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with CD-ROM
Additives, Flavors, and Ingredients

Edited by


A CRC Press Company
Boca Raton London New York Washington, D.C.
Treat all chemical substances as if they have dangerous The speciÞc information in this publication on the haz-
properties. The publisher makes no representation, ardous and toxic properties of certain substances is included
expressed or implied, with regard to the accuracy of the to alert the reader to possible dangers associated with the
information contained in this Dictionary, and cannot accept use of these compounds. The absence of such information
any legal responsibility or liability for any errors or omis- should not, however, be taken as an indication of safety in
sions that may be made. use or misuse.

Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data

Catalog record is available from the Library of Congress

This book contains information obtained from authentic and highly regarded sources. Reprinted material is quoted with permission, and sources are
indicated. A wide variety of references are listed. Reasonable efforts have been made to publish reliable data and information, but the author and the
publisher cannot assume responsibility for the validity of all materials or for the consequences of their use.

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© 2004 by Chapman & Hall/CRC

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International Standard Book Number 1-58488-416-9
Library of Congress Card Number
Printed in the United States of America 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 0
Printed on acid-free paper
Table of Contents
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . v M. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 815
Editorial Board . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . vii N . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 957
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ix O . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 985
Dictionary Entries P . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1037
A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .1 Q . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1165
B . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 95 R . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1169
C . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 145 S . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1187
D . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 237 T . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1251
E . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 427 U . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1411
F. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 487 V . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1421
G . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 519 W . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1433
H . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589 X . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1437
I . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 741 Y . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1443
J . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 779 Z . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1445
K . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 785 Name Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1451
L . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 793 Type of Compound Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1620

For some years, those involved in food chemistry and tech- the Dictionary of Organic Compounds was begun. Since
nology have felt the need for a comprehensive and well- that time, a series of high-quality searchable data compila-
organised reference source documenting the whole range tions has appeared at regular intervals. In due course, it
of substances on which they may need information during only remained to put this technical expertise together with
their day-to-day work. While there are many valuable com- the specialist knowledge of an experienced international
pilations and tabulations of particular areas (e.g., permitted Editorial Board with overall responsibility for content, and
food additives or natural ßavourings), there has been noth- a team of contributors with knowledge of particular areas
ing available that is truly comprehensive. In addition, the of food components.
existing reference works have mostly evolved as traditional The resulting Dictionary of Food Compounds is avail-
books, with their associated shortcomings in terms of able both in hard copy and electronically as a CD-ROM
indexing and expense of updating. product. Each has its own advantages. There is nothing to
With the increasing and sometimes contradictory rival the ease of consulting a book version for quick queries
demands of the consumer market today, the need for the and for browsing to get an overall view of the whole Þeld.
best up-to-date and accurate information has never been On the other hand, the electronic version is searchable by
greater. This is perhaps not the place to digress into the chemical substructure as well as text and, for obvious rea-
debate on “Chemicals in Food;” anyone in the position of sons, is much more easily updated so that the user can get
reading this preface will be quite aware of most of the issues a very rapid summary of new developments in the science.
involved, and will have his or her own views. What is The Dictionary is aimed not only at food scientists and
certain, however, is that whatever direction one approaches technologists, but at the wide range of people whose work
the debate from, it is a sterile and unproductive one unless brings them into contact with the regulatory aspects of food
there is good information about the true state of the science. supply and monitoring.
And that science is of course by no means limited to food The book and CD-ROM versions are complementary.
technology. Any participant in the debate who is ignorant The important thing for the user to be assured of is that the
about the effects of the natural products in the foods we Dictionary of Food Compounds is an ongoing project which
eat is seriously misinformed. the Publishers hope and expect will become a central fea-
Chapman & Hall in its role as a chemical information ture of the information needs of everyone involved in food.
specialist is uniquely able to provide a technology capable Every effort has been taken to ensure the accuracy of
of aiding the compilation and publication of such a com- the information contained in DFC. Any errors or omissions
prehensive reference source. The company's experience in should be communicated to the Publishers, who will also
database publishing in chemistry goes back to the late be pleased to receive any comments about the coverage,
1970s when compilation of the Þrst electronic edition of and especially suggestions for its expansion.

Editorial Board

Prof. Shmuel Yannai

Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Israel


Dr Steven P. Walford
Chapman & Hall/CRC, London


Dr Reto Battaglia Dr Pinhas Lindner

Swiss Quality Testing Services Agricultural Research Organisation
Switzerland Israel

Dr John Buckingham Dr Peter H. Rhodes

Consultant Consultant

Dr Trygve Eklund Dr Ionel Rosenthal

National Institute of Occupational Health Agricultural Research Organisation
Norway Israel

Prof. Jose A. Empis Prof. Piotr Tomasik

Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agricultural Academy of Cracow
Agrária e das Pescas, Portugal Poland

Dr Terry Ward

Users interested in more detailed factual information on there is some doubt about whether a particular plant is of
topics outlined below are referred to The Organic Chemist’s food signiÞcance, it has generally been included. The
Desk Reference (Rhodes, P.A., Chapman & Hall, 1995). sources used to validate food plant information include the
C r o p S E A R C H d a t a b a s e ( h t t p : / / w w w. h o r t . p u r-
1. USING DFC, Purdue University, US) and the Plants
for a Future database (,
The arrangement of entries is alphabetical by name. The Leeds University, UK), and the titles: World Economic
criteria governing the choice of entry name are described Plants — A Standard Reference (Wiersema, J.H. and León,
below. Many compounds in DFC are present as derivatives B., CRC Press, 1999); Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor
of a parent. The CD-ROM version can be searched by all Ingredients, 4th ed., (Burdock, G.A., CRC Press, 2002);
names given throughout the dictionary, whether entry Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives (Burdock, G.A.,
names, synonyms or derivative names. CRC Press, 1997); Handbook of Nutraceuticals and Func-
Every entry is assigned a DFC number to assist ready tional Foods (Wildman, R.E.C., CRC Press, 2000).
location. The DFC number consists of a letter of the alpha-
bet followed by a number, e.g., A-124. All index entries 3. THE TYPE OF COMPOUND INDEX
refer to the DFC number.
This is a most important feature of DFC. Every compound
of food interest included in the dictionary is indexed under
at least one heading, but usually two or more. The headings
are of six types.
The selection of compounds for DFC is broad. Included Structural headings (WA) classify naturally occurring
are all compounds or group of compounds of interest or food constituents under one of 30 headings according to
potential interest to the food industry in its widest conno- their chemical structure, such as:
tation. Compounds need not have been exactly deÞned
structurally to be included. WA 1100 — Natural food colourants (betalaines)
A full description of the scope of compounds included WA 5100 — Food sugars (disaccharides)
can be gained by perusing the headings in the Type of
Compound Index, since virtually every compound or group Deliberate food additive headings (WC) refer to the
of compounds included is listed under at least one of the various functions performed by such additives, such as:
Printed DFC contains a number of derivatives that are WC 0700 — Antioxidants
not of direct food interest, but are included because they WC 2100 — Curing agent
have been used for chemical characterisation of the main
entry compound. However, the number of these is strictly
Food ßavour and odour headings (WE) are self-explan-
limited. In contrast, the version of an entry on the CD-
atory and may refer to natural, nature-identical or synthetic
ROM, where space is not a limitation, is the full version
odours and ßavours
as present on the Chapman & Hall Chemical Database and
Food contaminant headings (WG) classify all undesir-
may include many more derivatives not thought to be of
able/unintended compounds present in foods, such as:
current food interest. When using the CD-ROM, the pos-
sibilities for ßexible searching are such that the portion of
the entry most relevant to food science can rapidly be WG 1000 — Animal feed contaminants
homed in on. WG 3500 — Food allergens
DFC contains many natural products known to occur
in food plants for which no speciÞc food-related informa- Food source headings (WI) classify food compounds,
tion, such as ßavour or toxicity, appears to be available. In both natural and processing-derived, by their food source.
such cases, the decision to include them has been based on Examples are:
the species information given in the entry. If one or more
of the species recorded is a food plant or other food source, WI 1000 — Cereals and bakery products
the compound has been selected for inclusion in the DFC WI 6000 — Dairy products
dataset. The label “food plant” is broadly deÞned and
includes edible wild foods as well as established crop foods, Food function headings (WK) are self-explanatory and
also toxic plants of potential interest to nutritionists. Where include for example

WK 1500 — Antimutagenic agents necessity to employ strict nomenclature rules to arrive at
WK 6500 — Nutriceuticals such a unique name, CAS names are often cumbersome and,
in addition, many CAS parent names are relatively unfamiliar
Once again, compounds classiÞed under these headings to many potential DFC users (e.g., benzenamine for aniline
may be natural, synthetic or nature-identical. and 1-methylethyl for isopropyl). If the CAS name is not the
On the CD-ROM, a combination of these headings with entry name, DFC will often give it as a synonym if it is not
other types of compound codes provides powerful search too cumbersome for effective use.
possibilities. The names in use by CAS for organic compounds have
been largely unchanged since the beginning of the 9th
collective index period in 1972 and are followed by the
sufÞx 9CI. This sufÞx means that the name is one in use
by CAS since 1972 and does not necessarily mean that the
Space considerations have precluded the inclusion of compound can be found in the 9th collective index of CAS,
indexes other than the Type of Compound Index and the which covers 1972 to 1976 only.
Name Index in the hard-copy version of DFC. These were Names in use by CAS before 1972 may also be given.
considered to be the most useful types of indexing for users Names from the 8th collective index period (1967 to 1971)
primarily wishing to locate food-related information. Other are usually sufÞxed 8CI, but names used before 1967 are
types of search (e.g., by molecular formula and/or CAS not specially labelled.
registry number) are readily carried out on the CD-ROM Other chemical names not corresponding to any found
version, which is also searchable by chemical structure or in CAS also may be given; these have either been found in
substructure. Full details of how to do this are given in the the chemical/food literature or have been added editorially
CD-ROM Help Þle. for consistency or clarity. Some compounds, particularly
natural products, possess trivial names. A favoured trivial
5. LITERATURE COVERAGE name will appear in boldface.
Trade names, generic names and names allocated by
In compiling this edition, the primary literature has been
regulatory bodies are invariably given. Their names may
surveyed to 2001. Any future editions are likely to be in
be invented names (e.g., for pesticides) or may be serial
electronic format for ease of updating.
numbers (e.g., the E numbers). Examples of such bodies
are the Flavor and Extract Manufacturers’ Association
6. ORGANISATION OF ENTRIES (FEMA) and the EU Commission (E numbers). Also
Figure 1 illustrates the format of a typical entry within included are those recommended by the British Pharma-
which the individual types of data have been labelled. ceutical Commission as British Approved Names (BAN),
the United States Adopted Name Review Board (USAN),
6.1 CHEMICAL NAMES AND SYNONYMS the British Standards Institute (BSI) or the World Health
Organisation as an International Nonproprietary Name
6.1.1 DFC name
(INN). No distinction is made between International Non-
The DFC name is that chosen to head each entry and is proprietary Names which are currently proposed (pINN)
that which, in the opinion of the Editors, is the one most and those which are recommended (rINN).
likely to be known by, and of use to, most readers. Names which are known to be duplicated within the
The American spelling “sulf-” is used throughout in chemical literature are marked with the symbol ‡.
preference to the British “sulph-.”
DFC does not seek to establish standards of nomencla- 6.2 CAS REGISTRY NUMBERS
ture, and the adoption of a particular name as entry name CAS numbers are identifying numbers allocated to each
does not imply endorsement in any way. However, the DFC distinctly deÞnable chemical substance indexed by CAS
dataset was carefully reviewed before publication in order since 1965 (plus some retrospective allocation of numbers
to give a high degree of internal consistency in the choiceby CAS to compounds from earlier index periods). The
of entry names. numbers have no chemical signiÞcance, but they provide a
Users interested in a fuller explanation of nomenclature
label for each substance independent of any system of
policy and nomenclature rules in general are referred to nomenclature. They are extensively used for exchanging
The Organic Chemist’s Desk Reference. information between individuals and databases. The num-
bers take the form NNNNNN-NN-R, where the total num-
6.1.2 Synonyms
ber of digits is Þve or more and R is a check digit.
Nearly all entries and derivatives are accompanied by var- For practical purposes, CAS numbers have certain
ious synonyms. These come from a variety of sources. shortcomings arising from their free allocation, resulting
Chemical Abstracts Services (CAS) names. CAS assigns in one substance having more than one potential number.
a unique name to every chemical substance. Because of the Duplication may arise for one of several reasons to do with

FIGURE 1 The format of a typical entry in DFC.

the detailed chemistry of the substance (e.g., tautomerism, that the compound has been included in a database such as
solvent formation, partially unspeciÞed stereochemistry). EAFUS Food Additive Database, and there appears to be
There are also replaced numbers. For this reason, DFC no published literature supporting that inclusion. This fact
entries will often contain one or more Additional CAS num- will normally be noted in the entry.
bers which may help the user to obtain further information DFC also contains much information on the nonfood
about the substance, especially by online searching. uses of compounds. This information is of obvious potential
Some entries in DFC refer to families of compounds, use when it is identiÞed for example as a food contaminant.
especially natural products. An example is the entry for the
group of peptide hormones, Relaxins. Here, general infor- 6.6 PHYSICAL DATA

mation applies to all the species variants, plus a signiÞcant DFC gives the following physical characteristics of sub-
number of additional CAS numbers which may refer to stances, when available: appearance, melting point, boil-
additional members of the group that are less well docu- ing point, optical rotation, density, refractive index, solu-
mented or characterised. bility, pKa. All of these Þelds are searchable by numerical
Clearly, the additional CAS numbers given in DFC value (including range searching) in the CD-ROM version
have to be used with care. Their inclusion in the entry is of DFC.
the result of an editorial decision by the DFC contributor
that they refer to what is essentially the same substance, 6.6.1 Appearance
but this decision may be a subjective one. Care has been Organic compounds are considered to be colourless unless
taken to ensure that the main CAS number given in DFC otherwise stated. Where the compound contains a chro-
for each substance is the correct one. mophore which would be expected to lead to visible colour,
Further information on CAS number allocation policy but no colour is mentioned in the literature, the DFC entry
can be obtained from CAS indexes or The Organic Chem- will mention this fact if it has been noticed by the contrib-
ist’s Desk Reference. utor. An indication of crystal form and of recrystallisation
solvent is often given but these are imprecise items of data;
6.3 STRUCTURAL FORMULAE most compounds can be crystallised from several solvent
Every attempt has been made to present the structures of systems and the crystal form often varies. In the case of
chemical substances as accurately as possible according to the small number of compounds where crystal behaviour
best current practice and recommendations of IUPAC (The has been intensively studied (e.g., pharmaceuticals), it is
International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry). As much found that polymorphism is a very common phenomenon
consistency as possible has been aimed at between closely and there is no reason to believe that it is not widespread
related structures. For example, all sugars are shown as among organic compounds generally.
Haworth formulae and, whenever possible in complex struc-
tures, the rings are oriented in the standard Haworth conven- 6.6.2 Melting points and boiling points
tion so that structural comparisons can be quickly made. The policy followed in the case of conßicting data is as
(a) Where the literature melting points are closely
The elements in the molecular formula are given according
similar, only one Þgure (the highest or most
to the Hill convention (C, H, then other elements in alpha-
probable) is quoted.
betical order). The molecular weights given are formula
(b) Where two or more melting points are recorded
weights (or more strictly, molar masses in Daltons) and are
and differ by several degrees (the most likely
rounded to three places in decimals. In the case of some
explanation being that one sample was impure),
high molecular mass substances, such as proteins, the value
the lower Þgure is given in parentheses, thus Mp
quoted may be that taken from an original literature source
139° (134-135°).
and may be an aggregate molar mass.
(c) Where quoted Þgures differ widely and some
6.5 FOOD INFORMATION other explanation such as polymorphism or
incorrect identity seems the most likely explana-
The information given on the food uses of many of the tion, both Þgures are quoted without parentheses,
substances included in DFC is of key importance and has, thus Mp 142°, Mp 205-206°.
as far as possible, been based on critical sources. However, (d) Known cases of polymorphism or double melt-
in the case of compounds that have become of interest only ing points are noted.
recently, or for which little information is available, the
information may be based on journal references only, in Boiling point determination is less precise than that of
which case the reference will normally be given. melting points and conßicting boiling point data are not
In a few cases, the only information that can be found usually reported except when there appears to be a serious
that a compound is of food-related signiÞcance is the fact discrepancy between the different authors.

6.6.3 Optical rotations 6.8 HAZARD AND TOXICITY INFORMATION

These are given wherever possible and normally refer to 6.8.1 General
what the DFC contributor believes to be the best charac- Toxicity and hazard information is highlighted by the sym-
terised sample of highest chemical and optical purity. bol  and has been selected to assist in risk assessments
Where available, an indication of the optical purity (op) or for experimental, manufacturing and manipulative proce-
enantiomeric excess (ee) of the sample measured follows dures with chemicals.
the speciÞc rotation value. Physical, reactive and toxic properties all contribute to
SpeciÞc rotations are dimensionless numbers and the the hazard associated with a particular chemical. As part
degree sign that was formerly universal in the literature has of the physical data, ßash points, explosive limits and
been discontinued. autoignition temperatures have been included where appro-
priate. Flammable classiÞcations, which are based on ßash
6.6.4 Densities and refractive indexes
point measurements and boiling points, are also mentioned,
Densities and refractive indexes are now of less importance and the opportunity has been taken to include UK occupa-
for the identiÞcation of liquids than has been the case in tional exposure limits or, for some compounds, threshold
the past, but are quoted for common or industrially impor- limit values published by the American Conference of Gov-
tant substances, such as solvents, or where no boiling point ernmental Industrial Hygienists (ACGIH). For the reactive
can be found in the literature. hazards, a brief comment is made on any explosive (or
Densities and refractive indexes are not quoted where violent polymerisation) properties and aspects of the chem-
the determination appears to refer to an undeÞned mixture ical reactivity of a substance which are of concern. These
of stereoisomers. include the potential for peroxidation, oxidising/reducing
properties and incompatibility with commonly available
6.6.5 Solubilities
chemicals. Toxicity information has been chosen to show
Solubilities are given only where the solubility is unusual hazardous effects from short-term or long-term exposure.
for a compound. Typical organic compounds are soluble in Observations from human exposure are summarised if
the usual organic solvents, such as ether and chloroform, available (including possible adverse effects of drugs), oth-
and virtually insoluble in water. The presence of polar erwise experimental (exp.) tests are quoted. Included in the
groups (OH, NH2, and especially COOH, SO3H and NR3+) toxicity data are the results of irritancy tests, acute lethality
increases water solubility. data, target organ toxicity, and carcinogenic and reproduc-
tive properties, where appropriate. Those chemicals which
6.6.6 pKa values have been classiÞed by the International Agency for
pKa values are given for both acids and bases. The pKb of Research on Cancer (IARC) as human carcinogens, prob-
a base can be obtained by subtracting its pKa from 14.17 able human carcinogens or possible human carcinogens
(at 20°) or from 14.00 (at 25°). have been identiÞed in DFC accordingly.
The Publishers cannot be held responsible for any inac-
6.7 SPECTROSCOPIC DATA curacies in the reported information, neither does the omis-
Many DFC entries include ultraviolet spectra which are sion of hazard data in the Dictionary imply an absence of
presented in the format: this data from the literature. Widely recognised hazards are
included, however, and where possible key toxicity reviews
[neutral] lmax 198 (log e 1.55); 224 (sh) (log e 0.61); are identiÞed in the references. Further advice on the stor-
241 (sh) (log e 0.55) (H2O) (Berdy) age, handling and disposal of chemicals is given in The
Organic Chemist’s Desk Reference.
Finally, it should be emphasised that any chemical has
where e is the absorption coefÞcient for a given UV maxima
the potential for harm if it is carelessly used.
value (lmax). A description of the solvent conditions used,
if reported in the literature, is listed at the beginning and 6.8.2 RTECS® Accession Numbers*
end of the UV data in parentheses. All peak absorptions
cited are maxima unless otherwise described, e.g., shoul- Many entries in DFC contain one or more RTECS® Acces-
der/inßection (sh) and end absorption (end). In addition, sion Numbers. Possession of these numbers allows users
UV data may be followed by the term “Berdy” or “DEREP” to locate toxicity information on relevant substances from
indicating from which database the data originated. The the NIOSH Registry of Toxic Effects of Chemical Sub-
absence of either of these terms implies that the data was stances, which is a compendium of toxicity data extracted
abstracted from the primary literature. from the scientiÞc literature.
On the CD-ROM, all the lmax values are indexed in the * RTECS® Accession Numbers are compiled and distributed by the
UV Maxima Þeld and can be searched for numerically National Institute for Occupational Safety and Health Service of the U.S.
including range searching. Similarly, the solvent data asso- Department of Health and Human Services of The United States of Amer-
ciated with the UV data are indexed in the UV Solvent Þeld. ica. All rights reserved (1996)

For each Accession Number, the RTECS® database pro- 7. ABBREVIATIONS
vides the following data when available: substance prime
name and synonyms; data when the substance record was
last updated; CAS Registry Number; molecular weight and The following is a selection of the most common database
formula; reproductive, tumorigenic, and toxic dose data; abbreviations used:
and citations to aquatic toxicity ratings, IARC reviews,
ACGIH Threshold Limit Values, toxicological reviews, Abbreviation Name
existing Federal standards, the NIOSH criteria document [a] speciÞc rotation
program for recommended standards, the NIOSH current abs conÞg absolute conÞguration
intelligence program, the NCI Carcinogenesis Testing Pro- Ac acetyl
gram, and the EPA Toxic Substance Control Act inventory. acc according
Each data line and citation is referenced to the source from AcOH acetic acid
which the information was extracted. Ac2O acetic anhydride
ACGIH American Conference of Governmental
6.9 BIBLIOGRAPHIC REFERENCES Industrial Hygienists
The selection of references is made with the aim of facil- ADI Acceptable Daily Intake
itating entry into the chemical and food literature for the alk alkaline
user who wishes to locate more detailed information about amorph amorphous
a particular compound. In general and where possible, amt amount
recent references are preferred to older ones. anal analytical applications, analysis of detection
anhyd anhydrous
In the printed DFC, the reference selection has been
aq aqueous
edited to include only those references that are most relevant
BAN British Approved Name
to each entry. In particular, many references which refer to
bibl bibliography
derivatives that are not of food signiÞcance have been omitted
biosynth biosynthesis
from the entry. All of these references can be seen on the CD-
Bp boiling point
ROM version, which contains the complete entries as cur-
bwd bird (wild)
rently recorded on the Chapman & Hall Chemical Database.
c concentration
References are given in date order except for references ca (circa) about
to spectroscopic library collections, which sort at the top cd circular dichroism
of the list, and those to hazard/toxicity sources, which sort CAS Chemical Abstracts Service
at the bottom. chromatog chromatography
The content of most references is indicated by means of cmr carbon (13C) nuclear magnetic resonance
a reference tag. An explanation of standard abbreviations CNS central nervous system
used in reference tags is given in Section 7.2. If a reference col colour, coloration
tag is considered to be of particular importance, e.g., for an coml commercial(ly)
important synthesis or review, it will appear in boldface type. compd compound
conc concentrated
6.9.1JOURNAL ABBREVIATIONS conÞg conÞguration
In general these are uniform with the Chemical Abstracts conformn conformation
Service Source Index (CASSI) listing except for a short list constit constituent
of very common journals where we have been able to save cryst struct X-ray crystal structure determination
a considerable amount of space by using well understood d density
short-form abbreviations. A list of these follows: dck duck
dec decomposes, decomposition
degradn degradation
DFC Abbreviation CASSI Name deg degree
Acta Cryst. (and sections Acta Crystallogr. (and sections deriv(s) derivative(s)
thereof) thereof) detn detection, determination
Annalen Liebigs Ann. Chem. dil dilute, dilution
Chem. Comm. J. Chem. Soc., Chem. Commun. dimorph dimorphic
J.A.C.S. J. Am. Chem. Soc. diss dissolves, dissolved
J.C.S. (and various J. Chem. Soc. (and various dist(n) distil, distillation
subsections thereof) subsections thereof) DMF dimethylformamide
J. Het. Chem. J. Heterocycl. Chem. DMSO dimethyl sulfoxide
J.O.C. J. Org. Chem. ee enantiomeric excess
Tet. Lett. Tetrahedron Lett. epr electron paramagnetic (spin) resonance

Abbreviation Name Abbreviation Name
equilib equilibrium occup occupational
esp especially OES Occupational Exposure Standard
Et ethyl op optical purity
EtOAc ethyl acetate ord optical rotatory dispersion
EtOH ethanol orl oral
EtOH aq aqueous ethanol Ph phenyl (C6H5)
exp experimental pharmacol pharmacology
FEMA Flavor and Extract Manufacturers’ Association pmr proton (1H) nuclear magnetic resonance
ßp ßash point polarog polarography
ßuor ßuoresces, ßuorescence polym polymerises, polymer
formn formation ppd precipitated
Fp freezing point ppm parts per million
g gram props properties
glc gas liquid chromatography purifn puriÞcation
Glc b-D-glucopyranosyl Py pyridine
gpg guinea pig rbt rabbit
GRAS Generally Recognised As Safe ref reference
ham hamster resoln resolution
haz hazard rev review
hplc high performance liquid chromatography rt room temperature
hydrol hydrolyses, hydrolysed, hydrolysis scu subcutaneous
ihl inhalation sepn separation
ims intramuscular skn skin
INN International Nonproprietary Name sl slightly
intermed intermediate sol soluble
ipr intraperitoneal soln solution
ir infra-red spectrum solv solvent
isol(n) isolation, isolated sp species (singular)
isom isomerism, isomers, isomerises spar sparingly
ivn intravenous spp species (plural)
JAN Japanese Accepted Name ssp subspecies
JMAF Japanese Ministry for Agriculture, Forestry and subl sublimation, sublimes
Fisheries synth synthesis
LC lethal concentration tautom tautomerism
LD lethal dose: LD50, a dose which is lethal to 50% THF tetrahydrofuran
of the animals tested tlc thin layer chromatography
M molecular weight (formula weight) TLV Threshold Limit Value
manuf manufacturer, manufactured tox toxicity
max maximum unsatd unsaturated
Me methyl USAN United States Adopted Name
MeOH methanol uv ultraviolet spectrum
Me2CO acetone v very
MEL maximum exposure limit var variety
metab metabolite, metabolism vis visible
misc miscible vol volume
mixt mixture
mky monkey 7.2 REFERENCE TAGS
mod moderately The following is a selection of the most common Reference
Mp melting point Tag abbreviations used:
ms mass spectrum
mus mouse Abbreviation Name
n index of refraction, e.g. nD20 for 20° and sodium abs conÞg absolute conÞguration
light anal analysis
nmr nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum (general) bibl bibliography
obt obtained biodistribn biodistribution
oc open cup

Abbreviation Name Abbreviation Name
biosynth biosynthesis use(s) °
cd circular dichroism uv ultraviolet spectrum
chromatog chromatography uv-vis ultraviolet visible spectrum
cmr 13C nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum

conÞg conÞguration
conformn conformation 8. THE CD-ROM VERSION OF DFC
cryst struct X-ray crystal structure determination Printed DFC is accompanied by a CD-ROM version. This
deriv(s) derivative(s) electronic version has a number of advantages over the print
detn determination, detection version:
dsc differential scanning calorimetry
dta differential thermal analysis (a) It can be searched more ßexibly, as detailed
ed electron diffraction above.
electrochem electrochemistry, cyclic voltammetry (b) It contains the full version of entries that have
em electron microscopy been shortened (by the omission of less-relevant
epr electron paramagnetic (spin) resonance derivatives and references) in the printed work.
esca electron spectroscopy for chemical analysis Once installed, a User manual and Help Þle providing
exafs extended X-ray diffraction Þne structure additional information on data content and guide to search-
fab-ms fast atom bombardment mass spectroscopy ing are available from the Chapman & Hall/CRC folder in
glc gas-liquid chromatography the Start Menu and from the Help menu on the CD-ROM.
haz hazard When accessing the Dictionary of Food Compounds on
hplc high performance liquid chromatography CD-ROM, the Þrst screen that is obtained is the Search
ir infrared spectrum Form window (Figure 2).
isol isolation The Search Form window is split into three panes:
isom isomerism
manuf manufacture 1. Structure Search pane – allowing structure and
metab metabolism substructure searching.
mineral mineralogy 2. Search Terms pane – search from one or more
ms mass spectrum of the 29 available data/text Þelds.
nmr nuclear magnetic resonance spectrum 3. Index pane – displays the indexed terms within
occur occurrence a selected Þeld.
ord optical rotatory dispersion
pe photoelectron spectroscopy From the Search Form window, design your search
pharmacol pharmacology proÞle using text, structure or text/structure searching.
photol photolysis Once your search has been performed, the resultant hits are
pmr proton (1H) nuclear magnetic resonance listed alphabetically by chemical name in the Hit List
spectrum screen. Clicking on any one of the hits in the hit list screen
polarog polarography will result in that entry being displayed in the Entry Display
powder struct X-ray powder structure determination screen (Figure 3).
props properties (chemical or physical) Any comments and suggestions for inclusion may be
Raman Raman spectrum sent to:
resoln resolution
rev review The Editors, DFC
sepn separation Chapman & Hall/CRC
soly solubility 23 Blades Court
spectra ° Deodar Road
struct structure London
synonyms ° SW15 2NU
synth synthesis Fax:+44 (0)20 8871 3443
tautom tautomerism
tga thermogravimetric analysis
theory MO calculations etc.
tlc thin layer chromatography
tox toxicity
trans transition(s)

FIGURE 2 Search Form Window.

FIGURE 3 Hit List and Entry Display screens.

1(10 0 19)-Abeo-7-acetoxyisoobacun-... 
/ 8,11,13-Abietatriene-7,18-... A-1 / A-8

1(10/ 0 19)-Abeo-7-acetoxyi- A-1 5(1/ 0 10)-Abeo-1,12-patchou- A-4 pine) and other conifers. Cryst. (EtOH).
soobacun-3,10-olide lanediol [a]20
D +59 (c, 4.24 in CHCl3).
O poxy-18-abietanoic acid
HO C20H30O4 334.455
Cryst. (diisopropyl ether) (as Me ester).
O Mp 130-1328 (Me ester).
O Wenkert, E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1964, 86, 2038
O H Radulgin, V.A. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1974,
HOH 2C 10, 674; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
O 1974, 10, 696 (Palustral)
O C15H26O2 238.369 Delgado, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 37,
OAc Constit. of Pogostemon cablin (patchouli). 1119 (diepoxide)
Cryst. (hexane/C6H6). Mp 132.5-1338.
C28H34O9 514.571 Trifilieff, E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19, 7,13-Abietadien-18-ol A-7
2467 (isol, struct) [666-84-2]
(7a,10b)-form [85643-98-7]
Niwa, H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1984, 25, 2797 Abietinol
Constit. of the fruits of a Citrus - (synth)
Poncirus hybrid. Cryst. (MeOH). Mp
11(1/ 0 10)-Abeo-1(5)-patch- A-5
Bennett, R.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21,
2349 oulene
methyl-4,7-methanoazulene, 9CI. b-Patch-
1(10/ 0 19)-Abeo-7-acetoxyo- A-2 oulene
bacun-9(11)-ene CH 2OH
O C20H32O 288.472
Isol. from Pinus sylvestris (Scotch pine).
Cryst. or oil. Mp 85.5-878. [a]D -132.5 (c, 2
in EtOH). [a]D -73 (CHCl3).
O C15H24 204.355 18-Tigloyl:
Constit. of guaiac wood oil (Bulnesia C25H38O2 370.574
O sarmienti ). Oil. Bp0.6 66.88. [a]30
D -42.6 (c, Gum.
O 10.5 in CHCl3). n25D 1.4978. 18-Aldehyde: [6704-50-3] 7,13-Abietadien-
O O OAc D1,2-Isomer: [53823-16-8] 11(1/ 0 10)- 18-al. Abietinal
Abeo-1-patchoulene. d-Patchoulene C20H30O 286.456
C15H24 204.355 Constit. of Pinus sylvestris (Scotch
C28H32O8 496.556 Constit. of Pogostemon cablin (patch- pine). Cryst. or oil. Mp 45-488. [a]D -116
7a-form [85643-97-6] ouli). Oil. [a]25
D -61.7 (EtOH).
Constit. of the fruits of a Citrus - Büchi, G. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1961, 83, 927 (isol, 18-Carboxylic acid: See 7,13-Abietadien-
Poncirus hybrid. struct) 18-oic acid in The Combined Chemical
Bates, R.B. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1962, 84, 1307 Dictionary.
Bennett, R.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, (synth)
2349 Erdtman, H. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1963,
Narayanan, C.S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1964, 20,
17, 1826
963 (isol)
Chirkova, M.A. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. ,
Mookherjee, B.D. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
1966, 2, 99; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl.
1974, 22, 771 (d-Patchoulene)
Transl.) , 1966, 2, 77
3(4/ 0 5)-Abeo-4,11:4,12-die- A-3 Akhita, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26, 2705
Caputo, R. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1974, 104,
poxy-3-eudesmanol 491
Caputo, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1974, 13, 471
[210106-16-4] 8,13-Abietadien-18-oic acid A-6 San Feliciano, A. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. ,
1993, 31, 841 (cmr)
Lu, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 38, 451 (isol,
Palustric acid pmr, cmr)

8,11,13-Abietatriene-7,18-diol A-8
O 15
C15H24O3 252.353
Constit. of Cyperus rotundus (nutgrass).
Oil. [a]21
D +15 (c, 0.04 in CHCl3).
Ohira, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 47, 1577-
1581 C20H30O2 302.456 18
Constit. of Pinus palustris (pitch pine). CH 2OH
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 162-1678. [a]D +71.6
(EtOH). lmax 265 (NaOH) (Berdy). C20H30O2 302.456
18-Aldehyde: [13508-03-7] 8,13-Abieta- 7a-form [26920-04-7]
dien-18-al. Palustral Needles (Me2CO). Mp 898. [a]20
D -3.3 (c,
C20H30O 286.456 0.46 in EtOH).
Isol. from Pinus koraiensis (Korean 18-Ac, 7-ketone: [33980-73-3] Pomiferin G

8,11,13-Abietatriene-11,12,20-...  / Abscisic acid A-9  / A-11

C22H30O3 342.477 Dentali, S.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 11-Aldehyde: [41944-86-9] Abscisic alde-
Amorph. 993 (isol) hyde
González, A.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, C15H20O3 248.321
18-Aldehyde, 7-ketone: [96888-45-8] 7- 4067 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Oxo-8,11,13-abietatrien-18-al. Suginal Djarmati, Z. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31,
Cryst. (CH2Cl2/hexane). Mp 127-1288.
C20H26O2 298.424 1307 (isol, pmr, cmr, cryst struct) [a]20
D +450.5 (c,1 in EtOH).
Cryst. Mp 2278 dec. [a]15D -100.5 (c, 1 in Luis, J.G. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 2000, 14, 379- 3a-Alcohol: [84026-26-6] 4?-Dihydroabsci-
CHCl3). 385 (20-acid-11-Me ether) sic acid
18-Aldehyde, 7-ketone, 12-hydroxy:12-Hy- C15H22O4 266.336
droxy-7-oxo-8,11,13-abietatrien-18-al Isol. from immature seeds of broad
8,11,13-Abietatrien-12-ol A-10 bean (Vicia faba ).
C20H26O3 314.424
Constit. of Salvia sclarea (clary sage). 3b-Alcohol: [85718-96-3]
Amorph. OH 16 C15H22O4 266.336
15 lmax 265 (EtOH) (Berdy).
Ohmoto, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1987, 35,
229 13-Hydroxy: [25841-53-6] 13-Hydroxyabs-
Kuo, Y.-H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990, 38, 14 cisic acid
3195 (Suginal)
C15H20O5 280.32
Barrero, A.F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, 7
615 (isol, pmr, cmr) 6 Constit. of cowpea (Vigna unguiculata )
Topcu, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 36, 743 fruits.
(isol, pmr, cmr) 13-Hydroxy, 13-O-(3-hydroxy-3-
Ulubelen, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 36, methylglutaroyl): [69790-31-4]
971 (12-Hydroxy-7-oxo-8,11,13-abietatrien- 5α-form
18-al) [69790-32-5] 9?-(3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutar-
oyloxy)abscisic acid. b-Hydroxy-b-
C20H30O 286.456 methylglutarylhydroxyabscisic acid. HMG-
8,11,13-Abietatriene- A-9 HOABA
5a-form [514-62-5]
11,12,20-triol Ferruginol$ C21H28O9 424.447
Oil. Bp0.3 1758. [a]16
D +40.6 (EtOH).
Gum. [a]20D +560 (c, 0.013 in EtOH).

OH 6,7-Didehydro: [34539-84-9] 6,8,11,13- 13-Hydroxy, 13-O-(3-hydroxy-3-

HO Abietatetraen-12-ol. D6-Dehydroferrugi- methylglutaroyl), 5?-Me ester: [111672-
HOH 2 C 2 0 nol. 6,7-Didehydroferruginol 32-3] MeHMG-HOABA
C20H28O 284.441 C22H30O9 438.474
Isol. from woods of Juniperus communis [a]15
D +243 (c, 0.15 in MeOH).
(juniper). Light yellow solid. [a]20
D -60
13-Hydroxy, 3-alcohol:Pisumic acid
H (EtOH).
C15H22O5 282.336
Briggs, L.H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1959, 7, 270- Isol. from peas (Pisum sativum ) irri-
C20H30O3 318.455 276 (Dehydroferruginol)
González, A.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31,
gated with (/9)-abscisic acid. Tentative
Amorph. solid. struct..
1691-1695 (6,7-Didehydroferruginol)
20-Carboxylic acid: [3650-09-7] 11,12-Di- 14-Hydroxy: [91897-25-5] Nigellic acid
hydroxy-8,11,13-abietatrien-20-oic acid. C15H20O5 280.32
Carnosic acid. Deoxypicrosalvinic acid. Abscisic acid A-11 Isol. from leaves of Vicia faba . Mp 185-
Salvin$ [7773-56-0] 1878.
C20H28O4 332.439 (/9)-form [14375-45-2]
Isol. from Salvia officinalis (sage) and [2228-72-0, 52392-36-6]
Mp 188-1908.
Rosamarinus officinalis (rosemary). 5-(1-Hydroxy-2,6,6-trimethyl-4-oxo-2-cy-
clohexen-1-yl)-3-methyl-2,4-pentadienoic [6735-04-2, 6755-41-5, 14398-53-9, 14674-85-2,
Cryst. (hexane). Sol. Et2O, MeOH, 40331-02-0, 58801-55-1, 69350-43-2, 69350-44-3,
bases, CHCl3; poorly sol. H2O. Mp 185- acid, 9CI. Abscisin II. Dormin
78340-30-4, 79199-48-7, 97806-70-7]
1908 dec. [a]23
D +191 (c, 1.07 in MeOH).
Cornforth, J. et al., Nature (London) , 1965,
lmax 212 (e 21500); 233 (e 9650); 284 (e 13
206, 715 (synth)
1690) (EtOH) (Berdy). Koreeda, M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1973, 95, 239-240
20-Carboxylic acid, di-Ac: 6
(S)-form (synth)
3 OH Milborrow, B.V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975,
Needles (hexane). Mp 212-2178 (196- COOH
2158 dec.). [a]22
D +139 (c, 1.15 in CHCl3).
O 14 11 14, 2403-2405 (biosynth)
Shibasaki, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1976,
20-Carboxylic acid, 11-Me ether: [313050- 24, 315-322 (synth)
C15H20O4 264.321
47-4] 12-Hydroxy-11-methoxy-8,11,13- Mayer, H.J. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1976, 59,
abietatrien-20-oic acid Terpenoid (cyclofarnesane) numbering 1424-1427 (synth, uv, pmr, ms)
C21H30O4 346.466 shown. Other schemes freq. Burden, R.S. et al., Pure Appl. Chem. , 1976, 47,
Constit. of Citrus roots infected by encountered. Used to regulate ripening 203 (rev)
nematode Tylenchulus semipenetrans. of fruit. lmax 252 (e 25200) (no solvent Ueda, H. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1977, 50,
Amorph. solid. Mp 140-1418. [a]20 reported) (Derep). lmax 244 (e 25000) 1506-1509 (cryst struct)
(EtOH/NaOH) (Derep). lmax 245 (sh) (e Kienzle, F. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1978, 61,
+12.1 (c, 0.28 in CHCl3). 2616-2627 (synth, aldehyde)
12-Me ether, 20-carboxylic acid, 20/ 0 11 ); 260 (e 21300) (EtOH) (Derep).
Hirai, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, 1625-
lactone:12-Methoxy-8,11,13-abietatrien- (S )-form [21293-29-8]
1627; 1981, 20, 1867-1869 (HMG-HOABA)
20,11-olide Adesomoju, A.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980,
C21H28O3 328.45 [72029-68-6, 72029-69-7] 19, 223-225 (13-Hydroxyabscisic acid)
Constit. of Salvia officinalis (sage). Constit. of cabbage, potato, lemon etc.. Norman, S.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20,
Cryst. (CHCl3/petrol). Mp 160-1618. [a]D 2343-2344 (biosynth)
Cryst. (petrol). Mp 112-1148. Neill, S.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, 61-
Linde, H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1964, 47, +430. The incorrect abs. config. was
65; 1983, 22, 2469 (biosynth)
1234 (isol, uv, ir, pmr) formerly assigned. Dathe, W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, 1798-
Wenkert, E. et al., J.O.C. , 1965, 30, 2931 (isol, 1799 (4?-Dihydroabscisic acid)
ir, pmr, config) b-D-Glucopyranosyl ester: [21414-42-6]
Lehmann, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22,
Narayanan, C.R. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1965, 3647 Abscisyl b-D-glucopyranoside 1277-1278; 1988, 27, 677-678 (Nigellic acid)
(struct) C21H30O9 426.463
Meyer, W.L. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1966, 4261 (synth) Mp 1148. [a]17
D +180 (c, 0.35 in EtOH).

Abscisic alcohol / Acadesine, BAN, INN, USAN A-12 
/ A-16

Takeda, N. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1984, 48, Absinthin A-13 COOH
685-694; 1986, 50, 2295-2230; 1987, 51, 2351-
[1362-42-1] O O CH 2
Bennet, R.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23, 4′ HO O
1913-1915; 1990, 29, 3473-3477 (biosynth) OH OH
Oritani, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1985, 49, HO OH
245-249 (biosynth) OH
Tietz, D. et al., Physiol. Plant. , 1985, 65, 171- H
176 (Pisumic acid) HO H OH
Constantino, M.G. et al., J.O.C. , 1986, 51, 253- H
254 (synth, ir, pmr, ms) α-Pyranose-form
Boyer, G.L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, H O
1103-1105 (Nigellic acid)
O C12H20O12 356.283
Hirai, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, 1865- Probably the commonest aldobiouronic
1868 (biosynth) O acid present as a structural unit in plant
Southwick, S.M. et al., Plant Physiol. , 1986, 81, gums. Isol. from partial acid hydrolysates
323-325 (glucopyranosyl ester) from the following plants; black wattle
Okamoto, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26, O (Acacia mollissima ), Acacia senegal , Aca-
1269-1271; 1988, 27, 2099-2103 (3b-alcohol,
biosynth) C30H40O6 496.642 cia pycnantha , Acacia karroo, Acacia
Soukup, M. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1989, 72, Constit. of Artemisia absinthium (worm- cyanophylla , egg plum (Prunus domestica ),
361-364 (synth) wood). Orange-yellow needles. Mp 182- almond (Prunus amygdalus ), peach (Pru-
Willows, R.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,
1838 dec. [a]D +180. nus persica ), Anogeissus lattifolia (gum
2641-2642; 1992, 31, 2649-2653; 1993, 34, ghatti), Vigilia oroboides, Afraegle panicu-
233-237 (biosynth, pmr, Abscisic aldehyde) 6?-Epimer: [11029-90-6] Isoabsinthin lata , Ferula and Chorisia spp. Also isol.
Abrams, S.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, C30H40O6 496.642 from hydrolysates of maritime pine (Pinus
2885-2889 (pmr) Constit. of Artemisia absinthium
Parry, A.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30,
pinaster ) hemicellulose and wheat straw.
(wormwood). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 172- Mp 118-1198 (hydrate). [a]D +11.6 / 0 -8.6
815-821 (biosynth)
Cornforth, J. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1992, 45, 1748. (H2O).
179-185 (synth) 11-Epimer:11-Epiabsinthin
[1693-80-7, 5566-99-4]
Hampson, C.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, C30H40O6 496.642
2645-2648 (13-Hydroxyabscisic acid) Oil. [a]24
D +159 (c, 0.34 in CHCl3). Hotchkiss, R.D. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1936,
Sakai, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1992, 48, 8229- 115, 285 (deriv)
8238 (synth) 10?,11?-Diepimer:10?,11?-Epiabsinthin Goebel, W.F. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1938, 124,
Yamamoto, H. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., C30H40O6 496.642 207 (isol)
Biochem. , 1994, 58, 992-993 (synth) Oil. [a]24
D +107 (c, 0.62 in CHCl3). Aspinall, G.O. et al., J.C.S. , 1955, 1160; 1961,
Yamauchi, S. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., 10?,11,11?-Triepimer:10?,11,11?-Epiab- 3461 (isol)
Biochem. , 1995, 59, 1968 (glucopyranosyl sinthin Mukherjee, S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1958, 80, 2536
ester) (isol)
C30H40O6 496.642
Milborrow, B.V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, Jones, J.K.N. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1961, 39, 162
45, 257-260 (biosynth) Oil. [a]24
D +46 (c, 0.35 in CHCl3). (isol)
Yamamoto, H. et al., Tennen Yuki Kagobutsu Kasymov, Sh.Z. et al., Chem. Nat. Compd. Bailey, R.W. et al., Oligosaccharides , Pergamon
Toronkai Koen Yoshishu , 2000, 42, 271-276 (Engl. Transl.) , 1979, 430-435 (isol) Press, London, 1965, 4, 134 (occur)
(biosynth) Beauhaire, J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1980, 21, 3191; Peciar, C. et al., Chem. Zvesti , 1974, 28, 83
1981, 22, 2269 (isol, struct) (config, pmr)
Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, Di Fabio, J.L. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1982, 99,
1009 (isol, derivs) 41 (isol)
Ma, C.-M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2000, 63, 1626-
Abscisic alcohol A-12 1629 (activity)
[113472-20-1] Acadesine, BAN, INN, USAN A-16
Absintholide A-14 5-Amino-1-ribofuranosyl-1H-imidazole-4-
CH 2OH [91997-90-9] carboxamide, 9CI. AICA-Riboside. AI-
CAR. GP 1-110
C15H22O3 250.337 O
Constit. of quince (Cydonia oblonga ) fruit.
H 2N
11-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [145153-00-0]
C21H32O8 412.479 O HOH 2C O
Constit. of quince (Cydonia oblonga ) OH
fruit. H OH
9,10-Dihydro:9,10-Dihydroabscisic alcohol. O
2,3-Dihydroabscisic alcohol HO OH
C15H24O3 252.353 O
Constit. of starfruit Averrhoa carambo- C9H14N4O5 258.233
la . [a]D +49.7 (c, 0.0018 in EtOH). C30H38O8 526.625 Pink rosettes (EtOH). Sol. H2O. Mp 215-
Constit. of Artemisia absinthium (worm- 2168 dec. [a]27
Lutz, A. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1992, 40, D -62.4 (c, 0.5 in H2O). Log P
116 (isol, pmr, cmr)
wood). Cryst. (C6H6). Mp 227-2288. [a]25
D -2.97 (calc).
Lutz, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 32, 57; +127 (c, 1.3 in CHCl3).
1994, 36, 811 (isol, pmr, cmr, cd) 5?-Phosphate: [3031-94-5]
Beauhaire, J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1984, 25, 2751
C9H15N4O8P 338.213
Produced by the action of brewer’s yeast
on the riboside. The 5?-phosphate and
Acaciabiuronic acid A-15 its nontoxic salts are potent flavour
[7264-19-9] enhancers of soups, canned foods,
6-O-b-D-Glucopyranuronosyl-D-galactose, beverages, etc. Converted by Bratton-
9CI, 8CI Marshall reagents to a purple dye with

Acemannan, INN, USAN  / Acetamide, 9CI A-17  / A-22

lmax 540 nm lmax 268 (e 12800) (H2O). Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , teratogen. Exp. reprod. effects. AB1925000
Greenberg, G.R. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1956, Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
York, 1989, AAF900
Di-Me acetal: [534-15-6] 1,1-Dimethox-
219, 411; 423 (isol) yethane, 9CI. FEMA 3426
Burrows, I.E. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1967, 1088 Mayer, D.G. et al., Acesulfame-K , M. Dekker,
New York, 1991, (book) C4H10O2 90.122
(synth, phosphate)
Von Rymon Lipinski, G.-W. et al., Food Sci. Flavouring ingredient. Sol. H2O, EtOH,
U.S. Pat. , 1967, 3 355 301; CA , 68, 28636q (use)
Panzica, R.P. et al., J.O.C. , 1971, 36, 1594 Technol. , 1991, 48, 11-28 (rev) Et2O, Me2CO, CHCl3. Mp -113.28. Bp
(synth) Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd 64.58. n20
D 1.3668.
Panzica, R.P. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1972, 9, 623 edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American -Highly flammable, fl. p. 18. AB2825000
(synth, tri-Ac, tetra-Ac) Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical
Press, 1994, 3-4 [631-59-4, 1019-57-4, 1632-89-9, 25473-09-0]
Ivanovics, G.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1974, 39, 3651
(synth) Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn., Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Adamiak, D.A. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1979, 35, Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1353 1, 214A; 465B; 2, 921A (ir)
924 (cryst struct) Ager, D.J. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1998, Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Sabina, R.L. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1982, 257, 37, 1803-1817 (rev, synth) Spectra , 1992, 1, 348C; 727A; 3, 487A (nmr)
10178 (metab) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Ferris, J.P. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 747 (synth, uv, Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 1989, 3, 551A; 1577A (ir)
pmr) Reinhold , 1992, AAF900 Wertheim, E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1922, 44, 2658
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th (synth)
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1329 Acetal R A-19 Kalinowski, H.O. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. ,
1974, 6, 305 (cmr)
[7493-57-4] Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
Acetaldehyde phenethyl propyl acetal. Pro- Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
Acemannan, INN, USAN A-17 pyl phenethyl acetal. Pepital. [2-(1-Pro- York, 1989, AAG250
[110042-95-0] poxyethoxy)ethyl]benzene, 9CI. FEMA Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn.,
Carrisyn. Polymannoacetate 2004 Wiley, 1991, 1, 94 (rev)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
Long chain polymer consisting of linear (1/ PhCH2CH2OCH(CH3)OCH2CH2CH3 edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
0 4)-D-mannopyranosyl units, C13H20O2 208.3 2, 3; 171
randomly acetylated (0.8 Ac per (/9)-form Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
monomer) MW >10000 Dalton. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 9-10; 841-
Flavouring ingredient with a green pepper 842
Constit. of leaf juice of Aloe taste; useful in vegetable as fruit flavours.
barbadensis. Used in flavouring. Fluffy Chemical Hazards of the Workplace, 2nd edn.,
Liq. with powerful leafy odour. d25 25 0.95. (eds. Proctor, N.H. et al ), J.B. Lippincott ,
amorph. powder. n20
D 1.4800. 1988, 47
Pat. Coop. Treaty (WIPO) , 1987, 0 052, Arctander, S. et al., Perfume and Flavor Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive
(Carrington Lab ); CA , 107, 183550z Chemicals , Steffen Arctander, 1969, 1, (rev) Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths,
(extraction) Ford, R.A. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , 1992, 1990, 0776
Womble, D. et al., Int. J. Immunopharmacol. , 30, 109S; CA , 117, 211063 (rev) Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical
1988, 10, 967; CA , 110, 50917q (activity) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of
Pat. Coop. Treaty (WIPO) , 1990, 01 253, Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 10-11 (use) Chemistry, 1992, 2
(Carrington Lab ); CA , 114, 55783k (prep, Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
activity) edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001, 6 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Fogleman, R.W. et al., Vet. Hum. Toxicol. , (use) Reinhold , 1992, AAG250; AAH250; DOO600
1992, 34, 144; 201 tox Patty’s Ind. Hyg. Toxicol. , 4th edn., Vol. 2,
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th Wiley, 1993, 283 (tox, rev)
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 536 Acetaldehyde, 9CI A-20
Acetaldehyde butyl phenethyl A-21
Ethanal. FEMA 2003
Acesulfame, BAN, INN A-18
[33665-90-6] C2H4O 44.053 [2-(1-Butoxyethoxy)ethyl]benzene, 9CI.
6-Methyl-1,2,3-oxathiazin-4(3H)-one 2,2- For enol form see Ethenol, E-246. FEMA 3125
dioxide, 9CI. 3,4-Dihydro-6-methyl-1,2,3- Flavouring agent and adjuvant used to
oxathiazin-4-one 2,2-dioxide impart orange, apple and butter
flavours; component of food flavourings OCH2CH2Ph
O CH3 added to milk products, baked goods, H3CCH
fruit juices, candy, desserts and soft OCH2CH2CH2CH3
N O drinks. Liq. with a pungent fruity
H S odour. Misc. H2O, org. solvs. d20 4 0.78. C14H22O2 222.327
O2 Mp -1218. Bp 218. n20 D 1.3316. pKa1 Flavour ingredient with a green pepper
13.57 (258,hydrate). Vp 900 mmHg taste; useful in vegetable as fruit flavours.
C4H5NO4S 163.154 (258). Readily polymerises. At low Liq.
Non-nutritive sweetener. Needles (CHCl3 temps., cationic or anionic polym. gives
Zyryanova, N.Ya. et al., CA , 1978, 89, 117528g
or C6H6). Mp 123-123.58. poly(acetaldehyde). At higher temps.
(synth, use)
cyclisation to the cyclic trimer, Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
K salt: [55589-62-3] Acesulfame K. E950.
paraldehyde, and the cyclic tetramer, edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
Hoe 095K. H 733293
metaldehyde, occurs. The trimer may be 2, 4 (use)
ADI 15 mg/kg (1991). Intense-type formed on standing; redistn. regenerates Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
sweetener permitted at 300-5500 ppm in acetaldehyde. Ceiling temp. for polym. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 10 (use)
foods. Sweetness approx. 200 /  su- Tc-398 (pure liq.). Crit. point 181.58/63.2
crose. Cryst. Mp 2258 dec. (on slow atm..
heating). Acetamide, 9CI A-22
-Extremely flammable, fl. p.-388,
Ger. Pat. , 1971, 2 001 017-1193; CA , 75, autoignition temp. 140/1758. Reacts [60-35-5]
129843e (synth, ir) Ethanamide. Methanecarboxamide
violently with a range of organic and
Paulus, E.F. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1975, 31, H3CCONH2
1191-1993 (cryst struct)
inorganic substances. Possible human
Clauss, K. et al., Z. Lebensm.-Unters. -Forsch. , carcinogen. Skin and severe eye irritant. A C2H5NO 59.068
1976, 162, 37-40 (synth, use) systemic irritant by inhalation. High Deliquescent, hexagonal cryst. Odourless
Von Rymon Lipinski, G.-W. et al., Chem. Ind. vapour conc. narcotic preceded by sore when pure but usually has characteristic
(London) , 1983, 427-432 (rev) throat and headache. Exp. carcinogen and ‘‘mouse’’ odour. V. sol. H2O, EtOH; sol.

Acetic acid, 9CI, USAN / Acetone A-23  / A-25

CHCl3; prac. insol. Et2O. Mp 82-838. Bp Hydrazide: [1068-57-1] Acethydrazide. violent. Vapour is a severe irritant of eyes,
2228 Bp5 928. pKa1 -1.4 (258). Tribolumi- Acetylhydrazide. Acetylhydrazine mucous membranes and skin. Contact
nescent. C2H6N2O 74.082 with liq. causes burns and blisters of the
-Fl. p. >1048. Possible human carcinogen. Needles (EtOH). Sol. H2O, EtOH, skin, and can damage eyes. OES: short-
Irritant. Exp. carcinogen (v. large dose). Et2O. Mp 678. Bp18 1278. pKa2 13.04 term 5 ppm. AK1925000
Exp. reprod. and teratogenic effects (large (258,NH). Reduces NH3.AgNO3. [16649-49-3]
doses). AB4025000 -AI1225000
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
N-(13-Methyltetradecyl): [64317-66-4] Nitrile: See Acetonitrile in The Combined
1, 711A (ir)
Capsiamide Chemical Dictionary. Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
C17H35NO 269.47 Anhydride: Acetic anhydride, A-24 Spectra , 1992, 1, 1165A (nmr)
Constit. of fruit of hot pepper varieties Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
[71-50-1, 758-12-3, 1186-52-3]
of Capsicum annuum . 1989, 3, 760C (ir)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Orshansky, J. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1944,
Takahashi, M. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1977,
1, 481B; 768B (ir) 382 (synth)
97, 758 (Capsiamide)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic
Spectra , 1992, 1, 751A; 1254C (nmr) Synthesis, Wiley, 1980, 8, 1
Acetic acid, 9CI, USAN A-23 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn.,
1989, 3, 573B (ir) Wiley, 1991, 1, 142 (rev, bibl)
[64-19-7] Kolbe, H. et al., Ann. Chim. Farm. , 1845, 54, Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis ,
Ethanoic acid. Methanecarboxylic acid. 145 (synth) (ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 1, 13-21
E260. FEMA 2006 Thompson, C.D. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1970, 42, (use)
H3CCOOH 1474 (detn, H2O) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Perrin, D.D. et al., Masking and Demasking of Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 17-18
C2H4O2 60.052 Chemical Reactions , Interscience, New York, Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
Many esters (acetates) are known apart 1970, edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001, 9
from those cross-referenced below. Most Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen (occur)
are recorded as Ac derivs. of the der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn., Chemical Hazards of the Workplace, 2nd edn.,
relevant alcohols. Salts are included in Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 682 (eds. Proctor, N.H. et al ), J.B. Lippincott ,
(occur) 1988, 48
the Dictionary of Inorganic Compounds.
Lowry, R.P. et al., Hydrocarbon Process. , 1974, Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive
Has been used as a food preservative 53, 103 (rev, bibl) Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths,
since antiquity. Used in - and Michael, R.P. et al., Science (Washington, 1990, 1437
contributes to - the flavour of pickles, D.C.) , 1974, 1217 Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical
sauces, mayonnaise and salad dressings. Preti, G. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , 1975, 1, 361 Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of
Acts synergistically with lactic and Couperus, P.A. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1978, Chemistry, 1992, 6
sorbic acid, and is more effective against 11, 590 (cmr) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
yeasts and bacteria than against moulds. Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn., Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Used in food processing as a flavour Wiley, 1991, 1, 121 (rev, bibl) Reinhold , 1992, AAX500
Acetic Acid and its Derivatives, (eds. Agreda,
enhancer, flavouring agent, pH control V.H. et al ), M. Dekker, N.Y., 1993, (book)
agent, pickling agent, solvent and Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
formulation aid. Liq. or cryst. with edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1329
Acetone A-25
pungent vinegar odour. Misc. H2O, Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis , [67-64-1]
EtOH, Et2O; sol. most org. solvs.; insol. (ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 1, 11-13 2-Propanone, 9CI. Dimethyl ketone.
CS2. d204 1.05. Mp 16.78. Bp31 308 Bp
(use) FEMA 3326
1188. n20 25 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
D 1.3718. nD 1.3696. pKa 4.76 H3CCOCH3
(208,H2O). pKa 4.78 (258). Vp 15.5 edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
2, 6 C3H6O 58.08
mmHg (258). Molecular Fp depression Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Solvent used in food processing as a
39, molecular Bp elevation 29.9. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 13-17 colour diluent, flavour ingredient, etc..
Dissolves elemental S. Patty’s Ind. Hyg. Toxicol. (3rd Rev. edn.) , Vol. Volatile liq. Misc. H2O, org. solvs. d25
-Flammable, fl. p. 398, autoignition temp. 2, Wiley, 1980, 4909 0.79. Mp -948. Bp 56.28. n20 D 1.3588. Crit.
4638. Reacts violently with some oxidants. Chemical Hazards of the Workplace, 2nd edn.,
(eds. Proctor, N.H. et al ), J.B. Lippincott ,
temp. 246.18.
Corrosive and irritating to all tissues. Exp.
reprod. effects. OES: long-term 10 ppm; 1988, 47 -Highly flammable, fl. p. -198, autoignition
short-term 15 ppm. AF1340000 Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive temp. 5388. Reacts vigorously with CHCl3
Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths , in presence of base. Liquid is severe eye
Me ester: Methyl acetate, M-279 1990, 0781 irritant and defats skin. High vapour conc.
Et ester: Ethyl acetate, E-259 Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical irritate respiratory tract. Inhalation of
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of
Vinyl ester: Ethenol, E-246 vapour initially causes excitement followed
Chemistry, 1992, 5; 11
Isopropyl ester: Isopropyl acetate, I-116 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
by CNS depression with headache,
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand restlessness and fatigue. Coma may result.
Benzyl ester: Benzyl acetate, B-43
Reinhold , 1992, AAT250; ACM750 Exp. reprod. effects by inhalation. OES:
Ph ester: Phenyl acetate, P-255 long-term 750 ppm; short-term 1500 ppm.
Fluoride: See Acetyl fluoride in The AL3150000
Combined Chemical Dictionary.
Acetic anhydride, 9CI A-24
[108-24-7] [666-52-4, 43022-03-3]
Chloride: See Acetyl chloride in The
H3CCO/  O/  COCH3 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Combined Chemical Dictionary. 1, 219D; 220A; 405A; 2, 921B (ir)
Bromide: See Acetyl bromide in The C4H6O3 102.09 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Combined Chemical Dictionary. Esterification agent for use in prepn. of Spectra , 1992, 1, 351C; 352A; 631A; 3, 487B
modified food starch and for acetylation (nmr)
Iodide: See Acetyl iodide in The Combined
of monoglycerides. Liq. with pungent, Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Chemical Dictionary. 1989, 3, 289A; 487A; 1577B (ir)
irritating odour. Spar. sol. H2O, sol. org.
Amide: Acetamide, A-22 solvs. d15 Org. Synth. , 1970, 50, 3 (synth)
4 1.09. Mp -738. Bp 139.558 Bp15
Methylamide: See N -Methylacetamide in 448. Aq. soln. reacts neutral and is very Ullmann’s Encycl. Ind. Chem. , 5th edn., VCH-
The Combined Chemical Dictionary. Weinheim, 1985, A1, 79 (rev)
slowly hyd. to acetic acid.
Kamar, A. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1986, 64, 1979
Dimethylamide: See N,N - -Flammable, fl. p. 498, autoignition temp. (ms)
Dimethylacetamide in The Combined 316/3908. Reacts violently with some Nyquist, R.A. et al., Appl. Spectrosc. , 1990, 44,
Chemical Dictionary. oxidants. Acid-catalysed hydrolysis can be 433 (ir)

8-Acetonyldihydrosanguinarine  / 2-Acetoxybenzoic acid A-26 / A-29

Hayashi, S. et al., Anal. Sci. , 1991, 7, 955 (pmr, Dictionary. combination with urea as Carbaspirin
cmr) -Fl. p. 778, autoignition temp. 5708. Skin calcium, USAN.
O’Toole, L. et al., J. Chem. Soc., Faraday
Trans. , 1991, 87, 3343 (uv)
and severe eye irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 815 -Dust explosion haz. Irritant. Main adverse
Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn., mg/kg. AM5250000 effects are gastrointestinal, with other dose
Wiley, 1991, 1, 176 (rev, bibl) [19547-00-3, 59130-82-4] dependent systemic effects. LD50 (rat, orl)
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th 200 mg/kg. Exp. teratogenic effects. OES:
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1099 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, long-term 5 mg m-3. VO0700000
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd 2, 8B
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Me ester: [580-02-9]
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
2, 7 Spectra , 1992, 2, 802A C10H10O4 194.187
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Cryst. (petrol). Mp 498.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 20-22 1989, 3, 1228B (ir) Et ester: [529-68-0]
Allan, D.R. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1999, 751-752 Registry of Mass Spectral Data , Wiley-
C11H12O4 208.213
(cryst struct) Interscience, 180 (ms)
Sadtler Standard C-13 NMR Spectra , 550 (cmr) Liq. Bp 2898 Bp 2728.
Chemical Hazards of the Workplace, 2nd edn.,
(eds. Proctor, N.H. et al ), J.B. Lippincott , Sadtler Standard Ultraviolet Spectra , 953 (uv) Propyl ester: [60310-03-4]
1988, 49 Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 1 , 1932, 109 (synth) C12H14O4 222.24
Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive Adv. Chem. Ser. , 1955, 15, 353 (props) Light yellow liq. Bp 2898 Bp10 162-1648.
Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths , Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
1973, 11, 99 (rev, tox) Butyl ester: [52602-16-1]
1990, 1146 C13H16O4 236.267
Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical Taylor, R. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1988, 737
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of (synth, pmr) Liq. Bp1 128-1308.
Chemistry, 1992, 7 Cook, I.B. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1989, 42, 1493 Ph ester: [134-55-4] Acetylsalol. Phennin.
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of (cmr) Spiroform. Vesipyrin
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
C15H12O4 256.257
Reinhold , 1992, ABC750; ABF000; ABD250; edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
2, 8 Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 978. Bp11 197-1988.
TFQ250; DOM400 Log P 3.15 (calc).
Patty’s Ind. Hyg. Toxicol. , 4th edn., Vol. 2, Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Wiley, 1993, 149 (tox, rev) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 23-24 4-(Acetylamino)phenyl ester: See
Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical Benorilate in The Combined Chemical
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of Dictionary.
8-Acetonyldihydrosanguinar- A-26 Chemistry, 1992, 9
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 2-[(Nitrooxy)methyl]phenyl ester: See 2-
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand [(Nitroxy)methyl]phenyl 2-
[37687-34-6] Reinhold , 1992, ABH000 (acetyloxy)benzoate in The Combined
6-Acetonylsanguinarine. 6-Acetonyldihy- Chemical Dictionary.
Chloride: [5538-51-2]
Acetopine A-28
C9H7ClO3 198.605
O N2-(Carboxymethyl)-arginine, 9CI. De-
Solid. Mp 43-468. Bp0.01 868.
Nitrile: [5715-02-6]
(S)-form C9H7NO2 161.16
N COOH Liq. Bp17 1408.
O Me
O CH2COCH3 HOOCCH 2NH C H Anhydride: [1466-82-6]
C18H14O7 342.304
C23H19NO5 389.407 Mp 858.
NH -VO0710000
(S )-form
Phenylalaninamide: See Aspirin
Needles (CHCl3/EtOH). Mp 209-2108. C8H16N4O4 232.239 phenylalanine in The Combined
D +25.3 (c, 0.02 in CHCl3). lmax 232
(S )-form [18416-86-9] Chemical Dictionary.
(log e 4.4); 282 (log e 4.6); 323 (log e 4.8)
(CHCl3). [493-53-8, 5749-67-7, 37933-78-1]
Isol. from calluses of soybean plant and
(j)-form Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
cotton (Gossypium hirsutum ). Cryst.
Alkaloid from Papaver somniferum Spectra , 1992, 2, 1293B (nmr)
(EtOH aq.). Mp 281-2828. [a]24 D +24 (c,
(opium poppy). Pale yellow needles Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
2.5 in H2O). 2, 315D (ir)
(MeOH/CHCl3). Mp 194-195.58.
Herbst, R.M. et al., J.O.C. , 1946, 11, 368 Ciusa, R. et al., Chem. Zentralbl. , 1943, 2, 615
Furuya, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, 11, (synth) (synth)
3041-3044 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms, struct, synth) Christou, P. et al., Plant Physiol. , 1986, 82, 218 Libermann, S. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1958,
Döpke, W. et al., Z. Chem. , 1976, 16, 54-55 (isol) 185 (synth, nitrile)
(occur, uv, ir, pmr, ms, struct)
Campini, G. et al., Ann. Chim. (Rome) , 1964,
Castedo, L. et al., Heterocycles , 1981, 16, 533-
54, 975 (synth, anhydride)
536 (occur) 2-Acetoxybenzoic acid A-29 Henriques, H.P. et al., Mikrochim. Acta , 1971,
Koul, S. et al., Planta Med. , 2002, 68, 262-265
[50-78-2] 807 (detn, Mn)
(isol, pmr, cmr, ms)
2-Acetyloxybenzoic acid, 9CI. Salicylic Scott, K. et al., J. Magn. Reson. , 1972, 6, 55
acid acetate, 8CI. Acetylsalicylic acid. Rüchardt, C. et al., Annalen , 1974, 15 (chloride)
Acetophenone, 8CI A-27
Aspirin, BAN, USAN Ali, S.L. et al., Pharm. Ztg. , 1976, 121, 621
[98-86-2] (esters, synth, ir, pmr)
1-Phenylethanone, 9CI. Methyl phenyl ke- Florey, K. et al., Anal. Profiles Drug Subst. ,
tone. Hypnone. Acetylbenzene. FEMA 2009 COOH
1979, 8, 1 (rev)
PhCOCH3 OAc Mitscher, L.A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1980, 43,
259 (occur)
C8H8O 120.151 Byrn, S.R. et al., J. Pharm. Sci. , 1981, 70, 280
Flavouring ingredient used in fruit fla- (cryst struct, anhydride)
vours; leavening agent. Plates (freq. obt. as Barnett, H.J.M. et al., Acetylsalicylic Acid ,
liq.) with penetrating sweet odour. Sol. C9H8O4 180.16 Raven Press, N.Y., 1982, (book)
EtOH, Et2O; insol. H2O. d204 1.03. Mp 208. Constit. of Glycyrrhiza glabra var. typica Collier, H.O.J. et al., Discoveries Pharmacol. ,
Bp 2028 Bp5 678. n20D 1.5342. pKa1 -6.4 (licorice) roots. Cryst. Mp 1358 (rapid 1984, 2, 555 (rev, pharmacol)
(258, H2SO4 aq.). For enol form see 1- heat) Fp 118. pKa 3.38 (258, 1M KCl). Hallam, J. et al., Int. Congr. Symp. Ser. R. Soc.
Phenylethenol in The Combined Chemical Log P 1.02 (calc). Ca salt used in Med. , 1984, (rev)

2-Acetoxy-p -mentha-1,8-diene / N -Acetylcysteine A-30 / A-35

Kim, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1985, 33, 4-Acetyl-6-tert -butyl-1,1-di- A-32 Culvenor, C.C.J. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1966, 537
2641 (cryst struct) methylindane (pmr)
Chang, C.J. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1986, Beveridge, D.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1971, 93, 3759
24, 768 (cmr) [13171-00-1] (struct)
Pelz, J. et al., Pharmazie, 1986, 41, 733 (history) 1-[6-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-2,3-dihydro-1,1- Micelson, M.J. et al., Acetylcholine; Approach of
Negwer, M. et al., Organic-Chemical Drugs and dimethyl-1H-inden-4-yl]ethanone, 9CI. 6- Mol. Mech. of Action , Pergamon, 1974,
their Synonyms, 6th edn., Akademie-Verlag , tert-Butyl-1,1-dimethyl-4-indanyl methyl Hanin, I. et al., Choline Acetylcholine: Handb.
1987, 1120 (synonyms) ketone, 8CI. Celestolide. Chrysolide. Musk Chem. Assay Methods , Raven Press, NY,
Bundgaard, H. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1989, 32, celestolide. Esperone. FEMA 3653 1974, (anal)
727 (esters, synth, props) Svinning, T. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1975, 31, 1581
Vane, J.R. et al., Aspirin and Other Salicylates , (cryst struct)
Ed., Chapman and Hall, 1992, (book) H 3C CH Sax, M. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1976, 32, 1953
Liebeskind, L.S. et al., J.O.C. , 1993, 58, 3543 3 (conformn)
(chloride) (H 3C)3C Takasuka, M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1982, 585
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th (ir)
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 3 Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
Benefic. Toxic Eff. Aspirin , (ed., Feinman, S.E.), H 3COC edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1112
CRC Press, 1994, Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of C17H24O 244.376 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Flavouring ingredient. Cryst. (MeOH). Reinhold , 1992, ABO000; CMF250
Reinhold , 1992, ADA725
Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive
Mp 77.2-77.98.
Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths , Semicarbazone: 1-Acetylcyclohexanol A-34
1990, 2937 Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 168-168.68.
Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: HO COCH3
Chemistry, 1992, 17 Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 180-1818.
Beets, M.G.J. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R.
Neth. Chem. Soc.) , 1958, 77, 854-871 (synth,
2-Acetoxy-p -mentha-1,8- A-30 Ferrero, C. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1959, 42,
2111-2121 (synth) C8H14O2 142.197
diene U.S. Pat. , 1959, 2 899 358; CA , 54, 1475 (synth)
[1134-96-9] Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
Ac: [52789-73-8] 1-[1-(Acetyloxy)-1-cy-
Suppl., 1976, 14, 669 (rev, tox) clohexyl]ethanone, 9CI. 1-Acetylcyclo-
De Ridder, D.J.A. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1992, hexyl acetate. FEMA 3701
48, 140-142 (cryst struct) C10H16O3 184.235
OAc Kagabu, S. et al., J. Chem. Educ. , 1992, 69, 420- Flavourant for food and tobacco. Oily
421 (synth) liq. with sweet, fruity/floral odour. . Bp2
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd 1058 (Kugelrohr).
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
2, 10 U.S. Pat. , 1982, 4 327 749; CA , 97, 91810f
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. (synth, use)
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 27 Fukuda, Y. et al., J.O.C. , 1991, 56, 3729-3731
(synth, pmr)
C12H18O2 194.273 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
Enol acetate of p -Menth-8-en-2-one. edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
Acetylcholine(1+) A-33
(R )-form 1066-1067 (use)
Isol. from grapefruit oil. Oil. [a]24
D +77.
Fairlie, J.C. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1969, 1196
nium, 9CI. Choline acetate N -Acetylcysteine A-35
(synth) 2-Acetamido-3-mercaptopropanoic acid.
Moshonas, M.G. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , Me3N  CH2CH2OAc Acetylcysteine, BAN, INN, USAN
1971, 19, 769 (isol) C7H16NO2 146.209
Occurs in Capsella bursa-pastoris (shep-
herd’s purse). Easily hyd. by alkalis, and in COOH
4-Acetyl-2(3H )-benzoxazo- A-31 vivo by cholinesterases. AcNH C H
lone, 9CI -FZ9700000
Chloride: [60-31-1] Acetylcholine chloride, CH 2SH
BAN, INN, USAN. Miochol. Ovisot
4-Acetylbenzoxazolin-2-one C5H9NO3S 163.197
C7H16ClNO2 181.662
V. deliquescent cryst. powder. Sol. H2O. Log P -0.64 (calc).
H 3COC H Mp 149-1528. -Adverse effects reported when used
N -LD50 (rat, orl) 2500 mg/kg. LD50 (rat, ivn) therapeutically. LD50 (rat, orl) 5050 mg/
O 22 mg/kg. FZ9800000 kg. HA1660000
O Bromide: [66-23-9] (R )-form [616-91-1]
L-form. Airbron. Fabrol. Mucomyst.
C7H16BrNO2 226.113
C9H7NO3 177.159 Deliquescent prisms (EtOH). Mp 1438. Parvolex. Respaire. Fluimucil. NSC
Found in kernels of Zea mays (sweet -FZ9680000 111180
corn). Needles (Me2CO aq.). Mp 217- Iodide: [2260-50-6] Effective inhibitor of enzymic browning
2188. lmax 250 (e 9777); 320 (e 5128) C7H16INO2 273.113 in foods. Cryst. (H2O). Mp 109-1108.
(MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 268 (e 8912); 351 (e [a]D +5 (c, 3 in H2O). Pharmacol. active
Mp 1618.
7413) (MeOH-NaOH) (Berdy). -KH3300000 isomer.
Fielder, D.A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1994, 35, 521-524 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
(isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms, cryst struct) Spectra , 1992, 1, 1078A (nmr) Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 124.5-125.58. pKa 9.52
Fielder, D.A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1995, 58, 456- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, (308,SH, 0.3M KCl).
458 (synth) 1, 678C; 678D; 679A (ir) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Escobar, C.A. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1997, 34, Dudley, H.W. et al., Biochem. J. , 1929, 23, 1064 Spectra , 1992, 1, 1282B (nmr)
1407-1414 (synth) (synth, bibl) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Kluge, M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 821- Marquardt, P. et al., Arzneim.-Forsch. , 1956, 6, 1, 786D (ir)
822 (synth) 168; 309 (biosynth) Smith, H.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1961, 26, 820 (synth)

5-Acetyl-2,3-dihydro-6,7-dimethyl-... / 5-Acetyl-2,3-dihydro-1H -... A-36 / A-45

U.S. Pat. , 1965, 3 184 505; CA , 63, 7107 (synth) acterised spectroscopically. C10H13NO 163.219
Ohta, G. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1967, 15, Proline-derived Maillard product. Constit.
644 (synth) Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33,
919-923 (occur, ms, pmr) of beer and malt aroma. Characterised
Martin, T.A. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1968, 11,
625 (synth)
Suzuki, N. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1976, 5-Acetyl-2,3-dihydro-3-hydro- A-39 Shigematsu, H. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
49, 3155 (synth) 1975, 23, 233-237 (occur, ms, pmr)
McKinney, G.R. et al., Pharmacol. Biochem.
xy-2-[1-(hydroxymethyl)ethenyl]ben- Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33,
Prop. Drug Subst. , 1979, 2, 479 (rev, zofuran 919-923; 1993, 41, 547-553 (occur, ms, pmr)
pharmacol) 10-Hydroxytoxol
Hopkins, S.J. et al., Drugs of Today
(Barcelona) , 1980, 16, 41 (rev)
5-Acetyl-2,3-dihydro-7- A-42
OH methyl-1H -pyrrolizine
Takusagawa, F. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1981, 37, H3CCO
1591 (cryst struct) 3
(2R*,3R*)-form [80933-77-3]
Naulet, N. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1983, 21, 1-(2,3-Dihydro-7-methyl-1H-pyrrolizin-5-
564 (N-15 nmr)
Van der Kuy, A. et al., Pharm. Weekbl. , 1986,
121; 646; 649; 663 (pharmacol, rev) C13H14O4 234.251 C10H13NO 163.219
De Vries, N. et al., J. Cell Biochem. , (Suppl. (2R ,3R )-form Proline- or lysine-derived Maillard pro-
17F), 1993, 270 (rev) duct. Characterised spectroscopically.
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 741 2?-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33,
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of C19H24O9 396.393 919-923; 1993, 41, 547-553 (occur, ms)
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Amorph. powder. [a]D -5 (c, 0.1 in Hill, V.M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1999, 47,
Reinhold , 1992, ACH000 MeOH). lmax 222 ; 274 (MeOH). 3675-3681 (occur)

2?-Ac: [75680-15-8] 10-Acetoxytoxol

5-Acetyl-2,3-dihydro-6,7-di- A-36 C15H16O5 276.288 7-Acetyl-2,3-dihydro-5- A-43
methyl-1H -pyrrolizine Constit. of Helichrysum italicum (curry methyl-1H -pyrrolizine
[97073-03-5] plant). Needles (CHCl3/Et2O). Mp [97073-06-8]
1-(2,3-Dihydro-6,7-dimethyl-1H-pyrroli- 1108. lmax 275 (log e 4.09) (CHCl3). 1-(2,3-Dihydro-5-methyl-1H-pyrrolizin-7-
zin-5-yl)ethanone Di-Ac: yl)ethanone
C17H18O6 318.326 C10H13NO 163.219
CH3 Gum. Proline-derived Maillard product. Char-
(2R +,3S +)-form acterised spectroscopically.
CH3 Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33,
N 3-O-Angeloyl: 919-923 (occur, ms, pmr)
C18H20O5 316.353
COCH3 Haensel, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19, 5-Acetyl-3,4-dihydro-2H -pyr- A-44
639-644 (2?-Ac)
De Guttierrez, A.N. et al., Phytochemistry, role
C11H15NO 177.246
1995, 39, 795-800 (isol, pmr, ms) [85213-22-5]
Proline-derived Maillard product. Char- De Lampasona, M.E.P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1-(3,4-Dihydro-2H-pyrrol-5-yl)ethanone,
acterised spectroscopically. 1997, 46, 1077-1080 (di-Ac) 9CI. 2-Acetyl-1-pyrroline
Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33, Gongora, L. et al., Phytochemistry, 2002, 59,
919-923 (occur, ms) 857-860 (Phagnalon glucoside)
Debrauwer, L. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1991,
244-254 (occur) 6-Acetyl-2,3-dihydro-2-(hy- A-40 COCH 3
droxymethyl)-4(1H )-pyridinone, 9CI
7-Acetyl-2,3-dihydro-5,6-di- A-37 [214218-63-0] C6H9NO 111.143
methyl-1H -pyrrolizine Key flavour/aroma component of cooked
1-(2,3-Dihydro-5,6-dimethyl-1H-pyrroli- rice, wheatbread crust, popcorn, sweetcorn
zin-7-yl)ethanone O and roasted sesame. Liq. with popcorn
C11H15NO 177.246 odour. Bp15 26-288. Unstable. Odour
Proline- or lysine-derived Maillard pro- threshold of 0.02ng/L in air.
duct. Characterised spectroscopically. Buttery, R.G. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) ,
HOCH2 N COCH3 1982, 958; 1983, 478 (isol, synth)
Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33,
919-923 (occur, ms) H Favino, T.F. et al., J.O.C. , 1996, 61, 8975-8979
Hill, V.M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1999, 47, (synth, pmr, bibl)
3675-3681 (occur) C8H11NO3 169.18 Hofman, T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1998,
46, 616-619; 2270-2277 (synth, ms, bibl)
Minor product from the Maillard reaction
7-Acetyl-2,3-dihydro-5-ethyl- A-38 of xylose and glycine. Pale yellow solid.
5-Acetyl-2,3-dihydro-1H -pyr- A-45
1H -pyrrolizine Ames, J.M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1999,
47, 438-443 (formn, pmr, cmr, ms)
5-Acetyl-2,3-dihydro-6- A-41 1-(2,3-Dihydro-1H-pyrrolizin-5-yl)etha-
none, 9CI
methyl-1H -pyrrolizine
COCH3 [55041-86-6]
yl)ethanone, 9CI N
CH2CH3 6 CH3
N C9H11NO 149.192
C11H15NO 177.246 COCH3 Proline-derived Maillard product. Constit.
Proline-derived Maillard product. Char- of popcorn, beer and cooked asparagus

5-Acetyl-2,3-dihydro-1,4-thiazine  / 3-Acetyl-2,5-dimethylfuran A-46 / A-52

aroma. Mp 45.58. 4-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside:Rumexoside Constit. of Helianthus annuus (sun-

Shigematsu, H. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , C20H22O10 422.388 flower). Oil.
1975, 23, 233-237 (occur, synth, uv, ms) Constit. of the roots of Rumex patientia Arnoue, A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1967, 4201 (pmr)
Buttery, R.G. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1997, (patience dock). Amorph. lmax 224 ; 260 Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1970, 103, 90;
45, 837-843 (occur, ms) ; 301 ; 334 (MeOH). 1972, 105, 863 (isol, pmr, synth)
Chen, W.C. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1997, Demirezer, O. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 56, Naidu, M.V. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
45, 2996-2999 (occur, ms) 399-402 1979, 17, 73 (synth, pmr, deriv)
Miranda, L.D. et al., Tet. Lett. , 2000, 41, 3035- Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20,
3038 (synth, ir, pmr) 281 (isol, ir, pmr, ms, deriv)
7-Acetyl-2,8-dihydroxy-6- A-49 Yamaguchi, S. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. ,
1984, 57, 442 (synth, pmr)
5-Acetyl-2,3-dihydro-1,4-thia- A-46 methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone Varga, E. et al., Fitoterapia , 1984, 55, 307 (isol)
zine [80597-54-2] Ahluwalia, V.K. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
[164524-93-0] 1984, 23, 1124 (synth, pmr)
1-(3,4-Dihydro-2H-1,4-thiazin-5-yl)etha- Satoh, A. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. ,
O 1996, 60, 664 (isol, activity)
none, 9CI OH
4-Acetyl-1,4-dimethyl-1-cyclo- A-51
H H 3C hexene
N COCH3 [43219-68-7]
S C13H10O5 246.219 FEMA 3449
Yellow solid. Mp 206-2098 dec.
C6H9NOS 143.209 2-Me ether: [64756-97-4] 7-Acetyl-8-hy-
Formed by thermal treatment of cysteine droxy-2-methoxy-6-methyl-1,4-naphtho-
and ribose mixtures.. Liq. with intense quinone. Orientalone
roasty, popcorn-like odour. Mp 171-1728 C14H12O5 260.246
(as hydrochloride). Odour threshold 0.06 Constit. of Prunus cerasoides (wild
ng/L in air. Himalayan cherry). Yellow-orange O
Hofman, T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1995, cryst. (C6H6/petrol). Mp 191-1928.
43, 2187-2194 (occur) 8-Me ether: [95455-42-8] 7-Acetyl-2-hy- C10H16O 152.236
De Kimpe, N.G. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , droxy-8-methoxy-6-methyl-1,4-naphtho-
1998, 46, 2278-2281 (synth, pmr, cmr) Occurs in juniper oil. Flavouring ingredi-
quinone ent. Oil. Bp 208-2118. [a]20
D +2.1 (c, 1 in
C14H12O5 260.246 CCl4).
2-Acetyl-4,5-dihydrothiazole A-47 Yellow solid. Mp 173-1778 dec.
Thomas, A.F. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1973, 56,
[29926-41-8] Di-Me ether: [80597-53-1] 7-Acetyl-2,8- 1800 (isol)
1-(4,5-Dihydro-2-thiazolyl)ethanone, 9CI. dimethoxy-6-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone Kreiser, W. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1974, 57,
Methyl 2-thiazolin-2-yl ketone, 8CI. 2- C15H14O5 274.273 164 (synth)
Acetyl-2-thiazoline. FEMA 3817 Yellow solid. Mp 182-1848. Vig, O.P. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 1976,
Sharma, M. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 14, 932 (synth)
1977, 15, 544; 1978, 16, 289 (Orientalone) Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
N edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
Jung, M.E. et al., Tetrahedron , 1984, 40, 4751
COCH 3 (synth, pmr, cmr) 2, 172
S Garg, M. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India, Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Sect. A , 1985, 55, 95 (Orientalone) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 845
C5H7NOS 129.182
Reported in beef broth, roast beef and 3-Acetyl-2,5-dimethylfuran A-52
overpasteurized beer. Roasted meat-like 6-Acetyl-2,2-dimethyl-2H -1- A-50
flavour ingredient. Oil or cryst. with benzopyran
onion/grassy odour. Mp 25-268. Bp11 948. 1-(2,5-Dimethyl-3-furanyl)ethanone, 9CI.
[19013-07-1] 2,5-Dimethyl-3-furyl methyl ketone, 8CI.
D 1.5294. 1-(2,2-Dimethyl-2H-1-benzopyran-6- FEMA 3391
Oxime: [37112-89-3] yl)ethanone, 9CI. 6-Acetyl-2,2-dimethyl-3-
C5H8N2OS 144.197 chromene. Demethoxyencecalin
Cryst. (CCl4). Mp 178-1798 dec.
Doornbos, T. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R. H 3COC
Neth. Chem. Soc.) , 1972, 91, 711 (synth,
deriv, ir, pmr, uv, ms)
U.S. Pat. , 1973, 3 778 518; CA , 80, 69405e O
(props) C8H10O2 138.166
Sakaguchi, M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , C13H14O2 202.252 Flavouring ingredient. d25
4 1.03. Bp0.25 628.
1978, 26, 1179-1183 (occur) Constit. of Helianthus annuus (sunflower). n20
D 1.4850.
Hofmann, T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1995, Oil. Bp0.05 958.
43, 2946-2950 (occur) Oxime:
2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: [26932-01-4] C8H11NO2 153.18
Mp 230-2328 dec. Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 788.
6-Acetyl-4,5-dihydroxy-7- A-48
3,4-Dihydro: [32333-31-6] 6-Acetyl-3,4-di- Phenylhydrazone:
methyl-2-naphthalenecarboxylic acid hydro-2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-benzopyran. 6- Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 1378.
H3C COOH C13H16O2 204.268 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone:
Mp 90-918. Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 194-1958.
Heyns, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1966, 22, 2223
1?-Alcohol: [71822-00-9] 6-(1-Hydro-
H3CCO xyethyl)-2,2-dimethyl-2H-1-benzopyran.
Yanami, T. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1978, 1144
OH OH a,2,2-Trimethyl-2H-1-benzopyran-6- (synth, pmr, uv)
methanol, 9CI. Demethoxyencecalinol Kretchmer, R.H. et al., J.O.C. , 1978, 43, 4596
C14H12O5 260.246 C13H16O2 204.268 (synth)

/ 2-Acetyl-3-ethylpyrazine A-53 / A-60

Baciocchi, E. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1988, 18, 5-Acetyl-2,4-dimethylthiazole A-56 3-Acetyl-1,2-dithiolane A-58
1841 (synth)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
[38205-60-6] [89712-89-0]
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, 1-(2,4-Dimethyl-5-thiazolyl)ethanone, 9CI. 1-(1,2-Dithian-3-yl)ethanone
2, 10 2,4-Dimethyl-5-thiazolyl methyl ketone.
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. FEMA 3267
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 27-28
H 3C N S
5-Acetyl-2,4-dimethyloxazole A-53 S
[23012-25-1] S
C5H8OS2 148.25
1-(2,4-Dimethyl-5-oxazolyl)ethanone, 9CI
C7H9NOS 155.22 Produced by thermal degradation of
Flavouring ingredient. Bp 228-2308. n20
thiamine and by Maillard reaction of
H3C 1.5436. cysteine. Component of model meat ar-
N oma systems. Characterised spectroscopi-
Hydrochloride: [88323-87-9] cally.
H3CCO CH3 Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 1808.
O Schmidt, U. et al., Annalen , 1963, 670, 157-168
Picrate: (synth, uv)
C7H9NO2 139.154 Mp 184-1858. Guentert, M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1990,
Constit. of Arabica coffee and baked Oxime: [40236-03-1] 38, 2027-2041 (occur, synth, pmr, ms)
potato aromas. C7H10N2OS 170.235 Zhang, Y. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1991, 39,
Cryst. (EtOH aq. or C6H6). Mp 1348. 760-763 (occur)
Red cryst. (Me2CO/DMF). Mp 204- Semicarbazone:
2058. Mp 2308.
Vitzthum, O.G. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1974, 39, Ganapathi, K. et al., Proc. - Indian Acad. Sci., 2-Acetyl-3-ethylidene-3,4,5,6- A-59
1210-1215 (isol, ms, coffee) Sect. A , 1945, 22, 343; CA , 40, 40582 (synth)
Beraud, J. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1962, 2072
Padwa, A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1975, 97, 6484-6491
(synth, pmr, uv, ir) (synth) [118355-72-9]
Coleman, E.C. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , Pittet, A.O. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1974, 1-(3-Ethylidene-3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2-pyri-
1981, 29, 42-48 (isol, potato) 22, 264 (ms) dinyl)ethanone
Mane, R.A. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
1983, 22, 690 (oxime)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd CH3
2-Acetyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazine A-54 edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
[54300-08-2] 2, 173 CH
1-(3,5-Dimethylpyrazinyl)ethanone, 9CI Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 844-845
5 4 3 C9H13NO 151.208
6 1 2
3-Acetyl-2,5-dimethylthio- A-57 Proline or lysine-derived Maillard pro-
N COCH3 duct. Characterised spectroscopically.
[2530-10-1] Helak, B. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1989, 37,
C8H10N2O 150.18 400-404 (occur, ms, pmr)
Normally obt. as a mixt. with 2-Acetyl- 1-(2,5-Dimethyl-3-thienyl)ethanone, 9CI. Hill, V.M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1999, 47,
3,6-dimethylpyrazine, A-55 to which the 2,5-Dimethyl-3-thienyl methyl ketone, 8CI. 3675-3681 (occur)
Bp and FEMA number refer. Constit. FEMA 3527
of wood smoke and coffee aroma.
Component of FEMA 3327. Bp7 708. COCH 3
Vitzthum, O.G. et al., Z. Lebensm.-Unters. - 2-Acetyl-3-ethylpyrazine A-60
Forsch. , 1974, 156, 300-307 (occur) H 3C CH 3 [32974-92-8]
Wolt, J. et al., J.O.C. , 1975, 40, 1178-1179 S 1-(3-Ethylpyrazinyl)ethanone, 9CI. FEMA
(synth) 3250
Maga, J.A. et al., Flavour Fragrance J. , 1985, 1, C8H10OS 154.232
37-42 (occur) Flavouring ingredient. Bp15 105-1088. n20
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th 1.5440. N CH2CH3
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001, -OB2888000
20 (FEMA 3327)
C8H10O3S 186.231
2-Acetyl-3,6-dimethylpyrazine A-55 Cryst. Mp 1248.
C8H10N2O 150.18
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
[54300-09-3] 1, 1473D; 2, 597C (ir) Flavouring ingredient. Liq. Bp6 778. nD
1-(3,6-Dimethylpyrazinyl)ethanone, 9CI Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 1.5142.
C8H10N2O 150.18 Spectra , 1992, 3, 54C (nmr) Ger. Pat. , 1971, 2 166 323; CA , 80, 108574f
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , (synth)
Normally obt. as a mixt. with 2-Acetyl- 1989, 3, 1473D (ir) Mookherjee, B.D. et al., J.O.C. , 1972, 37, 511
3,5-dimethylpyrazine, A-54.. Glaze, A.P. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1985, 957 (synth, ir, pmr, ms)
Component of coffee aroma. (synth) Wolt, J. et al., J.O.C. , 1975, 40, 1178
Vitzthum, O.G. et al., Z. Lebensm.-Unters. - Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
Forsch. , 1974, 156, 300-307 (occur) edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
Sakamoto, T. et al., Synthesis , 1984, 245-247 2, 11 2, 12
(synth, pmr) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 28-29 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 29-30
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1974, Rozen, S. et al., J.O.C. , 1997, 62, 1457-1462
20 (FEMA 3327) (dioxide, synth, ir, pmr)

2-Acetylfuran / 1-Acetyl-4-isopropenylcyclopentene A-61  / A-67

2-Acetylfuran A-61 6-Acetyl-5-hydroxy-4-methyl- A-63 1-(5-Acetyl-2-hydroxyphenyl)- A-65

[1192-62-7] 2H -1-benzopyran-2-one, 9CI 3-methyl-1-butanone, 9CI
1-(2-Furanyl)ethanone, 9CI. 2-Acetofur- [36695-19-9] [62458-64-4]
one. a-Furyl methyl ketone. FEMA 3163 6-Acetyl-5-hydroxy-4-methylcoumarin. 4?-Hydroxy-3?-isovalerylacetophenone
4 3 COCH2 CH(CH3 )2
5 2 HO CH3
C6H6O2 110.112
Present in cooked apple, morello cherry, O O
C13H16O3 220.268
wine grapes, peach, strawberry, plum,
C12H10O4 218.209 Constit. of Polymnia sonchifolia (yacon).
rabbiteye blueberry, asparagus, kohlrabi,
Isol. from Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice). Cryst. Mp 94.5-968. lmax 242 (e 15200);
baked potato, pineapple, bread products,
Cryst. Mp 165-1668. 271 (e 5800) (MeOH).
rice, yoghurt, wines, soybean, black tea
and calamus (European origin). Contri- O-Benzoyl: Me ether: [51995-98-3] 1-(5-Acetyl-2-
butes to aroma of many foods and Cryst. Mp 115-1168. methoxyphenyl)-3-methyl-1-butanone,
beverages. Used in flavour compositions. 9CI. 3-Isovaleroyl-4-methoxyacetophe-
Wadodkar, P.N. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1972,
Liq. or cryst. with sweet balsamic odour. none. Espeletone
10, 145
Mp 338. Bp 1738 Bp10 678. Bhardwaj, D.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, C14H18O3 234.294
-OB3870000 1182 (isol) Oil.
Oxime: Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1973, 106,
3035; 1977, 110, 295; 1980, 113, 261 (isol, ms,
C6H7NO2 125.127
ir, pmr, synth)
Prisms (Et2O/petrol). Mp 1048. 3-Acetyl-4-hydroxy-6-methyl- A-64 Takasugi, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 43,
Phenylhydrazone: [61726-90-7] 2H -pyran-2-one, 9CI 1019 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
Yellow plates (EtOH aq.). Mp 86.58.
Semicarbazone: 4-Acetylimidazo[4,5-c ]pyri- A-66
Plates (MeOH). Mp 1508. [85-25-6, 520-45-6] dine
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Dehydroacetic acid. Dehydracetic acid
2, 583B (ir)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Spectra , 1992, 3, 23A (nmr)
OH none, 9CI. 2-Acetylpyrido[3,4-d]imidazole
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , COCH3 (incorr.)
1989, 3, 1457A (ir)
Hartough, H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1947, 69, 1012
(synth) H 3C O O N
Angelelli, J.M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1972, 28,
2037 (ir) N N
Chadwick, D. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1974, 3183 (nmr) C8H8O4 168.149
Fungicide used against moulds on fresh H
Milstein, D. et al., J.O.C. , 1979, 44, 1613 (synth) COCH3
Okubo, J. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1992, 65, and dried fruit. Now superseded. Rhom-
2067 (uv) bic needles or plates (EtOH). Sol. H2O,
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
C8H7N3O 161.163
EtOH, Me2CO, Et2O. Mp 1098. Bp 2708
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1153-1154 Bp5 132-1338. pKa 5.12 (258). lmax 223 ; 3H -form shown. Maillard prod. derived
(use, occur)
308 (MeOH) (Berdy). from histidine and glucose. Solid.
Characterised spectroscopically.
-LD50 (rat, orl) 500 mg/kg.
2-Acetyl-3-hydroxyfuran A-62
Na salt: [4418-26-2]
Gi, U.-S. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1993, 41,
644-646; 1995, 43, 2226-2230 (isol, ms, pmr, ir)
[3420-59-5] Used as a preservative for cut or peeled
Isomaltol squash. Mp 284-2878.
-UP8225000 1-Acetyl-4-isopropenylcyclo- A-67
OH Oxime: pentene
C8H9NO4 183.163 [2704-76-9]
COCH 3 Mp 153-1548. 1-[4-(1-Methylethenyl)-1-cyclopenten-1-
O yl]ethanone, 9CI
C6H6O3 126.112 C14H13NO3 243.262
Cryst. (H2O or Et2O). Mp 98-1038. Mp 1158. O
Subl.18 115. pKa 5.7. Berson, J.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1952, 74, 5172 (uv)
Kiang, A. et al., J.C.S. , 1965, 2283 (synth)
O-a-D-Glucopyranoside: [85559-61-1] Royals, E.E. et al., J.O.C. , 1965, 30, 1255 (uv, ir,
C12H16O8 288.254 pmr, struct)
Constit. of the roots of Eleutherococcus Manku, G.S. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1971, 54,
senticosus (Siberian ginseng). 181 (use)
Manku, G.S. et al., Talanta , 1971, 18, 1079 (use)
Me ether: [3420-58-4]
Rivera, C. et al., Experientia , 1976, 32, 1490
C7H8O3 140.138 (isol) C10H14O 150.22
Prisms (Et2O). Mp 101-1028. Ohta, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1981, 29, Isol. from oil of Eucalyptus globulus
Hodge, J.E. et al., Cereal Chem. , 1961, 38, 207 2762 (synth, ir, pmr) (Tasmanian blue gum). Oil. Bp738 225-
(synth, ir, uv) Tan, S.-F. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1982, 513;
225.58 Bp1.5 67-688. n24.5
D 1.4965.
Fisher, B.E. et al., J.O.C. , 1964, 29, 776-781 (ir, 1984, 1317 (ir, pmr, uv, cmr, tautom)
struct) Pesticide Manual, 9th edn. , 1991, No. 3870 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone:
Weeks, P.D. et al., J.O.C. , 1980, 45, 1109-1113 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Red plates (EtOH). Mp 178-1808.
(use) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 788-789;
Fox, R.C. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1999, 29, 2549-2550 Semicarbazone:
989-1001 (synth, pmr, cmr) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 195-1968.
Li, X.-C. et al., Planta Med. , 2001, 67, 776-778 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Schmidt, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1947, 80, 528;
(glucoside) Reinhold , 1992, MFW500; SGD000 533 (isol)

N -Acetylmethionine, 9CI / 2-Acetyl-4-methylpyridine A-68 
/ A-74

Wolinsky, J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1960, 82, 636 wood). Oil. Bp 205-2068. 2-Acetyl-3-methyl-1,8- A-72
(struct, synth) naphthalenediol
Conia, J.M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1964, [70286-20-3]
1963 (synth, uv, ir, pmr) [3785-24-8]
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Vig, P. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1968, 6, 564 1-(1,8-Dihydroxy-3-methyl-2-naphthaleny-
3, 530D (ir)
(synth) Thomas, A.F. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1973, 56, l)ethanone, 9CI. 2-Acetyl-1,8-dihydroxy-3-
1800 (synth, struct) methylnaphthalene. Musizin. Dianellidin.
N -Acetylmethionine, 9CI A-68 Demole, E. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1976, 59, Nepodin
2-(Acetylamino)-4-(methylthio)butanoic 737 (synth)
acid. Aminotylon. Methionamine. Thiome- HO OH
don-Amp COCH 3
2-Acetyl-3-methylfuran A-70
COOH [13101-45-6] CH 3
1-(3-Methyl-2-furanyl)ethanone, 9CI.
H C NHAc (R)-form Methyl (3-methyl-2-furyl) ketone, 8CI C13H12O3 216.236
Yellow needles (EtOH or petrol/C6H6).
CH 2CH 2SMe Mp 164-1658 (evac. tube).
8-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-glu-
C7H13NO3S 191.251 4 3
5 12 copyranoside]:Orientaloside
(R )-form [1509-92-8] C25H32O13 540.52
Cryst. (EtOAc or H2O). Mp 104-1058. O
Constit. of the roots of Rumex patientia
D +20.3 (c, 4 in H2O).
O (patience dock). Amorph. lmax 225 ; 260
(S )-form [65-82-7] ; 301 ; 333 ; 345 (MeOH).
Nutrient supplement used as a source of C7H8O2 124.139
25 Present in oils of Perilla frutescens and 4-Chloro, 8-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:Patien-
L-methionine. Mp 1048. [a]D -20.3.
Elsholtzia ciliata and sesame oil. Bp20 116- toside A
(/9)-form [1115-47-5] 1198 Bp10 608. C19H21ClO8 412.823
Cryst. (H2O). Mp 114-1158. Constit. of the roots of Rumex patientia
-PD0500000 [119363-99-4] (patience dock). Pale yellow powder.
Ueda, T. et al., Nippon Kagaku Zasshi , 1960, [a]20
D -109.7 (c, 0.75 in MeOH). lmax 234
4-Acetamidophenyl ester: See
81, 1756 (isol) (log e 3.97); 312 (log e 3.73); 339 (log e
Sumacetamol in The Combined
Fujita, Y. et al., Nippon Kagaku Zasshi , 1966, 3.69) (MeOH).
Chemical Dictionary. 87, 1361 (isol) Kuruuzum, A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2001, 64,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Kutney, J.P. et al., Tetrahedron , 1971, 27, 3323 688-690 (Patientoside A)
1, 784D (ir) (synth, ir, uv, pmr) Demirezer, O. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 56,
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 399-402 (Orientaloside)
Spectra , 1992, 1, 1280A (nmr)
Wheeler, G.P. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1951, 73, 4604
(synth) 2-Acetyl-5-methylfuran A-71
U.S. Pat. , 1962, 3 028 395; CA , 57, 16742 [1193-79-9]
(resoln) 1-(5-Methyl-2-furanyl)ethanone, 9CI. 2-Acetyl-3-methylpyrazine A-73
Heyns, K. et al., Annalen , 1963, 667, 194 (ms) Methyl (5-methyl-2-furyl) ketone, 8CI.
U.K. Pat. , 1967, 1 072 876; CA , 67, 114015
FEMA 3069 1-(3-Methylpyrazinyl)ethanone, 9CI.
Jung, G. et al., Eur. J. Biochem. , 1973, 35, 436 C7H8O2 124.139 Methyl (3-methylpyrazinyl) ketone, 8CI
(cd) Isol. from raisins, roasted onion, French
Rotruck, J.T. et al., J. Nutr. , 1975, 105, 331
fried potato, tomato, smoked fatty fish, N CH3
cooked beef, fried cured pork, beer, spirits, 5 4 3
Hawkes, G.E. et al., Nature (London) , 1975, 6 1 2
257, 767 (N-15 nmr) black tea, wild rice, squid and coffee
Boggs, R.W. et al., Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. , 1978, aroma. Organoleptic and flavouring agent. N COCH3
105, 571 (props) d20 20
4 1.07. Bp10 808. nD 1.5138.
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 28th/29th -LT8528000 C7H8N2O 136.153
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1982, Aroma constit. of spiny lobster (Panulirus
Ponnuswamy, M.N. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1985,
Mp 190.5-191.58. argus ) roasted sesame seed. Liq. with
41, 917 (cryst struct) burnt, popcorn-like odour. d 1.11. Bp0.5
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. [73750-15-9]
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 30-31
568. n20
D 1.5216. Odour threshold 2 x 10

Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR ppm in H2O.
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Spectra , 1992, 3, 23C (nmr)
Mookherjee, B.D. et al., J.O.C. , 1972, 37, 511-
Reinhold , 1992, ACQ275 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
513 (synth, ir, pmr, ms)
1989, 3, 1457C (ir)
Wolt, J. et al., J.O.C. , 1975, 40, 1178-1179
Farrer, M.W. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1950, 72, 3695
4-Acetyl-1-methylcyclohexene A-69 (synth, pmr, ms)
Mihara, S. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1988,
[6090-09-1] Morizur, J.P. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1966,
36, 1242-1247 (props)
1-(4-Methyl-3-cyclohexen-1-yl)ethanone, 2296 (pmr)
Nakamura, S. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1989,
Stoll, M. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1967, 50, 628
9CI. 1?,2?,3?,6?-Tetrahydro-4?-methylaceto- 53, 1891-1899 (glc, occur)
phenone. Tetrahydro-p-acetyltoluene Cadwallader, K.R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
Ferretti, A. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1970,
1995, 43, 2432-2437 (detn, occur)
18, 13 (isol)
CH 3 Scholz, S. et al., Annalen , 1985, 1935 (synth,
pmr, cmr, ir)
Boykin, D.W. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1988, 25,
643 (O-17 nmr) 2-Acetyl-4-methylpyridine A-74
Farmer, L.J. et al., J. Sci. Food Agric. , 1989, 49,
347 [59576-26-0]
COCH 3 1-(4-Methyl-2-pyridinyl)ethanone, 9CI.
Baig, M.A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1989, 1981
(synth) Methyl 4-methyl-2-pyridyl ketone, 8CI. 2-
C9H14O 138.209 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Acetyl-4-picoline
Flavouring ingredient. Isol. from the Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 32-33 (use,
famine food Santalum album (sandal- occur)

2-Acetyl-5-methylpyridine  / N -Acetylneuraminic acid A-75 
/ A-84

CH 3 Component of roasting coffee aroma. Liq. 2-Acetyl-5-methylthiophene A-81

5 4 Bp10 120-1248 Bp4 1308. [13679-74-8]
6 1 2
Picrate: [31931-61-0] 1-(5-Methyl-2-thienyl)ethanone, 9CI.
N COCH 3 Methyl 5-methyl-2-thienyl ketone
Solid (EtOH). Mp 174-1758.
[80882-67-3] C7H8OS 140.206
C8H9NO 135.165
Organoleptic. Constit. of coffee aroma..
Component of fig leaf absolute (Ficus Suzuki, Y. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1961, 81,
795; CA , 55, 24742d (synth) Mp 258. Bp 232-2338 Bp8 98-1008.
carica ). Cryst. (petrol). Sol. EtOH. Mp
33-348. Bp15 95-978. Eilhauer, H.D. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim, -OB4972000
Ger.) , 1965, 298, 131 (synth) Oxime: [1956-44-1]
Oxime (E-): [23089-35-2] Govindachari, T.R. et al., Indian J. Chem. , C7H9NOS 155.22
C8H10N2O 150.18 1966, 4, 398 (synth)
Mp 1258.
Cryst. (C6H6/petrol). Mp 98-998 Mp
125-1288. Semicarbazone:
4-Acetyl-3-methylpyridine A-78 Mp 215-2178 dec.
Stoll, M. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1967, 50, 628
Solid. Mp 195-1988. [82352-00-9] (isol)
[18103-84-9] 1-(3-Methyl-4-pyridinyl)ethanone, 9CI. Kaper, L. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R. Neth.
Methyl 3-methyl-4-pyridyl ketone, 8CI. 4- Chem. Soc.) , 1970, 81, 825 (uv)
Case, F.H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1956, 78, 5842 Acetyl-3-picoline Bagli, J. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1976, 19, 876
(synth) (synth)
Nishimoto, N. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1961, C8H9NO 135.165 Drage, J.S. et al., Organometallics, 1985, 4, 389
81, 88; CA , 55, 13421b (synth) Component of roasting coffee aroma. Bp1 (synth, pmr)
Case, F.H. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1968, 5, 161 93-958. Spinelli, D. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1993, 47,
(synth, oxime) 160 (cmr, O-17 nmr)
Schilt, A. et al., Talanta , 1969, 16, 448 (detn, Hibino, S. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1990, 27, 1751
Co, Cu, Fe) (synth, pmr, ms)

2-Acetyl-5-methylpyridine A-75 2-Acetyl-1,3,6,8-naphthalene- A-82

4-Acetyl-2-methylpyrimidine A-79 tetrol
[67860-38-2] 2-Acetyl-1,3,6,8-tetrahydroxynaphthalene
1-(5-Methyl-2-pyridinyl)ethanone, 9CI.
1-(2-Methyl-4-pyrimidinyl)ethanone, 9CI.
Methyl 5-methyl-2-pyridyl ketone, 8CI. 2-
8 1 COCH 3
C8H9NO 135.165 2
Component of roasting coffee aroma. Liq.
COCH3 6 3
Bp0.1 60-708.
Crabb, T.A. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1982, 20, C12H10O5 234.208
242 (synth)
U.S. Pat. , 1986, 4 574 125; CA , 105, 635x
N CH3 1,6-Di-Me ether, 3-O-b-D-apiofuranoside,
(synth) 8-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [170384-73-3]
C7H8N2O 136.153 Cassitoroside
Flavouring ingredient. Present in cooked C25H32O14 556.519
2-Acetyl-6-methylpyridine A-76
meats. Liq. d20
4 1.1. Bp10 85-908. nD
20 Constit. of the seeds of Cassia tora
[6940-57-4] 1.5039. (charota). Pale yellow needles. Mp 234-
1-(6-Methyl-2-pyridinyl)ethanone, 9CI. 2368.
Methyl 6-methyl-2-pyridyl ketone, 8CI. 6- Ger. Pat. , 1977, 2 800 443; CA , 89, 163595z
(synth, use) Choi, J.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40, 997
Acetyl-2-picoline (isol, pmr, cmr)
Sakamoto, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1983,
C8H9NO 135.165 31, 4554-4560 (synth)
Minor component of rum. Flavour mod- Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
ifying agent for coffee. Liq. Bp1 468. edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
2, 14 (props, use) 3-Acetyl-2,7-naphthyridine A-83
Oxime (E-): [23089-39-6] [73607-00-8]
C8H10N2O 150.18 1-(2,7-Naphthyridin-3-yl)ethanone, 9CI
Cryst. (petrol). Sol. EtOH. Mp 49-508. 2-Acetyl-3-methylthiophene A-80
Dimethylhydrazone: [33785-80-7] [13679-72-6] COCH3
C10H15N3O 193.248 1-(3-Methyl-2-thienyl)ethanone, 9CI.
Liq. Bp0.1 53-548. n26
D 1.5370. Methyl 3-methyl-2-thienyl ketone, 8CI N N
Case, F.H. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1968, 5, 161 C10H8N2O 172.186
(synth, oxime) 4 3 Alkaloid from valerian (Valeriana offici-
Schilt, A. et al., Talanta , 1969, 16, 448 (detn, 5 12 nalis) .
Newkome, G.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1972, 37, 1329 Janot, M.M. et al., Ann. Pharm. Fr. , 1979, 37,
(deriv) 413-420 (isol, cryst struct)
Zanger, M. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1974, 46, 2042 C7H8OS 140.206 Barbu, E. et al., Heterocycl. Commun. , 2000, 6,
(pmr) Flavouring ingredient with a honey-like 25-28 (synth)
Amin, H.B. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1979, 624 flavour. Bp 2168 Bp14 98-998. n20
D 1.5620.
C7H9NOS 155.22 N -Acetylneuraminic acid A-84
4-Acetyl-2-methylpyridine A-77 Mp 85-868.
[2732-28-7] Demuth, R. et al., Ber. , 1885, 18, 3026 (synth)
1-(2-Methyl-4-pyridinyl)ethanone, 9CI. Von Gerlach, M. et al., Annalen , 1892, 267, 153
(synth, oxime) galacto-2-nonulosonic acid, 9CI. O-Sialic
Methyl 2-methyl-4-pyridyl ketone, 8CI. 4- acid. Aceneuramic acid, INN. Lactaminic
Acetyl-2-picoline acid. Gynaminic acid. Serolactaminic acid.
C8H9NO 135.165 KI 111. NANA. Neu5Ac. Neu5NAc

2-Acetyloxazole  / 2-Acetylpyrrole A-85 / A-89

O COOH Ho, C.-T. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1981, 47, 127-133 Seth-Paul, W.A. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A ,
OH α-D-Pyranose-form (occur, ms) 1974, 30, 1817 (ir)
CH2OH Carlin, J.T. et al., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. , 1986, Reimann, E. et al., Annalen , 1976, 1351 (synth)
63, 1031-1036 (occur) Cook, I.B. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1989, 42, 1493
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
C11H19NO9 309.272 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 35 (occur)
Isol. from eggs, milk and colostrum by
2-Acetylpyrazine A-86
Girardot, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1998, 63, 10063-
acid or enzymic hydrol. of the constit. [22047-25-2] 10068 (synth)
sialoproteins and oligosaccharides. Most Methyl pyrazinyl ketone. 1-Pyrazinyletha-
abundant source is the nest cementing none. FEMA 3126
glycoprotein of the Chinese swiftlet used in 3-Acetylpyridine A-88
birdsnest soup. Mp 185-1878 dec. [a]22D -32 N [350-03-8]
(H2O). The only sialic acid formed in 1-(3-Pyridinyl)ethanone, 9CI. Methyl 3-
human tissues. Store below 08 in the dark. pyridyl ketone. 3-Acetopyridine. FEMA
N 3424
[19342-33-7, 126934-33-6]
C7H7NO 121.138
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, C6H6N2O 122.126
Organoleptic, flavouring ingredient. Liq.
1, 758C (ir) Flavouring ingredient. Component of
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Sol. H2O. Bp 2208 Bp12 1068. pKa 3.26
roasted sesame seed aroma. Cream cryst.
Spectra , 1992, 1, 1239A (nmr) (258). Yellows in air..
with popcorn-like flavour. Mp 75-778.
Gottschalk, A. et al., The Chemistry and Biology -OB5425000
of Sialic Acids and Related Substances, 2-Thiazolylhydrazone: [73568-92-0] Hydrochloride:
Cambridge Univ. Press, London, 1960, (rev) C9H9N5S 219.27 Mp 808 dec.
Blix, G. et al., Methods Carbohydr. Chem. , Cryst. (EtOH). Sol. common org. solvs.
1962, 1, 246 (isol) Mp 2108. Oxime: [5973-83-1]
O’Connell, A.M. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1973, 29, C7H8N2O 136.153
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
2320 (cryst struct) Mp 130.58.
2, 844A (ir)
Codington, J.F. et al., Methods Carbohydr. -OB5600000
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Chem. , 1976, 7, 226 (isol, detn) Phenylhydrazone:
Spectra , 1992, 3, 407C (nmr)
Martin, J.E. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1977, 56,
432 (isol)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Mp 1378.
1989, 3, 1562B (ir) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Jaques, L.W. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1977, 252,
Kushner, S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1952, 74, 3617-3621 2, 780C (ir)
4533 (cmr)
(synth, deriv) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Czarniecki, M.F. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1977, 99, 8273
Schilt, A.A. et al., Talanta , 1980, 27, 55-58 Spectra , 1992, 3, 312B (nmr)
(isol, cmr)
(thiazolylhydrazone, use) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Benzing-Nguyen, L. et al., J.O.C. , 1978, 43, 551
Easmon, J. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1992, 35, 1989, 3, 1543A (ir)
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3288-3296 (synth) Scott, F.L. et al., J.O.C. , 1957, 22, 1568 (synth)
Friebolin, H. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. ,
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd Katritzky, A.R. et al., J.C.S. , 1958, 3165 (uv)
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edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Kavalewski, V.J. et al., J. Chem. Phys. , 1962, 36,
Schauer, R. et al., Adv. Carbohydr. Chem.
2, 14 266 (pmr)
Biochem. , 1982, 40, 131 (rev)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Miyajama, G. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1972,
Sialic Acids: Chem. Metab. and Function , (Ed.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 34 20, 429 (cmr)
Schauer, R.), Springer-Verlag, Vienna, 1982,
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Lesman, T. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1973, 7,
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Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 1321 (ms)
Csuk, R. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1988, 71, 609
Reinhold , 1992, ADA350 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Prytulla, A. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1990, Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 35-36;
28, 888 (cmr, pmr) Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
Kragl, U. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1991, 2-Acetylpyridine A-87 edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
30, 827 (enzymic synth) [1122-62-9] 2, 15
De Ninno, M.P. et al., Synthesis , 1991, 583 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
1-(2-Pyridinyl)ethanone, 9CI. Methyl 2- Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
(synth, gly, rev) pyridyl ketone. 2-Acetopyridine. FEMA
Bodenmüller, A. et al., Annalen , 1994, 541 Reinhold , 1992, ABI000
Kragl, U. et al., Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. , 1995, 750,
300 (synth)
2-Acetylpyrrole A-89
Chan, T.H. et al., J.O.C. , 1995, 60, 4228 (synth) 5 4 3 [1072-83-9]
6 1 2
Maru, I. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1998, 306, 575- COCH 3 1-(1H-Pyrrol-2-yl)ethanone, 9CI. Methyl
578 (synth) N 2-pyrrolyl ketone. 2-Acetopyrrole. Pseu-
Banwell, M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1998, 2251- doacetylpyrrole. FEMA 3202
2252 (synth) C7H7NO 121.138
Ooi, H.C. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1999, 52, 937- Organoleptic. Flavouring agent. Present in
940 (synth) wheat bread, cooked beef, roast lamb,
grape brandies, roast peanut, roast filbert,
beer, cocoa, black tea, coriander seed and H
2-Acetyloxazole A-85 other foodstuffs. Liq. with roasted odour.
[77311-07-0] Bp 1928. n20
D 1.5203. pKa 2.64 (258). Turns C6H7NO 109.127
1-(2-Oxazolyl)ethanone, 9CI yellow in air. Organoleptic which contributes to many
Hydrochloride: aromas, including roasted filbert. Present
N Mp 183-1858 dec. in cooked apple, asparagus, wheat bread,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
tea, roasted peanut, popcorn, potato
COCH3 chips, licorice, Chinese boxthorn and
O 2, 779A (ir)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR other foodstuffs. Cryst. (petrol) with
Spectra , 1992, 3, 310A (nmr) bread-like odour. Sol. H2O. Mp 908. Bp
C5H5NO2 111.1
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , 2208. lmax 247 ; 287 (MeOH) (Berdy).
Constit. of roasted peanuts and cocoa 1989, 3, 1542B (ir)
beans. No synth. reported. Identification Miyajama, G. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1972, N-Me: [932-16-1] 2-Acetyl-1-methylpyr-
of the food product was by ms only with 20, 429 (cmr) role. FEMA 3184
no indication of whether a reference Lesman, T. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1973, 7, C7H9NO 123.154
sample was available. 1321 (ms) Flavouring ingredient. Bp 200-2028. n20

2-Acetylpyrrolidine / 2-Acetylthiazole A-90  / A-95

1.5420. N-Me: [54969-35-6] 2-Acetyl-1-methylpyr-

N-Et: [39741-41-8] 2-Acetyl-1-ethylpyrrole. rolidine
FEMA 3147 C7H13NO 127.186
Bp14 58-598. N COCH3 N COCH3
C8H11NO 137.181
Flavouring ingredient. Bp12 828. Duhamel, L. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. H
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Sci. Ser. C , 1974, 279, 1159-1161 (N-Me)
Fittkau, S. et al., J. Prakt. Chem. , 1986, 328, 1H-form 3H-form
2, 567D; 568A (ir)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 529-538 (S-form, synth)
Spectra , 1992, 3, 5B; 5C (nmr) Goldstein, S.W. et al., J.O.C. , 1992, 57, 1179- C7H11NO 125.17
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , 1190 (S-form, derivs)
Hofmann, T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1998,
Tautomeric, 1H -form predominates ca.
1989, 3, 1447B; 1447C (ir) 2:1. Responsible for mousy taint in
Cionga, E. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. 46, 616-619 (synth, ms)
wines. Constit. of wheat, popcorn and
Sci. , 1935, 200, 780 (isol)
Sugisawa, H. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1958,
bread aroma. Unstable liq. Bp3 65-678.
887 (synth) Odour threshold 0.06 ng/L in air.
Budzikiewicz, H. et al., J.C.S. , 1964, 1949 (ms) 5-Acetyltetrahydro-2(3H )-fur- A-91 Hydrochloride:
Abraham, R.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1974, Mp 112-1198.
1004 (cmr) anone, 9CI
Hunter, I.R. et al., Cereal Chem. , 1969, 46, 189
Sannai, A. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1983, 47, [29393-32-6] (isol)
2397 (isol) 5-Oxo-4-hexanolide. Solerone Büchi, G. et al., J.O.C. , 1971, 36, 609 (ir, uv,
Miyayawa, M. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1983,
pmr, ms, synth)
47, 2925; 1984, 48, 2847 (isol)
Strauss, C.R. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1984,
Kakushima, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1983, 48, 3214 (S)-form 109 (isol)
(synth) H 3COC O De Kimpe, N. et al., J.O.C. , 1993, 58, 2904
Garrido, D.O.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1984, 49, 2619 O (synth, pmr, cmr, ms)
De Kimpe, N. et al., Tetrahedron , 1995, 51,
Anderson, H.J. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1985, 63, C6H8O3 128.127 2387 (synth)
896 (synth) (S )-form [61262-92-8] Hofman, T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1998,
Eyley, S.C. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1985, 26, 4649
Bp0.2 838. [a]25
D +13.4 (c, 0.25 in MeOH). 46, 616-619; 2270-2277 (synth, ms, bibl)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , (/9)-form [69308-41-4]
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New Bp1.2 102-1048.
York, 1989, ADA 375 (j)-form 2-Acetyl-4(5)-(1,2,3,4-tetrahy- A-94
Pindur, H. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1989, 26, 1563 Aroma constit. of wine esp. sherry. droxybutyl)imidazole
(ir) Formed during fermentation.
Kuroda, Y. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1989, 30, 2411 [95120-07-3]
Augustyn, D.P.H. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1-[4-(1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroxybutyl)-1H-imi-
(synth) 1971, 19, 1128 (synth, struct)
Ito, M. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1991, 55, 2117 dazol-2-yl]ethanone, 9CI
Yanrad, S.-I. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1976, 2557
(isol, props) (synth)
Goldberg, Yu. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1991, 21, Jensen, J.E. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. B , OH
557 (N-alkyl derivs, synth) 1978, 32, 457 (synth, ir, pmr) HN
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd H3 CCO N
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, OH (1R,2S,3R)-form
2, 215; 468; 560
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. C9H14N2O5 230.22
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 944; 1709; 2-Acetyl-1,5,6,7-tetrahydro-6- A-92 (1R ,2S,3R )-form [94944-70-4]
1853-1854 (occur, props, use) hydroxy-7-(hydroxymethyl)-4H -aze- Minor component of Caramel Colour
pine-4-one III. Cryst. (H2O). Mp 232-2338. [a]25
D -12
2-Acetylpyrrolidine A-90 (c, 1.17 in 1M HCl).
[220662-48-6, 220662-49-7]
[60026-20-2] Kröplien, U. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 1131 (isol,
1-(2-Pyrrolidinyl)ethanone, 9CI struct)
O Halweg, K.M. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 1133
(synth, uv, pmr, cmr, ir)
HO Sweeny, J.G. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 1133
COCH3 (S)-form (synth, pmr, uv, ir, cmr, abs config)
H 2-Acetylthiazole A-95
C6H11NO [24295-03-2]
Aroma constit. of wheat bread crust. C9H13NO4 199.206
Minor product from the Maillard reaction 1-(2-Thiazolyl)ethanone, 9CI. Methyl 2-
Proposed precursor of the roasty-popcorn thiazolyl ketone, 8CI. FEMA 3328
flavour material 5-Acetyl-3,4-dihydro-2H - of xylose and glycine. Yellow solid. Isol. as
pyrrole, A-44 formed in food processing. cis/trans - mixt..
Undergoes ready air oxidn. to 5-Acetyl- Ames, J.M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1999, 4 3 N
3,4-dihydro-2H -pyrrole, A-44. 47, 438-443 (formn, pmr, cmr, ms) 5 12 COCH 3
(S )-form [120966-82-7]
[90427-71-7] C5H5NOS 127.167
D -2.4 (c, 3 in 2M HCl). Important flavour component; antioxi-
6-Acetyl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro- A-93 dant. Present in asparagus, kohlrabi,
N-tert-Butyloxycarbonyl: pyridine cooked potatoes, roast turkey, raw chick-
C11H19NO3 213.276 [27300-27-2] en, cooked beef, pork liver, beer, whisky,
Cryst. (pentane). Mp 388. [a]25
D -57.8 (c, Methyl 3,4,5,6-tetrahydro-2-pyridyl ketone, heated beans, various mushrooms, rice
4.3 in CHCl3). 8CI. 2-Acetyl-3,4,5,6-tetrahydropyridine. 2- bran and maize. Mp 64.5-65.58. Bp15 98-
N-Benzyl: Acetyl-D1-piperideine. 2-Acetyl-D2-piperi- 1028.
C13H17NO 203.283 deine. 1-(1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-2-pyridiny- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Bp0.01 858 (bulb). [a]25
D -81.2 (c, 1.04 in l)ethanone 1989, 3, 1494D (ir)
EtOH). Hartman, G.J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
(/9)-form 1983, 31, 1030 (isol)

2-Acetylthietane  / 2-Acetyl-1,6,8-trihydroxy-... A-96 / A-100

Medici, A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1983, 24, 2901 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of C14H14O4 246.262
(synth) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Isol. from seeds of Cassia tora (char-
Dondoni, A. et al., J.O.C. , 1991, 56, 5294 Reinhold , 1992, ABI500 ota). Yellow needles (C6H6). Mp 214-
(synth, ir, pmr, cmr)
2158 dec. (207-2088).
3-Acetylthiophene A-98 6-Me ether, di-Ac: [22649-05-4]
2-Acetylthietane A-96 [1468-83-3] C18H18O6 330.337
1-(3-Thienyl)ethanone, 9CI. Methyl 3- Plates (EtOH). Mp 181-1828.
thienyl ketone. 3-Acetothienone 6-Me ether, 8-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
1-(2-Thietanyl)ethanone, 9CI
C6H6OS 126.179 [64032-49-1] Torachrysone 8-glucoside
Maillard product; organoleptic. Mp 61- C20H24O9 408.404
COCH3 Isol. from Rhei rhizoma. Needles +
628. Bp5 78-798.
1H2O (MeOH). Mp 150-1528. [a]21 D -109
Phenylhydrazone: (c, 0.5 in MeOH).
S Mp 1148. 6-Me ether, 8-O-(6-O-oxalyl-b-D-
Semicarbazone: glucopyranoside): [64078-76-8] Tora-
C5H8OS 116.184
Mp 173-1748. chrysone 8-(6-oxalylglucoside)
[39709-34-7] C22H24O12 480.424
Bp7 498.
Constit. of a Rhei sp.. Pale yellow
(j)-form Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Spectra , 1992, 3, 54B (nmr)
powder. [a]18
D -102 (c, 0.25 in H2O).
Thiamine thermal degradation product
formed in meat aroma model systems. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, 6-Me ether, 8-O-[b-D-xylopyranosyl-(1/
2, 597B (ir) 0 6)-b-D- glucopyranoside]: [150566-
Yonemoto, H. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1957,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , 02-2]
77, 1128-1132; CA , 52, 5421b (synth)
1989, 3, 1473C (ir) C25H32O13 540.52
Guentert, M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1990,
Macdowell, D.W.H. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1965, Orange needles (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp
38, 2027-2041 (occur, pmr, ms)
2, 44 (synth)
Clarke, J.A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1975, 4705 (synth)
Macco, A.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1978, 43, 1591 6-Me ether, 8-O-[b-D-apiofuranosyl-(1/
2-Acetylthiophene A-97 (synth, pmr) 0 2)-b-D-glucopyranoside]: [245724-
[88-15-3] Collins, S. et al., J.O.C. , 1990, 55, 3565 (synth) 11-2] Torachrysone 8-(2-apiosylgluco-
1-(2-Thienyl)ethanone, 9CI. Methyl 2- side)
thienyl ketone. 2-Acetothienone 1-Acetyl-1,3,5-trihydroxy- A-99 C25H32O13 540.52
1H -indene Constit. of the seeds of Cassia tora
1-Acetyl-1H-indene-1,3,5-triol, 9CI (charota). Pale yellow powder. [a]D -23.4
4 3
5 12
(c, 0.1 in Py). lmax 233 (log e 4.41); 262
COCH 3 (log e 4.09); 306 (log e 3.58); 323 (log e
HO 3.59); 337 (log e 3.64) (MeOH).
C6H6OS 126.179 6-Me ether, 8-O-[b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/
Organoleptic which contributes to several 0 6)-b-D-glucopyranoside]: [245724-
aromas. Liq. d24 1.17. Mp 98. Bp 213-2148 HO 09-8] Torachrysone 8-b-gentiobioside
Bp13 94.5-96.58. OH C26H34O14 570.546
-LD50 (mus, ipr) 40 mg/kg. OB6300000 Constit. of the seeds of Cassia tora
C11H10O4 206.198 (charota). Needles (MeOH). Mp 2218.
E-Oxime: [92313-54-7]
C6H7NOS 141.193 3,5-Di-Me ether: [151466-74-9] 1-Acetyl-1- [a]D -18.7 (c, 0.1 in MeOH). lmax 236
Cryst. (EtOAc/hexane). Mp 113-1148. hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxy-1H-indene. (log e 4.38); 263 (log e 4.19); 310 (log e
Z-Oxime: [92313-45-6] Coixinden B 3.59); 324 (log e 3.59); 339 (log e 3.59)
C6H7NOS 141.193 C13H14O4 234.251 (MeOH).
Cryst. (EtOAc/hexane). Mp 84-858. Constit. of Coix lacrima-jobi var. ma- 6-Me ether, 8-O-[b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/
yuen . 0 6)-b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-
Phenylhydrazone: [55968-17-7]
Yellow cryst. (EtOH). Mp 968. Ishiguro, Y. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1993, 1139 (isol) glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
glucopyranoside]: [245724-10-1]
Semicarbazone: [3771-70-8] C38H54O24 894.83
Plates (C6H6). Mp 190-1918. 2-Acetyl-1,6,8-trihydroxy-3- A-100
Constit. of the seeds of Cassia tora
[39709-34-7] methylnaphthalene (charota). Pale yellow powder. [a]D -9
[23520-25-4] (c, 0.1 in Py). lmax 236 (log e 4.48); 262
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Spectra , 1992, 3, 53A (nmr) 1-(1,6,8-Trihydroxy-3-methyl-2-naphthale- (log e 4.24); 312 (log e 3.64); 325 (log e
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, nyl)ethanone, 9CI. 1?,6?,8?-Trihydroxy-3?- 3.65); 340 (log e 3.65) (MeOH).
2, 596C (ir) methyl-2?-acetonaphthone, 8CI. 7-Acetyl-6- 8-Me ether: [173867-28-2] 2-Acetyl-1,6-
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , methyl-1,3,8-naphthalenetriol. 6-Hydroxy- dihydroxy-8-methoxy-3-methylnaphtha-
1989, 3, 1472C (ir) musizin
Hartough, H.D. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1947, 69, 1012
lene. Tinnevellin. Isotorachrysone
(synth) C14H14O4 246.262
Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1964, 97, 2135 OH OH Yellow needles (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp
(isol, ir, uv, pmr) 8 COCH 3 2198.
Nishiwaki, T. et al., Tetrahedron , 1967, 23, 2979 6 8-Me ether, 6-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
(ms) HO CH 3 [80358-06-1]
Martin, M.L. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1968,
698 (pmr)
C20H24O9 408.404
C13H12O4 232.235 Pale yellow powder. Mp 1758.
Zeisberg, R. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1975, 108, 1040
(cmr, struct) 8-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [23566-96-3] 6,8-Di-Me ether: [22699-07-6] 2-Acetyl-1-
Conde, S. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1985, 22, 301 C19H22O9 394.377 hydroxy-6,8-dimethoxy-3-methyl-
(oximes, config, pmr) Isol. from the rhubarb Rhei rhizoma. naphthalene. 1-(1-Hydroxy-6,8-di-
Keumi, T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1988, 61, Needles (EtOAc). Mp 214-2158 (2078). methoxy-3-methyl-2-napthalenyl)etha-
455 (synth)
Goda, H. et al., Synthesis, 1992, 849 (synth) 6-Me ether: [22649-04-3] 2-Acetyl-1,8-di- none, 9CI. 2-Acetyl-6,8-dimethoxy-1-
Spinelli, D. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1993, 47, hydroxy-6-methoxy-3-methylnaphtha- naphthol
160 (cmr, O-17 nmr) lene. Torachrysone. Nakahalene C15H16O4 260.289

Achilleol A  / Acidophilucin A A-101 / A-106

Needles. Mp 98-998. Constit. of Sasanqua oil (Camellia Acidissiminol A-105

Tri-Me ether: [22649-03-2] sasanqua ). Gum. [a]25
D +4 (c, 0.2 in [126006-00-6]
C16H18O4 274.316 CHCl3).
Tiny plates (MeOH aq.). Mp 63-648. Barrero, A.F. et al., Tetrahedron , 1990, 46,
8161-8168 (isol, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) NHCOPh
Shibata, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1969, 17,
454-475 (Torachrysone, isol) Akihisa, T. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1999, 62, 265-
Brown, K.S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1969, 471-476 (8- 268 (Camelliol A)
glucoside, isol)
Harris, T.M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1975, 97, 3270-
3271 (synth) Achimilic acid A-103
Dreyer, D.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1975, 97, 4985- [110732-04-2] OH
4990 (3,8-di-Me ether, isol) 3-[(2-Hydroxy-2-methyl-5-oxo-3-cyclopen- 6'
Tsuboi, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1977, 25, ten-1-ylidene)methyl]-2-methylene-6-oxo- O
2708-2712 (6-Me 8-glucosides) heptanoic acid, 9CI
Yamasaki, K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1977, 1231-1234
(cmr, glucosides)
Lemli, J. et al., Planta Med. , 1981, 43, 11-17 C25H31NO3 393.525
(Tinnevellin glucoside) Alkaloid from the fruit of Limonia acid-
Gill, M. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat. Prod. , O OH issima (wood apple). Cryst. (EtOAc/hex-
1987, 51, 121-122 (3,8-di-Me ether, occur)
Wei, B.-L. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1992, 55, 967- CH ane). Mp 85-878.
969 (Nakahalene) COOH O-Ac: [33055-26-4] N-Benzoyl-4-(4-acet-
Lin, C.N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 33, 905- oxyneryloxy)phenethylamine
908 (6-Me ether, 8-xylosylglucoside) C27H33NO4 435.562
Lin, C.-N. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1995, 58, 1934- O
1940 (Isotorachrysone)
Cryst. (EtOAc/hexane). V. sol. MeOH.
Hatano, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1999, 47, C15H18O5 278.304 Mp 64-658. Opt. inactive. Related to
1121-1127 (Torachrysone glycosides, activity) Isol. from Achillea millefolium (yarrow). Severine.
Obt. as mixture of diastereoisomers. O-Octadecanoyl: [126005-91-2] Acidissi-
Me ester: minin
Achilleol A A-101 C43H65NO4 659.991
C16H20O5 292.331
[125287-06-1] Cryst. (Et2O/pentane). Mp 76-778. [a]D Alkaloid from the fruits of Limonia
-23.6 (CHCl3). acidissima (wood apple). Amorph. solid
(EtOAc/hexane). Mp 658. [a]D 0
10 Me ester, stereoisomer (1):Achimilic acid
(CHCl3). lmax 225 (e ); 277 (sh) (e ); 286
HO B methyl ester
(e ) (MeOH) (Derep).
C16H20O5 292.331
Oil. [a]D -78.2 (CHCl3). 6?,7?-Epoxide: [139165-01-8]
C30H50O 426.724 Me ester, stereoisomer (2):Achimilic acid [33055-25-3] Acidissiminol epoxide. Severine
[a]D -10.9 (c, 0.9 in CHCl3). C methyl ester C25H31NO4 409.524
Dodecanoyl: [213007-57-9] C16H20O5 292.331 Alkaloid from fruits of Limonia acidissima
C42H72O2 609.03 Oil. [a]D -87.3 (CHCl3). (wood apple). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 146-
Tetradecanoyl: [213007-39-7] Japan. Pat. , 1987, 87 81 349; CA , 107, 161673 1498 (141-1438). Severine originally con-
C44H76O2 637.083 (isol, cmr, ir, uv, ms) sidered to be a diol with formula
C25H33NO4. Identity of Acidissiminol
Hexadecanoyl: [213007-45-5] epoxide and Severine not confirmed;
C46H80O2 665.137 Achimillic acid A A-104 stereochem. not established.
D1(10)-Isomer: [220359-76-2] Camelliol C [157184-04-8]
C30H50O 426.724 6?,7?-Epoxide, octadecanoyl: [139083-09-3]
Constit. of sasanqua oil (Camellia Acidissiminin epoxide. Severine palmitate
sasanqua ). Gum. [a]25
D -12.9 (c, 0.2 in C43H65NO5 675.99
4 OH Alkaloid from the fruit of Limonia
CHCl3). O 5
Barrero, A.F. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1989, 30, 3351- acidissima (wood apple). Cryst. (C6H6/
3352 (Achilleol A) H hexane). Mp 105-1068 Mp 113-1148.
Barrero, A.F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 48, HOOC 7 Identity of Acidissiminin epoxide and
1237-1240 (esters) Severin palmitate not definitely establ.
Akihisa, T. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1999, 62, 265- O Mps are similar.
268 (Camelliol C)
Joubert, B.M. et al., Org. Lett. , 2000, 2, 339-341 C15H18O5 278.304 6?,7?-Dihydro, 6?,7?-dihydroxy: [160387-10-
(biosynth) Constit. of Achillea millefolium (yarrow). 0] Dihydroxyacidissiminol
Needles (as Me ester). Mp 76-778 (Me C25H33NO5 427.539
ester). [a]D -23.6 (c, 1 in CHCl3) (Me Alkaloid from fruits of Limonia acid-
Achilleol B A-102
ester). lmax 245 (e ) (EtOH) (Derep). issima (wood apple). Amorph. semi-
[132922-73-7] solid.
5Z-Isomer: [157184-05-9] Achimillic acid B Dreyer, D.L. et al., Tetrahedron , 1967, 23, 4613;
C15H18O5 278.304 1970, 26, 5745; 1980, 36, 827 (Severine,
Constit. of Achillea millefolium (yar- Severine palmitate, N-Benzoyl-4-(4-
row). Oil (as Me ester). [a]D -78.2 (c, 1 in acetoxyneryloxy)phenethylamine)
H CHCl3) (Me ester). lmax 245 (e ) (EtOH) Ghosh, P. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1989, 52, 1323;
18 (Derep). 1991, 54, 1389 (Acidissiminol, Acidissiminin)
HO Ghosh, P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 37, 757
4-Epimer: [157184-06-0] Achimillic acid C (Dihydroxyacidissiminol, Acidissiminol
C15H18O5 278.304 epoxide)
Constit. of Achillea millefolium (yar-
C30H50O 426.724 row). Oil (as Me ester). [a]D -87.3 (c, 1 in
Viscous oil. [a]D -8.1 (c, 1 in CHCl3). CHCl3) (Me ester). lmax 245 (e ) (EtOH) Acidophilucin A A-106
D1(10)-Isomer, 18-epimer: [220359-69-3] (Derep). [137699-22-0]
Camelliol A Tozyo, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994, 42, Prod. by Lactobacillus acidophilus LAPT
C30H50O 426.724 1096 (isol, pmr, cmr, cryst struct) 1060. Bacteriocin.

Acifluorfen, ANSI, BSI, ISO, WSSA / 4-Acoren-3-one A-107  / A-111

Toba, T. et al., Lett. Appl. Microbiol. , 1991, 12, Mixed Et esters:Ethyl aconitate. FEMA 7-Epimer:Epiacorone
106-108 (isol) 2417 C15H24O2 236.353
C8H10O6 202.163 Constit. of Acorus calamus (sweet flag).
Acifluorfen, ANSI, BSI, ISO, A-107 Flavouring ingredient. Prepd. as mixt. Oil. [a]D -53.9 (c, 0.54 in MeOH).
of mono-, di- and triesters by acid- McEachan, C.E. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1966, 579
WSSA catalysed esterification of aconitic acid (cryst struct)
[50594-66-6] with EtOH or by heating, Tri-Et ester. Andersen, N.H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1972, 899 (abs
5-[2-Chloro-4-(trifluoromethyl)phenoxy]- Oily liq. with sweet, fruity odour and config)
2-nitrobenzoic acid, 9CI. Tackle 25 flavour. Mp 2608. Marx, J.N. et al., J.O.C. , 1975, 40, 1602 (synth)
McCrae, D.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1977, 42, 1607
(E )-form [4023-65-8]
Cl COOH Isol. from Asarum europaeum , from Ackroyd, J. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1985, 68,
cane-sugar molasses, roasted chicory 338 (synth)
root, roasted malt barley, passion fruit, Rao, G.S.R.S. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
F3C O NO2 sorghum root and sugar beet. 1986, 25, 783 (synth)
Flavouring agent used in fruit flavours Nawamaki, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 43,
and alcoholic beverages. Leaflets (H2O). 1175 (isol, pmr, cmr)
C14H7ClF3NO5 361.661 Sol. H2O, EtOH. Mp 194-1958 dec. Srikrishna, A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1996, 37, 1683
Selective pre- and post-emergence herbi- (synth)
pKa2 4.46 (258). Decarboxylates at Mp
cide. Used on soybeans and peanuts. Off- Biju, P.J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1999, 40, 2405-2406
to Methylenebutanedioic acid, M-403. (synth)
white solid. Mp 151.5-1578 (140-1508) Mp Mp variable with rate of heating. Srikrishna, A. et al., Tetrahedron , 2000, 56,
2408. 8189-8195 (synth)
Tri-Et ester: [68077-28-1]
-Skin and eye irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 2025
mg/kg. DG5643070 [5349-99-5]
C12H18O6 258.271 4-Acorene-3,8-dione A-110
Na salt: [62476-59-9] Acifluorfen sodium.
Bp18 1728. [33983-45-8]
Blazer. Scifluorfen. RH 6201
Powder. Mp 124-1258. (Z )-form [585-84-2] Acoronene
-DG5643200 Present in apple fruits, maple syrup and
Me ester: [50594-67-7] Acifluorfen methyl passion fruit juice. Mp 1258. Gives (E )-
C15H9ClF3NO5 375.688 form on heating.
Carboxymethyl ester: [77501-60-1] Fluor- [1321-30-8, 5349-99-5, 20820-77-3, 65629-33-6]
oglycofen, ANSI, BSI. O-[5-(2-Chloro- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
a,a,a-trifluoro-p-tolyloxy)-2-nitroben- 1, 505D (ir)
zoyl]glycolic acid Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR O
2-Ethoxy-2-oxoethyl ester: [77501-90-7] Spectra , 1992, 1, 789B; 789C (nmr)
Fluoroglycofen-ethyl Malachowski, R. et al., Ber. , 1928, 61, 2521 C15H22O2 234.338
(synth, props) Constit. of Acorus calamus (sweet flag).
C18H13ClF3NO7 447.751 Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 2 , 1943, 12 (synth)
Dark amber solid. d25 1.01. Mp 658. Miller, R.E. et al., Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. ,
Cryst. (hexane). Mp 698. [a]D +66.8 (c, 1
-LD50 (rat, orl) 1500 mg/kg. DG5643100 1951, 6, 231 (rev) in dioxan). [a]D -104 (c, 0.12 in MeOH).
Nitrile: [50594-65-5] Klostergaard, H. et al., J.O.C. , 1958, 23, 108- 7-Epimer:Epiacoronene
Cryst. Mp 95-1038. 110 (tri-Et ester) C15H22O2 234.338
Krogh, A. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1969, 23,
Ger. Pat. , 1973, 2 311 638; CA , 80, 3253 (synth) Constit. of Acorus calamus (sweet flag).
Johnson, W.O. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2932 (isol)
Bartos, J. et al., Pure Appl. Chem. , 1984, 56, 467 Oil. [a]D -96 (c, 0.12 in MeOH). lmax
1978, 26, 285 (synth, props) 238 (e 3640) (MeOH).
Eur. Pat. , 1980, 20 052; CA , 94, 191 921 (synth, (use)
activity, Fluoroglycofen) Barlianto, H. et al., Z. Lebensm.-Unters. - Minato, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1971, 19,
Orr, G.L. et al., ACS Symp. Ser. , 1982, 181, 131 Forsch. , 1994, 198, 215-222 (occur, glc, ms) 638
(rev) Nagel, N. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1996, 52, 2912- Nawamaki, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 43,
Lee, G.H. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33, 2915 (cryst struct, Z-form) 1175 (isol, pmr, cmr)
499 (pmr, cmr) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Kennard, C.H.L. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1987, Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 38; 944-
40, 1131 (cryst struct) 945 (mixed Et esters) 4-Acoren-3-one A-111
Teasdale, J.R. et al., Weed Technol. , 1987, 1, 165 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th [5956-05-8]
(activity, Fluoroglycofen) edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
30-31; 514-515 (mixed Et esters)
Maigrot, P.H. et al., Proc. Br. Crop Prot. Conf.
Weeds , 1989, 47 (activity, Fluoroglycofen-Et) Patty’s Ind. Hyg. Toxicol. (3rd Rev. edn.) , Vol.
Pesticide Manual, 9th edn. , 1991, No. 40; No. 2, Wiley, 1980, 4974
6565 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Agrochemicals Handbook, 3rd edn., Royal Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 10
Reinhold , 1992, ADH000 1
Society of Chemistry, 1992, A788 7

3,8-Acoranedione A-109 O
Aconitic acid A-108
[499-12-7] Acorone
1-Propene-1,2,3-tricarboxylic acid, 9CI. C15H24O 220.354
Achilleaic acid. Citridinic acid. Equisetic Constit. of carrot (Daucus carota ) and
acid. Pyrocitric acid. 3-Carboxy-2-pente- Acorus calamus (sweet flag). Oil. Bp0.1 618.
nedioic acid. FEMA 2010 [a]20 20
D -22.3. nD 1.5039.

O 7 1-Epimer: [21653-33-8] 3-Acoren-5-one.

β Acorenone B
H COOH C15H24O 220.354
(E)-form O
C C α Oil. [a]D +12.3 (c, 0.25 in CHCl3).
HOOC CH2COOH C15H24O2 236.353 1,7-Diepimer: [311350-99-9] 10-Epi-3-aco-
Constit. of Acorus calamus (sweet flag). ren-5-one
C6H6O6 174.11 Cryst. (heptane). Mp 1008. [a]15
D +139.5 C15H24O 220.354
-UD2380000 (EtOH). McClure, R.J. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1968, 1135

Acoric acid / Acromelic acid A A-112 / A-116

(cryst struct) Yellow oil. [a]25

D 0 (c, 0.0695 in CHCl3). rough lemon. Sol. MeOH, EtOAc; poorly
Trost, B.M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1975, 97, 5873 sol. H2O, hexane. Mp 67-688. [a]D +5 (c,
O6-De-Me, 3-Me ether: [129722-89-0] Ac-
rimarine F 0.25 in MeOH). lmax 277 (e 4100)
Oppolzer, W. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1977, 60,
2388 (synth) C31H29NO8 543.572 (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 285 (MeOH-HCl)
Lange, G.L. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1977, 4479 (synth) Pale yellow powder. (Berdy).
Rascher, W. et al., Tetrahedron , 1977, 33, 575 O6-De-Me, 3-Me ether, N6-de-Me: ACRL Toxin III [101951-97-7]
(synth) [129722-88-9] Acrimarine E C19H28O6 352.427
Naegeli, P. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1978, 2127 (synth)
White, J.D. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1981, 103, 1813
C30H27NO8 529.545 Sol. MeOH, EtOAc; poorly sol. H2O,
(synth) Pale yellow prisms (Me2CO). Mp 274- hexane. Mp 142-1458. [a]D -17 (c, 0.60 in
Baldwin, S.W. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1982, 23, 1235 2768. [a]D +20.1 (c, 0.05 in Me2CO). MeOH). lmax 280 (MeOH) (Berdy).
(synth) 6-Demethoxy, O5-de-Me: [129722-97-0] 5,6-Dihydro: [98353-41-4] ACRL Toxin I
Iwata, C. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1984, 781 Acrimarine G
C19H30O6 354.442
C29H25NO7 499.519 Sol. MeOH, EtOAc; poorly sol. H2O,
Nagumo, S. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1990, 1778
Yellow oil. [a]D +8 (c, 0.075 in CHCl3). hexane. Mp 192-1968. Major phytotoxic
Kido, F. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1992, 229 (synth, 6-Demethoxy, O5-de-Me, 3-Me ether: component lmax 245 (e 9500) (MeOH)
bibl) [132185-44-5] Acrimarine H (Berdy). lmax 236 (MeOH-HCl) (Ber-
Wu, C.-L. et al., J. Chin. Chem. Soc. (Taipei) , C30H27NO7 513.546 dy).
1995, 42, 597 (isol, pmr, cmr) Alkaloid from roots of Citrus spp.. ACRL toxin IV [101951-98-8]
Weyerstahl, P. et al., Flavour Fragrance J. , 2000, Yellow oil. [a]D 0 (Me2CO). C21H32O7 396.48
15, 61-83 (1,7-diepimer)
Bis(demethoxy): [147513-68-6] Acrimarine Sol. MeOH, EtOAc; poorly sol. H2O,
M hexane. Mp 102-1058. [a]D -11 (c, 0.30 in
Acoric acid A-112 C29H25NO6 483.52 MeOH). lmax 280 (MeOH) (Berdy).
[5956-06-9] Yellow oil. [a]25
D 0 (c, 0.052 in CHCl3). Gardner, J.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24,
Ito, C. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990, 38, 2861; 1986, 25, 69 (isol, ACRL Toxin I)
2586 (Acrimarine H) Kono, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, 2869;
COOH Furukawa, H. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1990, 1593 1986, 25, 69 (isol, struct, abs config)
(isol, pmr, cmr, struct) Lichtenthaler, F.W. et al., Angew. Chem., Int.
Takemura, Y. et al., Heterocycles , 1992, 34, Ed. , 1991, 30, 1339 (synth)
O 2363 (Acrimarine K, Acrimarine M) Mulzer, J. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1993,
Takemura, Y. et al., Heterocycles , 1994, 38, 32, 1452 (synth)
1937 (Acrimarine N) Munchhof, M.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1994, 59, 7566
O (synth)
Paterson, I. et al., Synthesis , 1998, 639-652
C15H24O4 268.352 Acrimarine J A-114 (synth)
Constit. of Acorus calamus (sweet flag). [147395-90-2]
Cryst. (Et2O/petrol). Mp 166-1688. [a]25
D Acromelic acid A A-116
+27 (c, 1 in CHCl3). Log P 1.53 (calc).
Birch, A.J. et al., J.C.S. , 1964, 2923 (isol) 5-[5-Carboxy-4-(carboxymethyl)-3-pyrro-
Birch, A.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 1186 OH lidinyl]-1,6-dihydro-6-oxo-2-pyridinecar-
(synth) boxylic acid, 9CI. Acromelinic acid A
Rao, G.S.R.S. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 6
1981, 20, 1089 (synth) OMe N O
Ramanathan, H. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , Me MeO O
1991, 30, 901 (synth)
C35H33NO8 595.648 6
Acrimarine A A-113 Alkaloid from roots of Yalaha [several CH 2COOH
[119152-47-5] hybrid seedlings resulting from a cross of
Duncan grapefruit (Citrus paradisii ) / 
Dancy tangerine (Citrus tangerina )]. Yel- N COOH
low oil. [a]28
D 0 (c, 0.106 in CHCl3).
OH 6-Deoxy, O5-de-Me: [147395-89-9] Acri-
marine I C13H14N2O7 310.263
3 C34H31NO7 565.621 Cryst. Sol. H2O; poorly sol. Me2CO,
OMe N Alkaloid from roots of Yalaha. Yellow hexane. Mp 3108. [a]D +27.8 (c, 0.35 in
Me oil. [a]26
D +27.8 (c, 0.036 in CHCl3). H2O). Struct. established by synth. Phys.
Takemura, Y. et al., Heterocycles , 1992, 34, props. are of synthetic material lmax 240 (e
C31H29NO8 543.572 2363 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms, struct) 4370); 315 (e 8910) (pH 2) (Derep). lmax
Pale yellow oil. [a]D -9.76 (c, 0.082 in 241 (e 5130); 312 (e 9120) (pH 12) (Derep).
CHCl3). lmax 243 (e 5500); 315 (e 9550) (H2O pH 7)
ACRL Toxins A-115
(Derep). lmax 242 ; 317 (pH 7 buffer)
3-Me ether:Acrimarine N
C32H31NO8 557.599 (Berdy). lmax 240 ; 313 (pH 2 buffer)
Alkaloid from roots of Yalaha [several OH (Berdy). lmax 241 ; 312 (pH 12 buffer)
hybrid seedlings resulting from a cross OH HO OH 5 (Berdy). lmax 240 (e 5130); 313 (e 9550)
of Duncan grapefruit (Citrus paradisi ) x 6 (H2O) (Berdy).
Dancy tangerine (Citrus tangerina )]. O O 6-Deoxo, 5,6-didehydro: [102329-71-5] Ac-
Yellow oil. Opt. inactive. n
romelic acid D
3-Me ether, N-de-Me: [119152-48-6] Acri- Toxin II, n = 0 C13H14N2O6 294.263
marine B Toxin III, n= 1 Sol. H2O. [a]D +17.6 (c, 0.07 in H2O).
C31H29NO8 543.572 Toxin IV, n = 2 lmax 221 ; 269 (H2O) (Berdy).
Yellow prisms (Me2CO). Mp 288-2908. 6-Deoxo, 5,6-didehydro, 4-decarboxy, 6-
[a]D -7.14 (c, 0.056 in CHCl3). ACRL Toxin II [101951-84-2] carboxy: [145237-01-0] Acromelic acid E
O6-De-Me: [147395-91-3] Acrimarine K C17H24O5 308.374 C13H14N2O6 294.263
C30H27NO8 529.545 Prod. by the fungus Alternaria citri on Sol. H2O. lmax 266 (H2O) (Berdy).

Acromelic acid B / Acutissimin A A-117  / A-121

Takano, S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1987, 109, 5523 L-form (MeOH).

(synth) [a]22
D -131 (c, 0.05 in H2O). lmax 230 (log N-(4-Hydroxyphenethyl), picrate:
Konno, K. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1988, 110, 4807; e 3.22); 310 (log e 3.09) (H2O).
6926 (isol, synth, ir, uv, pmr) Mp 151-1528.
Takano, S. et al., Heterocycles , 1989, 29, 1473 Yamano, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1993, 49, 2427- 10-Acetoxy:10-Acetoxyactinidine
(synth, bibl) 2436 (isol, uv, pmr)
C12H15NO2 205.256
Fushiya, S. et al., Heterocycles , 1992, 34, 1277 Baldwin, J.E. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1994, 35, 6575-
6576 (synth) Amorph. solid. Stereochem. not certain.
(isol, pmr, cd, struct) (/9)-form [79254-93-6]
Barco, A. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1993, 123, Adamcyzk, M. et al., Tetrahedron , 2002, 58,
185 (synth) 6943-6950 (synth, pmr, cmr) Oil. Bp9 100-1038.
Baldwin, J.E. et al., Tetrahedron , 1998, 54, 7465- Picrate:
7484 (synth) Mp 146-146.58.
Acronycine A-119
Sakan, T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1959, 32,
[7008-42-6] 315; 1155; 1960, 33, 712 (uv, ir, isol, struct,
Acromelic acid B A-117 3,12-Dihydro-6-methoxy-3,3,12-trimethyl- synth)
[86630-10-6] 7H-pyrano[2,3-c]acridin-7-one, 9CI, 8CI. Djerassi, C. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1961,
3-[5-Carboxy-4-(carboxymethyl)-3-pyrro- Acronine, INN, USAN. NSC 403169. 210 (pmr)
lidinyl]-1,6-dihydro-6-oxo-2-pyridinecar- Compound 42339 Torssell, K. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1967, 21,
boxylic acid, 9CI. Acromelinic acid B 53 (N-4-Hydroxyphenethylactinidine)
Cavill, G.W.K. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1967, 20,
O 349 (synth, uv, pmr)
H OMe Johnson, R.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1971, 10,
3334 (isol, ms)
O N COOH Wheeler, J.W. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , 1977, 3, 241
Wuest, J.D. et al., J.O.C. , 1977, 42, 2111 (synth)
CH 2COOH N O Nitta, M. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1981, 933 (synth)
Me 2 Davies, L.B. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1981, 1909
(synth, uv, ir, pmr, ms)
N COOH Tomalski, M.D. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , 1987, 13,
C20H19NO3 321.375 253 (ms)
H Never marketed. Cossy, J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1988, 29, 6113 (synth)
Yellow needles (EtOH). Mp 175-1768. Log Ranarivelo, Y. et al., Heterocycles , 1990, 31,
C13H14N2O7 310.263 P 3.7 (calc). lmax 280 (e 39800); 291 (e 1727 (synth)
Cossy, J. et al., J.O.C. , 1993, 58, 2351 (synth)
Amorph. powder. Sol. H2O; poorly sol. 34700); 304 (e 19100); 392 (e 6920) (EtOH) Shiao, M.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1993, 58, 3162 (synth)
Me2CO, hexane. [a]D +50.1 (c, 0.45 in (Derep). lmax 224 (e 24500); 281 (e 48000); Stepanov, A.V. et al., Russ. Chem. Bull. (Engl.
H2O). Struct. established by synth. Phys. 293 (e 43500); 308 (e 40700); 380 (e 10250) Transl.) , 1998, 47, 2286-2291 (synth)
props. are of synthetic material lmax 231 (e (MeOH) (Berdy). Jones, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1998, 54, 2275-
); 308 (e ) (pH 2) (Derep). lmax 241 (e ); -LD50 (mus, orl) 522 mg/kg. Exp. 2280 (synth)
311 (e ) (pH 12) (Derep). lmax 227 (e ); 300 carcinogenic data. UQ0330000 Bianco, A. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 2002, 16, 77-
(e ) (pH 7) (Derep). lmax 236 (e 6320); 302 80 (10-Acetoxyactinidine)
O-De-Me, 5-methoxy:5-Methoxynoracro-
(e 2920) (MeOH) (Berdy).
2?-Decarboxy: [133740-47-3] Acromelic C20H19NO4 337.374
acid C Alkaloid from the bark of Citrus junos
C12H14N2O5 266.253 (yuzu). Light-yellow prisms. Mp 146- Acutissimin A A-121
Powder. [a]D +31.9 (c, 0.23 in H2O). 1488. [108906-66-7]
lmax 230 (e 11000); 302 (e 6150) Ju-ichi, M. et al., Heterocycles , 1986, 24, 1595
(MeOH) (Derep). lmax 230 (e 10592); (5-Methoxynoracronycine) HO OH HO OH
301 (e 6150) (H2O) (Berdy). HO OH OH OH
-LD50 (mus, ipr) 10 mg/kg.
Hashimoto, K. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1986, 1399
Actinidine A-120
(synth, uv, ir, cd, abs config) O
Konno, K. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1988, 110, 4807;
6926 (isol, uv, pmr, synth, struct) 10 O
Takano, S. et al., Heterocycles , 1989, 29, 1473 H 3C O O O
(synth, bibl) CO CO OH
Fushiya, S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1990, 31, 3901 (S)-form
(Acromelic acid C) N

C10H13N 147.219 HO OH HO OH
Acromelobic acid A-118
(R )-form [15524-81-9] C56H38O31 1206.898
[158703-45-8] Liq. Bp10 92-948. [a]20
D +10.8 (c, 0.36 in Isol. from Castanea crenata (Japanese
a-Amino-6-carboxy-1,2-dihydro-2-oxo-4- CHCl3).
pyridinepropanoic acid. 3-(2-Carboxy-6- chestnut). Off-white amorph. powder +
Picrate: 31=2 or 5H2O. [a]32
D -74 (c, 1.2 in Me2CO).
Mp 146-1478. lmax 225 (e 85100); 275 (e 28800) (MeOH)
(S )-form [524-03-8] (Berdy).
COOH Alkaloid from Actinidia arguta
Ishimaru, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1987,
H 2N C H COOH (taravine) and Valeriana officinalis 35, 602 (isol, uv, cd, pmr, cmr)
(valerian). Oil. Bp9 100-1038. [a]11
D -7.2 Nonaka, G. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990,
CH 2 N H (CHCl3). 38, 2151 (struct)
O Mp 1438.
N-(4-Hydroxyphenethyl): [15794-92-0] N-
C9H10N2O5 226.188 (p-Hydroxyphenethyl)actinidine
Sol. H2O, MeOH; poorly sol. EtOAc, C18H22NO 268.378
hexane. lmax 230 (e 1660); 310 (e 1230) Quaternary alkaloid from the roots of
(H2O) (Berdy). Valeriana officinalis (valerian). Mp 201-
(S )-form [142179-90-6] 2038 dec. (as chloride). [a]22
D +50.5

Adenine, JAN, USAN 
/ Adlupone A-122  / A-128

Adenine, JAN, USAN A-122 Frydman, R.B. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta ,
O NMe2
1966, 113, 620 (occur)
[73-24-5] Krauss, G. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1973, 76, 248
1H-Purin-6-amine, 9CI. 6-Aminopurine. (chromatog) 8
Vitamin B4 Sarma, R.H. et al., FEBS Lett. , 1973, 36, 157 1
(nmr) O
Lee, C.H. et al., Biochemistry, 1976, 15, 697 O
NH2 NH2 H (conformn, pmr)
N1 6 7 N
2 8
3 9 C21H21NO7 399.399
N N N N Alkaloid from Papaver rhoeas (corn pop-
H Adhulupone A-124
py). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 244-2468.
1-Hydroxy, Me ester: [169626-17-9] Pa-
9H-form 7H-form prafumine
O O C22H23NO8 429.426
C5H5N5 135.128 Amorph. solid. Shown in the paper as
9H -form is favoured in free base. CAS the enediol tautomer.
refers mainly to 1H struct. which is not 1-Oxo: [59443-00-4] Narceimine. Bicucul-
in reality a favoured tautomer. O O linine. Alkaloid F450
Widespread throughout animal and C21H19NO8 413.383
plant tissue, purine components of C20H28O4 332.439
Mp 2688 (259-2608).
DNA, RNA, and coenzymes. Vitamin. Minor constit. of hops. Oil. Bp0.007 1308.
1-Oxo, Me ester:
Needles + 3H2O (H2O). Mp 360-3658 Brown, P.M. et al., J.C.S. , 1964, 4774 (struct)
Mp 1888.
(anhyd.) dec. pKa1 4.12; pKa2 9.83 (258). Gienapp, E. et al., Nahrung , 1975, 19, 697
-Exp. reprod. and teratogenic effects. LD50 (struct) 1-Hydroxy: [116368-95-7] Narceimicine
(rat, orl) 745 mg/kg. AU6125000 C21H21NO8 415.399
Pale-yellow granules (MeOH aq.). Mp
Hydrochloride: [2922-28-3]
242-2468 dec. Shown in the paper as the
Cryst. + 0.5H2O. Mp 2858.
Adhumulinic acid A-125 enediol tautomer.
Sulfate: [321-30-2]
Preininger, V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12,
[6509-19-9] 2513 (ir, uv, pmr, ms, struct)
Mp 2858 dec. O O Preininger, V. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
1975, 40, 699 (ir, uv, pmr, ms, struct)
-AU7140000 Rodrigo, R.G.A. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1976, 54,
6N-Benzyl: [1214-39-7] N-Benzyladenine, 471 (isol, ir, pmr, cmr, ms, struct, Narceimine)
8CI. 6-Benzylaminopurine. Cytokinin B. HO O Seth, K.K. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1979,
BAP 744 (ir, uv, pmr, ms, struct, Narceimine)
C12H11N5 225.252 Popova, M.E. et al., Planta Med. , 1982, 45, 120
C15H22O4 266.336 (isol)
Cryst. (C6H6). Mp 2298. Constit. of hops. Cryst. (petrol). Mp 838. Tripathi, Y.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27,
-AU6252200 1918 (Narceimicine, isol, ir, uv, pmr, ms, struct)
Rigby, F.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1955, 77, 2828
[2312-73-4, 6055-72-7] Atta-ur-Rahman, et al., Phytochemistry, 1995,
40, 593 (Parafumine)
Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra, 2nd edn. , 1983,
2, 589C; 589D; 590C (pmr)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Adhumulone A-126
2, 708A; 713C; 713D; 714D (ir)
Traube, W. et al., Annalen , 1904, 331, 64-88 [28374-89-2] Adlupone A-128
Skinner, C.G. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1955, 77, 6692- [16595-43-0]
6693 (Cytokinin B)

Adenosine 5?-diphosphate glu- A-123 OH
Adenosine 5?-(trihydrogen diphosphate) O O
mono-a-D-glucopyranosyl ester, 9CI.
C21H30O5 362.465
Tautomeric. Constit. of hops. Viscous oil.
NH 2
Sol. MeOH, Et2O; fairly sol. H2O. [a]D -
CH 2OH N N 187 (MeOH). lmax 236 ; 288 ; 323 (HCl)
O (Berdy). lmax 325 ; 360 (NaOH) C31H46O4 482.702
O O (Berdy). Constit. of hops. Mp 458. Bp0.002 150-1558
HO O P O P OH 2 C [31769-65-0, 71800-99-2] (bath).
OH OH OH Laws, D.R.J. et al., J.C.S. , 1965, 6542-6543
Molyneux, R.J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
1975, 23, 1201 (synth)

C16H25N5O15P2 589.345
Present in ripening cereal grains. lmax 257
nm (pH 2) lmax 259 (e 15400) (H2O) (as Adlumidiceine A-127
di-K salt). lmax 257 (dil. acid) (pH2). [51059-65-5]
Roseman, S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1961, 83, 659 5-[[6-[2-(Dimethylamino)ethyl]-1,3-ben-
Murata, T. et al., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. , zodioxol-5-yl]acetyl]-1,3-benzodioxole-4-
1964, 106, 371 (isol, synth) carboxylic acid, 9CI

Adlupulone / Aflatoxin B1 A-129  / A-134

Adlupulone A-129 Chatterjee, A. et al., J.O.C. , 1959, 24, 687 (isol,

O uv, ir, struct, synth)
[28374-71-2] Albónico, S.M. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1967, 1327
Ph O O (synth)
O NH Della Casa de Marcano, D.
OH HN HN et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, 11, 1531 (isol)
Manandhar, M.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978,
O 17, 1814 (derivs)
Patra, A. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 1979,
O O 17, 385 (isol, uv, ir)
Ph NMe2
Swinehart, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19,
1219 (isol)
C34H40N4O4 568.714 Patra, A. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1981, 16, 65
Alkaloid from the root bark of Ceanothus (cmr)
americanus (New Jersey tea). Cryst. Sharma, B.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20,
C26H38O4 414.584 2606 (isol)
(MeOH or CHCl3/Et2O). Mp 2928. [a]D -
Constit. of hops. Cryst. (MeOH). Sol. Somanathan, R. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1983,
230 (CHCl3/MeOH 9:1).
MeOH, Et2O; fairly sol. H2O. Mp 82-838. 13, 273 (synth, ir, ms, pmr, cmr)
Païs, M. et al., Ann. Pharm. Fr. , 1963, 21, 139 Brown, R.F.C. et al., Tetrahedron: Asymmetry,
Howard, G.A. et al., J.C.S. , 1955, 174 (struct)
(isol, ir, pmr) 1993, 4, 205 (synth)
Brown, P.M. et al., J.C.S. , 1964, 4774 (synth)
Païs, M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1968, 1145
Kowaka, M. et al., Proc. Conv. - Inst. Brew.
(uv, ir, pmr, ms, struct)
(Aust. N.Z. Sect.) , 1970, 11, 35; CA , 74, AF Toxin II A-133
Servis, R.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1969, 91, 5619 (isol,
98087j (isol)
Aegeline A-132 COO COOH
Adouetine X A-130 6 2
[456-12-2] O
l)ethyl]-3-phenyl-2-propenamide, 9CI.
methylethyl)-7-(1-methylpropyl)-5,8-di- (2E,4E,6E)-form
Egeline, 8CI. N-b-Hydroxy-b-p-methoxy-
phenethylcinnamamide. N-Cinnamoyl-2-
deca-10,12,14,15-tetraen-4-yl]pentana- C17H24O6 324.373
mide, 9CI. Ceanothamine B Prod. by Alternaria alternata on straw-
Cinnamic acid 2-hydroxy-2-(p-methoxy-
berry. Phytotoxin specific to strawberry
and pear. Not related to AF Toxin.
O (2E ,4E ,6E )-form [104420-17-9]
OH AF Toxin IIc
NH Oil (as Et ester). [a]23
D -4.4 (c, 0.9 in
CH 2 NHCO EtOH) (Et ester). lmax 289 (e 27000)
HN HN (MeOH) (Derep).
O Ph (2E ,4E ,6Z )-form [104363-99-7]
R AF Toxin IIa
NMe2 C18H19NO3 297.353 Oil (as Et ester). [a]23
D +153 (c, 0.78 in
Originally assigned the formula C18H18O4. EtOH) (Et ester). Major component of
R = CH2CH(CH3)2 (+)-form [15298-36-9] AF toxin complex lmax 289 (e 27000)
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 196-1978. [a]22 (MeOH) (Derep).
D +36
C28H44N4O4 500.68 (c, 0.4 in CHCl3). [a]21 (2E ,4Z ,6E )-form
D -48.1 (c, 0.5 in
Alkaloid from Ceanothus americanus EtOH). AF Toxin IIb
(New Jersey tea) and Zizyphus jujuba var. (-)-form [15298-37-0] lmax 289 (e 27000) (MeOH) (Derep).
inermis. Needles (MeOH or CH2Cl2/ Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 196-1978. [a]D -35.1 Maekawa, N. et al., Nippon Shokubutsu Byori
EtOAc). Mp 279-280.58. [a]25
D -370 (c, (CHCl3). [a]D +47.5 (c, 0.5 in EtOH). Gakkaiho , 1984, 50, 610 (props)
0.205 in CHCl3). Nakatsuka, S.-I. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1986, 27, 2753
(/9)-form [37791-13-2]
(isol, struct)
Païs, M. et al., Ann. Pharm. Fr. , 1963, 21, 139; Alkaloid from the leaves of Aegle Irie, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1991, 39,
CA , 59, 5215c (isol, ir, pmr) marmelos (bael). Cryst. (EtOH/EtOAc). 2545 (synth)
Warnhoff, E.W. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1965, 43, Mp 1768 (173-1758). Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1991, 1511
2594 (isol, uv, ms, pmr) Ac: (synth)
Païs, M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1968, 1145 Plates (EtOAc). Mp 1248.
(uv, ir, pmr, ms, struct)
Servis, R.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1969, 91, 5619 (isol, Dihydro: Aflatoxin B1 A-134
ms) Plates (EtOH/EtOAc). Mp 1408. 2,3,6a,9a-Tetrahydro-4-methoxycyclopen-
Branch, G.B. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1972, 25, Me ether: [70546-93-9] N-[2-Methoxy-2- ta[c]furo[3,2?:4,5]furo[2,3-h][1]benzo-
2209 (isol) (4-methoxyphenyl)ethyl]cinnamide. Ae- pyran-1,11-dione, 9CI. Aflatoxin FB1.
Otsuka, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1974, 13, Aflatoxin B
2016 (isol, ir, pmr, ms)
gle marmelos Alkaloid D
C19H21NO3 311.38
Isol. from Aegle marmelos (bael). Cryst. O O
(C6H6/hexane). Mp 1358. Artifact.
Et ether: [70546-94-0] N-[2-Ethoxy-2-(4- O
Adouetine Y A-131 H 4
methoxyphenyl)ethyl]cinnamide. Aegle 16 15
[19542-38-2] marmelos Alkaloid B
a-(Dimethylamino)-N-[7-(1-methylpro- C20H23NO3 325.407
pyl)-5,8-dioxo-3-phenyl-2-oxa-6,9-diazabi- Isol. from Aegle marmelos (bael). Cryst. H O
cyclo[10.2.2]hexadeca-10,12,14,15-tetra- (C6H6/hexane). Mp 99-1008. Artifact.
en-4-yl]benzenepropanamide, 9CI C17H12O6 312.278
Chatterjee, A. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , 1952,
29, 425 (isol) Sol. MeOH, CHCl3; poorly sol. hexane.
Chakravarti, R.N. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , lmax 220 (e 25600); 265 (e 13400); 362 (e
1955, 1632 (struct) 21800) (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 223 (e

Aflatoxin G1 / Aflatoxin GM1 A-135  / A-136

25100); 265 (e 13400); 362 (e 21800) Asao, T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1963, 85, 1705; 1965, C17H12O7 328.278
(EtOH) (Berdy). 87, 882 (struct, isol, ir, uv, ms, nmr) Mycotoxin prod. by Aspergillus flavus and
Dutton, M.F. et al., Biochem. J. , 1966, 101, 21P Aspergillus parasiticus. Needles (MeOH)
-LD50 (mus, orl) 1 mg/kg. GY1925000 (deriv)
(-)-form [1162-65-8] Brechbühler, S. et al., J.O.C. , 1967, 32, 2641
exhibiting green fluor. Sol. MeOH,
Prod. by Aspergillus flavus and (abs config) CHCl3; poorly sol. hexane. Mp 257-2598
Aspergillus parasiticus. Toxin causing Roberts, J.C. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1968, 22 (synth, (247-2508). [a]23
D -556 (c, 0.1 in CHCl3).
Turkey X disease. One of the most uv, ir, ms) lmax 235 (e 21200); 262 (e 26300); 358 (e
potent carcinogens known in animals. Dutton, M.F. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 14000) (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 243 (e
Potential food contaminant esp. in 1969, 983 (Aflatoxin Ex2B1, Aflatoxin ExB2) 11500); 257 (e 9900); 264 (e 10000); 362 (e
grains and nuts. Cryst. exhibiting blue Heathcote, J.G. et al., Tetrahedron , 1969, 25, 16100) (EtOH) (Berdy).
1497 (biosynth)
fluor. Mp 268-2698 dec. [a]25D -562 (c,
v. Soest, T.C. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1970, 26,
-Human and exp. carcinogen. LD50 (dck,
0.115 in CHCl3). 1940; 1947 (cryst struct) orl) 0.79 mg/kg. LV1720000
-Human and exp. carcinogen; LD50 (rat, Büchi, G. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1971, 93, 746 (synth, 15,16-Dihydro: [7241-98-7] Aflatoxin G2
orl) 5 mg/kg. Exp. reprod. and teratogenic uv, ms) C17H14O7 330.293
effects. Hepatotoxic. Crystalline material, Heathcote, J.B. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , Minor mycotoxin prod. by Aspergillus
e.g. from preparative tlc plates, presents an 1976, 270 (biosynth) flavus. Cryst. with green fluor. (EtOH).
inhalation hazard because the crystals IARC Monog. , 1976, 10, 51; Suppl. 6, 40; 46;
Suppl. 7, 83 (rev, tox)
Sol. MeOH, CHCl3; poorly sol. hexane.
develop electrostatic charge and cling to Mp 237-2408. [a]23
Pachler, K.G.R. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1976, D -473 (c, 0.084 in
dust particles. CHCl3). lmax 223 ; 265 (e 11200); 363 (e
1182 (cmr, biosynth)
O-De-Me: [32215-02-4] Aflatoxin P1 Cox, R.H. et al., J.O.C. , 1977, 42, 112 (cmr) 19300) (EtOH) (Berdy).
C16H10O6 298.251 Heathcote, J.G. et al., Aflatoxins, Chemical and -LD50 (dck, orl) 2.45 mg/kg. LV1700000
Metab. of Aflatoxin B1. Pale yellow Biological Aspects , Elsevier, 1978, (book) 15,16-Dihydro, 16-hydroxy: [20421-10-7]
needles (MeOH/C6H6/hexane). Mp Simpson, T.J. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1982, 631; Aflatoxin G2a
3208. [a]20
D -574 (c, 0.08 in MeOH).
1983, 338 (biosynth)
C17H14O8 346.293
-GY1775000 Pohland, A.E. et al., Pure Appl. Chem. , 1982,
54, 2220 (uv, ir, pmr, ms, cd) Mycotoxin prod. by Aspergillus flavus.
15a,16a-Epoxide: [67337-06-8] Moss, E.J. et al., Biochem. Pharmacol. , 1985, Cryst. with green fluor. Mp 1908 dec.
C17H12O7 328.278 34, 3193 (metab) -LV1690000
Prob. ultimate carcinogen of Aflatoxin Castellino, A.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1986, 51, 1006 15,16-Dihydro, 16-ethoxy: [23402-21-3]
B1. Cryst. (Me2CO/CH2Cl2). Mp 3008 (synth) Aflatoxin ExG
(phase transition at 2308). Stable at -108, Lafont, P. et al., Microbiol., Aliments, Nutr. , C19H18O8 374.346
fairly stable at r.t.. 1986, 4, 65 (Aflatoxin M4)
Townsend, C.A. et al., Pure Appl. Chem. , 1986,
Mp 2038.
-Presumed highly toxic and carcinogenic.
58, 227 (biosynth) Nesbitt, B.E. et al., Nature (London) , 1962,
15,16-Dihydro: [7220-81-7] Aflatoxin B2 Weeratunga, G. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1988, 721 195, 1062 (isol)
C17H14O6 314.294 (Aflatoxin B2) Asao, T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1963, 85, 1706; 1965,
Metab. of Aspergillus flavus. Yellow Baertschi, S.W. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1988, 110, 7929 87, 882 (isol, uv, ir, ms, nmr, struct)
cryst. with blue fluor. (MeOH). Sol. (epoxide) Dutton, M.F. et al., Biochem. J. , 1966, 101, 21P
MeOH, CHCl3; poorly sol. hexane. Mp Townsend, C.A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1988, (deriv)
Brechbühler, S. et al., J.O.C. , 1967, 32, 2641
3108 dec. [a]23
D -492 (c, 0.1 in CHCl3).
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Bhatnager, D. et al., Biochemistry, 1991, 30, IARC Monog. , 1976, 10, 51; 1992, 56, 245;
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Aflatoxin B2a. Dihydrohydroxyaflatoxin 4343 (biosynth)
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Metab. of Aspergillus flavus. Cryst. with Aflatoxin B2) Betina, V. et al., Mycotoxins: Chemical,
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Aflatoxin Ex2B1 Toxicol. Aflatoxins , (eds. Eaton, D.L. et al ), (synth, bibl)
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Aflatoxin ExB2 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
C19H18O7 358.347 Reinhold , 1992, AEU250; AEU750 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Isol. from Aspergillus flavus. Cryst. Mp Reinhold , 1992, AEV000; AEV500
4-Hydroxy: [104700-21-2] Aflatoxin M4 Aflatoxin G1 A-135
C17H12O7 328.278
Isol. from cultures of Aspergillus para- Aflatoxin GM1 A-136
Aflatoxin G
siticus. Cryst. [23532-00-5]
(/9)-form [10279-73-9] 3,4,7a,10a-Tetrahydro-10a-hydroxy-5-
Mp 255-2568. O O
15,16-Dihydro: O O h]pyrano[3,4-c][1]benzopyran-1,12-dione,
Cryst. with blue fluor. (CHCl3/MeOH). H
16 15
Mp 303-3068 dec. Absolute
[42583-46-0] OMe

Aflatoxin M1 
/ Afzelin A-137 / A-138

O O Büchi, G. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1981, 103, 3497 C23H22O11 474.42

(synth) Constit. of Zingiber zerumbet (wild
O O Betina, V. et al., Mycotoxins: Chemical,
OH ginger). Yellow powder. Mp 199-2018.
9 10 Biological and Environmental Aspects ,
Absolute Elsevier, 1989, 114 (rev)
D -119 (c, 1 in MeOH).
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C17H12O8 344.277 8514 (synth) Constit. of Zingiber zerumbet (wild
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Mp 2808. Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand lafzelin
9,10-Dihydro:Aflatoxin GM2 Reinhold , 1992, AEW000 C25H24O12 516.457
C17H14O8 346.293 Constit. of Zingiber zerumbet (wild
Minor mycotoxin of Aspergillus flavus. ginger). Pale yellow amorph. solid. Mp
Mp 270-2728. Afzelin A-138 1548. [a]18
D -125.4 (c, 0.7 in Me2CO).

Heathcote, J.G. et al., Tetrahedron , 1969, 25, [482-39-3] lmax 266 (e 23600); 345 (e 16200)
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IARC Monog. , 1972, 1, 145; 1976, 10, 51; Suppl. droxyflavone. Kaempferol 3-a-L-rhamno- (e 15100); 396 (e 26300) (EtOH/NaOH)
7, 83 (rev, tox) side. Afzeloside. Kaempferin (Berdy).
Heathcote, J.G. et al., Biochem. Soc. Trans. , 2??-O-(4-Hydroxycinnamoyl):
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O O C30H26O12 578.528E - and Z -isomers
Heathcote, J.G. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , HO
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Betina, V. et al., Mycotoxins: Chemical, HO OH C30H26O12 578.528
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C39H32O14 724.673
HO O Constit. of the flowers of Foeniculum
Aflatoxin M1 A-137 vulgare (fennel). Amorph. yellow pow-
[6795-23-9] 4′
OH der. Mp 190-1938. lmax 268 (sh) (log e
4.48); 300 (sh) (log e 4.73); 312 (log e
O C21H20O10 432.383 4.76) (MeOH).
Yellow prisms + 11=2H2O (EtOH aq.). Mp 2??,4??-Bis-O-(4-hydroxy-E-cinnamoyl):
O 172-1748. [163434-73-9] 2??,4??-Di-O-p-coumaroy-
15 lafzelin
O??-Sulfate: [62794-01-8]
O C39H32O14 724.673
C21H20O13S 512.447
OMe Yellow powder. lmax 270 ; 316 (MeOH)
H O 7-O-a-L-Arabinopyranoside: [71801-95-1] (Berdy).
C26H28O14 564.499
C17H12O7 328.278 7-O-a-L-Rhamnopyranoside: [482-38-2] C39H32O14 724.673
Minor mycotoxin of Aspergillus flavus, Kaempferitrin. Kaempferol 3,7-dirham- Constit. of Laurus nobilis (bay laurel).
also found in the milk of cows and sheep noside. Lespedin Yellow powder.
fed toxic meal. Metab. of Aflatoxin B1, . C27H30O14 578.526
Cryst. (MeOH) exhibiting blue-violet Needles + 4H2O. Mp 202-2038 (185- 3??,4??-Bis-O-(4-hydroxycinnamoyl):3??,4??-
fluor. Mp 2998 dec. [a]20D -280 (c, 0.1 in 1868). Di-O-p-coumaroylafzelin
DMF). lmax 235 (e 21200); 262 (e 16300); -DJ2977500 C39H32O14 724.673
358 (e 14000) (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 226 ; 7-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L- Bis-O-(4-hydroxycinnamoyl):Kaempferol
265 ; 357 (EtOH) (Berdy). rhamnopyranoside]: 3-(2,3-dicoumaroylrhamnoside).
-Exp. carcinogen. Hepatotoxic. Less potent C32H38O18 710.641 Platanoside$
carcinogen then Aflatoxin B1. GY1880000 Amorph. yellow powder. lmax 238 (sh) ; C39H32O14 724.673
15,16-Dihydro: [6885-57-0] Aflatoxin M2 269 ; 310 (sh) ; 358 (MeOH). Yellow powder.
C17H14O7 330.293 7-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L- O??-b-D-Xylopyranosyl:
Trace mycotoxin of Aspergillus flavus. rhamnopyranoside]: [156980-60-8] C26H28O14 564.499
Cryst. with violet fluor. (MeOH/ Grosvenorin 2??-b-D-Glucopyranosyl: [142451-65-8]
CHCl3). Mp 2938 dec. C33H40O19 740.668 C27H30O15 594.525
-GY1720000 7-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-a-L- Isol. from Ginkgo biloba (ginkgo).
15,16-Dihydro, 16-hydroxy: [36601-31-7] rhamnopyranoside]: [117628-05-4] 2??-O-[4-Hydroxycinnamoyl-(/ 0 6)-b-D-
Aflatoxin M2a C33H40O18 724.668 glucopyranosyl]:
C17H14O8 346.293 C36H36O17 740.67
2??-Ac: [135618-15-4] 2??-O-Acetylafzelin
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Stack, M.E. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. , (c, 1 in Me2CO). C27H30O15 594.525
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Agar / Agarose A-139  / A-142

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Itokawa, H. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1982, 49 (ms) Agaridoxin A-140 Espin, J.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 50, 555-
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N-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)glutamine, 9CI.
Kaouadji, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 3,4-Dihydroxy(g-glutamyl)anilide
Agarose A-142
2295 (Platanoside)
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55, 455 (diacetates)
Masuda, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, H 2N C H
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OH Neutral agarose. Indubiose A4
Hasler, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, 1391 CH 2 CH 2 CONH OH
Kaouadji, M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1993, 56, O
1618 (2??-coumaroyl derivs) C11H14N2O5 254.242
Sticher, O. et al., Planta Med. , 1993, 59, 2 O O HO
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-MA2276100 HO
517 (2??-coumarate) (S )-form
Si, J.Y. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1994, 29, 158 CH 2
(Grosvenorin) Constit. of Agaricus campestris (field
Bloor, S.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 38, 1033 mushroom). Grey-white powder (MeOH
(2??,4??-Dicoumaroylafzelin) aq.). Mp 220-2218. Darkens in air. See also Agar, A-139. Composed of
Garcez, W.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 39, Szent-Gyorgyi, A. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 1603 repeating units of b-D-Galp (1/ 0 4) 3,6-
815 (4??-Coumaroylafzelin) (synth)
Fiorini, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 47, 821-
anhydro-a-L-Galp(1/ 0 3). Has a domain
824 (Coumaroylafzelins) struct. of double helixes aggregating
El-Sayed, N.H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 51, Agaritine A-141 into a three-dimensional framework
591-593 (7-xylosylrhamnoside) holding water molecules.There are two
Norbaek, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 51, other polysaccharides in agar, one is
1113-1119 (2??,3??-diglucosyl) b-N-(g-Glutamyl)-4-hydroxymethylphenyl-
similar to agarose but with 4,6-acetals of
Soliman, F.M. et al., Molecules , 2002, 7, 245- hydrazine. Glutamic acid 5-2-(a-hydroxy-p-
pyruvic acid at some of the D-galactose
251 (2??,3??-Dicoumaroylafzelin) tolyl)hydrazide, 8CI
units. The other contains fewer 3,6-
anhydro-L-galactose units and is
COOH sulfated.
Agar A-139
[9002-18-0] H2N C H Poly(6-aminohexyl) ether: [58856-73-8]
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isinglass. Japan isinglass. FEMA 2012. Poly(5-carboxypentyl) ether: [55128-01-3]
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142 and Agaropectin, which has L-form Hegenauer, J.C. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta ,
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Taylor, J.L. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1983, 257,
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Agrocin 84, 9CI  / Alanine, INN, USAN A-143 / A-151

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[59111-78-3] Ajocysteine A-147
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N C9H15NO3S3 281.42
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Agrobacterium tumefaciens. 364-372 (props) use)
Necasek, J. et al., Folia Microbiol. (Prague) , Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, (Eds. Hayes,
1985, 30, 353-358 W.J. et al ), Academic Press, 1991, 1341
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
AK toxin I A-149 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Agrocin D286 A-145 [85146-09-4] Reinhold , 1992, CFX000
[86337-94-2] N-Acetyl-b-methyl-L-phenylalanine 7-car-
Bacteriocin. Struct. unknown. Bacteriocin boxy-1-(2-methyloxiranyl)-2,4,6-heptatrie-
nyl ester, 9CI Alanine, INN, USAN A-151
prod. by Agrobacterium tumefaciens.
2-Aminopropanoic acid, 9CI. a-Alanine.
Sol. H2O. lmax 264 (H2O).
Hendson, M. et al., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. , Ph R
1983, 45, 1526-1532
Agrocybenine A-146
O H 2N C H (S)-form
1,2,3,5-Tetrahydro-2,2,5,5,7-pentamethyl- CH 3
6H-pyrrolo[2,3-b]pyridin-6-one, 9CI R = CH 3
C3H7NO2 89.094
C23H27NO6 413.469 (S )-form [56-41-7]
H Prod. by Alternaria alternata Japanese L-form
pear pathotype. Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 1688 Dietary supplement, nutrient. Insol.
dec. [a]25
D +164 (c, 0.128 in MeOH). lmax EtOH; sol. H2O (16.5g/100ml at 258).
N 285 (e 27600) (MeOH) (Derep). lmax 284 Mp 2978 dec. [a]D +14.6 (c, 1 in 5M
(e 27600) (MeOH) (Berdy). HCl). [a]D +1.8 (c, 1 in H2O). pKa1 2.34;
C12H18N2O 206.287 pKa2 9.69 (NH2). Isoelectric point 6.01.
Nakashima, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1985,
Alkaloid from the edible Korean mush- 49, 807 (isol, struct, props) Sweet taste.
room yangimatusutake (Agrocybe cylin- Uemura, I. et al., Tetrahedron , 2002, 58, 2351 -AY2990000
dracea ). Yellow powder. lmax 223 (e (synth) N-(5-Methyl-3-oxohexyl):N-(5-Methyl-3-

Albafuran A / Albanin F A-152 / A-158

oxohexyl)alanine 3?-Me ether: [68978-04-1] Mulberrofuran A Albanin D A-156

C10H19NO3 201.265 C25H28O4 392.494 [134955-26-3]
Constit. of false sago (Cycas circinalis ) Constit. of white mulberry (Morus 6-(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl)-5,7-dihy-
(Cycadaceae). Amorph. solid. [a]D +100 alba ). Cryst. lmax 216 (e 32500); 311 (e droxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzo-
(c, 1.1 in H2O). 23400) (EtOH). lmax 328 (e 23400) pyran-4-one, 9CI. 6-Geranyl-4?,5,7-
(/9)-form [302-72-7] (EtOH-NaOH) (Berdy). trihydroxyflavone. 6-Geranylapigenin
Dietary supplement, nutrient, Nomura, T. et al., Heterocycles , 1978, 9, 1593-
sweetening flavour enhancer in pickling 1601 (Mulberrofuran A)
spice mixts.. Sweet tasting needles or Takasugi, M. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1982, 1221-
prisms. Spar. sol. H2O; insol. Et2O. Mp 1222 (Albafuran A)
2958 dec.
Albafuran B A-153
[2134-48-7, 2491-20-5, 3082-75-5, 17831-01-5,
33208-99-0, 34404-37-0, 95596-57-9, 98204-12-7]
2-(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl)-5-(6-hy- O
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, droxy-2-benzofuranyl)-1,3-benzenediol,
1, 570D; 571A; 571B; 672A; 672B; 672C; 2, 9CI. 2-[3,5-Dihydroxy-4-(3,7-dimethyl-
260D (ir)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
2,6-octadienyl)phenyl]-6-hydroxybenzofur- HO
an O
Spectra , 1992, 1, 868C; 869B; 1069B; 1069C
(nmr) C24H26O4 378.467 OH
Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 1 , 1932, 20 (synth) Antifungal constit. of white mulberry
Biochem. Prep. , 1949, 1, 9
(Morus alba ). Cryst. Poorly sol. hexane. C25H26O5 406.477
Greenstein, J.P. et al., Chemistry of the Amino
Acids , Wiley, N.Y., 1961, 3, 1819 (rev) Mp 158-158.58. lmax 219 (e 27000); 320 (e Struct. revised in 1991. Isol. from Morus
Kost, A.N. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1966, 34000); 335 (e 29000) (EtOH) (Berdy). alba (white mulberry). Pale yellow
1496 (synth) Takasugi, M. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1982, 1221 prisms (Me2CO). Mp 205-2078. lmax
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic 255 ; 288 ; 355 (EtOH) (Berdy).
Synthesis, Wiley, 1967, 1, 16; 5, 6; 6, 10 (use)
Fukai, T. et al., Heterocycles , 1991, 32, 499
Cavanaugh, J.R. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1967, 89, 1558 Albafuran C A-154 (synth, pmr, struct)
Analyst (London) , 1972, 97, 740 (microanal) [84323-16-0]
Lehmann, M.S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1972, 94, 2657
(cryst struct) OH
Okawara, T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1973, Albanin E A-157
46, 869 (synth)
Kopitsya, T.P. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1973, [134955-27-4]
OH HO 2-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-6-(3,7-dimethyl-
9, 656; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
1973, 9, 619 (resoln)
O 2,6-octadienyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4H-1-benzo-
Kiyooka, S. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1976,
OH pyran-4-one, 9CI. 6-Geranyl-2?,4?,5,7-tet-
49, 1897 (synth) rahydroxyflavone. 6-
Krapcho, A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1976, 2205 (synth) OH
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
York, 1989, AFH600; AFH625 HO O
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1035
C34H28O9 580.59
Li, C.-J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 42, 443 (N-
5-methyl-3-oxohexyl) Constit. of white mulberry bark Morus
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. alba (famine food). Amorph. Sol. MeOH,
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 57-59 (use, Me2CO, CHCl3; poorly sol. hexane. [a]D -
props) 302 (EtOH). lmax 216 (e 47000); 284 (e O
Rosado, M.T.S. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , 1997, 22300); 294 (e 19600); 322 (e 31700); 336 (e
410-411; 343-348 (Raman, ir) 25700) (EtOH) (Berdy).
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of OH
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Takasugi, M. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1982, 1223 HO O
Reinhold , 1992, AFH600; AFH625
Albanin C A-155
Albafuran A A-152 [73343-43-8] C25H26O6 422.477
[84323-14-8] Struct. revised in 1991. Isol. from Morus
4-(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl)-5-(6-hy- OH O alba (white mulberry). Pale yellow
droxy-2-benzofuranyl)-1,3-benzenediol, prisms (C6H6/Me2CO). Mp 174-1778.
9CI. 2-[3,5-Dihydroxy-2-(3,7-dimethyl- lmax 269 (e 13100); 348 (e 11400)
2,6-octadienyl)phenyl]-6-hydroxybenzofur- OH (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 213 ; 252 ; 271 ;
an 355 (EtOH) (Berdy).
Fukai, T. et al., Heterocycles , 1991, 32, 499
(synth, pmr, struct)
C25H26O7 438.476 Albanin F A-158
OH Isol. from Morus alba (white mulberry) [75629-19-5]
infected with Fusarium solani . Kuwanon G. Moracenin B
C24H26O4 378.467 Takasugi, M. et al., CA , 1980, 92, 160540d
Constit. of white mulberry (Morus alba ). (isol)
Cryst. Poorly sol. hexane. Mp 150-150.58.
lmax 214 (e 40300); 312 (e 27300) (EtOH)

Albanin G  / Alginic acid, BAN A-159  / A-167

Albanol B A-161 Aleuriaxanthin A-164
O [87084-99-9] [51599-07-6]
HO 1?,16?-Didehydro-1?,2?-dihydro-b,c-caro-
OH ten-2?-ol
C40H56O 552.882
OH Constit. of Aleuria aurantia (orange cup).
Cryst. (Et2O/petrol). Mp 122-122.58.
CH 3
R = H Ac: [51276-30-3]
C40H36O11 692.718 C34H22O8 558.543 Purple prisms. Mp 134.5-135.58.
Artifact derived from Mulberrofuran I. Liaaen-Jensen, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1965,
Abs. configs. do not appear certain. All 4, 925 (occur)
isolates strongly laevorotatory. Authors’ Constit. of bark of white mulberry
Morus alba (famine food). Yellow Kjosen, H. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1973, 27,
numbering shown. Constit. of white 2495 (synth, uv, ir, pmr)
mulberry bark (Morus alba ) (famine plates. Mp 2488 dec. Arpin, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12, 2751
food). Amorph. [a]D -529 (MeOH). Log Rao, A.V.R. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1983, 24, 3013 (struct, pmr, ir, uv)
P 5.13 (calc). Hano, Y. et al., Heterocycles , 1989, 28, 745 Buchecker, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15,
1013 (struct)
12,13-Dihydro, 13-hydroxy: [78277-79-9] Eschenmoser, W. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1983,
Moracenin D Aldosine A-162 66, 82 (synth)
C40H38O12 710.733 [142759-11-3]
Yellow amorph. powder. [a]18 D -419 (c,
0.16 in MeOH). [a]D -388 (c, 0.25 in [173449-61-1, 173653-73-1] Alexomycin, USAN A-165
MeOH). Log P 3.41 (calc). 5-(6-Carboxy-2-piperidinyl)-1,2,3,4-tetra- [165101-50-8]
Takasugi, M. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1980, 1577 hydro-2-pyridinecarboxylic acid, 9CI U 82127. PNU 82127
Oshima, Y. et al., Heterocycles , 1981, 16, 979 Mixt. composed mainly of isolate 10381b
(Moracenin D) which contains several cyclic sulfur
Nomura, T. et al., Heterocycles , 1981, 16, 983 peptides prod. by Streptomyces
(Moracenin D) arginensis. Veterinary growth promoter
Nomura, T. et al., Planta Med. , 1983, 49, 90; HOOC N
1984, 50, 127 (isol)
used for poultry and swine.
Hano, Y. et al., Heterocycles , 1988, 27, 2315 H Cromwell, G.L. et al., J. Anim. Sci. , 1996, 74,
(abs config) N COOH 1284-1287 (activity)
Takayama, M. et al., Rapid Commun. Mass Cho, B.-Y. et al., J. Chromatogr., B: Biomed.
H Appl. , 1997, 67, 163-174 (anal)
Spectrom. , 1995, 9, 383 (ms)
Marshall, S.A. et al., Diagn. Microbiol. Infect.
C12H18N2O4 254.285 Dis. , 1999, 33, 181-186 (activity)
Hydrol. product from the aldol crosslinks
of bovine elastin and collagen.
Albanin G A-159 Alfalfone A-166
Suyama, K. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1991, 55,
[76472-87-2] 3147-3149
C21H42O 310.562
Kuwanon H. Moracenin A Nakamura, F. et al., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. , Ketone of unknown struct.. Constit. of the
As Albanin F, A-158 with 1996, 325, 167-173 meal of Medicago sativa (alfalfa).
R = (H3C)2C/ . CHCH2/  Powder. Mp 88.5-88.88.
C45H44O11 760.836 Jacobson, C.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1912, 34, 300
Alectrol A-163
Constit. of white mulberry (Morus alba ).
[a]D -455 (MeOH). Log P 7.13 (uncertain
value) (calc). Alginic acid, BAN A-167
Takasugi, M. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1980, 1577 OH O [9005-32-7]
Nomura, T. et al., Planta Med. , 1983, 49, 90; Gum levan. Levan gum. Kelacid. Norgine.
1984, 50, 127 (isol) Sazio. E400
O O 2
Albanin H A-160 O O O
C19H22O6 346.379
Struct. has been proven to be incorrect OH OH
(1998) by synthesis. Revised struct. not O n
1 2
OH reported. Isol. from the roots of Vigna R = H , R = COOH
unguiculata (genuine host plant for 1 2
or R = COOH, R = H
Alectra spp.). Similar to Strigol, S-251.
Mueller, S. et al., J. Plant Growth Regul. , 1992, [C6H8O6]
OH 11, 77 (isol)
A polymer consisting of various
Mori, K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1998, 39, 6023-6026
(struct) proportions of b-D-Mannuronic acid
C50H48O12 840.922 and a-L-Guluronic acid linked 1/ 0 4 and
Matsui, J. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. , 1999, 2195-
Constit. of Morus alba (white mulberry). 2199 (struct) arranged in a block fashion. Polymeric.
Yellow cryst. Mp 2158 dec. Racemic. Minimum formula given. Alginates are
Nomura, T. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat. Prod. , used to improve food texture, e.g. in ice
1988, 53, 87-201 (rev) cream, pie fillings. Emulsifier, stabiliser,

Alitame, USAN  / 5-Alkyltetrahydro-2-oxo-3-... A-168 / A-173

thickener. [a]D -120 (as Na salt in H2O). Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Rosmarinus officinalis Alka- A-171
Approx. 200 grades of the acid and its Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand loid 2
salts (ammonium, Ca, K, Na) comly. Reinhold , 1992, AFL000; SEH000; CAM200;
PKU700 C20H27NO4 345.438
available. Alginates with the highest
guluronic acid content display the Struct. unknown. Isol. from rosemary
strongest gel-forming activity. (Rosmarinus officinalis ) using NH3
-AZ5775000 Alitame, USAN A-168 during extraction. Cryst. (toluene). Mp
197-1988 dec. [a]D +36 (c, 1.48 in
Na salt: [9005-38-3] Sodium alginate. [80863-62-3] dioxan). Artifact.
Algin. E401 L-a-Aspartyl-N-(2,2,4,4-tetramethyl-3-
Stabiliser, emulsifier, thickener, formu- thietanyl)-D-alaninamide, 9CI. CP 54802 Hydrochloride:
lation aid. Pale yellow-brown powder. Cryst. (H2O). Mp 214-2168 dec.
Sol. H2O; poorly sol. EtOH, hexane. N,O,O-Tri-Ac:
lmax 260 (H2O) (Berdy). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 291-2928 dec.
-AZ5820000 CONH S Yakhontova, L.D. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. ,
K salt: [9005-36-1] Potassium alginate. 1967, 3, 140; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl.
E402 H C NHCO Transl.) , 1967, 3, 118
Stabiliser, emulsifier, thickener, formu-
lation aid. Insol. EtOH, Et2O. CH 3
2-Alkyl-5-[2-(4-hydroxy-3- A-172
Ca salt: [9005-35-0] Calcium alginate. H 2N C H methoxyphenyl)ethyl]furans
Stabiliser, emulsifier, thickener, formu- CH 2COOH
lation aid. Sl. sol. EtOH; insol. H2O, MeO
(CH 2)nCH 3
C14H25N3O4S 331.435 O
NH4 salt: [9005-34-9] Ammonium alginate. Sweetening agent. Intensely sweet, approx. HO
E403 2000 /  sucrose.. Solid + 2.5H2O. Log P -
Stabiliser, emulsifier, thickener, formu- 1.28 (calc). Use currently (1999) permitted
lation aid. Insol. EtOH, Et2O. in Australia, New Zealand, Indonesia and n = 3, 5, 7
2-Hydroxypropyl ester: China.
[39306-87-1, 51374-11-9, 52441-26-6, 57762-73- [99016-42-9] methoxyphenyl)ethyl]furan [143114-90-3]
9, 59125-52-9, 95328-14-6] Propylene glycol
U.S. Pat. , 1983, 4 411 925, (Pfizer ); CA , 101,
alginate. Colloid 602. Dricoid. Kelcoloid. 22238 (synth, use) oxyphenol, 9CI
FEMA 2941. E405. Many other trade Lawrence, J.F. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. , C17H22O3 274.359
names 1988, 71, 934-937 (chromatog) Isol. from dry rhizomes of ginger Zingiber
Stabiliser, emulsifier, thickener, formula- Hendrick, M.E. et al., Food Sci. Technol. , 1991, officinale. n = 3.
tion aid, surface active agent and flavour- 48, 29-38 (rev)
Ager, D.J. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1998, 2-Hexyl-5-[2-(4-hydroxy-3-
ing adjunct or adjuvant for foodstuffs. methoxyphenyl)ethyl]furan [143114-91-4]
White to yellowish fibrous or granular 37, 1803-1817 (rev, synth)
Hutchinson, S.A. et al., Food Res. Int. , 1999, 4-[2-(5-Hexyl-2-furanyl)ethyl]-2-meth-
powder. Sol. H2O. Composition varies acc. 15, 249-261 (rev) oxyphenol, 9CI
to the degree of esterification.
C19H26O3 302.413
[9005-31-6, 9019-42-5] Isol. from dry rhizomes of ginger Zingiber
Brassica oleracea Alkaloid A-169 officinale. n = 5.
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
2, 1225B (ir) 2-[2-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)ethyl]-5-
Hirst, E. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1963, 257 octylfuran [143114-92-5]
Haug, A. et al., Methods Carbohydr. Chem. , N 4-[2-(5-Octyl-2-furanyl)ethyl]-2-meth-
1965, 5, 69 (synth) oxyphenol, 9CI
Percival, E. et al., The Carbohydrates , (Pigman, N N
W., Ed.), Academic Press, 1970, 2B, 545
S C21H30O3 330.466
Ger. Pat. , 1971, 2 046 966; CA , 75, 22923d (2- Isol. from dry rhizomes of ginger Zingiber
hydroxypropyl ester, manuf) HOOC officinale. n = 7.
Rees, D.A. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1977, Nakatani, N. et al., Chem. Express , 1992, 7, 221
16, 214 (struct, rev) C13H9N3O2S 271.299 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Grasdalen, H. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1977, 56, Alkaloid found on the leaf surfaces of
C11; 1981, 89, 179 (nmr, cmr)
Brassica oleracea cv. botrytis (cauli-
Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn., 5-Alkyltetrahydro-2-oxo-3- A-173
Wiley, 1978, 12, 45 (use) flower).
furancarboxylic acids
Cottrell, I.W. et al., Handb. Water-Soluble Gums Glycine amide:
Resins , McGraw-Hill, N.Y., 1980, 2/1-2/43 C15H12N4O3S 328.351
(rev) COOH
Alkaloid found on the leaf surfaces of
Fed. Regist. , 1982, 47, 29946-29952 (propylene
glycol alginate) Brassica oleracea cv. botrytis
Martin, G. et al., Sci. Aliments , 1986, 6, 473 (cauliflower).
(rev) Hurter, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 51, 377-
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , 382 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms)
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New 5-Butyltetrahydro-2-oxo-3-furancarboxylic
York, 1989, AFL000 acid, 9CI
Beale, J.M. et al., Environ. Sci. Res. , 1992, 44, 2-Carboxy-4-octanolide
209 (rev, biosynth, struct) Gentiana Alkaloid V A-170
Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd C10H9NO2 175.187 C9H14O4 186.207
edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American Possible latent butter aroma compd.. Mp
Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical
Struct. unknown. Monoterpene alkaloid. 48-508.
Press, 1994, 10-11; 428-430 Alkaloid from Gentiana lutea (yellow
gentian). Mp 2408. 5-(2-Methylpropyl)tetrahydro-2-oxo-3-
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn.,
furancarboxylic acid
Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1535 Marekov, N. et al., Dokl. Bolg. Akad. Nauk ,
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. 1965, 18, 999; CA , 64, 11270a (isol, ir)
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 71-74; Cordell, G.A. et al., Alkaloids (N.Y.) , 1977, 16, C9H14O4 186.207
2349-2352 (props, use) 431 (rev) Possible latent butter aroma compd.. Mp

6-Alkyltetrahydro-2-oxo-2H -... / Alline A-174 / A-178

51-548. 2-Carboxy-5-decanolide. a-Carboxy-d-dec- Block, E. et al., Sulfur Compds. Foods, 1993 ,

alactone (Eds. Mussinan, C.J. et al ), American
5-Pentyltetrahydro-2-oxo-3-furancarboxylic Chemical Society (ACS Symp. Ser. v564
acid C11H18O4 214.261 1994), 1994, 63 (rev)
2-Carboxy-4-nonanolide Possible latent butter aroma compd.. Mp Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
C10H16O4 200.234 77-788. Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Possible latent butter aroma compd.. Mp Stoll, M. et al., Nature (London) , 1964, 202, Reinhold , 1992, AFS250
46-488. 350 (synth)
5-(3E -Pentenyl)tetrahydro-2-oxo-3-
Alliin A-177
furancarboxylic acid Allantoic acid A-175 3-(2-Propenylsulfinyl)alanine, 9CI. b-Al-
[99-16-1] lysulfenylalanine. S-Allylcysteine sulfoxide
C10H14O4 198.218 Bis[(aminocarbonyl)amino]acetic acid,
Possible latent butter aroma compound. 9CI. Diureidoacetic acid. Hidantoic acid COOH
Mp 52.5-548. (obsol.)
5-Hexyltetrahydro-2-oxo-3-furancarboxylic H 2N C H
acid, 9CI CH 2 CH 2 CH CH 2 con®guration
C4H8N4O4 176.132
2-Carboxy-4-decanolide. a-Carboxy-g-dec- S
Isol. from coffee beans and leaves. Nee-
alactone O
dles. Spar. sol. H2O, org. solvs., dil. acids.
C11H18O4 214.261 Mp 1738 dec. Sinters at 1688. Hot H2O / 0
Possible latent butter aroma compd.. Mp C6H11NO3S 177.224
Glyoxylic acid + Urea, U-33.
60.5-62.58. (R )C(S )S-form [556-27-4]
Et ester: [156217-60-6] Constit. of garlic oil (Allium sativum ),
C6H12N4O4 204.185 also from ramsons (Allium ursinum ).
furancarboxylic acid
Needles. Sol. EtOH, hot H2O. Dec. ca. Needles (Me2CO aq.). Mp 1638 dec.
2008. [a]21
D +67.7 (c, 2.0 in H2O). Other
furancarboxylic acid. 2-Carboxy-5,7-di-
methyl-4-octanolide Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra, 2nd edn. , 1983, stereoisomers have been prepared
1, 675B (nmr) synthetically.
C11H18O4 214.261 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Possible latent butter aroma compd.. Mp 1, 805D (ir)
100.5-1058. Behrend, R. et al., Annalen , 1909, 365, 21-37 [149340-22-7]
(synth) C12H21NO8S 339.366
5-Heptyltetrahydro-2-oxo-3-furancarboxylic Isol. from garlic (Allium sativum ).
Fosse, R. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci. ,
acid Powder. [a]20
1929, 189, 716-717; 1933, 196, 1264-1267 D -25.4 (c, 0.41 in H2O).
2-Carboxy-4-undecanolide (occur) N-Ac: [38131-20-3]
C12H20O4 228.288 Schlee, D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1963, 2, 231-
Mp 188-1988 dec. [a]21
236 (biosynth) D -29 (c, 1.0 in
Possible latent butter aroma compd.. Mp MeOH).
58-608. Ringertz, H. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1968, 24,
1686-1692 (cryst struct) N-Benzoyl:
5-Octyltetrahydro-2-oxo-3-furancarboxylic Mp 152-153.58 dec. [a]20 D -6 (c, 1.0 in
acid MeOH).
2-Carboxy-4-dodecanolide. a-Carboxy-g- Allicin A-176
dodecalactone [539-86-6] N-(4-Nitrobenzoyl):
S-2-Propenyl 2-propene-1-sulfinothioate, Mp 180-1828 dec. [a]20D -9 (c, 1.0 in 0.1N
C13H22O4 242.314 NaOH).
Possible latent butter aroma compd.. Mp 9CI. Allitridi
Stoll, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1951, 34, 481
68.5-70.58. H2C/ . CHCH2-SO-S-CH2CH/ . CH2 (synth)
5-Nonyltetrahydro-2-oxo-3-furancarboxylic C6H10OS2 162.276 Virtanen, A.I. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. ,
acid Isol. from garlic (Allium sativum ). Nutri- 1962, 1, 299 (rev)
2-Carboxy-4-tridecanolide ceutical. Yellow liq. Sol. H2O, MeOH, Nishimura, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1972, 28,
Et2O; fairly sol. hexane. d 1.11. lmax 202 ; 4503 (ms, ir)
C14H24O4 256.341
240 (MeOH) (Berdy). Freeman, G.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15,
Possible latent butter aroma compd.. Mp 521 (synth)
68.5-69.58. -LD50 (mus, scu) 120 mg/kg, LD50 (mus, Muetsch-Eckner, M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1993,
Stoll, M. et al., Nature (London) , 1964, 202, ivn) 60 mg/kg. Can cause allergic contact 56, 864 (N-glycoside)
350 dermatitis in sensitized individuals. Edwards, S.J. et al., Phytochem. Anal. , 1994, 5,
Martin, J. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1970, 27 (synth) UD1900000 4 (anal)
Keusgen, M. et al., Planta Med. , 1998, 64, 736-
[72869-75-1] 740 (anal)
6-Alkyltetrahydro-2-oxo-2H - A-174 Cavallito, C.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1944, 66, 1950 Kubec, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2000, 48,
pyran-3-carboxylic acids (isol, pharmacol) 428-433 (occur)
Stoll, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1948, 31, 189;
1949, 32, 197 (synth)
COOH Virtanen, A.I. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , Alline A-178
1962, 1, 299 (rev)
Isenberg, N. et al., Int. J. Sulfur Chem. , 1973, 3, [101053-34-3]
R O O 307 (rev) 2,3,8,8a-Tetrahydro-1-methylpyrrolo[2,3-
Papageorgiou, C. et al., Arch. Dermatol. Res. , b]indol-3a(1H)-ol, 9CI
See also 5-Alkyltetrahydro-2-oxo-3- 1983, 275, 229 (tox)
furancarboxylic acids, A-173. Block, E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1986, 108, 7045
(synth, cmr, ir, pmr) OH
6-Butyltetrahydro-2-oxo-2H -pyran-3- Mayeux, P.R. et al., Agents Actions , 1988, 25,
carboxylic acid 182 (pharmacol)
2-Carboxy-5-nonanolide. a-Carboxy-d- Makheja, A.N. et al., Agents Actions , 1990, 29,
nonalactone 360 (pharmacol)
C10H16O4 200.234 Gebhardt, R. et al., Arzneim.-Forsch. , 1991, 41, H Me
Possible latent butter aroma compd.. Mp 800 (pharmacol)
Gebhardt, R. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta ,
79-808. 1994, 1213, 57 (pharmacol) Relative
6-Pentyltetrahydro-2-oxo-2H -pyran-3- Calvey, E.M. et al., J. Chromatogr. Sci. , 1994, Configuration
carboxylic acid 32, 93 (chromatog)

Allithiamine / 2-(4-Allyl-2,6-dihydroxyphenoxy)-... A-179 / A-184

C11H14N2O 190.244 Allodesmosine A-181 SO3H

Relative config. only appears to be known. [129717-82-4]
Alkaloid from Chinese chives (Allium
odorum ) and several other Allium spp.. HO
NH 2 NH 2
Mp 91-928. [a]D +136.3 (c, 1.218 in N
HCl). lmax 245 (log e 3.68); 303 (log e HOOC COOH N
3.14) (no solvent reported). H 2N NH 2 OMe
Mp 196-1978. HOOC COOH (E)-form
Tashkhodzhaev, B. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , N NH 2 H 3C
1985, 21, 687; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. SO3H
Transl.) , 1985, 21, 645 (isol, cryst struct, uv) COOH
Samikov, K. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1986,
22, 383; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , C30H51N6O10 
655.767 C18H16N2O8S2 452.465
1986, 22, 362 (occur) Isol. from hydrolysate of bovine ligamen- Colour additive used in gelatins, puddings,
Antsupova, T.P. et al., Rastit. Resur. , 1987, 23, tum nuchae elastin. Amorph. solid with custards, beverages, sauces, toppings,
436; CA , 107, 214830x (occur)
faint yellow tinge. V. hygroscopic. Related fruits, dairy products, bakery products,
to Desmosine, D-93. jams, jellies, condiments, meat and poul-
try. Dark red powder. Strictly the name
Suyuma, K. et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Allura red AC applies to the disodium
Commun. , 1990, 170, 713 (isol, uv, ms, pmr) salt. Banned in EEC, Norway and Japan.
Allithiamine A-179 Nakamura, F. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1991,
[554-44-9] 55, 547 (isol, pmr, ms) -QK2260000
N-[(4-Amino-2-methyl-5-pyrimidinyl)- U.K. Pat. , 1970, 1 164 249; CA , 72, 68195
methyl]-N-[4-hydroxy-1-methyl-2-(2-pro- (synth)
Borzelleca, J.F. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. ,
penyldithio)-1-butenyl]formamide, 9CI
1989, 27, 701 (tox)
Alloxanthin A-182 Merck Index, 11th edn. , 1989, No. 283
NH 2 CHO [28380-31-6] Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
N CH2 N SSCH 2 CH CH 2 7,7?,8,8?-Tetradehydro-b,b-carotene-3,3?- Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1078-1080
C C diol. Cynthiaxanthin. Cryptomonaxanthin. (use, props)
H3 C N H3 C CH2 CH2 OH Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Manixanthin. Pectenoxanthin Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
C15H22N4O2S2 354.496 Reinhold , 1992, FAG100
Obt. from garlic (Allium sativum ). Imparts OH

meaty flavour to foods. Has vitamin B1

activity. Investigated as a dietary supple- 2-(4-Allyl-2,6-dihydroxyphe- A-184
ment to enhance muscle performance in HO noxy)-1-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-1-pro-
sports. Cryst. (C6H6). Mp 132-1338 dec. panol
Matsukawa, T. et al., Science (Washington, C40H52O2 564.85
D.C.) , 1953, 118, 325 (isol, struct) Constit. of many shellfish including the
Matsukawa, T. et al., CA , 1955, 49, 7572g giant scallop (Pecten maximus ) and edible
(synth) mussel (Mytilus edulis ). Reddish needles
Baker, H. et al., J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol. , Suppl., (Me2CO/petrol). Mp 188-1908 (186-1888). HO 5′
1976, 22, 63-68 (pharmacol)
[26666-93-3, 95343-66-1]
Doyle, M.R. et al., Int. J. Sport Nutr. , 1997, 7,
39-47 (use) Chapman, D.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1966, 5, HO
1331 (isol)
Davies, A.J. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1967, 941
(isol) C18H20O6 332.352
Allixin A-180 De Ville, T.E. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1969, 1311 Neolignan numbering shown.
(struct) (R +,S +)-form
[125263-70-9] Moss, G.P. et al., Pure Appl. Chem. , 1976, 47,
3-Hydroxy-5-methoxy-6-methyl-2-pentyl- 97 (cmr)
3,3?,5?-Tri-Me ether: [52190-21-3] a-[1-
4H-pyran-4-one, 9CI Davies, A.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1984, 2147 [2,6-Dimethoxy-4-(2-propenyl)phenox-
(synth) y]ethyl]-4-hydroxy-3-methoxybenzene-
Pennington, F.C. et al., Biochem. Syst. Ecol. , methanol, 9CI. 2-(4-Allyl-2,6-
O 1985, 13, 215 (isol, cd) dimethoxyphenoxy)-1-(4-hydroxy-3-
Matsuno, T et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1985, 48, 606 methoxyphenyl)-1-propanol
MeO OH (isol) C21H26O6 374.433
Hertzberg, S. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. B , From seed kernels of Myristica fragrans
H 3C (CH 2)4CH 3 1988, 42, 495 (isol, pmr, uv)
O (nutmeg). Mp 96.5-97.58.
C12H18O4 226.272 3,3?,5,5?-Tetra-Me ether: [41535-92-6] 2-
Constit. of garlic (Allium sativum ). Po- (4-Allyl-2,6-dimethoxyphenoxy)-1-(3,4-
tential nutriceutical. Needles (MeOH aq.). dimethoxyphenyl)-1-propanol
Allura red AC A-183
C22H28O6 388.46
Mp 80-818. lmax 279 (no solvent reported). [25956-17-6] From Myristica fragrans (nutmeg).
Kodera, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1989, 37, 6-Hydroxy-5-[(2-methoxy-5-methyl-4-sul- Cryst. Mp 65-668.
1656 (isol, struct) fophenyl)azo]-2-naphthalenesulfonic acid,
Arimoto, H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1997, 38, 7761- 3,4-Methylene, 3?,5?-di-Me ether: [50354-
9CI. FD and C Red No. 40. C.I. 16035. C.I.
7762 (synth) 29-5] 2-(4-Allyl-2,6-dimethoxyphe-
Food Red 17. Allura Red. E129
Matsumura, Y. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1998, 39, 2339- noxy)-1-(3,4-methylenedioxyphenyl)-1-
2340 (synth) propanol
Kodera, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2002, 50, C21H24O6 372.417
354-363; 405-407 (pmr, cmr, ms, Constit. of Myristica fragrans (nutmeg).
pharmacokinet) Oil.
3,4-Methylene, 3?,5?-di-Me ether, Ac:
C23H26O7 414.454

2-(4-Allyl-2,6-dihydroxyphenoxy)-... / Aloin, BAN A-185 
/ A-190

Consit. of Myristica fragrans (nutmeg). hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-1-propa- O

Oil. nol CH 3
3,4-Methylene, 3?,5?-di-Me ether, benzoyl: C22H28O7 404.459 OH
C28H28O7 476.525 Constit. of oil of Myristica fragrans
(nutmeg). HO O 2′
Constit. of Myristica fragrans (nutmeg).
Oil. Penta-Me ether: [41551-58-0] 2-(4-Allyl-
2,6-dimethoxyphenoxy)-1-(3,4,5-tri- C13H14O4 234.251
[41535-95-9, 52190-19-9] Constit. of Aloe spp. and Chinese rhu-
Isogai, A. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1973, 37, C23H30O7 418.486 barb. Cryst. (AcOH/MeOH). Mp 187.5-
1479 (isol, ir, uv, pmr, ms)
Constit. of Myristica fragrans (nutmeg). 1898. [a]21
D +38.4 (c, 0.89 in MeOH).
Forrest, J.E. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1974, 205
(isol, uv, pmr, ms) Mp 70-728 (66-66.58). 7-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [94356-36-2]
Kasahara, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40, Isogai, A. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1973, 37, C19H24O9 396.393
1515 (abs config) 193; 889; 1479 Constit. of rhubarb Rheum sp.. Needles
Forrest, J.E. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1974, 205 + 1H2O (MeOH/CHCl3). Mp 191-1938.
Hattori, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1987, 35, [a]24
2-(4-Allyl-2,6-dihydroxyphe- A-185 D -4.3 (c, 0.21 in MeOH).
noxy)-1-(3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)pro- Zacchino, S.A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1988, 51, 2?-Ketone: [40738-40-7] Aloesone
pane 1261 (synth, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) C13H12O4 232.235
Cryst. (CHCl3). Mp 151-1528.
2-(4-Allyl-2-hydroxyphe- A-187 2?-Ketone, 7-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
O OH [128701-04-2]
3′ noxy)-1-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-1-pro-
panol C19H22O9 394.377
Constit. of Chinese rhubarb (Rheum
3 sp.). Needles (MeOH aq.). Mp 229-
O OH 2308. [a]19
D -50.6 (c, 0.37 in MeOH).
HO 2′
OH [104871-04-7, 135096-88-7]

HO Holdsworth, D.K. et al., Planta Med. , 1972, 22,

C18H20O6 332.352 3 OH 54 (isol)
Neolignan numbering shown. Kashiwada, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984,
HO 32, 3493 (isol)
Penta-Me ether: [124151-41-3] Virolongin Gramatica, P. et al., Heterocycles , 1986, 24, 743
B. b-O-Dilignol C18H20O5 316.353 (synth)
C23H30O6 402.486 Neolignan numbering shown. Kashiwada, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29,
Constit. of Myristica fragrans (nutmeg). 1007 (isol, pmr, cmr)
2?,3-Di-Me ether: [108907-55-7] 2-(4-Allyl- Che, Q.M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1991, 39,
Oil. Identity of isolated samples not
2-methoxyphenoxy)-1-(4-hydroxy-3- 704 (occur)
establ., may not be stereochemically
C20H24O5 344.407
3,4-Methylene, 3?,5,5?-tri-Me ether: Constit. of Myristica fragrans (nutmeg) Aloin, BAN A-190
[126223-32-3] Virolongin C oil. Oil. [8015-61-0]
C22H26O6 386.444 Hattori, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1987, 10-b-D-Glucopyranosyl-1,8-dihydroxy-3-
Oil. 35, 668 (hydroxymethyl)-9(10H)-anthracenone,
Isogai, A. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1973, 37, 9CI. Barbaloin. Socaloin. Ugandaloin. Ja-
193; 889; 1479 (isol, struct)
S -(Allylthio)cysteine A-188 faloin. Cafaloin
Forrest, J.E. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1974, 205
(isol, synth, struct) [30910-60-2]
Calvacante, S.H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 3-(2-Propenyldithio)alanine, 9CI. 3-(Al- O
24, 1051 (isol) HO OH
lyldithio)alanine, 8CI. 2-Amino-3-(2-pro- 8
Muhammed, I. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1989, 52,
penyldithio)propanoic acid. S- 1″
1177 (isol, pmr, cmr) 10 CH 2OH
Allymercaptocysteine. 2-Amino-4,5-dithia- (10R)-form
7-heptenoic acid. SAMC Glc
2-(4-Allyl-2,6-dihydroxyphe- A-186
noxy)-1-(3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)-1- COOH C21H22O9 418.399
propanol Aloin as normally obt. is a mixt. of 10-
H 2N C H epimers separable by hplc into Aloin A
O OH and the unstable Aloin B. Aloin A can
CH 2 S S CH 2CH CH 2 also be obt. by cryst. from MeOH.
Constit. of various Aloe spp.. Sol. H2O.
HO 5′ C6H11NO2S2 193.29 Log P -1.88 (calc).
HO 3 OH (R )-form [2281-22-3] -LD50 (mus, ivn) 200 mg/kg.
4 5
L-form (10R )-form [28371-16-6]
HO Isol. from garlic (Allium sativum ). Po- Aloin B. Isobarbaloin. b-Barbaloin
OH tential nutriceutical. Plates (Me2CO Mp 138-1408 (block). [a]30D -73 (c, 0.5 in
aq.). Mp 187-1888 dec. [a]23.5
D -107.9 (c, MeOH). Negative CD at 295 nm. Pmr d
C18H20O7 348.352 0.4 in 6M HCl). 5.27 (C-1?). Labile in soln. Isobarbaloin
Neolignan numbering shown. Cavallito, C.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1944, 66, 1952 and b-Barbaloin were prob. not homo-
3,3?,4,5?-Tetra-Me ether: [108907-57-9] 2- (synth) geneous.
(4-Allyl-2,6-dimethoxyphenoxy)-1-(3- Sugii, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1964, 12, 1??-O-a-L-Rhamnopyranoside: [11006-91-0]
hydroxy-4,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-1-propa- 1114 (isol, ir, struct) Aloinoside B
nol C27H32O13 564.542
C22H28O7 404.459 Aloesol A-189 Isol. from leaves of Aloe cf. perryi .
Constit. of oil of Myristica fragrans [94356-35-1] Cryst. (Me2CO aq.). Mp 2338. [a]20 D -
(nutmeg). Oil. 7-Hydroxy-2-(2-hydroxypropyl)-5-methyl- 45.3 (c, 1.5 in 50% dioxan aq.).
3,3?,5,5?-Tetra-Me ether: [108907-53-5] 2- 4H-1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI. 7-Hydroxy-2- 8-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [53861-34-0]
(4-Allyl-2,6-dimethoxyphenoxy)-1-(4- (2-hydroxypropyl)-5-methylchromone Cascaroside B

Alphitonin  / Alternariol A-191 
/ A-192

C27H32O14 580.541 Constit. of Aloe vera leaf. Yellowish O

Isol. from Rhamnus purshiana (Cascara needles (Me2CO/C6H6). Mp 218-2248.
sagrada) bark. Cryst. + 2H2O. Mp 175- [a]30
D +27.2 (c, 0.25 in MeOH). lmax 206
1788. [a]30
D -104.4 (MeOH). Cascarosides (log e 4.48); 221 (log e 4.45); 294 (log e HO
A and B are a pair of 10-epimers 4.2); 345 (log e 3.93) (MeOH). O
corresponding to Aloins A and B but 1??-Deoxy, 8-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
the configurational correspondence of [53823-09-9] Cascaroside C 3′
Cascaroside B to Aloin B is not 4′ OH
C27H32O13 564.542
established, i.e. it could be (10R -). From cascara sagrada Rhamnus purshi- OH
1??-Carboxylic acid, 8-O-b-D- ana bark. Cascarosides C and D are a
glucopyranoside: [111545-29-0] Rheino- pair of epimers resembling Cascarosides C15H12O7 304.256
side C A and B. Cryst. (H2O). Mp 222-2238.
C27H30O15 594.525 1??-Deoxy, 6-hydroxy, 8-O-b-D- 3?-Deoxy, 6-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:Mae-
Isol. from rhubarb. Pale yellow powder glucopyranoside: [164178-32-9] Cascaro- sopsin 6-glucoside
+ 2H2O. [a]25D -40 (c, 0.5 in MeOH). side E C21H22O11 450.398
7-Hydroxy: [82461-12-9] 7-Hydroxyaloin B C27H32O14 580.541 Constit. of Ceanothus americanus (New
C21H22O10 434.399 Constit. of cascara sagrada Rhamnus Jersey tea). Powder (MeOH). [a]25
D -43
Constit. of leaves of Aloe vera . purshiana bark. Mp 197-1998. [a]25D -95.4
(c, 0.9 in MeOH).
7-Hydroxy, 8-Me ether:7-Hydroxy-8-O- (c, 0.1 in MeOH). Li, X.-C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 46, 97
methylaloin B (10j)-form (Maesopsin 6-glucoside)
C22H24O10 448.426 1?-Deoxy: [18262-45-8] Chrysaloin. 11-
Constit. of leaves of Aloe vera . Amorph. Deoxyaloin Alternariol A-192
yellowish solid. [a]25D -0.7 (c, 0.1 in C21H22O8 402.4
MeOH). lmax 204 (log e 4.4); 221 (log e Isol. from Rumex vesicarius (bladder
4.35); 294 (log e 4.09); 345 (log e 3.82) dock). Yellow powder (EtOAc). Mp
zo[b,d]pyran-6-one, 9CI. 3,4?,5-Trihy-
(MeOH). 224-2258 dec. [a]27
D -9 (c, 1 in EtOH).
1??-Deoxy, 8-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [5133-19-7, 73889-54-0, 138373-24-7]
[53861-35-1] Cascaroside D
Hay, J.E. et al., J.C.S. , 1956, 3141 (struct, bibl) OH
C27H32O13 564.542 Hörhammer, L. et al., Z. Naturforsch., B , 1964, 9
From cascara sagrada (Rhamnus 19, 222 (Aloinoside B)
purshiana ) bark. Piox, A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1968, 24, 3697 (ms)
CH 3
1??-Deoxy, 6-hydroxy, 8-O-b-D- Wagner, H. et al., Z. Naturforsch., B , 1976, 31,
glucopyranoside: [164322-83-2] Cascaro- 267 (Cascarosides)
Hata, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1978, 26, HO O O
side F
3792 (Chrysaloin)
C27H32O14 580.541 Evans, F.J. et al., Biomed. Mass Spectrom. ,
Constit. of cascara sagrada Rhamnus C14H10O5 258.23
1979, 6, 374 (ms) Occurs in mycelium of Alternaria tenuis
purshiana bark. Mp 176-1788. [a]25 D -69.5 Auterhoff, H. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim,
(c, 0.1 in MeOH). Ger.) , 1980, 313, 113 (resoln)
responsible for alternaria cone disorder in
(10S )-form [1415-73-2] Gruen, M. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim, hops and fruit spot on papaya (Carica
Aloin A Ger.) , 1982, 315, 231 (biosynth) papaya ) and Passiflora spp.. Needles
Yellow needles (EtOH). Sol. H2O. Mp Minocha, P.K. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., (EtOH aq.). Sol. MeOH, bases, Et2O;
1488 (block). [a]30 India, Sect. A , 1982, 52, 123 (Deoxyaloin) poorly sol. C6H6, hexane, H2O. Mp 3508
D +10.2 (c, 0.5 in
Rauwald, H.W. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim, dec. Subl. 250 in vacuo. lmax 213 (e 21900);
MeOH). Positive CD at 295 nm. Pmr d Ger.) , 1984, 317, 362 (pmr)
5.13 (C-1?). 258 (e 41700); 290 (e 10500); 303 (e 11200);
Rauwald, H.W. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 336 (e 11500) (MeOH) (Derep). lmax 255 ;
-LD50 (mus, ivn) 200 mg/kg. LZ6520000 1989, 28, 1528 (cryst struct, bibl)
Manitto, P. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1990, 1297;
288 ; 298 ; 337 (MeOH) (Berdy).
1??-O-a-L-Rhamnopyranoside: [56645-88-6]
Aloinoside A 1993, 1577 (abs config, pmr, cmr, conformn, -Exp. reprod. and teratogenic effects.
C27H32O13 564.542 Rheinosides, Cascarosides) HP8757000
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th Tri-Ac:
Constit. of Aloe ferox and other Aloe
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 869
spp.. lmax 236 (e 22400) (MeOH) Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 167-1698.
Rauwald, H.W. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1993,
(Derep). 48, 1 (5-Hydroxyaloin A) 9-Me ether: [26894-49-5] 3,7-Dihydroxy-9-
8-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [53823-08-8] Sigler, A. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1994, 49, methoxy-1-methyl-6H-dibenzo[b,d]pyr-
Cascaroside A 286 (7-Hydroxyaloin) an-6-one. Djalonensone
C27H32O14 580.541 Manitto, P. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1995, 58, 419 C15H12O5 272.257
(Cascarosides) Needles (EtOH or dioxan). Mp 266-
Constit. of Rhamnus purshiana (Cascara
Van Wyk, B.-E. et al., Planta Med. , 1995, 61,
sagrada) bark. Cryst. + 2H2O. Mp 184- 2688 dec.
250 (occur)
1878. [a]30
D +36.8 (MeOH). Dagne, E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 44, 1271 Raistrick, H. et al., Biochem. J. , 1953, 55, 421
1??-Carboxylic acid, 8-O-b-D- (Microstigmin A, 5-Hydroxyaloin A) (isol)
Holzapfel, C.W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 45, Thomas, R. et al., Proc. Chem. Soc., London ,
glucopyranoside: [111614-11-0] Rheino-
97 (isol, derivs) 1959, 88 (biosynth)
side D Gatenbeck, S. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1965,
Okamura, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 45,
C27H30O15 594.525 19, 65 (synth)
1519 (7-Hydroxy-8-methylaloin, 10-
Constit. of rhubarb. Pale yellow powder Hydroxyaloin) Sóti, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1977, 110, 979 (synth)
+ 21=2H2O. [a]25
D -56 (c, 0.5 in MeOH). Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Harris, T.M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1977, 99, 1631
5-Hydroxy: [138373-23-6] 5-Hydroxyaloin Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand (synth)
Reinhold , 1992, BAF825 Abell, C. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1982, 1011
C21H22O10 434.399 Leeper, F.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1984, 1053
Constit. of Aloe spp. leaf. 10R -config. Alphitonin A-191 (synth)
(C-10 config. changes with addn. of C-5 DiCosimo, F. et al., Experientia , 1985, 41, 1188
hydroxy group). [493-36-7] Stinson, E.E. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1986, 64,
2-[(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)methyl]-2,4,6- 1590 (biosynth)
7-Hydroxy, 8-Me ether:7-Hydroxy-8-O- trihydroxy-3(2H)-benzofuranone, 9CI. Abell, C. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1986, 15 (synth)
methylaloin A 2,3?,4,4?,6-Pentahydroxybenzylcoumara- Dasenbrock, J. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1987, 1235
C22H24O10 448.426 none (biosynth)

Altruronic acid, 9CI  / Aluminium potassium sulfate (AlK(SO4)2) A-193  / A-198

Kanakam, C.C. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1990, Aluminium calcium silicate A-195 Calvet, E. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1953, 99
2233 (synth) (props)
Onocha, P.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40,
[12251-31-9] Brown, J.F. et al., J.C.S. , 1953, 84 (gibbsite,
1183 (Djalonensone) Calcium aluminosilicate. E554 thermal dec)
Cole, R.J. et al., Handbook of Toxic Fungal CaAl2(SiO3)4 van Nordstrand, R.A. et al., Nature (London) ,
Metabolites, Academic Press, New York, Al2CaO12Si4 398.376 1956, 177, 713 (nordstrandite)
1981, 615; 623 Papeé, D. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1958, 1301
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Anticaking agent. (props)
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Mineral-form [1318-80-5] Kroon, D.J. et al., Nature (London) , 1959, 183,
Reinhold , 1992, AGW476 944 (gibbsite, bayerite, pmr)
[11126-82-2, 12026-15-2, 12251-34-2, 12330-25-
5, 138329-32-5] Wall, J.R.D. et al., Nature (London) , 1962, 196,
264 (nordstrandite)
Laumontite Hathaway, J.C. et al., Nature (London) , 1962,
Altruronic acid, 9CI A-193
Zeolite-group mineral corresp. to 196, 265 (nordstrandite)
Al2Ca(SiO3)4.4H2O or Hauschild, U. et al., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. ,
HO O OH Al2CaH8(SiO4)4.A partially dehydrated 1963, 324, 15 (synth, ir, powder struct, props)
COOH Lippens, C. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1964, 17, 1312
variety leonhardite also occurs (phase trans)
OH naturally. Beretka, J. et al., J.C.S.(A) , 1967, 2106
Mineral-form [12042-71-6] (bayerite, gibbsite, synth, props)
[82828-52-2] Rothbauer, R. et al., Z. Kristallogr. , 1967, 125,
OH 317 (bayerite, cryst struct, nd)
Bosmans, H.J. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1970, 26,
C6H10O7 194.141 Zeolite-group mineral corresp. to 649 (nordstrandite, cryst struct)
L-form [39737-41-2] Al2Ca(SiO3)4.2H2O; Ca analogue of Sato, T. et al., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. , 1972, 391,
Prod. during pectin saponification, by Analcime. 69 (synth)
Singh, S.S. et al., Soil Sci. Soc. Am. Proc. , 1974,
epimerisation of Galacturonic acid. Mp Bartl, H. et al., Neues Jahrb. Mineral., 38, 415 (soly, gibbsite)
124-1278. [a]18
D +5.3 (c, 0.568 in H2O). Monatsh. , 1967, 33-42; 1970, 298-310 (cryst Saalfield, H.L. et al., Z. Kristallogr. , 1974, 139,
struct, laumontite) 129 (gibbsite, cryst struct)
[21675-51-4] Takeuchi, Y. et al., Am. Mineral. , 1979, 64, 993- Smyshiyaev, S.I. et al., Russ. J. Phys. Chem.
Fisher, F.G. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1959, 92, 2184 1001 (cryst struct, wairakite) (Engl. Transl.) , 1976, 50, 528 (thermodyn
(synth) Armbruster, J. et al., Neues Jahrb. Mineral., data)
Carlsson, B. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1969, 23, Monatsh. , 1992, 385-397 (cryst struct, Chang, B.-T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1981,
261 (synth) leonhardite) 54, 1960 (gibbsite, thermodyn data)
Kjolberg, O. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1972, Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Aluminium Chems. Sci. and Tech. Handbook ,
26, 3245 (synth) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 108-109 (Hart, D.Le.R., Ed.), Amer. Ceram. Soc.,
Bilik, V. et al., Chem. Zvesti , 1982, 36, 831 1990,
(synth) Washington, N. et al., Antacids and Anti-Reflux
Zhan, D. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 2001, 330, 357- Aluminium hydroxide, JAN, A-196 Agents , CRC Press, 1991, 8 (book)
363 (occur) USAN Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
[21645-51-2] edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 869
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Aluminium ammonium sulfate A-194 [12252-70-9] Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 110-111
(1:1:2) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Al(OH)3 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
[7784-25-0] AlH3O3 78.003 Reinhold , 1992, AHC000
Aluminium ammonium bis(sulfate). Burnt Used in foods as a buffer, neutralising
ammonium alum. Exsiccated ammonium agent or firming agent. White solid (H2O).
alum. E523 Prac. insol. H2O; sol. conc. aq. acids and
Aluminium potassium silicate A-197
NH4Al(SO4)2 alkalis. Forms gel on prolonged contact [12003-49-5]
AlH4NO8S2 237.147 with H2O. Silicic acid (H4SiO4) aluminium potassium
Cryst. Dec. at 2808. -Gastrointestinal disturbances by ingestion. salt (1:1:1), 10CI. Potassium aluminosili-
BD0940000 cate (KAlSiO4), 9CI. E555
Dodecahydrate: [7784-26-1] AlK(SiO4)
Gel-form [1330-44-5]
[15614-99-0] Ammonium alum Algeldrate. Aluminium hydroxide hy- AlKO4Si 158.163
AlH28NO20S2 453.329 drate. W 4600 Polymorphic; the 3 common polymorphs
Used in foods as a buffer and neutralizing Mineral-form [14762-49-3] are kalsilite, metastable kaliophilite and
agent. Cryst. (H2O). Becomes anhyd. at Gibbsite. Hydragillite a high-temp. rhombic phase. All are
ca . 2508. Double layer of close packed OH of held based on a tridymite framework.
by H bonds with Al in 2=3 octahedral Anticaking agent.
[15710-63-1] holes.Colourless hexagonal platelets.
Schairer, J.F. et al., Am. J. Sci. , 1955, 253, 681-
Franke, W. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1965, 19, 870-871 Mineral-form [20257-20-9] 746 (synth)
(synth, cryst struct) Bayerite Deer, W.A. et al., Rock Forming Minerals ,
Larson, A.C. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1967, 22, 793- Layer struct. with O approx. hcp and Al Longman, 1963, 4, 231-270 (mineral)
800 (dodecahydrate, cryst struct) octahedrally coord..White powder, Perotta, A.J. et al., Mineral. Mag. , 1965, 35,
Venkatesh, G.M. et al., Indian J. Pure Appl. 588-595 (kalsilite, cryst struct)
colourless monoclinic cryst.
Phys. , 1971, 9, 39-43 (dodecahydrate, ir) Abbott, R.N. et al., Am. Mineral. , 1984, 69,
Bailey, W.C. et al., J. Chem. Phys. , 1974, 60, Mineral-form [13840-05-6]
Nordstrandite 449-457 (polymorphism)
1952-1953 (dodecahydrate, N-14 nmr)
Abdeen, A.M. et al., Z. Kristallogr. , 1981, 157, Double layers of AlO6 octahedra with
147-166 (dodecahydrate, cryst struct) shared edges and corners linked by H Aluminium potassium sulfate A-198
Eckert, H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1986, 108, 2140-2146 bonds.Colourless, beige, pink and pale (AlK(SO4)2)
(dodecahydrate, S-33 nmr) green cryst.
Bradley, S.M. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1993, Mineral-form [10043-67-1]
31, 883-886 (dodecahydrate, Al-27 nmr)
Doyleite [15007-61-1]
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 108 Creamy or bluish white triclinic cryst. Sulfuric acid, aluminium potassium salt
[37317-08-1] (2:1:1), 8CI. Aluminium potassium sulfate.
Anhydrous alum. E522
Thibon, H. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1951, 384
(props) KAl(SO4)2

Aluminium sodium oxide(AlNaO2)  / Amaranth A-199  / A-203

AlKO8S2 258.207 nium oxide (NaAlO2). Sodium aluminate SO4)2.

Struct. comprises alternate layers of six (NaAlO2) Steele, F.A. et al., Science (Washington, D.C.) ,
coordinate Al3 and K  with SO2 4 NaAlO2 1928, 68, 156 (dodecahydrate, synth)
between.Colourless hexagonal plates Lipson, H. et al., Proc. R. Soc. London, A , 1935,
AlNaO2 81.97 151, 347 (dodecahydrate, cryst struct)
(H2SO4). Sol. H2O (7.74 g per 100 cm3
NaFeO2 type struct.. Food contaminant Cola, M. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1960, 90, 220
at 308); insol. EtOH. Corresp. NH4 , arising from its use as a boiler water (cryst struct, synth)
Rb , Cs  salts also descr. DH8f -2470 kJ additive in the prepn. of steam for food Cromer, D.T. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1967, 22, 182
mol-1; DG8f -2240 kJ mol-1; S8 205 J K-1 processing. White cryst. or powder. Mp (dodecahydrate, cryst struct, nd)
mol-1. 17008. Various hydrated forms known. Petrov, K.I. et al., Zh. Neorg. Khim. , 1970, 15,
-WS5650000 2938 (dodecahydrate, ir)
cf. also Aluminium sodium oxide Perret, R. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci.
Dodecahydrate: [7784-24-9] Potassium (Al5NaO8). For species in soln. see Ser. C , 1972, 274, 366 (synth)
alum. Kalinite. Hexaaquaalumi- Aluminate (Al(OH4)  ). DH8f298 -1133.2 Weiden, N. et al., J. Magn. Reson. , 1975, 20, 279
nium(3+) hexaaquapotassium(1+) kJ mol-1; S8 70.4 J K-1 mol-1. (dodecahydrate, Na-23, Al-27 nmr)
bis(sulfate). a-Alum Hurlburt, H.Z. et al., Encycl. Chem. Process.
Théry, J. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci. ,
AlH24KO20S2 474.389 1962, 254, 2782 (related compds) Des. , 1977, 3, 120; CA , 1978, 88, 193727 (rev,
Used as an additive in the bleaching of Reid, A.F. et al., Inorg. Chem. , 1968, 7, 443 synth)
milk and flour by benzoyl peroxide. (cryst struct) W.H.O. Tech. Rep. Ser. , 1978, 631, 7; CA , 1979,
Colourless cryst. (H2O). Sol. H2O (11 g Peterson, G.E. et al., J. Chem. Phys. , 1969, 51, 90, 136443 (uses)
per 100 cm3 at 208); insol. EtOH, 2610 (Na-23 nqr) Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn.,
Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn., Wiley, 1978, 2, 244 (dodecahydrate, rev)
Me2CO. Mp 1058. Dec. on heating (-
9H2O at 64.58, -12H2O at 2008). Wiley, 1978, 5, 312
Müller, D. et al., Chem. Phys. Lett. , 1981, 79, 59
(Al-27 nmr)
Aluminium sulfate, USAN A-202
[14635-80-4] Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. [10043-01-3]
Lipson, H. et al., Proc. R. Soc. London, A , 1935, Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2522
[10124-29-5, 10199-21-0, 16828-11-8, 17927-65-
148, 664; 151, 347 (cryst struct, 0]
dodecahydrate) Alunogenite. E520
Klug, H.P. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1940, 62, 1492 Aluminium sodium silicate A-200
(dodecahydrate, cryst struct) [1302-72-3] Al2(SO4)3
Young, F.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1945, 67, 257 Al2O12S3 342.154
(synth, thermodyn props) [1344-00-9, 12003-51-9, 12251-27-3]
Palmer, W.G. et al., Experimental Inorganic Sodium aluminium silicate. Sodium alumi- Used in foods as a firming agent. White
Chemistry, CUP, 1959, 216 (synth, nosilicate. Nepheline. E554 solid. Forms complex series of hydrates.
dodecahydrate) Dec. at 4508 to amorphous Al2O3 with
Burns, G. et al., Phys. Rev. , 1961, 123, 64 Na[AlSiO4] high surface area. DH8f298 -3435 kJ mol-1.
(dodecahydrate, pmr) AlNaO4Si 142.054 Al(HSO4)3 also known.
Tret’yakov, Yu.D. et al., Russ. J. Inorg. Chem. Stuffed tridymite struct.. Anticaking -BD1700000
(Engl. Transl.) , 1961, 859 (phase diagram)
Haussühl, S. et al., Z. Kristallogr. , 1961, 116,
agent. White cryst. (aq. melt). Heptadecahydrate:Alunogen
371 (props) Hydrothermal synth. from Na2O, Colourless cryst.
Franke, W. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1965, 19, 870 Al2O3, SiO2 gels. Octadecahydrate: [7784-31-8]
(anhydrous, cryst struct) Barrer, R.M. et al., J.C.S. , 1952, 1561 (synth) Colourless hygroscopic cryst. (H2O).
Cromer, D.T. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1967, 22, 800 Hahn, T. et al., Z. Kristallogr. , 1955, 106, 308 Exact amount of H2O uncertain. Gives
(nd, dodecahydrate) (cryst struct)
Vandorpe, B. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad.
anhydrous salt during 24h at 3808.
Brinkman, D. et al., Z. Kristallogr. , 1972, 135,
Sci. Ser. C , 1968, 266, 379 (related compds) -WS5697000
208 (Na-23, Al-27, Si-29 nmr)
Manoli, J.-M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1970, Klaska, R. et al., Z. Kristallogr. , 1975, 142, 225 Sodium alum: Aluminium sodium sulfate
98 (synth, cryst struct) (cryst struct) (AlNa(SO4)2), A-201
Rems, P. et al., Inorg. Chim. Acta , 1971, 5, 33 Lippmaa, E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1980, 102, 4889; Potassium alum: Aluminium potassium
(ir) 1986, 108, 1730 (Si-29, Al-27 nmr)
Gal, S. et al., Therm. Anal., Proc. Int. Conf., 3rd,
sulfate (AlK(SO4)2), A-198
Wirsching, U. et al., Clays Clay Miner. , 1981,
1971 (1972) , 1971, 2, 559; CA , 1973, 78, 29, 171 (synth, powder struct) Caesium alum: See Aluminium caesium
131564 (dodecahydrate, thermal anal) Klinowski, J. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1981, 85, sulfate dodecahydrate in The Combined
Pannetier, G. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1972, 2590 (Si-29 nmr) Chemical Dictionary.
485 (analogues) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Young, F.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1945, 67, 257
Strupler, N. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1974, Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2524-2525 (synth, thermodyn data)
1830 (dodecahydrate, ir) Bassett, H. et al., J.C.S. , 1949, 2239 (synth,
Eysel, H.H. et al., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. , 1976, phase diagram, powder struct, hydrates, props)
424, 68 (Raman) Aluminium sodium sulfate A-201 Kellogg, H.H. et al., Trans. Metall. Soc. AIME ,
Hurlburt, H.Z. et al., Encycl. Chem. Process. (AlNa(SO4)2) 1964, 230, 1622 (thermodyn data)
Des. , 1977, 3, ; CA , 1978, 88, 193727 (rev)
[10102-71-3] Vandorpe, B. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad.
Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn., Sci. Ser. C , 1973, 277, 1121 (related compd)
Wiley, 1978, 2, 250 Sulfuric acid aluminium sodium salt
Akitt, J.W. et al., J.C.S. Dalton , 1973, 1226 (Al-
Couchot, P. et al., Rev. Chim. Miner. , 1978, 15, (2:1:1), 8CI. Aluminium sodium sulfate. 27 nmr)
373 (anhydrous, ir, Raman) Sodium aluminium sulfate. E521 Knutsen, G.F. et al., J. Electrochem. Soc. , 1978,
Bhat, S.V. et al., Curr. Sci. , 1984, 53, 27 (Al-27
NaAl(SO4)2 125, 327 (dec)
nmr, anhydrous) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Eckert, H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1986, 108, 2140 AlNaO8S2 242.098
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 120-122
(dodecahydrate, S-33 nmr) Orthorhombic cryst. V. sol. H2O (40.9 g Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. per 100 cm3 at 208). Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 115-118
Dodecahydrate: [7784-28-3] Sodium alum. Reinhold , 1992, AHG750
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand g-Alum. Hexaaquaaluminium hexaaqua-
Reinhold , 1992, AHF100; AHF200 sodium sulfate (1:1:2) Amaranth A-203
AlH24NaO20S2 458.281 [642-59-1]
Food additive in baking powder, firming
Aluminium sodium oxide A-199 agent, buffer. May migrate to food from [915-67-3]
(AlNaO2) paper/board packaging. Cubic white 3-Hydroxy-4-[(4-sulfo-1-naphthalenyl)a-
[1302-42-7] cryst. Mp 618. DH8f -2353 kJ mol-1. zo]-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 9CI.
Aluminium sodium oxide$. Sodium alumi- Formulated as [Na(OH2)6][Al(OH2)6](- C.I. Acid red 27, 8CI. Amaranth R.

Amarouciaxanthin B / Americanin A A-204  / A-207

Amaranth S. Azorubine S. Bordeaux S. C.I. Isol. from the edible mussel (Mytilus (e 38900) (EtOH) (Berdy).
16185. C.I. Food Red 9. FD and C Red No. edulis ). Red gum. Tentative abs. config. 4???-Me ether: [521-32-4] Bilobetin
2. E123 lmax 451 (no solvent reported). C31H20O10 552.493
19?-Hexanoyloxy, 4,5b-dihydro:19?-Hexa- From Ginkgo biloba (ginkgo). Cryst.
HO3S SO3H noyloxymytiloxanthin Mp 3208 dec. Softens at 245-538,
C46H64O6 713.008 resolidifies at 2788.
Isol. from the edible mussel (Mytilus 4???,7??-Di-Me ether: [481-46-9] Ginkgetin
OH edulis ). C32H22O10 566.52
N Moss, G.P. et al., Pure Appl. Chem. , 1976, 47, From Ginkgo biloba (ginkgo). Yellow
N 97 (cmr) plates (Me2CO). Mp 3368 Mp 3508.
(E)-form Belaud, C. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1984, 25, 3087 (isol,
struct) 4?,4???-Di-Me ether: [548-19-6] Isoginkgetin
Matsuno, T. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1985, 48, 606 C32H22O10 566.52
(isol, struct) From leaves of Ginkgo biloba (ginkgo).
Hertzberg, S. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. B , Yellow cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 2108. Ef-
SO3H 1988, 42, 495 (19?-Hexanoyloxymytiloxanthin) fervesces at 2268, resolidifies and re-
Khare, A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1988, 1389 melts at 245-78 lmax 213 (e 90000); 271
(isol, struct) (e 42000); 330 (e 36500) (EtOH) (Ber-
C20H14N2O10S3 538.536
dy). lmax 280 (e 53000); 376 (e 24300)
Usually obt. as tri-Na salt, to which most (EtOH/NaOH) (Berdy).
synonyms refer. Used in food colouring. Ambolic acid A-205
[13878-93-8] 5???-Methoxy, 4???-Me ether: [77053-35-1]
Dark red-brown powder (as tri-Na salt).
3b-Hydroxy-24-methylene-25R-cycloartan- 5?-Methoxybilobetin
Sol. H2O, EtOH, 2-ethoxyethanol.
26-oic acid C32H22O11 582.519
Banned by FDA for use in food, drugs
Isol. from Ginkgo biloba (ginkgo).
and cosmetics. Permitted in the UK and
Yellow cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 2518.
some other countries.
-Exp. weak reprod. and teratogenic effects Nakazawa, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1962,
(conflicting data). H 10, 1032 (synth, derivs)
COOH Baker, W. et al., J.C.S. , 1963, 1477 (isol, struct,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, derivs)
2, 988B (ir) H
Batterham, R. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1964, 17,
Knecht, O. et al., J. Soc. Dyers Colour. , 1886, 2, 428 (pmr, derivs)
24 (synth) 3
Beckmann, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1971, 10,
Lambert, J.L. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1954, 26, 558- HO 245 (derivs)
560; 1955, 27, 800-801 (detn, F,S) H
Ilyas, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, 987
Nursten, H.E. et al., J. Soc. Dyers Colour. , (derivs)
1973, 89, 49-53 (synth) C31H50O3 470.734 Joly, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19, 1999
Marmion, D.M. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Constit. of Mangifera indica (mango). (5?-Methoxybilobetin)
Chem. , 1974, 57, 495-507 (synth) Cryst. (CHCl3). Mp 168-1708. [a]D +32.6 Ahmad, I. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20, 1169
IARC Monog. , 1975, 8, 41; Suppl. 7, 56 (rev, (c, 0.5 in CHCl3). (deriv)
tox) Ohmoto, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1983, 31,
Fogg, A.G. et al., Analyst (London) , 1979, 104, 3-Ketone: [17984-17-7] Ambonic acid 919 (derivs)
723-729 (anal) C31H48O3 468.718 Kamil, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26, 1171
Clode, S.A. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , 1987, Constit. of Mangifera indica (mango). (deriv)
25, 937-946 (tox) Cryst. (Et2O/hexane). Mp 149-1508. Konda, Y. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1995, 32, 1531
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th (Ginkgetin, Sciadopitysin, cryst struct, pmr,
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 698
[a]D +9.4 (c, 0.7 in CHCl3).
Merck Index, 12th edn. , 1996, No. 391 Corsano, S. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1968, 738
Reddy, B.P. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
Yamada, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998, (isol)
1996, 35, 283 (Ginkgetin, Sciadopitysin)
46, 494-499 (hplc, pmr, cmr) Singh, C. et al., Tetrahedron , 1977, 33, 817
Muranaka, T. et al., CA , 1999, 130, 322915n
Sigma-Aldrich Library of Stains, Dyes and (synth)
Indicators, 92
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Americanin A A-207
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Amentoflavone A-206 [69506-79-2]
Reinhold , 1992, FAG020 [1617-53-4] 3-[2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2,3-dihydro-3-
4?,4???,5,5??,7,7??-Hexahydroxy-3???,8-bifla- hydroxymethyl-1,4-benzodioxin-6-yl]-2-
vone, 8CI. 4?,5,7-Trihydroxyflavone(3?/ propenal, 9CI
Amarouciaxanthin B A-204 0 8)-4?,5,7-trihydroxyflavone. 3?,8-
[92121-55-6] Bi[4?,5,7-trihydroxyflavone] OH
7,8-Didehydro-7?,8?-dihydro-3,6?-dihy- O Absolute
droxy-b,e-carotene-3?,8?-dione. Sidnyax- O OH Configuration
anthin HO 1
7 2
HO O C18H16O6 328.321
5″ 4′ Constit. of Phytolacca americana (poke-
OH 3″ OH
7″ 2″ 4 ′″ berry). Yellow plates (MeOH). Mp 246-
4 ′5 ′ O 19 ′ HO OH
O O 2478. [a]17
D +23.7.

C40H52O4 596.848 C30H18O10 538.466 1-Alcohol: [133838-65-0] Americanol A

Dark reddish cryst. (Et2O); reddish nee- C18H18O6 330.337
Numbering of the rings in the names of Isol. from seeds of Phytolacca ameri-
dles (petrol/Et2O). Sol. MeOH, hexane; derivs. does not always follow the
poorly sol. H2O. Mp 88-898 Mp 1548. [a]D cana (pokeberry). Prisms (Me2CO/
scheme shown here. Obt. from EtOAc). Mp 125-1288. Racemic.
+1.6 (c, 0.9 in CHCl3). lmax 230 ; 281 ; 463
Viburnum prunifolium (black haw).
(Et2O) (Berdy). Yellow cryst. (EtOH). Sol. MeOH,
Woo, W.S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1978, 3239 (isol)
Antus, S. et al., Annalen , 1986, 647 (struct)
4,5b-Dihydro: [50906-60-0] 7,8-Didehydro- CHCl3; poorly sol. H2O. Mp 3008. [a]40
D Fukuyama, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1992,
5?,6?,7?,8?-tetrahydro-3,6?-dihydroxy-b,b- +9. Log P 1.7 (calc). Opt. rotn. of 40, 252 (Americanol A)
carotene-3,8-dione. Isomytiloxanthin derivs. is variable owing to She, X.G. et al., J. Chem. Res., Synop. , 1998,
C40H54O4 598.864 atropisomerism lmax 270 (e 41600); 338 436-437 (synth)

Americanin B / 2-Amino-4-(aminooxy)butanoic acid, 8CI A-208  / A-215

Takahashi, H. et al., Heterocycles , 2002, 56, 2-Aminoacetophenone, 8CI A-214

245-256 (Americanol A, synth) O
Waibel, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 2003, 62, 805-
811 (isol, pmr, cmr, struct) O O 2-Amino-1-phenylethanone, 9CI. Phenacy-
N lamine. Phenomydrol. Benzoylmethylamine
Americanin B A-208 O C8H9NO 135.165
[77053-44-2] Component of tortilla aroma and of other
NH corn flour products. Aroma threshold 0.2
ppb in H2O.
C31H39N5O4 545.68 -Exp. reprod. effects. AM5775000
OHC O Alkaloid from the root bark of Ceanothus [25384-14-9]
OH americanus (New Jersey tea). Mp 135.5-
O Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
1378. [a]20
D -198 (c, 0.51 in MeOH). 2, 46D (ir)
OH Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
N-Me: [70403-89-3] 5-b-Indolylmethyl-8N-
(N,N-dimethylvalyl)-9-isopropylphency- Spectra , 1992, 2, 867A (nmr)
C27H24O9 492.481 Tiffeneau, M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1931,
Constit. of the seeds of Phytolacca amer- 49, 1761 (rev)
C32H41N5O4 559.707
icana (pokeberry). Mp 258-2608. [a]17
D Stalham, F.S. et al., J.C.S. , 1951, 213 (synth)
Mp 2338 (2298). Bellamy, L.J. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1972,
+1.7 (c, 0.3 in Py).
Klein, F.K. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1968, 90, 2398 (isol, 28, 1869 (ir)
9-Alcohol: [362606-64-2] Artabotrycinol. uv, ir, pmr, ms, struct) Yamaguchi, K. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
Isoamericanol B Lagarias, J.C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1979, 42, 220; 1979, 27, 847 (isol)
C27H26O9 494.497 663 (deriv) Abdalla, G.M. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1987, 24,
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 194-1968. [a]20 D -7
297 (synth, ir, pmr)
(c, 0.03 in MeOH). lmax 236 (sh) ; 282 Yamagama, C. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1989, 42,
(MeOH). Amino (methoxysulfinyl) pen- A-212 463 (N-15 nmr)
tasulfide, 9CI Baumstark, A.L. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1989,
Woo, W.S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1980, 21, 4255-4258 767 (O-17 nmr)
Yu, J.-G. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 2001, 36, 281- [198898-37-2] Buttery, R.G. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1994,
286 (isol, pmr, cmr, Artabotrycinol) Methyl 5-aminopentasulfide 1-sulfinate 42, 1-2 (occur, anal)
H2N/  S/  S/  S/  S/  S/  S(O)/  OMe Shure, K.B. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1994,
42, 350 (isol)
CH5NO2S6 255.452
Americanin D A-209 Constit. of Moringa oleifera (horseradish
[77053-45-3] tree).
Faizi, S. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1997, 60, 1317- 2-Amino-4-(aminooxy)buta- A-215
CH 2OH 1321 (isol, ms)
OHC OH noic acid, 8CI
O-Aminohomoserine, 9CI. Canaline
OH 2?-Aminoacetophenone, 8CI A-213
OH [551-93-9]
1-(2-Aminophenyl)ethanone, 9CI. FEMA
C18H16O6 328.321 3906 H 2N C H
Constit. of Phytolacca americana (poke- (S)-form
CH 2 CH 2 ONH 2
berry). Cryst. Mp 197-2008. COCH 3
[106622-79-1] 1′ NH 2 C4H10N2O3 134.135
6′ 2′
5′ 3′ (S )-form [496-93-5]
Woo, W.S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1980, 21, 4255 (isol, 4′
pmr, cmr) L-form
Present in Canavalia ensiformis (Jack-
C8H9NO 135.165 bean). Needles (EtOH). Mp 2148 dec.
Flavour compd. in stale dried milk. [a]21
Americanol A-210 D -8.31.
Responsible for the foxy odour of Con-
cord grape (Vitis lambrusca ). Flavour Hydrochloride (1:2):
ingredient. Cryst. with grape-like odour. Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 1668 dec.
Mp 208. Bp 250-2528 slight dec. Bp12 1308. Picrate:
O OH Steam-volatile. Mp 192-1938 dec.
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Dibenzoyl:
HOH 2C O CH 2OH 2, 47C (ir) Mp 998 dec.
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR (/9)-form [15985-61-2]
Spectra , 1992, 2, 868C (nmr) Cryst. (Me2CO/EtOH/H2O). Mp 1958
C18H18O6 330.337 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , dec. pKa3 9.2 (258).
Constit. of Phytolacca americana (poke- 1989, 3, 1262D (ir)
berry). Cryst. (EtOAc/Me2CO). Mp 125- Simpson, J.C.E. et al., J.C.S. , 1945, 646 (synth,
Me ester:
1288. bibl) C5H12N2O3 148.161
Leonard, N.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1946, 11, 405 Mp 1658 dec. (as hydrochloride).
Fukuyama, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1992,
(synth) Gilon, C. et al., Tetrahedron , 1967, 23, 4441
40, 252 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Parks, O.W. et al., Nature (London) , 1964, 202, (synth)
185 (isol) Rahiala, E.-L. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1973,
Kozlov, N.S. et al., CA , 1969, 71, 12833 (synth) 27, 3861 (synth)
Americine A-211 Arnold, R.G. et al., J. Dairy Sci. , 1969, 52, 1097 Williamson, J.D. et al., Life Sci. , 1974, 14, 2481
[18867-84-0] (occur) (isol)
East Ger. Pat. , 1971, 82 135; CA , 76, 99347 Rosenthal, G.A. et al., Life Sci. , 1978, 23, 93
N-[7-(1H-Indol-3-ylmethyl)-3-(1-methy- (synth) (rev)
lethyl)-5,8-dioxo-2-oxa-6,9-diazabicy- Blum, M.S. et al., Experientia , 1981, 37, 816 Ozinskas, A.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1986, 51, 5047
clo[10.2.2]hexadeca-10,12,14,15-tetraen- (isol) (synth)
4-yl]-3-methyl-2-(methylamino)butana- Shure, K.B. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1994, Barlos, K. et al., Annalen , 1986, 287
mide, 9CI 42, 350-353 (occur)

2-Amino-3-(4-aminophenyl)propanoic acid 
/ 4-Aminobenzoic acid, 9CI A-216 / A-218

2-Amino-3-(4-aminophenyl)- A-216 -LD50 (mus, orl) 1400 mg/kg. Exp. reprod. Acetaldehyde scavenger for polyethylene
propanoic acid effects. CB2450000 beverage bottles. Leaflets. Mp 109-
a,4-Diaminobenzenepropanoic acid. 4- b-D-Glucopyranosyl ester:b-D-Glucopyra- 111.58 dec.
Aminophenylalanine, 9CI nosyl anthranilate -CU8993000
C13H17NO7 299.28 N-(Carboxyacetyl): [53947-84-5] 2-
COOH Constit. of the fruit of piñuela Bromelia [(Carboxyacetyl)amino]benzoic acid,
plumieri . 9CI. 2-(Malonylamino)benzoic acid
H 2N C H Me ester: [134-20-3] Methyl 2-amino- C10H9NO5 223.185
(S)-form Isol. from the leaves of the peanut
benzoate. FEMA 2682
CH 2 NH 2 C8H9NO2 151.165 (Arachis hypogaea ). Cryst. (Me2CO/
Found in essential oils, including ber- hexane). Mp 190-1928.
C9H12N2O2 180.206 gamot, orange peel, lemon peel, jas- N-Me, 2-methylpropyl ester: [65505-24-0]
mine, ylang-ylang and neroli. Also Isobutyl N-methylanthranilate
(R )-form [102281-45-8] present in concord grape, strawberry, C12H17NO2 207.272
star fruit, wines, cocoa, black tea and Possible flavour ingredient; reported in
Mp 245-2488 Mp 268-2708. [a]20 D +37 (c, rice bran. Flavouring agent. Cryst. Mp food additive surveys.
2 in H2O). 24-258. Bp15 133.58. pKa 2.32 (258, 1% N-Et, Et ester: [38446-21-8] Ethyl N-
Me ester: EtOH aq.). Steam-volatile. ethylanthranilate
C10H14N2O2 194.233 -Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 2910 mg/kg. C11H15NO2 193.245
[a]D -5.9 (c, 2.02 in H2O). Hygroscopic. Exp. reprod. effects. CB3325000 Possibly used as a flavouring agent;
N2,N4?-Di-Ac, Me ester: Et ester: [87-25-2] Ethyl 2-aminobenzoate. listed in the FDA inventory of sub-
C14H18N2O4 278.307 FEMA 2421 stances added to food.
Yellow powder. [a]D -40.1 (c, 0.85 in C9H11NO2 165.191 [552-37-4, 99196-74-4, 99196-75-5, 99197-00-9,
MeOH). Flavouring ingredient. Present in orange 117808-63-6]
(S )-form [943-80-6] L-form juice, orange peel and concord grape.
Constit. of the famine food Vigna Liq. with faint orange-flower odour and Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
2, 189A; 301D; 302A; 368D (ir)
vexillata . Needles (H2O). Mp 260-2648 flavour. d20
4 1.12. Mp 138. Bp 266-2688
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
dec. [a]23 23
D +1 (c, 0.3 in H2O). [a]580 +28 Bp15 145-1478. Spectra , 1992, 2, 1066B; 1262B; 1262C;
(c, 0.3 in 1N HCl). -DG2448000 1390C (nmr)
N2,N4?,N4?-Tri-Me:3-(4-Dimethylamino- 2-Methylpropyl ester: [7779-77-3] 2- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
phenyl)-2-methylaminopropanoic acid. Methylpropyl 2-aminobenzoate. Isobutyl 1989, 3, 1371A; 1371B (ir)
p-Dimethylamino-N-methylphenylala- anthranilate. FEMA 2182 Bredt, J. et al., Ber. , 1900, 33, 29 (2-
nine C11H15NO2 193.245 methylpropyl ester)
Smith, P.A.S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1954, 76, 431
C12H18N2O2 222.286 Used in food flavouring. Liq. d 1.06. Bp (synth)
Needles + 1=2H2O (EtOH aq.). Mp 2088. 2708 Bp13.5 169-1708. Adv. Chem. Ser. , 1955, 15, 513; 514 (props, Me
D +22.6 (c, 0.5 in 1M HCl). [a]D -3.2 2-Propenyl ester: [7493-63-2] 2-Propenyl 2- ester, Et ester)
(c, 1.076 in H2O). aminobenzoate. Allyl anthranilate. Forbes, W.F. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1958, 36,
(/9)-form [2922-41-0] FEMA 2020 1371 (uv)
Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 2488. C10H11NO2 177.202 Staiger, R.P. et al., J.O.C. , 1959, 24, 1214-1219
(2-naphthyl ester)
N2,N4?,N4?-Tri-Me: Flavour ingredient. Bp2 1058. Evans, H.B. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1968, 72,
Needles. Mp 2148. Butyl ester: [7756-96-9] Butyl 2-amino- 2552 (pmr)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, benzoate. FEMA 2181 Dhaneshwar, N.N. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1972,
2, 257D (ir) C11H15NO2 193.245 28, 647 (cryst struct)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Used in fruit food flavouring. d 1.07. Bp Kimura, Y. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1974, 38,
Spectra , 1992, 2, 1192A (nmr) 1507 (2-malonylaminobenzoic acid)
Pedrazzali, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1957, 40, Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
80 (synth, resoln) (Z)-3-Hexenyl ester: [65405-76-7] cis-3- 1974, 12, 935 (rev, tox, Me ester)
Eastwood, F.W. et al., J.C.S. , 1960, 2286 Hexenyl 2-aminobenzoate. FEMA 3925 Errede, L.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 1763
Georges, J. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1965, C13H17NO2 219.283 (synth)
2252 Flavouring ingredient for baked goods IARC Monog. , 1978, 16, 265; Suppl. 7, 57 (rev,
Dardenne, G.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, 11, and candies. Bp5 1608. tox)
2567 Parada, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 42, 871
Patel, V.F. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1999, 42, 2588- Cyclohexyl ester: [7779-16-0] Cyclohexyl 2- (glucosyl ester)
2603 (R-form, Me ester, di-Ac, Me ester di-Ac, aminobenzoate. Cyclohexyl anthranilate. Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
synth, pmr, ir, cmr) FEMA 2350 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 80; 751;
C13H17NO2 219.283 949; 981-982; 1445; 1456; 1717; 2156-2157
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with a (esters)
2-Aminobenzoic acid, 9CI A-217 sweet, fruity taste. d15.5 1.02. Bp 3188. Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
[118-92-3] edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
2-Phenylethyl ester: [133-18-6] 2-Pheny- 38-39; 186-187; 365; 518-519; 760; 868-869;
lethyl 2-aminobenzoate. Phenethyl an- 1071-1072; 1278-1279; 1439 (esters, use)
Anthranilic acid, 8CI. Vitamin L1 thranilate. FEMA 2859 Osvath, R. et al., Food Chem. News , 2001,
C15H15NO2 241.289 43(26), 30 (amide, use)
Flavouring ingredient. Cryst. Mp 428.
COOH Bp 3248. 4-Aminobenzoic acid, 9CI A-218
NH2 2-Naphthyl ester: [63449-68-3] 2-Naphtha- [150-13-0]
6 1 2 lenol 2-aminobenzoate. b-Naphthyl an-
5 3 [1321-11-5]
4 thranilate. FEMA 2767
C17H13NO2 263.295 Vitamin H?. Aminobenzoic acid, USAN.
Flavouring ingredient for beverages, PABA
C7H7NO2 137.138
baked goods and candies. Mp 1188. Bp
Leaflets. Sol. hot H2O, EtOH, Et2O. Mp C7H7NO2 137.138
144-1488. pKa1 1.97; pKa2 4.79 (258). pKa1 Listed in the EAFUS Food Additive
2.17; pKa2 4.85 (258, 0.1M KCl). Sublimes, Amide: [88-68-6] 2-Aminobenzamide. An- Database (Jan. 2001) but with no reported
triboluminescent lmax 218 (e 20200); 248 thranilamide use. Prisms. Sol. H2O, alkalis, EtOH,
(e 7000); 335 (e 4700) (MeOH) (Berdy). C7H8N2O 136.153 Et2O, C6H6. Mp 188-188.58. pKa1 2.5;

2-Aminobutanoic acid, 9CI / (4-Aminobutyl)guanidine, 9CI A-219  / A-221

pKa2 4.87 (258). Log P 0.98 (calc). (H2O). Ronwin, E. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1968, 46, 3013
Discolours to orange on exp. to air and (/9)-form [2835-81-6] (ir)
light. Mp 3048 (3078 in sealed tube). Akimoto, T. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1972, 28, 3106
(cryst struct)
-Can cause contact and photocontact Hydrochloride: [40522-79-0] Harada, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1973,
allergic dermatitis from topical use. LD50 Cryst.(EtOH aq.). Mp 179-1808 46, 191; 1865 (synth)
(rbt, orl) 1830 mg/kg. Exp. reprod. effects. (>2308). Ogawa, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1976, 40,
DG1400000 Me ester: [2483-62-7] 1661 (occur)
Glowiak, T. et al., Bull. Acad. Pol. Sci., Ser. Sci.
[138-84-1, 515-74-2, 555-06-6, 577-48-0, 64059- Mp 1398 (as hydrochloride). Chim. , 1978, 26, 43 (cryst struct)
66-1, 75106-10-4] Et ester: Cooper, A.J.L. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1979, 254,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, C6H13NO2 131.174 2748 (synth)
2, 198C; 199A; 199C; 303A; 361B; 382D; Oil. Bp11 61-628 (Bp16 588). Compagnone, R.S. et al., J.O.C. , 1986, 51, 1713
450D (ir) (synth, pmr)
Et ester; hydrochloride:
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Chenault, H.K. et al., J.O.C. , 1987, 52, 2608
Spectra , 1992, 2, 1085B; 1086A; 1086C;
Mp 148-1508. (resoln, pmr)
1264A; 1264B; 1371C; 1395C; 1413A; 1521B; Amide: Stirling, I.R. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1997, 677-
1524A (nmr) C4H10N2O 102.136 680 (synth)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Prisms. Mp 74-758.
1989, 3, 1372A; 1372B (ir)
Registry of Mass Spectral Data , Wiley-
Nitrile: [40651-89-6] 2-Aminobutanenitrile. 3-Aminobutanoic acid, 9CI A-220
Interscience, 290 (ms) 2-Cyanopropylamine
Sadtler Standard C-13 NMR Spectra , 3466; C4H8N2 84.121
6429 (cmr) Mp 144-1458 (as hydrochloride). [28805-76-7]
Sadtler Standard Ultraviolet Spectra , 15745; N-Formyl: [82413-57-8] b-Homoalanine
16313 (uv)
Needles (EtOH). Mp 1538.
Kremer, C.B. et al., J. Chem. Educ. , 1956, 33,
71-72 (synth) N-Benzoyl: [5468-52-0] CH2COOH
IARC Monog. , 1978, 16, 249; Suppl . 7, 56 (rev, C11H13NO3 207.229
tox) Mp 145-1468. H C NH2 (R)-form
Dewick, P.M. et al., Nat. Prod. Rep. , 1993, 10,
N-Me: [70606-05-2] 2-(Methylamino)bu- CH3
233-263 (biosynth)
tanoic acid
C5H11NO2 117.147 C4H9NO2 103.121
2-Aminobutanoic acid, 9CI A-219 Prisms + 1H2O. V. sol. H2O; insol. Prod. by Oryza sativa (rice).
[80-60-4] Et2O. Mp 2488 subl. Sweet taste.
(R )-form [3775-73-3]
N-Me; hydrochloride: Prisms (MeOH). Mp 218-2198. [a]23
D -39
[28805-76-7] Mp 1508 dec. (c, 0.4 in H2O) (op).
a-Aminobutyric acid. Butyrine. Quadrin
N-Me, Me ester: (S )-form [3775-72-2]
C6H13NO2 131.174 Prisms (MeOH). Mp 2158 (2208 dec.).
COOH Bp30 64.58. [a]20
D +35.3 (H2O).

H C NH2 (R)-form N-Di-Me:2-(Dimethylamino)butanoic acid Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
C6H13NO2 131.174 1, 577B (ir)
CH2CH3 Hygroscopic needles. Sol. H2O. Mp Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
1798. Spectra , 1992, 1, 877B (nmr)
Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra , 3, 4C (pmr)
C4H9NO2 103.121 N-Ph: [67832-70-6] 2-Anilinobutanoic acid Skita, A. et al., Annalen , 1927, 453, 206 (synth)
(R )-form [2623-91-8] C10H13NO2 179.218 Furukawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1977,
D-form Cryst. (MeOH/CHCl3). Mp 1418. 25, 1319-1325; 1978, 26, 260-263 (synth)
Constit. of seedlings of Glycine max N-Ph, Et ester: [73717-57-4] Griesbeck, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1987, 70,
1326-1332 (synth)
(soybean), Dolichos lablab (hyacinth C12H17NO2 207.272 Gmeiner, P. et al., Annalen , 1991, 501-502
bean), Canavalia gladiata (swordbean), Mp 268. Bp 2788. (synth)
Arachis hypogaea (peanut), Pisum sati- N-Ph, amide: Bringmann, G. et al., Synthesis, 1991, 829-831
vum (pea), Phaseolus vulgaris (kidney C10H14N2O 178.233 (synth, ir, pmr)
bean) and Vigna sesquipedalis (aspara- Mp 1238. Davies, S.G. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1995, 1109-
gus bean) after hydrol.. Leaflets (EtOH 1110 (synth)
N-Ph, nitrile: [85599-84-4]
aq.). Mp 2928 dec. [a]20
D -7.86 (H2O)
Cimarelli, C. et al., Synth. Commun. , 2001, 31,
C10H12N2 160.218 2943-2953 (R-form, synth, ir, pmr, cmr)
(5M HCl). Needles. Mp 398. Agami, C. et al., Tetrahedron , 2001, 57, 195-200
Hydrochloride: [67607-42-5] N-(2,4-Dinitrophenyl): [31356-29-3] (S-form, synth)
D +14.1.
Mp 1438.
Me ester: [74645-03-7]
C5H11NO2 117.147 [4470-69-3, 5959-30-8, 6367-34-6, 7324-11-0, (4-Aminobutyl)guanidine, 9CI A-221
7682-18-0, 7682-20-4, 15399-11-8, 15399-22-1, [306-60-5]
Bp15 628. [a]25
D -19.44 (neat). 21685-47-2, 22621-37-0, 26815-92-9, 39540-29-9,
Me ester; hydrochoride: [85774-09-0] 4-Guanidinobutylamine. 1-Amino-4-guani-
40916-98-1, 53726-14-0, 55410-21-4, 56545-22-3,
Cryst. (MeOH/Et2O). Mp 1508. 67942-91-0, 73689-74-4, 87068-75-5, 91462-82-7, dinobutane. Agmatine
N-Formyl: 93554-80-4, 103765-03-3, 104652-77-9] HN/ . 6C(NH2)NH(CH2)3CH2NH2
C5H9NO3 131.131 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, C5H14N4 130.192
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 1268. [a]20 D +27.98
1, 572C; 572D; 573A (ir) Mp 101.5-1038.
(H2O). Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Spectra , 1992, 1, 871B; 871C; 872A (nmr) Sulfate: [2482-00-0]
(S )-form [1492-24-6] L-form Cryst. Mp 2298 (224-2258).
Greenstein, J.P. et al., Chemistry of the Amino
Leaflets (EtOH aq.). Mp 2928 dec. (3038 Acids , Wiley, N.Y., 1961, 3, 2381 N1-(4-Hydroxy-E-cinnamoyl): [7295-86-5]
in sealed tube). [a]20
D +8 (H2O) (5M Junk, J.G. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1963, 85, 839 (ms) N1-trans-p-Coumaroylagmatine. 4-Hy-
HCl). Pachler, K.G.R. et al., Spectrochim. Acta , 1963, droxycinnamoylagmatine
Hydrochloride: [5959-29-5] 19, 2085 (pmr)
C14H20N4O2 276.338
Needles. [a]20 Legrand, M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1965,
D -14. Isol. from barley seedlings. Sol. H2O.
679 (cd)
N-Formyl: Mp 215-2178 (as picrate). lmax 229 (e
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 1268. [a]20 D -27.74 33100); 300 (e 26300) (H2O) (Berdy).

