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Table of Contents

Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH)

Domain 1, Leading Strategically, consists of seven strands:

Domain 2, Managing School Operations and Resources, consists of six strands:

Domain 3, Focusing on Teaching and Learning, consists of seven strands:

Domain 4, Developing Self and Others, consists of eight strands:

Domain 5, Building Connections, consists of four strands:

Philippine Professional Standards for Supervisors (PPSS)

Philippine Professional Standards for School Heads (PPSSH)

In the coming months, the sets of professional standards for school heads and supervisors will also be
available to support leaders in schools, divisions, and regions.

The current drafts indicate five Domains for School Heads comprising 32 strands, and four Domains for
Supervisors comprising 20 strands.

Domain 1, Leading Strategically, consists of seven strands:

Vision, mission and core values

Policy review and implementation

School planning and implementation

Research to improve school performance

Programs, projects, and activities

Learner’s voice

Monitoring and evaluation processes and tools

Domain 2, Managing School Operations and Resources, consists of six strands:

School data and information

Financial management
School facilities and equipment

Management of staff

School safety for disaster preparedness, mitigation, and resiliency

Emerging challenges and opportunities

Domain 3, Focusing on Teaching and Learning, consists of seven strands:

School-based curriculum review and contextualization

Teaching standards and pedagogies

Teaching performance feedback

Learning assessment

Learning environment

Learner discipline

Career awareness and opportunities

Domain 4, Developing Self and Others, consists of eight strands:

Personal and professional development

Professional reflection and learning to improve practice

School personnel and office performance management

Learning and development of school personnel

Developing leadership in individuals and teams

Leading organizations within the school

Rewards and recognition

General welfare of school personnel

Domain 5, Building Connections, consists of four strands:

Managing diverse relationships

Inclusive practice

Community engagement

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