Hosmillo BSIT1C GEC105 SLM11 MPHosmillo

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PT 1
Each student will choose first from the five types of memo for their writing activity. After
choosing, each of them will follow the parts of the memo including the tips for writing a memo.
Students will be given one hour to finish their work and will be guided by a rubric.

(Instruction Memo)


To: All Staff

From: Niela Marie Hosmillo, IT Manager

Date: June 23, 2021

Subject: Operating the New Computers in the Office

New computers has been arrived and will be installed in the office. All staff are welcome to
use it.

To ensure the right use of compuetrs, it is important to keep the following procedures in mind:

 Unplug the computer when not in use and make sure it is turned off properly after using,
 Do not put foods or drinks near the computer that will leaked and cause damage in the
 Make sure the computer is used with important purposes only.

Please speak to me if you have any questions about the computer.

PT 2
DIRECTIONS: Read each statement carefully and fill-in the blank(s) with the correct answer.
1Oral Presentation is either delivered within or outside the organization.
2. Dateline is placed between the letterhead and the inside address. It should never use plain
numerals for dates.
3. Salutation refers to the writer’s greeting to the reader. It can appear in different formats.
4. Body contains the message of the letter.
5. If the letter is too short, the body can be double-spaced or triple spaced to separate the
6. Paragraphs are single-spaced internally but double-spaced to separate paragraphs.
7. Similar to news writing format, memorandum follows an inverted pyramid form structure.
8. Request Memo asks readers to provide certain information or take certain actions.
9. Authorization Memo gives permission like allowing an employee to study on Saturdays.
10. Signature block is a part of memo that indicates the name of the sender.
11. Subject Line announces the main content or topic of the memo.
12. In writing a memo, use bullets, numbers and letter to list information
13. Say thank you or state a directive action at the end of the memo.
14. One study in US showed that 98% of employees consider e-mail as extremely important.
15. In writing an e-mail or memo, never use “all caps” in the main text.
16. State your purpose in the first sentence of the memo.
17. Primary readers are those who are directly involved in the message of the e-mail.
18. A Minutes of the Meeting is an important activity in any organization.
19. Minutes of the meeting are a descriptive report that provides a written record of what transpired
during a meeting.
20. A meeting is held for many purposes like to solve problems, to notify people, to create
judgements, and to make guidelines among others.

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