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>Last Name: ACEDRE First name: CINDY

Section: O A OB OC OD Year and Level: BSN II
Purposive Communication Teacher: Prose Gonzaga Jr., RN

Essay Questions:

01. What do you mean by the CLIMAX of the Film? Explain what is this term and you can give
illustrations or examples if needed.

In any form of story, a climax is the "high point" of the story, but it isn't necessarily when the plot
gets resolved. It's usually when the hero overcomes their big challenge, like when the Death Star is finally
destroyed, though in this case it is when the plot gets resolved.

One example of a climax that doesn't sync up with the plot resolution is Iron Man II. The climax of
that film was that big fight with the drones, which actually ended rather anticlimactically with that last laser
show. The plot got resolved immediately after

n short, a climax is the scene that evokes the greatest emotional response from the viewer, be it a
feeling of triumph, happiness, the "warm fuzzy feeling" you get from a feel-good movie, or the great rush
of adrenaline from a good thriller. It will usually be the most memorable scene in the movie for most
viewers, and for good reason as people generally remember things that evoked a great emotional
response from them.

02. What is meant by Synopsis of the Film? Why is this considered important in reviewing a Film?
Give your explanation

A synopsis is a brief summary that gives audiences an idea of what a composition is

about. It provides an overview of the storyline or main points and other defining factors of the
work, which may include style, genre, persons or characters of note, setting, and so on.

The amount of detail and information revealed in a synopsis depends on its purpose. For
instance, authors often need to provide a lengthy synopsis when proposing a book, article, or
work to potential publishers or editors —in that case, a synopsis will include a full plot overview
(which includes revealing the ending), signs of character progression, detailed explanation
of theme and tone, and so on. This article will mainly focus on the short synopses you see every
day on websites and other media outlets.

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