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DECEMBER 15, 2021 WEEK 50


What an ama-
zing journey th-
rough the six-
teen chapters of
the Gospel According to Mark! This evangelist’s
the fast-paced Check out our
telling of the life of Jesus can easily out-shine a modern 2022 Discipleship
novel. The only reason why for many it doesn’t is, as the old Opportunities!
saying goes, familiarity breeds contempt. We all “know” the Pages 2-3
stories of Jesus. We all “know” His miracles and teachings
and sayings and sacrifice. We all “know” how the story ends,
so we breeze through reading the Gospels as if we’re trying
to complete another task on our to-do list. I hope the time
we’ve spent going slowly through Mark’s gospel has inspired
or provoked you to go back and read the whole text. It’s only
sixteen chapters long and can be read in about 45 minutes.
In fact, I challenge you to read it this winter as we transition
to a new series in January.
Continued on Page 2

DECEMBER 15, 2021

Bible study closed out the year with a look at the first half of chapter twenty-eight of the
Westminster Confession of Faith. This chapter specifically addresses the sacrament of
baptism. We will return in January to finish this chapter and the remaining chapters in the

2022 Discipleship Opportunities

As we look forward to the new year, I’d like to introduce you to next semester’s discipleship

Starting on the first Sunday in January, I will begin a new series on the first book of Moses,
Genesis. After spending the last year and a bit in the New Testament, I wanted to take us
into the Old Testament. Genesis is the starting point of God’s covenant with His people. This
book gives us a historical sketch of the creation, fall, and redemption of the world. Genesis is
a long book, so we’ll take our time alternating between this series and others. All are
welcome to worship at 10:00 AM.

Starting on January 18, Bible study will continue a systematic study of the Westminster
Confession of Faith. I will pick up where we left off in the middle of our discussion of the
sacraments. I stopped halfway through chapter 28 “Of Baptism,” leaving the class in a cliff
hanger before addressing the hot topic of infant baptism. We will begin our discussion
there. Everyone, member or not, is welcome to join us at 10:00 AM.

Starting on January 19, men’s group will begin a new study on the Acts of the Apostles. After a
fabulous discussion on the Book of Job, the men wanted to take a look at the history of the
early church. There’s no better place to start than Luke’s sequel to his gospel. This will be
an expository series, so we’ll take our time reading and discussing. All men, member or
not, are welcome to join us at 8:00 AM.
Continued on Page 3


Starting on January 23, youth group will return to studying the New Testament with a look
at the portraits of Jesus in the Gospel According to John. The Beloved Disciple wrote twenty-
one chapters and each is a portrait of a characteristic of Christ. We won’t have the time to
discuss every chapter, but we will look at a selection over roughly an eight-week period.
These portraits include “The Great Physician,” “The Good Shepherd,” “The True Vine,” and
“The Great Intercessor.” All youth, member or not, are welcome to join us at 6:00 PM.

DECEMBER 15, 2021 WEEK 50

Next Week at APC

Lord’s Day Worship
December 19| 10:00 AM

Matthew 2:7-12
“Civil Disobedience.”

Expositor Digest is a weekly publication of the Altavista Presbyterian Church. Learn more at
Ed Soto is pastor of the Altavista Presbyterian Church and editor of Expositor Digest. To learn more about him, PAGE 4

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