with major deficiencies in the project,
so requires a plan to be communicated to the Associate Dean of Postgraduate
Studies and may invoke an academic warning and possible termination of

3.6 Annual Assessment

The regular annual assessment will normally take place within a month of the submission of
the Qualifying Report and Annual Progress Report.

An oral presentation is not a requirement. The qualifying panel could consider if a short
oral presentation is required. Students should explain progress and results in their reports by
showing the written report (if necessary, the written report can be projected on a screen)
during the 60 minutes question and answer session that relates to the written report.

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School of Energy and Environment
Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students

3.7 Reflective Practice Log Book

Each full-time RPg student is required to attend at least 15 seminars or lectures while each
part-time RPg student is required to attend at least 8 seminars or lectures every academic year,
except those in their final-year of study and, hence, are not required to submit a qualifying /
annual progress report. The seminars or lectures are restricted to advertised or public ones
and only one seminar or lecture can be counted for a day at most. The log book will become
a part of assessment of the qualifying / annual progress report. If there are insufficient entries,
approval of the report will be withheld until the log book meets the requirements.

3.8 List of Publications/Research Output for Qualifying/Annual Progress

CityU Research Online (http://ronline.ro.cityu.edu.hk) is a centralized database for the
retrieval and updating of CityU researchers’ published research output for internal and
external reporting. Students should use this database to record their research output (e.g.
conference papers, journal publications and scholarly books etc.) and attach the list during
their submission of Qualifying/Annual Progress Report to facilitate Qualifying Panels’

(Applicable to students admitted from 1 September 2014 onwards) Students are required to
print out from the Research Degree Planner a summary sheet (with supervisor’s approval)
and submit it together with Qualifying/Annual Progress Report as part of the assessment.


4.1 Notification of three months before the intended date of submission

Students must submit a thesis for examination by the end of their maximum study period or
the stipulated study period.

Students who wish to submit a thesis for examination should notify SGS three months before
their expected date of submission using Form SGS09. Such notice shall be given together
with the proposed title of the thesis, an abstract of the thesis, and original payment receipt of
the examination fee.

4.2 Submission Method

Students should submit three copies (for MPhil) and four copies (for PhD) of the thesis (ring
bound) together with a Certifying Form (Form SGS09A) and a Statement on the Extent of
Research Collaboration (Form SGS09B) to the General office of SEE by the submission

The thesis submitted shall be in the form prescribed in the “Regulations Governing the
Format of Theses” in the Guidebook for Research Degree Studies provided by SGS.

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School of Energy and Environment
Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students

4.3 Assessment and Oral Examination

The thesis examination will include thesis assessment, an oral examination and such other
examinations as may be required by the Panel of Examiners. If the thesis is confirmed to be
of the required academic standard by the Panel of Examiners, an oral examination will be
arranged. The oral examination is compulsory. It should normally take place in Hong Kong
and be conducted in English. Students who have not fulfilled the coursework or any other
academic requirements stipulated by the University will not be allowed to undertake the oral

Under normal circumstances, the oral examination will take place within two to three months
from the submission of the thesis, depending on the timing of receiving the examiners’
comments. However, for students who fail to give advance notice for submission of their
thesis or fail to submit their thesis by the intended submission deadline, a longer period of
time will be required to arrange the examination.

4.4 Financial Support for Seeking Professional Thesis Editing Service

A maximum value of financial support of HKD3,000 per thesis is provided for students who
are at the final stage of thesis writing. Students shall be responsible for seeking suitable
service providers to edit their theses. Students have to pay the service provider in advance,
and provide the receipt issued by the service provider for reimbursement.

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School of Energy and Environment
Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students

The studentship rates are subject to revision in September of every year. The rates for 2020-
21 are HK$17,510 for PhD students per month. Any revision to the studentship rates will
apply to both current and new students.

The studentship is normally granted on a yearly basis and is subject to renewal. Renewal of
the award will be considered on the basis of a student’s study progress and performance in
any teaching and/or research support duties, as assigned by the Department/School.

Students should attain in their coursework prescribed by the Qualifying Panel a minimum
cumulative GPA of 2.50 to be eligible for consideration of studentship renewal. Checks will
be made on a semester/term basis, and studentship recipients who are identified as failing to
fulfil the above requirements will have their studentship discontinued. Individual
college/department/school may stipulate a higher GPA threshold or other requirements.
Provision of an appeal mechanism against the decision of discontinuation of studentships will
not be given.

