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Settling the Debate: 3D Printing, Injection

Molding or Plastic Machining

JULY 27, 2017

To a certain degree, 3D printing, injection molding, and plastic

machining technology overlap in their capabilities and offerings. But
which fabrication process is most appropriate for your project? What
are their key differentiators? The following article assesses the utility
of each technology with regard to precision, efficiency, materials and


3D printing is an

additive manufacturing

process that prints

layers of plastic

substance in three

dimensions onto a

single point. The

popularity of 3D has grown signi cantly over the past few years,

and it can easily be used for rapid prototyping, DIY production and

manufacturing by small-scale engineers or designers. Many of the

advances in 3D printing have been focused on bringing down

prices, rather than technological advancement so that it can be

more accessible to “mom-and-pop” users who are otherwise not

eligible for the more expensive and advanced manufacturing


Another additive technology, injection molding is a manufacturing

process in which parts are produced by injecting materials in liquid

form into a mold. Commonly performed with thermoplastic

polymers, it can be used with a variety of other metal and glass

materials. Small pellets of material are heated into a molten liquid

which is then injected into a mold at high pressures and rapidly

cooled—causing it to harden—and then ejected from the mold,

exposing the part to air.

Two of its key bene ts

include a fully

automated process—

permitting very high

rates of production—and

also that its molds

allow for highly detailed

and intricate parts.

Finally, plastic

machining, or CNC

(Computer Numerical

Control) plastic

machining or CNC

milling, involves the

precise removal of

layers from a material. Typically beginning with a block of the

desired plastic material, plastic machining involves removing

material layers at a time and allows for many different materials to

be used. Introduced by MIT during the 1950s, this technique

utilizing drilling tools to carve plastics—and because it’s computer-

controlled, extremely precise and tolerant products are achieved.

Comparing the Options

3D Printing Injection Molding Plastic Machin

Because creating (or

updating) a mold can end
Very low cost when you Signi cantly cost-e
up being much more
need 1-10 rapid design when you need a f
Cost expensive than the actual
iterations on a prototype parts up to a few
order itself, this is only
part. thousand.
cost-effective with very
large-scale projects.

Designs can be highly

Allows for deep features,
personalized and unique—
square holes and living High design exibi
Design this technology is often
hinges to be produced lower costs are al
used by artists and
creative professionals.

Injection molding has a

Very limited in Broadest range of
much wider range of
comparison to other materials are allow
materials available for
plastic fabrication and CNC plastic machi
Material use compared to 3D
unable to achieve the also achieves the
printing but is more
same smooth surfaces as smoothest nish w
limited than CNC
the other technologies. fewest imperfectio

Fast and extremely Requires time to make the One of the fastest
convenient—small mold but once the mold is of fabrication and
products can be machined nalized, production easily scale betwe
in seconds. moves quickly. small and large ou
Tolerance 3D printed prototypes are Parts are molded at Highest tolerances
not typically nished tighter tolerances than 3D available—parts ar
parts and are much more printed parts but are not to reach +/- 0.002
likely to delaminate. Best as tolerant as plastic and are best for
for home and personal machined parts. demanding indust
consumer-grade aerospace and def
products. medical and life sc
and power genera

Why Plastics Machining Ranks Best

From the above chart, you can see the differentiators of each

fabrication process. However, we’ve found that CNC plastic

machining is by far the most precise and bene cial process for

custom applications.

Cost-wise, plastics machining is the most effective for any project

that requires unique, strong designs. 3D printing is the cheapest

form of fabrication but you get what you pay for with that medium…

and the quality typically just isn’t there. Injection molding,

meanwhile, offers much stronger products than those that are 3D

printed, but modi cations to a mold are extremely expensive and

injection molded products are not as tolerant as plastic machined


Looking at design abilities, each medium offers a wide range of

capabilities but again, if it’s quality that your project needs, CNC

machining is the way to go—3D printed materials are really only

suited to personal or home use and injection molded products

cannot hold up to the rigors of the aerospace and defense, medical

or power and energy industries (among others). Further, machining

designs are crafted on the same computer applications that 3D

printing uses so there’s no cost associated with changing the

design of the product (unlike injection molding, where a new mold

would then need to be created).

It is important to note that CNC plastic machining is a specialized

craft… not just anyone interested in 3D modeling can create the

design for a plastic machined product. Here at AIP Precision

Machining, we have over 35 years of technical design expertise and

we work diligently with our clients to craft products that exactly

meet their project requirements.

If you’re looking to decide on a fabrication process via the material

selection available to you, plastics machining offers the widest

range of diverse thermoplastics for your project. 3D printing has

not advanced its material range in many years and because

injection molding requires liquidating its materials, you won’t be

able to use the stronger, heat-resistant plastics that might be best

for your needs. CNC machining is the only process that allows you

to choose from the full assortment of material selections.

3D printing and CNC machining tie for the fastest production times,

as both take minutes to complete. Injection molding, however,

requires more time to make the mold (which can take weeks to


Finally, if your project requires the highest levels of tolerance,

precision machining produces the most precise and extremely

tolerant products. It’s the only fabrication process suited for critical


Want More Information?

Of 3D printing, injection molding and CNC plastic machining, one

process is not necessarily better than the other—it’s dependent on

your project requirements. However, plastics machining is by far

the most specialized and precise option for high-quality, critical

parts needed in industries like aerospace and defense, medical and

life sciences and power and energy.

Here at AIP Precision Machining, we commonly craft pieces that are

able to survive the rigors of space, the inside of a human body or

the corrosive chemicals used on an oil rig. We offer state-of-the-art

technology and extensive expertise to provide you with the highest

quality products. Contact us to learn more about our process and

what CNC plastics machining could do for you.

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Posted in 3D Printing, Injection Molding, Plastic MachiningTagged 3D

Printing Tag, CNC Machining, Injection Molding Tag, Plastics, Precision


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