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Sex is referred to as our identity depending on our biological make up (biological or
physical sex). Anatomically and physiologically, the distinction depends on the parts of one’s
body that are relevant to reproduction. It is determined by examining the genitals – the external
organs associated with reproduction.

Gender are created social norms which allows us to attach social and cultural meanings
to our sex. As an example, males are masculine while females are feminine. From the time that
a baby’s sex is known, social and cultural meanings are set and, in the process, expectation of
how the child should behave and treated are established. This social dimension of one’s
sexuality is called Gender.

Gender Identity

Gender Identity is another important aspect of gender. It is our sense of who we are: Do
we see and experience ourselves as a man, a woman, or neither. Typically, males are
comfortable identifying themselves as man and females are comfortable identifying themselves
as woman. There are instances however, that a person’s biological sex does not align with one’s
gender identity. People who experience this are called transgenders, such as a male who does
feel comfortable identifying as a man (transgender woman) or a female who is not comfortable
identifying as a woman (transgender man). There are people who undergo reassignment
surgery to align their physical characteristics to their gender identity. Others however, because
of culture, belief systems and economic condition opted not to undergo surgery.

Sexual Orientation

Another aspect of gender is the emotional and sexual attraction to a person. This is also
called the person’s sexual orientation. Everyone’s sexuality is different and deeply personal. Our
capacity for emotional and sexual attraction is diverse and complex but there are common
labels or terms that we can use. Heterosexuals or straight – people who are attracted to the
opposite sex (Ex. boys attracted to girls/girls attracted to boys)
Homosexuals – people who are attracted to people of the same sex.
(Ex. Gays and lesbians)
Bisexuals or Bi – people attracted to both sexes, male or female
LGBT – refers to the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.
Differentiating Sex and Gender
Distinguishing between sex and gender helps us understand that most of the things girls
and boys are expected to do are learned behaviors. Some people may believe that it is ‘natural’
for girls to be quiet and that it is ‘natural’ for boys to be aggressive. However, these are actually
learned behaviors. Everything that is learned can be un-learned, particularly once we
understand that society uses gender to discriminate against us, or to lead us to unhealthy or
risky behaviors.

Appreciating Diversity

Nature and nurture play a complex role in shaping our sexual orientation. Homosexuality
and heterosexuality are part of the human sexuality and is a large part of the human
experience. (American Psychological Society,2008) Identifying as a heterosexual, lesbian, bi,
gay, or transgender is a deeply personal process so it may be more difficult for others to” come
out” or for them to become comfortable enough with their sexuality that they feel safe to share
with other people. For others it comes early in adolescence while for some it may take time to
understand and discover themselves.

Lesson 2: Gender and sexuality across time

These social constructions of gender throughout time are also represented as changes in the
expected norms of behavior for those labeled male or female. Those who study gender history
note these changes in norms and those performing them over time and interpret what those
changes say about the larger social/cultural/political climate
Woman empowerment
The nations reports that woman do more work than men because they work at the office,
they still expected to do household tasks. Another report from UN women states that
‘women perform 66% of the world work, procedure 50% of the food, but earn 10 of the income
and own 1% of the property’. This is because in agricultural countries, woman participate in
making the procedure, but only the father or the male head or the family controls the income.

1. Women's rights are the fundamental human rights that were enshrined by the United
Nations for every human being on the planet nearly 70 years ago. These rights include the right
to live free from violence, slavery, and discrimination; to be educated; to own property; to vote;
and to earn a fair and equal wage.
2. Women's sexual and reproductive health is related to multiple human rights, including the
right to life, the right to be free from torture, the right to health, the right to privacy, the right to
education, and the prohibition of discrimination.

3. gender equality and the empowerment of women and girls is not just a goal in itself, but a key
to sustainable development, economic growth, and peace and security”. Research has shown this
to be the case – society gets better for everyone when women's rights are upheld and taken
Le mouvement de Liberation des Femmes or the women’s liberation movement was formed
in Europe and they sought the right to education, right to work, and right to vote in the 1940’s.
1st and 2nd wave feminism
Feminist history can be divided into three waves. The first wave, occurring in the 19th and early
20th century, was mainly concerned with women's right to vote. The second wave, at its height
in the 1960s and 1970s, refers to the women's liberation movement for equal legal and social


Aristotle, Plato, and other Greek philosophers viewed women as the inferior sex and are
properties of men whose only job was to obey their husbands, bear children, and take care of
the household. They were forbidden to learn philosophy, politics, and science.

Herodotus, a Greek historian, observed the E8Yptian civilization citing that Egyptian
women enjoyed higher social status than Greek women because they can inherit property and
engage in trade and politics. However, Greek influence quickly spread in Egypt through the
conquests of Alexander the Great across Asia and Africa.
Confucianism has stringent written rules that dictate how women should conduct themselves.
The written documents titled "Three obedience's and four virtues and Precepts of
women & quote states that women should obey their father, when married she is to obey her
husband, and when widowed she is to obey her son. Gendered biases in ancient patriarchal
societies were very strict, heavily enforced, and often violent. Imagine not being able to go to
school just because you are a woman, not being able to express your opinion on important
matters even when it concerns your future, and not being able to say no to any man.
Gender studies-a field of study concerned about how reproductive roles are interpreted
and negotiated in the society through gender.

Gender seems so obvious and so simple, many would ask why we have to study it Well,
gender studies as an area of knowledge, is about looking into, analyzing, and examining society
so that we notice power relations in the seemingly & simple, It helps us see the issues in our
everyday lives through a different lens.

The goal of this lesson is to define and appreciate gender studies. Gender is a big part of our
individuality and society; it is a form of social organization, and it is often unnoticed. In different
cultures and different times in our history, gender roles played a big part of social organization.

