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Title: Personal Pressure

Aim: To determine your personal pressure

Apparatus/Materials: Pencil, bathroom scale, graph page

Method: (Write in past tense)

 Use the bathroom scale to obtain the personal mass.

 Outline the shape of the foot on the graph page
 Record the number of relevant squares to determine the area.

Diagram: (You can attach the graph page which outlines the foot. Please note you are outlining your
OWN foot)
Calculations: (This depends on your values obtained)

Do not copy this part, this is merely an example. Your values will change depending on your mass
and area of your foot. Remember to state your mass before you begin calculations

Variables: Controlled- Graph Paper

Manipulating- Foot

Responding- Pressure exerted.

Discussion: Define what is pressure. State the units. Give some information regarding pressure such
as what would give a high-pressure vs what would give a low pressure. HINT: size of surface area.

Sources of Errors: Identify your own sources of error.

Precautions: State what precautions you think are necessary.

Conclusion: State what you determined your personal pressure to be, and you can also include what
trends you observe with pressure.

Reflection: State what you have learnt during this experiment

******************************END OF LAB********************************

1 small block on the graph = 1 cm 2 (There are approximately 468 small blocks on a single graph

1 cm2= 0.0001 m 2
You need to find the surface are of both feet, however, you can find one and multiply it by 2 as both
feet are assumed to be identical in size.

You can used W=mg instead of F as weight is the force being used.

When measuring the area of the foot on the graph, if more than half a block is occupied with a part
of the foot, count it as 1 cm 3. If you have blocks, that have less than half occupied by the foot, try to
match them up to account for an entire block.

You can use any scale to measure your mass, it does not need to be a bathroom scale. Pharmacies
usually have scales, they cost around 50 cents per use.

Please write your method in past tense.

This is an ORR lab

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