Studentship recipients are normally required to undertake not more than 10 hours per week
on average of Teaching Assistant assignments and teaching and/or research support duties, as
assigned by the Department/School. The working hours shall include preparation time and
the actual working hours. Individual colleges/schools/departments may require less hours per
week based on their disciplines’ needs.

To prepare students to perform the teaching assignments, all students are required to take the
“Teaching Students: First Steps (SG8001)” course. In order to ensure necessary English
language skills for teaching in English, there is a prerequisite of SG8001 in the form of a one
credit unit course “English for the Medium of Instruction” (SG8002). All students, will be
directly enrolled to SG8002 unless they have satisfied the following exemption conditions:

(i) Students who achieved an overall band score of IELTS of 6.5 or above with a score of
the speaking component of 6.5 or above or an overall score of 79 or above in TOEFL
internet-based test or 550 or above in paper-based test with a score of 20 or above in
the speaking section of TOEFL iBT or its equivalent in the paper-based or computer-
based TOEFL tests are exempted from taking SG8002: these students will be directly
enrolled to SG8001; or

(ii) Show proof that they are native speakers of English; or

(iii) Have successfully completed a master’s degree majoring in English studies (e.g.
Linguistics in English, English Literature, Teaching English as a Second Language,

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School of Energy and Environment
Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students

Upon completion of SG8002, these students will be directly enrolled to SG8001. Only those
students who have obtained a “Pass” in SG8001 course will be eligible to deliver face-to-face

Studentship recipients are required to perform their duties up to the required standard.
Students’ performance in teaching will be evaluated primarily through the University’s
Teaching and Learning Questionnaire (TLQ) (preferably attaining TLQ scores of 5.0 or
above), and feedback from Course Leader(s) of the course(s) concerned and/or their research
supervisors. Other duties, such as participating in the design and implementation of DEC-
related projects will be assessed through feedback forms, or any other means, as appropriate.

Students’ studentship awards will be placed on probation in the following semester in the
event that they:

1. failed in the first attempt in “English for the Medium of Instruction” course; or

2. obtained a “Fail” grade in SG8001 in the first attempt, and are therefore not permitted
to teach; or

3. failed to perform the assigned TA duties and/or teaching and/or research related duties
satisfactorily as evaluated by the School/Department concerned.

The teaching duties of each student will be arranged before the start of each semester. The
School will notify each student for the arrangement of teaching duties by email.

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School of Energy and Environment
Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students

At different stages of study, students are required to settle different kinds of fees:

Stage Fee
• First three months’ tuition fee; and Upon student enrolment
• graduation fee
Tuition fee Within the stipulated study period
Continuation fee Within study extension period(s), if any
Examination fee Thesis assessment and oral examination

The fees level for 2020/21 is given below for reference only. Please note that fees are subject
to revision from time to time without prior notice. Tuition fees will normally be adjusted in
September of every year.

7.1 Acceptance Fee (for candidates with offer of admission)

Type of Fee Mode of Study Remarks
(in HK$) Full-time Part-time
Acceptance Fee 7,016 Non-refundable; payable upon acceptance of
admission offer.
The acceptance fee will be credited towards the
tuition fee upon student’s successful enrolment in
the University

7.2 Tuition/Continuation Fees

Type of Fee Mode of Study Remarks
(in HK$) Full-time Part-time
UGC-allocated Students and UGC-related Students
Tuition fee 3,508 per month 1,754 per month Non-refundable
Continuation fee 877 per month 439 per month Non-refundable
Externally-funded/Self-financed/Self-financed (Institutional-funded) Students
Tuition fee 7,016 per month 3,508 per month Non-refundable
Continuation fee 1,754 per month 877 per month Non-refundable

7.3 Other Fees for All Students

Type of Fee Mode of Study Remarks
(in HK$) Full-time Part-time
Late charge 200 per billing Applies to students who fail to
settle fees by the specified deadline
Examination fee 1,000 (MPhil) Non-refundable
1,500 (PhD)
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School of Energy and Environment
Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students