Gender studies emerged from the need to analyze how gender, sex, and sexuality impact our
lives, especially how it creates gender inequality. It came about in the mid 1970safter the second
wave of feminism as a way to challenge the male-defined and male-centered knowledge.
Gender studies is not just for women or all about women, it is about everyone. It
explores how our gender roles have changed throughout our history and how it created
inequalities. One hundred years ago, women were not allowed to study at universities since
their role was only restricted to domestic or the household. This repressed women's
potential in shaping the social and political landscape in the past, but it also placed the burden on
the men to provide for the whole family.

Diversity and Inclusion

Gender roles are socially constructed and are not something that we are & born with
Society, through a lifelong process of normalization, encourages or reprimands behaviors to
make a child adapt to these social expectations.

Gender studies lets us analyze the creation and maintenance of these gender
norms so that it does not create inequalities in our social, political, and economic


As a subject of inquiry, Gender Studies utilizes a systematic approach in identifying
problems, making hypotheses and assumptions, gathering data, and making conclusions. This
systematic process is referred to as the research process.
Approaches in Research
Since Gender and Sexuality cuts across a variety of issues that could be biomedical,
psychosocial, or political-legal, there is no singular way in conducting the research process.
There are however a variety of approaches which can be used.

Qualitative approach focuses more on the meanings created and interpretations made by
people about their own personal or vicarious (observed) experiences. For example, 1t you want
to Know now women, men, or LGBTQ+ live their lives on a daily basis and how they make
sense ot their lived experiences, then the qualitative approach is fitting Some ot the methods
used in the qualitative approach are as follows:

Quantitative approach, on the other hand, focuses more on characterizing a population

(total number of individuals in a group) or a sample (a sub-group within the population), and in
some cases, making generalizations about the population based on the behavior of a sample.
For instance, if you want to know how many Filipino adolescents are engaged in a romantic
relationship or how many of them still believe in marriage, then a quantitative approach is

Ethics in Gender and Sexuality Research

There are some principles to remember in conductin8 gender and sexuality researches.
These principles are referred to as ethical principles because they make sure that people
involved in the research are protected from harm. Ethics is a prerequisite to a properly
conducted study. The following are the principles to remember:

 Informed consent- Researchers should make sure that the participants in the study are
aware of the purpose and processes of the study they are participating in. They should
also ensure that only those participants who agree (in writing) will be included, and that
they shall not force any participant to join.

 Confidentiality and anonymity- Researchers should not reveal any information provided
by the participants, much so, their identity to anyone who are not concerned with the
study. All data gathered from surveys or interviews should also be placed in a secure
location or filing system.

 Non-maleficence and beneficence- A study should do no harm (non- maleficence) to

anyone. Especially in researches involving humans, a study should be beneficial
(beneficence) for it to be worth implementing

 Distributive justice Any study should not disadvantage a particular group especially the
marginalized and the oppressed (e.g., poor people, women, LGBTQ+, the elderly). The
benefits of a study should be for all.


Human Ecology, as a field, recognizes the interplay among internal and external
environments-physical, socio-economic, cultural (Bronfenbrenner 1994; Bubolz and Sontag
1983). Hence, to look at realities from an ecological perspective is to appreciate that human
development across lifespan is influenced by these environments. In the context of gender and
sexuality, a human ecological approach looks at human sexual lives and experiences at various
levels and spheres of analysis. First, it sees gender and sexuality as an organismic and personal


Gender, being male or female, has sociality constructed meanings, and it is different in
every culture and may change with time. It is important to analyze how society enforce gender
roles on everyone so we can further understand how power relations in gender roles can limit
an individual's freedom and promote inequality. To help us have a holistic view need to use
frameworks and methods from different disciplines psychology, sociology% medicine, and law-
among others. This book will provide you with sufficient theoretical and practical perspectives,
so you can understand gender and sexuality.


This chapter focuses on the adolescent stage of human development, which is
characterized by dynamic changes in physical and behavioral traits. Despite differences
in physical appearance, the sexual organs of men and women arise from the same
structures and fulfill similar functions. Each person has a pair of gonads: ovaries are
female gonads; testes are the male gonads. The gonads produce germ cells and sex
hormones. The female germ cells are ova (egg) and the male germ cells are sperm.
Ova and sperm are the basic units of reproduction; their union can lead to the creation
of new life.
The female external genitalia consist of the following:

 Vulva – all the external genital structures taken together;

 Mons Veneris – pads of fatty issue between public bone and skin;
 Labia Majora – outer lips surrounding all the other structures.
 Prepuce – clitoral hood (foreskin above and covering clitoris);
 Clitoris – glans (head), shaft, and crura (root), the clitoris is particularly
sensitive to stimulation;
 Labia Minora – inner lips surrounding the vestibule where sweat and oil
glands, extensive blood vessels, and nerve endings are located;
 Vestibule – area surrounding the urethral opening and vagina, which is
highly sensitive with extensive blood vessels and nerve endings;
 Urethral opening – end of tube connecting to bladder and used for urination;
 Vaginal opening – also called introitus; and Perineum- area of skin separating the genitalia
from the anus; distance is less in females than males
The female internal reproductive

 Vagina – collapsible canal extending from vaginal opening back and

upward into body cervix and uterus. During arousal, it is engorged with
blood. This aids its expansion and triggers the release of lubricants from
vaginal mucosa.
 Cervix – small end of uterus to which vagina leads. It is the opening in
cervix leading to interior of uterus;
 Uterus- womb, organ within pelvic zone where fetus is carried;
 Fallopian tubes – carry egg cells from ovaries to uterus, this is where
fertilization occurs; and
 Ovaries – produce estrogen and progesterone. Estrogen influences
female sex characteristics and initiates menstrual cycle. Progesterone
aids in regulation of menstrual cycle and promotes mature development of
uterine lining to allow for zygote implantation. Also produce ova, egg cells,
and bring them to maturity.

