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Chapter Four :  Ethical Theories
Section 3.  Consequential or Non-Consequential
Consequentialist vs. non-consequentialist theories of ethics
are two broad categories of ethical theories concerning the source of
value: consequentialist and non-consequentialist.
consequentialist theory of value judges the rightness or wrongness of an
action based on the consequences that action has. The most familiar
example would be utilitarianism--``that action is best that produces the
greatest good for the greatest number'' (Jeremy Bentham).
non-consequentialist theory of value judges the rightness or wrongness of
an action
based on properties intrinsic to the action, not on its
should be free to do as they like as long as they
respect the freedom of
others to do the same.
policy that causes uncompensated harm on anyone is permitted
Consider these Definitions:

Teleology, Consequentialism, and Utility

Telos is a Greek word for "end", or goal. Not end as in the "end of the road", but as in "the end
which we seek." Teleological ethical theories are theories which describe our responsibilities and
obligations in terms of our attainment of certain goals, or ends. In other words, if you want to find
out what you ought to do, it is essential to understand what the ultimate goal of ethics is.

One religious, teleological theory suggests that the final goal of humanity is to love God, and to
live a life of service to others. A different take on the nature of our moral "end" is that the
fundamental goal of human behavior is to be happy -- the task then, of course, is to spell out
exactly what human happiness consists in.

Consequentialism is a type of teleological theory -- consequentialist theories suggest that the
moral value, the moral rightness or wrongness of an act, is entirely a function of the
consequences, or the results of that act. Like above, what sorts of consequences are morally
good and what sorts are morally bad need to be spelled out.

Both teleological and consequentialist theories are types of theories. They are not themselves
theories for one very important reason -- they don't specify what goals or consequences ought to
guide moral judgments and actions. In other words, they are simply a couple of ways of
categorizing ethical theories.

In Chapter Six, we examine utilitarianism. This theory is both teleological and consequentialist. It
is teleological in as much as it says that moral experience is first and foremost about attaining a
certain goal -- in this case, human utility (read: happiness). It is consequentialist in as much as it
says that the way to evaluate moral decisions and actions is to assess the consequences of
(prospective) actions. If the consequences are good, then the action is right (either morally
permissible or obligatory). If the consequences are bad, then the action is wrong (impermissible).

In short, then, Utilitarianism is a type of consequentialism, which is a type of teleological theory.

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Teleological Theories: Consequentialist

Deontological Theories: Non-Consequentialist Approach

Theories Based Upon
 Principles and Utilizing Reason
Teleological Theories Deontological Theories
Consequential Non-Consequential
Egoism Kantian- Categorical Imperative
Act Utilitarianism Rawl's Theory of Justice
Rule Utilitarianism Divine Command Theory
Situation Ethics Natural Law Theory
non- theistic

In the chapters that follow we

shall cover these various ethical theories and their advantages and
disadvantages or their
weaknesses and problems

A good resource site in Ethics: British Society for Ethical Theory

Proceed to the next section of the chapter by clicking here>> section.

© Copyright Stephen O Sullivan and Philip A. Pecorino  2002. All Rights reserved.

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