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Self-portrait 1

A self-portrait is a representation of an artist, drawn, painted,
photographed, or sculpted by the artist. Although self-portraits have
been made by artists since the earliest times, it is not until the Early
Renaissance in the mid 15th century that artists can be frequently
identified depicting themselves as either the main subject, or as
important characters in their work. With better and cheaper mirrors,
and the advent of the panel portrait, many painters, sculptors and
printmakers tried some form of self-portraiture. Portrait of a Man in a
Turban by Jan van Eyck of 1433 may well be the earliest known panel
self-portrait.[1] He painted a separate portrait of his wife, and he
belonged to the social group that had begun to commission portraits,
already more common among wealthy Netherlanders than south of the
Alps. The genre is venerable, but not until the Renaissance, with
increased wealth and interest in the individual as a subject, did it
become truly popular.[2]
Frida Kahlo, Self-Portrait, 1940. See discussion
of her works below.

Types of self-portrait
A self-portrait may be a portrait of the artist, or a portrait included in a
larger work, including a group portrait. Many painters are said to have
included depictions of specific individuals, including themselves, in
painting figures in religious or other types of composition. Such
paintings were not intended publicly to depict the actual persons as
themselves, but the facts would have been known at the time to artist
and patron, creating a talking point as well as a public test of the artist's

In the earliest surviving examples of medieval and renaissance

self-portraiture, historical or mythical scenes (from the Bible or
classical literature) were depicted using a number of actual persons as
models, often including the artist, giving the work a multiple function
as portraiture, self-portraiture and history/myth painting. In these
works, the artist usually appears as a face in the crowd or group, often
Albrecht Dürer Self-portrait 1493. oil, originally
towards the edges or corner of the work and behind the main
on vellum Louvre, Paris. This is among the
participants. Rubens's The Four Philosphers (1611–12)[4] is a good earliest known formal self-portraits. He is dressed
example. This culminated in the 17th century with the work of Jan de in Italian fashion, reflecting his international
Bray. Many artistic media have been used; apart from paintings, success.

drawings and prints have been especially important.

In the famous Arnolfini Portrait (1434), Jan van Eyck is probably one of two figures glimpsed in a mirror - a
susprisingly modern conceit. The Van Eyck painting may have inspired Diego Velázquez to depict himself in full
view as the painter creating Las Meninas (1656), as the Van Eyck hung in the palace in Madrid where he worked.
This was another modern flourish, given that he appears as the painter (previously unseen in official royal
portraiture) and standing close to the King's family group who were the supposed main subjects of the painting.[5]
Self-portrait 2

In what may be one of the earliest childhood self-portraits now surviving, Albrecht Dürer depicts himself as in
naturalistic style as a 13-year old boy in 1484. In later years he appears variously as a merchant in the background of
Biblical scenes and as Christ.[6]
Leonardo da Vinci may have drawn a picture of himself at the age of 60, in around 1512. The picture is often
straightforwardly reproduced as Da Vinci's appearance, although this is not certain.
In the 17th Century, Rembrandt painted a range of self-portraits. In The Prodigal Son in the Tavern (c1637), one of
the earliest self-portraits with family, the painting probably includes Saskia, Rembrandt's wife, one of the earliest
depictions of a family member by a famous artist. Family and professional group paintings, including the artist's
depiction, became increasingly common from the 17th Century onwards.

Gallery: Inserted self-portraits

Sandro Botticelli's painting of the Masaccio inserted Piero della Francesca as Filippino Lippi as
Adoration of the Magi has an self-portrait from a sleeping soldier in his a figure in his
"inserted self-portrait". The the Brancacci Resurrection, 1463, Martyrdom of
position in the (right) corner, and Chapel frescoes (as fresco, Sansepolcro. Saint Peter,
the gaze out to the viewer, are is the Filippino fresco, 1481-82,
very typical of such self-portraits. Lippi), 1424-6. Brancacci Chapel,
Florence. He is at
the extreme right
of a crowded

Women painters
Women artists are notable producers of self-portraits; almost all significant women painters have left an example,
from Caterina van Hemessen to the prolific Elisabeth Vigée-Lebrun, and Frida Kahlo, as well as Alice Neel, Paula
Modersohn-Becker and Jenny Saville who painted themselves in the nude. Vigée-Lebrun painted a total of 37
self-portraits, many of which were copies of earlier ones, painted for sale. Until the 20th century women were
usually unable to train in drawing the nude, which made it difficult for them to paint large figure compositions, and
portraiture was a common specialism. Until the 19th century, they usually showed themselves in the act of painting,
or at least holding a brush and palette. More often than with men, the viewer wonders if the clothes worn were those
they normally painted in.
Self-portrait 3

Caterina van Hemessen's Sofonisba Anguissola (c. 1532 - Artemisia Gentileschi, Judith Leyster, a painter of genre
1548 self-portrait, perhaps 1625) of Cremona served as Self-Portrait as the Allegory subjects, who surely did not
the oldest self-portrait of a court painter to the Queen of of Painting, circa 1630, normally dress like this to paint.
female oil-painter, though Spain, and painted several Royal collection Windsor. NGA, 1630.
much earlier examples of self-portraits and many images Note the pulled-up sleeve on
manuscript painters exist. of her family. c.1556 the arm holding the brush.

Angelica Kauffmann, Adelaide Labille-Guiard, Élisabeth Vigée-Lebrun Marie-Denise Villers, Young

self-portrait, 1780-1785, a 1785, with two pupils. A painted several self-portraits Woman Drawing, 1801, thought
successful painter in her time, she "subjects-eye" view of the that were hugely successful to be her self-portrait, and her
was a great friend of Sir Joshua painter at work. It seems in the Paris Salons, and was most famous and finest
Reynolds. likely that women society influential in pioneering an painting. Originally attributed
portraitists did actually paint "informal" fashion style at to Jacques-Louis David.
wearing fashionable clothes the end of the Ancien
like this. Regime. At 22, 1782.
Self-portrait 4

Marie Ellenrieder, self Mary Cassatt was an Marie Bashkirtseff self-portrait, Gwen John (1902) also mostly
portrait, 1819. A German American portrait painter 1880 was a Russian born artist painted women and children.
religious artist and the first who specialised in portraits of who died at twenty-five. A large
woman to enter the Academy women and children, 1878. number of Bashkirtseff's works
of Munich. were destroyed by the Nazis
during World War II

Images of artists at work are encountered in Ancient Egyptian painting, and sculpture[11] and also on Ancient Greek
vases. One of first self-portraits was made by the Pharaoh Akhenaten's chief sculptor Bak in 1365 BC. Plutarch
mentions that the Ancient Greek sculptor Phidias had included a likeness of himself in a number of characters in the
"Battle of the Amazons" on the Parthenon, and there are classical references to painted self-portraits, none of which
have survived.
Self-portrait 5

Portraits and self-portraits have a longer continuous history in Asian art than in Europe. Many in the scholar
gentleman tradition are quite small, depicting the artist in a large landscape, illustrating a poem in calligraphy on his
experience of the scene. Another tradition, associated with Zen Buddhism, produced lively semi-caricatured
self-portraits, whilst others remain closer to the conventions of the formal portrait.

Miyamoto Musashi, Hakuin Motoori Norinaga, late 18th Hokusai, early 19th century,
Samurai, writer and Ekaku was a century, Japan Japan
artist, c. 1640. Zen monk,
who painted
of himself
as sages of
the past,

Another Kikuchi Yōsai, 1856-7, Japan. Chen Ren Xiong, a

Hokusai, Louvre Hongshou, member of
China, 1635 the Shanghai

European art
Illuminated manuscripts contain a number of apparent self-portraits, notably those of Saint Dunstan and Matthew
Paris. Most of these either show the artist at work, or presenting the finished book to either a donor or a sacred
figure, or venerating such a figure.[12] Orcagna is believed to have painted himself as a figure in a fresco of 1359,
which became, at least according to art historians - Vasari records a number of such traditions- a common practice of
artists. However for earlier artists, with no other portrait to compare to, these descriptions are necessarily rather
speculative. In Italy Giotto di Bondone (1267—1337) included himself in the cycle of "eminent men" in the Castle
Self-portrait 6

of Naples, Masaccio (1401—1428) depicted himself as one of the apostles in the painting of the Brancacci Chapel,
and Benozzo Gozzoli includes himself, with other portraits, in the Palazzo Medici Procession of the Magi (1459),
with his name written on his hat. This is imitated a few years later by Sandro Botticelli, as a spectator of the
Adoration of the Magi, who turns from the scene to look at us. (1475). 14th century sculpted portrait busts of and by
the Parler family in Prague Cathedral include self-portraits, and are among the earliest such busts of non-royal
figues. Ghiberti included a small head of himself in his most famous work. Notably, the earliest self-portrait painted
in England, other than in a manuscript, is the miniature painted in oils on panel by the German artist Gerlach Flicke,

Saint Dunstan, then Peter Parler, late fourteenth Lorenzo Ghiberti on the Gates of Jan van Eyck, 1433,
artist-Abbot of century, from Prague Cathedral, Paradise, Baptisterio, Florence generally regarded as a
Glastonbury, prostrates where he was master architect self portrait, early 15th century self-portrait, which
himself before a giant and sculptor. would make it the
Christ. Later he became earliest Western panel
Archbishop of portrait after antiquity.
Canterbury. c. 950
(cropped at bottom).

