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No. CBIT/Accounts/ 023 /2027 Date: 18.07.2021


All the students of B.E./ B. Tech admitted in the year 2O2O-2L and with Roll number starring from 1601-20
are hereby directed to pay the AnnualTuition Fee as detailed below on or before 27-Og-zOZr.

i) A-Categorystudents(Convenorquota)otherthansct'otai@ Rs.134,000/-
Accreditation and miscellaneous fee. Rs. 5,500/-
ii) A - category partialfee reimbursement students (Convenor quota) annual fee. Rs. 99,000/-
Accreditation and miscellaneous fee. Rs. 5,500/-
iii) Students under full Scholarship (Convenor quota)
Accreditation, and miscellaneous fee. Rs.5,500/-
iv) B- Category (Management Quota) student's annualfee. Rs.1,34,000/-
Accreditation and miscellaneous fee. Rs. 5,500/-
v) NRI / NRI Sponsored students (Management euota) annualfee of US S S,OOOA Rs.3,53,000/-
Accreditation and miscellaneous fee. Rs. 5,500/-

o All students will have to pay and clear the annualfees in the manner referred to above on or before
27-08-202!, failing which the same will entail a fine of Rs.50/- per day for students admitted under
A category & B category management quota and Rs.100/- per day for students admitted under
NRI/NRl sponsored management quota.
o For fee dues clarification, individual students can address a mail to accounts dept. Email ld: in
o This fee is subject to the final fixation of annual fee for the block period 2076-Lg by the authorities
of the State, Courts of Law and TAFRC.

Mode of Pavment:
7. P.O.I D.D. drawn in favour of "CBIT FEE COttECTtON AND OTHER RECEIPTS", payable at
Hyderabad (p.O./O.O. can be taken fr )
2. E- payment using virtualAccount. (The payment can be made using online banking/ offline in the
bank using NEFT form)
a. Account Number: CBITFE followed by Roll number (Example: CB|TFE16O116732OOtl
b. Account Name: CBIT Fee Collection & Other Receipts.
c. IFSC code: 1C1C0000106 (New Delhi)
The Notice Board
Copy to all Heads of the Departments
Copy by Circulation to the classrooms
Copy to the Examination Branch
Copy to the Fee counter.

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