Materi Pertemuan 14

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A. Functions:
1. To show a condition at unspecified time in the past.
2. To show an activity that happened at unspecified time in the past.
3. To show a repetition of an activity at unspecified time in the past.

B. Time signals for Present Perfect:

1. before = sebelumnya
2. lately = akhir – akhir ini
3. recently = baru – baru ini
4. ever = pernah
5. already = sudah
6. never = belum pernah
7. yet = belum
8. once = sekali
9. twice = dua kali
10. three times = tiga kali

C. Patterns:
1. Nominal Sentences:
a. Positive sentences:
I, You, We, They,
have been
Plural subjects
He, She, It,
has been
Singular subject
1. Ten critical victims of the broken bridge have been in Kendall
Regional Medical Center for almost a week.
 Sepuluh korban kritis dari jembatan yang patah itu sudah
berada di Pusat Pengobatan Daerah Kendall selama hampir
2. Hurricane Harvey has been a terrible disaster for Houston residents
since the last decade.
 Badai Harvey telah menjadi bencana yang mengerikan bagi
penduduk Houston sejak dekade yang lalu.

b. Negative sentences:
I, You, We, They,
have not been/haven’t been
Plural subjects
He, She, It,
has not been/hasn’t been
Singular subject
1. We haven’t been part of the dam building contractors before.
 Kami belum menjadi bagian dari kontraktor pembangunan
bendungan itu sebelumnya.
2. Utilization of coconut shell as construction material hasn’t been so
common in our country.
 Pemanfaatan cangkang kelapa sebagai bahan bangunan belum
begitu lazim di negara kita.
c. Interrogative sentences:
you, we, they,
Have been
plural subjects
he, she, it,
Has been
singular subject
1. Have you been familiar with the jobs in a big construction project
 Apakah kamu sudah akrab dengan pekerjaan di proyek
pembangunan besar sebelumnya?
2. Has the dam been a pilot project for the application of new
development method lately?
 Apakah bendungan itu sudah menjadi proyek percontohan
untuk penerapan metode pembangunan yang baru akhir –
akhir ini?

2. Verbal Sentences:
a. Positive sentences:
I, You, We, They,
Plural subjects
verb 3 object
He, She, It,
Singular subject
1. A number of Houston homeowners have elevated their houses 6
feet off the ground so they won’t have to worry about the next big
 Sejumlah pemilik rumah di Houston telah menaikkan rumah
mereka setinggi 6 kaki dari tanah sehingga mereka tidak perlu
khawatir dengan badai besar yang akan datang.
2. The death toll from Tropical Storm Tembin in southern
Philippines recently has risen to at least 200 people.
 Korban meninggal dari Badai Tropis Tembin di Filipina selatan
baru – baru ini telah meningkat hingga sedikitnya 200 orang.

b. Negative sentences:
I, You, We, They,
have not/haven’t
Plural subjects
verb 3 object
He, She, It,
has not/hasn’t
Singular subject
1. Rescuers haven’t found victims beneath the mud after a landslide in
Pasir Panjang village, Brebes, Central Java lately.
 Para penyelamat belum menemukan korban di bawah lumpur
setelah tanah longsor di desa Pasir Panjang, Brebes, Jawa
Tengah akhir – akhir ini.
2. The National Disaster Management Agency hasn’t evacuated all
victims of the earthquake in Central Java recently.
 Badan Nasional Penanggulangan Bencana belum
mengungsikan semua korban gempa bumi di Jawa Tengah baru
– baru ini.

c. Interrogative sentences:

you, we, they,
plural subjects
verb 3 object?
he, she, it,
singular subject
1. Have the police officers rescued one woman alive from a car
trapped by a landslide for 13 hours in the city of Bogor?
 Apakah para petugas kepolisian sudah menyelamatkan satu
wanita hidup – hidup dari sebuah mobil yang terjebak tanah
longsor selama 13 jam di kota Bogor?
2. Has the heavy rain ever triggered floods and landslides in Brebes
 Apakah hujan deras sudah pernah memicu banjir dan tanah
longsor di Brebes sebelumnya?


A. Function:
To show a condition or an activity that has been completed before another time or
event in the past.

B. Time signals for Past Perfect:

1. when = ketika
2. before = sebelum
3. by the time = pada saat

C. Patterns:
1. Nominal sentences:
a. Positive sentences:
Subject had been complement before subject verb 2 object
by the time
1. I had been in the construction site before the earthquake happened
 Saya sudah berada di lokasi bangunan sebelum gempa bumi
terjadi kemarin.
2. The bridge had been broken when we passed it last month.
 Jembatan itu sudah rusak ketika kami melewatinya bulan lalu.

b. Negative sentences:
Subjec had not
been complement before subject verb 2 object
t hadn’t
by the time
1. Some contractors hadn’t been in the meeting room by the time the
major started the bidding this morning.
 Beberapa kontraktor belum berada di ruang pertemuan pada
saat walikota memulai tender pagi ini.
2. Tom hadn’t been a famous architect when he moved to Jakarta ten
years ago.
 Tom belum menjadi seorang arsitek terkenal ketika dia pindah
ke Jakarta sepuluh tahun yang lalu.

c. Interrogative sentences:
Had subject been complement before subject verb 2 object?
by the time

1. Had the gate been rusty and fragile when you replaced it with the
new one yesterday?
 Apakah pintu gerbang itu sudah berkarat dan rapuh ketika
kamu menggantinya dengan yang baru kemarin?
2. Had your workers been ready for the works before the government
cancelled the agreement two days ago?
 Apakah para pekerjamu sudah siap untuk pekerjaan itu
sebelum pemerintah membatalkan perjanjian tersebut dua hari
yang lalu?