Rogier van der Jean Fouquet, c. 1450, a Andrea Mantegna, c. Israhel van Meckenem and his
Weyden, as Saint very early portrait 1474, includes himself wife, engraving c. 1490, the
Luke, makes a miniature, and if the (as himself) in his earliest portrait print.
drawing for his Van Eyck above is appropriate place in this
painting of the excluded, the oldest fresco of the Gonzaga
Virgin. Boston, c. individual Western court.
1440. painted self-portrait.

Albrecht Dürer, 1471–1528, the first prolific self-portraitist

Albrecht Dürer was an artist highly conscious of his public image and reputation, whose main income came from his
old master prints, all containing his famous monogram, which were sold throughout Europe. He probably depicted
himself more often than any artist before him, producing at least twelve images, including three oil portraits, and
figures in four altarpieces. The earliest is a silverpoint drawing created when he was thirteen years old. At
twenty-two Dürer painted the Self-portrait with Carnation (1493, Louvre), probably to send to his new fiancée. The
Madrid self-portrait (1498, Prado) depicts Dürer as a dandy in fashionable Italian dress, reflecting the international
success he had achieved by then. In his last self-portrait, sold or given to the city of Nuremberg, and displayed
publicly, which very few portraits then were, the artist depicted himself with an unmistakable resemblance to Jesus
Self-portrait 7

Christ (Munich, Alte Pinakothek). He later re-used the face in a religious engraving of, revealingly, the Veil of
Veronica, Christ's own "self-portrait" (B.25). A self-portrait in gouache he sent to Raphael has not survived. A
woodcut of a bathhouse and a drawing show virtually-nude self-portraits.[13]

Dürer at thirteen, silverpoint, Dürer at about twenty, Dürer, 1493, oil, originally on Dürer's last self-portrait,
Albertina, 1484 1491–92, drawing, vellum, The Louvre, Paris 1500—unmistakably
Metropolitan Christ-like

Renaissance and Baroque

The great Italian painters of the Renaissance made comparatively few formal painted self-portraits, but often
included themselves in larger works. Most individual self-portraits they have left were straight-forward depictions;
Dürer's showmanship was rarely followed, although a controversially attributed Self-portrait as David by Giorgione
would have something of the same spirit, if it is a self-portrait. There is a portrait by Pietro Perugino of about 1500
(Collegio del Cambio of Perugia), and one by the young Parmigianino showing the view in a convex mirror. There is
also a drawing by Leonardo da Vinci (1512).,[14] and self-portraits in larger works by Michelangelo, who gave his
face to the skin of St. Bartholomew in the Last Judgement of the Sistine Chapel (1536–1541), and Raphael who is
seen in the characters of School of Athens 1510, or with a friend who holds his shoulder (1518). Also notable are two
portraits of Titian as an old man in the 1560s. Paolo Veronese appears as a violinist clothed in white in his Marriage
at Cana, accompanied by Titian on the bass viol (1562). Northern artists continued to make more individual
portraits, often looking very much like their other bourgeois sitters.
Titian's Allegory of Prudence (c. 1565-70) is thought to depict Titian, his son Orazio, and a young cousin, Marco
Vecellio.[15] Titian also painted a late self-portrait in 1567; apparently his first. Caravaggio painted himself in
Bacchus at the beginning of his career, then appears in the staffage of some of his larger paintings. Finally, the head
of Goliath held by David (1605–10, Galleria Borghese) is Caravaggio's own.

Gentile Bellini, black chalk, Nuremberg sculptor Probable self-portrait Nicholas Hilliard, self-portrait
1496 or earlier, Berlin Adam Kraft, self-portrait by Leonardo da miniature, 1577
from St Lorenz Church, Vinci, c. 1512-1515
Self-portrait 8

Rembrandt and the 17th century in Northern Europe

In the 17th century, Flemish and Dutch artists painted themselves far more often; by this date most successful artists
had a position in society where a member of any trade would consider having their portrait painted. Very many also
painted their wives and families, again following the normal practice for the middle-classes. Anthony Van Dyck and
Peter Paul Rubens gave us numerous images of themselves, the latter also often painting his family.
Rembrandt was the most frequent self-portraitist, at least until the self-obsessed modern period, also often painting
his wife, son and mistress. At one time about ninety paintings were counted as Rembrandt self-portraits, but it is now
known that he had his students copy his own self-portraits as part of their training. Modern scholarship has reduced
the autograph count to something over forty paintings, as well as a few drawings and thirty-one etchings, which
include many of the most remarkable images of the group. Many show him posing in quasi-historical fancy dress, or
pulling faces at himself. His oil paintings trace the progress from an uncertain young man to the dapper and very
successful portrait-painter of the 1630s to the troubled but massively powerful portraits of his old age.[16]

A young Rembrandt, c. Etching, c. 1630. Probably an Rembrandt in 1632, Role-playing in

1628, when he was 22. exercise in capturing facial when he was enjoying Self-portrait as an oriental
Partly an exercise in expressions for larger paintings. great success as a Potentate with a Kris,
chiaroscuro. fashionable portraitist in etching, 1634.
Rijksmuseum this style.

1640, wearing a costume in the Vienna c. 1655, oil on walnut, Again in antique costume, Dated 1669, the year he died,
style of over a century earlier. cut down in size. 1658, Oil on canvas Frick though he looks much older in
National Gallery Collection. His largest other portraits. National Gallery,
self-portrait, for which a new London
mirror may have been used.
Self-portrait 9

After Rembrandt
In Spain, there were self-portraits of Bartolomé Estéban Murillo
and Diego Velázquez. Francisco de Zurbarán represented himself
in Luke the Evangelist at the feet of Christ on the cross (around
1635). In the 19th century, Goya painted himself numerous times.
French self-portraits, at least after Nicolas Poussin tend to show
the social status of the artist, although Jean-Baptiste-Siméon
Chardin and some other instead showed their real working
costume very realistically. This was a decision all 18th century
self-portraitists needed to make, although many painted
themselves in both formal and informal costume in different
paintings. Thereafter, one can say that most significant painters
left us at least one self-portrait, even after the decline of the
painted portrait with the arrival of photography. Gustave Courbet
(see below) was perhaps the most creative self-portraitist of the
19th century, and The Artist's studio and Bonjour, Monsieur
Self-Portrait of Van Gogh with head bandaged, after he Courbet are perhaps the largest self-portraits ever painted. Both
(debatedly) cut off part of his ear. contain many figures, but are firmly centred on the heroic figure of
the artist.

Prolific modern self-portraitists

One of the most famous and most prolific of self-portraitists was
Vincent van Gogh, who painted himself thirty-seven times between
1886 and 1889.[17] In all of these self-portraits one is struck that the
gaze of the painter is seldom directed at us; even when it is a fixed
gaze, he seems to look elsewhere. These paintings vary in intensity and
color and some portray the artist with bandages; representing the
episode in which he severed one of his ears.[18]

The many self-portraits of Egon Schiele set new standards of openness,

or perhaps exhibitionism, representing him naked in many positions,
sometimes masturbating or erect as in Eros (1911), with an enormous
red erect penis. Stanley Spencer was to follow somewhat in this vein.
Edvard Munch made great numbers of self-portrait paintings (70),
prints (20) and drawings or watercolours (over 100) throughout his life,
many showing him being badly treated by life, and especially by
Vincent van Gogh, Self Portrait, dedicated to
women.[19] Frida Kahlo, who following a terrible accident spent many Gauguin, 1888
years bedridden, with only herself for a model, was another painter
whose self-portraits depict great pain, in her case physical as well as mental. Her 55-odd self-portraits include many
of herself from the waist up, and also some nightmarish representations which symbolize her physical sufferings.[20]

Throughout his long career, Pablo Picasso often used self-portraits to depict himself in the many different guises,
disguises and incarnations of his autobiographical artistic persona. From the young unknown "Yo Picasso" period to
the "Minotaur in the Labyrinth" period, to the "old Cavalier" and the "lecherous old artist and model" periods. Often
Picasso's self portraits depicted and revealed complicated psychological insights, both personal and profound about
the inner state and well being of the artist. Another artist who painted interestingly personal and revealing
Self-portrait 10

self-portraits throughout his career was Pierre Bonnard. Bonnard also painted dozens of portraits of his wife Marthe
throughout her life as well. Vincent van Gogh, Paul Gauguin, and Egon Schiele in particular made intense and
self-revealing self-portrait paintings throughout their careers.

Self-portraits in general

Gallery: painters at work

Many of the medieval portraits show the artist at work, and Jan van Eyck (above) his chaperon hat has the parts
normally hanging loose tied up on his head, giving the misleading impression he is wearing a turban, presumably for
convenience whilst he paints.[22] In the early modern period, increasingly, men as well as women who painted
themselves at work had to choose whether to present themselves in their best clothes, and best room, or to depict
studio practice realistically. See also the Gallery of Women painters above.

