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SAFINA A1M219021
NUR AIN A1M219103




Assalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.

Praise be to Allah SWT who has made it easy for us so that we can
finish this paper on time. Without His help, we certainly would not
have been able to complete this paper properly. Sholawat and
greetings may we bestow upon our beloved majesty, namely the
Prophet Muhammad SAW.

This task is one of the Semantic tasks entitled "Denotative and

Connotative Meaning". We certainly realize that this paper is still far
from perfect and there are still many shortcomings and shortcomings.
For that, we expect criticism and suggestions from readers for this
paper, requesting that this paper can make a better paper. More on
the many errors in this paper, sorry for the value.

We also thank all parties specifically for our lecturers who have
guided in the preparation of this paper. Thus, I hope this paper can
be useful. Thank you.

Wassalamu'alaikum Wr. Wb.


1. Definision

a. Denotative Meaning

The denotative meaning is the real meaning, the basic meaning which refers to a

straightforward or basic meaning and is in accordance with the agreement of the

language user community (Suwandi, 2008: 80). Pateda (1989: 55) says that

denotative meaning refers to a reference without any "frills". Denotative

meaning according to Chaer (1995: 65) is often also referred to as denotational

meaning, conceptual meaning, or cognitive meaning when viewed from another

point of view. Denotative meaning is also related to referential meaning because

this denotative meaning is sometimes associated with the results of one's

observations through direct sight, hearing, smell, and feeling. Therefore,

denotational meaning is related to objective factual information.

So denotative meaning is the actual meaning or straightforward meaning that

corresponds to the basic meaning of a word. This meaning is also a specific,

precise and concrete meaning of the word. The word meaning of the word that is

classified as denotative is a word whose meaning you will find in dictionaries.

b. Connotative Meaning
The meaning of denotation is often juxtaposed with the meaning of connotation.

The meaning of connotation is a sentence that has explicit value or meaning

because it does not contain the same meaning as writing. Connotative sentences

are usually in the form of figures of speech. It refers to the emotion associated

with a word. Sometimes it has socio-cultural implications, it can be positive or

negative. According to (Suwandi, 2008: 83) "Connotation is a set of ideas or

feelings that surround the lexeme and is also related to the value of feeling

evoked by the lexeme. The value of taste is related to respect, liking / pleasure,

annoyance, hatred, and so on."

In connotation, it is divided into two, namely:

1. Positive connotations ; have meanings that are felt good and which are

considered polite.

2. Negative connotation is a word that means rude or disrespectful.

 Short example of denotative meaning

1. Alisa saw a snake under the stairs. --> In the first example it relates to or

refers to reptiles or legless animals (according to the actual translation of

the snake in the dictionary ) .

2. I will not trust Alisa again. He is a snake. --> in this sentence snake relates

to or refers to someone who is dangerous or a cunning swindler .

2. Characteristics of words Denotative meaning and Conotative meaning .

Denotative meaning and connotative meaning have several characteristics that

can distinguish them from each other where the self is the main characteristic or

general characteristic of denotative and connotative meaning.

 The characteristics of words or sentences that have a denotative meaning,

namely :

1. The meaning of the word according to what it means . The meaning of the

word is concrete , straightforward and according to the dictionary .

2. The meaning of the word according to the results of observations. This

means that observation of a person through sight, hearing, smell, and

feeling directly. Therefore, denotational meaning is related to objective

factual information.

3. The meaning refers directly to the meaning of the basic reference, meaning

that the meaning directly expresses the original meaning of the intended

word .

 The characteristics of words or sentences that have connotation are:

1. The meaning is not true or does not match to the basic meaning of a word

in the dictionary or is figurative.

2. Additional meanings are assigned to a conceptual meaning.

3. Additional meaning in the form of taste value. The value of sense is related

to respect, liking/pleasure, annoyance, hatred and so on.

3. The example of Denotative meaning and Connotative meaning .

The following is an example table of denotative and connotative meaning words :

Words Denotation Meaning Connotative Meaning

Blue Colour Sadness

Clown A comic entertainer Funny or jolly person

Dark With little or no light Charasterized by danger or evil forces

Dove A type of bird Peace and hope

Dog Animal Bad attitude or shameless

Snake Animal / reptile Dangerous person

There are examples of denotative and connotative sentences , namely :

 Denotative sentence

1. Andi is eating rice with fried chicken as a side dish. The word eat here

means to put staple food into the mouth and chew and swallow it.

2. The roses in the garden have bloomed . The meaning of the word rose in

this sentence is in accordance with what is explained by the KBBI that

roses are shrubs of the rosecese tribe, including hundreds of types, grow

upright or climb, have thorny stems, flowers have various colors such as

red, white, pink, dark red and smell good.

3. Please buy me a blue drees . In this context, the word blue shows its true

meaning, which refers to a color or part of a color. This meaning

corresponds to what the dictionary says or the actual meaning of that


 Connotative sentence

1. Parents have eaten a lot of acid and salt of life. The word eat in this

sentence doesn't mean eating sour and salt actually, but it means that you

have had good and bad life experiences .

2. Wijaya is not liked by his friends because he has a big head . The

expression big head in the sentence is not a big head but an expression that

shows arrogant or arrogant nature.

3. Rebeca got a low score in her test . She is feeling blue . In the context of this

sentence, the word blue is just a figure of speech which means sad or

feeling bad. In that sentence, the word blue does not describe the actual

meaning of the basic word blue if you look at it in a dictionary.


So the conclusion is that denotative meaning and connotative meaning are part

of semantics that have striking differences. where denotative is a word that has a

real meaning or literal meaning and is easy to find in a dictionary while

kenotative is a figurative word whose meaning is related to the emotions and

culture of a group of people. Connotative words can refer to negative and

positive words in accordance with the emotio or attitude of the word being

referred to.


Interactive video lesson on denotation and connotation meaning by Teacher liz .

English 4 lesson 6 Denotation and Connotation by Irish laqui .

Wahyudin, Ahmad. 2019. Pendalaman Materi Bahasa Indonesia Modul 2

Semantik dan Wacana. Kemdikbud.

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