Type of Fee Mode of Study Remarks

(in HK$) Full-time Part-time
Re-examination fee 1,000 (MPhil) Applies to students who are
1,500 (PhD) required to undertake a second oral
examination; non-refundable
Graduation fee 400 Introduced in 2004; charged upon
registration; refundable upon study
withdrawal or termination
Reinstatement fee 400 Non-refundable
Academic transcript/ 30 per copy Non-refundable
Testimonial/ Certified true (online application)
copy 50 per copy
(paper application)
Replacement of student 100 Non-refundable
identity card
Academic dress hiring charge 150 (MPhil) 200 (PhD) Non-refundable
Charges for academic Refer to the terms and
dress hiring and late conditions specified by
return of academic the service provider
Membership fee for CityU 300 150 One-off payment covering a
Postgraduate Association student’s entire study period,
charged upon registration
Replacement of award 400 Non-refundable

Students can check their fee payment account balance through the Web by following the
procedures given below:

 Select “Current Students” from the CityU homepage

 Enter your electronic ID and password
 Select “AIMS”
 Click on “Student Record”  “My Finance” “My Account Summary”

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School of Energy and Environment
Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students


Students should not apply for any leave for more than one week when they have teaching
duties during the semester. Students should make sure that there is no inappropriate clash
with their teaching duties during the leave period.

For all leave applications, please indicate in the column, “Remark”, if students have any
teaching-related duties during the leave day(s) and whether the course leader concerned has
endorsed their leave before their supervisor approves their applications. Any absence from
duties without prior approval for official leave application could result in suspension or
cancellation of the studentship.

There are three types of leaves of absence for research students, as follows:

Leave Type Vacation Leave Study Interruption Study Leave

Eligibility Full-time students Students who are All students
who are within their within their (normal)
(normal) study study period
Purposes For students to take a For students to take a For students to take a
short period of leave long period of leave for period of leave for
for non-academic non-academic reasons academic purposes
reasons outside Hong Kong
Maximum 24 working days per 12 months for the full 50% of the (normal)
(Cumulative) year during (normal) study period; leave study period
Period of Leave study period should be taken on a
full calendar-month

Fees Payment required Payment not required Payment required

Studentship & Award not affected Award suspended Award on a case-by-

Research case basis
Study Period The leave period will The leave period will The leave period will
be counted towards the not be counted towards be counted towards the
study period the study period study period

8.1 Vacation Leave

Full-time research students within their normal study period are entitled to 24 working days
(i.e. 2 days for each month) of vacation leave per academic year. Public holidays, Saturdays
or Sundays falling within the vacation leave period will be counted as leave days.

For students attending conferences that have been approved by their supervisor and the
Department/School, no vacation leave will need to be taken during the conference period. But

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School of Energy and Environment
Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students

if a student wishes to stay behind or arrive earlier, vacation leave will need to be taken for
any days other than the conference period.

Students should submit an online vacation leave application via AIMS prior to the leave
period for approval by their supervisor:

 Log onto CityU “e-Portal”

 Select “AIMS”
 Click on “Student Record”  “My Applications (for Professional Doctorate and
Research Degree Programmes)”  “Vacation Leave (for Full-time Research Degree
Programmes only)”
 Fill in the form and click confirm.

8.2 Study Interruption and Study Leave

Only students who are within their (normal) study period are allowed to apply for study
interruption. Applications for study interruption from students who have exceeded the
(normal) study period will not be considered except under exceptional circumstances. For
study interruption applications, only those relating to unexpected circumstances that forbid
students from continuing with their study for a certain period of time will be considered.

Students should apply for study interruption (using Form SGS05) or study leave (using Form
SGS06) at least one month before the planned start date of the leave. Students who have been
assigned departmental duties must make arrangements with the Department/School before
taking leave.

For application for study interruption, approval of the supervisor and the Department/School
are required for a cumulative leave period not exceeding twelve months. For application for
study leave, approval of the supervisor and the Department/School are required for
cumulative leave period not exceeding half of the normal study period. Either the case, the
leave details should be forwarded to SGS for updating of records.

When students return from study interruption or study leave, they should inform SGS of their
actual return date via AIMS (or using Form SGS07):

 Log onto CityU “e-Portal”

 Select “AIMS”
 Click on “Student Record”  “My Applications (for Professional Doctorate and
Research Degree Programmes)”  “Resumption of Studies / Return from Study
Leave or from Study Outside H.K. (for Research Degree Programmes only)”
 Fill in the form and click confirm.

