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Aveno, Ruth Danielle

Escanillas, Cassie
Gecale, Jhoanlyn
Magpoot, Julia
POVERTY ESCAPE: Youth Scrutinizing to Assist Indigent People

We selected Poverty as our main SDG (Sustainable Development Goals) and would
focus on the Absolute Poverty households specifically their livelihoods. Absolute
Poverty is a situation where People is unable to provide their basic needs in life such as
food, shelter, education, and etc., And in that sense, we decided to make Resilience as
our project theme and the method that we chose is Survey and Basis of Data.

Furthermore, in this project the concept presentation that we would like to seek is Role
Play. Where it is based or inspired in the K-drama series “Start-up”, that tells the story of
people in the start-up companies and how they become successful. We would be
adapting the setting and story of the episode 5, where group of aspiring business man
and woman and computer programmers joint together to compete to each other in the
event called “Hackathon” which is an event that gathers programmers/businessman to
come up with a new software program And after that, the winner of the event would be
supported and guided on their own project by the company that hosted hackathon which
is “sandbox”. In our version, we would be participating in an event which is called
“Poverty Escape: Youth Scrutinizing to Assist Indigent People that is sponsored and
hosted by a Non-government Organization. This event aims to search for a
project/program that can empower the poor to improve their access to livelihood
opportunities and change their lives. For this event, many students were invited to be
participants and share their creative and innovative ideas that they think can help the
poor people improve their lives, and unlike in the Startup Series, Students is divided into
their own personal groups such as by school, acquaintances and etc. Each group would
be presenting their projects Infront of possible sponsors and Donators such as Non-
governmental Organization, private companies and many more. And with Covid-19
pandemic in mind, this event would be held online to take extra measure in health and
safety of everyone.
And in this event, we would be presenting a long-term project which can last up to 1
year. This project is called “Start-Up Project “which would be supported by sponsors
and donations for its expenses and materials needed. And we would also do art for a
cause where the earned money would serve as a back-up fund for the project itself. The
objective of the Start-Up Project is to teach the people who are suffering poverty a basic
skills and knowledge that can help them improve their livelihoods in 1 year. And after
that, we would be monitoring their actions and situations by visiting them for time to time
and if we think that they have progressed, we would be doing another project with the
objective of giving them shelters located in a better environment or it could also be a
project of giving permanent jobs with high salary for people who have huge progress in
their lives. And to achieve all the objectives, the “Start-Up Project” would only be held
and located in 2 places in 1 year which is Tondo, Manila and blumentritt, manila to
ensure the quality of service and to be able to achieve a much greater outcome in a
short amount of time and in our opinion, quality is more important than quantity. And so,
“Start-up Project” is divided into two parts, the first one is the “Pop-up Library” which
targets both children and adults, it is a Mini Library that consists of Donated Educational
and non-educational Books which can enhance their knowledge academically and to
also experience the joy of reading books, “Pop-up Library” would have a designated
people which will be a volunteer students/people that will teach the children and adults
who doesn’t know how to read or write and to also guide the other people to understand
the book’s content. And as we are an architecture Students, we would also be the one
to design the Pop-up library to avoid extra expenses and to also improve our own skills
and In addition, our team would also be giving school kits for them to be able to have
the materials needed to practice and learn on their own. The other part of the Start-up
project is called the “Skill-Up for a Better Tomorrow” which aims to help adults
especially parents to upgrade their skills or learn skills that would help them land a
decent job. In this program, we would be inviting professional people that can teach
them different kinds of skills such as tailor, craftsmen, Cook, and a business adviser or
an owner of a small business that will teach them about how to make a proper resume,
how to start a small business and how to handle it, how to manage money and etc. and
In every end of sessions we would be giving them foods and donated clothes to help
them in their every needs and after completing this program we would be giving a lists
of companies or small businesses that they can apply and we would also be giving them
job offers for those who have a complete attendance and have a good improvement in
their knowledge and skills for a year.

Pop-up Library and Skill-up for better tomorrow is the 2 program of Start-up Project that
helps people in poverty to have a chance to learn the Skills and knowledge that is both
essential to improve one’s life. As everyone know, People who is suffering poverty
especially absolute poverty doesn’t have the luxury to have a quality education and
have a chance to apply to jobs that have good salary and even if they want to learn they
are not able to have the time as they are already occupied in surviving every day. Which
is why we come up with the “Start-Up Project” where volunteer students and other
volunteers would come to the places that has a high rate of poverty and teach them the
things that can help them survive for a long time. And because we also believe that only
giving them donations such as foods, clothes and etc. can only comfort and save them
temporarily, but giving them knowledge and skills can save them temporarily.

In conclusion, our project proposal is all about eradicating poverty and We would be
getting information about poverty through survey and data basis. Lastly, we would be
presenting our Video presentation in a creative way.

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