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Elizabeth 'Liz' Murray's narrative, Homeless to Harvard, was written by Ronni Kern and
directed by Peter Levin. Thora Birch portrays Liz Murray. Liz Murray was born to loving yet drug-
addicted parents and had a tumultuous upbringing in which the majority of the money in the home
was spent on drugs. All humans have the potential to summon the strength and resourcefulness
needed to overcome hardship, and in extreme circumstances, their efforts may serve as a heroic
example for us all. Liz Murray, who went from being a destitute person to a Harvard graduate,
epitomizes this philosophy. She was able to break free from the negative spiral that many
adolescents in her situation experience by feeling that every day was an opportunity for
improvement. Murray's story might have ended in tragedy. Instead, she received a Harvard
University scholarship and graduated in 2009. This film draws everyone's eyes to the importance of
assisting children and teens in avoiding drug addiction and gangs, as well as completing their


Homeless to Harvard was written by Ronni Kern, an American film writer. This narrative is
about a young lady who, despite her social level, has a daring and powerful personality. Liz Murray
is the name of this person. The film Homeless to Harvard tells the true tale of Liz Murray, a young
woman reared in poverty in New York City by loving but drug-addicted parents. In this story, Liz
transforms her life by getting off the streets, returning to high school, and eventually being accepted
to Harvard University, all while following her aspirations with zeal and drive. The theme of the
story is quite compelling, and it depicts a great tale of survival and perseverance. This film inspires
people from many walks of life, particularly those who are dealing with difficulties and adversity. It
shows how far a person can go if they are dedicated to something. By watching this real life story,
we will realize that people cannot give what they have. One must be brave and struggle in order to


Homeless to Harvard is a heartwarming and sorrowful movie that shows the girl’s personal tragedies
and struggles. In our cinematic experience, Homeless to Harvard gave us a lesson on how to survive
and how to be brave when we’re struggling with something. The cinematography looks satisfying
and great and the atmosphere in the main character's life felt impactful and inspiring. Each scene
held importance to Liz Murray's changes and the decisions she made to push forward, the
progression of the character's life achieving her goal in getting into Harvard and proving herself that
she is capable. Sounds of emotions, struggles, confidence, and choices captivated me to watch more
and more of it to see the conclusion of the movie and the character's life-changing choice. I think
what stands out to me the most was the protagonist's traits, showing self-confidence of her
capabilities, her forgiveness to her drug-addicted parents, expressing optimism about her future and
the desire to succeed, and lastly, her hard work.


The remarkable narrative of one woman's battle to overcome enormous personal difficulties
is told in Homeless to Harvard. This film has a PG-13 rating and is acceptable for audiences of all
ages. The spectacular effects are breathtaking and the soundtrack is well matched. The character's
emotions can be expressed through the camera's various viewpoints. It underlines the character's
current state of mind. After seeing this film, you'll feel like you know Liz Murray. Murray's tragic
life tale was told with no shortage of roughness and grime by the director.

Homeless to Harvard is a poignant documentary about a young woman who was reared in
extreme poverty by loving but drug-addicted parents. Liz's mother was an AIDS-stricken cumulative
drug addict. Liz's mother had spent all of the money on drugs, so there was no food in the house. Liz
was always striving to make things better for her parents. When her mother and father were no
longer able to care for her, she found herself in a downward spiral. She was homeless and living on
the streets by herself. Liz is forced to look at her future and make some substantial choices as a
result of her mother's AIDS-related death. After her mother's AIDS-related death has left her terribly
traumatized, Liz is compelled to look at her future and make some significant decisions. She was
able to build confidence, develop her talents, and eventually win a scholarship to Humanities
Preparatory Academy for high school thanks to her renewed hope and devotion. In just two years,
she finished her courses. The interviewer looked Liz in the eyes at Liz's Preparatory Academy
admission interview and said, "You have so much work to do." Are you ready to get to work? Liz's
life story was alluded to in her response to the inquiry: "I'm searching for a yes or no." At night,
people sleep on park benches and subways. In the mornings, I am hungry. Strangers' sidelong looks.
It's terrible to see her parents miss out on their dreams. Feeling separated from the rest of the world.

All of her past life experiences had led her to this single defining moment. Liz
enthusiastically and unequivocally said yes to this chance. "Yes," she confirms. "Returning to high
school and getting off the streets will help her turn her life around." By getting off the streets and
returning to high school, she is able to turn her life around. Liz obtains a New York Times
scholarship for poor students after receiving her graduation in just two years, allowing her to attend
Harvard University. Because of her attitudes toward school and parents, her drug-addicted parents,
and her homeless past, Liz has been a very successful person throughout her life. Liz is an
encouragement to anyone who feels stuck in a world from which they believe they will never be
able to leave. She realized that education was the key to escaping her precarious situation. Her
unattainable ambition became a reality because to her own particular perseverance.

Liz is a very remarkable individual and we believe her tale has touched the hearts of many
who have heard it. Liz was able to conquer all of her challenges via sheer tenacity and willpower.
She turned every obstacle into an opportunity, such as when she found a series of encyclopedias in
the rubbish and read them when she wasn't at school. Moreover, despite the difficult circumstances
in which she was born, she had no negative thoughts toward her parents. She decided to recall the
good and learn from the bad since those experiences had made her stronger. She even admits that
she succeeded because her parents showed her the alternative and that she had no choice but to go
on rather than look back. Her parents adore her, but they are unable to provide for her due to a lack
of parental responsibilities. Rather than providing food and a safe environment for their girls, both
chose to use drugs and alcohol. When Liz attempted to return to school, her parents recognized her
and encouraged her, even asking her to do her best and not follow in their footsteps. Because of her
strength of character and mind, Liz, who became homeless at the age of 15, does not reflect the
attitudes and qualities of homeless individuals.

We disagree with the way the Child Services Department treated Liz and her sister when
Gene was taken away from home and they were yelled at instead of being shown sympathy and
empathy for their situation. But, most crucially, it provided something tangible on which to place
one's confidence. Belief. There's no pretense here. "She believed in herself when there was nothing
else to believe in". Holding students to a higher degree of excellence shows that you care about
them. Pay attention to each student's narrative because it is essential. Encourage students to believe
in themselves, to dream large, and to persevere.

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