Pieter Brueghel the Elder, The Pierre Mignard, 1690, Francesco Solimena, c. 1715. François Boucher,
Painter and The Buyer, c.1565, Louvre. self-portrait in the studio,
pen and ink on brown paper, 1720
presumed to be a self-portrait.

Joshua Reynolds, National George Desmarées Jean-Honoré Fragonard, Jean-Baptiste-Siméon

Portrait Gallery, 1748. The artist and his daughter, Inspiration Chardin (1771), in
as visionary. Much cut down, this 1750, Munich. Self-Portrait, 1769 his painting clothes.
originally had a vertical format.
Self-portrait 11

Goya, The huge The Painter's Studio, A The Danish Jacek

1795, Real Allegory Summarizing My artist Carl Malczewski,
Seven years of Life as an Artist, Ludwig Polish
Gustave Courbet, 1855, Louvre Jessen, 1857 Symbolist

Julian Fałat, Anders Zorn, Umberto Jacob Lawrence, Self-portrait,

Polish Selfportrait with Boccioni, 1977
landscape model, 1896 Self-portrait,
painter and 1906

Art critic Galina Vasilyeva-Shlyapina separates two basic forms of
the self-portrait: "professional" portraits, in which the artist is
depicted at work, and "personal" portraits, which reveal moral and
psychological features. She also proposes a more detailed
taxonomy: (1) the "insertable" self-portrait, where the artist inserts
his or her own portrait into, for example, a group of characters
related to some subject; (2) the "prestigious, or symbolic"
self-portrait, where an artist depicts him- or herself in the guise of
a historical person or religious hero; (3) the "group portrait" where
artist is depicted with members of family or other real persons; (4)
the "separate or natural" self-portrait, where the artist is depicted
alone. However it might be thought these classes are rather rigid;
many portraits manage to combine several of them.[23]
Parmigianino, Self-portrait in a mirror is itself painted
on a convex surface, like that of the mirrors of the
With new media came a chance to create different kinds of
self-portraits besides simply static painting or photographs. Many
people, especially teens, use social networking sites to form their
own personal identity on the internet.[24] Still others use blogs or create personal web pages to create a space for
self-expression and self-portraiture.
Self-portrait 12

Mirrors and poses

The self-portrait supposes in theory the use of a mirror; glass mirrors
became available in Europe in the 15th century. The first mirrors used
were convex, introducing deformations that the artist sometimes
preserved. A painting by Parmigianino in 1524 Self-portrait in a
mirror, demonstrates the phenomenon. Mirrors permit surprising
compositions like the Triple self-portrait by Johannes Gumpp (1646),
or more recently that of Salvador Dalí shown from the back painting
his wife, Gala (1972–73). This use of the mirror often results in
right-handed painters representing themselves as left-handed (and vice
versa). Usually the face painted is therefore a mirror image of that the
rest of the world saw, unless two mirrors were used. Most of
Rembrandt's self-portraits before 1660 show only one hand - the
painting hand is left unpainted.[26] He appears to have bought a larger
mirror in about 1652, after which his self-portraits become larger. In
1658 a large mirror in a wood frame broke whilst being transported to
Johannes Gumpp, 1646, shows how most
[25] his house; nonetheless, in this year he completed his Frick self-portrait,
self-portraits were painted
his largest.

The size of single-sheet mirrors was restricted until technical

advances made in France in 1688 by Bernard Perrot. They also
remained very fragile, and large ones were much more expensive
pro-rata than small ones - the breakages were recut into small
pieces. About 80 cms, or two and a half feet, seems to have been
the maximum size until then - roughly the size of the palace mirror
in Las Meninas (the convex mirror in the Arnolfini Portrait is
considered by historians impractically large, one of Van Eyck's
many cunning distortions of scale).[27] Largely for this reason,
most early self-portraits show painters at no more than half-length.

Self-portraits of the artist at work were, as mentioned above, the

commonest form of medieval self-portrait, and these have
continued to be popular, with a specially large number from the
18th century on. One particular type in the medieval and
Renaissance periods was the artist shown as Saint Luke (patron Las Meninas, painted in 1656, shows Diego Velázquez
working at the easel to the left.
saint of artists) painting the Virgin Mary. Many of these were
presented to the local Guild of Saint Luke, to be placed in their
chapel. A famous large view of the artist in his studio is The Artist's Studio by Gustave Courbet (1855), an immense
"Allegory" of objects and characters amid which the painter sits.
Self-portrait 13

Gallery:Mortality in the self-portrait

Michelangelo Buonarroti, Allegory of Prudence, Titian, his Sofonisba Anguissola, Goliath in this late Caravaggio
circa 1535-1541, Sistine son and the cousin he had Self-portrait, 1610, aged 78, the David with the head of Goliath is
Chapel: The Last Judgment, virtually adopted, as Past, Present last of her many self-portraits, a self-portrait. 1605-10, Galleria
Michelangelo as a limp skin and Future. National Gallery, though she was painted later by Borghese, Rome.
hanging from the hand of St. London, late 1560s. Van Dyck.

Jan de Bray (left) Goya at the age Lovis Corinth, 1896. Flesh and John Bellany
and his family pose of 74, bone, life and death are Self-Portrait from
as The Banquet of Self-portrait with contrasted here. 'The
Anthony and Doctor Arrieta, Addenbrookes
Cleopatra. By the 1820, Hospital Series',
date of this second Minneapolis. 1988, one of a
version of 1669, series of
most of the models self-portraits made
had died of the after he had a liver
plague some years transplant,
before. covering his time
in hospital.

Other meanings, storytelling

The self-portraits of many Contemporary artists and Modernists often are characterized by a strong sense of
narrative, often but not strictly limited to vignettes from the artists life-story. Sometimes the narrative resembles
fantasy, roleplaying and fiction. Besides Diego Velázquez, (in his painting Las Meninas), Rembrandt Van Rijn, Jan
de Bray, Gustave Courbet, Vincent van Gogh, and Paul Gauguin other artists whose self-portraits reveal complex
narratives include Pierre Bonnard, Marc Chagall, Lucian Freud, Arshile Gorky, Alice Neel, Pablo Picasso, Lucas
Samaras, Jenny Saville, Cindy Sherman, Andy Warhol and Gilbert and George.
Self-portrait 14

Cristofano Allori, Van Dyck with sunflower, Johann Zoffany specialised in Gustave Courbet, 1854,
Judith with the representing his patronage by group portraits, often Bonjour, Monsieur Courbet.
Head of Holofernes, Charles I, whose medal he "conversation pieces" with gentle The artist has travelled to
1613. According to holds up to the flower. Or is narrative content, and spent some the South of France (in the
his biographer, the Van Dyck the sun the flower years in India. c. 1786. vanishing coach), to meet
heads were those of turns to? 1633 or later. the collector Alfred Bruyas,
the painter, his for whom this was
ex-lover, and her painted.
mother. Compare

The self-portrait can be a very effective form of advertising for an artist, especially of course for a portrait painter.
Dürer was not really interested in portraits commercially, but made good use of his extraordinary self-portraits to
advertise himself as an artist, something he was very sophisticated in doing. Rembrandt made his living principally
from portrait-painting during his most successful period, and like Van Dyck and Joshua Reynolds, many of his
portraits were certainly intended to advertise his skills. With the advent of regular Academy shows, many artists tried
to produce memorable self-portraits to make an impression on the artistic stage. A recent exhibition at the National
Gallery, London, Rebels and Martyrs, did not shrink from the comic bathos that sometimes resulted.[31] An example
from the 21st century is Arnaud Prinstet, an otherwise little-known contemporary artist who has generated good
amounts of publicity by undertaking to paint his self portrait every day.[32] On the other hand, some artists depicted
themselves very much as they did other clients.

François Desportes, a Maurice Quentin de Gustave Courbet, Self Portrait William Orpen, c.
specialist animal La Tour, pastel, (The Desperate Man), c. 1843. 1910
painter, Self-portrait 1750-60.
as Hunter, 1699.
Self-portrait 15

Diagnosing the self-portrait

Some artists who suffered neurological or physical diseases have left self-portraits
of themselves that have allowed later physicians to attempt to analyze disruptions of
mental processes; and many of these analyses have entered into the textbooks of
The self-portraits of artists who suffered mental illnesses, give a unique possibility
to physicians for investigating self-perception in people with psychological,
psychiatric or neurologic disturbances.
Russian sexologist Igor Kon in his article about masturbation notes that a habit of
masturbating may be depicted in works of art, particularly paintings. So Austrian
artist Egon Schiele depicted himself so occupied in one of his self-portraits. Kon
observes that this painting does not portray pleasure from the masturbation, but a
feeling of solitude. Creations of Schiele are analyzed by other researchers in terms
of sexuality, and particularly pedophilia.
Self-portrait of Egon Schiele
1911, depicting masturbation.

One of the most distinguished, and oldest, collections of self-portraits is in the Vasari Corridor of the Uffizi Gallery
in Florence. It was originally the collection by the Cardinal Leopoldo de' Medici in the second part of the 17th
century and has been maintained and expanded until the present time. It is mostly not on view for general visitors,
although some paintings are shown in the main galleries. Many famous artists have not been able to resist an
invitation to donate a self-portrait to the collection. It comprises more than 200 portraits, in particular those of Pietro
da Cortona, Charles Le Brun, Jean-Baptiste Camille Corot, and Marc Chagall. Other important collections are
housed at the National Portrait Gallery (United Kingdom) in London (with various satellite outstations elsewhere),
and the National Portrait Gallery in Washington, D.C..


