Unit # 1 Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) An Embodiment of Justice

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Unit # 1

Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) an Embodiment of Justice

Answer these following questions.

1. How can People achieve perfection in the moral, spiritual and social areas
of Life?
Ans: People can achieve perfection in the moral spiritual and social areas of life
by getting direction from Holy Prophet’s life. We can seek light from his (SAW)
message and guidance from his life as he is a perfect model for us.

2. How did the Holy Prophet(SAW) set high and noble ideals for all
Ans: Holy Prophet (SAW) set high and noble ideals for all mankind through his
practical example because he was sent to reform the whole of mankind. He did
equal justice to all who came to him with their complaints.

3. How were the people of Makkah convinced of the Holy Prophet(SAW)

justice even before his Prophet hood?
Ans: The Holy Prophet proved through action that no other person could be
more just than him. Before his prophet hood, the people were convinced of his
justice because he was an honest trader and had fair dealing with all the people.

4. What standard of justice did the holy prophet practice as head of the
state of Medina?
Ans: As head of the state of Madina, he (SAW) decided all cases on merit with
justice irrespective of colour, creed or race. He did full justice even he did not
forgive the Quraish woman who was found guilty of stealing.

5. What made non Muslims to bring their suits to the holy Prophet?
Ans: The Holy Prophet was so well known for his justice that even the Jews, who
were his bitter enemies, brought their suits to him. He decided their case
according to Jewish law and followed God’s order. That’s why they trusted him.
6. How does the Quran describe the personality of the Holy Prophet(SAW)?
Ans: The holy Quran clearly mentions the personality of Holy Prophet as a
messenger of Allah, “Indeed in the Messenger of Allah, Muhammad (SAW) you
have a good example to follow for him who hopes for (the meeting with) Allah
and the Last Day, and remembers Allah much.”(33:21)
(More Questions and answers.)
7. How did the holy Prophet (SAW) resolve the issue of placing the black
stone in the holy Kaaba?
Ans: Holy Prophet (SAW) suggested a very suitable plan for placing the black
stone which pleased everyone and saved them from tribal conflict. He placed it on
a piece of cloth and asked the leaders of four tribes to carry it near to the holy
Ka’bah. He (SAW) picked it up and fixed it.
8: Why did Quraish think that the Holy Prophet (SAW) would favour them?
Ans: Hazart Usama Bin Zaid (RA) interceded on behalf of Quraish as they
thought that the Holy Prophet (SAW) would favour them because she (the
offensive woman) belonged to a respectable family. Holy Prophet furiously said,
“Buni Israil was ruined because of this. They applied law to the poor and forgave
the rich.
9 : What advice did the holy prophet give to Hazart Ali?
Ans: The Holy prophet gave advice to Hazart Ali,” When two men come to you
for judgment never decide in favour of one without hearing the argument of the
other it is then most likely that you will know the truth.”
10: What does the word “proclaimed” means?
Ans: The word “proclaimed” means told publically or declared openly .It is
necessary to declare the law cases openly. Decisions should be cleared on the bars
of truthfulness and honesty.
11: What advice did the Holy Prophet (SAW) give to Hazrat Muawia?
Ans: Hazart Muawia reported Allah’s messenger as saying, “Any ruler who closes
his door on the poor, the needy and the destitute, God closes His door on him
when he becomes needy and destitute.”
12. What does justice demand?
Ans: Justice demands that it should be upheld in all the circumstances, even if it
goes against one’s own self or one’s family or relation. He judged other people’s
affairs with justice and also advised his companions to do justice.
13. What did the Holy Prophet (SAW) announce on his death bed?
Ans: When Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) was on death bed, he proclaimed,
“ if I owed something to anyone; or if I wronged any person, or damaged anyone’s
property or honour, my person, my honour and my property are here; he may take
revenge from me in this world.”
14. What is theme of the lesson?
Ans: Allah’s messenger is a great example to all mankind. A number of incidents
give evidence to the Prophet’s (SAW) justice. He abided by Allah’a commands,
even with non-Muslims, and never made any concessions in implementation of
Unit #2 Chine New Year

Answer these following questions.

1. When does the Chinese New Year start?
Ans: In China the lunar calendar is still used to determine traditional holiday like
Chinese New Year. Lunar calendar is based on the phases of the moon which has a
shorter cycle than the sun. Chinese New Year starts between January 21st and
February 20th.

2. What is Chinese belief about cleaning houses before New Year day?
Ans: It is customary for Chinese families to thoroughly clean their houses before
New Year’s Day. In this way they clear out any bad luck from the previous
Year and make the house ready to accept good luck for the coming year.

3: Which colour is not allowed and which colour is encouraged on Chinese

New Year? Why?
Ans: The black colour is not allowed due to its association with death, however,
wearing red is encouraged as the colour is associated with warding off bad spirits.
Red colour stands for high spirits and good luck.

4: What decorations on doors and windows symbolize?

