WI-04!05!54 - Service-Manual CT Motion - Rev 03.1

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Service Manual


WI-04-05-54 / Rev. 03.1

Copyright Notice
Copyright 2017 ulrich GmbH & Co. KG. All rights reserved. Reproduction of this service
manual, whether in part or as whole, is prohibited without the prior written consent of ulrich
GmbH & Co. KG. Printed in Germany.

Trademark Notice
CT motion is a trademark of ulrich GmbH & Co. KG.
ulrich medical is a registered trademark of ulrich GmbH & Co. KG.

Names and terms used for products from other manufacturers mentioned in this service
manual may be connected to registered trademarks or trade names. ulrich GmbH & Co. KG
acknowledges their legal status without expressly mentioning their underlying legal form, e. g.
TM or ®. Changes to these legal forms are recognized without reservation.

WI-04-05-54 / Rev. 03.1

ulrich GmbH & Co. KG

Buchbrunnenweg 12
89081 Ulm

Phone: +49 (0)731 9654-111

Fax: +49 (0)731 9654-2808

Table of Contents

Table of Contents
1 About This Document.......................................................................................... 1-10
1.1 Purpose ..................................................................................................................... 1-10
1.2 Scope ........................................................................................................................ 1-10
1.3 Currentness .............................................................................................................. 1-10
1.3.1 Change history ............................................................................................ 1-10
1.4 Applicable documents ............................................................................................... 1-12
1.5 Highlighting and Symbols ......................................................................................... 1-13
1.5.1 Warnings ..................................................................................................... 1-13
1.5.2 Text Markings .............................................................................................. 1-13
1.6 Abbreviations ............................................................................................................ 1-14

2 Safety Information ............................................................................................... 2-15

2.1 Manufacturer's responsibility .................................................................................... 2-15
2.2 Structural modifications ............................................................................................ 2-15
2.3 Information on safe work .......................................................................................... 2-15

3 Composition of the product ................................................................................ 3-16

3.1 Packaging ................................................................................................................. 3-16
3.1.1 Reusable packaging .................................................................................... 3-16
3.1.2 Disposable packaging ................................................................................. 3-18
3.2 Pedestal version ....................................................................................................... 3-19
3.3 Ceiling Version .......................................................................................................... 3-21
3.4 Wall version .............................................................................................................. 3-22
3.5 Injector head ............................................................................................................. 3-23
3.6 Terminal .................................................................................................................... 3-24
3.6.1 Terminal with injector S/N lower than CTM1608001 ................................... 3-24
3.6.2 Terminal with injector S/N CTM1608001 or higher ..................................... 3-26
3.6.3 Terminal with injector S/N CTM1721215 or higher ..................................... 3-27
3.7 Front module ............................................................................................................. 3-28
3.8 Device base .............................................................................................................. 3-29
3.8.1 Device base with S/N lower than CTM1510600 .......................................... 3-29
3.8.2 Device base with S/N CTM1510600 or higher ............................................ 3-31

4 Starting up............................................................................................................ 4-32

4.1 CT motion pedestal version ...................................................................................... 4-32
4.1.1 Assembling main assemblies ...................................................................... 4-32
4.1.2 Mounting cover ............................................................................................ 4-33
4.1.3 Assembling bottle lifts/media rod ................................................................. 4-34
4.1.4 Connecting battery ...................................................................................... 4-34

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Table of Contents

4.1.5 Connecting terminal and injector via Bluetooth ........................................... 4-35

4.1.6 Functional testing ........................................................................................ 4-37
4.2 CT motion ceiling version ......................................................................................... 4-38
4.2.1 Installation requirements ............................................................................. 4-38
4.2.2 Securing power supply unit ......................................................................... 4-39
4.2.3 Feeding electrical cable ............................................................................... 4-39
4.2.4 Securing electrical cable in spring arm........................................................ 4-40
4.2.5 Mounting injector head on C arm ................................................................ 4-40
4.2.6 Mounting C arm cover ................................................................................. 4-41
4.2.7 Establishing electrical connections .............................................................. 4-41
4.2.8 Concluding set-up........................................................................................ 4-44
4.2.9 Conducting functional testing ...................................................................... 4-44
4.3 CT motion wall version ............................................................................................. 4-45
4.3.1 Installation requirements ............................................................................. 4-45
4.3.2 Mounting power supply unit box .................................................................. 4-46
4.3.3 Feeding electrical cable ............................................................................... 4-46
4.3.4 Securing electrical cable in spring arm........................................................ 4-46
4.3.5 Mounting injector head on C arm ................................................................ 4-46
4.3.6 Mounting C arm cover ................................................................................. 4-46
4.3.7 Establishing electrical connections .............................................................. 4-47
4.3.8 Conducting functional testing ...................................................................... 4-48

5 Technical safety check (TSC) ............................................................................. 5-49

5.1 Auxiliaries and test equipment .................................................................................. 5-49
5.2 Instructions for use ................................................................................................... 5-49
5.3 Injector system .......................................................................................................... 5-49
5.3.1 Inscriptions .................................................................................................. 5-49
5.3.2 Cable connection FOC and power cable/main switch (if available) ............ 5-50
5.3.3 Double casters including parking brake ...................................................... 5-51
5.3.4 Device configuration including accessories (if available) ............................ 5-51
5.3.5 Injector door ................................................................................................. 5-51
5.3.6 CM/NaCl sensors ........................................................................................ 5-51
5.3.7 Protective cap for valve assembly ............................................................... 5-51
5.3.8 Pressure measurement ............................................................................... 5-51
5.3.9 NaCl/CM bottle guide .................................................................................. 5-52
5.3.10 Media sensor patient tubing ........................................................................ 5-52
5.3.11 Roll pump gap before S/N CTM1721200 .................................................... 5-52
5.3.12 Pump wheel ................................................................................................. 5-53
5.3.13 Ultrasound sensor air trap ........................................................................... 5-53
5.3.14 Display and pushbuttons ............................................................................. 5-53
5.4 Internal structure of the injector ................................................................................ 5-53
5.4.1 Front module ............................................................................................... 5-53

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Table of Contents

5.4.2 Sockets, connectors and cables .................................................................. 5-53

5.4.3 Live parts ..................................................................................................... 5-53
5.5 Terminal .................................................................................................................... 5-54
5.5.1 Inscriptions .................................................................................................. 5-54
5.5.2 External set-up ............................................................................................ 5-54
5.5.3 On/off button, sockets, connectors, cables and power supply unit ............. 5-55
5.5.4 Display ......................................................................................................... 5-55
5.5.5 Loudspeaker ................................................................................................ 5-55
5.5.6 Input devices ............................................................................................... 5-55
5.5.7 Operating LED ............................................................................................. 5-55
5.5.8 Strain relief clamps FOC/mains cable/CAN interface (if available) ............. 5-55
5.5.9 Connection establishment Scanner Injector ................................................ 5-55
5.6 Charger/battery ......................................................................................................... 5-55
5.6.1 Battery display on the injector display ......................................................... 5-55
5.6.2 Charger electrical components .................................................................... 5-55
5.6.3 Charging status LED on the injector ............................................................ 5-56
5.7 CM heater ................................................................................................................. 5-56
5.7.1 Heater module ............................................................................................. 5-56
5.7.2 Heating function........................................................................................... 5-56
5.7.3 Checking heater .......................................................................................... 5-56
5.8 Tests according to EN 62353 (VDE 0751-1) ............................................................ 5-57
5.8.1 Grounding conductor resistance ................................................................. 5-57
5.8.2 Device leakage current ................................................................................ 5-58
5.8.3 Insulation resistance .................................................................................... 5-58
5.8.4 Leakage current from the applied part ........................................................ 5-58
5.9 General functional testing ......................................................................................... 5-58
5.9.1 Injector display, pushbutton switch and LEDs ............................................. 5-58
5.9.2 Injector door releasing mechanism ............................................................. 5-58
5.9.3 Hose threading drive ................................................................................... 5-58
5.9.4 Automatic venting ........................................................................................ 5-59
5.9.5 Patient tubing sensor ................................................................................... 5-59
5.9.6 CM sensor ................................................................................................... 5-59
5.9.7 Pressure shut-off ......................................................................................... 5-59
5.9.8 Pressure regulation ..................................................................................... 5-59
5.9.9 Volume/flow rate measurement................................................................... 5-60
5.9.10 Air trap sensor test ...................................................................................... 5-60
5.9.11 Valve assembly ........................................................................................... 5-61
5.10 Reading error memory .............................................................................................. 5-62
5.11 Ceiling/wall version ................................................................................................... 5-62
5.11.1 Visual inspection .......................................................................................... 5-62
5.11.2 Tests according to EN 62353 (VDE 0751-1) ............................................... 5-62
5.11.3 General functional testing ............................................................................ 5-62

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5.11.4 Additional tests ............................................................................................ 5-63

5.12 Recommended maintenance work ........................................................................... 5-63
5.13 Functional testing ...................................................................................................... 5-63

6 Service program .................................................................................................. 6-64

6.1 System requirements ................................................................................................ 6-64
6.2 Installing service program ......................................................................................... 6-64
6.3 Setting up a connection ............................................................................................ 6-64
6.4 Reading sensor data ................................................................................................. 6-66
6.5 Reading status data .................................................................................................. 6-66
6.6 Updating with service program ................................................................................. 6-67
6.6.1 Updating firmware ....................................................................................... 6-67
6.6.2 Updating parameters ................................................................................... 6-67
6.6.3 Updating display text ................................................................................... 6-68
6.6.4 Updating character set ................................................................................ 6-68
6.6.5 Setting serial number................................................................................... 6-68
6.6.6 Setting version of conductor board .............................................................. 6-69
6.6.7 Setting correction factor for roll pump ......................................................... 6-69
6.7 Reading log files ....................................................................................................... 6-70
6.7.1 Reading error log ......................................................................................... 6-70
6.7.2 Reading statistic log .................................................................................... 6-71
6.7.3 Reading user input log ................................................................................ 6-72
6.7.4 Reading operating data ............................................................................... 6-73
6.7.5 Setting TSC date ......................................................................................... 6-73
6.8 Controlling injector manually ..................................................................................... 6-74
6.8.1 Controlling valves ........................................................................................ 6-75
6.8.2 Controlling CM heaters ................................................................................ 6-75
6.8.3 Locking injector functions ............................................................................ 6-75
6.8.4 Controlling LEDs.......................................................................................... 6-76
6.8.5 Controlling air trap sensors ......................................................................... 6-76
6.8.6 Controlling pump motor .............................................................................. 6-77
6.8.7 Controlling venting ....................................................................................... 6-77
6.8.8 Controlling threading ................................................................................... 6-77
6.8.9 Controlling door lock .................................................................................... 6-77

7 Service work ........................................................................................................ 7-78

7.1 Software .................................................................................................................... 7-78
7.1.1 Requirements for successful update process ............................................. 7-78
7.1.2 Instructions for formatting USB stick in FAT 32 format ............................... 7-80
7.1.3 Entering the service menu ........................................................................... 7-80
7.1.4 Updating device software ............................................................................ 7-80
7.1.5 Hardware modification for software update 04.00.03 and newer ................ 7-82

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Table of Contents

7.1.6 Reading out data / Calibrating CT motion touch terminal ........................... 7-83
7.2 Service flap ............................................................................................................... 7-86
7.2.1 Removing service flap for service work/testing ........................................... 7-86
7.3 Front module ............................................................................................................. 7-86
7.3.1 Disassembling front module for service work/testing .................................. 7-86
7.4 Device base .............................................................................................................. 7-88
7.4.1 Disassembling/opening device base for service work/testing ..................... 7-88
7.4.2 Replacing LP5 charger electrical components before S/N CTM1510600 ... 7-90
7.4.3 Replacing LP5 charger electrical components of device base with S/N
CTM1510600 or higher ............................................................................... 7-90
7.4.4 Replacing Fuse 5A FF for Charger Electrical Components before S/N
CTM1510600 ............................................................................................... 7-91
7.4.5 Replacing Fuse 5A FF for Charger Electrical Components at device base
with S/N CTM1510600 or higher ................................................................. 7-91
7.4.6 Replacing cable 11 battery charging transistor before S/N CTM1510600 .. 7-91
7.4.7 Replacing cable 11 battery charging transistor of device base with S/N
CTM1510600 or higher ............................................................................... 7-92
7.4.8 Replacing power supply unit before S/N CTM1510600 .............................. 7-92
7.4.9 Replacing power supply of device base with S/N CTM1510600 or higher . 7-93
7.4.10 Replacing batteries SP000445-ET before S/N CTM1510600 ..................... 7-95
7.4.11 Replacing batteries SP000445-ET of device base with S/N CTM1510600 or
higher ........................................................................................................... 7-96
7.4.12 Replacing cable 14 LEDs battery charging before S/N CTM1510600 ........ 7-97
7.4.13 Replacing cable 14 LEDs battery charging of device base with S/N
CTM1510600 or higher ............................................................................... 7-97
7.4.14 Replacing double caster or double caster with brake ................................. 7-98
7.5 Injector head ............................................................................................................. 7-99
7.5.1 Replacing gas spring ................................................................................... 7-99
7.5.2 Replacing rail system ................................................................................ 7-100
7.5.3 Replacing cross plate A ............................................................................. 7-101
7.5.4 Replacing safety screw for injector head .................................................. 7-101
7.5.5 Replacing patient tubing sensor ................................................................ 7-102
7.5.6 Replacing high-pressure filter holder (SP000558-ET) .............................. 7-102
7.5.7 Replacing ECG cable SP000365-ET ........................................................ 7-103
7.5.8 Replacing drip cup holder SP000043-ET and pins SP000042-ET ........... 7-104
7.5.9 Replacing injector head housing ............................................................... 7-105
7.5.10 Replacing On/Off switch SP000392-ET before S/N CTM1721200 ........... 7-107
7.5.11 Replacing On/Off switch SP002223-ET with S/N CTM1721200 or higher7-108
7.6 Feeding unit ............................................................................................................ 7-110
7.6.1 Replacing bottle lift complete (SP000298-ET) .......................................... 7-110
7.6.2 Replacing spring catch .............................................................................. 7-110
7.6.3 Replacing holding arm for bottle guide (SP000304-ET)............................ 7-111
7.6.4 Replacing spike holder .............................................................................. 7-111

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Table of Contents

7.6.5 Replacing cover feeding unit ..................................................................... 7-112

7.6.6 Replacing media sensor ABD ................................................................... 7-113
7.7 Pressure measurement .......................................................................................... 7-115
7.7.1 Replacing pressure measurement ............................................................ 7-115
7.8 Roll pump ................................................................................................................ 7-116
7.8.1 Replacing hose guide roll(s) SP001253-ET .............................................. 7-116
7.8.2 Replacing counter bearing SP000148-ET before S/N CTM1721200 ....... 7-117
7.8.3 Adjusting rollers and counter bearing before S/N CTM1721200 .............. 7-118
7.8.4 Replacing cover cap roll pump SP000162-ET before S/N CTM1721200 . 7-119
7.8.5 Replacing cover base part roll pump before S/N CTM1721200 ............... 7-119
7.8.6 Replacing Misumi coupler SP000173-ET before S/N CTM1721200 ........ 7-121
7.8.7 Replacing roll pump (upper component) SP000106-ET before S/N
CTM1721200 ............................................................................................. 7-122
7.8.8 Replacing roll pump SP002270-ET (reworked roll pump) ......................... 7-123
7.9 Roll pump drive ....................................................................................................... 7-125
7.9.1 Replacing hose threading before S/N CTM1721200 ................................ 7-125
7.9.2 Replacing hose threading with S/N CTM1721200 or higher ..................... 7-126
7.9.3 Replacing hose threading drive SP000378-ET before S/N CTM1721200 7-127
7.9.4 Replacing drive of hose threading SP000378-ET with S/N CTM1721200 or
higher ......................................................................................................... 7-127
7.10 Valve assembly ....................................................................................................... 7-128
7.10.1 Replacing valve assembly ......................................................................... 7-128
7.11 Cover locking mechanism ....................................................................................... 7-130
7.11.1 Replacing cover locking mechanism before S/N CTM1721200 ................ 7-130
7.11.2 Replacing cover locking mechanism SP002026-ET with S/N CTM1721200 or
higher ......................................................................................................... 7-132
7.12 Device cover ........................................................................................................... 7-134
7.12.1 Replacing device cover (SP000273-ET) ................................................... 7-134
7.12.2 Replacing LP4 user interface board (SP000276-ET) ................................ 7-135
7.12.3 Replacing display foil (SP000280-ET)....................................................... 7-136
7.12.4 Replacing pressure plate (SP000279-ET) ................................................ 7-136
7.13 Conductor boards, complete................................................................................... 7-139
7.13.1 Replacing conductor board block .............................................................. 7-139
7.13.2 Replacing power board LP1 (SP000216-ET) ............................................ 7-140
7.13.3 Replacing controller board LP2 (SP000217-ET) ....................................... 7-141
7.13.4 Replacing cable 31 (SP000388-ET) .......................................................... 7-142
7.13.5 Replacing Bluetooth module SP000225-ET or SP002513-ET .................. 7-143
7.14 Heater ..................................................................................................................... 7-144
7.14.1 Replacing assembly for heater SP000070-ET and SP000078-ET ........... 7-144
7.15 Reed switch ............................................................................................................ 7-145
7.15.1 Replacing reed switch ............................................................................... 7-145
7.16 Air bubble detector 05.11 SP000444-ET ................................................................ 7-147
7.16.1 Replacing air bubble detector 05.11.......................................................... 7-147

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Table of Contents

8 Troubleshooting ................................................................................................ 8-148

8.1 Common problems ................................................................................................. 8-148
8.2 Error messages with error code .............................................................................. 8-152
8.3 Specific errors and resolution during software update ........................................... 8-177
8.3.1 FATAL ERROR: Could not install pv utility ............................................... 8-177
8.3.2 USB stick cannot be mounted ................................................................... 8-181

9 Spare parts and tools ........................................................................................ 9-182

9.1 Injector head ........................................................................................................... 9-182
9.2 Feeding unit ............................................................................................................ 9-183
9.3 Front module ........................................................................................................... 9-185
9.4 Roll pump ................................................................................................................ 9-186
9.5 Drive roll pump ........................................................................................................ 9-187
9.6 Hose threading........................................................................................................ 9-187
9.7 Valve assembly ....................................................................................................... 9-188
9.8 Cover locking system .............................................................................................. 9-188
9.9 Injector cover .......................................................................................................... 9-190
9.10 Conductor boards, complete................................................................................... 9-191
9.11 Bottle lift .................................................................................................................. 9-193
9.12 Service flap ............................................................................................................. 9-195
9.13 Ceiling mount .......................................................................................................... 9-195
9.14 Injector pedestal ..................................................................................................... 9-196
9.15 Heater ..................................................................................................................... 9-199
9.16 Misc. ........................................................................................................................ 9-199
9.17 Tools ....................................................................................................................... 9-200

10 Wiring diagrams............................................................................................... 10-202

10.1 Pedestal version ...................................................................................................10-202
10.2 Ceiling version ......................................................................................................10-203

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1 About This Document

1 About This Document

1.1 Purpose
This service manual describes the steps required to start up, maintain, and check the
ulrichINJECT CT motion XD 8000 injector systems (shortly called “injector” or “device” below).
The objective of this document is to support correct service work according to the
specifications of ulrich medical, in order to ensure safe and error free operation of the device.

1.2 Scope
These work instructions apply to persons authorized by ulrich medical, particularly
technicians, who perform service work on the XD 8000 injector system and perform technical
safety checks according to test report F-04-05-23.

1.3 Currentness
The service manual corresponds to the status of the product at the time the service manual
was created.
Subject to technical changes.
Possession of this service manual does not automatically entail inclusion in the change

1.3.1 Change history

Revision Date Author Change
Rev. 02 2015-02 Editor Translation of AA-04-05-54 Rev. 04
Rev. 03 2017-11 P. Ratajski, D.  Changed chapter order
Hartmann, T.  Standardized the following chapters:
Burger Copyright Notice, Trademark Notice, 1, 2
 Integrated supplements 1 to 6:
o Updated the following chapters:
1.5.2, 3.6, 3.8, 5.3.1 (CR 066-2017),
5.3.4, 5.5.1, 6.6, 7.13.1, 7.15
o Added the following chapters:
4.1.4, 6, 7.1.5, 7.1.6 (replaces WI-
04-05-53), 7.4.2, 7.4.5, 7.4.7, 7.4.9,
7.4.11, 7.4.13, 7.5.11, 8.3
 Checked against documents of Ondal
and reworked the following chapters
(replaces F-04-05-44):
4.2, 4.3, 5.8.1
 Added the following chapters:
6 (replaces WI-04-05-68), 7.5.7, 7.5.8,
7.5.9 (replaces WI-04-05-39), 7.12.4,
7.13.2, 7.13.3, 7.13.5 (CR 056-2017)
 FOC removed due to discontinuation:
3.1.1, 4.1.5, 4.2.1, 4.2.3, 4.2.4, 4.2.7,
4.3.1, 4.3.2, 4.3.3, 4.3.7

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1 About This Document

Revision Date Author Change

 Updated the following chapters:
5.9.8, 5.9.9 (according to measuring
instrument), 5.12 (according to
maintenance contracts of ulrich medical),
7.12.1, 7.16.1 (CR 255-2016), 8.1, 9
 Corrected the following chapters:
5.9.11 (“Connect manometer and hand
pump to NaCl branch”), 7.6.6 (“air bubble
detector (SP000444-ET)”)
03.1 2017-12 T. Burger Minor corrections:
 Corrected typing error (“1.5 ml/s” in
Table 5, “width” in Table 4)
 Corrected document name (F-04-05-36,
F-04-05-23, F-04-05-18)
 Corrected product name (XD 8074, XD
8075, XD 8076)
 Deleted unused abbreviation ”CH” from
Table 4

Table 1. Change history

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1 About This Document

1.4 Applicable documents

 Only use the current versions of the reference documents.
The documents can be downloaded from external SharePoint of ulrich medical:

 Instructions for Use “ulrichINJECT CT motion ulrich medical contrast media injector”
according to your local language.

 When needed, request the current version of the instructions for use from ulrich

 Test report – XD 8000

ulrich medical ID No. F-04-05-23
 Instruction training protocol for the CT motion XD 8000
ulrich medical ID No. F-04-05-21
 Software option “Tandem” CT motion XD 8000
ulrich medical ID No. F-04-05-24
 Installationsanleitung SYNCopen
ulrich medical ID No. WI-04-05-58
 Instruction training protocol SW Update 04.00.03
ulrich medical ID No. F-04-05-52
 Test report ceiling/wall version XD 8000
ulrich medical ID No. F-04-05-06
 Installation Requirements CT motion Ceiling / Wand Version
ulrich medical ID No. F-04-05-36
 Installation Approval Ceiling / Wall Version CT motion
ulrich medical ID No. F-04-05-18
 Installation instructions Part 1 – Ceiling mount
Ondal ID No. T 37339
 Installation instructions Part 2 – Pendant system
Ondal ID No. 153 07 27
 Installation instructions Part 2.1 – Pendant system OndaSpace – Ceiling version
Ondal ID No. 151 24 82
 Installation instructions Part 2.2 – Pendant system OndaSpace – Ceiling version
Ondal ID No. 151 24 84
 Installation instructions Part 2.3 – Pendant system OndaSpace – Ceiling version
Ondal ID No. 151 24 85
 Installation instructions – OndaSpace wall version
Ondal ID No. 10000000176_00
 Installation instructions – OndaSpace wall version
Ondal ID No. 10000000178_00

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1 About This Document

1.5 Highlighting and Symbols

Notes that will make it easier for you to use the injector are marked as follows:

Info: To simplify operation or to improve workflows.

1.5.1 Warnings
Information highlighting risks to the patient and/or user and/or device is marked as follows:

DANGER! Indicates an immediate danger.

If not avoided, the situation will result in death or serious injury.

WARNING! Indicates a potential hazard.

If not avoided, the situation could result in death or serious injury.

CAUTION! Designates a potentially impending hazard.

If not avoided, the situation may result in minor or moderate injury.

NOTICE! Designates the risk of damage to property.

If not avoided, the device, its components, and accessories may be damaged.

1.5.2 Text Markings

Text passages are marked as follows:
Highlighting Significance

 Requirement for an instruction

 Instructions.
Indicates a situation where the operator has to take specific action.

1. Multi-step instructions.
2.  Observe the sequence.

 Result of an instruction.

Measure to take in order to prevent hazards referred to in a warning.

Boldface Indication of a control unit on the touch terminal.

“…” Indication of a control unit on the injector.

Table 2. Text markings

Page numbers are presented as follows:
Presentation of a Structure
page number
1-2 / 130 [section number]-[page] / [total number of pages]

Table 3. Page numbers

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1 About This Document

1.6 Abbreviations
Abbreviation Explanation
B Bonding
CM Contrast medium
ESD Electrostatic discharge
FOC Fiber-optic cable
Hex Hexagon size
IFU Instructions for use
NaCl 0.9% saline solution
pc. Piece
PE Protective earth
POF Plastic optical fiber
PWM Pulse width modulation
RPM Revolutions per minute

Table 4. Abbreviations

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2 Safety Information

2 Safety Information
2.1 Manufacturer's responsibility
ulrich medical is only responsible for effects on safety, reliability and performance of our
products if the following requirements are met:
 Training based on the instructions for use, the accompanying safety-related information
and the maintenance notes was performed on the correct handling, use, and operation of
the medical device, and on the correct use together with other medical devices, objects
and accessories.
 Assembly, enhancements, readjustments, changes or repairs are to be performed by
persons who have the required specialized knowledge to service medical devices based
on their training and practical experience, and who have been trained an authorized by
ulrich medical.
 These persons have required premises (including quality, size, equipment, and
furnishings), as well as the required devices and other working materials, and are able to
perform service works properly and verifiably with respect to their type and scope.
 The products are only used in accordance with the instructions for use and the service
 Applicable standards are observed.

2.2 Structural modifications

Only operations described in this service manual are permissible, unless written approval is
obtained from ulrich medical.
The following modifications are not permitted:
 Unauthorized modifications of the device
 Program changes to the software of the device

2.3 Information on safe work

 Read and follow the service manual and instructions for use and keep them readily
 Observe occupational health and safety regulations and accident prevention regulations.
 Only allow experts to service the device, who are able to recognize risks and avoid
potential hazards based on their training and experience, and who have been trained and
authorized by ulrich medical.
 Only perform work on the device when the required protective equipment is available.
 Only use approved working materials, accessories, and spare parts.
 Always unplug the mains plug before working on the device.
 Only operate the device if the cables at the device and in its surroundings are intact.
 Never perform service or maintenance works when a patient is present.
 When working on the device, always comply with measures to protect against ESD.
Always use at least a wrist grounding cable and grounded shoes, or take similar protective

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 2-15 / 204

3 Composition of the product

3 Composition of the product

 For product details and technical data see instructions for use.

3.1 Packaging
3.1.1 Reusable packaging

Figure 1. Injector packaging

1 Touch terminal 7 Bottle lift

2 Various 8 Media rod incl. swiveling hook (optional)
3 Heater (optional) 9 Document box: Instructions for use,
4 Tray (optional) document folder, abbreviated instructions
5 Integrated box 10 Injector
6 Waste bin (optional)

3-16 / 204 WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 Service manual CT motion

3 Composition of the product

Figure 2. Integrated box

11 Protective cap 14 Cup holder

12 ECG grounding set 15 Compartment for DIN A4
13 Tubing insertion device 16 Mains cable

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 3-17 / 204

3 Composition of the product

3.1.2 Disposable packaging

Figure 3. Disposable packaging

1 Document box 9 Protective cap

2 Injector head 10 Various
3 Touch terminal 11 Media rod (optional)
4 Injector base (under the inserted box) 12 Tray
5 Heater 13 Bottle lift
6 Cup holder 14 Waste bin
7 ECG grounding set 15 Mains cable
8 Tubing insertion device

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3 Composition of the product

3.2 Pedestal version

Figure 4. Configuration of the pedestal version, front

1 Bottle lifts for CM1, NaCl, CM2 8 Injector head

2 US sensors: CM1, NaCl, CM2 9 Handle
3 Injector display 10 Service flap
4 Patient tubing sensor 11 Waste bin
5 Cup holder 12 Device base
6 Feeding unit 13 Casters (2x with parking brake, 2x without
7 Tray parking brake)

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 3-19 / 204

3 Composition of the product

Figure 5. Configuration of the pedestal version

14 Bottle heater 16 Tray

15 Main switch 17 Cable mounts

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3 Composition of the product

3.3 Ceiling Version

Figure 6. Configuration of the ceiling version

1 Ceiling cover 4 Spring arm (Ondal Space / Acrobat 3000)

2 Flange tube 5 C-arm
3 Extension arm 6 Injector

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 3-21 / 204

3 Composition of the product

3.4 Wall version

Figure 7. Configuration of the wall version

1 Wall bracket 4 C-arm

2 Extension arm 5 Injector
3 Spring arm (Ondal Space)

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3 Composition of the product

3.5 Injector head

Figure 8. Configuration of the injector head

1 Pump motor 6 Motor of cover locking mechanism

2 Hose threading motor 7 Controller board
3 Reed switch 8 Power board
4 FOC/Bluetooth board 9 Air trap pump tubing
5 Valve assembly

The pressure measurement is located directly underneath the boards.

