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Noun Suffixess

Root Word + Suffix = Noun


Availability Privacy Average
Adaptability Pharmacy Marriage
reliability Democracy luggage


Arrival Importance Freedom
Survival Experience Kingdom
Approval Sentence Boredom


Argument Happiness Friendship
Statement Goodness Ownership
Government Darkness Worship


Decision Nation Culture
Vision Creation Pressure
Suspicion Information Signature

Complete these sentences based on the words from the table!
Fly Combine
Announce Protect
Suggest Prefer
Advertise Advice
Succeed Criticize
Offer Feel
Collect Complain
Agree Describe
Discover Decide
Know Fail
Explain Promise

1. They failed to reach an ______________, so a strike is expected soon.

2. They’ve got sports clothes on special ______________, this week. They’re really
3. I bought this car after seeing a full-page __________________, in the newspaper.
4. We often use a _________________ of skills when we learn a language.
5. We wanted the meeting to be a success but it was a complete ___________. Only two
people come.
6. He told everybody my secret. He didn’t keep his ________________ to be quiet.
7. Someone has tried to kill him twice, so he has asked for police _________________for
him and his family.
8. This strange decision has received a lot of _______________. Nobody agrees with it.
9. The _______________ of this company depends on everybody’s work.
10. I know what he likes. He has shown me all his ___________________.
11. I’d like to make a ____________. Why don’t we go to a Chinese restaurant?
12. He’s got a very large stamp _____________, maybe the largest I’ve ever heard of.
13. The tourist wanted to make a formal _______________ about the service in the hotel.
14. I have the ___________ that we have taken the wrong road. Let’s go back to the village.
15. We didn’t know what to do, but we knew it was important to make a quick __________.
16. Scientists all over the world have made a lot of important ___________.
17. I gave a full ____________ of the thief to the police: the height, the color of hair, and
the color of skin.
18. The man knows a lot about different subjects. He is a man of considerable
19. The official _____________, of the royal wedding will be made next Saturday morning.
20. The concert started very late and we all wanted a convincing ___________ of the delay.
21. The International ____________, from London to New York took longer than expected.
22. You should follow your doctor’s ____________, and stay in bed for a few days.

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