Pietro Perugino (c. 1500) Raphael (c. 1517-1518) Hans Baldung (1526) Lucas Cranach the Elder
Self-portrait 16

Titian seems to have Probable self-portrait by El Peter Paul Rubens (1623) Rubens with his (first) wife,
painted no self-portraits Greco, 1604. Munich, c. 1609
until he was in old age,

Self-portrait of Francisco Salvator Rosa, 1640. "Of Silence Diego Velázquez, Self-Portrait, Nicolas Poussin, Self-Portrait,
Zurbarán, as Saint Luke. and Speech, Silence is better" 1643 1650
Detail of Saint Luke as a Painter says the inscription.
Before the Crucifixion

Jan de Bray and his wife as Joshua Reynolds, Francisco Goya, The Artist in His
Ulysses and Penelope, 1668, a presented to the 1815 Oil on panel, Museum,
typical portrait historié. Royal Academy, Museo de la Real American artist
of which he was Academia de San Charles Willson
first President. Fernando, Madrid Peale, 1822.
Rather like
Rembrandt, but
more successful.
Self-portrait 17

Eugène Delacroix, Gustave Courbet (1842) James McNeill Camille Pissarro,

1837 Whistler, Self-portrait, 1873
self-portrait, 1872

Édouard Manet, Self-Portrait Paul Cézanne, 1880-1881 Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec, self Édouard Vuillard, self-portrait,
with Palette, 1879 National Gallery, London portrait, 1882-1883 1889

Vincent van Gogh, 1889 Paul Gauguin, 1889 Vincent van Gogh (1889) Paul Gauguin (1893)
Musée d'Orsay Paris National Gallery of Art,
Washington, D.C.
Self-portrait 18

Henri Rousseau, (1890) Thomas Eakins, National Stanisław Wyspiański Henri Matisse, Self-Portrait
Academy of Design, 1902. (1869–1907), Polish playwright, in a Striped T-shirt 1906,
poet, architect, painter, prolific Statens Museum for Kunst,
self-portraitist (1902) Copenhagen, Denmark

Paula Modersohn-Becker 1906 John Singer Sargent, Pierre-Auguste Renoir (1910) Marc Chagall (1910)
self-portrait, 1907

Egon Schiele Egon Schiele, 1912 Kazimir Malevich (1912) J.B. Manson,
(1910) Self-Portrait,

William Merritt Chase, 1915. Charles Demuth, Kaita Murayama, self Lovis Corinth, 1924
Turkish Bath with portrait, 1918,
Self Portrait, 1918 Japanese writer, poet
Self-portrait 19

Chen Cheng-po, Max Beckmann Jenny Saville, Closed Yan Pei-Ming, self portrait,
self-portrait, 1930 (1938-1940) Contact #10, 1996 (2000)

Two methods of obtaining photographic self-portraits are widespread. One
is photographing a reflection in the mirror, and the other photographing
one's self with the camera in an outstretched hand. Eleazar Langman
photographed his reflection on the surface of a nickel-plated teapot.
Another method involves setting the camera or capture device upon a
tripod, or surface. One might then set the camera's timer, or use a remote
controlled shutter release.
Finally, setting up the camera, entering the scene and having an assistant
release the shutter (i.e., if the presence of a cable release is unwanted in the
photo) can arguably be regarded as a photographic self-portrait, as well.
Mathew Brady, c. 1860s

Eleazar Langman, Self-portrait,1935

Self-portrait 20

Mathew Brady, self-portrait, Nadar, the leading French Arthur Rimbaud, Thomas Eakins, Self portrait
circa 1875 portrait photographer, c.1870s Self-portrait in Harar, with John Laurie Wallace, circa
Ethiopia, 1883, 1883

Eadweard Muybridge Edgar Degas, Self Portrait, 1895 Edward S. Curtis, August Strindberg,
Self-portrait as man throwing, self-portrait, self-portrait, c.
climbing and walking, circa 1898 1900

Ernst Kirchner, Carl Van Vechten portrait Lucas Samaras (1973) Yasumasa Morimura Self
self-portrait, 1919 photographer, self-portrait, Portrait, After Marilyn
1934 Monroe, 1996
Self-portrait 21

Drawings, prints and engravings

Giuseppe Arcimboldo, self Peter Paul Rubens, self portrait, Francisco de Goya, self portrait, John Constable self portrait,
portrait, c. 1577 c. 1634 print, 1795 1806

Caspar David Friedrich, Dante Gabriel Rossetti, poet and Jean-François Millet, self Max Liebermann, self
self portrait, age thirty-six, artist, self portrait, 1847 portrait, c. 1850 portrait, 1922

Notes and references

[1] Campbell, Lorne; National Gallery Catalogues (new series): The Fifteenth Century Netherlandish Paintings, pp 212-17, 1998, ISBN
[2] accessed online July 28, 2007 an online history of self-portraits, various excerpts from Edward Lucie-Smith and Sean Kelly, The Self Portrait:
A Modern View (London: Sarema Press, 1987) (http:/ / www. research. umbc. edu/ ~ivy/ selfportrait/ back. html)
[3] Campbell, Lorne, Renaissance Portraits, European Portrait-Painting in the 14th, 15th and 16th Centuries, pp. 3-4, 1990, Yale, ISBN
[4] "Web Gallery of Art: Rubens, Pieter Pauwel - The Four Philosphers, 1611-12" (http:/ / www. wga. hu/ frames-e. html?/ html/ r/ rubens/
41portra/ 09philos. html). 2010. . Retrieved 2010-08-08.
[5] Campbell, Lorne; National Gallery Catalogues (new series): The Fifteenth Century Netherlandish Paintings, pp 180, 1998, ISBN 185709171.
The Arnolfini Portrait hung in the same palace in Madrid in which Las Meninas was painted
[6] "Albrecht Dürer and his Legacy: The graphic work of a Renaissance artist" (http:/ / www. studio-international. co. uk/ painting/ durer. asp).
New York: Studio International Magazine. March 2003. . Retrieved 2010-08-08.
[7] Full composition (part of larger scheme) (http:/ / commons. wikimedia. org/ wiki/ Image:Resurrection. JPG)
[8] Full composition (part of larger scheme) (http:/ / commons. wikimedia. org/ wiki/ Image:Filippino_Lippi_008. jpg)
[9] This is a later and larger repetition in the National Gallery of the original
[10] Marie-Denise Villers at the Metropolitan Museum of Art (http:/ / www. metmuseum. org/ Works_Of_Art/ viewOne. asp?dep=11&
viewMode=1& item=17. 120. 204)
[11] Pharaoh's sculptor, Bak accessed online July 28, 2007 (http:/ / www. mfa. org/ egypt/ amarna/ akh_patron/ akh_patron_page2. html)
[12] Jonathon Alexander; Medieval Illuminators and their Methods of Work; p.8-34, Yale UP, 1992, ISBN0300056893 collects several examples
[13] For all this section, Giulia Bartrum, Albrecht Dürer and his Legacy, p. 77–84 & passim, British Museum Press, 2002, ISBN 0-7141-2633-0
Self-portrait 22