(4-Aminobutyl)urea, 8CI / a-Amino-6-carboxy-2-oxo-3-... A-222  / A-227

N1-(4-Hydroxy-Z-cinnamoyl):N1-cis-p- Mp 164-1658. Yamanoi, K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1988, 29, 1181

Coumaroylagmatine Linneweh, F. et al., Hoppe Seyler’s Z. Physiol. (synth, biochem)
C14H20N4O2 276.338 Chem. , 1932, 205, 126; CA , 26, 3276 (synth) Stammer, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1990, 46, 2231
Syrup or powder. lmax 278 (e 2000) Smith, T.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1964, 3, 23
Starratt, A.N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40,
(H2O). (occur, synth)
Crocomo, O.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1970, 9, 479 (isol, bibl)
N1-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-E-cinna- 1487 (occur) Sagnard, I. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1995, 36, 3149
moyl):N1-trans-Feruloylagmatine (synth)
C15H22N4O3 306.364
Isol. from Triticum aestivum (wheat) 2-Amino-a-carboline A-223
4-(2-Amino-2-carboxyethyl)- A-225
exposed to low temps.. [26148-68-5]
9H-Pyrido[2,3-b]indol-2-amine. 3-Amino-
1H -pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid
N1-(3,4-Dimethoxycinnamoyl):N1-(3,4- 3-(2-Carboxy-4-pyrrolyl)alanine. 2-Ami-
Dimethoxycinnamoyl)agmatine 3-carboline (obsol.)
no-3-(2-carboxy-4-pyrrolyl)propanoic acid
C16H24N4O3 320.391
N6-Me: [77414-15-4] N-(4-Aminobutyl)- 6 5 4
N?-methylguanidine. N6-Methylagmatine 7 2
9 1
C6H16N4 144.219 8
N NH 2 H 2N C H
Isol. from soybean and alfalfa.
N6-(3-Methyl-2-butenyl):N6-(3-Methyl-2- H CH 2
butenyl)agmatine. N6-Prenylagmatine C11H9N3 183.212
C10H22N4 198.311 Found in cooked foods as pyrol. prod. of HOOC
N6-(3-Methyl-2-butenyl), Nj-(3,4- tryptophan. Cryst. (CHCl3/hexane or N
dimethoxycinnamoyl): See EtOH). Mp 202-2038.
Caracasanamide in The Combined -Exp. carcinogen and mutagen.
Chemical Dictionary. C8H10N2O4 198.178
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, (S )-form [137309-97-8]
N2-Me: [26148-70-9] L-form
1, 821B (ir)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR C12H11N3 197.239 Mp 200-2028 dec.
Spectra , 1992, 1, 1330A (nmr) Cryst. (C6H6/petrol). Mp 156-1578. (/9)-form
Kossel, A. et al., Hoppe Seyler’s Z. Physiol. Stephenson, L. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1970, 1355 Mp 200-2028 dec.
Chem. , 1910, 66, 257; 68, 170 (isol, struct, (synth)
Yamano, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1992, 48, 1457
synth) Yoshida, D. et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. (isol, synth, struct)
Heyl, F.W. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1919, 41, 681 (isol) Commun. , 1978, 83, 915 (cryst struct, tox)
Stoessl, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1965, 4, 973 Matsumoto, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1979,
(isol, uv, struct, synth, N-coumaroyl) 43, 675 (synth) a-Amino-4-carboxy-3-furan- A-226
Boldt, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1971, 10, 731 Yoshida, D. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1979, 43,
(biosynth) 1769
propanoic acid, 9CI
Smith, T.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, Hibino, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1991, 39, 3-(3-Carboxy-4-furanyl)alanine
1093 (occur, N-coumaroyl) 79 (synth, pmr)
Kowabata, T. et al., CA , 1979, 89, 178349 (isol) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of COOH
Bird, C.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20, 2345 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
(biosynth, N-coumaroyl) Reinhold , 1992, AJD750 H 2N C H
Chandrasekhar, K. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1982,
38, 2538 (cryst struct)
a-Amino-2-carboxycyclopro- A-224
Cho, Y.B. et al., Anal. Biochem. , 1987, 160, 429
(N6-Methylagmatine) paneacetic acid, 8CI
Matsuzaki, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 2-(Carboxycyclopropyl)glycine. 3,4- O
1313 (N6-Methylagmatine) Methanoglutamic acid
Mitchinson, A. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1994, 2613 C8H9NO5 199.163
COOH (S )-form [54836-90-7]
Ueda, M. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. ,
1998, 62, 2133-2137 (Z-coumaroyl) α Isol. from the unpalatable mushrooms
Reis, D.J. et al., Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. , 1999, 881, H2 N C H Phyllotopsis nidulans and
65-80 (rev, activity) H Tricholomopsis rutilans. Cryst.
Monache, G.D. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem.
2 COOH (Me2CO). Mp 227-2288.
Lett. , 1999, 9, 3249-3254 (Prenylagmatine, (αS,1S,2R)-form Hatanaka, S. et al., Mushroom Sci. , (Publ.
Dimethoxycinnamoylagmatine) H 1976), (Part 1), 1974, 9, 809 (isol)
Jin, S. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. , Doyle, R.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1974, 13,
2000, 64, 1614-1617 (Feruloylagmatine) 2813 (isol, struct)
C6H9NO4 159.141
Fairbanks, C.A. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
U.S.A. , 2000, 97, 10584-10589 (pharmacol) (aS,1S,2R )-form [117857-95-1]
Reis, D.J. et al., Trends Pharmacol. Sci. , 2000, L-cis-form a-Amino-6-carboxy-2-oxo-3- A-227
21, 187-193 (pharmacol, rev) Cryst. (EtOH/Me2CO/H2O). [a]20 D +25 pyridinepropanoic acid
Demady, D.R. et al., Mol. Pharmacol. , 2001, (c, 1 in H2O). [a]D +58 (c, 0.5 in 5M 3-(6-Carboxy-2-oxo-4-pyridinyl)alanine
59, 24-29 (pharmacol) HCl).
(aS,1S,2S )-form [117857-93-9]
L-trans-form. L-CCG-I
(4-Aminobutyl)urea, 8CI A-222 Isol. from seeds of Blighia sapida (akee H 2N C H
[6851-51-0] apple). Cryst. [a]20
D +107 (c, 2 in H2O).
N-Carbamoylputrescine [a]D +146 (c, 1 in 5M HCl). Pharmacol. H 2C
H2NCH2(CH2)3NHCONH2 active isomer.
(aS,1R ,2S )-form [117857-96-2]
C5H13N3O 131.177 O N COOH
Alkaloid from Hordeum vulgare (barley) [22255-17-0, 22255-18-1]
and Sesamum indicum (sesame). Fowden, L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1969, 8, 437 H
(isol, struct, pmr, ms, cryst struct)
Hydrochloride: Fowden, L. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1971, 833 (cd, ord) C9H10N2O5 226.188
Mp 185-1868. Kurokawa, N. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1985, 26, 83 Sol. H2O, MeOH; poorly sol. EtOAc,
Dipicrate: (synth, pmr) hexane. lmax 241 (e 12000); 315 (e 13500)

a-Amino-2-carboxy-5-oxo-1-...  / 3-Aminodihydro-2(3H )-furanone, 9CI, 8CI A-228  / A-234

(H2O) (Berdy). 2-Amino-5-chloro-6-hydroxy- A-231 Wheeler, T.N. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1988, 18,
4-hexenoic acid 141-149 (synth, pmr, cmr)
(S )-form [148001-20-1] Vaidyanathan, G. et al., J.O.C. , 1989, 54, 1810-
D -5.8 (c, 0.13 in H2O). 1815; 1815-1820 (synth, Me ester, N,N-di-
Yamano, K. et al., Heterocycles , 1993, 35, 125 CO OH benzyl, N,N-di-Me, N-Me, N-benzyl, bibl)
(isol, struct) Salaün, J. et al., J.O.C. , 1990, 55, 4276-4281
Yamano, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1993, 49, 2427 H 2N C H (synth, pmr)
(isol) Stammer, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1990, 46, 2231-
CH 2 Cl 2254 (rev)
C C Cativiela, C. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1992, 22,
a-Amino-2-carboxy-5-oxo-1- A-228 2955-2963 (synth)
H CH 2 OH Alami, A. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1993, 130,
pyrrolidinebutanoic acid, 9CI 5-24 (rev)
[115553-99-6] C6H10ClNO3 179.603 Angus, P.M. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1993, 979-
1-(3-Amino-3-carboxypropyl)-5-oxo-2-pyr- (S,Z )-form [108101-63-9] 980 (synth)
rolidinecarboxyic acid. Lp-2 Zhu, X. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1998, 28, 3159-
Sol. H2O; poorly sol. butanol, hexane. 3162 (synth, ir, pmr, ms)
Mp 200-2128 dec. [a]20D -17.9 (c, 0.19 in Pirrung, M.C. et al., Acc. Chem. Res. , 1999, 32,
H2O). lmax (H2O) (Berdy). 711-718 (rev)
O 2 COOH Ohta, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26, 565 Fulop, F. et al., Chem. Rev. , 2001, 101, 2181-
N (isol) 2204 (rev)
NH 2
3′ COOH 2-Amino-2-deoxy-b-D-gluco- A-233
1-Aminocyclopropanecarboxylic acid, pyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-galactopyrano-
C9H14N2O5 230.22 9CI A-232 syl-(1/ 0 4)-D-glucose
(2S,3?S )-form [22059-21-8] 32-Glucosaminyllactose
Amino acid from the basidiomycete
Lactarius piperatus. Amorph. solid. Sol. H 2N COOH CH 2OH CH 2OH CH 2OH
H2O. [a]D -17.5 (c, 0.939 in H2O). O HO O O
Fushiya, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988, 36, O
1366 (isol, ir, pmr, cmr, synth)
C4H7NO2 101.105
1-[(5-Amino-5-carboxypenty- A-229 Biosynth. precursor of Ethylene, E-301 in
plants. Isol. from apple and pear juice and C18H33NO15 503.456
l)amino]-1-deoxyfructose, 9CI
cranberries. Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 229-
[21291-40-7] 2318. N-Ac: [75645-27-1] 2-Acetamido-2-deoxy-
N6-(1-Deoxyfructos-1-yl)lysine. e-Fructo- -GZ1110000 b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-galac-
selysine. e-Deoxyfructosyllysine topyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-D-glucose. 32-b-N-
N-Malonyl: [80550-27-2] 1-(Malonylami-
Acetylglucosaminyllactose. Lacto-N-
no)cyclopropanecarboxylic acid. MACC
C7H9NO5 187.152
C20H35NO16 545.494
H 2N C H Constit. of numerous plant spp. includ-
HO Isol. from the partial acid hydrolysates
ing wheat, tomato and sweet corn. Mp
CH2NHCH2CH2CH2CH2 of the tetra and higher saccharides obt.
HO from human milk; does not occur free in
N-(L-g-Glutamyl): [171437-78-8] 1-(g- milk. Mp 201-2028. [a]D +40.7 (in H2O).
C12H24N2O7 308.331 N-Ac, phenylosazone:
Amadori rearrangement prod. found in Mp 2308.
C9H14N2O5 230.22
heated milk and other foodstuffs. Isol. from tomato fruit (Lycopersicon [24741-60-4]
Acetate salt: [23931-62-6] esculentum ). Kuhn, R. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1958, 91, 364; 1960,
Mp 53-558. [72784-48-6] 93, 647; 1962, 95, 513; 518 (isol)
Finot, P.A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1969, 52, Okuyama, T. et al., CA , 1961, 55, 18817; 1962,
1488-1495 (synth) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 57, 8880 (isol)
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2469; 2470-2478 Berlinguet, L. et al., Nature (London) , 1962, (synth)
194, 1082-1083 (activity)
Bregovec, I. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1972, 103,
288-291 (synth) 3-Aminodihydro-2(3H )-fura- A-234
2-Amino-5-chloro-5-hexenoic A-230 Kollonitsch, J. et al., J.O.C. , 1979, 44, 771-777 none, 9CI, 8CI
acid (synth)
Ger. Pat. , 1982, 3 122 240; CA , 98, 88868w
[66157-56-0] (synth) 2-Amino-4-butanolide. 2-Amino-4-hydroxy-
Baldwin, J.E. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1985, 206- butanoic acid lactone. Homoserine lactone.
COOH 207 (props) a-Amino-g-butyrolactone
Schöllkopf, U. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. ,
H2N C H (S)-form 1986, 25, 754-755 (synth)
N H2
Cl Isogai, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1986, 59,
CH2CH2C 2839-2842 (synth, pmr, ir)
CH2 Yang, S.F. et al., Conjugated Plant Horm.: Proc. (S)-form
Int. Symp., 1986 (1987) , 1986, 92-101 (rev) O O
C6H10ClNO2 163.603 Amrhein, N. et al., Conjugated Plant Horm.:
Proc. Int. Symp., 1986 (1987) , 1986, 102-110 C4H7NO2 101.105
(S )-form (rev)
Japan. Pat. , 1977, 77 148 019; CA , 88, 149206w Wiesendanger, R. et al., Experientia , 1986, 42, (S )-form [2185-02-6]
(isol, ir) 207-209 (biosynth) L-form
Hatanaka, S.-I. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49, Strazewski, P. et al., Synthesis , 1987, 298-299 Constit. of pea Pisum sativum seedlings.
573-578 (isol, synth, pmr, ms) (synth, pmr, cmr, ms) May be an artifact but most recent work

5-Amino-2,3-dihydro-6-(3-hydroxy-... / 2-Amino-3,4-dihydroxybutanoic acid A-235  / A-238

indicates that it is prob. a genuine nat. CHCl3, EtOAc. [a]23D -69.5 (c, 0.52 in Bandyopadhyay, C. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
prod.. H2O) (as Na salt). lmax 253 (E1%/1cm 1990, 38, 1696-1699 (N-Et amide)
380) (H2O) (Berdy). lmax 259 (E1%/1cm Dimberg, L.H. et al., Cereal Chem. , 1993, 70,
N-(3-Hydroxy-7-tetradecenoyl)(3R,7Z-): 637-641 (Avenanthramide 2)
[172617-17-3] Small bacteriocin 421) (HCl) (Berdy). Alvi, K.A. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1997, 50, 264-266
C18H31NO4 325.447 N2-b-D-Glucosyl: [29790-46-3] (isol)
Bacteriocin. Prod. by Rhizobium legu- C12H18N2O9 334.282 Hu, W.-P. et al., J.O.C. , 2001, 66, 2881-2883 (4-
minosarum . Isol. from Pisum sativum (peas). Cryst. benzyl-5-Me ether, pmr, cmr)
[2185-03-7, 51744-82-2] (MeOH/propanol). Mp 1828 dec.
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, [130620-29-0, 130621-41-9, 130621-42-0,
1, 700C (ir) 130621-61-3]
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Lambein, F. et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res.
2-Amino-3,4-dihydroxybuta- A-238
Spectra , 1992, 1, 1139C (nmr) Commun. , 1970, 40, 557; 1974, 61, 155 (isol, noic acid
Weiss, S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1951, 73, 2497 struct, uv, pmr, ir) [104111-37-7]
Saarivirta, M. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1965, Murakoshi, I. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14, 4-Hydroxythreonine
19, 1008 (isol) 1515 (biosynth)
Jošt, K. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. , 1967, Iwama, T. et al., Eur. J. Pharmacol. , 1991, 197,
32, 2365 (synth) 187 (props) COOH
Natelson, S. et al., Microchem. J. , 1982, 27, 466 Tsubotani, S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1991, 47, 2
(occur) 8079-8090 (synth, cryst struct) H C NH2
Japan. Pat. , 1983, 83 096 079; CA , 99, 174212 Hakoda, S. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1992, 45, 854 3
(isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, deriv) (isol) HO C H (2R,3R)-form
McGarvey, G.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1986, 108, 4943
(synth, pmr, ir)
Buchardt, O. et al., Synthesis , 1993, 1065 (pmr)
Shiraiwa, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1996, C4H9NO4 135.119
2-Amino-4,5-dihydroxyben- A-237
44, 2322-2325 (resoln) The stereoisomers can be named as 4-
Schripsema, J. et al., J. Bacteriol. , 1996, 178, zoic acid
hydroxythreonines or 4-
366-371 (3-hydroxytetradecenoyl) [114874-99-6] hydroxyallothreonines, but a change of
6-Aminoprotocatechuic acid. 4,5-Dihy- Cahn-Ingold-Prelog priorities can lead
droxyanthranilic acid to confusion.
5-Amino-2,3-dihydro-6-(3-hy- A-235
droxy-4-methoxy-1-oxobutyl)-2,2-di- (2R ,3R )-form [21768-44-5]
methyl-4H -1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI COOH (+)-threo-form
Isol. from the mushroom Lyophyllum
[130767-47-4] NH2
ulmarium . Mp 214-2158 (1948). [a]23D
5-Amino-2,3-dihydro-6-(3-hydroxy-4-meth- +13.6 (c, 4.8 in H2O).
none HO Lactone: [21768-48-9]
OH C4H7NO3 117.104
Cryst. (as hydrochloride). Mp 176.58
OH O O (hydrochloride). [a]23
D -56.6 (c, 1.5 in
NH 2 C7H7NO4 169.137
MeO H2O).
N-Et, amide: [127793-87-7] 2-(Ethylami- 4-Et ether: [98644-37-2] 2-Amino-4-ethoxy-
no)-4,5-dihydroxybenzamide, 9CI 3-hydroxybutanoic acid
O C9H12N2O3 196.205 C6H13NO4 163.173
Alkaloid from Piper nigrum (pepper). Isol. from the mushroom Lyophyllum
C16H21NO5 307.346 4-Me ether, N-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-E- ulmarium .
Isol. from rice cultures of Fusarium cinnamoyl): [154992-25-3] Avenanthra- (2R ,3S )-form [21768-46-7]
equiseti . mide 2 (-)-erythro-form
Xie, W. et al., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. , 1990, C18H17NO7 359.335 Mp 194-1958 dec. [a]23 D +11.3 (c, 1.5 in
56, 2946 (isol, pmr, ms) Constit. of Avena sativa (oat). H2O).
Di-Me ether: [5653-40-7] 2-Amino-4,5-di- Lactone:
a-Amino-2,5-dihydro-5-oxo-4- A-236
methoxybenzoic acid. 6-Aminoveratric Mp 1768 dec. (as hydrochloride). [a]23 D
acid +55.6 (c, 1.5 in H2O).
isoxazolepropanoic acid, 9CI C9H11NO4 197.19 (2S,3S )-form [21768-43-4] (-)-threo-form
a-Amino-5-oxo-3-isoxazoline-4-propionic Needles (EtOAc). Mp 1868. Needles (EtOH aq.). Sol. EtOH; fairly
acid, 8CI. 3-(Isoxazolin-5-on-4-yl)alanine.
Di-Me ether, Me ester: [26759-46-6] sol. H2O; poorly sol. butanol, hexane.
4-Alanyl-3-isovalin-5-one. TAN 950A.
C10H13NO4 211.217 Mp 2108 dec. (194-1958). [a]25
D -13.3 (c, 1
Antibiotic TAN 950A
Plates (C6H6). Mp 1338. in H2O). lmax (H2O) (Berdy).
Di-Me ether, nitrile: [26961-27-3] 2-Cyano- Lactone:
COOH 4,5-dimethoxyaniline Mp 173-1748 dec. (as hydrochloride).
H2 N C H C9H10N2O2 178.19 [a]23
D -26.2 (c, 1 in H2O).
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 99-1008. Niemann, C. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1942, 143,
CH2 4-Benzyl ether, 5-Me ether: 191 (synth)
C15H15NO4 273.288 Hamel, E.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1953, 75, 1362
NH Yellow solid. Mp 159-1618. Okawa, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1969,
O Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, 42, 2720 (resoln)
2, 233A (ir) Westley, J.W. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1971, 24, 330-
C6H8N2O4 172.14 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 331 (isol)
Exists in tautomeric equilibrium with Spectra , 1992, 2, 1150B; 1541A (nmr) Katz, E. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1974, 27, 952
Antibiotic TAN 950B.lmax 253 (e 8060) Fetscher, C.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1939, 4, 71 (synth) Ogawa, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23, 684-
McKee, R.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1946, 68, 1902 686; 1985, 24, 1837-1838 (isol)
(H2O) (Derep). (nitrile, synth) Pirrung, M.C. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. ,
(S )-form [127607-88-9] Wilson, C.V. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1948, 70, 1901 1993, 3, 2095-2098 (synth, abs config)
L-form (nitrile, synth) Cativiela, C. et al., Tetrahedron , 1996, 52, 9563-
Powder + 1H2O (as Na salt). Sol. H2O, Carpenter, P.D. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1979, 103 9574 (synth)
DMSO, DMF; poorly sol. Me2CO, (Me ester, synth, pmr)

2-Amino-3,4-dihydroxypentanedioic acid 
/ 2-Amino-4,6-dimethylpyrimidine A-239 
/ A-245

2-Amino-3,4-dihydroxypenta- A-239 Bartholini, G. et al., Pharmacol. Ther., Part B , C11H11N5 213.241

nedioic acid 1975, 1, 407 (rev, pharmacol) Food-related mutagen isol. from cooked
Gomez, R. et al., Anal. Profiles Drug Subst. , meats (esp. grilled/barbecued). Cryst. (Py).
3,4-Dihydroxyglutamic acid 1976, 5, 189 (rev)
HOOCCH(OH)CH(OH)CH(NH2)COOH Dardenne, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16,
Mp 295-3008 (sealed tube).
C5H9NO6 179.129 1822 (deriv) -Highly mutagenic. Exp. carcinogenic data.
Isol. from Lepidium sativum (garden cress) Danishevsky, S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1981, 37, NJ5925500
and Rheum rhaponticum (rhubarb). The 4081 (synth) Kasai, H. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1981, 675 (synth)
(2S,3S,4R )- and (2S,3S,4S )-stereoi- Nutt, J.G. et al., Clin. Neuropharmacol. , 1984, IARC Monog. , 1986, 40, 283; Suppl . 7, 65 (rev,
7, 35 (rev, metab) tox)
somers have been synthesised, but the abs.
Knapp, S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1989, 45, 1293
config. of the natural product is currently
(2001) unknown. 2-Amino-1,6-dimethyl- A-241 Grivas, S. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1993, 43,
Virtanen, A.I. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1957, furo[3,2-e ]imidazo[4,5-b ]pyridine 521 (synth, pmr, ms)
11, 182 (isol) [132898-08-9] Knize, M.G. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1998,
Mueller, A.L. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1965, 1,6-Dimethyl-1H-furo[2,3-b]imidazo[4,5- 46, 4648-4651 (hplc)
19, 1987 (isol) e]pyridin-2-amine, 9CI De Meester, C. et al., Z. Lebensm.-Unters. -
Dauban, P. et al., Tetrahedron , 1999, 55, 7589- Forsch. , 1998, 207, 441-447 (hplc)
7600 (synth) Fukushima, S. et al., Cancer Lett. (Shannon,
Oba, M. et al., Tet. Lett. , 2001, 42, 5901-5902 Me Irel.) , 1999, 143, 157-159 (tox)
(synth) Schut, H.A. et al., Carcinogenesis (London) ,
O N 1999, 20, 353-368 (rev)
H3C NH2 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
N Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
2-Amino-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphe- A-240
N Reinhold , 1992, AJQ675
nyl)propanoic acid C10H10N4O 202.215
[587-45-1] Isolated from cooked meats. 3-Amino-1,4-dimethyl-5H - A-244
3-Hydroxytyrosine, 9CI. 3,4-Dihydroxy- -Mutagenic. pyrido[4,3-b ]indole
phenylalanine. DOPA Pais, P. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2000, 48, [62450-06-0]
1721-1726 (isol, struct)
2-Amino-3,4-dimethylimida- A-242 amine, 9CI. 3-Amino-1,4-dimethyl-g-car-
H 2N C H zo[4,5-f ]quinoline boline. Trp-P1
3′ Me-IQ CH 3
NH 2
C9H11NO4 197.19Log P -2.82 (uncertain N1 2 N NH 2
value) (calc). 3 NMe H CH 3
(S )-form [59-92-7] 8
L-form. Levodopa, BAN, INN, JAN,
7 6 4 C13H13N3 211.266
N 5 CH 3 Powerful mutacarcinogen found in cooked
USAN. Bendopa. Brocadopa. Dopar.
Larodopa. Levopa. Veldopa. Many other foods. Pale-brown needles or small prisms
C12H12N4 212.254 (EtOAc)(as acetate salt). Mp 252-2628
Isol. from sardines, beef extract and (acetate salt).
Occurs in seedlings and pods of Vicia
hamburger, probably widely distributed in -Highly mutagenic. Possible human
faba . Prisms, needles (H2O + SO2) or
cooked foods. Mp 296-2988 (sealed tube).
plates (EtOH aq.). Mp 285.58 dec. [a]20
D - carcinogen. LD50 (rat, orl) 100 mg/kg.
lmax 219 ; 265 ; 332 (no solvent reported). Exp. carcinogen. UU9351900
12.15 (c, 4 in 1N HCl). Pharmacol.
active isomer. Rapidly turns green in air, -Highly mutagenic. Exp. carcinogenic data. Kosuge, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1978, 26,
aq. solns. darken in air. Green col. with NJ5907000 611 (isol, cryst struct, spectra)
FeCl3. Reduces AgNO3, NH3 and acid Kasai, H. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1980, 1391 (struct, IARC Monog. , 1983, 31, 247; Suppl. 7, 73 (rev,
KMnO4. Component of Sinemet. High- bibl) tox)
Kasai, H. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1982, 55, Akimoto, H. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1985,
mol.-wt. polymers have been synth..
2233 58, 123 (synth)
-Systemic (e.g. CNS) and adverse effects
Adolfsson, L. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. B , Ohgaki, H. et al., Environ. Health Perspect. ,
when used therapeutically. LD50 (rat, orl) 1983, 37, 157 (synth) 1986, 67, 129 (tox)
1780 mg/kg. Exp. reprod. and teratogenic Ohgaki, H. et al., Environ. Health Perspect. , Stavric, B. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , 1994, 32,
effects. AY5600000 1986, 67, 129 (carcinogenicity) 977 (rev)
3?-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [2275-95-8] IARC Monog. , 1986, 40, 275; Suppl. 7, 65 (rev, Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
C15H21NO9 359.332 tox) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Reinhold , 1992, AJR500; TNX275
Isol. from Pisum sativum (peas) and
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Vicia faba . Resin or syrup. Reinhold , 1992, AJQ600
[57308-51-7, 127441-81-0] 2-Amino-4,6-dimethylpyrimi- A-245
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, 2-Amino-3,8-dimethyl-3H - A-243
2, 257A; 257B (ir) [767-15-7]
imidazo[4,5-f ]quinoxaline 4,6-Dimethyl-2-pyrimidinamine, 9CI
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Spectra , 1992, 2, 1190A; 1190B (nmr) [77500-04-0]
Andrews, R.S. et al., Nature (London) , 1965, 3,8-Dimethyl-3H-imidazo[4,5-f]quinoxa-
205, 1213 (glucoside) lin-2-amine, 9CI. MeIQx CH3
Vorbruggen, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1972, 105,
1168 (synth) N
Griffith, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12, NH 2
1651 (biosynth) H3C N NH2
Mostad, A. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. B ,
1974, 28, 1161 (cryst struct) H 3C N
Renth, E.-O. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , C6H9N3 123.157
1975, 14, 361 (synth) N Cryst. (H2O). Mod. sol. H2O, EtOH;

2-Aminodipyrido[1,2-a :3?,2?-d ]imidazole 
/ 2-Aminoethanol, 9CI A-246  / A-249

insol. Et2O. Mp 1538 (149-1508). Distils Greenish-black cryst. (as hydrochloride). Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
undec.. Mp 3008 (hydrochloride). 1, 890A (ir)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
2-N-Ac: [15755-12-1] -AB7450000 Spectra , 1992, 1, 1433C (nmr)
C8H11N3O 165.194 4-Me, N6-Ac: [87-11-6] Thiolutin. N-Acet- Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 2 , 1943, 563; 564 (synth)
Mp 1248. ylpyrrothine. Farcinicine. Acetopyr- Ishidate, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1954, 2,
rothine 275 (synth)
2-N-Me: [15231-64-8] Lindberg, B. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1955, 9,
C7H11N3 137.184 C8H8N2O2S2 228.295
Isol. from several strains of Strepto- 1093; 1323 (isol, derivs)
Cryst. (petrol). Mp 988. Wickberg, B. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1956,
myces albus and Streptomyces pimprina . 10, 1097 (Glyceryltaurine)
2-N-Ph: [53112-28-0] 2-Anilino-4,6-di-
Antibiotic which inhibits microbiologi- Sutherland, H.H. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1963, 16,
methylpyrimidine. Pyrimethanil, BSI. cal growth in beer. Brilliant yellow
Mythos. Scala. SN 100309. ZK 100309 897 (cryst struct)
needles (1-butanol). Sol. MeOH, Huxtable, R. et al., Taurine, [Int. Symp.], 1st,
C12H13N3 199.255 CHCl3; poorly sol. H2O, C6H6, Et2O, 1975 (1976) , (Eds.), Raven Press, New York,
Fungicide used on grape vines. Cryst. hexane. Mp 273-2768 dec. Bp0.1 2008 1975, (book)
(toluene). Mp 88-898. Hashem, K.M.E. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. ,
subl.. lmax 248 (e 6300); 311 (e 5700);
-LD50 (rat, orl) 4150-5971 mg/kg. 1985, 94, 735 (cmr)
388 (e 10800) (MeOH) (Derep). lmax
Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra, 2nd edn. , 1983, Taurine: Nutritional Value and Mechanisms of
250 (e 6030); 311 (e 5600); 388 (e 10960) Action , (eds. Lombardini, J.B. et al ), Plenum
2, 701D (nmr)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, (MeOH) (Berdy). Press, 1992, (book)
2, 822D (ir) -LD50 (mus, scu) 25 mg/kg. JP1355000 Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Celmer, W.D. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1952, 74, 6304; edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1419
1989, 3, 1555A (ir) 1955, 77, 2861 (Pyrrothine, Aureothricin, Merck Index, 12th edn. , 1996, No 9241
Hale, W.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1918, 40, 1046 (synth) Thiolutin, isol, ir, uv, struct) Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
Short, L.N. et al., J.C.S. , 1952, 168 (ir) Hagio, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1974, 47, edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
Alberola, A. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1987, 17, 1484 (Holothin, Thiolutin, Aureothricin, synth, 1665-1666 (use, occur)
1309 (synth) ir, uv, pmr) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Neumann, G.L. et al., Brighton Crop Prot. Ninomiya, Y.T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Conf. - Pests Dis. , 1992, 1, 395-402 1980, 28, 3157-3162 (Pyrrothine, Thiolutin, Reinhold , 1992, TAG750
(pyrimethanil) props, ms)
Cobras, P. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1997, 45, Deb, P.R. et al., Curr. Sci. (India) , 1984, 53,
2708-2710 (pyrimethanil, detn) 659 (Thiolutin, props)
Pesticide Manual, 12th edn. , 2000, No. 674 Lamari, L. et al., J. Antibiot. , 2002, 55, 696-701;
702-706 (Saccharothrix pyrrothines)
2-Aminoethanol, 9CI A-249
2-Hydroxyethylamine. Ethanolamine.
2-Aminodipyrido[1,2-a :3?,2?- A-246
Monoethanolamine. Colamine
d ]imidazole 2-Aminoethanesulfonic acid, A-248
Dipyrido[1,2-a:3?,2?-d]imidazol-2-amine, [107-35-7] C2H7NO 61.083
9CI. Glu-P-2 Taurine, 8CI, INN. Aminoethylsulfonic Used in flume water for washing sugar
acid. Ethylaminesulfonic acid. FEMA 3813 beets prior to the slicing operation.
H2NCH2CH2SO3H Viscous, hygroscopic liq. Misc. H2O,
N NH 2 MeOH, Me2CO; spar. sol. C6H6, Et2O. d25 4
N C2H7NO3S 125.148 1.01. Mp 10.58. Bp 1718. n20 D 1.4539. pKa
Essential nutrient obt. from diet and by in 9.47. Vp 0.48 mmHg (208).
N vivo synth. from methionine and cysteine.
-Fl. p. 858, autoignition temp. 4108.
Present in meats, fish, legumes, human
C10H8N4 184.2 Corrosive and irritating to skin, eyes and
milk, molluscs and other foodstuffs. Diet-
Parent compd. of a group of potent mucous membranes. LD50 (rat, orl) 1720
ary supplement, e.g. in Red Bull drink.
mutagens found in cooked foods. mg/kg. Exp. teratogen. OES: long-term 3
Monoclinic prismatic rods with sharp
-Possible human carcinogen. Exp. ppm; short-term 6 ppm. KJ5775000
taste. Sol. H2O, insol. EtOH. Mp 3288
carcinogen. Mutagen. JM5615000 (320-3258 dec.). pKa1 1.5; pKa2 8.74. Dec. O-Ac: [1854-30-4] O-Acetylethanolamine.
Hydrobromide: at 3008. 2-Acetoxyethylamine
Mp 286-2878. -LD50 (mus, scu) 6000 mg/kg. WX0175000 C4H9NO2 103.121
Isol. from seeds of Lens culinaris
Takeda, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1978, 26, Amide: [4378-70-5]
2924 (synth) (lentil), also present in other Legumi-
C2H8N2O2S 124.163 nosae. Bp0.3 134-1358.
Ohgaki, H. et al., Environ. Health Perspect. , Plates (EtOH) (as hydrochloride). Mp
1986, 67, 129 (tox)
1338 (hydrochloride). N,N-Di-Et: [100-37-8] 2-Diethylami-
IARC Monog. , 1986, 40, 235; Suppl. 7, 64 (rev, noethanol, 9CI. 2-Hydroxytriethylamine
tox) N-Me: [107-68-6] C6H15NO 117.191
Stavric, B. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , 1994, 32, C3H9NO3S 139.175 Boiler water additive. Sol. H2O. Bp 1638
997 (rev) Prisms. V. sol. H2O, insol. EtOH, Et2O.
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Bp35 758.
Mp 241-2428. -Skin and severe eye irritant. Adverse
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, DWW700 N,N-Di-Me: [637-95-6] gastrointestinal effects by inhalation. LD50
C4H11NO3S 153.202 (rat, orl) 1300 mg/kg. LD50 (gpg, skn) 884
Prisms (MeOH). V. sol. H2O, AcOH, mg/kg. OES: long-term 10 ppm (Sk).
6-Amino-1,2-dithiolo[4,3- A-247
insol. EtOH, Et2O. Mp 315-3168 dec. KK5075000
b ]pyrrol-5(4H )-one, 9CI
N,N-Bis(2-chloromethyl): [98277-87-3] [96-80-0, 20739-39-3]
[488-03-9] Taumustine
Holothin Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
C6H13Cl2NO3S 250.145
1, 334A; 334B; 339D; 340A; 340C; 756B;
Cryst. (H2O). Mp 178-1808. 904B; 1280A (ir)
H 2N S N-(2,3-Dihydroxypropyl): [65222-42-6] N- Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
S Glyceryltaurine Spectra , 1992, 1, 535B; 543A; 543B; 544A;
C5H13NO5S 199.227 545B; 545C; 2, 457B; 591A (nmr)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 163-1648. [a]23
D -
H 1989, 3, 423D; 430A; 430B; 430D; 432B;
21 (H2O).
1112C (ir)
C5H4N2OS2 172.231 [4316-74-9, 7347-25-3] Putokhin, N. et al., CA , 1929, 23, 2938 (synth)

2-Aminoethyl seryl phosphate / 2-Amino-4,5-hexadienoic acid, 9CI A-250  / A-256

Sarneski, J.E. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1975, 47, 2116 C5H12N2O2S 164.228 2-furanyl)acetamide, 9CI. 4-Acetamido-
(cmr) 4-hydroxy-2-butenoic acid g-lactone. 4-
Voronkov, M.G. et al., Zh. Obshch. Khim. ,
(R )-form [2936-69-8]
L-form Acetamido-2-buten-4-olide
1978, 48, 429 (ms)
Hayman, A.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26, Isol. from the edible mushroom Rozites C6H7NO3 141.126
839 (O-Acetylethanolamine) caperta . Sol. H2O; fairly sol. MeOH; Cryst. (EtOAc/cyclohexane). Mp 116.5-
Van Oycke, S. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. , poorly sol. Me2CO, hexane. 118.58.
1988, 97, 297-311 (isol) -LD50 (mus, ipr) 300 mg/kg. -LU3455000
Mootz, D. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1989, 45, 754 Matsumoto, N. et al., CA , 1985, 103, 3724 (isol) Yates, S.G. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1967, 621 (spectra)
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Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn., et al ), Academic Press, N.Y., 1971, 198 (rev)
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Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. 3,3?,4?,5,7-pentahydroxyflavan Ružic-Toroš, Z. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1982, 38,
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1905 Valla, A. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1997, 134,
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1990, 0889
Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of 2-Aminoheptanedioic acid, A-255
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Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of (2R ,3R ,4S )-form [3721-85-5]
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 4b-(2-Aminoethylthio)catechin
Reinhold , 1992, BQC000; DNP000; a-Aminopimelic acid
Constit. of Vitis vinifera (wine grape).
HKM000; MGG000; INN400; DHO500;
(2R ,3S,4S )-form
EGA500; DDU600; EEC600 CO OH
Constit. of Vitis vinifera (wine grape). H C NH 2 (R)-form
2-Aminoethyl seryl phosphate A-250 3-O-(3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzoyl):
C24H23NO10S 517.512 (CH 2)4COOH
[17871-37-3, 18635-48-8]
Constit. of Vitis vinifera (wine grape).
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Torres, J.L. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2001,
49, 4627-4634 Isol. from Ceratonia siliqua (carob).
COOH (R )-form [32224-57-0]
H C NH2 O D-form
(R)-form a-Amino-2-formyl-5-(hydro- A-253
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 219-2208 dec. [a]25 D -
CH2 O P OCH2CH2NH2 xymethyl)-1H -pyrrole-1-hexanoic 21 (c, 0.1 in 5M HCl). [a]26
D -45.5 (c, 0.1
OH acid, 9CI in 1M HCl). Rare occurrence of a D-
[126255-18-3] aminoacid in higher plants. Forms a
C5H13N2O6P 228.141 2-Formyl-5-(hydroxymethyl)pyrrole-1-nor- monohydrate.
(R )-form [16106-04-0] leucine. Lysylpyrroaldehyde. e-Pyrrolely- (S )-form [26630-55-7]
D-form sine (incorr.) L-form
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D +21.6 (c, 0.1
D +18.2 (c, 0.7 in H2O). in 5M HCl). [a]26
D +45 (c, 0.1 in 1M
(S )-form [1186-34-1] HO HCl). Forms a monohydrate.
N CHO COOH (/9)-form [627-76-9]
Isol. from numerous animals incl. Mp 2258.
chicken, fish and reptiles. Needles NH2 Virtanen, A.I. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1954,
(MeOH aq.). Mp 142-1438 (dec.). [a]23
D - 8, 1085; 1725 (isol)
15 (c, 2 in H2O). Wade, R. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1957, 79, 648 (synth)
(/9)-form [114760-94-0] C12H18N2O4 254.285 Farkas̆ová, H. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem.
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2-Amino-4,5-hexadienoic acid, A-256
S -(2-Aminoethyl)cysteine, A-251 9CI
5-Amino-2(5H )-furanone A-254
9CI [18751-91-2]
3-[(2-Aminoethyl)thio]alanine, 8CI. Thia-
lysine. Thiosine O COOH
H 2N O
H 2N C H
COOH (S)-form
C4H5NO2 99.089 CH 2CH C CH 2
H 2N C H Parent compd. not known.
(/9)-form C6H9NO2 127.143
CH 2SCH 2CH 2NH 2 N-Ac: [16275-44-8] N-(2,5-Dihydro-5-oxo- Sol. H2O; fairly sol. MeOH; poorly sol.

2-Amino-5-hexenoic acid, 9CI / 2-Amino-3-hydroxybutanoic acid A-257 / A-261

MeOH, hexane. 2-Amino-3-hydroxybenzoic A-258 2-Amino-5-hydroxybenzoic A-260

(S )-form [22260-39-5] acid acid
Mp 1748 dec. [a]22
D -52.1 (c, 0.8 in H2O). [548-93-6] [394-31-0]
(/9)-form [52521-29-6] 3-Hydroxyanthranilic acid 5-Hydroxyanthranilic acid
C7H7NO3 153.137
3,5-Dinitrophenyl: COOH Violet cryst. (H2O). Mp 2528 dec. pKa1
Yellow needles (EtOH aq.). Mp 177- 1 2 NH 2.72; pKa2 5.37 (258, 0.1M KCl). Log P
1808. 6 2
0.66 (calc).
5 3
Black, D.K. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1968, 283 (synth) 4 OH
Chilton, W.S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1968, 6283 (isol, N-(4-Hydroxycinnamoyl)(E-): [108605-
struct) 70-5] 5-Hydroxy-N-(4-hydroxycinna-
C7H7NO3 153.137
Baldwin, J.E. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1984, 1284 moyl)anthranilic acid. Avenanthramide
Isol. from Brassica oleracea (cauliflower).
A. Avenalumin I
Hatanaka, S.-I. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49, Leaflets (H2O). Mp 1648. pKa2 5.19; pKa3
C16H13NO5 299.282
573-578 (isol, bibl) 10.12 (208).
Isol. from the grains of oats (Avena
Wolf, L.B. et al., Adv. Synth. Catal. , 2001, 343, -Exp. carcinogen. DG2625000 sativa ). Pale yellow needles (Me2CO
662-674 (S-form, synth, ir, pmr, cmr) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, aq.). Mp 2778. Darkens at 2358. Ori-
2, 206C (ir)
ginally descr. as Avenalumin I, given the
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Spectra , 1992, 2, 1098C; 1123C (nmr) wrong struct. lmax 320 (e 15400); 344 (e
2-Amino-5-hexenoic acid, 9CI A-257 13400) (MeOH/HCl) (Derep). lmax 366
CRC Atlas of Spectral Data and Physical
[16258-05-2] Constants , b842 (uv, ir) (e 16600) (MeOH/NaOH) (Derep). lmax
Muelle, F. et al., Planta , 1961, 57, 403-477 (isol) 317 (e 15200); 336 (e 15900) (MeOH)
COOH Munsche, D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1965, 4, (Derep).
705-712 (biosynth)
N-(4-Hydroxycinnamoyl)(Z-): [116764-
H 2N C H (S)-form Kuznezova, L.E. et al., Nature (London) , 1969,
222, 484-485 (props) 20-6]
Mohr, N. et al., Annalen , 1981, 1515-1518 (isol) C16H13NO5 299.282
Okabe, N. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1996, 52, 2345- Isol. from oats (Avena sativa ).
2347 (cryst struct) N-(3,4-Dihydroxycinnamoyl)(E-):N-(3,4-
C6H11NO2 129.158 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Dihydroxycinnamoyl)-5-hydroxyanthra-
Cryst. (H2O). Mp 252-2558. Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
nilic acid. Avenanthramide C
(S )-form [90989-12-1] Reinhold , 1992, AKE750
C16H13NO6 315.282
Powder. Mp 2488 (dec.). [a]20
D +13.6 (c, Isol. from oat grains.
0.9 in H2O).
N-Ac: [116764-22-8]
C8H13NO3 171.196 2-Amino-4-hydroxybenzoic A-259
C16H13NO6 315.282
Solid. Mp 114-1168. [a]20
D -42.77 (c, 1.41
acid Isol. from oats (Avena sativa ).
in CHCl3) (78% ee). [38160-63-3] N-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamoyl)(E-):
(/9)-form 4-Hydroxyanthranilic acid [108605-69-2] N-Feruloyl-5-hydroxyan-
Cryst. (H2O). Mp 275-2768 (252-2558) dec.
C7H7NO3 153.137 thranilic acid. Avenanthramide B. Ave-
Benzyl ester: Needles (H2O). Mp 1488 (dec.). nanthramide 1
C13H17NO2 219.283 C17H15NO6 329.309
Oil. Hydrochloride:
Isol. from oat grains. Long pale yellow
Nitrile: [84673-59-6] needles (Me2CO aq.). Sol. EtOAc, Et2O,
C6H10N2 110.158 Me ester: H2O-Me2CO; poorly sol. CHCl3, C6H6,
No phys. props. reported. C8H9NO3 167.164 H2O. Mp 2468. lmax 228 ; 315 ; 361 ; 392
Needles. Mp 132-1338. (MeOH-NAOH) (Berdy).
N-Ac: [142034-37-5]
Solid. Mp 113.5-1158. Me ether: [4294-95-5] 2-Amino-4-methox- N-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamoyl)(Z-):
ybenzoic acid. 2-Aminoanisic acid. 4- [116764-21-7]
N-Ac, Me ester:
Methoxyanthranilic acid C17H15NO6 329.309
C9H15NO3 185.222
C8H9NO3 167.164 Isol. from oats (Avena sativa ).
Fine needles (Et2O/pentane). Mp 59.5-
Plates (EtOH). Mp 1668 (dec.) Mp 1908.
60.58. Collins, F.W. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1989,
pKa1 2.06; pKa2 4.88 (258, 0.1M KCl). 37, 60 (Avenanthramides)
N-(4-Hydroxycinnamoyl) (E-):4-Hydro- Crombie, L. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1990, 31, 2647
C11H19NO4 229.275 (synth, Avenanthramides)
Solid (pentane). Mp 59-628. Dimberg, L.H. et al., Cereal Chem. , 1993, 70,
acid. Avenanthramide G
[103067-78-3, 141362-49-4, 142034-37-5] C16H13NO5 299.282 637-641 (Avenanthramides)
Drinkwater, D.J. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1971, 1305- Stress metab. in oats (Avena sativa )
1307 (synth) induced by Victorin M. Cryst. + 1=4
Kennewell, P.D. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1982, MeOH (MeOH/1% AcOH aq.). Mp 2-Amino-3-hydroxybutanoic A-261
2553-2556 (synth, ir, pmr) 290-2918. acid
Bajgrowicz, J.A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1985, 41, [36676-50-3]
CRC Atlas of Spectral Data and Physical
1833-1843 (nitrile) Threonine, 9CI. Thr
Constants , b843 (uv)
Baldwin, J.E. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1986, 273-
Drain, D.G. et al., J.C.S. , 1949, 1489 (synth)
275 (synth)
van der Stelt, C. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R.
Baldwin, J.E. et al., J. Chem. Res., Synop. , 1992, NH2
Neth. Chem. Soc.) , 1953, 72, 195 (synth)
173; J. Chem. Res., Miniprint , 1992, 1517-
Jilek, J. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. , 1985, (2R,3R)-form
1526 (synth, S-form, pmr, cmr, ir, ms)
Hatanaka, S.-I. et al., Mycoscience , 1994, 35,
50, 519 (synth, uv, ir, pmr, deriv) COOH
Paulidis, V.H. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1994, 24,
391 (isol)
533 (Me ether, synth, ir, pmr, cmr) OH
Biagini, S.C.G. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1998,
Miyagawa, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 41,
2485-2499 (synth, derivs, ir, pmr, ms) C4H9NO3 119.12
1473 (Avenanthramide G)
Collet, S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 2000, 177-182
Boojamra, C.G. et al., J.O.C. , 1997, 62, 1240- (2S,3R )-form [72-19-5]
(S-form, synth, pmr, cmr)
1256 (Me ether) L-Threonine
Wolf, L.B. et al., Adv. Synth. Catal. , 2001, 343,
662-674 (S-form, synth, ir, pmr, cmr) From wide variety of protein hydroly-

2-Amino-4-hydroxybutanoic acid / 2-Amino-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetic acid A-262 / A-265

sates. Dietary supplement, nutrient. Kollonitsch, A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1964, 86, 1857 (hydrochloride). [a]25
D -15.5 (c, 1 in
Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Sol. H2O (20.5 g/100 (synth) MeOH).
ml at 258). Mp 251-2538 dec. [a]26 Greenstein, J.P. et al., Chemistry of the Amino
D -33.9 1,4-Lactone, N-Ac:
Acids , Wiley, N.Y., 1965, 3, 2612 (synth)
(H2O). pKa2 9.62 (NH2). Isoelectric Grobbelaar, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1969, 8, Needles (EtOH). Mp 948.
point 6.16. Sweet taste. 553 (acetate) (2S,3S,4R )-form [21704-86-9] D-arabino-
-LD50 (rat, ipr) 3098 mg/kg. XO8590000 Miyoshi, M. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1973, 5 (abs form
[2676-21-3, 4385-90-4, 62076-66-8, 71292-23-4] config) Mp 205-2078. [a]27
D +2.9 (c, 0.1 in H2O).
Lawrence, J.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12, lmax 197 (e 250) (H2O).
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, 2207 (isol)
1, 581A; 581B; 581C; 582A (ir) Curran, W.V. et al., Prep. Biochem. , 1981, 11, 1,4-Lactone: [71392-28-4]
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 269 (resoln) [90693-46-2]
Spectra , 1992, 1, 881C; 882A; 882B (nmr) Baldwin, J.E. et al., Tetrahedron , 1988, 44, 637
Greenstein, J.P. et al., Chemistry of the Amino Powder (as hydrochloride). Mp 212-2158
(synth) (hydrochloride). [a]25
Acids , Wiley, N.Y., 1961, 3, 2238-2258 D -14.8 (c, 0.7 in
Seebach, D. et al., Annalen , 1989, 1215 (synth)
Legrand, M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1965, Shiraiwa, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1996,
679-681 (cd) 44, 2322-2325 (R-form, S-form, synth)
Aruldhas, G. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1967, Fowden, L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12,
23, 1345-1350 (pmr) 1707
Pachler, K.G.R. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , Gieren, A. et al., Annalen , 1974, 1561-1569
1968, 24, 1311-1316 (pmr)
2-Amino-4-hydroxy-3-methyl- A-263 (synth)
Mallikarjunan, M. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1969, pentanoic acid Hasan, M. et al., Annalen , 1976, 781-787
25, 220-227 (abs config) (lactone, synth, pmr)
[50764-07-3] Raffauf, R.F. et al., J.O.C. , 1984, 49, 2714-2718
Maldonado, P. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1971, 2-Amino-2,3,5-trideoxy-3-methylpentonic
2933-2938 (synth) (isol, pmr)
acid. 4-Hydroxyisoleucine Alcock, N.W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,
Swaminathan, P. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1975, 31,
217-221 (2S,3S-form, cryst struct) 1835
Soukup, M. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1987, 70, Yang, J. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1993, 28, 197-
COOH 201; CA , 119, 156209m (Desmodilactone)
232-236 (2S,3R-form, synth) 2
Seebach, D. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1987, 70, H C NH2 Wang, Q. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. , 2002, 834-
237-261 (2S,3R-form, synth) 839 (synth, pmr, cmr)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , H3C C H (2R,3R,4R)-form
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New 4
York, 1989, TFU750 H C OH
Jung, M.E. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1989, 30, 6637- 2-Amino-5-hydroxypentanoic A-264
6640 (synth) CH3
Shiraiwa, T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1990, acid, 9CI
63, 3296-3299; 1994, 67, 1899-1903 (resoln) C6H13NO3 147.174 2-Amino-5-hydroxyvaleric acid. Pentaho-
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th moserine. 5-Hydroxynorvaline
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1050 (2R ,3R ,4R )-form
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of D-xylo-form
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Minor amino acid constit. of Trigonella COOH
Reinhold , 1992, TFU750 foenum-graecum (fenugreek) seeds. [a]20 D H 2N C H
+1 (c, 1 in H2O). (S)-form
1,4-Lactone:3-Aminodihydro-4,5-dimethyl- CH 2CH 2CH 2OH
2-Amino-4-hydroxybutanoic A-262 2(3H)-furanone
acid C6H11NO2 129.158 C5H11NO3 133.147
[498-19-1] Cryst. (EtOH/petrol) (as hydrochlor- (S )-form
Homoserine, 9CI ide). Mp 2228 (hydrochloride). [a]25D L-form
+88.7 (c, 1 in MeOH). Present in jack bean seeds (Canavalia
C4H9NO3 119.12 ensiformis ). Mp 231.58. [a]25
1,4-Lactone, N-Ac: D +22.6 (c, 2 in
(S )-form [672-15-1] Needles (EtOH). Mp 1408. [a]25 D +88 (c, 0.5M HCl).
L-form 1 in DMSO). (/9)-form
Present in germinating peas, Jack bean (2R ,3R ,4S )-form L-lyxo-form Needles (MeOH aq.). Sol. H2O; spar. sol.
seeds (Canavalia ensiformis ) and the EtOH, Me2CO. Mp 223-2248.
seedlings of many leguminous plants. Sörensen, S.P.L. et al., Chem. Zentralbl. , 1905,
Cryst. (as hydrochloride). Mp 170-1758
Mp 2038 dec. [a]26
D -8.8 (c, 5 in H2O). 2, 398
O-Ac: [7540-67-2] 4-Acetoxy-2-aminobu- Thompson, J.F. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1964, 239,
1,4-Lactone, N-Ac: [60010-74-4] 3-Aceta- 1122 (isol, synth)
tanoic acid. O-Acetylhomoserine.
midodihydro-4,5-dimethyl-2(3H)-fura- Barlos, K. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1987, 1583
Homoserine acetate
none. Desmodilactone (synth, bibl)
C6H11NO4 161.157
C8H13NO3 171.196 Hill, R.E. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1993, 56, 1246
Found in green tissues of pea (Pisum
Cryst. Mp 84-858. [a]18D -16.4 (c, 0.11 in
(isol, ms, synth)
sativum ). Mp 2008. [a]20
D +4.5 (c, 4 in Garcia, M. et al., Tetrahedron: Asymmetry,
H2O). 2000, 11, 991-994 (S-form, synth, pmr, cmr,
(2S,3R ,4R )-form D-lyxo-form
(/9)-form [1927-25-9] ms)
Needles (EtOH aq.). Mp 186-1888 dec. 1,4-Lactone:
Readily lactonises. Needles (EtOH/petrol) (as
hydrochloride). Mp 2558
O-Ac: [6232-10-6]
(hydrochloride). [a]25
D +24.3 (c, 1 in
Found in Pisum sativum (peas). Plates 2-Amino-2-(4-hydroxypheny- A-265
(EtOH). Mp 183-1858. l)acetic acid
1,4-Lactone, N-Ac:
[53949-21-6, 55596-53-7] Needles (EtOH). Mp 1418. [938-97-6]
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, (2S,3R ,4S )-form L-ribo-form a-Amino-4-hydroxybenzeneacetic acid,
1, 580C; 580D (ir) Major constit. of Trigonella foenum-grae- 9CI. 2-(p-Hydroxyphenyl)glycine, 8CI.
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR cum (fenugreek). [a]20 Oxfenicine, BAN, INN, USAN
D +31 (c, 1 in H2O).
Spectra , 1992, 1, 880B; 880C; 881A (nmr) Stereochem. revised in 1989.
de Wald, H.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1959, 81, 4367
(acetate) 1,4-Lactone:
Guenther, D. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1964, 97, 159 Needles (EtOH/petrol) (as
(synth) hydrochloride). Mp 2308

5-Amino-4-hydroxy-3-(phenylazo)-... / 4-Amino-2-methylenebutanoic acid, 9CI A-266 / A-270

COOH Azofuchsin. Fast Acid Magenta. C.I. Acid 2-Amino-3H -imidazo[4,5- A-268
Red 33. C.I. Food Red 12. C.I. 17200. D f ]quinoxaline
H C NH2 and C Red No. 33 3H-Imidazo[4,5-f]quinoxalin-2-amine, 9CI

(R)-form HO3S SO3H NH2

C8H9NO3 167.164
Never marketed N
C16H13N3O7S2 423.427
(R )-form [22818-40-2] C9H7N5 185.188
Normally encountered as Na salt, to
Cryst. Mp 2408 dec. [a]25 which the trade names refer. Food dye. 3H -form
D -158.4 (c, 1 in
1M HCl). Na salt sol. H2O. Exists in soln. as an 3-Me: [108354-47-8] 3-Methyl-3H-imida-
equilib. mixt. of azo and hydrazone zo[4,5-f]quinoxalin-2-amine. 2-Amino-
N-tert-Butyloxycarbonyl: [27460-85-1] tautomers with the naphthoquinone
C13H17NO5 267.281 3-methyl-3H-imidazo[4,5-f]quinoxaline.
hydrazone predominating. Iqx
Cryst. (EtOAc). Mp 1998 (dec. from
Krasovitskii, B.M. et al., Ukr. Khim. Zh. (Russ. C10H9N5 199.215
1608). [a]24
D -130 (c, 1.08 in EtOH).
edn.) , 1961, 27, 94-97 (synth, uv) Mutagen found in cooked beef and
(S )-form [32462-30-9] UK 25842 Colour Index , 3rd edn., 1971, 4, 4105 (synth) pork.
Me ether: [24593-48-4] 2-Amino-2-(4- Lycka, A. et al., Dyes Pigm. , 1987, 8, 315-325 -Mutagenic.
methoxyphenyl)acetic acid (pmr, cmr, N-15 nmr, tautom)
Grivas, S. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1993, 47,
C9H11NO3 181.191 521-528 (synth)
Mp 2608 dec. [a]20
D +139.1 (c, 1 in 1M Solyakov, A. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , 1999,
HCl) (96.5% ee). 32, 1-11 (occur)
(/9)-form [6324-01-2] 2-Amino-4-hydroxy-6-pteridi- A-267 Guy, P.A. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 2000, 883, 89-
Plates (H2O). Spar. sol. H2O, insol. necarboxylic acid 102 (occur)
Et2O. Dec. at 2008 without melting.
Amide: [72151-95-2] 2-Amino-1,4-dihydro-4-oxo-6-pteridinecar- 2-Amino-6-methyldipyri- A-269
[73226-87-6] boxylic acid. 2-Amino-4(3H)-pteridinone- do[1,2-a :3?,2?-d ]imidazole
C8H10N2O2 166.179 6-carboxylic acid. Pterin-6-carboxylic acid.
Mp 135-1368. Ranachrome 5
N-Carbamoyl: [32507-69-0] amine, 9CI. Glu-P-1
[72500-37-9] HOOC N HOOC N 4 3
N 6 5 NH
C9H10N2O4 210.189 7 2 N NH 2
8 1
Isol. from leaves of Vicia faba .
Me ether: [19789-59-4] C7H5N5O3 207.148 N
CH 3
Isol. from various biol. sources incl. fish
and soybeans. Cream cryst. Mp 3608. C11H10N4 198.227
Mp 2008 dec.
Me ester: [31010-61-4] Powerful mutagen presumed present in
Meldola, R. et al., J.C.S. , 1917, 111, 551-553 C8H7N5O3 221.175 cooked foods. Yellow prisms (MeOH/
Cryst. (DMF). Mp 2858 dec. EtOAc).
Lomakina, N.N. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. ,
1969, 5, 43-46; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. 2-N-Ac: [31010-65-8] -Highly mutagenic. Possible human
Transl.) , 1969, 5, 36 (occur, abs config) C9H7N5O4 249.185 carcinogen. Exp. carcinogen. JM5620000
Larsen, P.O. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta , Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 2108. Hydrobromide: [68739-12-8]
1975, 381, 397-408 (isol) Cryst. + 1H2O. Mp 290-2928.
2-N-Ac, Me ester: [31010-67-0]
Smith, G.A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1975, 2108-
2115 (isol) C10H9N5O4 263.212 Takeda, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1978, 26,
Yamada, S. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1979, 43, Mp 2838. 2924
395-396 (synth) Ohgaki, H. et al., Environ. Health Perspect. ,
Blackburn, K.J. et al., Br. J. Pharmacol. , 1979, 1986, 67, 129 (tox)
boxylic acid IARC Monog. , 1986, 40, 223; Suppl. 7, 64 (rev,
66, 443P-444P (pharmacol) C7H8N5O3 210.172
McGahren, W.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1980, 102, tox)
1671-1684 (isol) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Stavric, B. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , 1994, 32,
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 28th/29th 2, 896C (ir) 997 (rev)
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1982, 13061 Baugh, C.M. et al., J.O.C. , 1964, 29, 3610 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Yoshioka, R. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1987, (synth) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
60, 649-652 (resoln, bibl) Pfleiderer, W. et al., Annalen , 1970, 741, 64 Reinhold , 1992, AKS250
Salituro, G.M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1990, 112, 760- (synth, derivs)
770 (N-tert-butyloxycarbonyl) Iwanami, Y. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1972, 3219 (ms)
Bhattacharya, A. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1994, Nair, M.G. et al., J.O.C. , 1973, 38, 2185 (synth) 4-Amino-2-methylenebutanoic A-270
24, 2449-2459 (resoln, pmr, cmr) Mengel, R. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1978, 111, 3790 acid, 9CI
Beller, M. et al., Chem. Eur. J. , 1998, 4, 935-941 (synth)
Kohashi, M. et al., J. Biochem. (Tokyo) , 1980, [65370-67-4]
(Me ether, synth, ir, pmr)
87, 1581 (isol) g-Amino-a-methylenebutyric acid
Zeitler, M. et al., Methods Enzymol. , 1986, 122, H2C/ . C(COOH)CH2CH2NH2
273 (isol)
5-Amino-4-hydroxy-3-(pheny- A-266 Sato, N. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1988, 25, 1737 C5H9NO2 115.132
lazo)-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, (synth, derivs) Found in Arachis hypogaea (peanut).
9CI Suga, T. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1988, 51, 713 (isol) Cryst. (EtOH aq. or EtOH/Me2CO). Mp
Kuse, M. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. , 2001, 1528 dec Mp 170-1798 dec.
[2203-16-9] 11, 1037-1040 (7,8-dihydro)
Fowden, L. et al., Biochem. J. , 1953, 55, 548
[3567-66-6, 112524-65-9, 126212-64-4] Marcus, A. et al., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. ,
Acid Fuchsin Fast B. Acid Fuchsine D. 1963, 100, 80

2-Amino-3-methylenehexanoic acid / 2-Amino-9-methyl-4,8-octadecadiene-... A-271  / A-275

Hatanaka, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, 2-Amino-3-methylimidazo[4,5-f ]quino-

A-273 2-Amino-9-methyl-4,8-octade- A-275
1820 (synth, nmr) line cadiene-1,3-diol
[76180-96-6] 9-Methyl-4,8-sphingadienine
2-Amino-3-methylenehexanoic A-271 NH 2
acid NH 2 CH 2OH
3-Methylenenorleucine, 8CI. 2-Amino-3- N OH
propyl-3-butenoic acid NMe
C19H37NO2 311.507
COOH (2S,3R ,4E ,8E )-form
N N-Hexadecanoyl, 1-O-a-D-glucopyranosi-
H2 N C H de:Thraustochytroside B
C11H10N4 198.227
C C41H77NO8 712.061
Isol. from cooked foods, e.g. sardines, beef
H2 C CH 2 CH 2 CH 3 Amorph. solid.
extract. Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 3008.
N-(2R-Hydroxyhexadecanoyl), 1-O-b-D-
-Highly mutagenic. Possible human
C7H13NO2 143.185 glucopyranoside: [88642-46-0] Cerebro-
carcinogen. Exp. carcinogen. NJ5910000
(S )-form [29784-96-1] side B
Kasai, H. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1981, 2290
L-form C41H77NO9 728.061
Adolfsson, L. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. B ,
Found in carpophores of Amanita 1983, 37, 157 (synth) From Clitocybe spp.. Mp 180-1908. [a]20 D
vaginata (grisette). Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Ohgaki, H. et al., Environ. Health Perspect. , +5.2 (c, 1 in MeOH). [a]19D -7.4 (c, 0.3 in
Mp 1718. [a]20
D +158 (c, 0.51 in 1M 1986, 67, 129 (carcinogenicity) CHCl3).
HCl). [a]20
D +148 (c, 0.56 in H2O).
IARC Monog. , 1986, 40, 261; Suppl. 7, 64 (rev, N-(2R-Hydroxy-3-hexadecenoyl), 1-O-b-
tox) D-glucopyranoside: [115681-40-8] Cere-
Vervier, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1970, 9, 2059
Ronne, E. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1994, 48,
broside A
823 (synth, bibl)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of C41H75NO9 726.045
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Cryst. Sol. MeOH. Mp 170-1788. [a]20 D -
2-Amino-4-methylenepentane- A-272 Reinhold , 1992, AKT600 6.7 (c, 1 in MeOH).
dioic acid N-(2R-Hydroxyoctadecanoyl):Lactaria-
4-Methyleneglutamic acid. 4-Amino-1-bu- mide B
tene-2,4-dicarboxylic acid. 2-Amino-4- C37H71NO4 593.972
methyleneglutaric acid Isol. from the fungus Lactarius volemus
4-Amino-2-methyl-1-naphthol, A-274
8CI (tawny milkcap mushroom). Amorph.
COOH powder. [a]20D +8.4 (c, 0.39 in MeOH).
(R)-form Stereochem. not confirmed.
H C NH 2 4-Amino-2-methyl-1-naphthalenol, 9CI.
Vitamin K5 N-(2R-Hydroxyoctadecanoyl), 1-O-b-D-
CH 2 CCOOH glucopyranoside: [113773-89-0] Cerebro-
side D
CH 2 OH C43H81NO9 756.114
8 1
CH 3 Cryst. Sol. MeOH. Mp 178-1898. [a]20 D
C6H9NO4 159.141 6
5 4
3 +4.9 (c, 1 in MeOH).
(R )-form [2517-06-8] NH 2 N-(2R-Hydroxy-3-octadecenoyl), 1-O-b-
D-form D-glucopyranoside: [98677-33-9] Cere-
[a]D -13.7 (5M HCl). C11H11NO 173.214 broside C
(S )-form [16804-57-2] Vitamin. Used as a food preservative. Log C43H79NO9 754.098
P 1.92 (calc). Cryst. Mp 159-1698. [a]20 D -6.2 (c, 1 in
Constit. of peanuts (Arachis hypogaea ) MeOH).
and other plants, notably tulips and -LD50 (mus, ipr) 250 mg/kg. QL3350000
Hydrochloride: [130-24-5] Synkamine. N-(2R-Hydroxytetradecanoyl):
hops. [a]D +13.7 (5M HCl). C33H63NO4 537.865
Needles (HCl aq.). Mp 280-2828 dec. Amorph. powder. [a]20 D +6.3 (c, 0.2 in
C6H10N2O3 158.157 CHCl3).
(darkens at 2608).
Amorph. [a]18D 0 (H2O). [a]D +21 (6M N-(2R-Hydroxypentadecanoyl):
HCl). N-Ac: [523-68-2] 4-Acetamido-2-methyl-1-
naphthol. Acetyl-Vitamin K5. Kavitrat. C34H65NO4 551.892
(/9)-form [7150-74-5] Amorph. powder. [a]21
K-Vitrat D +7 (c, 0.1 in
Mp 203-2108 dec. CHCl3).
C13H13NO2 215.251
Hydrochloride: N-Hexadecanoyl:
Prothrombogenic vitamin. Needles. Mp
Mp 179-1808 dec. C35H67NO3 549.919
208-2108. Log P 2.17 (calc).
Sah, P.P.T. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R. Neth. Amorph. powder. [a]21 D -11.6 (c, 0.09 in
C8H11NO5 201.179 Chem. Soc.) , 1941, 60, 373 (synth) CHCl3).
Mp 88.58. Veldstra, H. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R. Neth. N-(2R-Hydroxyhexadecanoyl):
Virtanen, A.I. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1955, Chem. Soc.) , 1943, 62, 75 (synth) C35H67NO4 565.919
9, 553 (isol) Gaultier, J. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Isol. from the mushroom Lepista nuda
Marcus, A. et al., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. , Sci. Ser. C , 1967, 264, 766 (cryst struct)
1963, 100, 80 (synth) Madelmont, J.C. et al., J. Labelled Compd.
(wood blewit). Amorph. powder. [a]19 D
Blake, J. et al., Biochem. J. , 1964, 92, 136 (isol, Radiopharm. , 1978, 14, 281 (synth) +7.5 (c, 0.1 in CHCl3).
abs config) Prenzel, U. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1982, 242, 9 N-(2R-Hydroxyheptadecanoyl), 1-O-b-D-
Meier, L.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18, (hplc) glucopyranoside: [120029-71-2]
1173 (isol) Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 28th/29th C42H79NO9 742.087
Moody, C.M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1997, 3519- edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1982, 7909 Amorph. powder. Mp 154-1568. [a]26 D
3530 (synth, ir, pmr, cmr) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
+4.9 (c, 0.4 in MeOH).
Reinhold , 1992, AKX500 N-(9Z,12Z-Octadecadienoyl):
C37H67NO3 573.941
Amorph. powder. [a]30 D -13.3 (c, 0.08 in

3-Amino-1-methyl-5H -pyrido[4,3-... / 2-Amino-4,8-octadecadiene-... A-276 / A-281

CHCl3). Isol. from cabbage and horseradish. 2-Amino-11-nonadecene- A-280

Kawai, G. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta , 1982, Plates (EtOH aq.). Mp 2358 Mp 247- 1,3,4-triol
719, 612; 1983, 754, 243 (isol) 2488 dec. [a]25.5
D +21 (c, 0.3 in 6M HCl). H3C(CH2)6CH/
Kawai, G. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1985, 49, (/9)-form [6094-76-4] . CH(CH2)6CH(OH)CH(OH)CH(NH2)-
2137 (isol, pmr) Hexagonal plates (EtOH). Mp 247- )CH2OH
Kawai, G. et al., J. Lipid Res. , 1985, 26, 338 2488.
(struct) C19H39NO3 329.522
Mori, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1985, 41, 2369; Kjaer, A. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1955, 9, 721
(synth) N-(2-Hydroxyeicosanoyl), 1-O-b-D-
2379 (synth)
Kawai, G. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1986, 261, 779- Sugii, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1964, 12, glucopyranoside: [230295-19-9] Culinari-
784 (isol) 1115 (isol) side
Fogeldal, M. et al., CA , 1987, 160, 29746 (isol) Suketa, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1970, 18, C45H87NO10 802.183
Sitrin, R.D. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1988, 41, 469 249 (isol, ord, biosynth) Constit. of the seeds of Lens culinaris
(isol, pmr, cmr, ms, struct) Vriesema, B.K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1986, 27, 2045 (lentil). Stereochem. not determined.
Striegler, S. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1996, 127, (resoln, cd, abs config)
Hong, Y. et al., J. Chin. Pharm. Sci. , 1999, 8, 8-
755-761 (activity) 10
Koga, Y. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1998, 273, 31985-
31991 (activity, pmr, cmr)
Jenkins, K.M. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1999, 40, 7637-
2-Amino-4-nitrophenol, 9CI A-278 2-Amino-4,8-octadecadiene- A-281
7640 (Thraustochytroside B) [99-57-0] 1,3-diol
Wang, X.-Z. et al., J.O.C. , 2000, 65, 8146-8151 4,8-Sphingadiene. 4,8-Octadecasphinga-
(synth) diene
Yue, J.-M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2001, 64, 1246- OH
1248 (Lactariamide B) NH2
Gao, J.M. et al., Lipids , 2001, 36, 521-527 NH 2
(Polyporus ceramide) CH 2OH
Yaoita, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2002, 50, OH
681-684 (hexadecanoyl, 2-hydroxyacyl, (2S,3R,4E,8E)-form
octadecadienoyl) NO2
C18H35NO2 297.48
3-Amino-1-methyl-5H -pyri- A-276 C6H6N2O3 154.125 (2S,3R ,4E ,8E )-form
do[4,3-b ]indole Orange prisms. Mp 142-1438 Mp 176-1778
Mp 195-1988. N-Hexadecanoyl: [141980-53-2]
[62450-07-1] C34H65NO3 535.892
-Eye irritant. LD50 (mus, orl) 850 mg/kg.
Isol. from Vigna angularis (azuki bean).
[72254-58-1] Exp. neoplastic agent. SJ6300000
Solid. Mp 82-838. [a]25D -8 (c, 0.5 in
1-Methyl-5H-pyrido[3,4-b]indol-1-amine, Propyl ether: [553-79-7] 5-Nitro-2-propox- CHCl3).
9CI. Trp-P2 yaniline. P 4000
N-(2R-Hydroxytetradecanoyl), 1-O-b-D-
C9H12N2O3 196.205
glucopyranoside:AS 1-1
CH 3 Once proposed for use as an artificial
C38H71NO9 685.98
N sweetener but now prohibited from use
Isol. from garlic bulbs. Amorph. pow-
in food.
NH2 der. Mp 197-2008. [a]28D +5.2 (c, 0.25 in
N Propyl ether, N-Ac: [553-20-8] N-(5-Nitro- propanol).
2-propoxyphenyl)acetamide, 9CI. 5?-Ni-
H N-(2R-Hydroxypentadecanoyl), 1-O-b-D-
tro-2?-propoxyacetanilide, 8CI. Acetyla-
glucopyranoside:AS 1-2
minonitropropoxybenzene. Falimint
C12H11N3 197.239 C39H73NO9 700.007
C11H14N2O4 238.243
Isol. from protein pyrolysates contg. Isol. from garlic bulbs. Amorph. pow-
Sweetening agent. Cryst. Mp 102-1038
tryptophan. Mutagenic potential food der. Mp 195-2008. [a]28D +8.8 (c, 0.13 in
Mp 202-2038.
contaminant. Prisms (as acetate salt). Mp 1-propanol).
U.K. Pat. , 1948, 597 835; CA , 42, 5050i (synth,
242-2478 (acetate salt). Falimint) N-(2R-Hydroxyhexadecanoyl), 1-O-b-D-
-Possible human carcinogen. Exp. Hannig, E. et al., Arzneim.-Forsch. , 1953, 3, 310 glucopyranoside: [114297-20-0] Soyacer-
carcinogen and mutagen. UU9354000 (pharmacol, Falimint) ebroside I. AS 1-4
Becher, M. et al., Pharmazie , 1989, 44, 56; 1990, C40H75NO9 714.034
45, 440; 534 (metab, Falimint) Isol. from Tetragonia tetragonoides
IARC Monog. , 1983, 31, 255; Suppl . 7, 73 (rev, Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. (New Zealand spinach), Glycine max
tox) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2079 (soybean) and bulbs of Allium sativum
Akimoto, H. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1985, (propyl ether)
var. sativum (garlic). Hygroscopic
58, 123 (synth, bibl, ir, uv)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of granules or amorph. solid. Mp 184-1868
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Mp 193-1978. [a]24D +10.5 (c, 0.30 in
Reinhold , 1992, ALD500; ALE750 2-Amino-4,8-nonadecadiene- A-279 MeOH/CHCl3, 3:2).
1,3-diol N-(2R-Hydroxyhexadecanoyl), 1-O-
2-Amino-5-(methylthio)penta- A-277 sulfate:
noic acid NH2 C34H65NO7S 631.956
[a]D +17 (c, 0.06 in MeOH).
5-(Methylthio)norvaline, 9CI, 8CI. OH N-(2R-Hydroxydocosanoyl), 1-O-b-D-glu-
Homomethionine copyranoside:Typhoniside A
C19H37NO2 311.507 C46H87NO9 798.195
(2S,3R ,4E ,8E )-form Amorph. powder. Mp 172-1748.
COOH N-Me, N-hexadecanoyl:
N-(2R-Hydroxytetradecanoyl), 1-O-b-D-
H 2N C H glucopyranoside: [189272-90-0] Lucyo- C35H67NO3 549.919
(S)-form broside Amorph. powder. Mp 868. [a]27 D +20.1
CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 SMe C39H73NO9 700.007 (c, 0.01 in CHCl3).
Constit. of Luffa cylindrica (smooth N-Me, N-octadecanoyl, 1-O-sulfate:Har-
C6H13NO2S 163.24 luffa). Mp 140-1428. iamide
(S )-form [25148-30-5] Fang, Z. et al., CA , 1997, 126, 303677n (isol, C37H71NO6S 658.037
L-form struct, Lucyobroside) Cryst. Mp 1658. [a]27
D +11.3 (c, 0.01 in

2-Amino-1,3,4-octadecanetriol, 8CI  / 2-Amino-8-octadecene-1,3,4-... A-282 
/ A-284

MeOH). 2-Amino-1,3,4-octadecane- A-282 2-Amino-4-octadecene-1,3- A-283

(2S,3R ,4E ,8Z )-form triol, 8CI diol, 9CI
N-Hexadecanoyl, 1-O-b-D- C18-Phytosphingosine. 4-Hydroxysphinga-
glucopyranoside: [127842-89-1] nine OH
C40H75NO8 698.034
Constit. of Lycium chinense (Chinese OH
H 3C(CH 2)12
boxthorn). Amorph. powder. [a]25 D +1.2 H3C(CH2)13 CH2OH (2S,3S,4R)-form
(c, 0.1 in MeOH). NH 2
N-(2R-Hydroxyhexadecanoyl), 1-O-b-D- (2S,3R,4E)-form
glucopyranoside: [115074-93-6] Soyacer-
ebroside II. AS 1-3 C18H39NO3 317.511
Amorph. powder. [a]D +9.4 (c, 0.21 in Py). C18H37NO2 299.496Many syntheses re-
C40H75NO9 714.034 ported of various stereoisomers. See
Isol. from Tetragonia tetragonoides (2S,3S,4R )-form [554-62-1]
Miyata et al (1996) for a listing of recent
(New Zealand spinach), Glycine max D-ribo-form
(soybean) and bulbs of Allium sativum Mp 1038 (95-978). [a]20
D +10.3 (Py)
var. sativum (garlic). Hygroscopic (+8.5). (2S,3R ,4E )-form [123-78-4]
D-erythro-trans-form. Sphing-4-enine.
granules or amorph. solid. Mp 192-1948 N-Hexadexanoyl:Armillaramide
(1838). [a]24 C18-Sphingosine
D +13.4 (c, 0.43 in MeOH/ C34H69NO4 555.923
CHCl3 3:2) (+4.6). Cryst. (Et2O). Mp 80-848 (79-818).
Isol. from Armillaria mellea (honey
N-(2R-Hydroxytetracosanoyl), 1-O-b-D- mushroom). Amorph. powder. Mp 113- N-(2R-Hydroxyhexadecanoyl), 1-O-b-D-
glucopyranoside:Stenochlaena cerebro- 1178. [a]26
D +14.3 (c, 0.21 in Py).
glucopyranoside:AS 1-5
side C40H77NO9 716.05
C48H91NO9 826.248 Constit. of Allium sativum (garlic)
C40H81NO5 656.084
[a]25 bulbs. Amorph. powder. Mp 205-2108.
D +7.9 (c, 0.09 in MeOH). Isol. from the mushroom Grifola
D +8.3 (c, 0.15 in propanol).
N-(15E-Tetracosenoyl), 1-O-b-D- frondosa (maitake). Amorph. powder.
[a]22 Inagaki, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998,
glucopyranoside: [204126-76-1] CE 1-2 D +12.9 (c, 0.1 in Py).
46, 1153-1156 (AS 1-5)
C48H89NO8 808.233 N-(2R-Hydroxytricosanoyl):
Amorph. powder. Mp 136-1378. [a]D - C41H83NO5 670.11
1.9 (c, 0.33 in 1-propanol). Isol. from the mushroom Grifola 2-Amino-8-octadecene-1,3,4- A-284
(2j,3j,4E ,8E )-form frondosa (maitake) and the truffle Tuber triol, 9CI
N-Hexadecanoyl: [124787-56-0] Sinumer- indicum . Amorph. powder. [a]20D +14.9 [81520-97-0]
amide (c, 0.07 in Py).
C34H65NO3 535.892 N-(2R-Hydroxytetracosanoyl), 1-O-b-D- OH
Cryst. (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 98-1008. glucopyranoside: [193412-78-1] Regulo- CH2OH
D +2.8 (c, 0.5 in CHCl3). side C
N-Nonadecanoyl:Humesamide C48H95NO10 846.279
C37H71NO3 577.973 N-(2R-Hydroxypentacosanoyl): (2S,3S,4R,8E)-form
Amorph. solid. Mp 79-808. C43H87NO5 698.164
[127912-01-0] Isol. from the mushroom Grifola C18H37NO3 315.495
frondosa (maitake). Amorph. powder. (2S,3S,4R ,8E )-form [3687-54-5]
Mori, K. et al., Annalen , 1988, 807 (abs config, [a]21
D +13.8 (c, 0.1 in Py). D-ribo-trans-form. Dehydrophytosphin-
ir, pmr, cmr, synth, bibl, Soyacerebroside)
Kodato, S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1989, 45, 7263 N-(2R-Hydroxyhexacosanoyl): gosine
(Sinumeramide) C44H89NO5 712.191 Present in soybean phospholipids.
Su, J. et al., CA , 1990, 112, 52558 (isol, Isol. from the mushroom Grifola Cryst. (Et2O). Mp 92-948. [a]25
D +8.5 (c,
Sinumeramide) frondosa (maitake). Amorph. powder. 1.2 in EtOH).
Shibuya, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990, [a]22
D +11.1 (c, 0.1 in Py). N-Benzoyl:
38, 2933 (Soyacerebrosides) (2j,3j,4j)-form
Shibuya, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1993, Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 128-1298.
41, 1534 (synth) N-(2j,3j-Dihydroxy-?-tetracosenoyl): N-Benzoyl, tri-Ac:
Shin, J. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1995, 58, 948-953 [260545-65-1] Tuberceramide Cryst. (hexane). Mp 77-788. [a]25
D +10 (c,
(N-hexadecanoyl) C42H83NO6 698.121 0.76 in CHCl3).
Kim, S.Y. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1997, 60, 274-276 Constit. of the seeds of Allium tuber-
Babu, U.V. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1997, 60, 1307- N-(2-Hydroxyhexadecanoyl), 1-O-b-D-
osum (Chinese chives). Posn. of double
1309 (Hariamide) glucopyranoside:Araliacerebroside
bond not determined.
Ojika, M. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1997, 38, 4235-4238 C40H77NO10 732.049
(N-hydroxyhexadecanoyl 1-sulfate) Prostenik, M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1965, 21, 651 Constit. of the root bark of Aralia elata
Inagaki, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998, Gigg, J. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1966, 1872; 1876
Schmidt, R.R. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1988,
(Japanese angelica tree). Amorph. pow-
46, 1153-1156 (AS compounds) der. Mp 215-2168. [a]20
174, 169 (synth, stereoisomers) D +14.6 (c, 0.53 in
Yamada, K. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. , 1998,
Lin, G. et al., Tetrahedron , 1996, 52, 2187-2192 MeOH).
371-378 (CE 1-2)
Liu, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49, 2403- (synth) (2S,3S,4R ,8Z )-form
2408 (Stenochlaena cerebroside) Zou, Z.-M. et al., J. Asian Nat. Prod. Res. , N-Hexadecanoyl, 1-O-b-D-glucopyranosi-
Anjaneyulu, V. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 1999, 2, 55-61 (Tuberceramide) de:Pokeweedcerebroside 1
1999, 38, 457-460 (N-hexadecanoyl) Gao, J.M. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 2001, 12,
139-140 (Armillaramide)
C40H77NO9 716.05
Wang, M.Y. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 2000, 11,
783-784 (Hamesamide) N-(2R-Hydroxyhexadecanoyl), 1-O-b-D-
Wang, X.-Z. et al., J.O.C. , 2000, 65, 8146-8151 glucopyranoside:Pokeweedcerebroside 2
(synth) C40H77NO10 732.049
Murakami, T. et al., Tetrahedron , 2000, 56, 533- N-(2R-Hydroxydocosanoyl), 1-O-b-D-glu-
545 (synth) copyranoside:Pokeweedcerebroside 3
Chen, X. et al., Tet. Lett. , 2002, 43, 3529-3532
C46H89NO10 816.21
(Typhoniside A)
N-(2R-Hydroxytricosanoyl), 1-O-b-D-glu-
copyranoside:Pokeweedcerebroside 4
C47H91NO10 830.237
N-(2R-Hydroxytetracosanoyl), 1-O-b-D-

2-Amino-3-(oxalylamino)propanoic acid 
/ 2-Amino-4-pentenoic acid, 9CI A-285  / A-289

glucopyranoside:Pokeweedcerebroside 5 [61238-53-7] Lambein, F. et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res.

C48H93NO10 844.263 Commun. , 1969, 37, 375 (isol)
Bell, E.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1966, 5, 1211
Lambein, F. et al., Heterocycles , 1976, 4, 567
N-(2R-Hydroxypentacosanoyl), 1-O-b-D- (isol)
glucopyranoside:Pokeweedcerebroside 6 Roy, D.N. et al., Curr. Sci. , 1968, 37, 395 (isol)
Baldwin, J.E. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1985, 26, 5931
C49H95NO10 858.29 Wu, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, 1257
(synth, pmr, ir)
[25277-37-6, 51153-53-8] Lambein, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31,
887 (glutamyl deriv)
Prostenik, M. et al., Naturwissenschaften , 1961, 2-Amino-6-oxohexanoic acid A-287 Kuo, Y.-H et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49, 43-
48, 500 (struct) 48 (occur, metab, biosynth)
Carter, H.E. et al., Biochemistry, 1963, 2, 389 [1962-83-0]
(isol, struct) 6-Oxonorleucine, 9CI. 5-Formylnorvaline,
Kang, S.S. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1999, 62, 1059- 8CI. a-Aminoadipic semialdehyde. 2-Ami-
1060 (Araliacerebroside) noadipaldehydic acid. Allysine
Kang, S.S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2001, 49, 2-Amino-4-pentenoic acid, A-289
321-323 (Pokeweedcerebrosides)
(S)-form [1069-48-3]
2-Amino-3-(oxalylamino)pro- A-285 H2 N C H Allylglycine. 2-(2-Propenyl)glycine
panoic acid CH 2 CH 2 CH 2 CHO
[7554-90-7] COOH
3-[(Carboxycarbonyl)amino]alanine, 9CI. C6H11NO3 145.158 (R)-form
H C NH 2
(2-Amino-2-carboxyethyl)oxamic acid, In equil. with the anhydro-form 2,3,4,5-
8CI. 2,3-Diamino-3-N-oxalylpropanoic Tetrahydro-2-pyridinecarboxylic CH 2CH CH 2
acid. Dencichin acid.Does not show typical aldehyde
reactions. C5H9NO2 115.132
O (S )-form (R )-form [54594-06-8]
L-form D-form
3 2 COOH Found in collagen, elastin and heart
HOOC N Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 240-2418 dec.
H muscle. [a]25
D -5.1 (c, 3 in H2O) (ca. 90% [a]24 24
NH2 D +37.8 (c, 4 in H2O). [a]D +5.7 (c, 2
pure). in 6M HCl).
(/9)-form Obt. only in soln..
C5H8N2O5 176.129 N-Ac: [121786-40-1]
2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: C7H11NO3 157.169
(S )-form [5302-45-4] Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 116-1178. Formed Cryst. (Me2CO/petrol). [a]22 D -42 (c, 4 in
L-form only slowly (5 days at 58). H2O).
Isol. from Panax notoginseng (sanchi). N-Ac: (S )-form [16338-48-0] L-form
Cryst. (H2O) (dimorph.). Mp 2068 dec. C8H13NO4 187.195 Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 275-2808 (241-
D -36.9 (c, 0.66 in 4N HCl). Mp 95-968. 2438) dec. [a]24 24
D -37.1 (c, 4 in H2O). [a]D
-Neurotoxin. RO4555000 -5.7 (c, 2 in 6M HCl).
Aspen, A.J. et al., Biochemistry, 1962, 1, 600
[58086-31-0, 61238-52-6, 120963-05-5] Basso, L.V. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1962, 237, N-tert-Butyloxycarbonyl: [90600-20-7]
2239 C10H17NO4 215.249
Rao, S.L.R. et al., Biochemistry, 1964, 3, 432
Rodwell, V.W. et al., Methods Enzymol., Part B ,
(isol, synth)
1971, 17, 188 (synth, bibl)
Viscous oil. [a]23
D +11.9 (c, 1.4 in
Murti, V.V.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1964, 3, 73 MeOH). [a]23 D -3.9 (c, 1 in CH2Cl2).
(ir) (/9)-form [7685-44-1]
Bell, E.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1966, 5, 1211 a-Amino-5-oxo-2(5H )-isoxa- A-288 Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 243-2458 dec.
(occur) zolepropanoic acid, 9CI
Rao, S.L.N. et al., Biochemistry, 1975, 14, 5218 Me ester: [70837-19-3]
a-Amino-5-oxo-3-oxazoline-2-propionic C6H11NO2 129.158
O’Brien, P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, acid, 8CI. b-(Isoxazolin-5-on-2-yl)alanine. Liq. Bp1.1 69-708.
2001 (dimorphism, ir, bibl) 2-Alanyl-3-isoxazolin-5-one
Et ester: [89077-49-6]
Rutter, J. et al., New Sci. , 23rd Aug., 1984, 23
(rev) COOH [68843-72-1]
Euerby, M.R. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1989, 466, C7H13NO2 143.185
407 (hplc, resoln) H 2N C H Liq. Bp15 75-788.
Bridges, R.J. et al., J. Neurosci. , 1989, 9, 2073
(props) CH 2 N-Ac: [50299-14-4]
Davis, A.J. et al., J. Inorg. Biochem. , 1990, 39, Mp 1148.
209 (isol) N
O Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Lambein, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29,
1, 574D (ir)
3793 (biosynth, bibl)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Davis, A.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, 3635 O Spectra , 1992, 1, 874C; 875A (nmr)
(cryst struct)
Black, S. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1955, 213, 39-50
C6H8N2O4 172.14 (synth, resoln)
3-Amino-2-(oxalylamino)pro- A-286 (S )-form [59476-61-8] Japan. Pat. , 1977, 77 54 085; CA , 87, 150205
L-form (isol)
panoic acid Yaozhong, J. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1989, 19,
Amino acid from the roots of pea
[7554-89-4] 881-888 (synth, ir, pmr)
seedlings (Pisum spp.). Fairly sol. H2O. Sasaki, N.A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1989, 30, 1943-
3-Amino-N-(carboxycarbonyl)alanine, Mp 203-2058 dec. [a]20D -62 (c, 1.4 in 1946 (synth)
9CI. (2-Amino-1-carboxyethyl)oxamic H2O). Base-labile lmax 265 (e 12300)
acid, 8CI. 2,3-Diamino-2-N-oxalylpropa- Mooiweer, H.H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1989, 45,
(pH 2 buffer) (Berdy). lmax 267 (e 4627-4636 (synth, ir, pmr)
noic acid 13190) (pH 10 buffer) (Berdy). Broxterman, Q.B. et al., J.O.C. , 1992, 57, 6286-
C5H8N2O5 176.129 N-(4-Amino-4-carboxybutanoyl): [142115- 6294 (resoln, pmr, cmr)
Dragovich, P.S. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1996, 39,
(S )-form [61277-72-3] 24-0] g-Glutamyl-b-(isoxazolin-5-on-2- 1872-1884 (Me ester, synth, ir, pmr)
L-form yl)alanine Org. Synth. , 1999, 76, 57-76 (synth, ir, pmr, cmr)
Present in seeds of Lathyrus sativus C11H15N3O7 301.255 Wolf, L.B. et al., Adv. Synth. Catal. , 2001, 343,
(chickling pea). Cryst. + 1=2H2O. Mp Constit. of Lens culinaris (lentil). Cryst. 662-674 (S-form, synth, ir, pmr, cmr)
170-1728. [a]21
D +14.7 (c, 2 in 1M KOH). (Me2CO aq.).

(5-Aminopentyl)guanidine, 9CI  / 3-Aminopropanoic acid A-290 / A-295

(5-Aminopentyl)guanidine, A-290 Mp 296-2978. E8 + 0.372V (pH 0.92, 238) -Mutagen. Exp. carcinogen.
9CI lmax 235 (e 28400); 467 (e 1700) (0.25N 3H -form
[18431-52-2] HCl) (Derep). lmax 335 (e 1230) (0.1N 3-Me:2-Amino-3-methyl-6-phenyl-3H-imi-
1-Amino-5-guanidinopentane. Homoagma- KOH) (Derep). lmax 240 (e 26300); 435 (e dazo[4,5-b]pyridine
tine 2330) (pH 7.4) (Derep). C13H12N4 224.265
-LD50 (mus, ipr) 200 mg/kg. SP7695000 Mp 2178.
HN/ . C(NH2)NH(CH2)4CH2NH2 -Mutagen.
N-Ac: [1916-55-8] N-(3-Oxo-3H-phenox-
C6H16N4 144.219 Knize, M.G. et al., Heterocycles , 1986, 24, 1815
azin-2-yl)acetamide, 9CI. 2-Acetamido-
Constit. of Lathyrus sativus (chickling (synth, ir, uv, pmr, cmr)
pea). Lindström, S. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1993,
C14H10N2O3 254.245 47, 805; 1995, 49, 361 (synth, bibl)
Ramakrishna, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, Orange cryst. Sol. EtOH, Et2O, C6H6,
12, 2691 (isol, synth, ir) Lang, N.P. et al., Cancer Lett. (Shannon, Irel.) ,
MeOH; poorly sol. H2O. Subl. 165. E8 + 1999, 143, 135-138 (metab)
0.375V (pH 0.84, 238) lmax 240 (E1%/
2-Amino-4-pentynoic acid, A-291 1cm 1400); 405 (E1%/1cm 1100) (EtOH)
(Berdy). 2-Amino-5-phenylpyridine, A-294
Propargylglycine N-b-D-Glucopyranosyl:N-b-D-Glucopyra-
nosylquestiomycin A [33421-40-8]
C18H18N2O7 374.349 5-Phenyl-2-pyridinamine, 9CI. Phe-P-1
COOH Red powder. Sol. DMSO, Py; fairly sol.
H C NH2 (R)-form MeOH; poorly sol. CHCl3, EtOAc. [a]28 D Ph
+16.5 (c, 0.1 in Py). Mp >1958 dec. lmax
CH2C CH 240 (log e 4.33); 423 (log e 4.23)
(MeOH). N NH2
C5H7NO2 113.116 Fischer, O. et al., Ber. , 1961, 27, 2784 (synth)
Sol. H2O; poorly sol. butanol, hexane. Gerber, N.N. et al., Biochemistry, 1964, 3, 598; C11H10N2 170.213
1966, 5, 3824 (isol, uv, ir) Mutagen found in cooked food. Cryst.
(R )-form [23235-03-2] Gerber, N.N. et al., J.O.C. , 1967, 32, 4055 (isol,
Mp 2218 dec. [a]25 (H2O). Mp 136-1378 (134-1358).
D +25.7 (c, 0.8 in H2O). uv, ir, bibl)
(S )-form [23235-01-0] Ruzic̆ka, E. et al., Mikrochim. Acta , 1967, 277 -Mutagen. US2145000
L-form (use) N-Acetoxy: [124392-12-7]
Mp 2308 (dec. from 2108) (248-2498 Ruzic̆ka, E. et al., CA , 1968, 69, 40930j
[189894-03-9] 2-Acetoxyamino-5-phenylpyri-
dec.). [a]20
D -35 (c, 1 in H2O).
dine. 5-Phenyl-2(1H)-pyridinone, O-acety-
Ikekawa, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1968, 16,
N-Phthaloyl, dicyclohexylamine salt: 1705 (synth, ir) loxime, 9CI
Mp 2058. [a]20D -29.4 (c, 1 in EtOH). Sullivan, G. et al., J. Pharm. Sci. , 1971, 60, 1097 C13H12N2O2 228.25
N-Phthaloyl, Me ester: (isol) Cryst. Mp 124-1268.
Cryst. (petrol). Mp 1128. [a]20
D -63.2 (c, 1
Baer, H. et al., Pharmazie, 1971, 26, 108; 314
-Proximate carcinogen of the parent
in EtOH). (isol)
Hishida, T. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1974, 293 (synth) compd..
(/9)-form [50428-03-0] Schlunegger, U.V. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1976, Beyer, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1958, 91, 247-256
Mp 235-2378 dec. 59, 1383 (isol) (synth, ir)
Hydrochloride: [61172-65-4] Motohashi, N. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1983, Butler, D.E. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1971, 14, 575
Cryst. (2-propanol/diisopropyl ether). 103, 364 (synth, props) (synth)
Mp 1958. Bolognese, A. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1986, 23, Kosuge, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1978, 26,
1003 (synth, pmr, uv, deriv) 611 (tox)
N-Phthaloyl, tert-butyl ester: Kinjo, J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1987, 28, 3697 (isol) U.S. Pat. , 1983, 4 386 209; CA , 100, P6343u
Mp 978. Simandi, L.I. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1993, 34, 717 (synth)
[198774-27-5] (synth) Stavenuiter, J.F.C. et al., Carcinogenesis
Igarashi, Y. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1998, 51, 915-920 (London) , 1985, 6, 13-19 (synth, pmr, ms)
Scannell, J.P. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1971, 24, 239- (Glucosylquestiomycin A) Lutgerink, J.T. et al., Carcinogenesis (London) ,
244 (isol, synth) Kim, D.S. et al., Planta Med. , 2000, 66, 78 1989, 10, 1957-1960 (N-acetyloxy, synth, pmr,
Tun-kyi, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1976, 59, (Questiomycin A, isol, activity) ms)
2181-2183 (synth) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Ojala, W.H. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1997, 53, 634-
Fauchére, J.-L. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1979, Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 637 (N-acetyloxy, cryst struct)
62, 1385-1395 (synth, resoln) Reinhold , 1992, QCJ275 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Diuric, S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1981, 22, 1787-1790 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
(synth) Reinhold , 1992, ALY000
Church, N.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1998, 1475- 2-Amino-6-phenylimidazo[4,5- A-293
1482 (R-form, S-form, synth, pmr, ir) b ]pyridine
Wolf, L.B. et al., Adv. Synth. Catal. , 2001, 343, 3-Aminopropanoic acid A-295
662-674 (S-form, synth, ir, pmr, cmr) [107-95-9]
b-Alanine, 9CI. FEMA 3252
2-Amino-3H -phenoxazin-3- A-292 1
one, 9CI, 8CI 3
NH 2 1H-form C3H7NO2 89.094
N N Widely distributed in plants including
Questiomycin A. AV toxin C algae, fungi and many higher plants.
C12H10N4 210.238 Flavouring ingredient. Cryst. (H2O). Sol.
1H -form H2O; almost insol. Et2O, Me2CO. Mp
N NH 2 2008 (197-1988). pKa1 3.7; pKa2 10.1 (308).
2 1-Me: [105650-23-5] 1-Methyl-6-phenyl-
7 1H-imidazo[4,5-b]pyridin-2-amine, 9CI. Nitrile: [151-18-8] 3-Aminopropanenitrile,
O O 2-Amino-1-methyl-6-phenyl-1H-imida- 9CI. 3-Cyanopropylamine. b-Aminopro-
zo[4,5-b]pyridine. PhIP pionitrile
C12H8N2O2 212.207 C13H12N4 224.265 C3H6N2 70.094
Isol. from Calocybe gambosa (St George’s Food-related mutagen, reported to be Constit. of chickling pea (Lathyrus
mushroom). Dark-brown or red cryst. the most abundant heterocyclic amine sativus ). Bp23 898 Bp0.1 50-558.
(EtOH). Sol. EtOH. Subl. 255-257. found in cooked meat and fish. Solid. -LD50 (mus, ipr) 1152 mg/kg. Exp. reprod.
Sometimes occurs in amorph. form with Mp 327-3288. and teratogenic effects. Polymerizes to an

(3-Aminopropoxy)guanidine, 9CI / 1-Amino-2-pyrrolidinecarboxylic acid A-296  / A-301

explosive yellow solid. Storage hazard. 277-2788 dec. lmax 262 (e 14400) (0.1N C7H6N2O4 182.135
UG0350000 NaOH). lmax 259 (e 13800) (0.1N HCl). Cryst. (H2O). Sol. H2O, MeOH; poorly
N-Benzoyl: [3440-28-6] N-Benzoyl-b-ala- Me ester: [70259-15-3] sol. Me2CO, hexane. lmax 262 (e 9550)
nine, 9CI. Betamipron, INN. 3-Benza- C9H11N5O2 221.218 (0.1N HCl) (Derep). lmax 245 (sh) (e
midopropanoic acid 8710); 290 (e 2090) (H2O at pH 11)
Cryst. (Et2O/MeOH). Mp 182-1838.
C10H11NO3 193.202 (Derep). lmax 265 (e 9120) (H2O pH 7)
Et ester: [7083-40-1] (Derep). lmax 252 (e 10000) (MeOH)
Artificial sweetener. Leaflets or prisms C10H13N5O2 235.245
(H2O). Mp 1208. Log P 0.69 (calc). (Berdy). lmax 265 (e 9800); 290 (e 2080)
Solid. Mp 167-1688. (H2O) (Berdy).
Org. Synth. , Coll. Vol. 3 , 1955, 93 (3- Nitrile: [4244-45-5] 6-Amino-9-(2-cya-
Hirayama, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,
Aminopropanenitrile) noethyl)purine 1133 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms, synth, struct)
Kircz, M. et al., Rev. Chim. (Bucharest) , 1959, C8H8N6 188.191
10, 78 (rev) Solid (H2O). Mp 258-2618 (245-2478).
Jose, P. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1965, 18, 806 (cryst Lira, E.P. et al., J.O.C. , 1966, 31, 2188-2191
a-Amino-1H -pyrrole-1-hexa- A-300
struct) (acid, nitrile, synth) noic acid, 9CI
Voellmin, J. et al., Microchem. J. , 1966, 11, 73 Chakraborti, S.K. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1969, Ne-Pyrrolylnorleucine. Pyrrole-1-norleu-
(ms) 7, 426 (synth) cine. 1-(5?-Amino-5?-carboxypentyl)pyrrole
Zilkha, A. et al., J.O.C. , 1968, 33, 1686 (synth) Saito, Y. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1970, 4863 (isol,
Becke, F. et al., Annalen , 1970, 735, 27 (synth) struct, synth)
Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen Holy, A. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn., 1978, 43, 3444-3465 (synth)
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 2425 Poritere, S.E. et al., Khim. Geterotsikl. Soedin. , N COOH
(occur) 1982, 539-541; Chem. Heterocycl. Compd.
Shirai, T. et al., Synth. Prod. Util. Amino Acids , (Engl. Transl.) , 1982, 415-417 (nitrile)
(Kaneko, T. et al , Ed.), Kodansha, Ltd.,
Tokyo, 1974, 67 (rev)
Garrigou-Lagrange, C. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 2-Amino-3-(1-pyrazolyl)pro- A-298 C10H16N2O2
1978, 56, 663 (ir, Raman) panoic acid (S )-form [156539-32-1]
Blagoeva, I. et al., Synthesis, 1982, 967 (synth)
[10162-27-3] L-form
Ishibashi, N. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1988, 52,
819 (synth, use, Betamipron) Widely distributed in fresh foodstuffs,
Tamura, M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1989, [28024-60-4] e.g. meats, fish, vegetables, nuts, and
37, 737; 1990, 38, 1368 (synth, activity, a-Amino-1H-pyrazole-1-propanoic acid, processed foods. Component of none-
Betamipron) 9CI. b-Pyrazol-1-ylalanine nzymic browning reaction models.
Barluenga, J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1989, 45, 2183 Characterised spectroscopically.
(synth, Betamipron)
Rosado, M.T.S. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , 1997,
COOH Chiang, G.H. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1988,
36, 506-509 (hplc, occur)
343-348; 410-411 (Raman, ir) H2N C H Zamora, R. et al., Lipids , 1994, 29, 243-249;
Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive 1995, 30, 477-483 (synth, detn, pmr, cmr)
Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths , H 2C Zamora, R. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta , 1995,
1990, 1139 N (S)-form 1258, 319-327 (formn)
Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical Hidalgo, F.J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1995,
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of N
43, 1023-1028 (occur, formn)
Chemistry, 1992, 212 Zamora, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1999,
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of C6H9N3O2 155.156
47, 1942-1947 (occur)
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand (S )-form [2734-48-7]
Reinhold , 1992, AMB500; DPU000; L-form
AMB750 Amino acid present in seeds of Citrullus 1-Amino-2-pyrrolidinecar- A-301
vulgaris (watermelon). Cryst. (EtOH boxylic acid
(3-Aminopropoxy)guanidine, A-296 aq.). Mp 2438 dec. [a]20
D -73 (c, 3.4 in
1-Aminoproline, 9CI
Noe, F.F. et al., Biochem. J. , 1960, 77, 543 (isol, 4 3
[97091-01-5] synth) 5 2
g-Guanidinooxypropylamine Sugimoto, N. et al., Tetrahedron , 1960, 11, 231 N
COOH (R)-form
HN/ . C(NH2)NHOCH2CH2CH2NH2 (synth)
C4H12N4O 132.165 Dunnill, P.M. et al., Biochem. J. , 1963, 86, 388 NH2
Constit. of Canavalia gladiata (sword- Takeshita, M. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1963, 238,
bean). C5H10N2O2 130.146Log P -0.97 (calc).
660 (isol, synth)
Hamana, K. et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Dunnill, P.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1965, 4, (R )-form [10139-05-6]
933 (occur) D-form
Commun. , 1985, 129, 46 (isol)
Matsuzaki, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, Frisch, D.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1967, 6, 921 Obt. from linseed meal. Pale yellow
1311 (isol) (biosynth) cryst. (EtOH). Mp 1558 dec. [a]25D +113
Murakoshi, I. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1972, (c, 2 in 0.5M HCl).
20, 609; 1980, 34, 1473 (synth) -TW3588500
6-Amino-9H -purine-9-propa- A-297 Brown, E.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21,
863 (biosynth) N-g-L-Glutamyl: [10139-06-7] 1-[N-(g-L-
noic acid, 9CI Arnold, L.D. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1988, 110, 2237- Glutamyl)amino]-D-proline. Linatine
[4244-47-7] 2241 (synth, pmr) C10H17N3O5 259.261
3-(9-Adeninyl)propionic acid Isol. from Linum usitatissimum (flax).
Amorph. solid. Sol. H2O; poorly sol.
4-Amino-2,3-pyridinedicar- A-299 butanol, hexane. [a]24
D +46.4 (c, 2.75 in
NH 2 boxylic acid, 9CI
N H2O).
[122475-55-2] -MA2275500
(S )-form [15265-22-2]
NH 2
CH 2CH 2COOH Mp 155-1568. [a]24
D -111 (c, 1.6 in 0.5M
C8H9N5O2 207.191 COOH Parsons, J.L. et al., Antimicrob. Agents
Isol. from Lentinus edodes (shiitake). Mp N Chemother. , 1967, 415

3-Amino-2-pyrrolidinecarboxylic acid / AML 1 A-302 
/ A-309

Klosterman, H.J. et al., Biochemistry, 1967, 6, Strekowski, L. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1994, 24, 2-Amino-1,7,9-trimethylimi- A-306
170 (synth) 2387 (N-Ac) dazo[4,5-g ]quinoxaline
Achiwa, K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1974, 1799 (synth) Campagnone, R.S. et al., Synth. Commun. ,
Klosterman, H.J. et al., Methods Enzymol. , 1997, 27, 1631-1641 (synth, ir, pmr, cmr)
1979, 62, 483 (props) Me
N CH 3
H 3C N
3-Amino-2-pyrrolidinecar- A-302 NH 2
2-Aminoquinoxaline A-304
boxylic acid N N
[24279-08-1] 2-Quinoxalinamine, 9CI
3-Aminoproline, 9CI C12H13N5 227.268
Isol. from beef extract. Mp 2508.
C5H10N2O2 130.146 N
5 4 -Mutagenic.
(2S,3R )-form [25876-88-4] 6 3
7 1 2
Achiwa, I. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994, 42,
L-cis-form 8
N N H2 408 (synth, pmr, uv)
Isol. from Morchella esculenta (com-
mon morel). Pale yellow powder (H2O). C8H7N3 145.163
Mp 2158 (1908). [a]20
D +22.5 (c, 0.9 in Mp 155-1568. pKa 3.93 (208). Subl. in
6M HCl). vacuo. 2-Amino-3,4,8-trimethyl-3H - A-307
Baldwin, J.E. et al., Tetrahedron , 1995, 51, 5169
(synth, pmr, 2S,3R-form) 2-N-Ac: [6479-24-9] imidazo[4,5-f ]quinoxaline
C10H9N3O 187.201 [95896-78-9]
Yellow. Mp 192.3-193.58. 3,4,8-Trimethyl-3H-imidazo[4,5-f]quinox-
2-Aminoquinoline A-303 1-N-Oxide: [6479-23-8] alin-2-amine, 9CI. 4,8-Di-MeIQx
[580-22-3] C8H7N3O 161.163
2-Quinolinamine, 9CI. a-Aminoquinoline Mp 187-1888. NH 2
N-(4-Aminobenzenesulfonyl): [59-40-5] 4- N
Amino-N-2-quinoxalinylbenzenesulfona- N NMe
5 4
mide, 9CI. Sulfaquinoxaline, BAN, INN. H 3C
7 Avicocid. Aviochina. Embazin. Italquina.
8 1 2 N H2 CH 3
N Kokozigal S. Nococcin. Quinoxipra C. N
Sulfabenzpyrazine. Sulfa-Q. Sulquin.
C9H8N2 144.176 C12H13N5 227.268
Compound 3-120
Alkaloid from the mushroom Leucopax- Pyrolysis prod. from creatine, threonine
C14H12N4O2S 300.34
illus aebissimus var. paradoxus form albi- and glucose in cooked food. Mp 3008.
Antimicrobial, coccidiostat for vet. use.
formis (of unknown palatability). Cryst. Potential food contaminant in animal -Mutagen. NJ5920400
(H2O). Sol. MeOH, CHCl3; poorly sol. products arising from its veterinary use. Knapp, S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1989, 45, 1293
hexane. Mp 131.5-132.58 (1298). pKa 7.3 Sol. alkalis. Mp 247-2488. Log P 1.66 (synth)
(208). Grivas, S. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1993, 47,
(calc). Freq. used as Na salt. 521 (synth, pmr, ms)
-VA9621800 -LD50 (rat, orl) 1370 mg/kg. WP2100000
Picrate: [967-80-6]
Mp 266-2678.
Weijlard, J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1944, 66, 1957
Methochloride: Elina, A.S. et al., Zh. Obshch. Khim. , 1963, 33, Amitenone A-308
Cryst. + 1H2O. Mp 2688. 1954; CA , 59, 12807
Ryley, J.F. et al., Parasitology, 1968, 58, 215
(sulfaquinoxaline, use) 2,2?-Methylenebis[3,6-dihydroxy-5-
Cryst. (H2O). Mp 2478.
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th (3,7,11,15-tetramethyl-2,6,10,14-hexadeca-
N-Ac: edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 205 tetraenyl)]-2,5-cyclohexadiene-1,4-dione,
C11H10N2O 186.213 Combs, M.T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1997, 9CI. Methylenebis[2,5-dihydroxy-4-gera-
Mp 88-908. 45, 1779-1783 (sulfaquinoxaline, occur) nylgeranyl-3,6-benzoquinone]
N-Ph: [5468-85-9] 2-Anilinoquinoline Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
C15H12N2 220.273 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, QTS000 OH HO
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 988. HO OH
N-Ph, 1-oxide:
C15H12N2O 236.273 C53H72O8 837.147
Mp 211-2128. Pigment from the edible mushroom Ami-
2-Amino-N -(2,2,4,4-tetra- A-305
N-Nitro:2-Nitraminoquinoline. 2-Quinolyl- methyl-3-thietanyl)propanamide, 9CI take (Suillus bovinus ). Yellow-orange
nitramine cryst. Mp 187-1888.
C9H7N3O2 189.173
Minami, K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1968, 5067 (isol,
Yellow needles (AcOH). Mp 223-2258. struct)
Turns red in air. Azawa, K. et al., Mokuzai Gakkaishi , 1971, 17,
Tschitschibabin, A.E. et al., Ber. , 1925, 58, 803 384; CA , 76, 59139 (struct, synth)
Steck, E.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1948, 70, 3397 H C NH2
Dymek, W. et al., Pol. J. Chem. (Rocz. Chem.) , CH3
1964, 38, 925 (2-Anilinoquinoline)
Kametani, T. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1965, 2, 330 AML 1 A-309
(synth) C10H20N2OS 216.347 [125147-23-1]
Cook, M.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1973, 1080 (R )-form [80875-07-6]
(tautom) Aqueous degradn. prod. of Alitame, A- C35H62O4 546.872
Tondys, H. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1985, 22, 353 168. Oil. Acetogenin. Struct. unknown. Constit. of
(synth) Annona muricata (soursop). Powder.
Pfister, J.R. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1988, 51, 969 Eur. Pat. , 1989, 325 485; CA , 112, 77948d
(synth) Sol. MeOH, hexane; poorly sol. H2O.
(isol, cmr, pmr)
Yamada, M. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1991, Hutchinson, S.A. et al., Food Res. Int. , 1999, Japan. Pat. , 1989, 89 50 892; CA , 112, 72327r
64, 1821 (uv) 15, 249-261 (occur)

Amlaic acid / Ammonium phosphate ((NH4)2HPO4) A-310  / A-316

Amlaic acid A-310 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Ammonium phosphate A-315
2, 1272B (ir) ((NH4)(H2PO4))
[17278-02-3] Mellor Compr. Treat. Inorg. Theor. Chem. , 1964,
8/IA, 459 (rev) [7722-76-1]
OH Jones, D.P. et al., J.C.S. Dalton , 1980, 2526
CH2OH [10124-31-9]
(synth, ir, Raman)
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th Monoammonium phosphate, 9CI, 8CI.
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 743 Ammonium phosphate$. Ammonium dihy-
OH Merck Index, 12th edn. , 1996, No. 534 drogenphosphate
O OH Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
CO O Reinhold , 1992, ANE000 H6NO4P 115.025
CO Thermally the most stable of the
O ammonium orthophosphates. Each
Ammonium chloride A-313 NH4 cation is coordinated by 8 oxygens
((NH4)Cl), 11CI, JAN, USAN forming two interpenetrating tetragonal
HO OH [12125-02-9] disphenoids. Mean P/  O 153.7 pm.
Sal ammoniac. Amchlor. Darammon. Am- Used in food as a source of acidity, pH
monium muriate. Salmiac control agent, buffering agent, leavening
C27H24O19 652.475
Constit. of the leaves of Phyllanthus [NH4]Cl agent, dough strengthener and nutrient
emblica (emblic). Cryst. (butanol/Et2O). ClH4N 53.491 source; also used as a yeast nutrient in
Mp 2068. [a]D -289. wine production and to start secondary
Has CsCl struct. below 184.38 and NaCl fermentations in the production of
Theresa, Y.M. et al., Leather Sci. (Madras) , above this temp.. Dough conditioner, sparkling wines. Colourless, transparent
1967, 14, 16-17; CA , 67, 88373r dough strengthener, flavour enhancer, tetragonal prisms (H2O). Mp 1908. Low
leavening agent, processing aid and temp. orthorhombic, antiferroelectric
yeast food. Hygroscopic white solid. V. phase transforms at -1258 (rising temp.)
Ammonium acetate A-311 sol. H2O. V.p. 758 mm at 3388. Subl. into tetragonal, paraelectric phase.
[631-61-8] when heated.
-Irritant. BP4550000 [93454-15-0, 93454-16-1]
C2H7NO2 77.083 [12015-14-4] Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
2, 1266C (ir)
Struct. is a 3-D H-bonded network with Aldrich Library of Infrared Spectra, 3rd edn. , Miller, F.A. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1960,
each O atom accepting 2 H bonds. 1981, 1521D (ir) 16, 135 (ir)
Listed in the EAFUS Food Additive Gmelin Handbook Inorg. Chem. , Syst. No. 23, Kolomiichuk, V.N. et al., Kristallografiya , 1968,
Database (Jan 2001) but with no 1936, 150 (bibl) 13, 519; Sov. Phys. Crystallogr. (Engl.
Mellor Compr. Treat. Inorg. Theor. Chem. , 1964, Transl.) , 1968, 13, 4221 (ed)
reported use. Hygroscopic cryst. Mp 8/I, Part 1; 378 (rev)
1148. Mullin, J.W. et al., J. Appl. Chem. , 1970, 20, 153
Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn., (synth)
Zuffanti, S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1941, 63, 3123-3124 Wiley, 1978, 2, 520 (rev) Khan, A.A. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1973, 29, 2721
(synth) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. (cryst struct)
Gutowsky, H.S. et al., J. Chem. Phys. , 1954, 22, Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 135-136 Nicholson, J.Y. et al., J. Chem. Phys. , 1974, 60,
1782-1783 (pmr) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 715 (pmr)
Schmidt, B.M. et al., J. Mol. Spectrosc. , 1958, 2, Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Ratcliffe, C.I. et al., Chem. Phys. Lett. , 1985,
539-550 (N-14 nmr) Reinhold , 1992, ANE500 120, 427 (N-15 nmr)
Vratny, F. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1961, 33, 1455 (ir) Turner, G.L. et al., J. Magn. Reson. , 1986, 70,
Nahringbauer, I. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1967, 23, 408 (P-31 nmr)
956-965 (cryst struct) Ammonium hydroxide A-314 Bréhat, F. et al., J. Phys. C: Solid State Phys. ,
((NH4)(OH)), 11CI, 10CI, 9CI 1986, 19, 6893 (ir)
Mudrakovskii, I.L. et al., J. Phys. Chem. Solids ,
Ammonium carbonate, USAN A-312 [1336-21-6]
1986, 47, 335 (P-31 nmr)
[10361-29-2] Ammonium hydroxide. Ammonia aqueous. Mohanial, S.K. et al., Cryst. Res. Technol. ,
Aqua ammonia. E527 1987, 22, 21 (synth)
[8000-73-5] NH3.H2O rather than NH4OH Pastor, A.C. et al., Ferroelectrics , 1987, 71, 61
Carbonic acid ammonium salt. Diammo- H5NO 35.046 (rev)
nium carbonate. Sal volatile. Hartshorn. Cerreta, M.K. et al., J. Cryst. Growth , 1987, 84,
E503 Name given to aq. soln. of Ammonia. 577 (Raman)
Used in food processing as a leavening Hattori, T. et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. , 1987, 56,
(NH4)2CO3 agent, pH control agent, surface- 781 (Raman)
CH8N2O3 96.086 finishing agent, and boiler water Fukami, T. et al., J. Phys. Soc. Jpn. , 1987, 56,
additive. Colourless liq. Sol. H2O. d20 2223; 4388 (cryst struct)
As normally obt., contains large amounts Kim, J.J. et al., Phys. Rev. B , 1987, 36, 5651
of, from which it is formed on 0.89. Mp -778.
hydration. Used in baking powder. -Corrosive. V. pungent odour, poison by Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Colourless cryst. Strong odour of NH3. ingestion. Severe eye irritant. Can inflict Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 142-143
Sharp taste. V. sol. H2O. Mp 588 dec. burns. BQ9625000
Dec. in air / 0 NH3 + CO2 + H2O. Penta-deutero compd.: [12168-30-8]
Converts to, Mono-NH4 salt. The name D5NO 40.077 Ammonium phosphate A-316
E503 is also used for Mono-NH4 salt. Mellor Compr. Treat. Inorg. Theor. Chem. , 1928, ((NH4)2HPO4)
-LD50 (mus, ivn) 96 mg/kg. BP1925000 194; 1964, 8/I, 311 (rev) [7783-28-0]
Monohydrate: [16799-91-0] Gmelin Handbook Inorg. Chem. , Syst. No. 23,
1936, 42 (bibl) [10124-31-9]
CH10N2O4 114.101
Herber, R.H. et al., Inorg. Isot. Synth. , Diammonium phosphate, 9CI, 8CI. Dia-
Colourless cubes. V. sol. cold H2O; dec. Benjamin, 1962, 47 (deutero deriv)
hot H2O. mmonium hydrogen phosphate
Compr. Inorg. Chem. , Pergamon, Oxford, 1973,
2, 224 (struct, rev)
((NH4)2HPO4). Ammonium phosphate,
Compd. with H2O2: [76261-70-6] Ammo-
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. USAN
nium carbonate peroxohydrate
CH10N2O5 130.1 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 137-138 (NH4)2HPO4
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Colourless cryst. H9N2O4P 132.056
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
[506-87-6] Reinhold , 1992, ANK250 Struct. has discrete PO4H2 and NH4

Ammonium sulfide ((NH4)2S), 10CI, 9CI 
/ Amphibine H A-317 / A-321

tetrahedra with P/  O 151.9-158.7 pm, 1(10),4-Amorphadiene A-318 Owen, R.T. et al., Drugs of Today (Barcelona) ,
angle: OPO 103.6-113.28. Dough 1980, 16, 163 (rev, pharmacol)
[189165-79-5] Bird, A.E. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1982, 563
strengthener, firming agent, leavening d-Amorphene (pmr, cd)
agent, pH control agent, processing aid, Kawamori, M. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1983,
nutrient source, yeast nutrient and a 47, 2503 (biosynth)
starter for secondary fermentation in Negwer, M. et al., Organic-Chemical Drugs and
the production of sparkling wines. Mp their Synonyms, 6th edn., Akademie-Verlag ,
1858 dec. 1987, 4027 (synonyms)
-TB9375000 Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
a-form Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
H York, 1989, A0A100
High temp.-form
Orthorhombic cell at 1208.Reverts to b- Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn.,
Wiley, 1991, 3, 129 (rev)
form at ca . 1008. Vega, J.M. et al., Allergy, 1994, 49, 317 (tox)
b-form C15H24 204.355 Bird, A.E. et al., Anal. Profiles Drug Subst. ,
Low temp.-form Constit. of Leptospermum scoparium (red 1994, 23, 1 (rev)
Monoclinic cell.Colourless cryst. tea). Aguilar, L. et al., Antimicrob. Agents
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Melching, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 44, Chemother. , 1997, 41, 1403-1405 (amoxicillin
2, 1266D (ir) 1291-1296 (isol, pmr, ms, gc) sodium-clavulanic acid)
Thompson, H.L. et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1950, Ang, C.Y.W. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1997,
42, 2176 (props, manuf) 45, 4351-4356 (occur, anal)
Smith, P. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1957, 10, 709 (cryst Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 32nd
struct) edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1999, 151
Coates, R.V. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1967, 23, 504
Amoxicillin, INN, JAN, A-319 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
(synth, cryst struct) USAN Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Nabiev, M.N. et al., Zh. Neorg. Khim. , 1969, 14, [26787-78-0] Reinhold , 1992, A0A100
2950; Russ. J. Inorg. Chem. (Engl. Transl.) ,
1969, 14, 1556 (synth, props) [61336-70-7]
Khan, A.A. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1972, 28, 2065 6-[[Amino(4-hydroxyphenyl)acetyl]ami-
(cryst struct) no]-3,3-dimethyl-7-oxo-4-thia-1-azabicy-
Hamann, S.D. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1978, 31, Ampelopsin D A-320
clo[3.2.0]heptane-2-carboxylic acid, 9CI.
11 (ir) [149418-37-1]
Neels, J. et al., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. , 1982, 495,
65 (P-31 nmr) penicillanic acid. r-Hydroxyampicillin.
Ratcliffe, C.I. et al., Chem. Phys. Lett. , 1983, Amoxycillin, BAN. Almodan. Amix. Amo- OH
99, 177 (N-15 nmr) pen. Amoram. Amoxid. Amoxil. Amox-
Mudrakovskii, I.L. et al., J. Phys. Chem. Solids , ymed. Amrit. Biomox. Cemoxin. Clamoxyl
1986, 47, 338 (P-31 nmr) HO Absolute
(SKB). Flemoxin. Galenamox. Imacillin.
Videnova-Adrabinska, V. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , OH Configuration
Polymox. Rimoxallin. Sauracillin. Trimox.
1988, 175, 295 (ir, Raman) Wymox. BRL 2333. Many other names
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. OH
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 140-145 OH
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of HO
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand HO
Reinhold , 1992, ANR500 H
C28H22O6 454.478
NH2 N Constit. of Vitis vinifera (wine grape).
O Amorph. powder. [a]22 D -5 (c, 0.27 in
Ammonium sulfide ((NH4)2S), A-317 COOH MeOH).
10CI, 9CI
Oshima, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 33, 179-
[12135-76-1] C16H19N3O5S 365.409 182 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Diammonium sulfide. FEMA 2053 Potential contaminant in cow’s milk aris- Adesanya, S.A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1999, 62,
[NH4]2S ing from its veterinary use. Marketed 1694-1695 (struct)
drug. Worldwide 145th best selling pre- Niwa, M. et al., Heterocycles , 2000, 53, 1475-
H8N2S 68.143 scription drug ($0.32 bn) (SmithKline 1478 (pmr, cmr, abs config)
Flavouring ingredient. Used in baked Beecham) (1999, Pharma Business)Cryst. Takaya, Y. et al., Tetrahedron , 2002, 58, 7259-
goods, meat products, condiments and + 3H2O. Sol. H2O. [a]20 7265 (abs config)
D +246 (c, 0.1 in
gravies. Below -188 stable. Yellow hygro- H2O). Log P -1.94 (uncertain value) (calc).
scopic cryst. Sol. H2O. Dec. to NH3 +
-Hypersensitivity reactions and
NH4SH, polysulfides.
gastrointestinal effects reported when used
-Toxic. Pyrophoric in air. BS4920000 therapeutically. LD50 (rat, ipr) 2870 mg/kg Amphibine H A-321
Mellor Compr. Treat. Inorg. Theor. Chem. , 1928, (trihydrate). XH8300000 [52659-55-9]
2, 645; Part 1 , 1964, 8/1, 469 (rev)
Na salt: [34642-77-8] Amoxicillin sodium, 2-(Dimethylamino)-N-[2-methyl-1-
Merck Index, 11th edn. , 1989, No. 585 (props,
uses) USANUsed in combination with clavu- [[3,3a,12,13,14,15,16,16a-octahydro-8-
Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis , lanate potassium and marketed as methoxy-13,16-dioxo-14-(phenylmethyl)-
(ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 1, 197-199 Augmentin. 5,9-metheno-9H-pyrrolo[3,2-b][1,5,8]ox-
(use) 2-Naphthalenesulfonate: adiazacyclopentadecin-1(2H)-yl]carbo-
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
Mp 1948 dec. nyl]propyl]propanamide, 9CI
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
2, 35 [79198-29-1]
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 146-147 Neu, H. et al., Antimicrob. Agents Chemother. ,
Sax, N.I. et al., Dangerous Properties of 1970, 407; 411; 416; 423, (props)
Industrial Materials, 7th edn., Van Nostrand U.K. Pat. , 1970, 1 241 844; CA , 72, 90447
Reinhold , 1989, 243; 244 (haz) (synth)
Long, A. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1971, 1920 (synth)
Boles, M.O. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1978, 34, 461
(cryst struct)
Bhattacharyya, P.K. et al., Anal. Profiles Drug
Subst. , 1978, 7, 19 (rev)

Ampicillin, BAN, INN, JAN, USAN / Anabsin A-322  / A-325

OMe Worldwide 92nd best selling Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
prescription drug (as Unasyn in Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 149-153
O combination with) ($0.33 bn) (Pfizer)
O O (1996, PharmaBusiness)Mp 199-2028
NH dec. [a]23
D +287.9 (H2O). pKa1 2.52; pKa2 b-Amylase, 9CI A-324
N 7.24 (258). Log P -1.27 (uncertain value) [9000-91-3]
HN (calc). Constit. of Unasyn. 1,4-D-Glucan maltohydrolase. Saccharogen
O Ph -Hypersensitivity reactions reported when amylase. Glycogenase. E.C.
used therapeutically. LD50 (rat, ipr) 4500
Tetrameric enzyme, MW 206 000 /9 1000;
NH mg/kg. Exp. teratogen. XH8350000
tryptophan residues are involved at the
Na salt: [69-52-3] Ampicillin sodium, active site. Used in the prodn. of
USAN. Omnipen. Embacillin C alcoholic beverages and sugar syrups.
-LD50 (mus, ipr) 3480 mg/kg. XH8400000 Releases successive maltose units from
Me2 N (5-Methyl-2-oxo-1,3-dioxol-4-yl)methyl the non-reducing end of a
ester: See Lenampicillin in The polysaccharide chain by hydrolysis of a-
C33H43N5O6 605.733 Combined Chemical Dictionary. (1/ 0 4)-glucan linkages; acts on starch,
Alkaloid from the stem bark of Zizyphus glycogen and related polysaccharides.
jujuba (Chinese date). Cryst. (CHCl3/
Manners, D.J. et al., Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. ,
petrol). Mp 2058. [a]20
D -570 (c, 0.12 in Doyle, F. et al., J.C.S. , 1962, 1440 (synth)
1962, 17, 371-430 (rev)
MeOH). Austin, K. et al., Nature (London) , 1965, 208,
99 Thoma, J. et al., The Enzymes , (Boyer, P. Ed.),
N-De-Me: [53947-96-9] Nummularine B. Ivashkiv, E. et al., Anal. Profiles Drug Subst. , 3rd Edn., Academic Press, N.Y., 1971, 5, 115-
N-Demethylamphibine H. Daechuine 1973, 2, 1 (rev) 189 (rev)
Boles, M. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1976, 32, 2279; Vihinen, M. et al., Crit. Rev. Biochem. Mol.
S27 Biol. , 1989, 24, 329-418 (rev)
C32H41N5O6 591.706 1978, 34, 461 (cryst struct)
Kaifež, F. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1976, 13, 561 Ray, R.R. et al., J. Chem. Res., Miniprint , 1996,
Alkaloid from the stem bark of Zizy- 22, 181-199 (rev)
phus jujuba (Chinese date). Needles Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Bird, A.E. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1982, 563
(MeOH). Mp 230-2318. [a]20D -390 (c, 0.2 (pmr, cd) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 151-152
in CHCl3). Akita, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984, 32, (use)
N-De-Me, N-formyl: [99694-95-8] Num- 4317 (synth)
mularine T Humber, D.C. et al., Tetrahedron , 1984, 40,
C33H41N5O7 619.716 4153 (synth) Anabsin A-325
Cooper, J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1984, 40, 4153
Granules (MeOH). Mp 188-1908. [72542-39-3]
Dihydro: Negwer, M. et al., Organic-Chemical Drugs and
Needles (CH2Cl2/Me2CO). Mp 2818. their Synonyms, 6th edn., Akademie-Verlag , HO
D -381 (c, 0.15 in MeOH). 1987, 4026 (synonyms)
Tschesche, R. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1974, 107, 686; IARC Monog. , 1990, 50, 153 (rev, tox)
3180 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms, struct) Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn.,
Tschesche, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, Wiley, 1991, 3, 129 (rev) 1
Ang, C.Y.W. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1997, HO 3 H
541; 1979, 18, 702 (isol)
Pandey, V.B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23, 45, 4351-4356 (occur, anal) O
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 32nd O H
2118 (isol)
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1999, 153; 154 O
Han, B.H. et al., Pure Appl. Chem. , 1989, 61,
443 (isol, Nummularine B) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Pandey, V.B. et al., Planta Med. , 1990, 56, 649 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand O
(activity) Reinhold , 1992, AIV500; SEQ000; AOD125
Singh, B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 38, 271 C30H40O7 512.642
(Nummularine T) Constit. of Artemisia absinthium (worm-
a-Amylase A-323 wood). Cryst. Mp 2768 dec. [a]25
D +110 (c,
1.7 in Me2CO).
Ampicillin, BAN, INN, JAN, A-322 [9000-90-2]
USAN Alpha Amylase, USAN. Fortizyme. Amy- 3-Deoxy: [6903-12-4] Anabsinthin
lopsin. Buclamase. Maxilase. Amylase C30H40O6 496.642
[69-53-4] Isol. from Artemisia absinthium
THC250. Glycogenase. 1,4-K-D-Glucan
[7177-48-2] glucanohydrolase. E.C. (wormwood). Cryst. (C6H6). Mp 2678
6-[(Aminophenylacetyl)amino]-3,3-di- Enzyme which hydrolyses 1,4-a-glycosidic (2608). [a]20
D +113 (CHCl3).
methyl-7-oxo-4-thia-1-azabicyclo[3.2.0]- linkages in starch, glycogen and related 3-Deoxy, 1a-hydroxy: [244179-05-3] See-
heptane-2-carboxylic acid, 9CI. D-a- polysaccharides; starch is converted into marin
Aminobenzylpenicillin. 6-(a-Aminopheny- maltose and dextrins. Used for the C30H40O7 512.642
lacetamido)penicillanic acid. Amblosin. hydrolysis of starch in the sugar, Cryst. Mp 256-2578. [a]D +114.5 (c, 0.1
Amfipen. Binotal. Magnapen. Marcillin. brewing and distilling industries. in MeOH/CHCl3).
Omnipen. Penbristol. Pentritin. Penicline. Improves baking quality and 10?,11?-Diepimer, 3-deoxy: [314763-54-7]
Tolomol. Viccillin. Vidocillin. Vidopen. AY fermentation. A concentrate of Caruifolin D
6108. BRL 1341. NSC 528986 amylolytic enzymes of bacterial or C30H40O6 496.642
animal origin. Amorph. powder. [a]24 D +108 (c, 0.29 in
H Manners, D.J. et al., Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. , CHCl3).
Ph CONH S 1962, 17, 371-430 (rev) Kasyrov, Sh.Z. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1979,
Thoma, J.A. et al., Enzymes (3rd edn.) , 1971, 5, 15, 495; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
NH2 N 115 (rev) 1979, 15, 430 (struct, bibl)
O Pierrot, M. et al., FEBS Lett. , 1977, 79, 105 Ullah, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 51, 559-
COOH (cryst struct) 562 (Seemarin, Anabsinthin)
Ingle, M.B. et al., Adv. Appl. Microbiol. , 1978, Ma, C.-M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2000, 63, 1626-
C16H19N3O4S 349.41 24, 257 (rev, bacterial amylase) 1629 (Caruifolin D)
Karn, R.C. et al., Adv. Comp. Physiol.
Semisynthetic penicillin. Potential Biochem. , 1978, 7, 1 (rev, animal amylase)
contaminant of cow’s milk arising from Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
its veterinary use. Marketed drug. edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1337

Ananasic acid 
/ Angustifolin A-326 
/ A-332

Ananasic acid A-326 Patterson, R.L.S. et al., J. Sci. Food Agric. , Angelicolide A-330
1968, 19, 31 (occur)
[60877-02-3] Kingsbury, A.E. et al., Horm. Res. , 1978, 9, 254
3b,11a,15a-Trihydroxycycloart-24E-en-26- (metab)
oic acid Kagan, M.Z. et al., Bioorg. Khim. , 1979, 5, 1158 O O
COOH Ohloff, G. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1983, 66, O O
192 (synth, epimers, isomers)
HO Turner, A.B. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1983, 24, 4589
H Cox, P.J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1984, 40, 3153
(synth, cryst struct, bibl)
C24H28O4 380.483
C30H48O5 488.706 Angelicain A-329 Constit. of roots of Angelica glauca .
Constit. of pineapple stems. Cryst. [64519-22-8] Prisms (Me2CO/petrol). Mp 1578.
(MeOH). Mp 194-197.58. [a]25 D +4.23. 2,3-Dihydro-4-hydroxy-7-(hydroxy- Banerjee, S.K. et al., Annalen , 1984, 888 (cryst
Takata, R.H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1976, 32, 1077 methyl)-2-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-5H- struct)
furo[3,2-g][1]benzopyran-5-one, 9CI.
Androst-16-en-3-ol, 9CI A-327
Angeolide A-331
OH O [81957-73-5]

HO (3α,5α)-form
C15H16O6 292.288
(S )-form [49624-66-0] O
C19H30O 274.445 O
Constit. of Angelica archangelica O
(3a,5a)-form [1153-51-1] (angelica). Cryst. Mp 208-2098. [a]D
Aroma substance from the Perigord +49.
truffle tuber. Cryst. (petrol). Mp 143.5-
1448. [a]20 1??-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [85889-15-2]
D +15 (c, 1.33 in CHCl3).
Ruzicka, L. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1943, 26, C24H28O4 380.483
975; 1947, 30, 3080
C21H26O11 454.43
Needles (EtOH). Mp 130-1328. [a]22 D
Constit. of Angelica glauca . Cryst. (C6H6/
Prelog, V. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1945, 28, 618
Fishman, J. et al., J.O.C. , 1963, 28, 1443 (synth, +13.7 (c, 0.580 in EtOH). hexane). Mp 1308. [a]25
D 0 (CHCl3).
3a,5a-form) 9-O-Angeloyl: [173994-06-4] Angeliticin A Banerjee, S.K. et al., Annalen , 1982, 699 (cryst
Hudec, J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1976, 32, 2475 C20H22O7 374.39 struct)
(ord, cd) Cryst. Mp 177-1788.
Ohloff, G. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1983, 66,
192 (synth, ir, pmr) 4-Me ether: [37921-38-3] Cimifugin. Cimi-
tin Angustifolin A-332
C16H18O6 306.315 [56881-08-4]
Androst-16-en-3-one A-328 Needles (MeOH). Mp 107-1098. [a]D 3-(1,1-Dimethyl-2-propenyl)-7-hydroxy-
+79.2 (c, 0.8 in CHCl3). 2H-1-benzopyran-2-one, 9CI. 3-(1,1-Di-
4-Me ether, 1??-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: methylallyl)-7-hydroxycoumarin
H [80681-45-4]
C22H28O11 468.457
Cryst. (CHCl3). Mp 118-1208 (1138-
1158). [a]24
D +33.3 (c, 0.6 in CHCl3).
O (/9)-form
Mp 197-1988.
Kondo, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1972, 20,
C19H28O 272.43 1940 (isol, abs config, Cimicifugin) C14H14O3 230.263
5a-form [18339-16-7] Kirtany, J.K. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1973, 11, Gum.
Androgen metabolite which causes 505 (struct) Me ether: [20958-63-8] 3-(1,1-Dimethyl-2-
‘‘boar taint’’ in pigmeat products. Cryst. Wada, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1974, 13, 297
(pentane). Mp 140-1418. [a]17D +38 (c, 2-one. 3-(1,1-Dimethylallyl)-7-methoxy-
Chatterjee, A. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
2.08 in CHCl3). 1977, 15, 212 (isol) coumarin. 3-(1,1-Dimethylallyl)herniar-
(5a,13a)-form [86335-08-2] Baba, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1981, 29, in
Cryst. (petrol). Mp 120-1228. [a]D -86.8 2565 (isol, Cimifugin) C15H16O3 244.29
(c, 8.5 in CHCl3). Kozawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1983, Constit. of Ruta graveolens (rue). Cryst.
(5a,14b)-form [88930-98-7] 31, 64 (isol) (MeOH or hexane). Mp 126-1288.
Mp 101.5-1038. Kopp, B. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1991, 74, 611
(Cimifugin glucoside) Reisch, J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1968, 4395 (isol,
(5b,8a,9b,10a,13a,14b)-form [86362-77-8] deriv)
Cryst. (pentane). Mp 140-1418. [a]D - Lemmich, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 38,
427 (glucosides) Raj, K. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1975, 13, 404
38.5 (c, 1 in CHCl3). Mi, C.F. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1995, 30, 910 (synth)
(Angelicitin A) Del Castillo, J.B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984,
[66263-13-6, 82209-77-6, 82209-82-3, 82209-84-
Lal, B. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 1998, 37, 23, 2095 (isol)
881-893 (isol, synth, pmr, activity) Galán, R.H. et al., Heterocycles , 1989, 29, 297
Prelog, V. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1944, 27, 66 (synth)
(synth) Macias, F.A. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1990, 46,
Zalkow, L.H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1964, 217 (synth) 2482 (cryst struct)

Anhydroamarouciaxanthin B / 1,4-Anhydroglucitol, 9CI, 8CI A-333  / A-335

Anhydroamarouciaxanthin B A-333 1,4-Anhydroglucitol, 9CI, 8CI A-335 O-mesyl-D-glucitol

[119286-10-1] [27299-12-3] C10H18O7S 282.314
6?,7,7?,8-Tetrahydro-6?,8?-dihydro-3-hydro- Mp 1128.
[12441-09-7] 5,6-O-Isopropylidene, 2,3-dimesyl: [55730-
1,4-Anhydrosorbitol. Arlitan. Sorbitan 75-1] 1,4-Anhydro-5,6-O-isopropylidene-
O 2,3-di-O-mesyl-D-glucitol
CH 2 OH C11H20O9S2 360.406
HO O Mp 163-163.58.
HO Tetra-Me:1,4-Anhydro-2,3,5,6-tetra-O-
OH methyl-D-glucitol
C40H50O3 578.833 C10H20O5 220.265
Constit. of Mytilus edulis (blue mussel). OH Bp14 170-1748. [a]22
D -43 (c, 4.84 in
lmax 458 ; 485 (hexane). EtOH).
Hertzberg, S. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. B , C6H12O5 164.158 Mixt. of partial esters, mono- and
1988, 42, 495 (occur, uv, ms, pmr) D-form dianhydrides with oleic acid: [8007-43-0]
Cryst. (2-propanol). Mp 115-1168. [a]27 D -
[37318-79-9] Sorbitan sesquioleate, BAN,
21.9 (c, 2.5 in H2O).
1,5-Anhydrofructose, 9CI A-334 USAN. Arlacel C
6-O-Dodecanoyl: [1338-39-2] Sorbitan Oily viscous liq.
monolaurate, BAN, USAN. Sorbitan
laurate, INN. Sorbester P12. Span 20. -Potent allergen.
CH 2OH E493 9-Octadecenoyl (2:3):Crill 43. Sorgen 30.
O C18H34O6 346.463 Nikkol SO-15
Food emulsifier, solubiliser, crystallisa- Water in oil emulsifier, wetting agent,
OH tion retarder, dough improver, antifoam pigment dispersant. Mixt. of mono- and
HO agent, stabiliser. diesters of oleic acid.
O -Eye irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 33600 mg/kg. [36521-89-8, 51938-44-4, 54392-26-6]
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
C6H10O5 162.142 6-O-Hexadecanoyl: [26266-57-9] Sorbitan Spectra , 1992, 1, 1055A (nmr)
The oxo form illus. is in equilib. with the 2- monopalmitate, BAN, USAN. Sorbitan Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
enol form, the 2,3-enediol form and the palmitate, INN. Sorbester P16. Span 40. 1989, 3, 727B (ir)
3,3-diol covalent hydrate, which is the E495 Goldsmith, H.A. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) ,
predominating species in aq. soln.. C22H42O6 402.57 1943, 52, 326-328 (sorbitan sesquioleate)
Food emulsifier, stabiliser. Soltzberg, S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1946, 68, 919 (D-
D-form [75414-43-6]
-WG2932900 form, synth, D-tetra-Me)
Isol. from Morchella vulgaris (morel). Sherman, P. et al., J. Colloid Sci. , 1953, 8, 35-37
Amorph. solid. Mp 107-1128. [a]20 D -32.9 6-O-Octadecanoyl: [1338-41-6] Sorbitan (sorbitan sesquioleate)
(c, 0.86 in H2O). monostearate, BAN, USAN. Sorbitan Que, L. et al., Biochemistry, 1974, 13, 146 (cmr)
Oxime: [75414-31-2] stearate, INN. Sorbester P18. Span 60. Hanessian, S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1974, 3983 (D-
C6H11NO5 177.157 FEMA 3028. E491 isopropylidene mesyl, D-isopropylidene
C24H46O6 430.624 dimesyl)
Mp 178-1808. [a]21D -43 (c, 0.3 in H2O).
Food emulsifier, stabiliser, defoaming Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn.,
Tri-Ac, oxime: [88851-59-6] Wiley, 1978, 22, 332 (esters, use)
agent, flavouring and flavour modifier,
[75414-20-9] Sato, S. et al., Anal. Lett. , 1981, 14, 531 (use)
rehydration agent for active dried yeast, Sato, S. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1982, 142, 319
C12H17NO8 303.268 coating for fruit and vegetables and (use)
Mp 89-908. [a]21
D -52.9 (c, 0.3 in CHCl3). other food uses. Larni, E. et al., Contact Dermatitis , 1988, 19,
-Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 31000 mg/kg. 368-371 (sorbitan sesquioleate)
Tribenzoyl: [75414-32-3] 1,5-Anhydro- WG2933500 Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
3,4,6-tri-O-benzoyl-D-fructose Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
C27H22O8 474.466 6-O-(9-Octadecenoyl): [1338-43-8] Sorbi-
York, 1989, SKV100; SKU700
Mp 126-1278. [a]20 tan monooleate, BAN, USAN. Sorbitan
D -24 (c, 0.8 in CHCl3). Duclos, A. et al., Synthesis , 1994, 1087 (D-
oleate, INN. Sorbester P17. Span 80. isopropylidene)
Tribenzoyl, oxime: [82569-81-1] NSC 406239. E494 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
[75414-21-0] C24H44O6 428.608 edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
C27H23NO8 489.481 Emulsifier and clarification agent in 2, 729 (monooctadecanoate)
Mp 176-1778. [a]21
D -39 (c, 0.4 in CHCl3). food preparations (sugar liquor or Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
juice). Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2620;
4,6-Benzylidene, 3-(tert- -Skin irritant. WG2932400 2621-2624 (monooleate, monostearate, use,
butyldimethylsilyl): [89872-98-0] 1,5- props)
3,5,6-Trioctadecanoyl: [26658-19-5] Sorbi- Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
tan tristearate, BAN, USAN. Sorbester Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2620-2624
P38. Span 65. E492 (esters)
C19H28O5Si 364.513
C60H114O8 963.556 Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 32nd
Syrup + 1H2O. [a]20D -49.9 (c, 2.7 in
Food emulsifier, stabiliser. edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1999, 1328
CHCl3). Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Lichtenthaler, F.W. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1980, 21,
3,5,6-Tris(9-octadecenoyl): [5960-06-5]
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
1429-1432 (synth, tri-Ac, tribenzoyl) [26266-58-0] Sorbitan trioleate, BAN, Reinhold , 1992, SKV000; SKV100; SKV150
Tulshian, D.B. et al., J.O.C. , 1984, 49, 2347- USAN. Sorbester P37. Span 85
2355 (benzylidene butyldimethylsilyl) C60H108O8 957.508
Deffieux, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26, Food emulsifier.
1391-1393 (biosynth, isol, oxime, cryst struct)
Baute, M.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, 5,6-O-Isopropylidene: [55730-73-9] 1,4-An-
1419-1423 (biosynth) hydro-5,6-O-isopropylidene-D-glucitol
Yu, S. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1998, 305, 73-82
(anal, bibl)
C9H16O5 204.222
Kopper, S. et al., Chem. Eur. J. , 1998, 4, 2442- Mp 68-708. [a]20
D -6 (c, 1 in CHCl3).
2455 (synth) 5,6-O-Isopropylidene, 2-mesyl: [55730-74-
Yamaji, K. et al., Planta Med. , 2002, 68, 16-19 0] 1,4-Anhydro-5,6-O-isopropylidene-2-

Anhydrosafflor Yellow B / Annoglaucin A-336 / A-341

Anhydrosafflor Yellow B A-336 Otalvaro, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 2002, 60, 61- Annoglacin A A-340
66 (isol, pmr, cmr, cryst struct)

Anisoxide A-338 H O
[643-49-2] O
2,3-Dihydro-2,2,3-trimethyl-5-(1-prope- H
O nyl)benzofuran, 9CI HO

HO Glc
Absolute Configuration

HO O C37H68O7 624.94
Constit. of the leaves of Annona glabra
Glc O (pond apple). Waxy solid. [a]25
O O D +15
H (CHCl3). lmax 219 (log e 3.62) (MeOH).
HO C14H18O 202.296
22-Epimer:Annoglacin B
OH (/9)-form
C37H68O7 624.94
Isol. from oil of star anise (Illicium verum )
OH Constit. of Annona glabra (pond apple).
after thermal fractionation. Mp 34-378.
Waxy solid. [a]25
D +15.7 (CHCl3). lmax
CH2OH Bp14 142-1438. An artifact resulting from
OH 218 (log e 3.48) (MeOH).
rearr. of Foeniculin (see 4-(1-
Propenyl)phenol, P-512). Liu, X.-X. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 50, 815-
C48H52O26 1044.923 821 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
Jackson, R.W. et al., J.C.S. , 1937, 513 (isol)
Isol. from fresh florets of safflower Barton, D.H.R. et al., J.C.S. , 1958, 4393 (synth)
(Carthamus tinctorius ). Amorph. yellow Okely, H.M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1981, 897
powder. lmax 230 (log e 4.33); 410 (log e Annoglaucin A-341
4.62) (MeOH). [164991-79-1]
Kazuma, K. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol.,
Biochem. , 2000, 64, 1588-1599 Annocherine A A-339
Annocherine C HO
10 4
Anigorootin A-337 MeO 19

H H Absolute
[221287-38-3] 20 Configuration
[193892-39-6, 193892-60-3] HO H 24
α HO
C37H66O8 638.924
HO Constit. of the seeds of Annona purpurea
(R)-form (soncoya). Waxy solid. Mp 58-598. [a]20
O Ph D
H OH +15.4 (c, 0.6 in CHCl3). [a]D +31 (c, 1 in
O C17H15NO4 297.31 MeOH). lmax 210 (e 10000) (EtOH).
OH H Annocherine A was the S -enantiomer and
Ph O 24-Epimer: [249737-62-0] Atemoyacin D
Relative Annocherine C the R -form.
C37H66O8 638.924
Configuration (R )-form [431982-10-4]
Constit. of the seeds of Annona atemoya
Alkaloid from the leaves of Annona
(custard apple). C-4, C-10 stereochem.
cherimola (cherimoya). Yellow amorph.
not known.
C38H22O6 574.588 powder. Mp 123-1258. [a]25D -125 (c, 0.3
in CHCl3). lmax 260 ; 300 ; 331 19,20-Diepimer:Purpuracenin
Phenalene dimer showing 2-fold rotational C37H66O8 638.924
symmetry. Compd. 2 of Luis et al , 1997, (MeOH).
(S )-form Constit. of the seeds of Annona purpur-
has been reassigned this struct. (2002).
Alkaloid from Annona cherimola ea (soncoya). Pale yellow wax. Mp 42-
Constit. of Musa acuminata (dwarf 448. [a]D +26 (c, 1 in MeOH). lmax 207
banana). Yellow solid. lmax 249 (log e (cherimoya). Yellow needles. Mp 156-1588.
D +135 (c, 0.1 in CHCl3). lmax 260 (log
(log e 4.32) (MeOH).
3.9); 284 (log e 3.4); 358 (log e 1.5); 448
(log e 1.5) (MeOH). e 3.41); 300 (log e 3.1); 330 (log e 3.52) 20,24-Diepimer: [184240-39-9] 10-Hydro-
(MeOH). xytrilobacin
a-Me ether:Annocherine B C37H66O8 638.924
C38H22O7 590.588 Constit. of Asimina triloba (pawpaw).
Constit. of the rhizomes of Musa C18H17NO4 311.337
Alkaloid from Annona cherimola (cher- Oil. [a]22
D +8.3 (c, 0.36 in CHCl3).
acuminata (dwarf banana). Pale yellow
solid. Contains a p -hydroxyphenyl re- imoya). Amorph. yellow powder. Mp Stereoisomer: [184240-38-8] 10-Hydroxya-
sidue. Formerly assigned an isomeric 196-1988. [a]24
D +115 (c, 0.1 in CHCl3). simicin
struct.. lmax 260 (log e 3.32); 300 (log e 3.11); C37H66O8 638.924
331 (log e 3.6) (MeOH). Constit. of Asimina triloba (pawpaw).
4?,4??-Dihydroxy:4?,4??-Dihydroxyanigoroo- Wax. [a]D +17.3 (c, 0.22 in CHCl3).
tin Chen, C.-Y. et al., J. Chin. Chem. Soc. (Taipei) ,
2001, 48, 1203-1206 (Annocherine C) Epimeric with Annoglaucin at C-24; C-
C38H22O8 606.587 Chen, C.-Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 56, 4,C-10 configs. not known.
Constit. of the rhizomes of Musa 753-757 (Annocherine A,B) Etcheverry, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 38,
acuminata (dwarf banana). Pale yellow
1423-1426 (Annoglaucin)
solid. Compd. 3 of Luis et al , 1997, was He, K. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1996, 59, 1029-1034
reassigned this struct. (2002). (10-Hydroxyasimicin, 10-Hydroxytrilobicin)
Luis, J.G. et al., Tetrahedron , 1997, 53, 8249- Wu, P. et al., CA , 1999, 131, 334564f
8256 (isol) (Atemoyacin D)
Hoelscher, D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 50, Chavez, D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 50, 823-
155-161 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr) 828 (Purpuracenin)

/ Annomuricin-D-one A-342 / A-348

Annoglaxin A-342 (MeOH). 11-Deoxy, 12-hydroxy: [167355-38-6]

Stereoisomer:Asitrilobin A Muricatocin B
C37H68O7 624.94 C35H64O8 612.886
O Constit. of the seeds of Asimina triloba Constit. of the leaves of Annona mur-
(pawpaw). Amorph. powder. Mp 79.3- icata (soursop). Powder. [a]22
D +62.5 (c,
82.58. [a]22
D -2.6 (c, 0.03 in CH2Cl2).
0.001 in EtOH). lmax 214 (e 9500)
OH Partial relative config. is known lmax (MeOH).
H Absolute Configuration
226 (log e 4.3) (MeOH). 10- or 11-Epimer: [167355-37-5] Annomur-
Jossang, A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1991, 54, 967- icin B
C35H62O8 610.87 971 (isol, pmr, cmr) C35H64O8 612.886
Constit. of the leaves of Annona glabra Fang, X.-P. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1992, 55, 1655- Constit. of Annona muricata (soursop).
(pond apple). Waxy powder. [a]25
1663 (isol) Amorph. powder. [a]22 D -11.7. Possesses
D +14.7 Colman-Saizarbitoria, T.J. et al., J. Nat. Prod. ,
(CHCl3). erythro -config. at C-10/C-11 lmax 220 (e
1994, 57, 486-493 (isol)
3000) (MeOH) (Berdy).
Liu, X.-X. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1999, 62, 848- Wu, F.E. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1995, 58, 1430-
852 (isol, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) 1437 (Annomutacin) 10- or 12-Epimer, 11-deoxy, 12-hydroxy:
Alali, F. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. , 1997, 5, [167355-40-0] Muricatocin C
549-555 (4-Deoxyannomontacin) C35H64O8 612.886
Annohexocin A-343 Yu, Q. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1999, 1183-1188 Constit. of the leaves of Annona mur-
[167696-97-1] (synth, 4-Deoxyannomontacin) icata (soursop). Powder. [a]22
D +32.5 (c,
Woo, M.-H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 50,
0.001 in EtOH). lmax 225 (e 9100)
1033-1040 (Asitrilobin A)
Woo, M.-H. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. , 2000, 8, (MeOH).
O 285-290 (Asitrilobin C) 20-Epimer: [167355-39-7] Annomuricin C
HO OH OH OH OH Liaw, C.-C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2002, 65, 470- C35H64O8 612.886
475 (cis-Annomontacin) Constit. of the leaves of Annona mur-
Relative icata (soursop). Powder. [a]22
D +57.7 (c,
HO Annomuricatin A A-345 0.0005 in EtOH). Possesses threo -con-
[173994-05-3] fig. at C-10/C-11 lmax 220 (e 3800)
C35H64O9 628.885 (MeOH).
Constit. of the leaves of Annona muricata 20-Epimer, 11-deoxy, 12-hydroxy: [167172-
Phe Val Ser
(soursop). Powder. [a]22
D +18.5 (c, 0.3 in 79-4] Muricatocin A
CHCl3). lmax 208 (e 1740) (MeOH). Pro Gly Ala C35H64O8 612.886
Constit. of the leaves of Annona mur-
Zeng, L. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. , 1995,
5, 1865-1868 (isol, uv, pmr, cmr) C27H38N6O7 558.633 icata (soursop). Powder. [a]22
D +21.8 (c,
0.001 in EtOH). lmax 216 (e 8500)
Cyclic peptide. Constit. of the seeds of (MeOH).
Annomontacin A-344 Annona muricata (soursop). Needles
(MeOH). Mp 285-2878. [a]23 10,20- or 11,20-Diepimer:Annomuricin E
[137550-92-6] D +11.28 (c,
0.4 in Py). lmax 202 (e 2800) (EtOH). C35H64O8 612.886
Constit. of the leaves of Annona mur-
Li, C.-M. et al., Yunnan Zhiwu Yanjiu , 1995, 17,
459-462; CA , 124, 170600 (isol, pmr, ms)
icata (soursop). Solid. [a]D +12.5 (c,
OH OH 0.04 in MeOH). Possesses erythro -con-
HO 10 4 fig. at C-10/C-11 lmax 218 (log e 3.76)
Annomuricatin B A-346 (MeOH).
O Stereoisomer: [205814-19-3] Cheliensisin B
H 22
Ala Trp Leu Gly C35H64O8 612.886
Asn Pro Thr Wu, F.-E. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1995, 58, 830-
836; 902-908; 909-915
C37H68O7 624.94 Li, C. et al., CA , 1998, 128, 280809g
Solid. Mp 70-728 (34-368). [a]20 C35H49N9O9 739.827 (Cheliensisin B)
D +81 (c, 1
in MeOH). lmax 224 (e 16600) (MeOH) Cyclic peptide. Constit. of the seeds of Kim, G.-S. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 432-
Annona muricata (soursop). Needles 436 (Annomuricin E)
(CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 2138. [a]19 D -37.2 (c,
4-Deoxy: [189630-57-7] 4-Deoxyannomon- 0.5 in MeOH). lmax 204 (log e 3.49); 221
tacin (log e 3.53); 282 (log e 2.65); 290 (log e
C37H68O6 608.941 2.61) (MeOH). Annomuricin-D-one A-348
Wax. [a]25D +10.9 (c, 0.06 in CHCl3).
Li, C.-M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 48, 555- [184093-47-8, 184093-48-9]
lmax 228 (log e 2.86) (MeOH). 556 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
10-Deoxy, 15S-hydroxy:Asitrilobin C
C37H68O7 624.94 Annomuricin A A-347
Constit. of Asimina triloba (pawpaw). OH
[167172-78-3] 2 O
Powder. Mp 85.3-86.48. [a]D -8 (c, 0.005 HO
in CH2Cl2). lmax 226 (log e 3.7) H
(MeOH). OH
22-Epimer: [170900-29-5] Annomutacin
C37H68O7 624.94 OH OH H
Constit. of Annona muricata (soursop). 20
19 12
[a]D +60 (c, 0.001 in EtOH). Possesses OH OH OH O
4R ,10j -config. lmax 212 (e 9200) C35H64O8 612.886
(MeOH) (Berdy). C35H64O8 612.886 Constit. of Annona muricata (soursop).
17,18-Diepimer:cis-Annomontacin Constit. of the leaves of Annona muricata Powder. [a]25
D +15 (c, 10 in CHCl3). Obt. as
C37H68O7 624.94 (soursop). Amorph. powder. [a]22 D -6.4.
a 1:1 mixture of C-2 epimers lmax 205 (e
Constit. of the seeds of Annona mur- Possesses threo -config. at C-10/C-11. Abs. 7750) (MeOH).
icata (soursop). Waxy solid. [a]25
D +36.5 config. of remainder of struct. is known Zeng, L. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1996, 59, 1035-
(c, 0.03 in CHCl3). lmax 210 (log e 3.72) lmax 220 (e 3100) (MeOH) (Berdy). 1042 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)

/ Annoreticuin A-349  / A-352

Annonacin A-349 (CHCl3). lmax 215 (e 9700) (MeOH). Annonin XIV A-350
[111035-65-5] 19,20-Diepimer, 10-ketone: [172488-91-4] [129138-52-9]
[129212-95-9, 152985-32-5] C35H62O7 594.871
Annonacin 1. Howiicin A Constit. of the seeds of Annona mur-
icata (soursop). Amorph. powder. Mp O
708. [a]D +6.2 (c, 0.07 in CHCl3). lmax
209 (e 8400) (MeOH).
8 4 19,20-Diepimer, 8-hydroxy, 10-ketone:- HO
H O Montanacin C H H
O Absolute C35H62O8 610.87 O
Configuration Solid. Stereochem. not fully determined.
HO 20
19,20-Diepimer, 4-deoxy, 10-ketone:cis- HO
C35H64O7 596.886 C35H62O6 578.871 C37H66O8 638.924
MF incorr. given as C33 in CA. Closely Constit. of the seeds of Annona mur- Incorrect struct. has been assigned.
related to Goniothalamicin, G-296. icata (soursop). Waxy solid. [a]25
D +13.6 Constit. of Annona squamosa (sugar
Constit. of Annona spp.. Sol. MeOH, (c, 0.1 in MeOH). lmax 210 (log e 3.61) apple). Amorph. wax. [a]25D +15.7 (c, 0.3
C6H6, hexane; poorly sol. H2O. Mp 578 (MeOH). in CH2Cl2).
Mp 65-678 Mp 82-83.58. [a]D +20.8 (c, 5 Stereoisomer, 8-hydroxy: [205814-20-6] Nonfon, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29,
in CHCl3). lmax 210 (e 10700) (MeOH) Cheliensisin C 1951 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms)
(Derep). lmax 207 (e 15390) (2- C35H64O8 612.886
propanol) (Berdy). McCloud, T.G. et al., Experientia , 1987, 43, 947
Annopentocin A A-351
4-Ac: [183551-74-8] 4-Acetylannonacin (isol)
Alkofahi, A. et al., Experientia , 1988, 44, 83 [184093-44-5]
C37H66O8 638.924 (isol)
Wax. Mp 67-688. [a]21D +13 (c, 0.1 in Xu, L. et al., J.O.C. , 1989, 54, 5418-5421
MeOH). (Annonacinone)
Nonfon, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, OH OH
10-Ketone: [123266-21-7] Annonacin-10- O
one. Annonacinone 1951 (isol, struct) 10
Lieb, F. et al., Planta Med. , 1990, 56, 317 (isol, H O
C35H62O7 594.871
pmr, cmr, struct) O
Constit. of Annona muricata (soursop). Jossang, A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1990, 31, 1861
Cryst. Sol. MeOH, C6H6, CHCl3; fairly OH
(Annonacinone) H
sol. hexane; poorly sol. H2O. Mp 73- Cortes, D. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1991, 69, 8-11 HO
758. [a]20
D +31.1 (c, 0.06 in MeOH). (Corossoline, Corossolone) OH
8-Hydroxy: [144182-25-2] 8-Hydroxyanno- Yu, J.G. et al., J.O.C. , 1992, 57, 6198 (8-
nacin. Gardnerin Hydroxyannonacin) C35H64O8 612.886
Zhang, L. et al., Zhiwu Xuebao , 1993, 35, 390; Constit. of Annona muricata (soursop).
C35H64O8 612.886 CA , 120, 129491 (Howiicins)
Waxy solid. [a]D +6.1 (c, 0.12 in Laprevote, D. et al., Tetrahedron , 1994, 50, 8479
Amorph. powder. [a]25
D +12 (c, 14 in
MeOH). Stereochem. not confirmed. (ms, struct) CHCl3). lmax 215 (e 9600) (MeOH). lmax
Stereochem. identity of 8-Hydroxyan- Yao, Z.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1995, 60, 1170-1176 215 (e 2600) (MeOH) (Berdy).
nonacin and Gardnerin not certain lmax (Corossoline, synth) 19- or 20-Epimer: [184093-46-7] Annopen-
209 (e 16600) (MeOH) (Berdy). Makabe, H. et al., Heterocycles , 1996, 43, 2229
(synth, Corossoline)
tocin C
8-Hydroxy, 10-ketone:Montanacin B Rieser, M.J. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1996, 59, 100 C35H64O8 612.886
C35H62O8 610.87 (cis-Annonacins) Constit. of Annona muricata (soursop).
Solid. Stereochem. not fully determined. Ye, Q. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 1996, 8, 291-298 Oil. [a]25
D +9 (c, 11 in CHCl3). lmax 214
4-Deoxy: [133352-34-8] (4-Acetylannonacin) (e 9750) (MeOH).
Zeng, L. et al., Nat. Prod. Rep. , 1996, 13, 275- 19,20-Diepimer: [184093-45-6] Annopento-
[152985-34-7] Corossoline. Howiicin C 306 (rev)
C35H64O6 580.887 Chen, Y. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1997, 8, 971-
cin B
Constit. of Annona muricata (soursop). 974 (Gardnerin) C35H64O8 612.886
Cryst. (EtOAc). Mp 45-508 Mp 83-858. Cave, A. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat. Prod. , Constit. of Annona muricata (soursop).
[a]D +24 (c, 3.4 in CHCl3). [a]D +19 (c, 0.2 1997, 70, 81-288 (rev) Oil. [a]25
D +15 (c, 10 in CHCl3). lmax 214
in MeOH). Li, C. et al., CA , 1998, 128, 280809g (e 9800) (MeOH).
(Cheliensisin C) Zeng, L. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1996, 59, 1035
4-Deoxy, 10-ketone: [133352-33-7] Coros- Hanessian, S. et al., J.O.C. , 1998, 63, 1049-1057 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
solone (synth)
Yu, Q. et al., J.O.C. , 1999, 64, 2440-2445 (synth,
C35H62O6 578.871 Annoreticuin A-352
Constit. of Annona muricata (soursop). Wang, L.-Q. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 2000, 14,
Cryst. (EtOAc). Mp 55-578. [a]D +15 (c, [142488-56-0]
83-90 (Montanacins)
0.13 in MeOH). No stereochem. detd.. Hu, T.-S. et al., Org. Lett. , 2000, 2, 887-889
20-Epimer: [130853-76-8] (synth) OH
Hu, T.-S. et al., J.O.C. , 2001, 66, 853-861 13
[129212-96-0] Annonacin A. Annonacin 2 (synth) 10
C35H64O7 596.886 Liaw, C.-C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2002, 65, 470- OH OH O
Isol. from Annona squamosa (sugar apple). 475 (cis-Corossolone) O
Amorph. [a]25
D +23.8 (c, 0.4 in CHCl3). C-4 O
and C-10 stereochem. not confirmed.
H 20 OH
19,20-Diepimer: [172586-13-9] cis-Annona-
C35H64O7 596.886
Constit. of Annona muricata (soursop). C35H64O7 596.886
Amorph. powder. Mp 778. [a]25 D +10 Acetogenin isol. from Annona reticulata
(custard apple). Amorph. powder. Mp 75-

Annosquamosin A / Anthra[2,1,9-def :6,5,10-d ?e ?f ?]diisoquinoline-... A-353 / A-358

778. [a]24
D +10.5 (c, 0.02 in CHCl3). lmax Annona squamosa (sugar apple). C40H56O3 584.881
210 (e 40100) (EtOH) (Berdy). Needles (MeOH). Mp 215-2168. [a]24
D - (3S,3?R ,5S,6R ,9E )-form [25494-44-4]
9-Ketone: [152369-74-9] Annoreticuin-9- 65.3 (c, 0.4 in MeOH). Antheraxanthin A
one Chao-Ming, L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 45, Constit. of Capsicum fruit; potential
521-523 (isol, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) nutriceutical. Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 1978.
C35H62O7 594.871
Constit. of Annona reticulata (custard (3S,3?R ,5S,6R ,9Z )-form [68831-78-7]
apple). Amorph. powder. [a]25D +11.7 (c, Annotemoyin 1 A-354 cis-Antheraxanthin
0.02 in CHCl3). lmax 215 (e 2500) [180892-69-7] Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 1088.
(MeOH) (Berdy). (3S,3?R ,5R ,6S )-form [640-03-9]
9-Ketone, stereoisomer (1): [191876-89-8] Antheraxanthin B
Mosin B
C35H62O7 594.871 O
lmax 420 ; 445 ; 475 (Et2O).
Constit. of Annona squamosa (sugar 22
Tappi, G. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1949, 32, 50
apple). Waxy solid. [a]23
D +11.5 (c, 0.005 H
OH Bartlett, L. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1969, 2527 (synth,
in CH2Cl2). Abs. config. determined in pmr, ms, uv, ord)
2001 lmax 222 (log e 3.57) (MeOH). C35H64O5 564.888 Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen
9-Ketone, stereoisomer (2): [191936-12-6] der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn.,
Suggested absolute configuration is Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 1841
Mosin C shown. Constit. of the seeds of Annona
C35H62O7 594.871 (occur)
atemoya (custard apple). Waxy solid. Märki-Fischer, E. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta ,
Constit. of Annona squamosa (sugar [a]D +21 (c, 0.1 in MeOH). lmax 217 1982, 65, 2198 (abs config)
apple). Waxy solid. [a]23
D -2.7 (c, 0.007 in (log e 3.63) (EtOH). Molnar, P. et al., Acta Chim. Hung. , 1983, 112,
CH2Cl2). lmax 216 (log e 3.56) (MeOH). 477 (cmr)
22-Epimer: [181377-80-0] Annotemoyin 2
4-Deoxy: [206192-79-2] 4-Deoxyannoreti- Straub, O. et al., Key to Carotenoids , 2nd edn.,
C35H64O5 564.888 Birkhauser Verlag, Basel and Boston, 1987,
cuin Constit. of the seeds of Annona atemoya
C35H64O6 580.887 231 (bibl)
(custard apple). Waxy solid. [a]D +20 (c, Tsushima, M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2000, 63,
Constit. of Annona squamosa (sugar 0.1 in MeOH). lmax 217 (log e 3.66) 960-964 (Antheraxanthin B)
apple). Amorph. powder. [a]23 D +6.8 (c, (EtOH).
0.03 in CH2Cl2). lmax 215 (log e 3.5)
Duret, P. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 1996, 8, 89-95
(MeOH). (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr)
4-Deoxy, 19,20-diepimer: [206192-80-5] cis- Allium schoenoprasum An- A-357
C35H64O6 580.887
Anomuricine A-355 thocyanin-flavonol
Constit. of Annona squamosa (sugar [78416-89-4]
apple). Amorph. powder. [a]23 D +6.8 (c,
1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-6,7-dimethoxy-1-[(4- OH O
OGlc(2 1)-Glc
0.01 in CH2Cl2). lmax 218 (log e 3.61) methoxyphenyl)methyl]-5-isoquinolinol,
(MeOH). 9CI. 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-5-hydroxy-6,7-di- COOH O O

9-Deoxy, 11-oxo: [155709-42-5] Reticula- methoxy-1-(4-methoxybenzyl)isoquinoline O

cinone HO
C35H62O7 594.871 OH CH2OOCCH2COO
Isol. from stem bark of Annona reticu- MeO OH
lata (custard apple). Waxy solid. NH HO
9-Deoxy, 8,13-dihydroxy: [128741-22-0] O
C35H64O8 612.886 HO O

Waxy solid. Sol. MeOH, hexane; poorly OH

sol. H2O. Mp 45-488. [a]20D +4 (c, 1.0 in

MeOH). No stereochem. detd. lmax 224 C57H59O35 1304.072
(e 31600) (EtOH) (Derep). C19H23NO4 329.395 Constit. of the flowers of Allium schoeno-
Jossang, A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1990, 31, 1861- (j)-form prasum (chives).
1864 (Annomonicin) Minor alkaloid from the root and stem 3??-Ac:
Wu, Y.-C. et al., Heterocycles , 1992, 34, 667-674 barks of Annona muricata (soursop). 
(Annoreticuin) C59H61O36 1346.109
Noncryst. Constit. of the flowers of Allium
Chang, F.-R. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1993, 56,
1688-1694 (Annoreticuin-9-one) Me ether: [78478-27-0] 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro- schoenoprasum (chives).
Hisham, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 35, 5,6,7-trimethoxy-1-[(4-methoxyphenyl)- Fossen, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 54, 317-
1325-1329 (Reticulacinone) methyl]isoquinoline, 9CI. Anomurine 323
Hopp, D.C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1997, 60, 581- C20H25NO4 343.422
586 (Mosins, Annoreticuin-9-one) Minor alkaloid from the root and stem
Hopp, D.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 47, bark of Annona muricata (soursop).
803-809 (4-Deoxyannoreticuin) Noncryst.
Maezaki, N. et al., Org. Lett. , 2001, 3, 429-432 Anthra[2,1,9-def :6,5,10- A-358
(Mosin B, synth, abs config) Leboeuf, M. et al., Planta Med. , 1981, 42, 37 d ?e ?f ?]diisoquinoline-
(uv, pmr, ms, struct)
1,3,8,10(2H ,9H )-tetrone, 9CI
Annosquamosin A A-353 Antheraxanthin A-356
Perylene-3,4:9,10-tetracarboxdiimide. C.I.
[192584-48-8] 5,6-Epoxy-5,6-dihydro-b,b-carotene-3,3?-
Pigment Violet 29
diol, 9CI. Zeaxanthin epoxide. 5,6-Epox-
Ala Ile Val Gly
Thr Met(O) Pro Tyr 3'

6 9
3 5 O
C39H60N8O11S 849.016
Cyclic peptide. Constit. of the seeds of

Antibiotic X 14868A 
/ Antibiotic A 41030 A-359  / A-363

O the UK. Cryst. (EtOAc/hexane) (as Na C6H6; fairly sol. hexane; poorly sol.
H salt). Mp 193-1948 (Na salt). [a]25
D +40.6 H2O.
N (c, 1 in CHCl3). -LD50 (mus, ipr) 120 mg/kg , LD50 (mus,
-Cardiotoxic in cattle. orl) 190 mg/kg. OL5820000
O O5-De-Me: [79331-53-6] Antibiotic X Eur. Pat. , 1985, 143 438; CA , 103, 86514 (isol,
14868C. Maduramicin b. LL-C23024B. struct, props)
O X 14868C. Antibiotic LL-C23024B Liu, C.-M. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1993, 46, 275; 280
C46H78O17 903.112 (isol, cryst struct)
N Cryst. (as Na salt). Mp 172-1758 (Na
salt). [a]25
D +49.6 (c, 1 in CHCl3). Antibiotic X 14889D A-362
O 29
O -Me: [79296-11-0] Antibiotic X 14868B. [97671-94-8]
C24H10N2O4 390.354 X 14868B X 14889D
C48H82O17 931.166
N,N?-Di-Me: [5521-31-3] Indanthrene Red Cryst. (hexane) (as Na salt). Mp 172.5-
GG. Perylene maroon. C.I. Pigment Red 1748 (Na salt). [a]25
D +46.1 (c, 1 in
179. C.I. Vat Red 23 CHCl3).
C26H14N2O4 418.408 H O O
28-Epimer: [79331-54-7] Antibiotic X O OH O H O
Red-violet needles.
14868D. X 14868D OH
N,N?-Bis(tridecyl): [95689-92-2] C47H80O17 917.139
C50H62N2O4 755.051 Sol. MeOH, Et2O; poorly sol. H2O. Mp
Mp 3008. 194-1958 (as Na salt). [a]25
D +41.4 (c, 1 in C33H58O7 566.817
N,N?-Bis(3,5-dimethylphenyl): [4948-15-6] CHCl3). Polyether antibiotic. Ruminant antibiotic
C.I. Pigment Red 149 [84878-61-5] feed additive. Sol. MeOH, C6H6; fairly
C40H26N2O4 598.656 sol. hexane; poorly sol. H2O. Mp 1178.
FDA approved colourant for food con- Liu, C.-M. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1983, 36, 343
(isol, struct, props) Related to Lysocellin.
tact polymers. Red prisms (quinoline).
Rajan, S. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1984, 37, 1495; Eur. Pat. , 1985, 143 438; CA , 103, 86514 (isol)
Mp >3008. 1651 (struct, pmr, biosynth) Westley, J.W. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1986, 39, 1704
N,N?-Bis(4-methoxyphenyl): [6424-77-7] Ellestad, G.A. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1986, 39, 447 (struct)
Indanthrene Scarlet R. Perylene red. (salts, cmr) Liu, C.-M. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1993, 46, 275; 280
Perylene scarlet. C.I. Pigment Red 190. Siegel, M.M. et al., Biomed. Environ. Mass (isol, cryst struct)
C.I. Vat Red 29 Spectrom. , 1987, 14, 29 (ms)
C38H22N2O6 602.602 Shlosberg, A. et al., Vet. Res. Commun. , 1992,
16, 45 (tox) Antibiotic A 41030 A-363
N,N?-Bis(2-phenylethenyl): [97540-34-6] Mead, J.R. et al., Antimicrob. Agents [89147-18-2]
Perylene green Chemother. , 1995, 39, 854 (activity) A 41030
C40H22N2O4 594.625 Kennedy, D.G. et al., Food Addit. Contam. ,
N-Amino, N?-(1-butylpentyl): 1997, 14, 27-33 (anal)
C33H29N3O4 531.61Mp >3508. O O

Ger. Pat. , 1959, 1 115 386; CA , 56, 7244c (synth) Antibiotic X 14889A A-360 HO
Manukian, B.K. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1971,
54, 2924-2929 (struct, ir, ms, pmr) [97671-96-0] NH
Rademacher, A. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1982, 115, X 14889A CO
2927-2934 (synth, ms) NH2
Langhals, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1985, 118, HOOC R2
4641-4645; 1991, 124, 529-535 (synth, ir, uv, OH OR 3
pmr) HO OH
Haedicke, E. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1986, 42, O R1 R2 R3
189-195; 195-198 (cryst struct) A Cl Cl H
Akers, K. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1988, 44, OH OH B Cl H H
1129-1135 (ir, uv, Raman) C Cl Cl Gal
R1 R2
Quante, H. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1995, D H Cl H
34, 1323-1325 (bibl) R 1 = CH 3 , R2 = H E H H H
Langhals, H. et al., Chem. Eur. J. , 1998, 4, 2110- F Cl Cl Gal-Gal
2116 (N-amino derivs, synth, ir, pmr, cmr, ms, C33H60O8 584.832 G Cl Cl Gal-Gal
Osvath, R. et al., Food Chem. News , 2001, Polyether antibiotic. Related to Lysocellin. Glycopeptide antibiotic complex related to
43(19), 6 (C.I. Pigment Red 149, use) Ruminant antibiotic feed additive. Vancomycin. Components D and G
Cryst. (hexane). Sol. MeOH, C6H6; have two additional butyl groups each
fairly sol. hexane; poorly sol. H2O. Mp attached to the peptide nucleus at
Antibiotic X 14868A A-359 149-1508. [a]D +29.3 (c, 1 in MeOH). undetermined locations. Prod. by
[a]D +6.7 (c, 1 in CHCl3). Streptomyces virginiae. Growth
Maduramicin, INN, USAN. Maduramicin Eur. Pat. , 1985, 143 438; CA , 103, 86514 (isol, promotor and feed additive for poultry,
struct, props) swine, and ruminants.
a. Cygro. X 14868A. CL 273703. LL-C
Liu, C.-M. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1993, 46, 275; 280 Antibiotic A 41030A [89139-41-3]
23024a-A. Antibiotic CL 273703. Antibio- (isol, cryst struct)
tic LL-C 23024a-A 22,31,45-Trichloro-7-demethyl-64-O-de-
methyl-19-deoxyristomycin A aglycone,
OMe Antibiotic X 14889C A-361 9CI
[97671-95-9] C58H44Cl3N7O18 1233.38
MeO OH O X 14889C Sol. DMSO, MeCN, MeOH-H2O, DMF,
5 As Antibiotic X 14889A, A-360 with acids, H2O; fairly sol. Me2CO, THF,
EtOAc; poorly sol. hexane. [a]25
D -19.6 (c,
O O O O O O R1 = H, R2 = COOH
HO H H H H H OH 9.0 in DMSO). pKa1 5.53; pKa2 7.6; pKa3
C33H58O10 614.815 10.37; pKa4 10.5 (66% DMF). Major
C47H80O17 917.139 Polyether antibiotic. Related to Lysocellin. component of complex lmax 278 (e 11100)
Polyether antibiotic. Anibiotic approved Ruminant feed additive. Cryst. +1H2O (MeOH aq.) (Berdy). lmax 278 (e 11100)
as a feed additive for broiler chickens in (Et2O/hexane)(as Na salt). Sol. MeOH, (MeOH-HCl) (Berdy). lmax 298 (e 17200)

Antibiotic AC1  / 6-O -b-D-Apiofuranosyl-... A-364  / A-371

(MeOH-NaOH) (Berdy). Eggert, J.H. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1986, 39, 792 Antibiotic GR 95647X A-367
-LD50 (mus, ipr) 300 - 700 mg/kg. (isol, struct) GR 95647X
Antibiotic A 41030B [89139-42-4] HO
22,31-Dichloro-7-demethyl-64-O-de- CHO
methyl-19-deoxyristomycin A aglycone. Antibiotic AC1 A-364 HO OH H
Antibiotic L 17392. A 41030B. L 17392 Protein, MW 5.4 kDa, comprising a single
C58H45Cl2N7O18 1198.935 polypeptide chain. Isol. from
Sol. DMSO, DMF, H2O, MeCN, MeOH- Lactobacillus acidophilus AC 1. Shows OHC H
H2O, acids; fairly sol. Me2CO, EtOAc, antimicrobial activity. HO
THF; poorly sol. hexane. pKa1 5.6; pKa2 Mehta, A.M. et al., Microbios , 1983, 38, 73-81
7.5; pKa3 10 (66% DMF). lmax 278 (e
9600) (MeOH aq.) (Berdy). lmax 278 (e
9600) (MeOH-HCl) (Berdy). lmax 298 (e C26H36O6 444.567
16800) (MeOH/NaOH) (Berdy). Antibiotic BE 23372M A-365
Related to Euglobal V, E-388. Constit. of
-LD50 (mus, ipr) 300 - 700 mg/kg. [145588-13-2] Eucalyptus globulus (Tasmanian blue
VJ8598000 5-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-3-[(3,5-dihy- gum).
Antibiotic A 41030C [89140-21-6] droxyphenyl)methylene]-2(3H)-furanone.
Noble, H.M. et al., Planta Med. , 1990, 56, 647
A 41030C BE 23372M (isol)
C64H54Cl3N7O23 1395.522
H2O, acids; fairly sol. Me2CO, THF, Raphanus sativus Antifungal A-368
EtOAc; poorly sol. hexane. pKa3 10 (66% HO peptides
DMF). lmax 278 (e 8500) (MeOH aq.) RS-AFP
(Berdy). lmax 278 (e 8400) (MeOH/HCl) Highly-basic polypeptides containing 51
(Berdy). lmax 298 (e 14000) (MeOH/ amino acids; rich in cysteine. Four
NaOH) (Berdy). components characterised. Isol. from
-LD50 (mus, ipr) 300 - 700 mg/kg. radish seeds (Raphanus sativus ).
VJ8598500 O Terras, F.R. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1992, 267,
Antibiotic A 41030D 15301-15309 (AFP 1, AFP 2, isol, struct)
HO Terras, F.R. et al., Plant Cell , 1995, 7, 573-588
A 41030D (AFP 3, AFP 4, isol, struct)
C66H64Cl2N8O18 1328.18 C17H12O6 312.278 Fant, F. et al., J. Mol. Biol. , 1998, 279, 257-270
Sol. DMSO, acids, MeOH-H2O, MeCN, Sol. MeOH, DMSO, Me2CO; fairly sol. (AFP 1, struct)
H2O, DMF; fairly sol. Me2CO, THF, CHCl3, EtOAc; poorly sol. hexane. lmax
EtOAc; poorly sol. hexane. pKa2 7.6; pKa3 266 (e 8800); 426 (e 20400) (MeOH) Allium cepa Antimicrobial A-369
10 (66% DMF). lmax 278 (e 10600) (Derep).
(MeOH aq.) (Berdy). lmax 278 (e 10600)
protein 1
(E )-form Ace-AMP 1
(MeOH/HCl) (Berdy). lmax 298 (e 19900) Prod. by Rhizoctonia solani found on the Cationic protein containing 93 amino acid
(MeOH/NaOH) (Berdy). bark of Ginkgo biloba (ginkgo). Red- residues and 4 disulfide bonds. Isol.
Antibiotic A 41030E [89139-43-5] orange solid. Mp 265-2708 dec. Similar to from onion seeds.
A 41030E Aspulvinone G lmax 266 (e 8800); 426 (e
Cammue, B.P. et al., Plant Physiol. , 1995, 109,
C58H46ClN7O18 1164.49 20400) (MeOH). 445-455 (isol, struct)
Sol. DMSO, MeOH-H2O, MeCN, H2O, Japan. Pat. , 1992, 92 275 284; CA , 118, 58224 Tassin, S. et al., Biochemistry, 1998, 37, 3623-
DMF, acids; fairly sol. Me2CO, EtOAc, (isol, pmr, cmr, uv, ir, activity) 3637 (pmr, soln struct)
THF; poorly sol. hexane. pKa1 5.8; pKa2 Okabe, T. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1994, 47, 289; 294;
7.7; pKa3 10 (66% DMF). lmax 278 (e Capsicum annuum Antimicro- A-370
8500) (MeOH aq.) (Berdy). lmax 278 (e bial protein 1
8500) (MeOH/HCl) (Berdy). lmax 298 (e Ca AMP 1
15500) (MeOH/NaOH) (Berdy). Protein. Shows antifungal activity. Isol.
Antibiotic A 41030F [89140-20-5]
Antibiotic CJ 14258 A-366
CJ 14258 from Capsicum annuum .
A 41030F Pat. Coop. Treaty (WIPO) , 1994, 94 11 511;
C70H64Cl3N7O28 1557.664 CA , 121, 127853c (isol)
Sol. DMSO, H2O, MeCN, MeOH-H2O,
acids, DMF; fairly sol. Me2CO, EtOAc,
H 6-O -b-D-Apiofuranosyl-D-glu- A-371
THF; poorly sol. hexane. pKa2 7.1; pKa3 O H
10 (66% DMF). lmax 278 (e 19300) cose
(MeOH aq.) (Berdy). lmax 278 (e 19300)
(MeOH/HCl) (Berdy). lmax 298 (e 14500) O O CH 2
(MeOH/NaOH) (Berdy). HO 5′
Antibiotic A 41030G
A 41030G
HO 1
C78H83Cl3N8O28 1686.909 C25H38O6 434.572 OH OH HO
Sol. DMSO, DMF, H2O, acids, MeCN, Prod. by Hericium ramosum . Powder. [a]25
MeOH-H2O; fairly sol. Me2CO, EtOAc, -73.4 (c, 0.74 in MeOH).
THF; poorly sol. hexane. pKa3 10.5 (66% C11H20O10 312.273
Saito, T. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1998, 51, 983-990
DMF). lmax 278 (e 15000) (MeOH aq.)
(isol, ir, pmr, cmr) b-D-Pyranose-form
(Berdy). lmax 278 (e 15000) (MeOH/HCl)
(Berdy). lmax 298 (e 18000) (MeOH/ 1-O-(3-Methylbutanoyl): [467242-31-5]
NaOH) (Berdy). C16H28O11 396.391
Constit. of green coffee beans (Coffea
Eur. Pat. , 1983, 90 578; CA , 100, 119330
Boeck, L.D. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1985, 38, 1
arabica ).
1-O-(3-Methyl-2-butenoyl): [467242-32-6]

Apiole / Apiose, 9CI, 8CI A-372 / A-374

C16H26O11 394.375 Apiose, 9CI, 8CI A-374 b-D-erythro-tetrofuranose

Constit. of green coffee beans (Coffea 2,3,4-Trihydroxy-3-(hydroxymethyl)buta- C8H14O5 190.196
arabica ). nal. 3-C-(Hydroxymethyl)-glycero-tetrose. Cryst. (Et2O/hexane). Mp 728. [a]D -40
1-O-Benzoyl, 5?-O-(3,4- Tetrahydroxyisovaleraldehyde (c, 1.5 in CHCl3).
dihydroxycinnamoyl)(E-): [166990-09- Me glycoside, 2,3-O-isopropylidene, 3?-
6] Psydroside CHO
O OH tosyl: [32445-78-6] Methyl 2,3-O-Iso-
C27H30O14 578.526 OH CH2OH propylidene-1?-tosyl-D-apio-b-D-furano-
D -45 (c, 0.5 in MeOH). HOH2C CH2OH side
Nahrstedt, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 39, OH OH OH C16H22O7S 358.412
375 (Psydroside) Cryst. (Et2O/hexane). Mp 90-918. [a]28
D -
Weckerle, B. et al., Phytochemistry, 2002, 60, D-form β-D-erythro-Tetrofuranose-form 82.1 (c, 4.0 in CHCl3).
409-414 (coffee constits)
Me glycoside, 3?-Me, 2,3-O-isopropylidene:
C5H10O5 150.131 [4098-02-6] Methyl 2,3-O-isopropyli-
Care needed with naming and numbering dene-3?-methyl-D-apio-b-D-furanoside.
of derivs. C-3 is not a chiral centre in the 2,3-O-Isopropylidene-3-C-(methoxy-
Apiole A-372 acyclic sugar. In L-Apio-a-D-furanose methyl)-3-O-methyl-b-D-erythro-tetro-
[523-80-8] for example, L- defines the config. at C-2 furanose
4,7-Dimethoxy-5-(2-propenyl)-1,3-benzo- (L-apiose), while D-defines the config. at C10H18O5 218.249
dioxole, 9CI. 1-Allyl-2,5-dimethoxy-3,4- C-3 (D-furanosyl stereoisomeric form of Bp2 708. [a]25
D -106 (c, 2.4 in CHCl3).
methylenedioxybenzene. Parsley apiole. L-apiose).
Me glycoside, 1?,2,3-tri-Me:Methyl 1?,2,3-
Parsley camphor D-form [639-97-4]
(R)-form Methyl 3-C-(methoxymethyl)-2,3-di-O-
First found in parsley as the glycoside methyl-b-D-erythro-tetrofuranoside
CH 2 CH CH 2 Apiin, 2??-b-D-Apiofuranosyl, also pre-
OMe C9H18O5 206.238
sent in celery. Syrup. [a]D +7.6 (c, 0.7 in Syrup. [a]D -79 (CHCl3).
MeO H2O). b-L-threo -Tetrofuranose-form
O Benzylphenylhydrazone: 1,2-O-Isopropylidene: [14048-35-2] 1,2-O-
O Cryst. (CHCl3). Mp 138-1398. [a]20 D -94 Isopropylidene-L-apio-b-L-furanose. 1,2-
(c, 4.6 in Py). [a]D -29 (c, 1.1 in MeOH). O-Isopropylidene-3-C-hydroxymethyl-b-
C12H14O4 222.24 2,3-O-Isopropylidene:2,3-O-Isopropyli- L-threo-tetrofuranose
Occurs in Sassafras albidum (sassafras) dene-D-apiose C8H14O5 190.196
and Anethum graveolens (dill). Needles. C8H14O5 190.196 Needles (CH2Cl2/hexane). Mp 124-1258.
4 1.02. Mp 308. Bp 2948 Bp33 1798. Log Syrup. [a]D -35 (c, 0.87 in MeOH). [a]29
D +46 (c, 1.0 in EtOH).
P 2.5 (calc). 2 unstable modifications Mps. a-D-erythro -Tetrofuranose-form [30738-01-3]
188 and 27.58 lmax 280 (no solvent 1,2-O-Isopropylidene, di-Ac: [14048-36-3]
D-Apio-a-D-furanose, 9CI. 3-C-Hydro-
reported). 1?,3-Di-O-acetyl-1,2-O-isopropylidene-
xymethyl-a-D-erythro-tetrofuranose D-apio-b-L-furanose. 1?,3-Di-O-acetyl-
-CY2500000 1,2-O-Isopropylidene: [25018-74-0] 1,2-O- 1,2-O-isopropylidene-b-L-threo-tetrofur-
Baker, W. et al., J.C.S. , 1938, 1602 (synth) Isopropylidene-D-apio-a-D-furanose. 1,2- anose
Sethi, M.L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, O-Isopropylidene-a-D-eythro-tetrofura-
1773 (isol)
C12H18O7 274.27
Goeckeritz, D. et al., Pharmazie, 1979, 34, 426
nose Cubes (cyclohexane). Mp 88-89.58. [a]29D
(isol) C8H14O5 190.196 +75 (c, 1.4 in CHCl3).
Santos, B.V. de O. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, Needles (Et2O/hexane). Mp 118-1208. 1,2-O-Isopropylidene, 1?-tosyl:1,2-O-Iso-
49, 1381-1384 (isol, uv, pmr, cmr) [a]29
D +54.5 (c, 0.8 in EtOH). propylidene-1?-O-tosyl-b-D-apio-b-L-fur-
Benevides, P.J.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 1,2-O-Isopropylidene, di-Ac: [33962-41-3] anose. 1,2-O-Isopropylidene-1?-O-tosyl-
52, 339-343 (isol, pmr) 1?,3-Di-O-acetyl-1,2-O-isopropylidene-
Atta-ur-Rahman, et al., Phytochemistry, 1999,
D-apio-a-D-furanoside. 1?,3-Di-O-acetyl- C15H20O7S 344.385
52, 495-499 (isol, pmr, ms)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 1,2-O-isopropylidene-a-D-erythro-tetro- Cryst. (Et2O). Mp 137-1388. [a]D +43.2
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand furanose (c, 4.4 in CHCl3).
Reinhold , 1992, AGE500 C12H18O7 274.27 1,2:1?,3-Di-O-isopropylidene: [14854-36-5]
Needles (hexane). Mp 110-1118. [a]D
+64 (c, 1.4 in CHCl3). [34724-16-8] 1,2:1?,3-Di-O-isopropylidene-D-
apio-b-L-furanose. 1,2:1?,3-Di-O-isopropy-
1,2;1?,3-Di-O-isopropylidene: [25904-06-7]
Apional A-373 1,2:1?,3-Di-O-isopropylidene-D-apio-a-
3-(2,5-Dimethoxy-3,4-methylenedioxyphe- D-furanoside. 1,2:1?,3-Di-O-isopropyli-
C11H18O5 230.26
nyl)-2-propenal. 2,5-Dimethoxy-3,4- dene-a-D-erythro-tetrofuranose
Needles (H2O/NH3). Mp 80-828. [a]29 D +59
methylenedioxycinnamaldehyde C11H18O5 230.26
(c, 1.0 in EtOH).
Cryst. (Et2O/hexane). Mp 46-498 Mp
52-548. [a]D +62.4 (c, 1.0 in CHCl3). 1?,3-Di-Me, 1,2-O-isopropylidene: [32445-
CHO [a]28
D +76.5 (c, 3.0 in EtOH). 76-4] 1,2-O-Isopropylidene-1?,3?-di-O-
Me glycoside, 1?,2,3-tri-Me:Methyl 1?,2,3- methyl-D-apio-b-L-furanose. 1,2-O-Iso-
tri-O-methyl-D-apio-a-D-furanoside. propylidene-1?,3?-di-O-methyl-b-L-threo-
OMe Methyl 3-C-(methoxymethyl)-2,3-di-O- tetrofuranose
methyl-a-D-erythro-tetrofuranoside C10H18O5 218.249
C9H18O5 206.238 Oil. Bp0.1 608.
MeO O [a]26
D +116 (CHCl3). 1?,3-Dibenzyl, 1,2-O-isopropylidene:
O b-D-erythro -Tetrofuranose-form [36465-64-2] [34339-65-6] 1?,3-Di-O-benzyl-1,2-O-iso-
D-Apio-b-D-furanose, 9CI. 3-C-Hydro- propylidene-L-apio-b-L-furanose. 1?,3-
C12H12O5 236.224 xymethyl-b-D-erythro-tetrofuranose Di-O-benzyl-1,2-O-isopropylidene-b-L-
Constit. of parsley (Petroselinum hor- Syrup. threo-tetrofuranose
tense ). Yellow needles (Et2O). Mp 998. 2,3-O-Isopropylidene: [70147-50-1] 2,3-O- C22H26O5 370.444
Appendino, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49, Isopropylidene-D-apio-b-D-furanose. 3- Mp 38-398. [a]22D +54.5 (c, 1.2 in
1719-1722 (isol, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) C-Hydroxymethyl-2,3-O-isopropylidene- CHCl3).

Apiumetin / 12?-Apo-b-carotene-3,12?-diol A-375 
/ A-379

L-form [6477-44-7] (R )-form Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of

Syrup. [a]20
D -5 (c, 8.0 in H2O). Constit. of the seeds of Apium graveolens. Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Needles. Mp 1988. [a]19 Reinhold , 1992, AQO300
Benzylphenylhydrazone: D -68.29 (c, 0.41 in
Cryst. Mp 136-1378. [a]20 D +94 (c, 1.0 in
Py). O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [115356-05-3] 6?-Apo-c-caroten-6?-al A-378
a-L-erythro -Tetrofuranose-form L-Apio-a-L- C20H22O9 406.388 Apo-6?-lycopenal. Lycopenal. Apo-2-lyco-
furanose, 9CI. 3-C-Hydroxymethyl-a-L-er- Constit. of Apium graveolens. Needles penal
ythro-tetrofuranose (EtOH). Mp 1658. [a]20D -60 (c, 0.16 in
1,2-O-Isopropylidene: [22403-90-3] 1,2-O- CHCl3).
9' CHO
Isopropylidene-L-apio-a-L-furanose Garg, S.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17,
C8H14O5 190.196 2135 (isol, struct) (all-E)-form
Cryst. (EtOAc/hexane). Mp 116-1188. Sharma, B.R. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
1979, 17, 647 (Leptophyllidin)
D -43.8 (c, 1.5 in EtOH). C32H42O 442.683
Ahluwalia, V.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988,
1?,3-Dibenzyl, 1,2-O-isopropylidene:1?,3- 27, 1181 (deriv) (all-E )-form [22255-36-3]
Di-O-benzyl-1,2-O-isopropylidene-L- Elgamal, M.H.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, Isol. from Lycopersicon esculentum
apio-a-L-furanose. 1?,3-Di-O-benzyl-1,2- 34, 819 (isol, pmr) (tomato). Dark red plates (EtOH). Mp
O-isopropylidene-a-L-erythro-tetrofura- 1478. lmax 475 (EtOH). lmax 569 (CS2).
nose 2?-Apo-b-carotenal, 8CI A-376 lmax 455 ; 486 ; 519 (petrol).
C22H26O5 370.444 [5525-46-2] 6?-Carboxylic acid, Me ester: [22255-21-6]
Cryst. (Et2O/petrol). Mp 60-618. [a]19D - b-Apo-2?-carotinal Methyl apo-6?-lycopenate. Methyl 6?-
58 (c, 1.5 in CHCl3). apo-g-carotenoate, 8CI
DL-form [42927-70-8]
C33H44O2 472.709
Syrup. CHO
Constit. of the seeds of Bixia orellana
[6477-44-7, 30912-14-2, 41546-43-4, 41546-44-5, (annatto). Cryst. (C6H6/MeOH). Mp
41546-46-7, 41546-47-8, 41546-49-0, 94943-41-6] 141-1448 (137-1458). lmax 471 ; 503
C37H48O 508.786
Bell, D.J. et al., J.C.S. , 1954, 3702 (isol) (petrol). lmax 445 ; 469 (Me2CO).
Trace constit. of Citrus spp.. Violet cryst.
Weygand, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1959, 92, 535 (L- (9?Z )-form
(petrol). Mp 160-1618. lmax 498 (petrol).
form) 6?-Carboxylic acid:6?-Apo-c-caroten-6?-oic
Schaffer, R. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1959, 81, 5452 (L- Rüegg, R. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1949, 42, 854
form) (synth)
Bell, D.J. et al., Methods Carbohydr. Chem. , Winterstein, A. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1960, 93, C32H42O2 458.683
1962, 1, 260 (isol) 2951 (isol) 6?-Carboxylic acid, Me ester: [174206-07-6]
Williams, D.T. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1964, 42, Enzell, C.R. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1969, 23, Methyl 6?-apo-9?Z-lycopen-6?-oate
69 (D-form, isol, synth, D-isopropylidene) 727 (ms) C33H44O2 472.709
Carey, F.A. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1966, 2, 205 Constit. of the seeds of Bixa orellana
(a-L-fur derivs) (annatto). lmax 342 ; 360 ; 439 (sh) ; 460
Ball, D.H. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1969, 10, 121;
8?-Apo-b-caroten-8?-al A-377
1971, 17, 165; 1975, 45, 91 (a-D-Me gly tri- [1107-26-2] ; 493 (sh) (no solvent reported).
Me, b-D-Me gly tri-Me, b-D-Me gly derivs, b-Carotinal. b-Apo-2-carotinal. C.I. Food (7Z ,9Z ,9?Z )-form
1,2;3,3?-diisopropylidene) Orange 6 6?-Carboxylic acid, Me ester: [188738-88-7]
Ezekiel, A.D. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1969, 1635 (a-D- Isol. from the seeds of Bixa orellana
isopropylidene, a-D-isopropylidene di-Ac) (annatto).
Overend, W.G. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1970, 15, CHO
185 (L-form) Kuhn, R. et al., Ber. , 1932, 65, 898 (synth)
Tronchet, J.M.J. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1971, Karrer, P. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1939, 22, 69
54, 1466 (1,2-O-isopropylidene) Winterstein, A. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1960, 93,
2951 (isol)
Ezekiel, A.D. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1971, 2907 (b-L- C30H40O 416.645
dibenzyl isopropylidene) Kjosen, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1969, 8, 483-
Constit. of orange peel, spinach, mari- 491 (Methyl apo-6?-lycopenate)
Kinoshita, T. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1973, 28, golds and egg yolks. Colour additive.
175 (b-L-threo-isopropylidene, b-L-threo Ben-Aziz, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12,
Violet cryst. (MeOH). Mp 1398. 2759-2764 (isol)
Mercadante, A.Z. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996,
Tronchet, J.M.T. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1974, 8?-Carboxylic acid, Et ester: [1109-11-1]
33, 237 (b-L-threo isopropylidene) 41, 1201-1203 (9Z-carboxylic acid Me ester)
all-trans Carophyll yellow. C.I. Food Mercadante, A.Z. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
Watson, R.R. et al., Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. Orange 7
Biochem. , 1975, 31, 135 (rev) 1997, 45, 1050-1054 (7Z,9Z,9?Z-carboxylic
C32H44O2 460.698 acid Me ester)
Vyas, D.M. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1975, 53, 2748
(cmr) Colour additive for foods, e.g. egg yolks.
Ho, P.-T. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1979, 57, 381 (D- Dark red cryst. (CH2Cl2/EtOH). Mp
137-1388. lmax 445 ; 470 (petrol). 12?-Apo-b-carotene-3,12?-diol A-379
form, L-form, synth, b-D-isopropylidene)
Koos, M. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1986, 146, 335 Rüegg, R. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1959, 42, [120021-87-6]
(synth) 854-864 (synth)
Snyder, J.R. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1987, 166, Winterstein, A. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1960, 93, 12 ′
85 (DL-form) 2951-2965 (isol) CH 2OH
Isler, O. et al., Chimia , 1961, 15, 208-226 (synth) 5
Schwieter, H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1966, 49, HO
Apiumetin A-375 369-390 (carboxylic acid, Et ester, uv)
[70610-24-1] Englert, G. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1975, 58, C25H36O2 368.558
2367-2390 (cmr) Constit. of peaches (Prunus persica ).
2,3-Dihydro-9-hydroxy-2-(1-methylethe- Sharma, R.V. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta ,
nyl)-7H-furo[3,2-g][1]benzopyran-7-one, 1977, 486, 183-194 (biochem) 5a,6a-Epoxide: [80952-82-5] 5,6-Epoxy-
9CI. Leptophyllidin Straub, O. et al., Key to Carotenoids , 2nd edn., 5,6-dihydro-12?-apo-b-carotene-3,12?-
Birkhauser Verlag, Basel and Boston, 1987, diol. Persicaxanthin
482 (bibl) C25H36O3 384.558
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , Isol. from plums Prunus domestica .
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New Yellow plates (C6H6/petrol). Mp 928.
O O O York, 1989, AQO300
OH Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. 12?-Aldehyde, 5a,6a-epoxide:5,6-Epoxy-
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 192-193 5,6-dihydro-3b-hydroxy-12?-apo-b-caro-
C14H12O4 244.246 (use) ten-12?-al. Apo-12?-violaxanthal

10?-Apo-b-caroten-10?-ol / Arabinan, 9CI, 8CI A-380  / A-386

C25H34O3 382.542 Mycotoxin prod. by Fusarium Arabic acid, 9CI, 8CI A-385
Isol. from plums Prunus domestica . sambucinum . Glass. lmax 197 (e 7800) [32609-14-6]
Yellow pigment. (MeCN).
Gross, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20, 2267 3-Oxo:3-Ketoapotrichothecene β -D - GlcpA
(Persicaxanthin) C15H22O3 250.337 1
Molnár, P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26, 1493 Mycotoxin from Fusarium sambucinum . 6
(abs config) R 3 )- β -D - Galp
Glass. lmax 197 (e 3600) (MeCN) 1
Märki-Fischer, E. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 6
1988, 71, 1689 (isol, pmr, uv) (Berdy). 3 )- β -D - Galp-(1 3 )- β -D - Galp- (1 3 )- β -D - Galp-(1
Lauren, D.R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1987, 6 6
35, 884 (isol) 1 1
10?-Apo-b-caroten-10?-ol A-380 Zamir, L.O. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1987, 262, R 3 )- β -D - Galp R 3 )- β -D - Galp
6 6
15348; 15354 (isol, pmr) 1 1
Greenhalgh, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , R 3 )- β -D - Galp R 3 )- β -D - Galp
CH 2OH 6 6
1989, 37, 699 (cryst struct)
Sanson, D.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1989, 54, 4313 (isol, 1 1
R 4 )- β -D - GalpA R 4 )- β -D-GalpA
Zamir, L.O. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1992, 33, 5181 R = L-Araf(1 , L-Rhap(1 ,
C27H38O 378.597 (isol, pmr, cmr) α-D -Galp (1 3)- L-Araf (1
10?-Aldehyde: [640-49-3] 10?-Apo-b-caro- Most common components
ten-10?-al. b-Apo-3-carotenal
C27H36O 376.581 A highly branched polysaccharide
Constit. of oranges and other citrus composed of L-Arabinose, D-Galactose,
Apo-10?-violaxanthal A-383
L-Rhamnose and D-Gluconic acid in an
fruits. Red cryst. (petrol). Mp 97-988. [17237-68-2] approximate 3:3:1:1 ratio.
Rüegg, R. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1959, 42, 854 5,6-Epoxy-5,6-dihydro-3-hydroxy-10?-apo-
(synth) Mixed salts: [9000-01-5] Gum arabic.
b,c-carotenal, 9CI. 5,6-Epoxy-3-hydroxy-
Yokoyama, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1966, 5, Australian gum. Acacia gum. Wattle
1159 (isol)
5,6-dihydro-10?-apo-b-caroten-10?-al. Apo-
gum. E414. FEMA 2001
Singh, H. et al., Biochem. J. , 1972, 128, 11P violaxanthinal
Stabiliser for soft drink and flavour
(synth) emulsions; encapsulating agent to pro-
Märki-Fischer, E. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta ,
CHO tect lipid or liposoluble materials that
1987, 70, 1988 (isol)
O are sensitive to decomposition; textur-
HO ising or filming agent in confectionary;
Apo-8?-lycopenal A-381 gelling agent or carrier in reduced
[2213-22-1] C27H36O3 408.58 calorie applications; clarification and
2,6,11,15,19,23-Hexamethyl- Isol. from Valencia orange peels. lmax 403 stabilising aid in wines. Yellowish-amber
2,4,6,8,10,12,14,16,18,22-tetracosadecae- ; 424 ; 448 (hexane). lmax 440 (EtOH). lumps. Dissolves slowly in H2O.
nal. 8?-Apo-c-caroten-8?-al. Apo-3-lycope- Curl, A.L. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1967, 32, 141 -CE5945000
nal (isol) Me ester:
Gross, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1974, 13, 1917 [a]19
D -47 (c, 1.0 in CHCl3).
CHO Per-Ac:
[a]D -21 (c, 0.94 in CHCl3).
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
C30H40O 416.645 10?-Apozeaxanthal A-384 1, 202A (ir)
Isol. from Lycopersicon esculentum (to- [79709-31-2] Smith, F. et al., J.C.S. , 1939, 1724; 1940, 1035
mato). Purple plates (C6H6/MeOH). Mp 3-Hydroxy-10?-apo-b,c-carotenal, 9CI. 3- Welcher, F.J. et al., Organic Analytical Reagents ,
1418. lmax 280 ; 475 ; 505 (cyclohexane). Hydroxy-b-apo-10?-carotenal. Apo-3-zeax- Van Nostrand, NY, 1948, 4, 303 (use)
anthinal Aspinal, G.O. et al., J.C.S. , 1963, 1696
Karrer, P. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1939, 22, 69 Aspinal, G.O. et al., The Carbohydrates ,
(synth) (Pigman, W. et al , Ed.), Academic Press,
Surmatis, J.D. et al., J.O.C. , 1966, 31, 186 1970, 2B, 523
(synth) CHO
Churms, S.C. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1983, 123,
Ben-Aziz, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12, 267 (struct)
2759 (isol) HO
Defaye, J. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1986, 150, 221
Johansen, J.E. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. B , (cmr, struct, bibl)
1974, 28, 301 (synth) C27H36O2 392.58
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Prob. isol. from Sinton citrangequat. lmax Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1-5 (Gum
Apotrichothecene A-382 444 (EtOH). arabic)
Yokoyama, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1966, 5, Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
1159 (isol) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
H Ellis, P.R. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1981, 64, Reinhold , 1992, AQQ500
O CH 2OH 1092 (synth)

Arabinan, 9CI, 8CI A-386

C15H24O2 236.353
Mycotoxin of Fusarium culmorum .
5)-α-L -Araf-(1 5)-α-L -Araf-(1
3a-Hydroxy: [104148-45-0] Apotrichodiol. 3
3-Hydroxyapotrichothecene. Secodeoxy-
sambucinol 1
C15H24O3 252.353 α-L -Araf
Mycotoxin of Fusarium culmorum , Fu-
sarium sambucinum and Fusarium Portion of idealised structure
crookwellense. Glass.
3b-Hydroxy: C5H8O4 132.116
C15H24O3 252.353 A polymer of linearly a-(1/ 0 5)-linked L-

a-L-Arabinofuranosyl-(10 3)-... 
/ 3-O -a-L-Arabinofuranosyl-... A-387  / A-392

arabinofuranose units with single L- 3-O -b-L-Arabinofuranosyl-L- A-389 5??-(4-Hydroxy-E-cinnamoyl): [102254-69-

arabinofuranose a-(1/ 0 3)-linked to the arabinose, 9CI 3]
main chain at intervals. Polymeric. [52287-00-0] C24H32O15 560.508
Minimum formula given. Arabinans Arabinofuranobiose Enzym. hydrol. product of bamboo
devoid of other sugars have been isol. shoot (Phyllostachys edulis ) cell wall
from mustard seeds. Heteroarabinans and of barley straw cell walls. Syrup.
have been found in sugar beet and a-Pyranose-form
apples. [a]D -157. [a]D -114. [a]D -129 OH Benzyl glycoside, heptabenzyl: [99388-77-9]
(H2O). HOH 2C O C71H74O13 1135.358
Ac: OH [a]20
D +14 (c, 1.5 in CHCl3).
D -90 (Me2CO). b-Pyranose-form
HOH 2C β-Furanose-form Me glycoside: [93130-20-2] Methyl a-L-
[9060-75-7] OH
arabinofuranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-xylopyra-
Hirst, E.L. et al., J.C.S. , 1939, 452; 454; 1865
Hirst, E.L. et al., Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. , 1947, C10H18O9 282.247 nosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D-xylopyranoside
2, 235 (rev) Formed on partial acid hydrolysis of sugar C16H28O13 428.389
Hirst, E.L. et al., Biochem. J. , 1965, 95, 453 beet araban and certain plant gums. [a]D Cryst. (MeOH/Me2CO). Mp 146-1478.
(isol) +94 (H2O). [a]22
D -121 (c, 1.0 in H2O).
Roudier, A.J. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1965, Me glycoside, 2??,3??,4??-tribenzoyl,
460 Phenylosazone:
Jones, J.K.N. et al., Methods Carbohydr. Chem. , Mp 2008.
1965, 5, 74 (synth) C45H48O20 908.862
Andrews, P. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1956, Amorph. [a]22
Aspinal, G.O. et al., The Carbohydrates , D -48 (c, 1.0 in CHCl3).
658 (isol)
(Pigman W. etal, Ed.), Academic Press, 1970, Aspinall, G.O. et al., J.C.S. , 1959, 1697 (isol) Bishop, C.T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1956, 78, 2840
2B, 517 Sarkar, M. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1974, 11, (isol)
Radha, A. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1997, 298, 1129 Aspinall, G.O. et al., J.C.S. , 1960, 3881 (isol)
105-115 (cryst struct, conformn) Sarkar, M. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 1978, Kusakabe, I. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1983, 47,
16, 369 (isol, pmr) 2713
Shambe, T. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1983, 113,
a-L-Arabinofuranosyl-(1/ 0 3)- A-387 125
[a-L-arabinofuranosyl-(1r5)]-L-arabi- a-L-Arabinofuranosyl-(1/ 0 2)- A-390 Hirsch, J. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1984, 131, 219
nose (b-Me gly synth, cmr)
[a-D-mannopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)]-D-man- Schraml, J. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
nose 1984, 49, 1605 (pmr, cmr)
O O OH Koto, S. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1985, 58,
OH O CH2OH 1464 (enzymic synth, a-deriv synth)
HOH 2C O Mueller-Harvey, I. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1986,
CH 2 148, 71 (coumaroyl, isol, pmr, cmr, ms)
OH OH OH HO Ishii, T. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1990, 206, 297
(coumaroyl, isol, cmr, pmr)
HOH 2C OH O α-Pyranose-form
OH HO OH 3-O -a-L-Arabinofuranosyl-D- A-392
xylose, 9CI
C15H26O13 414.363 OH
Constit. of the anti-complementary arabi-
nogalactan (AG IIb-1), isol. from the roots OH
of Angelica acutiloba (Dong Dang Gui).
a-Furanose-form [114226-47-0] C17H30O15 474.415 O
O HO β-Pyranose-form
Syrup. Residue present in tomato oligosacchar-
Kiyohara, H. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1987, 167, HOH 2C
221 (isol, glc, ms, chromatog) a-form OH
Allyl glycoside:
Amorph. solid. [a]D +8 (c, 1 in H2O). C10H18O9 282.247
5-O -a-L-Arabinofuranosyl-L- A-388
arabinose Utille, J.P. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 2000, 329, b-Pyranose-form
431-439 (occur, synth)
Me glycoside: [93130-21-3] Methyl 3-O-a-
a-L-Arabinofuranosyl-(1/ 0 3)- A-391 C11H20O9 296.274
OH OH Sesquihydrate. [a]20
b-D-xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-D-xylose D -113 (c, 1.2 in H2O).

O CH 2 Me glycoside, pentabenzyl: [99388-70-2]

O OH [66186-04-7]
Methyl 2,4-di-O-benzyl-3-O-(2,3,5-tri-
OH O-benzyl-a-L-arabinofuranosyl)-b-D-xy-
HOH 2C Furanose-form O OH lopyranoside
OH OH C46H50O9 746.896
D -7 (c, 1.1 in CHCl3).
C10H18O9 282.247 O OH
O HO 2?-O-(4-Hydroxy-3-
From stem mucilage of Opuntia ficus- methoxycinnamoyl)(E-):
OH 1″ OH β-Pyranose-form
indica (Indian fig). Isol. from partial acid C20H26O12 458.418
hydrolysates of sugar beet araban. [a]18
D -87 Isol. from corn hulls. Powder. lmax 230 ;
(c, 0.5 in H2O). [a]D -98.4 (H2O). OH
279 (MeOH).
Andrews, P. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1956, C15H26O13 414.363 2?-Me ether, 5?-O-(4-hydroxy-3-
658 (isol, sugarbeet) Prod. of partial enzymic hydrol. of xylans methoxycinnamoyl)(E):
Smith, F. et al., J.C.S. , 1961, 4892 (isol) found in foods, e.g. rye flour. Pentahy- C21H28O12 472.445
Tanaka, M. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta , 1981,
658, 377
drate. [a]20
D -72 (c, 0.5 in H2O). [a]D -15 Isol. from corn hulls. Powder. lmax 228 ;
McGarvie, D. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1981, 94, (H2O). 284 (MeOH).
57 (isol, synth) Pyranose-form 2?-Me ether, 5?-O-(4-hydroxy-3-

Arabinogalactan / Arachidin I A-393 / A-398

methoxycinnamoyl)(Z-): 3-O -b-L-Arabinopyranosyl-L- A-395 C25H34O17 606.533

C21H28O12 472.445 arabinose, 9CI, 8CI Mp 158.5-160.58. [a]D +15 (CHCl3).
Isol. from corn hulls. Powder. lmax 215 ; [20546-04-7] Benzyl glycoside: [148031-67-8] Benzyl b-
272 (MeOH). Arabinopyranobiose vicianoside
Kusakabe, I. et al., Nippon Nogei Kagaku C18H26O10 402.397
Kaishi , 1977, 51, 669; CA , 88, 147669a (isol) Constit. of the fruit of Passiflora edulis
Kusakabe, I. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1983, 47, HO O
(passion fruit).
2713 OH
Sahrami, J. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. , Helferich, B. et al., Annalen , 1928, 465, 166
1984, 49, 1605 (nmr) (synth)
HO Kochetkov, N.K. et al., Zh. Obshch. Khim. ,
Koto, S. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1985, 58, O
HO 1967, 37, 338; CA , 67, 108856f (synth)
1464 (Me gly) O
Hosny, M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1997, 60, 219 Psenak, M. et al., Planta Med. , 1972, 22, 93;
OH CA , 77, 149673u (isol)
(feruloyl derivs) β-Pyranose-form
OH Balan, N.F. et al., Bioorg. Khim. , 1980, 5, 1657;
CA , 94, 103719m (hepta-Ac)
C10H18O9 282.247 Bartlett, P.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1980, 102, 337
Isol. from partial acid hydrolysates of (synth)
Arabinogalactan A-393 Paterson, I. et al., Tetrahedron , 1985, 41, 3569
[9036-66-2] golden apple (Spondias cytherea ), lemon, (rev)
D-Galacto-L-arabinan. Larch gum. FEMA
peach, cherry. Also major disaccharide Pearson, A.J. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1988, 442
3254 product from the acid reversion of L- (synth, bibl)
arabinose. [a]D +210 (c, 1.0 in H2O). [a]D Chassagne, D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 41,
A complex polymer of arabinose and +164 (c, 1.0 in H2O). [a]D +193 (c, 3.8 in 1497-1500 (benzyl glycoside)
galactose in a 1:6 ratio. Emulsifier, H2O).
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Phenylosazone:
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 194-195 Mp 2358 (2218). Arabinose A-397
Me glycoside: [105260-99-9] Methyl 3-O-b- Aloinose. Aloe sugar. Pectinose
3-O -a-L-Arabinopyranosyl-L- A-394 side, 9CI
arabinose, 9CI C11H20O9 296.274 O
[a]D +140 (c, 2.6 in MeOH). HO α-D-Pyranose-form
Me glycoside, penta-Ac: [105260-92-2] HO OH
O C21H30O14 506.46 OH
[a]D +115 (c, 2.3 in CHCl3).
O OH b-Pyranose-form C5H10O5 150.131
Me glycoside, penta-Ac: [105260-89-7] L-form[5328-37-0]
OH Mp 2118. [a]D +148 (c, 0.3 in CHCl3). [87-72-9]
OH Jones, J.K.N. et al., J.C.S. , 1953, 1672; 1958, 27 FEMA 3255
(isol, synth) Flavouring agent. Mp 1608. [a]20
D +190.6 /
Andrews, P.A. et al., J.C.S. , 1953, 4090 0 +104.5 (c, 4 in H2O). Sweetness = 0.37 /
OH Aspinall, G.O. et al., J.C.S. , 1955, 1106; 1965,
Pyranose-form  sucrose.
2685 (isol)
C10H18O9 282.247 Smith, F. et al., Chemistry of Plant Gums and [1768-95-2, 28697-53-2]
Mucilages, Reinhold, New York, 1959,
Hydrolytic product of the mucilage from Haq, S. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1961, 39, 1563 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
the stems of Opuntia ficus-indica (Indian (isol) 1, 188D (ir)
fig). Syrup. [a]D +76 (c, 0.63 in H2O). Chalk, R.C. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1968, 46, Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
a-Pyranose-form 2311 (isol) Spectra , 1992, 1, 293B (nmr)
Aspinall, G.O. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1968, 7, Tollens, B. et al., Kurzes Handbuch der
Me glycoside: [105261-00-5] Methyl 3-O-a- 421 (isol) Kohlenhydrate, 4th edn., J.A. Barth , 1935, 120
L-arabinopyranosyl-a-L-arabinopyrano- (rev)
Kubala, J. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
side, 9CI 1977, 42, 2809 (isol) White, E.V. et al., Methods Carbohydr. Chem. ,
C11H20O9 296.274 Kochetkov, N.K. et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1962, 1, 76 (synth, L-form)
Mp 2118. [a]D +34.4 (c, 3.9 in H2O). Ser. Khim. , 1986, 200 (deriv, synth, pmr, cmr) Staněk, J. et al., The Monosaccharides ,
Shashkov, A.S. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , Academic Press, 1963, (rev)
Me glycoside, penta-Ac: [105453-49-4] Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen
1988, 26, 735 (cmr)
Methyl 2,4-di-O-acetyl-3-O-(2,3,4-tri- Verkerk, R. et al., Natural Toxicants in Food , der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn.,
O-acetyl-a-L-arabinopyranosyl)-a-L-ara- (ed. Watson, R.), Sheffield Academic Press, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, nos. 583; 584
binopyranoside, 9CI 1998, 29-53 (rev) (occur)
C21H30O14 506.46 Schaffer, R. et al., The Carbohydrates , 1972, 1A,
Mp 708. [a]D +1.78 (c, 4.8 in CHCl3). 69 (occur)
b-Pyranose-form 6-O -a-L-Arabinopyranosyl-D- A-396 Benesi, A.J. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1994, 258,
glucose, 9CI, 8CI 27 (pmr, cmr)
Me glycoside: [105260-96-6] Methyl 3-O-a- Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
L-arabinopyranosyl-b-L-arabinopyrano- [14116-69-9] edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
side, 9CI Vicianose 2, 48
C11H20O9 296.274 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Mp 1948. [a]D +156 (c, 0.8 in H2O). O O Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 196
Me glycoside, penta-Ac: [105260-90-0] OH O OH
OH α-D-Pyranose-form
C21H30O14 506.46 OH HO
Mp 1548. [a]D +89.3 (c, 2.0 in CHCl3). OH Arachidin I A-398
McGarvie, D. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1981, 94,
57 (isol, pmr)
C11H20O10 312.273 4-[2-[3,5-Dihydroxy-4-(3-methyl-1-bute-
Kochetkov, N.K. et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Mp 2108 dec. [a]20
D +56.5 / 0 +39.7 (H2O).
nyl)phenyl]ethenyl]-1,2-benzenediol, 9CI.
Ser. Khim. , 1986, 200 (Me gly, pmr, cmr)
Shashkov, A.S. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , b-Pyranose-form 3,3?,4?,5-Tetrahydroxy-4-(3-methyl-1-bute-
1988, 26, 735 (cmr) Hepta-Ac: [14260-08-3] nyl)stilbene

Arachidin II 
/ Arenaine A-399 / A-404

OH Braz Filho, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14, 2168. [a]23

D -58.8 (c, 2.0 in H2O).
3′ 1454 (deriv)
HO 2-O-(3,4-Dihydroxy-E-cinnamoyl):
4′ OH Keen, N.T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15,
1794 (isol) [230955-36-9]
Takasugi, M. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1978, 1241- [14477-53-3] 2-O-Caffeoylarbutin
1242 (2?,3,4?,5-Tetrahydroxy-4-prenylstilbene) C21H22O10 434.399
Aguamah, G.E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20, Isol. from leaves of Vaccinium vitis-idaea
1381 (isol)
C19H20O4 312.365 Magalhaes, A.F. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001,
(mountain cranberry). Prisms. Mp 1658.
Stilbene numbering shown. 57, 77-89 (3,5-di-Me ether) Bradfield, F.J. et al., J.C.S. , 1952, 4740
(E,E )-form [98391-38-9] Haslam, E. et al., J.C.S. , Suppl. I, 1964, 5649-
Constit. of peanuts (Arachis hypogaea ). Arachidoside A-400 5654 (2-O-Caffeoylarbutin)
Struct. unknown. Flavonoid glucoside. Durkee, A.B. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1968, 33, 461
3?-Deoxy: [87320-15-8] 5-[2-(4-Hydroxy- (isol, deriv)
phenyl)ethenyl]-2-(3-methyl-1-butenyl)- Poss. a glycoside of
Haslam, E. et al., Tetrahedron , 1968, 24, 4015
1,3-benzenediol, 9CI. 3,4?,5-Trihydroxy- Dihydroisorhamnetin (See 3,3?,4?,5,7- (synth)
4-(3-methyl-1-butenyl)stilbene. Arachi- Pentahydroxyflavanone, P-109). Isol. Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen
din III from shells of peanuts (Arachis der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn.,
C19H20O3 296.365 hypogaea ). Brown-red powder. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, nos. 204; 205;
Isol. from peanuts (Arachis hypogaea ). Tuyeau, F. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. 2610 (occur)
Sci. , 1947, 224, 290 Perol, G.W. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1979, 239
3?-Deoxy, 2?-hydroxy:2?,3,4?,5-Tetrahy- (synth, pmr)
droxy-4-(3-methyl-1-butenyl)-stilbene Lutterbach, R. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1992,
C19H20O4 312.365 9(11)-Arborinen-3-ol A-401 75, 2009 (isol)
Constit. of Artocarpus integer (cham- Jeo, W.K. et al., Nat. Prod. Sci. , 1999, 5, 60-63
pedak). Pale orange powder. Mp 191- (2?-Caffeoylarbutin)
1938. lmax 217 (log e 4.1); 243 (log e Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
3.9); 311 (log e 4); 345 (log e 4.2)
Reinhold , 1992, HIH100
(MeOH). H
Archangelin A-403
Keen, N.T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, 3α-form
1794 (isol) HO [21174-75-4]
Aguamah, G.E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20, 4-[(2,4,4-Trimethyl-1-cyclohexen-1-yl)-
1381 (isol) methoxy]-7H-furo[3,2-g][1]benzopyran-
Wotton, H.R. et al., J. Gen. Microbiol. , 1985, C30H50O 426.724 7-one, 9CI. Iselin
131, 487 (isol) (3b,21bH )-form [90582-44-8]
Boonlaksiri, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 54, Sorghumol
415-417 (3?-deoxy-2?-hydroxy) Constit. of Sorghum bicolor (sorghum).
Cryst. Mp 277-2828.
Nes, W.D. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1984, 223
Arachidin II A-399 (Sorghumol)
5-[2-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)ethenyl]-2-(3- Arbutin A-402 O
methyl-2-butenyl)-1,3-benzenediol, 9CI. [497-76-7]
3,4?,5-Trihydroxy-4-prenylstilbene 4-Hydroxyphenyl b-D-glucopyranoside,
9CI, 8CI. Hydroquinone-glucose. Arbuto-
HO side. Ericolin O O O
C21H22O4 338.402
HOH 2C Constit. of the root of Angelica arch-
angelica (angelica). Thick rods (MeOH).
O O 4′ OH Mp 1328. [a]30
C19H20O3 296.365 D +14 (CHCl3).
(E )-form [61517-87-1] OH Chatterjee, A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1964, 1961 (isol,
Constit. of peanuts (Arachis hypogaea ). HO struct)
Chatterjee, A. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1968, 6,
Yellow oil. OH 415 (isol, struct)
3,5-Di-Me ether:4?-Hydroxy-3,5-di- Bates, R.B. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1972, 3811 (rev)
methoxy-4-prenylstilbene C12H16O7 272.254 Dukhovlinova, L.I. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. ,
C21H24O3 324.419 Glucoside in pear leaves (Pyrus commu- 1974, 10, 308; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl.
Yellowish oil. lmax 313 (log e 4.2); 325 nis ). Mp 142-1438. [a]18
D -60.34 (H2O). Log Transl.) , 1974, 10, 316 (isol)
(log e 4.21) (MeOH). P -1.83 (calc). lmax 291 (MeOH) (Berdy). Magotra, D. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1995, 51,
lmax 294 (EtOH) (Berdy). 2196 (cryst struct)
Tri-Me ether: [56866-27-4] 3,4?,5-Tri-
methoxy-4-prenylstilbene -Exp. reprod. and teratogenic effects (v.
C22H26O3 338.446 large doses). CE8863000 Arenaine A-404
Cryst. Mp 92-948. 2-Ac: [15794-91-9] 2-O-Acetylarbutin. Iso- [35471-10-4]
2?-Hydroxy: [69065-16-3] 2?,3,4?,5-Tetra- pyroside
hydroxy-4-prenylstilbene C14H18O8 314.291
C19H20O4 312.365 Constit. of Vaccinium vacillans (blue-
Constit. of Artocarpus incisus (bread- berry). Cryst. Mp 172-1748. [a]22D -22.
[a]D -21.2 (c, 0.9 in MeOH). Relative
fruit) and Morus alba (white mulberry). N NH con®guration
Mp 196-1978. lmax 220 (e 28100); 240 6-Ac: [10338-88-2] 6-O-Acetylarbutin.
(sh) (e 19700); 294 (sh) (e 21300); 303 (e Pyroside NH
23100); 330 (e 33100) (EtOH). C14H18O8 314.291
(Z )-form [61517-88-2] Constit. of the leaves of immature pear O
Constit. of peanuts (Arachis hypogaea ). (Pyrus communis ) and mountain cran-
Yellow oil. berry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea ). Mp 214- C11H17N3O 207.275

Argenteane  / 9-Aristolene A-405  / A-409

Alkaloid from seeds of Plantago arenaria Constit. of the seeds of Vicia faba and Forms no true chemical compds. Forms
(sand plantain). Mp 208-2108. [a]22
D +305 the shoots of apple and pear trees. clathrates with H2O and hydroquinone.
(c, 1.7 in CHCl3). N2-(3-Carboxy-3-hydroxypropanoyl): Forms complex with HBr. Sol. H2O
Rabaron, A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1971, 93, 6270 (uv, [90250-85-4] N2-(3-Hydroxysuccinoy- (33.6 cm3 kg-1 at 208). Mp -189.48. Bp -
ir, pmr, cmr, struct) l)arginine 185.98. Forms clathrate compds. with
C10H18N4O6 290.275 phenols.
Constit. of the shoots of apple and pear -CF2300000
Argenteane A-405 trees. [11130-84-0, 12595-59-4, 12650-44-1, 14343-01-
N2-[3-Carboxy-2-(carboxymethyl)-2- 2, 14791-69-6, 14864-12-1, 15056-24-3, 15099-
26-0, 15801-88-4, 16249-22-2, 16740-17-3,
O hydroxypropanoyl]: [87605-91-2] N2-(2-
16904-17-9, 16941-40-5, 16941-44-9, 17428-37-4,
O Carboxymethyl-2-hydroxysuccinoyl)ar- 17596-58-6, 18973-74-5, 20499-74-5, 26603-53-2,
ginine 34247-59-1, 37352-46-8, 61762-54-7]
OH C12H20N4O8 348.312
Relative Mellor Compr. Treat. Inorg. Theor. Chem. , 1927,
OMe Constit. of the shoots of apple and pear
MeO Configuration
7, 889 (rev, bibl)
OH trees. Gmelin Handbook Inorg. Chem. , Syst. No. 1,
N2-b-D-Fructopyranos-1-yl: [162966-07-6] Suppl. Vol. , 1970, 16; 133 (rev, bibl)
N2-Fructopyranosylarginine. UK III Compr. Inorg. Chem. , Pergamon, Oxford, 1973,
O C12H24N4O7 336.344 1, 139 (rev, bibl)
Constit. of Korean red ginseng. Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn.,
C40H46O8 654.799 Wiley, 1978, 12, 249 (rev, bibl)
N2-[a-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D- Greenwood, N.N. et al., Chemistry of the
Constit. of mace, Myristica argentea . Oil. fructopyranos-1-yl]: [162966-06-5] Elements , Pergamon, Oxford, 1986, 1042
lmax 220 (log e 1.53); 250 (sh) ; 289 (log e 2 (rev)
1.04) (MeOH). [185351-34-2] N -Maltulosylarginine. UK II
Emsley, J. et al., The Elements , 3rd edn.,
C18H34N4O12 498.486 Clarendon Press, 1998, 24; 235
Filleur, F. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 2002, 16, 1-7 Constit. of Korean red ginseng. Powder.
(isol, pmr, cmr) Osvath, R. et al., Food Chem. News , 2000, 42, 3-
Mp 158-1608. 5 (use)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Arginine, INN, USAN A-406 [14975-30-5, 32042-43-6, 50912-92-0, 63238-98- Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
2, 78851-84-0] Reinhold , 1992, AQW250
2-Amino-5-[(aminoiminomethyl)amino]- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
1, 785A; 785D; 786A; 786B; 2, 259C (ir)
pentanoic acid. 2-Amino-5-guanidinovaleric Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Argpyrimidine A-408
acid. Arg Spectra , 1992, 1, 1281A (nmr) N5-(5-Hydroxy-4,6-dimethyl-2-pyrimidiny-
Org. Synth. , 1932, 12, 4 (synth) l)ornithine
COOH Greenstein, J.P. et al., Chemistry of the Amino
Acids , Wiley, N.Y., 1961, 3, 1841 (rev)
H 2N C H (S)-form Legrand, M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1965, CH3
679 (cd)
Bak, B. et al., J. Mol. Spectrosc. , 1968, 26, 78
Voelter, W. et al., Z. Naturforsch., B , 1971, 26, COOH
C6H14N4O2 174.202Log P -4.79 (calc). 213 (cmr) H3 C N N
(S )-form [74-79-3] Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen H NH2
L-form. L-Arginine. FEMA 3819 der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn.,
Dietary supplement, nutrient. Plates or Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 2392
(occur) C11H18N4O3 254.288
prisms + 2H2O (H2O), plates (EtOH). Lehmann, M.S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1973, 133 (S )-form
Sol. H2O (15.0g/100g at 218). Mp 2078 (cryst struct) Found in beer.
Mp 2448 dec. (anhyd. 1058). [a]D +21.8 Torgerson, D.F. et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. Glomb, M.A. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2001,
(H2O). [a]25
D +48.1 (c, 1 in 5M HCl). Commun. , 1974, 60, 616 (ms) 49, 366-372 (isol, synth, ms)
pKa3 12.48 (guanido). Isoelectric point Kasai, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, 147-
10.76. Bitter taste. N -Protected derivs. 149; 1984, 23, 19-22 (N-succinoyl derivs)
useful in peptide synth. have been listed Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
9-Aristolene A-409
alphabetically elsewhere.
-CF1934200 York, 1989, AQV 980; AQW 000
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Hydrochloride: [1119-34-2] 1 9
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 197-198
Zheng, Y.-N. et al., J. Chin. Pharm. Sci. , 1998, 5
[15595-35-4] Arginine hydrochloride, USAN
Dietary supplement, nutrient. Mp 2228 7, 7-10 (Maltulosylarginine)
dec. (2358). [a]20
D +12.1 (H2O).

-LD50 (rat, orl) 12000 mg/kg. Exp. Argon A-407

teratogen. CF1995500 [7440-37-1] C15H24 204.355
N2-(3-Carboxypropanoyl): [2478-02-6] E938 (+)-form [27862-07-3]
N2-Succinoylarginine Ar ent-9-Aristolene. a-Ferulene
C10H18N4O5 274.276 Ar 39.948 Oil. Bp8 1108. [a]D +68 (neat). [a]D +40
Constit. of the shoots of pear trees. (c, 0.1 in CHCl3).
Atomic No. 18. Ground state electron
N2-Oxalyl: [90250-86-5] N2-Oxalylargi- (-)-form [6831-16-9]
config. [Ne]3s23p6. Discovered in air in
nine Aristolene
1894 by Sir W. Ramsey and M.W.
C8H14N4O5 246.222 Constit. of calarene from sweet flag oil.
Travers. There are 8 isotopes of which 3
Constit. of the shoots of apple and pear Oil. [a]D -98.7 (neat).
are natural. Abundance: 9300 ppm in
trees (Malus spp.). air (by vol.). Solid state struct. is ccp or Pesnelle, P. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1963, 912
N2-(3-Carboxy-2-hydroxypropanoyl): hcp (metastable). Inert atmosphere for Carboni, S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1965, 3017 (isol)
[87605-92-3] N2-(2-Hydroxysuccinoy- wine and fruit or vegetable juice Weinheimer, A.J. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1968,
l)arginine. N2-(3-Carboxy-2-hydroxy-1- containers. Generally recognised as safe 1070 (isol)
oxopropyl)arginine (GRAS) in the USA. Colourless, Hirota, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1996, 52, 2359
C10H18N4O6 290.275 odourless, tasteless, monatomic gas. (isol, pmr, cmr)

Armepavine  / 10(14)-Aromadendrene A-410  / A-417

Armepavine A-410 Terhune, S.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1974, 13, Tanaka, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994, 42,
4-[(1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-6,7-dimethoxy-2- 865 1243 (synth)
methyl-1-isoquinolinyl)methyl]phenol, 9CI.
10-Aromadendranol A-413
4-Aromadendrene A-415
6,7-dimethoxyisoquinoline. Evoeuropine
Decahydro-1,1,4,7-tetramethyl-1H-cyclo- H
MeO prop[e]azulen-4-ol, 9CI
MeO N Me (1α,6α,7α,10α)-for
(R)-form H

H C15H24 204.355
C19H23NO3 313.396 (1a,6a,7a,10a)-form [112421-19-9]
(S )-form 1-Epi-a-gurjunene
Mp 149-1508. [a]20D +118 (CHCl3). C15H26O 222.37 Constit. of Tolu balsam (Myroxylon
Me ether: [3423-02-7] (+)-O-Methylarme- (1a,4a,5b,6a,7a,10a)-form [489-41-8] balsamum var. balsamum ). Food fla-
pavine Globulol vouring. Oil. [a]25
D -68 (c, 0.2 in pen-
C20H25NO3 327.422 Constit. of Eucalyptus globulus (Tas- tane).
Alkaloid from Annona squamosa (sugar manian blue gum). Needles (EtOH aq.). (1b,6a,7a,10a)-form [489-40-7]
apple). Cryst. (petrol). Mp 60-628. [a]20
D Mp 88.58. Bp 2838. [a]20
D -35.3 (CHCl3). a-Gurjunene. Gurjunene
+85. (1b,4a,5b,6b,7b,10a)-form [577-27-5] Oil. Bp10 114-1168 Bp3 75-778. [a]D -
Marion, L. et al., J.O.C. , 1950, 15, 216 (deriv, Ledol. Ledum camphor. Porschcamphor 179.5.
synth) Constit. of Valeriana officinalis (valer- Streith, J. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1963, 1950
Tomita, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1953, 1, ian), Piper spp. and others. Cryst. (isol, struct)
10 (deriv, synth) (petrol). Mp 1058. Bp 282-2838. [a]D +8 Friedel, H.D. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1987, 70,
Ferrari, C. et al., Tetrahedron , 1962, 18, 419 (EtOH). Stereochem. revised in 2000. 1753 (isol, cmr)
(deriv, synth)
Kapadia, G.J. et al., J. Pharm. Sci. , 1964, 53, Birch, A.J. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1955, 8, 550
1140 (deriv, isol, pmr, struct) (isol) 9-Aromadendrene A-416
Bishay, D.W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12, Büchi, G. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1959, No. 6, 14
693 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms) (struct, synth)
Graham, B.A. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1960, 13, H
Sheth, J.P. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 1977,
15, 595 (deriv, synth, ms) 372 (struct)
Shono, T. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1978, 4819 (deriv, Büchi, G. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1969, 91, 6473 (synth,
synth) abs config)
Torres, R. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1979, 42, 430 Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen
der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn., H
(deriv, isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms)
Bhaumik, P.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 1908
1584 (deriv, isol, uv, pmr) (occur)
Marshall, J.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1974, 39, 1971 C15H24 204.355
(synth) (1b,4a,5b,6a,7a)-form [112421-20-2]
1(5),3-Aromadendradiene A-411 Pakrashi, S.C. et al., J.O.C. , 1980, 45, 4765
Constit. of Tolu balsam (Myroxylon
El-Seedi, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 35, balsamum var. balsamum ). Food
1495 (Ledol, cmr) flavouring. Oil. [a]25
D -78 (c, 0.6 in
Wassmuth-Wagner, I. et al., Planta Med. , 1995, pentane).
61, 196 (pmr, cmr) Friedel, H.D. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1987, 70,
Gwaltney, S.L. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1996, 37, 949 1753
Topçu, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 44, 1393
(Ledol, pmr, cmr) 10(14)-Aromadendrene A-417
Cao, S.-G. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 2000, 14,
C15H22 202.339 447-452 (Ledol, synth)
Kaplan, M.A.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, H
(6a,7a,10a)-form [111778-06-4]
55, 749-753 (Ledol, struct, bibl)
Constit. of Tolu balsam (Myroxylon
balsamum var. balsamum ). Flavouring
agent. Oil. 1-Aromadendrene A-414 (1α,4α,5β,6α,7α)-form
Friedel, H.D. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1987, 70,

C15H24 204.355
3,10(14)-Aromadendradiene A-412
(1a,4a,5b,6a,7a)-form [14682-34-9]
H (-)-Aromadendrene. b-Diploalbicene
Constit. of Bixa orellana (annatto). Oil.
[a]D -11 (EtOH).
H C15H24 204.355 10b,14-Epoxide: [85710-39-0] 10,14-Epox-
(4a,5b,6a,7a,10a)-form [111821-79-5] yaromadendrane. Aromadendrene epox-
Constit. of Tolu balsam (Myroxylon ide
C15H22 202.339 balsamum var. balsamum ). Food C15H24O 220.354
flavouring. Oil. [a]25 Constit. of hops.
(1a,5b,6a,7a)-form [53526-64-0] D +42 (c, 0.2 in
b-Spathulene pentane). (1b,4a,5b,6b,7b)-form [25246-27-9]
Constit. of the the oil of Schinus molle Friedel, H.D. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1987, 70, [72747-25-2]
(California peppertree). 1753 Alloaromadendrene. a-Aromadendrene

1(10)-Aromadendren-4-ol  / Artobiloxanthone A-418  / A-426

Constit. of essential oils of Eucalyptus Juell, S. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim, Ger.) , Artemoin B A-422
globulus (Tasmanian blue gum). Oil. Bp2 1976, 309, 458 (pmr) 3-(17,18-Dihydroxytriacontyl)-5-methyl-
968. [a]20 18 Asakawa, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19,
D -21.6. nD 1.5010. 2(5H)-furanone
2141 (ent-Spathulenol)
Surburg, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1981, 114, 118
As Artemoin A, A-421 with
10b,14-Epoxide: [85760-81-2] Alloaroma- m = 16, n = 11
dendrene epoxide (synth)
C15H24O 220.354 Ulubelen, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 36, C35H66O4 550.904
971 (isol, pmr, cmr) Constit. of the seeds of Annona atemoya
(1b,4b,5a,6b,7b)-form [489-39-4] Tringali, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40, 827 (custard apple). Isol. as a mixture with
[72747-25-2] (Epispathulenol) other Artemoins.
(+)-Aromadendrene Toyota, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 41,
1347 (ent-Spathulenol) Chang, F.-R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 51,
Oil. Bp 260-2658. [a]D +24.5. 883-889 (isol, ir, pmr, cmr)
Dolejš, L. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
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Büchi, G. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1969, 91, 6473 (synth, Arsenobetaine A-420
abs config, bibl) [64436-13-1] Artemoin C A-423
Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1983, 31, (Carboxymethyl)trimethylarsonium hydro- 3-(15,16-Dihydroxytriacontyl)-5-methyl-
892 (Aromadendrene epoxide) xide inner salt, 9CI 2(5H)-furanone
Bohlmann, F. et al., Planta Med. , 1984, 50, As Artemoin A, A-421 with
1950 (Alloaromadendrene epoxide) Me3As  CH2COO 
m = 14, n = 13
Zafra-Polo, M.C. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1990, C5H11AsO2 178.062
518, 230 (Aromadendrene epoxide) C35H66O4 550.904
Found in algae, lobsters, sharks, etc..
Williams, H.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40, Constit. of the seeds of Annona atemoya
Deliquescent cryst. (Me2CO/MeOH). Mp
1633 (pmr, cmr, ms) (custard apple). Isol. as a mixture with
204-2108 dec. Low mammalian toxicity,
Tanaka, T. et al., Tetrahedron , 1996, 52, 4257 other Artemoins.
(synth) excreted unchanged e.g. from seafood
sources.. Chang, F.-R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 51,
883-889 (isol, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
-LD50 (mus, orl) 10000 mg/kg. CH9750000
1(10)-Aromadendren-4-ol A-418 Hydrobromide: [71642-15-4]
C5H12AsBrO2 258.974
Non-hygroscopic white shiny cryst. Artemoin D A-424
(EtOH at 58). 3-(13,14-Dihydroxytriacontyl)-5-methyl-
Edmonds, J.S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1977, 1543 2(5H)-furanone
(synth, pmr, cryst struct) As Artemoin A, A-421 with
Cannon, J.R. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1981, 34, m = 12, n = 15
HO H 787 (isol, synth) C35H66O4 550.904
Edmonds, J.S. et al., Chemosphere , 1981, 10,
1041 (isol, ir, pmr)
Constit. of the seeds of Annona atemoya
Norin, H. et al., Chemosphere, 1982, 11, 287 (custard apple). Isol. as a mixt. with other
C15H24O 220.354 (isol, ms, pmr, reaction) Artemoins.
(4b,5a,6a,7a)-form [88395-46-4] Luten, J.B. et al., Chemosphere, 1983, 12, 131 Chang, F.-R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 51,
Isospathulenol (isol, ms, reaction) 883-889 (isol, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
Constit. of Clary sage oil (Salvia sclar- Edmonds, J.S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1983, 2375
(pmr, cmr)
ea ). Cryst. Mp 69-70.58. [a]D +99 (c, 0.6 Edmonds, J.S. et al., Appl. Organomet. Chem. ,
in CHCl3). 1988, 2, 297 (biosynth, occur, uv) Artenolide A-425
Maurer, B. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1983, 66, Hanaoka, K. et al., Appl. Organomet. Chem. ,
2223 1988, 2, 371 (occur, metab) [113807-34-4]
Ismail, H. et al., Pertanika J. Trop. Agric. Sci. ,
1988, 11, 437; CA , 112, 7249 (synth, cmr) OH
10(14)-Aromadendren-4-ol A-419 Siu, K.W.M. et al., Rapid Commun. Mass
Spectrom. , 1988, 2, 69 (ms)
[72203-24-8] Beauchemin, D. et al., J. Anal. At. Spectrom. , HO OH
1989, 4, 285 (hplc, ms)
Arsenic Environ., Part II: , (ed. Nriagu, J.O.), J. HO
H Wiley, 1994, (rev, props)
Minhas, R. et al., Appl. Organomet. Chem. , O
(1α,4β,5β,6α,7α)-form 1998, 12, 635-641 (synth, pmr, cmr, ms)
4 O
Artemoin A A-421 O
C15H24O 220.354 2(5H)-furanone C30H40O8 528.641
(1a,4b,5b,6a,7a)-form [6750-60-3] Constit. of Artemisia absinthium (worm-
Spathulenol$ OH wood). Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 163-1748.
Constit. of Salvia sclarea (clary sage). (CH2)m Ovezdurdyev, A. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. ,
Oil. Sol. MeOH, C6H6; poorly sol. H2O, (CH2)nCH3 1987, 23, 667; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl.
hexane. [a]D +56. Transl.) , 553 (isol, pmr, cmr)
3,5-Dinitrobenzoyl: O
Cryst. Mp 1488.
(1b,4a,5b,6b,7b)-form Epispathulenol m = 18, n = 19
Artobiloxanthone A-426
Cryst. Mp 102-1038. [a]D +2 (c, 0.7 in [121748-25-2]
Me2CO). C35H66O4 550.904
(1b,4a,5a,6b,7b)-form [77171-55-2] ent- Constit. of the seeds of Annona atemoya [133813-53-3]
Spathulenol (custard apple). Isol. as a mixture with 8,9-Dihydro-6,10,11,13-tetrahydroxy-3,3-
[a]D -20 (c, 1 in CHCl3). other Artemoins. dimethyl-9-(1-methylethenyl)-3H,7H-ben-
Bowyer, R.C. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , Chang, F.-R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 51, zo[c]pyrano[3,2-h]xanthen-7-one, 9CI.
1963, 1245 (isol, struct) 883-889 (isol, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) KB 1

Artocarpin  / Artonin F A-427 
/ A-434

O Artonin A A-429 Artonin D A-432

OH [124721-15-9] [128532-95-6]

C25H22O7 434.445 OH
Constit. of Artocarpus communis (bread- HO OH O
fruit). Yellow solid. Mp 162-1648.
Sultanbawa, M.U.S. et al., Phytochemistry,
1989, 28, 599
Fujimoto, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990, C30H30O7 502.563
38, 1787-1789 Constit. of Artocarpus heterophyllus HO
(jackfruit). Yellow prisms (MeOH). Mp
Artocarpin A-427 Hano, Y. et al., Heterocycles , 1989, 29, 1447 C40H36O10 676.718
(isol, pmr, cmr, ms, cryst struct) Constit. of Artocarpus heterophyllus
(jackfruit). Yellow powder. Mp 140-1438.
[a]D +77 (c, 0.172 in MeOH).
methyl-2-butenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one, Hano, Y. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1990, 53, 391 (isol,
9CI Artonin B A-430 pmr, cmr, ir, uv, ms)
Artonin E A-433
O [129683-93-8]

O OH O 2"'


C26H28O6 436.504 OH
Isol. from Artocarpus heterophyllus (jack- O O
C30H30O7 502.563
fruit). Yellow needles (Me2CO, C6H6 or Constit. of Artocarpus heterophyllus
MeOH). Mp 2508 Mp 174-1758. (jackfruit). Yellow needles (C6H6). Mp
Dave, K.G. et al., J. Sci. Ind. Res., Sect. B , 1956, 219-2228.
15, 1961; 1961 (isol, struct) C25H24O7 436.46
Rao, A.V.R. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1972, 10, Hano, Y. et al., Heterocycles , 1989, 29, 1447 Constit. of Artocarpus communis (bread-
(isol, pmr, cmr, ms)
989 (ms) fruit). Yellow needles (C6H6/Me2CO). Mp
Nomura, T. et al., Heterocycles , 1979, 12, 1289 244-2488.
Mereyala, H.B. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 2???,3???-Dihydro, 3???-hydroxy: [133740-64-
1988, 27, 945 (cmr) Artonin C A-431 4] KB 2
C25H26O8 454.476
[128553-97-9] Constit. of Artocarpus communis
(breadfruit). Mp 166-1688.
Artomunoxanthentrione A-428 HO OH Fujimoto, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990,
[139921-73-6] 38, 1787-1789 (isol, deriv)
HO Hano, Y. et al., Heterocycles , 1990, 31, 877 (isol,
pmr, cmr)
OH Artonin F A-434
O 9a
13 a O
C26H20O7 444.44 HO OH
Constit. of Artocarpus communis (bread- OH
fruit). Red cryst. (EtOAc). Mp 230-2328. O
C40H38O10 678.734 O O
9a,13a-Epoxide: [143522-33-2] Artomu-
Constit. of Artocarpus heterophyllus
noxanthentrione epoxide HO OH
(jackfruit). Yellow powder. Mp 169-1718.
C26H22O8 462.455
D +20 (c, 0.09 in MeOH).
Isol. from the root bark of Artocarpus
communis (breadfruit). Orange needles Hano, Y. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1990, 53, 391 (isol, C30H30O7 502.563
pmr, cmr, ir, uv, ms) Constit. of Artocarpus communis (bread-
(EtOAc). Mp 248-2518. CA numbering.
fruit). Yellow needles (C6H6/Me2CO). Mp
Shieh, W.-L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31,
364 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Lin, C.-N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, 2563 Hano, Y. et al., Heterocycles , 1990, 31, 877 (isol,
(epoxide) pmr, cmr)

Artonin H  / Artonol E A-435 / A-442

Artonin H A-435 C21H18O7 382.369 Artonol B A-440

[133866-94-1] Constit. of the root bark of Artocarpus [186824-58-8]
3-Geranyl-2?,4?,5,5?,7-pentahydroxy-6-pre- heterophyllus (jackfruit). Yellow prisms
nylflavone (Me2CO). Mp 312-3148. Racemic.
6?-Me ether: [148719-52-2] Artonin L
OH O C22H20O7 396.396
2'' 3'' Constit. of the root bark of Artocarpus O
OH heterophyllus (jackfruit). Yellow prisms O O
(MeOH). Mp 249-2508. Racemic.
Aida, M. et al., Heterocycles , 1993, 36, 575 (isol,
OH pmr, cmr)
C24H20O7 420.418
C30H34O7 506.594 Constit. of the bark of Artocarpus com-
Amorph powder. lmax 206 (e 48980); 258 munis (breadfruit). Orange needles
Artonin Q A-438
(C6H6). Mp 267-2738. lmax 246 (log e 4.1);
(e 27540); 302 (e 11220) (MeOH) (Berdy). [161017-00-1] 284 (log e 3.99); 338 (log e 3.5); 405 (log e
5?-Deoxy: [54835-67-5] Rubraflavone C 3.1) (MeOH).
C30H34O6 490.595 O Aida, M. et al., Heterocycles , 1997, 45, 163-175
Constit. of Morus rubra (red mulberry). OH
(isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr)
Yellow solid.
5?-Deoxy, 2??,3??-dihydroxy, 2??,3??-dihydro: HO
O O Artonol C A-441
[459155-95-4] Artocarpol H
MeOOC [186824-59-9]
C30H36O8 524.61 1′
Yellow needles (Me2CO). Mp 199-2008. O
D -13.5 (c, 0.1 in Me2CO). lmax 215 3′ O OH
(log e 3.53); 291 (log e 3.16) (MeOH).
Hano, Y. et al., Heterocycles , 1990, 31, 2173 C31H30O8 530.573
(isol, struct)
Constit. of the bark of Artocarpus hetero- HO
Lu, Y.-H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 2002, 85,
1626-1632 (Artocarpol H, Rubraflavone C) phyllus (jackfruit). Yellow cryst. (hexane/ 5' O O
Et2O). Mp 57-598. Racemic lmax 205 (e 2'
30900); 225 (e 25120); 250 (sh) (e 26300); O OH
Artonin J A-436 302 (e 27540); 350 (e 8910); 390 (e 4070)
[148719-51-1] (MeOH).
D1?-Isomer, 3?-hydroperoxy: [161017-01-2]
O Artonin R C30H28O7 500.547
OH C31H30O10 562.572 Constit. of the bark of Artocarpus com-
Isol. from Artocarpus heterophyllus munis (breadfruit). Yellow needles
O (jackfruit). Yellow cryst. (hexane/Et2O). (MeOH/C6H6). Mp 182-1848. Racemic
HO O Mp 1738. lmax 202 (e 7940); 226 (e lmax 237 (log e 4.36); 281 (log e 4.44); 345
7410); 298 (e 6310); 350 (e 2090); 400 (e (log e 3.9); 386 (log e 4.11) (MeOH).
HO OH 830) (MeOH). 2?,5?-Quinone: [186824-60-2] Artonol D
Aida, M. et al., Heterocycles , 1994, 39, 847 (isol, C30H26O7 498.531
uv, ir, ms, pmr, cmr)
Constit. of the bark of Artocarpus
communis (breadfruit). Reddish needles
(Me2CO). Mp 1308. lmax 235 (log e
4.33); 265 (log e 4.43); 337 (log e 3.84)
C25H24O7 436.46 Artonol A A-439 (MeOH).
Constit. of the root bark of Artocarpus [186824-57-7] Aida, M. et al., Heterocycles , 1997, 45, 163-175
heterophyllus (jackfruit). Yellow prisms (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr)
(MeOH). Mp 281-2828. Racemic. O OH
7-Me ether: [161017-03-4] Artonin T Artonol E A-442
C26H26O7 450.487 [186824-61-3]
Constit. of the bark of Artocarpus
heterophyllus (jackfruit). Yellow needles O O O OH
(Me2CO). Mp 2528. Racemic.
Aida, M. et al., Heterocycles , 1993, 36, 575 (isol,
pmr, cmr)
Aida, M. et al., Heterocycles , 1994, 39, 847 HO
(Artonin T) C21H20O5 352.386 O OMe
Constit. of the bark of Artocarpus com-
munis (breadfruit). Orange prisms O OH
Artonin K A-437 (Me2CO). Mp 189-1968. Racemic lmax 236
[148719-61-3] (log e 4.45); 279 (log e 4.31); 337 (log e
3.57) (MeOH).
O Aida, M. et al., Heterocycles , 1997, 45, 163-175 C26H24O7 448.471
OH (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr) Constit. of the bark of Artocarpus com-
munis (breadfruit). Yellow needles
O (EtOAc). Mp 224-2278. lmax 211 (log e
MeO O 4.31); 271 (log e 4.26); 377 (log e 4.09)
6′ (MeOH).
HO OH Aida, M. et al., Heterocycles , 1997, 45, 163-175

Ascaridole / Ascorbic acid, BAN, INN, USAN A-443  / A-447

(isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr) Ascochitine A-445 lemons and paprika. Prod. industrially
[3615-05-2] on a large scale from glucose. Vitamin
Ascochytin (antiscorbutic), antioxidant, nutrient,
Ascaridole A-443 preservative consistency enhancer. Used
[512-85-6] to reduce discoloration, mainly brown-
CH 3 ing caused by polyphenol oxidase, in
1-Methyl-4-(1-methylethyl)-2,3-dioxabicy- O
clo[2.2.2]oct-5-ene, 9CI. 1-Isopropyl-4- fruit and vegetable products. Used to
methyl-7-oxabicyclo[2.2.1]hept-2-ene. 1,4- O COOH enhance colour formn. and to reduced
Epidioxy-p-menth-2-ene. Kebal II. Uncina- the formn. of nitrosamines in meat
OH products. Used synergistically with Sul-
cina. Ascapurin. Ascarisin
C15H16O5 276.288 fur dioxide, S-277 in wine and beer as a
preservative. Assists formn. of the glu-
Tautomerism possible. Causes brown rot ten network in bread making, thus
in broad beans. Yellow cryst. Sol. enhancing bread volume. Mp 190-1928.
MeOH, Et2O; poorly sol. H2O, hexane. [a]25 18
O D +24 (c, 1 in H2O). [a]D +49
O Mp 196-1988. [a]25 D -86 (CHCl3). lmax (MeOH). pKa2 11.34 (258, 0.1M
220 (e ); 286 (e ); 415 (e ) (EtOH) KNO3). Component of numerous pre-
(Derep). lmax 220 (e 20617); 286 (e parations.
17550); 415 (e 5700) (EtOH) (Berdy). -Human systemic effects when
-Toxic. administered intravenously. Exp. reprod.
C10H16O2 168.235 Oku, H. et al., Phytopathology, 1963, 53, 1321 and teratogenic effects (v. large doses).
Said to be the major constit. of oil of Mishima, H. et al., Sankyo Kenkyusho Nenpo ,
LD50 (rat, orl) 11900 mg/kg. CI7650000
Peumus boldus (boldo). Oil. d204 1.01. Mp
1970, 22, 67; CA , 75, 48824x (struct)
Galbraith, M.N. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1971, 3557 Na salt: [134-03-2] Sodium ascorbate, INN.
3.38. Bp15 1158 Bp0.2 39-408. Log P 1.34
(synth) E301
(uncertain value) (calc). Unstable. Colombo, L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1980, 675; Antioxidant. [a]D +24 (c, 3 in H2O).
-Explodes on heating or on treatment with 2549 (biosynth, cmr, struct) -CI7671000
acids. LD50 (rat, orl) 200 mg/kg. Shows Beed, F.D. et al., Mycol. Res. , 1994, 98, 1069
Ca salt (2:1): [5743-27-1] Calcium ascor-
neoplastic activity. OT0175000 (manuf)
bate. E302
Schenk, G.O. et al., Angew. Chem. , 1952, 64, 12 Antioxidant. [a]10
D +91 (c, 0.3 in H2O).
(synth) Ascorbalamic acid, 9CI A-446
Beckett, A.H. et al., J. Pharm. Pharmacol. , Fe(II) salt: [24808-52-4] Ferrous ascorbate
1955, 7, 55 (purifn) [41679-87-2] Dietary supplement.
Swern, D. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1969, 41, 412 6-Hexadecanoyl: [137-66-6] Ascorbyl pal-
(pmr) COOH mitate, USAN. E304
Bernhard, R.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1971, 10,
C22H38O7 414.538
177 (isol) NH Antioxidant. Mp 107-1178. [a]20
Bohlmann, F. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1975, D +22.9
7, 426 (cmr) (c, 2 in MeOH).
Haynes, R.K. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1978, 31, O HO O -CI7671040
131 (synth) 6-Octadecanoyl: [10605-09-1]
Masilamani, D. et al., J.O.C. , 1983, 48, 4918 OH
(synth) [25395-66-8] Ascorbyl stearate
Zagorski, M.G. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 4484 C24H42O7 442.592
(cmr, O-17 nmr) OH OH Preservative for margarine.
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 40 C9H13NO8 263.204 [299-36-5, 5743-28-2, 6485-44-5, 6730-29-6,
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Constit. of cabbage (Brassica oleracea ). 25395-66-8, 124928-57-0]
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Couchman, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12,
707 (isol) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
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Ascladiol A-444 1151B (nmr)
Ascorbic acid, BAN, INN, A-447 Herbert, R.W. et al., J.C.S. , 1933, 1270 (struct)
[32013-85-7] Reichstein, T. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1934, 17,
threo-Hex-2-enonic acid g-lactone, 9CI, 311 (synth)
methyl)-2(5H)-furanone, 9CI Hirst, E.L. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat. Prod. ,
8CI. threo-Hexulosono-1,4-lactone-2,3-en- 1939, 2, 132
ediol. Hexuronic acid. Lyxoascorbic acid. Sawyer, D.T. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1966, 38, 192
HOH2C Xyloascorbic acid (pmr)
Pilipenko, A.T. et al., Zavod. Lab. , 1966, 32, 3
CH 2 OH (rev, use)
O O Hvoslef, J. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1969, 25, 2214
HOH2C OH (cryst struct)
O Berger, S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1977, 33, 1587
C7H8O4 156.138 O Crawford, T.C. et al., Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. ,
Toxin from Aspergillus clavatus in wheat 1980, 37, 7 (rev)
flour. Cryst. (Me2CO/CHCl3). Mp 65-668. L-form Sieb, P.A. et al., Adv. Chem. Ser. , 1982, 200, 1-
V. hygroscopic lmax 271 (MeOH) (Berdy). 585 (rev)
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Suzuki, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1971, 19, L-form [50-81-7] Eur. Pat. , 1985, 146 121, (Takeda ); CA , 104,
1786 (isol, struct) Vitamin C. Vitamin C3. Ascorbicap. 33286s (CV 3611, synth)
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Cevital. Citrovit. Roscorbic. Vitacimin.
1981, 517 York, 1989, ARN000
Vitascorbol. E300
Davies, M.B. et al., Vitamin C: its Chemistry and
Occurs widely in animals and plants. Biochemistry, RSC, 1991,
Good sources are citrus fruits and hip
berries. Isol. from ox adrenal cortex,

/ Asimicin A-448  / A-450

Parviainen, M.T. et al., Chromatogr. Sci , 1992, Constit. of commercial oolong tea (Ca- 24-Epimer, 32S-hydroxy: [169390-17-4] 32-
60, 235 (rev, chromatog) mellia sinensis var. viridis ). Off-white Hydroxybullatacin
Barili, P.L. et al., Tetrahedron , 1992, 48, 6273 amorph. powder + 1=2H2O. [a]21 D -215.1 (c, C37H66O8 638.924
Csiba, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1993, 58, 7281 (synth)
1.0 in Me2CO). Powder. [a]D +19 (c, 0.08 in CHCl3).
Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd Hashimoto, F. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1989, 19,20,24-Triepimer: [111056-97-4] Rolli-
edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American 37, 3255 (struct, ir, pmr, cmr) niastatin 1. 4-Hydroxy-25-desoxyneorol-
Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical linicin
Press, 1994, 15-18; 19-20; 431-432 C37H66O7 622.924
Ruchmann, A. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , Asimicin A-450
Isol. from Rollinia mucosa (biriba). Wax
1996, 34, 116 (O-17 nmr) 3-[2,13-Dihydroxy-13-[octahydro-5?-(1-
(Me2CO). Mp 81-838. [a]D +25.2 (c,
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn., hydroxyundecyl)[2,2?-bifuran]-5-yl]tride-
Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1387 1.03 in CH2Cl2). Relative config. only
cyl]-5-methyl-2(5H)-furanone, 9CI. Anno-
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. determined lmax 208 (e 14300) (MeOH)
nastatin. Squamocin H. Annonareticulin
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 205; 212; (Derep).
213; 369-370; 1106-1107; 2526-2527 (salts, [123805-39-0, 129138-51-8, 130851-93-3]
Loewus, F.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 52, OH 36
Rupprecht, J.K. et al., Heterocycles , 1986, 24,
193-210 (rev, biosynth, metab) 12 O 1197 (Asimicin)
HO Pettit, G.R. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1987, 65, 1433
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 4

Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand H O (Rolliniastatin 1)

Reinhold , 1992, ARN000; ARN125; O Hoye, T.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1988, 53, 5578 (pmr,
CAM600 H struct)
Pettit, G.R. et al., Heterocycles , 1989, 28, 213
H (Rolliniastatin 2)
Ascorbigen A-448 O Hui, Y.H. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1989, 52, 463;
[8075-98-7] H 28
1990, 53, 81 (isol, pmr, cmr, Bullatacin)
2-C-(1H-Indol-3-ylmethyl)-3-hexulofura- HO Abreo, M.J. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1989, 52, 822
nosonic acid g-lactone, 9CI (4-Hydroxy-25-desoxyneorollinicin)
Li, X.H. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1990, 53, 81
C37H66O7 622.924 (Bullatacin)
HO H Absolute configs. are not yet fully Rupprecht, J.K. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1990, 53,
O established and the identities of various 237 (rev)
isolates apparently having the same Nonfon, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29,
O 2951 (Annonin VI)
2 struct. are not all certain. Isol. from
Born, L. et al., Planta Med. , 1990, 56, 312
HO HO CH2 Asimina triloba (pawpaw), Annona
(Annonin VI)
squamosa (sugar apple), Annona Lieb, F. et al., Planta Med. , 1990, 56, 317-319
purpurea (soncoya) and Rollinia mucosa (Annonastatin)
(biriba). Cryst. Mp 70-728. [a]D +21.8 Cortes, D. et al., Tetrahedron , 1991, 47, 8195
N (c, 0.6 in MeOH). lmax 208 (e 14300) (Rolliniastatin 2)
(2R)-form (MeOH). Zhao, G. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1992, 55, 347-356
H (Trilobacin)
20-Epimer: [140224-67-5] Trilobacin
Rieser, M.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1992, 114, 10203
C37H66O7 622.924 (abs config)
C15H15NO6 305.287 Constit. of the bark of Asimina triloba
Present in plants, esp. cabbage and other Laprévote, O. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1992, 33, 5237
(pawpaw). Wax. [a]22 D +10 (c, 0.0005 in (ms)
crucifers. CHCl3). lmax 223 (e 2653) (EtOH) Maillard, M.P. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1993, 647,
(2R )-form [26548-49-2] (Berdy). 147 (hplc)
b-L-lyxo-form. Ascorbigen B 24-Epimer: [123123-32-0] Ahammadsahib, K.I. et al., Life Sci. , 1993, 53,
Light yellow amorph. powder. Mp 708 1113 (Bullatacin, pharmacol)
(sinters). [a]25 [121917-13-3, 129212-94-8] Bullatacin. Roll- Cortes, D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 32,
D +12.5 (c, 1.0 in MeOH).
(2S )-form [26676-89-1] iniastatin 2. Annonin VI. Squamocin G 1467; 1475 (rev)
C37H66O7 622.924 Hoye, T.R. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1993, 34, 5043;
b-L-xylo-form. Ascorbigen A 1995, 36, 1981-1984 ((-)-Bullatacin, synth)
Amorph. powder. Mp ca. 658 (sinters). Isol. from Rollinia mucosa (biriba), An-
Degli-Esposti, M. et al., Biochem. J. , 1994, 301,
D +11 (c, 2.0 in EtOH).
nona squamosa (sugar apple) and Annona
161 (activity)
reticulata (custard apple). Cryst. (EtOAc). Holschneider, C.H. et al., Cancer Chemother.
[29400-26-8] Mp 69-708. [a]23D +13 (c, 0.004 in CHCl3). Pharmacol. , 1994, 34, 166 (Bullatacin,
Piironen, E. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1962, 16, [a]D +15.3 (c, 0.4 in CH2Cl2). lmax 208 (e pharmacol)
1286 (synth, bibl) 14300) (MeOH) (Derep). Sahai, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994, 42,
Kiss, G. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1966, 49, 989 1163-1174 (Squamocins)
(synth, ir, uv, pmr, struct) 24-Epimer, 27S-hydroxy:27-Hydroxybulla- Koert, U. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1994, 35, 2517
Korolev, A.M. et al., Bioorg. Khim. , 1991, 17, tacin (synth, Rolliniastatin 1)
981 C37H66O8 638.924 Laprevote, O. et al., Tetrahedron , 1994, 50, 8479
Constit. of Annona glabra (pond apple). (ms, struct)
8-C -Ascorbylepigallocatechin Waxy solid. [a]25 Naito, H. et al., J.O.C. , 1995, 60, 4419
A-449 D +11 (CHCl3).
(Bullatacin, synth, ir, pmr)
3-O -gallate 24-Epimer, 28-hydroxy: [148057-45-8] Rio- Morré, D.J. et al., Life Sci. , 1995, 56, 343
[126715-87-5] clarin (Bullatacin)
C37H66O8 638.924 Gu, Z.-M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40, 467-
[a]D +20 (c, 0.4 in MeOH). 477 (Hydroxybullatacins)
Sinha, S.C. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1995, 36, 9257-
OH 24-Epimer, 30-hydroxy: [169390-19-6] 30-
OOC OH 9260 (synth)
Hydroxybullatacin Sinha, S.C. et al., J.O.C. , 1996, 61, 7640-7641
OH C37H66O8 638.924 (synth, Trilobacin)
O OH Powder. [a]D +14 (c, 0.5 in CHCl3). Isol. Zeng, L. et al., Nat. Prod. Rep. , 1996, 13, 275-
OH as a 4:1 mixt. of 30S - and 30R -epimers 306 (rev)
OH respectively. Marshall, J.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1997, 62, 5989-
HOH 2C O 5995 (synth)
O 24-Epimer, 31S-hydroxy: [169390-18-5] 31-
H Cave, A. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat. Prod. ,
OH Hydroxybullatacin 1997, 70, 81-288 (rev)
C37H66O8 638.924
C28H24O17 632.487 Powder. [a]D +19 (c, 0.08 in CHCl3).

/ Asitribin A-451 
/ A-455

Duret, P. et al., J.O.C. , 1998, 63, 4717-4720 (abs Zhao, G.-X. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1994, 37, Asitribin A-455
config) 1971-1976 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms, props)
Martin, J.M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1999, 62, 2-4 Zhao, G. et al., Tetrahedron , 1995, 51, 7149-
(activity) 7160 (Trilobin)
Liu, X.-X. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1999, 62, 848- Zeng, L. et al., Nat. Prod. Rep. , 1996, 13, 275-
852 (27-Hydroxybullatacin) 306 (rev)
Ruan, Z. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1999, 40, 49-52 Gallardo, T. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 1001- 10 O
(synth, Asimicin, Trilobacin) 1005 (Guanacone) HO
Avedissian, H. et al., J.O.C. , 2000, 65, 6035- Marshall, J.A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1999, 62, H O
6051 (synth) 1123-1127 (Trilobin, synth, abs config)
Marshall, J.A. et al., J.O.C. , 2003, 68, 1771- Marshall, J.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1999, 64, 971-975 Absolute
1779; 1780-1785 (synth) (Trilobin, synth) H H
Sinha, A. et al., J.O.C. , 1999, 64, 2381-2386
(Trilobin, synth) O
Asimilobin A-451 Marshall, J.A. et al., J.O.C. , 2003, 68, 1771- OH
[168075-15-8] 1779 (synth)
HO 28

Asiminenin A A-453 C37H66O7 622.924

Absolute Constit. of the seeds of Asimina triloba
Configuration [168075-11-4] (pawpaw). Powder. Sol. MeOH, hexane;
OH poorly sol. H2O. Mp 71-728. [a]D +15 (c,
Absolute Configuration
0.1 in CH2Cl2). lmax 234 (e 3550) (MeOH)
C35H62O6 578.871 (Berdy).
Abs. config. revised in 1999. Constit. of 19
20-Epimer: [156199-51-8] Asiminacin.
20 O
the seeds of Asimina triloba (pawpaw). OH OH O
Squamocin D
Needles. Sol. MeOH, hexane; poorly C37H66O7 622.924
sol. H2O. Mp 56-578. [a]D +11.3 (c, 1 in C37H66O6 606.925 Constit. of Asimina triloba (pawpaw)
CH2Cl2). [a]D +6 (c, 0.05 in CHCl3). Constit. of the seeds of Asimina triloba and Annona squamosa (sugar apple).
lmax 228 (log e 2.98) (EtOH). lmax 228 (pawpaw). Powder. Sol. MeOH, hexane; Wax. [a]D +21.1 (CHCl3). lmax 215
(e 955) (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 209 (e poorly sol. H2O. Mp 58-598. [a]D +10 (c, (MeOH).
1000) (EtOH) (Berdy). 0.1 in CH2Cl2). lmax 228 (log e 3.55)
(MeOH). 19,24-Diepimer: [240486-97-9] Ophrypeta-
Zhang, Y. et al., Heterocycles , 1995, 41, 1743-
1755 (isol) lin
Woo, M.H. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1995, 58, 1533
19,20-Diepimer: [168113-65-3] Asiminenin C37H66O7 622.924
(isol) B Wax. [a]D +21.3 (c, 0.9 in MeOH). lmax
Wang, Z.-M. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. , 2000, C37H66O6 606.925 208 (log e 4.26) (MeOH).
349-356 (synth, abs config) Constit. of the seeds of Asimina triloba 20,24-Diepimer: [120298-30-8]
(pawpaw). Powder. Sol. MeOH, hexane;
poorly sol. H2O. Mp 54-558. [a]D +17 (c, [93303-16-3, 168609-25-4, 183507-41-7] Squa-
Asimin A-452 mocin. Rollinicin. Squamocin A. Annonin I
0.1 in CH2Cl2). lmax 230 (log e 2.93)
[156162-01-5] (MeOH). C37H66O7 622.924
Woo, M.H. et al., Heterocycles , 1995, 41, 1731-
Constit. of various Annona spp.. Mp 30-
OH O 1742 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) 328 (/ B 308). [a]D +21.2 (c, 0.4 in CHCl3).
H [a]D +16.2 (c, 1 in CHCl3). lmax 215 (e
10 4
O 3160) (MeOH) (Derep).
O OH Asiminocin A-454
20,24-Diepimer, 28-ketone: [133594-24-8]
[174693-31-3] Squamocinone. Squamocin-28-one
O C37H64O7 620.908
24 28 29
OH 20,23,28-Triepimer: [201167-31-9] Carolin
C37H66O7 622.924 H C37H66O7 622.924
Constit. of the stem bark of Asimina Oil. [a]20
D +22 (c, 1 in CHCl3). lmax 208
triloba (pawpaw). Wax. [a]D +26 (CHCl3). O
(log e 4.6) (EtOH).
lmax 215 (MeOH). H H Stereoisomer: [93236-32-9] Isorollinicin
20-Epimer: [165525-53-1] Trilobin O C37H66O7 622.924
C37H66O7 622.924 OH Amorph. Sol. EtOH, CHCl3, C6H6;
H 24
Constit. of Asimina triloba (pawpaw). poorly sol. H2O. Mp 66-688. lmax 215 (e
Wax. [a]D +33.3 (c, 0.1 in MeOH). lmax 3160) (MeOH) (Derep). lmax 231 (e
225 (e 2695) (EtOH) (Berdy). 20100) (CH2Cl2) (Berdy).
C37H66O7 622.924
24-Epimer, 10-ketone: [212616-61-0] Constit. of Annona triloba (pawpaw). Dabrah, T.T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23,
2013-2016 (Rollinicin, Isorollinicin)
[212575-88-7] Guanacone Wax. [a]D +26 (c, 1 in CHCl3). Fujimoto, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988,
C37H64O7 620.908 24-Epimer: [158446-27-6] Bullanin 36, 4802-4806 (Squamocin)
Wax. [a]D +22 (c, 1 in EtOH). lmax 208 C37H66O7 622.924 Nonfon, M.F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29,
(log e 3.83) (MeOH). Constit. of the stem bark of Asimina 1951-1954 (Squamocin)
Born, L. et al., Planta Med. , 1990, 56, 312-316
24-Epimer, 10-ketone, oxime:10-Oxime- triloba (pawpaw). Wax. [a]D +28 (Annonin I)
guanacone (EtOH). Both C-30 epimers are known Hisham, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30,
C37H65NO7 635.923 lmax 213 (e 220) (EtOH). lmax 220 (e 545-548 (Squamocinone)
263) (EtOH) (Berdy). Sahai, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994, 42,
10,24-Diepimer: [158515-36-7] Bullatin 1163-1174 (Squamocin A)
Zhao, G.X. et al., Heterocycles , 1994, 38, 1897-
C37H66O7 622.924 Sahai, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994, 42,
1909 (Bullanin)
Constit. of Asimina triloba (pawpaw). Zhao, G.X. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. , 1996, 4, 1163 (Squamocin D)
[a]D +7.5 (c, 0.04 in EtOH). 25-32 (Asiminocin) Gu, Z. et al., J.O.C. , 1994, 59, 5162-5172
Zhao, G.-X. et al., Heterocycles , 1994, 38, 1897- Marshall, J.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1997, 62, 5996- (Squamocin, abs config)
1908 (Bullatin) 6000; 2003, 68, 1771-1779 (synth)

Asitrilobin B 
/ Aspartame, BAN, USAN A-456 / A-461

Woo, M.H. et al., Heterocycles , 1995, 41, 1731 Aspalathin A-459 Biochem. Prep. , 1963, 10, 10
(Asitribin) 1-(3-C-b-D-Glucopyranosyl-2,4,6-trihy- Legrand, M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1965,
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Cave, A. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat. Prod. ,
propanone. 3?-Glucosyl-2?,3,4,4?,6?-penta- 28, 3000 (cryst struct)
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(synth, Trilobin) HO OH Toi, K. et al., Synth. Prod. Util. Amino Acids ,
Sinha, A. et al., J.O.C. , 1999, 64, 2381-2386 OH 1974, 75 (rev)
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Sung’Hwa, F. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 1999, 13, OH 17, 501 (cmr)
195-202 (Ophrypetalin) Yoshifuji, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1987,
Emde, U. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. , 2000, 1889- C21H24O11 452.414 35, 2994 (synth)
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D +34.7 (c, 2.14 in
1604-1610 (Squamocin) Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
EtOH). [a]D +58.4 (c, 2.21 in Me2CO). Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
Nona-Ac: York, 1989, ARN810
Asitrilobin B A-456 Casado, J. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , 1995, 349, 57
Fine needles (EtOH). Mp 153-1548.
[a]25 (ir, Raman)
D -35.8 (c, 2.16 in Me2CO).
Casado, J. et al., J. Raman Spectrosc. , 1995, 26,
Koeppen, B.H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1965, 3497; 1003 (ir, Raman)
OH OH Biochem. J. , 1966, 99, 604 (isol, struct)
O Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
HO Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 213-214
H O Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Asparagine, 9CI A-460 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
[7006-34-0] Reinhold , 1992, ARN810
H 2,4-Diamino-4-oxobutanoic acid. Aspartic
HO acid b-monoamide. b-Asparagine. Aspara- Aspartame, BAN, USAN A-461
mide. Altheine. Asn
C35H64O7 596.886
N-a-Aspartyl-L-phenylalanine 1-methyl es-
Constit. of the seeds of Asimina triloba COOH ter, 9CI. Methyl aspartylphenylalanine.
(pawpaw). Amorph. powder. Mp 65.3-
Nutrasweet. Canderel. a-APM. SC-18862.
68.48. [a]22
D +23.3 (c, 0.03 in CH2Cl2). lmax H 2N C H (S)-form E951
226 (log e 4.1) (MeOH).
Woo, M.-H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 50,
1033-1040 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) COOMe
C4H8N2O3 132.119
Derivs. labelled N (here and in 9CI) refer CONH C H
Asitrilobin D A-457 to those subst. on the amide (or N4)
nitrogen; N2 refers to subst. on amino H 2N C H CH 2Ph
group. CH 2COOH
O (R )-form [2058-58-4]
H O [5794-24-1] C14H18N2O5 294.307
O D-form Compd. with 100 times the sweetness of
H Cryst. + 1H2O. Mp 234-2358. [a]15
D +5.4 sucrose. Artificial sweetener permitted in
HO (H2O). foods in EU at 300-5500 ppm. Also
(S )-form [70-47-3] permitted in USA. Widely used in foods,
C37H68O7 624.94 L-form
beverages and pharmaceutical formula-
Constit. of Asimina triloba (pawpaw). One of the nonessential amino acids. tions. Cryst. (EtOH aq. or H2O). Mp 1908
Powder. Mp 87.2-88.18. [a]20
D -4 (c, 0.005 in Dietary supplement, nutrient. Widely Mp 245-2478 (double Mp) (235-2368 dec.).
CH2Cl2). lmax 226 (log e 3.7) (MeOH). distributed in the plant kingdom. Isol. [a]D 0 (H2O). [a]22
D +32 (c, 1 in AcOH).

