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Lab #6-Plan and Design #2- Momentum

Problem Statement: Sasha observed that the momentum of objects varies depending on their mass
and velocity. She decided to use three different types of balls: marble, ping pong ball and a tennis
ball to investigate this theory. She also wanted to measure the force of impact due to momentum
using a solo cup. Plan and design an experiment to determine which ball would have the greatest

Hypothesis: The object with the greatest mass and velocity will have the greatest momentum and
the greatest force of impact.

Aim: To determine if the momentum of an object is directly proportional to its mass and velocity.

Apparatus and Materials: marble, ping pong ball, tennis ball, stopwatch, solo cup, (as well as other
apparatus that you may use)

Method: (You are required to design the method for this lab. There are various things to work out
such as velocity so you must also give an account for such components.)

Expected Results: (You are required to design the table(s) of results. Remember component recorded
such as the momentum, time taken, velocity, etc. will have columns with no values whereas distance
which would already be measured would have a value. You must also state what you expect, that is,
the object with the greater mass and velocity will yield a greater momentum)





Sources of Error: (Research what possible errors that can occur in this experiment).

Precautions: (Research possible precautions that can help mitigate errors and improve the

********************************END OF LAB**************************************


 This is a PLAN and DESIGN lab, there will be NO CALCULATION NOR RESULTS. You can insert
a diagram to aid with your method.
 I recommend you send a draft of this lab before you insert it into your lab book.
 This is generally the most difficult lab, so take your time and carry out proper research.

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