Past Present Future of MFG Services

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Publisher: Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS)
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Manufacturing & Service Operations Management

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The Past, Present, and Future of Manufacturing & Service

Operations Management
Christopher S. Tang

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Christopher S. Tang (2015) The Past, Present, and Future of Manufacturing & Service Operations Management. Manufacturing
& Service Operations Management 17(1):1-3.

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Vol. 17, No. 1, Winter 2015, pp. 1–3
ISSN 1523-4614 (print) — ISSN 1526-5498 (online)
© 2015 INFORMS

The Past, Present, and Future of Manufacturing &

Service Operations Management
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Christopher S. Tang
UCLA Anderson School of Management, University of California, Los Angeles, Los Angeles, California 90095,

1. Encourage Impact
A s the fifth editor of Manufacturing & Service
Operations Management (M&SOM), I am grateful
to all previous editors-in-chief (Leroy Schwarz, Gar-
In addition to inviting special issue proposals and
encouraging regular submissions, M&SOM should
rett van Ryzin, Gérard Cachon, and my predecessor strengthen its impact. Specifically, I plan to use the
Stephen Graves), who laid the foundation, paved the OM Forum section to do the following:
path, and led M&SOM to become a premier journal (a) Invite proposals and high-quality articles that
of the OM research community. The reader is referred explore new frontiers of OM (e.g., OM and business/
to Schwarz (1999), van Ryzin (2003), Cachon (2006), social innovations, OM and digital economy
and Graves (2009) for their significant contributions (m-commerce/social media), OM and public/nonprofit
to the mission of M&SOM since its inception. sector). These articles should describe, classify, and
M&SOM has become a preferred OM research out- illustrate (to a certain extent) what kind of OM re-
search opportunities exist in these areas and how OM
let for articles that are rigorous and relevant. This
researchers can pursue this stream of research.
phenomenal success is due to the support of our
(b) Invite proposals and high-quality survey arti-
OM research community (authors and reviewers) and
cles that synthesize knowledge of certain important or
the unceasing effort of the editorial board mem-
emerging areas in OM so that the OM community can
bers (editors and associate editors) in providing high- learn of the state of the art on the subject, gaps in the
quality reviews with short cycle time. Because I have literature, and open research topics.
benefitted tremendously from the support of our OM To a certain extent, (a) and (b) can help M&SOM to
research community over the last 30 years, it is an differentiate itself from Management Science and Oper-
honorable duty for me to have this privileged oppor- ations Research. More importantly, I think that these
tunity to serve my professional community. kinds of articles can help M&SOM to advance the
I am committed to follow the footsteps of my thought leadership of OM research. Consequently, the
predecessors to ensure that M&SOM will continue visibility of M&SOM and the ISI impact factor will
its rigor and relevance so as to create impactful improve, which can help M&SOM to be included on
knowledge and insights for the OM research com- the Business Week list and/or the Financial Times list
munity. The submission process, the review process, in the future.1
and the type of articles M&SOM would like to pub-
lish will continue in the same spirit as articulated in 2. Further Streamline the
Graves (2009). Review Process
Based on the advice I learned from Stephen Graves, Reduce the number of review cycles and reduce
the associate editors’ insightful comments I collected the default number of required reviewers. M&SOM
from Morris Cohen (chair of the search committee), takes pride in providing high-quality reviews with
as well as the many thoughtful suggestions I gath- short cycle times. However, there is an opportu-
ered from various presidents of the MSOM Soci- nity for us to reduce the number of review cycles.
ety (past president Mark Ferguson, current president Some reviewers are perfectionists who come up with
Serguei Netessine, and president-elect Brian Tomlin)
and numerous OM researchers located in five conti- High-quality literature reviews usually receive higher citations.
nents (North America, South America, Asia, Australia, For example, some most cited M&SOM articles are excellent sur-
vey papers. Also, among all economics journals, Journal of Economic
and Europe), I plan to encourage impact, further Literature, which publishes survey articles, has the highest impact
streamline the review process, and promote M&SOM factor of 7.1, whereas American Economic Review has an impact fac-
to a larger community, as outlined below. tor of 2.5.