The menstrual cycle marks the beginning of puberty in females. The first episode
occurs between 11 to 15 years of age referred to as menarche. Menstruation pertains to
the sloughing off the uterine lining if conception has not occurred. It may last within two
to six days which follows a cycle ranging from 24 to 42 days. Regardless of the length of
the cycle, menstruation begins about 14 days after ovulation (plus or minus one to two
days). The overall cycle is governed by the hypothalamus as it monitors hormone levels
in the bloodstream.

Menstrual phase. This occurs if the ovum is not fertilized and does not implant
itself into the uterine lining. The continued high levels of estrogen and progesterone
causes the pituitary to stop releasing follicle – stimulating hormone (FSH) and
luteinizing hormone (LH). Estrogen and progesterone levels decrease causing the
endometrium to be sloughed off, and bleeding ensues. It is during this time that ovarian
hormones are at their lowest levels.
Proliferative phase. It occurs when the hypothalamus stimulates the pituitarygland to release
FSH that stimulates the ovaries to produce estrogen and causes ova to
mature in the ovarian follicles. Endometrium is repaired, thickens, and becomes well-
vascularized in response to increasing levels of estrogens.
Lesson 5: the process of reproduction
Although human beings are fully sexually differentiated at birth, the the difference
between males and females are accentuated at puberty. This is when the reproductive system
matures, secondary sexual characteristics develop and the bodies of males females appear more
Female puberty usually begins at about 8-13 years of age; the reproduction maturation of boys
tags about two years behind that of girls. The physical changes of femine puberty indicate breast
development, munding of the hips and growth of the hair in pubic region and the underarm, and
start menstruation.

How does one ovulate?

The major landmarks of puberty among females of the menstrual cycle, the monthly ovulation
cycle that leads to menstruation (loss of blood and tissues lining the uterus).. in the absence of
pregnancy. The menstrual cycle is from the first day of a period until the day before the next
period start.
Normally, it lasts around 28 days on the average, but can be as short 21 or as long as 40.
Whatever the length ovulation will happen about 10-16 days before the start of the next period.

How does pregnancy occur?

For pregnancy to proceed the sperm needs to meet up with an egg. Pregnancy officially starts
when a fertilized egg implants in the lining of the uterus. Pregnancy happens 2-3 weeks after
sexual intercourse, this is redundant so it was it predicated.

What can be done to prevent teenage pregnancy?

There are many methods available to help prevent pregnancy, including IUDs, birth control pills,
and condoms. Additionally, many groups, such as SHIFT NC in North Carolina and Planned
Parenthood, offer support or counseling programs for teens. You should also be sure to look for
regional groups in your state or city.

What are the health effects of early pregnancy in the growing adolescent?
Although in traditional societies the majority of these pregnancies are socially desired, several
studies have pointed out the enormous risks which are associated with teenage pregnancies such
as anemia, preterm labor, urinary tract infections, preeclampsia, high rate of cesarean sections,
preterm birth, and low birth weight infants and even maternal and newborn mortality. Teenage
pregnancy had caused many physical, emotional and financial problems. It caused several mood
and behavior disorders such as bipolar disorder and depression,
Because of the pair's inability to sustain the needs of their own family, they can only rely to their
parents, which in turn becomes another burden for them to bear. If not all of their basic
necessities are fulfilled, they can experience shortage of food and starvation. Their newborn
child could become malnourished and the parents themselves would be sickly.

Reproduction involves the egg and sperm. Their union can lead to the creation of a new little life
through pregnancy. This has the process of the pregnancy and the changes that happen during
pregnancy. We have discussed the various ways of preventing pregnancy so that the growing adolescent
would be empowered to choose to avert from early pregnancy that can lead to various life threatening
Lesson 6: sexual health and hygiene
Puberty causes all kinds of changes in the adolescent body. These bodily changes are normal
part of developing into an adult. These are instances when these changes can be a sources at
anxiety in the growing teen. Does anymore not worry about smelly threat and underarms? This
further puts personal hygiene and healthy habits being important life skills for the teen.
Oily hair
But during puberty, when the sebaceous glands produce extra oil, it can make your hair look
too shiny, oily, and greasy. Washing your hair every day or every other day can help control oily
hair. ... Don't scrub or rub too hard — this doesn't get rid of oil any better and can irritate your
scalp or damage your hair.
Sweat and Body odor
Perspiration, or sweat, comes from sweat glands that you've always had in your body. But thanks
to puberty, these glands not only become more active than before, they also begin to secrete
different chemicals into the sweat that has a stronger smelling odor. ... Your feet and genitals
might also have new smells.
Body hair
As pubic hair grows, it becomes darker and coarser. In the later stages of puberty, pubic hair
may spread to the thighs and stomach. Males will also have hair growth under their arms, legs,
and usually on their face and chest. In the first stages of puberty, males may grow in height by
about 5–6 cm. Early pubic and armpit hair is considered normal if a child is growing normally
and tracking along the same percentile on the doctor's growth curve, and there is no significant
enlargement of the clitoris in females or penile growth or testicular enlargement in boys.