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 3-23 / 204

3 Composition of the product

3.6 Terminal
3.6.1 Terminal with injector S/N lower than CTM1608001

Figure 9. Configuration of the terminal front with injector S/N lower than CTM1608001

1 Display 3 Pedestal
2 Main switch

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3 Composition of the product

Figure 10. Configuration of the terminal back with injector S/N lower than CTM1608001

1 Network port 5 COM 1 connection

2 External monitor DVI 6 Two USB interfaces (mouse, keyboard)
3 Port for 12 V DC mains adapter 7 Two USB interfaces for Bluetooth dongle and
4 Loudspeaker connection other accessories

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 3-25 / 204

3 Composition of the product

3.6.2 Terminal with injector S/N CTM1608001 or higher

Figure 11. Configuration of the terminal back with injector S/N CTM1608001 or higher

1 Network port 3 COM 1 connection

2 Port for 12 V DC mains adapter 4 Two USB interfaces for Bluetooth dongle and
other accessories

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3 Composition of the product

3.6.3 Terminal with injector S/N CTM1721215 or higher

Figure 12. Configuration of the terminal front with injector S/N CTM1721215 or higher

1 Display 3 Pedestal
2 Main switch (on the back of the

Figure 13. Configuration of the terminal bottom with injector S/N CTM1721215 or higher

1 Two USB interfaces for Bluetooth 2 Connection point for 12V DC mains adapter
dongle and additional USB sticks
3 Main switch

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 3-27 / 204

3 Composition of the product

3.7 Front module

Figure 14. Configuration of the front module

1 Valve assembly with valve membrane 7 Pump impeller with 3 guide rollers and 3
2 Cover locking mechanism active pump rollers

3 Pressure sensors 8 Pressure plate

4 Reed switch 9 Display

5 Air trap pump tubing 10 Cover

6 Hose threading/spindle

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3 Composition of the product

3.8 Device base

3.8.1 Device base with S/N lower than CTM1510600

Figure 15. Configuration of the device base with S/N lower than CTM1510600

1 Caster with brake 4 Base cover

2 Power connection 5 Bonding bolts
3 FOC connection (optional) 6 Caster without brake

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 3-29 / 204

3 Composition of the product

Figure 16. Configuration of the interior device base with S/N lower than CTM1510600

1 Board, charger electrical components 5 Paired batteries

2 Charging transistor with cooling unit 6 Supplementary sheet with first-measured
3 Power supply unit reference values

4 LED battery charge display 7 Battery fuse

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3 Composition of the product

3.8.2 Device base with S/N CTM1510600 or higher

Figure 17. Configuration of the device base with S/N CTM1510600 or higher

1 Caster with brake 4 Bonding bolts

2 Power connection 5 Caster without brake
3 Base cover

Figure 18. Configuration of the interior device base with S/N CTM1510600 or higher

1 Board, charger electrical components 5 Paired batteries

2 Charging transistor with cooling unit 6 Supplementary sheet with first-measured
3 Power supply unit reference values

4 LED battery charge display 7 Battery fuse

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 3-31 / 204

4 Starting up

4 Starting up
4.1 CT motion pedestal version
4.1.1 Assembling main assemblies
 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).

Placing head of device on base

1. Insert cables (1) into column of the device base
to prevent pinching of the cables during
positioning. In doing so, ensure that the cables
can still be grasped.
2. Push device head onto pin of the device base,
however do not mount all the way in order to
avoid pinching the cables. If necessary, insert
spacer (2) (wood, plastic, etc.) between the
device head and the column.
3. Pull out front module (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-
86). Figure 19. Cables and spacer
4. Pull cables (1) from device base into device
5. Remove spacer (2) (see Figure 19).

Figure 20. Pull cable into head

Connecting cables
1. Connect cables (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).
2. Tighten four mounting screws (1) and washers
with the hexagon socket, hex 8.

Figure 21. Tightening mounting screws

3. Insert front module and close (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86). In doing so, ensure that the
cables are not pinched.

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4 Starting up

When inserting the front module, place a

silicone tube or the like (1) around the
three lower cables of the injector head
housing and gently pull downwards.

Figure 22. Cables with silicone tube

4.1.2 Mounting cover

1. Push cover (1) on feeding unit (2).

Figure 23. Pushing cover on feeding

2. If assembly has retained heat, connect right
and left (1) connectors
3. Place cables in recesses (2) and ensure that
the cables are not pinched when the cover is

Figure 24. Wiring of the cover and

recesses for cables
4. Fold cover (1) onto feeding unit (2).
5. Secure cover onto front using three screws and
washers. In doing so, fully screw in the screws
using a Torx screwdriver, size 20.

Figure 25. Folding cover on feeding


Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 4-33 / 204

4 Starting up

4.1.3 Assembling bottle lifts/media rod

1. Push bottle lift (1)/media rod (2) into holder.
2. Secure bottle lift (1)/media rod (2) using
thumbscrews (3).

Figure 26. Bottle lift and media rod

3. Fold up bottle lift/media rod.

Figure 27. Folding up bottle lift/media


4.1.4 Connecting battery

1. Remove three screws M4x12 of the base cover using Torx screwdriver, size 20.
2. Lift the base cover up and secure it.
3. Plug the battery connection cable (1) again into
connector J2 (2).
4. Put the base cover down.

Figure 28. Battery connecting cable

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4 Starting up

4. Cut to size the rubber sealing strip SP000248-

ET using a scalpel.
5. Place the rubber sealing strip (1) in the gap
between column and base cover.

Figure 29. Sealing strip

6. Attach the base cover to the metal base with three screws M4x12 SP000229-ET and the
appropriate washers Ø = 4.3 mm SP000329 (part of SP001996-ET) using a Torx
screwdriver, size 20.
7. Cover the screw heads with the dummy plugs SP000358 (part of SP001996-ET).
8. Remove sticker with instructions at the power
9. Plug the power cable in.
10. Connect the injector with the power supply
system for at least four hours to charge the

Figure 30. Sticker with instructions

4.1.5 Connecting terminal and injector via Bluetooth

1. Unpack terminal and cables/accessories
included in the delivery.
2. Assemble power supply unit (1) and connect to
terminal on the back.
3. Insert Bluetooth dongle.
For terminals with S/N CTM1608001 or higher:
– Insert Bluetooth dongle (2).

Figure 31. Terminals with injector S/N

CTM1608001 or higher

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 4-35 / 204

4 Starting up

For terminals with S/N CTM1608001 or lower:

– Loosen nut (1) on the safety plate using the
open-end wrench or socket wrench, hex
5.5. Mutter
– Insert Bluetooth dongle (2).
– Tighten Bluetooth dongle (1) on the safety
plate using the open-end wrench or socket
wrench, hex 5.5.

Figure 32. Terminals with injector S/N

lower than CTM1608001
4. Switch on the terminal.
5. Note serial number (1) on the back of the
6. Switch on the injector.

Figure 33. Serial number

7. Enter serial number noted on the terminal under Menu ► Setting ► System ►
Bluetooth. Only enter digits.
8. Shut down terminal and restart.
 Connection icon on the terminal display
changes from “no connection” (1) to
“connection established” (2).

Figure 34. Icons “no connection” and

“connection established”

4-36 / 204 WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 Service manual CT motion

4 Starting up

Installing terminal with injector S/N CTM1721215 and higher

 Follow the instructions of the Bluetooth version (see section 4.1.5, p. 4-35).

Software 04.01.02 or newer is required for terminals with injector S/N CTM1721215 and

Preparing a terminal replacement

 Communicate the S/N of the terminal to be changed with a lead time of one week to the
Sales Support Team of ulrich medical (injectors@ulrichmedical.com) in order to transfer
the licenses of the respective software options to the new terminal.
 Export the injection programs and import them after installing the new terminal (see
instructions for use).
 Document configurable and customized settings and recreate them after installing the
new terminal.

4.1.6 Functional testing

 Conduct functional testing (see section 5.13, p. 5-63).

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 4-37 / 204

4 Starting up

4.2 CT motion ceiling version

This instruction only describes how to install and start up the injector. It is assumed that the
Ondal ceiling system was properly installed according to the installation instructions of Ondal.
ulrich medical cannot assume any liability for the accuracy and the currentness of the
documents of Ondal.

Read and comply with the following documents:

 Installation instructions Part 1 – Ceiling mount
Ondal ID No. T 37339
 Installation instructions Part 2 – Pendant system
(central axis)
Ondal ID No. 153 07 27
 Installation instructions Part 2.1 – Pendant system OndaSpace – Ceiling version
(flange, flange tube and ceiling cover)
Ondal ID No. 151 24 82
 Installation instructions Part 2.2 – Pendant system OndaSpace – Ceiling version
(extension arm)
Ondal ID No. 151 24 84
 Installation instructions Part 2.3 – Pendant system OndaSpace – Ceiling version
(spring arm, adaption, end device and adjustments)
Ondal ID No. 151 24 85

WARNING! Ceiling version may fall down or collide with scanner or ceiling.
Patients or operators may be injured or patients may be exposed to radiation a second
time which includes a double dose of contrast media.
 Check if the room height is sufficient for the installation.
 Check the distance to the scanner.
 Check torques for components already installed.
 Secure mount from inadvertent handling if assembly is not finished in one day.
 Make sure that the Ondal ceiling version is installed in accordance with the
regulations to ensure proper functioning.

4.2.1 Installation requirements

Provided by customer
 The power supply is required to meet local regulations and to be a maximum of 1 m from
the ceiling fixation.
 The equipotential bonding cable of the CT scanner is required to be connected to the
interface plate or to the ceiling plate if a suspended ceiling set is needed to be installed.

Obtaining installation approval

 Preparatory work is required to be performed in accordance with the documents of Ondal

mentioned above.
 Prior to the installation of the ceiling mount, ensure that a signed installation approval is
on hand (F-04-05-18).

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4 Starting up

4.2.2 Securing power supply unit

Mount the power supply unit horizontally or vertically depending on the required space.
Please check the space requirements before mounting the power supply unit.

1. Secure angle (1) with hexagon socket screws

M5 x 10 and washers (4) at the interface
plate (3). Tighten screws with torque wrench,
size 4 to a torque of 3.4 Nm.
2. Secure adapter plate (2) with hexagon socket
screws M4 x 8 and locking washer at angle (1).
Tighten screws with torque wrench, size 3. Figure 35. Angle at interface plate
3. Mount power supply unit (1) in horizontal or
vertical position using hexagon socket screws
M4 x 8 and washers on adapter plate (2):
– Tighten screws with torque wrench, size 3.
– Maintain distance of approx. 1 cm to the
ceiling cover/flange plate. In doing so,
ensure that convection of the power supply
unit is guaranteed. Figure 36. Power supply unit mounted
– Secure strain relief clamp of the mains horizontally
cable to the power supply unit using cable
– Pull mains cable through flange with ceiling

Figure 37. Power supply unit mounted


4.2.3 Feeding electrical cable

1. Label connector assignment for board supply
on electrical cable 7c SP000415-ET.
– Pin 4: Red
– Pin 3: Black
– Pin 2: Free
– Pin 1: Free

Figure 38. Connector assignment

2. Remove connector for board supply using uncrimping tool.

3. Feed the cable into the fixed-height arm. Use cable cores to facilitate feeding.
4. Allow approx. 1.80 m of electrical cable (1) to hang out of end of spring arm (see Figure

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 4-39 / 204

4 Starting up

4.2.4 Securing electrical cable in spring arm

 Secure cable using cable ties (2) to the spring
arm (3).

Figure 39. Cable secured on spring


4.2.5 Mounting injector head on C arm

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
1. Mount injector head on C arm.
2. Secure clip bracket SP000418-ET on injector
– Insert cushioning sleeve (2) between
housing and tube.
– Secure clip bracket (1) with the two screws
SP000035 (part of SP001996-ET) on the
injector head. Screw in the screws using a
torque wrench, size T20 with a torque of 4
Nm to 5.9 Nm.

Figure 40. Clip bracket on injector

3. Secure injector head below on C arm:
– Place screw with washer into drill holes (2)
of the C arm (1) and injector head (3) from
– Place washer on screw through service
– Secure hexagon nut SP000422 (part of XD
8070) using Loctite 243.
– Place hexagon nut onto screw through
service flap.
– Tighten hexagon nut using a torque wrench Figure 41. Secure injector head on C
and Torx drive, size T45 with a torque of 25 arm
– Repeat procedure for all four drill holes.

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4 Starting up

4.2.6 Mounting C arm cover

1. Guide C arm cover (2) from below over the C
arm (1).
2. Place washers 5.3 A2 SP000257 (part of XD
8070) onto two screws M5x40 SP000179 (part
of XD 8070).
3. Screw in the screws (3) using a torque wrench
T25 into the plate of the C arm using a torque
of 1 Nm to 2 Nm.

Figure 42. C arm cover

4. Place dummy plugs (1) onto both drill holes of
the cover.

Figure 43. Dummy plugs in C arm


4.2.7 Establishing electrical connections

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module pulled out (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).

Inhouse power connection

1. Connect cable 44 SP000453 (part of XD 8038/
XD 8039) to power supply unit:
– Connect cable (1) to L.
– Connect neutral wire (2) to N on the power
supply unit.
2. Perform function test with the injector, see FB-
3. Secure wire and neutral wire together as close
as possible to the power supply unit using
cable ties.
Figure 44. Cable 44 connected to
power supply unit

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 4-41 / 204

4 Starting up

Grounding connection
1. Remove grounding bolts (1) present and screw
screw M4 x 70 into drill hole.

Figure 45. Grounding bolts

2. Construct grounding point as follows
(sequence from top to bottom):
 Packet 1:
– Serrated washer
– Nut
– 4 ring cable lugs arranged at a 90°-
– Spring washer
– Nut
 Packet 2:
– Nut
– 2 ring cable lugs
– Spring washer
– Nut

Figure 46. Grounding point

3. To crimp the grounding wires: Use ring cable lugs contained in the assembly set.
4. At the grounding point (M4 bolt) of the ceiling tube flange, connect the following grounding
– Grounding conductor (PE) of cable 44 with preassembled cable lug
– Grounding conductor (PE) securely connected to the in-house network with the cable
lug preassembled by the customer.
– Grounding conductor (PE) of the cable 3b to the power supply unit. Crimp grounding
conductor beforehand with the cable lug present on the flange plate (DIN 46234-4-2.5
for M4 bolt and wire cross-section of 1 mm² to 2.5 mm²).
– Grounding conductor (PE) of the cable 7c to the device supply. Crimp grounding
conductor beforehand with the cable lug (DIN 46234-4-2.5 for M4 bolt and wire cross-
section of 1 mm² to 2.5 mm²).
– Grounding of the fixed-height arm for CT motion
– For a double arm: Grounding of the second fixed-height arm for the third-party device

The C-arm for CT motion does not have any PA connection and no PE grounding
connection since the C-arm cannot come into contact with mains voltage.

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4 Starting up

Grounding power supply unit

 Connect cable 3b to power supply unit at connection .

Connecting power supply for devices

It is not important which connections to the power supply unit are used.

1. Connect cable 7c SP000415-ET as follows:

– Red strand (1) to VO+
– Black strand (2) to VO-
2. Secure terminal clamp from inadvertent contact
using electrical tape.

Figure 47. Power supply for devices

Connecting internal cables

1. Pull out injector (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).
2. Pull cable 7c SP000415-ET (1) through the
lower opening (2) into the interior of the injector

Figure 48. Pulling cable into the interior

of the injector head
3. Connect cable 7c SP000415-ET:
– Wind cable 7c SP000415-ET through ring
core (1).
– Replace connector on cable 7c
– Connect connector of cable 7c
SP000415-ET (2) with connector of the
internally preassembled cable 7b
SP000374-ET (3).
– Lay rest of cable and ensure that it cannot
be pinched. To do this, secure the cable in Figure 49. Laying cable internally
the lower area of cross plate A
SP000018-ET with cable fixing socket (4).
4. Reinsert the head and secure with the 2 hexagon socket screws.
5. Close service flap (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 4-43 / 204

4 Starting up

Connecting mains plug

 Insert mains plug of cable 44 SP000453 (part of XD 8038/ XD 8039) into power

4.2.8 Concluding set-up

1. Clean all surfaces.
2. Affix “Distributed by” sticker at position (1).

Figure 50. Position for “Distributed by”

3. Affix “warning triangle” sticker visibly to the ceiling cover or, if not available, to the ceiling

4.2.9 Conducting functional testing

 Conduct functional testing (see section 5.13, p. 5-63).

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4 Starting up

4.3 CT motion wall version

This instruction only describes how to install and start up the injector. It is assumed that the
Ondal wall system was properly installed according to the installation instructions of Ondal.
ulrich medical cannot assume any liability for the accuracy and the currentness of the
documents of Ondal.

Read and comply with the following documents:

 Installation instructions – OndaSpace wall version
(wall bearing)
Ondal ID No. 10000000176_00
 Installation instructions – OndaSpace wall version
(extension arm)
Ondal ID No. 10000000178_00
 Installation instructions Part 2.3 – Pendant system OndaSpace – Ceiling version
(spring arm, adaption, end device and adjustments)
Ondal ID No. 151 24 85

WARNING! Wall version may fall down or collide with scanner or ceiling.
Patients or operators may be injured or patients may be exposed to radiation a second
time which includes a double dose of contrast media.
 Check if the room height is sufficient for the installation.
 Check the distance to the scanner.
 Check torques for components already installed.
 Secure mount from inadvertent handling if assembly is not finished in one day.
 Make sure that the Ondal wall version is installed in accordance with the regulations
to ensure proper functioning.

4.3.1 Installation requirements

Provided by customer
 The power supply is required to meet local regulations and to be a maximum of 1 m from
the ceiling fixation.
 The equipotential bonding cable of the CT scanner is required to be connected to the
interface plate or to the ceiling plate if a suspended ceiling set is needed to be installed.

Obtaining installation approval

 Preparatory work is required to be performed in accordance with the documents of Ondal

mentioned above.
 Prior to the installation of the wall mount, ensure that a signed installation approval is on
hand (F-04-05-18).

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 4-45 / 204

4 Starting up

4.3.2 Mounting power supply unit box

1. Hold power supply unit box (1) at desired
location on the wall and use a pen to mark
recessed holes (2).
2. Drill holes for the power supply unit box at the
marked locations using a suitable impact
drilling machine (e.g. with a 6-mm drill).
3. Insert appropriate pegs into drill holes (e.g.
Fischer SX6).
4. Screw power supply unit to the wall using
screws which match the pegs and washers.
Figure 51. Power supply unit box
mounted to the wall

4.3.3 Feeding electrical cable

1. Label connector assignment for board supply
on electrical cable 7c SP000415-ET.

Figure 52. Connector assignment

2. Remove connector for board supply using uncrimping tool.

3. Feed the cable into the fixed-height arm. Use cable cores to facilitate feeding.
4. Allow approx. 1.80 m of electrical cable (1) to hang out of end of spring arm (see Figure

4.3.4 Securing electrical cable in spring arm

 Secure cable using cable ties (2) to the spring

arm (3).

Figure 53. Cable secured on spring


4.3.5 Mounting injector head on C arm

 Follow the instructions of section 4.2.5, p. 4-40.

4.3.6 Mounting C arm cover

 Follow the instructions of section 4.2.6, p. 4-41.

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4 Starting up

4.3.7 Establishing electrical connections

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module pulled out (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).

Inhouse power connection

1. Fasten cable 44 SP000453 (part of XD 8038/
XD 8039) (1):
– Shorten cable 44 SP000453 (part of XD
8038/ XD 8039) (1) to the length required.
– Put cable 44 SP000453 (part of XD 8038/
XD 8039) through opening of the power
supply (3) next to the power switch.
– Screw cover (2) on thread.
2. Perform function test with the injector, see FB-
Figure 54. Fastening cable 44
3. Connecting cable 44 SP000453 (part of XD
8038/ XD 8039) to power supply:
− Connect cable (1) to L.
− Connect neutral wire (2) to N on the power
supply unit.
− Connect grounding cable (3) to .

Figure 55. Connecting cable 44 to

power supply

Grounding connection

The device does not need to be separately grounded.

Grounding power supply unit box

All components of the power supply unit box have already been factory-grounded with
appropriate grounding cables.

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 4-47 / 204

4 Starting up

Connecting power supply for devices

It is not important which connections to the power supply unit are used.

1. Connect cable 7c SP000415-ET as follows:

– Red strand (1) to VO+
– Black strand (2) to VO-
2. Secure terminal clamp from inadvertent contact
using electrical tape.

Figure 56. Power supply for devices

Connecting internal cables

1. Pull out injector (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).
2. Pull cable 7c SP000415-ET (1) through the
lower opening (2) into the interior of the injector

Figure 57. Pulling cable into the interior

of the injector head
3. Connect cable 7c SP000415-ET:
– Wind cable 7c SP000415-ET through ring
core (1).
– Replace connector on cable 7c SP000415-
– Connect connector of cable 7c SP000415-
ET (2) with connector of the internally
preassembled cable 7b (3).
– Lay rest of cable and ensure that it cannot
be pinched. To do this, secure the cable in
the lower area of cross plate A SP000018- Figure 58. Laying cable internally
ET with cable fixing socket (4).
4. Reinsert the head and secure with the 2 hexagon socket screws.
5. Close service flap (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).

Connecting mains plug

 Insert mains plug of cable 44 SP000453 (part of XD 8038/ XD 8039) into power

4.3.8 Conducting functional testing

 Conduct functional testing (see section 5.13, p. 5-63).

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5 Technical safety check (TSC)

5 Technical safety check (TSC)

1. Record results of the technical safety check in the test report (F-04-05-23).
2. After the TSC dispose of single-use items used.
3. After the TSC restore customer settings.

5.1 Auxiliaries and test equipment

 Alignment gauge roll pump (XD 8075, XD 8076)
 Alignment gauge valve assembly (XD 8074)
 Pressuremanometer, 0 – 30 bar, tolerance < 1 % FS
 Metal test cannula 0.9 x 40 mm (XD2000E-1425LL3)
 Pink indwelling venous cannula 1.1 x 33 mm
 Stopwatch
 Cylinder (up to 100 ml)
 1 mL syringe (XD2000E-041000)
 Tubing kit incl. 3-way tap (XD2000E-SCHLAU)
 New pump tubing (XD 8002, XD 8003)
 New patient tubing (XD 2035, XD 2040, XD 2045, XD 2037, XD 2042)
 Testing device electrical safety IEC 62353 (VDE 0751-1)

5.2 Instructions for use

 Check whether the instructions for use appropriate for the software version are stored
accessibly for each user.

5.3 Injector system

5.3.1 Inscriptions
 Ensure that all inscriptions and stickers are
complete and legible:
– Device base cover, top (see Figure 59)
– Device base with injector S/N lower than
CTM1510600, back (see Figure 61,
p. 5-50)
– Device base with injector S/N
CTM1510600 or higher, back (see Figure
63, p. 5-50)
– Feeding unit with injector S/N lower than
CTM1721441, back (see Figure 60, p. 5- Figure 59. Device base cover, top
– Feeding unit with injector S/N
CTM1721441 or higher, back (see Figure
62, p. 5-50) – pedestal version
– Feeding unit with injector S/N
CTM1721441 or higher, back (see Figure
64, p. 5-50) – ceiling/wall version

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5 Technical safety check (TSC)

Figure 60. Feeding unit, back – injector Figure 61. Device base, back – injector
S/N lower than CTM1721441 S/N lower than CTM1510600

Figure 62. Feeding unit, back – injector Figure 63. Device base, back – injector
S/N CTM1721441 or higher, S/N CTM1510600 or higher
pedestal version

Figure 64. Feeding unit, back – injector

S/N CTM1721441 or higher,
ceiling/wall version

5.3.2 Cable connection FOC and power cable/main switch (if available)
Checking condition of the mains connection cable
 Ensure that the mains connection cable is clean and free of defects:
– No visible damage such as, for example, cracks, kinks, pinching or faulty insulation.

Checking condition of the FOC (optional)

 Ensure that the FOC is clean and free of defects:
– No visible damage such as, for example, cracks, kinks, pinching or faulty insulation.
– Locking clamp is present and functions correctly at both ends.

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5 Technical safety check (TSC)

Checking condition/seal of the on/off switch

1. Ensure that the on/off switch is visually and functionally free of defects and that its seal
against the housing is undamaged.
2. Ensure that the protective cap is present and undamaged.

5.3.3 Double casters including parking brake

1. Check stability and function of the parking brake.
2. Check double casters for function and smooth movement.
3. Ensure that the casters and the parking brake are undamaged.

5.3.4 Device configuration including accessories (if available)

 Test the function of the following parts and ensure that all parts are undamaged:
– Tray
– NaCl rod
– Bonding
– Cable mounts
– ECG grounding set
– Drip cup holder
– Waste bin
– Mouse

5.3.5 Injector door

 Ensure that the injector door is clean and free of defects:
– No visible damage such as cracks, kinks or pinching.
– Hold-down for air trap sensor on the injector door is present and undamaged.

5.3.6 CM/NaCl sensors

1. Ensure that the CM and NaCl sensors are clean and undamaged.
2. Clean sensors if necessary!
3. Check LEDs with service program with regard to function. When filling the tubing system,
be aware of the correct colors:
– Empty: Red
– CM filled: Green
– NaCl filled: Blue

5.3.7 Protective cap for valve assembly

1. Check protective cap for valve assembly for damage.
2. If necessary replace protective cap for valve assembly (see section 7.10.1, p. 7-128).
5.3.8 Pressure measurement
1. Ensure that the pressure measurement is clean and undamaged.
2. Clean sensor if necessary.
3. Check silicone membrane for damage.
4. If silicone membrane is damaged: Replace pressure measurement complete SP000096-
ET (see section 6, p. 7-114).

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5 Technical safety check (TSC)

5.3.9 NaCl/CM bottle guide

1. Ensure that the tilting mechanism for media containers is clean and free of defects:
– No visible damage such as cracks, dents, broken or missing components.
– Smooth release; release lever is not loose.
– Problem-free tiling and pivoting back
– Smooth clicking into place and lift release.
2. Ensure that the bottle lift for media containers is clean and free of defects:
– No visible damage such as cracks, dents, broken or missing components.
– Smooth movement and locking
3. Grease the bottle lift guides.
4. Check spring catch:
– Check spring catch with regard to damage and function.
– If needed: Replace spring catch (see section 7.6.2, p. 7-110).
5. Ensure that the bottle guide springs are clean and free of defects. This can be identified
using the following characteristics:
– No visible damage such as cracks, dents, broken or missing components.
– Full function of the spring effect
6. Check drainage outlets:
– Ensure that the drainage outlets are clean.
– If needed: Clean drainage outlets.
7. Check swivel hook:
– Ensure that the swivel hook moves smoothly.
– If needed: Clean swivel hook.
8. Check spike holder.
– Ensure that the spike clicks into place in the spike holder and is held securely.
– If necessary, clean or replace spike holder (see section 7.6.4, p. 7-111).
9. Drainage outlet of feeding unit:
– Ensure that stopper is not missing or is not broken
– Check funkctionality of stopper

5.3.10 Media sensor patient tubing

 Ensure that the media sensor patient connection is clean and free of defects:
– No visible damage such as cracks or broken or missing components.
– LEDs work properly (off if inactive, red if no medium is detected)
– Sensor is firmly in place.

The function of the air bubble detector on the patient connection is checked during the
final performance test.

5.3.11 Roll pump gap before S/N CTM1721200

1. Turn the roller to be checked to the 10, 2 and 6 o'clock position and push test gauge over
The undersize limit gauge must fit between the roller and the counter bearing.
The oversize limit gauge should not fit between the roller and the counter bearing.
2. If needed: Adjust gap (see section 7.8.1, p. 7-116).
3. Repeat procedure for all three rollers.

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5 Technical safety check (TSC)

5.3.12 Pump wheel

 Replace hose guide rolls at least every two years during the TSC.

1. Ensure that the pump wheel and the rollers including bearings are clean and free of
2. If needed: Clean pump wheel, rollers including bearings.
3. Ensure that the hose guide rolls move smoothly and are undamaged.
4. Ensure that the coating of the counter bearing is undamaged.

5.3.13 Ultrasound sensor air trap

 Ensure that the air bubble detector on the tubing pump is clean and free of defects:
– No visible damage such as cracks or broken or missing components.
– The sensor is firmly in place.

5.3.14 Display and pushbuttons

1. Check contrast/brightness of the display.
2. If necessary, adjust contrast/brightness upon system start.
3. Ensure that the pushbuttons are clean and free of defects.
4. If needed: Clean pushbuttons.

5.4 Internal structure of the injector

5.4.1 Front module
1. Check function of front module: Pull out front module (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).
Front module must be able to be pulled out all the way.
2. Ensure that the front module is clean and free of defects:
– No visible damage such as cracks or pinched, broken or missing components.
– No loose parts in the injector housing.
– No clogged drainage outlets.
– No traces of liquids which have penetrated.

5.4.2 Sockets, connectors and cables

 Ensure that sockets, connectors and cables do not have any visible damage such as
cracks, pinching, defective insulation, broken or missing parts on plug connectors.

5.4.3 Live parts

 Ensure that the screw terminal, main switch and fuse holder are firmly in place and have
no visible damage.