[14] This drawing in red chalk is widely (though not universally) accepted as an original self-portrait. The main reason for hesitation in accepting
it as a portrait of Leonardo is that the subject is apparently of a greater age than Leonardo ever achieved. But it is possible that he drew this
picture of himself deliberately aged, specifically for Raphael's portrait of him in the School of Athens. A case has also been made, originally
by novelist Dmitry Merezhkovsky, that Leonardo based his famous picture Mona Lisa on his own self-portrait.
[15] Erwin Panofsky (and originally Fritz Saxl), Titian's "Allegory of Prudence", A Postscript, in Meaning in the Visual Arts,
Doubleday/Penguin, 1955
[16] For this section and the gallery, Ernst van de Wetering in Rembrandt by himself, p.10 and passim, 1999, National Gallery,
London/Mauritshuis, The Hague, ISBN 1-85709-270-8
[17] Encyclopedia of Irish and World Art, art of self-portrait (http:/ / www. visual-arts-cork. com/ genres/ self-portraits. htm) Retrieved June 13,
[18] Andrea Bassil, Lives of the Artists, Vincent van Gogh pp.36-37 (http:/ / books. google. com/ books?id=TEgP2yBPb_sC& pg=PA36&
lpg=PA36& dq=national+ gallery+ of+ art+ on+ van+ gogh+ self+ portraits& source=bl& ots=5ePtn0FWSA&
sig=sDtbzXn5lZIYXDOkLk-N91IfFjE& hl=en& ei=NQQVTM7RM4OClAemz4HgDA& sa=X& oi=book_result& ct=result& resnum=6&
ved=0CC0Q6AEwBTgK#v=onepage& q=national gallery of art on van gogh self portraits& f=false) Retrieved June 13, 2010
[19] Munch Museum (http:/ / www. munch. museum. no/ exhibitions. aspx?id=35)
[20] Amazing women Frida Kahlo, I am not sick. I am broken. But I am happy as long as I can paint. (http:/ / www. amybrown. net/ women/
frida. html) Retrieved September 28, 2010
[21] National Museum of Women Artists (http:/ / www. nmwa. org/ collection/ detail. asp?workid=1432) Retrieved September 28, 2010
[22] Campbell, Lorne; National Gallery Catalogues (new series): The Fifteenth Century Netherlandish Paintings, pp 214, 1998, ISBN 185709171
[23] Respectively, the "вставной","представительский, или символический", "групповой портрет", "отдельный или естественный"
[24] danah boyd. "Why Youth (Heart) Social Networking Sites: The Role of Networked Publics in Teenage Social Life." MacArthur Foundation
Series on Digital Learning, Identity Volume. ed. David Buckingham.
[25] A better-known version is in the Uffizi. This one was sold at auction in Germany in 2007
[26] Rembrandt by himself, op cit, p.211
[27] Rembrandt by himself, op cit, pp 11-13; for the Arnolfini reference see: National Gallery Catalogues (new series): The Fifteenth Century
Netherlandish Paintings, Lorne Campbell, 1998, ISBN 185709171
[28] Aislinn Loconte in, Lucy Whitaker, Martin Clayton, The Art of Italy in the Royal Collection; Renaissance and Baroque, p.270, Royal
Collection Publications, 2007, ISBN 978 1 902163 291. The biographer was Baldinucci. This is the version in the Royal Collection, there are
others in the Pitti Palace etc.
[29] asks Michael Levey in Painting at Court, Weidenfeld and Nicholson, London, 1971, pp 124-5
[30] Virginia MFA (http:/ / www. vmfa. state. va. us/ courbet. html)
[31] Rebels and Martyrs, National Gallery (http:/ / www. nationalgallery. org. uk/ exhibitions/ rebels_martyrs/ default. htm)
[32] Ses hits (http:/ / www. google. co. uk/ search?q=Arnaud+ Prinstet& hl=en& rls=GGLG,GGLG:2006-32,GGLG:en& start=10& sa=N)
[33] "Online self-portrait exhibition catalog" (http:/ / www. artnet. com/ galleries/ Exhibitions. asp?gid=412& cid=13407). .
[34] Jeancolas (1998), 164.
[35] "Lucas Samaras" (http:/ / www. getty. edu/ art/ gettyguide/ artMakerDetails?maker=3793& page=1). The Getty. .

Further reading
• John J. Ciofalo, Self-Portraits of Francisco Goya. Cambridge University Press, 2001
• Edward Lucie-Smith with Sean Kelly, The Self Portrait: A Modern View. (1987)
• Ernst van de Wetering and others; Rembrandt by himself, 1999, National Gallery, London / Mauritshuis, The
Hague, ISBN 1-85709-270-8
• Joseph Leo Koerner, The Moment of Self-Portraiture in German Renaissance Art, Chicago/London, 1993
• Jonathan Miller, On Reflection, 1998, National Gallery, ISBN 857092376.
• Belle, Julian (Ed.): Five Hundred Self-Portraits. Phaidon Press, London/New York, 2000 (pb 2004), ISBN
0-7148-4384-9 Self-Portraits in chronological order from ancient Egypt to the present.
Self-portrait 23

Not in English
• Joëlle Moulin, L'autoportrait au XXe siècle, éd. Adam Biro, Paris, 1999
• Pascal Bonafoux, Les peintres et l'autoportrait, 1984
• Bernard Auriol, L'image préalable, l'expression impressive et l'autoportrait, Psychologie Médicale, 19, 9,
1543–1547, 1987 {available on line : self-portrait (
• Bonafoux, Pascal / Rosenberg, David: Moi! Autoportraits du XXe siècle. Musée du Luxembourg (Paris) / Skira
Editore (Milano), Exhibition catalogue. 2004, Text French, Paris 2004, ISBN 88-8491-854-5 The book presents 155
artist (fine art) of the 20th century by showing their self-portraits added by informative texts.
• Borzello, Frances: Wie Frauen sich sehen  –  Selbstbildnisse aus fünf Jahrhunderten. Karl Blessing Verlag,
München 1998, ISBN 3-89667-052-2
• Calabrese, Omar: Die Geschichte des Selbstporträts. Deutscher Kunstverlag, München 2006, ISBN
• Pfisterer, Ulrich / Rosen, Valeska von ~ (Hrsg.): Der Künstler als Kunstwerk. Selbstporträts vom Mittelalter bis
zur Gegenwart. Reclam, Stuttgart 2005, ISBN 3-15-010571-4 ( Rezension (
• Jeancolas, Claude. (1998). Passion Rimbaud: L'Album d'une vie. (French) Paris: Textuel. ISBN

Self-portrait in neurology
• Tielsch AH, Allen PJ (2005) Listen to them draw: screening children in primary care through the use of human
figure drawings. Pediatr Nurs 31(4): 320—327. This survey of literature is focused on the method of drawing
people as the method of diagnostics. Children's figures can recognize mental disorders. The authors describe the
use of self-portraits for diagnostics of emotional disorders in children from 6 to 12 years. Although this procedure
does not make it possible to place final diagnosis, it is useful for the recognition of problems.
• Morin C, Pradat-Diehl P, Robain G, Bensalah Y, Perrigot M (2003) Stroke hemiplegia and specular image:
lessons from self-portraits. Int J Aging Hum Dev 56(1): 1-41. Patients with hemiplegia have diverse problems of
self-perception, which are caused by neurological defeats of the idea of body, or by psychological problems with
the perception their own self.

Psychology of self-perception
• Wegner DM (2003) The mind's self-portrait. Ann N Y Acad Sci 1001: 212—225. Psychology and neuroscience
approach understanding of reason and consciousness. Meanwhile each human reason contains the self-portrait,
which contains the self-appraisal of cognitive processes. This self-portrait assumes that the actions of man are
governed by thoughts and, thus, the body is governed by consciousness. Self-portrait leads to the persuasion, that
we consciously desire to make something. Studies show that self-portraiture is a caricature on the function of the
brain, but at the same time it is the basis of the sensation of authorship and responsibility of one's own actions.
Self-portrait 24

External links
• National Portrait Gallery ( - Official web site
• "The Exploration of Self: What Artists Find When They Search in the Mirror" (
~ivy/selfportrait/) by Jeanne Ivy.
• "Creating Self-Portraits" ( - a method of self-examination.
• UMBC (, research related to The Self Portrait: A
Modern View. (1987), Edward Lucie-Smith with Sean Kelly and other books
One can also use the term "autoportrait" in the search engine of the Joconde database (http:/ / www. culture. gouv.
fr:80/documentation/joconde/pres.htm), which describes the works of 84 French museums, including the Louvre:
• 52 self-portraits from the National Galleries of Scotland (
• catalogue of self portraits by the Royal Society of Portrait Painters 2007 (
Other links :
• Frida Kahlo ( at Artcyclopedia
• Egon Schiele ( at Artcyclopedia
• Joshua Reynolds self-portraits, from the [[Tate (
• All 37 Elizabeth Vigee-Lebrun self-portraits (
Article Sources and Contributors 25

Article Sources and Contributors

Self-portrait  Source:  Contributors: 16@r,, Abobus, Alexius08, Aljays, Anetode, Angusmclellan, Antandrus, Applehead77,
Auriol, AustralianMelodrama, Avjoska, BD2412, Bearcat, Bjørn som tegner, C'est moi, CBM, Cahterinepatch, Calliopejen1, Can't sleep, clown will eat me, Caomhin, Ceoil, Ceyockey, Charvex,
ChrisCork, Christophore, Closedmouth, Clubmarx, Colonies Chris, CommonsDelinker, Corruptcopper, Courcelles, Crzrussian, DBailey635, DJ Clayworth, DVD R W, Darklilac, Dekimasu,
Dfrg.msc, Diwas, Djn810, Dobromila, Docu, Epbr123, Finchsnows, Gaudio, Hatpins, Hmains, Hoot, Hopelessshade, Hraefen, Hungarian David Biro, Hut 8.5, Ida Shaw, Imsmi, JNW,
Jamesinderbyshire, Jamesofur, Jan Arkesteijn, Jan eissfeldt, Jmabel, JohnManuel, Johnbod, JonathonDavisthe3rd, Josephkoerner, Keilana, Kisch, Kwsn, Lab-oratory, LarryQ, Lars Washington,
Lebanna notle, Luxembourg1974, Lycurgus, Maashatra11, Mandarax, Mannafredo, Mihai.nadas, Modernist, Neddyseagoon, Neverquick, Nihil novi, Nopira, OfOrebOrOfSinai, Ohconfucius,
Outriggr, Oxymoron83, PKM, Pantea rahmani, Pepys, Petropoxy (Lithoderm Proxy), Pharaoh of the Wizards, Poindexter Propellerhead, Quadell, Ragesoss, RaySys, Rjwilmsi, Rror, Scientizzle,
Seraphim, Shamrox, Shoeofdeath, Sintaku, SlackerMom, Slartibartfast1992, Someguy1221, Sparkit, Spiritia, Studerby, Team4Technologies, Tonyrex, Troyeseffigy, Tyrenius, Vojvodaen, WRK,
Wetman, Who then was a gentleman?, William Avery, Wrelwser43, X-x-lil-lottie-x-x, Yemal, Վազգեն, 120 anonymous edits

Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors

File:Frida Kahlo (self portrait).jpg  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors:, Can't sleep, clown
will eat me, Johnbod, Kaldari, Lumos3, Modernist, N, Seraphim, Taranet, Yuriybrisk, 8 anonymous edits
File:Albrecht-self.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: ALE!, Hekerui, Maksim, Strangerer, Vincent Steenberg,
Zolo, 1 anonymous edits
Image:Sandro Botticelli 085.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AndreasPraefcke, Docu,
EDUCA33E, G.dallorto, Salix, Shakko, Zolo, 1 anonymous edits
Image:Masaccio Self Portrait.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Anne97432, EugeneZelenko,
Mais2, Sailko, Vincent Steenberg
Image:Resurrection detail.JPG  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Docu, Lily15, Sailko
Image:Filippino Lippi 007.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: G.dallorto, Sailko, Wst
Image:Hemessen-Selbstbildnis.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Catherina van Hemessen
Image:Self-portrait_at_the_Easel_Painting_a_Devotional_Panel_by_Sofonisba_Anguissola.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Sofonisba
Anguissola (c.1532-1625)
Image:Self-portrait_as_the_Allegory_of_Painting_by_Artemisia_Gentileschi.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Artemisia Gentileschi
Image:Self-portrait_by_Judith_Leyster.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Judith Leyster
Image:Angelica Kauffmann 006.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AndreasPraefcke,
Anne97432, Diwas, Frank C. Müller, Infrogmation, Jean-Frédéric, Mattes, PKM, Rl, Shakko, Thuresson, Wst
Image:Labille-Guiard, Self-portrait with two pupils.jpg  Source:,_Self-portrait_with_two_pupils.jpg  License: Public Domain
 Contributors: AdMeskens, Anne97432, Bohème, Carolus, Cybershot800i, Ecummenic, Frank C. Müller, Kilom691, Maksim, Mattes, Olivier2, Shakko, Thorvaldsson, Thuresson, Warburg, Wst,
1 anonymous edits
Image:Self-portrait_in_a_Straw_Hat_by_Elisabeth-Louise_Vigée-Lebrun.jpg  Source:ée-Lebrun.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Elisabeth-Louise Vigée-Lebrun
Image:Villers Young Woman Drawing.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AKeen,
Churchh, Infrogmation, Jastrow, Kilom691, Mattes, Rlbberlin, Sailko, Warburg, 3 anonymous edits
Image:Marie Ellenrieder Selbstbildnis 1819.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors:
Fb78, Frank C. Müller, Kilom691, Wst
Image:Mary Cassatt-Selfportrait.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AndreasPraefcke,
Anne97432, Civvi, Frank C. Müller, HenkvD, Jastrow, Rlbberlin, Wst
Image:Bashkirtseff.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AndreasPraefcke, Anne97432, Frank C. Müller,
Image:Gwen John - Self-Portrait.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: User:Saibo
Image:P03jigazou.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Miyamoto Musashi
Image:Hakuin Ekaku.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Hakuin Ekaku
Image:Motoori Norinaga self portrait.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Motoori Norinaga
Image:Hokusai selfportrait.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: High Contrast, Jarekt, Johnbod, Lx 121,
Image:Hokusai portrait.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: High Contrast, Jarekt, Johnbod, Joonasl, Lx
121, Simonxag
Image:Yosai-Kikuchi.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Docu, Frank C. Müller, Haa900, Hannah, Jonathan
Groß, Siebrand, Wikiborg4711
Image:Chen hongshou selfportrait,1635.jpg  Source:,1635.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Jann, Jarekt,
Johnbod, PericlesofAthens, Simonxag, Stout256, 3 anonymous edits
Image:Ren Xiong Self Portrait.jpeg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Niohe, PericlesofAthens,
Vincent Steenberg
Image:DunstanLarge.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: St Dunstan
Image:Peter parler.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5  Contributors: Yaago
Image:Ghiberti.png  Source:  License: GNU Free Documentation License  Contributors: User:Richardfabi
Image:Jan van Eyck 091.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Dcoetzee, Emijrp, Eugene a, Ham, JMK,
Kürschner, Mattes, Skipjack, Stomme, Takabeg, 1 anonymous edits
Image:Weyden madonna 1440.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Lukas van der Weyden
Image:Jean Fouquet.png  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: G.dallorto, Infrogmation, Jarekt, Kelson, Lithoderm,
Man vyi, Orlady, Sailko, Shakko, Wst, 1 anonymous edits
Image:Andrea Mantegna 084.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Anne97432, Emijrp, G.dallorto,
Mattes, Sailko, Wst
Image:Meckenem.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Docu, Raymond, Shakko, Skipjack, Warburg, Wst,
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors 26

Image:Durer-self-portrait-at-the-age-of-thirteen.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain

 Contributors: AnRo0002, Anne97432, Bohème, Butko, Dcoetzee, Dierker, Foroa, Frank C. Müller, Jarekt, Johnbod, Man vyi, Vincent Steenberg, Väsk, ZooFari
Image:Self-portrait-with-a-pillow-1103-mid.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors:
AnRo0002, Aristeas, Bohème, Frank C. Müller, Jarekt, Johnbod, Man vyi, Origamiemensch, Sailko, Vincent Steenberg, ZooFari, 1 anonymous edits
Image:Albrecht-self.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: ALE!, Hekerui, Maksim, Strangerer, Vincent
Steenberg, Zolo, 1 anonymous edits
Image:Durer self portarit 28.jpg  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: -
Image:Bellini selfportrait.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AnRo0002, Bohème, Frank C. Müller,
Johnbod, Man vyi, Sailko, Simonxag, ZooFari
Image:Adam Kraft.jpg  Source:  License: Creative Commons Attribution 2.5  Contributors: User:PetrusSilesius
Image:Possible Self-Portrait of Leonardo da Vinci.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain
 Contributors: Anne97432, Decio Mure, G.dallorto, Lateiner, OldakQuill, Red devil 666, Vincent Steenberg
Image:Nicholas Hilliard 021.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Anne97432, Diligent, Emijrp, Ham,
Mattes, Rgoudeseune, Roelzzz, Roomba, Thuresson, Wst, 1 anonymous edits
Image:Rembrandt auto 1627.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Anne97432, Goldfritha, Maksim,
Vincent Steenberg, YPS
Image:Rembrandt aux yeux hagards.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Anne97432, Dake,
Hekerui, Ies, Vincent Steenberg, Wst, 2 anonymous edits
Image:Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 144.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors:
Anne97432, Diomede, EDUCA33E, Emijrp, Frank C. Müller, Ham, Jonathan Oldenbuck, Mattes, PKM, Postdlf, Vincent Steenberg, Warburg
Image:Rembrandtselfportraitweb.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Rembrandt (Hollstein 18)
File:Rembrandt - Zelfportret 1640.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: CommonsDelinker,
Dcoetzee, Jan Arkesteijn, Vincent Steenberg
Image:Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 132.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors:
Anne97432, EDUCA33E, Mattes, Vincent Steenberg, Werckmeister
Image:Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 130.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors:
Anne97432, EDUCA33E, Emijrp, Mattes, Urban, Vincent Steenberg, 1 anonymous edits
Image:Rembrandt Harmensz. van Rijn 135.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors:
Aavindraa, Anne97432, Dcoetzee, EDUCA33E, Ham, Jan Arkesteijn, Mattes, Natl1, Vincent Steenberg
File:VanGogh-self-portrait-with bandaged ear.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain
 Contributors: AndreasPraefcke, BrightRaven, Cookie, Herr Satz, Mike Peel, Niki K, Sverdrup, W., Wst, 3 anonymous edits
File:VanGogh-self-portrait-dedicated to gaugin.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain
 Contributors: AndreasPraefcke, Cookie, Frank C. Müller, Jarekt, Mattes, Niki K, Razr, Sverdrup, Urban, W., Wst
Image:BruegelPortrait.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Albertomos, Anne97432, Clark89, Frank C.
Müller, Jarekt, Johnbod, Lewenstein, Matanya, Mats Halldin, Mattes, Paulo Cesar-1, Skipjack, Thuresson, Wolfmann, ZooFari, 1 anonymous edits
Image:Mignard-autoportrait.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Abrahami, Anne97432, Diligent,
Frank C. Müller, Mattes, Thorvaldsson, 2 anonymous edits
Image:Francesco Solimena 001.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AndreasPraefcke, Anne97432,
Goldfritha, Jastrow, Mac9, Mattes, Shakko
Image:François Boucher 003.jpg  Source:çois_Boucher_003.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AndreasPraefcke, Bohème, Docu,
EDUCA33E, Fanfwah, Mattes, Zolo
Image:Self-portrait_c.1747-9_by_Joshua_Reynolds_(2).jpg  Source:  License: Public
Domain  Contributors: Joshua Reynolds (1723-92)
Image:George Desmarées 001.jpg  Source:ées_001.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: EDUCA33E, Joseolgon, Mattes,
PKM, Wmpearl, Wst
Image:Fragonard, Inspiration.jpg  Source:,_Inspiration.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Andrew0921, EDUCA33E,
Emijrp, Gdr, Rtc, Thorvaldsson, Warburg, Wst, Xhienne, Zolo
Image:Chardin pastel selfportrait.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Albertomos, Anne97432,
Bohème, Dierker, Diligent, Ecummenic, Fabos, Goldfritha, Henricambon, Infrogmation, Mattes, Starscream, Túrelio, Vincent Steenberg, 4 anonymous edits
Image:Francisco de Goya y Lucientes 100 c.JPG  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors:
AxelBoldt, Balbo, Carolus, Erina, Escarlati, Frank C. Müller, Mattes, Shakko, 1 anonymous edits
Image:Courbet studio.gif  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Gustave Courbet
Image:Carl Ludwig Jessen Selbstporträt.jpg  Source:ät.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors:
AndreasPraefcke, Anne97432, Frank C. Müller, Warburg
Image:Malczewski_Jacek_Autoportret_z_paleta.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain
 Contributors: BurgererSF, Frank C. Müller, Jarekt, Kilom691, Mattes, Staszek99  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors:
AndreasPraefcke, Bohème, Editor at Large, Frank C. Müller, Grenavitar, MU, Mozgulek, Olivier2, Vincent Steenberg, Wames, Wst
Image:Självporträtt av Anders Zorn 1896.jpg  Source:älvporträtt_av_Anders_Zorn_1896.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors:
AndreasPraefcke, Anne97432, Grenavitar, Mattes, Olivier2, Semnoz, Thuresson
Image:Umberto-Boccioni.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Twice25
File:Lawrence Jacob Self-Portrait 1977.jpg  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Jmabel, Lupo,
Modernist, Shyam, Stan Shebs, 3 anonymous edits
File:Parmigianino Selfportrait.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Dcoetzee, Docu, Finavon,
Frank C. Müller, Gothika, Gryffindor, Man vyi, Mattes, Stanmar, Warburg, Werckmeister, Wst, Ö, 1 anonymous edits
File:Johannes gumpp.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Frank C. Müller, Johnbod, Kilom691, Moxe93,
Vincent Steenberg, 3 anonymous edits
File:Las Meninas 01.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: 84user, Adam Cuerden, Calliopejen1, Killiondude,
Manuelt15, Podzemnik, UpstateNYer, 5 anonymous edits
Image:Last judgement.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Aavindraa, Amandajm, Docu, G.dallorto, Hellisp,
Kilom691, Man vyi, Mattes, Pe-Jo, Pko, Shakko, Winterkind, 2 anonymous edits
Image:Titian - Allegorie der Zeit.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AndreasPraefcke,
Anne97432, Ham, Markus Mueller, Mattes, Mu, Shakko, Wst, 5 anonymous edits
Image:Self portrait, 1610.jpg  Source:,_1610.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Chrisglie, Infrogmation, PKM, Polarlys,
Image:Caravaggiodavidborghese.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Caravaggio.
Image:DebrayCleopatra.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Jan de Bray
Image:Self-portrait_with_Dr_Arrieta_by_Francisco_de_Goya.jpg  Source:  License:
Public Domain  Contributors: Francisco de Goya (1746-1828)
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors 27