Dental Hygiene
A has shown that the onset of puberty and an increase in hormones can change the chemistry in
the mouth and may cause more bacteria to form over the teeth. Without proper dental care, the
bacteria can eat away at the enamel and make teeth more prone to cavities.
Healthcare check for female:
A woman's menstrual cycle causes hormone fluctuations in estrogen and progesterone. These
two hormones can cause a woman's breasts to feel swollen, lumpy, and sometimes painful.
Women sometimes report that this pain gets worse as they get older due to increased sensitivity
to hormones as a woman ages.
How to keep female private area protected
1. Keep the undergarments dry
2. Change sanitary pads after 4-6 hours
3. Clean the vagina after intercourse without fail
4. Avoid using soap while washing your vagina
5. Avoid douching
6. Say no to scented feminine hygiene products
7. Practice safe sex
8. Avoid wearing tight clothes

Healthcare for male

1. Put on clean underwear and clothes every day.

2. Wash your hands and face every day with soap and water. Use a towel to dry off.
3. Take a shower or bath by yourself. ...
4. Use deodorant every day. ...
5. Brush your teeth at least twice a day and floss every day

In this chapter, we have identified the important health habits for the developing adolescent to
address the various changes that take place in the growing adolescent. Practical tips on observing
good and healthy hygiene daily have been highlighted as well indication when to seek help,
especially from healthcare professional.

Lesson 7: risky behaviors of adolescents

Majority of the youth mature successfully through adolescence without apparent long term
problems. All adolescents should be considered at risk due to the prevalence of the risk
behaviors, the inherent developmental needs of adolescents, and the various risk factors for their
intiation & maintenance. Risk-taking is a normal part of adolescent development Risk-taking is
defined as participation in potentially health-compromising activities with little understanding of,
or in spite. of an understanding of the possible negative consequences. Adolescents experiment
with new behaviors as they explore their emerging identity and independence. The concept of
risk has been established as a characteristic that exposes adolescents to threats to their health and
well-being. Young people may be exposed to similar risks but respond differently. Some may not
sustain any physical or emotional damage while others may be affected for the rest of their lives.
The challenge for health providers is to distinguish between what may be normal exploratory
behaviors and those that are health compromising. Health behaviors in adolescence continue into
adult life and will influence health and morbidity throughout life. During adolescence young
people begin to explore alternative health behaviors including smoking, drinking alcohol, drug
use, sexual intimacy, and violence. The Department of Health, in its Adolescent and Youth
Health Policy (2000), has identified the following health risks: substance use, premarital sex,
early childbearing, abortion, HIVIAIDS, violence, accidents, malnutrition, and mental health.
Guidance of family is also important as the adolescent develops into a mature adult. Family
Arrangement, based on the 2006 McCann Erickson Study, has noted that 53% of adolescents live
with both parents Because of the overseas Filipino worker (OFW) phenomenon, 5%, live without
the mother, 20% live without the father, and 23% live without both parents Data on non-sexual
behavions where adolescents engaging in vices, such as smoking and alcohol drinking, show that
the adolescent is the fourth highest in the country who are currently smoking (20.7%). The
adolescent is likewise, the fifth highest in the country who are currently drinking alcoholic
beverages (38.9%). More than three in 100 of adolescents have used drugs, below the national
average, while greater than eight in to have ever thought of suicide. This has decreased from
2002 to 2013 compared to the general population. Those who attempted suicide decrease to
2.4%, below the national average. Sex and Media have been identified as key influencers among
adolescents engaging in high risk behaviors, as shown in studies in NCR and CALABARZON.
Three in five have watched X-rated movies and videos, the fourth highest in the country. Three
in ten have sent or received sex videos through cell phones or Internet, the second highest in the
country, Six in 100 have engaged in phone sex, higher than the national average.

Identified Sexual Risks that were found among the growing Filipino adolescents are as
One in three has sexual experience. They also engage in sex at younger ages: first ser for boys:
17.6 years old while first sex for girls: 18.1 years old. One in 500 had sex before age 5 while one
in four had sex before age 18. Seven in 10 of 1st premarital sex cases are unprotected against
unintended pregnancy and sexually-transmitted infections (ST) including HIV-AID
1.2% have paid for sex and 1.3% have received payment for sex, this is low but above the
national average level; 6.7% have engaged in casual sex; 4.1% mostly males have fu buddy
(FUBU) experience; 6.3% have males having sex with males (MSM) experience; 2.9% of
married youth (including those in live-in) have engaged in extramarital sex.
Giving birth at younger ages has also been evident in the Filipino youth. Such that there is a
marked increase in teenage fertility in the past decade, 7.1% aged 15-19 are already mothers. The
proportion of women who begun childbearing increases with age: 2.0% aged 16, 31.2% aged 19.
Teenage fertility is the lowest among all regions of the country.
While prevalence of sexually transmitted infections like HIV and AIDS are increasing in the
youth, as of 2013, 86.7% have heard of HIV and AIDS with poor understanding being the
highest in the country noting that three in four thinks that they would not get AIDS.
Harmful practices Culture and tradition play a significant role in shaping the way young
people and adolescents behave and lead their lives. However, young people have become victims
of some harmful traditional practices, which affect their human and reproductive rights. These
practices differ from place to place but primarily affect women. Common drugs abused by young
people and their effects:
1. Marijuana (also known as Cannabis, Grass, Joint, Splif, Hashish, Pot, Weed). Marijuana is
a plant grown and used worldwide. Usually people smoke the leaves but the leaves and the
stem can be made into tea, or even cookies. The effects vary. You can stay under the
influence for about two or three hours. Some people become relaxed and happy while others
feel panic or fear. Users' eyes usually become red and their throats and mouths will become
dry. Appetite may increase.
Effects: Marijuana causes increase in heart rate and dilation of certain blood vessels in the
eyes, which creates the characteristics of blood-shot eyes. Chronic bronchial irritation is one of
the long-term effects of chronic marijuana use. Other potential adverse effects include
impairment of long-term memory, gum disease, increased risk of cancers of the mouth, jaw,
tongue and lung; and impairment of the immune system. Some studies have Suggested that
long-term marijuana use may result in decreased testosterone levels, decreased sperm counts,
and increased sperm abnormalities in male users. Heavy marijuana use during pregnancy may
cause impaired fetal growth and development.
2. Mairungi (also known as Khat, Qat, and Mirraa). Mairungi is the common name fora
stimulant leaf that is chewed in much of East Africa. Chewing Mairungi can help someone
feel more awake, confident, and energetic and can also reduce hunger. In fact, many
students use it when "cramming tor exams

Effects: Negative effects include sleeplessness, anxiety, aggressive behavior, and

hallucinations. Some men are unable to get an erection after they have been chewing.