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5 Technical safety check (TSC)

5.5 Terminal
5.5.1 Inscriptions
 Ensure that all inscriptions and stickers are
complete and legible:
– Connections of devices with injector S/N
lower than CTM1721215 (see Figure 66,
p. 5-54)
– Connections (1) of devices with S/N
CTM1721215 or higher (see Figure 68,
p. 5-54)
– On/off button before S/N CTM1721215
(see Figure 65)
– On/off button (2) of devices with S/N Figure 65. On/Off button – injector S/N
CTM1721215 or higher (see Figure 68, lower than CTM1721215
p. 5-54)
– Type label of devices with injector S/N
lower than CTM1721215 (see Figure 67,
p. 5-54)
– Type label of devices with injector S/N
CTM1721215 or higher (see Figure 69,
p. 5-54)

Figure 66. Connections – injector S/N

lower than CTM1721215

Figure 67. Type label – injector S/N

lower than CTM1721215

Figure 68. Connections and On/Off button

– injector S/N CTM1721215 or

Figure 69. Type label – injector S/N

CTM1721215 or higher

5.5.2 External set-up

1. Ensure that the terminal stands securely on a surface.
2. Ensure that the attachments are securely attached.

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5 Technical safety check (TSC)

5.5.3 On/off button, sockets, connectors, cables and power supply unit
 Ensure that the on/off button, sockets, connectors, cables and power supply unit are clean
and free of defects.

5.5.4 Display
1. Check display with regard to function; switch display on and off.
2. Ensure that the display is clean and free of defects.
3. Ensure that any pixel errors which may occur do not impair the legibility of the display

5.5.5 Loudspeaker
1. Select Menu ► System settings ► Volume in the terminal.
Volume input field appears.
2. Check the operability of the loudspeaker by pressing the Test button.
A rhythmic, intermittent tone will be heard at maximum volume at the terminal.

5.5.6 Input devices

 Check input devices (mouse/touchscreen/manual switch) with regard to function:
Manipulate all menu points.

5.5.7 Operating LED

 Ensure that the operating LED is lit during operation.

5.5.8 Strain relief clamps FOC/mains cable/CAN interface (if available)

 Ensure that strain relief clamps are correctly mounted to the cables and that strain relief is

5.5.9 Connection establishment Scanner Injector

 Ensure that the connection establishment to the scanner is possible.
If SYNCopen is used, the USB cable of the SYNCopen box has to be updated
with a snap ferrite (SP002052-ET) due to EMC standards.

5.6 Charger/battery
5.6.1 Battery display on the injector display
 Ensure that the charging status of the battery is shown correctly on the injector display.

5.6.2 Charger electrical components

1. Ensure the following:
– Charger electrical components are properly secured and fully connected with the plug
connectors provided.
– No visible damage such as cracks, broken or missing components.
2. Check fuse F1 and fine-wire fuse FF 5A.

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5 Technical safety check (TSC)

5.6.3 Charging status LED on the injector

1. Connect injector to power supply:
– Plug the mains cable into the injector.
– Close the safety clamp to prevent accidental unplugging.
– Connect injector to mains socket.
2. Check function of charging status LEDs:
– LED is lit and yellow: Battery is being charged.
– LED is lit and green: Battery is charged.

5.7 CM heater
5.7.1 Heater module
 Ensure that the lid mounts for media containers are clean and free of defects.
– No visible damage such as cracks, dents, broken or missing connecting elements.
– Door hinges can move smoothly.
– Door closes easily.

5.7.2 Heating function

1. Select Menu ► System Settings ► Extras.
The Extras menu field appears.
2. Enable heater software option and confirm by pressing OK button.
System Settings menu appears.
3. Press Confirm button.
Settings are saved.
The current injection program appears.
Heater becomes warm.
Terminal display: “ON” icon for heater is visible.
If the heating function does not work properly, check the heater (see section 5.7.3, p. 5-
56) to locate the error.

5.7.3 Checking heater

Figure 70. Heater pin allocation

Heating element
 Measure resistance with multimeter between pin 1 and pin 2 of the heater.
Target value: 80 Ω ±20 Ω

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5 Technical safety check (TSC)

1. Measure resistance of both sensors at room temperature:
− Sensor 1: PIN 3 and PIN 4
− Sensor 2: PIN 5 and PIN 6
2. Estimate room temperature.
3. Actual values compared with target values in diagram.
− Maximum deviation from target values: ±20 Ω
− Maximum deviation between sensors: ±4 Ω (correspond to approx. 1°C deviation)

Figure 71. Sensor resistance

5.8 Tests according to EN 62353 (VDE 0751-1)

5.8.1 Grounding conductor resistance

Extension cords between the connection cable and test device according DIN EN 62353
(VDE 0751-1) make the measured values worse.

 Measure grounding conductor resistance at the following measurement points with test
device according to DIN EN 62353 (VDE 0751-1).
Mobile stand:
 1st measurement point: Bonding (injector pedestal)
 2nd measurement point: Lower cable holder (mains cable)
Ceiling suspension:
 1st measurement point: Extension arm
 2nd measurement point: C arm

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5 Technical safety check (TSC)

5.8.2 Device leakage current

 Measure device leakage current with test device according to DIN EN 62353 (VDE 0751-

5.8.3 Insulation resistance

 Measure insulation resistance with test device according to DIN EN 62353 (VDE 0751-1).

5.8.4 Leakage current from the applied part

 Measure leakage current from the applied part with test device according to DIN EN
62353 (VDE 0751-1).

5.9 General functional testing

1. Only test device in a completely assembled and closed condition.
2. Use new tubing and needles.

As a test liquid, NaCl, water or, if available, contrast medium can be used.
When conducting functional testing with dummies, the injector may return different results
that in the case of tests with a complete tubing system.

5.9.1 Injector display, pushbutton switch and LEDs

1. Switch on the injector.
During the injector self-test, all LEDs are lit.
The injector display shows the correct image. The ulrich logo appears without a
connection to the terminal.
2. Operate pushbutton switches.
The pushbutton switches function as expected.

5.9.2 Injector door releasing mechanism

Only the left reed switch (reed switch 1) remains in the cover of injectors with serial
number CTM1721200 or higher to control the threading of the pump tubing and the cover
locking mechanism.

 Prepare injector system for injection (see instructions for use).

 Injector system is released. Roll pump rotates counterclockwise. Hose threading
 Sounds during the releasing sound normal.
 Hose threading drive rotates at a distance of 7 mm from the injector door to the
injector head (reed switch 1 triggers).
 Closing mechanism closes the injector door at a 2 mm distance to the injector housing
(in injectors with serial numbers lower than CTM1721200 reed switch 2 triggers).
 Injector door is securely closed with the necessary force.

5.9.3 Hose threading drive

 Check whether the tubing is completely delivered downwards and is picked up by the hose
guide rolls (see instructions for use).

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5 Technical safety check (TSC)

5.9.4 Automatic venting

1. Place NaCl and both CM bottles on the bottle guide.
2. Press bottle lift downwards and vent (see instructions for use).
NaCl and CM accesses including spikes are fully vented. NaCl sensor is lit and blue. CM
sensor is lit and green:
3. Ensure that all valves fully block the tubing accesses.

5.9.5 Patient tubing sensor

1. Connect patient tubing to pump tubing.
2. Start filling of the patient tubing (see instructions for use).
Patient tubing not in the sensor: Message “Patient tubing not inserted correctly” appears
in the terminal display.
Patient tubing in the sensor: Patient tubing is filled.

5.9.6 CM sensor
1. Vent both CM accesses.
2. On the terminal, adjust test program with a flow rate of 7 mL/s and 50 mL CM.
3. Start test program.
4. Pivot CM bottles and bottle lift forward.
Injector switches from the current active CM bottle to the inactive bottle. The switch must
take place before air passes through the CM valve.
5. Repeat test for the second CM bottle.

CM1 ⇎ CM2 function (only for injectors with tandem function)

1. Enable CM tandem (see instructions for use).
2. Vent both CM accesses.
3. On the terminal, adjust test program with a flow rate of 7 mL/s and 50 mL CM.
4. Start test program.
5. Pivot active CM bottle and bottle lift forward.
Injector stops the injection and may not perform any switch to another CM.
5.9.7 Pressure shut-off
1. On the terminal, adjust test program with 50 mL CM and flow rate of 2 mL/s.
2. Vent tubing system.
3. Connect manometer between pump tubing and patient tubing.
4. Set manometer to “Max.” and peak to “on”.
5. Connect 2-way valve between manometer and patient tubing.
6. Close 2-way valve.
7. Start program.
8. After pressure shut-off: Document measurement value.
 Target value pressure shut-off (peak value): < 20 bar

5.9.8 Pressure regulation

1. Vent pump tubing and patient tubing.
2. Set test program a) on terminal (see Table 5, p. 5-60).
3. Connect manometer between pump tubing and patient tubing.
4. Set manometer to “Max.” and peak to “on”.
5. Connect test cannula.
6. Start program.
7. Check pressure regulation on patient tubing and manometer.

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5 Technical safety check (TSC)

8. Check volume conveyance with graduated cylinder.

9. Document measured values.
10. Repeat process with test program b).
 Measured actual values must be in the indicated target value range.
 Pressure regulation must be identifiable on terminal.

Test Volume Flow Cannula Target value Target value Pressure

prog. [mL] rate [mm] range for range for limit at
[mL/s] volume [mL] pressure [bar] terminal [bar]
a) 80 1.5 0.9 x 40 76 – 84 1–3 2.0
b) 80 5 0.9 x 40 76 – 84 12.5 – 20 13.5

Table 5. Pressure regulation measurement

The target value range for pressure may exceed the pressure limit momentarily because
the manometer is set to measure peaks. This is not a malfunction of the injector.

5.9.9 Volume/flow rate measurement

1. Vent pump tubing and patient tubing
2. Set test program 1 on terminal (see Table 6, p. 5-60).
3. Connect test cannula.
4. Start program.
5. Measure injection volume a).
6. Only for test program 1: Measure injection time b) with stopwatch.
7. Document measured values.
8. Repeat process with test program 2 and document injection volume c).
 Measured actual values must be in the indicated target value range.

Test Volume Flow rate Cannula Target value range Target value
prog. [mL] [mL/s] [mm] for volume [mL] range for time [s]
1 80 8 No 76 – 84 8.5 – 11.5
2 80 2 1.1 x 33 76 – 84 38.5 – 41.5

Table 6. Volume/flow rate measurement

5.9.10 Air trap sensor test

1. Remove spike (NaCl) from pump tubing.
2. Connect 3-way valve of the extension (silicone tube with spike XD2000E-SCHLAU) with
pump tubing NaCl.
3. Insert spike in spike holder.
4. Insert dummy tube XD8128 in NaCl sensor.
5. Mount NaCl bottle/container once again and vent.
6. Deliver manually until the extension and pump tubing are completely filled with water.
7. Prepare test program on the terminal:
– 30 mL CM
– 25 mL NaCl
– Flow rate 10 mL/s
8. Vent pump tubing and patient tubing.

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5 Technical safety check (TSC)

9. Fill 1-mL syringe completely with air and inject upwards via 3-way valve. In doing so,
ensure the following:
– Distance between air detector and bubble at least 50 cm so that the bubble passes
through the detector at full speed.
– Bubble must be closed.
10. Start injection with 10 mL/s.
 Motor switches off if the bubbles pass through the air trap.
 Air bubbles may be transported to the end of the pump tubing at a maximum.
 A warning message appears on the injector display.
 An acoustic warning sounds and a warning message appears on the terminal display.

5.9.11 Valve assembly

1. Insert test tool for valve assembly XD8120 in
front module. In doing so, ensure that the tube
(1) cannot be grasped by the spiral
conveyor (2) for the hose threading.
2. Close injector lid.
3. Fill end of mobile tube testing unit with 0.2 mL
4. If necessary, fill hand pump with water.

Figure 72. Test tool for valve assembly

in front module

The opening pressure of the valves is reached if the water is expelled at the end of the
mobile tube testing unit.

5. Measure pressure value on CM1 branch.

– Connect manometer and hand pump to CM1 branch.
– Apply pressure using hand pump until the opening pressure of the valve is reached.
– Note pressure value a).
6. Measure pressure value on NaCl branch.
– Connect manometer and hand pump to NaCl branch.
– Apply pressure using hand pump until the opening pressure of the valve is reached.
– Note pressure value b).
7. Measure pressure value on CM2 branch.
– Connect manometer and hand pump to CM2 branch.
– Apply pressure using hand pump until the opening pressure of the valve is reached.
– Note pressure value c).
 Measured values are between 1.5 and 4 bar.

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5 Technical safety check (TSC)

5.10 Reading error memory

1. Read error memory and check for abnormalities.
2. Back up data.
3. Reset TSC date with service program.

Figure 73. Reset TSC date with

service program

5.11 Ceiling/wall version

5.11.1 Visual inspection
1. Ensure that all inscriptions and stickers are complete and legible:
– Safety sticker for locking pin on movable arm
– Type labels from Ondal and ulrich medical
– Warning sticker “Observe accompanying documentation”, warning sticker “Collisions”
2. Check ceiling/wall mount for deformation/damage.
3. Check ceiling/wall mount for damage to enamel finish.
4. Ensure that plastic parts are present and in position.
5. Ensure that plastic parts are free of cracks.

5.11.2 Tests according to EN 62353 (VDE 0751-1)

1. Measure grounding conductor resistance with test device according to DIN EN 62353
(VDE 0751-1).
2. Measure device leakage current with test device according to DIN EN 62353 (VDE 0751-
3. Measure insulation resistance with test device according to DIN EN 62353 (VDE 0751-1).
4. Measure leakage current from the applied part with test device according to DIN EN
62353 (VDE 0751-1).

5.11.3 General functional testing

1. Perform filling routine with the dummy set.
2. Rotation/stops ensured.
3. Check horizontal and vertical joints: Joints move smoothly and noiselessly.
4. If necessary, grease joints.
5. Check vertical stops for damage.
6. Check horizontal stops for damage.
7. Check securing segment for signs of abrasion.
8. Grease securing segment and replace, if necessary.
9. Ensure that the locking ring on the fixed-height arm/movable arm is in position and is not

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5 Technical safety check (TSC)

5.11.4 Additional tests

1. Check load balance/spring force.
2. If necessary, adjust load balance/spring force both with the device completely loaded and
also unloaded.
3. Check ceiling/wall mount for collision damage. All welded joints are free of cracks.
4. Check cables after every eight years of operation.
5. Replace cables, if necessary.
6. Check braking action.
7. If necessary, adjust braking action or replace brake screws.

5.12 Recommended maintenance work

1. Replace protective cap for valve assembly SP000201-ET (see section 7.10.1, p. 7-128).
2. Clean and grease all movable parts.
3. Check holding arm pair for bottle holder SP000304-ET and replace if necessary (see
section 7.6.3, p. 7-111).
4. Check hose guide rolls SP001253-ET and replace if necessary (see section 7.8.1,
p. 7-116).
5. Check batteries SP000445-ET and replace if necessary (see section 7.4.10, p. 7-95 or
section 7.4.11, p. 7-96).
6. Check drip cup and replace if necessary.
7. Update software if hardware is compatible (see section 7.1, p. 7-78).
8. Replace brake screws of ceiling or wall mount (see section 4.2, p. 4-38 or section 4.3,
p. 4-45, ONDAL documentation).
9. Check Kit 4 Onda Space of ceiling or wall mounts and replace if necessary (see section
4.2, p. 4-38 or section 4.3, p. 4-45, ONDAL documentation).

5.13 Functional testing

The functional testing is an edited version of the technical safety check (TSC) and serves for
the test of the function.
After service operations all relevant things are to be checked how in the following chapters
described. After works on the 100-240V system the points 32 - 35 are always to be carried

Test reports
Further details can be found in the following documents:
1. Test report CT motion XD 8000 (F-04-05-23)
2. Functional testing protocol wall/ceiling mount (F-04-05-06)

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6 Service program

6 Service program
The authorized service technician or distributor is required to ensure that
 the logfiles are saved regularly, sustainably and on a long-term basis.
 the service program is always kept updated. The most current version is available on the
service SharePoint:
 new updates are required to be installed as soon as possible.

6.1 System requirements

 at least two USB ports
 service program dongle
 service program files (32- / 64-Bit)
 .NET-Framework (at least version 3.5)

6.2 Installing service program

Before installing the service program
 check the version of your operating system (32- / 64-Bit) to choose the appropriate
software components.
 ensure you are logged in as adiminstrator.

1. Open the folder with the driver (1) according to

your operating system on your PC.
2. Run the exe file in the selected folder and
follow the instructions on the screen.
3. Run CodeMeterRuntime.exe (2) and follow
the instructions on the screen. Figure 74. Setup files
4. Run Setup.exe (3) and follow the instructions
on the screen.

6.3 Setting up a connection

1. Open the service flap and connect injector to computer with USB cable.
2. Switch on the injector.
3. Insert the service USB stick into a free USB port of the computer.
4. Open service program.
5. Select Settings on menu bar to open the settings menu.

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6. Use the drop-down menu Connection COM

Port (1) to select the COM port which connects
the injector with the PC.

Figure 75. Settings

7. Open the Windows Device Manager to
identify the corresponding COM port.
8. Use the COM port which displays Silicon Labs
CP210x USB to UART Bridge (5).

Figure 76. Device manager

9. Select a folder via Folder recording data (2) to define where to store the transferred data
of the sensors (see Figure 75, p. 6-65).
10. Select a folder via Update folder (3) to define where to store the injector update file.
11. Click OK (4) to confirm your selection.
12. Click Connect device (6) to set up the
connection to the injector. If the connection is
successfully established, the green Heartbeat
LED is blinking.

Figure 77. Connect device

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6 Service program

6.4 Reading sensor data

1. Select Input data (1) in the side navigation to
enter the submenus Pressure/Flow/Air,
Motor/Battery, Temperature and
2. Set the radio buttons of Transfer to on (2) to
start the data transfer.
3. Set the radio buttons of Record (3) to on to
save the transferred data as a table.

Figure 78. Input data

6.5 Reading status data

1. Select Output data (1) in the side navigation.
2. Select Status data (2) in the submenu to
display various data which is transferred by the
3. Set the radio buttons of Transfer to on (3) to
start the data transfer.
4. Set the radio buttons of Record (4) to on to
save the transferred data as a table.

Figure 79. Status data

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6.6 Updating with service program

 Only use the current version of the service program.
The service program can be downloaded from external SharePoint of ulrich medical:

The firmware of the injector consists of three files packed in a ZIP file. Optionally, parameters,
display texts and character set may be present in the ZIP file.

 After each update check if the update was successful by reading the version numbers:
1. Select Information in the side navigation.
2. Check version numbers.

6.6.1 Updating firmware

1. Select Update (2) in the side navigation.
2. Select Firmware update (3) in the submenu.
3. Click Update file (1) to select the respective
zip archive.

Figure 80. Firmware update

4. Click Start to start the update. The progress of

the update is indicated by a progress bar.
5. After installing the update restart the injector.

Figure 81. Start firmware update

6.6.2 Updating parameters

1. Select Update (2) in the side navigation.
2. Select Parameter update (3) in the submenu
to update the parameters of the injector.
3. Click Update file (1) to select the respective
zip archive.
4. Click Start (4) to start the update.
5. After installing the update restart the injector.

Figure 82. Parameter update

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6.6.3 Updating display text

If the display text file is not transferred correctly, it is sufficient to update the display text
separately via the submenu Display text.

1. Select Update (2) in the side navigation.

2. Select Display text update (4) in the submenu
to update the display text of the injector.
3. Click Update file (1) to select either a zip
archive which contains the display text file or a
.txt file.
4. Click Start (3) to start the update.
5. After installing the update restart the injector.

Figure 83. Display text update

6.6.4 Updating character set

1. Select Update (2) in the side navigation.
2. Select Character set update (4) in the
submenu to update the character set of the
3. Click Update file (1) to select either a zip
archive which contains the character set file or
a .bin file.
4. Click Start (3) to start the update.

Figure 84. Character set update

6.6.5 Setting serial number

1. Select Update (1) in the side navigation.
2. Select Serial number/LP version (2) in the
submenu to set the serial number of the
3. Enter the last seven digits of the serial number
into the input field Serial number (3).
4. Click Set (4) to transfer the serial number to
the injector.

Figure 85. Set serial number

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6.6.6 Setting version of conductor board

1. Select Update in the side navigation.
2. Select Serial number/LP version in the
submenu to set the version number of the
conductor board.
3. Select conductor board (1) in the drop-down
4. Enter the version number into the input field LP
version (2).
5. Click Set (3) to transfer the version number of
the conductor board to the injector.
Figure 86. Set version of conductor

6.6.7 Setting correction factor for roll pump

 According to the roll pump in use click New Pump (6) or Old Pump (7) to select the
appropriate correction mode (see Figure 89, p. 6-70).

To distinguish the roll pump versions easily from each other, refer to the figures below:
- The counter bearing of the new roll pump is completely coated (1) and the holder is
metal (2).
- The counter bearing of the old roll pump is only coated on the inside (3) and the
holder is covered with a plastic cover (4).

Figure 87. New roll pump Figure 88. Old roll pump

If the tubing system is not filled, click Fill (5) to fill the NaCl part of the pump tubing and
the patient tubing.

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6 Service program

1. Select Update in the side navigation.

2. Select Serial number/LP version in the
submenu to set the correction factor for the roll
3. Click Get to read the present value (1).
4. Use the scroll bar of Pump Correction (2) and
select 100 to set the correction factor to 0.
5. Click Test (3) to start a test injection with 100
ml and flow 5.
6. Weigh the conveyed fluid.
7. Select the weight via the scroll bar (2) and click Figure 89. Set correction factor
Set (4) to transfer the value to the injector.
8. Restart the injector and check the conveyed volume again.

Use an appropriate pump tubing to adjust the toll pump correctly. A tolerance of 100 +/-
2.5 ml with correction factor 100 is acceptable for appropriate pump tubing.

6.7 Reading log files

 After establishing the connection determine the storage location of any record file as well
as of the update folder.
1. Select Settings in the menu bar.
2. Select the folder path for the files to be stored via Folder recording data.
3. Select the folder path for the update files via Update folder.

The folder is required to be located or created on a portable medium.

 Name the folder as follows:
Injector serial number and location of the device, e. g. CTM1200981 Munich

6.7.1 Reading error log

 Read and save the error log at least during a TSC as well as during service visits due
to software or procedure problems.

1. Select Logfiles (1) in the side navigation.

2. Select Error log (2) in the submenu:
- Click Read error log (3) to read the error log of the device.
- Click Delete error log (4) to delete the error log saved on the device.
- Click Save error log (5) to save the error log in the previously defined folder.
- Click Clear error log list (6) to delete the error log from the display but not from the
- Click Clear single error (7) to delete each error with the number selected.
- Click Display single error (8) to display only errors with the number selected.
- Click Repair instruction (9) to display cause and correction of the error selected.

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Figure 90. Error log

6.7.2 Reading statistic log

1. Select Logfiles (1) in the side navigation.
2. Select Statistic log (2) in the submenu to display how often specific errors occurred:
- Click Read statistic log (3) to read the statistic log of the device.
- Click Delete statistic log (4) to delete the statistic log saved on the device.
- Click Save statistic log (5) to save the statistic log in the previously defined folder.
- Click Clear statistic log list (6) to delete the statistic log from the display but not from
the device.

Figure 91. Statistic log

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6.7.3 Reading user input log

1. Select Logfiles (1) in the side navigation.
2. Select User input log (2) in the submenu to display the user inputs before the ten most
recent errors occurred:
- Click Read user input log (3) to read the user input log of the device.
- Click Delete user input log (4) to delete the user input log saved on the device.
- Click Save user input log (5) to save the user input log in the previously defined
- Click Clear user input log list (6) to delete the user input log from the display but not
from the device.

Figure 92. User input log

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6.7.4 Reading operating data

1. Select Logfiles (1) in the side navigation.
2. Select Operating data (2) in the submenu:
- Click Read operating data (3) to read the operating data of the device.
- Click Save operating data (4) to save the operating data of the device in the
previously defined folder.
- Click Reset since production (5) to reset all values to 0.
Only use this function in exceptional cases.
- Click Reset since last TSC (6) to reset all values to the last TSC.

Figure 93. Operating data

6.7.5 Setting TSC date

1. Select Logfiles (1) in the side navigation (see Figure 93, p. 6-73).
2. Select Operating data (2) in the submenu to set the date of the TSC.
3. Enter the date of the recent TSC via the calendar function (8).
4. Click Set TSC test date (7) to save the date.

One year later to the entered date the user will receive a reminder to have conducted a
TSC again.

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6.8 Controlling injector manually

1. Select Manual injector control (1) in the side
navigation to control various components of the
injector manually.
2. Click Enter service mode (2) to operate the
injector in service mode.
 By the manual control functions of the
service mode it is possible to operate
valves, heater, interlocking, LEDs, pump
motor, vent, threading and door
interlocking separately (see Figure 95, p. 6-

Figure 94. Manual injector control

Figure 95. Manual control functions

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6.8.1 Controlling valves

 Use the open or closed radio button to open
or close the valves for NaCl and Contrast
medium 1 or 2.

Figure 96. Controlling valves

6.8.2 Controlling CM heaters

 Use the on or off radio button to switch the
contrast medium heaters on or off.

Figure 97. Controlling CM heaters

6.8.3 Locking injector functions

 Use the on or off radio button to lock valves,
heaters or pump motor.

Figure 98. Locking injector functions

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6.8.4 Controlling LEDs

 Use the on or off radio buttons to control the LEDs individually.
 Click the LED Info checkbox to open a pop-up window which shows the LEDs on the
injector display.
 Click the LED Test button to start a program which runs through the individual LEDs
according to the numbering in the LED Info window.

Figure 99. Controlling LEDs

6.8.5 Controlling air trap sensors

 Select the color functions to test the air trap
sensors individually.

Figure 100. Controlling air trap sensors

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6.8.6 Controlling pump motor

1. Select one of the following control options:
 Flow
2. Click the Start and Stop button to control the
pump motor. Figure 101. Controlling pump motor

6.8.7 Controlling venting

1. Use the on or off radio buttons to enable or
disable the manual control function.
2. Select a way to control the speed by PWM or
3. Enter how often the roll pump is needed to
rotate with the selected speed and angle of
4. Enter the angle of rotation (counterclockwise).
5. Click the Start button to start venting.
6. Click the Stop button to stop venting. Figure 102. Controlling venting

6.8.8 Controlling threading

1. Use the on or off radio buttons to enable or
disable the manual control function.
2. Select the threading direction:
 forward
 backward
3. Select the threading speed by using the
4. Enter the threading time in seconds.
5. Click the Start button to start threading.
Figure 103. Controlling threading
6. Click the Stop button to stop threading.

6.8.9 Controlling door lock

1. Use the on or off radio buttons to enable or
disable the manual control function.
2. Select the rotational direction:
 close
 open
3. Click the Start button to start locking or Figure 104. Controlling door lock
4. Click the Stop button to stop locking or

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7 Service work

7 Service work
7.1 Software
 After finish of the service activity, the following points are to be checked and documented
in the test report F-04-05-23: 5 (see section 5.13, p. 5-63).

7.1.1 Requirements for successful update process

 USB stick must only have one partition.
 USB stick must be formatted in FAT32 format.
 There must be at least 1 GB of free space on the USB stick.
 The data from update_403.zip must be extracted from the archive and be located in the
USB stick’s root directory.
 The Servicekey.txt file must exist in the USB stick’s main directory.

The USB sticks shown in Figure 105 are

not suitable for the update, and should
therefore not be used for that purpose.

Figure 105. Unsuitable USB sticks

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The software development department

tested the update with the following USB
 TRANSCEND JetFlash 700 USB 3.0

Flash Drive, 16 GB

Figure 106. Recommended Transcend

USB stick

Kingston DataTraveler 100 G3 USB
3.0 Flash Drive, 16 GB

Figure 107. Recommended Kingston

USB stick

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7.1.2 Instructions for formatting USB stick in FAT 32 format

1. Plug USB stick into PC.

2. Open Windows Explorer, and right-click the
USB stick.
3. Select Format (see Figure 108).
4. Select FAT 32 file system, and start the
formatting process by clicking Start.

NOTICE! All files on the USB stick will be


5. The USB stick will now be formatted, and can

be used for the CT motion terminal update.

Figure 108. Formatting USB stick

7.1.3 Entering the service menu

1. Plug USB stick into a vacant USB connection on the terminal.
2. Switch on the terminal.
3. Select Menu ► Service Menu.
7.1.4 Updating device software
Copying update files on USB stick
1. If necessary: Unpack ZIP file with update files.
2. Copy folder with update files (e.g. Rev 123) on
the top level of the USB stick.
3. If additional license files are updated:
– Copy license.txt to the top level of the
USB stick.
The file and folder structure should look like
Figure 109.

Figure 109. Software update folder


The Servicekey.txt file is an empty text file. This can be created on one's own.
 Be aware that the file is case-sensitive.

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Updating device software with a software version lower than 2.3.0

1. Access the console:
– Plug USB stick into a vacant USB connection on the terminal.
– Switch on the terminal.
– End application by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Shift+U.
Ending the application takes up to one minute. While it is being ended, the ulrich logo
– Switch to the console by pressing Alt+right arrow.

Blank spaces in the command are shown by the □ symbol.