Ans: The decorations on doors and windows symbolize good luck and happiness.
The word “fu” is written on them which means luck and happiness.”FU” stands for
better future, happiness and prosperity. It also symbolizes a new beginning.

5: What is the significance of New Year Eve Dinner?

Ans: On the evening of the Chinese New Year, it is customary for Chinese families
to visit relatives and partake in a large dinner where a number of specific foods are
served. The people want to have time for enjoyment and happiness.

6. What do the little red envelops filled with money symbolize?

Ans: It is a traditional practice for Chinese to give children and unmarried members
red envelopes filled with money which symbolize wealth and prosperity for the
coming year. Red colour stands for success in China.
7. What is the importance of Chinese New Year for Chinese families?
Ans: Chinese New Year is one of the major festivals in Chinese culture like other
ethnic communities of the world. This is the time when people strive to usher out
the old year and welcome the new one.

8. Why is Chinese New Year is never on the same day each?

Ans: Chinese New Year is never on the same day each year but typically falls
somewhere between January 21st and February 20th. It follows lunar calendar. The
lunar calendar is based on the movements of the moon in the year.

9. Is the Chinese belief about people having the character traits of animals, a
fact or an opinion?
Ans: Each year is associated with one of the twelve animals of the Chinese zodiac.
These animals are presented in decorations. Some people believe that those who are
born during the year of a particular animal may have the character traits of that
10 : Why does this dinner consist of eight or nine dishes?
Ans: On the evening they enjoy large dinner together. It is typical for a Chinese
family to make eight or nine dishes for the New Year’s Eve dinner. In Chinese
language, eight means “prosperity” and nine means “long lasting”.
More Questions:
11. What do you know about the word, “Zodiac”?
Ans: Zodiac means an imaginary belt in the heavens. It is divided into twelve parts
which are called signs or symbols. This word comes from a Greek word, meaning,
“circus of animal figures”. It is divided into twelve parts and each part has a picture
of an animal.
12. What is festival? What is the purpose of celebrating a festival?
Ans: A festival is a public celebration of an event to create a sense of brotherhood,
selflessness, peace and harmony among the people. The celebrations allow the
people to rejoice by breaking the monotonous routine that has made their life dull
and boring.
13. What is theme of the lesson?
Ans: Chinese New Year is the most important day of the year. This is the time when
the family members strive to be with their near and dear ones; they regard this as a
time usher out the old year and welcome the new, with great festivities.
Unit # 3 Try Again

Answer the following questions.

Q1. What is the theme of the poem?

Ans: "Try Again" is a motivating poem which teaches us the lesson that continuous
struggle and enormous efforts are needed to achieve ultimate aims. In this thought
provoking poem, the poet wants us to make repeated efforts to reach our destination.
With patience and diligence, we must struggle to hit our target because little steady
steps secure superb success.

Q2. What is the lesson taught in the first stanza?

Ans: If once we fail to achieve the task, we should try again to achieve it. We
should not give up. The road to success is dotted with many tempting parking places
so we should keep on trying again to cross this road.

Q3. What can we learn from failure?

Ans: If we do not succeed at the first attempt, we should try again. It is a common
saying that a man can be destroyed but not be defeated. So by failure, we can rectify
our mistakes and avoid them in the next attempt.

Q4. How is failure not a disgrace? Or

“If we strive it is no disgrace,” explain this sentence.
Ans: Failure is not a matter of disgrace rather a matter of honour .We should go on
trying after failing to win our task. Struggle shows that the person has tried to
achieve the goal and to overcome his failure.

Q5. What should we do if we find our task hard?

Ans: If we find our task hard and difficult, we should have patience and work hard.
We should put efforts to achieve it. Persistence and devotion are the tools which will
take us to the road of success.
Q6. Give an example of struggle from your life?
Ans: I really wanted to become a painter but at first my paintings were not liked. I
lost hope but one day my mother encouraged me and I kept on painting for several
years. I practiced a lot and last year my paintings were exhibited.
Q7. What does the title “Try Again” mean?
Ans: The title of the poem is very significant. It highlights the importance of hard
work and struggle in life. The poet stresses the need of trying again and again
because this is the reality of life.

Q 8. How many times should we try and why?

And: When we face difficulties, we must try hard until we succeed. It is a struggle
that takes us to the road of success. So, we should try again and again to achieve our
goal in life because there is no limit of putting efforts.

Q9. What does the word “persevere” mean?

Ans: Persevere means, to persist steadily, to achieve something despite difficulties.
We should go on trying if we do not succeed at first attempt. The poet has used this
term to encourage his readers to put efforts and struggle hard to win the task.

Q10. Which rule should be followed while trying again and again?
Ans: According to the poet, the rule of patience should be followed while putting
efforts. We should have hope like other successful people. It means that we should
not cry about the difficulties rather we should work without complaining about

Q11. Why is the poet repeating the phrase “try again” in the poem?
Ans: The poet is repeating the phrase “try again”, to put emphasis on the importance
of trying again. The poet highlights the importance of hard work and struggle in life
that only those people can achieve success who put efforts.
Unit:4 First Aid

Answer the following questions:

Q.1.You should not keep checking if the bleeding has stopped. Why?
Ans. We should apply pressure to stop bleeding of the wound. While applying
pressure, we should not keep checking if the bleeding has stopped because this may
damage or dislodge the clot that is forming and cause bleeding to resume.