Image:Lovis Corinth 010.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AndreasPraefcke, Docu, EDUCA33E,
Emijrp, Foroa, Goldfritha, Highpriority, Mattes, Shakko, Wmpearl, Xenophon, 1 anonymous edits
Image:BellanySP.jpg  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Johnbod, Modernist
Image:Judith_with_the_Head_of_Holofernes_by_Cristofano_Allori.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Cristofano Allori (1577-1621)
Image:Anthonyvandyckselfportrait.jpeg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Anne97432,
Dcoetzee, Frank C. Müller, Giacomo Augusto, Grenavitar, Jan Arkesteijn, Johann, Kelson, Marv1N, Mattes, Shakko, Svencb, Thomas Gun, Zolo, 1 anonymous edits
Image:PolierMartinWombwellZoffany.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Man vyi, Mattes,
Ranveig, Roland zh, Victuallers, Waldir
Image:Gustave Courbet 010.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Bohème, Churchh, Docu,
EDUCA33E, Emijrp, Estormiz, Jean-Frédéric, Kilom691, Man vyi, Mu, Olivier2, Pitke, Skipjack, Wolfmann
Image:François Desportes 001.jpg  Source:çois_Desportes_001.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AndreasPraefcke, Jan Arkesteijn,
Mattes, Shakko, Wst
Image:Maurice Quentin de La Tour 003.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors:
Anne97432, Cybershot800i, Docu, Ecummenic, Frank C. Müller, Mattes, Olivier2, Sir Gawain, Themightyquill, Thorvaldsson, Thuresson, Warburg, 4 anonymous edits
Image:Rebelscourbet.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Docu, Johnbod, Lithoderm, Ranveig, Simonxag,
Image:William Orpen, Self-Portrait,.jpg  Source:,_Self-Portrait,.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AndreasPraefcke,
Frank C. Müller, Infrogmation, Kilom691, Mutter Erde, Oxxo, Rlbberlin, Shakko, 1 anonymous edits
File:Egon Schiele 073.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Emijrp, Gryffindor, Mefusbren69, Xenophon
Image:Autoportrait perugino.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Anne97432, Fabos, G.dallorto,
Grifomaniacs, Lithoderm, Plugwash, Vincent Steenberg, 1 anonymous edits
Image:Sanzio 00.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Andre Engels, Andreagrossmann, Anne97432, Attilios,
Dcoetzee, Jacobolus, Jic, Luigi Chiesa, Mattes, Nolanus, Sailko, Shakko, Vincent Steenberg, 5 anonymous edits
Image:Hans Baldung, Self-Portrait.jpg  Source:,_Self-Portrait.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Albertomos,
Anne97432, Dierker, Edelseider, Frank C. Müller, Kürschner, Neuceu, Olivier2, PKM, Phrood, Raymond, Wmpearl, 1 anonymous edits
Image:Lucas Cranach d. Ä. 063.jpg  Source:Ä._063.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Docu, EDUCA33E, Emijrp,
Frank C. Müller, Jarekt, Jastrow, Mac9, Mattes, PKM, Sailko, Shakko
Image:Tizian 090.jpg  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Andreagrossmann, Anne97432, Dierker, Jarekt, Mattes, Vincent
Steenberg, 2 anonymous edits
Image:El greco.JPG  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Docu, Er Komandante, Lily15, Shakko, Spiritia, Zzyzx11, 3
anonymous edits
Image:Rubens self portrait.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Anne97432, Docu, Frank C. Müller,
Mattes, Nikita, Shakko, Sparkit, Vincent Steenberg
Image:Peter Paul Rubens 105.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Anne97432, Docu, EDUCA33E,
Joseolgon, Mattes, PKM, Razr, Shakko, Skipjack, 1 anonymous edits
Image:Francisco de Zurbarán autoportrait.jpg  Source:án_autoportrait.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors:
Anne97432, Balbo, Diligent, Fabos, Joseolgon, Mattes, Shakko, 1 anonymous edits
Image:Self-portrait_by_Salvator_Rosa.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Salvator Rosa
Image:Self-portrait_by_Diego_Velázquez.jpg  Source:ázquez.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Diego
Rodriguez de Silva y Velázquez (1599-1660)
Image:Nicolas Poussin 078.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Docu, EDUCA33E, Frank C. Müller,
GeorgHH, Mattes, Miniwark, Sir Gawain
Image:Couplede bray.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Johnbod, Mattes, 1 anonymous edits
Image:Sir Joshua Reynolds 013.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AndreasPraefcke,
Anne97432, Bohème, Sir Gawain, Thuresson
Image:Self-portrait_at_69_Years_by_Francisco_de_Goya.jpg  Source:  License: Public
Domain  Contributors: Francisco de Goya (1746-1828)
Image:C W Peale - The Artist in His Museum.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain
 Contributors: AKeen, Cobalty, Concord, Emijrp, G.dallorto, HenkvD, Infrogmation, Mattes, Nonenmac, Pitke, Shakko, Xenophon
Image:Eugene delacroix.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Anne97432, Jarekt, Kelson, Miniwark,
Olivier2, 1 anonymous edits
Image:Selbstbildnis_mit_schwarzem_Hund.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors:
AndreasPraefcke, Anne97432, Diligent, EDUCA33E, Jastrow, Lycaon, Mattes, Olivier2, Paris 16, Parpan05, Rlbberlin, Terabyte, Vincent Steenberg, Zolo, 1 anonymous edits
Image:James Abbot McNeill Whistler 002.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors:
AndreasPraefcke, Howcheng, Mattes, Olivier2, Vincent Steenberg, Wmpearl
Image:Camille Pissarro 040.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Ardfern, Emijrp, Frank C. Müller,
Lalupa, Mattes, Wst
Image:Edouard Manet 060.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AndreasPraefcke, Anne97432, Ardfern,
Bibi Saint-Pol, Diligent, Docu, EDUCA33E, Emijrp, Frank C. Müller, Petropoxy (Lithoderm Proxy), Vincent Steenberg, Wst
Image:Paul Cézanne 159.jpg  Source:ézanne_159.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AndreasPraefcke, Anne97432, Dcoetzee,
EDUCA33E, Ham, Jarekt, Vincent Steenberg
Image:Henri de Toulouse-Lautrec 059.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors:
AndreasPraefcke, Anne97432, Frank C. Müller, Kilom691, Lohen11, Olivier2, Sandik, Wst
File:Édouard Vuillard 001.jpg  Source:Édouard_Vuillard_001.jpg  License: unknown  Contributors: Dereckson, Kilom691, MGA73, Olivier2,
Pruneau, Siebrand, Warburg
Image:SelbstPortrait VG2.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AndreasPraefcke, Beao, Beyond silence,
EDUCA33E, Frank C. Müller, Olivier2, Szilas, W., Wst, Zolo, 2 anonymous edits
Image:Paul Gauguin 125.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: EDUCA33E, Emijrp, Frank C. Müller,
Krscal, Vriullop, Zolo
Image:Vincent Willem van Gogh 106.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AndreasPraefcke,
BrightRaven, EDUCA33E, Emijrp, Ephraim33, Herr Satz, Mogelzahn, Pomeranian, W.
Image:Paul Gauguin 111.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: EDUCA33E, Emijrp, Frank C. Müller,
Vriullop, W., Zolo, 1 anonymous edits
Image:Rousseau09.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Diligent, Docu, Emijrp, Flominator, Frank C. Müller,
Man vyi, Marv1N, Warburg, 1 anonymous edits
Image:Eakins selfportrait.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Anne97432, Burn, Frank C. Müller,
G.dallorto, Grenavitar, Raul654
Image Sources, Licenses and Contributors 28

