Chem254 Phys Chem Lab Syllabus

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2021-2022 Fall Semestre

Exp 1. Thermochemistry- Heat of Neutralization

Exp 2. Critical Point Determination of SF6

Exp 3. Physical Transformation of Pure Substances- Vapor Pressure of A Pure Liquid

Exp 4. Partial Molar Properties of Solutions

Exp 5. Solubility and Enthalpy of Fusion of Ammonium Oxalate in Water

Exp 6. Freezing Point Depression

Exp 7. Phase Diagrams - Liquid Vapor Equilibrium for two component


Exp 8. Phase Diagrams, Solid - Liquid Phase Equilibrium for Two

Component System and Miscibility Gap

Exp 9. Chemical Equilibrium – Colorimetric Determination of Equilibrium Constant

Exp 10. Determination of Activity Coefficients of Hydrochloric Acid Solutions.

Textbook : Atkin’s Physical Chemistry, 9,10,11th Ed., or any physical

chemistry book


1) HES code and PCR tests for those who didn’t get vaccinated.

2) Start @ 8:50 for morning session and @ 13:50 for afternoon sessions. No tolerance for
coming late, come to the lab on time.

• Wear your lab coat and protective eye glasses during all times at the lab; no entrance to
the lab without them.

3) Attendance to lab sessions on time is compulsory. No make-up will be given for

quizzes in case of being late (with a valid excuse, which exclude print-out problems).
Students are allowed to take 2 make-ups during the semester if you have medical reports. For
unpredictable situations where student unable to attend the lab session, please contact with
Physical Chemistry Lab. coordinator (

4) Group consisting of 2 people will perform one experiment together.

5) Lab manual will be available in if not I will send you.

6) At the beginning of lab sessions a pre-lab quiz will be given in which you are responsible
from whole lab manual for that experiment (including questions).

7) Pre-lab quiz can cover whole lab manual including questions

• If you take lower than 4pts over 10 pts you will lose half grade of your lab report.

8) After performing the experiment fill your data sheet with Pen and have it signed by
your assistant.

9) After the lab sessions students will have 1 week to prepare LAB REPORT (that consists
of a Cover page,Data Sheet, Calculation, Questions, Discussion parts). Bring your lab reports as
hardcopy print-out to be collected in the beginning of next lab session.

10) Students should prepare the lab reports using given experimental data by themselves.
Each group can have a common calculation part but the rest (questions and discussion part)
has to be unique for each student. Otherwise, no credit will be given for that report.

• Give references both in text and end of your text after discussion part for question and
question parts.
• Neither Wikipedia nor your lab manuals can be accepted as reference sources.
11) Check your reports after printing it out, missing pages will not be accepted or
evaluated later on.
12) You should upload question part and discussion part as one pdf file into (before beginning of the next lab session) The similarity up to 35 %
is acceptable. Above this, you will lose credits from your lab report. The credit loss according to
similarity percentages are:

Similarity percentages Credit loss

0 – 35 % 0 pts
35 – 55 % 10 pts
55 – 80 % 15 pts
80 – 100 % 25 pts

13) Late submission for hardcopy and Turnitin will be announced in couple of weeks.

14) Total grade for your laboratory work will be evaluated based on 100 points. Distribution of
these points are (which may change);
Lab event Percentage

Experiment report 40

Quiz 15

Practical exam (performance ) 15

Practical exam (report ) 10

Final exam 20


1. Cover page

Name of the course

Name of Assistant
Title of the experiment
Number of the experiment
Name and Surname of the student
Name of your lab partner
Date of the experiment

2. Data sheet (with signature of the Assistant)

3. Calculations (Note: If there are many repeats in calculations you can show calculation only
for one data point in detail and the other results can be given in a table together with an excel
worksheet.You should also submit excel worksheet to related folder in ODTUCLASS)

• Find theoretical value of the related value and calculate percent error for your
experimental results.
• If you don’t submit your excel sheet you will lose half grade of calculation part.

4. Questions: Answer by yourself and give in text and end of text reference
• Neither Wikipedia nor your lab manuals can be accepted as reference sources.

5. Discussion (Write aim of the experiment, evaluate the results, compare experimental data and
theoretical data (literature), discuss possible errors.)
Academic Integrity

It is your responsibility to maintain a high degree of integrity in your work. Cheating of any kind
will not be tolerated and will result in a failure in the course! The following are considered cheating:
(a) Sharing of results and answers on lab reports, graded assignments, quizzes and exams; (b)
Use of unauthorized materials during an exam; (c) Plagiarism, including copying a fellow student’s
lab report or homework. When in doubt, both parties involved in plagiarism (both the copier and
the copyee) will be held responsible for the integrity violation.

Lab Coordinator’s email address and lab:, B-36 in B-Block

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