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School of Energy and Environment
Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students

8.3 Leave of Absence Due to Health Reasons

Full-time students may take leave for health reasons. They should inform their research
supervisors immediately about their leave, complete the application procedures and obtain
endorsement/approval from relevant authorities via Form SGS21, as stipulated below:

Number of 2 days or Between 3 and 7 Between 8 and 21 More than 21

Leave Days less days days days
(in calendar

Application Student Complete and Complete and Submit application

Procedures should submit application submit application for “Study
and inform form with medical form with medical Interruption” with
Endorsement his/her certificate from a certificate from a medical certificate
/Approval Supervisor registered medical registered medical from a registered
Authority immediately practitioner to practitioner to medical
for Supervisor for Supervisor for practitioner to
approval. approval. endorsement, and Supervisor for
Department Head endorsement and
for approval. Department Head
for approval.

Study Period The leave period will be counted towards the study Please refer to
period “Study
Interruption” (8.2)
Financial Award not be affected

If the period of leave is expected to be long-term or repeated short-term which will

significantly affect the study progress, students will be advised to take “Study Interruption”.
For leave exceeding 21 calendar days, students are required to apply for “Study Interruption”
on a full month basis.

The aforementioned guidelines are also applicable to research students under the Joint PhD
collaboration schemes when they study in CityU main campus or designated study locations.

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School of Energy and Environment
Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students


The application period of Outstanding Academic Performance Award and Research Tuition
Scholarships can be found at the website of SGS. Students can check the schedule and
detailed information at http://www.sgs.cityu.edu.hk/student/rpg/financialawards/oapa_rts.

9.1 Research Tuition Scholarship (RTS) / Institutional Research Tuition

Scholarship (IRTS)
The purpose of the Research Tuition Scholarship is to recognize and reward students with
outstanding academic performance. It is a meritorious award and is granted on a strictly
competitive basis. For University’s non-UGC funded students, please apply for Institutional
Research Tuition Scholarship (IRTS).

The maximum number of students receiving scholarships should be maintained at around

20% of the total number of UGC-funded research students (by head count) who are within
their study period.

The Scholarship is in the form of an exemption for students from paying tuition fees. If
granted a Scholarship, full-time students will be exempted from paying one year’s fees. The
equivalent exemption for part-time students will be two years’ fees. For non-UGC funded
students, the IRTS covers 50% of the full-time self-financing tuition fees. This is not a cash
award and cannot be held concurrently with other awards covering tuition fees.

For current students, applications for (renewal of) the research tuition scholarship will be
invited once a year (applications may be submitted via Form SGS11). UGC-allocated and
UGC-related research students who have satisfied the minimum award criteria and are not
receiving any award that covers their tuition fee payment are eligible to apply for the

Criteria for Awards

The criteria indicated below are the normal thresholds and the actual award will be
determined on the basis of the competition in each application round in terms of the academic
merit of applicants.

New Students

Consideration of applications from new students is mainly based on their entry qualifications.
Those with (a) a bachelor’s first class honours (or equivalent qualifications) or (b) a good
postgraduate degree and publication record will be considered for the award.

Current Students

Current students applying for the award (including renewal) should satisfy the following
minimum criteria:

(a) (i) obtain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.50, with no failures, in all the prescribed
courses completed at the time of application; or (ii) have an outstanding publication

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Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students

record with a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or above, with no failures, in all the prescribed
courses completed at the time of application;

(b) have good study progress as reported by the Qualifying Panel and satisfactorily
carried out any assigned departmental duties as certified by the Head of Department;

(c) year 3 students or above must have at least one good quality paper published or
accepted for publication whilst studying at the University.

The tuition scholarship cannot be held concurrently with other awards covering tuition fees.
Tuition scholarship recipients must notify SGS immediately if they subsequently receive a
grant for the payment of tuition fees covering all or part of the scholarship award period. SGS
will then arrange to withdraw the scholarship accordingly.

9.2 Outstanding Academic Performance Award (OAPA)

The purpose of the Outstanding Academic Performance Award for Research Degree Students
is to recognize students with outstanding academic performance in their research studies.

