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Hi, John speaking..

Common phrases for telephoning

• Answering the phone • Saying who’s calling

Hello, Roma Pizza, Thomas Speaking. Hello, it’s Mildred Keynes here..
How can I help you? (formal) Hello, here’s Mildred Keynes,
Hi, John speaking. This is Mildred from Canadian Syrup..
Hi, John here. Hi, Mildred here.
Hey Bill, how are things? (eg when you
can see who’s calling you)

• Checking if someone is free to • Signalling you don’t have much

speak time to speak
Do you have a minute? I’ve got a meeting/appointment in a few
minutes - what’s up?
Have you got a minute?
I can’t stay long because…
Is this a good time?
I’ll have to keep this brief because…
Are you free to talk?
Just quickly, …

• Passing over to someone else • Saying where you are

Wait just one moment – I’ll put you I’m in the train/on the bus/tram.
through to Mr Smith. (formal) I’m just nearby/on the way.
Just a sec, I’ll get him for you. I’m just coming now.

• Giving the reason for calling • Making arrangements

I’m calling/phoning about…(the How about we meet up tomorrow?
meeting) What about Friday at two?
I’m phoning to (inquire about the How about/what about meeting on
prices..) Friday?
I’m just phoning/calling about… I’m going to the café at 4 – do you want to
I’d like to…(inquire about)… come along?
The reason I’m calling is… Are you free on Friday?
Can I just ask/tell you about… When is best for you?
What’s good for you?
Let’s go for 12 o’clock.

Contributed by David Sweetnam

©Engage s.r.o.
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Hi, John speaking.. Telephoning
• Suggesting an alternative • Accepting a suggestion to meet
arrangement Sounds good/That sounds fine.
I’m not sure if I can make it then – what That suits me fine.
about 2pm tomorrow instead?
Great, so let’s meet then.
Well, I have another idea – what
about/how about…? Great, look forward to it.
I’d love to (come).

• Postponing a meeting • Cancelling a meeting

Could we make that at 3 instead of 1? I’m really sorry, Ondra. I have to cancel
our meeting.
Can/could we put the meeting off until
tomorrow? Something’s come up – sorry, I can’t
make it.
Something’s come up – do you mind if
we meet next week? I know it’s short notice but I have to
cancel our meeting.

• Apologising • When you can’t hear the other

I’m (really/very/terribly) sorry - I’m
running late. Sorry, could you speak up a little?
I’m afraid I won’t be able to make it on Sorry the line’s a bit faint, could you
time. repeat that, please?
I apologise for …(the late delivery). I can’t hear you properly – could you
repeat that?
I’m sorry about that.

• Asking someone to hold the line • Closing the call

Just hold on a moment. Ok, so let’s speak more about it when we
meet on Friday…
Could you just wait a moment?
Great, so…(then summarise the call)
One moment, please.
So it’s been great chatting/speaking with
Just bear with me for a moment.
Just a sec. (less formal)
I’d better let you go..
It’s getting a bit late so…
So thanks a lot for...
I’ve got something else on now so…

Contributed by David Sweetnam

©Engage s.r.o.
For ideas on how to improve your English check out

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