Knights of The Altar: Archdiocese of Palo Sts. Peter and Paul Parish Aviles St. Ormoc City Leyte

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Archdiocese of Palo

Sts. Peter and Paul Parish

Aviles St. Ormoc City Leyte

Knights of the Altar

Profile of an Altar Server
1. Reverence
1. Reverence for God and sacred objects are most important when you serve.
2. Reverent action, peaceful and dignified behavior, should be seen by the people when
you stand at the altar.
3. A server may feel reverent, feel prayerful.
4. He is not seen to be reverent; he destructs people and disturb them.
5. One key to this ideal of reverence is the memory.
6. Always remember who you are, what you are doing then you will get careless.
7. Ideals that would help are Discipline, Decorum and piety.
2. Discipline
1. You must be trained to serve
2. Training involves discipline.
3. Part of the discipline of serving is Team Work.
4. It is more obvious in a solemn mass when precise teamwork helps.
5. Make a great act of worship, more beautiful, peaceful, and prayerful.
6. Discipline involves obedience
7. First is towards the Clergy, Master of Ceremony, Head Server, Team leader, obedience
to people, server always behaves with sense and cooperation.
8. Duties are to set up the sanctuary before mass, cleaning the sacristy after the Mass.
3. Decorum
1. Decorum means what is proper. No talking during the Mass.
2. Fooling about in the sacristy, untidy or lousy appearance.
3. Decorum requires a sense of dignity.
4. Behaving with a quiet reverence, not pushing yourself forward.
5. But moving around confidently and carrying out each action without push or great
6. It shows how you respect the presence of our Lord in his sacrifice, in his sacraments in
his people.
4. Piety
1. Piety is the soul or spirit of all our worship of God.
2. b. It is an attitude which directs your whole life towards God; piety helps us to say to
ourselves, I’m doing all this for you, my God.
3. With sincere piety, I recognize the fact that God caused me, I came from Him that I am
going back to Him.
Brothers at the Altar
1. You do not serve on your own as an individual. You must always be aware of other people when
you serve.
2. Always treat your priests with respect and cheerful cooperation.
3. Welcome the new server to the team, helping him by explaining procedures; make him feel as
part of the group.
4. You are servers who are friends who can carry out their duties on the sanctuary with a greater
sense of unity, purpose and efficiency.
5. We are united in the service of God. A service of unity, which brings together one people at the
We put this Christian love into practice by an ideal of true brotherhood and friendship.

1. To strengthen the trust and the foundation of Catholic Faith of all Altar Servers thru the Holy
Sacrifice of the Mass.
2. To uphold the dignity of the Altar Servers and to mold them to become responsible Christians
morally, socially, emotionally and spirituality.
3. To develop their potentials by forming of cultural group which will allow them to dedicate their
talents and abilities, that they may live as good members of the community in brotherly love.
4. To train the will for the fulfillment of all moral duties and ideals of Christian perfection.

The 10 Commandments of KOA

1. Thou shall not play, eat during the Mass.
2. Thou shall listen to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.
3. Thou shall know to pray.
4. Thou shall wear proper attire during the serving.
5. Thou shall respect each other and other members of the church.
6. Thou shall not be late in your duty to serve or scheduled time.
7. Thou shall pay respect to all the things that are being used in the mass.
8. Thou shall minimize of using gadgets during the mass except emergency.
9. Thou shall obey the rules and regulation of the Church.
10. Thou shall be smart and diligent at all times especially during the Mass.


Stages of an Altar Server

Aspirancy: This Stage of an Altar Server is from his application and admission of being an altar server.
He should undergo 2-3 weeks of observation on how to serve and attend seminars and trainings
specially on the importance of being an altar server and the importance of the Holy Sacrifice in the Altar
and after a series of evaluation he may now apply as a Junior Altar Server.
Junior Altar Server: After the evaluation the Aspirant will apply as a Junior Altar Server, He can wear
now his Clerical/Polo and he can serve daily masses and Sunday masses. He will also undergo trainings
and seminar and after a series of evaluation he can now apply to Senior Altar Server.

Senior Altar Server: After the Evaluation and Examination, the Altar Server is now going to receive his
Commissioning rites and wear his Alb and solely promise his commitment to serve the Parish and Our
Lord Jesus Christ.

Prepared by:

Jhon Rey Acain

Church Volunteer

Checked by:

Rev. Fr. Aldwin Roy Nartea

Parochial Vicar

Approved by:

Rev. Fr. Ronel Taboso

Parish Priest
Archdiocese of Palo
Sts. Peter and Paul Parish
Aviles St. Ormoc City Leyte

Knights of the Altar Application Form

Applicants Information
Surname: ______________________ Given Name: _____________________ Middle Initial: __________
Nickname: ________________________________ Sex: ______ Age: _______ Birthdate: _____________
Permanent Address: ____________________________________________________________________
Cellphone No.: _______________________ Facebook Name: ___________________________________
School: _______________________________ Grade: __________________ Email: _________________

Mother’s Information
Surname: ______________________ Given Name: _____________________ Middle Initial: __________
Cellphone No.: _________________________ Address: _______________________________________

Father’s Information
Surname: ______________________ Given Name: _____________________ Middle Initial: __________
Cellphone No.: _________________________ Address: _______________________________________

For The Altar Server:

Why do you want to join this MINISTRY?

Religious Involvement (List of Faith communities of religious organizations that you belong to)

Talents/ Skills: Music, Sports, Culture and Arts (Please specify)


Applicants Signature: _____________________________________

Date Signed: ____________________________________________

For Parents:
I (We) hereby authorize my son to be trained and participate as an Altar Server at Sts. Peter and
Paul Parish, Ormoc City.

Parents Signature Over Printed Name: ____________________________________________

Date Signed: _________________________________________________________________
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