21st Century Skills Module - 3.lesson-2

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Nova Myrel F.

BTVTEd – CSS 3rd Year
Module 3
Lesson 2 – Emotional Intelligence
Read quietly and reflect on the poem.


Answer the following questions legibly.

1. What have you realized upon reading the poem?

Upon reading, I realized that life has its ups and downs and we’ll never know when
or how. It doesn’t matter how fast or slow can you go, each steps are important and if you
fall, no need to quit. You can always take time to relax, learn from the failures and continue
to reach your goals.

2. What was the most difficult problem you have encountered? How did you solve it?

The most difficult problem I have encountered is when I almost got raped. I was only
11 yrs old that time. I always accompany my mother to go the city and help her with selling
vegetables. There’s this one time I came home alone because my mother have errands to

Nova Myrel F. Recimo EDUC 319/VTED MW 10:30-12:00 PM

Nova Myrel F. Recimo
BTVTEd – CSS 3rd Year
finish so I travelled 30 minutes from city to our home, I have to walk approximately 8
minutes to reach our house. It was dark, maybe around 7 in the evening and I was only
holding my purse and a weighing scale. There is no light at all but I noticed there is someone
calling me “Psst!”. On first call, I looked back and continue walking until third time, when I
faced again in front, there’s the criminal and he touched my private parts. All I can do is to
smash his body with the weighing scale so I did it and run as fast as I can. Since we only
have one neighbor, I hesitated to stop and reach our home with anxiousness. I literally cried
because my sister is sleeping and could not notice me knocking on doors. That was a
tragedy in my life that I will never ever forget. What happened next is another story to tell.
All I did is always pray for safety. Before, I am a very much an outgoing person but after
that, it changed me a lot. I trust few people and I enjoy being alone. I solved my problems
on interacting with others by means of not holding back my expressions, thoughts and
opinions. It is not hard for me now to share others what I have experienced because I
always look on the brighter side, I don’t mind what happened back then, what’s more
important is that it didn’t ruined the whole me.

3. Have you reached a point of quitting when faced with a very big problem?

Yes, there are sometimes I tend to have breakdowns. I usually overthink when I am
alone and I feel like I have anxiety. Everything that bothers me, it bothers me a lot and
never gets me to sleep. There are moments that I ask for my purpose and questions God
what have I done to deserve all of the things happened to me. I am emotionally unstable
that is why, I seek for other’s love and affection because it helps me recover from anxiety
and makes me happy.



1. Self- Awareness. Describe how you are when you are extremely:
Nova Myrel F. Recimo EDUC 319/VTED MW 10:30-12:00 PM
Nova Myrel F. Recimo
BTVTEd – CSS 3rd Year

 Happy: I usually laugh about little things and always say Thank You to Him in my mind.
 Sad: I never show it to anyone, I hide it and will cry alone. Sometimes I skip meals and
 Angry : I get angry at anything, everything irritates me and I usually tend to cry when I
can’t take the madness inside me. I stay quiet and wait until I get better. I give silent

2. Social Awareness. Cite three things that affected the lives of the Filipino people due to
 Work/Careers
 Mental and Emotional Health
 Daily Lifestyle

3. Self- Management. How would you handle the following situations?

Your suggestion was not recognized by others.

I will not mind about being rejected, I will still find other options that they might agree on if
they would ask me for more. I never push myself that is why I don’t mind if my suggestion is not
always recognized.

You were cheated by your boyfriend/ girlfriend.

Cheating is a choice. But, God can forgive, why wouldn’t I, too? I will not tolerate the
cheating but I will let him explain his side and give him another chance. If he chooses to change,
I will forgive him and forget what happened. But if he does it once again, I will stop accepting
him the fact that he really chosen the things he never think about wisely before doing it.

You failed in a particular subject and you cannot graduate.

I will surely be sad and will be disappointed by myself. Not only me, but my family because
of their high expectations. However, I will never quit, I will retake the subject and pursue more.
I will do my best at the second time, thrice or nth. No matter how many times I fail, I will take it
over and over again and be better.

Nova Myrel F. Recimo EDUC 319/VTED MW 10:30-12:00 PM

Nova Myrel F. Recimo
BTVTEd – CSS 3rd Year
4. Relationship Management. How would you settle disputes in your organization or

Healthy constructive criticism helps create diverse methods of thinking and solutions to
difficult encounters. First, I will acknowledge the conflict to avoid building up anger and will
confront my teammate and make him/her know what I am feeling about the action or the
situation. Second, I will clarify positions, by letting everyone voice his or her opinions on the
conflict and do not be afraid to get criticized. Lastly, I will celebrate the resolution as a team and
acknowledge specific contributions from individuals in the group.

Nova Myrel F. Recimo EDUC 319/VTED MW 10:30-12:00 PM


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