Q.2.Why is it necessary to keep away soap from the wound?

Ans .It is necessary to keep away soap from the actual wound because the direct
contact of soap with the wound can cause irritation. Therefore, soap should be used
in the area around wound.
Q.3.How is an antibiotic cream or ointment good in healing the wound?
Ans. An antibiotic or ointment is good in healing the wound because it helps to keep
the surface moist. The products do not make the wound heal faster, but they can help
our body's natural healing process work fast.
Q.4 What should you do if you are allergic to adhesive material used in most
Ans. If one is allergic to the adhesive used in most bandages then one must switch to
adhesive-free dressings or we can also use sterile gauze held in place with paper
tape, gauze roll or a loosely applied elastic bandage.
Q. When do you need to see a doctor?
Ans. We need to consult a doctor if the wound does not heal or there is any redness,
increasing pain, drainage, warmth or swelling in the wounded area or scraps because
any delay in such cases can cause serious infection.
Q.6 What should your first aid kit consist of?
Ans. Our first aid kit should consist of First Aid book, band aids, elastic bandages,
gauze and adhesive tape, antiseptic wipes, safety pins and tweezers, scissors,
calamine lotion, clinical thermometer and analgesic tablets.
(More Questions)

Q7. When was first aid started?

Ans: It was introduced in 19th century after the invention of car in USA. After the
inventions of vehicle, the road accidents started. Accidents became common and the
need to provide the first aid to the victim was introduced.
Q 8. What does this word “First Aid” mean?
Ans: First Aid means temporary medical help that we give to any sick or injured
person. When a person is unwell and needs help, we give him any tablet, syrup and
surgical help before regular treatment it is called first aid.

Q9. What is the importance of knowledge of ‘First Aid’ in crisis management?

Ans: It is the temporary and immediate help. This timely assistance, comprising of
medical techniques, is most critical to the victims and is, often, life saving. Handling
minor accidents develop a sense of crisis management.

Q10. Why are band aids good for dressing small wounds?
Ans: Band aids or sticky plasters are good for dressing small wounds or cuts
because it helps to heal the wound. They come in all shapes and sizes for fingers,
legs and anywhere else you might get little cuts.

Q11. Why do you need to use gauze and adhesive tape to control bleeding from
the wound?
Ans: Gauze pads are cloth pads that are placed directly on a wound to protect and
control bleeding. You will need adhesive tape to keep the gauze in place. In an
emergency, a clean cloth or hand towel can be used to cover the wound.
Review 1
1. Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is a perfect model and example for all mankind.
Ans: Hazrat Muhammad (SAW) is a perfect model and example for all mankind.
He was an exemplary judge who decided all cases on merit. He was a brave
commander. He was a well-wisher and friend of humanity.
2. Write a note on Chinese New year celebrations.
Ans: Chinese New Year starts between January 21st and February 20th. Chinese
New Year is the most important day of the year. This is the time when the family
members strive to be with their near and dear ones; they regard this as a time usher
out the old year and welcome the new, with great festivities.
3. Why is trying again important in life?
Ans: Trying again is important in life as it enables us to succeed in every field of
life. The poet stresses the need of trying again and again because this is the reality of
4. Write the First aid process of cuts and scrapes.
Ans: We should apply gentle pressure for 20-30 seconds if bleeding does not stop,
then elevate it. We should rinse it with water and apply a thin layer of antibiotic
cream. Then we should cover it with bandage. If there is infection, we should
consult a doctor.
Unit # 5 THE RAIN

What is the theme of the poem?

The poem, "The Rain" has a symbolic meaning. The upper leaves get the rain drops
and quench their thirst. Afterwards, they pass on the drops to the lower leaves. This
metaphor means that the rich get a golden chance first and whatever remains trickle
down to the poor people. The poet hopes for equality in the society just like the
sunshine which is both for the dark round drops of rain and rich green leaves.
Q1. What does the poet hear?
Ans: The poet hears the sound of the raindrops falling on thick green leaves. He
feels that they are drinking rainwater. He observes the flow of water down from
thick leaves to thin leaves.

Q2. What according to the poet is a sweet noise?

Ans: The poet describes the beautiful sound of rainfall on leaves, making its way
from top to bottom, from upper to lower leaves. It is called a sweet noise of water
falling drop by drop from rich to lower leaves.

Q3. What will happen after the rain stop?

Ans: When the rain stops, the sun will come out and fill the dark round drop with
bright rays all around. Similarly, the poet hopes that one day when the challenge
and hardships are over, there will be equality in society.

Q4. How does the sun come out after the rain?
Ans: After the rain, the sun comes out with a wondrous light and everything
including raindrops fill with shine and get brightened. Similarly, the poet hopes for
the time, when things will be in the favour of downtrodden people of the society.