 Be aware that the command is case-sensitive.
 After each entry, press the Enter key.

2. Update software:
– Use the following command to switch to the directory with update files:
– Start update with the following command:
– Follow the installation script instructions.

The license file must be updated at the initial installation of the terminal software or during
changes to the available options.

3. Update license file (optional):

– Change directory:
– Overwrite license file:
cp media/PKIusb/license.txt icense.txt

Updating device software starting with version 2.3.0

1. Plug USB stick into a vacant USB connection on the terminal.
2. Switch on the terminal.
3. Select Menu ► Service Menu ► Program Update.
The terminal automatically restarts. The device software is updated.

For the update, the most recent version on the USB stick is automatically selected, for
example, Rev231 is more recent than Rev221.

Updating license file starting with version 2.3.0

1. Plug USB stick into a vacant USB connection on the terminal.
2. Switch on the terminal.
3. Select Menu ► Service Menu ► Update Licenses.
The terminal automatically restarts. The license file is updated.

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7.1.5 Hardware modification for software update 04.00.03 and newer

After performing an update to software version 04.00.03 or newer, it is not possible
anymore to downgrade on earlier software versions!

In order to avoid errors with an update to version 04.00.03 or newer, the cables 46 and 22b
need to be disconnected.
Therefore, the following steps must be carried out:
1. Open injector:
Pull out front module (see section 7.3.1,
p. 7-86).
Cable 46 of filter holder (1) and 22b of reed
switch (2) are accessible.

Figure 110. Connected cables 46 and

2. Disconnected cables 46 (1) (SP000545) and
cable 22b (2) (SP000380).

Figure 111. Disconnected cables 46

and 22b
3. Reconnect Reed-Contact-Cable (1)
(SP000380, Cable 22b).

Figure 112. Reconnected Reed-


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4. Store the Reed-Contact-Cable (1) in the


Figure 113. Storing in housing

5. Attach filter holder sensor cable (1)
(SP000545, cable 46) to the existing cable reel
6. Attach filter holder sensor-cable to grounding
cable (3).

Figure 114. Filter holder sensor-cable

7.1.6 Reading out data / Calibrating CT motion touch terminal

 Pay attention to capital and small letters!
 In case of errors, always note SW, FW and serial number. Moreover, the time of the
error’s appearance is very helpful for the analysis with the logfiles.
 The box □ used in this chapter indicates important and not obvious blank spaces.

Creating service stick

1. Connect USB-Stick (FAT 32) with a PC.
2. Open Explorer and change into Root-Directory of the USB-Stick.
3. Press right mouse button and acreate a text file via New ► text file with the name
Servicekey (Pay attention to capital and small letters).
4. Log off USB-Stick and disconnect it.
5. As of now, the USB-Stick can be used.

Calibrating touch screen up to software version 03.04.02

1. Insert Servicestick.
2. Change with Strg+Alt+Shift+U and afterwards Alt+right to Console.
3. Type in touchcalib.
4. Menu for calibration will be opened.
5. Follow instructions on the screen.
6. Complete calibration with Ok and wait until application will be restarted.

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Calibrating touch screen from software version 03.04.00 or higher

1. Insert Servicestick.
2. Open Menu  Service Menu.
3. Select Touch Calibration.
4. Carry out Touch Calibration.
5. Complete calibration with Ok and wait until
application will be restarted

Figure 115. Touch Calibration

Calibrating touch screen from software version 04.00.03 or higher

1. Pressing the Power button five times, the Touch Screen Calibration will be started
2. Carry out Calibration.
3. Application will be restarted.

Reading out logfiles up to software version 2.3.0

1. Plug in Servicestick and USB keyboard at the terminal.

2. Press Strg+Alt+Shift+U to change from application to the CT motion screen.
3. Press Alt+right to change to the Console.
4. Copy Logfiles to USB stick: cp□–r□.log□/media/PKIusb/
5. UBS-Stick deaktivieren: umount□/media/PKIusb/
6. Deaktivate USB stick: umount□/media/PKIusb/
7. Disconnect USB stick from terminal.
8. Restart Terminal: shutdown□–r□now

Reading out logfiles from software version 2.3.0 or higher

1. Plug in Servicestick at Terminal.

2. Press Menu ► Service Menu ► Save log
A new folder named after the serial number of
the terminal is automatically created in the
directory of the servicestick.

Figure 116. Save log files

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Reading out logfiles from software version 3.4.0 or higher

1. Insert USB stick at terminal.
2. Menu ► Help ► Export device data.
3. Logfiles of the Terminal and Injector will be
saved on the USB stick.
4. The Logfiles will be saved on the USB stick in a
zip-archive. The zip-archive is encoded with
the password Ulrich12334.

Figure 117. Export device data

Setting system time

1. Insert Servicestick at Terminal.
2. Connect keyboard to Terminal.
3. Open Menu ► Service Menu ► Set system
4. Select date or time.
5. Type in new date / time with the keyboard
6. Press Apply.

Figure 118. Set System time

Updating software
1. Copy update folder RevXYZ (i.e. Rev403) to
the servicestick.
2. Insert servicestick at terminal.
3. Open Menu ► Service Menu ► Software
4. Software update is carried out.
5. Application is restarted.

Figure 119. Software update

Update from version 04.00.00

In case of a successful update, the folder Rescue and the file syslinux.cfg will be created
on the USB stick. These files are necessary in case of a false update. Do not delete these

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7.2 Service flap

 After finish of the service activity, the following points are to be checked and documented
in the test protocol F-04-05-23: 5 (see section 5.13, p. 5-63).

7.2.1 Removing service flap for service work/testing

1. Loosen and remove both screws (2) on the
service flap SP000014-ET (1) using a Phillips
screwdriver, size 7. In doing so, hold the
service flap so that it does not fall.
2. Remove service flap (1).

Figure 120. Service flap

1. Place service flap SP000014-ET on service window (see Figure 120, p. 7-86)
2. Completely screw in both screws (2) into service flap (1) with Phillips screwdriver size 7.

7.3 Front module

 After finish of the service activity, the following points are to be checked and documented
in the test protocol F-04-05-23: 5, 11, 16 – 18, 37 – 41 and 46 (see section 5.13, p. 5-63).

7.3.1 Disassembling front module for service work/testing

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Push in locking device (ceiling mount)
1. Pull out front module holder:
– Loosen grub screws (1) right and left using
the hexagon socket wrench, size 5,
however do not completely pull them out.
– Pull out front module holder at spherical
heads (2).

Figure 121. Pull out front module

2. Disconnect cable connections between front module and injector head (patient sensor,
feeding unit, power plug, battery management connection).

The safety screws can be best unscrewed using a shortened hexagon socket wrench.

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7 Service work

3. Remove front module:

– Loosen safety screws (1) on both sides of
the front module using the hexagon socket
wrench, size 5, however do not completely
pull them out.
– Remove front module from holder.

Figure 122. Safety screws on front


4. Loosen locking device (ceiling mount).

1. Mount front module in holder (see Figure 122, p. 7-87):
– Insert front module in holder.
– Screw in safety screws (1) on both sides of the front module all the way using the
hexagon socket wrench, size 5.
2. Connect cables:
– Connect power plug.
– Connect charger electrical components cable.
– Attach both grounding conductors.
– If the fiber-optic cable (FOC) is used: Connect FOC cable.
3. Insert front module and close (see Figure 121, p. 7-86).
– Push front module holder onto spherical heads (2) all the way to the back.
– Screw in grub screws (1) right and left all the way using the hexagon socket wrench,
size 5. In doing so, ensure that there is only a minimal gap between the housing and
the front module.
– Loosen locking device (ceiling mount)

To reduce the gap between the housing and the front module:
 Press down alternately on both sides of the front module and further tighten the grub

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7 Service work

7.4 Device base

 After finish of the service activity, the following points are to be checked and documented
in the test protocol F-04-05-23: 5, 11, 16 – 18, 28 – 30 and 33 – 41 (see section 5.13,
p. 5-63).

Exposed electrical components
Electrical hazard
 Break circuit before servicing in opened device base.

Temporary high currents while closing circuit
Blowing fuse of LP5 charger electrical components
 Bypass fuse with conductive object while closing circuit.

7.4.1 Disassembling/opening device base for service work/testing

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).

1. Prize open three dummy plugs over safety
screws (1) at device base using a small
screwdriver and remove (see Figure 123).
2. Loosen three safety screws (1) at device base
using Torx screwdriver size 20 and remove
with washers (see Figure 123).

Figure 123. Position of safety screws

3. Remove dummy plug (1) from cable rewind
SP000348-ET (2) (see Figure 124).
4. Loosen locking screw on cable rewind using a
Torx screwdriver size 30 and remove with
5. Remove cable rewind (2) (see Figure 124).
6. Romove device base cover.

Figure 124. Cable rewind

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Under normal circumstances it is sufficient to

just lift device base cover (1) and secure it with
cable rewind (2) (see Figure 125) when
servicing inside the device base.
1. Lift injector base cover (1) over the holes of
the cable rewind (2) (see Figure 125).
2. Reattach cable rewind (2) as “stopper” with
locking screw below the lifted device base

Figure 125. Locked device base cover

7. Pull out front module (see section 7.3.1,

p. 7-86).
8. Loosen connectors (3).
9. Pull grounding conductor (2) out from the side
of the base.
10. Loosen and remove four mounting screws (1)
with hexagon socket wrench, size 8.
11. Push ends of cable through opening in device
base to prevent snagging.
12. Insert front module (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).
13. Remove injector head in an upwards direction Figure 126. Front module, interior
and carefully store.

 To loosen four mounting screws (1) (see

Figure 126, p. 7-89) we recommend using a
ratchet with extension and corresponding
swivel head hexagon socket (see Figure 127).

Figure 127. Tool recommendation

 Mount device head on base of device (see section 4.1.1, p. 4-32).

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7 Service work

7.4.2 Replacing LP5 charger electrical components before S/N CTM1510600

 Device base opened (see section 7.4.1, p. 7-88).

1. Detach cable connections on board.
2. Loosen and remove two mounting screws (1)
on board.
3. Remove board by lifting it out.

Figure 128. Charger electrical


1. Insert board in holder.
2. Completely screw two mounting screws (1) into the board (see Figure 128, p. 7-90).
3. Reconnect cable and board.

7.4.3 Replacing LP5 charger electrical components of device base with S/N CTM1510600 or
1. Remove cable connections from board.
2. Loosen and remove four mounting screws (1)
on board with Torx screwdriver size 10 (see
Figure 129).
3. Remove board

Figure 129. LP5 Charger electrical


1. Place board properly on boreholes in device base.
2. Completely screw four mounting screws (1) with Torx screwdriver size 10 in board (see
Figure 129).
3. Reconnect cable and board.

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7 Service work

7.4.4 Replacing Fuse 5A FF for Charger Electrical Components before S/N CTM1510600
 Device base opened (see section 7.4.1, p. 7-88).

Disassembly at device base

 Carefully pry out and remove fuse (1) using a
narrow screwdriver (see Figure 130).

Assembly at device base

 Insert fuse (1) in holder (see Figure 130).

Figure 130. Charger electrical

components fuse

7.4.5 Replacing Fuse 5A FF for Charger Electrical Components at device base with S/N
CTM1510600 or higher
 Carefully prize out and remove fuse (2) with small screwdriver (see Figure 129, p. 7-90).

 Insert fuse (2) in holder (see Figure 129, p. 7-90).

The fuse holder may bend outwards when the fuse is removed.
 Bend fuse holder back to the original position.

7.4.6 Replacing cable 11 battery charging transistor before S/N CTM1510600

 Device base opened (see section 7.4.1, p. 7-88).

1. Detach connector from LP5 board.
2. Loosen and remove two mounting screws (2)
on white fixing socket.
3. Remove charging transistor together with fixing
4. Loosen two additional mounting screws to
detach fixing socket from transistor.
5. Remove cable 11 with charging transistor
Figure 131. Cable 11 battery charging

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7 Service work

1. Completely screw two mounting screws into fixing socket and transistor.
2. Completely screw fixing socket using two mounting screws (1) into the device base (see
Figure 131, p. 7-91).
3. Insert connector in connection of LP5 board.

7.4.7 Replacing cable 11 battery charging transistor of device base with S/N CTM1510600 or
1. Remove connector from LP5 board.
2. Loosen and remove two mounting screws (1)
on device base with Torx screwdriver size 10
(see Figure 132).
3. Remove charging transistor with fixing socket.
4. Loosen two additional mounting screws (3)
from fixing socket (2) with Torx screwdriver size
15 to remove fixing socket from transistor (1)
(see Figure 133, p. 7-92).
5. Remove cable 11 with charging transistor Figure 132. Cable 11 battery charging
SP000371-ET. transistor

1. Screw two mounting screws (3) with Torx
screwdriver size 15 into fixing socket (2) and
transistor (1) (see Figure 133).
2. Screw fixing socket with two mounting screws
(1) and Torx screwdriver size 10 into device
base (see Figure 132, p. 7-92).
3. Insert connector in connection of LP5 board.

Figure 133. Removed cable 11 battery

charging transistor

7.4.8 Replacing power supply unit before S/N CTM1510600

 Device base opened (see section 7.4.1, p. 7-88).

1. Remove cable ties and position cable such that
the power supply unit can be reached.
2. Loosen screws on inlet cables (1) and remove
3. Loosen and remove four mounting screws (2).
4. Remove power supply unit.
Figure 134. Power supply unit

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7 Service work

1. Insert power supply unit in device base.
2. Completely screw in four mounting screws (2) (see Figure 134, p. 7-92).
3. Completely screw inlet cable (1) into inlets using screws.
4. Attach new cable ties to cables.
5. Measure the following reference values using
6. Grounding conductor resistance
7. Device leakage current
8. Insulation resistance
The measurement should be taken at bonding
bolts (1) and ECG grounding cable
connection (2).

Figure 135. Bonding bolts

Figure 136. ECG grounding cable


7.4.9 Replacing power supply of device base with S/N CTM1510600 or higher
1. Loosen and remove screws (1) with Torx
screwdriver size 20 (see Figure 137).
2. Lift power supply unit out of device base,
loosen screws on inlet cables (2) with Phillips
screwdriver and remove cables (see Figure
3. Remove power supply unit.

Figure 137. Power supply

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7 Service work

1. Screw inlet cables with screws and Phillips
screwdriver into inlets (see Figure 138 and
Figure 139, p. 7-94).
2. Put power supply unit into device base.
3. Screw in four mounting screws (1) with Torx
screwdriver size 20 (see Figure 137, p. 7-93).

Figure 138. Wiring power supply 1

Figure 139. Wiring power supply 2

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7 Service work

7.4.10 Replacing batteries SP000445-ET before S/N CTM1510600

 Device base opened (see section 7.4.1, p. 7-88).



The fuse will quickly burn out if it is not bridged before a battery change.
 Bridge fuse prior to changing the battery.

1. Loosen connectors and connection cable of the

2. Loosen nut (1) on one side of the battery
holder (2).

Figure 140. Battery holder

1. Turn battery holder (2) away from battery (3).
2. Remove battery (3).

Figure 141. Take battery out

1. Place battery (3) in device base (see Figure 141, p. 7-95).
2. Rotate battery holder (2) over screw (1) and insert screw through drill hole (see Figure
140, p. 7-95).
3. Completely screw nut onto screw (1).
4. Put connectors and connection cable on batteries.

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7 Service work

7.4.11 Replacing batteries SP000445-ET of device base with S/N CTM1510600 or higher
Disassembly at device base from S/N CTM1510600
1. Loosen and remove screw (1) on closed side of
battery holder with Torx screwdriver size 20
(see Figure 142).
2. Loosen screw (4) on opened side of battery
holder (2) with Torx screwdriver size 20 by
three turns (see Figure 142).
3. Push battery holder (2) to the left out of screw
(4) and put it aside (see Figure 142).
4. Loosen connectors on batteries (see Figure
143, p. 7-96). Figure 142. Batteries
5. Remove batteries (3) (see Figure 142).

Assembly at device base from S/N CTM1510600

1. Put batteries (3) into device base (see Figure
142, p. 7-96).
2. Attach connectors of battery fuse to slots (1) of
the batteries. Attach red cable to right battery
(2) and attach black cable to left battery (3)
according to the colored markings (see Figure
3. Push opened side of battery holder in screw (4)
(see Figure 142, p. 7-96).
4. Screw closed side of battery holder with screw Figure 143. Cabling Batteries
(1) and Torx screwdriver size 20 into housing
(see Figure 142, p. 7-96).
5. Tighten screw (4) with Torx screwdriver size 20
(see Figure 142, p. 7-96).

Ensure that cables which are connected to the battery holder are below the battery
holder during the assembly.

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7 Service work

7.4.12 Replacing cable 14 LEDs battery charging before S/N CTM1510600

 Device base disassembled (see section 7.4.1, p. 7-88).

1. Remove cable ties on cable 14.
2. Loosen connector (1) on board.
3. Carefully pull LEDs (2) out of the LED holder.

Figure 144. Cable 14 LEDs battery


1. Insert LEDs (2) carefully in LED holder (see Figure 144, p. 7-97).
2. Insert connector into (1) connection point on board.
3. Attach new cable ties to cable.

7.4.13 Replacing cable 14 LEDs battery charging of device base with S/N CTM1510600 or
1. Remove cable tie from cable 14 (1).
2. Remove cable tie from cable collection on
separating wall (2) (see Figure 145).
3. Remove connector (1) from board (see Figure
146, p. 7-98).
4. Carefully pull LEDs (3) out of LED holder (see
Figure 144, p. 7-97).

Figure 145. Cable 14 LEDs battery


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7 Service work

1. Carefully insert LEDs (2) in LED holder (see
Figure 144, p. 7-97).
2. Insert connector (1) into connection point on
board (see Figure 145, p. 7-97).
3. Attach new cable tie to cable collection on
separating wall (2) (see Figure 145, p. 7-97).
4. Attach new cable tie to cable (1) (see Figure

Figure 146. Connector LEDs battery


7.4.14 Replacing double caster or double caster with brake

 Device base disassembled (see section 7.4.1, p. 7-88).

1. Loosen locking nut on double caster with
wrench size 22 (see Figure 147).
2. Unscrew and remove double caster with
wrench size 22 from device base.

Figure 147. Double caster with brake

1. Secure the threads of the double caster Loctite 243.
2. Screw double caster with wrench size 22 onto device base.
3. Completely screw locking nut with wrench size 22 on double caster (see Figure 147,
p. 7-98).

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7 Service work

7.5 Injector head

 After finish of the service activity, the following points are to be checked and documented
in the test protocol F-04-05-23: 5, 11, 16 – 18, 32 and 37 - 41 (see section 5.13, p. 5-63).

During service work on injector head, screws can fall through the clearance hole between
the column and the head.
 Seal clearance hole between the column and the head.

7.5.1 Replacing gas spring

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module disassembled (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).
1. Loosen and remove both safety screws (2) on
holder of gas spring (1) using Torx screwdriver
size 20.

Figure 148. Gas spring on rail system

CAUTION! Risk of injury from rebounding rail system!

When the gas spring is unscrewed, the rail system is no longer secured. Aluminum rail
can fall.
 Hold rail when the last screw is loosened.
 Carefully insert rail following disassembly.

2. Unscrew gas spring (1) counterclockwise from

attachment (2) on the housing.

Figure 149. Securing gas spring in


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7 Service work

3. Remove locking washer (3) on holder (1).

4. Remove gas spring (2) from holder (1).

Figure 150. Gas spring holder

1. Place gas spring (2) on holder (1) (see Figure 150, p. 7-100).
2. Place locking washer on holder.
3. Completely screw in gas spring clockwise in attachment on housing (see Figure 149,
p. 7-99).
4. Completely screw in both safety screws (2) on holder of gas spring (1) using Torx
screwdriver size 20 (see Figure 148, p. 7-99).

7.5.2 Replacing rail system

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module removed (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).
 Gas spring removed (see section 7.5.1, p. 7-99).

1. Loosen and remove four mounting screws (2)
and (3) on the rail system (1) using the angled
Torx wrench, size 20.
2. Remove rail system (1).

Figure 151. Mounting screws on rail


1. Fully screw in two mounting screws in drill holes (3) on the rail system (1) in the injector
head housing. To do this use Torx wrench size 20 (see Figure 151, p. 7-100).
2. Screw two mounting screws into drill holes (2) in the same way. In doing so, ensure that
the rail system is parallel to the cross plate and the guide pins.

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7 Service work

7.5.3 Replacing cross plate A

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module removed (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).
 Gas spring and rail system removed on both sides (see section 7.5.1, p. 7-99 and
section 7.5.2, p. 7-100).

1. Remove cable ties (3) on cross plate.
2. Loosen and remove four mounting screws (2)
on cross plate (1) using Torx screwdriver size
3. Remove cross plate (1).

Figure 152. Cross plate

1. Position/place cross plate (1) on injector head housing (see Figure 152, p. 7-101).
2. Completely screw in four mounting screws (2) on cross plate (1) using Torx screwdriver
size 20.
3. Secure cable on cross plate using cable ties (3).

7.5.4 Replacing safety screw for injector head

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module pulled out (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).



Without the safety screw, the injector head can pop out of the rails in the event of improper
 After removing the safety screw: Do not move injector head.

The safety screw can be best unscrewed using a shortened hexagon socket wrench.

 Loose safety screw (1) using a hexagon socket

wrench size 5 and remove.

Figure 153. Safety screw

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7 Service work

 Completely screw safety screw into rail system using hexagon socket wrench size 5 (see
Figure 153, p. 7-101).

7.5.5 Replacing patient tubing sensor

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module pulled out (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).

1. Loosen connector of patient tubing sensor from cable 26.
2. Detach cable ties on fixing socket MB 3A
(SP000260-ET) (3).
3. Unscrew both mounting screws (2) using Torx
screwdriver size 10 and remove together with
4. Remove media sensor (1).
Figure 154. Media sensor ABD patient

1. Place O-ring in holder for media sensor.
2. Insert media sensor (1) in holder for media sensor (see Figure 154, p. 7-102).
3. Completely screw in both mounting screws (2) using a Torx screwdriver, size 10.
4. Attach cable ties on fixing socket MB 3A (SP000260-ET) (3).
5. Connect connector of the ABD with connection cable of media sensor on cable 26

7.5.6 Replacing high-pressure filter holder (SP000558-ET)

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module pulled out (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).
 When working on conductor boards: Ensure ESD safeguard.

1. Loosen cable of high-pressure filter holder from
reed switch.
2. Loosen two screws (1) on filter holder (2) with
Torx screwdriver, size 20, shortened in length.

Figure 155. High-pressure filter holder

on feeding unit

1. Introduce high-pressure filter holder (1) in feeding unit and screw in using screws (2) (see
Figure 155, p. 7-102).
2. Connect cable of high-pressure filter holder with reed switch.

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7 Service work

7.5.7 Replacing ECG cable SP000365-ET

 Front module pulled out (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86)

1. Remove cable ties (1).

Figure 156. Removing cable ties

2. Loosen threaded ring (1) using a screwdriver,
untwist it by hand.

Figure 157. Threaded ring

3. Remove cable lug (1) from grounding point.
4. Remove ferrite (2).

Figure 158. Removing cable

5. Remove threaded ring (1), washer and plastic
6. Cut off the cable lug.
7. Push cable through the opening from inside to

Figure 159. Cable with washers

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7 Service work

1. Push cable through the opening from outside to inside.
2. Thread in threaded ring (1), washer and plastic ring (see Figure 159, p. 7-103).
3. Fasten threaded ring (1) with a screwdriver (see Figure 157, p. 7-103).
4. Connect cable lug to the cable with crimping tool.
5. Attach ECG cable with cable tie (1) to injector housing (see Figure 156, p. 7-103).

Make sure that the cable tie is loose enough to alow free movement of the cable.

6. Attach ferrite (2) with cable tie to ECG cable and attach the cable tie to the mount (see
Figure 158, p. 7-103).
7. Attach cable lug to grounding point (1) (see Figure 158, p. 7-103).

7.5.8 Replacing drip cup holder SP000043-ET and pins SP000042-ET

 Front module pulled out (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86)
1. Pull drip cup holder SP000043-ET off the pins
SP000042-ET (2).
2. Remove two M5 nuts with washers (1).
3. Remove two pins (2).

Figure 160. Pins for drip cup holder

1. Insert two pins for drip cup holder
SP000042-ET (2).
2. Fasten pins with two M5 nuts and washers (1).
3. Attach drip cup holder SP000043-ET to pins

Figure 161. Inserting pins

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7 Service work

7.5.9 Replacing injector head housing

 Front module removed (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86)
 Gas spring removed (see section 7.5.1, p. 7-99)
 Rail system removed (see section 7.5.2, p. 7-100)
 Cross plate A removed (see section 7.5.3, p. 7-101)
 Patient tubing sensor removed (see section 7.5.5, p. 7-102)
 Drip cup holder removed (see section 7.5.8, p. 7-104)

1. Remove three screws (1) with Torx
screwdriver, size T20.
2. Remove tray.

Figure 162. Removing tray

3. Remove grounding cables (2).
4. Remove connector (3) for grounding cables
with Torx screwdriver, size T20.

Figure 163. Grounding cables

5. Remove cable ties (4).

Figure 164. Removing cable ties

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7 Service work

6. Remove six screws (5) with Torx screwdriver,

size T20.
7. Pull the feeding unit to the front and remove it.

Figure 165. Removing housing screws

8. Remove two screws (6) with Torx screwdriver,
size T8.
9. Remove two receptacle of locking bolts (7)
from injector head housing.

Figure 166. Receptacle of service flap

10. Remove four mounting screws (8) and washers
with the hexagon socket, hex 8.
11. Remove cables (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).
12. Remove injector head housing.

Figure 167. Removing mounting


1. Fit injector head housing to injector base and tighten four mounting screws (8) and
washers with hexagon socket, hex 8 (see Figure 167, p. 7-106).
2. Connect cables (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).
3. Attach two receptacles of locking bolts (7) to new injector head housing using two screws
(6) with Torx screwdriver, size T8 (see Figure 166, p. 7-106).
4. Push feeding unit into the front.
5. Fasten feeding unit to housing using six screws (5) with Torx screwdriver, size T20 (see
Figure 165, p. 7-106).
6. Attach cables with cable ties to housing (see section 7.5.7, p. 7-103).
7. Attach connector (3) for grounding cables with one screw to housing using Torx
screwdriver, size T20 (see Figure 163, p. 7-105).
8. Connect grounding cables (2) to connector (3) (see Figure 163, p. 7-105).
9. Attach tray with three screws (1) using Torx screwdriver, size T20 (see Figure 162,
p. 7-105).

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7 Service work

7.5.10 Replacing On/Off switch SP000392-ET before S/N CTM1721200

 Front module pulled out (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86)


1. Remove cable of the On/Off switch from power


Figure 168. Cable on power board

2. Push On/Off switch from inside to outside.
3. Pull cable out of the housing.

Figure 169. Removing On/Off switch


1. Thread in cable.
2. Push On/Off switch from outside to inside.
3. Connect cable of On/Off switch to power board.

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7 Service work

7.5.11 Replacing On/Off switch SP002223-ET with S/N CTM1721200 or higher

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-91).
 Front module pulled out (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-92).

After mounting On/Off switch SP002223-ET please update the firmware of the injector
to SW 04.00.03 or newer.

1. Remove cable tie (1).
2. Remove connectors of on/off switch from
boards (2 and 3).

Figure 170. Cables of On/Off switch

3. Push On/Off switch (4) out of the front module.

Figure 171. Removing On/Off switch

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7 Service work

4. Remove fastening bushing (5).

5. Remove On/Off switch with cable.

Figure 172. Fastening bushing of

On/Off switch

1. Put cable of On/Off switch through the opening
inside the front module (see Figure 172,
p. 7-109).
2. Push fastening bushing into the front module
according to the shape of the opening (6).
3. Push On/Off switch into the fastening bushing
4. Connect the connectors of the On/Off switch to
the boards (2 and 3) (see Figure 170,
p. 7-108).
5. Attach cable tie (1) (see Figure 170, p. 7-108). Figure 173. On/Off switch in front

Functioning test
 Additionally to the test items mentioned above, switch the injector on and off again to
check the function of the On/Off switch as well as its blue light.

Replacing On/Off switch SP000392-ET with On/Off switch SP002223-ET

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-91).

 Front module pulled out (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-92).
 On/Off switch SP000392-ET pulled out of housing (see section 7.5.10, p. 7-107)

1. Prise the metal frame out of the housing (1)

using an approbriate tool.
2. Remove the metal frame (1).
3. Clean the opening from adhesive residues.
4. Assemble On/Off switch SP002223-ET as
described above (see section 7.5.11, p. 7-108)

Figure 174. Removing metal frame

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7 Service work

7.6 Feeding unit

 After finish of the service activity, the following points are to be checked and documented
in the test protocol F-04-05-23: 2, 7, 10, 31, 32, 40 - 42 (see section 5.13, p. 5-63).

7.6.1 Replacing bottle lift complete (SP000298-ET)

 Open heater assembly (if present).
1. Push the release lever to the left.
2. Fold bottle lift (1) downwards.
3. Loosen thumbscrew on bottle lifts and
remove by pulling forward.