Woo, M.-H. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. , 2000, 8, from asparagus, beetroot, peas, beans, Log P -2.16 (calc).
285-290 etc.. Rhombic hemihedral cryst. + -WM3407000
1H2O (H2O). Mod. sol. H2O (3.1g/100g Hydrochloride: [5910-52-1]
Asitrocinone A-458 at 258). Mp 234-2358 (rapid heat) Mp Mp 127-1288 dec. (partly melts at 1038).
226-2278 dec. (slow heat). [a]25
D -7.4 (c, 2 [a]25
D +1.3 (c, 2 in H2O).
in H2O). [a]D +33.2 (3M HCl). pKa2 8.6 Hydrobromide: [36771-92-3]
(NH2). Isoelectric point 5.41. Bitter Mp 1558 dec. [a]25D +1 (c, 2 in H2O).
OH taste. 3-N-tert-Butyloxycarbonyl: [40944-73-8]
H 2
HO 4
(/9)-form [3130-87-8] C19H26N2O7 394.424
Cryst. + 1H2O (EtOH/HCl aq.). Loses
Cryst. (EtOAc/Et2O). Mp 164-1668
O Absolute Configuration H2O at 2108, dec. at 280-58.
(149-1518). [a]18
D -34.5 (c, 0.5 in DMF).
H Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
HO 1, 782A; 782B; 782C; 2, 263A (ir) 3-N-Benzyloxycarbonyl: [33605-72-0]
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR C22H24N2O7 428.441
C35H64O7 596.886 Spectra , 1992, 1, 1277C; 1278A (nmr) Cryst. Mp 120-1248. [a]25D -14.4 (c, 1 in
Constit. of the seeds of Asimina triloba Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra , 3, 10A; 121C MeOH).
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Acids , Wiley, N.Y., 1961, 2, 1257; 3, 1856 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
mers lmax 205 (log e 3.6) (MeOH).
(occur, isol, synth) 2, 267D (ir)
Kim, E.-J. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2000, 63, 1503- Gray, D.O. et al., Nature (London) , 1961, 189, Neuman, M. et al., Drugs of Today
1506 401 (isol, deriv) (Barcelona) , 1980, 16, 63-67 (rev)

Aspartic acid, INN, USAN / Asperxanthone A-462  / A-466

Shvachkin, Y.P. et al., Zh. Obshch. Khim. , 1982, -CI9455500 Welling, G.W. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1982, 232,
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[135068-96-1] N-Feruloylaspartic acid
3503-3514 (tert-butyloxycarbonyl)
Stegink, L.D. et al., Food Sci. Technol. , C14H15NO7 309.275
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C12H13NO5 251.238
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Aminobutanedioic acid, 9CI. Aminosucci- (ms) 15, 249-261
nic acid. Asparagic acid. Asparaginic acid. Harada, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1983,
Asp 56, 653 (resoln)
Zahradnik, J. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
1985, 50, 2122 (manuf) Aspergillomarasmine A A-465
COOH Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , [3484-65-9]
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New N-[2-(2-Amino-2-carboxyethyl)amino]-2-
H2N C H (S)-form York, 1989, ARN830; ARN850 carboxyaspartic acid, 9CI. Toxin C
Bokern, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30,
CH 2COOH 3261 (N-Feruloylaspartic acid) HOOCCH2CH(COOH)NHCH2CH(-
Bourne, D.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, COOH)NHCH2CH(NH2)COOH
C4H7NO4 133.104 4041 (N-Salicyloylaspartic acid) C10H17N3O8 307.26
(S )-form [56-84-8] Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th Metab. of the cereal fungus (Aspergillus
L-form. FEMA 3656
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1036
flavus ), found only in young cultures. Sol.
Castro, J.L. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , 1995, 349,
Found in sugar cane and sugar beet 113 (ir, Raman) acids, bases; poorly sol. H2O, butanol,
molasses and proteins/peptides. Dietary Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of hexane. Mp 230-2368 dec. [a]20D -48 (phos-
supplement, nutrient. Leaflets (H2O). Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand phate buffer, pH 7).
Spar. sol. H2O (0.5g/100g at 258). Mp Reinhold , 1992, ARN830; ARN850 -LD50 (mus, ivn) 250 mg/kg. CI9098825
269-2718 dec. [a]25
D +5.05 (c, 1 in H2O). Barter, M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1962, 187
[a]D +25.4 (c, 1 in 5M HCl). pKa3 9.82-0 Bogdanovsky, O. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. ,
(258,1-COOH). Isoelectric point 2.77. 1965, 832 (synth)
Bitter taste. Nb-Aspartylglycine, 9CI A-463 Haenni, A.L. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1965, 48,
-LD50 (mus, ipr) 6000 mg/kg. CI9098500 HOOCCH(NH2)CH2CONHCH2COOH 729 (struct)
N-Benzoyl: [4631-12-3] Mikami, Y. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1983, 47,
C6H10N2O5 190.155
Constit. of pea (Pisum sativum ). Mp D-form [67176-36-7]
171-1738. [a]20
D +37 (c, 10 in 1M Mp 210-2288. [a]28
D -8.9 (c, 1 in 50%
NaOH). AcOH).
N-(2-Hydroxybenzoyl): [56145-94-9] N- L-form [3790-52-1]
Asperxanthone A-466
Salicyloylaspartic acid Cryst. (H2O). Mp 160-1688. [a]28
D +18.1 [3566-99-2]
C11H11NO6 253.211 (c, 1 in 1M HCl). 5-Hydroxy-8,10-dimethoxy-2-methyl-4H-
Constit. of kidney beans (Phaseolus Takashi, A. et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. naphtho[1,2-b]pyran-4-one, 9CI. Flavas-
vulgaris ) and grape (Vitis spp.). lmax Commun. , 1978, 82, 707 perone. Antibiotic TMC 256C2. TMC
238 ; 305 (MeOH) (Berdy). Welling, G.W. et al., Biochem. J. , 1978, 175, 807 256C2

Aspidochibine / Assamicain A A-467  / A-472

CH3 Alkaloid from Aspidosperma quebracho- Wenkert, E. et al., J.O.C. , 1994, 59, 7677 (synth)
blanco (quebracho). Cryst. (Et2O/hexane). Forns, P. et al., J.O.C. , 1996, 61, 7882 (synth)
Mp 168-1708 Mp 184-1868. Schultz, A.G. et al., J.O.C. , 1997, 62, 6855-6861
OMe O (synth)
N-Ac:N-Acetylaspidospermatidine Callaghan, O. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1999, 995-
10 O C20H24N2O 308.422 1001 (synth)
Noncryst. [a]D -28 (EtOH). Callaghan, O. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1999, 40, 161-
MeO OH 164; 2225 (synth, bibl)
N-Me:N-Methylaspidospermatidine Toczko, M.A. et al., J.O.C. , 2000, 65, 2642-2645
C19H24N2 280.412 (synth)
C16H14O5 286.284 Alkaloid in Aspidosperma quebracho- Iyengar, R. et al., Org. Lett. , 2000, 2, 1625-1627
Constit. of Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus blanco (quebracho). Amorph. (synth)
awamori and Aspergillus fonsecaeus. Isol. Kozmin, S.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 2002, 124, 4628-
11-Hydroxy, N-Ac:N-Acetyl-11-hydro-
from A. niger infected mango fruits and 4641 (synth)
peanuts. Yellow needles (CHCl3/EtOH).
C20H24N2O2 324.422
Mp 2038. lmax 282 (e 22400); 370 (e 46400)
Noncryst. Aspidospermine A-471
(MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 241 (e 38400)
(EtOH) (Berdy). Biemann, K. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1963, 85, 631 (isol, 1-Acetyl-17-methoxyaspidospermidine, 9CI
uv, ms, struct)
10-O-De-Me, 10-O-[b-D-glucopyranosyl- Walser, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1965, 48,
(1/ 0 6)-b-D-glucopyranoside]: [200127- 391 (N-Acetylaspidospermatidine) N
93-1] 10-O-Demethylflavasperone 10- Gilbert, B. et al., Tetrahedron , 1965, 21, 1141
gentiobioside. Isorubrofusarin 10-gentio- (N-Acetyl-11-hydroxyaspidospermatidine)
bioside H (-)-form
C27H32O15 596.541 Aspidospermatine A-469 N
Constit. of the seeds of Cassia tora H
MeO Ac
(charota). Yellow powder. [a]D -14 (c, N
0.1 in Py). lmax 240 (log e 4.49); 248 (sh) C22H30N2O2 354.491
(log e 4.39); 279 (log e 4.35); 313 (sh) lmax 218 (e 37500); 255 (e 11000); 285 (e
(log e 3.84); 367 (log e 3.5) (MeOH). H
Absolute 3400) (MeOH) (Berdy).
Lund, N.A. et al., J.C.S. , 1953, 2434 (isol) N
MeO H H con®guration (-)-form [466-49-9]
Bycroft, B.W. et al., J.C.S. , 1962, 40; 1963, 4868
(struct, synth) Ac Alkaloid from Aspidosperma quebracho-
Tanaka, H. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1966, 30, blanco (quebracho). Mp 208-2098. [a]15
107 (isol) C21H26N2O2 338.449 -100 (EtOH). pKa 7.63 (258).
Ghosal, S. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1979, 27, Alkaloid from Aspidosperma quebracho- -LD50 (mus, ipr) 40 mg/kg. CJ0175000
1347 (isol, props) blanco (quebracho). Mp 1628 (157-1598). O-De-Me: See Demethylaspidospermine
Gorst-Allman, C.P. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1980, [a]D -73 (EtOH). in The Combined Chemical Dictionary.
2474 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr)
Lee, H.J. et al., Arch. Pharmacal Res. , 1997, 20, 14,19-Dihydro:Dihydroaspidospermatine (/9)-form [23360-86-3]
513-515 (Isorubrofusarin gentiobioside) C21H28N2O2 340.464 Mp 195-195.58.
Hatano, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1999, 47, Alkaloid from Aspidosperma quebracho- Chalmers, J.R. et al., J.C.S. , 1957, 1115 (uv)
1121-1127 (isorubrofusarin 10-gentiobioside) blanco (quebracho). Noncryst. Conroy, H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1958, 80, 5178 (ir,
Biemann, K. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1963, 85, 631 (isol,
Biemann, K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1961, 485 (ms)
uv, ir, pmr, ms, struct)
Aspidochibine A-467 Craven, B.M. et al., Experientia , 1968, 24, 770
[139955-86-5] (cryst struct, abs config)
Aspidospermidine A-470 Stevens, R.V. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1971, 857
Alkaloid AQC2 (synth)
Meyers, A.I. et al., J.O.C. , 1989, 54, 4673
O 3 (synth)
5 N 14 Campbell, W.E. et al., Spectrosc. Lett. , 1993,
O O 21 15 26, 707 (pmr, cmr)
Relative 20
N H con®guration 10 18 (+)-form fukuda, Y.-I. et al., Org. Lett. , 2003, 5, 749-751
H (synth)
N 1 2
H Assamicain A A-472
C19H22N2O3 326.394 [121795-66-2]
New structural class of the quebrachamine C19H26N2 282.428
series. Alkaloid from cell cultures of (+)-form [2912-09-6] OH
Aspidosperma quebracho-blanco Alkaloid from Aspidosperma quebracho- OH OOC OH
(quebracho). Amorph. blanco (quebracho). Mp 119.5-1218.
Aimi, N. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1991, 32, 4949 (isol, [a]23
D +21 (EtOH). HO OH
pmr, cmr, struct) Biemann, K. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1963, 85, 631 (ms)
OH 1′
Smith, G.F. et al., J.C.S. , 1963, 4002 (synth, uv)
Klyne, W. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1968, 51,
Aspidospermatidine A-468 1169 (ord) HO OH OH Absolute
Laronze, J.-Y. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1974, 491 (synth) OH
[3890-05-9] Seki, K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1975, 723 (synth) OH
14,19-Didehydrocondyfolan, 9CI O
Paccioni, J.P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, CO OH
N Gallagher, T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1983, 105, 4750 OH
Mandal, S.B. et al., J.O.C. , 1988, 53, 4236 C44H36O22 916.755
H Absolute (synth) Isol. from the leaves of Camellia sinensis
N Node, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1990, 55, 517 (synth) var. assamica (Assam tea). Off-white
H con®guration
Le Ménez, P. et al., J.O.C. , 1991, 56, 2915 amorph. powder + 3H2O. [a]17D -120 (c, 1.0
H (synth) in Me2CO).
Desmaële, D. et al., J.O.C. , 1994, 59, 2292
C18H22N2 266.385 (synth) 1?-Epimer: [121844-27-7] Assamicain B

Assamicain C  / Astragalin A-473 / A-478

C44H36O22 916.755 Asteltoxin A-475 Astin I A-477

Isol. from leaves of Camellia sinensis [79663-49-3] [161162-22-7]
var. assamica (Assam tea). Off-white
amorph. powder + 5H2O. [a]17 D -54.3 (c, OH
1.0 in Me2CO). HO Cl
Hashimoto, F. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1989, O O O
37, 77 (isol, pmr, cmr) H O H N
H3 C OMe O H
Assamicain C A-473 C23H30O7 418.486 O H
[121795-67-3] Mycotoxin of Aspergillus stellatus and N
Emericella varicolor. Small pale-yellow Ph N
needles. Mp 130-1328. [a]23
D +20 (c, 1.15 in O
OH MeOH). lmax 267 (e 29300); 273 (e 29400);
367 (e 32800) (MeOH) (Derep).
OH OH OOC OH C25H34ClN5O7 552.026
Kruger, G.J. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1979, 441
OH (isol, spectra, cryst struct) Cyclic peptide antibiotic. Constit. of
HO OH HO O OH Actinidia kolomikta (kiwi fruit). Mp
Schreiber, S.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1983, 105, 6723;
COO 174.1-176.58. [a]D -78.8 (c, 0.1 in
OH 1984, 106, 4186 (synth)
OH Steyn, P.S. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1984, 977 MeOH).
HO OH (biosynth)
OH Morita, H. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1994, 2009 (isol,
De Jesus, A.E. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1985, 1633 pmr, cmr)
(biosynth, cmr) Wang, Y. et al., CA , 1995, 122, 156308e (isol)
C44H36O22 916.755 Schreiber, S.L. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1986, 27, 2575
Derived from the leaves of Camellia (abs config)
sinensis var. assamica (Assam tea). Off- Tadano, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1990, 46, 2353
white amorph. powder + 5H2O. [a]17 (synth) Astragalin A-478
+60.5 (c, 1.3 in Me2CO). Raman, J.V. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1995, 36, 3095 [480-10-4]
(synth) 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranosyloxy-4?,5,7-trihy-
Hashimoto, F. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1989, Nicolaou, K.C. et al., Classics in Total
37, 77 (isol, pmr, cmr, synth) droxyflavone. Kaempferol 3-glucoside
Synthesis, Targets, Strategies, Methods , VCH,
1996, 317 (bibl, synth)
Astaxanthin A-474 5
3 OGlc
[7542-45-2] Asticolorin A A-476 7
3,3?-Dihydroxy-b,b-carotene-4,4?-dione. [93376-70-6]
3,3?-Dihydroxycanthaxanthin. 3,3?-Dihy- 4′
droxy-4,4?-diketo-b-carotene. Ovoester OH
32 H H 36 C21H20O11 448.382
OH Absolute
Present in red wine. Isol. from many plant
O spp.. Yellow needles. Mp 1788. [a]18 D +16.9
OH (c, 0.62 in MeOH). Log P -2.32 (calc).
O -DJ3080000
C33H30O7 538.596 2??-O-b-D-Apiofuranosyl: [99816-59-8]
C40H52O4 596.848 Mycotoxin prod. by Aspergillus multico- C26H28O15 580.498
lor. Cryst. (Me2CO). Sol. MeOH, EtOAc. Possibly isol. from the leaves of Cicer
(3R ,3?R )-form [60760-95-4] Mp 3208. [a]20
D -120.5 (c, 0.2 in Me2CO). arietinum (chickpea). Yellowish powder.
Mp 222-2238. CD:De385 -6.2, De324 lmax 225 (e 81400); 263 (e 28100); 290 (e
+24.0 lmax 492 (CHCl3). Mp 165-1708. The Cicer arietinum
13300); 304 (e 12700); 316 (e 20500) isolate was not fully characterised
(3S,3?S )-form [472-61-7] (MeOH) (Derep).
Mp 223-2258. lmax 472 (MeOH) structurally and had no phys. props.
(Berdy). lmax 466 (hexane) (Berdy). lmax 29-Ketone: [93376-71-7] Asticolorin B reported.
485 (CHCl3) (Berdy). lmax 492 (CHCl3). C33H28O7 536.58 2??-O-b-D-Xylopyranosyl, 6??-O-a-L-
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: Mycotoxin from Aspergillus multicolor. rhamnopyranosyl: [131573-90-5] Camel-
C46H62O9 758.99 Cryst. Sol. MeOH, EtOAc. Mp 3208. liaside B. Astragalin 2??-xyloside 6??-
lmax 487 (C6H6). lmax 225 (e 81400); 263 (e 28100); 290 (e rhamnoside
(3?RS,3?SR )-form [71772-51-5] 13300); 304 (e 12700); 316 (e 20500) C32H38O19 726.641
Used in fish farming to induce trout (MeOH) (Derep). Isol. from China tea (Camellia sinensis )
flesh colouring. Red food dye. Mp 216- 32,36-Dihydroxy, 29-ketone: [93395-44-9] seeds. Yellow solid. Mp 194-1968. [a]D -
2198. Meso-isomer. Asticolorin C 57.4 (c, 0.36 in MeOH).
C33H28O9 568.579 O??-Xylosyl:
Mycotoxin of Aspergillus multicolor. C26H28O15 580.498
Andrewes, A.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, Cryst. Sol. MeOH, EtOAc. Mp 3208. Isol. from French beans.
1009 (isol) lmax 225 (e 81400); 263 (e 28100); 290 (e
Muller, R.K. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1980, 63, 2??-O-b-D-Galactopyranosyl: [152390-63-1]
23300); 304 (e 12700); 316 (e 20500) Camelliaside C
1654 (hplc, isol, isom)
Zell, R. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1981, 64, 2447
(EtOH) (Derep). C27H30O16 610.524
(synth) Rabie, C.J. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1984, 764-765 Constit. of China tea (Camellia sinensis )
Renstrom, B. et al., Comp. Biochem. Physiol., B: (isol, struct)
seeds. Yellow solid. Mp 200-2028. [a]D -
Comp. Biochem. , 1982, 71, 249 (isol, isomers) Steyn, P.S. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1984, 765-767
(nmr, biosynth) 45.9 (c, 0.025 in MeOH). May be
Berger, H. et al., Comp. Biochem. Physiol., B:
Comp. Biochem. , 1982, 71, 253 (isol)
identical with the prev. isolated Heu-
Yokoyama, A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1995, 58, chera galactoside above.
1929 (glucoside) 2??-O-b-D-Galactopyranosyl, 6??-O-a-L-

Astragalin / Astragalin A-478  / A-478

rhamnopyranosyl: [135095-52-2] Camel- berosum ) leaf. Pale yellow powder + C39H32O15 740.673
liaside A. Astragalin 2??-galactoside 6??- 2H2O (EtOH aq.). Mp 214-2178. [a]22 D - Isol. from Quercus ilex (holly oak).
rhamnoside 39.9 (c, 0.26 in Py). Amorph.
C33H40O20 756.667 6??-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L- 6??-O-(3,4-Dihydroxy-E-cinnamoyl):
Isol. from China tea (Camellia sinensis ) rhamnopyranosyl]: [32602-83-8] [190328-43-9] 6??-O-Caffeoylastragalin
seeds. Yellow solid. Mp 203-2058. [a]D - C33H40O19 740.668 C30H26O14 610.527
39.6 (c, 0.35 in MeOH). Isol. from hop flowers Humulus lupulus. Constit. of young bracken fronds
2??-O-b-D-Glucopyranosyl, 6??-O-a-L- 6??-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-a-L- (Pteridium aquilinium ).
rhamnopyranosyl: [55696-58-7] Astraga- rhamnopyranosyl]: [136449-09-7] 2??-O-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamoyl),
lin 2??-glucoside 6??-rhamnoside. Kaemp- Kaempferol 3-(3R-glucosylrutinoside) 4?,7-di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [108887-
ferol 3-(2??-glucosylrutinoside). C33H40O20 756.667 47-4] Kaempferol 3-(2-feruloylglucoside)
Kaempferol 3-(6??-rhamnosylsophoro- Isol. from black tea (Camellia sinensis ). 4?,7-diglucoside
side) 2??-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- C43H48O24 948.838
C33H40O20 756.667 galactopyranosyl]: [197250-98-9] Isol. from Chinese chives (Allium tu-
Isol. from Solanum spp. and soya beans. C33H40O21 772.666 berosum ). Amorph. solid + 1H2O
2??-O-b-D-Glucopyranosyl, 7-O-[4- Constit. of the seeds of black cumin (H2O). Mp 235-2388. [a]22 D -206 (c, 0.22
hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamoyl-(/ 0 2)-b- (Nigella sativa ). lmax 265 ; 300 (sh) ; 348 in Py).
D-glucopyranoside]: [87891-34-7] (MeOH). 2??-O-(4-Hydroxy-3,5-
Kaempferol 3-sophoroside 7-(2-feruloyl- Mono-Ac: [36310-43-7] Acetylastragalin dimethoxycinnamoyl), 7-O-[b-D-
glucoside) C23H22O12 490.42 glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
C43H48O24 948.838 Isol. from liquorice (Glycyrrhiza gla- glucopyranoside]: [112208-89-6] Kaemp-
Isol. from Chinese chives (Allium tu- bra ). Full struct. not determined. May ferol 3-(sinapoylglucoside) 7-sophoroside
berosum ). Yellow powder + 1H2O C44H50O25 978.864
be identical with the 6??-Ac above.
(EtOH aq.). Mp 212-2158. [a]22 D -84.9 (c, Isol. from rapeseed (Brassica napus ).
1 in Py). 6??-O-Malonoyl: [81149-02-2] 6??-Malony-
lastragalin [85899-03-2, 94535-60-1]
2??-O-b-D-Glucopyranosyl, 7-O-b-D- C24H22O14 534.429
glucuronopyranoside: [140163-56-0] Vancraenenbroeck, R. et al., CA , 1971, 74,
Constit. of Cicer sp. and pears. 110377p (hop rhamnopyranosides)
Kaempferol 3-sophoroside 7-glucuronide
3??-O-b-Apiofuranosyl, 6??-O-malonyl: Markham, K.R. et al., Tetrahedron , 1978, 34,
C33H38O22 786.65 1389-1397 (cmr)
Isol. from alliums incl. onion (Allium [119067-83-3]
Ishikura, N. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1979, 43,
cepa ) epidermis. Yellow-green powder. C29H30O18 666.545
1923-1926 (4?-glucoside)
Isol. from Cicer arietinum (chickpea) Imperato, F. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1981,
2??-O-(6-O-Acetyl-b-D-glucopyranosyl): leaves and stems.
[133763-02-7] 695-696 (6??-malonate)
6??-O-(4-Carboxy-3-hydroxy-3- Aguinagalde, I. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21,
C29H32O17 652.562
methylbutanoyl): [157407-84-6] Kaemp- 2875-2878 (4?-glucosides)
Constit. of the flower petals of saffron Hamburger, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24,
(Crocus sativus ). ferol 3-[6-O-(3-hydroxy-3-methylglutar-
2689-2692 (2??-apiosyl)
2??-O-[4-Hydroxy-E-cinnamoyl-(/ 0 2)-b- Piegay, I. et al., Pharmazie , 1986, 41, 524-525
C27H28O15 592.509 (mono-Ac)
D-glucopyranosyl], 7-O-b-D-
Constit. of aged callus cultures of lime Yoshida, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1987, 35,
glucopyranoside: [151649-64-8] Kaemp-
(Citrus aurantifolia ). Yellow powder 97-107 (Allium tuberosum constits)
ferol 3-(2-p-coumaroylsophoroside) 7-
(MeOH). Mp 210-2138. Tantawy, B. et al., CA , 1988, 108, 34772s (rape
glucoside seed acyl glycosides)
C42H46O23 918.812 6??-O-(4-Carboxy-3-hydroxy-3-
Merfort, I. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27,
Constit. of Brassica oleracea (cabbage) methylbutanoyl), 7-O-b-D-
3281-3284 (6??-O-Acetylastragalin)
leaves. glucopyranoside: [157407-85-7] The Flavonoids: Advances in Research since
C33H38O20 754.651 1980 , (Ed. Harborne, J.B.), Chapman and
Constit. of 10 year old callus cultures of Hall, London, 1988,
cinnamoyl-(/ 0 2)-b-D-glucopyranosyl], lime (Citrus aurantifolia ). Budzianowski, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990,
7-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [151649-63-7] 29, 3643-3647; 1991, 30, 1679-1682 (derivs)
Kaempferol 3-(2-feruloylsophoroside) 7- 2??-O-(E-4-Hydroxycinnamoyl): [137018-
Markham, K.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990,
glucoside 32-7]
29, 3919-3920 (Kaempferol 3-sophoroside 7-
C43H48O24 948.838 [189098-16-6] Kaempferol 3-(E-p-coumaryl- arabinoside)
Constit. of Brassica oleracea (cabbage) glucoside) Romussi, G. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim,
leaves. C30H26O13 594.528 Ger.) , 1991, 324, 519-524
Isol. from Lithocarpus polystachya tea. (diacetyldicoumarates)
2??-O-[4-Hydroxy-3,5- Yang, D. et al., CA , 1991, 115, 228326q (4-
dimethoxycinnamoyl-(/ 0 2)-b-D- The Z -isomer was isol. in admixture with
hydroxycinnamoyl esters)
glucopyranosyl], 7-O-b-D- the E -isomer from Eryngium campestre. Finger, A. et al., J. Sci. Food Agric. , 1991, 55,
glucopyranoside: [112294-86-7] Kaemp- 313-321 (3R-glucosylrutinoside)
6??-O-(4-Hydroxycinnamoyl), 4?-O-b-D- Sekine, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, 991-
ferol 3-(2-sinapoylsophoroside) 7-gluco-
glucopyranoside: [87339-51-3] 995 (Camelliasides)
C36H36O18 756.67 Urushibara, S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1992, 33, 1213-
C44H50O25 978.864
Isol. from Tartar bread plant (Crambe 1216 (2??-glucosyl 7-glucuronide)
Isol. from rape seeds (Brassica napus ).
tatarica ). Sekine, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1993, 41,
4?-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [71939-16-7] 1185-1187 (Camelliaside C)
7-O-(4-Hydroxycinnamoyl): [51795-36-9]
Allivicin. Kaempferol 3,4?-diglucoside Neilsen, J.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 34,
C30H26O13 594.528 539-544 (3-acylsophoroside 7-glucosides)
C27H30O16 610.524
Constit. of Elaeagnus angustifolia Berkow, M.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 36,
Isol. from caucas (Allium victorialis )
(Russian olive). 1225-1227 (3-hydroxy-3-methylglutarates)
and Prunus spp..
2??,4??-Bis-O-(4-hydroxycinnamoyl): Catalano, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 36,
4?-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 7-O-[4- 1777 (3-feruloylglucoside)
hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamoyl-(/ 0 2)-b- Imperato, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 45,
C39H32O15 740.673
D-glucopyranoside]: [108887-46-3] 199-200 (6??-Caffeoylastragalin)
Isol. from Quercus ilex (holly oak). Merfort, I. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 46, 359-
Kaempferol 3,4?-diglucoside 7-(2-feru-
Needles (MeOH aq.). Dec. above 2808. 363 (2"-glucosylgalactosyl)
C43H48O24 948.838 2??,6??-Bis-O-(4-hydroxycinnamoyl): Bloor, S.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49,
[94474-74-5] 1427-1430 (2??-feruloylglucosyl-6??-malonyl)
Isol. from Chinese chives (Allium tu-

Atalantoflavone  / Atherosperminine A-479 
/ A-484

Afifi, M.S. et al., Bull. Fac. Pharm. (Cairo 7150) (MeOH). Athanagrandione A-483
Univ.) , 1999, 37, 119-124; CA , 132, 163461 1-(3-Furanyl)-4-hydroxy-4,8-dimethyl-1,6-
(isol, activity) Chen, W.-S. et al., Huaxue Xuebao , 1995, 53,
516; CA , 123, 79506j nonanedione, 9CI. 4-Hydroxymyoporone
Liu, H. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1999, 62, 70-75
Atalantoflavone A-479 Atemoyin A-481 8
[119309-02-3] [161169-70-6] OH O
5-Hydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-8,8-di- O
methyl-4H,8H-benzo[1,2-b:3,4- [159993-38-1]
b?]dipyran-4-one, 9CI. Limonianin Squamocin K C15H22O4 266.336
(R )-form [69926-93-8]
O sweet potato tubers (Ipomoea
OH batatas ) infected by Fusarium solani .
O 7,8-Didehydro: [72896-64-1]
O O 3′
[63955-86-2, 135029-99-1] 4-Hydroxydehydro-
OH myoporone, 9CI. Furopinnatin
H sweet potatoes infected by Fusar-
H H ium solani . Oil. The abs. config. of
C20H16O5 336.343 21
Isol. from rootbark of lemon trees. Yellow O
O Furopinnatin was not determined, and no
needles (Me2CO/hexane). Mp 289-2908 OH OH opt. rotn. was reported for it.
(275-2778). Physical data varies between Burka, L.T. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1974, 4017 (struct)
Atalantoflavone and Limonianin. C35H62O6 578.871
Inoue, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, 1063-
Constit. of Annona squamosa (sugar ap- 1065 (4-Hydroxydihydromyoporone)
Di-Ac: ple) and the seeds of Annona atemoya Burka, L.T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16,
Needles (Me2CO/petrol). Mp 230-2328 (custard apple). Wax. [a]25
D +20.5 (c, 0.5 in 2022 (biosynth)
(221-2238). MeOH). Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17,
Di-Me ether: 13-Epimer: [159993-37-0] Squamocin I
1595 (isol, struct)
Pale yellow cryst. (Me2CO/hexane). Mp Oba, K. et al., Plant Cell Physiol. , 1979, 20, 819
C35H62O6 578.871 (biosynth)
207-2098 (185-1888). Constit. of Annona squamosa (sugar Dimitriadis, E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23,
3??,4??-Dihydroxy, 3??,4??-dihydro: apple). Needles (MeOH aq.). Mp 68.5- 1325 (abs config)
C20H18O7 370.358 718. [a]24
D +22.2 (c, 0.5 in MeOH). Zdero, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, 1161
lmax 270 ; 317 (sh) ; 339 (MeOH). 21-Epimer, 26j-hydroxy:Carolin C (Furopinnatin)
3?-Methoxy: [106055-12-3] Racemoflavone Cole, R.J. et al., Handbook of Toxic Fungal
C35H62O7 594.871 Metabolites, Academic Press, New York,
C21H18O6 366.37 Oil. [a]20
D +8 (c, 0.5 in CHCl3). lmax 205 1981, 736
Yellow cryst. (Me2CO/hexane). Mp 236- (log e 4) (EtOH). lmax 208 (e 10000)
2378. (MeOH) (Berdy).
Banerji, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27,
[161025-06-5] Atherosperminine A-484
3637 (isol, struct, synth)
Chang, S.-H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, Sahai, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994, 42,
351 (Limonianin) 1163-1174 (Squamocins) [98900-05-1]
Subramanian, M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1992, 55, Duret, P. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 1995, 5, 295- 3,4-Dimethoxy-N,N-dimethyl-1-phenan-
1213 (synth) 302 (isol, uv, pmr, cmr, ms)
Vijayalakshmi, C.S. et al., Z. Naturforsch., B , Queiroz, E.F. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 34-
threneethanamine, 9CI. 1-Dimethylami-
1992, 47, 1021 (synth) 39 (Carolin C) noethyl-3,4-dimethoxyphenanthrene
Prasad, K.J.R. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1993, 56,
208 (synth) NMe2
Kassem, M. et al., Fitoterapia , 2000, 71, 649- MeO
654 (3??,4??-dihydrodihydroxy deriv)
4,4a,5,6-Tetrahydro-7-methyl- A-482 MeO
2(3H )-naphthalenone, 9CI
Atemoyacin B A-480 [34545-88-5]
[164991-85-9] FEMA 3715

C20H23NO2 309.407
O Alkaloid from the stem bark of Annona
HO H3C O muricata (soursop). Needles (Me2CO/pet-
H O rol). Mp 199-2008.
O C11H14O 162.231
Hydrochloride: [54749-97-2]
(/9)-form Mp 234-2358 dec.
Flavouring ingredient for foods and
Picrate: [5531-99-7]
O chewing gum. Cryst. (MeOH) with a sweet
Yellow needles (Me2CO/MeOH). Mp
coumarin-like odour. Mp 36.68 (31-338).
H Bp2 1388.
Pfau, M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , Part II,
N-Oxide: [91174-15-1] Atherosperminine
1979, 627-632 (synth, uv, pmr, cmr) N-oxide
OH C20H23NO3 325.407
U.S. Pat. , 1983, 4 385 073; CA , 99, 138408q
(synth, ms, ir, pmr, use) Noncryst.
C35H62O7 594.871 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
Constit. of the seeds of Annona atemoya N-Me: [98900-03-9]
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
(custard apple). Cytotoxic. Wax. [a]D 1225-1226 (use, props) [5532-00-3, 98900-04-0] N-Methylatherosper-
+12.9 (c, 0.02 in MeOH). lmax 210 (e minium

13-Atisene-3,16-diol / Auraptene A-485 / A-491

C21H26NO2 324.442 Delgado, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23, Aurantiumal A-489

Needles (EtOH)(as iodide). Mp 282-2848 2285 5-[(3,6-Dimethyl-6-formyl-2-heptenyl)ox-
(iodide). Sakai, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 3769 y]psoralen
(Yucalexin A16)
N-De-Me: [74606-53-4] Noratherospermi- De Heluani, C.S. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. ,
nine 1998, 36, 947-950 (Yucalexin A16, pmr, cmr)
C19H21NO2 295.38 CHO
Mp 1808. O
O2-De-Me: [16625-57-3] 1-[2-(Dimethyla- Atrovirinone A-486
methoxyphenanthrene. Argentinine O O O
C19H21NO2 295.38 HO O
Oil. C21H22O5 354.402
O2-De-Me, N-Oxide: [138690-45-6] Ar- Isol. from oil of grapefruit peel (Citrus
gentinine N-oxide paradisi ). Cryst. (EtOAc/EtOH). Mp 134-
C19H21NO3 311.38 OH O 1368. Prob. artifact.
Oil. Possible artifact. Fisher, J.F. et al., Tetrahedron , 1966, 22, 1489
Cooke, R.G. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1954, 7, 99 C25H28O8 456.491 (isol)
(isol, uv) Constit. of the roots of Garcinia atroviridis Fisher, J.F. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1979,
Bick, I.R.C. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1956, 9, 111; (gelugor). Red needles (CHCl3/hexane). 27, 1334
1965, 18, 1997 (isol, pmr, uv) Mp 124-1258. lmax 204 (log e 5.14); 221
Priestap, H.A. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1967, 754 (log e 5.1); 273 (log e 5.04) (EtOH).
(Argentinine, Atherosperminine) Aurantricholide B A-490
Aguilar-Santos, G. et al., Philipp. J. Sci. , 1967, Permana, D. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2001, 64, 976- [264923-56-0]
96, 399; CA , 74, 1066r (isol) 979 6,7-Dihydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2H-
Priestap, H.A. et al., An. Asoc. Quim. Argent. , furo[3,2-b][1]benzopyran-2-one, 9CI
1972, 60, 309; CA , 77, 164898q (Argentinine,
Roblot, F. et al., Plant. Med. Phytother. , 1978, Atrovirisidone A-487 OH
12, 259
Guinaudeau, H. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1979, 42, 4'
325 (Noratherosperminine)
Leboeuf, M. et al., Planta Med. , 1980, 38, 33; OH O
1981, 42, 37 O HO O
Castedo, L. et al., Heterocycles , 1982, 19, 209
(Noratherosperminine, synth) O
Hocquemiller, R. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1984, 47, HO O
353 (Atherosperminine N-oxide) O HO
Lu, S.T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, 1829
(N-Methylatherosperminium) MeO OH C17H10O6 310.262
Achenbach, H. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1991, 54, Pigment isol. from the mushroom Suillus
1331 (Argentinine N-oxide) C24H26O7 426.465 grevillei (larch bolete). Unstable orange
Chen, K.-S. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1996, 59, 531- Constit. of the roots of Garcinia atroviridis solid. Mp 3208 dec. lmax 204 (log e 4.54);
534 (activity) 267 (log e 4.19); 416 (log e 4.32) (MeOH).
Lopez-Martin, J. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. ,
(gelugor). Cryst. (CHCl3/hexane). Mp 75-
2002, 50, 1613-1615 (Argentinine, isol, pmr, 768. lmax 207 (log e 4.93); 269 (log e 4.36) 4?-Deoxy: [264923-55-9] Aurantricholide A
cmr) (EtOH). C17H10O5 294.263
Permana, D. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2001, 64, 976- Unstable orange solid. Mp 2728 dec.
979 lmax 270 ; 412 ; 482 (MeOH).
13-Atisene-3,16-diol A-485 Klostermeyer, D. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. ,
2000, 603-609 (isol, synth, pmr, cmr)

OH Aucubigenin A-488
Auraptene A-491
Rhinanthogenin [495-02-3]
benzopyran-2-one, 9CI. O-Geranylumbelli-
H HO H ferone. Feronialactone. 7-Geranyloxycou-
HO marin
1 O
C20H32O2 304.472 H
(ent -3b,16a)-form 10 6′ O O O
Cryst. (diisopropyl ether/EtOAc). Mp 192-
1938. C9H12O4 184.191 C19H22O3 298.381
3-Ketone: [119642-81-8] ent-16a-Hydroxy- Oil. Unstable lmax 204 (e 1300) (MeOH) Not to be confused with Meranzin, M-
13-atisen-3-one. Yucalexin A16 (Berdy). 195. Isol. from Citrus aurantium (Seville
C20H30O2 302.456 10-O-(4-Hydroxybenzoyl), 1-O-b-D- orange) and bael fruit (Aegle
Gum. Stress metab. of cassava root glucopyranoside: [11027-63-7] Agnuside. marmelos ). Prisms (EtOH). Mp 688.
(Manihot esculenta ). Agnoside lmax 252 ; 329 (MeOH) (Berdy).
13,14-Dihydro: [87013-77-2] ent-3b,16a- C22H26O11 466.441 D7?-Isomer, 6?R-hydroxy: [118584-19-3] 7-
Atisanediol Isol. from Vitex agnus-castus (agnus [(6-Hydroxy-3,7-dimethyl-2,7-octadie-
C20H34O2 306.487 castus). Cryst. (H2O). Mp 1468. [a]20
D - nyl)oxy]-2H-1-benzopyran-2-one
Cryst. (C6H6). Mp 205-2068. [a]D -28 (c, 91.5 (EtOH). C19H22O4 314.38
0.22 in CHCl3). Hänsel, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1965, 4, 19 Isol. from Citrus hassaku juice oil.
Schmitz, F.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1983, 48, 3941 (Agnuside) Cryst. Mp 758. [a]26
D +10 (c, 1.0 in

Auraptenol / Auroxanthin A-492  / A-495

EtOH). MeO OH O Aurasperone C A-494

Kariyone, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1959, 1, [41689-66-1]
119 (struct, synth, bibl) 2' 2,2?,3,3?-Tetrahydro-2,2?,5,5?,8-pentahy-
Coates, R.M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1970, 26, 5699 MeO O Absolute droxy-6,6?,8?-trimethoxy-2,2?-dimethyl-
(synth) Configuration
Yamada, S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1976, 29, 2557
MeO OMe 7,10?-bi-4H-naphtho[2,3-b]pyran-4,4?-
(synth, abs config, deriv) dione, 9CI
Masuda, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31,
1363-1366 (6?-hydroxy) O O
O 2

Auraptenol A-492 O
8-(2-Hydroxy-3-methyl-3-butenyl)-7-meth- C32H26O10 570.551
oxy-2H-1-benzopyran-2-one, 9CI. 8-(2- Metab. of Aspergillus niger, Aspergillus HO OMe
awamori and Aspergillus fonsecaeus. Isol. 8
coumarin from Aspergillus niger infected mango OH
fruits. Yellow plates (CHCl3/propanol);
needles (EtOH). Sol. MeOH, C6H6; O
poorly sol. H2O. Mp 2078 (prisms), 290-
2918 (2708) (needles). [a]25
D -242 (c, 1.0 in O
MeO O O CHCl3). lmax 225 (e 51286); 258 (e 53700);
280 (e 100000); 325 (e 8700); 405 (e 12900) OH
(EtOH) (Berdy).
Di-Ac: C31H28O12 592.555
Pale yellow needles (EtOH aq.). Mp Mycotoxin pigment from Aspergillus niger
3208 dec. [a]25 and Aspergillus awamori . Yellow. Mp 1858
D -242 (c, 1.0 in CHCl3).
C15H16O4 260.289 dec. Similar to Fonsecinones.
O6?-De-Me: [67924-64-5] Aurasperone D
(S )-form [1221-43-8] 8-Me ether: [41689-67-2] Aurasperone B
C31H24O10 556.525
Constit. of Seville bitter orange (Citrus C32H30O12 606.582
Mycotoxin from Aspergillus niger in-
aurantium ssp. amara ) oil. Needles Mycotoxin from Aspergillus niger, As-
fected mango fruits. Microcryst. yellow
(EtOH). Mp 109-1108. [a]26 D +14 (c, 1 in pergillus awamori and Aspergillus fon-
solid. Mp 1158. Abs. config. not certain.
EtOH). -DU3122000 secaeus. Yellow. Mp 1868 dec. [a]25 D
2?-Deoxy, 2?-hydroperoxy: [109741-39-1] O6,O6?-Di-de-Me, O5,O5?-di-Me: [71695- +46.3 (c, 1.4 in CHCl3). lmax 233 ; 280 ;
Peroxyauraptenol 22-2] Isoaurasperone A. Isoaurasperone 315 ; 331 ; 404 (MeOH) (Berdy).
C15H16O5 276.288 C32H26O10 570.551 2,2?-Dideoxy, 2,2?,3,3?-tetradehydro:
Prisms. Mp 114-1168. [a]D +3.53 Mycotoxin from Aspergillus niger in- [92280-05-2] Dianhydroaurasperone C
(CHCl3). fected mango fruits. Pale yellow solid. C31H24O10 556.525
2?-Ketone: [19668-69-0] 7-Methoxy-8-(3- Mp 198-2038. Abs. config. not certain. Prod. by Aspergillus niger. lmax 225 (e
methyl-2-oxo-3-butenyl)-2H-1-benzopyr- O6,O6?-Di-de-Me, O5,O5?-di-Me, di-Ac: 23000); 255 (e 27000); 280 (e 85000); 325
an-2-one, 9CI. Murrayone. Prangone Mp 148-1518. (e 3700); 405 (e 5800) (MeOH) (Berdy).
C15H14O4 258.273 Tamura, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1966, 30,
Mp 1308. 2,3-Dihydro, 2j-hydroxy: [95272-15-4]
107; 683 (isol)
(/9)-form [61235-25-4] [71722-01-5] Fonsecinone D. Aurasperone E Namiki, N. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1972, 36,
Cryst. (C6H6/hexane). Mp 109-1108. C32H28O11 588.567 2511 (struct)
Stanley, W.L. et al., Tetrahedron , 1965, 21, 89 Mycotoxin prod. by Aspergillus fonsecaeus Ehrlich, K.C. et al., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. ,
(isol, struct) and Aspergillus niger. Isol. from Aspergil- 1984, 48, 1-4 (Dianhydroaurasperone C)
Lakshmi, M.V. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1972, 10, lus niger infected mango fruits. Solid. Mp Priestap, H.A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1984, 40,
564 (Murrayone) 3617 (deriv)
166-1708. Abs. config. not certain lmax 229
Abyshev, A.Z. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1974, (e 38900); 255 (sh) (e 41700); 280 (e
10, 568; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
70800); 320 (e 14100); 328 (sh) (e 14100); Auroxanthin A-495
581 (Murrayone)
Raj, K. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 1976, 14, 403 (e 9120) (95% EtOH) (Derep). [27785-15-5]
332 (synth) 5,8:5?,8?-Diepoxy-5,5?,8,8?-tetrahydro-b,b-
2?,3?-Dihydro, 2?j-hydroxy: [95152-76-4]
Barik, B.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, 792 carotene-3,3?-diol
(abs config) Fonsecinone B
Yamahara, J. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1985, C32H28O11 588.567
33, 1676 (isol) Mycotoxin prod. by Aspergillus fonse-
Ito, C. et al., Heterocycles , 1987, 26, 1731 caeus. Isol. from infected mango fruits. O
8 9

(Peroxyauraptenol) Amorph. Mp 172-1738. Abs. config. not H OH

certain lmax 229 (e 38900); 255 (sh) (e (8R,8′R)-form

41700); 280 (e 70800); 320 (e 14100); 328
(sh) (e 14100); 403 (e 9120) (95% EtOH) C40H56O4 600.88
Aurasperone A A-493 (Derep). Isol. from Viola tricolor, Lonicera japonica,
[15085-74-2] Wang, P. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1966, 30, Delonix regia and other plants. Yellow
5,5?-Dihydroxy-6,6?,8,8?-tetramethoxy-2,2?- 683-687 (struct) cryst. (EtOH). Mp 2038. A cis -isomer was
Ghosal, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, 689- reported from D. regia .
dimethyl-7,10?-bi-4H-naphtho[2,3-b]pyr- 694 (Aurasperone D)
an-4,4?-dione, 9CI Ghosal, S. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1979, 27, 3,3?-Dideoxy: [6821-09-6] 5,8:5?,8?-Die-
1347-1351 (Aurasperone A, Aurasperone D, poxy-5,5?,8,8?-tetrahydro-b,b-carotene.
Isoaurasperone A) Aurochrome
Priestap, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1984, 40, 3617- C40H56O2 568.881
3624 (Fonsecinones) Widespread carotenoid. Cryst.(C6H6/
Koyama, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1987,
MeOH). Mp 1858.
35, 4049-4055 (abs config)
3?-Deoxy: [73745-06-9] 5,8:5?,8?-Diepoxy-

Austalide I 
/ Austdiol A-496 / A-501

Cryptochrome 13-Ac: [81543-01-3] Austalide A Austalide J A-499

C40H56O3 584.881 C28H36O9 516.587 [87833-51-0]
Isol. from Prunus persica (peach) and Metab. of Aspergillus ustus. Cryst. As Austalide I, A-496 with
fruits of Averrhoa carambola . Isol. only (CHCl3/MeOH). Sol. MeOH, CHCl3;
R1 = H, R2 = OH
in trace amounts lmax 424 ; 456 (CS2). poorly sol. H2O, hexane. Mp 212-2148.
lmax 399 ; 424 (EtOH). [a]24 C25H32O7 444.524
D -84.4 (c, 1 in CHCl3). lmax 222 (e
(8R ,8?R )-form [95034-12-1] 35400); 267 (e 17100) (MeOH) (Derep). Terpenoid antibiotic. Mycotoxin of the
lmax 378 ; 398 ; 423 (no solvent lmax 207 (e 17140); 222 (e 35400) food storage mould (Aspergillus ustus ).
reported). (MeOH) (Berdy). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 284-2868. [a]24 D -
(8R ,8?S )-form [51921-06-3] 19a-Hydroxy: [81543-06-8] Austalide F 42.1 (c 1.0 in CHCl3). lmax 223 (e
lmax 378 ; 398 ; 423 (no solvent C26H34O9 490.549 28700); 269 (e 16800) (MeOH) (Derep).
reported). Mycotoxin of Aspergillus ustus. Cryst. Horak, R.M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1985, 345;
(8S,8?S )-form [51921-05-2] (Me2CO). Mp 261-2638. [a]D -57.7 (c, 1 363 (isol, struct, nmr)
lmax 378 ; 398 ; 423 (no solvent in CHCl3). lmax 223 (e 28700); 269 (e
reported). 16800) (MeOH) (Derep).
(8R ,8?R ,9Z )-form [95119-78-1] Austalide K A-500
19a-Hydroxy, 13-Ac: [81543-05-7] Austa-
lmax 378 ; 398 ; 423 (no solvent [87833-53-2]
lide E
C28H36O10 532.586
[22350-65-8] Metab. of Aspergillus ustus. Cryst. CH3
Karrer, P. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1944, 27, (Me2CO). Mp 262-2648. [a]D -123.6 (c, 1
1684; 1945, 28, 427 (struct) in CHCl3). lmax 222 (e 35400); 267 (e 14
Goodwin, T.W. et al., Biochem. J. , 1956, 62, 346 17100) (MeOH) (Derep).
(isol) H H OMe O
19a-Hydroxy, 19-Ac: [81543-04-6] Austa-
Jungalwala, F.B. et al., Biochem. J. , 1962, 85, 1 O
lide D
Stobart, A.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1967, 6, C28H36O10 532.586
Metab. of Aspergillus ustus. Cryst. C25H32O5 412.525
1467 (isol)
Gross, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, 1479 (Me2CO). Sol. MeOH, CHCl3; poorly Terpenoid antibiotic. Mycotoxin of the
(Cryptochrome) sol. H2O, hexane. Mp 259-2618. [a]D - food storage mould (Aspergillus ustus ).
Acemoglu, M. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1984, 73.4 (c, 1 in CHCl3). lmax 222 (e 35400); Glass. [a]24
D -75.9 (c, 1.00 in CHCl3).
67, 471 (synth, uv, pmr, cmr) 267 (e 17100) (MeOH) (Derep). lmax lmax 223 (e 28700); 269 (e 16800)
Märki-Fischer, E. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 207 (e 17140); 222 (e 35400) (MeOH) (MeOH) (Derep).
1984, 67, 2143 (isol)
(Berdy). 14b-Hydroxy: [87833-52-1] Austalide L
19a-Hydroxy, di-Ac: [81543-03-5] Austa- C25H32O6 428.524
Austalide I A-496 lide C Mycotoxin prod. by Aspergillus ustus.
[96817-08-2] C30H38O11 574.624 Cryst. (C6H6/hexane). Mp 207-2088.
Metab. of Aspergillus ustus. Amorph. [a]24
D -71 (c, 1.00 in CHCl3). lmax 223 (e
[a]D -99 (c, 1 in CHCl3). 31200); 269 (e 16600) (MeOH) (Derep).
R1 O Horak, R.M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1985, 345; Horak, R.M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1985, 345;
347 (isol, struct, pmr) 363 (isol, struct, nmr)
O De Jesus, A.E. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1987, 2253
R2 H OMe O Dillen, J.L.M. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1989, 393 Austdiol A-501
O (biosynth, abs config) [53043-28-0]
Paquette, L.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1994, 116, 11323
O R 1 = OAc, R 2 = H (synth)
C27H34O8 486.561 9CI
Terpenoid antibiotic. Mycotoxin from the
food storage mould (Aspergillus ustus ). Austalide H A-498 CHO
Cryst. Mp 236-2388. [a]24
D -132.6 (c, 1 in [96817-10-6] Absolute
CHCl3). lmax 223 (e 28700); 269 (e
HO O con®guration
16800) (MeOH) (Derep).
Horak, R.M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1985, 345;
363 (isol, struct, nmr) 13
C12H12O5 236.224
Austalide B A-497
HO H OMe O Toxic metab. of the food storage mould
COOMe Aspergillus ustus. Yellow needles. Sol.
MeOH, CHCl3; poorly sol. H2O. Mp 2558
C26H36O8 476.566 dec. [a]26
D +160.3 (c, 1.25 in Py). lmax 256

HO CH 3 Terpenoid antibiotic. Mycotoxin of the (e 15135); 376 (e 23990) (EtOH) (Berdy).

13 food storage mould (Aspergillus ustus ). -Mutagenic activity (without metabolic
O activation). DJ2232000
Glass. [a]24
D -19.5 (c, 1.0 in CHCl3). lmax

H OMe O 223 (e 28700); 269 (e 16800) (MeOH) Di-Ac:

O O 19 (Derep). Needles (C6H6/hexane). Mp 238-2398
13-Ac: [96817-09-3] Austalide G dec.
OMe C28H38O9 518.603 Nagel, D.W. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1974, 45
Mycotoxin prod. by Aspergillus ustus. (isol, struct)
C26H34O8 474.55 Glass. [a]24 Engel, D.W. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1976, 32, 2545
D -100.2 (c, 1 in CHCl3). lmax
222 (e 35400); 267 (e 17100) (MeOH) (cryst struct)
Terpenoid antibiotic. Mycotoxin of. of the Wehner, F.C. et al., Mutat. Res. , 1978, 58, 193
food storage mould Aspergillus ustus. (Derep). Pohland, A.E. et al., Pure Appl. Chem. , 1982,
Cryst. (C6H6/hexane). Mp 243-2458. Horak, R.M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1985, 345; 54, 2220 (uv, ir, pmr, ms, cd)
[a]D -46.2 (c, 1 in CHCl3). lmax 223 (e 363 (isol, struct, nmr) Colombo, L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1983, 2745
28700); 269 (e 16800) (MeOH) (Derep). (biosynth)

Austin, 9CI / Avenanthramide D A-502 
/ A-507

Lo Presti, L. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 2003, 59, Chem. , 1933, 214, 241; 1934, 225, 215 Crombie, L. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1990, 31, 2647
o199-o201 (cryst struct) Mori, K. et al., Annalen , 1991, 775 (bibl) (synth)
Cole, R.J. et al., Handbook of Toxic Fungal
Metabolites, Academic Press, New York,
1981, 790 Avenacin A-504 Avenalumin III A-506
Austin, 9CI A-502 OOC R2
[61103-89-7] O 4H-3,1-benzoxazin-4-one, 9CI
AcO GlcO O O Avenacin R1 R2
OH R 1
B1 CH 3 NHMe
O OGlc
Absolute B2 CH 3 H N
con®guration Isol. from oat root. OH
O O Avenacin A1 [90547-90-3]
C55H83NO21 1094.255 C18H13NO3 291.306
C27H32O9 500.544 Cryst. Sol. MeOH, EtOH; poorly sol.
Mycotoxin prod. by the food storage The proposed struct. illus. has been
H2O, Et2O. Mp 228-2338. lmax 223 (e questioned (see Crombie et al ).
mould (Aspergillus ustus ). Cryst. (CHCl3/ 25300); 255 (e 7900); 357 (e 5500) (EtOH)
MeOH). Mp 298-3008. lmax 243 (e 11900) Phytoalexin isol. from oat (Avena
(Derep). lmax 253 (E1%/1cm 80); 255 (e sativa ) infected with rust fungus
(EtOH) (Berdy). 7900) (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 222 (e (Puccinia coronata ). Poorly sol. hexane.
O-De-Ac: [72040-27-8] Austinol 26013); 255 (e 8088); 356 (e 5902) (EtOH)
Mayama, S. et al., Physiol. Plant Pathol. , 1981,
C25H30O8 458.507 (Berdy). 19, 217 (isol)
Metab. of Emericella nidulans, Emeri- -LD50 (mus, ivn) 4 - 10 mg/kg. Crombie, L. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1990, 31, 2647
cella dentata, Aspergillus variecolor and Avenacin A2 [90547-91-4] (synth)
Aspergillus ustus. Amorph. C54H80O21 1065.213
Chexal, K.K. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1976, 98, 6748 Cryst. Sol. MeOH, butanol; fairly sol.
(cryst struct)
Avenanthramide D A-507
H2O; poorly sol. hexane. Mp 237-2398.
Fukuyama, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1980, lmax 230 (e 14700); 274 (e 1200); 281 (e [115610-36-1]
28, 2270 (cryst struct)
1100) (EtOH) (Derep). lmax 230 (e 14700); N-p-Hydroxycinnamoylanthranilic acid.
Simpson, T.J. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1981, 1042 Dianthramide P
(biosynth) 274 (e 1200); 281 (e 1100) (EtOH) (Berdy).
Maebayashi, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , Avenacin B1 [90547-92-5]
1982, 30, 1911 (abs config) 3′ OH
C55H83NO20 1078.255
McIntyre, C.R. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1982, 781 HOOC
Glass. lmax 223 (e 25300); 255 (e 7900);
(biosynth) NHCO (E)-form
Simpson, T.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1982, 2687 357 (e 5500) (EtOH) (Derep).
(cmr) Avenacin B2 [90547-93-6]
Simpson, T.J. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1984, 1242 C54H80O20 1049.214
(biosynth) C16H13NO4 283.283
Glass. lmax 230 (e 14700); 274 (e 1200);
Ahmed, S.A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1989, 807 Sol. EtOAc, Et2O, H2O-Me2CO; poorly
(biosynth) 281 (e 1100) (EtOH) (Derep).
Cole, R.J. et al., Handbook of Toxic Fungal
sol. CHCl3, H2O, C6H6. lmax 218 (e
Begley, M.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1986, 1905;
Metabolites, Academic Press, New York, 1917 (isol, struct)
19950); 329 (e 29500) (MeOH) (Berdy).
1981, 802 Crombie, W.M.L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, lmax 213 (e 26900); 314 (e 12020); 371 (e
25, 2069; 2075 (isol) 32360) (MeOH-NaOH) (Berdy).
Auxin a A-503 Trojanowska, M.R. et al., Phytochemistry, (E )-form
2000, 54, 153-164 (biosynth) Isol. from the oat Avena sativa . Rods
(Me2CO aq.). Sol. MeOH, CHCl3; poorly
Avenalumin II A-505 sol. H2O. Mp 2198. lmax 300 ; 329
[78214-14-9] (MeOH) (Berdy).
2-[2-(3-Methoxyphenyl)ethenyl]-4H-3,1- 3?-Methoxy: [93755-77-2] Avenanthramide
benzoxazin-4-one, 9CI. 2-(3-Methoxycin- E. N-Feruloylanthranilic acid
5 OH C17H15NO5 313.309
Isol. from the oat Avena sativa . Pale
3 OH yellow needles (Me2CO aq.). Sol.
HO 2 EtOAc, Et2O, H2O-Me2CO; poorly sol.
O CHCl3, H2O, C6H6. Mp 2358. lmax 211 ;
COOH 338 (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 219 ; 385
OMe (MeOH-NaOH) (Berdy).
C18H32O5 328.448 N (Z )-form
Fraudulent work. Claimed to have been
3?-Methoxy: [116764-24-0] Z-Avenanthra-
isolated from peanut oil and corn oil.
mide E
Mp 1968. Almost certainly Cholic acid. C17H15NO5 313.309
C17H13NO3 279.295
1,5-Lactone:Auxin a lactone Isol. from oat.
C18H30O4 310.433 The proposed struct. illus. has been
questioned (see Crombie et al ). Collins, F.W. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1988, 445,
Mp 1738. Almost certainly 1,4-Benze- 363 (hplc)
nediol, B-21. Phytoalexin from oat (Avena sativa )
Ponchet, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27,
infected with rust fungus Puccinia
2-Deoxy, 3-ketone:Auxin b 725
coronata . Poorly sol. hexane. lmax 317 ; Collins, F.W. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1989,
C18H30O4 310.433 336 (MeOH) (Berdy). 37, 60 (isol, pmr, cmr, uv, ms)
Claimed isoln. from peanut and corn
Mayama, S. et al., Physiol. Plant Pathol. , 1981, Crombie, L. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1990, 31, 2647
oils. Mp 1838. Almost certainly Thiose- 19, 217 (isol) (synth)
micarbazide. Collins, F.W. et al., Spectroscopy (Ottawa) , Ishihara, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 50,
Kögl, F. et al., Hoppe Seyler’s Z. Physiol. 1985, 4, 171 (synth, ms) 237-242 (biosynth)

Avenanthramide L / Azaacridone A A-508 
/ A-515

Avenanthramide L A-508 O Avicularin A-513

HO O [572-30-5]
OH O droxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4H-1-benzo-
COOH OH OH pyran-4-one, 9CI. Quercetin 3-a-L-
O arabofuranoside. Avicularoside. Fenicularin
C20H16O7 368.342 O
HO Bright orange-red laths (Me2CO). Sol.
MeOH, C6H6, bases; poorly sol. H2O. Mp OH
C18H15NO5 325.32 280-2828 dec. [a]D 0. lmax 223 (e 34673); HOH2 C
Isol. from oat, Avena sativa , inoculated 266 (e 18200); 294 (e 33100); 324 (e 9550);
with Puccinia coronata f.sp. avenae. Yel- 453 (e 10715) (EtOH) (Berdy). OH
low cryst. Mp 267-2698. lmax 355 (log e
-Shows mutagenic activity. KC4150000 HO O
4.8) (MeOH).
Tri-Ac: [74810-25-6]
Miyagawa, H. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., C26H22O10 494.454
Biochem. , 1995, 59, 2305-2306 (isol, uv, pmr) HO O
Yellow needles (EtOH). Mp 210-2148.
Ishihara, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 50,
[a]D -14.9 (c, 0.424 in CHCl3).
237-242 (biosynth) OH
6,8-Di-Me ether: [61470-56-2] OH
[79896-27-8] 6,8-Di-O-methylaverufin. Anti-
Avenic acid A A-509 biotic SIPI 8917-I. SIPI 8917-I C20H18O11 434.356
[76224-57-2] C22H20O7 396.396 Constit. of Vaccinium myrtillus (bilberry)
N-[3-(3-Hydroxy-3-carboxypropylamino)- Prod. by rice inoculated with Emericella and Juglans regia (walnut). Yellow needles
3-carboxypropyl]homoserine, 9CI foeniculicola and from a fungal isolate + H2O (EtOH aq.). Sol. EtOH, bases;
SIPI-8917. Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 208-2098. fairly sol. Et2O; poorly sol. H2O, hexane.
lmax 225 ; 250 ; 287 ; 313 ; 439 (MeOH). Mp 2178 (anhyd. 2228). [a]D -241 (c, 0.138
HOH 2 C Probable in MeOH) / 0 -116 (24 hr). Identity of
NH NH OH structure Tri-Me ether: [15894-83-4] Fenicularin from Foeniculum vulgare with
C23H22O7 410.423 Avicularin not fully establ. (same struct.
C12H22N2O8 322.314 Yellow prisms. Mp 190-1918.
Isol. from root washings of Avena sativa assigned but higher Mp (2568) given) lmax
7-Methoxy: [95963-94-3] 7-Methoxyaveru- 260 (e 20900); 360 (e 17400) (EtOH)
(oats). Mp 3008. [a]D +16.4 (c, 0.11 in 2N
fin (Berdy).
C21H18O8 398.368
Fushiya, S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1980, 3071 (isol, Hepta-Ac:
Yellow cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 198-2008
struct) Needles (CHCl3/petrol). Mp 1878. [a]D -
Fushiya, S. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1981, 909 (synth) 136 (c, 1.22 in CHCl3).
Pusey, D.F.G. et al., J.C.S. , 1963, 3542 (isol)
Knight, J.A. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1967, 2328 [119786-64-0]
(struct) Ohta, T. et al., Hoppe Seyler’s Z. Physiol.
Avenic acid B A-510 Ando, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1972, 45, Chem. , 1940, 263, 221 (isol, struct)
[76224-58-3] 2091 (cryst struct) El Khadem, H. et al., J.C.S. , 1958, 3320 (isol)
N-(3-Carboxy-3-hydroxypropyl)-L-homo- Fitzell, D.C. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1975, Ohta, T. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1959, 79, 986;
23, 442 (biosynth) CA , 53, 20695 (Fenicularin)
serine, 9CI Castonguay, A. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1977, 55, Mabry, T.J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1978, 34, 1389
1324 (synth) (cmr)
COOH OH Gorst-Allman, C.P. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1977,
2181 (cmr, biosynth)
HOH 2C Steyn, P.S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1979, 451-459 AX Peptides A-514
NH COOH (pmr, deriv) Peptides consisting of 46 amino acid
Townsend, C.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1981, 103, residues including 8 cysteines. Isol. from
C8H15NO6 221.21 6885; 1985, 107, 270 (synth, abs config)
Constit. of the roots of Avena sativa leaves of Beta vulgaris infected with
Simpson, T.J. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1982, 631;
(oats). Amorph. solid. 632 (biosynth)
Cercospora beticola .
Sankawa, U. et al., Heterocycles , 1982, 19, 1053 [159075-61-3]
Fushiya, S. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1980, 1215 (isol,
(biosynth) Eur. Pat. , 1994, 612 847; CA , 121, 297401w
pmr, cmr, synth)
Kachholz, T. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1983, 46, 499 (isol)
Ripperger, H. et al., Heterocycles , 1982, 17, 447
(biosynth) Kragh, K.M. et al., Mol. Plant-Microbe
Koreeda, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 5426 Interact. , 1995, 8, 424-434 (isol)
(synth, abs config)
O’Malley, G.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 5533
Avenothionin A-511 (synth) Azaacridone A A-515
Peptides. Analogs of purothionins. Two Maebayashi, Y. et al., Mycotoxins (Tokyo) , [150050-14-9]
avenothionins (a- and b-) have been 1985, 21, 36-37 (Di-O-methylaverufin)
characterized. They contain 45 AA Ahmad, V.U. et al., Z. Naturforsch., B , 1985,
40, 319 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms, deriv) O
residues including 8 cysteines. Isol. from OH
Chandler, I.M. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1987, 17
oat (Avena sativa ). (biosynth)
[79468-42-1, 79468-43-2] Townsend, C.A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1988,
839 (synth, bibl) N
Bekes, F. et al., Cereal Chem. , 1981, 58, 360 N O
Cole, R.J. et al., Handbook of Toxic Fungal
(isol) Metabolites, Academic Press, New York, Me
1981, 107

Averufin A-512 C18H16N2O3 308.336

[14016-29-6] First naturally occurring azaacridone
3,4,5,6-Tetrahydro-7,9,11-trihydroxy-2- alkaloid. Alkaloid from roots of Citrus
methyl-2,6-epoxy-2H-anthra[2,3-b]oxo- paradisi (grapefruit). Light brown oil.
cin-8,13-dione, 9CI Takemura, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1993,

/ 8-Azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-... A-516 / A-519

41, 789 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, struct) 8-Azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-3,6- A-517 Alkaloid from the roots of Lycium
diol chinense (Chinese boxthorn). [a]D +27.6
3,6-Dihydroxynortropane. 3,6-Nortropane- (c, 0.3 in H2O).
diol Asano, N. et al., Eur. J. Biochem. , 1995, 229,
9-Azabicyclo[3.3.1]nonan-3- A-516 369-376; 1997, 248, 296-303 (isol, pmr, cmr)
one, 9CI Kato, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 45, 425-
HO 429 (Calyctegine C2)
[4390-39-0] 6
Schimming, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49,
NH 3 OH (3S,6R)-form
Granatonine. Norgranatan-3-one. Norpseu- 1989-1995 (occur)
dopelletierine Watson, A.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 56,
265-295 (rev)
C7H13NO2 143.185
(3S,6R )-form
N Alkaloid from the fruit of Morus alba 8-Azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane- A-519
(white mulberry). Powder. [a]D -1.3 (c, 0.6 1,2,3,4-tetrol
in H2O). 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroxynortropane
(3R +,6R +)-form
N-Me: See 8-Methyl-8- OH
O azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-3,6-diol in The 4
Combined Chemical Dictionary. NH 3 OH (1R,2S,3R,4S)-form
C8H13NO 139.197 2
Found in pomegranate (Punica granatum ) O3-Tigloyl: [65636-83-1]
bark. Mp 1238. [65636-84-2] 3-Tigloyloxynortropan-6-ol
-CL5593500 C12H19NO3 225.287 C7H13NO4 175.184
Picrate: Plates (EtOH) (as hydrochloride). Mp 289-
(1R ,2S,3R ,4S )-form [127414-85-1]
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 2168. 2908 (hydrochloride). Opt. rotn. not mea-
Calystegine B2. Nortropanoline
N-(Trifluoroacetyl): [180406-55-7] Alkaloid from Solanum tuberosum (po-
C10H12F3NO2 235.206 O3-Benzoyl:3-Benzoyloxynortropan-6-ol tato), Solanum melongena (aubergine).
Cryst. (Et2O/hexane). Mp 70-738. C14H17NO3 247.293 [a]D +2.9 (c, 0.2 in H2O). [a]D +17.1 (c,
N-Benzoyl: [36146-90-4] Mp 2258 (as picrate). 0.41 in H2O) (synthetic).
C15H17NO2 243.305 O3-(3,4,5-Trimethoxybenzoyl):3-(3,4,5- N-Me: [184045-65-6] N-Methylcalystegine
Oil. Trimethoxybenzoyloxy)nortropan-6-ol B2
N-(4-Methylbenzenesulfonyl): [180406-57- C17H23NO6 337.372 C8H15NO4 189.211
9] Prisms (EtOH aq.) (as picrate). Mp 2018 Alkaloid from the roots of Lycium
C15H19NO3S 293.386 (picrate). chinense (Chinese boxthorn). [a]D +22.2
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 149-1518. (3R ,6S )-form 3b,6b-Dihydroxynortropane (c, 0.22 in H2O).
Alkaloid from the fruit of Morus alba (1S,2R ,3S,4R )-form [146275-92-5]
N-Me: [552-70-5] 9-Methyl-9-azabicy-
(white mulberry). [a]D -8.2 (c, 0.34 in [a]D -17.5 (c, 0.37 in H2O).
clo[3.3.1]nonan-3-one, 9CI. Granatan-3-
one. N-Methylgranatonine. Pseudopelle- H2O). 4-O-a-D-Galactopyranoside:4-O-a-D-Ga-
tierine. C-Pelletierine Evans, W.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, lactopyranosylcalystegine B2
C9H15NO 153.224 171 (isol, pmr, struct) C13H23NO9 337.326
Al-Said, M.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, Alkaloid from the fruit of Morus alba
Found in bark of pomegranate (Punica
851 (isol, ir, pmr, ms, struct) (white mulberry). [a]D +114.5 (c, 0.48 in
granatum ). Prismatic plates (petrol). V. El-Iman, Y.M.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987,
sol. H2O. Mp 62-648. Bp 2468. Strong H2O).
26, 2385 (deriv)
base. Asano, N. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2001, 49,
(1R ,2R ,3R ,4S )-form [178231-95-3]
4208-4213 (3b,6b-form) Calystegine B3
N-Me, oxime: [6164-67-6]
Kusano, G. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2002, 50, Powder. [a]D +82.8 (c, 0.5 in H2O).
C9H16N2O 168.238
185-192 (Morus alba isolate) (1R ,2S,3R ,4R )-form [184046-85-3]
Plates (Et2O). Mp 128-1298.
Calystegine B4
N-Me, N-oxide: Powder. [a]D -63 (c, 0.65 in H2O).
C9H15NO2 169.223 8-Azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane- A-518
Goldmann, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29,
Mp 160-1628. 1,2,3,4,6-pentol 2125 (isol)
N-Me, N-oxide; hydrochloride: 1,2,3,4,6-Pentahydroxynortropane Ducrot, P.-H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1990, 31, 3879;
Mp 2248. 3883 (pmr, cmr, struct, synth)
OH Boyer, F.-D. et al., Synlett , 1992, 969 (synth)
N-Benzyl: HO Duclos, O. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1992, 33, 8061
C15H19NO 229.321 NH OH (1R*,2R*,3R*,4S*,6R*)-form
Mp 728. Bp0.005 115-1208. OH Nash, R.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 34, 1281
HO (occur)
Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 4 , 1963, 816 (synth, bibl)
Chen, C.-Y. et al., J.C.S.(B) , 1966, 539 Boyer, F.-D. et al., Tetrahedron , 1994, 50, 10443
(conformn) C7H13NO5 191.183 (synth)
Guthrie, R.D. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1966, 1207 (ms, (1R ,2R ,3R ,4S,6R )-form [190957-44-9] Asano, N. et al., Eur. J. Biochem. , 1995, 229,
N-Me) Calystegine C2 369 (Calystegine B3)
Wiseman, J.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1977, 42, 629 Alkaloid from Lycium chinense (Chi- Asano, N. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1996, 284,
(synth, N-Me) 169; 293, 195 (Calystegine B3, Calystegine B4)
nese boxthorn). [a]D -40.6 (c, 0.32 in Goldmann, A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1996, 59,
Dupeyre, R.M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , Part
II, 1978, 612-620 (synth, pmr, N-benzyl) H2O). 1137
Hill, R.K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1982, 38, 1959 (1R ,2S,3R ,4S,6R )-form [156705-04-3] Soulié, J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1996, 52, 15137
(synth, N-Me) Calystegine C1 (synth)
Neuhoefer, H. et al., Pharmazie , 1993, 48, 389- Alkaloid from Morus alba (white mul- Asano, N. et al., Eur. J. Biochem. , 1997, 248,
391 (isol) berry) and Lycium chinense (Chinese 296-303 (N-Methylcalystegine B2)
Momose, T. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1997, 1307- boxthorn). Powder. [a]D +23.1 (c, 0.8 in Schimming, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49,
1313 (N-benzyl) H2O). 1989-1995 (occur)
Kirihara, M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1999, 55, 2911- Asano, N. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2001, 49,
2926 (derivs) N-Me: [197449-07-3] N-Methylcalystegine 4208-4213 (4-Galactosylcalystegine B2)
C1 Watson, A.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 56,
C8H15NO5 205.21 265-295 (rev)

8-Azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane-... / Azaspiracid A-520 / A-525

Bekkouche, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 58, Calystegine A7 poroidine, difficult to separate.

455-462 (occur) Alkaloid from the roots of Lycium
Boyer, F.-D. et al., Tet. Lett. , 2001, 42, 1275-
chinense (Chinese boxthorn). [a]D -10.8 C14H17NO2 231.294
1277 (Calystegine B2, synth)
Marco-Contelles, J. et al., J.O.C. , 2002, 67,
(c, 0.27 in H2O). Mp 2328 (as picrate).
3705-3717 (Calystegine B2, synth) Asano, N. et al., Eur. J. Biochem. , 1997, 248, O-Phenylacetyl:Nortropan-3-yl phenylace-
Scholl, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 2003, 62, 325- 296-303 (Calystegine A7)
332 (biosynth) C15H19NO2 245.321
8-Azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane- A-523 O-Cinnamoyl (E-): [126394-79-4] Nortro-
8-Azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane- A-520 1,2,7-triol pinyl cinnamate
1,2,4,7-tetrol 1,2,7-Trihydroxynortropane C16H19NO2 257.332
1,2,4,7-Tetrahydroxynortropane. 1,2,4,7- Yellow gum.
Nortropanetetrol HO O-Cinnamoyl, N-Ac: [136945-63-6]
OH Needles (CH2Cl2/petrol). Mp 1438.
OH N-Me: See 8-Methyl-8-
NH azabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-3-ol in The
NH Combined Chemical Dictionary.
Barger, G. et al., J.C.S. , 1937, 1820 (Poroidine,
HO C7H13NO3 159.185 Isoporoidine)
OH Werner, G. et al., Annalen , 1967, 708, 210
HO (1R +,2R +,7R +)-form [177794-04-6]
Calystegine A6 Kraiss, G. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1971, 57 (synth)
C7H13NO4 175.184 Alkaloid from and Lycium chinense Chappell, G.S. et al., J. Pharm. Sci. , 1973, 62,
(1R +,2R +,4S +,7S +)-form [197565-91-6] (Chinese boxthorn). [a]D -27.6 (c, 0.4 in 414 (nmr)
Calystegine B5 H2O). Tufariello, J.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1979, 101, 2435
Alkaloid from the roots of Lycium Asano, N. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1996, 284, (synth)
chinense (Chinese boxthorn). [a]D +9.6 169-178 (isol, pmr, cmr) Al-Yahya, M.A.I. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1979,
Asano, N. et al., Eur. J. Biochem. , 1997, 248, 2130 (isol, Poroidine, Isoporoidine)
(c, 0.31 in H2O).
296-303 (isol) El-Imam, Y.M.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985,
Asano, N. et al., Eur. J. Biochem. , 1997, 248, 24, 2285-2289 (Nortropacocaine)
Schimming, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49,
296-303 (Calystegine B5) Al-Said, M.S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1986, 957
1989-1995 (occur)
8-Azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane- A-521 Al-Said, M.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25,
8-Azabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-3-ol, A-524 851-853 (isol, ir, pmr, ms, struct, deriv)
1,2,3-triol 9CI Arbain, D. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1991, 44, 1013
1,2,3-Trihydroxynortropane 3-Nortropanol (Nortropinyl cinnamate)
Kusano, G. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2002, 50,
185-192 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Azaspiracid A-525
HO OH [214899-21-5]

C7H13NO3 159.185 (1RS,3RS,5SR)-form 8

(1R ,2S,3R )-form [131580-36-4] H
3 O H OH
Calystegin A3 C7H13NO 127.186 HOOC O O
Alkaloid from Solanum tuberosum (po- (1RS,3SR ,5SR )-form [501-33-7] O HO 22
tato). Powder. [a]D -17.3 (c, 0.5 in H2O). exo-form. Nor-c-tropine. Norpseudotro- H H O 23
Goldmann, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, pine H
2125 (isol) O
Alkaloid from the fruit of Morus alba O O
Ducrot, P.-H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1990, 31, 3879; (white mulberry). Cryst. (C6H6/pen-
3883 (pmr, cmr, struct, synth) H
tane). Mp 134.5-1358 (129-1308).
Boyer, F.-D. et al., Synlett , 1992, 357 (synth)
Nash, R.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 34, 1281
-LD50 (mus, orl) 227 mg/kg. RD0875000
(occur) Hydrochloride: [14383-51-8]
Asano, N. et al., Eur. J. Biochem. , 1995, 229, Cryst. Mp 280-2828 dec. C47H71NO12 842.077
369 (isol, pmr, cmr) -RD0600000 Alkaloid from Mytilus edulis (blue mus-
Schimming, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49, sel). Shellfish toxin. Amorph. solid. [a]20
D -
N-Benzoyl: [18470-33-2] Nortropacocaine
1989-1995 (occur) 21 (c, 0.1 in MeOH).
C14H17NO2 231.294
Bekkouche, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 58,
455-462 (occur) Feathery cryst. (synthetic, as picrate). 8-Methyl: [265996-92-7] Azaspiracid 2
Mp 2348 (picrate). C48H73NO12 856.104
N-Me: See 8-Methyl-8- Alkaloid from Mytilus edulis (blue
8-Azabicyclo[3.2.1]octane- A-522
azabicyclo[3.2.1]octan-3-ol in The mussel).
1,2,4-triol Combined Chemical Dictionary. 22-Demethyl: [265996-93-8] Azaspiracid 3
1,2,4-Trihydroxynortropane. 1,2,4-Nortro- (1RS,3RS,5SR )-form [538-09-0] C46H69NO12 828.051
panetriol endo-form. Nortropeine. Tropigenin. Alkaloid from Mytilus edulis (blue
Nortropenol. Nortropine mussel).
OH -LD50 (mus, orl) 1420 mg/kg. RD0700000 22-Demethyl, 3R-hydroxy:Azaspiracid 4
Hydrochloride: [17366-48-2] C46H69NO13 844.05
NH Cryst. Mp 2008. Alkaloid from Mytilus edulis (blue
O-(2-Methylbutanoyl): [537-28-0] Isopor- mussel).
OH oidine 22-Demethyl, 23S-hydroxy:Azaspiracid 5
HO C12H21NO2 211.303 C46H69NO13 844.05
O-(3-Methylbutanoyl): [500-58-3] Poroi- Alkaloid from Mytilus edulis (blue
C7H13NO3 159.185 dine mussel).
(1R +,2S +,4S +)-form [197565-90-5] C12H21NO2 211.303Co-isol. with Iso- Satake, M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1998, 120, 9967-9968

2-Azetidinecarboxylic acid, 9CI / Azorubine A-526 
/ A-529

(Azaspiracid) Azorhodine 2G A-528

Ofuji, K. et al., Nat. Toxins , 1999, 7, 99-102 5-(Acetylamino)-4-hydroxy-3-(phenyla-
(Azaspiracids 2,3) zo)-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 9CI.
Ofuji, K. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. ,
2001, 65, 740-742 (Azaspiracids 4,5)
C.I. Acid red 1. C.I. Food red 10. C.I.
18050. Brilliant acid red G. Fast crimson
GR. Naphthazine rose 2G. Red 2G. Solar
fast red 3G. Vopsider red ASTR G. E128.
2-Azetidinecarboxylic acid, A-526 Many other names
N C18H15N3O8S2 465.464
H Strictly, the name Azorhodine 2G applies
to the disodium salt. Colourant additive
C4H7NO2 101.105 for food.
(S )-form [2133-34-8] -QJ6030000
Present in roots and leaves of Di-Na salt: [3734-67-6]
Convallaria majalis (lily-of-the-valley). C18H13N3O8S2 463.448
Convallaria majalis is banned by the Dark red cryst. Sol. H2O; sl. sol. EtOH;
FDA from food use in the USA. Cryst. insol. Et2O.
(MeOH). Sol. H2O. [a]20 D -108 (c, 3.6 in -QJ6030000
H2O). Unstable in mineral acids. Does Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
not melt but darkens at 2708. 2, 984B (ir)
-Exp. reprod. and teratogenic effects. LD50 Sigma-Aldrich Library of Stains, Dyes and
(mus, scu) 1000 mg/kg. CM4310500 Indicators, 29
N-(3-Hydroxypropyl): [91106-30-8] Medi- Popa, G. et al., Zh. Anal. Khim. , 1959, 14, 322
canine (detn, Pd)
Mathur, J.N. et al., Indian J. Appl. Chem. , 1970,
C7H13NO3 159.185 33, 209
Amino acid from seeds of Medicago Colour Index , 3rd Edn , 1971, 4, 4116 (synth)
sativa (alfalfa). Hygroscopic cryst. Mp Nemodruk, A.A. et al., Zh. Anal. Khim. , 1972,
124-1268 (synthetic). [a]D -92.2 (c, 0.13 27, 326 (detn, Fe)
in H2O) (natural). [a]D -100.5 (c, 0.45 in
H2O) (synthetic). Azorubine A-529
Fushiya, S. et al., Heterocycles , 1984, 22, 1039- [3567-69-9]
1040 (Medicanine)
zo]-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid, 9CI. Bril-
liant carmoisine. Carmoisine. Chromotrope
Azimsulfuron, ANSI, BSI A-527 FB. C.I. Chromotrope FB. Lissamine red
[120162-55-2] W. Nacarat. C.I. Acid red 14. C.I. Food red
N-[[(4,6-Dimethoxy-2-pyrimidinyl)ami- 3. C.I. Mordant blue 79. E122. Many other
no]carbonyl]-1-methyl-4-(2-methyl-2H- names
9CI. 1-(4,6-Dimethoxy-2-pyrimidinyl)-3-
pyrazol-5-yl]sulfonyl]urea. Gulliver. IN-
A8947. A 8947
Me N N N
N C20H14N2O7S2 458.472
MeO N NHCONHSO2 N Strictly, the name Azorubine applies to the
Me disodium salt. Food dye. Dark red cryst.
powder (as Na salt). Na salt sol. H2O;
C13H16N10O5S 424.399 mod. sol. EtOH; insol. Me2CO. CAS
Acetolactate synthase inhibitor. Post- no. refers to Na salt.
emergence herbicide for control of Echi- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
nochloa spp., used esp. on rice. Solid. Mp 2, 988C (ir)
1708. pKa 3.6. Sigma-Aldrich Library of Stains, Dyes and
Indicators, 204
-LD50 (rat, orl) >5000 mg/kg. Colour Index , 3rd Edn , 1971, 4, 4068 (synth)
U.S. Pat. , 1988, 4 746 353, (du Pont de Bosch Serrat, F. et al., An. Quim. , 1972, 68, 155;
Nemours ); CA , 110, 173240w (synth, activity) CA , 77, 42752s (detn, Mg)
Marquez, T. et al., Brighton Crop Prot. Conf. - Bosch Serrat, F. et al., Inf. Quim. Anal. , 1973,
Weeds , 1995, 65-72 (activity) 27, 14; CA , 79, 111414p (detn, Pd)
Barefoot, A.C. et al., Brighton Crop Prot. Conf. Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
- Weeds , 1995, 713-718 (metab) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Pesticide Manual, 11th edn. , 1997, 39; 63-65 Reinhold , 1992, HJF500
Powley, C.R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1998,
46, 514-519 (anal, hplc)

12,21-Baccharadien-3-ol / Baptifoline B-1 / B-7

12,21-Baccharadien-3-ol B-1 HCl). Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th

edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 121
1?-Deamino, 1?-oxo, 4,5-didehydro: [22601- Ikai, Y. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1995, 48, 233-242
63-4] Bacitracin F (isol, struct, abs config)
C66H98N16O17S 1419.663 Lee, J. et al., J.O.C. , 1996, 61, 3983 (synth, pmr)
lmax 288 (e 3980) (EtOH) (Derep). lmax Kimura, K. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol.,
289 (e 4830) (MeOH). Biochem. , 1997, 61, 1754-1756 (activity)
Bacitracin B1 [57762-79-5] Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
HO C65H101N17O16S 1408.683 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, BAC250
1?-Deamino, 1?-oxo, 4,5-didehydro:
C30H50O 426.724 [167289-64-7] Bacitracin H1
3b-form [160598-94-7] C65H96N16O17S 1405.636
Constit. of Glycine max (soybean). Bacitracin B2 [57762-78-4] Bacteriocin 28b B-4
Cryst. Mp 133-1358. C65H101N17O16S 1408.683 [148466-49-3]
Akihisa, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 37, 1?-Deamino, 1?-oxo, 4,5-didehydro:
1413 (isol, pmr, cmr) [144572-54-3] Bacitracin H2
C65H96N16O17S 1405.636 Peptide. Bacteriocin prod. by Serratia
Bacillolysin B-2 Bacitracin B3 [149146-32-7] marcescens N28b.
C65H101N17O16S 1408.683 Viejo, M.B. et al., J. Gen. Microbiol. , 1992, 138,
[76774-43-1] 1737-1743
Bacillus metalloendopeptidase. Bacillus 1?-Deamino, 1?-oxo, 4,5-didehydro:
subtilis neutral proteinase. E.C. [144572-55-4] Bacitracin H3
C65H96N16O17S 1405.636
Enzyme, a peptidase of the thermolysin
Bacitracin D1 Bacteriocin Bc48 B-5
family with Zn and Ca as cofactors.
C64H99N17O16S 1394.656
Used for lactose redn. and flavour [138635-52-6]
modification in dairy processing, for 1?-Deamino, 1?-oxo, 4,5-didehydro:
[167289-62-5] Bacitracin I1 Protein; MW 80 kDa. Bacteriocin prod.
fortifying brewing malt proteins and for by Enterococcus faecalis ssp.
softening wheat gluten in baking. C64H94N16O17S 1391.61
Bacitracin D2 liquefaciens S-48 and its mutant strain
Feder, J. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta , 1971, B-48-28.
251, 74-78 (isol) C64H99N17O16S 1394.656
Lopez-Lara, I. et al., Can. J. Microbiol. , 1991,
Pauptit, R.A. et al., J. Mol. Biol. , 1988, 199, 1?-Deamino, 1?-oxo, 4,5-didehydro: 37, 769-774 (isol)
525-537 (cryst struct) [167289-63-6] Bacitracin I2
C64H94N16O17S 1391.61
Bacitracin, BAN, INN, JAN, B-3 Bacitracin D3 [144572-46-3]
USAN C64H99N17O16S 1394.656 Bacteriocin J46 B-6
Bacilliquin 1?-Deamino, 1?-oxo, 4,5-didehydro: [173584-72-0]
[144572-52-1] Bacitracin I3
C64H94N16O17S 1391.61 [181232-45-1]
D Phe His D Asp
X Asn O Bacitracin E Polypeptide. Prod. by Lactococcus lactis
D Orn Lys Y D Glu Leu 4 N C63H97N17O16S 1380.63 ssp. cremoris J46, isol. from fermented
1' R
[1405-87-4, 1405-89-6] milk. Bacteriocin.
NH2 Huot, E. et al., Anaerobe , 1996, 2, 137-145 (isol)
Newton, G.G.F. et al., Biochem. J. , 1950, 47,
Bacitracin A X = Y = Ile, R = CH3
B1 X = Y = Ile, R = H Lockhart, I.M. et al., Biochem. J. , 1955, 61, 534
B2 X = Val, Y = Ile, R = CH3 (struct)
B3 X = Ile, Y = Val, R = CH3 Weisiger, J.R. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1955, 77, 731; Baptifoline B-7
D1 X = Val, Y = Ile, R = H
D2 X = Ile, Y = Val, R = H 3123 (struct) [732-50-3]
D3 X = Y = Val, R = CH3 Konigsberg, W. et al., J.O.C. , 1962, 27, 934 13-Hydroxyanagyrine. Alkaloid P3$
E X = Y = Val, R = H (Bacitracin F, synth)
Nussbaumer, P.A. et al., Pharm. Acta Helv. ,
Cyclic peptide antibiotic. Permitted food 1965, 40, 210 (Bacitracin F, chromatog) N
additive for animal and human Ressler, C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1966, 88, 2025 11 13
consumption. Sol. H2O, HCONH2, 2- (struct) N OH
H con®guration
propanol, Py, EtOH, MeOH; fairly sol. Galardy, R.E. et al., Biochemistry, 1971, 10,
2429 (conformn) O
Me2CO, butanol, dioxan; poorly sol.
Tsuji, K. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1975, 112, 663
EtOAc, hexane. Non toxic in human C15H20N2O2 260.335
fibroblast cells. Coml. prod. contains Hirotsu, Y. et al., Pept. Chem. , 1978, 16, 171 Alkaloid from Caulophyllum thalictroides
small quantities of other components. (Bacitracin F, synth) (blue cohosh). Hexagonal or triangular
Nomenclature for minor components Storm, D.R. et al., Antibiotics (N.Y.) , 1979, 5, 1 plates (MeOH), needles (Me2CO). Mp
was revised in 1995 lmax 270 (e ) (12M (rev) 2108. [a]D -147.7 (-140) (EtOH). [a]16
D -
HCl) (Derep). lmax 252 (e 3550) (EtOH) Brewer, G.A. et al., Anal. Profiles Drug Subst. ,
89.05 (c, 1.415 in H2O).
(Derep). lmax 254 (E1%/1cm 21.4) 1980, 9, 1 (rev)
(H2O) (Berdy). Toscano, W.A. et al., Pharmacol. Ther. , 1982, Marion, L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1948, 70, 3253; 3472
-Nephrotoxic effects and hypersensitivity 16, 199 (pharmacol, rev) (isol)
Froeyshov, O. et al., Drugs Pharm. Sci. , 1984, Martin-Smith, M. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1957,
reactions reported from therapuetic use 35, 37 (struct)
22, 665 (isol, props, rev)
(intramuscular administration). LD50 (rat, Negwer, M. et al., Organic-Chemical Drugs and Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1958, 91, 2189;
ipr) 190 mg/kg. LD50 (gpg, orl) 2000 mg/ their Synonyms, 6th edn., Akademie-Verlag , 2194; 1962, 95, 944 (isol, struct, synth)
kg (Bacitracin) ; LD50 (mus, ivn) 360 mg/ 1987, 8368 Flom, M.S. et al., J. Pharm. Sci. , 1967, 56, 1515
kg , LD50 (mus, ipr) 200-640 mg/kg , LD50 Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , (isol)
(mus, scu) 1300-2500 mg/kg. CP0350000 Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New Monakhova, T.E. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. ,
Bacitracin A [22601-59-8] York, 1989, BAC 250 1973, 9, 59; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl.
Pfeffer, S. et al., FEBS Lett. , 1991, 285, 115 Transl.) , 52 (isol)
C66H103N17O16S 1422.71 (cryst struct) Ohmiya, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1974, 13,
Permitted food additive for animal and Ikai, Y. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1992, 45, 1325 (ms, 1016 (isol)
human consumption. Hygroscopic struct) Kennelly, E.J. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1999, 62,
amorph. powder. [a]23 D +5 (c, 0.1 in 0.02M 1385-1389 (isol, pmr, cmr)

Bargustanine / Bentonite B-8 / B-15

Bargustanine B-8 2158. [a]D -32 (c, 1.2 in CHCl3). beijerinckii YNM1. Proposed for use in
[169626-12-4] 3-Ketone: [6895-55-2] 7-Bauren-3-one. food industries.
Bauerenone Ogawa, K. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1997, 300,
C30H48O 424.709 41-45
Cryst. (EtOAc). Mp 2408. [a]25 Yui, T. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1997, 304, 341-
D -47.5 (c,
N N 345 (struct)
Me OH Me 1 in CHCl3).
H (3b,13b)-form
Ac: [309724-35-4] Mongolenin Benomyl, ANSI, BSI, ISO, B-14
HO C32H52O2 468.762
Cryst. (CHCl3). Mp 283-2848. [a]12
OH D -33
(c, 0.2 in CHCl3). [17804-35-2]
C29H34N2O7 522.597 Bryce, T.A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1967, 23, 1283 Methyl 1-[(butylamino)carbonyl]-1H-
Alkaloid from roots of Berberis vulgaris (Me ether) benzimidazol-2-ylcarbamate, 9CI. Methyl
(barberry). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 193-1948. Buckley, D.G. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1-(butylcarbamoyl)benzimidazol-2-ylcar-
D +114.2 (c, 0.3 in MeOH). lmax 218 1971, 298 (pmr) bamate. Benlate. Fungochrom. Agrocit.
(sh) (log e 4.85); 286 (log e 3.98) (EtOH). Fukuoka, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1972, Fundazol
20, 974 (isol, struct)
Karimov, A. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1993, Campello, J. de P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975,
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22, 301 (cmr) N
Tinant, B. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. , 1982,
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[496-07-1] Chakravarty, A.K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1991, 47,
a-Methyl-d-oxo-3-furanpentanoic acid, 2337 (cmr)
Shin, S.C. et al., CA , 1993, 119, 266455w (Ac)
C14H18N4O3 290.321
9CI. 5-(3-Furanyl)-2-methyl-5-oxopenta- Agricultural and horticultural systemic
noic acid Yaoita, Y et al., Nat. Med. (Tokyo) , 1998, 52,
273-275 (pmr) fungicide mainly used on rice and soy-
Hu, J.-F. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 2000, 14, 211- bean. V. spar. sol. H2O; sol. CHCl3; less
O 215 (Mongolenin) sol. other org. solvs. Dec. before melting.
COOH -Toxic to freshwater fish and aquatic
(S)-form 7-Baurene-3,16-diol B-11 invertebrates. OES: long-term 10 mg m-3;
short-term 15 mg m-3. Skin irritant. Can
O cause contact dermatitis. Exp. reprod. and
teratogenic effects. DD6475000
C10H12O4 196.202 [8068-35-7]
(S )-form U.S. Pat. , 1966, 3 631 176; CA , 72, 21692d
Obt. from sweet potato infected with Tolkmith, H. et al., Residue Rev. , 1974, 53, 99
Ceratostomella fimbriata . Poorly sol. H (rev)
hexane. Mp 88.5-89.58. [a]10
D +17.5 Bleidner, W.E. et al., Anal. Methods Pestic.
OH Plant Growth Regul. , 1978, 10, 157 (rev, props,
2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: detn)
HO Kirino, O. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1980, 44,
Mp 154.5-155.58. 35 (activity)
(/9)-form Cairns, T. et al., Biomed. Mass Spectrom. , 1983,
Mp 106-1078. C30H50O2 442.724 10, 24 (ms)
Kubota, T. et al., Tetrahedron , 1958, 4, 68 Dangerous Prop. Ind. Mater. Rep. , 1988, 8, 45
(3b,16a)-form [214351-30-1] (rev)
Constit. of Tussilago farfara (coltsfoot). Agrochemicals Handbook, 3rd edn., Royal
7-Baueren-3-ol B-10 Needles. Mp 282-2858. [a]28D -25.6 (c, 0.2 Society of Chemistry, 1992, A31
in Py). Hanson, D.J. et al., Chem. Eng. News , Apr. 6,
Yaoita, Y. et al., Nat. Med. (Tokyo) , 1998, 52, 1992, 15; Nov. 16, 4 (rev, tox)
273-275; CA , 129, 287778a (isol, pmr, cmr) Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Encyclopaedia ,
1997, No. 60
Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, (Eds. Hayes,
Bavaricins B-12 W.J. et al ), Academic Press, 1991, 1452
H Peptides. Prod. by Lactobacillus bavaricus. Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Bacteriocins with potential food uses. Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
3β-form Reinhold , 1992, BAV575
Bavaricin A [154213-77-1]
HO Prod. by Lactobacillus bavaricus
MI401. MW 3500-4000; partial struct.
reported. Bentonite B-15
C30H50O 426.724
Bavaricin MN [144376-92-1] [1302-78-9]
3b-form [6466-94-0] Prod. by Lactobacillus bavaricus MN. E558
Ilexol. Baurenol. Bauerenol Struct. comprises 42 aminoacid Na0.33[Al1.67Mg0.33Si4O10(OH)2]
Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 207-2088. [a]19 D - residues, MW 4769.
20.7 (c, 0.7 in CHCl3). [Al1.67H2Mg0.33Na0.33O12Si4] 367.017
Larsen, A.G. et al., J. Appl. Bacteriol. , 1993, 75,
Ac: [17020-04-1] 113-122 (Bavaricin A)
Rock containing Montmorillonite, M-748
C32H52O2 468.762 Kaiser, A.L. et al., J. Appl. Bacteriol. , 1993, 75, and various other clay minerals. Widely
Constit. of the famine food Adansonia 536-540 (Bavaricin MN) distributed mineral. Used in foods as a
digitata (baobab). Cryst. (CHCl3/ Kaiser, A.L. et al., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. , colourant, pigment and stabiliser.
hexane). Mp 290-2928. [a]24 1996, 62, 4529-4535 (Bavaricin MN) -CT9450000
D -1.1 (c, 1 in
CHCl3). van Olpen, H. et al., Clay Colloid Chemistry,
2nd Edn., Wiley, N. Y., 1977,
Me ether: [11008-41-6] Beijeran B-13 Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn.,
C31H52O 440.751 [/ 0 3)-a-D-Gal A-(1/ 0 3)-b-L-Rha-(1/ 0 3)- Wiley, 1978, 5, 238; 241; 6, 193; 200 (rev)
Constit. of Saccharum officinarum a-D-Glc-6-Ac-(1/ 0 ] Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd
(sugar cane). Cryst. (EtOAc). Mp 212- Exopolysaccharide prod. by Azotobacter edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American

Benzaldehyde, USAN  / 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, 9CI B-16  / B-19

Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Kalf, G.F. et al., Crit. Rev. Toxicol. , 1987, 18,
Press, 1994, 24-26 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 141 (metab, box)
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn., Reinhold , 1992, BAY500 Cook, I.B. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1989, 42, 1493
Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1536 (cmr)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Takayanagi, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. ,
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 242-243 Benzene B-17 1991, 39, 2491 (cryst struct, picrate)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn.,
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand [71-43-2] Wiley, 1991, 73 (rev, bibl)
Reinhold , 1992, BAV750 Cyclohexatriene. [6]Annulene Snyder, R. et al., Environ. Health Perspect. ,
1993, 100, 293 (tox, rev)
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
Benzaldehyde, USAN B-16 edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1099
[100-52-7] or Environ. Health Perspect. , Suppl. 6, 1996, 104,
Benzenecarboxaldehyde. Formylbenzene. (rev, tox)
FEMA 2127 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
C6H6 78.113 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 247-248
PhCHO Snyder, C.A. et al., Ethel Browning’s Toxicity
C7H6O 106.124 Used in processing of modified hop and Metabolism of Industrial Solvents, 2nd
Found in plants, esp. in almond kernels. extract. Liq. V. spar. sol. H2O; misc. most edn., (ed. Snyder, R.), Elsevier, Volume 1 ,
Also present in strawberry jam, leek, org. solvs. d20
4 0.88. Mp 5.538. Bp 80.88 1987, 3 (rev, tox)
crispbread, cheese, black tea and several (80.1038, 80.128, 80.368, 80.498). n20
D Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive
essential oils. Parent and derivs. (e.g. 1.5014. The name Benzene should not be Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths,
confused with Benzol(e) (coml. products 1990, 2149
glyceryl acetal) are used as flavourings. Chemical Hazards of the Workplace, 3rd edn.,
Liq. with characteristic almond-type consisting mainly of benzene) or with
(eds. Proctor, N.H. et al ), Van Nostrand
odour. V. spar. sol. H2O; misc. org. solvs. Benzin(e) (obsolescent name for low-boil-
Reinhold , 1991, 103
d15 ing petroleum spirit). The German name
4 1.05. Mp -268 Fp -56.9. Bp 178-1798 Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical
Bp10 628. pKa 14.9 (258,hydrate, 1% for Benzene is however Benzol. First isol. Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of
EtOH). pKa -6.9 (as base). Log P 1.5 by Faraday in 1825. Chemistry, 1992, 107
(calc). Steam-volatile. Forms bisulfite -Highly flammable, fl. p. -118. Human Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
compd. Slowly oxid. in air. Reduces carcinogen. Direct skin contact with liq. Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
causes erythema and vesiculation; Reinhold , 1992, BBL250
AgNO3.NH2 but not Fehling’s soln. lmax
244 ; 280 (MeOH) (Berdy). prolonged contact can cause dermatitis.
-Fl. p. 638, autoignition temp. 1908. Acute exposure by ingestion or inhalation Benzenecarbothioic acid, 9CI B-18
Violently oxid. by 90% HCOOOH. Skin produces the symptoms of CNS [98-91-9]
irritant. May cause dermatitis. CNS depression, and depression of Thiobenzoic acid, 8CI. Monothiobenzoic
depressant. LD50 (rat, orl) 1300 mg/kg. haematopoietic system. Prolonged or acid
CU4375000 repeated exposure injures the bone
marrow (often irreversibly) and depletes PhCOSH/ U PhC(S)OH
Di-Me acetal: [1125-88-8] (Dimethoxy- C7H6OS 138.19
erythrocytes, leukocytes or platelets
methyl)benzene. Dimethoxyphenyl- producing headache, fatigue, anorexia. Yellow oil cryst. on chilling in ice. Mp 15-
methane. FEMA 2128 More severe exposure is associated with 188 Mp 248. pKa 2.66 (H2O).
C9H12O2 152.193 development of pancytopenia and aplastic -LD50 (rat, ipr) 350 mg/kg. DH6839000
Constit. of rhubarb and potato. Used in anaemia. Various forms of leukaemia are SH -form
perfumery and food flavouring. Moist-
implicated in occup. exposures. MEL: Me ester: [5925-68-8] S-Methyl benzene-
ure-sensitive liq. d15.5
4 1.03. Bp 1988 Bp18
long-term 5 ppm. CY1400000 carbothioate. S-Methyl thiobenzoate. S-
87-898. n20
D 1.4930.
Picrate: Methyl benzothioate
[932-90-1, 3592-47-0] Mp 82-848. Readily dissociates on exp. C8H8OS 152.217
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, to air. Flavouring agent for foods. Yellow liq.
2, 104A (ir)
[1076-43-3, 1120-89-4, 34504-50-2]
Bp 210-2128.
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Garcia, J. et al., Synthesis , 1989, 305 (S-alkyl
Spectra , 1992, 2, 932B; 3, 492A (nmr) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, esters)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , 1, 931A (ir) Katritzky, A.R. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. ,
1989, 3, 1283B; 1578B (ir) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 1995, 27, 361 (synth, Me ester, benzyl ester,
Briner, E. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1937, 20, 293 Spectra , 1992, 2, 1A (nmr) pmr, cmr)
Braude, E.A. et al., J.C.S. , 1955, 3754 (uv) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
Natalis, P. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1965, 69, 2943 1989, 3, 849A (ir) edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
(ms) Kekulé, A. et al., Annalen , 1866, 137, 129; 1872, 1073 (S-Me ester)
Org. Synth. , 1971, 51, 11; 20; 31; 1974, 54, 42; 162, 77 (struct)
1977, 56, 36 (synth) Ingold, C.K. et al., Proc. R. Soc. London, A ,
Morris, W.W. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. , 1938, 169, 149 (struct) 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, B-19
1973, 56, 1037 (ir) Rybicka, S.M. et al., J.C.S. , 1950, 3671 (props) 9CI
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , Adv. Chem. Ser. , 1955, 15, 11 (props)
1976, 14, 693 (rev, tox) Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic [88-99-3]
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic Synthesis, Wiley, 1969, 2, 21; 125; 1972, 3, Phthalic acid, 8CI. Alizarinic acid.
Synthesis, Wiley, 1977, 6, 26; 1979, 7, 6 (use) 288; 1977, 6, 364 (use) Naphthalinic acid$. Phthalinic acid
Cook, I.B. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1989, 42, 1493 Šantavý, F. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
(cmr) 1972, 37, 1825 (uv)
Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn., Newton, M.D. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1974, 96, 17 COOH
Wiley, 1991, 64 (rev) (struct) 6 2 COOH
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th Norbeck, J.M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1974, 96, 3386 5 3
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1340 (struct) 4
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Obenland, S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1975, 97, 6633
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 244; 245 Cardinal, J.R. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1978, 82, C8H6O4 166.133
(use, occur) 1614 (uv) Plates (H2O). Sol. hot H2O, alkalis; mod.
Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive Medved, M. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1979,
Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths , 14, 307 (ms)
sol. H2O, EtOH; spar. sol. Et2O. Mp 2108
1990, 2561; 2583 Fielder, R.J. et al., HSE Toxicity Review 4: dec Mp 2348. pKa1 2.95; pKa2 5.41
Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical Benzene, HMSO, London, 1982, (258,H2O). Forms anhydride at Mp. Fre-
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of Cooper, D.L. et al., Nature (London) , 1986, quent reports of the isol. of phthalate
Chemistry, 1992, 106 323, 699 (struct) esters as nat. prods. are in prob. all cases

1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, 9CI / 1,2-Benzenedicarboxylic acid, 9CI B-19 / B-19

erroneous because of their ubiquitous -Toxic, fl. p. 1578, autoignition temp. 4008. phthalic anhydride and the mixed octyl
presence in solvs., laboratory plastics, etc. OES: long-term 5 mg m-3; short-term 10 esters made by the oxo process. See also
as plasticisers. mg m-3. TI0875000 the bis(2-ethylhexyl) component above.
-Fl. p. 1688. Violent reaction on heating Butyl 2-ethylbutyl ester: [26227-08-7] Butyl Dinonyl ester: [84-76-4] Dinonyl phthalate.
with NaNO2. Skin and mucous membrane 2-ethylbutyl phthalate DNP
irritant. Low acute mammalian toxicity. C18H26O4 306.401Claimed isolations C26H42O4 418.615
TH9625000 of phthalate esters are suspect. Oil. Insol. H2O. d25 0.98. Bp1 205-2208.
Mono-K salt: [877-24-7] Dipentyl ester: [131-18-0] Dipentyl phtha- n20
D 1.4871.
Mp 295-3008 dec. late. Diamyl phthalate -Fl. p. 1418. TI1800000
Mono-Me ester: [4376-18-5] Monomethyl C18H26O4 306.401 Bis(2-ethylnonyl) ester:Bis(2-ethylnonyl)
phthalate Oily liq. d20 1.02. Mp -558. Bp 3428 Bp11 phthalate
C9H8O4 180.16 204-2068. n20D 1.4880. C30H50O4 474.723
Needles (C6H6). Mp 858. Dihexyl ester: [84-75-3] Dihexyl phthalate Decyl octyl ester: [119-07-3] Decyl octyl
Di-Me ester: [131-11-3] Dimethyl phtha- C20H30O4 334.455 phthalate
late, BSI, ISO. DMP Mp -408. Bp 3338. C26H42O4 418.615
C10H10O4 194.187 Mono(2-ethylhexyl) ester: [4376-20-9] Liq. Mp -288. Bp5 2508.
Liq. Insol. H2O; misc. EtOH, Et2O. d25 25 Mono(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate Didecyl ester: [84-77-5] Didecyl phthalate.
1.19. Mp 08. Bp 282.48 Bp2 116-116.58. C16H22O4 278.347 DDP
25 -Potent eye irritant. Exp. hepatic and
nD 1.5138. Vp / B 0.1 mmHg (208). C28H46O4 446.669
-Fl. p. 1468, autoignition temp. 490/5558. testicular effects. TI2500000 Liq. Insol. H2O. d2020 0.97. Mp 2-48. Bp5
Eye irritant. Lacks biological effects Bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester: [117-81-7] Bis(2- 2618.
associated with long-chain analogues. ethylhexyl) phthalate. Diethylhexyl Diisodecyl ester: [26761-40-0] Diisodecyl
OES: long-term 5 mg m-3; short-term 10 phthalate. Octoil. Palatinol. Eviplast 80. phthalate. DIDP
mg m-3. TI1575000 Eviplast 81. Kodaflex DOP. Vestinol AH. C28H46O4 446.669
Mono-Et ester: [2306-33-4] Monoethyl Vinizer 80. DEHP. DOP Involatile liq. Insol. H2O; sol. most org.
phthalate C24H38O4 390.562 solvs. d20
20 0.97. Mp -508. Bp4 250-2578.
C10H10O4 194.187 Liq. Insol. H2O. d20 0.99. Mp -468. Bp5 n20
D 1.4830.
Cryst. (CS2). Mp 47-488. 2318. lmax 250 (e ); 283 (sh) (e ) (hexane) Diundecyl ester: [3648-20-2] Diundecyl
-TI2495000 (Derep). lmax 275 (e 1330) (isopropanol) phthalate
Di-Et ester: [84-66-2] Diethyl phthalate. (Derep). C30H50O4 474.723
DEP -Mod. skin irritant. Low acute mammalian Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 35.58.
C12H14O4 222.24 toxicity. Exp. hepatocarcinogen. Exp.
reprod. and teratogenic effects. A non- Didodecyl ester: [2432-90-8] Didodecyl
Insol. H2O; misc. most org. solvs. Mp - phthalate
0.38. Bp 2988 Bp10 1578. n25 D 1.5002.
genotoxic (exp.) carcinogen with weak
peroxisome proliferating props.. C32H54O4 502.776
-Irritant, fl. p. 1178, autoignition temp.
d30 0.94. Mp 21-238. Bp1 256-2578. n30
4578. OES long-term 5 mg m-3; short-term TI0350000 D
10 mg m-3. TI1050000 Bis(2,5-dimethylhexyl) ester: [104719-70-
2] Bis(2,5-dimethylhexyl) phthalate. Ditridecyl ester: [119-06-2] Ditridecyl
Monopropyl ester: [4376-19-6] Monopropyl
Phyllester phthalate. DTDP
C24H38O4 390.562 C34H58O4 530.83
C11H12O4 208.213
Mp 408. Liq. d25 0.95. Bp3.5 2858. n24D 1.4840.
Cryst. (CHCl3/Et2O). Mp 54-558.
Bis(3,5,5-trimethylhexyl) ester: [14103-61- Benzyl butyl ester: [85-68-7] Benzyl butyl
Dipropyl ester: [131-16-8] Dipropyl phtha-
8] phthalate. BBP. Santicizer 160. Unimoll
C26H42O4 418.615 BB
C14H18O4 250.294
Bp2 2028. n25 C19H20O4 312.365
d25 1.07. Bp 317.58 (304-3058). n20 D 1.4802.
Liq. Insol. H2O. d25 1.12. Bp 3708 Bp10
1.4170. Dicyclohexyl ester: [84-61-7] Dicyclohexyl 235-2558. n25D 1.5380.
-TI1940000 phthalate
Diisopropyl ester: [605-45-8] Diisopropyl C20H26O4 330.423 Dibenzyl ester: [523-31-9] Dibenzyl phtha-
phthalate Cryst. Insol. H2O; sol. most org. solvs. late
d20 C22H18O4 346.382
C14H18O4 250.294 20 1.2. Mp 64-668. Bp10 245-2468.
Liq. d15.6 1.06. Bp10 152-1558. n20 -TI0889000 Prisms (EtOH). Mp 44.5-45.58. Bp15
1.4900. 2778.
Diheptyl ester: [3648-21-3] Diheptyl phtha-
Bis(2-methylpropyl) ester: [84-69-5] Diiso- late Mono-Ph ester: [6139-63-5] Monophenyl
butyl phthalate. DIBP C22H34O4 362.508 phthalate
C16H22O4 278.347 d20 20
4 0.99. Bp26 2648. nD 1.4867.
C14H10O4 242.231
Liq. d20 20 Cryst. (C6H6/petrol). Mp 94-968.
20 1.04. Bp 3278. nD 1.4900. Heptyl hydroxynonyl ester: [160525-14-4]
Di(2-propenyl) ester: [131-17-9] Diallyl Heptyl hydroxynonyl phthalate. Phtha- Di-Ph ester: [84-62-8] Diphenyl phthalate
phthalate lomycin C20H14O4 318.328
C14H14O4 246.262 C24H24O5 392.451 Cryst. Insol. H2O. Mp 74-768. Bp 4058.
-Fl. p. 2248. TI1935000
Insol. H2O. Mp -708. Bp5 165-1678. n20 D Sol. H2O, MeOH; poorly sol. CHCl3,
1.5190. Polym. if not inhibited. hexane. Mp 3208. Struct. not fully Bis(2-methoxyethyl) ester: [117-82-8]
-Lachrymator. OES: long-term 5 mg m . -3
assigned. Bis(2-methoxyethyl) phthalate. Di-
CZ4200000 Dioctyl ester: [117-84-0] Dioctyl phthalate methyl glycol phthalate. DMEP. DMGP.
Monobutyl ester: [131-70-4] Monobutyl C24H38O4 390.562 DMOP
Liq. d20 C14H18O6 282.293
phthalate 20 0.98. Mp -258. Bp1 1858 Bp0.1
1658. n25 Liq. Insol. H2O. d2020 1.17. Mp -608 Mp -
C12H14O4 222.24 D 1.4848. Almost certainly a
contaminant. 458. Bp 3408 Bp12 2148. n20 D 1.5025.
Leaflets (EtOH). Mp 73-748.
-TI2475000 Diisooctyl ester: [27554-26-3] Diisooctyl Bis(2-butoxyethyl) ester: [117-83-9] Bis(2-
Dibutyl ester: [84-74-2] Dibutyl phthalate phthalate. DIOP butoxyethyl) phthalate. Dibutylglycol
C16H22O4 278.347 C24H38O4 390.562 phthalate. DBOEP
Insol. H2O; misc. common org. solvs. Liq. Insol. H2O. d20 C20H30O6 366.453
20 0.99. Mp -508. Bp
d20 25 Involatile liq. Insol. H2O. d20 1.17. Mp -
20 1.05. Mp -358. Bp 3408. nD 1.4915. 378. Mixt. of isomers obtained from

1,3-Benzenediol, 9CI / 1,4-Benzenediol, 9CI B-20  / B-21

408. Bp4 210-2338. n25D 1.5020. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive
1989, 3, 1375B; 1375C; 1375D; 1376A; Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths,
(Ethoxycarbonyl)methyl methyl ester: [85- 1376B; 1376C; 1376D; 1377A (ir) 1990, 2736
71-2] 2-Ethoxy-2-oxoethyl methyl Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra , 6, 153B (pmr) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
phthalate Registry of Mass Spectral Data , Wiley- Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
C13H14O6 266.25 Interscience, 543 (ms) Reinhold , 1992, DBL200; DJX000; DVJ000;
Insol. H2O. d25 25
4 1.22. Bp5 1898. nD Sadtler Standard C-13 NMR Spectra , 979 (cmr) MRI100; DEH200; DTR200; PHW250;
1.5049. Sadtler Standard Ultraviolet Spectra , 1730 (uv) DWV500; MRF525; DVL700
Tingle, J.B. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1908, 30, 1885-1887
(Butoxycarbonyl)methyl butyl ester: [85- (synth, 3-methylanilide)
70-1] 2-Butoxy-2-oxoethyl butyl phtha- Ger. Pat. , 1925, 516 135; CA , 25, 18407
late. Santicizer B 16
1,3-Benzenediol, 9CI B-20
(diisobutyl ester)
C18H24O6 336.384 Hofmann, H.E. et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1929, [108-46-3]
Liq. Insol. H2O. d25 25
4 1.1. Bp5 2198. nD 21, 955; 961 (bis(2-methoxyethyl) ester) [12385-08-9]
1.4897. Carter, J.E. et al., J.C.S. , 1939, 633 (mono(2-
ethylhexyl) ester)
Resorcinol, 8CI. 1,3-Dihydroxybenzene.
Difluoride: [445-69-2] Fordyce, C.R. et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1940, 32, Astriderm. Resorcin. Rezacuid. FEMA
C8H4F2O2 170.115 1053 (dipentyl ester) 3589
Prisms (petrol). Mp 42-438. Bp 224-2268 Kolthoff, I.M. et al., Ind. Eng. Chem., Anal.
Bp54 1358. Ed. , 1943, 15, 174 (buffer)
Welcher, F.J. et al., Organic Analytical Reagents ,
Dichloride: [88-95-9]
C8H4Cl2O2 203.024 Van Nostrand, N.Y., 1947, 2, 75 (use)
Meyer, L.W.A. et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1948, 40,
Sol. Et2O. Mp 15-168. Bp 2818 Bp22
1478 (dihexyl ester)
153.38. n20
D 1.5680. Hydrol. by H2O and Matsuda, S. et al., CA , 1958, 52, 9995c (esters,
alcohols. OH
synth, props)
Monoamide: [88-97-1] Phthalamic acid Cordner, H.B. et al., Proc. Am. Soc. Hort. Sci. , C6H6O2 110.112
C8H7NO3 165.148 1959, 73, 323-330 (3-methylanilide, use)
Cross, B.E. et al., J.C.S. , 1963, 2937 (isol)
Present in roasted barley, cane molasses,
Prisms (MeOH). Mp 1498. pKa 3.76 coffee, beer and wine. Flavouring ingredi-
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic
(258). ent. Platelets (EtOH). Sol. Et2O, H2O,
Synthesis, Wiley, 1967, 1, 347; 883
Diamide: [88-96-0] Phthalamide Asakawa, Y. et al., Experientia , 1969, 25, 907- EtOH, C6H6; sl. sol. CHCl3. Mp 1118. Bp
C8H8N2O2 164.163 908 (isol, butyl ethylbutyl ester) 2808. pKa1 9.3; pKa2 11.06 (208). Log P
Mp 2228 dec. Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn., 0.81 (calc).
-CZ2200000 Wiley, 1978, 17, 732 (rev)
-Fl. p. 1278, autoignition temp. 6088. Skin
Encyclopaedia of Polymer Science and
Bis(diethylamide): [83-81-8] Phthaletha- Engineering , 2nd edn., Wiley-Interscience, and eye irritant. Possible skin sensitiser.
mide 1986, 4, 791 (rev, polym, 2-propenyl ester) Can cause restlessness,
C16H24N2O2 276.378 Albro, P.W. et al., Rev. Biochem. Toxicol. , 1987, methaemoglobinaemia, convulsions and
Mp 368. Bp16 2048 Bp0.01 118-1208. 8, 73 (bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester, testicular, other systemic effects by skin absorption
-TH7400000 carcinogenic props) and ingestion. LD50 (rat, orl) 301 mg/kg.
Monoanilide: [4727-29-1] 2-[(Phenylami- Toxicol. Ind. Health , 1987, 3, 7; 99; 151; 165 OES: long-term 10 ppm; short-term 20
no)carbonyl]benzoic acid, 9CI. Phtha- (esters, tox) ppm. VG9625000
Woodward, K.N. et al., Phthalate Esters:
lanilic acid. Nevirol Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Toxicity and Metabolism , Volumes I and II,
C14H11NO3 241.246 CRC Press, Boca Raton, Florida, 1988, 1, 1057B; 1104C; 2, 300A; 312D (ir)
Needles (EtOH). Mp 1708 dec. Also (book) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
used as salts. Encyclopaedia of Polymer Science and Spectra , 1992, 2, 212B; 300A; 1289A (nmr)
-DH6298150 Engineering , Suppl. Vol. , 1989, 568 (rev, Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
esters, use) 1989, 3, 988B; 1039B; 1380B; 1380C (ir)
Dianilide: [16497-41-9] Registry of Mass Spectral Data , Wiley, 128 (ms)
C20H16N2O2 316.359 Bocelli, G. et al., Z. Kristallogr. , 1989, 189, 301-
316 (3-methylanilide, cryst struct) Sadtler Standard C-13 NMR Spectra , 4428
Cryst. (THF). Mp 2408. (cmr)
Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn.,
3-Methylanilide: [85-72-3] 2-[[(3-Methyl- Wiley, 1991, 18, 991 (rev) Sadtler Standard Ultraviolet Spectra , 2572 (uv)
phenyl)amino]carbonyl]benzoic acid, DeSilva, S.O. et al., Tetrahedron , 1992, 48, 4863 Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn.,
(synth, ir, pmr, cmr, ms, ethylamide) Wiley, 1991, 13, 996 (rev)
9CI. 3?-Methylphthanilic acid. N-m-To- Resorcinol: Its uses and derivatives, (ed. Dressler,
lylphthalamic acid. 2-Carboxy-3?- Lhuguenot, J.C. et al., Peroxisomes: Biology and
Importance in Toxicology and Medicine , (eds. H.), Plenum Press, New York, 1994, (book)
methylbenzanilide Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
Gibson, G. et al ), Taylor and Francis,
C15H13NO3 255.273 edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
London, 1993, 465 (bis(2-ethylhexyl) ester,
Needles (C6H6). Mp 159-1618. metab) 2, 715
-LD50 (rat, orl) >5000 mg/kg. Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn.,
Mononitrile: See 2-Cyanobenzoic acid in edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American Pharmaceutical Press , 1996,
Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
The Combined Chemical Dictionary. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2420-2421
Press, 1994, 167-168
Dinitrile: See 1,2-Benzenedicarbonitrile in Savard, M.E. et al., Mycopathologia , 1994, 127, Chemical Hazards of the Workplace, 3rd edn.,
The Combined Chemical Dictionary. 19 (isol, dibutyl ester) (eds. Proctor, N.H. et al ), Van Nostrand
Anhydride: See Phthalic anhydride in The El-Beih, F.M. et al., CA , 1995, 122, 128189y Reinhold , 1991, 501
(Phthalomycin) Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical
Combined Chemical Dictionary. Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of
Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis ,
Imide: See Phthalimide in The Combined (ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 6, 4147- Chemistry, 1992, 1092
Chemical Dictionary. 4148 (dichloride, use) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Satyan, K.S. et al., Planta Med. , 1995, 61, 293 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
[131-15-7, 523-24-0, 3198-29-6, 4409-98-7,
(Phyllester) Reinhold , 1992, HNH500; REA000; REF050;
10197-71-4, 15968-01-1, 28553-12-0, 79723-02-7,
Pesticide Manual, 11th edn. , 1997, No. 716 REA100; RDZ900
Wahidulla, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 48,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, 1203-1206 (isol, bis-2-ethylnonyl ester)
2, 200D; 274A; 307B; 307C; 307D; 308A; Pesticide Manual, 12th edn. , 2000, 610 (Nevirol) 1,4-Benzenediol, 9CI B-21
351D (ir) Perry, C.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 2001, 512-521
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR [123-31-9]
(monoanilide, pmr, cmr, ir) Hydroquinone, 8CI, USAN. Hydroquinol.
Spectra , 1992, 2, 1088A; 1274A; 1274C; Chemical Hazards of the Workplace, 2nd edn.,
1275A; 1275B; 1275C; 1276A; 1276B; 1276C; (eds. Proctor, N.H. et al ), J.B. Lippincott ,
1,4-Dihydroxybenzene. Quinol. Arctuvin.
1277B (nmr) 1988, 213; 236; 238; 253 Eldopaque. Eldoquin. Pyrogentisinic acid.
Pyrogentisic acid

1,2,3,5-Benzenetetrol, 9CI, 8CI  / 1,2,3-Benzenetriol, 9CI B-22  / B-24

C6H6O2 110.112 1,2,3-Tri-Me ether, 5-O-[b-D- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Needles (H2O). Sol. MeOH. Mp 1728. apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- 1, 1173A (ir)
Bp730 2858. pKa1 9.91; pKa2 11.56 (208). glucopyranoside]: [87562-76-3] Kelam- Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Spectra , 1992, 2, 415A (nmr)
Log P 0.81 (calc). Component of Artra payoside A Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
and Solaquin lmax 227 ; 295 (MeOH) C20H30O13 478.449 1989, 3, 1089A (ir)
(Berdy). lmax 250 (e 204) (CHCl3) (Berdy). Isol. from Cinnamomum cassia (Chinese Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 1 , 1932, 504 (synth, bibl)
-Fl. p. 1658, autoignition temp. 5158. Eye cinnamon). Amorph. powder; needles Adv. Chem. Ser. , 1955, 15, 325 (props)
irritant. Prolonged or repeated exposure (as hexa-Ac). Mp 132-1348 (hexa-Ac). Lawesson, S.-O. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. ,
can cause corneal pigmentation and other [a]25
D -99.8 (c, 0.5 in MeOH) (-81.7). lmax 1966, 20, 2325 (ms)
damage to the eyes. Repeated skin contact 205 (e 42660); 225 (e 12300); 275 (e Wagner, A.W. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1966, 99, 375
3800) (MeOH). (synth)
produces irritation; sensitisation, Jenden, D.L. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1968, 40, 125;
dermatitis, and depigmentation. LD50 (rat, 1,2,3-Tri-Me ether, 5-Ac: [17742-46-0] 1972, 44, 1879 (use)
orl) 320 mg/kg. OES: long-term 2 mg m-3; C11H14O5 226.229 Jones, I.W. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1973, 1125
short-term 4 mg m-3. Exp. carcinogen. Constit. of Eucalyptus globulus (uv)
MX3500000 (Tasmanian blue gum). Cryst. (MeOH Overman, L.E. et al., Synthesis, 1974, 59 (synth)
Mono-Et ether: [622-62-8] 4-Ethoxyphenol. aq.). Mp 748. Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic
Synthesis, Wiley, 1977, 6, 585; 1984, 11, 57;
FEMA 3695 1,3,5-Tri-Me ether, Ac: [30225-90-2] 1982, 10, 281; 1988, 13, 297; 1981, 9, 312;
C8H10O2 138.166 C11H14O5 226.229 1988, 13, 312; 1992, 16, 327; 1979, 7, 367;
Isol. from Chinese star anise oil (Illicium Constit. of Eucalyptus globulus 1982, 10, 399; 1980, 8, 420; 1981, 9, 447; 465;
verum ). Food flavourant. Leaflets (Tasmanian blue gum). Cryst. (EtOH 1986, 12, 485; 505; 545 (use)
(H2O) with sweet herbaceous odour. Sl. aq.). Mp 1008. Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
sol. H2O; sol. C6H6, Me2CO, EtOAc, edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
[67173-66-4, 68944-24-1, 87562-77-4, 108543-42- 2, 53
EtOH. Mp 66-678. Bp 2468 Bp 246- 6]
2478. pKa1 10.13 (258). Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
-SL3790000 Hattori, S. et al., Acta Phytochim. , 1931, 5, 219; Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 248-249
CA , 26, 1282 (deriv) Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive
[1122-95-8, 3225-30-7] Hue, R. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1970, 3617 Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, (synth, derivs) 1990, 2200
Nonaka, G. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1982, Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical
1, 1079A; 1079B; 1079D; 1107D; 1169B (ir)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 30, 2061 (Trimethoxyphenyl galloylglucoside) Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of
Sargent, M.V. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1982, 403 Chemistry, 1992, 110
Spectra , 1992, 2, 254B; 255A; 255C; 304C;
411C; 1289B (nmr) (synth, 1,3,5-tri-Me) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen Miyamura, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
215 (Trimethoxyphenyl Reinhold , 1992, PFL850
der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn.,
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, nos. 203; 205; apiofuranosylglucoside)
208 Shimomura, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 1,2,3-Benzenetriol, 9CI B-24
Tashiro, M. et al., Synthesis, 1979, 988-989 644 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Otsuka, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, 883; [87-66-1]
(monoethers, synth, ir)
1990, 29, 3823 (Leonuriside A) Pyrogallol, 8CI. 1,2,3-Trihydroxybenzene.
Fuchino, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1995, Pyrogallic acid
43, 1937 (tri-Me apiosylglucoside)
1,2,3,5-Benzenetetrol, 9CI, B-22 Kitagawa, I. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1996,
8CI 44, 1162-1167 (Kelampayosides) OH
Santos, G.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 44, OH
1309 (isol, derivs) 6 1 2
1,2,3,5-Tetrahydroxybenzene Sugaya, K. et al., CA , 1999, 130, 279238e 5 4 3
(Leonuriside A)
Duynstee, H.I. et al., Tetrahedron , 1999, 55,
OH 9881-9898 (Kelampayosides, synth)
C6H6O3 126.112
Plates or needles. V. sol. H2O, EtOH,
Et2O; sl. sol. CHCl3, C6H6. Mp 133-1348.
Benzenethiol, 9CI B-23
Bp 3098 Bp12 171.58. pKa1 9.28; pKa2 11.34
C6H6O4 142.111 [108-98-5] (208, m = 0.1). Bitter taste. Readily absorbs
Needles (H2O). Mp 168-1708 (1658). Thiophenol. Phenyl mercaptan. Mercapto- O2 lmax 244 ; 267 ; 275 (MeOH) (Berdy).
1,3-Di-Me ether, 2-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: benzene. FEMA 3616 -Stains skin and hair black. Skin and eye
[121748-12-7] 4-Hydroxy-2,6-dimethox- PhSH irritant. Skin absorption can cause
yphenyl glucoside. Leonuriside A C6H6S 110.179 methaemoglobinaemia, haemolysis and
C14H20O9 332.307 Flavouring agent. Liq. with penetrating kidney damage. LD50 (mus, orl) 300 mg/
Constit. of Coix lachryma-jobi (Job’s odour. d20 25
4 1.08 d4 1.97. Fp -14.8. Bp kg. Exp. reprod. and teratogenic effects.
tears) and Prunus sp.. Needles (Me2CO 169.58 Bp30 778. n20D 1.5893. UX2800000
aq.). Mp 232-2348. [a]25
D -44.4 (c, 0.2 in -Violent explosion has resulted during prep. 1,3-Di-Me ether: [91-10-1] 2,6-Dimethox-
Me2CO/MeOH). from benzenediazonium chloride. yphenol. Syringol. FEMA 3137
1,2,3-Tri-Me ether, 5-O-b-D- Flammable, fl. p. / B 218. Severe eye C8H10O3 154.165
glucopyranoside: [41514-64-1] irritant . Can cause dermatitis. Inhalation Isol. from maople syrup. Flavouring
C15H22O9 346.333 may cause headache and dizziness. LD50 ingredient. Spar. sol. H2O; sol. EtOH,
Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- (rat, orl) 46 mg/kg. LD50 (rat, skn) 300 Et2O. Mp 55-568. Bp 262-2678.
bark tree). Needles (Et2O/MeOH). Mp mg/kg. LC50 (rat, ihl) 33 ppm (4h -SL0900000
201-2038. [a]20
D -22.3 (c, 0.38 in MeOH). exposure). OES: long-term 0.5 ppm. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
1,2,3-Tri-Me ether, 5-O-[2,6-bis(3,4,5- DC0525000 1, 1046D; 1081C; 1083D; 1101C; 1103D (ir)
trihydroxybenzoyl)-b-D- Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
S-Me: Methyl phenyl sulfide, M-291
glucopyranoside]: [125288-23-5] 3,4,5- Spectra , 1992, 2, 193A; 258A; 261C; 295C;
S-Et: See Ethyl phenyl sulfide in The 299A (nmr)
Trimethoxyphenyl 2,6-digalloylglucoside Combined Chemical Dictionary. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
C29H30O17 650.546 1989, 3, 975C; 1014A; 1017A; 1037D; 1038D
Isol. from Psidium guajava (guava). S-tert-Butyl: See tert -Butyl phenyl sulfide
Needles + 3H2O (H2O). Mp 269-2718. in The Combined Chemical Dictionary.
Shipchandler, M.T. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1975,
D -33.5 (c, 0.5 in Me2CO). [930-69-8, 3111-52-2, 13133-62-5] 1400 (synth)

1,3,5-Benzenetriol, 9CI  / Benzoic acid, 9CI, USAN B-25 
/ B-31

Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn., 1,2-Benzisothiazolinone. 2-Thiobenzimide. Benzofuran, 9CI B-29
Wiley, 1978, 18, 670 (rev) Proxel
Ollis, W.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17,
1383; 1401 (isol, 3-Methoxy-1,2-benzenediol, Coumarone. Benzo[b]furan. Benzofurfur-
2,3-Dimethoxyphenol) O an. 1-Oxaindene. 1-Oxindene
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
2, 171 (2,3-di-Me ether)
NH 4
5 3
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. S 6 1
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 842-843 O
(2,3-di-Me ether) C7H5NOS 151.189
Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical Industrial biocide. Present in can-end C8H6O 118.135
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of cements. Needles (EtOH aq.). Mp 157-
Chemistry, 1992, 1088
Maillard prod. present in roasted coffee
1588. aroma. Constit. of Coix lachryma-jobi
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
-DE4620000 (Job’s tears) and Gentiana lutea (yellow
Reinhold , 1992, DOJ200; PPQ500 S-Oxide: [14599-38-3] gentian). Oil. d15
15 1.08. Bp735 166.5-1688
C7H5NO2S 167.188 Bp80 97.5-998. Steam-volatile. Stable to
Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 157-1588. alkalis, polymerised by H2SO4.
1,3,5-Benzenetriol, 9CI B-25
S,S-Dioxide: Saccharin, S-2 -LD50 (mus, ipr) 500 mg/kg. DF6423800
[108-73-6] McKibben, M. et al., J.C.S. , 1923, 170 (synth) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
1,3,5-Trihydroxybenzene. Phloroglucinol. Reissert, A. et al., Ber. , 1928, 61, 1680 (props) 2, 683B (ir)
Phloroglucin. Dilospan S. Spasfon-Lyoc Cavalca, L. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1970, 100, Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
629 (cryst struct) Spectra , 1992, 3, 168C (nmr)
C6H6O3 126.112 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Feichtinger, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1971, 104,
Leaflets or plates + 2H2O (H2O). Mod. 1697 (synth) 1989, 3, 1505A (ir)
sol. H2O; sol. EtOH, Et2O, Py, Me2CO. Davis, M. et al., Adv. Heterocycl. Chem. , 1972, Badger, G.M. et al., J.C.S. , 1956, 3438 (uv)
Mp 1178 (dihydrate) Mp 217-2198 (an- 14, 43 (rev) Black, P.J. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1965, 18, 353
hyd.) (rapid heat) Mp 200-2098 (slow Japan. Pat. , 1978, 78 37 862; CA , 90, 121580 (pmr)
heat). pKa1 7.97; pKa2 9.23 (208). Log P (synth) Org. Synth. , 1966, 46, 28 (synth, uv)
0.14 (calc). Forms polymers with alde- Szabó, J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1988, 44, 2985 Appleton, R.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1971, 10,
(oxide, synth, cmr, pmr, ir) 447-449 (isol)
hydes and with diamines; no coml. im-
Platzer, N. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1974, 905
portance. (cmr)
-Skin and eye irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 5200 Cagniant, P. et al., Adv. Heterocycl. Chem. ,
mg/kg. Exp. reprod. effects. SY1050000 1,4-Benzodioxin-2(3H )-one B-27 1975, 18, 337 (rev)
O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [28217-60-9] Kuster, T. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1978, 61,
1017 (ms)
C12H16O8 288.254 O Audit, M. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1983, 21,
698 (pmr)
Isol. from thyme (Thymus vulgaris ) and Fraser, R.R. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1985, 63,
from citrus fruit. Proposed marker for O 3505 (cmr)
adulteration of orange juice with peel. Kreher, R.P. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1991, 124, 645
Cryst. Mp 231-2338. [a]22 D -74.58. C8H6O3 150.134
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
O-[3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzoyl-(/ 0 6)-b-D- Patented as food aroma and flavour Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
glucopyranoside]: [94356-21-5] 3,5-Di- enhancer. Yellow-white solid. Mp 558. A Reinhold , 1992, BCK250
hydroxyphenyl 1-O-(6-O-galloyl-b-D- synthesis giving a Mp of 1358 was
glucopyranoside) erroneous.
C19H20O12 440.36 2-Benzofurancarboxaldehyde, B-30
Sampson, P. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1994, 31, 1011 9CI
Isol. from commercial rhubarb (Rheum
(synth, pmr, cmr, bibl)
spp.). Needles + 1H2O (H2O). Mp 168- [4265-16-1]
1698. [a]25
D -41.2 (c, 0.59 in MeOH). 2-Formylbenzofuran. FEMA 3128
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Benzofenap, BSI B-28 4 3
1, 1050B; 1085C; 1106D (ir) [82692-44-2] 6 2 CHO
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 4-(2,4-Dichloro-3-methylbenzoyl)-1,3-di- 7
Spectra , 1992, 2, 202B; 264A; 303B (nmr) methyl-5-[(4-methylbenzoyl)methoxy]-
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , 1H-pyrazole. 2-[4-(2,4-Dichloro-m-to- C9H6O2 146.145
1989, 3, 982A; 1018D; 1040D (ir)
luoyl)-1,3-dimethylpyrazol-5-yloxy]-4?- Flavouring ingredient. Bp1 135-1458.
Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 1 , 1932, 455 (synth)
Arison, B.H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1963, 85, 627 (pmr, methylacetophenone. Yukawide. MY 71 Robba, M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1977, 142
derivs) (synth, pmr)
McKillop, A. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1974, 4, H 3C Cl Shiotani, S. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1991, 28, 1469
35 (synth) (cmr)
Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn., Cl CO Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
Wiley, 1978, 18, 684 (rev, props, tox) CH 3 edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
Kashiwada, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984, 2, 280
32, 3461 (6-galloylglucoside) N Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Highet, R.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1988, 53, 2843 H 3C COCH 2O N Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 249
(tautom, props)
Laurence, M.-M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , Me
1998, 46, 4193-4197 (Phlorin) Benzoic acid, 9CI, USAN B-31
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of C22H20Cl2N2O3 431.317 [65-85-0]
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Herbicide used on rice. Solid. Mp 133.1- Benzenecarboxylic acid. E210. FEMA
Reinhold , 1992, PGR000; TKY250 133.58. 2131
Japan. Pat. , 1986, 61 103 872, (Mitsubishi ); CA , PhCOOH
1,2-Benzisothiazol-3(2H )-one, B-26 105, 226552 (synth)
Ikeda, K. et al., Jpn. Pestic. Inf. , 1991, 59, 16
C7H6O2 122.123
9CI (props) For salts see Benzoic acid salts, B-32.
[2634-33-5] Pesticide Manual, 11th edn. , 1997, No. 66 (use) Widespread in plants esp. in essential

Benzoic acid salts / Benzoin, 8CI B-32 / B-33

oils and fruits, mostly in esterified form. Benzyl ester: [120-51-4] Benzyl benzoate, Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Also present in butter, cooked meats, USAN. Ascabin. Benylate. Vanzoate. Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
pork fat, white wine, black and green FEMA 2138. Many other names Reinhold , 1992, BBV250; BCM000; EGR000;
IOD000; SFB000; BCQ250; BQK250;
tea, mushroom and Bourbon vanilla. C14H12O2 212.248 BDM500; BCL750; MHA750; PKW760
Used in foodstuffs as antimicrobial and Contained in Peru balsam and Tolu
flavouring agent and as preservative. In balsam. Isol. from other plants e.g.
practical food preservation, the Na salt Jasminum spp., ylang-ylang oil. Used in Benzoic acid salts B-32
of benzoic acid is the most widely used food flavouring. Leaflets with balsamic/ Benzoates
form (see, Na salt). The antimicrobial almond flavour and sharp, pungent Salts of Benzoic acid, B-31.
activity comprises a wide range of flavour. d18 1.11. Mp 218 (19.58). Bp Na salt: [532-32-1] Sodium benzoate. E211.
microorganisms, particularly yeasts and 323-3248 (316-3178) Bp0.1 80-828. Log P FEMA 3025
moulds. Undissociated benzoic acid is 3.88 (uncertain value) (calc). Spar. C7H5NaO2 144.105
more effective than dissociated, thus the steam-volatile. Antimicrobial preservative in foods, e.g.
preservative action is more efficient in -Fl. p. 1488, autoignition temp. 4808. Eye, margarine and artificially sweetened
acidic foodstuffs. Typical usage levels mucous membrane, and possible skin fruit preserves. Flavouring agent and
are 500-2000 ppm. Leaflets or needles irritant. Hypersensitivity reactions adjuvant. Powder or flakes.
(H2O). Sol. MeOH, C6H6; fairly sol. reported. LD50 (rat, orl) 500 mg/kg. -DH6650000
hexane; v. spar. sol. H2O. Mp 1228. Bp DG4200000
K salt: [582-25-2] Potassium benzoate.
2498 Bp10 1338. Log P 1.88 (calc). [766-76-7, 1079-02-3, 8000-95-1, 43019-90-5] E212
Steam-volatile lmax 228 (E1%/1cm 728); C7H5KO2 160.214
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
273 (E1%/1cm 93.2); 300 (E1%/1cm Preservative for margarines and wines.
2, 186A; 271B; 291B; 291C; 292D; 340A;
46.8) (MeOH) (Berdy). 340B; 340C; 380D (ir) Cryst. +3H2O.
-Fl. p. 1218, autoignition temp. 5708. Eye, Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
skin and mucous membrane irritant. NH4 salt: [1863-63-4] Ammonium benzo-
Spectra , 1992, 2, 1063B; 1199A; 1240A;
Hypersensitivity reactions reported. Low 1240B; 1241A; 1241B; 1244A; 1337C; 1411A
ate. Vulnoc AB
systemic toxicity. Detoxification in (nmr) C7H9NO2 139.154
humans occurs by conjugation with amino Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Preservative. d 1.26. Mp 1988. Under-
acids (mainly glycine resulting in hippuric 1989, 3, 181D; 1322C; 1357D; 1358A; 1358B; goes conversion to ammonium hydro-
acid). DG0875000 1358C; 1360A; 1389D; 1390A; 1390B (ir) gen benzoate on crystallisation from hot
Jesson, J.P. et al., Proc. R. Soc. London, A , 1962, H2O or on prolonged storage in the
Me ester: [93-58-3] Methyl benzoate. 268, 68-78 (Raman) solid state.
FEMA 2683 Beynon, J.H. et al., Z. Naturforsch., A , 1965,
C8H8O2 136.15 20, 883-887 (ms) Ca(II) salt: [2090-05-3] Calcium benzoate.
Present in various flower oils, banana, Evans, H.B. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1968, 72, E213
cherry, pimento berry, ceriman (Mon- 2552-2562 (pmr) C14H10CaO4 282.309
stera deliciosa ), clove bud and stem, Morris, W.W. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. , Preservative, used in margarine.
1973, 56, 1037-1064 (Me ester, Et ester, ir) U.S. Pat. , 1929, 1 704 636; CA , 23, 19096 (NH4
mustard, coffee, black tea, dill, starfruit
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , salt, synth)
and cherimoya (Annona cherimola ). 1979, 17, 715-722 (rev, tox)
Used in flavourings. Liq. with fruity Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 2nd edn.,
Ullmann’s Encycl. Ind. Chem. , 5th Ed, VCH, Wiley, 1963, 3, 433 (NH4 salt, use, props)
odour. d2525 1.09. Fp -12.3. Bp 199.68 Weinheim, 1985, A3, 555 (rev) Adams, S.K. et al., Inorg. Chim. Acta , 1975, 12,
Bp24 96-988. Cook, I.B. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1989, 42, 1493- 163-166 (ms, ir)
-Fl. p. 838. Skin and eye irritant. LD50 (rat, 1518 (cmr) Oxton, I.A. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1977, 55,
orl) 1350 mg/kg. DH3850000 Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , 3831-3837 (NH4 salt, pmr, stability)
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New Czech. Pat. , 1982, 225 768; CA , 104, 68601t (Ca
Et ester: [93-89-0] Ethyl benzoate. FEMA York, 1989, BCL750; BCM000; EGR000;
2422 salt, synth)
MHA500 Lewandowski, W. et al., Can. J. Spectrosc. ,
C9H10O2 150.177 Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn., 1987, 32, 41-45 (synth, ir)
Found in various fruits, e.g. apple, Wiley, 1991, 4, 103 (rev) Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
banana, sweet cherry. Also present in Tremblay, G.C. et al., Pharmacol. Ther. , 1993, Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
milk, butter, wines, black tea, bourbon 60, 63-90 (rev, pharmacol, tox) York, 1989, 107 (Ca salt, use, props)
vanilla and fruit brandies. Flavouring Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
agent. Liq. with aromatic/fruity odour. edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical
4 1.04. Fp -34. Bp 212.98 Bp10 87.28.
1, 727 (Na salt)
Press, 1994, 32-34; 38-39; 433-435 Merck Index, 12th edn. , 1996, No. 521 (NH4
D 1.5045. Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn.,
-Fl. p. 888, autoignition temp. 4908. Skin salt, props, bibl)
Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1118; 1431 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
and eye irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 2100 mg/ Merck Index, 12th edn. , 1996, No. 1122; No. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 370-371;
kg. DH0200000 1123; No. 1162; No. 3814; No. 6104 (derivs) 2281-2282; 2527-2529 (salts)
Propyl ester: [2315-68-6] Propyl benzoate. Lúck, E. et al., Antimicrobial Food Additives:
FEMA 2931 Characteristics, Uses, Effects , 2nd edn.,
Springer-Verlag, 1997, 174 (rev) Benzoin, 8CI B-33
C10H12O2 164.204 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Present in cherry and clove stem, also in Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 249; 263; [119-53-9]
butter. Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with 951; 1485; 1718; 2281; 2340; 2527 (occur, 2-Hydroxy-1,2-diphenylethanone, 9CI. a-
balsamic, nutty odour and sweet fruity- props, esters) Hydroxybenzyl phenyl ketone. Benzoylphe-
nutty flavour. d1515 1.03. Fp -51–52. Bp Indrayanto, G. et al., Anal. Profiles Drug nylcarbinol. 2-Hydroxy-2-phenylacetophe-
2308. n20
D 1.5100. Subst. , 1999, 26, 1-46 (rev) none. FEMA 2132
Sato, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1999, 72,
Isopropyl ester: [939-48-0] Isopropyl 2287-2306 (synth, pmr, cmr)
benzoate. FEMA 2932 Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive COPh
C10H12O2 164.204 Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths ,
Present in feijoa fruit (Feijoa sellowi- 1990, 2511 H C OH (R)-form
ana ), apple, pear, cocoa and honey. Chemical Hazards of the Workplace, 3rd edn.,
Flavouring ingredient. d15 15 1.02. Bp 218- (eds. Proctor, N.H. et al ), Van Nostrand Ph
2198. Reinhold , 1991, 107
-Fl. p. 89/998. Skin and eye irritant. LD50 Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical C14H12O2 212.248
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of For enol form see 1,2-Diphenyl-1,2-
(rat, orl) 3730 mg/kg. DH3150000
Chemistry, 1992, 117 ethenediol in The Combined Chemical
2-Propenyl ester: 2-Propen-1-ol, P-488

Benzophenone, 8CI  / 4H -1-Benzopyran-4-one, 9CI B-34  / B-36

-LD50 (rat, orl) 10,000 mg/kg. DI1590000 Zadel, G. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1992, Ziegler, T. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1987, 120, 373
(R )-form [5928-66-5] 31, 1035 (synth) (synth)
Needles. Mp 131-132.58. [a]12D -117.5
Zhao, D. et al., Synthesis , 1994, 915 (synth) Sato, K. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1987, 1753
(Me2CO). Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd (synth)
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Ullmann’s Encycl. Ind. Chem. , 5th Ed., VCH,
(S )-form [5928-67-6]
2, 54 Weinheim, 1988, A11, 208 (rev)
Needles. Mp 131-132.58. [a]25D +118.4 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
(Me2CO). Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 254-255 Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
(/9)-form [579-44-2] Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of York, 1989, CNV000
Flavouring ingredient. Prisms (EtOH) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Nyquist, R.A. et al., Appl. Spectrosc. , 1990, 44,
with vanilla taste. Insol. H2O; sol. Reinhold , 1992, BCS250 791 (ir)
Me2CO, hot EtOH. Mp 133-1348. Bp768 Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn.,
3448 Bp12 1948. Wiley, 1991, 7, 647 (rev)
Zhou, C. et al., Yingyong Huaxue , 1992, 9, 79;
[441-38-3, 574-06-1, 1459-20-7, 8050-35-9, 2H -1-Benzopyran-2-one, 9CI B-35 CA , 117, 131020 (synth)
57794-28-2] [91-64-5] Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Coumarin. Coumarinic anhydride. a-Ben- edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1358
2, 37B; 37C; 38B; 38C (ir) zopyrone. Cumarin Sigma-Aldrich Library of Stains, Dyes and
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Indicators, 224
Spectra , 1992, 2, 852C; 853A; 853C; 854A Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
(nmr) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Reinhold , 1992, CNV000
1989, 3, 1257C (ir)
Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 1 , 1932, 94 (synth) O O
Watson, M.B. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) ,
1954, 658 (abs config) C9H6O2 146.145
4H -1-Benzopyran-4-one, 9CI B-36
Kenyon, J. et al., J.C.S. , 1965, 435 (resoln) Occurs in sweet clover. Banned by FDA
Kreiser, W. et al., Annalen , 1971, 745, 164 for use in food. Rhombic cryst. Sol. [491-38-3]
(synth) EtOH, MeOH, Et2O; poorly sol. H2O. Mp Chromone. Benz-g-pyrone. Benzopyrone
Couvert, O. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. 708. Bp 2918. Log P 1.41 (calc). Hydrol. by
Sci. Ser. C , 1972, 274, 296 (pmr)
C9H6O2 146.145
hot conc. alkalis lmax 273 (e 10960); 307 (e Isol from Ye Hao (Carum carvi ). Needles
Ohgo, Y. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1974, 1327 (synth)
Kudo, T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1975, 48, 5623) (MeOH) (Berdy). (H2O or petrol). Mp 598. Sublimes. Steam-
2969 -LD50 (rat, orl) 293 kg/kg. Exp. hepatotoxic volatile.
Hakimelahi, G.H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , with species differences between rodent/ -LD50 (mus, ipr) 91 mg/kg. GB7887000
1977, 60, 342 (synth) primate. Exp. teratogen. GN4200000
Haisa, M. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1980, 36, 2832
Hydrazone: [5841-34-9] Mp 101-1028.
(cryst struct)
Merck Index, 11th edn. , 1989, 1103 Yellow cryst. (MeOH). Mp 85-868. Hydrobromide:
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd Semicarbazone: Mp 1758 (sinters at 1698).
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Light yellow cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 218- Oxime: [61348-46-7]
2, 54 2208.
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. C9H7NO2 161.16
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 252 Di-Et acetal: [33871-81-7] 2,2-Diethoxy- Cryst. Mp 1308 (1278).
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 2H-1-benzopyran Phenylhydrazone: [34810-68-9]
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand C13H16O3 220.268 Pale yellow cryst. (MeOH). Mp 1128
Reinhold , 1992, BCP250; MHE000; BCP500 Liq. Bp10 134-1368 Bp0.5 1048. Hydrol. (108-1098).
to 2H -1-Benzopyran-2-one, B-35.
Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra, 2nd edn. , 1983,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, 2, 95D (nmr)
2, 322B (ir) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Benzophenone, 8CI B-34 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 2, 93C (ir)
[119-61-9] Spectra , 1992, 2, 1311B (nmr) Schönberg, A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1950, 72, 3396-
Diphenylmethanone, 9CI. Diphenyl ketone. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , 3399 (synth)
Phenyl ketone. FEMA 2134 1989, 3, 1386C (ir) Badawi, M.M. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) ,
May, P. et al., Perfum. Essent. Oil Res. , 1925, 1966, 498-499 (ms)
PhCOPh 16, 45; CA , 19, 1471 (synth) Badawi, M.M. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1967, 5,
C13H10O 182.221 Dean, F.M. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat. Prod. , 93-96 (nmr)
Present in grapes. Flavouring agent. 1952, 9, 225 (rev) Kostka, K. et al., Chem. Anal. (Warsaw) , 1969,
Rhombic prisms (stable form), monoclinic Stoker, J.R. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1962, 237, 14, 1145; CA , 72, 128486n (use)
2303 (biosynth)
prisms (labile form). Insol. H2O. d18
4 1.11.
Griffiths, P.J.F. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A ,
Barnes, C.S. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1964, 17, 975 1972, 28, 707-713 (uv)
Mp 48.5-498 (stable form) Mp 268 (labile (ms)
form). Bp100 2248 Bp10 157.68. Ellis, G.P. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1981, 2557-
Sheinker, Yu.N. et al., Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 2560 (cmr)
-LD50 (mus, orl) 2895 mg/kg. DI9950000 Ser. Khim. , 1964, 158, 1352 (pmr) Shanker, Ch.G. et al., Synthesis, 1983, 310-311
Abernethy, J.L. et al., J. Chem. Educ. , 1969, 46, (synth)
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Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen 4222 (oxime)
1, 1264D; 2, 58A (ir) der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn., Baba, K. et al., Shokubutsugaku Zasshi , 1989,
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 1318 216-221; CA , 112, 240358 (occur)
Spectra , 1992, 2, 884C (nmr) (occur) Aléman, C. et al., J.O.C. , 1999, 64, 1768-1769
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Adv. Chem. Ser. , 1955, 15, 354 (props) Subbotin, O.A. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1975,
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Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , IARC Monog. , 1976, 10, 113; Suppl. , 7, 61 (rev,
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Grimaud, M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1974, Chan, K.K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1977, 33, 899
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Loletta, M. et al., Inorg. Chim. Acta , 1977, 24, Duddeck, H. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1982,
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Abraham, R.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1988, Abu-Eittah, R.H. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1985,
1429 (conformn) 63, 1173 (uv)

Benzosimuline  / Benzyl acetate B-37  / B-43

Benzosimuline B-37 Bordwell, F.G. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1991, 113, 985 (Berdy).
(deriv, synth) -LD50 (rat, orl) 700 mg/kg. LD50 (mus, orl)
[198336-58-2] Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 554 mg/kg. DM4905000
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, BDE500 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
2, 698A (ir)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
O 2(3H )-Benzothiazolethione, B-39 Spectra , 1992, 3, 198A (nmr)
9CI Sandmeyer, T. et al., Ber. , 1886, 19, 564 (synth)
CH3 Williams, R.T. et al., Biochem. J. , 1947, 41, 1
[149-30-4] (synth)
2-Benzothiazolethiol. 2-Mercaptoben- Hutchins, J.E.C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1973, 95, 2282
N O zothiazole. 2-Benzothiazolinethione. Accel- (uv)
Me erator M. Accel M. Pneumax MBT. Llinares, J. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1979, 57, 937
Thiotax (cmr, tautom)
C20H19NO2 305.376 Maleski, R.J. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1991, 28,
Alkaloid from the bark of Zanthoxylum 1937 (synth)
H Press, J.B. et al., J.O.C. , 1992, 57, 6335 (synth)
simulans (Szechuan pepper). Oil. lmax 210 N N Patonay, T. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1994, 24,
(log e 4.19); 233 (log e 4.42); 250 (sh) (log e S SH 2507 (synth)
4.05); 268 (log e 3.95); 310 (sh) (log e 3.74); S S Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
320 (sh) (log e 3.79); 331 (log e 3.86); 346 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
(log e 3.94); 365 (log e 3.81) (EtOH). C7H5NS2 167.255 Reinhold , 1992, BDJ000
Chen, I.-S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 46, 525- NH -form predominates. Constit. of
529 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr) cranberries. Needles (MeOH aq.). Spar. 2-O -Benzoylglucose B-41
sol. EtOH, Et2O, AcOH; insol. H2O;
Benzothiazole, 9CI B-38 sol. alkalis. Mp 177-1798. Readily
oxidised to the disulfide. CH2OH
[95-16-9] -LD50 (rat, orl) 100 mg/kg. Exp. O
carcinogen. Exp. reprod. and teratogenic α-D-Pyranose-form
N effects. DL6475000 OH
4 3
6 1 [155-04-4, 2492-26-4, 37437-20-0]
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
2, 701D (ir)
C7H5NS 135.189 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR C13H16O7 284.265
Isol. from cranberries. Sol. EtOH, CS2, v. Spectra , 1992, 3, 204B; 204C (nmr) D-form [63029-01-6]
spar. sol. H2O. Bp 223-2258 Bp25 119-1208. Jacobson, P. et al., Ber. , 1891, 24, 1403 Constit. of Vaccinium vitis-idaea
pKa 1.2 (H2O). Steam-volatile. Rassow, B. et al., Chem. Zentralbl. , 1916, 2, 394 (cowberry) and Vaccinium macrocarpon
-Fl. p. 1128. LD50 (rat, orl) 466 mg/kg; Welcher, J.F. et al., Organic Analytical Reagents ,
Van Nostrand, N.Y., 1948, 4, 109 (use)
LD50 (mus, orl) 900 mg/kg. DL0875000 a-D-Pyranose-form [80358-04-9]
Morgan, K.I. et al., J.C.S. , 1958, 854-858 (uv)
Picrate: Chesick, J.P. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1971, 27, 1441 Chaudhuri, R.K. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1981,
Mp 1768. (cryst struct) 64, 2401-2404 (isol, pmr, cmr)
N-Oxide: [27655-38-5] DeJongh, D.C. et al., Adv. Mass Spectrom. , Heimhuber, B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29,
1974, 6, 99 (ms) 2726-2727 (isol, synth, nmr)
C7H5NOS 151.189
Fries, J. et al., Organic Reagents for Trace
Prisms + 1H2O (MeOAc or Et2O). Mp Analysis , E. Merck, Darmstadt, 1977, 302
45-488. (use) 6-O -Benzoylglucose B-42
Methiodide: [2786-31-4] Uher, M. et al., Chem. Zvesti , 1978, 32, 486; Glucose 6-benzoate, 9CI. Vacciniin
Needles. Mp 2108. CA , 90, 167746 (tautom)
Faure, R. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1978, 11,
N-Et: See 3-Ethylbenzothiazolium(1+) in 617 (cmr, tautom)
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2, 699C (ir) Radha, A. et al., Z. Kristallogr., Kristallgeom.,
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1989, 3, 1511A (ir) 4848 (isol)
Reid, W. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim, Ger.) , Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of C13H16O7 284.265
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Ellis, B. et al., Spectrochim. Acta , 1965, 21, 1881 Reinhold , 1992, BDF000; SIG500; BHA750 Isol. from Vaccinium sp. (red
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Anjou, K. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1967, 21,
2076-2082 (isol) 2-Benzoxazolol B-40 Amorph., cryst. hydrate (Me2CO). Mp
Takahashi, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1970, [59-49-4] 104-1068. [a]D +48 (EtOH).
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4 N N 2726 (isol, synth, pmr)
Diehl, P. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1976, 8, 155 5 3
6 2 OH 3
2 O
(pmr) 7 1
Faure, R. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1978, 56, 46 O O
Benzyl acetate B-43
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic C7H5NO2 135.122 [140-11-4]
Synthesis, Wiley, 1980, 8, 274; 15, 20 (use) FEMA 2135
Angelelli, J.M. et al., Spectrosc. Lett. , 1980, 13,
Tautomeric. NH -form predominates.
Found in rye seedlings. Sol. bases, Et2O; H3CCOOCH2Ph
741 (ir)
Bakke, J.M. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , 1983, 9, 513 fairly sol. H2O; poorly sol. hexane. Mp C9H10O2 150.177
Bieräugel, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1983, 39, 3971 141-1428. pKa1 8.9 (238). lmax 270 Occurs in jasmine, apple, cherry, guava
(synth) (H2O) (Berdy). lmax 275 (EtOH) fruit and peel, wine grape, white wine, tea,

Benzyl alcohol, BAN, INN, USAN  / Benzyl glucosinolate B-44  / B-48

plum, cooked rice, Bourbon vanilla, nar- (EtOH). Mp 188-1898. [a]20 D -71.2 (c, 1 in C11H16O 164.247
anjilea fruit (Solanum quitoense ), Chinese H2O). Constit. of the aroma of roasted cashew
cabbage and quince. Flavouring agent. O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- and some edible mushrooms. Flavouring
Liq. with jasmine odour and bitter, glucopyranoside]: [56775-64-5] Benzyl agent. d20 20
4 0.92. Bp15 95-978 Bp10 928. nD
pungent taste. d25
25 1.05. Bp 215.5-2168 gentiobioside 1.4833.
Bp102 1348. n25D 1.4994. C19H28O11 432.424 Barluenga, J. et al., Synthesis , 1983, 53 (synth,
-Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 2490 mg/kg. Constit. of tomato cell cultures (Lyco- pmr, cmr)
AF5075000 persicon esculentum Solanaceae). [a]D - Li, J. et al., CA , 1987, 107, 115303w (synth)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, 76.2 (c, 0.01 in H2O). Jayalekshmy, A. et al., ACS Symp. Ser. , 1988,
2, 277A (ir) 409, 355 (occur)
O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- Motoi, M. et al., Polym. J. (Tokyo) , 1989, 21,
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- 987 (synth)
Spectra , 1992, 2, 1201B (nmr)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , glucopyranoside]: [81417-79-0] Zizybeo- Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
1989, 3, 1335C (ir) side II Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 264 (use,
Merker, R.L. et al., J.O.C. , 1961, 26, 5180 C25H38O16 594.566 occur)
(synth) Constit. of dried fruits of Chinese jujube
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , (Zizyphus jujuba ). Needles (MeOH aq.). Benzyl ethyl ether B-46
1973, 11, 875 (rev, tox) Mp 237-2388. [a]26D -39 (c, 1.00 in H2O).
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic [539-30-0]
Synthesis, Wiley, 1981, 9, 82 (use) [20194-18-7] (Ethoxymethyl)benzene, 9CI. Ethyl benzyl
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, ether. FEMA 2144
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New 1, 1121D (ir) PhCH2OEt
York, 1989, BDX000 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Spectra , 1992, 2, 326B (nmr) C9H12O 136.193
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 259-260 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Present in cocoa. Flavouring agent. Liq.
(occur, props) 1989, 3, 1046D (ir) with powerful fruity odour. d20 0.95. Bp
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Truett, W.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1951, 73, 5913 1898 Bp18 788. n20
D 1.4955.
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand (synth)
Reinhold , 1992, McKillop, A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1974, 30, 2467
Adv. Chem. Ser. , 1955, 15, 347 (props)
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic
Adcock, W. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 1498 (cmr)
Synthesis, Wiley, 1967, 1, 1045
Benzyl alcohol, BAN, INN, B-44 Grandi, R. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 1755 (synth)
Brownlee, R.T.C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1968, 90, 1757
USAN Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
[100-51-6] Aplin, R.T. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1969, 47, 1599
2, 60
Benzenemethanol, 9CI. Benzenecarbinol. (ms)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Walling, C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1972, 94, 2007 (pmr)
Hydroxymethylbenzene. a-Hydroxytoluene. Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 267-268
Phenylcarbinol. Phenylmethanol. Peruvin$. Sax, N.I. et al., Dangerous Properties of
der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn.,
FEMA 2137 Industrial Materials, 5th edn., Van Nostrand
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 248
Reinhold , 1979, 411
PhCH2OH (occur)
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
C7H8O 108.14 1973, 11, 1011 (rev, tox)
Constit. of jasmine and other ethereal oils,
Benzyl formate B-47
Shapiro, M.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 3197 (cmr)
both free and as esters. Also present in Bastaert, G. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. [104-57-4]
cherry, orange juice, mandarin peel oil, Sci. Ser. C , 1980, 290, 193 (uv) Phenylmethyl formate. FEMA 2145
guava fruit, feijoa fruit, pineapple, leek, Okamura, N. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1981, HCOOCH2Ph
cinnamon, cloves, mustard, fermented tea, 29, 3507 (Zizybeoside)
C8H8O2 136.15
basil and red sage. Flavouring ingredient. Williams, P.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22,
2039 (6-arabinofuranosylglucoside) Occurs in essential oils. Present in sour
Liq. Mod. sol. H2O. d20 1.05 d15 15 1.05. Fp - cherry, crowberry, Vaccinium spp. fruits,
Schaefer, T. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1989, 67, 1015
15.2. Bp 205.38 Bp10 938. n20 D 1.5396. pKa (pmr, conformn) coffee, black tea, yellow passion fruit,
15.4 (258). Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , Ocimum basilicum varieties and other
-Fl. p. 93/96/1018, autoignition temp. 4368. Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New foods. Used in perfumery and food fla-
Mixt. with 58% H2SO4 dec. explosively at York, 1989, BDX000; BDX500 vouring. Liq. with fruity odour. Bp 2038
1808. Eye and skin irritant. Ingestion or Guo, W. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. , Bp10 83-848. n20
D 1.5404.
inhalation can cause adverse 1994, 58, 1532 (primeveroside)
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn., Be’hal, M.A. et al., Ann. Chim. (Paris) , 1900,
gastrointestinal and CNS effects. LD50 20, 411 (props)
Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1119
(rat, orl) 1230 mg/kg. DN3150000 De Rosa, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 42, Bredereck, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1954, 87, 726
O-Sulfate:Benzyl sulfate 1031 (6-arabinopyranosylglucoside) (synth)
C7H8O4S 188.204 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Suezawa, H. et al., J. Phys. Org. Chem. , 1993, 6,
Constit. of various plant spp.. Flavour Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 261-262 399 (conformn)
(occur, props) Suri, S.C. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1996, 26,
Boss, B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 50, 219- 1031 (synth, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
O-[a-L-Arabinofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- 225 (Benzyl sulfate) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
glucopyranoside]: [88510-11-6] Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 268-269
C18H26O10 402.397 Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths , (props, occur)
Isol. from wine grapes (Vitis vinifera ). 1990, 2625
Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical
O-[a-L-Arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- Benzyl glucosinolate B-48
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of
glucopyranoside]: Chemistry, 1992, 120; 121 [499-26-3]
C18H26O10 402.397 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 1-Thio-b-D-glucopyranose 1-[N-(sulfoox-
Constit. of tomato cell cultures Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand y)benzenethanimidate], 9CI. Glucotro-
(Lycopersicon esculentum Solanaceae). Reinhold , 1992, BDX500 paeolin. Phenylmethyl glucosinolate
[a]D -39 (c, 0.02 in H2O).
PhCH2C(SGlc)/ . NOSO3H
O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-D-
glucopyranoside]: [130622-31-0] Benzyl
Benzyl butyl ether B-45 C14H19NO9S2 409.437
b-primeveroside [588-67-0] Isol. from seeds of Tropaeolum majus
C18H26O10 402.397 (Butoxymethyl)benzene, 9CI. 1-Benzylox- (garden nasturtium), Lepidium sativum
Aroma precursor from Oolong tea ybutane. a-Butoxytoluene. FEMA 2139 (garden cress) and other crucifers.
leaves (Camellia sinensis ). Cryst. PhCH2OCH2CH2CH2CH3 K salt: [5115-71-9]

Benzyl isothiocyanate / Benzylamine, 8CI B-49  / B-53

Amorph. powder. Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Torisawa, Y. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1990, 29, 1729
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand (synth)
Me4N salt: Reinhold , 1992, BEU250 Olah, G.A. et al., Synthesis , 1994, 277 (synth,
Cryst. Mp 188-1898. [a]28
D -16.7 (H2O). pmr, cmr)
Tetra-Ac: Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
Benzyl methyl disulfide B-50 edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
Cryst. +1H2O (EtOH aq.) (as K salt).
Mp 197-1998 dec. (K salt). [a]25 [699-10-5] 2, 63
D -19 (c,
0.5 in H2O). Methyl phenylmethyl disulfide, 9CI. FEMA Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
3504 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 274
[92761-40-5, 117489-68-6]
Schultz, O.E. et al., Z. Naturforsch., B , 1952, 7,
C8H10S2 170.299
500; 1953, 8, 151 (isol) Benzyl thiocyanate B-52
Schultz, O.E. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim, Present in cocoa and roasted peanut.
Ger.) , 1955, 288, 525 (isol) Flavouring ingredient. Liq. Bp0.2 668. n24
D [3012-37-1]
Ettlinger, M.G. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1957, 79, 1764 1.5996. Phenylmethyl thiocyanate, 9CI. Benzyl
(synth) -JO0400000 rhodanide
Benn, M.H. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1963, 41, Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR PhCH2SCN
2836 (synth) Spectra , 1992, 2, 432A (nmr)
Underhill, E.W. et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. C8H7NS 149.216
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Commun. , 1964, 14, 425 (biosynth) 1989, 3, 1103C (ir)
Isol. from Lepidium sativum (garden cress)
Fenwick, G.R. et al., Biomed. Mass Spectrom. , Armitage, D.A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 680 as a benzyl glucosinolate (see Benzyl
1980, 7, 410; 1981, 8, 265 (ms) (synth) glucosinolate, B-48) degradation prod..
Hanley, A.B. et al., J. Sci. Food Agric. , 1983, 34, Harpp, D.N. et al., J.O.C. , 1979, 44, 4140 Cryst. (petrol). Mp 41-428.
869 (isol) (synth)
Cox, I.J. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1984, 132, 323 -LD50 (mus, scu) 100 mg/kg. XK8155000
Masui, M. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1984, 843 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
(pmr, cmr) (synth) 2, 465A (ir)
Graber, D.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1987, 52, 4620 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
(synth) Spectra , 1992, 2, 1550C (nmr)
Metzner, P. et al., Synthesis , 1994, 761 (synth, Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Benzyl isothiocyanate B-49 pmr, cmr, ms) 1989, 3, 1422B (ir)
[622-78-6] Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd Footner, H.B. et al., J.C.S. , 1925, 127, 2887
(Isothiocyanatomethyl)benzene, 9CI. Phe- edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, (synth)
2, 474
nylmethyl isothiocyanate. Benzyl mustard Gmelin, R. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1959, 13,
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. 1474 (isol)
oil. Tromocaps. Tromalyt active substance. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1723-1724
Urogran Bacon, R.G.R. et al., J.C.S. , 1964, 5594 (synth)
Mravec, D. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
PhCH2NCS Benzyl methyl sulfide, 8CI B-51 1970, 35, 3274 (synth)
C8H7NS 149.216 [766-92-7] Harpp, D.N. et al., Synthesis , 1979, 181 (synth)
Isol. from Tropaeolum majus (garden Hasapis, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21,
[(Methylthio)methyl]benzene, 9CI. 1009 (isol)
nasturtium) and Lepidium sativum (garden FEMA 3597 Renwick, G.R. et al., Crit. Rev. Food Sci. Nutr. ,
cress), also in other plants esp. in the
PhCH2SMe 1983, 18, 123 (glucosinolates, rev)
Cruciferae. Potential nutriceutical. Pale Kagabu, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1991, 39,
yellow oil or orange-red cryst. Mp 418. Bp C8H10S 138.233
784 (synth)
2438 Bp12 125-1268. Log P 3.2 (calc). Flavouring agent. Present in cooked pork. Fujiki, K. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1999, 29,
-Severe irritant. LD50 (mus, scu) 150 mg/kg Liq. with powerful horseradish odour. d20 3289-3294 (synth, ms)
; LD50 (mus, scu) 150 mg/kg. NX8250000 1.03. Bp 199-2018 Bp25 808 Bp4 70-728. n20
D Renard, P.Y. et al., Chem. Eur. J. , 2002, 8, 2910-
1.5632. 2918 (synth, ir, pmr)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Spectra , 1992, 2, 1552C (nmr) S-Oxide: [824-86-2] [(Methylsulfinyl)- Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, methyl]benzene, 9CI. Benzyl methyl Reinhold , 1992, BFL000
2, 465D (ir) sulfoxide
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
C8H10OS 154.232
1989, 3, 1422D (ir)
Hofmann, A.W. et al., Ber. , 1868, 1, 201 (synth) Cryst. (petrol). Mod. sol. H2O, Et2O,
petrol, sol. EtOH, AcOH. Mp 548. Opt. Benzylamine, 8CI B-53
McKay, A.F. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1959, 81, 4328
(synth, props) active forms known. [100-46-9]
Kjaer, A. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1963, 17, S,S-Dioxide: [3112-90-1] [(Methylsulfo- Benzenemethanamine, 9CI. a-Aminoto-
2143 (ms) nyl)methyl]benzene. Benzyl methyl sul- luene. Moringine
Tahahashi, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , PhCH2NH2
fone. DMIT
1963, 36, 108 (pmr)
Daxenbichler, M.E. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , C8H10O2S 170.232 C7H9N 107.155
1964, 12, 127 (occur) Sol. H2O. Mp 1278. Alkaloid from Moringa oleifera (horse-
Martin, D. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1967, Thomson, T. et al., J.C.S. , 1932, 69 (synth, radish tree). d19 20
4 0.98. Bp 1858 Bp12 908. nD
6, 168 dioxide) 1.5401. pKa 8.82 (208, 60% dioxan aq.).
Jochims, J.C. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , Hünig, S. et al., Annalen , 1953, 579, 23 (oxide) Absorbs CO2 from air.
1967, 6, 174 (synth) Doerftel, K. et al., J. Prakt. Chem. , 1970, 312,
-Fl. p. 638. Reacts violently with N -
Weuffen, W. et al., Pharmazie, 1967, 22, 506; 701 (ir)
510; 1968, 23, 579 (props) Russell, G.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1979, 44, 3990 haloimides. Corrosive and irritating to all
Lien, E.J. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1968, 11, 430 (synth) tissues. DP1488500
(props) Youm, J.R. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984, 32, N-Hexadecanoyl: [74058-71-2] N-Benzyl-
Molina, P. et al., Synthesis , 1982, 596 (synth) 2140 (cmr) hexadecanamide. Macamide B
Goerler, K. et al., Xenobiotica , 1982, 12, 535 Luzzio, F.A. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1984, 14, C23H39NO 345.567
(metab) 209 (synth)
Alkaloid from the tubers of Lepidium
Kim, S. et al., J.O.C. , 1986, 51, 2613 (synth) Fujisaki, S. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1985,
Muthusamy, S. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. , 58, 2429 (synth) meyenii (maca). Amorph. solid. lmax
1989, 21, 228 (synth) Langler, R.F. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1987, 65, 208 (log e 4.03) (MeOH).
Pintao, A.M. et al., Planta Med. , 1995, 61, 233 2385 (synth) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
(pharmacol) Comasseto, J.V. et al., J. Organomet. Chem. , 1, 1266B; 1266C; 1274A; 1274C; 1274D;
Hecht, S.S. et al., Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. , 1996, 1987, 334, 329 (synth, pmr) 1275A; 1279B; 2, 366B (ir)
401, 1; 13 (pharmacol, rev) Lu, X. et al., Synthesis , 1987, 66 (synth) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn., Christophersen, C. et al., Biochem. Syst. Ecol. , Spectra , 1992, 2, 565B; 565C; 581B; 582A;
Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1678 1989, 17, 459 (occur) 582B; 582C; 589A; 1385A (nmr)

2-Benzyl-4,5-dimethyl-1,3-... / 1-Benzyloxy-1-(2-methoxyethoxy)ethane B-54  / B-60

Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , C13H14N2O4 262.265 Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with some-
1989, 3, 1163A; 1165D; 1166B; 1166C; 1167D
(2S,5S )-form [5262-10-2] what fruity flavour. d20
4 1. Bp2 125-1288.
(ir) n20
L-cis-form D 1.5356.
Chen, A.L. et al., J. Am. Pharm. Assoc. , 1931,
20, 339 (isol, derivs) Degradn. product of Aspartame, A-461. 3-Methylbutanoyl: [7493-80-3] a-Amylcin-
Chakravarti, R.N. et al., CA , 1955, 50, 16891f Gelatinous needles (AcOH). Mp 256- namyl isovalerate. FEMA 2067
(isol) 2588. C19H28O2 288.429
Leyson, R. et al., Spectrochim. Acta , 1963, 19, Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with mild
[108147-50-8, 109062-52-4, 130856-96-1,
243 (ir) fruity, somewhat spicy flavour.
130856-97-2, 156769-20-9]
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic
Bogert, M.T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1931, 53, 1605-
Synthesis, Wiley, 1967, 1, 51; 1975, 5, 479; Davey, J.M. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1966, 555-566
1609 (synth)
1980, 8, 70; 1982, 10, 26 (use) (synth)
Mastagli, P. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad.
Witanowski, M. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1969, 47, Hutchinson, S.A. et al., Food Res. Int. , 1999,
Sci. , 1937, 204, 1656-1658 (synth)
1321 (N-15 nmr) 15, 249-261 (formn)
Mastagli, P. et al., Annalen , 1938, 10, 281-377
Egli, R.A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1970, 53, 47
3-Benzyl-4-heptanone B-56 Pansevich-Kolyada, V.I. et al., CA , 1967, 68,
Aihara, A. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1972,
2746a; 1968, 71, 12892w (Ac, synth)
45, 1942 (pmr) [7492-37-7] Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
Lichter, R.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1972, 94, 2495 (N- 3-(Phenylmethyl)-4-heptanone, 9CI. Ben- 1974, 12, 817; 1976, 14, 677 (tox, use, Ac)
15 nmr) zyl dipropyl ketone (incorr.). Morellone. Dallacker, F. et al., Chem.-Ztg. , 1990, 114, 1-5
Shapiro, M.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 3197 (cmr)
FEMA 2146 (synth)
Kostyanovsky, R.G. et al., Org. Mass
H3CCH2CH(CH2Ph)COCH2CH2CH3 Konings, A.W.T. et al., Chem.-Ztg. , 1990, 114,
Spectrom. , 1976, 11, 237 (ms)
1-5 (synth)
Knights, R.J. et al., Anal. Biochem. , 1977, 77, C14H20O 204.311 Choi, J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1996, 37, 1057-1060
106 (use) Used in food flavouring (plum/peach). No (Z-form, synth)
Bastaert, G. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad.
phys. props. reported. Lutz, C. et al., J.O.C. , 1997, 62, 7895-7898 (E,S-
Sci. Ser. C , 1980, 290, 193 (uv)
form, synth, pmr, cmr)
Bradamante, S. et al., J.O.C. , 1980, 45, 105 Eur. Pat. , 1989, 373 993; CA , 114, 61550y
Mosciano, G. et al., Perfum. Flavor. , 1997, 22,
(cmr) (synth)
47-50 (Ac, use, props)
Elmore, D.T. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1992, 48,
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
1331 (cryst struct)
2-Benzyl-5-hydroxymethyl- B-57 edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
Muhammad, I. et al., Phytochemistry, 2002, 59,
1,3-dioxolane 76-78 (esters, props, use)
105-110 (Macamide B)
Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive [5694-72-4]
Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths , 2-Benzyl-3-oxobutanoic acid B-59
Phenylacetaldehyde glyceryl acetal. Acetal
1990, 2631
Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical CD. FEMA 2877 [2382-58-3]
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of 2-Benzylacetoacetic acid. 2-Acetyl-3-phe-
Chemistry, 1992, 122 HOH 2C nylpropanoic acid
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of H3CCOCH(COOH)CH2Ph
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, BDY000; DQQ000; DQP800 C11H12O3 192.214
O CH 2Ph (/9)-form
2-Benzyl-4,5-dimethyl-1,3-di- B-54 Oil with aromatic smell. Spar. sol. H2O.
C11H14O3 194.23 Bp13 156-1628. Decarboxylates on
oxolane Mixt. with 5-Hydroxy-2-benzyl-1,3-diox- warming.
[5468-06-4] ane, H-362 is used as a flavouring ingre-
Phenylacetaldehyde 2,3-butylene glycol Me ester: [3666-82-8]
dient. No phys. props. reported. C12H14O3 206.241
acetal. FEMA 2875
[29895-73-6] Bp5 1458.
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , Et ester: [620-79-1] FEMA 2416
H 3C C13H16O3 220.268
1976, 14, 829
O Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Flavouring ingredient. Insol. H2O, misc.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2180-2181 EtOH, Et2O. d25 1.06. Bp 2768.
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
2-Benzylidene-1-heptanol B-58 2, 280A (ir)
C12H16O2 192.257 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Flavouring ingredient for baked goods, [101-85-9] Spectra , 1992, 2, 1216B (nmr)
puddings, candies and nonalcoholic bev- Ceresole, M. et al., Ber. , 1882, 15, 1871 (synth)
erages. Viscous liq. with floral-earthy Rupe, H. et al., Annalen , 1920, 426, 33 (resoln)
2-(Phenylmethylene)-1-heptanol, 9CI. 2- Kabachnik, M.I. et al., Tetrahedron , 1961, 12,
odour and fruity flavour. Pentyl-3-phenyl-2-propen-1-ol. a-Pentylcin- 76 (ester)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th namyl alcohol. a-Amylcinnamyl alcohol. Kazankova, M.A. et al., Zh. Obshch. Khim. ,
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001, FEMA 2065 1965, 35, 1447 (ester)
1456-1457 (use) Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
PhCH/ . C(CH2OH)(CH2)4CH3 edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
5-Benzyl-3,6-dioxo-2-piperazi- B-55 C14H20O 204.311 2, 214 (Et ester)
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with light Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
neacetic acid Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 943 (Et
floral odour. Bp12 1628 Bp5 141-1438. E/
[55102-13-1] Z -form unspecified. ester)
cetic acid, 9CI. 5-Benzyldiketopiperazine- Phenylurethane:
Bp 61-628. 1-Benzyloxy-1-(2-methox- B-60
2-acetic acid. Cyclo(aspartylphenylalanyl).
Formyl: [7493-79-0] a-Amylcinnamyl for-
mate. FEMA 2066 [7492-39-9]
C15H20O2 232.322 Benzyl methoxyethyl acetal. Acetaldehyde
H Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with sweet, benzyl b-methoxyethyl acetal. FEMA 2148
PhH2C N O herbaceous somewhat green odour. MeOCH2CH2OCH(CH3)OCH2Ph
(2S,5S)-form Ac: [7493-78-9] a-Amylcinnamyl acetate. C12H18O3 210.272
O N CH2COOH FEMA 2064 Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with sweet,
H C16H22O2 246.349 green, fruity odour.

2-Benzyl-4(3H )-quinazolinone 
/ Bergamottin B-61 
/ B-66

Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd Muthukrishnan, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, C15H22O2 234.338
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, 50, 249-254 (Arborine, isol, pmr, cmr)
2, 63 (props, use)
(E )-form [114248-38-3]
Cryst. (pentane). Mp 59-608. [a]23
D -46.3
Berberine B-62 (c, 1.3 in CHCl3).
2-Benzyl-4(3H )-quinazolinone B-61 [2086-83-1] (Z )-form [124439-27-6]
[4765-56-4] 5,6-Dihydro-9,10-dimethoxybenzo[g]-1,3- Flavouring ingredient. Constit. of East
2-(Phenylmethyl)-4(3H)-quinazolinone, benzodioxolo[5,6-a]quinolizinium(1+), Indian sandalwood oil. Oil.
9CI. Glycosminine. Glycophymine. 2-Ben- 9CI. Umbellatine. Berbericine. Natural Coates, R.M. et al., J.O.C. , 1988, 53, 2186-2192
zyl-4-hydroxyquinazoline. 2-(Phenyl- yellow 18. C.I. 75160. Majarine (isol)
Nikiforov, A. et al., Annalen , 1990, 119-121
methyl)-4-quinoxalinol (isol, pmr)
O Mori, K. et al., Synthesis , 1994, 417-421 (synth)

N CH2Ph N CH2Ph N CH2Ph a-Bergamotenol B-65
OMe [88034-74-6]
C15H12N2O 236.273 10
Specific inhibitor of serine protease and OMe
human leucocyte elastase. Cryst. (MeOH,
EtOH, CHCl3 or C6H6). Mp 254-2568 C20H18NO4 336.366
(248-2498). Log P -0.4 (uncertain value) (calc). CH2OH
OH -form -Adverse human effects including reduced
Me ether: [72361-61-6] 4-Methoxy-2-(phe- body temperature. Can cause death by C15H24O 220.354
nylmethyl)quinazoline. 2-Benzyl-4-meth- central paralysis. LD50 (mus, orl) 329 mg/ Constit. of the famine food Santalum
oxyquinazoline. Glycophymoline kg. DR9870000 album (sandalwood). Flavouring ingredi-
C16H14N2O 250.299 O9-De-Me: [17388-19-1] Berberrubine. ent. Oil. [a]D -55.6 (c, 0.39 in CHCl3).
Cryst. (C6H6/MeOH). Mp 1658. Chileninone
1H -form [65336-63-2, 176777-61-0]
C19H16NO4 322.34
N-Me: [6873-15-0] 1-Methyl-2-(phenyl- Alkaloid from Berberis vulgaris (bar- Brunke, E.J. et al., Dev. Food Sci. , 1988, 18, 819-
methyl)-4(1H)-quinazolinone. 2-Benzyl- berry). Deep red amorph. solid (as 831 (rev)
1-methyl-4(1H)-quinazolinone. Arbor- Pant, A.K. et al., J. Essent. Oil Res. , 1992, 4, 9-
chloride). 13 (isol)
ine. Glycosine Yu, J.G. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1993, 28, 840-
C16H14N2O 250.299 844 (isol)
Major alkaloid from Ruta graveolens Späth, E. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1929, 52, 117
(rue). Cryst. (MeOH/CHCl3). Mp 161- (Berberrubine, isol)
Ghabro, S.A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1973, 36, 349- Bergamottin B-66
1628 (155-1568).
351 (Berberrubine, activity)
N-Me, hydrochloride: Siwon, J. et al., Planta Med. , 1981, 41, 65 [7380-40-7]
Cryst. + 2H2O (H2O). Mp 2158 dec. (Berberrubine, occur) 4-[(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl)oxy]-7H-
(partial melting at 106-1088). Valencia, E. et al., Tetrahedron , 1984, 40, 3957 furo[3,2-g][1]benzopyran-7-one, 9CI.
N-Me, picrate: (Berberrubine, isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms) Bergaptol geranyl ether. 5-Geranyloxyp-
Shamma, M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1986, 49, 398 soralen. Bergaptin
Yellow needles (EtOH). Mp 172-1738. (Berberrubine, struct)
Chakravarti, D. et al., Tetrahedron , 1961, 16,
224-250 (Arborine, uv, ir, pmr, struct) 5′ 7′
Pakrashi, S.C. et al., Tetrahedron , 1963, 19, a-Bergamotene B-63
1011 (uv, ir, pmr, ms, struct, synth) [13474-59-4] O 6′
Pakrashi, S.C. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1968, 6,
472 (synth) [17699-05-7]
O’Donovan, D.G. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1970, 2466- Bergamotene
2470 (biosynth) O O O
Patel, V.S. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , 1972, 49,
59 (uv)
Kametani, T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1977, 99, 2306-
C21H22O4 338.402
2309 (synth, ir, pmr) Constit. of bergamot oil. Also from lemon
Rhee, R.P. et al., J.O.C. , 1977, 42, 3650 (synth, oil and oils of other Citrus spp. and carrot
ir, pmr) (Daucus carota ). Cryst. (Et2O/petrol). Mp
Sarkar, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, 2007 C15H24 204.355 59-618 (548).
(isol, uv, ir, ms, synth) Constit. of oils of carrot (Daucus carota ),
Kametani, T. et al., Heterocycles , 1978, 9, 1585 bergamot (Citrus bergamia ), also lime 6?R,7?-Epoxide: [105866-30-6]
(synth) (Citrus aurantifolia ), citron (Citrus medi- C21H22O5 354.402
Bhattacharyya, J. et al., Heterocycles , 1979, 12, ca ) and cottonseed oil (Gossypium hirsu- Constit. of grapefruit (Citrus paradisi )
929; 1980, 14, 1469 (uv, ir, pmr, cmr) tum ). Oil. d20 0.86. [a]20
D -44.1 (CHCl3). nD
20 peel oil. Cryst. (EtOAc/hexane). Mp
Naik, N.R. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , 1979, 1.4904. 82.5-83.58.
56, 708-711 (synth, uv, ir)
Sarkar, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18, 694 Kováts, E. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1963, 46, 6?,7?-Dihydro, 6?R,7?-dihydroxy: [71339-34-
(Glycophymoline) 2705 (pmr, ms, struct) 9]
Yamato, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1981, Larsen, S.D. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1977, 99, 8015 [51956-35-5] 4-[(6,7-Dihydroxy-3,7-di-
29, 3124 (synth) Kulkarni, Y.S. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 2809
Chakraborty, D.P. et al., Synthesis , 1981, 977- (synth)
Snider, B.B. et al., J.O.C. , 1988, 53, 4508 (synth) g][1]benzopyran-7-one. 6?,7?-Dihydroxy-
979 (synth)
Teshima, T. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1982, 257, bergamottin
5085 (pharmacol) C21H24O6 372.417
a-Bergamotenoic acid B-64 Isol. from Citrus macroptera whole fruits,
Ganjian, I. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1984, 14, 33
(synth, pmr) a non-commercial sp. of the South Pacific.
Johne, S. et al., Alkaloids (N.Y.) , 1986, 29, 129- Cryst. Mp 104-1068. [a]D +12.7 (CHCl3).
140 (Arborine, rev, pharmacol) COOH (E)-form Config. not detd..
Uozumi, Y. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1989, 111, 3725
(synth, ir, pmr, ms) Kainrath, P. et al., Ber. , 1937, 70, 2272 (6?,7?-

Bergaptol  / Betanidin B-67  / B-70

epoxide) Glatfelder, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1920, 3, Döpp, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1973, 106, 3473
Chatterjee, A. et al., J.C.S. , 1961, 2246 (synth) 541; 1921, 4, 718 (synth) (synth, uv)
Bates, R.B. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1963, 1683 (config) Socias, L. et al., Ber. , 1934, 67, 59 (isol) Büchi, G. et al., J.O.C. , 1977, 42, 2192 (synth)
Dreyer, D.L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12, Kubiczek, G. et al., Ber. , 1937, 70, 1253 (synth) Hilpert, H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1984, 67,
3011 (6?,7?-dihydro-6?,7-dihydroxy) Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen 1547 (synth)
Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1975, 108, 2955 der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn.,
(isol, uv) Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 1369
Tatum, J.H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18, 500 (occur, deriv) Betanidin B-70
(6?,7?-epoxide) Austin, D.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12,
Bellevue, F.H. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. , 1657 (biosynth) [2181-76-2]
1997, 7, 2593-2598 (synth, 6?,7?-dihydroxy) Boyd, R.K. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1979, 57, 1995 2-Carboxy-1-[(2,6-dicarboxy-2,3-dihydro-
(ms) 4(1H)-pyridinylidene)ethylidene]-2,3-di-
Duddeck, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18, hydro-5,6-dihydroxy-1H-indolium hydro-
139 (cmr) xide inner salt
Bergaptol B-67 Murray, R.D.H. et al., The Natural Coumarins,
J. Wiley, 1982, 291 (furanocoumarins, biol,
[486-60-2] prop) HO 5
4-Hydroxy-7H-furo[3,2-g][1]benzopyran- IARC Monog. , 1986, 40, 327 (tox, rev) COO
7-one, 9CI. 4-Hydroxypsoralen Gu, Z. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990, 38,
2498 (deriv)
Ginderow, D. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1991, 47,
OH 2144 (cryst struct)
Diawara, M.M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , Absolute
1995, 43, 723-727 (occur) N COOH con®guration
O McNeely, W. et al., Drugs , 1998, 56, 667-690 HOOC
(rev, Me ether)
Masuda, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 47, 13- C18H16N2O8 388.333
C11H6O4 202.166
16 (Bergapten, isol, pmr, cmr) Cryst. (as hydrochloride). Forms cryst. K
Present in various citrus spp.. Needles Kawaii, S. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1999, 47,
(EtOAc). Mp 277-2788. and NH4 salts. Shows rapid E/Z isom. in
4073 (activity)
Oliva, A. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , 1999, 25, 519-
soln. lmax 271 (e 8530); 295 (sh) (e 7170);
O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: 544 (e 51000) (no solvent reported) (hy-
526 (activity)
C17H16O9 364.308 drochloride).
Caceres, A. et al., Fitoterapia , 2001, 72, 376-381
Needles (MeOH). Mp 254-2568. (rutinoside)
O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- 5-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [7659-95-2] Be-
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
glucopyranoside]:Bergaptol rutinoside Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
tanin. Phytolaccanin. E162
Reinhold , 1992, MFN275 C24H26N2O13 550.475
C23H26O13 510.451
Red pigment from beetroot, Beta vul-
Mp 240-2428. [a]25D +150 (c, 0.5 in
MeOH). lmax 222 ; 251 ; 258 ; 266 ; 308 garis var. rubra and other Centrosper-
Bervulcine B-68 mae. Used as a food dye.
(MeOH). C18H19NO3 297.353 -US7968100
Me ether: [484-20-8] 4-Methoxy-7H- Struct. unknown. Alkaloid from Berberis 5-O-(6-O-Sulfo-b-D-glucopyranoside):
furo[3,2-g]benzopyran-7-one. Bergapten. vulgaris (barberry). Mp 125-1268 dec. [13798-16-8] Prebetanin
Heraclin. Majudin. 5-Methoxypsoralen [a]24
D -185 (c, 0.2 in CHCl3). C24H26N2O16S 630.539
(obsol.) Pigment from beetroot Beta vulgaris.
C12H8O4 216.193 Hydroiodide:
Major constit. of bergamot oil (Citrus Prisms (H2O). Mp 2368 dec. 6-O-[4-Hydroxy-E-cinnamoyl-(/ 0 6)-b-D-
bergamia ). Present in celery, esp. the Methiodide: glucopyranoside]: [143022-02-0] Gom-
outer leaves, and other common grocery Cryst. (H2O). Mp 2698 dec. phrenin II
vegetables. Implicated in photodermati- Picrate: C33H32N2O15 696.62
tis among grocery workers. Needles Fine needles (MeOH). Mp 188-1908 Pigment from the fruits of Basella rubra
(EtOH). Sol. MeOH, Et2O; poorly sol. dec. (Malabar spinach).
H2O. Mp 1888. Log P 2.3 (calc). Döpke, W. et al., Naturwissenschaften , 1963, 50, 5-O-[4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-E-cinnamoyl-
Pastinacin was impure Bergapten. lmax 595 (/ 0 5)-b-D-apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
222 (e 22600); 250 (e 16500); 310 (e glucopyranoside]: [290313-64-3]
13600) (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 220 (e Betalamic acid B-69 [178885-00-2]
14100); 242 (e 8000); 268 (e 10700); 310 C39H42N2O20 858.762
(e 9100) (EtOH) (Berdy). [18766-66-0]
1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-4-(oxoethylidene)-2,6- Pigment from Phytolacca americana
-Skin photosensitiser. Probable human (pokeberry).
carcinogen. LD50 (mus, orl) 8100 mg/kg. pyridinedicarboxylic acid
LV1300000 5-O-[b-D-Glucuronopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-
O-(3-Methyl-2-butenyl): See CHO D-glucopyranoside]: [15167-84-7]
Isoimperatorin in The Combined [11033-33-3] Amaranthin. Amarantin
Chemical Dictionary. C30H34N2O19 726.601
O-(2,3-Epoxy-3-methylbutyl): Pigment from Amaranthus caudatus (love-
Oxypeucedanin, O-260 HOOC Absolute lies-bleeding) and Amaranthus tricolor
con®guration (Chinese spinach).
O-(2,3-Dihydroxy-3-methylbutyl): See
Aviprin in The Combined Chemical 14,15-Didehydro, 5-O-b-D-
Dictionary. C9H9NO5 211.174 glucopyranoside: [71199-29-6] Neobeta-
O-(2-Hydroxy-3-methyl-3-butenyl): Precursor of betalain pigments in plants of nin
Pabulenol, P-1 the Centrospermae. Detected in Beta C24H24N2O13 548.459
O-(3,6,6-Trimethyl-7-oxo-2-heptenyl): vulgaris (beetroot). Yellow soln. in H2O at Present in roots of red beet (Beta
Aurantiumal, A-489 pH 9, or amorph. green residue. Sensitive vulgaris ssp. vulgaris var. conditiva ).
O-(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl): to air, acids and strong alkali. Various Also in flowers of Barbary fig (Opuntia
Bergamottin, B-66 protected derivs. known lmax 430 (no ficus-indica ). Prob. artifact lmax 267 ;
solvent reported). 306 ; 470 (no solvent reported). lmax 298
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Spectra , 1992, 2, 1321A (nmr) Kimler, L. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1971, 1329 ; 365 (H2O).
Baetcke, E. et al., Ber. , 1912, 45, 3705 (struct) (isol, synth, struct) 15-Epimer: [4934-32-1] Isobetanidin

Betavulgaroside II 
/ Bicornin B-71 / B-75

C18H16N2O8 388.333 C47H68O21 969.042 ent -form [64657-12-1]

Minor congener of Betanidin. Epimeric Constit. of Basella rubra (Malabar Yucalexin B7
at the piperidine COOH group. spinach). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 226- Constit. of cassava roots (Manihot
15-Epimer, 5-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: 2288. [a]26
D +57.4 (c, 0.1 in MeOH). esculenta ).
[15121-53-6] Isobetanin Complex glycoside of H-695. Sakai, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 3769
C24H26N2O13 550.475 23-Carboxylic acid, 28-O-b-D-
Minor congener of Betanin, e.g. from glucopyranosyl ester: [354552-04-8] 15-Beyerene-2,3,12-triol B-74
beetroot and Amaranthus spp.. Basellasaponin C
15-Epimer, 6-O-[4-hydroxy-E-cinnamoyl-(/ C47H68O22 985.041 OH
0 6)-b-D-glucopyranoside]: [143062- Constit. of Basella rubra (Malabar
65-1] Isogomphrenin II spinach). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 230-
C33H32N2O15 696.62 2328. [a]25
D +42.1 (c, 0.1 in MeOH). HO
Pigment from the fruits of Basella rubra Complex glycoside of H-661. 2
(Malabar spinach). 29-Carboxylic acid, 28-O-b-D- (ent-2α,3β,12β)-form
15-Epimer, 5-O-[4-hydroxy-3-methoxy-E- glucopyranosyl ester: [354552-06-0] H
cinnamoyl-(/ 0 3)-b-D-apiofuranosyl-(1/ Basellasaponin D
0 2)-b-D-glucopyranoside]: C47H68O22 985.041 C20H32O3 320.471
C39H42N2O20 858.762 Constit. of Basella rubra (Malabar (ent -2a,3b,12b)-form
Pigment from Phytolacca americana spinach). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 215- Needles (EtOH aq.). Mp 218-221.58. [a]D -
(pokeberry). 2178. [a]27
D +24 (c, 0.1 in MeOH). 11 (c, 1.86 in CHCl3).
Piattelli, M. et al., Ann. Chim. (Rome) , 1966, Ida, Y. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1994, 35, 6887 2-Ketone: [119626-53-8] ent-3b,12b-Dihy-
56, 1060; CA , 66, 65805y (Amaranthin) (Achyranthosides, isol, pmr, cmr, cryst struct) droxy-15-beyeren-2-one. Yucalexin B18
Wyler, H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1967, 50, Yoshikawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1996, C20H30O3 318.455
545-560; 1984, 67, 1793-1800 (Prebetanin) 44, 1212-1217 (Betavulgarosides)
Constit. of Manihot esculenta (cassava
Hilpert, H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1984, 67, Murakami, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1999,
47, 1717-1724 (abs config) root). [a]26
D -9.4 (c, 0.17 in CHCl3).
1547-1561 (synth)
Alard, D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, 2383- Murakami, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2001, 12-Ketone: [119626-55-0] ent-2a,3b-Dihy-
2385 (Neobetanin) 49, 776-779 (Basellasaponins) droxy-15-beyeren-12-one. Yucalexin B22
Schliemann, W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 42, C20H30O3 318.455
1039-1046 (Phytolacca americana constits) Constit. of cassava roots (Manihot
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
15-Beyerene-3,12-diol B-72
esculenta ).
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 241
(Betanin, use) OH 2,12-Diketone: [35470-61-2] ent-3b-Hy-
Cai, Y. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2001, 49, droxy-15-beyerene-2,12-dione. Yucalexin
1971 (bibl, Gomphrenin II, Celosianin I, B9
IsocelosianinsI, Isogomphrenin II) C20H28O3 316.439
Constit. of cassava root Manihot escu-
H lenta . Mp 163-165.58. [a]D -329
Betavulgaroside II B-71 (CHCl3). [a]23D -73.9 (c, 0.83 in CHCl3).
HO Bitter taste. Large discrepancy in opt.
[168010-05-7] H
rotn. of the two isolates.
29 C20H32O2 304.472 Triketone: [50719-31-8] ent-15-Beyerene-
(ent -3b,12a)-form [88047-95-4] 2,3,12-trione. ent-2-Hydroxy-1,15-beyer-
15-Stachene-3a,12b-diol adiene-3,12-dione. Yucalexin B5
H H COOH Cryst. Mp 204-2058. [a]25 C20H26O3 314.424
D +8.73 (c,
HOOC 2'' O
0.126 in MeOH). Constit. of cassava roots Manihot escu-
HOOCCH2O O O lenta . Prisms. Mp 170-1738. [a]D -374 (c,
12-Ketone: [119626-51-6] ent-3b-Hydroxy-
OH 23 2.3 in CHCl3). Exists as an enol form.
15-beyeren-12-one. Yucalexin B14
(ent -3b,12a)-form
C20H30O2 302.456
C41H60O15 792.916 2-Ketone: [119679-04-8] ent-3b,12a-Dihy-
Constit. of Manihot esculenta (cassava).
Complex glycoside of 3-Hydroxy-12- droxy-15-beyeren-2-one. Yucalexin B20
oleanen-28-oic acid, H-663. Constit. of 3,12-Diketone: [88048-00-4] ent-15-Beyer-
C20H30O3 318.455
ene-3,12-dione. Yucalexin B16
Beta vulgaris (sugar beet). Cryst. Mp Constit. of cassava Manihot esculenta .
C20H28O2 300.44
173-1748. [a]D +70.1 (MeOH). Piacenza, L.P.L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1979,
Constit. of Manihot esculenta (cassava).
28-O-b-D-Glucopyranosyl ester: [158511- 1004-1012 (Androstachys johnsonii constit)
Cryst. Mp 70-738. Sakai, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 3769-
55-8] Betavulgaroside I. Achyranthoside
Delgado, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, 3779 (Manihot esculenta constits)
B 1227 (isol, cryst struct)
C47H70O20 955.058 Sakai, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 3769
Constit. of Beta vulgaris (sugar beet). (Yucalexins) Bicornin B-75
Cryst. Mp 215-2178. [a]D +49.5 De Heluani, C.S. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , [124854-12-2]
(MeOH). 1998, 36, 947-950 (Yucalexin B16, pmr, cmr)
2??-Me ether, 28-O-b-D-glucopyranosyl OH
ester: [158511-54-7] Achyranthoside A 15-Beyerene-2,12-dione B-73 HO OH
C48H72O20 969.085 HO OH
[a]D +64.3 (MeOH) (as tri-Me ester). OOC OH
23-Hydroxy, 28-O-b-D-glucopyranosyl O OH OH
ester: [354552-00-4] Basellasaponin A O
C47H70O21 971.057 COO
Constit. of Basella rubra (Malabar O HO CO OOC OH
spinach). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 228- H OH OH
2308. [a]24
D +30.1 (c, 0.1 in MeOH).
Complex glycoside of D-582. HO OH
23-Aldehyde, 28-O-b-D-glucopyranosyl
ester: [354552-02-6] Basellasaponin B C20H28O2 300.44 C48H32O30 1088.763

Bicoumol  / 4,4??-Bi(N -4-hydroxycinnamoylserotonin) B-76 / B-83

Constit. of Trapa bicornis (horn nut). Bicyclogermacrene B-78 Biflorin B-81

Amorph. powder. [a]D +4.7 (MeOH). [24703-35-3] [89701-85-9]
Yoshida, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1989, 37, 6-b-D-Glucopyranosyl-5,7-dihydroxy-2-
2655 (struct, pmr, cmr) methyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI

6 O
Bicoumol B-76 OH
[15575-52-7] G lc
2,2?-dione. 7,7?-Dihydroxy-6,8?-bicoumarin
C15H24 204.355
Constit. of the peel oil of Citrus junos C16H18O9 354.313
(yuzu). Oil. [a]D +61 (CHCl3). Constit. of Eugenia caryophyllata (clove).
6-Epimer: [169276-07-7] Isolepidozene Cryst. Mp 300-3038 dec. [a]28
D +24.4 (c,
HO O O C15H24 204.355 0.34 in Py).
Oil. [a]D -50 (c, 0.05 in CHCl3). Ghosal, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, 2591
Nishimura, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1973, 29, 271 Zhang, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 45, 401
7 (isol, struct) (isol, pmr, cmr)
HO O O McMurry, J.E. et al., J.O.C. , 1987, 52, 4885
Ihara, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1994, 59, 8092 (synth) Bifurcose B-82
C18H10O6 322.273 Hardt, I.H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40, 605 [3568-31-8]
Struct. in 9CI and 8CI is incorrect. Isol. (Isolepidozene) 1-b-D-Fructofuranosyl(2/ 0 1)-[b-D-fruc-
from white clover (Trifolium repens ). tofuranosyl(2/ 0 6)]-b-D-fructofuranosyl
Cryst. (EtOH/Me2CO). Mp 293-2948. a-D-glucopyranoside. 1,6-Kestotetraose
lmax 211 (log e 4.08); 258 (log e 3.54); Bicyclomahanimbicine B-79
327 (log e 4.01) (MeOH). [28613-80-1] CH 2OH
Di-Ac: [18304-03-5] 1,2,2a,10,10c,11,11a,11b-Octahydro- O
Cryst. (Me2CO aq.). Mp 228.5-229.58. 2a,7,11,11-tetramethyl-3-oxa-10-azacyclo-
7-Me ether: [89320-82-1] Bhubaneswin but[3,4]indeno[5,6-a]fluorene, 9CI OH
C19H12O6 336.3
Cryst. (Me2CO/CHCl3). Mp 3208. R OH
Di-Me ether: [3153-73-9] 7,7?-Dimethoxy- O CH 2 O
[6,8?-bi-2H-benzopyran]-2,2?-dione. N O
7,7?-Dimethoxy-6,8?-bicoumarin. Matsu- H HO HO
kaze lactone H H CH 2OH
CH 2
C20H14O6 350.327 HO HO
Platelets (MeOH). Mp 266.5-267.58.
Miyazaki, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1964, H CH 2OH O
12, 1236 (isol) O
Spencer, R.R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1967, R = Me, R′ = H
15, 536 (isol, struct) HO
Kozawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1974, C23H25NO 331.457 CH 2OH
22, 2746 (isol) Alkaloid from the leaves of Murraya HO
Gonzalez, A.G. et al., An. Quim. , 1977, 73, 1015 koenigii (curryleaf tree). Mp 2188 dec.
(isol) Probably an artifact. Also obt. by shaking C24H42O21 666.583
Basa, S.C. et al., Heterocycles , 1984, 22, 333 a sol. of Mahanimbicine, M-30 with ion-
(isol, cmr, pmr) A fructan. Isol. from barley (Hordeum
exchange resin (H+). vulgare ) and Panicum miliaceum (proso
Basa, S.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 1933
(rev) Kureel, S.P. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1970, millet). Cryst. Mp 1568. [a]20
D +8.8
Su, B.-N. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2002, 65, 1278- 958 (uv, ir, pmr, struct, synth) (H2O).
1282 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms) Schlubach, H.H. et al., Annalen , 1958, 614, 126;
1963, 665, 191; 1964, 677, 165 (isol)
Bicyclomahanimbine B-80
Bicycloelemene B-77 [31077-94-8] 4,4??-Bi(N -4-hydroxycinna- B-83
[32531-56-9] 1,2,2a,10,10c,11,11a,11b-Octahydro- moylserotonin)
3-Ethenyl-3,7,7-trimethyl-2-(1-methylethe- 2a,4,11,11-tetramethyl-3-oxa-10-azacyclo- 4,4??-Bis(N-p-coumaroylserotonin)
nyl)bicyclo[4.1.0]heptane, 9CI. 2-Isopro- but[3,4]indeno[5,6-a]fluorene, 9CI
penyl-3-methyl-3-vinylbicyclo[4.1.0]hep- As Bicyclomahanimbicine, B-79 with
tane R = H, R? = Me N
C23H25NO 331.457 N 3 ′″
Alkaloid from the leaves of Murraya
koenigii (curryleaf tree). Mp 1458. [a]23
D -
1.23 (CHCl3). Probably an artifact. Also O
obt. readily from Mahanimbine, M-32. HO OH
N 3′
N-Me: H
C15H24 204.355 Mp 1568. H
Constit. of peppermint oil. Oil. [a]20
D -34. Kureel, S.P. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1969, 3857 (uv, ir,
pmr, ms) C38H34N4O6 642.71
Ulahov, R. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. , Bandaranayake, W.M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 ,
1967, 32, 808 (isol)
(E,E )-form [175702-01-9]
1974, 998 (struct) Isol. from safflower (Carthamus
Takeda, K. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1971, 308
(struct) tinctorius ) oil cake. Powder. Mp 180-
Vig, O.P. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 1976, 1828. lmax 221 (e 43000); 294 (e 35000);
14, 852 (synth) 305 (e 34700) (MeOH).

3,3?-Bi-1H -indole-5,5?,6,6?-... 
/ Biotin, INN, USAN B-84 / B-90

3?-Methoxy: [175702-02-0] 4-[N-(p-Cou- C12H10O8 282.206 Traditional Chinese Medicines , (ed. Milne,
maroyl)serotonin-4??-yl]-N-feruloylsero- G.A.), Ashgate, 1999, 651 (Bilobanol)
Dimer of 5-Hydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)-
tonin 4H -pyran-4-one, H-500. Found in
C39H36N4O7 672.736 cotton lint associated with aflatoxin Biochanin C B-89
From Carthamus tinctorius oil cake. contamination in cotton seed
Powder. Mp 179-1818. lmax 221 (e C16H13N3O4 311.296
Gossypium hirsutum . Bright greenish-
70500); 292 (e 51000); 309 (e 52700) yellow fluorescent compd. Struct. unknown. Presumably an alkaloid.
(MeOH). Zeringue, H.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 52,
Isol. from seeds of Cicer arietinum
3?,3???-Dimethoxy: [175702-03-1] 4,4??- 1391-1397 (chickpea). Large prisms (EtOH or
Bis(N-feruloyl)serotonin. 4,4??-Bi[N-(4- H2O). Sol. H2O. Mp 3158. Conts. one
hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamoyl)seroto- OMe group, unsatd. to Br2.
nin] Bilobalide A B-87 Siddiqui, S. et al., J. Sci. Ind. Res. , 1945, 4, 68;
C40H38N4O8 702.762 CA , 40, 1502
[33570-04-6] Warsi, S.A. et al., Pak. J. Sci. Res. , 1951, 3, 85;
From Carthamus tinctorius oil cake. Mp Bilobalide CA , 47, 3305f
158-1608. lmax 289 (e 35400); 317 (e
38800) (MeOH).
Zhang, H.-L. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1997, O O Biotin, INN, USAN B-90
45, 1910-1914 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr) O 1
OH [58-85-5]
O [22879-79-4]
3,3?-Bi-1H -indole-5,5?,6,6?-te- B-84 Hexahydro-2-oxo-1H-thieno[3,4-d]imida-
trol O OH
O H zole-4-pentanoic acid, 9CI. Vitamin H.
5,5?,6,6?-Tetrahydroxy-3,3?-bi-1H-indole Coenzyme R. Vitamin B7. Factor S$

H C15H18O8 326.302
Constit. of leaves of Ginkgo biloba (gink- H H
N OH 1
go). Cryst. (H2O). Mp 3008. [a]20D -66.6.
Log P -3.25 (uncertain value) (calc). O S
OH Component of commercially available N O
HO Ginkgo biloba extract (GBE). H H
Weinges, K. et al., Annalen , 1969, 724, 214; OH
1972, 759, 158 (isol, pmr)
HO N Nakanishi, K. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1971, 93, 3544 C10H16N2O3S 244.314
H (isol, struct) Present in many foods; particularly rich
Corey, E.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1987, 109, 7534 sources include yeast, eggs, liver, certain
C16H12N2O4 296.282 (synth) fish (e.g. mackerel, salmon, sardines),
Constit. of beetroot peel, Beta vulgaris. Corey, E.J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1988, 29, 3423
soybeans, cauliflower and cow peas. Diet-
Kujala, T. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 2001, 56, Crimmins, M.T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1992, 114, ary supplement. Isol. from various higher
714-718 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms) 5445; 1993, 115, 3146 (synth) plant sources, e.g. sweet corn seedlings and
Atzori, C. et al., Antimicrob. Agents radish leaves. Fine needles (H2O). Sol.
Chemother. , 1993, 37, 1492 (activity) H2O. Mp 232-2338. [a]20 D +91 (c, 1 in 0.1M
Bikoeniquinone A B-85 Bruno, C. et al., Planta Med. , 1993, 59, 302 NaOH). Log P -0.18 (calc).
[155519-84-9] (pharmacol) -Shows exp. reproductive effects.
1?-Methoxy-3,3?-dimethyl-[2,4?-bi-9H-car- Van Beek, T. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1997, 60, 735-
738 (isol) S-Oxide: [3376-83-8] Biotin sulfoxide
bazole]-1,4-dione, 9CI Song, W. et al., Acta Pharm. Sin. , 2000, 21, 415- C10H16N2O4S 260.313
420 (activity) Polymorphic plates (H2O). Mp 2388
O part. dec. [a]20
D -39.5 (c, 1.01 in 0.1M
CH 3 Bilobanone B-88 Me ester: [608-16-2]
2-Methyl-5-[5-(2-methylpropyl)-3-fura- C11H18N2O3S 258.341
N nyl]-2-cyclohexen-1-one, 9CI Cryst. Mp 166.58. [a]15D +82 (c, 0.45 in
H O MeOH).
H 3C O Succinimidoyl ester: [35013-72-0]
C14H19N3O5S 341.387
Cryst. (2-propanol). Mp 196-1988.
H Amide: [6929-42-6] Biotinamide
H C10H17N3O2S 243.329
C27H20N2O3 420.467 Rosettes (MeOH or H2O). Mp 242-
Alkaloid from roots of Murraya koenigii O 2448. [a]23
D +80 (c, 2.5 in EtOH).
(curryleaf tree) (Rutaceae). Orange oil. 1
C15H20O2 232.322 N -Benzyl:N-Benzylbiotin. g-Biotin
Ito, C. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1993, 41, C17H22N2O3S 334.438
(S )-form [17015-33-7]
2096 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms, struct) Needles (MeOH aq.). Mp 183-1848.
Constit. of Ginkgo biloba (ginkgo). Oil. Originally descr. as a natural vitamin
Bp0.09 118-1228 (bath). [a]D +6.7. under the name g-biotin and descr. as
Bikojic acid B-86 Oxime: N -phenylbiotin. Later shown to be an
6,6?-Bis(5-hydroxy-2-hydroxymethyl-4H- Mp 64-658. artifact with no vitamin activity.
pyran-4-one). BGY-F Semicarbazone: [10406-89-0]
Mp 142-1448.
O O Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
1j-Alcohol:Bilobanol 1, 809C (ir)
OH HO C15H22O2 234.338 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Irie, H. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1967, 678 (struct) Spectra , 1992, 1, 1317C (nmr)
Büchi, G. et al., J.O.C. , 1969, 34, 857 (synth) Harris, S.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1944, 66, 1756
Hegde, S.E. et al., J.O.C. , 1982, 47, 3148 (synth) (synth, resoln)

Biphenyl, 8CI, BSI, ISO / 2-Biphenylol, 8CI B-91 
/ B-92

Wolf, D.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1951, 73, 4142 2-Biphenylol, 8CI B-92
Jansen, A.B.A. et al., J.C.S. , 1962, 4909; 1964,
1530 (g-Biotin) [1322-20-9]
Trotter, J. et al., Biochemistry, 1966, 5, 713
C12H10 154.211 2-Hydroxybiphenyl. 2-Phenylphenol, BSI,
(cryst struct, abs config)
Green, N.M. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1970, 1330 (cd, Fungistat, esp. for citrus fruits. Used as ISO. o-Xenol. Orthophenylphenol. Orthox-
ord) food preservative and flavouring agent. enol. Dowicide 1. Manusept. Nipacide
De Titta, G.T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1976, 98, 1920 Detected in bilberry, wine grape, carrot, OPP. Rotoline. Stellisept. Torsite. E231.
(cryst struct) peas, rum, potato, bell pepper, tomato, FEMA 3959
Marx, M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1977, 99, 6754 (synth,
butter, milk, smoked fatty fish, cocoa,
Ohrui, H. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1978, 42, coffee, roast peanuts, olive, buckwheat and Ph
865 (synth) tamarind. Generally, the fruit packaging is 6
Vasilevskis, J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1978, 100, 7423 impregnated with biphenyl, which evapo- 5 3
(synth, bibl) rates into the air space surrounding the
Uskokovic, M.R. et al., Kirk-Othmer Encycl. fruit. Some biphenyl is absorbed by the
Chem. Technol., 3rd edn., Wiley, 1978, 24, 41 fruit skins. Monoclinic cryst. with faint C12H10O 170.21
(rev) pleasant odour. Mp 718. Bp 254-2558 Bp22 Antifungal agent, preservative. Used for
Baggiolini, E.G. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1982, 104, 6460 post-harvest control of storage disease in
1458 Bp0.2 70-788. Planar in the cryst. state
at -2338, dihedral angle 108 in cryst. state apples, citrus fruit, stone fruit, tomatoes,
Whitney, R.A. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1983, 61,
1158 (synth) >-2338, 258 in molten state, 328 in soln., cucumber and peppers through the use of
Bonjour, J.-P. et al., Handbook of Vitamins, (ed. 428 in gas phase. impregnated wrapping materials or by
Machlin, L.J.), M. Dekker, New York, 1984, -Fl. p. 1138, autoignition temp. 5408. Eye direct application in a wax. Used in food
403 (rev) and mucous membrane irritant. Prolonged seasonings. Inhibitory to a wider range of
Dakshinamurti, K. et al., Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. , or repeated skin contact may cause moulds than Biphenyl, B-91. The practical
(Eds.), 1985, 447, (book) way of treatment is to immerse citrus fruit
Bentley, R. et al., Trends Biochem. Sci. , 1985,
sensitisation and dermatitis. Occup.
exposure causes changes to central and in an alkaline aq. soln. of the parent
10, 51 (rev, abs config)
peripheral nervous systems, and compd. or its Na salt. Needles (petrol).
Al-Hakim, A.H. et al., Nucleic Acids Res. ,
1986, 14, 9965-9976 (succinimidoyl ester) gastrointestinal disturbances. LD50 (rat, Mp 568. Bp 2758 Bp14 1458. pKa1 10.01
Negwer, M. et al., Organic-Chemical Drugs and orl) 3280 mg/kg. OES: long-term 0.2 ppm; (208).
their Synonyms, 6th edn., Akademie-Verlag , short-term 0.6 ppm. DU8050000 -Eye and skin irritant. LD50 (mus, orl) 1050
1987, 1715 mg/kg. Exp. carcinogen. Exp. teratogenic
Lee, H.L. et al., Tetrahedron , 1987, 43, 4887 [8004-13-5]
effects. Fl. p. 1078.. DV5775000
(synth) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Corey, E.J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1988, 29, 57 (synth) Na salt: [132-27-4] Dowicide A. Natri-
1, 948A (ir)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
phene. E232
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New Spectra , 1992, 2, 28C (nmr) Agricultural fungicide, disinfectant,
York, 1989, BGD100 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , food preservative, mould inhibitor for
Senuma, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990, 1989, 3, 871B (ir) apples. Tetrahydrate. Sol. H2O.
38, 882 (rev, synth) Forrest, J. et al., J.C.S. , 1960, 574 (synth) -DV7700000
Parameswaran, K.N. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Brownlee, R.T.C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1968, 90, 1757
Int. , 1990, 22, 119 (amide) [132-27-4]
Alcázar, V. et al., Tetrahedron , 1990, 46, 1057 Laseter, J.L. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1970, Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
(synth) 4, 599 (ms) 1, 1057A; 1059D; 1115D (ir)
Bihovsky, R. et al., Tetrahedron , 1990, 46, 7667 Nordén, B. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1972, 26, Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
(synth) 429 (uv) Spectra , 1992, 2, 212A; 215C; 317A (nmr)
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th Kamezawa, N. et al., J. Magn. Reson. , 1973, 11, Hirsch, R. et al., Ber. , 1890, 23, 3705 (synth)
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1037 88 (pmr) Musso, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1959, 92, 3101 (ir)
De Titta, G.T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1994, 116, 6485 Schulman, E.M. et al., J.O.C. , 1974, 39, 2686 Trible, M.T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1969, 91, 379 (pmr)
(cryst struct, nmr) (cmr) Drapala, T. et al., Pol. J. Chem. (Rocz. Chem.) ,
Moolenaar, M.J. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , Charbonneau, G.P. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1976, 1974, 48, 965 (ir, uv)
1995, 34, 2391 (synth) 32, 1420; 1977, 33, 1586 (cryst struct) Asabe, Y. et al., Bunseki Kagaku (Jpn. Anal.) ,
Deroose, F.D. et al., J.O.C. , 1995, 60, 321 Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn., 1975, 24, 160; CA , 83, 22035f (use)
(synth, bibl) Wiley, 1978, 7, 782 (rev) Robbiani, R. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. ,
Nicolaou, K.C. et al., Classics in Total Takagi, K. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1979, 917 (synth) 1977, 16, 120 (ms)
Synthesis, Targets, Strategies, Methods , VCH, Cook, I.B. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1989, 42, 1493 Lotjonen, S. et al., Finn. Chem. Lett. , 1978, 260;
1996, 285 (bibl, synth) (cmr) CA , 90, 120562q (cmr)
De Clercq, P.J. et al., Chem. Rev. , 1997, 97, Pesticide Manual, 9th edn. , 1991, 1010 Reitz, R.H. et al., Chem. Biol. Interact. , 1983,
1755-1792 (rev, synth) Agrochemicals Handbook, 3rd edn., Royal 43, 99 (Na salt)
Chen, F.-E. et al., Synthesis , 2000, 2004-2008 Society of Chemistry, 1992, A166 IARC Monog. , 1983, 30, 329; Suppl . 7, 70 (rev,
(synth, ir, pmr, ms) Bock, H. et al., Chem. Eur. J. , 1995, 1, 557 (bibl, tox)
Chavan, S.P. et al., J.O.C. , 2001, 66, 6197-6201 conformn) Perrin, M. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1987, 43, 980
(synth) Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th (cryst struct)
Mori, Y. et al., Heterocycles , 2002, 58, 125-127 edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001, Roshchina, E.N. et al., Zh. Prikl. Khim.
(synth) 156-157 (use, props, occur) (Leningrad) , 1989, 62, 1295 (synth)
Seki, M. et al., J.O.C. , 2002, 67, 5527-5536 Chemical Hazards of the Workplace, 3rd edn., Nakagawa, Y. et al., Biochem. Pharmacol. ,
(synth) (eds. Proctor, N.H. et al ), Van Nostrand 1992, 43, 159 (tox)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Reinhold , 1991, 113 Lambert, A.C. et al., Mutat. Res. , 1994, 322,
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical 243 (tox)
Reinhold , 1992, VSU100 Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of Nakagawa, Y. et al., Cancer Lett. (Shannon,
Chemistry, 1992, 134 Irel.) , 1996, 101, 227 (tox)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Pesticide Manual, 11th edn. , 1997, No. 567
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
Reinhold , 1992, BGE000 edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
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[92-52-4] Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
1,1?-Biphenyl, 9CI. Phenylbenzene. Diphe- Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
nyl. Bibenzene. E230. FEMA 3129 Reinhold , 1992, BGJ250; PEG000; BGJ750

/ 2,10-Bisaboladien-7-ol B-93  / B-99

3,4?,5-Biphenyltriol B-93 3,7-Bisaboladiene-2,8-dione B-96 2,10-Bisaboladien-7-ol B-99

[74276-54-3] [57095-92-8] 6-Methyl-2-(4-methyl-3-cyclohexen-1-yl)-
3,4?,5-Trihydroxybiphenyl 10,11-Dihydro-6-oxoatlantone 5-hepten-2-ol, 8CI

3′ 2′ 2 3
HO 4′ 1′ 1 4
5′ 6′ 6 5
C12H10O3 202.209 O
Constit. of Trifolium repens (white clover).
Characterised as the Tri-Me ether. C15H22O2 234.338
Constit. of Ginkgo biloba (ginkgo). C15H26O 222.37Log P 4.66 (calc).
Tri-Me ether: [54960-97-3] 3,4?,5-Tri- (6R ,7R )-form [23178-88-3]
Irie, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1975, 23,
methoxybiphenyl (+)-a-Bisabolol. Bisabolol
C15H16O3 244.29 Constit. of essential oil of Populus
Plates (MeOH). Mp 61-628. balsamifera (balsam poplar). Oil. Bp12
Scheinmann, F. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1974, 154-1568. [a]23
D +53.8 (c, 2.6 in CHCl3).
2423 (synth, deriv, uv, pmr) -LD50 (rat, orl) 14850 mg/kg. MJ9685000
Ghosal, S. et al., J. Chem. Res., Synop. , 1988, 1,10-Bisaboladien-3-ol B-97
7-O-b-D-Fucopyranoside: [84847-68-7]
196 (isol, uv, ir, pmr) [58334-55-7] C21H36O5 368.512
Zingiberenol Oil. [a]D -20.6 (c, 1 in CHCl3).
(6R ,7S )-form [76738-75-5] 6-Epi-a-bisabolol
H Syrup. [a]23
D +67.4 (MeOH).
1,10-Bisaboladiene-3,4-diol B-94 (6S,7R )-form [78148-59-1] Anymol. 7-Epi-a-
OH Bisabolol
Oil. Bp1 1148. [a]D -69 (c, 1.3 in EtOH).
H p-Phenylazophenylurethane:
Orange needles (petrol). Mp 103-103.58.
[a]D -7 (c, 1 in CHCl3).
C15H26O 222.37
OH Constit. of Zingiber officinale, isol. by glc. 7-O-Lyxopyranoside: [258337-41-6]
OH Oil. C20H34O5 354.486
(6S,7S )-form [23089-26-1] (-)-a-Bisabolol.
(3S,4S,6R,7S)-form Terhune, S.J. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1975, 53, Levomenol, INN
3285 (isol) Isol. from essential oil of Matricaria
Paquette, L.A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1982, 23, 131
C15H26O2 238.369 (synth)
chamomilla (German chamomile). Yel-
lowish oil with sweetish odour. d20 4 0.92.
(3S,4S,6R ,7S )-form [129673-87-6] Bp12 1538. [a]24
D -68.4 (c, 1.16 in EtOH).
Constit. of Curcuma longa (turmeric). n20
D 1.4936. Log P 4.66 (calc).
Viscous oil. [a]D -31.7 (c, 0.23 in -LD50 (rat) 0.014 mg/kg.
MeOH). 2,10-Bisaboladien-6-ol B-98 (6j,7j)-form
O-(6-Deoxy-b-D-altropyranoside): [79197-
OH 22-1]
Zdero, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26, 1999- C21H36O5 368.512
2006 (isol, pmr) 7
Ohshiro, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29,
6 (6S,7S)-form Gum. [a]24D -6.5 (c, 1 in CHCl3). Config.
2201-2205 (isol, pmr, cmr) unknown.
Sy, L.-K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 45, 537 [515-69-5]
(isol, pmr, cmr)
Šorm, F. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
1951, 16, 626 (isol)
C15H26O 222.37 O’Brien, K.G. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1953, 6,
166; 1954, 7, 298 (Anymol)
2,10-Bisaboladiene-1,4-diol B-95 (6S,7S )-form [15352-77-9] Yakovlev, V. et al., Arzneim.-Forsch. , 1969, 19,
b-Bisabolol 615 (pharmacol, tox)
Constit. of Gossypium hirsutum (cotton) Sampath, V. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1969, 7,
OH oil and other essential oils. Oil. Bp2 121- 1060 (isol)
H 1228. [a]20
D +7.16 (c, 0.28 in CHCl3). Kergomard, A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1977, 33,
D +23.3 (CHCl3).
2215 (synth)
(6R ,7S )-form Schwartz, M.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1979, 44, 953
(synth, abs config)
Rustaiyan, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20,
Constit. of bergamot oil. [a]20
D -57 (c, 0.1 in 1429 (deoxyaltroside)
OH CHCl3). Babin, D. et al., Tetrahedron, Suppl. , No. 1,
Minyard, J.P. et al., J.O.C. , 1968, 33, 909 (isol) 1981, 1 (synth, abs config)
C15H26O2 238.369 Takaoka, D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, San Feliciano, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982,
Constit. of Curcuma longa (turmeric). 425 (isol) 21, 2115-2116 (fucoside)
Needles (hexane). Mp 126.5-1298. [a]D +5 Ohloff, G. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1986, 69, Khan, V.A. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1985, 21,
(MeOH). 698 (abs config) 575; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
Fráter, G. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1989, 72, 653 1985, 21, 575 (isol, cmr)
Ohshiro, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, (synth) Ohloff, G. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1986, 69,
2201-2205 (isol, pmr, cmr) 698 (isol)
Titova, T.F. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1987, 23,
460; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
1987, 23, 386 (isol)
O’Donnell, G.W. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1989,
42, 2021 (bibl, isol, deriv)

1,3,5,10-Bisabolapentaen-9-... / 1,3(15),10-Bisabolatriene B-100  / B-105

Carman, R.M. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1989, 42, Garcá, G.E. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1987, 50, 1055 1,3,5,11-Bisabolatetraen-10- B-103
2035; 2041 (cryst struct, bibl, synth) (synth) one
Wu, C.-L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, 4213 Joseph-Nathan, P. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1988, 51,
(pmr, cmr) 1116 (cmr) [76760-39-9]
Chen, X.-J. et al., J.O.C. , 1993, 58, 5528 (synth) Mendoza, G.V. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1993, 56, 2-Methyl-6-(4-methylphenyl)-1-hepten-3-
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th 2073 (12-Acetoxyxanthorrhizol) one
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1383 Aguilar, M.I. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 33,
Nemoto, H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1993, 34, 4939 1161 (cmr)
(synth) Meyers, A.I. et al., J.O.C. , 1997, 62, 5219-5221
Hashidoko, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 35, (synth)
325 (6-Epi-a-bisabolol) Pat. Coop. Treaty (WIPO) , 2000, 00 67 711;
Roth, L. et al., Roth Collection of Natural CA , 133, 355216 O
Product Data , VCH, Weinheim, 1995, Hwang, J.-K. et al., Planta Med. , 2000, 66, 196
Meng, J.C. et al., Spectrosc. Lett. , 1999, 32, (Xanthorrhizol, isol, activity) 11
1005-1012 (lyxopyranoside) Aguilar, M.I. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 2001, 15, 12
Hashidoko, Y. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., 93-101 (10,11-Epoxyxanthorrhizol)
Biochem. , 2000, 64, 907-910 (isol, pmr, cmr) C15H20O 216.322
Props. and registry nos. refer to racemates
which were obt. synthetically. Constit.
1,3,5,10-Bisabolapentaen-9-ol B-100
1,3,5,10-Bisabolatetraen-9- B-102 of oil of Cinnamomum cassia (Chinese
[120710-98-7] one cinnamon). Oil. Bp0.01 71-748.
Bisacumol 2-Methyl-6-(4-methylphenyl)-2-hepten-4- 11,12-Dihydro: [76760-40-2] 1,3,5-Bisabo-
one, 9CI. ar-Turmerone. Dehydroturmerone latrien-10-one. 2-Methyl-6-(4-methyl-
C15H22O 218.338
Constit. of oil of Cinnamomum cassia
(Chinese cinnamon). Oil. Bp0.01 908.
HO Thomas, A.F. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1980, 63,
O 1615 (isol, struct, ms, synth)

C15H22O 218.338
Constit. of Curcuma xanthorrhiza (Java C15H20O 216.322
turmeric). Oil. [a]D +13.9 (c, 0.42 in 1,3,10-Bisabolatriene B-104
EtOH). (R )-form [532-65-0] [495-60-3]
Constit. of essential oil from Curcuma Zingiberene
Uehara, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1989, 37, longa (turmeric), Curcuma amada
237 (isol, pmr, cmr) (mango-ginger). Pale yellow oil. Sol.
C6H6, hexane. Bp10 159-1608. [a]20D H
+82.21. Poss. artifact arising from
1,3,5,10-Bisabolatetraen-2-ol B-101
aromatisation of 2,5,10-Bisabolatrien-9- Absolute
[30199-26-9] one, B-113 lmax 275 (e 15700) (MeOH)
nol, 9CI. Xanthorrhizol
Cryst. (C6H6). Mp 1068.
C15H24 204.355
10,11-Dihydro: [4179-20-8] 2-Methyl-6-(4- Constit. of ginger oil. Also from wild
OH methylphenyl)-4-heptanone. 1,3,5-Bisa- thyme (Thymus serpyllum ), long pepper
bolatrien-9-one. Dihydro-ar-turmerone (Piper longum ) and kua (Curcuma ze-
C15H22O 218.338 doaria ). Oil. Bp11 128-1308. [a]27
D -61.7
Oil. Bp1 1158. [a]D +31 (c, 7.2 in (CHCl3).
Rupe, H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1936, 19, 569 Nitrosochloride:
C15H22O 218.338 (isol) Cryst. Mp 93-948.
Constit. of rhizomes of Curcuma xanthor- Honwad, V.K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1964, 20, 7-Epimer:7-Epizingiberene
2921; 1965, 21, 2593 (abs config, synth, pmr) C15H24 204.355
rhiza (Java turmeric). Oil. [a]20
D -52.5. lmax
Rao, G.S.K. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1968, 46, Oil. [a]26
275 (e 1900) (EtOH) (Derep). D -76.1 (CHCl3).
1467 (synth)
Grieco, P.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1973, 38, 2909 Eschenmoser, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1950,
12-Acetoxy:12-Acetoxyxanthorrhizol. 13- 33, 171 (isol, struct)
Acetoxyxanthorrhizol (synth)
Kashima, C. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1979, Arigoni, D. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1954, 37,
C17H24O3 276.375 881 (abs config)
52, 1735 (synth, pmr)
Oil. [a]D -76.5 (c, 0.52 in CHCl3). Gosselin, P. et al., J.O.C. , 1979, 44, 2807 (synth) Joshi, G.D. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1965, 3, 91
10,11-Epoxide: [364373-61-5] 10,11- Meyers, A.I. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1979, 2749 (synth) (synth)
Soffer, M.D. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1985, 26, 3543
Epoxy-1,3,5-bisabolatrien-2-ol. 10,11- Su, H.C.F. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1982,
30, 290-292 (isol) (cryst struct)
Epoxyxanthorrhizol. 12,13-Epoxyx- Bhonsle, J.B. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
anthorrhizol (incorr.) El Jazouli, M. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1985, 1598
(synth) 1994, 33, 313 (synth, bibl)
C15H22O2 234.338 Breedon, D.C. et al., Tetrahedron , 1994, 50,
Motoyoshiya, J. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 1326
Oil. [a]D -0.13 (c, 0.54 in MeOH). Mixt. (synth) 11123 (isol, cmr, pmr)
of 10-epimers lmax 272 (e 2317) Gharpure, M.M. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , Millar, J.G. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 1025-
(MeOH). 1986, 25, 1214 (synth) 1026 (isol)
Rimpler, H. et al., Z. Naturforsch., B , 1970, 25, Strunz, G.M. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1992, 70,
995 (isol, struct) 1317 (synth)
Mane, R.B. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1974, 12, 938 Ferreira, L.A. et al., Toxicon , 1992, 30, 1211-
(synth) 1218 (pharmacol) 1,3(15),10-Bisabolatriene B-105
John, T.K. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 1985, Kitahara, T. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol.,
24, 35 (synth) Biochem. , 1993, 53, 1137 (synth) [20307-83-9]
Rane, R.K. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , Fuganti, C. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1999, 279-282 3-(1,5-Dimethyl-4-hexenyl)-6-methylene-
1987, 26, 572 (synth) (synth) cyclohexene, 9CI. b-Sesquiphellandrene

/ 2,7(14),10-Bisabolatriene B-106 / B-109

H C15H24 204.355 (S,E )-form [70286-32-7]

Flavouring ingredient used singly or as Oil. [a]20
D -38.9 (c, 1 in EtOH).
mixed isomers. Component of FEMA (S,Z )-form [58845-44-6]
3331. See also 2,7,10-Bisabolatriene, B- Constit. of oil of Opoponax. Oil. Bp12
108. 155-1578. [a]20
D +8 (c, 1 in EtOH).
12 (E )-form [53585-13-0] (j,E )-form
Oil. [a]24
D -18.8 (c, 1 in CHCl3).
Oil. Abs. config. not detd., no opt. rotn.
C15H24 204.355 given.
2,3-Epoxide: [75744-73-9] 2,3-Epoxy-6,10-
Constit. of the oil of ginger (Zingiber
bisaboladiene. g-Bisabolene-2,3-epoxide [25532-79-0, 29837-07-8, 70286-16-7, 70332-15-
officinale ). Oil. Bp1 908. [a]20
D -3.99 (neat). 9, 73465-96-0]
C15H24O 220.354
Nitrosite: Oil. [a]D +37.3 (c, 2.2 in CHCl3). Called Delay, F. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1979, 62, 369
Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 88-908 dec. [a]20 D g-Bisabolene 8,9-epoxide in the refer- (synth, bibl)
+29 (c, 1.5 in CHCl3). ence. Vig, O.P. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , 1987, 64,
10j,11j-Epoxide: [80442-54-2] 10,11- 756 (synth)
12-Hydroxy:2,6,10-Bisabolatrien-12-ol. 12-
Buss, A.D. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1987, 2569
Epoxy-1,3(15)-bisaboladiene. 10,11- Hydroxy-g-bisabolene (synth)
Epoxy-b-sesquiphellandrene C15H24O 220.354 Zdero, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, 1163
C15H24O 220.354 Oil. (isol)
Oil. (Z )-form [13062-00-5] Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
12-Oxo: [71939-69-0] 1,3(15),10-Bisabo- Constit. of oil of myrrh and oil of lime. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 283-284
latrien-12-al. 12-Oxo-b-sesquiphellan- Oil. (use, props)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
drene Vig, O.P. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1970, 8, 955
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
C15H22O 218.338 (synth)
159-160 (FEMA 3331, use)
Oil. [a]D -9.3 (c, 0.15 in CHCl3). Giraudi, E. et al., Recherches , 1974, 19, 205
Connell, D.W. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1966, 19,
Overton, K.H. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1976, 105 2,7(14),10-Bisabolatriene B-109
283 (b-Sesquiphellandrene)
(biosynth) 1-Methyl-4-(5-methyl-1-methylene-4-hexe-
Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18,
Wolinsky, J.E. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 697 nyl)cyclohexene, 9CI. b-Bisabolene. b-
677 (12-Oxo-b-sesquiphellandrene)
Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20,
Delay, F. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1979, 62, 369
1887 (Epoxybisaboladiene)
Kreiser, W. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1999, 82,
Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 80, H
1427-1433 (synth)
1997 (isol)
Suzuki, T. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1980, 1267
2,5,11-Bisabolatriene B-106 (epoxide)
Buss, A.D. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1983, 24, 111 (R)-form
[451-56-9] (synth)
1-(1,5-Dimethyl-5-hexenyl)-4-methyl-1,4- Anastasis, P. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1984, 62, 11
cyclohexadiene, 9CI. b-Curcumene 2079 (biosynth, bibl)
Look, S.A. et al., Experientia , 1984, 40, 931
(12-Hydroxy-g-bisabolene) C15H24 204.355
Vig, O.P. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 1989, Flavouring ingredient used singly or as
28, 617 (synth, deriv) mixed isomers. Component of FEMA
Anastasia, L. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. , 2001, 3331. See also 2,7,10-Bisabolatriene, B-
(R)-form 3039-3043 (synth, pmr, cmr) 108.
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
(R )-form
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
159-160 (FEMA 3331, use) [a]D +75. n20D 1.4879.
(S )-form [495-61-4]
C15H24 204.355 Constit. of the essential oils of
(R )-form [28976-67-2] 2,7,10-Bisabolatriene B-108 bergamot, lemon and wild carrot. Oil.
Constit. of the essential oil of Curcuma [17627-44-0] Bp10.5 129-1308. [a]20
D -84.4.
amada (mango-ginger) and Curcuma 4-(1,5-Dimethyl-1,4-hexadienyl)-1-methyl- 10j,11j-Epoxide: [88861-98-7] 10,11-
xanthorrhiza (Java turmeric). Liq. Bp19 cyclohexene, 9CI. a-Bisabolene$. a-Limene. Epoxy-2,7(14)-bisaboladiene
1428. [a]D -48.2. The abs. config is as in FEMA 3331 C15H24O 220.354
CA but does not appear to be explicitly Oil. Bp0.1 1208. [a]24
D -89 (c, 11.1 in
stated in the lit.. CHCl3).
(S )-form Pentegova, V.A. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem.
Bp2.2 98-1008. [a]20D +26.7. Comm. , 1961, 26, 1362 (isol)
Naves, Y.-R. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1951, (R,E)-form Manjarrez, A. et al., J.O.C. , 1966, 31, 348
987 (synth)
Jain, M.K. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1964, 2, 39 Andersen, N.H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1970, 9,
(isol) 1325 (isol)
Vig, O.P. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , 1971, 48,
C15H24 204.355 993 (synth)
2,6,10-Bisabolatriene B-107 Crawford, R.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1972, 94, 4298
Not the same as 2,6,10-Bisabolatriene, B- (synth)
[495-62-5] 107 which has been renamed (formerly
4-(1,5-Dimethyl-4-hexenylidene)-1-methyl- Sakane, S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1983, 105, 6154
a-Bisabolene). The FEMA number (synth)
cyclohexene, 9CI. g-Bisabolene. a-Bisabo- refers to mixed bisabolenes including Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22,
lene (obsol.)$. g-Limene 2,7(14),10-Bisabolatriene, B-109 and 2243 (epoxide)
2,6,10-Bisabolatriene B-107. Flavouring Sakurai, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1983, 39, 883
ingredient isol. from bisabol myrrh and (synth)
other natural sources, e.g. lemon, Nabeta, K. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1986, 50,
2 2915 (biosynth)
bergamot. Nabeta, K. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. ,
3 (R ,E )-form [70286-31-6]
(E)-form 1993, 57, 792 (biosynth)
Oil. [a]20
D +54.3 (c, 1 in EtOH). Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
(R ,Z )-form [70286-33-8] edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
12 Oil. [a]20
D -12 (c, 1 in EtOH). 159-160 (FEMA 3331, use)

1,3(15),10-Bisabolatrien-9-... / a-Bisabolol oxide A B-110 / B-118

1,3(15),10-Bisabolatrien-9-ol B-110 2,5,10-Bisabolatrien-9-one B-113 C15H22O 218.338

[120681-80-3] [56485-42-8] Constit. of Curcuma xanthorrhiza (Java
Bisacurol Turmerone. Tumerone turmeric). Oil. [a]26
D -48.8 (c, 0.12 in
EtOH). lmax 242 (e 10900) (EtOH) (De-
H Crawford, R.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1972, 94, 4298
Itokawa, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1985,
O 33, 3488 (isol)

C15H22O 218.338 Bisabolene oxide B-116

C15H24O 220.354 Oil. Bp10 125-1268. Unstable in air and
Constit. of Curcuma xanthorrhiza (Java light, dimerising and isomerising to B-112. [38970-57-9]
turmeric). Oil. [a]D -8.6 (c, 0.33 in MeOH).
Mima, H. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1959, 79, 644
Ketone: [87440-60-6] (isol, struct, uv)
[82508-14-3] 1,3(15),10-Bisabolatrien-9-one. Malingre, Th.M. et al., Pharm. Weekbl. , 1975,
Curlone. b-Turmerone 110, 601
Su, H.C.F. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1982, O
C15H22O 218.338 30, 290-292 (isol)
Constit. of Curcuma longa (turmeric). Oil.
[a]D -0.03 (c, 2.16 in CHCl3).
C15H24O 220.354
Golding, B.T. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1982, 363 2,7,10-Bisabolatrien-9-one B-114
Struct. shown to be incorrect by synth..
(b-Turmerone) 2-Methyl-6-(4-methyl-3-cyclohexen-1-yl)-
2,5-heptadien-4-one, 9CI. Atlantone. a- Constit. of Gossypium hirsutum
Kiso, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, 596
(cotton). Oil.
(Curlone) Atlantone
Uehara, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1989, 37, Hedin, P.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, 11,
237 (isol, pmr, cmr) 2118
Golding, B.T. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1992, 1519 O H Buchmann, B. et al., Tetrahedron , 1984, 40,
(struct) 3393 (synth)
Kreiser, W. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1999, 82, 10
1610-1639 (synth, bibl) (E)-form

C15H22O 218.338 7(14)-Bisabolene-2,3,10,11-te- B-117

(E )-form [26294-59-7] trol
2,7(14),9-Bisabolatrien-11-ol B-111
Helianthol A Oil. Bp1 142-1458 (bath). [a]D +1.2 (c, [122470-42-2]
0.83 in CHCl3). n30D 1.5342.
10,11-Dihydro: [57130-01-5] 2,7-Bisabola-
H dien-9-one. 10,11-Dihydroatlantone
Isol. from heartwoods of Ginkgo biloba
(ginkgo). Oil. Opt. inactive. Intercon-
verts with the (Z )-form on standing.
(Z )-form [56192-70-2] OH OH
Oil. n30
D 1.5228.
HO 10,11-Dihydro: [57130-00-4]
C15H24O 220.354 Found in Ginkgo biloba (ginkgo). Oil.
Opt. inactive. C15H28O4 272.384
(R )-form [72916-06-4]
Pande, B.S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1971, 27, 841 Mycotoxin of Fusarium sambucinum .
Constit. of essential oil of Helianthus (isol, struct)
tuberosus (Jerusalem artichoke). Oil. Glass.
Babler, J.H. et al., J.O.C. , 1974, 39, 1656 (synth)
D +61 (c, 0.3 in EtOH). Plattier, M. et al., Recherches , 1974, 19, 131 Sanson, D.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1989, 54, 4313 (isol)
Miyazawa, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, (Dihydroatlantone)
1040 Irie, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1975, 23,
1892 (Dihydroatlantone)
Adams, D.R. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1975, 1741 a-Bisabolol oxide A B-118
1,3,10-Bisabolatrien-9-one B-112 Motoyoshiya, J. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 1326 [22567-36-8]
[82508-15-4] Manville, J.F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,
2-Methyl-6-(4-methyl-2,4-cyclohexadien-1- 3073 (pmr, cmr)
yl)-2-hepten-4-one, 9CI. a-Turmerone Friesen, R.W. et al., J.O.C. , 1996, 61, 7202
2,7(14),10-Bisabolatrien-9-one B-115
[38331-79-2] C15H26O2 238.369
O b-Atlantone Constit. of Matricaria chamomilla (Ger-
man chamomile). Liq. Bp 156-1588. Log P
H 3.74 (calc).
C15H22O 218.338 Sampath, V. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1969, 7, 100
Constit. of turmeric (Curcuma longa ). Oil.
Schilcher, H. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim,
Golding, B.T. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1982, 363
O Ger.) , 1976, 309 (isol, struct)
Golding, B.T. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1992, 1519 Adam, K.-P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 48,
(struct) 953-959 (biosynth)

a-Bisabolol oxide B 
/ 1,5-Bis(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-... B-119  / B-125

a-Bisabolol oxide B B-119 nato)oxovanadate(IV) Stearns, E.M. et al., Lipids , 1977, 12, 451-454
Purple soln. (isol)
[26184-88-3] Ramirez, F. et al., Tetrahedron , 1977, 33, 599-
[85166-37-6] 608 (ditetradecanoyl, dihexadecanoyl,
Sakurai, H. et al., Inorg. Chim. Acta , 1981, 55, dioctadecanoyl)
HO L67 (synth, epr, uv-vis) Dang Quoc Quan, et al., Lipids , 1982, 17, 798-
O Gillard, R.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23, 802 (ditetradecanoyl)
179 (epr) Dang Quoc Quan, et al., Chem. Phys. Lipids ,
1983, 33, 33-40 (dihexadecanoyl, synth, nmr)

C15H26O2 238.369
Constit. of Matricaria chamomilla (Ger-
Bis(diacylglycero)phosphonic B-123 1,2-Bis(3,4-dihydroxypheny- B-124
man chamomile). Liq. Log P 3.6 (calc). acids l)ethylene
Bis(phosphatidic) acids. Bis(1,2-diacylgly-
Schilcher, H. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim, [133084-84-1]
Ger.) , 1976, 309 4,4?-(1,2-Ethenediyl)bis[1,2-benzenediol],
9CI. 3,3?,4,4?-Stilbenetetrol. 3,3?,4,4?-Tet-
a-Bisabolol oxide C B-120 R1COOCH2 CH2OOCR1 rahydroxystilbene
[59861-08-4] R2COO C H O H C OOCR2 C14H12O4 244.246
(E )-form [136273-05-7]
CH2 O P O CH2 Mp 2418 dec.
OH OH 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [113231-13-3]
An undefined mixt. has been isol. from C20H22O9 406.388
soya bean. 3,3?-Di-Me ether: [7329-69-3]
Bis(ditetradecanoylglycero)phosphonic acid [4957-27-1, 137219-46-6] 1,2-Bis(4-hydroxy-
O [105380-97-0] 3-methoxyphenyl)ethylene. 4,4?-Dihydroxy-
[63988-25-0, 83818-31-9, 99759-77-0] 3,3?-dimethoxystilbene
C15H26O2 238.369 Phosphinicobis[oxy-3,1,2-propanetriyl] C16H16O4 272.3
Constit. of Matricaria chamomilla (Ger- tetradecanoate, 9CI. Bis(1,2-ditetradeca- Constit. of the leaves of Ginkgo biloba
man chamomile). Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 99- noylglycero)-3-phosphate. Bis(dimyristoyl- (ginkgo). Cryst. (EtOH aq. or CH2Cl2/
1008. glycero)phosphonic acid MeOH). Mp 212-2158. lmax 224 ; 239 (sh)
Schilcher, H. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim, ; 309 (sh) ; 338 ; 350 (sh) (MeOH).
C62H119O12P 1087.589
Ger.) , 1976, 309, 189
Mp 49-508. [a]22D +7.5 (c, 4 in C6H6). Bis(methylene)ether: [76306-40-6]
Bis(dihexadecanoylglycero)phosphonic acid 3,4:3?,4?-Bis(methylenedioxy)stilbene
Bisbynin B-121 [84905-98-6] C16H12O4 268.268
[163365-14-8] Prisms (CH2Cl2). Mp 214-2158.
1a,3,5,6,7,7a-Hexahydro-5-methyl-1a-(3- [136273-06-8]
hexadecanoate, 9CI. Bis(1,2-dihexadeca- Talvitie, A. et al., Finn. Chem. Lett. , 1987, 14,
zopyran-2,6,7-triol, 9CI
noylglycero)-3-phosphate. Bis(dipalmitoyl- 43 (isol, deriv)
glycero)phosphonic acid Gierer, J. et al., J. Wood Chem. Technol. , 1991,
OH OH 11, 171 (synth)
C70H135O12P 1199.803 Thakkar, K. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1993, 36,
Cryst. (toluene/Me2CO). Mp 62-638. [a]23D 2950 (synth, pmr)
O Relative +6.7 (c, 4 in C6H6). Chi, J. et al., CA , 1997, 127, 231887b (isol, 3,3?-
O di-Me ether)
con®guration Bis(dioctadecanoylglycero)phosphonic acid Hajdu, Z. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 1298-
[105380-98-1] 1299 (3,3?-di-Me ether)
[62438-23-7] Wyatt, P. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 2001, 279-297
Phosphinicobis[oxy-3,1,2-propanetriyl] (bismethylene ether, pmr, cmr)
octadecanoate, 9CI. Bis(1,2-dioctadeca-
C15H22O5 282.336 noylglycero)-3-phosphate. Bis(distearoyl-
Isol. from seeds of Oryza sativa (rice). 1,5-Bis(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)- B-125
glycero)phosphonic acid
Cryst. (CH2Cl2/MeOH). Sol. MeOH. Mp 1,4-pentadien-3-one
1448. C78H151O12P 1312.017
De Silva, L.B. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1995, 36, 1997
Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 69.5-70.58. [a]24D +6.2 O
(isol, pmr, cryst struct) (c, 4 in C6H6).
Bis(9Z -octadecenoylglycero)phosphonic acid HO 3′ 3″
Bis[L-cysteinato(2-)-N,S ]oxo- B-122 [17708-93-9]
Phosphinicobis[oxy-3,1,2-propanetriyl] HO OH
vanadate(IV )(2-), 11CI
9-octadecenoate, 9CI. Olein 1,2-dihydro-
[78802-82-1] gen phosphate, 8CI. Bis(oleoylglycero)- C17H14O5 298.295
phosphonic acid (E,E )-form
2 C78H143O12P 1303.954 3?,3??-Di-Me ether: [131359-25-6] 1,5-
H O [a]D +6.1 (c, 10 in CHCl3). Bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1,4-
OOC N S Baer, E. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1952, 198, 853- pentadien-3-one, 9CI
H V H 859 (ditetradecanoyl, dihexadecanoyl, C19H18O5 326.348
dioctadecanoyl) Constit. of the rhizomes of Curcuma
S N COO Baer, E. et al., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. , 1958, domestica (turmeric). Yellow powder
H 78, 294-305 (dioctadecanoyl, dioleoyl) (CHCl3/hexane). Mp 82-838.
H Baer, E. et al., Prog. Chem. Fats Other Lipids ,
1963, 6, 31-86 (ditetradecanoyl,
Tetra-Me ether: [39777-59-8] 1,5-Bis(3,4-
C6H10N2O5S2V2 305.229
/ dihexadecanoyl, dioctadecanoyl, dioleoyl,
synth, rev)
Prob. square pyramidal at V. Bioorg. Khim. , 1977, 3, 76-82; CA , 86, 139333 C21H22O5 354.402
Di-H compd.: [90898-56-9] Bis(L-cystei- (dioctadecanoyl) Yellow needles. Mp 83-858 (848).

Bis(2,5-dimethyl-3-furanyl) disulfide  / Bis(2-furanylmethyl) disulfide B-126 / B-131

Bis(methylene ether): [614-66-4] 1,5- [Bis(4-glycidyloxyphenyl)]propane. Bi- CH 2CH 3

Bis(1,3-benzodioxol-5-yl)-1,4-pentadien- sphenol A diglycidyl ether. DGEBA.
3-one, 9CI. 1,5-Bis(3,4-methylenedioxy- BADGE COOCH 2CH(CH 2)3CH 3
phenyl)-1,4-pentadien-3-one CH 2
C19H14O5 322.317 CH3
Mp 198-2008 (1858). CH2O C OCH2 H
3?-Deoxy, 3??-Me ether: [148625-88-1] 1-(4- CH3 COOCH 2CH(CH 2)3CH 3
xyphenyl)-1,4-pentadien-3-one C21H24O4 340.418 CH 2CH 3
C18H16O4 296.322 Potential food contaminant arising from
Constit. of the rhizomes of Curcuma its use in epoxy resin coatings for cans, C20H38O7S 422.582Log P 6.12 (uncertain
domestica (turmeric). Yellow powder concrete vats and tanks, etc.. d21 1.16. Mp value) (calc).
(CHCl3/hexane). Mp 161.5-162.58. 438. Bp0.75 225-2498 (lit quotes a pressure Na salt: [577-11-7] Docusate sodium, BAN,
[2150-50-7, 38552-39-5] range). n20
D 1.5703. INN. Dioctyl sodium sulfosuccinate.
Wattanasin, S. et al., Synthesis , 1980, 647 Bring, A. et al., Chem. Listy, 1956, 50, 1198- Dulcodos. Dyoctol. Klyx. Milkinol.
(synth) 1199; CA , 51, 1110c (synth) Molcer. Normax. Soliwax. Waxsol.
Masuda, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 32, Rozentuler, S.M. et al., Zh. Prikl. Khim. Willoderm. Humifen WT 27G. Lankro-
1557-1560 (isol, synth, pmr, cmr) (Leningrad) , 1973, 46, 2731-2734; CA , 80,
pol KO 2. Pelex OT. Warcowet 060.
108924v (synth)
Sorokin, V.P. et al., Polimery (Warsaw) , 1977, Wetaid SR. Vatsol OT. Complemix.
Bis(2,5-dimethyl-3-furanyl) B-126 22, 315-316; CA , 90, 88110c (synth) Nonit. Solovet. Alcopol O. Karawet
disulfide Lin, S.C. et al., J. Polym. Sci., Polym. Chem. DOSS. Gemtex SC. Many other names
Ed. , 1979, 17, 3095-3119 (synth) Anionic surfactant used as wetting/
[28588-73-0] Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn., dispersing/emulsifying agent in food
3,3?-Dithiobis[2,5-dimethylfuran], 9CI, Wiley, 1991, 9, 730-755 (rev) processing. Hog/poultry scald agent.
8CI. FEMA 3476 Chem. Technol. Epoxy Resins, 1993 , (ed. Ellis, Used in cheeses, salad dressings, cocoa
B.), Blackie, 1993, (rev)
and dairy products. Waxy solid. Sol.
S S Losada, P.P. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1997,
45, 3493-3500 (anal, bibl) H2O, org. solvs. Doubtless a mixt. of
-Skin and severe eye irritant. LD50 (rat, orl)
H3C O CH3 H3C O CH3 1900 mg/kg. WN0525000
1,2-Bis(1-ethoxyethoxy)pro- B-129 [128-49-4, 7491-09-0]
C12H14O2S2 254.373
Synthetic meat flavouring agent. Yellow pane Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra, 2nd edn. , 1983,
2, 799A (nmr)
liq. [67715-79-1]
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
4,6,9-Trimethyl-3,5,8,10-tetraoxadodecane. 1, 897D (ir)
U.S. Pat. , 1977, 4 020 175; CA , 87, 13502024
(synth, use)
FEMA 3534 Averbakh, K.O. et al., Zh. Prikl. Khim.
Huber, U.A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1993, 76, (Leningrad) , 1968, 41, 2307 (synth)
2528-2536 (synth, pmr) Koenig, H. et al., Fresenius’ Z. Anal. Chem. ,
OEt 1970, 251, 225 (nmr)
Ahuja, S. et al., Anal. Profiles Drug Subst. ,
2-[4,6-Bis(2,4-dimethylphe- B-127 O 1973, 2, 199; 1983, 12, 713 (revs)
nyl)-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl]-5-(octyloxy)- Nelan, A.A.M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. ,
phenol, 9CI 1979, 8, 31 (synth, props)
H 3C O Moriarty, K.J. et al., Gut , 1985, 26, 1008
[2725-22-6] (pharmacol)
2-[4,6-Di-(2,4-xylyl)-s-triazin-2-yl]-5- OEt Negwer, M. et al., Organic-Chemical Drugs and
(octyloxy)phenol, 8CI. Cysorb UV-1164 their Synonyms, 6th edn., Akademie-Verlag ,
1987, 6012 (synonyms)
C11H24O4 220.308 Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd
CH3 Flavouring agent and adjuvant. Aldehyde edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American
generator used for enhancing the flavour Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical
of orange drinks. Liq. d25
4 0.92. Bp0.04 478. Press, 1994, 173-175
D 1.4112. Hydrolyses to acetaldehyde Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn.,
under aq. acidic conditions. Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1216
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
N N OH Oser, B.L. et al., Food Technol. (Chicago) , 1978, Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 883-887
32, 60-62; 32(2), 64-66; 68-70 (use) (use)
N U.S. Pat. , 1981, 4 280 011; CA , 95, 219773z Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
(synth, use) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
H3C CH3 O(CH2)7CH3 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd Reinhold , 1992, DJL000
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
C33H39N3O2 509.69 2, 157 (use)
FDA permitted light stabiliser for food- Bis(2-furanylmethyl) disulfide B-131
contact olefinic polymers. Mp 83.5-848. [4437-20-1]
Swiss Pat. , 1969, 480 091; CA , 72, 79 103d (use, 2,2?-[Dithiobis(methylene)]bisfuran, 9CI.
synth) 1,4-Bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfosuc- B-130 2,2?-(Dithiodimethylene)difuran. Difurfur-
Carrott, M.J. et al., Analyst (London) , 1998, cinate, 8CI yl disulfide. Furfuryl disulfide. FEMA 3146
123, 1827-1833 (detn, ms)
Fed. Regist. , 2000, 65, 26 746-26 747; CA , 133,
149 473d (use) 1,4-Bis(2-ethylhexyl) sulfobutanedioate,
2,2-Bis[4-(2,3-epoxypropoxy)- B-128
phenyl]propane, 8CI C10H10O2S2 226.32
[1675-54-3] Flavour component of roasted coffee,
2,2?-[(1-Methylethylidene)bis(4,1-pheny- roasted sesame seeds and cooked meats.
leneoxymethylene)]bisoxirane, 9CI. 2,2- Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with a power-

Bis(2-furanylmethyl) sulfide / 1,7-Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1,4,6-... B-132 / B-138

ful sulfide aroma. d 1.23. Mp 10-118. Bp0.5 2,3:4,6-Bis(hexahydroxydiphe- B-134 CH 3

112-1158. noyl)glucose
Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1981, 29, N OH
1078-1082 (occur) OH H
Gasser, U. et al., Z. Lebensm.-Unters. -Forsch. , HO
1988, 186, 489-494; 1990, 190, 3-8 (occur) H
Nakamura, S. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1989, CO OCH 2 N OH
53, 1891-1899 (occur)
Firouzabadi, H. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , O
1992, 65, 1131-1134 (synth)
CH 3
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd HO O
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, COO OH C26H20N2O2 392.456
2, 205 HO CO O Alkaloid from roots of Murraya koenigii
Choi, J. et al., J.O.C. , 1995, 60, 3266-3267 OH (curryleaf tree). Oil.
(synth) CO
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Ito, C. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1993, 41,
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 898-899 2096 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms, struct)
Iranpoor, N. et al., Synthesis, 1999, 49-50 HO OH Knölker, H.J. et al., Synlett , 1996, 737 (synth)
3,6-Bis(hydroxymethyl)-2- B-136
methyl-4H -pyran-4-one
(S,S)- axial-α-D-Pyranose-form [131123-56-3]
Bis(2-furanylmethyl) sulfide B-132 Herierin III
[13678-67-6] C34H24O22 784.55
2,2?-(Thiodimethylene)difuran, 9CI. Fur-
furyl sulfide. Difurfuryl sulfide. FEMA (S,S )axial-a-D-pyranose-form O
3238 1-O-(3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzoyl): [82262- CH 2OH
94-0] 1-O-Galloyl-2,3;4,6-bis-(S)-hexa-
hydroxydiphenoyl-a-D-glucopyranose. HOH 2C CH 3
Potentillin O
CH 2SCH 2 C41H28O26 936.657
O O C8H10O4 170.165
Isol. from Rubus spp.. Off-white
amorph. powder + 5H2O. [a]20 Constit. of Hericium erinaceum (lions
C10H10O2S 194.254 D +108 (c,
0.7 in EtOH). lmax 222 (e 64600); 258 (e mane). Cryst. Mp 122-1238.
Present in coffee. Flavouring ingredient.
Mp 31-328. Bp14 135-1438. n20 35500) (MeOH) (Derep). Qian, F. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1990, 25, 522-
D 1.5560.
(S,S )axial-b-D-pyranose-form 525 (isol, pmr)
S,S-Dioxide: [186685-62-1] Bis(2-furanyl-
1-O-(3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzoyl): [79786-
methyl) sulfone
00-8] 1-O-Galloyl-2,3;4,6-bis-(S)-hexa- Bis(5-hydroxynoracronycine) B-137
C10H10O4S 226.253
Cryst. Mp 728.
Stoll, M. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1967, 50, 628 C41H28O26 936.657 O OH
(synth, ir, ms)
Gol’dfarb, Ya.L. et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR,
Isol. from Corylus heterophylla (Siber-
Ser. Khim. , 1967, 2509; Bull. Acad. Sci. ian filbert). Off-white amorph. powder
USSR, Div. Chem. Sci. (Engl. Transl.) , 1967, + 6H2O. [a]20 D +35 (c, 0.2 in MeOH).
2387 (synth) (2,3-R :4,6-S )axial-b-D-pyranose-form N O
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd 1-O-(3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzoyl): [121153- OH Me
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, 23-9] 1-O-Galloyl-2,3(R)-4,6(S)- O OH
2, 753
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2780 pyranose. Cuspinin
Rozen, S. et al., J.O.C. , 1997, 62, 1457-1462 C41H28O26 936.657
(dioxide) Off-white amorph. powder + 5H2O. N O
D -18.2 (c, 0.9 in Me2CO).
Gupta, R.K. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1982, 2525
N,N ?-Bis(g-glutamyl)-3,3?- B-133 Okuda, T. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1983, 1765
(Casuarictin) C38H34N2O8 646.695
(1,2-propylenedithio)dialanine Okuda, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984, 32, Alkaloid from the roots of Citrus paradisi
N,N?-[Propylenebis[thio(1-carboxyethyle- 2165 (Potentillin) (grapefruit). Yellow cubes (Me2CO). Mp
ne)]]diglutamine Nonaka, G. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1989, 207-2098. Racemic lmax 202 ; 231 ; 271 ;
37, 50 (Cuspinin) 290 (sh) ; 345 (sh) (EtOH).
NH 2 COOH Takemura, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998,
HOOCCHCH 2CH 2CONHCHCH 2SCH 2 46, 693-696 (isol, synth, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
HOOCCHCH 2CH 2CONHCHCH 2SCH CH 3 1,1?-Bis(2-hydroxy-3-methyl- B-135
NH 2 COOH carbazole) 1,7-Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)- B-138
C19H32N4O10S2 540.615 3,3?-Dimethyl-[1,1?-bi-9H-carbazole]-2,2?-
Constit. of chives (Allium schoenoprasum ). diol, 9CI O
Cryst. (Me2CO aq.).
Matikkala, E.J. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1963,
17, 1799 (isol) HO OH

C19H16O3 292.334
(all -E )-form [149732-52-5]
Constit. of the rhizomes of Curcuma

1,5-Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1,4-... / 3,3?-Bisjuglone B-139 / B-144

domestica (turmeric). Yellow powder. CH3 Bisisodiospyrin B-142

Nakayama, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 33, [30276-87-0]
501 (isol, pmr) HO C OH
1,5-Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1,4- B-139 HO O
pentadiene C15H16O2 228.29 OH HO
Di-(p-hydroxystyryl)methane Potential food contaminant arising from H3 C CH 3
its use in reusable polycarbonate food H3 C CH 3
containers such as water carboys, baby O O
bottles and kitchen utensils. Insol. H2O;
sol. EtOH; sl. sol. CCl4. Mp 156-1578. C44H26O12 746.682
HO Bp13 250-2528. Constit. of roots of Diospyros lotus (date
-Skin and eye irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 3250 plum). Orange prisms. Mp 3208. [a]21D -678
mg/kg. Exp. reprod. and teratogenic (c, 0.14 in CHCl3). lmax 257 (log e 4.69)
effects. SL6300000 and 444 nm (4.25).
Di-Ac: [10192-62-8] Tetra-Me ether:
OH C19H20O4 312.365 Mp 2238 dec.
C17H16O2 252.312 Cryst. Mp 79.5-81.58. Natori, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1971, 19,
Bis(2-methyl-2-propenoyl): [3253-39-2] 2308; 2314 (isol, struct)
(1Z ,4Z )-form van der Vijver, L.M. et al., Phytochemistry,
Constit. of Alpinia galanga (greater Bisphenol A dimethacrylate
1974, 13, 2322 (isol)
galangal) rhizomes. C23H24O4 364.44
Lillie, T.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1977, 355
Mp 72-748. (struct)
Cryst. (C6H6/petrol). Mp 140-1428. Dibenzoyl: [2297-14-5]
C29H24O4 436.506
Barik, B.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26,
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 153.58.
Di-Me ether: [1568-83-8] 2,2-Bis(4-meth- Bis(4-isothiocyanatobutyl) B-143
oxyphenyl)propane disulfide
C17H20O2 256.344
3,3?-Bis[2-hydroxy-9-phenyl- B-140 [18729-71-0]
Mp 59-61.58. Bp5 1908.
1H -phenalen-1-one] Isothiocyanic acid dithiobis(tetramethy-
2,2?-Dihydroxy-9,9?-diphenyl-[3,3?-bi-1H- Di-Et ether: [16079-00-8] 2,2-Bis(4-ethox- lene) ester, 9CI
phenalene]-1,1?-dione, 9CI. 3,3?-Bisanigor- yphenyl)propane
SCN(CH2)4/  S/  S/  (CH2)4NCS
ufone C19H24O2 284.397
Mp 49-508. C10H16N2S4 292.514
Constit. of salad rocket (Eruca sativa ).
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4''' D 1.4640.
O 44, 3835-3839 (isol, nmr, ms, synth)
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OH Methylethylidene)bis[4-(2-propenylox-
y)benzene]. 2,2-Bis(p-allyloxy)phenyl-
C21H24O2 308.419
3,3?-Bisjuglone B-144
Bp5 120-1258. n20D 1.5648.
C38H22O4 542.589 8,8?-Dihydroxy[2,2?-binaphthalene]-
Bis(oxiranylmethyl) ether: 2,2-Bis[4-(2,3-
Constit. of the rhizomes of Musa acumi- 1,1?,4,4?-tetrone, 9CI. 3,3?-Bijuglone
epoxypropoxy)phenyl]propane, B-128
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CH 3 2,4,5,7-Tetrathiaoctane
Bis(2-methyl-3-furanyl)tetra- B-148 Me2SCH2-4S-5S-CH72SMe
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[28588-76-3] Pale yellow oil. Bp4 112-1208 Bp0.02 83.2-
3,3?-Tetrathiobis[2-methylfuran], 9CI, 85.88.
C46H48N2O4 692.896 8CI. FEMA 3260
Alkaloid from the stem bark of Murraya 2-Oxide:Methylsulfinylmethyl(methylthio-
koenigii (curryleaf tree). Oil. methyl) disulfide
S S S S C4H10OS4 202.386
Ito, C. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1993, 41,
2096 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms, struct) 4-Oxide:2,4,5,7-Tetrathiaoctane 4-oxide.
O CH3 H3C O C4H10OS4 202.386
Bis(m-methanethiolato)tetrani- B-146 Yellow oil. lmax 206 (log e 4.03); 232
trosyldiiron, 10CI C10H10O2S4 290.452 (sh) (log e 3.69) (MeCN).
[16071-96-8] Flavouring agent for meat products and 2,2-Dioxide: [143113-67-1] Methylsulfo-
Bis(m-methylthio)tetranitrosyldiiron. baked goods. nylmethyl(methylthiomethyl) disulfide
Roussin’s red methyl ester. Roussin’s red U.S. Pat. , 1977, 4 020 175; CA , 81, 1350204 C4H10O2S4 218.386
(synth, use) Needles (Et2O). Mp 59-608 (558).
R Moran, E.J. et al., Drug Chem. Toxicol. , 1980, 4,4-Dioxide:
3, 249-258 (tox) C4H10O2S4 218.386
ON S NO Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
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Fe Fe 1126 (use) 2,2,7,7-Tetraoxide: [74963-70-5] Bis(-
ON S NO methylsulfonylmethyl) disulfide
Bis(methylthio) selenide B-149 C4H10O4S4 250.385
R Isol. from the edible shiitake mushroom
[41884-44-0] (Lentinus edodes ).
SeS-Methyl methanesulfeno(selenothioper-
Altamura, M.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1963, 28, 2438
R = Me oxoate), 13CI. [Selenobis(thio)]bis- (synth)
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C2H6Fe2N4O4S2 325.92 Me/  S/  Se/  S/  Me 947 (synth)
Exists as an interconverting mixt. of syn C2H6S2Se 173.161 Takazawa, H. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1982,
102, 489 (tetraoxide)
and anti isomers in soln.. Isol. from Constit. of Allium sp.. Weissflog, E. et al., Phosphorus Sulfur Relat.
pickled vegetables consumed in Linxian, Cai, X.-J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1994, 42, Elem. , 1983, 15, 27 (synth)
China. Fine red-brown or red-black 2081 (occur) Boehme, H. et al., Sulfur Lett. , 1984, 2, 151
needles (pentane). Mp 92-938 (88-898). (synth)
Ir nNO 1780vs, 1755vs cm-1 (CHCl3). Burton, S.G. et al., Planta Med. , 1992, 58, 295
-Carcinogenic. NO4740000 Bis(methylthio)methane, 9CI B-150 (isol, ir, pmr)
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133390 (isol, tox) Lim, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 48, 787-
Beck, W. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1981, 114, 3184
MeSCH2SMe 790 (4,4-dioxide)
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Seyferth, D. et al., Organometallics , 1986, 5, 539 Odorous constit. of white truffle (Tuber 25 (Marasmicin)
(synth, pmr, cmr, ir, ms) magnatum ); volatile component of some Kouokam, J.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 2002, 60,
Glidewell, C. et al., Polyhedron , 1988, 7, 1371 cheeses and boiled beef aroma. Also found 403-407 (2-oxide)
(reactions, epr) in milk, fish oils, shiitake mushroom,
Liu, J. et al., Carcinogenesis (London) , 1989,
10, 617-620 (isol, tox)
truffles, prawns and lobster. Important Bismurrayafoline E B-152
off-flavour component of foods. Used in
seasonings. Oily liq. with mustard-like [252350-80-4]
1,6-Bis(4-methoxyphenyl)-1,5- B-147 odour. d204 1.06. Bp 142-1438 Bp11.5 418.
hexadiene n23
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Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
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MeO Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , N H
1989, 3, 347D (ir) H N
Böhme, H. et al., Ber. , 1941, 74, 1667 (synth) HO OMe
OMe Schoenberg, A. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1967, 100,
778 (synth)
Fiecchi, A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1967, 1681 (isol, H3C

C20H22O2 294.393 sulfone)

Sloot, D. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1975, 23,
(E ,E )-form [72448-90-9] 356 (isol)
Neolignan from essential oil of Ocimum Freeman, D.J. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , C48H56N2O4 724.981
americanum (wild basil). Fluorescent 1986, 877 (isol) Alkaloid from the leaves of Murraya

Bismurrayaquinone A 
/ Bitalin A B-153 
/ B-159

koenigii (curryleaf tree). Gum. Ito, C. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990, 38, Tsuchida, H. et al., CA , 1990, 113, 229877r
2102 (occur)
Nutan, M.T.H. et al., Fitoterapia , 1999, 70, 130- Takemura, Y. et al., Heterocycles , 1997, 45, Sumoto, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1991,
133 1169 (Bisosthenon B) 39, 792-794 (Frucosazine, synth, ir, pmr, cmr)
Yanai, T. et al., J. Ferment. Bioeng. , 1995, 80,
Bismurrayaquinone A B-153 406-407 (VAPY)
Japan. Pat. , 1995, 95 118 286; CA , 124, 7180w
[155519-86-1] Bisparasin B-156
3,3?-Dimethyl-[2,2?-bi-1H-carbazole]- [153178-05-3] Pat. Coop. Treaty (WIPO) , 1999, 9 903 842;
1,1?,4,4?(9H,9?H)-tetrone, 9CI CA , 130, 139579s (synth, lyxo-form)

O N,N ?-Bis(2,2,2-trichloro-1- B-158

CH 3 MeO O O hydroxyethyl)urea, 9CI, 8CI
O [116-52-9]
H Dicloralurea, BSI, INN, ISO, USAN. SKF
H H 1995. DCU, WSSA. Crag Herbicide 2
H 3C C5H6Cl6N2O3 354.83
MeO O O Vet. food additive, inhibits methane pro-
duction in herbicide ruminants. Growth
C26H16N2O4 420.423 stimulant. Herbicide, now superseded.
Alkaloid from roots of Murraya koenigii C30H28O6 484.548 Never marketedLog P 2.86 (calc).
(curryleaf tree). Orange powder. Oil. Racemic. -Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 6400 mg/kg.
Ito, C. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1993, 41, Ito, C. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1993, 41, YS2787000
2096 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms, struct) 1657 (isol, pmr, cmr, struct) U.S. Pat. , 1973, 3 733 417, (Smith Kline and
Bringmann, G. et al., Tetrahedron , 1995, 51, French ); CA , 79, 52177p (use)
9353 (synth) Partis, M.D. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1983, 259,
Murphy, W.S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1998, 4115- 2,5-Bis(1,2,3,4-tetrahydroxy- B-157 189 (hplc)
4119 (synth) Pesticide Manual, 9th edn. , 1991, No. 4170
butyl)pyrazine Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Bisnorbadioquinone A B-154 [68538-87-4] Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, DGQ200
[90295-70-8] [220145-43-7, 220145-44-8, 220145-45-9,
220145-46-0, 220145-47-1]
1,1?-(2,5-Pyrazinediyl)bis-1,2,3,4-butane- Bitalin A B-159
tetrol, 9CI [34428-28-9]
O OH OH OH nyl]-5-benzofuranyl]ethanone, 9CI. 5-
2'' N
HOCH2 OH (1'R,1''R,2'R,2''R,3'R,3''R)-form Acetyl-2,3-dihydro-2-(1-hydroxy-2-propen-
OH N 2'
2-yl)benzofuran. 12-Hydroxytremetone
O C12H20N2O8 320.299 12
(1?R ,1??R ,2?R ,2??R ,3?R ,3??R )-form [13121-
Beige powder. Mp 1098. C13H14O3 218.252
OH (1?R ,1??R ,2?S,2??S,3?R ,3??R )-form [13185-
73-4] (R )-form [35844-67-8]
D-arabino-form. D-Fructosazine
Constit. of Helichrysum italicum (curry
C34H18O14 650.508 plant). Liq. [a]D -61.2 (c, 2 in CHCl2).
Isol. from higher fungus Xerocomus ba- Present in ammonia caramels and soy
dius (kostanjevka). sauce. Needles (EtOH). Mp 2378. [a]20 D -
O-Angeloyl: [65580-28-1]
84.1 (c, 1 in H2O). C18H20O4 300.354
Steffan, B. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1984, (S )-form [78548-83-1]
23, 445 (isol, uv, pmr) Octa-Ac: [13051-88-2]
Mp 1748. [a]11D -7.2 (c, 1 in CHCl3).
(1?R ,1??R ,2?S,2??S,3?S,3??S )-form [41093- C19H24O8 380.394
Bisosthenon B-155 Constit. of Helichrysum italicum (curry
14-5] L-xylo-form. L-Sorbosazine
[123672-84-4] Needles (EtOH). Mp 175-1778. [a]20 plant). Mp 1558. [a]D -53 (c, 0.1 in
D -27
(c, 0.1 in H2O). MeOH). lmax 233 ; 287 (MeOH).
MeO (1?j,1??j,2?j,2??j,3?j,3??j)-form 12-Ac: [134236-63-8] 12-Acetyloxytreme-
OMe 2?,2??-Bis-O-(2-acetamido-2-deoxy-b-D- tone
glucopyranoside): [165956-47-8] Vibrio C15H16O4 260.289
alginolyticus Pyrazine. VAPY 12-O-(4-Hydroxycinnamoyl)(E-):
O 2'
4' O C28H46N4O18 726.687 [158414-61-0] 12-p-Coumaroyloxytreme-
Powder. Sol. MeOH, H2O. lmax 275 tone
O H3CCO COCH3 O (H2O). C22H20O5 364.397
[68510-02-1] 12-Aldehyde: [70360-18-8] 5-Acetyl-2,3-di-
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Tsuchida, H. et al., Dev. Food Sci. , 1986, 13, 85-
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/ Blasticidin S B-160  / B-162

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[1137-87-7] C23H37N9O6 535.602
4-[5-(2-Thienyl)-2-thienyl]-3-butyn-1-ol, Needles (H2O). Sol. H2O; fairly sol.
4-[2,2?-Bithiophen-5-yl]-3-bu- B-160 8CI. 5-(4-Hydroxy-1-butynyl)-2,2?-bithio- MeOH, DMSO; poorly sol. CHCl3,
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5-(3,4-Dihydroxy-1-butynyl)-2,2?-bithio- dy).
phene C CCH 2 CH 2 OH 5-Fluoro: [102865-76-9] Fluoroblasticidin S
C17H25FN8O5 440.433
2 C12H10OS2 234.342 Powder. Sol. H2O; poorly sol. butanol,
C CCHCH 2OH Constit. of the roots of Tagetes minuta hexane. Mp 225-2278. lmax 280 (e
S S (Mexican marigold), Tagetes spp.. Cryst. 13500); 282 (e 8020) (HCl) (Berdy). lmax
(Et2O/petrol or CCl4). Mp 688. 275 (e 5500) (NaOH) (Berdy). lmax 276
C12H10O2S2 250.342 (e 12000) (H2O) (Berdy).
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Cryst. (CCl4/Et2O). Mp 1028. [a]D +11 (c,
C14H12O2S2 276.38 xymethylblasticidin S. A 83094B. Anti-
2.55 in CHCl3) (c, 2.55 in Et2O).
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1-Ac: [95910-62-6] 5-(4-Acetoxy-3-hydro- 1158. C18H28N8O6 452.469
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phene C17H18O2S2 318.46 HCl) (Derep). lmax 272 (e 8000) (H2O)
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2-Ketone, Ac: [1222-83-9] 5-(4-Acetoxy-3- 1147 (Leucylblasticidin S)
oxo-1-butynyl)-2,2?-bithiophene Isono, K. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1988, 41, 1711 (rev)
NH NH 2 Larsen, S.H. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1989, 42, 470
C14H10O3S2 290.363
Isol. from Tagetes erecta (African mar- CONH (isol, deriv)
H 2N N Zhang, Q. et al., Tetrahedron , 2000, 56, 693-701
igold). Cryst. (CCl4). Mp 688.
Me (biosynth)
1-Deoxy, 1-chloro: [1020-03-7] 5-(4- Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Chloro-3-hydroxy-1-butynyl)-2,2?-bithio- C17H26N8O5 422.443 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
phene. 1-Chloro-4-[5-(3-thienyl)-2-thie- Nucleoside-type antibiotic. Contact
Reinhold , 1992, BLX500
nyl]-3-butyn-2-ol, 8CI fungicide used against rice blast disease
C12H9ClOS2 268.787 in Japan. Needles (H2O). Mp 2358 (252-
Isol. from Tagetes minuta (Mexican
2538) dec. [a]11
D +108.4 (c, 1 in H2O).
marigold). Solid. Mp 558.
pKa1 2.4; pKa2 4.6; pKa3 8; pKa4 0.
1-Deoxy, 1-chloro, Ac: [96850-15-6] 5-(3- Hydrol. / 0 Cytosinine lmax 275 (e
Acetoxy-4-chloro-1-butynyl)-2,2?-bithio- 14800) (0.1N HCl) (Derep). lmax 266 (e
phene 11400) (0.1N NaOH) (Derep). lmax 231
C14H11ClO2S2 310.824 (e 8900); 268 (e 7000) (H2O) (Derep).
Yellow oil. -LD50 (rat, orl) 16 mg/kg. LD50 (rat, skn)
Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1965, 98, 155; 3100 mg/kg. EC4900000

Blighinone / Borax, 11CI, 10CI, 9CI, 8CI B-163 
/ B-167

Blighinone B-163 Bocconoline B-165 sine. Norboldine

[20544-62-1] [32906-88-0] C18H19NO4 313.352
12,13-Dihydro-1,2-dimethoxy-12- Alkaloid from Sassafras and the leaves
methyl[1,3]benzodioxolo[5,6-c]phenan- of Peumus boldus (boldo). Flavouring
COOH ingredient. Mp 138-1408. [a]D +101 (c,
thridine-13-methanol, 9CI. 8-Hydroxy-
O HO methyldihydrochelerythrine. Base C$ 0.69 in EtOH).
Späth, E. et al., Ber. , 1933, 66, 904 (isol, struct)
O Nakasato, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1959,
O 7, 780 (Laurolitsine)
O Johns, S.R. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1967, 20, 1277
O HO (isol, pmr, Laurolitsine)
MeO 9 NMe Tewari, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, 11, 1149
C16H10O8 330.25 (isol, pmr, uv, ms, Boldine, Laurolitsine)
Quinone from the fruit pulp of Blighia MeO
CH2 OH Kupchan, S.M. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1976, 91
sapida (akee apple). Lemon-yellow cryst. (synth)
(Py). Mp 3608 dec. Bhakuni, D.S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1977, 706
C22H21NO5 379.412 (biosynth)
Tri-Ac: Probably an artifact. Pillars (MeOH). Mp Ringdahl, B. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1981, 44, 80
Cryst. (Py). Mp 340-3448 dec. 232-2338 (215-2188, 221-2228). (cd)
Tri-Me ether: O9-De-Me:7,8-Dihydro-8-hydroxymethyl- Asencio, M. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1996, 52, 1581
Cryst. (Py). Mp 348-3508. (cryst struct)
fagaridine Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Garg, H.S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1968, 1549 C21H19NO5 365.385 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Solid. Poss. artifact. Reinhold , 1992, DNZ100
Deoxy: [159465-79-9] 8-Methyldihydro-
Blue copper proteins B-164 C22H21NO4 363.412
Type 1 Copper proteins Alkaloid from root bark of Zanthox- Borax, 11CI, 10CI, 9CI, 8CI B-167
[CuN2S2] ylum simulans (Szechuan pepper). Nee- [1303-96-4]
dles (MeOH). Mp 203-2058.
A group of metalloproteins which have a [13840-56-7]
single Cu atom at the active site and Tani, C. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1962, 82, 755;
Tincal. Disodium tetraborate decahydrate.
CA , 58, 5747f (isol)
three characteristic props.: intense blue Borax decahydrate. Sodium borate, JAN,
Ishii, H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1971, 2429 (uv, ir, pmr,
colour at ca . 600 nm, unusually narrow ms, struct) USAN
hyperfine coupling in the ESR spectrum Novák, V. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
of the Cu2 protein, and high reduction 1974, 39, 3352 (isol, uv) 2
potentials (range 184-680 mV). Ishii, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1978, 26, OH
Amicyanin 166 (uv, ir, pmr, ms, struct, synth) B
Contains 106 amino acids. Itokawa, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, O O
Azurin 839 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms)
Castedo, L. et al., Heterocycles , 1981, 16, 533 2Na HO B O B OH .8H 2O
Contains 128 or 129 amino acids.
(occur) O O
Cucumber basic protein Boulware, R.J. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1981, 44, B
Plantacyanin. CBP 200 (7,8-Dihydro-8-hydroxymethylfagaridine)
Contains 96 amino acids. Isol. from OH
Chen, I.S. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1994, 57, 1206
cucumber. (8-Methyldihydrochelerythrine)
Plastocyanin B4H20Na2O17 381.371
There are a number of Plastocyanins, each The most important commercial borate.
containing between 97 and 104 amino
Boldine B-166
Also formulated as
acids. [476-70-0] Na2O.2B2O3.10H2O. Listed in the
Pseudoazurin 5,6,6a,7-Tetrahydro-1,10-dimethoxy-6- EAFUS Food Additive Database (Jan.
Contains 123 amino acids. methyl-4H-dibenzo[de,g]quinoline-2,9- 2001) but with no current reported use.
Rusticyanin diol, 9CI. 2,9-Dihydroxy-1,10-dimethoxya- Historically used as a food preservative
Contains 144 amino acids. porphine since ca. 1800, common in butter/
Stellacyanin margarine. Now limited to preservation
Contains 107 amino acids. HO of caviar. Colourless monoclinic cryst.
Umecyanin Sol. H2O (2 g per 100 cm3 at 08, 170 g
Contains 125 amino acids. Isol. from roots N per 100 cm3 at 1008) MeOH, polyols;
of horseradish. MeO Me spar. sol. Me2CO, EtOAc, EtOH. Stable
Lappin, A.G. et al., Met. Ions Biol. Syst. , (Ed. H (S)-form in aq. soln. up to 618 then dehydrates to
Sigel, H.), Vol. 13, Marcel Dekker, N.Y., Disodium tetraborate pentahydrate -
1981, 15 (rev) complex dehydration reactions depend
Copper Proteins Copper Enzymes , (Ed. Lontie, somewhat on sample’s history.
R.), CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1984, (book)
Dooley, D.M. et al., Life Chem. Rep. , 1987, 5, OH Mineral-form
91 (rev)
Latour, J.M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1988, Colourless or white to greyish, greenish or
C19H21NO4 327.379Log P 2.42 (uncer- bluish cryst.
508 (rev) tain value) (calc).
Ryden, L. et al., Prog. Clin. Biol. Res. , 1988, [1344-90-7, 12322-85-9, 12447-40-4, 61028-24-8,
274, 349 (rev) -CE0750000
Guss, J.M. et al., Sciences (N.Y.) , 1988, 241; (S )-form
806 (cryst struct) Alkaloid from Sassafras and the leaves of Theimer, O. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1950, 81,
Sykes, A.G. et al., Adv. Inorg. Chem. , 1991, 36, Peumus boldus (boldo). Flavouring 301 (Raman)
377 (rev) ingredient. Mp 161-1638. [a]13 Nies, N.P. et al., J. Chem. Eng. Data , 1967, 12,
D +111 (c,
Gross, E.L. et al., Adv. Photosynth. , 1996, 4, 303 (synth)
1.03 in EtOH). Pharmacol. active isomer.
413-429 (rev, Plastocyanin) Thomas, G. et al., J. Chim. Phys. Phys.-Chim.
-LD50 (mus, orl) 450 mg/kg. CE0750000 Biol. , 1972, 69, 1154 (thermal anal)
Donaire, A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 2002, 124, 13698-
13708 (Pseudoazurin, Rusticyanin, pmr, struct) N-De-Me: [5890-18-6] 2,9-Dihydroxy- Levy, H.A. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1978, 34, 3502
1,10-dimethoxynoraporphine. Laurolit- (nd, cryst struct)

Boric acid (HBO2), 11CI, 10CI  / 2-Bornanol B-168 / B-171

Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn., alopecia. Exp. reprod. and teratogenic 2-Bornanol B-171
Wiley, 1978, 4, 80 (manuf, uses, tox) effects. LD50 (rat, orl) 3000-4000 mg/kg.
Kochergin, V.P. et al., Russ. J. Inorg. Chem.
ED4550000 1,7,7-Trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptan-2-ol.
(Engl. Transl.) , 1979, 24, 1641 (pmr, B-11
Mineral-form 2-Hydroxybornane. Bingpian
Nies, N.P. et al., Mellor Compr. Treat. Inorg. Sassolite
Theor. Chem. , 1980, 356 (rev, bibl) White to grey soft pearly triclinic cryst.
Janda, R. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1980, 36, Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
997 (ir, Raman) 2, 1246A (ir)
Turner, G.L. et al., J. Magn. Reson. , 1986, 67, Zachariasen, W.H. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1954, 7,
544 (B-11 nmr) 305 (cryst struct)
Sigma-Aldrich Library of Chemical Safety Data , Sciarra, E. et al., J. Am. Pharm. Assoc., Sci. Ed. , OH
1988, 2, 3155C (haz) 1960, 49, 116 (tox)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Craven, B.M. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1966, 20, 214 H (1R,2R)-form
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand (nd)
Reinhold , 1992, SFE500; SFF000 Nöth, H. et al., NMR Spectroscopy of Boron C10H18O 154.252
Compounds (NMR Basic Principles and Both Borneol and Isoborneol and their
Progress) , Springer Verlag, 1978, (B-11 nmr) acetates and formates are used as flavour-
Boric acid (HBO2), 11CI, B-168 Mellor Compr. Treat. Inorg. Theor. Chem. , 1980,
10CI ing agents.
5, 224 (rev, bibl)
Butler, L.G. et al., J. Magn. Reson. , 1981, 42, (1R ,2R )-form [10334-13-1]
120 (nqr) (-)-Isoborneol. b-Camphol. Isocamphol.
Boric acid$. Metaboric acid. E284
Janda, R. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1981, 36, FEMA 2158
997 (ir, Raman) Flavouring agent. Cryst. (petrol). Mp
OH Houlsby, R.D. et al., Antimicrob. Agents 2128 (sealed tube). [a]20
D -32.3 (MeOH).
Chemother. , 1986, 29, 803 (pharmacol) (1R ,2S )-form [464-43-7]
B Gmelin Handbook Inorg. Chem. , Syst. No. 13,
O O 3rd Suppl. , 1987, 2, 96 (rev, bibl)
(+)-Borneol. (+)-Bornyl alcohol. Bor-
Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn., neo camphor. FEMA 2157
B B Wiley, 1991, 4, 365 (manuf, props, uses) Constit. of Curcuma aromatica and
HO O OH Treinen, K.A. et al., Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. , other plants. Cryst. (petrol). Mp 2088.
1991, 107, 325 (tox) Bp 2128. [a]20D +37.7 (c, 5 in EtOH).
α-form (trimer) Heindel, J.J. et al., Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. , -ED7060000
1992, 18, 266 (tox) Formyl: [7492-41-3] Bornyl formate.
BHO2 43.818 Von Burg, R. et al., J. Appl. Toxicol. , 1992, 12,
FEMA 2161
149 (tox, rev)
Common product of hydrolysis and C11H18O2 182.262
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
pyrolysis of many boron compds. Three edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1343 Flavouring agent. Liq. d20 1.01. Bp21
cryst. forms known. Preservative. Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis , 106-1088. n20D 1.4689.
Kracek, F.C. et al., Am. J. Sci. , 1938, 35, 143 (ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 1, 644-645 Butanoyl: [13109-70-1] Bornyl butyrate.
(B2O3-H2O phase diagram, synth) (use) FEMA 3907
Silver, A.H. et al., J. Chem. Phys. , 1960, 32, 959 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
(B-11 nmr, a-form, b-form) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 291-292
C14H24O2 224.342
Bray, P.J. et al., J. Chem. Phys. , 1961, 35, 435 Stokinger, H.E. et al., Patty’s Ind. Hyg. Toxicol. Flavouring agent. d18 0.97. Bp22 141-
(B-11 nmr, g-form) (3rd Rev. edn.) , Vol. 2, Wiley, 1980, 2B, 2984 1438. n18
D 1.4638.
Zachariasen, W.H. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1963, 16, (tox) Pentanoyl: [7549-41-9] Bornyl valerate.
380; 385 (cryst struct, g-form, b-form) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of FEMA 2164
Peters, C.R. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1964, 17, 229 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand C15H26O2 238.369
(cryst struct, a-form) Reinhold , 1992, BMC000
Bertoluzza, A. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , 1980, 64,
Flavouring agent. Bp 2498. n20 D 1.4615.
123 (ir, Raman) 3-Methylbutanoyl: [76-50-6] Bornyl isova-
Mellor Compr. Treat. Inorg. Theor. Chem. , 1980, 2,3-Bornanediol, 8CI B-170 lerate. FEMA 2165
5/A, 224 (rev, bibl) [13837-85-9, 30128-49-5, 30128-51-9, 30226-61- C15H26O2 238.369
0, 38226-15-2, 45980-02-7, 56614-57-4, 56614- Flavouring agent. Oil. d18 0.95. Bp26
Boric acid (H3BO3), 9CI, 8CI, B-169 58-5, 64911-69-9] 151-1528. n18D 1.4605.

