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The community is seen as a collection of beings in need of a system.

Without a system, the

community will be at a loss while remaining unguided by virtues and principles. Governance is considered
to be an ideal way of leading packs to a more organized and systematic way of living. It has been a way of
flow and system for individuals in the world. There are monarchs, elected personalities, and many more
leading their particular groups.

Whether it is small or as big as a country, governance is expected to bring good results to the
members of the community. Although there are plenty of ways to determine the leader, such as traditions,
royalties, or democratic procedures through public voting, governance is sought to be a difficult
responsibility to bear. The leaders are expected to perform in productive, transparent, and trustworthy ways
that will bring the community to a better state. Furthermore, the leaders are trusted with the community’s
future, making it a more difficult and worrisome responsibility. However, despite the clear and heavy
responsibilities, there are leaders tasked in particular fields who shamelessly take advantage of their power
and authority to bring personal benefit for themselves.

Corruption is one of the common faults and gaps found in governance. How common can corruption
be that it drives countries into a state of nothingness and extreme poverty? It is needless to point out that
with good governance, corruption will seem to not foster at all. However, bad governance seems to be more
common than leadership that is trustworthy, dependent, and transparent to its people. This paper will discuss
the causes and implications of bad governance and how it correlates to corruption, leading to the devastating
states of countries involved.

Countries today are classified to three tiers: First World, Second World, and Third World
Countries. These classifications are mostly based on how particular countries run effectively and
competitively in the world market. Although the world market is a much deeper discussion, we will dive
into the roots of why such countries are classified as how they are today. Few countries that are classified as
First World are the United States of America, and European countries. As noticed, these countries are
wealthy and have powerful aspects of their economy. This gives us the idea that Third World Countries are
those that do not perform well economically.

This classification is a broad segmenting of countries based on numbers. On a deeper level,

governance plays a pivotal role in determining these numbers. In improving the economy, there must be not
only good, but also a competitive government. However, a lot of countries are halted to improve their
economic status because of different factors surrounding governance. Multiple different researches on
political development were conducted by different researchers at different places and time, resulting in
common findings. Political Development is any advancement in government that leads the country into a
better state that affects the economy, financial budgeting and allocation, and overall system of governance.
We first need to identify which aspects play as key factors in political development.
Governance is leadership. Just like working on projects and any collaborative works, leadership
determines the stance of the group, this is also the case of governance. Good governance leads to good
political development, while bad governance leads to drastic measures that affect every individual in that
country. Moore (1970) states that poor governance affects the people and their way of living. There is a need
for political competence in order for a comfortable, healthy, and enjoyable way of living to foster. The
people need the government to guide them to a better state as they are tasked to do so.

According to multiple researches, Corruption is a fairly common cause of poor governance as much
as the latter causes the former. Corruption and Governance both have an interconnected relationship with
each other in which one will not foster without the other (Kkienern, n.d.). There is a need for each other
between these two. Bad governance results in corruption, while corruption also leads to bad governance.
Nevertheless, these two have negative impacts on the people where they exist.

Corruption is performed in many forms, whether it be through bribery, kickbacks, stealing public
funds, and many more (Susan, 2004). This act prohibits the politics in a particular country to improve and
develop as the leaders themselves get involved in deeds that are against the responsibilities of their
respective jobs such as the lack of transparency, accountability, and violation of principles set by society
(Kkienern, n.d.). The following are found to be the negative impacts caused by poor governance and

1. Financial Instability

Persistent corruption leaves the funds of the people in a vulnerable state where it is deliberately
stolen by the leaders who are expected to protect the people. Funds are found to be allocated for personal
gain, rather than the improvement of the country such as infrastructures, tourism management, commerce,
education, and healthcare. Instead of putting it in a good public use, the funds are kept for personal desires
not only as inappropriate but also putting a detrimental damage to the people, especially on their future.

2. Unemployment

The lack of funds for development leads to a higher unemployment rate. This aspect branches out to
more societal problems such as the increase of poverty rate, malnourishment and hunger, as well as poor
education for children. Corruption and bad governance create a drastic domino effect on the financial and
personal well-being of its people.

3. Poor Healthcare System

The government has the responsibility to not only lead the country in the present, but also to prepare
for the future by setting plans and programs that aim to prevent and/or mitigate any situation that may occur
unexpectedly. In times of pandemic, the political competence of governmental leaders is tested by how
prepared and fast they are in mitigation and strategies. The responsiveness of the government to healthcare
emergencies is also a determining factor in their competence as leaders (Ahmed, et. al, 2020).
Millions of people depend on government leaders. Whether they are handling local or national
positions, each of them corresponds to the heavy responsibility for the lives of the people in the present and
in the future. The act of committing unethical deeds against the people lead to devastating measures that puts
the future of the country in jeopardy.


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