2. Verbal sentences:
a. Positive sentences:
Subject had verb 3 object before subject verb 2 object
by the time
1. Some supervisors had inspected the dam construction accurately
before the wet season arrived last month.
 Beberapa pengawas sudah memeriksa bangunan bendungan
itu secara akurat sebelum musim penghujan tiba bulan lalu.
2. The workers had repaired the leak on the water reservoir when we
checked it last week.
 Para pekerja sudah memperbaiki kebocoran di waduk ketika
kami memeriksanya minggu lalu.

b. Negative sentences:
had not
Subject verb 3 object before subject verb 2 object
by the time
1. The architect hadn’t designed the hotel construction by the time the
investors came for capital investment yesterday.
 Arsitek itu belum merancang konstruksi hotel pada saat para
investor datang untuk penanaman modal kemarin.
2. We hadn’t estimated the cost of the bridge restoration when the
local government conducted the meeting yesterday.
 Kami belum memperkirakan biaya perbaikan jembatan ketika
pemerintah daerah mengadakan pertemuan kemarin.

c. Interrogative sentences:
Had subject verb 3 object before subject verb 2 object
by the time
1. Had you taken into account the loss of the bridge collapse before
you proposed the budget last week?
 Apakah kamu sudah memperhitungkan kerugian dari
keruntuhan jembatan sebelum kamu mengajukan anggaran
minggu lalu?

2. Had the manager recruited some new workers before we started
the construction project last year?
 Apakah manager sudah merekrut beberapa pekerja baru
sebelum kita mulai proyek konstruksi itu tahun lalu?
A. Function:
To show a condition or an activity that will be completed before another time or
event in the future.

B. Time signals:
1. by the next …. = pada … yang akan datang
2. by the end of …. = pada akhir ….
3. by the time = pada saat

C. Patterns:
1. Nominal sentences:
a. Positive sentences:
by the next (January)
Subject will have been complement by the end of (this year)
by the time subject verb 1 object
1. They will have been interior designers by the next April.
 Mereka sudah akan jadi desainer interior pada bulan April
yang akan datang.
2. We will have been at the new bridge location by the time you call
me tomorrow.
 Kami sudah akan berada di lokasi jembatan baru pada saat
kamu menelpon aku besok.

b. Negative sentences:
by the next (January)
Subject won’t complement by the end of (this year)
by the time subject verb 1 object
1. The materials of construction won’t have been ready by the end of
this month.
 Bahan – bahan bangunan belum akan siap pada akhir bulan ini.
2. The asphalt layer for the road won’t have been complete by the
time the major inspects the location next Sunday.
 Lapisan aspal untuk jalan itu belum akan lengkap pada saat
walikota memeriksa lokasi itu hari Minggu yang akan datang.

c. Interrogative sentences:
by the next (January)?
Will subject complement by the end of (this year)?
by the time subject verb 1 object?
1. Will you have been an apprentice at this building contractor by the
next year?
 Apakah kamu sudah akan menjadi karyawan magang di
kontraktor bangunan ini pada tahun depan?

2. Will the man have been our new manager by the end of this year?

 Apakah laki – laki itu sudah akan menjadi manager baru kita
pada akhir tahun ini?

2. Verbal sentences:
a. Positive sentences:
by the next (January)
Subject will have verb 3 object by the end of (this year)
by the time subject verb 1 object
1. The reconstruction of Brawijaya bridge will have finished by the end
of this year.
 Pembangunan jembatan Brawijaya sudah akan selesai pada
akhir tahun ini.
2. The trans-Java toll road will have connected Merak Port in Banten
to Surabaya in East Java by the end of this year.
 Jalan tol lintas Jawa sudah akan menghubungkan Pelabuhan
Merak di Banten hingga Surabaya di Jawa Timur pada akhir
tahun ini.

b. Negative sentences:
by the next (January)
Subject won’t have verb 3 object by the end of (this year)
by the time subject verb 1 object
1. Trans Papua road project won’t have completed by the end of this
 Proyek jalan lintas Papua belum akan selesai pada akhir tahun
2. Indonesia government won’t have built a space station by the time
you graduate from Kadiri University three years later.
 Pemerintah Indonesia belum akan membangun stasiun luar
angkasa pada saat kamu lulus dari Universitas Kadiri tiga tahun

c. Interrogative sentences:
by the next (January)?
Will subject have verb 3 object by the end of (this year)?
by the time subject verb 1 object?
1. Will the "Great Man-Made River" (GMR) project in Libya have
finished by the end of 2030?
 Apakah proyek “Sungai Besar Buatan Manusia” di Libya sudah
akan selesai pada akhir tahun 2030?
2. Will Beijing International Airport eventually have surpassed Dubai's
Al Maktoum International Airport in cost, total square miles,
passengers and plane capacity by the time it completes in 2025?
 Apakah Bandara Internasional Beijing akhirnya sudah akan
melewati Bandara Internasional Al Maktoum Dubai dalam hal
biaya, luas total, penumpang, dan kapasitas pesawat pada saat
dia selesai di tahun 2025?

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