INN, JAN, USAN 1,7,7-Trimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]heptane-2,3- (1S,2R )-form [464-45-9]

diol, 9CI. 2,3-Camphanediol (-)-Borneol. Linderol. Ngai camphor.
[10043-35-3] FEMA 2157
Boracic acid. Orthoboric acid Constit. of Blumea balsamifera (sam-
B(OH)3 bong). Cryst. (petrol). Mp 208-2098. Bp
BH3O3 61.833 2128. [a]20
D -37.74 (c, 5 in EtOH).
OH -Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 5800 mg/kg.
Common product of hydrol. of many 3
boron compds. containing B/  Hal, OR, 1 DT5095000
2 H
SR, H, NR2 etc. bonds. Food Ac: [5655-61-8] (-)-Bornyl acetate. FEMA
contaminant deriving from paper and OH 2159
paperboard in contact with food. V. C12H20O2 196.289
limited use as an antibacterial agent in (1R,2R,3R)-form Flavouring agent. Sol. MeOH, Et2O;
caviar. Pearly scales or powder. Mod. fairly sol. H2O. Bp 223-2248. [a]20
D -38.1
C10H18O2 170.251 (neat).
sol. hot H2O, v. spar. sol. cold H2O. Mp
1718. Component of Aci-Jel, Blinx, (1R ,2R ,3R )-form [68738-11-4] (1S,2S )-form [16725-71-6]
Bluboro, Borofax, Collyrium Eye (+)-endo,exo-form (+)-Isoborneol. FEMA 2158
Drops, Wyanoids. DH8f -1094.3 kJ mol-1. Cryst. (C6H6/petrol). Mp 254-2568. [a]D Flavouring agent. Cryst. (petrol). Mp
Melting point often indefinite owing to +15 (c, 1.5 in EtOH). 2148. [a]D +33.89 (EtOH).
gradual dehydration on heating. 2-Ac: [61586-52-5] Vulgarole$ (1RS,2RS )-form [6627-72-1]
-Acute exposure affects the gastrointestinal C12H20O3 212.288 (/9)-Isoborneol
tract, CNS, skin, liver and kidneys. Constit. of oil of Artemisia vulgaris Plates (petrol). Prac. insol. H2O. Mp
Symptoms of chronic intoxication include (mugwort). Thick oil. Rel. config. only 2128 (sealed tube).
anorexia, gastrointestinal disturbances, detd., could be the enantiomer. Formyl: [1200-67-5] Isobornyl formate.
debility, confusion, dermatitis, menstrual Nano, G.M. et al., Planta Med. , 1976, 30, 211- FEMA 2162
disorders, anaemia, convulsions and 215 (Vulgarole)

Boschniakine / Boviquinone 4 B-172  / B-177

C11H18O2 182.262 of the struct. has been questioned (D. Renauld, F. et al., Tetrahedron , 1984, 40, 1823;
Flavouring agent. d18 1. Bp20 1108. n20
D Gross et al ). 1985, 41, 955 (biosynth, props)
1.4717. Kurth, M.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 1840 (synth)
N-Et, picrate: Rehnberg, N. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1987, 28, 3589-
Propanoyl: [2756-56-1] Isobornyl propio- Mp 125-1278. [a]30D +14.2 (c, 1.9 in 3592 (synth)
nate. FEMA 2163 CHCl3). Rehnberg, N. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1990,
C13H22O2 210.316 Sakan, T. et al., Tetrahedron , 1967, 23, 4635 (uv, 44, 377 (synth)
Flavouring agent. Oil. d15.5 0.98. Bp ir, synth, struct) Nouguier, R. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1999, 40, 3371-
2458. n20
D 1.4640. Torssell, K. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1968, 22, 3374 (synth)
2715 (struct) Villar, F. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1999, 40, 3375-3378
3-Methylbutanoyl: [7779-73-9] Isobornyl (synth)
Dickinson, E.M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1969, 25,
isovalerate. FEMA 2166 1523 (pmr) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
C15H26O2 238.369 Khakimdzhanov, S. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Flavouring agent. Liq. 1971, 7, 126; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Reinhold , 1992, BMK290
(1RS,2SR )-form [24393-70-2] Transl.) , 1971, 7, 121 (Indicainine)
(/9)-Borneol. FEMA 2157 Gross, D. et al., Z. Chem. , 1973, 13, 296 (ms) 4(15)-Bourbonene B-175
Flavouring agent. Mp 210-2158 subl.
-Fl. p. 668.
[124-76-5, 507-70-0, 16868-11-4] Boschniakinic acid B-173
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, H
1, 169B; 169C; 631C (ir)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Spectra , 1992, 1, 251A; 251B; 954A (nmr)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , HOOC
1989, 3, 246A; 246B; 660A (ir, Ac) (R)-form H H
Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen N
der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn.,
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, nos. 312; 313 C15H24 204.355
C10H11NO2 177.202
(R )-form [21857-97-6] Flavouring agent. Oil. [a]20
D -92.12.
Oratani, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1974, 38,
1961-1964 (resoln) Alkaloid from Plantago psyllium Křepinský, J. et al., Tetrahedron, Suppl. , No. 8,
Gream, G.E. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1974, 27, (African plantain). Mp 218-2208. [a]D 1966, 53 (struct)
567-587 ((+)-Borneol, (-)-Isoborneol, synth) +38.6 (+ 30.8). White, J.D. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1968, 90, 6171
Helmchen, G. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1974, 1527-1530 (synth)
(S )-form [21913-34-8]
(abs config) Tomioka, K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1982, 23, 3401
Bohlmann, F. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1975,
Mp 218-2208. [a]D -30.1. (synth)
7, 426-432 (cmr) (/9)-form Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Tadesa, K. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1976, 40, Mp 226-2278. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 298-299
1069-1073 (biosynth) Sakan, T. et al., Tetrahedron , 1967, 23, 4635 Bülow, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 55, 141-
Stothers, J.B. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1976, 54, (isol, ir, struct, synth) 168 (pmr, cmr)
1211-1221 (cmr, biosynth) Cordell, G.A. et al., Alkaloids (N.Y.) , 1977, 16,
Yamaguchi, S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1977, 89 (config, 431 (rev) Boviquinone 3 B-176
Jonsson, S. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , 1988, 14, 713- [32916-10-2]
721 (occur) Botryodiplodin B-174 2,5-Dihydroxy-3-(3,7,11-trimethyl-2,6,10-
Merck Index, 11th edn. , 1989, 1339 dodecatrienyl)cyclohexadiene-1,4-dione,
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th [27098-03-9] 9CI. 3-Farnesyl-2,5-dihydroxy-1,4-benzo-
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1409 1-(Tetrahydro-5-hydroxy-4-methyl-3-fura- quinone. Helveticone
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd nyl)ethanone, 9CI. 4-Acetyl-2-hydroxy-3-
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, methyltetrahydrofuran
2, 68; 69; 70; 71; 384; 385; 386 (rev) O
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. OH
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 292-297; H3 CCO CH 3
1435-1440 Absolute HO
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of con®guration
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand OH O
Reinhold , 1992, BMD000; IHY000; NCQ820
C21H28O4 344.45
C7H12O3 144.17
Boschniakine B-172 Mycotoxin prod. by Botryodiplodia theo- (E ,E )-form [34198-83-9]
Indicaine bromae, Penicillium carneoluteus and Pe- Pigment from Chroogomphus rutilus
nicillium roquefortii . Isol. from P. (pine spike cap). Yellow cryst. (petrol).
roquefortii infected corn silage. Cryst. Mp 98-1008.
(Et2O). Sol. H2O, Me2CO, MeOH, EtOH, Beaumont, P.C. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1971, 2582
Et2O; fairly sol. C6H6, hexane, CHCl3. Mp (isol, struct)
OHC (R)-form Esser, F. et al., Z. Naturforsch., B , 1971, 26, 336
50-528. Anomerises in soln. to a mixt. of 2-
Mühlbauer, A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1998, 39, 5167-
epimers lmax 278 (e 25) (CHCl3) (Berdy).
N 5170 (biosynth)
-LD50 (mus, ipr) 40-50 mg/kg. OB6005000
C10H11NO 161.203 Ac: Boviquinone 4 B-177
(R )-form [18070-40-1] Cryst. (Et2O). Mp 45-478. [a]D -104 (c,
Alkaloid from Plantago psyllium 0.09 in CHCl3).
(African plantain). Bp3 80-908. [a]20
D +21 [81738-55-8, 95976-07-1, 95976-08-2] quinone. Bovinone
(c, 0.98 in CHCl3). McCurry, P.M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1973, 95, 5824
Picrate: (synth, stereochem) O
Mp 126-1288 Mp 1568 (dimorph.). Wilson, S.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1975, 40, 3309 OH
Semicarbazone: (synth)
Sakai, K. et al., CA , 1979, 90, 186692p (synth, HO
Mp 217-2208 (210-2248). abs config) O
N-Et: [32152-74-2] Indicainine Moreau, S. et al., J.O.C. , 1982, 47, 2358 (isol,
C12H16NO 190.264The correctness cryst struct) C26H36O4 412.568

Brassicanal B  / Brassinolide B-178 / B-181

Metabolite of Boletus (Suillus) bovinus. sol. H2O. Mp 132-1338. First report of the C28H48O5 464.684
Yellow cryst. (AcOH). Sol. MeOH, C6H6; isol. of sulfur-containing phytoalexins (see Constit. of seeds of Apium graveolens
poorly sol. H2O. Mp 84-858. lmax 287 (e also Cyclobrassinin, C-434) lmax 220 (e (celery) and Pisum sativum (pea).
20500) (EtOH) (Berdy). lmax 324 (EtOH/ 30000); 280 (e 6000); 289 (e 5000) (MeOH) 23-Ketone, 24-epimer: [208346-75-2] 24-
NaOH) (Berdy). (Derep). lmax 218 (e 38300); 236 (e 87400); Epi-23-dehydrobrassinolide
Beaumont, P.C. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1969, 2398 268 (e 16100); 287 (e 9070) (MeOH) C28H46O6 478.6683 Stereoisomeric
Mühlbauer, A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1998, 39, 5167- (Berdy). compds. also isol..
5170 (biosynth) N1-Methoxy: [105748-60-5] Methoxybras- Thompson, M.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1979, 44, 5002
sinin (synth)
Brassicanal B B-178 C12H14N2OS2 266.387 Grove, M.D. et al., Nature (London) , 1979,
281, 216 (isol, cryst struct)
[126654-63-5] Isol. from Brassica campestris ssp.
Mori, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1982, 38, 2099
2,3-Dihydro-3-hydroxy-3-methylthiazo- pekinensis (Cruciferae) inoculated with (synth)
lo[3,2-a]indole-9-carboxaldehyde, 9CI Pseudomonas cichorii . Viscous oil. lmax Sakakibara, M. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1983,
218 (e 37300); 267 (e 15800); 287 (sh) (e 47, 663 (synth, bibl)
9470); 297 (sh) (e 5740) (MeOH) (De- Ikekawa, N. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984,
CHO rep). lmax 218 (e 37000); 241 (e 13000); 32, 2001 (synth)
267 (e 15300) (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax Donaubaurer, J.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1984, 49, 2833
S 218 (e 24500); 267 (e 16200) (EtOH) (synth)
N Mori, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1984, 40, 1767
HO 4-Methoxy: [129602-03-5] 4-Methoxybras- Singh, H. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 1986,
sinin 25, 989 (rev)
C12H11NO2S 233.29 C12H14N2OS2 266.387 Adam, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, 1787
Isol. from white cabbage (Brassica (rev)
Exists in CD3OD as an equilibrium mixt. Aburatani, M. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1987,
of the hemiaminal (illus.) and open- oleracea var. capitata ) (Cruciferae)
51, 1909 (synth)
chain keto form. Alkaloid from Chinese heads inoculated with Pseudomonas
Ikekawa, N. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988,
cabbage Brassica campestris ssp. cichorii . Amorph. lmax 219 (e 44300); 36, 405 (24-epi-Brassinolide)
pekinensis inoculated with Pseudomonas 265 (e 18500) (MeOH) (Berdy). Wei-Shan, Z. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1989, 612
cichorii . Mp 169-1708. [a]D 0. lmax 207 Takasugi, M. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1986, 1077 (synth)
(e 25800); 220 (e 25400); 252 (e 24100); (isol, synth, struct, deriv) Yokota, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1990, 54,
Kawasaki, T. et al., Heterocycles , 1990, 31, 1605 1107 (biosynth)
277 (e 14200); 315 (e 11700) (MeOH)
(synth, Methoxybrassinin) Zhou, W.-S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1991, 2827
(Berdy). Monde, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, (synth)
Monde, K. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1990, 209 (isol, 1499 (4-Methoxybrassinin) Back, T.G. et al., J.O.C. , 1991, 56, 454 (synth)
uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms, struct) Somei, M. et al., Heterocycles , 1992, 33, 77 Back, T.G. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1991, 32, 4817
(synth, Methoxybrassinin) (synth)
Brassicanal C B-179 Yamada, F. et al., Heterocycles , 1993, 36, 2783 Zhou, W.-S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1991, 32, 6745
(synth) (synth)
[137761-23-0] Kutschy, P. et al., Tetrahedron , 1998, 54, 3549- Tsubuki, M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1992, 2643
Methyl 3-formyl-1H-indole-2-sulfinate, 9CI 3566 (synth) (synth)
Pedras, M.S.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 53, Porzel, A. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1992, 30,
161-176 (rev) 651 (pmr, cmr)
CHO Bock, T.G. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1993, 71, 156
SOMe (synth)
Brassinolide B-181 McMorris, T.C. et al., J.O.C. , 1993, 58, 2338
N O [72962-43-7] (synth)
H 2,3,22,23-Tetrahydroxy-24-methyl-B- Ando, T. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1993, 31,
homo-7-oxacholestan-6-one 94 (pmr, cmr)
Schmidt, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40,
C10H9NO3S 223.252
1041 (2-Deoxybrassinolide)
Alkaloid from Brassica oleracea (cabbage) OH McMorris, T.C. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1996, 295
inoculated with Pseudomonas cichorii . Mp (synth)
150-1518. [a]D -13.3 (c, 1.04 in MeOH). Yokota, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 42, 509
lmax 215 (e 18300); 247 (e 13600); 309 (e OH (2-Deoxybrassinolide)
9400) (MeOH) (Berdy). Choi, Y.-H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 43,
H 593; 1997, 44, 609 (biosynth)
Monde, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, HO Voigt, B. et al., Tetrahedron , 1996, 52, 1997
2915 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms, struct) (synth)
Wantanabe, T. et al., J. Chem. Res., Synop. ,
Brassinin B-180 HO O 1997, 360-361 (synth)
H Stoldt, M. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1997, 35,
[105748-59-2] O 629-636 (pmr, cmr)
Methyl (1H-indol-3-ylmethyl)carbamo- Schmittberger, T. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1997, 38,
dithioate, 9CI C28H48O6 480.684 2837 (synth)
Constit. of bee collected rape pollen Yokota, T. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. ,
(Brassica napus ). Cryst. Mp 274-2758. 1998, 62, 526-531 (23-Dehydrobrassinolides)
S [a]24
D +41.9 (CHCl3/MeOH, 9:1). Brosa, C. et al., Tetrahedron , 1999, 55, 1793-
CH2NH C SMe 24-Epimer: [78821-43-9] 24-Epibrassino-
1798 (synth)
Lopez, E.M.F. et al., Antiviral Chem.
lide. Epibrassinolide R Chemother. , 2000, 11, 71 (activity)
C28H48O6 480.684 Nomura, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 57,
N Constit. of Vicia faba pollen. Cryst. Mp 171-178 (biosynth)
22,23,24-Triepimer: [78821-42-8] Brassi-
C11H12N2S2 236.361 nosteroid. Epibrassinolide S. Isoepibras-
Isol. from Chinese cabbage (Brassica sinolide
campestris ssp. pekinensis )(Cruciferae) 2-Deoxy: [144071-55-6] 3,22,23-Trihy-
heads inoculated with Pseudomonas ci- droxy-24-methyl-B-homo-7-oxachole-
chorii . Sol. MeOH, Et2O, Me2CO; fairly stan-6-one. 2-Deoxybrassinolide

Brassitin  / Bromelains, BAN, INN, JAN, USAN B-182  / B-190

Brassitin B-182 Brevetoxin B3 B-184 Brevifolincarboxylic acid B-188

[113866-42-5] [18490-95-4]
S-Methyl 1H-indole-3-ylmethylcarba- HO
mothioate, 9CI CO(CH 2)nCH 3 H O oxocyclopenta[c][2]benzopyran-1-car-
O H boxylic acid, 9CI
N n = 12 and 14 HO OH
H Isol. from the New Zealand green mussel
Perna canaliculus. Obt. as two homologues
C11H12N2OS 220.295 lmax 207 (e 19000) (MeOH) (Berdy).
Stress metab. from Japanese radish Dai- Brevetoxin B3 C64 component [171527-63-2]
kon (Raphanus sativus var. hortensis, C64H96O17 1137.452n = 12. O
Cruciferae), inoculated with Pseudomonas Brevetoxin B3 C66 component [171527-64-3]
cichorii . Amorph. lmax 218 (e 36800); 271 C66H100O17 1165.506n = 14. C13H8O8 292.201
(e 5910); 277 (e 5910); 287 (e 4830) Yellow prisms + H2O (H2O). Mp 2508
(MeOH) (Berdy). Morohashi, A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1995, 36, 8995-
8998 (isol, pmr, ms) (dec.). [a]13
D -3 (c, 0.4 in Me2CO aq.).
1-Methoxy: [113900-63-3] Methoxybrassi- Readily decarboxylates to Brevifolin.
tin Me ester: [154702-76-8] Methyl brevifolin-
C12H14N2O2S 250.321 Brevianamide A B-185 carboxylate
Isol. from Chinese cabbage (Brassica [23402-09-7] C14H10O8 306.228
campestris ssp. pekinensis, Cruciferae)
Et ester: [107646-82-2] Ethyl brevifolincar-
inoculated with the bacterium Pseudo-
O O boxylate
monas cichorii . Cryst. (Et2O/EtOH).
C15H12O8 320.255
Mp 94-968. NH N
Yellow needles (EtOAc/Me2CO). Mp
Takasugi, M. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1988, O Absolute 2508. lmax 277 (e 21380); 350 (e 14450);
61, 285 (Methoxybrassitin) N
H H con®guration 362 (e 14450) (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax
Monde, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 39, 581
(Brassitin) 276 (e 21880); 350 (e 9120); 365 (e 8710)
Kutschy, P. et al., Tetrahedron , 1998, 54, 3549- C21H23N3O3 365.431 (EtOH) (Berdy).
3566 (synth) Diketopiperazine antibiotic. Mycotoxin 1,3,6-Tri-O-galloyl-b-D-glucopyranosyl es-
from Penicillium brevi-compactum and ter:Euphormisin M1
some other Penicillium spp.. Mp 175- C40H30O25 910.662
1808 (CHCl3 solvate). [a]25
D +413 Pale brown amorph. powder. [a]D -20 (c,
Brevetoxin B2 B-183 (EtOH). lmax 234 ; 256 ; 404 (EtOH) 1 in MeOH). Esterified at O -4 of
(Berdy). glucose moiety lmax 215 (log e 4.69);
BTXB2 7-Epimer: [38136-92-4] Brevianamide B 278 (log e 4.42) (MeOH).
C21H23N3O3 365.431 9-Sulfate:
From Penicillium brevi-compactum . C13H8O11S 372.266
CH2R Yellow prisms (DMSO aq.). Mp 324- Constit. of Punica granatum
3288 dec. lmax 230 ; 256 ; 400 (MeOH) (pomegranate). Yellow-brown powder
(Berdy). (as K salt). lmax 276 ; 346 (MeOH).
H Birch, A.J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1970, 26, 2329; Bernauer, K. et al., Annalen , 1954, 588, 211
O O O H H H 1972, 28, 2999 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms, struct) (isol, struct)
Coetzer, J. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1974, 30, 2254 Parveen, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27,
(cryst struct) 3990 (ester)
R = -CH(CH2OH)CH2S(O)CH2CH(NH2)COOH Baldas, J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1974, 50 Saijo, R. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1989, 37,
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C53H79NO17S 1034.27 Bird, B.A. et al., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. , Gottlieb, H.E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30,
Isol. from Perna canaliculus (New Zealand 1981, 42, 521; 1982, 43, 345 (isol) 2435 (isol, pmr, cmr)
green mussel). Amorph. solid. Sol. Stocking, E.M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 2000, 122, 9089- Yao, Q.Q. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1993, 28, 829-
9098 (biosynth) 835 (isol, Me ester)
MeOH. [a]25 D +19 (c, 0.6 in MeCN aq.).
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-LD50 (mus, ipr) 0.306 mg/kg. 2002, 50, 711-740 (rev, synth, biosynth) 1803 (Euphormisin M1, isol, pmr, cmr, uv)
N-Tetradecanoyl: [260270-43-7] Brevetoxin Nawwar, M.A.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994,
B4a. BTXB4a 36, 793 (isol, pmr, cmr)
C67H105NO18S 1244.628 Brevicin 27 B-186 Hussein, S.A.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997,
Isol. from Perna canaliculus (New [156409-70-0] 45, 819 (10-sulfate)
Zealand green mussel). Isol. as a mixt. Basic protein, MW 5200 Da. Prod. by
with BTXB4b. Lactobacillus brevis SB 27. Bacteriocin. Brochocin C B-189
N-Hexadecanoyl: [260270-44-8] Brevetoxin Benoit, V. et al., Curr. Microbiol. , 1997, 34, 173- [150260-36-9]
B4b. BTXB4b 179 (isol) Struct. unknown. Bacteriocin prod. by
C69H109NO18S 1272.682 Brochothrix campestris.
Isol. from Perna canaliculus (New Siragusa, G.R. et al., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. ,
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Murata, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1998, 54, 735- Polypeptide. Prod. by Lactobacillus brevis Bromelains, BAN, INN, JAN, B-190
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48 (Brevetoxin B4) Rammelsberg, M. et al., J. Appl. Bacteriol. , [9001-00-7]
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2-Bromo-1H -indole-3-carboxaldehyde, 9CI / [3-(4-Bromophenoxy)phenyl]cyanomethyl 4-... B-191  / B-195

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hydrolysis of peptide bonds; stem Burreson, B.J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1976, (eds. Proctor, N.H. et al ), J.B. Lippincott ,
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CH3Br 94.939 Reinhold , 1992, MHR200
Ger. Pat. , 1967, 55 405; CA , 67, 84851x (isol)
Murachi, T. et al., Methods Enzymol. , 1976, 45,
Principally used as an insecticidal and
475 (rev) nemacidal fumigant, esp. for soil and
agricultural produce. Also used as a 2-Bromophenol, 9CI B-194
Cooreman, W.M. et al., Pharm. Acta Helv. ,
1976, 51, 73 (rev, pharmacol) solvent for extraction of plant oils. Gas [95-56-7]
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(rev, activity) sol. H2O. Mp -93.78. Bp 4.58 (3.68). Forms OH
Vellini, M. et al., Arzneim.-Forsch. , 1986, 36, a hydrate at 0-58. The signatory countries
110 (pharmacol) 6
2 Br
to the 1995 Montreal Treaty have agreed 5
Boller, T. et al., Plant Proteolytic Enzymes , 3
to phase out the industrial use of methyl 4
(Dalling, M.J. Ed.), CRC Press, 1986, 1, 81
(rev) bromide by 2010, in the USA its use will
Taussig, S.J. et al., J. Ethnopharmacol. , 1988, 22, be banned after 1st January 2005. C6H5BrO 173.009
191 (rev) -Autoignition temp. 535/5378. Vapour can Flavour component of marine fish, mol-
Lotz-Winter, H. et al., Planta Med. , 1990, 56, ignite or explode if strongly heated. Eye luscs and crustaceans. Imparts and intense
249 (rev, pharmacol) irritant and vesicant which can penetrate shrimp-like flavour. Liq. Bp 1948. pKa 8.45
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th rubber protection equipment. One of the (258).
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Rowan, A.D. et al., Methods Enzymol. , 1994,
most toxic organic halides, whose effects -Fl. p. >668. LD50 (mus, orl) 652 mg/kg.
244, 555-568 (rev) are cumulative and may be delayed after SJ7875000
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Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 299-300 or percutaneous absorption include 1, 1040A; 1072B (ir)
(use) nervous system, kidneys and lung. Acute Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of or chronic exposure can be fatal. Exp. Spectra , 1992, 2, 179B; 247A (nmr)
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand carcinogen. OES: long-term 5 ppm; short- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
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2-Bromo-1H -indole-3-carbox- B-191 (synth)
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Egan, C.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1938, 60, 2097 1672 (cmr)
(props) Kim, K. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1986, 1159
CHO Gallant, R.W. et al., Hydrocarbon Process. , (synth)
4 3 Boyle, J.L. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1992, 57, 918-922
5 1968, 47, 128 (rev)
6 1
2 Br Kawaguchi, T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , (occur)
N 1973, 46, 53 (cryst struct) Whitefield, F.B. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
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Ossinger, A.I. et al., J. Chem. Phys. , 1976, 65,
2892 (ms) [3-(4-Bromophenoxy)phenyl]- B-195
C9H6BrNO 224.056 Jung, M.E. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1978, 4483 (synth)
Plant growth enhancer for rice. Prob. of no Andrews, L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1979, 101, 7158 cyanomethyl 4-(difluoromethoxy)-a-
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N-Me: [156137-02-9] Olah, G.A. et al., Organometallics , 1982, 1, [160791-64-0]
1485 (cmr) ZXI 8901
C10H8BrNO 238.083 Dangerous Prop. Ind. Mater. Rep. , 1985, 5, 37
Light tan solid (EtOH). Mp 110-111.58. (rev)
Binbrek, O.S. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1985, 82, O
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Somei, M. et al., Heterocycles , 1988, 27, 1585 Bond, J.A. et al., Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. , Br
(synth) 1985, 78, 259 (metab) COO C H
Japan. Pat. , 1990, 02 85 251; CA , 113, 110930n α (αR,1'R)-form
IARC Monog. , 1986, 41, 187; Suppl. 7, 245; F2CHO C H CN
(synth, activity) Suppl. 6, 386 (rev, tox) CH(CH3)2
Showalter, H.D.H. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1997, Bretherick, L. et al., Chem. Eng. News , Dec. 12,
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De Koning, C.B. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 2000, Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn., C26H22BrF2NO4 530.365
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(ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 1, 742-744 (Shanghai Zhongxi ); CA , 124, 8415p (synth,
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Minor component of the essential oil of Prod. , 1996, 68, 1 (occur) Pests Dis. , 1996, 455 (activity)

3-Bromotetrahydrothiophene, 9CI / Bulgarican B-196  / B-200

Pesticide Manual, 11th edn. , 1997, 759 fotenine O-glucoside Bulbocapnine B-198
C18H26N2O6 366.413 6,7,7a,8-Tetrahydro-11-methoxy-7-methyl-
Alkaloid from the leaves of Citrus 5H-benzo[g]-1,3-benzodioxolo[6,5,4-de]-
3-Bromotetrahydrothiophene, B-196
unshiu (satsuma mandarin). [a]D -58 (c, quinolin-12-ol, 9CI. 11-Hydroxy-10-meth-
9CI 0.5 in H2O). lmax 224 ; 274 (No solvent oxy-1,2-methylenedioxyaporphine. N-
3-Bromothiolane reported). Methyllaunobine
Nb-Oxide: [1019-44-9] Bufotenine N-oxide
Br C12H16N2O2 220.271 O 4
Cryst. Mp 214-2158.
(S)-form Nb-Me, inner salt: [487-91-2] Bufotenidine O N Me
S C13H18N2O 218.298 H
Mp 2098 (as hydriodide).
C4H7BrS 167.069 HO
Me ether: [1019-45-0] O-Methylbufotenine.
(S )-form [120735-11-7] N,N-Dimethyl-5-methoxytryptamine. 5- MeO
Liq. Bp0.4 328. [a]D -104.57 (c, 0.53 in Methoxy-N,N-dimethyltryptamine
CHCl3). C13H18N2O 218.298 C19H19NO4 325.363Log P 2.59 (uncer-
S-Oxide(trans-): [120735-12-8] Prisms (Et2O/hexane). Mp 698. Bp4 208- tain value) (calc).
C4H7BrOS 183.069 2108.
(S )-form [298-45-3]
Cryst. (Et2O/diisopropyl ether). Mp 68- -Toxic. LD50 (mus, ipr) 115 mg/kg.
NL7380000 Sol. MeOH, CHCl3; poorly sol. H2O.
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beet seedlings. Solid (Et2O). Sol. H2O. Mp 1588 (as picrate). C18H17NO4 311.337
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O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [64656-15-1] Bu-

Bullacin B 
/ Bullatanocin B-201  / B-205

Bullacin B B-201 Obt. as a mixture of 2,4-cis - and trans - [a]D +21.5 (c, 0.2 in CHCl3). 2,4-cis - and
[210230-74-3] isomers. trans - isomers present and have been
separated by hplc.
24-Epimer, 9-oxo:9-Oxoasimicinone
C37H64O8 636.908 Fang, X.-P. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1993, 56, 1095-
OH Constit. of Annona squamosa (sugar 1100 (isol)
O Gu, Z.-M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1993, 49, 747
HO apple). Amorph. powder. [a]23 D +19.7 (c,
Duret, P. et al., Heterocycles , 1994, 39, 741-749
H 0.1 in CH2Cl2). Obt. as a mixture of 2,4-
O (Isocherimolin 1)
cis - and trans - isomers lmax 203 (log e Liaw, C.-C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1997, 62, 1613-
3.55) (MeOH). lmax 203 (e 3550) 1617 (20,23-cis-Bullatalicinone)
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C37H66O8 638.924 Bullatanocin B-205
HO Constit. of Annona squamosa (sugar
apple). Wax. [a]D +19.3 (c, 0.26 in [150134-21-7, 151637-38-6, 157184-02-6,
C37H66O7 622.924 159249-82-8]
CH2Cl2). Obt. as a mixture of 2,4-cis -
Constit. of Annona squamosa (sugar ap- Annonin IV. Cherimolin 2. Crassiflorin.
and trans - isomers lmax 203 (log e 2.98)
ple). Amorph. powder. [a]23D +43.8 (c, 0.03 Purpureacin 1. Squamostatin C
in CH2Cl2). lmax 211 (log e 3.79) (MeOH).
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(ms, struct) 4
Bulladecin B-202 Gu, Z.-M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40, 467- H
477 12
Yu, J.G. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1996, 7, 19-22 O
O Zhao, G.-X. et al., Nat. Toxins , 1996, 4, 128-134 OH
H Hopp, D.C. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. , 1998, 6,
569-575 (9-Oxoasimicinone)
O Hopp, D.C. et al., Phytochem. Anal. , 1999, 10, HO 19
H Relative Configuration 339-347 (9-Hydroxyasimicinone)
H Bullatalicinone B-204 24
24 HO
[157966-80-8] C37H66O8 638.924
Isocherimolin 1 Constit. of Annona squamosa (sugar ap-
C37H66O8 638.924
ple), Annona cherimolia (cherimoya), An-
erythro -Config. at C-23, C-24. Constit. of nona glabra (pond apple) and Annona
the seeds of Annona atemoya (custard O
purpurea (soncoya). Amorph. wax. Mp
apple). Solid. [a]20
D +11 (c, 0.2 in H 107-1098 (95-978). [a]25
D +13.6 (c, 0.28 in
MeOH). lmax 214 (log e 4.85) (MeOH). 4 2 CH2Cl2). There are still doubts about the
Duret, P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 48, 499- O H O stereochemical identity of Purpureacin 1
506 (isol, uv, pmr, cmr, ms) with Bullatanocin lmax 215 (e 5000)
H OH (EtOH) (Derep).
Bullatacinone B-203 4-Deoxy: [158515-34-5] Squamostatin E. 4-
[123012-00-0] Absolute Desoxycherimolin 2
Isorolliniastatin 2. Isoannonareticin Configuration C37H66O7 622.924
Constit. of Annona glabra (pond apple)
O and Annona squamosa (sugar apple).
OH O Mp 105-1068. [a]D +14.7 (c, 0.5 in
4 2 MeOH).
O O H 12-Epimer: [165172-08-7] 12,15-cis-Bulla-
H H tanocin
O C37H66O8 638.924 C37H66O8 638.924
28 32
Isocherimolin 1 is an artifact.Mp 125- 24-Epimer: [152323-84-7] Bullatalicin. An-
1268. [a]D +27 (c, 0.1 in MeOH). Both nonin VIII. Cherimolin 1. Squamostatin
2,4-cis - and trans - isomers isol. lmax B$
C37H66O7 622.924 201 (e 6920) (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 201 C37H66O8 638.924
Constit. of Annona reticulata (custard (e 714) (EtOH) (Berdy). Constit. of Annona squamosa (sugar
apple) and Annona squamosa (sugar ap- apple) and Annona cherimolia (cheri-
23-Epimer:20,23-cis-Bullatalicinone moya). Amorph. wax. Mp 120-1218
ple). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 90.5-90.78. [a]23 D C37H66O8 638.924
+12 (c, 0.4 in CHCl3). Log P 8 (uncertain (113-1168). [a]D +64 (c, 0.3 in MeOH).
Constit. of unripe fruit of Rollinia [a]25
value) (calc). Obt. as a mix of 2,4-cis - and D +9.8 (c, 0.29 in CH2Cl2). lmax 215
mucosa (biriba). Amorph. powder. Mp (e 5000) (EtOH) (Derep).
trans -isomers. Isorolliniastatin 2 is an 95-968. Isol. as a mixt. of 2,4-cis and
artifact. trans -isomers to which data refers lmax 24-Epimer, 4-deoxy: [157184-03-7] Squa-
202 (log e 3.54) (MeOH). mostatin D
24-Epimer: C37H66O7 622.924
[179601-77-5, 179601-78-6] Asimicinone 24-Epimer: Constit. of Annona squamosa (sugar
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Constit. of Asimina triloba (pawpaw). C37H66O8 638.924 in MeOH).

Bullatetrocin  / 2,3-Butanediol, 9CI B-206 / B-210

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Bullatalicin 758. n20
D 1.3790.
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Constit. of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare ).
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255 (cmr)
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Spectra , 1992, 1, 197A; 197B; 197C; 198A 2091-2106 (isol) Corey, E.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1962, 84, 2939
(nmr) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. (synth, use)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 800-801 Drucker, A. et al., J.O.C. , 1964, 29, 360 (synth)
1989, 3, 192A; 192B; 192C (ir) (use, occur, props) Hermann, K. et al., J.O.C. , 1979, 44, 2238 (use)
Fulmer, L.M. et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1933, 25, Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Vriesema, B.K. et al., J.O.C. , 1986, 51, 5169
789; CA , 27, 4021 (synth) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand (deriv, synth, pmr)
Wilson, C.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1936, 58, 2396- Reinhold , 1992, BOT500 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
2402 (synth) edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
Rubin, L.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1952, 74, 425-428 2, 73
(RR,SS-forms, synth)
1,2-Butanedithiol B-212 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Casanova, J. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1961, [16128-68-0] Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 309-310
1664-1665 (use) FEMA 3528
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic
H3CCH2CH(SH)CH2SH Butanethioic acid, 9CI B-215
Synthesis, Wiley, 1967, 1, 81; 1992, 16, 52;
1986, 12, 80; 1984, 11, 84; 1979, 7, 242 (use) C4H10S2 122.255
Plattner, J.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1971, 93, 1758-1761 (/9)-form Thiobutyric acid
(abs config) Flavouring agent. Liq. with a sulfur, roast
Saucy, G. et al., J.O.C. , 1977, 42, 3206-3208 H3CCH2CH2COSH / U
meat odour. d20 20
20 1.31. Bp28 778 Bp5 498. nD H3CCH2CH2CSOH
Enders, D. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1991, 124, 219-
C4H8OS 104.173
226 (synth) Simpson, J.D. et al., Can. J. Res., Sect. B , 1947,
25, 25 (synth) Bp 1308 (118-1198).
Kong, D.Y. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1992, 27,
792; CA , 118, 165184 (glucoside) Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd OH -form
Kitajima, J. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998, edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, O-Me ester: [52726-01-9]
46, 1643-1646 (isol, glycosides) 2, 71
C5H10OS 118.199
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 308 Bp 1348. n20
D 1.4640.
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, BOT000 Anilide:
C10H13NS 179.285
1,3-Butanedithiol, 9CI B-213 Needles (AcOH aq.). Mp 32-338.
2,3-Butanedione B-211 [24330-52-7] SH -form
[431-03-8] 1,3-Dimercaptobutane. FEMA 3529 S-Me ester: [2432-51-1] S-Methyl buta-
Biacetyl. Dimethyl diketone. Diacetyl. H3CCH(SH)CH2CH2SH nethioate. FEMA 3310
FEMA 2370 C4H10S2 122.255 C5H10OS 118.199
H3CCOCOCH3 (/9)-form Flavouring agent. Liq. with a putrid-
C4H6O2 86.09 Flavouring agent. Liq. with a meaty rancid odour similar to sour cabbage.
Constit. of butter; formed during fermen- odour. d26 1.05. Bp10 64-678. n20 Bp757 142-142.58. n25
D 1.4595.
D 1.5208.
tation. A common constit. of plant oils, Eliel, E.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1969, 91, 2703 S-Ph ester: [18245-73-3]
prod. of breakdown of carbohydrates. (synth) C10H12OS 180.27
Flavouring additive used in food industry. Abatjoglou, A.G. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1977, 99, Yellow cryst. Bp20 210-2128. Steam-
Also present in apple, orange, plum, okra, 8262 (synth) volatile.

1-Butanethiol / Butanoic acid, 9CI B-216 / B-218

Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive Butanoic acid, 9CI B-218
Spectra , 1992, 1, 907B (nmr) Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths ,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , 1990, 1607
1989, 3, 730C (ir) Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical Butyric acid. FEMA 2221
Kurihara, T. et al., CA , 1959, 53, 21644b Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of H3CCH2CH2COOH
McFadden, W.H. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1965, 37, Chemistry, 1992, 205 C4H8O2 88.106
560 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Idoux, J.P. et al., J.O.C. , 1973, 38, 4239 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Found in fresh and cooked apples, bana-
Vermeer, P. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R. Neth. Reinhold , 1992, BRR900 na, sour cherry, papaya, strawberries,
Chem. Soc.) , 1974, 93, 51 wheat bread, cheeses, butter and coffee.
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd Flavouring agent. Liq. with pungent
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, 1,2,3-Butanetriol, 9CI B-217 odour. Misc. H2O, EtOH, Et2O. d20 4 0.96.
2, 591 (Me ester) Fp -19 Mp -88. Bp 163.58. pKa 4.82 (258).
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. n20
D 1.3991. Steam-volatile. Vp 0.84 mmHg
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1868 (Me [41167-49-1, 61913-75-5, 61913-76-6, 122920-28- (208).
ester) 9, 138257-33-7]
-Corrosive and irritating to skin and eyes.
1-Methylglycerol LD50 (rat, orl) 2940 mg/kg. ES5425000
Me ester: [623-42-7] Methyl butyrate.
1-Butanethiol B-216 CH 2OH FEMA 2693
[109-79-5] 2 C5H10O2 102.133
Butyl mercaptan. Butyl thioalcohol. 1- Found in many fruits, e.g. apple juice,
Mercaptobutane. FEMA 3478 H C OH (2R,3R)-form apricot, blackberry, nectarine etc., also
H3CCH2CH2CH2SH present in cheeses, butter, milk, white
CH 3 wine, coffee and black tea. Flavouring
C4H10S 90.189
Flavouring agent. Present in beef, Che- ingredient. Liq. with apple-like odour
C4H10O3 106.121 and sweet taste. Sl. sol. H2O, CCl4; misc.
shire cheese, raw chicken and cooked Liq. with sweet taste. Bp0.4 1458. All
potatoes. Unpleasant smelling liq. d25 EtOH, Et2O. d04 0.92. Mp -958. Bp
4 reported racemic samples appear to be
0.84. Fp -119. Bp 98-1008. n25 102.38. n20
D 1.3878. Vp 32 mmHg (258).
D 1.4403. diastereoisomeric mixts.. -Highly flammable, fl. p. 148. Skin irritant.
-Highly flammable, fl. p. 28. Reacts
(2R ,3R )-form [33818-52-9] LD50 (rbt, orl) 3380 mg/kg. ET5500000
violently with HNO3. Eye, skin and
1-Deoxy-D-threitol Et ester: [105-54-4] Ethyl butyrate. FEMA
respiratory tract irritant. Exp. can cause
Hygroscopic syrup. Bp0.15 98-998. n26 D 2427
gastrointestinal disturbances and
1.4604. C6H12O2 116.16
headache. LD50 (rat, orl) 1500 mg/kg.
EK6300000 Tris(4-nitrobenzoyl): [34290-51-2] Present in many fruits e.g. apple, apri-
Cryst. (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 129-1318. cot, banana, plum, tangerine etc. Fla-
D -9.05 (c, 2.19 in CHCl3). vouring ingredient. Liq. with pineapple
C11H14OS 194.297 odour. Sl. sol. H2O, CCl4; sol. EtOH,
(2R ,3S )-form 1-Deoxy-L-erythritol
Liq. Bp23 1608. Et2O. d04 0.9. Fp -93.3. Bp 119.98. n20
Constit. of the fruit of Carum ajowan D
S-Me: See 1-(Methylthio)butane in The (ajowan). Amorph. powder. [a]23 D -30 (c, 1.4000. Vp 15 mmHg (258).
Combined Chemical Dictionary. 0.3 in H2O). -Flammable. Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl)
S-Ph: [1126-80-3] 1-(Phenylthio)butane. (2S,3R )-form [4144-94-9] 1-Deoxy-D-ery- 13000 mg/kg. ET1660000
Butyl phenyl sulfide thritol Propyl ester: [105-66-8] Propyl butyrate.
C10H14S 166.287 Bp0.05 948. [a]D +5.6 (c, 0.033 in FEMA 2934
Liq. d20
4 0.99. Bp12 137-1398 Bp4 94.5- MeOH). n20 D 1.4568. C7H14O2 130.186
978. n20
D 1.5463. 1,3-Dibenzoyl: [195512-74-4] Present in many fruits, e.g. apple,
[4779-86-6, 70247-07-3] C18H18O5 314.337 apricot, banana, melon, papaya etc.,
Oil. [a]D +51 (c, 0.875 in CHCl3). also present in Camembert and other
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
1, 255C (ir) Tris(4-nitrobenzoyl): [4233-69-6] cheeses. Flavouring ingredient. Liq. Sl.
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Cryst. + 1=3 CHCl3 (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp sol. H2O; misc. EtOH, Et2O. d20 4 0.87.
Spectra , 1992, 1, 411C (nmr) 86-888 (loses solv., resolidifies) Mp 159- Mp -95.28. Bp764 142-1438 Bp14 398. n20 D
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , 1608 (double Mp). 1.4001. Vp 4.5 mmHg (258).
1989, 3, 336A (ir) -Flammable, fl. p. 37/408. ET6200000
Gray, H.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1920, 42, 856 (synth) 1,3-Dibenzyl: [114185-05-6]
Isopropyl ester: [638-11-9] Isopropyl buty-
Bezzi, S. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1935, 65, 693 C18H22O3 286.37
rate. FEMA 2935
(synth) Oil. [a]D +28.8 (c, 1.25 in CHCl3).
C7H14O2 130.186
Ipatieff, V.N. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1938, 60, 2731- (2R ,3R )-form
2734 (S-Ph) Present in apricot, kumquat peel oil,
Constit. of the fruit of Foeniculum vulgare
American cranberry, papaya, strawber-
Mathias, S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1950, 72, 1897 (fennel). Amorph. powder. [a]23 D +3 (c, 0.1
(props) ry, spineless monkey orange and spark-
in MeOH).
Zinner, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1953, 86, 825 ling wine. Flavouring ingredient. Liq.
Chaby, R. et al., Tetrahedron , 1971, 27, 3197-
(synth) Insol. H2O; sol. EtOH. d20 4 0.86. Bp
3205 (synth)
Haines, W.E. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1956, 60,
Bebault, G.M. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1972, 50, 1298. n20
D 1.3936. Vp 16 mmHg (258).
549 (props, ms, uv) -Flammable, fl. p. 248.
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic 3373-3378 (synth)
Synthesis, Wiley, 1974, 4, 64 Garson, M.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1984, 1021- 2-Propenyl ester: [2051-78-7] Allyl buty-
Paukstelis, J.V. et al., J.O.C. , 1977, 42, 3941 1026 (synth, ir) rate. FEMA 2021
(cmr) Andrews, M.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1989, 54, 5257- C7H12O2 128.171
Siggia, S. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1979, 51, 1259 5264 (synth, pmr, cmr, ms) Fruit flavouring ingredient. Insol. H2O;
Peng, L. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1997, 80,
(anal, Ag salt) misc. EtOH, Et2O. d20 0.9. Bp 1428 Bp15
1494-1512 (synth, ir, pmr, cmr, ms, 2S,3R-
Joo, T.H. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , 1987, 158, 265
form, dibenzoyl, dibenzyl) 44-458. n20
D 1.4158.
(Raman) -ES5775000
Tomasik, P. et al., J. Phys. Org. Chem. , 1991, 4, Kitajima, J. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1999,
536 (conformn) 47, 988-992 (isol, pmr, cmr) Butyl ester: [109-21-7] Butyl butyrate.
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd Ishikawa, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2001, FEMA 2186
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, 49, 840-844 (1-Deoxy-L-erythritol, isol) C8H16O2 144.213
2, 72 Present in many fruits, e.g. banana,
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. cherry, melon, plum, also present in
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 310-311

1-Butanol, 9CI / 2-Butanol, 9CI B-219  / B-220

gruyere de comte cheese, cider, soybean H3CCH2CH2CH2OH Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn.,
etc. Used in fruit flavour compositions. Wiley, 1991, 4, 691 (rev, props)
C4H10O 74.122 Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
Liq. Insol. H2O; misc. EtOH, Et2O. d20 4 Flavouring agent. Occurs in essential oils edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1100
0.87. Mp -91.58. Bp 164.88 Bp11 56-578. and other plant sources e.g. Thea sinensis Yamamoto, T. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. ,
nD 1.4075. (tea), Ribes nigrum (blackcurrant). Liq. 1994, 26, 555 (synth, pmr)
-Flammable, fl. p. 51/508. ES8120000 Mod. sol. H2O. d15 0.81. Fp -90. Bp Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
Benzyl ester: [103-37-7] Phenylmethyl bu- 117.48. n20
D 1.3971. Forms constant-boiling edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
tanoate. Benzyl butyrate. FEMA 2140 mixt. with H2O, Bp 928, contg. 37% H2O. 76; 77
C11H14O2 178.23 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
-Flammable, fl. p. 29/358, autoignition Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 317-318;
Present in purple and yellow passion temp. 3598. Eye, skin and respiratory tract 319-320
fruit, mountain papaya, cherimoya, irritant. Mild CNS effects by skin Ethel Browning’s Toxicity and Metabolism of
black tea, Bourbon vanilla and hog absorption and inhalation (headache, Industrial Solvents, 2nd edn., (ed. Snyder, R.),
plum. Flavouring agent. Oil with apri- dizziness). Can cause dermatitis. LD50 Elsevier, Volume 3 , 1992, 38; 247 (tox, rev)
cot-like odour and sweet, pear-like taste. (rat, orl) 790 mg/kg. Exp. reprod. effects. Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical
4 1. Bp 238-2398 Bp9 108-1108 Bp3 91- OES: short-term 50 ppm. EO1400000 Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of
928. n20
D 1.4930. Chemistry, 1992, 184; 191
Al salt: See Aluminium butoxide in The Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
[461-55-2, 589-39-9] Combined Chemical Dictionary. Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Zr(4+) salt: See Zirconium butoxide in Reinhold , 1992, BPW500; BSP750
1, 482A; 604C; 604D; 637B; 711C; 726C; The Combined Chemical Dictionary.
837C (ir)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Hf(4+) salt: See Tetrabutoxyhafnium in 2-Butanol, 9CI B-220
Spectra , 1992, 1, 752B; 850B; 907A; 907C; The Combined Chemical Dictionary. [78-92-2]
908A; 908B; 908C; 970B; 1166A; 1192A; Nb(5+) salt: See Pentabutoxyniobium in
1351C (nmr) The Combined Chemical Dictionary. [35296-72-1]
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , sec-Butyl alcohol
1989, 3, 574A; 613D; 614A; 614B; 614C;
614D; 670C; 761B; 768B; 795C (ir) Cryst. Mp 618.
Grillone, G.B. et al., Annalen , 1873, 165, 127 Ac: [123-86-4] Butyl acetate. FEMA 2174 CH 3
(synth) C6H12O2 116.16 HO C H
Mitchel, J.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1931, 53, 321; Flavouring ingredient used in apple
1879 (synth) flavours. Liq. Sol. EtOH, Et2CO, CH 2CH 3
Fr. Pat. , 1936, 790 213; CA , 30, 2992 (synth)
U.S. Pat. , 1936, 2 039 722; CA , 30, 4179 (synth)
Me2CO; insol. H2O. d20 4 0.88. Fp -77.
Ballaus, O. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1943, 74, 85 Bp 125-1268. n20D 1.3942. C4H10O 74.122
(esters) -Eye, skin and respiratory tract irritant. Isol. from fruit of blackcurrant (Ribes
Zeinalov, B.K. et al., Azerb. Khim. Zh. , 1962, High conc. narcotic. Flammable, fl. p. 228, nigrum ) and other fruits. Also present in
15-21; CA , 1963, 59, 8647g (benzyl ester) autoignition temp. 370/4258. OES: long- various cheeses, wines, black tea, endive
Pietsch, R. et al., Mikrochim. Acta , 1968, 1287 term 150 ppm; short-term 200 ppm. and clary sage. Flavouring agent.
(use) AF7350000 -EO1750000
Morris, W.W. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. , (S )-form [4221-99-2]
1973, 56, 1037 (ir)
4-Methylbenzenesulfonyl: [778-28-9]
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , C11H16O3S 228.312 Liq. Bp 998. [a]20
D +13.87.
1974, 12, 719 (rev, tox, Et ester) Liq. Bp2 138-1408. O-[b-D-Apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
Mondal, M.A.S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1974, 30, -XT6400000 glucopyranoside]:
4205 (synth, ethenyl ester) [3999-70-0, 4712-38-3] C15H28O10 368.38
Caswell, L.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 3312 (uv) Constit. of the roots of cassava
Terentev, A.B. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1977, Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
1, 110A; 601C (ir) (Manihot esculenta ). Solid + 1=2H2O. Mp
9, 301 (cmr)
Williamson, K.L. et al., J. Magn. Reson. , 1978, Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 114-1168. [a]25
D -65 (c, 0.1 in H2O).
30, 367 (cmr) Spectra , 1992, 1, 164A; 900A (nmr) (/9)-form [15892-23-6]
McAdoo, D.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1978, 100, 6639 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Liq. Mod. sol. H2O. d224 0.82. Bp 1008.
(ms) 1989, 3, 156B; 608B (ir) n22
D 1.3924.
Delseth, C. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1980, 63, Buchner, E. et al., Ber. , 1908, 41, 1410 (synth) -Peroxidisable. Old samples may explode
498 (O-17 nmr) Kagan, M.Ya. et al., CA , 1935, 29, 452 (synth) on dist. Highly flammable, fl. p. 14/248,
Dillon, K.B. et al., J. Magn. Reson. , 1980, 39, Vogel, A.I. et al., J.C.S. , 1948, 624 (Ac, synth) autoignition temp. 390/4058. Eye, skin and
499 (pmr) Chaikin, S.W. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1949, 71, 122
mucous membrane irritant. LD50 (rat, orl)
Sviridov, A.F. et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. 6480 mg/kg. Exp. reprod. effects (large
Khim. , 1985, 1650; Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Bock, R. et al., Fresenius’ Z. Anal. Chem. , 1953,
Div. Chem. Sci. (Engl. Transl.) , 1509 (butyl 138, 167 (Ac, use) doses). OES: long-term 100 ppm; short-
esters) Zomzely, C. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1962, 34, 1414 term 150 ppm.
Maccoll, A. et al., Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion (use) Et ether: [2679-87-0] FEMA 3131
Processes, 1988, 86, 227 (ms) Biddiscombe, D.P. et al., J.C.S. , 1963, 1954 Flavouring agent. Liq. d20 0.75. Bp
Yang, H. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1994, 24, 3269 (purifn, props)
Andersson, J. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1966,
81.28. n20
D 1.3802.
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. 20, 522 (isol) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 80; 264; Dorman, D.E. et al., J.O.C. , 1975, 40, 3729 1, 118A; 118B; 118C; 601D (ir)
331; 359; 956; 1487; 1740; 2341 (esters, occur, (cmr, derivs) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
use) Choudhary, G. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1976, 128, Spectra , 1992, 1, 175C; 176A; 176B; 900B
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 261 (use) (nmr)
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Crowder, G.A. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , 1977, 42, Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Reinhold , 1992, AFY250; BSW000; EHE000; 27 (ir, Raman) 1989, 3, 166B; 166C; 166D; 608C (ir)
MHY000; BSX250; BQM500; BSV500; Ejchart, A. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1980, 13, Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra , 1, 85D (pmr)
SFN600 368 (cmr) Levene, P.A. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1927, 71, 465
Colosimo, M. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , (abs config)
1982, 17, 286 (ms) Kenyon, J. et al., J.C.S. , 1935, 1072; 1077
Ullmanns Encykl. Tech. Chem., 5. Aufl. , 1985, (synth, abs config)
1-Butanol, 9CI B-219
A4, 463 (rev) Leroux, P.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1951, 73, 41 (synth)
[71-36-3] Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , Kantor, S.W. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1953, 75, 1744
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New (resoln)
[35296-72-1] York, 1989, BPW500; BPU750 Brown, H.C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1964, 86, 397;
n-Butyl alcohol, 8CI. FEMA 2178 1071 (synth)

2-Butanone, 9CI / 2-Butenoic acid, 9CI B-221 / B-223

Pollock, G.E. et al., J. Gas Chromatogr. , 1965, Beaupré, P.W. et al., Mikrochim. Acta , 1982, 2, Chemical Hazards of the Workplace, 2nd edn.,
3, 174 (use) 485 (use) (eds. Proctor, N.H. et al ), J.B. Lippincott ,
Andersson, J. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1966, Ullmann’s Encycl. Ind. Chem. , 5th Ed., VCH, 1988, 165
20, 522 (isol) Weinheim, 1985, A4, 475 (rev) Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive
Ejchart, A. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1981, 15, Rittner, R. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1988, Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths,
22 (cmr) 26, 51 (cmr) 1990, 1420
Colosimo, M. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , Durig, J.R. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1991, 69, 1827 Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical
1982, 17, 286 (ms) (ir, Raman, conformn) Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of
Abe, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1986, 59, Brint, P. et al., J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. , Chemistry, 1992, 347
3125 (conformn) 1991, 87, 3343 (uv) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Brown, H.C. et al., J.O.C. , 1988, 53, 2911 Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
(synth) edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1104 Reinhold , 1992, COB250; COB260
Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn., Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive
Wiley, 1991, 4, 691 (rev, props) Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths ,
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd 1990, 1507 2-Butenoic acid, 9CI B-223
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical [3724-65-0]
2, 84 (Et ether) Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of 3-Methylacrylic acid. Ethylideneacetic acid
Prawat, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40, Chemistry, 1992, 186
1167 (6-apiosylglucoside) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand C4H6O2 86.09
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 337-338 Reinhold , 1992, EMU500; MKA400; -Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 1000 mg/kg.
(Et ether) MKA750 GQ2800000
Ethel Browning’s Toxicity and Metabolism of (E )-form [107-93-7]
Industrial Solvents, 2nd edn., (ed. Snyder, R.),
Elsevier, Volume 3 , 1992, 247 (tox, rev)
2-Butenal B-222 Crotonic acid. b-Methacrylic acid.
Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical [4170-30-3] FEMA 3908
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of Crotonaldehyde Food flavour component. Needles (H2O
Chemistry, 1992, 192 H3CCH/ . CHCHO or petrol). V. sol. H2O, EtOH; sol. Et2O,
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Me2CO. Mp 71.48. Bp 1858 (1898). n20 D
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand C4H6O 70.091Coml. crotonaldehyde is a 1.4457. pKa 4.61 (258). Q/e values for
Reinhold , 1992, BPV000; BPW750 mixture of (E )- and (Z )-forms, with the copolym., Q 0.017, e 0.89.
(E )-form predominating (>95%); contains -Fl. p. 898, autoignition temp. 3968.
hydroquinone as a polym. inhibitor. Un- GQ2900000
2-Butanone, 9CI B-221 dergoes anionic polym. Q/e values for
Et ester: [623-70-1] Ethyl crotonate. FEMA
[78-93-3] copolym., Q 0.023, e 0.84. Forms phenolic
Ethyl methyl ketone. 2-Oxobutane. Methyl resins by polycondensation with phenols.
C6H10O2 114.144
ethyl ketone. MEK. FEMA 2170 -Eye, skin and mucous membrane irritant. Component of strawberry aroma, guava
H3CCH2COCH3 Lachrymator and can also cause corneal fruit and peel (Psidium guajava ), pine-
burns. Exp. carcinogen. LD50 (rat, orl) 206 apple, yellow passion fruit and other
C4H8O 72.107 mg/kg. GP9499000
Isol. from hop oil (Humulus lupulus ) white fruits. Also present in white wine and
(E )-form [123-73-9] mussels. Flavouring ingredient. Liq.
clover (Trifolium repens ), tea, tomatoes, Isol. from vegetable sources, e.g. tomato
various fruits and other vegetable sources. Insol. H2O; sol. EtOH, Et2O. d20 4 0.92.
juice, strawberry aroma. Lachrymatory Bp 1378 Bp15 388. n20
Used in the refining and extraction of fats D 1.4243.
liq. Sol. H2O; v. sol. EtOH, Et2O, -Eye, skin and mucous membrane irritant.
and oils. Flavouring agent. Liq. Part misc.
Me2CO. d20 20 0.85. Mp -698. Bp 102.28 LD50 (rat, orl) 3000 mg/kg. Flammable, fl.
H2O. d204 0.81. Fp -85.9. Bp 79.68. nD
(1048). n17
D 1.4384. Vp 37 mmHg (258). p. 288. GQ3500000
1.3814. Forms constant-boiling mixt. with -Highly flammable, fl. p. 138, autoignition
H2O, Bp 73.48, contg. 11.3% H2O. temp. 207/2308. Explosive reaction with 2-Methylpropyl ester: [589-66-2] 2-Methyl-
-Highly flammable, fl. p. -18. Peroxidisable. butadiene. Eye, skin and respiratory tract propyl 2E-butenoate. Isobutyl crotonate.
Eye, skin and respiratory tract irritant. irritant. Lachrymator. Contact with eyes FEMA 3432
Mild CNS effects by inhalation (headache, can also cause corneal burns. LD50 (rat, C8H14O2 142.197
dizziness). LD50 (rat, orl) 2737 mg/kg. orl) 300 mg/kg. ACGIH TLV: long-term 2 Flavouring ingredient. d20 0.89. Bp
Exp. teratogen. OES: long-term 200 ppm; 1718. n20
D 1.4291.
ppm. GP9625000
short-term 300 ppm (sk, revised). Hexyl ester: [19089-92-0] Hexyl crotonate.
EL6475000 FEMA 3354
Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra, 2nd edn. , 1983, C10H18O2 170.251
[10341-59-0, 10341-63-6]
1, 362A (nmr) Flavouring agent.
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
1, 405B (ir) 1, 472C (ir) 2-Propenyl ester: [5453-44-1] Allyl croto-
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , nate
Spectra , 1992, 1, 631C; 3, 488B (nmr) 1989, 3, 558C (ir) C7H10O2 126.155
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Fernandez, J.E. et al., Chem. Rev. , 1962, 62, 485 Found in roasted filberts (Corylus avel-
1989, 3, 487B (ir) (rev) lana ). Bp20 63-658. nD 1.4416.
Schramm, J. et al., Ber. , 1883, 16, 1581 (synth) McGreer, D.E. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1969, 47, (Z )-form [503-64-0]
Nef, J.U. et al., Annalen , 1900, 310, 316 (synth) 866 (isom) Isocrotonic acid. b-Crotonic acid
Senderens, J.-B. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , Fueno, T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1972, 45,
Used in food preservatives. Needles or
1909, 5, 480 3290 (uv)
Meerwein, H. et al., Annalen , 1913, 398, 249 Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn., prisms (petrol). Sol. H2O, Et2O, CS2,
(synth) Wiley, 1978, 7, 207 (rev) EtOH. d20 1.03. Mp 14.68. Bp 1698 Bp5
Takahashi, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , Hommes, H. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1979, 54-558. n20
D 1.4457. Isom. by sunlight or
1962, 35, 1046 (pmr) 14, 51 (ms) heat to the (E )-isomer.
Brochmann-Hanssen, E. et al., J. Pharm. Sci. , Greenley, R.Z. et al., J. Macromol. Sci., Part A: -Eye, skin and mucous membrane irritant.
1962, 51, 938 (use) Chem. , 1980, 14, 427 (Q/e values)
[623-68-7, 3246-27-3, 4786-20-3, 7299-91-4,
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic Ullmanns Encykl. Tech. Chem., 5. Aufl. , VCH,
10487-71-5, 10544-63-5, 18707-60-3, 20474-93-5,
Synthesis, Wiley, 1967, 1, 678 Weinheim, 1985, A8, 83 (rev)
Headridge, J.B. et al., Analyst (London) , 1969, Oida, T. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1986, 1715
94, 968 (use) (synth, pmr) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , Foote, C.S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1988, 110, 7167 1, 498C; 641C; 641D; 712D; 732B (ir)
1977, 15, 627 (rev, tox) (isom, pmr) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn., Baldwin, J.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1988, 110, 8223 Spectra , 1992, 1, 776C; 977B; 977C; 1170B;
Wiley, 1978, 13, 903 (rev) (synth, pmr) 1199B (nmr)

3-Butenoic acid, 9CI / 3-(1-Butenyl)-1H -2-benzopyran-... B-224  / B-228

v. Auwers, K. et al., Annalen , 1923, 432, 46 2-Buten-1-ol, 9CI B-225 3-Butenyl glycosinolate B-227
v. Auwers, K. et al., Ber. , 1923, 56, 715 (config)
[6117-91-5] [19041-09-9]
Collin, P.J. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1966, 19, 317 Crotyl alcohol. 3-Methylallyl alcohol. Cro- 1-Thio-b-D-glucopyranose 1-[N-(sul-
(nmr, E-form) tonyl alcohol fooxy)-4-pentenimidate], 9CI. Gluconapin
Hocking, M.B. et al., Synthesis , 1971, 482 H3CCH/ . CHCH2OH H3C/ . CHCH2CH2C(SGlc)/ . NOSO3H
Fueno, T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1972, 45,
C4H8O 72.107 C11H19NO9S2 373.404
3290 (uv) Isol. from rapeseed oil. Isol. from rape seeds and many other
Brouwer, H. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1972, 50, 601 -LD50 (rat, orl) 930 mg/kg. Flammable, fl. Brassica spp.. Highly hygroscopic,
(cmr) p. 27/338, autoignition temp. 3498. amorph. solid (as K salt). Mp 1258 (K
Hocking, M.B. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1972, 50, EM9275000 salt). [a]25
D -23.5 (c, 1.8 in H2O).
1224 (isom) (E )-form [504-61-0]
Org. Synth. , 1973, 53, 123 (synth) Tetra-Ac:
Liq. V. sol. H2O; misc. EtOH, Et2O. d20 Cryst. (EtOH) (as K salt). Mp 1898 (K
Bortolussi, M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1975,
0.85. Mp -308. Bp 121.28. n20
D 1.4288. salt). [a]27
2727 (2-propenyl ester) D -17.1 (c, 1.3 in H2O).
Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn., (Z )-form [4088-60-2]
Salt with Sinapine, S-111: [169272-87-1]
Wiley, 1978, 7, 218 (rev) Liq. d20 0.87. Bp 1228. n25
D 1.4342.
Boreavan A. Sinapinyl gluconapate
Holmes, J.L. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1979, Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
14, 204 (ms)
C27H42N2O14S2 682.766
1, 138C (ir)
Abou-Zeid, A. et al., Arab Gulf J. Sci. Res. , Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Amorph. powder. [a]24 D -8.5 (c, 0.01 in
1984, 2, 625 (isol) Spectra , 1992, 1, 208A (nmr) MeOH).
Ger. Pat. , 1984, 3 245 111; CA , 101, 191148r Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Kjaer, A. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1953, 7,
(synth) 1989, 3, 200D (ir) 1271; 1968, 22, 3324 (isol, synth)
Heathcock, C.H. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 1190 Young, W.G. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1936, 58, 100 Ettlinger, M.G. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1955, 77, 1831
(Et ester) (synth) (occur)
Ullmann’s Encycl. Ind. Chem. , 5th edn., VCH, André, E. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci. , Hanley, A.B. et al., J. Sci. Food Agric. , 1983, 34,
Weinheim, 1985, A8, 85 (rev) 1950, 231, 872 (isol) 869 (isol)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd Hatch, L.F. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1950, 72, 727 Cox, I.J. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1984, 132, 323
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, (synth) (cmr)
2, 349; 390 (esters) Stothers, J.B. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1972, 50, Sakushima, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40,
Merck Index, 12th edn. , 1996, No. 5180 1361 (cmr) 483-485 (Boreavan A)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Rauchschwalbe, G. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta ,
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 960-961; 1975, 58, 1094 (synth)
1325; 1446-1447 (esters, use, occur) Kingston, D.G.I. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. ,
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 1975, 10, 263 (ms)
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Malhotra, S.L. et al., J. Macromol. Sci., Part A: 3-(1-Butenyl)-1H -2-benzopyr- B-228
Reinhold , 1992, COB500; EHO200; COB750; Chem. , 1977, 11, 1809 (pmr) an-1-one, 9CI
COQ750; COB825 Denmark, S.E. et al., J.O.C. , 1987, 52, 4031 3-(1-Butenyl)isocoumarin. Artemidin
Bacon, J.F. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1988,
44, 1243 (conformn) 1′
3-Butenoic acid, 9CI B-224
Xu, Y.-C. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1993, 71, 1152 2′
[625-38-7] (synth, ir, pmr, cmr)
Vinylacetic acid. Propene-3-carboxylic Glendinning, L. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. ,
acid. Ethenylacetic acid 1995, 68, 2739 (synth, E-form)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of O
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
C4H6O2 86.09 Reinhold , 1992, BOY000 C13H12O2 200.237
Liq. Sol. H2O; misc. EtOH, Et2O. d20
4 1.01. (E )-form [29428-84-0]
Mp -398. Bp 1638 Bp12 69-708. n15D 1.4257. Constit. of Artemisia dracunculus
pKa1 4.37 (238). (tarragon). Cryst. (petrol). Mp 488.
Nitrile: [109-75-1] 3-Butenenitrile, 9CI. 3-Buten-1-ol, 9CI B-226 5-Hydroxy: [62268-43-3] 3-(1-Butenyl)-5-
Allyl cyanide. Vinylacetonitrile. 3-Cyano- [627-27-0] hydroxy-1H-2-benzopyran-1-one, 9CI.
1-propene Allylcarbinol Artemidinol
C4H5N 67.09 H2C/ . CHCH2CH2OH C13H12O3 216.236
Constit. of mustard oil. Liq. with odour Constit. of Artemisia dracunculus (tar-
of onions. Sl. sol. H2O; misc. EtOH, C4H8O 72.107 ragon).
Et2O. d20 20 Isol. from rapeseed oil. Liq. Bp755 112.5-
4 0.83. Mp -878. Bp 1198. nD 1?,2?-Dihydro, 1?,2?-dihydroxy: [54963-30-3]
1.4060. Polym. by radiation or chem. 113.58 Bp12 288. n23
D 1.4197.
catalysts. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, an-1-one. Artemidiol
-Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 115 mg/kg. 1, 139A (ir) C13H14O4 234.251
EM8050000 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Spectra , 1992, 1, 208B (nmr)
Constit. of Artemisia dracunculus (tar-
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR ragon). Mp 131.5-1338.
Spectra , 1992, 1, 777A; 1358C (nmr) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
1989, 3, 201B (ir) (Z )-form [63898-24-8]
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
1, 498D; 843A (ir) Grischkevitsch-Trochimovski, E. et al., J.C.S. , Constit. of Artemisia dracunculus
Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 1 , 1932, 46; Org. Synth., 1917, 112, 154 (synth) (tarragon).
Coll. Vol., 3 , 1955, 851 (nitrile, synth André, E. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci. , Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1970, 103, 2856
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255 (ir, Raman, nitrile) (synth) 10, 720; 1976, 12, 811; Chem. Nat. Compd.
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Simchev, G. et al., Synthesis, 1975, 9, 605 Malhotra, S.L. et al., J. Macromol. Sci., Part A: Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16,
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A , 1981, 35, 395 (conformn) 2545 (synth)
Bowen, R.D. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1987, 1019

Butopamine, INN, USAN  / Butyl 1-(methylthio)propyl disulfide B-229 / B-236

Butopamine, INN, USAN B-229 C8H16O3 160.213 (50-70%), stearic/myristic acids (ca.
4-Hydroxy-a-[[[3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1- Bp 1928. 20%), butyric acid (3-4%), linoleic,
methylpropyl]amino]methyl]benzeneme- -KJ8925000 lauric, caproic, capric and caprylic acids
thanol, 9CI. 1-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-2-[1- Benzoyl: [5451-76-3] (/ B 1% each). Flavouring ingredient for
methyl-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)propylami- C13H18O3 222.283 baked goods, ice cream, puddings,
no]ethanol Liq. Bp14.5 156.5-1578. imitation dairy products, nonalcoholic
4-(Dimethylamino)benzoyl: [67362-76-9] beverages and candies. Waxy solid.
C15H23NO3 265.352 Et ester:Butter esters. FEMA 2172
CH 2CH 2 OH Bp1.5 178-1818. Produced by esterification of mixed
H3C C H Dodecanoyl: [109-37-5] butter acids with EtOH. Flavouring
OH ingredient for baked goods, fats, oils, ice
C18H36O3 300.481
NHCH 2 C H d20 0.89. Bp1 167-1698. n20 cream, puddings, imitation dairy pro-
D 1.4407.
ducts and other foodstuffs. Waxy solid.
Octadecanoyl: [109-38-6]
(R,R)-form Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
C24H48O3 384.641
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
OH Mp 168. 181-182 (use, esters)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
C18H23NO3 301.385Log P 2.03 (calc). 1, 223C (ir)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Butyl butyryllactate B-233
(R ,R )-form [66734-12-1] Spectra , 1992, 1, 338B; 1048B (nmr) [7492-70-8]
LY 131126 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , 2-Butoxy-1-methyl-2-oxoethyl butanoate,
Hydrochloride: [74432-68-1] 1989, 3, 293D; 722C (ir, Ac) 9CI. FEMA 2190
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 176-176.58. [a]D - Cretcher, L.H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1924, 46, 1503
(synth) H3CCH2CH2COOCH(CH3)-
22.7 (MeOH).
Conn, R.C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1932, 54, 4370 COO(CH2)3CH3
(/9)-form [97825-25-7] Ractopamine, INN
(deriv) C11H20O4 216.277
Hydrochloride: [90274-24-1] Ractopamine U.S. Pat. , 1934, 1 944 530; CA , 28, 2014 Present in fruits of two Korean strawberry
hydrochloride, USAN. EL 737. LY (phosphate)
cultivars (Bogyojosaeng and suhong).
031537. PayleanTM. Elanco Luke, C.L. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1954, 26, 1778;
1956, 28, 1443 Flavouring ingredient.. Liq. d20
4 0.97. Bp2
Leanness enhancer for pigs. Approved
Jankowski, S.J. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1961, 33, 908. n20
D 1.4215.
for use in the USA. Mp 124-1298.
776 Fein, M.L. et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1944, 36,
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(St. Louis) , 1980, 28, 324 (pharmacol, Illing, H.P.A. et al., HSE Toxicity Review 10: (props)
human) Glycol Ethers, HMSO, London, 1985, (tox, Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
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(pharmacol) Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical 2, 81 (props, use)
Leier, C.V. et al., J. Lab. Clin. Med. , 1983, 101, Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of Park, E.-R. et al., J. Food Sci. Nutr. , 2000, 5,
955 (pharmacol) Chemistry, 1992, 597 119-125 (glc, detn, strawberry)
U.K. Pat. , 1984, 2 133 986, (Eli Lilly ); CA , 102, Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
130979m (synth, props) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Colbert, W.E. et al., J. Pharm. Pharmacol. , Reinhold , 1992, BPJ850; BPM000 Butyl glucosinolate B-234
1991, 43, 844 (pharmacol) [35535-42-3]
Smith, D.J. et al., Drug Metab. Dispos. , 1993, 1-Thio-b-D-glucopyranose 1[N-(sulfoox-
21, 624 (metab) 1-Butoxy-1-methoxyethane B-231 y)pentanimidate], 9CI
Turberg, M.P. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. , [75677-94-0] H3C(CH2)3C(SGlc)/ . NOSO3H
1994, 77, 840 (hplc) 1-(1-Methoxyethoxy)butane, 9CI. Acetal-
Lohr, E. et al., Food Chem. News , 2000, 41, 12; dehyde butyl methyl acetal C11H21NO9S2 375.42
24 (use) Present in seeds of Brassica oleracea
H3C(CH2)3OCH(OMe)CH3 (cabbage).
C7H16O2 132.202
Kjaer, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1971, 10, 3155
2-Butoxyethanol, 9CI B-230 (/9)-form (occur)
[111-76-2] Aromatic-smelling liq. d20
4 0.84. Bp 130- Macleod, A.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,
Ethylene glycol butyl ether. Butyl 2-hydro- 131.58 Bp56 56.58. n20
D 1.3890. 1405 (occur)
xyethyl ether. Butylcellosolve. Butyloxitol. (j)-form
Chimec NR Detected in strawberry volatiles by gc-ms. Butyl isopropyl disulfide B-235
H3C(CH2)3OCH2CH2OH Shoskakovskii, M.F. et al., J. Gen. Chem. USSR [72437-53-7]
(Engl. Transl.) , 1946, 16, 937 (synth)
C6H14O2 118.175 McFadden, W.H. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1965,
Butyl 1-methylethyl disulfide, 9CI. 2-
Used in food processing as a processing 18, 10 (isol) Methyl-3,4-dithiaoctane
aid, sanitizer, solvent, etc. Liq. Misc. H2O, Gazizova, L.B. et al., Zh. Org. Khim. , 1981, 17, (H3C)2CH/  S/  S/  (CH2)3CH3
most org. solvs. d2020 0.9. Fp -74.8. Bp 171- 275; J. Org. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.) , C7H16S2 164.335
1728. n25
D 1.4190. Vp 0.76 mmHg (208). 1981, 17, 226 (synth)
Borisova, I.A. et al., Zh. Org. Khim. , 1982, 18,
Constit. of Allium cepa (onion).
-Flammable, fl. p. 61/628, autoignition
temp. 238/2448, may form explosive 1638; J. Org. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.) , Gupta, D. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1980, 58, 1350-
1982, 18, 1432 (ms) 1354; 1981, 59, 543-548 (synth, ms)
peroxides. Skin and severe eye irritant. Dostovalova, V.I. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , Misharina, T.A. et al., CA , 1994, 120, 132679j
Adverse systemic effects by inhalation. 1987, 25, 1 (cmr) (isol)
LD50 (rat, orl) 470 mg/kg. Exp. reprod.
and teratogenic effects. MEL: long-term
25 ppm (Sk). KJ8575000 Butter acids B-232 Butyl 1-(methylthio)propyl B-236
Phosphate (3:1): [78-51-3] TBEP [85536-25-0]
C18H39O7P 398.476 FEMA 2171 [183243-87-0]
Liq. Insol. H2O. d25 1.02. Bp10 2558. n25 D A mixt. of fatty acids isol. from butter, or H3CCH2CH(SMe)/  S/  S/  (CH2)3CH3
1.4340. an equivalent mixt. of the acids from C8H18S3 210.428
Ac: [112-07-2] other sources, comprising oleic/palmitic Constit. of Allium tuberosum (Chinese

Butyl nitrite, 9CI  / 2-Butyl-1H -benzimidazole B-237 / B-243

chives). temp. 3128. Severe eye, skin and Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn.,
respiratory tract irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1120
Meng, Z. et al., CA , 1996, 125, 326880s (isol) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
366 mg/kg. LD50 (rbt, skn) 850 mg/kg.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 322-326
OES: short-term 5 ppm (Sk). EO2975000 (use)
Butyl nitrite, 9CI B-237
[16999-97-6] Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
[544-16-1] Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
H3C(CH2)3ONO Reinhold , 1992, BQI000
1, 281A; 296D (ir)
C4H9NO2 103.121 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Preservative for meats. Claimed not to Spectra , 1992, 1, 450C; 475A; 483B (nmr) 2-tert -Butyl-1,4-benzenediol, B-242
generate nitrosamines as byproducts. Liq. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , 8CI
Bp 788 Bp43 24-278. 1989, 3, 364D; 380B (ir)
Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra , 2, 2B (pmr) [1948-33-0]
-LD50 (rat, orl) 83 mg/kg. Can cause 2-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-1,4-benzenediol,
Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 2 , 1943, 319 (synth)
methaemoglobinaemia- Brown, R. et al., J.C.S. , 1946, 781 (synth) 9CI. tert-Butylhydroquinone. TBHQ.
carboxhaemoglobinaemina. Highly Betteridge, D. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1962, 26, MTBHQ. Tenox 20. Tenox TBHO
flammable, fl. p. 108. RA0780000 101 (detn, Ag)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Newman, E.J. et al., Analyst (London) , 1963,
Spectra , 1992, 1, 621A (nmr) 88, 506 (detn, Mg) OH
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Miyajima, G. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1974, 6, C(CH 3)3
1989, 3, 479A (ir) 313 (cmr)
Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 2 , 1943, 108 (synth) Faure, R. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1980, 14, 20
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic (cmr) OH
Synthesis, Wiley, 1967, 1, 97 Colosimo, M. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. ,
Netherlands Pat. , 1975, 7 416 232, (Canada 1982, 17, 286 (ms) C10H14O2 166.219
Packers ); CA , 84, 57585h (use) Bowen, R.D. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1985, Antioxidant used in food, e.g. oils and fats.
Haley, T.J. et al., Clin. Toxicol. , 1980, 16, 317- 20, 331 (ms) Polym. inhibitor. Insol. H2O; sol. EtOH,
329 (pharmacol, tox) Ethel Browning’s Toxicity and Metabolism of
Industrial Solvents, 2nd edn., (ed. Snyder, R.),
Me2CO, EtOAc. Mp 127-1298.
Moncur, J.H. et al., Rapid Commun. Mass
Spectrom. , 1988, 2, 77; CA , 112, 30037r (use) Elsevier, Volume 3 , 1992, 17 (tox, rev) -MX4375000
Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis , Di-Ac: [7507-48-4]
(ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 2, 935 (use) C14H18O4 250.294
Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive Butylated hydroxyanisole, 8CI B-241 Mp 63.5-64.58.
Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths ,
1990, 1556 [25013-16-5] O1-Me: [88-32-4] 3-tert-Butyl-4-methoxy-
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of (1,1-Dimethylethyl)-4-methoxyphenol, phenol, 8CI. 3-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-4-
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 9CI. tert-Butyl-4-methoxyphenol. tert-Bu- methoxyphenol, 9CI
Reinhold , 1992, BRV500 tylhydroxyanisole. Antioxyne B. BHA. C11H16O2 180.246
BOA. Embanox. Protex. Sustane 1F. Tenox Mp 658.
Butyl oleate sulfate B-238 BHA -SK1575010
[38621-44-2] O4-Me: [121-00-6] 2-tert-Butyl-4-methox-
Butyl (sulfooxy)-9-octadecenoate, 9CI OH yphenol. 2-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-4-meth-
oxyphenol, 9CI
C22H42O6S 434.636 C11H16O2 180.246
Surfactant. Used in dehydration of grapes C(CH3)3 Mp 62-638.
to produce raisins and as a coating for -LD50 (rat, orl) 2910 mg/kg. SK1575000
citrus fruits. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
East Ger. Pat. , 1974, 109 042; CA , 83, 116794e OMe 1, 1108B (ir)
(dyeing, use) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. C11H16O2 180.246 Spectra , 1992, 2, 305B (nmr)
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 351 (use) Antioxidant. Used in foods. Mp 104-1058. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
1989, 3, 1041D (ir)
Used as an undefined mixt. of 2- and 3-
U.S. Pat. , 1949, 2 459 540; CA , 43, 3187 (synth)
Butyl propyl disulfide B-239 tert -butyl isomers. U.S. Pat. , 1957, 2 792 427; CA , 51, 16538 (O1-
[72437-64-0] -Irritant. Can cause delayed type sensitivity Me)
4,5-Dithianonane reactions and non-immunogenic skin Boughton, O.O. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
reactions. Possible human carcinogen 1967, 15, 751-752 (glc, nmr)
H3CCH2CH2/  S/  S/  (CH2)3CH3 (IARC). LD50 (rat, orl) 2000 mg/kg. Kauffmann, P. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1977, 132,
C7H16S2 164.335 Forestomach-specific nongenotoxic rodent 356-358 (purif)
Constit. of Allium cepa (onion) flavour Dilli, S. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1977, 133, 363
carcinogen. SL1945000 (O1-Me)
and Nigella sativa (black cumin). U.S. Pat. , 1963, 3 075 832; CA , 59, 12707 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Gupta, D. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1980, 58, 1350- (synth) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 342-343
1354; 1981, 59, 543-548 (synth, ms) Williams, G.M. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Balandrin, M.F. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1986, 24, 1163 (tox) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
1988, 36, 1048-1054 (isol) Moch, R.W. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , 1986, Reinhold , 1992, BQI010; BRN000; BRM500
24, 1167 (tox)
Tobe, M. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , 1986, 24,
1-Butylamine B-240 1223 (tox) 2-Butyl-1H -benzimidazole B-243
[109-73-9] IARC Monog. , 1986, 40, 123; Suppl . 7, 59 (rev, [5851-44-5]
1-Butanamine, 9CI. 1-Aminobutane. Nor- tox)
valamine. FEMA 3130 Grice, H.C. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , 1988,
26, 717 (tox, rev) N
H3CCH2CH2CH2NH2 Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , (CH2)3CH3
C4H11N 73.138 Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
York, 1989, BQI000
Found in mulberry leaves, kale, swede, H
tomato, wheat bread, cheeses, caviar, raw Clayson, D.B. et al., Annu. Rev. Pharmacol.
Toxicol. , 1990, 30, 441 (rev)
fatty fish, cooked chicken or beef, beer, C11H14N2 174.245
Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd
cocoa, and other foodstuffs. Flavouring edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American Constit. of chicken eggs. Cryst. (EtOAc/
agent. Liq. Sol. H2O. Bp 788. Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical hexane). Mp 153-1548. lmax 243 ; 274 ; 281
-Highly flammable, fl. p. -128, autoignition Press, 1994, 45-46 (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 240 ; 268 ; 275

2-Butylbenzothiazole, 9CI / 3-Butylhexahydro-1(3H )-isobenzofuranone, 9CI B-244 / B-250

(MeOH/HCl) (Berdy). Suzuki, H. et al., Synthesis , 1999, 1291-1293

4 (synth, ir, pmr, ms)
Tsuji, K. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1976, 96, 475- 5 (4S,5R)-form
478 (isol) H 3C(CH 2)3 O O
Landor, S.R. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1979, 2289- 5(6)-Butyl-1,4-dioxan-2-one B-248
2293 (synth)
Kubo, K. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1993, 36, 1772- C9H16O2 156.224 [65504-95-2]
1784 (synth) Stereoisomers are flavour components of FEMA 2204
whisky and other alcoholic beverages.
Used in flavouring candies and soft drinks. O (CH2)3CH3 O
2-Butylbenzothiazole, 9CI B-244 (4S,5R )-form [80041-01-6] +
Quercuslactone a O O O O (CH2)3CH3
Present in aged spirits. Bp16 123-1258
Bp6 67-688. [a]25
D +84.5 (c, 2 in MeOH). C8H14O3 158.197
N [a]15
D +79 (c, 1.04 in MeOH). Mixed isomers used in food flavouring,
(CH2)3CH3 (4S,5S )-form [80041-00-5] esp. for fatty foods such as margarine. Liq.
S Quercuslactone b with powerful fruity odour and winey-
Present in aged spirits. [a]15
D -87 (c, 0.92 caramellic undertones.
C11H13NS 191.296 in MeOH). Belg. Pat. , 1963, 628 078; CA , 60, 12021f (synth,
Flavour component in roasted coconut [39638-67-0, 55013-32-6, 89163-43-9, 99530-35- use, glc, ms)
and cashew nuts. Liq. d25 1.04. Mp 1308 5] Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
(as picrate). Bp 2698. n25
D 1.5712.
Masuda, M. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1981, 1333
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
2, 90 (props, use)
Metzger, J. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1956, (struct, uv, cd, ord, bibl)
1692-1696 (synth) Marino, J.P. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1985, 26, 5381
Elderfield, R.C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1960, 82, 1982- (synth) 2-Butylfuran B-249
1988 (synth) Günther, C. et al., Annalen , 1986, 2112 (synth,
Takei, H. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1979, 1447-1450 ir, pmr, cmr)
(synth) Bloch, R. et al., J.O.C. , 1987, 52, 4603 (synth)
Jayalekshmy, A. et al., J. Sci. Food Agric. , 1987, Watanabe, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1989,
39, 35-45 (occur) 37, 2914 (synth) (CH 2)3CH 3
Jayalekshmy, A. et al., ACS Symp. Ser. , 1988, Jefford, C.W. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1989, 72, O
409, 355-365 (occur) 1362 (synth)
Jayalekshmy, A. et al., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. , Miyata, O. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1992, 40, C8H12O 124.182
1991, 68, 873-880 (occur) 2579 (synth)
Constit. of numerous plant spp. and
Ares, J.J. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1991, 21, 625- Srikrishna, A. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1992, 22,
633 (synth, pmr) 1127 (synth) cooked foods incl. chick pea and carob
Suzuki, Y. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1992, 33, 4931 bean. Liq. Bp 139.5-140.28 Bp45 598. n23
(synth) 1.4460.
Ebata, T. et al., Heterocycles , 1993, 36, 1017 Potts, K.T. et al., J.C.S. , 1955, 2675-2686
Butylcyclohexane, 9CI, 8CI B-245 (synth) (synth)
[1678-93-9] Takahata, H. et al., J.O.C. , 1995, 60, 5628 Ramanathan, V. et al., J.O.C. , 1962, 27, 1216-
1-Cyclohexylbutane (synth, ir, pmr, cmr) 1219 (synth)
Maga, J. et al., Food Res. Int. , 1996, 12, 105-130 Heyns, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1966, 22, 2223-
(occur, rev) 2235 (ms)
(CH 2)3CH 3 Tsuboi, S. et al., J.O.C. , 1998, 63, 1102-1108 Seyfarth, H.E. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1968, 101,
(synth) 619-622 (synth)
Masson, E. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2000, Ibragimov, I.I. et al., Khim. Geterotsikl. Soedin. ,
48, 4306-4309 (synth) 1973, 9, 1434-1435; Chem. Heterocycl.
Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , 1973, 9, 1300 (synth)
Akimoto, I. et al., Synthesis, 1979, 146-147
C10H20 140.268 4?-tert -Butyl-2?,6?-dimethyl- B-247 (synth)
Constit. of the fruit of Carica papaya 3?,5?-dinitroacetophenone, 8CI Lissi, E.A. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1980, 84, 251-
(papaya). d20
4 0.8. Fp -74.7. Bp 180.98 Bp12 [81-14-1]
255 (synth)
6408. n20 Rembold, H. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1989,
D 1.4410. 1-[4-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)-2,6-dimethyl-3,5- 37, 659-662 (occur)
Adkins, H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1930, 52, 4349 dinitrophenyl]ethanone, 9CI. 1-Acetyl-4- MacLeod, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31,
(synth) tert-butyl-2,6-dimethyl-3,5-dinitrobenzene. 3113-3119 (occur)
Signaigo, F.K. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1933, 55, 3326 Musk ketone
Adv. Chem. Ser. , 1955, 15, 453 (props) 3-Butylhexahydro-1(3H )-iso- B-250
Grummitt, O. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1956, 78, 1054 COCH 3 benzofuranone, 9CI
(synth) H 3C CH 3 [3553-34-2]
Adams, J.Q. et al., Am. Chem. Soc., Div. Pet.
Chem., Prepr. , 1972, 17, C4 (cmr) O2 N NO2 [153546-49-7, 153546-51-1, 193742-12-0,
Flath, R.A. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1977, C(CH 3)3 193742-13-1]
25, 103 (isol) 3-Butylhexahydrophthalide, 8CI
Corey, E.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1978, 43, 3418 (synth)
Lipschutz, B.H. et al., J.O.C. , 1984, 49, 3928
C14H18N2O5 294.307
(synth) Listed in the EAFUS Food Additive H
Baldwin, J.E. et al., Tetrahedron , 1986, 42, 4235 Database (Jan 2001). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 3
(synth) 135.5-1368. 7a O (3R,3aR,7aS)-form
Wang, T. et al., Zhiwu Xuebao , 1986, 28, 504
Fuson, R.C. et al., J.O.C. , 1947, 12, 587-595
(synth, struct)
Carter, F. et al., Perfum. Essent. Oil Res. , 1951,
43, 296-297; CA , 46, 1718c (manuf) C12H20O2 196.289
5-Butyldihydro-4-methyl- B-246 Doepp, D. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1975, 108, 3483-
(3R ,3aR ,7aS )-form [189504-31-2]
2(3H )-furanone 3496 (photol)
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , Present in celery, celeriac and fennel.
[39212-23-2] Suppl., 1975, 13, 877 (tox) (3R ,3aS,7aR )-form [193742-11-9] Not
3-Methyl-4-octanolide. Oaklactone. Quer- Padmanabhan, K. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1986, detected in celery or celeriac.
cuslactone. Whisky lactone. FEMA 3803 897-906 (cryst struct) (3S,3aR ,7aS )-form [114883-66-8]

3-Butylidene-1(3H )-isobenzofuranone, 9CI / 2-Butyl-2-octenal, 9CI B-251 / B-255

Present in celery and celeriac. [a]20

D -32.2 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
(c, 1.66 in CHCl3). edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
(3S,3aS,7aR )-form [124600-37-9] 1, 86 1, 93
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Cryst. (hexane). Mp 47-488. [a]20 D -15.6 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 344-345 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 352-353
(c, 2.36 in CHCl3). Not detected in Hagemeier, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 51, Makino, M. et al., Heterocycles , 1998, 48, 1931-
celery or celeriac. 629-635 (7-glucosyloxy derivs) 1934 (3-Butyl-7-hydroxyisobenzofuranone)
(3RS,3aRS,7aSR )-form Bellina, F. et al., Tetrahedron , 2000, 56, 2533- Holler, U. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2002, 65, 876-882
Cryst. (hexane). Mp 38-398. Bp4 142-1488. 2545 (synth) (2?,3?,7-trihydroxy)
(3RS,3aSR ,7aRS )-form [6431-21-6] Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Oil. Bp0.02 1058. n18
D 1.4761.
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
(3j,3a j,7a j)-form Reinhold , 1992, BSH500
Constit. of Apium graveolens, and black 3-Butyl-1(3H )-isobenzofura- B-252
salsify (Scorzonera hispanica ). none, 9CI 2-Butyl-4-methylphenol, 9CI B-253
Mitsuhashi, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1964, 20, [6066-49-5] [6891-45-8]
1971-1982 (synth) 2-Butyl-p-cresol, 8CI
3-Butylphthalide, 8CI. FEMA 3334
Nagai, U. et al., Tetrahedron , 1965, 21, 1433-
1440 (synth)
Cannone, P. et al., Tetrahedron , 1985, 41, 3695- O OH
3704 (synth, nmr, ms) 6
(CH 2)3CH 3
Tanaka, A. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1989, 53, 7 5 3
2253-2256 (synth) O (S)-form 4
MacLeod, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, 4 CH 3
883-888 (occur)
Bartschat, D. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1997,
2' C11H16O 164.247
45, 4554-4557 (glc, occur, ms)
Bartschat, D. et al., J. High Resol. Chromatogr. , Antioxidant for lard. d20 0.97. Mp 198. Bp
1997, 20, 251-256 (glc, nmr, props) C12H14O2 190.241 228-2298 Bp15 124-1268.
Potential nutriceutical. Coulthard, C.E. et al., J.C.S. , 1930, 291
-Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 2450 mg/kg. Grant, M.S. et al., J.C.S. , 1959, 2513
TI3692000 Rodamane, I. et al., CA , 1964, 61, 5547f; 1968,
68, 59203a
3-Butylidene-1(3H )-isobenzo- B-251 (S )-form [3413-15-8]
furanone, 9CI Constit. of celery oil (Apium graveolens )
and lovage (Levisticum officinale ), also 2-Butyl-1-octanol B-254
3-Butylidenephthalide, 8CI. Ligusticum from Ligusticum acutilobum . Flavouring [3913-02-8]
lactone. FEMA 3333 agent. d20 1.07. Bp0.1 106-1088. [a]D -57 5-Hydroxymethylundecane
(c, 1.96 in CHCl3). n20D 1.5260.
4-Hydroxy: [74459-24-8] CH 2OH
8 [74459-23-7] 3-Butyl-4-hydroxy-1(3H)-iso-
benzofuranone, 9CI. 3-Butyl-4-hydro-
4 3 xyphthalide. Chuangxinol
O Cryst. (C6H6). Mp 188-1908. [a]D -88.7 (c,
7 C12H26O 186.337
0.38 in EtOH). Constit. of Humulus lupulus (hops) and
O (j)-form Portulaca oleracea (purslane). d16.5
4 0.84.
Bp12 131-1338. n16
D 1.4435.
C12H12O2 188.226 7-Hydroxy: [135217-23-1] 3-Butyl-7-hy-
Flavouring ingredient. droxy-1(3H)-isobenzofuranone. 3-Butyl- 3,5-Dinitrobenzoyl:
-TI3692500 7-hydroxyphthalide Mp 288.
(E )-form [76681-73-7] C12H14O3 206.241 [35467-05-1]
Constit. of Angelica glauca . Oil. Cryst. Mp 49-508. [a]D -45.5 (c, 0.8 in
CHCl3). von Braun, J. et al., Ber. , 1929, 62, 2880 (synth)
(Z )-form [72917-31-8] Bolle, J. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci. ,
Constit. of Angelica glauca . Oil. The 2?,3?,7-Trihydroxy:3-(2,3-Dihydroxybu- 1951, 233, 1466 (synth)
samples obt. from A. glauca were tyl)-7-hydroxy-1(3H)-isobenzofuranone. Pratt, E.F. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1954, 76, 52 (synth)
presumably impure since the isomer of 3-(2,3-Dihydroxybutyl)-7-hydro- Ohno, M. et al., CA , 1965, 62, 10326e (synth)
undetermined stereochem. from xyphthalide Kito, T. et al., CA , 1978, 89, 107947d (synth)
Ligusticum spp. is crystalline. C12H14O5 238.24 Paterson, I. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1979, 2179 (synth)
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 139-1408. [a]22 Krupcik, J. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
7-Hydroxy, 7-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: D +67
1985, 50, 1808 (glc)
[240823-19-2] 7-b-D-Glucopyranosyloxy- (c, 0.67 in MeOH). lmax 212 (log e 4.39);
Rzama, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 38,
butylidenephthalide 237 (log e 3.08); 302 (log e 3.65) 1375 (isol)
C18H22O8 366.367 (MeOH).
Isol. from elicitor-treated cultures of [87421-30-5] 2-Butyl-2-octenal, 9CI B-255
Petroselinum crispum (parsley). Naves, Y.R. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1943, 26, [13019-16-4]
7-Hydroxy, 7-O-(6-O-malonyl-b-D- 1281 (isol)
glucopyranoside): [240823-20-5] Mitsuhashi, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1963,
C21H24O11 452.414 11, 1317; 1966, 14, 777 (isol, biosynth) CHO
Isol. from elicitor-treated cultures of Barton, D.H.R. et al., J.C.S. , 1963, 1916 (isol, (E)-form
Petroselinum crispum (parsley). uv, ir, nmr)
Nagai, S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1965, 21, 1701 (abs
Berlingozzi, S. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1927, config)
57, 255 (synth) Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , C12H22O 182.305
Mitsuhashi, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1960, 1979, 17, 251 (rev, tox) Bp9 89-918 Bp10 74-768.
8, 243 (isol) Peking Inst. Pharm. Ind., et al., CA , 1980, 93,
Banerjee, S.K. et al., Annalen , 1982, 699 (isol) 114227e (4-hydroxy)
2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: [49563-02-2]
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , Ogawa, Y. et al., Heterocycles , 1989, 29, 865-872 Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 132-1338.
1983, 21, 659 (rev, tox) (S-form, synth, pmr) (E )-form [64935-38-2]
Ogawa, Y. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1992, 22, 315 Naito, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, 639 Found in essential oils of Acorus
(synth) (4-hydroxy) calamus (sweet flag) and Lactuca sativa .

4-Butyloxazole, 9CI  / 2-Butylthiazolidine, 9CI B-256 / B-262

[99915-14-7] oxybenzene. 4-tert-Butylanisole 2-(Phenylmethylene)hexanal, 9CI. a-Bu-

McElvain, S.M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1954, 76, 5736 C11H16O 164.247 tylcinnamaldehyde. 2-Benzylidenehexanal.
(synth) Bp 215-2168 Bp730 2228. FEMA 2191
Lieberman, S.V. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1955, 77, 1114 Et ether: [17269-94-2] 1-tert-Butyl-4- PhCH/ . C(CHO)(CH2)3CH3
(synth) ethoxybenzene. 4-tert-Butylphenetole
Damico, R. et al., J.O.C. , 1967, 32, 2356 (synth) C13H16O
Baker, J.T. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1972, 25, 393
C12H18O 178.274 Food flavorant. Liq. with floral odour.
(isol) Bp730 233-2348. d15.5 0.83. Bp 2658 Bp0.05 78-798 (E/Z
Bradshaw, J.W.S. et al., Nature (London) , 1975, Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, =3:1).
258, 230 (isol) 1, 1077A (ir)
Grandi, R. et al., J.O.C. , 1977, 42, 1352 (synth) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
Kuwajima, I. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1980, 525 Spectra , 1992, 2, 252A (nmr) 1980, 18, 657 (tox)
(synth) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , De Kimp, N. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. , 1990,
Pfister, J.R. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1980, 21, 1281 1989, 3, 1009B (ir) 41-46 (synth)
(synth) Cullinane, N.M. et al., J.C.S. , 1954, 2942 Dallacker, F. et al., Chem.-Ztg. , 1990, 114, 1-5
Casiraghi, G. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1982, 805 Adv. Chem. Ser. , 1955, 15, 291 (props) (synth)
(synth) Bowman, R.S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1957, 79, 87
Rossi, R. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1992, 22, 603 (synth, ir)
(synth) Dearden, J.C. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1959, 37,
1294 (uv)
Demerseman, P. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 3-Butylpyridine, 9CI B-261
4-Butyloxazole, 9CI B-256 1971, 201 [539-32-2]
[79886-36-5] Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , Fusarinin$. Fusarin$
1974, 12, 835 (rev, tox)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
H3C(CH2)3 edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001, (CH 2)3CH 3
4 3N Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
512 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand N
O Reinhold , 1992, BSE500
C9H13N 135.208
Maillard product. Insol. H2O. d20
4 0.92. Bp
C7H11NO 125.17 4-tert -Butylphenylacetic acid, B-259 205-2088 Bp7 828.
Volatile constit. of ripe tomato. Vegetable-
like, green odour. Characterised spectro-
8CI -US4056000
scopically. [32857-63-9] Hydrochloride:
4-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)benzeneacetic acid, Cryst. (H2O). Mp 1268.
Ho, C.-T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1981, 29,
9CI Picrate:
1306-1308 (synth, ms, odour)
Ho, C.-T. et al., Lebensm.-Wiss. Technol. , 1982, Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 89-908.
15, 340-342 (occur) CH2COOH Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Spectra , 1992, 3, 245A (nmr)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
5-Butyloxazole, 9CI B-257 1989, 3, 1517B (ir)
[77311-06-9] Maas, E. et al., Ber. , 1914, 47, 1171
Yabuta, Y. et al., CA , 1940, 34, 3314 (isol)
C7H11NO 125.17 Tamari, K. et al., Nippon Nogei Kagaku Kaishi ,
Constit. of roasted peanut volatiles (pro- C(CH3)3 1948, 22, 16
visional assignment) and fried bacon. Frank, R.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1948, 70, 3482
Fatty, animalic, bacon-fatty odour. Char- C12H16O2 192.257 Plattner, P.A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1954, 37,
acterised spectroscopically. Cryst. (petrol). Mp 79.5-80.58. 1379
Kyte, C.T. et al., J.C.S. , 1960, 4454
Lee, M.-H. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1981, Me ester: [3549-23-3] FEMA 2690 Chelucci, G. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1988, 25,
29, 684-686 (glc) C13H18O2 206.284 1761 (synth, pmr)
Jin, Q.Z. et al., Perfum. Flavor. , 1984, 9, 25-26
(synth, aroma, occur)
Flavouring ingredient with a roasted,
chocolate-like flavour. Used in oral care
products. Oil. d20
4 1. Bp2.5 1068.
4-tert -Butylphenol, 8CI B-258 Et ester: [14062-22-7] 2-Butylthiazolidine, 9CI B-262
[98-54-4] C14H20O2 220.311 [30188-50-2]
Bp6 130-1318 Bp0.47 958. 2-Butylterahydrothiazole
Van der Stelt, C. et al., J. Med. Pharm. Chem. ,
4-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)phenol, 9CI. 2-(4-
1961, 4, 335-339 (synth)
Hydroxyphenyl)-2-methylpropane. FEMA U.K. Pat. , 1964, 971 700; CA , 61, 14592b (Me H
3918 ester, synth) N
Buu-Hoi, N.P. et al., Chim. Ther. , 1967, 2, 39-48
(Et ester) S (CH2)3CH3
OH Misharev, A.D. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. ,
1981, 16, 99 (ms)
Reichardt, C. et al., Annalen , 1983, 721-743 C7H15NS 145.268
(synth) (/9)-form
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Flavouring ingredient. Bp4 77-798.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1737 (Me Asinger, F. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1970, 101,
C(CH3)3 ester, use) 1295-1308 (synth)
Pat. Coop. Treaty (WIPO) , 1999, 9 823 250; Ger. Pat. , 1974, 2 333 581; CA , 80, 46640p (use)
C10H14O 150.22 CA , 129, 45142w (Me ester, use) U.S. Pat. , 1977, 4 011 233; CA , 87, 23264z (use)
Found in oregano. Flavour ingredient. Yasuhara, A. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1989,
Needles. Mp 998. Bp 236-2388. pKa1 10.39 53, 2273-2274 (synth, pmr, ms)
2-Butyl-3-phenyl-2-propen-1- B-260
(258). Steam-volatile.
-Skin and severe eye irritant. LD50 (rat, orl)
2951 mg/kg. SJ8925000 [7492-44-6]
Me ether: [5396-38-3] 1-tert-Butyl-4-meth- [128649-17-2, 128649-19-4]

/ Byssochlamic acid B-263 
/ B-265

Butyrospermol B-263 Constit. of angelica Angelica

[472-28-6] archangelica root. Cryst. Mp 111-1148.
Eupha-7,24-dien-3-ol. Basseol [a]25
D -15 (c, 0.1 in MeOH).
C23H28O12 496.467
Constit. of angelica root. Cryst. Mp
170-1738. [a]25
D -8 (c, 0.1 in H2O).
H 2?-O-(3-Methylbutanoyl):
C22H26O8 418.443
Constit. of angelica (Angelica
HO archangelica ) root. Gum. No opt. rotn.
or config..
(S )-form
C30H50O 426.724 Constit. of common rue (Ruta graveolens ).
Isol. from shea nut fat. Cryst. (MeOH). Cryst. Mp 124-1268. [a]22 D -19 (MeOH).
Mp 111-1138. [a]19
D -12 (CHCl3). Noguchi, T. et al., Ber. , 1938, 71, 344; 1428
Ac: [1259-21-8] (isol, struct, synth)
C32H52O2 468.762 Pakrashi, A. et al., Indian J. Exp. Biol. , 1967, 5,
Cryst. Mp 136-1398. [a]19 167 (pharmacol)
D +14 (CHCl3).
Neilsen, B.E. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1969,
Ketone: [81738-57-0] Eupha-7,24-dien-3- 23, 962 (abs config)
one. Butyrospermone Reisch, J. et al., Planta Med. , 1969, 17, 116 ((-)-
C30H48O 424.709 Byakangelicin)
Found in various vegetable oils. Perel’son, M.E. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1971,
Lawrie, W. et al., J.C.S. , 1956, 2029; 3272 7, 576; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
1971, 7, 557 (pmr)
Galbraith, M.N. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1965, 18, Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen
der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn.,
226 (acetate)
Fedell, E. et al., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. , 1966, Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 580
43, 254 (occur)
Fukushima, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1974,
Pradhan, B.P. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , 1969,
46, 331 (isol, struct) 22, 1227 (ms)
Thastrup, O. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22,
Murti, V.V.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, 11,
2089 (acetate) 2035 (glucosides)
Okuyama, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990,
Kohle, J.N. et al., Lipids , 1982, 17, 166
(Butyrospermone) 38, 1084 (activity)
Ok, H.O. et al., Diss. Abstr. Int., B , 1987, 47,
3775 (synth) Byssochlamic acid B-265
Chaudhuri, K. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1987, 50,
1183 (Butyrospermone)
De Pascual Teresa, J. et al., Phytochemistry,
1987, 26, 1767 (pmr, cmr) O
Akihisa, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1996, 44, O
1255 (pmr, cmr)

Byakangelicin B-264
[19573-01-4] O
methoxy-7H-furo[3,2-g][1]benzopyran-7- O
one, 9CI. Biacangelicin O
C18H20O6 332.352
OMe Mycotoxin prod. by Byssochlamys fulva
and Byssochlamys nivea . Prisms (EtOH).
Mp 163.58. [a]D +108 (c, 0.4 in CHCl3).
O O O lmax 244 (e 9100) (cyclohexane) (Berdy).
O Bis-4-bromophenylhydrazide:
(R)-form Mp 164-1668.
3′ Barton, D.H.R. et al., J.C.S. , 1965, 1769; 1787
HO (struct, abs config)
OH Stork, G. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1972, 94, 4735 (synth)
Nieminen, S. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1981, 64,
C17H18O7 334.325Log P 1.34 (calc). 2791 (nmr)
lmax 219 ; 239 ; 246 ; 270 ; 312 (MeOH) White, J.D. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1992, 114, 9673;
(Berdy). 2000, 122, 8665-8671 (synth)
(R )-form [482-25-7]
Constit. of Japanese drug byakusi obt.
from Angelica spp. Also from lemon oil
and other Citrus spp.. Pale yellow
needles (EtOH). Mp 117-1188. [a]25D
+24.6 (Py). Pharmacol. active isomer.
-Exp. reprod. effects (inhibits action of
placental gonadotrophins). LV1049000
C23H28O12 496.467

/ 4(15),9-Cadinadiene C-1  / C-8

Cadabicine C-1 1(10),4-Cadinadiene C-3 used as a flavouring agent and/or flavour

[99964-83-7] [29350-73-0] modifier. Oil.
d-Cadinene Fringuelli, F. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 890 (synth)
H Barnola, L.F. et al., Biochem. Syst. Ecol. , 1994,
N 22, 437 (isol)
HN Bülow, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 55, 141-
H 168 (pmr, cmr)
O N Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
14 edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
H 220-221 (use)

O C15H24 204.355
(+)-form [483-76-1] 4,9-Cadinadiene C-6
C25H29N3O4 435.522 Constit. of the essential oils of ylang- [24406-05-1]
Alkaloid from the stem bark of the famine ylang, citronella, cubebs, and sweetflag.
food Cadaba farinosa (luquata sigmama). [29350-73-0]
Oil. Bp10 133-1348. a-Cadinene
Mp 270-2728 dec.
N ,O-Di-Ac: [99964-84-8] Cadabicine Cryst. Mp 86-878. [a]D +23 (c, 6.7 in
diacetate CHCl3). H
C29H33N3O6 519.596 (/9)-form Dysoxylonene
Rods (MeOH). Mp 265-2688. Bp10 1338.
4-Methoxy: [126431-38-7] Isocodonocar- Herout, V. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
pine 1954, 19, 118 (struct) H
C26H31N3O5 465.548 Nagasampagi, B.A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1968, 1913
Off-white cryst. (MeOH). Mp 220-2228
Nishimura, H. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1981, C15H24 204.355
dec. CAS gives incorrect name. 45, 1861 (synth) Constit. of Humulus lupulus (hops). Oil.
4-Methoxy, N14-Ac:14-N-Acetylisocodo- Davis, G.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 39, 553 [a]24
D -62.4 (c, 0.808 in CHCl3).
nocarpine (biosynth)
C28H33N3O6 507.585 Davis, G.D. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1996, Naya, Y. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1969, 42,
34, 156 (pmr, cmr) 1468 (isol, struct)
Amorph. powder. Mp 234-2368.
Alchanati, I. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 47, Vig, O.P. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 1982,
4-Methoxy, N14,O-di-Ac: 961-967 (biosynth) 21, 145 (synth)
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 205-2078. Bülow, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 55, 141-
Me ether:Cadabicine methyl ether. O- 168 (pmr, cmr)
3,5-Cadinadiene C-4
C26H31N3O4 449.549
Alkaloid from the stem bark of the H
famine food Cadaba farinosa (luquata 4,10(15)-Cadinadiene C-7
sigmama). (+)-form [483-74-9]
Ahmad, V.U. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24,
2709; 1989, 28, 2493 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms, [1460-97-5, 29350-73-0, 30021-74-0, 39029-41-9]
cryst struct) g-Cadinene
Ahmad, V.U. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1987, 50,
1186; 1992, 55, 1509 (isol, Cadabicine,
Cadabicine diacetate, 14-N-
C15H24 204.355
Ahmad, V.U. et al., Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res. , 1992, (+)-form [189165-77-3]
35, 475; CA , 119, 177556n (Cadabicine methyl Oil.
ether) (-)-form H
Constit. of Leptospermum scoparium (red
tea). Oil. [a]D -216.8 (c, 0.14 in CDCl3).
Melching, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 44, C15H24 204.355
1(10),3-Cadinadiene C-2 Constit. of citronella oil. Oil. Bp5 110-
1291-1296 (isol, pmr)
[29350-73-0] 1158. [a]20
D +148.
v-Cadinene 3,9-Cadinadiene C-5 Vig, O.P. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1970, 8, 29
(isol, struct)
Anderson, N.H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1970, 9,
[29350-73-0] 1325-1340 (pmr)
b-Cadinene Sakurai, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1983, 39, 883
Nabeta, K. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1997, 2065-
H H 2070 (biosynth)
Dos Santos, M.H. et al., Rev. Bras. Cienc.
Farm. , 1999, 35, 297-300 (activity)
C15H24 204.355 Bülow, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 55, 141-
168 (cmr)
Constit. of Mentha piperita . Oil. Bp4.5
115-1288. [a]20 H
D +92. Originally named d-
Cadinene, which led to confusion with
1(10),4-Cadinadiene, C-3.
C15H24 204.355 4(15),9-Cadinadiene C-8
Connell, D.W. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1968, 519 Constit. of Pinus caribaea . Mixed cadi-
Bülow, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 55, 141- [66141-11-5]
nene isomers, with b-cadinene usually
168 (pmr, bibl) predominating, occur in several essential [29350-73-0]
oils, esp. ylang-ylang, citronella and cade g1-Cadinene
oil from Juniper spp. Cadinene isomers are

4(15),10(14)-Cadinadiene  / Cafenstrole C-9 / C-16

H 4(15),5,11-Cadinatriene C-11 Nabeta, K. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1997, 2065-

2070 (biosynth)
1-Epibicyclosesquiphellandrene. 1-epi-Bicy-
closesquiphellandrene 4-Cadinen-10-ol C-14
C15H24 204.355
Constit. of citronella oil (Cymbopogon
nardus ). A mixture of cadinene isomers
H 10α-form
from various essential oils is used as a
flavouring agent/flavour modifier. Bp9
120-1218. [a]D -19. n26.5
D 1.5155.
C15H22 202.339 C15H26O 222.37
Dev, S. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , 1949, 26,
263 (isol) Constit. of Ocimum basilicum (sweet 10a-form [481-34-5]
Ghatgey, B.B. et al., Perfum. Essent. Oil Res. , basil). Oil. a-Cadinol
1956, 47, 157-159 (isol) Terhune, S.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1974, 13, Constit. of Juniperus communis (juni-
Irie, T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1964, 37, 1183 (isol, struct) per). Cryst. Mp 74.5-758. [a]D -47 (-
1053-1055 (isol) Vig, O.P. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , 1976, 53, 38.5).
Andersen, N.H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, 593 (synth) Me ether:a-Cadinol methyl ether
1731-1751 (struct)
Vig, O.P. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 1979, C16H28O 236.397
17, 552-554 (synth) Oil. [a]24
D -49 (c, 3.42 in CHCl3).
Kim, T.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 51, 793- 4(15)-Cadinene-6,10-diol C-12 10b-form T-Cadinol
801 (occur) Mp 64-64.58. [a]D +3.4 (c, 1.2 in CHCl3).
OH lmax (MeOH) (Berdy).
H Nagasampagi, B.A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1968, 1913
4(15),10(14)-Cadinadiene C-9
[25548-04-3] Caine, D. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1977, 3107 (synth)
Borg-Karlson, A.-K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1981,
[29350-73-0] 37, 425 (sterochem)
HO (6β,10α)-form
Decahydro-1,6-bis(methylene)-4-(1-methy- Bottini, A.T. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1987, 50, 732
lethyl)naphthalene, 9CI. Decahydro-4-iso- (cmr)
propyl-1,6-dimethylenenaphthalene. e- Dupré, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, 1211
C15H26O2 238.369 (a-Cadinol methyl ether)
(6b,10a)-form [25330-21-6] Claeson, P. et al., Planta Med. , 1991, 57, 352 (T-
Isocalamendiol Cadinol, pmr, cmr)
H Constit. of the rhizomes of Acorus Labbé, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 34, 441
calamus (sweet flag). Cryst. (Et2O/hex- (T-Cadinol, pmr, cmr)
Chang, S.-T. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 55,
ane). Mp 72.5-73.58.
227-232 (activity)
Absolute (6b,10b)-form [30167-28-3]
H Calamendiol. Calameone
con®guration Constit. of sweet flag essential oil. Cafamarine C-15
Cryst. (Et2O/hexane). Mp 170-171.58. [42612-19-1]
C15H24 204.355 [a]26
D -4.4 (EtOH).
Constit. of Juniperus communis (juniper). Yamamura, S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1971, 27,
Oil. Bp2 99-1008. [a]22
D +50.7 (c, 1.5 in 5419 (isol, struct) OH
CHCl3). Niwa, M. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1976, 49, HOH 2C
3148 (synth) O CH 2OGlc
[1080-67-7, 27542-04-7] Williams, J.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1980, 45, 4479
Burk, L.A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1976, 32, 2083 (synth)
(bibl) Nawamaki, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 43, O
Koster, F.-H. et al., Annalen , 1986, 78 (synth, 1175 (isol, pmr, cmr) H
Hagiwara, H. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1993, 2173 C26H36O10 508.564
(synth) 4-Cadinen-1-ol C-13 Occurs in coffee.
d’Ornano, M. et al., CA , 1968, 68, 36709f (isol)
1,4,9-Cadinatriene C-10 Duc, D.K.M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1981, 37, 2371
[71609-04-6] HO (cmr, struct)
1,4,9-Cadalatriene 1
Cafenstrole C-16
H [125306-83-4]
C15H26O 222.37 9CI. CH 900
1a-form [21284-22-0]
Constit. of oil of cubeb pepper (Piper H3C
C15H22 202.339 cubeba ). Oil. Bp2.5 170-1808 (bath). [a]30

Constit. of Acorus calamus (sweet flag). -30.6. SO2 CH3

Oil. Bp0.01 808. [a]22 Ohta, Y. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1967, 2073 (isol, N
D -156.4 (c, 1 in CHCl3).
Rohr, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18, 328 Labbé, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 34, 441 N H3C
(isol, pmr, cmr) N
Gijsen, H.J.M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1994, 50, CONEt2
4745-4754 (synth)

Cafestol  / 3-O -Caffeoylquinic acid C-17  / C-20

C16H22N4O3S 350.441 Used in many cola-type beverages as a HO

Cryst. Mp 114-1168. flavour enhancer. Mp 2368 (phase transi-
tion at 1418). Log P -0.06 (uncertain value) HO
-LD50 (rat, orl) >5000 mg/kg.
Eur. Pat. , 1989, 332 133, (Chugai ); CA , 112, (calc). COO COOH
98538k (synth, activity) -Adverse systemic effects (by ingestion and 1
Kanzaki, M. et al., Brighton Crop Prot. Conf. - other routes). Human and exp. reprod.
Weeds , 1991, 923-928 (activity) 5 3
effects. LD50 (rat, orl) 192 mg/kg. 4
Pesticide Manual, 11th edn. , 1997, 102 EV6475000
Perchlorate: OH
Cafestol C-17 Mp 898.
C16H18O9 354.313
[469-83-0] Citrate: [69-22-7] Caffeine citrate. Cafcit Constit. of coffee. Noncryst. [a]15
D -8.3 (c, 3
Cafesterol. Coffeol Cryst. powder. in H2O).
CH2 OH Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra, 2nd edn. , 1983, Cryst. Mp 205-2088. [a]25
D -17 (c, 2 in
2, 586A (nmr) EtOH).
1 OH Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
H Scarpati, M.L. et al., Ann. Chim. (Rome) , 1958,
2, 710B (ir)
48, 997 (isol)
Fischer, E. et al., Ber. , 1895, 28, 2473; 3135
O Waiss, A.C. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1964,
H (synth)
1984 (pmr)
Bredereck, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1950, 83, 201;
Litinenko, V.I. et al., Planta Med. , 1975, 27, 372
1962, 95, 1902 (synth)
C20H28O3 316.439 Blout, E.R. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1950, 72, 479 (ir)
Sefkow, M. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. , 2001,
Constit. of coffee bean oil. Present in Sutor, D.J. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1958, 11, 453
2735-2742 (synth)
boiled-type coffee beverages. Possesses (cryst struct)
Spiteller, G. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1962, 93,
hypercholesterolaemic activity. Diterpe-
632 (ms)
noid constits. of coffee products are Twanmoh, L.-M. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1973, 10,
3-O -Caffeoylquinic acid C-20
associated with cardiotoxic props.. Cryst. 187 (pmr) [327-97-9]
(petrol). Mp 160-1628 dec. [a]D -101 Nicolau, C. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1974, 29, 3-(3,4-Dihydroxycinnamoyl)quinic acid.
(CHCl3). 475 (cmr) Chlorogenic acid. Caffeylquinic acid. Caf-
Suzuki, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, 1235 fetannic acid. Helianthic acid
1,2-Didehydro: [6894-43-5] Kahweol (biosynth)
C20H26O3 314.424 Aranda, J.V. et al., J. Pediatr. , 1977, 90, 467-472
Present in boiled type-coffee beverages. (Caffeine citrate, use) HO COOH
May possess hypercholesterolaemic ac- Zubair, M.U. et al., Anal. Profiles Drug Subst. ,
tivity. Constit of coffee bean oil. Cryst. 1986, 15, 71 (rev, ir, uv, pmr, cmr, ms, occur,
Mp 88-908 Mp 143-143.58. [a]20 D -270.
anal) 5
The higher Mp (ref. not accessible) is Negwer, M. et al., Organic-Chemical Drugs and
their Synonyms, 6th edn., Akademie-Verlag ,
prob. the correct one referring to a purer
1987, 921 OH
sample. Arnaud, M.J. et al., Prog. Drug Res. , 1987, 31,
1,2-Didehydro, di-Ac: 273 (rev, chem, pharmacol, toxicity)
3′ OH
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 1158. [a]20 D -245. Somani, S.M. et al., Int. J. Clin. Pharmacol.,
Kaufmann, H.P. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1963, 96, Ther. Toxicol. , 1988, 26, 521 (rev)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , OH
2489 (isol, struct, bibl)
Scott, A.I. et al., Tetrahedron , 1964, 20, 1339 Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
York, 1989, CAK500 C16H18O9 354.313
Duc, D.K.M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1981, 37, 2371 Benowitz, N.L. et al., Annu. Rev. Med. , 1990, lmax 296 ; 325 (EtOH) (Berdy).
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Corey, E.J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1987, 28, 5403 IARC Monog. , 1991, 51, 291 (rev, tox) (E )-form
Bott, K. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1993, 126, 1955
(synth) Isol. from Liberian coffee. Nutriceutical
Ugert, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1995, 43,
Sitkowski, J. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1995,
with antioxidant props.. Needles + 1=2 H2O.
2167-2172 (occur) Mp 2088. [a]D -35.2 (H2O).
51, 839 (pmr, cmr, N-15 nmr)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Butyl ester: [132741-56-1]
Caffeine, BAN, USAN C-18 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 363 C20H26O9 410.42
Caffeine , (ed. Spiller, G.A.), CRC Press, 1998, Constit. of Spondias mombin (yellow
[58-08-2] (book) mombin).
[5743-12-4] Carrier, O. et al., Clin. Pharmacol. Ther. (St.
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metab) acid
dione, 9CI. 1,3,7-Trimethylxanthine. Parliment, T.H. et al., ACS Symp. Ser. , 2000, C17H20O9 368.34
Theine. Guaranine. Coffeine. Methyltheo- 754, Constit. of Phyllostachys edulis (moso
bromine. Cafipel. FEMA 2224. Many other Bogo, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 54, 937- bamboo). Powder. Mp 202-2038. [a]25 D -
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2003, 42, 604-605 (rev)
; 329 (MeOH).
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NMe Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand nic acid
MeN Reinhold , 1992, CAK500 C17H20O9 368.34
O N Constit. of coffee beans. Also from
N tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum ) and
sunflower (Helianthus annuus ). Mp 196-
C8H10N4O2 194.193 1-O -Caffeoylquinic acid C-19 1978. [a]28
D -42.8 (EtOH). lmax 325 (e
Component of coffee beans (Coffea ara- [1241-87-8] 19200) (EtOH) (Berdy).
bica ), many other Coffea spp., chocolate 1-(3,4-Dihydroxycinnamoyl)quinic acid 4-Me ether:3-O-Caffeoyl-4-O-methylquinic
(Theobroma cacao ), tea (Camellia thea ), acid
kolanut (Cola acuminata ) and several C17H20O9 368.34
other Cola spp. and several other plants. Constit. of Phyllostachys edulis (moso

4-O -Caffeoylquinic acid / Cajanone C-21  / C-28

bamboo). Powder. Mp 200-2018. [a]25 D - Litvinenko, V.I. et al., Planta Med. , 1975, 27, 5-O -Caffeoylshikimic acid C-25
47.2 (c, 0.2 in EtOH). Misnamed in ref. 372 (rev)
Machida, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31,
lmax 244 (sh) ; 296 ; 328 (MeOH). Dattelic acid. Dactylifric acid
3654 (Me ester)
3?,4?-Quinone: [24321-18-4] Chlorogen- Fuchs, C. et al., J. Mass Spectrom. , 1996, 31, C16H16O8 336.298
oquinone 602 (hplc, ms) Isol. from Pteridium aquilinum (bracken
C16H16O9 352.297 Nakatani, N. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2000,
48, 5512-5516 (isol, pmr, cmr)
fern) and from unripe dates (tentative
Forms coloured adducts with amino
Sefkow, M. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. , 2001, ident.). Mp 3008 (dec. at 2008) (224-2258).
acids and peptides, implicated in food
2735-2742 (synth) [a]D -135 (c, 0.1 in MeOH).
discolouration. No phys. props. re-
ported. Maier, V.P. et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res.
5-O -Caffeoylquinic acid C-22 Commun. , 1964, 14, 124
3-Epimer:3-O-Caffeoyl-muco-quinic acid Herrmann, K. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat.
C16H18O9 354.313 [906-33-2] Prod. , 1978, 35, 73
Constit. of Asimina triloba (pawpaw). Veit, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, 3483
Powder. lmax 225 ; 325 (MeOH). [534-61-2]
(occur, pmr)
5-(3,4-Dihydroxycinnamoyl)quinic acid.
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
2, 288C (ir)
Neochlorogenic acid
Cajaflavanone C-26
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR C16H18O9 354.313 Erythrisenegalone
Spectra , 1992, 2, 1235C (nmr)
Fischer, H.O.L. et al., Ber. , 1932, 65, 1037-1040 (E )-form
(struct) Constit. of coffee and many other plants.
Corse, J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1962, 18, 1207-1210 First isol. from peaches (Prunus persica ).
(3-Feruloylquinic acid, isol, derivs) Mp 177-1798 dec. [a]D -5.4 (EtOH aq.). O
Waiss, A.C. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1964, [a]D -24.8 (c, 0.49 in MeOH). OH
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Pierpoint, W.S. et al., Biochem. J. , 1966, 98, 567; Corse, J. et al., Nature (London) , 1953, 172, 771
1969, 112, 609 (Chlorogenoquinone) (isol)
James, N.F. et al., Biochem. J. , 1969, 112, 617 Scarpati, M.L. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1963, 1147 O O
(Chrorogenoquinone, pmr) (struct)
Waiss, A.C. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1964, OH
Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen
der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn., 1984 (pmr)
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 990 Haslam, E. et al., J.C.S. , 1964, 2137 (synth)
Schaller, D.R. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1970, 35, 762 C25H26O5 406.477
Schulten, H.R. et al., Biomed. Mass Spectrom. , (isol) (S )-form [68236-12-4]
1974, 1, 120 (ms) Fuchs, C. et al., J. Mass Spectrom. , 1996, 31, Constit. of Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea).
Kelley, C.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 449-455 602 (hplc, ms) Straw-coloured cryst. Mp 129-1308
(cmr) Pauli, G.F. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1999,
37, 827-836 (pmr, cmr)
(122-1248). [a]D -66.6 (c, 1 in CHCl3).
Nagels, L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, 703- [a]D -5 (c, 1 in CHCl3).
706 (biosynth) (/9)-form [68682-03-1]
Herrmann, K. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat. 3-O -Caffeoylshikimic acid C-23 Light yellow cryst. (C6H6/petrol). Mp
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Cheminat, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, [6082-44-6] 138-1408.
2787-2794 (isol, pmr) Neodattelic acid. Neodactylifric acid Bhanumati, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17,
Corthout, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, 2045 (isol)
1979-1981 (isol, butyl ester) Jain, A.C. et al., Tetrahedron , 1978, 34, 2607
COOH (synth)
Ida, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 35, 209-215
(3-Feruloylquinic acid) Nagar, A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1978, 2031 (synth)
Fuchs, C. et al., J. Mass Spectrom. , 1996, 31, Fomum, Z.T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24,
602-608 (hplc, ms) HO OOC 3075 (isol)
Haribal, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49,
103-108 (isol, muco isomer) OH
OH Cajaisoflavone C-27
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Pauli, G.F. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1999, 7-[2,4-Dihydroxy-6-methoxy-3-(3-methyl-
37, 827-836 2-butenyl)phenyl]-5-hydroxy-2,2-dimethyl-
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1137-1141 (synth) Constit. of dates (Phoenix dactylifera ). 9CI
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4-O -Caffeoylquinic acid C-21 Prod. , 1978, 35, 73 O HO OH
4-(3,4-Dihydroxycinnamoyl)quinic acid. 4-O -Caffeoylshikimic acid C-24 OMe
Cryptochlorogenic acid Isodactylifric acid. Isodattelic acid
C16H18O9 354.313 C16H16O8 336.298
Constit. of coffee and sunflowers. Mp 182- Isol. from unripe dates (Phoenix dactyli- C26H26O7 450.487
1848. [a]D -75 (-54) (H2O). fera ). Tentative struct.. Isol. from root bark of Cajanus cajan
Me ester: [123372-74-7] 3??-Deoxy:4-O-p-Coumaroylshikimic acid (pigeon pea). Orange semisolid.
C17H20O9 368.34 C16H16O7 320.298 Bhanumati, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18,
Solid. 1254 (isol, pmr, ms)
Maier, V.P. et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res.
Scarpati, M.L. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1963, 1147 Commun. , 1964, 14, 124
(isol) Saito, T. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. ,
Cajanone C-28
Waiss, A.C. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1964, 1997, 61, 1397-1398 (p-Coumaroylshikimic [63006-48-4]
1984 (pmr) acid) 7-[2,4-Dihydroxy-5-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-

/ 3,9-Calamenenediol C-29  / C-33

phenyl]-7,8-dihydro-5-hydroxy-2,2-di- Constit. of Garcinia mangostana (man- Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18,
methyl-2H,6H-benzo[1,2-b:5,4- gosteen). Fine yellow powder (CH2Cl2/ 1675 (3-Hydroxy-b-calacorene)
b?]dipyran-6-one, 9CI MeOH). [a]28 Bülow, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 55, 141-
D +16.3 (c, 1 in MeOH).
168 (pmr, ms)
lmax 208 (log e 4.39); 242 (log e 4.44);
HO OH 306 (log e 4.25); 333 (log e 3.94)
O 2′ (MeOH).
OH g-Calacorene C-32
2?,3,3?,4-Tetrahydro, 3?,9-dihydroxy: [24048-45-1]
[26063-96-7] 3-Isomangostin hydrate
C24H28O7 428.481 [38599-17-6]
O O 1,2-Dihydro-1,6-dimethyl-4-(1-methy-
Constit. of Garcinia mangostana (man-
gosteen). Cryst. (CH2Cl2). Mp 182- lethyl)naphthalene, 9CI. 1,3,5,7-Cadinate-
C25H26O6 422.477
1838. traene, 8CI. 1,2-Dihydro-4-isopropyl-1,6-
Constit. of Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea).
Somanathan, R. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972,
dimethylnaphthalene. 9,10-Dihydrocada-
Log P 4.93 (uncertain value) (calc). lmax
1935 (struct) lene. 1,2-Dihydrocadalene
273 (e 20000); 293 (e 11200) (EtOH)
(Berdy). Westerman, P.W. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. ,
1979, 9, 631 (cmr)
2?-Me ether: [71765-79-2] 2?-O-Methylca- Sen, A.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19, 2223;
janone 1981, 20, 183-185 (9-Hydroxycalabaxanthone) 3
C26H28O6 436.504 Ampofo, S.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25,
Isol. from root bark of Cajanus cajan 2617 (deriv)
Mahabusarakam, W. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1987,
(pigeon pea). Yellow cryst. solid 50, 474 (Isomangostin, Isomangostin hydrate)
(EtOAc/petrol). Mp 858. Opt. inactive. Chairungsrilerd, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996,
Preston, N.W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, 43, 1099 (Mangostanol)
143 (isol, uv, pmr, struct) C15H20 200.323
Bhanumati, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18, The (S )-Config is given in CA but does
693 (deriv) Calacone C-30 not appear to be clearly stated in the lit..
(S )-form
Constit. of Humulus lupulus (hops). Oil.
Calabaxanthone C-29 O 3-Methoxy:3-Methoxy-9,10-dihydrocada-
[39011-96-6] lene
5-Hydroxy-8-methoxy-2,2-dimethyl-7-(3- Absolute C16H22O 230.349
methyl-2-butenyl)-2H,6H-pyrano[3,2- con®guration Oil. [a]D -54.9 (c, 0.69 in CHCl3).
b]xanthen-6-one, 9CI (/9)-form
Bp9 125-1268.
C15H24O 220.354 Naya, Y. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1969, 42,
Constit. of Acorus calamus (sweet flag). 2088
2′ Adachi, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1983,
Oil. [a]20
D +0.9 (petrol).
O 56, 651 (synth)
OH Vrkoč, J. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. , Bowden, B.F. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1986, 39,
MeO 1961, 26, 1021; 1343 103 (deriv)
9 Nabeta, K. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1994, 3277;
1995, 3111 (biosynth)
O O a-Calacorene C-31
C24H24O5 392.451 3,9-Calamenenediol C-33
CAS numbering shown. Constit. of [38599-17-6]
Garcinia mangostana (mangosteen). 1,2-Dihydro-4,7-dimethyl-1-(1-methy-
Yellow cryst. (EtOH). Mp 1728. lethyl)naphthalene, 9CI. 1,2-Dihydro-1- OH
isopropyl-4,7-dimethylnaphthalene. 7,8-Di- HO 9
Ac: 3
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 147-1488. hydrocadalene. 3,4-Dihydrocadalene (7α,9α,10α)-form
H3 C
Me ether:
Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 116-1198.
O-De-Me: [106897-03-4] Demethylcala- 10
baxanthone 3 C15H22O2 234.338
C23H22O5 378.424 H3 C (7a,9a,10a)-form
Constit. of Garcinia mangostana (man- 9-Angeloyl: [72943-95-4]
gosteen). Yellow needles. Mp 858. C20H28O3 316.439
9-Hydroxy: [35349-68-9] 9-Hydroxycala- Oil. [a]24
D +21.7 (c, 4.4 in CHCl3).
baxanthone C15H20 200.323 9-Angeloyl, 3-Me ether: [72943-96-5]
C24H24O6 408.45 Constit. of hop, sweet flag, Juniperus and C21H30O3 330.466
Constit. of Garcinia mangostana (man- other oils. Oil. [a]20
D +52.1. Oil.
gosteen). Bright yellow cryst. (C6H6). 3-Hydroxy: [60263-12-9] 3-Hydroxy-a-ca- 9-Ketone: [155662-80-9] 3-Hydroxy-9-ca-
Mp 156-1568 (152-1548). lacorene. 5,6-Dihydro-5-isopropyl-3,8-di- lamenenone. 7-Hydroxy-2-calamenenone
3,4-Dihydro, 9-hydroxy: [19275-46-8] 3- methyl-2-naphthol C15H20O2 232.322
Isomangostin C15H20O 216.322 Constit. of Gossypium hirsutum (cot-
C24H26O6 410.466 Cryst. (petrol). Mp 103.58. ton).
Constit. of Garcinia mangostana (man- D10,14-Isomer, 3-hydroxy: [73484-09-0] 3- (7b,10a)-form
gosteen). Cryst. (C6H6). Mp 155-1608 Hydroxy-b-calacorene 9-Ketone: [155662-81-0]
(154-1558). lmax 243 (e 39800); 257 (e C15H20O 216.322 Constit. of Gossypium hirsutum
34670); 319 (e 30200); 355 (e 13180) Oil (as acetate). (cotton).
(EtOH) (Berdy).
Heymes, A. et al., Recherches , 1974, 19, 214 Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18,
3,4-Dihydro, 3,9-dihydroxy: [184587-72-2] (synth) 1185
Mangostanol Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1976, 109, 2021 Davila-Huerta, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995,
C24H26O7 426.465 (3-Hydroxy-a-calacorene) 39, 531 (isol, pmr, cmr, ketone)

Calamensesquiterpinenol / Calcium chloride (CaCl2), 8CI C-34  / C-39

Calamensesquiterpinenol C-34 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Brown, A. et al., J. Geol. Educ. , 1980, 28, 92
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10-Hydroxy-2,6,6,8-tetramethyltricy- SSSR, Ser. Khim. , 1958, 121, 664 (thermal struct)
clo[,5]undecan-7-one. Calamenone dec) Orwoll, E.S. et al., Ann. Intern. Med. , 1982, 97,
Walter-Levy, L. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances 242 (pharmacol)
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H Gmelin Handbook Inorg. Chem. , Syst. No. 28, Technol., 4th edn., Wiley, 1991, 4, 796 (manuf,
O 1961, B3, 982 (rev, bibl) use)
Stoilova, D. et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser. Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd
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Chill, J. et al., Thermochim. Acta , 1980, 40, 251 Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical
(thermal dec, tga, ms, monohydrate) Press, 1994, 52-55
HO Balimann, G.E. et al., Philos. Trans. R. Soc. Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
London, A , 1981, 299, 643 (cmr) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 373-376;
C15H24O2 236.353 Mu, J. et al., Thermochim. Acta , 1981, 49, 207 1580-1581
Constit. of the roots of Acorus calamus (thermal dec) Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 32nd
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Wu, L.J. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1994, 114, 1988, 2, 665C (haz) al ), Van Nostrand Reinhold , 1996, 102
182-185 (isol, struct) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 368-369 Industrial Materials, 10th edn., J. Wiley, 2000,
Calamin C-35 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of CAO000
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
[74751-40-9] Reinhold , 1992, CAL750
Calcium chloride (CaCl2), 8CI C-39
O Calcium bromate C-37 [10043-52-4]
[10102-75-7] Calcium chloride. Calcium dichloride. E509
CaCl2 110.983
OH O Ca(BrO3)2 Orthorhombic. Essentially a distorted
Br2CaO6 295.882 rutile-type struct.. Used as a postharvest
O Dough conditioner. dip to reduce decay in apples and
MeOOC O Tkachuk, R. et al., Cereal Chem. , 1961, 38, 393- berries. Added to food as an anticaking
398 (use) agent, curing or pickling agent, firming
OH Kamman, P.W. et al., Baker’s Dig. , 1984, 58, 18- agent, flavour enhancer, antimrobial,
OH O 20 (use) humectant, nutrient supplement, pH
Alici, E. et al., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. , 1992, 608, control agent, processing aid, stabiliser
C27H36O10 520.575 135-144 (cryst struct)
and thickener, surface active agent,
Constit. of calamondin seeds (Citrus Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 371-372 synergist or texturiser. Deliquescent
reticulata ). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 162-1658. colourless, cubic cryst. V. sol. H2O (74.5
(props, use)
Bennett, R.D. et al., Tetrahedron , 1981, 37, 17 g per 100 cm3 at 208; 159 g per 100 cm3
Calcium carbonate, BAN, C-38 at 1008); sol. EtOH, Me2CO, AcOH.
Calcium acetate C-36 Mp 7828. Bp 16008. DH8f -796 kJ mol-1.
USAN DG8f -748 kJ mol-1. S8 105 J K-1 mol-1.
[62-54-4] [471-34-1] -Irritant. EV9800000
Acetic acid, calcium salt, 8CI. Ethanoic Mineral-form
acid, calcium salt. E263 [3983-19-5, 15187-75-4]
Ca(OAc)2 Carbonic acid, calcium salt, 8CI. Chalk.
May be identical to Antarctite or Sinjarite.
Limestone. E170
C4H6CaO4 158.167 Monohydrate: [13477-29-7]
Used in foods as a firming agent, acidity CaCO3 CaCl2H2O 128.999
regulator, sequestrant, stabiliser and CCaO3 100.087 Colourless deliquescent cryst. Dec. on
thickener, and nutrient supplement (Ca Used in foods as a neutraliser and heating with loss of H2O. V. sol. H2O
source). Used as an acidifier/preservative leavening agent. Hygroscopic colourless (77 g per 100 cm3 at 08; 249 g per 100
in bread, and in some gelling mixtures. cryst. Prac. insol. H2O. Mp 13398 (at 1.35 cm3 at 1008); sol. EtOH; insol. Me2CO.
Hygroscopic white powder. V. sol. H2O (37 atm). Dec. on heating with loss of CO2. DH8f -1109 kJ mol-1; DG8f -1101 kJ mol-1.
g per 100 cm3 at 08; 30 g per 100 cm3 at Dissolves in acids / 0 corresp. calcium salt. -Irritant.
1008); spar. sol. EtOH. DH8f -1479 kJ mol- -OES: long-term 10 mg/m3 (total inhalable Dihydrate: [10035-04-8] Sinjarite
. Hygroscopic. Dec. on heating to form dust); 4 mg/m3 (respirable dust). Skin and CaCl2H4O2 147.014
CaO. eye irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 6450 mg/kg. Hygroscopic colourless cryst. Dec. on
-AF7525000 FF9335000 heating with loss of H2O. V. sol. H2O
Monohydrate: [5743-26-0] [1317-65-3] (98 g per 100 cm3 at 08; 326 g per 100
C4H8CaO5 176.182 cm3 at 608). V. sol. EtOH (50 g per 100
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, cm3 at 808). DH8f -1403 kJ mol-1.
Colourless cryst. Dec. on heating / 0 2, 1271C (ir)
CaO. V. sol. (44 g per 100 cm3 at 08; 34 g -Irritant. EV9810000
Gmelin Handbook Inorg. Chem. , Syst. No. 28,
per 100 cm3 at 1008); spar. sol. EtOH. 1961, B3, 861 (rev, bibl) Tetrahydrate: [25094-02-4]
DH8f -1772 kJ mol-1. Ross, S.D. et al., Spectrochim. Acta , 1964, 20, CaCl2H8O4 183.044
-AF7875000 781 (ir) Colourless triclinic cryst. Dec. on
Dihydrate: Porto, S.P.S. et al., Phys. Rev. , 1966, 147, 608 heating with loss of H2O. DH8f -2010 kJ
C4H10CaO6 194.197 (Raman) mol-1; DG8f -1724 kJ mol-1; S8 213 J K-1
Goldsmith, J.A. et al., Spectrochim. Acta , 1966, mol-1. Struct. comprises [CaCl2.4H2O]2
Colourless cryst. Dec. on heating with 22, 1069 (ir)
H2O loss (-H2O at 848) and ultimate units held together by H-bonds.
Langille, D.B. et al., J. Phys. Chem. Solids ,
formation of CaO. V. sol. H2O (35 g per 1977, 38, 1149 (ir, Raman)
100 cm3 at 208; 34 g per 100 cm3 at 808); Kummer, P. et al., Handb. Fillers Reinf. Plast. , Hexahydrate: See Calcium chloride
spar. sol. EtOH. 1978, 81 (rev, uses) (CaCl2) hexahydrate in The Combined

Calcium diphosphate (Ca2P2O7) / Calcium hydroxide phosphate (Ca5(OH)(PO4)3), 9CI, 8CI C-40 / C-43

Chemical Dictionary.  O(bridge) 161.5 pm. Four Mineral-form [12177-68-3]

Van Bever, A.K. et al., Z. Kristallogr. , 1935, 90, crystallographically independent Ca2 Portlandite
374 (cryst struct) ions per unit cell having coordination Rumpf, E. et al., Ann. Phys. (Leipzig) , 1928,
Gmelin Handbook Inorg. Chem. , Syst. No. 28, numbers 7 (2 x), 8 (1 x), and 9 (1 87, 595 (cryst struct)
1957, B2, 431; 468; 470 (rev, bibl) x).Yields a-form at 1150-12008. Gmelin Handbook Inorg. Chem. , Syst. No. 28,
Paul, R.C. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , 1964, 41, g-form At 750-9008, yields b-form. 1961, B2, 299 (rev, bibl)
541 (soly) Kamisuki, T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1972,
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic [17031-92-4, 21349-09-7] 45, 1345 (ir)
Synthesis, Wiley, 1967, 1, 104 (uses) Brown, E.H. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1963, Dawson, P. et al., Solid State Commun. , 1972,
Buzagh-Gere, E. et al., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. , 11, 214 (synth) 10, 41 (Raman)
1973, 400, 37 (therm dec, dihydrate) Webb, N.C. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1966, 21, 942 Brauer, G. et al., Handbuch Pr&cap. Anorg.
Malhotra, K.C. et al., J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. , (cryst struct) Chem. , 3rd edn., Ferdinand Enke Verlag,
1974, 36, 3767 (soly) Hezel, A. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1967, 23, 1975, 926 (synth)
Dust, H. et al., Ullmanns Encykl. Tech. Chem., 1583 (ir) Holuj, F. et al., Can. J. Phys. , 1977, 55, 654
4. Aufl. , 1975, 9, 81 (rev, uses) Steger, E. et al., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. , 1967, (pmr)
Hadenfeldt, C. et al., Z. Naturforsch., B , 1975, 355, 131 (ir) Shpynova, L.G. et al., Kristallografiya , 1980,
30, 165 (synth) Calvo, C. et al., Inorg. Chem. , 1968, 7, 1345 25, 967 (cryst struct, isomorph substitution)
Buzagh-Gere, E. et al., J. Therm. Anal. , 1976, (cryst struct) Ryskin, Ya.I. et al., CA , 1981, 94, 216877 (ir,
10, 89 (therm dec, tetrahydrate) Mandel, N.S. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1975, 31, Raman)
Leclaire, A. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1978, 34, 900; 1730 (cryst struct) Chase, M.W. et al., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data ,
1980, 36, 2757 (polymorphs, tetrahydrate) Cornilsen, B.C. et al., J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. , 1985, 14, 704 (thermochem data)
Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn., 1979, 41, 602 (ir, Raman) Sigma-Aldrich Library of Chemical Safety Data ,
Wiley, 1978, 4, 432 (rev, uses) Ann. Rheum. Dis. , Suppl. 1, Proc. Symp. on 1988, 2, 667B (haz)
Vincent, C.A. et al., Solubility Data Ser. , 1980, Crystal-Related Arthropathies Ed., Dieppe, Foreman, P.C. et al., Int. Endod. J. , 1990, 23,
11, 74; 140; 240 (soly) P., 1983, 42, 283 (rev)
Scrosati, B. et al., Solubility Data Ser. , 1980, 11, Cornilsen, B.C. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , 1984, 117, Milosevic, A. et al., J. Dent. Res. , 1991, 19, 3
296; 337 (soly) 1 (ir, Raman) (rev)
Chase, M.W. et al., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data , Davis, N.L. et al., J. Crystallogr. Spectrosc. Res. , Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
1985, 14, 693 (thermochem data) 1985, 15, 513 (cryst struct) edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1347
Meisingset, K.K. et al., J. Chem. Thermodyn. , Mudrakovskii, I.L. et al., J. Phys. Chem. Solids , Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
1986, 18, 159 (thermodyn, phases, 1986, 47, 335 (P-31 nmr) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 390-391
tetrahydrate) Prabhakar, S. et al., Chem. Phys. Lett. , 1987, Chemical Hazards of the Workplace, 3rd edn.,
Sigma-Aldrich Library of Chemical Safety Data , 139, 96 (P-31 nmr) (eds. Proctor, N.H. et al ), Van Nostrand
1988, 2, 666A; 666B (haz) Mandel, G.S. et al., J. Cryst. Growth , 1988, 87, Reinhold , 1991, 133
Garcia, J.M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1996, 453 (struct, morphology) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
44, 30-33 (use) Schneider, M. et al., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. , Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. 1989, 576, 267 (synth) Reinhold , 1992, CAT225
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 378-381 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Pierce, J.O. et al., Patty’s Ind. Hyg. Toxicol. , 4th
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 384-386 edn., Vol. 2, Wiley, 1993, 2A, 762 (tox)
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Reinhold , 1992, CAO750 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, CAW450 Calcium hydroxide phosphate C-43
Calcium diphosphate C-40 (Ca5(OH)(PO4)3), 9CI, 8CI
(Ca2P2O7) Calcium hydrogen sulfite C-41 [12167-74-7]
[7790-76-3] [13780-03-5] Calcium hydroxide phosphate. Pentacal-
Sulfurous acid calcium salt (2:1). Calcium cium hydroxide triphosphate
bisulfite. E227 Ca5(OH)(PO4)3
Calcium diphosphate. Calcium pyropho-
sphate (Ca2P2O7). Dicalcium pyropho- Ca(HSO3)2 Ca5HO13P3 502.311
sphate CaH2O6S2 202.222 V. variable H2O content with several
Ca2P2O7 Obt. from a soln. of CaSO3 in an aq. soln. hydrates (1,2,3,4, and 8 H2O) claimed.
of SO2. Preservative. Table salt additive to ensure free-
Ca2O7P2 254.099
Ger. Pat. , 1935, 623 181; CA , 30, 2332 (manuf) running qualities. Clear, colourless
The dicalcium salt of Diphosphoric acid. Simon, A. et al., Naturwissenschaften , 1958, 45, hexagonal cryst. Stable at temps. up to
Trimorphic, with low temp. (g, b) and 128 (Raman) 9008; at higher temps. phosphates e.g. B/
high temp. (a) forms, each metastable at  Ca3. Prac. insol. H2O. (/ B 0.001 g per
r.t.. Used in foods as a nutrient 100 cm3 at 258). Dissolves in acids.
supplement and pH control agent.
Calcium hydroxide C-42
(Ca(OH)2), 8CI, INN, USAN Mineral-form [1306-06-5]
Dihydrate: [17031-92-4] Hydroxyapatite. Hydroxylapatite. Al-
Cryst. V. insol. H2O. Triclinic: both Ca [1305-62-0]
veograf. Durapatite. Periograf. Ossopan.
atoms are heptacoordinate. Monoclinic Calcium hydrate. Hydrated lime. Lime Win 40350
and orthorhombic forms also reported. water. Slaked lime. E526 Exists in a variety of cryst. shapes and
Tetrahydrate: [17031-93-5] Ca(OH)2 colours.
Colourless tablets. V. insol. H2O. CaH2O2 74.093 [62974-97-4, 72855-61-9, 97329-12-9, 97329-13-
Monoclinic: both Ca atoms are Has CdI2 struct.. Used in foods as a buffer 0, 97329-14-1, 97329-16-3]
heptacoordinate with two independent and firming agent. Colourless Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
coord. polyhedra. V. nearly eclipsed hexagonal cryst. Spar. sol. H2O (0.185 g 2, 1267C (ir)
anion conform.. per 100 cm3 at 08; 0.077 g per 100 cm3 at Dana’s System of Mineralogy, 7th Ed., Wiley
a-form 1008); insol. EtOH. DH8f -986 kJ mol-1; N.Y., 1951, 879
Monoclinic. Both Ca2 cations are DG8f -898 kJ mol-1; S8 83.4 J K-1 mol-1. Gmelin Handbook Inorg. Chem. , Syst. No. 28,
octacoordinate. Anion is in eclipsed Dec. on heating with loss of H2O. 1961, B3, 1142 (rev, bibl)
form with POP 1308, P/  O(t) 151 pm, P/ Dissolves in acids to form the corresp. Lerch, P. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1968, 1705
 O(bridge) 160 pm.Mp 13528. (synth)
calcium salt. Reacts with atmospheric
Sudersanan, K. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1969,
b-form CO2 to form CaCO3. 25, 1534 (cryst struct)
Tetragonal with eclipsed anion -OES: long-term 5 mg/m3. Corrosive. Blakeslee, K.C. et al., J. Am. Ceram. Soc. , 1971,
conformation for each of two Severe eye irritant. Respiratory and skin 54, 559 (ir, Raman)
independent POP groups with POP irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 7340 mg/kg. Elliott, J.C. et al., Nature (London) , 1971, 230,
1318, 1388. Mean P/  O(t) 151.8, P/ EW2800000 72 (monoclinic-form)

Calcium iodate(V ) (Ca(IO3)2) / Calcium oxide silicate (Ca3O(SiO4)), 10CI C-44 / C-47

Fowler, B.O. et al., Inorg. Chem. , 1974, 13, 194; Cinga, M.B. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1967, 23, 1114 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
207 (synth, ir) (cryst struct, hexahydrate) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Young, R.A. et al., Colloq. Int. C.N.R.S. , 1975, Bousquet, J. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1969, Reinhold , 1992, WCJ000
230, 21 (struct, rev) 1111 (soly)
Brauer, G. et al., Handbuch Prap. Anorg. Chem. , Sanyal, G.S. et al., J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. , 1977,
3rd edn., Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 1975, 1, 530 39, 1127 (thermal dec, anhydr, monohydrate)
(synth) Ghose, S. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1978, 34, 84 Calcium oxide (CaO), 8CI C-46
Iqbal, Z. et al., J. Phys. Chem. Solids , 1977, 38, (cryst struct) [1305-78-8]
923 (ir, Raman) Shishkin, V.A. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , 1982, 83, Calcium oxide. Calcium monoxide. Burnt
Shimabayashi, S. et al., CA , 1978, 88, 163126 349 (I-127 nqr, monohydrate) lime. Calcia. Calx. Quicklime. Unslaked
(thermal dec) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
lime. E529
Monma, H. et al., CA , 1979, 91, 48718 (thermal Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 392-394
dec) (use) CaO
Arends, J. et al., J. Cryst. Growth , 1979, 46, 213; Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of CaO 56.077
1987, 84, 515 (synth, ir, em) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Rothwell, W.P. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1980, 102, 2637 Reinhold , 1992, CAT500 NaCl struct. type. Used in food as a pH
(P-31 nmr) control agent, nutrient supplement,
Christoffersen, J. et al., Calcif. Tissue Int. , 1981, dough conditioner, and texturising,
33, 557 (dissoln kinetics)
Calcium metasilicate (Ca- C-45 firming and anticaking agent.
Bigi, A. et al., J. Inorg. Biochem. , 1981, 15, 317 SiO3) Colourless cubic cryst. Mp 29278. DH8f -
(ir, props) [1344-95-2] 635.1 kJ mol-1; DG8f -603.5 kJ mol-1; S8
Nelson, D.G.A. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1982, 35, 38.2 J K-1 mol-1. Moisture sensitive.
715 (ir, Raman) [10101-39-0]
Dissolves in H2O / 0 Ca(OH)2; dissolves
Young, R.A. et al., Calcif. Tissue Int. , (Suppl. Silicic acid calcium salt, 12CI. Calcium
2), 1982, 34, 17 (synth, ir, bibl) in acids. Reacts with atmospheric H2O
metasilicate. Calcium silicate (CaSiO3). to form Ca(OH)2 which reacts further
Chander, S. et al., Colloids Surf. , 1982, 4, 101 C.I. Pigment White 28
(dental use) with CO2 to form CaCO3; crude
Nelson, D.G.A. et al., J. Ultrastruct. Res. , 1983, CaSiO3 samples of CaO often contain large
84, 1 (em) CaO3Si 116.162 quantities of Ca(OH)2 and CaCO3.
Pritzkow, W. et al., Cryst. Res. Technol. , 1985, -Irritant. EW3100000
20, 957 (synth, cryst struct) There are 3 normal modifications and a Mineral-form
Dykman, A.S. et al., Zh. Prikl. Khim. high-pressure modification. The terms Lime
(Leningrad) , 1986, 59, 2251; J. Appl. Chem. a-CaSiO3 and b-CaSiO3 are used Colourless cryst.
USSR (Engl. Transl.) , 1986, 59, 2068 (struct, ambiguously in the lit. and should be
props) avoided. A hydrous or anhydrous Ca [8006-28-8]
Yesinowski, Y.P. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1987, 109, 6274 silicate with varying proportions of CaO Primak, W. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1948, 70, 2043 (cryst
and SiO2 is used as an anticaking agent struct)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
in foodstuffs. Aldrich: 37266-8. Gmelin Handbook Inorg. Chem. , Syst. No. 28,
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
-VV9170000 1957, B2, 278 (rev, bibl)
Reinhold , 1992, CAW120
Mineral-form [13983-17-0] Riboud, P. et al., Circ. Inf. Tech. -Cent. Doc.
Wollastonite. Wollastonite-1T. Wollasto- Sider. , 1979, 36, 559; CA , 91, 94883 (rev,
Chase, M.W. et al., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data ,
Calcium iodate(V ) (Ca(IO3)2) C-44 Triclinic low-temp. modification. A chain 1985, 14, 711 (thermochem data)
silicate. Polymorphic.White to greyish Sigma-Aldrich Library of Chemical Safety Data ,
cryst. Undergoes a transition to 1988, 2, 669B (haz)
Iodic acid calcium salt, 8CI. Calcium pseudowollastonite above 11258. Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
iodate. Lautarite -ZC9750000 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 399-400
Ca(IO3)2 Mineral-form [14567-51-2] Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
CaI2O6 389.883 Parawollastonite. Wollastonite-2M Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
A monoclinic form of wollastonite: related Reinhold , 1992, CAU500
Food additive used to enhance poultry
and egg production. Oxidiser in bread by a simple stacking modification.White
manuf.. Colourless monoclinic cryst. Spar. or grey cryst.
sol. H2O (0.20 g per 100 cm3 at 158, 0.67 g Mineral-form [14567-52-3] Calcium oxide silicate C-47
per 100 cm3 at 908); insol. EtOH. DH8f - Pseudowollastonite. Cyclowollastonite (Ca3O(SiO4)), 10CI
1003 kJ mol-1; DG8f -893 kJ mol-1; S8 230 The high-temp. modification. A ring [12168-85-3]
JK-1 mol-1. Dec. on heating with loss of I2 silicate. Polymorphic.Triclinic
and O2 forming Ca5(IO6)2 at 540-6808 and transparent colourless cryst. Mp 15448. [12141-48-9]
CaO at 700-8408. Calcium oxide silicate. Tricalcium silicate.
-Oxidiser, irritant. Alite. Basic calcium silicate. C3S
Buerger, M.J. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Mineral-form U.S.A. , 1961, 47, 1883 (cryst struct, Ca3O(SiO4)
Lautarite wollastonite) Ca3O5Si 228.316
Colourless, yellowish, short prismatic Trojer, F. et al., Z. Kristallogr., Kristallgeom.,
cryst. Three triclinic, two monoclinic and
Kristallphys., Kristallchem. , 1969, 130, 185
(cryst struct, high pressure phase) orthorhombic forms exist. Anticaking
Monohydrate: [10031-32-0] agent for table salt. Mp 21508.
Rutstein, M.S. et al., Am. Mineral. , 1971, 56,
Dec. on heating with H2O loss. DH8f -
877 (ir) Steinour, H.H. et al., Chem. Rev. , 1947, 40, 391
1293 kJ mol-1. Ohashi, Y. et al., Am. Mineral. , 1978, 63, 274 (rev)
Hexahydrate: [10031-33-1] Hexaaquacal- (cryst struct, wollastonite) Lea, F.M. et al., The Chemistry of Cement and
cium diiodate Deer, W.A. et al., Rock Forming Minerals , 2nd Concrete, 3rd Edn., Edward Arnold, London,
Colourless orthorhombic cryst.; dec. on edn., Longman, 1978, 2A, 545 (rev) 1970,
heating with H2O loss. Spar. sol. H2O Yamanaka, T. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1981, 37, Johansen, V. et al., Cem. Concr. Res. , 1972, 2,
1010 (cryst struct, pseudowollastonite) 33 (synth)
(0.13 g per 100 cm3 at 08, 1.2 g per 100
Henmi, C. et al., Am. Mineral. , 1983, 68, 156 Singh, N.B. et al., J. Sci. Ind. Res. , 1976, 35, 75
cm3 at 1008). DH8f -2781 kJ mol-1; DG8f - (polymorphs, wollastonite) (cryst struct, polymorphs, rev)
2268 kJ mol-1; S8 452 J K-1 mol-1. Magi, M. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1984, 88, 1518 Handke, M. et al., Ann. Chim. (Paris) , 1979, 4,
Rocchiccioli, C. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances (Si-29 nmr) 145 (ir, Raman)
Acad. Sci. , 1960, 250, 1232 (ir) Hesse, K.-F. et al., Z. Kristallogr. , 1984, 168, 93 Magi, M. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1984, 88, 1518
Gmelin Handbook Inorg. Chem. , System No. 28, (cryst struct, parawollastonite) (Si-29 nmr)
1961, B2, 629; 632; 634 (rev, bibl, anhydr, Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
hydrates) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 421-423 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2825

Calcium peroxide (CaO2), 8CI / Calcium phosphate(Ca(HPO4)) C-48 / C-50

Calcium peroxide (CaO2), C-48 Calcium phosphate C-49 oxygens. Used in foods as a leavening
8CI (Ca(H2PO4)2) agent, stabiliser and thickener, nutrient,
[1305-79-9] [7758-23-8] pH control agent, masticatory
Calcium peroxide. Perme Ox. Trapzene substance, moisture control agent,
[10103-46-5] emulsifier, and appearance control
Ca(O2) Calcium phosphate (1:2), 9CI, 8CI. Cal- agent for colours and colour modifiers.
CaO2 72.077 cium phosphate$. Calcium bis(dihydrogen White cryst. DH8f -1821 kJ mol-1; DG8f -
CaC2 struct. Not known in pure state. phosphate). Monocalcium phosphate 1680 kJ mol-1; S8 88 J K-1 mol-1.
Coml. product contains up to 75% Ca(H2PO4)2 Monohydrate:When shaken with H2O, / 0
CaO2, mixed with CaO, Ca(OH)2, and dihydrate / 0 CaHPO4.
CaCO3. Flour additive; bleaching agent. CaH4O8P2 234.052
Added to flour as a nutrient source and 1.5-Hydrate: [33849-87-5] At 1658 / 0
White tetragonal cryst. Spar. sol. H2O. anhydrous salt.
DH8f -653 kJ mol-1 (298K). Dissoc. on leavening agent; stabiliser and thickener
heating >4008 / 0 CaO + O2; dissolves for fruit jellies, preserves and jams; also Dihydrate: [7789-77-7]
in H2O / 0 Ca(OH)2 + H2O2 + O2. Does used in foods as pH control agent, firming White cryst. Only slowly sol. H2O at /
not melt but dec. 73008, >4008 on agent, sequestrant and dietary supple- B 1008. Mp 368. Monoclinic lattice.
heating. ment. Loses H2O on grinding. DH8f -2410 kJ
-Oxidiser. EW3865000 -TB8527000 mol-1; DG8f -2153 kJ mol-1; S8 167 J K-1
Monohydrate: [10031-30-8] mol-1.
Octahydrate: [60762-59-6]
Large white shining plates (H3PO4). Mineral-form [21063-37-6]
White cryst. (H2O). DH8f -3011 kJ mol-1
Triclinic. CaPO4 sheets are held Monetite
(298K). Thermal dehyd. yields anhyd.
together by H2PO4 ions and H2O Essentially the anhyd. compd. Triclinic
molecules. Non-equivalent PO4 groups. lattice.Pale yellowish white translucent
Compd. with hydrogen peroxide (1:2): cryst., usually flattened with
[12133-34-5] Ca ions are 8-coord. When heated, loses
0.5H2O at 1708, and further 0.5H2O at rhombohedral outline.
CaH4O6 140.106 Mineral-form [14567-92-1]
White cryst. Reacts. with CO2 / 0 2808. Structural H2O lost at 3208, and
4308. Also loses H2O on grinding. Brushite
CaCO3 + H2O + O2; thermal dec. yields Essentially the dihydrate. Monoclinic
Ca(O2)2. lattice.Colourless to pale yellow,
[64544-82-7] transparent to translucent cryst., with
[15221-07-5] vitreous lustre.
Reisenfeld, E.H. et al., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. ,
1914, 89, 405 (synth) Inorg. Synth. , 1953, 4, 18 (synth) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Kotov, V. et al., Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Jones, D.W. et al., Z. Kristallogr., Kristallgeom., 2, 1268A (ir)
Transl.) , 1941, 15, 1057 Kristallphys., Kristallchem. , 1961, 116, 101 (ir, Dana’s System of Mineralogy, 7th Ed., Wiley,
Rossini, F.D. et al., Natl. Bur. Stand. Circ. cryst struct) N.Y., 1951, 660; 704
(U.S.) , No. 500, 1952, 386 (enthalpy data) Berry, E.E. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1968, Inorg. Synth. , 1953, 4, 19 (synth)
Gmelin Handbook Inorg. Chem. , Syst. No. 28, 24, 1727 (ir) Petrov, I. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1967, 23,
1957, 318 (rev, bibl) Pechkovskii, V.V. et al., Zh. Neorg. Khim. , 1969, 2637 (ir)
Grigor’eva, N.K. et al., CA , 1964, 60, 14098f; 14, 53; 1979, 24, 894; Russ. J. Inorg. Chem. Mattingly, G.E.G. et al., Top. Phosphorus
1967, 66, 121576p (synth, props) (Engl. Transl.) , 1969, 14, 27; 1979, 24, 497 Chem. , 1967, 4, 157 (rev, bibl)
Allamagny, P. et al., Rev. Chim. Miner. , 1965, 2, (synth, ir, props) Francis, M.D. et al., Calcif. Tissue Res. , 1971, 6,
645 (prepn, cryst struct, magnetism, decomp) Dickens, B. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1971, 27, 2247; 335 (struct)
Emons, H.H. et al., Z. Chem. , 1965, 5, 230; 272 1973, 29, 2057 (cryst struct) Duff, E.J. et al., J. Appl. Chem. Biotechnol. ,
(synth, reactions, H2O2 complex) Schroeder, L.W. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1975, 31, 9 1971, 21, 233 (synth, props)
Tsentsiper, A.B. et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, (nd, struct) Curry, N.A. et al., J.C.S.(A) , 1971, 3725 (nd,
Ser. Khim. , 1967, 2563 (thermal dehyd, Fichter, M. et al., Spectrochim. Acta B , 1975, struct)
octahydrate) 30, 417 Dickens, B. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1972, 28, 797
Blunt, F.J. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1969, 278 Pyldme, M. et al., J. Therm. Anal. , 1979, 17, 479 (cryst struct)
(Raman) (props) Termine, J.D. et al., Calcif. Tissue Res. , 1974,
Dubois, D.K. et al., Baker’s Dig. , 1974, 48, 40; Bertoluzza, A. et al., J. Raman Spectrosc. , 1983, 15, 55 (ir, Raman)
59 (use) 14, 178 (props) Catti, M. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1977, 33, 1223;
Eysel, H.H. et al., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. , 1975, Bertoluzza, A. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , 1985, 127, 1980, 36, 254 (cryst struct, nd)
411, 97 (Raman) 35 (ir, Raman, struct) Casciani, F. et al., J. Solid State Chem. , 1980,
Ballou, E. et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Res. Mudrakovskii, I.L. et al., J. Phys. Chem. Solids , 34, 385 (ir, Raman)
Dev. , 1977, 16, 180 (thermal dec, H2O2 1986, 47, 335 (P-31 nmr) Ohta, M. et al., J. Cryst. Growth , 1982, 56, 562
complex) Nebelung, A.O. et al., Sprechsaal , 1986, 119, (synth, morphology)
Ballou, E. et al., J. Eng. Ind. , 1978, 100, 26 566 (props) Turner, G.L. et al., J. Magn. Reson. , 1986, 70,
(thermal dec, H2O2 complex) Belton, P.S. et al., J. Phys. Chem. Solids , 1988, 408 (P-31 nmr)
Brunere, V. et al., CA , 1979, 90, 129714y (uv- 49, 21 (P-31 nmr) Mudrakovskii, I.L. et al., J. Phys. Chem. Solids ,
vis) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. 1986, 47, 335 (P-31 nmr)
Azuma, Y. et al., Gypsum Lime , 1979, 162, 175 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 409-414 Nebelung, A.O. et al., Sprechsaal , 1986, 119,
(thermal dec) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 566 (use, bioceramics)
Japan. Pat. , 1989, 89 262 713; CA , 112, 174090a Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Yesinowski, J.P. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1987, 109, 6274
(use) Reinhold , 1992, CAW110 (pmr)
Merck Index, 11th edn. , 1989, 1696 Belton, P.S. et al., J. Phys. Chem. Solids , 1988,
Ino, K. et al., Gypsum Lime , 1990, 224, 47 (use) 49, 21 (P-31 nmr)
Tieckelman, R.E. et al., Food Technol.
Calcium phosphate C-50 Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd
(Chicago) , 1991, 45(1), 106 (dough) (Ca(HPO4)) edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American
U.S. Pat. , 1991, 5 019 289; CA , 115, 116850z [7757-93-9] Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical
(use, bleaching agent) Press, 1994, 56-60
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. [10103-46-5] Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn.,
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 405-406 Calcium phosphate (1:1), 9CI, 8CI. Cal- Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1176
(use) cium phosphate. Calcium monohydrogen Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 406-409
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Reinhold , 1992, CAV500 CaHPO4 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, CAT210; CAW100
CaHO4P 136.057
Triclinic lattice. Ca ions coordinated to 7
oxygens (pentagonal pyramid) or to 8

Calcium phosphate (Ca3(PO4)2) / Calcium sulfite, 9CI C-51 / C-55

Calcium phosphate C-51 Lopatin, S.I. et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, colouring adjunct, dough strengthener,
(Ca3(PO4)2) Neorg. Mater. , 1989, 25, 645; Inorg. Mater. drying agent, firming agent, formulation
(Engl. Transl.) , 1989, 25, 556 (ms) aid, leavening agent, nutrient supplement,
[7758-87-4] Jakeman, R.J.B. et al., J. Solid State Chem. ,
1989, 78, 23 (P-31 nmr)
pH control agent, processing aid, stabili-
Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd ser, thickener, synergist and texturiser; also
Calcium phosphate (3:2), 9CI, 8CI. Cal- edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American used as an additive in the bleaching of
cium phosphate$. Calcium orthophosphate. Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical flour by benzoyl peroxide. Colourless
Bone ash. Bone phosphate of lime. BPL. Press, 1994, 61-62 cryst. Dissolves in acids. Spar. sol. H2O
FEMA 3081 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd (0.209 g per 100 cm3 at 308; 0.162 g per
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, 100 cm3 at 1008). Mp 15708. DH8f -1434 kJ
2, 764 mol-1; DG8f -1322 kJ mol-1; S8 107 J K-1
Ca3O8P2 310.177 Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn.,
There is controversy over the existence of a Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1176
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. -WS6920000
solid amorphous form. It may be a Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 414-417 Hemihydrate: See Calcium sulfate (CaSO4)
unique compd. which readily converts
hemihydrate in The Combined Chemical
to hydroxyapatite or it may be a mixt. of
Calcium phosphinate, 9CI, C-52 Dictionary.
hydroxyapatite and brushite or
monetite. Component of flour bleaching 8CI Dihydrate: See Calcium sulfate dihydrate
mixtures, anticaking agent, dietary [7789-79-9] in The Combined Chemical Dictionary.
supplement, flavouring ingredient. Calcium hypophosphite a-form
Insol. H2O (2 /  10-3 g per 100 cm 3 at Form-I
Ca(H2PO2)2 High temp. form; cubic.
258). DH8f -4121 kJ mol-1; DG8f -3885 kJ
CaH4O4P2 170.055 b-form [14798-04-0]
mol-1; S8 236 J K-1 mol-1.
Dietary supplement. Monoclinic cryst. Form-II. Anhydrite
(Me2CO aq.). Orthorhombic r.t.-form.White to grey,
High temp.-form
Monoclinic lattice. Struct. consists of Morgunova, E.M. et al., Zh. Prikl. Khim. blue, pink or brownish cryst.
columns of cations, and columns of (Leningrad) , 1967, 40, 1660; J. Appl. Chem. Transforms to a-form at 12008.
cations + anions with compensating USSR (Engl. Transl.) , 1967, 40, 1602 g-form
Myers, K. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1972, 76, 3975 Form-III
cation vacancies.Mp 17208. Stable
Brun, G. et al., Rev. Chim. Miner. , 1972, 9, 581 Unstable r.t. modification.
between 1120-14708. (synth, cryst struct)
b-form Fichter, M. et al., Spectrochim. Acta B , 1972, Rossini, F.D. et al., Natl. Bur. Stand. Circ.
Low-temp.-form 30, 417 (U.S.) , No. 500, 1952, 390 (thermochem data)
Rhombohedral lattice struct. similar to Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Swanson, H.E. et al., Natl. Bur. Stand. Circ.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 392 (U.S.) , No. 539, 1955, 4, 65 (cryst struct)
that of a-form except that no cation- Krishnan, T.S. et al., J. Indian Inst. Sci., Sect.
cation columns here; a ‘tighter’ struct. Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand A , 1956, 38, 207 (Raman)
than that of the a-form. Contains 5 Gmelin Handbook Inorg. Chem. , Syst. No. 28,
Reinhold , 1992, CAT250
distinct Ca2 ions with coord. nos. 6, 7, 1961, B3, 679 (rev, bibl)
8, 8, and 9.Stable below 11208 but in the Swift, W.M. et al., ERDA Rept. No. , ANL-76-
presence of traces of M2 stabilised to Calcium silicate (Ca2SiO4) C-53 122, 1976, ; CA , 1977, 87, 170062 (rev,
ca 13508. Exists until near r.t. in absence thermal dec)
of moisture. Replacement of Mg2 by Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn.,
Wiley, 1978, 4, 437 (rev, uses)
Ca2 hinders thermal conversion to a- [14981-10-3]
Murat, M. et al., CA , 1979, 90, 64553 (rev,
form. Mp 17308. Calcium silicate. Belite. Dicalcium orthosi-
licate. E552
[28961-50-4, 64644-52-6] Reshetnyak, N.B. et al., CA , 1979, 90, 112525
Ca2SiO4 (Raman)
Eanes, E.D. et al., Calcif. Tissue Res. , 1970, 5, Sunta, C.M. et al., Radiat. Prot. Dosim. , 1984,
133 (props, synth) Ca2O4Si 172.239
8, 25 (thermoluminescence)
Blumenthal, N.C. et al., Mater. Res. Bull. , 1972, There are 4 principal polymorphs Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd
7, 1181 (synth, ir) (a,a?,b,g). Anticaking agent. edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American
Dickens, B. et al., J. Solid State Chem. , 1974, Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical
10, 232 (struct, synth, b-form) [1344-95-2, 1344-96-3, 15630-58-7, 17830-10-3,
Press, 1994, 66-68
Mathew, M. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1977, 33, 1325 18536-02-2]
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn.,
(cryst struct, a-form) Steinour, H.H. et al., Chem. Rev. , 1947, 40, 391 Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1683
Momma, H. et al., J. Mater. Sci. , 1980, 15, 2428 (rev) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
(synth, props) Smith, D.K. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1965, 18, 787 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 427-431
Bigi, A. et al., J. Inorg. Biochem. , 1981, 15, 317 (cryst struct) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
(props) Eysel, W. et al., Z. Kristallogr. , 1970, 131, 322 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Metsger, D.S. et al., J. Am. Dent. Assoc. , 1982, (cryst struct) Reinhold , 1992, CAX500
105, 1035 (props, use) Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn.,
Akao, M. et al., J. Mater. Sci. , 1982, 17, 343 Wiley, 1978, 5, 163 (rev)
(synth, tox) Handke, M. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , 1982, 79, 353
Calcium sulfite, 9CI C-55
Bertoluzza, A. et al., J. Raman Spectrosc. , 1983, (ir, Raman) [10257-55-3]
14, 178 (synth, ir, Raman) Magi, M. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1984, 88, 1518 Sulfurous acid calcium salt. E226
Tropp, J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1983, 105, 22 (P-31 (Si-29 nmr)
nmr, identity) CaSO3
Barbier, J. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1985, 41, 383
Bonel, G. et al., J. Phys., Colloq. C , 1984, 8, 325 (cryst struct) CaO3S 120.142
(rev, structs, ir)
Turner, G.L. et al., J. Magn. Reson. , 1986, 70,
Two modifications known. Preservative.
408 (P-31 nmr) Calcium sulfate C-54 Cryst.
Nebelung, A.O. et al., Sprechsaal , 1986, 119, [7778-18-9] Hemihydrate: [29501-28-8]
566; 1131 (synth, bioceramics) Cryst. Exists in 3 modifications. Loses
Dykman, A.S. et al., Zh. Prikl. Khim. [23296-15-3] H2O of cryst. at 300-3808.
(Leningrad) , 1986, 59, 2251; J. Appl. Chem. Sulfuric acid calcium salt, 8CI. Calcined Schroepfer, L. et al., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. ,
USSR (Engl. Transl.) , 1986, 59, 2068 (synth) gypsum. E516 1973, 401, 1-14 (cryst struct, ir)
Mortier, A. et al., Thermochim. Acta , 1987, 113,
Lutz, H.D. et al., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. , 1976,
133 (synth) CaSO4 425, 134-144 (synth, ir, Raman)
Belton, P.S. et al., J. Phys. Chem. Solids , 1988, CaO4S 136.142 Arai, Y. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1982, 55,
49, 21 (P-31 nmr)
Used in foods as an anticaking agent, 738-741 (synth, cryst struct, phases)

Calebin A / Camelliatannin E C-56  / C-61

Harrison, W.D. et al., Polyhedron , 1983, 2, 153- Camellianin D C-58 Camelliatannin D C-60
156 (synth, ir)

Calebin A C-56 HO COO O

C21H20O7 384.385 OH
Constit. of the rhizomes of Cucuma longa HO COO
(turmeric). Pale yellow powder. Mp 138- HO
1398. lmax 219 (log e 3.42); 240 (log e
3.44); 339 (log e 3.73) (MeOH). HO OH HO
Kim, D.S.H.L. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. Lett. , HO
2001, 11, 2541-2543 (synth) COOH 2C
C83H62O50 1859.373 O O
Park, S.-Y. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2002, 65, 1227-
1231 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms) Exists as an equilibrated mixt. of a- and b- O OH
anomers. Tannin constit. of Camellia HO O OH
japonica .
Okuda, T. et al., Heterocycles , 1990, 30, 1195 HO CO OH
Calycanthine, 9CI C-57 (struct) HO

C83H62O50 1859.373
H H Constit. of the leaves of Camellia japonica .
Camelliatannin C C-59 Off-white powder + 12H2O. [a]D +46 (c,
(+)-form 0.9 in MeOH). lmax 207 (e 208930); 280
(sh) (e 67610) (MeOH).
OH Hatano, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1995, 43,
N NMe HO 2033 (isol, struct)
C22H26N4 346.474
(+)-form [595-05-1] HO COO OH OH
Camelliatannin E C-61
Alkaloid from Calycanthus floridus HO O
(Carolina allspice) and other OH
Calycanthus spp.. Mp 250-2518
(anhyd.). [a]D +684. HO OH HO OH
Hydrobromide (1:2): HO OH HO OH
Mp 213-2148. HO OH
C49H38O28 1074.822
(-)-form [85548-42-1]
Constit. of the leaves of Camellia japonica .
Mp 2458. [a]25
D -570 (MeOH). HO 3
Off-white powder + 7H2O. [a]D +119 (c, COOCH 2 O
(/9)-form [16739-56-3]
1.6 in MeOH). lmax 207 (e 95500); 230 (sh) 5′
Mp 253-2588.
(e 61660) (MeOH).
meso -form O OH
Mp 265-2688. 3-Epimer: [172723-29-4] Stachyuranin B HO COO
C49H38O28 1074.822 HO
Woodward, R.B. et al., Proc. Chem. Soc.,
Off-white powder + 8H2O. [a]D +120 (c, HO O
London , 1960, 76 (struct)
Hamor, T.A. et al., J.C.S. , 1962, 194 (cryst 1 in MeOH). lmax 207 (e 93320); 230 OH CO CO
struct) (sh) (e 66070); 260 (sh) (e 33880)
Hendrikson, J.B. et al., Tetrahedron , 1964, 20, (MeOH).
565 (synth, ms, pmr, uv) HO OH
Hall, E.S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1967, 23, 4131 Hatano, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1995, 43,
(synth, ir, uv, ms, pmr) 1629; 2109 (isol, pmr, cmr) HO OH HO OH
Beecham, A.F. et al., Nature (London), Phys.
Sci. , 1973, 244, 30 (config) C49H38O28 1074.822
Tokuyama, T. et al., Tetrahedron , 1983, 39, 41 Constit. of the leaves of Camellia japonica .
(isol) Off-white powder + 6H2O. [a]D +53 (c, 1
Adjibade, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, in MeOH). lmax 208 (e 97720); 231 (sh) (e
317 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) 67610); 260 (sh) (e 35480) (MeOH).
Link, J.T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1996, 118, 8166
(synth) 3-Epimer, 5?-O-(3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoyl):
Arteaga de Garcia, L. et al., Rev. Colomb. [172617-79-7] Stachyuranin A
Quim. , 1997, 26, 55-57; CA , 128, 110442q C56H42O32 1226.929
(activity) Off-white powder + 7H2O. [a]D -15 (c, 1
Verotta, L. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 392- in MeOH). lmax 209 (e 109650); 231 (sh)
396 (isol, pmr, cd) (e 72440); 265 (sh) (e 36310) (MeOH).
Overman, L.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1999, 121, 7702-
7703 (synth) Hatano, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1995, 43,
1629; 2109 (isol, uv, cd, pmr, cmr)

Camelliatannin F / Campholenic alcohol C-62 
/ C-68

Camelliatannin F C-62 C68H48O44 1569.101 15H2O. [a]20

D -24 (c, 0.8 in MeOH). lmax
[154561-15-6] Constit. of the leaves of Camellia japonica . 224 (e 115000); 276 (e 60000) (MeOH)
Off-white amorph. powder + 8H2O. [a]D (Berdy).
+90 (c, 1 in MeOH). lmax 218 (e 100000); Yoshida, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1989, 37,
258 (sh) (e 51290); 278 (sh) (e 42660) 3174; 1990, 38, 1211; 2681; 1991, 39, 2247
(MeOH). (isol, uv, cd, pmr, cmr, pharmacol)
HO OH Han, L. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994, 42,
1398 (isol, uv, cd, pmr, cmr) Camelliol B C-67
OH H Camelliin A C-65
O OH [132731-66-9]
O 1 OH
O C30H52O 428.74
Constit. of sasanqua oil (Camellia sasan-
C48H34O26 1026.781 HO
O OH qua ). Gum. [a]25
D +1.7 (c, 0.4 in CHCl3).

Constit. of the leaves of Camellia japonica . HO OH Related to Achilleol B, A-102.

Off-white amorph. powder + 4H2O. [a]D - O Akihisa, T. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1999, 62, 265-
89 (c, 1.6 in MeOH). lmax 209 (e 89125); HO
O 1' OH 268 (isol, pmr, cmr)
230 (sh) (e 58884); 265 (e 31622) (MeOH). O
Han, L. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994, 42, OH
CO Campholenic alcohol C-68
1399 (isol, uv, cd, pmr, cmr)
HO OH [1901-38-8]
Camelliatannin G C-63 9CI. FEMA 3741
[154524-53-5] C68H48O44 1569.101
Exists as an equilibrated mixt. of a- and b- CH2CH2OH
HO OH anomers. Isol. from the flower buds of
Camellia japonica and Camellia
sasanqua . Light brown amorph. powder (R)-form
HO OH + 10H2O. [a]20D +53 (c, 0.5 in MeOH).

COOCH 2 1-O-(3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzoyl)(1b-):
HO O [159935-08-7] Camellioferin A C10H18O 154.252
OH H C75H52O48 1721.207
(R )-form [52437-39-5]
OH Constit. of Camellia oleifera . Light
HO O Bp21 119-1218 Bp0.47 658. [a]20 D +5.4 (c,
COO brown powder. [a]D +67 (c, 1 in
2.06 in CHCl3). n28 D 1.4708.
O Ac: [52486-39-2]
OH Yoshida, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990, 38,
CO CO 2681 (struct, cd, pmr, cmr) Bp0.46 658. [a]20 28
D -2.1 (neat). nD 1.4511.
Yoshida, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 37, 241 Aldehyde: [4501-58-0]
(Camellioferin A) Constit. of many essential oils of
Juniperus, Eucalyptus and Thymus spp..
Camelliin B C-66 Bp12.8 838. [a]20
D +9.6 (neat).
(S )-form [36789-58-9]
[126347-60-2] Bp8 1508. nD 1.4710.
C49H34O29 1086.79
Constit. of the leaves of Camellia japonica . Ac:
Pale yellow amorph. powder + 7H2O. [a]D HO Bp8 104-1068. n20 D 1.4564.
-245 (c, 1 in MeOH). lmax 213 (e 79430); HO CO OH 2C Aldehyde: [23727-15-3]
234 (sh) (e 57540); 282 (sh) (e 17380) O O CO OH
Bp12.8 838. [a]22.5
D -3.7 (neat). nD 1.4645.
(MeOH). CO O
OH (j)-form
HO CO Constit. of Juniperus communis (juniper).
Han, L. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994, 42, O
1398 (isol, uv, cd, pmr, cmr) HO OC
Flavouring ingredient. Oil. Bp0.6 74-768.
OH [a]D -1.5 (c, 8 in CCl4). nD 1.4736. The opt.
O OH rotns. of this isolate and its derivs were
Camelliatannin H C-64 OH
too small to allow reliable assignment of
[148159-86-8] O abs. config..
OH Ac: [36789-59-0] FEMA 3657
CH 2O CO OH C12H20O2 196.289
HO COOH 2C CO OH O CO Flavouring ingredient. Constit. of Juni-
O OH perus communis (juniper). Oil with a
HO HO O OH OH sweet woody odour. Bp5 96-978. [a]D -1
O OH (c, 8 in CCl4).
HO O OH Aldehyde:2,2,3-Trimethyl-3-cyclopenten-1-
COO C75H52O48 1721.207 ylacetaldehyde. Campholenic aldehyde.
Exists as an equilibrated mixt. of a- and b- FEMA 3592
anomers (4:1). Isol. from the flower C10H16O 152.236
HO O OH buds of Camellia japonica and Camellia Flavouring ingredient. Found in Juni-
HO OH HO OH HO OH sasanqua . Off-white amorph. powder + perus communis (juniper). Oil. d20 0.92.

a-Camphorene  / Capsaicin C-69 / C-75

Bp10 778. [a]20

D -3.1 (CCl4). Cas no. refers N?-(3-Aminopropyl): [129225-31-6] N?-(3- Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
to the (R )-enantiomer. Aminopropyl)canavalmine. 1,17-Diami- Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
no-4,9,13-triazaheptadecane Reinhold , 1992, AKD500
Aldehyde, 3,4-epoxide: [36789-60-3] 1,2,2-
Trimethyl-6-oxabicyclo[3.1.0]hexane-3- C14H35N5 273.464
acetaldehyde, 9CI. Epoxycampholenic Isol. from Canavalia gladiata (sword Caneine C-73
aldehyde bean).
C12H24N2O3 244.333
C10H16O2 168.235 N?-(4-Aminobutyl): [129225-32-7] N?-(4-
Constit. of Juniperus communis (juni- Aminobutyl)canavalmine. 1,18-Diamino- Struct. unknown. Constit. of Canavalia
per). Oil. Bp10 101-1028. [a]20 ensiformis seeds (jack bean). Lustrous
D -0.83 5,9,14-triazaoctadecane
(CHCl3). Assigned trans -config. of ep- C15H37N5 287.491 needles. Mp 188-1898. Opt. inactive.
oxide ring relative to /  CH2CHO Isol. from Canavalia gladiata (sword Picrate:
group. bean). Pale yellow needles. Mp 120-1218.
Thomas, A.F. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1972, 55, [107886-53-3, 107886-65-7] Ackermann, D. et al., Hoppe Seyler’s Z.
815-817 (isol, Ac, aldehyde, aldehyde epoxide) Physiol. Chem. , 1939, 262, 103 (isol)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd Fujihara, S. et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res.
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Commun. , 1982, 107, 403 (isol, synth, ir)
2, 102-103; 772 Aikens, D. et al., Biophys. Chem. , 1983, 17, 67 Cannagunines C-74
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. (cmr) These compounds are erroneous. Claimed
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 433-434; Samejima, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984,
alkaloids from fruit of Vaccinium
2842-2843 32, 3428 (synth)
Niitsu, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1986, 34, oxycoccus (small cranberries).
1032 (deriv) [35214-92-7, 50906-97-3, 50906-98-4]
a-Camphorene C-69 Matsuzaki, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29,
1311 (derivs) Jankowski, K. et al., Experientia , 1971, 27,
[532-87-6] 1141-1143
4-(5-Methyl-1-methylene-4-hexenyl)-1-(4- Schwesinger, R. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1994, 127,
2435 (synth, pmr)
methyl-3-pentenyl)cyclohexene, 9CI. Para-
camphorene. p-Camphorene. Dimyrcene Capsaicin C-75
Canavanine C-72
ine, 9CI. 2-Amino-4-(guanidinooxy)buta-
methyl]-8-methyl-6-nonenamide, 9CI. Nat-
noic acid
ural capsaicin. Axsain. Capsacutin.
Capsaiene. Mioton. Zostrix. FEMA 3404
H2N C H (S)-form O
C20H32 272.473 NH HO
Constit. of Humulus lupulus (hops) and
Cymbopogon citratus (West Indian lem- C5H12N4O3 176.175 C18H27NO3 305.416
ongrass). Oil. Bp0.03 1108. (S )-form [543-38-4] Flavouring ingredient. Pungent principle
Lammens, H. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. , L-form of various Capsicum spp. (Solanaceae).
1968, 77, 497 (isol) Stored in large quantities in the seeds of Cryst. with a burning pungent taste. Mp
Eisfelder, W. et al., Annalen , 1977, 988 (synth) leguminous plants in three subfamilies. 64-658. Bp0.01 210-2208. Log P 3.5 (un-
Teresa, J. de P. et al., An. Quim. , 1978, 74, 305 Isol. originally from Jackbean (Canava- certain value) (calc). Commercially avail-
lia ensiformis ). Cryst. (EtOH). Sol. able Capsaicin is usually the more readily
Vig, O.P. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , 1986, 63,
507 (synth) H2O. Mp 1848. [a]20 D +7.9 (H2O). prepd. n -nonanoyl analogue (Pseudocap-
Pharmacol. active enantiomer. saicin) lmax (solvent not reported) (De-
-LD50 (rat, scu) 5900 mg/kg. ES7002000 rep). lmax 227 (e 7000); 281 (e 2500)
g-Camphorene C-70 Sulfate: [2219-31-0] (EtOH) (Derep). lmax 227 (e 7000); 281 (e
[20016-73-3] Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 1728 dec. 2500) (MeOH) (Berdy).
m-Camphorene. Metacamphorene Tribenzoyl: -Skin and mucous membrane irritant. LD50
Mp 868 dec. (mus, orl) 47.2 mg/kg. RA8530000
Picrate: Dihydro: [19408-84-5] Dihydrocapsaicin
Mp 163-1648. C18H29NO3 307.432
(/9)-form [13269-28-8] Potential nutriceutical. Cryst. Mp 65.5-
Mp 180-1828. pKa1 2.5; pKa2 6.6; pKa3 65.88.
9.25 (258). (Z)-isomer: [25775-90-0] Zucapsaicin,
Hydrochloride: INN, USAN
Mp 1908. Cryst. (Et2O/hexane). Mp 68.5-69.58.
C20H32 272.473
Hydrochloride (1:2): [7553-53-9]
Constit. of Humulus lupulus (hop). Oil.
Bp4.5 176-1788. Very hygroscopic solid. Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Bell, A. et al., Biochem. J. , 1960, 75, 618 (occur) Spectra , 1992, 2, 1378C (nmr)
Lammens, H. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. , Nakatsu, S. et al., CA , 1963, 58, 752 (occur) Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. , 1955, 1025 (synth)
1968, 77, 497 Yamada, Y. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1973, 37, Kosuge, S. et al., CA , 1963, 59, 6724; 1964, 60,
2201 (synth) 9827 (Dihydrocapsaicin)
Canavalmine C-71 Rosenthal, G.A. et al., Anal. Biochem. , 1976, Leete, E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1968, 90, 6837
77, 147 (isol) (biosynth)
[70862-15-6] Rosenthal, G.A. et al., Q. Rev. Biol. , 1977, 52, Bowman, W.R. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1969, 1075
N,N??-1,3-Propanediylbis[1,4-butanedia- 155 (rev) (biosynth)
mine]. 1,13-Diamino-5,9-diazatridecane Boyar, A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1982, 104, 1995 (cryst Rangoonwala, R. et al., Pharmazie, 1969, 24,
H2N(CH2)4NH(CH2)3NH(CH2)4NH2 struct) 177 (biosynth)
Rosenthal, G.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, Jeso, I. et al., Chem. Zvesti , 1975, 29, 714
C11H28N4 216.369 30, 1055 (biol props) (synth)
Isol. from the seeds of Canavalia gladiata Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th Virus, R.M. et al., Life Sci. , 1979, 25, 1273 (rev,
(sword bean). Viscous oil. Bp0.01 135-1408. edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 12026 props)

Capsanthin / Capsorubin C-76  / C-80

Monsereenusorn, Y. et al., Crit. Rev. Toxicol. , 4.97); 505 (log e 4.87) (C6H6). HOH2C O
1982, 10, 321 (rev, props) O
Suzuki, T. et al., Alkaloids (London) , 1983, 23, [87801-05-6] O
227 (rev) Karrer, P. et al., Carotenoids , Elsevier, 1950, HO
2"' CH3
Merck Index, 10th edn. , 1983, No. 1741 240-251 (rev) CH2OH H2C
Kaga, H. et al., J.O.C. , 1989, 54, 3477 (synth, Barber, M.S. et al., J.C.S. , 1961, 4019-4024 O OH
bibl) (struct, synth) OH OH
Fuller, R.W. et al., Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Cholnoky, L. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1963, 1257-1259 HO
Ther. , 1990, 303, 147 (rev, pharmacol) (Cryptocapsin, struct) OOC 13
Maggi, C.A. et al., Arch. Int. Pharmacodyn. Faigle, J.W. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1964, 47,
Ther. , 1990, 303, 157 (pharmacol) 741-745 (config)
Kaga, H. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. , De Ville, T.E. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1969, 1311- O
1992, 56, 946 (synth) 1312 (abs config) OH
Cordell, G.A. et al., Ann. Pharmacother. , 1993, De La Mar, R.R. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1969, 34, HO 2"

27, 330 (rev) 287-290 (Ketocapsanthin) OH

Janusz, J.M. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1993, 36, Bartlett, L. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1969, 2527-2544
2595 (synth, pharmacol, zucapsaicin) (abs config) C76H124O33 1565.796
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th Ueda, I. et al., Z. Kristallogr., Kristallgeom., Constit. of the fruit of Capsicum annuum .
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 756 Kristallphys., Kristallchem. , 1974, 140, 190-
Kirby, G.W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 36, Powder. [a]20
D -18 (c, 0.7 in MeOH).
217 (cryst struct)
185 (purifn, bibl) Neamtu, G. et al., CA , 1979, 93, 41684q (occur, 2??-O-b-D-Glucopyranosyl: [121924-08-1]
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd Capsanthone) Capsianoside D. Capsianside D
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Rüttimann, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1983, C82H134O38 1727.938
2, 364 66, 1939-1958 (isol, synth, uv, ir, pmr, ms)
Surh, Y.-J. et al., Life Sci. , 1995, 56, 1845 (rev, Constit. of the fruit of Capsicum
Bowden, R.D. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1983,
tox, metab) 1465-1474 (abs config, synth)
annuum . Powder. [a]20D -19.9 (c, 0.7 in
Fusco, B.M. et al., Drugs , 1997, 53, 909-914 Parkes, K.E.B. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1986, 27, 2535- MeOH).
(rev) 2538 (isol, epoxide) 13-Deoxy, 2??-O-b-D-glucopyranosyl:Cap-
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Molnár, P. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2001, 64, 1254- sianoside F. Capsianside F
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1374-1375 1255 (9Z-Capsanthin-5,6-epoxide) C82H134O37 1711.938
David, W.I.F. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1998, 931-
932 (cryst struct) Constit. of the fruit of Capsicum
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Capsianoside A C-77 annuum . Powder. [a]19D -22.7 (c, 0.6 in
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand MeOH).
Reinhold , 1992, CBF750
Capsianside A 2???-O-Deglucosyl:Capsianoside H. Cap-
sianside H
C70H114O28 1403.654
Capsanthin C-76 CH2OH
Constit. of Capsicum annuum . Powder.
[465-42-9] OH HO O [a]20
D -22 (c, 1 in MeOH).
2''' CH3
3,3?-Dihydroxy-b,k-caroten-6?-one Izumitani, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990,
CH2OH O H2C 38, 1299-1307; 1991, 39, 3258-3260 (isol, ir,
O CH3 pmr, cmr, ms)
3′ OH
3 5 OH HO OH
Capsochrome C-79
C40H56O3 584.881 HOH2C [104012-89-7]
Constit. of paprika (Capsicum annuum ) OH
and asparagus (Asparagus officinalis ). HO 2"
Potential nutriceutical. Red cryst. (petrol).
Mp 175-1768. [a]643.8 +36 (CHCl3). C76H124O33 1565.796 OH

3?-Ketone: [28368-01-6] Capsanthone. 3- Struct. revised in 1990. Constit. of fruits of

Hydroxy-b,k-carotene-3?,6?-dione. Cap- Capsicum annuum . Amorph. powder. O
santhinone. Ketocapsanthin [a]D -25.1 (MeOH). HO O
C40H54O3 582.865 2??-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [121940-51-0]
Red rhombs (MeOH aq.). Mp 1678. C40H56O4 600.88
Capsianoside C. Capsianside C
Identity of Ketocapsanthin not certain. Constit. of red paprika (Capsicum an-
C82H134O38 1727.938
5a,6a-Epoxide: [29486-21-3] Capsanthin nuum ). Yellow needles (C6H6/petrol). Mp
Constit. of fruits of Capsicum annuum .
180-1828 (1958).
5,6-epoxide. 5,6-Epoxy-5,6-dihydro-3,3?- Powder. [a]20
D -21 (c, 0.5 in MeOH).
dihydroxy-b,k-caroten-6?-one. Cap- 2???-O-Deglucosyl:Capsianoside G. Cap- Karrer, P. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1945, 28,
santhin monoepoxide sianside G 1143
C40H56O4 600.88 Parkes, K.F.B. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1986, 27, 2535
C70H114O28 1403.654
Constit. of red paprika (Capsicum Constit. of Capsicum annuum . Powder.
annuum ). Red needles. Mp 177-1788. [a]20
D -24.2 (c, 1 in MeOH). Capsorubin C-80
[a]D +9.4 (C6H6).
13-Deoxy, 2??-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [470-38-2]
3-Deoxy: [7044-42-0] Cryptocapsin. 3?- [121924-09-2] Capsianoside E. Capsian-
Hydroxy-b,k-caroten-6?-one. Kryptocap- 3,3?-Dihydroxy-k,k-carotene-6,6?-dione.
side E E160
sin C82H134O37 1711.938
C40H56O2 568.881 Constit. of fruits of Capsicum annuum .
Constit. of paprika (Capsicum annuum ). Powder. [a]19
D -21.9 (c, 1 in MeOH). HO
Violet metallic cryst. (EtOAc). Mp 172-
Izumitani, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990, O
1748 (160-1618). lmax 486 (e 112000); 38, 1299-1307; 1991, 39, 3258-3260 (isol, ir,
520 (e 87000) (no solvent reported). pmr, cmr, ms) C40H56O4 600.88
9Z-Isomer, 5a,6a-epoxide: [373386-94-8] Constit. of paprika (Capsicum annuum ).
(9Z)-Capsanthin-5,6-epoxide Potential nutriceutical. Violet-red plates
C40H56O4 600.88 Capsianoside B C-78 (petrol). Mp 2018. lmax 468 ; 503 ; 542
Dark red cryst. (C6H6/hexane). Mp 108- [121924-07-0] (CS2).
1108. lmax 358 (log e 4.16); 475 (log e Capsianside B

Captafol, ANSI, BSI, ISO / Carbamoylphosphonic acid, 8CI C-81 / C-85

Diketone: [25494-49-9] k,k-Carotene- 2-Caranol, 8CI C-82 O

3,3?,6,6?-tetrone. Capsorubone. Capsoru- 3,7,7-Trimethylbicyclo[4.1.0]heptan-2-ol,
binidione 9CI. 2-Caraneol N CH NNHCOOMe
C40H52O4 596.848
Prod. of oxidn. of pigments from
paprika. Black cryst. (C6H6/MeOH). N
Mp 2178 (209-2108). lmax 301 ; 378 ; 451 HO
; 476 ; 510 (hexane). (1R,2R,3S,6S)-form
Barber, M.S. et al., J.C.S. , 1961, 4019 (struct) C11H10N4O4 262.224
Faigle, J.W. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1964, 47, Animal growth promoter esp. for pigs.
741 (config, pmr)
Banned in the EU. Permitted in USA
Weedon, B.C.L. et al., Pure Appl. Chem. , 1973,
35, 113 (synth) subject to a 45-day withdrawal period
Moss, G.P. et al., Pure Appl. Chem. , 1976, 47, C10H18O 154.252 (2001). Minute yellow cryst. Insol. H2O.
97 (cmr) (1R ,2R ,3S,6S )-form [16838-54-3] Mp 239.5-2408.
Rüttimann, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1983, Bp1 658. [a]20
D +18.9 (neat). -LD50 (rat, orl) 850 mg/kg. Mutagen. Exp.
66, 1939 (synth) (1R ,2S,3R ,6S )-form [1636-79-9] carcinogen. FE2779000
Lóránd, T. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 2002, 85, [a]20
D +32.8 (neat). Belg. Pat. , 1965, 669 353; CA , 65, 7196 (synth,
1691-1697 (ir)
(1R ,2S,3S,6S )-form [1126-30-3] props)
D +60.4 (neat). Lojka, J. et al., &hCesk. Farm. , 1981, 30, 278
(1S,2R ,3S,6R )-form [5561-13-7] (synth)
[a]20 Haddadin, M.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 129
D -34 (neat).
Captafol, ANSI, BSI, ISO C-81 (1S,2S,3S,6R )-form [15372-82-4] (synth)
Jager, L.P. et al., CA , 1987, 106, 43265 (rev)
[2425-06-1] [18172-72-0] Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
3a,4,7,7a-Tetrahydro-2-[(1,1,2,2-tetra- Bp1 63-648. [a]20 edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 125
D -88.2 (neat).
chloroethyl)thio]-1H-isoindole-1,3(2H)- Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
dione, 9CI. N-(1,1,2,2-Tetrachlor- (1R ,2S,3S,6S )-form [118395-91-8] Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
oethylthio)-4-cyclohexene-1,2-dicarboxi- Constit. of Zingiber officinale (ginger). Reinhold , 1992, FOI000
mide, 8CI. Acharya, S.P. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1967, 89, 1925-
Tetrachloroethylthiotetrahydrophthalimide. 1932 (synth, abs config)
Kuczynski, H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1967, 2371-2376
Carbamoylphosphonic acid, C-85
Difolatan, JMAF. Alfloc. Arborseal. Fol- 8CI
cid. Foltaf. Haipen 50. Nalco 7046. Proxel
Chen, Y. et al., CA , 1993, 119, 34075h (isol) [6874-57-3]
Aminocarbonylphosphonic acid, 9CI.
Phosphonoformamide. Dihydroxyphosphi-
H O nylformamide. Aminooxomethanephospho-
3-Caranol, 8CI C-83 nic acid
NSCCl 2 CHCl 2 [94268-66-3] (HO)2P(O)CONH2
9CI. 3-Caraneol CH4NO4P 125.021
H O Di-Me ester: [33534-83-7] Dimethyl ami-
C10H9Cl4NO2S 349.063 nocarbonylphosphonate. (Dimethoxy-
Nonsystemic foliar agricultural fungicide, phosphinyl)formamide. Methafos
esp. for potatoes. Cryst. Mp 160-1618. C3H8NO4P 153.074
Low acute tox. (1S,3R,6R)-form Mono-Et ester: See Monoethyl
-Skin irritant. Can cause contact dermatitis. (aminocarbonyl)phosphonate in The
OES: long-term 0.1 mg m-3 (Sk). Combined Chemical Dictionary.
GW4900000 Di-Et ester: [31142-29-7] Diethyl amino-
carbonylphosphonate. (Diethoxypho-
C10H18O 154.252 sphinyl)formamide. Etkafos
Thomas, W.D. et al., Phytopathology, 1962, 52, (1S,3R ,6R )-form [4017-79-2] C5H12NO4P 181.128
754 (activity)
Mp 32-338. [a]30
D +23.6 (neat). Needles (C6H6 or EtOAc). Mp 138-
Belg. Pat. , 1963, 633 205; CA , 60, 15789c
(1S,3S,6R )-form [4017-92-9] 1398.
Etter, G.E. et al., CA , 1968, 64, 66388p (rev) Mp 71.58. [a]23
D +8.9 (EtOH). Diisopropyl ester:Diisopropyl aminocarbo-
Schuphan, W. et al., CA , 1969, 71, 21121w (rev) (1R ,3R ,6S )-form [38748-97-9] nylphosphonate. (Diisopropoxyphosphi-
Ripley, B.D. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. , Constit. of Zingiber officinale (ginger). nyl)formamide
1983, 66, 1084; 1365 C7H16NO4P 209.181
[54631-17-3, 69500-37-4]
IARC Monog. , 1991, 53, 353 (rev, tox) Prisms (EtOAc). Mp 95-978.
Agrochemicals Handbook, 3rd edn., Royal Gollnick, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1966, 22, 133-
Society of Chemistry, 1992, A56 137 (synth) Di-Ph ester: [41839-63-8] Diphenyl amino-
Pesticide Manual, 11th edn. , 1997, No. 104 Gollnick, K. et al., Annalen , 1969, 721, 133-153 carbonylphosphonate. (Diphenoxypho-
Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, (Eds. Hayes, (synth, abs config) sphinyl)formamide
W.J. et al ), Academic Press, 1991, 1415 Kokkalou, E. et al., Planta Med. , 1988, 54, 58- C13H12NO4P 277.216
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 59 (isol) Prisms (C6H6/petrol). Mp 113.5-114.58.
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Misra, A.N. et al., Tetrahedron , 1988, 44, 6941-
Reinhold , 1992, CBF800 6946 (synth) Bis(diethylamide):P-Aminocarbonyl-
N,N,N?,N?-tetraethylphosphonic diamide
C9H22N3O2P 235.265
Mp 119-1208.
Carbadox, BAN, INN, USAN C-84 Nylen, P. et al., Ber. , 1924, 57, 1023 (diethyl
[6804-07-5] ester)
Grisely, D.W. et al., J.O.C. , 1961, 26, 2544
Methyl (2-quinoxalinylmethylene)hydrazi- (esters, synth, ir, nmr)
necarboxylate N,N?-dioxide, 9CI. Methyl Bel’skii, V.E. et al., Zh. Obshch. Khim. , 1972,
3-(2-quinoxalinylmethylene)carbazate 42, 2427; J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl.
N1,N4-dioxide, 8CI. Fortigro. Getroxel. Transl.) , 1972, 42, 2421 (diethyl ester, P-31
Mecadox. GS 6244 nmr)

9H -Carbazole-3-carboxaldehyde, 9CI / Carbon dioxide C-86  / C-90

Gorbatenko, V.I. et al., Zh. Obshch. Khim. , Alkaloid from the roots of Clausena effects. Exp. decrease in brain
1973, 43, 1043; J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. lansium (wampee). Plates (MeOH). Mp acetylcholinesterase activity. FB9450000
Transl.) , 1973, 43, 1035 (diphenyl ester) 175-1778. 3-Hydroxy: [16655-82-6] 2,3-Dihydro-2,2-
Et ester: [51035-14-4] dimethyl-3,7-benzofurandiol 7-(methyl-
9H -Carbazole-3-carboxalde- C-86 C15H13NO2 239.273 carbamate)
hyde, 9CI Cryst. solid. Mp 165-1688. C12H15NO4 237.255
[51761-07-0] Hydrazide: Metab. of Carbofuran in plants, insects
3-Formylcarbazole. 2-Formylcarbazole C13H11N3O 225.249 and mammals. Cryst. (H2O). Mp 138-
(obsol.) Prisms (Me2CO). Mp 276-2798. 1408.
Carter, P.H. et al., J.C.S. , 1957, 2210 (synth) 3-Oxo: [16709-30-1] 2,2-Dimethyl-7-
Zelent, B. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1982, 60, 945 [[(methylamino)carbonyl]oxy]-3(2H)-
CHO (synth, ir, pmr, ms) benzofuranone, 9CI
Moody, C.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1990, 673 C12H13NO4 235.239
(synth, ir, pmr, ms) Metab. of Carbofuran in plants, insects
N Li, W.-S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, 343
and mammals. Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 187-
H (isol, ester)
U.K. Pat. , 1964, 1 099 691; CA , 64, 3484e
C13H9NO 195.22 Carbendazim, BSI, ISO C-88 Metcalf, R.L. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1968,
Alkaloid from the roots of Clausena [10605-21-7] 16, 300-311 (metabolites)
lansium (wampee). Pale-yellow needles Methyl 1H-benzimidazol-2-ylcarbamate, Cook, R.F. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1969,
(C6H6), prisms (Me2CO/hexane). Mp 158- 9CI. Derosal. Bavistin. Delsene. Carben- 17, 277 (glc)
1598. Cook, R.F. et al., Anal. Methods Pestic. Plant
dazol, JMAF. MBC. BMC$. Kolfugo. Growth Regul. , 1973, 7, 187 (rev, detn)
Hydrazone: Bengard. Agrizim. Funaben. Battal. Bito- Ferguson, P.W. et al., Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. ,
C13H11N3 209.25 sen. Falicarben. Bavistan 1984, 4, 14 (metab, tox)
Prisms. Mp 3408. Hummel, S.V. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1986,
21, 785 (ms)
2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: N Barcelo, G. et al., Synthesis , 1986, 627 (synth)
Red prisms. Mp 3288 dec. NHCOOMe Dangerous Prop. Ind. Mater. Rep. , 1988, 8, 24
N-Et: [7570-45-8] N (rev)
C15H13NO 223.274 H Patonay, T. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1990, 20,
Mp 85-878. 2865 (synth, ir)
C9H9N3O2 191.189 Kaloyanova, F.P. et al., Human Toxicology of
N-Et, methylphenylhydrazone: [75232-44- Systemic agricultural and horticultural Pesticides , CRC Press, Boca Raton, 1991, 48
9] fungicide. Light grey powder. Sol. DMF, Agrochemicals Handbook, 3rd edn., Royal
C22H21N3 327.428 spar. sol. most solvs. Mp 302-3078 dec. Society of Chemistry, 1992, A60
Cryst. (EtOAc/EtOH). Mp 128-1308. Pesticide Manual, 10th edn. , 1994, No. 103
-Exp. reprod. and teratogenic effects. LD50 Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, (Eds. Hayes,
N-Et, diphenylhydrazone: [73276-70-7] (rat, orl) 6400 mg/kg. Mutagenic props.. W.J. et al ), Academic Press, 1991, 1153
C27H23N3 389.499No phys. props. DD6500000 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
accessible. Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
N-Methoxy: [117592-01-5] N-Methoxy-3- Spectra , 1992, 3, 186C (nmr) Reinhold , 1992, CBS275
formylcarbazole U.S. Pat. , 1967, 3 657 443; CA , 77, 57597u
C14H11NO2 225.246 Eckert, J.W. et al., Pestic. Sci. , 1979, 10, 473
Yellow oil. First example of an N - (activity) Carbon dioxide C-90
methoxycarbazole alkaloid. Zaitsev, B.E. et al., Koord. Khim. , 1985, 11,
1490 (struct)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Cah. Notes Doc. , 1986, 122, 95 (rev) Carbon oxide (CO2). Carbonic anhydride.
2, 681A (ir) Grundemann, E. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , E290
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 1986, 24, 21 (cmr) O/ . C/ . O (Dh )
Spectra , 1992, 3, 163C (nmr) Agrochemicals Handbook, 3rd edn., Royal
Carter, P.H. et al., J.C.S. , 1957, 2210 (synth) CO2 44.01
Society of Chemistry, 1992, A58
Ger. Pat. , 1980, 3019395; CA , 94, 156746z (N-Et Pesticide Manual, 11th edn. , 1997, No. 107 Final oxidation product of carbon. Forms
hydrazones) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of part of the carbon cycle in nature.
Ito, C. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988, 36, Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Interatomic distance C/  O 115.98 pm.
2377 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms, struct) Reinhold , 1992, MHC750
Kawasaki, T. et al., Heterocycles , 1990, 31, 1605 Leavening agent, propellant, aerating
(synth, deriv) agent, preservative. Solvent for
Li, W.-S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, 343 Carbofuran, ANSI, BSI, C-89 supercritical extraction e.g. of caffeine
(isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) ESA, ISO in manufacture of caffeine-free instant
coffee. Used in carbonation of
beverages, in the frozen food industry
9H -Carbazole-3-carboxylic C-87 2,3-Dihydro-2,2-dimethyl-7-benzofuranyl
and as a component of controlled
acid methylcarbamate, 9CI. Furadan. Curaterr.
atmosphere packaging (CAD) to inhibit
[51035-17-7] Yaltox. Bay 70143. FMC 10242. Chinufur
bacterial growth. Esp. effective against
2-Carbazolecarboxylic acid (obsol.) Gram-negative spoilage bacteria, e.g.
CH 3 Pseudomonas. Colourless, odourless
COOH gas. Spar. sol. H2O, forming H2CO3. d
O CH 3 1. Mp -578 under 5 atm. Bp -78.28 Bp -
MeNHCOO 78.58 Subl. -78.46. Log P 0.83 (calc).
N Liquefies at 208 under 50 atm. pressure.
C12H15NO3 221.255 Aq. soln. is acid to litmus. Crit. point
H Systemic agricultural insecticide, acaricide 31.38/72.9atm. Triple pt. -56.68 at 5.11
and nematocide. Cryst. (cyclohexane). atm. Reduced to CO by C or H2.
C13H9NO2 211.22 Spar. sol. H2O. Mp 150-1528. Dissociates above 20008 to CO +O2.
Cryst. solid, plates (AcOH). Mp 270-2728. -OES: long-term 0.1 mg m-3. Early -Above atm. conc. of 6% causes CNS
Me ester: [97931-41-4] Methyl 3-carbazo- symptoms of human exposure incl. effects. Asphyxiant at higher conc.
lecarboxylate headache, lightheadedness, weakness and Contact with solid causes burns and
C14H11NO2 225.246 nausea. Exp. reprod. and teratogenic possibly frostbite. OES: long-term 5000

Carbon disulfide, ISO / Carbonic acid C-91 / C-93

ppm; short-term 15000 ppm. FF6400000 coronary heart disease and male and Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
female reprod. effects. LD50 (rat, orl) 3188 Spectra , 1992, 1, 125B (nmr)
[51-90-1, 1111-72-4, 2537-69-1, 8063-77-2, Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
10375-59-4, 12181-61-2, 14485-07-5, 18983-82-9] mg/kg. Exp. reprod. and teratogenic
1989, 3, 121B (ir)
effects. MEL: long-term 10 ppm (Sk). Analyst (London) , 1972, 97, 740 (microanal)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
FF6650000 Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic
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Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic [12539-80-9] Synthesis, Wiley, 1974, 4, 69
Synthesis, Wiley, 1967, 1, 421; 1972, 3, 40; Causley, G.C. et al., J. Electron Spectrosc. Relat.
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Phenom. , 1977, 11, 383 (uv)
1974, 4, 41; 1979, 7, 52; 1981, 9, 52; 1988, 13,
1, 277A (ir) IARC Monog. , 1979, 20, 371; Suppl. 6, 136;
65; 1975, 5, 93; 1977, 6, 94; 1969, 2, 141; 1980,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Suppl. 7, 143 (rev, tox)
8, 150; 1972, 3, 180; 1982, 10, 274; 1972, 3,
1989, 3, 760B (ir) Dostovalova, V.I. et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR,
280; 1984, 11, 589; 1967, 1, 1037; 1102 (use)
Bushell, W.J. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1961, Ser. Khim. , 1985, 2467; Bull. Acad. Sci.
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Namasimhachari, N. et al., Anal. Biochem. , 2282 (cmr)
Gay, I.D. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1974, 78, 38
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Jungen, C. et al., Can. J. Phys. , 1973, 51, 1471 Chemistry, 1986, 225 (tox, rev)
Perizzo, J.J. et al., CA , 1975, 82, 177523s (ir)
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Brauer, G. et al., Handbuch Prap. Anorg. Chem. ,
Blanquet, G. et al., Ann. Soc. Sci. Bruxelles , Toxicol. , 1987, 27, 399 (tox)
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1974, 88, 87 (struct) Holmes, J.L. et al., Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion
Namasimhachari, N. et al., Biomed. Mass Processes , 1988, 83, 285 (ms)
Trost, B.M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1985, 107, 6123
Spectrom. , 1974, 1, 367 (use) Andrews, L. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , (Theochem ),
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic 1989, 200, 325 (ms, spectra)
Behr, A. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1988, 27,
Synthesis, Wiley, 1975, 5, 94 Chumaevskii, N.A. et al., Zh. Neorg. Khim. ,
661 (rev, use)
Verma, B.C. et al., Mikrochim. Acta , 1982, 1, 1989, 34, 1416; Russ. J. Inorg. Chem. (Engl.
Enzymatic and Model Carboxylation and
393 (use) Transl.) , 1989, 34, 798 (Raman)
Reduction Reactions for Carbon dioxide
Pesticide Manual, 8th edn. , 1987, No. 2030 Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn.,
Utilization , (eds., Aresta, M. et al ), Kluwer
Dunn, A.D. et al., Carbon Disulphide in Organic Wiley, 1991, 5, 1062 (rev, synth, props)
Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, 1990,
Chemistry, Ellis Horwood, 1989, (rev) Stevenson, R. et al., Chem. Br. , 1992, 28, 208
Tominaga, Y. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1989, 26, (rev)
Warnes, M.L. et al., J. Insect Physiol. , 1990, 36,
1167 (rev, use) Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn., edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1100
Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn.,
Wiley, 1991, 5, 53 (rev) Gribble, G.W. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat.
Wiley, 1991, 5, 35 (rev)
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th Prod. , 1996, 68, 1 (rev, occur)
Carbon Dioxide Chemistry: Environmental
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1100 Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive
Issues , (Paul, J. et al , Eds.), Royal Society of
Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis , Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths,
Chemistry, 1994, (book)
(ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 2, 986-990 1990, 0316
Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd
(use) Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical
edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American
Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of
Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical
Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths , Chemistry, 1992, 259
Press, 1994, 74-75
1990, 0532 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Leitner, W. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1995,
Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
34, 2207 (rev, use)
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of Reinhold , 1992, CBY000
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn.,
Chemistry, 1992, 256
Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1187
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive Carbonic acid C-93
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths ,
Reinhold , 1992, CBV500 [463-79-6]
1990, 0529
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Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical (HO)2C/ . O
Wiley, 1993, 818 (tox, rev)
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of
Chemistry, 1992, 255
CH2O3 62.025
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Carbon tetrachloride C-92 Present in aq. solns. of CO2, the hydration
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
[56-23-5] of CO2 being a slow reaction. Forms a
Reinhold , 1992, CBU250; CBU500; CBU750 wide range of salts M[HCO3] and
Tetrachloromethane, 9CI. Carbon
chloride$. Perchloromethane. Tetra. F10. M2CO3, some of the most important of
Carbon disulfide, ISO C-91 R10. Halon 1040 which are cross-referenced below.pKa1
6.36; pKa2 10.33 (258). True diss. const.
[75-15-0] CCl4 [H  ][HCO3 ]/H2CO3 = 0.00025.
Carbon sulfide (CS2). Carbon bisulfide. CCl4 153.822
Dithiocarbonic anhydride. Carbon disul- Mono-NH4 salt: [1066-33-7] Ammonium
Grain fumigant. Liq. Sol. EtOH, Et2O; bicarbonate. Ammonium hydrogen car-
phide, BSI prac. insol. H2O. d04 1.63. Mp 21.28 Mp
S/ . C/ . S (Dh ) bonate. E503
23.88 Mp 28.68 (trimorph.). Bp 76.748. n15D CH5NO3 79.055
CS2 76.143 1.4631. Used in foods as an alkali, dough
C/  S 155.3 pm. Obsolete fumigant against -Toxic by inhalation and skin contact. Dec. strengthener, leavening agent, pH con-
insects in stored grain and potatoes. to highly toxic Carbonyl chloride if trol agent and texturizer. White solid. V.
Highly refracting colourless liq. Misc. strongly heated in the presence of air. sol. H2O. Mp 107.58 (very rapid heat-
EtOH, Et2O, C6H6; spar. sol. H2O. d04 Production controlled by environmental ing). Comparatively stable at r.t.; vola-
1.29. Mp -111.68. Bp 46.58 Bp297 208. legislation, illegal in EU from 1996. Eye tile with dec. below Mp (at ca. 608) to
D 1.6315. Forms hemihydrate, dec. at - and skin irritant. Repeated skin exposure NH3 + CO2 + H2O. The name E503 is
38. A black solid form has been prepd. can cause dermatitis. Acute and chronic also used for Ammonium carbonate, A-
at high press.. exposure cause gastrointestinal and CNS 312.
-Extremely flammable, fl. p. -308, disturbances. High vapour conc. narcotic. -BO8600000
autoignition temp. 908. Toxic by Hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic. Poss.
[71-52-3, 3812-32-6]
inhalation, skin absorption and ingestion. human carcinogen. LD50 (rat, orl) 2350
Acute effects on CNS cause headache, mg/kg. LC50 (rat, ihl) 8000 ppm (4h Mellor Compr. Treat. Inorg. Theor. Chem. , 1925,
dizziness and can lead to coma, and death exposure). Exp. carcinogen. Exp. reprod. 6, 72; 1964, 8/I, 72 (rev)
Gmelin Handbook Inorg. Chem. , Syst. No. 23,
by respiratory failure. Prolonged or and teratogenic effects. Non-flammable,
1936, ; Syst. No. 14, 1973, C3, 36 (bibl)
repeated (chronic) exposure causes autoignition temp. >10008. OES: long- Compr. Inorg. Chem. , Pergamon, Oxford, 1973,
peripheral neuropathies, CNS effects and term 2 ppm (Sk). FG4900000 1, 1232 (rev)
gastrointestinal disturbances. Occup. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Palmer, D.A. et al., Chem. Rev. , 1983, 83, 651
exposure assoc. with higher incidence of 1, 84C (ir) (rev)

N -(Carboxyacetyl)alanine, 9CI  / 3-Carboxy-1-methylpyridinium betaine C-94 / C-100

Terlouw, J.K. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , C20H15O9 399.333 Kawashiro, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. ,
1990, 29, 404 (struct) 1984, 57, 1097; 2871 (synth, ms)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Adduct of 3,4?,5,7-Tetrahydroxy-3?,5?-
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 130-131 dimethoxyflavylium(1+), T-158 and
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Pyruvic acid, P-632. S -Carboxymethylcysteine, C-99
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [209862-95-3] 9CI
Reinhold , 1992, ANB250 
C26H25O14 561.475 [638-23-3]
Constit. of grape pomace. Stable red Carbocisteine, BAN, INN, JAN. Carbo-
N -(Carboxyacetyl)alanine, C-94 pigment in wine. CAS no. refers to the cysteine, USAN. Actithiol. Mucodyne.
chloride lmax 510 (no solvent reported). Thiodril. AHR 3053. LJ 206. Rhinathiol.
Fulcrand, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 47, Many other names
1401-1407 (isol, uv, pmr, cmr)

2-Carboxy-3-(3,4-dihydroxy- C-97 H 2N C H
H C NHCOCH 2COOH phenyl)-2,3-dihydro-5,6-dihydroxy-
1H -indene-1-acetic acid CH 2 SCH 2 COOH
CH 3
C5H9NO4S 179.196Log P -2.63 (calc).
C6H9NO5 175.141
-LD50 (mus, orl) 8400 mg/kg. Exp. reprod.
(R )-form [19764-27-3] COOH effects. AY4342000
D-form 3
HO (1R*,2R*,3R*)-form (R )-form [2387-59-9]
Isol. from seedlings of Pisum sativum L-form
(pea). Mp 138-1408. [a]28
D +33 (c, 0.38 in OH Isol. from radish seedlings. Mp 204-
H2O). 2078. [a]24
D +0.5 (1M HCl).
Dibenzyl ester: [41087-89-2] -Adverse effects when used therapeutically.
Cryst. (EtOAc/petrol). Mp 43-458. LD50 (mus, scu) 9000 mg/kg. AY4341000
C18H16O8 360.32
Ogawa, T. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta , 1973, S-Oxide:
297, 60 (isol, struct, pmr, ir, ms, synth) (1R +,2R +,3R +)-form C5H9NO5S 195.196
Fukuda, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12, Di-Me ester: [191280-20-3] Ppt. Mp 190-1918 dec. Probably a
2593 (isol) C20H20O8 388.373 diastereoisomeric mixture.
Constit. of the seeds of Helianthus S,S-Dioxide:
2-Carboxy-1-[5-(2-carboxy-1- C-95 annuus (sunflower). Gum. [a]24D +93.6 C5H9NO6S 211.195
pyrrolidinyl)-2-hydroxy-2,4-pentadie- (c, 0.25 in MeOH). Mp 193-1948 dec.
(1R +,2S +,3S +)-form
nylidene]pyrrolidinium, 9CI Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra, 2nd edn. , 1983,
Di-Me ester: [191280-19-0] 1, 502B (nmr)
[214150-43-3] Constit. of the seeds of Helianthus Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
5-(2-Carboxy-1-pyrrolidinyl)-2-hydroxy- annuus (sunflower). Gum. [a]24D +58 (c, 1, 594D (ir)
2,4-pentadienal (2-carboxypyrrolidine)i- 0.25 in MeOH). Armstrong, M.D. et al., J.O.C. , 1951, 16, 749
mine (synth)
Kato, T. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 1997, 9, 161-
165 (isol, pmr, cmr) Schoberl, A. et al., Hoppe Seyler’s Z. Physiol.
Chem. , 1956, 304, 97 (synth)
COO Foye, W.O. et al., J. Am. Pharm. Assoc. , 1957,
3-(Carboxymethylamino)pro- C-98 46, 273 (synth)
Goodman, L. et al., J.O.C. , 1958, 23, 1251
N N panoic acid (synth, oxides)
OH [505-72-6] Buziassy, C. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta ,
N-(Carboxymethyl)-b-alanine, 9CI. N- 1964, 86, 185 (isol)
COOH Quevanviller, A. et al., Therapie , 1967, 22, 485
(Carboxyethyl)glycine. Iminopropionicace-
tic acid (Carbocysteine)
C15H20N2O5 308.333 Mighell, A.D. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1979, 35,
Likely to be a mesomeric system with (+)- HOO1CCH2CH2NHCH2COOH 1258 (cryst struct)
charge delocalised over the two Ns and C5H9NO4 147.13 Yokozeki, K. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1988,
(-)-charge over the two COOH groups. Isol. from Phaseolus radiatus var. typicus. 52, 2369 (synth)
Maillard product from reaction of L- Cryst. (H2O or EtOH aq.). Mp 195-1988 Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 745
proline and 2-Furancarboxaldehyde, F- (191-1928) dec. Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
93. Intensely yellow solid. Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Hofman, T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1998, Mp 120-1228. Reinhold , 1992, CBR675; CCH125
46, 932-940 (occur, nmr, ms)
Di-Et ester: [3783-61-7]
C9H17NO4 203.238 3-Carboxy-1-methylpyridi- C-100
5-Carboxy-3,8-dihydroxy-2- C-96 Oil. Bp 2538 sl. dec. Bp1 98-998. nium betaine
(4-hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)pyra- Di-Et ester; hydrochloride: [535-83-1]
no[4,3,2-de ]-1-benzopyrylium, 9CI Mp 85-878. 3-Carboxy-1-methylpyridinium hydroxide
1-Nitrile: [3088-42-4] N-(2-Cyanoethyl)- inner salt. N-Methylnicotinic betaine. Tri-
glycine, 9CI. 3-(Carboxymethylamino)- gonelline. Gynesis. Coffearin
O C5H8N2O2 128.13
Cryst. Mp 193-1958.
OH -MB9275000
3 N
Cocker, W. et al., J.C.S. , 1952, 1182 (deriv)
OMe McKinney, L.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1952, 74, 1942;
HO O 5183 (synth) Me
Coburn, M.D. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1965, 2, 308
OH (deriv) C7H7NO2 137.138
Kasai, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1971, 35, Alkaloid from fenugreek (Trigonella foe-
OMe 1603 (isol, synth) num-graecum ) (Leguminosae), and very

N -Carboxymethylserine / Carindone C-101 / C-107

many other spp.; also present in coffee N -(3-Carboxypropyl)gluta- C-103 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
beans and many animals. Prisms + 1H2O mine, 8CI 1989, 3, 74A (ir)
(EtOH aq.). V. sol. H2O; sol. MeOH, Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
g-Glutamyl-g-aminobutyric acid Spectra , 1992, 1, 72B (nmr)
EtOH; poorly sol. CHCl3, Et2O. Mp 2188 HOOCCH2CH2CH2NH- Simonsen, J. et al., J.C.S. , 1920, 117, 570
dec. (anhyd.). COCH2CH2CH(NH2)COOH (struct)
-LD50 (rat, orl) 5000 mg/kg. YF6825000 C9H16N2O5 232.236 Sandberg, R. et al., Ark. Kemi , 1960, 16, 255
Hydrochloride: [6138-41-6] (abs config)
(S )-form [3183-72-0]
Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 257-2588 (2508, Ryhage, R. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1964, 47,
475 (ms)
245-2508 dec.). Constit. of beet. Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp Wrolstad, R.E. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
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D +7.3 (c, 0.9 in H2O). 1964, 12, 507 (ir)
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Späth, E. et al., Ber. , 1944, 77, 362 (synth) Fosker, A.P. et al., J.C.S. , 1965, 7305 (synth) Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
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Houghton, P.J. et al., Planta Med. , 1987, 53, 1H -pyrido[3,4-b ]indole-1-propanoic Misra, A.N. et al., Tetrahedron , 1988, 44, 6941
262 (isol) acid, 9CI (props)
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Slattery, M. et al., Marine Ecol.: Progr. Ser. , [192180-84-0, 192180-85-1] 28, 441; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
1997, 161, 133-144; CA , 128, 119209e (isol, 1-(2-Carboxyethyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-b- 1992, 28, 386 (pmr, cmr)
activity) carboline-3-carboxylic acid Denisov, A.Y. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1992,
Blunden, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 58, 30, 95; 886 (pmr, cmr)
451-454 (occur) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
COOH Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, CCK500
N -Carboxymethylserine C-101 N
3-Caren-5-one C-106
HOOCCH 2NH C H 4,7,7-Trimethylbicyclo[4.1.0]hept-3-en-2-
one, 9CI
C15H16N2O4 288.302
Present in soy and worcester sauces, yeast
C5H9NO5 163.13 extract and wine as the (3S )-diastereoi-
(S )-form [17136-47-9] somers. Formed by Pictet-Spengler con- (±)-form
L-form densation of tryptophan with 4-
Isol. from asparagus (Asparagus offici- oxobutanoic acid to give predominantly O
nalis ) shoots. Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp the cis -isomer.. cis - and trans - isomers
1678. [a]D +3 (c, 2.2 in H2O). pKa2 10.4 have been characterised spectroscopically.
(80% 2-methoxyethanol aq.). pKa1 1.7; C10H14O 150.22
Gutsche, B. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1997,
pKa2 2.54; pKa3 8.89 (258). 45, 2458-2462 (synth, ms, nmr) Constit. of Kaempferia galanga (galangal).
Hardegger, E. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1968, 51, Oil. No. opt. rotn. reported for natural
78 (synth) isolate.
Snyder, R.V. et al., J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. , 1973, 3-Carene C-105
35, 523 (-)-form [22327-32-8]
Kasai, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1981, 45, Oil. Bp0.5 588. [a]20
D -271 (c, 3.1 in
3,7,7-Trimethylbicyclo[4.1.0]hept-3-ene. a-
1483 (isol) CHCl3).
Carene. Isodiprene
Prisms (EtOH). Mp 1708 (159-1618).
1-[(3-Carboxypropyl)amino]- C-102
Cocker, W. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1968, 3073; 1971,
1-deoxyfructose, 9CI 1073 (synth, pmr)
1-Deoxy-1-(N-g-aminobutyric acid)fruc- Kiuchi, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26, 3350
tose 1 (+)-form
6 (isol)

Carindone C-107
C10H16 136.236 [38045-62-4]
HO Flavouring ingredient.
CH 2NHCH 2CH 2CH 2COOH -Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 4800 mg/kg. HO
HO FH8400000
(+)-form [498-15-7]
C10H19NO7 265.263 Widespread plant product, found esp. in O OH
D-form [10003-63-1] turpentine oils (from Pinus spp.) and oil
of galbanum. Oil with pleasant odour. H3 C
Isol. from stored apricots and peaches.
Amorph. Poorly sol. hexane. Bp200 123-1248 Bp7.5 O O O CH 3
Anet, E.F.L.J. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1957, 10, 168-1698. Oxidises in air.
182 (isol) (-)-form [20296-50-8] C31H44O6 512.685
Tomita, H. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1965, 29, Isol. from root oil of Kaempferia Constit. of Carissa carandas (karanda).
959 (isol, synth) galanga . Oil. [a]30
D -5.72. Cryst. Mp 2628.

Carinol / Carnitine, INN C-108  / C-112

Singh, B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, 11, 1797 methylanthraquinone-2-carboxylic acid. Hydrochloride: [10017-44-4]
Carminic acid. Natural red 4. C. I. 75470. Hygroscopic cryst. Mp 137-1398. [a]22 D -
Carinol C-108 Cochineal. E120. FEMA 2330 20.4 (H2O).
-LD50 (mus, orl) 8000 mg/kg. Exp. reprod.
[58139-12-1] and teratogenic effects (very large doses).
2,3-Bis(4-hydroxy-3-methylphenyl)methyl- O
HO CH 3 BP2979100
1,2,4-butanetriol, 9CI. 4,4?,8,9,9?-Pentahy- Glc COOH
droxy-3,3?-dimethoxylignan Et ester: [40915-13-7] 4-Ethoxy-2-hydroxy-
HO OH nium(1+), 9CI
CH 2OH HO C9H20NO3 190.262
Needles (Me2CO) (as chloride). Mp
HO OH C22H20O13 492.392 1468.
CH 2OH Red food colouring. Red cryst. Sol. H2O, O-Ac: [3040-38-8]
EtOH; sl. sol. Et2O. lmax 278 (e 31800); [14992-62-2]
491 (e 7800) (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 500 (e C9H17NO4 203.238
OMe 6800) (H2O) (Berdy). lmax 495 (e 5800) Cryst. (EtOH/Et2O). Mp 1458. [a]20
D -19.5.
OH (HCl) (Berdy). lmax 540 (e 3450) (NAOH)
(Berdy). -BP2990000
C20H26O7 378.421 O-Ac; hydrochloride: [5080-50-2] Alcar.
Constit. of roots of Carissa carandas Zalcose
Cryst. Mp 189-1908 dec.
(karanda). Amorph. powder. [a]D -22.4 (c, Mp 188-1908.
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
1 in EtOH). 2, 246D (ir) O-Propanoyl: [20064-19-1]
Pal, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14, 2302 Goriushina, V.G. et al., Zavod. Lab. , 1957, 23, [17298-37-2] Propionyl-L-carnitine. 3-Car-
(isol, struct) 781 (use) boxy-N,N,N-trimethyl-2-(1-oxopropoxy)-
Khamlach, K. et al., Heterocycles , 1990, 31, Callicoat, D.L. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1959, 31, 1-propanaminium(1+), 9CI
2195 (synth) 1434 (detn, B)
Nemodruk, A.A. et al., Analytical Chemistry of
C10H19NO4 217.264
Boron , Nauka, Moscow, 1964, (detn, B) Hygroscopic prisms (2-propanol). Mp
Carissanol C-109 Bhatia, S.B. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1965, 3, 92 146-1498 dec. [a]22
D -25.2 (H2O).

[87402-76-4] Mihail, N. et al., Naturwissenschaften , 1970, 57,

500 (pharmacol) O-Octanoyl: [25243-95-2]
Tetrahydro-3,4-bis[(4-hydroxy-3-methoxy- C15H29NO4 287.398
Flechon, J. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1976, 739
phenyl)methyl]-2,3-furandiol, 9CI. (use) Mp 155-1598.
4,4?,8,9-Tetrahydroxy-3,3?-dimethoxy-9,9?- Rosenfeld, H.J. et al., Analyst (London) , 1979, O-Hexadecanoyl: [2364-67-2]
epoxylignan 104, 983 (use)
Lloyd, A.G. et al., Food Chem. , 1980, 5, 91 (rev) [1935-18-8, 18877-64-0] 3-Carboxy-N,N,N-
MeO Eisner, T. et al., Science (Washington, D.C.) , trimethyl-2-[(1-oxohexadecyl)oxy]-1-pro-
1980, 208, 1039 (use) panaminium(1+)
OMe Absolute Fiecchi, A. et al., J.O.C. , 1981, 46, 1511 (config) C23H45NO4 399.613
con®guration Ishida, T. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1987, 43, 1541 Mp 177-1788 dec. (as hydrochloride). [a]20
OH OH (cryst struct, bibl)
O -15 (c, 1 in MeOH).
Allevi, P. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1991, 1319
C20H24O7 376.405 (synth, bibl) Me ether:
Constit. of Carissa edulis (agam). Rasimas, J.P. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1995, 99,
C8H17NO3 175.227
11333 (fluoresence)
Amorph. powder. [a]20D -14 (c, 0.7 in Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Prisms (Me2CO) (as hydrochloride). Mp
EtOH). Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 647-649 1788.
Achenbach, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, Allevi, P. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1998, 575-582 (S )-form [541-14-0] D-form
749 (isol, struct) (synth, pmr, cmr) Mp 210-2128 dec. [a]D +30.9.
Khamlach, K. et al., Heterocycles , 1990, 31, Sigma-Aldrich Library of Stains, Dyes and -BP2979850
2195 (synth) Indicators, 193 Hydrochloride: [6645-46-1]
Mp 1428 dec.
Carissol C-110 Carnitine, INN C-112 O-Propanoyl: [25518-43-8]
[101915-51-9] [461-06-3] Prisms (2-propanol). [a]D +25.2 (H2O).
3-Carboxy-2-hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethyl-1- (/9)-form [406-76-8]
propanaminium hydroxide inner salt, 9CI. Mp 195-1978 dec.
b-Hydroxy-g-butyrotrimethylbetaine. 4- -BP2979900
Amino-3-hydroxybutanoic acid trimethyl- Hydrochloride: [461-05-2]
betaine. Vitamin BT. Novain Mp 1968.
H Amide: [5261-99-4] Carnitinamide
CH 2COO C7H17N2O2 161.223
HO C H Mp 207-2098 (as chloride).
HO Nitrile: [18933-33-0] 3-Cyano-2-hydroxy-
CH 2 NMe3 N,N,N-trimethylpropanaminium(1+),
C30H50O 426.724 C7H15NO3 161.2 C7H15N2O  143.208
Constit. of Carissa carandas (karanda). (R )-form [541-15-1] Mp 2328 dec. (as chloride).
Cryst. Mp 118-1208. L-form. Levocarnitine, BAN, INN, O-Ac: [870-77-9]
Naim, Z. et al., Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res. , 1985, 28, USAN
378 (isol, pmr, ms) Used in sport and infant nutrition.
Present in cotyledons of pea (Pisum Mp 187-1888.
sativum ). Extremely hygroscopic solid -BP2985000
Carmine red C-111 (EtOH/Me2CO). Mp 196-1988. [a]25 D - O-Propanoyl: [25518-45-0]
[1260-17-9] 31.3 (c, 10 in H2O) (>99% op). Mp 169-1728 dec.
7-Glucopyranosyl-3,4,5,8-tetrahydroxy-1- -LD50 (mus, scu) 9000mg/kg. BP2980000

Carnobacteriocins / Carnosol C-113 
/ C-117

O-Dodecanoyl: [14919-37-0] Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Carnosine C-116
C19H37NO4 343.506 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand N-b-Alanylhistidine, 9CI
Mp 170-1718 (as chloride). Reinhold , 1992, CCK650; CCK660

[56-99-5, 5852-97-1] COOH

Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, H 2 NCH 2 CH 2 CONH C H
1, 542C; 777B (ir) Carnobacteriocins C-113
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR CH 2 (S)-form
Peptides. Prod. by Carnobacterium N
Spectra , 1992, 1, 1227A; 1276C (nmr)
Carter, H.E. et al., Methods Enzymol. , 1957, 3, piscicola . Bacteriocins with potential
660 (isol) food uses. N
Strack, E. et al., Hoppe Seyler’s Z. Physiol. Carnobacteriocin A [156066-35-2]
Chem. , 1960, 318, 129; 1970, 351, 95-98 [155870-23-8, 155870-24-9]
(synth, Ac, propanoyl)
Wolf, G. et al., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. , 1961,
Prod. by Carnobacterium piscicola C9H14N4O3 226.235Log P -4.13 (calc).
92, 360 (biosynth) LV17A. A mixt. of 3 components; the (R )-form [5853-00-9]
Kaneko, T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1962, major component A3 is a 53 aminoacid D-form
35, 1153 (abs config) peptide with one disulfide bridge, A2 has a Mp 2608. [a]28
D -20.4 (c, 1.5 in H2O).
Ziegler, H.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1967, 32, 3989-3991 Met oxidised to a sulfoxide, and A1 is a
(O-acyl derivs, palmitoyl hydrochloride)
mixt. of peptides derived proteolytically
Vasil’eva, E.D. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1969, Mp 2458.
from A3 and A2.
5, 463; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , N-Benzyloxycarbonyl:
1969, 5, 388 (synth) Carnobacteriocin B1 [155982-41-5] C17H20N4O5 360.369
Strack, E. et al., Hoppe Seyler’s Z. Physiol. Prod. by Carnobacterium piscicola Mp 1618. [a]24
D -11 (H2O).
Chem. , 1970, 351, 95-98 (synth, isomers, LV17B. An oxidised form of (S )-form [305-84-0] L-form
propanoyl) Carnobacteriocin BM1.
Tomita, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1974,
Occurs in meats. Needles. Sol. EtOH;
Carnobacteriocin B2 [162429-94-9] fairly sol. MeOH; poorly sol. butanol,
47, 1988 (cryst struct)
Bamji, M. et al., Biochem. Rev. , 1980, 50, 99 [155982-37-9] hexane. Mp 246-2508 dec. [a]20D +24.1 (c,
(rev) Prod. by Carnobacterium piscicola LV17B. 1.5 in H2O). pKa1 2.62; pKa2 6.66; pKa3
Frenkel, R.A. et al., Carnitine Biosynth., Contains 48 amino acid residues. 9.24 (258). Log P -4.13 (calc). lmax
Metab., Funct. [Proc. Virginia Lazenby (H2O) (Berdy).
O’Hara Biochem. Symp.] , Eds., Academic Carnobacteriocin BM1 [156014-92-5] -LD50 (mus, ipr) 9087 mg/kg. Exp. reprod.
Press, N.Y., 1980, (book) [165723-95-5] and teratogenic effects. MS3080000
Boch, K. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. B ,
Pisciocin V1B Hydrochloride: [5852-99-3]
1983, 37, 341 (synth)
Zhou, B.N. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1983, 105, 5925 Prod. by Carnobacterium piscicola LV17B Mp 2458.
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Nitrate: [5852-98-2]
Bremer, J. et al., Physiol. Rev. , 1983, 63, 1420 Pisciocin complex prod. by Carnobacter-
Needles. Mp 2198 (2228 dec.).
(rev) ium piscicola V1. Contains 43 aminoacid
Comber, R.N. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. , residues. Sulfate:Dec. at 238-408.
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Reboucha, C.J. et al., Annu. Rev. Nutr. , 1986, 6, Quadri, L.E. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1994, 269, Spectra , 1992, 3, 86A (nmr)
41 (rev) 12204-12211 (Carnobacteriocin B) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Goa, K.L. et al., Drugs , 1987, 34, 1 (rev) Worobo, R.W. et al., Microbiology (Reading, 2, 622A (ir)
Voeffray, R. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1987, 70, U.K.) , 1994, 140, 517-526 (Carnobacteriocin Rinderknecht, H. et al., J.O.C. , 1964, 29, 1968
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Negwer, M. et al., Organic-Chemical Drugs and Yang, Y. et al., Biochemistry, 1999, 38, 15437- Pietta, P.G. et al., Ann. Chim. (Rome) , 1968,
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Mancini, M. et al., Arzneim.-Forsch. , 1992, 42, (cryst struct)
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Weber, H.P. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1995, 51, 2570 Stoffels, G. et al., J. Appl. Bacteriol. , 1992, 73, Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
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C20H26O4 330.423

a-Carotene / d-Carotene C-118  / C-120

Bitter principle in Salvia carnosa, Salvia 418 ; 442 ; 471 (hexane). Constit. of carrots and other plant spp..
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185 (pmr)
Al-Hazimi, H.M.G. et al., Phytochemistry, tical with antioxidation props.. Deep Bjonland, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,
1984, 23, 919 (Isocarnosol) purple prisms (C6H6/MeOH); red rhombs. 3347 (isol, pmr)
Kelecom, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23, (petrol). Sol. CS2, hexane, C6H6; fairly sol. Bernhard, K. et al., Pure Appl. Chem. , 1991, 63,
1677 (Deoxocarnosol) MeOH, Et2O, CHCl3; poorly sol. H2O. 35 (synth)
Fraga, B.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25,
269 (deriv)
Mp 1838 (sealed tube). Log P 15.23 Senge, M.O. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1992, 47,
(uncertain value) (calc). Air-sensitive lmax 474 (cryst struct)
Luis, J.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 31, 3272
452 ; 484 ; 520 (CS2). Ebenezer, W.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1993, 1869
Luis, J.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 35, 1373 -Produces yellow skin discolouration when Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
(di-Me ether) used therapeutically. FI0329500 edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1036
5,6-Epoxide: See b-Carotene epoxide in Doering, W. von E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1995, 117,
The Combined Chemical Dictionary. 2747 (synth, bibl)
a-Carotene C-118 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
5,6:5?,6-Diepoxide: See b-Carotene Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 497-500
diepoxide in The Combined Chemical (use, props)
b,e-Carotene, 9CI
Dictionary. Nabeta, K. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1997, 269
7,7?,8,8?-Tetrahydro: [40772-88-1] 7,7?,8,8?- (biosynth)
Tetrahydro-b,b-carotene. h-Carotene Rauchschwalbe, G. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. ,
C40H60 540.914 2001, 3903-3909 (synth)
Sigma-Aldrich Library of Stains, Dyes and
Isol. from the flavedo of Sinton ci- Indicators, 194
trangequat (a Citrus-Poncirus-Fortunel- Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
C40H56 536.882Log P 15.2 (uncertain la hybrid). Poorly characterised lmax Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
value) (calc). 376 ; 397 ; 422 (petrol). Reinhold , 1992, CCK685
lmax 418 ; 442 ; 471 (hexane) (Berdy). (9Z )-form [19361-58-1]
(R )-form [7488-99-5]
Widespread carotenoid, e.g. in carrots
and palm oil. Has vitamin A activity but lmax 276 ; 350 ; 455 (CH2Cl2).
d-Carotene C-120
less than that of b-Carotene. Violet (13Z )-form [6811-73-0]
prisms (petrol). Mp 1878. [a]18 [472-92-4]
643 +385 Neo-b-carotene. Pseudo-a-carotene. b,b-
(C6H6). lmax 446 ; 478 ; 511 (CS2). lmax Carotene neo B e,c-Carotene

g-Carotene / Carpaine, 9CI C-121  / C-127

H 2 Rüttimann, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1983, b-Carotenone C-126

1 66, 1939
Straub, O. et al., Key to Carotenoids , 2nd edn.,
Birkhauser Verlag, Basel and Boston, 1987, 5,6:5?,6?-Diseco-b,b-carotene-5,5?,6,6?-te-
C40H56 536.882 382 trone
Found in carrots and tomatoes. Red cryst.
Mp 1728. [a]25
D +352 (hexane). lmax 280 ; O O

431 ; 456 ; 488 (no solvent reported). e,e-Carotene-3,3?-dione C-123 O O

1?,2?-Epoxide: [58556-44-8] d-Carotene- [28840-14-4]

1,2-epoxide. 1?,2?-Epoxy-1?,2?-dihydro- C40H56O4 600.88
e,c-carotene O
Isol. from Triphasia trifolia (limeberry).
C40H56O 552.882 Purple leaflets (C6H6). Mp 174-1758.
Isol. from delta tomatoes. Deep red Kuhn, R. et al., Ber. , 1932, 65, 894 (synth)
cryst. (CH2Cl2/MeOH). Mp 153-1558. O
Yokoyama, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1968, 7,
lmax 231 (e 10800) (MeOH) (Derep). 1031 (isol)
C40H52O2 564.85
Porter, J.W. et al., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. ,
Constit. of Sebastes flavidus and other
1951, 32, 21 (isol, struct)
Kargl, T.E. et al., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. , fish. Also found in chitons. Light red
1960, 88, 59 (struct) cryst. (CH2Cl2/Et2O). Mp 1948. Carpaine, 9CI C-127
Manchand, P.S. et al., J.C.S. , 1965, 2019 (synth) (6S,6?S )-form [97169-05-6] [3463-92-1]
Buchecker, R. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1971, 54, Isol. from marine fish-eggs and egg
327 (abs config) yolk. lmax 415 ; 438 ; 468 (petrol).
Britton, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14, H
2530 (occur, epoxide) [57545-55-8, 82880-34-0, 82915-88-6, 97169-05- O N
6 2
Pfander, H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1980, 63, 6] 3

1792 (synth, uv, pmr, ms) O O

Surmatis, J.D. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1970, 53, 2′ 1′ Absolute
Berset, D. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1986, 69, 340 974 (synth, uv, pmr) N O con®guration
(occur, uv, pmr, ms, epoxide) Widmer, E. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1982, 65, H
958 (synth)
Matsuno, T. et al., Comp. Biochem. Physiol., B: C28H50N2O4 478.714
g-Carotene C-121 Comp. Biochem. , 1985, 80, 779 (isol)
[472-93-5] Ikuno, Y. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1985, 328, 387
Homologue of Azimine. Originally
b,c-Carotene. Sphaerobolin (resoln) considered to be a monomeric 13-
Ikuno, Y. et al., Nippon Suisan Gakkaishi , 1985, membered cyclic lactone. Alkaloid from
51, 2033 (occur) leaves of Carica papaya (papaya). Cubes

Tsushima, M. et al., Comp. Biochem. Physiol., (Et2O). Sol. MeOH, C6H6; poorly sol.
B: Comp. Biochem. , 1989, 93, 665 (occur) hexane. Mp 119-1208 (117-118.58). [a]D
+21.65 (c, 1.0 in EtOH). [a]22230 -240 (c,
C40H56 536.882 0.12 in MeOH). Log P 4.77 (calc). Prob.
Violet prisms (C6H6/petrol). Mp 1788 b,b-Carotene-3,3?,4-triol C-124 formed in vivo by dimerisation of
(1548). Log P 15.04 (uncertain value) [70800-74-7] Carpamic acid, from which it has been
(calc). made in vitro.
7?,8?-Dihydro: [514-90-9] b-Zeacarotene. OH 1,2-Didehydro: [72362-02-8] Dehydrocar-
Carotene X. 7?,8?-Dihydro-b,c-carotene paine I. 12,13-Didehydrocarpaine, 9CI
C40H58 538.898 HO
C28H48N2O4 476.698
Isol. from sweet corn (Zea mays ) grains OH Alkaloid from the leaves of Carica
and Citrus spp.. Orange-yellow platelets papaya (papaya). Viscous oil.
(Me2CO). Mp 96-978. C40H56O3 584.881 1,1?,2,2?-Tetradehydro: [72362-03-9] Dehy-
Petzold, E.N. et al., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. , (3S,3?R ,4j)-form [97134-07-1] drocarpaine II. 12,13,25,26-Tetradehy-
1959, 82, 117-124 (b-Zeacarotene, isol) Isol. as a minor constituent from the drocarpaine, 9CI
Rüegg, R. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1961, 44, 994 crustacean Euchaeta russelli and from C28H46N2O4 474.682
(synth, b-Zeacarotene) eggs of mackerel, yellow tail, dolphin Alkaloid from the leaves of Carica
Williams, R.J.H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1965, 4, and flying fish. lmax 423 ; 450 ; 473 papaya (papaya). Viscous oil.
759 (b-Zeacarotene)
(hexane). lmax 425 ; 450 ; 475 (EtOH). 2-Epimer: [3760-91-6] Pseudocarpaine. c-
Bandaranayake, W.M. et al., Comp. Biochem. Carpaine
b,x-Carotene-3?,6?-dione C-122 Physiol., B: Comp. Biochem. , 1982, 72, 409 C28H50N2O4 478.714
(isol) Minor alkaloid from leaves of Carica
Matsumo, T. et al., Comp. Biochem. Physiol., B:
O papaya (papaya). Cryst. (petrol). Mp
Comp. Biochem. , 1985, 80, 779 (occur,
biosynth) 65-688. [a]28
D +4.95 (c, 1.62 in EtOH).
Yields carpamic and pseudocarpamic
O acids on hydrol..
b,g-Carotene-3,3?,6?-triol C-125 2-Epimer; hydrochloride:
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 2958.
C40H54O2 566.865
OH Greshoff, M. et al., Ber. , 1890, 23, 3537 (isol)
(5?R )-form [89195-47-1] HO Govindachari, T.R. et al., J.C.S. , 1954, 1847;
Cryptocapsone 1955, 1563 (isol, props, Carpaine,
Prepd. by Oppenauer oxidn. of red HO
paprika (ex Capsicum annuum ) cap- Narasimhan, N.S. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) ,
santhin and cryptocapsin (see Cap- C40H56O3 584.881 1956, 1526 (synth)
santhin, C-76). Fine violet cryst. (C6H6/ (3R ,3?S,6?S )-form [334490-57-2] Spiteller-Friedmann, M. et al., Monatsh.
Prenigroxanthin Chem. , 1964, 95, 1234 (ms, struct)
MeOH). Mp 1828 (1718). Details of isol.
Coke, J.L. et al., J.O.C. , 1965, 30, 3420 (abs
not accessible, not abstracted by CAS Constit. of the ripe pods of red paprika
lmax 285 ; 295 ; 480 (hexane). Capsicum annuum var. longum . lmax Govindachari, T.R. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1965, 1907
Cholnoky, L. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1963, 1257 434 ; 457 ; 487 (C6H6). (ms, pmr, struct)
Neamtu, G. et al., Stud. Cercet. Biochim. , 1974, Deli, J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 2001, 42, 1395-1397 Brown, E. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1974, 109 (synth)
17, 41 (isol) (isol, pmr, cmr) Corey, E.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1975, 97, 654 (synth)

Carrageenan  / 3(15),6-Caryophylladiene C-128 / C-133

Topuriya, L.I. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1978, O’Neill, A.N. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1955, 77, 2837- Incorr. abstracted in CA as lacking the
414; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , 2839; 6324-6326 (k-form, isol, struct) glucosyl group. Isol. from flowers of
1978, 354 (isol) Dolan, T.C.S. et al., J.C.S. , 1965, 3534-3539 (l- Carthamus tinctorius (safflower). Red
Tang, C.-S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18, 651 form, struct)
(Dehydrocarpaines) Painter, T.J. et al., Methods Carbohydr. Chem. ,
Hanessian, S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1979, 3391 1965, 5, 98-100 (k-form, isol) Seshadri, T.R. et al., Curr. Sci. , 1960, 29, 54
(synth) Rees, D.A. et al., Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. , 1969, Harborne, J.B. et al., Comp. Biochem. of the
Natsume, M. et al., Heterocycles , 1980, 14, 169 24, 267-332 (rev) Flavonoids, Academic Press, 1967, 80
(synth) Penman, A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1973, 2191-
Rajnikant, G. et al., Mol. Cryst. Liq. Cryst. Sci. 2196 (k-form, struct)
Technol., Sect. C , 1998, 9, 131-137 (cryst Millane, R.P. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1988, 182,
Cartorimine C-131
struct) 1-17 (k-form, struct, bibl)
Falshaw, R. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1995, 276, H
155-165 (j-form, isol, bibl) O
Chiovitti, A. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1997, 299, HOOC
Carrageenan C-128 229-243 (isol) O
[9000-07-1] Arndt, E.R. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1997, 303, Relative
Carrageenin. Carragheen. Genuvisco J. 73-78 (cd, struct) Configuration
FEMA 2596. E407 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. CH2OH
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 500-516 HO
(props, use)
Janaswamy, S. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 2001, C15H14O6 290.272
335, 181-194 (i-form, struct) Constit. of Carthamus tinctorius (saf-
RO2 O O Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
O flower). Prisms (MeOH). Mp 206-2078.
O OH Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand [a]25
O D -2.6 (c, 0.005 in MeOH). lmax 225
Reinhold , 1992, CCL250; CCL350
1 3
(log e 4.04) (MeOH).
(1) Yin, H.-B. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2000, 63, 1164-
Carthamin C-129 1165
C.I. Natural Red 26 Cartormin C-132
HO Glc HO Glc O OH
(2) O
A complex mixt. of polysaccharides HO O N
composed of galactans, the proportions
of which vary with spp., season and
environment. The major structural O
feature is b(1/ 0 3) and a(1/ 0 4) linked OH O
galactose units with various degrees and
sites of sulfation (sulfate ester content
15-40%). The Greek prefixes denote the OH
idealised constitution of different OH OH
disaccharide units although native
carrageenans show variation from these Absolute Configuration C27H29NO13 575.525
idealised structs. The struct. also varies
during life-cycle of the alga. Used for Enolised b-diketone. Constit. of
gelling, thickening and emulsion C43H42O22 910.792 Carthamus tinctorius (safflower). Yellow
stabilisation of foods (salts may also be Red pigment of flower petals of Cartha- prisms (MeOH). [a]27D -153.4 (c, 0.01 in

used). Sol. H2O; fairly sol. DMSO; mus tinctorius (safflower). Red needles Py). Mp >2308 dec..
poorly sol. oils, MeOH, hexane. n (Py). Mp 228-2308. Yin, H.-B. et al., Tet. Lett. , 2000, 41, 1955-1958
(isol, pmr, cmr, ms, cryst struct)
component also referred to in the lit. Takahashi, Y. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1982, 23, 5163
alongside those descr. below. (struct)
-FI0700000 Obara, H. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1986, 495 (synth) 3(15),6-Caryophylladiene C-133
m-form [51311-96-7] Structure (1) with R1 = Nakano, K. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1988, 438, 61
R3 = H, R2 = R4 = SO3 . Minor (hplc)
Saito, K. et al., Biochem. Physiol. Pflanz. , 1989, H
fraction of carrageenan samples. 184, 145 (isol)
l-form [9064-57-7] Sato, S. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1996, 833 (synth, cd,
Picnin AStructure (1) with R1 = R3 = R4 cryst struct, abs config) (±)(E)-form
= SO3 , R2 = H. Major fraction. Watanabe, T. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol.,
-FI0704000 Biochem. , 1997, 61, 1179-1183 (anal)
e-form [51311-95-6] Structure (1) with R1 =
R3 = SO3 , R2 = R4 = H. C15H24 204.355
i-form [9062-07-1] Structure (2) with R1 = H, Carthamone C-130 (-)-(E )-form [87-44-5]
R2 = SO3 . Major fraction. [86579-00-2] b-Caryophyllene. b-Humulene (obsol.).
k-form [11114-20-8] Structure (2) with R1 = Caryophyllene. Tincturoid. FEMA 2252
R2= H. Major fraction. O O Constit. of clove, cinnamon, mint, eu-
-FI0703000 calyptus, thyme, lemon balm and many
j-form [70431-33-3] Structure (1) with R1 = other oils. The main source is the clove
R3= SO3 , R2 = R4 = H. tree Eugenia caryophyllata . Flavouring
p-form [71078-00-7] Structure (1) with R1 = HO OGlc agent. Oil with v. faint odour. Bp9.7 118-
R3 = SO3 , R4 = H, C4-C6 pyruvate 1198. [a]21
D -15 (c, 2.6 in CHCl3).
bridge in left-hand residue. O -Skin irritant. Fl. p. 978. DT8400000
u-form Structure (2) with R1 = R2 = SO3 . 2-Epimer: [68832-35-9] 2-Epicaryophyllene.
[8015-95-0, 8036-85-9, 60063-90-3, 64366-24-1] C21H20O11 448.382 9bH-Caryophyllene

3(15),6-Caryophylladien-4-...  / Caryoptosidic acid C-134 / C-138

C15H24 204.355 -36. H

Waxy solid. [a]D +196 (CHCl3).
[6040-49-9, 20296-32-6]
3b,15-Epoxide: [88395-50-0] 3,15-Epoxy-
6-caryophyllene Holub, M. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
C15H24O 220.354 1959, 24, 3730 (struct) H
Treibs, W. et al., Annalen , 1960, 634, 124 (synth) HO
Constit. of clary sage oil (Salvia sclar- Naves, Y.R. et al., Parfums, Cosmet. Savons Fr. ,
ea ). Oil. [a]D +40 (c, 3.4 in CHCl3). 1970, 13, 354 (props) C15H26O 222.37
(-)-(Z )-form [118-65-0] Constit. of grapefruit juice, pimento berry,
g-Caryophyllene. Isocaryophyllene Korean chamchwi and the essential oils of
Widespread in plants (Jasminum, Ori- 6-Caryophyllen-15-al C-135 Palmarosa, peppermint, clove, hop, pep-
ganum and Pimpinella spp.). Oil. Bp14.5 6,10,10-Trimethylbicyclo[7.2.0]undec-5- per, bergamot and Sicilian sumac fruit
1258. [a]24
D -27. ene-2-carboxaldehyde, 9CI (Rhus coriaria ). Flavouring ingredient
(+)-(E )-form either alone or together with a-Caryo-
(+)-b-Caryophyllene phyllene alcohol, C-136. Cryst. Mp 94-968.
[33993-33-8, 54061-81-3, 61217-74-1] Bp 287-2978.
Barton, D.H.R. et al., Q. Rev., Chem. Soc. , 6 Ac: [62532-51-8]
1957, 11, 189 (rev) (3R,6E)-form
Corey, E.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1964, 86, 485 (synth,
3 [57082-24-3]
H C17H28O2 264.407
bibl) CHO
Hill, H.C. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1968, 93 (ms) Flavouring ingredient. Not reported in
Gollnick, K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1968, 689 (synth) C15H24O 220.354 nature. Cryst. with mild fruity and woody
Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen odour. d17
4 1.003. Mp 408. Bp10 149-1528.
(3R ,6E )-form [88395-49-7]
der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn., n17
D 1.4919.
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 1929 Constit. of Clary sage oil (Salvia
(occur) sclarea ). Oil. [a]D +6.7 (c, 1.1 in [56747-96-7, 82008-48-8]
Croteau, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, 11, CHCl3).
1055 (biosynth) (3S,6E )-form [88424-68-4] Naves, Y. et al., Parfums, Cosmet. Savons Fr. ,
Warnhoff, E.W. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1973, 51, 1970, 13, 354 (isol)
From Clary sage oil (Salvia sclarea ). Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
3955 (purifn)
Oil. [a]D -21.9 (c, 1.1 in CHCl3). 1974, 839 (Ac, use, props)
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
1973, 11, 1059 (rev, tox) Maurer, B. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1983, 66, Barrow, C.J. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1988, 41,
Morris, W.W. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. , 2223 1755 (pmr, cmr)
1973, 56, 1037 (ir) Iwabuchi, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990,
Robertson, J. et al., Int. Rev. Sci.: Phys. Chem., 38, 1405-1407 (synth)
Ser. Two , 1975, 11, 57 (rev) a-Caryophyllene alcohol C-136 Vernin, G. et al., Dev. Food Sci. , 1994, 34, 483-
Kumar, A. et al., Synthesis , 1976, 461 (synth) 500 (glc, detn, clove oil)
Peyron, L. et al., Riv. Ital. Essenze, Profumi, [4586-22-5] Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Piante Off., Aromi, Saponi, Cosmet., Aerosol , Decahydro-2,2,4,8-tetramethyl-4,8-metha- Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 528; 529;
1977, 59, 603 (rev) noazulen-9-ol, 9CI. Apollanol 530 (props, use, occur, Ac)
Mauer, B. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1983, 66, Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
2223 (epoxide) edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
McMurry, J.E. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1983, 24, 1885 H 263-264 (use, props, Ac)
Ohtsuka, Y. et al., J.O.C. , 1984, 49, 2326 (synth) HO
Berry, K.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, Caryoptosidic acid C-138
2893 (2-Epicaryophyllene) [220271-92-1]
Hinkley, S.F.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 35, H
1489 (2-Epicaryophyllene, abs config)
Suginome, H. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1995, 69 C15H26O 222.37 COOH
(synth) Constit. of Cedrus atlantica . Flavouring H
Fricke, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 39, 1119 ingredient either alone or together with ib-
((+)-b-Caryophyllene) Caryophyllene alcohol, C-137, with a HO
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. slightly minty, earthy flavour. Cryst. Mp O
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 527-528
(b-Caryophyllene, occur)
118.5-119.58. Bp10 143-1528. Opt. inactive HO H
(meso- ). OGlc
Collado, I.G. et al., Nat. Prod. Rep. , 1998, 187-
204 (rev) Ac: [17622-35-4] C16H24O11 392.359
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of C17H28O2 264.407
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Constit. of Lippia graveolens (Mexican
Reinhold , 1992, CCN000
Flavouring ingredient. oregano). [a]25
D -128.6 (c, 1 in MeOH).
Corey, E.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1965, 87, 5733
Me ester: [139687-24-4] Caryoptoside. 5-
3(15),6-Caryophylladien-4-ol C-134 Gemmell, K.W. et al., J.C.S.(B) , 1970, 947 Desoxylamiide
(cryst struct) C17H26O11 406.386
Adams, D.R. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1975, 1502 Mp 137-1398 (as penta-Ac).
(isol) 6?-(4-Hydroxycinnamoyl)(E-): [220271-
clo[7.2.0]undec-5-en-3-ol, 9CI. b-Betule- Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
nol 93-2] Lippioside I
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
C25H30O13 538.504
1, 111
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Constit. of Lippia graveolens (Mexican
H oregano). [a]25
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 528-530 D -127.5 (c, 1 in MeOH).

Absolute (props, use) 6?-(3,4-Dihydroxycinnamoyl)(E-):

[220271-94-3] Lippioside II
con®guration C25H30O14 554.504
H OH b-Caryophyllene alcohol C-137 Constit. of Lippia graveolens (Mexican
[472-97-9] oregano). [a]25
D -126.3 (c, 1 in MeOH).
C15H24O 220.354 El-Naggar, L.J. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1980, 43,
Constit. of essential oil of peppermint [58404-89-0, 129445-45-0] 649 (Caryoptoside)
(Mentha piperita ) and palmarosa (Cym- 4,4,8-Trimethyltricyclo[ ]dodecan- Damtoft, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, 175
bopogon martini ). Oil. Bp20 157-1588. [a]20
D 1-ol, 9CI (Caryoptoside)

Cascarilladiene / Castacrenin A C-139 / C-146

Rastrelli, L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49, Casimiroedine C-142 C47H59N7O9 866.025

1829-1832 (Caryoptosidic acid, Lippiosides) N-[2-(1-b-D-Glucopyranosyl-1H-imidazol- Isol. from the proteolytic digest of human
4-yl)ethyl]-N-methyl-3-phenyl-2-propena- milk casein.
mide, 9CI. Na-Cinnamoyl-Na-methylhista- Yoshikawa, M. et al., Regul. Pept. , Suppl. 1 ,
mine N-glucoside 1994, 253
Cascarilladiene C-139 Kato, M. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. ,
[59742-39-1] Me 1995, 59, 2056 (prodn)


Ph Cassiachromone C-145
N 7-Hydroxy-2-methyl-5-(2-oxopropyl)-4H-
1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI. 5-Acetonyl-7-hy-
Glc droxy-2-methylchromone, 8CI
C15H24 204.355 C21H27N3O6 417.461Log P -2.06 (calc).
Constit. of oil of Croton eleuteria (cas- O
(E )-form [5853-02-1]
carilla). Oil.
Alkaloid from the seeds of Casimiroa
Claude-Lafontaine, A. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. edulis (Mexican apple). Cryst. (EtOH).
Fr. , 1976, 88 Mp 226.5-2288 (223-2248). [a]20
D -21.3 (c,
1.2 in 5% HCl aq.) (-27, -30.7).
Pharmacol. active isomer. 12
Cascocidin I C-140 Mp 110-1128.
Peptide; a 39 amino-acid fragment of C13H12O4 232.235
bovine a s-2 casein (position 165-203). Isol. from Rheum sp. (rhubarb). Yellow-
Mp 808.
Isol. from bovine milk. Shows green cryst. (Me2CO). Sol. MeOH, Et2O;
antibacterial activity. Tetrabenzoyl: poorly sol. H2O. Mp 2108. lmax 221 (e
Mp 97-1058. [a]D +29 (EtOH). 18000); 243 (e 16100); 251 (e 16400); 293 (e
Zucht, H.D. et al., FEBS Lett. , 1995, 372, 185-
188 (Z )-form [51013-83-3] 11400) (MeOH) (Berdy).
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 187-1898. [a]27D
+10.65 (c, 1.00 in 1% HCl). O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [83117-59-3]
Power, F.B. et al., J.C.S. , 1911, 1993 (isol)
C19H22O9 394.377
Aebi, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1956, 39, 1495 Cryst. (EtOAc/petrol). Mp 2608 dec.
Casegravol C-141 (isol, ir, uv) 12-Hydroxy:7-Hydroxy-2-hydroxymethyl-
[74474-76-3] Djerassi, C. et al., Tetrahedron , 1958, 2, 168a 5-(2-oxopropyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-
(struct) one, 9CI. 1-(7-Hydroxy-2-hydroxy-
Raman, S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1962, 357 (cryst methyl-4-oxo-4H-1-benzopyran-5-yl)-2-
Panzica, R.P. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1973, 95, 8737 (uv,
MeO pmr, ms, synth, struct) C13H12O5 248.235
O O Solid. lmax 206 (log e 4.2); 248 (log e
Reynolds, W.F. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. ,
2000, 38, 366-369 (pmr, cmr) 3.95); 280 (log e 3.79) (MeOH).
Arora, S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1971, 27, 981 (isol,
4′ Casimiroin C-143 pmr, ms, ir, uv)
CH 2OH Singh, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, 1177
OH [477-89-4] (glucoside)
6-Methoxy-9-methyl-1,3-dioxolo[4,5- Kashiwada, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984,
C15H16O5 276.288 h]quinolin-8(9H)-one, 9CI. 4-Methoxy-1- 32, 3493 (isol)
Needles (CHCl3/hexane). Mp 1588. [a]D 0 methyl-7,8-methylenedioxy-2(1H)-quinoli- Ingkaninan, K. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2000, 63,
(CHCl3). none 315-317 (12-hydroxy)

4?-O-(3-Methylbutanoyl):Casegravol iso-
valerate OMe
C20H24O6 360.406 Castacrenin A C-146
Constit. of Citrus unshiu (satsuma [173429-79-3]
mandarin). Amorph. solid. [a]D 0 O N O
(CHCl3). OH
O Me
1?,2?-Epoxide, 4?-O-(3-methylbutanoyl): HO OH OH
C20H24O7 376.405 C12H11NO4 233.223 H OH
Oil. [a]D +25 (c, 0.1 in CHCl3). Alkaloid from the seed and bark of HOH2C H O
(Z)-Isomer:cis-Casegravol Casimiroa edulis (Mexican apple). Cryst. O
Oil. [a]D -12.1 (c, 0.102 in CHCl3). (Me2CO/hexane). Mp 202-2038. lmax 226 ; HO O O
236 ; 260 ; 300 (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 232 ; HO H O
Talapatra, S.K. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , O
1980, 154 (Casegravol) 262 (e 8); 465 (EtOH) (Berdy).
Ito, C. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1989, 37, HO
Kincl, F.A. et al., J.C.S. , 1956, 4163 (isol, uv, ir)
2217 (Casegravol isovalerate)
Iriarte, J. et al., J.C.S. , 1956, 4170 (isol) OH
Ito, C. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1991, 39,
Meisels, A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1957, 79, 6328
2509 (cis-Casegravol)
(struct) C27H18O17 614.429
Quader, M.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31,
Weinstein, B. et al., Tetrahedron , 1964, 20, 1725 Constit. of the heartwood of Castanea
3083 (deriv)
(synth, uv, ir)
crenata (Japanese chestnut). Yellow pow-
der + 1=2H2O (H2O). Mp 234-2388 (dec.).
Casoxin D C-144 [a]26
D -47.2 (c, 0.8 in MeOH).
[134027-58-0] Tanaka, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1996, 44,
H-Tyr-Val-Pro-Phe-Pro-Pro-Phe-OH 2236-2242 (isol, pmr, cmr)

Castacrenin B / Castaneanins C-147 
/ C-154

Castacrenin B C-147 Castacrenin E C-150 Castalin C-153

[173429-80-6] [200435-29-6] [19086-75-0]

O H 4
C27H18O17 614.429 C47H28O29 1056.721 OH
Constit. of the heartwood of Castanea Constit. of the wood of Castanea crenata OH
crenata (Japanese chestnut). Yellow pow- (Japanese chestnut). Amorph. tan powder
der + 1=2H2O. [a]26
D +46.8 (c, 0.8 in MeOH).
+ 8H2O. [a]28
D -165.3 (c, 0.7 in MeOH). C27H20O18 632.444
Tanaka, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1997, 45, Isol. from wood of Castanea sativa (sweet
Tanaka, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1996, 44,
2236-2242 (isol, pmr, cmr) 1751-1755 (isol, pmr, cmr) chestnut). Off-white amorph. powder. [a]17
+14.4 (c, 0.46 in H2O). Gives Vescalin on
heating in aq. soln..
4-Epimer: [34112-28-2] Vescalin
Castacrenin C C-148 Castacrenin F C-151 C27H20O18 632.444
[173450-72-1] [200435-36-5] Isol. from wood of Castanea sativa
(sweet chestnut). Yellow-brown hygro-
scopic amorph. solid. [a]25 -13 (c, 2 in
OH H2O).
HO OH OH Mayer, W. et al., Annalen , 1967, 707, 177; 1977,
OH HO OH OH 747, 51 (Vescalin)
OH HO OH Nonaka, G. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1985, 163
(pmr, cmr)
OH OH O H Castaneanins C-154
C27H18O17 614.429 OH HO
OH 1
Constit. of the heartwood of Castanea H
crenata (Japanese chestnut). Yellow pow- C55H30O33 1218.822 CO O OH
der + 1=2H2O (H2O). Mp 240-2438 (dec.). Constit. of the wood of Castanea crenata HO OH
D -7.6 (c, 0.9 in MeOH). (Japanese chestnut). Amorph. yellow COOH2C O OC

Tanaka, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1996, 44, powder + 7H2O. [a]28D -105.3 (c, 0.9 in HO OH
2236-2242 (isol, pmr, cmr) MeOH). OH OH OH
Tanaka, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1997, 45,
1751-1755 (isol, pmr, cmr) OH
Castacrenin D C-149
Castacrenin G C-152 COOH2C O OC
OH [200435-38-7] HO OH
COOH OH Castaneanin A, n = 2
HO O B, n = 3
H HO O OH D, n = 4
HO H For n = 1 see. Constit. of the heartwood of
CO O CH2 O CO O O OH Castanea crenata (Japanese chestnuts).
HO OH HO O CO OH Castaneanin A [173355-97-0]
OH HO C123H74O76 2767.892
n = 2.Tan powder + 3H2O. [a]D +9.3 (c,
C48H30O30 1086.747 HO OH
0.9 in MeOH).
Constit. of the wood of Castanea crenata OH
Castaneanin B [173270-91-2]
(Japanese chestnut). Amorph. powder +
C54H28O32 1188.796 C164H98O101 3684.518
1H2O. [a]28
D -29.6 (c, 0.6 in MeOH).
Constit. of the wood of Castanea crenata n = 3.Tan powder + 2H2O. [a]25 D +24.5 (c,
Tanaka, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1997, 45, (Japanese chestnut). Amorph. tan powder 0.9 in MeOH).
1751-1755 (isol, pmr, cmr)
+ 41=2 H2O. [a]28
D -36.3 (c, 0.4 in MeOH). 1-Epimer: [173270-92-3] Castaneanin C
Tanaka, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1997, 45, C164H98O101 3684.518
1751-1755 (isol, pmr, cmr) Tan powder + 1H2O. [a]25 D +49.3 (c, 0.8

Castaneiolide / Ceanothic acid C-155 / C-161

in MeOH). +16.9 (c, 0.8 in H2O). into O2 + H2O; can also act as a
Castaneanin D [173270-93-4] 6-O-a-D-Glucopyranoside: [186795-20-0] peroxidase for which several org.
C205H122O126 4601.143 Casuarine 6-a-D-glucoside substrates, esp. EtOH, can act as
n = 4.Tan powder + 2H2O. [a]25
D +43.2 (c, C14H25NO10 367.352 hydrogen donor. Used in the food
0.8 in MeOH). industry to remove traces of H2O2 in the
Alkaloid from Eugenia jambolana
Tanaka, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1996, 44, sterilisation of milk for cheese making.
2236-2242 (isol, pmr, cmr) A Mn protein containing MnII in the
Nash, R.J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1994, 35, 7849 (isol,
resting state is called pseudocatalase;
pmr, cmr, struct)
Castaneiolide C-155 Wormald, M.R. et al., Carbohydr. Lett. , 1996, enzymes from some microorganisms,
2, 169-174 (6-glucoside) e.g. Penicillium , that exhibit both
Denmark, S.E. et al., J.O.C. , 2000, 65, 2875- catalase and peroxidase activity are
2886 (synth) sometimes referred to as catalase
O Casuarinin C-158 Sumner, J.B. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1937, 121,
417-424 (isol)
O [79786-01-9] Herbert, D. et al., Biochem. J. , 1948, 43, 193-
O 202; 203-205 (isol)
OH Schonbaum, G.R. et al., The Enzymes , (Boyer,
HO O HO P. Ed), 3rd Edn., Academic Press, N.Y., 1976,
OC OH 13C, 363-408 (rev)
OH HO CO OCH 2 Kono, Y. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1983, 258, 6015-
O 5
HO OH OH 6019 (pseudocatalase)
1 Merck Index, 12th edn. , 1996, 1948
C22H28O8 420.458 O H Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
HO COO Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 541-544
Mycotoxin prod. by the chestnut black
O (use)
root pathogen Macrophoma castaneicola . HO O O
Needles. Sol. MeOH, EtOAc; poorly sol. HO C C
H2O. Mp 162-1638. [a]D -36.5 (c, 0.11 in Ceanothenic acid C-160
EtOH). lmax 247 (e 7690) (MeOH) (De- HO OH
Arai, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1989, 37,
2870 (isol, struct) C41H28O26 936.657
Isol. from Corylus heterophylla (Siberian H
Castavinol C-156 filbert). Pale yellow amorph. powder +
7H2O. [a]D +43.6 (c, 1 in MeOH). lmax COOH
221 (e 74130); 267 (e 32360) (MeOH)
(Berdy). COOH
COCH3 1-Epimer: [81739-27-7] Stachyurin
OH H C41H28O26 936.657
OGlc O Off-white amorph. powder + 5H2O. C29H42O4 454.648
[a]D +39 (c, 0.4 in MeOH). Constit. of Ceanothus americanus (New
OMe 5-Degalloyl: [79786-04-2] Casuariin. Ca- Jersey tea). Cryst. (Et2O/MeOH). Mp 350-
HO O sauriin (incorr.) 3548 dec. [a]D +39 (c, 1.2 in Py).
5' C34H24O22 784.55
de Mayo, P. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1962, 40, 1632
OH Pale yellow amorph. powder + 4H2O. Eade, R.A. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1973, 26, 831
[a]D +162 (c, 0.5 in MeOH). (isol)
C26H30O13 550.515 1-Epimer, 5-O-degalloyl: [115406-24-1]
Isol. from a Bordeaux red wine. Castanin. Tomentosin$. 5-Desgalloylsta- Ceanothic acid C-161
5?-Hydroxy: [183607-17-2] 5?-Hydroxycas- chyurin
tavinol C34H24O22 784.55
Emmolic acid. 1(2/ 0 3)-Abeo-3-hydroxy-
C26H30O14 566.515 Isol. from Castanea mollissima (Chinese
20(29)-lupene-2,28-dioic acid
Isol. from a Bordeaux red wine. chestnut) and Rhodomyrtus tomentosa
(hill gooseberry). Pale brown amorph.
5?-Methoxy: [183607-16-1] 5?-Methoxy-
powder. [a]20
D -26.5 (c, 0.8 in MeOH).
C27H32O14 580.541 Okuda, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1982, 30,
766 (struct, uv, pmr) H
Isol. from a Bordeaux red wine. [a]D
Okuda, T. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1983, 1765 (ir,
+46 (c, 0.2 in H2O). lmax 269 (no uv, cd, pmr) HOOC COOH
solvent reported). Feng, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 1185
Castagnino, C. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1996, 37, 7739- (Castanin)
7742 (isol, uv, pmr, cmr) Nonaka, G. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990, HO 27
38, 2151 (struct, abs config)
Lee, S.H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 3621
Casuarine C-157 (5-Desgalloylstachyurin)
[159440-57-0] Liu, Y.Z. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1997, 8, 39- C30H46O5 486.69
40 (Tomentosin) Constit. of Ceanothus americanus (New
HO H OH Jersey tea) and Zizyphus jujuba (Chinese
Catalase, 9CI C-159 date). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 356-3578 dec.
Absolute (344-3468). [a]D +38 (c, 2 in EtOH).
HO OH con®guration [9001-05-2]
N Equilase. Caperase. Optidase. E.C. 3-(3,4-Dihydroxybenzoyl):3-O-Protocate-
CH 2OH A haemoprotein containing 4 polypeptide chuoylceanothic acid
subunits of equal size each of which is C37H50O8 622.797
C8H15NO5 205.21 associated with a ferric protoporphyrin Constit. of Zizyphus jujuba (Chinese
Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 181-1828. [a]24
D IX prosthetic group. Converts H2O2 date). Cryst. (as di-Me ether, di-Me

Ceanothine A / Cefapirin, BAN, INN C-162  / C-168

ester). Mp 178-1798 (Di-Me ether, di- Plates (AcOH aq.). Mp 195-2008.