Tang: The Past, Present, and Future of Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
2 Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 17(1), pp. 1–3, © 2015 INFORMS

additional demands during each review cycle. There on the expertise of different associate editors, each
are occasions that certain demands do not seem to department editor can continue to draw on a common
change the results or insights much; however, these pool of associate editors. When that happens, the jour-
demands can take up a lot of time for the author(s) nal will be managed in a decentralized manner even
to address. To maximize the “return on investment of though the evaluation criteria and the review pro-
everyone’s time,” I shall work closely with the asso- cess (as stated above) will continue to be maintained
ciate editors to make conscious decisions that reduce centrally.
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the number of review cycles so that each submission By 2016, I would like to create three departments
will be accepted (or rejected) “in principle” after no that handle papers arising from the manufacturing
more than two review cycles. (This idea is motivated and service industries. These three departments are
by the arguments articulated by Spiegel (2012).) Also, classified according to OM issues, and each depart-
I would like to reduce the default number of required ment should welcome different research methodolo-
reviewers from three to two. gies (analytical, empirical, experimental, etc.). At the
same time, these departments are designed in a way
Develop a common set of evaluation criteria and a
that each MSOM Special Interest Group (SIG) belongs
standardized review process. While reviewers have
to a designated department:
traditionally focused on “rigor” and “relevance,”
• Manufacturing Operations and Supply Chain Man-
I would add “novelty” as a new criterion so that
agement. This department will handle submissions
M&SOM can encourage authors to submit some OM
that deal with issues such as supply chain manage-
articles that examine certain innovative operations.2
ment (one of the SIGs) and other issues arising
from the operational aspect of manufacturing (e.g.,
Criterion Evaluation question interfaces between manufacturing and marketing/
strategy). This department may also handle papers
Novel Does this paper examine an innova- that deal with the interface of finance, operations, and risk
tive issue/idea in OM? management (one of the SIGs) if the papers are related
Rigorous Does this paper contain rigorous to supply chain management (e.g., financial and oper-
analysis (and/or new approach/ ational hedging, vendor financing, etc.).
methodology) for examining a certain • Service Operations. This department will process
OM issue? papers that deal with service management (one of the
Relevant Does this paper offer new managerial SIGs). For example, papers that deal with health-
insights (and/or practical ideas that care operations management (one of the SIGs), pricing
can be implemented in OM practice)? and revenue management, after-sales services, service
capacity allocation, technology-enabled services, and
By establishing these three criteria more explicitly, it interfaces of service operations with other functional
would enable reviewers and the editorial board mem- areas (marketing, human resource) would belong to
bers to provide constructive suggestions that would this department.
improve the novelty, rigor, and relevance of the paper. • Innovative Operations. To differentiate M&SOM
Manage review process efficiently as the num- from Management Science and to enable M&SOM to
ber of submissions increases. Up to this point, the attract more submissions and to publish more OM
review process of M&SOM is managed centrally; i.e., papers that are novel, this department will handle
the editor-in-chief (EIC) manages the review process OM papers that examine new frontiers of OM but
for every single submission. This process works well do not fit the other two departments. For exam-
when the number of submissions is relatively small. ple, this department will deal with sustainable oper-
However, as the number of submissions increases, the ations (one of the SIGs) papers that examine new
review cycle time will lengthen unless the EIC dele- processes or operations for improving environmen-
gates the review process to others. When the number tal and/or social responsibility. Also, papers that
of submissions increases, there is a need to develop a deal with innovative product design or new prod-
department structure so that each department editor uct development in the context of processes and
will take on the role of the editor of the correspond- operations will belong to this department. Moreover,
ing department so that the EIC can have some time papers that examine innovative operations models
to promote the journal and encourage more submis- arising in emerging economies such as humanitarian
sions. To maximize flexibility and to fully capitalize relief operations, social entrepreneurship operations,
and technology-enabled business processes and oper-
When M&SOM was first created in the mid-1990s, the origi- ations will belong to this department.
nal intent was to publish some OM papers that contain novel/ When the quality and quantity of inputs improve,
nontraditional ideas that may not fit Management Science. the quality and quantity of outputs will improve.
Tang: The Past, Present, and Future of Manufacturing & Service Operations Management
Manufacturing & Service Operations Management 17(1), pp. 1–3, © 2015 INFORMS 3

