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submitted by



the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University

in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree


Bachelor of Technology
Civil Engineering

Department of Civil Engineering

KMCT College of engineering for women
NIT Campus,Kallanthode,Kozhikode


I hereby declare that the seminar report “PHYTOREMEDIATION IN SOIL”, submitted for
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of degree of Bachelor of Technology of
the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University, Kerala is our own work and effort and that it
has not been submitted anywhere for any award. The ideas or words of other have been
included by adequately and accurately citing and referenced the original sources. The text
embodied in this report has not been submitted to any other university or institute for the
award of any degree or diploma.

Date Name of Students & Signature


This is to certify that the report entitled “PHYTOREMEDIATION IN SOIL” submitted by

THAMANNA K M (KMW18CE025) to the APJ Abdul Kalam Technological University in
partial fulfillment of the requirements for the award of the Degree of Bachelor of Technology
in Civil Engineering is a bonafide record of the seminar work carried out by her under my/our
guidance and supervision. This report in any form has not been submitted to any other
University or Institute for any purpose.

Coordinator Head of Department

Contents Page No.

1.1 GeneralBackground 1
1.2 What is phytoremediation? 4
1.3 How does it work? 5


2.1 Xxxxxxxxxx 11
2.1.1 Xxxxxx
2.1.2 Xxxxxxxx
2.1.3 Xxxxxxxx

2.2 Xxxxxxxxxx 16
2.2.1 Xxxxxxx
2.2.2 Xxxxxxx
2.3 Xxxxxxxxxxxx
2.3.1 Xxxxxxxx

2.3.2 Xxxxxxxx
3.1 Phytoremediation and its mechanism
3.1.1 Phytostabilization
3.1.2 Phytoextraction
3.1.3 Phytovolatilisation
3.1.4 Phytodegradation
3.1.5 Rhizodegradation
3.1.6 Phytofiltration
3.2 Field Setup
3.2.1 Plant selection and positioning
3.2.2 Irrigation and soil amendment
3.2.3 Monitoring
3.2.4 Harvesting
4.1 Case studies of phytoremediation
4.1.1 Heavy metal and radinuclide phytoextraction in Chernobyl
4.1.2 Lead phytoremediation at a new Jersey Brownfield site
4.1.3 One site waste water treatment plant in Woodburn,Oregon
4.2 Status of phytoremediation in India


5.1 Advantages of phytoremediation in soil

5.2 Disadvantages of phytoremediation in soil

5.3 Limitation of phytoremediation in soil


No. Title Page No.

3.1 Hyperaccumulating plant species for various metals

3.2 Applications of phytoremediation
3.3 Results of New Jerseyphytoremediation project,Baylock

No. Title Page No.

3.1 Various mechanisms involved in the phytoremediation of
heavy metals
3.2 Phytostabilisation
3.3 Phytoextraction
3.4 Phytovolatilisation
3.5 Phytodegradation
3.6 Rhizodegradation
3.7 General phytoremediation process flow
(List in the alphabetical order)

HAS High AltitudeSimulation

LMTD Logarithmic Mean Temperature
Difference PDF Probability DensityFunction
(List in the alphabetical order)

A Area,m2
E Voltage,V
Re Reynolds number T Temperature,K

Greek Symbols

α Diffusivity,m2/s
τ Shear stress,MPa





Phytoremediation is the use of plants and trees to clean up contaminated soil and water. It can
be used to detoxify sites containing metals, pesticides, solvents, explosives, crude oil,
hydrocarbons, and landfill leachates. Sites that have shallow, low levels of contaminants are
the best candidates for phytoremediation. This is true because plant roots can only go so deep
in the soil, and if contaminants are too deep the roots cant bring them into the plant. Plants can
break down, or degrade, organic pollutants or stabilize metal contaminants by acting as filters
or traps. The phytoremediation process depends on three important principle mechanisms;
extraction, containment, and degradation. Although phytoremediation cant be used on every
site, it is growing in popularity because of the many benefits it presents. It is very cost
efficient, aesthetically pleasing, passive, solar-energy driven, and can be used in some sites
where earlier methods of detoxification could not work. Phytoremediation is sometimes slower
than earlier methods, but the low cost and effectiveness are convincing enough by themselves
for anyone to choose phytoremediation over older methods. Environmental bio-technology is a
new discipline which integrates living materials, mainly plants, and very small animals like
earth worms, micro organisms to address the problems of environmental management and
sustainable development.Phytoremediation is a word formed from the Greek prefix “Phyto”
means plant and suffix “remedium” meaning to clean (or) restore.The term actually refers to
advise collection of plant based technologies that use either naturally occurring (or) genetically
engineered plants for cleaning contaminated environments,Phytoremediation consists of four
different plant based technologies, each having a different mechanism of action for the
remediation of metal polluted soil. These include phytoextraction,where plants absorb metals
from soil and translocate them to harvestable shoots where they accumulate.Rhizofiltration
involves the use of plant to clean various aquatic environments. Phytostabilization, where
plants are used to stabilize rather than clean contaminated soil. Phytovolatalization, which
involves the use of plants to extract certain metals from soil and then release them into the
atmosphere through volatilization.Some plants tolerate and accumulate high concentrations of
metal in their tissues but not at the level required to be called as hyper accumulators.

