Parameters To Do Speech Critic (From MC 2 Class Learnings)

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Parameters to do speech critic (from MC 2 class learnings)

1. Content
2. Language
3. Body Language
4. Voice
5. Time


 The speaker knew his target audience (Naga people) and have come up with content which is
relevant to them.
 Speech topic - Three types of people by Greek – Idiots, Tribes and Citizens delivered on Naga
 He has used rule of 3 and stories to deliver his content neatly to the audience.
 He has structured the speech properly such that we will never lose him at any second.
 Audience could feel a sense of belonging after listening to his speech. He being the true leader
is showing the way to his people. At the end of the video, he has asked his people to make a
choice on who would they become in future.


 The speaker was confident throughout the speech

 The speaker has used simple language in which the Naga people can understand.
 Never used any jargons and fillers.
 He did not complicate things

Body Language

 His facial expressions were moderate

 He regularly made eye contact with people
 He used gestures to emphasize his points
 He took pauses at right time such that audience will understand the content and be with him
 Perfect podium body language


 He voice was not monotonous

 His rate of using the words was good
 Volume was on the higher side to connect with audience


 7 minutes is proper time to deliver speech of this content

HR Manager to address his colleagues

Communication plan

The following communication plan could be used to convey the information

 Email
 Presentation in Auditorium with covid protocols maintained
 Bulletin boards
 Posters in office premises
 Short video clips in office WhatsApp groups

Outline of the content

 Educate the colleagues about the corona virus and update its variants
 Provide information on how deadly the virus can be if proper precautions are not taken.
 List down the rules which will be changed on return
o Dining facilities
o Wearing mask
o Using sanitizers
o Usage of Meeting rooms and rest rooms
o Temperature check at the entrance
o Physical distancing
o Reporting the illness
 Possible penalties if the rules are not strictly followed
Make them feel confident about themselves and ensure everyone is fighting as a team against
this virus to make office environment better again

Student leader – Motivate classmates to be honest during exams

Communication plan

The following communication plan could be used to convey the information

 Classroom discussions
 Video clips
 Stories
 Presentations


 Understand from students why they copy during exams and what is their achievement on the
same. Collect the data and make a presentation.
 Make them realize that success achieved in copying during the exam will only stay for shorter
 Exams are conducted to check where the students stand and the areas to improve.
 Make them feel that they are losing the real value by not acquiring the knowledge.
 Share success stories of people with whom the students can easily connect.
Action plan

 Monitor the upcoming tests and give special assistance to students until they become
completely honest.

Self-introduction – important points

Communication plan

 Videos for self-assessment

 Speak in front of known audience and later move on to strangers. Get the critic to improve
 Script for practicing the self-introduction


Contents to be included in this order

 Name and the place where the person hails from

 Family details
 Educational background
 Work experience
 Hobbies
 Extracurricular activities
 Special achievements
 Expectation from the job

Introduction should be structured in this manner while minding the parameters like body language,
voice and posture.

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