3.Alcohol Alcohol is the most common drug and is used worldwide. Because it is legal,
often kept in the home and comes in extremely cheap local brews, alcohol is extremely easy
to find and consume. At first, alcohol causes relaxation and people feel less self-conscious.
After more alcohol, and individual gets drunk; reaction time slows down and thinking
straight becomes difficult. (This is why people who are drinking are often involved in car
Effects: Further drinking can cause slurred speech and aggressive behavior that can lead
to fights, rape, or other kinds of violence. People who consume too much alcohol can end
up vomiting, becoming unconscious, or even dying. Because both young men and women
often lose their inhibitions when drinking, a girl might have unsafe sex with someone she
does not know and a boy might decide to force someone to have sex. Of course, the
consequences of these alcohol-based decisions can be very dangerous, even life threatening
Remember: when people drink, their ability to make healthy and safe decisions is impaired.

3. Cigarettes (tobacco, cigars). Many young people start smoking tobacco products for
different reasons including: influence of friends, seductive advertisements, and older role
models like siblings' or celebrities, to mention a few. Young people find smoking a cool
thing to do, but they become addicted to one of the most addictive and dangerous
substances, Nicotine, which is an active ingredient in tobacco.
Effects: According to WHO (2006), tobacco is the second major cause of death in the
world. Nicotine, which is found in tobacco products including cigarettes, 1s highly addictive.
The tar in cigarettes increases a smoker's risk of lung cancer, emphysema, and bronchial
disorders. The carbon monoxide in smoke increases the chance of cardiovascular diseases.
Inhaling smoke. passively causes lung cancer in adults and greatly increases the risk of
respiratory illness in children.
5. Cocaine (also known as Crack, Coke, C, Charlie, Nose candy, Toot, Bazooka, Big C,
Cake, Lady, Stardust, Coco, Flake, Mister coffee). Cocaine is prepared from coca leaves
which are greenish-yellow leaves of different size and appearance. Cocaine is often called the
"champagne of drugs" because of its high cost. It makes one feel like his/ her body is going
very fast. His/her heart races and the "highs" and "lows" are sudden. Crack, which is smoked, is
a much stronger form of cocaine. Cocaine usually comes in a white powdered form and crack
looks like hard white rocks. It is usually snorted up5the nose. It can also be injected or smoked.

Effects: A small amount of cocaine will raise body temperature, make the heart beat faster,
increase the breathing rate, make you feel over confident, and make you more alert with extra
energy. When crack is smoked, all of these feelings are intensified. Excessive doses may lead to
convulsions, seizures, strokes, cerebral hemorrhage, or heart failure. Long term effects of
cocaine/crack use will lead to strong psychological dependence and other health problems like
destroying nose tissues, reportorial problems, and weight loss.

6. Heroine (also known as Hammer, Horse, H, Junk, Nod, Smack, Skag, White, beige
White lady, White stuff, Joy powder boy, Hairy, Harry, Joy powder). Heroin is a
drug obtained from morphine and comes from the opium poppy plant. Heroin is a drug
that slows down the user's body and mind. It is a very strong painkiller and can be one of
the most dangerous things to mix with other drugs. Heroin usually comes in a rock or
form, which is generally white or pink/beige in color and could also come in dark grey/medium
brown. Heroin can be injected, snorted, smoked, or inhaled. This last method is often called
"chasing the dragon".

Effects: When injected, heroin provides an extremely powerful rush and a high that usually last
for between four to six hours. The effects of heroin include a feeling of well-being, relief from
pain, fast physical and psychological dependence, sometimes nausea and vomiting, sleepiness,
loss of balance, loss of concentration, and loss of appetite. An overdose can result in death. One
of the most dangerous effects of injecting heroin is the increased possibility of contracting AIDS.
A lot of the time, people who inject heroin use each other's needles, and this is the main source
of infection. Studies have also shown that people who are high on drugs tend to have unprotected
sex. This too, puts the person at risk of getting HIV.

7. Amphetamines (also known as Speed, Ice, Browns, Footballs, Hearts, Oranges, Wake
mphetamines (also known as Speed, Ice, Browns, Footballs, Hearts, Oranges, Wake ups,
Black beauties, Crystal meth, Crack meth, Cat, Jeff amp, Dexies, Rippers, Bennies,
Browns, Greenies, Pep pills).

Amphetamines are stimulants that affect a person's system by speeding up the activity of the
brain and giving energy. Ice is a strong type of amphetamine and is very similar to crack.
Amphetamines are man-made drugs and relatively easy to make. Usually, they are white or light
brown powder and can also come the form of a pill. "Ice" usually comes as colorless crystals or
as a colorless liquid when used for injecting. It can be swallowed, snorted, injected, or smoked.

Effects: Amphetamines can cause an increase in heartbeat, faster breathing, increase blood
pressure and body temperature, sweating, make the person more confident and alert, give
him/her extra energy, reduce appetite, make it difficult to sleep, and might make the abuser talk
more. The person using amphetamines may also feel anxious, irritable, and suffer from panic
attacks. Frequent use can produce strong psychological dependence. Large doses can be lethal,

8. Ecstasy (also known as Ecstasy, Adam, Essence, MDM, MDMA, XTC, Eve, MDE,
MDEA). Ecstasy belongs to the same group of chemicals as the above category that is
stimulants, and is most often used in the form of tablets at rave parties. Ecstasy is a drug that
speeds up the user's system by increasing his/her physical and emotional energy Like
amphetamines, ecstasy is also a synthetic (or man-made) drug. Ecstasy is usually a small,
colored tablet. These pills can come in many different colors. Some ecstasy tablets have pictures
on them, such as doves, rabbits, or champagne bottles. The color or the "brand" of the tablet is
usually unrelated to the effects of the drug. Ecstasy tablets are usually swallowed.