The technique of employing green plants and their associated microorganisms, soil
amendments and agronomic practices to remove, inhibit or neutralize hazardous environmental
contaminants is termed as "phytoremediation". This technique was for the first time used in
Germany around 300 years ago. It was used for the treatment of sewage. Phytoremediation
also is used to remove organic and inorganic wastes from soil. One of the best yet simple
examples of this technique is use of carrots. Carrots have the ability to absorb DDT(dichloro-
diphenyl-trichloroethylene). So they are are cultivated in soils contaminated with DDT and
after harvesting they are dried and incinerated to destroy the absorbed DDT.
Phytoremediation, the use of green plants to clean up polluted soil and water resources has
received much attention in the last few years. Phytoremediation offers owners and managers of
metal contaminated sites is an innovative and cost effective option to address recalcitrant
environmental contaminants.Although not a new concept, phytoremediation is currently being
re-examined as an environmentally friendly, cost-effective means of reducing metal
contaminated soil.Phytoremediation as a plant base treatment is going to utilize as one of
suitable and recognized treatment methods for a wide range of anthropogenic pollutions. There
are many discussions on applicability, economically feasibility and efficiency of this method.
Phytoremediation is a green strategy that uses hyperaccumulator plants and their rhizospheric
microorganisms to stabilize, transfer or degrade pollutants in soil, water and environment. This
technology is considered as well-efficient, cheap and adaptable with the environment.
According to the soil conditions, pollutant and the species of plants used, five types of
phytoremediation have been applied: phytodegradation, phytofiltration, phytoextraction
phytostabilization and phytovolatilization.

Phytoremediation is the use of living green plants for in situ risk reduction and/or removal of
contaminants from contaminated soil, water, sediments, and air. Specially selected or
engineered plants are used in the process. Risk reduction can be through a process of removal,
degradation of, or containment of a contaminant or a combination of any of these factors.
Phytoremediation is an energy efficient, aesthically pleasing method of remediating sites with
low to moderate levels of contamination and it can be used in conjuction with other more
traditional remedial methods as a finishing step to the remedial process.
Phytoremediation is actually a generic term for several ways in which plants can be used to
clean up contaminated soils and water. Plants may break down or degrade organic pollutants,
or remove and stabilize metal contaminants.
There are several ways in which plants are used to clean up, or remediate, contaminated sites.
To remove pollutants from soil, sediment and/or water, plants can break down, or degrade,
organic pollutants or contain and stabilise metal contaminants by acting as filters or traps.
Phytoremediation is a plant-based approach, which involves the use of plants to extract and
remove elemental pollutants or lower their bioavailability in soil. Plants have the abilities to
absorb ionic compounds in the soil even at low concentrations through their root system.
Phytodegradation involves the degradation of organic contaminants directly, through
the release of enzymes from roots, or through metabolic activities within plant tissues. In
phytodegradation organic contaminants are taken up by roots and metabolized in plant tissues
to less toxic substances.


The term of phytoremediation is relatively new, started from 1991. The term
“phytoremediation”consists of the Greek prefix phyto which is means ‘plant’ and the Latin
root remedium which is means ‘to correct or remove evil’. Basic information for
phytoremediation comes from a variety of research areas including constructed wetlands, oil
spills, and agricultural plant accumulation of heavy metals.The term has been used widely
since its inception, with a variety of specific meanings.

Fig 3.1:Various mechanisms involved in the phytoremediation of heavy metals.