Q5. How does the light fill the drop?

Ans: When the bright rays of the sun fell on the dark rain drops, they will fill with
light. They brighten them and reflect their light. The dark rain drops change into
brightly lit pieces of water.

Q6. What makes the scene lovely?

Ans: After the rain, everything becomes clear. The sun shines brightly and lights up
the rain drops. The fresh air under the sun starts moving. The sunrays brighten up
everything. This makes the scene lovely and beautiful.

Q7. What does sun stand for?

Ans: The sun stands for (symbolizes) hope and happiness after sorrow and trouble.
Homeless man who mostly seeks shelter under trees waits for the sun rise. Sunshine
also symbolizes the expected equality in the society as it shines everywhere and on
all without any partiality.
Q8. What do the rich and poor leaves stand for?
Ans: Thickly green rich leaves stand for rich people who enjoy luxuries of life and
are successful in the society. While thin yellow leaves stand for poor people who
are needy and depend on rich people for everything.

Q9. Describe the mood of the poet while observing the scene?
Ans: The poet is in a strange and thought provoking mood. In the earlier scene, he
is watching and listening to the raindrops in great joy. Later, he finds connection
with rainy scene which he describes in the form of rich and poor leaves.

Q10. Which problem of the society is highlighted in this poem?

Ans: The distinction between rich and poor people is highlighted in this poem. The
thick green leaves symbolize rich people who get the benefits first. While the thin
yellow leaves symbolize poor people who are deprived of everything.

Q11. What does rain stand for?

Ans: Rain symbolizes the challenges, difficulties and hardships that are faced by the
poor people. Therefore, he hopes for sunshine after rain which symbolizes equality
in the society where the downtrodden people will also be given opportunities to
Unit # 6 Television Vs Newspaper

Answer these questions :( Text Book Exercise)

1. How is a newspaper more convenient medium of news?
Ans: Newspaper is more convenient medium of news as it does not require us
to sit at a place and read the news. Busy people may read the newspaper at
any time of the day. We can carry it anywhere.
2. How does a viewer get restricted while watching TV news?
Ans: For watching TV news, a viewer gets restricted to be at a certain place.
If the person is busy, he will miss the news. He cannot even choose which
piece of news he wishes to skip.
3. In what ways viewing news on TV is easier than reading a
Ans: On TV, news is visual and auditory. A person with basic knowledge can
understand them where as proficiency of language is required while reading
newspapers. So newspaper requires us to be proficient in language in order to
understand it.
4. How do newspapers give us more in depth coverage?
Ans: Newspapers give us more in depth coverage through columns, editorials
etc. Editorials and column writers give their own expert views and analysis
that we can easily understand as we read them. .
5. Why do some people read more than one newspaper?
Ans: Some people prefer to read more than one newspaper to get different
viewpoints, reports and comments of the story and news to check its validity.
They compare the statements that are given in different newspapers.
6. How can reader give feedback to the newspaper article?
Ans: Readers can give feedback to the articles by writing to the forum pages.
They can give their comments through letters to the editors. Sometimes they
can discuss and compare different articles published in newspaper.

7. Which medium do you prefer for news? Why?

Ans: When I have enough time, I will prefer to read newspaper because it
gives me chance to read the views of expert column writers. It also gives me
chance to give feedback in a form of letter or column.
(Inferential Questions.)
8. What is one good thing about newspaper?
Ans: We can read newspaper anywhere. It does not require us to sit at a
certain place to read. It is portable so that we can carry it easily in office etc. It
helps us to enhance our knowledge about different fields of life.

9. How can television make us lazy?

Ans: Television makes us lazy. We can view the news with a little or no
efforts. We just have to sit, listen to the news and watch the pictures on
screen. It is no doubt a source of entertainment which makes us relax.

10.Have you ever given your views on any newspaper article?

Ans: Yes! I wrote a letter to the editor to make him aware about the social
problems of our society and the role of general public. Same newspaper
editor highlighted these issues by publishing articles and interviewing the
concerned authorities.
11.Which simile has the writer used for medium of news and how?
Ans: The author used a simile to differentiate between newspaper and
television. The writer called the television as a fast food because it can be
watched easily. Newspaper is called a ten course dinner because it gives us
variety of news at one place.

12.What are the differences between newspaper and television?

Ans: News on television is quick as it telecasts the live events. Even a
common person can easily understand the news on TV. While reading
newspaper mastery of language is required. It demands attention of the reader.

13.What are the similarities between newspaper and television?

Ans: Television and newspaper both are the effective medium for news. They
both provide us entertainment and information. They keep the people aware of
their surroundings with the latest news. They help the people to give their
14.Why do most of the people like electronic media than the print media?
Ans: Most of the people like electronic media rather than print media because
it keeps the people aware of their surroundings. It gives latest news and
provide entertainment. Live pictures and videos of leaders and people make it
real and interesting.

