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A question on Heaven and Hell...

If I do not please God in this life, he sends me to Hell, the domain

of Satan for all of eternity. Satan rules over Hell and his job is to
make sure I suffer.

This is the widely believed and unquestioned rule of judgement for


Why would Satan want me to suffer for taking the same path as
him? The only reason he would punish me, is if he is God in the first
place, or at least, is on the same team as God.

It is crucial that people start to question beliefs handed down to

them. Just because your parents and their parents believed it
without critical thought, does not mean its a good idea for you to.

This world is plunging deeper and deeper into unhealthy morality

and bondage, because people refuse to think critically about
important things, and instead practice giving up power to outside
authorities; icons and archons.

While I wholey believe in rising above my base instincts in this life,

raising my consciousness, and trying to be a better person, I know
that fear of what happens after I die is not what moves me to do
so, especially when the story makes no sense.

But 2000 years ago people were ruled/motivated by immense fear.

People were hanged, burned and forced into this belief system.
These people were illiterate desert dwelling people with no
educations in the sciences. It kills me that people today still look at
the Bible the same way. I think, how the fuck are people still like
this today in light of so much information?

The Bible is an amazing work of literature and it can teach you

many things, but there is so much that is obviously just outdated
scare tactics to get STUPID people in line with the GOVERNMENT
THE STATE used the myth of Jesus and their knowledge of
Astronomy, to bind the masses into a system of government, to
make them easier to control

The origin of the word "Government"

Guvernare: Latin, Govern

Mens, Mentis: Latin, Mind, thought

Government exists to govern your thoughts

The origin of the word "Religion" is obviously a word of BONDAGE

Religare: Latin, Tie back, hold back

You cannot work on, or control someones thoughts (institute

government), until first, you hold them down(apply religion). And
this was obviously done through an age old myth carried on by
many ancient civilizations, which was turned into a book, mixed with
controlling psychology, and forced onto unwitting, ignorant, and
helpless masses.

Through this book, if taken for more than its Astrotheological

artistry/poetry, and a guide on morality, it can and has become
dangerous. The illegal and violent state of Israel is a perfect
example of how one can use Biblical prophesy to gain support for
terrorist acts.

We now have fanatical people who treat it as if its a history book.

But if it was true history, then why did the Romans who forced it
upon the people, also take care to ransack and burn the great
libraries, and to hang, burn and torture people who publicly
protested it? You never have to force truth on people if it is in line
with true events that he people may recall.

Were they Hiding something? Of course!

Come on people! How obvious does it have to be?

You can only control people if they are ignorant! Government seeks
to control. Wake the fuck up!

Wonder why these kids have attention issues, and why they keep
dumbing down the education system?


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