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Lesson Plan Template

Unit Topic Class Date

Multiplication 3-405 October 19, 2021
Lesson Topic
Arrays and Multiplication
Common Core Standard(s) Learning
Represent and Solve problems involving Content Objective(s)
multiplication and division. SWBAT solve multistep multiplication word problems using arrays.

Language Objective(s)
LO: SW solve multistep word problems. SW create array visuals to
represent word problems.

Academic Language
Multi step word problems displayed on powerpoint.
Content Vocabulary Graphic organizer for a word problem that outlines the
Array - shows objects in equal rows and following procedures:
columns.  Gist
Multi step word problems.  Answer to what the problem is asking
Repeated addition, rows, columns,  Make a plan
commutative property, and multi-step.

Language Function

Time What are some strategies mathematicians use to solve problems?

3-5 minutes
Expected responses: Ask questions, take risks and make mistakes, think slowly and deeply, use
tools, connect ideas, work together and alone, write out numbers. Find what the problem is
asking you to do.
Time Instructional Activities

10 minutes ● I do – Direct Instruction (How will I teach the content/skill?)

Teacher models a mathematician using each step to solve the following problem. Teacher
includes a visual array for each part of the problem:
Array 1: 3 rows/6 medals each row
Array 2: 5 rows/6 medals each row

Maya keeps her swimming medals in a display on the wall. The display has 3 rows. Each
row has 6 medals. How many medals are in Maya’s collection? Next month, Maya won
more medals. She won 2 more rows of 6 medals! How many medals does Maya have in her
collection now?

10 minutes ● We do – Guided Instruction (How will I reinforce the content/skill? How will I
check for understanding?)
Teacher displays a new problem and works interactively with the class to solve the problem
using each step and creating a visual of the array. During this phase, teacher has a student
read the problem, asks guiding questions – What is the gist of this problem? What
strategy/took can we use to solve this problem? Teacher also encourages student-to—
student interaction – for example, Do we agree? Is there another strategy we could use? If
there is time, teacher can ask the class to create a visual for this problem

● You do together – Cooperative Learning (How will students practice/apply the

10 minutes content/skill - with me, with classmates?)

Melanie came to the park and counted 12 dogs. Then, 2 people showed up with 3 dogs each.
How many dogs are there now? Turn and discuss with the person next to you about the
problem, then use two methods to solve the problem.
Students SHARE OUT answers.

see below
Time ● You do alone – Independent Work/Exit Ticket(How will each student demonstrate
5 minutes understanding of the content/skill?)

Summary/Exit Ticket (How will I determine if students mastered the objectives I set? How will I
assess patterns of learning - what students have mastered and what they need to continue to
work on?)

I have 24 pencils on my desk, draw x an array to organize the pencils so that they are in
rows and columns?

6*4, 2 *12, 3*8, 24*1

Allowing the use of another method/math tool to solve the multiplication word problem.
Graphic organizer
Partner work

Follow Up Homework Assignment


Reflection What went well? What could, should…be changed?

What did the data reveal about patterns of learning?

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