15.Why did the writer say that the viewer of television news do not have the
luxury of feedback?
Ans: The writer is of the view that the viewers get restricted to convey their
messages to the concerned authorities because there is no proper platform to
give feedback. Rather in newspaper there are some forum pages through
which people can share their views.

16.Is TV taking away the habit of reading?

Ans: Yes, TV is taking away the habit of reading. It attracts the people more
than books and newspapers because of live transmission. We should not stop
the habit of reading because it enhances our vocabulary and gives us
Unit # 7 Little by Little One Walks Far?

Answer these questions :( Text Book Exercise)

1. What are some distinctions of the writer?

Ans: The writer is an intelligent, ambitious, hardworking person and active
participant in academics and co-curricular activities. He achieved many
awards at school and afterwards. He got award in Quaid-e-Azam Badge
Scouting, Who’s who Quiz, Essay Writing competition etc.
2. How has the writer spent his summer vacation?
Ans: During his summer vacation, he did several jobs. He worked at different
boarding schools. First, he joined English Language center. His second job
was at McDonalds and the last job was at DK.Academy.
3. What has he gained from his summer job experience?
Ans: He did several summer jobs. His job experiences made him responsible,
mature and independent. They prepared him financially and mentally. These
jobs helped him not to be worried about the future but to look forward to it.
4. How are these experiences helpful to him in future?
Ans: His job experiences have made him experienced and have given him
knowledge so he is eager to look forward to his future with responsible and
mature mind. He feels confident and hopeful about his future life.
5. What kind of student is the writer? Which of his qualities impress
Ans: He is an all rounded student. He is wise, intelligent and hardworking
person. He is a bright student and active worker. He excels not only in studies
but also in co-curricular activities.
(More questions and answers).
6. Why were the last couple of days a bumpy ride for him?
Ans: The last couple of days were the bumpy ride for him because he has
gone through many circumstances. He has dealt with them in his own way and
worked hard for the first place and earned it.

7. How many awards did the writer get in co-curricular activities?

Ans: He received many awards in co-curricular activities like Quaid-e-Azam
Badge in scouting, winner of Who’s who quiz programme at district level. He
got academic Excellence award while participating in inter District
Declamation contest and Essay writing competition.
8. What is meant by co-curricular activities?
Ans: “Co” means together or besides. Co-curricular means other activities
besides studies. It also means extra-curricular activities. They are connected
with school but outside studies. Co-curricular activities are for example,
debate, singing, painting, playing, games etc.
9. What does the title mean?
Ans: The title shows that the writer slowly and steadily establishes himself as
an independent person. It means that we can cover a long uneven distance
easily if we cover it little by little. We can develop our personality slowly.
10.What is the theme of the lesson?
Ans: Co-curricular activities give students the chance to become well-rounded
individuals by teaching them a variety of skills. These activities prepare them
for future. They can learn about working in a group or team to accomplish a

11.What is the meaning of this phrase, “just my creative view of things”?

Ans: Creative view of things suggests productive, innovative and imaginative
ideas. This is his ideas of making new plans and thinking in new ways. He
wants to change his life as well as the life of other people.

12.What is the writer meant by “game”?

Ans: Game is an activity outside the studies but here the author uses this term
for life. He says that life is like a game. Everyone tries to do better in this
game. The author even has played it well and succeeded.

13.“I shoot for the moon and land amongst the stars”. Explain.
Ans: This shows author’s high spirits. He has positive attitude towards life. “I
shoot for the moon,” means he aspires high like a skylark and works hard to
achieve his goal. No doubt, one day he will reach to the heights of the stars.
Unit # 8 Peace
Answer these questions :( Text Book Exercise)
1. What does the title mean?
Ans: “Peace” means calmness and quietness. We can get peace in cool and
gentle wind. The soft wind pleases and comforts us. It gives lives to buds,
birds, animals and human beings.

2. What the theme of the poem?

Ans: Nature teaches us lesson through wind, rain, mountains and light. Wind
in the form of storm smashes and destroys everything but when the wind is
cool and gentle it gives lives to living beings.

3. How is the wind described in the first stanza?

Ans: The poet describes the wind as a destructive power in the first stanza.
When it blows hard, it can smash everything. It can destroy buildings, trees
and fields. It has power to bring down any heavy structure.

4. With what is the wind compared in the first stanza?

Ans: In the first stanza, the poet compared the forceful wind with a
destructive monster that is very furious. The poet here personifies the wind
and calls it a monster due to its destructive power.

5. What is the wind doing to all man’s work?

Ans: Wind is smashing and raking all man’s work. It shatters everything. The
heavy wind scratches the heavy man made structure. It brings down any
structure and levels it with the ground.

6. Which places are being attacked by the wind?

Ans: The wind is attacking the valleys and vales. The fast moving wind hits
the buildings, streams, mountains and trees directly. It breaks the things into
pieces as it moves from cloud to the earth.
7. How and where does the wind send the pieces of object?
Ans: When the wind blows hard, it can smash even the things into pieces.
These small pieces spin with the force of wind and fly high and then fall to the
ground. It makes them revolve and level to the ground.

