Name: Deneille Dunchie Class: 11 Teacher: Mr. Nephorn Hill Due Date: 29/11/2021

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Name: Deneille Dunchie

Class: 111
Teacher: Mr. Nephorn Hill
Due Date: 29/11/2021

Types of Fires…………………………………………………………………………4
Grease Fires…………………………………………………………………………...5
Electrical Fires ……………………………………………………………………6
Flammable Liquids…………………………………………………………………....7
How to properly Use a fire extinguisher………………………………………………8

Many people experience both positive and negative things as a result of fires. It's
beneficial since humans use it for a variety of purposes, including cooking and keeping
warm. It's bad because anything could go wrong at any time. According to the National
Fire Protection Association, a fire department in the United States responded to a fire
every 23 seconds in 2020. Every 89 seconds, a home fire was reported, every three hours
and 24 minutes, a home fire death was reported, and every 46 minutes, a home fire injury
was reported. What is the definition of a fire? A fire, on the other hand, is the visible
result of the combustion process, which is a specific type of chemical reaction. It happens
when oxygen in the air collides with some form of fuel. The chemical reaction's results
are diametrically opposed to the initiating substance. Despite the fact that fires have
numerous advantages, it can also do harm to the persons or things with whom it comes
into touch. In the earlier days, there were few or no choices for putting out a fire in the
event of a fire, but now there are numerous.

 Grease Fires
 Electrical Fires
 Flammable Liquid Fires

What causes a Grease Fire?

These Types of Fires occur when cooking Oil becomes too hot, starts to smoke and then

How to Prevent a Grease Fire?

There are many tips on how to prevent these fires. These include:
 Never leaving your pot unattended
 Heat Oil Slowly
 Removing as much moisture as possible from food before cooking.

How to Put out A grease Fire?

Even with careful cooking, Fires are still prone to happening. This is why it is therefore
important to know how to put out these types of fires. Some methods of putting out grease fires
 Turning off the heat source
 If it is small, pouring salt or baking soda
 Covering Flames with metal lid or cooking sheet
 Do not use water

What causes an electrical fire?

An electrical fire is caused by a failure or malfunction within the electrical components of
equipment or machinery.

How to prevent An Electrical fire?

These are tips to prevent an electrical fire:
 Never overburden an outlet
 Get rid of Malfunctioning Appliances
 Avoid running electrical cord beneath carpets

How to put out an Electrical fire?

Electrical fires are really common but many people do not know how to put out one. These are
some ways to put out an electrical fire.
 Using a heavy Blanket to cut off oxygen
 Use baking soda to smother small fires
 Using a fire extinguisher with C in its label

What causes a Flammable liquid Fire?

When flammable liquids give off enough vapours and form burnable mixtures in the air
and is met with fire this can cause a flammable liquid fire?

How to Prevent a Flammable liquid fire?

Some of the best ways to prevent this type of fire include:
 Eliminating ignition sources
 Using the smallest amounts of flammable liquid necessary in the work area
 Storing Flammable liquids away from incompatible materials

How to put out a Flammable liquid fire?

Never use water on a flammable liquid fire as this can spread the fire further, instead use a
foam fire extinguisher, which will smother the fire and cut off its oxygen supply.

The acronym PASS is used to describe the four basic steps in using a fire extinguisher.
PULL the pin
AIM at the base of the fire
SQUEEZE the handle to release the extinguishing agent
SWEEP from side to side at the base of the fire

Class A - Ordinary Combustibles (paper, wood, textiles) – Foam, Water, ABC powder and Wet
Chemical extinguisher
Class B- Flammable Liquids (petrol, diesel, oil) – Foam, ABC powder and Carbon dioxide
Class C -Flammable Gases (natural gas, propane) – ABC powder extinguisher
Class D- Combustible Metals (sodium, potassium, lithium) – Carbon dioxide extinguisher and
ABC powder extinguisher
Class F- Cooking oils/Fat (deep fat fryers) - Wet chemical extinguisher
Class E- Electrical Fires (short circuiting equipment) – Carbon dioxide and dry powder

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