Image:Stanislaw Wyspianski.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Alno, AndreasPraefcke, Anne97432,
Bohème, BurgererSF, Ejdzej, Goldfritha, HenkvD, Infrogmation, Niki K, Pko, Rfl, Shalom Alechem, Wst
Image:henri_matisse.jpg  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Bogdangiusca, Celithemis, Conscious, Ghirlandajo,
Mechamind90, OfOrebOrOfSinai, OsamaK, Romanm, Thuresson, Tomos
Image:Paula Modersohn-Becker 018.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Emijrp,
Image:John Singer Sargent - autoportrait 1906.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain
 Contributors: Charvex, Shakko
Image:Renoir Self-Portrait 1910.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: (1841-1919)
Image:Chagall IandTheVillage.jpg  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Alex Bakharev, Justin Foote,
Manecke, Mechamind90, Modernist, Nard the Bard, Petropoxy (Lithoderm Proxy), Romanm, Sparkit, Stan Shebs
Image:Egon Schiele 037.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Emijrp, G.dallorto, Gryffindor, Jarekt,
Mefusbren69, Wst
Image:Egon Schiele 079.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Emijrp, Gryffindor, Vincent Steenberg
Image:Self-Portrait (1908 or 1910-1911).jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Edgar Allan
Poe, Szczebrzeszynski, Vincent Steenberg
Image:Manson-Self.jpg  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Magog the Ogre, Mechamind90, OfOrebOrOfSinai, Tyrenius
Image:Chase_William_Merritt_Self_Portrait_1915.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain
 Contributors: AndreasPraefcke, Anne97432, Bohème, Frank C. Müller, Krscal, Mattes
Image:Demuth_Charles_Turkish Bath with Self Portrait_1918.jpg  Source:
 License: Public Domain  Contributors: AndreasPraefcke, Docu, Fg68at, G.dallorto, Olivier2, Ranveig, Simonxag, 2 anonymous edits
Image:Murayama Kaita self-portrait.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Amcaja,
Anne97432, Jnn, Kareha, Tietew
Image:Lovis Corinth 005.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AndreasPraefcke, Docu, EDUCA33E,
Emijrp, Foroa, Frank C. Müller, Joseolgon, Mattes
Image:Chen Chengpo 1930.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Chun-hian, Ejdzej, Grenavitar,
Infrogmation, Semnoz, Vincent Steenberg, Wdshu, Wst
Image:Max Beckmann's 'Self-portrait with Horn', 1938-1940.jpg  Source:'s_'Self-portrait_with_Horn',_1938-1940.jpg
 License: unknown  Contributors: Modernist, Wpearl
Image:Saville, Closed Contact 10.jpg  Source:,_Closed_Contact_10.jpg  License: unknown  Contributors:, Modernist
Image:‘Self-portrait (Mars)’, oil on canvas painting by Yan Pei-Ming, 2000, National Gallery of Australia.jpg  Source:‘Self-portrait_(Mars)’,_oil_on_canvas_painting_by_Yan_Pei-Ming,_2000,_National_Gallery_of_Australia.jpg  License: unknown  Contributors:
Modernist, Wmpearl
File:Mathew Brady, seated.jpg  Source:,_seated.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Docu, Scewing
File:Eleazar Langman.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Автопортрет. Лангман, Елеазар Михайлович
Image:Mathew Brady 1875 cropped.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Homonihilis,
MarkSweep, Red devil 666
Image:Nadar selfportrait.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Anne97432, G.dallorto, Jarekt, LadyofHats,
Romary, Wikibob, Yann
File:Rimbaud in Harar.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Andro96, GeorgHH, Olivier2, 2 anonymous
Image:Eakins, Thomas (1844-1916) - 1883 ca. - Autoritratto con John Laurie Wallace.jpg  Source:,_Thomas_(1844-1916)_-_1883_ca._-_Autoritratto_con_John_Laurie_Wallace.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Anne97432,
Ephraim33, G.dallorto, Jarekt
Image:Muybridge disk step walk.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Avron, Fastfission,
G.dallorto, MichaelMaggs, Oldstuff, Wst
File:Edgar Degas Foto.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: User:Ireas
Image:Edward S. Curtis self portrait 1899.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors:
Anne97432, Arria Belli, Bohème, Docu, Durova, Jarekt, Makthorpe, Themightyquill, 2 anonymous edits
Image:August Strindberg photographic selfportrait 2.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain
 Contributors: Celsius, Docu, Lupo, Notwist, Pieter Kuiper
File:Kirchner 1919 portrait.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Docu, Tyrenius
Image:Carl Van Vechten.jpg  Source:  License: unknown  Contributors: Andreagrossmann, Docu, Foroa, G.dallorto,
MarkSweep, Peter Weis, Pinkville, Red devil 666
Image:'Photo-Transformation', Polaroid SX-70 print by Lucas Samaras, 1973, Getty Museum.jpg  Source:'Photo-Transformation',_Polaroid_SX-70_print_by_Lucas_Samaras,_1973,_Getty_Museum.jpg  License: unknown  Contributors: Modernist,
Image:'Self Portrait, After Marilyn Monroe', --Gelatin-silver process-gelatin silver print-- by --Yasumasa Morimura--, 1996, --The Contemporary Museum, Honolulu--.jpg  Source:'Self_Portrait,_After_Marilyn_Monroe',_--Gelatin-silver_process-gelatin_silver_print--_by_--Yasumasa_Morimura--,_1996,_--The_Contemporary_Museum,_Honolulu--.jpg
 License: unknown  Contributors: Imnotminkus, Jimbo W junior, Modernist, Wmpearl, 1 anonymous edits
Image:Giuseppe Arcimboldo.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Agrafian Hem Rarko, Albertomos,
AndreasPraefcke, Anne97432, Fabos, G.dallorto, Mattes, 2 anonymous edits
Image:D.D.Petrus.Paulus.Rubens.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Anne97432, Bogdan, Frank
C. Müller, Julo, OsamaK, Vincent Steenberg
Image:Goya selfportrait.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: AEMoreira042281, Cookie, Escarlati,
HenkvD, Nico@nc, Niki K, Oxxo, Shakko, Siebrand, Sparkit, Wst, 1 anonymous edits
Image:ConstableSelfPortrait.png  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Bohème, Fanghong, Frank C.
Müller, Johnbod, Man vyi, Sparkit, ZooFari
Image:Caspar David Friedrich self portrait.jpeg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors:
Augiasstallputzer, Svencb, Wst, 1 anonymous edits
Image:Rossetti selbst.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors: Anne97432, Dcoetzee, Diomede, Frank C. Müller,
G.dallorto, Grenavitar, Hailey C. Shannon, Longhairadmirer, Mattes, Menze, Randbewohner, Shakti, Skipjack, Terabyte, TwoWings
Image:Jean-François Millet. Auto-retrato.jpg  Source:çois_Millet._Auto-retrato.jpg  License: Public Domain  Contributors:
Anne97432, Bayo, Jufranco, Mattes, Vincent Steenberg
Image:Max Liebermann Selbstbildnis 1922.jpg  Source:  License: Public Domain  Contributors:
AndreasPraefcke, Anne97432, Diligent, Infrogmation, Vincent Steenberg
License 29

Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 Unported
http:/ / creativecommons. org/ licenses/ by-sa/ 3. 0/

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