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Read the article about Martin Luther and answer the following questions.

1) What was Martin Luther’s original plan with the Church?

To make improvements

2) What were the abuses of the church?

People could buy their forgiveness

3) What were they called?

They called themselves Lutherans
4) What did Martin Luther post on a door in Wittenberg?
He nailed his Ninety-five Theses to the door of the Wittenburg Castle
Church in the Holy Roman Empire (Germany).

5) How was the Lutherans different than the Catholic Church?

Lutheran churches were not all the same, and they did not all practice
the same forms of worship; some were more formal, like the Catholic Church.
6) Before they used to translate the services into their native languages
like German, what language was used?
They began to include more parts of the services in German and other
everyday languages, and less in Latin.

7) What did Luther do with the Bible which made it more accessible?
The Lutheran Church taught that the Bible, not the Pope, has the final
authority over what is right or wrong. It taught that people can be saved by

8) What happened to Luther with the Church?

More new churches formed and new sects, or religious groups who broke away from the
church, appeared. These new religious groups brought about changes in the way countries in
Europe were ruled.

9) How did Luther change religion?

10) With the 95 Theses, complete the following table.

Original Translation Contemporary Translation Summary of Luther’s

argument (in your
own words)

21. Therefore those 21. The preachers who say Only God can forgive
preachers of indulgences a person’s soul is saved sins, not indulgences
are in error, who say that through the sale of the
by the pope's indulgences a Pope’s indulgences is
man is freed from every
penalty, and saved;

36. Every truly repentant 36. Every Christian who is You don’t have to
Christian has a right to full truly sorry for his errors pay to be forgiven
remission of penalty and has the right to be
guilt, even without letters forgiven, without buying
of pardon.

37. Every true Christian, 37. Every Christian,

whether living or dead, has whether alive or dead,
part in all the blessings of deserves all of the
Christ and the Church; and benefits of belief in Jesus
Christ and the Church; this
this is granted him by God,
is given to him by God, not
even without letters of
by members of the Church
pardon. through the act of a
pardon, or indulgences.

46. Christians are to be 46. The priests should

taught that unless they teach Christians that
have more than they need, unless they have more
they are bound to keep money than they need,
they should keep their
back what is necessary for
money to spend on their
their own families, and by
own families and not waste
no means to squander it on it on buying pardons, or
pardons. indulgences.

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