Block I (Paper I) Blueprint (Theory & OSPE - OSCE)

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The year-3 will be assessed in 3 blocks
1) Block-G (Foundation 2 and Infection and Inflammation modules) will be assessed in paper-
2) Block-H (Multisystem, blood and MSK modules) will be assessed in paper-H
3) Block-I (CVS and Respiratory module) will be assessed in paper-I
4) Each written paper consists of 120 MCQs and
5) Internal assessment will be added to final marks in KMU as shown in table below.
6) In OSPE, each station will be allotted 6 marks, and a total of 120 (plus 10% marks of
internal assessment) marks are allocated for each OSPE/OSCE examination
Practical assessment will be in the form of OSPE/OSCE which will also include embedded viva
stations. The details of each section are given in the tables given below.

Paper-I (CVS and Respiratory Module)

Table-5: MCQs
Subject CVS Respiratory module Total MCQs
Pharmacology 12 5 17
Pathology 20 22 42
Forensic 4 9 13
Community 2 6 8
ENT 0 6 6
PRIME 2 1 3
Research 1 1 2
Medicine 13 2 15
Pediatrics 3 5 8
Anatomy 1 1 2
Physiology 1 1 2
Biochemistry 1 1 2
Total 60 60 120

Table-6: OSPE/OSCE
Subject CVS Viva Respiratory Viva Total
stations module stations OSPE/OSCE
stations (for
final exam*)
Pharmacology 3 1 4 1 5
Pathology 2 1 0 1 2
Forensic 3 1 2 1 3
Community 0 1 1 1 2
Medicine OSCE station for history and physical examination 1
Pediatrics OSCE station for history and physical examination 1
Total 8 4 7 4 12+8=20
*out of total of 18 OSPE/OSCE stations, 12 will be allocated for final exam, plus 8 viva
stations and 2 OSCE stations. A minimum of 20 stations will be used in final exams. Total
marks will be 120 (6 marks for each station).

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