Many definitions of phytoremediation have been given by researchers. According to those

definitions have concluded and made the general definition of phytoremediation as an
emerging technology using selected plants to clean up the contaminated environment from
hazardous contaminant to improve the environment quality phytoremediation has been
receiving attention lately as an innovative, cost-effective alternative to the more established
treatment methods used at hazardous waste sites called phytoremediation as ‘green
technology’ because of its advantages as a cost-effective, efficient, environment- and eco-
friendly technology.There are numerous plant mechanisms for remediating heavy metal
contaminants from the environment. As it functions to remediate contaminant from soils and
water, at least there are six mechanisms of plants on phytoremediation process include
phytoextraction, phytofiltration, phytostabilization, phytodegradation, phytovolatilation,
rhizodegradation . The summary of the phytoremediation mechanisms is shown in figure3 .1.
Phytostabilization involves the reduction of the mobility of heavy metals in soil.
Immobilization of metals can be accomplished by decreasing wind-blown dust, minimizing
soil erosion, and reducing contaminant solubility or bioavailability to the food chain. The
addition of soil amendments, such as organic matter, phosphates, alkalizing agents, and
biosolids can decrease solubility of metals in soil and minimize leaching to groundwater. The
mobility of contaminants is reduced by the accumulation of contaminants by plant roots,
absorption onto roots, or precipitation within the root zone. In some instances, hydraulic
control to prevent leachate migration can be achieved because of the large quantity of water
transpired by plants. Many different processes fall under this category which can involve
absorption by roots, adsorption to the surface of roots or the production of biochemicals by the
plant that are released into the soil or groundwater in the immediate vicinity of the roots, and
can sequester, precipitate, or otherwise immobilize nearby contaminants.To improve
phytostabilization efficiency, organic or inorganic amendments can be added to the
contaminated soil. These soil amendments can alter metal speciation, reduce heavy metal
solubility and bioavailability by changing pH value and redox status of the soil.Moreover, the
application of amendments can increase the organic matter content and essential nutrients of
the soil and improve physicochemical and biological properties, which can benefit plant
colonization and improve waterholding capacity.

Fig 3.2: phytostabilisation

Also known as phytoaccumulation. Phytoextraction is a subprocess of phytoremediation in
which plants remove dangerous elements or compounds from soil or water, most usually
heavy metals, metals that have a high density and may be toxic to organisms even at relatively
low concentrations. The heavy metals that plants extract are toxic to the plants as well, and the
plants used for phytoextraction are known hyperaccumulators that sequester extremely large
amounts of heavy metals in their tissues. Phytoextraction can also be performed by plants that
uptake lower levels of pollutants, but due to their high growth rate and biomass production,
may remove a considerable amount of contaminants from the soil. Plants take up or
hyperaccumulate contaminants through their roots and store them in the tissues of the stem or
leaves. The contaminants are not necessarily degraded but are removed from the environment
when the plants are harvested. This is particularly useful for removing metals from soil and, in
some cases, the metals can be recovered for reuse, by incinerating the plants, in a process
called phytomining. The process of phytoextraction of heavy metals includes a few steps: (i)
mobilization of heavy metals in rhizosphere, (ii) uptake of heavy metals by plant roots, (iii)
translocation of heavy metal ions from roots to aerial parts of plant, (iv) sequestration and
compartmentation of heavy metal ions in plant tissues.The efficiency of phytoextraction relies
on a few factors such as plant selection, plant performance, heavy metal bioavailability, soil,
and rhizosphere properties.

Fig 3.3: Phytoextraction

Phytovolatilization is a process, in which plants take up contaminants from soil and release
them as volatile form into the atmosphere through transpiration. The process occurs as
growing plants absorb water and organic contaminants. As water travels from the roots to the
leaves along the vascular system of the plant, it is changed and modified along the way. Then,
some of the contaminants move through the plants to the leaves and evaporate or volatilize
into the atmosphere. Phytovolatilization has been primarily used to remove mercury; the
mercuric ion is converted into less toxic elemental mercury. The advantage of
phytovolatilization compared with other phytoremediation strategies is that heavy metal
(metalloid) contaminants are removed from the site and dispersed as gaseous compounds,
without any need for plant harvesting and disposal. However, as a remedial strategy,
phytovolatilization does not remove the pollutants completely—the pollutants are still in the
environment. It only transfers pollutants from soil to atmosphere, where the toxic volatile
compounds will contaminate the ambient air. Moreover, they may be redeposited to the soil by
precipitation.Thus, a risk assessment is required before its application in it.