8. What does wind stand for?

Ans: The wind symbolizes and stands for the world that is full of troubles and
hardships, wars and destruction. In fact, the poet depicts that the nature can be
cruel and devastating factor.
9. How is the wind described in the second stanza?
Ans: In this stanza, the wind is described as a peaceful creature. When the
wind stops, there is calmness all around. It provides us comfort and has
soothing effect. This is the inner and everlasting reality of the wind.
10. How does the scene look like when the wind is still?
Ans: When the wind is still, there is peace, calmness, harmony and quietness
all around the poet. It looks like a part of eternal stillness. There is no
disturbing sound except whisper or leaves’ rustle.
11. What comparison is made in the second stanza?
Ans: In the second, stanza the poet compared the wind with a true lover or
friend. It is a true and everlasting face of the wind. It moves over the skies and
pleases us. Its sound is like a whisper in the ear of his beloved.
Review 2
B. Answer the following questions:
1. How can we raise the status of our country in the world?
Ans. A county's status depends on the workforce of its people. If people are talented,
hardworking, devoted and patriotic then they can raise the status of their country to
the heights of glory.
2.What will be the effect of sunshine over rain drops?
When the sun shines splendidly, its rays will fill each dark, round drop of rain with a
wondrous light. The sun rays will pass through the rain drops and create a rainbow
which will be a lovely sight.
3. What role can media play in bringing harmony in society?
Ans. Media can play a constructive role by bringing harmony in the society. It can
highlight problems disrupting national harmony and present their solutions. It may
also arrange discussion forums for people belonging to different sects.
4. Co-Curricular activities prepare students for future. How?
Ans. Co-Curricular activities give students the chance to become well-rounded
individuals and prepare them for future. These activities make them independent and
mature, polish their skills and thus enable them to enter the workforce with
Unit 9 Selecting the Right Career

Answer the following questions:

1.What were some famous careers for the young people in the past?
Ans. In the past, medical, aviation and engineering were famous professions for the
young. The future of the youth depended on these few disciplines which were
thought to be the only fields that could prove rewarding in terms of both respect and
2. Nowadays non-traditional careers are more appealing to young minds?
Ans. Non-traditional careers ranging from IT, electronic media and web networking
to online business portals and fashion designing are more appealing to young minds
because life has become more dynamic and innovative.
3. What is meant by the "right profession"?
The right profession means a profession that guarantees a profitable livelihood along
with mental satisfaction and interest in the job. The right profession is according to
the aptitude of an individual and has a vast scope as well.

4. Why is it important to consider the scope of any field?

Ans. The scope of any field is important to consider in terms of market demand
because the significance of hiring trends cannot be denied. For instance, MCS
students flooded the market when computer science professionals were in demand.

5. Is there any need of proper career counseling department? Why?

Ans. There should be a proper career counseling department at school level because
career counselors determine the personalities of students. They observe and analyze
their interests and suggest suitable careers according to their aptitude.

6. How can career counselors help the young people?

Ans. Career counselors can play a key role in guiding the youth towards a rewarding
profession because they are well informed of market trends. They also suggest
suitable careers according to the aptitude and interest of the individuals.
7. Which career do you want to opt for? Give reasons.
Ans: I want to opt for the profession of a teacher as it is considered respectable in
our society. It is rewarding both financially and spiritually. As teaching is the
profession which teaches all the other professions so I shall opt for it.
More Questions
8. In past, why did people want to become a doctor, an engineer or a pilot?
Ans. People wanted to become a doctor, an engineer or a pilot because these were
thought to be the only fields which were considered rewarding in terms of both
respect and money.
9.Explain the phrase "profitable livelihood".
Ans. Profitable livelihood means a profession which is well-paid and gives financial
security. For most of the people the right career means a profession which promises
a profitable livelihood. In such profession interest and mental satisfaction are not
10.Which is the toughest and most highly paid profession currently?
Ans. Chartered Accountancy (CA) is the toughest and most highly paid profession.
It may be started after the completion of the intermediate. However, according to
experts, twelfth grade with business subjects like accountancy, business statistics,
commercial geography are the best route to CA.

11.What should be the next step after selecting the right career?
Ans. After selecting the right career, the next step is to enter that particular field.
One should know which degrees, certifications, courses and subjects are required to
enter that field. A student should also consult successful professionals of the
particular field.
12.What is the theme of the lesson?
Ans. Choosing a career is an involved process that is based on interest, skills, work-
related values and personality. It is an important decision of life so one should spend
some time to select the right profession.
13. Which field is emerging fast these days?
Ans. Mass communication is certainly one of the fastest emerging industries in the
world these days. This field is thought to be considered highly rewarding in terms of
both respect and money.
Answer these questions:
1. How does a book connect the reader and the writer?
Ans. A book creates a connection between the reader and the writer. A reader shares
and enjoys the experiences of the writer. A connection is formed between the real
world of the reader and the world described upon the pages.
2. In what way books are better than radio, TV and internet?
Ans: Books are better than radio, TV and internet because their impression is more
lasting. These modern advances bring relevance and instant gratification but books
offer us comfort, immeasurable pleasure and a safe shelter.

