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A. Understanding Reflexology
Experts, put forward some understanding of the reflexology. According to Ultimate:
"PReflexology massage or often referred to as reflexology massage is a type of treatment
that adopts the body's own strength and resilience, by providing a touch of massage at
locations and places that have been mapped according to the therapy zone.
ZOna is an area formed by an imaginary line (abstract), to explain a boundary and
location of reflexes that are directly related to the organs of the body. Zones in the human
body, are imaginary lines that stretch throughout the body used as a benchmark to explain
the boundaries and locations of reflections that are directly related to certain organs.
Reflection is the movement of nerves / nerves that are outside our consciousness or nerve
movements without commands. For example, the veins of the heart, the veins of respiration,
and others.
The soles of the human feet have nerve points that connect with other body organs. The
way reflexology works is to provide relaxation stimulation to the body parts associated with
the massaged nerve points.
PeReflexology treatment is believed to work like acupuncture, acupressure, and shiatsu
in restoring the alignment of the flow of vital energy (qi or chi) along the meridians. The
effects of this reflection can be felt the next day. If you sleep well at night, it means that the
reflection is done correctly. On the other hand, if the body still feels sore or achy, it means
that the reflected area is not right or the pressure is too strong and long. If this occurs,
otherwise stop therapy for a day. Then try again the next day.1
BanyaThere are actually advantages to massaging hands, besides being easy, it can also
be done anywhere and anytime. In addition, the hand also has a connection with nerves.

B. PartNeuralPijatReflection
Among them there are 6 pathways or nerve meridians that pass through our hands.
1. JaLungs:

R. Pamungkas, op.cit., p. 8
Sasa sang point which is on the outer side of the wrist between the thumbs. This
pathway is very closely related to the lungs which regulate the respiratory system. This point
when massaged feels painful, it is certain that you have flu, asthma / bronchitis infection.
2. JastraightBigIntestine
Sangyang point, located under the fingernail of the index finger. This point when
massaged hurts, it means that the digestive system is disturbed.
3. JalurWrappingHeart
From the congzhong point, it is located under the nail of the middle finger. This
pathway affects the activity of the heart, blood circulation, and is associated with the small
intestine. This point when massaged hurts, it means that the person is suffering from it
because of restlessness.
4. Jaspleen
Kwanzhong point, located under the fingernails. This pathway functions to regulate the
hormone system and lymph system. This point when massaged feels painful, it means that
the body condition is hot or cold.
5. JastriHeart
Shauzhong point, located under the fingernail on the inside of the little finger. This
pathway regulates the function of the heart and blood circulation. Massage this point if there
is an internal organ dysfunction caused by a stressed mind.
6. JastraightSmallIntestine
Tduck shauzhe, located under the fingernail on the outside of the little finger. This
point when massaged feels painful, it could be that you suffer from constipation.
In the human body there are many organs that require blood in order to function
normally. The human body requires nutrients (oxygen, antibiotics, hormones, food essences,
etc.) and these nutrients are in the blood. In addition, the blood serves as a means of
transporting waste in the body. From this it can be concluded that the smoother a person's
blood flow is, the healthier the person's body condition is. Like the hands, feet also have
nerve points that you can massage as an effort to relieve pain.2

C. TechniqueMassage
BanyaHow to massage, there are those who press hard, medium, and light. Massaging
there are also those who use rice so that the aster can press continuously on the sore area.
There are also those who use blunt objects, there are also those who use cigarette flames that
Tairas, Tarumetor. J. H, Reflexology, (Jakarta: PT. Rineka Cipta, 2007) h. 27-28
are slightly brought closer to the sore area and repeated several times but be careful not to
Massaging can also use oil. This is intended so that the skin does not blister when
massaged at the time of massage if the person feels pain in the massaged part, it is even
better, but it all depends on the strength of the person who endures the pain due to the
massage, it is better not to be too forced and tell the person to rest.
PaIn the reflex area that is in the foot, the way to massage it is from the bottom up and
around the calf, how to massage it towards the heart. Where the blood is flowing, that's the
right way to massage. On the other hand, parents need to massage several times to recover
quickly, while young children sometimes only need one or two massages to heal.
thekits that can't be cured through this massage, such as, football players who play ball
too hard, but such as numbness, cancer, taking too much medicine so that the nerves are
immune, the nerves are dead, stroke, so that the nerves are damaged there is no reaction
when massaged.3

Ibid., h. 46-48

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