Iron Penis: Not For Men Only!

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Iron Penis

Not for Men Only!

by Gene Ching

Last year in late October, an unbelievable qigong stunt caught the

world's attention. Three men dragged a truck loaded with 100
passengers a meter across a Taipei parking lot. While towing a
meter isn't very far (even with a 10-ton load) the size didn't matter
as much as the method. They pulled it with their penises. That's
right - read that again if you must - three men hauled 10 tons of
truck and passengers by roping their penises to the truck fender
and pulling backwards. These men practice the most forbidden
qigong kungfu of all - they train their genitals.

The three men were students of a renowned Taiwan master named

Tu Jin-Sheng. Master Tu has staged several similar stunts and is
quite famous for doing so. A year earlier, his 70-year-old student
Huang Tian-Yu made the news by putting his manhood on the
line. He lifted 150 kilograms (330 lbs.) using only his penis.
Squatting in horse stance upon two raised pedestals, Huang wore a kilt-like skirt to
cover his private parts while a massive stack of weights dangled beneath him. His
septuagenarian face glowed with genuine elation instead of the grimacing wince that
appears on most men at the mere suggestion of such a bizarre act.

Penis training is often ridiculed in the martial arts, perhaps out of envy, perhaps because
it seems so absurd. Bring it up around the most macho martial arts men, and they will be
crossing their legs and giggling like schoolgirls. But as Tu sees it, people train every
other part of their body except their sexual organs. He considers his method as the only
way to correct this oversight. While most people think the only exercise a penis gets is
ejaculation, Tu's method treats the penis like an arm, a leg or any other part of the body.
Tu comments "People compete will all their four limbs, why not this?"

Throw Out That Old Viagra

Now in his late 40's, Master Tu has the kind of bulging virile physique that many body
builders dream about - big and buffed, yet not so much to impede his flexibility or
agility. He can kick easily above his head, break stone slabs with a single strike, and
blow out a row of candles with one speedy leg sweep. A veteran martial master, Tu was
born into a martial family and began his training under his father in Shaolin kungfu at
the young age of six. From the beginning, he was a career-track martial artist. He
graduated from the prestigious Teachers Physical College of Taiwan with a degree in
martial arts and also earned his master's in Traditional Chinese Medicine. In addition, he
is an accomplished acupuncturist, painter and calligrapher. Tu has dedicated his life's
work completely to the martial arts and founded his own unique style of qigong kungfu.
Called Jiu Yang Shen Gong, Tu now boasts over 60,000 followers worldwide with
students in Malaysia, Japan, Italy, France, Canada, and even here in the United States.

Jiu Yang Shen Gong is Tu's unique penis qigong. Jiu means nine. Nine is special
number in Chinese numerology because it is the largest of the single digits and after
counting to nine, one must return to one. It also refers to the nine major orifices of the
body: eyes, ears, nose, mouth, anus, and genitals. Shen means spirit. Yang is the same
Yang in Yin-Yang and Gong is the same Gong in Qigong. This method is based on
Bodhidharma's Shaolin Marrow Washing (xisuigong) and Taoist nine-circle alchemy
(daojia jiu zhuan wandansu.) It combines Buddhist and Taoist, as well as internal and
external methods. When Tu puts this in modern scientific terms, he defines the external
method as cultivation of the penis while the internal method focuses on increasing
hormone production.

Even in our immodest modern world, penis training is seldom seen. Master Tu believes
this type of qigong kungfu has been kept behind closed doors for two main reasons.
Firstly, the Chinese people are conservative by nature, so many judge this to be a
prurient practice and avoid discussing it seriously. Secondly and more interestingly, this
kungfu focuses on the reproductive organs, the very base of human life, so it is
immensely powerful. Masters had to find the right pupils to receive the teachings or
they would not pass it on.

But today, Tu exalts this practice as a penile panacea. He claims it can prevent old age
and diseases, increase energy and vitality, make muscles and bones stronger, reduce
arterial blockage, cholesterol levels, diabetes, allergies and ear problems. Additionally,
of course, it can greatly enhance sexual performance. According to Tu, this method will
increase the sperm count and boost male hormone levels in a way that is much more
natural and better than taking drugs like Viagra or steroids.