Fig 3.4 Phytovolatilisation

Phytodegradation involves the degradation of organic contaminants directly, through the
release of enzymes from roots, or through metabolic activities within plant tissues . In
phytodegradation organic contaminants are taken up by roots and metabolized in plant tissues
to less toxic substances. Phytodegradation of hydrophobic organic contaminants have been
particularly successful. Poplar trees (Populus spp.) have been used successfully in
phytodegradation of toxic and recalcitrant organic compounds. Rhizodegradation involves
attenuation of organic contaminants into less toxic substances within the rhizosphere through
biodegradation of soil microbes. This process is facilitated by root exudates (organic
molecules) that sustain populations of soil microbes. To enhance this process a specific
inocula of bacteria can be added to contaminated soils. Bacterial inocula contain strains that
have desired metabolic activity to degrade targeted contaminants. Inoculating plants with
genetically engineered strains of bacteria that degrade a specific contaminant has shown
promising results. Also, populations of soil bacteria can be amplified using a process called
biostimulation. This involves, for example, manipulating the nutrient and pH levels of the soil
to increase bacterial populations.

Fig 3.5: Phytodegradation

Rhizodegradation, also known as phyto-stimulation, is the degradation of contaminants in the
rhizosphere (area of soil surrounding the roots of the plants) by means of microbial activity
which is enhanced by the presence of plant roots. Microorganisms such as yeast, fungi or
bacteria consume these contaminants as their source of energy and nutrition. In this process of
biodegradation, certain microorganisms are capable of breaking down hazardous pollutants
such as fuels or solvent into nontoxic and harmless product. Biodegradation is aided by plants.
Plants released natural carbon containing substances such as sugar, alcohols and acid and
thereby, providing the microorganisms with additional nutrients which stimulate their
activity.It is possible to develop transgenic plants with improved plant-microbe interaction.
The plant would be enhanced in their ability to secrete natural substances which stimulates
microbial activity.

Fig 3.6: Rhizodegradation

Phytofiltration is the use of plant roots (rhizofiltration),shoots (caulofiltration), or seedlings
(blastofiltration) to remove pollutants from contaminated surface waters or waste
waters.During rhizofiltration, heavy metals are either adsorbed onto the root surface or
absorbed by the roots. Root exudates can change rhizosphere pH, which leads to the
precipitation of heavy metals on plant roots further minimizing movement of heavy metals to
underground water. The plants used for rhizofiltration are hydroponically grown in clean water
to develop a large root system first; then, the clean water is substituted with polluted water to
acclimate the plants. After acclimation, the plants are transferred to the contaminated site for
removal of heavy metals. Once the roots become saturated, they are harvested and disposed.
Ideally, plants used for rhizofiltration should have a dense root system, high biomass
production, and be tolerant to heavy metal. Both terrestrial and aquatic plants can be used for
rhizofiltration. For remediation of wetland water,aquatic species such as hyacinth, azolla,
duckweed, cattail, and poplar are commonly used due to their high accumulation of heavy
metals, high tolerance, or fast growth and high biomass production. Terrestrial plants such as
Indian mustard (B. juncea) and sunflower (H. annuus) have longer and hairy root system
compared with aquatic plants. They also show good capacities to accumulate heavy metals
during rhizofiltration .

The general process outlined below, operates in a mainly linear fashion, with the possibility of
two “loops” depending on the effect of the treatment.

Figure 3.7. General phytoremediation process flow.


Because the entire process takes so much time, it is critical to correctly determine the proper
type and quantity of plants. The soil type generally determines which plants are effective, but
additional laboratory testing is often performed to ensure toxins do not kill the plants. Varieties
of plants with huge biomass yields (more than 3 tons/ acre) are generally chosen, in a general
attempt to deplete the soil. Plants called “hyperaccumulators” are necessary for inorganic
pollutants, as they will take up more than ten times background soil concentrations. When
groundwater remediation is of concern, deep-rooting trees such as poplar, cottonwood, and
willow trees are generally planted in rows perpendicular to flow, and monitoring wells are
placed nearby.

Table 3.1. Hyperaccumulating plant species for various metals.

