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Latihan Soal

Reynold Number
Mekanika Fluida I
Syarif Hidayat, PhD
1. What is the physical significance of the Reynolds number? How is it
defined for (a) flow in a circular pipe of inner diameter D and (b)
flow in a rectangular duct of cross section a x b?

2. Consider a person walking first in air and then in water at the same
speed. For which motion will the Reynolds number be higher?

3. Show that the Reynolds number for flow in a circular pipe of

diameter D can be expressed as Re = 4m/(πDµ)
4. Which fluid at room temperature requires a larger pump to flow at
a specified velocity in a given pipe: water or engine oil? Why?

5. What is the generally accepted value of the Reynolds number above

which the flow in smooth pipes is turbulent?

6. Consider the flow of air and water in pipes of the same diameter, at
the same temperature, and at the same mean velocity. Which flow
is more likely to be turbulent? Why?

7. What is hydraulic diameter? How is it defined? What is it equal to

for a circular pipe of diameter D?
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