Figure 175. Tilt bottle lifts

4. Loosen thumb screws (1) on bottle lifts and
remove bottle lifts.

Figure 176. Loosen thumbscrews on

bottle lifts

 Place bottle lifts on cover ABD SP000357-ET.
1. Completely screw in thumb screws 1 into bottle lifts (see Figure 176, p. 7-110).
2. Fold up bottle lifts.
3. Close heater assembly (if present).

7.6.2 Replacing spring catch

 Bottle lift disassembled (see section 7.6.1, p. 7-110).

1. Loosen and remove two screws (1) on the back
on guide bushing for spring catch using Torx
screwdriver size 10.
2. Press spring catch (2) inwards and remove.

Figure 177. Dismantle spring catch

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7 Service work

1. Push spring catch inwards and place in holder holes of the bottle lift (see Figure 177, p. 7-
2. Completely screw in two screws (1) on the back on guide bushing for spring catch using
Torx screwdriver size 10.

7.6.3 Replacing holding arm for bottle guide (SP000304-ET)

 Bottle lift folded downwards (see section 7.6.1, p. 7-110).

 Always replace holding arms in pairs.

1. Open retaining clip (1).
2. Remove holding arm for bottle guide by lifting it

Figure 178. Disassemble holding arm

 Push holding arm for bottle guide (SP000304-ET) off bottle lift.

7.6.4 Replacing spike holder

 Push holder spring (1) from the spike holder on
both sides simultaneously and pull out.

Figure 179. Disassemble holding arm

 Push spike holder onto bottle lift.

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7 Service work

7.6.5 Replacing cover feeding unit

 Bottle lift complete, disassembled (see section 7.6.1, p. 7-110).
1. Loosen and remove three screws (1) on cover
feeding unit with Torx screwdriver size 20.

Figure 180. Loosen screws on cover

2. Fold cover feeding unit downwards.

Figure 181. Fold cover feeding unit

3. Detach wiring (1) of the heater.
4. Removed cover feeding unit.

Figure 182. Detach wiring on cover

1. Place cover feeding unit on feeding unit.
2. Insert wiring (1) of heater (see Figure 182, p. 7-112).
3. Fold up cover feeding unit (see section Figure 181, p. 7-112).
4. Completely screw in three screws (1) on cover feeding unit with Torx screwdriver size 20
(see Figure 180, p. 7-112).

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7 Service work

7.6.6 Replacing media sensor ABD

 Cover feeding unit disassembled (see section 7.6.2, p. 7-110).

1. Loosen and remove four screws (1) of cover
media sensor (SP000357-ET) with Torx
screwdriver size 20.
2. Remove cover media sensor (SP000357-ET).

Figure 183. Loosen screws on cover

media sensor
3. Loosen and remove two screws (1) of air
bubble detector (SP000444-ET) with Torx
screwdriver size 8.
4. Remove O-ring for media sensor.

Figure 184. Loosen screws on media

5. Cut cable ties (1) on fixing socket MB 3A
(SP000260-ET) using side cutter.
6. Remove cable (2) of the respective ABD media

Figure 185. Loosen cables on media

7. Loosen and remove screws of rod holder on
left and right using a Torx screwdriver size 20.
8. Remove media sensor ABD.

Figure 186. Loosen screws on rod


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7 Service work

1. Insert media sensor ABD with mounted O-Ring for media sensor in spike bearing
2. Completely screw in screws in the holder on the media sensor using Torx screwdriver
size 8 (see Figure 184, p. 7-113).
3. Guide cable with additional O-Ring (1) through
recess (2) in spike bearing.
4. Guide cable over handrail and insert through
recess in feeding unit.

Figure 187. Guide cable through

recess in spike bearing
5. Completely screw in screws (1) in the rod
holder left and right using Torx screwdriver
size 20 (see Figure 186, p. 7-113). In doing so,
ensure that the cable does not become trapped
in recess (2) of the feeding unit.

Figure 188. Guide cable through

recess in feeding unit
6. Insert cable (2) in the respective socket (see Figure 185, p. 7-113).
7. Secure cable (2) using cable tie (1) to fixing socket.
8. Place cover media sensor (SP000357-ET) on media sensor ABD.
9. Completely screw in four screws (1) of the ABD cover using Torx screwdriver size 20 (see
Figure 183, p. 7-113).

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7 Service work

7.7 Pressure measurement

 After finish of the service activity, the following points are to be checked and documented
in the test protocol F-04-05-23: 9, 16 – 19, 37 - 44 (see section 5.13, p. 5-63).

7.7.1 Replacing pressure measurement

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module disassembled (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).
 Conductor boards complete, disassembled (see section 7.13, p. 7-139).

1. Disassemble conductor board holder:
− Loosen six screws (1) with Torx
screwdriver size 20.
− Remove conductor board holder.

Figure 189. Disassemble board holder

2. Disassemble pressure measurement complete:
− Loosen grounding cable (1) with Torx
screwdriver size 20.
− Loosen four cylinder head screws Torx 10,
M3x8, A2 SP000222 (part of SP001996-
ET) with locking washers shape S for M3
SP000574 (part of SP001996-ET) and
washers 3.2, A2 SP000310 (part of
SP001996-ET) (2) on pressure
measurement using Torx screwdriver size
10. Figure 190. Disassemble pressure
measurement complete
− Remove pressure measurement complete.

1. Insert pressure measurement complete (SP000096-ET) in the front module.
2. Screw in grounding cable (1) with screw using Torx screwdriver size all the way in
pressure measurement complete (see Figure 190, p. 7-115).
3. Completely screw in four cylinder head screws Torx 10, M3x8, A2 SP000222 (part of
SP001996-ET) with locking washers shape S for M3 SP000574 (part of SP001996-ET)
and washers 3.2, A2 SP000310 (part of SP001996-ET) (2) using a Torx screwdriver, size
10 into the front module (SP000081-ET).
4. Place conductor board holder on front module.
5. Completely screw in six screws (1) using Torx screwdriver size 20 (see Figure 189,
p. 7-115).

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7 Service work

7.8 Roll pump

 After finish of the service activity, the following points are to be checked and documented
in the test report F-04-05-23: 12, 13, 16 – 18, 39 – 45 (see section 5.13, p. 5-63).

7.8.1 Replacing hose guide roll(s) SP001253-ET

 Injector cover opened.

1. Remove whiteTorx screw covers.
2. Loosen and remove screws with Torx screwdriver, size 20.

Because of the press fit, it may be difficult to pull out the hose guide roll.
 Use significant force if necessary to pull out the hose guide roll.

3. Remove hose guide roll together with fixing socket.

4. Pull hose guide roll (1) from fastener (2).

Figure 191. Hose guide roll with


1. Clean all components and affected sites.

The flange of the fastener should not be greased.

2. Grease the shaft of the fastener with Gleitmo 810 (SP000512-ET).

3. Push hose guide roll (1) fully onto fastener (2) (see Figure 191, p. 7-116).
4. Secure threads using Loctite 454.
5. Screw screws into roll pump using Torx screwdriver, size 20.
6. Place white Torx screw covers on screws.

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7 Service work

7.8.2 Replacing counter bearing SP000148-ET before S/N CTM1721200

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module pulled out (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).

1. Detach fixation:
− Hold nut (1) on fixation with open-end
wrench, hex 8.
− Loosen screw (2) on fixation using Torx
screwdriver, size 20, and remove together
with nut.
2. Loosen and remove nuts (3) on all four guiding
bolts using open-end wrench, hex 10.

Figure 192. Counter bearing fixation

The ring segment on the left (viewed from the front) may fall when the pressure ring is

3. Remove pressure ring (2).

4. Remove counter bearing (1).

Figure 193. Pressure ring and counter


1. Grease counter bearing on the overlying, oblique outer side with Gleitmo 810.
2. Loosen threaded ring using special tool XD 8123.
3. Insert counter bearing (1) with the dowel pin facing upwards in the housing of the roll
pump (see Figure 192, p. 7-117).
4. Insert pressure ring (2) in housing of the roll pump.
5. Completely screw in nuts (3) on all four guiding bolts using open-end wrench, hex 10 (see
Figure 193, p. 7-117).
6. Attach fixation:
− Hold nut (1) on fixation with open-end wrench, hex 8.
− Completely screw in screw (2) on fixation using Torx screwdriver size 20.
7. Adjust rollers (see section 7.8.3, p. 7-118).

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7 Service work

7.8.3 Adjusting rollers and counter bearing before S/N CTM1721200

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module pulled out (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).

1. Detach fixation:
− Hold nut (1) on fixation with open-end
wrench, hex 8.
− Loosen screw (2) on fixation using Torx
screwdriver, size 20, and remove together
with nut.

Figure 194. Counter bearing fixation

2. Bring rollers into positions (1), (2) and (3).

Figure 195. Positions of rollers

3. Place adjustment gauge 1.5 mm in succession
on all three rollers and tighten threaded ring.
4. Adjust gap between rollers and counter
− 1.5 mm gauge must be easily passed.
− 1.6 mm gauge may not pass.
5. Rotate rollers twice in succession by 120° and
repeat adjustment.
6. Attach fixation (see Figure 194, p. 7-118):
− Hold nut (1) on fixation with open-end
Figure 196. Tighten threaded ring
wrench, hex 8.
− Completely screw in screw (2) on fixation
using Torx screwdriver size 20.

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7 Service work

7.8.4 Replacing cover cap roll pump SP000162-ET before S/N CTM1721200
 Injector cover opened.


For devices prior to S/N CTM1300247, the cover caps are adhered.
For devices starting with S/N CTM1300247, the cover caps are simply mounted.

NOTICE! Damage to the cover cap due to forceps!

 Cover the cover cap with a cloth or similar.

1. For devices prior to S/N CTM1300247:

Removed adhered cover cap (1) with suitable
2. For devices starting with S/N CTM1300247:
Remove cover cap (1).

Figure 197. Cover cap roll pump


1. For devices prior to S/N CTM1300247: Secure the edge of the cover cap (1) with Loctite
2. Place cover cap (1) on roll pump shaft and press down.

7.8.5 Replacing cover base part roll pump before S/N CTM1721200
 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module removed (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).
 Hose threading disassembled (see section 7.9.1, p. 7-125).

1. Remove connectors:
− Loosen ribbon cable (1) on controller
− Loosen connectors (2) on drive roll pump.
− Remove drive (see section 7.9.2, p. 7-126).

Figure 198. Connectors drive roll pump

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7 Service work

2. Remove offset base:

− Loosen and remove locking screw (1) on
offset base (2) using Torx screwdriver size
− Remove offset base (2).

Figure 199. Offset base

3. Remove drive roll pump with cover base part:
− Loosen and remove three locking
screws (1) in cover base part using Torx
screwdriver size 25.
− Loosen screw (2) on grounding cable on
cover base part using Torx screwdriver,
size 25, and remove together with
grounding cable.
− Remove drive roll pump (3) together with
cover base part and cable.
Figure 200. Safety screws and
grounding cable drive roll

NOTICE! Damage to the encoder on the drive!

 Do not place dismantled drive on the encoder.

4. Remove cover base part from drive:

− Loosen and remove four locking screws (1)
on the underside of the cover base part
using Torx screwdriver size 25.
− Remove cover base part from drive.

Figure 201. Remove cover base part

from drive

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7 Service work

1. Secure drive roll pump on cover base part (see Figure 192, p. 7-117):
− Place drive on cover base part.
− Clean screws and secure thread with Loctite 243.
− Completely screw in four locking screws (1) into cover base part using Torx
screwdriver size 25.
2. Secure drive roll pump with cover base part onto pump housing (see Figure 191,
p. 7-116):
− Place drive roll pump (3) together with cover base part and cable on pump housing.
− Clean screws and secure thread with Loctite 243.
− Place grounding cable on drill hole (2) and fully screw in screw with grounding cable
on cover base part using Torx screwdriver size 20.
− Completely screw in three locking screws on cover base part using Torx screwdriver
size 25 (1). In doing so, screw in the two longer screws in the holding plate and the
two shorter screws in the pump housing.
3. Connect connectors (see Figure 189, p. 7-119):
− Lay cable under the holding plate.
− Connect connectors (1) on drive roll pump.
4. Secure offset base (see Figure 190, p. 7-115):
− Clean locking screws and secure thread with Loctite 243.
− Completely screw in locking screw (1) into offset base (2) using Torx screwdriver size
5. Mount drive (see section 7.9.2, p. 7-126).

7.8.6 Replacing Misumi coupler SP000173-ET before S/N CTM1721200

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module removed (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).
 Hose threading disassembled (see section 7.9.1, p. 7-125).
 Cover base part for roll pump disassembled (see section 7.8.5, p. 7-119).

1. Loosen and remove set screws (2) in
coupling (1) using hexagon socket wrench size
2. Loosen and remove set screws on counter
piece of the coupling on housing upper part
using hexagon socket wrench size 2.
3. Remove coupling (1).

Figure 202. Set screws in coupling

1. Place coupling (1) over fitting key on drive shaft on motor (see Figure 202, p. 7-121).
2. Clean set screws and secure thread with Loctite 243.
3. Completely screw in set screws in counter piece of the coupling on housing upper part
using hexagon socket wrench size 2.
4. Completely screw in set screws (2) in coupling (1) using hexagon socket wrench size 2.

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7 Service work

7.8.7 Replacing roll pump (upper component) SP000106-ET before S/N CTM1721200
 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module disassembled (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).
 Hose threading disassembled (see section 7.9.1, p. 7-125).
 Cover base part for roll pump disassembled (see section 7.8.5, p. 7-119).

1. Remove compensation coupler SP000710-
ET (1).

Figure 203. Compensation coupler

2. Remove spring-lock washer for spindle (2).
3. Remove shim ring (1).

Figure 204. Spring-lock washer and

shim ring
4. Loosen and remove two screws (2) with Torx
screwdriver size 25.
5. Loosen and remove four screws (1) with Torx
screwdriver size 30.
6. Remove roll pump (upper component)

Figure 205. Safety screws roll pump

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7 Service work

1. Place roll pump (upper component) SP000106-ET on front module. In doing so, ensure
the following:
− The drive shaft of the hose threading is correctly positioned in the upper component.
− The upper part does not attach to the drive shaft.
2. Completely screw in four screws (1) in the roll pump (upper component) using Torx
screwdriver size 30 (see Figure 205, p. 7-122).
3. Completely screw in two screws (2) into roll pump (upper component) using Torx
screwdriver size 25.
4. Push shim ring SP000740-ET (1) on hose threading (see Figure 204, p. 7-122).
5. Push spring-lock washer (2) on hose threading.
6. Place compensation coupler SP000710-ET (1) on hose threading (see Figure 203, p. 7-
7. Check gap between rollers and counter bearings and adjust if necessary (see section
7.8.3, p. 7-118).

7.8.8 Replacing roll pump SP002270-ET (reworked roll pump)

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module disassembled (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).

To adjust the roll pump after mounting, please update the firmware of the injector to
SW 04.00.03 or newer. Adjust the volume via service program 2.5 or newer (see section
6.6.7, p. 6-69).

1. Remove connectors (1).
2. Remove cable tie (2) from USB cable.

Figure 206. Connectors drive roll pump

3. Remove grounding cable (3) incl. locking
washer and washer with a Torx screwdriver,
size 20.
4. Remove roll pump drive (4) (see section 7.9.4,
p. 7-127).
NOTICE! Damage to the encoder on the
 Do not place dismantled drive on the
Figure 207. Grounding cable and roll
pump drive

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7 Service work

5. Remove compensation coupler SP000710-

ET (5).

Figure 208. Compensation coupler

6. Remove spring-lock washer for hose threading
7. Remove shim ring (7).

Figure 209. Spring-lock washer and

shim ring
8. Remove four screws (8) with Torx screwdriver,
size 30.
9. Remove roll pump from front module.

Figure 210. Removing roll pump

1. Place roll pump on the inside of the front module.
2. Completely screw in four screws (8) into front module using Torx screwdriver, size 30 (see
Figure 210, p. 7-124).
3. Push shim ring (7) on hose threading (see Figure 209, p. 7-124).
4. Push spring-lock washer (6) on hose threading.
5. Place compensation coupler SP000710-ET (5) on hose threading (see Figure 208, p. 7-
6. Mount roll pump drive (see section 7.9.4, p. 7-127).
7. Attach grounding cable (3) incl. locking washer and washer with a Torx screwdriver, size
20 (see Figure 207, p. 7-123).
8. Connect connectors (1 and 2) on power board and controller board (see Figure 206, p. 7-
9. Adjust the roll pump with the service program (see section 6.6.7, p. 6-69).

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7 Service work

If the roll pump is not adjusted with the service program, a motor error may be displayed.

7.9 Roll pump drive

 After finish of the service activity, the following points are to be checked and documented
in the test protocol F-04-05-23: 16 – 18 and 39 (see section 5.13, p. 5-63).

7.9.1 Replacing hose threading before S/N CTM1721200

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module pulled out (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).

1. Remove closing plug (1) using suitable, pointed
2. Remove screw under closing plug:
− Hold posterior part of drive shaft with open-
end wrench, hex SW 5.5.
− Loosen and remove screw with Torx
screwdriver size 20.
3. Pull spindle (2) out of holder.

Figure 211. Closing plug on hose

4. Pull out spring-lock washer for hose threading on the inner side of the front module using
an appropriate tool.

When the drive shaft is pulled out, the locking washer, shin ring and compensating
coupling SP000710-ET fall out.
 Seal clearance hole between the column and the head.

If the drive shaft cannot be pulled out:

 Remove motor (see section 7.9.2, p. 7-126).
 Knock out the drive shaft from the motor side using a hammer.

5. Pull drive shaft (1) including rotor gasket for

hose threading SP000171-ET out forwards
using suitable forceps.
6. Remove drive shaft (1) from rotor gasket.

Figure 212. Drive shaft with rotor


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7 Service work

1. Grease sleeve bearing sites (1) on drive shaft
SP000159-ET with Gleitmo 810.

Figure 213. Sleeve bearing sites on

drive shaft, greased
2. Roughen the lower side (adhesive side) of the rotor gasket with sandpaper and clean.
3. Clean support surface of the rotor gasket.
4. Push drive shaft SP000159-ET into front module.
5. Place spring-lock washer, shim ring and compensating coupling SP000710-ET on drive
shaft SP000159-ET of the hose threading.
6. Place spring-lock washer for hose threading in drive shaft SP000159-ET.
7. Secure rotor gasket on the adhesive side with Loctite 454.
8. Push rotor gasket onto drive shaft and press on support surface.
9. Grease drive shaft on spindle side with Gleitmo 805.
10. Place spindle (2) on drive shaft SP000159-ET (see Figure 211, p. 7-125).
11. Attach screw under closing plug (1).
− Secure the threads of the screw with Loctite 243.
− Hold posterior part of drive shaft with open-end wrench, hex SW 5.5.
− Screw in screw in position (1) all the way using Torx screwdriver size 20.
12. Place closing plug on screw.

7.9.2 Replacing hose threading with S/N CTM1721200 or higher

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module pulled out (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).

1. Pull out spring-lock washer (1) for hose
threading on the inner side of the front module
using an appropriate tool.
2. Remove hose threading with shim ring (3) and
compensation coupler SP000710-ET (2).

 When removing the spring-lock washer

hold the hose threading on the front side
of the front module to prevent it from
Figure 214. Hose threading

1. Push drive shaft of hose threading into front module and hold it.
2. Place shim ring (3) and compensation coupler SP000710-ET (2) on drive shaft of the
hose threading.
3. Push spring-lock washer on the hose threading between shim ring (3) and compensation
coupler SP000710-ET (2).

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7 Service work

7.9.3 Replacing hose threading drive SP000378-ET before S/N CTM1721200

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module removed (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).

1. Loosen cable 21 (2).
2. Loosen and remove screws (3) with Torx
screwdriver size 10.
3. Remove drive (4).

Figure 215. Roll pump drive mounted

1. Ensure that compensating coupling SP000710-ET (1) is correctly positioned during
− Axis of drive shaft and motor must be in alignment (see Figure 215, p. 7-127).
2. Place drive (4) on offset base.
3. Completely screw in screws (3) using a Torx screwdriver, size 10.
4. Place cable 21 (2) in power board SP-000216-ET.
5. Lay cable under holding plate of roll pump.

7.9.4 Replacing drive of hose threading SP000378-ET with S/N CTM1721200 or higher
 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module removed (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).

1. Loosen cable from power board SP000216-ET
2. Loosen and remove screws (2) with Torx
screwdriver, size 10.
3. Remove drive (3).

Figure 216. Roll pump drive mounted

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7 Service work

Ensure that compensation coupler SP000710-
ET (4) is correctly positioned and axis of drive
shaft and motor are aligned.

1. Place drive (3) on offset base (see Figure 216,
p. 7-127).
2. Completely screw in screws (2) using a Torx
screwdriver, size 10.
3. Put cable (1) in power board SP000216-ET.

Figure 217. Compensation coupler

7.10 Valve assembly

 After finish of the service activity, the following points are to be checked and documented
in the test protocol F-04-05-23: 8, 16 – 18, 37 – 38, 40 and 47 (see section 5.13, p. 5-63).

7.10.1 Replacing valve assembly

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module removed (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).

1. Remove cables of the valve assembly (1)
(CM1≙V1; NaCl≙V2; CM2≙V3).
2. Loosen four locking screws (2) with Torx
screwdriver size 20 and remove together with
3. Remove valve assembly.

Figure 218. Valve assembly

Securing valve assembly

1. If necessary, replace protective cap (1) for
valve assembly on black guide insert (2).

Figure 219. Protective cap for valve


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7 Service work

2. Secure valve assembly:

− Place valve assembly SP000186-ET with guidance for valve assembly SP000188-ET
with protective cap placed for valve assembly SP000201-ET in opening of the front
module (see Figure 218, p. 7-128).
− Screw four locking screws into valve assembly using Torx screwdriver size 20 and
torque wrench at 1.5 Nm.
− During fixation, ensure that the tappets CM1 and CM2 are as horizontal as possible.
To do this, rotate/adjust the guide insert in the center accordingly.
3. Alternatively: Secure valve assembly in the case of injectors with factory-molded M4
threaded connector or with a threaded connector that is introduced subsequently:
− Screw in four screws SP000202, spring-lock washers SP000575 and washers
SP000329 in base part using Torx screwdriver size 20 and torque wrench to 1.5 Nm.
4. Reinstall front module and reinsert cable (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).

Adjusting gap between cover and valve assembly

1. Mount alignment gauge:
− Open injector cover.
− Place alignment gauge valve assembly XD 8075 on protective cap for valve
− Close injector cover.
2. Loosen four mounting screws using socket wrench hex 5.5, however do not remove them.
3. Loosen two grub screws using hexagon socket wrench size 2, however do not remove
4. Pull out all valve tappers/retract anchor so that the cover is outside of the light barrier.
5. Adjust each solenoid in succession:
− Manually push solenoid block forward until the valve tappet noticeably abuts the
− Check adjustment: Compress spring in the tappet slightly and release once again.
− Screw in mounting screws in solenoid block with torque wrench, hex 5.5, to torque of
1.2 Nm. In doing so, ensure that the solenoid does not shift during tightening.

 Ensure that each solenoid block is as parallel as possible to the valve tappet.
 Check that the outer edge of the solenoid block and the edge of the holding arm are

6. Perform fine adjustment of the valve assembly (see section 5.9.11, p. 5-61).
7. Secure position of the solenoids against shifting:
− Fully tighten both safety screws (grub screws SP000548) using hexagon socket
wrench size 2.
8. Dismantle alignment gauge:
− Open injector cover.
− Remove alignment gauge valve assembly XD 8075 from protective cap for valve
− Close injector cover.

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7 Service work

7.11 Cover locking mechanism

 After finish of the service activity, the following points are to be checked and documented
in the test protocol F-04-05-23: 16 – 18 and 38 (see section 5.13, p. 5-63).

7.11.1 Replacing cover locking mechanism before S/N CTM1721200

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module pulled out (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).

1. Remove locking toggle:
− Remove screw cap (1) on locking
toggle (2).
− Loosen screw under screw cap (1) using a
Torx screwdriver size 25 and remove.
− Remove locking toggle (2).

Figure 220. Locking toggle on cover

locking mechanism
2. Remove drive shaft head (1) from the square
socket (2) of the drive shaft.

Figure 221. Drive shaft head on the

square socket
3. Remove cable 35 SP000391-ET (1) from cover
locking mechanism.

Figure 222. Cable 35 SP000391-ET

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7 Service work

4. Remove light barrier:

− Loosen and remove both screws (1) on
light barrier with Torx screwdriver size 8.
− Remove light barrier (2).

Figure 223. Light barrier

5. Remove cover locking mechanism:
− Loosen and remove four safety screws (1)
on cover locking mechanism (2) using Torx
screwdriver size 25.
− Remove cover locking mechanism (2).

Figure 224. Cover locking mechanism

1. Secure cover locking mechanism (see Figure 224, p. 7-131):
− Place cover locking mechanism (2) on front module.
− Completely screw in four safety screws (1) into cover locking mechanism (2) using
Torx screwdriver size 25.
2. Secure light barrier (see Figure 223, p. 7-131):
− Place light barrier (2) on cover locking mechanism.
− Completely screw in both screws (1) into light barrier with Torx screwdriver size 8.
3. Secure cable 35 SP000391-ET with cable ties to cover locking mechanism (see
Figure 224, p. 7-131).
4. Place drive shaft head (1) on square socket (2) of the drive shaft (see Figure 221,
p. 7-130).
5. Secure locking toggle (see Figure 220, p. 7-130).
− Place locking toggle (2) on drive shaft head. In doing so, ensure that the locking
toggle is horizontally aligned.
− Secure screw using Loctite 245.
− Fully screw the screw into the locking toggle using a Torx screwdriver, size 25.
− Place screw cap (1) over screw in the locking toggle.

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7 Service work

Adjusting cover locking mechanism

1. Ensure that the locking toggle is aligned horizontally (see Figure 220, p. 7-130).
2. Ensure that the cover of the light barrier (back) is at the “off” position.
3. Allow locking toggle to rotate by pressing the door opener and check light barrier:
− Locking toggle brushes the upper left/lower right): Rotate light barrier minimally
− Locking toggle brushes the upper right/lower left): Rotate light barrier minimally
4. Adjust light barrier (see Figure 223, p. 7-131):
− Loosen both locking screws (1) on the light barrier (2) with the Torx screwdriver size
− Rotate light barrier (2) minimally inwards/outwards.
− Completely screw in one of the two screws (1) using the Torx screwdriver size 8.
− Secure the threads of the second screw with Loctite 243.
− Completely screw in the second screw using a Torx screwdriver, size 8.
− Loosen first screw.
− Secure the threads of the first screw with Loctite 243.
− Completely screw in the first screw using a Torx screwdriver, size 8.

7.11.2 Replacing cover locking mechanism SP002026-ET with S/N CTM1721200 or higher
 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module pulled out (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).

After mounting the cover locking mechansim please update the firmware of the
injector to SW 04.00.03 or newer.

1. Remove white cover of Torx screw (1) (part of

Figure 225. White cover of Torx screw

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7 Service work

2. Remove screw (2) on locking toggle (3) using a

Torx screwdriver, size 20.
3. Remove locking toggle (3).

Figure 226. Locking toggle on cover

locking mechanism
4. Remove two grounding cables (4) incl. locking
washer with a Torx screwdriver, size 10.
When loosening the screw use an
appropriate tool to put up resistance on the
opposite site.

5. Remove cable of cover locking mechanism (5).

6. Loosen and remove three safety screws (6) on
cover locking mechanism (7) using Torx
screwdriver, size 25.
Figure 227: Unmounting cover locking
7. Remove cover locking mechanism (7).
8. Remove slide bearing (8).

Figure 228. Slide bearing

1. Insert slide bearing (8) in opening in the front module (see Figure 228, p. 7-133).
2. Place cover locking mechanism (7) on slide bearing aligned with screw holes (6) (see
Figure 227, p. 7-133).
3. Completely screw in three safety screws (6) into cover locking mechanism (7) using Torx
screwdriver, size 25.

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7 Service work

4. Put drive shaft head (9) through slide bearing.

5. Put in cable of cover locking mechanism (5)
(see Figure 227, p. 7-133).
6. Attach the grounding cables (4) incl. locking
washer with a Torx screwdriver, size 10 (see
Figure 227, p. 7-133).
When tightening the screw use an
appropriate tool to put up resistance on the
opposite site.
Figure 229. Drive shaft head
7. Put locking toggle on drive shaft (2) (see
Figure 226, p. 7-133).
8. Screw in screw (1) on locking toggle (2) using a
Torx screwdriver, size 25.

The locking mechanism is automatically adjusted by the firmware after turning the injector
back on.

7.12 Device cover

 After finish of the service activity, the following points are to be checked and documented
in the test protocol F-04-05-23: 6, 15 – 18, 28 and 37 (see section 5.13, p. 5-63).
 When working on conductor boards: Ensure ESD safeguard.
 Following a board replacement: Update firmware.

7.12.1 Replacing device cover (SP000273-ET)

1. Open device cover.
2. Pry five dummy plugs (1) out of the device
cover using flat screwdriver 0.8 x 4.
3. Loosen screws under dummy plugs using a
Torx screwdriver size 10 and remove. In doing
so, hold the device cover (SP000273-ET) to
prevent it from dropping.

Figure 230. Loosen screws in device


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7 Service work

4. Carefully lift device cover from pressure plate

and loosen ribbon connector (1) from LP4 user
interface board (SP000276-ET).
5. Remove device cover.