Effects: A person using ecstasy will probably feel happy, warm, loving and more
energetic. He/she would feel emotionally close to others, and might say or do things that
he/she usually would not. Nausea and vomiting, rise in blood pressure and heart rate,
possibly even death due to overheating of the body, and dehydration or loss of water are
some effects of ecstasy. Feelings of depression and tiredness are common after stopping
the drug. There is mounting evidence that prolonged ecstasy use can lead to brain and
liver damage.

9. Inhalants and solvents. Inhalants and solvents are chemicals that can be inhaled, such as glue,
gasoline, aerosol sprays, lighter fluid, etc. These are not drugs as such and are, in fact, legally
available from a

arge number of shops. However, they are abused widely by the poorer sections of society,
particularly street youth. Inhalants can look like almost anything (glue, paint thinner, gasoline,
lighter fuel, cleaning fluids, etc.). They usually come in tubes or bottles. Often, the chemical is placed in
the bottom of a cup or container and then, placed over the nose and mouth. Other methods include:
soaking a rag in inhalant; placing the rag in bag or sack and then placing the bag over the face and
inhaling the vapors.

Effects: Inhalants may give the user a "high" for a very brief period of time. They make him/her feel
numb for a short period of time, dizzy, confused, and drowsy. They can also cause headaches, nausea,
fainting, accelerated heartbeat, disorientation, and hallucinations. They can damage the lungs, kidney,
and liver in the long term. They can also cause suffocation, convulsions, and comas.

Tips to Avoid Drugs:

You do not need to take drugs to be liked by other people. You do not need to take drugs to feel brave
or courageous.
You do not need drugs to cope with sorrow or disappointments.

You have, inside you, the strength and inner resources to deal with any situation and any problem.

Whatever problem you are facing, there are people available to help you.

you can talk to a friend, a teacher, a parent, or a trusted person at your church or mosque.




In previous sessions, we discussed about the biological dimension of sexuality. We

learned that the human person has biological mechanisms for sexual growth and reproduction,
and that depending on sex, these mechanisms differ. At the beginning of this text book, we also
emphasized that these reproductive mechanisms are interpreted by societies, thereby, creating
differentiated social standards for behavior and expectations. For instance, since the human
female is capable of bearing a child, the society interprets this capacity as associated to
womanhood, and thus, sets fulfillment of reproductive role as an expectation among women. On
the other hand, since the human male does not have the capability to bear the child but has a
relatively larger muscular-skeletal frame, the society expects the human male to perform
productive role and associates this role to men. However, while there are distinct physiological
differences, much of the capabilities,except those involved in reproduction, can actually be
performed by either sexes. Both women and men can perform child-rearing roles. Both can also
engage and succeed in the world of work. In many cases, the limits are only set by social
expectations. These scenarios only exemplify that much about gender and sexuality is not only
biological and physiological but also psychological and social. This perspective of exploring and
understanding human sexuality in the lens of psychological social processes is referred to as
psychosocial perspective.

What Does Psychosocial Mean?

The term “psychosocial” is an encompassing term. It is comprised by two primary

aspects: psychological and social. There are myriad of ways in defining these two terms but in
essence, psychological pertains to anything associated with mental process and behavior, while
social pertains to anything associated with human relationships, connection, and interaction.
The psychological aspect of gender and sexuality anchors itself on the field of
psychology. Psychology is a field of science which concerns how people think and feel and how
thoughts and feelings interact and lead to behavior. There are three primary psychological
domains: affect, behavior and cognition. Affect or the affective domain pertains to people’s
emotions and feelings. Behavior or the behavioral domain pertains to people’s actions – both
observable (overt) or not readily observable (covert). Cognition or cognitive domain pertains to
people’s thought processes such as memory, perception, and information-processing. Hence, to
say that gender and sexuality have a psychological dimension is to note that our sexual
behaviors, as well as gender-related behaviors, originate from what we sense, think, and feel.
On the other hand, the social aspect of gender and sexuality primarily anchors itself on
the field of sociology and allied fields such as social psychology. In essence, sociology is a field
of science which concerns itself with the human person’s realities and experiences as part of
groups and institutions, and the dynamics of human relationship with them.

Understanding the Psychosocial Dimension

There are many ways through which the psychosocial dimension of gender and sexuality
can be understood and explained. Our experience of gender and sexuality is generally a relational
experience. It is relational because while as individuals, we have our own affect, cognition and
behavior to be aware of, we also viewing ourselves in relation to others who also have their own
personal preoccupations. There are some elements of our gendered self which are best viewed in
an ecological context – that is, in the circumstances in our physical and social environment.


At the front of our experience as gendered beings is awareness. In simpler terms,

awareness is our conscious understanding of something. As individuals, we are in constant
process towards self-awareness. Who and what am I? What do I like/dislike? What are my
strengths and weakness? What motivates me? What are my aspirations? We are in an endless
process of asking and trying to understand. In the context of gender and sexuality, we ask: What
am I physiologically? Am I happy with what I am? How do I genuinely see myself? How do I
feel about myself as a sexual being? Is there anything good I should do?
But then again, we are not isolated in a vacuum. We are social beings. We live our lives
in relation to others. Hence, as we try to understand ourselves more, we are also in a constant
process towards other – awareness, that is, understanding others: What are the other’s
motivations, preferences, and aspirations? Where I am positioned in her or his life, vis-à-vis
where is s/he positioned in my life? How different and or similar am I and other?

