Founders Memo

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Considerations for Founders:

Issues in Structuring Relationships Among Members of the Founder Team

By: Joe Hadzima Senior Lecturer M.I.T. Sloan School of Management

There are so many things which Founders have to worry about and do in launching
a new venture- financing, people, customers etc. All of these are important but the reality
is that most ventures fail because of people issues and are really a failure of the
relationships among the team members. Teams come together around an interesting or
exciting idea or opportunity and tend to get swept up in the idea. They often don’t talk
about their shared aspirations, vision and what they want to get out of the venture. The
venture gets launched without these discussions and then problems surface “Big Time”
down the road when these undiscussed topics collide.

These problems can be surfaced and dealt with early on if Founders work at it. This
can be done by addressing some of the practical issues which should be considered in
structuring the relationships among the Founders. This rest of this memorandum outlines
some of the legal and business issues which the Founders of a new venture may want to
consider in structuring their relationships among one another. It is not intended to cover all
of the potential issues; rather it is meant to stimulate thought and discussion. Versions of
this memo have been used by the founders of the over 120 startup companies I have had the
privilege of being directly involved in over the years. I have incorporated feedback from
these entrepreneurs into the current version of this memo. If you find the thoughts here to
be helpful or have additional ideas, please email me so we can share this collective
knowledge with those entrepreneurs who come after you. On that theme, please remember
to contribute to the development of entrepreneurship in some way – please “give back”
some of the knowledge and experience you gain from your entrepreneurial ventures with


Of primary concern to members of the founder team is the question of how the
equity in the new venture is to be allocated, both initially and over time. Ownership of
stock carries with it two attributes: economic participation in the venture and the right to
have a say in decision making. These attributes can be structured in a variety of ways,
including preferred economic returns and limited or expansive voting rights. To determine
how to allocate these attributes the following are among the questions to be considered:

Initial Ownership/Contributions. In the typical situation each member of the founder team
is bringing a unique skill or property to the party for which he or she is to receive a portion
of the equity of the venture. It is important to understand that unless the participants
specifically agree otherwise, once stock is issued to a person it is owned free and clear by
that person. For example assume that Bill, Sam and Mary are the founders and their

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By Joe Hadzima © 1994-2005
understanding is that Bill will invest $20,000, Sam will work on marketing and financing
and Mary will develop the product. They agree that each will receive 1/3 of the stock. In
this situation, Bill has done everything he promised once he pays his $20,000. The
founders should consider what happens if Sam or Mary don't do what they promised.

A method of handling this is to "vest" the stock of the founders. Vesting can take
many forms. For example, the founders might agree to a calendar vesting schedule (e.g.,
straight line vesting over 5 years) so that if a founder leaves the company after one year of
employment or involvement then he or she would be entitled to keep only 20% of his or her
stock. Calendar vesting is usually a surrogate for the tasks each founder is to undertake.
For example, it might be assumed that Mary will complete the product within a year or
alternatively if she doesn't it may not matter because an opportunity window might have
passed. An alternative to calendar vesting is "milestone vesting" which vests stock on the
basis of achieving identifiable milestones such as "first beta ship" or "prototype"
completion. One obvious problem here is whether the milestones can be identified clearly
or even if they can what happens if the business plan changes.

There are several important tax issues which must be considered if vesting is
selected. These issues will not be discussed in this memorandum because they are
somewhat involved. However, it is extremely important to address the equity and tax issues
early on because there can be large personally adverse economic consequences- seek
advice from an experienced startup lawyer.

Scope of Economic Participation. A related question is whether a person whose

stock has vested should be entitled to participate in the economic success of the venture
after he or she leaves the company. The philosophical issue is whether the person is to be
rewarded only for the increase in the value of the venture until the time he leaves. If so then
either the company or the other founders or both should have the right to repurchase the
departing founder's stock at some price, perhaps the "fair market value" or an agreed value
or an appraised value. Another reason for having a repurchase right is to prevent dilution
in ownership which would occur if the company has to issue stock to someone new who is
taking over the departing founder's tasks. On the other hand if the deal is that once the
stock vests a departing founder is entitled to participate in the future increases in the value
of the venture then there would not be a need for such a repurchase right.