3."It’s a slow food in a world given over to fast food". Explain.

Ans. It means that today's world is fast where book reading is like a slow food as it
demands time and concentration. The modern advancements bring relevance and
instant gratification but their effect is timely whereas books offer long lasting joy.

4.Why should people be given more opportunity to read books?

Ans. It is important that people should be given more opportunity to read and enjoy
books as they offer safe shelters, sustenance and enable the readers to pursue the
roads forward.

5.Which book has inspired you the most? Why?

Ans. The novel, “The Kite Runner” inspired me the most because it is a story about
friendship, loyalty, longing for acceptance and humanity. The writer in this book
wants to show the violence in Afghanistan and the ways it should be redeemed.
More Questions:
1.What were the expressions of the Cantonese man while reading a book?
Ans. The face of the Cantonese man was stern with concentration while reading. At
times, his expression would be disturbed in frustration at his progress. His face was
beaming when he reached the conclusion.

2.Why was the reader’s face beaming? What did it show?

Ans. His face was beaming because of a sudden joy with the act of reading. It was
also the delight at how the story resolved. It showed that he was in possession of
something deliciously private.
3.Can modern technology take the place of books?
Ans. No doubt, the modern advances seem to pose a threat to reading but books are
themselves a form of technology that is spread over the pages and makes us delve
into the complexities of life.

4.Book reading is like a journey. How?

Ans. Books make us travel at large. During this journey, we are connected with
humanity. We identify ourselves with the characters we meet during this journey.
Moreover reading enhances our knowledge of the world without travelling

5.Is reading a moral act?

Ans. Yes, reading is a moral act. It helps us to comprehend our faults. It tells us who
we could become if we are not careful. It provides the deepest connection to the
morals that make us human.

6.What types of pleasures are offered by books?

Ans. Books offer the immeasurable joy of touch, sound and fragrance. The pleasure
which comes through their understanding is also delightful. The sharing of a book
with friends is another joy offered by books.

7.What role does a library play to promote the habit of book reading?
Ans. Libraries have a variety of books which attract people belonging to different
fields. They also offer expensive books which are not easily accessible by everyone.
In this way libraries promote reading.

8.How do books act like bridges?

Ans. Books are like bridges because through their pages we make our contact with
different societies and cultures even in faraway lands. As bridge connects one way to
other similarly through books we are connected with humanity.
Lesson #11 Great Expectations
Q1. Who looked after Pip after the death of his parents?

Ans: Pip was an orphan and there was no one to look after him so his sister took him
in her guardianship. So he lived in his sister’s house. Though she looked after him,
she was very hard and strict towards him.

Q2. Who was Joe? How did he treat Pip?

Ans: Joe was husband of Pip’s sister. He was not strict like her wife. He was a warm
hearted and kind fellow. He raised Pip as his own son. Joe was Pip’s best friend. He
treated him well.

Q3. Why did Pip give food and drink to the prisoner?

Ans: Once Pip met a prisoner, who had escaped from prison. Pip realized that the
strange man was hungry and helpless. So he gave him something to eat and drink out
of kindness.

Q4. What happened to the prisoner?

Ans: When the prisoner came to meet Pip, he was recaptured in England. At his trial
in court, he was sentenced to death by the judge. Before, he could be hanged, he died
in prison.

Ans: Q5. Why did the prisoner support Pip?

Ans: The prisoner had gone to Australia but he never forgot Pip’s kindness towards
himself. In Australia, he became a wealthy farmer and supported Pip in return of his

Q6. What happened to the prisoner’s wealth after his death?

Ans: Prisoner had come to England from Australia. Though a long period of time
had passed, he was still wanted in England. He got captured and sentenced to be
hanged after a trial. He died in prison. His wealth was owned by the government.

Q7. Do you know a person who achieved success in life through his hard work?
Ans: Yes, one of my brother’s friends was from a very humble background. But he
worked very hard in his studies. Due to his good grades he won multiple
scholarships for completion of education. He is a successful engineer now.

(More Questions)

Q8.How did Pip become a successful businessman?

Ans. He worked hard in his studies to become a clerk in his friends’ office. Through
his industrious work and of untiring efforts he finally became a part owner of the

Q9. What changed Pip’s life?

Ans. The prisoner, who was helped by Pip, sent him money from Australia in return
of Pip’s kindness. Thus, Pip got financial support for his education in this way. This
financial support changed his life.

Q10. How did Pip become a successful businessman?

Ans: Despite being poor and an orphan, Pip got good education. He became a clerk
in his friend’s office. Over the years he succeeded to become part owner of that
insurance firm by dint of his hard work.

Q 11. How did the prisoner help Pip when he went to Australia?