Me ester). [a]23
D -10 (c, 1.36 in CHCl3) Dihydro: O
(Di-Me ether, di-Me ester). Mp 263-2738 Mp 272-2788. [a]25
D -91 (c, Ph O O
27-Carboxylic acid:Ceanothetric acid 0.38 in MeOH) (-87). NH
C30H44O7 516.673 Warnhoff, E.W. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1965, 43, HN
Powder (MeOH). [a]25 D +28 (c, 0.4 in 2594 (isol, ms, pmr)
MeOH). Klein, F.K. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1968, 90, 3576 (ms, O
27-Carboxylic acid, 28-O-b-D-
Servis, R.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1968, 90, 4179 NMe2
glucopyranosyl ester: [220623-86-9] Ho- (struct)
vetrichoside H Lagarias, J.C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1979, 42, 663
C36H54O12 678.815 (isol, ms) C34H40N4O4 568.714
Needles. Mp 212-2148. [a]25D +11.9 (c, Alkaloid from the root bark of Ceanothus
2.2 in MeOH). americanus (New Jersey tea). Cryst.
27-Hydroxy:27-Hydroxyceanothic acid (CH2Cl2/Et2O). Mp 238-2398. [a]D -285
C30H46O6 502.69 Ceanothine C C-164 (CHCl3).
Cryst. (MeOH) (as di-Me ester). Mp [18658-42-9] Servis, R.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1969, 91, 5619 (isol,
253.5-2558 (di-Me ester). [a]24
D +24 (c, 1 As Ceanothine B, C-163 with ms, struct)
in CHCl3) (di-Me ester).
R = /  CH2CH(CH3)2 or /
1,3-Diepimer: [2739-72-2] Isoceanothic acid  CH(CH3)CH2CH3 3-Cedranol C-167
C30H46O5 486.69
Powder (MeOH/Me2CO). Mp 3208. [a]D C26H38N4O4 470.611
+38.2 (c, 1.2 in EtOH). Struct. uncertain. Alkaloid from the root OH
Eade, R.A. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1971, 24, 621 bark of Ceanothus americanus (New
Roitman, J.N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, Jersey tea). Needles (CHCl3/Et2O). Mp
491 (isol, pmr) 223-2298. [a]25
D -368 (c, 1.01 in CHCl3).
Kundu, A.B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, Warnhoff, E.W. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1965, 43, H
3155 (isol, cmr) 2594 (isol, uv, ms, pmr)
Lee, S.-S. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1992, 55, 602 Fehlhaber, H.-W. et al., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. ,
(isol, pmr, cmr)
C15H26O 222.37
1968, 235, 91 (ms, struct)
Lee, S.-S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 43, 847 Servis, R.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1969, 91, 5619 (ms, 3b-form [77-53-2]
(3-(3,4-dihydroxybenzoyl)) struct) Cedrol. b-Cedrol. Cedar camphor. Cy-
Li, X.-C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 46, 97- press camphor
102 (isol, pmr, cmr, Ceanothetric acid) Needles (MeOH aq.). Mp 86-878. [a]D
Yoshikawa, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49, +10.5 (c, 5 in CHCl3).
2057-2060 (Hovetrichoside H)
Jagadeesh, S.G. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , Ceanothine D C-165 Ac: [77-54-3]
2000, 39, 396-398 (Isoceanothic acid) [23926-97-8] C17H28O2 264.407
N-[3-Ethyl-3-methyl-7-(2-methylpropyl)- Flavouring ingredient.
Ceanothine A C-162 5,8-dioxo-2-oxa-6,9-diazabicyclo[10.2.2]-
hexadeca-10,12,14,15-tetraen-4-yl]-1- Hill, H.C. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1968, 93 (ms)
C30H40N4O4 520.67 Amirthalingam, V. et al., Acta Cryst. , Suppl.,
methyl-2-pyrrolidinecarboxamide, 9CI 1969, 5129 (cryst struct, abs config)
Struct. unknown. Alkaloid from the root
bark of Ceanothus americanus (New Morris, W.W. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. ,
1973, 56, 1037 (ir)
Jersey tea). Needles (CH2Cl2/Et2O). Mp
O Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
256-2598. [a]D -256 (c, 0.5 in CHCl3). Suppl., 1975, 745 (rev)
Warnhoff, E.W. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1965, 43, O O Breitholle, E.G. et al., J.O.C. , 1978, 43, 1964
2594 (isol, pmr) NH (synth, bibl)
HN HN Yates, P. et al., Tetrahedron , 1981, 37, 4401
Ceanothine B C-163 O Joseph-Nathan, P. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1984, 47,
[19471-43-3] 924 (cmr)
1-Methyl-N-[3-(1-methylethyl)-5,8-dioxo- Khan, V.A. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1985, 21,
NMe 41; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , 1985,
clo[10.2.2]hexadeca-10,12,14,15-tetraen- 21, 38 (cryst struct)
C26H38N4O4 470.611 Fang, J.-M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 41,
4-yl]-2-pyrrolidinecarboxamide, 9CI 1361 (isol, cmr)
Alkaloid from the root bark of Ceanothus Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
americanus (New Jersey tea). Cryst. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 548
O (CHCl3/Et2O). Mp 227-2298. [a]D -347 He, K. et al., Planta Med. , 1997, 63, 158-160
(CHCl3). (activity)
O O Engstrom, K. et al., Potato Res. , 1999, 42, 43-
NH Servis, R.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1969, 91, 5619 (isol,
50; CA , 131, 348943 (activity)
pmr, ms, struct)
HN HN Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
O R Reinhold , 1992, CCR250

NMe Ceanothine E C-166

Cefapirin, BAN, INN C-168
a-(Dimethylamino)-N-[7-(2-methylpro- [21593-23-7]
R = CH2Ph 7-[2-(4-Pyridylthio)acetamido]cephalos-
cyclo[10.2.2]hexadeca-10,12,14,15-tetra- poranic acid
C29H36N4O4 504.628
Alkaloid from the root bark of Ceanothus en-4-yl]benzenepropanamide, 9CI
americanus (New Jersey tea). Needles H H
(CHCl3/Et2O). Mp 238.5-240.58. [a]25
D -293 N SCH 2 CONH
(c, 0.68 in CHCl3). N CH 2 OAc

Ceftiofur, BAN, INN / Cellulose, 9CI, 8CI C-169  / C-173

C17H17N3O6S2 423.47 Tyczkowska, K.L. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1993, Enzyme which hydrolyses 1,4-b-D-
Active against gram-positive and -negative 614, 123 (hplc) glucosidic linkages in cellulose, lichenin
bacteria (vet. use). FDA approved for use and cereal b-D-glucans. A carbohydrase
in food producing animals, esp. dairy Celereoin C-170 and cellulase enzyme prepn. derived
cattle. Used for the treatment of mastitis in [74560-02-4] from Aspergillus niger is used in the
cows. Cryst. (Me2CO aq.). Mp 1558. Log 5-Hydroxymarmesin prepn. of starch syrups and dextrose,
P -0.32 (calc). alcoholic drinks, fruit juices, chocolate
-XI0387000 syrups, bakery products, liq. coffee,
OH dairy products, cereals and spice and
Na salt: [24356-60-3] Cephapirin sodium,
USAN. Sodium cefapirin, JAN. Cefadyl. flavour extracts. Used in fruit and
HO 3′ vegetable processing; breaks down
Cefatrexyl. BL P 1322. Cefaloject
Cryst. powder.
O O O cellulosics for production of fermentable
-XI0382000 sugars. Component of Kutrase.
C14H14O5 262.262 Ikeda, R. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1973, 37,
O-De-Ac: [38115-21-8]
Constit. of Apium graveolens. Cryst. Mp 1153; 1169 (purifn, props)
[104557-24-6] 2018. [a]21
D -38 (MeOH). Hurst, P.L. et al., Biochem. J. , 1977, 165, 33;
C15H15N3O5S2 381.433 1978, 169, 389 (activity)
Potential milk contaminant arising from 3?-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [74608-59-6] Okada, G. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1985, 49,
the metabolism of cefapirin in cattle. Celereoside 1257 (purifn, props)
Cryst. (DMF). C20H24O10 424.404 Teeri, T.T. et al., Biotechnology, 1992, 21, 417-
Constit. of Apium graveolens. Cryst. Mp 445 (rev)
Ger. Pat. , 1970, 2 152 820; CA , 77, 140100x 200-2018. [a]24
D -37.27 (MeOH).
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
(deacetyl, purifn) edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1351
5-Me ether:5-Methoxymarmesin Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
U.S. Pat. , 1970, 3 503 967; CA , 73, 3921 (synth)
Crast, L.B. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1973, 16, 1413
C15H16O5 276.288 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 464-465
(synth, props) Oil. [a]D -8 (c, 0.5 in CHCl3). Davies, G.J. et al., Biochem. Soc. Trans. , 1998,
Goto, S. et al., Chemotherapy (Basel) , 1976, 22, 3?-Deoxy, 3?,4?-didehydro: [128836-80-6] 26, 167-173 (rev, struct)
274 (props) Elisin
Schanck, A. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1979, 12, C14H12O4 244.246
337 (cmr) Cellulose, 9CI, 8CI C-173
Needles (EtOAc). Mp 238-2408. [a]25 D
Miskolczi, I. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. , [9004-34-6]
1982, 14, 233 (synth)
+12.8 (c, 0.1 in MeOH).
Negwer, M. et al., Organic-Chemical Drugs and 5-O-(6,7-Epoxy-3,7-dimethyl-3-octenyl):
their Synonyms, 6th edn., Akademie-Verlag , [74683-02-6] Jumutinol
1987, 4333 (synonyms) C24H30O6 414.497 CH 2OH
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th Cryst. Mp 148-1508. O
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 127 CH 2OH O
Moats, W.A. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2000, Abyshev, A.Z. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1980,
16, 250 (Jumutinol) O OH
48, 498-502 (anal) O
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Garg, S.K. et al., Planta Med. , 1980, 38, 186
(Celereoside) O OH OH
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, CCX500; HMK000 Rodighiero, P. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1981, 18,
447 (synth) OH n
Jain, A.K. et al., Planta Med. , 1986, 246
Amaro-Luis, J.M. et al., Planta Med. , 1990, 56, C6H10O5 162.142
Ceftiofur, BAN, INN C-169 304 (Elisin)
[80370-57-6] Quader, M.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, An unbranched polymer composed of 1,4
CM 31916. U 64279 3083 (deriv) b-linked glucopyranose units.
Polymeric. Minimum formula given.
Native cellulose consists of two different
NOMe Celerin C-171
crystal structures, a two-chain
CCONH H [73815-20-0] monoclinic phase and a single chain
S 4-(1,1-Dimethyl-2-propenyl)-8-hydroxy-7- triclinic phase. The most abundant
methoxy-2H-1-benzopyran-2-one organic material found in plants
O COOH O forming the principal constit. of their
NH 2
cell walls giving them structural
strength. Anticaking agent, binding
C19H17N5O7S3 523.571 agent and other uses in food. Insol.
Cephalosporin antibiotic. Veterinary H2O, most solvs., but forms sol.
antibacterial agent. FDA approved for complexes in conc. aq. ZnCl2, copper-
treatment of respiratory disorders in MeO O O amine solutions and with Fe sodium
beef or dairy cattle and pigs. Log P 0.89 HO tartrate solution.
(uncertain value) (calc). -OES: long-term 10 mg m-3 for total
C15H16O4 260.289 inhalable dust; 5 mg m-3 for respirable
Na salt: [104010-37-9] Ceftiofur sodium,
Constit. of seeds of Apium graveolens dust. OES: short-term 20 mg m-3 for total
USAN. Naxcel. U 64279E
(celery). Plates (EtOAc/petrol). Mp 158- inhalable dust. Reacts vigorously with
Hydrochloride: [103980-44-5] Ceftiofur 159.58. Formerly assigned an incorrect
hydrochloride, USAN. Excenel. U oxidants. FJ5691460
isomeric struct..
64279A Poly-O-sulfate: [9032-43-3] Cellulose sul-
Cryst. Garg, S.K. et al., Planta Med. , 1980, 38, 186 fate
(isol) Used in food thickeners. Sol. H2O.
Eur. Pat. , 1981, 36 812, (Sanofi ); CA , 96, 68712 Murray, R.D.H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1984, 40,
(synth, props) 5229 (struct, synth) Per-Ac: [9004-35-7]
Eur. Pat. , 1986, 180 372, (Upjohn ); CA , 105,
133660 (synth, cryst struct) [9012-09-3, 9035-69-2] Cellulose acetate, 9CI
Yancey, R.J. et al., Am. J. Vet. Res. , 1987, 48, Cellulase, USAN C-172 Indirect food additive arising by migration
1050 (props) [9012-54-8] from paper and paperboard packaging.
Fed. Regist. , 1988, 53, 5369; 1991, 56, 12119;
E.C. Endo-1,4-b-glucanase b-glu- Flake or powder. Mp 3068 (triacetate
1992, 57, 41862 (use)
canase. Endoglucanase form). [a]25
D -20.9 (CHCl3) (as triacetate).
Mahrt, C.R. et al., Am. J. Vet. Res. , 1992, 53,
2201 (tox) Concentrate of cellulose-splitting enzymes. Per-Me ether: [9004-67-5] Methyl cellulose.

1,3,7,11-Cembratetraene / Cepharadione A C-174  / C-178

FEMA 2696. E461 Buchanan, C.M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1989, 111, Ma, L. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1992, 30,
Stabiliser, thickener and emulsifier for 7312-7319 (triesters, cmr) 1247 (cmr)
foodstuffs. Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn., Li, W. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1994, 741 (synth)
-FJ5959000 Wiley, 1991, 5, 476; 545; 6, 1023; 7, 292; 8, Pattenden, G. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1996, 57
451 (rev, esters, ethers, phosphate) (synth)
Poly-Et ether: [9004-57-3] Ethyl cellulose. Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd
Ethocel edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American
Stabiliser and thickener for foods. Di- Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical 3,7,11-Cembratrien-1-ol C-176
luent in food marking inks. Indirect Press, 1994, 84-87; 88-90; 91-93; 141-142; 306-
additive arising by migration from 309
paper/paperboard packaging. Powder or Heiner, A.P. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1995, 273,
207-223 (bibl, struct)
granules. Sol. most org. solvs. Only low Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn.,
DS products (1.3) show significant H2O Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 995; 1536; 1537 OH
solubility. Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Poly(carboxymethyl) ether: [9000-11-7] Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 482; 551;
552; 554; 556; 1385 (use, derivs)
[9045-95-8, 9050-04-8] Croscarmellose, BAN, Ullmann’s Encycl. Ind. Chem. , 5th end., A5, 375- C20H34O 290.488
INN. Carboxymethyl cellulose. Carmellose, 418; 419-459; 461-488 (rev, esters, ethers) (1R ,3E ,7E ,11E )-form [66648-97-3]
BAN. Carmellose gum. FEMA 2239. E466 Sarcophytol M
Food additive. Stabiliser, thickener, Oil. [a]D +57 (c, 0.94 in CHCl3).
moisture control agent, emulsifier. Indirect 1,3,7,11-Cembratetraene C-174 (1S,3E ,7E ,11E )-form [67814-27-1]
additive arising by migration from cotton Serratol. Cembrenol
fabrics used in food packaging. Amorph. Constit. of Boswellia serrata (Indian
powder. Sol. H2O. Mp 3008. olibanum). Oil. Bp1 1508. [a]20
D -152.2 (c,
4 0.4 in EtOH).
-Exp. reprod. effects. LD50 (rat, orl) 27000 3
mg/kg. FJ5950000 [67921-02-2]
Poly(2-hydroxyethyl, Me) ether: [9032-42- 11 (all-E)-form
Pardhy, R.S. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
2] Hydroxyethyl methyl cellulose. 1978, 16, 171 (isol)
HEMC Klein, E. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1978, 349 (abs config)
HEMC of low hydroxyethyl ratio ad- Kobayashi, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1989,
mitted as food thickening and gelling C20H32 272.473 37, 631 (Sarchophytol M)
agent in EU. Better water solubility and (1Z ,3E ,7E ,11E )-form [37905-11-6] Li, Y. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1993, 34, 2799 (synth)
electrolyte tolerance than methyl cellu- g-Pinacene Yue, X. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. , 1994, 103,
35 (synth)
lose. Thermally gellable in hot water. Constit. of Pinus koraiensis (Korean
Soly. in org. solvs. varies with DS value. pine). Oil.
Poly(2-hydroxypropyl, Me) ether: [9004- (1Z ,3Z ,7E ,11E )-form [37905-10-5] Centoic acid C-177
65-3] Hydroxypropyl methyl cellulose. b-Pinacene C30H48O6 504.706
HPMC. E463 Constit. of Pinus koraiensis (Korean Struct. unknown, prob. terpenoid. Isol.
Thickening and binding agent approved pine). Oil. from Centella asiatica (Asiatic
for food use in USA and EU. Used in [69743-88-0] pennywort). Mp 256-2618 dec. (block).
deep fried batters. Powder. Sol. H2O.
Raldugin, V.A. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1971,
[a]19 19
D +43.5 (c, 0.91 in EtOH). [a]D +40.7
Thermally gellable in hot water. Sol. in (c, 3.31 in Py). Conts. 4 OH groups.
7, 604; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
aq. solns. varies with DS value. 1971, 7, 582 (isol, ir, pmr) Me ester:
[9004-32-4, 9004-57-3, 9004-64-2, 9013-34-7, Bowden, B.F. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1978, 31, Mp 150-1558 (softens at 1408).
55841-00-4, 71138-97-1, 81859-24-7] 2707 (isol) Bhattacharyya, S.C. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. ,
Vanderah, D.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1978, 43, 1614 1956, 33, 579-586 (isol)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, (isol)
2, 1180B (ir) Raldugin, V.A. et al., CA , 1985, 102, 149548s
Malm, C.J. et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1951, 43, (pmr, cmr, struct) Cepharadione A C-178
684-688 (triesters, synth, props)
Ott, E. et al., Cellulose and Cellulose [55610-01-0]
Derivatives, Wiley Interscience, 1954, 7-Methyl-5H-benzo[g]-1,3-benzodioxo-
Timell, T.E. et al., Methods Carbohydr. Chem. , 2,4,7,11-Cembratetraene C-175 lo[6,5,4-de]quinoline-5,6(7H)-dione, 9CI
1965, 5, 100-103 (purifn)
U.S. Pat. , 1967, 3342805; CA , 67, 101205j (2-
hydroxypropyl methyl ether) O
Ward, K. et al., The Carbohydrates, (eds. O O
Pigman, W. et al ), Academic Press, 1970, 2A,
Cellulose and other Natural Polymer Systems: O N Me
Biogenesis, Structure and Degradation , (ed.
Brown, R.M.), Plenum Press, 1982,
Delmer, D.P. et al., Adv. Carbohydr. Chem.
Biochem. , 1983, 41, 105-153 (rev, biosynth)
Cellulose Chemistry and its Applications , (ed. C20H32 272.473
Nevell, T.P.), Ellis Horwood, 1985, (1S,2E ,4Z ,7E ,11E )-form [1898-13-1]
Encyclopaedia of Polymer Science and Cembrene. Thunbergene. Thumbelene C18H11NO4 305.289
Engineering , 1985, 1, 615; 3, 68; 158; 239 (rev) Constit. of oil of Pinus koraiensis Alkaloid from Piper auritum (Veracruz
Xu, Q. et al., Fenxi Huaxue, 1985, 13, 170; CA , pepper). Orange-yellow needles (CHCl3/
103, 204989j (carboxymethyl ether)
(Korean pine). Cryst. (petrol). Mp 58-
598. [a]23 EtOH). Mp 340-3428 dec.
Cellulose: Structure, Modification and D +238 (c, 1.1 in CHCl3).
Hydrolysis , (eds. Young, R.A. et al ), Wiley, Ibers, J.A. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1961, 14, 1001 N-De-Me: [107882-42-8] Norcepharadione
1986, (cryst struct) A
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , Dauben, W.G. et al., J.O.C. , 1965, 30, 1693 (uv, C17H9NO4 291.262
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New ir, pmr, ms, struct)
York, 1989, CCU150; CCU250; SFO500; Kato, T. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1976, 6, 365 N-De-Me, N-methoxy: [166833-81-4] Ar-
MIF760 (synth) tabotrine. N-Methoxynorcepharadione A
Forkas, I. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1990, 73, C18H11NO5 321.289
1980 (synth) Orange-yellow rods. Mp 287-2898. lmax

Cepharadione B / Chalcomoracin C-179 / C-183

220 (e 20900); 235 (e 22390); 280 (e Akasu, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14, 1673 Donoso, R. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 1997, 10,
5750); 300 (e 9800); 310 (e 11000) (uv, ir, pmr, ms, struct, Norcepharadione B) 49-54 (isol, pmr, cmr)
(MeOH) (Berdy). Hänsel, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, 1323
Akasu, M. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1974, 3609 (ir, uv, Saá, J.M. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1976, 601 (synth, uv, Chalciporone C-182
ms, pmr, struct) ir, ms) [112448-74-5]
Hänsel, R. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1975, 38, 529; Kunitomo, J. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1980,
Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, 1323 (isol, uv, ir, 2-Methyl-7-(7-oxo-1,3-nonadienyl)-2H-
100, 337; CA , 93, 95454h (synth) azepine
ms) Achari, B. et al., Heterocycles , 1982, 19, 1203
Kunitomo, J. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1981, (Dioxodehydroasimilobine)
101, 431; CA , 95, 204236c (isol) Urzua, A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1987, 50, 305 5 4
Achari, B. et al., Heterocycles , 1982, 19, 1203 (Aristolodione) 3
(occur) Desai, S.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 1511 2
Cavé, A. et al., Plant. Med. Phytother. , 1986, 20,
251; CA , 106, 172905x (Norcepharadione A)
(Aristolodione) N
Achenbach, H. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1991, 54,
Wijeratne, E.M.K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1995, 51, 1331 (Demethoxydioxodehydroasimilobine) O
7877 (Artabotrine) Atanes, N. et al., J.O.C. , 1991, 56, 2984 (synth,
Cepharadione B, Norcepharadione B) C16H21NO 243.348
Jong, T.T. et al., J. Chin. Chem. Soc. (Taipei) , Pungent principle from fruit-bodies of the
1993, 40, 301; CA , 119, 135624c (7-Chloro-6- toxic mushroom Chalciporus piperatus.
Cepharadione B C-179 demethylcepharadione B) Slightly yellow oil. Sol. MeOH, EtOAc,
[55610-02-1] Suau, R. et al., Tetrahedron , 1996, 52, 11307 Et2O; poorly sol. H2O. [a]22
D -452 (c, 1.3 in
1,2-Dimethoxy-6-methyl-4H-dibenzo[- (synth) Et2O). Spontaneously isomerizes to Iso-
de,g]quinoline-4,5(6H)-dione, 9CI Chia, Y.-C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2000, 63, 1160-
1163 (activity)
chalciporone, e.g. in CDCl3 soln. at r.t.
lmax 252 (e 21000); 260 (sh) (e ); 270 (sh) (e
O ); 315 (sh) (e ) (EtOH) (Derep). lmax 253 (e
Cerebrosides C-180 21000) (EtOH) (Berdy).
RCH(OH)CH(NHCOR?)CH2O-sugar D2,3:4,5-Isomer: [112448-72-3] Isochalci-
MeO NMe Cerebroside is the general name given to porone. 7-Methyl-2-(7-oxo-1,3-nonadie-
monoglycosyl ceramides. On hydrol. nyl)-3H-azepine
7 they afford a long-chain base such as C16H21NO 243.348
Sphingenine, a fatty acid (R?COOH) Constit. of the toxic mushroom Chalci-
and a sugar (most commonly galactose). porus piperatus. Yellow oil. Sol. MeOH,
These compds. occur as mixtures and Et2O, EtOAc; poorly sol. H2O. Non-
are important constits. of lipids of many pungent lmax 241 (e 28000); 246 (sh) (e
C19H15NO4 321.332 tissues, esp. brain and nerve. Some ); 292 (e 14700); 328 (sh) (e ) (EtOH)
Alkaloid from the woody roots of Piper members of this class have individual (Derep). lmax 241 (e 28000); 292 (e
auritum (Veracruz pepper). Orange nee- entries, for example see 2-Amino-4- 14700) (EtOH) (Berdy).
dles (EtOH). Mp 267-2688 (255-2628, 263- octadecene-1,3-diol, A-283. D2,3:4,5-Isomer, 12,13-didehydro:7-Methyl-
2648). Rodd’s Chem. Carbon Compd. (2nd edn.) , 1976, 2-(7-oxo-1,3,5-nonatrienyl)-3H-azepine.
N-De-Me: [57576-41-7] Norcepharadione 1E, 403 Dehydroisochalciporone
B Schmidt, R.R. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , C16H19NO 241.332
1985, 24, 65 (synth)
C18H13NO4 307.305 Nonpungent constit. of Chalciporus
Kodato, S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1989, 45, 7263
Orange cryst. Mp 304-3078 dec. (synth) piperatus. Intense-yellow oil. Sol.
O2-De-Me: [109771-09-7] Aristolodione. MeOH, Et2O, EtOAc; poorly sol. H2O.
Piperadione lmax 226 (e 21800); 285 (sh) (e ); 338 (e
C18H13NO4 307.305 Chaetoglobosin P C-181 23000) (EtOH) (Derep). lmax 226 (e
Alkaloid Piper longum (long pepper). 21800); 338 (e 23000) (EtOH) (Berdy).
Cryst. (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 273-2768 Sterner, O. et al., Tetrahedron , 1987, 43, 1075
dec. (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms, struct)
OH Spiteller, P. et al., J.A.C.S. , 2001, 123, 4837-
O2-De-Me, Ac: 4838 (biosynth)
Cryst. (C6H6/MeOH). Mp 244-2488 dec. 19
O2,N-Di-de-Me: [82644-81-3] 2-Hydroxy- 21 Chalcomoracin C-183
4,5-dione, 9CI. 4,5-Dioxodehydroasimi- O [76472-89-4]
lobine. Noraristolodione O
C17H11NO4 293.278 HO OH
Red needles (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 310- O H N H
3128. lmax 246 (e 50100); 292 (sh) (e
13800); 305 (e 18200); 318 (e 19100); 459 H
(e 17000) (EtOH).
7-Chloro, N-de-Me: [149682-95-1] 7- HO
Chloro-6-demethylcepharadione B N O
C18H12ClNO4 341.75 OH
Alkaloid from Houttuynia cordata (Yu
Xing Cao).
C33H38N2O5 542.674
1-Demethoxy, O2,N-di-de-Me: [138690-43- Pale yellow gum.
4] Demethoxy-4,5-dioxodehydroasimilo- O
bine 19-Ketone, 21,22-dihydro: [156980-59-5]
C16H9NO3 263.252 Chaetoglobosin N
Orange needles (MeOH). Mp 283-2858. C33H38N2O5 542.674
Akasu, M. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1974, 3609 (uv, ir, Isol. from Phomopsis leptostromiformis OH
pmr, ms, struct) on sweet corn (Zea mays ). Mp 2058.
Hänsel, R. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1975, 38, 529 Cherton, J.C. et al., Analusis , 1994, 22, 210-216; C39H36O9 648.708
(isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms) 217-221 (deriv, isol, pmr, cmr) Phytoalexin from diseased white mulberry

/ Chicoric acid C-184 / C-189

(Morus alba ). Cryst. Mp 1838. [a]D +194 Mp 165-1668. [a]25

D -29.5 (c, 0.003 in Ozawa, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1977, 41,
(Me2CO). lmax 218 (e 58600); 329 (e CHCl3). Pharmacol. active isomer. 1249; 1978, 42, 1907; 1979, 43, 1173 (isol, uv,
50500); 334 (e 41300) (MeOH) (Berdy). ir, ms, pmr, cmr)
Reisch, J. et al., Acta Pharm. Suec. , 1967, 4, 179
Ageta, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988, 36,
Takasugi, M. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1980, 1573 (isol)
870 (struct)
Brooker, R.M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1967, 30, 73
Feng, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 1185
Chalepensin C-184 Pozzi, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1967, 23, 1129
[13164-03-9] Burke, B.A. et al., Heterocycles , 1981, 16, 897
Chestanin C-188
(abs config)
g][1]benzopyran-7-one, 9CI. 3-(1,1-Di- Sharma, R.B. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , [68325-50-8]
methylallyl)psoralen. Xylotenin 1983, 22, 538 (synth) MP3. Chestanin A
Massanet, G.M. et al., Heterocycles , 1987, 26,
1541 (synth) OH
Reisch, J. et al., Sci. Pharm. , 1988, 56, 171
(Dehydrochalepin) HO OH
5 OH
Sharma, R.B. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , HO O OH
8 1998, 37, 247-251 (biosynth)
C16H14O3 254.285 Chebulic acid C-186
[23725-05-5] C40H42O26 938.756
Cryst. (Et2O/petrol). Mp 89-908 (868). Log
3-Carboxy-3,4-dihydro-5,6,7-trihydroxy-1- Isol. from Chinese chestnut (Castanea
P 3.84 (calc).
oxo-1H-2-benzopyran-4-yl-butanedioic crenata ) galls caused by the chestnut gall
5,8-Dimethoxy: [42438-50-6] 5,8-Di- acid, 9CI. Split acid wasp Dryocosmus kuriphilus. Sl. yellow
methoxychalepensin powder. [a]23
D -11.8 (c, 1.27 in H2O). Shows
C18H18O5 314.337 no distinct Mp. Bitter taste.
Constit. of Ruta graveolens (rue). Yel- HOOC
H O-(3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzoyl)(1): [115410-
low needles (hexane/EtOAc). Mp 132- COOH
38-3] Galloylchestanin A
1348. lmax 222 (log e 4.44); 241 (log e
HO C47H46O30 1090.86
4.15); 249 (log e 4.15); 271 (log e 4.32); COOH
313 (log e 4.15) (MeOH).
HO Off-white amorph. powder + 4H2O.
H [a]20
D -21.5 (c, 1.2 in H2O). Substd. at the
Reisch, J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1968, 4395 (isol) HO O
6-posn. of the left-hand glucose residue.
Joshi, B.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1971, 10, 480
(isol, struct) O O-(3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzoyl)(2): [115410-
González, A.G. et al., An. Quim. , 1973, 69, 1013 39-4] Galloylchestanin B
(pmr) C14H12O11 356.242 C47H46O30 1090.86
Arques, J.S. et al., An. Quim. , 1974, 70, 1020 (+)-form Off-white amorph. powder + 3H2O.
(isol) [a]20
Isol. from Phyllanthus emblica (emblic). D -18.6 (c, 0.90 in H2O). Substd. at
Delle Monache, F. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , the 6-posn. of the right-hand glucose
1976, 106, 681 (isol) Syrup or amorph. powder. [a]20 D +25.6
Franke, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 56, 611- (H2O). residue.
621 (5,8-Dimethoxychalepensin) Tri-Me ether, tri-Me ester: Ozawa, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1978, 42,
Bp0.001 200-2058. [a]20
D +49.3 (c, 2.3 in
Ozawa, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1979, 43,
Chalepin C-185 1173 (cmr)
(-)-form Ageta, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988, 36,
[118389-19-8] Yellow-brown. [a]25
D -24.8 (c, 1 in MeOH). 870 (Galloylchestanins)
6-(1,1-Dimethyl-2-propenyl)-2,3-dihydro- Mayer, W. et al., Annalen , 1951, 571, 1; 15 (isol, Feng, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 1185
2-(1-hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-7H-furo[3,2- struct, synth) (isol)
g][1]benzopyran-7-one, 9CI. Rutamarin Schmidt, O.Th. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1952, 85, 408
alcohol Haworth, R.D. et al., J.C.S. , 1954, 3611 (struct)
King, H.G.C. et al., Proc. Chem. Soc., London , Chicoric acid C-189
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2′ Haslam, E. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1967, 2381
(stereochem) [52248-48-3]
HO Schmidt, O.Th. et al., Annalen , 1969, 729, 249 2,3-Bis[[3-(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-1-oxo-2-
O O O (isol, struct) propenyl]oxy]butanedioic acid, 9CI. Di-
Schilling, G. et al., Annalen , 1981, 603 (config) caffeoyltartaric acid. Cichoric acid
(S)-form Yoshida, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1982, 30,
2655 (abs config)
C19H22O4 314.38Log P 3.35 (calc). OH
(S )-form [13164-04-0] OH
Chesnatin C-187 COOH
Cryst. Mp 1188.
-LV1051020 [68735-76-2] H C OOC
Ac: [14882-94-1] Rutamarin. Chalepin COO C H
acetate OH
C21H24O5 356.418 COOCH 2 OGlc
Constit. of Ruta graveolens (rue). Cryst. HO OH HO
Mp 107-1088. [a]22
D +14 (c, 2.3 in OH HO
CHCl3). O OH
-LV1045200 HOOC HO OH C22H18O12 474.377
Deoxy, 1?,2?-didehydro:exo-Dehydrochale- (2R ,3R )-form [70831-56-0]
pin C27H26O18 638.492 L-Chicoric acid
C19H20O3 296.365 A tannin constit. of Japanese chestnut Constit. of leaves of chicory (Cichorium
Constit. of Ruta graveolens (rue) roots. galls (Castanea crenata ) and from the leaf intybus ) and endive Cichorium endivia .
Cryst. Mp 1008. [a]25
D +7.4 (CHCl3). of Castanea mollissima (Chinese chest- Silky needles. Sol. MeOH, EtOAc;
(+)-form [33054-89-6] nut). Needles + 1=2H2O (H2O). [a]20
D -7.3 (c, poorly sol. H2O. Mp 2068. [a]D -384 (c,
Heliettin 1.16 in H2O). No distinct Mp. 1.07 in MeOH). lmax 318 (MeOH)

Chimonanthine / Chlorine C-190 
/ C-194

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tartaric acid Mp 183-1858.
19 (cmr)
C23H20O12 488.404Stereochem. not meso -form [4147-37-9] Adv. Chitin Chitosan , (Ed. Brine, C.J. et al ),
confirmed. Alkaloid from Calycanthus floridus Elsevier, London, 1992, (book)
(Carolina allspice). Mp 199-2028 (1768). Nishimura, Y. et al., Hoshasen Kagaku
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nanthine Raymond, L. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1993, 246,
C24H22O12 502.431Stereochem. not 331 (bibl)
confirmed. C21H24N4 332.447
Rege, P.J. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1999, 321, 235-
(2S,3S )-form Amorph. powder. lmax 245 (log e 4); 303
245 (bibl, props)
Isol. from chicory (Cichorium intybus ) and (log e 3.6) (EtOH). Encycl. Food Sci. Technol. , Wiley-Interscience
Cichorium endivia (endive). Needles Saxton, J.E. et al., Proc. Chem. Soc., London , 2nd. Ed., Ed. Francis, F.J., 2000, 579-584
(H2O). Mp 2068. [a]D +384 (c, 1.55 in 1962, 148 (uv, struct, deriv) (use)
MeOH). Hendrikson, J.B. et al., Tetrahedron , 1964, 20,
565 (synth, ms, pmr)
(2RS,3RS )-form Chloralose, 8CI, BSI, INN, C-193
Grant, I.J. et al., J.C.S. , 1965, 5678 (cryst
(/9)-form struct) ISO
Cryst. (H2O). Mp 2068. Hall, E.S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1967, 23, 4131 1,2-O-(2,2,2-Trichloroethylidene)glucofur-
(2RS,3SR )-form [133520-29-3] (synth, isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms) anose, 9CI. Glucochloralose. Glucochloral.
[53797-30-1] Kirby, G.W. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1969, 1916 Anhydroglucochloral. Chloralosane. Somio.
Mesochicoric acid Hino, T. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1978, 4913 (synth)
Aphosal. Dulcidor. Alphakil
Cryst. (H2O). Mp 2258. Tokuyama, T. et al., Tetrahedron , 1983, 39, 41
Scarpati, M.L. et al., Tetrahedron , 1958, 4, 43- (isol) CH 2OH
Adjibade, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31,
48 (isol, struct, synth) HO O
Woeldecke, M. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1974, 317 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
29, 360-361 (isol) Link, J.T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1996, 118, 8166 OH
(synth) (1′R)-form
Cariello, L. et al., Comp. Biochem. Physiol., B: O
Comp. Biochem. , 1979, 62, 159 (isol) Verotta, L. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 392-
Becker, H. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1985, 40, 396 (isol, pmr, cd) O 1′

585-587 (isol) Jannic, V. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1999, 62, 838-843 CCl3
Soicke, H. et al., Planta Med. , 1988, 54, 175-176 (N-Demethyl-meso-chimonanthine) H
(isol) Overman, L.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1999, 121, 7702-
Veit, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, 527- 7703 (synth) C8H11Cl3O6 309.529Log P -0.3 (calc).
Dachriyanus, et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 2000, 53,
529 (isol, struct) (1?R )-form [15879-93-3]
Robinson, W.E. et al., Antiviral Res. , 1998, 39, 159-160 (Isochimonanthine)
a-form. Alphachloralose
101-111 (activity) Bird repellant in grain seeds. Needles
Zhao, H. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1998, 28, 737- (EtOH or Et2O). Mp 1878. [a]22
Chitin-binding protein N C-191 D +19 (c,
740 (synth, pmr)
Lamidey, A.-M. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 2002, CBP N 5.00 in EtOH).
85, 2328-2334 (synth) Protein, MW approx. 14 kDa. Isol. from -Produces a coma (usually non-fatal) in
grain of barley (Hordeum vulgare ). cases of acute human poisoning. LD50
Shows antifungal activity in vitro. (rat, orl) 400 mg/kg. FM9450000
Chimonanthine C-190 (1?S )-form [16376-36-6]
Hejgaard, J. et al., Physiol. Plant. , 1985, 64,
301-307 (isol) b-form
Me H H Hejgaard, J. et al., FEBS Lett. , 1992, 307, 389- Less sol. than a-form. Mp 227-2308.
N N 392 (isol) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Spectra , 1992, 1, 315C (nmr)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Chitosan C-192 1, 201A (ir)
(±)-form Pictet, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1923, 6, 621
N N (synth, struct)
Poly(1,4-b-D-glucopyranosamine), 9CI. Freudenburg, W. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1937, 59, 1955
H H Me Poliglusam, INN, USAN$ (synth, struct)
C22H26N4 346.474 Polymer consisting of deacetylated chitin Lees, P. et al., Vet. Rec. , 1972, 91, 330
and N -acetylated chitan where the (pharmacol, tox)
(-)-form shown. deacetylation or N -acetylation is partial Belg. Pat. , 1979, 875 250; CA , 91, 36002r (use)
(+)-form [85610-66-8] or unspecified. Obt. from Chitin by Sapru, H.N. et al., Eur. J. Pharmacol. , 1979, 53,
Mp 171-1728. [a]25D +280 (MeOH). methods incl. alkaline hydrol. and
151; CA , 1979, 90, 14579f (use)
N-Di-de-Me, N?,N??-di-Me: Isochimo- Ger. Pat. , 1979, 2 729 739; CA , 90, 153589g
thermochemical-chemical treatment. (synth, use)
nanthine Used in edible coatings for fruit and Taga, T. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1982, 38, 1874
C22H26N4 346.474 vegetables and in biodegradable (cryst struct)
Needles (EtOAc/petrol). Mp 190-1918. packaging films.. Leaflets. Sol. dil. Pesticide Manual, 9th edn. , 1991, No. 2130
D +248 (c, 0.009 in MeOH). lmax 218 formic acid, AcOH; insol. H2O, mineral Agrochemicals Handbook, 3rd edn., Royal
(e 39100); 247 (e 34000); 305 (e 15000) acids. Typically 80-90% deacylated, Society of Chemistry, 1992, A12
(CH2Cl2). though may contain a proportion of Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
(-)-form [5545-89-1] edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 570
insoluble crystallites (Hydrochitin) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Alkaloid from Calycanthus floridus characterised by higher acetyl content. Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
(Carolina allspice). Sol. MeOH, CHCl3; Horton, D. et al., Methods Carbohydr. Chem. , Reinhold , 1992, GFA000
poorly sol. H2O. Mp 188-1898. [a]D - 1965, 5, 403 (synth) Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, (Eds. Hayes,
329. lmax 247 (e 13600); 303 (e 5600) Muzzarelli, R.A.A. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , W.J. et al ), Academic Press, 1991, 1306
(EtOH) (Berdy). lmax 239 ; 294 (EtOH- 1969, 44, 234 (use)
HCl) (Berdy). Chitin Nat. Technol. Proc. Int. Conf. Chitin
Chitosan, 3rd, 1985 , Plenum Press, 1986, Chlorine C-194
N-Me: [5516-85-8] Calycanthidine (book)
C23H28N4 360.501 [7782-50-5]
Saito, H. et al., Macromolecules , 1987, 20, 2424 Dichlorine. E925
Alkaloid from the seeds of Calycanthus (cmr)
floridus (Carolina allspice). Mp 1428. Wu, A.C.M. et al., Methods Enzymol. , 1988, Cl2
D -317 (EtOH). 161, 447 (hplc) Cl 35.453

Chlorine oxide (ClO2), 11CI  / 4-Chloro-3,5-dihydroxybenzaldehyde C-195 / C-200

Atomic No. 17. Ground state electron Compr. Inorg. Chem. , Pergamon, 1973, 2, 1107 polymers. Pale yellow cryst. (EtOH). Mp
config. [Ne]3s23p5. Discovered in 1774 (rev) 153-1548.
by C.W. Scheele. There are 11 Isotopes Brauer, G. et al., Handbuch Prap. Anorg. Chem. ,
3rd edn., Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 1975, 1, 312 N-Oxide: [84755-45-3]
of which 35Cl and 37Cl are stable and (synth) Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 191-1938.
find application in nmr spectroscopy. Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn., Rosevear, J. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1982, 35,
Abundance: 126 ppm (earth’s crust), Wiley, 1978, 5, 612 2089; 1984, 37, 2489 (synth, uv, pmr)
19,000 ppm (sea water). Cl/  Cl: 199 pm Rehr, A. et al., Inorg. Chem. , 1992, 31, 4740 Tanimoto, S. et al., Synthesis , 1986, 647 (synth,
(gas); 198 (solid). Bleaching agent for (cryst struct, ir, magnetism) pmr)
flour. Greenish-yellow pungent gas Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Food Chem. News , 2002, 43(47), 20 (use)
combining directly and vigorously with Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 575-577
nearly all elements. At 108 1 vol. H2O Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 2-Chloro-6-(2,6-dichloro-4-hy- C-198
dissolves 3.1 vols. chlorine; sol.
Reinhold , 1992, CDW450 droxyphenoxy)-1,4-benzenediol
organochlorine solvs. Mp -1018. Bp -
34.98. Forms complexes with hydrogen 2,3?,6-Trichloro-2?,4,5?-trihydroxydiphenyl
halides and hydrates. Bond energy 243 Chloroacetic acid, 9CI C-196 ether
kJ mol-1. [79-11-8]
-Respiratory irritant, the liq. burns the Monochloroacetic acid Cl OH Cl
skin. Exposure should not exceed 1 ppm. ClCH2COOH 1
O 4′ OH
FO2100000 C2H3ClO2 94.497 4
[11094-65-8, 12595-89-0, 14835-24-6, 15721-70- Prohibited from use in food. Cryst. in HO Cl
7, 15723-23-6, 16547-50-5, 16904-11-3, 16904- three forms. V. sol. H2O; sol. org. solvs.
12-4, 16999-02-3, 20337-89-7, 22223-66-1, Mp 61.38 (a-form) Mp 56.28 (b-form) Mp C12H7Cl3O4 321.543
22537-15-1, 22537-27-5, 22541-73-7, 24203-47-2,
52.58 (g-form). Bp 1898. pKa 2.87 (258). 1,4-Di-Me ether: [155519-91-8] Russuphe-
-Corrosive skin, eye and mucous membrane lin D
Mellor Compr. Treat. Inorg. Theor. Chem. , 1922, irritant. LD50 (mus, orl) 165 mg/kg. Toxic
2, 15; Suppl. 1, 262 (rev, bibl)
C14H11Cl3O4 349.597
in contact with skin. Contamination of 5 Needles. Mp 136-1388. lmax 205 (e
Gmelin Handbook Inorg. Chem. , Syst. No. 6,
1927, ; Suppl. , 1968, A, ; Suppl. , (1968-1969), to 10% of skin area can be fatal. Fl. p. 38900); 286 (e 6166) (MeOH) (Berdy).
B, (rev, bibl) 1508, autoignition temp. >5008. 1,4?-Di-Me ether: [155519-92-9] Russuphe-
Compr. Inorg. Chem. , Pergamon, Oxford, 1973, AF8575000 lin E
2, 1107 [3926-62-3, 14526-03-5] C14H11Cl3O4 349.597
Brauer, G. et al., Handbuch Prap. Anorg. Chem. ,
3rd edn., Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 1975, 1, 288 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, 4,4?-Di-Me ether: [155519-93-0] Russuphe-
(synth) 1, 508A; 650C; 652A; 713B (ir) lin F
Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn., Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR C14H11Cl3O4 349.597
Wiley, 1978, 1, 799 (rev, bibl) Spectra , 1992, 1, 790B; 1007A; 1013A; Takahashi, A. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1993,
Greenwood, N.N. et al., Chemistry of the 1171C (nmr) 41, 1726
Elements , Pergamon, Oxford, 1986, 920 (rev) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Merck Index, 11th edn. , 1989, No. 2095 1989, 3, 591B; 700A; 701C (ir)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Sadtler Standard C-13 NMR Spectra , 472 (cmr) 3-Chloro-4-(dichloromethy- C-199
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 573-575 Kanters, J.A. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1976, 32, lene)-2,5-pyrrolidinedione, 9CI
Emsley, J. et al., The Elements , 3rd edn., 3328; 3331 (cryst struct)
Clarendon Press, 1998, 56; 238 Szyper, M. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1976, 85, [170660-63-6]
Schmittinger, P. et al., Chlorine, Principles and 357 (uv)
Industrial Practice , Wiley, 2000, (rev) Pesticide Manual, 6th edn. , 1979, 105
Dillon, K.B. et al., J. Magn. Reson. , 1980, 39,
Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive
Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths , 499 (pmr) Cl C Cl
1990, 995 (haz) Ullmann’s Encycl. Ind. Chem. , VCH, Weinheim,
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 1985, A6, 537 (rev)
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Merck Index, 11th edn. , 1989, No. 1563 O N O
Reinhold , 1992, CDV750 Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn.,
Wiley, 1991, 1, 165 (rev) H
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Chlorine oxide (ClO2), 11CI C-195 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1903-1904 C5H2Cl3NO2 214.434
Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical
[10049-04-4] Bacterial mutagen produced by chlorina-
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of
Chlorine oxide$. Chlorine dioxide. E926 Chemistry, 1992, 281 tion of simulated poultry chiller water.
ClO2 (C2v ) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Cryst. (CCl4). Mp 153-154.58.
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Haddon, W.F. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1996,
ClO2 67.452
Reinhold , 1992, BEE500; CEA000; SFU500; 44, 256-263 (synth, cryst struct)
Paramagnetic, odd electron delocalised MIF775
over whole molecule. Cl/  O 147 pm,
angle OClO 1188. In the solid state the 4-Chloro-3,5-dihydroxyben- C-200
5-Chloro-2-(3,5-di-tert -butyl- C-197
dimer is diamagnetic below -848 and zaldehyde
2-hydroxyphenyl)-2H -benzotriazole
involves one bridging Cl/  O/  Cl
interaction. Bleaching agent for flour. [3864-99-1]
2-(5-Chloro-2H-benzotriazol-2-yl)-4,6- CHO
Orange-green gas; yellowish-red cryst.
Unstable in light, stable in the dark. bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)phenol, 9CI. 2,4-Di-
Insol. H2O. Mp -598. Bp 118. Forms a tert-butyl-6-(5-chloro-2H-benzotriazol-2-
hydrate. yl)phenol, 8CI
-Explodes in contact with organic HO OH
materials. Max. safe partial pressure 36 HO C(CH 3)3 Cl
mm. FO3000000 N
Inorg. Synth. , 1953, 4, 152 (synth) N C7H5ClO3 172.567
Gmelin Handbook Inorg. Chem. , Syst. No. 6, Cl N
1969, B2, 331 (bibl)
C(CH 3)3 Di-Me ether: [56518-48-0] 4-Chloro-3,5-
Clark, A.H. et al., J.C.S.(A) , 1970, 46 (struct) dimethoxybenzaldehyde
Gordon, G. et al., Prog. Inorg. Chem. , 1972, 15, C20H24ClN3O 357.882 C9H9ClO3 200.621
201 (rev) FDA approved for use in food-contact Isol. from the mycelium of Hericium

4-Chloro-3,5-dihydroxybenzyl alcohol  / 4-Chloro-1H -indole-3-acetic acid C-201  / C-208

erinaceum (lions mane). Cryst. Mp 165- (Sk). Can autoxidise on storage to H2C/ . CHCH(OH)C/ / CC/
1678 (118-1208). generate highly toxic phosgene. / CCH2CH(OH)CHCl(CH2)6CH3
Kompis, I. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1977, 60, FS9100000 C17H25ClO2 296.836
3025 (synth) [865-49-6, 3170-80-7] Isol. from Korean ginseng root. lmax 219 ;
Okamoto, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 34, 229 ; 242 ; 255 ; 266 (EtOH) (Berdy).
1445 (isol) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
1, 83A (ir) Kitagawa, I. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1987, 107,
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 495 (synth)
4-Chloro-3,5-dihydroxybenzyl C-201 Spectra , 1992, 1, 122A (nmr) Ahn, B.Z. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim,
alcohol Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Ger.) , 1989, 322, 223 (isol, props, cmr, uv, ir)
2-Chloro-5-(hydroxymethyl)-1,3-benzene- 1989, 3, 116C (ir) Hirakura, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30,
diol Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic 3327 (isol, pmr)
Synthesis, Wiley, 1967, 1, 130; 1988, 13, 9;
1990, 15, 84; 1980, 8, 92; 1986, 12, 517 (use)
OH Dykes, M.H.M. et al., Int. Anesthesiol. Clin. , 7-Chloro-3,3?,4?,5,6,8-hexahy- C-206
Cl 1970, 8, 357 (rev, pharmacol) droxyflavone
Legradi, L. et al., Mikrochim. Acta , 1972, 369 7-Chloro-3?,4?,5,6,8-pentahydroxyflavonol
HOCH 2 OH (use)
IARC Monog. , 1979, 20, 401; Suppl . 7, 152;
C7H7ClO3 174.583 Suppl . 6, 155 (rev, tox) OH O
Davidson, I.W.F. et al., Drug Chem. Toxicol. , HO OH
1,3-Di-Me ether: [152570-76-8] 4-Chloro- 1982, 5, 87 (rev, metab, tox)
3,5-dimethoxybenzyl alcohol Dostovalova, V.I. et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR,
C9H11ClO3 202.637 Ser. Khim. , 1985, 2467; Bull. Acad. Sci. OH
USSR, Div. Chem. Sci. (Engl. Transl.) , 1985,
Cl O
Isol. from the mycelium of Hericium
erinaceum (lions mane). Cryst. Mp 83- 2282 (cmr) OH
Anderson, A. et al., J. Chem. Phys. , 1985, 82, 99 OH
(Raman, conformn)
Okamoto, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 34, Hahn, S. et al., J. Solution Chem. , 1985, 14, 129 C15H9ClO8 352.684
1445 (isol) (pmr)
Ullmann’s Encycl. Ind. Chem. , 5th Ed., VCH, Hexa-Me ether:7-Chloro-3,3?,4?,5,6,8-hex-
2-Chloro-5,8-dihydroxy-3-pre- C-202 Weinheim, 1985, A6, 238 (rev) amethoxyflavone
Organo-chlorine Solvents , Royal Society of C21H21ClO8 436.845
nyl-1,4-naphthoquinone Chemistry, 1986, 17 (tox, rev) Constit. of a Citrus sp. (Dancy tanger-
2-Chloro-5,8-dihydroxy-3-(3-methyl-2-bu- Tate, R. et al., Z. Naturforsch., A , 1986, 41, ine). Yellow needles (MeOH). Mp 145-
tenyl)-1,4-naphthalenedione, 9CI. Chloro- 1091 (uv) 1468.
sesamone Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn.,
Wiley, 1991, 5, 1051 (rev) Chen, J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1998, 46,
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th 1235-1238 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms)
OH O edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 911
Cl Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis , 13-Chloro-11-hydroxy-3-oxo- C-207
(ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 2, 1134-
1138 (use)
Gribble, G.W. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat.
Prod. , 1996, 68, 1 (occur)
OH O Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. H
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 578-579
C15H13ClO4 292.718 Turk, E. et al., Chem. Eng. News , March 2, O
Constit. of the roots of Sesamum indicum 1998, 6 (haz, autoxidn)
Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive
(sesame). Red needles (EtOAc/hexane). H OH
Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths ,
Mp 129-1308. lmax 217 (log e 4.48); 287 O
1990, 0354 CH 2Cl
(log e 3.98); 491 (log e 3.82); 514 (log e Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical
3.84); 549 (log e 3.65) (MeOH). Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of O
Feroj Hasan, A.F.M. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Chemistry, 1992, 303
Biochem. , 2000, 64, 873-874 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of C15H19ClO4 298.765
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand (1a,4a,5a,6a,11j)-form [83551-02-4]
Reinhold , 1992, CHJ500
Chloroform C-203 8-Deoxy-11-hydroxy-13-chlorogroshei-
Trichloromethane, 9CI. R20
10-Chloro-1,16-heptadeca- C-204 Constit. of Cynara scolymus (arti-
diene-4,6-diyne-3,9-diol choke). Cryst. (EtOAc). Mp 228-2308.
CHCl3 Barbetti, P. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 1993, 3, 21
CHCl3 119.377 Ginsenoyne B (isol, pmr, cmr)
Indirect food additive arising from adhe-
sives and polymers. Liq. Spar. sol. H2O. H2C/ . CHCH(OH)C/ / CC/
/ CCH2CH(OH)CHCl(CH2)5CH/ . CH2 4-Chloro-1H -indole-3-acetic C-208
d25 20
4 1.48. Mp -63.28. Bp 61.38. nD 1.4467.
Log P 1.95 (calc). Nonflammable. Slowly C17H23ClO2 294.82 acid
dec. in air and light forming COCl2 (toxic) Present in ginseng root. Oil. [a]D -33 (c, 2.0 [2519-61-1]
and other products. Forms hydrate with in CHCl3). lmax 201 ; 230 ; 243 ; 257
18H2O, dec. at 1.68. Forms azeotrope (CHCl3). Cl CH 2COOH
contg. 2.5% H2O, Bp 568. Di-Ac: [139035-32-8]
-Vigorous reaction with Me2CO and base, Oil. [a]D +32.8 (c, 2.04 in CHCl3).
explosive reaction with some materials. Hirakura, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, N
Poss. human carcinogen. Skin, eye and 3327 (isol, ir, uv, ms, pmr, cmr) H
respiratory tract irritant. Adverse systemic
effects by inhalation can lead to loss of C10H8ClNO2 209.631
consciousness, cardiac respiratory failure 10-Chloro-1-heptadecene-4,6- C-205 Auxin from the seeds of Pisum sativum
and death. Hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic. diyne-3,9-diol (pea) and isol. from Pinus sylvestris
Exp. carcinogen. Exp. reprod. and [111103-92-5] (Scotch pine). Cryst. (1,2-dichloroethane/
teratogenic effects. OES: long-term 2 ppm Panaxydol chlorohydrin EtOH). Mp 179-1808.

Chloromethoxymethane, 9CI / 7-Chloro-3,4?,5,6,8-pentahydroxyflavone C-209  / C-213

Me ester: [19077-78-2] C8H9ClO2 172.611 Abraham, R.J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1983, 39,
C11H10ClNO2 223.658 4201 (pmr)
Di-Me ether: [27971-69-3] 2-Chloro-1,3- Nyquist, R.A. et al., Appl. Spectrosc. , 1986, 40,
Auxin from the seeds of Pisum sativum dimethoxy-5-methylbenzene. 4-Chloro- 821 (ir, Raman)
(pea). Cryst (EtOAc/hexane). Mp 120- 3,5-dimethoxytoluene Encyclopaedia of Polymer Science and
1218. C9H11ClO2 186.637 Engineering , Wiley-Interscience, New York,
Hansch, C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1951, 73, 3518 Isol. from mycelia of Hericium erina- 2nd edn., 1986, 6, 273 (rev, polymers)
(synth) ceum (lions mane). Cryst. (EtOH). Mp Pirrung, M.C. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1989,
Marumo, S. et al., Nature (London) , 1968, 219, 74-758. 72, 1301 (synth)
959 (isol) Durig, J.R. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , 1989, 197, 143
Magnus, V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 46, Büchi, G. et al., J.O.C. , 1971, 36, 1143
675-681 (isol) Gavin, J. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1978, 61, 352
Chen, C.-S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1990, 2559
Katayama, M. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., (1-Me ether)
Biochem. , 2000, 64, 808-815 (synth, ir, pmr, Fitzpatrick, L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1980, 85-
Alkylene Oxides and Their Polymers; Surfactant
ms) 89 (synth, pmr)
Science Series, Vol. 35 , (Eds. Bailey, F.E. et
Henderson, G.B. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1983,
al ), Dekker, New York, 1991,
2595-2599 (synth, pmr)
Ellis, M.K. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1991, 747
Chloromethoxymethane, 9CI C-209 Hill, R.A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1987, 2209-
(synth, pmr)
[107-30-2] 2215 (synth, di-Me ether)
Dargelos, M. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1992, 45,
Okamoto, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 34,
Chloromethyl methyl ether 1445 (di-Me ether)
1327 (synth)
ClCH2OMe Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
Monde, K. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 913-
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1102
C2H5ClO 80.514 921 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis ,
Used to modify ion-exchange membranes (ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 4, 2326-
used in the production of grapefruit juice. 2328 (use)
Liq. d25 1.07. Bp 59.58. (Chloromethyl)oxirane, 9CI, C-211 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
-Human carcinogen (technical grade 8CI Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 928-929
[106-89-8] Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive
material). Eye and respiratory tract Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths,
irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 817 mg/kg. LC50 a-Epichlorohydrin. 3-Chloropropylene 1990, 1091
(rat, ihl) 55 ppm (7h exposure). Exp. oxide. 1-Chloro-2,3-epoxypropane. Epi- Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical
carcinogen. KN6650000 chlorohydrin Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of
Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra, 2nd edn. , 1983, Chemistry, 1992, 298
1, 178B (nmr) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
CH 2 Cl Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Aldrich Library of Infrared Spectra, 3rd edn. , (R)-form
1981, 126E (ir) Reinhold , 1992, EAZ500
Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 1 , 1932, 377 (synth) O Patty’s Ind. Hyg. Toxicol. , 4th edn., Vol. 2,
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic Wiley, 1993, 417 (tox, rev)
Synthesis, Wiley, 1974, 4, 83; 1977, 7, 61; C3H5ClO 92.525
1988, 13, 76; 1981, 9, 107; 1976, 6, 109; 1986, Used for cross-linking dextrose units in Chloropentafluoroethane C-212
12, 116; 1980, 8, 387; 1982, 10, 460 (use)
food starch. [76-15-3]
IARC Monog. , 1974, 4, 239; Suppl . 7, 131;
Suppl . 6, 159 (rev, tox) -Flammable, fl. p. 418, autoignition temp.
4118. Toxic by skin contact and inhalation, [39432-81-0]
Ger. Pat. , 1975, 2 431 778; CA , 83, 27558p
(synth) irritant. Reacts violently with some Fluorocarbon 115. Freon 115. Arcton 115.
Stadlwieser, J. et al., Synthesis , 1985, 490 (use) materials. Possible human carcinogen. CFC 115. Genetron 115
Linderman, R.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1994, 59, 6499 Severe eye, skin and respiratory tract F3CCClF2
(synth, bibl) irritant. A vesicant and skin sensitiser. Can
Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis , C2ClF5 154.467
cause dermatitis. Inhalation may cause Aerating agent for foamed or sprayed food
(ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 2, 1156-
1159 (use) respiratory paralysis. Exp. carcinogen and products. Gas. Mp -1068. Bp -37.78.
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. teratogen. Exp. reprod. effects. LD50 (mus, -Low toxicity. Non-flammable. Substance
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 579-580 orl) 195 mg/kg; LD50 (mus, skn) 250 mg/ production controlled by environmental
Chong, J.M. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1998, 28, kg. OES: long-term 0.5 ppm; short-term legislation. OES: long-term 1000 ppm.
2801-2806 (synth) 1.5 ppm. TX4900000
Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical KH7877500
(R )-form [51594-55-9]
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Liq. Bp 115-1168. [a]22
D -33 (c, 4.22 in
Chemistry, 1992, 309 1989, 3, 126A (ir)
MeOH). Haszeldine, R.N. et al., J.C.S. , 1953, 3761
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
-RR0427000 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Reinhold , 1992, CIO250 (S )-form [67843-74-7] Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 580-581
Liq. [a]20
D +33 (c, 1.126 in MeOH). Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
-RR0427100 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
2-Chloro-5-methyl-1,3-benze- C-210 (/9)-form [13403-37-7] Reinhold , 1992, CJI500
nediol, 9CI Liq. Insol. H2O; misc. most org. solvs.
[56021-31-9] d20
4 1.18. Fp -57.2. Bp 115-1178. nD
7-Chloro-3,4?,5,6,8-pentahy- C-213
2-Chloro-5-methylresorcinol, 8CI. 4- 1.4382. Vp 16 mmHg (258). droxyflavone
Chloro-3,5-dihydroxytoluene Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, 7-Chloro-4?,5,6,8-tetrahydroxyflavonol
1, 231D (ir)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
OH Spectra , 1992, 1, 369B; 369C; 370A (nmr) OH O
Cl Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
1989, 3, 304C (ir)
Fairbourne, A. et al., J.C.S. , 1932, 1965 (synth)
H 3C OH Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 1 , 1932, 233 (synth)
Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 2 , 1943, 256 (synth) Cl O
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic OH
C7H7ClO2 158.584 Synthesis, Wiley, 1975, 5, 290 OH
Prisms (C6H6). Mp 138-138.58 (134-1368). IARC Monog. , 1976, 11, 131; Suppl . 6, 286;
lmax 274 (log e 2.99) (MeCN). Suppl . 7, 702 (rev, tox) C15H9ClO7 336.685
Shapiro, M.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1977, 42, 1435 (cmr)
1-Me ether: [57074-22-3] 2-Chloro-3-meth- Baldwin, J.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1978, 43, 4876 (R- Penta-Me ether:7-Chloro-3,4?,5,6,8-penta-
oxy-5-methylphenol form, S-form, synth) methoxyflavone

Chlorophenol red / Chlorophyll b C-214  / C-217

C20H19ClO7 406.819 4,8,13,18-tetramethyl-20-oxo-3-phorbine- Senge, M. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1988, 43,

Constit. of a Citrus sp. (Dancy tanger- propanoato(2-)-N23,N24,N25,N26]magne- 515 (132-Hydroxychlorophyll a)
ine). Yellow needles (MeOH). Mp 161- sium, 9CI Okazaki, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990,
38, 3303 (biosynth)
1628. Grese, R.P. et al., J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. ,
Chen, J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1998, 46, 1990, 1, 72 (Chlorophyll RCI)
1235-1238 R1
Woodward, R.B. et al., Tetrahedron , 1990, 46,
R2 7599 (synth, rev)
N N Giacometti, G. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1991,
Chlorophenol red C-214 Mg R1 = CH 3 121, 457 (pmr)
[4430-20-0] N N
1″ 2″ Roth, L. et al., Roth Collection of Natural
4,4?-(3H-2,1-Benzoxathiol-3-ylidene)- R = CH 2 CH 3 Product Data , VCH, Weinheim, 1995, (bibl,
bis[2-chlorophenol], 9CI. 3,3-Bis(3-chloro- 21 spectra)
4-hydroxyphenyl)3H-2,1-benzoxathiole COOMe O Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
S,S-dioxide. 3,3?-Dichlorophenolsulfo- CO O Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 581
3′ Ruediger, W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 46,
1151-1167 (rev, biosynth)
Itoh, D. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2000, 63, 1090-
OH C55H72MgN4O5 893.503 1093 (biosynth)
Cl Used in food processing as an appearance
control agent for colours. Dark green
greasy powder (petrol) or leaflets. Sol.
Cl EtOAc, Et2O; fairly sol. MeOH; poorly
sol. hexane. Mp 117-1208. [a]20 Chlorophyll b C-217
OH D -262
(Me2CO). Dilute acid removes Mg to form [519-62-0]
O As Chlorophyll a, C-216 with
Phaeophytin a. Hydrol. by Chlorophyllase
O2 (or warm acid) / 0 Phaeophorbide a. Acid R1 = /  CHO, R2 = /  CH2CH3
catalysed methanolysis / 0 see Phaeo- C55H70MgN4O6 907.486
phorbide a. Alkaline hydrol. / 0 Chlorin Green pigment in leaves of plants together
C19H12Cl2O5S 423.272
e6. Other esters e.g. geranylgeranyl are with Chlorophyll a, C-216. Dark green
Used in the frozen food industry for
found in various microorganisms lmax 409 powder (petrol). Reacts as Chlorophyll a
monitoring storage temperature changes.
; 429 ; 498 ; 537 ; 577 ; 613 ; 660 (EtOH) with acids and Chlorophyllase to give
Greenish-brown cryst. Sol. EtOH; spar.
(Berdy). similar prods., i.e. Phaeophytin b, Phaeo-
sol. H2O. Mp 261-2628. Available as
sodium salt. 21-Epimer: [22309-13-3] Chlorophyll a? phorbide b, P-237 and Me ester. Alkaline
C55H72MgN4O5 893.503 hydrol. gives Rhodin g7. Other esters e.g.
[41350-02-1] geranylgeranyl are found in various mi-
3?-Free acid: [14897-06-4] Chlorophyllide a
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, C35H34MgN4O5 614.982 croorganisms.
2, 1023A (ir)
Sigma-Aldrich Library of Stains, Dyes and 21-Hydroxy: [71699-04-2] 132-Hydroxy- 3?-Free acid: [14428-12-7] Chlorophyllide b
Indicators, 200 chlorophyll a C35H32MgN4O6 628.966
Harden, W.C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1930, 52, 4611 C55H72MgN4O6 909.502Artifact. 1?,2?-Didehydro: [89456-97-3] Divinylchlor-
(synth) 6-Chloro, 21-hydroxy: [91488-37-8] 20- ophyll b. 4-Desethyl-4-vinylchlorophyll b
Zombory, L. et al., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. , 1933, Chloro-132-hydroxychlorophyll a. Chlor- C55H68MgN4O6 905.47
215, 255 (adsorption indicator)
U.S. Pat. , 1958, 2 850 393; CA , 1959, 53, 607a
ophyll RCI Fleming, I. et al., Nature (London) , 1967, 216,
C55H71ClMgN4O6 943.947Probable 151 (abs config)
artifact. Shlyk, A.A. et al., Annu. Rev. Plant Physiol. ,
Bishop, E. et al., Indicators , Pergamon, Oxford,
1971, 22, 169 (biosynth)
1972, 111 (use) 1??,2??-Didehydro:4-Vinyl-4-desethylchloro- Brockmann, H. et al., Annalen , 1974, 1007
phyll a Serbin, R. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1975, 97, 7237 (cryst
Chlorophyll C-215 C55H70MgN4O5 891.487 struct)
Chem. Biochem. Plant Pigm. , Goodwin, T.W.,
[8049-84-1] [1406-65-1, 117288-86-5, 118626-30-5]
Ed., Academic Press, London, 1976, (book)
[1406-65-1] Woodward, R.B. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1960, 82, 3800 Shioi, Y. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta , 1983,
Biophyll. C.I. Natural green 3, 9CI. E140. (synth) 756, 127 (isol)
Fleming, I. et al., Nature (London) , 1967, 216, Risch, N. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1983, 24, 173 (cmr)
C.I. 75810 151 (abs config) Brereton, R.G. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1983, 24, 5775
An extract of Chlorophyll a, C-216 and Brockman, H. et al., Annalen , 1974, 1007 (Divinylchlorophyll b)
Chlorophyll b, C-217 obt. by solv. Chow, H.C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1975, 97, 7230 Wu, S.M. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1985, 260, 3632
(cryst struct) (struct)
extraction of alfalfa meal. The central
Chem. Biochem. Plant Pigm. , (Ed. Goodwin, Leeper, F.J. et al., Nat. Prod. Rep. , 1985, 2, 19;
magnesium atom of the natural T.W.), Academic Press, London, 1976, (book) 561; 1987, 4, 441; 1989, 6, 171 (rev, biosynth)
chlorophylls may be replaced by copper Schoch, S. et al., Z. Pflanzenphysiol. , 1977, 83, Fujiwara, M. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1986, 90,
in the commercial material to obtain 427 (isol) 250 (Raman, ir)
blue shaded products, as opposed to Gleixner, G. et al., Experientia , 1982, 38, 303 Lotjonen, S. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1987,
yellow shades for the magnesium (purifn) 25, 670 (pmr)
compd.. Colourant for cosmetics and Bazzaz, M.B. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1982, 23, 1211 Grese, R.P. et al., J. Am. Soc. Mass Spectrom. ,
foodstuffs, esp. meat casings, fats and (Divinylchlorophyll a) 1990, 1, 72 (ms)
Lotjonen, S. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1983, 21, Roth, L. et al., Roth Collection of Natural
shortening. Alkaline hydrol. gives C.I.
757 (cmr) Product Data , VCH, Weinheim, 1995, (bibl,
Natural green 5, C-255. Smith, K.M. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1984, spectra)
Judah, M.A. et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1954, 46, 22, 779 (pmr) Ruediger, W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 46,
2262-2271 (manuf, rev) Leeper, F.J. et al., Nat. Prod. Rep. , 1985, 2, 19; 1151-1167 (rev, biosynth)
Colour Index , 3rd edn., 1971, 4, 4640 (bibl) 561; 1987, 4, 441; 1989, 6, 171 (rev, biosynth)
Wegener, J.W. et al., Chromatographia , 1987, 24, Fujiwara, M. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1986, 90,
865-875 (hplc, detn) 250; 5646 (ir, Raman)
Grotemeyer, J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1986, 108, 4233
Chlorophyll a C-216 (ms)
Tasumi, M. et al., Adv. Spectrosc. (Chichester,
[479-61-8] U.K.) , 1987, 14, 407 (rev, ir, Raman)
[3,7,11,15-Tetramethyl-2-hexadecenyl 9- Senge, M. et al., FEBS Lett. , 1988, 234, 215
ethenyl-14-ethyl-21-(methoxycarbonyl)- (Chlorophyll RCI)

Chlorophyll c 
/ 2-Chloro-3-tridecene-5,7,9,11-... C-218 / C-223

Chlorophyll c C-218 C54H70MgN4O6 895.475 CH 2OH

Chlorophyllide c Widely distributed photosynthetic pig-
ment. lmax 445 ; 686 (Et2O). H C Cl (R)-form

[1406-65-1] CH 3
R Chem. Biochem. Plant Pigm. , Goodwin, T.W.,
Ed., Academic Press, London, 1976, (book) C3H7ClO 94.54
R1 The Porphyrins , Dolphin, D., Ed., Academic -Skin and severe eye irritant. LD50 (rat, orl)
N N Press, N.Y., 1978, (book) 218 mg/kg; LD50 (rbt, skn) 529 mg/kg.
Mg Leeper, F.J. et al., Nat. Prod. Rep. , 1985, 2, 19; Flammable, fl. p. 528. UA8925000
N N 561; 1987, 4, 441; 1989, 6, 171 (revs, biosynth) (R )-form [37493-14-4]
D -2.92.
(S )-form [19210-21-0]
Bp75 70.3-70.58 Bp15 40-418.
3-Chloro-1,2-propanediol, 9CI C-220
(/9)-form [60828-60-6]
HOOC MeOOC O [96-24-2] Used for etherification of food starch.
Glycerol a-monochlorohydrin. a-Chlorohy- d20 1.1. Bp 133-1348. n20
D 1.4362.
drin. a-Glycerol chlorohydrin. a-Mono- -Highly toxic, flammable.
c1 , R 1 = CH CH2, R 2 = CH 3 chlorohydrin. Epibloc. 3-MCPD Me ether: [5390-71-6] 2-Chloro-1-methox-
c2, R 1 = CH2CH3, R 2 = CH 3 ypropane, 9CI
CH2OH C4H9ClO 108.567
c3, R 1 = CH CH2, R 2 = COOMe Liq. d20 1. Bp756 98-998. n20
D 1.4075.
HO C H (R)-form
[6145-73-9, 26248-87-3]
In spite of their name these are
porphyrins, not dihydro derivs. (or CH2Cl Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Spectra , 1992, 1, 268B (nmr)
chlorins). Widely distributed Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
photosynthetic pigment in marine C3H7ClO2 110.54
1989, 3, 252B (ir)
organisms, e.g. the diatom Nitzschia By-product of vegetable protein hydro- Smith, L. et al., CA , 1921, 15, 2627 (synth)
closterium . Cryst. (THF/petrol). lmax lysed by HCl. Identified in some soy sauce Dewael, A. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. , 1925,
447 ; 578 ; 626 (Et2O). products. 34, 343
Chlorophyll c1 [18901-56-9] -Eye irritant. LD50 (mus, orl) 160 mg/kg. Fickett, W. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1951, 73, 5063
Exp. reprod. effects (male fertility). (synth)
C35H28MgN4O5 608.935 U.K. Pat. , 1966, 1 029 607; CA , 65, 7059d (Me
Chlorophyll c2 [27736-03-4] TY4025000
(R )-form [57090-45-6] East Ger. Pat. , 1975, 115 901; CA , 87, 23019y
C35H30MgN4O5 610.951 [a]19
D -7.4 (c, 1.0 in H2O). (synth)
Chlorophyll c3 [111308-93-1] (S )-form [60827-45-4] Schurig, V. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1978,
C36H28MgN4O7 652.945 Bp0.5 808. [a]20
D +7.3 (c, 1 in H2O). The 17, 937 (synth)
pharmacologically active enantiomer Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn.,
[1406-65-1] showing antifertility activity in Wiley, 1991, 6, 140 (rev)
Dougherty, R.C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1970, 92, 2826 mammalian spp.. Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Budzikiewicz, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1971, 27, -TY4202300 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2345-2346
1447 (isol, ir, pmr, ms, struct) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra, 2nd edn. , 1983,
Chem. Biochem. Plant Pigm. , (Ed. Goodwin, Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
1, 169A (nmr)
T.W.), Academic Press, London, 1976, (book) Reinhold , 1992, CKR500
Aldrich Library of Infrared Spectra, 3rd edn. ,
Clezy, P.S. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1978, 31, 2491 1981, 108F (ir)
(synth) Fairbourne, A. et al., J.C.S. , 1931, 445 (synth)
The Porphyrins , (Ed. Dolphin, D.), Academic Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 1 , 1932, 294 (synth)
1-Chloro-3,11-tridecadiene- C-222
Press, N.Y., 1978, (book) Jones, H.F. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1978, 5,7,9-triyn-2-ol
Leeper, F.J. et al., Nat. Prod. Rep. , 1985, 2, 19; 533 (synth) H3CCH/ . CHC/ / CC/ / CC/ / CCH/
561; 1987, 4, 441; 1989, 6, 171 (rev, biosynth) Jones, A.R. et al., Experientia , 1981, 37, 340; . CHCH(OH)CH2Cl
Tasumi, M. et al., Adv. Spectrosc. (Chichester, 1983, 39, 784 (metab)
U.K.) , 1987, 14, 407 (rev, ir, Raman) C13H11ClO 218.682
Porter, K. et al., Chem. Biol. Interact. , 1982, 41,
Fookes, C.J.R. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1989, 1827 95 (synth, isomers, activity) (E ,E )-form
(isol, pmr, struct, Chlorophyll c3) Jones, A.R. et al., Aust. J. Biol. Sci. , 1983, 36, Isol. from Carthamus tinctorius
333 (rev, pharmacol) (safflower). Yellowish cryst (Et2O/petrol).
Brown-Woodman, P.D. et al., Aust. J. Biol. Sci. , Mp 838. [a]Hg -3 (c, 0.33 in Et2O).
Chlorophyll d C-219 1986, 39, 187 (activity, tox)
Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1966, 99, 3433
Narasimhan, S. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. ,
[519-63-1] 1987, 25, 91 (cmr)
(isol, uv, ir, pmr, ord, struct)
[3,7,11,15-Tetramethyl-2-hexadecenyl-14- Ellis, M.K. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1991, 747
ethyl-9-formyl-21-(methoxycarbonyl)- (synth, pmr)
4,8,13,18-tetramethyl-20-oxo-3-phorbine- Wang, G. et al., J.O.C. , 1999, 64, 1036-1038 (R- 2-Chloro-3-tridecene-5,7,9,11- C-223
propanoato(2-)-N23,N24,N25,N26]magne- form, synth, pmr, cmr) tetrayn-1-ol
sium, 9CI Food Chem. News , 2001, 43(28), 9; 43(37), 18 [65398-34-7]
Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive H3CC/ / CC/ / CC/ / CC/ / CCH/
Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths , . CHCHClCH2OH
1990, 1089; 1173 C13H9ClO 216.666
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
N N Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
(E )-form [71866-99-4]
Mg Reinhold , 1992, CDT750; CKU625; CHL875; Chlorohydrin
N N CIL900 Isol. from Carthamus tinctorius (saf-
flower). Mp 111-1128 dec. [a]22
D -88.5
MeOOC O 2-Chloro-1-propanol, 9CI C-221 5,7,9,11-tetrayne
COO [78-89-7] C15H11ClO2 258.703
Propylene chlorohydrin Cryst. (Et2O/petrol). Mp 57.5-588.

/ Cholesta-8,24-dien-3-ol, 9CI C-224 / C-229

Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1961, 94, 3179; Cryst. (EtOAc). Mp 180-1818. Rehfeld, J.F. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1986, 261,
1962, 95, 2939; 1964, 97, 809; 1966, 99, 3433 5832 (bibl)
(isol, struct, synth, biosynth) [33468-35-8] Kurano, Y. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1987, 323
Andersen, A.B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, Fukuda, D.S. et al., Appl. Microbiol. , 1971, 21, (synth, porcine form)
1829 (isol) 841 (manuf) Fujii, N. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1988, 324 (bibl,
Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19, Yamada, S. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1975, synth, human form)
71 (isol) 23, 653 (synth, resoln) Doi, R. et al., Pancreas , 1990, 5, 615
Perry, C.W. et al., Synthesis , 1977, 492 (synth) (pharmacol, human form)
Hengartner, U. et al., J.O.C. , 1979, 44, 3748 Penke, B. et al., Pept. Res. , 1991, 4, 289 (synth)
4-Chlorotryptophan C-224 (synth) Miranda, M.T. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1993, 36,
2-Amino-3-(4-chloro-1H-indol-3-yl)propa- Lee, M. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1994, 31, 711 (pmr, 1681 (bibl, activity, analogues)
noic acid cmr) Lieverse, R.J. et al., Gut , 1995, 36, 176

COOH Cholecystokinin C-226

H 2N C H [9011-97-6]
Cl Cholesta-8,14-diene-3,6-diol C-228
CH2 [9001-71-2]
(S)-form Pancreozymin, BAN. CCK-PZ
4 3
6 2 H-Tyr-Ile-Gln-Gln-Ala-Arg-Lys-Ala-Pro-
7 1
N Ser-Gly-Arg-Val-Ser-Met-Ile-Lys-Asn-
H Ile-Ser-Asp-Arg-Asp-Tyr(SO3H)-Met-
C11H11ClN2O2 238.673 Struct. shown is Cholecystokinin-39(pig).
(R )-form [27542-41-2] Cholecystokinin-33(pig) is a7-39 HO
D-form cholecystokinin-39(pig). C-Terminal H
D +48 (c, 0.12 in AcOH aq.).
pentapeptide is identical to that of
(S )-form [52448-14-3] Gastrin and Caerulin.
C27H44O2 400.643
[67256-27-3, 79955-77-4, 83381-92-4, 93195-44- (3b,5a,6a)-form [84765-66-2]
Isol. from the seed protein of Pisum
9, 96827-04-2, 96827-06-4, 98143-72-7, 103842-
sativum (pea). Also obt. from the seeds Thurberol
53-1, 129202-58-0, 130121-75-4, 139637-56-2,
of Vicia faba . [a]15
D -45 (c, 0.13 in AcOH 139873-14-6] Constit. of Stenocereus thurberi (organ
aq.). pipe cactus). Cryst. Mp 190-190.58. [a]24
Harper, A.A. et al., J. Physiol. (London) , 1943, +2 (c, 3 in CHCl3).
N-(Carbomethoxyacetyl): 102, 115 (isol)
C15H15ClN2O5 338.747 Jorpes, E. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1964, 18, Kircher, H.W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21,
Isol. from Pisum sativum (pea). 2408 (purifn) 1705
N-(Carbethoxyacetyl): Mutt, V. et al., Eur. J. Biochem. , 1968, 6, 156
C16H17ClN2O5 352.773
Ondetti, M.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1970, 92, 195
Isol. from Pisum sativum (pea). (synth)
(/9)-form [118244-93-2] Cholesta-8,24-dien-3-ol, 9CI C-229
Bodanszky, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1972, 37, 2303
Feathery plates (AcOH). Mp 2988 dec. (synth)
Rydon, H.N. et al., J.C.S. , 1955, 3499 (synth) Takahashi, Y. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
Marumo, S. et al., Planta , 1970, 90, 208 (isol) U.S.A. , 1985, 82, 1931 (cloning)
Japan. Pat. , 1973, 73 98 091; CA , 80, 106876g Kurano, Y. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1987, 323
(isol) (synth)
Thiruvikraman, S.V. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1988, 29, Mutt, V. et al., Adv. Metab. Disord. , 1988, 11,
2339 (isol, synth) 251 (rev)
Fock, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, 2327 Cautor, P. et al., Digestion , 1989, 42, 181 (rev)
(isol) Hughes, J. et al., The Neuropeptide HO
Lee, M. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1994, 31, 711 (cmr, Cholecystokinin (CCK) , Ellis Horwood, H
pmr) 1989, (book)
Li, C.S. et al., Neurosci. (Oxford) , 1992, 48, 707 C27H44O 384.644
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th (3b,5a)-form [128-33-6]
6-Chlorotryptophan, 9CI C-225 edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 776
Rehfeld, J.F. et al., Adv. Cancer Res. , 1994, 63,
295 (rev) Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 1108. [a]20
D +49 (c,
COOH Reeve, J.R. et al., Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. , 1994, 1.0 in CHCl3).
713, 1 (rev) Ac: [2579-07-9]
NH2 (R)-form Liddle, R.A. et al., Gut Pept. 1994 , (Eds. Walsh, Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 107-1088. [a]20
N D +35
Cl J.H. et al ), Raven Press, 1994, 175 (rev) (c, 1.3 in CHCl3).
H Crawley, J.N. et al., Peptides (N.Y.) , 1994, 15,
731 (pharmacol, rev) [6036-87-9, 17137-73-4]
C11H11ClN2O2 238.673 Smedley-MacLean, J. et al., Biochem. J. , 1928,
(R )-form [56632-86-1] 22, 22 (isol)
Cholecystokinin 33 C-227
Heath-Brown, J. et al., J.C.S. , 1940, 1482
[93443-27-7] (synth)
Mp 2648 dec. [a]23
D +28 (c, 1 in MeOH).
CCK 33 Charney, E. et al., Tetrahedron , 1965, 21, 3121
N -Formyl: [57233-89-3] (ord)
Peptide consisting of 33 amino acid
C12H11ClN2O3 266.683 Terence, J.S. et al., J. Lipid Res. , 1968, 9, 120
residues with sulfated Tyr at position 27.
Cryst. + 1H2O. Mp 143-1458. [a]23D -47 (nmr, ir)
Porcine-form [67256-27-3] Ogihara, N. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988,
(c, 1 in MeOH).
D -70 (c, 0.20 in 1M AcOH). 36, 2724 (synth, ms)
(/9)-form [17808-21-8]
Human-form [96827-04-2] Dolle, R.E. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1988, 19
Sweetening agent, sweetness 1300x
Mutt, V. et al., Biochem. J. , 1971, 125, 57P (isol) (synth)
sucrose. Off-white cryst. (AcOH). Mp
Sjodin, L. et al., Gastroenterology, 1977, 73,
2788 dec. (285-2868). No indication of 1015 (activity)
coml. use. Morgan, K.G. et al., Am. J. Physiol. , 1978, 325,
Na-Formyl: [57233-85-9] E324 (activity)

Cholestane-3,7,12,26-tetrol  / Cholest-8-ene-3,6-diol, 9CI C-230  / C-234

Cholestane-3,7,12,26-tetrol C-230 (CHCl3). Cholesta-5,7,24-trien-3-ol, C-233

(3b,5a)-form [80-97-7] 9CI
HO CH2OH [17608-41-2] Cholestanol. Zymostanol
Occurs in eggs. Leaflets (EtOH). Mp 142-
H 1438. [a]22
D +27.4 (CHCl3).

HO OH 3-O-Sulfate: [1491-96-9]
H (3α,5α,7α,12α,25ξ)-form
Mp 174-175.58 (as Na salt). [a]29
D +16.6
(EtOH) (Na salt).
C27H48O4 436.674
Ac: [1255-88-5]
(3a,5a,7a,12a,25j)-form Prisms (MeOH/EtOAc). Mp 110-1118. HO
27-Deoxy-5a-cyprinol [a]20
D +11.5 (CHCl3).
Isol. from lungfish and carp. Mp 2328. C27H42O 382.628
Me ether:3-Methoxycholestane
[a]D +39. 3b-form [1715-86-2]
C28H50O 402.702
(3a,5b,7a,12a,25j)-form 7,8-Didehydrodesmosterol
Mp 86-878.
27-Deoxy-5b-cyprinol Constit. of pig tissues and bakers yeast
(3a,5b)-form [516-92-7] Epicoprostanol. Epi-
Anderson, I.G. et al., Biochem. J. , 1974, 141, (Saccharomyces cerevisiae ). Needles
485 (isol) (MeOH). Mp 104-1078. [a]D -122 (c,
Amos, B. et al., Biochem. J. , 1977, 161, 201
Mp 107-1088. [a]D +31 (CHCl3).
0.77 in CHCl3).
(isol) (3b,5b)-form [360-68-9]
Ac: [17137-77-8]
[17608-41-2] Coprostanol. Coprosterol.
C29H44O2 424.665
Cholestane-3,22,23-triol C-231 Stercorin Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 78-818.
Mp 96-1008. [a]D +26 (CHCl3).
Scallen, T.J. et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res.
OH Commun. , 1965, 21, 149-151 (synth)
Ac: [4947-63-1]
Mp 898. Scallen, T.J. et al., J. Lipid Res. , 1968, 10, 121-
OH 127 (isol, synth)
H Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Barton, D.H. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1974, 1326-
(3α,5α,22R,23R)-form 2, 1047D (ir) 1333 (isol)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Moreau, J.P. et al., J.O.C. , 1974, 39, 2018
Spectra , 1992, 3, 566C; 567A (nmr) (synth, ir, pmr, ms)
Ruzicka, L. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1934, 17, Yang, S.S. et al., Steroids , 1980, 35, 329-334
C27H48O3 420.674 1407-1416 (Epicoprostanol, Coprostanol, (synth, uv, ir, pmr, ms)
(3a,5a,22R ,23R )-form [378795-16-5] synth) Schönauer, K. et al., Annalen , 1983, 1031
6-Deoxo-28-nortyphasterol Barnett, J. et al., J.C.S. , 1940, 1390-1393 (synth) (synth, uv, pmr, ms)
Heath-Brown, B. et al., J.C.S. , 1940, 1482-1489 Andreev, A.V. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1986,
Constit. of tomato (Lycopersicon escu-
(Zymostanol, synth) 22, 196; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
lentum ). Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 213-2148. Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 2 , 1943, 191-193 1986, 22, 182 (isol)
3-Ketone: [378795-15-4] 22,23-Dihydroxy- (Cholestanol, synth)
cholestan-3-one Bergmann, W. et al., J.O.C. , 1945, 10, 580-586
C27H46O3 418.659 (Cholestanol, synth)
Cryst. (hexane). Mp 146-1478. Lederer, E. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1946, 29,
(3b,5a,22R ,23R )-form [378795-14-3] 6- 1354-1365 (occur) Cholest-8-ene-3,6-diol, 9CI C-234
Lieberman, S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1948, 70, 1427-
Deoxo-28-norteasterone 1432 (Cholestanol and Epicholestanol sulfates,
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 213-2148. synth)
Yokota, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 58, 233- Shoppee, C.W. et al., J.C.S. , 1950, 687-689
238 (isol, pmr, synth) (Epicoprostanol, Cholestanol, synth)
Douglas, G.H. et al., J.C.S. , 1959, 1720-1723
(Epicoprostanol, synth)
Cholestan-3-ol C-232 Meittinen, T.A. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1967,
[27409-41-2] 21, 286-290 (Cholestanol, occur)
Michnowicz, J. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , HO
1972, 6, 765-783 (ms) H
Ishige, M. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1973, 51, 3923-
3926 (Epicoprostanol, synth)
Eggert, H. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 71-78 (cmr) C27H46O2 402.659
Iida, T. et al., J. Lipid Res. , 1979, 20, 279-284 (3b,5a,6a)-form [570-92-3]
(pmr) Peniocerol
Valente, C. et al., J.O.C. , 1984, 49, 44-51 Obt. from roots of Stenocereus thurberi
(3α,5α)-form (Epicholestanol, synth, bibl)
HO (organ pipe cactus). Cryst. (MeOH).
H Zollo, F. et al., Comp. Biochem. Physiol., B:
Comp. Biochem. , 1986, 85, 559-560
Mp 181-1838. [a]D +59 (c, 0.76 in
(Cholestanol, Coprostanol, occur) CHCl3).
C27H48O 388.676
Kanie, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 2000, 73, Di-Ac: [864-15-3]
(3a,5a)-form [516-95-0] 1875-1892 (Me ether) Needles (Me2CO). Mp 51.5-528. [a]D
Epicholestanol. Epidihydrocholesterin. Nakajima, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 2002, 60, +45 (c, 0.79 in CHCl3).
Dihydrin. Presteron 275-279 (biosynth)
Needles (EtOH). Mp 185-1868. [a]20 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Djerassi, C. et al., J.C.S. , 1965, 1160 (isol, ir)
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Knight, J.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1969, 8, 477
+34 (CHCl3). (isol, ir, pmr)
-Exp. reprod. and teratogenic effects (large Reinhold , 1992, EBA100
Eggert, H. et al., J.O.C. , 1981, 46, 5399 (cmr)
dose). FZ6328000 Kircher, H.W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21,
3-O-Sulfate: [56816-66-1] 1705 (isol)
C27H48O4S 468.74
Mp 136-1378 (as Na salt). [a]29
D +15
(EtOH) (Na salt). CAS No. refers to Na
Ac: [1107-59-1]
C29H50O2 430.713
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 968. [a]D +30

Cholest-5-ene-1,3,16,22-tetrol  / Cholest-5-en-3-ol C-235  / C-236

Cholest-5-ene-1,3,16,22-tetrol C-235 Formyl: [4351-55-7] Cholesteryl formate C45H78O2 651.11

C28H46O2 414.67 9Z,12Z-Octadecadienoyl: [604-33-1] Cho-
OH Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 968. lesteryl lineoleate
Ac: [604-35-3] Cholesteryl acetate C45H76O2 649.094
C29H48O2 428.697 Mp 39-418. [a]20 D -24 (c, 1 in CHCl3).
Needles (Me2CO). Mp 114-1158. [a]20 D - 9Z,12Z,15Z-Octadecatrienoyl: [2545-22-4]
OH 47.4 (CHCl3). Cholesterol linolenate
Chloroacetyl: [3464-50-4] C45H74O2 647.078
C29H47ClO2 463.142 Mp 32-338. [a]25 D -24.4.
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 160-1648. 3-O-(5Z,8Z,11Z,14Z-Eicosatetraenoyl):
HO Propanoyl: [633-31-8] Cholesteryl propio- [604-34-2] Cholesteryl arachidonate
nate C47H76O2 673.116
C27H46O4 434.658 C30H50O2 442.724 Cryst. (Et2O/EtOH). Mp 85-85.58. [a]D
(1b,3b,16b,22S )-form [142735-57-7] Plates (EtOH/Et2O). Mp 1148. [a]D - -23.2.
Alliosterol 40.9. Tetracosanoyl: [73024-96-1] Cholesteryl
Cryst. (MeOH/EtOAc) or amorph. so- Butanoyl: [521-13-1] Cholesteryl butyrate tetracosanoate
lid. Mp 200-2028. [a]27
D -60 (c, 0.1 in C31H52O2 456.751 C51H92O2 737.287
CHCl3) (-16). Mp 97-998. [a]D -34.8 (CHCl3). Hexacosanoyl: [87080-57-7] Cholesteryl
1-O-a-L-Rhamnopyranoside, 16-O-b-D- 2-Methylpropanoyl: [1180-43-4] Cholester- hexacosanoate
galactopyranoside: [289690-78-4] yl isobutyrate C53H96O2 765.34
C39H66O13 742.943 C31H52O2 456.751 Benzoyl: [604-32-0] Cholesteryl benzoate
Constit. of Allium porrum (leek). [a]25
D - Mp 128-1308. [a]D -37.4 (CHCl3). C34H50O2 490.768
25 (c, 0.004 in MeOH).
Pentanoyl: [7726-03-6] Cholesteryl valerate Mp 149-1518. [a]20 D -15 (c, 2 in CHCl3).
1-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- C32H54O2 470.777 Cinnamoyl: [1990-11-0]
rhamnopyranoside], 16-O-b-D- Mp 87-898. [a]D -34.1 (CHCl3).
galactopyranoside: [289690-79-5] [50305-81-2] Cholesteryl cinnamate
Hexanoyl: [1062-96-0] Cholesteryl capro- C36H52O2 516.806
C45H76O18 905.085
Constit. of Allium porrum (leek). [a]25
D -2
Mp 1598. [a]D +0.7 (CHCl3).
C33H56O2 484.804
(c, 0.002 in MeOH).
Cryst. (EtOH or Me2CO). Mp 92-988 4-Methylbenzenesulfonyl: [1182-65-6] Cho-
[142735-58-8] (86-898). lesteryl tosylate
Fattorusso, E. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , (S)-14-Methylhexadecanoyl: [19477-24-8] C34H52O3S 540.849
2000, 48, 3455-3462 (Allium porrum constits) Carcinolipin Mp 131-1328. [a]D -42.6 (CHCl3).
C44H78O2 639.099 Chloroformyl: [7144-08-3] Cholesteryl
Cholest-5-en-3-ol C-236 Cryst. Mp 758. chloroformate
-Exp. reprod. effects. FZ7605000 C28H45ClO2 449.115
Heptanoyl: [1182-07-6] Cholesteryl oe- Mp 119.5-1218. [a]D -26.7.
nanthate Ethoxyacetyl:Chethoxyrol
C34H58O2 498.831 C31H52O3 472.75
H Mp 106-1098. [a]D -40 (CCl4). Plates (EtOAc/MeOH). Mp 82-838. [a]20 D
(3β)-form Octanoyl: [1182-42-9] Cholesteryl capry- -53.8 (CHCl3).
late 3-Carboxypropanoyl: [1510-21-0] Choles-
HO C35H60O2 512.858 teryl hemisuccinate
Mp 104-1088. [a]D -29 (CHCl3). C31H50O4 486.734
C27H46O 386.66 Nonanoyl: [1182-66-7] Cholesteryl pelar- Cryst. (AcOH). Mp 177-1798.
-FZ8400000 gonate Me ether: [1174-92-1] 3b-Methoxycholest-
3a-form [474-77-1] C36H62O2 526.885 5-ene
Epicholesterol Mp 588 Mp 110-1248. [a]D -33.2 C28H48O 400.687
Cryst. (EtOH) or leaflets (Me2CO). Mp (CHCl3). Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 84.58. [a]20D -45.8
141.58. [a]30D -35 (EtOH). Decanoyl: [1183-04-6] Cholesteryl caprate (CHCl3).
Ac: [1059-85-4] C37H64O2 540.911 Et ether:3b-Ethoxycholest-5-ene
C29H48O2 428.697 Mp 80-818. [a]D -27 (CHCl3). C29H50O 414.713
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 858. [a]D -12.8 Dodecanoyl: [1908-11-8] Cholesteryl lau- Mp 88.58. [a]21D -39 (CHCl3).
(CHCl3). rate 3-O-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-E-
3-O-Sulfate:Epicholesteryl sulfate C39H68O2 568.965 cinnamoyl): [164453-91-2]
C27H46O4S 466.724 Mp 75-778. [a]D -23.4 (CHCl3).
[2672-47-1] Cholesteryl ferulate
Mp 163-1648 (as pyridine salt). Tetradecanoyl: [1989-52-2] Cholesteryl C37H54O4 562.831
3b-form [57-88-5] Cholesterol, BAN, USAN. myristate Constit. of rice bran oil. Mp 165-1668.
Cholesterin. NSC 8798 C41H72O2 597.019 [a]21
D +10.3 (CHCl3).
Constit. either free or as esters, of fish Mp 69-718. [a]D -25 (CHCl3).
liver oils, lard, dairy fats, egg yolk and Hexadecanoyl: [601-34-3] Cholesteryl pal- Trimethylsilyl ether: [1856-05-9] 3-(Tri-
bran. Pearly leaflets (EtOH aq.). Mp mitate methylsiloxy)cholest-5-ene
148.58 (anhyd.). [a]D -31.12 (Et2O). C43H76O2 625.072 C30H54OSi 458.842
-Exp. reprod. and teratogenic effects (very Mp 75-778. [a]D -25 (CHCl3). Cryst. Mp 121-1238.
large doses). (3b,10a)-form [23820-70-4] 10a-Cholesterol
Octadecanoyl: [35602-69-8]
3-O-Sulfate:Cholesteryl sulfate Needles (MeOH). Mp 118.5-1198. [a]25 D -
[1184-05-0] Cholesteryl stearate 46 (c, 1.14 in CHCl3).
C27H46O4S 466.724
Mp 170-1738 (as Na salt). [a]D -20.8 C45H80O2 653.126 Ac: [23820-71-5]
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(MeOH). D -47 (c, 1.48 in
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C33H54O7 562.785 oleate (3b,14b)-form [57759-45-2] 14b-Cholesterol
Mp 272-2748 (242-2458). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 388. [a]21 D +29

Cholest-8(14)-en-3-ol, 9CI  / Cholest-7-en-3-one, 9CI C-237  / C-238

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Cryst. (MeOH/Me2CO). Mp 152-1538. H
D -54.2 (c, 0.52 in CHCl3).
Gibbons, G.F. et al., Biochemistry of
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C29H48O2 428.697 (book) (3a,5a)-form [35479-87-9]
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 90-928. [a]25 D -53.9 Schneider, H.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1982, 47, 4216 Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 141-1458.
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(/9)-3b-form rac-Cholesterol Ohmori, M. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1982, 23, 4709 Doristerol
(synth) Constit. of Dioscorea batatas (Chinese
Elongated prisms (MeCN). Mp 149-
Goto, R. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1983, 31,
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yam). Needles (MeOH). Mp 1208. [a]23 D
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2, 1048B; 1058C; 1059A; 1059B; 1059C; Croll, D.H. et al., J. Chem. Phys. , 1986, 85, Benzoyl: [6673-65-0]
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Spectra , 1992, 3, 568A; 596C; 597B; 597C; 3b-form) Needles (Me2CO/MeCN). Mp 83-858.
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Page, I.H. et al., Biochem. Z. , 1930, 220, 304 (Chethoxyrol)
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Chu, J.Y.C. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1974, 374
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Johnson, W.S. et al., Tetrahedron , Suppl. , No. 8, Fernandez, I. et al., Synlett , 1993, 489 (formyl)
Parish, E.J. et al., Chem. Phys. Lipids , 1979, 24,
1966, 541 (synth) Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd
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Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American
Tsuda, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1979, 44, 1282; 1290
Synthesis, Wiley, 1967, 1, 140; 141 (purifn, Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical
(cmr, 3b,5a-form)
deriv) Press, 1994, 121-122
Chorvat, R.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1979, 44, 3974
Diekman, J. et al., J.O.C. , 1967, 32, 1005-1012 Cox, P.J. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1996, 52, 2111
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Mulheirn, L.J. et al., Chem. Soc. Rev. , 1972, 1, Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn.,
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Anastasia, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 1064; Tian, Y. et al., Liq. Cryst. , 1997, 22, 87-96 (3-
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Rubinstein, I. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, Kumar, A.S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1999, 40, 823-826
195 (pmr) (ent-Cholesterol, synth)
Bu’lock, J.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, Shieh, H.S. et al., Acta Cryst. E , 2002, 58, o79-
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(ms) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
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Piacenza, L.P.L. et al., J.O.C. , 1977, 42, 3778 Reinhold , 1992, CCJ500; CMD750
(synth) C27H44O 384.644
Shieh, H.S. et al., Nature (London) , 1977, 267,
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Joseph-Nathan, P. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1979, 101, Isol. from butterfat. Plates (MeOH) or
1289 (cmr, 3b-form) needles (Et2O/MeOH). Mp 1488. [a]20D
Anastasia, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1979, 44, 4983 +26 (c, 3.94 in CHCl3).
(synth, ir, pmr, ms, 3b and 14b,17a-form)
Sawzik, P. et al., Liq. Cryst., Proc. Int. Conf. ,
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Cryst. (EtOAc). Mp 2288 dec. [a]D

Choline  / C.I. Acid Green 3, 8CI C-239 / C-244

+24.6 (c, 0.9 in CHCl3). 1, 395D; 2, 292B (ir) furanone, 9CI

Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: Spectra , 1992, 1, 616C; 859C (nmr)
Mp 210-2128. Renshaw, R.R. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1910, 32, 128
5b-form [29374-80-9] (synth) S
Plates (Me2CO). Mp 88-908. [a]23
D +65.4 Gmelin, R. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim,
(c, 0.57 in CHCl3). Ger.) , 1967, 300, 176 (Hesperaline)
Buser, W. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1947, 30, Byrn, S.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 2283
1379 (conformn, ir, cryst struct) O
Evans, D.E. et al., J.C.S. , 1956, 4821 (synth, 5a- Zeisel, S.H. et al., Annu. Rev. Nutr. , 1981, 1, 195
form) (rev) HO O
Mazur, Y. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1958, 80, 6296 (synth, Clausen, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, 917
5a-form) (4-Hydroxybenzoylcholine)
Larsen, L.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22,
C12H8O3S 232.259
Parks, D.W. et al., Nature (London) , 1966, 210, Isol. from Chrysanthemum coronarium
416 219-222 (Feruloylcholine)
Levchuk, Y.N. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1969, Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn., (chop-suey greens) whole plant. Mp 115-
5, 36 (ord, 5a-form) Wiley, 1991, 6, 199 (rev) 1168.
Liston, A.J. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1970, 2117 (synth, Frydenvang, K. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1992, 48, Tada, M. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1984, 48,
ir, pmr, ord, 5b-form) 1343; 1994, 50, 617 (cryst struct) 1367 (isol, ir, uv, cmr, pmr, struct)
Smith, A.G. et al., Biomed. Mass Spectrom. , Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
1976, 3, 81 (ms, 5a-form) edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1037; 1317
Emke, A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1977, 820 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Chrycorin C-242
(synth, 5a-form) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Galbraith, M.N. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1981, 34, Reinhold , 1992, CMF000; CMF500;
CMF750 3,4,7,7a-Tetrahydro-5-(2-thienyl)cyclopen-
2607 (synth, ir, ms, pmr, 5b-form) ta[b]pyran-6(2H)-one, 9CI

Chorismic acid C-240

Choline C-239
[617-12-9] S
[62-49-7] 3-[(1-Carboxyethenyl)oxy]-4-hydroxy-
2-Hydroxy-N,N,N-trimethylethanami- 1,5-cyclohexadiene-1-carboxylic acid, 9CI
nium(1+), 9CI. (2-Hydroxyethyl)tri-
methylammonium. Bilineurine. Sincalin. O
Sinkalin. Amanitin$. Araquine. Arachine COOH
C5H14NO 104.172 O COOH C12H12O2S 220.292
Nutritional supplement. Occurs free and Isol. from Chrysanthemum coronarium
combined in many animal and vegetable OH (chop-suey greens). Mp 71-728. [a]24
D +10
foods with highest concentrations found in (c, 0.6 in MeOH).
egg yolk, meat, fish, milk, cereals and C10H10O6 226.185
Tada, M. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1984, 48,
legumes. Cryst. + 1H2O (EtOAc/petrol). Mp 148- 1367 (isol, ir, uv, cmr, pmr, struct)
1498. [a]25
D -295.5 (c, 0.2 in H2O). Yin, B.-L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 2002, 1746-
3,4-Didehydro: [81757-66-6] 3-(1-Carbox- 1747 (synth, pmr, cmr)
Hydroxide: [123-41-1]
C5H15NO2 121.179 yvinyl)benzoic acid. Dehydrochorismic
Syrup, cryst. with difficulty. V. sol. H2O, acid Chymopapain, BAN, INN, C-243
EtOH; insol. Et2O. Strong base, absorbs C10H8O6 224.17 USAN
CO2 from air. Forms cryst. addn. Isol. from pollen of Pinus densiflora [9001-09-6]
compds. with H2PtCl6 etc.. (Japanese red pine). Cryst. (H2O). Mp Chymodiactin. Discase. NSC 107079. BAX
-GA4025500 178-1818 dec. lmax 254 (e 13000); 286 (e 1526
Chloride: [67-48-1] Choline chloride, INN 3100) (MeOH).
MW = 27000. Isol. from Carica papaya
C5H14ClNO 139.624 Edwards, J.M. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1965, 18,
1227 (struct, ir, uv, pmr, ms) (papaya).
Deliquescent cryst. -LD50 (rat, ivn) 92 mg/kg. GC3045600
-LD50 (rat, orl) 3400 mg/kg. KH2975000 Biochem. Prep. , 1968, 12, 94 (synth)
Hill, R.K. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1969, 91, 5893 Jansen, E.F. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1941, 137,
O-(4-Hydroxybenzoyl): [5094-31-5] (4- (biosynth) 459 (isol)
Hydroxybenzoyl)choline Pittard, J. et al., Curr. Top. Cell. Regul. , 1970, 2, Ebata, M. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1962, 237, 1086
C12H18NO3 224.279 29 (rev) (isol, cryst)
Alkaloid from white mustard (Sinapis Towers, G.H.N. et al., Filamentous Fungi , 1976, Kunimitsu, D.K. et al., Methods Enzymol. ,
alba ). 2, 460 (rev) 1970, 19, 244 (rev)
Kobayashi, S. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1982, Simmons, J.W. et al., Drug Chem. Toxicol. ,
O-(3,4-Dimethoxybenzoyl): [15797-38-3] 46, 845-847 (Dehydrochorismic acid) 1984, 7, 299 (rev)
[95210-18-7] Hesperaline McGowan, D.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1982, 104, Einarson, T.R. et al., Drug Intell. Clin. Pharm. ,
C14H22NO4 268.332 1153; 7036 (synth) 1984, 18, 560 (rev)
Hoare, J.H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1983, 105, 6264 Brocklehurst, K. et al., Biochem. J. , 1985, 228,
Alkaloid from seeds of damask violet
(synth) 525; 527; 1986, 233, 119 (rev)
(Hesperis matronalis Cruciferae). Mp 182- Gogan, W.J. et al., Spine (Philadelphia) , 1992,
Pawlak, J.L. et al., J.O.C. , 1987, 52, 1765
1838 (as iodide). (synth) 17, 388 (clin trial)
Posner, G.H. et al., J.O.C. , 1987, 52, 4836 Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
O-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamoyl): edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1352
[85927-25-9] Connelly, J.A. et al., Methods Enzymol. , 1987,
[22513-68-4, 31545-00-3] Feruloylcholine 142, 422 (hplc)
C.I. Acid Green 3, 8CI C-244
C15H22NO4 280.343 Afshar, C. et al., Bioorg. Chem. , 1992, 20, 323
(cryst struct) [6638-02-4]
Constit. of garlic mustard (Alliaria offici-
Campbell, M.M. et al., Synthesis, 1993, 179
nalis ). Mp 203-2058 (as chloride). lmax 236 (rev, synth, biosynth) [4680-78-8]
(log e 4.05); 334 (log e 4.31) (no solvent N-Ethyl-N-[4-[[4-ethyl[(3-sulfophenyl)-
reported). methyl]amino]phenyl]phenylmethylene]-
Chrycolide C-241 2,5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene-3-sulfobenze-
[87-67-2, 23038-04-2, 55357-38-5, 64681-08-9] [91362-91-3] nemethanaminium hydroxide inner salt,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, 7-Hydroxy-3-(2-thienyl)-1(3H)-isobenzo- 9CI. Guinea Green B. C.I. Food Green 1.

C.I. Acid Green 5  / C.I. Food Black 1, 8CI C-245  / C-250

FD and C Green No. 1 C.I. Acid Green 50 C-246 C.I. Acid Yellow 17 C-248
[25317-10-6] [25739-65-5]
HO3S Et Et SO3
[3087-16-9] [6359-98-4]
CH2 CH2 N-[4-[[4-(Dimethylamino)phenyl](2-hy- 2,5-Dichloro-4-[4,5-dihydro-3-methyl-5-
droxy-3,6-disulfo-1-naphthalenyl)methy- oxo-4-[[4-sulfophenyl]azo]-1H-pyrazol-1-
Ph lene]-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene]-1- yl]benzenesulfonic acid, 9CI. Yellow 2G.
methylmethanaminium hydroxide inner salt. C.I. Food Yellow 5. C.I. 18965. E 107
C37H36N2O6S2 668.833 Acid brilliant green. Food green S. Green S.
Strictly the dye names refer to the di-Na Lissamine Green B. C.I. Food green 4. C.I. HO3S
salt. Formerly used for colouring foods. 44090. E142
Delisted by FDA in 1970. Dark green
powder or bright green cryst (as di-Na N N OH
salt). Me2N NMe2
Jones, J.H. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Agric. Chem. , N Cl
1955, 38, 977-1010 (synth, uv, ir, purifn)
Hansen, W.H. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , C
1966, 4, 389-410 (tox) Cl SO3H
Fed. Regist. , 1970, 35, 19106; CA , 74, 110481b
Colour Index , 3rd edn., 1971, 4, 4385 (props, C16H12Cl2N4O7S2 507.331
Oka, H. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1994, 674, 301-
O 3S SO3H Strictly the trade names refer to the di-Na
307 (anal, chromatog, ms) salt. Several tautomers possible incl.
Merck Index, 12th edn. , 1996, 780-781 (props, C27H26N2O7S2 554.644 oxo-phenylhydrazone; the 9CI name
bibl) Food colourant . Prohibited in Japan, refers to a less probable tautomer.
Canada, USA, Norway, Sweden and Fin- Yellow food colouring; no longer
land. Green cryst. (as Na salt). Strictly the permitted in the EU, USA and
C.I. Acid Green 5 C-245 name C.I. Acid green 50 and various Australia. Na salt is polymorphic (7
synonyms refer to the Na salt. forms reported).
[5141-20-8] [84674-88-4]
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
N-Ethyl-N-[4-[[4-[ethyl[(3-sulfophenyl)- Fierz-David, H.E. et al., Fundamental Processes
2, 1001C (ir)
methyl]amino]phenyl](4-sulfophenyl)- of Dye Chemistry, Interscience, 1949, 307-308
Jones, A.V. et al., J. Food Technol. , 1968, 3, 1-14
methylene]-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-ylidene]- Eur. Pat. , 1982, 57 661; 1984, 153 872; CA , 98,
3-sulfobenzenemethanaminium hydroxide 91038f; 104, 30931m (synth)
Evans, W.H. et al., J. Sci. Food Agric. , 1970, 21,
Gaunt, I.F. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , 1987,
inner salt, 9CI. Light Green SF Yellowish. 207-210 (ir, polymorphism)
25, 969-975; 977-983 (tox)
Lissamine Green SF. C.I. Food Green 2. Gaunt, I.F. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , 1971,
Frazier, R.A. et al., J. Chromatogr., A , 2000,
C.I. 42095. Light Green SF. FD and C 9, 343-353 (tox)
876, 213-220 (hplc, anal)
Green No. 2 Richardson, S.D. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. ,
1991, 26, 826-830 (ms)

SO3 C.I. Acid Violet 49 C-247

Et CH2
N C.I. Direct Red 45 C-249
[ethyl[(3-sulfophenyl)methyl]amino]phe- [2150-33-6]
SO3H nyl]methylene]-2,5-cyclohexadien-1-yli- 2-[4-[(1-Hydroxy-4-sulfo-2-naphthaleny-
dene]-N-ethyl-3-sulfobenzenemethanami- l)azo]phenyl]-6-methyl-7-benzothiazolesul-
CH2 nium inner salt, 9CI. Acid Violet 5B. Acid fonic acid, 9CI. C.I. Food Red 13. C.I.
Violet 6B. Acilon Violet S 4BN. Benzyl 14780
Et Violet 4B. Wool Violet. C.I. Food Violet 2.
C.I. 42640. FD and C Violet No. 1 N
C37H36N2O9S3 748.897 OH
One zwitterionic form shown. Normally S
NMe2 H3C N
encountered as di-Na salt, to which
trade names refer. Dye. prohibited from N SO3H
use in food. Reddish-brown powder (as CH2 SO3H
di-Na salt); dissolves in H2O to a green N
soln. V. sol. H2O (di-Na salt). Mp 2888 Et
C24H17N3O7S3 555.612
(di-Na salt).
-Carcinogen. C39H41N3O6S2 711.901 Strictly, the trade names refer to the di-Na
salt. Food dye. Di-Na salt v. sol. H2O;
Blangey, L. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1942, 25, One zwitterionic form shown. Strictly, the
1162-1179 (synth) sol. EtOH.
trade names refer to the Na salt. Dye,
Hansen, W.H. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , use now prohibited in food. V. sol. H2O, Colour Index , 3rd edn., 1971, 4, 4070 (synth)
1966, 4, 389-410 (tox)
sol. EtOH (Na salt).
Dobozy, O. et al., Zh. Prikl. Khim.
(Leningrad) , 1966, 39, 2750-2760; CA , 66, Colour Index , 3rd edn., 1971, 4, 4397 (synth)
66566h (uv) Ger. Pat. , 1977, 2 651 452; CA , 87, 109417p
Colour Index , 3rd edn., 1971, 4, 4385 (synth) (use) C.I. Food Black 1, 8CI C-250
Liao, W. et al., Huaxue Shiji , 1995, 17, 184-185; Minegishi, K. et al., Toxicol. , 1977, 7, 367-383 [2519-30-4]
CA , 123, 172614c (synth) (metab)
Wang, Y. et al., CA , 1996, 124, 120098p (synth) Japan. Pat. , 1993, 05 216 278; CA , 121, 69460j
(use) [(4-sulfophenyl)azo]-1-naphthalenyl]a-
Merck Index, 12th edn. , 1996, 5508 zo]-1,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 9CI.
Brilliant Black BN. C.I. 28440. E151.
Black PN

C.I. Food Black 2, 8CI 
/ C.I. Natural green 5 C-251  / C-255

SO3H sulfonic acid, 9CI. Chocolate brown HT. 1

Brown HT. C.I. 20285. E155


H 3C
OH C19H18N2O7S2 450.492
SO3H Strictly the trade names refer to the di-Na
salt. Former food dye, now delisted by
C27H20N4O9S2 608.608 FDA. Dark red powder (EtOH aq.)(as
SO3H di-Na salt). Di-Na salt sol. H2O, sl. sol.
Most names refer to the di-Na salt, to
which CAS no. refers. Food colourant. EtOH.
C28H21N5O14S4 779.763 Steigler, H.W. et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1918, 10,
Prohibited in USA, France, Norway
Colourant for foodstuffs, hair dyes, cos- 600 (synth)
and Sweden. Reddish-brown solid (as
metics and printing inks. Food use pro- Whitmore, W.F. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1937, 59, 1501
di-Na salt).
hibited in USA, Canada, Japan, Norway (synth)
and Finland. Normally handled as tetra- Colour Index , 3rd edn., 1971, 4, 4146 (props, Harrow, L.S. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Agric. Chem. ,
synth) 1955, 38, 172 (synth)
Na salt, to which CAS no. and trade
Chaytor, J.P. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1986, 368, Hansen, W.H. et al., Toxicol. Appl. Pharmacol. ,
names refer. 450-455 (hplc, detn in food) 1963, 5, 105 (tox)
Dickes, G.J. et al., J. Assoc. Public Anal. , 1965, Gaunt, I.F. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , 1987, Pla-Delfina, J.M. et al., Am. Perfum. Cosmet. ,
3, 49-52 (anal) 25, 999-1007; 1009-1011; 1013-1019 (tox, 1968, 83, 29 (synth, tox)
Drake, J.J.P. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , 1977, metab) Parrish, J. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1968, 33, 542
15, 503-508 (tox) Spears, K. et al., J. Assoc. Public Anal. , 1987, (chromatog)
Hofer, K. et al., Z. Lebensm.-Unters. -Forsch. , 25, 47-54 (detn in food, tlc) Rai, J. et al., Chromatographia , 1971, 4, 211 (tlc)
1997, 204, 32-38 (anal) Colour Index , 3rd edn., 1971, 4, 4092 (synth)
Segiura, T. et al., J. Chem. Res., Synop. , 1980,
C.I. Food Red 1 C-253 164 (ms)
C.I. Food Black 2, 8CI C-251 [4548-53-2] Oka, H. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1994, 674, 301
[25738-38-9] 3-[(2,4-Dimethyl-5-sulfophenyl)azo]-4-hy- (tlc-fab-ms)
droxy-1-naphthalenesulfonic acid, 9CI.
[2118-39-0] Ponceau Red SX. Ponceau SX. C.I. 14700.
6-Amino-4-hydroxy-3-[(7-sulfo-4-[(4-sul- FD and C Red No. 4
fophenyl)azo]-1-naphthalenyl)azo]-2,7- C.I. Natural green 5 C-255
naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 9CI. Black E141. C.I. 75815. Chlorophyllin copper
7984. C.I. 27755. C.I. 27775. E 152 SO3H complex. Potassium-sodium-copper chloro-
phyllin. Sodium-potassium-copper chloro-
HO3S CH3 phyllin

HO3S SO3H C18H16N2O7S2 436.466
Normally obt. as Na salt, to which CAS
C26H19N5O13S4 737.726 no. and synonyms refer. Colourant
Black food dye; no longer permitted in the ormerly used in foodstuffs. Red cryst.
EU and not FDA approved. Usually obt. (EtOH aq.) (as Na salt). Sol. H2O. COO
as tetra-Na salt, to which trade names Graichen, C. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Agric. Chem. , COO 3M
refer. 1954, 37, 906-912 (synth, ir, uv) COO
Colour Index , 3rd Edn., 1971, 4, 4068 (synth)
Pearson, D. et al., J. Assoc. Public Anal. , 1967, Marmino, D.M. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal.
5, 37-38 (uv) Chem. , 1974, 57, 495-507 (pmr) R = CH3, CHO
Colour Index , 3rd edn., 1971, 4, 4251 Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn.,
Van Peteghem, C. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1981, Wiley, 1991, 6, 892-944 (use) Essentially a mixt. of the copper
210, 113-120 (tlc, detn) Oka, H. et al., J. Chromatogr., A , 1994, 674, complexes of Chlorin e6 and Rhodin g7
Joachim, F. et al., Mutat. Res. , 1985, 156, 131- 301-307 (detn, tlc, ms)
138 (biochem)
as their tri-K salts. The presence of a
Gagliardi, L. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1987, 394, small amount of Na ions, acquired
345-352 (hplc, detn) C.I. Food Red 6 C-254 during the manuf. process, has given rise
to the mixed sodium/potassium
nomenclature used for the commercial
C.I. Food Brown 3, 8CI C-252 [3564-09-8] material. Food and cosmetic colourant.
[4553-89-3] 3-Hydroxy-4-[(2,4,5-trimethylphenyl)a- Green-black powder.
4,4?-[[2,4-Dihydroxy-5-(hydroxymethyl)- zo]-2,7-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 9CI. Judah, M.A. et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1954, 46,
1,3-phenylene]bis(azo)]bis-1-naphthalene- Ponceau 3R. C.I. 16155. FD and C Red No. 2262-2271 (manuf, rev)

C.I. Pigment Yellow / Cinchonain Ic C-256  / C-260

C.I. Pigment Yellow C-256 Cibulins C-258 1,2,54-Trideoxy, 52,55-dihydroxy, 52,55-

[65212-84-2] Alkyl propyl sulfoxides deepoxy, 1,2-didehydro: [287412-00-4]
H3CCH2CH2SOR M-Secociguatoxin 4A
[65212-76-2] A group of substances with the suggested C60H86O17 1079.329
4,5-Dichloro-2-[[4,5-dihydro-3-methyl-5- struct. where R is a long-chain fatty acid Isol. from Gambierdiscus toxicus.
oxo-1-(3-sulfophenyl)-1H-pyrazol-4-yl]a- residue of varying length. Isol. from 52-Epimer: [189013-49-8] 52-Epiciguatoxin
zo]benzenesulfonic acid, 9CI. 4,5-Dichloro- onions inoculated with Botrytis cinerea C60H86O19 1111.328
2-[[5-hydroxy-3-methyl-1-(3-sulfophenyl)- and Fusarium solani . lmax 210 (MeOH) Isol. from fish.
1H-pyrazol-4-yl]azo]benzenesulfonic acid (Berdy). 52-Epimer, 54-deoxy: [142185-85-1] Pacific
Dmitriev, A.P. et al., CA , 1989, 110, 92249d Ciguatoxin 2. P-CTX 2
Cl (isol)
C60H86O18 1095.329
Cl Isol. from Lycodontis javanicus and
moray eel. lmax 215 (MeOH) (Berdy).
Ciguatoxin (Pacific) C-259 -GD0760100
N [11050-21-8] 52-Epimer, 1,2,54-trideoxy, 1,2-didehydro:
H3C Pacific Ciguatoxin 1. P-CTX 1B [66231-73-0] Pacific Ciguatoxin 4A. P-
CTX 4A. Ciguatoxin 4A
N H C60H84O16 1061.314
H Isol. from Gambierdiscus toxicus and
54 Scarus gibbus. A toxin isol. from
various parrotfish (Scarus sp.) and
H H named Scaritoxin or SG 1 probably
corresponds to a mixture of CTX 4A
and 4B. Amorph. solid. A toxin isol.
C60H86O19 1111.328 from various parrotfish (Scarus sp.) and
C16H12Cl2N4O7S2 507.331 named Scaritoxin or SG 1 probably
Tautomerism with hydroxypyrazole struct. Earliest known of this group of toxins;
sometimes simply known as Ciguatoxin corresponds to a mixture of CTX 4A
probable. The name C.I. Pigment and 4B lmax 226 (MeOH).
Yellow refers to the Ca salt. FDA or CTX. Isol. from the moray eel
(Gymnothorax javanicus ) and other fish 54-Epimer: [287732-40-5] 54-Epiciguatoxin
approved colourant for food contact C60H86O19 1111.328
high density polyethylene and and shellfish esp. coral reef spp. Present
in the dinoflagellate Gambierdiscus Isol. from fish.
polypropylene resins. Yellow solid (as
Ca salt). Ca salt polymorphic. toxicus. Causes ciguatera food 52,54-Diepimer: [287732-42-7] 52,54-Die-
poisoning. G. toxicus is the primary piciguatoxin
[65212-77-3] cause. C60H86O19 1111.328
Ger. Pat. , 1976, 2 616 981; CA , 88, 38948v -GD0760000 Isol. from fish.
(synth, use) 7-Oxo, 6,7-dihydro: [263336-55-6] 7-Oxo- Scheuer, P.J. et al., Bioact. Mol. , 1989, 10, 265
Eur. Pat. , 1993, 553 965; CA , 119, 205467e ciguatoxin (occur)
(polymorphism) C60H86O20 1127.327 Murata, M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1990, 112, 4380
Anon, et al., Food Chem. News , 2000, 41(47), 25 (pmr, struct)
Isol. from fish.
(use) Lewis, R.J. et al., Toxicon , 1991, 29, 1115 (isol,
3j-Hydroxy, 7-oxo, 3,4,6,7-tetrahydro: derivs)
[263336-57-8] 3,4-Dihydro-3-hydroxy-7- Murata, M. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1992, 33, 525 (cmr,
oxociguatoxin. 3-Hydroxy-7-oxocigua- struct)
C.I. Solvent Red 80 C-257 toxin Satake, M. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. ,
C60H88O21 1145.343 1997, 60, 2103-2105 (Ciguatoxin 4A)
[6358-53-8] Satake, M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1997, 119, 11325-
1-[(2,5-Dimethoxyphenyl)azo]-2-naphtha- Isol. from fish.
11326 (abs config)
lenol, 9CI. Citrus Red No. 2 4j-Hydroxy, 7-oxo, 3,4,6,7-tetrahydro: Oguri, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1997, 53, 3057-
[287732-85-8] 3,4-Dihydro-4-hydroxy-7- 3072 (abs config)
oxociguatoxin. 4-Hydroxy-7-oxocigua- Yasumoto, T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 2000, 122, 4988-
MeO toxin 4989 (ms, occur)
C60H88O21 1145.343
OMe Isol. from fish.
Cinchonain Ic C-260
7j-Hydroxy, 6,7-dihydro: [263336-56-7]
N 6,7-Dihydro-7-hydroxyciguatoxin. 7-Hy- [85081-22-7]
N 4,8-Bis(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-3,4,9,10-tet-
OH C60H88O20 1129.343 rahydro-5,9-dihydroxy-2H,8H-benzo[1,2-
Isol. from fish. b:3,4-b?]dipyran-2-one, 9CI
54-Deoxy: [139341-09-6] 54-Deoxycigua-
toxin. Pacific Ciguatoxin 3. P-CTX 3 O
C18H16N2O3 308.336 C60H86O18 1095.329
Colourant for orange skins. Allowed on Isol. from Lycodontis javanicus, the O
fruit which is not to be processed. Use moray eel (Gymnothorax javanicus ). HO OH
prohibited in orange peel for human lmax 215 (MeOH) (Berdy). 2
consumption. Deep red needles (EtOH). OH
54-Deoxy, 50-hydroxy: [263336-54-5] 54- HO HO O
Mp 1568. Deoxy-50-hydroxyciguatoxin, 9CI 5'
Kokkinos, K. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1971, 54, C60H86O19 1111.328 OH
2744-2747 (synth, uv) Isol. from fish.
Lehmann, G. et al., Fresenius’ Z. Anal. Chem. , C24H20O9 452.417
1,2,54-Trideoxy, 1,2-didehydro: [123676-
1987, 328, 596-597 (tlc) Stereochem. revised in 1993.Needles
Hope, C. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. ,
76-6] Gambiertoxin 4B. GT 4B. Pacific
Ciguatoxin 4B. P-CTX 4B. Ciguatoxin (H2O). Mp 3008. [a]24
D -25.1 (c, 0.22 in
1989, 72, 705-707 (anal)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. 4B Me2CO).
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 631-632 C60H84O16 1061.314 3-Epimer:
(use) lmax 223 (e 22000) (MeCN) (Berdy). C24H20O9 452.417

/ Cinereain C-261  / C-263

Needles (H2O). Mp 240-2428. [a]25 D -12 10,11-Dihydro; hydrochloride: 2, 864C (ir)

(c, 0.35 in Me2CO). Prisms + 2H2O. V. sol. H2O. Mp 202.38 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
(anhyd.). [a]D -98.4. Spectra , 1992, 3, 439A (nmr)
3-Epimer, 5?-hydroxy: [246152-24-9] Apoc- Hesse, O. et al., Ber. , 1871, 4, 818; 1883, 16, 58
ynin D [524-61-8, 5948-98-1] (isol)
C24H20O10 468.416 Rabe, P. et al., Ber. , 1908, 41, 62 (struct)
Goutarel, R. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1950, 33,
Brown solid. [a]25
D +45.5 (c, 0.23 in 150 (ir) Potratz, A.H. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1949, 21,
MeOH). lmax 210 (log e 4.52); 230 (sh) ; Lyle, G.G. et al., Tetrahedron , 1967, 23, 3253 1276 (detn, Bi)
270 (log e 3.75) (MeOH). (config) Goutarel, R. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1950, 33,
Kamath, B.R. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1968, 6, 150 (ir)
8-Epimer: [85022-67-9] Cinchonain Id Lyle, G.G. et al., Tetrahedron , 1967, 23, 51;
C24H20O9 452.417 510 (uv)
Battersby, A.R. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1971, 30; 3253 (uv, ord, config, pmr)
Needles + 1H2O (H2O). Mp 182-1838. Kamath, B.R. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1968, 6,
31 (biosynth)
D +29.1 (c, 0.33 in Me2CO). Schneider, G. et al., Planta Med. , 1972, 22, 109 510 (uv)
8-Epimer, 9-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:Cinch- (isol) Battersby, A.R. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1971, 30;
Moreland, C.G. et al., J.O.C. , 1974, 39, 2413 31 (biosynth)
onain Id 7-glucoside Schneider, G. et al., Planta Med. , 1972, 22, 109
C30H30O14 614.559 (cmr)
Oleksyn, B. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1982, 38, 1832 (isol, uv, deriv)
Constit. of Eriobotrya japonica (loquat). Norwitz, G. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1974, 69,
(cryst struct)
Pale yellow powder. [a]D -37.5 (c, 1 in 59 (use)
Ihara, M. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1986, 573
MeOH). Numbering systems vary lmax (synth, deriv) Moreland, C.G. et al., J.O.C. , 1974, 39, 2413
284 (log e 3.97); 328 (log e 3.38) Bürgi, T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1998, 120, 12920- (cmr)
(MeOH). 12926 (pmr, conformn) Oleksyn, B. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1979, 35, 440
(cryst struct)
3,8-Diepimer: Ihara, M. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1986, 573
C24H20O9 452.417 Cinchonine C-262 (synth, deriv)
Needles (H2O). Mp 270-2728. [a]25 D Hughes, O.L. et al., J.O.C. , 1987, 52, 4745
+52.4 (c, 0.6 in Me2CO). (trifluoromethylbenzyl bromide, synth)
(9S)-Cinchonan-9-ol, 9CI Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis ,
Nonaka, G. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1982,
30, 4268 (isol, pmr, cmr, cd) (ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 7, 5156-
Foo, L.Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, 2477 5158 (trifluoromethylbenzyl, bromide, use)
(isol) Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic
Chen, H.F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 33, 183 HO Synthesis, Wiley, 1998, 13, 323; 1989, 14, 326;
(isol, pmr, cmr, config) N Absolute 1990, 15, 340 (trifluoromethylbenzyl bromide,
H use)
Fan, W. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1999, 47, Configuration
1049-1050 (Apocynin D) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Ito, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2000, 48, Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
687-693 (Cinchonain Id 7-glucoside) N Reinhold , 1992, CMP925

C19H22N2O 294.396
Cinchonidine C-261 Stereoisomeric with Cinchonidine, C-261.
[485-71-2] Alkaloid from the leaves of Olea Cinereain C-263
(8a,9R)-Cinchonan-9-ol, 9CI. a-Quinidine europaea . Cryst. Mp 2648 Mp 2558. [a]D [117013-51-1]
+229 (EtOH). Log P 2.64 (calc). 10,11-Dihydro-8-(1-methylethyl)-11-(2-
H 10
-LD50 (rat, ipr) 152 mg/kg. GD3500000 methylpropylidene)-6H-oxepino[2,3-d]pyr-
11 Hydrochloride: [5949-11-1] azino[1,2-a]pyrimidine-6,9(8H)-dione,
H [24302-67-8]
HO 9 N Absolute Mp 217-2188.
H 1
Sulfate: [5949-16-6] O
Mp 2068. O
N -GD3800000 N
N-Me: HN
C19H22N2O 294.396 Mp 269-2708 (iodide). N O
Stereoisomeric with Cinchonine, C-262. O-Benzoyl:
Alkaloid from the leaves of Olea Mp 106-1078.
europaea . Mp 210.58 (2058). [a]D -110
(EtOH). N-Benzyl, chloride: [69221-14-3]
-LD50 (rat, ipr) 206 mg/kg. GD2975000 Mp 2568 dec. C18H21N3O3 327.382
Hydrochloride (1:2): 10,11-Dihydro: [485-65-4] Hydrocincho- Isol. from Botrytis cinerea on sunflower
Mp 2428. nine. (9S)-10,11-Dihydrocinchonan-9-ol, seed. Ruby-red cryst. (Me2CO). Sol.
9CI. 10,11-Dihydrocinchonine. Cincho- MeOH, EtOAc; poorly sol. H2O. Mp 201-
tine. c-Cinchonine. Pseudocinchonine. 2038. lmax 238 (e 10471); 276 (e 8710); 371
Mp 215-2208.
Cinchonifine (e 1230) (EtOH) (Berdy).
O-Benzoyl: C19H24N2O 296.411
Mp 208-2118 (1838). Cutler, H.G. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1988, 52,
Alkaloid from Olea europaea . Prisms. 1725 (isol, struct, props)
N1-Benzyl, chloride: [69257-04-1] Mp 268-2698. [a]14D +204.5 (EtOH). Log
Mp 2108 dec. [a]20D -180 (c, 1.3 H2O). P 3.12 (calc).
Ketone: [14509-68-3] Cinchonidinone. 10,11-Dihydro; hydrochloride:
Cinchonan-9-one. Cinchoninone Mp 220-2218.
C19H20N2O 292.38 N-[4-(Trifluoromethyl)benzyl], bromide:
10,11-Dihydro: [485-64-3] Hydrocinchoni- [95088-20-3]
dine. (8a,9R)-10,11-Dihydrocinchonan- [205441-34-5] N-[4-(Trifluoromethyl)ben-
9-ol, 9CI. 10,11-Dihydrocinchonidine. zyl]cinchoninium bromide
Cinchamidine C27H28BrF3N2O 533.43
C19H24N2O 296.411 Mp 2458. Comly. available.
Leaflets (EtOH). Mp 2328 (2298). [a]D -
98.4 (EtOH). Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,

2-Cinnamoyl-1,6-digalloylglucose / Cinncassiol A C-264 
/ C-270

2-Cinnamoyl-1,6-digalloylglu- C-264 1-O -Cinnamoylglucose C-266 Isol. from commercial rhubarb (Rheum
cose [41682-52-4] spp.). Amorph. powder + 1H2O. [a]27 D
+3.3 (c, 0.64 in Me2CO).
HO 6
1,2-Bis(3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoyl): [115746-
CH2OH 70-8] 6-Cinnamoyl-1,2-digalloylglucose
HO COOH 2C OH C29H26O15 614.515
O OOC O OOC Isol. from commercial rhubarbs (Rheum
OH spp.). Off-white amorph. powder +
OH OH 1= 20
2H2O. [a]D -76.9 (c, 0.75 in Me2CO).
HO 2 Ph
OOC [64461-97-8]
OH Weinges, K. et al., Annalen , 1977, 1053 (isol)
Yoshimoto, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1980,
C15H18O7 310.303 28, 2065 (cmr)
4″ b-D-(E )-form [40004-96-4] Kashiwada, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27,
Constit. of Vaccinium vitis-idaea 1473 (1,2-digalloyl)

C29H26O15 614.515 (cowberry). Amorph. powder.

b-D-Pyranose-form [94356-17-9] 6-O-a-L-Arabinofuranosyl: [181373-66-0] 1-Cinnamoylpyrrolidine, 8CI C-269
Isol. from commercial rhubarbs (Rheum C20H26O11 442.419 [19202-21-2]
sp.). Off-white amorph. powder + Constit. of Psidium guajava (guava). 1-(1-Oxo-3-phenyl-2-propenyl)pyrrolidine,
3= 24
2H2O. [a]D -95.2 (c, 1.29 in Me2CO). Amorph. powder. 9CI. Cinnamic acid pyrrolidide
4??-Hydroxy: [115713-49-0] 2-O-(4-Hydro- 6-O-b-D-Glucopyranosyl: [181373-65-9] 1-
xycinnamoyl)-1,6-di-O-galloyl-b-D-glu- O-Cinnamoyl-b-D-gentiobiose
copyranose C21H28O12 472.445
C29H26O16 630.515 Constit. of Physalis peruviana (Cape N
Isol. from commercial rhubarbs (Rheum gooseberry). Amorph. powder.
sp.). Needles + 31=2H2O (H2O). Mp 179- Yoshimoto, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1980, Ph
1818. [a]28
D -112.8 (c, 0.53 in Me2CO).
28, 2065 (cmr)
Plusquellec, D. et al., Tetrahedron , 1986, 42, C13H15NO 201.268
Kashiwada, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984,
2457 (synth)
32, 3461 (struct, pmr, cmr) (E )-form [52438-21-8]
Achenbach, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27,
Kashiwada, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, Alkaloid from the roots of kava (Piper
1835 (isol)
1473 (deriv)
Latza, S. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1996, 44, methysticum ). FDA advises against use
1367 (isol) of kava in food due to potential risk of
Latza, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 43, 481 severe liver damage (2002). Needles
(isol, synth, ir, pmr, cmr) (petrol). Mp 101-1038 (94-958).
2-Cinnamoyl-1-galloylglucose C-265 Achenbach, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1970, 103,
2-O -Cinnamoylglucose C-267 2535 (isol, uv, ir, ms, synth, struct)
HOH 2C OH Engel, P. et al., Z. Kristallogr., Kristallgeom.,
Kristallphys., Kristallchem. , 1974, 139, 207
O OOC OH CH2OH (cryst struct)
O OH Huang, Y.Z. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1987, 28, 2159
OH OH (synth)
HO OH Rajeswari, S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1987, 28, 5099
OOC HO Son, T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1988, 61,
Ph 1251 (synth)
OOC Lindsay, C.M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1988, 569
C15H18O7 310.303 Ohta, A. et al., Heterocycles , 1991, 32, 965
b-D-Pyranose-(E )-form [94356-16-8] (synth)
Constit. of commercial rhubarb, Rheum
C22H22O11 462.409
sp.. Needles (H2O). Mp 156.5-1588. [a]20
D Cinncassiol A C-270
b-D-Pyranose-form [56994-83-3] +49.7 (c, 0.87 in MeOH).
Isol. from commercial rhubarbs (Rheum [73599-11-8]
Kashiwada, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984, Sincassiol$
spp.). Needles (MeOH). Mp 190-1938. 32, 3461-3470
D -125.2 (c, 1 in MeOH).
4??-Hydroxy: [94356-18-0] 2-O-(4-Hydro- 6-O -Cinnamoylglucose C-268 OH
xycinnamoyl)-1-O-galloyl-b-D-glucopyr- OH 1
anoside HOH2 C
C22H22O12 478.409 Ph 19 O
Isol. from Rheum spp.. Needles + 1H2O HO
(H2O). Mp 181-1838. [a]24 OH
D -124.5 (c, CH2OOC
1.33 in Me2CO). O
Kahiwada, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984, C20H30O7 382.453
32, 3461 (struct, pmr, cmr)
OH Cinncassiol A (from Cinnamomum spp.)
HO and Sincassiol (from Cassia sp.) appear
to be identical but this is not completely
OH clear. Constit. of Cinnamomum cassia
(Chinese cinnamon). Cryst. (MeOH
C15H18O7 310.303 aq.). Mp 172-1748. [a]32D +30.2 (c, 1.1 in
b-D-form [64461-84-3] Possible artifact. MeOH).
1-O-(3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzoyl): [115746- 19-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [73599-12-9]
69-5] 6-Cinnamoyl-1-galloylglucose C26H40O12 544.595
C22H22O11 462.409 Constit. of Cinnamomum spp.. Powder.

Cinncassiol C1 
/ Cinnzeylanol C-271  / C-277

Mp 95-998. [a]25
D +5.6 (c, 2.8 in MeOH). cinnamon). Needles (MeOH). Mp 221- C20H32O5 352.47
19-Deoxy: [65230-04-8] Anhydrocinnzeyla- 2228. [a]21
D +6.1 (c, 0.33 in MeOH). Constit. of Cinnamomum cassia (Chinese
nol Kashiwada, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1981, cinnamon). Amorph. powder. [a]26
D -16.3
C20H30O6 366.453 29, 2686 (c, 0.49 in MeOH).
Isol. from Cinnamomum cassia (Chinese 2-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside:
cinnamon). Cryst. (C6H6/EtOAc). Mp Cinncassiol D1 C-273 C26H42O10 514.612
205-2078. [a]28
D +56.4 (c, 0.5 in MeOH). Constit. of Cinnamomum cassia
19-Deoxy, 1-Ac: [68799-62-2] Anhydro- (Chinese cinnamon). Amorph. powder.
cinnzeylanine [a]26
D -12.5 (c, 0.88 in MeOH).
C22H32O7 408.491 HO Nohara, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21,
Isol. from Cinnamomum cassia (Chinese H OH 2130
cinnamon). Cryst. (C6H6/EtOAc). Mp
195-1998. [a]16
D +88.7 (c, 1 in MeOH). HO
19-Deoxy, 1-ketone: [346414-64-0] Anhy-
19 4 Cinncassiol E C-276
drocinnzeylanone H H [98751-76-9]
C20H28O6 364.438
C20H32O5 352.47 HO
Constit. of cinnamomi cortex, the dried O
Yagi, A. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1980, 28, bark of Cinnamomum cassia (Chiense OH
1432 (isol, struct) cinnamon). Powder. [a]26
D -11.6 (c, 0.81 in
Japan. Pat. , 1980, 80 49 370; CA , 93, 239708 O HO
Nakao, K. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1981, 101, 19-O-b-D-Glucopyranosyl:Cinncassiol D1
1052 (ms) glucoside HO OH
Fraga, B.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 56, C26H42O10 514.612
315-320 (Anhydrocinnzeylanone) Constit. of Cinnamomum cassia (Chi- C20H30O8 398.452
nese cinnamon). Powder. [a]D -4.1 (c, Constit. of Cinnamomum cassia (Chinese
Cinncassiol C1 C-271 0.29 in MeOH). cinnamon). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 195-1988.
[73613-35-1] 4b-Hydroxy: [77751-33-8] Cinncassiol D2 [a]D -20.4 (c, 2 in MeOH).
Cinncassiol C C20H32O6 368.469 Nohara, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24,
Constit. of Cinnamomum cassia (Chi- 1849
OH OH nese cinnamon). Powder. [a]16
D -15.4 (c,
0.94 in MeOH).
O Cinnzeylanol C-277
4b-Hydroxy, 19-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:-
HOH2 C Cinncassiol D2 glucoside [62394-04-1]
19 O C26H42O11 530.611 3-Deoxyryanodol
OH Constit. of Cinnamomum cassia (Chi-
O nese cinnamon). Powder. [a]17
D -3.2 (c, OH
0.44 in MeOH). OH
C20H28O7 380.437 1
Nohara, T. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1980, 2647 (cryst 2
Constit. of Cinnamomum cassia (Chinese struct) 19 OH O
cinnamon). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 204-2078. Nohara, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1981, 29, HO
[a]D -3.6 (MeOH). 2451 (cryst struct) OH
19-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: HO
C26H38O12 542.579 Cinncassiol D3 C-274
Constit. of Cinnamomum cassia C20H32O7 384.469
[80178-41-2] Constit. of the dried bark of Cinnamomum
(Chinese cinnamon). Amorph. powder.
[a]D +14.5 (c, 0.97 in MeOH). zeylanicum (cinnamon) and of Cinnamo-
HO mum cassia (Chinese cinnamon). Cryst.
19-Deoxy: [73599-14-1] Cinncassiol C2 O (EtOAc/C6H6). Mp 278-2798. [a]26 D +60.8
C20H28O6 364.438 H (c, 1.3 in MeOH).
Constit. of Cinnamomum cassia (Chi- 1
nese cinnamon). Needles (MeOH aq.). HO OH 1-Ac: [62203-47-8] Cinnzeylanine
Mp 219-2218. [a]D +30.5 (c, 0.82 in HOH2 C C22H34O8 426.506
MeOH). H OH Constit. of Cinnamomum zeylanicum
Nohara, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1980, 28, (cinnamon) and Cinnamomum cassia
1969 C20H32O6 368.469 (Chinese cinnamon). Cryst. (EtOAc/
Kashiwada, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1981, Constit. of cinnamomi cortex, the dried C6H6). Mp 265-2678. [a]27 D +45 (c, 2 in
29, 2686 bark of Cinnamomum cassia (Chinese MeOH).
cinnamon). Powder. [a]27
D -10.1 (c, 0.79 in 2,3-Didehydro, 1-ketone: [346414-65-1] 2,3-
Cinncassiol C3 C-272 MeOH). Didehydrocinnzeylanone
[64979-94-8] Nohara, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1981, 29, C20H28O7 380.437
2451 19-Hydroxy: [73599-13-0] Cincassiol B
HO C20H32O8 400.468
OH Cinncassiol D4 C-275 Constit. of Cinnamomum cassia (Chi-
O [84807-46-5] nese cinnamon). Powder. [a]17D +22.7 (c,

HO 0.44 in MeOH).
O 19-Hydroxy, 19-b-D-glucopyranoside:
O C26H42O13 562.61
O OH H Constit. of Cinnamomum cassia
(Chinese cinnamon). Powder. [a]16D -20
C20H30O7 382.453 HO 2 OH (c, 0.15 in MeOH).
Constit. of cinnamoni cortex, the dried 14a-Acetoxy, 1-deoxy, 3-oxo:Garajonone
bark of Cinnamomum cassia (Chinese H OH C22H32O9 440.489

Citbismine B 
/ b-Citraurol C-278  / C-283

Isogai, A. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1977, 33, 623 Citbismine D C-279 Yellow cubes. Mp 235-2388. [a]D +107
(cryst struct) (c, 0.056 in EtOH).
Isogai, A. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1977, 41,
Wu, T.-S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1983, 31,
1779 (isol)
895; 901 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms, struct)
Yagi, A. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1980, 28, O Wu, T.-S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, 1493
1432 OH (isol)
Nohara, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1980, 28,
Basa, S.C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1984, 47, 325 (6-
2682 (Cincassiol B)
Me ether)
Fraga, B.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 56, HO Ju-ichi, M. et al., Heterocycles , 1991, 32, 1781
315-320 (Garajonone, 2,3- OMe N O (isol, pmr, cmr, struct)
Me Takemura, Y. et al., Heterocycles , 1995, 41, 187-
O 190 (Dihydroxycitracridone I)
OH Ono, T. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1995, 58, 1629-1631
OH (Acrifoline)
Citbismine B C-278
[169055-77-0] HO O Citranaxanthin C-281
Me [3604-90-8]
O 6?-Methyl-6?-apo-b-caroten-6?-one

5 C40H38N2O11 722.747 O
HO 8′
OMe N O Alkaloid from roots of Marsh grapefruit
Me (Citrus paradisi ). Pale yellow oil. Opt.
OH inactive.
Ju-ichi, M. et al., Heterocycles , 1996, 42, 237 C33H44O 456.71
10 ′ Relative
MeO OMe (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms, struct) Constit. of Sinton citrangequat (a Citrus -
OMe N con®guration
H Poncirus -Fortunella hybrid). Cryst. (pet-
rol). Mp 1568.
C36H34N2O11 670.671 Citracridone III C-280 7?,8?-Dihydro, 8?-hydroxy: [15446-86-3]
Alkaloid from roots of Marsh grapefruit [139219-98-0] 7?,8?-Dihydro-8?-hydroxy-6?-methyl-6?-
(Citrus paradisi ) and Hirado-buntan (Ci- 3,12-Dihydro-6,10,11-trihydroxy-3,3,12-tri- apo-b-caroten-6?-one. 7?,8?-Dihydro-8?-
trus grandis ). Yellow cubes (Me2CO). Mp methyl-7H-pyrano[2,3-c]acridin-7-one, hydroxycitraniaxanthin. 8?,9?-Dihydro-
336-3448. [a]D 0 (CHCl3). 9CI 8?-hydroxycitraniaxanthin (incorr.)
N10?-Me: [169055-79-2] Citbismine C Isol. from Sinton citrangequat. Cryst.
C37H36N2O11 684.698 O OH (petrol). Mp 146-1478.
From roots of Citrus paradisi (grape- Yokoyama, H. et al., J.O.C. , 1965, 30, 2481;
fruit) and Citrus grandis (pummelo). 1966, 31, 3452 (isol, biosynth)
Yellow cubes (Me2CO). Mp 314-3268. Stewart, I. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12, 2947
Opt. inactive. 5 Bremser, W. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1974, 6,
HO N O 433 (cmr)
O6?-De-Me, N10?-Me: [173429-82-8] Cit- 1'
bismine E OH Me 2'

C36H34N2O11 670.671 a-Citraurin C-282

From roots of Citrus paradisi (grape- 3-Hydroxy-8?-apo-e-caroten-8?-al
C19H17NO5 339.347
fruit) and Citrus grandis (pummelo).
Pale yellow oil. Opt. inactive. Acridone numbering shown.Yellow cubes
(CH2Cl2). Mp 135-1408.
6-Deoxy, O5-de-Me: [161068-61-7] Citbis-
mine A 5-Me ether: [81525-61-3] Citracridone I HO

C35H32N2O10 640.645 C20H19NO5 353.374

Alkaloid from the root bark of Citrus C30H40O2 432.645
Alkaloid from roots of Citrus paradisi Constit. of avocado (Persea americana ).
(Marsh grapefruit) and Citrus grandis sinensis var. brasiliensis (navel orange).
Orange plates (Me2CO). Mp 275-2788. Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 1538. [a]18D +372
(pummelo). Yellow cubes (DMSO). Mp (C6H6).
335-3368. [a]D 0 (DMSO). 5-Me ether, N-de-Me: [172335-13-6] Ac-
rifoline$. N-Demethylcitracridone I Karrer, P. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1938, 21, 445
6-Deoxy, O5-de-Me, N10?-Me:Citbismine F
C19H17NO5 339.347 (synth)
C36H34N2O10 654.672 Gross, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12, 2259
Alkaloid from Citrus paradisi (Marsh Yellow amorph. powder.
grapefruit). Yellow cubes. Mp 330-3418 6-Me ether: [90846-44-9] 3,12-Dihydro-
(dec.). [a]D 0 (CHCl3). lmax 222 (log e 6,11-dihydroxy-10-methoxy-3,3,12-tri-
3.87); 266 (log e 4.28); 275 (log e 4.27); methyl-7H-pyrano[2,3-c]acridin-7-one, b-Citraurol C-283
334 (log e 3.77); 390 (log e 3.41) (EtOH). 9CI. 2?,2?-Dimethyl(pyrano-5?,6?:3:4)- [57593-78-9]
Takemura, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994, 1,5-dihydroxy-6-methoxy-10-methylacri- 8?-Apo-b-carotene-3,8?-diol. b-Citraurinol
42, 1548; 1995, 43, 1340 (Citbismine A, done
Citbismine B, isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms, cryst C20H19NO5 353.374 8′
struct) Alkaloid from the roots of Citrus 6

Ju-ichi, M. et al., Heterocycles , 1996, 42, 237 decumana (pummelo). Cryst. (MeOH). HO

(Citbismine E)
Mp 2608.
Takemura, Y. et al., Heterocycles , 1999, 51, 851- C30H42O2 434.661
855 (Citbismine F) 5,6-Di-Me ether: [81525-62-4] Citracridone
II Constit. of citrus hybrid peel.
C21H21NO5 367.401 Di-Ac:
Yellow needles (Et2O). Mp 161-1638. Cryst. (petrol/MeOH). Mp 928.
1?,2?-Dihydro, 1?,2?-dihydroxy (trans-), 5- 8?-Aldehyde: [650-69-1] 3-Hydroxy-8?-apo-
Me ether: [161043-20-5] Dihydroxycitra- b-caroten-8?-al. b-Citraurin
cridone I C30H40O2 432.645
C20H21NO7 387.388 Constit. of orange peel. Cryst. (EtOH or
Isol. from roots of grapefruit plants. Et2O/petrol). Mp 146-1478.

Citreovirenone / Citric acid C-284 / C-290

8?-Aldehyde, 5R,6S-epoxide: [71869-83-5] (sh) (e 46000) (EtOH) (Derep). lmax 205 (e Mycotoxin prod. by the common soil
5,6-Epoxy-3-hydroxy-8?-apo-b-caroten- 14100); 238 (e 10000); 294 (e 24500); 390 (e organism Aspergillus terreus. lmax 204 (e
8?-al. b-Citraurin epoxide. Apo-8?-vio- 45000) (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 234 (e 17000); 235 (e 10200); 286 (e 24600); 294 (e
laxanthal 10200); 294 (e 27100); 388 (e 48000) 27100); 388 (e 48000); 398 (sh) (e 46000)
C30H40O3 448.644 (EtOH) (Berdy). (EtOH) (Derep).
Isol. from orange peel. Cryst. (C6H6/ -LD50 (mus, orl) 29 mg/kg. LD50 (mus, ipr) Saito, M. et al., Microb. Toxins , 1971, 6, 299
petrol). Unnatural (5S,6R )-diastereoi- 7.2 mg/kg , LD50 (mus, scu) 11 mg/kg. (rev)
somer also prepd. (Mp 1588) lmax 424 ; Exp. reprod. and teratogenic effects.. Sakabe, N. et al., Tetrahedron , 1977, 33, 3077
448 ; 477 (hexane). UQ1235000 (struct)
8?-Deoxy: [58947-97-0] 8?-Apo-b-caroten- Linnett, P.E. et al., Biochem. J. , 1978, 170, 503
Ac: (props)
3-ol. b-Citraurinene Cryst. Mp 99-1018. Franck, B. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1980,
C30H42O 418.661 Saito, M. et al., Microb. Toxins , 1971, 6, 299 19, 461 (isol)
Constit. of citrus peel. Orange cryst. (rev) Steyn, P.S. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1985, 1531
(CH2Cl2/petrol). Mp 1418. Nagel, D.W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, 11, (biosynth)
3215 (biosynth) Nishiyama, S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1985, 26, 231
[75715-17-2, 75715-18-3]
Sakabe, N. et al., Tetrahedron , 1977, 33, 3077 (config, synth)
Leuenberger, U. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 891-892 (struct) Cole, R.J. et al., Handbook of Toxic Fungal
(b-Citraurol) Linnett, P.E. et al., Biochem. J. , 1978, 170, 503 Metabolites, Academic Press, New York,
Leuenberger, U. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, (props) 1981, 876
227-229 (b-Citraurinene) Franck, B. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1980,
Pfander, H. et al., Pure Appl. Chem. , 1979, 51, 19, 461 (isol)
565-580 (synth) Steyn, P.S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1982, 2175 Citreoviridinol A1 C-288
Pfander, H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1980, 63, (biosynth) [94161-12-3]
716-727; 1377-1382 (abs config, synth, Steyn, P.S. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1985, 1531
biosynth) (biosynth)
Molnár, P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19, 633- Nishiyama, S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1985, 26, 231 HO
637 (b-Citraurin epoxide) (synth, abs config) O
Straub, O. et al., Key to Carotenoids , 2nd edn., Williams, D.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1987, 52, 5067 HO H
Birkhauser Verlag, Basel and Boston, 1987, 4
(synth) O OMe
483; 484 (bibl) Suh, H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1988, 110, 470 (synth) OH H3C
Deli, J. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1998, 81, 1815- Hatakeyama, S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1988, 110, 5201
1820 (b-Citraurin, pmr, cmr) (synth) O O
Lóránd, T. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 2002, 85, Betina, V. et al., Mycotoxins: Chemical,
1691-1697 (ir) Biological and Environmental Aspects , C22H28O8 420.458
Elsevier, 1989, (rev)
Mycotoxin prod. by Penicillium pedemon-
Bowden, M.C. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1991, 1947
Citreovirenone C-284 (synth) tanum .
[103955-68-6] Whang, K. et al., J.O.C. , 1991, 56, 7174 (synth) 4-Epimer: [94122-10-8] Citreoviridinol A2
Cole, R.J. et al., Handbook of Toxic Fungal C22H28O8 420.458
Metabolites, Academic Press, New York,
O Mycotoxin of Penicillium pedemonta-
OMe 1981, 876
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of num .
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Rebuffat, S. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1984,
Reinhold , 1992, CMS500 19, 349 (ms)
C14H16O4 248.278 Citreoviridin C C-286 Citreovirone C-289
Mycotoxin prod. by the rice storage [74145-78-1] [103955-67-5]
mould Penicillium citreo-viride B. Oil. [a]30
D As Citreoviridin, C-285 with 5,5-Dichloro-4-hydroxy-1-(3-hydroxy-5-
-109.5 (c, 0.66 in CHCl3). lmax 209 (e R1 = CH3, R2 = H methoxyphenyl)-2-pentanone, 9CI
20000); 222 (sh) (e 7000); 267 (e 12000)
C23H30O6 402.486
(MeOH) (Derep). MeO
Mycotoxin prod. by the common soil
Shizuri, Y. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1986, 1129 (isol, organism Aspergillus terreus. lmax 204 (e O OH
struct, nmr) 17000); 235 (e 10200); 286 (e 24600); 294 (e
27100); 388 (e 48000); 398 (sh) (e 46000)
Citreoviridin C-285 (EtOH) (Derep).
[25425-12-1] Saito, M. et al., Microb. Toxins , 1971, 6, 299
C12H14Cl2O4 293.146
Citreoviridin A (rev) Mycotoxin prod. by the rice storage
Sakabe, N. et al., Tetrahedron , 1977, 33, 3077 mould Penicillium citreo-viride. Oil. [a]30
(struct) +21.8 (c, 4.0 in CHCl3). lmax 209 (e
HO Linnett, P.E. et al., Biochem. J. , 1978, 170, 503 14000); 222 (sh) (e 7000); 280 (e 1000)
R1 R2 OH (props) (MeOH) (Derep).
Franck, B. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1980,
O O Shizuri, Y. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1986, 1129 (isol,
O 19, 461 (isol)
Steyn, P.S. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1985, 1531 struct, nmr)
R 1 = H, R 2 = CH 3 (biosynth)
Nishiyama, S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1985, 26, 231
C23H30O6 402.486 (config, synth) Citric acid C-290
Metab. of Penicillium citreo-viride, Peni- Cole, R.J. et al., Handbook of Toxic Fungal [77-92-9]
cillium toxicarium, Penicillium ochrosal- Metabolites, Academic Press, New York, 2-Hydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic
moneum and Aspergillus terreus. Isol. 1981, 876 acid, 9CI. 2-Hydroxytricarballylic acid.
from mouldy rice. Toxin formerly respon- E330. FEMA 2306
sible for epidemic-like occurrences of Citreoviridin D C-287
cardiac beriberi in East Asia. Deep yellow CH 2COOH
cryst. (MeOH). Sol. MeOH, CHCl3; [74145-79-2]
poorly sol. H2O, hexane. Mp 107-1118. As Citreoviridin, C-285 with HO C COOH
lmax 204 (e 17000); 235 (e 10200); 286 (e R1 = R2 = CH3
24600); 294 (e 27100); 388 (e 48000); 398 C24H32O6 416.513 CH 2COOH

Citrubuntin / Citrulline C-291  / C-292

C6H8O7 192.125 C12H20O7 276.286 Schulz, G. et al., Ullmanns Encykl. Tech. Chem.,
Occurs in the free state in lemons, Used in foods as a flavouring agent, 4. Aufl. , 1975, 9, 624 (rev)
currants, beetroot etc. and the seeds and solvent and surface-active agent. Oil Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
juices of many flowers and plants. Com- with a bitter taste. Sl. sol. H2O. d25 1.14. York, 1989, ADD750; CMS750; TJP750
mercially produced by large-scale fermen- Bp 2948 Bp1 1278. Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn.,
tation of sugars using the mould -LD50 (rat, orl) 5900 mg/kg. GE8050000 Wiley, 1991, 6, 354 (rev)
Aspergillus nigus. Constit. of fruit drinks, 1-Isopropyl ester: [101396-15-0] Venkateshwarlu, M. et al., Powder Diffr. , 1993,
pharmaceutical syrups. Flavouring ingre- 8, 173-174 (cryst struct)
[1321-57-9, 39413-05-3, 135630-69-2]
dient. Primary function as an acid, acidity Grewal, H.S. et al., Biotechnol. Adv. , 1995, 13,
C9H14O7 234.205 209 (rev, manuf)
regulator, antioxidant, preservative and
Sequestrant, antioxidant, solvent and Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
sequestrant. One of the most widely used
vehicle in margarine manuf.. Isopropyl Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
food additives. Its clean taste makes it
citrate for food use is a mixt. of the 1- and Reinhold , 1992, ADD750; MRL000;
applicable in soft drinks, sugar confec- TNL000; DXC400; CMS750; PLB750;
2- isomers together with smaller amts. of
tionery, preserves, soups and sauces. Cryst. TJP750
di- and triisopropyl citrates.
+ 1H2O (H2O), losing H2O at 70-758. V.
sol. H2O, EtOH; mod. sol. Et2O. Mp 1358 2-Isopropyl ester: [83966-24-9]
(monohydrate) Mp 1538 (anhyd.). pKa1 Citrubuntin C-291
[1321-57-9, 39413-05-3]
3.13; pKa2 4.78; pKa3 6.43 (258). [74794-83-5]
C9H14O7 234.205
-Eye and skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 6730 Sequestrant and antioxidant for margarine 7-Methoxy-6-(3-methyl-1,3-butadienyl)-
mg/kg. GE7350000 and other foodstuffs. Plasticiser for food 2H-1-benzopyran-2-one, 9CI. Dehydrosu-
Mono-Na salt: [18996-35-5] contact packaging. Cryst. (Me2CO/ berosin. Suberodiene
[994-36-5] Sodium dihydrogen citrate. Bicitra hexane). Mp 126-1288. Food grade
Preservative. Hygroscopic solid. Mp 2128. material is a mixt. of the 1- and 2-
isopropyl esters.
-LD50 (rat, ipr) 1348 mg/kg. GE7950000 2′
Di-Na salt: [144-33-2] 2-Octadecyl ester:2-Stearyl citrate
C24H44O7 444.607 1′
[994-36-5, 6132-05-4] Disodium hydrogen
Antioxidant, sequestrant and emulsifier
citrate. Alkacitron
for use in margarine. Plasticiser for food MeO
Preservative. Solid + 11=2H2O. Mp 1498 O O
contact packaging. Cryst. (toluene). Mp
80.4-80.98. Food grade material is a
mixt. of mono-, di- and triesters pre- C15H14O3 242.274
Tri-Na salt: [68-04-2]
pared by esterification of citric acid with Constit. of Citrus grandis (pummelo).
[994-36-5] Sodium citrate. Trisodium citrate. Powder (Et2O) or pale yellow prisms
stearyl alcohol.
Citrosodine. E331. FEMA 3026 (CH2Cl2/EtOAc). Mp 118-1208 (115-
Used in food processing as an emulsifying Ac, tributyl ester: [77-90-7] Acetyl tributyl 1178).
agent, pH control agent, colour control citrate. ATBC. FEMA 3080
agent, flavouring agent and modifier. Used C20H34O8 402.484 1?S,2?S-Epoxide: [23631-16-5] 7-Methoxy-
in conjunction with ascorbate or erythor- Flavouring ingredient. Plasticiser used 6-[3-(1-methylethenyl)oxiranyl]-2H-1-
bate derivs. as a cure accelerator in in packaging films for food. Liq. with a benzopyran-22-one, 9CI. 6-(1,2-Epoxy-
processed meat products. Cryst. + 2H2O. faint, sweet herbaceous odour and mild 3-methyl-3-butenyl)-7-methoxycoumar-
Mp 3008. Pentahydrate also known. fruity flavour. Bp1 165-1708. Mp >3308. in. Thamnosmin
Me ether, tri-Me ester: C15H14O4 258.273
-GE8300000 Plates (EtOAc/hexane). Mp 101-1048.
C10H16O7 248.232
Mono-K salt: [866-83-1] Potassium dihy- Bp12 159-1608. [a]23
D -17.3 (CHCl3).
drogen citrate 1?,2?-Dihydro, 1?,2?-dihydroxy: [60094-90-8]
Preservative. Cryst. powder. Sol. H2O. [126-44-3, 3012-65-5, 3458-72-8, 4450-94-6,
5949-29-1, 6100-05-6, 6132-04-3, 7693-13-2,
Tri-K salt: [866-84-2] 10402-15-0, 80238-46-6, 80300-24-9, 101996-63- 7-methoxy-2H-1-benzopyran-2-one, 9CI.
[7778-49-6] Potassium citrate. Tripotassium 8] Thamnosmonin
citrate. Urocit K. E332 C15H16O5 276.288
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Alkalising and buffering agent. Used in 1, 524B; 555B; 555D; 665A (ir)
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 162-1648. [a]26D +187

foods, beverages and oral pharmaceutical Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR (c, 0.6 in MeOH). Config. not establ..
formulations. More sol. than Na salts; also Spectra , 1992, 1, 814A (nmr) [114032-21-2]
used in low-Na foods and as a potassium Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
1989, 3, 719D (ir) Kutney, J.P. et al., Tetrahedron , 1972, 28, 5091
source in nutritional supplements. Cryst. + (isol, struct, Thamnosmin)
v. Pechmann, H. et al., Annalen , 1891, 261, 162
H2O. Mp 2758 dec. CAS no. refers to (synth) González, A.G. et al., An. Quim. , 1973, 69,
anhydr. form. Bülow, C. et al., Ber. , 1918, 51, 1246 (synth) 1013; CA , 80, 145231 (pmr, Thamnosmin)
Challenger, F. et al., Ind. Chem. , 1929, 5, 181 Chang, P.T.O. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1976, 39, 134
Ca salt (2:3): [813-94-5] (bibl) (Thamnosmonin)
[5785-44-4] Calcium citrate. Citracal. E333 U.S. Pat. , 1936, 2 047 669; CA , 30, 6128 (synth) Reisch, J. et al., Annalen , 1988, 543; 1990, 931
U.S. Pat. , 1937, 2 066 892; CA , 31, 1045 (isol) (synth, pmr, cmr, ir, ms)
C12H10Ca3O14 498.437 Wu, T.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 3717
Emulsifier in foods, dietary supplement. U.S. Pat. , 1945, 2 389 766; CA , 40, 5757 (Ca
salt, manuf) (Citrubuntin)
Cryst. + 4H2O. Loses H2O of crystal-
Rudy, H. et al., Pharmazie, 1949, 4, 393-399 (Ca
lisation at 100-1208. salt, rev)
Mn salt: [10024-66-5] Manganese citrate Cheng, K.L. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1961, 33, 783 Citrulline C-292
Dietary supplement. Pale orange or
(use) N5-(Aminocarbonyl)ornithine, 9CI. N5-
Hulanicki, A. et al., Talanta , 1962, 9, 549 (use) Carbamoylornithine, 8CI. 2-Amino-5-urei-
pinkish white powder. Gilbert, D.J. et al., Chemistry, 1968, 41, 29 dovaleric acid. 5-Ureidoornithine. Stimol
Tri-NH4 salt: [3458-72-8] Ammonium ci- (ester)
trate. Triammonium citrate. E380 Food Chemicals Codex , 2nd Ed., Vol. II, 1972,
Emulsifier and acidity regulator used in 204 (anal) COOH
Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen
the food industry.
der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn., H 2N C H
Tri-Et ester: [77-93-0] Triethyl citrate. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 877
FEMA 3083. E1505 (occur) (CH 2)3NHCONH 2

Citrunobin  / Clausarin C-293 / C-300

C6H13N3O3 175.187Log P -4.59 (calc). Passador, E.A.P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, C37H44N8O7 712.804
45, 1533-1537 (deriv) Isol. from Citrus sinensis (orange). Cryst.
(S )-form [372-75-8] Tomazela, D.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000,
L-form Mp 213-2158. [a]22
D -75.16 (c, 0.15 in
55, 643-651 (derivs, pmr, cmr)
Occurs in the juice of watermelon MeOH).
(Citrullus vulgaris ). Prisms (MeOH aq.). Matsubara, Y. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1991,
Mp 2228. [a]25D +22 (c, 2 in 1M HCl). Citrusal C-294 55, 2923 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms)
pKa1 2.43; pKa2 9.41 (258, 0.1M NaCl). [5980-07-4]
Pharmacol. active enantiomer. 8-(2,2-Dimethyl-3-oxopropyl)-7-methoxy- Citrusin III C-297
Hydrochloride: 2H-1-benzopyran-2-one, 9CI. 7-Methoxy- [139626-30-5]
D +17.9 (c, 2 in H2O). Dec. at 1858. 8-(2-formyl-2-methylpropyl)coumarin
Cu salt: Leu-Leu-Pro-Tyr
Blue prisms. Mp 257-2588.
2-N-Benzoyl, Me ester: Pro Ser Gly
C14H19N3O4 293.322Dec. at 1208. MeO O O
2-N-Benzoyl, amide: C36H53N7O9 727.856
C13H18N4O3 278.31Dec. at 1408. Isol. from Citrus sinensis (orange). Cryst.
Mp 160-1638. [a]22
D -103.09 (c, 0.14 in
[627-77-0] 3′ CHO MeOH).
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Matsubara, Y. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1991,
Spectra , 1992, 1, 1279C (nmr) C15H16O4 260.289 55, 2923 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Constit. of grapefruit peel oil (Citrus
1, 784B (ir) paradisi ). Fine needles (EtOAc/hexane).
Biochem. Prep. , 1953, 3, 100; 104 (synth) Citrusin IV C-298
Mp 137-1388.
Kjaer, A. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1964, 18, [139626-31-6]
2412 (ord) 3?-Carboxylic acid: [112397-12-3]
Dunnill, P.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1965, 4, Paniculin$
933 (occur) C15H16O5 276.288 Glu-Ala-Glu-Trp
Ashida, T. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1972, 28, 1367 Needles (MeOH). Mp 236-2388.
(cryst struct) Pro-Val-Glu-Gly
Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen 5-Methoxy: [74158-07-9] Seselinal
der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn., C16H18O5 290.315 C41H55N9O14 897.937
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 2391 Needles (Me2CO/hexane). Mp 174- Isol. from Citrus sinensis (orange). Yellow
(occur) 1758. cryst. Mp 220-2218. [a]22
D +5.58 (c, 0.05 in
Msall, M. et al., N. Engl. J. Med. , 1984, 310, MeOH).
1500 (pharmacol)
5-Methoxy, 3?-carboxylic acid: [117007-26-
Wakamiya, T. et al., Tetrahedron , 1984, 40, 235 8] 5,7-Dimethoxy-a,a-dimethyl-2-oxo- Matsubara, Y. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1991,
(isol, bibl) 2H-1-benzopyran-8-propanoic acid. 55, 2923 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms)
Toffoli, P. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1987, 43, 945 Murraculatin
(cryst struct) C16H18O6 306.315 Citrusinol C-299
Drauz, K. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1991, Needles (Me2CO). Mp 217-2188.
30, 712 (synth) [112516-43-5]
Fisher, J.F. et al., Tetrahedron , 1966, 22, 1489
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th 3,5-Dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-8,8-di-
(isol, ir, uv, pmr, ms)
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1038 Chatterjea, A. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , methyl-4H,8H-benzo[1,2-b:3,4-
1976, 410 (synth, uv, ir, pmr, ms) b?]dipyran-4-one, 9CI
Banerjee, S.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19,
Citrunobin C-293 281 (Seselinal)
Wu, T.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 2357 OH
[126026-23-1] (Murraculatin) OH
Imai, F. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1989, 37,
358 (Paniculin)
OMe Murray, R.D.H. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat. O O
Prod. , 1991, 58, 83 (Citrusal)
Rajnikant, G.K.N. et al., Mol. Cryst. Liq. OH
Cryst. , 1993, 3, 61 (Seselinal, cryst struct)
HO O C20H16O6 352.343
Citrusin I C-295 Isol. from root bark of king orange (Citrus
O nobilis ). Yellow needles + 1H2O (Me2CO).
4 [139626-28-1]
3 Mp 252-2548.
Leu-Ile-Ala-Thr 3,6-Di-Me ether: [157072-30-5] 2-(4-Hy-
C21H20O5 352.386 droxyphenyl)-3,6-dimethoxy-8,8-di-
Phe Thr Gly methyl-4H,8H-benzo[1,2-b:3,4-
Chalcone-type numbering shown. Constit. b?]dipyran-4-one
of Citrus sinensis (orange) and Citrus C34H53N7O9 703.834 C22H20O6 380.396
nobilis (King orange). Red plates Isol. from unripe Citrus unshiu (satsuma Constit. of the fruits of tangerine
(Et2O). Mp 182-1848. mandarin). Cryst. Mp 3008. [a]22
D -25.92 (c, (Citrus reticulata cv. blanco ). Mp 225-
4-Me ether: 0.03 in MeOH). 2268.
C22H22O5 366.413 Wu, T.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26, 3094
Matsubara, Y. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1991,
Yellow powder. lmax 290 ; 362 (CHCl3). 55, 2923 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms) (isol)
3-Methoxy, 4-Me ether: Saxena, V.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 36,
C23H24O6 396.439 1039 (di-Me ether)
Yellow powder. lmax 294 ; 372 (CHCl3). Citrusin II C-296
3,5-Dimethoxy, 4-Me ether: [194607-72-2] [139626-29-2] Clausarin C-300
C24H26O7 426.465 [62770-67-6]
Yellow powder. lmax 286 ; 352 (MeOH). Ala-Pro-Phe-Trp 3,10-Bis(1,1-dimethyl-2-propenyl)-5-hy-
Wu, T.-S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, 3558 droxy-8,8-dimethyl-2H,8H-benzo[1,2-
(isol, pmr, cmr) Pro Gly Gly b:5?,4?-b?]dipyran-2-one, 9CI

z-Clausenamide  / 3,14-Clerodadien-13-ol C-301 / C-305

OH Isol. from the leaves of Clausena Baehring-Kuhlmey, S.R. et al., Drugs of Today
lansium (wampee). Needles. Mp 239- (Barcelona) , 1978, 14, 59; 1981, 17, 335 (revs)
2408. Tschan, M. et al., Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol. ,
1979, 15, 159 (props)
O O O Di-Ac: Carpy, A. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1980, 36, 2837
Cubes. Mp 165-1678. (cryst struct)
1?-Me ether: [119518-25-1] Lansimide 3 Martin, P. et al., Eur. J. Pharmacol. , 1985, 117,
2″ 127 (pharmacol)
C19H21NO3 311.38
Negwer, M. et al., Organic-Chemical Drugs and
Constit. of Clausena lansium (wampee). their Synonyms, 6th edn., Akademie-Verlag ,
C24H28O4 380.483 1?,5-Diepimer: [114528-82-4] Neoclausena- 1987, 2492 (synonyms)
Sol. MeOH, C6H6; poorly sol. H2O. Mp mide Lafontan, M. et al., Reprod., Nutr., Dev. , 1988,
2088 dec. lmax 232 ; 282 ; 338 (MeOH) Isol. from Clausena lansium (wampee). 28, 61 (rev, anabolic props)
(Berdy). Cubes. Mp 205-2168. Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1241
Ac: Lakshmi, V. et al., Indian Drugs , 1988, 26, 105
Panoyan, A. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1995,
C26H30O5 422.52 Yang, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 445
43, 2716-2718 (anal)
Mp 1208. Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
(isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms, cryst struct)
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
2??,3??-Epoxide:Oxaclausarin Rao, E.C. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1994, 5,
Reinhold , 1992, VHA350
C24H28O5 396.482 267-268 (synth)
Oil. [a]D -32.3 (c, 0.192 in EtOH). Huang, D.F. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1994, 5,
371-372 (synth) 3,14-Clerodadiene-13,18-diol C-304
6,7-Dihydro, 6,7-dihydroxy (trans-):Clau- Wang, J.-Q. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1996, 209-
sarinol 212 (synth, cryst struct, Neoclausenamide)
C24H30O6 414.497 Cappi, M.W. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1998, 1159-
Constit. of a cross hybrid of Citrus 1160 (synth) H
paradisi (grapefruit) and Citrus tanger- OH
ina (tangerine). Oil. [a]D -27.8 (c, 0.07 in
CHCl3). Clenbuterol, BAN, INN C-303
Anwer, F. et al., Experientia , 1977, 33, 412 (isol, [37148-27-9]
struct) 4-Amino-3,5-dichloro-a-[[(1,1-dimethy- CH 2OH
Bhatia, S.K. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , lethyl)amino]methyl]benzenemethanol,
1983, 22, 1090 (synth)
9CI. 1-(4-Amino-3,5-dichlorophenyl)-2- C20H34O2 306.487
Murray, R.D.H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1984, 40,
3133 (synth) tert-butylaminoethanol. Spiropent. Venti- (ent -5a,13j)-form [56497-92-8]
Ju-ichi, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1991, 39, pulmin. NAB 365. Many other names Sagittariol
2252 (Oxaclausarin) Constit. of Sagittaria sagittifolia (ar-
Takemura, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1996, OH rowhead). Cryst. (C6H6/hexane). Mp
44, 804 (Clausarinol)
1098. [a]D +41 (CHCl3).
Yenjai, C. et al., Planta Med. , 2000, 66, 277-281 CHCH 2NHC(CH 3)3
(activity) 18-(2-Pyrrolecarbonyl): [174756-41-3]
Nakamurol D
C25H37NO3 399.572
z-Clausenamide C-301 Cl Cl Pale yellow oil. Sol. MeOH, EtOAc,
[136173-85-8] NH 2 CHCl3; poorly sol. H2O. [a]25D -8.5 (c, 1.2
5,6-Dihydro-5-hydroxy-3-methyl-6-phenyl- in CHCl3).
3-benzazocin-4(3H)-one, 9CI C12H18Cl2N2O 277.192 13-Epimer: [329689-18-1] Deacetylrigidusol
Potential food contaminant arising from C20H34O2 306.487
Ph OH its illicit use to improve carcass quality Gum. [a]24D -21.1 (c, 1.21 in CHCl3).
and productivity in cattle. Approved to- 13-Epimer, 18-Ac: [329688-58-6] Rigidusol
O colytic agent for cows in several European C22H36O3 348.525
countries. Log P 2.38 (calc). Gum. [a]24D -31.8 (c, 0.11 in CHCl3).
N -LD50 (rat,orl) 159 mg/kg. Exp. reprod. and
Me Sharma, S.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14,
teratogenic effects. DA4726600 1055; 1984, 23, 1194 (Sagittariol)
C18H17NO2 279.338 (+)-form [50499-60-0] Shoji, N. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1996, 59, 448
Alkaloid from Clausena lansium (wam- Cryst. (H2O). Mp 127-128.58. [a]20 364 (Nakamurol D)
+244 (c, 2.28 in CHCl3). Abs. configs. Morales, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 55,
pee). 863-866 (Rigidusol, Deacetylrigidusol)
not detd. (1994).
Yang, M. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1991, 2, 291;
CA , 115, 155059 (isol, struct)
Hydrochloride: [50310-83-3]
Cryst. (Et2O). Mp 197.5-1988. [a]20 364 3,14-Clerodadien-13-ol C-305
+126 (c, 2.15 in H2O).
Clausenamide C-302 (-)-form [50306-03-1]
[119616-14-7] Cryst. (H2O). [a]20364 -243 (c, 2.65 in OH
CHCl3). Active isomer. H
methyl-4-phenyl-2-pyrrolidinone, 9CI. Lan- Hydrochloride: [50310-85-5]
simide 4 Cryst. (Et2O). Mp 187-1888 dec. [a]20 364 -
126 (c, 2.72 in H2O).
Ph OH (/9)-form [50306-01-9]
Hydrochloride: [69930-61-6] C20H34O 290.488
Powder (2-propanol). Mp 174-175.58. (5b,8aH ,13S )-form [272777-78-3]
Ph (+)-Kolavelool
N O [21898-19-1]
H Oil. [a]18
D +59.1 (c, 0.68 in CHCl3).
HO Me Keck, J. et al., Arzneim.-Forsch. , 1972, 22, 861;
869 (synth, pharmacol)
(ent -5b,8aH ,13S )-form [19941-81-2]
Ger. Pat. , 1972, 2 212 600; CA , 79, 146177 Kolavelool
C18H19NO3 297.353 (resoln) Oil. [a]24
D -40.4 (CHCl3).
lmax 257 (e 500) (MeOH) (Berdy). Engelhardt, G. et al., Arzneim.-Forsch. , 1976, (ent -5a,8aH ,13j)(1)-form [374925-73-2]
(/9)-form [103541-15-7] 26, 1403 (props) Oil. [a]19
D -24.2 (c, 1 in CHCl3).

Clitidine / Cobalt(II ) chloride (CoCl2), 8CI C-306 / C-311

(ent -5a,8aH ,13j)(2)-form NH 2 Tetra-Me ether, Me ester: [64803-83-4]

18-Deoxysagittarol N NO 2 Mp 152-1538. [a]22 D +137 (c, 1 in
Constit. of Sagittaria sagittifolia (arrow- CHCl3).
head). Viscous liq. N NH (S,Z )-form [53755-03-6]
(ent -5a,8bH ,13j)-form [16910-19-3] Isol. from Trifolium pratense (red
Plathyterpol HOH 2 C O clover). Oil. [a]19
D +28.7 (c, 0.57 in H2O).
Oil. Bp0.2 142-1448. [a]D -28 (c, 0.2 in Tetra-Me ether, Me ester: [64803-85-6]
CHCl3). The stereochemical assignment Syrup. [a]16
D +83 (c, 1 in CHCl3).
may be incorrect.
King, T.J. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1967, 575; 1969, OH OH
683 (Plathyterpol) Yoshihara, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1974,
Misra, R. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1968, 2685 (synth) C9H13N5O6 287.232 38, 1107; 1977, 41, 1679 (isol)
Anthonsen, T. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1969, Nucleoside isol. from the mushroom Van Heerden, F.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980,
23, 1068 (Kolavelool) 19, 2125 (isol, cmr, synth)
Clitocybe inversa (edibility unknown). Sol. Robiot, G. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1988, 51, 596
Juneja, R.K. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
1986, 25, 748 (18-Deoxysagittarol)
MeOH, EtOAc; poorly sol. cyclohexane. (synth)
Nagashima, F. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2001, 64, Mp 228-2308. lmax 255 (e 7950); 330 (e Sanbongi, C. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1998,
1309-1317 (Jungermannia infusca constits) 2190) (EtOH) (Derep). lmax 255 (e 7450); 46, 454-457 (S,E-form, isol cacao, hplc, pmr,
330 (e 2190) (EtOH) (Berdy). cmr)
Kubo, I. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1986, 27, 4277 (isol,
uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) Clusin C-310
Clitidine C-306 Larson, S.B. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1988, 44,
1076 (cryst struct)
[63592-84-7] Isono, K. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1988, 41, 1711 (rev) [72627-54-4]
1,4-Dihydro-4-imino-1-b-D-ribofuranosyl- Kamikawa, T. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1988, 195 4-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-ylmethyl)tetrahydro-
3-pyridinecarboxylic acid. Chrytidine (synth)
Palmer, C.F. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1990, 31, 279
(synth) anol, 9CI. 9-Hydroxy-3,4,5-trimethoxy-
NH 3?,4?-methylenedioxy-9,9?-epoxylignan
COOH Cloransulam C-308
N 3-Chloro-2-[[(5-ethoxy-7-fluoro[1,2,4]-
O mino]benzoic acid, 9CI
9 OMe
F N C22H26O7 402.443
SO2NH Constit. of Piper cubeba (cubeb pepper).
N N N Gum. [a]D -34.4 (c, 1.0 in CHCl3).
C11H14N2O6 270.241
Mp 189-1918 (monohydrate). [a]24 D -50.6 (c, HOOC Me ether:O-Methyl-a-clusin
1.0 in H2O). lmax 267 (e 14500) (H2O at
C23H28O7 416.47
pH 2) (Derep). lmax 271 (e 15100) (H2O at C14H11ClFN5O5S 415.789 Oil. [a]23
D -19.3 (c, 0.1 in CHCl3).
pH 12) (Derep). lmax 271 (e 12590) (H2O)
Me ester: [147150-35-4] Cloransulam- Et ether: [93395-17-6] 9-Ethoxy-3,4,5-tri-
methyl, BSI. XDE 565 methoxy-3?,4?-methylenedioxy-9,9?-epox-
-Toxic. ylignan
C15H13ClFN5O5S 429.815
5?-Phosphate: [65411-71-4] Clitidine 5?- C24H30O7 430.497
Pre- and post-emergence broad-leaved
monophosphate. Clitidine 5?-mononu-
herbicide for use in soya beans. Gummy solid. [a]36 D -31.6 (MeOH).
cleotide 9-Epimer, Me ether:O-Methyl-b-clusin
C11H15N2O9P 350.221 U.S. Pat. , 1992, 5 163 995, (Dow Elanco ); CA ,
118, 213106f (synth, activity) C23H28O7 416.47
D -43.5 (c, 0.4 in H2O). lmax 268 (log Oil. [a]23
Wolt, J.D. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1996, 44, D -3.5 (c, 0.2 in CHCl3).
e 4.31) (H2O). 324-332 (metab) Koul, S.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, 999-
3?,5?-Dibenzoyl: Pesticide Manual, 11th edn. , 1997, 155 1000; 1984, 23, 2099-2101
Mp 160-1618.
Konno, K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1977, 481 (synth, Clovamide
struct, pmr, ms)
C-309 Cobalt(II ) chloride (CoCl2), C-311
Tono-oka, S. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1981,
N-[3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-1-oxo-2-pro- 8CI
54, 212-216 (synth) penyl]-3-hydroxytyrosine, 9CI. N-(3,4-Di- [7646-79-9]
Konno, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1982, 38, 3281 hydroxycinnamoyl)DOPA. N-Caffeoyl Cobalt chloride$. Cobalt dichloride. Cobal-
(abs config) DOPA tous chloride. Cobatope-57. Cobatope-60
Yamano, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 35,
897-899 (5?-phosphate) CoCl2
Shirahama, H. et al., Heterocycles , 1998, 47, HO COOH Cl2Co 129.839
661-664 (tautom, cryst struct)
NH C H OH Has CdCl2 struct.. Formerly approved as a
CH 2 OH food additive but now prohibited. Pale
blue hygroscopic cryst. Sol. H2O, polar
(S,E)-form org. solvs. Mp 7358. Bp 10498. Turns
Clitocine C-307 pink on exp. to moist air. Paramagnetic
[105798-74-1] C18H17NO7 359.335 (also hydrates).
N-(6-Amino-5-nitro-4-pyrimidinyl)-b-D-ri- (S,E )-form [53755-02-5] -Human systemic effects by ingestion
bofuranosylamine, 9CI. 6-Amino-5-nitro-4- Isol. from cocoa liquor (Theobroma include anorexia, gastrointestinal
imino-b-D-ribofuranosylpyrimidine cacao ) and red clover (Trifolium disturbances, cardiomyopathy, thyroid
pratense ). Natural antioxidant. enlargement and weight loss. LD50 (rat,
Amorph. powder or oil. Mp 125-1308. orl) 80 mg/kg. Exp. cardiotoxic. Exp.
D -30.9 (c, 0.5 in H2O). reprod. and teratogenic effects. MEL:

Cobalt(II ) sulfate (CoSO4), 8CI / Codeine, BAN, USAN C-312  / C-316

long-term 0.1 mg m-3 (as Co). GF9800000 Heptahydrate: [10026-24-1] Cobalt vitriol. Pearson, D. et al., J. Assoc. Public Anal. , 1973,
Bieberite 11, 135-138 (chromatog)
Dihydrate: [16544-92-6] Meyer, O. et al., Toxicology, 1975, 5, 201-207
Violet-pink solid. Octahedral polymeric Red cryst. Sol. H2O, MeOH, EtOH. Mp
struct. with bridging Cl. 96.88. Formulated as [Co(OH2)]6SO4.- Gelbcke, M. et al., Anal. Lett. , 1980, 13, 975-
H2O. 984 (cmr)
Hexahydrate: [7791-13-1] Hexaaquaco-
-GG3200000 Fogg, A.G. et al., Analyst (London) , 1981, 106,
balt(2+) chloride. Cobalt(II) chloride
hexahydrate Double salt with ammonium sulfate, 883-889; 1986, 111, 831-835 (anal)
hexahydrate: [13586-38-4] Yamada, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998,
Cl2CoH12O6 237.93 46, 494-499 (hplc, pmr, cmr)
Red monoclinic cryst. Sol. H2O, Red cryst. Sol. H2O.
Me2CO. Mp 868. Best considered as [15136-97-7, 60459-08-7]
chloride salt of Hexaaquacobal- Remy, H. et al., Treatise Inorg. Chem. , Elsevier,
Codamine C-315
t(II )(2+). 1956, 2, 300 (synth, props)
-LD50 (rat, orl) 766 mg/kg. Exp. reprod. Nobukazu, O. et al., Nippon Kagaku Zasshi , MeO
and teratogenic effects. GG0200000 1966, 87, 363 (pe)
Compd. with graphite: [12672-50-3] Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn., NMe
Intercalation compd.; contains an Wiley, 1978, 6, 503 HO
Merck Index, 11th edn. , 1989, No. 2443 H (S)-form
excess of Cl in the stoichiometry. OMe
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
[1332-82-7, 14543-09-0, 29377-09-1, 66828-02-2, Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 646
115526-21-1] Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of OMe
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Sidgwick, N.V. et al., The Chemical Elements
Reinhold , 1992, CNE125
and their Compds. , Oxford, 1950, 1379 C20H25NO4 343.422
Osthoff, W. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1954, 76, 4732 (S )-form [21040-59-5]
(synth) Coccinin C-313 Minor constit. of opium. Cryst. (petrol).
Remy, H. et al., Treatise Inorg. Chem. , Elsevier,
1956, 2, 297
[132242-50-3] Mp 126-1278. [a]15
D +66.1 (c, 1 in EtOH).
Young, R.S. et al., Cobalt - Its Chemistry, Brockmann-Hanssen, E. et al., J. Pharm. Sci. ,
Metallurgy and Uses , (Ed.), ACS Monograph 1965, 54, 1531 (isol)
Ser. No. 149, Reinhold N.Y., 1960, 76 CH 2OH Cassels, B.K. et al., Tetrahedron , Suppl. 8, 1966,
Brauer, G. et al., Handbuch Prap. Anorg. Chem. , OH 485-490 (synth, resoln)
3rd edn., Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 1975, 3, Benn, M.H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, 11,
1660 (synth) H 461-464 (isol)
Underwood, E.J. et al., Nutr. Rev. , 1975, 33, 65 CHO Hoshino, O. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1974,
Wells, A.F. et al., Structural Inorg. Chem. , 5th OGlc 22, 1302-1306 (pmr)
Ed., Oxford, 1984, 413; 675; 682 (struct) O
Elinder, C.-G. et al., Handb. Toxicol. Met. , O
(Eds. Friberg, L. et al ), 2nd edn., Elsevier, Codeine, BAN, USAN C-316
1986, 2, 211 (tox, rev) C26H40O11 528.595 [76-57-3]
Speck, J.S. et al., Synth. Met. , 1989, 34, 211-216 7,8-Didehydro-4,5-epoxy-3-methoxy-17-
(rev, compd with graphite, struct)
Constit. of Phaseolus coccineus (scarlet
runner bean). Plates (butanol aq.). Mp methylmorphinan-6-ol, 9CI. Methylmor-
Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis ,
(ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 2, 1291- 190-1938. [a]D +19.9 (MeOH). phine. Codicept. Kodein. Tussipan
1293 (use) Yamashita, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990,
Touzain, P. et al., Synth. Met. , 1996, 79, 241- 38, 2905 (isol, pmr, cmr, cryst struct) MeO
251 (compd with graphite, synth)
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 32nd Absolute
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1999, 1565 Cochineal Red A C-314 O
Beliles, R.P. et al., Patty’s Ind. Hyg. Toxicol. , [7244-14-6] NMe
4th edn., Vol. 2, Wiley, 1993, 2C, 1973 (tox,
rev) [2611-82-7] HO
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 7-Hydroxy-8-[(4-sulfo-1-naphthalenyl)a-
Industrial Materials, 10th edn., J. Wiley, 2000, C18H21NO3 299.369
zo]-1,3-naphthalenedisulfonic acid, 9CI.
CNB599; CNB800 Opium alkaloid (Papaver somniferum )
Acid Scarlet 3R. Brilliant Ponceau 3R.
(content ca. 1%). Prisms (Et2O or C6H6),
Brilliant Scarlet 3R. Coccine. New coccine.
octahedra or rhombic prisms + H2O
Cobalt(II ) sulfate (CoSO4), C-312 Food Red No. 102. Naphthalene Scarlet
(H2O). Sol. EtOH, CHCl3, Me2CO; spar.
8CI 4R. Neucoccin. Ponceau 4R. Strawberry
sol. CCl4, H2O. Mp 1558. [a]D -137.8
Red. C.I. Acid Red 18. C.I. Food Red 7.
[10124-43-3] (EtOH). Log P 0.82 (uncertain value)
C.I. 16255. E124
(calc). Also used as complex with sulfo-
[10393-49-4] nated styrene-divinylbenzene copolymer
Cobalt sulfate$. Cobaltous sulfate SO3H (Codeine polistirex, USAN).
CoSO4 -Human and exp. reprod. effects. Exp.
CoO4S 154.997 teratogen. LD50 (rat, orl) 427 mg/kg.
Once used in fermented malt beverages as QD0893000
a foam stabiliser; now prohibited from use Hydrochloride: [1422-07-7]
in food. Dark bluish solid. Sol. H2O. N Prisms + 2H2O (H2O). Mp 2878 (as
Anhydrous compd. dec. at 7358. N SO3H dihydrate). [a]22.5
D -108.2 (H2O).
-GG3100000 HO -LD50 (rat, orl) 750 mg/kg. QD1050000
Monohydrate: Sulfate salt: [6854-40-6]
Red cryst. Sol. H2O. [1420-53-7] Codeine sulfate, USAN
Hexahydrate: [16591-12-1] Hexaaquaco- Needles + 3H2O. Component of Copavin.
balt(2+) sulfate. Cobalt(II) sulfate
hexahydrate C20H14N2O10S3 538.536 Phosphate salt: [41444-62-6]
CoH12O10S 263.088 Strictly the trade names apply to the tri- [52-28-8] Codeine phosphate, BAN, JAN,
Orange-pink cryst. Sol. H2O. Hygro- Na salt. Synthetic food colouring. USAN. Brochodine. Codeinfos. Codeisan.
scopic; contains [Co(OH2)6]2 cations. Bright red powder (as tri-Na salt). Codeophen. Codlin. Duraspan. Paveral.
Dec. at 958 (-2H2O). Colour Index , 3rd edn., 1971, 4, 4074 (synth) Sedantole. Solcodein. Vixaton

Coenzyme Q  / Cohibin D C-317 / C-322

C18H21NO6P 378.341 White, J.D. et al., J.O.C. , 1999, 64, 7871-7884 Coffeasterene C-318
Needles + 1=2H2O. Component of Proval (synth)
and Migraleve. Rukhman, I. et al., Tetrahedron , 2001, 57, 1083-
1092 (6-glucuronoside)
Compd. with calcium bis(2- Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
acetylsalicylate): [81648-77-3] Paxidine Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, CNF500; CNG500;
N-Oxide: [3688-65-1] Codeine N-oxide. CNG675; CNF750; CNG750
Codeigene. Codeine aminoxyde. Genoco-
C18H21NO4 315.368
Alkaloid from Papaver somniferum Coenzyme Q C-317
(opium poppy). Platelets (H2O). Mp Mitoquinone. Ubiquinone
N-Oxide; hydrochloride: O
C31H50O 438.735
Cryst. Mp 219-2208. [a]20D -105.8 (c, 2 in MeO CH 3
H2O). Dubious struct., no more recent work
MeO reported. Isol. from coffee bean oil. Mp
6-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside: [20736-11- H 1648. [a]D +4.
2] n
O Kaufmann, H.P. et al., Fette, Seifen, Anstrichm. ,
C24H29NO9 475.494
1964, 66, 461; CA , 61, 14722h
Mp 274-2758 dec. (hemihydrate). [a]20 D - A group of related substances having n =
224 (c, 1 in H2O). 1-12; the main naturally occurring
Ac: [6703-27-1] homologues have n = 6-10. Subscript Cohibin A C-319
Prisms (Et2O). Mp 133.58. number (/ / Ubiquinone no.) indicates n.
-LD50 (mus, scu) 99 mg/kg. QD0960000 For lowest homologue, see 2,3-
3-Pyridinecarboxylate: See Nicocodine in Dihydroxy-5-methyl-1,4-benzoquinone.
The Combined Chemical Dictionary. In redox bioequilibrium with the (CH2)m (CH2)nCH3 Relative
reduced forms (hydroquinones), the Configuration
6-Ketone: [467-13-0] 7,8-Didehydro-4,5- OH
CAS nos. for some of which are given in O O
this entry. m = 12, n = 11
6-one. Codeinone
Coenzyme Q4 [4370-62-1]
C18H19NO3 297.353
Ubiquinone 4 C35H64O4 548.888
Prisms (EtOAc). Mp 181.5-182.58. [a]20 D
-205 (EtOH). Subl. under reduced C29H42O4 454.648 Constit. of the roots of Annona muricata
pressure. Isol. from various yeasts. Red oil. (soursop). Powder. Mp 60-628. [a]D +12 (c,
-LD50 (mus, scu) 11 mg/kg. QD2169000 Coenzyme Q6 [1065-31-2] 0.1 in MeOH). Obt. as a mixture with
Ubiquinone 6. Ubiquinone 30 Cohibin B to which the data refers lmax
[5913-76-8, 6059-47-8]
212 (log e 2.82) (MeOH).
Findlay, S.P. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1950, 72, 3247 C39H58O4 590.885
(Codinone, synth) Isol. from bakers’ yeast (Saccharomyces Gleye, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 44, 1541
Bentley, K.W. et al., Chemistry of the Morphine cerevisiae ). Orange-yellow cryst. (EtOH) (isol, uv, pmr, cmr, ms)
Alkaloids , Oxford Univ. Press, 1954, 57-97 or red oil. Mp 19-208 (168).
(isol, props, uv, synth) Coenzyme Q10 [303-98-0]
Kartha, G. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1962, 15, 326-333 Cohibin B C-320
Ubiquinone 10. Ubiquinone 50. Ubide-
(cryst struct, abs config) [189508-32-5]
Brochmann-Hanssen, E. et al., J. Pharm. Sci. , carenone, BAN, INN. NSC 140865.
Many other names As Cohibin A, C-319 with
1964, 53, 1549-1550 (glc, chromatog)
Batterham, T.J. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1965, 18, C59H90O4 863.358 m = 10, n = 13
1799-1806 (pmr) Isol. from beef heart. Orange cryst. C35H64O4 548.888
Wheeler, D.M.S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1967, 89, 4494- (MeOH or EtOH) at low temp. Mp 49.98. Constit. of Annona muricata (soursop).
4501 (ms) Obt. as a mixture with Cohibin A.
Log P 20.24 (uncertain value) (calc).
DeAngelis, G.G. et al., Tetrahedron , 1969, 25,
5099-5112 (ord) -Exp. reprod. and teratogenic effects. Gleye, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 44, 1541
Parker, H.I. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1972, 94, 1276-1282 DK3900000 (isol, uv, pmr, cmr, ms)
(biosynth) [606-06-4, 727-81-1, 1173-76-8, 4370-62-1,
Weller, D.D. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1976, 19, 24663-35-2, 24663-36-3, 75763-46-1]
1171-1175 (synth) Cohibin C C-321
Carroll, F.I. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 996-1001 Gale, P.H. et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. As Cohibin A, C-319 with
(cmr) Commun. , 1963, 12, 414 (Coenzyme Q10 (H-
m = 14, n = 11
Phillipson, J.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15,
1297-1301 (oxide) Gale, P.H. et al., Biochemistry, 1963, 2, 196 C37H68O4 576.942
Muhtadi, F.J. et al., Anal. Profiles Drug Subst. , (Coenzyme Q10 (H-10)) Obt. as a mixt. with Cohibin D, C-322 to
1981, 10, 93 (rev, phosphate) Mahler, H.R. et al., Biochemistry, 1964, 3, 893- which data refers. Constit. of Annona
Whittle, B.J.R. et al., Gut , 1981, 22, 798 895 (Coenzyme Q6, isol)
Lavate, W.V. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1965, 240,
muricata (soursop). Waxy solid. lmax
Moos, W.H. et al., J.O.C. , 1983, 48, 227-238 524 (Coenzyme Q10 (H-10)) 214 (log e 3.62) (MeOH).
(synth) Greenberg, S.M. et al., Med. Clin. North Am. , Gleye, C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2000, 63, 1192-
White, J.D. et al., Tetrahedron , 1983, 39, 2393- 1988, 72, 243 (rev, pharmacol) 1196
2397 (synth, ir, pmr) Tran, M.T. et al., Pharmacotherapy (Carlisle,
Quiding, H. et al., Eur. J. Clin. Pharmacol. , Mass.) , 2001, 21, 797-806 (Coenzyme Q10,
1986, 30, 673 (metab) rev) Cohibin D C-322
Canfield, D.V. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1987, 43, Ferrante, R.J. et al., J. Neurosci. , 2002, 22, As Cohibin A, C-319 with
977-979 (cryst struct) 1592-1599 (Coenzyme Q10, pharmacol)
Lipshutz, B.H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 2002, 124,
m = 11, n = 14
Ishida, T. et al., Drug Metab. Dispos. , 1991, 19,
895 (Codeinone, metab) 14282-14283 (Coenzyme Q10, synth) C37H68O4 576.942
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th Obt. as a mixt. with Cohibin C, C-321.
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1069 Constit. of Annona muricata (soursop).
Nair, M.M. et al., Spectrosc. Lett. , 1997, 30,
497-505 (pmr, cmr) Gleye, C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2000, 63, 1192-

Cohulupone / Colupone C-323 
/ C-332

Cohulupone C-323 clo[,5]undec-6-ene-6-carboxalde- C30H46O4 470.691

[1891-34-5] hyde, 9CI Constit. of Zizyphus jujuba (Chinese date).
3,3-Bis(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-5-(2-methyl- Cryst. (EtOAc). Mp 282-2848 (263-2658).
1-oxopropyl)-1,2,4-cyclopentanetrione, 9CI H [a]20
D +3 (c, 1.15 in Py).

Me ester: [67594-78-9]
O C31H48O4 484.718
O O Cubic cryst. (petrol/Et2O). Mp 173-1808
(dec.). [a]25
D -39 (c, 0.2 in CHCl3).
OHC 3-Deoxy, 1,3-didehydro: [125456-52-2] Zi-
zyberenalic acid
O O C15H20O2 232.322
C30H44O3 452.676
Constit. of Collybia confluens (clustered
Cryst. Mp 214-2168. [a]18 D +24 (c, 0.5 in
C19H26O4 318.412 tough shank). Needles. Sol. MeOH,
MeOH). lmax 239 (log e 3.48); 266 (sh)
Constit. of hops. Oil. Bp0.0001 1008. Me2CO, Et2O; poorly sol. H2O. Mp 1218.
(log e 3.22) (no solvent reported).
lmax 236 (e 8571) (MeOH) (Berdy).
2,3-Diaminonaphthalene deriv.: Roitman, J.N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17,
Orange cryst. (MeOH). Mp 1358. Simon, B. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1995, 50, 491 (isol, ir, ms, pmr)
173 (isol, pmr, cmr) Baxter, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 2350
Wright, D. et al., J.C.S. , 1963, 1769 (synth)
Forsén, S. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1964, 18, (isol, cryst struct)
513 (ir, pmr, tautom) Kundu, A.B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,
Borremans, F. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1975,
Colneleic acid C-327 3155 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms)
7, 415 (cmr) 9-(1,3-Nonadienyloxy)-8-nonenoic acid, Lee, S.-S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 46, 549-
9CI 554 (Zizyberenalic acid)
H3C(CH2)4CH/ . CHCH/ . CH-O-CH/
Cohumulone C-324 . CH(CH2)6COOH
[511-25-1] Columbaridione C-330
C18H30O3 294.433
3,4,5-Trihydroxy-2,4-bis(3-methyl-2-bute- [156162-09-3]
(2?E ,4?Z ,8E )-form [52761-34-9]
nyl)-6-(2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-2,5-cyclo- Product of the enzymic oxidation of
hexadien-1-one, 9CI
potato lipids. Isol. as the Me ester by OH
glc. O
O O [52077-21-1]
Galliard, T. et al., Biochem. J. , 1972, 129, 743 O
HO OH Curtis, R.R. et al., Chem. Phys. Lipids , 1973,
11, 11 (synth)
HO Galliard, T. et al., Chem. Phys. Lipids , 1973, 11,
173 (isol) C20H24O5 344.407
Crombie, L. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1987, 502; Constit. of Salvia columbariae (California
C20H28O5 348.438 503 (biochem) chia). Orange oil.
Constit. of hops. Yellow wax. Sol. MeOH, Corey, E.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1990, 55, 1670 (synth)
Et2O; fairly sol. H2O. [a]27 Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1991, 567 Luis, J.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 36, 251
D -208.5. lmax
230 ; 283 ; 312 ; 335 (MeOH) (Berdy). (synth, pmr, cmr, ms) (isol, pmr, cmr)

Howard, G.A. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) ,

1954, 514 (synth) Colnelenic acid C-328 Colupdox a C-331
Howard, G.A. et al., J.C.S. , 1954, 2400 (struct) 9-(1,3,6-Nonatrienyloxy)-8-nonenoic acid, [35923-67-2]
Borremans, F. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1975, 9CI
7, 415 (cmr)
Drawert, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15,
1695 (biosynth) . CH-O-CH/ . CH(CH2)6COOH
Zuurbier, K.W.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, C18H28O3 292.417 O
38, 77 (biosynth) (2?E ,4?Z ,7?Z ,8E )-form [52591-16-9] HO
Product of enzymic oxidation of potato 1′
Colicin E3 C-325 lipids. Isol. as the Me ester by glc. OH
[11032-90-9] [52077-22-2]
Composed of 2 proteins, A and B. Protein Galliard, T. et al., Chem. Phys. Lipids , 1973, 11,
A is a special kind of RNase and is 173 (isol, pmr, uv, ir, ms)
made up of 551 amino acid residues; it Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1991, 567 O
is protected by an immunity protein (synth, pmr, cmr, ms)
(protein B) which contains 84 amino
acid residues. Prod. by Escherichia coli .
Colubrinic acid C-329 C25H36O6 432.556
Bacteriocin; kills sensitive E. coli cells.
Jakes, K.J. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. ,
[67594-73-4] Enolised b-diketone. Isol. from hops.
1974, 71, 3380-3384 (isol) Zizyberanalic acid 1?-Deoxy: [36136-11-5] Colupox b
Hirose, A. et al., J. Biochem. (Tokyo) , 1976, 79, C25H36O5 416.556
305-311 (isol) Isol. from hops.
Mochitate, K. et al., J. Biochem. (Tokyo) , 1981,
Kokubo, E. et al., Proc. Am. Soc. Brew. Chem. ,
89, 1609-1618 (Protein B, struct)
1971, 265 (isol)
Masaki, H. et al., J. Mol. Biol. , 1985, 182, 217-
227 (struct) H Kokubo, E. et al., CA , 1973, 78, 159926 (struct)
Frolow, F. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1990, 265, OHC
10196-10197 (cryst struct) COOH Colupone C-332
HO 3 [16658-23-4]
Collybial C-326 5-Hydroxy-2,2,6,6-tetrakis(3-methyl-2-bu-
[164300-75-8] tenyl)-4-(2-methyl-1-oxopropyl)-4-cyclo-
2,10,10-Trimethyl-4-oxotricy- hexene-1,3-dione, 9CI

Colupox a  / 7(11)-Copaene-4,12-diol C-333  / C-341

OH Kawamura, Y. et al., CA , 1971, 91, 191459 (glc)

Reddy, P.P. et al., Sci. Cult. , 1972, 38, 144
O O OMe (activity)
HO Mikami, A. et al., CA , 1975, 82, 81279 (anal)

CH 2 OAc Conglutinin C-338

O C19H18O8 374.346 Protein containing 351 amino acid
Constit. of Muscari comosum (tassel residues. Isol. from bovine serum.
hyacinth). Vitreous solid. Ca2 -dependent lectin.
C30H44O4 468.675 Adinolfi, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, [137366-53-1, 148847-26-1, 154103-32-9]
Congener of Lupulone, L-123. Found in 2423
Kawasaki, N. et al., J. Biochem. (Tokyo) , 1985,
hops. Adinolfi, M. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1986,
98, 1309-1320 (isol)
24, 663 (pmr, cmr)
Elvidge, J.A. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1969, 1839 (pmr, Strang, C.J. et al., Biochem. J. , 1986, 234, 381-
uv, ir) 389 (struct)
Lee, Y.M. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1991, 266, 2715-
Concanavalin A C-336
2723 (struct)
Con A Conhydrinone C-339
Colupox a C-333
[CaMn] [97073-23-9]
A phytagglutinin or lectin. Isol. from 1-(2-Piperidinyl)-1-propanone, 9CI. 2-
jackbeans, Canavalia ensiformis. Each Propanoylpiperidine. 1?-Oxoconiine
subunit of Con A contains one Ca2
and one Mn2 ion. MW = 27000.
O Contains 283 amino acid residues.
-LD50 (mus, ivn) 50 mg/kg. Exp. reprod.
and teratogenic effects. GK6890000 N COCH 2 CH 3
HO O Goldstein, I.J. et al., Methods Carbohydr. H
Chem. , 1972, 6, 106 (isol, use)
Bittiger, H. et al., Concanavalin A Tool. 1976 , C8H15NO 141.213
O Wiley, Chichester, U.K., 1976, (book)
Maillard product from L-proline and
Hardman, K.D. et al., Immunochem. Proteins ,
1977, 2, 373 (rev) monosaccharides.
C25H36O5 416.556 Shoham, M. et al., FEBS Lett. , 1978, 95, 54 (/9)-form [38726-76-0]
Isol. from hops. V. pale yellow oil. (struct) Hydrochloride: [38726-77-1]
Liener, I.E. et al., The Lectins: Properties,
Racemic. Mp 249-2508.
Functions, and Applications in Biology and
[22592-22-9] Medicine , Academic Press, 1986, (book) Hydrobromide: [38726-78-2]
Parker, C.W. et al., Methods Enzymol. , 1987, Mp 228-2298.
Cahill, D.M. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1969, 938 (synth) 150, 29 (rev, props) Leete, E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1972, 94, 5472 (isol,
Kokubo, E. et al., Proc. Am. Soc. Brew. Chem. , Arrondo, J.L.R. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta , struct, synth)
1971, 265 (isol) 1988, 952, 261 (ir) Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33,
Kokubo, E. et al., CA , 1973, 78, 159926 (struct) Hansen, J.E.S. et al., AIDS , 1989, 3, 635 (anti- 924-928 (occur)
HIV activity)
Adv. Lectin Res. , (Ed. Franz, H.), Springer-
Verlag, Berlin, Vol 2, 1989, (book) 2,4(15)-Copadiene C-340
Sharon, N. et al., Lectins , Routledge, Chapman
Colupulone C-334 and Hall, N.Y., 1989, (book)
[468-27-9] Lin, S.L. et al., Biochemistry, 1990, 29, 3599 H
(cryst struct)
Kalnin, N.N. et al., Biopolymers, 1990, 30, 1273
O O (struct, ir)
Kalghatgi, K. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1990, 499,
267 (hplc)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
HO O Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, CNH625 C15H22 202.339
(1a,6a,7aH )-form [27597-38-2]
Conen C-337
Constit. of the essential oil of Cyperus
C25H36O4 400.557 [27949-52-6] rotundus (nutgrass). Oil. Bp1 130-1408
Constit. of the resin of English hops. O-Butyl S-ethyl-S-(phenylmethyl) phos- (bath). [a]D +17.3 (CHCl3).
Cryst. (MeOH). Sol. MeOH, Et2O; fairly phorodithioate, 9CI. S-Benzyl O-butyl S- Kapadia, V.H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1967, 4661
sol. H2O. Mp 92-938. lmax 228 ; 280 ; 338 ethyl phosphorodithioate, 8CI. S-Benzyl O-
(MeOH) (Berdy). butyl S-ethyl dithiophosphate
7(11)-Copaene-4,12-diol C-341
Collins, M. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1971, 3814 (struct) 10-Copene-3,12-diol
Borremans, F. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1975, H 3CCH 2CH 2CH 2 O O
7, 415 (cmr)

C13H21O2PS2 304.413 HO
Comosin C-335
-LD50 (rat, orl) 870 mg/kg. TD5100000
[99877-69-7] (/9)-form H
3-[(Acetyloxy)methyl]-2,3-dihydro-5,7-di- Fungicide, used against rice blast. Oil. n20
hydroxy-3-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)- 1.5392. Prob. of no coml. significance.
4H-1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI Fr. Pat. , 1969, 1 560 374; CA , 72, 90043 (synth) C15H24O2 236.353

3-Copaen-8-ol / Copper(II ) sulfate C-342  / C-347

(3j,7(11)Z )-form Nyasse, B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 3319 Hygroscopic white rhomb. cryst. or
Constit. of Ocimum americanum (wild (isol, pmr) amorph. powder. V. sol. H2O; sol. MeOH,
basil). Viscous mass. glycerol; sl. sol. EtOH. Mp 2008. Dec.
Upadhyay, R.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 4-Copanol C-345 above 5608; forms CuO at 6508.
30, 691 (isol, pmr) 3-Copanol -Ingestion of large amounts of copper salts
(15-75 mg Cu) causes gastrointestinal
3-Copaen-8-ol C-342 disturbances. Haemolysis, hepatotoxic and
a-Copaen-8-ol H nephrotoxic effects, and death also result
from acute exposure. Chronic copper
toxicity usually only encountered with
H inherited metabolic copper disorders (e.g.
HO H 11
Wilson’s disease). LD50 (rat, orl) 300 mg/
12 kg. Exp. reprod. and teratogenic effects.
OH Mineral-form [24270-43-7]
H C15H26O 222.37
Chalcocyanite, 9CI. Chalcokyonite. Blue
Cadinane numbering used.
Copperas. Chalcanthite
C15H24O 220.354 V. hygroscopic pale green, sky-blue or
Constit. of Ocimum americanum (wild
yellowish-brown orthorhombic cryst. V.
8a-form [58569-25-8] basil). Cryst. Mp 1028. [a]21
D +0.62 (c, 0.2
Isol. from root of Angelica archangelica sol. H2O. Pure artificial cryst. are
in CHCl3).
(angelica). colourless.
11,12-Didehydro:11-Copaen-4-ol. 11-Co-
8-Ketone:3-Copaen-8-one. a-Copaen-8-one Pentahydrate: [7758-99-8] Hydrocyanite.
C15H22O 218.338 Pentaaquasulfatocopper(II). Bluestone.
C15H24O 220.354
Oil. [a]24 Blue vitriol. Roman vitriol. Salzburg
D +14 (c, 0.53 in CHCl3). Constit. of Ocimum americanum (wild
8b-form basil). Viscous mass.
Oil. Used in foods as a nutrient supplement
Upadhyay, R.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991,
and processing aid. Blue cryst. (H2O). V.
Taskinen, J. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. B , 30, 691 (isol, pmr, cmr)
sol. H2O; sol. MeOH, glycerol; sl. sol.
1975, 29, 999
Tamayo-Castillo, G. et al., Phytochemistry, EtOH. Loses 2H2O at 308, two more at
1989, 28, 938 Copper(I ) iodide (CuI) C-346 1108, becomes anhyd. by 2508. Acidic:
Weyerstahl, P. et al., Annalen , 1993, 1117 (isol, [7681-65-4] 0.2M aq. soln. has pH 4.0.
pmr, cmr) Copper iodide$. Cuprous iodide -GL8900000
CuI [33772-44-0]
4(15)-Copaen-11-ol C-343 CuI 190.451 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
[133587-94-7] 2, 1259D; 1262C (ir)
Polymorphic. g-CuI (zinc blende struct.)
Palache, C. et al., Dana’s System of Mineralogy,
3(15)-Copen-11-ol exists below 4208, b-CuI (wurtzite Wiley, 7th edn., 1951, 2, 429 (rev)
struct.) between 402 and 4408, and a- Kakohana, H. et al., Bunseki Kagaku (Jpn.
H CuI (cubic) above 4408. Dietary iodine Anal.) , 1952, 1, 85 (anal)
supplement for use in table salt and Geballe, T.H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1952, 74, 3513
animal feed. Air- and light-stable white (magnetism)
cryst. V. insol. H2O. Mp 6068. Bp 12908. Berg, D. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1952, 74, 4704 (solns,
H [24401-69-2] Meloche, V.W. et al., J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. ,
Krug, J. et al., Z. Naturforsch., A , 1952, 7, 369 1958, 6, 104 (ir)
(cryst struct, polymorphs) Rama Rao, B. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1961, 14, 321
OH (cryst struct)
Inorg. Synth. , 1960, 6, 3 (synth)
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic Almodovar, I. et al., Phys. Rev. , 1965, 138, 153
C15H24O 220.354 (magnetism)
Synthesis, Wiley, 1967, 1, 169 (use)
Constit. of Ocimum americanum (wild Brauer, G. et al., Handbuch Prap. Anorg. Chem. , Stringer, H.C.W. et al., Drugs , 1973, 6, 413
basil). Viscous mass. 3rd edn., Ferdinand Enke Verlag, 1975, 2, 975 (pharmacol)
Upadhyay, R.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, (synth) Industrial Chemicals , (Eds. Lowenheim, F.A. et
30, 691 (isol, pmr) Matsumoto, K. et al., Talanta , 1975, 22, 695 al ), 4th Ed., Wiley Interscience, N.Y., 1975,
(ms) 280 (manuf)
Burns, G. et al., Solid State Commun. , 1977, 24, Copper in the Environment , (ed. Nriagu, J.O.), J.
3-Copaen-2-one C-344 753 (Raman) Wiley, 1979, (book)
Becker, K.D. et al., J. Chem. Phys. , 1978, 68, Varghese, J.N. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1985, 41,
3785 (nmr) 184 (cryst struct)
O H Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn., Aaseth, J. et al., Handb. Toxicol. Met. , (Eds.,
Wiley, 1978, 7, 105 (rev) Friberg, L. et al ), 2nd edn., Elsevier, 1986, 2,
Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis , 233 (tox, rev)
(ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 2, 1346 Wildner, M. et al., Mineral. Petrol. , 1988, 39,
(use) 201 (cryst struct, synthetic)
H Merck Index, 12th edn. , 1996, No. 2732 Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1038
Industrial Materials, 10th edn., J. Wiley, 2000, Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis ,
COF680 (ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 2, 1365
C15H22O 218.338 (use)
(1aH ,6aH ,7bH )-form [1209-91-2] Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Mustakone Copper(II ) sulfate C-347 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 668-669
Constit. of Cyperus rotundus (nutgrass). [7758-98-7] Pesticide Manual, 12th edn. , 2000, 171
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Oil. Bp1 128-1298. [a]25
D -42.5 (c, 1.85 in Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
[10124-44-4, 18939-61-2]
CHCl3). Reinhold , 1992, CNP250; CNP500
Copper sulfate, BSI$. Cupric sulfate,
2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: USAN
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 141-1428.
Kapadia, V.H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1965, 21, 607 CuSO4
(isol) CuO4S 159.61

Coprine  / a-Corocalene C-348 / C-356

Coprine C-348 O 1′ Coriandrone D C-354

N5-(1-Hydroxycyclopropyl)glutamine, 9CI 3 [177795-33-4]
H 2N C H
C13H10O4 230.22 O
CH 2 CH 2 CONH Constit. of Coriandrum sativum (corian- HO
HO der). Needles (MeOH). Mp 142-1438. lmax OH O
286 ; 298 ; 340 (MeOH) (Berdy).
C8H14N2O4 202.21 3,4-Dihydro: [116383-99-4] Dihydrocorian- C18H24O7 352.383
(S )-form [58919-61-2] drin Constit. of Coriandrum sativum (corian-
L-form C13H12O4 232.235 der) (Umbelliferae). Prisms. Mp 172-1738.
Present in the mod. toxic ink cap Constit. of Coriandrum sativum (cor- lmax 223 (log e 4.34); 273 (log e 4.06); 300
mushroom Coprinus atramentarius iander). (sh) (log e 3.57) (MeOH).
(common ink cap). Produces an over- 1?-Hydroxy: [177795-32-3] 7-Hydroxy- Taniguchi, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 42,
sensitivity to ethanol in some people. methyl-4-methoxy-5H-furo[2,3- 843-846 (isol, uv, ir, cd, pmr, cmr)
Mp 197-1998. [a]25D +7.6 (c, 4.1 in H2O). g][2]benzopyran-5-one. Coriandrone C
Et ether: C13H10O5 246.219
Cryst. (H2O/MeOH/EtOH). Mp 183- Constit. of Coriandrum sativum (cor-
1848. [a]D +5.2 (c, 7.8 in H2O). iander). Needles. Mp 142-1438. Coriandrone E C-355
Hatfield, C.M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1975, 35, Ceska, O. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 2083 [177795-34-5]
489 (struct) Kraus, G.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1994, 59, 4735 (synth, 7,8-Dihydro-8-hydroxy-4-methoxy-7-
Lindberg, P. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1977, 684 pmr) methyl-5H-furo[2,3-g][2]benzopyran-5-
(isol, synth) Taniguchi, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 42,
Kienzler, T. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1992, 34,
843 (Coriandrone C)
1078 (synth) Mal, D. et al., Tet. Lett. , 2000, 41, 3677-3680
(synth) OH
Cordeauxione C-349 O
2-Acetyl-4,7,8-trihydroxy-6-methoxy-3- O
Coriandrone A C-352
methyl-1,5-naphthalenedione, 9CI. 7-Acet-
[139906-03-9] OMe O
1,4-naphthoquinone. Cordeauxiaquinone
MeO C13H12O5 248.235
Constit. of Coriandrum sativum (corian-
O O der) (Umbelliferae). Needles. Mp 148-
H3 CCO OH 1508. lmax 232 (log e 4.59); 259 (sh) (log e
O O 3.84); 306 (log e 3.33) (MeOH).
H3 C OMe Taniguchi, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 42,
OH 843-846 (isol, uv, ir, cd, pmr, cmr)
C14H12O7 292.245 C16H20O5 292.331
Tautomeric. Isol. from leaf hairs of Constit. of Coriandrum sativum (corian-
Cordeauxia edulis (yehib). Garnet-red der). Cryst. Mp 102-1038. a-Corocalene C-356
prisms. Mp 1948. Baba, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, 4143 [20129-39-9]
Lister, J.H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1955, 38, (isol, pmr, cmr, cryst struct)
215 (isol, uv, ir)
Fehlmann, M. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1965, 1,2-Dihydro-3,8-dimethyl-5-(1-methy-
48, 305 (cryst struct) lethyl)naphthalene. 1,2-Dihydro-5-isopro-
Hanumaiah, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, pyl-3,8-dimethylnaphthalene
1811 (isol) Coriandrone B C-353
Corepoxylone C-350

O O Relative
O HO C15H20 200.323
Configuration Constit. of the oil of hops (Humulus
lupulus ). Oil.
C35H60O5 560.856 C16H20O5 292.331
Constit. of Coriandrum sativum (corian- Naya, Y. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1969, 42,
Constit. of Annona muricata (soursop). 2088
Powder. [a]D +36.8 (c, 0.08 in CHCl3). der). Cryst. Mp 213-2148.
Ngo, K.-S. et al., J. Chem. Res., Synop. , 1998,
Gromek, D. et al., Tetrahedron , 1993, 49, 5247- Baba, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, 4143 80-81 (synth, pmr, cmr)
5252 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) (isol, pmr, cmr, cryst struct)

Coriandrin C-351
g][2]benzopyran-5-one, 9CI

Coronin / Corytuberine C-357 / C-361

Coronin C-357 Corydine C-359 Corytuberine C-361

1-Hydroxy-2,10,11-trimethoxyaporphine. 1,11-Dihydroxy-2,10-dimethoxyaporphine
H (S)-form
H (S)-form HO
C37H64O4 572.91 C19H21NO4 327.379
Constit. of the roots of Annona muricata C20H23NO4 341.406Log P 2.69 (uncer- Log P 2.42 (uncertain value) (calc).
(soursop). Waxy solid. [a]25
D +12 (c, 0.15 in
tain value) (calc). lmax 208 (e 31600); 226 (e 25100); 276 (e
CHCl3). lmax 210 (log e 3.65) (MeOH). (S )-form [476-69-7] 5010); 318 (e 5010) (EtOH/KOH) (Derep).
Mp 1498. [a]25
D +204 (c, 0.6 in EtOH).
lmax 222 (e 25100); 268 (e 10000); 306 (e
Gleye, C. et al., Planta Med. , 2001, 67, 570-572
Pharmacol. active isomer. 3160) (EtOH) (Derep).
-CE1057000 (S )-form [517-56-6]
N-De-Me: [26931-78-2] 1-Hydroxy- Mp 2408. [a]20D +286 (c, 0.1 in EtOH).
2,10,11-trimethoxynoraporphine. Nor- Pharmacol. active isomer.
Corycavamine C-358
4,6,7,14-Tetrahydro-5,14-dimethylbis[1,3]- corydine Di-Ac:
benzodioxolo[4,5-c:5?,6?-g]azecin-13(5H)- C19H21NO4 327.379 Mp 728.
one, 9CI. Corycavine Alkaloid from Annona squamosa (sugar N-Me: [2141-09-5] Magnoflorine. Thalic-
apple). Noncryst. Mp 249-2518 (as trine. Esholine. Escholine. Corytuberine
hydrochloride). [a]D +156 (MeOH). methosalt
O [a]23
D +190 (c, 0.2 in CHCl3). C20H24NO4 342.414
Me Johns, S.R. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1970, 23, 363 Mp 248-2498 (as iodide). [a]20
N D +193 (c,
O (Norcorydine) 0.20 in MeOH) (iodide). Iodide shows
O (R)-form Tackie, A.N. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1974, 37, 6
OR grinding-induced polymorphism. Many
H 3C Hoquemiller, R. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1981, 44, lit. references where Magnoflorine has
551 (Norcorydine, occur) supposedly been identified may be in
OR' Urzúa, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, 773 error because of the similarity in props.
(Norcorydine, isol, ir, pmr, ms) to lmax 227 (log e 4.68); 275 (log e 3.99);
RR' = CH2 315 (log e 3.96) (H2O) (iodide).
C21H21NO5 367.401 noraporphine. Muricinine
The name Corycavine was applied to the Corymboside C-360 C18H19NO4 313.352
racemate. [73543-87-0] Alkaloid from Annona muricata (sour-
(R )-form [521-85-7] 6-a-L-Arabinopyranosyl-8-b-D-galactopyr- sop). Tentative struct., not well char-
Mp 148-1498. [a]20
D +167 (CHCl3). anosyl-5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphe- acterised.
(S )-form [144606-40-6] nyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI. 6- (/9)-form [71630-07-4]
Needles. Mp 145-1468. [a]25
D -170 (c, 1.3 Arabinopyranosyl-8-galactopyranosyl- Mp 2428.
in CHCl3). 4?,5,7-trihydroxyflavone. 6-Arabinopyrano- Hydrochloride:
(/9)-form [521-87-9] syl-8-galactopyranosylapigenin. 6-Arabino- Mp 2508 dec.
Plates (EtOH). Mp 221-2228. syl-8-galactosylapigenin Dobbie, J.J. et al., J.C.S. , 1893, 63, 485-488
Hydrochloride: (isol)
Mp 2198. O Gulland, J.M. et al., J.C.S. , 1928, 1834-1838
HO O OH (synth)
Methiodide: Späth, E. et al., Ber. , 1931, 64, 2038-2048
Mp 2208. (synth)
Gardmer, J. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim, HO O Manske, R.H.F. et al., Alkaloids (N.Y.) , 1954,
OH 4, 142-143 (Muricinine)
Ger.) , 1902, 240, 81 (isol) CH 2OH
Späth, E. et al., Ber. , 1927, 60, 1892 (struct) OH Nakano, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1954, 2,
Kametani, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1971, 10, 329-334 (Magnoflorine)
1881 (isol) OH Tomita, M. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1957, 77,
Nonaka, G. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1973, 93, 157 (Magnoflorine)
87 (isol) OH Albonico, S.M. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1966, 1340-
Takao, N. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1976, 24, 1342 (ord, abs config)
2859 (biosynth) C26H28O14 564.499 Jackson, A.H. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1966, 2222-
Iwasa, K. et al., J.O.C. , 1981, 46, 4744 (abs Isol. from Triticum aestivum (wheat) (as 2229 (pmr)
config) Slavic, J. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
acyl derivs.). Yellow powder. [a]D +79 (c, 1973, 38, 3514-3520 (Esholine)
Kamigauchi, M. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1987,
70, 1482 (cryst struct, pmr) 0.67 in H2O). Dominguez, X.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1974,
Kamigauchi, M. et al., Arch. Pharm. Besson, E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18, 1899 13, 680 (Magnoflorine)
(Weinheim, Ger.) , 1992, 325, 585 (cd, abs Wagner, H. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1980, 43, 583 Kametani, T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1977, 99, 3805-
config, resoln) (isol, derivs) 3808 (synth)
Gaffield, W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 22, Ringdahl, B. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1981, 44, 80-
1317 (cd) 85 (cd)
Hoard, M.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 43,
1129-1133 (Magnoflorine, polymorphism)
Barbosa-Filho, J.M. et al., Phytochemistry,
1997, 44, 959-961 (Magnoflorine, isol, pmr,

/ 1-O -p -Coumaroylglucose C-362  / C-364

Cosmosiin C-362 4?-O-(3,4-Dihydroxycinnamoyl): [20196- Stein, W. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1985, 40,

92-3] Piperitoside 469-473 (6??-Malonylcosmosiin)
[578-74-5] Singh, K.N. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1986,
7-O-b-D-Glucopyranosyloxy-4?,5-dihydrox- C30H26O13 594.528
713-714 (Echinaticin, Echinacin)
yflavone. Apigenin 7-O-glucoside. Cosme- Isol. from Mentha piperita (peppermint) Eckey-Kaltenbach, H. et al., Phytochemistry,
tin. Apigetrin leaves. Mp 251-2538. [a]18
D -63. 1993, 34, 687 (6??-Malonylapiin)
3??-O-(3,4-Dihydroxycinnamoyl): [79366- Tschan, G.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 41,
O 62-4] 3??-O-Caffeoylcosmosiin 643-646 (Chamaemeloside)
OH C30H26O13 594.528 Yoshikawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2000,
5 Isol. from leaves of Perilla frutescens 48, 1039-1044 (6??-Acetylapiin)
(perilla). No phys. props. reported.
O 6??-O-a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl: [552-57-8] Coumaperine C-363
6″ OH Apigenin 7-O-rutinoside. Isorhoifolin [76733-91-0]
HOCH 2 C27H30O14 578.526
O 1-[5-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)-1-oxo-2,4-penta-
O Isol. from leaves of Citrus paradisi dienyl]piperidine, 9CI. N-[5-(4-Hydroxy-
OH 1″ (grapefruit) and other plant spp.. Small phenyl)-2,4-pentadienoyl]piperidine. 5-(4-
HO needles (MeOH). Mp 269-2708. [a]23 D - Hydroxyphenyl)-2,4-pentadienoic acid pi-
98.2 (c, 1.19 in Py). peridide
6??-O-a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl, 4?-O-(3,4-
C21H20O10 432.383 dihydroxycinnamoyl): [14637-28-6]
Yellow needles (EtOH or Me2CO). Mp Menthoside. Apigenin 7-O-rutinoside 4?- 5
1788 Mp 2038 Mp 229-2328. [a]D -64 (Py). O-caffeate N
C36H36O17 740.67 3′ 4
Forms a dihydrate, Mp 218-2208.
Isol. from Mentha piperita (peppermint) HO
2??-Ac: [75357-75-4] Apigenin 7-O-(2??-O- leaves. Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 271-2738.
acetylglucoside) [a]18
D -89 (c, 0.1 in DMF). C16H19NO2 257.332
C23H22O11 474.42
Isol. from Matricaria chamomilla (Ger- 2??-b-D-Apiofuranosyl: [26544-34-3] Apiin. Isol. from the fruits of pepper (Piper
man chamomile). No phys. props. re- 7-(2-Apiosylglucosyl)apigenin nigrum ) (Piperaceae). Cryst. (Me2CO).
ported. C26H28O14 564.499 Mp 199.5-200.58.
Constit. of parsley (Petroselinum cris- Ac: [76733-93-2]
6??-Ac: [72741-92-5] Apigenin 7-O-(6??-O- pum ) and of the flowers of Anthemis
acetylglucoside) Needles (Et2O). Mp 127-1288.
nobilis (Roman chamomile). First isol.
C23H22O11 474.42 in 1843. Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 236-2378. 3?-Methoxy: [77795-15-4] Feruperine
Isol. from Matricaria chamomilla (Ger- [a]D -130 (c, 0.12 in MeOH). lmax 267 (e C17H21NO3 287.358
man chamomile). No phys. props. re- 15136); 342 (e 19950) (MeOH) (Berdy). Alkaloid from pepper (Piper nigrum )
ported. (Piperaceae). Pale yellow needles
2??-b-D-Apiofuranosyl, 6??-Ac:6??-Acetyla- (C6H6). Mp 1598.
2??,3??-Di-Ac: [84323-20-6] piin
C25H24O12 516.457 C28H30O15 606.536 3?-Methoxy, 4?,5?-dihydro: [77795-17-6]
Isol. from Matricaria chamomilla Constit. of parsley. Powder. [a]25 Dihydroferuperine
D -151.6
(German chamomile). No phys. props. (c, 0.4 in MeOH). lmax 269 (log e 4); 334 C17H23NO3 289.374
reported. (log e 4.1) (MeOH). Alkaloid from pepper (Piper nigrum )
3??,4??-Di-Ac: [84323-21-7] (Piperaceae). Cryst. (petrol). Mp 788.
2??-b-D-Apiofuranosyl, 6??-O-malonyl:
C25H24O12 516.457 [60478-75-3] 6??-Malonylapiin
Nakatani, N. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1980,
Isol. from Matricaria chamomilla 44, 2831 (isol, ms, uv, ir, pmr, struct, synth)
C29H30O17 650.546 Inatani, R. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1981, 45,
(German chamomile). No phys. props. Isol. from parsley. 667 (Feruperine, Dihydroferuperine)
O??-Galacturonosyl: [126254-76-0]
6??-O-Malonyl:6??-Malonylcosmosiin C27H28O16 608.509
C24H22O13 518.43 Isol. from Cuminum cyminum (cumin). 1-O -p -Coumaroylglucose C-364
Isol. from Petroselinum crispum (pars- Glucose 1-[3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2-pro-
ley). No phys. props. reported. [36790-49-5, 86546-87-4, 105815-90-5] penoate], 9CI. 1-O-p-Hydroxycinnamoyl-
6??-O-(4-Carboxy-3-hydroxy-3- Teoule, R. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1960, glucose
methylbutanoyl): [173356-77-9] 6??-O- 2116-2123 (glycosides, synth)
(3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaroyl)cosmo- Aritomi, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1963,
11, 1225-1228 (Terniflorin)
siin. Chamaemeloside 3′ 4′
Hulyalkar, R.H. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1965, 43, 5′
C27H28O14 576.51 2085 (Apiin)
Constit. of the flowers of Chamaemelum Gella, E.V. et al., Farm. Zh. (Kiev) , 1966, 21,
nobile (Roman chamomile). Amorph. 58-66; 1967, 22, 80-85; CA , 65, 13810; 68, CH 2OH
yellow powder. [a]20
D -74.5 (c, 0.2 in Py). 49985 (Menthoside, Piperitoside) O OOC
lmax 268 (e 20780); 333 (e 24200) Nordby, H.E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1968, 7,
(MeOH). 1653-1657 (Isorhoifolin) OH
Wagner, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1969, 102, 2083-
6??-O-(4-Hydroxycinnamoyl): [61237-19-2] 2088 (Isorhoifolin)
Terniflorin. Echinacin Ezekiel, A.D. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1971, 2907 OH
C30H26O12 578.528 (Apiin, synth)
Isol. from Pogostemon cablin (patchou- Herisset, A. et al., Plant. Med. Phytother. , 1971, C15H18O8 326.302
li). Cryst. Mp 261-2638. Identity of 5, 234-239 (Anthemoside)
Schmid, R.D. et al., Tetrahedron , 1972, 28, 3259 b-D-form [7139-64-2]
samples not certain. Mp. refers to Isol. from many plants, e.g. Solanum
Echinacin. (Apiin, ms)
Kreuzaler, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12, and Fragaria spp.. Platelets (H2O). Mp
O-(2,3-Dihydroxycinnamoyl): [35397-62- 1149-1152 (malonate) 2128. [a]20
D -7.95 (50% MeOH aq.).
7] Anthemoside Kunde, R. et al., Planta Med. , 1979, 37, 124- 2-O-Sulfate:
C30H26O13 594.528 130 (6??-acetate)
C15H18O11S 406.367Isol. as mixt. with
Constit. of Anthemis nobilis (Roman Redaelli, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19,
985-986; 1982, 21, 1828-1830 (acetates) the 6-sulfate.
chamomile). Posn. of esterification not
determined. Ishikura, N. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1981, 45, 3-O-Sulfate:
1855-1860 (deriv) C15H18O11S 406.367

2-O -p -Coumaroylglucose / 4-Coumaroylspermidine C-365  / C-369

6-O-Sulfate: Herrmann, K. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat. 4 NH2

C15H18O11S 406.367 Prod. , 1978, 35, 73 (rev) HN
Isol. from Pteridium aquilinum (bracken Jiang, Z.-H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2001,
49, 887-892 (3?-glucosyloxy, 1- O
fern). caffeoylgentiobiose, caffeoylgalloylglucoses)
2?-Hydroxy, 4?-Me ether: [145227-80-1]
C16H20O9 356.329
Constit. of Matricaria chamomilla 2-O -p -Coumaroylglucose C-365
(German chamomile).
3?-Hydroxy: [14364-08-0] 1-O-Caffeoyl- C15H18O8 326.302
C13H18N2O2 234.297
glucose D-form [110351-44-5] Alkaloid from Pennisetum americanum
C15H18O9 342.302 Isol. from various commercial rhubarbs (pearl millet), Zea mays (sweet corn),
Present in many plants, e.g. Solanum , (Rheum sp.). Needles (H2O). Mp 204- Persea gratissima (avocado) and Lycoper-
Raphanus etc. spp.. Amorph. Mp 96- 2068. [a]27 20
D +32.8 (c, 0.3 in MeOH). [a]D sicon esculentum (tomato). Faint yellow
988. [a]D -47 (EtOH). +27.3 / 0 +51.8 (c, 1 in MeOH). needles + 1H2O (H2O). Mp 182-183.58.
3?-Hydroxy, 6-O-sulfate: 6-O-Sulfate:
4S-Hydroxy: [24177-22-8] 4-Coumaroyl-2-
C15H18O12S 422.366 C15H18O11S 406.367
Isol. from Pteridium aquilinum (bracken b-D-form
C13H18N2O3 250.297
fern). 1,6-Bis(3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoyl):2-O-p- Alkaloid from Triticum aestivum
3?-Hydroxy, 6-O-b-D-glucopyranosyl:1-O- Coumaroyl-1,6-digalloyl-b-D-glucopyra- (wheat). Geom. of double bond not
Caffeoyl-b-gentiobiose noside defined lmax 293 ; 316 (H2O) (Berdy).
C21H28O14 504.444 C29H26O16 630.515 lmax 309 ; 363 (NAOH) (Berdy).
Amorph. yellow powder. [a]15D -26 (c, 0.3 Isol. from various commercial rhubarbs Stoessl, A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1969, 2807 (deriv)
in MeOH). (Rheum sp.). Needles (H2O). Mp 179- Mizusaki, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1971, 10,
3?-Hydroxy, 3-O-(3,4,5-trihydroxyben- 1818. [a]28
D -112.8 (c, 0.53 in Me2CO). 1347 (isol, synth)
zoyl):1-O-Caffeoyl-3-O-galloyl-b-D-glu- Imperato, F. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1981, Martin-Tanguy, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978,
copyranose 691 (sulfate) 17, 1927 (occur)
C22H22O13 494.408 Shimomura, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26,
1981 (isol, pmr)
Amorph. yellow powder. [a]15 D -48.9 (c,
Kashiwada, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 3-O -p -Coumaroylquinic acid C-368
0.8 in MeOH). 1473 (isol, pmr, cmr) 1,4,5-Trihydroxy-3-[[3-(4-hydroxyphe-
3?-Hydroxy, 3,4-bis(3,4,5-trihydroxyben- nyl)-1-oxo-2-propenyl]oxy]cyclohexane-
zoyl):1-O-Caffeoyl-3,4-di-O-galloyl-b- carboxylic acid, 9CI
6-O -p -Coumaroylglucose C-366
C29H26O17 646.514 6-O-(4-Hydroxycinnamoyl)glucose
C15H18O8 326.302 HO COOH
Amorph. yellow powder + 21=2 H2O. OH
D -74.9 (c, 0.4 in MeOH). D-form [114297-65-3]
3?-Hydroxy, 4,6-bis(3,4,5-trihydroxyben- Isol. from various commercial rhubarbs 5 3
zoyl):1-O-Caffeoyl-4,6-di-O-galloyl-b- (Rheum sp.). Needles (H2O). Mp 184- HO OOC
D-glucopyranose 1868. [a]24
D +30.1 (c, 0.72 in MeOH). [a]D
C29H26O17 646.514 +32 / 0 +39 (80% dioxan aq.). lmax 313 OH
Amorph. yellow powder + 3H2O. [a]15 D - (EtOH).
C16H18O8 338.313
177.8 (c, 0.2 in MeOH). 3?,5?-Dimethoxy:6-O-Sinapoylglucose Found in cider apples, tea, cacao etc..
3?-(b-D-Glucopyranosyloxy): [62018-87-5] C17H22O10 386.355 Needles (H2O). Mp 247-2488. [a]20D -53.6
C21H28O14 504.444 Powder (MeOH). Mp 129-1318. (c, 1.04 in MeOH).
Amorph. yellow powder. [a]15 D -438.4 (c, b-D-Pyranose-form
0.5 in MeOH). 1,2-Bis(3,4,5-trihydroxybenzoyl):6-O-p- 1-Me ether:
Coumaroyl-1,2-digalloylglucose Needles (H2O). Mp 2488. [a]22
D -47.5 (c,
3?-Methoxy: [7196-71-6] 1-O-Feruloylglu-
C29H26O16 630.515 0.5 in EtOH).
C16H20O9 356.329 Isol. from various commercial rhubarbs. Williams, A.H. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) ,
Amorph. powder + 3H2O. [a]21 1958, 1200 (isol)
Present in Solanum , Raphanus, etc. D -68.7 (c,
Haslam, E. et al., J.C.S. , 1961, 5153-5156
spp.. Short prisms (EtOH). Mp 123- 0.95 in Me2CO). (synth)
1268. [a]20
D -13.9 (H2O). 3?-Hydroxy, 1,3,4-tris(3,4,5-trihydroxyben-
3?,5?-Dimethoxy:1-O-Sinapoylglucose zoyl):6-O-Caffeoyl-1,3,4-tri-O-galloyl-
C17H22O10 386.355 b-D-glucopyranose 4-Coumaroylspermidine C-369
Present in rhubarb (Rheum rhaponti- C36H30O21 798.62 [70185-59-0]
cum ) and cabbage (Brassica oleracea ). Amorph. yellow powder + 21=2H2O. [a]15 D (4-Hydroxycinnamoyl)spermidine
+14.9 (c, 0.6 in MeOH).
[13080-40-5, 18030-39-2, 29744-33-0, 38621-53-
3, 51463-98-0] [149998-27-6, 149998-28-7] NHR ″
Birkofer, L. et al., Naturwissenschaften , 1960, Watanabe, S. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1966,
47, 469 (isol, synth, Feruloylglucose) 30, 420 (synth) R′
Harborne, J.B. et al., Biochem. J. , 1961, 81, 242 Shimomura, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27,
(occur) 641 (isol)
Birkofer, L. et al., Z. Naturforsch., B , 1961, 16, Kashiwada, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, R, R′, R″ = H, H, O 5′
249 (occur, synth) 1473 (isol, cmr, pmr)
3 ′4 ′ OH
Asen, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1962, 1, 169 Lou, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 32, 1283
(occur) (6-Sinapoylglucose)
Harborne, J.B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1964, 3, Jiang, Z.-H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2001, C16H25N3O2 291.392
421 (occur) 49, 887-892 (6-Caffeoyl-1,3,4-
These alkaloids have not been fully
Cooper-Driver, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, trigalloylglucose)
14, 2506 (6-sulfate) characterised and the regioisomeric
Litvinenko, V.I. et al., Planta Med. , 1975, 27, compositions may not correspond.
372 (rev, Feruloylglucose) 4-Coumaroylputrescine C-367 3?-Hydroxy: [58994-15-3] Caffeoylspermi-
Imperato, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, [34136-53-3] dine
1786 (3?-glucosyloxy) 4-Hydroxycinnamoylputrescine C16H25N3O3 307.392

Coumestrol / Crocetin C-370 / C-373

Alkaloid from Pennisetum americanum Needles (MeOH). Mp 245-2478. [a]24 D - OOH

(pearl millet). 23.1 (c, 0.4 in MeOH). lmax 211 (log e
3?-Methoxy: [70185-60-3] Feruloylspermi- 4.21); 242 (log e 4.2); 337 (log e 4.26)
dine (MeOH).
C17H27N3O3 321.419 Di-Me ether: [3172-99-4] Di-O-methylcou- OH
Alkaloid from Ananas comosus (pine- mestrol. 3,9-Dimethoxy-6-oxopterocar- O
apple) and Lycopersicon esculentum pen. 3,9-Dimethoxycoumestan O
(tomato). C17H12O5 296.279
3?,5?-Dimethoxy: [70185-62-5] Sinapoyl- Microcryst. (MeOH). Mp 200-2018 C15H20O5 280.32
spermidine (195-1988). Constit. of Tanacetum vulgare var. cris-
C18H29N3O4 351.445 Bikoff, E.M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1958, 80, 3969 pum . Amorph. powder. [a]24
D -20 (c, 0.90 in
Delétang, J. et al., Ann. Tab., Sect. 2 , 1974, 11, (struct) Py).
123; CA , 84, 147656m (struct) Micheli, R.A. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1962, 5, 321
(pharmacol) Appendino, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21,
Martin-Tanguy, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 1099
17, 1927 (occur) Schauer, H. et al., Dtsch. Apoth. -Ztg. , 1964,
104, 987 (rev, props)
Jurd, L. et al., J.O.C. , 1964, 29, 3036 (synth) Crocetin C-373
Bickoff, E.M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1965,
Coumestrol C-370 13, 596 (deriv)
[479-13-0] Harper, S.H. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1969, 1109 hexadecaheptaenedioic acid. 8,8?-Diapo-
3,9-Dihydroxy-6H-benzofuro[3,2- (Coumestrin) 8,8?-carotenedioic acid. Nyctanthin. a-Cro-
c][1]benzopyran-6-one, 9CI. 3,9-Dihy- Dewick, P.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1970, 9, cetin. Gardenidin$
droxycoumestan. 7,12-Dihydroxycoume- 775 (biosynth)
De Alencar, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, 11,
stan (obsol.). 3,9-Dihydroxy-6- 1517 COOH
oxopterocarpen (obsol.). 6?,7-Dihydroxy- Donnelly, D.M.X. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1973,
benzofuro[3?,2?,3,4]coumarin (obsol.). 1737 (9-O-Methylcoumestrol)
Cumostrol Kappe, T. et al., Z. Naturforsch., B , 1974, 29, C20H24O4 328.407
292 (synth)
(all-E )-form [27876-94-4]
Kurosawa, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. ,
OH 1976, 49, 1955 (synth) Red cryst. (Ac2O). Mp 285-2878. lmax
Murray, R.D.H. et al., The Natural Coumarins, 411 ; 436 ; 464 (Py).
J.Wiley, 1982, 320 (biol, prop) Mono-Me ester: [25368-09-6] b-Crocetin
Ingham, J.L. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat. C21H26O4 342.434
Prod. , 1983, 43, 1 (rev, occur) Cryst. (CHCl3). Mp 2188.
HO 3 Jurd, L. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1984, 37, 1127 (9-
O O O-Methylcoumestrol) Di-Me ester: [5892-54-6] g-Crocetin
Le-Van, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23, C22H28O4 356.461
C15H8O5 268.225 1204 (Coumestrin) Isol. from saffron. Orange-red cryst.
Isol. from Medicago spp., Glycine max Setchell, K.D.R. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1987, (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 222-2258.
(soybean), Pisum sativum (pea), Spinacia 386, 315 (hplc)
Mono-b-D-glucopyranosyl ester: [58050-17-
Pandit, S.B. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1988, 18,
oleracea (spinach), Brassica oleracea 157 (synth) 2]
(cabbage), Dolichos biflorus (papadi), Hiroya, K. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 2000, 4339- C26H34O9 490.549
Melilotus alba (white melilot), Phaseolus 4346 (synth) Isol. from saffron. lmax 419 ; 440 ; 468
spp. (inc. lima beans, pinto beans) and Li, W. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 58, 595-598 (Py).
Vigna unguiculata (all Leguminosae). Po- (Licoagroside C) [b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
tential nutriceutical. Sol. bases; fairly sol. Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
glucopyranosyl] ester: [55750-85-1] Cro-
MeOH, CHCl3, Et2O; poorly sol. H2O, Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, COF350 cin 3
C6H6, CCl4, acids. Mp 3858. Log P 3.12 C32H44O14 652.691
(calc). Subl. at 3258. Shows blue fluores- Isol. from saffron. Red prismatic nee-
cence lmax 208 ; 243 ; 343 (MeOH) dles (MeOH). Mp 204-2088. lmax 418 ;
(Berdy). lmax 243 ; 307 ; 343 (EtOH) Crispanone C-371 439 ; 467 (Py). lmax 430 ; 455 (MeOH).
(Berdy). lmax 250 ; 280 ; 310 ; 385 (NaOH)
b-D-Glucopyranosyl Me diester: [55750-86-
2] Crocin 4
-Exp. reprod. and teratogenic effects. C27H36O9 504.576
DF8077000 Isol. from saffron (Crocus sativus ).
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [92631-72-6] 3 Light red microprisms (Me2CO). Mp
Coumestrin O OOC 230-2368. lmax 435 ; 460 (MeOH).
C21H18O10 430.367 Di-b-D-glucopyranosyl ester: [57710-64-2]
Constit. of Glycine max (soybean). Oil. C32H44O14 652.691
3-Me ether:3-O-Methylcoumestrol Isol. from saffron (Crocus sativus ).
C16H10O5 282.252 C20H30O4 334.455 Wine red cryst. lmax 425 ; 447 ; 475 (Py).
Isol. from alfalfa (Medicago sativa ). Constit. of Petroselinum crispum (parsley). [b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
Cryst. (Me2CO/MeOH). Mp 331-3328. Deoxo:Crispane glucopyranosyl] diester: [42553-65-1] a-
9-Me ether: [1690-62-6] 9-O-Methylcou- C20H32O3 320.471 Crocin. Crocin. Gardenin
mestrol. 3-Hydroxy-9-methoxycoume- Constit. of Petroselinum crispum (pars- C44H64O24 976.975
stan ley). The colouring principle of saffron. Red
C16H10O5 282.252 Spraul, M.H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, cryst. (MeOH) or brown-red needles.
Isol. from Cicer arietinum (chickpea), 3109 (isol, pmr, cmr) Mp 2158 (1868 dec.). [a]21
D +1760 (H2O).
Myroxylon balsamum (Tolu balsam), Log P -5.64 (uncertain value) (calc).
Pisum sativum (pea) and Trifolium -HL7380000
pratense (red clover). Needles (Me2CO/ [b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
MeOH). Mp 338-3398. Crispolide C-372 glucopyranosyl] b-D-glucopyranosyl
9-Me ether, 3-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:Li- [83217-86-1] diester: [55750-84-0] Crocin 2
coagroside C 1b-Hydroperoxy-5b-hydroxy-4,14-cyclo- C38H54O19 814.833
C22H20O10 444.394 9,11-germacradien-12,6a-olide Isol. from saffron (Crocus sativus ).

Crofelemer, USAN  / b-Cryptoxanthin C-374  / C-377

Dark red rectangular prisms (MeOH). MeO b-Cryptoxanthin C-377

Mp 208-2108. lmax 410 ; 440 (e 84000); [472-70-8]
460 (EtOH) (Berdy). lmax 421 ; 443 ; 471 MeO NMe
b,b-Caroten-3-ol. Cryptoxanthin. 3-Hy-
(Py). O droxy-b-carotene. Caricaxanthin. Neo-
[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- O cryptoxanthin. b-Krypoxanthin.
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)]-b-D- Cryptoxanthol
glucopyranosyl] [b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ O
0 6)-b-D-glucopyranosyl] diester:
[90332-59-5] Crocetin b-gentiobiosyl b- C21H23NO5 369.416
neapolitanosyl ester Prisms (Py/EtOH). Mp 221-2238. HO
C50H74O29 1139.117 -Highly toxic. DF4935300
Bis[b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- Perchlorate: C40H56O 552.882
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)]-b-D- Mp 226-2288. Isol. from papaya (Carica papaya ) and
glucopyranosyl] diester: [90332-60-8] Picrate: many other higher plants, also from fish
Crocetin dineapolitanosyl ester Mp 1638. eggs. Cryst. (C6H6/EtOH), metallic prisms
C56H84O34 1301.259 or needles (C6H6). Mp 172-1738 (1698).
(8Z )-form O3-De-Me: [89117-94-2] Izmirine lmax 452 ; 480 (no solvent reported).
cis-Crocetin C20H21NO5 355.39
13-Oxo: [15215-66-4] 13-Oxocryptopine. Hexadecanoyl: [25671-24-3] b-Cryptox-
Occurs as glycoside in saffron.
14-Oxocryptopine anthin palmitate
Di-Me ester: C56H86O2 791.294
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 1418. C21H21NO6 383.4
Alkaloid from Papaver somniferum Cryst. (C6H6/MeOH). Mp 1148.
Sigma-Aldrich Library of Stains, Dyes and 5R,6S-Epoxide: [188116-19-0]
(opium poppy). Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp
Indicators, 644
Karrer, P. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1932, 15, 185-1868. The 13-(or14-) position is the [29291-23-4] 5,6-Epoxy-5,6-dihydro-b,b-car-
1218; 1399 (struct) methylene carbon adjoining the carbo- oten-3-ol. Cryptoxanthin epoxide
Inhoffen, H.H. et al., Annalen , 1953, 580, 7 nyl group. C40H56O2 568.881
(synth, isom) Haworth, R.D. et al., J.C.S. , 1926, 1769 (synth) Isol. from yellow paprika (Capsicum an-
Duquenois, P. et al., Bull. Soc. Pharm. Dolejš, L. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. , nuum var. Lycopersiforme ), peel of ripe
Strasbourg , 1972, 15, 149 (rev) 1964, 29, 2479 (ms)
Pfander, H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1975, 58,
persimmon (Diospyros kaki ), mature fruit
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C20H20O6 356.374 32725-32731 (struct)
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D -17.1 (Me2CO). [a]D -
221-229 (epoxide) 45.7 (CHCl3). Readily epimerises at C-9.
Cucurbic acid C-383
Et ether: [146830-09-3] O-Ethylcubebin [58240-50-9]
Cryptoxanthin 5,6:5?,8?-diep- C-378 C22H24O6 384.428 3-Hydroxy-2-(2-pentenyl)cyclopentaneace-
oxide Constit. of Piper cubeba (cubeb pep- tic acid
[55965-22-5] per). Visc. solid.
5,6:5?,8?-Diepoxy-5,5?,6,8?-tetrahydro-b,b- 9-Epimer: [112458-74-9] a-Cubebin
caroten-3-ol C20H20O6 356.374 OH
Me ether:9-Methoxy-3,4:3?,4?-bis(methyle- 6 7
nedioxy)-9,9?-epoxylignan. O-Methyl-b-
cubebin COOH
C21H22O6 370.401
Amorph. solid. [a]D -2.2 (c, 0.2 in C12H20O3 212.288
C40H56O3 584.881 CHCl3). Constit. of Cucurbita pepo. Gum.
Structure assignment is tentative. Isol. 9-Epimer, Me ether:O-Methyl-a-cubebin 7-Epimer: [146143-02-4] 7-Isocucurbic acid
from juice of Shamouti orange (Citrus Oil. [a]D -17.9 (c, 0.2 in CHCl3). C12H20O3 212.288
sinensis ) and mature fruit of peach [112448-61-0, 112448-62-1] 6,7-Diepimer: [120330-52-1] 6-Epi-7-isocu-
(Prunus persica ). Freudenburg, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1961, 15, curbic acid
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Batterbee, J.E. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1969, 2470
3-Cubebene C-379
6,7-Diepimer, O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
Cubebene Chen, W.M. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim, [176486-13-8]
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H 1129 (synth)
H De Almeida Blumenthal, E.E. Miersch, O. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,
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C15H24 204.355 Bastos, J.K. et al., Planta Med. , 1999, 65, 541 1996, 60, 732-735 (glucoside, pmr, cmr)
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a-Cubebene Borsato, M.L.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000,
Constit. of oil of cubeb pepper (Piper 55, 809-813 (activity) Cucurbita-5,24-diene-3,7,16- C-384
cubeba ). Oil. [a]30
D -20 (CHCl3). triol
11-Hydroxy:3-Cubeben-11-ol. 11-Hydro-
xy-a-cubebene Cubebinin C-381
C15H24O 220.354 [96238-92-5]
Oil. Tetrahydro-3,4-bis[(3,4,5-trimethoxyphe- H H OH
Piers, E. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1971, 49, 12 nyl)methyl]-2-furanol, 9CI. 9-Hydroxy-
(synth) 3,3?,4,4?,5,5?-hexamethoxy-9,9?-epoxy-
Tanaka, A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 1721 lignan
(synth) HO OH
Martin, S.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15,
113 (biosynth) MeO OMe
Thiessen, W.E. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1977, 33, C30H50O3 458.723
3838 (cryst struct) MeO OMe
Connolly, J.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, (3b,7b,16b)-form
233 (synth) MeO OMe Hydroxyhebevinogenin
Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, O OH 3-O-b-D-Xylopyranoside: [101365-11-1]
1153 (11-hydroxy) Hebevinoside IX
C24H32O8 448.512 C35H58O7 590.839
Cubebin C-380 Constit. of Piper cubeba (cubeb pepper). Toxic constit. of the toxic mushroom
[18423-69-3] Gum. [a]25
D -23.3 (c, 0.3 in CHCl3). Hebeloma vinosophyllum . Amorph.
3,4-Bis(1,3-benzodioxol-5-ylmethyl)tetra- Prabhu, B.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, powder.
hydro-2-furanol, 9CI. 9-Hydroxy-3,4:3?,4?- 329 16-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 3-O-b-D-

/ Cucurbitaxanthin A C-385 / C-388

xylopyranoside: [101365-08-6] Hebevi- C36H60O7 604.866 Cucurbita-5,24-diene-3,22,23- C-386

noside VI Toxic constit. of the toxic mushroom triol
C41H68O12 752.981 Hebeloma vinosophyllum . Needles
Toxic constit. of the toxic mushroom (MeOH). Mp 172-1738.
Hebeloma vinosophyllum . Amorph. -Toxic.
powder. [a]23
D +56 (c, 0.54 In Py). O7-Me, 16-O-b-D-glucopyranoside, 3-O-b-
-LD50 (mus, ipr) 66 mg/kg. D-xylopyranoside: [101365-12-2] Hebe-
16-O-(4-O-Acetyl-b-D-glucopyranoside), vinoside X
3-O-b-D-xylopyranoside: [138995-51-4] C42H70O12 767.008 H H
Hebevinoside XII Toxic constit. of the toxic mushroom
C43H70O13 795.018 Hebeloma vinosophyllum . Amorph.
Toxic constit. of the toxic mushroom powder. [a]D +63 (c, 0.49 in MeOH). HO
Hebeloma vinosophyllum . Amorph. O7-Me, 16-O-(6-O-acetyl-b-D-
powder. [a]22
D +60 (c, 0.36 in Py). lmax glucopyranoside), 3-O-b-D-
200 (MeCN) (Berdy). xylopyranoside: [87396-30-3] Hebevino- C30H50O3 458.723
16-O-(6-O-Acetyl-b-D-glucopyranoside), side I (3b,22j,23j)-form
3-O-b-D-xylopyranoside: [89203-39-4] C44H72O13 809.045 Prisms (MeOH). Mp 189-192.58. [a]20 D
Hebevinoside III Toxic constit. of the toxic mushroom +37.4 (c, 1.01 in CHCl3/MeOH).
C43H70O13 795.018 Hebeloma vinosophyllum . Amorph. Sol. 3-O-b-Gentiobioside: [78887-73-7] Mo-
Toxic constit. of the toxic mushroom MeOH, butanol, Me2CO. mordicoside D
Hebeloma vinosophyllum . Amorph. Sol. O7-Me, 16-O-(6-O-acetyl-b-D- C42H70O13 783.007
MeOH, butanol, Me2CO. Mp 204-2058 glucopyranoside), 3-O-(4-O-acetyl-b-D- Constit. of Momordica charantia (bitter
(as hepta-Ac). [a]20
D +89 (c, 0.058 in xylopyranoside): [101365-07-5] Hebevi- melon). Needles (MeCN aq.). Mp 199-
MeOH). noside V 2008. [a]20
D -1.26 (c, 1.59 in MeOH/
16-O-(6-O-Acetyl-b-D-glucopyranoside), Toxic constit. of the toxic mushroom CHCl3).
3-O-(4-O-acetyl-b-D-xylopyranoside): Hebeloma vinosophyllum . Needles Miyahara, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1981,
[89456-98-4] Hebevinoside II (MeOH). Mp 165-1668. [a]20 D +83 (c, 29, 1561
C45H72O14 837.055 0.053 in CHCl3).
Toxic constit. of the toxic mushroom -Toxic.
Cucurbita-5,24-dien-3-ol C-387
Hebeloma vinosophyllum . Amorph. Sol. O7-Me, 16-O-(4,6-di-O-acetyl-b-D-
MeOH, butanol, Me2CO. [a]D +30 (c, glucopyranoside), 3-O-b-D-
0.20 in Me2CO). xylopyranoside: [101365-13-3] Hebevi-
-Toxic. noside XI
16-O-(6-O-Acetyl-b-D-glucopyranoside), C46H74O14 851.082
3-O-(3,4-di-O-acetyl-b-D- Toxic constit. of the toxic mushroom H
xylopyranoside): [138995-53-6] Hebevi- Hebeloma vinosophyllum . Amorph.
noside XIV powder. [a]20
D +65 (c, 0.17 in MeOH).
C47H74O15 879.093 Fujimoto, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1986, HO
Toxic constit. of the toxic mushroom 34, 88-99; 1987, 35, 2254-2260; 1991, 39,
Hebeloma vinosophyllum . Amorph. 1958-1961 (isol, struct, cryst struct)
powder. [a]24
D +15 (c, 0.4 in CHCl3). C30H50O 426.724
lmax 200 (MeCN) (Berdy).
3b-form [128779-09-9]
16-O-(4,6-Di-O-acetyl-b-D- Constit. of pumpkin seeds.
glucopyranoside), 3-O-b-D- Cucurbita-5,24-diene-3,7,23- C-385
xylopyranoside: [101770-14-3] Hebevi- triol [35012-08-9]
noside VII Shimizu, N. et al., J.O.C. , 1984, 49, 709 (synth)
C45H72O14 837.055 Nes, W.D. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1991, 1272
Toxic constit. of the toxic mushroom (pmr, cmr, cryst struct)
Hebeloma vinosophyllum . Amorph. OH
powder. [a]20
D +82 (c, 0.22 in Me2CO). H Cucurbitaxanthin A C-388
16-O-(4,6-Di-O-acetyl-b-D- [103955-77-7]
glucopyranoside), 3-O-(4-O-acetyl-b-D- 3,6-Epoxy-5,6-dihydro-b,b-carotene-3?,5-
xylopyranoside): [101365-10-0] Hebevi- diol. Zeaxanthin 3,6-epoxide (incorr.)
noside VIII HO OH
C47H74O15 879.093 OH
Toxic constit. of the toxic mushroom C30H50O3 458.723 6′

Hebeloma vinosophyllum . Amorph. O

powder. [a]D +36.5 (c, 0.52 in CHCl3). OH
C36H60O8 620.865 C40H56O3 584.881
glucopyranoside), 3-O-(3,4-di-O-acetyl-
Constit. of Momordica charantia (bitter Constit. of pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima )
b-D-xylopyranoside): [138995-52-5] He-
melon). Amorph. powder. [a]D +89 (c, and of paprika (Capsicum annuum var.
bevinoside XIII
0.43 in MeOH). longum ) fruits. Orange needles. Mp 175-
C49H76O16 921.13
Toxic constit. of the toxic mushroom Fatope, M.O. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1990, 53, 1768 (164-1658). lmax 434 ; 457 ; 487
1491 (isol, pmr, cmr) (C6H6).
Hebeloma vinosophyllum . Amorph.
powder. [a]21
D +35 (c, 0.42 in CHCl3). 5?a,6?a-Epoxide: [107390-61-4] 3,6:5?,6?-
lmax 200 (MeCN) (Berdy). Diepoxy-5,5?,6,6?-tetrahydro-b,b-caro-
O7-Me:3-Methoxycucurbita-5,24-diene- tene-3?,5-diol. Cucurbitaxanthin B
3,16-diol. Methoxyhebevinogenin C40H56O4 600.88
C31H52O3 472.75 Isol. from pumpkin (Cucurbita maxima )
O7-Me, 3-O-b-D-xylopyranoside: [101365- and from paprika fruits. Orange needles.
06-4] Hebevinoside IV Mp 181-1828 (164-1668). lmax 415 ; 438 ;
468 (Et2O).

Cucurbit-5-ene-3,22,23,24,25-... / Curcumanolide A C-389  / C-395

Matsuno, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 25, (3b,23j,24j)-form Curacautine C-393

2837 (isol, deriv) Plates (MeOH). Mp 223-2258. [a]20 D +55.8
Parkes, K.E.B. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1986, 27, 2535 (c, 1.96 in MeOH). MeO
Deli, J. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1993, 76, 952 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- OMe N
glucopyranoside]: [78887-72-6] Momor- Me
(synth, deriv) N O O
Deli, J. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1996, 79, 1435 dicoside C Me
(isol, pmr, cmr, cd) C42H72O14 801.022 OMe (S)-form
Constit. of Momordica charantia (bitter 10
Cucurbit-5-ene-3,22,23,24,25- C-389 melon). Needles (MeOH aq.). Mp 224- 12 O
pentol 2278. [a]20
D +13.9 (c, 1.15 in MeOH).

Miyahara, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1981,

29, 1561 C39H42N2O9 682.769
10-Demethoxy: [172924-26-4] Secoisote-
OH trandrine
Cudraflavone A C-391 C38H40N2O8 652.743
H H [96843-73-1] Alkaloid from leaves of Laurelia sem-
Isocyclomorusin pervirens (Peruvian nutmeg). [a]20D +2.73
3 (c, 1.1 in CHCl3). Abs. config. shown as
HO S - in the lit., but apparently without
C30H52O5 492.738 O Schmeda-Hirschmann, G.
HO et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 41, 339-341
(3b,22S,23R ,24R )-form O (Secoisotetrandrine)
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 193-1958. [a]20 D +48.1
(c, 0.94 in CHCl3/MeOH).
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [134886-64-9] Curcolone C-394
Momorcharaside B HO
C36H62O10 654.88 1a-Hydroxyfuranoeudesm-4-en-6-one. Ne-
Constit. of Momordica charantia (bitter C25H22O6 418.445 hipetol
melon). Mp 186-1898. Isol. from Artocarpus altilis (breadfruit).
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- Cryst. Sol. MeOH, CHCl3; poorly sol.
H2O. Mp 265-2728 (244-2458). [a]19 D +27.3
glucopyranoside]: [75801-95-5] Momor-
dicoside A (c, 0.147 in CHCl3). [a]25
D +30 (c, 0.29 in O
C42H72O15 817.022 Me2CO).
Constit. of Momordica charantia (bitter 5?-Hydroxy: [114339-95-6] 5?-Hydroxycu-
melon). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 181-1878 draflavone A
dec. [a]20
D +1.05 (c, 0.96 in CHCl3/ C25H22O7 434.445
MeOH). Cryst. (CHCl3/hexane). Mp 235-2378. C15H18O3 246.305
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- [a]20
D +13.8 (c, 1.1 in Me2CO). lmax 232 Constit. of Curcuma zedoaria (zedoary).
galactopyranoside]: [135126-59-9] Mo- (e 16600); 293 (e 15850); 392 (e 10960) Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 139-139.58 (152-
morcharaside A (MeOH) (Berdy). 1548). [a]D +13.7 (c, 3.8 in CHCl3). lmax
C42H72O15 817.022 Fujimoto, T. et al., Planta Med. , 1984, 50, 218 261 (log e 3.92); 290 (log e 3.85) (EtOH).
Constit. of Momordica charantia (bitter (isol, struct)
melon). Mp 170-1728. [a]19D +0.8 (c, 1.8 Messana, I. et al., Planta Med. , 1987, 53, 541 Hikino, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1967, 15,
in MeOH). (deriv) 1065-1066; 1968, 16, 827-831 (isol, struct, abs
Chen, C.-C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1993, 56, 1594 config)
3-O-[6-O-b-D-Glucopyranosyl-4-O-b-D- (isol, pmr, cmr) St. Pyrek, J. et al., Pol. J. Chem. (Rocz. Chem.) ,
xylopyranosyl-b-D-glucopyranoside]: 1976, 50, 1931
[75799-04-1] Momordicoside B
C47H80O19 949.138
Constit. of Momordica charantia (bitter Curcumanolide A C-395
melon). Cryst. (MeOH/CHCl3). Mp
2,5-Cuparadiene-1,4,10-trione C-392
238-2428 dec. [a]20
D +6.15 (c, 0.98 in
CHCl3/MeOH). Enokipodin B
Okabe, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1980, 28,
2753 O
Zhu, Z.J. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1990, 25, 898- 1
903; CA , 115, 64133w (Momorcharasides)
Cucurbit-5-ene-3,23,24,25-te- C-390
trol O
C15H22O2 234.338
Constit. of the crude drug zedoary (Cur-
OH C15H18O3 246.305
cuma zedoaria ). Oil. [a]D -33 (c, 1.2 in
Metab. of Flammulina velutipes (velvet
shank). [a]24
D -63 (c, 0.05 in MeOH).
Ishikawa, N.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 54, 1-Epimer: [97452-55-6] Curcumanolide B
OH C15H22O2 234.338
H H 777-782 (isol, pmr, cmr)
From Curcuma zedoaria (zedoary). Oil.
[a]D +24.2 (c, 1.4 in CHCl3).
HO Shiobara, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24,
Shiobara, Y. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1985, 26, 913 (ir,
C30H52O4 476.738 pmr, cmr, ms, struct)

Curcumenone  / Curcumin III C-396 / C-401

Firman, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, Yellow cryst. + 1=2 H2O. Mp 179-1808. Masuda, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31,
3887-3891 (isol) Enolised b-diketone lmax 250 (log e 4.1); 3645 (5?-Methoxycurcumin)
Hirukawa, T. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1992, 2343- 260 (sh) ; 280 (log e 3.84); 305 (log e Nakayama, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 33,
2344 (synth) 501 (O-de-Me)
Kato, T. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1992, 2343-2344
3.73); 375 (log e 4.39) (EtOH). Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
(synth) 5?-Methoxy:5?-Methoxycurcumin Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2856-2858
Honda, T. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1994, 3567 C22H22O7 398.412 Dong, H. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 142-144
(synth) Constit. of Curcuma xanthorrhiza (Java (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
Fujita, T. et al., J.O.C. , 1997, 62, 3824-3830 turmeric). Yellow powder. Mp 145-1468. Syu, W.-J. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 1531-
(synth) 1534 (isol, synth)
Demethoxy: [22608-11-3] 1-(4-Hydroxy-3- Khar, A. et al., FEBS Lett. , 1999, 445, 165-168
methoxyphenyl)-7-(4-hydroxyphenyl)- (antitumour props)
Curcumenone C-396 1,6-heptadiene-3,5-dione, 9CI. p-Hydro-
[100347-96-4] xycinnamoylferuloylmethane. Demethox- Curcumin dimer 1 C-398
O C20H18O5 338.359
O Isol. from Curcuma zedoaria (zedoary),
4 Curcuma longa (turmeric) , Curcuma
xanthorrhiza (Java turmeric). Orange- MeO
yellow powder. Mp 1688. OMe
Bis(demethoxy): [22608-12-4] 1,7-Bis(4-
C15H22O2 234.338 dione, 9CI. p,p?-Dihydroxydicinnamoyl-
Constit. of the crude drug zedoary (Cur- C42H38O12 734.755
methane. Bisdemethoxycurcumin
cuma zedoaria ). Oil. [a]D -12.7 (c, 1.1 in Constit. of the rhizomes of Curcuma longa
C19H16O4 308.333
MeOH). (turmeric). Yellow powder.
Isol. from Curcuma zedoaria (zedoary)
4S-Alcohol:4S-Dihydrocurcumenone and Curcuma longa (turmeric). Yellow Masuda, T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2002,
plates + H2O (EtOH). Mp 2248. 50, 2524-2530 (isol, pmr)
C15H24O2 236.353
Constit. of zedoary (Curcuma zedoaria ). Bis(demethoxy), 1,2-dihydro:1,7-Bis(4-hy-
Oil. [a]27
D -5.1 (CHCl3). droxyphenyl)-5-hydroxy-4,6-hepadien-3- Curcumin dimer 2 C-399
Shiobara, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, one. 1,7-Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-1-hep-
2629 (Curcumenone) tene-3,5-dione OH
Yoshikawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998, C19H18O4 310.349 OH O
46, 1186-1188 (Dihydrocurcumenone) Yellow needles (Et2O/C6H6). Mp 148- OH
Matsuda, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 2001, 57, 8443- 1498. lmax 215 (sh) ; 225 (sh) ; 362 (log e HO O
8453 (abs config) OMe OMe
4.4) (MeOH).
[24939-16-0, 33171-05-0] C42H38O12 734.755
Curcumin C-397
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Constit. of the rhizomes of Curcuma longa
2, 52C (ir) (turmeric). Yellow solid.
1,7-Bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1,6- Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
heptadiene-3,5-dione, 9CI. Diferuloyl- Masuda, T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2002,
Spectra , 1992, 2, 800B (nmr)
methane. Curcuma yellow. E100. C.I. Nat- 50, 2524-2530 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Lampe, V. et al., Ber. , 1918, 51, 1347 (synth)
ural Yellow 3 Srinivasan, K.R. et al., J. Pharm. Pharmacol. ,
1953, 5, 448 (derivs) Curcumin dimer 3 C-400
Spicer, G.S. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1958, 18,
231 (detn, B)
MeO 2 OMe OH
1 Umland, F. et al., Fresenius’ Z. Anal. Chem. ,
3' 3" OMe
1963, 197, 151 (detn, Ni)
HO OH Jentzsch, K. et al., Sci. Pharm. , 1968, 36, 251;
CA , 70, 90793h (isol) O OH
Sastry, B.S. et al., Res. Ind. , 1970, 15, 258; CA , OMe
C21H20O6 368.385
75, 75063e (isol)
Isol. from Curcuma zedoaria (zedoary) O
Kuroyagi, M. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1970, 90,
and other Curcuma spp. flavouring ingre- 1467; CA , 74, 61612a (isol)
dient. Natural colouring matter used O OH
Dyrssen, D.W. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1972,
extensively in Indian curries etc. Nutri- 60, 139 (detn, B)
ceutical with anticancer and antiinflam- Roughley, P.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1973, 2379-
matory props.. Orange prisms. Mp 1838. 2388 (biosynth)
Log P 2.05 (calc). Karig, F. et al., Dtsch. Apoth. -Ztg. , 1975, 115,
325; CA , 83, 65372f (derivs) C42H38O12 734.755
-MI5230000 Quint, P. et al., Fresenius’ Z. Anal. Chem. , 1977, Constit. of the rhizomes of Curcuma longa
Di-Ac: 285, 356; 1979, 295, 269 (detn, B) (turmeric). Yellow powder.
Cryst. Mp 170-1718. Kashina, C. et al., Heterocycles , 1977, 7, 241
Masuda, T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2002,
Dibenzoyl: (synth)
50, 2524-2530 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Wahlstrom, B. et al., Acta Pharmacol. Toxicol. ,
Cryst. Mp 2108.
1978, 43, 86 (metab)
O-De-Me: [149732-51-4] 1-(3,4-Dihydrox- Holder, G.M. et al., Xenobiotica , 1978, 8, 761 Curcumin III C-401
yphenyl)-7-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphe- (metab)
nyl)-1,6-heptadiene-3,5-dione Ravindranath, V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980,
19, 2031-2032 (Dihydrocurcumin) 1,9-Bis(4-hydroxyphenyl)-2,7-nonadiene-
C20H18O6 354.359 4,6-dione, 9CI
Constit. of the rhizomes of Curcuma Tonnesen, H.H. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., Ser.
B , 1982, 36, 475 (cryst struct, bibl)
domestica (turmeric). Orange powder.
Cheng, K.L. et al., Handbook of Organic
3′ 3″
1,2-Dihydro: [76474-56-1] 5-Hydroxy-1,7- Analytical Reagents , CRC Press, Boca Raton,
bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-4,6- 1982, 511 (use) O O
heptadien-3-one, 9CI. Dihydrocurcumin. Ammon, H.P.T. et al., Planta Med. , 1991, 57, 1-
Letestuianin B 7 (rev, pharmacol) C21H20O4 336.387
C21H22O6 370.401 Jitoe, A. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1992, 40, Isol. from the rhizomes of Curcuma longa
1337-1340 (occur)
Constit. of Curcuma longa (turmeric). (turmeric). Yellow pigment. Log P 2.39

/ Curzerenone C-402 / C-408

(calc). Cryst. (C6H6). Mp 3358. Curvacin A C-405

3?-Methoxy: [91884-87-6] Curcumin II 7-Hydroxy: [172617-68-4] Murrayamine E [146239-44-3]
C22H22O5 366.413 C23H25NO2 347.456 Polypeptide containing 41 amino acid
Isol. from the rhizomes of Curcuma Prisms (MeOH). Mp 275-2768 dec. [a]D residues. Prod. by Lactobacillus
longa (turmeric). Yellow pigment. Log P +39.68 (c, 0.133 in CHCl3). curvatus LTH 1174. Bacteriocin.
2.24 (calc). (/9)-form [25488-37-3] Tichaczek, P.S. et al., Syst. Appl. Microbiol. ,
3?,3??-Dimethoxy: [91884-86-5] Curcumin I Alkaloid from the leaves and stem bark 1992, 15, 460-468 (isol)
C23H24O6 396.439 of Murraya koenigii (curryleaf tree). Tichaczek, P.S. et al., Arch. Microbiol. , 1993,
Isol. from the rhizomes of Curcuma Cubes (C6H6). Mp 2668 (260-2628). 166, 279-283 (struct)
longa (turmeric). Yellow pigment. Log P Dutta, N.L. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1969, 7,
1061; 1168 (uv, pmr, struct, synth) Curvacitins C-406
2.09 (calc).
Kureel, S.P. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1969, 3857 (uv, ir, Proteins. Prod. by Lactobacillus curvatus.
Gorchakova, N.K. et al., Farmatsiya pmr, ms, struct)
(Moscow) , 1984, 33, 12; CA , 101, 126880 Bordner, J. et al., Experientia , 1972, 28, 1406
Bacteriocins with poss. food uses.
(isol, props) (uv, cryst struct) Curvaticin FS47 [157243-19-1]
Nagabhusan, M. et al., Mutat. Res. , 1988, 202, Narasimhan, N.S. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. Prod. by Lactobacillus curvatus FS47.
163 (props) B , 1976, 14, 430 (uv, ir, pmr, struct, synth) Curvaticin 13 [152742-61-5]
Babu, K.V.D. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. , Bhattacharyya, P. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , Prod. by Lactobacillus curvatus SB13.
1994, 26, 674 (synth) 1978, 55, 308 (uv, ir)
Ruby, A.J. et al., Cancer Lett. (Shannon, Irel.) , Sudirman, I. et al., Curr. Microbiol. , 1993, 27,
Furukawa, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1985, 35-40 (Curvaticin 13)
1995, 94, 79-83 (antitumour props) 33, 4132 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms, struct) Garver, K.L. et al., Appl. Environ. Microbiol. ,
Bhattacharyya, L. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , 1994, 60, 2191-2195 (Curvaticin FS47)
1989, 66, 140 (Murrayazolinol)
Curcumol C-402 Wu, T.-S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40, 1817
[4871-97-0] (Murrayamine E) Curzeone C-407
5,8-Epoxy-10(14)-guaien-8-ol [104068-56-6]
Currayanine C-404 b]furan-9(6H)-one, 9CI
H [25488-33-9]
O OH methylethenyl)-1,5-methanooxocino[3,2-
a]carbazole, 9CI. Cyclomahanimbine.
Murrayazolidine. Curryanine

C15H24O2 236.353
Constit. of Curcuma zedoaria (zedoary).
Cryst. Poorly sol. hexane. Mp 141-1428. N O
[a]D -32.26 (c, 2.127 in CHCl3). Log P 3.4 H C15H16O2 228.29
(uncertain value) (calc). H (S )-form
Constit. of Curcuma zedoaria (zedoary).
Hikino, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1966, 14,
1241-1249 (isol, struct) Cryst. Mp 72-748 (66-678). [a]26
D +61.5
H (+24).
Inayama, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984,
32, 3783-3786 (cryst struct, abs config) Shiobara, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25,
Harimaya, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1991, C23H25NO 331.457 1351-1353
39, 843 (isol, pmr, cryst struct) Alkaloid from the leaves and stem bark of Yang, C. et al., Chin. Trad. Herbal Drugs , 1998,
Phan, M.G. et al., Tap Chi Hoa Hoc , 2000, 38, Murraya koenigii (curryleaf tree). Needles 29, 154-156 (abs config)
91-94 (activity) (hexane). Mp 1378 Mp 1468. Probably an
artifact. Obt. by brief acid or prolonged Curzerenone C-408
Currayangine C-403 heat treatment of Mahanimbine, M-32. [20493-56-5]
9a,10,11,12,13,13a-Hexahydro-2,9,9,12- N-Me: Zedoarone
tetramethyl-1,12-epoxy-9H-indolo[3,2,1- Mp 169-1708.
de]phenanthridine, 9CI. Curryangine. Ma- O
hanimbidine. Murrayazoline
Mp 136-1378 Mp 1468. 5
11-Hydroxy: [172548-90-2] Murrayamine
CH 3 D O
7 C23H25NO2 347.456
N O Oil. C15H18O2 230.306
12-Methoxy: [183130-90-7] Murrayamine Constit. of Curcuma zedoaria (zedoary).
H Oil. Sol. MeOH, CHCl3; poorly sol. H2O.
2′ C24H27NO2 361.483 [a]D 0. Log P 3.85 (calc). lmax 272 (log e
H Syrup. lmax 218 ; 243 ; 255 ; 301 ; 329 3.44) (EtOH). lmax 276 (e 5623) (EtOH)
(MeOH). (Berdy). lmax 264 (e 3550) (hexane)
C23H25NO 331.457 Kureel, S.P. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1969, 3857 (uv, ir, (Berdy).
(+)-form pmr, ms, struct) 5-Epimer: [20085-85-2] 5-Epicurzerenone.
Chakraborty, D.P. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) ,
Needles (Me2CO). Mp 276-2788. [a]25 D
1970, 593; 1974, 260 (uv, ir, pmr, struct, synth)
+2.25 (c, 0.4 in CHCl3). Bandaranayake, W.M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , C15H18O2 230.306
2?-Hydroxy: [125287-09-4] Murrayazolinol 1974, 998 (struct, pmr, synth) From Curcuma zedoaria (zedoary). Oil.
C23H25NO2 347.456 Narasimhan, N. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , [a]D 0. lmax 220 (log e 3.92); 270 (log e
Minor alkaloid from the stem bark of 1976, 14, 430 (uv, ir, pmr, struct, synth) 3.44) (EtOH).
Murraya koenigii (curryleaf tree). Mp Reisch, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, 2877
(cryst struct)
2908. The OH-config. does not appear Wu, T.-S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40, 1817; Fukushima, S. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1968,
to have been detd.. 1996, 43, 785 (Murrayamine D, Murrayamine 88, 792-794; 1970, 90, 863-869 (isol,
2?-Hydroxy, picrate: [125409-38-3] H) pharmacol)

Cuscohygrine / Cyclo(alanylalanylglycylleucylprolyltryptophylleucylisoleucyl) C-409 
/ C-414

Hikino, H. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1975, 478-484 Cyanocarbamodithioic acid, C-410 Monde, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30,
(isol, struct) 9CI 2915 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms)
Miyashita, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1984, 49, 3728
(synth, bibl) [108-04-3]
Phan, M.G. et al., Tap Chi Hoa Hoc , 2000, 38, Cyanocarbonimidodithioic acid. Cyano- 3-[(Cyanophenylmethyl)ami- C-412
91-94 (activity) dithioimidocarbonic acid. Cyanimidodithio- no]-3-oxopropanoic acid, 9CI
carbonic acid
C2H2N2S2 118.183
Cuscohygrine C-409 HOOCCH2CONH C H
Esistence of free acid doubtful.
[454-14-8] Ph
Di-Na salt: [138-93-2]
[46727-05-3] Antimicrobial agent used to control
1,3-Bis(1-methyl-2-pyrrolidinyl)-2-propa- microorganisms in sugar cane and sugar C11H10N2O3 218.212
none, 9CI. Cuskhygrine. Bellaradine. Hel- beet mills. (S )-form [161470-12-8]
laradine Di-K salt: [13145-41-0] Metab. of Phoxim formed by soybean
Mp 217-2258. plants and cell cultures. Cryst. (EtOH/
O Di-Me ester: [10191-60-3] Dimethyl cya- CH2Cl2).
nodithioiminocarbonate. DMT Höhl, H.-U. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1995,
N N C4H6N2S2 146.237 43, 1052-1056 (occur, synth)
Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 51-52.58.
Me Me
[34318-05-3, 35092-86-5] 3,12-Cyathadiene-11,14,15- C-413
C13H24N2O 224.345 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, triol
Stereochem. not fully established. Natural 1, 867A (ir)
Cuscohygrine is either the meso -form Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
(illus.) or a mixt. of meso- and (/9)- Spectra , 1992, 1, 1394C (nmr)
forms. Like other related alkaloids it Hantzch, A. et al., Annalen , 1904, 331, 265 3 4
appears to racemise and epimerise Timmons, R.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1967, 32, 1566
14 (11α,14β)-form
readily. It is unknown in opt. active (synth, use) 11
form but opt. active Jensen, K.A. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1968,
dihydrocuscohygrine is known which 22, 1107 (synth, use) HO CH2OH
suggests that the opt. active form may Thalev, W.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1971, 36, 14 (synth,
be present in the plant. The correct K salt)
Wobig, D. et al., Annalen , 1972, 764, 125 (synth, C20H32O3 320.471
struct. was assigned by Liebermann in
1896 but for some years an incorrect use) (11a,14b)-form [70116-99-3]
Wittenbrook, L.S. et al., J.O.C. , 1973, 38, 465 Cyathatriol
alternative was put forward by Hess. (synth, use)
Hellaradine appears to be a misprint in Powder (Me2CO). Mp 172-1738.
Gattow, G. et al., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. , 1977,
CA for Bellaradine. Alkaloid from the 433, 211; 434, 115 (synth, ir) 15-Aldehyde, 11-Ac, 14-O-b-D-
root of Cyphomandra betacea (tree Klasinc, L. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1980, 110, xylopyranoside: [291532-17-7] Erinacine
tomato). Oil; cryst. + 31=2H2O. d164 0.98. 287 (di-Me ester, pmr, uv) P. Herical
Mp 40-418 (hydrate). n18.4
D 1.4845. Yokoyama, M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1988, C27H40O8 492.608
2309 (di-Me ester, ir, pmr) Metab. of Hericium erinaceum (lion’s
Methiodide: Tominaga, Y. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1991, 28,
Mp 2448. mane) and Hericium ramosum .
1039 (di-Me ester, use, bibl) Amorph. solid or oil. [a]25
D -52.4 (c, 0.23
Oxime: Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 890-891
in MeOH). [a]25D -35.9 (CHCl3). Erina-
Mp 53-548. cine P and Herical appear to be
[72407-34-2] Marble, L.K. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. , identical but this is not confirmed lmax
Liebermann, C. et al., Ber. , 1889, 22, 675; 1896, 1998, 30, 473-476 (di-Me ester, synth, pmr, 206 (e 7500); 228 (e 6900) (MeOH).
29, 2050 (isol, struct) cmr) (11b,14b)-form
Späth, E. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1948, 79, 119 15-Aldehyde, 11-Et ether, 14-O-b-D-
(synth) xylopyranoside: [157397-40-5] Erinacine
Rapoport, H. et al., J.O.C. , 1949, 14, 664 D
(synth, struct) 3-Cyanomethyl-3-hydroxy- C-411
Anet, E. et al., Nature (London) , 1949, 163, 289 1H -indol-2(3H )-one C27H42O7 478.625
(synth) 2,3-Dihydro-3-hydroxy-2-oxo-1H-indole-3- Metab. of Hericium erinaceum (lion’s
Galinovsky, F. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1951, 82, acetonitrile, 9CI. 3-Cyanomethyl-3-hydro- mane). Cryst. Mp 121-1238.
551; 1953, 84, 798 (synth, stereochem, bibl) xy-2-oxo-1H-indole Steglich, W. et al., DECHEMA-Monogr. , 1993,
El-Olemy, M.M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1966, 29, 129, 3-4 (Herical)
58 (synth) Kawagishi, H. et al., Heterocycl. Commun. ,
McGraw, B.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, HO CH CN 1996, 2, 51-54 (Erinacine D)
257; 1979, 18, 189 (biosynth) Kenmoku, H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 2000, 41, 4389-
Narasimhan, N.J. et al., CA , 1980, 92, 42185u 4393 (Erinacine P)
(synth) O Anke, T. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 2002, 57,
Evans, W.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19, N 263-271 (Erinacine P, biosynth, pmr, cmr, ms)
2351 (occur)
Turner, C.E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20, H
1403 (isol, stereochem, bibl) Cyclo(alanylalanylglycylleu- C-414
Leete, E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1982, 104, 1403 C10H8N2O2 188.185 cylprolyltryptophylleucylisoleucyl)
(biosynth) (-)-form [137761-24-1]
Leete, E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, 699 Alkaloid from brassicas inoculated with
(biosynth) Ala Ala Gly Leu
Ghani, A. et al., Indian J. Pharm. Sci. , 1985, 47,
Pseudomonas cichorii . [a]D -37.1 (c, 0.21
in MeOH). Ile Leu Trp Pro
127; CA , 104, 3308q (occur)
Stapper, C. et al., J.O.C. , 2002, 67, 6456-6460 (/9)-form [137761-25-2]
(synth) Mp 162-1638. C42H63N9O8 822.015
Hallmann, G. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1962, 95, 1138 Constit. of the fruit peel of Citrus medica
(synth) var. sarcodactylis. Powder. [a]24
D -81.1 (c,

/ Cycloartanol C-415 / C-420

0.15 in MeOH). lmax 224 (e 13300); 282 (e Constit. of onion (Allium cepa ). [a]20
D -17.4 3-Hexadecanoyl: [357419-31-9]
4400) (MeOH). (H2O). C46H82O4 699.151
Matsumoto, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2002, Virtanen, A.I. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1959, Cryst. Mp 81-828 .
50, 857-860 (isol, pmr, cmr) 19, 2257 (synth, biosynth) 24,25-Isopropylidene: [57576-30-4]
Palmer, K.J. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1972, 28, 2615 C33H56O3 500.804
(cryst struct, abs config) Cryst. Mp 1898.
Cyclo(alanylvalyl) C-415
Cycloartane-3,25-diol C-417 C30H50O3 458.723
[125410-17-5] 9,19-Cyclolanostane-3,25-diol Cryst. (EtOH/hexane). Mp 150-1528.
3-Methyl-6-(1-methylethyl)-2,5-piperazi- [a]20
D +13.1 (c, 1.1 in CHCl3).
nedione, 9CI. 3-Isopropyl-6-methyl-2,5-di- (3b,24S )-form
oxopiperazine. Cyclo(valylalanyl). Alanine OH 25-Me ether: [357419-12-6] 25-Methoxy-
valine anhydride cycloartane-3,24-diol
H C31H54O3 474.766
H Cryst. Mp 140-1458. [a]D +29 (c, 0.4 in
3 HO 25-Me ether, 3-hexadecanoyl: [357419-26-
(3R,6R)-form 2]
(H3C)2CH N O C47H84O4 713.178
C30H52O2 444.74
H Amorph. solid.
3b-form [26525-84-8] (3b,24j)-form [110044-47-8]
C8H14N2O2 170.211 Constit. of mature wheat straw Constit. of Mangifera indica (mango).
(Triticum aestivum ). Cryst. (C6H6). Mp 154-1568. [a]30D 0 (c,
(3R ,6R )-form
Gaspar, E.M.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 0.8 in CHCl3). Isol. as a mixt. of C-24
[55904-06-8] 34, 523 epimers.
(+)-cis-form. D-form
Cryst. (H2O). Mp 268-2708. [a]D +48.9
(H2O). Cycloartane-3,29-diol C-418 C30H50O3 458.723
9,19-Cyclolanostane-3,29-diol Constit. of Artocarpus heterophyllus
(3R ,6S )-form [15136-27-3] (jackfruit). Cryst. Mp 142-1448. [a]D
(+)-trans-form +17 (c, 0.36 in CHCl3). Isol. as a mixt.
Cryst. (H2O). Mp 272-2758. [a]D +38.6 of C-24 epimers.
(H2O). [155060-47-2, 155060-48-3]
(3S,6R )-form H Anjaneyulu, V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24,
[55904-05-7] 2359
(-)-trans-form Arriaga-Giner, F.J. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C ,
Cryst. (H2O). Mp 273-2768. [a]D -26.7 1991, 46, 507 (acetonide)
HO Barik, B.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 35,
CH 2OH 1001 (isol, pmr, cmr)
(3S,6S )-form [15136-26-2] Della Greca, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994,
(-)-cis-form. L-form C30H52O2 444.74 35, 1017 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Cryst. (H2O). Mp 268-2708. [a]D -43.2 Inada, A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1995, 58, 1143
(c, 0.5 in H2O). 3b-form [157772-00-4] (isol, pmr, cmr)
(3j,6j)-form Constit. of Mangifera indica (mango). Inada, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 46, 379-
Isol. from roasted cocoa. Cryst. Mp 196-1988. [a]D +34.9 (c, 0.18 381 (3a,24R-form)
in CHCl3). Bhattacharyya, K. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 2000,
Nitecki, D.E. et al., J.O.C. , 1968, 33, 864-866 56, 979-980 (3-ketone, cryst struct)
(synth) Khan, M.A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1994, 57, 988
(isol, pmr, cmr) Ukiya, M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2001, 49,
Slater, G. et al., J. Chem. Res. , 1972, 64, 166-169 3187-3197 (Chrysanthemum morifolium
(glc) constits)
Pickenhagen, W. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1975,
58, 1078-1086 (occur, synth)
Cycloartane-3,24,25-triol C-419 Hisham, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 56,
9,19-Cyclolanostane-3,24,25-triol 331-334 (24-Ac)
Kricheldorf, H.R. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. ,
1980, 13, 52-58 (cmr, N-15 nmr)
Suzuki, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1981, 29, OH Cycloartanol C-420
233-237 (synth)
Qin, W.-J. et al., Chung Ts’ao Yao , 1981, 12, 5-9; [4657-58-3]
CA , 95, 156423n (occur) OH 9b,19-Cyclolanostan-3b-ol. Cycloartan-3b-
Thomas, A.R. et al., Tetrahedron , 1991, 47, 497- ol
506 (synth, ir, pmr, cmr) H
Wabnitz, P.A. et al., Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion
Processes, 1996, 154, 193-201 (ms)

HO (3α,24R)-form
Cycloalliin C-416 H
5-Methyl-3-thiomorpholinecarboxylic acid C30H52O3 460.739
1-oxide, 9CI (3a,24R )-form
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 201-2028. [a]20
D +35.9 H
H (c, 0.33 in MeOH).
H3 C N COOH (3b,24R )-form C30H52O 428.74
24-Ac: [339155-11-2] Minor constit. of rice bran oil. Cryst.
Absolute C32H54O4 502.776 (MeOH aq.). Mp 101-1028. [a]D +45 (c,
S Cryst. (CHCl3/hexane). Mp 1608. 3.59 in CHCl3). Log P 10.8 (uncertain
3-Tetradecanoyl: [357419-30-8] value) (calc).
C44H78O4 671.098 Ac: [4575-74-0]
C6H11NO3S 177.224 Amorph. solid. C32H54O2 470.777

/ Cycloart-25-ene-3,24,27-triol C-421  / C-427

Cryst. (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 132-1338. Cycloart-24-ene-3,21-diol C-423 Cycloart-24-ene-3,21,26-triol C-425

[a]D +57 (c, 5.31 in CHCl3). 9,19-Cyclolanost-24-ene-3,21-diol 9b,19-Cyclolanost-24-ene-3,21,26-triol
3-(2-Methylbutanoyl)(R-): [207606-42-6]
C35H60O2 512.858 H 21
Cryst. Mp 123-1248. [a]20
D +67 (CHCl3).
3-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamoyl): H 26
[20972-10-5] Cycloartanyl ferulate
C40H60O4 604.912 H H
Constit. of rice bran oil.
3-Ketone: [4936-10-1] Cycloartan-3-one.
Cycloartanone HO H
C30H50O 426.724
Shimizu, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1960, 8, C30H50O3 458.723
108 (isol) C30H50O2 442.724
(3b,24Z )-form
Altenburger, E. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1965, 3b-form [125292-57-1]
Cryst. (EtOAc/hexane). Mp 1708. [a]25 D
48, 704 (synth) Cryst. (CHCl3). Mp 1308. [a]21D +41 (c,
Audier, H.E. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1966, 4341 (ms) +43 (c, 1.02 in MeOH).
0.96 in CHCl3).
Berti, G. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1967, 125 (isol) 3,26-Di-O-gentibioside: [100182-36-3]
Endo, T. et al., CA , 1968, 69, 37319n (isol, 21-Aldehyde: [125292-62-8] 3-Hydroxycy-
ferulate) cloart-24-en-21-al
C54H90O23 1107.291
Imhof, R. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1969, 852 C30H48O2 440.708
Constit. of Passiflora quadrangularis
(synth) Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 79-818. [a]21D +47
Khuong-Huu, F. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1975, 1787 (giant grandilla). Amorph. powder. Mp
(c, 0.28 in CHCl3).
(cmr) 164-1658 dec. [a]25
D -11 (c, 0.89 in
Ageta, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23, 2875 21-Carboxylic acid: [125302-31-0] 3-Hy- MeOH).
(isol, acetate) droxycycloart-24-en-21-oic acid Orsini, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, 191
Böhme, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 45, C30H48O3 456.707
1041-1044 (Cycloartanone, ms) Constit. of Lansium domesticum (lang-
Tellez, N. et al., Molecules , URL:http:// sat). Cryst. (CHCl3). Mp 185-1868 Cycloart-24-ene-3,22,26-triol C-426, 1998, 3, (1818). [a]21
D +23 (c, 0.48 in CHCl3)
M49; CA , 129, 14430j (2-methylbutanoate) (+18.7). OH
21-Aldehyde, 3-ketone: [125292-61-7] 3-
Oxocycloart-24-en-21-al 23

C30H46O2 438.692 CH 2 OH
Cycloartan-29-ol C-421 H
Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 80-828. [a]21D +20
[157772-01-5] (c, 0.72 in CHCl3). (3β,22S,24Z)-form
Nishizawa, M. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1989, 30, 5615 HO
(cryst struct) H
Achenbach, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31,
4263 (isol, pmr, cmr) C30H50O3 458.723
(3a,22j,24E )-form
H 26-Carboxylic acid:3,22-Dihydroxycy-
cloart-24-en-26-oic acid
Cycloart-24-ene-3,26-diol C-424 C30H48O4 472.707
9,19-Cyclolanost-24-ene-3,26-diol Constit. of Mangifera indica (mango).
C30H50O2 442.724 Cryst. (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 218-2208.
CH 2OH [a]30
(3b,24E )-form [64396-81-2] D +27.5 (c, 0.8 in CHCl3).
Mangiferadiol (3b,22S,24E )-form
C30H52O 428.74
Constit. of Mangifera indica (mango). 26-Carboxylic acid:
Constit. of Mangifera indica (mango).
Needles (C6H6). Mp 154-1558. [a]30
D +51 Constit. of Mangifera indica (mango).
Cryst. Mp 180-1828. [a]D +27.38 (c, 0.21 in
(c, 1 in CHCl3). Anjaneyulu, V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,
Di-Ac: 1471
Khan, M.A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1994, 57, 988 Needles (MeOH). Mp 74-778. [a]30 Yoshimitsu, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1992,
(isol, pmr, cmr) 40, 2465
+107.7 (c, 0.7 in CHCl3).
3-Ketone, 26-aldehyde: [105986-49-0] 3-
Oxocycloart-24-en-26-al Cycloart-25-ene-3,24,27-triol C-427
Cycloart-5-ene-3,25-diol C-422 C30H46O2 438.692 9,19-Cyclolanost-25-ene-3,24,27-triol
9,19-Cyclolanost-5-ene-3,25-diol Amorph. solid. [a]25
D +25 (c, 0.06 in
CHCl3). OH
Corsano, S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1965, 2377 (synth)
Anjaneyulu, V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24,
2359 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Cabrera, G.M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1996, 59, CH 2OH
343 (isol, pmr, cmr)


C30H50O2 442.724 C30H50O3 458.723

3b-form [151676-48-1] (3b,24j)-form
Constit. of mature wheat straw Constit. of Mangifera indica (mango).
(Triticum aestivum ). Cryst. (C6H6/hexane). Mp 190-1928. [a]20
Gaspar, E.M.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, +18.8 (c, 1.2 in CHCl3). Isolated as a
34, 523 (isol) mixture of C-24 epimers.