Transfers of Stock. Except for certain federal and state securities law restrictions,
once the stock has been issued it can be transferred by any founder or other stockholder. It
may be in the best interest of the company and the stockholders to restrict the ability of a
stockholder to transfer stock. For example, without such restrictions a founder could
transfer his or her stock to a competitor. Restrictions can take the form of a "right of first
refusal" under which the company and/or the other stockholders have a right to match the
price which a third party offers. This right could be triggered by a specific third party offer
or a general statement by a stockholder that he wants to sell at $x and giving the company
and/or the other stockholders the right to purchase at $x. Alternatively the founders could
agree on a formula price for repurchases or that on a periodic basis the Board of Directors

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By Joe Hadzima © 1994-2005
would set the price at which all transactions in the company's stock would occur.

Take-along Rights. Although it is more commonly imposed by venture capital

investors, founders sometimes agree among themselves that if any one of them finds a
purchaser his or her stock then all will be able to participate in the sale by selling off a
portion of their stock ownership ("take-along rights"). Sometimes this is combined with a
right of first refusal to provide the stockholders with the opportunity to purchase the stock
of a stockholder if they think the price he proposes to sell at is favorably low or to sell
their shares if they think the third party price is high.

Death/Disability. Founders should consider what happens if one of the founders

dies or becomes disabled. In the case of death the stock owned by the deceased
stockholder will end up with his or her heirs. Since the other founders may not want the
deceased stockholder's spouse, son or daughter on the Board of Directors, the company
and/or the other stockholders often are given the right to purchase the stock owned by the
deceased stockholder. This repurchase right is often funded by the proceeds of a "key
man" life insurance policy.1

The founders should also consider whether they want to give the deceased
stockholder's executor the right to force the company to buy back the stock. This might be
necessary where the estate of the deceased stockholder lacks the liquidity needed to pay
estate taxes, etc. This put right could also be funded by insurance. An alternative is to
have each stockholder purchase his own insurance to provide estate liquidity. The optimal
arrangement depends on a number of factors including tax law considerations, which of
course have a tendency to change.

Permitted Transferees. With any stock transfer restriction it is appropriate to ask if

all transfers will be subject to the restriction. For example, does a gift of stock to a child
trigger the various rights? What about a transfer from one stockholder to an existing
stockholder? Even if the founders decide that such transfers do not invoke the
restrictions, it is usual practice to have the transferee agree to be bound by the restrictions
on subsequent transfers.

Preemptive Rights. Preemptive rights provide that the company cannot issue any
additional stock without giving the existing stockholders the right to purchase the stock.
In this way the founders can avoid a dilution in the percentage ownership of the company
as a result of new stock issuances. Preemptive rights can be a valuable item to offer
outside investors because it gives them a chance to increase their investment.

Duration of Restrictions. The duration of restrictions should be considered. Do

they apply indefinitely? Until a public offering? For x years? It should be kept in mind
. In addition the company may want to have a life insurance policy which will provide the company with
operating funds while a replacement for the deceased stockholder/officer is found.

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By Joe Hadzima © 1994-2005
that if outside financing is anticipated the new investors will have their own ideas about

Control. With stock ownership usually comes the right to vote for a Board of
Directors. Even with nonvoting stock there are certain fundamental corporate transactions
which require approval of a certain percentage of each class of security. Often the founders
agree to vote their stock in a manner that each has a seat on the Board of Directors. It is not
uncommon for the founders to agree that "Major Events" will not happen unless there is
agreement of all or a majority of the founders. In addition to such events as a merger or
sale of assets of the venture, Major Events could include such items as incurring more than
$x of debt, entering into major license agreements or distribution agreements for the
company's products, issuing additional equity or options etc.

Proprietary Information. In most situations the founders will want to provide that
any inventions or discoveries made in the course of the venture will belong to the venture.
Where a founder is bringing certain technology to the venture he or she may want to have a
clear understanding as to what rights the venture has in the technology. For example, who
owns what if the venture fails? Can some but not all of the founders start a new venture? Is
the venture limited to exploiting a technology in a particular niche? Of course later
investors as a condition to their investment may require that all rights to a technology be
transferred to the venture.

Employment. Is the continued employment of one or more founders considered

important either to the founders being employed or to the other investors? Under what
conditions can a founder be terminated and what consequences does this have to his or her
stock ownership. What if major differences arise about the direction of the venture such
that the services of a founder are no longer needed?

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By Joe Hadzima © 1994-2005

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