Intimacy and relationship

In certain situations, when two people recognize and become aware of each other, they
decide to keep close distance in each other's lives, share their personal bubbles, so to speak,
and allow frequency of interaction between them. This forges some form of human relationship a
bond formed between two or more people, manifested through communication and interaction.
These relationships may be in the form of family, friendships, romantic relationship, or others.
While in these relationships, we share resources and emotions, we, as individuals, constantly aim
to further understand our own selves as we also try to understand others and be understood by
them. This process of knowing others and allowing others to know us is intimacy. As social
beings, we also learn from our own experiences and from the lessons taught to us by those who
have come before us. How we behave in relation to other people, with due consideration to social
expectations related to our gender, and how we make choices to balance out personal goals and
social goals, might be passed on to us through education and other cultural preoccupations. The
process by which we learn cultural norms and traditions is referred to as socialization. At the end
of it all, as rational beings, we are also capable of making sense of our experiences vis-à-vis the
influences of our environments and integrate these interpretations into our own choice.

Well-being as a Psychosocial Goal

The ultimate goal of understanding the psychosocial aspects of our experiences is well-being
- a state of satisfaction, meaning, and purpose. There are two sides to well-being. One is that
kind of well-being which is observed, outward, and can be evaluated through presence or
absence of particular elements in our environment. This is referred to as objective well-being.
In the aspect of gender and sexuality.

Dimensions of Well-being

Based on what well-being means, we can see that there are various dimensions into it.
The following are just the primary dimensions of well-being which we must look into when
trying to understand the psychosocial condition of a person:

 physical- physical/biological health;

 emotional - positive feelings; mood stability;

 mental-clarity of mind; healthy thought process;

 material- available and adequate financial and other resources; and

 social - healthy and positive interaction and relationship with others.

One of the essential elements of our gender and sexuality is the psychosocial dimension.
Aside from upholding human dignity and human rights, one of the ultimate goals of our
discussions of gender and sexuality is to ensure well-being among people of different genders.
Understanding our psychosocial needs and concerns, as well as the various elements of our
psychosocial conditions as humans, is necessary.
Definition of Terms:

 Love- a complex phenomenon characterized by an affective and cognitive inclination to

someone and a set of social behaviors geared towards cohesion.
 Intimacy the psychosocial component of love; knowing and being known by someone in
a deeply personal level; emotional closeness and connection.
 Passion-the emotive and physical component of love; drive towards sexual and romantic
 Commitment- decision to engage and maintain a loving relationship.
 Relationship- social bond between and among individuals manifested through
communication and other forms of interaction. This bond may be biological or
determined by social contracts such as social consensus or laws.


In February 15, 2015, an article featuring a study by McCann World Group,

among30,000 respondents from 29 countries, came out of a national newspaper, bannering the
title Filipinos most expressive about love among Asia Pacific countries-study" (Hegina
The article presented an interesting result: The Filipinos say "T love you'"
approximately 17
times in a week, making us sixth among the countries in the survey, which are most articulate
and expressive.
Robert Sternberg, a psychologist renowned for his theory of love asked, in his 1986
paper: "What does it mean "to love" someone? Does it always mean the same
thing, and if not, in
what ways do loves differ from each other? In this chapter, we will tackle, perhaps, one of the
most complex and celebrated human emotion and experience: love.


Love as a culture universal

Love is construed as a culture universal. A culture universal is a phenomenon

experienced similarly by people across time and cultures. This means that humans, whether those
who lived in the past or who are living now and regardless of their geographic location and
socio-cultural identities, have experienced love, in one way or another. Said differently, love is
an experience that transcends time and culture. People before us, such as our grandparents,
parents and other adolescents like us who live in other countries, are believed to know and
encounter love as we do. The way we appreciate and experience this phenomenon may be
unique, but it is a similar phenomenon altogether.
Love as a social phenomenon

Likewise, love is viewed as a social phenomenon. Social phenomena are events or

experiences which ensue within our interaction and relationship with other people. Loving
entails communication – the process of giving and receiving information between and among
people. It also entails the use of a language-symbols that are culturally agreed upon as
possessing certain meanings and that are used by people to express certain realities and

Love as an emotion

Love 1s also construed as an emotion. Emotions are physiological responses that we

evaluate psychologically as we experience particular life events. There are basic emotions such
as joy, sadness, fear, disgust, and anger among others. There are also complex emotions, which
are a combination of basic emotions in varying magnitudes and are made intricate by
circumstances surrounding the experience (e.g, the people involved, the place and time where the
emotion is experienced, etc.). Love, as we know it, is a complex emotion.

Love as a neurobiological event

With recent advancements in science, love, now, can be studied as a neurobiological

event. Every split of a second, information is being passed on within our nervous system-a
conglomerate of organs (including our brain, our spinal cord, and our nerves, among others)
responsible for our ability to process and transmit essential information among the many organs
in our body. The information comes in the form of electrical signal running along our neurons
(nerve cell), which movement is facilitated by our neurotransmitters a variety or chemicals found
in our nervous system.
Neurobiologically, the experience of love is associated with various parts of our brain.
For instance, the loving experience is commonly associated with the activation of the ventral
tegmental area (VTA) of our brain which is just right behind our left eyes. It is also associated
with the increased amount in endorphins -hormones believed to provide humans a good mood.

