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Marking Scheme 4

Time allowed: 3 Hrs. Maximum Marks: 80

Part A (40 Marks)
Reading 18 marks

1. Answer ANY TEN questions. (1x10=10)

i. discussing the relationship between the size of mammals and the nature of vegetation in
their habitats
ii. incorrect assumptions on the part of geologists
iii. suggest the size of antelope herds
iv. counter a popular misconception
v. poor and scanty vegetation.
vi. number of prey animals killed by predators
vii. comparison of the weights of herbivores is largely speculative
viii. large animals require luxuriant vegetation
ix. no close relation between the bulk of the species, and the quantity of the vegetation
x. impenetrable
xi. sterile

2. Answer ANY EIGHT questions. (1x8= 8)

i. July-September
ii. not a time to relax
iii. all of the above
iv. all of the above
v. Gross Domestic Product
vi. robust demand stimulus
vii. all of the above
viii. private consumption expenditure
ix. historic

Grammar 8 marks

3. Attempt ANY FOUR questions. (1x4=4)

i. each
ii. an
iii. the
iv. will go
v. was walking

4. Attempt ANY FOUR questions. (1x4=4)

i. bdca
ii. CBAD
iii. ACDB
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iv. CBAD

Literature 14 marks

5. Attempt ANY ONE of the two. (1 x 4 =4)

A. i. goldfinch
ii. both a and c
iii. baby birds
B. i. Walt Whitman
ii. rain
iii. gets changed

6. Attempt ANY TWO of the three. (4+4=8)

A. i. friend
ii. doctor
iii. to get a medical certificate
B. i. The Ailing Planet
ii. Mr. Lester Brown
iii. man should take care of the earth for the next generation
C. i. Ratna
ii. simile
iii. disappointed

7. Attempt ANY FIVE questions. (1x5=5)

i. Businessman
ii. Chinese art and European art
iii. fisheries, grasslands, forests, and croplands
iv. The accountant’s son
v. Dr. Page
vi. education
Part B (40 Marks)
Reading 8 marks

Title: 1 mark
Content: 3 marks
Abbreviations / Symbols with key: 1 mark
Suggested Notes:-

Art of Listening
1. Difference b/w Hearing & Listening
1.1 hearing diff. from listening
1.2 hearing - phy
1.2.1 sound waves
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1.2.2 may not understand
1.3 listening - full attention
1.3.1 applying mind
2. Barriers to Listening / Obstacles
2.1 prejudices, preconceived notions
2.2 pretend to listen
2.3 sit in judgement
2.4 -ive mind-set
3. Benefits of Listening / Benefits / Advantages
3.1 full awareness & conc.
3.2 suspend judgement
3.3. speak your mind
4. Importance of Listening
4.1 perfect communication
4.2 improve interpersonal relationships
4.3 no tension/ negativity
4.4 understand unspoken words
4.5 reduce misunderstanding
b/w- between
diff- different
phy.- physical
/- or
-ve- negative

b. Summary
Content: 2 marks
Expression: 1 mark
The summary should include all the important points given in the notes.

Writing 16 marks

9. Format-1 Content-1 Expression- 1

i. Suggested value points [FLOWER SHOW] – what - flower show – when - February –
where - central park of the city – for whom - students and teachers – advising them to go and
enjoy it – any other relevant details
ii. Suggested value points [BOOKS FOR NEEDY STUDENTS] – what - books for needy
students – by whom - Sarvodaya Education Society / a charitable organisation- when - day,
date – how - drop the lists of books they need in the box outside the Principal’s office – last
date (optional) – any other relevant details

10. Format-1 Content-1 Expression- 1

i. Suggested value points:
Pass the Lung Test
- reasons for pollution
- remedial measures to be taken
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- name of issuing authority
- Any other relevant information
ii. Suggested value points
▪ topic and purpose
▪ slogans against dowry
▪ awareness at school level