Table 3.2 Applications of phytoremediation.


Often soils need to be amended and routinely irrigated to ensure plant viability.Soil is
sometimes flooded to encourage the dissolution of pollutants and increased evapotranspiration.
If the same plant species is used in succession, the same rate-limiting nutrient may need to be
continually replaced. The removal of nutrients and pollutants can drastically affect the pH,
which may also need adjustment. Chelating agents, such as ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid
(EDTA),can aide in keeping radionuclides and heavy metals in solution, increasing the ability
to be taken up by vegetation.

Sampling of soil and/or groundwater should be routinely practiced. The changing contaminant
concentration ensures that the current process is effective, and can resultingly be utilized to
modified the current treatment plan. If the process is too slow, a different type of plant can be
substituted, or soil amendments can be adjusted to increase performance (Sharma and Red.
This is the first “feedback loop” that can necessitate the modification of a previous process


As the last potential step, harvesting can also be the most controversial. It involves the removal
of the plant, sometimes including the roots. Through soil sampling, a mass balance can be
performed to approximate the efficiency of contaminant removal. Depending on the nature of
the contaminant and concentrations within the plant tissue, the vegetation may be composted,
or require more expensive disposal. One emerging option includes incineration, in which the
biomass provides electricity and heat, while pollutants are either oxidized or captured in flue-
stack scrubbers. Some “contaminant-laced” biomass actually has economic value. A crop used
to remediate selenium can be sold to livestock farmers as “bio-enhanced” and defray their
costs of purchasing selenium salts to add to their normal livestock feed. Ash from the nickel-
accumulator “Alyssum murale” can be economically processed into ore if the content is above
20% by weight. Generally hyperaccumulators retain inorganic compounds in the following
“compartments” (in decreasing order): root, leaf, stem, fruit. Nightshade plants, such as
cucumbers and tomatoes, however, accumulate compounds in their leaves and stems more
readily than roots, which make them better for above-ground harvest. Following annual or
semi-annual harvesting, testing determines whether additional treatment through another
growing season is warranted.




In 1986 the nuclear fission plant commonly known as Chernobyl suffered a catastrophic
meltdown. Cesium-137 was released as far away as Sweden, but the majority of the fallout
occurred immediately north of the reactor site. Most of this pollutant quickly percolated into
the sandy topsoil following rainstorms. Twenty different surfactants were used to increase the
bioavailability of the cesium. While Indian mustard, corn, peas, artichoke, and sunflower were
all used, it was found that only artichokes and sunflowers yielded substantial results. Even so,
after only three weeks cesium levels ceased to decrease, and harvesting was prescribed. A
modest 0.3% decrease in radioactivity was observed. Dushenkov et al. relied on results from
previous studies and treated the lead-laden soil with chelating agents to mobilize it further.
These chelating agents caused a 20-fold increase in the lead uptake levels. Ultimately,
incineration was used to reduce the volume of plant waste to less than 10% of its original.



Phytoremediation was used over a 4500 sq ft area outside an abandoned lead-acid battery
factory in Trenton, New Jersey. This contaminated site is in close proximity to schools,
churches, and residences, and therefore needed to be visually appealing. A portable x-ray
fluorescence (XRF) meter was used to quickly inventory the site’s lead levels, while additional
samples were sent off-site for more detailed analysis. The metal-accumulating crop “Brassica
juncea L. Czern”, also known as Indian mustard was employed to extract lead from the soil.
The soil was fertilized and planted with 3.5 in. diameter pots of the mustard plant. EDTA was
applied at varying rates to assess its affect on lead solubility and resulting plant uptake. Soil
moisture was tracked with four sensors, and irrigation was provided with overhead sprinklers.
Each growing cycle took 6 weeks, plants were harvested by cutting them at ground level, the
site was rototilled, and three growth cycles could occur in one growing season. Although
multiple growing season treatments were used for an overall 13% reduction in lead levels,
72% of the planted area was treated to below the EPA direct contact criteria of 400 ppm in one
growing season.