With fewer review cycles and shorter cycle times, to support M&SOM. Specifically, I would encourage
the speed of publishing an article in M&SOM will our readers to “share” these blogs with their LinkedIn
improve. Consequently, it will help M&SOM to connections, Google+ connections, etc. Moreover,
become the preferred OM research outlet for articles that I plan to work with INFORMS to turn some of
are novel, relevant, and rigorous. these M&SOM Review articles into press releases for
the media.
The online M&SOM Review can create a more
3. Promote M&SOM to a Larger
Downloaded from by [] on 19 August 2015, at 00:36 . For personal use only, all rights reserved.

vibrant OM community that engages academics, prac-

Community titioners, and graduate students. Through this kind
M&SOM should become more accessible to a larger of interaction, our OM research community can learn
community (researchers in other related fields (e.g., more about issues arising from practice and the prac-
marketing, finance, public policy, etc.), OM practi- titioners can benefit from our academic research. As
tioners, or graduate students in business schools and we promote the authors of M&SOM articles, I believe
industrial engineering). To engage our larger commu- it would attract even more high-quality submissions
nity, I have worked with Serguei Netessine (current to M&SOM.
president of the MSOM Society) to develop the fol- New Articles in M&SOM—an e-flyer that is intended
lowing online initiatives in 2015. to promote our forthcoming papers. This e-flyer will
From M&SOM Journal Editor—an online blog to be disseminated through email to INFORMS mem-
be posted on our journal website: http://pubsonline bers and through our online blog “From M&SOM (under the “Quick Links Journal Editor” with open access on a quarterly
& Resources” column). This blog site is intended to basis. By alerting our members about our forthcom-
enable the editor to create a dialogue between the edi- ing papers (e-flyer) and providing short articles high-
tor and the OM community so as to facilitate mutual lighting the relevance of M&SOM research (M&SOM
learning. Review), we can build awareness of our high-quality
M&SOM Review—an online blog to be posted on papers, provide value to our wider community of aca-
our journal website: demics and practitioners, and, in turn, improve our
journal/msom (under the “Quick Links & Resources” impact factor.
column). This blog is intended to increase readership I am honored to have the opportunity to serve
and to improve visibility. I believe M&SOM should our OM community. With the support of our authors
disseminate new OM knowledge to a wider group of and our editorial board members, M&SOM will con-
potential readers so that the knowledge and insights tinue to thrive. Together, we can shape the future of
developed in various articles can influence research OM research, and we can build a much stronger OM
and practice in the near future. Because M&SOM arti- research community!
cles are written for OM researchers primarily, non-
OM researchers are unable to see through the thicket
of technical analysis; unable to appreciate the rel-
evance of various M&SOM articles; and unable to References
apply the research findings of many M&SOM articles Cachon GP (2006) A Letter from the editor. Manufacturing Service
that could influence research in other fields or OM Oper. Management 8(1):1–4.
practice. To make M&SOM articles more accessible, Graves SC (2009) A Letter from the editor. Manufacturing Service
Oper. Management 11(1):1–3.
authors of recently published M&SOM papers will be Schwarz LB (1999) Editorial—Manufacturing & Service Operations
invited to distill the essence of their respective articles Management: An introduction. Manufacturing Service Oper. Man-
into short articles (say, 1,000–1,500 words) without any agement 1(1):v–vi.
technical jargon or analysis. Spiegel M (2012) Reviewing less—Progressing more. Rev. Financial
Stud. 25(5):1331–1338.
We should leverage the power of social media to van Ryzin GJ (2003) From the editor. Manufacturing Service Oper.
promote M&SOM, and I am calling on all readers Management 5(1):vii–xiv.

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