11. Format-1 Content-2 Expression- 2

i. (DAMAGED BOOKS) Suggested value points – details of books ordered – books arrived
– but damaged – not properly packed – meant as a gift to friend – request for immediate
replacement – any other relevant details
ii. (COURSE IN FASHION DESIGN) Suggested Value Points – duration of the course – fee
structure – facilities available – faculty – their qualification and experience – university
recognition for course-placement opportunities – hostel facility – scholarship (if any) – any
other relevant points

12. Format-1 Content-2 Expression- 2

i. Suggested value points: (CAREER GUIDANCE) – many children unaware of
opportunities available to them – knowing options helps them to choose – able to take
independent decisions regarding future – need not succumb to peer and parental pressure –
decisions should be one‟s own – any other relevant details
ii. Suggested Value Points FOR – dissection cruel and unpleasant – teaches children to abuse
animals – unethical – drugs that pass animal tests are not necessarily safe – animals stock
piled on top of one another, shipped in crowded containers with no temperature regulation,
food or water – negative impact on bio-diversity – ecological imbalance – animal dissection
can be replaced using virtual labs and models AGAINST – will hamper anatomy lessons –
will produce generations of researchers without appropriate lab skills – will not give students
hands on experience – necessary prelude to further research – has scientific and educational
purpose – organs and other matter can be fully examined and described (any other relevant
Literature 16 marks

13. Content-1 Expression- 1

i. They were in their beach clothes. The wind had blown their hair across their faces. They
were grinning through their hair.
ii. Rain water cycle makes it eternal as it rises out of the land and deep sea. It gathers in the
sky, changes its form and then comes down to the earth.
iii. The grandmother was very old. She was slightly bent. She had to keep one of her two
hands on her waist. She did so to balance her stoop.
iv. Taplow had missed a day at school the previous week. So, Mr. Crocker Harris had called
him for extra work.

14. Content-1 Expression- 1

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i. Mourad was considered crazy by everybody who knew him except the narrator. He was
quite crazy about horses. Secondly, he enjoyed being alive more than anybody else.
ii. When the narrator greeted Ranga, he came near him, did a namaskara respectfully in a
traditional manner. The narrator felt that Ranga, unlike the present day boys, was a well-
behaved boy who knew how to respect his elders.

15. Content-3 Expression-2

i. At last Howard Carter, the British archaeologist, discovered King Tut’s burial chamber and
his gold coffin in 1922. When he opened the last coffin, he found that the ritual resins had
hardened. It had cemented Tut to the bottom of his solid gold coffin. He tried to loosen it by
putting the mummy in the scorching sunshine. But it did not happen. Then he said the
material had to be chiselled away from beneath the limbs and trunk. It was to be done before
it was possible to raise the King’s remains. Carter defended it saying that the thieves would
rip the mummy apart to remove the gold. So his men removed the mummy’s head and
severed nearly major joint. Then they reassembled the remains on a layer of sand. They put
the mummy in a wooden box.
ii. Having an independent mind free from any outside influence is the most important step
towards adulthood. That is why, the poet mentions it as the third and the final step. Other
steps like being rational or learning hypocrisy show an outside influence while this step
shows an internal awakening which is the chief quality of human and separates them from
other animals.

16. Content-3 Expression-2

i. The narrator did not feel convinced about her mother’s concern for Mrs. Dorling. The latter
was keen on removing the precious possessions of the narrator’s mother to her own house. It
seems that the narrator did not like Mrs. Dorling’s excessive interest in her mother’s
belongings. It is evident from the questions she puts to her mother.
ii. When, Mrs. Pearson tells her son Cyril that she has decided now that she doesn’t like
mending, Cyril objects to her words. Mrs. Pearson gives him a taste of his own medicine by
saying that all of them talk like that. If there’s something at home, they don’t like to do they
don’t do it. If it is something at their work, they get the union to bar it. She has now joined
the movement.

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