Figure 2. Results of New Jersey Phytoremediation Project, Baylock et al. (1999)


Ten thousand poplar trees “populous trichocarpa deltoides” were planted over a ten acre
abandoned sludge lagoon in an attempt to stabilize the waste and open over 400 acres for a
treatment buffer. This buffer is currently working as an alternative to releasing over 5 million
gallons of untreated wastewater to a small seasonal stream. The ten acre pilot plot was aimed
at preventing the construction of a $2.5 million storage lagoon. EPA awarded $250,000 for the
initial planting of poplar trees, which grow twice as fast as pine species and can be sold to the
lumber industry every 10 years. After the $2.5 million dollar tree planting project is
implemented over all 300 acres, the municipality estimates the income of $800,000 every ten
years upon harvesting of the trees.

We all are facing many major environmental issues in the today’s time such as pollution (air,
water, soil), land degradation, erosion of crops and trees, habitat destruction of terrestrial as
well as aquatic wildlife, contamination with heavy metals and othe toxic wastes, etc. So, there
is a huge and urgent need to find some remedial action against them. One such possible
solution is phytoremediation, a form of bioremediation, to extract metals, salts and other
contaminants from soil and water.
There are many reported plant species that hyperaccumulate metals. Hyperaccumulation of
heavy metals by higher plants is a multi step process which includes, firstly the transportation
of metal ions across the plant root surface; then their transmembrane transport via the xylem
parenchymatous cells (loading and translocation); lastly to regulate and sequester metal ions
through cellular detoxification processes.
Many research groups from India are working on remediation of heavy metal contaminated
A study assessing promising candidate species for phytoremediation efficacy of heavy metals
hyperaccumulators suggested Eichhornia crassipus and Typha angustifolia as possible target
species in bioremediating waterbodies contaminated with lower concentrations of toxic metals.
This research work was conducted at Urban Lake, Laxmi Taal, Jhansi, Uttar Pradesh (Central
India) receiving regular domestic sewage and could be beneficial in suggesting domestic
sewage treatment measures for urban waterbodies. In another study phytoremediation potential
of Coriander sativum for Arsenic and lead metals contaminated soils was conducted . The soil
was collected from the industrial area of Govind Pura, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh, and
Coriander sativum was speculated as possible candidate for remediating lead and Arsenic
polluted soil. Mandal et al reported a promising way for improving soil contaminated with As
metal through phytoextraction by Pteris vittata using two successive harvests with phosphate
fertilizer, DAP. It was observed that the phytoextraction of As containing soil by P. vittata was
proven better for paddy growth. It resulted in reduction in metal content in paddy grain of <1
ppm, showing average development in yield of paddy grain by 8% after one harvest cycle and
14% after two harvest cycles of brake fern. Das et al suggested potential of many weed species
as hyper accumulator plants for arsenic.
Phytoremediation is special application of bioremediation. It is a natural biological process of
degradation of xenobiotic and recalcitrant compounds responsible for environmental pollution.
The word phyto stands for 'plant' hence the remediation mediated by plant system. The
mechanisms of phytoremediation are similar to biological remediation employing microbial
agents. Microbes have been utilized to remove, destroy toxic substances like thiocarbamates,
herbicides, insecticides, organophosphorus compounds, chlorinated aliphatic and aromatic
chemicals, aromatic amines, sulfonates and heavy metals; they also convert lignin, cellulases,
hemicellulases into fuels, solvents, SCPs and other useful products. Phytoremediation is used
for similar purpose but have many advantages as compared to microbial remediation. Plant
system solely is capable of remediation. It does not require any support from external agency
or labor and uses its own natural processes to clean up the site. It not only decontaminates
pollutants but also inhibits spreading of pollutant/s from one site to other. Therefore the
pollution remains localized, confined to particular area. Here the root system plays an
important role; soil particles remain bound to roots even during rainy season. If the soil is
polluted it is not washed away by rainwater to aquatic bodies or carried away by winds to far
locations. Plant system is the only living agency that prevents spread of pollution. The most
important advantage is that plants can directly be planted on contaminated sites.
Phytoremediation, the use of green plants to treat and control wastes in the water, soil, and air,
is an important part of the new field of ecological engineering. Organic and inorganic wastes
include metals and metalloids, some xenobiotic contaminants, and salts leachate, sewage,
sludge, and other conventional wastes.

Phytoremediation is cost effective and is suited to remediation of large areas of soil.

It is environmentally friendly.

Phytoremediation sites are more aesthetically pleasing.

Phytoremediation sites are low maintenance.

It involves no noisy and expensive equipment.

Cost of phytoremediation is lower than that of traditional processes both in in situ and ex

Plants can be easily monitored.

The possibility of the recovery and reuse of valuable metals.