Girls Like It Too

Master Tu has been practicing his penis qigong for over 25 years. He has published a
book and videotape on the subject, but at this time, they are only available in Chinese.
As one might imagine, this is a very delicate practice, so it is of utmost importance that
a student follow the direction of a qualified master. Penis qigong uses a variety of
special exercises, including massage, slapping, pulling and hitting it with a tool. The
breath is concentrated in the dantian and a cloth is used to bind the penis in special
ways. It is important to note that this method is not practiced when aroused. Also, not
everyone can learn this method. Students must have strong qi to practice this. If a
student is 40 or older, he must practice another additional form of qigong to supplement
the training or it will have no effect.

Surprisingly, women can actually practice Jiu Yang Shen Gong too. Female students
can train by inserting a special ping pong-like ball in their vagina. This ball is attached
to a rod, and then hung with heavy weights just like a man's penis. While a man can
begin studying this qigong at any age, a woman can only practice it before
she reaches menopause.

With just a half-hour to an hour of practice a day, Master Tu promises

quick results. After only one week, your hips will loosen. In two weeks,
you will not feel thirsty as easily. After the first month, your vision will
become clearer. By two months, your complexion will improve and the
bags under your eyes will disappear, and by three months, you will require
less sleep and feel powerful all of the time. Eventually, you won't feel the
need to go the bathroom as often and any plaguing maladies will vanish.
And what about sex? Master Tu says "Of course! This is really great for
sex!" One of his students fathered a new baby at age 82. Another student
fathered a son 20 years after the birth of his daughter. Master's Tu's most
incredible claim is that the highest masters of penis qigong can use it to pull cars, break
ice blocks and even cut coconuts.

Master Tu believes his Jiu Yang Shen Gong is an important method for personal well
being in today's toxic world. Nowadays, the environment is filled with pollution that is
constantly being absorbed by the human body. The only way we can strengthen
ourselves is to change our personal human conditions to oppose the unnatural poisons
that permeate our lands and damage us. This type of kungfu is not man against man. It
is man against a contaminated world. For Tu, this kungfu is a small step, but the most
important one to reach out for true human life.

The Big One

Master Tu has another extraordinary stunt in the works. He is in the process of getting
clearance from the Taiwanese government to borrow a 747 jet airplane. Tu figures 20 to
24 of his top students, by strapping their penises, 6 to 8 men per wheel, can generate
combined penis pulling power to move the 18,000-kilogram (39,780 lbs!) 747. That's
over a ton and a half per penis.

It promises to be an attention-getting event if they can pull it off - or rather pull it


Penis qigong creates a lot of raised eyebrows, both in and out of the martial arts.
Generally, the penis is not a suitable topic for polite society. Some find it awkward or
embarrassing just to say the word "penis." Others quickly descend into fraternity house
bawdiness and bathroom-wall vulgarity. But the warrior's way can be extreme, and
eventually this subject comes up in everyone's martial research. The wise warrior
discards any lascivious thoughts and carefully examines this without prejudice. Despite
the suggestiveness of penis qigong, herein lies some powerful and inspirational kungfu.
Again, we discover that dedicated masters can achieve the unbelievable through the
discipline, commitment and practice, reaffirming the limitless nature of our venerated
art of kungfu.

Master Tu Jin-Sheng's Penis Qigong Tips

Penis qigong has some specific prohibitions that can be useful advice for any qigong

1. Watch what you eat very carefully

2. When you wake up in the morning, do not urinate. Instead, exercise to sweat it
3. The hours from 11 PM to 1 AM and 11 AM to 1 PM are not good times for
exercise, but good only for meditation.
4. For every season there is an appropriate focus. Summer: Shen (Spirit) Autumn:
Sui (Blood Circulation) Winter: Jing (Vital essence) Spring: Qi (Life energy)
5. For this type of training you must have a teacher, otherwise you might get hurt.

Click here for Feature Articles from this issue and others published in 2001.

Written by Gene Ching for KUNGFUMAGAZINE.COM

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