/ Cyclo(aspartylleucylthreonylvalyltyrosylphenylalanylglycyl) C-428 / C-433

Anjaneyulu, V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, De Pascual Teresa, J. et al., Phytochemistry, (Me2CO/cyclohexane). Mp 262-2648.
2359 1987, 26, 1767 (pmr, cmr) Dave, K.G. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1962, 9 (isol)
Seo, S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1988, 2407 Nair, P.M. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1964, 125 (isol)
(biosynth) Rao, A.V.R. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1972, 10,
Cycloart-24-en-3-ol C-428 Milon, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1989, 72, 1 989 (ms)
9,19-Cyclo-9b-lanost-24-en-3-ol (pmr, cmr) Lin, C.N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, 2922
Majumder, P.L. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , (Cyclocommunin)
1991, 68, 88 (Arundinol) Chen, C.C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1993, 56, 1594
Dominguez, X.A. et al., Planta Med. , 1992, 58, (Isocyclomulberrin)
382 (Caffeoylcycloartenol) Lu, C.-M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 35, 781
Akihisha, T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2000, (isol, pmr, cmr)
H 48, 2313-2319 (activity)

Cycloartocarpesin C-429
Cycloartomunin C-431
HO [135023-19-7]
H 6,12-Dihydroxy-11-methoxy-3,3-dimethyl-
C30H50O 426.724 bis[1]benzopyrano[4,3-b:6?,5?-e]pyran-7-
b?]dipyran-6-one, 9CI
3b-form [469-38-5] one, 9CI
Cycloartenol. Artosenol. Handianol
Constit. of Artocarpus integrifolia fruits O
and Solanum tuberosum (potato). Cryst.
(EtOH). Mp 1158 (dry) Mp 998 (sol- O
vated). [a]D +54 (CHCl3). OH OH
Ac:Cycloartenyl acetate O O O
C32H52O2 468.762 OH
Mp 1228. [a]D +57 (c, 1.97 in CHCl3). O O
3-O-(4-Hydroxycinnamoyl)(E-):Arundi- C20H16O6 352.343 OMe
nol Isol. from Artocarpus heterophyllus (jack- OH
C39H56O3 572.87 fruit).
Cryst. (EtOAc/petrol). Mp 2458. [a]D C26H24O7 448.471
Parthasarathy, P.C. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1969,
+3.52 (MeOH). 7, 101 (isol, uv, pmr, ms) Isol. from the root bark of Artocarpus
3-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamoyl):Ory- Rao, A.V.R. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1972, 10, communis (breadfruit). Yellow needles
zanol A 905; 989 (isol, ms) (MeOH). Mp 278-2808.
C40H58O4 602.896 Fujimoto, T. et al., Planta Med. , 1985, 190 (isol)
From rice bran oil (Oryza sativa ). Cryst.
Needles (CHCl3). Mp 274-2768.
Mp 148-1508. [a]D +40 (c, 1 in CHCl3). Cycloartocarpin C-430 Lin, C.-N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30,
Oryzanol B was a mixt. of Oryzanol A
[5912-09-4] 1669; 1996, 41, 1215 (isol, uv, pmr, cmr)
and Oryzanol C (see under 24-Methy-
lenecycloartan-3-ol, M-404).
3-Ketone: [511-63-7] 9,19-Cyclolanost-24- Cycloartomunoxanthone C-432
en-3-one. Cycloartenone. Artostenone. one. Isoartocarpin$ [135023-20-0]
C30H48O 424.709
Mp 1098. [a]D +24 (c, 3.39 in CHCl3).
3-O-(3,4-Dihydroxycinnamoyl)(E-): O
[75884-34-3] Caffeoylcycloartenol HO O
C39H56O4 588.869 O O O
Constit. of Phalaris canariensis (canary
grass). MeO O HO OMe
Chapon, S. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1952, 456 3
(isol) OH
Bentley, H.R. et al., J.C.S. , 1953, 3673 (isol, C26H24O7 448.471
struct) C26H26O6 434.488 Constit. of the roots of Artocarpus com-
Barton, D.H.R. et al., J.C.S. , 1954, 2715 munis (breadfruit). Dark yellow powder.
(struct) The name Cycloartocarpin has been
Mp 264-2668. lmax 224 (log e 4.13); 253
Irvine, D.S. et al., J.C.S. , 1955, 1316 (struct) assigned to two isomeric compds..
(log e 4); 280 (log e 4.1); 311 (sh) (log e
Shimizü, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1960, 8, Di-Me ether:
108 (isol) 3.76); 384 (log e 3.85) (MeOH).
D +1.19 (c, 2.25 in CHCl3).
Capella, P. et al., Nature (London) , 1961, 190, Lin, C.N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, 1669-
167 (isol) O-De-Me: [145682-71-9] Cyclocommunin. 1671 (isol, uv, cmr)
Ardenne, M. et al., Experientia , 1963, 19, 178 Isocyclomulberrin
(ms) C25H24O6 420.461
Galbraith, M.N. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1965, 18, Isol. from the rootbark of Artocarpus Cyclo(aspartylleucylthreonyl- C-433
226 (acetate) communis and stems of Artocarpus valyltyrosylphenylalanylglycyl)
Fedeli, E. et al., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. , 1966, altilis (breadfruit). Yellow powder
43, 254 (occur)
(C6H6). Mp 277-2798 (270-2718). [a]25D
Aplin, R.T. et al., J.C.S.(B) , 1966, 1078 (ms)
+53 (c, 0.31 in Me2CO). Asp Leu Thr Val
Barton, D.H.R. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1968, 643
(synth) O-De-Me, tri-Ac: [145643-99-8] Gly Phe Tyr
Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen Pale yellow needles. Mp 173-1758.
der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn.,
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 2035
O-De-Me, 3-Me ether: [156127-37-6] Cy- C39H53N7O11 795.888
(occur) cloartocarpin$ Constit. of the fruit peel of Citrus medica
Radics, L. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1975, 48, 4287 (cmr) C26H26O6 434.488 var. sarcodactylis. Powder. [a]24
D -22.3 (c,
Boar, R.B. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1979, 563 Constit. of Artocarpus heterophyllus 0.25 in MeOH). lmax 212 (e 14200); 278 (e
(synth) (jackfruit). Yellow microneedles 1800) (MeOH).

Cyclobrassinin / Cyclochlorotine C-434 
/ C-441

Matsumoto, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2002, Constit. of a Citrus reticulata /Fortunel- mixt. with Cyclocalopin C2 to which the
50, 857-860 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms) la hybrid. data refers lmax 228 (log e 3.18); 240 (sh)
Bennett, R.D. et al., Tetrahedron , 1981, 37, 17 (log e 2.94) (MeCN).
Cyclobrassinin C-434 (Cyclocalamin)
12-Epimer:Cyclocalopin C2
Herman, Z. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26,
[105748-58-1] 2247 (Isocyclocalamin) C15H20O6 296.319
4,9-Dihydro-2-(methylthio)-1,3-thiazi- Hasegawa, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, Isol. from Boletus radicans.
no[6,5-b]indole, 9CI 1349 (biosynth) Hellwig, V. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. , 2002,
2895-2904 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms)

N Cyclocalopin A C-436

N S Cyclocalopin D C-439
C11H10N2S2 234.345 H 7 CH2OAc
Isol. from Chinese cabbage (Brassica OH Relative H
campestris ssp. pekinensis )(Cruciferae) Configuration O
heads inoculated with Pseudomonas ci- H
chorii . Mp 136-1378. First report of the H
isol. of sulfur-containing phytoalexins (see
also Brassinin, B-180) lmax 204 (e 24700); O O
C15H20O6 296.319
227 (e 34000); 284 (e 7830); 294 (e 8170) H
Bitter principle isol. from Boletus calopus
(MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 220 (e 19200); 270 O CH2OH
and other Boletus spp.. Cryst. Mp 1658.
(e 13200) (EtOH) (Berdy). O
D -34.5 (c, 0.2 in CHCl3). lmax 211 (log
S-Oxide: [128722-96-3] 4,9-Dihydro-2- e 2.57); 243 (log e 2.8) (EtOH). lmax 200 OH
(methylsulfinyl)-1,3-thiazino[6,5-b]in- (log e 2.51); 241 (log e 2.65) (MeCN). HO
dole, 9CI. Cyclobrassinin sulfoxide
C11H10N2OS2 250.345
7-Ac:O-Acetylcyclocalopin A OH
C17H22O7 338.357
Isol. from leaves of brown mustard
Major bitter principle from Boletus C23H32O13 516.498
Brassica juncea (Cruciferae). Pale yel-
calopus and other Boletus spp.. Cryst. Isol. from Boletus calopus and other
low grains. Mp 188-1908.
Mp 1908. [a]25
D -29.1 (c, 0.35 in CHCl3). Boletus spp.. Cryst. Mp 1108. [a]25
D +109.7
9-N-Methoxy:Sinalbin B lmax 218 (log e 2.37); 273 (log e 2.64) (c, 0.26 in MeOH). lmax 212 (log e 3.01);
C12H12N2OS2 264.372 (EtOH). lmax 238 (log e 2.51); 332 (log e 244 (log e 1.91) (MeOH).
Isol. from Sinapis alba (white mustard). 1.12) (MeCN).
lmax 231 (log e 4.13); 275 (log e 3.8) Hellwig, V. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. , 2002,
Hellwig, V. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. , 2002, 2895-2904 (isol, cd, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
(CH2Cl2). 2895-2904 (isol, uv, cd, ir, pmr, cmr, cryst
9-N-Methoxy, S-oxide:Sinalbin A struct)
Isol. from Sinapis alba (white mustard).
lmax 231 (log e 4.33); 280 (log e 3.96) Cyclocalopin B C-437
(CH2Cl2). Cyclocalopin E C-440
Takasugi, M. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1986, 1077
(isol, synth, struct) CH3 15
Devys, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 1087 H
(isol, ir, pmr, ms, struct, oxide) OAc 9
Kutschy, P. et al., Tetrahedron , 1998, 54, 3549- H H O
3566 (synth)
Pedras, M.S.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 53,
161-176 (rev) O OH
Pedras, M.S.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 55, O O O
213-216 (Sinalbins) H H
Cyclocalamin C-435 C19H26O8 382.41 C15H20O6 296.319
[74751-39-6] Isol. from Boletus calopus and other Isol. from Boletus calopus and other
Boletus spp.. Oil. [a]33
D +18.7 (c, 0.1 in Boletus spp.. Cryst. Mp 1838. [a]33
D +38 (c,
CHCl3). lmax 201 (log e 3.09) (MeCN). 1.1 in MeCN). lmax 226 (sh) (log e 2.19);
Hellwig, V. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. , 2002, 283 (log e 1.9) (MeCN).
2895-2904 (isol, cd, pmr, cmr, ms)
9,15-Didehydro:Cyclocalopin F
C15H18O6 294.304
MeOOC O Cyclocalopin C1 C-438 Isol. from Boletus calopus and other
Boletus spp.. Obt. as a mixt. with
O Cyclocalopin E.
O 7 O Hellwig, V. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. , 2002,
OH OH 2895-2904 (isol, cd, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
C27H34O9 502.56 O OH
Constit. of calamondin seeds (Citrus O Cyclochlorotine C-441
reticulata var. austera x Fortunella sp.). H [12663-46-6]
O Cyclic[3-phenyl-b-alanylseryl-3,4-dichloro-
prolylaminobutyrylseryl], 9CI
7-Ketone, 6b-alcohol: [111004-32-1] Isocy- C15H20O6 296.319
clocalamin Isol. from Boletus radicans. Oil. [a]33
C27H34O9 502.56 +168.6 (c, 0.12 in CHCl3). Obt. as a 2:1

/ g-Cyclodextrin, 9CI, 8CI C-442 
/ C-447

H taose. Betadex, INN, USAN. Beta

cyclodextrin, USAN. Cycloheptaglucan.
Ph N CH2 OH OH O Cycloheptamaltose. b-Schardinger dextran.
O Cl 5' OH OH

C24H31Cl2N5O7 572.444 C20H16O6 352.343

Mycotoxin prod. by the common food Isol. from the root bark of Artocarpus
storage mould Penicillium islandicum . communi (breadfruit). Yellow powder O
Needles (MeOH). Mp 2558 dec. [a]16 D -92.9 (C6H6). Mp 160-1628.
(MeOH). Similar chemical and biological C42H70O35 1134.994
characteristics to Islanditoxin, I-66 lmax 5?-Hydroxy: [180845-64-1] Cyclochampe- GRAS status for use as a flavour carrier or
250 (e 4550); 257 (e 5000); 265 (e 4670) dol protectant in food. Monoclinic cryst. +
(EtOH) (Derep). C20H16O7 368.342 H2O (H2O). Mp 2608 dec. [a]D +162.5 (c,
-GU2100000 Yellow cryst. (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 205- 1.0 in H2O). Forms cryst. complexes with
Yoshioka, H. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1973, 1319
2068. [a]25
D +141.6 (c, 0.1 in MeOH). propanol and iodine.
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propenyl ester) 1748
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 747-748 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, CPB050
C7H12O2 128.171
Flavouring ingredient. Prisms with a
Cyclohexanebutanoic acid, C-458 cheese-like odour. V. sol. EtOH, Et2O, 1,2-Cyclohexanedione, 9CI C-460
9CI CHCl3, C6H6; spar. sol. H2O. Mp 20-218 [765-87-7]
[4441-63-8] Mp 31-328. Bp 232-3338 Bp13 120-1218. 2-Hydroxy-2-cyclohexen-1-one
4-Cyclohexylbutyric acid -LD50 (rat, orl) 3265 mg/kg. GU8370000
Me ester: [4630-82-4] FEMA 3568 O O
CH 2CH 2CH 2COOH C8H14O2 142.197
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with a O OH
cheese-like odour. d20 0.99. Bp 1838
Bp15 738. n20D 1.4433.
Et ester: [3289-28-9] FEMA 3544 C6H8O2 112.128
C10H18O2 170.251 C9H16O2 156.224 Flavour material for food. Cryst. (petrol).
Insol. H2O. Mp 318. Bp20 1698 Bp4 136- Flavouring ingredient. Oil with a Mod. sol. H2O. Mp 38-408. Bp 193-1958
1398 Bp0.6 109-1118. n38
D 1.4592. pKa 4.92. cheese-like odour. d20 Bp17 858. pKa 10.3 (208, 40% enol form).
4 0.96. Bp 1948 Bp2
Metal salts sol. many org. solvs.. 50.5-518. n20
D 1.4419. -Explosion has resulted when prepd. by
Me ester: [15972-01-7] 4-Bromophenacyl ester: HNO3 oxidn. of cyclohexanol. Irritant.
C11H20O2 184.278 Mp 91-928. GV0340000
Bp24 1248. Chloride: [2719-27-9] Dioxime: [492-99-9] Nioxime. Nyoxime
Et ester: [17851-38-6] C7H11ClO 146.616 C6H10N2O2 142.157
C12H22O2 198.305 Bp 179-1808 Bp 1848 Bp17 768. n15 D
Needles (H2O), cryst. (dioxan). Sol.
Bp0.8 83-878. n20
D 1.4582. 1.4766. EtOH, dioxan; sl. sol. H2O. Mp 187-
2-Propenyl ester: [7493-65-4] 2-Propenyl Amide: [1122-56-1] 1888 dec. pKa2 12.16 (258).
cyclohexanebutanoate. Allyl cyclohexa- C7H13NO 127.186 Bis-2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone: [1468-24-
nebutyrate. FEMA 2024 Prisms (H2O). V. sol. EtOH, Et2O. Mp 2]
C13H22O2 210.316 185-1868. Mp 233-2348.
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with pine- -Skin irritant. GU7875500 Bisthiosemicarbazone: See 1,2-
apple aroma. Bp1 1048. n20D 1.4608. Nitrile: [766-05-2] Cyclohexanecarbonitrile. Cyclohexanedione
Chloride: Cyanocyclohexane. Cyclohexyl cyanide bis(thiosemicarbazone) in The
C10H17ClO 188.696 C7H11N 109.171 Combined Chemical Dictionary.
Bp2 115-1208. Bp 184-1858 Bp16 75-778. Bis(2-pyridylhydrazone): See 1,2-
Anhydride: Anhydride: [22651-87-2] Cyclohexanedione bis(2-
C20H34O3 322.487 C14H22O3 238.326 pyridylhydrazone) in The Combined
Bp0.5 169-1728. Mp 258. Bp 280-2838. Chemical Dictionary.
[61886-29-1, 62638-03-3] [3198-23-0] Bisbenzoylhydrazone: See 1,2-
Cyclohexanedione bisbenzoylhydrazone
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
1, 537D (ir) 1, 536B; 629B; 745A; 748D (ir)
in The Combined Chemical Dictionary.
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Mono(di-Me acetal): [38461-13-1] 2,2-
Spectra , 1992, 1, 831A (nmr) Spectra , 1992, 1, 957A; 1220C (nmr) Dimethoxycyclohexanone, 9CI

Cyclohexanehexanoic acid, 9CI, 8CI  / Cyclohexaneundecanoic acid C-461  / C-464

C8H14O3 158.197 CH2CH2CH2CH2COOH d15 15

0 0.93. Bp 251-2528. nD 1.4550.
Liq. Bp2.1 66-698. 2-Propenyl ester: [2705-87-5] Allyl 3-cyclo-
Bis(di-Me acetal): [163125-34-6] 1,1,2,2- hexylpropionate. Ananolide. FEMA 2026
Tetramethoxycyclohexane, 9CI C12H20O2 196.289
C10H20O4 204.266 Pineapple flavourant. Liq. with pine-
Liq. Bp0.8 768. apple-like odour. d25 20
25 0.95. Bp1 918. nD
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, C11H20O2 184.278 1.4600.
1, 450B; 2, 923C (ir) d 0.96. Mp 16-178. Bp50 2038 Bp0.5 126- -LD50 (mus, orl) 970-1083 mg/kg.
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 1278. n20
D 1.4661. GV6735000
Spectra , 1992, 3, 490C (nmr) Ph ester:
Et ester: [17851-39-7]
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
C13H24O2 212.331 C15H20O2 232.322
1989, 3, 542B (ir)
Rauh, E.G. et al., J.O.C. , 1945, 10, 199-203 d20 21
4 0.95. Bp19 148-1538. nD 1.4673. Bp31 1958. n14
D 1.5030.
(synth) 2-Propenyl ester: [7493-68-7] 2-Propenyl Chloride: [39098-75-4]
Monnier, D. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1959, 20, cyclohexanepentanoate. Allyl cyclohexa- C9H15ClO 174.67
444-455 (dioxime, detn, Ni) nevalerate. FEMA 2027 Bp35 124-1268 Bp17 1088.
Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 4 , 1963, 229-232
C14H24O2 224.342 Amide: [4361-29-9]
(dioxime, synth)
Lenard, J. et al., Anal. Biochem. , 1969, 29, 203- Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with char- C9H17NO 155.239
209 (use, peptide sequence anal) acteristic fruity aroma. Bp1 1198. n22
D Needles (MeOH). Mp 1208.
Kowalski, C. et al., J.O.C. , 1978, 43, 2601-2608 1.4605. Hydrazide:
(di-Me ketal, synth, ir, pmr) 4-Bromophenacyl ester: C9H18N2O 170.254
Rao, D.V. et al., J.O.C. , 1979, 44, 456-458 Mp 818. Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 928.
Nazarenko, A.Yu. et al., Zh. Anal. Khim. , 1982, Chloride: Phenylhydrazide:
37, 1469-1472 (dioxime, detn, Fe) C11H19ClO 202.723 C15H22N2O 246.352
Caubere, P. et al., J.O.C. , 1986, 51, 1419-1427 Bp15 1398. Mp 155-1568.
(synth) Amide: Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Koul, S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1995, 2969-2988
C11H21NO 183.293 1, 537B; 629D (ir)
(Di-Me ketal synth, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Grice, P. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1997, 351-363 Leaves (C6H6). Mp 122-1238.
Spectra , 1992, 1, 830C; 958B; 958C (nmr)
(bis(di-Me ketal), synth, ir, pmr, ms, use) [16076-64-5] Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Org. Synth. , 1998, 75, 170-176 (bis(di-Me 1989, 3, 602C; 656A; 656B (ir)
ketal), synth, ir, pmr, cmr) Hiers, G.S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1926, 48, 2385
(synth) Adams, R. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1928, 50, 1972
Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive (synth)
Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths , Smith, H.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1945, 67, 272
(synth) de Bennerville, P.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1940, 62,
1990, 2240 283 (synth, Et ester)
Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical Baker, R.H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1946, 68, 1283
(synth) Finkbeiner, H.L. et al., J.O.C. , 1962, 27, 3395
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of (synth)
Chemistry, 1992, 356 Heilbron, I. et al., J.C.S. , 1949, 742 (chloride,
amide, synth) Bestmann, H.J. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1966, 99,
English, J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1950, 72, 4187 1906 (synth)
Cyclohexanehexanoic acid, C-461 (synth) Morris, W.W. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. ,
Cousseau, J. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1967, 1973, 56, 1037 (ir)
9CI, 8CI Matsumoto, N. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1975, 3643
4702 (Et ester, synth)
[4354-56-7] Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd (synth, cmr)
6-Cyclohexylhexanoic acid edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Liu, S.-H. et al., J.O.C. , 1977, 42, 3209 (Et
1, 21 (2-propenyl ester) ester)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Fischli, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1979, 62, 48
(CH2)5COOH Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 85-86 (2- (synth, ir, pmr, ms)
propenyl ester) Japan. Pat. , 1980, 80 76 843; CA , 93, 238930y
(synth, allyl ester)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Cyclohexanepropanoic acid, C-463 Reinhold , 1992, AGC500
C12H22O2 198.305 9CI
Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 338. Bp4 127.5-1288. [701-97-3]
3-Cyclohexylpropionic acid. Hexahydrohy-
Cyclohexaneundecanoic acid C-464
S-Benzylthiuronium salt: 11-Cyclohexylundecanoic acid
drocinnamic acid. Octahydrocinnamic acid
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 155.58.
2-Propenyl ester: [7493-66-5] 2-Propenyl
cyclohexanehexanoate. Allyl cyclohexa-
nehexanoate. FEMA 2025
C15H26O2 238.369
Flavouring ingredient.
Tanaka, A. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1960, 8,
C17H32O2 268.439
1063-1066 (synth) C9H16O2 156.224
Minor constit. of butterfat and sheep
Ryozo, G. et al., Nippon Kagaku Zasshi , 1967, d20 20
4 1. Mp 168. Bp 275-2808 Bp0.3 898. nD
88, 678-683; CA , 68, 86865z (synth) perinephric fat. Mp 55.4-56.68.
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd Me ester: [19096-10-7]
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Me ester: [20681-51-0]
C18H34O2 282.465
2, 20 (allyl ester, use) C10H18O2 170.251
Bp0.3 120-124.58.
Semino, G. et al., Riv. Ital. Essenze, Profumi, d16
0 0.96. Bp 222-2248.
Piante Off., Aromi, Saponi, Cosmet., Aerosol , Anilide:
1997, 86-95; CA , 128, 22005n (allyl ester, use)
Et ester: [10094-36-7] FEMA 2431
C23H37NO 343.551
C11H20O2 184.278
Mp 84.9-86.68.
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with sweet,
Cyclohexanepentanoic acid, C-462 pineapple-like taste at high dilution. d17 Hiers, G.S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1926, 48, 2385
9CI 0.94. Bp 2318. n17
D 1.4520.
Schogt, J.C.M. et al., J. Lipid Res. , 1965, 6, 466
[5962-88-9] Propyl ester: [16595-06-5] Hanson, R.P. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1967,
Cyclohexylvaleric acid, 8CI C12H22O2 198.305 1640

Cyclohexanol, 9CI / 1-Cyclohexyl-11-heneicosanone C-465  / C-470

Hanson, R.P. et al., J. Sci. Food Agric. , 1967, Cyclohexanone, 9CI C-466 orl) 156 mg/kg. LD50 (rbt, skn) 277 mg/kg.
18, 225 (isol) Exp. reprod. and teratogenic effects. OES:
Ketocyclohexane. Oxocyclohexane. Na- long-term 10 ppm (Sk). GX0700000
done. Sextone. FEMA 3909 Carswell, T.S. et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. , 1937, 29,
1247-1251 (bibl)
Cyclohexanol, 9CI C-465 Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 2 , 1943, 318-320 (synth)
O Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
Hexahydrophenol York, 1989, CPF500
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
OH Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 750

C6H10O 98.144
Food flavourant. Present in various plant 3-Cyclohexyldodecane C-468
spp. e.g. Cistus ladaniferus (labdanum).
Oily liq. with peppermint/acetone odour. [13151-83-2]
Mod. sol. H2O. d20 (1-Ethyldecyl)cyclohexane, 9CI
C6H12O 100.16 4 0.95. Mp -458 (-328).
Needles or liq. Sol. EtOH, Et2O, mod. sol. Bp 1558 Bp15 478. n20D 1.4500. pKa 16.7.
H2O, misc. nonpolar solvs. d20 4 0.96. Mp -Flammable, fl. p. 438, autoignition temp.
248. Bp 1618. n22D 1.4650. Hygroscopic. 4208. Forms explosive peroxide with
-Fl. p. 688, autoignition temp. 3008. Severe H2O2. Eye, skin and respiratory tract
eye irritant. Inhalation can cause irritant. Inhalation causes conjunctival
conjunctival irritation, and olfactory and irritation, and olfactory and respiratory
respiratory system changes. Exp. system changes. LD50 (rat, orl) 1535 mg/
hepatotoxic and nephrotoxic effects. LD50 kg. Exp. reprod. effects. CNS depressant at C18H36 252.482
(rat, orl) 2060 mg/kg. OES: long-term 50 high vapour conc. OES: long-term 25 Isol. from Panax quinquefolium (American
ppm. GV7875000 ppm; short-term 100 ppm. GW1050000 ginseng).
Formyl: [4351-54-6] FEMA 2353 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
1, 432C; 1372A; 2, 923B (ir) Traditional Chinese Medicines , (ed. Milne,
C7H12O2 128.171 G.A.), Ashgate, 1999, 1414
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Flavouring ingredient. d04 1.01. Bp 162-
Spectra , 1992, 1, 669A; 3, 490B; 545A (nmr)
1638. n24
D 1.4417. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
-Flammable, fl. p. 428. 1989, 3, 517C; 1578A (ir) 2-Cyclohexylethanol C-469
Ac: [622-45-7] FEMA 2349 Baeyer, A. et al., Ber. , 1893, 26, 231 (synth)
C8H14O2 142.197 Nakata, H. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1970, 4,
211 (ms) Cyclohexaneethanol, 9CI
Flavouring agent. Present in sauerkraut,
soybean and onion. Liq. with fruity Frechet, J.M.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1978, 43, 2618
aroma. d15 (synth) CH2CH2OH
4 0.98. Bp 1758.
Fry, A.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1979, 44, 349 (synth)
-Fl. p. 588, autoignition temp. 3308.
Macháček, V. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1982, 355
AG5075000 (cmr)
Propanoyl: [6222-35-1] Cyclohexyl propio- IARC Monog. , 1989, 47, 157 (rev, tox)
nate. FEMA 2354 Patty’s Ind. Hyg. Toxicol. (3rd Rev. edn.) , Vol.
C9H16O2 156.224 2, Wiley, 1980, 4780 (tox, rev)
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. d204 0.95.
Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive C8H16O 128.214
Bp750 1938. n20
D 1.4430.
Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths , Liq. d20
4 0.92. Bp 206-2098 Bp12 97-1008.
1990, 2282 n20
D 1.4647.
Butanoyl: [1551-44-6] Cyclohexyl butano- Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical
ate. FEMA 2351 Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of Ac: [21722-83-8] Cyclohexylethyl acetate.
C10H18O2 170.251 Chemistry, 1992, 358 FEMA 2348
Used in food flavouring. Oily liq. with Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of C10H18O2 170.251
floral odour. d 0.95. Bp 2128. n25 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Flavouring ingredient. Liq. Bp15 1048.
D 1.4423.
Reinhold , 1992, CPC000; HLI500
3-Methylbutanoyl: [7774-44-9] Cyclohexyl 3,5-Dinitrobenzoyl:
3-methylbutanoate. Cyclohexyl isovale- Cryst. Mp 70.58.
rate. FEMA 2355 Cyclohexylamine C-467
C11H20O2 184.278 [108-91-8] Cryst. Mp 119.5-120.58.
Used in fruit food flavouring. d 0.93. Bp Cyclohexanamine, 9CI. Aminocyclohexane. Hiers, G.S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1926, 48, 1089-1093;
2238. n25
D 1.4418. Hexahydroaniline 2385-2393 (synth)
Pentanoyl: [1551-43-5] Cyclohexyl pen- Adkins, H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1930, 52, 4349-4358
tanoate. Cyclohexyl valerate NH 2 (synth, phenylurethane)
C11H20O2 184.278 Huston, R.C. et al., J.O.C. , 1941, 6, 123-133
(synth, dinitrobenzoyl)
Used in blackcurrant fruit flavouring.
Olah, G.A. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1981,
d25 25
4 0.93. Bp6 938. nD 1.4439. 20, 92-93 (synth)
[66522-78-9] Eliel, E.L. et al., J.O.C. , 1981, 46, 1959-1962
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, C6H13N 99.175 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
1, 157C; 628B (ir) Food contaminant arising from its use as a edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR boiler water additive. Liq. with strong 2, 135 (Ac)
Spectra , 1992, 1, 232A; 952B (nmr)
amine odour. Misc. H2O, org. solvs. d25 25 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 748-749
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New 0.87. Fp -18. Bp 1348 Bp71 658 Bp20 36.48.
n25 (Ac)
York, 1989, CPF000 D 1.4565. Strong base. Forms azeotrope
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd with H2O contg. 55.8% H2O, Bp 96.48.
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, -Flammable, fl. p. 21/318, autoignition
1, 136-139 (propanoyl) temp. 2608. Vapour irritates eyes and 1-Cyclohexyl-11-heneicosa- C-470
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. respiratory tract. Liquid is corrosive to none
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 749; 753;
756 (esters, occur, props)
skin and eyes. Toxic by skin absorption [182141-50-0]
causing gastrointestinal effects. LD50 (rat, (11-Oxoheneicosanyl)cyclohexane

(Cyclohexylmethyl)pyrazine / Cyclo(leucylprolyl) C-471  / C-476

Wicker, R.J. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1966,

1708-1716 (rev) O HO OH
IARC Monog. , 1980, 22, 55; 171; Suppl. 7, 178 OH
(rev, tox)
Suenaga, A. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1983,
31, 2079-2084 (metab, sodium cyclamate)
Nicholson, L.J. et al., Int. J. Cancer, 1988, 42,
C27H52O 392.707 295-298 (tox, sodium cyclamate) 9
Constit. of Centella asiatica (Asiatic pen- Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
nywort). Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
York, 1989, CPQ625; SGC000 C20H18O6 354.359
Srivastava, R. et al., Indian Drugs , 1996, 33, Bopp, B.A. et al., Food Sci. Technol. , 1991, 48, Isol. from pods of Phaseolus vulgaris
233-234 (isol) 71-95 (rev) (kidney bean) and from other Phaseolus
Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd spp.. Sol. MeOH, Et2O; poorly sol. H2O.
(Cyclohexylmethyl)pyrazine C-471 edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American
Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical
lmax 270 ; 355 (MeOH) (Berdy).
[28217-92-7] Press, 1994, 446-447 9,10-Dihydro, 9-hydroxy: [104363-15-7]
FEMA 3631 Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn., Cyclokievitone hydrate
Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1358 C20H20O7 372.374
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
N Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 383; 1621;
Isol. from Phaseolus mungo (black
2295 (salts) gram). Sol. MeOH, CHCl3; poorly sol.
Encycl. Food Sci. Technol. , Wiley-Interscience, H2O, hexane. lmax 294 (MeOH) (Ber-
N CH2 2000, 2245-2264 (rev) dy).
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Woodward, M.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979,
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 18, 2007 (isol, uv, pmr, ms)
C11H16N2 176.261 Reinhold , 1992, CPQ625; SGC000 O’Neill, M.J. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1983,
Flavouring ingredient. Possesses fungici- 38, 693; 1984, 39, 888 (isol)
dal and acaricidal activity. No commercial
useage in agriculture. d23
4 1.52. Bp4 98-
1008. 1-Cyclohexyl-4-tricosanol C-473 Cyclo(leucylprolyl) C-476
Ger. Pat. , 1969, 1 913 726; CA , 72, 20872a a-Nonadecylcyclohexanebutanol, 9CI [5654-86-4]
(fungicide use) Hexahydro-3-(2-methylpropyl)pyrro-
U.S. Pat. , 1975, 3 914 227; CA , 84, 31129n (food OH lo[1,2a]pyrazine-1,4-dione. Prolylleucyldi-
use, synth) ketopiperazine. Gancidin W. Maculosin 6
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd CH 2CH 2CH 2CH(CH 2)18CH 3
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
2, 139 (use, props) O
HN 8a
Cyclohexylsulfamic acid, 9CI C-472
3 N
[100-88-9] (3R,8aR)-form
C29H58O 422.777
Cyclohexanesulfamic acid. Cyclohexyla- O
mine-N-sulfonic acid. Cyclamic acid, BAN, (-)-form [151454-21-6]
USAN. Cyclamate. Hexamic acid. Asu- Constit. of Papaver somniferum (opium
gryn. E952 poppy). Mp 1108. [a]D -3 (c, 1 in Py). C11H18N2O2 210.275
Bhakuni, R.S. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , 1992, Diketopiperazine antibiotic.
69, 889 (isol) (3R ,8aR )-form
Amorph. solid.
(3R ,8aS )-form [36238-67-2]
Cyclointegrin C-474 Cryst. Sol. MeOH, EtOAc. Mp 148-
[60791-48-2] 1498 (119-1228). [a]31
D -105.5 (c, 0.5 in
C6H13NO3S 179.24 EtOH).
Artificial sweetening agent, usually em- (3S,8aS )-form [2873-36-1]
ployed as Na or Ca salt (cyclamate). Use O L,L-form
suspended in some countries, including Prod. by microorganisms. Bitter com-
USA, because of possible weak carcino- O
ponent of sake and contributes to the
genic activity (disputed). Permitted in EU MeO flavour of beer. Cryst. Mp 168-1728
at levels of 250-1600 ppm in food pro- O (158-1598). [a]25
D -133 (c, 1 in EtOH) (lit.
ducts. Cryst. Mp 169-1708. pKa 1.71 (258). gives a temp. range). [a]21
D -144 (c, 0.5 in
Log P 1.16 (uncertain value) (calc). OH
Sweetness approx. 30 /  sucrose. Not -LD50 (mus, ivn) 80 mg/kg. UY8708800
permitted (1997) in USA. C21H20O6 368.385
Isol. from heartwood of Artocarpus in- [19943-30-7, 43041-29-8]
teger (champedak). Yellow cryst. Kodaira, Y. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1961, 25,
Na salt: [139-05-9] Sodium cyclamate, (Me2CO/C6H6). Mp 2608. 261
BAN. Sucaryl sodium. Sucrosa Nitecki, D.E. et al., J.O.C. , 1968, 33, 864 (synth)
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Audrieth, L.F. et al., J.O.C. , 1944, 9, 89-101 Cyclokievitone C-475 struct)
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U.S. Pat. , 1945, 2 383 617, (du Pont de
[74175-82-9] 38, 927
Nemours ); CA , 40, 3579 (synth, sodium 3-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2,3-dihydro-5-hy- Bycroft, B.W. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1975, 988
cyclamate) droxy-8,8-dimethyl-4H,8H-benzo[1,2- (synth)
Richards, R.K. et al., J. Am. Pharm. Assoc. , b:3,4-b?]dipyran-4-one, 9CI. 1??,2??-Dehy- Davies, D.B. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1976, 187
1951, 40, 1-6 (use, sodium cyclamate) drocyclokievitone (conformn)

Cyclolinopeptide A 
/ Cyclomammeisin C-477 
/ C-484

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Suzuki, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1981, 29, [222527-67-5]
233 (synth)
Schmidtz, F.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1983, 48, 3941 (isol,
Cyclomammein C-483
ms, pmr, synth, bibl) Ile Met(O) Leu Val [30390-03-5]
Ayer, W.A. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1986, 64, 904 2,3-Dihydro-4-hydroxy-2-(1-hydroxy-1-
(isol) Phe Leu Pro Phe methylethyl)-5-(3-methyl-1-oxobutyl)-9-
Kricheldorf, H.R. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , propyl-7H-furo[2,3-f][1]benzopyran-7-
1986, 24, 21 (cmr) C51H76N8O9S 977.276 one, 9CI. Mammea B/BA cyclo F
Adamczeski, M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1995, 58,
201 (isol, pmr, cmr, bibl) Cyclic peptide. Incorrect MF in the ref..
Constit. of Linum usitatissimum (flax).
Powder. [a]D -75.5 (c, 0.2 in MeOH). HO ′
Cyclolinopeptide A C-477 lmax 218 (e 8690); 267 (e 300) (MeOH). O
[33302-55-5] Morita, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1999, 55, 967-
976 (isol, uv, pmr, cmr)
Pro Pro Phe Phe Leu 4
Cyclolinopeptide F C-481 HO O O
Val Leu Ile Ile
2 O
C57H85N9O9 1040.353
Leu Met(O) Pro Phe
Isol. from flax oil (Linum usitatissimum ).
Cryst. Mp 2438. [a]D -111.1 (c, 0.23 in
MeOH). Met(O) Val Trp Phe C22H28O6 388.46
8 7 Found in seeds of Mammea americana
Kaufmann, H.P. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1959, 92,
2805 (isol) (mamey). Cryst. (CHCl3/hexane). Mp
Kessler, H. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1986, C55H73N9O10S2 1084.368 128.5-129.58.
25, 997 (props) Constit. of the seeds of Linum usitatissi-
Di Blasio, B. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1989, 111, 9089 mum (flax). Powder. [a]D -71.4 (c, 0.21 in 4-Ac: [38789-18-3]
(conformn, cryst struct, bibl) MeOH). lmax 228 (log e 4.02); 280 (log e Cryst. (CHCl3/hexane). Mp 126-1298.
Tancredi, T. et al., Biopolymers , 1991, 31, 761 3.65) (MeOH). 1?-Hydroperoxide:
(cd, pmr, conformn) C22H28O7 404.459
Morita, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1999, 55, 967- 7-L-Isoleucine analogue:Cyclolinopeptide G Isol. from Mammea americana
976 (isol) C56H75N9O10S2 1098.395
Matsumoto, T. et al., Tetrahedron , 2002, 58, (mamey). Mp 1338. Contains -OOH in
Constit. of the seeds of Linum usitatis- place of the aliphatic OH gp. Shows sl.
5135-5140 (cryst struct, conformn) simum (flax). Powder. [a]D -66.6 (c, 0.2 opt. activity.
in MeOH). lmax 219 (log e 3.96); 281
Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 2241;
Cyclolinopeptide B C-478 (log e 3.65) (MeOH).
1987, 317 (isol, ir, pmr, synth)
[193139-41-2] 8-L-Methionine analogue:Cyclolinopeptide Finnegan, R.E. et al., J. Pharm. Sci. , 1972, 61,
I 1599 (isol, ir, uv, pmr)
C55H73N9O9S2 1068.369
Ile Met Leu Ile Pro Constit. of the seeds of Linum usitatis- Cyclomammeisin C-484
Val Phe Phe Pro simum (flax). Powder. [a]D -60.6 (c, 0.2
in MeOH). lmax 228 (log e 4); 281 (log e
C56H83N9O9S 1058.393 3.65) (MeOH).
Cyclic peptide. Constit. of flax (Linum 2-L-Methionine, 7-L-isoleucine analogue:- phenyl-2H-furo[2,3-h]-1-benzopyran-2-
usitatissimum ). Powder. [a]D -104.1 (c, Cyclolinopeptide H one, 9CI. 8,9-Dihydro-5-hydroxy-8-(1-hy-
0.2 in MeOH). lmax 218 (e 10050); 267 C56H75N9O9S2 1082.395 droxy-1-methylethyl)-6-isovaleryl-4-phe-
(e 250) (MeOH). Constit. of the seeds of Linum usitatis- nyl-2H-furo[2,3-h]-1-benzopyran-2-one,
simum (flax). Powder. [a]D -87.7 (c, 0.15 8CI. Mammea A/AA cyclo F
S-Oxide:Cyclolinopeptide C
in MeOH). lmax 229 (log e 3.94); 281
C56H83N9O10S 1074.392
(log e 3.62) (MeOH).
Constit. of flax (Linum usitatissimum ). O
Powder. [a]D -109.7 (c, 0.21 in MeOH). Matsumoto, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 57, HO Ph
lmax 218 (e 11000); 268 (e 245) (MeOH). 5

Morita, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1999, 55, 967-

976 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, activity) 2,6-Cyclolycopene-1,5-diol C-482
Matsumoto, T. et al., Tetrahedron , 2002, 58, 2-(3,7,12,16,20,24-Hexamethyl-
5135-5140 (cryst struct, conformn) 1,3,5,7,9,11,13,15,17,19,23-pentacosaunde-
tanemethanol, 9CI. 1,5- HO
Cyclolinopeptide D C-479
[222527-66-4] C25H26O6 422.477
Constit. of Mammea americana (mamey).
Yellow cryst. (Et2O/hexane). Mp 115-1178
Ile Met(O) Leu Leu Mp 148-1508.
Trp Phe Phe Pro OH 5-Ac:
Cryst. (CHCl3/hexane). Mp 145-1468.
C57H77N9O9S 1064.356 C40H58O2 570.897
1?-Deoxy, 1?,2?-didehydro:8,9-Dihydro-5-
Cyclic peptide. Constit. of Linum (1R ,2S,3R )-form [189131-36-0] hydroxy-8-(1-methylethenyl)-6-(3-
usitatissimum (flax). Powder. [a]D -75 (c, [189131-37-1] methyl-1-oxobutyl)-4-phenyl-2H-
0.2 in MeOH). lmax 229 (e 10070); 280 Cryst. (hexane). Mp 788 dec. furo[2,3-h]-1-benzopyran-2-one. Mam-

9,10-Cyclo-p -menthane-2,4-... / Cyclopentanethiol, 9CI C-485 
/ C-491

mea A/AA deshydrocyclo F Lin, C.-N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, 2922
C25H24O5 404.462 (Dihydroisocycloartomunin)
Amorph. yellow solid. lmax 230 (log e O Chen, C.-C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1993, 56, 1594
3.79); 283 (log e 4.04); 346 (log e 3.61) HO (Cycloaltilisin)
Lin, C.-N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 41, 1215
(EtOH). O (cmr, Dihydroisocycloartomunin)
hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-9-methoxy-6-(3- O O
methyl-1-oxobutyl)-4-phenyl-2H- Cycloneomammein C-489
OH [30390-04-6]
furo[2,3-h]-1-benzopyran-2-one. Mam-
mea A/AA methoxycyclo F 2,3-Dihydro-4-hydroxy-2-(1-hydroxy-1-
C25H22O6 418.445 methylethyl)-5-(2-methyl-1-oxobutyl)-9-
C26H28O7 452.503
Isol. from the root bark of Morus alba propyl-7H-furo[2,3-f][1]benzopyran-7-
Amorph. yellow solid. Possesses trans -
(white mulberry). Also from Artocarpus one, 9CI. Mammea B/BB cyclo F
config. lmax 245 (log e 4.01); 282 (log e
altilis (breadfruit). Pale yellow prisms
4.04); 349 (log e 3.65) (EtOH).
(MeOH). Mp 256-2578 (233-2348). [a]20 D
Finnegan, R.A. et al., J. Pharm. Sci. , 1972, 61, +20 (c, 0.15 in MeOH). lmax 223 (e HO
1603 (isol, synth, ir, uv, pmr)
Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 2248
28300); 283 (e 27000); 353 (e 15400)
(isol, pmr, uv, ms, ir) (MeOH) (Berdy). O
Bandaranayake, W.M. et al., Phytochemistry, Deshpande, V.H. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1974,
1975, 14, 265 (isol, ir, uv, pmr, ms) 12, 431 (isol)
Guilet, D. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2001, 64, 563-568 Nomura, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1978,
(isol, pmr, cmr) 26, 1394-1402 (isol, pmr) HO O O
Nomura, T. et al., Heterocycles , 1979, 12, 1289
Nomura, T. et al., Planta Med. , 1983, 49, 90
9,10-Cyclo-p -menthane-2,4- C-485
diol Chen, C.-C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1993, 56, 1594
[83133-21-5] (isol, pmr)
1-Cyclopropyl-4-methyl-1,3-cyclohexane- Lin, C.-N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 41, C22H28O6 388.46
diol, 9CI 1215-1217 (cmr) Constit. of seeds of Mammea americana
(mamey). Cryst. (CHCl3/hexane). Mp 130-
Cyclomulberrin C-488 Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 2241;
HO [19275-51-5] 1987, 317 (isol, ir, pmr, ms, synth)
3,8,10-Trihydroxy-11-(3-methyl-2-bute- Finnegan, R.E. et al., J. Pharm. Sci. , 1972, 61,
Absolute 1599 (isol, ir, uv, pmr)
OH one, 9CI Cyclonormammein C-490
C10H18O2 170.251 Mammea B/BC cyclo F
Constit. of pistachio (Pistacia vera ). Oil.
[a]D +21 (c, 1.2 in CHCl3).
Mangoni, L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, O
811 O
9,10-Cyclo-p -menth-1-en-4-ol C-486 5′ OH HO O
1-Cyclopropyl-4-methyl-3-cyclohexen-1-ol, O
C25H24O6 420.461
Isol. from the bark of Morus spp. Also
isol. from Artocarpus altilis (breadfruit).
Mp 231-2328 Mp 245-2468. lmax 214 (e C21H26O6 374.433
39600); 274 (e 21000); 370 (e 16000) Constit. of Mammea americana (mamey).
OH (EtOH) (Berdy). Cryst. (CHCl3/hexane). Mp 129.5-131.58.
Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 2241;
5?-Methoxy: [145643-97-6] Dihydroisocy- 1987, 317 (isol, struct, synth)
C10H16O 152.236 C26H26O7 450.487
Isol. from the root bark of Artocarpus Cyclopentanethiol, 9CI C-491
(S )-form [83133-20-4] communis (breadfruit). Yellow needles
Constit. of pistachio (Pistacia vera ). [1679-07-8]
(C6H6). Mp 250-2528. Mercaptocyclopentane. Cyclopentyl sulfide.
Monaco, P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21,
2408 (isol)
5?-Hydroxy, 4?-Me ether: [152130-62-6] Cyclopentyl mercaptan. FEMA 3262
Mangoni, L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, Cycloaltilisin
811 (synth) C26H26O7 450.487 SH
Constit. of Artocarpus altilis (bread-
fruit). Mp 186-1888. [a]25
D +99 (c, 0.36 in
Cyclomorusin C-487 Me2CO).
Deshpande, V.H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1968, 1715
[62596-34-3] (isol)
6,11-Dihydroxy-3,3-dimethyl-8-(2-methyl- Deshpande, V.H. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1972, C5H10S 102.2
1-propenyl)-3H,7H,8H-bis[1]benzopyra- 10, 681; 1974, 12, 431 (isol) Flavouring ingredient. d20
4 0.95. Bp 131.5-
no[4,3-b:6?,5?-e]pyran-7-one, 9CI. Cyclo- Nomura, T. et al., Heterocycles , 1979, 12, 1289 1328 Bp745 129-1318. n20
D 1.4882 (1.4902).
mulberrochromene (struct) Strong odour (stench).

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Oil. Bp 176-1778 Bp12 608. n20D 1.4852. 3 N
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Loevenich, J. et al., Ber. , 1929, 62, 3084 (synth, Isol. from cocoa. Mp 153-1568. [a]20 -
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D,L-form. (3S-cis)-form
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Neth. Chem. Soc.) , 1970, 89, 593 (synth) Constit. of shoyu (soy sauce). Mauvish liq. Mp 162-1668. [a]22
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Tanner, D.D. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1973, 51, with burnt, maple syrup taste. Bp10 78-808. (3R ,8aS )-form [36238-64-9]
3366 (synth) L,D-form. (3R-cis)-form
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D +103 (c,
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Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 7518
Reinhold , 1992, CQD750
Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive Cyclosquamosin B C-500 Cyclostenol C-505
Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths ,
1990, 1124 [84765-67-3]
Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical Gly Thr Ile Pro 14a-Methyl-9,19-cyclo-5a,9b-cholestane-
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of 3b,6a-diol
Chemistry, 1992, 367 Leu Met Gln Pro

C38H63N9O10S 838.036
Constit. of the seeds of Annona squamosa
Cyclosadol C-497 (sugar apple). Powder. [a]20
D -53.8 (c, 0.58
[25850-61-7] in MeOH). H
S-Oxide:Cyclosquamosin C
C38H63N9O11S 854.035
Constit. of the seeds of Annona squa-
mosa (sugar apple). Powder. [a]20
D -94 (c,
0.1 in MeOH).
Morita, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1999, 55, 7509- C28H48O2 416.686
H 7518 Constit. of Stenocereus thurberi (organ
pipe cactus). Cryst. Mp 222-2238. [a]24
+42 (c, 3 in CHCl3).
Cyclosquamosin D C-501
HO Kircher, H.W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21,
H 1705
Gly Gly Val Leu Ser
C31H52O 440.751 Cyclotetradecane C-506
Constit. of Zea mays (sweet corn). Cryst. Pro Tyr Tyr
(MeOH). Mp 132-1348. [a]D +41 (CHCl3). [295-17-0]
Ac: [24278-47-5] 24-Methylcycloart-23-en- C41H56N8O11 836.94
3b-yl acetate Constit. of the seeds of Annona squamosa
C33H54O2 482.788 (sugar apple). Powder. [a]20
D -36.4 (c, 0.11

Constit. of Zea mays (sweet corn). in MeOH). lmax 278 (e 2560) (MeOH).
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 121-1228. [a]D +50 Morita, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1999, 55, 7509-
(CHCl3). 7518 C14H28 196.375
Constit. of Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice)
Pinhas, H. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1969,
2037 (isol) and Rosa spp.. Cryst. (EtOH aq. or by
Cyclosquamosin E C-502
subl.). Mp 56.28.
Itoh, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20, 1353
(isol, pmr, cmr, ms) Ruzicka, L. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1930, 13,
Shimizu, N. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1984, Gly Gly Val Leu Ser 1152 (synth)
57, 1425 (synth) Borgen, T. et al., J.C.S. Dalton , 1970, 1340
Guo, D. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1996, 37, 6823 Pro Tyr Tyr Tyr (conformn)
(biosynth) Herzschuh, R. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1980, 322,
C50H65N9O13 1000.116 21 (ms)
Chen, Y. et al., Chromatographia , 1987, 23, 502
Constit. of the seeds of Annona squamosa
Cycloseychellene C-498 (sugar apple). Powder. [a]20
D -10.9 (c, 1.4 in Drotloff, H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1987, 109, 7797
[52617-34-2] MeOH). lmax 278 (e 7440) (MeOH). (synth, cmr, cryst struct)
Morita, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1999, 55, 7509- Shannon, V.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1989, 111, 1947
7518 (ir, Raman, conformn)
Sakagami, H. et al., CA , 118, 232572w (isol)

Cyclosquamosin F C-503
2-Cyclotetradecen-1-one, 9CI C-507
Ala Leu Thr Thr
C15H24 204.355 Pro Ala Gly Tyr O
Constit. of Pogostemon cablin (patchouli).
C36H54N8O11 774.87 (E)-form
Terhune, S.J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1973, 4705 (isol) Constit. of the seeds of Annona squamosa
Welsh, S.C. et al., J.O.C. , 1981, 46, 4819; 1985, (sugar apple). Powder. [a]20
D -38.2 (c, 1.11
50, 2676 (struct, synth)
in MeOH). lmax 278 (e 1750) (MeOH).
Niwa, H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1983, 24, 937 (synth)
Akhila, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 2105 Morita, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1999, 55, 7509- C14H24O 208.343
(biosynth) 7518 Geom. isom. not well defined. Bitterness

Cycloviolaxanthin / Cysteine, INN C-508 
/ C-514

depressant for flavourings. Bp 107-1098. Cryst. + H2O. Mp 41-428. Bp0.1 1208 Cystathionine C-513
Semicarbazone: (bath). [a]D +31.4 (CHCl3). [6899-07-6]
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 165-1668. Hikino, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1966, 14, S-(2-Amino-2-carboxyethyl)homocysteine,
[73639-28-8] 1439; 1441; 1967, 15, 1349 (isol, ir, pmr, ord, 9CI. 2-Amino-4-[(2-amino-2-carbox-
struct, synth) yethyl)thio]butanoic acid. Homocysteine-
Ingraham, R.B. et al., Can. J. Res., Sect. B , Kapadia, V.H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1967, 4661 cysteine sulfide
1950, 28, 453; CA , 45, 6181e (synth)
Leonard, N.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1958, 80, 6039
(synth) Cyprodinil C-511 COOH COOH
U.S. Pat. , 1980, 4 183 965; CA , 92, 203426r 2 2′
[121552-61-2] H 2N C H H 2N C H
(synth, use)
4-Cyclopropyl-6-methyl-N-phenyl-2-pyri- CH 2CH 2 S CH 2
midinamine, 9CI. 2-Anilino-4-cyclopropyl-
Cycloviolaxanthin C-508 6-methylpyrimidine. Chorus. Unix. CGA C7H14N2O4S 222.265
[136624-30-1] 219417
3,6:3?,6?-Diepoxy-5,5?,6,6?-tetrahydro-b,b- Note that the assignment of stereoisomers
carotene-5,5?-diol to the D or L series depends on whether
the config. is referred to the cysteine or
to the homocysteine residue.
(2S,2?R )-form [56-88-2]
O Isol. from Phallus impudicus (common
OH H3C N NHPh stinkhorn). Mp 282-2838 dec. [a]20 D
+24.5 (c, 1 in 1N HCl).
C40H56O4 600.88 Schoberl, A. et al., Annalen , 1956, 599, 23
Isol. from red paprika Capsicum annuum C14H15N3 225.293 (synth)
var. longum nigrum . Pale red cryst. (C6H6/ Fungicide. Beige powder. Mp 768. pKa 4.4. McHale, D. et al., J.C.S. , 1960, 2847 (synth)
hexane). Mp 193-1948. lmax 427 ; 453 ; 483 -LD50 (rat, orl) >2000 mg/kg. Warren, R.J. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. ,
(C6H6). Eur. Pat. , 1989, 310 550, (Ciba-Geigy ); CA , 111, 1966, 49, 1083 (ir)
52481n (synth, activity) Snow, M.L. et al., J.O.C. , 1967, 32, 246 (synth)
Deli, J. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1991, 74, 819; Heye, U.J. et al., Brighton Crop Prot. Conf. - Perry, T.L. et al., Nature (London) , 1968, 219,
1996, 79, 1435 (isol, pmr, uv, cd) Pests Dis. , 1994, 2, 501-508 (activity) 178 (N-Acetylcystathionine)
Heye, U.J. et al., Crop Prot. , 1994, 13, 541-549 Jung, G. et al., Eur. J. Biochem. , 1973, 35, 436
(activity) (cd, abs config)
Cymbopogonol C-509 Chen, C.-S. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta , 1978,
Masner, P. et al., Pestic. Sci. , 1994, 42, 163-166
[60816-94-6] (activity) 538, 534 (cryst struct)
D:A-Friedo-4(23)-lupen-3b-ol Bocquet, G. et al., Phytoma , 1994, 458, 53-55 Shiraiwa, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2002,
(activity) 50, 1081-1085 (synth, pmr, cmr)
Eur. Pat. , 1995, 655 441; CA , 123, 55916s
(synth, activity)
Cobras, P. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1997, 45,
Cysteine, INN C-514
2708-2710 (detn) 2-Amino-3-mercaptopropanoic acid, 9CI. 3-
Pesticide Manual, 12th edn. , 2000, No. 203 Mercaptoalanine. Thioserine (obsol.).
NSC 8746. Cys. E920. FEMA 3263
Cyromazine, ANSI, BAN, C-512
HO [66215-27-8] H 2N C H (R)-form
N-Cyclopropyl-1,3,5-triazine-2,4,6-tria- CH 2SH
23 mine, 9CI. CGA 72662. Larvadex. Vetra-
C30H50O 426.724 C3H7NO2S 121.16
Constit. of Cymbopogon citratus (West Uniquely among the common amino
NH 2 acids, in Cysteine (and Cystine) the
Indian lemongrass). Cryst. (EtOH). Mp
191-1938. [a]D +15.9 (CHCl3). N N biologically important L-form has the
R -config. according to the Cahn-
4a,23-Dihydro, 3-ketone: [57789-30-7] H 2N N NH Ingold-Prelog convention (CH2SH has
Cymbopogone higher priority than COOH).
C30H50O 426.724 (R )-form [52-90-4]
Isol. from Cymbopogon citratus (West C6H10N6 166.185 L-form
Indian lemongrass). Cryst. (EtOH). Mp Ectoparasiticide. Insect growth regulator. Detoxicant, dietary supplement, dough
262-2658. Specific activity against dipterous larvae. strengthener, yeast nutrient for leavened
Yokoyama, Y. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1979, 1463 FDA approved for use in livestock. Cryst. bakery products. Flavouring agent. En-
(synth, cryst struct) zymic browning inhibitor. Dimorphic
Mp 219-2228. Log P -0.04 (calc).
Yokoyama, Y. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1980, 3701
-LD50 (rat, orl) 3387 mg/kg. XZ1056500 monoclinic or orthorhombic cryst. V.
sol. H2O, AcOH, NH3. Mp 1788 dec.
[72393-96-5, 76311-36-9]
D -16.5 (c, 2 in H2O). [a]D +26.5 (5M
Cyperolone C-510 Hall, R.D. et al., J. Econ. Entomol. , 1980, 73, HCl). pKa1 1.92; pKa2 8.35; pKa3 10.46
[13741-46-3] 564 (activity) (SH). Isoelectric point 5.02. Sulfurous
U.S. Pat. , 1980, 4 225 598; CA , 94, 59795g taste. Oxid. rapidly to Cystine, C-516.
(synth, activity) -LD50 (rat, orl) 1890 mg/kg. Exp. reprod.
Hart, R.J. et al., Aust. Vet. J. , 1982, 59, 104
effects (large dose). HA1600000
Binnington, K.C. et al., Pestic. Biochem. Hydrochloride: [52-89-1]
Physiol. , 1987, 27, 201 (activity)
COCH 3 [7048-04-6] Cysteine hydrochloride, USAN
HO Pesticide Manual, 9th edn. , 1991, 217
Dietary supplement, nutrient. Dough
C15H24O2 236.353 conditioner. Mp 175-1788 dec.
Constit. of Cyperus rotundus (nutgrass). -LD50 (mus, ipr) 1250 mg/kg. HA2275000

S -Cysteinosuccinic acid / Cytidine 5?-(dihydrogen phosphate), 9CI, 8CI C-515 
/ C-517

S-Me: [7728-98-5] ADC. KI-II Flavouring ingredient. Mp 2608.

[1187-84-4] 3-(Methylthio)alanine. S- [13059-63-7, 22671-21-2, 90350-38-2]
Methylcysteine NH 2 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
C4H9NO2S 135.187 1, 596B (ir)
Occurs in all members of the genus HOOC COOH Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Allium , at least two genera of Brassicaceae Spectra , 1992, 1, 894B (nmr)
family (Brassica and Raphanus ) and COOH Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 1 , 1932, 188 (synth)
sporadically in the families Compositae, Levintow, L. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1950, 184, 55
C7H11NO6S 237.233 Atkinson, R.O. et al., J.C.S. , 1953, 580 (synth)
Leguminosae and Umbelliferae. Found in
Isol. from seeds of Vigna radiata (mung Arnstein, H.R.V. et al., Biochem. J. , 1954, 57,
kidney bean seeds (Phaseolus vulgaris ). 360
bean). Mp 125-1268 dec Mp 132-1348 dec.
Mp 234-2368 dec. (207-2118). [a]26 D -32 Greenstein, J.P. et al., Chemistry of the Amino
(AcOH solvate). All four diastereoisomers
(H2O). Acids , Wiley, N.Y., Vol. 3, 1961, 1879 (rev)
have been synth..
-AY7175000 Fujiwara, S. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1963,
Bis(dicyclohexylamine) salt: 36, 578; 1964, 37, 344 (pmr)
S-Et, S-oxide: [17795-08-3] 3-(Ethylsulfi- Cryst. + 5H2O. Mp 118-1198. Legrand, M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1965,
nyl)alanine, 9CI. S-Ethylcysteine sulf- (1?R ,2R )-form [148406-44-4] 679 (cd)
oxide. Ethiin Sol. H2O, MeOH; poorly sol. EtOAc, Bartle, K.D. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta ,
C5H11NO3S 165.213 hexane. Mp 103-1058 Mp 125-1268. [a]20 1968, 160, 106 (pmr)
Constit. of numerous Allium spp.. Schoberl, A. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1969, 102, 1767
+55 (c, 0.5 in H2O) (synthetic). Obt. as a (synth)
Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 157-1598 dec. mixt. with (1?S,2R )-form.
Config. at S not determined. Rambarke, P. et al., CA , 1972, 77, 62313c
(1?S,2R )-form [148406-45-5] (synth)
S-Propyl: [1115-93-1] Mp 98-1018 Mp 125-1278. [a]20 D -110 (c, Jones, D.D. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1974, 30, 1220
C6H13NO2S 163.24 0.5 in H2O) (synthetic). Obt. as a mixt. (cryst struct)
Occurs as g-glutamyl peptide in garlic. with (1?R ,2R ). Kleemann, A. et al., Annalen , 1982, 1995
[a]D -24.9 (H2O). (resoln)
[153144-85-5, 153144-86-6] Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
S-2-Propenyl: [21593-77-1] S-Allylcysteine Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
C6H11NO2S 161.224 Calam, D.H. et al., Biochem. J. , 1963, 86, 226-
231 (synth, isol) York, 1989, CQK325
Occurs in garlic. Potential nutriceutical. Axelsson, B.S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1994, 807
Kasai, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, 679-
Sol. H2O. Mp 2188. [a]D -16.4 (H2O). 682 (isol) (synth)
[2139-94-8, 10318-18-0, 16597-46-9, 17929-81-6, Fushiya, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1993, 41, Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives, (ed.
17929-82-7, 32443-99-5, 32443-99-5] 484-486 (isol, pmr, synth, abs config) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 760-762
Shiraiwa, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998, Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, 46, 1364-1369 (synth, ir, pmr) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
1, 591D; 675D; 2, 251C; 251D (ir) Reinhold , 1992, CQK325
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Spectra , 1992, 1, 891C; 1074C (nmr)
Du Vigneaud, V. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1930, 52, 4500- Cystine, 9CI, USAN C-516
4504 (S-benzyl, synth) Cytidine 5?-(dihydrogen phos- C-517
Turner, R.B. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1950, 72, 628-629 3,3?-Dithiobis[2-aminopropanoic acid].
phate), 9CI, 8CI
(synth) [63-37-6]
3,3?-Dithiodialanine. 3,3?-Dithiobisalanine
Thompson, J.F. et al., Nature (London) , 1956, 5?-Cytidylic acid, 9CI, 8CI. Cytidine 5?-
178, 593 (S-Me, isol)
phosphoric acid
Suzuki, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1961, 9, COOH
251-252 (S-Allylcysteine)
Greenstein, J.P. et al., Chemistry of the Amino H 2N C H NH 2
Acids , Wiley, N.Y., 1961, 3, 1879 (rev)
Tominga, T. et al., J. Biochem. (Tokyo) , 1963, CH 2 N
54, 220-221 (S-Me, isol)
Fowden, L. et al., Annu. Rev. Biochem. , 1964, S O N
33, 173 (occur, derivs) O
Martin, R.B. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1965, 87, 1065- S
1070 (pmr) (HO)2POH 2C O
Saggers, B.A. et al., J. Clin. Pathol. , 1966, 19,
CH 2
313; CA , 65, 9533b H C NH 2
Martens, J. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1981,
20, 668 (synth) COOH OH OH
Dangerous Prop. Ind. Mater. Rep. , 1983, 3, 14
(tox, rev) C6H12N2O4S2 240.304 C9H14N3O8P 323.199
Negwer, M. et al., Organic-Chemical Drugs and Isol. from biol. sources, e.g. Phaseolus
their Synonyms, 6th edn., Akademie-Verlag , Disulfide corresponding to Citrulline, C-
aureus (mung bean) seedlings. Mp 2338
1987, 319 (deriv, synonyms) 292.
-HA2600000 dec. (monohydrate).
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New (R,R )-form [56-89-3] -HA3980000
York, 1989, CQK250 L-form Ba salt: [13435-44-4]
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th Flavouring ingredient; dietary supple- [a]16
D +11.4 (c, 0.33 in H2O).
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 16183; 577; ment. Plates or prisms. Sol. hot H2O,
579; 607
Dibrucine salt:
mineral acids and aq. alkali. Mp 258- Mp 2158 dec.
Axelsson, B.S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1994, 807-
815 (synth, derivs)
2618 dec. (sealed tube). [a]25
D -232 (c, 1 in
[6757-06-8, 25249-24-5, 30811-80-4]
Görbitz, C.H. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1996, 52, 5M HCl). pKa3 7.85; pKa4 9.85 (258).
1756-1759 (D-form, cryst struct) N -Protected derivs. useful in peptide Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
synth. are listed elsewhere. 2, 838A (ir)
-Exp. reprod. effects (large dose). Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra, 2nd edn. , 1983,
S -Cysteinosuccinic acid C-515 HA2690000 2, 717C (nmr)
Michelson, A.M. et al., J.C.S. , 1949, 2476
[34317-60-7] Hydrochloride (1:2): [30925-07-6] (synth)
[(2-Amino-2-carboxyethyl)thio]butane- Beaucamp, K. et al., Biochem. Z. , 1966, 344,
[34760-60-6] Dec. by H2O.
dioic acid, 9CI. [(2-Amino-2-carbox- 121 (cryst struct)
yethyl)thio]succinic acid, 8CI. 2-Amino-3- (RS )-(RS )-form [923-32-0] Dorman, D.E. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
(1,2-dicarboxyethylthio)propanoic acid. (/9)-form U.S.A. , 1970, 65, 19; CA , 72, 107074r (cmr)

Cytidine 5?-triphosphate / Pleurotus ostreatus Cytotoxic constituent C-518  / C-522

Ohtsuka, E. et al., Nucleic Acids Res. , 1974, 1, C28H37NO4 451.605 Cytarabine, BAN, INN, JAN, USAN.
323 Mycotoxin prod. by Phomopsis sp.. Nee- Alexan. Aracytidine. Ara-C. Aracytin.
Takaku, O. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1975, 39, dles (Me2CO/hexane). Sol. MeOH, C6H6; Cytosar-U. Tarabine. NSC 63878. U
2373 (pmr)
poorly sol. H2O. Mp 187-1888. [a]D +59.6 19920
(MeOH). lmax 206 (e 20800) (MeOH) Isol. from the mushroom Xerocomus
Cytidine 5?-triphosphate C-518 (Berdy). nigromaculatus of unknown palatability.
[65-47-4] Prisms (EtOH aq.). Sol. H2O, MeOH.
O21-Ac: [108050-28-8] Cytochalasin N$.
Cytidine 5?-(tetrahydrogen triphosphate),
Cytochalasin Npho Mp 212-2138 Mp 223-2248. [a]25 D +155.2
9CI. Cytidine 5?-triphosphoric acid (c, 0.7 in H2O). Log P -3.08 (calc). lmax
C30H39NO5 493.642
Mycotoxin from Phomopsis sp.. Powder 197 (e 24550); 272 (e 12020) (H2O)
NH 2 (Berdy).
(Me2CO). Sol. MeOH, C6H6; poorly
N -Skin and eye irritant. Adverse systemic
O O O sol. H2O. Mp 253-2548. [a]D +85.4
effects when used therapeutically. Exp.
O (MeOH). lmax 208 (e 19800) (MeOH)
(HO)2 P O P O P OH 2C N reprod. and teratogenic effects. LD50 (mus,
OH OH O orl) 3150 mg/kg ; LD50 (mus, orl) 3150 mg/
Tomioka, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1987, kg. HA5425000
35, 902 (isol, struct)
Hydrochloride: [69-74-9] Cytarabine hy-
OH OH drochloride, USAN
Cytochalasin O C-520 Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 188-1938. [a]25 D
C9H16N3O14P3 483.158 +131 (c, 0.7 in H2O).
Found in cheese and liver. Cryst. powder O -Eye irritant. LD50 (mus, orl) 826 mg/kg.
(as Na salt). OH HA5500000
-HA3914000 [116459-64-4]
[1637-76-9, 7358-19-2, 18609-48-8, 20764-52-7, H Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
HO OAc Absolute Configuration
24951-83-5, 27908-30-1, 34973-27-8, 34973-28-9, O 2, 830D (ir)
36051-68-0, 36792-26-4, 40147-56-6, 50694-74-1, 6
Walwick, E.R. et al., Proc. Chem. Soc., London ,
54619-78-2, 61994-39-6, 69113-64-0, 75898-70-3, HO
H 1959, 84 (synth)
75898-71-4, 75898-74-7, 81012-87-5, 84495-58-9, Shen, T.Y. et al., J.O.C. , 1965, 30, 835 (synth)
Ph Roberts, W.K. et al., J.O.C. , 1967, 32, 816
86527-73-3, 87015-26-7, 90290-70-3, 90290-71-4,
90290-72-5, 90290-73-6, 90290-80-5, 91999-08-5, (synth)
123334-07-6] C30H39NO7 525.641 Tolman, R.L. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1971, 14,
Needles (toluene/methanol). Mp 258-2658. 1112 (synth)
Bergkvist, R. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1956, 10, 1303;
1957, 11, 1457 (isol) [a]23
D -39.3 (c, 1.0 in MeOH).
Tougard, P. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1974, 30, 86
(cryst struct)
Tanaka, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1962, 10, 6-Epimer:Cytochalasin P$ Beranek, J. et al., Nucleic Acid Chem. , 1978, 1,
220 (synth) C30H39NO7 525.641 239; 249; 255 (synth)
Moffat, J.G. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1964, 42, 599-
Needles (Me2CO/petrol). Mp 169-1738. Krenitsky, T.A. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1981, 97,
604 (synth)
Lee, G.C.Y. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1972, 94, 951 [a]23
D -35.8 (c, 1.0 in MeOH).
139 (synth)
Hruska, F.E. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1982, 60,
(tautom, pmr) 6,18-Diepimer, 17-deoxo: [108050-27-7] 3026 (pmr, cmr)
Labotka, R.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1976, 98, 3699 (P- Cytochalasin P$. Cytochalasin Ppho Creasey, W.A. et al., Antibiotics (N.Y.) , 1983, 6,
31 nmr) C30H41NO6 511.657 12 (rev)
Iio, M. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1977, 41, 155- Prod. by Phomopsis sp.. Cryst. (CHCl3). Pallavicini, M.G. et al., Pharmacol. Ther. , 1984,
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Takaku, H. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1977, 655 Takahashi, A. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1992,
(synth) 117-1188. [a]D -116 (MeOH). lmax 208
(e 15200) (MeOH) (Berdy). 40, 1313 (isol, pmr)
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Glycoprotein. MW 22000. Isol. from
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Pleurotus ostreatus. Cytotoxic.
(synth) Cytosine arabinoside C-521 Hua, L. et al., CA , 1994, 120, 94960j (isol)
Lim, C.K. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1989, 461, 259 4-Amino-1-arabinofuranosyl-2(1H)-pyri-
(hplc) midinone, 9CI. Arabinosylcytosine. 4-Ami-
Simon, E.S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1989, 111, 8920- no-1-arabinofuranosyl-2-oxo-1,2-dihydro-
8921 (synth) pyrimidine. Arabinofuranosylcytosine.
Cytochalasin O C-519
[108050-26-6] NH 2
Cytochalasin Opho N



H 21

H C9H13N3O5 243.219
Ph b-D-Furanose-form [147-94-4]

Dammara-20(22),24-diene-3,12-...  / Dammara-20,24-dien-3-ol D-1  / D-6

Dammara-20(22),24-diene- D-1 glucopyranoside]: [208764-54-9] Quin- glucopyranoside]: [147419-93-0] Ginse-

3,12-diol quenoside IV noside Rg6
C54H90O24 1123.291 C42H70O12 767.008
Constit. of Panax quinquefolium Isol. from ginseng. Amorph. Mp 173-
(American ginseng). Cryst. (MeOH 1768. [a]23
D -9.48 (c, 0.28 in MeOH).
HO aq.). Mp 190-1928. [a]28
D +39.1 (c, 0.25 in Zhao, Y.Q. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1992, 3,
H MeOH). 887
Yoshikawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1997, Rya, J.-H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 44, 931
45, 1056-1062; 1998, 46, 647-654 (isol, pmr, (Ginsenoside Rg6)
(3β,12β,20E)-form cmr)
HO Minh Duc, N. et al., Stud. Plant Sci. , 1999, 6,
H 77-82 (Vinaginsenoside R23)
Dammara-23,25-diene- D-5
Dou, D.-Q. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2001, 49, 3,12,20-triol
442-446 (Ginsenoside Rh7)
C30H50O2 442.724
(3b,12b,20E )-form [166241-39-0] OH
Quasipanaxadiol Dammara-20(22),24-diene- D-3 OH
[a]D +15 (CHCl3). 3,6,12-triol H
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
glucopyranoside]: [74964-14-0] Ginseno-
side Rg5
C42H70O12 767.008 HO
Isol. from ginseng. Powder (C6H6/
(3b,12b,20Z )-form (3β,6α,12β,20E)-form
C30H50O3 458.723
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [105558-26-7] HO H (3b,12b,20S,23E )-form
Ginsenoside Rh3 OH
C36H60O7 604.866 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
Isol. from ginseng. Powder. Mp 255- C30H50O3 458.723 glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D-
2578. [a]27 glucopyranoside: [196302-61-1] Quin-
D +7 (c,0.78 in MeOH). (3b,6a,12b,20E )-form
quenoside L1
[89951-13-3, 108266-93-9] Isol. from ginseng. Powder (MeOH aq.).
C48H80O18 945.149
Mp 131-1328. [a]D +40 (c, 0.2 in MeOH).
Atopkina, L.N. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1988, Constit. of Panax quinquefolium
177, 101-109 (glucoside, synth, pmr, cmr) 6-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [174721-08-5] (American ginseng). Cryst. Mp 208-
Zhang, S. et al., Planta Med. , 1990, 56, 298-300 Ginsenoside Rh4 2108.
(Ginsenoside Rh3) C36H60O8 620.865 Wang, J. et al., CA , 1997, 127, 275353d (isol,
Kim, S.I. et al., Arch. Pharmacal Res. , 1996, 19, Isol. from ginseng. Cryst. (MeOH aq.). pmr, cmr)
551 (Ginsenoside Rg5) Mp 160-1618. [a]D +28.2 (c, 1.0 in Wang, J.-H. et al., J. Asian Nat. Prod. Res. ,
Japan. Pat. , 1996, 96 291 194 (Quasipanaxadiol)
MeOH). 2001, 3, 123-130; CA , 135, 208196g (isol, pmr,
6-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- cmr)
glucopyranoside]:(20E)-Ginsenoside F4
Dammara-5,24-diene- D-2
C42H70O12 767.008 Dammara-20,24-dien-3-ol D-6
3,7,12,20-tetrol Isol. from ginseng. Amorph. powder.
Mp 177-1818. [a]22D -7.93 (c, 0.28 in
HO (3b,6a,12b,20Z )-form
H 6-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
glucopyranoside]: [126223-28-7] Ginse-
noside F4. Ginsenoside Rg4
C42H70O12 767.008
Isol. from ginseng. Powder. Mp 177- HO
HO OH 1808. [a]20
D -10.8 (c, 0.5 in MeOH).
Zhang, S. et al., Planta Med. , 1990, 56, 298 C30H50O 426.724
Ryu, J.H. et al., Arch. Pharmacal Res. , 1996, 19,
335; CA , 125, 270438j (20E-Ginsenoside F4) 3b-form [20460-34-8]
C30H50O4 474.723
Baek, N.-I. et al., Planta Med. , 1996, 62, 86 Dammaradienol. Dammadienol
(3b,7b,12b,20S )-form (Giasenoxide Rh4) Constit. of Inula helenium (elecam-
20-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [343780-68-7] pane). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 136-1388.
Ginsenoside Rh7 [a]D +47 (c, 0.6 in CHCl3).
C36H60O9 636.865 Dammara-20,24-diene-3,6,12- D-4
Constit. of leaves of Panax ginseng triol
C32H52O2 468.762
(ginseng). Powder. [a]21
D +30.1 (c, 0.1 in Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 1538. [a]20D +72.5 (c,
MeOH). HO 0.5 in CHCl3).
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- 3-Ketone: [16883-32-2] Dammadienone
glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D- C30H48O 424.709
glucopyranoside: [193976-63-5] Notogin- Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 79-808. [a]D +90 (c,
senoside G. Vinaginsenoside R23 0.6 in CHCl3).
C48H80O19 961.149
24,25-Epoxy: [1838-52-4] Aglaiol. 24S,25-
Constit. of Panax notoginseng (sanchi) HO Epoxydammar-20-en-3b-ol
and Panax vietnamensis (Vietnamese
OH C30H50O2 442.724
ginseng). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 204-
Cryst. (petrol). Mp 113-1148. [a]30
D +53
2068. [a]21
D +39.2 (c, 0.1 in MeOH).
C30H50O3 458.723 (c, 0.2 in CHCl3).
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D- (3b,6a,12b)-form [52914-32-6]
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- 6-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- Mills, J.S. et al., J.C.S. , 1956, 2196 (isol)

Dammarane-3,6,12,20,24,25-...  / Dammar-23-ene-3,6,12,20,25-... D-7 / D-11

Corbett, R.E. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1964, 17, Constit. of fruit of Panax quinquefolius (3b,6a,12b,20R ,22E )-form
712 (acetate) (American ginseng).
Shiengthong, D. et al., Tetrahedron , 1965, 21,
6-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [175889-50-6]
925 (isol, Aglaiol) 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- Notoginsenoside R9
Boar, R.B. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1977, 510 glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D- C36H62O10 654.88
(struct) glucopyranoside: [156398-72-0] Vinagin- Constit. of Panax notoginseng (sanchi).
Leong, Y.-W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 50, senoside R13 Powder. [a]18
D +27 (c, 0.32 in MeOH).
849-857 (pmr, cmr) C48H84O20 981.18 (3b,6a,12b,20S,22E )-form
Constit. of Panax vietnamensis (Viet- 6-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [175484-14-7]
namese ginseng). Amorph. powder. [a]27 D Notoginsenoside R8
Dammarane-3,6,12,20,24,25- D-7
+2.2 (c, 0.47 in MeOH). C36H62O10 654.88
Duc, N.M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994, 42, Constit. of Panax notoginseng (sanchi).
634 (isol, pmr, cmr) Powder. [a]18
D +29 (c, 0.45 in MeOH).
OH Fujita, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 39, 591
OH Zhao, P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 41, 1411
HO (isol, pmr, cmr)
H H OH (isol, pmr, cmr)
Arriaga, F.J. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1996, 51,
423; 750; 1997, 52, 292-294 (acetonides, isol,
(3β,6α,12β,20S,24R)-form pmr, cmr)
HO Hao, X. et al., Zhongcaoyao , 2000, 31, 801-803; Dammar-23-ene-3,6,12,20,25- D-11
OH CA , 134, 323447f (Quinquenoside F1) pentol
C30H54O6 510.753 Dammar-24-ene-3,20-diol D-9 OH
(3b,6a,12b,20S,24R)-form HO
[19132-83-3] H
6,20-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [226713-
28-6] Vinaginsenoside R22
C42H74O16 835.037 OH 24 26
Constit. of Panax vietnamensis (Viet- H 20
namese ginseng). H OH (3β,6α,12β,20S,23E)-form
6,20-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [226713- C30H52O5 492.738
20-8] Vinaginsenoside R21 3
(3b,6a,12b,20S,23E )-form
C42H74O16 835.037 HO (3β,20R)-form
Constit. of Panax vietnamensis (Viet- H 6-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
namese ginseng). glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D-
(3b,6a,12b,20S,24j)-form [156006-35-8] C30H52O2 444.74 glucopyranoside: [125310-00-1] Majoro-
Needles (MeOH aq.). Mp 169-1718. (3b,20S )-form [14351-29-2] side F6
[a]28 Dammarenediol II C48H82O19 963.164
D +28.1 (c, 0.53 in MeOH).
Cryst. (MeOH aq. or MeNO2). Mp 131- Constit. of Panax japonicus var. major.
6-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [156398-71-9] Powder. Mp 182.5-1848.
Vinaginsenoside R12 1338. [a]D +33 (c, 1.2 in CHCl3).
C36H64O11 672.895 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- 6,20-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [259795-
Constit. of Panax vietnamensis (Viet- glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D- 18-1]
namese ginseng). Amorph. powder. [a]18 glucopyranoside: [156012-92-9] Vinagin- C42H72O15 817.022
+29.3 (c, 1.6 in MeOH). senoside R3 Constit. of Panax notoginseng (sanchi).
C48H82O17 931.166 Amorph. powder. Mp 208-2128. [a]21 D
6,20-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:Notoginse- +31.2 (c, 0.25 in MeOH).
noside J Constit. of Panax vietnamensis (Viet-
C42H74O16 835.037 namese ginseng). Needles (MeOH aq.). 25-Hydroperoxide:25-Hydroperoxydam-
Constit. of Panax notoginseng (sanchi). Mp 254-2568 dec. [a]18D -15 (c, 0.6 in mar-23-ene-3,6,12,20-tetrol
Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 205-2078. [a]28 MeOH). C30H52O6 508.737
+9.3 (c, 0.3 in MeOH). 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- 25-Hydroperoxide, 20-O-b-D-
Duc, N.M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994, 42, glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D- glucopyranoside: [343780-67-6] Ginseno-
634 (Vinaginsenoside R12) glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- side Rh6
Yoshikawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1997, glucopyranoside]: [193977-08-1] Noto- C36H62O11 670.879
45, 1056-1062 (Notoginsenoside J) ginsenoside I Constit. of leaves of Panax ginseng
Minh Duc, N. et al., Stud. Plant Sci. , 1999, 6, C54H92O22 1093.308 (ginseng). Powder. [a]21
D +21.8 (c, 0.1 in
77-82 (Vinaginsenosides R21 and R22) Constit. of Panax notoginseng (sanchi). MeOH).
Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 209-2118. [a]24 D (3b,6b,12b,20S,23E )-form
Dammarane-3,12,20,24,25- D-8 +0.8 (c, 0.1 in MeOH). 6,20-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [226712-
pentol Minh Duc, N. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994, 34-1] Vinaginsenoside R15
42, 115 (Vinaginsenoside R3) C42H72O15 817.022
Yoshikawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1997, Constit. of Panax vietnamensis (Viet-
OH 45, 1056-1062 (Notoginsenoside I)
OH namese ginseng).
HO 6-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
Dammar-22-ene-3,6,12,20,25- D-10 glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D-
pentol glucopyranoside: [193976-69-1] Notogin-
senoside H
(3β,12β,20S,24R)-form OH C47H80O19 949.138
Constit. of Panax notoginseng (sanchi).
H OH Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 201-2038. [a]25 D
C30H54O5 494.754 +14.9 (c, 0.1 in MeOH).
(3b,12b,20S,24j)-form Wang, D.Q. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1989, 24,
6 (3β,6α,12β,20R,22E)-form 633-636; CA , 112, 95498m (Majoroside F6)
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- HO Yoshikawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1997,
glucopyranoside]: [336161-28-5] Quin- OH 45, 1056-1062 (Notoginsenoside H)
quenoside F1 Ma, W.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 52, 1133-
C42H74O15 819.038 C30H52O5 492.738 1139 (6,10-diglucoside)

Dammar-24-ene-3,6,12,17,20-... / Dammar-23-ene-3,12,20,25-tetrol D-12  / D-17

Minh Duc, N. et al., Stud. Plant Sci. , 1999, 6, Dammar-20(22)-ene- D-14 (3b,12b,20S,22E )-form
77-82 (Vinaginsenoside R15) 3,6,12,25-tetrol
Dou, D.-Q. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2001, 49,
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
442-446 (Ginsenoside Rh6) glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D-
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
glucopyranoside]: [171746-13-7] Koryo-
OH ginsenoside Rg2
HO C54H92O24 1125.306
Dammar-24-ene-3,6,12,17,20- D-12 H
Isol. from ginseng. Amorph. powder.
pentol [a]22
D +12 (c, 0.04 in MeOH).
Kim, D.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40, 1493
HO Dammar-23-ene-3,12,20,25- D-17
H tetrol
C30H52O4 476.738 HO 20 25
(3b,6a,12b,20E )-form 12
6-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [97744-96-2] (3α,12β,20S,23E)-form
OH Sanchinoside B1 3
C36H62O9 638.88
C30H52O5 492.738 Constit. of Panax notoginseng (sanchi).
(3b,6a,12b,17a,20S )-form Powder. Mp 144-1468. C30H52O4 476.738
20-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- Wei, J. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1985, 20, 288-293 (3a,12b,20S,23E )-form [38736-83-3]
glucopyranoside], 6-O-b-D- Betulafolienetetrol B
xylopyranoside: [251101-57-2] Cryst. (CHCl3). Mp 130-1338. [a]D -4.9
Dammar-22-ene-3,12,20,24- D-15
C47H80O19 949.138 (CHCl3).
Constit. of Cyclanthera pedata 3-Malonyl, 12-Ac: [147199-49-3]
(achoccha). C35H56O8 604.823
20-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L- OH Amorph. powder. [a]24 D -18 (c, 0.0074 in
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)]-b-D- CHCl3).
glucopyranoside], 6-O-b-D- H 20 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
xylopyranoside: [251101-56-1] H glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D-
C53H90O23 1095.28 glucopyranoside: [156042-22-7] Vinagin-
Constit. of Cyclanthera pedata senoside R8
(achoccha). C48H82O19 963.164
20-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L- Constit. of Panax vietnamensis (Viet-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)]-b-D- namese ginseng). Amorph. powder. [a]25 D
glucopyranoside], 6-O-b-D- +14 (c, 1 in MeOH).
glucopyranoside: [251101-58-3] (3β,12β,20S,22E,24ξ)-form (3b,12b,20S,23E )-form
C54H92O24 1125.306 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
Constit. of Cyclanthera pedata C30H52O4 476.738 glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D-
(achoccha). (3b,12b,20S,22E ,24j)-form glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
20-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L- 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- glucopyranoside]: [193895-21-5] Noto-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)]-b-D- glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D- ginsenoside A
glucopyranoside], 3-O-[b-D- glucopyranoside: [125310-01-2] Bipinna- C54H92O24 1125.306
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- tifidusoside F2 Constit. of Panax notoginseng (Sanchi).
glucopyranoside], 6-O-b-D- C48H82O19 963.164 Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 197-2008. [a]24 D
xylopyranoside: [251101-59-4] +18.9 (c, 0.1 in MeOH).
3,20-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [114019-
C65H110O33 1419.564 98-6] Majoroside F3 25-Hydroperoxide, 3-O-[b-D-
Constit. of Cyclanthera pedata C42H72O14 801.022 glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
(achoccha). Constit. of Panax japonicus (Japanese glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D-
De Tommasi, N. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , ginseng). glucopyranoside: [193976-50-0]
1999, 47, 4512-4519 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Feng, B. et al., CA , 1988, 108, 183641a [207351-71-1] Notoginsenoside E. Vinagin-
(Majoroside F3) senoside R19
Wang, D.Q. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1989, 24, C48H82O20 979.164
593-599; CA , 113, 187990q Constit. of Panax notoginseng (Sanchi)
Dammar-25-ene-3,6,12,20,24- D-13 (Bipinnatifidusoside F2) and Panax vietnamensis (Vietnamese gin-
pentol seng). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 202-2048.
C30H52O5 492.738 Dammar-22-ene-3,12,20,25- D-16 [a]24
D +19.2 (c, 0.1 in MeOH).

(3b,6a,12b,20S,24j)-form tetrol (3b,12b,20S,23j)-form

20-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [69987-14-0] 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
Ginsenoside M7cd HO glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D-
C36H62O10 654.88 HO glucopyranoside: [93376-72-8] Ginseno-
Isol. from ginseng. Powder + 11=2H2O. side M6a
D +29 (c, 0.33 in MeOH). C48H82O19 963.164
Yahara, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1979, 27, Isol. from Panax ginseng (ginseng).
88 3,20-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [114019-
HO 99-7] Majoroside F4
C42H72O14 801.022
Constit. of Panax japonicus (Japanese
C30H52O4 476.738 ginseng).

Dammar-24-ene-3,6,12,20-tetrol / Dammar-24-ene-3,6,12,20-tetrol D-18 / D-18

Ikekawa, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, 11, Constit. of Panax notoginseng (gin- -LY9536700
3037-3079 seng). Amorph. powder. [a]16D +23.7 (c, 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
Feng, B. et al., CA , 1988, 108, 183641a 0.97 in MeOH). glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D-
(Majoroside F4)
Rickling, B. et al., Planta Med. , 1993, 59, 76-79 6-O-[2-Butenoyl-(/ 0 6)-b-D- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
(isol, pmr, cmr, malonate) glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D- glucopyranoside]: [68406-26-8] Ginseno-
Minh Duc, N. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994, glucopyranoside: [171674-97-8] Koryo- side Rb3
42, 115 (Vinaginsenoside R8) ginsenoside R1 C53H90O23 1095.28
Yoshikawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1997, C46H76O15 869.097 Constit. of Panax ginseng (ginseng).
45, 1039-1045; 1056-1062 (Notoginsenosides) Constit. of Panax ginseng (ginseng). Powder (2-propanol). Mp 193-1958.
Minh Duc, N. et al., Stud. Plant Sci. , 1999, 6, [a]28
Amorph. powder. [a]24 D +39.5 (c, 0.05 in D +19.4 (c, 1 in MeOH).
77-82 (Vinaginsenoside R19) -LZ5857000
20-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [53963-43-2] 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
Dammar-24-ene-3,6,12,20-te- D-18 Ginsenoside F1 glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D-glucopyra-
C36H62O9 638.88 noside:Vinaginsenoside R4
Isol. from Panax spp.. Powder + 1H2O. C48H82O19 963.164
D +36.6 (c, 1.12 in MeOH).
Constit. of Panax vietnamensis (Viet-
OH namese ginseng). Amorph. powder. [a]18 D
HO 3,20-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [177745-
H 20 +28.4 (c, 0.7 in MeOH).
52-7] Ginsenoside Ia
C42H72O14 801.022 6-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
H glucopyranoside]: [52286-58-5] Ginseno-
Constit. of Panax ginseng (ginseng).
Powder. Mp 190-1918. side Rf
6 C42H72O14 801.022
HO (3β,6α,12β,20R)-form 6,20-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [22427-
H Constit. of Panax ginseng (ginseng).
OH 39-0] Ginsenoside A2. Panaxoside A.
The first pure ginseng constit. to show
Sanchinoside C1. Ginsenoside Rg1
nearly all the activities of the plant
C30H52O4 476.738 C42H72O14 801.022
extract. Powder (Me2CO). Mp 197-
(3b,6a,12b,20R )-form [1453-93-6] Constit. of Panax ginseng (ginseng).
1988. [a]30
D +7 (c, 1 in MeOH).
(20R)-Protopanaxatriol Powder. Mp 194-196.58. [a]19.5
D +32 (Py).
Cryst. (CHCl3). Sol. MeOH, butanol. -LD50 (mus, ipr) 405 mg/kg. LY9537200
6-O-[a-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D-
Mp 233-2358. [a]16D -8.2 (CHCl3). 20-O-[a-L-Arabinofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D-
Glycoside (1):Panaxoside B glucopyranoside]:Ginsenoside F5
glucopyranoside: [350586-56-0] Notogin-
Glycoside from Panax ginseng (gin- C41H70O13 770.996
senoside N
seng). Struct. unknown. Data inacces- Constit. of Panax ginseng (ginseng).
C48H82O19 963.164
sible. Powder. Mp 189-1908.
Constit. of roots of Panax notoginseng
Glycoside (2):Panaxoside C 20-O-[a-L-Arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- (ginseng). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 186-
glucopyranoside]: [62025-50-7] Ginseno- 1888. [a]22
C48H82O17 931.166 D +50 (c, 0.3 in MeOH).
Glycoside from Panax ginseng (gin- side F3
6-O-[a-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
seng). Cryst. (1-butanol/butanone). Mp C41H70O13 770.996
glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D-
185-1878. [a]D -4.3 (c, 2.76 in MeOH). Isol. from Panax spp.. Powder + 3H2O.
glucopyranoside: [394246-74-3] Notogin-
Struct. unknown. On hydrol. gives [a]25
D +26.5 (c, 0.98 in MeOH).
senoside M
glucose and rhamnose ratio 3:1. The 6-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- C48H82O19 963.164
MF given here is required by a glycoside glucopyranoside]: [80418-25-3] Notogin- Constit. of the roots of Panax notogin-
with 3 Glc and 1 Rha, but that does not senoside R2 seng (ginseng). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp
correspond with the anal. figures given. C41H70O13 770.996 187-1898. [a]24
D +24.7 (c, 0.3 in MeOH).
(3b,6a,12b,20S )-form [34080-08-5] Constit. of Panax notoginseng (gin-
20-Me ether, 6-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
(20S)-Protopanaxatriol seng). Powder. [a]15
D +10.3 (c, 1.0 in
[340270-88-4] Ginsenoside Rh5
Noncryst. Sol. MeOH, butanol. [a]21 D MeOH).
C37H64O9 652.907
+42.9 (CHCl3). 6-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- Constit. of Panax vietnamensis (Viet-
6-O-b-D-Xylopyranoside, 20-O-b-D- glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D- namese ginseng). Amorph. solid. [a]25 D
glucopyranoside: [98474-75-0] Pseudo- glucopyranoside: [80418-24-2] Notogin- +32.4 (c, 2.39 in MeOH).
ginsenoside RT3 senoside R1
C41H70O13 770.996 C47H80O18 933.138
Constit. of Panax pseudo-ginseng . Constit. of roots of Panax notoginseng
C30H50O4 474.723
Amorph. powder (EtOH/EtOAc). [a]24 D (ginseng). Needles (H2O). Mp 215-2178.
+30.9 (c, 1.15 in MeOH). [a]25
D +15 (c, 1.0 in MeOH).
12-Ketone, 20-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
[343780-69-8] Ginsenoside Rh8
6-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [63223-86-9] 6-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
C36H60O9 636.865
Ginsenoside Rh1. Sanchinoside B2 glucopyranoside]: [52286-74-5] Ginseno-
Constit. of leaves of Panax ginseng
C36H62O9 638.88 side C. Chikusetsusaponin I. Ginsenoside
(ginseng). Powder.
Isol. from Panax spp.. Powder + Rg2
Uvarova, N.I. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1965,
11=2H2O. [a]22
D +20 (c, 0.88 in MeOH). C42H72O13 785.023
1, 82; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
6-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 20-O-[a-D- Constit. of Panax ginseng (ginseng). 1965, 1, 63 (Panaxosides)
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 187-1898. [a]30 D +5.5 Nagai, Y. et al., Tetrahedron , 1971, 27, 881 (isol,
glucopyranoside]: [87741-78-4] Notogin- (c, 1 in MeOH). struct)
senoside R6 6-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- Sanada, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1974, 22,
C48H82O19 963.164 glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D- 2407; 1978, 26, 1694 (isol, Ginsenoside Re)
glucopyranoside: [52286-59-6] Ginseno- Lin, T.D. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1976, 24,
Constit. of Panax notoginseng (gin- 253 (isol)
seng). Amorph. powder. [a]17 D +44.3 (c, side B2. Chikusetsusaponin IVc. Ginse- Yahara, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1976, 24,
0.5 in MeOH). noside Re 2204; 1979, 27, 88 (Ginsenosides)
6-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 20-O-[b-D- C48H82O18 947.165 Lin, T.-D. et al., J. Chin. Chem. Soc. (Taipei) ,
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- Constit. of Panax ginseng (ginseng) and 1979, 26, 29 (Chikusetsusaponin IVc)
glucopyranoside]: [87741-76-2] Notogin- Panax japonicum (Japanese ginseng). Zhou, J. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1981, 29,
senoside R3 Needles (EtOH aq.). Mp 201-2038. [a]30 D 2844 (isol)
C48H82O19 963.164 0 (c, 1 in MeOH).

Dammar-24-ene-3,12,20,26-tetrol / Dammar-24-ene-3,12,20-triol D-19  / D-21

Matsuura, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1983, Constit. of Panax ginseng (ginseng). C48H82O19 963.164
31, 2281 (Notoginsenosides R3 and R6) Cryst. Mp 187-1888. Isol. from Panax ginseng (ginseng).
Tanaka, O. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1985, 33,
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- Feng, B. et al., CA , 1988, 108, 183641a
2323 (Pseudoginsenoside RT3)
glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D- (Majorosides)
Minh Duc, N. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994,
glucopyranoside: [114128-16-4] Majoro- Minh Duc, N. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994,
42, 115 (Vinaginsenoside R4)
42, 115 (Vinaginsenoside R9)
Kim, D.-S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40, side F1
Yoshikawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1997,
1493-1497 (Koryoginsenoside R, Ginsenoside C48H82O19 963.164 45, 1039-1045 (Notoginsenosides)
Rg1) Constit. of Panax japonicus (Japanese Dou, D. et al., Zhongguo Yaowu Huaxue Zazhi ,
Dou, D.Q. et al., J. Chin. Pharm. Sci. , 1996, 5, ginseng) and Panax vietnamensis (Viet- 1997, 7, 202-204; CA , 130, 335321r
48-52; CA , 126, 328059a (Ginsenoside F5)
namese ginseng). Powder. [a]25D +9.3 (c, (Ginsenoside Ib)
Dou, D. et al., Planta Med. , 1996, 62, 179-181
0.9 in MeOH). Qiu, F. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1998, 9, 643-
(Ginsenoside Ia)
645 (Ginsenoside III)
Yoon, S.-R. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998, 24-Hydroperoxide, 3-O-[b-D-
Dou, D.Q. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2001, 49,
48, 1144-1147 (Ginsenosides Rf and Rg2, glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- 442-446 (Ginsenoside Ib)
assay) glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D- Qiu, F. et al., J. Asian Nat. Prod. Res. , 2001, 3,
Battellina, L. et al., Pharm. Pharmacol. glucopyranoside: [227758-58-9] Ginseno- 235-240; CA , 135, 329254h (Ginsenosides I
Commun. , 1998, 4, 411-413 (activity)
side I and II)
Elyakov, G.B. et al., Planta Med. , 1999, 65, 30-
34 (activity) C48H82O20 979.164
Dou, D.-Q. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2001, 49, Constit. of Panax ginseng (ginseng).
442-446 (Ginsenoside Rh8) (3b,12b,20S,24S )-form Dammar-24-ene-3,12,20-triol D-21
Yoshikawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2001, 3,20-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [114019- [465-07-6, 53368-76-6]
49, 1452-1456 (Notoginsenosides M,N) 97-5] Majoroside F2
Tran, Q.L. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2001, 64, 456-
C42H72O14 801.022
461 (Ginsenoside Rh5) HO
Teng, R. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 2002, 40, Constit. of Panax japonicus (Japanese H 20

483-488 (pmr, cmr) ginseng). Mp 186-1898. 12 H

3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
Dammar-24-ene-3,12,20,26- D-19 glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D- 3
glucopyranoside: [156042-23-8] Vinagin- HO (3α,12β,20S)-form
tetrol H
senoside R9
C48H82O19 963.164 C30H52O3 460.739
OH Constit. of Panax vietnamensis (Viet-
C(20)-configs. in this series are variable
HO 20 namese ginseng). Amorph. powder. [a]25 D
H H and difficult to determine.
CH 2OH +10.5 (c, 0.6 in MeOH).
(3a,12b,20S )-form
24-Hydroperoxide, 3-O-[b-D-
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D- Betulafolienetriol
glucopyranoside: [227758-59-0] Ginseno- Isol. from Panax ginseng (ginseng). Cryst.
HO Mp 236-2388 (197-1988). [a]D +20.5 (c, 1
H side II
C48H82O20 979.164 in CHCl3). Not. isol. On hydrolysis,
C30H52O4 476.738 Constit. of Panax ginseng (ginseng). glycosides undergo cyclisation to 20,25-
(3b,12b,20S,24j)-form Epoxydammarane-3,12-diol, E-72.
(3b,12b,20S )-form
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- 24-Ketone, 3-O-[b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ 3-Malonyl, 12-Ac: [147199-47-1]
glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D- 0 2)-b-D-glucopyranoside], 20-b-D- C35H56O7 588.823
glucopyranoside: [218917-14-7] Vinagin- glucopyranoside: [223710-06-3] Ginseno- Amorph. powder. [a]24D -18.2 (c, 0.005 in
senoside R24. Quinquenoside L2 side III. Vinaginsenoside R20 CHCl3).
C48H82O19 963.164 C48H80O19 961.149 3-Ketone: [51116-90-6] 12,20-Dihydroxy-
Constit. of Panax vietnamensis (Viet- Constit. of Panax ginseng (ginseng) and dammar-24-en-3-one
namese ginseng) and Panax quinquefo- Panax vietnamensis (Vietnamese gin- C30H50O3 458.723
lium (American ginseng). seng). Cryst. Mp 203-2058. Cryst. Mp 202-2028. [a]19
D +56 (c, 0.93 in
Minh Duc, N. et al., Stud. Plant Sci. , 1999, 6, 24-Ketone, 3-O-[b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ CHCl3).
77-82 (Vinaginsenoside R24) 0 2)-b-D-glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D- 3-Ketone, 12-Ac: [127750-93-0]
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- C32H52O4 500.76
Dammar-25-ene-3,12,20,24- D-20 glucopyranoside]: [193895-26-0] Noto- Oil. [a]25
D +48 (c, 0.15 in CH2Cl2).
tetrol ginsenoside B (3b,12b,20R )-form [7755-01-3]
C54H90O24 1123.291
Constit. of Panax notoginseng (gin- [30636-90-9] (20R)-Protopanaxadiol
OH seng). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 201- Sol. MeOH, butanol. Mp 236-2388. [a]D
OH 2048. [a]23 +20.5 (CHCl3). Artifact.
D +17.8 (c, 0.1 in MeOH).
H 20 25 24-Hydroperoxide, 3-O-[b-D- 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [112246-15-8]
12 17
H glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- (20R)-Ginsenoside Rh2
glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D- C36H62O8 622.881
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- Isol. from Panax ginseng (ginseng).
glucopyranoside]: [193895-49-7] Noto- Cryst. Mp 278-2808.
ginsenoside C 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
HO C54H92O25 1141.306 glucopyranoside]: [38243-03-7] (20R)-
Constit. of Panax notoginseng (gin- Ginsenoside Rg3
(3α,12β,20S,24R)-form seng). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 199- C42H72O13 785.023
2028. [a]22
D +14.4 (c, 0.1 in MeOH). Isol. from Panax ginseng (ginseng).
C30H52O4 476.738 (3b,12b,20j,24j)-form Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 192-1948. [a]20
(3b,12b,20S,24R )-form 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- +8.5 (c, 1.0 in MeOH).
3,20-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [215720- glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D- (3b,12b,20S )-form
23-3] Ginsenoside Ib. Ginsenoside Rg7 glucopyranoside: [93376-73-9] Ginseno- [30636-90-9] Protopanaxadiol
C42H72O14 801.022 side M6-bc Sapogenin of Ginsenosides Rb1, Rb2 and

Dammar-24-ene-3,12,20-triol / Dammar-24-ene-3,12,20-triol D-21 / D-21

Re from Panax ginseng (ginseng). Cryst. glucopyranoside]: [59252-86-7] Chiku- ginsenoside R17
Sol. MeOH, butanol. Mp 199-2008. setsusaponin Ia C47H80O17 917.139
C41H70O12 754.997 Constit. of Panax vietnamensis (Viet-
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [78214-33-2] Constit. of Panax japonicum (Japanese namese ginseng).
Ginsenoside Rh2 ginseng). Cryst. (CHCl3/MeOH/ 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
C36H62O8 622.881 EtOAc). Mp 1948. [a]16D -3.5 (c, 1.4 in glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D-
Isol. from Panax ginseng (ginseng). CHCl3). xylopyranoside: [226712-51-2] Vinagin-
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 20-O-[a- 20-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- senoside R18
arabinofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b- glucopyranoside]: [80325-22-0] Gynosa- C47H80O17 917.139
glucopyranoside]: [88105-29-7] Notogin- ponin M. Gypenoside XIII Constit. of Panax vietnamensis (Viet-
senoside Fe C41H70O12 754.997 namese ginseng).
C47H80O17 917.139 Cryst. + 1.5H2O. Mp 158-1608. [a]22
Constit. of leaves of Panax notoginseng
D 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
+25.7 (c, 1.0 in MeOH). glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D-
(ginseng). Needles (MeOH). Mp 179-
1848. [a]27 3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- glucopyranoside: [52705-93-8] Ginseno-
D -0.3 (c, 0.8 in MeOH).
glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D- side Rd. Gypenoside VIII
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 20-O-[a-L- glucopyranoside: [80321-64-8] Gynosa- C48H82O18 947.165
arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- ponin K. Gypenoside XI Constit. of Panax ginseng (ginseng).
glucopyranoside]: [259795-17-0] C48H82O17 931.166 Powder. Mp 206-2098. [a]22D +19.4 (c, 1
C47H80O17 917.139 Cryst. + 3H2O. Mp 187-1898. [a]22 in MeOH).
Constit. of Panax notoginseng +13.4 (c, 1.8 in MeOH). -LZ5858000
(ginseng). Amorph. powder. Mp 189-
3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
1928. [a]21
D +34.5 (c, 0.08 in MeOH).
glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D- glucopyranoside], 20-O-[a-L-
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 20-O-[b-D- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- arabinofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- glucopyranoside]: [80321-72-8] Gypeno- glucopyranoside]: [11021-14-0] Ginseno-
glucopyranoside]: [80321-63-7] Gynosa- side I-EH. Progynosaponin A2 side Rc
ponin I. Gypenoside IX. Notoginsenoside C54H92O22 1093.308 C53H90O22 1079.281
Fd Constit. of Panax ginseng (ginseng).
C47H80O17 917.139 Powder. Mp 199-2018. [a]22D +1.9 (c, 1 in
0 6)-b-D-glucopyranoside]: [80321-62-
Constit. of Panax notoginseng (gin- MeOH).
seng). Cryst. + 3H2O. Mp 183-1858. 6] Gynosaponin G. Gypenoside VII
C54H92O21 1077.308 -LY9536300
[a]27 22
D +1 (c, 3 in MeOH). [a]D +14.2 (c, 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
1.5 in H2O). Cryst. + 3H2O. Mp 192-1948. [a]22 D
+1.63 (c, 2.0 in MeOH). glucopyranoside], 20-O-[a-L-
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 20-O-[a-L- arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
20-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- glucopyranoside]: [11021-13-9] Ginseno-
glucopyranoside]: [80330-76-3] Gynosa- glucopyranoside]: [80330-77-4] Gynosa-
side Rb2
ponin J. Gypenoside X ponin N. Gypenoside XIV. Protopanax-
adiol rutinoside C53H90O22 1079.281
C48H82O17 931.166 Constit. of Panax ginseng (ginseng).
Cryst. + 4H2O. Mp 189-1918. [a]22 C42H72O12 769.024
Cryst. + 2H2O. Mp 165-1708. [a]22 Powder. Mp 200-2038. [a]22D +3 (c, 1 in
+13.3 (c, 1.5 in MeOH). D +25
(c, 1.3 in MeOH). MeOH).
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 20-O-[b-D- -LY9536100
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L- 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
glucopyranoside]: [80321-69-3] Gynosa- arabinopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D- glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D-
ponin S. Gypenoside XVII xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
C48H82O18 947.165 glucopyranoside]: [105214-49-1] Gype- glucopyranoside]: [105214-48-0] Gype-
Constit. of Panax spp.. Powder. Mp noside LVIII noside LVI
C52H88O21 1049.255
179-1818. [a]22
D +20.6 (c, 1.4 in MeOH). C53H90O22 1079.281
Cryst. + 5H2O. Mp 181-1838. [a]22 D +8.9
Cryst. + 2.5H2O. Mp 212-2148. [a]22
3,20-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [62025- (c, 2.4 in MeOH). D
49-4] Ginsenoside F2 +7.9 (c, 3.8 in MeOH).
C42H72O13 785.023 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
Isol. from Panax spp.. Powder + xylopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D- glucopyranoside], 20-O-[a-L-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
21=2H2O. [a]25
D +21.1 (c, 1.14 in MeOH). rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
glucopyranoside]: [88480-44-8] Gypeno-
3-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- glucopyranoside]: [80321-60-4] Gynosa-
side XV ponin E. Gypenoside V
glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D- C52H88O21 1049.255
glucopyranoside: [226712-37-4] Vinagin- C54H92O22 1093.308
Powder. Mp 180-1828. [a]22
D +1.36 (c, 0.6
Cryst. + 3H2O. Mp 199-2018. [a]22
senoside R16 in MeOH). D
C47H80O17 917.139 +8.61 (c, 1.4 in MeOH).
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
Constit. of Panax vietnamensis (Viet- 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
namese ginseng). xylopyranoside], 20-O-[a-L- glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
3-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- glucopyranoside]: [88480-45-9] Gypeno-
glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D- glucopyranoside]: [41753-43-9] Ginseno-
side XVI side Rb1. Sanchinoside E1. Gypenoside
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- C53H90O21 1063.281
glucopyranoside]: [80321-67-1] Gynosa- III. Gynosaponin C
Powder. Mp 195-1978. [a]22
D +0.39 (c, 2.9
ponin Q C54H92O23 1109.307
in MeOH).
C52H88O21 1049.255 Constit. of Panax ginseng (ginseng).
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- Powder. Mp 197-1988. [a]22D +12.4 (c, 0.9
3-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- glucopyranoside]: [14197-60-5] Ginseno-
glucopyranoside], 20-O-[a-L- in CHCl3).
side Rg3 -LD50 (mus, ipr) 1110 mg/kg. LZ5856000
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- C42H72O13 785.023
glucopyranoside]: [80321-68-2] Gynosa- 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
Isol. from Panax spp.. glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D-
ponin R. Protopanaxadiol 20-rutinoside -LY9537300
3-sambubioside xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L-
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- arabinofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
C53H90O21 1063.281 glucopyranoside], 20-O-a-L- glucopyranoside]: [83459-42-1] Ginseno-
3-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- arabinopyranoside: [226712-39-6] Vina- side Ra2

Dammar-24-ene-3,12,20-triol / Dammar-24-ene-3,12,20-triol D-21 / D-21

C58H98O26 1211.397 Constit. of American ginseng (Panax glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-

From root of Panax ginseng (ginseng). quinquefolium ). Amorph. powder glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D-
Powder. [a]25
D -2.4 (c, 1.0 in MeOH). (EtOH/EtOAc). [a]16 D +12 (c, 1 in xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- MeOH). glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D- 3-O-[6-O-2E-Butenoyl-b-D- glucopyranoside]: [193895-50-0] Noto-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- ginsenoside D
arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D- C64H108O31 1373.539
glucopyranoside]: [83459-41-0] Ginseno- glucopyranoside: [208764-50-5] Quin- Constit. of Panax notoginseng (gin-
side Ra1 quenoside I seng). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 207-
C58H98O26 1211.397 C52H86O19 1015.24 2108. [a]D +6.5 (c, 0.1 in MeOH).
From root of Panax ginseng (ginseng). Constit. of American ginseng (Panax 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D-
Powder. [a]25
D +12.8 (c, 1.0 in MeOH). quinquefolium ). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)]-b-D-
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- 172-1748. [a]28
D +34.6 (c, 0.25 in MeOH). glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D-
glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D- lmax 211 (log e 4.3) (MeOH). glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- 3-O-[6-O-2E-Octenoyl-b-D- glucopyranoside]: [137348-15-3] Chiku-
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- setsusaponin VI
glucopyranoside]: [90985-77-6] Ginseno- glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D- C59H100O27 1241.423
side Ra3 glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- Constit. of Panax pseudo-ginseng var.
C59H100O27 1241.423 glucopyranoside]: [208764-52-7] Quin- angustatus. Powder + 3H2O. [a]19D -10.3
Isol. from Panax ginseng (ginseng). quenoside II (c, 1 in Py).
Powder + 4H2O. [a]17 D +9.8 (c, 0.43 in C62H104O24 1233.489 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L-
MeOH). Constit. of American ginseng (Panax rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- quinquefolium ). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp glucopyranoside]: [80321-73-9] Progy-
glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D- 168-1708. [a]28
D +22.5 (c, 0.25 in MeOH). nospaponin A-AH
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- lmax 205 (log e 4.5) (MeOH). C48H82O17 931.166
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L-
glucopyranoside]: [87741-77-3] Notogin- glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
senoside R4 glucopyranoside: [259795-16-9] glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D-
C59H100O27 1241.423 C48H82O18 947.165 glucopyranoside: [80321-61-5] Gynosa-
Constit. of Panax notoginseng (gin- Constit. of Panax notoginseng (ginseng) ponin F
seng). Amorph. powder. [a]16 D +8.9 (c, 1 and Cyclanthera pedata (achoccha). C54H92O22 1093.308
in MeOH). Amorph. powder. Mp 190-1948. [a]21 D 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L-
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- +13.2 (c, 0.45 in MeOH). rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
glucopyranoside], 20-O-[a-D- 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-6-O- glucopyranoside], 20-O-rutinoside:
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D- acetyl-b-D-glucopyranoside], 20-O-[a-L- [80321-59-1] Gynosaponin B
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- arabinofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- C60H102O26 1239.45
glucopyranoside]: [208764-55-0] Quin- glucopyranoside]: [87733-66-2] Ginseno- 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L-
quenoside V side Rs2 rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
C60H102O28 1271.449 C55H92O23 1121.318 glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D-
Constit. of American ginseng (Panax Isol. from Panax ginseng (ginseng). glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
quinquefolium ). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp Powder + 2H2O. [a]16 D +2.5 (c, 1 in glucopyranoside]: [80325-21-9] Gynosa-
192-1948. [a]28
D +24.4 (c, 0.25 in MeOH). MeOH). ponin A
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-6-O- 3-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- C60H102O27 1255.45
acetyl-b-D-glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L-
glucopyranoside: [208764-53-8] glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)]-b-D-
C50H84O19 989.202 glucopyranoside: [156009-83-5] Vinagin- glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D-
Constit. of American ginseng (Panax senoside R7 glucopyranoside: [85889-23-2] Gypeno-
quinquefolium ). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp C53H90O22 1079.281 side VI
167-1698. [a]28
D +24.3 (c, 0.25 in MeOH). Constit. of Panax vietnamensis (Viet- C54H92O22 1093.308
3-O-[6-O-Acetyl-b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ namese ginseng). Amorph. powder. [a]25 D Cryst. + 3H2O. Mp 191-1938. [a]22D
0 2)-b-D-glucopyranoside], 20-O-b-D- +17.8 (c, 1.07 in MeOH). +7.76 (c, 1.7 in H2O).
glucopyranoside: [102805-32-3] Pseudo- 3-O-[b-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b- 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L-
ginsenoside Rc1 glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)]-b-D-
C50H84O19 989.202 glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b- glucopyranoside], 20-O-[a-L-
Constit. of Panax pseudoginseng (gin- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
seng). Amorph. powder. [a]17 D +20.8 (c, glucopyranoside]: [88122-52-5] Notogin- glucopyranoside]: [85889-22-1] Gypeno-
0.63 in MeOH). senoside Fc side II
3-O-[6-O-Acetyl-b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ C58H98O26 1211.397 C60H102O26 1239.45
0 2)-b-D-glucopyranoside], 20-O-[a-L- Constit. of leaves of Panax notoginseng Cryst. + 3H2O. Mp 196-1988. [a]22D -3.3
arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- (ginseng). Needles (MeOH). Mp 219- (c, 1.5 in MeOH).
glucopyranoside]: [87733-67-3] Ginseno- 2238. [a]18
D -1.4 (c, 0.67 in H2O).
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L-
side Rs1 3-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)]-b-D-
C55H92O23 1121.318 glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D-
Constit. of Panax ginseng (ginseng). glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
Powder + 2H2O. [a]16 D +19 (c, 1 in glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- glucopyranoside]: [85889-20-9] Gypeno-
MeOH). glucopyranoside]: [88100-04-3] Notogin- side I
3-O-[6-O-Acetyl-b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ senoside Fa C60H102O27 1255.45
0 2)-b-D-glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D- C59H100O27 1241.423 Cryst. + 3H2O. Mp 201-2038. [a]22
D -1.38
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- Constit. of leaves of Panax notoginseng (c, 1.5 in MeOH).
glucopyranoside]: [85013-02-1] Quin- (ginseng). Needles (MeOH). Mp 235-
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
quenoside R1 2408. [a]17
D -2 (c, 1.0 in H2O).
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
C56H94O24 1151.344 3-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D-

Daphnimacropine / 8-Daucen-4-ol D-22 / D-24

glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- Namba, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1986, 34, (sealed tube). [a]D +43.7 (c, 2.18 in
glucopyranoside]: [112722-00-6] Ginse- 730-738 (Pseudoginsenoside Rc1) CHCl3).
noside RA0 Xu, S. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1987, 22, 750;
CA , 108, 72123 (Ginsenoside RA0) 16-Deoxy, 22-acetoxy; hydrobromide:
C60H102O28 1271.449 Yoshikawa, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1989, Cryst. (CHCl3/Et2O or C6H6/hexane).
Isol. from American ginseng (Panax 37, 852-854 (Gypenosides) Mp 228-2308 Mp 245-2468.
quinquefolium ). Atopkina, L.N. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1989, 16-Deoxy, 22-acetoxy, methiodide:
3-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- 25, 813-816; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Cryst. (Me2CO/MeOH). Mp 276-2798.
glucopyranoside], 20-O-[b-D- Transl.) , 1989, 25, 690-693 (synth,
Ginsenoside Rh2) 16-Deoxy, 22-acetoxy, N-oxide:Daphni-
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- phylline N-oxide. Daphnezomine E
Kohda, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1991, 39,
glucopyranoside]: [394246-58-3] Noto- C32H49NO6 543.742
1588-1590 (Chikusetsusaponin VI)
ginsenoside L Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th Solid. [a]24
D +31 (c, 1.4 in CHCl3).
C53H90O22 1079.281 edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1372 Sakabe, N. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1966, 965
Constit. of roots of Panax notoginseng Taipale, H.T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 34, (Daphniphylline)
(ginseng). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 195- 755-758 (Pendulic acid) Kamijo, N. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1966, 2889 (cryst
1978. [a]28
D +20.4 (c, 0.1 in MeOH). Rickling, B. et al., Planta Med. , 1993, 59, 76-79 struct)
(isol, pmr, cmr, ms, ir) Nakano, T. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1967, 4791 (ms)
Glycoside (1):Panaxoside D
Minh Duc, N. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994, Irikawa, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1968, 24, 5691
Isol. from Panax ginseng (ginseng). 42, 115-122 (Vinaginsenoside R7)
Yellowish powder (EtOH/Me2CO). Mp (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms, synth, struct,
Yang, Y.W. et al., Huaxue Xuebao , 1994, 52, Codaphniphylline)
157-1608. [a]20
D +29 (c, 4.82 in MeOH). 234-242; CA , 120, 299100a (Ginsenoside Rb1, Sasaki, K. et al., J.C.S.(B) , 1971, 1565
Struct. unknown. On hydrol. gives pmr, cmr) (Daphniphylline, abs config)
panaxadiol and glucose only. C 58.2%, Anufriev, V.P. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1997, 304, Suzuki, K.T. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1973, 799
H 8.8%. 179-182 (Ginsenoside Rg3) (biosynth)
Yoshikawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1997, Toda, M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1974, 30, 2683
Glycoside (2):Panaxoside E 45, 1039-1045 (Notoginsenoside D)
From Panax ginseng (ginseng). Mp 185- (Daphniphylline)
Yoshikawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998, Yamamura, S. et al., Alkaloids (N.Y.) , 1975, 15,
1878. [a]D +21.5 (c, 4.18 in MeOH). 46, 647-654 (Quinquenosides) 41 (struct)
Struct. unknown. Gives panaxadiol, De Tommasi, N. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , Yamamura, S. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1980, 393
glucose and arabinose (ratio 4:1) on 1999, 47, 4512-4519 (Cyclanthera pedanta (Daphniphylline)
hydrol. C 58.3% H 8.8%. saponin) Heathcock, C.H. et al., J.O.C. , 1995, 60, 1120
Ma, W.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 52, 1133- (synth, Codaphniphylline)
Glycoside (3):Panaxoside F 1139 (Panax notoginseng saponins)
Glycoside from Panax ginseng (gin- Morita, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1999, 55, 12549-
Elyakov, G.B. et al., Planta Med. , 1999, 65, 30- 12556 (Daphnezomine E)
seng). Mp 185-1878. [a]20
D +20.6 (c, 5.34 34 (activity)
in MeOH). Struct. unknown. On hy- Minh Duc, N. et al., Stud. Plant Sci. , 1999, 6,
drol. gives panaxadiol and glucose only 77-82 (Vinaginsenosides R16-R18) 4,8-Daucadiene D-23
C 56.1% H 8.48%. Yoshikawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2001,
49, 1452-1456 (Notoginsenoside L)
3-Malonyl, 12-Ac: [152340-18-6] Pendulic Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Daucene
acid Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
C35H56O7 588.823 Reinhold , 1992, PAF450
Uvarova, N.I. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1965, Daphnimacropine D-22
1, 82-86; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
1965, 1, 63-66 (Panaxosides) [20249-89-2]
Elyakov, C.-B. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1967,
3, 164-167; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. O
Transl.) , 1967, 3, 135-137 (Panaxosides)
C15H24 204.355
Nagai, M. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1967, 3579-3580 Both enantiomers apparently isol., but
(Protopanaxadiol, isol) data on opt. rotns. and abs. config. is
Tanaka, O. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1972, 20, O incomplete. Constit. of Daucus carota
1204-1211; 1985, 33, 2323-2330; 3852-3858 22 (carrot). Oil. Bp4 968. [a]D +39 (c, 0.3 in
(Ginsenosides Rc, Rb, Gynosaponin S) CHCl3). n20D 1.4918.
Sanada, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1974, 22, R H
421-428; 2407-2412 (Ginsenosides, isol, struct) Bisepoxide:
Lin, T.D. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1976, 24, Cryst. Mp 898. [a]D +25 (c, 0.4 in
253-261 (Chikusetsusaponin Ia) N CHCl3).
Kasai, R. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1976, 24, Enantiomer: [38231-17-3]
400-406; 1983, 31, 2120-2125 R′
(Protopanaxadiol, synth, Ginsenoside Rs1, 16
C15H24 204.355
Ginsenoside Rs2) R = H , R′ = OH De Broissia, H. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1972,
Yahara, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1976, 24, 4314 (isol, struct)
2204-2208 (Ginsenoside F2) Audenaert, F. et al., Tetrahedron , 1987, 43, 5593
C30H47NO4 485.706 (synth)
Asakawa, J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1977, 33, 1935-
1939 (cmr) Methiodide: Cool, L.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 58, 969-
Besso, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1982, 30, Mp 306-3078. 972 (Cupressocyparis leylandii constit)
2380-2385; 4534-4538 (Ginsenosides Ra1,
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Koizumi, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1982, Desacetoxydaphniphylline 8-Daucen-4-ol D-24
30, 2393-2398 (Ginsenoside Ra2) C30H47NO3 469.706
Matsuura, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1983, Cryst. (CHCl3/Et2O)(as hydrochloride).
31, 2281-2287 (Notoginsenoside R4) Mp 266-2678 (sealed tube)(as hydro-
Yang, T.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, chloride). [a]D +4.2 (c, 2.40 in CHCl3).
1473-1478 (Notoginsenosides)
16-Deoxy, 22-acetoxy: [15007-67-7] Daph-
Takemoto, T. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1983,
niphylline. Daphniphyllamine
103, 173-185; 1015-1023; 1984, 104, 1043- HO H
1049; 1986, 106, 664-670; 1987, 107, 355-360 C32H49NO5 527.743
(Gypenosides) Isol. from the bract of Hibiscus sabdar-
Matsuura, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984, iffa (roselle). Noncryst. C15H26O 222.37
32, 1188-1192 (Ginsenoside Ra3) 16-Deoxy, 22-acetoxy; hydrochloride: 4b-form [255062-40-9]
Needles (CHCl3/Et2O). Mp 238-2408 Constit. of Daucus carota (carrot).

8-Daucen-5-ol / 2,4-Decadienoic acid D-25 / D-32

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8 1 O Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
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HOH2C H Reinhold , 1992,
C16H26O11 394.375 2,8-Decadiene-4,6-diyn-1-ol D-31
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Suspensolide F. Kanokoside B Matricarianol. Matricariol
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Carotol C21H34O12 478.492 H3CCH/ . CHC/ / CC/ / CCH/
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Daucic acid D-26 2,4-Decadienal D-30
Bruun, T. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1951, 5,
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2,6-Anhydro-3-deoxy-D-xylo-hept-2-enaric H3C(CH2)4CH/ . CHCH/ . CHCHO Gardner, J.N. et al., J.C.S. , 1960, 691 (isol,
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C10H16O 152.236
Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1969, 102,
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OH FEMA 3135 Davies, D.G. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1978, 1602
HO Present in apple, bitter orange peel oil, (biosynth, isol)
mandarin peel oil, wheat bread, cooked
beef, raw cured pork, cooked scented 2,4-Decadienoic acid D-32
HOOC O COOH rice, quince, maize, dried bonito, clary
sage (Salvia sclarea ), water yam (Dios- [92015-76-4]
C7H8O7 204.136 cerea alata ) melon and peas. Flavouring H3C(CH2)4CH/ . CHCH/ . CHCOOH
Free acid not obt. pure. Found in wheat, agent. Oily liq. with grapefruit/orange- C10H16O2 168.235
sugar beet and sunflower. like taste on dilution. Bp0.05 58-618. (E,E )-form [30361-33-2]
Di-Me ester: [33573-25-0] -HD3000000 Mp 49-508. Bp0.3 121-1248.
Cryst. (EtOAc/petrol). Mp 130-1318. Semicarbazone:
Pyrrolidide: [78910-33-5] 1-(1-Oxo-2,4-
[a]24.5 -102 (c, 0.9 in Me2CO). Mp 181-1828.
D decadienyl)pyrrolidine, 9CI. 2,4-Deca-
Barton, D.H.R. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1975, 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: dienoic acid pyrrolidide. 1-(2,4-Decadie-
2069 (struct, spectra) Mp 141-1428. noyl)pyrrolidine. Sarmentine
4R,5R-Epoxide: [134454-31-2] C14H23NO 221.342
Daucine D-27 [73528-44-6] 3-(3-Pentyloxiranyl)-2-prope- Constit. of fruits of pepper (Piper
C11H18N2 178.277 nal, 9CI. 4,5-Epoxy-2-decenal nigrum ) and cha-plu (Piper sarmento-
C10H16O2 168.235 sum ) (Piperaceae). Oil.
Struct. unknown. Alkaloid from the leaves
Lipid peroxidation prod. Contributor to (2E ,4Z )-form [544-48-9]
of Daucus carota (carrot). Oil. Bp 240-
warmed-over flavour development in Phycodioic acid. Stillingic acid
2508. [a]D +7.74 (c, 0.645 in Et2O).
cooked meats and off-flavour in stored Bp0.5 1228.
Pictet, A. et al., Ber. , 1907, 40, 3771 (isol)
soybean oil. Also present in breadcrumb, Me ester: [4493-42-9] FEMA 3859
hop cone and roasted sesame seed odours Found in pears and spineless monkey
Davanone D-28 and pastry products prepared from mar- orange. Flavour for candies etc. Liq.
[30810-99-2] garine. Liq. with green hay-like/metallic with pear/lemon odour. Bp0.15 718.
2-(5-Ethenyltetrahydro-5-methyl-2-fura- odour. Odour threshold 0.5 pg/L in air, 1.3 Et ester: [3025-30-7] Pear ester. FEMA
nyl)-6-methyl-5-hepten-3-one, 9CI mg/kg in sunflower oil. 3148
(2E ,4Z )-form [25152-83-4] Constit. of odoriferous principle of
H O Constit. of numerous plants and food Bartlett pears. Also present in fresh
Absolute apple, Vitis spp., quince and spineless
sources. Bp0.05 58-618.
O monkey orange (Strychnos madagasc ).
Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra, 2nd edn. , 1983,
1, 364B (nmr) Flavouring agent. Bp0.05 84-868.
C15H24O2 236.353 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , -HD3510900
Main component of davana oil from 1989, 3, 566A (ir) Propyl ester:
Artemisia pallens. Davana oil used in food Ohloff, G. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1973, 56,
[84788-08-9] Propyl 2,4-decadienoate.
1176 (synth, ir, pmr, ms)
flavouring. [a]21
D +77.7 (neat). FEMA 3648
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
Thomas, A.F. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1974, 57, 1979, 17, 753 (rev, tox) C13H22O2 210.316
2055 (isol, struct) Tsuboi, S. et al., J.O.C. , 1982, 47, 4478 (synth, Flavouring ingredient with a Bartlett pear
Bartlett, P.A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1983, 24, 1365 ir, pmr, cmr) flavour. Coml. product comprises 57% of
(synth) Crilley, M.M.L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1988, the (2E ,4Z )-isomer, 35% of the (2E ,4E )-
Honda, Y. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1987, 1259-1262 2061 (synth, ir, pmr, ms) isomer, and 9% other esters.
(synth) Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
Molander, G.A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1999, 617- Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New (2Z ,4E )-form [68676-77-7]
624 (synth) York, 1989, DAE450 Bp0.45 112-1148.

4,8-Decadienoic acid, 9CI, 8CI / Decanal, 9CI D-33 / D-39

Et ester: Tamura, Y. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1981, 22, 1343 4,6-Decadiyne-1,3,8-triol D-37
Flavouring material. (synth)
Sato, T. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1981, 22, 2375 (synth,
Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. , 1955, 1007 (synth) OH
ir, pmr)
Näf, F. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1974, 57, 1309
Bari, S.S. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , 1990, 67,
995 (synth)
Bestmann, H.J. et al., Annalen , 1982, 363 C CC C
Ahmed, A. et al., Pharmazie, 1990, 45, 941 (6-
(synth) HO
Likhitwitayawuid, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1987,
Kaga, H. et al., Synlett , 1994, 607 (synth)
43, 3689 (Sarmentine) C10H14O3 182.219
Strunz, G.M. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1996, 74,
Kiuchi, F. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988, 36,
419 (synth) (3S,8S )-form [105304-52-7]
2452 (pyrrolidide)
Abarbri, M. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1998, 28, Oil. Bp0.4 1228. [a]23
Ford, R.A. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , 1988, D -5.8 (c, 1.7 in
239-249 (synth, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
26, 317 (rev, tox, Pear ester)
Saadali, B. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 58,
MeOH). lmax 220 (e 2140); 228 (e 2090);
Bari, S.S. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , 1990, 67, 243 (e 1740); 256 (e 1070) (MeOH)
1083-1086 (2E,4Z-isomer)
995 (synth, Sarmentine) (Derep).
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2343 Tri-Ac: [105274-17-7]
(propyl ester) C16H20O6 308.33
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
2,4-Decadien-1-ol, 9CI D-35 Oil. Bp0.4 878.
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001, [14507-02-9] Tribenzoyl:
1110-1111; 1537-1538 (Me ester, propyl ester) H3C(CH2)4CH/ . CHCH/ . CHCH2OH C31H26O6 494.543
C10H18O 154.252 Amorph. solid. Mp 97-1028. [a]21 D +4.7
4,8-Decadienoic acid, 9CI, D-33 (2E ,4E )-form [18409-21-7] (c, 1.7 in CHCl3).
8CI FEMA 3911 Kusano, G. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1986, 34,
Found in blackcurrant buds, malt, 3465 (isol)
[13159-49-4] Hashimoto, M. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. ,
H3CCH/ . CHCH2CH2CH/ peach and Chinese pear. Food flavour- 1989, 62, 2751 (isol, cmr, abs config)
. CHCH2CH2COOH ing ingredient. Liq. with citrus-like
odour. d23
4 0.86. Bp0.5 848 Bp10 1128. nD
C10H16O2 168.235 4,6-Decadiyn-1-ol, 9CI D-38
Me ester: [1191-03-3] H3CCH2CH2C/ / CC/
C11H18O2 182.262 / CCH2CH2CH2OH
Mp 958.
Constit. of essential oil of hops (2E ,4Z )-form [16195-71-4] C10H14O 150.22
(Humulus lupulus ). Constit. of Tordylium apulium essential Constit. of Carthamus tinctorius (saf-
[94372-21-1] oil. d23
4 0.87. Bp0.6 868 Bp3 78-848. nD
23 flower). Bp0.001 80-908.
Buttery, R.G. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) ,
1.4870. 3-Methylbutanoyl: [29314-16-7] 4,6-Deca-
1963, 1981 (isol, ir, pmr) a-Naphthylurethane: diyn-1-ol isovalerate
Buttery, R.G. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1965, 18, Mp 618. C15H22O2 234.338
399 (chromatog) (2Z ,4E )-form [77657-81-9] Isol. from Carthamus tinctorius (saf-
Goliaszewski, A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1985, 41, d21 21
4 0.87. Bp0.6 848. nD 1.4892. flower). Oil.
5779 (synth, pmr, ms) (2Z ,4Z )-form [77657-76-2] Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1956, 89, 1276;
d22 22
4 0.87. Bp0.6 878. nD 1.4852. 1970, 103, 2853 (isol, struct, synth)
2,4-Decadienoic isobutylamide D-34 a-Naphthylurethane:
Pellitorine. N-(2-Methylpropyl)-2,4-deca- Mp 718. Decanal, 9CI D-39
dienamide, 9CI. N-Isobutyl-2,4-decadiena- Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. , 1955, 1007-1025 [112-31-2]
mide, 8CI. Pyretrin (synth, uv) Decyl aldehyde. Capraldehyde. Caprinalde-
H3C(CH2)4CH/ . CHCH/ Bosshardt, H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1980, 63, hyde. FEMA 2362
. CHCONHCH2CH(CH3)2 2393-2403 (synth, ir, pmr, ms)
Furber, M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1989, 683-690 H3C(CH2)8CHO
C14H25NO 223.358
(2Z,4E-form, synth, pmr, cmr) C10H20O 156.267
(E ,E )-form [18836-52-7] Horvat, R.J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1990, Constit. of Cassia, Neroli and other oils
Constit. of Achillea millefolium 38, 234-237 (E,E-form, occur, peach) esp. citrus peel oils. Also present in
(yarrow). Needles (petrol). Mp 758 (698) Kofinas, C. et al., J. Essent. Oil Res. , 1993, 5,
33-36 (Z,E-form, occur)
coriander leaf or seed, caviar, roast turkey,
Mp 90-958. roast filbert, green tea, fish oil, hop oil and
-Severe irritant. Imayoshi, Y. et al., Koryo, 1996, 190, 121-127;
CA , 125, 113270y (E,E-form, occur, chinese beer. Flavouring agent. Liq. with strong
6-Hydroxy: [133640-43-4] 6-Hydroxy-N- orange-peel odour. d20
pear) 4 0.85. Mp -58
(2-methylpropyl)-2,4-decadienamide, approx. Bp 208-2098 Bp7 818. n20
Zeid, A.H.S. et al., Egypt. J. Pharm. Sci. , 1999, D 1.4887.
9CI. 6-Hydroxy-N-isobutyl-2,4-decadie- 39, 277-288 (E,E-form, occur) -Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 3730 mg/kg.
namide. 6-Hydroxypellitorine HD6000000
C14H25NO2 239.357
(2E ,4Z )-form Di-Me acetal: [7779-41-1] 1,1-Dimethoxy-
Yellow oil. lmax 257 (MeOH). 4,7-Decadien-1-ol D-36 decane. FEMA 2363
H3CCH2CH/ . CHCH2CH/ C12H26O2 202.336
Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. , 1955, 1007 (synth)
Bowden, K. et al., J.C.S. , 1963, 3503 (isol, uv, . CHCH2CH2CH2OH Flavouring ingredient. Liq. d15.5 0.83.
ir) C10H18O 154.252 Bp 2188. n24 D 1.4244.
Loder, J.W. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1969, 22, 1531 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
(4Z ,7E )-form
(isol, uv, ir, ms, synth) 1, 469A (ir)
Banerji, A. et al., Experientia , 1974, 30, 223 O-Sulfate: [160116-62-1] Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
(isol, struct) C10H18O4S 234.316 Spectra , 1992, 1, 732B (nmr)
Mahanta, P.K. et al., J. Pharm. Sci. , 1974, 63, (4Z ,7Z )-form [104188-11-6] Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
1160 (isol, uv, ir) Constit. of the oil of Acorus calamus 1989, 3, 555C (ir)
Dasgupta, S. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , (sweet flag). Pickard, K.J. et al., J.C.S. , 1913, 103, 1947
1979, 17, 538 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms) Mathïs, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1964, 3, 377
Ono, N. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1980, 1365 (synth) O-Sulfate: [160116-61-0] (isol)
Nokami, J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1980, 21, 4455 Van Lier, F.P. et al., Perfum. Essent. Oil Res. , Attaway, J.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1966, 5,
(synth) 1985, 215; CA , 106, 72677f (isol, synth) 141 (isol)
Yasusa, I. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1981, 29, Tsukamoto, S. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1994, 57, Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
564 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) 1606 (sulfates) 1973, 11, 477 (rev, tox)

Decanedioic acid, 9CI / 3-Decanol, 9CI D-40 / D-43

Morris, W.W. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. , in seed oils. Also present in apple, apricot, 1-Decanol D-42
1973, 56, 1037 (ir, pmr) banana, morello cherry, citrus fruits,
Stanley, J.B. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1975, 40, 1134
cheese, butter, white wine, Japanese whis-
(ms) [36729-58-5]
Org. Synth. , 1976, 55, 84 (synth)
key, peated malt, wort and scallops. Used
as a defoamer, lubricant and citrus fruit Decyl alcohol. Paranol. FEMA 2365
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New coating. Salts (Na, K, Mg, Ca, Al) used as H3C(CH2)8CH2OH
York, 1989, DAG000; DAG200 binders, emulsifiers and anticaking agents
C10H22O 158.283
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd in food manuf.. Needles. Sol. EtOH, Et2O,
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Isol. from plant sources, e.g. citrus oils,
Me2CO, C6H6, CHCl3, alkalis; poorly sol.
apple, coriander, babaco fruit (Carica
1, 145 (di-Me acetal) H2O. d440 0.89. Mp 31.58. Bp 268-2708 Bp11
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. pentagonia ), wines, scallop and other
148-1508. n40 D 1.4288.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 772-774 foods. Oil, with orange blossom-like
(props, occur) -Fl. p. >668. Skin irritant. LD50 (mus, ivn) odour. Fp 7. Bp700 232-2398 Bp7 107-1088.
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 129 mg/kg. HD9100000 Isodecanol is a mixture of decanol isomers
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Me ester: [110-42-9] Methyl decanoate. marketed as a solvent.
Reinhold , 1992, DAG000; DAG200 Methyl caprate -Fl. p. 828, autoignition temp. 2888. Eye
C11H22O2 186.294 and skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 4720 mg/
Decanedioic acid, 9CI D-40 Constit. of many plants. Liq. Bp 2248 kg.. HE4375000
[111-20-6] Bp15 1148.
-HD9830000 Ac: [112-17-4] Decyl acetate. FEMA 2367
Sebacic acid. Octane-1,8-dicarboxylic acid. C12H24O2 200.32
Ipomic acid Et ester: [110-38-3] Ethyl decanoate. Ethyl Flavouring agent. Present in citrus peels,
HOOC(CH2)8COOH caprate. FEMA 2432 apple, melon, strawberry, celery and
C12H24O2 200.32 other foodstuffs. Used in apple, orange
C10H18O4 202.25 Present in sweet and sour cherry, pine-
Leaflets. Spar. sol. H2O; sol. EtOH, Et2O. and rum flavours. Liq. Mp -158. Bp 2728
apple, blackberry, plum, quince, cape Bp10 1308.
Mp 134.58. Bp100 294.58 Bp15 243.58. pKa1 gooseberry, pawpaw, crispbread, wines,
4.58; pKa2 5.54 (258, 0.1M KNO3). spirits, cerimon (Monstera deliciosa ) Propanoyl: [5454-19-3] Decyl propionate.
-LD50 (rat, orl) 3400 mg/kg. VS0875000 and roasted filbert. Flavouring agent. Decyl propanoate. FEMA 2369
Di-Et ester: [110-40-7] FEMA 2376 Liq. with fruity odour. d15.5 0.87. Bp C13H26O2 214.347
C14H26O4 258.357 243-2458 Bp13 122-1248. n20 Flavouring ingredient. Liq. d20 0.86.
D 1.4260.
Flavouring ingredient. Sl. sol. H2O; sol. -Fl. p. >1008. Skin irritant. HD9420000 Bp15 138-1398. n20
D 1.4291.

Me2CO, misc. EtOH, Et2O. d15 0.96. Pentyl ester: [5933-87-9] Pentyl decanoate. Butanoyl: [5454-09-1] Decyl butanoate.
Mp 58. Bp 3058 Bp10 172-1748. n15 D Amyl caprate FEMA 2368
1.4367. C15H30O2 242.401 C14H28O2 228.374
-Fl. p. >718. VS1180000 Flavouring ingredient. Flavouring ingredient. Oil. d20 0.86. Bp
Dibutyl ester: [109-43-3] Dibutyl decane- 2708. n20
D 1.4308.
3-Methylbutyl ester: [2306-91-4] 3-Methyl-
dioate. Dibutyl sebacate. FEMA 2373 butyl decanoate. Isoamyl caprate [25339-17-7]
C18H34O4 314.464 C15H30O2 242.401 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Flavouring ingredient used in fruit food Food flavouring. d 0.86. Bp 2828. 1, 111C (ir)
flavouring. Liq. Insol. H2O. d25 0.93. Aldrich Atlas of NMR Spectra , 1, 81B (pmr)
Mp -118 Mp 128. Bp 3458. n20 [1002-62-6, 13040-18-1, 13747-30-3, 22620-93-5,
D 1.4433. Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
[51877-43-1] Spectra , 1992, 1, 166A (nmr)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, 1, 483C; 608A; 730C (ir) 1989, 3, 157D (ir)
1, 496D; 619C; 619D; 696C; 742B (ir) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Schrauth, W. et al., Ber. , 1931, 64, 1314 (synth)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Spectra , 1992, 1, 754B; 923B; 923C; 1168B; Komppa, G. et al., J. Prakt. Chem. , 1932, 135,
Spectra , 1992, 1, 772C; 945C; 1121C; 1253B; 1196A (nmr) 193 (synth)
1358A (nmr) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Craig, B.M. et al., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. , 1963,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , 1989, 3, 575D; 626C; 626D (ir) 40, 61 (use)
1989, 3, 645A; 645B; 747B (ir) Kao, C.H. et al., J.C.S. , 1931, 2046 (synth) Hoshino, H. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1973,
Sadtler Standard C-13 NMR Spectra , 1046 Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen 46, 3043 (ms)
(cmr) der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn., Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
Sadtler Standard PMR Spectra , 9938 (pmr) Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 697 1973, 11, 105 (rev, tox)
Gehring, G. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. (occur) Morris, M.W. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. ,
Sci. , 1887, 104, 1289 (dibutyl ester) Tsang, C.W. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1975, 1718 1973, 56, 1037 (ir)
Kesling, H.S. et al., ACS Symp. Ser. , 1987, 328, (ms) Schnurrenberger, P. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta ,
77 (manuf) Leovey, E.M.K. et al., Prostaglandins , 1975, 10, 1982, 65, 1197 (acetate)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd 789 (pmr) Gunstone, F.D. et al., Chem. Phys. Lipids, 1985,
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Gunstone, F.D. et al., Chem. Phys. Lipids , 1976, 36, 253 (cmr)
2, 156; 160 17, 1 (cmr) Kotsuki, H. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1988,
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Umemura, J. et al., J. Chem. Phys. , 1978, 48, 42 61, 2684 (synth)
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 809-810; (ir, cryst struct) Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
821-822 Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
Pelter, A. et al., Synthesis , 1998, 1793-1802 1979, 17, 735 (rev, tox) York, 1989, DAI600
(mono-Me ester, Me ester-chloride) Onishenko, T.A. et al., Zh. Anal. Khim. , 1987, Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 42, 1616 (use) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 775-777;
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , 784-785 (acyl derivs)
Reinhold , 1992, DJY600; SBK000; SBJ500; Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
SBK500 York, 1989, DAH400; EHE500
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 159-775;
Decanoic acid D-41 774-775; 963-964 (occur, props) 3-Decanol, 9CI D-43
[334-48-5] Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of [1565-81-7]
Capric acid. Caprinic acid. Decylic acid. Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Decoic acid (obsol.). FEMA 2364 Reinhold , 1992, DAH400; EHE500 [36729-58-5]
C10H20O2 172.267
Widespread in plant oils and as glycerides

2-Decanone, 9CI  / 2,4,6-Decatrienoic acid dehydropiperidide D-44 
/ D-50

CH 2CH 3 CO(CH2)8CH3 which the name FEMA 3832 refers).

HO C H (2E ,4Z ,7Z )-form [244274-82-6]
(R)-form H3C(CH2)8 N Et ester: [142676-19-5]
(CH 2)6CH 3
[78417-28-4] FEMA 3832
C10H22O 158.283 C24H41NO 359.594 Found as aroma constit. of fruits such as
Alkaloid from Houttuynia cordata (Yu durian and pears. Used in food flavouring
(R )-form [138256-81-2] (as an unspecified mixt. of geom. isomers
Xing Cao).
Bp15 1088. [a]20
D -10.55 (c, 5 in EtOH). to which the name FEMA 3832 refers).
(/9)-form [74683-67-3] Jong, T.T. et al., J. Chin. Chem. Soc. (Taipei) ,
FEMA 3605 1993, 40, 301-303 (isol)
Proebstle, A. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 1994, 4,
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with an
235-240 (isol) Creveling, R.K. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
orange, musty odour. d20 0.83. Mp - 1970, 18, 19-24 (isol, ester)
7.58. Bp 2138 Bp12 1018. n20
D 1.4348. Eur. Pat. , 1992, 482 385; CA , 117, 76268y
1-Naphthylurethane: 2-Decarboxybetanidin D-46 (2E,4Z,7Z-form-Et ester, use)
Mp 60-628. 2-Descarboxybetanidin Naef, R. et al., Flavour Fragrance J. , 1996, 11,
295-303 (isol, ester)
Et ether:3-Ethoxydecane Maier, A. et al., Pestic. Sci. , 1999, 55, 733-739
C12H26O 186.337 HO (isol)
Bp9.5 89.58. 2 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
Pickard, R.H. et al., J.C.S. , 1913, 103, 1923 edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
HO N 532 (Et ester)
(synth, resoln)
Woods, G.F. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1951, 73, 2245
(synth) 2,4,8-Decatrienoic acid D-49
Asinger, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1959, 92, 3085
(synth) H3CCH/ . CHCH2CH2CH/ . CHCH/
Godsey, C.E. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1966, 38, 842 . CHCOOH
HOOC N COOH C10H14O2 166.219
Remberg, G. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1970, 103, 3640
(2E ,4E ,8Z )-form
(ms) H
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd 2-Methylpropylamide: [52657-13-3] N-Iso-
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, C17H17N2O6 345.331 butyl-2,4,8-decatrienamide. N-(2-
2, 147 Methylpropyl)-2,4,8-decatrienamide,
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. 5-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside:2-Decarboxybe- 9CI. 2,4,8-Decatrienoic acid isobutyla-
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 777-778 tanin. 2-Descarboxybetanin mide

C23H27N2O11 507.473 C14H23NO 221.342
Constit. of Beta vulgaris. Alkaloid from the roots of Achillea
5-O-(6-O-Malonyl-b-D-glucopyrano- millefolium (yarrow). Oil.
2-Decanone, 9CI D-44 side):2-Decarboxyphyllocactin. 2-Des- Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1974, 107, 1038
[693-54-9] carboxyphyllocactin (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms, struct)

H3C(CH2)7COCH3 C26H29N2O14 593.52
Constit. of Beta vulgaris. 2,4,6-Decatrienoic acid dehy- D-50
C10H20O 156.267
Kobayashi, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 56, dropiperidide
Constit. of essential oil of rue (Ruta 429-436 (isol, pmr, ms)
graveolens ). Needles. d22
4 0.82. Mp 148
(2.58). Bp750 2098 Bp12 95-978. n22
D 1.4263.
nyl)pyridine, 9CI
-HE0725000 2,4,7-Decatrienal, 9CI D-47
Semicarbazone: [51325-37-2]
Plates (EtOH). Mp 1268 (1218). H3CCH2CH/ . CHCH2CH/ . CHCH/ 2′ 9
13 1
Aldrich Library of C and H FT NMR . CHCHO N 8
Spectra , 1992, 1, 640A (nmr) C10H14O 150.22 7
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, OC
1, 411C (ir) (2E ,4Z ,7Z )-form [43108-49-2] 6
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Component of cooked chicken flavour.
1989, 3, 496C (ir) Bp0.4 65-678. C15H21NO 231.337
Morgan, G.T. et al., J. Soc. Chem. Ind., London , [38664-37-8, 66642-86-2]
1925, 44, 108T
(2E ,4E ,6Z )-form [43110-67-4]
Ruzicka, L. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1926, 9, Meijboom, P.W. et al., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. , Alkaloid from Achillea millefolium
397 (synth) 1972, 49, 555 (occur, synth) (yarrow). Yellow cryst. (Et2O/petrol).
Murakami, K. et al., CA , 1930, 24, 2426 (synth) Harkes, P.D. et al., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. , 1974, Mp 558.
Rupe, H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1932, 15, 845 51, 356 (occur) 6,7-Dihydro: [81427-11-4] 2,4-Decadienoic
(synth) Seifert, R.M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1980,
28, 68 (synth)
acid dehydropiperidide
Possel, O. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1977, 4229 (synth)
Sato, F. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1979, 167 (synth)
C15H23NO 233.353
McDowell, P.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, Gum.
2519 2,4,7-Decatrienoic acid D-48 8,9-Didehydro: [43110-68-5] 2,4,6,8-Deca-
Pena, A. et al., Entomol. Exp. Appl. , 1992, 63, [78417-28-4] tetraenoic acid dehydropiperidide
81 H3CCH2CH/ . CHCH2CH/ . CHCH/ C15H19NO 229.321
Monflier, E. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , Alkaloid from Achillea millefolium
1994, 33, 2100 (synth)
Yamamoto, H. et al., Synthesis , 1994, 1283 (ir, C10H14O2 166.219 (yarrow). Yellowish oil. Not. obt. com-
pmr) pletely pure.
(2E ,4E ,7Z )-form
[42997-42-2, 42997-44-4]
Et ester: [28290-88-2]
Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1973, 106, 1328
[78417-28-4] FEMA 3832
(isol, uv, pmr, struct, synth)
5-Decanoyl-2-nonylpyridine D-45 C12H18O2 194.273 Greger, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20, 2579
Aroma constit. of fruits incl. pears and (isol, deriv)
[149682-94-0] durian. Used in food flavouring (as an Strunz, G.M. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1996, 74,
1-(6-Nonyl-3-pyridinyl)-1-decanone, 9CI unspecified mixt. of geom. isomers to 419-432 (synth, deriv)

2-Decenal / 2-Decenoic acid D-51 / D-57

2-Decenal D-51 Found in coriander leaf. Food flavour Stauholt, K. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1950, 4,
component. Oil. Bp1 61-658. 1567 (isol)
[3913-71-1] Christensen, P.K. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. ,
FEMA 2366 Ethylene acetal: [126382-06-7] 2-(8-None- 1952, 6, 602 (synth)
H3C(CH2)6CH/ . CHCHO nyl)dioxolane Sorensen, J.S. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1954,
C10H18O 154.252 C12H22O2 198.305 8, 26 (isol)
No phys. props. reported. Bell, I. et al., J.C.S. , 1958, 1313 (synth, Me
Constit. of essential oil of coriander. Also ester)
present in French fries, tomato, wheat Hase, T.A. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1979, 9, 63-
Gardner, J.N. et al., J.C.S. , 1960, 691 (isol)
bread, cooked meats, roasted pecans, 67 (synth)
Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1962, 95, 1742;
roasted filbert and rice. Flavouring agent. Jones, T.H. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , 1982, 8, 285-
1973, 106, 1328 (isol, struct, synth)
300 (synth, pmr, ir)
Liq. with waxy, orange-like, sweet alde- Bortolini, O. et al., J.O.C. , 1987, 52, 5467-5469
Hodge, P. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1966, 1216 (bibl)
hyde-like odour. Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen
-Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 5000 mg/kg. der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn.,
Dhillon, R.S. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 770
HE2070000 1989, 28, 757-759 (ethylene acetal)
Kobayashi, A. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1975,
(E )-form [3913-81-3] Potter, T.L. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1990,
39, 911 (synth)
Bp 229-2318 Bp11.5 107-107.58. 38, 2054-2056; 1996, 44, 1824-1826 (occur)
Kawazu, K. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1977, 41,
Dickinson, R. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1993, 36,
Oxime: 223
111-118 (synth)
C10H19NO 169.266 Greger, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, 86;
Yanagisawa, A. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1994,
Mp 558. 1982, 21, 1071 (isol, struct)
2103-2104 (synth)
Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18,
Semicarbazone: [16742-25-9] Sakaguchi, S. et al., J.O.C. , 1999, 64, 5954-5957
1736; 1980, 19, 841; 2655 (isol)
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 168.58. (synth, pmr, cmr, ir)
Greger, H. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1987, 50, 1100
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
(Z )-form (amides, isol, ir, uv, ms, pmr)
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
Bp17 1128. 95% pure. Japan. Pat. , 1991, 03 287532; CA , 116, 181120w
390 (use)
Romburgh, P. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R.
Lu, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 32, 1483
Neth. Chem. Soc.) , 1938, 57, 494 (isol)
8-Decene-4,6-diyn-1-ol D-54 (cryst struct)
Swift, C.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1949, 71, 1512
(synth) [30339-12-9]
Tschinkel, W.R. et al., J. Insect Physiol. , 1975, 2-Decene-4,6,8-triyn-1-ol D-56
21, 659 (isol)
H3CCH/ . CHC/ / CC/
Dirinck, P. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1977, 42, 645 / CCH2CH2CH2OH [3930-17-4]
(isol) C10H12O 148.204 Dehydromatricarianol
Selke, E. et al., Lipids , 1978, 13, 511 (glc, ms) (Z )-form H3CC/ / CC/ / CC/ / CCH/ . CHCH2OH
Smith, R.M. et al., N.Z. J. Sci. , 1978, 21, 121
Liq. Bp0.05 958. C10H8O 144.173
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , 3-Methylbutanoyl: (E )-form [6071-16-5]
1979, 17, 761 (rev, tox) C15H20O2 232.322 Cryst. (Et2O/pentane). Mp 1298.
Bestmann, H.J. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1982, 115, Constit. of Carthamus tinctorius
161 (synth)
Ac: [52940-10-0]
(safflower). Oil. C12H10O2 186.21
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New Barrero, A.F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 48, Cryst. (petrol). Mp 38.28.
York, 1989, DAI350 1237-1240 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of C15H16O2 228.29
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 2-Decene-4,6,8-triynoic acid D-55 Oil.
Reinhold , 1992, Dehydromatricaric acid 2R+,3S+-Epoxide: [155934-76-2] 3-(1,3,5-
H3CC/ / CC/ / CC/ / CCH/ . CHCOOH Heptatriynyl)oxiranemethanol, 9CI. 2,3-
4-Decenal D-52 C10H6O2 158.156 Epoxy-4,6,8-decatriyn-1-ol
[30390-50-2] (E )-form [7199-97-5] C10H8O2 160.172
H3C(CH2)4CH/ . CHCH2CH2CHO Me ester: [692-94-4] Dehydromatricaria Unstable yellow cryst. Mp 98-1028 dec.
ester [a]D -3 (c, 0.04 in CHCl3). lmax 242 ; 262
C10H18O 154.252 ; 270 ; 293 ; 312 (MeOH) (Berdy).
C11H8O2 172.183
(E )-form [65405-70-1] Light-yellow cryst. (Et2O/petrol). Mp (Z )-form [6071-46-1]
FEMA 3264 105-1068. Metab. of Fistulina hepatica .
Flavouring ingredient. Pale yellow liq. Ac: [115374-19-1]
with persistent green-aldehydic-floral 3-Methylbutylamide: [113235-91-9] 2-De-
cene-4,6,8-triynoic acid isopentylamide Oil. lmax 271 ; 288 ; 317 ; 329 (Et2O).
odour. Bp15 90-1008 Bp5 908. n20
D 1.4410.
C15H17NO 227.305 Jones, J.B. et al., J.C.S. , 1963, 5759 (synth)
2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: Cryst. Dec. to blue polymers on htg.. Jones, E.R.H. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1966, 139 (isol)
Mp 101-1038. Hodge, P. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1966, 1216
(Z )-form [21662-09-9] 2-Phenylethylamide: [113235-93-1] N-(2- (biosynth)
Bp10 78-808. n20 Phenylethyl)-2-decene-4,6,8-triynamide. Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1974, 107, 1409
D 1.4440.
2-Decene-4,6,8-triynoic acid 2-pheny- (isol)
Ger. Pat. , 1970, 2 018 898; CA , 74, 12612s
Nikishin, G.I. et al., Synthesis , 1972, 376 (synth, lethylamide Hearn, M.T.W. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1976,
C18H15NO 261.323 1027 (cmr)
Cryst. Dec. to blue polymer on htg.. Zdero, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 1105
Bestmann, H.J. et al., Annalen , 1981, 1705
(isol, struct, uv, ir, ms, acetate)
(synth) 2-Methylpropylamide: [37064-10-1] Dehy- Dagne, E. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1994, 57, 390
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd dromatricaric acid isobutylamide (2,3-Epoxide)
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
C14H15NO 213.279
2, 148
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Cryst. (CCl4). Mp 133-1398 Mp 144.5-
145.58. 2-Decenoic acid D-57
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 779-780
(Z )-form [23050-77-3] [3913-85-7]
Mp 1508 dec. H3C(CH2)6CH/ . CHCOOH
9-Decenal, 9CI D-53 Me ester: [2739-57-3] C10H18O2 170.251
[39770-05-3] Occurs in Artemisia vulgaris (mugwort). (E )-form [334-49-6]
FEMA 3912 Light-yellow needles (petrol). Mp 114- FEMA 3913
H2C/ . CH(CH2)7CHO 1158 (1128). Occurs in pear, capsicum, mutton, pork
C10H18O 154.252 [7329-73-9, 43110-85-6] and black tea. Flavourant for beverages,

3-Decenoic acid / 1-Decen-3-ol D-58  / D-63

baked goods, etc.. Liq. or solid with Tulus, R. et al., CA , 1940, 40, 3722 (synth) Shirakawa, T. et al., Dev. Food Sci. , 1988, 18,
fresh, sweet fruity-fatty odour. Mp 128. Gorge, M. et al., Ann. Chim. (Paris) , 1951, 6, 915 (occur, bibl)
Bp15 1658 Bp4.5 148-1498. 648 (synth) Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
Fukui, H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1974, 3563 (isol) edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
Me ester: [7367-85-3] Brown, H.C. et al., J.O.C. , 1986, 51, 3398-3400 2, 148
[2482-39-5] (E-form, Et ester, synth, ir, pmr, cmr) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
C11H20O2 184.278 Shirakawa, T. et al., Dev. Food Sci. , 1988, 18, Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 780
915 (occur, bibl)
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. Bp15 130-1328. Sharma, M.L. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem.
Et ester: [7367-88-6] Comm. , 1991, 56, 1744 (synth, ir, pmr) 6-Decenoic acid, 9CI D-61
Ragoussis, N. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1998, 3529- [85392-04-7]
[37486-72-9] Ethyl 2-decenoate. FEMA 3641 3533 (E-form, synth, Et ester, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
C12H22O2 198.305 H3CCH2CH2CH/ . CH(CH2)4COOH
Flavouring agent. Liq. Bp15 130-1328. n20
D C10H18O2 170.251
1.4442. 4-Decenoic acid D-59 Mixt. with 5-Decenoic acid, D-60 is used
[26303-90-2] as a flavouring ingredient (FEMA 3742).
Butyl ester: [7492-45-7] Butyl 2-decenoate. FEMA 3914 (E )-form
FEMA 2194 H3C(CH2)4CH/ . CHCH2CH2COOH Liq. (?) with intense milky odour. Not yet
C14H26O2 226.358
C10H18O2 170.251 found in nature (1986).
Flavouring agent with a fruity odour
and taste. Liq. Occurs in hops and beer. Comly. available [86503-02-8, 86503-03-9, 86503-04-0, 118426-11-
flavour ingredient. 2]
Chloride: [110232-46-7]
C10H17ClO 188.696 (E )-form [57602-94-5] Tulloch, A.P. et al., Chem. Phys. Lipids , 1985,
Bp14 120-1228 Bp2.5 95-978. Liq. with fatty odour. Bp13 145-1468. 37, 197 (cmr, Me ester)
Et ester: [76649-16-6] Ethyl 4-decenoate. Shirakawa, T. et al., Dev. Food Sci. , 1988, 18,
Amide: 915 (synth, occur)
C10H19NO 169.266 FEMA 3642
C12H22O2 198.305 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
Cryst. (Et2O). Mp 121-1228. edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. Bp10 1128. 2, 148
2-Methylpropylamide: [73785-32-7] N-(2- n20
D 1.4362. Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Methylpropyl)-2-decenamide. 2-Dece- (Z )-form [505-90-8] Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 780-781
noic acid isobutylamide Obtusilic acid
C14H27NO 225.373 Liq. with fatty/green odour. Bp13 148-
Solid (EtOAc). Unstable at r.t. Struct. 1508. 9-Decenoic acid D-62
based on ms data only. [14436-32-9]
(Z )-form [15790-91-7] 4-Bromophenacyl ester:
Mp 43.38. Caproleic acid. FEMA 3660
Bp0.5 102-1038.
Komori, S. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1937, H2C/ . CH(CH2)7COOH
Zaar, B. et al., Chem. Zentralbl. , 1930, 1, 363
12, 226; 433 (isol) C10H18O2 170.251
v. Romburgh, P. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R.
Iwakiri, M. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1951, 78, Minor constit. of milk fats. Also detected
Neth. Chem. Soc.) , 1938, 57, 494 (isol)
1460; CA , 53, 1633 (synth, config)
Skinner, W.A. et al., Experientia , 1970, 26, 728
Hopkins, C.Y. et al., Lipids , 1966, 1, 118 (isol)
in beer, wine, clams, Parmesan cheese and
Quraishi, M.S. et al., J. Econ. Entomol. , 1971, snails. Flavouring agent. Liq. with fatty
Bus, J. et al., Chem. Phys. Lipids , 1976, 17, 501
64, 787 odour. Bp21 158-1638.
Cahiez, G. et al., Synthesis , 1976, 245-248 (Z-
Iwakiri, M. et al., CA , 1982, 97, 20619q (rev) Me ester:
form, synth, ir, pmr)
Fujisawa, T. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1982, 3583 (synth)
Shirakawa, T. et al., Dev. Food Sci. , 1988, 18,
Kawashima, M. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. ,
C11H20O2 184.278
915 (occur, bibl) Oil. Bp20 1208.
1988, 61, 3255 (synth)
Song, J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1993, 49, 6794-6802
(E-form, synth, ir, pmr, ms)
Shirakawa, T. et al., Dev. Food Sci. , 1988, 18, 4-Bromophenacyl ester:
915 (occur, bibl) Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 588.
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Black, H.K. et al., J.C.S. , 1953, 1785 (synth)
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
1, 88; 226 (esters) Renner, E. et al., Milchwissenschaft , 1978, 33,
2, 226 (Et ester)
Rosario, S.L. et al., Planta Med. , 1996, 62, 376 489 (isol)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
(isobutylamide) Hase, T.A. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1979, 9, 63
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 965-966
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. (synth)
(Et ester)
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 335-336; Shirakawa, T. et al., Dev. Food Sci. , 1988, 18,
964-965; 1752 (esters) 915 (occur, props)
Bellasoued, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1998, 63, 8785- 5-Decenoic acid, 9CI D-60 Bartra, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1991, 56, 5132 (synth,
8789 (E-form, synth, pmr, cmr, ir) pmr, cmr, ir)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th [85392-03-6]
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001, H3C(CH2)3CH/ . CH(CH2)3COOH
C10H18O2 170.251
1-Decen-3-ol D-63
Mixt. with 6-Decenoic acid, D-61 is used [51100-54-0]
as a flavouring ingredient (FEMA 3742). FEMA 3824
3-Decenoic acid D-58
(E )-form [16424-55-8]
Liq. with milky/fatty odour. d16 0.92. CH CH2
H3C(CH2)5CH/ . CHCH2COOH Bp26 1698. n16
D 1.4509.
C10H18O2 170.251 (Z )-form [84168-28-5] H C OH (R)-form
Occurs in pork and squid oil. Comly. Liq. with fatty/fatty-green odour. (CH2)6CH3
available flavour ingredient. (E /Z ) com- Me ester: [79837-87-9]
position of natural isolates not detd.. C11H20O2 184.278 C10H20O 156.267
(E )-form [53678-20-9] Bp14 90-1008.
Liq. Bp1 110-1128. (R )-form [74867-43-9]
[84168-29-6, 105986-59-2, 105986-60-5] Bp4 70-758. [a]25
D -14.9 (neat).
Et ester: [82561-67-9] (/9)-form [74824-56-9]
Riobe, O. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci.
C12H22O2 198.305 Ser. C , 1967, 264, 109 (synth) Flavouring ingredient. Bp18 98-1038.
Liq. Bp0.5 80-828. n20
D 1.4372. Bestmann, H.J. et al., Annalen , 1981, 1705
(Z )-form [2430-93-5] [74867-44-0]
Liq. or solid with fatty odour. Mp 188. Tamaru, Y. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1986, 27, 955 Rinaldi, P.L. et al., J.O.C. , 1980, 45, 4348-4351
Bp11 154-1638. (synth) (synth, ir, pmr, ms)

3-Decen-2-one, 9CI 
/ Dehydroglaucine D-64 
/ D-70

Janowitz, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1991, 74, (e 2170) (EtOH). Kurata, T. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. ,
1352 (synth, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) 2000, 64, 1651-1655 (props)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001, C16H19NO8 353.328
394 Isol. from Sambucus nigra (elderberry). Dehydrodicaffeic acid dilac- D-69
[a]D -21 (c, 0.3 in CHCl3). lmax 225 (e tone
3160); 276 (e 2190) (EtOH).
3-Decen-2-one, 9CI D-64 [60804-37-7]
C16H19NO8 353.328 [164201-19-8]
FEMA 3532
Isol. from Sambucus nigra (elderberry). 3,6-Bis(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)tetrahydro-
H3C(CH2)5CH/ . CHCOCH3 [a]D -3 (c, 0.5 in CHCl3). lmax 224 (e 1H,4H-furo[3,4-c]furan-1,4-dione, 9CI
C10H18O 154.252 3130); 279 (e 2130) (EtOH).
(E )-form [18402-84-1] Della Greca, M. et al., Tet. Lett. , 2000, 41, OH
Flavouring ingredient. Bp14 1058. 6507-6510
Della Greca, M. et al., J. Periodontal Res. , 2003, 3'
Semicarbazone: O O
17, 177-181 (synth) 7' OH
Cryst. + 1H2O (EtOH aq.). Mp 110-
1118. Semicarbazone and 2,4- H 8 8' H
HO 7
dinitrophenylhydrazone presumed here O
Dehydroascorbic acid D-68 3 O
to belong to (E )-isomer.
2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: [3013-10-3] threo-2,3-Hexodiulosono-1,4-lactone, 9CI, HO (7R,7'R,8R,8'R)-form
Mp 788. 8CI
Sturtz, G. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1967, 2477 C18H14O8 358.304
(synth, ir) CH2OH
Sheikh, Y.M. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 3,3?-Di-Me ether: [13962-76-0] Dehydrodi-
Suppl. , 1970, 4, 273 (ms) OH ferulic dilactone
Kelleher, R.G. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1980, 486 C20H18O8 386.357
(synth) O Constit. of the cell walls of wheat and
Loiseau, A.-M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , O barley. Stereochem. not determined.
1982, 144 (synth, ir, Raman)
Hideg, K. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1986, 1431 Kumada, Y. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1976, 29, 882-
(synth) 889 (isol)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
O O Kumada, Y. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1977, 41,
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, 869-876; 877-885
1, 150 C6H6O6 174.11 Quideau, S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1993, 653-
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. 659 (synth, deriv)
L-form [490-83-5] Turner, L.B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 33,
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 782 Widespread in plants, as oxidn. prod. of 791-796 (isol, deriv)
Ascorbic acid, A-447. Formed
Mytilus Defensin D-65 reversibly in vivo from ascorbic acid and
Peptides. Isol. from the blood of Mytilus shows similar vitamin function. Mp Dehydroglaucine D-70
edulis (blue mussel). 2258 dec. (1968 dec.). [a]20
D +56 / 0 -6 [22212-26-6]
Mytilus defensin A (6d) (c, 1 in phthalate/HCl buffer at pH
Contains 37 amino acid residues. 3.5). Probably exists in hydrated form as
Mytilus defensin B the 2,3-bis-gem -diol or as a C-2 MeO
Charlet, M. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1996, 271, hydrated bicyclic form in aq. soln.. 1
21808-21813 2-Phenylhydrazone:
MeO Me
Yellow needles (EtOH). Mp 167-1708. 7
Mytilus galloprovincialis De- D-66 2,3-Bisphenylhydrazone: [22393-11-9]
fensins Mp 2238. 10
Isol. from the edible Mediterranean 2,3-Bis(2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone): MeO
mussel Mytilis galloprovincialis. Mp 2808 dec. OMe
MGD 1 D-form
Peptide consisting 39 amino acid residues 2,3-Bis(2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone): C21H23NO4 353.417
including 8 cysteines. [19192-77-9] Pale-yellow prisms (EtOH). Mp 133-1348.
MGD 2 An isoform of MGD 1 differing in 5 Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 252-2548. lmax 260 (e ); 332 (e ) (MeOH) (Derep).
positions. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, lmax 260 ; 332 (EtOH) (Berdy).
Hubert, F. et al., Eur. J. Biochem. , 1996, 240, 1, 702C (ir)
302-306 (MGD 1, isol, struct) Herbert, R.W. et al., J.C.S. , 1933, 1270 (deriv) N-De-Me:6a,7-Dehydronorglaucine
Mitta, G. et al., J. Cell Biol. , 1999, 112, 4233- Kenyon, J. et al., J.C.S. , 1948, 158 (synth) Cryst. (Et2O/MeOH). Mp 180-1838.
4242 (MGD 2, isol) El Khadem, H. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1970, 13, O1-De-Me:Dehydrothaliporphine
Yang, Y.S. et al., Biochemistry, 2000, 39, 14436- 57; 1972, 21, 430 (hydrazones) Mp 157-1608 dec.
14447 (MGD 2, synth, pmr, struct) Weiss, W. et al., Annalen , 1971, 754, 152-153
(deriv) O10-De-Me:Dehydrolirioferine
Hvoslef, J. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1976, 32, 448 Cryst. (EtOAc). Mp 140-1428 dec. Un-
Sambucus nigra Degraded D-67
cyanogenic glycosides Matusch, R. et al., Z. Naturforsch., B , 1977, 32, O1,O9-Di-de-Me: [53729-86-5] Dehydroi-
562-568 (cmr) soboldine
Ashny, E.S.H.E. et al., Chem. Rev. , 1980, 79,
Ph 2 O O COOMe 151-154 (ir)
C19H19NO4 325.363
H Tolbert, B.M. et al., Adv. Chem. Ser. , 1982, 200 7-Hydroxy:7-Hydroxydehydroglaucine
CN 2' CH2OH (rev) C21H23NO5 369.416
HO COOMe Ohmuri, W. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1986, 47, Alkaloid from Annona purpurea (son-
607-608 (deriv, synth, ir) coya). Green needles (CHCl3). Mp 242-
C16H19NO8 353.328 Kilany, Y.E. et al., J. Carbohydr. Chem. , 1988, 7, 2438. lmax 222 ; 260 ; 335 (EtOH).
187-198 (deriv)
Degraded cyanogenic glucoside. Isol. from Wolf, G. et al., Nutr. Rev. , 1993, 51, 337-338 N-De-Me, D6,6a-isomer: [52309-70-3] 6,6a-
Sambucus nigra (elderberry). [a]D +15 (rev) Dehydronorglaucine
(c, 0.6 in CHCl3). lmax 221 (e 3150); 278 Merck Index, 12th edn. , 1996, No. 2920 C20H21NO4 339.39First member of a

Dehydroguaiaretic acid / 8,9-Dehydrotheaspirone D-71 
/ D-75

small subgroup of aporphine-type al- (E )-form [15345-89-8] Dehydroroemerine D-74

kaloids with a conjugated azomethine Found in kava (Piper methysticum ). [36285-03-7]
group. FDA advises against use of kava in food Dehydroaporheine
Kiryakov, H.G. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , due to potential risk of severe liver
1968, 1807 (uv, ir, pmr, struct) damage. Pale yellow cryst. (C6H6/
Cava, M.P. et al., J.O.C. , 1970, 35, 175 (synth, petrol). Mp 138-1408. O 4
uv) -UQ1240000
Kunimoto, J. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1974, 94, NMe
Gottlieb, O.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1959, 24, 17; 1614 O
1149; CA , 82, 14024r (Dehydroisoboldine) (isol, struct)
Hufford, C.D. et al., J. Pharm. Sci. , 1975, 64, Rezende, C.M.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1971,
789 (isol, uv, pmr) 10, 3167 (isol)
Chen, C.-L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, Mascarenhas, Y.P. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1973,
547; 1161 (isol, pmr, ms) 29, 1361 (struct)
Castedo, L. et al., An. Quim., Ser. C , 1982, 78, Belanger, A. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1975, 53, 201
103 (cmr) (synth) C18H15NO2 277.322
Lenz, G.R. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1984, 1273 Suzuki, E. et al., Synthesis , 1975, 192 (synth) Alkaloid from Nelumbo nucifera (East
(6,6a-Dehydronorglaucine) Adityachandbury, N. et al., Indian J. Chem., India lotus) and Papaver rhoeas (corn
Gupta, S. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1989, 19, 393 Sect. B , 1976, 14, 127 (isol)
poppy). Mp 88-898.
Israeli, Z.H. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 4070 (synth,
Chang, F.-R. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, pmr) N-De-Me: [41679-82-7] Dehydroanonaine
1457-1461 (7-Hydroxydehydroglaucine) Sirat, H.M. et al., Planta Med. , 1996, 62, 188 C17H13NO2 263.295
(isol, ir, pmr) Alkaloid from the leaves of Nelumbo
Ranjith, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 2002, 59, nucifera (East India lotus).
Dehydroguaiaretic acid D-71 429-433 (isol, pmr, cmr, bibl)
[20601-86-9] N-De-Me, N-formyl: [165900-12-9] N-
8-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-3-meth- Formyldehydroanonaine
oxy-6,7-dimethyl-2-naphthol. 4,4?-Dihy- C18H13NO3 291.306
Dehydronuciferine D-73
Cryst. (hexane/EtOAc). Mp 185-1868.
droxy-3?,5-dimethoxy-2,7?-cycloligna-7,7?- [7630-74-2]
diene N-De-Me, N-Ac: [132646-11-8] N-Acetyl-
MeO C19H15NO3 305.332
MeO 7
CH 3 Alkaloid from root bark of Zanthox-
MeO NMe ylum simulans (Szechuan pepper).
HO 7′ CH 3 Prisms (MeOH). Mp 151-1538.
4,5-Didehydro:Didehydroroemerine. Dide-
C18H13NO2 275.306
OMe Amorph.
OH C19H19NO2 293.365 Kunitomo, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12,
Alkaloid from the leaves of Nelumbo 699 (Dehydroanonaine)
C20H20O4 324.376 Preininger, V. et al., Planta Med. , 1973, 23, 233
Gum. nucifera (East Indian lotus). Cryst.
(EtOH). Mp 130-1318. (Didehydroroemerine)
Di-Et ether: Guinaudeau, H. et al., Planta Med. , 1975, 27,
Prisms (EtOAc). Mp 162-1638. N-De-Me: [92664-95-4] Dehydronornuci- 304; 1976, 30, 201 (isol)
ferine Ziyaev, R. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1977, 13,
7a,8b-Dihydro: [135962-21-9] C18H17NO2 279.338 715; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
[180470-31-9] 1,2-Dihydrodehydroguaiaretic Off-yellow flakes. Mp 149.5-150.58. 1977, 13, 602 (isol, uv, ms)
Min, Z. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1980, 15, 532;
acid. 4,4?-Dihydroxy-3,3?-dimethoxy-2,7?- N-De-Me, N-formyl: [111017-06-2] N-De- CA , 94, 117773m (isol)
cyclolign-7-ene. Myrisfragransin methyl-N-formyldehydronuciferine Phillipson, J.D. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1981, 44,
C20H22O4 326.391 C19H17NO3 307.348 296 (occur)
Constit. of Myristica fragrans (nutmeg). Needles (MeOH). Mp 140.58. Sariyar, G. et al., Plant. Med. Phytother. , 1981,
Gum. [a]25D +39.95 (c, 0.39 in CHCl3). -Mutagen. 15, 160; CA , 96, 119030g (isol)
Kunitomo, J. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1981,
King, F.E. et al., J.C.S. , 1964, 4011 (isol, uv, O1-De-Me:Dehydrolirinidine
101, 431; CA , 95, 204236c (isol)
synth) C18H17NO2 279.338 Min, Z. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1981, 16, 557;
Ayres, D.C. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1971, 1111 Green needles (CHCl3). Mp 189-1908. CA , 97, 3595m (isol)
Pinto, M.M.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, lmax 216 ; 253 ; 312 (EtOH). Atanes, N. et al., J.O.C. , 1991, 41, 1425
1985 (isol, pmr, cmr, deriv) Cava, M.P. et al., J.O.C. , 1970, 35, 175 (synth, (Dehydroanonaine, synth)
Miyazawa, M. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 1996, 8, uv) Menachery, M.D. et al., Heterocycles , 1995, 41,
25-26 (Myrisfragransin) Kunitomo, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12, 1425 (N-Formyldehydroanonaine)
699 (occur) Chen, I.-S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 42, 217
Guinaudeau, H. et al., Planta Med. , 1975, 27, (N-Acetyldehydroanonaine)
5,6-Dehydrokawain D-72 304; 1976, 29, 54; 30, 201 (isol)
[1952-41-6] Castedo, L. et al., An. Quim., Ser. C , 1982, 78,
4-Methoxy-6-(2-phenylethenyl)-2H-pyran- 103 (cmr) 8,9-Dehydrotheaspirone D-75
2-one. 4-Methoxy-6-styryl-2H-pyran-2-one. Lenz, G.R. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1984, 1273
(Dehydronornuciferine, synth, uv, ir, pmr, cmr) [80722-28-7]
Cortes, D. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1986, 49, 878 2,6,10,10-Tetramethyl-1-oxaspiro[4.5]de-
(Dehydronornuciferine, isol) ca-2,6-dien-8-one, 9CI
OMe Nozaka, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1987, 35,
2844 (N-Demethyl-N-
Atanes, N. et al., J.O.C. , 1991, 56, 2984 (synth,
Dehydronornuciferine) (R)-form
7 O O Chang, F.R. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 1457- O
8 1461 (Dehydrolirinidine) O
Ph (E)-form
C13H18O2 206.284
C14H12O3 228.247 (R )-form [188745-87-1]

O -Demethylstriatin C  / 4-Deoxycohumulone D-76 / D-80

(S )-form [85248-56-2] C27H45NO 399.659 12-Hydroxy: See Neotorreyol in The

(/9)-form [80957-74-0] Mp 219-2208. [a]18D +28 (MeOH). Combined Chemical Dictionary.
Cryst. (petrol) with strong woody- -WF0193000 9-Oxo: See 9-(3-Furanyl)-2,6-dimethyl-
flowery odour. Mp 56-578. Bp4 99-1008. O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- 2,6-nonadien-4-one, F-111
(j)-form xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- Bernadi, R. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1967, 3893 (isol)
Volatile flavour constit. of white-fleshed glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D- Waldner, E.E. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1969, 52,
nectarines, oranges and Riesling wine. galactopyranoside]: [6077-69-6] Demis- 15 (biosynth)
Shibagaki, M. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1981, sine Kobayashi, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1980, 45, 5225
45, 2911-2913 (synth, pmr) (synth)
C50H83NO20 1018.2
Fujimori, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1981, 45, Lee, E. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1981, 22, 2671 (synth)
Alkaloid from Solanum juzepczukii Araki, S. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1982, 177 (synth,
2925-2926 (isol, pmr, ms)
Enzell, C.R. et al., Mass Spectrom. Rev. , 1986, (bitter potato) and Lycopersicon pimpi- bibl)
5, 39-72 (ms) nellifolium (currant tomato). Mp 305- Janis, S.P. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1982, 23, 3115
Winterhalter, P. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 3088 dec. [a]D -20 (Py). (synth)
1990, 38, 1041-1048 (anal) 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- Belardini, M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1983, 46, 481
Naaf, R. et al., J. Essent. Oil Res. , 1996, 8, 587- (synth, bibl)
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D-
595 (occur) Mandai, T. et al., J.O.C. , 1983, 48, 5183 (synth)
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D- Kraus, G.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1983, 48, 5356
Knapp, H. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1997,
45, 1309-1313 (occur, cd, abs config) galactopyranoside]: [60776-42-3] Com- (synth)
mersonine Chakraborty, A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1997, 53,
C51H85NO21 1048.227 8513-8518 (synth)
O -Demethylstriatin C D-76 Cryst. solid. Mp 230-2328. [a]25
D -17
Glycoside:b1-Demissine 4-Deoxyadhumulone D-79
H O H O-Ac:
H O Mp 1948.
tenyl)phenyl]-2-methyl-1-butanone, 9CI
10 H
5,6-Didehydro, 3-O-[b-D-glucopyranosyl-
11 12
HO 29 30 (1/ 0 2)-[b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-
HO 15 b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D- O
O OH OH galactopyranoside]: [65428-74-2] Dehy- OH
HO drocommersonine
C51H83NO21 1046.211
C25H36O8 464.555 3-Epimer:
Sol. MeOH, EtOAc, CHCl3, EtOH; C27H45NO 399.659
poorly sol. H2O, hexane. Alkaloid from Solanum tuberosum
-LD50 (mus, ipr) 150 mg/kg. (potato). Needles (Me2CO). Mp 215-
O15-Me: [62744-74-5] Striatin C 2178 (210-2118). [a]D +31 (CHCl3).
C26H38O8 478.581 5-Epimer: [78513-80-1] 3b-Allosolanidan- C21H30O4 346.466
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 144-1458. 3-ol. 5-Epidemissidine Isol. from hops (Humulus lupulus ). Oil.
O15-Me, 30-Ac: [62744-73-4] Striatin B C27H45NO 399.659
C28H40O9 520.619 Alkaloid from Solanum tuberosum (po- Tribenzoyl:
Cryst. (CHCl3). Mp 143-1448. tato). Mp 219-2208. [a]D +26 (CHCl3). Solid. Mp 1278.
Huebner, H. et al., Hoppe Seyler’s Z. Physiol.
10-Deoxy, O15-Me, 30-Ac: [62744-72-3] Prelog, V. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1944, 27, 390
Chem. , 1961, 325, 224 (isol)
Striatin A$ (struct)
Kuhn, R. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1947, 80, 406; 1957, Collins, E. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1973, 419;
C28H40O8 504.619 90, 203 (Demissine) 2013 (synth)
Mp 144-1458. Aslanov, K.A. et al., CA , 1963, 59, 6725f (3-
10,29-Dideoxy, 11,12a-dihydro: [178120- epimer, isol)
48-4] Schreiber, K. et al., Annalen , 1964, 672, 232-235 4-Deoxycohumulone D-80
C25H38O6 434.572 (3-epimer, synth) [5880-42-2]
Constit. of Hericium erinaceum (lions Adam, C. et al., Tetrahedron , 1964, 20, 1719
mane). Sol. MeOH, Me2CO, CHCl3. Wolters, B. et al., Planta Med. , 1966, 14, 1392- 1-oxopropyl)-1,3,5-cyclohexanetrione, 9CI.
Anke, T. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1977, 30, 221 (isol, 1401 (activity) 2?,4?,6?-Trihydroxy-2-methyl-3?,5?-bis(3-
ms, ir, nmr) Höhne, E. et al., Tetrahedron , 1966, 22, 673 methyl-2-butenyl)propiophenone, 8CI. 3,5-
Hecht, H.-J. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1978, 665 (cryst struct) Bis(3-methyl-2-butenyl)phlorisobutyrophe-
(cryst struct, pmr, cmr, ir) Osman, S.F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, none
Japan. Pat. , 1996, 96 73 486; CA , 125, 56399 1065 (Commersonine)
(deriv) Radeglia, R. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1977, 903 (cmr)
Anke, T. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 2002, 57, Shakirov, R. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1996, O
263-271 (biosynth) 32, 244; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
1996, 32, 234 (Allosolanidanol)
Demissidine D-77 HO OH
Solanidan-3-ol, 9CI. Solanine D. Dihydro-
Dendrolasin D-78
solanidine T [23262-34-2]
3-(4,8-Dimethyl-3,7-nonadienyl)furan, 9CI
12 C20H28O4 332.439
H Bitter principle from hops (Humulus lu-
N pulus ). Cryst. (pentane). Pale yellow cryst.
O (CHCl3/petrol). Mp 88-898.

C15H22O 218.338 [24945-89-9]

HO Absolute
H Constit. of sweet potato. Oil. Bp16 148- Huebner, H. et al., Hoppe Seyler’s Z. Physiol.
1508. n20
D 1.4860. Chem. , 1961, 325, 224 (isol)

/ Deoxyloganic acid D-81 / D-87

Fernandez, C.M. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1967, 72, 741 Shining leaflets (MeOH). Mp 138-1398.
1212 (isol) Wolfrom, M.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1964, 68, 1443- Riedl, W. et al., Angew. Chem. , 1958, 70, 343
Collins, E. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1973, 419; 1448 (synth) (isol, synth)
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Drawert, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1974, 13, 187-197 (synth) Chem. , 1961, 325, 224 (isol)
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Zuurbier, K.W.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 9213 (synth) 2013 (synth)
38, 77 (biosynth) Lewis, D. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1991, 197-200 Drawert, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15,
(props, conformn) 1693 (biosynth)
Kitajima, J. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1999, Cann, M.R. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1982,
3-[5-Deoxy-5-(dimethylarsi- D-81 47, 988-992 (isol, pmr, cmr) 779 (pmr)
nyl)ribofuranosyloxy]-2-hydroxy-1- Zuurbier, K.W.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995,
propanesulfonic acid 6-C -(6-Deoxyglucopyrano- D-83 38, 77 (biosynth)
O 2?-Deoxyinosine D-86
Me2 AsCH 2 O OCH 2CH(OH)CH 2 SO3 H 6-C-Chinovosylluteolin. 6-C-Quinovosyl- [29868-32-4]
CH 3
HO OH Hypoxanthine 2-deoxyriboside
C10H21AsO9S 392.258 OH OH O
b-D-form [77939-92-5]
Isol. from the edible brown seaweeds OH HO HN N
ishimozuku (Sphaerotrichia divaricata ),
makonbu (Laminaria japonica ) and OH N N
hijiki (Hizikia fusiforme ). Syrup.
Possible metab. in formn. of C21H20O10 432.383 HOH 2C O
Arsenobetaine, A-420 in marine fauna. Isol. from Passiflora edulis f. flavicarpa
Edmonds, J.S. et al., Nature (London) , 1981, (yellow passion fruit).
289, 602 (isol, pmr, ir) Mareck, U. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30,
Edmonds, J.S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1983, 3486 (isol, pmr, cmr) OH
2375; 1987, 577 (isol, pmr, ir, cmr, struct)
Shibata, Y. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1987, 51, C10H12N4O4 252.229
391 (isol, pmr, hplc) 1-Deoxy-erythro -hexo-2,3- D-84 Isol. from Phaseolus vulgaris (kidney
Jin, K. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1988, 52, 1965 diulose
(isol, pmr) bean). Needles (MeOH), cryst. (H2O). Mp
Francesconi, K.A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1991, 2188 dec. [a]27
D +7.92 (c, 0.53 in 0.1M
2707; 1992, 1349 (pmr, struct) O OH NaOH). [a]30D -21 (c, 1 in H2O).
Edmonds, J.S. et al., Nat. Prod. Rep. , 1993, 10,
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Oxime: [51385-49-0]
COCH 3 β-D-3,6-Furanose-form Mp 139-1408. [a]D -21.8 (c, 1 in MeOH).
HO OH Softens at 110-1158 and 130-1358.
1-Deoxyglucitol, 9CI D-82 3?-Ac: [229326-13-0]
6-Deoxygulitol. Gulomethylitol C6H10O5 162.142 C12H14N4O5 294.266
D-form Mp 1168. [a]25
D -22.5 (c, 1 in MeOH).
CH 3 Postulated common intermed. in the Brown, D.M. et al., J.C.S. , 1950, 1990 (struct)
formation of sugar-amine products in food Manson, L.A. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1951, 191,
OH browning and related reactions. Amorph. 87 (isol)
HO solid. Banhidi, Z.G. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1953,
D-form Okuda, T. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1979, 68, 1 7, 713 (isol)
OH Fisher, B.E. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1983, 116, Venner, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1960, 93, 140
209 (synth)
OH Robins, M.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1965, 87, 4934
CH 2OH (pmr)
4-Deoxyhumulone D-85 Rousseau, R.J. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1970, 7,
[4374-93-0] 367 (synth, uv)
C6H14O5 166.174
Robins, M.J. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1973, 51,
D-form [18545-96-5]
3161 (synth)
1-Deoxy-D-glucitol. 6-Deoxy-L-gulitol methyl-2-butenyl)phenyl]-1-butanone, 9CI. Yamazaki, A. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1973,
Constit. of the fruit of Foeniculum 3,5-Bis(3-methyl-2-butenyl)phlorisovalero- 21, 1143 (synth)
vulgare (fennel). Needles (MeOH). Mp phenone Mengel, R. et al., Annalen , 1977, 1585 (synth)
131-1328. [a]25 Ciuffreda, P. et al., Tetrahedron , 2000, 56, 3239-
D +5 (c, 0.5 in H2O).
3243 (3?-Ac, synth, pmr)
3,4:5,6-Diisopropylidene:1-Deoxy-3,4:5,6- O
di-O-isopropylidene-D-glucitol. 6-Deoxy-
1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-L-gulitol Deoxyloganic acid D-87
C12H22O5 246.303 [92842-56-3]
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 134-1358 (130-1318). HO OH
1,5,9-Epideoxyloganic acid
D +4 (c, 4 in H2O).
L-form 6-Deoxy-D-gulitol. 1-Deoxy-L-glucitol
di-O-isopropylidene-L-glucitol. 6-Deoxy-
1,2:3,4-di-O-isopropylidene-D-gulitol O
C12H22O5 246.303 C21H30O4 346.466
Light yellow syrup. [a]D -1 (c, 1.00 in Flavone. Isol. from hops (Humulus H
MeOH). lupulus ). Cryst. (petrol). Mp 838.
Bollenback, G.N. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1950, Tribenzoyl: C16H24O9 360.36

1-Deoxyribitol / 3-Desamino-3-hydroxysolanocapsine D-88 
/ D-92

Constit. of Nepeta cataria (catnip). Nee- 2?-Deoxyribofuranosylguanine D-89 Sarcodon scabrosus Depsi- D-91
dles. Mp 1068 dec. [a]D +85.1 (c, 1.1 in 2-Amino-9-(2-deoxy-erythro-pentofurano- peptide
MeOH). Formerly designated 5-Epideox- syl)-6-purinone
yloganic acid. The abs. config. shown
appears to be the correct one (see w.r.t. O
Loganic acid). O
b-D-Glucopyranosyl ester:
C22H34O14 522.502 N O
H 2N
Amorph. powder. [a]27 D +37.2 (c, 0.98 in
MeOH). lmax 240 (log e 4.01) (MeOH). O O O
1,5,8,9-Tetraepimer: [88668-99-9] 8-Epi- HOH 2C O β-D-form H NH
deoxyloganic acid N
C16H24O9 360.36
Cryst. Mp 213-2148. [a]D -122 (c, 0.29 in OH O
Damtoft, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, C23H39N3O8 485.576
1929-1930 (8-Epideoxyloganic acid) C10H13N5O4 267.244 Isol. from the mushroom Sarcodon scab-
Murai, F. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984, 32, b-D-form [961-07-9] rosus of unknown palatability.
2809 2?-Deoxyguanosine. Guanine deoxyribo-
Takeda, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 48, 787- Tomida, I. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. ,
791 (glucosyl ester)
side 1995, 59, 2300-2302 (struct)
Nakamura, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 53, Isol. from plants, e.g. Phaseolus vulgaris
253-256 (8-Epideoxyloganic acid) (kidney bean). Cryst. + 1H2O. Mp 3008
(also said to be indefinite). [a]26
D -20.3 (c,
1.2 in DMF). [a]19
3-Desamino-3-hydroxysolano- D-92
D -47.7 (0.1M NaOH).
[a]D -30.2 (H2O). lmax 254 (e 10700); capsine
274 (e 7710) (HCl) (Berdy). lmax 259 (e 16,23-Epoxy-16,28-secosolanidane-3,23-
1-Deoxyribitol D-88 diol, 9CI
9960) (NaOH) (Berdy). lmax 252 (e
[62137-55-7] 13700) (H2O) (pH 7). lmax 255 (e
5-Deoxyribitol 12100); 272 (sh) (e 8460) (H2O) (pH 1). H
lmax 262 (e 12000) (H2O) (pH 11). H N
CH 3 -MF8760000
OH [102783-74-4] 22

OH D-form Montgomery, J.A. et al., Adv. Carbohydr. 16 O OH

Chem. , 1962, 17, 301 (rev)
OH Ulbricht, T.L.V. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1964, 695 (ord)
Robins, M.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1969, 34, 2160; 1970,
CH 2OH 35, 636 (a-D-form, b-D-form, a-D-2N-Me, a-L- HO
form, b-L-form) H
C5H12O4 136.147 Jones, A.J. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. ,
D-form [13046-76-9]
1970, 65, 27; CA , 72, 96682j (cmr) C27H45NO3 431.657
1-Deoxy-D-ribitol. 5-Deoxy-L-ribitol Davies, D.B. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1975, 1703 Needles (MeOH aq.). Mp 2048. [a]25
D +20.1
(pmr) (c, 1 in CHCl3).
Constit. of the fruit of Foeniculum
vulgare (fennel). Cryst. (MeCN). Mp O22-Me: [91377-17-2] Aculeamine
698. [a]21
D +15 (c, 0.9 in H2O). The CAS C28H47NO3 445.684
no. was originally applied erroneously Needles (MeOH aq.). Mp 205-2078.
to the L-enantiomer. 1-Deoxyxylitol D-90
D +50.8 (c, 0.9 in CHCl3).
Tetra-Ac: [7260-90-4] Tetra-O-acetyl-1- [62137-56-8] 22
5-Deoxyxylitol O -Et: [92070-74-1] 3-Desamino-O22-
deoxy-D-ribitol ethyl-3-hydroxysolanocapsine
C13H20O8 304.296No phys. props. re- C29H49NO3 459.711
ported. CH 3 Needles (Me2CO aq.). Mp 183-1858.
L-form [67968-45-0] [a]23
OH D +45.2 (c, 0.4 in CHCl3). Artifact.
1-Deoxy-L-ribitol. 5-Deoxy-D-ribitol
16-Epimer: [138665-46-0] Solanocardinol.
Cryst. (EtOAc/MeOH). Mp 80-858. HO D-form
D -11.2 (c, 1.4 in MeOH). OH C27H45NO3 431.657
3,4-Isopropylidene:5-Deoxy-2,3-O-isopro- Alkaloid from Lycopersicon pimpinelli-
pylidene-D-ribitol. 1-Deoxy-3,4-O-iso- CH 2OH
folium (currant tomato). Cryst.
propylidene-L-ribitol (Me2CO aq.). Mp 200-2038. [a]20
D -1.9 (c,
C8H16O4 176.212 C5H12O4 136.147
1.05 in Py). Solanocardinol and Pimpi-
Syrup. [a]27 20
D -15.5 (c, 2.7 in EtOH). nD D-form [68832-17-7] folidine not compared. Phys. props.
1.4510. 1-Deoxy-D-xylitol. 5-Deoxy-L-xylitol refer to Pimpifolidine.
Constit. of the fruit of Foeniculum
16,22-Diepimer: [152322-51-5] 22-Isopim-
vulgare (fennel). Cryst. (EtOH aq). Mp
Hough, L. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1958, 36, 1720 pifolidine
77-788. [a]D 0 (H2O).
(synth, L-form) C27H45NO3 431.657
Buck, K.W. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1966, 2, 115 [25289-19-4] Alkaloid from roots of Lycopersicon
(synth) Zissis, E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1953, 75, 129 (D-form) pimpinellifolium (currant tomato). Nee-
Sepulchre, A.-M. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1972, Ness, A.T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1953, 75, 132 (L- dles (Me2CO). Mp 200-2048. [a]20D -13.6
24, 311 (synth, D-form) form, DL-form) (c, 0.77 in Py).
Fischer, J.-C. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1977, 55, David, S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1982, 2131-2137
4078 (synth, ms) Coll, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, 2099;
(synth) 1984, 23, 883 (isol, struct, cmr, pmr)
Takai, K. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 3247 (synth, Lewis, D. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1991, 197-200
pmr, cmr, tetra-Ac) Kubschabsky, L. et al., CA , 1984, 101, 111265p
(conformn) (cryst struct)
Kitajima, J. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1999, Kitajima, J. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1999,
47, 988-992 (isol, pmr, cmr) Osman, S.F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30,
47, 988-992 (isol, pmr, cmr) 3161 (Solanocardinol)

/ Dexamethasone, BAN, INN D-93 / D-96

Ripperger, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 35, pKa2 8.8. Destruxins D-95

813 (Pimpifolidine, Isopimpifolidine) -WK2130000
2S-Hydroxy, N-de-Me: [39471-55-1] RCH2CHCO X Y Me
L Val Me L
Ala b Ala
Desmosine D-93 [40980-50-5] Antibiotic SS 56C. SS 56C O

[11003-57-9] C19H35N3O14 529.497 4'

Destruxin B R = CH(CH3)2, X = L-Pro, Y = L-Ile
4-(4-Amino-4-carboxybutyl)-1-(5-amino- Amorph. powder. Sol. H2O; poorly sol. B1 R = CH(CH3)2, X = L-Piperidinecarboxylic acid, Y = L-Ile
5-carboxypentyl)-3,5-bis(3-amino-3-car- butanol, hexane. Mp 201-2038 dec. [a]25
B2 R = CH(CH3)2, X = L-Pro, Y = L-Val

boxypropyl)pyridinium, 9CI +12 (c, 1.08 in H2O). Related to Desto-

mycin A, D-94 and Hygromycin B. Cyclic depsipeptide antibiotic complex.
Destruxin B, 9CI [2503-26-6]
HOOCCHH2 CH 2 C CH 2 CH 2CH(NH2 )COOH 2S-Hydroxy, N-de-Me, N1-amidino: C30H51N5O7 593.762
N H2
[96479-74-2] 1-N-Amidino-1-N-de- Cryst. (C6H6/hexane). Mp 2388. [a]20 D -241
N methyl-2-hydroxydestomycin A (c, 0.5 in MeOH).
(CH 2 )4CH(N H2)COOH C20H37N5O14 571.537 -HH1500100
Powder +1H2O (as trihydrochloride).
4?-Hydroxy:Hydroxydestruxin B
C24H40N5O8 526.609 Sol. H2O; fairly sol. MeOH; poorly sol.
C30H51N5O8 609.762
Degradn. prod. of Elastin. pKa1 1.7; pKa2 Me2CO, hexane. [a]25 D +7.7 (c, 1 in
Constit. of the leaves of Sinapis alba
2.4; pKa3 8.8; pKa4 9.9; pKa5 11.5. H2O). Hydrochloride dec. at 172-1838.
(white mustard). [a]25
D -255 (c, 0.1 in
Thomas, J. et al., Nature (London) , 1963, 200,
-LD50 (mus, ivn) 6.25 - 12.5 mg/kg.
651 (struct) WK2128700
Anwar, R.A. et al., Nature (London) , 1966, 4?-Epimer, N-de-Me, N3-Me: [83378-70-5]
210, 1254 (struct) loxydestruxin B
Antibiotic RH 5012C. RH 5012C
Anwar, R.A. et al., Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. , 1977, C36H61N5O13 771.904
C20H37N3O13 527.525
86B, 709 (rev) Constit. of the leaves of Brassica napus
Powder + 2H2O. Sol. H2O; poorly sol.
EtOH, hexane, Et2O. Mp 191-1948 dec.
Destomycin A [a]20 Pedras, M.S.C. et al., Org. Lett. , 1999, 1, 1655-
D-94 D +12.9 (c, 1 in H2O).
-LD50 (mus, orl) 100 - 300 mg/kg , LD50 1658 (Hydroxydestruxin B)
[14918-35-5] Pedras, M.S.C. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
XK 33FI. Antibiotic XK 33FI. Anthelmin. (mus, ipr) 6.5 - 11.5 mg/kg. WK2128350 U.S.A. , 2001, 98, 747-752
Destonate 20 4?,4??-Diepimer, N3-Me: [11005-98-4] Des- (Glucosyloxydestruxin B)
tomycin B. A 16316C. Antibiotic A
CH 2OH 16316C
C21H39N3O13 541.551 Dexamethasone, BAN, INN D-96
NH 2 [50-02-2]
Powder. Mp 140-2008 dec., 175-1858
O dec. [a]21 9-Fluoro-11,17,21-trihydroxy-16-methyl-
HO O D +6 (c, 1 in H2O). Log P -7.68
(uncertain value) (calc). pregna-1,4-diene-3,20-dione. 9-Fluoro-16-
OH -LD50 (mus, orl) 50 mg/kg. LD50 (mus, ivn) methylprednisolone. Decaderm. Deltafluor-
O 5 mg/kg. HH1330000 ene. Desametasone. Dexadeltone. Dexame-
HO [59794-19-3]
tasone. Dexamethazone. Hexadecadrol.
CH 2OH NH 2 Hexadrol. Millicorten. Superprednol. MK
O O Mann, R.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1958, 80, 2714-
HO 3 125. NSC 34521
OH 2716 (Hygromycin B, isol)
MeNH Wiley, P.F. et al., J.O.C. , 1962, 27, 2793-2796
(Hygromycin B) HO COCH OH
Kondo, S. et al., J. Antibiot., Ser. A , 1965, 18, HO
38-42; 1966, 19, 139-140 (isol, struct, ir, ms,
pmr) H
C20H37N3O13 527.525 Neuss, N. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1970, 53,
Aminoglycoside antibiotics.Powder. Sol. 2314-2319 (struct) F
H2O, MeOH; poorly sol. butanol, Shoji, J. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1970, 23, 391 (SS56,
hexane. Mp 180-1908 dec. [a]22
D +7 (c, 2
in H2O). Inouye, S. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1973, 26, 374-385
(SS 56C, SS 56D) C22H29FO5 392.466
-LD50 (mus, orl) 50 mg/kg. LD50 (mus, ivn) Glucocorticoid with potent antiinflamma-
Shimura, M. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1975, 28, 83-84
5 mg/kg. WK2129900 tory props. Not FDA approved for use in
(Destomycins A-C)
N3-Me: [55651-94-0] Destomycin C. N- Shimura, M. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1976, 40, food-producing animals, but may be used
Methylhygromycin A. AB 74. Antibiotic 611-618 (Destomycin B) illegally. Cryst. (Et2O). Mp 262-2648. [a]25
AB 74 Tamura, A. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1976, 29, 590- +77.5 (dioxan). Log P 1.49 (uncertain
C21H39N3O13 541.551 591; 592-594 (Destomycin A, AB 74, isol) value) (calc). Stereochem. is
Hygroscopic powder. Mp 182-1908 dec. Japan. Pat. , 1976, 76 82 793, (Dainippon ); CA ,
86, 15201n (Destomycin B)
D +9 (c, 1 in H2O). Log P -7.68 -TU3980000
Wright, D.E. et al., Tetrahedron , 1979, 35, 1207
(uncertain value) (calc). (Hygromycin B, Destomycins, rev)
-LD50 (mus, ivn) 6.25 mg/kg. WK2129000 [1879-72-7, 55812-90-3]
Horito, S. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1981, 54,
N-De-Me: [31357-30-9] Antibiotic SS 56D. 2147-2150 (cryst struct) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
A 396I. SS 56D. Antibiotic A 396I Yoshimura, J. et al., CA , 1981, 96, 181549; Spectra , 1992, 3, 585C (nmr)
1986, 105, 97853 (rev, synth) Oliveto, E.P. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1958, 80, 4431
C19H35N3O13 513.498 (synth)
Amorph. powder. Sol. H2O, MeOH; Japan. Pat. , 1982, 82 95 995; CA , 97, 198514
(RH 5012C) McAleer, W.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1958, 23, 508
fairly sol. EtOH, butanol; poorly sol. (synth)
Ikeda, Y. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1985, 38, 436 (1-
Me2CO, hexane. Mp 185-1908 dec. [a]25 D Amidino-1-demethyl-2-hydroxydestomycin A) Cohen, E.M. et al., Anal. Profiles Drug Subst. ,
+12.7 (c, 1.08 in H2O). Tamura, J. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1988, 174, 1973, 2, 163 (rev)
-LD50 (mus, ivn) 12.5 mg/kg. CB9198000 181-199 (Destomycin C, synth, pmr) Fiegel, G. et al., Arzneim.-Forsch. , 1975, 25, 560
N-De-Me, N3-Me: [31282-04-9] Hygro- Kamps-Holtzapple, C. et al., J. Agric. Food (props)
Chem. , 1994, 42, 822-827 (Hygromycin B, Rohrer, D.C. et al., Cryst. Struct. Commun. ,
mycin B. Hygrovetine. Hyanthelmix 1977, 6, 123 (struct)
C20H37N3O13 527.525 anal)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Hickey, J.P. et al., J. Magn. Reson. , 1980, 38,
FDA approved antibiotic food additive 501 (cmr)
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
for swine and poultry. Amorph. Mp Reinhold , 1992, DBB400 Crowe, D.F. et al., Tetrahedron , 1983, 39, 3083
160-1808 dec. [a]26
D +20.2 (c, 1 in H2O). (synth, C-13)

Dextran, 9CI, 8CI, BAN, INN  / Dhelwangin D-97  / D-102

Grinenko, G.S. et al., Khim.-Farm. Zh. , 1987, [9011-18-1, 39422-86-1] copyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-D-glucose, 9CI. 6-a-
21, 373 (rev) Isomaltosyl-D-glucose. Isomaltotriose
Jeanes, A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1954, 76, 5041
Negwer, M. et al., Organic-Chemical Drugs and
Neely, W. et al., Adv. Carbohydr. Chem. , 1960,
their Synonyms, 6th edn., Akademie-Verlag ,
15, 341 (struct, synth, rev) HOH 2C CH 2 CH 2
1987, 6644; 6675; 7130 (synonyms)
Jeanes, A. et al., Methods Carbohydr. Chem. , O O O
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
1965, 5, 118; 127 (synth) OH OH OH OH
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 728 HO HO O HO
Ger. Pat. , 1969, 1 916 535, (Meito Sangyo ); CA , O
Mallinson, E.T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , OH OH
72, 35780 (Detralfate) OH
1995, 43, 140-145 (anal)
Murphy, P.T. et al., Ind. Gums , (Whistler, R.L.,
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of C18H32O16 504.441
Ed.), 2nd Ed., Academic Press, 1973, 513
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, BFW325; SOW000;
(struct, manuf, rev) Occurs in Saké. [a]D +134 (c, 0.5 in H2O).
Sidebotham, R.L. et al., Adv. Carbohydr. Chem.
DBC510; DAE525; DBC525; DBC550; Undecabenzoyl:
Biochem. , 1974, 30, 371 (rev)
DBC575 C95H76O27 1649.629
Friebolin, H. et al., Makromol. Chem. , 1976,
177, 845 (cmr) Mp 226-2278. [a]D +131 (CHCl3).
Dextran, 9CI, 8CI, BAN, D-97 Weetman, D.F. et al., Drugs of Today Pazur, J.H. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1952, 196, 265
INN (Barcelona) , 1978, 14, 360 (pharmacol, (isol)
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Macrose Seymour, F.R. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1979, 74, Friebolin, H. et al., Makromol. Chem. , 1976,
77-92 (pmr) 177, 845 (conformn, cmr)
Kennedy, J.F. et al., Compr. Org. Chem. ,
CH 2 O (Drayton, C.J., Ed.), Pergamon Press, Oxford,
Part 26, 1979, 5, 790 (rev) Dextrin, 9CI, 8CI, BAN D-101
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pharmacol, Dextranomer) Icodextrin, BAN. Adept. AmylinStarch
OH O Alsop, R.M. et al., Prog. Ind. Microbiol. , 1983, gum. British gum. Amylodextrin. Dextrid.
OH 18, 1 (rev, manuf, fermn)
HO 4 Icodial. Starch gum
3 OCH 2 Guizard, C. et al., Macromolecules , 1984, 17,
100 (cryst struct) (C6H10O5)n.xH2O. A mixture of
HOH 2C Forsgren, M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1985, 11, polymerised glucosans. Gives a reddish-
O OH 2383 (pmr) brown colour with iodine and does not
HO O Encyclopaedia of Polymer Science and
OH reduce Fehling’s soln. Commercial
OH Engineering , 1986, 4, 752 (rev)
HO O dextrin is less pure and usually contains
Peterson, E.A. et al., Methods Enzymol. , 1987,
OH x n
sol. starch and glucose. Treatment with
138, 429-442 (carboxymethyl ether)
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th dil. acids gives maltose and finally
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Glcp units differing only in chain length 652 other uses in food, oral dietary
and degree of branching which occurs Merck Index, 12th edn. , 1996, 500 (sulfate) supplement. Approved for clinical use in
through a(1/ 0 3) (illus.) and a(1/ 0 4) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. the European Union (1999). White or
branch points. M40000 (average for Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 792-793 yellow, amorph. powder. Insol. EtOH,
Dextran 40). Indirect food additive Mähner, C. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 2001, 331, Et2O; sol. in boiling water to give a
203-208 (sulfate, synth)
produced by bacterial fermentation of gummy soln.
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
sucrose. Chem. and phys. props. differ Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
depending on mode of prodn. Native Reinhold , 1992, DBB500; DBD000; DBD200; Mixt. with iron(III) hydroxide: [8063-26-1]
dextrans have a high Mw, clinical DBD400; DBD600; DHW600; DBD700; Dextriferron, BAN, INN. Astrafer. Hae-
dextrans prod. by synth. or by DBC800 migron
depolymerisation of native dextrans [9004-51-7, 9005-84-9]
have a low Mw. Dextranase, 9CI D-98
-Adverse human systemic effects when used Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
therapeutically. Exp. reprod. and [9025-70-1] 1, 199C (ir)
teratogenic effects (large doses) (Dextran 1,6-a-D-Glucan 6-glucanohydrolase. Dex- Satterthwaite, R.W. et al., Ind. Gums, 2nd Ed.,
tron hydrolase. Endodextranase. E.C. Academic Press, New York, 1973, 577 (rev)
70). LD50 (rat, scu) 10700 mg/kg. Usui, T. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1973, 2425 (cmr)
Umeki, K. et al., J. Biochem. (Tokyo) , 1975, 78,
Na salt, Al complex: [37209-31-7] Detral- Enzyme. Used to improve purifn. of sugar 897 (struct)
fate, INN cane by eliminating filtration and Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
D +83.2 (c, 5 in 1M HCl).
crystallisation problems. Hydrolyses the Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
-LD50 (rat, ipr) 200 mg/kg. LD50 (rat, scu) 1,6-a-D-glucosidic linkages in dextran. York, 1989, DBD800
Biotechnol. Amylodextrin Oligosaccharides ,
1600 mg/kg. HH2860000 Bailey, R.W. et al., Biochem. J. , 1959, 72, 49-54
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Poly-O-sulfate: [9042-14-2] 1991, (book)
Sidebottom, R.L. et al., Adv. Carbohydr. Chem.
[9011-18-1] Biochem. , 1974, 30, 371-444 (rev) Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd
edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American
Powder. Heparin-like polysaccharide Madhu, G.L. et al., Int. Sugar J. , 1984, 86, 136-
138 (use) Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical
containing up to three sulfate groups per Press, 1994, 151-153
glucose molecule with a molecular weight Merck Index, 12th edn. , 1996, 2990
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn.,
range of 4000-500,000 Da. Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1359
Dextranicin 24 D-99 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Poly-O-2-(diethylaminoethyl): [9015-73-0] Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 793-796
Polypeptide. Prod. by Leuconostoc
Colextran, INN (use)
-HH9250000 mesenteroides ssp. dextranicum J24.
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Bacteriocin. Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Poly-O-(carboxymethyl): [9044-05-7]
Revul-Junelles, A.M. et al., Curr. Microbiol. , Reinhold , 1992, DBD800; IGT000
Powder. Sol. MeOH, H2O, insol.
1996, 33, 136-137 (isol)
Poly(2,3-dihydroxypropyl-2-hydroxy-1,3- Dhelwangin D-102
propanediyl) ether: [56087-11-7] Dex- Dextrantriose D-100 [23800-56-8]
tranomer, BAN, INN. Debrisan [3371-50-4] 4-Hydroxy-6-methyl-3-(4-methyl-1-oxo-
-HH9255000 O-a-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-O-a-D-glu- pentyl)-2H-pyran-2-one, 9CI. Pogostone

Diacetin B  / 2,4-Dialkyloxazoles D-103  / D-107

O Alkaloid from Houttuynia cordata (Yu See also 2,4-Dimethyloxazole, D-861.

OH Xing Cao). Odorants/flavorants with actual or
3,5-Didodecanoyl-1,4-dihydro-4- potential food use.
nonylpyridine [158528-02-0] 2-Ethyl-4-methyloxazole, 9CI [24667-03-6]
H3 C O O 1,1?-(1,4-Dihydro-4-nonyl-3,5-pyridine- C6H9NO 111.143
diyl)bis[1-dodecanone], 9CI Constit. of Arabica coffee aroma. Bp 1278.
C12H16O4 224.256
C38H69NO2 571.969 4-Ethyl-2-methyloxazole, 9CI [53833-20-8]
Isol. from leaves of Pogostemon cablin
Alkaloid from Houttuynia cordata (Yu C6H9NO 111.143
(patchouli). Cryst. Sol. CHCl3, bases;
Xing Cao). Constit. of Arabica coffee aroma and
fairly sol. C6H6; poorly sol. H2O. Mp 41-
41.68. Log P 2.98 (calc). lmax 225 (e Proebstle, A. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 1994, 4, French fries. Characterised spectroscopi-
10300); 310 (e 12630) (EtOH) (Berdy). 235-240 cally.
Klein, E. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1969, 2279 (synth) 2,4-Diethyloxazole [84027-83-8]
Anon, et al., CA , 1977, 87, 172771 (isol, struct) 2,6-Dialkyl-4-methyl-4H - D-106 C7H11NO 125.17
1,3,5-dithiazines Acidic smoky aroma. Characterised spec-
Diacetin B D-103 troscopically.
CH 3 2-Methyl-4-propyloxazole, 9CI [126484-99-9]
C7H11NO 125.17
Peptide containing 37 amino acid residues. H
N S Constit. of boiled shrimp (Panaeus brevis-
Isol. from Lactococcus lactis ssp.
toris ) aroma.
diacetylactis UL720. Bacteriocin.
Ali, D. et al., Can. J. Microbiol. , 1995, 41, 832- R′ S R 4-Methyl-2-propyloxazole, 9CI [24667-04-7]
841 (isol) C7H11NO 125.17
R = CH3, R ′ = CH(CH 3)2 Constit. of boiled shrimp (Panaeus brevis-
R = CH(CH3)2, R ′ = CH 3 toris ) aroma. Bp20 578. n20
D 1.4421.
3,3?-Diacetyl-4,4?,5,5?-tetra- D-104
R = CH3, R ′ = CH 2CH(CH 3)2 4-Ethyl-2-isopropyloxazole, 8CI [84027-90-7]
R = CH2CH(CH3)2, R ′ = CH 3 4-Ethyl-2-(1-methylethyl)oxazole, 9CI
R = CH3, R ′ = CH(CH 3)CH 2CH 3 C8H13NO 139.197Characterised spectro-
R = CH(CH3)CH2CH3, R ′ = CH 3 scopically.
2-Butyl-4-methyloxazole, 9CI [24667-15-0]
COCH3 Dihydro-6-isopropyl-2,4-dimethyl-4H -1,3,5-
dithiazine [104691-41-0] C8H18NO 144.236
Dihydro-2,4-dimethyl-6-(1-methylethyl)- Sweet, spicy, nutmeg, butter-like odour.
CH3 4H-1,3,5-dithiazine, 9CI Characterised spectroscopically.
C8H17NS2 191.361 4-Butyl-2-methyloxazole, 9CI [84027-87-2]
Isol. from dried squid aroma. Flavouring C8H13NO 139.197
ingredient. Constit. of roasted peanut and French
COCH3 Dihydro-2-isopropyl-4,6-dimethyl-4H -1,3,5- fried potato aroma. Green, floral odour.
dithiazine [104691-40-9] Characterised spectroscopically.
Dihydro-4,6-dimethyl-2-(1-methylethyl)- 2-Methyl-4-pentyloxazole, 9CI [102586-52-7]
C26H22O6 430.456 4H-1,3,5-dithiazine, 9CI C9H15NO 153.224
C8H17NS2 191.361 Constit. of French fries. Characterised
5,5?-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:Labadoside spectroscopically.
Isol. from dried squid aroma. Flavouring
C38H42O16 754.74
ingredient. 4-Methyl-2-pentyloxazole, 9CI [52713-58-3]
Constit. of the roots of Rumex patientia
(patience dock). Amorph. lmax 230 ; 314 Dihydro-2,4-dimethyl-6-(2-methylpropyl)- C9H15NO 153.224
; 337 (MeOH). 4H -1,3,5-dithiazine, 9CI [101517-86-6] Volatile constit. of French fried potato.
Demirezer, O. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 56, C9H19NS2 205.388 Liq. with very sweet, herbal odour. Bp22
399-402 Isol. from dried squid aroma. 888. n20
D 1.4452.

Dihydro-4,6-dimethyl-2-(2-methylpropyl)- 2,4-Dipropyloxazole [84027-95-2]

3,5-Diacyl-1,4-dihydro-4-non- D-105 4H -1,3,5-dithiazine, 9CI [101517-87-7] C9H15NO 153.224
ylpyridines C9H19NS2 205.388 Acidic, green, spicy, cheesy odour. Char-
Isol. from dried squid aroma. acterised spectroscopically.
Dihydro-2,4-dimethyl-6-(1-methylpropyl)- 2-Butyl-4-propyloxazole, 9CI [84028-04-6]
4H -1,3,5-dithiazine, 9CI [104691-37-4] C10H17NO 167.25Characterised spectro-
ROC COR' C9H19NS2 205.388 scopically.
Isol. from dried squid aroma. 4-Butyl-2-propyloxazole, 9CI [84028-01-3]
N Dihydro-4,6-dimethyl-2-(1-methylpropyl)- C10H17NO 167.25Characterised spectro-
4H -1,3,5-dithiazine, 9CI [104691-36-3] scopically.
C9H19NS2 205.388 2-Pentyl-4-propyloxazole, 9CI [94794-10-2]
3,5-Didecanoyl-1,4-dihydro-4-nonylpyridine Isol. from dried squid aroma. C11H19NO 181.277
[158528-00-8] Ger. Pat. , 1986, 3 447 209; CA , 105, 172518c Sweet, sl. herbal, acidic odour. No phys.
1,1?-(1,4-Dihydro-4-nonyl-3,5-pyridine- Kawai, T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1989, 37, props. reported.
diyl)bis[1-decanone], 9CI 1026-1031; 1991, 39, 770-777 (occur)
4-Pentyl-2-propyloxazole, 9CI [84028-12-6]
C34H61NO2 515.861 C11H19NO 181.277Characterised spec-
Alkaloid from Houttuynia cordata (Yu 2,4-Dialkyloxazoles D-107 troscopically.
Xing Cao).
4-Butyl-2-pentyloxazole, 9CI [84028-18-2]
nonylpyridine [158528-01-9] R' C12H21NO 195.304
1-[1,4-Dihydro-4-nonyl-5-(1-oxodecyl)- 4 3N Cocoa, sweet, nutty odour. Characterised
3-pyridinyl]-1-dodecanone, 9CI 5 12 spectroscopically.
O R 4-Methyl-2-octyloxazole, 9CI [84028-23-9]
C36H65NO2 543.915

2,5-Dialkyloxazoles  / 2,4-Dialkylthiazoles D-108 / D-110

C12H21NO 195.304 scopically. cally.

Waxy, shortening-like, sl. sweet odour. No 2-Methyl-5-pentyloxazole [84027-91-8] 4-Butyl-5-propyloxazole, 9CI [79886-42-3]
phys. props. reported. C9H15NO 153.224 C10H17NO 167.25
4-Ethyl-2-hexyloxazole, 9CI [84028-15-9] Sweet, strong floral, fatty waxy odour. Bell pepper-like odour. Characterised
C11H19NO 181.277 Characterised spectroscopically. spectroscopically.
Fatty, sweet, sl. floral odour. Charac- 2-Ethyl-5-pentyloxazole [84027-99-6] 4-Hexyl-5-methyloxazole, 9CI [76162-84-0]
terised spectroscopically. C10H17NO 167.25Characterised spectro- C10H17NO 167.25
4-Ethyl-2-heptyloxazole, 9CI [84028-22-8] scopically. Vegetable-like, green odour. Characterised
C12H21NO 195.304 Vitzthum, O.G. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1974, 39, spectroscopically.
Weak herbal odour. Characterised spec- 1210-1215 (isol, ms, coffee) 5-Hexyl-4-methyloxazole [52713-56-1]
troscopically. Lee, M.-H. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1981, C10H17NO 167.25
2-Hexyl-4-methyloxazole [84028-07-9] 29, 684-686 (occur, synth, ms)
Liq. with vegetable-green odour. Bp8 73-
Ho, C.-T. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1981, 47, 127-133
C10H17NO 167.25 (occur, ms) 758. n20
D 1.4480.
Very sweet, floral, herbal odour. Charac- Ho, C.-T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1983, 31, Vitzthum, O.G. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1974, 39,
terised spectroscopically. 180-181 (synth, ms) 1210-1215 (isol, ms, coffee)
2-Hexyl-4-propyloxazole [84028-21-7] Jin, Q.Z. et al., Perfum. Flavor. , 1984, 9, 25-28 Terentiev, P.B. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. ,
(synth, aroma) 1974, 6, 145-147 (synth)
C12H21NO 195.304 Jayalekshmy, A. et al., ACS Symp. Ser. , 1989, Ho, C.-T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1981, 29,
Very fatty, deep-fat fried, little green 409, 355-365 (occur, ms, cashew nut) 1306-1308; 1983, 31, 180-181 (synth, ms,
odour. Characterised spectroscopically. odour)
2-Heptyl-4-methyloxazole [84028-16-0] Ho, C.-T. et al., Lebensm.-Wiss. Technol. , 1982,
C11H19NO 181.277
4,5-Dialkyloxazoles D-109 15, 340-342 (occur, 4-ethyl-5-pentyl)
See also 4,5-Dimethyloxazole, D-863. Ames, J.M. et al., Flavour Fragrance J. , 1992, 7,
Sweet, floral odour. Characterised spec- 89-103 (occur, yeast)
Odorants/flavourants with potential
food use. Mostly not reported in nature.
Ger. Pat. , 1969, 1 915 232; CA , 72, 21679e (2-Et- 5-Ethyl-4-methyloxazole, 9CI [29584-92-7]
4-Me, synth)
2,4-Dialkylthiazoles D-110
Vitzthum, O.G. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1974, 39, C6H9NO 111.143
1210-1215 (isol, ms, coffee) Constit. of Arabica coffee and yeast
Terentiev, P.B. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. , extract aromas.
1974, 6, 145-147 (4-Me-2-propyl, 4-Me-2-
4-Methyl-5-propyloxazole, 9CI [27744-95-2]
pentyl, synth)
Ho, C.-T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1983, 31, C7H11NO 125.17 S R
180-181; 1384-1386 (occur, synth, ms) Liq. with vegetable-like, green odour. Bp
Jin, Q.Z. et al., Perfum. Flavor. , 1984, 9(4), 25- 150-1528. n20
D 1.4444. See also 2,4-Dimethylthiazole, D-908.
28 (synth, aroma) 5-Methyl-4-propyloxazole [79886-35-4] Maillard prods. present in cooked food
Carlin, J.T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1986, volatiles.
34, 621-623 (occur) C7H11NO 125.17
Green, weak bell pepper-like odour. 2-Isopropyl-4-methylthiazole [15679-13-7]
Golovnya, R.V. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1991,
Characterised spectroscopically. 4-Methyl-2-(1-methylethyl)thiazole,
552, 1-12 (glc)
Shenderyuk, V.V. et al., CA , 112, 177182t 9CI. FEMA 3555
4,5-Diethyloxazole, 9CI [54026-91-4]
(occur, shrimp) C7H11NS 141.237
C7H11NO 125.17 Fruit flavour intensifier. Present in Indo-
Green, vegetable-like odour. Characterised nesian durian fruit (Durio zibethinus ),
spectroscopically. cocoa butter/roasted beans, red tomatoes,
2,5-Dialkyloxazoles D-108
4-Ethyl-5-propyloxazole, 9CI [79886-38-7] yeast extract, coriander seed oil and roast
See also 2,5-Dimethyloxazole, D-862.
Odorants/flavourants with potential C8H13NO 139.197 meats. Off-flavour component in fortified
food uses. Vegetable-like, green odour. Characterised juice-containing beverages. Liq. with
2-Ethyl-5-methyloxazole, 9CI [42463-54-7] spectroscopically. camphorous, nutty odour. d20 4 1.01. Bp10

C6H9NO 111.143 5-Ethyl-4-propyloxazole 59-628. n20

D 1.4989.

Constit. of Arabica coffee aroma. Char- C8H13NO 139.197 4-Isopropyl-2-methylthiazole [32272-52-9]

acterised spectroscopically. Celery-like, green odour. Characterised 2-Methyl-4-(1-methylethyl)thiazole, 9CI
5-Ethyl-2-methyloxazole, 9CI [53833-29-7] spectroscopically. C7H11NS 141.237
C6H9NO 111.143 4-Butyl-5-methyloxazole, 9CI [79886-39-8] Aroma component of yeast extract.
Constit. of Arabica coffee aroma and C8H13NO 139.197 2,4-Diethylthiazole, 9CI [32272-49-4]
roasted cashew nuts. Characterised spec- Bell pepper-like odour. Characterised C7H11NS 141.237
troscopically. spectroscopically. Volatile flavour component of coffee
2-Methyl-5-propyloxazole, 9CI [80935-99-5] 5-Butyl-4-methyloxazole, 9CI [52713-55-0] aroma and yeast extract.
C7H11NO 125.17 C8H13NO 139.197 2-Butyl-4-methylthiazole, 9CI [76572-47-9]
Constit. of roasted peanut. Sweet, fruity, Liq. with vegetable-like, green odour. Bp7 C8H13NS 155.263
nutty odour. Characterised spectroscopi- 49-518. n20
D 1.4468. 4-Butyl-2-methylthiazole, 9CI [41981-69-5]
cally. 5-Butyl-4-ethyloxazole, 9CI [79886-40-1] C8H13NS 155.263
5-Methyl-2-propyloxazole, 9CI [53833-31-1] C9H15NO 153.224 Claimed food uses are not well documen-
C7H11NO 125.17 Vegetable-like, green odour. Characterised ted.
Constit. of Arabica coffee aroma. Char- spectroscopically. 2-Ethyl-4-propylthiazole, 9CI [41981-67-3]
acterised spectroscopically. 5-Methyl-4-pentyloxazole [79886-41-2] C8H13NS 155.263
5-Butyl-2-methyloxazole, 9CI [84027-85-0] C9H15NO 153.224 Claimed food uses are not well documen-
C8H13NO 139.197Characterised spectro- Bell pepper-like odour. Characterised ted. Liq. Mp 968 (as picrate). Bp15 97.5-
scopically. spectroscopically. 988.
5-Butyl-2-ethyloxazole, 9CI [77311-04-7] 4-Ethyl-5-pentyloxazole, 9CI [79886-43-4] 4-Ethyl-2-propylthiazole, 9CI [41981-68-4]
C9H15NO 153.224 C10H17NO 167.25 C8H13NS 155.263
Volatile constit. of roasted peanuts. Green, Constit. of ripe tomato. Vegetable-like, Claimed food uses are not well documen-
fatty, sweet odour. Characterised spectro- green odour. Characterised spectroscopi- ted.

2,5-Dialkylthiazoles / 2,4-Diaminobutanoic acid, 9CI D-111 / D-114

4-Methyl-2-pentylthiazole, 9CI [96693-92-4] 2,5-Dialkylthiazoles D-111 C10H17NS 183.317

C9H15NS 169.29 See also 2,5-Dimethylthiazole, D-909. Bell-pepper odour; claimed food uses not
2,4-Dipropylthiazole, 9CI [41981-74-2] Maillard prods. present in cooked food well documented.
volatiles. Metzger, J. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1953,
C9H15NS 169.29 5-Ethyl-2-methylthiazole, 9CI [19961-52-5] 702-707 (synth)
Claimed food uses are not well documen-
C6H9NS 127.21 Asinger, F. et al., Annalen , 1957, 610, 49-56;
ted. 1959, 634, 131-144; 1961, 648, 83-95 (synth)
Volatile component of coffee aroma, fried
2-Isopropyl-4-propylthiazole [87116-69-6] chicken, cooked pork and yeast extract. Haag, A. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1974, 39, 1210-
2-(1-Methylethyl)-4-propylthiazole, 9CI 1215 (ms)
d25 1.02. Mp 1248 (as picrate). Bp750 167-
Vitzthum, O.G. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1974, 39,
C9H15NS 169.29 1688. n25
D 1.5048. 1210-1215 (occur, coffee)
Component of roast peanut flavour. 2,5-Diethylthiazole, 9CI [15729-76-7] Buttery, R.G. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1976,
4-Ethyl-2-pentylthiazole, 9CI [96693-88-8] C7H11NS 141.237 24, 1-3 (synth, pmr, ms)
Haag, A. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1976, 11,
C10H17NS 183.317 Component of coffee aroma. Liq. d25 1.
511-524 (ms)
2-Butyl-4-propylthiazole, 9CI [96693-89-9] Mp 1048 (as picrate). Bp735 186-1888. n25
D Mottram, D.S. et al., J. Sci. Food Agric. , 1985,
C10H17NS 183.317 1.5002. 36, 377-382 (occur, pork)
Claimed food uses are not well documen- 2,5-Dipropylthiazole, 9CI [41981-73-1]
ted. C9H15NS 169.29 2,4-Diaminobenzoic acid D-113
4-Ethyl-2-hexylthiazole, 9CI [96693-85-5] Claimed food uses are not well documen- [611-03-0]
C11H19NS 197.344 ted. 4-Aminoanthranilic acid
2-Pentyl-4-propylthiazole, 9CI [96693-86-6] 5-Methyl-2-pentylthiazole, 9CI [86290-21-3]
C11H19NS 197.344 C9H15NS 169.29 COOH
Claimed food uses are not well documen- Volatile flavour component of roast beef. NH 2
ted. Thiel, M. et al., Annalen , 1958, 611, 121-131
4-Ethyl-2-heptylthiazole, 9CI [96693-84-4] (2,5-di-Et, synth)
Chouteau, J. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1962, NH 2
C12H21NS 211.371 1794-1804 (ir)
4-Ethyl-2-octylthiazole, 9CI [96693-83-3] Poite, M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1962, 2078- C7H8N2O2 152.152
C13H23NS 225.397 2085 (synth) Mp ca. 8 140. Unstable.
Vincent, E.J. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1966,
Maillard product. 3524-3530 (2,5-di-Et, pmr) Hydrochloride: [61566-58-3]
2-Octyl-4-propylthiazole, 9CI [96693-82-2] Buttery, R.G. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1973, Needles. Mp 2708 dec.
C14H25NS 239.424 21, 488-490 (synth, ms)
Vitzthum, O.G. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1974, 39,
2-N-Ac: [59156-43-3]
Claimed food uses are not well documen- C9H10N2O3 194.19
1210-1215 (occur, coffee)
ted. Haag, A. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1976, 11, Needles (EtOH). Mp 2178.
Beraud, J. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1962, 511-524 (ms) 4-N-Ac: [43134-76-5]
2072-2074 (synth) Hartman, G.J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , C9H10N2O3 194.19
Asinger, F. et al., Annalen , 1964, 672, 156-178 1983, 31, 1030-1033 (occur, beef) Needles (EtOH). Mp 2078 dec.
(synth) Tang, J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1983, 31,
Vincent, E.J. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1966, 1287-1292 (occur, chicken) 2,4-N-Di-Ac: [73748-78-4]
3524-3530 (pmr) Ho, C.T. et al., Perfum. Flavor. , 1984, 9, 15-18 C11H12N2O4 236.227
Babadjamian, A. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , (synth, odour) Needles. Mp 2618 (2488).
1968, 4878-4880 (synth) Mottram, D.S. et al., J. Sci. Food Agric. , 1985, 4-N-(4-Aminobenzoyl):2-Amino-4-(4-ami-
Roussel, C. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1971, 36, 377-382 (occur, pork)
Ames, J.M. et al., ACS Symp. Ser. , 1995, 564,
nobenzoylamino)benzoic acid. Carota-
1087-1092 (synth)
Buttery, R.G. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1973, 147-159 (occur, yeast extract) mine
21, 488-490 (synth, ms) C14H13N3O3 271.275
Vitzthum, O.G. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1974, 39, Isol. from carrots. Amorph. yellow
1210-1215 (occur, coffee) powder.
Haag, A. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1976, 11,
4,5-Dialkylthiazoles D-112
Ullmann, F. et al., Ber. , 1903, 36, 1803 (synth)
511-524 (ms) See also 4,5-Dimethylthiazole, D-910. Lesiak, T. et al., Pol. J. Chem. (Rocz. Chem.) ,
Loser, B. et al., Food Technol. (Chicago) , 1978, Organoleptic Maillard products. 1957, 31, 1033; CA , 52, 8086 (synth)
32, 60-70 (tox) 4-Ethyl-5-methylthiazole, 9CI [52414-91-2] Franc, J. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1961, 6, 396 (glc)
Ger. Pat. , 1978, 2 804 077; CA , 76, 163587s (use) C6H9NS 127.21 Stevenson, P.E. et al., J. Mol. Spectrosc. , 1965,
Ho, C.T. et al., Lebensm.-Wiss. Technol. , 1982, 15, 220 (uv)
Volatile component of coffee and cooked
15, 340-342 (glc, occur, tomato) Mori, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1986, 34,
Ho, C.T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1983, 31, pork. Liq. d20 1.035. Mp 127-1298 (as
4859 (synth, pmr, ir, derivs)
1384-1386 (synth, ms, occur, peanut) picrate). Bp 169-1718. n20
D 1.5129. Gould, S.J. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1988, 41, 688
Ho, C.T. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1983, 48, 1570-1571 4-Butyl-5-methylthiazole, 9CI [57246-60-3] (isol)
(synth, props, ms) Eldahshan, O.A. et al., Molecules , 2002, 7, 501-
C8H13NS 155.263
Ho, C.T. et al., Perfum. Flavor. , 1984, 9, 15-18 506 (isol, pmr, cmr, Carotamine)
(synth, odour) Bell-pepper odour; claimed food uses are
Carlin, J.T. et al., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. , 1986, not well documented.
63, 1031-1036 (occur) 4-Ethyl-5-propylthiazole, 9CI [57246-61-4] 2,4-Diaminobutanoic acid, D-114
Lamparsky, D. et al., Perfum. Flavor. , 1988, 13, Bell-pepper odour; claimed food uses 9CI
17-25 (occur, coriander) are not well documented. Liq. Mp 1088 [305-62-4]
Ames, J.M. et al., Flavour Fragrance J. , 1992, 7,
(as picrate). Bp15 82-838.
89-103 (occur, yeast)
ACS Symp. Ser. , 1995, 147-159 (occur, yeast 4-Butyl-5-ethylthiazole, 9CI [57246-62-5] COOH
extract) C9H15NS 169.29
Weenan, H. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1996, Bell-pepper aroma; claimed food uses not H C N H2
44, 3291-3293 (glc, occur, durian) (R)-form
well documented.
Elmore, J.S. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1997, CH 2CH 2NH 2
45, 3595-3602 (occur) 5-Butyl-4-ethylthiazole, 9CI [57246-63-6]
Swaine, R.L. et al., Perfum. Flavor. , 1997, 22, C9H15NS 169.29 C4H10N2O2 118.135
57-58; 22(5), 60; 62; 64 (occur) Bell-pepper aroma; claimed food uses not -EK7769000
well documented. (S )-form [1758-80-1]
4-Butyl-5-propylthiazole, 9CI [57246-59-0] L-form

2,4-Diamino-6-chloro-1,3,5-... / 2,6-Diamino-5-hydroxyhexanoic acid D-115 
/ D-118

Found in free state in seeds of legumes. Mp 278. Bp0.05 104-1068. Yamamoto, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1983,
-LD50 (rat, orl) 850 mg/kg. XY5075000 31, 3315 (isol)
N4-Ac: [1190-46-1] 4-Acetamido-2-amino- Samejima, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984,
butanoic acid. N-g-Acetyldiaminobutyric N-Isopropyl: [6190-65-4] 6-Chloro-N-(1- 32, 3428 (Aminopropylhomospermidine)
acid methylethyl)-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine, Hamana, K. et al., Can. J. Microbiol. , 1990, 36,
C6H12N2O3 160.172 9CI. 2-Amino-4-chloro-6-(isopropylami- 567; 1991, 37, 350
Found in sugar beet. Needles (propa- no)-1,3,5-triazine. Deethyatrazine. De- (Aminopropylhomospermidine)
nol). Mp 220-2228 (208-2118). [a]20
D +43 sethylatrazine Ramaswamy, S. et al., CA , 1992, 116, 55605v
(c, 0.6 ion 5M HCl). C6H10ClN5 187.631 (cryst struct)
Major soil metab. of Atrazine. Envir- Bergeron, R.J. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1997, 40,
4-(2-Hydroxypropanoyl): [38710-35-9] 2- 1475-1494 (synth, pmr)
Amino-4-[(2-hydroxy-1-oxopropyl)ami- onmental pollutant of soil and water.
no]butanoic acid, 9CI. 2-Amino-4-(lac- Mp 135-1378.
toylamino)butyric acid N2-Et, N4-isopropyl: See Atrazine in The 2,4-Diamino-5,6-dihydroxy- D-117
C7H14N2O4 190.199 Combined Chemical Dictionary. pyrimidine
Isol. from sugarbeet. [a]20
D +12 (c, 5 in Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, [60337-65-7]
H2O). Stereochem. of lactyl residue not 2, 850C (ir) 2,6-Diamino-5-hydroxy-4(1H)-pyrimidi-
determined. Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR none, 9CI. Divicine
Spectra , 1992, 3, 419A (nmr)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Pearlman, W.M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1948, 70, 3726-
1, 586C (ir)
Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra, 2nd edn. , 1983,
3728 (N-alkylderivs) NH 2 NH 2 H
1, 494A (nmr)
Thurston, J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1951, 73, 2981- HO 5 N HO N
2983 (synth)
Fischer, E. et al., Ber. , 1901, 34, 2900 (synth)
Gast, D. et al., Experientia , 1955, 11, 107 HO NH 2 NH 2
Karrer, P. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1926, 9, 301 N O N
Grisley, D.W. et al., J.O.C. , 1958, 23, 1802
Bieling, H. et al., J. Prakt. Chem. , 1965, 28, 513
Paulus, H. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1964, 239, 865
(synth) C4H6N4O2 142.117
(abs config)
Legrand, M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1965,
Shimakukuro, R.H. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , Pale yellow microcryst. Mp 3008 dec.
1966, 14, 392-395 (N-isopropyl)
679 (cd) 5-O-Arabinopyranoside: [165171-52-8]
Morimoto, G. et al., Nippon Kagaku Zasshi ,
Bell, E.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1966, 5, 1211 Charine
1966, 87, 785; CA , 66, 37197h (uv)
Ross, J.A. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1970, 3, C9H14N4O6 274.233
Hinazumi, F. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1971, 27,
2152 (cryst struct)
219 (ms) Alkaloid from the unripe fruit of
Leclercq, P.A. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1979, 178, Momordica charantia (bitter melon).
Fowden, L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, 11,
193 (gc, ms) Needles (MeOH). Mp 180-1828. lmax
2271 (rev, deriv)
Dufek, P. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1979, 178, 193;
Effenberger, F. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 239 (no solvent reported).
1980, 187, 341 (gc, ms, hplc)
1979, 18, 474 (synth) 5-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [152-93-2]
Dangerous Prop. Ind. Mater. Rep. , 1987, 7, 109
Solladié-Cavallo, A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1989, 30,
(rev, tox, Simazine) Vicine$. Vicioside
6011 (optically pure synth, bibl)
Suprock, J.F. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. , C10H16N4O7 304.259
1987, 70, 1014 (detn, Simazine) Isol. from Vicia faba and other legumes.
2,4-Diamino-6-chloro-1,3,5- D-115 Pacakova, V. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1988, 442, Mp 243-2448 dec. [a]26D -11.7 (0.2M
triazine 147 (hplc, Trietazine)
IARC Monog. , 1991, 53, 495 (rev, tox)
[3397-62-4] Pesticide Manual, 9th edn. , 1991, Nos. 2200; Bendich, A. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta ,
6-Chloro-1,3,5-triazine-2,4-diamine, 9CI 10740; 12060 1953, 12, 462 (isol, struct)
Gardyan, C. et al., Z. Lebensm.-Unters. - Davoll, J. et al., J.C.S. , 1956, 2124 (synth)
Forsch. , 1991, 192, 40 (hplc, Simazine) Chesterfield, J.H. et al., J.C.S. , 1964, 1001
NH 2 Agrochemicals Handbook, 3rd edn., Royal (synth)
N N Society of Chemistry, 1992, A369; A410 Brown, E.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, 11,
Kruger, E.L. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1996, 3203
Cl NH 2 44, 1144-1149 (bibl, Deethylatraxine) Dutta, P.K. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
N 1981, 20, 669 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, (Eds. Hayes,
W.J. et al ), Academic Press, 1991, 1385 Kunesch, N. et al., Annalen , 1994, 1059 (synth,
C3H4ClN5 145.551 Vicine)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Needles (DMF aq.). Evolves NH3 on El-Gengaihi, S. et al., Pharmazie, 1995, 50, 361-
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
heating, forming polymer. Reinhold , 1992, BJP000; CDQ325; TJL500 362 (Charine)
N-Et: [1007-28-9]
C5H8ClN5 173.604 4,4?-Diaminodibutylamine, D-116 2,6-Diamino-5-hydroxyhexa- D-118
Cryst. (H2O). Mp 177-1798. 8CI noic acid
2,4-N-Di-Et: [122-34-9] Simazine, ANSI, [4427-76-3] [504-91-6]
BSI, ISO, WSSA. CAT, JMAF. Aqua- N-(4-Aminobutyl)-1,4-butanediamine, 5-Hydroxylysine, 9CI. a,e-Diamino-d-hy-
zine. Azotop. Gesatop. Herbatoxol S. 9CI. sym-Homospermidine. 1,9-Diamino-5- droxycaproic acid
Herbazin. Herbex. Hungazin DT. azanonane
Primatol$. Tafazine. Yrodazin. Weedex
C7H12ClN5 201.658
C8H21N3 159.274 2
Cryst. Mp 228-2298. pKa 1.7 (218,basic). H 2N C H
-LD50 (rat, orl) >5000 mg/kg. XY5250000 Constit. of the famine food Santalum
2,2,4-N-Tri-Et: [1912-26-1] Trietazine, album (sandalwood). Flavouring. CH 2
ANSI, BSI, ISO, JMAF. Aventox. Bro- Hydrochloride (1:2): (2S,5R)-form
CH 2
nox. Remtal Mp 283-2858 dec. 5
C9H16ClN5 229.712 Hydrochloride (1:3): [189340-78-1] HO C H
Cryst. solid. Mp 100-1018. Cryst. (EtOH aq.).
-LD50 (rat, orl) 594 mg/kg. XY5425000 CH 2NH 2
N1-(3-Aminopropyl): [86812-44-4] N1-(3-
2,2,4,4-N-Tetra-Et: [580-48-3] 2-Chloro- Aminopropyl)homospermidine
4,6-bis(diethylamino)-1,3,5-triazine. 6- C6H14N2O3 162.188
C11H28N4 216.369
Chloro-N,N,N?,N?-tetraethyl-1,3,5-tria- (2S,5R )-form [1190-94-9]
zine-2,4-diamine, 9CI. Chlorazine, BSI, [138656-54-9] L-erythro-form
WSSA Kuttan, R. et al., Biochemistry, 1971, 10, 361 One of the natural protein-bound ami-
C11H20ClN5 257.765 (isol, synth) no acids. Occurs free in plant tissues,

2,3-Diaminopropanoic acid  / Diasarone 2 D-119 / D-122

e.g. Medicago sativa (alfalfa). [a]25

D (hydrochloride). [a]25
D +35 (c, 1.15 in 5M Merck Index, 11th edn. , 1989, 2962
+17.8 (c, 2 in 6M HCl). HCl). Kucharczyk, N. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1989,
-Toxic, exp. carcinogen. 19, 1603 (N2-tert-butyloxycarbonyl)
b-D-Galactopyranoside: [32448-36-5] Andruszkiewicz, R. et al., Pol. J. Chem. (Rocz.
C12H24N2O8 324.33 N3-Nitro: [58130-89-5] (3-Nitroamino)a- Chem.) , 1995, 69, 1615 (rev, occur, derivs)
Component of collagen. [a]23D -1.4 (c, lanine, 9CI. 2-Amino-3-nitraminopropio- Jones, P. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1998, 41, 3062-
0.18 in MeOH). nic acid 3077 (Me ester, synth, ir, pmr, cmr)
(2S,5S )-form [18899-29-1] C3H7N3O4 149.106
L-threo-form. L-allo-form Isol. from Agaricus silvaticus (red
staining mushroom). Cryst. (EtOH aq.). 2-(1,2-Diamino-1-propenyl)- D-120
(/9)-form [6018-54-8] phenol, 9CI
Prod. by Beta vulgaris (sugar beet).
Mp 110-1208 (softens at 978). pKa2 6.79; [173559-57-4]
[6000-08-4, 18899-30-4, 18899-31-5, 78088-29-6] pKa3 9.51 (258, 0.1M KCl). 1,2-Diamino-1-(2-hydroxyphenyl)propene
Sheehan, J.C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1950, 72, 2472- Hygroscopic. Absorbs CO2.
2474 (synth) Hydrochloride: [54897-59-5]
Biochem. Prep. , 1961, 8, 55-62; 62-69 (isol, H 2N NH2
Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 2328 dec.
resoln, purifn) C C
Wilding, M.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1962, 1, Hydrobromide: [18635-45-5]
263-265 (isol) Cryst. (H2O). Mp 2358 dec. CH3
Lindstedt, S. et al., J.O.C. , 1963, 28, 251-252 Oxalate: OH
(abs config)
Cryst. + 2H2O. Mp 175-1788 dec.
Kakimoto, Y. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1970, 245,
5751-5758 (isol, galactoside) Tc complex: See 2,3-Diaminopropanoic C9H12N2O 164.207
Rohr, B. et al., Synlett , 1999, 1139-1141 (synth) acid technetium complex in The Present in shrimp shell (Pandalus jordani )
Van den Nieuwendijk, A.M. et al., Eur. J. Org. Combined Chemical Dictionary. waste. Antioxidant. Characterised spec-
Chem. , 2000, 3683-3691 (synth) troscopically.
Me ester:
Adamczyk, M. et al., Synth. Commun. , 2000, Seymour, T.A. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
30, 3281-3290 (b-D-galactosyl) C4H10N2O2 118.135
Solid (as dihydrochloride). Mp 1728 1996, 44, 682-685 (isol, ms, uv, pmr)
Allevi, P. et al., Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 2000,
11, 3151-3160 (2S,5R-form, 2S,5S-form, (dihydrochloride).
synth, pmr, cmr) Et ester: Diammonium sulfite, 9CI D-121
C5H12N2O2 132.162 [10196-04-0]
Mp 142-1448 dec. Ammonium sulfite
2,3-Diaminopropanoic acid D-119
N,N?-Di-Ac: (NH4)2SO3
[515-94-6] C7H12N2O4 188.183
3-Aminoalanine, 9CI H8N2O3S 116.141
Mp 181-1828.
Food Additive listed in the EAFUS Food
Additive Database (Jan 2001). V. deli-
COOH Nitrile, N2-a-L-arabinosyl, N3-b-D- quescent cryst. Subl. 150.
glucopyranoside: [26401-22-9] 2-(Ara-
H C NH2 (R)-form Monohydrate: [7783-11-1]
CH2NH2 nenitrile Efflorescent cryst. Sol. H2O; insol,
C14H25N3O9 379.366 EtOH, Me2CO.
Constit. of the seeds of Lathyrus sativus Divers, E. et al., J.C.S. , 1900, 77, 336-340
C3H8N2O2 104.108
(chickling pea). Pale yellow cryst. + (synth)
(R )-form Miller, F.A. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1960,
1H2O. Tentative struct. Config. not
D-form 16, 135-235 (ir)
Hydrochloride (1:2): Durand, J. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1977, 33, 1414-
N3-Benzoyl: [116480-11-6] 3-(Benzoyla- 1417 (cryst struct, monohydrate)
D -25.2 (1N HCl).
mino)alanine. 2-Amino-3-(benzoylami- Cooper, D. et al., Eur. J. Solid State Inorg.
N,N?-Dibenzoyl: no)propanoic acid Chem. , 1989, 26, 129-136 (synth, ir, cryst
C17H16N2O4 312.324 C10H12N2O3 208.216 struct)
Mp 156-1578. [a]16D -23.9 (MeOH). Sol. H2O. Degen, I.A. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1993,
49, 859-887 (Raman)
N,N?-Dibenzoyl, Me ester: [1482-97-9, 6018-55-9, 61049-68-1, 69531-11-9]
C18H18N2O4 326.351
Mp 153-1548. [a]16 Karrer, P. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1926, 9, 314
D -21.58 (MeOH). Diasarone 2 D-122
N,N?-Dibenzoyl, Et ester: Schneider, F. et al., Annalen , 1937, 529, 1 (abs [80434-33-9]
C19H20N2O4 340.378 config) 1-Ethyl-2,3-dihydro-4,5,7-trimethoxy-2-
Mp 1518. [a]18
D -13.3 (EtOH). Birnbaum, S.M. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1952, methyl-3-(2,4,5-trimethoxyphenyl)-1H-in-
N3-Me: [20790-80-1] 198, 335 (resoln) dene, 9CI. g-Diasarone
Hellmann, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1954, 87, 1690
C4H10N2O2 118.135
Mp 1688. [a]20
D -35 (c, 1.2 in 5M HCl). Bohme, M. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1959, 92, 1258
(S )-form [4033-39-0] L-form
Mp 2378 dec. Gmelin, R. et al., Hoppe Seyler’s Z. Physiol.
Hydrochloride (1:2): [28843-13-2] Chem. , 1959, 314, 28 (isol)
Mp 2378 dec. [a]25 Vega, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1967, 6, 759;
D +25.2 (1M HCl). OMe
3 1968, 77, 1885 (N3-Me) OMe
N -Ac: [20584-70-7] 3-Acetamido-2-ami- Rukmini, C. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1969, 7,
nopropanoic acid. b-Acetamidoalanine 1062 (nitrile diglycoside)
C5H10N2O3 146.146 Chilton, W.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14, MeO
[a]20 20
D -81 (c, 8 in H2O). [a]D -33 (c, 4 in 2291 (derivs) OMe
6M HCl). Evans, C.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18,
1807 (isol) C24H32O6 416.513
N2-tert-Butyloxycarbonyl: Nilsson, L. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. B , Isol. from rhizomes of Acorus calamus
C8H16N2O4 204.225 1983, 37, 929 (synth, pmr, ms) (sweet flag). Prisms. Mp 99-1008 (848).
Mp 2028 (197-1998). van der Baan, J.L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1984,
N3-Me: [15920-93-1] 2-Amino-3-(methy- 2809 (biosynth) [101910-59-2, 130746-43-9, 137490-15-4]
lamino)propanoic acid Japan. Pat. , 1988, 88 60 959; CA , 109, 134966
Lemini, C. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. , 1981,
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Diazenedicarboxylic acid, 9CI / 2,3,4,6,7-Dibenzofuranpentol D-123  / D-128

Bohlmann, F. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim, mg/kg. TF3325000 1,2,3,4,6-Dibenzofuranpentol D-126

Ger.) , 1982, 315, 474 (struct) Gasser, R. et al., Z. Naturforsch., B , 1953, 8, 1,2,3,4,6-Pentahydroxydibenzofuran
Saxena, D.B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, 225-232 (rev, use)
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Lemini, C. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1990, 46, 1542 228 (rev)
(cryst struct) Shvetsova-Shilovskaya, K.D. et al., Zh. Obshch.
9 1 OH
8 2
Al-Farhan, E. et al., J. Chem. Res., Synop. , Khim. , 1956, 26, 808-810; CA , 50, 14769 7 3
1992, 36 (synth, struct, pmr) 6
(synth) O
4 OH
Mortland, M.M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , OH OH
Diazenedicarboxylic acid, 9CI D-123 1967, 15, 163 (uv, complexes)
Keith, L.H. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. , C12H8O6 248.192
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Azoformic acid. Azodicarboxylic acid. 1,3,4-Tri-Me ether: [167278-43-5] 1,3,4-
Ross, R.T. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1970, 52,
Azodiformic acid. D2,2?-Bicarbamic acid. 139-141 (P-31 nmr) Trimethoxy-2,6-dibenzofurandiol. 2,6-
Azobisformic acid Pardue, J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1970, 18, Dihydroxy-1,3,4-trimethoxydibenzofur-
405-408 (metab, ir, ms, glc) an. 6-Hydroxy-a-pyrufuran
Gore, R.C. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. , C15H14O6 290.272
C2H2N2O4 118.049 1971, 54, 1040-1082 (ir, uv) Constit. of the sapwood of Mespilus
Free acid unknown. Known in the form of Stan, H.-J. et al., Fresenius’ Z. Anal. Chem. , germanica (European medlar). lmax 238
unstable salts and stable esters. 1977, 287, 271-285 (glc, ms) (e 14790); 268 (e 12300); 286 (e 10715);
Stan, H.-J. et al., Biomed. Mass Spectrom. ,
Diamide: [123-77-3] Azoformamide. Azo- 310 (e 4073); 321 (e 4570) (MeOH)
1982, 9, 483-492 (ms)
dicarbonamide. Azodicarboxamide. Dia- Stan, H.-J. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1983, 279, (Berdy). lmax 244 ; 340 (MeOH-NaOH)
zenedicarboxamide. AZM 2S. Azobis 173-187 (glc) (Berdy).
CA 110B. Azobis CA 51C. Azocel. Hummel, S.V. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1986, 1,3,4,6-Tetra-Me ether: [167278-44-6]
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Evipor. Genitron EPC. Paramid K1. Dangerous Prop. Ind. Mater. Rep. , 1987, 7, 36-43 2-Hydroxy-1,3,4,6-tetramethoxydibenzo-
Vinyfor (rev)
furan. 6-Methoxy-a-pyrufuran
Negwer, M. et al., Organic-Chemical Drugs and
C2H4N4O2 116.079 their Synonyms, 6th edn., Akademie-Verlag , C16H16O6 304.299
Bleaching agent for flour. Orange cryst. 1987, 2568 Constit. of the sapwood of Mespilus
Sol. hot H2O. Mp 2258 (1808). Miles, C.J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1990, 38, germanica (European medlar). lmax 262
-LQ1040000 986-989 (glc) (e 9900); 285 (e 8800); 306 (e 5120); 318
Picard, J.P. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1951, 29, 223 Res. Discl. , 1990, 310, 165 (synth) (e 4990) (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 234 ;
(amide) Liao, W. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. , 1991, 286 ; 322 (MeOH-NaOH) (Berdy).
Moriarty, R.M. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1987, 74, 554-565 (glc-ms)
Kokubun, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 39,
17, 409 (synth) Pesticide Manual, 9th edn. , 1991, No. 4030
1039 (isol, uv, pmr, cmr, ms)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Agrochemicals Handbook, 3rd edn., Royal
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(amide) Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1125 1,2,3,4,7-Dibenzofuranpentol D-127
Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths , Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, (Eds. Hayes, 1,2,3,4,7-Pentahydroxydibenzofuran
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Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand OH
Reinhold , 1992, DCM750 8 9 1 2
Chemistry, 1992, 99
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 7 6 4 3
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, ASM270; ASM300; DIT300;
1,2,3,4,6,7-Dibenzofuranhexol D-125 C12H8O6 248.192
Diazinon, ANSI, BAN, BSI, D-124 1,3,4-Tri-Me ether: [93973-18-3] 2,7-Dihy-
droxy-1,3,4-trimethoxydibenzofuran. g-
ISO, JMAF OH Pyrufuran
[333-41-5] 9 1 OH C15H14O6 290.272
8 2
O,O-Diethyl O-[6-methyl-2-(1-methy- 7 3 Constit. of Pyrus communis (pear)
lethyl)-4-pyrimidinyl] phosphorothioate, 6 5
4 OH infected with Chondrostereum purpur-
9CI. O,O?-Diethyl 2-isopropyl-6-methyl-4- OH OH eum . Oil. Sol. MeOH, CHCl3; poorly
pyrimidinyl phosphorothioate. Dimpylate, sol. H2O. lmax 210 (e 25800); 227 (e
INN. Basudin. Diazitol. Spertacide. Many C12H8O7 264.191 27900); 262 (e 15500); 297 (e 15800)
other names 1,3,4,6-Tetra-Me ether: [167278-45-7] (EtOH) (Berdy).
1,3,4,6-Tetramethoxy-2,7-dibenzofuran- Kemp, M.S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1984, 1441
CH 3 diol. 2,7-Dihydroxy-1,3,4,6-tetramethox-
N ydibenzofuran. 7-Hydroxy-6-methoxy-a-
EtO pyrufuran 2,3,4,6,7-Dibenzofuranpentol D-128
PO N CH(CH 3)2 C16H16O7 320.298 2,3,4,6,7-Pentahydroxydibenzofuran
EtO Constit. of the sapwood of Mespilus C12H8O6 248.192
S germanica (European medlar). lmax 238
3,4,6-Tri-Me ether: [93973-22-9] 2,7-Tri-
C12H21N2O3PS 304.349 (e 21380); 267 (e 15800); 295 (e 16300)
Nonsystemic insecticide for rice and fruit (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 235 ; 278 ; 316
trees. Cholinesterase inhibitor. Used (MeOH-NAOH) (Berdy).
C15H14O6 290.272
against animal ectoparasites. Liq. d20 1.12. Kokubun, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 39,
Constit. of Mespilus germanica (Eur-
Bp0.002 83-848. Log P 3.5 (calc). Slowly 1039 (isol, uv, pmr, cmr, ms)
opean medlar). Cryst. (EtOAc/hexane).
dec. by H2O and dil. acids. Component of Sol. MeOH, CHCl3; poorly sol. H2O.
Neocidol. Mp 150-1518. lmax 221 (e 37153); 264 (e
-OES: long-term 0.1 mg m-3; short-term 0.3 17782); 304 (e 16596) (MeOH) (Berdy).
mg m-3 (Sk). Skin and severe eye irritant. lmax 226 (e 35200); 266 (e 17000); 306 (e
Fatal human dose ca . 90-444 mg/kg. LD50 15300) (EtOH) (Berdy). lmax 273 ; 330
(rat, orl) 66 mg/kg. LD50 (rat, skn) 180 (MeOH-NAOH) (Berdy).