Figure 231. Loosen ribbon connector

1. Hold device cover on pressure plate and insert ribbon connector (1) in LP4 user interface
board (SP000276-ET) (see Figure 231, p. 7-135).
2. Mount device cover on pressure plate: Completely screw in five screws (1) using Torx
screwdriver size 10 (see Figure 230, p. 7-134).
3. Place dummy plugs over screws.

Make sure the dummy plugs line up precisely with the device cover.

4. Close device cover.

7.12.2 Replacing LP4 user interface board (SP000276-ET)

 Device cover disassembled (see section 7.12.1, p. 7-134).

1. Open detents of the connectors (1).
2. Loosen ribbon cable from connections.

Figure 232. Loosen cables on board

3. Loosen and remove four screws (1) with Torx
screwdriver size 8.
4. Remove board with display holder.
5. Loosen and remove four screws (2) of the
display holder (SP000275-ET) with Torx
screwdriver size 10.
6. Loosen board from display holder.
Figure 233. Loosen screws on board

 Do not lose distance rolls for display.

1. Place distance rolls on drill holes in cover.
2. Place board on display holder (SP000275-ET) and distance rolls.
3. Completely screw in four screws (2) of the display holder (SP000275-ET) using Torx
screwdriver size 10 (see Figure 233, p. 7-135).
4. Place board with display holder on device cover.

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7 Service work

5. Completely screw in four screws (1) into board with Torx screwdriver size 8.
6. Place ribbon cable on board connections and then secure.
7.12.3 Replacing display foil (SP000280-ET)
 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module pulled out (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).
 Device cover disassembled (see section 7.12.1, p. 7-134).
 When working on conductor boards: Ensure ESD safeguard.

1. Disconnect ribbon cable of the display foil from LP4 user interface board.
2. Remove self-adhesive display foil from cover.
3. Clean surface of the display foil to remove adhesive remains.

1. Feed cable (1) of the new display foil through
the cutout (2) in the cover.

Adhere cable when separating the adhesive

 Do not place cable on adhesive surface
since these otherwise can no longer be

2. Separate adhesive film on the display foil and

adhere display foil in device lid cut-out. In doing
Figure 234. Display foil
so, ensure the following:
− Do not bend the ribbon cable under any
− Press the film down firmly on the device lid
3. Open fixing pusher of the board.
4. Push cable of display foil into fixing pusher.
5. Close fixing pusher.

Figure 235. Cutout in device cover

7.12.4 Replacing pressure plate (SP000279-ET)

 Device cover disassembled (see section 7.12.1, p. 7-134).
When replacing the pressure plate, please note:
 During the disassembly cable 31 is removed by cutting. Make sure to order spare
part SP000388-ET, too.
Starting with injector serial number CTM1721200 or higher a reworked version of the
pressure plate is installed in series. The previous version is not available anymore and so
the spare part is still available via the known article number SP000279-ET.
 When installing a reworked pressure plate in injectors with serial numbers lower than
CTM1721200, replace cable 22a SP000379-ET with cable 22a SP002430-ET and
update the firmware of the injector to SW 04.00.03 or newer.

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7 Service work

1. Loosen spring pressure part SP000281-ET (1)
with pliers and remove it.
2. Remove four screws (2) with Torx screwdriver,
size 10.

Figure 236. Assembled pressure plate

3. Remove the counter bearing SP000284-ET
and its cover SP000285-ET (3) from the
pressure plate.
4. Pry two dummy plugs (4) out of the device
cover using flat 0.8 x 4.

Figure 237. Assembled pressure plate

5. Remove two screws (6) with Torx screwdriver,
size 10.
6. Remove blank holder SP000406-ET (7).

Figure 238. Removing blank holder

7. Remove two screws (8) with Torx screwdriver,
size 10.
8. Remove cable 31 SP000388-ET (9) (see
section 7.13.4, p. 7-142).

Figure 239. Removing cable 31

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7 Service work

9. Remove six nuts and washers (5) from the

hinges of the device cover with a hexagon
wrench, size 8 (see Figure 237, p. 7-137).
10. Pull the pressure plate SP000279-ET off the

Figure 240. Removing pressure plate

1. Install cable 31 SP000388-ET (9) (see section 7.13.4, p. 7-142).
2. Put the pressure plate SP000279-ET on the hinges (see Figure 240, p. 7-138).
3. Attach pressure plate to hinges with six nuts and washers (5) using a hexagon wrench,
size 8 (see Figure 237, p. 7-137).
4. Attach two screws (8) with Torx screwdriver, size 10 (see Figure 239, p. 7-137).
5. Attach blank holder SP000406-ET (7) with two screws (6) using Torx screwdriver, size 10
(see Figure 238, p. 7-137).
6. Place dummy plugs (4) over screws (see Figure 237, p. 7-137).
7. Put counter bearing SP000284-ET (3) into
appropriate opening (10).
8. Attach cover SP000285-ET (3) with four screws
(2) using Torx screwdriver, size 10 to pressure
plate (see Figure 236, p. 7-137).

Figure 241. Attaching counter bearing

9. Remove adhesive residues from the spring
pressure part SP000281-ET (11).
10. Apply Loctite 454 on the thread.
11. Screw the spring pressure part into the
pressure plate until only the springy part sticks

Figure 242. Loosen screws on board

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7 Service work

7.13 Conductor boards, complete

 When working on conductor boards: Ensure ESD safeguard.
 Error memory should be read out previously (see section 6.7.1, p. 6-70)
 After finish of the service activity, the following points are to be checked and documented
in the test protocol F-04-05-23: 16 – 18, 28, 32, 37 – 46 and 48 (see section 5.13,
p. 5-63).
7.13.1 Replacing conductor board block
 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module removed (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).

1. Disconnect cable 23 SP000382-ET (connection
cable valve assembly) from power board LP1
2. Disconnect ribbon cable (connection cable
encoder) from controller board LP2 (2).

Figure 243. Disconnecting cables from

3. Loosen and remove both screws (3) with Torx
screwdriver size 25 from cover plate holder.

Figure 244. Loosening screws on

cover plate holder
4. Put cover plate (4) aside.
5. Remove all cable ties and connectors from
conductor boards.

Figure 245. Removing cover plate and


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7 Service work

6. Open four retaining clips on board holder

(SP000360-ET) by pulling out the blue cap (5).
7. Remove conductor board block by pulling it

Figure 246. Open retaining clips

During assembly there is no risk of mixing up the connectors since these are precisely

1. Place conductor boards, preassembled as block, in board holder (SP000360-ET).

2. Prevent boards from falling out by pressing in retaining clips (5) (see Figure 246, p. 7-
3. Connect all cables to conductor boards. Use cable ties if necessary.
4. Insert cover plate and completely screw into board holder using both screws (3) and Torx
screwdriver, size 25 (see Figure 244, p. 7-139).
5. Reinsert cable 23 SP000382-ET (connection cable valve assembly) (1) into power board
LP1 (see Figure 243, p. 7-139).
6. Reinsert ribbon cable (connection cable encoder) (2) in controller board LP2 (see Figure
243, p. 7-139).

7.13.2 Replacing power board LP1 (SP000216-ET)

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module removed (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).
 Conductor board block removed (see section 7.13.1, p. 7-139)
1. Remove two screws (1) with Torx screwdriver,
size 25.

Figure 247. Removing screws from

power board

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7 Service work

2. Remove three ribbon cables (2).

3. Remove power board LP1 SP000216-ET.

Figure 248. Removing ribbon cables

1. Connect three ribbon cables (2) (see Figure 248, p. 7-141).
2. Attach power board LP1 to spacer bolts using two screws (1) and Torx screwdriver, size
25 (see Figure 247, p. 7-140).
7.13.3 Replacing controller board LP2 (SP000217-ET)
 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module removed (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).
 Conductor board block removed (see section 7.13.1, p. 7-139)
1. Hold and loosen two spacer bolts (1) with
wrench, size 8.
2. Remove two spacer bolts (1).

Figure 249. Removing spacer bolts

3. Remove three ribbon cables (2).
4. Remove controller board LP2 SP000217-ET.

Figure 250. Removing ribbon cables

1. Connect three ribbon cables (2) (see Figure 250, p. 7-141).
2. Attach controller board LP2 finger-tight to spacer bolts (1) using a wrench, size 8 (see
Figure 249, p. 7-141).

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7 Service work

After assembling:
1. Update firmware.
2. In the service program click New Pump (6) or Old Pump (7) to select the appropriate
correction mode (see Figure 89, p. 6-70) according to the roll pump in use (see
section 6.6.7, p. 6-69).
3. Perform functional tests 38 to 49 (see F-04-05-23).

7.13.4 Replacing cable 31 (SP000388-ET)

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module removed (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).

1. Loosen connector (1) from ribbon cable on
controller board (SP000217-ET).
2. Remove connector from ribbon cable using
side cutter.

Figure 251. Connector on controller

3. Loosen two screws (1) with Torx screwdriver
size 8.

Figure 252. Screws on controller board

4. Loosen screws on covers (1).
5. Remove covers (1) and guide sleeve (2) on
pressure plate.
6. Remove cable 31.

Figure 253. Cover on pressure plate

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7 Service work

1. Adjust cable 31 (1) such that the red
connector (2) is in the recessed area.
2. Feed cable through cover (3), guide sleeve (4)
and cover (5).
3. Screw in lower cover (3). Use short screws for
this purpose.
4. Push ribbon cable through front module and
screw in upper cover (5).
5. Lay cable 31 up to connection point (1) on the
controller board and mark length up to
connection point on cable (see Figure 251, Figure 254. Cover on pressure plate
p. 7-142).
6. Push red connector of SP000388-ET to mark
on ribbon cable and crimp using parallel pliers.
In doing so, ensure that the nose (1) is on the
red side of the ribbon cable.
7. Cut off any material projecting from the ribbon
8. Connect ribbon cable with controller board.

Figure 255. Crimp cable 31

7.13.5 Replacing Bluetooth module SP000225-ET or SP002513-ET

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module removed (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).

Injectors with S/N lower than CTM1721526 require Bluetooth module SP000225-ET
and injectors with S/N CTM1721526 or higher require Bluetooth module SP002513-
If you need to replace Bluetooth module SP000225-ET with Bluetooth module
SP002513-ET, the injector system has to be upgraded with software 04.03.00 or
newer and a black terminal (see section 3.6.3, p. 3-27).
Software 04.03.00 is also compatible with Bluetooth module SP000225-ET.

1. Remove cable of controller board (1).
2. Remove screws (2) and plastic nuts SP000226
(part of SP001996-ET) (3) (see Figure 257, p.
7-144) with Torx screwdriver, size 10.

Figure 256. Bluetooth module

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7 Service work

Do not drop the plastic nuts SP000226

(part of SP001996-ET) (3) on the back
of the holder.
 Hold the plastic nuts when removing
the screws.

Figure 257. Plastic nuts

1. To attach Bluetooth module to the holder, use screws (2) (see Figure 256, p. 7-143) and
plastics nuts SP000226 (part of SP001996-ET) (3) (see Figure 257, p. 7-144) with Torx
screwdriver, size 10.
2. Plug in cable of controller board (1) (see Figure 256, p. 7-143).

7.14 Heater
 After finish of the service activity, the following points are to be checked and documented
in the test protocol F-04-05-23: 16 – 18 and 37 (see section 5.13, p. 5-63).

7.14.1 Replacing assembly for heater SP000070-ET and SP000078-ET

 Bottle lifts disassembled (see section 7.6.1, p. 7-110).
 Cover feeding unit disassembled (see section 7.6.5, p. 7-112).

1. Loosen four screws (1) on heater assembly
using Torx screwdriver size 20.
2. Remove cover feeding unit.

Figure 258. Loosen screws on heater


1. Feed in cable through opening in cover (see Figure 258, p. 7-144).
2. Place heater assembly left and right on cover.
3. Push seal (2) upwards.
4. Completely screw in screws (1) using a Torx screwdriver, size 20.

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7 Service work

7.15 Reed switch

 After finish of the service activity, the following points are to be checked and documented
in the test protocol F-04-05-23: 16 – 18 and 37 (see section 5.13, p. 5-63).
Only the left reed switch (reed switch 1) remains in the cover of injectors with serial
number CTM1721200 or higher to control the threading of the pump tubing and the cover
locking mechanism.

7.15.1 Replacing reed switch

 Service flap opened (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Front module removed (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).

1. Release connectors (1) on reed switch.

Figure 259. Connectors on reed switch

2. Unscrew reed contact (1) on the socket with
open-end wrench SW19. In doing so, hold
lower PA nut (2) using angled long-nosed
3. Unscrew PA nut (2).

Figure 260. Unscrew reed switch

4. Press reed switch sleeve (1) out of the

Figure 261. Press reed switch sleeve


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7 Service work

1. Place reed switch sleeve (1) in housing (see Figure 261, p. 7-145).
2. Screw PA nut onto reed switch sleeve (see Figure 260, p. 7-145). In doing so, do not
tighten PA nut all the way.
3. Screw in reed contact (1) using socket wrench
hex 19 until the hexagon socket is flush with
the front module.

Figure 262. Press reed switch sleeve

4. Insert connectors (1) on reed switch (see Figure 259, p. 7-145).

Adjusting reed switch

 Front module mounted, however pulled out (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).

The two reed switches should detect that the

device cover (SP000273-ET) was closed:
− Reed switch (1) should start the hose threading
(2) when the cover gap size is 7 mm.
− Reed switch (3) should start the cover locking
mechanism (4) when the cover gap size is 2

Figure 263. Front view of reed switch

To adjust the reed switch:
1. Screw reed contact (1) in/out using open-end wrench, hex 10.
2. Check cover gap sizes.
3. If necessary, repeat procedure until both cover gap sizes are correctly adjusted.

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7 Service work

7.16 Air bubble detector 05.11 SP000444-ET

 After finish of the service activity, the following points are to be checked and documented
in the test protocol F-04-05-23: 16 – 18 and 37 (see section 5.13, p. 5-63).
7.16.1 Replacing air bubble detector 05.11
 Service flap is open (see section 7.2.1, p. 7-86).
 Dissasamble front modul for test/working (see section 7.3.1, p. 7-86).
 Replace conductor board complete (see section 7.13, p. 7-139).
 Replace conductor board holder complete (see section 7.7.1, p. 7-115 step one).
Front module without threaded insert
1. Loosen and remove two screws of air bubble
detector with Torx screwdriver, size 10.

Figure 264. Air bubble detector 05.11

2. Remove O-Ring 35x2.0 SP000094 (part of SP001996-ET) from media sensor.
1. Pull the O-Ring SP000094 (part of SP001996-ET) over the media sensor.
2. Insert the media sensor with the O-Ring SP000094 (part of SP001996-ET) into the front
module with handle SP000081-ET.
3. Screw the fillister head screws into the front module with Torx screwdriver, size 10.
Front module with threaded insert
1. Remove two cylinder head screws Torx 10, M3x8, A2 SP000222 (part of SP001996-ET)
with locking washers shape S for M3 SP000574 (part of SP001996-ET) and washers 3.2,
A2 SP000310 (part of SP001996-ET) from the air bubble detector using a Torx
screwdriver, size 10.
2. Remove O-Ring SP000094 (part of SP001996-ET) from media sensor.

1. Pull the O-Ring SP000094 (part of SP001996-
ET) over the media sensor.
2. Insert the media sensor with the O-Ring
SP000094 (part of SP001996-ET) into the front
module with handle SP000081-ET.
3. Attach air bubble detector to front module with
cylinder head screws SP000222 (part of
SP001996-ET), locking washers SP000574
(part of SP001996-ET) and washers SP000310
(part of SP001996-ET) using a Torx
screwdriver, size 10. Figure 265. Assembly order

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 7-147 / 204

8 Troubleshooting

8 Troubleshooting
8.1 Common problems
Problem Cause/detection Solution Section
Gap size of the roll pump Adjustment ring for gap size  Clean upper part of roll pump 7.8.7
cannot be adjusted. adjustment is clogged with using warm water.
contrast medium.  If necessary, replace roll pump
upper component SP000106-
Roll pump gap has The contact surface between  Replace roll pump upper 7.8.7
narrowed on its own. the pump housing and the component SP000106-ET.
counter bearing is corroded and
Injector pauses for no Play-Pause button is defective.  Replace display foil SP000280- 7.12.3
identifiable reason. ET.
Switch contact in high-pressure  Change high-pressure filter 7.5.6
filter holder briefly opens during holder.
the injection and immediately
closes once again as soon as
the injection is paused.
Battery run time is too Batteries have lost capacity.  Change both batteries 7.4.10 or
low. Charging LED on SP000445-ET. 7.4.11
device base turns green.
The battery run time is Battery charge is defective/  Change fuse F1. 7.4.4
too low. Charging LED on charge current is too low
device base does not turn (≤100 mA): Fuse F1 on LP5
green. charger electrical components is
Battery charge is defective/  Change charging transistor 7.4.6
charge current is too low SP000320-ET.
(≤100 mA): Changing transistor
is defective
Battery charge is defective/  Change power supply unit 7.4.8
charge current is too low SP000446-ET/ SP000617.
(≤100 mA): Power supply unit
provides too little power.
Hose threading does not Spiral conveyor traps pump  Change spiral conveyor 7.9.1
function reliably. tubing between spiral conveyor SP000160-ET.
and front module.
Spiral conveyor does not deliver  Change motor SP000378-ET. 7.9.2
the tubing to the bottom of the  Change power board 7.13.2
front module. SP000216-ET.
Spiral conveyor does not deliver  Change motor SP000378-ET. 7.9.2
the tubing fully upwards.  Change power board

8-148 / 204 WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 Service manual CT motion

8 Troubleshooting

Problem Cause/detection Solution Section

Pump tubing comes off of One or more hose guide rolls  Clean hose guide rolls 7.8.1
the hose guide roll in the have play or are gummed up. SP001253-ET
last third of the roll pump.  If necessary, change hose
guide rolls SP001253-ET.
Coating of the counter bearing  Change counter bearing 7.8.1
is defective/worn out. SP000148-ET.
Delivery volume too low. Gap size of the roll pump is too  Correct gap size of the roll 7.8.1
small. pump and check pump housing
for corrosion/swelling.
Contrast medium in NaCl “Native start” function is not  Enable “Native start” function See IFU
bolus enabled. on the terminal.
Pump tubing is not completely  Check valve assembly using 5.9.11
squeezed by the valve mobile test tool for valve
assembly. assembly and adjust if
Injector door is not fully on the  Eliminate cause of gap. –
front module.
Patient tubing length 1,50 m  Deposit with injection program See IFU
(XD2035) the last Bolus with 30 - 40ml
The CM1/CM2/NaCl Sensor is soiled or defective.  Clean sensor SP000444-ET. 7.6.6
media sensor does not  Change sensor SP000444-ET if
detect the inserted pump necessary.
Pump tubing air trap Sensor is soiled or defective.  Clean sensor SP000444-ET. 7.6.6
erroneously reports air.  Change sensor SP000444-ET if
Pump tubing moves in sensor.  Adjust gap size of the roll 7.8.3
Gap size of the roll pump is too pump.
Patient tubing air trap Sensor is soiled or defective.  Clean sensor SP000443-ET. 7.6.6
erroneously reports air or  Change sensor SP000443-ET if
does not detect the necessary.
patient tubing.
Injector goes to pressure System pressure limit is set too  Increase limit for maximum See IFU
regulation too soon. low or is incorrectly adjusted. system pressure.
Cover locking mechanism Filter holder does not detect  Insert high-pressure filter 7.5.6
does not close particle filter. holder.
 Replace high-pressure filter
holder SP000558-ET if
Door contact switch does not  Adjust solenoid and reed switch 7.15.1
detect injector door. SP000266-ET if necessary.
 Replace solenoid and reed
switch SP000266-ET if

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 8-149 / 204

8 Troubleshooting

Problem Cause/detection Solution Section

Motor for cover locking  Replace cover locking 7.11.1
mechanism is defective. mechanism SP000230-ET.
Injector door jams at the Light barrier for position  Adjust light barrier for position 7.11.1
handle of the cover detection of the cover locking detection of the cover locking
locking mechanism. mechanism is displaced. mechanism.
LED display status of the Connector/crimping of the  Replace media sensor. 7.6.6
media sensors media sensor or cable 25 media
CM1/CM2/NaCl is sensors is faulty.
incorrect: Media sensor is
steadily lit and green.
Device changes Display foil is defective.  Replace display foil SP000280- 7.12.3
automatically between ET.
CM1 and CM2 (or
Injector disrupts the ECG There is no connection of the  Check whether all connections See IFU
signal of the scanner lead to the injector ground. are connected.
despite connected ECG  Replace ECG lead XD 8023 if
lead patient <> injector. necessary.
Injector does not correctly Distance from the patient tubing  Insert patient tubing in the See IFU
report inserted patient connection (Luer lock) to the patient tubing sensor just after
tubing. patient tubing sensor is too the Luer lock connection.
Cover locking mechanism Cover locking mechanism has  Press door opener button for 3 7.15.1
handle incorrectly received incorrect signal. seconds and open injector
positioned. User opened the injector door door.
Injector door cannot be during the locking process.  Adjust reed switch.
Device squeaks/whistles Air escapes from the patient  Continue filling patient tubing. See IFU
when tubing is filled. tubing during filling.
Noise level is normal.
One or more buttons on Display foil is defective.  Replace display foil SP000280- 7.12.3
the display foil do not ET.
Bluetooth signal is Distance between injector and  Reduce distance between –
weak/fluctuating. terminal is too large. injector and terminal.
Bluetooth dongle on terminal is  Replace Bluetooth dongle XD 4.1.5
defective. 8020 on terminal with Bluetooth
dongle SP002300-ET.
Bluetooth board in injector is  Replace Bluetooth board 7.13.5
defective. SP000225-ET in injectors with
white terminals or SP002513-
ET in injectors with black
terminals. Remember that
SP002513-ET requires
software 4.3.0.
Bluetooth signal strength is not  Replace Bluetooth dongle XD 4.1.5
strong enough. 8020 with Bluetooth dongle

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8 Troubleshooting

Problem Cause/detection Solution Section

Valve assembly solenoids Valve assembly solenoid is  Replace valve assembly 7.10.1
immediately fall out after defective. SP000186-ET.
tightening. Power board is defective.  7.13.2
Replace power board
Injector automatically Voltage fails during self-test.  Batteries dead.
restarts after the self-test.  Change batteries SP000445- 7.4.10 or
ET, if necessary. 7.4.11
 Replace power board 7.13.2
SP000216-ET, if necessary.
 Replace power supply unit 7.4.8
SP000446-ET/ SP000617, if
Injector display Display board is defective.  Replace display board 7.12.2
characters are out of SP000276-ET.
alignment. There is a connection problem  Check cable 31 and connectors 7.13.2
between controller and display on controller and display board.
board.  Replace cable 31 SP000388-
ET if necessary.
Injector switches off if Batteries are fully discharged.  Check whether charging LED at 7.4.10 or
mains cable is removed device base is lit when mains 7.4.11
from power outlet. cable is plugged in.
 Measure battery supply.
 If completely discharged (<15
V): Change batteries
Terminal not operable False calibration of touch  Press Power-Button 5 times. -
screen after software update  Touch screen calibration is
USB stick is not detected Undefined configuration of USB  Switch terminal off and on -
ports again.

Table 7. Common problems

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8 Troubleshooting

8.2 Error messages with error code

Error type Abbreviation in the “type” column
Information I
Error E
Warning W

Table 8. Abbreviation for error types

In the case of information, the next steps are shown in the display.

# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

203 E Only for If medium has run empty, the 1. Turn injector off and on. 4.1.4
debugging warning is not acknowledged, 2. Software/firmware update. 7.1.1
but instead the ventilation
button and then Start are
256 W WARNING_E Batteries empty. 1. Fully charge batteries.
MPTY_BATT 2. Check fuse F1 on LP5 charger 7.12.4
ERY electrical components.
3. Check cables and connectors
between charger electrical
components and power/controller 7.4.10
board. or
4. Replace batteries 7.4.11
257 E ERROR_BAT Batteries empty. 1. Fully charge batteries.
TERY_CHAR 2. Check fuse F1 on LP5 charger 7.12.4
GING electrical components.
3. Check cables and connectors
between charger electrical
components and power/controller
board. 7.4.10
4. Replace LP5 charger electrical or
components. 7.4.11

258 E ERROR_DO Incorrect setting of the reed  Readjust the reed contacts. 7.15
– OR_SENSO contacts.
267 RS 1. Check light barrier and blank sheet
Door got wedged with knob
and is opened manually. for damage.
Note: Errors 2. Completely replace cover locking 7.11
267 and 264 mechanism SP000230-ET.
indicate the Firmware version is out of  Software/firmware update. 7.1
right reed date.
contact. Error 
Also occurs occasionally Turn injector off and on. 4.1.4
261 indicates
directly after switching on the
the light

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# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

271 E ERROR_CO Injector cannot be connected  Check cable to Bluetooth/FOC 5.4.2
MMUNICATI with the Bluetooth or FOC module.
ON_MODUL module.
272 E ERROR_ABD Patient tubing ABD has no 1. Check cable strands for pinching. 5.4
_NOCONNE connection to main controller: 2. Replace cable strands.
CTION  Patient tubing ABD sensor 3. Replace patient tubing ABD. 7.5.5
is not plugged in correctly 4. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
 Cable interruption/contact
problem at plug
 Patient tubing ABD is
 Controller board LP2 is
273 E ERROR_ABD Patient tubing ABD sensor  Replace patient tubing ABD sensor 7.5.5
_CRITICAL_ returning incorrect values.
274 E ERROR_ABD Patient tubing ABD has no 1. Check cable strands for pinching. 5.4
_NOCONNE connection to main controller: 2. Replace cable strands.
CTION_PUM  Patient tubing ABD sensor 3. Replace patient tubing ABD. 7.5.5
P_HOSE is not plugged in correctly 4. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
 Cable interruption/contact
problem at plug
 Patient tubing ABD is
 Controller board LP2 is
275 E ERROR_ABD Pump tubing ABD sensor  Replace pump tubing ABD sensor. 7.7
_CRITICAL_ returning incorrect values.
276 E ERROR_AIR Pump tubing ABD sensor is  Replace pump tubing ABD sensor. 7.7
BUBBLEDET defective.
289 W WARNING_T Heater for CM1 has a  Replace CM1 heater. 7.13.5
EMPERATU temperature that is too
R_SENSOR_ high/low.
290 W WARNING_T Heater for CM2 has a  Replace CM2 heater. 7.13.5
EMPERATU temperature that is too
R_SENSOR_ high/low.
292 E ERROR_SEN LP2 board is defective.  Replace controller board LP2. 7.13.3

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# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

304 E ERROR_MO Too large a deviation between  Check for smooth movements of the 5.3.12
TOR_BLOCK target and actual rpm of the roll roll pump.
ED pump.
305 E ERROR_MAI Error motor watchdog.  Update software/firmware. 7.1
306 E ERROR_MO Pump motor needs too much  Check free movement of the roll 5.3.12
TOR_BLOCK power. pump.
307 E ERROR_MO Pump motor does not promptly  Check free movement of the roll 5.3.12
TOR_BLOCK reach the target rpm. pump.
308 E ERROR_MO Power usage of the pump  Check free movement of the roll 5.3.12
TOR_BLOCK motor is not in accordance with pump.
EDMotorCurr the specification.
309 E ERROR_MO Pump motor defective.  Replace pump motor. 7.8
310 E ERROR_MO Removed with SW 03.00.00.  Update software/firmware. 7.1
311 E ERROR_MO Right reed contact is open. Left  Adjust reed contacts. 7.15
TOR_DOOR_ reed contact is closed.
312 E ERROR_MO Pump motor draws too much  Check free movement of the roll 5.3.12
TOR_FAILUR power over a long period of pump.
E_OverCurre time.
313 E ERROR_MO Removed with SW 03.00.00.  Update software/firmware. 7.1
314 E ERROR_MO Brake is secured. Motor cannot 1. Restart injector.
TOR_FAILUR rotate. 2. Change pump motor. 7.8
315 E ERROR_MO No longer exists as of SW  Update software/firmware. 7.1
TOR_STAND 03.00.00
316 E ERROR_MO No longer exists as of SW  Update software/firmware. 7.1
TOR_BLOCK 03.00.00

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# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

317 E ERROR_MO No longer exists as of SW  Update software/firmware. 7.1
TOR_STAND 03.00.00
318 E ERROR_MO PID driver is defective 1. Restart injector.
TOR_STAND 2. Change pump motor.
319 E ERROR_MO No longer exists as of SW  Update software/firmware. 7.1
TOR_STAND 03.00.00
320 E ERROR_MAI Valve for CM1 does not close 1. Check light barrier setting. 5.9.2
N_VALVE_C correctly. 2. Check if solenoid cables are 5.4
Aa blocking the sheets for position
detection when retracting the front
3. Lay cable differently.
4. Check solenoids and replace with
other solenoid for error analysis.
321 E ERROR_MAI Valve for CM2 does not switch 1. Check light barrier setting. 5.9.2
N_VALVE_C properly. 2. Check if solenoid cables are 5.4
Ab blocking the sheets for position
detection when retracting the front
3. Lay cable differently.
4. Check solenoids and replace with
other solenoid for error analysis.
322 E ERROR_MAI Valve for NaCl does not switch 1. Check light barrier setting. 5.9.2
N_VALVE_N properly. 2. Check if solenoid cables are 5.4
ACL blocking the sheets for position
detection when retracting the front
3. Lay cable differently.
4. Check solenoids and replace with
other solenoid for error analysis.
323 E ERROR_MO Removed with SW 02.03.00.  Update software/firmware. 7.1
324 E ERROR_MO Removed with SW 02.03.00.  Update software/firmware. 7.1
325 E ERROR_MO Removed with SW 02.03.00.  Update software/firmware. 7.1
326 E ERROR_MO Removed with SW 03.00.00.  Update software/firmware. 7.1

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8 Troubleshooting

# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

336 E ERROR_STO Lower stop key at UI initially  Repeat procedure. In doing so, do
P_BUTTON detected, causes: not operate stop key.
 Stop key pressed at a  Replace display foil. 7.12.3
certain position.
 Front stop key defective.
337 E ERROR_AD A-D converter receiving an 1. Check cable to battery. 5.4.2
C_VALUES_ undefined value from the 2. Replace LP2 7.12.4
BATTERYSE battery sensor.
338 E ERROR_AD A-D converter receiving  Replace LP2. 7.12.4
C_VALUES_ undefined values from the
VOLTAGE_P voltage monitoring of the
RESSURE pressure sensors.
339 E ERROR_AD Pressure sensor 1 returning 1. Check sensors with CT motion 7.7
C_VALUES_ undefined values. service program.
PRESSURE_ 2. Replace sensor.
340 E ERROR_AD A-D converter receiving 1. Check sensor with CT motion 5.9.2
C_VALUES_ undefined values from service program.
TEMPERATU temperature monitoring of 2. Check cable. 5.4
RE_CA_A heater 1. 3. Replace heater CM1. 7.13.5
Heater on the terminal is  Connect heater on injector or See IFU
activated but no heater disable heater in terminal.
installed at the injector.
341 E ERROR_AD A-D converter receiving 1. Check sensor with CT motion 5.9.2
C_VALUES_ undefined values from service program.
TEMPERATU temperature monitoring of 2. Check cable. 5.4
RE_CA_B heater 2. 3. Replace heater CM2. 7.13.5
Heater on the terminal is  Connect heater on injector or 5.3.7
activated but no heater disable heater in terminal.
installed at the injector.
353 E ERROR_SAF A-D converter receiving 1. Check cable to battery. 5.9.2
ETY_ADC_V undefined values from the 2. Replace LP2. 7.12.4
ALUES_BAT battery sensor.
354 E ERROR_SAF A-D converter receiving 1. Check cable to battery. 5.9.2
ETY_ADC_V undefined values from the 2. Replace LP2. 7.12.4
ALUES_VOL battery sensor.
355 E ERROR_SAF Pressure sensor 2 returning 1. Check sensor with CT motion 7.7
ETY_ADC_V undefined values. service program.
ALUES_PRE 2. Replace sensor.