Ans. The prisoner had escaped from a prison . he was recaptured and sent to
Australia as a convict. There he started earning money by collecting ivory and and
became a wealthy farmer. He used to send money to Pip and wanted him to be
Unit 12 Population Growth and World Food Supplies
Answer these questions.

Q1. Which areas are most affected by incessant growth in population?

Ans: The underdeveloped and developing countries of the world are most affected
areas by incessant increase in population. The countries have witnessed exponential
growth in population and they do not have high level of food grains.

Q2. Why are developing countries going to suffer more due to over population?

Ans: Developing countries are going to suffer more because there is high growth of
population. Their resources are consumed by their increasing population. The need
for grains will reach such levels that it may cause serious problems.

Q3. What is major cause of food shortages and malnutrition?

Ans: Major cause of food shortage and malnutrition is overpopulation. Because of

increase in population food supply will not be up to the mark and people will get less
than they need, giving rise to malnutrition.

Q4. How are water resources under great stress?

Ans: With increasing population, water is under great stress, because populous cities
and countries withdraw more water from rivers and lakes. A major threat to
maintaining future water supplies are the over use of surface and ground water

Q5. What is the effect of depletion of fossil energy?

Ans: Fossil energy is a prime resource that is used for food production. Fossil
energy is a finite resource. Its depletion accelerates as population needs for food and
services escalate. Thus, cost of fuel will increase everywhere.

Q6. What is the limitation of improved technology?

Ans: Improved technology will assist in more effective management and use of
resources, but it cannot produce an unlimited flow of those vital natural resources
that are the raw materials for the sustained agricultural production.
Q7. How can sufficient food supply be made possible for the future generation?

Ans: Sufficient food supply can be made possible for the future generation if we use
natural resources carefully. These natural resources are water, energy, land and
plants In addition to these, growth of human population should be curtailed on a
serious note.

(More Questions)

Q1.How is fossil energy a finite resource?

Ans. Fossil fuel is drawn from earth where, they have finite presence. The intensive
farming techniques of the developed countries use massive amount of fossil energy
for fertilizers, pesticides and irrigation. The excessive use of fossil energy can cause
its depletion.

Q2.What is the basic source of world food supply?

Ans. More than 99 percent of the world’s food supply comes from the land, while
less than 1 percent is from the oceans and other aquatic habitats. The continued
production of an adequate food supply is directly dependent on ample natural
resources(fresh water, land and energy).

Q3. What strategies should be adopted for safe future?

Ans: For safe future, strategies must be based on the conservation and careful
management of land, water, energy and biological resources for productive
agricultural system. Biodiversity should be maintained and populated growth should
be curtailed.
Unit #13 Faithfulness
Answer these following questions.

Q1. What case did the young man bring to Hazrat Umer Farooq (RA)?

Ans: The two young men brought a sturdy countryman before Hazrat Umar Farooq
(R.A) and complained that the person had murdered their old father. They demanded
justice by punishing the murderer for his crime.

Q2. Why did the old man hurl a stone at the camel?

Ans:The villager had halted at the old man’s garden to take rest. The camel nipped a
few leaves off the hanging branch of a tree. The old man, on seeing this, hurled a
stone at the cames with all his might.

Q3. Why did the villagers ask Hazart Umer Farooq (RA) to delay the

Ans: The villager wanted a delay in execution because he had hidden his brother’s
share of gold somewhere. He wanted to give that to a trustee. He did not want to be
accounted as a dishonest on the Day of Judgment.

Q4. On what condition was the criminal allowed to leave?

Ans:The villager was allowed to leave on the condition that, he presented someone
who would stand as surety and willing to die in his place, if he failed to come back.
He said that Hazrat Abuzar Ghaffari would stand as surety.

Q5.Why were Sahabas worried?

Ans: As the time was passing and the villager had not returned, the Sahabas become
worried about the fate of Hazrat Abuzar Ghaffari. He would have to pay with his
life, if the villager failed to come.

Q6. Why did the accusers forgive the villagers?

Ans: The villager reached the place perspiring after making his uncle trustee of the
gold. The accusers were impressed by his honesty and faithfulness. They forgave
him saying that ‘forgiveness is divine’.
Q.7 Write a character sketch of the caliph.

Ans: Hazrat Umer Farooq(RA) was the second Caliph of Islam. He was very
hardworking ruler who worked for the people untiringly. He decided the cases on
merit. He did justice without any favour to anyone and without fear of anyone
except Allah.

Q8 write a character sketch of Hazrat Abu Zar Ghuffari.

Ans: Hazrat Abu Zar Ghuffari (RA) was a very novle and true sahaba. When the
young villager asked him to stand as surety for him, he agreed without even
knowing him. He was a man of great sympathy. God helped him at the last moment.

Q 9. Why did the Caliph forgive the villager and bring the case to a happy

Ans: The caliph pardoned the villager because he had not intended to kill the old
father of the young man. Lastly, the villager kept his words and returned to the court
in time. The accusers also pardoned him for his sincerity.

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