1,2,3,4-Dibenzofurantetrol  / 3,6-Dibenzyl-2,5-dihydroxypyrazine D-129  / D-134

3,4,7-Tri-Me ether: [161748-49-8] 2,6-Di- oxide. Benoxyl. Benzac. Eloxyl. Persadox. Voronkov, M.G. et al., Zh. Strukt. Khim. , 1968,
hydroxy-3,4,7-trimethoxydibenzofuran. NSC 675. Many other names 9, 627 (pmr)
e-Cotonefuran Reiter, G.F. et al., J. Appl. Phys. , 1970, 41, 1368
PhCO-O-O-OCPh (uv)
C15H14O6 290.272 C14H10O4 242.231 Srinivasan, R. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1972, 28,
2,3,4,6-Tetra-Me ether: [161748-46-5] 7- Added to bread and cheese as bleaching 2615 (cryst struct)
Hydroxy-2,3,4,6-tetramethoxydibenzo- agent. Prisms. Mp 106-1088 dec. Compo- Analyst (London) , 1972, 97, 740 (microanal)
furan. b-Cotonefuran nent of Benzamycin and Vanoxide. Subrahmanyan, B. et al., Chem. Age India ,
C16H16O6 304.299 1975, 26, 333 (synth, use)
-Explodes on heating. Can explode Meshram, H.M. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. ,
lmax 224 (e 15500); 264 (e 7585); 304 (e spontaneously when dry. Eye, skin, and 1993, 25, 232 (synth)
7244) (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 268 ; 320 respiratory tract irritant. Can cause Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
(MeOH-NAOH) (Berdy). contact dermatitis. Exp. skin tumour edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
Burden, R.S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1984, 1445 promoter. OES: long-term 5 mg m-3. 2, 59
Kokubun, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 38, DM8576200 Bandaranayake, W.M. et al., Comp. Biochem.
57; 39, 1033 (isol, pmr, cmr) Physiol., B: Comp. Biochem. , 1996, 113, 499-
Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra, 2nd edn. , 1983, 502 (isol)
2, 315B (nmr)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
1,2,3,4-Dibenzofurantetrol D-129 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 267
1,2,3,4-Tetrahydroxydibenzofuran 2, 331B (ir) Benevides, P.J.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001,
Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra , 7, 49B (pmr)
57, 743-747 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Gambarjan, S. et al., Ber. , 1909, 42, 4003 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
OH (synth)
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
9 1
2 OH Hey, D.H. et al., J.C.S. , 1948, 2213 (synth)
Reinhold , 1992, DXH200
7 Cadogan, J.I.G. et al., J.C.S. , 1959, 2844 (synth)
6 5 4 3 OH
O Sax, M. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1967, 22, 281 (cryst
OH struct) Dibenzyl ether D-133
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic [103-50-4]
C12H8O5 232.192 Synthesis, Wiley, 1967, 1, 196 (use)
1,1?-[Oxybis(methylene)]bisbenzene, 9CI.
Food Chemicals Codex , 2nd Ed., 1972, 2, 82
1,2,4-Tri-Me ether: [88256-04-6] 1,2,4-Tri- (anal) Benzyl ether, 8CI. FEMA 2371
methoxy-3-dibenzofuranol, 9CI. b-Pyru- Burguera, J.L. et al., Talanta , 1979, 26, 795 PhCH2OCH2Ph
furan (use) C14H14O 198.264
C15H14O5 274.273 Aganov, A.V. et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser.
Flavouring ingredient. Insol. H2O, misc.
Phytoalexin from Pyrus communis Khim. , 1982, 271; Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR, Div.
Chem. Sci. (Engl. Transl.) , 1982, 247 (cmr) EtOH, Et2O. d16 1.06 d20 1.04. Mp 3-48.
(pear). Oil. Sol. MeOH, EtOAc; poorly Bp 2988 Bp22 182-1838. n20
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , D 1.5610.
sol. H2O. lmax 217 (e 32500); 227 (e
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New -Fl. p. 1358. Explodes with AlCl2H diethyl
31000); 261 (e 10500); 289 (e 15200) York, 1989, BDS000 etherate. Eye and skin irritant. LD50 (rat,
(EtOH) (Berdy). Hill, C.L. et al., Inorg. Chem. , 1989, 28, 2511 orl) 2500 mg/kg. DQ6125000
1,3,4-Tri-Me ether: [88256-05-7] 1,3,4-Tri- (uv)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
methoxy-2-dibenzofuranol, 9CI. a-Pyru- Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn.,
1, 1059A (ir)
furan Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1082
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
C15H14O5 274.273 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Spectra , 1992, 2, 214B (nmr)
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 256-259
Phytoalexin from Pyrus communis Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
(pear). Oil. Sol. MeOH, EtOAc; poorly 1989, 3, 991D (ir)
Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths ,
sol. H2O. lmax 224 (e 27700); 259 (e McKillop, A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1974, 30,
1990, 3380
11700); 287 (e 17000) (EtOH) (Berdy). 2467-2475 (synth)
Chemical Hazards of the Workplace, 3rd edn.,
Egorochkin, A.N. et al., Zh. Obshch. Khim. ,
Kemp, M.S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1983, 2267 (eds. Proctor, N.H. et al ), Van Nostrand
1974, 44, 1062-1068 (ir)
(isol, struct, synth) Reinhold , 1991, 109
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
Carvalho, C.F. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1985, 38, Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical
1978, 16, 703 (rev, tox)
777 (synth) Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
Chemistry, 1992, 387
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
2,3,4-Dibenzofurantriol D-130 2, 155
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
2,3,4-Trihydroxydibenzofuran Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Reinhold , 1992, BDS000
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 806-807
Nishiyama, T. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1999, 77,
OH 258-262 (synth, pmr, cmr, ms)
Dibenzyl disulfide D-132 Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive
OH [150-60-7] Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths,
O OH Bis(phenylmethyl) disulfide, 9CI. Benzyl 1990, 3395
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
disulfide, 8CI. FEMA 3617 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
C12H8O4 216.193 PhCH2-S-S-CH2Ph Reinhold , 1992, BEO250
2,4-Di-Me ether: [97218-06-9] 2,4-Di- C14H14S2 246.397
methoxy-3-dibenzofuranol, 9CI. 3-Hy- Flavouring ingredient. Pale yellow leaflets 3,6-Dibenzyl-2,5-dihydroxy- D-134
droxy-2,4-dimethoxydibenzofuran. Erio- (EtOH) with burnt caramel odour. Mp 71- pyrazine
bofuran 728. Exposure to sunlight causes conver- 3,6-Bis(phenylmethyl)-2,5-pyrazinediol.
C14H12O4 244.246 sion to a second form, Mp 69-708 lmax 239 3,6-Dibenzyl-5-hydroxy-2(1H)-pyrazinone
Phytoalexin from the leaves of Eriobo- (e 9200); 279 (e 340) (MeOH).
trya japonica (loquat). Cryst. Mp 157- -Skin and eye irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 3780 HO N CH2Ph HO N CH2Ph
1588. lmax 260 ; 294 ; 302 (MeOH) mg/kg. JO1750000 4
(Berdy). lmax 333 (MeOH-NaOH) PhH2C N OH PhH2C N O
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
(Berdy). 1, 1184D (ir) H
Miyakado, M. et al., Nippon Noyaku Gakkaishi , Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
1985, 10, 101; CA , 103, 66221z (Eriobofuran) Spectra , 1992, 2, 445A (nmr) C18H16N2O2 292.337
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
1989, 3, 1104C (ir) Mono-Me ether: [132213-65-1] 5-Methoxy-
Dibenzoyl peroxide, 9CI D-131
Cumper, C.W.N. et al., J.C.S. , 1965, 5323 3,6-bis(phenylmethyl)-2(1H)-pyrazi-
[94-36-0] (synth) none, 9CI. 2,5-Dibenzyl-3-hydroxy-6-
Benzoyl peroxide, USAN. Benzoyl super- Bowie, J.H. et al., J.C.S.(B) , 1966, 946 (ms) methoxypyrazine

1,1-Dibromo-1-chloro-2-propanone, 9CI, 8CI / 1,1-Dibromo-2-propanone, 9CI D-135 / D-140

C19H18N2O2 306.363 Benzoyl: Dibromopropanedioic acid, D-139

Isol. from fruiting bodies of the mush- C13H8Br2O2 356.013 9CI
room Albatrellus confluens (edibility Mp 97.58. [595-45-9]
unknown). Needles. Mp 159-1618. Me ether: [21702-84-1] 2,4-Dibromo-1- Dibromomalonic acid
2-Me ether, N4-oxide: [117333-12-7] 5- methoxybenzene. 2,4-Dibromoanisole Br2C(COOH)2
Methoxy-3,6-bis(phenylmethyl)-2(1H)- C7H6Br2O 265.932
pyrazinone 4-oxide, 9CI. 2,5-Dibenzyl-3- Mp 61.58. Bp 2728. C3H2Br2O4 261.854
hydroxy-6-methoxypyrazine 1-oxide. Needles or prisms. Sol. H2O, EtOH, Et2O;
Et ether: [38751-57-4] 2,4-Dibromo-1- spar. sol. C6H6, petrol. Mp 136-1378 (130-
Emeheterone ethoxybenzene. 2,4-Dibromophenetole
C19H18N2O3 322.363 1318).
C8H8Br2O 279.959
Needles (C6H6). Sol. MeOH, CHCl3. Mp 53.58. Di-Me ester: [37167-59-2]
Mp 215-2178. Struct. revised in 1990 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, C5H6Br2O4 289.908
lmax 228 (e 28200); 276 (e 7000); 352 (e 1, 1090B (ir) Needles. Mod. sol. EtOH. Mp 678 (648).
9800) (MeOH) (Berdy). Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Me-Et ester: [107607-10-3]
Kawahara, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, Spectra , 1992, 2, 197A; 276A (nmr) C6H8Br2O4 303.935
3022 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms, Emeheterone) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Liq. Bp2 1088.
Ohta, A. et al., Heterocycles , 1990, 31, 1655 1989, 3, 978C; 1026C (ir)
(synth, struct, Emeheterone) Hashimoto, T. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1960, Di-Et ester: [631-22-1]
Kawagishi, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 42, 80, 1399; CA , 55, 5393 (synth) C7H10Br2O4 317.962
547 (isol, pmr, cmr, cryst struct, Me ether) Kaemmerer, H. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , Bp4 108-1108.
1968, 24, 2059 (uv) Dichloride: [74539-43-8]
Rowbotham, J.B. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1974, 52,
1,1-Dibromo-1-chloro-2-pro- D-135 3037 (pmr)
C3Br2Cl2O2 298.745
panone, 9CI, 8CI Tashiro, M. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. , 1974, Bp15 75-778.
[30957-55-2] 6, 107 (synth) Diamide: [73003-80-2]
1,1-Dibromo-1-chloroacetone Higa, T. et al., Comp. Biochem. Physiol., B: C3H4Br2N2O2 259.885
Comp. Biochem. , 1980, 65, 525-530 (isol) Needles. Spar. sol. EtOH, hot H2O. Mp
H3CCOCClBr2 Kajigaeshi, S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1990, 897 2008 (2068) dec.
C3H3Br2ClO 250.317 (Me ether, synth)
Boyle, J.L. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1992, 57, 918-922 Nitrile-amide: [10222-01-2] 2,2-Dibromo-2-
Minor component of the essential oil of
(occur) cyanoacetamide, 9CI
the edible Hawaiian red alga (Asparagopsis
Flodin, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 53, 77- C3H2Br2N2O 241.87
taxiformis ). Liq. Bp 164-1658 Bp1 41-428. 80 (isol) Antimicrobial agent used in sugar mills.
D 1.5370.
Cryst. (C6H6). Mp 1268.
2,6-Dibromophenol, 9CI, 8CI D-138 Dinitrile: [1885-23-0] Dibromopropanedini-
Barrett, G.C. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1971, 279 (synth,
ir) [608-33-3] trile. Dibromomalononitrile. Dibromodi-
Burreson, B.J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1976, cyanomethane
C6H4Br2O 251.905 C3Br2N2 223.854
24, 856 (synth, pmr, ms, glc)
Important flavour component of marine Oil. Mp 38. Bp11 49.28. Dec. on stand-
Gribble, G.W. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat.
Prod. , 1996, 68, 1 (occur) fish, molluses and crustaceans. Needles ing.
(H2O). Sol. EtOH, Et2O. Mp 56-578. Bp21
Willstätter, R. et al., Ber. , 1902, 35, 1374 (synth)
1628. pKa 6.67 (258). Sublimes lmax 279 (e Prüsse, A. et al., Annalen , 1918, 416, 233 (synth)
1,1-Dibromo-3-iodo-2-propa- D-136 2180); 286 (e 2130) (EtOH) (Berdy). lmax
none, 9CI Gupta, B.M. et al., J.C.S. , 1922, 121, 1896-1904
305 (EtOH/NaOH) (Berdy). (amide-nitrile)
[59227-99-5] Ott, E. et al., Ber. , 1937, 70, 1829 (deriv)
Ac: [28165-72-2]
1,1-Dibromo-3-iodoacetone Teichmann, B. et al., Z. Chem. , 1965, 5, 106
C8H6Br2O2 293.942 (synth)
Br2CHCOCH2I Mp 468. van Haverbeke, L. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. ,
C3H3Br2IO 341.769 Benzoyl: 1973, 82, 133 (nitrile, synth)
Minor component of the essential oil of C13H8Br2O2 356.013 Van der Wolf, L. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R.
the edible Hawaiian red algae, Aspara- Mp 688. Neth. Chem. Soc.) , 1977, 96, 72 (di-Et ester,
gopsis taxiformis and Asparagopsis arma- synth)
Me ether:1,3-Dibromo-2-methoxybenzene. Beelitz, K. et al., Z. Naturforsch., B , 1978, 33,
ta .
2,6-Dibromoanisole 417 (use)
Burreson, B.J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1976, C7H6Br2O 265.932 Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic
24, 856 (isol, glc, ms) Mp 138. Bp34 143-1458. Synthesis, Wiley, 1980, 8, 169 (use)
McConnell, O. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, Freeman, F. et al., Synthesis , 1981, 925 (rev,
367 (isol, glc, ms) Et ether:1,3-Dibromo-2-ethoxybenzene.
2,6-Dibromophenetole Prosyanik, A.V. et al., Khim. Geterotsikl.
C8H8Br2O 279.959 Soedin. , 1986, 525; Chem. Heterocycl.
2,4-Dibromophenol, 9CI, 8CI D-137
Mp 40.58. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , 1986, 431 (esters,
[615-58-7] Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, synth)
1, 1083C (ir) Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis ,
OH Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR (ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 3, 1811 (di-
Spectra , 1992, 2, 261A (nmr) Et ester, use)
Br Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
1989, 3, 1016D (ir) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 807-808
Pope, F.G. et al., J.C.S. , 1912, 101, 1826 (synth) (amide-nitrile)
Ashworth, R.B. et al., Science (Washington,
D.C.) , 1967, 155, 1558 (isol)
Br Kaemmerer, H. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1,1-Dibromo-2-propanone, D-140
1968, 24, 2509 (uv)
C6H4Br2O 251.905 Dwivedi, B.K. et al., Indian J. Pure Appl. Phys. ,
Commonly found in molluscs and crusta- 1974, 12, 597 (ir) [867-54-9]
ceans. Mp 408. Bp11 1548. pKa 7.79 (258). Tashiro, M. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. , 1975, 1,1-Dibromoacetone
-LD50 (mus, orl) 282 mg/kg. SK8010000 7, 189 (synth) H3CCOCHBr2
Boyle, J.L. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1992, 57, 918-922
Ac: [36914-79-1] (occur) C3H4Br2O 215.872
C8H6Br2O2 293.942 Whitfield, F.B. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , Minor component of the essential oil of
Mp 368. 1997, 45, 4398-4405 (occur) the edible Hawaiian red alga Asparagopsis

Dibutyl disulfide, 9CI / 2,6-Di-tert -butyl-1,4-benzoquinone D-141  / D-144

taxiformis and of Falkenbergia rufolanosa . Noleau, I. et al., J. Essent. Oil Res. , 1991, 3, Mp 117-1188. V. prob. a contaminant.
Liq. Bp13 55-578. n25
D 1.5237. pKa 11.9 (258,
241-256 (isol)
Di-Ac: [739-92-4]
H2O). Meshram, H.M. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. ,
1993, 25, 232 (synth) C18H26O4 306.401
Hughes, E.D. et al., J.C.S. , 1931, 3318 (synth) Noureldin, N.A. et al., Synthesis , 1998, 1587- Cryst. Mp 102.5-103.58.
Rappe, C. et al., Ark. Kemi , 1964, 21, 503; CA , 1589 (synth, ir, pmr, ms) 1-Me ether: [24289-65-4] 3,5-Di-tert-butyl-
59, 431b (synth, pmr, ir) Kubec, R. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2002, 65, 960-
Takahashi, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 964 (S-oxide, isol)
1964, 37, 963 (pmr) Sax, N.I. et al., Dangerous Properties of C15H24O2 236.353
Burreson, B.J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1976, Industrial Materials, 5th edn., Van Nostrand Cryst. (hexane). Mp 91-938.
24, 856 (isol, glc) Reinhold , 1979, 446 4-Me ether: [489-01-0] 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-
Combaut, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, methoxyphenol. 2,6-Bis(1,1-dimethy-
1661 (isol, glc)
Dibutyl sulfide, 8CI D-142 lethyl)-4-methoxyphenol, 9CI
Geigert, J. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1983, 258, 2273
(glc, ms) C15H24O2 236.353
[544-40-1] Cryst. (petrol). Mp 105-1068. Fieser and
Guthrie, J.P. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1984, 106, 1351 1,1?-Thiobisbutane, 9CI. Butyl sulfide. 5-
(pKa) Fieser (1992) refer to this compd.
Thianonane. FEMA 2215 incorrectly as BHA which is a mixt. of 2-
Bostroem, G.O. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , 1987,
158, 23 (conformn) H3C(CH2)3S(CH2)3CH3 and 3-tert -butyl-4-methoxyphenol (see
Gribble, G.W. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat. C8H18S 146.296 Butylated hydroxyanisole, B-241).
Prod. , 1996, 68, 1 (occur) Present in raw cabbage, boiled and cooked Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
beef, and some varieties of mushroom. 1, 1095A (ir)
Dibutyl disulfide, 9CI D-141 Flavouring ingredient. Liq. Insol. H2O, Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
[629-45-8] sol. Et2O. d20 0.84. Mp -808. Bp 185- Spectra , 1992, 2, 285B (nmr)
185.58. n20 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Butyl disulfide D 1.4926.
1989, 3, 1031D (ir)
-Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 2220 mg/kg. Cook, C.D. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1955, 77, 1672-1673
H3C(CH2)3/  S/  S/  (CH2)3CH3
ER6417000 (4-Me ether)
C8H18S2 178.362 Stroh, R. et al., Angew. Chem. , 1957, 69, 699-
S-Oxide: [2168-93-6] 1,1?-Sulfinylbisbu-
Constit. of Ferula assa-foetida (asafoeti- 706 (synth)
tane, 9CI. Dibutyl sulfoxide
da). Oil. d20 20
4 0.94. Bp 2268 Bp6 948. nD Cohen, L.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1963, 85, 3397-
C8H18OS 162.296
1.4923. 3402 (4-Me ether, uv)
Needles. Mp 318. Bp3 102-1058. Popisil, J. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
-Fl. p. 938. -EK5700000 1966, 31, 98 (4-Me ether, synth)
S-Oxide: [111698-31-8] S-Butyl 1-butane- S,S-Dioxide: [598-04-9] 1,1?-Sulfonylbisbu- Barton, D.H.R. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1971, 1206-
sulfinothioate tane, 9CI. Dibutyl sulfone 1212 (synth)
C8H18OS2 194.362 C8H18O2S 178.295 Karhu, M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1981, 303 (di-
Viscous yellow oil. Known as racemate Plates (H2O). Mp 448. Ac, synth)
and as opt. active preparation of un- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic
known opt. purity lmax 206 (log e 3.56); Synthesis, Wiley, 1988, 13, 94; 1992, 16, 110
1, 266C; 879B; 881C (ir)
250 (log e 3.35) (EtOH). (4-Me ether, synth, use)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Lu, Q. et al., CA , 1990, 113, 55845 (isol)
S,S?-Dioxide:Dibutyl disulfoxide Spectra , 1992, 1, 428C; 1417B; 1419C (nmr)
Omura, K. et al., Synth. Commun. , 2000, 30,
C8H18O2S2 210.361 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
877-885 (1-Me ether)
Obt. as a mixt. of diastereoisomers; 1989, 3, 350B (ir)
Mann, F.G. et al., J.C.S. , 1935, 1556 (synth)
characterised by low temp. cmr. Vaughan, W.E. et al., J.O.C. , 1942, 7, 472
S,S-Dioxide: [1118-40-7] S-Butyl 1-butane- (synth) 2,6-Di-tert -butyl-1,4-benzo- D-144
sulfonothioate Aplin, R.T. et al., J.C.S.(B) , 1967, 513 (ms) quinone
C8H18O2S2 210.361 Hardy, F.E. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1969, 2334
Bp0.13 128-1308. (dioxide)
Calo, V. et al., Int. J. Sulfur Chem., Part A , 2,6-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-2,5-cyclohexa-
S,S,S?-Trioxide, (/9)-form: [78186-29-5] 1- 1971, 1, 130 (oxide) diene-1,4-dione, 9CI
[(Butylsulfinyl)sulfonyl]butane Reich, H.J. et al., Synthesis , 1978, 299 (dioxide)
C8H18O3S2 226.36 Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , O
Cryst. (Et2O). Mp 318. 1979, 17, 769 (rev, tox)
S,S,S?,S?-Tetraoxide: [7559-57-1] Dibutyl Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd 1
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, (H 3 C)3 C 6 2 C(CH 3 ) 3
disulfone 2, 96 5 3
C8H18O4S2 242.36 4
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Mp 56-578. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 356-357 O
[7559-55-9, 85085-02-5, 85085-03-6] Ali, M.H. et al., Synthesis , 1997, 764-768
(oxide) C14H20O2 220.311
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
1, 266D (ir) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Detected in tapwater as presumed oxidant
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Reinhold , 1992, BSM125 of 2,6-Di-tert -butyl-4-methylphenol, D-
Spectra , 1992, 1, 429A (nmr) 148. Formed as dec. prod. of 2,6-Di-tert -
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , butyl-4-methylphenol D-148 in fat frying.
1989, 3, 350C (ir) 2,6-Di-tert -butyl-1,4-benzene- D-143 Yellow cryst. (MeOH). Mp 688. Subl.0.01
Birch, S.F. et al., J. Inst. Pet. , 1953, 39, 206 diol 60.
Kice, J.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1968, 90, 7378 (synth, [2444-28-2] -LD50 (mus, ipr) 2270 mg/kg. DK3970000
trioxide) 2,6-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-1,4-benzenediol, 4-Oxime: [15052-28-5]
Olah, G.A. et al., Synthesis , 1979, 721 (synth) 9CI. 2,6-Di-tert-butylhydroquinone C14H21NO2 235.325
Freeman, F. et al., J.O.C. , 1982, 47, 4194 Yellow plates (C6H6). Mp 221-2228.
(oxides, synth, cmr)
Freeman, F. et al., Synthesis , 1983, 913 (S,S-
OH 4-(2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone):
dioxide, synth, ms, ir)
(H 3C)3C C(CH 3)3 Red cryst. Mp 198-2008.
Rajanikanth, B. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
1985, 824 (oxide, synth) 1, 453A (ir)
Nemecek, C. et al., Nouv. J. Chim. , 1986, 10, OH Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
761 (oxide, synth) Spectra , 1992, 1, 714B (nmr)
Harpp, D.N. et al., Sulfur Lett. , 1988, 7, 73; C14H22O2 222.327 Metro, S.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1955, 77, 2901
CA , 109, 210477 (S,S-dioxide, synth) Isol. from ginseng roots. Cryst. (petrol). (synth, deriv)

5,5-Dibutyl-4,5-dihydro-2(3H )furanone, 9CI / 1,4-Di-O -caffeoylquinic acid D-145 / D-149

Ley, K. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1956, 89, 1402 (synth) 2,6-Di-tert -butyl-4-hydroxy- D-147 Antioxidant, used in cosmetics, foods and
Kharasch, M.S. et al., J.O.C. , 1962, 27, 651 methylphenol pharmaceuticals. Cryst. Insol. H2O; sol.
(synth, deriv) most org. solvs. Mp 718. Bp 2658.
Heiss, J. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1969, 2, [88-26-6]
1325 (ms) 3,5-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-hydroxyben- -Fl. p. 1278. Mod. toxic, exp. teratogen.
Rieker, A. et al., Z. Naturforsch., B , 1969, 24, zenemethanol, 9CI. 3,5-Di-tert-butyl-4-hy- OES: long-term 100 ppm. GO7875000
547 (pmr, uv, ir) droxybenzyl alcohol, 8CI. 4- [6858-01-1]
Berger, S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1972, 28, 3123 Hydroxymethyl-2,6-di-tert-butylphenol. Io-
(cmr) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
nox 100. Butylated hydroxymethylphenol 1, 1094D (ir)
Kikuchi, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1983, 31,
659 (isol) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Barton, D.H.R. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1997, OH Spectra , 1992, 2, 285A (nmr)
27, 3625-3630 (synth, pmr, cmr) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
(H 3C)3C C(CH 3)3 1989, 3, 1031C (ir)
U.S. Pat. , 1948, 2 428 745; CA , 42, 354
Adv. Chem. Ser. , 1955, 15, 313 (props)
CH 2OH Kaemmerer, H. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A ,
5,5-Dibutyl-4,5-dihydro- D-145 1968, 24, 2059 (uv)
2(3H )furanone, 9CI C15H24O2 236.353 Kalinowski, H.O. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. ,
Antioxidant used in foods. Cryst. (Et2O/ 1975, 7, 128 (cmr)
[7774-47-2] Iimura, Y. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1983, 39, 778
4,4-Dibutyl-g-butyrolactone. FEMA 2372 petrol). Mp 1418. Bp2.6 1628.
(cryst struct)
-Low oral acute toxicity. DO0750000 Ford, R.A. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , 1988,
1?-O-Ac: [14387-17-8] 26, 359 (361)
C17H26O3 278.391 Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd
Mp 105-1068 (98.58). edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American
O O Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical
Di-Ac: [13154-59-1]
Press, 1994, 47-48
C19H28O4 320.428 Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn.,
C12H22O2 198.305 Bp7 166-1688. Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1121
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with creamy, 1?-Me ether: [87-97-8] 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4- Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
coconut-like flavour. Bp1.7 111-1128. (methoxymethyl)phenol. Ionol 4 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 326-330
C16H26O2 250.38 (use)
Nakamura, E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1986, 108, 3745- Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
3755 (synth) Mp 99.58.
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Lehman, J. et al., Synthesis , 1987, 1064-1067 -SK8350000 Reinhold , 1992, BFW750
(synth, pmr) 1?-Et ether: [3080-84-0] 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-4-
Adams, T.B. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , 1998, (ethoxymethyl)phenol. 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-
36, 249-278 (tox)
a-ethoxy-p-cresol, 8CI
C17H28O2 264.407 1,4-Di-O -caffeoylquinic acid D-149
Needles (petrol). Bp11 162-1638.
3,5-Di-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzyl ether:
2,6-Di-tert -butyl-4-ethylphe- D-146 NSC 91529. 1,4-Bis-(3,4-dihydroxycinna-
nol, 8CI moyl)quinic acid
C30H46O3 454.692
[4130-42-1] Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 135-1368.
2,6-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-ethylphenol, Starnes, W.H. et al., J.O.C. , 1966, 31, 3164 HO
9CI. Nocrac M17. Yoshinox 250 (synth, pmr)
Lounasmaa, H. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1967, HO
21, 2807 (synth, ir, pmr)
OH Teuber, H.J. et al., Annalen , 1978, 757 (synth, ir)
(H 3C)3C C(CH 3)3 Davis, B.R. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1982, 1499 COO COOH
(3,5-tert-butyl-4-hydroxybenzyl ether, uv, ms,
CH 2CH 3 Thompson, J.A. et al., Drug Metab. Dispos. ,
1987, 15, 833 (metab) HO OH
C16H26O 234.381 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, OOC
Reported as a constit. of mango and green
tea leaves. Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 43.5- 1377
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
458. Bp10 1348. Isol. poorly documented.
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand OH
Given its use as a coml. antioxidant the Reinhold , 1992, IFX200
claimed occurrence is presumably as a
contaminant. OH

Benzoyl: 2,6-Di-tert -butyl-4-methyl- D-148 C25H24O12 516.457

C23H30O2 338.489 phenol The CAS no. [1182-34-9] has been
Mp 1618. [128-37-0] erroneously used in CA for 1,5-Di-O -
Stillson, G.H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1945, 67, 303 caffeoylquinic acid. Isol. from flowers
(synth) [30587-81-6]
and leaves of Helichrysum italicum
Cook, C.D. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1959, 81, 1176 2,6-Bis(1,1-dimethylethyl)-4-methylphenol,
(curry plant). Mp 228-2318 (218-2208).
(synth) 9CI. 2,6-Di-tert-butyl-p-cresol, 8CI. Buty-
Kornblum, N. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1961, 83, 3668 [a]18
D -30 (c, 0.5 in MeOH).
lated hydroxytoluene. Ionol. BHT. Popol.
(synth) FEMA 2184. E321 [1884-23-7]
Afanasiev, I.D. et al., CA , 1967, 67, 32392
(synth) Panizzi, L. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1965, 95,
Ng, S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1972, 1514 (pmr) OH 71-82 (synth)
(H 3C)3C Gumenyuk, L.A. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. ,
U.S. Pat. , 1975, 3 919 333; CA , 84, 43611 C(CH 3)3 1971, 6, 525; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl.
Koutek, B. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. , Transl.) , 1971, 6, 503 (isol)
1976, 41, 2250 (synth) Zapesochnaya, G.G. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. ,
CH 3 1992, 28, 50-55; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl.
Pang, X. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1991, 2, 387
(occur) Transl.) , 1992, 28, 40-44 (isol, pmr, hplc)
C15H24O 220.354

3,4-Di-O -caffeoylquinic acid  / Dicentrine D-150  / D-154

3,4-Di-O -caffeoylquinic acid D-150 Light yellow powder. Mp 123-1248. Timmermann, B.N. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1983,
46, 365-368 (isol, pmr, cmr)
[14534-61-3] Butyl ester: Tatefuji, T. et al., Biol. Pharm. Bull. , 1996, 19,
Isochlorogenic acid b C29H32O12 572.565 966-970 (isol, pmr, cmr)
C25H24O12 516.457 1-O-(2-Methylpropanoyl):3,5-Dicaffeoyl- Miketova, P. et al., J. Mass Spectrom. , 1999, 34,
1-isobutyrylquinic acid 1240-1252 (ms)
Numbering systems vary. Isol. from coffee
C29H30O13 586.548
and maté. Powder. Mp 234-2388 dec.
Amorph. pale yellow powder. lmax 242 ;
D -225 (MeOH). Dicarbonic acid, 9CI D-153
300 (sh) ; 328 (MeOH).
Me ester: [114637-83-1] Macroantoin F. [503-81-1]
Macranthoin F Oxydiformic acid, 8CI. Pyrocarbonic acid.
methylbutanoyl): [114637-82-0] 3,5-Di-
C26H26O12 530.484 Oxybisformic acid
Light yellow powder. Mp 115-1168. HOOC/  O/  COOH
oyl)quinic acid
5-O-(3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaroyl): C31H32O16 660.584 C2H2O5 106.035
[103744-76-9] Amorph. powder + 1=2H2O. [a]20 D -170 (c,
C31H32O16 660.584 Di-Me ester: [4525-33-1] Dimethyl dicar-
0.95 in MeOH). lmax 216 (e 26600); 242
D -169.8 (c, 0.95 in MeOH). (e 17600); 304 (sh) ; 329 (e 30800)
bonate. Dimethyl pyrocarbonate. Velcor-
3?-Me ether: [96990-65-7] in
C4H6O5 134.088
[102851-10-5] 4-O-Caffeoyl-3-O-feruloylqui- 4-O-Succinoyl: [179761-31-0] 3,5-Dicaf- Yeast inhibitor and preservative for
nic acid feoyl-4-succinoylquinic acid alcoholic beverages esp. low alcohol
C26H26O12 530.484 C29H28O15 616.531 wines. d20
4 1.25. Mp 15-178. Bp5 44-478.
Constit. of coffee beans. Constit. of Chrysanthemum coronarium n20
D 1.3948.
(chop-suey greens).
3??-Me ether: [125132-81-2] 3-Caffeoyl-4- Di-Et ester: [1609-47-8] Diethyl dicarbo-
1-Me ether, Me ester: nate. Diethyl pyrocarbonate. Baycovin
feruloylquinic acid
C27H28O12 544.511 C6H10O5 162.142
C26H26O12 530.484
Mp 132-1348. [a]20D -34.7 (MeOH). Formerly used as a fermentation inhi-
Constit. of the peel Citrus reticulata
(mandarin). Amorph. yellow solid. [a]29 D
3-Epimer:3,5-Di-O-caffeoyl-muco-quinic bitor and preservative for wines, soft
-24.7 (c, 0.1 in MeOH). lmax 206 ; 216 ; acid drinks and fruit juices. No longer
233 ; 328 (EtOH). C25H24O12 516.457 permitted as a food additive. d20
4 1.12.

3??-Me ether, Me ester: [345642-66-2]

Yellowish gum. [a]D -153.8 (c, 0.78 in Bp3 58.5-628. n25
D 1.3975.
MeOH). lmax 219 (log e 4.43); 244 (log e -Poss. protocarcinogen (forms carcinogenic
C27H28O12 544.511
4.28); 300 (sh) (log e 4.4); 328 (log e ethyl carbamate with dietary NH4 ). Eye,
Constit. of the peel of Citrus reticulata
4.52) (EtOH). skin and mucous membrane irritant. LD50
(mandarin). Amorph. solid. [a]29 D -171
Haslam, E. et al., J.C.S. , 1964, 2137 (isol) (rat, orl) 850 mg/kg. LQ9350000
(c, 0.1 in MeOH). lmax 219 ; 236 ; 328
Corse, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1965, 4, 527 (uv, Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
(EtOH). pmr) 1, 611B (ir)
5??-Methoxy, 3??-Me ether: [110241-35-5] 3- Nichiforescu, E.A. et al., Plant. Med. Rosnati, L. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1963, 96, 3098
O-Caffeoyl-4-O-sinapoylquinic acid Phytother. , 1970, 4, 56 (isol) (synth, di-Et ester)
C27H28O13 560.51 Mzhavanadze, V.V. et al., CA , 1972, 76, 124113c Fr. Pat. , 1968, 1 542 382; CA , 71, 123555h
Amorph. powder. [a]20 D -252 (c, 0.54 in
Timmermann, B.N. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1983, (manuf, di-Me ester)
MeOH). Log P -0.19 (calc). 46, 365 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms) Gejvall, T. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1974, 90, 157
Nishizawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988, (use, Et ester)
[2271-12-7] 36, 87-95 (4-3-hydroxy-3-methylglutarate) Brysova, V.P. et al., J.O.C. , USSR , 1974, 10,
Chen, M. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1994, 29, 617 2551 (synth, di-Me ester)
Scarpati, M.L. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1964, 2851-
2853 (isol) (Macroantoin G) Turczan, J.W. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1977,
Tatefuji, T. et al., Biol. Pharm. Bull. , 1996, 19, 25, 594 (pmr, di-Et ester)
Taylor, A.O. et al., Phytochemistry, 1968, 7, 63-
966-970 (isol, props) Pauli, G.H. et al., J. Chem. Educ. , 1984, 61, 332
71 (isol)
Timmermann, B.N. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1983, Chudo, Y. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1996, 44, (rev, di-Et ester)
2037 (4-succinate) Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
46, 365-368 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms)
Iwahashi, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, Kodoma, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 47, Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
371-373 (isol, pmr, cmr) York, 1989, DRJ850
630-632 (Caffeoylferuloylquinic acid)
Nishizawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1986, Miketova, P. et al., J. Mass Spectrom. , 1999, 34, Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
34, 1419-1421; 1987, 35, 2133-2135 (derivs) 1240-1252 (ms) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 821; 853
Heilmann, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 51, (diesters, use)
Chen, M. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1994, 29, 617-
620 (Macroantoin F) 713-718 (Dicaffeoyl-1-isobutyrylquinic acid) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Kwon, H.C. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2000, Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Lin, L.-C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1999, 62, 405-408
(isol, pmr, cmr) 48, 1796-1798 (3,5-Dicaffeoylmucoquinic acid, Reinhold , 1992, DIZ100
isol, activity, pmr)
Choi, E.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 56,
Peng, L.Y. et al., Fitoterapia , 2000, 71, 713-715
733-739 (3-Caffeoyl-4-feruloylquinic acid)
(butyl ester, isol) Dicentrine D-154
Zhang, W.-D. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 2001, 36, 9,10-Dimethoxy-1,2-methylenedioxyapor-
3,5-Di-O -caffeoylquinic acid D-151 360-363 (1-Me ether Me ester) phine. N,O-Dimethylactinodaphnine. Ex-
[2450-53-5] imine$
acid. Isochlorogenic acid a 4,5-Di-O -caffeoylquinic acid D-152 O 4
C25H24O12 516.457 [57378-72-0]
Care needed with numbering. Positions 3 4,5-Bis(3,4-dihydroxycinnamoyl)quinic O NMe
and 5 frequently interchanged. Isol. acid. Isochlorogenic acid c H
from coffee and maté, globe artichoke C25H24O12 516.457 (R)-form
(Cynara scolymus ) and Caucasian
whortleberry (Vaccinium Numbering systems vary. Isol. from coffee, 10
arctostaphylos ). Cryst. Mp 170-1728 Brazilian propolis and maté. Cryst. Mp MeO
dec. [a]D -198 (MeOH). 1408 dec. [a]28
D -170 (MeOH).
Me ester: [159934-13-1] Macroantoin G. [32451-88-0]
Macranthoin G Scarpati, M.L. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1964, 2851 C20H21NO4 339.39Log P 2.86 (uncertain
C26H26O12 530.484 (isol) value) (calc).

3,3-Dichloro-4-(dichloromethylene)-...  / 1,2-Dichloroethane, 9CI D-155 / D-160

(S )-form [517-66-8] Abraham, R.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1973, Buzzetti, F. et al., Experientia , 1968, 24, 320 (2-
Mp 168-1698. [a]D +57 (c, 1 in EtOH). 1027 (F-19 nmr) Me ether)
lmax 281 (log e 4.18); 305 (log e 4.23) Gilbert, R. et al., J. Chem. Phys. , 1974, 60, 4820 Dornhagen, J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1985, 41, 173
(uv) (2-Me ether, synth, ir, pmr, cmr, bibl)
(95% EtOH). Beattie, W.H. et al., Appl. Spectrosc. , 1975, 29,
-CE0455000 334 (ms)
O9-De-Me: [5890-28-8] 9-Hydroxy-10- Le Blanc, L.M. et al., J. Raman Spectrosc. ,
4,5-Dichloro-3H -1,3-dithiol- D-159
methoxy-1,2-methylenedioxyaporphine. 1991, 22, 255 (Raman) 2-one, 9CI
Cassythicine. N-Methylactinodaphnine Hall, C.D. et al., Mol. Phys. , 1991, 74, 27 (ed) [1192-52-5]
C19H19NO4 325.363 Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd 4,5-Dichloro-1,2-dithiol-2-one. 4,5-Di-
Alkaloid from Laurus nobilis (bay edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American chloro-1,2-dithia-4-cyclopenten-3-one. Di-
Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical
laurel). Cryst. + 1CHCl3 (CHCl3). Mp Press, 1994, 160-162
210-2128. [a]D +62 (c, 0.43 in CHCl3). Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn.,
lmax 283 (log e 4.23); 307 (log e 4.27) Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1188 O
(95% EtOH). Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Cl
Johns, S.R. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1966, 19, Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 810
2339-2345 (Actinodaphnine, Cassythicine) Chemical Hazards of the Workplace, 2nd edn., Cl S
(eds. Proctor, N.H. et al ), J.B. Lippincott ,
Nakasato, T. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1966, 86,
129-134 (Cassythicine) 1988, 187
Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive C3Cl2OS2 187.07
Cava, M.P. et al., J.O.C. , 1968, 33, 2443-2446
(Actinodaphnine, Cassythicine, uv) Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths , FDA approved slimicide for use in food-
Yang, T.H. et al., J. Chin. Chem. Soc. (Taipei) , 1990, 0310 contact paper and paperboard. Cryst.
1971, 18, 133-136; CA , 77, 16567r ((-)- Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical (petrol). Mp 618. Bp0.11 1258 Bp0.05 878.
Cassythicine) Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of -JP1290000
Hara, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1986, 34, Chemistry, 1992, 416
Boberg, F. et al., Annalen , 1964, 679, 109 (synth,
1946-1949 (Dicentrine, Cassythicine, synth, Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
pmr) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Anon, et al., Food Chem. News , 1991, 41, 29
Soicke, H. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim, Reinhold , 1992, DFA600
Ger.) , 1988, 321, 149-152 ((/9)-Cassythicine)
Likhitwitayawuid, K. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1993,
56, 1468-1478 ((-)-Nordicentrine, (-)-
4,11-Dichloro-5,12-dihydro- D-157 1,2-Dichloroethane, 9CI D-160
Cassythicine) quino[2,3-b ]acridine-7,14-dione, 9CI [107-06-2]
3,3-Dichloro-4-(dichloro- D-155
Ethylene dichloride, BSI, ISO. Ethylene
methylene)-2,5-pyrrolidinedione, 9CI Cl H O chloride. Dutch oil. R 150. EDC, JMAF.
[165606-93-9] N Granosan
Cl C2H4Cl2 98.959
Cl C Cl Solvent used in food processing. Liq. Sl.
O H Cl sol. H2O; misc. most org. solvs. d20
Cl 4 1.25.
Fp -35.3. Bp 83-848. n20 D 1.4443.
O O C20H10Cl2N2O2 381.217
N FDA approved colourant for food contact
-Highly flammable, fl. p. 138, autoignition
H temp. 413/4388. Eye, skin and respiratory
polymers. Red-orange or red solid.
tract irritant. High vapour conc. cause
Labana, S.S. et al., Chem. Rev. , 1967, 67, 1-18 CNS depression and adverse
C5HCl4NO2 248.879 (rev, synth, props) gastrointestinal effects, and the symptoms
Bacterial mutagen produced by chlorina- Altiparmakian, R.H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , incl. mental confusion, dizziness, nausea,
tion of simulated poultry chiller water. 1972, 55, 85-100 (pmr)
Lincke, G. et al., Chem.-Ztg. , 1982, 106, 365-
vomiting. Liver, kidney and adrenal injury
-Mutagenic. may occur at sub-acute levels and from
369 (cryst struct)
Stevens, K.L. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1995, prolonged or repeated exp. Exp.
Osvath, R. et al., Food Chem. News , 2001, 43, 6
43, 2424-2427; 1996, 44, 256-263 (synth, cryst
(use) carcinogen and teratogen. MEL: long-
term 5 ppm (Sk). KI0525000
3,5-Dichloro-2,4-dihydroxy-6- D-158 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Dichlorodifluoromethane, 9CI D-156 1, 72A (ir)
methylbenzoic acid Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Arcton 12. CFC 12. Fluorocarbon 12. [5859-25-6] Spectra , 1992, 1, 107A (nmr)
Forane 12. Freon 12. Frigen 12. Fron 12. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Genetron 12 1989, 3, 103D (ir)
COOH Bahr, H.A. et al., Angew. Chem. , 1930, 43, 233;
CCl2F2 H 3C OH CA , 24, 2717 (synth)
CCl2F2 120.913 Simeral, L. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1973, 77, 1590
Direct contact freezing agent for foods. Cl Cl (cmr)
Refrigerant, aerosol propellant. Almost OH Stahl-Larivière, H. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. ,
1974, 6, 170 (pmr)
odourless gas. Fp -158. Bp -29.88 Bp 42.48. IARC Monog. , 1979, 20, 429; Suppl. 7, 62 (rev,
C8H6Cl2O4 237.038
-Can react violently with Al or Mg. Dec. to Needles (MeOH aq.). Mp 202-2038. tox)
toxic carbonyl halides if strongly heated in Hanner, A.W. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1982,
air. Production controlled by 2-Me ether: [4101-80-8] 3,5-Dichloro-4- 17, 19 (ms)
environmental legislation. V. high conc. hydroxy-2-methoxy-6-methylbenzoic Ullmann’s Encycl. Ind. Chem. , 5th Ed., VCH,
can cause conjunctiva irritation, fibrosing acid. Dichloroisoeverninic acid Weinheim, 1985, A6, 263 (rev)
C9H8Cl2O4 251.065 Organo-chlorine Solvents , Royal Society of
alveolitis, and adverse hepatic effects.
Food additive; residue present in Chemistry, London, 1986, 73 (tox, rev)
OES: long-term 1000 ppm; short-term Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn.,
1250 ppm. PA8200000 orthomycin antibiotics. Cryst. (H2O).
Wiley, 1991, 6, 12 (rev)
Henne, A.L. et al., Org. React. (N.Y.) , 1944, 2, Mp 129-1308. Slowly decarboxylates on Pesticide Manual, 9th edn. , 1991, No. 5810
49 (rev) standing in soln.. Durig, J.R. et al., Vib. Spectrosc. , 1992, 3, 9 (ir)
Hamilton, J.M. et al., Adv. Fluorine Chem. , Galmarini, O.L. et al., Tetrahedron , 1961, 15, 76 Boese, R. et al., Z. Kristallogr. , 1992, 198, 311
1963, 3, 117 (manuf, use) (2-Me ether) (cryst struct)

Dichloromethane, 9CI  / Dichlorvos, BAN, BSI, INN, ISO D-161  / D-164

Kropp, P.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1994, 59, 3102 (synth, Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th C4H7Cl2O4P 220.976
pmr, cmr) edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1105 Used as a household and public health
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Souquet, F. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1993, 23, fumigant, for crop protection and as an
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 970-972 817 (use)
Patty’s Ind. Hyg. Toxicol. (3rd Rev. edn.) , Vol. Gribble, G.W. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat.
anthelmintic in animal feeds. Liq. with
2, Wiley, 1980, 3491 Prod. , 1996, 68, 1 (occur) aromatic odour. Mod. sol. H2O (1% w/v),
Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical Chem. Eng. News , (Jan. 13), 1997, 7 (tox) misc. EtOH. d254 1.42. Bp14 1208 Bp3 888.
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive n20
D 1.4550. Log P 1.72 (uncertain value)
Chemistry, 1992, 419 Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths , (calc). Hydrolysed rel. slowly by H2O,
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 1990, 0379 more quickly by alkalis.
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical -Cholinesterase inhibitor, rapidly
Reinhold , 1992, EIY600 Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of
Chemistry, 1992, 425
metabolised and excreted. LD50 (rat, orl)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 46-80 mg/kg. Neurotoxic symptoms from
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand acute human exposure. OES: long-term
Dichloromethane, 9CI D-161 Reinhold , 1992, MJP450 0.1 ppm; short-term 0.3 ppm (Sk).
Methylene chloride. Methane dichloride. R Barthel, W.F. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1955, 77, 2424-
3-(Dichloromethylene)-2,5- D-162
2427 (synth)
30 pyrrolidinedione, 9CI Keith, L.H. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. ,
CH2Cl2 [170660-62-5] 1968, 51, 1063-1094 (pmr)
CH2Cl2 84.932 Ross, R.T. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1970, 52,
Used as an extraction solv. in the pre- 139-141 (P nmr)
paration of decaffeinated coffee, hop
Cl Gore, R.C. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. ,
C Cl 1971, 54, 1040-1082 (ir, uv)
extracts and spice oleoresins. Diluent for Betteridge, D. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1972, 44,
colour additives and inks for marking fruit 2005-2010 (pe)
and vegetables. Volatile liq. d15
4 1.34. Fp - Gillett, J.W. et al., Residue Rev. , 1972, 44, 115-
96.8. Bp 40.18. n20
D 1.4246. Much more
O N O 160; 161-184 (tox, rev)
reactive than commonly supposed. Use as Gaydou, E.M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1973,
H 2275-2278 (synth, props)
solvent in basic conds. should be avoided
(see Souquet, et al ). Gaydou, E.M. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. ,
C5H3Cl2NO2 179.99 1974, 9, 157-171 (ms)
-Autoignition temp. 6058. Gives explosive Bacterial mutagen produced by chlorina- Nikonorov, K.V. et al., Zh. Obshch. Khim. ,
mixts. with various materials and reacts tion of simulated poultry chiller water. 1974, 44, 1267-1272; J. Gen. Chem. USSR
exothermically with amines in conc. soln. Cryst. (Et2O/CCl4). Mp 192-192.58. (Engl. Transl.) , 1974, 44, 1245-1250 (synth)
Vapour can ignite or explode if heated. Nicholas, M.L. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal.
Possible human carcinogen. Eye, skin and Haddon, W.F. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1996, Chem. , 1976, 59, 1071-1080 (Raman)
44, 256-263 (formn, synth, nmr, uv) Szalontai, G. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1976, 124,
respiratory tract irritant. De-fats the skin.
High vapour conc. depress CNS and cause 9-16 (hplc)
Stan, H.-J. et al., Fresenius’ Z. Anal. Chem. ,
headache, dizziness and coma. Prolonged 3,4-Dichloro-2,5-pyrrolidine- D-163 1977, 287, 271-285 (glc, ms)
or repeated exposure can cause dione Szalontai, G. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1977,
carboxyhaemoglobinaemia, [1193-54-0] 10, 63-69 (cmr)
gastrointestinal disturbances plus the Dichloromaleimide Wright, A.S. et al., Arch. Toxicol. , 1979, 42, 1-
symptoms of acute exposure. Exp. 18 (metab, props, bibl)
carcinogen. Exp. reprod. and teratogenic Ramel, C. et al., Mutat. Res. , 1980, 76, 297-309
effects. MEL: long-term 100 ppm; short- C l Cl (rev, tox)
term 300 ppm (proposed). PA8050000 Johnson, M.K. et al., Acta Pharmacol. Toxicol. ,
O O Suppl., 1981, 49, 87-98 (rev, tox)
[1665-00-5] N Reuber, M.D. et al., Clin. Toxicol. , 1981, 18, 47-
H 84 (rev, props)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Prinsloo, S.M. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. ,
1, 70D (ir) C4HCl2NO2 165.963
Aldrich Atlas of NMR Spectra , 1, 57A (pmr) 1985, 68, 1100-1108 (glc)
Bacterial mutagen produced by chlorina- Santodonato, J. et al., CA , 1986, 105, 231583
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR tion of simulated poultry chiller water. Mp (rev, haz)
Spectra , 1992, 1, 105A (nmr)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
1758. Singh, A.K. et al., J. Chem. Res. , 1986, 369, 83-
-LD50 (mus, ipr) 31 mg/kg. Mutagen. 96 (gc-ms)
1989, 3, 102A (ir)
Panizzon, L. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1932, 15, ON5150000 Negwer, M. et al., Organic-Chemical Drugs and
their Synonyms, 6th edn., Akademie-Verlag ,
1191 (synth) Dunlap, F.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1896, 18, 332 1987, 201 (synonyms)
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic (synth)
Synthesis, Wiley, 1969, 2, 273; 7, 239 Betowski, L.D. et al., Environ. Sci. Technol. ,
Bonse, G. et al., Annalen , 1981, 1658 (synth) 1988, 22, 1430-1434 (hplc-ms)
Kawaguchi, T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , Haddon, W.F. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1996,
1973, 46, 62 (cryst struct) Dangerous Prop. Ind. Mater. Rep. , 1989, 9, 2-18
44, 256-263 (occur, cmr) (rev)
Russell, B.R. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1973, 95, 2129 (uv) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Illing, H.P.A. et al., HSE Toxicity Review 12: Sharma, V.K. et al., Forensic Sci. Int. , 1990, 48,
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 21-25 (hplc)
Dichloromethane (Methylene Chloride) , Reinhold , 1992, DFN800 Agrochemicals Handbook, 3rd edn., Royal
HMSO, London, 1985,
IARC Monog. , 1986, 41, 43; Suppl . 7, 194; Society of Chemistry, 1992, A141
Dichlorvos, BAN, BSI, INN, D-164 Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
Suppl . 6, 228 (rev, tox)
Dostovalova, V.I. et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1126
ISO Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Encyclopaedia ,
Ser. Khim. , 1986, 2467; Bull. Acad. Sci.
USSR, Div. Chem. Sci. (Engl. Transl.) , 1986, [62-73-7] 1997, No. 218
2282 (cmr) O-(2,2-Dichloroethenyl) O,O-dimethyl Chemical Hazards of the Workplace, 2nd edn.,
phosphate, 9CI. 2,2-Dichlorovinyl dimethyl (eds. Proctor, N.H. et al ), J.B. Lippincott ,
Duncan, J.L. et al., J. Mol. Spectrosc. , 1986,
118, 145 (ir) phosphate, 8CI. Dichlorophos. DDVP, 1988, 194
Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, (Eds. Hayes,
Organo-chlorine Solvents , Health Risks to JMAF. Aquaguard. Brevinyl. Chlorvinphos.
Workers, Royal Society of Chemistry, 1986, W.J. et al ), Academic Press, 1991, 990
Dederap. Dichlorvos. Estrosol. Fecama. Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
147 (tox, rev) Insectigas D. Nefafros. Novotox. Nogos. Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Bretherick, L. et al., Chem. Eng. News , Dec. 12,
1988, 2 (haz)
Nuvan. Panaplate. Vapona. Vaponite. Vi- Reinhold , 1992, DGP900
Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn., nylofos. Winylophos. NSC 6738
Wiley, 1991, 5, 1041 (rev) (MeO)2P(O)OCH/ . CCl2

Dicoumarol, INN  / Dicyclohexyl disulfide, 9CI D-165  / D-169

Dicoumarol, INN D-165 H C27H35N3O6 497.59

[66-76-2] N O Alkaloid from the pollen of Corylus
HN avellana (filbert), also from Ananas
pyran-2-one], 9CI. 3,3?-Methylenebis-4- comosus (pineapple) and Vicia faba .
O Only the alkaloid from C. avellana has
hydroxycoumarin, 8CI. Bishydroxycoumar-
in. Dicoumarin. Cumid. Dicumarol. Dufa- been shown to have the exact struct.
lone. Melitoxin. Many other names 3′ shown. The other isolates are diferu-
4′ 3″ 5″ loylspermidine with undefined regioi-
5′ 4″
HO somerism (i.e. could be N5-substituted).
3?,3??,5?,5??-Tetramethoxy: [70185-63-6]
CH 2 C22H24N2O4 380.443 Disinapoylspermidine
Alkaloid from Helianthus annuus (sun- C29H39N3O8 557.642
O O O O flower), Pyrus communis (pear), Rubus Regioisomerism not rigorously estab-
idaeus (raspberry) and Vicia faba . lished.
C19H12O6 336.3
Isol. from Melilotus alba (white melilot). 3?,3??-Dihydroxy: [60422-23-3] Dicaffeoyl- [101330-61-4]
Cryst. (cyclohexanone). Sol. bases, Py; putrescine. N,N?-Bis(3,4-dihydroxycin- Delétang, J. et al., Ann. Tab., Sect. 2 , 1974, 11,
fairly sol. MeOH, Et2O; poorly sol. H2O, namoyl)-1,4-butanediamine 123; CA , 84, 147656m (uv, pmr, struct,
hexane. Mp 288-2898. Log P 3.73 (calc). C22H24N2O6 412.441 Dicaffeoylspermidine)
lmax 289 (e 21200); 310 (e 23460); 325 (e Alkaloid from Helianthus annuus (sun- Cabanne, F. et al., Physiol. Veg. , 1977, 15, 429;
19320) (CHCl3) (Berdy). flower) and Pyrus communis (pear). CA , 88, 86095m (uv, struct)
Martin-Tanguy, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978,
-Adverse effects reported (similar to 3,3?-Dimethoxy: [42369-86-8] Diferuloyl- 17, 1927 (occur)
Warfarin) when used therapeutically. putrescine. N,N?-Bis(4-hydroxy-3-meth- Meurer, B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, 433
Human and exp. reprod. effects. Exp. oxycinnamoyl)-1,4-butanediamine (Caffeoylferuloylspermidine,
teratogen. LD50 (rat, orl) 250 mg/kg ; C24H28N2O6 440.495 Diferuloylspermidine)
LD50 (mus, scu) 200 - 300 mg/kg. Alkaloid from Ananas comosus (pine-
GN7875000 apple), Vicia faba and Lycopersicon Dictyoquinazol A D-168
Di-Ac: esculentum (tomato). 3-(2-Hydroxymethyl-4-methoxyphenyl)-6-
Cryst. (C6H6). Mp 250-2528 dec. 3?,3??,5?,5??-Tetramethoxy: [70185-58-9] methoxy-4(3H)-quinazolinone
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Disinapoylputrescine. N,N?-Bis(4-hydro-
2, 325A (ir) xy-3,5-dimethoxycinnamoyl)-1,4-butane-
Stahmann, M.A. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1941, diamine OMe
138, 21; 513; 529 (isol, synth, uv)
C26H32N2O8 500.547
Wittmann, H. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1965, 96,
Martin-Tanguy, J. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances
1200 (synth) N
Korenmann, I.M. et al., Zh. Anal. Khim. , 1967, Acad. Sci. Ser. D , 1973, 276, 1433 (uv, struct,
22, 1305 (use) synth, Diferuloylputrescine) CH2OH
Cabanne, F. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. N
Hutchinson, D.W. et al., Tetrahedron , 1969, 25,
2531 (ir, pmr, struct) Sci. Ser. D, 1976, 282, 1959 (uv, struct,
Dicaffeoylputrescine) C17H16N2O4 312.324
Levy, G. et al., J. Pharmacokinet. Biopharm. ,
1973, 1, 541 (rev) Martin-Tanguy, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, Alkaloid from the edible mushroom Dic-
Owen, C.A. et al., Mayo Clin. Proc. , 1974, 49, 17, 1927 (occur, derivs) tyophora indusiata . Pale yellow oil. lmax
912 (rev, pharmacol) 224 (log e 3.9); 274 (log e 3.43); 319 (log e
Kirkiacharian, B.S. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances 2.78) (MeOH).
Acad. Sci. Ser. C , 1977, 284, 697 (cmr) N1,N10-Dicoumaroylspermi- D-167
Alcock, N.W. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1978, 28, N1,2-Dihydro, N1-formyl:1-Formyl-2,3-di-
dine hydro-3-(2-hydroxymethyl-4-methoxy-
1957 (cryst struct)
Murray, R.D.H. et al., The Natural Coumarins , [65715-79-9] phenyl)-6-methoxy-4(1H)-quinazoli-
J. Wiley, 1982, 271 (biochem) N1,N10-Bis(4-hydroxycinnamoyl)spermi- none. Dictyoquinazol C
Hayward, R.C. et al., J. Chem. Educ. , 1984, 61, dine C18H18N2O5 342.351
87 (synth) Alkaloid from Dictyophora indusiata .
Griminger, P. et al., J. Nutr. , 1987, 117, 1325 Pale yellow oil. [a]D +60 (c, 0.03 in
5 N O MeOH). Exists as a mixt. of rotamers
Negwer, M. et al., Organic-Chemical Drugs and HN N lmax 228 (log e 3.9); 319 (log e 2.9)
their Synonyms, 6th edn., Akademie-Verlag , H
1987, 5099 (MeOH).
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
O 4-Deoxo, N1,2-dihydro, N1-formyl:1-For-
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 225 myl-1,2,3,4-tetrahydro-3-(2-hydroxy-
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 3′ methyl-4-methoxyphenyl)-6-methoxyqui-
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 5″ 3″
5′ nazoline. Dictyoquinazol B
Reinhold , 1992, BJZ000 OH
OH C18H20N2O4 328.367
Alkaloid from Dictyophora indusiata .
C25H31N3O4 437.538 Pale yellow oil. [a]D -80 (c, 0.05 in
Alkaloid from Helianthus annuus (sun- MeOH). Exists as a mixt. of rotamers
Di-4-coumaroylputrescine D-166 lmax 206 (log e 3.7); 239 (log e 3.85); 290
flower), Vicia faba and Pyrus communis
[37946-59-1] (pear). (log e 3.2) (MeOH).
N,N?-1,4-Butanediylbis[3-(4-hydroxyphe- Lee, I.-K. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2002, 65, 1769-
nyl)-2-propenamide], 9CI. N,N?-Bis(4-hy- 3?,3??-Dihydroxy: [59001-33-1] Dicaffeoyl- 1772 (isol, pmr, cmr)
droxycinnamoyl)-1,4-butanediamine spermidine
C25H31N3O6 469.536
3? or 3??-Hydroxy, 3?? or 3?-methoxy:Caf-
Dicyclohexyl disulfide, 9CI D-169
feoylferuloylspermidine [2550-40-5]
C26H33N3O6 483.563 FEMA 3448
Alkaloid from the pollen of Corylus
avellana (filbert).
3?,3??-Dimethoxy: [70185-61-4] N1,N10-Di- S S

3,5-Didecanoylpyridine  / Dieporeticanin D-170 
/ D-178

C12H22S2 230.438 C37H46O6 586.767 5,5?,10,10?-tetrone, 9CI. 3,3?-Diellagic acid

Flavouring ingredient. Liq. Bp20 1958. n20
D (3S,5R ,6R ,6?S )-form
1.5430. 3-Ac: [256505-50-7] OH OH
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd C39H48O7 628.804 O O OH O O OH
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Constit. of the oyster Crassostrea gigas.
2, 157 Red amorph. solid. lmax 457 (Et2O).
Tanner, D.D. et al., J.O.C. , 1995, 60, 4481
(synth, pmr, ir, ms) Maoka, T. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2001, 64, 578-
581 (isol, pmr, cmr) HO O O HO O O
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 811 OH OH
7?,8?-Didehydro-3,6-epoxy- D-174
5,6-dihydro-b,b-carotene-3?,5-diol C28H10O16 602.377
3,5-Didecanoylpyridine D-170 Constit. of the pericarp of pomegranate
[149682-93-9] (Punica granatum ).
1,1?-(3,5-Pyridinediyl)bis-1-decanone, 9CI Japan. Pat. , 1993, 93 310 745; CA , 120,

N C40H54O3 582.865
Dieporeticanin D-178
(3S,3?R ,5R ,6R )-form [256505-52-9]
C25H41NO2 387.604 Constit. of the oyster Crassostrea gigas.
Alkaloid from Houttuynia cordata (Yu Orange amorph. solid. lmax 446 ; 476
Xing Cao). (Et2O). O
Jong, T.T. et al., J. Chin. Chem. Soc. (Taipei) , Maoka, T. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2001, 64, 578- (CH2)m
1993, 40, 301-303 (isol) 581 (isol, pmr) O
Proebstle, A. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 1994, 4,
235-240 (isol) 4,7-Didehydroneophysalin B D-175
Relative Configuration
3?,4?-Didehydro-b,g-carotene- D-171 O
3,6?-diol H
O O (CH2)n
O Dieporeticanin 1 m=1, n=3
" 2 m=3, n=1
OH Constit. of Annona reticulata (custard

apple). Amorph. solid. [a]D +12 (c, 1 in

C40H54O2 566.865 H CHCl3). Isol. as a 1:1 mixture of Diepor-
(3R ,6?S )-form [158312-69-7]
O eticanin 1 and 2.
Nigroxanthin Dieporeticanin 1 [160525-55-3]
Constit. of the ripe pods of red paprika C28H28O9 508.524 [129196-64-1]
Capsicum annuum var. longum . Constit. of Physalis alkekengi (winter Epoxyrollin A
Deli, J. et al., Chimia , 1995, 48, 102-104 (isol, cherry). Yellow prisms. Mp 299-3008
pmr, cmr) (synth). [a]D +21 (c, 0.26 in MeOH). C37H66O4 574.926
Deli, J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 2001, 42, 1395-1397 Identity of Epoxyrollin A and Dieporeti-
(abs config) Kawai, M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1991, 47, 2103
(cryst struct)
canin 1 not certain. Konno et al (1996)
Sunayama, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 34, suggest that the struct. of Epoxyrollin A
6,7-Didehydro-5,6-dihydro- D-172 529 (isol, pmr, cmr) needs revision.
3,3?,5,8?-tetrahydroxy-b,k-caroten-6?- Dieporeticanin 2 [160525-56-4]
one 10?,11?-Didehydro-5,8,11?,12?- D-176 C37H66O4 574.926
tetrahydro-10?-apo-b-carotene-3,5,8- Laprevote, O. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1990, 31, 2283-
OH O triol 2286 (Epoxyrollin A)
OH [53905-14-9] Vu Thi Tam, et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 1994, 4,
255-262 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
Unknown 370 Konno, H. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. ,
1995, 59, 2355 (pmr, cmr, ms)
C40H56O5 616.879 Konno, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1996, 37, 9399
(3S,3?S,5R ,5?R ,6R )-form [256505-54-1]
Constit. of the oyster Crassostrea gigas. HO
Red amorph. solid. lmax 468 (Et2O).
Maoka, T. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2001, 64, 578- C27H40O3 412.611
581 (isol, pmr) Struct. assignment is tentative. CA name
appears to be defective. Isol. from the
6,7-Didehydro-5,6-dihydro- D-173 avocado fruit (Persea americana ). lmax
3,5,6?-trihydroxy-13,14,20-trinor-3?- 350 ; 370 ; 393 (petrol).
oxo-b,e-caroten-19?,11?-olide Gross, J. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1972, 37, 589
Gross, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1974, 13, 1917
HO Diellagilactone D-177
O [153816-55-8]
3 O 2,2?,3,3?,7,7?,8,8?-Octahydroxy-[1,1?-bi[1]-
OH benzopyrano[5,4,3-cde][1]benzopyran]-

/ 1,10:4,5-Diepoxy-6-hydroxy-7(11)-... D-179 
/ D-186

Dieporeticenin D-179 saponin V 1,2:9,10-Diepoxy-4,6-heptadecadiyn-3-

[160544-67-2] C48H78O18 943.133 one
Constit. of Zizyphus jujuba (Chinese [145427-82-3]
date). Amorph. powder. Mp 210-2128. Panaquinquecol 4. PQ 4
[a]D -14.2 (c, 4.3 in MeOH).
O Yoshikawa, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1992,
40, 2275 (isol, pmr, cmr)
2,3:8,9-Diepoxy-4,6-deca- D-182
C17H22O3 274.359
Relative Configuration diyne-1,10-diol Constit. of Panax quinquefolium (Amer-
ican ginseng). Oil. [a]D -55.5 (c, 0.6 in
O O CHCl3).
Fujimoto, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31,
HOH 2C 3499 (isol, pmr, cmr)
C37H64O4 572.91 H
Constit. of Annona reticulata (custard
apple). Wax. [a]D +11 (c, 1 in CHCl3).
lmax 208 (MeOH). O
2,3:6,7-Diepoxy-9-humulene D-185
Vu Thi Tam, et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 1994, 4, C10H10O4 194.187 [118899-63-1]
255-262 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
(2R ,3R ,8R ,9R )-form [147921-90-2] Humulene diepoxide A
3,19:20,24-Diepoxydammar- D-180 Constit. of the edible mushrooms Hyd- O
ane-3,25-diol num repandum and Hydnum repandum
var. album . Leaflets (MeOH). Mp 168-
1698. [a]19
D +40 (c, 0.12 in MeOH). lmax
24 OH 203 (e 28900); 229 (e 4460); 241 (e 6200);
255 (e 7250); 269 (e 5550) (MeOH) O
(3αOH,20S,24R)-form (Berdy).
O -Cytotoxic.
HO Di-Ac: C15H24O2 236.353
Amorph. powder. [a]26 D +63.4 (c, 0.12 in
Constit. of hops, Zingiber zerumbet (wild
CHCl3). ginger). Needles (CHCl3). Mp 106-1078.
C30H50O4 474.723 [a]D -83.5 (CHCl3).
Takahashi, A. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1992,
(3aOH ,20S,24R )-form [149172-44-1] 40, 3181 (isol, pmr, cmr, synth, struct) Peacock, V.E. et al., J. Am. Soc. Brew. Chem. ,
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 1008. 1989, 47, 4 (isol, cryst struct)
(3aOH ,20S,24S )-form [189031-58-1] Takeda, S. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1990, 155 (abs
Constit. of Cleome gynandra (cat’s config)
whiskers). Cryst. Mp 108-1108. [a]25
D Heymann, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994,
+115.4 (c, 0.35 in EtOH). 4,5:8,12-Diepoxy-1(10),7,11- D-183 42, 138 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Tsichritzis, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 33,
423 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Das, P.C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1999, 62, 616-618 O
(isol, pmr, cmr) 1,10:4,5-Diepoxy-6-hydroxy- D-186
16,18;16,22-Diepoxydammar- D-181 O
24-ene-3,20-diol O
C15H18O3 246.305 10
The incorrect abs. config. was assigned in
H 1971. O
(1(10)E ,4b,5b)-form [7727-79-9]
O 5
H Zederone
Constit. of the rhizome of Curcuma O OH
O zedoaria (zedoary). Cryst. (EtOAc). Mp
HO 153.5-1548. [a]D +265.8 (c, 0.5 in C15H20O5 280.32
CHCl3). (1b,4a,5a,6b,8a,10b)-form [366494-94-2]
Hikino, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1968, 16, Constit. of Smyrnium olusatrum
C30H48O4 472.707 1081 (isol, struct) (alexanders). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 165-
(3b,20R ,22S )-form Shibuya, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1987,
35, 924 (abs config, cryst struct)
1688. lmax 217 (MeOH).
3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- Phan, M.G. et al., Tap Chi Hoa Hoc , 2000, 38, El-Gamal, A.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001,
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- 91-94 (activity) 57, 1197-1200 (isol, pmr, cmr)
galactopyranoside]: [146445-93-4] Juju- Pant, N. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 2001,
basaponin IV 87-88 (cmr)
C48H78O18 943.133
Constit. of Zizyphus jujuba (Chinese
date). Amorph. powder. Mp 185-1878.
[a]D -3.64 (c, 5 in MeOH).
3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D-
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D-
glucopyranoside]: [146503-31-3] Jujuba-

8,12:15,16-Diepoxy-2-hydroxy-19-...  / Diethyl malonate D-187 / D-194

8,12:15,16-Diepoxy-2-hydro- D-187 O Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of

xy-19-nor-13(16),14-clerodadien-17,6- Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, AAG000
olid-18-oic acid
Diethyl disulfide, 9CI D-193
Ethyl disulfide. 3,4-Dithiahexane
C10H14O2 166.219 Et/  S/  S/  Et
H Constit. of parsley leaves (Petroselinum C4H10S2 122.255
crispum ). Present in durian fruit. Oil with garlic
O Nitz, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, 3051 odour. Spar. sol. H2O. d20 4 0.99. Bp 1548
(isol, pmr, ms, ir) Bp11 468. n20 D 1.5063.
H O -Flammable, fl. p. 428. Skin and eye
HOOC irritant. LD50 (rat , orl) 2030 mg/kg.
3,6:5?,8?-Diepoxy-5,5?,6,8?-tet- D-191 JO1925000
C19H22O7 362.379 rahydro-b,b-carotene-3?,5-diol S,S?-Dioxide:Diethyl disulfoxide
(2a,4bH ,5b,6a,8b,12bH )-form [20086-07-1] C4H10O2S2 154.254
Diosbulbin C O OH Liq. with garlic odour. d19.5 1.2. Bp11
Constit. of Dioscorea bulbifera (air 8' 123-1248. Prob. a mixt. of diastereoi-
potato). Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 247-2508 somers.
dec. [a]20
D +64.7 (c, 0.35 in Py).
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Me ester: [20086-05-9] Diosbulbin A 1, 266A (ir)
C20H24O7 376.405 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
C40H56O4 600.88
Constit. of Dioscorea bulbifera (air Spectra , 1992, 1, 427B (nmr)
potato). Cryst. Mp 2658 dec. (3S,3?S,5R ,5?R ,6R ,8?R )-form [181229-73-2] Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Cucurbitachrome 1 1989, 3, 348D (ir)
Kawasaki, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1968,
16, 2430 (isol)
Constit. of ripe pods of red paprika Otto, R. et al., Ber. , 1882, 15, 125 (dioxide)
(Capsicum annuum var. longum ). Haines, W.E. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1954, 58,
Kamiya, K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1972, 1869 (cryst
(3S,3?S,5R ,5?R ,6R ,8?S )-form [181229-74-3] 270 (props, ir, uv)
Baldry, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, 11, 2081-
Komori, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1977, 25, Cucurbitachrome 2
2087 (isol)
1701 (abs config) Constit. of ripe pods of red paprika Cohen, V.I. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1976, 59,
(Capsicum annuum var. longum ). Yellow 840 (synth)
cryst. Mp 182-1848. Drabowicz, J. et al., Synthesis , 1980, 32 (synth)
5,9:6,9-Diepoxy-3-megastig- D-188
Rybin, A.G. et al., Zh. Obshch. Khim. , 1983, 53,
Deli, J. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1996, 79, 1435-
mene 1443 (isol, pmr, cmr, cd) 1863 (synth)
2,2,6,8-Tetramethyl-7,11-dioxatricy- Meshram, H.M. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. ,
clo[,6]undec-4-ene 1993, 25, 232 (synth)
1,1-Diethoxyethane, 9CI D-192 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
[105-57-7] Reinhold , 1992, DJC600
Acetal. Acetaldehyde diethyl acetal. Ethy-
O lidene diethyl ether. FEMA 2002
Diethyl malonate D-194
C6H14O2 118.175
Diethyl propanedioate, 9CI. Malonic ester.
C13H20O2 208.3 Acetal of Acetaldehyde, A-20. Flavouring Ethyl malonate. FEMA 2375
Constit. of quince fruit (Cydonia oblonga ) ingredient used in fruit, rum and whisky
brandy and Riesling wine. flavours. Liq. Mod. sol. H2O, misc.
EtOH. Bp 103.28 Bp22 218. n20 C7H12O4 160.169
D 1.3805.
Näf, R. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1991, 32, 753 (struct, -Highly flammable, fl. p. -218. Flavour ingredient. Present in guava fruit,
synth) melon, concord grape, pineapple, black-
Peroxidizable. Eye and skin irritant. High
vapour conc. prob. narcotic. AB2800000 berry and many wines and spirits. Liq.
5,9:6,9-Diepoxy-4-megastig- D-189 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, with aromatic odour. Sl. sol. H2O; sol.
1, 214B (ir) EtOH, Et2O, CHCl3, C6H6. d20 4 1.06. Mp -
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 508. Bp 198.98 Bp20 858. n20
D 1.4143.
[133661-30-0] Spectra , 1992, 1, 349A (nmr) -Low oral toxicity. OO0700000
2,2,9-Trimethyl-8,12-dioxatricy- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
clo[,6]dodec-5-ene Na deriv: [996-82-7]
1989, 3, 282C (ir)
Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra , 1, 137A (pmr) C7H11NaO4 182.151
Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 1 , 1932, 1 (synth) Needles (EtOH).
Vericat, J.B. et al., CA , 1945, 39, 3784 (synth) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Borisova, I.A. et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, 1, 614B (ir)
O Ser. Khim. , 1981, 1518; Bull. Acad. Sci. Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
USSR, Div. Chem. Sci. (Engl. Transl.) , 1981, Spectra , 1992, 1, 935B (nmr)
O 1518 (ms) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Dostovalova, V.I. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1989, 3, 637A (ir)
C13H20O2 208.3 1987, 25, 1 (cmr) Conrad, M. et al., Annalen , 1880, 204, 121-203
Constit. of quince fruit (Cydonia oblonga ) Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd (Na deriv)
brandy. edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Lux, H. et al., Ber. , 1929, 62, 1824 (synth)
Näf, R. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1991, 32, 753 (struct, 2, 3 Shaw, J.E. et al., J.O.C. , 1974, 39, 1968 (synth)
synth) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Large, R. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1976, 11,
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 7-8 582 (ms)
Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive Yamashita, M. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1977, 1355
1,2:3,4-Diepoxy-p -menth-8- D-190 Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths , (synth)
1990, 2391 Ono, N. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1978, 51,
ene Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical 2401 (synth)
[120749-18-0] Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of Kiyooka, S. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1980,
1,2:3,4-Bisepoxy-p-menth-8-ene Chemistry, 1992, 445 53, 2318 (pmr)

Diethyl sulfide / Diethylenetriamine, 8CI D-195  / D-201

Bauer, S.H. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1983, 87, Shu, C.-K. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 2,5-Diethyl-3,6-dimethylpyra- D-199
2411 (cmr) 33, 438-442 (occur) zine
Shim, S.C. et al., Synthesis , 1987, 59 (synth) Capozzi, G. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1989, 30, 2991-
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , 2994 (synth) [18903-30-5]
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New Naef, R. et al., Flavour Fragrance J. , 1996, 11, C10H16N2 164.25
York, 1989, EMA500 295-303 (occur, durian)
Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn.,
Constit. of cooked beef and roast coffee
Wiley, 1991, 15, 930 (props) aroma. Maillard product. Liq. Bp 214-
Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis , 2178 Bp2 658.
2,6-Diethylaniline, 8CI D-197
(ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 3, 1822- Octahydrate:
1825 (use) [579-66-8]
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 2,6-Diethylbenzenamine, 9CI Mp 48-508.
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Asinger, F. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1959, 90,
Reinhold , 1992, EMA500 402-416 (synth)
NH2 Baltes, W. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1987, 35,
H3CCH2 CH2CH3 340-346 (occur, coffee, ms)
Diethyl sulfide D-195 Rizzi, G.P. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1988,
36, 349-352 (synth, ms, pmr, uv)
[352-93-2] Silwar, R. et al., Z. Lebensm.-Unters. -Forsch. ,
1,1?-Thiobisethane, 9CI. Ethyl sulfide, 8CI. 1992, 195, 112-119 (occur)
3-Thiapentane. Diethyl thioether. Ethyl C10H15N 149.235
thioether. FEMA 3825 Terminal metab. of Alachlor, A-150 in soil
EtSEt and animals. Liq. d 0.96. Fp 3-4. Bp 235- 2,6-Diethyl-3,5-dimethylpyra- D-200
C4H10S 90.189 2368 Bp10 1118. n20
D 1.5460. Light-sensitive.
Food additive listed in the EAFUS Food Hydrochloride: [71477-82-2] [18940-74-4]
Additive Database (Jan 2001). Found in Cryst. (HCl aq.). Mp 175-1798 dec. C10H16N2 164.25
various foods and brandies. Food flavour Constit. of roast coffee aroma. Maillard
ingredient. Liq. with garlic/ethereal odour. N-Ac: [16665-89-7]
C12H17NO 191.272 product. Characterised spectroscopically.
Insol. H2O. d20
4 0.84. Fp -102.05. Bp 928.
n20 Soil degradn. prod. of Alachlor, A-150. Baltes, W. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1987, 35,
D 1.4423.
Cryst. Mp 141-1428 (130-1318). 340-346 (occur, coffee, ms)
-Highly flammable, fl. p. -108. Eye and skin Rizzi, G.P. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1988,
irritant. Evolves H2S on contact with N-Benzoyl:
36, 349-352 (occur, ms, uv)
acids. LC7200000 C17H19NO 253.343
Silwar, R. et al., Z. Lebensm.-Unters. -Forsch. ,
Cryst. Mp 232-2338. 1992, 195, 112-119 (occur)
S-Oxide: See Diethyl sulfoxide in The
Combined Chemical Dictionary. N-Chloroacetyl: [6967-29-9]
C12H16ClNO 225.717
S,S-Dioxide: See Diethyl sulfone in The
Soil degradn. prod. of Alachlor, A-150. Diethylenetriamine, 8CI D-201
Combined Chemical Dictionary.
13 1
Cryst. (H2O). Mp 135-1368. [111-40-0]
Aldrich Library of C and H FT NMR -Bacterial mutagen.
Spectra , 1992, 1, 427A (nmr) N-(2-Aminoethyl)-1,2-ethanediamine, 9CI.
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, N-(4-Methylbenzenesulfonyl): [4703-16-6] Di(2-aminoethyl)amine. 2,2?-Diamino-
1, 265B (ir) C17H21NO2S 303.424 diethylamine. Bis(2-aminoethyl)amine. 3-
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Cryst. (C6H6). Mp 132-1338. Aza-1,5-pentanediamine. 3-Aza-1,5-diami-
1989, 3, 348C (ir) U.S. Pat. , 1954, 2 762 845; CA , 51, 5116i (synth) nopentane. 2,2?-Iminobisethylamine. 2,2?-
Brandsma, L. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R. Stroh, R. et al., Angew. Chem. , 1957, 69, 124- Iminodi(ethylamine). 1,4,7-Triazaheptane
Neth. Chem. Soc.) , 1963, 82, 68 (synth) 131 (synth, N-Ac, N-benzoyl)
Drefahl, G. et al., Z. Chem. , 1964, 4, 347 (synth) Ecke, G.G. et al., J.O.C. , 1957, 22, 639-642 H2NCH2CH2N?HCH2CH2N??H2
Cumper, C.W.N. et al., J.C.S.(A) , 1966, 239 (synth) C4H13N3 103.167
(uv) Bavin, P.M.G. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1958, 36, Constituent of ion-exchange resins for use
Wilson, G. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1972, 379 (synth) 1284-1288 (derivs) in food processing, e.g. in the production
Fujisawa, T. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1973, 1241 Tiedje, J.M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1975,
of grapefruit juice. Viscous liq. with an
23, 77-81 (occur, derivs)
Barbarella, G. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1976, U.S. Pat. , 1979, 4 169 106; CA , 91, 39160f (N-
ammoniacal odour. Misc. H2O, EtOH. d20 4
8, 108 (cmr) chloroacetyl) 0.95. Mp -398. Bp 2088 Bp3 82-838. n20 D
Hamada, K. et al., Spectrosc. Lett. , 1977, 10, Eur. Pat. , 1980, 8 057; CA , 93, 114508x (N- 1.4826. pKa1 10.1; pKa2 9.1; pKa3 3.9 (258).
357 (pmr, ir) chloroacetyl) Vp 0.37 mmHg (208).
Wagner, W. et al., Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion Rolls, W.A. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1990, 504, 97 -Corrosive and irritating to skin, eyes and
Phys. , 1980, 36, 125 (ms) (hplc) respiratory tract. Skin and pulmonary
Mizhiritskii, M.D. et al., Zh. Obshch. Khim. , Tessier, D.M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1995,
1986, 56, 1547; J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. sensitiser. LD50 (rat, orl) 1080 mg/kg.
43, 2504-2512 (occur, props, bibl)
Transl.) , 1986, 56, 1373 (synth) LD50 (rbt, skn) 1090 mg/kg. Fl. p. 988 (oc),
Christesen, S.D. et al., J. Raman Spectrosc. , autoignition temp. 3588. OES: long-term 1
1991, 22, 459 (ir, Raman) ppm (Sk). IE1225000
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
2,3-Diethyl-5,6-dimethylpyra- D-198
zine Hydrochloride (1:3): [4109-20-0]
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Needles (EtOH/HCl). Mp 228-2308 dec.
Reinhold , 1992, EPH000 [106060-96-2]
[37296-80-3, 52601-80-6, 56187-04-3]
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Diethyl trisulfide, 9CI D-196 H3C N CH2CH3 1, 308C (ir)
5 4 3
[3600-24-6] 6 1 2 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Ethyl trisulfide, 8CI. 3,4,5-Trithiaheptane Spectra , 1992, 1, 499B; 499C (nmr)
H 3C N CH2CH3 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Et-S-S-S-Et 1989, 3, 396A (ir)
C4H10S3 154.321 C10H16N2 164.25 Fargher, R.G. et al., J.C.S. , 1920, 117, 1351
Cystine thermal degradation product. Roast coffee aroma constit.. Characterised (synth, derivs)
Aroma constit. of salted pork, cooked beef Sudmeier, J.L. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1964, 36,
and durian fruit (Durio zibethinus ). Bp3 1698 (pmr)
Baltes, W. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1987, 35, Hague, D.N. et al., J.C.S. Dalton , 1987, 2889
340-346 (occur, coffee, ms) (cmr)
Golovnya, R.V. et al., Nahrung , 1980, 24, 141- Rizzi, G.P. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1988, Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn.,
154; 1982, 26, 89-96 (occur, pork, beef) 36, 349-352 (occur, ms, uv) Wiley, 1991, 8, 74 (rev)

2,3-Diethyl-5-methylpyrazine, 8CI / Diflubenzuron, ANSI, BSI, ISO D-202  / D-210

Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Burrell, J.W.K. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , Used in flavour compositions. Present in
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 814-815 1970, 1409 (isol) Spanish origanum (Coridothymus capita-
Ethel Browning’s Toxicity and Metabolism of Shigematsu, H. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1972, tus ) and lemon balm (Melissa officinalis ).
Industrial Solvents, 2nd edn., (ed. Snyder, R.), 36, 1631 (synth)
Elsevier, Volume 2 , 1990, 60 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
Liq. with fruity-herbal odour.
Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, -LU0650000
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of 410 (2R ,5R )-form [32101-31-8]
Chemistry, 1992, 711 (-)-trans-form
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Constit. of the essential oil of Mentha
2,3-Diethylpyrazine, 9CI, 8CI D-205
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand spp.. Bp 143-1448. [a]24
D -9.9 (c, 2 in
Reinhold , 1992, DJG600; PBG500 [15707-24-1] EtOH).
FEMA 3136 (2S,5S )-form
2,3-Diethyl-5-methylpyrazine, D-202 (+)-trans-form
8CI N Bp 142-1448. [a]24
D +4.4 (c, 1.2 in EtOH).
CH 2CH 3 (2RS,5RS )-form
FEMA 3336 (/9)-trans-form
N CH 2CH 3 Bp 142-1448. n24D 1.4222.
(2RS,5SR )-form [5921-97-1]
H 3C N CH 2CH 3 C8H12N2 136.196 cis-form
Flavour component in cooked foods, e.g. Bp 140-1428. n24
D 1.4168.
CH 2CH 3 baked potato, wheat bread and roasted Mihailovic, M.L. et al., Tetrahedron , 1967, 23,
N filbert. Flavouring ingredient. Bp 180- 215 (synth, abs config)
1828. n20
D 1.5000. Itahara, Y. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1970,
C9H14N2 150.223 43, 3947 (isol, synth)
Aroma constit. of Parmesan cheese, Rizzi, G.P. et al., J.O.C. , 1968, 33, 1333 (synth)
Gianturco, M.A. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
roasted filbert, roasted peanut, baked or
1971, 19, 530 (ms, ir)
chipped potato, cooked chicken, beef, Bus, J. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R. Neth.
lamb, mutton and pork. Present in galba- 3,4-Diethylthiophene D-209
Chem. Soc.) , 1973, 92, 126 (ir)
num oil. Flavouring agent. Bp12 79-808. Tsai, S. et al., CA , 1984, 104, 168437 (synth) [35686-14-7]
D 1.4980. Stanton, D.T. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1989, 61,
1328 (glc)
U.S. Pat. , 1975, 3 924 015; CA , 84, 164364g H3CCH2 CH2CH3
Masuda, H. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1981, 2,5-Diethylpyrazine, 9CI, 8CI D-206
29, 944 (occur)
Mihara, S. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1987, 402, 309
[13238-84-1] S
(glc) C8H12N2 136.196
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Constit. of roasted coffee beans. Used in C8H12S 140.249
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 819-820 food flavouring. Bp 187-1888. Flavour component of various cooked
(use, occur) meats. Bp12 708. n20
D 1.5160.
Boelens, H. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R. Neth.
2,5-Diethyl-3-methylpyrazine, D-203 Mp 938. Chem. Soc.) , 1972, 91, 141-145 (synth, pmr)
9CI N1-Oxide: [65257-55-8] Werkhoff, P. et al., CA , 1995, 122, 313271g
C8H12N2O 152.196 (occur)
[32736-91-7] Oil. Bp10 135-1408.
FEMA 3915
N1,N4-Dioxide: [65257-59-2]
C9H14N2 150.223 C8H12N2O2 168.195 Diflubenzuron, ANSI, BSI, D-210
Present in coffee aroma; flavouring ingre- Mp 208-2098. ISO
dient. Present in various cooked foods, e.g. Goldman, I.M. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1967,
potato, beef, pork, cocoa, coffee, bread, [35367-38-5]
50, 694 (isol, glc, ms)
sesame seed, soyabean etc.. No phys. N-[[(4-Chlorophenyl)amino]carbonyl]-
U.S. Pat. , 1969, 3 453 278; CA , 71, 91526
props. reported. (manuf) 2,6-difluorobenzamide, 9CI. 1-(4-Chloro-
Ohta, A. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1979, 27, phenyl)-3-(2,6-difluorobenzoyl)urea. Di-
Gianturco, M.A. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , milin
2027 (synth, oxides)
1971, 19, 530-532 (occur)
Friedel, P. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1971, 19,
530-532 (occur, coffee, ir, ms) 2,6-Diethylpyrazine, 9CI, 8CI D-207 F
U.S. Pat. , 1975, 3 924 015; CA , 84, 164364g
(synth, use)
[13067-27-1] Cl N HCON HCO
Ohta, A. et al., Heterocycles , 1984, 22, 2317- C8H12N2 136.196
2321 (synth) Constit. of roasted coffee beans. Used in F
Macleod, G.A. et al., Flavour Fragrance J. , food flavouring. Bp10 708.
1986, 1, 91-104 (occur, beef) C14H9ClF2N2O2 310.687
Fadel, H.H.M. et al., Nahrung , 1993, 37, 386- Goldman, I.M. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1967, Insecticide, interfering with chitin deposi-
394 (occur, bread) 50, 694 (isol, glc, ms)
tion by oral absorption. Used on soya
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th U.S. Pat. , 1976, 3 952 026; CA , 85, 94216e
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001, (synth, use) beans, citrus, tea, vegetables and mush-
411 (use, occur) Tsai, S. et al., CA , 1986, 104, 168437n (synth) rooms. Also used as an insecticide in feed
for poultry and pigs and as a controlled
release bolus in cattle. Cryst. Mp 230-2328
3,5-Diethyl-2-methylpyrazine D-204 2,5-Diethyltetrahydrofuran, D-208 dec. pKa 13.92.
[18138-05-1] 9CI -LD50 (rat, orl) 4640 mg/kg; LD50 (rbt, skn)
FEMA 3916 [41239-48-9] 2000 mg/kg. YS6200000
C9H14N2 150.223 FEMA 3743 U.K. Pat. , 1970, 1 324 293; CA , 76, 85578m
Found in potato, chicken, beef and pork, Cruse, W.B.T. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1978, 34,
tea, coffee, galbanum oil and other foods. 2904 (cryst struct)
(2R,5R)-form Rabenort, B. et al., Anal. Methods Pestic. Plant
Flavouring agent. H 3CH 2C O CH 2CH 3 Growth Regul. , 1978, 10, 57 (rev, props)
Kato, S. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1970, 34, Riley, W.C. et al., Cryst. Struct. Commun. ,
1826 (synth) C8H16O 128.214 1981, 10, 1341 (cryst struct)

2-(Difluoromethyl)-5-(4,5-...  / 3,6-Diglucopyranosyl-4?,5,7-... D-211 / D-219

Marks, E.P. et al., Insectic. Mode Action , Stibor, I. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. , Gallotannin from Sanguisorba officina-
(Coats, J.R. Ed.), Academic Press, N.Y., 1982, 1977, 42, 987 (pmr, cmr) lis (burnet bloodwort). Tan amorph.
281 (biochem) Schwenter, M.-E. et al., Chem. Eur. J. , 2000, 6, powder. [a]24
D +22 (c, 0.4 in Me2CO).
Nakagawa, Y. et al., Pestic. Biochem. Physiol. , 4091-4103 (synth)
1984, 21, 309 (synth, activity) Tanaka, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984, 32,
Kavalek, J. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. , 1176
1989, 54, 1363 (synth)
1,2-Digalloylglucose D-213 Lee, M.-W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31,
Howbert, J.J. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1990, 33, 2835
2393 (activity) OH
Agrochemicals Handbook, 3rd edn., Royal HOH 2C
Society of Chemistry, 1992, A148 O OOC OH
Pesticide Manual, 11th edn. , 1997, No. 231 3,8-Diglucopyranosyl- D-217
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of OH OH 3?,4?,5,7-tetrahydroxyflavone
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand HO OH
Reinhold , 1992, CJV250
OOC OH pyranosyl-5,7-dihydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-
2-(Difluoromethyl)-5-(4,5-di- D-211 OH
hydro-2-thiazolyl)-4-(2-methylpropyl)- O
6-(trifluoromethyl)-3-pyridinecar- C20H20O14 484.37 OH
boxylic acid, 9CI b-D-Pyranose-form [115713-50-3] Glc
Isol. from Rheum sp.. Needles + 2H2O
[117717-36-9] HO
(H2O). Mp 169-1708. [a]17
D -79.1 (c, 0.64 O OH
in Me2CO). Glc
S CH2CH(CH3)2 Kashiwada, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, OH
1473 (struct, pmr, cmr)
N COOH Lee, S.H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, 3469 C27H30O16 610.524
4?-Me ether: [97218-32-1] 3,8-Diglucopyr-
F3C N CHF2 anosyl-3?,5,7-trihydroxy-4?-methoxyfla-
1,6-Digalloylglucose D-214 vone. 3,8-Diglucopyranosyldiosmetin.
C15H15F5N2O2S 382.354 3,8-Diglucosyldiosmetin
HO C28H32O16 624.551
Me ester: [117718-60-2] Thiazopyr, ANSI, Isol. from peelings of Citrus sinensis
BSI. Methyl 2-(difluoromethyl)-5-(4,5- HO COOH 2C OH
dihydro-2-thiazolyl)-4-(2-methylpropyl)- O OOC OH
HO Matsubara, Y. et al., CA , 1985, 103, 42455
6-(trifluoromethyl)-3-pyridinecarboxy- OH Kumamoto, H. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1986,
late. Visor. MON 13200. RH 123652 OH
HO 50, 781
C16H17F5N2O2S 396.381
Pre-emergence control herbicide, inhi-
bitor of cell division. Used on fruit trees, C20H20O14 484.37
vines sugar cane, pineapples and citrus 6,8-Diglucopyranosyl-4?,5,7- D-218
fruits. Pale orange cryst. (hexane). Mp b-D-Pyranose-form [23363-08-8]
Present in commercial rhubarb. Needles trihydroxyflavanone
79-818 Mp 77-798. 6,8-Di-b-D-glucopyranosyl-2,3-dihydro-5,7-
-LD50 (rat, orl) >5000 mg/kg. + 1=2H2O (H2O). Mp 204-2068. [a]20
D -20
(c, 0.4 in Me2CO). dihydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-ben-
Eur. Pat. , (Monsanto), 1988, 278 944; CA , 109, zopyran-4-one. 6,8-Diglucopyranosylnarin-
230818w (Me ester, synth, activity) Haddock, E.A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1982,
2515 (struct, pmr) genin. 6,8-Diglucosylnaringenin
Armbruster, B.L. et al., Pestic. Biochem.
Physiol. , 1991, 39, 110-120 (Me ester, activity) Nonaka, G.-I. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1983,
U.S. Pat. , 1991, 4 988 384; CA , 109, 230818w 31, 1652 (pmr, cmr) O
(Me ester, synth, use) Saijo, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 267 OH
Feng, P.C.C. et al., Xenobiotica , 1994, 24, 729- (pmr) Glc
734; 1995, 25, 27-35 (Me ester, metab)
Warner, H.L. et al., Brighton Crop Prot. Conf. -
2,6-Digalloylglucose D-215 Glc (R)-form
Weeds , 1995, 942-946 (activity)
Feng, P.C.C. et al., Pestic. Sci. , 1995, 45, 203- [94356-20-4] OH
207 (metab)
C20H20O14 484.37 C27H32O15 596.541
Pesticide Manual, 12th edn. , 2000, No. 752
Exists as an equilibrated mixt. of a- and b- (2R )-form [81446-26-6]
anomers. Isol. from Rheum sp.. Needles Constit. of Zizyphus jujuba (Chinese
Di-2-furanylmethane D-212 + 2H2O (H2O). Mp 184-1868. [a]D -18.5 date). Powder (as per-Ac). [a]21
D -43.1 (c,
[1197-40-6] (c, 0.62 in Me2CO). 1.48 in CHCl3) (per-Ac).
2,2?-Methylenebisfuran, 9CI Kashiwada, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984, (2S )-form [81426-09-7]
32, 3461 (struct, pmr, cmr) Constit. of Zizyphus jujuba (Chinese
Nawwar, M.A.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994,
36, 1035 (isol, pmr, cmr)
date). Powder (as per-Ac). [a]21
D -40.8 (c,
CH 2 2.05 in CHCl3) (per-Ac).
O O Okamura, N. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1981,
4,6-Digalloylglucose D-216 29, 3507 (isol)
C9H8O2 148.161 C20H20O14 484.37
Minor constit. of coffee. Liq. Mp -268. Exists as an equilibrated mixt. of a- and b-
Bp13 758. n22
D 1.5038. anomers.
Gilman, H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1933, 55, 3302 D-form 3,6-Diglucopyranosyl-4?,5,7- D-219
Cairns, T.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1951, 73, 1270 Light brown amorph. powder. [a]25 D +49.3 trihydroxyflavone
Takano, K. et al., Nippon Kagaku Zasshi , 1961, (c, 1.1 in MeOH).
82, 373; CA , 56, 10071b (ir)
b-D-Pyranose-form 3,6-Di-b-D-glucopyranosyl-5,7-dihydroxy-
Gianturco, M.A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1964, 20,
2951 (synth, isol) Me glycoside: [88847-08-9] Methyl 4,6-di- 2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-
Ferretti, A. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1974, 8, O-galloyl-b-D-glucopyranoside one. 3,6-Diglucopyranosylapigenin. 3,6-Di-
403 (ms) C21H22O14 498.396 glucosylapigenin

6,8-Dihexosyl-4?,5-dihydroxy-...  / Dihydrocycloartomunin D-220  / D-226

O C9H8O2 148.161 C40H58O4 602.896

OH Isol. from Melilotus officinalis (sweet (3S,3?R ,5R ,6R )-form [99664-48-9]
Glc Glc clover). Flavouring ingredient. Cryst. or Karpoxanthin. Carpoxanthin
liq. Sl. sol H2O, sol. EtOH, Et2O, CHCl3. Constit. of Capsicum annuum (red
HO O Mp 258. Bp 2728 Bp13 1458. paprika pods). Orange cryst. (Et2O/
-Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 1460 mg/kg. hexane/MeOH). Mp 182-1838 (1748).
OH MW5775000 (3S,3?R ,5R ,6S )-form [99664-49-0]
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, 6-Epikarpoxanthin
C27H30O15 594.525 2, 322A (ir) Constit. of Capsicum annuum (red
Isol. from Citrus unshiu (satsuma man- Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR paprika pods). Red cryst.(C6H6/hex-
darin). No phys. props. reported. Spectra , 1992, 2, 1311A (nmr) ane). Mp 145-1478.
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
4?-Me ether: [98891-91-9] 3,6-Diglucopyr- (3S,3?R ,5S,6S )-form [104012-90-0]
1989, 3, 1386B (ir)
anosyl-5,7-dihydroxy-4?-methoxyflavone. Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra , 7, 45B (pmr) 5,6-Diepikarpoxanthin
3,6-Diglucopyranosylacacetin. 3,6-Diglu- Palfray, C.L. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1938, 5, Isol. from Capsicum annuum (red pa-
cosylacacetin 1423 (synth) prika pods). Red cryst.(C6H6/hexane).
C28H32O15 608.552 de Benneville, H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1940, 62, 283 Mp 1508.
Isol. from Fortunella japonica (round (isol) Märki-Fischer, E. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta ,
kumquat). Yellow needles. Mp 2108 dec. Barnes, C.S. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1964, 17, 975 1985, 68, 1704; 1708
(ms) Parkes, K.E.B. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1986, 27, 2535
Matsubara, Y. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1985, Appleton, R.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1971, 10,
49, 909 (isol) Deli, J. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1998, 81, 1233-
447 (isol) 1241 (isol, cd, pmr, cmr, ms)
Kumamoto, H. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1985, Morris, W.W. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. ,
49, 2613 (deriv) 1973, 56, 1037 (ir)
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , Dihydrochelerythrinyl-8-acet- D-225
1974, 12, 521 (rev, tox) aldehyde
6,8-Dihexosyl-4?,5-dihydroxy- D-220 Usynina, R.V. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1976,
7-methoxyflavone 810; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , [51876-09-6]
6,8-Di-C-hexosylgenkwanin 1976, 726 (isol) 12,13-Dihydro-1,2-dimethoxy-12-
Chatterjee, A. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , methyl[1,3]benzodioxolo[5,6-c]phenan-
1977, 15, 214 (synth) thridine-13-acetaldehyde, 9CI. Alkaloid
O Collins, D.J. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1989, 42,
1235 (synth, cmr)
R Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New O
MeO O York, 1989, HHR500
R′ Pickett, J.E. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1992, 33, 1161 O
OH (synth)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd NMe
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, MeO
2, 164 MeO
R,R′ = Hexosyl residues Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 829-830
C28H30O15 606.536 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of C23H21NO5 391.423
Isol. from roots of Glycine max (soybean). Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Various numbering schemes used.
No phys. props. reported. Reinhold , 1992, HHR500 Probably an artifact.Cryst. (CHCl3/
Jay, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23, 1153 MeOH). Mp 206-2108. Opt. inactive.
4,5-Dihydro-1-benzoxepin- D-223 2?-Carboxylic acid:8-Carboxymethyldihy-
1,1-Dihexyloxyethane D-221 3(2H )-one drochelerythrine
C23H21NO6 407.422
[5405-58-3] [35783-10-9]
Alkaloid reported to occur in Zanthox-
1,1?-[Ethylidenebis(oxy)]bis[hexane], ylum simulans (Szechuan pepper).
9CI. Acetaldehyde dihexyl acetal
Decaudain, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1974, 13,
H3CCH(OCH2CH2CH2CH2CH2CH3)2 O 505 (uv, ir, pmr, struct)
C14H30O2 230.39 Castedo, L. et al., Heterocycles , 1981, 16, 533
Present in strawberry volatiles. Liq. d20
O (occur)
0.83. Bp24 152-1548 Bp2.2 95-1008. n20 Ng, K.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 26, 3251
1.4223. C10H10O2 162.188 (8-Carboxymethyldihydrochelerythrine)
Compd. and derivs. are flavorants with
Friedel, R.A. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1956, 28, 940 watermelon like taste and odour. Pale
(ms) yellow liq. Bp0.5 100-1058 (lit. gives a
Dihydrocycloartomunin D-226
McFadden, W.H. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1965, [135023-16-4]
pressure range). n25
D 1.5410.
18, 10 (isol) 2,3,8-Trihydroxy-10-methoxy-11-(3-
Barot, B.C. et al., J.O.C. , 1981, 46, 2981 (synth) Oxime: [38824-40-7] methyl-2-butenyl)-6-(2-methyl-1-prope-
C10H11NO2 177.202 nyl)-6H,7H-[1]benzopyrano[4,3-
Bp1.5 145-1478. b][1]benzopyran-7-one, 9CI
3,4-Dihydro-2H -1-benzopyr- D-222
Huckle, D. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 2425
an-2-one, 9CI (synth)
Hydrocoumarin, 8CI. 3,4-Dihydrocoumar-
in. 2-Hydroxyhydrocinnamic lactone. 2- 5,6-Dihydro-b,b-carotene- D-224 O
Chromanone. Benzodihydropyrone. 3,3?,5,6-tetrol OH
Melilotin$. Melilotol. Melilotic lactone. 2- 5,6-Dihydro-5,6-dihydroxyzeaxanthin O
Oxochroman. FEMA 2381 MeO
6 OH
O O (1R,3S,3′R,6R)-form

/ 3,4-Dihydro-6,8-dihydroxy-... D-227  / D-233

C26H26O7 450.487 7,8-Dihydro-5,7-dihydroxy- D-229 3,4-Dihydro-4,8-dihydroxy-3- D-232

Isol. from the root bark of Artocarpus 8,8-dimethyl-10-(2-methyl-1-oxobu- methyl-1H -2-benzopyran-1-one, 9CI
communis (breadfruit). Yellow needles tyl)-4-propyl-2H ,6H -benzo[1,2-b :5,4- [33788-22-6]
(Me2CO). Mp 229-2318. b ?]dipyran-2-one 3,4-Dihydro-4,8-dihydroxy-3-methylisocou-
Lin, C.-N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, 1669 Mammea B/BB cyclo E marin. 4-Hydroxymellein. 4-Hydroxyo-
(isol) chracin

25,27-Dihydro-4,7-didehydro- D-227 OH CH 3
HO 6
7-deoxyphysalin A (3R,4R)-form
O O O C10H10O4 194.187
O lmax 244 (e 7820); 312 (e 4370) (MeOH)
O (Derep).
O C22H28O6 388.46 (3R +,4S +)-form [70287-70-6]
HO Constit. of Mammea americana (mamey).
OH Cryst. Mp 213-2178.
Isol. from Moringa oleifera (horseradish
H HO Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 2241; tree). Mp 131-1328. [a]D -29 (MeOH).
O 1987, 317 (synth) Cole, R.J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1971, 19,
909 (isol)
C28H30O9 510.54 Aldridge, D.C. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1971, 1623
Constit. of Physalis alkekengi (winter 7,8-Dihydro-5,7-dihydroxy- D-230 (isol)
cherry). Yellow needles (Me2CO) (synth). 8,8-dimethyl-10-(3-methyl-1-oxobu- Camarda, L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15,
Mp 273-2758 (synth). [a]D -67 (c, 0.24 in tyl)-4-propyl-2H ,6H -benzo[1,2-b :5,4- 537 (abs config)
MeOH). Saluja, M.P. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
b ?]dipyran-2-one, 9CI 1978, 16, 1044 (isol)
Kawai, M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1991, 47, 2103 [30390-05-7] Devys, M. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1992, 47,
(ir, pmr, cmr, ms) M9. Mammea B/BA cyclo E 779 (isol, pmr, abs config)
Sunayama, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 34, Cole, R.J. et al., Handbook of Toxic Fungal
529 (isol, pmr, cmr) Metabolites, Academic Press, New York,
1981, 133

2,3-Dihydro-3,6-dihydroxy- D-228 HO 3,4-Dihydro-6,8-dihydroxy-3- D-233
2,2-dimethyl-4H -1-benzopyran-4-one methyl-1H -2-benzopyran-1-one
3,6-Dihydroxy-2,2-dimethyl-4-chromanone O O O [19314-92-2]
O O marin. 6-Hydroxymellein
C22H28O6 388.46 (R)-form
Constit. of Mammea americana (mamey).
Cryst. Mp 209-2128. OH
C11H12O4 208.213 O
(S )-form Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 2241;
1987, 317 (isol, struct, synth) C10H10O4 194.187
6-Me ether: [31298-69-8] 2,3-Dihydro-3-
lmax 243 (e 3800); 308 (e 10000) (neutral
solvent not reported) (Derep). lmax 216 (e
benzopyran-4-one. 3-Hydroxy-6-meth- 7,8-Dihydro-5,7-dihydroxy- D-231 ); 270 (e 12900); 303 (e 5750) (MeOH)
oxy-2,2-dimethyl-4-chromanone 8,8-dimethyl-10-(1-oxobutyl)-4-pro- (Derep).
C12H14O4 222.24 pyl-2H ,6H -benzo[1,2-b :5,4-
Isol. from the mushroom Lentinus (R )-form [70901-60-9]
crinitus (palatability uncertain). Yel-
b ?]dipyran-2-one, 9CI Prisms (Me2CO/petrol). Mp 214-2178.
lowish oil. [a]27
D +32 (c, 0.5 in CHCl3).
[30390-07-9] [a]20
D -63 (c, 0.6 in EtOH). lmax 216 (log

Abraham, W.-R. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , Mammea B/BC cyclo E e 4.12); 269 (log e 3.97); 304 (log e 3.61)
1995, 50, 748-750 (isol, pmr, cmr) (EtOH) (Berdy).
6-Me ether: [13410-15-6] 3,4-Dihydro-8-
zopyran-1-one. 6-Methoxymellein. LL-
HO N313a. Antibiotic LL-N313a
C11H12O4 208.213
Isol. from Aspergillus caespitosus, As-
O O O pergillus variecolor and Sporormia bi-
partis. Reaches fungitoxic levels in
O stored infected carrot. Shows broad
antimicrobial action. Needles (petrol).
C21H26O6 374.433 Sol. MeOH, CHCl3, bases; poorly sol.
Constit. of Mammea americana (mamey). hexane, H2O. Mp 75-768. [a]27 D -52.7 (c,
Mp 213-2178. 1.135 in MeOH). lmax 216 (e 196860);
Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 2241; 267 (e 12580); 302 (e 4890) (MeOH)
1987, 317 (isol, struct, synth) (Berdy). lmax 216 (e 22500); 267 (e

4,5-Dihydro-3,4-dihydroxy-... / 2,3-Dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-... D-234  / D-239

14000); 302 (e 5600) (EtOH) (Berdy). 1968, 137, 4-6 (synth, pmr, uv) 5-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D-
lmax 267 (e 8900); 334 (e 7800) (EtOH/ Van den Ouweland, G.A.M. et al., Rec. Trav. glucopyranoside]: [218604-54-7]
NaOH) (Berdy). Chim. (J. R. Neth. Chem. Soc.) , 1970, 89, Isol. from rice bran. [a]20
D -46.5 (c, 1.3 in
750-754 (Me ether, synth, ir, uv, pmr, ms)
[6803-02-7] Mills, F.D. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1970, 1243-1246
H2O). lmax 210 (e 19000); 259 (e 7400);
(Me ether, synth, ir, pmr) 305 (e 1300) (MeOH).
Sondheimer, E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1957, 79, 5036
Shaw, P.E. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1971, 16, 207- Tateishi, K. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol.,
(isol, 6-Me ether, 6-Me ether 8-Ac)
211 (struct) Biochem. , 1998, 62, 1870-1874 (isol, uv, ir,
Dunn, A.W. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1979, 2113
Ledl, F. et al., Z. Lebensm.-Unters. -Forsch. , pmr, cmr)
Rama, N.H. et al., J. Chem. Soc. Pak. , 1992, 14, 1976, 160, 367-370 (occur)
138 (synth, 6-Methoxymellein) Kobayashi, A. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1989,
53, 889 (Me ether, isol, struct) 2,3-Dihydro-3,7-dihydroxy-2- D-238
Kim, M.O. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1996, oxo-1H -indole-3-acetic acid
4,5-Dihydro-3,4-dihydroxy-3- D-234 44, 282-289 (occur, synth, ms) 3,7-Dihydroxy-2-indolinone-3-acetic acid
methyl-2(3H )-furanone Torres, J.A. et al., Biochem. Syst. Ecol. , 2001,
29, 673-680 (isol)
[63700-30-1] HO CH COOH
2,3,4-Trihydroxy-2-methylbutanoic acid, 2
1,4-lactone. 2,3-Dihydroxy-2-methylbuta- 9,10-Dihydro-4,5-dihydroxy- D-236
nolide. 2,3-Dihydroxy-2-methylbutyrolac- 10-oxo-2-anthracenecarboxylic acid O (R)-form
tone N
9,10-Dihydro-4,5-dihydroxy-10-oxo-2- OH H
HO anthroic acid, 8CI. Rheinanthrone
OH C10H9NO5 223.185
O (R )-form
O O OH OH 7-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [120293-55-2]
Zeanoside C
C5H8O4 132.116 C16H19NO10 385.327
Isol. from immature sweet corn kernels
(2j,3j)-form Zea mays (Gramineae). Fine cryst.
C15H10O5 270.241
Isol. from chickpea Cicer arietinum . (EtOH). Mp 162-1638. [a]19 D -162.1 (c,
Prod. from Rheum spp.. Mp 250-2808 dec.
Syrup. [a]D -29 (c, 0.8 in MeOH). [a]23
D -3.5 0.1 in H2O).
(c, 1.2 in CHCl3). O-Glucoside: [54003-18-8] (S )-form
Ford, C.W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20, C21H20O10 432.383 7-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [113202-68-9]
2019 (isol) O-Diglucoside: [57077-57-3] Zeanoside A
Opletal, L. et al., &hCesk. Farm. , 1986, 35, 127 C27H30O15 594.525 C16H19NO10 385.327
(isol, pmr, cmr, ir, struct) Isol. from sweet corn kernels Zea mays
Budesinsky, M. et al., Pharmazie , 1994, 49, 607 [30201-14-0, 57077-55-1, 117639-10-8]
(abs config)
(Gramineae). Fine needles (EtOH). Mp
Lemli, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14, 1397
Ahmed, A.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 39, 197-1988. [a]D -36.8 (c, 0.1 in H2O).
1127 (isol, pmr, cmr) Evans, F.J. et al., Biomed. Mass Spectrom. , Tateishi, K. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1987, 51,
1979, 6, 374 (ms) 3445; 1988, 52, 3231; 1989, 53, 2545 (isol, uv,
De Witte, P. et al., Pharmacology, suppl. 1, ir, pmr, cmr, ms, struct)
2,3-Dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-6- D-235 1988, 36, 152 (metab)
methyl-4H -pyran-4-one
2,3-Dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-2- D-239
2,3-Dihydro-3,5-dihydroxy-2- D-237 oxo-3-indoleacetic acid
oxo-1H -indole-3-acetic acid [61935-03-3]
O 3,5-Dihydroxy-2-indolinone-3-acetic acid 5-Hydroxydioxindole-3-acetic acid
HO OH (S)-form
2 2
O (R)-form O (R)-form
C6H8O4 144.127 N N
(S )-form
Me ether: [121043-40-1] 2,3-Dihydro-3- C10H9NO5 223.185 C10H9NO5 223.185
Tentative stereochem. assigned. (R )-form
4-one, 9CI. Streptopyrone
(R )-form Constit. of rice bran. [a]21D +6 (c, 1 in
C7H10O4 158.154
5-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [218604-37-6] MeOH).
Oil. Sol. MeOH, EtOAc; poorly sol.
H2O. [a]25 C16H19NO10 385.327 5-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside:
D +52.2 (c, 0.97 in MeOH).
lmax 282 (e 8900) (MeOH) (Berdy). Isol. from rice bran. [a]20
D -25.8 (c, 0.2 in C16H19NO10 385.327
(/9)-form H2O). lmax 210 (e 16400); 259 (e 6600); Constit. of rice bran. Powder. [a]20
D -25.8
Cryst. (Et2O/pentane). Mp 70-728. 305 (e 1200) (MeOH). (c, 0.2 in H2O). lmax 210 (e 16400); 259
(j)-form 5-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D- (e 6600); 305 (e 1200) (MeOH).
Found in numerous cooked or stored glucopyranoside]: [218604-48-9] 5-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D-
foods such as cooked vegetables, bread C22H29NO15 547.469 glucopyranoside]:
crust, caramelised sugar products and Isol. from rice bran. [a]20
D -30.7 (c, 0.3 in C22H29NO15 547.469
dehydrated orange juice powder. H2O). lmax 210 (e 19000); 259 (e 7400); Constit. of rice bran. Powder. [a]20
D -30.7
Intermed. prod. in Maillard reaction; 305 (e 1300) (MeOH). (c, 0.3 in H2O). lmax 210 (e 19000); 259
formed in non-enzymic browning (S )-form (e 7400); 305 (e 1300) (MeOH).
reactions; synth. from aldohexoses and 5-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [218604-43-4] (S )-form
secondary amines. Struct. of food prod. Isol. from rice bran. [a]20
D -44.1 (c, 1.2 in 5-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside:
revised in 1971. H2O). lmax 210 (e 16400); 259 (e 6600); Constit. of rice bran. Powder. [a]20
D -44.1
Severin, T. et al., Z. Lebensm.-Unters. -Forsch. , 305 (e 1200) (MeOH). (c, 1.2 in H2O). lmax 210 (e 16400); 259

7,8-Dihydro-7,8-dihydroxy-...  / 2,5-Dihydro-4,5-dimethyl-2-... D-240  / D-247

(e 6600); 305 (e 1200) (MeOH). Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th 2,4-Dimethyl-2-imidazoline, 8CI
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
5-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D- 421 (occur, use)
glucopyranoside]: H 3C H 3C H
Constit. of rice bran. Powder. [a]20
D -46.5 N N
(c, 1.3 in H2O). lmax 210 (e 19000); 259 6,7-Dihydro-2,5-dimethyl-5H - D-242
(e 7400); 305 (e 1300) (MeOH). cyclopentapyrazine, 9CI CH 3 CH 3
(/9)-form [63389-29-7] [38917-61-2]
Pale yellow powder. H
Me ester: [57061-18-4] H3C
C11H11NO5 237.212 C5H10N2 98.147
Constit. of rice bran. Needles. Mp 78- 5 4 3 (/9)-form
6 Liq. Bp15 107.5-1088. Irritant.
808. Possibly an artifact. 7 1
Kinashi, H. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1976, 40, N Picrate:
2465 (isol) Solid. Mp 141-141.58.
Suzuki, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, 635 C9H12N2 148.207 (j)-form
(isol) Volatile component of rainbow trout
Tateishi, K. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Analytical methods may not always
distinguish between the 2,5-dimethyl tissue.
Biochem. , 1998, 62, 1870-1874 (glycosides)
and 2,7-dimethyl isomers which have [73006-98-1]
very similar spectra. Maillard product. Ohashi, M. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1968, 1,
7,8-Dihydro-7,8-dihydroxy- D-240 Present in roasted Earth almond 703 (ms)
3,5,7-trimethyl-6H -2-benzopyran-6- (Cyperus esculentus ), fermented wild Hiatt, M.H. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1983, 55, 506
one, 9CI rice (Zizania aquatica ), cooked pork, (isol, glc)
[58957-07-6] cooked beef, roasted filberts, coffee and Butler, R.N. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1989, 155
Dihydrodeoxy-8-epiaustdiol cocoa butter. Bp12 90-918. Bp data refers (synth)
to a synthetic mixt. with the 2,7-
CH3 dimethyl isomer. 2,5-Dihydro-4,5-dimethyl-2- D-246
O CH3 Flament, I. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1973, 56, (1-methylpropyl)thiazole, 9CI
610-619 (synth, ms)
HO O Pittet, A.O. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1974, [65894-82-8]
22, 273-279 (synth, uv, ir, ms) 2-(2-Butyl)-4,5-dimethyl-3-thiazoline.
OH Carlin, J.T. et al., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. , 1986, FEMA 3619
63, 1031-1036 (occur, cocoa)
C12H14O4 222.24 Cantelego, M.J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
1997, 45, 1853-1860 (occur, earth almond) H3C
Mycotoxin prod. by the food storage
mould (Aspergillus ustus ). Cryst. (Me2CO/
Ames, J.M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2001, N
49, 4315-4323 (glc)
hexane). Mp 208-2108. [a]23 D +250 (c, 0.64 H3C CH(CH3)CH2CH3
in CHCl3). S
6,7-Dihydro-2,6-dimethyl-5H - D-243
Steyn, P.S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1976, 204 C9H17NS 171.306
[61928-63-0] Flavouring ingredient. Reported in hy-
drolysed vegetable protein. Liq. with
6,7-Dihydro-2,3-dimethyl-5H - D-241 C9H12N2 148.207 sweet, green, nutty, bread-like aroma.
cyclopentapyrazine, 9CI Maillard product. Component of roasted Insol. H2O. d 0.952. Bp4 718 (60:40 mixt.
coffee bean volatiles. Liq. Bp10 90-938. of cis/trans racemates).
FEMA 3917 Flament, I. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1976, 59, U.S. Pat. , 1978, 4 067 344; CA , 88, 118019h
2314-2326 (synth, ms, ir, pmr) (synth, pmr, ms, ir)
Baltes, W. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1987, 35, Moran, E.J. et al., Drug Chem. Toxicol. , 1980,
N CH3 340-346 (occur, ms) 3, 249-258 (tox)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
Dihydro-4,6-dimethyl-4H - D-244 edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
N CH3 196 (use, props)
C9H12N2 148.207 [51647-36-0]
2,5-Dihydro-4,5-dimethyl-2- D-247
Formed from cysteine and rhamnose [82989-67-1, 82989-68-2]
under roasting conditions. Found in beef, (2-methylpropyl)thiazole, 9CI
coffee, cocoa, earth almond (Cyperus [65894-83-9]
esulentus ), roast almonds, walnut and [64383-84-2, 64383-85-3]
hazelnut. Flavouring ingredient. Mp 25- H
N S 2-Isobutyl-4,5-dimethyl-3-thiazoline.
278. Bp10 102-1048. FEMA 3621
N-Oxide: [61928-81-2] S
C9H12N2O 164.207 H3C
Hygroscopic cryst. Mp 36-398. Bp0.001 C5H11NS2 149.281
Present in meat aromas.
Flament, I. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1973, 56, (3R ,5S )-form [82989-67-1] H3C S CH2CH(CH3)2
610-619; 1976, 59, 2308-2313; 2314-2326
(synth, occur, pmr, ms, 1-oxide)
Pittet, A.O. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1974, Kruse, H.P. et al., Nahrung , 1982, 26, 369-376 C9H17NS 171.306
22, 273-279 (synth) (occur) Component of cooked beef aroma. Fla-
Flament, I. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. , 1979, Peerzada, N. et al., Sulfur Lett. , 2000, 23, 185- vouring ingredient. Liq. with meat, spice,
88, 941-950 (synth, pmr, ms) 192 (isol, synth) vegetable odour. Bp4 718. n20
D 1.4855. Bp
Silwar, R. et al., Z. Lebensm.-Unters. -Forsch. , data is for a 60:40 mixture of cis /trans
1992, 195, 112-119 (N-oxide) 4,5-Dihydro-2,4(5)-dimethyl- D-245 isomers.
Cantelejo, M.J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
1997, 45, 1853-1860 (occur, Cyperus 1H -imidazole, 9CI Japan. Pat. , 1978, 78 47 543; CA , 89, 146894d
esculentus) [930-61-0] (synth, use)

/ 7,8-Dihydro-7-hydroxy-8,8-... D-248 / D-254

U.S. Pat. , 1978, 4 040 987; CA , 89, 146894d acterised spectroscopically. Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
(synth, use) Spectra , 1992, 1, 1127A (nmr)
Moran, E.J. et al., Drug Chem. Toxicol. , 1980, Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33, Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
3, 249-258 (tox) 919-923 (occur, ms, pmr, ir) 1989, 3, 749A (ir)
Werkhoff, P. et al., Chem. Mikrobiol. Technol. Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra , 3, 72B (pmr)
Lebensm. , 1991, 13, 30-57 (occur, props, 1-(2,3-Dihydro-6,7-dimethyl- D-251 Sircar, S.S.G. et al., J.C.S. , 1928, 898 (synth)
synth) Bakassian, G. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1967,
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd 1H -pyrrolizin-5-yl)-2-hydroxy-1-pro- 2643 (synth)
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, panone Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic
2, 181 (use, props) [97073-12-6] Synthesis, Wiley, 1967, 1, 101
Elmore, J.S. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1997, Koshland, D.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1972, 94, 5805
45, 3595-3602; 3603-3607 (occur, beef) (cmr)
pionyl)-1H-pyrrolizine Kamiya, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1973, 21,
1401 (synth)
2,5-Dihydro-2,4-dimethyloxa- D-248 IARC Monog. , 1976, 11, 231; Suppl. 7, 59 (rev,
zole CH3
[77311-02-5] Ullmann’s Encycl. Ind. Chem. , 5th Ed., VCH,
2,4-Dimethyl-3-oxazoline CH3 Weinheim, 1985, A4, 495 (rev)
N Kajigaeshi, S. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. ,
1986, 59, 747 (synth)
H 3C COCHCH3 McDermott, D.P. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1986,
N 90, 2569 (ir, Raman)
OH Heusinger, H. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1987,
CH3 22, 235 (ms)
O C12H17NO2 207.272 Alonso, J.L. et al., J. Chem. Soc., Faraday
Proline-derived Maillard product. Char- Trans. , 1990, 86, 453; 459 (conformn)
C5H9NO 99.132 acterised spectroscopically. Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 4th edn.,
(j)-form Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33, Wiley, 1991, 1, 211 (rev)
919-923 (occur, ms, pmr, ir) Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis ,
Aroma constit. of cooked beef, fried (ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 2, 955-958
bacon, fried chicken and roasted peanuts. (use)
Mussinan, C.J. et al., ACS Symp. Ser. , 1976, 26, 2,5-Dihydro-2,4-dimethylthia- D-252 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
133-145 (occur, ms) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1360-1362
Galt, A.M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1984,
zole, 9CI
(occur, props)
32, 59-64 (occur) [60755-05-7] Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
2,4-Dimethyl-3-thiazoline Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, BOV000
1?,2?-Dihydro-1,1?-dimethyl- D-249
2?-oxo-4,4?-bipyridinium(1+), 9CI H3C
[197645-02-6] N 7,8-Dihydro-7-hydroxy-8,8-di- D-254
methyl-2H ,6H -benzo[1,2-b :5,4-
S CH3 b ?]dipyran-2-one, 9CI
Me N N Me [5993-18-0]
C5H9NS 115.199
(/9)-form HO
O Liq. Mp 1298 (as picrate). Bp11 528.
(j)-form (R)-form
C12H13N2O  201.248 Volatile component of roasted peanuts O O O
Metab. of 1,1?-Dimethyl-4,4?-bipyridi- and fried chicken.
nium(2+), D-768 produced by plant resi- C14H14O4 246.262
Asinger, F. et al., Annalen , 1964, 672, 156-178
due microorganisms and rat liver (synth) (R )-form [21860-31-1]
homogenates, also formed by photolysis. Buckholz, L.L. et al., ACS Symp. Ser. , 1981, Aegelinol
Yellow cryst. (EtOH aq.) (as iodide). Mp 170, 163-181 (occur, peanuts) Obt. from Aegle marmelos (bael fruit).
280-2908 dec. (iodide). Tang, J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1983, 31,
1287-1292 (occur, chicken)
Cryst. (C6H6). Mp 181.58. [a]23D -107 (c,
Calderbank, A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 0.1 in Py).
139-142 (synth, pmr, uv)
Mau, A.W. et al., J.C.S. Faraday 2 , 1986, 82,
Dihydro-2(3H )-furanone, 9CI D-253 C16H16O5 288.299
869-876 (occur)
Fuke, C. et al., Nippon Hoigaku Zasshi , 1993, [96-48-0] Needles. Mp 174-1768. [a]D -4.1 (c, 0.5
47, 33-45; CA , 119, 88572x (metab) g-Butyrolactone. 4-Hydroxybutyric acid in CHCl3). lmax 255 (log e 3.49); 332
Lee, S.J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1995, 43, lactone. 2-Oxotetrahydrofuran. FEMA (log e 4.18) (MeOH).
1343-1347 (metab) 3291 Angeloyl: [23402-19-9] Agasyllin
C19H20O5 328.364
2,3-Dihydro-5,6-dimethyl-1H - D-250 Cryst. Mp 78-808. [a]24D -44 (c, 0.91 in
pyrrolizine-7-carboxaldehyde CHCl3).
[97073-05-7] O-(3-Methyl-2-butenoyl): [63100-57-2]
7-Formyl-2,3-dihydro-5,6-dimethyl-1H-pyr- Grandivittin. Grandivitin
C4H6O2 86.09
rolizine C19H20O5 328.364
Present in morello cherry, melon, pine-
Oil. [a]20
D -154.9 (c, 1.44 in CHCl3).
apple, blackberry, quince, strawberry jam,
CHO wine, soybeans, black tea, Bourbon vanil- O-Benzoyl:Aegelinol benzoate
la, wheat bread, crispbread and other C21H18O5 350.37
breads. Flavour ingredient. Liq. Misc. [a]20
D -95.6 (CHCl3).
CH3 (S )-form [23458-02-8] Decursinol
N H2O. d0 1.44. Bp 203-2048 Bp12 898.
Steam-volatile. Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 1778. [a]17 D +104.2
CH3 -LD50 (rat, orl) 1540 mg/kg. Exp. reprod. (c, 0.7 in EtOH).
and teratogenic effects. LU3500000 Ac:
C10H13NO 163.219 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Mp 138-1398. [a]17D +45.7.
Proline-derived Maillard product. Char- 1, 697D (ir) O-(3-Methyl-2-butenoyl): [5928-25-6] De-

2,3-Dihydro-6-hydroxy-2,2-... / Dihydro-4-hydroxy-2(3H )-... D-255  / D-258

cursin crinitus (palatability not certain). Plates. Panst, J. et al., Annalen , 1978, 1024 (synth)
C19H20O5 328.364 Mp 758. Achiwa, K. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1978, 297
Prisms (EtOH). Mp 110-1118. [a]15 (synth)
D 4-Alcohol, Me ether: [65383-71-3] 3,4- Ojima, I. et al., J.O.C. , 1978, 43, 3444 (synth,
+172.9 (CHCl3). lmax 220 (MeOH) Dihydro-6-methoxy-2,2-dimethyl-2H-1- use)
(Berdy). benzopyran-4-ol. 6-Methoxy-2,2-di- Wasmuth, D. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1982, 65,
2-Methyl-2-butenoyl(Z-): [130848-06-5] methyl-4-chromanol 344 (synth, biosynth)
Acutilobin. Decursinol angelate C12H16O3 208.257 Nakai, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1986, 34,
C19H20O5 328.364 Isol. from mushroom Lentinus crinitus. 3549 (cmr, props)
Constit. of Angelica acutiloba (Dong Yellowish oil. [a]27 Fizet, C. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1986, 69, 404
D +16 (c, 0.2 in
(resoln, bibl)
Dang Gui). Prisms (MeOH). Mp 94- CHCl3).
Larsen, R.D. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1989, 111, 7650
958. [a]15
D +172.9 (c, 1.3 in CHCl3). Closse, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1970, 53, (use)
(/9)-form [15575-65-2] 1577 (isol) Kinoshita, T. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1991, 28, 619
Needles (petrol/EtOAc). Mp 167.5- Lourenco, T.O. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20, (synth, pmr, cmr)
168.58. 773 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms) Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic
Abraham, W.-R. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , Synthesis, Wiley, 1992, 16, 269 (use)
Lemmich, J. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1966, 20,
1995, 50, 748 (derivs, isol, pmr, cmr) Paetow, M. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1992, 33, 5323
2497 (Agasyllin, isol)
Hata, K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1966, 1461 (synth)
(Decursinol, isol) Rao, A.V.R. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1994, 35, 5735
Nikonov, G.K. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1969, Dihydro-3-hydroxy-4,4-di- D-256 (synth)
5, 119; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , methyl-2(3H )-furanone, 9CI Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis ,
1969, 5, 102 (struct, Agasyllin) (ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 6, 3893-
[52126-90-6] 3896 (use)
Lemmich, J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1969, 3 (struct) 2,4-Dihydroxy-3,3-dimethylbutyric acid g-
Hata, K. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1969, 89, 549 Calmes, M. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. , 1995,
lactone. a-Hydroxy-b,b-dimethyl-g-butyro- 27, 107 (synth, S-form)
Steck, W. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1971, 49, 2297 lactone. Pantolactone. Pantoyl lactone. Menegus, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40,
(synth, pmr) Pantoic lactone 1617 (glycoside)
Perel’son, M.E. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1971, Scaglioni, L. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 2000, 14,
7, 712; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , 159-166 (6-xylosylglucoside, Pantoyl lactone
H 3C OH primeveroside)
1971, 7, 692 (pmr, Agasyllin, Decursin)
Murray, R.D.H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1971, 27, (R)-form Pansare, S.V. et al., Org. Lett. , 2000, 2, 175-177
H 3C (synth)
4901 (struct, pmr, ms)
Sano, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1975, 23, O O Akkari, R. et al., J.O.C. , 2001, 66, 5859-5865
20 (abs config) (benzyl ether, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
Abyshev, A.Z. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1977, C6H10O3 130.143
13, 640; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
1977, 13, 531 (Grandivittin) (R )-form [599-04-2] 2,3-Dihydro-7-hydroxy-2,2-di- D-257
Lemmich, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, Hygroscopic cryst. (C6H6/petrol or by methyl-4-oxo-4H -1-benzopyran-6-pro-
139-141 (synth) subl.). Mp 928. [a]25
D -50.7 (c, 2.05 in panoic acid
Chatterjee, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, H2O). Shows plastic crystal behaviour. 6-(2-Carboxyethyl)-7-hydroxy-2,2-di-
328-329 (Aegelinol, isol, ir, pmr, ms, uv, struct) O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: methyl-4-chromanone
Erdelmeier, C.A.J. et al., Planta Med. , 1985, 407
C12H20O8 292.285
Isol. from rice seedlings (Oryza sativa ).
Ceccherelli, P. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1989, 52, O
888; 1990, 53, 536 (Grandivittin) O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
Ahn, K.S. et al., Planta Med. , 1996, 62, 7 glucopyranoside]: [307003-33-4] Pantoyl HOOC
(Decursin) lactone primeveroside
Ahn, K.-S. et al., Planta Med. , 1997, 63, 360- C17H28O12 424.401
361 (Acutilobin) HO O
Pat. Coop. Treaty (WIPO) , 2000, 23 074; CA , 4-Nitrobenzoyl:
132, 288766u Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 1128. C14H16O5 264.277
Lim, J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 2001, 42, 4001-4003 (S )-form [5405-40-3]
(Acutilobin, Decursin, synth) Hygroscopic cryst. (C6H6). Mp 918. O-b-D-Glucopyranoside:
Kim, S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 2001, 42, 7641-7643 [a]25 C20H26O10 426.419
D +50 (c, 2.00 in H2O).
(synth) Constit. of fennel, Foeniculum vulgare.
4-Nitrobenzoyl: Amorph. powder. [a]22
Kong, L.-Y. et al., Heterocycles , 2003, 60, 599- D -68 (c, 0.8 in
606 (Acetylaegelinol) Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 1148. MeOH).
(/9)-form [79-50-5]
Kitajima, J. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1999,
Hygroscopic rosettes or prisms. Sol.
47, 1448-1450
2,3-Dihydro-6-hydroxy-2,2-di- D-255 H2O, EtOH, Et2O, CHCl3, C6H6, CS2.
methyl-4H -1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI 4-Nitrobenzoyl:
Long needles (EtOH). Mp 137-1388. Dihydro-4-hydroxy-2(3H )- D-258
6-Hydroxy-2,2-dimethyl-4-chromanone Benzyl ether: furanone, 9CI
C13H16O3 220.268 [5469-16-9]
Solid. Mp 48.18.
O [131432-37-6]
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
3-Hydroxy-4-butanolide. 3,4-Dihydroxybu-
HO 1, 700B (ir)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR tanoic acid g-lactone. 3-Hydroxy-g-butyro-
CH 3 Spectra , 1992, 1, 1134C (nmr) lactone
O Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
CH 3
1989, 3, 753C; 753D (ir)
Reichstein, T. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1940, 23,
C11H12O3 192.214 650 (synth)
Cryst. (CCl4). Mp 154-1568.
Stiller, E.T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1940, 62, 1785
(synth) O O
Me ether: [13229-59-9] 2,3-Dihydro-6-
Carter, H.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1941, 63, 312
methoxy-2,2-dimethyl-4H-1-benzopyran- (synth)
4-one. 6-Methoxy-2,2-dimethyl-4-chro- C4H6O3 102.09
Hill, R.K. et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res.
manone Commun. , 1970, 38, 181 (abs config) (R )-form [58081-05-3]
C12H14O3 206.241 Dillon, J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1974, 46, 4055 (config) Viscous oil. Bp0.4 103-1058 Bp0.1 90-958.
Isol. from the mushroom Lentinus Achiwa, K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1977, 4431 (synth) [a]23
D +86 (c, 2 in EtOH).

2,3-Dihydro-6-hydroxy-5-(hydroxyacetyl)-... / 4,5-Dihydro-4-hydroxy-5-(hydroxymethyl)-... D-259  / D-265

O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [151870-74-5] C14H14O5 262.262 O

Kinsenoside (2S,3R )-form [87725-60-8] OH Ph
C10H16O8 264.232 3R-Hydroxymarmesin
Oil. [a]16
D +48.4 (c, 2.07 in EtOH). Mp 1768 (softens at 1598). [a]20
D +43 (c,
Me ether: [137008-54-9] Dihydro-4-meth- 0.2 in MeOH). O O O
oxy-2(3H)-furanone 1?-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [87592-77-6]
C5H8O3 116.116 C20H24O10 424.404
Oil. [a]23
D +34.2 (c, 0.92 in CHCl3). Constit. of Angelica archangelica
(S )-form [7331-52-4] (angelica). Needles (MeOH). Mp 267- HO
Bp0.1 1208. [a]D -86.1 (c, 3.1 in EtOH). 2698. [a]22
D -18 (c, 0.8 in Py).
O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [211107-44-7] Perel’son, M.E. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1971,
C24H24O6 408.45
Constit. of Crocus sativus (saffron). 7, 712-721; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Constit. of Mammea americana (mamey).
Needles (EtOH). Mp 156-1578. [a]25 Transl.) , 1971, 7, 692-699 (pmr, derivs) Yellow prisms (hexane/EtOAc). Mp 1198.
D -
71.2 (c, 0.55 in H2O) (tetra-Ac). Lemmich, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 38, [a]D -2.6 (c, 4.5 in CHCl3).
427-432 (1?-glucoside) Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 2248-
Mori, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1979, 35, 933-940
(synth, ir, pmr) 2254 (occur)
Saito, S. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1984, 1389-1392 Morel, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 50, 1243-
8,9-Dihydro-5-hydroxy-8-(1- D-261 1247 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
Moore, R.E. et al., J.O.C. , 1984, 49, 2484-2489 hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-6-(3-methyl-
(synth, isol) 1-oxobutyl)-4-propyl-2H -furo[2,3-h ]-
Ainslie, R.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, 8,9-Dihydro-5-hydroxy-8-(1- D-264
1-benzopyran-2-one, 9CI
2654-2655 (isol, pmr) hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-6-(1-oxobu-
Henrot, S. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1986, 16, [30390-14-8] tyl)-4-propyl-2H -furo[2,3-h ]-1-benzo-
183-190 (synth) 8,9-Dihydro-5-hydroxy-8-(1-hydroxy-1-
pyran-2-one, 9CI
Seebach, D. et al., Synthesis , 1986, 37-40 (synth)
Tanaka, A. et al., Synthesis , 1987, 570-572 h]coumarin. Mammea B/AA cyclo F [38537-82-5]
(synth) 6-Butyryl-8,9-dihydro-5-hydroxy-8-(1-hy-
Uchikawa, O. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , droxy-1-methylethyl)-4-propylfuro[2,3-
1988, 61, 2025-2029 (synth, ir, pmr, cmr, bibl) h]coumarin. Mammea B/AC cyclo F
Luk, K.-C. et al., Synthesis , 1988, 226-227
(synth, ir, pmr, ms) O
Sugita, Y. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1992, 2855-
2861 (S-form)
Ito, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 33, 1133- O
1137 (synth, Kinsenoside) O O
Yuasa, Y. et al., Liebigs Ann./Recl. , 1997, 1877-
1879 (synth, pmr, cmr, ms)
Masse, C.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1998, 120, 4123- O O
4134 (synth, ir, pmr, cmr) HO
Du, X.-M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49,
1925-1928 (Kinsenoside) C22H28O6 388.46
Huang, G. et al., Tetrahedron , 1998, 54, 1355- HO
1360 (synth, ir, pmr, cmr)
Obt. from seeds of Mammea americana
Gao, W.-Y. et al., Planta Med. , 1999, 65, 425- (mamey). Cryst. (CHCl3/hexane). Mp 72-
427 (S-form glucoside) 778. C21H26O6 374.433
Du, X.-M. et al., Biol. Pharm. Bull. , 2000, 23, Constit. of Mammea americana (mamey).
Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 2248;
731-734 (S-form glucoside) Yellow cryst. (CHCl3/hexane). Mp 75-818.
1987, 317 (isol, ir, uv, pmr, synth)
Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 2248;
1987, 317 (isol, struct, synth)
2,3-Dihydro-6-hydroxy-5-(hy- D-259 8,9-Dihydro-5-hydroxy-8-(1- D-262
droxyacetyl)-2-isopropenylbenzofuran hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-6-(2-methyl- 4,5-Dihydro-4-hydroxy-5-(hy- D-265
1-[2,3-Dihydro-6-hydroxy-2-(1-methy- 1-oxopropyl)-4-phenyl-2H -furo[2,3-
droxymethyl)-2(3H )-furanone
h ]-1-benzopyran-2-one 3-Hydroxy-4-hydroxymethyl-4-butanolide.
none, 9CI
3,4,5-Trihydroxypentanoic acid 1,4-lactone.
O 2-Deoxypentono-1,4-lactone
O O O (4R,5R)-form
C13H14O4 234.251 HOH 2C O O
(S )-form [83218-05-7]
Constit. of Madia sativa (Chile C5H8O4 132.116
tarweed). Gum. (4R ,5R )-form [78185-08-7]
Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, D-threo-form. 2-Deoxy-D-xylono-1,4-
C24H24O6 408.45
1103 (isol, ir, pmr, ms) Isol. from Mammea americana (mamey) lactone
seeds. Closely related to MAB 3, M-4. Oil. [a]24
D +67.3 (c, 1.01 in MeOH)
2,3-Dihydro-3-hydroxy-2-(1- D-260 Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 2248 (4R ,5S )-form [38996-14-4]
hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-7H -furo[3,2- L-erythro-form. 2-Deoxy-L-ribono-1,4-
g ][1]benzopyran-7-one, 9CI 8,9-Dihydro-5-hydroxy-8-(1- D-263 lactone
Constit. of the fruit of Foeniculum
hydroxy-1-methylethyl)-6-(1-oxobu- vulgare (fennel). Oil. [a]22
HO D +3.5 (c, 0.8 in
tyl)-4-phenyl-2H -furo[2,3-h ]-1-benzo- MeOH). [a]D +13.5 (c, 0.8 in H2O).
1′ 3
(2R,3R)-form pyran-2-one (4S,5R )-form [34371-14-7]
HO 2
[233764-88-0] D-erythro-form. 2-Deoxy-D-ribono-1,4-
O O O Mammea A/AC cyclo F lactone

/ 2,3-Dihydro-2-(1-hydroxy-1-... D-266 / D-270

D -4.5 (c, 1.44 in EtOH) (-1.5). 3,4-Dihydro-3-hydroxy-1- D-268 2,3-Dihydro-2-(1-hydroxy-1- D-270
(4R +,5S +)-form methyl-4,5-diphenyl-2(1H )-pyridi- methylethyl)-7H -furo[3,2-g ][1]benzo-
Fernández, M.V. et al., Tetrahedron , 1990, 46, none, 9CI pyran-7-one, 9CI
7911-7922 (synth, pmr, cmr)
Matsumoto, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. ,
1995, 68, 670-672 (synth) Ph
Kita, Y. et al., J.O.C. , 1998, 53, 554-561 (synth) OH HO (R)-form
Kitajima, J. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1999, Ph O O O
47, 988-992 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Doyle, M.P. et al., J.O.C. , 1999, 64, 8907-8915
(synth, bibl, pmr) N O C14H14O4 246.262
He, M. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 2001, 36, 278-280 Me (R )-form [495-32-9]
(isol) Nodakenetin. Prangeferol
C18H17NO2 279.338 Constit. of Angelica spp.. Mp 186.58.
(3R ,4S )-form [136112-76-0] [a]D -22.4.
Homoclausenamide O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [495-31-8] Noda-
2,3-Dihydro-3-hydroxy-2-iso- D-266 Alkaloid from Clausena lansium (wam- kenin
propenyl-5-benzofurancarboxylic acid pee). C20H24O9 408.404
Yang, M. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1991, 2, 291; Platelets (EtOH), prisms (H2O). Mp
OH CA , 115, 155059t (isol, struct) 215-2198 Mp 259-2608 dec. [a]30D +56.6
O-[(2E-Butenoyl)-(/ 0 6)-b-D-
O glucopyranoside]:6?-O-(2-trans-Bute-
(2R*,3S*)-form Dihydro-4-hydroxy-5-methy- D-269 noyl)nodakenin. Decuroside VI
lene-3-tetradecylidene-2(3H )-furanone C24H28O10 476.479
C12H12O4 220.224 Yellow powder. lmax 203 ; 334 (no
solvent reporetd).
(2R ,3S )-form 11 ′
Me ester: HO (/ 0 6)-b-D-glucopyranoside]: [131623-
C13H14O4 234.251 4 3 (R,E)-form 14-8] 6?-O-trans-Feruloylnodakenin
Constit. of the famine food Pandanus C30H32O12 584.576
odoratissimus. Oil. lmax 220 (sh) ; 258 ; O O
Needles (MeOH aq.). Mp 138-1408. [a]D
290 (sh) (no solvent reported). +49.8 (c, 0.5 in 50% EtOH aq.).
Jong, T.-T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49, C19H32O3 308.46
2145-2148 (isol, uv, pmr, cmr)
O-[b-D-Apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
(R ,E )-form [170212-29-0] glucopyranoside]: [96627-80-4] Decuro-
Isolinderanolide B side IV
Oil. [a]20
D +40.8 (c, 0.1 in CHCl3). C25H32O13 540.52
11?,12?-Didehydro: [170129-22-3] Dihydro- Powder (MeCN aq.). Mp 236.5-2398.
5,6-Dihydro-5-hydroxy-4- D-267 4-hydroxy-5-methylene-3-(11-tetradece- [a]24
D -14.9 (c, 2.96 in DMSO).
methoxy-6-(2-phenylethyl)-2H -pyran- nylidene)-3(2H)-furanone. Isolinderano- O-[a-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D-
2-one, 9CI lide A glucopyranoside]: [96638-81-2] Decuro-
Dihydrokawain-5-ol C19H30O3 306.444 side III. Nodakenetin 4?-O-b-maltoside
Oil. [a]20
D +45.7 (c, 0.1 in CHCl3). C26H34O14 570.546
OMe (R ,Z )-form [170212-27-8] Linderanolide B Powder. Mp 143.5-146.58 dec. [a]24 D
Oil. [a]20
D +39.7 (c, 0.1 in CHCl3). +85.5 (c, 1.00 in MeOH).
11?,12?-Didehydro: [170129-20-1] Lindera- O-[a-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
6 (5R,6S)-form nolide A glucopyranoside]: [96638-80-1] Decuro-
O O C19H30O3 306.444 side II. Nodakenetin 4?-O-b-isomaltoside
Oil. [a]20
D +34.9 (c, 0.1 in CHCl3). C26H34O14 570.546
(S,E )-form [56522-16-8] Isoobtusilactone A. Powder. Mp 139.5-1428 dec. [a]24 D +69.7
Ph Borbonol 2 (c, 1.00 in MeOH).
C14H16O4 248.278 Isol. from Persea borbonia (red bay) and
O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
other Persea spp.. Viscous liq. Sol.
(5R ,6S )-form [52247-81-1] glucopyranoside]: [96638-79-8] Decuro-
MeOH, Et2O; poorly sol. H2O. [a]23 D -54
(+)-cis-form side I. Nodakenetin 4?-O-b-gentiobioside
(c, 0.50 in CHCl3). lmax 225 (MeOH)
Found in kava (Piper methysticum ). C26H34O14 570.546
FDA advises against use of kava in food Powder. Mp 147-151.58 dec. [a]24 D +17.5
(S,Z )-form [56522-15-7] Obtusilactone A.
due to potential risk of severe liver (c, 1.00 in MeOH).
damage (2002). Mp 928. [a]25 D +73 Constit. of Persea borbonia (red bay). Ac:Nodakenetin acetate
(CHCl3). Viscous liq. [a]23 C16H16O5 288.299
D -46 (c, 0.45 in CHCl3).
(5RS,6SR )-form [41002-32-8] Stereochem. identity of Borbonol with Cryst. (CHCl3/petrol). Mp 134-1358.
(/9)-cis-form Obtusilactone A is not certain lmax 224 [a]D -13.7 (c, 0.8 in CHCl3).
Cryst. (Et2O). Mp 77-788. (MeOH) (Berdy). O-(4-Hydroxyphenylglyoxylyl): [39380-
(5RS,6RS )-form [41002-33-9] 09-1] Tschuin. Chuin
(/9)-trans-form [71242-34-7]
C22H18O7 394.38
Cryst. (Et2O). Mp 77-788. Niwa, M. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1975, 655 Cryst. Mp 212-213.58. [a]26D -225 (c, 0.2
Achenbach, H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1970, 3259; (Obtusilactones) in EtOH).
1974, 119 (synth) Zaki, A.I. et al., Physiol. Plant Pathol. , 1980,
Haensel, R. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1973, 106, 570 16, 205 (Borbonols) O-(4-Hydroxycinnamoyl): [53106-45-9]
(synth, spectra) Rollinson, S.W. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1981, 103, 4114 Secorin
Arai, Y. et al., J.O.C. , 2000, 65, 258-262 (synth) (synth) C23H20O6 392.407
Seki, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40, 1175- Cryst. Mp 212-2138. [a]20D -220 (c, 1.0 in
1181 (Linderanolides, Isolinderanolides) EtOH).
(S )-form [13849-08-6] Marmesin

6,7-Dihydro-4-(hydroxymethyl)-... / 2,3-Dihydro-6-(hydroxymethyl)-... D-271 / D-273

Occurs in Bael bark (Aegle marmelos ). Cryst. (C6H6). Mp 1128. Abs. config. 6,7-Dihydro-4-(hydroxy- D-271
Plates (Me2CO, EtOH, C6H6 or not detd.. methyl)-2-(p -hydroxyphenethyl)-7-
EtOAc). Mp 189.58. [a]34 D +26.8 (/9)-form [13928-55-7] methyl-5H -2-pyrindinium
(CHCl3). lmax 217 (e 7420); 338 (e Plates (C6H6). Mp 153-1548.
17700) (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 332 O-Angeloyl: [89827-11-2] Tortuosinin
(EtOH) (Berdy). C19H20O5 328.364
-LV1045500 Cryst. Mp 1098.
O-a-L-Arabinopyranoside: [192935-76-5] O-Tigloyl: [36706-20-4] Sprengelianin HOH 2 C
C19H22O8 378.378 C19H20O5 328.364
Mp 128-1308. lmax 217 ; 230 ; 240 ; 260 ; Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 1058.
315 (No solvent reported). N
Späth, E. et al., Ber. , 1939, 72, 2089
O-a-L-Rhamnopyranoside: [142347-99-7] (Nodakenin) CH2 CH2 OH
C20H24O8 392.405 Chatterjee, A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1949, 71, 606
Isol. from the stem bark of Aegle (struct)
marmelos (bael fruit). Mp 140-1428. Abu-Mustafa, E.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1961, 26, 161 C18H22NO2 284.377
(isol, uv, deriv) Minor alkaloid from the roots of Valeriana
O-b-D-Galactopyranoside: [156363-69-8] Kuznetsova, G.A. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. ,
C20H24O9 408.404 officinalis (valerian).
1966, 2, 235; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl.
Constit. of Murraya koenigii (curry leaf Transl.) , 1966, 2, 190 (Prantschimgin) Chloride:
tree). Abu-Mustafa, E.A. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1967, C18H22ClNO2 319.83
O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [495-30-7] Am- 45, 325 (pmr) Mp 220-2238 dec.
Ognyanov, I. et al., Z. Naturforsch., B , 1967, 22,
majin. Marmesinin Picrate:
1231 (isol)
C20H24O9 408.404 Harada, I. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1968, 5463 (synth, Mp 60-658 (resolidifies and melts at ca.
Plates (H2O). Mp 259-2608 dec. [a]D -60 abs config) 1138).
(EtOH aq.). Nielsen, B.E. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1970, Trifluoroacetate:
O-[b-D-Apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- 24, 2863 (isol) Mp 145-1478. [a]22
D +19.3 (MeOH).
glucopyranoside]: Savina, A.A. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1970, 6,
522; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , Torssell, K. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1967, 21,
C25H32O13 540.52 53 (isol, ir, pmr, ms, struct)
1970, 6, 540 (Seseliflorin)
Amorph. powder. [a]22 D -45.8 (c, 0.5 in Krivut, B.A. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1970, 6,
MeOH). 526; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- 1970, 6, 545 (synth)
glucopyranoside]: [159650-11-0] Mar- Steck, W. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1971, 49, 2297 2,3-Dihydro-2-(hydroxy- D-272
mesin rutinoside (synth, pmr)
Murray, R.D.H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1971, 27, methyl)-6-methyl-4H -pyran-4-one,
C26H34O13 554.547 9CI
4901 (synth, ir, pmr, ms)
Constit. of the roots of Murraya koeni- Molho, D. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1972, 208
gii (curry leaf tree). Mp 190-1918. [146064-67-7]
(isol) Erinapyrone B
Ac:Marmesin acetate Abyshev, A.Z. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1972,
Cryst. (H2O). Mp 1308 (135-1368). [a]D 8, 114; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
+25 (CHCl3). 1972, 8, 107 (isol, ir, uv, pmr) O
Aminov, A.M. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1972,
O-(3-Methylbutanoyl):Marmesin isovale- 8, 799; 1973, 9, 487; Chem. Nat. Compd.
rate (Engl. Transl.) , 1972, 8, 779; 1973, 9, 459
C19H22O5 330.38 (isol) H 3C
Cryst. Mp 115-1168. [a]D -10.5 (c, 0.7 in Dukhovlinova, L.J. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , O CH 2OH
CHCl3). 1973, 9, 663; 1974, 10, 785; Chem. Nat.
Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , 1973, 9, 626; 1974, C7H10O3 142.154
O-(3-Methyl-2-butenoyl): [13209-79-5] 10, 806 (isol) Isol. from Hericium erinaceum (lions
Prantschimgin. Pranchimgin Talapatra, S.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12, mane). Oil.
C19H20O5 328.364 2312 (isol)
Cryst. Mp 138-1408. [a]20D -23 (c, 0.87 in Innocenti, G. et al., Planta Med. , 1978, 34, 167 Kawagishi, H. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1992, 2475
CHCl3). (biosynth) (isol, cd, pmr, cmr)
-LD50 (mus, scu) 73 mg/kg. GQ5730000 De Pascual Teresa, J. et al., An. Quim. , 1979, 75, Noda, Y. et al., Heterocycles , 1996, 43, 271
175 (isol) (synth)
O-Angeloyl: [19662-71-6] Deltoin
Elgamal, M.H.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979,
C19H20O5 328.364 18, 139 (cmr)
Cryst. (Et2O/petrol). Mp 105-105.58. Burke, B.A. et al., Heterocycles , 1981, 16, 897
D -38.5 (c, 0.8 in CHCl3). (isol)
Murray, R.D.H. et al., The Natural Coumarins,
2,3-Dihydro-6-(hydroxy- D-273
J. Wiley, 1982, (book) methyl)-2-methyl-4H -pyran-4-one,
C19H20O5 328.364
Cryst. (hexane). Mp 111.5-1138. [a]23 Asahara, T. et al., Planta Med. , 1984, 50, 488 9CI
D -
(Decuroside IV) [146064-66-6]
33 (c, 1 in CHCl3). Grande, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, 505
O-Benzoyl: [17559-85-2] Felamidin. Ben- Matano, Y. et al., Planta Med. , 1986, 135
Erinapyrone A
zoylmarmesin. Felamedin (Decurosides I-III)
C21H18O5 350.37 Jain, R.K. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci., India , O
Cryst. Mp 132-1348. [a]20 1992, 62, 5 (galactoside)
D -98.9
Srivastava, S.K. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. ,
1993, 70, 655 (rutinoside)
O-(3-Methylthio-2-propenoyl(Z-)): Srivastava, S.D. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , HOH 2C
[31002-17-2] Seseliflorin 1996, 73, 666-668 (arabinoside) O
C18H18O5S 346.403 Kitajima, J. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998,
Mp 143-1448. [a]19 D -58.4 (c, 0.85 in
46, 1404-1407 (Marmesin apiosylglucoside) C7H10O3 142.154
CHCl3). Kong, L.Y. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 2000, 11, Isol. from Hericium erinaceum (lions
315-318 (Decuroside VI) mane). Oil.
Murray, R.D.H. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat.
O-(2,3-Dihydroxy-2-methylbutanoyl): Prod. , 2002, 83, 1-619 (rev) Kawagishi, H. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1992, 2475
[55747-77-8] Lindiol (isol, cd, pmr, cmr)
C19H22O7 362.379 Noda, Y. et al., Heterocycles , 1996, 43, 271

2,3-Dihydro-5-hydroxy-2-methyl-... / 2,3-Dihydro-4-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-... D-274 / D-279

2,3-Dihydro-5-hydroxy-2- D-274 5,6-Dihydro-5-hydroxy-6- D-276 3,4-Dihydro-8-hydroxy-3-(6- D-278

methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone methyl-2H -pyran-2-one, 9CI pentadecenyl)-1H -2-benzopyran-1-one
[74413-19-7] [54826-92-5] 3,4-Dihydro-8-hydroxy-3-(6-pentadeceny-
Dihydroplumbagin. b-Hydroplumbagin 4-Hydroxy-2-hexen-5-olide l)isocoumarin

6 (5R,6R)-form
(S)-form H3 C O O
OH C6H8O3 128.127 OH
(5R ,6R )-form
C11H10O3 190.198 O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [80433-52-9] An- C24H36O3 372.547
(S )-form [76372-21-9] giopteroside (3R , 6?Z )-form [158627-94-2]
Constit. of Juglans nigra (black walnut). C12H18O8 290.269 Constit. of the fruit of Ginkgo biloba
Cryst. (pentane). Mp 89-918. [a]18
D -115 Cryst. (CHCl3/MeOH). (ginkgo). [a]25
D -23 (c, 0.8 in CHCl3).
(c, 0.5 in CHCl3). Ac: [54621-88-4] Probable config..
O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [155569-76-9] C8H10O4 170.165 Choukchou-Braham, N. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1994,
Plumbaside C Oil. Bp0.1 1308. [a]20
D -179 (c, 1 in 35, 3949 (isol, ir, pmr, cmr, synth)
C17H20O8 352.34 CHCl3).
Amorph. powder. (5R ,6S )-form [69308-39-0] Osmundalactone
(/9)-form Constit. of Osmunda japonica (zenmai). 2,3-Dihydro-4-(4-hydroxyphe- D-279
Yellow cryst. (petrol). Mp 83-858. Plates (C6H6) or needles. Mp 82-82.58. nyl)-1H -phenalene-1,2,3-triol
D -70.6 (c, 2.0 in H2O). 2,3-Dihydro-1,2,3-trihydroxy-4-(4-hydro-
O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [54835-71-1] Os- xyphenyl)-1H-phenalene
Sankaram, A.V.B. et al., Tetrahedron , 1979, 35,
1777 (synth)
C12H18O8 290.269
Lavault, M. et al., Planta Med. , Suppl ., 1980,
Isol. from ferns Osmunda japonica
17 (isol)
Hanson, S.W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20, (zenmai). Syrup; needles (MeOH) as HO OH OH
1162 (synth, pmr) tetra-Ac. Mp 172.5-173.58 (tetra-Ac). 1 3 4'
Binder, R.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, (5S,6R )-form
2799 (isol, pmr) Cryst. (EtOAc). Mp 81.5-82.58. [a]D +70.9
Yue, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 35, 1023 (c, 1.3 in H2O).
(Plumbaside C)
Hollenbeak, K.H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1974, 30,
2307 (isol, synth)
Torssell, K. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. B ,
1977, 31, 297; 1978, 32, 457 (synth) (1S,2R,3S)-form
2,3-Dihydro-7-hydroxy-2- D-275 Yamagiwa, S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1979, 570
methyl-4-oxo-4H -1-benzopyran-5- (synth)
Hseu, T.H. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1981, 37, 2095
C19H16O4 308.333
acetic acid, 9CI (cryst struct) (1S,2R ,3S )-form
5-(Carboxymethyl)-7-hydroxy-2-methyl-4- Numata, A. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984, Isol. from Musa acuminata (dwarf
chromanone 32, 2815 banana) infected with Colletotrichum
Murayama, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1986, musae. Powder. [a]25D -5 (c, 0.5 in MeOH).
50, 2347 (synth) lmax 231 (e 24000); 259 (e 15000); 290 (e
COOH Lichtenthaler, F.W. et al., Annalen , 1989, 1153
O (synth, pmr, acetate)
6800) (MeOH).
Buchanan, M.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 4?-Me ether: [163811-78-7] 2,3-Dihydro-4-
3 40, 1251 (isol, pmr, cmr) (4-methoxyphenyl)-1H-phenalene-1,2,3-
2 Ono, M. et al., Heterocycles , 1999, 51, 1503- triol
HO O 1508 (synth) C20H18O4 322.36
Yonghang, G. et al., J. Chem. Res., Synop. , Isol. from the rhizomes of Musa acu-
C12H12O5 236.224 1999, 488-489 (synth)
Carda, M. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. , 2002, 2649-
minata (dwarf banana) infected with
(S )-form [94356-37-3] 2655 (synth) Fusarium oxysporum . Cryst. (C6H6/
Constit. of Rheum sp. (rhubarb). hexane). Mp 104-1068 (92-968). [a]25
D -35
Needles + 1=2H2O (MeOH aq.). Mp 205- (c, 0.3 in CHCl3) ((-15.4)). lmax 268 ;
2078. [a]24
D -9.1 (c, 0.23 in MeOH). 284 ; 352 ; 388 (EtOH).
2,3-Dihydro-3-hydroxy-2-oxo- D-277
2,3-Didehydro: [94356-34-0] 7-Hydroxy-2- 1-Ketone:2,3-Dihydro-2,3-dihydroxy-4-(4-
1H -indole-3-acetic acid, 9CI hydroxyphenyl)-1H-phenalen-1-one
methyl-4-oxo-4H-1-benzopyran-5-acetic Dioxindole-3-acetic acid
acid, 9CI. 5-(Carboxymethyl)-7-hydro- C19H14O4 306.317
xy-2-methylchromone Constit. of Musa acuminata (dwarf
C12H10O5 234.208 HO COOH banana) infected with Colletotrichum
Constit. of Rheum sp.. Needles (MeOH musae. Powder. [a]25
D +44 (c, 0.2 in
aq.). Mp 263.5-2658. 5
O MeOH). (2S,3S )- Config. owing to
2,3-Didehydro, Me ether: [124793-06-2] change in Cahn-Ingold-Prelog priorities
N lmax 219 (e 24000); 229 (e 25000); 245 (e
Needles (MeOH). Mp 237-2398.
H 17000); 273 (e 11000); 325 (e 4600)
2,3-Didehydro, Me ester, Me ether:
[124793-05-1] C10H9NO4 207.185
Needles (Et2O/hexane). Mp 140-1428. 1-Ketone, 4?-Me ether: [159853-37-9] 2,3-
Me ester: Dihydro-2,3-dihydroxy-4-(4-methoxy-
Kashiwada, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984,
32, 3493 (isol, pmr, cmr, ir) C11H11NO4 221.212 phenyl)-1H-phenalen-1-one
Takeuchi, N. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1989, Isol. from rice bran. Amorph. powder. C20H16O4 320.344
37, 2012 (synth) Kinashi, H. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1976, 40, Constit. of Musa acuminata (dwarf
2465 banana) infected with Colletotrichum

2,3-Dihydro-5-(3-hydroxypropanoyl)-...  / 3,4-Dihydro-8-hydroxy-3-tridecyl-... D-280 / D-284

musae. Needles. Mp 175-1778. [a]25D +65 1,3-Dihydro-3-hydroxy-2H - D-281 CH 3

(c, 0.7 in CHCl3) ((+40.9)). lmax 276 ; pyrrol-2-one, 9CI HO
312 ; 340 ; 386 (EtOH) (Berdy). (R)-form
3-Ketone: [173560-63-9] 2,3-Dihydro-2,3- OH CH 3 O
CH 3
nalen-1-one. Musanolone C
O C14H18O4 250.294
C19H14O4 306.317
N Antioxidant used in food industry.
Constit. of Musa acuminata (dwarf
banana) infected with Colletotrichum H -DJ2273000
musae. Yellowish solid. Mp 258-2618. (R )-form [53101-49-8]
lmax 265 ; 280 ; 323 ; 377 (EtOH). C4H5NO2 99.089 Cryst. (Et2O/petrol). Mp 159-1618 dec.
D +66.1 (c, 1 in EtOH).
3?-Hydroxy, 1-ketone:4-(3,4-Dihydroxy- O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [18814-39-6] Pi-
phenyl)-2,3-dihydro-2,3-dihydroxy-1H- Me ester: [70897-16-4]
satoside C15H20O4 264.321
phenalen-1-one C10H15NO7 261.231
C19H14O5 322.317 Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 132-134.58.
Isol. from seedlings of Pisum sativum [a]25
Constit. of Musa acuminata (dwarf D +61.4 (c, 4.91 in MeOH).
(peas). Mp 104-1078. [a]20
D -4.9. (S )-form [53174-06-4]
banana) infected with Colletotrichum
musae. Powder. [a]25 [18814-40-9] Cryst. (Et2O/pentane). Mp 1618. [a]20
D -
D +31 (c, 0.03 in
MeOH). (2S,3S )- Config. owing to Kocourek, J. et al., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. , 64.8 (c, 1.01 in EtOH).
change in Cahn-Ingold-Prelog priorities 1967, 121, 531 (isol, struct) Me ester: [70897-17-5]
lmax 268 (e 23000); 282 (e 13000) [a]24
D -60.5 (c, 1.02 in MeOH).
(MeOH). Me ether: [135806-59-6] 6-Methoxy-
4?-Deoxy, 3-ketone:2,3-Dihydro-2,3-dihy- 2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-chromancarboxylic
1,5-Dihydro-5-hydroxy-2H - D-282 acid
C19H14O3 290.318 pyrrol-2-one, 9CI C15H20O4 264.321
Constit. of Musa acuminata (dwarf [34085-09-1] Cryst. (Et2O/hexane). Mp 144-1458.
banana) infected with Colletotrichum Dihydromaleimide. Isosuccinimide [a]20
D -69.2.
musae. Powder. [a]26
D -142 (c, 0.1 in
(/9)-form [53188-07-1]
MeOH). Cryst. (H2O). Mp 190-1928.
3?-Methoxy, 3-ketone: [173560-64-0] 2,3- Me ester: [53101-52-3]
HO N O Cryst. (Me2CO/Et2O). Mp 158.5-161.58.
methoxyphenyl)-1H-phenalen-1-one. H Et ester: [53174-07-5]
Musanolone D C16H22O4 278.347
C20H16O5 336.343 C4H5NO2 99.089 Cryst. (Et2O). Mp 124-1268.
Constit. of Musa acuminata (dwarf No evidence for tautomerism from form Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
banana) (Musaceae). Solid. Mp 248- shown. Spectra , 1992, 2, 1176B (nmr)
2508. lmax 266 ; 352 ; 384 (EtOH). (R )-form [87710-47-2] Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
(1R ,2R ,3R )-form 2, 245B (ir)
Alkaloid from the shoots of dwarf pea Scott, J.W. et al., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. , 1974,
3-Ketone: (Pisum sativum ). Prisms. Mp 103-1058. 51, 200; 1975, 52, 174 (synth, antioxidant)
Constit. of Musa acuminata (dwarf [a]23
D -12.6. Yoda, H. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1989, 465 (synth)
banana) infected with Colletotrichum O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [26696-59-3] Di- Walther, W. et al., Chimia , 1991, 45, 121 (synth,
musae. Powder. [a]25
D -106 (c, 0.06 in hydromaleimide b-D-glucoside. Isosucci- use, Me ether)
MeOH). lmax 246 (e 23000); 287 (e nimide b-D-glucoside Netscher, T. et al., Annalen , 1992, 543 (synth)
9800); 320 (e 6100) (MeOH). Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
C10H15NO7 261.231 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Luis, J.G. et al., Tetrahedron , 1995, 51, 4117- Alkaloid from Pisum sativum (peas). Reinhold , 1992, TNR625
4130 (4?-Me ether) Prisms. Mp 185-1888. [a]22.5 -73.7. The
Luis, J.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 41, 753-
identity (structural and stereochemical)
757 (Musanolones)
Kamo, T. et al., Tetrahedron , 2001, 57, 7649- of the various isolates of this glucoside
3,4-Dihydro-8-hydroxy-3-tri- D-284
7656 (isol, uv, pmr, cmr, ms, abs config) is not certain. May be identical with
Pisatoside. decyl-1H -2-benzopyran-1-one
(/9)-form 3,4-Dihydro-8-hydroxy-3-tridecylisocou-
Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 1028. marin

2,3-Dihydro-5-(3-hydroxypro- D-280 Me ether: [34128-18-2] 1,5-Dihydro-5-

methoxy-2H-pyrrol-2-one, 9CI (CH 2)12CH 3
panoyl)-1H -pyrrolizine
C5H7NO2 113.116
[97073-09-1] Mp 388. Bp9 958. O (R)-form
droxy-1-propanone de Mayo, P. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1962, OH
1576 (synth) O
Liu, T.-Y. et al., Plant Physiol. , 1970, 45, 424
(isol, glucoside) C22H34O3 346.509
Farina, F. et al., Synthesis , 1973, 167 (synth, (R )-form [158627-93-1]
N glucoside) Constit. of the fruit of Ginkgo biloba
Masuko, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22,
COCH2CH2OH 1278 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, cd, struct)
Me ether: [158627-99-7] 3,4-Dihydro-8-
C10H13NO2 179.218 methoxy-3-tridecylisocoumarin
Proline-derived Maillard product. Char- C23H36O3 360.536
acterised spectroscopically. 3,4-Dihydro-6-hydroxy- D-283 Cryst. Mp 77-788. [a]23D -106 (c, 1 in
2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2H -1-benzopyran- CHCl3).
Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33, (/9)-form
919-923 (occur, ms, pmr) 2-carboxylic acid, 9CI
Chen, C.-W. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1997, [56305-04-5] Me ether:
45, 2996-2999 (occur) 6-Hydroxy-2,5,7,8-tetramethyl-2-chroman- Cryst. Mp 73-748.
carboxylic acid. Trolox C [158628-00-3, 158628-01-4]

7,8-Dihydrolycopene / 6,7-Dihydro-2-methyl-5H -... D-285 / D-294

Choukchou-Braham, N. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1994, Food Chem. , 1975, 23, 501-505 (isol, ms, ir) C6H8O3 128.127
35, 3949 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, synth) Misharina, T.A. et al., Chem. Mikrobiol. Mycotoxin prod. by Penicillium italicum .
Technol. Lebensm. , 1992, 14, 27-32 (occur) Pale yellow cryst. (CHCl3/MeOH). Sol.
7,8-Dihydrolycopene D-285 MeOH, CHCl3; poorly sol. H2O. Mp 778.
[502-64-7] 3,4-Dihydro-6-methoxy-3,7- D-288 lmax 232 (e 11200) (MeOH) (Berdy).
7,8-Dihydro-c,c-carotene, 9CI. Neuro- dimethyl-1H -2-benzopyran-8-ol, 9CI Gorst-Allman, C.P. et al., S. Afr. J. Chem. ,
sporene. Neurosporin. Flavorhodin. Pro- [70080-82-9] 1982, 35, 102; 1983, 36, 83 (isol, struct, props,
neurosporene 8-Hydroxy-6-methoxy-3,7-dimethylisochro- biosynth)
3a ,4-Dihydro-3-(3-methylbu- D-292
MeO tylidene)-1(3H )-isobenzofuranone
C40H58 538.898 O
Present in higher plants, e.g. pineapple H 3C
(Ananas sativus ). Yellow-orange cryst. OH
(EtOH). Mp 1248 (115-1168).
C12H16O3 208.257
(9Z ,7?Z ,9?Z )-form [10467-46-6] Mycotoxin prod. by Penicillium corylo- O
Isol. from tomato (Lycopersicon philum and Penicillium steckii . Isol. from
esculentum var. ‘Tangella’). Dark red P. steckii infected millet hay. Mp 1228.
viscous oil. lmax 410 ; 433 (hexane). O
Davis, J.B. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1966, 2154 (synth, Cox, R.H. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1979, 27,
C13H16O2 204.268
999-1001 (isol) Odorous constit. of celery stem and leaf
Suzue, G. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta , 1969, Cutler, H.G. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1989, 53,
176, 653 (biosynth) (Apium graveolens ). Light-yellow oil. Bp10
1975 (isol)
Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen Malmstrom, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 54,
1758. n27.5
D 1.5172. lmax 197 (log e 5.08);
der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn., 301-309 (occur) 227 (log e 4.6); 273 (log e 4.14); 282 (log e
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 1817b 4.12) (no solvent reported).
Clough, J.M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1983, 3011 2,3-Dihydro-7-methoxy-2-(3- D-289 Gold, H.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1963, 28, 985 (isol, ir,
(cmr, ms) uv)
Frecknell, E.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23,
1707 (isol, occur) 3-methyl-5-(1-propenyl)benzofuran
3,4-Dihydro-1-methyl-b-car- D-293
Straub, O. et al., Key to Carotenoids , 2nd edn., [50354-06-8] boline
Birkhauser Verlag, Basel and Boston, 1987,
34 (bibl) [525-41-7]
dole, 9CI. Harmalan. Dihydroharman
Dihydro-4-mercapto-3(2H )- D-286 O
furanone O
[56078-98-9] MeO O 6
4-Mercapto-3-oxotetrahydrofuran OMe N
C21H22O5 354.402 H CH3
HS O Isol. from the seed kernels of Myristica
fragrans (nutmeg). Oil. [a]23
D +43.5 (c, 1.65 C12H12N2 184.24
in CHCl3). Alkaloid from Elaeagnus angustifolia
O (Russian olive). Cream needles (Me2CO).
Isogai, A. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1973, 37,
889; 1479 (isol) Mp 183-1858 dec.
C4H6O2S 118.156 Picrate:
Component of meat aroma model systems Yellow needles (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp
with green, meaty-hydrolysed vegetable Dihydro-2-methoxy-2-methyl- D-290
2458 dec. (234-2358 dec.).
aroma. Characterised spectroscopically. 3(2H )-thiophenone
6-Methoxy: [3589-73-9] 6-Methoxyharma-
Van den Ouweland, G.A.M. et al., J. Agric. [129314-86-9]
Food Chem. , 1975, 23, 501-505 (formn, isol, C13H14N2O 214.266
ms, ir)
O -UU9802000
Manske, R.H.F. et al., J.C.S. , 1927, 1 (synth)
Dihydro-4-mercapto-5- D-287 OMe Kanaoka, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1967,
methyl-3(2H )-thiophenone, 10CI 15, 101 (synth, uv, ir)
S CH3 Cassady, J.M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1971, 34, 161
[65936-90-5] (isol, uv, struct, 6-Methoxyharmalan)
[56079-01-7] C6H10O2S 146.21 Picker, K. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1976, 29, 2023
Component of meat aroma model systems. (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms)
phene-3-ol, 9CI. 3-Mercapto-4-hydroxy-2- Characterised spectroscopically.
methyl-2,3-dihydrothiophene Guentert, M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1990, 6,7-Dihydro-2-methyl-5H -cy- D-294
38, 2027-2041 (occur, ms, pmr) clopenta[b ]pyrazine, 9CI
HO SH O SH [23747-46-8]
5,6-Dihydro-4-methoxy-2H - D-291
CH3 CH3 pyran-2-one N
C5H8OS2 148.25 H3C N
Component of meat aroma models. Pos- OMe
sesses a roasted meat aroma. Charac- C8H10N2 134.18
terised spectroscopically. Maillard prod. Present in sesame seed oil,
Van den Ouweland, G.A.M. et al., J. Agric. O O green tea, coffee, roast oats, wheat bread,

6,7-Dihydro-5-methyl-5H -...  / Dihydro-4-methyl-2(3H )-furanone D-295 / D-300

cocoa bean, roast coconut, fried chicken, Bp 688. n25

D 1.4161. a-Methyl-g-butyrolactone. 2-Methyl-4-bu-
yeast extract, cooked beef and roast (j)-form tanolide
filbert. Bp10 125-1308. Constit. of licorice root (Glycyrrhiza
1-Oxide: [61928-78-7] glabra ). CH 3
C8H10N2O 150.18 Parham, W. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1951, 73, 913
(synth, props) (R)-form
Mp 748.
Botteghi, C. et al., J.O.C. , 1972, 37, 1835 (pmr, O
Flament, I. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1973, 56, ms, synth) O
610-619; 1976, 59, 2314-2326 (synth, 1-oxide, Botteghi, C. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1975, 105,
ms, ir, pmr) 233 (R-form, synth) C5H8O2 100.117
Vitzthum, O.G. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , Sakagami, H. et al., CA , 1993, 118, 232572w Present in Mangifera indica (mango).
1975, 23, 510-516 (pmr, ms) (occur)
Nakamura, S. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1989, (R )-form [55254-35-8]
53, 1891-1899 (glc, anal) Liq. Bp22 93-958. [a]23
D +13.8 (c, 10.0 in
Jayalekshmy, A. et al., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. , 2,3-Dihydro-4-methylfuran D-297 EtOH).
1991, 68, 873-880 (glc, occur, coconut) [34314-83-5] (S )-form [65527-79-9]
Ames, J.M. et al., Flavour Fragrance J. , 1992, 7, Bp20 94-958. [a]24
D -14.7 (c, 6.3 in EtOH).
89-103 (occur, yeast) C5H8O 84.118
(/9)-form [69010-09-9]
Constit. of volatiles from cooked ham and
Bp20 92.58. n20
D 1.4332.
beef and of oil from licorice roots (Gly-
6,7-Dihydro-5-methyl-5H -cy- D-295 cyrrhiza glabra ). Liq. Bp20 63-648. n20 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
clopenta[b ]pyrazine, 9CI Spectra , 1992, 1, 1127C (nmr)
1.4425. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
[23747-48-0] Botteghi, C. et al., J.O.C. , 1972, 37, 1835-1837 1, 698B (ir)
(synth, pmr, ms) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
[149403-32-7, 149403-33-8] 1989, 3, 749D (ir)
Hiatt, M.H. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1983, 55, 506
FEMA 3306 (glc, ms) Kaneko, T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1962,
McLeod, G. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1986, 51, 1427 35, 1149 (synth, resoln, pmr, ms)
(occur) Marion, J.P. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1967, 50,
CH3 1509 (synth)
Kameoka, H. et al., Nippon Kagaku Kaishi ,
N 1987, 61, 119 (isol) Timmer, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1975,
Balog, D.W. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1990, 23, 53 (isol, ms, chromatogr)
38, 2021 (occur) Meyers, A.I. et al., J.O.C. , 1980, 45, 2792
N Liang, B. et al., CA , 1993, 118, 143402y (isol) (synth, cd)
Temme, O. et al., J.O.C. , 1998, 63, 6007-6015 Evans, D.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1982, 104, 1737
C8H10N2 134.18 (synth) (synth)
Flavouring ingredient. Present in coffee Polonski, T. et al., Tetrahedron , 1983, 39, 3131
aroma, asparagus, wheat bread, rye bread, (cd)
Dihydro-2-methyl-3(2H )-fura- D-298 Midland, M.M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1984, 40,
cocoa, green tea, roasted barley, roasted
filbert, roasted peanut, fried chicken, wild
none, 9CI 1371 (synth. pmr, cmr, ir)
[3188-00-9] Fuji, K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1986, 27, 5381 (resoln)
rice, roast almond, baked potato, earth- Bock, K. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. B ,
almond (Cyperus esculentus) and other Tetrahydro-2-methyl-3-furanone. FEMA
1987, 41, 13 (synth, pmr)
foodstuffs. 3373 Jedlinski, Z. et al., J.O.C. , 1987, 52, 4601 (synth,
(/9)-form [149310-63-4] ir, ms, pmr)
Bp10 78-808. O Ishii, Y. et al., J.O.C. , 1988, 53, 5549 (synth,
cmr, pmr, ir)
1-Oxide: [61928-79-8] Gerlach, U. et al., Annalen , 1989, 103 (hplc, uv)
C8H10N2O 150.18 CH 3 Ozegowski, R. et al., Annalen , 1995, 1699 (R-
Bp0.002 90-958. form, synth, pmr, cmr)
Flament, I. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1973, 56, C5H8O2 100.117
610-619; 1976, 59, 2314-2316 (synth, 1-oxide,
ms, pmr)
-LU3579000 Dihydro-4-methyl-2(3H )-fura- D-300
Pittet, A.O. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1974, (/9)-form
Liq. d25 25 none
23, 273-279 (synth) 4 1.02. Bp 1398. nD 1.4278.
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: [1679-49-8]
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1752-1753 Yellow-orange cryst. (EtOH). Mp 179- 3-Methyl-4-butanolide. 3-Methyl-g-butyro-
(occur, props) 1818. lactone
Cantalego, M.J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
1997, 45, 1853-1860 (glc, occur)
Deibler, K.D. et al., Dev. Food Sci. , 1998, 40, Volatile constit. of coffee. Present in many H 3C
69-78 (glc, occur, coffee) foods. Flavouring ingredient.
Farouk, A. et al., Nahrung , 2000, 44, 188-192 [36541-25-0]
(formn) O O (R)-form
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
1989, 3, 548D (ir)
Giauturco, M.A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1964, 20, C5H8O2 100.117
2,3-Dihydro-3-methylfuran, D-296
9CI 1763 (synth, ir) (R )-form [65284-00-6]
Colovray, G. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1965, Bp45 1208. [a]20
D +24 (c, 3.32 in Et2O).
[1708-27-6] 1985 (synth) (S )-form [64190-48-3]
Decor, J.P. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1970, Bp15 87-898. [a]D -24.6 (neat).
2370 (synth, ms)
CH 3 Ferretti, A. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1971,
(/9)-form [70470-05-2]
19, 245 (glc, ms) d20 20
4 1.06. Bp11 76-76.58. nD 1.4339.
Tarnchompoo, B. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1984, 25, (j)-form
(R)-form 5567 (synth) Volatile flavour component of dried beans,
O Ragoussis, V. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1998, 28, e.g. soy beans.
4273-4278 (synth, pmr, ms) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
C5H8O 84.118
Spectra , 1992, 1, 1128A (nmr)
(R )-form [56717-99-8] Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Bp 69-708. [a]25 Dihydro-3-methyl-2(3H )-fura- D-299
D -19.93 (c, 5.1 in 1989, 3, 750A (ir)
heptane). none, 9CI Seidel, C.F. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1959, 42,
(/9)-form [1679-47-6] 1830 (synth, ir)

Dihydro-5-methyl-2(3H )-furanone, 9CI 
/ 4,5-Dihydro-3-methyl-5-(3-... D-301  / D-306

Leuenberger, H.G.W. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , Papageorgiou, C. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1984, 25, C10H11NO 161.203
1979, 62, 455 (synth, pmr) 6041 (synth) Putative proline-derived Maillard product
Mukaiyama, T. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1980, 635 Gutman, A.L. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1987, 28, 3861 formed in model reactions with proline or
(synth) (synth)
Nikishin, G.I. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1983, 595 Ortuña, R.M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1987, 43,
1-pyrroline and 5-methylfurfural. Charac-
(synth, ir, pmr, ms) 2191 (synth) terised spectroscopically.
Mori, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1983, 39, 3107 Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , Helak, B. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1989, 37,
(synth, ir, pmr) Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New 405-410 (occur, ms, ir, pmr)
Midland, M.M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1984, 40, York, 1989, VAV000
1371 (synth, pmr, cmr, ir) Jacobs, H. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1990, 20, 999
Mattes, H. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1987, 30, 1948 (synth) 3,4-Dihydro-5-(5-methyl-2- D-304
(synth, pmr, ir) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Fuganti, C. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1988, 3061 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2888-2889
furanyl)-2H -pyrrole
(synth) (occur) [118248-26-3]
Ferraboschi, P. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. , Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 2-(5-Methyl-2-furyl)-1-pyrroline
1989, 21, 371 (synth) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Takeda, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1991, 39, Reinhold , 1992, VAV000
2706 (synth)
Berens, U. et al., Synthesis , 1991, 832 (synth,
pmr, cmr) Dihydro-2-methyl-3(2H )-fur- D-302 N O CH3
Trybulski, E.J. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1993, 36, anthione, 9CI
3533 (synth, pmr, ir) C9H11NO 149.192
Ozegowski, R. et al., Annalen , 1995, 1699 (S- Putative proline-derived Maillard product
form, synth, pmr, cmr) 4,5-Dihydro-2-methyl-3-furanthiol, 9CI.
4,5-Dihydro-3-mercapto-2-methylfuran formed in model reactions with 1-pyrro-
Pemp, A. et al., J. Prakt. Chem. , 1999, 341, 65-
68 (R-form, synth, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) line and ascorbic acid. Characterised
Buszek, K.R. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. , spectroscopically.
2000, 32, 491-492 (R-form, synth, pmr) SH Helak, B. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1989, 37,
405-410 (synth, occur, ms, pmr, ir)
CH 3 CH 3
Dihydro-5-methyl-2(3H )-fura- D-301 2,3-Dihydro-5-(5-methyl-2- D-305
none, 9CI C5H8OS 116.184 furanyl)-1H -pyrrolizine
Component of roasted meat aroma. Food
[108-29-2] flavouring agent. Liq. with roasted meat
Tetrahydro-5-methyl-2-furanone. g-Valero- aroma.
lactone. g-Methylbutyrolactone. 4-Hydro-
xypentanoic acid g-lactone. FEMA 3103 SH -form [26486-13-5] N
S-Ac: [26486-14-6] S-(4,5-Dihydro-2-
methyl-3-furanyl) ethanethioate, 9CI. 2-
H 3C
Methyl-3-(thioacetoxy)-4,5-dihydrofur- O
O (R)-form an. FEMA 3636
C7H10O2S 158.221
H 3C
C5H8O2 100.117 Synthetic meat flavouring agent. Food
Flavouring agent. Present in peach, flavour, not reported to occur in nature.
Liq. Bp0.6 57-598. n20
D 1.5188.
C12H13NO 187.241
strawberry jam, tomato, wheat bread,
S-Me: [22929-45-9] 2,3-Dihydro-5-methyl- Proline-derived Maillard product. Char-
Swiss cheese, Gruyere de Comte cheese,
4-(methylthio)furan, 8CI acterised spectroscopically.
heated butter, cooked beef, white wine, red
wine, coffee, black tea, roasted filbert, C6H10OS 130.21 Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33,
roasted peanut and Bourbon vanilla. Liq. Liq. Bp13 608. n20
D 1.5101.
919-923 (occur, ms, pmr)
with sweet herbaceous odour. [145206-67-3]
-Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 8800 mg/kg. 4,5-Dihydro-3-methyl-5-(3- D-306
Hoff, S. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R. Neth.
LU3580000 Chem. Soc.) , 1969, 88, 609 (deriv, synth, pmr, methyl-1,3-butadienyl)-2(3H )-fura-
(R )-form [58917-25-2] ir)
Bp35 1058. [a]23 none
D +30.1. Ger. Pat. , 1970, 1 932 800; CA , 72, 90265d (S-
(S )-form [19041-15-7] Ac, use)
Bp39 1108. [a]23
D -29.6. Van den Ouweland, G.A.M. et al., J. Agric.
(/9)-form [57129-69-8] Food Chem. , 1975, 23, 501 (synth, ir, glc, ms) 2
Constit. of crude pyroligneous acid. Austrian Pat. , 1977, 340 748, (Unilever ); CA , 4
88, 120972g (synth) O O (2R,4R)-form
Used in smoke flavours. Leaflets. Fp -
U.S. Pat. , 1977, 4 020 170; CA , 72, 90265d (S-
31. Bp 205-2078 Bp13 83-848. Ac, synth, ms, ir, use)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Hartman, G.J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
1, 698A (ir) C10H14O2 166.219
1984, 32, 1015 (isol)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd (2R ,4R )-form [74183-60-1]
Spectra , 1992, 1, 1128B (nmr) edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Marmelolactone B
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , 567 From quince (Cydonia oblonga ). Syrup.
1989, 3, 749C (ir) [a]23
D +21.8 (c, 0.11 in MeOH).
Boldt, P. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1969, 102, 4157
3,4-Dihydro-4-[(5-methyl-2- D-303 (2R ,4S )-form [74133-35-0]
Pyysalo, H. et al., Finn. Chem. Lett. , 1975, 136 Marmelolactone A
furanyl)methylene]-2H -pyrrole Contributes to the flavour of ripe quince
Mori, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1975, 31, 3011 [118248-30-9, 118248-31-0] fruit (Cydonia oblonga ). Syrup. [a]23
(synth) 3-(5-Methylfurfurylidene)-1-pyrroline +93.6 (c, 0.09 in MeOH).
Hullot, P. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1977, 55, 266
[88269-65-2, 89016-29-5, 125949-14-6, 125949-
Pirkle, W.M. et al., J.O.C. , 1977, 42, 384 (abs
config) Tsuneya, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1980, 44,
Ojima, I. et al., J.O.C. , 1977, 42, 1671 (synth) O 957 (isol)
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. ,
N Ishihara, M. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1983, 47,
1982, 20, 847 (rev, tox) 2121 (abs config)

2,3-Dihydro-6-methyl-5-(5-... / 2,3-Dihydro-3-methyl-1H -... D-307 / D-316

Nishida, Y. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1983, 47, Araya, H. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. , Elvidge, J.A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1982, 1089
2123; 1986, 50, 191; 813; 1665 (synth, cmr, cd) 1994, 58, 1146-1147 (isol, struct, pmr, abs
Escher, S. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1991, 74, 179 config)
Konno, H. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. , 4,7-Dihydro-5-(4-methyl-3- D-313
2,3-Dihydro-6-methyl-5-(5- D-307
1996, 60, 526 (synth, ir, pmr) pentenyl)-1,2,3-trithiepin, 9CI
Franck, X. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1996, 37, 1593 [73188-26-8]
methyl-2-furanyl)-1H -pyrrolizine (synth)
[97073-02-4] cloheptene
N -(4,5-Dihydro-1-methyl-4- D-310
oxo-1H -imidazol-2-yl)alanine, 9CI
CH3 N-(1-Methyl-4-hydroxy-3-imidazolin-2-yli-
N dene)alanine

H 3C N
CH3 C10H16S3 232.434
C13H15NO 201.268 Constit. of hops. Yellow oil.
Proline-derived Maillard product. Char- C7H11N3O3 185.182 Elvidge, J.A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1982, 1089
acterised spectroscopically. (S )-form [176698-63-8]
Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33, Isol. from beef broth. No phys. props. 2,3-Dihydro-6-methyl-5-pro- D-314
919-923 (occur, ms) reported. Intense meaty flavour. panoyl-1H -pyrrolizine
Eur. Pat. , 1996, 699 667; CA , 124, 344129m
3,6-Dihydro-4-methyl-2-(2- D-308 (synth, isol, use)
methyl-1-propenyl)-2H -pyran, 9CI Shima, K. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1998, 46,
1465-1468 (isol, cmr, pmr) yl)-1-propanone
Nerol oxide. FEMA 3661
3,6-Dihydro-4-(4-methyl-3- D-311 7
pentenyl)-1,2-dithiin, 9CI 6 CH3
4-(4-Methyl-3-pentenyl)-1,2-dithia-4-cy- COCH2CH3
(R)-form C11H15NO 177.246
O Proline-derived Maillard product. Char-
acterised spectroscopically.
C10H16O 152.236 Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33,
-UP7965000 919-923 (occur, ms, pmr)
(R )-form [76936-33-9]
D +106 (c, 9.7 in CHCl3).
(S )-form [76936-31-7] 2,3-Dihydro-7-methyl-5-pro- D-315
D -105.1 (c, 10.3 in CHCl3).
panoyl-1H -pyrrolizine
(j)-form [97072-98-5]
Present in grapefruit (Citrus paradisi ), C10H16S2 200.368 1-(2,3-Dihydro-7-methyl-1H-pyrrolizin-5-
grapes and other fruit and in wine. Constit. of hops. Bright yellow oil. yl)-1-propanone
Flavouring ingredient.
Peppard, T.L. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , C11H15NO 177.246
[76985-28-9] 1979, 552 (isol, struct) Proline- or lysine-derived Maillard pro-
Bohlmann, F. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1975, Elvidge, J.A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1982, 1089 duct. Characterised spectroscopically.
7, 426 (cmr) (isol, synth)
Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33,
Ohloff, G. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1980, 63, Schmidt, M. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. ,
919-923 (occur, ms)
1582 (isol, synth) 1987, 26, 887 (synth)
Ames, J.M. et al., Food Chem. , 1993, 48, 271-
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd Steliou, K. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1987, 109, 926
277 (occur)
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, (synth)
2, 166 Omata, A. et al., Dev. Food Sci. , 1988, 18, 707
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. (isol) 2,3-Dihydro-3-methyl-1H - D-316
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 833-834 Sato, R. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1990, 139 (synth)
Wuest, M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1999, 47, 4-Methyl-2-pyrroline
3145-3150 (synth, biosynth, abs config) 5,8-Dihydro-6-(4-methyl-3- D-312
pentenyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrathiocin, 9CI CH 3
2,5-Dihydro-5-methyl-2-oxo- D-309 [82203-03-0]
3-furantridecanal, 9CI 6-(4-Methyl-3-pentenyl)-1,2,3,4-tetrathia-
6-cyclooctene N
C5H9N 83.133
C18H30O3 294.433 Present in small quantities in the fruit of
Piper nigrum (pepper).
(S )-form [156764-90-8] S
Squamostanal A S (/9)-form
Acetogenin isol. from the seeds of S S Picrate:
Annona squamosa (sugar apple). Wax. Mp 216-2178.
Mp 66-688. [a]22
D +21.1 (c, 0.6 in C10H16S4 264.5 Pictet, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1927, 10, 594
CHCl3). Constit. of hops. Yellow oil. (synth)

/ 2,3-Dihydro-5-methylthiophene D-317 
/ D-326

2,3-Dihydro-3-methylpyrrole D-317 Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33,

b-Methylpyrroline 919-923 (occur, ms) O
CH3 7,8-Dihydro-3-methylpyrro- D-321 H 3C
lo[1,2-a ]pyrimidin-2(6H )-one, 9CI
[76884-47-4] C7H8OS 140.206
N Constit. of the aroma of roasted coffee.
H CH 3 Oil. Bp22 105-1078. lmax 245 (e 3100)
N (EtOH).
C5H9N 83.133 N O Stoll, M. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1967, 50, 628
Büchi, G. et al., J.O.C. , 1971, 36, 199 (struct,
Alkaloid from black pepper (Piper nigrum C8H10N2O 150.18 synth, uv, pmr)
Piperaceae). Alkaloid from the roots of Glycyrrhiza Gorzynski, M. et al., Annalen , 1986, 625 (synth,
Hydrochloride: uralensis (Chinese licorice). pmr, ms)
V. hygroscopic, long needles. [a]D +2.77. Ger. Pat. , 1980, 3 017 625; CA , 94, 121592 Brenna, E. et al., J. Chem. Res., Synop. , 1998,
(synth) 74-75 (synth)
Yellow powder or prisms. Mp 1658. Han, Y.N. et al., Arch. Pharmacal Res. , 1990,
13, 103; CA , 113, 227985 (isol) 5,7-Dihydro-2-methylthie- D-324
Pictet, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1927, 10, 593
(isol, struct) no[3,4-d ]pyrimidine, 9CI
4,5-Dihydro-2-methylthiazole, D-322 [36267-71-7]
2,3-Dihydro-5-methyl-1H - D-318 9CI FEMA 3338
pyrrolizine-7-carboxaldehyde [2346-00-1]
2-Methyl-2-thiazoline, 8CI
7-Formyl-2,3-dihydro-5-methyl-1H-pyrroli- S
zine N
CH 3
CHO C7H8N2S 152.22
C4H7NS 101.172 Cystine-derived Maillard prod. Flavouring
1 7
2 6 Constit. of various cooked foods. Pale ingredient. Sweetness enhancer at low
3 N 5 yellow liq. Mp -1018. Bp 144.5-1458. conc. (10 ppm), at higher conc. enhances
-XJ4261470 root vegetable flavour in chicken broth
Picrate: [5243-50-5] base. Needles. Mp 64.5-658.
C9H11NO 149.192 Yellow needles (EtOH). Mp 171-1728. S,S-Dioxide: [154697-85-5]
Proline-derived Maillard product. Char- N-Me:4,5-Dihydro-2,3-dimethylthiazo- C7H8N2O2S 184.218
acterised spectroscopically. lium(1+) Cryst. (CH2Cl2/hexane). Mp 134-1368.
Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33, C5H10NS  116.207 U.S. Pat. , 1973, 3 726 692; CA , 79, 17226g
919-923 (occur, ms, pmr, ir) Needles (EtOH) (as iodide). Mp 235- (synth, use)
2378 (iodide). Guentert, M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1990,
38, 2027-2041 (formn)
2,3-Dihydro-6-methyl-1H - D-319 N-Et: [54654-71-6] 3-Ethyl-4,5-dihydro-2-
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
pyrrolizine-5-carboxaldehyde, 9CI methylthiazolium(1+) edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
C6H12NS  130.234 2, 167 (use)
[55041-87-7] Needles (MeOH/Me2CO) (as iodide). Tomé, A.C. et al., Tetrahedron , 1996, 52, 1735
5-Formyl-2,3-dihydro-6-methyl-1H-pyrroli- Mp 191-1938 (iodide). CAS no. refers to (synth, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
zine iodide.
C9H11NO 149.192 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, 2,3-Dihydro-2-methylthio- D-325
Proline-derived Maillard product. Volatile 1, 824A (ir)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
constit. of beer and cooked asparagus.
Characterised spectroscopically. Spectra , 1992, 1, 1333A (nmr) [129763-90-2]
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Shigematsu, H. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1989, 3, 793C (ir)
1975, 23, 233-237 (occur, ms, pmr) 4 3
Wenker, H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1935, 57, 1079 5 2
Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1977, 25, (synth) 1
459-463 (occur, asparagus, ms) S CH 3
Brooker, L.G.S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1936, 58, 662
Hill, V.M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1999, 47, (N-Et, synth)
3675-3681 (occur) Kuhn, R. et al., Annalen , 1954, 590, 55 (synth) C5H8S 100.184
Meyers, A.I. et al., J.O.C. , 1975, 40, 2021 (use) Maillard product.
1-(2,3-Dihydro-6-methyl-1H - D-320 Suzuki, N. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1976, (/9)-form
49, 3155 (synth, ir, pmr)
pyrrolizin-5-yl)-1,4-pentanedione Mille, G. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , 1978, 50, 247 (ir, S,S-Dioxide:
[97073-01-3] Raman) C5H8O2S 132.183
2,3-Dihydro-6-methyl-5-(4-oxopentanoyl)- Chen, B.C. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1983, 66, d20 20
4 1.25. Mp 25-268. Bp1 75-77.58. nD
1H-pyrrolizine 1537 (N-15 nmr) 1.4949.
Laduranty, J. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1989, Krug, R.C. et al., J.O.C. , 1958, 23, 1697 (deriv,
850 (synth) synth, ir)
Sirugue, D. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , 1992, 18, 2261
CH3 (occur)
N 2,3-Dihydro-5-methylthio- D-326
2,3-Dihydro-6-methylthie- D-323 phene
no[2,3-c ]furan, 8CI [4610-02-0]
C13H17NO2 219.283 [26693-24-3] C5H8S 100.184
Proline-derived Maillard product. Char- 4-Methyl-3-oxa-6-thiabicyclo[3.3.0]octa- Maillard product; present in meaty aro-
acterised spectroscopically. 1,4-diene. Kahweofuran mas. Bp 127-1288 Bp18 35-368.

2,3-Dihydro-5-methyl-3-thiophenethiol, 9CI / Dihydronepetalactone D-327  / D-334

S,S-Dioxide: Dihydro-2-methyl-3(2H )-thio- D-330 Takasugi, M. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1988,
C5H8O2S 132.183 phenone, 9CI 61, 285 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms, struct)
Needles (EtOH). Mp 128-128.58. [13679-85-1]
Birch, F.F. et al., J.C.S. , 1951, 3411 (synth) FEMA 3512 3,4-Dihydro-2-methyl-2- D-333
Bacchetti, T. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1953, 83,
1037 (synth) (4,8,12-trimethyl-3,7,11-tridecatrie-
Krug, R.C. et al., J.O.C. , 1958, 23, 1697 (deriv, O nyl)-2H -1-benzopyran-6-ol, 9CI
synth) 4 3 [6829-55-6]
5 1 2
S CH 3 [97530-73-9, 136774-61-3, 136774-62-4]
2,3-Dihydro-5-methyl-3-thio- D-327 2-Methyl-2-(4,8,12-trimethyl-3,7,11-tride-
phenethiol, 9CI C5H8OS 116.184 catrienyl)-6-chromanol, 8CI. Demethyl-d-
[56079-02-8] (/9)-form [74015-70-6] tocotrienol
4-Mercapto-2-methyl-4,5-dihydrothiophene Flavouring ingredient. Liq. Bp17 668.
(j)-form HO

SH Present in beer, coffee, roasted peanut and

cooked beef as flavour constituent. O

Karrer, P. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1944, 27, 124

C26H38O2 382.585Basic nucleus of the
H3C S (synth)
tocotrienols: see a-Tocotrienol, T-415, b-
Buchmann, E.R. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1944, 66, 847
(synth) Tocotrienol, T-416, d-Tocotrienol, T-417,
C5H8S2 132.25 Hatanaka, M. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , g-Tocotrienol, T-418.
Component of roast meat aroma models. 1973, 46, 2515 (synth, ir) (R )-form
Possesses a rubbery, meaty aroma. Char- Nootens, C. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. , 1988, Isol. from rice bran.
acterised spectroscopically. 97, 1045 (synth, ir, pmr, ms)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd Cimino, G. et al., Tetrahedron , 1985, 41, 1093-
Van den Ouweland, G.A.M. et al., J. Agric. edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, 1100 (synth)
Food Chem. , 1975, 23, 501-505 (isol, ms, ir) 2, 564 Eur. Pat. , 1991, 421 419; CA , 115, 198523g
Hincelin, O. et al., Food Chem. , 1992, 44, 381- Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. (synth, ir, pmr)
389 (occur) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1861 Pearce, B.C. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1992, 35,
3595-3606; 1994, 37, 526-541 (synth, ir, pmr,
4,5-Dihydro-2-methyl-3-thio- D-328 Dihydro-5-methyl-2(3H )-thio- D-331 Qureshi, A.A. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2000,
phenethiol, 9CI, 8CI 48, 3130-3140 (isol)
phenone, 9CI
[26486-23-7] [5650-74-8]
3-Mercapto-2-methyl-4,5-dihydrothiophene 4-Mercaptopentanoic acid g-lactone. 5- Dihydronepetalactone D-334
Methyl-g-thiobutyrolactone [17672-81-0]

S CH3 S 4

C5H8S2 132.25 C5H8OS 116.184 O

Constit. of meat odour model systems. Maillard product.
Possesses a roasted meat aroma. Charac- (/9)-form
terised spectroscopically. Bp18 908.
C10H16O2 168.235
Ger. Pat. , 1970, 1 932 800; CA , 72, 90265d Holmquist, H.E. et al., J.O.C. , 1960, 25, 2240
Constit. of Nepeta cataria (catnip). Oil.
(occur, use)
Van den Ouweland, G.A.M. et al., J. Agric. Korte, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1961, 94, 1956 Bp1 107-1108. [a]25
D +72.
Food Chem. , 1975, 23, 501-505 (isol, ms, ir) (synth) 4-Epimer: [17672-96-7] Isodihydronepeta-
Hincelin, O. et al., Food Chem. , 1992, 44, 381- Rioult, P. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1968, 4477 lactone
389 (occur) (synth)
Chua, Y.T. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1996, 577
C10H16O2 168.235
(synth, pmr, ir, ms) Constit. of Nepeta cataria (catnip). Oil.
4,5-Dihydro-5-methyl-3-thio- D-329 [a]25
D +2.73.
phenethiol, 9CI, 8CI 4,11-Didehydro: [60419-56-9] Dolicholac-
1-[4,9-Dihydro-2-(methylthio)- D-332 tone
1,3-thiazino[6,5-b ]indol-4-yl]-2-propa- C10H14O2 166.219
none, 9CI Bp0.5 80-828.
[113866-43-6] 8,9-Didehydro: See Neonepetalactone in
SH The Combined Chemical Dictionary.
CH 2COCH 3 Sakan, T. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1965, 4097 (isol)
Wolinsky, J. et al., J.O.C. , 1972, 37, 3376 (synth)
H3C S Pagnoni, U.M. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1976, 29,
N 1375 (Dolicholactone)
C5H8S2 132.25 Ficini, J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1976, 687 (synth)
SMe Grandi, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22,
Component of meat odour models. Pos- N S
sesses a roasted meat aroma. Charac- H 2723 (biosynth, deriv)
Fleming, J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1984, 25, 5103
terised spectroscopically.
C14H14N2OS2 290.409 (synth)
Ger. Pat. , 1970, 1 932 800; CA , 72, 90265d Isol. from Chinese cabbage (Brassica Tanimori, S. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1991, 55,
(occur, use) 1181 (synth)
Van den Ouweland, G.A.M. et al., J. Agric.
campestris ssp. pekinensis, Cruciferae) Kigawa, M. et al., Heterocycles , 1992, 33, 117
Food Chem. , 1975, 23, 501-505 (occur, anal, inoculated with the bacterium Pseudomo- (synth)
ms, ir) nas cichorii . Amorph. solid. lmax 202 (e Lee, E. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1994, 479 (synth)
Hincelin, O. et al., Food Chem. , 1992, 44, 381- 18900); 227 (e 28000); 282 (e 6490); 294 (e Nangia, A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1997, 53, 14507-
389 (occur) 6690) (MeOH) (Berdy). 14545 (rev, synth)

Dihydro-3-(1-octenyl)-2,5-... / 3,4-Dihydro-2,2,5,7,8-pentamethyl-... D-335 / D-340

Dihydro-3-(1-octenyl)-2,5-fur- D-335 [a]20

D -16.1 (c, 0.3 in MeOH). ndole-3-acetic acid. 2-(2-Oxo-3-indoliny-
andione, 9CI (S,Z )-form [63357-98-2] l)acetic acid
[7757-96-2] [a]20
D +15 (c, 0.1 in MeOH).

1-Octenylsuccinic anhydride, 8CI [18679-18-0, 60551-23-7, 127127-84-8] CH 2COOH

Brownlee, R.G. et al., Nature (London) , 1969,
CH=CH(CH2)5CH3 221, 284 (isol) O
Sucrow, W. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1975, 108, 3518 N
Meuller-Schwarze, D. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , H
O O O 1976, 2, 389; 1978, 4, 247
Burger, B.V. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1977, 32, C10H9NO3 191.186
C12H18O3 210.272 49 (synth)
Ravid, U. et al., Tetrahedron , 1978, 34, 1449 (/9)-form [99102-28-0]
Starch modifier (esterification agent) for Needles (Me2CO/C6H6). Mp 1468.
use in beverages and beverage bases as a Dormán, G. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1989, 1543 Me ester: [110425-83-7]
stabiliser or emulsifier. Pale yellow viscous (use) C11H11NO3 205.213
liq. Lee, S.-L. et al., J. Ferment. Bioeng. , 1994, 78, Needles (MeOH). Mp 164-1678.
Fed. Regist. , 1993, 58, 21099-21100; CA , 119, 114 (isol)
Et ester: [40940-16-7]
7504b (use)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. C12H13NO3 219.24
Dihydro-5-octyl-2(3H )-fura- D-338 Cryst. (petrol). Mp 94-988.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2026 (use)
U.S. Pat. , 4 012 438; CA , 87, 202577a (synth)
none, 9CI (j)-form
[2305-05-7] Isol. from Ribes rubrum (currant),
4-Hydroxydodecanoic acid g-lactone. 4- Brassica spp. and Helianthus annuus
Dihydro-3-(2-octenyl)-2,5-fur- D-336 Dodecanolide. g-Dodecalactone. g-Dodeca- (sunflower). Prod. of catabolism of 1H -
andione, 9CI nolactone. FEMA 2400 Indole-3-acetic acid, I-25 in Zea mays
[42482-06-4] (sweetcorn).
Me ester: [61989-29-5]
[81949-83-9, 81949-84-0] (R)-form
O Isol. from rice bran. Prob. intermed. in
2-Octenylsuccinic anhydride, 8CI. OSA O
biosynth. of 2,6-Dihydroxy-4-
C12H18O3 210.272 C12H22O2 198.305 quinolinecarboxylic acid, D-681 from
Reactant for manuf. of octenylsuccinoyl 1H -Indole-3-acetic acid, I-25. Needles.
-Skin irritant. LU3600000
starches, which are used as emulsifiers in Mp 170-1728.
(R )-form [69830-91-7]
foods and pharmaceutical products. [a]D +37.7 (c, 1 in MeOH). Julian, P.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1953, 75, 5305
Moisture-sensitive liq. d 1. Mp 8-128. Bp10 (synth)
(S )-form [69830-92-8]
1688. n20
D 1.4694. Phys. props. are for an [a]D -32.8 (c, 1.6 in MeOH).
Hinman, R.L. et al., J.O.C. , 1964, 29, 1206
unspecified mixt. of E - and Z -isomers. (synth)
(/9)-form [57084-18-1] Kinashi, H. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1976, 40,
-F1 p. >1108. Irritant. Used in perfumery and flavour 2465 (isol)
[26680-54-6] industries. Oil. Bp11 170-1718. Nonhebel, H.M. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1985,
(j)-form 260, 12685 (biosynth)
U.S. Pat. , 1953, 2 661 349; CA , 48, 1720d (use) Takase, S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1986, 42, 5879
Fed. Regist. , 1961, 26, 6583; CA , 55, 20245i Present in orange peel oil, various fruits,
kumquat peel oil, milk, cooked beef, raw (synth, ir, pmr)
(use) Lower, P. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1987, 753
Koenig, N.H. et al., Text. Res. J. , 1965, 35, 708- cured pork, roasted peanut, coriander leaf,
(synth, pmr)
715; CA , 63, 13472a (use) cheeses and unprocessed rice. Flavouring
Pliev, T.N. et al., Zh. Prikl. Spektrosk. , 1973, ingredient.
18, 94-100; CA , 78, 148415v (ir, anal) Muys, G.T. et al., Nature (London) , 1962, 194,
U.S. Pat. , 1988, 4 785 036; CA , 110, 214180x 995
(use) 3,4-Dihydro-2,2,5,7,8-penta- D-340
Wheeler, J.M. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1972, 4635 (isol)
Jung, J.C. et al., Angew. Makromol. Chem. , Sucrow, W. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1975, 108, 3518 methyl-2H -1-benzopyran-6-ol
1991, 185-186, 129-131 (synth, pmr) (synth) [950-99-2]
Park, P.W. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1995, 43, Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
2580-2584 (anal)
2,2,5,7,8-Pentamethyl-6-chromanol, 8CI.
1976, 14, 751 (rev, tox) 3,4-Dihydro-6-hydroxy-2,2,5,7,8-penta-
Jönsson, B.A.G. et al., Analyst (London) , 1996, Nakamura, E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1977, 99, 7360
121, 1279-1284; 1285-1290 (anal) methyl-2H-1-benzopyran. PMHC. Chro-
Patten, T.E. et al., Macromolecules , 1996, 29, Vigneron, J.P. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1980, 21, 1735
mane C1
5882-5892 (synth, pmr, cmr) Solladie, G. et al., J.O.C. , 1982, 47, 91
Trubiano, P.C. et al., Modif. Starches: Prop. Chattopadhyay, S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1990, 46,
Uses. 1987 , (ed. Wurzburg, O.B.), CRC Press,
CH 3
3667 (synth) HO
131-147 (use) Fronza, G. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1991, 2977
(synth) H 3C
Dihydro-5-(2-octenyl)-2(3H )- D-337
Cardillo, R. et al., J.O.C. , 1991, 56, 5237 (synth) CH 3 O
Cere, V. et al., J.O.C. , 1993, 58, 4567 (synth)
furanone, 9CI Bhalerao, U.T. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
[15456-69-6] 1994, 33, 266 (synth) C14H20O2 220.311
5-(2-Octenyl)tetrahydrofuran-2-one. 6-Do- Schoettler, M. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1995, 78, Analogue of a-Tocopherol, T-406.
decen-4-olide 847; 1996, 79, 1488 (biosynth) Antioxidant for edible oils and fats.
Bonini, C. et al., J.O.C. , 1995, 60, 4803 (synth) Cryst. (hexane or EtOH aq.). Mp 948.
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
H Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 904-905 Ac: [57721-81-0]
O (occur, use) C16H22O3 262.348
O Parker, S.R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1997, Cryst. Mp 92.5-93.58.
45, 2774-2776 (activity) Smith, L.I. et al., J.O.C. , 1939, 4, 311 (synth)
Nilsson, J.L.G. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1968,
C12H20O2 196.289 2,3-Dihydro-2-oxo-1H -indole- D-339 22, 3160 (synth)
Matsuo, M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1976, 32, 229
Isol. from butterfat. Flavouring ingredi- 3-acetic acid, 9CI (cmr)
ent. [2971-31-5] Bolzoni, L. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1978,
(R,Z )-form [63357-99-3] 2-Hydroxy-1H-indole-3-acetic acid. Oxi- 17, 684 (synth)

Dihydro-5-pentyl-2(3H )-furanone, 9CI, 8CI / 3,4-Dihydro-5-propanoyl-2H -... D-341 / D-345

Doba, T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1983, 105, 6505 (cryst 2-Decen-5-olide. Massoia lactone. Massoy Milas, N.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1959, 81, 6461
struct, epr) lactone. Massoilactone. 5-Hydroxy-2-dece- (synth)
Julia, M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1987, 487 noic acid d-lactone. FEMA 3744 Hine, J. et al., J.O.C. , 1970, 35, 2769 (synth)
(synth) Sauer, M.C.V. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1972, 76,
Sow, M. et al., J. Photochem. Photobiol., A , 1283 (synth)
1990, 54, 349 (spectra, props) Hutton, W. et al., Chem. Eng. News , Sept. 17,
1984, 4 (haz)
(R)-form Schwoegler, E.J. et al., Chem. Eng. News , Jan. 7,
Dihydro-5-pentyl-2(3H )-fura- D-341 O O 1985, 6 (haz)
none, 9CI, 8CI Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
C10H16O2 168.235 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
[104-61-0] Reinhold , 1992, BJY825
Present in blackberries and cane molasses.
g-Nonalactone. 4-Hydroxynonanoic acid g- Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive
Flavouring ingredient.
lactone. g-Amylbutyrolactone. 1,4-Nonano- Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths,
lide. 5-Pentyldihydro-2(3H)-furanone. g- -Skin irritant. 1990, 1210
Pelargonolactone. Apricolin. Prunolide. (R )-form [51154-96-2]
Cocos aldehyde (misleading). Aldehyde C18 Oil. Bp0.5 103-1048. [a]20
D -99.4 (c, 1 in

(misleading). FEMA 2781 CHCl3). Dihydrophaseic acid D-344

-UQ0550000 [41756-77-8]
(/9)-form [501-23-5]
Bp0.07 85-868.
H 3C(CH 2)4 O (R)-form Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. , 1955, 2535 (synth) noic acid, 9CI
O Hashizume, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1968,
32, 1306 (isol)
C9H16O2 156.224 Cavill, G.W.K. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1968, 21,
Present in blackcurrant buds and berries, 2819 (isol)
melon, papaya, pineapple, peaches, apri- Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1968, 2852
(config) 3 O
cot, wheat bread, crispbread, wines, black COOH
tea and other foodstuffs. Flavouring agent. Urbach, G. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1972, 36, HO
1217 (ms)
Liq. with coconut odour and fatty taste.
Fehr, C. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1981, 64, 1247 C15H22O5 282.336
-Skin irritant. LU3675000 (synth) Isol. from French beans. Amorph.
(R )-form [63357-96-0] Hoffmann, R.W. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1983, 24,
Oil. Bp12 1088. [a]24
D +47.5 (c, 1.82 in 3209 (synth) Me ester:
MeOH). nmax 1770 cm-1. Stevenson, R. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1988, 51, C16H24O5 296.363
(S )-form [63357-97-1] 1215 (synth) Isol. from French beans. lmax 267 (log e
[a]24 Bennett, F. et al., Heterocycles , 1989, 29, 639 1.99) (MeOH).
D -47.9 (c, 1.70 in MeOH).
(/9)-form [57084-16-9] 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [78914-56-4]
Romeyke, Y. et al., Tetrahedron , 1991, 47, 3335
Flavouring ingredient. Used in coconut (synth) C21H32O10 444.478
flavours. Bp12 134-134.58 Bp1.5 93-948. Takano, S. et al., Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, lmax 268 (MeOH).
[82373-92-0] 1992, 3, 533 3-Epimer: [60102-38-7] Epidihydrophaseic
Yu, L. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1993, 4, 1 acid
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR (synth)
Spectra , 1992, 1, 1130A (nmr) Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
C15H22O5 282.336
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Isol. from French beans. Amorph.
1989, 3, 751B (ir) 2, 361 [60102-40-1, 128821-82-9, 128821-83-0, 128821-
Terai, Y. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1956, 29, Zhang, C. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1997, 8, 13- 85-2, 128821-86-3]
822 (synth) 14 (synth)
Sakai, T. et al., CA , 1962, 58, 8845 (isol) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Takasugi, M. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1973, 245
Goldwhite, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1964, 20, Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1367-1368 (isol)
1657 (synth, ir) Parker, S.R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1997, Walton, D.C. et al., Planta , 1973, 112, 87 (isol,
Honkanen, E. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1965, 45, 2774-2776 (activity) ester)
19, 370 (ms) Pais, G.C. et al., Tetrahedron , 1999, 55, 13445- Beeley, L.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14, 779
Oser, B.L. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , 1965, 3, 13450 (synth) (occur)
563 (rev) Ramachandran, P.V. et al., Tet. Lett. , 2000, 41, Milborrow, B.V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975,
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , 583-586 (synth) 14, 1045 (abs config)
1975, 13, 889 (rev, tox) Sadayori, N. et al., Heterocycles , 2002, 58, 191- Zeevaart, J.A.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976,
Sataro, M. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1980, 202 (synth) 15, 493 (Epidihydrophaseic acid)
53, 770 (synth) Takeda, N. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1984, 48,
Miyashita, Y. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1981, 685 (ms)
45, 2521 (synth) Champavier, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 50,
Cardellach, J. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1984, 21, 2,2-Dihydroperoxypropane D-343 1219-1223 (3-glucoside)
377 (synth, cmr, bibl)
Ballini, R. et al., Synthesis , 1987, 711 (synth, ir,
pmr) (1-Methylethylidene)bis[hydroperoxide], 3,4-Dihydro-5-propanoyl-2H - D-345
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , 9CI. Isopropylidene hydroperoxide, 8CI. pyrrole
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New Peroxyacetone
York, 1989, CNF250 [133447-37-7]
(H3C)2C(OOH)2 1-(3,4-Dihydro-2H-pyrrol-5-yl)-1-propa-
Cardillo, R. et al., J.O.C. , 1991, 56, 5237 (synth)
Yadav, J.S. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1993, 23, C3H8O4 108.094 none, 9CI. 2-Propionyl-1-pyrroline
2731 (synth) A mixture of acetone peroxides (usually
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. supplied adsorbed onto an inert carrier
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1969-1971 such as cornstarch) is added to foods as a
(occur, props) bleaching agent and dough conditioner. COCH2CH3
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Liq. Peroxidn. of Acetone, A-25 also
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand produces a linear peroxide dimer and a
Reinhold , 1992, CNF250 C7H11NO 125.17
cyclic trimer, both extremely shock-sensi-
Formed by thermal treatment of proline
tive solids.
and glucose mixtures. Constit. of freshly
5,6-Dihydro-6-pentyl-2H -pyr- D-342 -V. shock-sensitive explosive. Strong popped corn aroma. No phys. props.
an-2-one, 9CI oxidising agent. reported. Odour threshold 0.02 ng/L in
[54814-64-1] [1336-17-0] air.

2,3-Dihydro-5-propanoyl-1H -...  / 1-(2,3-Dihydro-1H -pyrrolizin-... D-346  / D-354

Schieberle, P. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1991, C5H6O2 98.101 2,3-Dihydro-1H -pyrrolizine- D-351
39, 1141-1144 (detn, synth, pmr, ms) Constit. of roasted peanut flavour. No 5-carboxaldehyde, 9CI
Hofman, T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1998, phys. props. reported.
46, 2721-2726 (occur, ms) [6225-59-8]
Plouin, D. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci. 5-Formyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrrolizine
Ser. C , 1977, 284, 343 (synth)
2,3-Dihydro-5-propanoyl-1H - D-346 Ger. Pat. , 1982, 3 045 555; CA , 97, 127501
pyrrolizine (synth, pmr)
U.S. Pat. , 1984, 4 424 369; CA , 100, 120886
[80933-76-2] (synth)
1-(2,3-Dihydro-1H-pyrrolizin-5-yl)-1-pro- Jimenez-Tenorio, M. et al., Chem. Comm. ,
panone 2001, 2324-2325 (synth)

C8H9NO 135.165
2,3-Dihydro-1H -pyrrole, 9CI D-349 Proline-derived Maillard product. Yellow
[638-31-3] oil. d20 20
4 1.13. Bp4.5 108-1098. nD 1.5902.
2-Pyrroline, 8CI Ponomarev, A.A. et al., CA , 1969, 70, 114924e
COCH2CH3 (synth)
Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33,
C10H13NO 163.219 919-923 (occur, ms)
Proline-derived Maillard product. Char- N Chen, C.-W. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1997,
H 45, 2996-2999 (occur)
acterised spectroscopically. Aldabbagh, F. et al., Tetrahedron , 1999, 55,
Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33, C4H7N 69.106 8111-8128 (synth, pmr, cmr, ms)
919-923 (occur, ms, pmr, ir)
Chen, W.-C. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1997,
N-Ac: [23105-58-0]
C6H9NO 111.143 1-(2,3-Dihydro-1H -pyrrolizin- D-352
45, 2996-2999 (occur)
Odorous constit. of cooked rice and of 5-yl)-1-butanone
pandan rampeh (Pandanus [97072-99-6]
Dihydro-5-propyl-2(3H )-fura- D-347 amaryllifolius ). Oil. 5-Butanoyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrrolizine
none, 9CI N-Ph:2,3-Dihydro-1-phenyl-1H-pyrrole. 1-
[105-21-5] Phenyl-2-pyrroline
4-Hydroxyheptanoic acid lactone. g-Propyl- C10H11N 145.204
g-butyrolactone. FEMA 2539 Cryst. Mp 166-167.58. N
Wittig, G. et al., Annalen , 1955, 594, 1 (N-Ph)
Sato, S. et al., CA , 1969, 71, 21828 (deriv) COCH2CH2CH3
Leblanc, R. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1969, 2441 (deriv)
H 3CH 2CH 2C O O (R)-form Westheimer, F.H. et al., J.O.C. , 1971, 36, 1570 C11H15NO 177.246
(deriv) Proline-derived Maillard product. Char-
Buttery, R.G. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , acterised spectroscopically.
C7H12O2 128.171 1983, 478 (isol, deriv)
-Skin irritant. LU3697000 Marais, W. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1998, 28, Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33,
(R )-form [88270-38-6] 3681-3691 (N-Ac, N-benzoyl) 919-923 (occur, ms)
[a]D +56.2 (c, 1.56 in THF).
(S )-form [31323-51-0] 3,4-Dihydro-2H -pyrrole, 9CI D-350 1-(2,3-Dihydro-1H -pyrrolizin- D-353
Bp20 145-1508. [a]25
D -55.9 (c, 1.54 in 5-yl)-1,4-pentanedione
1-Pyrroline. FEMA 3898 [97073-10-4]
(/9)-form [57129-71-2]
Flavouring agent. Bp5 123-1248. 2,3-Dihydro-5-(4-oxopentanoyl)-1H-pyrro-
(j)-form lizine
Present in papaya, peach, pineapple,
mango, nectarine, cape gooseberry, N
asparagus, licorice, black tea, wines and
C4H7N 69.106 N
canned beef.
Present in clam and squid. Flavouring
Ono, M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1971, 93, 1285 (synth) COCH2CH2COCH3
agent for fish products and other foods.
Nakamura, E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1977, 99, 7360
(synth) Stable in dil. soln., trimerises readily.
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , N-Oxide: [24423-88-9] C12H15NO2 205.256
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New C4H7NO 85.105 Proline-derived Maillard product. Char-
York, 1989, HBA550
Bp0.1 74-768. acterised spectroscopically.
Brown, H.C. et al., J.O.C. , 1994, 59, 365 (synth,
pmr, cmr) Trimer: See Dodecahydrotripyrrolo[1,2- Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33,
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. a :1?,2?-c :1??,2??-e ][1,3,5]triazine in The 919-923 (occur, ms, pmr, ir)
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1261-1262 Combined Chemical Dictionary.
(occur, props) Amoore, J.E. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , 1975, 1, 299 1-(2,3-Dihydro-1H -pyrrolizin- D-354
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Poisel, H. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1978, 109, 5-yl)-2-propen-1-one
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 925 (synth, pmr)
Reinhold , 1992, HBA550 [97073-00-2]
Baker, R. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1985, 824
Bock, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1987, 120, 1961 5-Acryloyl-2,3-dihydro-1H-pyrrolizine
(synth, pe, bibl)
3,4-Dihydro-2H -pyran-2-one D-348 Guillemin, J.-C. et al., Tetrahedron , 1988, 44,
[26638-97-1] 4447 (synth, pmr)
5-Hydroxy-4-pentenoic acid d-lactone. 4,5- Murahashi, S. et al., J.O.C. , 1990, 55, 1736- N
Dehydrovalerolactone 1744 (N-oxide, synth, ir, pmr)
Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis , COCH CH2
(ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 6, 4389-
4390 (N-oxide, use)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd C10H11NO 161.203
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Proline-derived Maillard product. Char-
O O 1568 acterised spectroscopically.

2,3-Dihydro-5,5?,7,7?-tetrahydroxy-...  / 7,7a -Dihydro-3,6,7-trihydroxy-... D-355 / D-360

Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33, Krug, R.C. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1967, 4, 309 Ethylene ketal: [176-35-2] 1,4-Dioxa-7-
919-923 (occur, ms) (oxides) thiaspiro[4.4]nonane
Weinberg, D.S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1968, 24, C6H10O2S 146.21
5409 (dioxide, ms)
Liq. Bp15 92-968.
2,3-Dihydro-5,5?,7,7?-tetrahy- D-355 Delaney, P.A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1986, 1861
droxy-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)[3,8?-bi- (synth) Ethylene ketal, S-oxide: [110431-53-3]
Trahanovsky, W.S. et al., J.O.C. , 1986, 51, 113 C6H10O3S 162.209
4H -1-benzopyran]-4,4?-dione, 9CI (synth, pmr, cmr) Liq. Bp0.18 103-1068.
[60857-34-3] Rozhenko, A.B. et al., Zh. Org. Khim. , 1991, 27,
Ethylene ketal, S,S-dioxide: [110431-52-2]
4??,5,5?,7,7?-Pentahydroxyflavanone-(3,8)- 2254; J. Org. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.) ,
1991, 27, 1996 (cmr, O-17 nmr, S-33 nmr) C6H10O4S 178.209
chromone Needles (CHCl3/petrol). Mp 56-578.
Aitken, R.A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1994, 927
(dioxide) Ethylene dithioketal: [176-41-0] 1,4,7-
O Trithiaspiro[4.4]nonane, 9CI
Dihydro-2(3H )-thiophenone, D-358 C6H10S3 178.343
O OH 9CI Oil. d20
4 1.3. Bp0.15 89-918.
O Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
OH [1003-10-7]
Spectra , 1992, 1, 725C (nmr)
2-Thiolanone. 4-Mercaptobutanoic acid g- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
OH thiolactone. g-Thiobutyrolactone 1989, 3, 548B (ir)
HO O Woodward, R.B. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1946, 28, 2229
OH Korobitsyna, I.K. et al., Zh. Obshch. Khim. ,
S O 1955, 25, 1571; J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl.
C24H16O9 448.385 Transl.) , 1955, 25, 1531 (ethylene dithioketal)
C4H6OS 102.157 Wynberg, H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1957, 79, 1972
Isol. from leaves of Garcinia dulcis (mun- (synth)
du). Yellow cryst. (CHCl3/EtOAc). Mp Component of roasted coffee beans. Liq.
Gianturco, M.A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1964, 20,
3008. d20
4 1.18. Bp20 90-928 Bp1 45-468. nD
1763 (synth)
1.5230. Prochazka, M. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem.
Ansari, W.H. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1976, 1458
(isol) -LD50 (mus, orl) 1860 mg/kg. XN1930000 Comm. , 1966, 31, 3744 (synth, uv)
Oxime: [4781-84-4] Herzschuh, R. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. ,
C4H7NOS 117.171 1974, 9, 665 (ms)
5,7a -Dihydro-1,4,4,7a -tetra- D-356 Borsdorf, R. et al., J. Prakt. Chem. , 1980, 322,
Cryst. Mp 115-1168. 152 (ir)
methyl-4H -indene, 9CI Ethylene dithioketal: [121921-84-4] 1,4,6- Miklos, P. et al., Tetrahedron , 1987, 43, 249
[99901-21-0] Trithiaspiro[4.4]nonane, 9CI (deriv, synth, pmr, ir, ms)
2,2,6,7-Tetramethylbicyclo[4.3.0]nona- C6H10S3 178.343 Delaney, P.A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1991, 285
1(9),4,7-triene Cryst. (pentane). Mp 43-458. Bp0.25 90- (ethylene dithioketal)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Spectra , 1992, 1, 1127B (nmr)
7,7a -Dihydro-3,6,7-trihy- D-360
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, droxy-1a -(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-
1, 699C (ir) naphth[2,3-b ]oxiren-2(1a H )-one, 9CI
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , [111261-13-3]
1989, 3, 752B (ir)
Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra , 3, 73C (pmr)
Stevens, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1954, 19, 1996 (synth, ralone
C13H18 174.285
Constit. of quince fruit flavour (Cydonia uv)
oblonga ). Oil. Kharasch, N. et al., J.O.C. , 1963, 28, 1901 O
(synth) HO
Ishihara, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1986, 51, 491 Stoffelsma, J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1968, 3
16, 1000 (glc, ms) O
Hawkins, R.T. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1974, 11, 7
2,3-Dihydrothiophene D-357 291 (synth) HO
Fukui, K. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1980, 84, 98
[1120-59-8] OH
Delaney, P.A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1991, 285
(ethylenedithioketal) C15H16O5 276.288
Alonso, J.L. et al., Z. Naturforsch., A , 1992, 47, lmax 205 (e 14400); 242 (e 9800); 268 (e
S 588 (struct, microwave) 6100); 379 (e 4600) (MeOH) (Berdy).
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [111261-15-5]
C4H6S 86.157 Dihydro-3(2H )-thiophenone, D-359 C21H26O10 438.43
Maillard product. Bp100 488 Bp40 378. 9CI 7-Ketone: [111261-12-2] 3,6-Dihydroxy-1a-
S-Oxide: [14852-21-2] [1003-04-9] (3-methyl-2-butenyl)naphth[2,3-b]-
C4H6OS 102.157 3-Thiolanone. 3-Thiophanone. FEMA 3266 2,7(1aH,7aH)-dione. 2,3-Epoxy-2-pre-
Bp1.6 78-808. n20
D 1.5321. nylnaphthazarin. 2,3-Epoxysesamone
C4H6OS 102.157
S,S-Dioxide: [1192-16-1] C15H14O5 274.273
Present in cooked beef, coffee, roast filbert
[28452-93-9] 2,3-Dihydrothiophene 1,1-diox-
Constit. of Sesamum indicum (sesame).
and roasted peanut. Food flavouring
ide. 2-Sulfolene Pale yellow cryst. (MeOH). Mp 85-868.
agent. Bp 1758 Bp7 588.
C4H6O2S 118.156 [a]25
D -43 (c, 0.34 in CHCl3). lmax 209 (e
Oxime: [24030-02-2] 18800); 271 (e 5600); 413 (e 6800)
Cryst. (C6H6/petrol). Mp 48-498.
C4H7NOS 117.171 (MeOH) (Berdy).
-XM8825000 Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 368. 7-Ketone, 3-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
Birch, S.F. et al., J.C.S. , 1951, 2556 (synth) 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: [111261-14-4]
Krug, R.C. et al., J.O.C. , 1958, 23, 212 (oxides) Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 209-2128. C21H24O10 436.415
Sosnovsky, G. et al., Tetrahedron , 1962, 18, 903
(synth) S,S-Dioxide: [17115-51-4] lmax 208 (e 22100); 235 (e 10700); 261 (e
Cohen, L.E. et al., J. Org. Chem. USSR (Engl. C4H6O3S 134.156 7600); 387 (e 5400) (MeOH) (Berdy).
Transl.) , 1966, 31, 2334 (synth, uv) Cryst. (2-propanol aq.). Potterat, O. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1987, 70,

Dihydro-2,4,6-trimethyl-4H -... / 3,4-Dihydro-2-(4,8,12-trimethyl-... D-361 / D-366

1551-1557 2,5-Dihydro-2,4,5-trimethy- D-363 Knoevenagel, E. et al., Ber. , 1921, 54, 1722

Ogasawara, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 33, loxazole, 9CI (synth, Ethoxyquin)
1095-1098 (isol) Tung, C.C. et al., Tetrahedron , 1963, 19, 1685
Feroj Hasan, A.F.M. et al., Phytochemistry, [22694-96-8] (synth, uv, pmr)
2001, 58, 1225-1228 (2,3-Epoxysesamone) 2,4,5-Trimethyl-3-oxazoline, 8CI. FEMA Chaffard, M. et al., Def. Veg. , 1970, 24, 235;
3525 CA , 74, 98246 (rev)
Skaare, J.U. et al., Xenobiotica , 1970, 9, 649
Lin, J.J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1975, 23,
H 3C N 798 (Ethoxyquinnitroxide, synth)
Dihydro-2,4,6-trimethyl-4H - D-361 Skaare, J.U. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1975,
1,3,5-dithiazine, 9CI H 3C CH 3 23, 1091 (metab, chromatog, ms)
O Bonnett, R. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1979, 488
Thialdine (cryst struct, synth, ir, uv, pmr, deriv)
C6H11NO 113.159 Welch, S.C. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1982, 25, 81
Volatile flavour constit. of boiled beef and (synth, ir, pmr)
CH3 roasted peanuts. Used as flavour enhancer Kahl, R. et al., Toxicology, 1984, 33, 185 (rev,
H in fish products. Oil with characteristic props)
N S odour. Bp 96.68 Bp12 45-478. Kim, H.L. et al., J. Toxicol. Environ. Health ,
1985, 15, 663 (hydrochloride, synth)
-LD50 (mus, orl) 4840 mg/kg. RQ5665000
H 3C S CH3 (2α,4α,6α)-form Merck Index, 11th edn. , 1989, No. 3710 (synth,
Chang, S.S. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1968, bibl)
1639 (isol, ir, ms) Taimr, L. et al., Angew. Makromol. Chem. ,
C6H13NS2 163.307 Moran, E.J. et al., Drug Chem. Toxicol. , 1980, 1991, 190, 53 (synth, activity, Ethoxyquin)
Occurs in a variety of foods and flavours 3, 249 (tox) Gunstone, F.D. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1991,
and in food pyrolysis products. Lee, M.-S. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1981, 29, 1955 (epr, Ethoxyquin)
684 (isol) Thorisson, S. et al., Chem. Phys. Lipids , 1992,
(2a,4a,6a)-form [638-17-5] Ho, C.T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1982, 30,
Flavourant with chicken aroma. Volatile 60, 263 (autoxid)
793 Hard, G.C. et al., Fundam. Appl. Toxicol. , 1992,
component of roasted shrimp. Cryst. V. Hartman, G.J. et al., Lebensm.-Wiss. Technol. , 18, 278 (tox)
sol. Et2O; sol. EtOH; spar. sol. H2O. 1984, 17, 171 (use) Hayes, J.D. et al., Cancer Res. , 1993, 53, 3887
Mp 438. Steam-volatile, dec. on boiling. Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , (chemoprotectant)
-LD50 (mus, ipr) 265 mg/kg, fl. p. 938 (oc). Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
JO6430000 York, 1989, TLX800 edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1367
U.S. Pat. , 1990, 4 960 6903; CA , 114, 162797q Reyes, J.L. et al., Biochem. Pharmacol. , 1995,
N-Nitroso: [114375-58-5] (use) 49, 283 (Ethoxyquin, pharmacol)
C6H12N2OS2 192.306
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Potential dietary carcinogen. Yellow Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 938-939
needles. V. sol. Et2O; spar. sol. EtOH; 1,2-Dihydro-2,2,4-trimethyl-6- D-364 (Ethoxyquin, use)
insol. H2O. Mp 798. quinolinol, 9CI Pesticide Manual, 11th edn. , 1997, No. S1025
-Potent exp. carcinogen. Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
[72107-05-2] Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
N-Me: [37434-57-4] 1,2-Dihydro-6-hydroxy-2,2,4-trimethylqui-
C7H15NS2 177.334 Reinhold , 1992, SAV000
Needles (EtOH). Mp 798.
Marckwald, W. et al., Ber. , 1886, 19, 2378 2,5-Dihydro-2,4,5-tri- D-365
(synth) CH 3
U.S. Pat. , 1976, 3 966 988; CA , 85, 92425y HO methylthiazole, 9CI
Hansen, T.J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1981, 37, 4143 [60633-24-1]
(deriv, bibl) CH 3 2,4,5-Trimethyl-3-thiazoline, 8CI
Lijinsky, W. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , 1988, CH 3
26, 3 (N-nitroso, tox) H
Sax, N.I. et al., Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 5th edn., Van Nostrand N
C12H15NO 189.257 (2R,5R)-form
Reinhold , 1979, 1027 Mp 180-1818.
O-Ac: [71043-64-6]
C14H17NO2 231.294 C6H11NS 129.226
1,2-Dihydro-1,1,6-trimethyl- D-362 Plates (petrol). Mp 60-618. Flavour constit. of cooked meats. Bp12
naphthalene Et ether: [91-53-2] 6-Ethoxy-1,2-dihydro- 578.
3,4-Dehydroionene. TDN 2,2,4-trimethylquinoline, 9CI, 8CI. Picrate:
Ethoxyquin. EMQ. Santoquin Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 117-1188.
C14H19NO 217.31
H 3C CH 3 Antioxidant used in animal feeds and [134281-36-0, 134281-37-1]
for the preservation of colour in the Thiel, M. et al., Annalen , 1960, 638, 174 (synth)
production of chilli powder, paprika Mussinan, C.J. et al., ACS Symp. Ser. , 1976, 26,
and ground chilli. Formerly used as an 133 (occur)
H 3C Hwang, S.S. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1986,
agricultural pesticide/herbicide, now
34, 538 (synth, occur)
C13H16 172.269 superseded . Also used as a post-harvest
Sullivan, T.P. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , 1988, 14,
Isol. from strawberry oil, peaches, tobacco dip for apples and pears to prevent 363; 379 (isol)
and wines. Component of wine off-flavour scald. Yellow liq. d25
25 1.03. Bp12 1698

on ageing. Bp18 1158. Bp2 123-1258.

-LD50 (rat, orl) 800 mg/kg. Exp. 3,4-Dihydro-2-(4,8,12-tri- D-366
Stoltz, L.P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1970, 9, 1157 nephrotoxic. VB8225000
(isol) methyl-3,7,11-tridecatrienyl)-2H -1-
Stevens, K.L. et al., Tetrahedron , 1975, 31, 2749 Et ether; hydrochloride: [3659-01-6] benzopyran-6-ol
(synth) Cryst. Mp 192-1938. 2-(4,8,12-Trimethyl-3,7,11-tridecatrienyl)-
Simpson, R.F. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , Et ether, N-oxide: [14362-24-4] Ethoxy- 6-chromanol. Didemethyl-d-tocotrienol
1978, 37 (biol) quinnitroxide
Migniac, P. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1990, 20, C14H19NO2 233.31 HO
1853 (synth, pmr, cmr)
Viscous red oil.
Winterhalter, P. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
1991, 39, 1825-1829 (formn in wine, ms) [3659-01-6] O

7,12-Dihydroxy-8,11,13-abietatrien-...  / 2?,6?-Dihydroxyacetophenone, 8CI D-367 / D-372

C25H36O2 368.558 Wu, E.S.C. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1989, 32, 183 methoxyacetophenone. Anisoylmethanol
(synth) C9H10O3 166.176
(R )-form Adam, W. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1992, 125, 2455 (2-
Isol. from rice bran. Antitumour agent Mp 1048.
and antioxidant. Ahmad, T. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1993, 247, 4?-Me ether, 2-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
Qureshi, A.A. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2000, 211 (formation) [135743-08-7] Icariside D3
48, 3130-3140 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. C15H20O8 328.318
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 834-835 Amorph. powder. [a]23D -116.7 (c, 0.81 in
(use) MeOH).
7,12-Dihydroxy-8,11,13-abie- D-367
tatrien-6-one Stoermer, R. et al., Ber. , 1902, 35, 3549 (synth)
2?,4?-Dihydroxyacetophenone, D-369 Robertson, A. et al., J.C.S. , 1928, 1460 (synth)
8CI Kondo, K. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1930, 50,
928 (synth)
HO [89-84-9] Shetty, H.O. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1988, 31, 55
[28631-86-9] (Me ether)
Matsushita, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30,
1-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)ethanone, 9CI. 2025 (Icariside D3)
Resacetophenone. 4-Acetylresorcinol. Re- Pan, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 39, 1423
soacetophenone (Hydroxyphenacyl glucoside)
OH Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
O C8H8O3 152.149 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 834-835
Potential component of FEMA 3662. (use)
C20H28O3 316.439 Flavouring ingredient. Leaflets or needles.
Mp 1478. pKa -5.11. pKa1 7.42; pKa2 12
(7j)-form [128741-29-7] 2?,5?-Dihydroxyacetophenone, D-371
Trilobinone 8CI
Constit. of Salvia triloba (Greek sage). -Eye irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 2830 mg/kg.
Light yellow powder. Exp. reprod. effects. AM7525000 [490-78-8]
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, 1-(2,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)ethanone, 9CI.
Ulubelen, A. et al., Planta Med. , 1990, 56, 82
(isol, pmr, cmr) 2, 34C; 41B; 43D (ir) Acetylquinol. Acetylhydroquinone. Quina-
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR cetophenone
Spectra , 1992, 2, 848B; 857A; 859A (nmr)
2?,3?-Dihydroxyacetophenone, D-368 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , C8H8O3 152.149
8CI 1989, 3, 1254A; 1260C (ir) A mixt. of dihydroxyacetophenone iso-
Robinson, R. et al., J.C.S. , 1934, 1491 (synth) mers is used in food flavouring. Potential
[13494-10-5] Gumprecht, D.L. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1967, component of FEMA 3662. Green needles
[28631-86-9] 30, 528 (chromatog) (H2O). Mp 202-2038. pKa1 9.48; pKa2 12.9
Lutskii, A.E. et al., Zh. Prikl. Spektrosk. , 1970, (258).
1-(2,3-Dihydroxyphenyl)ethanone, 9CI. 3- 13, 298 (uv)
Acetylcatechol Rao, K.V.K. et al., Curr. Sci. , 1975, 44, 547; -AM7700000
CA , 83, 130838d (props) [28631-86-9]
Lutskii, A.E. et al., Zh. Obshch. Khim. , 1977,
47, 905 (nmr) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
COCH 3 2, 34D; 41C (ir)
Patra, A. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1987, 25,
6 ′ 2 ′ OH
734 (cmr) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
5′ 4′ 3′ Boykin, D.W. et al., J.O.C. , 1991, 56, 1969 (O- Spectra , 1992, 2, 848C; 857B (nmr)
OH Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
17 nmr)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. 1989, 3, 1254B; 1260D (ir)
C8H8O3 152.149 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 834-835 Klinger, H. et al., Ber. , 1898, 31, 1214 (synth)
Potential component of FEMA 3662. (use) Org. Synth. , 1948, 28, 42 (synth)
Patra, A. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1987, 25,
Flavouring ingredient. Dark-yellow prisms Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 734 (cmr)
(C6H6/petrol). Mp 97-988. pKa -6.96. pKa1 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
8.96; pKa2 13.4 (258). Reinhold , 1992, DMG400; PAC250
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 834 (use)
2-Ac: Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
C10H10O4 194.187
2,4?-Dihydroxyacetophenone, D-370 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
8CI Reinhold , 1992, DMG600
Needles. Mp 53-558.
Di-Ac: [5706-85-4]
C12H12O5 236.224 [28631-86-9]
2?,6?-Dihydroxyacetophenone, D-372
Leaflets (C6H6). Mp 1098. 2-Hydroxy-1-(4-hydroxyphenyl)ethanone, 8CI
Di-Me ether: [38480-94-3] 2?,3?-Dimethox- 9CI. p-Hydroxyphenacyl alcohol. p-Hy- [699-83-2]
yacetophenone droxybenzoylcarbinol. Hydroxymethyl p-
C10H12O3 180.203 hydroxyphenyl ketone
1-(2,6-Dihydroxyphenyl)ethanone, 9CI. 2-
Bp14 143-1448.
C8H8O3 152.149 Acetylresorcinol
Methylene ether: [33842-14-7] 2?,3?-
Potential component of FEMA 3662.
Methylenedioxyacetophenone, 8CI. 1- C8H8O3 152.149
Flavouring ingredient.
(1,3-Benzodioxol-4-yl)ethanone Potential component of FEMA 3662.
C9H8O3 164.16 2-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside:4?-Hydroxyphe- Flavouring ingredient. Yellow needles. Mp
Cryst. (cyclohexane). Mp 92.58. nacyl b-D-glucoside 155-1568. pKa -5.35. pKa1 7.94; pKa2 12.35
Methylene ether, 2,4- C14H18O8 314.291 (258).
dinitrophenylhydrazone: [33842-34-1] [a]D -33 (c, 0.2 in MeOH).
Me ether: [703-23-1] 2?-Hydroxy-6?-meth-
Carmine-red cryst. Mp 2328. 2-Ac: [20816-46-0] oxyacetophenone
v. Krannichfeldt, H. et al., Ber. , 1913, 46, 4016 C10H10O4 194.187 C9H10O3 166.176
(synth) Mp 598. Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 59-608.
Awad, W.I. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1959, 80, 6057 (ir) 2-Me ether: [32136-81-5] 4?-Hydroxy-2-
Bruce, J.M. et al., J.C.S. , 1960, 360 Di-Me ether: [2040-04-2] 2?,6?-Dimethox-
methoxyacetophenone yacetophenone
Arnaud, R. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1967,
C9H10O3 166.176 C10H12O3 180.203
Dallacker, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1971, 104, 2347 Yellow needles (C6H6). Mp 128-1308. Mp 72-738.
(methylene ether) 4?-Me ether: [4136-21-4] 2-Hydroxy-4?- -AM8400000

3?,4?-Dihydroxyacetophenone, 8CI / 1,8-Dihydroxyanthraquinone, 8CI D-373  / D-377

2-O-Benzyl: [4047-24-9] 2?-Benzyloxy-6?- mers is used in food flavouring. Potential O

hydroxyacetophenone. Populneol component of FEMA 3662. Cryst. (H2O). OH
C15H14O3 242.274 Mp 147-1488.
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 109-1108. Semicarbazone:
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Needles (EtOH). Mp 205-2068.
2, 42B (ir) O
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Di-Ac: [35086-59-0]
Spectra , 1992, 2, 848A; 856C (nmr) C12H12O5 236.224
Needles (petrol). Mp 91-928. C14H8O4 240.215
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
1989, 3, 1254C; 1261A (ir) Obt. from Asperula odorata (sweet wood-
Di-Me ether: [39151-19-4] 3?,5?-Dimethox- druff). Yellow leaflets (C6H6), orange
Forbes, W.F. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1957, 35,
yacetophenone needles by subl. Mp 268-2708.
1049 (uv)
Allport, D. et al., J.C.S. , 1960, 654 (synth) C10H12O3 180.203
Arnaud, R. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1967, Needles (petrol). Mp 42-438. Bp10 151-
1528. Di-Me ether: [1989-42-0] 1,3-Dimethox-
Gumprecht, D.L. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1967, yanthraquinone
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
30, 528 (chromatog) 2, 35B; 36A (ir) C16H12O4 268.268
Moses, P. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1970, 24, Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Isol. from Asperula odorata (sweet
312 Spectra , 1992, 2, 850B; 864C; 1296B (nmr) woodruff). Yellow needles. Mp 154-
Datta, S.C. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1971, 9, 286 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , 1558.
(isol, deriv) 1989, 3, 1254D (ir) Perkin, A.G. et al., J.C.S. , 1893, 63, 1159; 1929,
Ternai, B. et al., Tetrahedron , 1976, 32, 565 Mauthner, F. et al., J. Prakt. Chem. , 1927, 115, 1399 (isol, synth)
(cmr) 274 (synth) Kido, H. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1960, 23, 116
Bobik, A. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1977, 20, 1194 Valyashko, A. et al., Zh. Obshch. Khim. , 1951, (ir)
(synth) 21, 1069 (uv) Davies, D.G. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1968, 953
Lau, C.K. et al., J.O.C. , 1987, 52, 1670 (deriv, Huls, R. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. , 1956, 65, Murti, V.V.S. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1970, 8,
synth, pmr) 596 (synth) 779 (synth)
Boireau, G. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1995, 25, Masse, J. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci. Castonguay, A. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1977, 55,
149 (Me ether, synth) Ser. C , 1976, 282, 473 1324 (synth)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Busch-Petersen, J. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1996, Khanapure, S.P. et al., J.O.C. , 1987, 52, 5685
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 834-835 39, 3790-3796 (di-Me ether, synth, ir, pmr) (deriv, synth, pmr, cmr, ir)
(use) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. El-Gamal, A.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995,
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 834-835 40, 245 (cmr)
3?,4?-Dihydroxyacetophenone, D-373
8CI 1,8-Dihydroxyanthraquinone, D-377
[1197-09-7] 8CI
1-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)ethanone, 9CI. 4- 1,3-Dihydroxyacridone D-375 [117-10-2]
Acetocatechol. Acetylpyrocatechol [20324-10-1] 1,8-Dihydroxy-9,10-anthracenedione, 9CI.
1,3-Dihydroxy-9(10H)-acridinone, 9CI Chrysazin. Dantron, INN. Danthron, BAN.
C8H8O3 152.149
Istizin. Danivac. Dorbane. Many other
Extracted from coffee residues. Potential
component of FEMA 3662. A mixt. of O
dihydroxyacetophenone isomers is used in OH C14H8O4 240.215
food flavouring. Needles (H2O). Mp 1168. 8 9 1 Occurs in roots of Rheum palmatum
7 2
-KM5775200 6 3 (Turkey rhubarb). Square orange plates
5 10 4 OH (Me2CO), metastable fine fibres by rapid
[16522-48-8, 28631-86-9] N
H cryst. Sol. EtOH, alkalis; insol. H2O. Mp
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, 1938. pKa1 8.3; pKa2 12.46 (258). Log P
2, 46A; 46B (ir) C13H9NO3 227.219 1.92 (calc). It has been suggested that the
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Yellow needles (Me2CO/EtOH). Mp 3458 1,10-dioxo tautomer is present in the
Spectra , 1992, 2, 864A; 864B; 1293A (nmr)
dec. (3558 dec., 3708). crystal state but there is no spectroscopic
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
1989, 3, 1261D; 1262A (ir) 3-Me ether, N-Me: [13161-83-6] 1-Hydro- evidence for this.
Stephen, H. et al., J.C.S. , 1914, 105, 1046 xy-3-methoxy-10-methylacridone -Can discolour urine when used
(synth) C15H13NO3 255.273 therapeutically. Exp. carcinogen.
Lange, R.G. et al., J.O.C. , 1962, 27, 2037 CB6650000
Alkaloid from the roots Ruta graveolens
Kovacik, V. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1969, 102, 1513 (rue). Yellow cryst. (EtOAc/petrol or Di-Ac: [1963-82-2]
(ms) EtOAc/C6H6). Mp 164-1658 Mp 174- C18H12O6 324.289
Šantavý, F. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. , 1768. Yellow needles. Mp 231-2328.
1970, 35, 2418; 1972, 37, 1825 (uv) Fish, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1971, 10, 3322- -CB6690000
Nishina, A. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., 3324 (3-Me ether N-Me, isol, uv, ir) Mono-Me ether: [5539-66-2] 1-Hydroxy-8-
Biochem. , 1994, 58, 293 (isol, props, bibl) Scharlemann, W. et al., Z. Naturforsch., B , methoxyanthraquinone
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. 1972, 27, 806-808 (3-Me ether N-Me, isol, uv) C15H10O4 254.242
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 834 (use) Bahar, M.H. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Orange-red needles (EtOH). Mp 197-
1987, 26, 782-783 (3-Me ether N-Me, synth,
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand uv, ir, pmr, ms)
Reinhold , 1992, HLQ500 Reisch, J. et al., Annalen , 1991, 685-689 (N-Me, Di-Me ether: [6407-55-2] 1,8-Dimethox-
3-Me ether N-Me, 1,3-di-Me ether N-Me, yanthraquinone
synth, ir, pmr, cmr) C16H12O4 268.268
3?,5?-Dihydroxyacetophenone, D-374 Yellow cryst. Mp 2198.
8CI Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
[51863-60-6] 2, 87D (ir)
1,3-Dihydroxyanthraquinone, D-376 Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra, 2nd edn. , 1983,
[28631-86-9] 2, 91B (nmr)
1-(3,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)ethanone, 9CI. 5- 8CI
Naylor, C.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1931, 53, 4112
Acetylresorcinol [518-83-2] Aoyama, S. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1932, 52,
1,3-Dihydroxy-9,10-anthracenedione, 9CI. 17
C8H8O3 152.149 Xanthopurpurin. Purpuroxanthin Lish, P.M. et al., J. Am. Pharm. Assoc. , 1958,
A mixt. of dihydroxyacetophenone iso- 47, 371 (pharmacol)

4,5-Dihydroxyanthraquinone-...  / 4?,6-Dihydroxyaurone D-378 / D-381

Kido, H. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1960, 23, 116 (occur) Tomita, M. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1961, 81,
(ir) Nawa, H. et al., J.O.C. , 1961, 26, 979 (struct) 469-473; 1965, 85, 77-82 (Floribundine,
Beynon, J.H. et al., Appl. Spectrosc. , 1960, 14, Romanova, A.S. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , Asimilobine)
156 (ms) 1966, 2, 143; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Kunimoto, J.I. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1964,
Ruggieri, R. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1961, 25, Transl.) , 1966, 2, 113 (isol, glucosides) 84, 1141-1142 (Floribundine, Nuciferine, isol)
145 (use) Murty, V.K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1967, 23, 515 Kupchan, S.M. et al., J.O.C. , 1971, 36, 2413-
Prakesh, A. et al., Z. Kristallogr., Kristallgeom., (synth, deriv) 2418 (Nuciferine, synth, uv)
Kristallphys., Kristallchem. , 1965, 122, 272 Romonova, A.S. et al., CA , 1969, 70, 9366 (isol) Guinaudeau, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1971,
(cryst struct) Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen 10, 1963-1966 (Nuciferine, isol, ir, pmr, ms)
Fairbairn, J.W. et al., J. Pharm. Pharmacol. , der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn., Mitscher, L.A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1972, 35,
1970, 22, 584 (pharmacol) Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 1297 157-176 (activity)
Idris, K.A. et al., Egypt. J. Chem. , 1973, 67 (uv) (occur) Guinaudeau, H. et al., Planta Med. , 1975, 27,
Morley, J.O. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1973, 1626 Ger. Pat. , 1977, 2 711 493; CA , 88, 37504k 304-318 (Floribundine)
(pmr) (synth) Jackman, L.M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1979, 42,
Fournier, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14, Hauser, F.M. et al., J.O.C. , 1982, 47, 383 (synth) 437-449 (cmr)
2099 (isol) Gallagher, P.T. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1994, 35, 289 Ringdahl, B. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1981, 44, 80-
Breimer, D.D. et al., Pharmacology, 1976, 14, 30 (synth) 85 (cd)
(metab) Dahms, M. et al., Drug Metab. Dispos. , 1997, Villar, A. et al., Planta Med. , 1986, 57, 556-557
Case, M.T. et al., Drug Chem. Toxicol. , 1978, 1, 25, 442 (metab, bibl) (activity)
89 (tox) Ramana, M.M.V. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1996, 37,
Berger, Y. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1978, 11, 1671-1674 (N-Nornuciferine, synth)
375 (cmr) Kuo, R.-Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 57, 421-
Cameron, A.W. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1982, 35, 425 (Romucosines, N-
2095 (synth) 1,2-Dihydroxyaporphine D-379 Methoxycarbonylnornuciferine)
Howard, D.F. et al., Naturwissenschaften , 1982, Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
69, 91 (isol) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Roman Ceba, M. et al., Mikrochim. Acta , 1983,
HO Reinhold , 1992, NOE500
2, 85 (detn, Mg)
Mueller, K. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim, N
Ger.) , 1984, 317, 120 (synth) HO Me (R)-form 3,16-Dihydroxy-13-atisen-2- D-380
Gattuso, J.M. et al., Drug Saf. , 1984, 10, 47 one
Khanapure, S.P. et al., J.O.C. , 1987, 52, 5685
(deriv, synth, pmr, ir) OH
Negwer, M. et al., Organic-Chemical Drugs and
their Synonyms, 6th edn., Akademie-Verlag , C17H17NO2 267.327 O
1987, 2970 (synonyms)
IARC Monog. , 1990, 50, 265 (rev, tox) (R )-form
Grunwell, J.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1991, 56, 91 (synth, O1-Me: [3153-55-7] 2-Hydroxy-1-methox- HO
pmr) yaporphine. Floribundine. N-Methylasi- H
Kahr, B. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1992, milobine. O-Nornuciferine
31, 1 (tautom) C20H30O3 318.455
C18H19NO2 281.354
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn.,
Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1215 Alkaloid from Nelumbo nucifera (East (ent -3b,16a)-form [119642-83-0]
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of India lotus). Mp 195-1968. [a]20 D -220 (c, Yucalexin A19
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 0.40 in CHCl3). lmax 231 (log e 4.07); Constit. of cassava roots (Manihot
Reinhold , 1992, DMH400 272 (log e 4); 314 (log e 3.29) (no solvent esculenta ). [a]23
D +8.28 (c, 0.35 in
reported). CHCl3).
4,5-Dihydroxyanthraquinone- D-378 O1-Me, N-de-Me, N-methoxycarbonyl: Sakai, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 3769
2-carboxylic acid [356048-23-2] Romucosine A
C19H19NO4 325.363
[478-43-3] Alkaloid from Rollinia mucosa (biriba).
4?,6-Dihydroxyaurone D-381
9,10-Dihydro-4,5-dihydroxy-9,10-dioxo-2- 6-Hydroxy-2-[(4-hydroxyphenyl)methy-
Amorph. brown powder. [a]25 D -105 (c,
anthracenecarboxylic acid, 9CI. Chrysazin- lene]-3(2H)-benzofuranone, 9CI. 6-Hy-
0.1 in CHCl3). lmax 237 (log e 4.4); 285
3-carboxylic acid. Rhein. Monorhein. Cas- droxy-2-(p-hydroxybenzylidene)-3(2H)-
(log e 4.22); 307 (log e 4.05) (MeOH).
sic acid benzofuranone, 8CI. Hispidol$
(S )-form
Di-Me ether, N-de-Me, N-
O methoxycarbonyl: [356042-11-0] N- O
COOH C20H21NO4 339.39
Alkaloid from Rollinia mucosa (biriba). HO O
OH OH Amorph. powder. [a]25 D +165 (c, 0.05 in OH
O CHCl3). lmax 235 (log e 4.23); 285 (log e
4.2); 307 (log e 3.36) (MeOH). C15H10O4 254.242
C15H8O6 284.225
3-Chloro, O1-Me, N-de-Me, N- (Z )-form [5786-54-9]
Present in Rheum palmatum (Chinese
methoxycarbonyl: [356048-24-3] Romu- Isol. from seedlings of Glycine max
rhubarb). Yellow needles (MeOH). Sol.
cosine B (soybean) (Soja hispida) . Yellow
bases; fairly sol. MeOH, Et2O; poorly sol.
C19H18ClNO4 359.808 needles (EtOH aq.). Mp 2888 dec.
H2O, hexane, acids. Mp 3218 (3108). Log P
Alkaloid from Rollinia mucosa (biriba).
1.7 (calc). lmax 229 (e 36800); 258 (e Di-Ac:
Amorph. powder. [a]25 D +153 (c, 0.05 in
20100); 435 (e 11100) (MeOH) (Berdy). Pale-yellow needles (MeOH/AcOH).
CHCl3). Opposite abs. config. to Ro-
lmax 270 ; 425 (EtOH) (Berdy). Mp 162-1638.
mucosine A lmax 245 (log e 4.43); 285
-CA9516000 (log e 4.25) (MeOH). 6-O-b-D-Glucopyranosyl: [20550-08-7]
5-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [34298-86-7] Gulland, J.M. et al., J.C.S. , 1928, 581-591 C21H20O9 416.384
Glucorhein. Glucorein (Nuciferine, synth) Isol. from seedlings of Glycine max
C21H18O11 446.367 Konvalova, R. et al., Ber. , 1935, 68, 2277-2282 (soybean). Yellow cryst. or cubes
Isol. from Rheum palmatum (Chinese (Floribundine, isol) (MeOH aq. or H2O). Mp 211-2128 (191-
rhubarb). Mp 260-2668. Arthur, H.R. et al., J.C.S. , 1959, 2306 1928).
(Nuciferine, isol)
Hauptmann, H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1950, 72, 1492 Geissman, T.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1956, 78, 832

3,4-Dihydroxybenzaldehyde / 4,6-Dihydroxy-5-benzofuranpropanoic acid D-382 / D-385

(synth, uv) 2-4 times greater than vanillin. Used 3,4-Dihydroxy-1,2-benzenedi- D-383
Wong, E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1966, 5, 463 esp. in cocoa products. Cryst. (EtOH) carboxylic acid, 9CI
(isol) with intense vanilla odour and sweet
Farkas, L. et al., Tetrahedron , 1968, 24, 4213
3,4-Dihydroxyphthalic acid, 8CI. Catechol-
taste. Mp 76-788. Bp 2858. Log P 1.8 3,4-dicarboxylic acid. Norhemipinic acid
Huke, M. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim, (calc).
Ger.) , 1969, 302, 401; 423 (uv, pmr) -Human skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 1590
mg/kg. CU6125000 COOH
El Sherbeiny, A.E.A. et al., Planta Med. , 1978, COOH
34, 335 (isol) 3-Et ether, 4-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
Breytenbach, J.C. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1982, [122397-96-0] Ethylvanillin glucoside
1157 (synth)
C15H20O8 328.318 OH
Flavouring ingredient with vanilla aro-
3,4-Dihydroxybenzaldehyde D-382 ma. C8H6O6 198.132
[139-85-5] 3-Et ether, 4-O-(2-methylpropanoyl): Plates + 1H2O (H2O). Mp 210-2128 (/ 0
Protocatechualdehyde, 8CI. Protocatechuic [188417-26-7] Ethyl vanillin isobutyrate anhydride).
aldehyde. Rancinamycin IV C13H16O4 236.267 Di-Me ether: [518-90-1] 3,4-Dimethoxy-
Flavouring ingredient. 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid. 3,4-Di-
CHO 4-Et, 3-Me ether: [120-25-2] 4-Ethoxy-3- methoxyphthalic acid. Hemipinic acid.
methoxybenzaldehyde. Ethylvanillin$ Hemipic acid
Isol. from storax. Flavouring. Stabiliser. C10H10O6 226.185
OH Prisms. Mp 64-658. Isol. from poppy straw (Papaver somni-
OH 4-O-(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl), 3-Me ferum ). Cryst. + 2H2O. Mp 124-1268
ether: [151455-08-2] O-Geranylvanillin Mp 165-1668 Mp 1818.
C7H6O3 138.123 Reisch, J. et al., Annalen , 1990, 1047 (di-Me
C18H24O3 288.386
Cryst. (toluene). Sol. EtOH, H2O, Et2O. ether, synth, ir, pmr, cmr)
Constit. of rock samphire (Crithmum
Mp 153-1548. pKa1 7.27; pKa2 11.4 (258).
maritimum ). Oil. lmax 230 (e 19000);
lmax 220 (e 9500) (95% EtOH) (Derep).
264 (e 18500); 300 (e 16850) (hexane)
-LD50 (mus, ipr) 205 mg/kg. UL0380000 (Berdy).
4,5-Dihydroxy-1,2-benzenedi- D-384
3-Me ether: [121-33-5] 4-Hydroxy-3-meth- carboxylic acid, 9CI
oxybenzaldehyde. Vanillin, USAN. Zim- [63958-66-7]
co. Vanillaldehyde. FEMA 3107 Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , 4,5-Dihydroxyphthalic acid, 8CI. Catechol-
C8H8O3 152.149 1975, 15, 633 (rev, tox, Vanillin) 4,5-dicarboxylic acid. Normetahemipinic
Constit. of vanilla (Vanilla spp.) and Slabbert, N.P. et al., Tetrahedron , 1977, 33, 821
many other plants, e.g. Peru balsam, Blanchflower, W.J. et al., Analyst (London) , C8H6O6 198.132
clove bud oil. Widely used flavouring 1985, 110, 1283 (deriv, use) Prisms (H2O). Mp 1758 (/ 0 anhydride).
agent esp. in cocoa products. Obt. from Burger, B.V. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1985, 40,
spent wood-pulp liquors. Needles or 847 (Vanillin, isol) Di-Me ether: [577-68-4] 4,5-Dimethoxy-
tetragonal cryst. with characteristic Gannett, P.M. et al., J.O.C. , 1988, 53, 1064 1,2-benzenedicarboxylic acid. 4,5-Di-
pleasant odour (H2O). Spar. sol. cold (Vanillin, derivs, ir, pmr, cmr, ms, uv) methoxyphthalic acid. Veratrole-4,5-di-
H2O; mod. sol. hot. Mp 81-828 Mp 77- Pat. Coop. Treaty (WIPO) , 1988, 88 09 133; carboxylic acid. Metahemipic acid. m-
798 (dimorph.). Bp15 1708. pKa1 7.4 CA , 111, 112377u (3-Et ether glucoside, synth, Hemipinic acid
(258). Slowly oxid. in air. 3 Cryst. C10H10O6 226.185
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
modifications exist lmax 232 (e 15500); Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New Degradn. prod. of many alkaloids. Isol.
279 (e 10500); 309 (e 1030) (MeOH) York, 1989, EQF000; VFK000 from poppy straw (Papaver somnifer-
(Berdy). lmax 251 (e 8330); 319 (e 25200) Loupy, A. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. , 1990, um ). Needles (H2O). Mp 174-1758.
(MeOH-NaOH) (Berdy). 22, 99 (synth, derivs) Schmid, H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1945, 28,
-LD50 (rat, orl) 1580 mg/kg. LD50 (mus, Cunsolo, F. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1993, 56, 1598 722-740 (isol, di-Me ether)
ipr) 721 mg/kg. Exp. reprod. effects. (O-Geranylvanillin)
YW5775000 Liu, J. et al., Neuropharmacology, 1993, 32, 659
3-Me ether, 4-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
(Vanillin, pharmacol) 4,6-Dihydroxy-5-benzofuran- D-385
Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd propanoic acid
[494-08-6] Vanilloside. Glucovanillin. edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American
Avenein Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical
C14H18O8 314.291 Press, 1994, 184-185; 542-543
Isol. from oats. Needles (EtOH aq.). Mp Velavan, R. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1995, 51, 1131 4
188-1928. [a]20 (cryst struct, polymorphism, Vanillin)
D -88.7 (H2O). 6
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn., HO
3-Me ether, Ac: [881-68-5] Vanillin acetate. Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1704; 1766
FEMA 3108 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
C10H10O4 194.187 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1048; 2899; C11H10O5 222.197
Flavouring material. Present in fermen- 2901 (Vanillin, derivs, occur, use) 4-Me ether, 6-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
ted soya hydrolysate (shoyu). Needles Hocking, M.B. et al., J. Chem. Educ. , 1997, 74, [169312-28-1] Picraquassioside A
(Et2O) with mild balsamic, floral odour. 1055-1059 (Vanillin, rev)
Ger. Pat. , 1998, 19 714 826; CA , 129, 302444j
C18H22O10 398.366
Mp 77-798 Mp 102-1038. Constit. of Ruta graveolens (rue).
(Et vanillin isobutyrate)
3-Me ether, 4-O-(2-methylpropanoyl): Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Amorph. powder. [a]20 D -32 (c, 1 in
[20665-85-4] Vanillin isobutyrate. Isobu- Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand MeOH).
tavan. FEMA 3754 Reinhold , 1992, EQF000; FNM000; VFK000 4-Me ether, 6-O-b-D-glucopyranoside, Me
C12H14O4 222.24 ester:Methylpicraquassioside A
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. d20 0.99. C19H24O10 412.393
Bp5.5 1558. n20
D 1.5219. Constit. of Ruta graveolens (rue).
3-Et ether: [121-32-4] 3-Ethoxy-4-hydroxy- Glassy powder. Mp 67-698. [a]25 D -58.8
benzaldehyde. Vanillal. Bourbonal. Ethyl (c, 0.34 in MeOH). lmax 214 (log e 4.59);
vanillin, USAN$. Aethylvanillin. Vanir- 251 (log e 4.08); 278 (log e 3.37)
om. FEMA 2464 (MeOH).
C9H10O3 166.176 Yoshikawa, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40,
Flavouring agent with flavouring power 253-256 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)

2,3-Dihydroxybenzoic acid, 9CI / 3,5-Dihydroxybenzoic acid, 9CI D-386  / D-391

Chen, C.C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2001, 64, 990- Scott, K.N. et al., J. Magn. Reson. , 1970, 2, 361 -UL0560000
992 (Methylpicraquassiolide A) (pmr) b-D-Xylopyranosyl ester: [143986-30-5]
Scott, K.N. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1972, 92, 8564 (cmr)
3,4-Dihydroxybenzoyl b-D-xylopyrano-
Kamath, B.V. et al., J. Appl. Chem. Biotechnol. ,
2,3-Dihydroxybenzoic acid, D-386 1975, 25, 743 (uv) side. Uralenneoside
9CI Scriven, F.M. et al., J. Liq. Chromatogr. , 1979, C12H14O8 286.238
[303-38-8] 2, 125 (hplc) Constit. of the leaves of Glycyrrhiza
Pyrocatechuic acid, 8CI. Catechol-3-car- Venkataramaiah, V. et al., Indian J. Exp. Biol. , uralensis (Chinese licorice). Cryst. Mp
1980, 18, 887; CA , 93, 164513r (occur) 185-1878.
boxylic acid. o-Pyrocatechuic acid
de Koster, C.G. et al., Fresenius’ Z. Anal.
3-Me ether: [121-34-6] 4-Hydroxy-3-meth-
Chem. , 1986, 323, 321 (ms)
COOH Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd oxybenzoic acid. Vanillic acid
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, C8H8O4 168.149
1 OH
2 428 Needles (H2O). Mp 2108. pKa2 9.39
5 3
4 OH Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of (258). Sublimes.
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand -YW5300000
Reinhold , 1992, HOE600
C7H6O4 154.122 [58534-64-8]
Occurs in Gentiana lutea (yellow gentian). Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Cryst. + 1H2O (H2O). Mp 2048 (anhyd.). 2,5-Dihydroxybenzoic acid, D-388 2, 212B; 215D; 216A; 216B; 299B; 300B;
pKa 2.91. Log P 1.06 (calc). lmax 241 ; 307 9CI 457A (ir)
(H2O) (Berdy). lmax 244 ; 316 (HCl) [490-79-9] Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
(Berdy). lmax 254 ; 326 (NaOH) (Berdy). Spectra , 1992, 2, 1110C; 1115C; 1116A;
Gentisic acid, 8CI, INN. Hydroquinone-
1116B; 1258C; 1260A; 1533B (nmr)
-DG8576490 carboxylic acid. 5-Hydroxysalicylic acid. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
[13189-89-4, 66168-85-2, 67984-81-0] Gentisinic acid. Hydroxyquinonecarboxylic 1989, 3, 1368D; 1418C (ir)
acid Ewins, A.J. et al., J.C.S. , 1909, 1482-1488
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Spectra , 1992, 2, 1096B; 1096C (nmr) C7H6O4 154.122
Pratt, D.S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1918, 40, 198 (synth)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Needles or prisms (H2O). Sol. H2O, Et2O, Pearl, J.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1946, 68, 2180
2, 205B; 205C (ir) EtOH. Mp 204.5-2058. pKa 2.95 (258). Log (synth)
Rodionov, V.M. et al., CA , 1941, 35, 5101 P 1.62 (calc). Schwarz, R. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1952, 83,
-LD50 (rat, orl) 800 mg/kg. Exp. reprod. 883 (deriv)
Cason, J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1950, 72, 621 (synth)
and teratogenic effects. LY3850000 Coward, R.F. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1969, 45,
King, F.E. et al., J.C.S. , 1955, 4206 (synth)
311 (glc)
Polukordas, M.R. et al., Farmakol. Toksikol. 5-Me ether: [2612-02-4] 2-Hydroxy-5- Scott, K.N. et al., J. Magn. Reson. , 1970, 2, 361
(Moscow) , 1966, 29, 594 (pharmacol) methoxybenzoic acid. 5-Methoxysalicylic (pmr)
Coward, R.F. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1969, 45, acid Scott, K.N. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1972, 92, 8564 (cmr)
311 (glc)
Isol. from Primula veris (cowslip). Mp Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen
Scott, K.N. et al., J. Magn. Reson. , 1970, 2, 361
145-1468. der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn.,
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, nos. 895; 896
Scott, K.N. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1972, 92, 8564 (cmr) [1084-96-4, 6245-34-7, 21715-15-1, 52405-73-9] Kamath, B.V. et al., J. Appl. Chem. Biotechnol. ,
Kamath, B.V. et al., J. Appl. Chem. Biotechnol. ,
Ibrahim, R.K. et al., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. , 1975, 25, 743 (uv)
1975, 25, 743 (uv)
1960, 87, 125 (isol, 5-Me ether) Jia, S.S. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1992, 27, 441-
De Koster, C.G. et al., Fresenius’ Z. Anal.
444 (Uralenneoside)
Chem. , 1986, 323, 321 (ms)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Al-Tel, T.H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, 2,6-Dihydroxybenzoic acid, D-389 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
3081 (isol, deriv)
Hayashi, K. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., 9CI Reinhold , 1992, HJC000; VFF000
Biochem. , 1995, 59, 319 (isol, pmr, cmr) [303-07-1]
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of g-Resorcylic acid, 8CI. Resorcinol-2-car-
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand boxylic acid
3,5-Dihydroxybenzoic acid, D-391
Reinhold , 1992, HJB500 9CI
C7H6O4 154.122
Cryst. + 1H2O (H2O). Mp 1508 (variable
2,4-Dihydroxybenzoic acid, D-387
acc. to rate of heating) dec. pKa 1.08. V.
a-Resorcylic acid, 8CI. Resorcinol-5-car-
9CI boxylic acid
strong acid. In soln. exists in intramol. H-
[89-86-1] bonded form with CO of COOH H C7H6O4 154.122
b-Resorcylic acid, 8CI. Resorcinol-4-car- bonded to one OH and O of COOH H Constit. of Arachis hypogaea (peanuts)
boxylic acid. FEMA 3798 bonded to the other. and Cicer arietinum (chickpea). Cryst. +
C7H6O4 154.122 -DG8578000 11=2 H2O (H2O). Sol. H2O. Mp 232-2338
Found in avocado, beer, wine and coffee. Benzyl ester, 2-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: (anhyd.). pKa 4.04.
Food flavour ingredient and flavour C20H22O9 406.388 -VH3708000
modifier. Solid (CHCl3). Mp 1528 subl Mp Constit. of Sambucus nigra (elderberry). Me ester: [2150-44-9]
1758 Mp 218-2198 (2138 rapid heat). pKa1 Oil. C8H8O4 168.149
3.11; pKa2 8.55; pKa3 14 (258). Leaflets. Mp 168-1708 (163-1658). pKa2
[3144-59-0, 3147-50-0, 57764-46-2]
-Exp. teratogenic effects. VH3708050 10.66 (208).
D’Abrosca, B. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 58,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Et ester: [4142-98-7]
1073-1081 (benzyl ester glucoside)
2, 215C; 216D; 299A; 300A (ir) C9H10O4 182.176
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 128-1298.
Spectra , 1992, 2, 1115B; 1117A; 1258A; 3,4-Dihydroxybenzoic acid D-390 -DG8576840
1259C (nmr)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
[99-50-3] Ph ester: [133551-50-5]
1989, 3, 1369C (ir) Protocatechuic acid, 8CI. Carbohydroqui- C13H10O4 230.22
Org. Synth. , 1930, 10, 94 (synth) nonic acid. Catechol-4-carboxylic acid. Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 174-1768.
Robinson, R. et al., J.C.S. , 1934, 1491 (synth) Hypogallic acid Amide: [3147-62-4]
King, L.C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1945, 67, 2089 C7H7NO3 153.137
C7H6O4 154.122
Present in red wine and plant sources. Tan solid (EtOH). Mp 285-2878 dec.
Idris Jones, J. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1958,
228 (synth) Needles + 1H2O (H2O). Mp 195-1968 Di-Ac: [35354-29-1]
Coward, R.F. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1969, 45, (anhyd.). pKa1 4.49; pKa2 8.64; pKa3 1 C11H10O6 238.196
311 (glc) (258). Mp 161-1628.