It is potentially the least harmful method because it uses naturally occurring organisms and
preserves the environment in a more natural state.

Minimal land disturbance.

Reduces potential for transport of contaminants by wind,reduces soil erosion.

Multiple contaminants can be removed with the same plant.

In principle, plants that engage in phytoremediation of toxic elements could be harvested,

thus removing these elements from the polluted site.

It preserves the topsoil, maintaining the fertility of the soil.

It increases soil health, yield, and plant phytochemicals.

Reduces the amount of waste that has to be sent to landfill (up to 95%), can be further
utilized as bio-ore of heavy metals.

Does not require expensive equipment or highly specialized personnel, and easily
implemented and maintained.

In large scale applications the potential energy stored can be utilized to generate thermal

Phytoremediation simply relocates toxic heavy metals, it does not remove them from the
Phytoremediation is limited to the surface area and depth occupied by the roots.
Slow growth and low biomass require a long-term commitment
With plant-based systems of remediation, it is not possible to completely prevent the
leaching of contaminants into the groundwater. The survival of the plants is affected by the
toxicity of the contaminated land and the general condition of the soil.
When taking up heavy metals, sometimes the metal is bound to the soil organic matter,
which makes it unavailable for the plant to extract.
Restricted to sites with shallow contamination within rooting zone of remediative plants.
May take up to several years to remediate a contaminated site.
Restricted to sites with low contaminant concentrations.
Harvested plant biomass from phytoextraction may be classified as a hazardous waste hence
disposal should be carried out properly.
Climatic conditions are a limiting factor.
Consumption/utilization of contaminated plant biomass is a cause of concern.
Accumulation of pollutant in fruit and other edible parts of crop and vegetables.
So far growing of phytoremediator plants (hyperaccumulators).
Low biomass production in phytoremediators, so several planting and harvesting required
for decontamination.
Generally, specific selective unique accumulation of one metallic element in
Environmental pollution caused by chelate–enhanced phytoremediation .
Very slow and seasonally effective treatment method.
Handling and disposing contaminated plants through the phytoremediation is the major foot
print of this green technology.
Mobilization of radionuclides through the translocation in plants.
Not applicable for all compounds.
Dissolved contaminant in groundwater are not suitable case for aquatic phytoremediation .
Phytoremediation is limited to the surface area and depth occupied by the roots.

Slow growth and low biomass require a long-term commitment

With plant-based systems of remediation, it is not possible to completely prevent the

leaching of contaminants into the groundwater (without the complete removal of the
contaminated ground, which in itself does not resolve the problem of contamination)

The survival of the plants is affected by the toxicity of the contaminated land and the
general condition of the soil.

Bio-accumulation of contaminants, especially metals, into the plants which then pass into
the food chain, from primary level consumers upwards or requires the safe disposal of the
affected plant material.

The depth of the treatment zone is determined by plants used in phytoremediation. In most
cases, it is limited to shallow soils.

High concentrations of hazardous materials can be toxic to plants.

It involves the same mass transfer limitations as other biotreatments.

It may be seasonal, depending on location.

It can transfer contamination across media, e.g., from soil to air.

It is not effective for strongly sorbed (e.g., PCBs) and weakly sorbed contaminants.

The toxicity and bioavailability of biodegradation products is not always known.

Products may be mobilized into ground water or bioaccumulated in animals.

It is still in the demonstration stage.

It is unfamiliar to regulators.
Although much remains to be studied, phytoremediation will clearly play some role in the
stabilization and remediation of many contaminated sites. The main factor driving the
implementation of phytoremediation projects are low costs with significant improvements in
site aesthetics and the potential for ecosystem restoration.
Phytoremediation as merging green technology is going to convert as a developed treatment
method for decontamination or pollutant removal from the human environment. Advantages
and disadvantages of this technique partly depend on limitation on plants as main leading
organisms through the treatment process, meanwhile most of disadvantages related to
proper application of this ecofriendly environment cleaning method.Phytoremediation is a
remediation technology to clean up the contaminants from environment by using green
plants. Phytoremediation can be an alternative solution as a green technology to treat heavy
metal contaminated areas.Phytoremediation is one of the method which can be used to
remedy soil problems in order to achieve sustainable soil.Phytoremediation has many
different forms which will suit different kind of soil problems.Sustainable soil is very
important for the continuum of living organisms.

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