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1-PSYCH-5 M5L4As3

I. Read the article: “Nanotechnology Timeline” (

Answer the following questions:

How will you describe the premodern era nanotechnologies?

⎯ The earliest instances of nanostructured materials were based on the empirical
understanding and manipulation of materials by craftspeople. To create these materials
with novel features, they used intense heat as a common stage in their methods.

How will you describe nanotechnology in the modern era?

⎯ These are founded on an ever-increasing level of scientific knowledge and
instrumentation, as well as on experimentation.
II. Using the information in the reading article above, create an interactive timeline. There are
many applications from the net in creating this timeline (e.g. Canva). As an alternative you may
use comic strip timeline or paper and pencil (drawing) timeline.

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