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# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

356 E ERROR_SAF A-D converter receiving 1. Check sensor with CT motion 5.9.2
ETY_ADC_V undefined values from service program.
ALUES_TEM temperature monitoring of 2. Replace heater CM1.
PERATURE_ heater 1. 3. Check cable. 5.4
Heater on the terminal is  Connect heater CM1 on injector or See IFU
activated but no heater disable heater in terminal.
installed at the injector.

357 E ERROR_SAF A-D converter receiving 1. Check sensor with CT motion 5.9.2
ETY_ADC_V undefined values from service program.
ALUES_TEM temperature monitoring of 2. Replace heater CM2. 5.4
PERATURE_ heater 2. 3. Check cable. 7.13.5
CA_B Heater on the terminal is  Connect heater CM2 on injector or See IFU
activated but no heater disable heater in terminal.
installed at the injector.
368- I INFORMATI Information about battery  Connect injector to power supply! See IFU
378 ON_BATTER voltage
384- I INFORMATI Information about the battery  Connect injector to power supply. See IFU
390 ON_BATTER level
529 E ERROR_UI_ Main controller could not find 1. Check UI with service program. 5.4
NOCONNEC UI. 2. Check ribbon cable and connectors. 7.12.2
TION 3. Change UI.
4. Replace LP2 controller board. 7.12.4
530 E ERROR_SAF Safety controller could not find 1. Reinstall software. 7.1
ETY_NOCON main controller. 2. Replace LP2 controller board.
NECTION No firmware on safety, LP2
531 E ERROR_RE Disconnection with terminal. 1. Wait a few minutes. –
MOTE_NOC 2. Restart injector.
ONNECTION 3. Restart terminal.
533 E ERROR_INV Program was not correctly 1. Check Bluetooth connection. 4.1.4
ALID_SEQU transferred from the terminal: 2. Replace Bluetooth dongle.
ENCE_CHEC Poor Bluetooth connection or 3. Replace Bluetooth board injector.
K software bug.
534 E ERROR_DIF One of the communication  Install compatible software versions 7.1
FERENT_PR protocols between the main, on terminal and injector.
OTOCOL_VE safety, UI and terminal is not
RSION compatible.
535 E ERROR_MIS No device serial number in the 1. Update software/firmware. 7.1
SING_DEVIC terminal. 2. Enter terminal serial number in
E_VERSION terminal.

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# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

536 E ERROR_RE Removed with SW 02.03.00.  Update software/firmware. 7.1
537 E ERROR_INV Global pressure outside of the 1. Check pressure measurement with 7.7
ALID_GLOBA valid range (less than 2 bar, software.
L_PRESSUR larger than max. pressure in 2. Change pressure measurement.
E the parameter file).
538 E ERROR_INV During initialization of the 1. Check Bluetooth/FOC connection. See IFU
ALID_STATI injector from the terminal, 2. Update software/firmware. 7.1
C_SETTING incorrect data were captured,
S possibly due to a poor
Bluetooth connection.
539 E ERROR_MIS During initialization of the  Check Bluetooth/FOC connection. See IFU
SING_DEVIC injector from the terminal,
E_VERSION incorrect data were captured,
_SW possibly due to a poor
Bluetooth connection.
540 E ERROR_DIF Terminal software and injector  Update software/firmware. 7.1
FERENT_VE firmware are not compatible.
541 E ERROR_MIS Terminal software and injector  Update software/firmware. 7.1
SING_DEVIC firmware are not compatible.
542 E ERROR_MIS Terminal software and injector  Update software/firmware. 7.1
SING_DEVIC firmware are not compatible.
543 E ERROR_DIF Terminal software and injector  Update software/firmware. 7.1
FERENT_VE firmware are not compatible.
544 E ERROR_DIF Terminal software and injector  Update software/firmware. 7.1
FERENT_VE firmware are not compatible.
769 I INFORMATI New patient selected, but  Change patient tubing. See IFU
ON_DOUBLE patient tubing was not
USE_PATIEN replaced.
THOSE Message:
“Patient tubing not replaced”
770 I INFORMATI Patient tubing not pre-filled.  Pre-fill patient tubing. See IFU
D_PATIENTH “Filling patient tubing”

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8 Troubleshooting

# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

771 I INFORMATI Battery low.  Charge battery. See IFU
ON_BATTER Message:
Y_BELOW_S “Charge battery soon”
772 W WARNING_B Battery low.  Charge battery. See IFU
ATTERY_BE Message:
LOW_STEP2 “Connect injector to power
773 W WARNING_U Pump tubing is not correctly  Insert patient tubing in media sensor See IFU
NINSERTED inserted in media center of CM1 correctly.
_CA1_LINE CM1. If the warning appears frequently
although the pump tubing is correctly
1. Clean sensor.
2. Check connection to media sensor 7.6.6
3. Replace sensor.
774 W WARNING_U Pump tubing is not correctly  Insert patient tubing in media sensor See IFU
NINSERTED inserted in media center of CM1 correctly.
_CA2_LINE CM2. If the warning appears frequently
although the pump tubing is correctly
1. Clean sensor.
2. Check connection to media sensor 7.6.6
3. Replace sensor.
775 W WARNING_U Pump tubing is not correctly  Insert patient tubing in media sensor See IFU
NINSERTED inserted in media center of CM1 correctly.
_NACL_LINE NaCl. If the warning appears frequently
although the pump tubing is correctly
1. Clean sensor.
2. Check connection to media sensor 7.6.6
3. Replace sensor.
776 W WARNING_N Empty CM1 bottle is vented. If the warning appears frequently 7.6.6
O_BOTTLE_ Spikes are drawing too much although the pump tubing is correctly
CA1_LINE air when CM1 bottle is vented. inserted:
1. Clean sensor.
2. Check connection to media sensor
3. Replace sensor.
777 W WARNING_N Empty CM2 bottle is vented. If the warning appears frequently 7.6.6
O_BOTTLE_ Spikes are drawing too much although the pump tubing is correctly
CA2_LINE air when CM2 bottle is vented. inserted:
1. Clean sensor.
2. Check connection to media sensor
3. Replace sensor.

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8 Troubleshooting

# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

778 W WARNING_N Empty NaCl bottle is vented. If the warning appears frequently 7.6.6
O_BOTTLE_ Spikes are drawing too much although the pump tubing is correctly
NACL_LINE air when NaCl bottle is vented. inserted:
1. Clean sensor.
2. Check connection to media sensor
3. Replace sensor.
779 I INFORMATI Patient tubing must be  Change patient tubing. See IFU
ON_Replace changed.
791 I INFORMATI Too little contrast medium.  Load new CM bottle. See IFU
ON_CA_MIS Tube system cannot be
SING_FOR_ completely filled.
792 W WARNING_C Contrast medium empty during  Load CM bottle and fill once again. See IFU
A_MISSING_ pre-filling.
AFTER_AUT Pre-filling is continued with

816 W WARNING_M Air alarm If error message occurs without an 1.2

AX_AIRVOL More than 1 mL air is detected identifiable reason (no bottles):
UME_EXCEE in pump tubing ABD. 1. Check the air volumes of the pump
DED_Pump1 and patient using the service
program (main and safety
2. Check correct and secure mounting
of the ABD pump.
817 W WARNING_M Air alarm If error message occurs without an 1.2
AX_AIRVOL More than 1 mL air is detected identifiable reason (no bottles):
UME_EXCEE in pump tubing ABD. 1. Check the air volumes of the pump
DED_Pump2 and patient using the service
program (main and safety
2. Check correct and secure mounting
of the ABD pump.
818 W WARNING_M Air alarm If error message occurs without an 1.2
AX_AIRVOL More than 1 mL air is detected identifiable reason (no bottles):
UME_EXCEE in pump tubing ABD. 1. Check the air volumes of the pump
DED_Pump3 and patient using the service
program (main and safety
2. Check correct and secure mounting
of the ABD pump.

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# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

819 W WARNING_M Air alarm If error message occurs without an 1.2
AX_AIRVOL More than 1 mL air is detected identifiable reason (no bottles):
UME_EXCEE in pump tubing ABD. 1. Check the air volumes of the pump
DED_Pat1 and patient using the service
program (main and safety
2. Check correct and secure mounting
of the ABD pump.
820 W WARNING_M Air alarm If error message occurs without an 1.2
AX_AIRVOL More than 1 mL air is detected identifiable reason (no bottles):
UME_EXCEE in pump tubing ABD. 1. Check the air volumes of the pump
DED_Pat2 and patient using the service
program (main and safety
2. Check correct and secure mounting
of the ABD pump.
821 W WARNING_M Air alarm If error message occurs without an 1.2
AX_AIRVOL More than 1 mL air is detected identifiable reason (no bottles):
UME_EXCEE in pump tubing ABD. 1. Check the air volumes of the pump
DED_Pat3 and patient using the service
program (main and safety
2. Check correct and secure mounting
of the ABD pump.
928 W WARNING_D The door is opened when  Close injector door. –
OOR_OPEN pump tubing is already pre-
929 W WARNING_M Removed with SW 03.01.00.  Update software/firmware. 7.1
930 W WARNING_A Air bubble was detected in  Deliver manually to fill tubing system See IFU
IRBUBBLE_D tubing system. completely.
931 W WARNING_I Contrast medium is empty  Load new CM bottle. See IFU
NJECTION_E during the injection.
932 W WARNING_I NaCl is empty during the  Load new NaCl bottle. See IFU
NJECTION_E injection.
936 W WARNING_ Injection program does not  Adjust injection program. See IFU
WRONG_INJ correspond to bottle volume.
941 W WARNING_M Filled patient tubing was  Reinsert patient tubing in ABD. See IFU
ISSING_PATI removed from ABD.

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8 Troubleshooting

# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

1024 E ERROR_DAT There is an overly large 1. Check cables/connectors to the 7.8
A_DIFFEREN deviation between the motor.
CE_BETWEE measured injection volumes of 2. Change motor.
N_MAIN_AN the main and safety controllers: 3. Change power board. 7.12.4
D_SAFETY_  Recording of the Hall 4. Replace controller board.
VOLUME sensor signal or of the rpm
sensor is inaccurate.
 Faulty communication
between the controllers.
 Firmware faulty.
1025 E ERROR_DAT There is an overly large 1. Check the air volumes of the pump
A_DIFFEREN deviation between the and patient using the service
CE_BETWEE measured air volumes of the program (main and safety
N_MAIN_AN main and safety controllers: controller).
D_SAFETY_  Faulty communication 2. Change ABD which is returning 7.6.6
AIR between the controllers. incorrect values.
3. Replace controller board LP2. 7.12.4
 Firmware faulty.
1026 E ERROR_DAT There is an overly large 1. Check cables/connectors to the 7.6.6
A_DIFFEREN deviation between the motor.
CE_BETWEE measured injection volumes of 2. Change motor.
N_MAIN_AN the main and safety controllers: 3. Change power board. 7.12.4
D_SAFETY_  Recording of the Hall 4. Replace controller board.
FLOW sensor signal or of the rpm
sensor is inaccurate.
 Faulty communication
between the controllers.
 Firmware faulty.
1027 E ERROR_DAT There is an overly large 1. Check pressure values of the 7.7
A_DIFFEREN deviation between the sensors with CT motion service
CE_BETWEE measured injection pressures program.
N_MAIN_AN of the main and safety 2. Replace sensor.
D_SAFETY_ controllers:
PRESSURE  One of the two sensors is
 Cable loose/broken.
 Firmware faulty.
 Faulty communication
between the controllers.
1028 E ERROR_DAT Removed with SW 03.00.00  Update software/firmware. 7.1

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# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

1029 E ERROR_DAT Overly large deviation between 1. Transfer correct parameter files. 7.1
A_DIFFEREN the measured battery supply 2. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
CE_BETWEE and/or power supply of the
N_MAIN_AN pressure sensor and that of the
D_SAFETY_ main and safety controllers:
1030 E ERROR_DAT Communication between main 1. Check firmware versions.
A_MAIN_TO_ and safety is faulty. 2. Replace LP2. 7.12.4
1031 E ERROR_DAT Communication between main 1. Check firmware versions.
A_SAFETY_ and safety is faulty. 2. Replace LP2. 7.12.4
1040 E ERROR_MAI Main controller cannot stop the 1. Check connection of LP1 to LP2.
N_LOCK_Pu pump motor in an emergency. 2. Replace LP1 or LP2. 7.12.4
1041 E ERROR_MAI Main controller cannot interrupt 1. Check valve mechanics for smooth 5.9.11
N_LOCK_VA the activation of the NaCl valve movement.
LVE_NACL_ by the main controller in an 2. Grease valve mechanics.
FAIL emergency. 3. Check connectors and cables (LP1,
 Cable or connector loose J6) of the lifting solenoids and light
(LP1, J6). barriers.
4. Check to see if light barriers are
 Light barrier soiled or
5. Change power board. 7.12.4
 Mechanics sluggish.
6. Replace controller board.
 Control electronics
1042 E ERROR_MAI Main controller cannot interrupt 1. Check valve mechanics for smooth 5.9.11
N_LOCK_VA the activation of the CM1 valve movement.
LVE_CaA_FA by the main controller in an 2. Grease valve mechanics.
IL emergency. 3. Check connectors and cables (LP1,
 Cable or connector loose J6) of the lifting solenoids and light
(LP1, J6). barriers.
4. Check to see if light barriers are
 Light barrier soiled or
5. Change power board. 7.12.4
 Mechanics sluggish.
6. Replace controller board.
 Control electronics
1043 E ERROR_MAI Removed with SW 02.03.00  Update software/firmware. 7.1

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8 Troubleshooting

# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

1044 E ERROR_MAI Main controller cannot interrupt 1. Check valve mechanics for smooth 5.9.11
N_LOCK_VA the activation of the CM2 valve movement.
LVE_CaB_FA by the main controller in an 2. Grease valve mechanics.
IL emergency. 3. Check connectors and cables (LP1,
 Cable or connector loose J6) of the lifting solenoids and light
(LP1, J6). barriers.
4. Check to see if light barriers are
 Light barrier soiled or
5. Change power board. 7.12.4
 Mechanics sluggish.
6. Replace controller board.
Control electronics defective.
1045 E ERROR_MAI Removed with SW 02.03.00  Update software/firmware. 7.1
1046 E ERROR_MAI Removed with SW 02.03.00  Update software/firmware. 7.1
1047 E ERROR_MAI Removed with SW 02.03.00  Update software/firmware. 7.1
1048 E ERROR_MAI Main controller cannot interrupt 1. Check valve mechanics for smooth 5.9.11
N_Close_Val the activation of the NaCl valve movement.
veNaCl_FAIL by the main controller in an 2. Grease valve mechanics.
emergency. 3. Check connectors and cables (LP1,
 Cable or connector loose J6) of the lifting solenoids and light
(LP1, J6). barriers.
4. Check to see if light barriers are
 Light barrier soiled or
5. Change power board. 7.12.4
 Mechanics sluggish.
6. Replace controller board.
Control electronics defective.
1049 E ERROR_MAI Main controller cannot interrupt 1. Check valve mechanics for smooth 5.9.11
N_Close_Val the activation of the CM1 valve movement.
veCaA_FAIL by the main controller in an 2. Grease valve mechanics.
emergency. 3. Check connectors and cables (LP1,
 Cable or connector loose J6) of the lifting solenoids and light
(LP1, J6). barriers.
4. Check to see if light barriers are
 Light barrier soiled or
5. Change power board. 7.12.4
 Mechanics sluggish.
6. Replace controller board.
Control electronics defective.

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8 Troubleshooting

# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

1050 E ERROR_MAI Main controller cannot interrupt 1. Check valve mechanics for smooth 5.9.11
N_Close_Val the activation of the CM2 valve movement.
veCaB_FAIL by the main controller in an 2. Grease valve mechanics.
emergency. 3. Check connectors and cables (LP1,
 Cable or connector loose J6) of the lifting solenoids and light
(LP1, J6). barriers.
4. Check to see if light barriers are
 Light barrier soiled or
5. Change power board. 7.12.4
 Mechanics sluggish.
6. Replace controller board.
 Control electronics
1051 E ERROR_MAI Main controller cannot interrupt  Replace LP2. 7.12.4
N_LOCK_HE the activation of the contrast
ATER medium heating.
1056 E ERROR_SAF Main controller cannot interrupt 1. Check cable LP2 J18 to LP1. 7.12.4
ETY_LOCK_ the activation of the pump. 2. Replace LP1, LP2.
1057 E ERROR_SAF Main controller cannot interrupt 1. Check valve mechanics for smooth 5.9.11
ETY_LOCK_ the activation of the NaCl valve movement.
VALVE_NAC by the main controller in an 2. Grease valve mechanics.
L_FAIL emergency. 3. Check connectors and cables (LP1,
 Cable or connector loose J6) of the lifting solenoids and light
(LP1, J6). barriers.
4. Check to see if light barriers are
 Light barrier soiled or
5. Change power board. 7.12.4
 Mechanics sluggish.
6. Replace controller board.
 Control electronics
1058 E ERROR_SAF Main controller cannot interrupt 1. Check valve mechanics for smooth 5.9.11
ETY_LOCK_ the activation of the CM1 valve movement.
VALVE_CaA by the main controller in an 2. Grease valve mechanics.
_FAIL emergency. 3. Check connectors and cables (LP1,
 Cable or connector loose J6) of the lifting solenoids and light
(LP1, J6). barriers.
4. Check to see if light barriers are
 Light barrier soiled or
5. Change power board. 7.12.4
 Mechanics sluggish.
6. Replace controller board.
 Control electronics
1059 E ERROR_SAF Removed with SW 02.03.00  Update software/firmware. 7.1

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 8-165 / 204

8 Troubleshooting

# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

1060 E ERROR_SAF Main controller cannot interrupt 1. Check valve mechanics for smooth 5.9.11
ETY_LOCK_ the activation of the CM2 valve movement.
VALVE_CaB by the main controller in an 2. Grease valve mechanics.
_FAIL emergency. 3. Check connectors and cables (LP1,
 Cable or connector loose J6) of the lifting solenoids and light
(LP1, J6). barriers.
4. Check to see if light barriers are
 Light barrier soiled or
5. Change power board. 7.12.4
 Mechanics sluggish.
6. Replace controller board.
 Control electronics
1061 E ERROR_SAF Removed with SW 02.03.00  Update software/firmware. 7.1
1062 E ERROR_SAF Removed with SW 02.03.00  Update software/firmware. 7.1
1063 E ERROR_SAF Removed with SW 02.03.00  Update software/firmware. 7.1
1064 E ERROR_SAF Main controller cannot interrupt 1. Check valve mechanics for smooth 5.9.11
ETY_Close_ the activation of the NaCl valve movement.
ValveNaCl_F by the main controller in an 2. Grease valve mechanics.
AIL emergency. 3. Check connectors and cables (LP1,
 Cable or connector loose J6) of the lifting solenoids and light
(LP1, J6). barriers.
4. Check to see if light barriers are
 Light barrier soiled or
5. Change power board. 7.12.4
 Mechanics sluggish.
6. Replace controller board.
 Control electronics
1065 E ERROR_SAF Main controller cannot interrupt 1. Check valve mechanics for smooth 5.9.11
ETY_Close_ the activation of the CM1 valve movement.
ValveCaA_F by the main controller in an 2. Grease valve mechanics.
AIL emergency. 3. Check connectors and cables (LP1,
 Cable or connector loose J6) of the lifting solenoids and light
(LP1, J6). barriers.
4. Check to see if light barriers are
 Light barrier soiled or
5. Change power board. 7.12.4
 Mechanics sluggish.
6. Replace controller board.
 Control electronics

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8 Troubleshooting

# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

1066 E ERROR_SAF Main controller cannot interrupt 1. Check valve mechanics for smooth 5.9.11
ETY_Close_ the activation of the NaCl valve movement.
ValveCaB_F by the main controller in an 2. Grease valve mechanics.
AIL emergency. 3. Check connectors and cables (LP1,
 Cable or connector loose J6) of the lifting solenoids and light
(LP1, J6). barriers.
4. Check to see if light barriers are
 Light barrier soiled or
5. Change power board. 7.12.4
 Mechanics sluggish.
6. Replace controller board.
 Control electronics
1072 E ERROR_SAF One of the supply voltages is 1. Check the voltage levels on 7.12.4
ETY_MotorW outside of the allowable range: power/controller conductor board.
atchdogDriver Main and/or safety controller is 2. Replace power board.
not working properly. 3. Replace controller board.
Main controller did not detect
1073 E ERROR_SAF Temperature values of the 1. Check cables and connections for 7.13.5
ETY_Temper heating foils of CM1 are heating foil (CM1).
aturSensors outside of the allowable 2. Replace heater.
_CAa (plausible) range. 3. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
1074 E ERROR_SAF Temperature values of the 1. Check cables and connections for 7.13.5
ETY_Temper heating foils of CM2 are heating foil (CM2).
aturSensors outside of the allowable 2. Replace heater.
_Cab (plausible) range. 3. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
1075 E ERROR_DAT Measured temperatures of the 1. Update software/firmware. 7.1
A_DIFFEREN heat retention (heater 1) 2. Check values with service program. 7.13.5
CE_BETWEE between the main and safety 3. Check cables and connections CM
N_MAIN_AN controllers deviate too greatly heater 1.
D_SAFETY_ from one another: 4. Replace heater CM1. 7.12.4
TEMPERATU  Different characteristic 5. Replace controller board.
RE_A curves of the sensors.
 Sensor defective.
 Cable loose/broken.
1076 E ERROR_DAT Measured temperatures of the 1. Update software/firmware. 7.1
A_DIFFEREN heat retention (heater 2) 2. Check values with service program. 7.13.5
CE_BETWEE between the main and safety 3. Check cables and connections CM
N_MAIN_AN controllers deviate too greatly heater 2.
D_SAFETY_ from one another: 4. Replace heater CM2. 7.12.4
TEMPERATU  Different characteristic 5. Replace controller board.
RE_B curves of the sensors.
 Sensor defective.
 Cable loose/broken.

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 8-167 / 204

8 Troubleshooting

# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

1280 E ERROR_SAF Internal A-D converter of the 1. Check cables and connectors to all 7.12.4
ETY_AdcSen safety controller is not sensors.
sor returning plausible values: 2. Replace controller board.
CM heater activated at the
terminal and connected to the
device without heating.
CM heater/temp. sensor
1281 E ERROR_SAF Hardware error at the controller  Replace controller board. 7.12.4
ETY_Hardwa conductor board.
1282 E ERROR_SAF No data or erroneous data are 1. Check cables and connectors. 7.12.4
ETY_ABD_S collected from one of the air 2. Replace ABD sensor.
ensor traps. 3. Replace controller board.
1283 E ERROR_SAF Hardware self-test was not 1. Update software/firmware. 7.1
ETY_NoHard performed. 2. Check values with service program. 7.12.4
wareCheck Firmware faulty. 3. Replace controller board.

1284 E ERROR_SAF Faulty transition. 1. Disconnect USB connection 7.1

ETY_WrongS May occur sporadically during between PC and injector.
tateRequest use of the service program 2. Switch off injector.
3. Reconnect injector.
1285 E ERROR_SAF Safety controller detected an 1. Check cables and connectors to the
ETY_Wrong incorrect rotational direction of motor and between the conductor
MotorDirectio the pump motor. boards (LP1 and LP2).
n Recording of the Hall sensor 2. Make sure the roll pump is adjusted 6.6.7
signal or of the rpm sensor is correctly via the service program.
inaccurate. 3. Replace motor. 7.8
Connector between power and 4. Replace power board LP1. 7.12.4
controller conductor board 5. Replace board LP2.
1286 E ERROR_SAF Communication between 1. Check software/firmware. 7.1
ETY_ListenC injector and terminal faulty: 2. Check the connectors
onectionTime  Terminal is defective. (Bluetooth/FOC conductor board,
out fiber-optic cable, Bluetooth module).
 Incorrect
3. FOC: Check fiber-optic cable.
firmware/software version.
4. Bluetooth: Check module and
 Connection to
wireless link.
Bluetooth/FOC conductor
board defective.
 FOC not correctly
1287 E ERROR_SAF Program received is faulty. 1. Update software/firmware and 7.1
ETY_InitProg  Firmware faulty. parameters (power and controller
ramm conductor board).
 Parameter sets faulty.
2. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
 Communication faulty.
1300 E ERROR_SAF Software error  Read log files and send to ulrich 7.1
- ETY_WrongS medical.
1340 tateRequest

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# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

1536 E ERROR_SAF No communication possible 1. Update software/firmware on all 7.1
ETY_Commu between main and safety controllers.
nication2Main controllers. 2. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
Firmware faulty.
1537 E ERROR_SAF Program received is faulty. 1. Update software/firmware and 7.1
ETY_Unintent  Pump was manually parameters (power and controller
ionalStart moved. conductor board).
2. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
 Hardware faulty.
 Firmware faulty.
 Parameter sets faulty.
 Communication faulty.
 Injector switched off and
switched back on again
too quickly (controller was
not completely reset).
1538 E ERROR_SAF There is an overly large 1. Check pressure values of the 7.1
ETY_Pressur deviation between the sensors with CT motion service
eValueDiffere measured injection pressures program.
nceBetween of the main and safety 2. Replace sensor. 7.7
MainSafety controllers:
 One of the two sensors is
 Cable loose/broken.
 Firmware faulty.
 Faulty communication
between the controllers.
1539 E ERROR_SAF There is an overly large 1. Check cables/connectors to the 5.4
ETY_FlowVal deviation between the motor.
ueDifference measured injection volumes of 2. Make sure the roll pump is adjusted 6.6.7
BetweenMain the main and safety controllers: correctly via the service program.
Safety  Recording of the Hall 3. Replace motor. 7.8
sensor signal or of the rpm 4. Replace power board. 7.12.4
sensor is inaccurate. 5. Replace controller board.
 Faulty communication
between the controllers.
 Firmware faulty.
1540 E ERROR_SAF Overly large deviation between 1. Install correct parameter files. 7.1
ETY_Voltage the measured battery supply 2. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
ValueDifferen and/or power supply of the
ceBetweenM pressure sensor and that of the
ainSafety main and safety controllers:
 Different characteristic
 ADC error (reference
voltage of the A-D
converter is outside of the
permissible range).