The maximum number of students receiving the Awards should not exceed 25% of the total
number of research students (by head counts) who are within their (normal) study period.

All research degree students who have completed at least twelve calendar months of study
counting from the commencement date of study up to the starting date of the award period
(excluding period of study interruption, if any) and are within their (normal) study period are
eligible to apply for the award.

Criteria for Award

The criteria indicated below are the normal thresholds and the actual award will be
determined on the basis of the competition in each application round in terms of the academic
merit of applicants:

(a) (i) obtain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.50, with no failures, in all the prescribed
courses completed at the time of application; or (ii) have an outstanding publication
record with a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or above, with no failures, in all the prescribed
courses completed at the time of application;

(b) have good study progress as reported by the Qualifying Panel;

(c) year 3 students or above must have at least one good quality paper published or
accepted for publication whilst studying at the University.

The Award will be in the form of a certificate. In addition, students who receive the award
will also be given a cash prize of HK$1,000, subject to the availability of funding. Students

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Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students

will be presented a certificate of award issued by the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate
Studies in an annual award presentation ceremony.

9.3 Conference Grant

The Conference Grant is intended to subsidize research students to participate in academic
conferences in order to help widen their academic exposure and strengthen their research
writing and presentation skills.

UGC-allocated and UGC-related research students are eligible to apply for the conference
grant to support their attendance at academic conferences. SGS will invite applications for the
conference grant four times a year. Applications (using Form SGS13) should be sent to SGS
via the supervisor and the Department/School.

The maximum value of a grant is HK$10,000. The grant is paid on a reimbursement basis.
The grant is intended to cover the following items:

(a) 90% of the cost of one return passage by the most economical means available;

(b) subsistence allowance (HK$300 per night subject to a maximum amount of HK$1,000);

(c) 90% of the conference registration fee.

Conference Report and Claims for Reimbursement

After the conference, students should submit a conference report (Form SGS13R), together
with the following documents, to the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies within two
months from the end date of the conference:

(a) original copy of relevant receipts;

(b) a copy of the conference paper.

Financial support is granted on a reimbursement basis upon receipt of the documents

specified above.

9.4 Research Activities Fund (RAF)

The Research Activities Fund supports research students undertaking research related
activities outside Hong Kong, which are beneficial and related to their MPhil/PhD studies. To
encourage overseas academic exchange, funding priority will be given to students visiting
overseas institutions for research related work or research collaboration with overseas

UGC-allocated and UGC-related research students who will undertake research related
activities outside Hong Kong for not less than one month are eligible to apply for the

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Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students

Research Activities Fund. Those who have already been given such funding in the preceding
12 months will not normally be considered.

Interested students should submit an application form (SGS14), with the endorsement of their
supervisor and department head, to SGS for its consideration.

If an application is approved, the amount of funding support will be calculated on the basis of
the number of months for the leave period taken by the student for research related activities
outside Hong Kong. A monthly allowance of HK$5,000 will be given. Normally, the
maximum cumulative amount of funding provision during the entire candidature of study is
HK$30,000. If the leave period is not on a full month basis, funding will be provided on a
pro-rata arrangement.

Students should submit a report on the visit to SGS, via their supervisor and department head,
within two months after the visit. Funding support is granted on a reimbursement basis after
the visit, subject to the students’ submission of a report found to be satisfactory by both the
supervisor and department head, and the approval of SGS.

9.5 Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies Scholarships

The purpose of the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies Scholarships is to recognize
and reward students with outstanding academic performance. Students who are within their
normal/stipulated period of study and have undertaken their current MPhil/PhD studies for at
least twelve calendar months of study counting from the commencement date of study up to
the starting date of the award period (excluding period of study interruption, if any) are
eligible to apply for the Scholarship.

Criteria for Awards

The criteria indicated below are the normal thresholds and the actual award will be
determined on a competitive basis in terms of the academic merit of nominees:

(a) (i) obtain a minimum cumulative GPA of 3.50, with no failures, in all the prescribed
courses completed at the time of application; or (ii) have an outstanding publication
record with a cumulative GPA of 3.00 or above, with no failures, in all the prescribed
courses completed at the time of application;

(b) have good study progress as reported by the Qualifying Panel and satisfactorily
carried out any assigned departmental duties as certified by the Head of Department;

(c) year 3 students or above must have at least one good quality paper published or
accepted for publication whilst studying at the University.

