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Watch the below videos in the same sequential order < Sampling and confidence interval>

1. Types of sampling with examples

<15 min>
2. - Introduction to Estimating
Parameters of a Single Population. < 12min>
3. - Confidence Interval for mu when
sigma is not known < 2min>
4. - Confidence Interval for mu when
sigma is known < 6 min>
5. - Confidence interval for proportion
6. – Additional video

Key parameters of population

 To estimate the mean – center µ

 To estimate the variance- fluctuation or deviation from center which is always positive
 . Both the standard deviation and the variance are numerical measures, which calculates the
spread of data from the mean value.
 In short, the mean is the average of the range of given data values, a variance is used to
measure how far the data values are dispersed from the mean, and the standard deviation is
the used to calculate the amount of dispersion of the given data set values.
 Variance is nothing but the average taken out of the squared deviations.
 Standard Deviation is defined as the root of the mean square deviation (Root of variance)
 In general, any unknown constant of the population is known as parameter
 Any sample quantity used to estimate the parameter is called as an estimator

 The sample mean is X bar, the most common estimator of the population mean, µ
 The sample variance, s2, is the most common estimator of the population variance,
 The sample standard deviation, s, is the most common estimator of the population standard
deviation, s.
 The sample proportion, is the most common estimator of the population proportion, p.
 The sampling distribution of the sample mean depends on the fact whether the population
fluctuation, population variance is known or not known.
 If the population variance is known then the sampling distribution is normal distribution. If
the population variance is unknown then, under the assumption of the population normal,
the sampling distribution is student t-distribution
 The central limit theorem (CLT) states that the distribution of sample means approximates a
normal distribution as the sample size gets larger, regardless of the population's distribution.
 Sample sizes equal to or greater than 30 are often considered sufficient for the CLT to hold.
 A key aspect of CLT is that the average of the sample means and standard deviations will
equal the population mean and standard deviation.
 A sufficiently large sample size can predict the characteristics of a population more

1. A (1-)100% confidence interval for  when  is not known (assuming a normally

distributed population) is given by: where is the value of the t distribution with n-1
degrees of freedom that cuts off a tail area of to its right

2.Confidence Interval for mu when sigma is known

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