Individual Assignment - Negotiation

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Full Name : Nguyễn Thị Kim Dung

Student ID : 11181037
Class : EBBA 10.2
How communication contribution to the success of negotiation? Give suitable
example to illustrate.
The better the communication is the better the negotiation would be. Discussion does not
mean fighting and shouting, instead it is simply the exchange of one’s ideas, thoughts and
opinions with each other. In different negotiations, it is possible to use a variety and combination
of different types of communication (both language communication and non verbal
communication) combined with communication channels to easily solve problems and agree on
common goals of the parties.
Along with the tone and pitch of the voice, knowledge in expertise in combination with eye
contact, posture, body movements, gestures,… can convey a series of clues about the real
feelings and intentions of the other side, giving relevant information to the negotiator. Moveover,
taking advantage of a variety of communication media to quickly transmit and update
information between parties such as: by phone, electronic channels (email, internet,...), virtual
negotiation(zoom, skype, microsoft teams,..)
It is through communication that negotiators make their offers and their demands, attempt
to identify the interests and motivations of the other side in order to reconcile their differences,
try to convince and influence their opponents with their ideas and points of view and, above all,
agree on the terms of a solution that will resolve the conflict of interests.
This is particularly the case for good application in communication that can bring success
in actual negotiation. the negotiations between DARGON Photography and The Manor Central
Park for the purpose of TVC advertising and multimedia photos for The Manor Central Park's
"Model Modern Life" project to introduces all entertainment and entertainment services with a
especial focuses on community connectivity and increasing business potential on: Shophouse,
Walking Street, Modern and comfortable office area,...
Before the official talks, the two parties exchanged basic information about the project via
various channels (by phone and email). During the preparatory process before signing of the
contract, the main assistants of the parties will continuously update the situation, notify the
progress and record important issues.
During the official negotiation, the leaders of the two parties, in turn, raised their own
requirements, the content of the negotiation were broken down to exchange plans and provide
solutions. Each party raised the proposed ideas, then analyzed the advantages and disadvantages
of the ideas, selected the main concept, agreed on the requirements for the items and the number
of personnel and led to the signing of the contract. Most of the documents related to the work
such as call sheet, brief clothes, requirements for photoshoots,… are sent by email and confirmed
by phone of both parties. Some small meetings after signing the contract are flexible via zoom in
the days when the epidemic recurs.
What makes the negotiation successful in this example is the combination of many
important factors. Listening and filtering information, giving the other party the opportunity to
present ideas createing connection and understanding. During the negotiations, the leader of the
DARGON Photography showed his confidence and individuality thanks to their flexible body
language and expressive eyes. Especially when it comes to professional photography. The
communication process via social channels must be fast, timely and continuous, use the strengths
of virtual negotiation, show enthusiasm and professionalism in order to gain trust.
Communication language must also show respect and courtesy, if there is a problem, it must be
resolved intelligently, calmly, and limit conflicts.

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