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Every year notable number of women in the world are subjected to torture, starvation,
terrorism, humiliation, mutilation, and even murder simply because of their gender. Crimes
for example, these if done against any group other than women would be perceived as a
common and political emergency and as a gross infringement of the exploited people's human
rights. However, regardless of a reasonable record of death and obvious maltreatment,
women's rights are not generally named ‘Human rights’. This is causing problems both
theoretically and for all intents and purposes, since it has grave ramifications for the manner
in which society perceives and treats the principal issues of women's lives. In this paper we
address those abuses in which gender is an essential or related factor since sexual abuse has
been most disregarded and offers the best test to the field of human rights today.
Advancement of human rights is a broadly acknowledged objective and in this way gives a
helpful system to looking for review of sexual abuse. Further it is one of only a handful
couple of ideas that addresses the requirement for transnational activism and worry about the
lives of individuals comprehensively.

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted in 1948, signifies the objective of the
world by defining the human rights taking certain factors into consideration. Enough is not
written about women, however Article 2 of UDHR entitles all to "the rights and freedoms set
forth in this Declaration, without distinction of any kind, such as race, colour, sex, language,
religion, political or other opinion, national or social origin, property, birth or other status."
Eleanor Roosevelt stood by the women by fighting for sex inclusion under UDHR. Its
passage significantly showed a way to address women related issues globally. Since
1948,various debates and discussions have been the initiated in order to create a developed
world. Sadly, these debates and discussions did not address all questions of gender abuses.
Human rights is a dynamic concept, its meaning expands and changes as people reconceive
according to their needs and hopes in relation to it. Keeping this spirit, feminists had re-
define human rights abuses to include the degradation and violation of women. This is done
to create an inclusive approach of human rights.The modern specific experiences of women
must be culminated to traditional approaches to human rights in order to make women more
visible and to transform the concept and practice of human rights in our culture so that it
takes better account of women's lives.

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