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 8-169 / 204

8 Troubleshooting

# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

1542 E ERROR_SAF Main controller did not react to 1. Replace display foil. 7.12.3
ETY_StopBut the stop button being pressed. 2. Replace display board LP4. 7.12.2
ton Safety controller intervenes:
 Connector is loose/cable
is broken (between
controller and display
 Display foil defective.
 Display board defective.
1543 E ERROR_SAF There is an overly large 1. Update software/firmware and 7.1
ETY_AirVolu deviation in the pump tubing parameters.
me between the measured air 2. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
volumes of the main and safety
controllers: Main controller did
not detect this. Safety
controller intervenes:
 Boards defective.
 Parameters defective.
1544 E ERROR_SAF Defective medium is injected. 1. Check cables/connectors to the 5.4
ETY_Injected Main controller did not detect motor.
Volume this. Safety controller 2. Make sure the roll pump is adjusted 6.6.7
intervenes: correctly via the service program.
 Recording of the Hall 3. Replace motor. 7.8
sensor signal or of the rpm 4. Replace power board. 7.12.4
sensor is inaccurate. 5. Replace controller board.
 Faulty communication
between the boards.
1545 E ERROR_SAF Pump cover was detected as 1. Update software/firmware. 7.1
ETY_OpenDo being open. Main controller did 2. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
or not react:
 Controller board is
 Firmware error.
1546 E ERROR_SAF Safety controller detected an 1. Check cables and connectors to the 5.4
ETY_OverPre overpressure. Main controller pressure sensors.
ssure did not detect this. Safety 2. Replace pressure sensors. 7.7
controller intervenes: 3. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
Pressure sensor is defective.
Characteristic curve
parameters are faulty.
Firmware faulty.

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8 Troubleshooting

# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

1547 E ERROR_SAF There is an overly large 1. Check cables and connectors to the 5.4
ETY_Flow deviation between the motor.
measured flow of the main and 2. Make sure the roll pump is adjusted 6.6.7
safety controllers. Main correctly via the service program.
controller did not react. Safety 3. Replace motor. 7.8
controller intervenes: 4. Replace power board. 7.12.4
 Recording of the Hall 5. Replace controller board.
sensor signal or of the rpm
sensor is inaccurate.
1548 E ERROR_SAF Settings received are faulty. 1. Update software/firmware and 7.1
ETY_Injector  Firmware faulty. parameters (power and controller
Setting conductor board).
 Parameter sets faulty.
2. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
 Communication faulty.
1550 E ERROR_SAF Main controller did not react to 1. Check and grease valve mechanics 5.9.11
ETY_ValveSt one of the following errors. for smooth movement.
ate Safety controller intervenes: 2. Check connectors and cables (LP1,
 Cable or connector is J6) of the lifting solenoids and light
loose. barriers.
3. Check to see if light barriers are
 Light barrier soiled or
4. Replace power board. 7.12.4
 Mechanics of the control
5. Replace controller board.
electronics are sluggish.
 Valve assembly
NaCl/CM1/CM2 is
incorrectly set.
 Solenoids/valves are
sluggish and do not reach
the final position.
1551 E ERROR_SAF Firmware or controller board 1. Update firmware. 7.1
ETY_Unknow are defective. 2. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
1552 E ERROR_SAF Battery voltage under the 1. Parameter update. 7.1
ETY_Battery parameterized threshold. 2. Replace batteries. 7.4
Voltage Main controller did not react to 3. Replace power/controller/charger 7.12.4
one of the following errors. electrical components.
Safety controller intervenes:
 One or more batteries are
 Power supply is defective.
 Time interval between the
reaction of safety and
main controller is too

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 8-171 / 204

8 Troubleshooting

# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

1553 E ERROR_SAF There is an overly large 1. Check cables/connectors to the 5.4
ETY_Volume deviation between the motor.
DifferenceBet measured injection volumes of 2. Make sure the roll pump is adjusted 6.6.7
weenMainSaf the main and safety controllers. correctly via the service program.
ety Main controller did not react to 3. Replace motor. 7.8
the following errors. Safety 4. Replace power board. 7.12.4
controller intervenes. 5. Replace controller board.
 Recording of the Hall
sensor signal is faulty.
1554 E ERROR_SAF There is an overly large 1. Update software/firmware/ 7.1
ETY_AirVolu deviation between the parameters (power and controller
meDifference measured air volumes of the board).
BetweenMain main and safety controllers: 2. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
Safety Main controller did not react to
the following errors. Safety
controller intervenes:
 Boards are faulty.
 Firmware faulty.
1555 E ERROR_SAF Terminal did not react to one of 1. Update software/firmware/ 7.1
ETY_WrongP the following errors. Safety parameters (power and controller
rogramSettin controller intervenes: board).
g  Received settings faulty. 2. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
 Firmware faulty.
 Parameter sets faulty.
 Communication faulty.
1556 E ERROR_SAF Internal circular buffer for the 1. Update firmware. 7.1
ETY_Commu communication between the 2. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
niction_Full main and safety controller
receive buffer is full:
Internal error. Error is not
1557 E ERROR_SAF There is an overly large 1. Check cables/connectors to the 5.4
ETY_WrongF deviation between the motor.
lowValue measured flow of the main and 2. Make sure the roll pump is adjusted 6.6.7
safety controllers. correctly via the service program.
Main controller did not react. 3. Replace motor. 7.8
Safety controller intervenes: 4. Replace power board. 7.12.4
 Recording of the Hall 5. Replace controller board.
sensor signal or of the rpm
sensor is inaccurate.
 Up to FW version 2.1.1:
Overly large flow changes
in the software.

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8 Troubleshooting

# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

1558 E ERROR_SAF Main controller did not react to 1. Check sensors with CT motion 7.1
ETY_OverTe one of the following errors. service program.
mperature Safety controller intervenes. 2. Check cable. 7.13.5
 Measured temperatures of 3. Replace heater.
the heat retention of the
main and safety
controllers deviate too
greatly from one another.
 Characteristic curves of
the controllers differ.
1559 W WARNING_S Main controller did not react to 1. Check sensors with CT motion 7.1
AFETY_Heat one of the following errors. service program.
herTemperat Safety controller intervenes: 2. Check cable. 7.13.5
ure  Measured temperatures of 3. Replace heater.
the heat retention of the
main and safety
controllers deviate too
greatly from one another.
 Characteristic curves of
the controllers differ.
1560 E ERROR_SAF Terminal did not react to one of 1. Update software/firmware/ 7.1
ETY_NoProgr the following errors. Safety parameters (power and controller
ammSettings controller intervenes: board).
 Programs received are 2. Check communication between the
faulty. terminal and injector.
3. Check Bluetooth dongle on the
 Firmware faulty.
 Communication faulty.
4. Replace Bluetooth board LP3. 7.12.4
5. Replace controller board.
1561 E ERROR_SAF Memory in the safety controller 1. Install correct parameter file for 7.1
ETY_Parame not consistent: safety controller.
terCheck  Firmware faulty. 2. Update firmware.
3. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
 Hardware faulty.
1562 E ERROR_SAF During the NaCl flush, the 1. Check cables and connectors to the 5.4
ETY_Volume valves were not able to be motor.
ValveState moved quickly enough. 2. Make sure the roll pump is adjusted 6.6.7
Error occurs sporadically. correctly via the service program.
3. Replace motor. 7.8
4. Replace power board. 7.12.4
5. Replace controller board.
1563 E ERROR_SAF Motor does not reach its target  Check free movement of the roll 5.3
ETY_FlowTo rpm within 500 ms. pump.

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 8-173 / 204

8 Troubleshooting

# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

1568 E ERROR_SAF Defective medium is injected. 1. Check connectors and cables of the
ETY_NaClBot Main controller did not detect lifting solenoids and light barriers.
tleNotAvaible this. Safety controller 2. Check to see if light barriers are
intervenes: soiled.
 Firmware faulty. 3. Check light barriers.
4. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
 Faulty communication
between the controllers.
 Cable or corrector of a
valve is loose.
1569 E ERROR_SAF Defective medium is injected. 1. Check connectors and cables of the
ETY_CaABott Main controller did not detect lifting solenoids and light barriers.
leNotAvaible this. Safety controller 2. Check to see if light barriers are
intervenes: soiled.
 Firmware faulty. 3. Check light barriers.
4. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
 Faulty communication
between the controllers.
 Cable or corrector of a
valve is loose.
1570 E ERROR_SAF Defective medium is injected. 1. Check connectors and cables of the
ETY_CFigottl Main controller did not detect lifting solenoids and light barriers.
eNotAvaible this. Safety controller 2. Check to see if light barriers are
intervenes: soiled.
Firmware faulty. 3. Check light barriers.
Faulty communication between 4. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
the controllers.
Cable or corrector of a valve is
1571 E ERROR_SAF The safety controller detects  Vent CM bottle. See IFU
ETY_CaBottl that the CM bottle to be used is
eNotActiv not vented.
1572 E ERROR_SAF Safety controller detects more 1. Terminate treatment. –
ETY_MaxInje than 400 mL injected volume. 2. Connect new patient with new
ctedVolume patient tubing.
1573 E ERROR_SAF There is an overly large 1. Update firmware/parameter file. 7.1
ETY_AirVolu deviation between the 2. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
measured air volumes of the
mePatientHo main and safety controllers on
se the patient tubing: Main
controller did not detect this.
Safety controller intervenes:
 Boards defective.
 Parameters defective.
1574 E ERROR_SAF Safety controller detects overly 1. Update software/firmware. 7.1
ETY_TempV large temperature difference 2. Check values with service program. 5.7.3
alueDifferenc between the sensors at heater 3. Check cables and connections CM
eBetweenMai CM1. heater 1. 7.12.4
nSafety_CAa 4. Replace controller board.

8-174 / 204 WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 Service manual CT motion

8 Troubleshooting

# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

1575 E ERROR_SAF Safety controller detects overly 1. Update software/firmware. 7.1
ETY_TempV large temperature difference 2. Check values with service program. 5.7.3
alueDifferenc between the sensors at heater 3. Check cables and connections CM
eBetweenMai CM2. heater 2. 7.12.4
nSafety_CAb 4. Replace controller board.
1576 W WARNING_S Safety controller detects 1. Check media containers and bottle 5.7.2
AFETY_Heat excessive temperature at guide.
herTemperat heater CM1. 2. Check heater. 5.7.3
1577 W WARNING_S Safety controller detects 1. Check media containers and bottle 5.7.2
AFETY_Heat excessive temperature at guide.
herTemperat heater CM2. 2. Check heater. 5.7.3
1600 E ERROR_SAF A valve cannot be switched 1. Check valve assembly for smooth 5.9.11
- ETY_Injected quickly enough. movement.
1721 VolumeValve 2. Grease valve assembly.
State NaCl
1792 E ERROR_MAI An incorrect parameter file was  Update firmware. 7.1
N_PARAMET installed on the main controller.
1793 E ERROR_SAF An incorrect parameter file was  Update firmware. 7.1
ETY_PARAM installed on the safety
ETER controller.
1794 E ERROR_UI_ An incorrect parameter file was  Update firmware. 7.1
PARAMETER installed on the UI controller.
1795 E ERROR_MAI Unintentional restart of the 1. Slowly restart system.
N_Watchdog main controller: 2. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
 System was turned on and 3. Disconnect service interface and 7.1
off too quickly. restart injector.
4. Start service program and restart
 Firmware faulty.
 Hardware faulty.
 Service interface
connected and service
program not started.
1796 E ERROR_SAF Unintentional restart of the 1. Slowly restart system.
ETY_Watchd main safety: 2. Replace controller board. 7.12.4
og  System was turned on and 3. Disconnect service interface and 7.1
off too quickly. restart injector.
4. Start service program and restart
 Firmware faulty.
 Hardware faulty.
 Service interface
connected and service
program not started.
1824 E – The pump starts at a non- 1. Restart device. 7.8
- permissible position. 2. Check gap of the roll pump.
1953 3. Read log files via the service
program and send to manufacturer.

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 8-175 / 204

8 Troubleshooting

# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

2048 E ERROR_DIS Menu and character set do not 1. Update menu and character set. 7.1
PLAY_Wrong agree: 2. Replace display board. 0
FontVersion  No language or character
set installed.
 Language incorrect/not
 Update incomplete.
 Character set faulty.
 Menu faulty.
 Serial flash defective.
2049 E ERROR_MAI Parameter file in the serial  Parameter update. 7.1
N_WrongPar flash faulty.
amFileVersio No agreement between the
n size of the parameter file saved
in the flash with that in the
firmware of the main controller.
2050 E ERROR_SAF Parameter file in the serial  Parameter update. 7.1
ETY_WrongP flash faulty.
aramFileVersi No agreement between the
on size of the parameter file saved
in the flash with that in the
firmware of the safety
2051 E ERROR_SAF Safety controller detects  Parameter update. 7.1
ETY_Wrong incorrect parameter set in the
MainParamFil main controller.
2052 I INFORMATI Updating of the parameter file  Repeat updating of the parameter 7.1
ON_DISPLA with incorrect version number file with correct version number.
Y_WrongPar started.
2064 E ERROR_SAF Shows at which bolus an error 1. Restart device. 7.1
- ETY_WRON occurred. 2. Update software.
2159 G_BOLI_NU
2160 E ERROR_SAF Error at bolus X: 1. Restart device. 7.1
- ETY_Injected 2160: Bolus 1 2. Update software.
2200 Volume 2161: Bolus 2
2304 E ERROR_RE The following file cannot be 1. Reinstall “Tubedescription.xml” file. 7.1
MOTE_Tube loaded for entry of the patient 2. Check file for incorrect entries.
description_Fi tubing lengths (terminal):
le  Tubedescribtion.xml

8-176 / 204 WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 Service manual CT motion

8 Troubleshooting

# Type Error Cause/detection Solution Section

2305 E ERROR_RE License file in the terminal 1. Generate new license file. 7.1
MOTE_Licen does not agree with SNR of the 2. Check serial number from the
ce_Tubedesc terminal, or SNR is missing. terminal with that in
ription /etc/ePanelSerNr.
3. Generate new saved license and
2320 E ERROR_BLU Bluetooth dongle defective. 1. Replace Bluetooth dongle. –
ETOOTH_BO Bluetooth board defective. 2. Replace Bluetooth board.
2321 E ERROR_BLU Bluetooth dongle defective. 1. Replace Bluetooth dongle. –
ETOOTH_AU Bluetooth board defective. 2. Replace Bluetooth board.
2322 E ERROR_RE MAC address from the BT stick  Insert Bluetooth stick correctly and –
MOTE_BLUE was not recognized. restart terminal.

Table 9. Error messages with error code

8.3 Specific errors and resolution during software update

8.3.1 FATAL ERROR: Could not install pv utility
Error description
Insufficient disk space available on the terminal.

Figure 266. Fatal Error: Could not install pv utility

Error resolution
1. Press power button for 5 seconds to reboot terminal.
2. Wait until application is completely started.
3. Plug in the keyboard and the USB stick that has the service key and the current terminal
software ("Rev403" folder).
4. Close application by pressing “Ctrl”, “Alt”, “Shift” and “u”.
 ulrich medical boot screen is displayed.
5. Switch screens by pressing "Alt" and  until linux-wpp1:~#_ appears (see Figure 267,
p. 8-178).

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 8-177 / 204

8 Troubleshooting

Figure 267. linux-wpp1:~ #_

6. Enter mc.
 Midnight Commander appears (with a blue background).

Figure 268. Midnight Commander (mc)

7. Use the arrow keys to navigate to the first line ( /…) (see Figure 268, p. 8-178).

8-178 / 204 WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 Service manual CT motion

8 Troubleshooting

8. Continue selecting the top line (/…) and confirming your selection by pressing "Enter" until
the following screen appears:

Figure 269. Screen Terminal

9. There must not be any files listed after the /var folder except for sdb1.

If there are still any files here named Terminal*.tar.gz or Rev*.tar.gz (see
Figure 269, p. 8-179), they can be selected with the cursor and deleted by pressing

10. Select Yes in the following dialog

window and press "Enter".

Figure 270. Closing the dialog window

11. Once sdb1 is the only file left in the /var folder, navigate to the /media folder.
12. Select the /PKIusb folder.
13. Select the Rev403 folder there (see Figure 270, p. 8-179).

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 8-179 / 204

8 Troubleshooting

Figure 271. "Rev403" folder

14. Then press "F10" to quit Midnight Commander.

15. Select Yes in the following dialog window and press "Enter".

Figure 272. Exiting Midnight Commander

8-180 / 204 WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 Service manual CT motion

8 Troubleshooting

16. The following line appears: linux-wpp1:/media/PKIusb/Rev403 # _ .

17. Enter the command sh autoUpdateSW.sh and press "Enter".
18. The update will now be installed.

8.3.2 USB stick cannot be mounted

Error description

Figure 273. USB error message

Error resolution
1. Plug USB keyboard into the terminal, while the USB stick for the update remains plugged
Please contact the ulrich medical Technical Service Devices team by phone
+49 (0) 731 9654-111 to request the login data.

2. Enter cd / and press "Enter".

3. Enter umount /dev/sdb1 and press "Enter".
4. Enter mount /dev/sdb1 /run/usbstick and press "Enter".
5. Enter ./etc/init.d/update start and press "Enter".
6. The entire update will now be performed.

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 8-181 / 204

9 Spare parts and tools

9 Spare parts and tools

9.1 Injector head
Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure
SP000018-ET Cross plate A 1

SP000021-ET Rail system left 1

SP000006-ET Rail system right 1

SP000037-ET Gas spring 1

SP000012-ET Injector head case 1

SP000443-ET Media sensor air bubble detector 05.12 1

Patient tubing

9-182 / 204 WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 Service manual CT motion

9 Spare parts and tools

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure

SP000042-ET Pin for drip cup holder 1

SP000043-ET Drip cup holder 1

SP000558-ET High-pressure filter holder 1

Table 10. Injector head spare parts

9.2 Feeding unit

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure
SP000047-ET Swivel hook 1

SP000054-ET Spike bearing 1

SP000444-ET Media sensor air bubble detector 05.11 1

CM1, NaCl, CM2, air trap

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 9-183 / 204

9 Spare parts and tools

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure

SP000357-ET Cover media sensor 1

SP000067-ET Cover feeding unit 1

For devices without CM heater

SP000778-ET Cover feeding unit 1

For devices with CM heater

SP000376-ET Cable 18 1
CM heater

SP000384-ET Cable 25 1
Media sensors CM1, NaCl, CM2

SP000365-ET Cable 4b 1
Connection ECG grounding set

SP000046-ET Feeding unit 1

Please also order a new type label and labeling.

9-184 / 204 WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 Service manual CT motion

9 Spare parts and tools

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure

SP000010-ET Patient tubing holder 1
Tubing holder 2000-0

Table 11. Feeding unit spare parts

9.3 Front module

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure
SP000081-ET Front module with handle 1
When replacing front module of injectors with S/N
lower than CTM1721441, replace cable 22a
SP000379-ET with cable 22a SP002430-ET, too.

SP000024-ET Holder connector 1 1

Holder W-piece

SP000832-ET Holder bottom 5

+ screws
For SP000081-ET with holes

SP001202-ET Holder bottom 5

+ instant adhesive
For SP000081-ET without holes

SP001111-ET Holder bottom 1

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 9-185 / 204

9 Spare parts and tools

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure

SP000096-ET Pressure measurement complete 1

Table 12. Front module replacement parts

9.4 Roll pump

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure
SP000106-ET Roll pump (upper component) 1
(on request) Lower than S/N CTM1721200

SP000162-ET Cover cap roll pump 1

Lower than S/N CTM1721200

SP000148-ET Bearing surface roll pump 1

Lower than S/N CTM1721200

SP002270-ET Roll pump 1

S/N CTM1721200 or higher
SW 04.00.03 or newer required
Service program 2.5 or newer required

SP001253-ET Hose guide rolls 3

Table 13. Roll pump spare parts

9-186 / 204 WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 Service manual CT motion

9 Spare parts and tools

9.5 Drive roll pump

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure
SP000402-ET Cable 12 1
Motor roll pump

SP000378-ET Cable 21 1
Motor hose threading

SP000173-ET Coupler Misumi roll pump 1

SP000166-ET Cover base part roll pump 1

Table 14. Drive roll pump spare parts

9.6 Hose threading

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure
SP000710-ET Compensation coupler for hose threading 1

SP000171-ET Rotor gasket for hose threading 1

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 9-187 / 204

9 Spare parts and tools

SP000159-ET Hose threading pitch 1

SP000160-ET Hose threading spindle 1

Table 15. Drive roll pump spare parts

9.7 Valve assembly

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure
SP000186-ET Valve assembly complete 1

SP000188-ET Guidance for valve assembly 1

SP000201-ET Protective cap for valve assembly 1

Table 16. Valve assembly spare parts

9.8 Cover locking system

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure
SP000230-ET Cover locking (complete) 1
Lower than S/N CTM1721200

9-188 / 204 WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 Service manual CT motion

9 Spare parts and tools

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure

SP000391-ET Cable 35 - motor cover locking 1
Lower than S/N CTM1721200

SP000381-ET Cable 22c - door opener 1

Lower than S/N CTM1721200

SP000379-ET Cable 22a - connection cable reed switch, 1

door opener
Controller LP2
Lower than S/N CTM1721200

SP002430-ET Cable 22a - connection cable 1

LP2 J15 switches
S/N CTM1721200 or higher

SP002026-ET Cap locking 1

S/N CTM1721200 or higher
SW 04.00.03 or newer required

SP000266-ET Reed switch 1

Table 17. Cover locking system spare parts

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 9-189 / 204

9 Spare parts and tools

9.9 Injector cover

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure
SP000388-ET Cable 31 - connection display LP4 1
Controller LP2

SP000273-ET Device cover 1

SP000274-ET Display 1

SP000275-ET Display holder 1

SP000276-ET LP4 - User interface board 1

SP000279-ET Pressure plate 1

SP000280-ET Display foil 1

9-190 / 204 WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 Service manual CT motion

9 Spare parts and tools

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure

SP000281-ET Spring pressure part front module 1

SP000284-ET Counter bearing 1

SP000285-ET Cover (counter bearing) 1

SP000406-ET Blank holder 1

Table 18. Injector cover spare parts

9.10 Conductor boards, complete

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure
SP000360-ET Board holder (LP1, LP2 ,LP3) 1

SP000225-ET LP3 Bluetooth 1

Lower than S/N CTM1721526

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 9-191 / 204

9 Spare parts and tools

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure

SP002513-ET Bluetooth Module CTM 1
S/N CTM1721526 or higher
SW 04.03.00 or newer required
Black terminal (see section 3.6.3, p. 3-27) required

SP000224-ET LP3 Communication OWG board 1

SP000215-ET Holder assembly 1

SP000216-ET LP1 power board 1

SP000217-ET LP 2 controller board 1

SP000374-ET Cable 7b - connection battery 1

management LP5
Injector head

SP000382-ET Cable 23 - 1
connection cable valve assembly
Power board LP1

9-192 / 204 WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 Service manual CT motion

9 Spare parts and tools

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure

SP000385-ET Cable 26 - connection cable media 1
sensors pump/patient sensor
Controller LP2

SP000390-ET Cable 13b - connection cable controller 1

Battery management board LP5

SP000392-ET Cable 36 On/off switch 1

Lower than S/N CTM1721200

SP002223-ET LP1 J9 on/off switch 1

S/N CTM1721200 or higher
SW 04.00.03 or newer required

SP000398-ET Cable 34 (USB connection cable) 1

Table 19. Conductor boards, complete

9.11 Bottle lift

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure
SP000298-ET Bottle lift complete 1

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 9-193 / 204

9 Spare parts and tools

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure

XD 8137 Bottle holder set CT – flex 1 not illustrated
1x Bottle holder CT – flex, NaCl SP002286-ET
2x Bottle holder CT – flex, KM SP002283-ET
Only usable with:
Pump tubing – flex XD 8002
Patient tubing 150 cm – flex XD 2037
Patient tubing 250 cm – flex XD 2042
Spike for CT (CM/NaCl) XD 8132
SP002283-ET Bottle holder CT – flex, KM 1
Only usable with:
Pump tubing – flex XD 8002
Patient tubing 150 cm – flex XD 2037
Patient tubing 250 cm – flex XD 2042
Spike for CT (CM/NaCl) XD 8132

SP002286-ET Bottle holder CT – flex, NaCl 1

Only usable with:
Pump tubing – flex XD 8002
Patient tubing 150 cm – flex XD 2037
Patient tubing 250 cm – flex XD 2042
Spike for CT (CM/NaCl) XD 8132

SP000295-ET Spring catch 1

SP000304-ET Holding arm pair for bottle guide 1

SP000299-ET Spike holder 1

Table 20. Bottle lift spare parts

9-194 / 204 WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 Service manual CT motion

9 Spare parts and tools

9.12 Service flap

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure
SP000014-ET Service cover complete 1

Table 21. Service flap spare parts

9.13 Ceiling mount

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure
SP000418-ET Clip bracket 1

SP000489-ET Kit 4 Onda Space 1

Safety Kit for spring arm

SP000491-ET Friction brake screw 2

M12 x 1 x 6 (L=14.0)

SP000492-ET Friction brake screw 2

M12 x 1 x 11 (L=20.5)

SP000508-ET Friction brake screw 2

M12 x 1 x 20 (L=30.0)

Table 22. Ceiling mount spare parts

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 9-195 / 204

9 Spare parts and tools

9.14 Injector pedestal

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure
SP000320-ET LP5 charger electrical components 1

SP000553-ET Fuse 5A FF for LP5 Battery management 10 not illustrated

SP000446-ET Power supply (for pedestal and ceiling 1
Only replace a power supply with the same type!

SP000617-ET Power supply 3rd edition (for pedestal and 1

ceiling version)
For devices with serial number up to CTM1500570
Only replace a power supply with the same type!

SP001962-ET Power supply 3rd edition (for pedestal and 1

ceiling version)
For devices with serial number up to CTM1510600
Only replace a power supply with the same type!

SP000371-ET Cable 11 - Battery loading transistor 1

SP000356-ET Pedestal cover 1

9-196 / 204 WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 Service manual CT motion

9 Spare parts and tools

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure

SP000239-ET Protective cap for pedestal cover (over 1

SP000315-ET Wheel with brake 1

SP000316-ET Wheel without brake 1

SP000445-ET Battery set 2

SP000348-ET Cable holder 1

SP000248-ET Rubber sealing strip for injector pedestal 1

SP000366-ET Device plug power supply 1

Cable 5

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 9-197 / 204

9 Spare parts and tools

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure

SP000367-ET Power supply LP5 J1 1
Cable 6

SP000370-ET Cable 9 - connection battery 1/2 with fuse 1

SP000373-ET Cable 14 LEDs battery charger 1

Battery management LP5

SP000399-ET Cable OWG (internal) 1

SP000400-ET Cable 41 - connection cable OWG 1

Injector – connection OWG cable

SP000401-ET Cable 42 - connection OWG cable 1

Remote control

SP001963-ET Cable set Injector pedestal 230V 1

For devices with serial number up to CTM1500570
with rubber connector

SP001964-ET Cable set Injector pedestal 24V 1

For devices with serial number up to CTM1500570
with rubber connector

SP001324-ET Machine base complete 1 not illustrated

Table 23. Injector pedestal

9-198 / 204 WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 Service manual CT motion

9 Spare parts and tools

9.15 Heater
Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure
SP000070-ET Heater left 1

SP000078-ET Heater right 1

Table 24. Heater spare parts

9.16 Misc.
Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure
SP001205-ET Pictogram sheet CT motion 1

XD 8090 Insertion tool for patient tubing 1

XD 8118 Protective cap for particle filter 1

XD 8023 ECG grounding cable 1 not illustrated

XD 8136 Stopper 25 not illustrated
SP002052-ET Snap ferrite 1 not illustrated

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 9-199 / 204

9 Spare parts and tools

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure

SP002300-ET Bluetooth dongle Class 1 1

SP002537-ET TSC label 500 not illustrated

Table 25. Misc. spare parts

9.17 Tools
Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure
XD4R00A00- 1 not illustrated
Silicone spray 500 mL
SP001996-ET Hardware Assortment 1 not illustrated
SP000512-ET GLEITMO 810 white grease paste 1 not illustrated
XD2000E- 1 not illustrated
Technical safety check TSC kit
XD 8074 Alignment gauge valve assembly 1

XD 8075 Alignment gauge roll pump 1.5 mm 1

XD 8076 Alignment gauge roll pump 1.6 mm 1

XD 8123 Tool clearance adjustment 1

9-200 / 204 WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 Service manual CT motion

9 Spare parts and tools

Art. no. Designation Pc. Figure

XD 8119 Service program dongle (USB stick) 1 not illustrated
XD 8120 Test tool for valve assembly 1 not illustrated
XD 8100 Test tubing for valve assembly 1 not illustrated
XD 8101 Hand pump for valve assembly 1 not illustrated
1933781 ES-Socket key SW24mm (longer) 1 not illustrated

Table 26. Tools

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 9-201 / 204

10 Wiring diagrams

10 Wiring diagrams
10.1 Pedestal version

Figure 274. Wiring diagram, pedestal version

10-202 / 204 WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 Service manual CT motion

10 Wiring diagrams

10.2 Ceiling version

Figure 275. Wiring diagram, ceiling version

Service manual CT motion WI-04-05-54 Rev. 03.1 10-203 / 204

WI-04-05-54 / Rev. 03.1

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