Theorizing Love

Since love is a rather complex idea, which can be described, defined and experienced in
myriad of ways, several theories and frameworks offer diverse perspectives on how it can be
understood and explained.
Psychodynamic view on love

Psychodynamic theory is a collective term, which pertains to the psychoanalytic tradition

forwarded by Sigmund Freud (a Viennese neurologist), as well as the succeeding theories that
support, redefine, or refute his propositions.
In a nutshell, the psychodynamic theory posits that we have desires and motives fueled
by our life (eros) and death (thanatos) instincts. For instance, desirable behaviors that promote
positive relationship with others might be viewed as influenced by our life instincts, while
aggressive behaviors that hurt, manipulate, or harm ourselves and others might be viewed as
influenced by our death instincts. Both the life and death instincts are thought to stream from our
unconscious – the province of our mind, which we are highly unaware of. Likewise, the
psychodynamic view puts prime on the influence of our early life experiences (from conception
to around six years old) – referred to as formative years – in our personality development.
Crucial to this life stage is our relationship with our primary caregiver – typically the mother. It
suggests that the kind of attachment (psychic bond) we have with our primary caregiver/s,
influence our relationships in later life, including our choice of romantic partners and the way we
relate and operate within this partnership.

Hence, from a psychodynamic view, love can be seen as a manifestation of our eros and
the placement of our libido (life energy) unto an object (a thing or a person towards who we
transfer our psychic energies to ease pain or achieve pleasure).

Color wheel of love

a Canadian psychologist, suggested that there are different types

of love. The primary types are: eros (sexual and romantic), philia (friendly), and storge
(parental/filial love). The secondary types are: pragma (practical love), agape (universal love)
and philautia (self-love). It is possible for us to experience not just one, but two or more of these
types of love in our lifetime. A child who loves her parents (storage) might eventually find new
friends whom to like once they go to school (philia) and then experience romantic love (eros)
especially during her youth.

Triangular model of love

One of the most popular theories of love is the triangular model by Sternberg (1986), a
psychologist. This theory looks at love from a psychometric stance, which means that it is
generally concerned about trying to measure love as a psychological variable in determining the
various dimensions and facets that love has experienced by people.
According to Sternberg (1986), love has three interlocking dimensions - passion,
intimacy, and commitment. Passion refers to the physical/emotional aspect. Intimacy pertains to
the psychological/relational aspect. Commitment pertains to the agency component, that is the
choice we make with regards to engaging and maintaining the loving relationship. The
combination of these dimensions yields a particular love type. For instance, when there is only
passion but no other components, infatuation is formed. When there is only intimacy but no
other components, there is liking. When there is only commitment, there is empty love.
However, when there is passion and intimacy, there is romantic love. When there is passion and
commitment, there is ludic love. When there is intimacy and commitment, there is friendly love.
when all three components: are presents, then we can say that consummate love exists.

Romantic and companionate love

Hatheld and Rapson (1978, 1993), on the other hand, suggests that there are two general
types of love: romantic love and companionate love. Romantic love is characterized by intense
passion "a state of intense longing for union with your partner (Hatheld and Rapson I987,
Companionate love, on the other hand, is characterized by intense intimacy emotional closeness
which is also characteristic of liking.

Love Languages

Gary Chapman, a world-renown author, suggested that people have various ways through
which we give and receive love. He referred to these unique ways as love languages. Chapman
(1995) posited that there are generally five love languages; namely, words of affirmation, touch,
time, gifts, and acts of service. People whose love language is words of affirmation tend to
verbally express theirthoughts and feelings of love towards the people they love. They may be
comfortable saying love and articulating other words of endearment.
Love and Intimate Relationships
Love, although well studied variedly-theorized, remains abstract and obscure unless
viewed in the context of human relationship. The Greek philosopher, Aristotle has been widely
quoted as referring to humans as social animals. This means that we survive, thrive and flourish
when we are together such that relating to other humans is not only a sentimental, but also an
evolutionary and a practical process.


Intimate human relationships start in acquaintanceship. We meet up through

circumstances and first learn about basic information about one another. Crucial at this stage is
attraction. What does it take for a person to actually decide to be acquainted with another?
Attraction can take place in an enabling environment. It can happen when there is propinquity
or proximity – when we are physically closer to one another. It can happen when there is
exposure – when due to proximity, there are repeated possibilities of interaction. It can also
happen when there is similarity – common preferences, interests, and probably, beliefs and


Some acquaintanceships build up into deeper relationships. Frequency of interaction

increases. Kinds of activities shared become diverse. The involved parties begin to introduce one
another to each other’s friends and families, thus, making the social network larger and
interconnected. This is the stage when two persons test their boundaries. They test the waters
before engaging fully and so committedly in the relationship.

Consolidation and Continuation

The third stage of intimate relationship is consolidation. This stage is when people
commits to a long-term relationship with one another, either through a personal agreement (i.e,
exclusivity of partnership, domestic partnership) or a social-legal agreement (i.e., marriage).
What makes people commit to a relationship, to the point of legitimizing it through marriage?
Often, people set standards that are sustainable (e.g., ability of each other to maintain a family or
a household, readiness of each other to raise children, career and financial capacities).

Decline or Deterioration

Unfortunately, some intimate relationships are unable to sustain and maintain their
commitments or attraction. For one, there may be change in a priorities between the individual
couple, such that conjoint value of the partnership is not anymore sufficient.


Finally, for those intimate partnerships who are unable to address the causes and
circumstances leading to the deterioration of their relationship, the stages culminate into ending
or termination of the agreements made (either personal or socio-legal) through informal (e.g.,
collective decision to end the relationship) or formal (e.g., marriage dissolution)


Humans are social beings and at the core of this nature, is relating and connecting with
others. Central to understanding human relationship is the concept of love, an experience so
abstract, yet so meaningful to many people. But then again, love is diversely defined in as much
as it manifests and is experienced in diverse ways. This chapter tackles the various theories
which explain love and its types. It also tackles the stages which people who are in love and in an
intimate relationship undertake as they progress from acquaintanceship to a deeper form of
consensual relationship. Conversely, reasons for deterioration of intimate relationship, as well as
its eventual demise, are also highlighted. By and large, we are all encouraged to reflect about our
human relationships with the goal of forging healthy, successful, and nurturing connections with

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