There will be around 20 awards to be given out each year, subject to the availability of

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Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students

The Scholarship will be invited once a year which is a one-off cash award and the value of
the award is HK$60,000. Scholarship holders are not allowed to hold the Research Tuition
Scholarship concurrently.

9.6 Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies Entrance Scholarships

(Applicable to government-funded students only)
The purpose of the Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate Studies Entrance Scholarships is to
encourage outstanding international students to undertake MPhil or PhD studies at the
University with a view to promoting academic exchange and enhancing the international mix
of the University’s student population.

The Scholarship is to cover students’ tuition and on-campus hostel accommodation fees in
their first year of research studies (equivalent to approximately HK$72,000). If granted a
Scholarship, the student’s full-time tuition and hostel accommodation fees in the first year of
study will be off-set by the award. This award cannot be held concurrently with other awards
covering tuition fees and accommodation expenses.

9.7 External Financial Awards and Assistance

There are also various kinds of external financial awards and assistance granted on the basis
of academic merit or financial need. For details, please visit the Student Development
Services web page (http://www.cityu.edu.hk/sds/) or watch out for its notices.

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Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students


All required forms are obtainable from the Website of Chow Yei Ching School of Graduate
Studies. Please download at http://www.cityu.edu.hk/sgs/. Completed forms should be
returned to the School via the supervisor.

Form No. Subject Paper Online

Form Form
Application for Vacation Leave (applicable to full-time

research students only)
Change of Contact Information and Personal Data 
SGS02 Application for Change in Study Mode 
SGS03 Application for an Extension of the Study Period 
SGS04 Application for Transfer from MPhil to PhD Candidature 
SGS05 Leave for Interruption of Studies 
SGS06 Study Leave 
SGS07 Notification on Resumption of Studies/Return from Study  
Leave or from Study outside Hong Kong
SGS08 Withdrawal Notification 
SGS09 Notice of Submission of Thesis for Examination
SGS09A Certifying Form for Submission of Thesis for Examination 
SGS09B Statement on the Extent of Research Collaboration 
SGS09R Certifying Form for Re-submission of Thesis for Re- 
SGS10 Application for Academic Transcripts/Testimonials/Certified  
True Copies
SGS11 Application for Outstanding Academic Performance Award 
for Research Degree Students/Research Tuition Scholarship
(for Current Students)
SGS13 Application for a Conference Grant 
SGS13R Conference Report 
SGS14 Application for Research Activities Funds and Study Leave 
SGS14R Research Activities Funds Report 
SGS16A Coursework Plan Form for Research Studies 
SGS16B Change in Coursework Plan for Research Students 
SGS16C Application for Credit Transfer-Coursework Exemption for 
Research Students
SGS17 Application for Continuation of Study outside Hong Kong in 
a Part-time Mode
SGS19 Application for Undertaking Paid Employment (for 
Studentship Recipients)
SGS21 Application for Leave of Absence Due to Health Reasons
SGS35 Assessment on Qualifying Report of Research Degree 
SGS35A Assessment on Qualifying Report of Research Degree 
Candidature(Joint PhD Programme Offered by CityU and the
Mainland Universities)
SGS36 Assessment on Annual Progress Report for Research Degree 
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School of Energy and Environment
Guidebook for SEE Research Degree Students

Form No. Subject Paper Online

Form Form
SGS36A Assessment on Annual Progress Report for Research Degree 
Candidature(Joint PhD Programme Offered by CityU and the
Mainland Universities)
SGS47 Application for Replacement of Student Identity Card for 
Research Degree and Professional Doctorate Students
Questionnaire for Students with Disabilities (for research 
degree and professional students)
For collection of award certificate
- Sample Authorization Letter 
- Name/Thesis Title Amendment Form 
HKPFS01 Annual Report Form A & B (for Hong Kong PhD Fellowship 
(A-B) recipients)
HKPFS02 Application Form for Extended Non-Academic Leave (for 
Hong Kong PhD Fellowship recipients)
HKPFS03 Change Request Form (for Hong Kong PhD Fellowship 
HKPFS08 Application for Use of Conference and Research Related 
Travel Allowance (for Hong Kong PhD Fellowship

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