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Create a collage showing the progression of human understanding and attitude of gender and
sexuality in modern societies.

2. Interview people from different age groups (adolescent, adult, elderly) and ask them what they
think of when they hear the words gender and sexuality. Ask them what influenced them to have
these thoughts. Make a documentation during your interview and enclosed herewith.

1. I have an amazing day with Miss Vivian L. Abalus we discuss about gender and sexuality so
afterwards I interview her what her beliefs about gender and sexuality so I am presenting her
When I think when I hear the word gender and sexuality is the biological sex we have indenfied
wether we are male or female or what pair of genes that have been bestowed into us from our parents.
What influenced me to have these thoughts was to know and study the differences and similarities of
the meaning of the words gender and sexuality.
2. I interview my Mom about gender and sexuality and her beliefs about it.
Gender is to identify wether it is girl or boy, you can also determine by seeing people around you like
recognize there type of clothes, hair, face and the way they talk. Sexuality is a part of life for Girl and Boy
to make love and connected with feelings, thoughts, emotional love.

3. I interview 2 girls and discuss about there thoughts or belief about gender and Sexuality.
We both believe that gender is a recognizing sign of birth wether it is boy or girl, knowing from there
private parts or if they grow up and you can also see the way they acts like a boy or girl someone that
express there gender to society. Sexuality happens and a girl and boy are connected physically, mentally
and emotionally to create love and understands each other beliefs and problems or love sexual identity.

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