4,7-Dihydroxy-2H -1-benzopyran-...  / 6,7-Dihydroxy-2H -1-benzopyran-... D-392  / D-395

Mono-Me ether: [19520-75-3] 3-Hydroxy- Constit. of the seeds of Corchorus olitorius 5,7-Dihydroxy-4H -1-benzo- D-394
5-methoxybenzoic acid (Jew’s mallow). Needles (H2O). Mp 2658 pyran-4-one, 9CI
C8H8O4 168.149 dec Mp 2828. [31721-94-5]
Cryst. (CHCl3/petrol). Mp 2028. 7-Ac: [19225-18-4] 5,7-Dihydroxychromone
Mono-Me ether, Me ester: [19520-74-2] C11H8O5 220.181
C9H10O4 182.176 C9H6O4 178.144
Cryst. (H2O). Mp 2238. Isol. from peanut shells. Pale yellow plates
Needles (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 998. Di-Ac: [42520-59-2] (EtOH). Mp 272-2738.
Di-Me ether: See 3,5-Dimethoxybenzoic C13H10O6 262.218
acid in The Combined Chemical Prisms. Mp 145.58. 7-O-b-Glucopyranoside: [60444-96-4]
Dictionary. C15H16O9 340.286
Dibenzyl ether: [28917-43-3] 3,5-Dibenzy- C23H14O6 386.36 7-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
loxybenzoic acid Mp 136-1378. glucopyranoside]: [84575-25-7]
C21H18O4 334.371 C21H26O13 486.429
Di-Me ether: [17575-27-8] 4,7-Dimethoxy- Needles (MeOH). Mp 227-2288 (152-
Cryst. (EtOH or EtOAc). Mp 214-2168 2H-1-benzopyran-2-one. 4,7-Dimethoxy-
(210-2118). 1558). [a]D -57.2 (c, 1 in MeOH).
Dibenzyl ether, Me ester: [58605-10-0] C11H10O4 206.198 7-Me ether: [59887-92-2] 5-Hydroxy-7-
C22H20O4 348.398 Needles (H2O). Mp 1628 (155-1568). methoxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one. 5-Hy-
Mp 65-668. droxy-7-methoxychromone
Sonn, A. et al., Ber. , 1917, 50, 1292-1305 (synth)
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Heilbron, I.M. et al., J.C.S. , 1927, 1705-1708
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Cyano-5-methoxyphenol Lefeuvre, A. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Di-Me ether: [59887-91-1] 5,7-Dimethoxy-
C8H7NO2 149.149 Sci. , 1962, 255, 2611-2613 (synth) 4H-1-benzopyran-4-one. 5,7-Dimethoxy-
Pelter, A. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1965, 2, 262-271 chromone
(ms) C11H10O4 206.198
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2, 227A; 300C (ir) (isol)
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Mizuno, T. et al., Synthesis , 1988, 257-259
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Suter, C.M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1939, 61, 232 Romussi, G. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1976, 13, 211
Pandey, G. et al., Tetrahedron , 1989, 45, 6867-
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Birkenshaw, J.H. et al., J.C.S. , 1942, 368 (synth) Bhardwaj, D.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21,
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Curtis, R.F. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1968, 1807 (deriv) 2154 (7-neohesperidoside)
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Scott, K.N. et al., J. Magn. Reson. , 1970, 2, 361 Spencer, G.F. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. ,
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Desai, M.N. et al., Mikrochim. Acta , 1970, 190 5,7-Dihydroxy-2H -1-benzo- D-393 Kosuge, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994, 42,
(detn, Fe) pyran-2-one, 9CI 1669 (7-neohesperidoside)
Scott, K.N. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1972, 92, 8564 (cmr) Simon, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 36, 1043
Belg. Pat. , 1975, 833 181; CA , 86, 72210 (manuf) [2732-18-5] (7-glucoside)
Kamath, B.V. et al., J. Appl. Chem. Biotechnol. , 5,7-Dihydroxycoumarin Vasconcelos, J.M.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998,
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Reddy, S.B. et al., Curr. Sci. , 1977, 46, 236 C9H6O4 178.144
(occur) Prisms (AcOH aq.), yellow needles (H2O).
Kumar, N.R. et al., Indian J. Exp. Biol. , 1979, Mp 285-2868.
6,7-Dihydroxy-2H -1-benzo- D-395
17, 114; CA , 90, 118113a
Di-Me ether: [487-06-9] 5,7-Dimethoxy- pyran-2-one, 9CI
Settine, R.L. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. ,
1979, 11, 87 (amide) 2H-1-benzopyran-2-one. 5,7-Dimethoxy- [305-01-1]
de Koster, C.G. et al., Fresenius’ Z. Anal. coumarin. Citropten. Limettin. Citrap- 6,7-Dihydroxycoumarin, 8CI. Aesculetin.
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Hawker, C.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1991, 113, 4583 C11H10O4 206.198
(Ph ester, dibenzyl ether, synth, ir, pmr, cmr, Found in lime and bergamot oils. Prisms C9H6O4 178.144
ms) (MeOH). Mp 1478. Fluorescent in Metab. of infected sweet potato. Cryst.
Hawker, C.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1992, 2459 EtOH lmax 222 (e 10715); 247 (e 6918); (EtOH). Mp 2708. Log P 1.21 (calc). lmax
(dendritic polyesters) 230 (e 14125); 260 (e 5320); 302 (e 5890);
250 (e 6918); 324 (e 15135) (MeOH)
Chakraborty, T.K. et al., J.O.C. , 1992, 57, 5462 353 (e 12000) (MeOH) (Berdy).
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Walpole, C.S.J. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1993, 36, -GN6530000 -LD50 (mus, ipr) 1500 mg/kg. GN6382500
2362 (Mono-Me ether, nitrile) 5-O-(3-Methyl-2-butenyl), 7-Me ether: 6-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [531-75-9] Aes-
Zhu, J. et al., J.O.C. , 1995, 60, 6389 (derivs, [35590-41-1] 7-Methoxy-5-prenyloxy- culin. Esculin. Crataegin. Bicolorin.
synth, pmr, cmr) coumarin Polychrome. Vitamin C2. Esculoside
McElhanon, J.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1997, 62, 908- C15H16O4 260.289 C15H16O9 340.286
915 (Dibenzyl ether Me ester)
Isol. from lemon oil (Citrus limon ). Mp Vitamin C2 is generally considered a
90-928. bioflavonoid, related to vitamin P. Mp
4,7-Dihydroxy-2H -1-benzo- D-392 5-O-(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl), 7-O- 2058. [a]D -77.5 (c, 3 in aq. dioxan). Log
Me: [7380-39-4] 5-Geranyloxy-7-meth- P -2.07 (calc).
pyran-2-one, 9CI
oxycoumarin 7-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [531-58-8] Ci-
[1983-81-9] C20H24O4 328.407 choriin. 6-Hydroxyskimmin. Cichorio-
4,7-Dihydroxycoumarin Isol. from lime oil (Citrus aurantifolia ). side
Mp 86-878. C15H16O9 340.286
OH 5-O-(6-Hydroxy-3,7-dimethyl-2,7- Isol. from chicory (Cichorium intybus ).
octadienyl), 7-O-Me: [40520-59-0] Mp 213-2148. [a]20D -104 (dioxan).
C20H24O5 344.407 Di-Me ether: [120-08-1] 6,7-Dimethoxy-
HO O O Isol. from lime oil (Citrus aurantifolia ). 2H-1-benzopyran-2-one. 6,7-Dimethoxy-
Heyes, R.G. et al., J.C.S. , 1936, 1831 coumarin. Scoparone. Escoparone.
C9H6O4 178.144 (Citropten, synth) Scoparin$

7,8-Dihydroxy-2H -1-benzopyran-...  / 2,7-Dihydroxy-2H -1,4-benzoxazin-... D-396  / D-399

C11H10O4 206.198 O 2,6-Dihydroxy-2,5-cyclohexadiene-1,4-

Found in several citrus oils. Needles dione, 9CI
(H2O). Mp 1448. OH
C6H4O4 140.095
-LD50 (rat, orl) 292 mg/kg. Exp. reprod.
HO Sol. MeOH, Et2O; poorly sol. H2O. lmax
effects. GN6550000
286 (e 15100); 287 (e 22200); 376 (e 1020);
Head, F.S.H. et al., J.C.S. , 1939, 1266 (synth) O 385 (e 600) (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 283 (e
Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1957, 90, 1512
(synth) 14500); 287 (e 19050); 375 (e 560); 377 (e
C6H4O4 140.095 602) (CHCl3) (Berdy). lmax 287 (e 19200);
Bursey, M.M. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1967, 712
(ms) Tautomeric with 4,5-Dihydroxy-1,2- 377 (e 630) (EtOH) (Berdy).
Khan, M.A.S. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1968, benzoquinone.Golden-orange cryst. Di-Me ether: [530-55-2] 2,6-Dimethoxy-
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der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn., C8H8O4 168.149
2108 dec. (215-2208 subl.). pKa1 2.73; Constit. of bark of Phyllostachys het-
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, nos. 1325-
pKa2 5.18 (258). erocycla var. pubescens (moso bamboo).
1327 (occur)
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(biosynth) C10H8O6 224.17 288 (e 12600) (MeOH) (Derep).
Günther, H. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1975, 7, Yellow plates or prisms (C6H6). Mp -Causes dermatitis. Mutagenic props..
339 (cmr, deriv) 150-1528. DK4750000
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39, 262 (physiol, tox, deriv) Gold plates (AcOH). Mp 1748. Yellow plates (H2O). Mp 218.88 dec.
Murray, R.D.H. et al., The Natural Coumarins , Di-Me ether: [3117-03-1] 2,5-Dimethoxy- Polonsky, J. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1959,
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Bolker, H.I. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1969, 47, 2109
21, 1141 (pmr, deriv) Isol. from Acorus calamus (sweet flag).
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159 (synth)
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Daphnetol Knoevenagel, E. et al., Ber. , 1901, 34, 3993
C9H6O4 178.144 2,7-Dihydroxy-2H -1,4-ben- D-399
Jones, R.G. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1945, 67, 1034
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methoxy-2H-1-benzopyran-2-one, 9CI. (deriv) H
Davidge, H. et al., J.C.S. , 1958, 4569 (synth)
8-Hydroxy-7-methoxycoumarin, 8CI Singhal, S.P. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1966, 35, N O
C10H8O4 192.171 195 (use)
From Artemisia dracunculoides (Russian Bowie, J.H. et al., J.C.S.(B) , 1966, 335 (ms)
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21, 1141 (pmr, deriv) 302 (isol) C9H9NO4 195.174
Orita, H. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1989, 62, Constit. of Coix lachryma-jobi (Job’s
1652 (synth) tears), wheat and sweet corn (Zea
2,5-Dihydroxy-1,4-benzoqui- D-397 mays ). Cryst. Mp 198-199.58. lmax 258
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[615-94-1] 2,6-Dihydroxy-1,4-benzoqui- D-398 (EtOH).
2,5-Dihydroxy-2,5-cyclohexadiene-1,4- none 7-Me ether, 2-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
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jobi (Job’s tears). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp alcohol. 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylcarbinol. 4- Eur. Pat. , 1985, 137 419; CA , 103, 11244d (3-Et
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250-2518 (230-2358). [a]24
D +31.4 (c, 0.8 (Hydroxymethyl)-1,2-benzenediol Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
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282 (sh) (e 7100) (MeOH). CH 2OH 2, 793 (3-Me ether)
Di-Me ether: [131761-45-0] 2,7-Di- Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
methoxy-2H-1,4-benzoxazin-3(4H)-one Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2903 (3-
C10H11NO4 209.201 OH Me ether)
OH Kobata, K. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1998,
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46, 1695-1697 (Capsiate, Dihydrocapsiate)
N-Hydroxy, O7-Me: [15893-52-4] Kobata, K. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1999, 62, 335-
C7H8O3 140.138 336 (Nordihydrocapsiate)
[147802-15-1, 147802-16-2, 157194-49-5] 2,4- Highly air-sensitive prisms (H2O). Mp
Dihydroxy-7-methoxy-2H-1,4-benzoxazin- 137-1388.
3(4H)-one. DIMBOA 3,5-Dihydroxybenzyl alcohol, D-401
C9H9NO5 211.174 3-Me ether: [498-00-0] 4-Hydroxy-3-meth- 8CI
Isol. from wheat, in which it is present oxybenzenemethanol, 9CI. a,4-Dihy-
droxy-3-methoxytoluene. Vanillyl [29654-55-5]
mainly as glucoside. Appears to be a 3,5-Dihydroxybenzenemethanol, 9CI. 5-
natural aphicide, insecticide and fungicide. alcohol. FEMA 3737
C8H10O3 154.165 (Hydroxymethyl)-1,3-benzenediol
Involved in the in vivo detoxification of
herbicides , e.g. Simazine. Pink needles. Constit. of Capsicum spp.; flavouring C7H8O3 140.138
Mp 168-1698 (1388). ingredient. Cryst. (H2O) with mild, Cryst. (H2O). Mp 189-1908.
sweet balsamic vanilla odour. Mp 114- -DO1400000
N-Hydroxy, O7-Me, 2-O-b-D- 1158.
3-Me ether: [30891-29-3] 3-Hydroxy-5-
glucopyranoside: [113565-32-5] 3-Me ether, 4-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:Va- methoxybenzyl alcohol. Sylvopinol
[18607-79-9, 157241-65-1] DIMBOA-Glc nilloloside. Glucovanillyl alcohol C8H10O3 154.165
C15H19NO10 373.316 C14H20O8 316.307 Constit. of Pinus sylvestris (Scotch
Isol. from sweet corn (Zea mays ). Needles Isol. from unripe vanilla pods. Needles pine). Mp 85-868.
(EtOH). Mp 262-2638 dec. (EtOH). Mp 1208.
3-Me ether, 1?-Ac:
3-Me ether, 1?-O-(7-methyloctanoyl):4- C10H12O4 196.202
N-Methoxy, 7-Me ether: [149182-67-2] 2- Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl 7-methyloc-
Hydroxy-4,7-dimethoxy-2H-1,4-benzox- Mp 87-888.
tanoate. Nordihydrocapsiate
azin-3(4H)-one, 9CI. HDMBOA 3,5-Di-Me ether: [705-76-0] 3,5-Dimethox-
C17H26O4 294.39
C10H11NO5 225.201 ybenzyl alcohol, 8CI. 3,5-Dimethoxy-
Constit. of fruits of Capsicum annuum .
Isol. from sweet corn (Zea mays ). benzenemethanol, 9CI. a-Hydroxy-3,5-
Oil. lmax 231 (e 6800); 281 (e 2400)
N-Methoxy, 7-Me ether. 2-O-b-D- dimethoxytoluene
glucopyranoside: [113565-33-6] C9H12O3 168.192
3-Me ether, 1?-O-(8-methylnonanoyl):4- Mp 48-48.58.
[29845-81-6] HDMBOA-Glc Hydroxy-3-methoxybenzyl 8-methylno-
3,5-Di-Me ether, 1?-Ac:
C16H21NO10 387.343 nanoate. Dihydrocapsiate
C11H14O4 210.229
Constit. of the roots of Coix lachryma- C18H28O4 308.417
joba (Job’s tears) and from wheat and Constit. of fruits of Capsicum annuum .
sweet corn (Zea mays ). Pale yellow cryst. Oil. lmax 231 (e 8700); 279 (e 3700) 3,5-Dibenzyl ether: [24131-31-5]
Mp 143-1458. [a]21D +22 (c, 0.25 in H2O). (MeOH). C21H20O3 320.387
lmax 262 (log e 3.97); 285 (sh) (log e 3.84) Solid. Mp 78-808.
3-Me ether, 1?-O-(8-methyl-6-
(EtOH). Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
1, 1143B (ir)
8-Methoxy, 7-Me ether, 2-O-b-D- benzyl 8-methyl-6-nonenoate. Capsiate Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
glucopyranoside: [40246-09-1] C18H26O4 306.401 Spectra , 1992, 2, 366A (nmr)
C16H21NO10 387.343 Constit. of fruits of Capsicum annuum . Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Isol. from sweet corn (Zea mays ). Oil. lmax 231 (e 6200); 280 (e 2400) 1989, 3, 1068D (ir)
(MeOH). Lightowler, J.E. et al., J. Pharm. Pharmacol. ,
Wahlroos, O. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1959, 1963, 15, 633 (synth)
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Ridley, D.D. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1968, 21,
Reimann, J.E. et al., Biochemistry, 1964, 3, 847 (Ethoxymethyl)-2-methoxyphenol, 9CI. 2979 (di-Me)
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Hofman, J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1969, 5001 (isol, uv, C10H14O3 182.219 1970, 6, 204; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl.
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Woodward, M.D. et al., Plant Physiol. , 1979, Food Additive Database (Jan 2001). Bp4 Reimann, E. et al., Annalen , 1971, 750, 109
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Kingston, J.F. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1977, 55,
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Atkinson, J. et al., J.O.C. , 1991, 56, 1788 (deriv, C10H14O3 182.219 Halton, D.D. et al., J. Chem. Res., Synop. , 1979,
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147 (synth) (Butoxymethyl)-2-methoxyphenol, 9CI. (deriv, synth, pmr)
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(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)methylamine Kaga, H. et al., Synthesis , 1989, 864-866 zyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-4-chromanone

(Nordihydrocapsaicin, Homodihydrocapsaicin, C18H18O6 330.337
synth, ir) Powder. Mp 183-1858. [a]25 D -74.7 (c,
CH2NH2 Kaga, H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1996, 52, 8451-
8470 (Nordihydrocapsaicin, Homocapsaicin,
0.39 in MeOH). lmax 214 (log e 4.38);
synth, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) 288 (log e 4.35) (MeOH).
3?,7-Di-Me ether:5-Hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxy-
OH 3-methoxybenzyl)-7-methoxy-4-chroma-
2-(3,4-Dihydroxybenzyl)-2,6- D-403
OH dihydroxy-3(2H )-benzofuranone C18H18O6 330.337
[38681-22-0] Oil. lmax 202 (log e 3.93); 288 (log e
C7H9NO2 139.154 2-[(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)methyl]-2,6-di- 3.56) (MeOH).
-CZ8725000 hydroxy-3(2H)-benzofuranone, 9CI. 2- 4?,5-Di-Me ether: [107585-73-9] 7-Hydro-
3-Me ether, N-(6-methyl-4E-heptenoyl): Benzyl-2,3?,4?,6-tetrahydroxycoumaran-3- xy-3-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzyl)-5-
[61229-09-2] N-[(4-Hydroxy-3-methox- one methoxy-4-chromanone
yphenyl)methyl]-6-methyl-4-heptena- C18H18O6 330.337
mide. Dinorcapsaicin. Nornorcapsaicin O Constit. of Muscari spp.. Powder.
C16H23NO3 277.363 4?,7-Di-Me ether:5-Hydroxy-3-(3-hydroxy-
Constit. of red pepper (Capsicum an- OH
nuum ). none
3-Me ether, N-octanoyl: [58493-47-3] N- C18H18O6 330.337
[(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)methy- Pale yellow cryst. Mp 115-1178. [a]D -36
l]octanamide, 9CI (c, 0.55 in MeOH). lmax 288 (log e 4.34)
C16H25NO3 279.378 OH (no solvent reported).
Constit. of red pepper (Capsicum an- OH
[96910-99-5, 120185-49-1]
nuum ).
C15H12O6 288.256 Adinolfi, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24,
3-Me ether, N-(7-methyloctanoyl): [28789-
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35-7] N-[(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphe- Bangani, V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 51,
nyl)methyl]-7-methyloctanamide, 9CI. Mp 1058.
947-951 (4?,7-di-Me ether)
Nordihydrocapsaicin 4?-Me ether:2,3?,6-Trihydroxy-4?-methoxy- Silayo, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 52, 947-
C17H27NO3 293.405 benzylcoumaranone 955
Isol. from the pungent principle of red C16H14O6 302.283
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D -1.2 (50% Me2CO aq.).
2?,4?-Dihydroxy-2-biphenyl- D-405
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[61229-08-1] King, H.G.C. et al., J.C.S. , 1961, 3231 (isol,
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[62356-06-3, 112375-60-7] N-[(4-Hydroxy-3- Ferreira, D. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1974, 1492
methoxyphenyl)methyl]-7-methyl-5-octe- (isol) OH
namide, 9CI. Norcapsaicin. 7-Methyl-N- Burger, A.P.N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22,
vanillyl-5-octenamide 2813 (isol) HO
C17H25NO3 291.389 Bezuidenhout, S.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988,
Isol. from the pungent principle of red 27, 2329 (isol) C13H10O4 230.22
pepper (Capsicum annuum ). Cryst. (Et2O/ Constit. of Trifolium repens (white clover)
hexane). Mp 42.5-448. 3-(3,4-Dihydroxybenzyl)-5,7- D-404 (isol. as the permethyl deriv.).
dihydroxy-4-chromanone Di-Me ether, Me ester: [116107-12-1]
3-Me ether, N-(9-methyldecanoyl):
[107585-71-7] C16H16O4 272.3
[20279-06-5] N-[(4-Hydroxy-3-methox-
3-[(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)methyl]-2,3-di- Straw-coloured microcryst. (MeOH).
hydro-5,7-dihydroxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4- Mp 144-1468.
9CI. Homodihydrocapsaicin
C19H31NO3 321.459 one Lactone: See 3-Hydroxy-6H -
Isol. from the pungent principle of red dibenzo[b,d ]pyran-6-one in The
pepper (Capsicum annuum ). Cryst. OH Combined Chemical Dictionary.
(Et2O/petrol). Mp 70-718. OH Ghosal, S. et al., J. Chem. Res., Synop. , 1988,
3-Me ether, N-(9-methyl-7E-decenoyl):
OH 196 (isol)
6 Ghosal, S. et al., Pure Appl. Chem. , 1990, 62,
[58493-48-4] 1285 (isol)
[62356-07-4, 112375-61-8] N-[(4-Hydroxy-3- HO O
namide, 9CI. Homocapsaicin. 9-Methyl-N- C16H14O6 302.283 3,4-Dihydroxy-1,10-bisabola- D-406
vanillyl-7-decenamide Oil. dien-9-one
C19H29NO3 319.443 5-Me ether: [107585-72-8] 3-(3,4-Dihy-
Isol. from the pungent principle of red droxybenzyl)-7-hydroxy-5-methoxy-4- H
pepper (Capsicum annuum ). Cryst, (Et2O/ chromanone
hexane). Mp 64.5-65.58. C17H16O6 316.31
Jentzsch, K. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1968, 99, Constit. of Muscari spp.. Vitreous solid. OH
661-663 (Homodihydrocapsaicin) [a]D -59 (c, 0.6 in MeOH). O
Kosuge, S. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1970, 34, 4?-Me ether: [107585-75-1] 5,7-Dihydroxy- OH
248-256 (Nordihydrocapsaicin, 3-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxybenzyl)-4-chro-
Jurenitsch, J. et al., Planta Med. , 1979, 36, 61-
manone. 3?-Hydroxy-3,9-dihydroeucomin
67 (N-Octanoylcapsaicin, Homocapsaicin) C17H16O6 316.31 (3α,4α)-form
Gannett, P.M. et al., J.O.C. , 1988, 53, 1064- From Muscari comosum (tassel hya-
1071; 6162 (Capsaicins, synth, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) cinth). Cryst. (CHCl3). Mp 140-1428 C15H24O3 252.353
(136-1388). [a]D -51 (c, 0.7 in MeOH). (3a,4a)-form [127214-85-1]
3?,4?-Di-Me ether:3-(3,4-Dimethoxyben- Bisacurone B

1,6-Dihydroxy-9H -carbazole-... / 3,14-Dihydroxycard-20(22)-... D-407  / D-410

Constit. of Curcuma xanthorrhiza (Java 3,14-Dihydroxycarda- D-408 3,15-Dihydroxycarda- D-409

turmeric). Oil. [a]D +9.5 (c, 0.89 in 4,20(22)-dienolide 16,20(22)-dienolide
(3a,4b)-form [120681-81-4]
Bisacurone O
Constit. of Curcuma xanthorrhiza (Java O
turmeric). Oil. [a]D -19.2 (c, 0.15 in
MeOH). lmax 239 (e 8000) (MeOH)
1a,2a-Epoxide: [127214-83-9] 1,2-Epoxy- H H
3,4-dihydroxy-10-bisabolen-9-one. Bisa-
curone epoxide OH OH
Constit. of Curcuma xanthorrhiza (Java HO
turmeric). Oil. [a]D -11.6 (c, 0.61 in
C23H32O4 372.503
3-Me ether:4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-2,10-bi- C23H32O4 372.503
saboladien-9-one (3b,5b,15j)-form
C16H26O3 266.38 Neriantogenin
Mp 207-2158. [a]23 D +105 (c, 1.38 in
Hydrol. prod. from Convallaria majalis.
Constit. of Curcuma xanthorrhiza (Java
CHCl3). Convallaria majalis is banned by the FDA
turmeric). Viscous oil. [a]D -7.4 (c, 0.11
(3b,14b)-form [1778-88-7]
in MeOH). from food use in the USA. Cryst. (EtOH).
Canarigenin. Canariengenin
(3b,4a)-form [127214-86-2] Mp 255-2598.
Cryst. (Me2CO/hexane). Mp 260-2628.
Bisacurone C 3-O-L-Oleandroside:Neriantin
D +59 (CHCl3). Stated not to be
Constit. of Curcuma xanthorrhiza (Java C30H44O7 516.673
identical with Canarygenin, Mp. 207-
turmeric). Oil. [a]D -24.8 (c, 0.37 in Cryst. (MeOH/CHCl3). Mp 206-2088.
2088, which was isol. from the same
MeOH). [a]D 0 (CHCl3).
plant (A. González et al , 1956) and
(3b,4b)-form [127214-84-0] Tschesche, R. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1955, 88, 511
assigned the same gross struct..
Bisacurone A (isol)
Constit. of Curcuma xanthorrhiza (Java 3-O-a-L-Rhamnopyranoside: [35536-76-6]
turmeric). Oil. [a]D -35.9 (c, 0.9 in Corchoroside B
MeOH). C29H42O8 518.646 3,14-Dihydroxycard-20(22)- D-410
Uehara, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1989, 37,
Constit. of Corchorus olitorius (Jew’s enolide
237; 1990, 38, 261 (isol, cryst struct, abs mallow). Cryst. Mp 222-2248. [a]20D -68.
config) -FH4450000 O
Ohshiro, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 3-(3-O-Methyl-L-rhamnoside): [20248-01-
2201-2205 (Me ether) 5] Acofrioside L
C30H44O8 532.673
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 248-2538. [a]17 D - (3α,5α,14α,17β)-form
54.1 (MeOH). OH
1,6-Dihydroxy-9H -carbazole- D-407 3-O-(2,6-Dideoxy-b-D-ribo-hexopyranosi- HO
3-carboxaldehyde de):Canaridigitoxoside. Canarigenin 3-
3-Formyl-1,6-dihydroxycarbazole digitoxoside C23H34O4 374.519
C29H42O7 502.647
Prismatic plates (MeOH/Et2O); needles
HO CHO (3b,5a,14b,17b)-form [466-09-1]
+ 1=2H2O (Me2CO/Et2O). Mp 135-1428
Uzarigenin. Odorigenin B
(plates) Mp 190-2018 (hydrate). [a]D -
N Cryst. (MeOH/CH2Cl2). Mp 246-2498.
OH 11.4 (CHCl3).
[a]D +14 (CHCl3). Log P 2.48 (uncer-
H 3-O-(2,6-Dideoxy-xylo-hexopyranoside):- tain value) (calc). lmax 217 (e 19500)
Canariboivinoside (MeOH) (Berdy).
C13H9NO3 227.219 C29H42O7 502.647 -YV1950000
Di-Me ether: [132922-59-9] 1,6-Di- Needles (MeOH aq.). Mp 192-1968. 3-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L-
methoxy-9H-carbazole-3-carboxalde- [a]21
D -10 (c, 0.65 in CHCl3). rhamnopyranoside]: [255861-29-1]
hyde, 9CI. 3-Formyl-1,6-dimethoxy-9H- 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-6- C34H52O12 652.778
carbazole deoxy-b-D-allopyranoside]: [229319-08- Constit. of Tamarindus indica
C15H13NO3 255.273 8] (tamarind).
Alkaloid from the roots of Clausena C35H52O13 680.788 (3b,5b,14b,17b)-form [143-62-4]
lansium (wampee). Prisms (Me2CO/ Constit. of Corchorus olitorius (Jew’s Digitoxigenin. Thevetigenin. Cerberigen-
hexane). Mp 231-2338. mallow). in. Echujetin
Carboxylic acid, 6-Me ether, Me ester: Tschesche, R. et al., Annalen , 1963, 663, 157 Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 2538. [a]17D +19.1
(Canariboivinoside) (c, 1.4 in MeOH).
[186002-62-0] 3-Carbomethoxy-1-hydro-
Studer, P. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1963, 46, 23 -LD50 (mus, orl) 26.2 mg/kg.
xy-6-methoxycarbazole. Clausine G (3-Epicanarigenin, Canaridigitoxoside)
C15H13NO4 271.272 Hauschild-Rogat, P. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta ,
Granules (Me2CO). Mp >2808 lmax 224 1967, 50, 2299 (deriv) hexopyranoside): [57361-72-5] Desglu-
; 272 ; 282 ; 316 (sh) ; 353 (sh) (MeOH). Albrecht, H.P. et al., Annalen , 1975, 2211 cocoroloside. Digitoxigenin boivinoside.
Li, W.-S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, 343 (synth) Deglucocoroloside
(isol, deriv) Kamano, Y. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1975, 1972 C29H44O7 504.662
Wu, T.-S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 43, 1427- (synth) From Corchorus olitorius (Jew’s mal-
Rao, D.V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14, 533 low). Cryst. Mp 190-1928. [a]20
1429 (Clausine G) D -22.9 (c,
(deriv) 1.66 in MeOH).
Goda, Y. et al., Tennen Yuki Kagobutsu
Toronkai Koen Yoshishu , 1998, 40, 371-376; 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
CA , 131, 85493j (Corchorus olitorius constit) rhamnopyranoside]: [79435-42-0] Evo-
C35H54O13 682.804

1,3-Dihydroxy-12,15-cassadien-... / 6-O -(3,4-Dihydroxycinnamoyl)glucose D-411 / D-417

Constit. of the seeds of Descurainia C15H12O3 240.258 Fieser, L.F. et al., Steroids , Reinhold, N.Y.,
sophia (flixweed). Needles. Mp 228- Constit. of the fruit of Litchi chinensis 1959, (rev)
2308. lmax 267 (MeOH). (lychee). Danielsson, H. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1963, 238,
3846 (isol)
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-2,6- Jaiswal, B.P. et al., Indian J. Exp. Biol. , 1987, 25, Chang, F.C. et al., J.O.C. , 1965, 30, 1718 (synth)
dideoxy-xylo-hexopyranoside]: [57361- 66 (occur) Leibfritz, D. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1973, 95, 4996
71-4] Coroloside (cmr)
C35H54O12 666.804 Inoue, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1974, 22,
Constit. of Corchorus olitorius (Jew’s 2?,5?-Dihydroxychalcone, 8CI D-413 1949 (ms)
mallow). Cryst. Mp 235-2378. [a]20 [19312-13-1] Coiro, V.M. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1979, 35, 2941
D -46.7
1-(2,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)-3-phenyl-2-pro- (cryst struct)
Iida, T. et al., J. Lipid Res. , 1985, 26, 874 (synth)
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- pen-1-one. 2,5-Dihydroxyphenyl styryl ke- Limmatvapirat, S. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1997,
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-2,6-dideoxy-b- tone 53, 803-805 (cryst struct)
D-ribo-hexopyranoside]: [220710-06-5] Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
C41H64O17 828.946 OH O Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 790-791
Constit. of Corchorus olitorius (Jew’s Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
mallow). Amorph. powder. [a]22 D -1.3 (c, 2'
3' 1' Reinhold , 1992, DAQ400
0.4 in MeOH). 4' 6'
[17598-65-1] Ph 3,26-Dihydroxycholest-5-ene- D-416
Maslennikova, V.A. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , OH 16,22-dione
1975, 11, 525-526; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl.
Transl.) , 1975, 11, 553-554 (Corolosides) C15H12O3 240.258
Chen, Y.-Q. et al., Yao Hsueh Hsueh Pao , 1981, O
Antioxidant for edible oils and fats. Red
16, 62-64; CA , 95, 209447 (Evobioside) CH2OH
Nakamura, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49,
needles (C6H6). Mp 1708 Mp 2158.
2097-2101 (Coroloside, Glucoevatromonoside, Obara, H. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1969,
Deglucocoroloside, Evatromonoside, pmr, cmr) H O (3β,25R)-form
42, 560 (synth, ir, uv)
Goda, Y. et al., Tennen Yuki Kagobutsu
Toronkai Koen Yoshishu , 1998, 40, 371-376;
CA , 131, 85493j (Corchorus olitorius constit) 3?,4?-Dihydroxychalcone, 8CI D-414
Yadava, R.N. et al., Fitoterapia , 1999, 70, 284-
[88596-30-9] C27H42O4 430.626
286 (Evobioside)
Yadava, R.N. et al., J. Asian Nat. Prod. Res. , [88191-20-2] (3b,25R )-form [468-99-5]
1999, 1, 245-249 (Tamarindus indica constit) 1-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-3-phenyl-2-pro- Cryptogenin. Kryptogenin
pen-1-one, 9CI. 3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl styryl Constit. of Balanites aegyptiaca (soap-
ketone berry tree fruits). Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp
1,3-Dihydroxy-12,15-cassa- D-411
dien-11-one C15H12O3 240.258 (3b,25S )-form [64161-55-3]
Antioxidant for edible oils and fats. Yellow Barogenin
O needles. Mp 1878. pKa 8.2. Isol. from Solanum tuberosum (potato).
HO Needles (Me2CO). Mp 196-1998. [a]18
H Klinke, P. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1961, 94, 26 (synth, D -
uv) 88.8 (c, 0.36 in CHCl3).
Marker, R.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1947, 69, 2167
HO 3,12-Dihydroxycholan-24-oic D-415 Takeda, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1965, 13,
acid 691
Kessar, S.V. et al., Tetrahedron , 1968, 24, 899
C20H30O3 318.455 (synth)
HO Faul, W.H. et al., J.O.C. , 1970, 35, 2571 (pmr)
(1b,3b)-form [166547-23-5]
COOH Kaneko, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, 791
Phytocassane C (Barogenin)
Phytoalexin from Oryza sativa (rice). Kadkade, P.G. et al., Biochem. Physiol. Pflanz. ,
Gum. lmax 274 (MeOH) (Berdy). 1979, 34, 357 (isol)
3-Ketone: [181524-78-7] 1-Hydroxy-12,15- (3α,5α,12α)-form
cassadiene-3,11-dione. Phytocassane E H 6-O -(3,4-Dihydroxycinna- D-417
C20H28O3 316.439 moyl)glucose
Phytoalexin from Oryza sativa (rice). C24H40O4 392.578
Gum. lmax 273 (EtOH). [10066-92-9]
(3a,5b,12a)-form [83-44-3] 6-O-Caffeoylglucose
Koga, J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1995, 51, 7907-7918
(isol, pmr, cmr) [302-95-4]
Koga, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 44, 249- Deoxycholic acid. Choleic acid. Cholorebic HO
253 (Phytocassane E) acid. Droxolan. Pyrochol. Septochol
Emulsifying agent used in foods. Cryst.
(EtOH). Mp 187-1898. [a]19 D +47.7 (c, 1.7
2,4-Dihydroxychalcone D-412 in dioxan). [a]D +53 (CHCl3). Log P 4.47 O OH
[92496-59-8] (uncertain value) (calc). Adduct with
menthol is marketed as Degalol. OH
3-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-1-phenyl-2-pro- HO β-D-Pyranose-form
pen-1-one -LD50 (rat, orl) 1000 mg/kg. LD50 (mus, OH
orl) 1000 mg/kg. FZ2100000
O Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, C15H18O9 342.302
2, 1056D (ir) b-D-Pyranose-form
Ph Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Spectra , 1992, 3, 593A (nmr)
3?-Me ether, 2,3,4-trihydroxy-3-methylbutyl
OH glycoside: [257939-69-8]
Reichstein, T. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1942, 25,
797 (synth) C21H30O12 474.461
Bergström, S. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1953, Constit. of sage (Salvia officinalis ) leaf.
OH 7, 481 (synth) Powder.

3,23-Dihydroxycycloart-24-...  / 2,3-Dihydroxy-4-decynoic acid D-418 
/ D-424

[114297-66-4] 2,3-Dihydroxy-2,4-cyclopenta- D-420 C30H50O3 458.723

Wang, M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2000, 48, dien-1-one, 9CI (20S,24E )-form [99891-80-2]
235-238 (Me ether trihydroxymethylbutyl [124902-00-7] Constit. of Mangifera indica (mango).
glycoside) Cryst. (C6H6/hexane). Mp 116-1188.
D +30.6 (c, 0.6 in CHCl3).
Anjaneyulu, V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24,
OH 2359
3,23-Dihydroxycycloart-24- D-418 OH
en-26-oic acid
COOH 5,10-Dihydroxy-8-daucen-2- D-423
C5H4O3 112.085 one
OH Constit. of the seeds of Trifolium repens 1,6-Dihydroxy-2-caroten-9-one
H (white clover). Powder. Sol. MeOH, hex-
ane; poorly sol. H2O. Mp 2088 dec. lmax OH
218 (e 2440); 258 (e 3400) (MeOH) O
HO (Berdy). 10

Di-Me ether:2,3-Dimethoxy-2,4-cyclopen- 5
C30H48O4 472.707 tadien-1-one
C7H8O3 140.138 HO
(3b,23j)-form [123563-63-3]
Constit. of Mangifera indica (mango). Mp 123-1258.
Cryst. (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 279-2818. Nakatani, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,
2499 (isol)
C15H24O3 252.353
D +49 (c, 0.52 in MeOH).
1,4-Dihydroxy-2-cyclopen- D-421 10-Ac: [94595-16-1]
26-oic acid
tene-1-carboxylic acid C17H26O4 294.39
C30H46O4 470.691
Cryst. (CHCl3/hexane). Mp 129-1308.
Constit. of Mangifera indica (mango).
D -232.5 (c, 2.37 in CHCl3).
23-Epimer: HO COOH (5b,10a)-form [87860-27-3] Siol
C30H48O4 472.707
1 10-Ac:Siol acetate
Constit. of Mangifera indica (mango). (1R,4R)-form C17H26O4 294.39
Cryst. (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 240-2428. 4
Cryst. Mp 130-1318. [a]20D -252 (c, 0.28
lmax 218 (EtOH). HO in CHCl3).
Anjaneyulu, V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,
1471 10-Angeloyl: [11053-21-7] Vaginatin$.
C6H8O4 144.127 Crispane
Anjaneyulu, V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 50,
1229-1236 (23-epimer, 3-ketone) (1S,4S )-form C20H30O4 334.455
Nitrile, 1-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [34323- Constit. of Petroselinum crispum (pars-
07-4] Tetraphyllin B. Barterin ley). Cryst. (petrol). Mp 77-788 (68-698).
Isol. from dried damiana leaves (Turn- [a]D -266.7 (c, 4.32 in CHCl3). Struct. of
3,27-Dihydroxycycloart-24- D-419 era diffusa ). Needles (MeOH/EtOAc). Crispane revised in 1998.
en-26-oic acid Mp 169-1708. [a]26D -75 (c, 0.5 in 10-(4-Methoxybenzoyl): [104758-20-5]
MeOH). [a]25 D -35.6 (c, 1 in H2O). Fercomin
COOH Nitrile, 1-O-b-glucopyranoside, 4-O- C23H30O5 386.487
sulfate: [85758-30-1] Tetraphyllin B sul- Cryst. (Et2O/hexane). Mp 130-1328.
CH2OH lmax 261 (e 11000) (MeOH) (Derep).
C12H17NO10S 367.333 [87746-59-6]
Isol. from Passiflora caerulea (blue
HO Casinovi, C.G. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem.
(3α,24E)-form passion flower) and other Passiflora
Comm. , 1983, 48, 2411 (cryst struct, Siol
spp.. Glassy syrup. acetate)
C30H48O4 472.707 [85758-31-2, 85799-11-7, 97564-59-5, 99694-23- Pandita, K. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
(3a,24E )-form [123563-64-4] 2, 109906-27-6, 121783-15-1, 133576-30-4] 1984, 23, 956
Appendino, G. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1986,
27-Hydroxyisomangiferolic acid Russell, G.B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1971, 10, 1363 (Vaginatin)
Constit. of Mangifera indica (mango). 1373 (Tetraphyllin B) Miski, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, 1673
Cryst. (C6H6/EtOAc). Mp 207-2098. Spencer, K.C. et al., Planta Med. , 1981, 43, 175- (Vaginatin, Fercomin)
D +21.5 (c, 0.8 in CHCl3).
178 (Tetraphyllin B) Spraul, M.H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31,
(3b,24E )-form [17983-82-3] Siegler, D.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, 3109 (Crispane)
2277 (Tetraphyllin B sulfate) Appendino, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49,
27-Hydroxymangiferolic acid Jaroszewski, J.W. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., Ser.
Constit. of the stem bark of Mangifera 1719-1722 (Crispane, struct)
B , 1987, 41, 410 (Volkenin, Tetraphyllin B)
indica (mango). Mp 201-2048. [a]D +39
(c, 0.4 in CHCl3).
Corsano, S. et al., Ann. Chim. (Rome) , 1967,
20,26-Dihydroxy-24-damma- D-422
57, 508-521 ren-3-one 2,3-Dihydroxy-4-decynoic D-424
Anjaneyulu, V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, 3-Keto-24-dammarene-20,26-diol acid
1471-1477 (isol) Matsutakic acid A
Sharma, S.K. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , 1995, HO H3C(CH2)4C/
72, 339-342 (isol) CH 2 OH / CCH(OH)CH(OH)COOH
H H C10H16O4 200.234
Isol. from the fungus Laetiporus sulphur-
eus var. miniatus. Amorph. powder. [a]D -
13.2 (c, 0.7 in MeOH).
O Yoshikawa, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2001,
49, 327-329

1,2-Dihydroxydibenz[cd ,f ]indol-... / 3?,7-Dihydroxy-2?,4?-dimethoxyisoflavan D-425  / D-429

1,2-Dihydroxydibenz[cd ,f ]in- D-425 C20H24O5 344.407 C20H24O5 344.407

dol-4(5H )-one, 9CI A common lignan various stereoisomers The recently descr. Shonanin appears to be
of which have been repeatedly isol. identical to prev. known isolates.Prisms,
O under different names. The abs. configs. cryst. (EtOAc/hexane). Mp 116-1178
require clarification however. (136-1378). [a]25
D -52.2 (c, 1.4 in THF).
2 (7R +,7?R +,8R +,8?R +)-form [112652-46-7] 4-O-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamoyl)(E-
1 N H (2a,3b,4a,5b)-form. Fragransin A2 ): [96917-11-2] Divanillyltetrahydrofuran
HO Isol. from arils of Myristica fragrans ferulate
(nutmeg). Cryst. Mp 200-2028. [a]D +79 C30H32O8 520.578
(CHCl3). Constit. of Diospyros kaki (Japanese
(7R +,7?R +,8R +,8?S +)-form [114422-21-8] persimmon). Needles (EtOAc). Mp 184-
(2a,3a,4a,5b)-form. Machilin I. 3,3?- 1858. [a]25
D -58.3 (c, 0.1 in THF). lmax
Dimethoxylarreatricin 233 (log e 4.3); 290 (log e 4.2); 327 (log e
C15H9NO3 251.241 Gum or oil. [a]25
D -93 (c, 0.13 in CHCl3). 4.3) (MeOH).
CAS numbering shown. Alternative CD [u]203 +10,600.
[15429-99-9, 29388-32-7, 29388-33-8]
(phenanthrene) numbering frequently (7R +,7?S +,8R +,8?R +)-form [83198-63-4]
(2a,3a,4b,5a)-form. Verrucosin. Epima- Freudenberg, K. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1957, 90,
encountered, in which 1,2- are 4,3- 2857
respectively. chilin A
Oil. [a]22 Lapteva, K.I. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1971,
D +38 (c, 0.25 in CHCl3). Props.
2-Me ether: [112501-42-5] 1-Hydroxy-2- refer to Verrucosin. Epimachilin A 7, 829; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
methoxydibenz[cd,f]indol-4(5H)-one, 1971, 7, 802 (isol)
incompletely characterised. Modonova, L.D. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. ,
9CI. Piperolactam A. Aristolactam F1 (7R +,7?S +,8R +,8?S +)-form [74683-16-2]
C16H11NO3 265.268 1972, 8, 165; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl.
(2a,3b,4b,5a)-form. Malabaricanol. Transl.) , 1972, 8, 170 (isol)
Alkaloid from roots of Piper longum Tetrahydrofuroguaiacin A. Calophyllin. Leont’eva, V.G. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1974,
(long pepper). Cryst. (C6H6/MeOH). Nectandrin B 10, 399; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
Mp 303-3068 dec. (271-2738). Isol. from Myristica fragrans. Oil. Opt. 1974, 10, 399 (isol)
Achari, B. et al., Heterocycles , 1982, 19, 1203 inactive (meso -). Luedemann, H.D. et al., Makromol. Chem. ,
(occur) 1974, 175, 2393 (cmr)
(7R +,7?S +,8S +,8?R +)-form [131829-51-1]
Priestap, H.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, Matsuura, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24,
849 (pmr, cmr)
(2a,3a,4a,5a)-form. Tetrahydrofuro- 626-628 (ferulate)
Sun, N.J. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , ‘, 1987, 50, 843 guaiacin B. Isonectandrin B Fang, J.-M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,
(Piperolactam A) Opt. inactive (meso -). 3553 (isol, pmr, cmr, cryst struct)
Desai, S.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 1511 [128524-98-1] Daugan, H. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1991, 54, 110
(Piperolactam A) (synth)
Wu, T.-S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2000, 48, Hughes, G.K. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1954, 7, 104 Pan, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 39, 1425
1006-1009 (activity) (isol) (isol, pmr, cmr)
Chia, Y.-C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2000, 63, 1160- Blears, J.G. et al., J.C.S. , 1958, 1985 (synth)
1163 (isol, activity) Birch, A.J. et al., J.C.S. , 1958, 4471
(stereochem) 3?,7-Dihydroxy-2?,4?-di- D-429
King, F.E. et al., J.C.S. , 1964, 4011 (isol, struct) methoxyisoflavan
4,4?-Dihydroxy-5,5?-diisopro- D-426 Sarkanen, K.V. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1973,
1869 (synth) [27213-18-9]
pyl-2,2?-dimethyl-3,6-biphenyldione Le Quesne, P.W. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1980, 43, 3,4-Dihydro-3-(3-hydroxy-2,4-dimethoxy-
[120866-14-0] 353 (Machilin I) phenyl)-2H-1-benzopyran-7-ol, 9CI. Mu-
Dias, A. de F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, cronulatol
1137 (Verrucosin)
O Puroshothaman, K.K. et al., Indian J. Chem.,
Sect. B , 1984, 23, 46 (isol) OH
OH Hattori, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1987, MeO OMe
35, 3315 (Fragransin A2)
Alvarez, V. et al., CA , 1988, 108, 183594
(Calophyllin) (R)-form
O Shimomura, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, HO
634 (Nectandrin B)
Konno, C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1990, 53, 396 C17H18O5 302.326
Schmeda-Hirschmann, G. (R )-form [57128-11-7]
C20H24O4 328.407 et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, 1731 Constit. of Pterocarpus soyauxii .
Constit. of the leaves of thyme Thymus (Epimachilin A) Cream-coloured cryst. (EtOH). Mp
vulgaris. Shows antioxidant activity. Red Herath, H.M.T.B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 147-1498. [a]D -18.5 (Me2CO).
semi-solid. Mp 678. [a]25
D -7.9 (c, 0.42 in
44, 699 (isol, pmr, cmr) (S )-form [20878-97-1]
CHCl3). Mp 1458.
Nakatani, N. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1989, 7-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [131749-60-5]
53; 1375 (isol, pmr, cmr) 4,4?-Dihydroxy-3,3?-di- D-428 C23H28O10 464.468
methoxy-9,9?-epoxylignan Cryst. Mp 167-1698.
(/9)-form [20878-98-2]
4,4?-Dihydroxy-3,3?-di- D-427 Isol. from Astragalus gummifer
methoxy-7,7?-epoxylignan (tragacanth). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 227-
lene)]bis[2-methoxyphenol], 9CI. a,a?-
4,4?-(Tetrahydro-3,4-dimethyl-2,5-furan- 2298.
diyl)bis[2-methoxyphenol], 9CI. Tetrahy- p-cresol], 8CI. Divanillyltetrahydrofuran. Braga de Oliveira, A. et al., Chem. Comm. ,
dro-2,5-bis(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)- Shonanin. Anhydrosecoisolariciresinol
1968, 1263 (struct)
3,4-dimethylfuran Gottlieb, O.R. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1968, 1265
(abs config)
MeO OMe Antus, S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1974, 305
8′ 8
7′ 7 (synth)
7′ 7
HO OH Gottlieb, O.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14,
O 1452 (isol, struct)
HO OH Relative Kurosawa, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17,
OMe OMe O con®guration 1405; 1423 (isol, abs config, ord)

5,7-Dihydroxy-2,6-dimethyl-...  / 6,11-Dihydroxy-2,2-dimethylpyrano[3,2-... D-430  / D-434

Ingham, J.L. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat. in Mitscher, L.A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1973, 36,
Prod. , 1983, 43, 1 (rev, occur) C23H26O12 494.451 422 (isol)
He, Z.Q. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1990, 25, 694- Mp 247-2498. [a]24 Joshi, B.S. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 1974,
D -63 (c, 0.74 in EtOH/
696 (7-glucoside) 12, 1033 (7-Me ether)
Sreenivasulu, B. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
Py). Struct. revised in 1992. Cannon, J.R. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1977, 30,
1998, 37, 1217-1218 (isol, pmr) 7-Me ether: [519-18-6] 5-Hydroxy-7-meth- 2099 (isol, bibl)
oxy-2,8-dimethyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4- Hiraoka, A. et al., Biochem. Syst. Ecol. , 1978,
one. Isoeugenitin 6, 171 (glucoside)
5,7-Dihydroxy-2,6-dimethyl- D-430
C12H12O4 220.224 Wollenweber, E. et al., CA , 1979, 91, 120332k
4H -1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI Constit. of Eugenia caryophyllata (isol)
[491-48-5] Hufford, C.D. et al., J.O.C. , 1981, 46, 3073
(clove). Golden needles. Mp 147.5-1488.
5,7-Dihydroxy-2,6-dimethylchromone. Eu- Di-Me ether: [211751-31-4] 5,7-Di- Tanrisever, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26,
genitol methoxy-2,8-dimethyl-4H-1-benzopyran- 175-179 (isol, pmr, cryst struct)
4-one, 9CI. Isoeugenitin methyl ether Kadota, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994, 42,
C13H14O4 234.251 1712 (Matteuorienate B)
Yellowish needles (C6H6/hexane) (syn-
5 4
thetic). Mp 173.5-174.58 (synthetic). 5,7-Dihydroxy-6,8-dimethyl- D-433
7 8 Originally given the incorrect isomeric flavone
1 2
HO O struct. 4,6-Dimethoxy-3,7-dimethylcou-
marin. [171439-53-5]
C11H10O4 206.198 Schmid, H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1949, 32,
1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI. Matteuorien
Constit. of the flowers of Eugenia caryo- 1358-1360; 1950, 33, 917-922; 1770-1772 (isol,
Isoeugenitin, synth)
phyllata (clove). Prisms (EtOH or
Huneck, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12, O
Me2CO). Mp 290-2928. 2497-2500 (Lobodirin) OH
7-O-(2-O-Acetyl-b-D-glucopyranoside): Huneck, S. et al., Z. Naturforsch., B , 1992, 47, H 3C
[39387-36-5] Mollin 449-451 (Lobodirin, struct, pmr, cmr)
Fudo, R. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. , HO Ph
C19H22O10 410.377
Mp 270-2718.
1997, 61, 183-184 (Isoeugenitin, uv, ir, pmr, CH 3 O
cmr, activity)
7-O-(2,6-Di-O-acetyl-b-D- Kalinin, A.V. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1998, 39, 4999-
glucopyranoside): [41666-57-3] Roccellin 5002 (Isoeugenitin methyl ether) C17H14O4 282.295
C21H24O11 452.414 Yellow powder. Mp 2908 (dec.).
Needles. Mp 206-2078. 5,7-Dihydroxy-6,8-dimethyl- D-432 7-Me ether: [14004-56-9] 5-Hydroxy-7-
7-Me ether: [480-12-6] 5-Hydroxy-7-meth- flavanone methoxy-6,8-dimethylflavone. Desmos-
oxy-2,6-dimethyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4- flavone
[27593-80-2] C18H16O4 296.322
one. Eugenitin 2,3-Dihydro-5,7-dihydroxy-6,8-dimethyl-2-
C12H12O4 220.224 Constit. of Leptospermum scoparium
phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI. De- (red tea). Yellow cryst. (Et2O). Mp 212-
From Eugenia caryophyllata (clove). methoxymatteucinol. Desmethoxymatteu-
Prisms (EtOH or Me2CO). Sol. MeOH. 2148.
cinol. 6,8-Dimethylpinocembrin
Mp 1628. 7-O-[6-O-(3-Hydroxy-3-methylglutaroyl)-
7-Me ether, 5-Ac: b-D-glucopyranoside]: [171439-54-6]
C14H14O5 262.262
O Matteuorienate C
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 176-1778. C29H32O13 588.564
H3C Light yellow powder. [a]D -54 (c, 0.1 in
Schmid, H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1949, 32,
813; 1950, 33, 917 (isol, synth) HO MeOH).
O Ph
Schönberg, A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1953, 75, 4992 H3C Mayer, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 1340
(synth) (isol, cmr, pmr, uv)
Mukerjee, S.K. et al., Proc. - Indian Acad. Sci., Wu, J. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1994, 5, 211
C17H16O4 284.311
Sect. A , 1953, 38, 207 (synth) (Desmosflavone)
Mukerjee, S.K. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , (S )-form [56297-79-1] Basnet, P. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1995, 59,
1955, 1009 Isol. from Eugenia javanica (Java apple). 1559 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Murata, A. et al., Bunseki Kagaku (Jpn. Anal.) , Pale-yellow needles (EtOH). Mp 202- Hauteville, M. et al., Annalen , 1996, 1217
1970, 119, 1346 (synth) 2048. [a]22
D -48 (c, 3.8 in Me2CO). (synth, pmr, cmr, ms)
Coombe, R.G. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1972, 25,
875 (isol) 7-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside:
Ito, T. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1980, 113, 343 C23H26O9 446.453 6,11-Dihydroxy-2,2-dimethyl- D-434
(detn, Ti) 5-Me ether: [83247-72-7] 7-Hydroxy-5- pyrano[3,2-c ]xanthen-7(2H )-one, 9CI
Sekita, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1980, 28, methoxy-6,8-dimethylflavanone [136364-53-9]
2428 (deriv) C18H18O4 298.338
Huneck, S. et al., Z. Naturforsch., B , 1992, 47,
Constit. of Eugenia javanica (Java ap-
449 (Roccellin, Mollin)
ple). Pale-yellow needles (MeOH). Mp
Sawada, S. et al., Bull. Kyoto Univ. Educ., Ser. OH
B , 2000, 95/96, 1-9; CA , 134, 113013j 207-2098.
(Eugenitin, isol, activity, struct) 7-Me ether: [55820-35-4] 5-Hydroxy-7-
methoxy-6,8-dimethylflavanone O
5,7-Dihydroxy-2,8-dimethyl- D-431 C18H18O4 298.338 OH
Cryst. (hexane). Mp 1308. O
4H -1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI
b-D-glucopyranoside]:Matteuorienate B
5,7-Dihydroxy-2,8-dimethylchromone. Iso-
C29H34O13 590.58 C18H14O5 310.306
Pale yellow amorph. solid. Constit. of the root bark of Garcinia
C11H10O4 206.198 livingstonei (imbe). Yellow solid. Mp 217-
[51621-50-2, 51621-52-4, 81703-17-5]
Present in Eugenia caryophyllata (clove). 2198. lmax 245 (e 28200); 280 (e 14800);
Mp 229-2308. Fujise, S. et al., Ber. , 1933, 66, 929; 1936, 69, 291 (e 15600); 330 (e 13800); 420 (e 4400)
1893 (synth, struct, resoln)
7-(2,3,6-Tri-O-acetyl-b-D- (MeOH) (Berdy).
Arakawa, H. et al., Annalen , 1960, 636, 114 (abs
glucopyranoside): [50816-68-7] Lobodir- config) Sordat-Diserens, I. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992,

/ 3,9-Dihydroxy-4,10-diprenylpterocarpan D-435 / D-442

31, 313 (isol, pmr, cmr) C30H44O6 500.674 4?,7-Dihydroxy-3?,8-diprenyl- D-440

(15a,23S,24E )-form [102607-22-7] flavanone
Ganolucidic acid D 2,3-Dihydro-7-hydroxy-2-[4-hydroxy-3-(3-
7,8-Dihydroxy-14,15-dinor- D-435
Metab. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi). methyl-2-butenyl)phenyl]-8-(3-methyl-2-
D +192 (c, 0.1 in EtOH). butenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI.
Nishitoba, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1986, Glabrol
O 50, 809; 1988, 52, 367

OH 3,6-Dihydroxy-4,5-diphenyl-2- D-438 HO
piperidinone O
C18H30O3 294.433 Ph OH
(7b,8a,11E )-form C25H28O4 392.494Log P 6.35 (uncertain
Sterebin D HO N O value) (calc).
Constit. of Stevia rebaudiana (stevia). lmax 286 (e 22500); 312 (e 11500) (EtOH)
Powder. [a]D +22.8 (c, 0.05 in MeOH). H (Berdy).
6a-Hydroxy: [107647-14-3] 6a,7b,8a-Tri- (S )-form [59870-65-4]
hydroxy-14,15-dinor-11-labden-13-one. C17H17NO3 283.326
Constit. of roots of Glycyrrhiza glabra
Sterebin A N-Me: [211504-98-2] 3,6-Dihydroxy-1- (licorice). Needles (MeOH aq.). Mp 908.
C18H30O4 310.433 methyl-4,5-diphenyl-2-piperidinone. Lan- [a]22
D -44.2 (c, 0.91 in MeOH).
Isol. from leaves of Stevia rebaudiana simide 3. Lansamide 3 Pharmacol. active isomer.
(stevia). Needles (Me2CO). Mp 157- C18H19NO3 297.353 3R-Hydroxy: [74148-41-7] 3-Hydroxyglab-
1588. [a]D +39.6 (c, 0.63 in Me2CO). Constit. of Clausena lansium (wampee). rol
6a-Acetoxy:Sterebin B Needles. Mp 236-2378. Racemic. It C25H28O5 408.493
C20H32O5 352.47 appears that this is a struct. revision for From Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice). Mp
Constit. of Stevia rebaudiana (stevia). the compound formerly assigned a 117-1198. [a]20
D -17.65 (c, 1.02 in CHCl3).
Powder. [a]D +15.9 (c, 0.11 in MeOH). pyrrolidinone struct. and isol. from a sp. lmax 282 (e 16600); 312 (e 8300)
6a-Hydroxy, 7-Ac:Sterebin C referred to as Clausena lansium . How- (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 247 (e 20000);
C20H32O5 352.47 ever this is not clear from the paper. See, 284 (e 11200); 338 (e 15800) (MeOH-
Constit. of Stevia rebaudiana (stevia). Lansimide 3, C-302. NAOH) (Berdy).
Powder. [a]D +34.8 (c, 0.07 in MeOH). N,O6-Di-Me: [211505-00-9] 3-Hydroxy-6- Saitoh, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1976, 24,
Oshima, Y. et al., Tetrahedron , 1986, 42, 6443 methoxy-1-methyl-4,5-diphenyl-2-piperi- 752 (isol, ir, pmr, uv, ms)
dinone. Lansimide 4. Lansamide 4 Mitscher, L.A. et al., Heterocycles , 1978, 9,
C19H21NO3 311.38 1533 (pmr, uv)
3,7-Dihydroxy-11,15-dioxola- D-436 Constit. of Clausena lansium (wampee). Birecka, H. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1980, 43, 259
Needles. Mp 187-1888. Racemic. (isol)
nosta-8,24-dien-26-oic acid Mizuno, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29,
Lakshmi, V. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 2738 (isol)
1998, 37, 422-424
O 3,9-Dihydroxy-2,10-diprenylp- D-441
2,3-Dihydroxy-1,3-diphenyl-1- D-439 [77263-06-0]
O propanone Erythrabyssin II
[82105-21-3, 82105-22-4, 153617-30-2]
1-Benzoyl-2-phenyl-1,2-ethanediol. a,b-Di-
C30H44O6 500.674 hydroxydihydrochalcone
(3b,7b,24E )-form [217476-76-1] PhCH(OH)CH(OH)COPh
Ganoderic acid b C15H14O3 242.274
Constit. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi). Constit. of peanut oil. O
Needles (EtOH/MeOH aq.). Mp 187-
Mukaiyama, T. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1982, 509-
1898. [a]D +60 (c, 0.1 in MeOH). lmax 512 (synth) H Absolute
215 (e 12590); 252 (e 6310) (MeOH) HO con®guration
Clerici, A. et al., J.O.C. , 1989, 54, 3872-3878 O
(Berdy). (synth)
Min, B.-S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998, 46, Traditional Chinese Medicines , (ed. Milne, C25H28O4 392.494
1607-1612 (isol, pmr, cmr) G.A.), Ashgate, 1999, 1963 Isol. from Phaseolus lunatus (butter bean).
Sol. MeOH, Et2O. lmax 220 (e 18000); 287
(e 8130) (MeOH) (Berdy).
15,23-Dihydroxy-3,11-dioxo- D-437
lanosta-8,24-dien-26-oic acid Kamat, V.S. et al., Heterocycles , 1981, 15, 1163
(isol, uv, pmr, struct, abs config)
O’Neill, M.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25,
COOH 1315 (isol)
Iinuma, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1992, 40,
O OH 2749 (isol)

OH 3,9-Dihydroxy-4,10-diprenylp- D-442
O terocarpan
H [119269-76-0]

6,8-Dihydroxy-1,7-diprenylxanthone-...  / 1,8-Dihydroxy-7(11)-eremophilen-... D-443  / D-450

6a,11a-Dihydro-4,10-bis(3-methyl-2-bute- (3j,10R )-form 1979, 15, 500 (config)

nyl)-6H-benzofuro[3,2-c][1]benzopyran- Kadyrov, A.Sh. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1974,
10-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, Me ester: 10, 400; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
3,9-diol, 9CI. Erybraedin A [152141-43-0] 1974, 10, 401
C25H28O4 392.494 C19H26O9 398.409 Borisov, V.N. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1974,
Isol. from Phaseolus lunatus (butter bean). Constit. of Helianthus tuberosus 10, 515; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
Cryst. (CH2Cl2/hexane). Mp 69-718. [a]25D -
(Jerusalem artichoke). Amorph. solid. 1974, 10, 519
40.67 (c, 0.5 in MeOH). [a]23
D -98 (c, 0.2 in MeOH). Kuliev, Z.A. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1977,
Matsuura, H. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., 13, 477; 1978, 14, 322; Chem. Nat. Compd.
O’Neill, M.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, (Engl. Transl.) , 1978, 14, 267
Biochem. , 1993, 57, 1492
1315 (isol, pmr, cmr) Graf, E. et al., Planta Med. , 1985, 428
Mitscher, L.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27,
3449; 1989, 28, 1789 (isol, pmr, cmr) O -(3,8-Dihydroxydriman-11- D-446 10,20-Dihydroxyeicosanoic D-448
yl)umbelliferone acid
6,8-Dihydroxy-1,7-diprenyl- D-443 [28699-16-3] [120727-26-6]
xanthone-2-carboxylic acid Samarkandin
6,8-Dihydroxy-1,7-bis(3-methyl-2-bute- HOCH2(CH2)9CH(OH)(CH2)8COOH
nyl)-9-oxo-9H-xanthene-2-carboxylic acid C20H40O4 344.534
Isol. from the leaf cutin of Limonia
O O O acidissima (wood apple).
OH Das, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, 509-511
(3′β,5′ β,8′ βOH,9′α,10′α)-form (isol)
COOH 3,11-Dihydroxy-6,9-eremophi- D-449
C24H32O5 400.514 ladien-8-one
HO O (3?a,5?b,8?aOH ,9?a,10?a)-form [61490-17-3]
Nevskin. Episamarcandin O
C24H24O6 408.45 Constit. of Ferula assa-foetida (asafoe-
Constit. of the fruit hulls of Garcinia tida). Cryst. Mp 193-1948. [a]26
D -79 (Py).
mangostana (mangosteen). Mp 204-2068. HO
3?-O-Ac: [61490-18-4] 3-O-Acetylepisa- OH
Gopalakrishnan, G. et al., Fitoterapia , 2000, 71, marcandin
607-609 C26H34O6 442.551 C15H22O3 250.337
Isol. from Ferula assa-foetida (asafoeti-
3a-form [19887-91-3]
da). Orange oil.
3,10-Dihydroxy-4,11-dodeca- D-444 Petasitol
Bagirov, V.Y. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1976, Cryst. (EtOAc/petrol). Mp 110-1138.
diene-6,8-diynoic acid 12, 450; 1978, 14, 652; Chem. Nat. Compd.
[152340-31-3] (Engl. Transl.) , 1976, 12, 397; 1978, 14, 562
D -1.2 (c, 1.1 in CHCl3).

Helianthenic acid E (Nevskin, Nevskone) 3-Angeloyl: [19887-90-2] Petasitin

Nassar, M.I. et al., Fitoterapia , 1998, 69, 41-42 C20H28O4 332.439
(3?-Acetylsamarcandin, 3?- Constit. of Petasites japonicus (sweet
OH Acetylepisamarcandin) coltsfoot). Oil. [a]22
D -26.
COOH 3-(3-Methylthio-2-propenoyl) (Z-):
O -(3,6-Dihydroxy-7-drimen- D-447 [211691-00-8] S-Petasitin
11-yl)umbelliferone C19H26O4S 350.478
Needles (EtOH). Mp 143-1448. [a]25 D -15
(c, 1 in MeOH). lmax 240 (log e 4.43)
OH (MeOH).
C12H12O4 220.224 Takagi, I. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1977, 50,
O O O 3320
(3j,4E ,10R )-form Lin, Y.-L. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 887-890
10-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, Me ester: (S-Petasitin)
C19H24O9 396.393 3′ 1,8-Dihydroxy-7(11)-eremo- D-450
Constit. of Helianthus tuberosus HO
(Jerusalem artichoke). Amorph. solid.
D -166 (c, 0.02 in MeOH).
Matsuura, H. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., HO
Biochem. , 1993, 57, 1492 (3′α,5′β,6′ α,9′α,10′α)-form H OH
1 O
C24H30O5 398.498 O
3,10-Dihydroxy-11-dodecene- D-445
(3?j,5?a,9?j,10?b)-form (1β,8αOH)-form
6,8-diynoic acid
[152340-29-9] 6?-Ketone:
Helianthenic acid C C24H28O5 396.482
C15H22O4 266.336
Constit. of Ferula galbaniflua
(galbanum). Cryst. Mp 93-948. (4a,5a,8bOH ,10b)-form
OH 1-Ketone: [35481-83-5] ent-8a-Hydroxy-1-
3?-Deoxy, 6?-ketone:
COOH C24H28O4 380.483 oxo-7(11)-eremophilen-12,8-olide. Is-
Constit. of Ferula galbaniflua tanbulin A
(galbanum). Cryst. Mp 1578. C15H20O4 264.321
Vandyshev, V.V. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. ,
Isol. from Smyrnium olusatrum (alex-
1972, 8, 669; 670; 1974, 10, 658; 1975, 11, 420; anders). Cryst. Mp 2468. [a]20
D +81.5
OH 1978, 14, 707; 1979, 15, 574; Chem. Nat. (MeOH). lmax 285 (e 158) (MeOH)
Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , 1972, 8, 653; 654; (Berdy). lmax 221 (log e 4.16); 285 (log e
C12H14O4 222.24 1974, 10, 670; 1975, 11, 432; 1978, 14, 601; 2.2) (EtOH).

3,6-Dihydroxy-7(11)-eremophilen-... / 1,5-Dihydroxy-4(15),11(13)-... D-451  / D-455

Ulubelen, A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1971, 12, 4455- coltsfoot). Oil. [a]20
D +90.4 (c, 0.2 in C15H20O4 264.321
4456 (Istanbulin A) CHCl3). lmax 222 (log e 4.2) (MeOH). Cryst. (petrol). Mp 216-2188.
Budĕs̆inský, M. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. (3b,6b,8b,10b)-form
Comm. , 1984, 49, 1311-1317 (abs config, [65349-94-2]
Istanbulin A) 6-(3-Chloro-2-hydroxy-2-methylbutanoyl):
Moriyama, Y. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. ,
Dupré, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, 1211- [171422-90-5] 1976, 49, 3196-3199 (6b,8bOH-form)
1220 (isol, pmr) C20H29ClO6 400.898 Sugama, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24,
Constit. of Petasites japonicus (sweet 1531-1535 (8-Me ether)
coltsfoot). Oil. [a]21
D -55.6 (c, 0.1 in Wang, W.S. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1999, 10,
3,6-Dihydroxy-7(11)-eremo- D-451 CHCl3). 571-572 (6-Me ether, 6-ketone)
philen-12,8-olide 6-(2,3-Epoxy-2-methylbutanoyl): [171422- Fu, B. et al., Pharmazie, 1999, 54, 620-624
(Ligusongaricanolide A)
H H C20H28O6 364.438
O 11,12-Dihydroxy-1(10)eremo- D-453
O (3β,6α,8β,10β)-form
Constit. of Petasites japonicus (sweet
6 coltsfoot). Oil. [a]20
D -96.2 (c, 0.05 in
Sugama, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, O
1531 (isol, pmr, cmr)
C15H22O4 266.336 Yaoita, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1992, 40, CH 2OH
(3b,6a,8b,10b)-form 3277; 1994, 42, 1944; 1995, 43, 1738 (isol, pmr,
6-Angeloyl, 3-(3-methylsulfinyl-2- cmr) OH
Yaoita, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1996, 44,
propenoyl)(R,E-): [182127-79-3] Ere-
1731 (Eremosulphoxinolides)
mosulphoxinolide A Yaoita, Y. et al., Nat. Med. (Tokyo) , 1997, 51,
C15H24O3 252.353
C24H32O7S 464.579 372-375; CA , 128, 32374c (isol, pmr, cmr) (11j)-form
Constit. of Petasites japonicus (sweet Urodiolenone
coltsfoot). Pale yellow oil. [a]24
D -13.2 (c, Found in grapefruit. Oil.
0.4 in CHCl3). 6,8-Dihydroxy-7(11)-eremo- D-452
Chayen, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 369
6-Angeloyl, 3-(3-methylsulfinyl-2-
propenoyl)(S,E-): [182266-16-6] Ere- 1,3-Dihydroxy-4,11(13)-eu- D-454
mosulphoxinolide B H OH desmadien-12,6-olide
C24H32O7S 464.579 O
Constit. of Petasites japonicus (sweet O
coltsfoot). Pale yellow oil. [a]24 OH
D -77.6 (c, 6
0.5 in CHCl3). (6β,8αOH)-form 1

6-Me ether: [171595-26-9] 3-Hydroxy-6- OH 3 (1α,3α,6α)-form

methoxy-7(11)-eremophilen-12,8-olide HO
C16H24O4 280.363 C15H22O4 266.336 O
Constit. of Petasites japonicus (sweet (6b,8aOH )-form [98204-90-1] O
coltsfoot). Oil. [a]26
D -54.4 (c, 0.2 in Constit. of Petasites japonicus (sweet
CHCl3). coltsfoot). C15H20O4 264.321
(3b,6b,8b,10b)-form Di-Ac: (1b,3b,6a)-form [293313-26-5]
6-Angeloyl: [149475-45-6] Cryst. (EtOAc/hexane). Mp 150-1518. 3-Epiarmefolin
C20H28O5 348.438 [a]D -103 (c, 0.52 in CHCl3). Constit. of Tanacetum vulgare (tansy).
Constit. of Petasites japonicus (sweet 6-Angeloyl: [244779-32-6] Ligusongarica- Todorova, M. et al., Dokl. Bolg. Akad. Nauk ,
coltsfoot). Gum. [a]22 D -100.3 (c, 3 in nolide A 1999, 52, 41-44; CA , 133, 235127a (3-
CHCl3). Epiarmefolin)
C20H28O5 348.438
6-Tigloyl: [149475-46-7] Needles. Mp 182-1838. [a]D -89.9 (c,
C20H28O5 348.438 0.63 in CHCl3). 1,5-Dihydroxy-4(15),11(13)- D-455
Constit. of Petasites japonicus (sweet 8-Me ether: [58848-44-5] 6-Hydroxy-8- eudesmadien-12,6-olide
coltsfoot). Gum. [a]22 D -105.5 (c, 0.2 in methoxy-7(11)-eremophilen-12,8-olide
CHCl3). C16H24O4 280.363 HO
3,6-Diangeloyl: [149475-47-8] Constit. of Petasites japonicus (sweet
C25H34O6 430.54 coltsfoot). Cryst. (Me2CO/hexane). Mp
Constit. of Petasites japonicus (sweet 160-1628. [a]D -154 (c, 1 in CHCl3).
coltsfoot). Gum. [a]22 D -120.3 (c, 0.3 in (6b,8bOH )-form [58848-38-7] (1β,5α,6α)-form
CHCl3). Constit. of Petasites japonicus (sweet OH
6-Me ether: [162613-64-1] coltsfoot). Cryst. (CHCl3/C6H6). Mp
Constit. of Petasites japonicus (sweet 217-2188. [a]D +82 (c, 1 in EtOH).
coltsfoot). Needles (Et2O/EtOAc). Mp Di-Ac: C15H20O4 264.321
180-1818. [a]23
D -189.6 (c, 0.9 in CHCl3). Cryst. (Me2CO/hexane). Mp 119-1228. (1b,5a,6a)-form [1401-54-3]
(3b,6b,8a,10b)-form [a]D +62.6 (c, 1 in CHCl3). Tanacetin
6-Angeloyl: [199675-13-3] 6-Me ether: [259528-61-5] 8-Hydroxy-6- Constit. of Tanacetum vulgare (tansy).
C20H28O5 348.438 methoxy-7(11)-eremophilen-12,8-olide Cryst. (CHCl3/Me2CO). Mp 205-2068.
Constit. of Petasites japonicus (sweet C16H24O4 280.363 [a]25
D +154 (c, 0.15 in EtOH).
coltsfoot). Oil. [a]23
D +26.3 (c, 0.04 in Cryst. (petrol). Mp 148-1508. 11b,13-Dihydro: [22149-38-8] (11a)-
CHCl3). lmax 225 (log e 4) (MeOH). 8-Me ether: [58848-45-6] 1b,5a-Dihydroxy-4(15)-eudesmen-
6-Me ether: [171595-27-0] C16H24O4 280.363 12,6a-olide. Artemin
Constit. of Petasites japonicus (sweet Constit. of Petasites japonicus (sweet C15H22O4 266.336
coltsfoot). Oil. [a]25
D +95.7 (c, 0.2 in coltsfoot). Cryst. (EtOAc/hexane). Mp Constit. of Artemisia spp.. Cryst.
CHCl3). 128-129.58. [a]D +194 (c, 0.63 in (EtOAc/petrol). Mp 238-2408. [a]D +167
3-Ketone, 6-angeloyl: [199675-14-4] CHCl3). (c, 0.5 in CHCl3).
C20H26O5 346.422 6-Ketone: [259528-62-6] 8-Hydroxy-6-oxo- Samek, Z. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
Constit. of Petasites japonicus (sweet 7(11)-eremophilen-12,8-olide 1973, 38, 1971 (isol, struct)

1,8-Dihydroxy-3,7(11)-eudesmadien-...  / 2,11-Dihydroxy-4-eudesmen-... D-456 
/ D-462

El-Feraly, F.S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1983, 355 1,4-Dihydroxy-12,6-eudesma- D-458 Blay, G. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1992, 70, 817
(synth) nolide (synth)
Ahmed, A.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, Marco, J.A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1992, 55, 476
3661 (deriv) (cryst struct)
Marco, J.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 37, 477 OH Banerjee, A.K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1993, 49,
(11,13-Dihydro derivs, pmr, cmr) 4761 (synth, rev)
Marco, J.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 37, 477
(1α,4α,6β,11βH)-form (deriv, pmr, cmr)
Suzuki, T. et al., Heterocycles , 2001, 54, 865-870
H (synth)
1,8-Dihydroxy-3,7(11)-eudes- D-456 HO O
madien-12,8-olide O
1,4-Dihydroxy-11(13)-eudes- D-460
C15H24O4 268.352
HO men-12,6-olide
OH (1a,4a,6b,11bH )-form [246231-47-0]
1 O 1a-Hydroxycolartin
8 HO
O Oil. [a]25
D +31 (c, 0.5 in CHCl3).
(1b,4a,6a,11bH )-form [66428-35-1]
1b-Hydroxycolartin H
Constit. of Tanacetum vulgare (tansy). 11 (1α,4βOH,6α)-form
C15H20O4 264.321 Prisms (EtOH). Mp 200-2018 (194- HO O
1968). O
(1b,8b)-form [366494-92-0]
(1b,4a,6b,11aH )-form
Constit. of Smyrnium olusatrum
1b-Hydroxy-11-epicolartin C15H22O4 266.336
(alexanders). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 193-
Cubes (EtOAc). Mp 250-2518.
1958. lmax 215 (MeOH). (1a,4bOH ,6a)-form [50301-94-5]
(1b,4b,6b,11aH )-form
1-Ac: [108044-19-5] 1b-Acetoxy-8b-hydro- 1a-Hydroxyarbusculin A
xy-3,7(11)-eudesmadien-12,8-olide Isol. from Tanacetum vulgare (tansy).
Cubes (EtOAc). Mp 198-2008.
C17H22O5 306.358 Cryst. Mp 194-1968.
Samek, E. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
Amorph. Samek, Z. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
1973, 38, 1971 (isol, pmr, ir, ms, cd)
Ulubelen, A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1986, 49, 1104 1973, 38, 1971 (Hydroxyarbusculin A)
Ando, M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1977, 33, 2785
El-Gamal, A.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, Ando, M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1977, 33, 2785
(synth, ir, pmr)
57, 1197-1200 (Smyrnium olusatrum constit) (synth)
Gonzalez, A.G. et al., Tetrahedron , 1980, 36,
Bohlmann, F. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1984, 47, 663
2015 (synth, pmr, ir)
(isol, pmr)
Sanz, J.F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 541
García-Grandos, A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1993,
(isol, pmr, cmr, ir, ms)
49, 1091 (synth)
Tan, R.X. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 1209
1,3-Dihydroxy-12,6-eudesma- D-457 (isol, pmr)
nolide Mansilla, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 51,
995-997 (1a-Hydroxycolartin) 1,3-Dihydroxy-4-eudesmen-6- D-461

1,3-Dihydroxy-4-eudesmen- D-459 OH
(1β,3β,4β,6α,11αH)-form 12,6-olide
C15H24O4 268.352 1

(1b,3b,4b,6a,11aH )-form [75991-58-1] 3

4,11,13,15-Tetrahydroridentin B HO (1α,3α,6α,11α)-form
Constit. of Taraxacum officinale (dan- O C15H24O3 252.353
delion). Cryst. (Et2O/petrol). Mp 141- O (1b,3a)-form [185307-44-2]
1428. Acorusdiol
(1b,4a,6a,11aH )-form C15H22O4 266.336 Constit. of Acorus calamus (sweet flag).
3-Ketone, 1-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: (1a,3a,6a,11a)-form [71241-93-5] Oil. [a]D -67 (c, 0.03 in MeOH). lmax
[75911-12-5] Alkhanol. Isoerivanin. Alhanol. Alkanol 240 (e 6260) (MeOH).
C21H32O9 428.478 Constit. of Balsamita major (costmary). Nawamaki, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 43,
Constit. of Taraxacum officinale Cryst. Mp 179-1818 (172-1748). 1175-1182 (isol, pmr, cmr)
(dandelion). Amorph., cryst. (as tetra- 3-Ketone: [71327-31-6] 1a-Hydroxy-3-oxo-
Ac). Mp 1928 (tetra-Ac). 4-eudesmen-12,6a-olide. Dehydroisoeri-
Moiseeva, G.P. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1973,
2,11-Dihydroxy-4-eudesmen- D-462
vanin. Alkhanin
9, 167; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , C15H20O4 264.321
1973, 9, 162 (struct)
Isol. from Balsamita major (costmary).
Yamakawa, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1976,
24, 2810 (synth) Cryst. Mp 201-2038 (189-1918). HO
Haensel, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19, Samek, Z. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
837; 857-861 (Tetrahydrooridentin B, Arsanin 1979, 44, 1468 (isol, struct)
Serkerov, S.V. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1979, O
glucoside) OH
Banerjee, A.K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1993, 43, 15, 326; 488; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl.
4761 (synth, rev) Transl.) , 1979, 15, 282; 424 (isol, struct)
Yang, D.S. et al., Arch. Pharmacal Res. , 1996, Khafagy, S.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 23, C15H24O3 252.353
19, 507-513; CA , 126, 190812g (glucosides) 1125 2a-form [99957-09-2]
Zielińska, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 54, Bruno, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 1201
791-794 (pmr) (isol)
Sanz, J.F. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1990, 53, 940 Constit. of Carissa edulis (agam). Oil.
(deriv) [a]20
D +124 (c, 0.07 in CHCl3).
Sanz, J.F. et al., Planta Med. , 1991, 57, 74 Achenbach, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24,
(deriv) 2325

6,11-Dihydroxy-4-eudesmen-...  / 4?,7-Dihydroxyflavanone D-463 / D-470

6,11-Dihydroxy-4-eudesmen- D-463 fenchone 13.8 (c, 1.4 in MeOH).

3-one Ishikawa, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998,
Carissanol 46, 1599-1602 (isol, pmr, cmr)
5,7-Dihydroxyflavan D-469
O 6 5,7-diol, 9CI. 5,7-Dihydroxy-2-phenylchro-
OH CH2OH man
C10H16O3 184.235 OH
C15H24O3 252.353 Constit. of Foeniculum vulgare (fennel).
6a-form [99957-10-5] Amorph. powder. [a]23D +4.6 (c, 0.4 in (R)-form
Constit. of Carissa edulis (agam). Oil. MeOH). HO O Ph
D +66.4 (c, 0.25 in CHCl3). Ishikawa, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1999,
6b-form [99957-11-6] 47, 805-808 (isol, pmr, cmr) C15H14O3 242.274
From Carissa edulis (agam). Cryst. Mp
115-1188. [a]20 (R )-form
D +10 (c, 0.3 in CHCl3).
Achenbach, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24,
6,9-Dihydroxyfenchone D-466 7-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [30984-77-1]
2325 Koaburanin
C21H24O8 404.416
HO O [a]D -64.2 (EtOH).
10,11-Dihydroxy-2,6-farnesa- D-464
(S )-form
dien-1-oic acid
5-Me ether: [35290-20-1] 7-Hydroxy-5-
[113932-58-4] methoxyflavan
10,11-Dihydroxy-3,7,11-trimethyl-2,6-do- CH2OH
C16H16O3 256.301
decadienoic acid. JH III diol Isol. from the pith of sago palm. Mp 96-
C10H16O3 184.235 978 (85-878). [a]24
D -8.22 (c, 1.08 in
(1R ,3S,4S,6R )-form CHCl3).
10 COOH 6-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [217960-73-1] 5,7-Di-Me ether: [97640-83-0] 5,7-Di-
C16H26O8 346.377 methoxyflavan. Tephrowatsin E
OH Constit. of Foeniculum vulgare (fennel). C17H18O3 270.327
Amorph. powder. [a]23D -64.5 (c, 0.7 in Oil.
(2E,6E,10R)-form MeOH). [39828-25-6]
Ishikawa, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998,
C15H26O4 270.368 46, 1599-1602 (isol, pmr, cmr) Ogawa, M. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1970, 90,
1081 (Koaburanin)
(2E ,6E ,10R )-form [129785-21-3] Cardillo, G. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1971, 3967 (7-
Me ester: [60209-33-8] 8,10-Dihydroxyfenchone D-467 Hydroxy-5-methoxyflavan)
C16H28O4 284.395 Gomez, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, 1057
Oil. [a]D +17.4 (c, 2.6 in CHCl3). Okamoto, A. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1986,
(2E ,6E ,10S )-form [40202-97-9] 50, 1655 (7-Hydroxy-5-methoxyflavan)
Oil (as Me ester). [a]D -12.1 (CHCl3)
(Me ester). O
4?,7-Dihydroxyflavanone D-470
8 2,3-Dihydro-7-hydroxy-2-(4-hydroxyphe-
Me ester: [37133-77-0]
Viscous oil. [a]25
D -20.1 (c, 0.6 in MeOH) nyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one. Liquiritigenin
(92% ee). [a]D -12.1 (CHCl3).
(2E ,6E ,10RS )-form [153379-82-9] O
C10H16O3 184.235
Me ester: [38227-48-4]
(1S,3R ,4R )-form
Oil. Bp0.03 858 (bath). (R)-form
(2E ,6E ,10j)-form 10-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [217960-79-7]
C16H26O8 346.377
b-D-Glucopyranosyl ester: [204927-92-4]
Constit. of Foeniculum vulgare (fennel). HO O
C21H36O9 432.51 4'
Needles (MeOH). Mp 86-888. [a]23 D
Present in Riesling wine. OH
+12.7 (c, 0.3 in MeOH).
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Log P 2.35 (uncertain value) (calc).
Kuhnz, W. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1981, 16, (R )-form
138 (cmr)
9,10-Dihydroxyfenchone D-468
4?-O-[4-Hydroxycinnamoyl-(/ 0 5)-b-D-
Waterman, P.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-glucopyrano-
523-527 (isol) 10
CH2OH side]:Licorice glycoside D1
Jacobs, H. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1987, 50, 507
(isol) C35H36O15 696.66
Mori, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1987, 43, 4097
O Constit. of Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chi-
(synth) nese licorice). Amorph. pale yellow
Etse, J.T. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1988, 51, 314 (isol) powder. [a]D -42.9 (c, 1 in MeOH). lmax
Crispino, G.A. et al., Synthesis , 1993, 777 CH2OH 218 (log e 4.54); 228 (log e 4.44); 280
(synth) 9 (log e 4.34); 314 (log e 4.4) (MeOH).
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0 5)-b-D-apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
(1S,3S,4R )-form glucopyranoside]:Licorice glycoside C1
9,10-Dihydroxy-2-fenchanone D-465 10-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [217960-77-5] C36H38O16 726.687
[240495-77-6] C16H26O8 346.377 Constit. of Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chi-
1,3-Bis(hydroxymethyl)-3-methylbicy- Constit. of Foeniculum vulgare (fennel). nese licorice). Pale yellow powder +
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5,7-Dihydroxyflavanone / 5,7-Dihydroxyflavanone D-471  / D-471

205 (log e 4.41); 218 (log e 4.33); 231 C28H32O14 592.552 Shinoda, S. et al., Ber. , 1934, 67, 434 (isol)
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Arakawa, H. et al., Annalen , 1961, 636, 113 (abs
(S )-form [578-86-9] 4?-O-[4-Hydroxycinnamoyl-(/ 0 5)-b-D- config)
Isol. from Glycyrrhiza, Medicago, apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-glucopyrano- Kovalev, I.P. et al., Zh. Obshch. Khim. , 1963, 33,
Myroxylon, Cicer and all Leguminosae side]:Licorice glycoside D2 1670 (ir)
spp. Several glycosides, particularly the C35H36O15 696.66 Batterham, T.J. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1964, 17,
rutinoside and neohesperidoside, are Constit. of Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chi- 428 (pmr)
important in influencing citrus fruit nese licorice). Amorph. pale yellow Gvozdyak, P.I. et al., CA , 1964, 61, 12587g
flavour. Cryst. Mp 203-2058. [a]25 D -36.2 powder. [a]D -23.4 (c, 1 in MeOH). lmax (synth)
(c, 0.09 in MeOH). Pharmacol. active Wong, E. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta , 1965,
218 (log e 4.66); 228 (log e 4.56); 280 111, 358 (biosynth)
isomer. (log e 4.46); 314 (log e 4.54) (MeOH). Gaffield, W. et al., Tetrahedron , 1970, 26, 4093
7-O-b-D-Apiofuranoside, 4?-O-b-D- 4?-O-[4-Hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamoyl-(/ (ord, cd)
glucopyranoside: [199796-12-8] 0 5)-b-D-apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- Van Hulle, C. et al., Planta Med. , 1971, 20, 278
C26H30O13 550.515 glucopyranoside]:Licorice glycoside C2 (Rhamnoliquiritin)
Powder. Mp 214-2158. de Oliveira, A.B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972,
C36H38O16 726.687
11, 3515 (isol)
7-O-(3-O-Acetyl-b-D-apiofuranoside), 4?- Constit. of Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chi- Donnelly, D.M.X. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1973,
O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [199796-13-9] nese licorice). Amorph. pale yellow 1737 (isol)
C28H32O14 592.552 powder + 3H2O. [a]D -31.1 (c, 1 in Parthasarathy, M.R. et al., Phytochemistry,
Powder. Mp 201-2028. MeOH). lmax 205 (log e 4.59); 217 (log e 1976, 15, 226 (isol)
4?-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [551-15-5] Li- 4.62); 230 (log e 4.47); 280 (log e 4.31); Camarda, L. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1977, 30,
322 (log e 4.37) (MeOH). 873 (deriv)
quiritin. Liquiritoside
Ingham, J.L. et al., Biochem. Syst. Ecol. , 1979,
C21H22O9 418.399 4?-O-[1H-Indole-3-ylcarbonyl-(/ 0 5)-b-D- 7, 29 (isol)
Isol. from Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice) apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-glucopyrano- Shrivastava, S.P. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
and Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chinese li- side]:Licorice glycoside E 1982, 21, 604 (4?-Me ether 7-rhamnoside)
corice). Cryst. + 1H2O (EtOH aq.). Mp C35H35NO14 693.66 Shrivastava, S.P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982,
2128. Log P -0.47 (uncertain value) Constit. of Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chi- 21, 1464 (4?-Me ether 7-xyloside)
(calc). nese licorice). Amorph. pale yellow Yahara, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23, 2108
powder. [a]D -52.9 (c, 1 in MeOH). lmax (4?,7-diglucoside)
4?-O-(6-O-Acetyl-b-D-glucopyranoside): Nakanishi, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24,
[166531-17-5] 6??-Acetylliquiritin 206 (log e 4.68); 223 (log e 4.22); 280 339 (apiofuranosylglucoside)
C23H24O10 460.437 (log e 3.83); 285 (log e 3.8) (MeOH). Crins, W.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26, 2128
Constit. of Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chi- 4?-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 ?)-b-D- (isol)
nese licorice). glucopyranoside]: [31512-05-7] Rham- Achenbach, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27,
noliquiritin 1835 (derivs)
7-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [5088-75-5] Kitagawa, I. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1994,
Neoliquiritin. Glucoliquiritigenin C27H32O13 564.542
42, 1056 (Glucoliquiritin apioside)
C21H22O9 418.399 Isol. from Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice). Wang, B. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1997, 32, 199-
Isol. from Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chi- Mp 1318. 202 (7-apioside 4?-glucosides)
nese licorice). Mp 164-1668. [a]18D -60.2 7-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 ?)-b-D- Hatano, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 47, 287-
(AcOH aq.). Log P -0.75 (uncertain glucopyranoside]: 293 (Licorice glycosides)
value) (calc). C27H32O4 420.547 Youssef, D.T.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49,
2579-2583 (isol, ir, pmr, cmr)
4?,7-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [93446-18- 7-Me ether: [61504-06-1] 4?-Hydroxy-7- Yin, S. et al., CA , 1999, 131, 29799b (4?-3-
5] Liquiritigenin 4?,7-diglucoside. Gluco- methoxyflavanone Acetylapiosylglucoside)
liquiritin C16H14O4 270.284 Shults, E.E. et al., Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl.
C27H32O14 580.541 Cryst. (C6H6/petrol). Mp 150-1528 Transl.) , 2000, 36, 362-368 (4?-O-
Isol. from the roots of Glycyrrhiza (1478). [a]20
D -53 (c, 0.24 in MeOH). Methylglucoliquiritigenin)
uralensis (Chinese licorice). Amorph. 4?-Me ether: [116384-18-0] 7-Hydroxy-4?-
powder + 1H2O. [a]19 D -94.9 (c, 1.1 in methoxyflavanone
MeOH). C16H14O4 270.284 5,7-Dihydroxyflavanone D-471
4?-O-[b-D-Apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- Cryst. Mp 175-1788. [a]21D -29 (c, 0.07 in [68745-38-0]
glucopyranoside]: [74639-14-8] Liquiri- MeOH). 2,3-Dihydro-5,7-dihydroxy-2-phenyl-4H-1-
tin apioside 4?-Me ether, 7-O-a-L-rhamnopyranoside: benzopyran-4-one, 9CI. Pinocembrin
C26H30O13 550.515 [83697-43-2]
Found in Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chinese C22H24O8 416.427 O
licorice) and Glycyrrhiza glabra (licor- Constit. of Prunus cerasoides (wild HO
ice). Powder. [a]19
D -79.6 (c, 1.37 in Himalayan cherry). Yellow needles (S)-form
MeOH). (MeOH aq.). Mp 3008 dec.
4?-O-[b-D-Apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- 4?-Me ether, 7-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:4?- HO O Ph
glucopyranoside], 7-O-b-D- O-Methylglucoliquiritigenin
glucopyranoside: [157226-47-6] Glucoli- C22H24O9 432.426 C15H12O4 256.257
quiritin apioside Constit. of the roots of Glycyrrhiza lmax 229 (e 14800); 290 (e 28800) (MeOH/
C32H40O18 712.657 uralensis (Chinese licorice). Cryst. HCl) (Derep). lmax 246 (e 7410); 324 (e
Constit. of Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice). (EtOH). Mp 173-1758. [a]D -42.5 (c, 0.8 25700) (MeOH/NaOH) (Derep). lmax 246
Pale yellow prisms (CHCl3/MeOH aq.). in MeOH). lmax 215 (log e 4.24); 230 (e 5130); 323 (e 28800) (MeOH) (Derep).
Mp 157-1588. [a]20 D -80 (c, 0.35 in (log e 3.74); 276 (log e 3.39); 314 (log e lmax 246 (e 5100); 287 (e 15500); 320 (e
MeOH). 3.42); 335 (log e 2.76) (EtOH). 7460); 323 (e 29000) (MeOH) (Berdy).
7-O-[b-D-Apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- Di-Me ether: [95753-46-1] 4?,7-Dimethox- lmax 211 ; 290 ; 324 (EtOH) (Berdy). lmax
glucopyranoside]: [135432-48-3] yflavanone 245 ; 246 (e 7400); 324 (e 25500); 325
C26H30O13 550.515 C17H16O4 284.311 (MeOH/NaOH) (Berdy).
Constit. of Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice). (/9)-form [41680-09-5] (R )-form
4?-O-[3-O-Acetyl-b-D-apiofuranosyl-(1/ Cryst. Mp 197-1988. 7-O-Benzoyl: [153653-38-4] 7-O-Benzoy-
0 2)-b-D-glucopyranoside]: [226946- [25826-69-1, 32274-71-8] loxy-5-hydroxyflavanone. Pinocembrin 7-
10-7] benzoate

5,6-Dihydroxyflavone, 8CI / 5,6-Dihydroxyflavone, 8CI D-472  / D-472

C22H16O5 360.365 (log e 3.78) (MeOH). Audier, H. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1966,
2892 (ms)
7-Me ether:(+)-Pinostrobin 5-Me ether: [36052-37-6] 7-Hydroxy-5- Aurnhammer, G. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1970, 103,
C16H14O4 270.284 methoxyflavanone. Alpinetin 3667 (Isosarotanoside, Sarotanoside)
Cryst. Mp 100-1018. [a]25 D +5 (c, 0.05 in C16H14O4 270.284 Asakawa, Y. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1971,
MeOH). Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 218-2208. [a]15 D -46 44, 271 (isol)
(S )-form [480-39-7] (c, 0.9 in CHCl3). Bick, I.R.C. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1972, 25, 449
Isol. from many plants incl. food plants. 7-Me ether: [480-37-5] 5-Hydroxy-7-meth- (isol)
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 192-1938. [a]15 D - oxyflavanone. Pinostrobin. Glyyunnanin Suga, T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1972, 45,
45.3 (c, 0.9 in Me2CO). The abs. config. 2058 (isol)
C16H14O4 270.284 The Flavonoids , (Eds. Harborne, J.B. et al ),
of isolates is not very clear: opt. rotns. Needles (MeOH). Mp 112-1138 (100- Chapman and Hall, London, 1975, 563
not reported in most cases. 1018). [a]20
D -56 (CHCl3). Config. of (occur)
7-O-a-L-Rhamnopyranoside:Pinocembrin Glyunnanin not detd.. Miyakado, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15,
7-rhamnoside 7-Me ether, 5-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: 846 (isol)
C21H22O8 402.4 Wagner, H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1976, 1799 (nmr)
[115799-14-9] Pinostrobin 5-glucoside Pomilio, A.B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18,
5-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside:Pinocembrin 5- C22H24O9 432.426 1410 (Sarotanoside)
glucoside. Verecundin Isol. from bark of morello cherry. Tanaka, N. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1980, 28,
C21H22O9 418.399 Powder. 2843 (Pinocembroside)
Cryst. + 2H2O. Mp 1358. [a]14 D -71.1 Di-Me ether: [36052-66-1] 5,7-Dimethoxy- Gonzalez, M.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981,
(60% Me2CO aq.). flavanone 20, 1174; 1982, 21, 757 (isol, deriv)
Jaipetch, T. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1982, 35, 351
7-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [75829-43-5] C17H16O4 284.311
Pinocembrin 7-glucoside. Pinocembro- Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 159-1608. [a]15 D - The Flavonoids: Advances in Research , (Eds.
side 45.8 (1:1 Me2CO/CHCl3). Harborne, J.B. et al ), Chapman and Hall,
C21H22O9 418.399 7-O-(3-Methyl-2-butenyl): [94393-10-9] 5- London, 1982, 360 (occur)
Needles (MeOH). Mp 139-1418. [a]15 D - Hydroxy-7-prenyloxyflavanone. 7-O- Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23,
89 (c, 0.2 in MeOH). Prenylpinocembrin 1338 (7-O-Prenylpinocembrin)
Norbedo, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23,
7-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside: [117160- C20H20O4 324.376
2698 (7-O-2,3-epoxy-3-methylbutanoyl)
67-5] Pinocembrin 7-glucuronide Oil. Bohlmann, F. et al., Planta Med. , 1984, 50, 271
C21H20O10 432.383 7-O-(3-Methyl-2-butenyl), 5-Me ether: (5-Methoxy-7-prenyloxyflavanone)
7-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- [96386-73-1] 5-Methoxy-7-prenyloxyfla- Talapatra, B. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
glucopyranoside]: [117160-68-6] Pino- vanone 1985, 24, 561 (isol, synth)
cembrin 7-gentiobioside C21H22O4 338.402 Kaoujadi, M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1986, 49, 153
C27H32O14 580.541 Oil.
Jakupovic, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26,
7-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-2-O- 7-O-(2,3-Epoxy-3-methylbutyl): [117611- 803 (hydroxyethylphenyl ether)
acetyl-b-D-glucopyranoside]: [79541-04- 69-5] Kapetanidis, J. et al., Pharm. Acta Helv. , 1988,
1] C20H20O5 340.375 63, 206 (7-rutinoside)
C29H34O14 606.579 No phys. props. reported. The Flavonoids: Advances in Research since
Mp 130-1358. [a]25 1980 , (Ed. Harborne, J.B.), Chapman and
D -62 (c, 0.2 in Py). 7-O-[4-(1-Hydroxyethyl)phenyl] ether: Hall, London, 1988, 358 (occur)
7-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- [108544-83-8] 5-Hydroxy-7-[4-(1-hydro- Gonzalez, A.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,
glucopyranoside]: [13241-31-1] Sarota- xyethyl)phenoxy]flavanone 2871
noside. Isosarotanoside. Onychin. Pino- C23H20O5 376.408 Shoja, M. et al., Z. Kristallogr., Kristallgeom.,
cembrin 7-neohesperidoside Cryst. Mp 1078. Kristallphys., Kristallchem. , 1989, 189, 89
C27H32O13 564.542 (cryst struct, Pinostrobin)
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 277-2808 (274-2768). Jung, J.H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 1271
[140158-56-1] 5-Hydroxy-7-neryloxyfla- (cmr)
[a]D -119.6 (c, 2 in Py). lmax 213 (e vanone Randriaminahy, M. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C ,
28840); 286 (e 18200); 330 (e 3162) C25H28O4 392.494 1992, 47, 10 (neryl ether)
(MeOH) (Berdy). 7-O-[4,6-[(S)-4,4?,5,5?,6,6?- Xu, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 33, 510
7-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-6-O- Hexahydroxydiphenoyl]-b-D- (Onychin)
acetyl-b-D-glucopyranoside]: [82206-45- Bilia, A.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 33,
9] 6-??O-Acetylsarotanoside 1449 (7-Me ether 5-glucoside)
C35H28O17 720.596 Hoeneisen, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 34,
C29H34O15 622.579 Yellow powder. [a]25
D -122 (c, 0.5 in 1653 (7-benzoyl)
7-O-[3-O-Acetyl-a-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ MeOH). lmax 212 (log e 4.6); 281 (log e Hounghton, P.J. et al., Pharm. Pharmacol.
0 6)-b-D-glucopyranoside]: [82206-44- 4.37) (MeOH). Lett. , 1997, 7, 96-98 (activity)
8] 3???-O-Acetylsarotanoside 7-O-[4,6-[(S)-4,4?,5,5?,6,6?- Huang, Y.-L. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 523-
C29H34O14 606.579 524 (HHDP derivs)
No phys. props. reported. Tip-Pyang, S. et al., ACGC Chem. Res.
trihydroxybenzoyl)-b-D- Commun. , 2000, 10, 21-26 (activity)
7-O-[4-O-Acetyl-a-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ glucopyranoside]: Yuldashev, M.P. et al., Chem. Nat. Compd.
0 6)-b-D-glucopyranoside]: [80443-11- C42H32O21 872.702 (Engl. Transl.) , 2001, 37, 224-225
4] 4???-O-Acetylsarotanoside Yellow powder. [a]25
D -56 (c, 0.6 in (Pinocembroside)
C29H34O14 606.579 MeOH). lmax 215 (log e 4.94); 282 (log e Hodgetts, K.J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 2001, 42, 3763-
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 220-2258. [a]20 D - 4.67) (MeOH). 3766 (Pinostrobin, synth)
103.1 (c, 0.75 in Py). Lin, J.-H. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2002, 65, 638-640
[1225-38-3, 30784-66-8, 61490-55-9, 163660-09- (7-apiosylapiosylglucoside)
7-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- 1]
glucopyranoside]: [118985-31-2] Pino- Linstedt, G. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1951, 5,
cembrin 7-rutinoside 1; 121; 129 (isol, struct)
C27H32O13 564.542 Hasegawa, M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1957, 79, 450;
1738 (Verecundin)
5,6-Dihydroxyflavone, 8CI D-472
7-O-[b-D-Apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 5)-b-D-
apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- Arakawa, H. et al., Annalen , 1960, 636, 114 (abs [6665-66-3]
glucopyranoside]: config) 5,6-Dihydroxy-2-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-
Batterham, T.J. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1964, 17, 4-one, 9CI
C31H38O17 682.631 428 (pmr)
Amorph. solid. [a]D -119 (c, 0.3 in Mongkolsuk, S. et al., J.C.S. , 1964, 4654 (isol)
MeOH). lmax 284 (log e 4.54); 326 (sh)

5,7-Dihydroxyflavone / 4,9-Dihydroxy-7H -furo[3,2-... D-473 
/ D-476

O Dev, B. et al., Fresenius’ Z. Anal. Chem. , 1963, OH

OH 196, 178 (synth, use, deriv) 4
HO Jain, P.K. et al., Synthesis , 1982, 221 (synth, 5,7-
Dimethoxyflavone) O 9
Mayer, R. et al., Planta Med. , 1993, 59, 269 O O
O (5,7-Dimethoxyflavone)
Montoro, P. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2002,
49, 5156-5160 (7-4-rhamnosylglucoside)
C11H6O5 218.165
C15H10O4 254.242
Yellow cryst. (EtOH). Mp 1908. 9CI numbering shown. Other systems have
been used.Green cryst. Mp 2708 dec.
Di-Ac: 4-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside:
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 1678. C17H16O10 380.307
6,7-Dihydroxyflavone, 8CI D-474
5-Me ether:6-Hydroxy-5-methoxyflavone Light brown powder. Mp 2908 dec. [a]25 D
C16H12O4 268.268 [38183-04-9]
6,7-Dihydroxy-2-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran- -25 (c, 0.04 in Py) (approximate value).
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 1858. lmax 199 (log e 4.4); 221 (log e 4.6); 244
4-one, 9CI
6-Me ether: [85395-95-5] 5-Hydroxy-6- (log e 4.3); 269 (log e 4.4); 282 (log e
methoxyflavone C15H10O4 254.242 4.2); 313 (log e 4.2) (H2O).
C16H12O4 268.268 Cream needles (AcOH aq.). Mp 2548. 4-Me ether: [1603-47-0] 9-Hydroxy-4-
Yellow cryst. (EtOH). Mp 129-1308. Di-Ac: methoxyfuro[3,2-g][1]benzopyran-7-
Di-Me ether: [33554-48-2] 5,6-Dimethoxy- C19H14O6 338.316 one, 9CI. 9-Hydroxy-4-methoxypsoralen.
flavone Needles (EtOH). Mp 2018. 9-Hydroxy-5-methoxypsoralen. 8-Hy-
C17H14O4 282.295 6-Me ether: [38070-97-2] 7-Hydroxy-6- droxy-5-methoxypsoralen. 8-Hydroxy-
Isol. from bark of Casimiroa edulis methoxyflavone. Trigraecum bergapten. 9-Hydroxybergapten
(Mexican apple). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp C16H12O4 268.268 C12H8O5 232.192
1998. Isol. from Trigonella foenum-graecum Isol. from Casimiroa edulis (Mexican
Baker, W. et al., J.C.S. , 1939, 956 (synth) (fenugreek). Needles (EtOH/MeOH). apple). Yellow cryst. Mp 222.5-2238.
Iyer, R.N. et al., Proc. - Indian Acad. Sci., Sect. Mp 246-2478 (149-1518). 4-Me ether, 9-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
A , 1953, 37, 629 (synth) [115356-06-4]
Iriarte, J. et al., J.C.S. , 1956, 4170 (isol, uv) 7-Me ether: [30797-59-2] 6-Hydroxy-7-
methoxyflavone. Isotrigraecum C18H18O10 394.334
Looker, J.H. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1966, 3, 55
(ir) C16H12O4 268.268 Constit. of Apium graveolens. Needles
Dominguez, X.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, Prisms (EtOH aq.). Mp 203-2048. (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 2308.
11, 2648 (5,6-Dimethoxyflavone) Di-Me ether: [26964-27-2] 6,7-Dimethoxy- Di-Me ether: See Isopimpinellin, I-113
Wollenweber, E. et al., Biochem. Physiol.
flavone 4-O-Isopropyl, 9-Me ether: [39262-34-5]
Pflanz. , 1986, 181, 667 (5-Hydroxy-6-
methoxyflavone) C17H14O4 282.295 Tederin
Needles (EtOH aq.). Mp 1898. C15H14O5 274.273
Hattori, S. et al., Acta Phytochim. , 1932, 6, 131 Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 126-1278.
5,7-Dihydroxyflavone D-473 (synth) 4-O-(3-Methyl-2-butenyl), 9-Me ether:
[480-40-0] Chadha, T.C. et al., J.C.S. , 1933, 1073 (synth) [14348-22-2] Cnidilin. Isophellopterin.
5,7-Dihydroxy-2-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran- Bhardwaj, D.K. et al., Proc. Indian Natl. Sci. Knidilin
Acad., Part A , 1987, 53, 463; 1988, 54, 638
4-one, 9CI. Chrysin. Chrysinic acid. Ois 3 (Trigraecum)
C17H16O5 300.31
C15H10O4 254.242 Pathak, V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 46, Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 117-1188.
Yellowish plates. Sol. Et2O, bases; fairly 1219-1223 (Trigraecum) 9-O-(3-Methyl-2-butenyl), 4-Me ether: See
sol. CHCl3, EtOH; poorly sol. H2O. Mp Phellopterin in The Combined Chemical
290-2918 (2758). pKa1 9.05; pKa2 7.42 Dictionary.
(208,50% EtOH). pKa1 12.37; pKa2 8.37 9-O-(2,3-Epoxy-3-methylbutyl), 4-Me
(258,50% dioxan). lmax 249 ; 272 ; 316 1,4-Dihydroxyfuranoeremo- D-475 ether: See Byakangelicol in The
(MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 252 ; 282 ; 332 ; 382 philan-6-one Combined Chemical Dictionary.
(MeOH/NaOH) (Berdy). lmax 212 ; 269 ; 9-O-(2,3-Dihydroxy-3-methylbutyl), 4-Me
318 (EtOH) (Berdy). ether: See Byakangelicin, B-264
-LK8329050 Bis-O-(3-methyl-2-butenyl): [14348-21-1]
5-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [1329-10-8] O Cnidicin. Knidicin
Toringin C21H22O5 354.402
C21H20O9 416.384 Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 78-798.
Occurs in Malus spp.. Needles (MeOH). HO Bis-O-(2,3-epoxy-3-methylbutyl): [77063-
Mp 2408. [a]25D -71.3 (Py). Originally
74-2] Sen-byakangelicol
descr. as the 7-glycoside. C21H22O7 386.401
C15H20O4 264.321
7-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D- Cryst. Mp 102-1038. [a]25D +10 (CHCl3).
glucopyranoside]: (1b,4a)-form [217817-09-9]
Curcolonol Bis-O-(2,3-dihydroxy-3-methylbutyl):
C27H30O13 562.526 [188818-25-9]
Constit. of the fruit of Cyclanthera Constit. of Curcuma zedoaria (zedoary).
Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 183-1848. [a]25 C21H26O9 422.431
pedata (achoccha). Amorph. yellow D 0
(c, 2 in EtOH). [a]30
D +34 (c, 0.1 in MeOH). lmax 218
powder. [a]25
D -41.2 (c, 0.1 in MeOH). (log e 2.03); 242 (log e 2.68); 249 (log e
lmax 210 ; 275 ; 330 (MeOH). Syu, W.-J. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 1531-
1534 (isol, pmr, cmr) 2.69); 267 (log e 2.73); 312 (log e 2.79)
Di-Me ether: [21392-57-4] 5,7-Dimethoxy- (MeOH).
flavone 9-O-(1,1-Dimethyl-2-propenyl), 4-Me
C17H14O4 282.295 ether: [57419-90-6] 8-(1,1-Dimethylally-
Constit. of Leptospermum scoparium loxy)bergapten
(red tea). Cryst. (CHCl3/hexane). Mp 4,9-Dihydroxy-7H -furo[3,2- D-476
g ][1]benzopyran-7-one, 9CI C17H16O5 300.31
1548 (149-1508). lmax 263 ; 305 (MeOH) Cryst. (Et2O/petrol). Mp 908.
(Berdy). lmax 263 ; 305 (MeOH/NaOH) [14348-23-3]
(Berdy). 4,9-Dihydroxypsoralen. 8-Hydroxybergap- 9-O-(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl), 4-Me
tol. 5,9-Dihydroxypsoralen. Psoralen hy- ether: [17182-52-4] 9-Geranyloxy-4-
Marsh, C.A. et al., Biochem. J. , 1955, 59, 58
(isol, deriv) droquinone methoxypsoralen. 5-Methoxy-8-gerany-

4,8-Dihydroxy-2H -furo[2,3-...  / 1,6-Dihydroxy-4,9,11(13)-germacratrien-... D-477  / D-482

loxypsoralen 26-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 3-O-[b-D- (1(10)Z ,3b,4E ,6a,11bH )-form [102518-83-2]

C22H24O5 368.429 xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-[a-L- 3,14-Dihydroxy-11,13-dihydrocostuno-
Yellow cryst. (EtOAc). Mp 53-548. arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)]-b-D- lide
4-O-(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl), 4-Me glucopyranoside]: [172589-64-9] Chine- Constit. of Lactuca sativa (lettuce).
ether: [69239-53-8] noside II Cryst. Mp 1108. [a]24D +110 (c, 0.1 in
C22H24O5 368.429 C49H78O22 1019.142 MeOH).
Constit. of Citrus medica (citron). Constit. of Allium chinense (rakkyo). 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside:
Cryst. Mp 74.5-75.58. Amorph. powder. [a]D -63.1 (c, 0.43 in C21H32O9 428.478
Briggs, L.H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1958, 2, 256 Py). Gum.
(isol, deriv) 26-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 3-O-[a-L- (1(10)E ,3b,4E ,6a,11bH )-form
Brokke, M.E. et al., J.O.C. , 1959, 24, 523 arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside:Lactuside B
(synth) glucopyranoside]: [172519-52-7] Chine- C21H32O9 428.478
Komissarenko, N.F. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , noside III
1966, 2, 375; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Amorph. [a]22D +21.9 (c, 0.98 in MeOH).
C44H70O18 887.026 14-Aldehyde: [102488-14-2] 3-Hydroxy-14-
Transl.) , 1966, 2, 307 (Cnidilin)
Stanley, W.L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1967, 6, Constit. of Allium chinense (rakkyo). oxo-1(10),4-germacradien-12,6-olide.
585 (deriv) Amorph. powder. [a]D -42.8 (c, 0.6 in Lactulide A
González, A.G. et al., An. Quim. , 1972, 68, 425 Py).
C15H20O4 264.321
(Tederin) Peng, J.-P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 41, 283 Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 191.5-1958. [a]25 D -
Abu-Mustafa, G.A. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1973, (isol, pmr, cmr)
10, 443 (bibl) 82.1 (c, 0.95 in Py).
Zhang, Y.W. et al., Planta Med. , 2000, 66, 114-
Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1975, 108, 2955 118; 119-126 (activity, Chinenoside II) 14-Aldehyde, 3-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
(deriv) [106009-43-2] Lactuside A
Sokolova, A.I. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1976, C21H30O9 426.463
12, 166; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , 11,21-Dihydroxy-1-gamma- D-479 Amorph. [a]25D -73.8 (c, 0.84 in MeOH).
1976, 12, 150 (4-Methoxy-9- ceranone
gernanyloxypsoralen) Mahmoud, Z.F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986,
Fujiwara, H. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1980, 100, 25, 747
1258 (deriv) OH Nishimura, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25,
Reed, M.W. et al., J.O.C. , 1988, 53, 4166 (synth) 2375
Ahluwalia, V.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988,
H H Kisiel, W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 46, 1241-
HO 1243 (Lactuca virosa glucoside)
27, 1181 (deriv)
Kwon, Y.-S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 44, 887
Xiao, Y.-Q. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 2001, 36,
519-522 (4-glucoside) 1,6-Dihydroxy-4,9,11(13)-ger- D-482
Niu, X.-M. et al., J. Asian Nat. Prod. Res. ,
2002, 4, 33-41 (4-glucoside) macratrien-12,8-olide

C30H50O3 458.723 OH
4,8-Dihydroxy-2H -furo[2,3- D-477 (11b,21j)-form [87018-23-3]
h ]-1-benzopyran-2-one 1 O (1α,4E,6α,8α,9E)-form
Constit. of Coriandrum sativum (cor- O
OH iander). Cryst. Mp 285-2908. [a]D +38.3.
Naik, C.G. et al., Curr. Sci. , 1983, 52, 598 (isol) OH

C15H20O4 264.321
3,8-Dihydroxy-1(10),4-germa- D-480
O O O (1a,4E ,6a,8a,9E )-form [71030-09-6]
8 Tavulin. Tabulin
Constit. of Tanacetum vulgare (tansy).
HO OH Cryst. Mp 160-1618.
3 (1b,4E ,6a,8a,9Z )-form
C11H6O5 218.165 HO 11 6-Ac: [72811-84-8] Tulirinol
O (1(10)E,3α,4E,6α,8α,11ξ)-fo
8-Me ether: [196503-96-5] 4-Hydroxy-8- C17H22O5 306.358
methoxy-2H-furo[2,3-h]-1-benzopyran- Cryst. (Et2O/CHCl3). Mp 204-2068.
2-one, 9CI [a]23
D -51 (c, 0.3 in MeOH). lmax 208 (e
C15H22O4 266.336
C12H8O5 232.192 21400) (MeOH) (Berdy).
Constit. of the leaves of Camellia (1(10)E ,3a,4E ,6a,8a,11j)-form (1b,4E ,6a,8b,9Z )-form
sinensis (Japanese tea). Mp 2128. Di-Ac: [39262-27-6] Millefin 6-(2-Methylpropanoyl): [111625-64-0]
Banerjee, J. et al., Nat. Prod. Sci. , 1997, 3, 11-13 C19H26O6 350.411 Subcordatolide D
(isol, pmr, cmr, ms) Constit. of Achillea millefolium (yar- C19H26O5 334.411
row). Cryst. Mp 209-2108. Cryst. (CHCl3/hexane). Mp 2468 dec.
Kasymov, Sh.Z. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , El-Feraly, F.S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1973, 355
3,26-Dihydroxyfurost-20(22)- D-478 1972, 8, 247; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. (synth)
en-6-one Transl.) , 1972, 8, 246 (Millefin) Yunusov, A.I. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1979,
15, 101; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
1979, 15, 88 (Tavulin)
3,14-Dihydroxy-1(10),4-ger- D-481 Doskotch, R.W. et al., J.O.C. , 1980, 45, 1441
CH 2OH macradien-12,6-olide (Tulirinol)
H O Ober, A.G. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1987, 50, 604
H (Subcordatolide D)
O (1(10)Z,3β,4E,6α,11βH)-form
C27H42O4 430.626
(3b,5a,25R )-form C15H22O4 266.336

1,6-Dihydroxy-4,10(14),11(13)-...  / 3,8-Dihydroxy-4(15),10(14),11(13)-... D-483 / D-489

1,6-Dihydroxy- D-483 4,8-Dihydroxy-1(10),2-guaia- D-485 8,10-Dihydroxy-3,11(13)- D-487

4,10(14),11(13)-germacratrien-12,8- dien-12,6-olide guaiadien-12,6-olide
[119875-15-9] H OH

OH OH (4α,5α,6α,8α,11α)-for 8 OH (1α,5α,6α,8α,10α)-form
1 H
O (1α,4E,6α,8α)-form O O
C15H20O4 264.321 C15H20O4 264.321
C15H20O4 264.321 (4a,5a,6a,8a,11a)-form (1a,5a,6a,8a,10a)-form [21982-83-2]
(1b,4E ,6a,8a)-form [41653-76-3] 8-Ac: [29041-35-8] Matricin. Prochamazu- Cumambrin B. 8-Hydroxycumambrano-
Tatridin B. 1b-Hydroxy-1-desoxotamirin lene lide. Artenovin
Isol. from Tanacetum vulgare (tansy). C17H22O5 306.358 Cryst. (EtOAc/Et2O). Sol. MeOH,
Gum. [a]24D +38 (c, 0.2 in CHCl3). Constit. of Matricaria chamomilla CHCl3; poorly sol. H2O, hexane. Mp
(German chamomile). Cryst. Mp 158- 178-1808. [a]D +92.5 (c, 5.58 in CHCl3).
[88243-75-8, 88243-76-9] lmax 212 (e 12200) (EtOH) (Berdy).
1608. [a]20
D -131 (c, 1.96 in CHCl3). Log
Appendino, G. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1986, P -0.52 (calc). Component of commer- -ME6360000
116, 57 (cryst struct, Tatridin B) 11b,13-Dihydro, 8-Ac: [20482-39-7] Dihy-
cially available chamomile extracts.
Goeters, S. et al., Planta Med. , 2001, 67, 292- drocumambrin A
294 (Matricin, abs config) C17H24O5 308.374
From Chrysanthemum coronarium
3,8-Dihydroxy-1(10),4,11(13)- D-484 (chop-suey greens). Cryst. Mp 1748.
germacratrien-12,6-olide [a]24
D +44 (c, 0.08 in CHCl3).
3,8-Dihydroxycostunolide 8,10-Dihydroxy-1,4-guaia- D-486 (1a,5a,6a,8b,10b)-form
dien-12,6-olide 8-Angeloyl:Annuolide G
OH C20H26O5 346.422
Constit. of Helianthus annuus (sun-
HO OH flower). Oil.
O El-Nasry, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23,
O 2953 (Dihydrocumambrin A)
OH Macias, F.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 43,
C15H20O4 264.321 1205 (Annuolide G)
(1(10)E ,3a,4Z ,6a,8a)-form
8-Angeloyl:3-Epinobilin 4,5-Dihydroxy-7(11),9-guaia- D-488
C20H26O5 346.422 O dien-8-one
Isol. from Anthemis nobilis (Roman
chamomile) flowers. Mp 1378. C15H20O4 264.321
(1(10)E ,3b,4Z ,6a,8a)-form (6a,8a,10b,11bH )-form H
8-Angeloyl: [31824-11-0] Nobilin 8-Ac: [71616-00-7] Achillicin. 8-Acetox-
C20H26O5 346.422 yartabsin O
Constit. of Anthemis nobilis (Roman C17H22O5 306.358
chamomile). Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 177- Constit. of Achillea millefolium (yar- OH
1788. [a]D 0. row). Cryst. HO
3-Ketone, 8-angeloyl: [63529-14-6] 3-De- 8-Angeloyl:8-Angeloyloxyartabsin
hydronobilin C20H26O5 346.422 C15H22O3 250.337
C20H24O5 344.407 (4b,5b)-form [129673-90-1]
Isol. from Anthemis nobilis (Roman Procurcumadiol
C20H26O5 346.422
chamomile). Cryst. (EtOH/CHCl3). Mp Constit. of Curcuma longa (turmeric).
2058. [a]20
D +136.6 (c, 0.526 in MeOH).
1b,2b;4b,5b-Diepoxide:1,2:4,5-Diepoxy- Needles (C6H6). Mp 150-150.58. lmax
Benesova, V. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1970, 5017
8,10-dihydroxy-12,6-guaianolide 254 (log e 3.95); 280 (log e 3.85)
(Nobilin) C15H20O6 296.319 (MeOH).
Holub, M. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. , 1b,2b;4b,5b-Diepoxide, 8-angeloyl: Ohshiro, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29,
1977, 42, 1053 (Nobilin, Epinobilin, [393860-80-5] 2201-2205 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Dehydronobilin) C20H26O7 378.421
Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, [a]20
D +2.7 (c, 0.16 in CHCl3). lmax 222
471-474; 1979, 18, 847; 1981, 20, 1613; 2431; 3,8-Dihydroxy- D-489
1985, 24, 1319-1321 (3-Acetoxy-8-
(MeOH aq.).
tigloyloxycostunolide, 3- Banh-Nhu, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18, 4(15),10(14),11(13)-guaiatrien-12,6-
Hydroxyliacylindrolide, Deacetylprovincialin, 331 (isol) olide
Hydroxydeoxyprovincialin, other esters) Schröder, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 36,
Bohlmann, F. et al., Annalen , 1984, 250 1449 (struct, bibl)
Gil, R.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, 593 Glasl, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 58, 1189- H
(deriv) 1194 (diepoxide angeloyl)
HO 3 8 OH
Jakupovic, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, (1α,3β,5α,6α,8α)-form
863 (derivs)

C15H18O4 262.305
(1a,3b,5a,6a,8a)-form [31565-50-1]
8-Hydroxyzaluzanin C. Eleganin$

9,10-Dihydroxy-1,3,11(13)-... / 1,2-Dihydroxy-12,15-heneicosadien-... D-490 
/ D-495

Cryst. Mp 150-151.58. [a]20D +119.7. The 3,8-Dihydroxy-4(15)-guaien- D-492 10-Me ether:Methylzedoarondiol

name Eleganin is unchecked and may 12,6-olide C16H26O3 266.38
refer to Integrifolin below; its descrip- Needles (hexane). Mp 83-858. [a]23
D -43.1
tion in CA is defective lmax 216 (EtOH) (c, 0.2 in MeOH).
(Berdy). H (1b,4b,5b,10b)-form [116425-34-4]
8-(2-Hydroxymethylpropenoyl): [35730- Kouno, I. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, 1845
78-0] Cynaropicrin HO OH (isol)
C19H22O6 346.379 Kuroyanagi, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. ,
1987, 35, 53 (cryst struct)
Constit. of Cynara scolymus (arti- H Takano, I. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40, 1197
choke). Noncryst. [a]20D +108.6. O (pmr, cmr)
3-Ketone, 8-O-(2-
hydroxymethylpropenoyl): [35821-02-4] O
C19H20O6 344.363 C15H22O4 266.336
1,2-Dihydroxy-12,15-heneico- D-495
Constit. of Cynara scolymus (arti- (1j,3b,5b,6a,8a,10j,11j)-form [213198-34-6] sadien-4-one
choke). Cryst. Mp 1268. [a]20D +60. Absindiol
Corbella, A. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1972, 386- Constit. of Artemisia absinthium
387 (Cynaropicrin) (wormwood). Cryst. (CHCl3/petrol).
González, A.G. et al., An. Quim. , 1973, 69, 1333 Mp 161-1638. CH 2OH
Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, Safarova, A.G. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1997, (2R,12Z,15Z)-form
475-482; 1981, 20, 2379-2382; 1982, 21, 1171- 33, 834-836; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl.
1172; 1799-1800 (3-ketones, Pseudostiffia Transl.) , 1997, 33, 653-654 (isol)
Kingii esters)
C21H38O3 338.529
Zdero, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, 3810- (2R ,12Z ,15Z )-form
3811 (isol, pmr, cmr) 3,8-Dihydroxy-10(14)-guaien- D-493 1-Ac: [56164-07-9] 2-Hydroxy-4-oxo-
12,6-olide 12,15-heneicosadien-1-yl acetate. Persin
C23H40O4 380.567
9,10-Dihydroxy-1,3,11(13)- D-490 Constit. of avocado leaves. Oil. [a]24
guaiatrien-12,6-olide H
+11.3 (c, 4.5 in CHCl3).
HO 3 OH 2-Ac:1-Hydroxy-4-oxo-12,15-heneicosa-
H dien-2-yl acetate. Isopersin
O C23H40O4 380.567
9 (1α,3β,4α,5α,6α,8α,11α)-for
O Constit. of avocado (Persea americana ).
Unstable. Readily isomerises to, 1-Ac.
C15H22O4 266.336 12,13,15,16-Tetrahydro, 1-Ac: [163955-67-
O (1a,3b,4a,5a,6a,8a,11a)-form [30825-68-4] 7]
Isolipidiol [160030-66-0] 2-Hydroxy-4-oxoheneicos-1-yl
O Prisms (Me2CO). Mp 167-168.58. [a]D acetate. Tetrahydropersin
+41.3. C23H44O4 384.598
C15H18O4 262.305 3-Ketone: [30825-69-5] Isoamberboin. Constit. of avocado (Persea americana ).
(5a,6a,9a,10a)-form Maximolide Yellow cryst. Mp 65.5-668. [a]D +2 (c, 4 in
9-Tigloyl:Isoachifolidiene C15H20O4 264.321 CHCl3).
C20H24O5 344.407 Constit. of Cynara scolymus (arti-
5,6-Didehydro(E-), 1-Ac:2-Hydroxy-4-
Constit. of Achillea millefolium (yar- choke). Cryst. (EtOAc/petrol). Mp 1838.
oxo-5,12,15-heneicosatrien-1-yl acetate
row). Cryst. Mp 1538. [a]20
D +138 (CHCl3).
C23H38O4 378.551
Rücker, G. et al., Planta Med. , 1992, 58, 293 Corbella, A. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1972, 386
Constit. of avocado (Persea americana ).
(isol, pmr, cmr) (Amberboin, Isoamberboin)
Zakerov, S.Kh. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1975, Oil. [a]22
D +17.6 (c, 0.48 in CHCl3).
11, 261; 1976, 12, 398; Chem. Nat. Compd. 5,6-Didehydro(E-), 15,16-dihydro, 1-Ac:2-
1,10-Dihydroxy-3-guaien- D-491 (Engl. Transl.) , 1975, 11, 273; 1976, 12, 350 Hydroxy-4-oxo-5,12-heneicosadien-1-yl
(Jurmolide, Isoamberoin) acetate
C23H40O4 380.567
4,10-Dihydroxy-7(11)-guaien- D-494 Constit. of avocado (Persea americana ).
OH Oil. [a]23
D +9 (c, 1 in CHCl3).
HO 8-one
(2S,12Z ,15Z )-form
1-Ac: [160167-29-3]
OH Oil. [a]D -9 (c, 1 in CHCl3).
H [60640-59-7, 86535-60-6, 160030-67-1]
O O (1α,4β,5β,10α)-form Chang, C.-F. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1975, 39,
O 1167 (isol, ir, pmr)
HO H Sivanathan, S. et al., J. Phytopathol. , 1989, 125,
97 (props)
C15H22O4 266.336
Prusky, D. et al., Plant Pathol. , 1991, 40, 45
(1j,5a,6a,10j,11a)-form [93552-69-3] C15H24O3 252.353 Bull, S.D. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1994, 47, 1661
Arlatin (synth, abs config, pmr, cmr)
Constit. of Artemisia absinthium (1a,4b,5b,10a)-form [108887-68-9] Carman, R.M. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1995, 36, 2119
(wormwood). Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 203- Isozedoarondiol (synth)
2058. Needles (CHCl3). Mp 150-1568. [a]23
D - Rodriguez-Saona, C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998,
147.2 (c, 0.8 in MeOH). 61, 1168-1170 (Isopersin)
Kasamov, Sh.Z. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , Carman, R.M. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 2000, 53,
1984, 20, 794; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl.
(1a,4b,5b,10b)-form [98644-24-7]
Zedoarondiol 191-194 (Tetrahydropersin)
Transl.) , 1984, 20, 754 (isol) Paramashivappa, R. et al., J. Agric. Food
Adekenov, S.M. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , Constit. of Curcuma zedoaria (zedoary).
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D -
Transl.) , 1984, 20, 755 (isol) 44 (c, 1.0 in MeOH).

/ 1,8-Dihydroxy-3-hydroxymethylanthraquinone, 8CI D-496  / D-503

1,2-Dihydroxy-5,12,15-henei- D-496 1,2-Dihydroxy-16-heptadecen- D-499 O

cosatrien-4-one 4-one OH
4′ OH
5 3′
CH2OH C17H32O3 284.438
(2R,5E,12Z,15Z)-form 1-Ac: [25346-18-3] C16H14O5 286.284
C19H34O4 326.475 (-)-form
C21H36O3 336.514 Constit. of avocado (Persea americana ). Constit. of Muscari comosum (tassel
Mp 478. [a]25
D +20 (CHCl3). hyacinth). Cryst. (C6H6/MeOH). Mp 103-
(2R ,5E ,12Z ,15Z )-form
Kashman, Y. et al., Isr. J. Chem. , 1969, 7, 173 1048. [a]D -34 (c, 0.4 in MeOH).
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cosatrien-4-one. 2-Hydroxy-4-oxo- (isol) Farkas, L. et al., Tetrahedron , 1971, 27, 5049
5,12,15-heneicosatrien-1-yl acetate Alves, H.M. et al., Ann. Acad. Bras. Ci&eenc. , Tamm, C. et al., Arzneim.-Forsch. , 1972, 22,
C23H38O4 378.551 1970, 42S, 45 (isol) 1776
Constit. of avocado (Persea americana ). Neeman, L. et al., Appl. Microbiol. , 1970, 19, Adinolfi, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24,
[a]22 470 (isol)
D +11.7 (c, 0.22 in CHCl3). 624-626 (isol, pmr, cmr)
(2j,5E ,12Z ,15Z )-form
1-Ac:5,6-Didehydropersin. Persenone A
C23H38O4 378.551 1,8-Dihydroxy-3-hydroxy- D-503
Constit. of the fruit of avocado (Persea 1,2-Dihydroxy-16-heptadecyn- D-500 methylanthraquinone, 8CI
americana ). Oil. [a]22
D +17.6 (c, 0.48 in
4-one [481-72-1]
CHCl3). lmax 224 (e 9000) (MeCN). Avocadynone 1,8-Dihydroxy-3-hydroxymethyl-9,10-an-
Kim, O.K. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2000,
HC/ / C(CH2)11COCH2CH(OH)CH2OH thracenedione, 9CI. 3-(Hydroxymethyl)-
48, 1557-1563 (Persenone A) C17H30O3 282.422 chrysazin. Aloeemodin. Rottlerin$
Domergue, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 54,
1-Ac: [24607-10-1]
C19H32O4 324.459 O
Constit. of avocado (Persea americana ). HO OH
1,2-Dihydroxy-5-heneicosen- D-497 Mp 478. [a]25
D +26 (CHCl3).

4-one Kashman, Y. et al., Isr. J. Chem. , 1969, 7, 173

Kashman, Y. et al., Tetrahedron , 1969, 25, 4617
H3C(CH2)14CH/ (isol, nmr)
Alves, H.M. et al., Ann. Acad. Bras. Cienc. ,
C21H40O3 340.545 1970, 42S, 45 (isol) C15H10O5 270.241
(2j,5E )-form Found in aloes, also bark of cascara
1-Ac:Persenone B sagrada Rhamnus purshiana , Chinese
C23H42O4 382.582 rhubarb Rheum palmatum and Rheum
Constit. of the fruit of Persea americana 10,16-Dihydroxyhexadecanoic D-501 undulatum (rhubarb). Orange needles (to-
(avocado). Oil. [a]22
D +8.3 (c, 0.33 in
acid luene). Mp 221-2238. pKa 10.17 (258,
CHCl3). lmax 222 (e 3200) (MeCN). [3233-90-7] H2O). Log P 0.88 (calc).
Kim, O.K. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2000, 10,16-Dihydroxypalmitic acid -CB6712200
48, 1557-1563 (Persenone B) HOH2C(CH2)5CH(OH)(CH2)8COOH 1-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside:1-O-b-D-Gluco-
C16H32O4 288.426 pyranosylaloeemodin
C21H20O10 432.383
9,10-Dihydroxy-4,6-heptade- D-498 (S )-form [69232-67-3]
Constit. of the rhizomes of Rheum
Constit. of numerous plant cutins incl.
cadiyn-3-one undulatum (rhubarb). Yellow needles
apple and tomato. Mp 74-758. [a]D +3.1
(MeOH). Mp 174-1778. [a]24 D -56.4 (c,
(c, 0.5 in MeOH/CHCl3). Partial dec. at
O 0.1 in MeOH).
3 1?-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [50488-89-6] v-
10-Ketone: [53833-25-3] 16-Hydroxy-10-
OH O-b-D-Glucopyranosylaloeemodin
oxohexadecanoic acid
C21H20O10 432.383
C16H30O4 286.411
Isol. from Chinese rhubarb. Orange
Constit. of the fruit cutin of lemon
OH needles (MeOH). Mp 187-1898.
Citrus limon .
8-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [33037-46-6]
C17H26O3 278.391 [77441-79-3, 77441-82-8] C21H20O10 432.383
(9S,10S )-form [106828-96-0] Eglinton, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1968, 7, 313 Found in Chinese rhubarb (Rheum
Panaxacol (isol) palmatum ), cascara sagrada (Rhamnus
Present in ginseng. [a]D +18.3 (c, 1.0 in Deas, A.H.B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1974, 13, purshiana ) and Alexandria senna
MeOH). lmax 205 (e ); 245 (sh) (e ); 255 1901-1905
(Cassia acutifolia ). Yellow needles + 1=2
(e ); 270 (e ); 286 (e ) (MeOH) (Derep). Espelie, K.E. et al., Lipids , 1978, 13, 832 (isol,
H2O (CHCl3). Mp 237-2388.
lmax 205 ; 255 ; 270 ; 286 ; 540 ; 570 Ray, A.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 38, 1,8-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
(MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 254 (e 4000); 268 1361-1369 (isol, ms) C27H30O15 594.525
(e 5100); 284 (e 4200) (EtOH) (Berdy). Ahmed, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 2003, 63, 47- Found in Chinese rhubarb (Rheum
3S(?)-Alcohol: [113122-25-1] 4,6-Hepta- 52 (synth, abs config) palmatum ). Yellow cryst. (MeOH). Mp
decadiyne-3,9,10-triol. Dihydropanaxa- 2298. [a]20
D -115 (c, 0.085 in 85% Me2CO
col aq.).
C17H28O3 280.406 1?-Ac: [65615-58-9] 3-(Acetoxymethyl)-
Present in ginseng. Sol. EtOAc, Et2O. 5,7-Dihydroxy-3-(4-hydroxy- D-502 1,8-dihydroxyanthraquinone. Aloe emo-
[114687-50-2] benzyl)-4-chromanone din v-acetate
Fujimoto, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26, [96911-00-1] C17H12O6 312.278
2850 2,3-Dihydro-5,7-dihydroxy-3-[(4-hydroxy- Isol. from roots of Rumex acetosa
Fujimoto, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990, phenyl)methyl]-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one, (sorrel). Yellow granules (C6H6/petrol).
38, 1447 (synth, abs config) 9CI. 4?-Demethyl-3,9-dihydroeucomin Mp 213-2148.

3,4-Dihydroxy-3-hydroxymethylbutanoic acid / 3,4-Dihydroxy-2-(hydroxymethyl)pyrrolidine D-504  / D-508

Tutin, F. et al., J.C.S. , 1911, 99, 946 (isol) Murakawa, S. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1977, (R )-form [517-89-5]
Mitter, P.S. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , 1932, 9, 41, 1799-1800 (isol) Red-brown cryst. (C6H6). Mp 1488
375 (synth) Bast, E. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1978, 33, 789- (1438). [a]20 +135 (C6H6). Log P 1.84
Stone, K.G. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1946, 68, 2742 (uv) 792 (isol, ms) Hg

Muhtadi, M.J.R. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1969, 3751 Liang, Y.T.S. et al., J. Carbohydr. Chem. , 1990,
(calc). Component of Tokyo violet lmax
(synth, uv, glucoside) 9, 75-84 (D-form, synth, bibl) 276 (e 20000); 488 (e 1200); 525 (e 8700);
Okabe, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1973, 21, Gan, L.X. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1991, 220, 563 (e 5900) (MeOH) (Derep).
1254 (isol, glucoside) 117-125 (synth, pmr, cmr) -LD50 (mus, orl) >1000 mg/kg; LD50 (mus,
Fairbairn, J.W. et al., Pharmacology, 1976, 14, 1 Shao, Y.Y. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1993, 41, ipr) 20 mg/kg. QL8000200
(suppl, rev) 1391-1396 (synth) (S )-form [517-88-4]
Sharma, M. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , Okamura, M. et al., J. Nutr. Sci. Vitaminol. , C.I. Natural red 20. C.I. 75530
1977, 15, 884 (isol, synth, acetate) 1994, 40, 81-94 (isol, glucoside) Red dye component of alkanet root
Evans, F.G. et al., Biomed. Mass Spectrom. , Loewus, F.A. et al., Biochem. Biophys. Res. extract used for colouring sausage cas-
1979, 6, 374 (ms) Commun. , 1995, 212, 196-203 (isol)
Benfaremo, N. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 139 Wang, X.-Y. et al., J. Carbohydr. Chem. , 1995,
ings, margarine, confectionery and wine.
(synth) 14, 1257-1263 (cryst struct) This extract, formerly FEMA 2016, has
Danielsen, K. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1992, Pat. Coop. Treaty (WIPO) , 1995, 95 29 928; been removed from the FEMA GRAS
30, 359 (pmr, cmr) CA , 124, 212049b (isol, glycosides) list. Not permitted in Germany. Japan
Schmidt, R.R. et al., Synthesis , 1994, 255 Keates, S.E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49, approved. Reddish-bronze needles
(synth, pmr) 2397-2401 (isol, galactoside) (Et2O/EtOH). Mp 116-1178 (1498). [a]20 Hg
Hatano, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1999, 47, -157 (C6H6). Log P 1.84 (calc). lmax 276
1121-1129 (activity) (e 20000); 488 (e 1200); 525 (e 8700); 563
Hofilena, J.G. et al., ACGC Chem. Res. 3,26-Dihydroxy-23-hydroxy- D-506
Commun. , 2000, 10, 15-20 (activity) methylfurost-20(22)-en-6-one (e 5900) (MeOH) (Derep).
Matsuda, H. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. , 2001, (/9)-form [11031-58-6]
9, 41-50 (1-glucoside) Mp 1488.
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of [38222-13-8, 85921-41-1]
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, DMU600 CH2OH Raudnitz, H. et al., Ber. , 1934, 67, 1955-1959;
O 1935, 68, 1479-1484 (isol, struct)
Brockmann, H. et al., Annalen , 1935, 521, 1-47
3,4-Dihydroxy-3-hydroxy- D-504 (isol, struct)
methylbutanoic acid Arakawa, H. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1961,
HO 947 (abs config)
O Shcherbanovskii, L.R. et al., Khim. Prir.
C5H10O5 150.131 Soedin. , 1971, 7, 517-518; 8, 666; Chem. Nat.
Nitrile, 4-O-b-D-glucopyranoside (3R-): C28H44O5 460.653 Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , 1971, 7, 491; 8, 648
[148965-97-3] (3b,5a,23j,25R )-form Afzal, M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1975, 1334-
[148966-04-5] 3-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-[a-L- 1335 (Angeloylshikonin, isol)
C11H19NO8 293.273 arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)]-b-D- Mizukami, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17,
Constit. of barley (Hordeum vulgare ). glucopyranoside], 26-O-b-D- 95-97 (isol)
glucopyranoside: [187144-80-5] Chineno- Papageorgiou, V.P. et al., Planta Med. , 1979, 35,
Pourmohseni, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 56-60 (isol, struct, use)
side IV Terada, A. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1983, 987-988
33, 295-297
C50H80O23 1049.168 (synth)
Constit. of Allium chinense (rakkyo). Terada, A. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1987,
3,4-Dihydroxy-5-(hydroxy- D-505 Amorph. powder. Mp 172-1758. [a]20 D - 60, 205-213 (synth)
methyl)-2(5H )-furanone, 9CI 35.8 (c, 0.32 in Py). Tanoue, Y. et al., J.O.C. , 1987, 52, 1437-1439
3-O-[a-L-Arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- (synth)
[13382-28-0] Braun, M. et al., Annalen , 1991, 1157-1164
Pent-2-enono-1,4-lactone. Erythroascorbic glucopyranoside], 26-O-b-D- (synth, ord)
acid glucopyranoside: [170739-22-7] Chineno- Torii, S. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1995, 68,
side V 2917 (synth)
C45H72O19 917.052 Merck Index, 12th edn. , 1996, No. 253 (props,
HO OH Constit. of Allium chinense (rakkyo). bibl)
Amorph. powder. Mp 216-2188. [a]20 D - Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
47.1 (c, 0.57 in Py). Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 74-75
HOH2C O O Couladouros, E.A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1997, 38,
Peng, J. et al., Planta Med. , 1996, 62, 465-468
7263-7266 (synth)
(isol, pmr, cmr)
Papageorgiou, V.P. et al., Angew. Chem., Int.
C5H6O5 146.099 Ed. , 1999, 38, 271-300 (rev)
(R )-form [138760-70-0] 5,8-Dihydroxy-2-(1-hydroxy- D-507 Lu, Q. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 2002, 13, 113-
D-form 4-methyl-3-pentenyl)-1,4-naphthalene- 114 (synth)
Needles (MeCN). Mp 161-1628. [a]25 D dione, 9CI
+12.5 (c, 1 in MeOH).
1?-O-a-D-Xylopyranoside: [174339-85-6] Shikonin. Alkannin. Arnebin IV. Anchusaic 3,4-Dihydroxy-2-(hydroxy- D-508
C10H14O9 278.215 acid. Anchusin. Alkanna red. Alkhanin. methyl)pyrrolidine
Prod. by Pleurotus ostreatus (oyster Shikalkin [98632-49-6]
mushroom). 1,4-Dideoxy-1,4-iminopentitol, 11CI. 2-
1?-O-a-D-Galactopyranoside: [220448-92-0] (Hydroxymethyl)-3,4-pyrrolidinediol,
C11H16O10 308.241 HO 12CI. DAB-1
1?-O-a-D-Glucopyranoside: [174339-86-7] (R)-form
C11H16O10 308.241 HO OH
Prod. by Hypsizygus mamoreus HO
(bunashimeji) and Pleurotus ostreatus O 4 3

(oyster mushroom). 2 (2R,3R,4R)-form

(S )-form [26754-35-8] C16H16O5 288.299 N CH 2OH
L-form Historically Shikonin was the (R )-form H
Cryst. (Me2CO/EtOAc). Mp 159-1618. and Alkannin (=Anchusin etc.) the (S )-
D +9.3 (c, 0.268 in 0.01M HCl). form. Shikalkin was the (/9)-form. C5H11NO3 133.147

/ 4?,7-Dihydroxyisoflavone D-509  / D-513

(2R ,3R ,4R )-form [100937-52-8] 3,12-Dihydroxy-2(9),7(14)-il- D-510 4?,7-Dihydroxyisoflavanone D-512

1,4-Dideoxy-1,4-imino-D-arabinitol ludadien-8-one [17238-05-0]
Hygroscopic oil. [a]20
D +7.8 (c, 0.46 in 2,3-Dihydro-7-hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphe-
H2O). nyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI. Dihy-
N-(3-Amino-3-oxopropyl):3,4-Dihydroxy- drodaidzein
mide 11
C8H16N2O4 204.225 3
Alkaloid from Morus alba (white mul-
berry). [a]D -53.7 (c, 0.41 in H2O). OH
(2R ,3R ,4S )-form [105990-41-8]
1,4-Dideoxy-1,4-imino-D-ribitol C15H20O3 248.321 HO O
Alkaloid from roots of Morus alba 3a-form [181294-94-0]
(white mulberry). Solid. [a]D +42 (c, Illudin C2 C15H12O4 256.257
0.53 in H2O). Prod. by Coprinus atramentarius (com- (R )-form [58865-02-4]
Furukawa, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, mon ink cap). Oil. Sol. MeOH, EtOAc. Cryst. Mp 2018.
593 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms, ord, config) [a]20
D +20 (c, 0.3 in MeOH). lmax 205 (e 7-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside:Dihydrodaidzin
Nash, R.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, 1620 9700); 264 (e 5800) (MeOH).
(isol, pmr, cmr, ms, struct)
C21H22O9 418.399
Fleet, G.W.J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1986, 42, 5685; 11-Epimer: [181490-81-3] 3,13-Dihydroxy- Constit. of Glycine max (soybeans).
1987, 43, 3083; 1988, 44, 2637; 2649 (synth, ir, 2(9),7(14)-illudadien-8-one. Illudin C3 Amorph. yellow powder. [a]22 D -12.9 (c, 1
pmr) C15H20O3 248.321 in MeOH). Config. not confirmed lmax
Setol, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1987, 35, Prod. by Coprinus atramentarius (com- 276 (log e 4.27); 310 (log e 4.08)
3995 (synth, ir, pmr) mon ink cap). Oil. Sol. MeOH, EtOAc. (MeOH).
Ikota, N. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1989, 37, [a]20
D -15.4 (c, 0.3 in MeOH). lmax 205 (e Di-Ac:
1087; 3399 (synth) 11500); 270 (e 7300) (MeOH).
Wehmer, V. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1990, Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 1538. [a]24 D -20.7
29, 1169 (synth) Lee, I.-K. et al., J. Antibiot. , 1996, 49, 821-822 (CHCl3).
Buchanan, J.G. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1990, 699 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr)
4?-Me ether: [4626-22-6] 7-Hydroxy-4?-
(synth) methoxyisoflavanone. Dihydroformono-
Van der Klein, P.A.M. et al., Synth. Commun. , netin
1992, 22, 1763 (synth)
Asano, N. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1994, 253, 6,7-Dihydroxy-1(3H )-isoben- D-511 C16H14O4 270.284
235; 259, 243 (1,4-Dideoxy-1,4-imino-2-O-b- Constit. of Myroxylon balsamum (Tolu
zofuranone, 9CI balsam) trunkwood. Cryst. (EtOH). Mp
D-glucopyranosyl-D-arabinitol, 1,4-Dideoxy-
1,4-imino-D-ribitol) [4741-57-5] 185-1888. No opt. rotn. given.
Griffart-Brunet, D. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1994, 35, 6,7-Dihydroxyphthalide, 8CI. Normeconine 4?-Me ether, 7-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
2889 (synth) [66918-17-0] 2,3-Dihydroononin
Huang, Y. et al., J.O.C. , 1997, 62, 372-376 O
(synth, pmr, ir, cmr) OH C22H24O9 432.426
Watson, A.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 46, HO Mp 269-2718.
255 (isol, props) O Di-Me ether: [15236-11-0] 4?,7-Dimethox-
Huwe, C.M. et al., Synthesis , 1997, 61 (synth, yisoflavanone
pmr, cmr) C17H16O4 284.311
C8H6O4 166.133 Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 129-1308.
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 221-2228 dec.
Di-Ac: [61407-18-9] [71815-35-5]
11,12-Dihydroxy-8,11,13-ice- D-509
C12H10O6 250.207 Donnelly, D.M.X. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1976,
texatrien-20-one Cryst. Mp 150.5-1538. 186 (isol, struct, synth)
[91729-95-2] 6-Me ether: [29809-16-3] 7-Hydroxy-6- Haźnagy, A. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim,
Rosmaridiphenol methoxyphthalide Ger.) , 1978, 311, 318 (Dihydroononin)
de Oliveira, A.B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978,
C9H8O4 180.16 17, 593 (Dihydroformononetin, 7-Hydroxy-4?-
O HO Mp 124-1258. methoxyisoflavanone)
OH 7-Me ether: [78213-30-6] 6-Hydroxy-7- Jain, A.C. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 1987,
methoxyphthalide 26, 136 (synth)
C9H8O4 180.16 Hosny, M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2002, 65, 805-
Mp 87-888. 813 (Dihydrodaidzin)

Di-Me ether: [569-31-3] 6,7-Dimethoxy-

1(3H)-isobenzofuranone. 6,7-Dimethox-
C20H28O3 316.439 yphthalide. Meconine. Opianyl
4?,7-Dihydroxyisoflavone D-513
Constit. of the leaves of Rosmarinus C10H10O4 194.187 [486-66-8]
officinalis (rosemary). Cryst. (EtOH). Mp Isol. from poppy straw (Papaver somni- 7-Hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-4H-1-
182-1848. ferum ). Needles (H2O). Mp 102.58. benzopyran-4-one, 9CI. Daidzein. Di-
Houlihan, C.M. et al., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. , Sublimes. methylbiochanin B. Daizeol. K 251-6.
1984, 61, 1036-1039 (isol, pmr, cmr) Wegscheider, R. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1889, Daidzeol. Tatoin
U.S. Pat. , 1987, 4 638 095; CA , 106, 99630x 3, 351 (isol, struct)
(isol) Edwards, G.A. et al., J.C.S. , 1925, 127, 195
(deriv) O OH
Rodionov, W.M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. ,
1934, 1, 653
Schmid, H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1945, 28,
722 (isol, deriv) HO O
Logan, W.R. et al., J.C.S. , 1956, 4980
Popoff, T. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. B ,
1976, 30, 397-402 (synth, ir, pmr, ms)
C15H10O4 254.242
Narasimhan, N.S. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. Tatoin was impure daidzein. Widespread
B , 1983, 22, 1257 (synth) isoflavone in the Leguminosae, esp.

5,7-Dihydroxyisoflavone, 8CI / 16,17-Dihydroxy-9(11)-kauren-... D-514 / D-517

Phaseolus spp. (broad beans, lima Jain, A.C. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1986, 215 Sreeramulu, K. et al., J. Asian Nat. Prod. Res. ,
beans); also found in soy and soy (synth) 2001, 3, 261-265; CA , 136, 352614e (isol, pmr,
products (tofu, miso), chick peas (Cicer Murthy, M.S.R. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , cmr)
1986, 24, 225 (cmr)
arietinum ) and peanuts (Arachis Matsuda, Y. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1988, 52,
hypogaea ) .Nutriceutical with 3211 (isol, props)
anticancer and bone protective props.. Park, H.H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1992, 40,
Pale yellow cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 3308 1978 (6??-malonyl ester) 6,7-Dihydroxy-16-kauren-19- D-516
(3238). lmax 259 (e ) (MeOH/NaOH) Nishiyama, K. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., oic acid
(Derep). lmax 252 (e 25400) (MeOH) Biochem. , 1993, 57, 107 (synth)
(Derep). Hirakura, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 46,
-DJ3100040 921-928 (Daidzin, isol, pmr, cmr)
Lewis, P. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1998, 2481-2484
7-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [552-66-9] (Daidzin, synth, pmr, cmr)
H (ent-6β,7α)-form
Daidzin. Daidzoside Balasubramanian, S. et al., Synth. Commun. ,
C21H20O9 416.384 2000, 30, 469-484 (synth, ethers) OH
Isol. from soya bean (Glycine max ) and Hendrich, S. et al., Handbook of Nutraceuticals COOH
soya bean meal, kudzu root (Pueraria and Functional Foods , (ed. Wildman, R.E.C.),
lobata ), alfalfa (Medicago sativa ) and CRC Press,, 2001, 55-75 (occur, metab)
C20H30O4 334.455
other Leguminosae. Cryst. + 1H2O
(ent -6b,7a)-form [83883-00-5]
(H2O) becoming anhyd. at 1208. Mp
233-2358. [a]20D -36.4 (0.02M KOH).
5,7-Dihydroxyisoflavone, 8CI D-514 19/ 0 6 Lactone: [5691-63-4] ent-7a-Hy-
-DJ3094000 [4044-00-2] droxy-16-kauren-19,6b-olide. 7-Hydro-
7-O-(6-O-Acetyl-b-D-glucopyranoside): 5,7-Dihydroxy-3-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran- xykaurenolide
[71385-83-6] 6??-O-Acetyldaidzin 4-one, 9CI C20H28O3 316.439
C23H22O10 458.421 Cryst. (EtOAc/petrol). Mp 187-1888.
C15H10O4 254.242 [a]D -25 (c, 0.5 in EtOH).
Isol. from soybean seeds (Glycine max ); Isol. from hydrolysed flour of Arachis
potential nutriceutical. Needles. Mp (ent -6a,7a)-form [26109-32-0]
hypogaea (peanut). Needles (EtOH aq.). Prod. by Cucurbita maxima and in cell-
186-1898. Mp 2058 (195-1968). free systems of other plants.
Di-Ac: 7-Ketone, 6-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
[124590-31-4] 6??-O-Malonyldaidzin
Needles (EtOH). Mp 1808. [207240-06-0] Australiside A
C24H22O12 502.431
Present in soy foods; potential nutri- 7-Me ether: [19725-43-0] 5-Hydroxy-7- C26H38O9 494.581
ceutical. Mp 1688. [a]D -45.2 (c, 0.2 in methoxyisoflavone Cryst. Mp 143-1458. Stereochem. not
DMSO). C16H12O4 268.268 clear in ref..
Cryst. (EtOAc). Mp 140-1418. Cross, B. et al., J.C.S. , 1963, 2944 (struct)
4?,7-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [53681-67- Hanson, J.R. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1968, 1689;
7] Di-Me ether: [26964-35-2] 5,7-Dimethox-
yisoflavone 1969, 1071 (biosynth)
C27H30O14 578.526 Hanson, J.R. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1974, 2001
Stress metab. of cell cultures of azuki C17H14O4 282.295 (cmr)
bean (Vigna angularis ). Needles. Mp Isol. from peanut (Arachis hypogaea ) MacMillan, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23,
2418. seeds. Plates (EtOH aq.). Mp 122-1238 553; 565 (isol)
(1128). Turnbull, C.G.N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986,
7-Me ether: [486-63-5] 4?-Hydroxy-7- 25, 97 (biosynth)
methoxyisoflavone. Isoformononetin Baker, W. et al., J.C.S. , 1953, 1852 (synth)
Audier, H. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1966, Li, G. et al., Zhongguo Zhongyao Zazhi , 1997,
C16H12O4 268.268 2892 (ms) 22, 548-550; CA , 128, 319311r (Australiside
Isol. from soybean (Glycine max ) and Krishnamurty, H.G. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1977, A)
other plants. Prisms (EtOH). Mp 218- 3071 (synth)
2208. Daigle, D.J. et al., CA , 1986, 104, 165440 (isol)
Farkas, L. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1959, 92, 819 Jain, A.C. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1986, 215
(synth) (synth)
Murthy, M.S.R. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. ,
16,17-Dihydroxy-9(11)-kau- D-517
Markham, K.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1968, 7,
791 (isol) 1986, 24, 225 (cmr) ren-19-oic acid
Gupta, S.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1971, 10,
877 (synth)
Dement, W.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, 11, 2,7-Dihydroxy-5-isopropyl-3- D-515 CH 2OH
1089 (isol) methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone
Inone, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1974, 22, OH
1422 (biosynth)
Jain, A.C. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1975, 13, 789 O
Deshpande, V.H. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. COOH
B , 1977, 15, 201 (isol)
Nakayama, M. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. ,
CH3 C20H30O4 334.455
1978, 51, 2398 (synth)
Kurosawa, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, O (ent -16bOH )-form [55483-24-4]
1405 (Isoformononetin) Constit. of roasted coffee. Cryst.
Ohta, N. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1979, 43, (Me2CO). Mp 184-1858. [a]20 D +32.2
1415 (6??-O-Acetyldaidzin) C14H14O4 246.262 (EtOH).
Jha, H.C. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1980, 58, 1211
2-Me ether: [253609-43-7] 7-Hydroxy-5- Obermann, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1975, 108,
isopropyl-2-methoxy-3-methyl-1,4- 1093
Ayabe, S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1982, 2725
Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21,
(biosynth, ms) naphthoquinone. 15-Nor-2-O-methyliso-
Kobayashi, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, hemigossypolone
1257 (isol) C15H16O4 260.289
Ingham, J.L. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat. Isol. from infected trunks of Pachira
Prod. , 1983, 43, 1 (rev, occur)
aquatica (Malabar chestnut). Yellow
Carman, R.M. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1985, 38,
485 (isol) syrup.
Shibatani, M. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol.,
Biochem. , 1999, 63, 1777-1780

14,15-Dihydroxy-8(17),13(16)-...  / 3,15-Dihydroxylanosta-7,9(11),24-... D-518  / D-524

14,15-Dihydroxy- D-518 Ganoderic acid T$. Ganoderic acid U 3,15-Dihydroxylanosta- D-524

8(17),13(16)-labdadien-19-oic acid Constit. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi). 7,9(11),24-trien-26-oic acid
Cryst. Sol. MeOH, CH2Cl2; poorly sol.
H2O. Mp 196-1998. [a]D +35. COOH
3,7-Diketone: [173075-45-1] 3,7-Dioxola-
CH2 OH nosta-8,24-dien-26-oic acid. Ganoderic (3α,5α,15α,24E)-form
acid DM OH
C30H44O4 468.675 H
Constit. of Ganoderma lucida (reishi).
D +10.9 (c, 0.065 in CHCl3). lmax 214 C30H46O4 470.691
(log e 3.91); 248 (log e 3.84) (MeOH). The Ganoderic acid synonyms are
COOH (3b,7a,24E )-form confused owing to multiple use by
C20H32O4 336.47 7-Ketone, 26-aldehyde: [252351-96-5] 3- different workers. See also refs. under
Hydroxy-7-oxolanosta-8,24-dien-26-al. 3,15,22-Trihydroxylanosta-7,9(11),24-
(14S )-form
Lucidal trien-26-oic acid, T-611.
Constit. of Juniperus communis (juniper).
C30H46O3 454.692 (3a,5a,15a,24E )-form [112430-67-8]
Oil (as Me ester). [a]D +43 (c, 1.6 in
Isol. from Ganoderma lucidum (reishi). Ganodermic acid Ja
CHCl3) (Me ester).
Cryst. (MeOH/EtOAc). Mp 106-1088. Metab. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi).
de Pascual Teresa, J. et al., Phytochemistry, [a]25
D +19 (c, 0.2 in CHCl3). lmax 229 3-Ac: [108026-94-4] Ganoderic acid Mf
1980, 19, 1153
(log e 2); 256 (log e 4.7) (EtOH). C32H48O5 512.728
7-Ketone, 26-alcohol: [252351-95-4] 3,26- Metab. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi).
8,14-Dihydroxy-2,6-lactara- D-519 Dihydroxylanost-8,24-dien-7-one. Luci- Syrup. [a]24
D +42 (c, 0.2 in CHCl3).
dien-5,14-olide dadiol 15-Ac: [86377-53-9] Ganoderic acid X
[62824-37-7] C30H48O3 456.707 C32H48O5 512.728
Blennin B Isol. from Ganoderma lucidum (reishi). Metab. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi).
Cryst. (MeOH/EtOAc). Mp 163-1658. lmax 220 ; 233 ; 242 ; 251 (EtOH)
D +80 (c, 0.02 in EtOH). lmax 253 (Berdy).
OH (log e 3.6) (EtOH).
15-Ac, Me ester:
O Toth, J.O. et al., J. Chem. Res., Miniprint , 1983,
Mp 161-1638. [a]D +76.
2722 (isol, pmr)
Toth, J.O. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1983, 24, 1081 Di-Ac: [108026-93-3] Ganoderic acid Me.
O Wang, F.S. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1997, 32, 447- Ganodermic acid R
450 (Ganoderic acid DM) C34H50O6 554.765
Goanzález, A.G. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1999, 62, Metab. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi).
1700-1701 (Lucidadiol, Lucidal) Syrup or amorph. powder (CHCl3/
C15H20O4 264.321 hexane). Mp 126-1298. [a]24D +53 (c, 0.26
Constit. of Lactarius blennius (slimy milk in MeOH).
cap). Oil. [a]20
D +70.78 (Me2CO). (3b,5a,15a,24E )-form [112430-68-9]
Vidari, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, 1953 3,15-Dihydroxylanosta-8,24- D-522 Ganodermic acid Jb
dien-26-oic acid Metab. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi).
C30H48O4 472.707 Cryst. Mp 201-2028.
2,8-Dihydroxy-4(6)-lactaren- D-520
(3b,15a,24E )-form 3-Ac: [112430-65-6] Ganodermic acid TO
5,14-olide C32H48O5 512.728
Di-Ac: [117842-20-3] 3b,15a-Diacetoxyla-
Metab. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi).
nosta-8,24-dien-26-oic acid
H OH C34H52O6 556.781
Cryst. Mp 160-1628.
H 15-Ac: [112430-64-5] Ganodermic acid TN
O Constit. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi).
Lin, L.-J. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1988, 51, 919 C32H48O5 512.728
Metab. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi).
O Cryst. Mp 145-1468. Incorr. called
OH Ganoderic acid TN in CA.
3,24-Dihydroxylanosta-8,25- D-523 Di-Ac: [112430-63-4] Ganodermic acid S
C15H22O4 266.336 C34H50O6 554.765
dien-21-oic acid
(2b,3b,7bH ,8b)-form [72601-39-9] Metab. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi).
Blennin D Needles (CHCl3/hexane). Mp 123-1248.
Constit. of Lactarius blennius (slimy OH lmax 235 ; 243 ; 252 (MeOH) (Berdy).
milk cap). Oil. [a]20
D +51 (Me2CO). HOOC 3-Ketone, 15-Ac: [112430-66-7] 15-Acet-
De Bernardi, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19, oxy-3-oxolanosta-7,9(11),24-trien-26-
99 oic acid. Ganodermic acid TQ
Garlaschelli, L. et al., Tetrahedron , 1994, 50, C32H46O5 510.712
1211 (struct) Metab. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi).
3-Ketone, 26-alcohol: [420781-85-7] 15,26-
3,7-Dihydroxylanosta-8,24- D-521 HO Dihydroxylanosta-7,9(11),24-trien-3-
dien-26-oic acid one
C30H46O3 454.692
COOH C30H48O4 472.707 Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 124-1258. [a]20 D +73
(c, 0.2 in CHCl3). lmax 236 (log e 3.9);
15 (3α,7α,24E)-form
244 (log e 3.9); 252 (log e 3.8) (EtOH).
3-Ac: [267649-96-7] Tsugaric acid C Nishitoba, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1987,
3 7
C32H50O5 514.744 51, 619 (isol)
Constit. of Ganoderma tsugae (red Shiao, M.-S. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1987, 50, 886
reishi). Needles (MeOH). Mp 213-2158. (isol)
C30H48O4 472.707 Su, H.-J. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2000, 63, 514-516 Lin, L.-J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 2269
(3a,7a,24E )-form [86377-51-7] (isol, pmr, cmr)

3,22-Dihydroxylanosta-7,9(11),24-... / 3,5-Dihydroxy-6,7-megastigmadien-... D-525 / D-530

González, A.G. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2002, 65, Min, B.-S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998, 46, 4-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [126585-75-9]
417-421 (Dihydroxylanostatrienone) 1607-1612 (isol, pmr, cmr) Sonchuionoside A
C19H30O8 386.441
3,22-Dihydroxylanosta- D-525 3,13-Dihydroxy-28-lupanoic D-527 Amorph. powder. [a]23D -42.7 (c, 0.62 in
7,9(11),24-trien-26-oic acid MeOH).
4-O-[b-D-Apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 ?)-b-D-
OH glucopyranoside]: [126527-19-3] Sonch-
uionoside B
C24H38O12 518.557
HO Amorph. powder. [a]23D -77.8 (c, 0.45 in
H COOH [126176-78-1]

HO Shimizu, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,

H 3399 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Miyase, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, 3483
HO (Icariside B8, pmr, cmr, ms)
C30H46O4 470.691
Roscher, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1993,
Lanostane derivs. have been isol. from 41, 1452 (isol, Sonchuionoside C)
Ganoderma lucidum by three groups of C30H50O4 474.723
workers simultaneously, and various (3b,18j,13b)-form
Ganoderic acid names have been given 3,5-Dihydroxy-6,7-megastig- D-530
28/ 0 13 Lactone: [56875-22-0] 3-Hydroxy-
to different but closely similar compds. 28,13-lupanolide
See also under Lanosta-7,9(11),24- C30H48O3 456.707 [41703-38-2]
triene-3,26-diol, L-40, 3,7,15- Constit. of Dillenia indica (elephant 4-(2,4-Dihydroxy-2,6,6-trimethylcyclohex-
Trihydroxy-11,23-dioxolanost-8-en-26- apple). Cryst. Mp 3258 dec. [a]27D +63.4
ylidene)-3-buten-2-one, 9CI. 2,6,6-Tri-
oic acid, T-553 and 3,7,12-Trihydroxy- (CHCl3). methyl-1-(3-oxo-1-butenylidene)-2,4-cyclo-
11,15,23-trioxolanost-8-en-26-oic acid, Banerji, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14, hexanediol. Grasshopper ketone
T-714. 1447 (isol)
(3a,22S,24E )-form Suokas, E. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. B , H
22-Ac:Ganoderic acid S$ 1978, 32, 623 (struct)
C32H48O5 512.728
Constit. of cultured mycelium of Gano- 6,10-Dihydroxy-4,7-megastig- D-528 O
derma lucidum (reishi). Needles. Sol. 3
MeOH, CHCl3; poorly sol. H2O. Mp
madiene-3,9-dione HO OH
194-1968. [a]D +19.8 (c, 0.085 in
CHCl3). See also under Lanosta- O C13H20O3 224.299
7,9(11),24-triene-3,26-diol, L-40 lmax Needles (Me2CO/C6H6). Mp 134-1368.
231 (e 15800); 240 (e 15600); 248 (e CH2OH [a]25
D -63 (c, 1.15 in MeOH).
10000) (MeOH) (Berdy). OH 3-Ac: [26289-05-4] Apo-9?-fucoxanthinone
Di-Ac: [103963-39-9] Ganoderic acid R$ O C15H22O4 266.336
C34H50O6 554.765 Amorph. solid. [a]19D -284 (c, 0.1 in
Constit. of cultured mycelium of Gano- C13H18O4 238.283 MeOH). lmax 204 ; 232 (MeOH). lmax
derma lucidum (reishi). Needles. Sol. (S )-form 231 (e 2800); 280 (e 700) (MeOH)
MeOH, CHCl3; poorly sol. H2O. Mp (Berdy).
10-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [189344-54-5]
201-2028. [a]D +8.7 (c, 0.092 in CHCl3). 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [109062-00-2]
Corchoionoside B
lmax 224 (e 10000); 234 (e 10000); 242 (e Icariside B1
C19H28O9 400.425
10000); 250 (e 6300) (MeOH) (Berdy). C19H30O8 386.441
Constit. of Corchorus olitorius (Jew’s
Hirotani, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26,
mallow). Powder. [a]23 Amorph. powder. [a]25 D -73.5 (c, 1.00 in
D +113.7 (c, 0.4 in
2797 MeOH).
Hirotani, M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1990, 2751 MeOH).
(biosynth) Yoshikawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1997, 5-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [120330-44-1]
45, 464-469 (isol, pmr, cmr) Citroside A
C19H30O8 386.441
24,25-Dihydroxylanost-8-ene- D-526 Constit. of Citrus unshiu (satsuma
3,7-dione 3,4-Dihydroxy-5,7-megastig- D-529 mandarin). Amorph. powder + 1=2H2O.
madien-9-one [a]23
D -95.7 (c, 0.4 in MeOH). lmax 230

OH [126585-77-1] (log e 4.12) (MeOH).

3,4-Dihydroxy-b-ionone 3-O-[b-D-Apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
glucopyranoside]: [108567-70-0] Cinna-
OH O moside
C24H38O12 518.557
Isol. from dried bark of Cinnamomum
3 cassia (Chinese cinnamon). Syrup. [a]D
HO -88.6 (c, 0.5 in MeOH).
O O (S)axial Diastereomer, 5-O-b-D-
OH glucopyranoside: [120278-09-3] Citroside
C30H48O4 472.707 C13H20O3 224.299
Constit. of Citrus unshiu (satsuma
24S -form [217476-73-8] mandarin). Amorph. powder + 1=2H2O.
Lucidumol A 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [126585-76-0] [a]23
D -48.2 (c, 0.3 in MeOH). lmax 230
Constit. of Ganoderma lucida (reishi). Sonchuionoside C. Icariside B8 (log e 4.17) (MeOH).
Needles (C6H6/EtOAc). Mp 185-1878. Constit. of Vitis vinifera (Riesling wine). Meinwald, J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1968, 2959 (isol)
[a]D +35 (c, 0.1 in EtOH). lmax 251 (log Amorph. powder. [a]21 D -65.2 (c, 0.46 in de Ville, T.E. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1970, 1231
e 4) (no solvent reported). MeOH). (cryst struct)

6,9-Dihydroxy-4,7-megastigmadien-...  / 9,13-Dihydroxy-4-megastigmen-... D-531 / D-534

Hlubucek, J.R. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1974, 848 (6j,7E ,9j)-form 9-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
(synth) glucopyranoside]: [232601-29-5] Plata-
Mori, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1974, 30, 1065-
C19H30O8 386.441 nionoside C
1072 (synth, abs config)
Miyase, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1987, 35, Constit. of Vitis vinifera cv. C24H40O12 520.573
1109 (Icariside B1) Gewürztraminer. Two epimers isol.. Amorph. powder. [a]25 D -26 (c, 1.23 in
Umehara, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988, MeOH).
9-O-[b-D-Apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
36, 5004 (Citrosides) glucopyranoside]: (5R ,6S,7E ,9j)-form
Shiraga, Y. et al., Tetrahedron , 1988, 44, 4703-
C24H38O12 518.557 Oil. [a]20
D +2 (c, 0.25 in CHCl3).
4711 (Cinnamoside) 9-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside:
Doi, Y. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1995, 58, 1097-1099 Constit. of Vitis vinifera cv.
Gewürztraminer. Two epimers isol.. C19H32O8 388.457
Parameswaran, P.S. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. Takasugi, M. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1973, 3, 245- (5j,6S,7E ,9R )-form [142173-08-8] 4,5-Di-
B , 1996, 35, 463-467 (Apo-9?-fucoxanthinone) 248 (Vomifoliol, 9-ketone) hydrovomifoliol
Mori, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1974, 30, 1065- Constit. of Vitis vinifera grapes and
1072 (ketone, synth) Riesling wine.
6,9-Dihydroxy-4,7-megastig- D-531 Kato, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, 45-48 9-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [142235-28-7]
madien-3-one (Dehydrovomifoliol)
Higuchi, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1992, [351343-53-8] Dihydroroseoside
40, 534-535 (9-apiosylglucoside) C19H32O8 388.457
OH De Tommasi, N. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1992, 55, Isol. from a Riesling wine.
7 1025 (9-apiosylglucoside)
9 Inada, A. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1991, 39,
Herderich, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31,
OH 895-897 (apple glucoside) 2437 (isol, pmr, cmr)
O (6S,7E,9R)-form Sefton, M.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, González, A.G. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1994, 57,
1813-1815 (grape glucoside) 400 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Baltenweck-Guyot, R. et al., Phytochemistry, Baltenweck-Guyot, R. et al., Phytochemistry,
C13H20O3 224.299 1996, 43, 621-624 (Vitis vinifera glycosides) 1996, 43, 621 (Vitis vinifera glycosides)
(6S,7E ,9R )-form [23526-45-6] Yoshikawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1997, Tamaki, A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1999, 62, 1074-
Vomifoliol. Blumenol A 45, 464-469 (Corchoionoside C) 1076 (Platanionoside C)
Cryst. (CHCl3). Mp 113-1148. Murai, Y. et al., Planta Med. , 2001, 67, 480-481 Otsuka, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2001, 49,
(Corchoionoside C) 1093-1097 (Ampelopsisionoside, abs config)
9-O-[b-D-Apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- Calis, I. et al., Phytochemistry, 2002, 59, 451- Shen, Y.B. et al., J. Wood Sci. , 2001, 47, 145-
glucopyranoside]: 457 (Corchoionoside C) 148; CA , 135, 119622a (Dihydroroseoside)
C24H38O12 518.557
Isol. from Japanese medlar (Eriobotrya 3,4-Dihydroxy-5-megastig- D-532
japonica ) leaves. Powder. [a]25
D +15 (c,
0.14 in MeOH). 9,13-Dihydroxy-4-megastig- D-534
9-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- men-3-one
glucopyranoside]: [126221-59-8]
C24H38O12 518.557 O
Isol. from apples, Malus sylvestris cv OH
Johnathan. 9
9-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
glucopyranoside]: [141947-49-1] OH O CH2OH
C30H48O17 680.699
Constit. of fruit of apples (Malus C13H22O3 226.315 C13H22O3 226.315
sylvestris ). 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [126176-78-1] 9-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [188305-07-9]
9-Ketone: [15764-81-5] 6-Hydroxy-4,7- Icariside B8 C19H32O8 388.457
megastigmadiene-3,9-dione. Dehydrovo- C19H32O8 388.457 Constit. of Hordeum vulgare (barley).
mifoliol Constit. of wine grape Vitis vinifera
C13H18O3 222.283 leaves (Riesling). [a]23 9-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
D -60.9 (c, 0.64 in
Isol. from rice husks (Oryza sativa L. cv MeOH). glucopyranoside]: [224047-74-9]
Koshihikari). Oil. [a]D +142.7 (c, 0.78 in C25H42O13 550.599
Miyase, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, 3483
MeOH). (isol, pmr, cmr) 13-Carboxylic acid:9-Hydroxy-3-oxo-4-
7,8-Dihydro, 9-O-[b-D-apiofuranosyl-(1/ Roscher, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1993, megastigmen-13-oic acid
0 6)-b-D-glucopyranoside]: [177261- 41, 1452 (isol) C13H20O4 240.299
70-0] 13-Carboxylic acid, 9-O-b-D-
C24H40O12 520.573 6,9-Dihydroxy-7-megastig- D-533 glucopyranoside: [295343-61-2]
Constit. of quince (Cydonia vulgaris ) men-3-one C19H30O9 402.441
leaves. 13-Carboxylic acid, 9-O-[b-D-
7,8-Dihydro, 9-O-[a-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ OH glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
0 6)-b-D-glucopyranoside]: [177261- OH glucopyranoside]: [295343-59-8]
69-7] C25H40O14 564.583
C25H42O12 534.6 (5R,6S,7E,9R)-form Peipp, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 44, 581-
Constit. of leaves of quince (Cydonia O 587 (Hordeum vulgare constit)
vulgaris ). Maier, W. et al., Planta , 1999, 207, 620-623
(6S,7E ,9S )-form [189351-15-3] C13H22O3 226.315 (Nicotiana constits)
Corchoionol C The various isolates and their glucosides Maier, W. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 54, 473-
479 (Nicotiana constits)
Powder. [a]28 D +184.3 (c, 0.1 in CHCl3). may or may not be stereochemically
9-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [185414-25-9] identical.
Corchoionoside C (5R ,6S,7E ,9R )-form
C19H30O8 386.441 9-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [138665-44-8]
Constit. of Corchorus olitorius (Jew’s Ampelopsisionoside
mallow). Powder. [a]29D +25.3 (c, 0.3 in C19H32O8 388.457
MeOH). Powder. [a]D -35.1 (c, 0.11 in MeOH).

8,9-Dihydroxy-p -menth-1(6)-... / 5,7-Dihydroxy-6-methoxyflavone D-535 / D-539

8,9-Dihydroxy-p -menth-1(6)- D-535 Isol. from Prunus cerasoides (wild Constit. of the seeds of Carthamus
en-2-one Himalayan cherry). Yellow needles tinctorius (safflower). Yellow powder.
(MeOH). Mp 140-1428 dec. Mp 240-2448. [a]D -23 (c, 1 in MeOH).
7-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [491-69-0] Iso- lmax 268 ; 325 (MeOH).
sakuranin 7-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 ?)-b-D-
O C22H24O10 448.426 glucopyranoside]: [31514-20-2] Acacetin
Isol. from Prunus spp.. Cryst. (Me2CO). 7-diglucoside
(4S,8R)-form Mp 2148 (184-1878). [a]24 D -73.4 (Py). C28H32O15 608.552
H 7-O-b-D-Galactopyranoside: [28585-70-8] Isol. from Tanacetum vulgare (tansy).
CH2OH Puddumin B [80443-15-8]
OH C22H24O10 448.426
Nakaoki, T. et al., CA , 1961, 55, 10803 (deriv)
Isol. from Prunus cerasoides (wild Hi- Nogradi, M. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1967, 100, 2783
C10H16O3 184.235 malayan cherry). Needles (MeOH). Mp (deriv)
(4S,8R )-form [402593-42-4] 178-1798. [a]25
D -51.6 (c, 1.2 in Py). Data Wagner, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1969, 102, 1445;
Constit. of fruit of Carum carvi given is for synthetic compd.. 2083; 1970, 103, 851 (derivs)
(caraway). Amorph. powder. [a]25 7-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- Wanjala, C.C.W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999,
D -6 (c,
51, 705-707 (7-apiosylglucoside)
0.1 in MeOH). glucopyranoside]: [14941-08-3] Poncirin.
Ahmed, K.M. et al., Pharmazie, 2000, 55, 621-
(4S,8S )-form [402593-43-5] Citrifolioside 622 (7-apiosylglucoside)
Constit. of fruit of Carum carvi C28H34O14 594.568
(caraway). Amorph. powder. [a]25 D -7 (c, Isol. from Citrus spp.. Cryst. (MeOH).
0.2 in MeOH). Mp 210-2118. [a]D -81.7 (c, 1 in DMF). 5,7-Dihydroxy-6-methoxyfla- D-539
Matsumura, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2002, 7-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- vone
50, 66-72 (isol, pmr, cmr) glucopyranoside]: [14259-47-3] Neopon-
cirin. Didymin
2,3?-Dihydroxy-4-methoxy- D-536 C28H34O14 594.568
benzopyran-4-one, 9CI. Oroxylin A
5?,6-dimethyldiphenyl ether From leaves of Monarda didyma (ber-
gamot) and Citrus spp.. Fine needles C16H12O5 284.268
(MeOH). Mp 211-2138. [a]26 D -105.3 (c, Yellow cryst. (EtOH). Mp 231-2328 (219-
1.44 in MeOH). 2208). lmax 247 (e 20900); 270 (e 13490);
oxy-3-methylphenol, 9CI. Cyperine. LL-
Asahina, Y. et al., CA , 1929, 23, 3475 (isol) 317 (e 13180) (MeOH) (Berdy).
V125a. Antibiotic LL-V125a
Hattori, S. et al., CA , 1930, 24, 1862 (isol)
7-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [36948-77-3]
Karijone, T. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1954, 74,
C22H22O10 446.41
H3 C H3 C 363 (isol)
Pacheco, H. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1965, 7-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside: [36948-76-
O OMe 2937 (synth) 2] Oroxyloside
Wagner, H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1967, 1837; 1968, C22H20O11 460.393
HO HO 1635; 1976, 1799 (synth, derivs, nmr) Mp 199-2018.
Kamiya, A. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1979, 43,
C15H16O4 260.289 1529 (Poncirin) 5-O-a-L-Rhamnopyranoside: [163350-29-6]
Metab. of a fungal pathogen of Cyperus Jangwan, J.S. et al., Int. J. Crude Drug Res. , C22H22O9 430.41
rotundus (nutgrass). Cryst. (CHCl3/pet- 1989, 27, 223 (Puddumin B) Constit. of the seeds of Trichosanthes
rol). Mp 121.5-122.58.
Vasconcelos, J.M.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, anguina (snake gourd). Mp 3278. lmax
49, 1421-1424 (isol, pmr, cmr) 248 ; 280 ; 317 (sh) (MeOH).
Di-Ac: Bae, E.-A. et al., Planta Med. , 1999, 65, 442-
443 (activity) 7-O-a-L-Rhamnopyranoside: [254898-91-4]
Mp 75-768. C22H22O9 430.41
Bae, E.-A. et al., Biol. Pharm. Bull. , 2000, 23,
McGahren, W.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1970, 35, 2433 1122-1124 (activity) Yellow needles (MeOH/Et2O). Mp 221-
Cannon, J.R. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 1200 2238. lmax 248 (sh) ; 270 ; 319 (MeOH).
(isol, struct, synth)
Weber, H.A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1988, 51, 879 7-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-a-L-
(pmr, cmr) 5,7-Dihydroxy-4?-methoxyfla- D-538 rhamnopyranoside]: [168771-59-3]
Stierle, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, 2191 vone, 8CI C28H32O14 592.552
(isol, pmr) [480-44-4] Naylor, W.A.H. et al., J.C.S. , 1901, 79, 954
5,7-Dihydroxy-2-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4H- (isol)
5,7-Dihydroxy-4?-methoxyfla- D-537 1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI. Apigenin 4?- Sastri, J. et al., CA , 1947, 41, 2417 (isol)
Molho, D. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1963, 607
vanone methyl ether. Acacetin. Linarigenin. Bud-
[480-43-3] dleoflavonol Varady, J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1965, 4281 (synth)
2,3-Dihydro-5,7-dihydroxy-2-(4-methoxy- Popova, T.P. et al., Farm. Zh. (Kiev) , 1972, 23,
phenyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI. Iso- OH O 84; CA , 82, 28553z (isol)
sakuranetin. Kikokunetin. Citrifoliol. Goudard, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17,
145-146 (ms)
Nicollier, G.F. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
1981, 29, 1179 (glucoside)
O HO O Buschi, C.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20,
HO 1178-1179 (isol)
OMe Yadava, R.N. et al., Fitoterapia , 1994, 65, 554
HO Aqil, M. et al., CA , 1995, 123, 251218e (7-
O C16H12O5 284.268 glucosylrhamnoside)
Pale yellow needles (EtOH). Sol. bases, Yuldashev, M.P. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. ,
OMe EtOH; poorly sol. Et2O. Mp 2638. Log P 1996, 32, 610-612; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl.
1.56 (calc). Transl.) , 1996, 32, 592-593 (Oroxyloside)
C16H14O5 286.284 -LD50 (mus, ivn) 993 mg/kg. Exp. reprod. Houghton, P.J. et al., Pharm. Pharmacol. Lett. ,
(S )-form effects. DJ3002000 1997, 7, 96-98 (activity)
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D -19.7 (EtOH). 7-O-[b-D-Apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- 375-381 (isol, activity)
7-O-b-D-Xylopyranoside: [83728-89-6] glucopyranoside]: [239106-94-6] Prakash, E.O. et al., Fitoterapia , 1999, 70, 287-
C21H22O9 418.399 C27H30O14 578.526 289 (7-rhamnoside)

/ 1,8-Dihydroxy-3-methylanthraquinone D-540 / D-544

2?,7-Dihydroxy-4?-methoxyi- D-540 pure prunitrin. Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR

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5-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [89595-66-4] Baker, W. et al., J.C.S. , 1953, 1852 (synth)
[56701-24-7] Prunetinoside Wong, E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1965, 4, 89
3,4-Dihydro-3-(2-hydroxy-4-methoxyphe- C22H22O10 446.41 (Sissotrin)
nyl)-2H-1-benzopyran-7-ol, 9CI. Vestitol Plates. Mp 237-2398. Deryugina, L.I. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1966,
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OMe Beck, A.B. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1971, 24, 1509
C22H22O10 446.41 (malonates)
Mp 182-1848. Pelter, A. et al., Synthesis , 1976, 326 (synth)
OH 4?-O-[b-D-Apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- Diedrich, D.F. et al., J. Chem. Eng. Data , 1977,
(R)-form glucopyranoside]: [169181-41-3] Coro- 22, 448 (pmr)
HO O mandelin Bass, R.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1978, 666 (cmr)
C27H30O14 578.526 Ashdown, D.H.J. et al., Synthesis , 1978, 843
C16H16O4 272.3 (synth)
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 192-1938. Ingham, J.L. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat.
lmax 206 (e 45500); 228 (e 11300); 285 (e
5700) (EtOH) (Berdy). [26015-63-4] Prod. , 1983, 43, 1 (rev, occur)
Elgamal, M.H.A. et al., J. Prakt. Chem. , 1986,
(R )-form [35878-41-2] Hasegawa, M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1957, 79, 1738
328, 893 (ms)
Needles. Mp 159-1608 (154-1578). [a]18D -
Murthy, M.S.R. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. ,
35.1 (c, 0.88 in MeOH). Plouvier, V. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad.
1986, 24, 225 (cmr)
Sci. , 1960, 250, 594 (isol, deriv)
7-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: Sekizaki, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988,
Hudson, A.T. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1969, 830
C22H26O9 434.442 36, 4876 (synth)
Aparecida dos Santos, S. et al., J. Braz. Chem.
Constit. of Glycyrrhiza uralensis Farkas, L. et al., Tetrahedron , 1969, 25, 1013
Soc. , 1995, 6, 349 (pmr, cmr)
(Chinese licorice). Needles (MeOH aq.). (struct, synth)
Lewis, P. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1998, 2481-2484
Mp 143-1448. [a]D -35.5 (c, 1 in MeOH). Ingham, J.L. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat.
(Sissotrin, synth, pmr, cmr)
lmax 206 (log e 4.68); 223 (log e 4.22); Prod. , 1983, 43, 1 (rev, occur)
Balasubramanian, S. et al., Synth. Commun. ,
Sekizaki, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988,
280 (log e 3.83); 285 (log e 3.8) (MeOH). 2000, 30, 469-484 (synth, pmr)
36, 4876 (synth)
(S )-form [20879-05-4] Narayanan, V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27,
Mp 1568. [a]D +21.6 (MeOH). 2364 (4?-Galactoside) 1,6-Dihydroxy-3-methylan- D-543
(/9)-form [52305-03-0] Khalid, S.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,
Cryst. (EtOAc). Mp 173-1758.
thraquinone, 8CI
1560 (Prunetinoside)
Antus, S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1974, 305 Ramesh, P. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1995, 58, 1240 [6866-87-1]
(synth) (cmr, Coromandelin) 1,6-Dihydroxy-3-methyl-9,10-anthracene-
de Oliveira, A.B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, dione, 9CI. Phomarin. Digitoemodin
14, 2495 (isol, struct, synth) 5,7-Dihydroxy-4?-methoxyiso- D-542
Gottlieb, O.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, O
1413 (isol, struct, synth)
Alves, H.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, [491-80-5] 8 1
7 2
1423 (abs config) 5,7-Dihydroxy-3-(4-methoxyphenyl)-4H- 3
Ingham, J.L. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat. 1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI. Biochanin A. HO 5 4 CH3
Prod. , 1983, 43, 1 (rev, occur) Genistein 4?-methyl ether. Pratensol. Ol-
Miyase, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984, 32, O
3267 (isol)
Goda, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1985, 33, C16H12O5 284.268 C15H10O4 254.242
5606 Widespread isoflavone found in alfalfa From roots of Ruta graveolens (rue).
Hatano, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 47, 287- (Medicago sativa) , chick peas (Cicer
293 (7-glucoside) Orange-red needles (EtOH). Mp 258-2608
arietinum) and white clover (Trifolium (2008 dec.). lmax 220 (e 28200); 245 (e
repens) . Glycosides also widespread. Po- 10960); 271 (e 28840); 337 (e 1480) (EtOH)
4?,5-Dihydroxy-7-methoxyiso- D-541 tential nutriceutical. Needles (MeOH or (Berdy).
flavone EtOH aq.). Sol. MeOH, Et2O; poorly sol.
H2O, hexane. Mp 215-2168. lmax 263 (e 6-Me ether: [34425-59-7] 1-Hydroxy-6-
[552-59-0] 30000) (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 262 (e methoxy-3-methylanthraquinone
5-Hydroxy-3-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-7-meth- 40700); 279 (EtOH) (Berdy). lmax 274 (e C16H12O4 268.268
oxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI. Prune- 30000); 336 (e 9000) (EtOH-NaOH) (Ber- Yellow needles (EtOH). Mp 1938.
tin. Padmakastein. Prunusetin dy). Bick, I.R.C. et al., Biochem. J. , 1966, 98, 112 (ir,
7-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [5928-26-7] Sis- Brew, E.J.C. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1971, 2007 (isol)
2′ 3′ 4′
OH sotrin. Astroside
O Imre, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, 317
HO 1′ C22H22O10 446.41 (isol)
6′ 5′
5 4 Rozsa, Z. et al., Planta Med. , 1977, 32, 57 (isol)
6 3 Constit. of Cicer arietinum (chickpea).
Mp 2208 (212-2148) Mp 223-224.58. Imre, S. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1978, 33, 592
7 2
MeO 8 (synth)
O [a]30 20
D -35.3 (c, 1.644 in DMF). [a]D -
Krohn, K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1980, 21, 3557
117.8 (c, 0.98 in DMF). (synth)
C16H12O5 284.268 7-O-(6-O-Malonyl-b-D-glucopyranoside): Brisson, C. et al., J.O.C. , 1981, 46, 1810 (synth)
Occurs in several Prunus spp. and Gly- [34232-17-2]
cyrrhiza glabra (licorice). Cryst. (EtOH). C25H24O13 532.457
Mp 246-2488. All isolations of isoflavones
1,8-Dihydroxy-3-methylan- D-544
Isol. from leaves of Trifolium pratense
from microorganism cultures are consid- (red clover). Needles (MeOH). Mp 2178.
ered doubtful. Revised struct.. [481-74-3]
-DJ3100050 7-O-(6-O-Malonyl-b-D-glucopyranoside), 1,8-Dihydroxy-3-methyl-9,10-anthracene-
Me ester: [34232-19-4] dione, 9CI. Chrysophanol. 3-Methylchry-
4?-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [154-36-9] Pru-
nitrin. Prunitroside. Trifoside. Prunetrin C26H26O13 546.484 sazin. Rheic acid. Chrysophanic acid.
C22H22O10 446.41 Isol. from leaves of Trifolium pratense Archinin. Rumicin
Isol. from Trifolium pratense (red clo- (red clover). Needles (MeOH). Mp 1958. C15H10O4 254.242
ver). Mp 1818 (sinters from 1608). [a]D - Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Constit. of Rumex, Rheum spp.. Golden-
82.5 (Py). Padmakastin was prob. im- 2, 95D (ir) yellow plates (C6H6). Mp 200-2018 (1968).

/ 5,7-Dihydroxy-2-methyl-4H -... D-545 / D-546

pKa 8.91 (208, H2O). Log P 2.42 (calc). Banville, J. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1974, 52, 80 Cameron, D.W. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1981, 24,
lmax 223 (e 36000); 253 (e 20000); 274 (e (synth, uv, pmr) 2401 (synth)
10000); 285 (e 11000); 405 (sh) (e ); 427 (e Raghunathan, K. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1974, Krupa, J. et al., Annalen , 1989, 699 (isol)
12, 1251 (8-gentiobioside) Gao, W.-Y. et al., Zhiwu Xuebao , 1999, 41, 531-
11000); 450 (sh) (e ) (MeOH) (Derep). Harris, T.M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1976, 98, 6065 533 (3-Me ether)
-CB6725000 (synth) Uno, H. et al., Chem. Lett. , 2000, 1014-1015
1-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [4839-60-5] Kraus, G.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1983, 48, 3439 (synth)
Pulmatin (synth)
C21H20O9 416.384 Kelly, T.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1983, 48, 3573 (isol)
Anderson, J.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, 5,7-Dihydroxy-2-methyl-4H - D-546
Constit. of Rheum palmatum (Turkey 103 (biosynth)
rhubarb). Mp 232-2348. lmax 223 (e 1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI
Ahmed, S.A. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1987, 883
5300); 258 (e 3640); 430 (MeOH) (synth) [1013-69-0]
(Berdy). Thomson, W.H. et al., Naturally Occurring 5,7-Dihydroxy-2-methylchromone. Noreu-
8-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [13241-28-6] Quinones, Recent Advances, Chapman and genin
Chrysophanein. Chrysophanol 8-gluco- Hall, 1987, (occur)
Wong, S.-M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,
side 211-214 (1-tetraglucoside)
C21H20O9 416.384 HO
Sassa, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1991, 55, 95
Isol. from Rheum, Rumex spp.. Fine (isol)
yellow needles (EtOH). Mp 248-2498 Danielsen, K. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1992,
(245-2468). Kubo (1992) confirmed 30, 359 (pmr, cmr) HO O CH 3
Chrysophanein as the 8-glucoside lmax Kubo, I. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, 1063
223 (e 3840); 258 (e 4070); 277 ; 429 (Chrysophanein, Pulmatin) C10H8O4 192.171
(MeOH) (Berdy). Schmidt, R.R. et al., Synthesis , 1994, 255 Needles (MeOH). Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 2798
(synth, pmr) (275-2808).
8-O-[3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzoyl-(/ 0 6)-b-D- Schripsema, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 42,
glucopyranoside]:Chrysophanol 8-(6- 177 (pmr, struct) 5-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [128396-15-6]
galloylglucoside) Guo, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49, 1623- Schumanniofioside A
C28H24O13 568.49 1625 (1-Me ether) C16H18O9 354.313
Constit. of the rhizomes of Rheum Granules (MeOH). Mp 162-1638.
undulatum (rhubarb). Yellow needles 7-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [58108-99-9]
3,8-Dihydroxy-1-methylan- D-545
(MeOH). Mp 207-2108. [a]25 D +95 (c, 0.1 Undulatoside A
in MeOH). lmax 220 (log e 4.58); 260 thraquinone-2-carboxylic acid
C16H18O9 354.313
(log e 4.32); 284 (sh) (log e 4.17); 409 [69119-31-9]
Needles (MeOH) or hygroscopic solid.
(log e 3.79) (MeOH). 9,10-Dihydro-3,8-dihydroxy-1-methyl-9,10-
Mp 245-2488 (235-2378). [a]25D -50 (Py).
dioxo-2-anthracenecarboxylic acid, 9CI
8-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- [a]27
D -169 (c, 0.71 in MeOH).
glucopyranoside]: [54944-38-6] Chryso- 7-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-
phanol 8-gentiobioside O apiofuranoside]: [128396-16-7] Schu-
C27H30O14 578.526 OH CH 3
manniofioside B
Constit. of the seeds of Cassia tora COOH
C21H26O13 486.429
(charota). Yellow needles + 2H2O Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 251-2528.
(MeOH). Mp 168-1708. [a]D -55.2 (c,
7-O-[b-D-Apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
0.29 in MeOH). O glucopyranoside]: [151029-70-8]
1-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- C21H26O13 486.429
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- C16H10O6 298.251
Constit. of Crocus sativus (saffron). Or- Solid. [a]25
D -94.2 (c, 1.5 in MeOH).
glucopyranoside]: [120181-07-9] Chry-
ange or yellow needles (AcOH or CHCl3/ 7-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
sophanol 1-triglucoside
MeOH/cyclohexane). Sol. MeOH, CHCl3; glucopyranoside]: [71512-59-9] Undula-
C33H40O19 740.668
poorly sol. H2O. Mp 248-2508 (241-2448). toside B
Constit. of the seeds of Cassia tora
lmax 207 (e 13900); 278 (e 13800); 407 (e C21H26O13 486.429
(charota). Yellow powder. Mp 284-2868.
3400) (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 244 (e 8900); Yellow powder + 1H2O. Mp 156-1578.
1-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- [a]18
314 (e 10700); 392 (e 2200); 506 (e 3100) D -146.5 (c, 0.31 in MeOH).
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-
(MeOH-NaOH) (Berdy). 7-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 ?)-b-D-
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
glucopyranoside]: [31511-96-3] Staphy-
glucopyranoside]: [120181-08-0] Chry- Me ester: [53254-89-0] 1,6-Dihydroxy-7-
sophanol 1-tetraglucoside methoxycarbonyl-8-methylanthraqui-
none. Aloesaponarin I C22H28O14 516.455
C39H50O24 902.81
C17H12O6 312.278 Microneedles. Mp 248-2508.
Constit. of the seeds of Cassia tora
(charota). Yellow needles. Mp 288-2908. Orange needles (MeOH). Mp 199-2038 5-Me ether: [3449-40-9] 7-Hydroxy-5-
lmax 224 ; 260 ; 286 (sh) ; 412 (MeOH). dec. lmax 305 (e ); 390 (e ); 485 (e ) methoxy-2-methyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-
(MeOH/KOH) (Derep). lmax 270 (e one. 7-Hydroxy-5-methoxy-2-methyl-
1-Me ether: [67116-22-7] 8-Hydroxy-1-
79400); 280 (e 79400); 415 (e 15800); 435 chromone. Maritimin$
(e 10000) (MeOH) (Derep). C11H10O4 206.198
C16H12O4 268.268
Di-Ac, Me ester: [53254-90-3] Prisms (Me2CO). Mp 215-2168 (112-
Constit. of Rumex acetosa (sorrel).
Yellow needles (Me2CO). Mp 203-2068 1138).
Cryst. Mp 199-2008.
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, dec. 7-Me ether: [480-34-2] 5-Hydroxy-7-meth-
2, 88A (ir) oxy-2-methyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one. 5-
3-Me ether: [176327-86-9] 8-Hydroxy-3-
King, F.E. et al., J.C.S. , 1952, 4580 (synth) methoxy-1-methylanthraquinone-2-car- Hydroxy-7-methoxy-2-methylchromone.
Bloom, H. et al., J.C.S. , 1959, 178 (ir)
boxylic acid Eugenin
Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen
C17H12O6 312.278 C11H10O4 206.198
der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn., Constit. of Eugenia aromatica (clove).
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 1254 Constit. of Crocus sativus (saffron).
Cryst. (EtOH). Sol. MeOH, CHCl3,
(occur) Yagi, A. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1974, 22,
EtOH. Mp 119-1208. lmax 227 (e
Labadie, R.P. et al., Pharm. Weekbl. , 1972, 107, 1159 (isol, deriv)
535 (occur) Yagi, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, 895 16000); 248 (e 33000); 255 (e 35500); 288
Rizk, A.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, 11, (biosynth, deriv) (e 7950) (EtOH) (Berdy).
2122 (deriv) Roberge, G. et al., Synthesis , 1979, 148 (synth, Meijer, T.M. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1948, 31,
deriv) 1603 (isol, struct, synth, Eugenin)

2,3-Dihydroxy-2-methylbutanoic acid, 9CI / 2-(1,2-Dihydroxy-1-methylethyl)-... D-547 / D-552

Morita, N. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1968, 88, 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, Me ester: CH3

1311-1312 (Staphylin) C19H26O9 398.409
Dorofeenko, G.N. et al., Khim. Geterotsikl. OH
Constit. of apple leaves (Malus
Soedin. , 1971, 7, 1703; CA , 76, 153503k
domestica ). [a]D -37 (c, 0.44 in CHCl3).
Chawla, H.M. et al., Curr. Sci. , 1975, 44, 344 lmax 208 ; 238 ; 280 (cyclohexane). HO O
(ir) 3-Me ether: [146367-85-3] 4-Hydroxy-3- COOH
Brown, R.T. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1975, 1776 methoxy-5-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)benzoic
(isol, struct) acid. 4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-5-prenylben-
Stoessl, A. et al., Can. J. Bot. , 1978, 56, 2589 C14H10O5 258.23
zoic acid. Proglobeflowery acid
(cmr, biosynth) Constit. of the bulbs of Allium porrum
C13H16O4 236.267
Murata, A. et al., Bunseki Kagaku (Jpn. Anal.) , (leek). Pale yellow cryst. Mp 230-2328.
1979, 119, 1346 (Eugenin, synth) Cryst.(EtOH aq.). Mp 141-1428.
lmax 238 ; 256 ; 288 ; 298 ; 334 (MeOH).
Gujral, V.K. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 4-Me ether: [101330-66-9] 3-Hydroxy-4-
1979, 17, 40 (Undulatoside B) Carotenuto, A. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. , 1998,
Gujral, V.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18, 661-663 (isol, uv, pmr, cmr)
acid. 3-Hydroxy-5-isopentenyl-4-meth-
181 (glucoside, Undutaloside A) oxybenzoic acid. 3-Hydroxy-4-methoxy-
Ito, T. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1980, 113, 343 4?,5-Dihydroxy-6,7-methyle- D-551
5-prenylbenzoic acid
(Me ether, detn, Ti) nedioxyisoflavone
Ahluwalia, V.K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , C13H16O4 236.267
1982, 55, 2649-2652 (Maritimin, synth) 1?-Oxo:Lanceaefolic acid. 3,4-Dihydroxy- [41653-81-0]
Ghosal, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, 2943 5-(3-methyl-2-butenoyl)benzoic acid 9-Hydroxy-7-(4-hydroxyphenyl)-8H-1,3-
(isol) C12H12O5 236.224 dioxolo[4,5-g][1]benzopyran-8-one, 9CI.
Copeland, R.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1984, Orange-yellow needles (Me2CO). Mp Irilone
253-2558. [a]24
D -14.3 (c, 0.1 in MeOH).
Tane, P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 1004
(glycosides) Opt. rotn. unaccounted for lmax 205 OH
Kelly, T.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1992, 57, 1593 (synth, (log e 3.92); 236 (log e 4.29); 338 (log e O
3.46) (MeOH).
pmr, ms, ir) O
Abe, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 33, 1499 (7- 1?-Oxo, Me ester:
apiosylglucoside) C13H14O5 250.251
Elgamal, M.H.A. et al., Fitoterapia , 1998, 69, O O
Yellowish needles. Mp 109-1108. [a]24 D -
549-550 (Undulatoside A, cmr)
Youssef, D.T.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49, 8.6 (c, 0.1 in MeOH). Opt. rotn.
C16H10O6 298.251
2579-2583 (Maritimin) unaccounted for lmax 203 (log e 3.67);
Constit. of Trifolium pratense (red clover).
240 (log e 4.32); 338 (log e 3.4) (MeOH).
Yellow cryst. Mp 2318.
Breuer, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, 495-
2,3-Dihydroxy-2-methylbuta- D-547 497 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms) 4?-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [50868-47-8]
noic acid, 9CI Liu, L.J. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1992, 27, 837- Irilone 4?-glucoside
[14868-24-7] 840 (Proglobeflowery acid) C22H20O11 460.393
Lopez, A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2002, 65, 62-64 Isol. from the roots of Trifolium pra-
2,3-Dimethylglyceric acid (Lanceaefolic acid) tense (red clover). Amorph. solid. Mp
Stingl, C. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 2002, 16, 87-
93 (3-glucoside Me ester)
1548. [a]24
D +47.6 (c, 0.63 in MeOH).
COOH lmax 271 (log e 3.56) (MeOH).
H 3C C OH Gopinath, K.W. et al., Tetrahedron , 1961, 16,
3 (2R,3R)-form 201 (isol, struct)
H C OH Dhar, K.L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12, 734-
5-(2,3-Dihydroxy-3-methylbu- D-549 735 (Irilone)
CH 3 tyl)-4-(3,4-epoxy-4-methylpentanoyl)- Pegnyemb, D.E. et al., Fitoterapia , 1998, 69,
3,4-dihydroxy-2-isopentanoyl-2-cyclo- 551 (Irilone, cmr)
C5H10O4 134.132 Atta-ur-Rahman, et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. ,
penten-1-one 2002, 50, 1100-1102 (Germanaism B, Irilone
Abs. config. assignments are subject to [18964-32-4] 4?-glucoside)
possible revision (1990) (see Mazars et
al ). Occurs in wine.
O O 2-(1,2-Dihydroxy-1-methy- D-552
Christensen, B.W. et al., Proc. Chem. Soc.,
London , 1962, 37 (abs config) lethyl)-2,3-dihydro-7H -furo[3,2-
Carles, J. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci. , HO g ][1]benzopyran-7-one, 9CI
1966, 262, 2788 (synth) OH
Robins, D.J. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1970, 1334
(synth, bibl, pmr) O
Closs, G.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1978, 100, 3483 HO 1' 2
(synth) O O O
Nouguier, R. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1994, 35, 8171 CH2OH
(synth) O
C14H14O5 262.262
C21H32O8 412.479
3,4-Dihydroxy-5-(3-methyl-2- D-548 Constit. of hops. Pale-yellow noncryst. (1?R ,2S )-form [54854-90-9]
butenyl)benzoic acid, 9CI solid. Mp 65-688. Prandiol
Cryst. Mp 131-1328 (natural) Mp 157-
[101330-67-0] Connett, B.E. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1968, 1193 1588 (synthetic).
3,4-Dihydroxy-5-prenylbenzoic acid (1?S,2S )-form [80794-85-0]
COOH Constit. of Apium graveolens. Prisms.
2,7-Dihydroxy-9-methyl-4-di- D-550 Mp 172-1738 (natural) Mp 185-1878
benzofurancarboxylic acid, 9CI (synthetic) Mp 178-1808 (as 2?-Ac). [a]D
OH [207285-04-9] +45 (c, 1 in CHCl3) (2?-Ac). lmax 231
OH Porric acid C (log e 3.6); 248 (log e 3.53); 259 (log e
3.48); 300 (log e 3.61); 360 (log e 4.02)
C12H14O4 222.24 (no solvent reported) (2?-Ac).
lmax 265 ; 300 (MeOH). 2?-O-(3-Methyl-2-butenoyl):2?-Senecioyl-

5,7-Dihydroxy-6-methylflavanone / 6,11-Dihydroxy-3-methyl-3-... D-553  / D-557

dorsteniol Byrne, L.T. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1982, 35, 1851 Nigellimine
C19H20O6 344.363 (cmr, struct) C12H13NO2 203.24
Cryst. (hexane/CH2Cl2). Mp 100-1028. Markham, K.R. et al., J. Plant Physiol. , 1987, Trace constit. in seeds of Nigella sativa
131, 45 (derivs, struct)
D +28 (c, 0.7 in CHCl3). lmax 248 Mayer, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 1340
(black cumin). Cryst. (Et2O/EtOAc).
(sh) (log e 3.9); 258 (sh) (log e 3.9); 300 (5,7-Dimethoxy-6-methylflavanone) Mp 118-1198.
(sh) (log e 3.8); 336 (log e 4.3) (EtOH). Solladie, G. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. , 1999, Di-Me ether, N-oxide: [96562-85-5] Nigel-
(1?j,2R )-form 2309-2314 (synth, pmr, cmr) limine N-oxide
2?-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: C12H13NO3 219.24
C20H24O10 424.404 5,7-Dihydroxy-6-methylfla- D-554 Minor alkaloid from the seeds of
Cryst. (H2O). Mp 152-154.58. [a]20 D -22 vone Nigella sativa (blcak cumin). Amorph.
(c, 0.06 in MeOH). 3,4-Dihydro, di-Me ether:3,4-Dihydro-6,7-
(1?j,2S )-form dimethoxy-1-methylisoquinoline. Dehy-
2?-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: benzopyran-4-one. Strobochrysin. 6- drosalsolidine
Constit. of Angelica archangelica Methylchrysin C12H15NO2 205.256
(angelica). Cryst. (H2O). Mp 184-1888. Mp 201-2028 (195-1978)(as hydrochlor-
D -25 (c, 0.1 in MeOH). ide).
(1?j,2j)-form O
OH 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro: 1,2,3,4-Tetrahydro-6,7-
1?-O-(3-Methyl-2-butenoyl): [89787-39-3] H 3C dihydroxy-1-methylisoquinoline, T-77
Tortuosinol. Prandiol senecioate Pummangura, S. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1982, 45,
C19H20O6 344.363 HO Ph 277 (Dehydrosalsolidine)
Cryst. Mp 79-818. O Roush, R.A. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1985, 57, 109
(occur, Isosalsolidine)
[162555-82-0, 162679-04-1] C16H12O4 268.268 Atta-ur-Rahman, et al., Heterocycles , 1985, 23,
Abyshev, A.Z. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1974, Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 312-3148 (308-3108). 953 (Nigellimine oxide)
10, 574; 1983, 19, 704; Chem. Nat. Compd. Atta-ur-Rahman, et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1992, 55,
7-Me ether: [55969-57-8] 5-Hydroxy-7-
(Engl. Transl.) , 1974, 10, 586; 1983, 19, 668 676 (isol, Isosalsolidine)
methoxy-6-methylflavone Chen, J.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 42, 1479
Garg, S.K. et al., Planta Med. , 1981, 43, 306 C17H14O4 282.295 (6-Me ether)
Lemmich, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, Isol. from Leptospermum scoparium
553; 1995, 38, 427 (glucosides) (red tea). Yellow needles. Mp 176-1798
Tovar-Miranda, R. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, (170-1728). 3,16-Dihydroxy-24-methylla- D-556
61, 1216-1220 (isol, synth, pmr, cmr, abs Di-Me ether: [109251-29-8] 5,7-Di- nosta-8,25-dien-21-oic acid
methoxy-6-methylflavone. Dimethylstro-
Rojas-Lima, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 50,
863-868 (isol, uv, cd, ir, pmr, cmr, ms, abs bochrysin
config) C18H16O4 296.322 HOOC
Jimenez, B. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 53, Constit. of Leptospermum scoparium
1025-1031 (Senecioyldorsteniol) (red tea). Cryst. (Et2O). Mp 170-1718
5,7-Dihydroxy-6-methylflava- D-553 Lindstedt, G. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1951, 5,
none 1 (isol)
Aknin, J. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1963, 604
[491-66-7] (synth) HO
2,3-Dihydro-5,7-dihydroxy-6-methyl-2-phe- Beirne, J.J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1975, 31, 265
nyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI. Strobo- (synth)
pinin. 6-C-Methylpinocembrin Seligmann, O. et al., Tetrahedron , 1981, 37,
2601 (synth, uv)
C31H50O4 486.734
Cardona, M.L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, (3a,16a,24j)-form
O 2759 (7-Me ether) 3-Ac: [201045-20-7] Tsugaric acid B
HO Mayer, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 1340
H 3C C33H52O5 528.771
(7-Me ether)
Mayer, R. et al., Planta Med. , 1993, 59, 269
Constit. of Ganoderma tsugae (red
HO Ph (Dimethylstrobochrysin) reishi). Powder (MeOH/CHCl3). Mp
Haeberlein, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 35, 240-2428. [a]27
D -15 (c, 0.1 in CHCl3).

C16H14O4 270.284 765 (Di-Me ether) Lin, C.-N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 46,
Hauteville, M. et al., Annalen , 1996, 1217 1143-1146 (isol, pmr, cmr)
(S )-form [11023-71-5] (synth, pmr, ms)
Pale-yellow prisms (AcOH). Mp 225-
2278. [a]20.5
D -60.5 (MeOH). 6,11-Dihydroxy-3-methyl-3- D-557
6,7-Dihydroxy-1-methyliso- D-555
Di-Me ether: [128508-16-7] 5,7-Di- (4-methyl-3-pentenyl)-3H ,7H -pyra-
no[2,3-c ]xanthen-7-one, 9CI
C18H18O4 298.338 [35338-77-3]
Constit. of Leptospermum scoparium
(red tea). Needles (Et2O). Mp 133-1358. HO 6
[a]20 O
D +19.2 (c, 0.104 in CHCl3). OH
[1230-20-2, 80749-76-4, 82571-07-1, 84413-39-8]
CH 3
Erdtman, H. et al., Sven. Kem. Tidskr. , 1944,
56, 2; CA , 40, 1309 (isol) C10H9NO2 175.187 O O
Linstedt, G. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1951, 5, OH
1; 121; 129 (isol, struct) -NW8220000
Asakawa, Y. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1971, 6-Me ether: [4594-05-2] 6-Methoxy-1-
44, 2761 (isol) methyl-7-isoquinolinol, 9CI. 7-Hydroxy- C23H22O5 378.424
Gawad, D.H. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1974, 12, 6-methoxy-1-methylisoquinoline
1033 (synth)
Constit. of the root bark of Garcinia
C11H11NO2 189.213 livingstonei (imbe). Yellow plates. Mp 140-
Star, A.E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, 586
(isol, deriv)
Needles (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 121-1238. 1418. lmax 250 (e 31500); 266 (e 30000);
Wollenweber, E. et al., Z. Pflanzenphysiol. , Di-Me ether: [4594-02-9] 6,7-Dimethoxy-1- 308 (e 9900); 329 (e 11000); 370 (e 3000)
1979, 94, 241; 1981, 104, 161 (isol, deriv) methylisoquinoline, 9CI. Isosalsolidine. (MeOH) (Berdy).

/ 3,17-Dihydroxy-28-nor-12-oleanen-... D-558  / D-564

Locksley, H.D. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1971, 3804 845 (ms, uv, ir) 4,16-Dihydroxy-19-nor-17- D-562
(synth) Jureb, G.R. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1970, 15, kauranoic acid
Sordat-Diserens, I. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 233
31, 313 (isol, pmr, cmr) Murakami, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1978,
26, 643 (glucoside)
Wada, H. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1986, 106, COOH
2,8-Dihydroxy-6-methyl-1,4- D-558 989 (rhamnoside) OH
naphthoquinone Yang, Y.-P. et al., Phytochemistry, 2002, 61, 567-
572 (Zanthopyranone) H
3-Hydroxy-7-methyljuglone H
O 3,29-Dihydroxy-8-multifloren- D-560 C19H30O4 322.444
H3 C 7-one (ent -4bOH ,16bOH )-form
OH 16-Ac, Me ester: [288627-12-3] Annogla-
CH2OH basin F
O C22H34O5 378.508
Constit. of Annona glabra (pond apple).
C11H8O4 204.182 Powder. Mp 164-1658. [a]25
D -64.5 (c,
Yellow needles. 0.09 in CHCl3).
2-Me ether: [1589-92-0] 8-Hydroxy-2- Chen, C.-Y. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2000, 63, 1000-
methoxy-6-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone. 1003 (isol, pmr, cmr)
lene-1,4-dione, 9CI. 3-Methoxy-7- HO O
2,3-Dihydroxy-30-nor- D-563
C12H10O4 218.209 12,20(29)-oleanadien-28-oic acid
Root constit. of Diospyros kaki (Japa- C30H48O3 456.707
nese persimmon). Cryst. (petrol). Mp 3a-form
210-2118 (209-2108). 7-Oxodihydrokarounidiol
Di-Me ether: [39058-19-0] 2,8-Dimethoxy- 3-Benzoyl: [201685-86-1]
6-methyl-1,4-naphthoquinone C37H52O4 560.815
C13H12O4 232.235 Amorph. solid (Me2CO/MeOH). Mp H COOH
Yellow needles (C6H6). Mp 1728. 135-1408. lmax 250 (log e 4.03) (EtOH). HO
Yoshihira, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1971, Bis(4-methoxybenzoyl): [361475-68-5]
19, 851 (isol, struct) C46H60O7 724.976 HO
Tezuka, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1972, 20, Constit. of Momordica cochinchinensis
2029 (synth, pmr) (Chinese cucumber). Cryst. (EtOH).
Giles, R.G.F. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1976, 2057 C29H44O4 456.664
Mp 212.5-213.58. [a]26
D -16 (c, 0.5 in
Marston, A. et al., Planta Med. , 1984, 50, 279 CHCl3). lmax 254 (log e 3.77); 315 (log e (2b,3b)-form
(deriv) 3.53) (CHCl3). 3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-
Savard, J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1984, 40, 3455 Akihisa, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 46, glucuronopyranoside], b-D-
(deriv) 1261-1266 (isol, pmr, cmr) glucopyranosyl ester: [139742-11-3]
Budzianowski, J. et al., Planta Med. (Suppl.) , Shan, M.D. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 2001, 15, Amaranthussaponin III
1993, 59, A654 (deriv) 139-145 (bis-4-methoxybenzoyl, isol, pmr, cmr,
C47H72O19 941.074
cryst struct)
Constit. of Amaranthus hypochondria-
3,5-Dihydroxy-2-methyl-4H - D-559 cus (prince’s feather). Powder. [a]D +22
pyran-4-one, 9CI (c, 0.4 in Py).
[1073-96-7] Kohda, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1995, 39,
11,12-Dihydroxy-20-nor- D-561 2609 (isol)
5-Hydroxymaltol 5(10),8,11,13-abietatetraen-1-one
O Sageone 3,17-Dihydroxy-28-nor-12- D-564
oleanen-16-one, 9CI
HO 5
3 OH
6 1 2 OH
C6H6O4 142.111
Constit. of flavour of roast barley Hor-
deum vulgare. Rhombic plates. Mp 184- 17
184.58. H OH
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: O
C12H16O9 304.253 C19H24O3 300.397 3
Mp 1488. [a]D -39.3. Constit. of Salvia officinalis (sage).
Amorph. yellow solid or oil.
C12H16O8 288.254 González, A.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31,
Mp 178-1798. 1297 (isol, pmr, cmr) C29H46O3 442.681
Tada, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 35, 539
Di-Me ether:3,5-Dimethoxy-2-methyl-4H- Structs. revised in 2001, formerly assigned
(isol, pmr, cmr)
pyran-4-one. Zanthopyranone Majetich, G. et al., J.O.C. , 1997, 62, 6928-6951 as 18-hydroxy.
C8H10O4 170.165 (synth) (3b,17b)-form [81426-91-7]
Needles(MeOH). Mp 988. lmax 218 (log Camellenodiol
e 4.01); 273 (log e 4.15) (MeOH). Constit. of Camellia japonica . Cryst.
Matsuto, S. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1970, 34, (CHCl3). Mp 215-216.58. [a]25D +30 (c,

2,3-Dihydroxy-30-nor-23-oxo-...  / 3,24-Dihydroxy-11,13(18)-oleanadien-... D-565  / D-569

0.22 in CHCl3). Amaranthussaponin IV [62071-03-8, 125356-85-6, 125356-86-7, 125356-

C47H70O20 955.058 87-8, 125356-88-9]
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- Constit. of Amaranthus hypochondria- Gunstone, F.D. et al., Chem. Phys. Lipids, 1975,
galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-b-D- cus (prince’s feather). Powder. [a]D 15, 174; 198 (synth, ms)
glucuronopyranoside]: [380303-64-0] +71.9 (c, 0.32 in MeOH). Fukui, H. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1977, 41,
175 (isol)
Camellioside A 23-Carboxylic acid:2,3-Dihydroxy-30-nor- Kato, T. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1983, 24, 4715 (isol)
C53H84O24 1105.232 12,20(29)-oleanadiene-23,28-dioic acid Fukushima, J. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1989,
Constit. of Camellia japonica . Cryst. C29H42O6 486.647 53, 3057 (isol, synth)
(MeOH aq.). Mp 226-2298. [a]26 D -32.1 23-Carboxylic acid, 3-O-b-D- Pang, Z. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1994, 48,
(c, 1.8 in Py). glucuronopyranoside, 28-O-b-D- 408 (isol)
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- glucopyranosyl ester: [214840-34-3]
galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[4-O-acetyl-b- C41H60O17 824.915
D-galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-b-D- Constit. of Amaranthus cruentus (purple
glucuronopyranoside]: [378244-83-8] amaranth). [a]25
D +43.8.
3,24-Dihydroxy-9(11),12-olea- D-568
Camellioside B 23-Carboxylic acid, 3-O-[b-D- nadien-30-oic acid
C55H86O25 1147.269 glucuronopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-
Constit. of Camellia japonica . Cryst. glucuronopyranoside]: [170894-33-4] COOH
(MeOH aq.). Mp 221-2248. [a]23 D -30 (c, Lindernioside B
0.8 in Py). C41H58O18 838.898
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- [a]20
D +51.1 (c, 1.8 in MeOH) (as tetra-
galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-[a-D- Me ester).
galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-b-D- Kohda, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1991, 39,
glucuronopyranoside]: [96827-23-5] Ca- 2609 (Amaranthussaponin IV)
mellidin II Miyase, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40, 1499
C53H84O24 1105.232 (Lindernioside B)
From Camellia japonica . Cryst. Sol. Junkuszew, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49, HO
195-198 (Amaranthus cruentus saponin) CH 2OH
MeOH, butanol, Py; poorly sol. hexane.
Mp 211-2128. [a]25
D -6 (c, 0.5 in MeOH).
17-Ac, 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)- 15,16-Dihydroxyoctadecanoic D-566 C30H46O4 470.691
b-D-galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-[a-D- acid 3b-form [56262-33-0]
galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-b-D- 15,16-Dihydroxystearic acid Isol. from Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice).
glucuronopyranoside]: [96827-22-4] Ca- H3CCH2CH(OH)CH(OH)(CH2)13COOH Mp 265-2678 (as Me ester).
mellidin I C18H36O4 316.48 Bogatkina, V.F. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1975,
C55H86O25 1147.269 (+)-form 11, 101; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
Constit. of Camellia japonica . Cryst. 1975, 11, 114 (isol)
Prepared from Camelina sativa (false flax).
Sol. MeOH, butanol, Py; poorly sol. Cryst. (petrol). Mp 96-978. [a]20
D +3.3 (c, 4
hexane. Mp 208-2098. [a]25D +2 (c, 0.5 in in EtOH).
Me ester: 3,24-Dihydroxy-11,13(18)- D-569
3-Ketone: [81426-90-6] 17b-Hydroxy-28- C19H38O4 330.507
nor-3,16-oleanenedione. Camelledionol oleanadien-30-oic acid
Mp 89.5-90.58.
C29H44O3 440.665
Et ester:
Constit. of Camellia japonica . Cryst. COOH
C20H40O4 344.534
Mp 232-2338. [a]26
D +49 (c, 0.1 in
Mp 74-74.58.
Gunstone, F.D. et al., J.C.S. , 1959, 2127 (synth)
Itokawa, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20,
2539 (isol)
Nagata, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1985, 49, 9,10-Dihydroxy-12-octadece- D-567
1181 (isol) noic acid
Nishino, C. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1986, 720
(struct) [53734-70-6]
Yoshikawa, M. et al., Heterocycles , 2001, 1653- HO
1657 (Camelliosides, cryst struct) OH

2,3-Dihydroxy-30-nor-23-oxo- D-565 OH C30H46O4 470.691

12,20(29)-oleanadien-28-oic acid (9RS,10RS,12E)-form 3b-form
Me ester: [98063-17-3]
C18H34O4 314.464 C31H48O4 484.718
(9RS,10RS,12E )-form [59959-43-2] Isol. from Glycyrrhiza uralensis
(/9)-trans-threo-form (Chinese licorice) and Glycyrrhiza
Cryst. (Et2O/petrol). Mp 71-748. glabra (licorice). Mp 2478 (as di-Ac).
(9RS,10RS,12Z )-form [59959-42-1] 3-O-[b-D-Glucuronopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-
H COOH (/9)-cis-threo-form
HO D-glucuronopyranoside]:Licoricesaponin
Cryst. (Et2O/petrol). Mp 62-638. K2
(9RS,10SR ,12E )-form [59959-50-1] C42H62O16 822.942
HO (/9)-trans-erythro-form Constit. of Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chi-
Cryst. (Et2O/petrol). Mp 119-120.58. nese licorice). Mp 207-2098. [a]25
CHO D +28
(9RS,10SR ,12Z )-form [59959-49-8] (MeOH).
C29H42O5 470.648 Cryst. (Et2O/petrol). Mp 96-998.
Bogatkina, V.F. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1975,
(2b,3b)-form 11, 101; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
(9j,10j,12j)-form 1975, 11, 114 (isol)
3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- Isol. from the seeds of Cucurbita pepo. Shu, Y. et al., CA , 1985, 103, 119932 (isol)
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-b-D- Fine needles (hexane/EtOAc). Mp 59- Kitagawa, I. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1991,
glucopyranosyl ester: [139742-12-4] 59.58. [a]20
D +10 (c, 0.2 in MeOH). 39, 244 (Licoricesaponin K2)

3,19-Dihydroxy-28-oleananoic acid  / 2,3-Dihydroxy-12-oleanene-... D-570 / D-572

3,19-Dihydroxy-28-oleananoic D-570 C42H66O16 826.974 (alfalfa). Powder. Mp 257-2588. [a]23

acid Isol. from roots of Medicago sativa +24 (c, 0.02 in EtOH). Gives Medica-
(alfalfa). Sol. H2O. Mp 2558 (242-2438). genic acid, L-rhamnose, D-glucose and
D +35.2 (c, 0.53 in 50% EtOH aq.). D-glucuronic acid on hydrol..
HO Revised struct.. [96686-56-5, 107232-01-9]
H 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 28-O-[a-L-
Morris, R.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1961, 26, 1241-1243;
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-L- 1963, 28, 240-242 (2b,3b-form, glucoside)
arabinopyranosyl] ester: [125448-43-3] Morris, R.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1965, 30, 166-168
(3β,18α,19α)-form Medicoside H (2b,3b-form, triglycoside)
HO C47H74O19 943.09 Sastry, C.S.P. et al., Tetrahedron , 1967, 23,
Isol. from the roots of Medicago sativa 3837-3846 (2b13b-form, isol)
(alfalfa). Gestetner, B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1971, 10,
C30H50O4 474.723 2221-2223 (2b,3b-form, triglucoside)
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 28-O-[b-D- Metzger, J.D. et al., J.O.C. , 1972, 37, 789-793
(3b,18a,19a)-form [205439-95-8] xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- (2b,3b-form, synth)
Machaeroceric acid rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L- Anjaneyulu, A.S.R. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. ,
Amorph. powder. Mp 271-2748. [a]20 D arabinopyranosyl] ester: [120039-30-7] 1978, 55, 1169-1174 (isol, deriv)
+5.98 (c, 0.35 in CHCl3/MeOH). C52H82O23 1075.206 Timbekova, A.E. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. ,
(3b,18a,19b)-form Isol. from the roots of Medicago sativa 1984, 20, 451-458; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl.
(alfalfa). Sol. H2O. Transl.) , 1984, 20, 427-433 (Medicoside G)
28/ 0 19 Lactone: [24035-70-9] Oxyallobe- Levy, M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1986, 34,
tulin 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 28-O-[b-D- 960-963 (Medicagenic acid glucoside)
C30H48O3 456.707 xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- Timbekova, A.E. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. ,
Isol. from Diospyros lotus (date plum). rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-L- 1986, 22, 610-613; 1989, 25, 673-677; Chem.
Needles (EtOH). Mp 3108. arabinopyranosyl] ester: [107195-79-9] Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , 1986, 22, 574-
Medicoside J 577; 1989, 25, 573-576 (Medicosides H and J)
28/ 0 19-Lactone, Ac: [60441-33-0] Stoeckli-Evans, H. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1989,
Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 3108. C52H82O23 1075.206
45, 341-343 (cryst struct, Medicagenic acid)
Yoshihira, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1971,
Isol. from the roots of Medicago sativa
Levy, M. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1989, 193, 115-
19, 2308 (isol) (alfalfa). 123 (Medicagenic acid b-maltoside)
Nasipuri, D. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1976, 321 3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside: [84161-90- Oleszek, W. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1990,
(synth) 0] 38, 1810-1817 (3-glucuronoside)
Lillie, T.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1976, 2155 C36H54O12 678.815 Mil’grom, Y.M. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1992,
(isol) Constit. of the roots of Medicago sativa 28, 98-102; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl.
Achari, B. et al., Tetrahedron , 1976, 32, 741 Transl.) , 1992, 28, 82-85 (Medicosides H and
(alfalfa). Sol. H2O.
J, ms)
Ye, Y. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 456-460 3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside, 28-O-[b-D-
(Machaeroceric acid) xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L- 2,3-Dihydroxy-12-oleanene- D-572
arabinopyranosyl] ester: [128192-15-4] 28,30-dioic acid
2,3-Dihydroxy-12-oleanene- D-571 C52H80O24 1089.19
23,28-dioic acid Isol. from the roots of Medicago sativa COOH
(alfalfa). Sol. H2O.
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
glucopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L- H COOH
arabinopyranosyl] ester: [120039-31-8] HO
HO C58H92O28 1237.348
Isol. from the roots of Medicago sativa
(alfalfa). Sol. H2O.
HO 3-O-[a-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D-
COOH glucopyranoside]: [49792-25-8] Medica- C30H46O6 502.69
genic acid b-maltoside (2b,3b)-form [57079-94-4]
C30H46O6 502.69 C42H66O16 826.974 Acinosolic acid
(2b,3b)-form [599-07-5] Constit. of the roots of Medicago sativa 28-Me ester:
Medicagenic acid. Catsanogenin. Medi- (alfalfa). Sol. MeOH. C31H48O6 516.717
cogenic acid 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- Cryst. Mp 2008.
Aglycone from the roots of Medicago glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- 3-Ac, 28-Me ester: [95260-97-2] Acinosolic
sativa (alfalfa) and other Medicago glucopyranoside]: [37838-43-0] acid A
spp.. Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 352-3538. C48H76O21 989.116 C33H50O7 558.754
D +106 (EtOH). Constit. of the roots of Medicago sativa Cryst. Mp 3108.
28-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- (alfalfa). [a]23
D +10.2 (c, 1 in 80% EtOH).
-Highly toxic. 2-Ac, 28-Me ester: [95260-98-3] Acinosolic
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L- acid B
arabinopyranosyl] ester: [129570-95-2] 3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D-
C33H50O7 558.754
C46H72O18 913.064 glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-b-D-
Cryst. Mp 3458.
Isol. from the roots of Medicago sativa glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
(alfalfa). glucopyranoside], 28-O-b-D- 30-Me ester: [75206-90-5] Pokeberrygenin
glucopyranosyl ester: [128784-75-8] C31H48O6 516.717
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [49792-23-6] Isol. from Phytolacca americana berries
C36H56O11 664.832 Medicoside L
C60H96O30 1297.4 (pokeberry). Amorph. powder (MeOH).
Isol. from the roots of Medicago sativa Mp 208-2098. [a]25
Constit. of the roots of Medicago sativa D +79.2 (c, 0.29 in
(alfalfa). Mp 253-2558. [a]23
D +71.4 MeOH).
(EtOH). (alfalfa).
Glycoside:Medicagenic acid triglycoside Glombitza, K.W. et al., Planta Med. , 1975, 27,
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 28-O-b-D- 367 (isol)
glucopyranosyl ester: [106074-96-8] C48H74O21 987.1
Kang, S.S. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1980, 43, 510
Medicoside G Isol. from blooms of Medicago sativa (isol)

3,23-Dihydroxy-12-oleanene-... / 2,3-Dihydroxy-12-oleanen-28-... D-573  / D-574

Harkar, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23, 2893 no. refers to Me ester. 23-Ac, 3-O-[b-D-galactopyranosyl-(1/
3-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- 0 2)-b-D-glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-b-D- [2S-methylbutanoyl-(/ 0 3)-2-O-acetyl-
3,23-Dihydroxy-12-oleanene- D-573
a-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D-
28,30-dioic acid glucopyranosyl ester, 30-Me ester:
[288303-27-5] glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-[2S-
C48H74O21 987.1 methylbutanoyl-(/ 0 4)]-b-D-
COOH Amorph. powder (as Me ester). [a]20D -
fucopyranosyl] ester, 30-Me ester:
17.6 (c, 2.8 in MeOH) (Me ester). CAS [325966-86-7] Saponin S13
no. refers to Me ester. C75H116O34 1561.721
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap-
H bark tree).
COOH glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[a-L-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- Johnson, A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1974, 30, 2033
Woo, W.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14, 1885
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-[2R-
(isol, pmr, ms)
methylbutanoyl-(/ 0 4)]-b-D- Woo, W.S. et al., Planta Med. , 1978, 34, 87
HO fucopyranosyl] ester, 30-Me ester:
CH2 OH (Phytolaccosides)
[325489-37-0] Razdan, T.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22,
C66H104O31 1393.529 1797 (Isophytolaccinic acid)
C30H46O6 502.69 Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- Harkar, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23, 2893
3b-form [56283-68-2] bark tree). (isol, cmr)
Esculentic acid$ Pareda-Miranda, R. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1986,
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- 46, 225 (cmr)
Isol. from Phytolacca americana (poke- xylopyranoside], 30-Me ester: [111199- Kang, S.S. et al., Planta Med. , 1987, 53, 338
berry). Mp 3608. [a]25
D +85.6 (c, 0.23 in 24-7] Phytolaccoside D2 (Phytolaccosides, cmr)
EtOH). C42H66O15 810.974 Bandara, B.M.R. et al., Planta Med. , 1990, 56,
30-Me ester: [54928-05-1] Phytolaccinic Constit. of Phytolacca americana (po- 290 (Phytolaccagenic acid, glucoside)
acid. Phytolaccagenic acid keberry). Amorph. powder. [a]22D +46.1
Kang, S.S. et al., Fitoterapia , 1991, 62, 532
C31H48O6 516.717 (c, 0.74 in MeOH). (Phytolaccoside I)
Yi, Y.H. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1991, 25, 745;
Aglycone from the berries of Phytolacca 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- CA , 116, 158672u (Esculentoside O)
americana (pokeberry). Cryst. (EtOAc). xylopyranoside], 28-O-b-D- Jayasinghe, U.L.B. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 1993,
Mp 295-2998. [a]25D -66.5 (c, 1 in glucopyranosyl ester, 30-Me ester: 2, 249 (Diploclisia glaucescens saponin,
MeOH). [163658-56-8] Esculentoside L1 glucuronopyranosides)
3,23-Di-Ac, 28-Me ester: [88202-34-0] Iso- C48H76O20 973.116 Strauss, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 38, 861
phytolaccinic acid A Cryst. (isopropanol/Et2O). Mp 215- (Esculentosides)
Nord, L.I. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 2000, 329,
C35H52O8 600.791 2208. [a]21
D +20.8 (c, 0.3 in MeOH).
817-829 (Quillaja saponaria saponin)
Cryst. (C6H6/petrol). Mp 1458. 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D- Kamel, M.S. et al., Pharmazie, 2000, 55, 460-
3-O-b-D-Xylopyranoside: [139198-58-6] xylopyranoside], 30-Me ester: [65931- 462 (Cornulaca monacantha constits)
Esculentoside O 92-2] Phytolaccoside D Guo, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 55, 419-428
C35H54O10 634.806 C42H66O15 810.974 (Saponin S13)
Isol. from Phytolacca americana (poke- Takahashi, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2001,
3-O-b-D-Xylopyranoside, 30-Me ester: 49, 246-248 (Phytolacca americana constit)
[65608-00-6] Phytolaccoside A berry). Mp 220-2228. [a]D +40 (c, 0.3 in
Dini, I. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2001, 49,
C36H56O10 648.832 MeOH). 741-746 (Chenopodium quinoa constits)
Isol. from Phytolacca americana (poke- 3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- Soliman, H.S.M. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. ,
berry). Mp 273-2748. [a]D +56.5 (c, 0.14 glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- 2001, 39, 567-576 (Phytolaccoside F, pmr, cmr)
in MeOH). xylopyranoside]: [65608-04-0] Phytolac-
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 30-Me ester: coside I
[129715-90-8] 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranosyl- C47H74O19 943.09 2,3-Dihydroxy-12-oleanen-28- D-574
phytolaccagenic acid Constit. of Phytolacca americana (po- oic acid
C37H58O11 678.859 keberry). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 250-2538.
Pale yellow needles (MeOH/EtOAc). [a]23
D +26 (c, 0.25 in Py).
Mp 195-1978. [a]22D +45.8 (c, 0.12 in 3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
MeOH). glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside, 30-Me xylopyranoside], 30-Me ester: [65497- H COOH
ester: [155556-65-3] 08-7] Phytolaccoside F HO
C37H56O12 692.842 C48H76O19 957.117
Cryst. Mp 2388. [a]22D +32.5 (MeOH).
Constit. of Phytolacca americana (po- (2α,3α)-form
keberry). Amorph. solid. HO
3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside, 28-O-b-D-
glucopyranosyl ester, 30-Me ester: 3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
[155556-66-4] glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- C30H48O4 472.707
C43H66O17 854.984 xylopyranoside], 28-O-b-D- (2a,3a)-form [26563-68-8]
3-O-[a-L-Arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- glucopyranosyl ester, 30-Me ester: Cryst. Mp 300-3028.
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-b-D- [163658-57-9] Esculentoside R 3-Ketone: [73584-62-0] 2-Hydroxy-3-oxo-
C54H86O24 1119.259
glucopyranosyl ester, 30-Me ester: 12-oleanen-28-oic acid
Cryst. (2-propanol/petrol). Mp 212-
[329327-64-2] C30H46O4 470.691
2168. [a]22
D +4.9 (c, 0.4 in MeOH).
C48H74O21 987.1 Constit. of Salvia officinalis (sage).
Constit. of Chenopodium quinoa 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- Cryst. (MeOH) (as Me ester, Ac). Mp
(quinoa). Powder. [a]D +10.8 (c, 0.003 in xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- 226-2278 (Me ester, Ac). [a]20
D +63 (c, 1.8
MeOH). glucopyranoside], 28-O-b-D- in CHCl3) (Me ester, Ac).
glucopyranosyl ester, 30-Me ester: (2a,3b)-form [4373-41-5]
3-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-
[329327-65-3] Crategolic acid. Maslinic acid
glucuronopyranoside], 30-Me ester:
[288303-26-4] C54H86O25 1135.258 Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 267-2698 (243-
C42H64O16 824.958 Constit. of Chenopodium quinoa 2458). [a]20 +43 (Py). [a]D +42.1 (c, 1.02
Amorph. powder (as Me ester). [a]20 (quinoa). Powder. [a]D +3 (c, 0.004 in in Py).
D -
34.2 (c, 3 in MeOH) (Me ester). CAS MeOH). 3-O-b-D-Galactopyranoside: [163634-06-8]

2,3-Dihydroxy-13(18)-oleanen-... / 3,16-Dihydroxy-12-oleanen-... D-575 / D-578

Lucyoside O Caputo, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1974, 13, Constit. of Rhodomyrtus tomentosa (hill
C36H58O9 634.849 2825 (isol) gooseberry). Cryst. Mp 329-3318 (295-
Constit. of Luffa cylindrica (smooth 2968). [a]D +45.3 (CHCl3).
luffa). Cryst. Mp 181-1838. 3,6-Dihydroxy-12-oleanen-28- D-576 Kitagawa, J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1972, 28, 907
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [157771-37-4] (synth)
oic acid Yoshikawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1982,
C36H58O9 634.849
30, 3057 (synth)
Constit. of Luffa cylindrica (smooth
Iwamoto, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1985,
luffa). 33, 1 (synth)
3-O-(4-E-Hydroxycinnamoyl): [35482-91- Ikuta, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 38, 1203
8] H COOH (isol, pmr, cmr)
C39H54O6 618.852 (3α,6α)-form
Isol. from Zizyphus jujuba (Chinese
date). Needles (Me2CO/C6H6). Sol. HO 3,16-Dihydroxy-12-oleanen- D-578
MeOH, CHCl3; fairly sol. H2O; poorly OH 28-oic acid
sol. hexane. Mp 278-2828. [a]20
D +0.95 (c,
1.05 in Py). C30H48O4 472.707
3-O-(4-Z-Hydroxycinnamoyl): [69297-40- (3a,6a)-form
1] Needles (MeOH). Mp 235-2378. [a]20 D +7
C39H54O6 618.852 (c, 0.07 in CHCl3). H COOH
Isol. from Zizyphus jujuba (Chinese (3a,6b)-form OH (3β,16α)-form
date). Cryst. (Me2CO/hexane). Mp 190- 3-Episumaresinolic acid
1958. [a]20
D +9.1 (c, 1.1 in Py). Cryst. (as Me ester). Mp 223-2248 (Me HO
(2b,3b)-form [26707-60-8] ester). [a]D +29.8 (c, 0.7 in CHCl3) (Me
Augustic acid ester).
C30H48O4 472.707
Cryst. Mp 258-2618. (3b,6a)-form
(3b,16a)-form [510-30-5]
3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- 6-Ac: [56119-15-4] Karachic acid
Echinocystic acid. Albizziagenin
glucuronopyranoside], b-D- C32H50O5 514.744
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 305-3128 dec. [a]26 D
glucopyranosyl ester: [139742-09-9] Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 260-2618. [a]D +79
+27.7 (EtOH). Log P 7.21 (uncertain
Amaranthussaponin I (Py).
value) (calc).
C48H76O19 957.117 3-Ketone: [32337-18-1] 6b-Hydroxy-3-oxo-
Constit. of Amaranthus hypochondria- 28-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-4-
12-oleanen-28-oic acid
cus (Prince’s feather) and Amaranthus hydroxy-E-cinnamoyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D-
C30H46O4 470.691
cruentus (purple amaranth). Powder. glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-
Constit. of Myroxylon balsamum (Tolu
[a]D +23.3 (c, 0.43 in Py). arabinopyranosyl] ester:Tragopogonsa-
balsam). Cryst. (hexane/diisopropyl
ponin Q
Cheung, H.T. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1972, 25, ether) (as Me ester). Mp 190-1918 (Me
2003-2012 (isol) C56H82O20 1075.252
ester). [a]D +33 (c, 1 in CHCl3) (Me
Yagi, A. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1978, 26, Isol. from Tragopogon porrifolius (sal-
3075-3079 (Maslinic acid, Zizyphus jujuba sify). Amorph. powder + 5H2O. [a]25 D
(3b,6b)-form [559-64-8]
constits) +25.4 (c, 0.4 in MeOH). lmax 224 (log e
Brieskorn, C.H. et al., Planta Med. , 1980, 38,
Sumaresinolic acid. Sumaresinol
3.96); 299 (log e 4.13); 307 (log e 4.15)
86-90 (3-ketone) Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 298-2998. [a]24D
Kumar, N.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, +102.2 (CHCl3).
2454-2455 (isol) 28-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[4-
3-Ac, Me ester: [32435-06-6]
Kohda, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1991, 39, hydroxy-E-cinnamoyl-(/ 0 2)]-
C33H52O5 528.771
2609-2612 (Amaranthussaponin I) arabinopyranosyl] ester:Tragopogonsa-
Needles (EtOH). Mp 220-2228.
Pambou Tchivounda, H. et al., Phytochemistry, ponin K
1991, 30, 2711-2716 (Maslinic acid, Djerassi, C. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1955, 38, C50H72O15 913.11
glycosides) 1304 (Sumaresinolic acid)
Wahlberg, I. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1971,
Isol. from Tragopogon porrifolius (sal-
Liang, L. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1994, 29, 798; sify). Amorph. powder + 3H2O. [a]25
25, 70 (3-ketone, pmr) D
CA , 123, 5581h (Lucyoside O)
Khan, M.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14, +59.4 (c, 0.9 in MeOH). lmax 213 (log e
Junkuszew, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49,
195-198 (Amaranthus cruentus saponin) 789 (Karachic acid) 4.09); 229 (log e 4); 301 (log e 4.2); 318
Kikuchi, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984, 32, (log e 4.3) (MeOH).
3906 (isol) 28-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[3-(4-
2,3-Dihydroxy-13(18)-olea- D-575 Chan, W.R. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1992, 55, 963
(3-Episumaresinolic acid)
hydroxyphenyl)propanoyl-(/ 0 2)]-
nen-28-oic acid Akhtar, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 32, 1523 arabinopyranosyl] ester:Tragopogonsa-
(isol, pmr, cmr) ponin L
C50H74O15 915.126
Isol. from Tragopogon porrifolius (sal-
3,13-Dihydroxy-11-oleanen- D-577 sify). Amorph. powder. Obt. only as a
28-oic acid mixt. with Tragopogonsaponin M.
28-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[3-(4-
HO hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)propanoyl-(/
0 2)]-arabinopyranosyl] ester:Tragopo-
gonsaponin M
HO H COOH (3α,13β)-form C51H76O16 945.152
Isol. from Tragopogon porrifolius (sal-
HO sify). Amorph. powder.
C30H48O4 472.707 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 28-O-[b-D-
(2a,3b)-form xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-
d-Maslinic acid C30H48O4 472.707 xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
Isol. from leaves of Olea europaea (olive). (3b,13b)-form rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L-
Me ester: [54836-91-8] 11a,12a-Epoxide, 28/ 0 13 lactone, 3-Ac: arabinopyranosyl] ester: [168324-02-5]
Cryst. (hexane). Mp 183-1878. [a]D -28 [35738-25-1] Asterlingulatoside D
(c, 2 in CHCl3). C32H48O5 512.728 C57H92O25 1177.339

3,16-Dihydroxy-12-oleanen-... / 3,16-Dihydroxy-12-oleanen-... D-578 / D-578

Constit. of Codonopsis lanceolata (to- arabinopyranosyl] ester: [134361-70-9] Tragopogonsaponin C

dok). Amorph. powder. Mp 196-1988. Tragopogonsaponin J C51H72O17 957.12
[a]D -63.2 (c, 1 in Py). C57H84O22 1121.277 Isol. from Tragopogon porrifolius (sal-
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 28-O-[b-D- Isol. from Tragopogon porrifolius (sal- sify). Amorph. powder + 2H2O (as Me
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- sify). Amorph. powder (as Me ester). ester). [a]25
D +24.3 (c, 0.9 in MeOH) (Me
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- 3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside, 28-O-[b-D- ester).
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[4- 3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside, 28-O-[b-D-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-a-L- hydroxycinnamoyl-(/ 0 2)]-a-L- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-4-hydroxy-E-
arabinopyranosyl] ester: [168324-01-4] arabinopyranosyl] ester: [134522-27-3] cinnamoyl-(/ 0 2)-[glucopyranosyl-(1/
C63H102O30 1339.481 Tragopogonsaponin H 0 3)]-b-D-xylopyranosyl] ester:
Constit. of Codonopsis lanceolata C56H80O21 1089.235 [134361-74-3] Tragopogonsaponin N
(todok). Isol. from Tragopogon porrifolius (sal- C62H90O26 1251.377
3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside: [134361- sify). Amorph. powder + 21=2H2O (as Isol. from Tragopogon porrifolius (sal-
64-1] Tragopogonsaponin A Me ester). [a]25
D +7.2 (c, 0.65 in MeOH) sify). Amorph. powder + 6H2O (as Me
C36H56O10 648.832 (Me ester). ester). [a]25
D -6.7 (c, 0.50 in MeOH) (Me
Isol. from Tragopogon porrifolius (sal- 3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside, 28-O-[b-D- ester).
sify). Amorph. powder + 21=4H2O (as glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-3-(4- 3-O-[a-L-Arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
Me ester). [a]25
D -8.2 (c, 0.90 in MeOH) hydroxyphenyl)propanoyl-(/ 0 2)-[b-D- glucopyranoside]: [78285-89-9] Pithedu-
(Me ester). glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- loside A
3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside, 28-O-[b-D- xylopyranosyl] ester: [134361-75-4] Tra- C41H66O13 766.965
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-4-hydroxy-3- gopogonsaponin O Constit. of Pithecellobium dulce (manila
methoxy-E-cinnamoyl-(/ 0 2)-b-D- C62H92O26 1253.393 tamarind). Needles. Mp 216-2188. [a]D -
xylopyranosyl] ester: [134361-67-4] Tra- Isol. from Tragopogon porrifolius (sal- 8.2 (c, 4.6 in MeOH).
gopogonsaponin D sify). Amorph. powder + 11=2H2O (as 3-O-[D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-L-
C57H82O22 1119.262 Me ester). [a]25
D 0 (c, 0.40 in MeOH) (Me rhamnopyranoside], 28-O-[D-
Isol. from Tragopogon porrifolius (sal- ester). glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-L-
sify). Amorph. powder + 3H2O (as Me 3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside, 28-O-[b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-L-
ester). [a]25
D -4.4 (c, 0.6 in MeOH) (Me glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-3-(4-hydroxy-3- arabinopyranosyl] ester: [29108-67-6]
ester). methoxyphenyl)propanoyl-(/ 0 2)-[b-D- Helianthoside B
3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside, 28-O-[b-D- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]- C58H94O25 1191.366
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[3-(4- arabinopyranosyl] ester: [134361-77-6] Isol. from Helianthus annuus (sun-
hydroxyphenyl)propanoyl-(/ 0 2)]- Tragopogonsaponin R flower).
arabinopyranosyl] ester: [134522-28-4] C63H94O27 1283.419 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L-
Tragopogonsaponin I Isol. from Tragopogon porrifolius (sal- arabinopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
C56H82O21 1091.251 sify). Amorph. powder + 41=2H2O (as xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
Isol. from Tragopogon porrifolius (sal- Me ester). [a]25
D -12.3 (c, 0.5 in MeOH) glucopyranosyl] ester: [160955-43-1]
sify). Amorph. powder (as Me ester). (Me ester). Dulcin
Obt. only as a mixt. with Tragopogon- 3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside, 28-O-[b-D- C52H84O22 1061.222
saponin J Me ester. glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- Constit. of Pithecellobium dulce (manila
3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside, 28-O-[b-D- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- tamarind). Powder. Mp 2608 dec. [a]D
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-4-hydroxy-3- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)]-a-L- +41.9 (c, 0.3 in Py).
methoxy-E-cinnamoyl-(/ 0 2)-b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L- 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L-
arabinopyranosyl] ester: [134453-40-0] arabinopyranosyl] ester: [252979-60-5] arabinopyranoside], 28-O-[a-L-
Tragopogonsaponin E Foetidissimoside B rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D-
C57H82O22 1119.262 C63H100O31 1353.464 glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D-
Isol. from Tragopogon porrifolius (sal- Constit. of Cucurbita foetidissima (buf- glucopyranosyl] ester: [214219-70-2]
sify). Amorph. powder + 31=2H2O (as falo gourd). Amorph. powder. [a]25 D - C56H96O27 1201.358
Me ester). [a]25
D +7.3 (c, 1.1 in MeOH)
31.8 (c, 0.11 in MeOH). lmax 210 Constit. of Pithecellobium dulce (manila
(Me ester). (MeOH). tamarind).
3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside, 28-O-[b-D- 3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside, 28-O-[4- 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-a-L-
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[3-(4- hydroxy-E-cinnamoyl-(/ 0 2)-b-D- arabinopyranoside], 28-O-b-D-
hydroxyphenyl)propanoyl-(/ 0 2)]-b-D- xylopyranosyl] ester: [134361-65-2] Tra- glucopyranosyl ester: [289649-54-3] Ara-
xylopyranosyl] ester: [134361-69-6] Tra- gopogonsaponin B liasaponin I
gopogonsaponin G C50H70O16 927.093 C47H76O18 929.107
C56H82O21 1091.251 Isol. from Tragopogon porrifolius (sal- Constit. of Aralia elata (Japanese an-
Isol. from Tragopogon porrifolius (sal- sify). Amorph. powder + 3H2O (as Me gelica tree). Amorph. powder. [a]D -28.9
sify). Amorph. powder + 3H2O (as Me ester). [a]25
D +24.9 (c, 1.27 in MeOH) (c, 0.15 in Py).
ester). [a]25
D -11.7 (c, 0.95 in MeOH) (Me
(Me ester).
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-
ester). 3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside, 28-O-[b-D- glucuronopyranoside]: [171828-78-7]
3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside, 28-O-[b-D- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-3-(4- Elatoside H
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[4- hydroxyphenyl)propanoyl-(/ 0 2)-[b-D- C42H66O15 810.974
hydroxycinnamoyl-(1/ 0 2)]-b-D- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]- Constit. of Aralia elata (Japanese an-
xylopyranosyl] ester: [134361-68-5] Tra- arabinopyranosyl] ester: [134453-41-1] gelica tree). Needles (MeOH aq.). Mp
gopogonsaponin F Tragopogonsaponin P 214-217.38. [a]29
D -2.4 (c, 0.1 in MeOH).
C56H80O21 1089.235 C62H92O26 1253.393
3-O-[a-L-Arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L-
Isol. from Tragopogon porrifolius (sal- Isol. from Tragopogon porrifolius (sal- arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
sify). Amorph. powder + 4H2O (as Me sify). Amorph. powder + 11=2H2O (as glucopyranoside]: [189161-64-6] Pithe-
ester). [a]25
D +20.9 (c, 1.29 in MeOH)
Me ester). [a]25
D -7.2 (c, 0.90 in MeOH)
duloside D
(Me ester). (Me ester). C46H74O17 899.08
3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside, 28-O-[b-D- 3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside, 28-O-[4- Constit. of Pithecellobium dulce (manila
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[3-(4-hydroxy- hydroxy-3-methoxy-E-cinnamoyl-(/ 0 2)- tamarind). Needles. Mp 186-1888. [a]D -
3-methoxyphenyl)propanoyl-(/ 0 2)]- b-D-xylopyranosyl] ester: [13436-66-3] 9.8 (c, 6.3 in Py).

3,16-Dihydroxy-13(18)-oleanen-...  / 3,19-Dihydroxy-12-oleanen-... D-579 / D-580

3-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L- C70H114O34 1499.65 Yoshikawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2001,
arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- Saponin from Helianthus annuus (sun- 49, 863-870 (Calendasaponins B,C)
glucopyranoside]: [78285-88-8] flower). Mp 215-2178. Song, S.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 56, 491-
497 (Araliasaponin VI)
Prosapogenin$. Pitheduloside E 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- Song, S. et al., Zhongguo Yaowu Huaxue Zazhi ,
C46H74O17 899.08 glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- 2001, 11, 174-176; CA , 136, 2906a
Isol. from Pithecellobium dulce (manila glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- (Congmunoside XV)
tamarind). Needles. Mp 227-2298 (219- glucopyranoside]: [374807-02-0] Con-
2228). [a]16
D -11.7 (c, 1.01 in MeOH). [a]D gmunoside XV
-8.6 (c, 4.5 in MeOH). C54H88O24 1121.275
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- Constit. of Aralia elata (Japanese an- 3,16-Dihydroxy-13(18)-olea- D-579
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- gelica tree). nen-28-oic acid
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- (3b,16b)-form [545-88-0]
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- Cochalic acid
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- Plates (MeOH). Mp 303-3068. [a]D +58
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-a-L- (dioxan). lmax 218 (no solvent re-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-4-O-acetyl- ported).
b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [325489-44-9] 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-
C78H124O42 1733.812 glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-b-D- COOH
Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- glucopyranosyl ester: [358732-32-8] Ca- OH
bark tree). lendasaponin B
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- C48H76O20 973.116 HO
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-a-L- Constit. of flowers of Calendula offici-
arabinopyranoside], 28-O-b-D- nalis (pot marigold). Cryst. (MeOH
glucopyranosyl ester: [289649-66-7] Ara- aq.). Mp 245.6-2478. [a]27
D +6.4 (c, 0.1 in C30H48O4 472.707
liasaponin III MeOH). (3b,16a)-form [664-40-4]
C53H86O23 1091.249 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- Albigenic acid
Constit. of Aralia elata (Japanese an- galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- Constit. of Codonopsis lanceolata (to-
gelica tree). Amorph. powder. [a]D -13.3 glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-b-D- dok) and from Helianthus annuus (sun-
(c, 0.2 in Py). glucopyranosyl ester: [358732-33-9] Ca- flower). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 246-2488
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- lendasaponin C dec. [a]31
D -13 (EtOH).
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- C54H86O25 1135.258 Me ester: [22611-52-5]
glucopyranoside], 28-O-b-D- Constit. of flowers of Calendula offici- Mp 225-2308. [a]D -12 (EtOH).
glucopyranosyl ester: [340982-21-0] Ara- nalis (pot marigold).
Barua, A.K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1959, 7, 19
liasaponin VI 3-Ketone: [77625-71-9] 16-Hydroxy-3-oxo- (isol)
C54H88O24 1121.275 12-oleanen-28-oic acid Kasprzyk, Z. et al., Pol. J. Chem. (Rocz.
Constit. of Aralia elata (Japanese an- C30H46O4 470.691 Chem.) , 1968, 42, 1463 (synth)
gelica tree). Amorph. powder. [a]D -18.8 Isol. from Vitis vinifera (wine grape). Kubota, T. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1969, 771 (synth)
(c, 0.2 in Py). Cryst. Mp 212-2148. Han, B.H. et al., CA , 1978, 88, 71431 (isol)
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- [69280-20-2]
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-
glucopyranoside], 28-O-b-D- Djerassi, C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1955, 77, 3579-
3582; 1957, 79, 3525-3528 (isol, struct) 3,19-Dihydroxy-12-oleanen- D-580
glucopyranosyl ester: [289649-67-8] Ara-
Cheban, P.L. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1968, 4,
liasaponin IV 140; 1969, 5, 59; 129-130; 327; Chem. Nat. 28-oic acid
C54H88O24 1121.275 Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , 1968, 4, 121; 1969, 5,
Constit. of Aralia elata (Japanese an- 51-52; 112-113; 277-278 (Helianthosides)
gelica tree). Amorph. powder. [a]D -18.8 HO
Allen, J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 2994-3001
(c, 0.2 in Py). (synth)
Brieskorn, C.H. et al., CA , 1981, 94, 188662k
3-O-[a-L-Arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L- H COOH
(3-ketone) (3α,19α)-form
arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-[b-D- Warashina, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1991,
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-b-D- 39, 388-396 (Tragopogonsaponins A-R)
glucopyranoside]: [200127-83-9] Pithe- HO
Miyase, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31,
duloside K 2087-2091 (Tragopogonsides A-I)
C52H84O22 1061.222 Sahu, N.P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 37, C30H48O4 472.707
Constit. of Pithecellobium dulce (manila 1425-1427 (Dulcin)
Yoshikawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1995, (3b,19a)-form [511-77-3]
tamarind). Needles. Mp 200-2028. [a]25D - Siaresinolic acid. Siaresinol
43, 1878-1882 (Elatoside H, isol, pmr, cmr)
4.1 (c, 3.5 in MeOH). Cryst. (MeOH/Et2O). Mp 274-2758.
Hu, B. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1996, 7, 1005-
3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- 1008 (Asterlingulatosides) [a]24
D +98.5 (EtOH).
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- Shao, Y. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1997, 60, 743-746 3-O-a-L-Arabinopyranoside, 28-O-b-D-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)]-b-D- (Asterlingulatosides)
glucopyranosyl ester: [356785-71-2]
glucopyranoside]: [139164-70-8] Yoshikawa, K. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1997, 60,
1269-1274 (Pitheduloside K) C41H66O13 766.965
[24404-55-5] Helianthoside A Shao, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 44, 337- Constit. of Sanguisorba officinalis
C53H86O21 1059.25 340 (Asterlingulatosides) (burnet bloodwort). Amorph. solid.
Constit. of Helianthus annuum (sun- Nigam, S.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 44, [a]25
D +14 (c, 0.1 in MeOH).
flower). No phys. props. reported. 1329-1334 (Pithedulosides) Mimaki, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 57,
Saxena, V.K. et al., Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., 773-779 (Sanguisorba officinalis saponin)
3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- Chem. Sci. , 1998, 110, 409-414
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[D- (Pithecellobium dulce saponin)
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)]-D- Song, S.-J. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2000, 48,
glucopyranoside], 28-O-[D- 838-842 (Araliasaponins)
Gaidi, G. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2000, 63, 122-124
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-L- (Foetidissimoside B)
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-L- Guo, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 55, 419-428
arabinopyranosyl] ester: [25503-42-8] (Quillaja saponaria saponin)
Helianthoside C

3,21-Dihydroxy-12-oleanen-... / 3,24-Dihydroxy-12-oleanen-... D-581 / D-584

3,21-Dihydroxy-12-oleanen- D-581 glycosyl esters and Hederagenin Yoshikawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998,
28-oic acid bisdesmosides, H-11. 46, 812-816 (Lablabosides)
3b-form [465-99-6] Komatsu, H. et al., Heterocycles , 1998, 48, 703-
710 (Lablabosides)
Hederagenin. Caulosapogenin. Hederi-
OH din. Kalosapogenin. Melanthigenin. As-
trantiagenin E
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 3348 dec. [a]D +82
H COOH 3,24-Dihydroxy-12-oleanen- D-584
(3β,21α)-form 29-oic acid
3,23-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside, 28-O-[b-
HO D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-a-L-
arabinopyranosyl] ester: [123597-11-5] COOH
Quinoside A
C30H48O4 472.707
C53H86O23 1091.249
(3b,21b)-form [25763-71-7] Constit. of Chenopodium quinoa (qui- H
Machaerinic acid. Proceric acid noa). No phys. props. reported.
28-O-b-D-Glucopyranosyl ester: [183294- [30883-34-2]
29-3] Lucyoside Q
C36H58O9 634.849 Meyer, B.N. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1990,
Constit. of Luffa cylindrica (smooth 38, 205-208 (Quinoside A)
luffa). Cryst. Mp 238-2408. [a]15 HO
D +23.5
(c, 0.4 in MeOH). CH 2OH
3,24-Dihydroxy-12-oleanen- D-583
3-O-[a-L-Arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- 28-oic acid
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-b-D- C30H48O4 472.707
glucopyranosyl ester: [117804-15-6] Cy- 3b-form [86425-21-0]
narasaponin J Azukisapogenol
C47H74O19 943.09 H Isol. from Vigna angularis (azuki bean).
Constit. of Cynara cardunculus (car- Needles (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 286-2878.
doon). Powder + 2H2O (as Me ester). COOH [a]13
D +38.5 (c, 1.2 in Py).
D +15.6 (c, 0.95 in MeOH) (Me 3α-form Me ester: [20476-10-2]
ester). Needles (CHCl3/petrol). Mp 262-2638.
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- HO [a]13
D +56.4 (c, 1 in CHCl3).
glucopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- CH 2OH Di-Ac: [5672-32-2]
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- Fine cryst. (MeOH). Mp 246-2478. [a]13 D
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L- C30H48O4 472.707 +53.5 (c, 1.4 in CHCl3).
arabinopyranosyl] ester: [135575-15-4]
3b-form [83944-28-9] 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
Acutoside C
Bredemolic acid. 4-Epihederagenin glucuronopyranoside]: [82801-38-5]
C58H94O26 1207.365
Cryst. (Et2O/petrol). Mp 288-2928 Mp Azukisaponin III
Constit. of Luffa acutangula (Chinese
305-3078. [a]20
D +100.5 (Py). [a]D +74.1 C42H66O15 810.974
okra). Amorph. powder. Mp 220-2258
(c, 0.27 in MeOH). Isol. from seeds of Vigna angularis
dec. [a]24
D -15.5 (c, 0.5 in MeOH aq.).
3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- (azuki bean). Cryst. + H2O (MeOH
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- aq.). Mp 218-2218. [a]28D +2.5 (c, 1.1 in
galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- MeOH).
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[3-hydroxy-
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-b-D-
3-methylglutaroyl-(/ 0 6)-b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
glucopyranosyl ester: [358732-35-1] Ca-
glucopyranosyl] ester:Lablaboside D glucuronopyranoside], Me ester:
lendasaponin D
C60H94O28 1263.386 [128357-84-6]
C54H86O25 1135.258
Glycoside from Dolichos lablab (hya- C43H68O15 825.001
Constit. of flowers of Calendula offici-
cinth bean). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
nalis (pot marigold). Cryst. (MeOH
193.4-1958. [a]26
D -15.1 (c, 2.5 in MeOH). glucuronopyranoside], [b-D-
aq.). Mp 227-2298. [a]24 D +33 (c, 1.1 in
MeOH). 3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- glucopyranosyl(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- glucopyranosyl] ester: [82801-39-6] Azu-
[117804-24-7] glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[a-L- kisaponin VI
Shimizu, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988, 36, rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- C54H86O25 1135.258
2466 (Cynarasaponin J) glucopyranosyl] ester: [209802-42-6] La- Isol. from seeds of Vigna angularis
Liang, L. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1996, 31, 122 blaboside C (azuki bean). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 223-
(Lucyoside Q) C60H96O28 1265.402 2258. [a]20
D -5.9 (c, 1.1 in MeOH).
Constit. of Dolichos lablab (hyacinth Amide, 3-O-[b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-
3,23-Dihydroxy-12-oleanen- D-582 bean). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 222- b-D-glucuronopyranoside]: [128309-09-
28-oic acid 223.58. [a]24
D -22.9 (c, 0.97 in MeOH). 1]
3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- C42H67NO14 809.99
galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- [86500-82-5, 86764-25-2]
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[a-L-
H rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- Kitagawa, I. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1983,
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- 31, 664; 674; 683 (isol, struct)
COOH (3α)-form
glucopyranosyl] ester:Lablaboside E
C66H106O32 1411.544
HO Constit. of Dolichos lablab (hyacinth
CH2OH bean). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 202.8-
204.58. [a]25
D -20.3 (c, 2.8 in MeOH).

C30H48O4 472.707 Tschesche, R. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1960, 93, 1903

Pereda-Miranda, R. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1986,
Many glycosides of Hederagenin are 49, 225
known. See also Hederagenin 3- Singh, S.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29,
glycosides, H-12, Hederagenin 28- 3360 (isol, pmr, cmr)

/ 4,9-Dihydroxy-10(14)-oplopen-... D-585 
/ D-589

3,24-Dihydroxy-12-oleanen- D-585 (c, 1 in H2O). 2,9-Dihydroxy-4,10(14)-oplo- D-588

30-oic acid 25-Aldehyde, 3-O-[b-D-xylopyranosyl-(1/ padien-3-one
0 2)-b-D-glucopyranoside]:Periandrin
C41H64O13 764.949 H
Constit. of Periandra dulcis roots. Nat- 2 9
ural sweetener. Amorph. powder O
(MeOH aq.). Mp 3008. [a]25 D -18.5 (c, (2β,4E,9α)-form
H 0.09 in H2O). H
Hashimoto, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21,
2335; 1984, 23, 693
Suttiari, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 34, 405 C15H22O3 250.337
HO (Periandrin V)
(2b,4E ,9a)-form
9-(3-Methyl-2E-pentenoyl), 2-(2-
methylbutanoyl): [80489-88-9]
C30H48O4 472.707 C26H38O5 430.583
3,30-Dihydroxy-12-oleanen- D-587
3b-form Gum. [a]24 D -95 (c, 0.2 in CHCl3).
3-O-[b-D-Glucuronopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-
28-oic acid (2b,4Z ,9a)-form
D-glucuronopyranoside]: [134250-13-8] 9-(3-Methyl-2E-pentenoyl), 2-(2-
Licoricesaponin J2 CH2 OH methylbutanoyl): [80514-14-3]
C42H64O16 824.958 C26H38O5 430.583
Constit. of Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chi- Constit. of Tussilago farfara (coltsfoot).
nese licorice). Mp 263-2658. [a]25
D +21 Gum. [a]24 D -125 (c, 1 in CHCl3).
(MeOH). H 9-(3-Methyl-2E-pentenoyl), 2-angeloyl:
Kitagawa, I. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1991, [237407-02-2]
39, 244
C26H36O5 428.567
Constit. of Tussilago farfara (coltsfoot).
HO Oil. [a]28
D -166.7 (c, 0.04 in CHCl3). lmax
3,25-Dihydroxy-18-oleanen- D-586
224 (log e 4.5) (MeOH).
30-oic acid
C30H48O4 472.707 2,9-Bis(3-methyl-2E-pentenoyl): [237407-
3b-form [511-82-0] 03-3]
HOOC C27H38O5 442.594
Queretaroic acid
Constit. of Chenopodium quinoa (qui- Constit. of Tussilago farfara (coltsfoot).
H noa), Stenocereus thurberi (organ pipe Oil. [a]29
D -173.9 (c, 0.02 in CHCl3). lmax

cactus). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 345-3488 222 (log e 4.6) (MeOH).

(318-3238). [a]D +81.1 (c, 3 in Py). Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20,
2024 (isol, pmr)
Me ester: Kikuchi, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1992,
Cryst. (C6H6/MeOH). Mp 228-228.58. 40, 2753 (isol, pmr)
[a]D +77.8 (CHCl3). Yaoita, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1999, 47,
HO 705-707 (isol, pmr, cmr)
30-O-(3,4-Dihydroxycinnamoyl): [59441-
C30H48O4 472.707 C39H54O7 634.851
4,9-Dihydroxy-10(14)-oplo- D-589
3b-form [85282-03-7] Cryst. (EtOH/CHCl3). Mp 230-2328.
[a]D +152. pen-3-one
Periandric acid III
Needles (Me2CO aq). Mp 265-2678. 30-Aldehyde:3-Hydroxy-30-oxo-12-olea-
3-O-[b-D-Glucuronopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b- nen-28-oic acid. Dodecandral H
D-glucuronopyranoside]: [74256-70-5] C30H46O4 470.691 OH
Periandrin III 30-Carboxylic acid: 3-Hydroxy-12- O
C42H64O16 824.958 oleanene-28,30-dioic acid, H-662
Constit. of Periandra dulcis roots. Nat- Djerassi, C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1956, 78, 3785 (isol,
4 H
ural sweetener. Cryst. with sweet taste. struct) HO
Mp 3008. [a]18
D -24.5 (c, 1.1 in H2O).
Rangaswami, S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1969, 25,
3701 (isol)
3-Ketone, 25-aldehyde: [84260-73-1] 3,25- Tori, K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1974, 4227 (cmr) C15H24O3 252.353
Dioxo-18-oleanen-30-oic acid. 3-Dehy- Agarwal, J.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, (4S,9a)-form
droperiandric acid I 430 (deriv, pmr)
C30H44O4 468.675 Kircher, H.W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16,
9-(3-Methylbutanoyl): [348113-04-2]
Cryst. (Me2CO aq.). Mp 283-2928. [a]23 1078; 1980, 19, 2707 (isol) C20H32O4 336.47
+1.52 (c, 1.275 in CHCl3). Oshima, Y. et al., Planta Med. , 1984, 50, 43 Constit. of flower buds of Tussilago
(deriv, cmr) farfara (coltsfoot). Oil. [a]22
D -39.8 (c, 0.2
25-Aldehyde: [85317-31-3] 3b-Hydroxy-25- Ikuta, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, 1625 in CHCl3).
oxo-18-oleanen-30-oic acid. Periandric (cmr)
acid I 9-(3-Methylbutanoyl), 4-Ac: [72247-71-3]
Spengel, S.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 43,
C30H46O4 470.691 179 (Dodecandral)
Needles (EtOH aq.). Mp 267-2688. Ye, Y. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 456-460 C22H34O5 378.508
(cmr) Oil. [a]24
D -14.3 (c, 2 in CHCl3).
25-Aldehyde, 3-[O-b-D-
glucuronopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- 9-(3-Methyl-2E-pentenoyl), 4-Ac:
glucuronopyranoside]: [73565-59-0] [104012-37-5]
Periandrin I [126453-63-2] Tussilagone. Farfaratin
C42H62O16 822.942 C23H34O5 390.519
Isol. from Periandra dulcis roots. Nat- Constit. of Tussilago farfara (coltsfoot).
ural sweetener. Plates + 4H2O (MeOH Cryst. Mp 100-1018. [a]24D -40 (c, 1 in
aq.) with sweet taste. Mp 3008. [a]20
D -23 CHCl3).

/ 9,13-Dihydroxy-10-oxo-11-octadecenoic acid D-590 / D-595

9-(3-Methyl-2E-pentenoyl): [147742-07-2] 11,13-Dihydroxy-3-oxo- D-591 14,18-Dihydroxy-12-oxo- D-593

C21H32O4 348.481 10(14)-guaien-12,6-olide 9,13,15-octadecatrienoic acid
Constit. of Tussilago farfara (coltsfoot). 18-Hydroxy-12,14-dioxo-9,15-octadecadie-
Gum. [a]22
D -102.4 (c, 0.3 in CHCl3). noic acid
9-Angeloyl, 4-Ac: [147742-08-3] H
C22H32O5 376.492 OH O
Constit. of Tussilago farfara (coltsfoot). O HOH 2C COOH

Gum. [a]22 H
D -48.8 (c, 0.5 in CHCl3).
9-(3-Methyl-2E-butenoyl), 4-Ac: [147742- H CH 2OH C18H28O5 324.416
09-4] O OH Enolised b-diketone. Exists in the enol.
C22H32O5 376.492 form illus..
Constit. of Tussilago farfara (coltsfoot). (9Z ,13Z ,15E )-form [130523-93-2]
Gum. [a]22
D -45.8 (c, 0.4 in CHCl3). C15H20O5 280.32
Cibaric acid
Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18, Isol. from damaged fruit bodies of the
(1a,4a,5a,6a,11a)-form [255722-99-7] edible chanterelle mushroom (Canthar-
1063; 1981, 20, 2024 (isol, struct, deriv, pmr)
Bai-Ping, Y. et al., Huaxue Xuebao , 1987, 45, Cryst. Mp 154-1558. ellus cibarius ). Cryst. (EtOAc). Mp
450 (cryst struct) 13-Ac: [142449-61-4] 69.5-70.58. lmax 237 (e 6456); 308 (e
Wang, C. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1989, 24, 913- C17H22O6 322.357 19054) (MeOH) (Berdy).
915 (Farfaratin) Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 141-1438. Struct. -LD50 (mus, ipr) 100 mg/kg.
Kikuchi, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1992, corrected from 11-Ac in 1993. Pang, Z. et al., J.O.C. , 1991, 56, 1233 (struct, ir,
40, 2753 (deriv, pmr, cmr)
11,13-Di-Ac: uv, ms, pmr, cmr)
Shi, W. et al., J. Chin. Pharm. Sci. , 1996, 5, 63-
67; CA , 126, 314812d (pmr) C19H24O7 364.394
Yaoita, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2001, 49, Gum. [a]24
D +87 (c, 0.1 in CHCl3).
645-648 (9-methylbutanoyl, abs config) (1a,4a,5a,6a,11j)-form [83551-03-5] 8-
Deoxy-11,13-dihydroxygrosheimin 9,10-Dihydroxy-8-oxo-12-oc- D-594
Constit. of Cynara scolymus (globe tadecenoic acid
artichoke). Needles (MeOH). Mp 215-
8,15-Dihydroxy-2-oxo- D-590 2188. OH O
1(10),3,11(13)-guaiatrien-12,6-olide Rustaiyan, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20,
2427-2429 (isol, ir, pmr, ms)
Oksuz, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, 2747- OH
O 2749 (13-Ac) (9R,10S,12Z)-form
Bruno, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, 4165
(11-Ac, isol, pmr, cmr) C18H32O5 328.448
8 OH Barbetti, P. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 1993, 3, 21- (9R ,10S,12Z )-form [142036-13-3]
15 30 (Cynara scolymus constit) Constit. of the edible lions mane
HOH2 C H Öksüz, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 33, 1267-
O 1 1 13 1268 (13-Ac, cryst struct)
mushroom (Hericium erinaceum ). Fine
González-Platas, J. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1999, needles (EtOAc/hexane). Sol. EtOAc,
O 55, 1837-1839 (isol, cryst struct) CHCl3, Me2CO; fairly sol. hexane,
MeOH; poorly sol. H2O. Mp 56-578.
C15H16O5 276.288 [a]22
D -48.9 (c, 1.49 in CHCl3).
(5a,6a,8a)-form [1891-29-8] (9S,10S,12Z )-form [145308-76-5]
Lactucin 3,15-Dihydroxy-23-oxo- D-592 Needles (EtOAc/hexane). Mp 96-978.
Constit. of Cichorium intybus (chicory). [a]22
D +43.5 (c, 1.36 in CHCl3).
7,9(11),24-lanostatrien-26-oic acid
Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 224-2288. [a]D +49 Kawagishi, H. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1990,
(c, 0.9 in MeOH). lmax 257 (e 14000) 54, 1329 (isol, pmr, ms)
COOH Kuwahara, S. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol.,
(EtOH) (Berdy).
Biochem. , 1992, 56, 1417 (synth, abs config)
8-(4-Hydroxyphenylacetyl): [65725-11-3] O Yokota, H. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. ,
Lactupicrin. Lactucopicrin. Intybin 1995, 59, 1562 (activity)
C23H22O7 410.423
Constit. of Lactuca sativa (lettuce), 3 OH
Cichorium intybus (chicory) and Ci- HO
chorium endivia (endive). Mp 132-1788 9,13-Dihydroxy-10-oxo-11-oc- D-595
dec. [a]D +73 (Py). tadecenoic acid
11a,13-Dihydro, 15-aldehyde, 8-(4- C30H44O5 484.675
hydroxyphenylacetyl): [374536-44-4] (3a,15a,24E )-form . CHCOCH(OH)(CH2)7COOH
C23H22O7 410.423 3-Ac: [117383-37-6] 3a-Acetoxy-15a-hy- C18H32O5 328.448
Constit. of Cichorium intybus (chicory). droxy-23-oxo-7,9(11),24E-lanostatrien-
26-oic acid (9j,11E ,13j)-form
Bachelor, F.W. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1973, 51,
3626 (struct) C32H46O6 526.712 9-Me ether: [150147-08-3] 13-Hydroxy-9-
St. Pyrek, J. et al., Pol. J. Chem. (Rocz. Chem.) , Constit. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi). methoxy-10-oxo-11-octadecenoic acid
1977, 51, 2165 (isol, derivs)
15-Ac: [117383-35-4] 15a-Acetoxy-3a-hy- C19H34O5 342.475
Ruban, G. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1978, 34, 1163 Isol. from corn. Yellow oil. [a]D +5.3 (c,
(cryst struct) droxy-23-oxo-7,9(11),24E-lanostatrien-
26-oic acid 1 in MeOH). lmax 227 (MeOH) (Berdy).
Khalil, A.T. et al., Planta Med. , 1991, 57, 190-
191 (Lactucin, Lactucopicrin, 11,13- C32H46O6 526.712 Kuga, H. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. ,
Dihydrolactucopicrin) Constit. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi). 1993, 57, 1020 (isol, deriv)
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1665 (biosynth)
Deng, Y. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 2001, 56,
787-796 (Cichorium intybus constits) acid
C34H48O7 568.749
Constit. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi).
Shiao, M.-S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27,

3,22-Dihydroxy-11-oxo-12-oleanene-...  / 3,16-Dihydroxy-23-oxo-12-oleanen-... D-596 / D-598

3,22-Dihydroxy-11-oxo-12- D-596 Zhang, D. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1995, 43, 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
oleanene-27,29-dioic acid 966 (isol, pmr, cmr) glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[a-L-
Junkuszew, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49, rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[4-methoxy-
195-198 (Amaranthus cruentus saponin)
Mithöfer, A. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 1999, 14, 5-
E-cinnamoyl-(/ 0 4)]-b-D-
COOH 10 (Oleragenoside) fucopyranosyl] ester: [194040-59-0] Je-
nisseensoside C
C64H92O26 1277.415
22 3,16-Dihydroxy-23-oxo-12- D-598 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
O glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[a-L-
OH oleanen-28-oic acid
H rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[4-methoxy-
Z-cinnamoyl-(/ 0 4)]-b-D-
COOH fucopyranosyl] ester: [194040-60-3] Je-
nisseensoside D
HO C64H92O26 1277.415
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
H COOH glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
C30H44O7 516.673
(3b,22a)-form OH xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L-
29/ 0 22 Lactone, 27-Me ester: [123914-44-
HO arabinopyranosyl] ester: [122587-96-6]
3] Methyl 3-hydroxy-11-oxo-12-oleanen-
CHO Dubioside B
29,22a-olid-27-oate. Glyuranolide
C58H90O28 1235.332
C31H44O6 512.685
C30H46O5 486.69 Needles (MeOH) (as Me ester). Mp 225-
Constit. of Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chi-
2268 (Me ester). [a]24
D -26.1 (c, 1 in
nese licorice). Cryst. Mp 301-3038. [a]14
D (3b,16a)-form [631-01-6]
Quillaic acid MeOH) (Me ester).
Jia, Q. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1989, 24, 348-351 Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 2948. [a]D +56.1 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
(isol, pmr) (Py). glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L-
Me ester: [6151-28-6]
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-[4-
C31H48O5 500.717
2,3-Dihydroxy-23-oxo-12- D-597 methoxy-E-cinnamoyl-(/ 0 4)]-
Mp 200-2058 dec. [a]D +50.1 (CHCl3).
oleanen-28-oic acid fucopyranosyl] ester: [168647-40-3] Je-
28-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- nisseensoside A
galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)]-b-D- C70H102O31 1439.557
glucopyranosyl] ester: [158359-81-0]
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
C48H76O20 973.116
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
Cryst. Mp 205-2078. [a]20D +18.1
(MeOH). glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L-
HO rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-[4-
(2α,3β)-form 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 28-O-[a-L- methoxy-Z-cinnamoyl-(/ 0 4)]-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L- fucopyranosyl] ester: [168753-25-1] Je-
arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- nisseensoside B
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)]-b-D- C70H102O31 1439.557
C30H46O5 486.69 glucopyranosyl] ester: [356542-99-9]
C59H94O28 1251.375 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
(2a,3b)-form Amorph. powder. [a]20 glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
D -2 (c, 0.1 in
2a-Hydroxygypsogenin MeOH). xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside: [24404-56- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L-
C36H56O10 648.832 6] Prosapogenin$
Constit. of smooth luffa (Luffa arabinopyranosyl] ester: [122587-97-7]
C36H54O11 662.816 Dubioside C
cylindrica ) leaves (the gourd and not the Saponin from peel of Quillaja saponaria
leaves of the plant is a food source). C63H98O32 1367.448
(soap-bark tree). Cryst. (EtOH). Mp Needles (MeOH) (as Me ester). Mp 229-
(2b,3b)-form [168570-34-1] 219-2218 dec. [a]20
D +16 (MeOH). 2318 (Me ester). [a]24
Oleragenin. 2b-Hydroxygypsogenin D -27.6 (c, 0.8 in
Needles (MeOH). Mp 296-2988 dec. 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- MeOH aq.).
[a]21 glucopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
D +67.8 (c, 0.59 in MeOH).
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside, 28-O-b-D- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)]-a-L-
glucopyranosyl ester: [274677-98-4] xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L-
Oleragenoside fucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-a-L-
C42H64O16 824.958 arabinofuranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-4-O-acetyl-b-
arabinopyranosyl] ester: [202645-16-7] D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [211508-49-5]
Constit. of spinach (Spinacia oleracea ). C70H112O36 1529.633
Amorph. powder. lmax 208 (MeOH). Vaccaroside E. Vaccariside E
D +17 (c, 1 in MeOH). C66H102O33 1423.512
3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- Amorph. solid. Mp 2308 dec. [a]21 D -22.4
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-b-D- glucuronopyranoside]: [168647-42-5] (c, 1 in MeOH).
glucopyranosyl ester: [139742-10-2] C42H64O16 824.958
Amaranthussaponin II 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
C48H74O20 971.101 bark tree).
Constit. of prince’s feather (Amaranthus xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
hypochondriacus ) and bush greens 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[5-O-acetyl-
(Amaranthus cruentus ) grains. Powder. glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[a-L- a-L-arabinofuranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-4-O-
[a]D +9.2 (c, 0.87 in MeOH). rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L- acetyl-b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester:
arabinopyranosyl] ester: [122587-95-5] [318959-80-7] Segetoside I
Kohda, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1991, 39,
2609 (Amaranthussaponin II)
Dubioside A C68H104O34 1465.549
Liang, L. et al., CA , 1994, 121, 175208t (Luffa C53H82O24 1103.216 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
cylindrica glycoside) Amorph. powder (as Me ester). Mp glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
Maeda, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 37, 1131 210-2158 dec. (Me ester). [a]25
D -31.9 (c, xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
(isol, pmr, cmr) 2.7 in MeOH) (Me ester).

3,16-Dihydroxy-23-oxo-12-oleanen-... / 3,16-Dihydroxy-23-oxo-12-oleanen-... D-598 / D-598

rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L- 3-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- bark tree).

rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-4-O-acetyl- galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D-
b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [287386-81-6] glucuronopyranoside]: [97892-86-9] xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D-
C67H104O33 1437.539 C47H72O20 957.074 glucuronopyranoside], Me ester:
Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- [172045-43-1]
bark tree). bark tree). C48H74O20 971.101
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- Amorph. powder.
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-[b-D- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[a-L- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D-
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-a-L- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[4- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- methoxycinnamoyl-(/ 0 3)]-4-O-acetyl- fucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-[b-D-
fucopyranosyl] ester: [229484-36-0] Si- b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [241485-62-1] galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-a-L-
lenoside B Silenoside rhamnopyranosyl] ester: [172045-45-3]
C65H102O33 1411.501 C71H102O31 1451.568 C65H102O33 1411.501
Constit. of Silene vulgaris (bladder 3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- Amorph. powder.
campion). Powder. galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D-
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- glucuronopyranoside]: [210426-59-8] xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D-
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[a-L- C48H74O20 971.101 glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L- Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- bark tree). rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- 3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-4-O-acetyl-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-b-D- b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [287386-83-8]
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-4-O-acetyl-b- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- C72H112O37 1569.655
D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [218167-65-8] glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap-
C77H120O42 1717.77 xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)]-a-L- bark tree).
Amorph. powder. [a]20 D -6 (c, 0.132 in rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-3-O-[5-[[5- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D-
H2O). lmax 210 (MeCN aq.). (a-L-arabinofuranosyloxy)-3-hydroxy-6- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D-
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-6-O- methyl-1-oxooctyl]oxy]-3-hydroxy-6- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
methyl-b-D-glucuronopyranoside], 28-O- methyl-1-oxooctyl]-b-D-fucopyranosyl] xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
[5-O-acetyl-a-L-arabinofuranosyl-(1/ ester: [263259-79-6] rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-[4-O-acetyl-
0 3)-[b-D-xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- C94H152O47 2034.207 b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-b-D-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-4-O-acetyl- Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- fucopyranosyl] ester: [180965-44-0] Ru-
b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [223428-32-8] bark tree). bicunoside C
Segetoside D 3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- C72H112O38 1585.654
C69H106O34 1479.576 galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-b-D- [a]16
D -16 (c, 0.9 in Py).
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-6-O- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D-
butyl-b-D-glucuronopyranoside], 28-O- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D-
[5-O-acetyl-a-L-arabinofuranosyl-(1/ xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)]-a-L- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
0 3)-[b-D-xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-4-O-[5-[[5- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-4-O-acetyl- (a-L-arabinofuranosyloxy)-3-hydroxy-6- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [223428-33-9] methyl-1-oxooctyl]oxy]-3-hydroxy-6- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-4-O-acetyl-
Segetoside E methyl-1-oxooctyl]-b-D-fucopyranosyl] b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [299184-64-8]
C72H112O34 1521.656 ester: [263259-76-3] C72H112O38 1585.654
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- C94H152O47 2034.207 Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap-
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- bark tree).
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- bark tree).
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)]-a-L- 3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-b-D- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[6-O-
fucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-a-L- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- acetyl-b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-
arabinopyranosyl] ester: [202645-08-7] apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- D-xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
C70H110O37 1543.617 xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-[b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-4-O-acetyl-
D +23.2 (c, 1 in MeOH). glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-a-L- b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [299184-68-2]
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-3-O-[5-[[5- C74H114O39 1627.691
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- (a-L-arabinofuranosyloxy)-3-hydroxy-6- Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap-
galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- methyl-1-oxooctyl]oxy]-3-hydroxy-6- bark tree).
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)]-a-L- methyl-1-oxooctyl]-b-D-fucopyranosyl] 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- ester: [263259-81-0] xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D-
fucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-a-L- C99H160O51 2166.322
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
arabinopyranosyl] ester: [202645-12-3] Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap-
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D-
C70H110O37 1543.617 bark tree). glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-a-L-
D +20.8 (c, 1 in MeOH). 3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-4-O-acetyl-
3-O-[a-L-Arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-b-D- b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [299184-65-9]
galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-b-D- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- C73H114O39 1615.68
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-[b-D- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-[b-D- bark tree).
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-a-L- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-a-L- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-4-O-[5-[[5- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D-
fucopyranosyl] ester: [229484-45-1] Si- (a-L-arabinofuranosyloxy)-3-hydroxy-6- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
lenoside C methyl-1-oxooctyl]oxy]-3-hydroxy-6- apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-
C70H110O37 1543.617 methyl-1-oxooctyl]-b-D-fucopyranosyl]
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
Constit. of Silene vulgaris (bladder ester: [263259-78-5]
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L-
campion). Powder. C99H160O51 2166.322 rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-4-O-acetyl-
Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap-

3,16-Dihydroxy-23-oxo-12-oleanen-...  / 3,16-Dihydroxy-23-oxo-12-oleanen-... D-598 / D-598

b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [287386-85-0] ester: [263259-80-9] D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [214551-55-0]

C77H120O41 1701.77 C93H150O47 2020.18 Saponarioside A
Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- C82H128O45 1833.886
bark tree). bark tree). Amorph. solid. Mp 243-2458 dec. [a]20D -
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- 25.5 (c, 0.9 in Py).
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D-
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D-
apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-[b-D- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)]-a-L- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-a-L- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-4-O-[5-[[5- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-4-O-acetyl-b- (a-L-arabinofuranosyloxy)-3-hydroxy-6- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-[b-D-
D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [299184-66-0] methyl-1-oxooctyl]oxy]-3-hydroxy-6- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-6-deoxy-b-D-
C77H120O42 1717.77 methyl-1-oxooctyl]-b-D-fucopyranosyl] glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-3-O-acetyl-b-
Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- ester: [263259-77-4] D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [180965-42-8]
bark tree). C93H150O47 2020.18 Rubicunoside B
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- C83H130O46 1863.912
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- bark tree). [a]15
D -11.3 (c, 1.5 in Py).
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-6-O-butyl-b-D-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[4-O-acetyl- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-
6-deoxy-b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)]-b- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [214552-00-8] xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)]-a-L- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-[2-O-acetyl-
Saponarioside B rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-4-O-acetyl- 6-deoxy-b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-3-
C77H120O41 1701.77 b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [299184-67-1] O-acetyl-b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester:
Constit. of Saponaria officinalis. C78H122O43 1747.796 [180965-45-1] Rubicunoside D
Amorph. solid. Mp 236-2388 dec. [a]20D - Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- C83H130O42 1799.915
15 (c, 1.1 in Py). bark tree). [a]15
D -11.6 (c, 1.5 in Py).
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D-
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[6-O- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- acetyl-b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-[2-O-acetyl- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)]-a-L- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-4-O-acetyl-
6-deoxy-b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-3- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-4-O-acetyl- b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [287386-82-7]
O-acetyl-b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [299184-69-3] C73H114O37 1583.681
[171528-07-7] C80H124O44 1789.833 Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap-
[158732-58-2] Rubicunoside A Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- bark tree).
C79H122O42 1743.808 bark tree). 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L-
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 244-2468. [a]16
D -18.03 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D-
(c, 1.1 in Py). xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D-
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-[b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-4-O-acetyl-
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-a-L- b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [299184-57-9]
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-3-O-[5-[[5- C73H114O38 1599.681
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- (a-L-arabinofuranosyloxy)-3-hydroxy-6- Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L- methyl-1-oxooctyl]oxy]-3-hydroxy-6- bark tree).
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-4-O-acetyl- methyl-1-oxooctyl]-b-D-fucopyranosyl] 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L-
b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [287386-87-2] ester: [154335-25-8] rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D-
C77H120O41 1701.77 C98H158O51 2152.296 glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[6-O-
Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- acetyl-b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-
bark tree). bark tree). D-xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-4-O-acetyl-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [299184-61-5]
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[a-L- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- C75H116O39 1641.718
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap-
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-[b-D- bark tree).
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)]-a-L- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-a-L- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-4-O-acetyl- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D-
b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [299184-70-6] rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-4-O-acetyl- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
C78H122O42 1731.797 b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [208933-54-4] glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D-
Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- C83H130O46 1863.912 glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-a-L-
bark tree). Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-4-O-acetyl-
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- bark tree). b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [299184-58-0]
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- C74H116O39 1629.707
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap-
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- bark tree).
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)]-a-L- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-3-O-[5-[[5- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D-
(a-L-arabinofuranosyloxy)-3-hydroxy-6- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D-
methyl-1-oxooctyl]oxy]-3-hydroxy-6- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-4-O-acetyl-6- apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-
methyl-1-oxooctyl]-b-D-fucopyranosyl] deoxy-b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)]-b-

3,16-Dihydroxy-23-oxo-12-oleanen-...  / 3,16-Dihydroxy-23-oxo-12-oleanen-... D-598  / D-598

xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- C81H126O44 1803.86 Glycoside:Quillajasaponin

rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L- Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- Constit. of Quillaja bark (Quillaja sa-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-4-O-acetyl- bark tree). ponaria ). Amorph. powder. Mp 292-
b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [287386-84-9] 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L- 2948 dec. Hydrol. gives quillaic acid,
C78H122O41 1715.797 rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- galactose and glucuronic or galacturo-
Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- nic acid.
bark tree). apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- -Produces strong sneezing response.
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-[b-D- Bilham, P. et al., J.C.S. , 1940, 1469-1477; 1941,
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-a-L- 552-554 (struct)
Labriola, R.A. et al., Experientia , 1969, 25,
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L-
124-125 (Prosapogenin)
apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-4-O-acetyl- Kitagawa, I. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1974, 469-472
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-[b-D- b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [287200-23-1] (struct)
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-a-L- C84H132O46 1877.939 Tori, K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1974, 4227-4230 (cmr)
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-4-O-acetyl-b- Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- Putieva, Z.M. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1979,
D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [299184-59-1] bark tree). 15, 176-180; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl.
C78H122O42 1731.797 Transl.) , 1979, 15, 148-151
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D-
Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- (Acanthophylloside D)
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- Iwamato, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1985,
bark tree). glucopyranoside], 28-O-[a-L- 33, 464-478 (isol, pmr, cmr)
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L- Nagao, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1989, 37,
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- arabinopyranosyl] ester: [128866-15-9] 925-929; 1990, 38, 378-381 (Dubiosides)
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- Dubioside D Tan, N.-H. et al., CA , 1994, 121, 251219q
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- C59H94O28 1251.375 (Rubicunoside A)
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- Amorph. powder (EtOH). [a]24 Elgamal, E.H.A. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 1994,
D -20 (c, 1
4, 217 (Gypsophila capillaris saponin)
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L- in MeOH).
Tan, N.-H. et al., Huaxue Xuebao , 1995, 53,
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-4-O-acetyl- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- 1024-1033; CA , 124, 25623x (Rubicunoside A)
b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [287386-86-1] glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- Liu, Z. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1995, 58, 1632-1635
C78H122O41 1715.797 glucopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- (Gypsophila oldhamiana glycosides)
Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- Lacaille-Dubois, M.-A. et al., Phytochemistry,
bark tree). rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L- 1995, 40, 509; 1997, 45, 985-990
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L- arabinopyranosyl] ester: [128866-16-0]
Tan, N.-H. et al., Huaxue Xuebao , 1996, 54,
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- Dubioside E 722-728; CA , 125, 190619d (Rubicunosides B-
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- C64H102O32 1383.491 D)
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- Amorph. powder. [a]24 D -16.9 (c, 1 in De Tommasi, N. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61,
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- MeOH). 323-327 (Spergularia ramosa saponins)
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)]-a-L- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- Jia, Z. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 1368-1373
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- (Saponariosides)
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D-
fucopyranosyl] ester: [96552-96-4] Mo- Sang, S. et al., Nat. Prod. Sci. , 1998, 4, 268-273;
glucopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- CA , 130, 294009z (Segetoside D, Segetoside
mordicasaponin II xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D- E)
C76H120O41 1689.759 xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L- Guo, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 48, 175-180
Isol. from seeds of Momordica co- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L- (Quillaja saponaria saponins)
chinchinensis (Chinese cucumber). arabinopyranosyl] ester: [128887-86-5] Jia, Z. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 48, 529-536
Powder. Mp 241-2448 dec. [a]19D -14.8 (c, Dubioside F (Vaccaroside E)
0.7 in 33% MeOH aq.). C69H110O36 1515.606 Zou, C. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1999, 10, 33-
36 (Silenoside A)
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L- Amorph. powder. [a]22 D -17.3 (c, 1 in
Ma, J. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1999, 10, 921-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- MeOH aq.). 924 (Vaccariside A)
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[a-L- 3-O-[6-Deoxy-b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ Lacaille-Dubois, M.-A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. ,
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- 0 4)-b-D-xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- 1999, 62, 133-136 (Sitene fortunei saponin)
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-b-D- Glensk, M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1999, 62, 717-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)]-a-L- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- 721 (Silenosides B and C)
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-4-O-acetyl- Nybera, N.T. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 2000, 323,
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D-
b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [299184-63-7] 87-97 (Quillaja saponaria saponins)
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)]-a-L- Sang, S.-M. et al., J. Asian Nat. Prod. Res. ,
C79H124O42 1745.823 rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-3-O-acetyl-b- 2000, 2, 187-193; CA , 134, 97862d
Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [257880-35-6] (Segetoside I)
bark tree). Vaccariside A Guo, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 53, 861-868
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L- C78H122O42 1731.797 (Quillaja saponaria saponins)
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- Powder. Mp 215-2178. [a]18D -14.9 (c,
Guo, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 54, 615-623
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[b-D- 0.66 in MeOH). Not the same as (Quillaja saponaria saponins)
Gaidi, G. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2001, 64, 920-924
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- Vaccaroside A (cf.).
(Acanthophyllum squarrosum saponin)
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- 3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)]-a-L- galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-4-O-acetyl- arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)]-b-D-
b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [299184-60-4] glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[6-deoxy-b-
C79H124O43 1761.823 D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D-
Constit. of Quillaja saponaria (soap- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-
bark tree). xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-
3-O-[b-D-Galactopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[a-L- xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-a-L-
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)]-b-D-
glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-[6-O- fucopyranosyl] ester: [71866-89-2]
acetyl-b-D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b- Acanthophylloside D
D-glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[b-D- C86H136O49 1953.991
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)]-a-L- Cryst. Mp 235-2378. [a]20D -13 (c, 1.5 in
rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)]-4-O-acetyl- H2O).
b-D-fucopyranosyl] ester: [299184-62-6]

3,18-Dihydroxy-11-oxo-12-oleanen-... / 3,24-Dihydroxy-11-oxo-12-oleanen-... D-599  / D-604

3,18-Dihydroxy-11-oxo-12- D-599 3,21-Dihydroxy-11-oxo-12- D-601 Russo, G. et al., Corsi. Semin. Chim. , 1968, 11,
oleanen-29-oic acid oleanen-29-oic acid 20 (isol)
Ricca, G.S. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1968, 98,
602 (pmr)
COOH COOH Wahlberg, I. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1971,
25, 3192 (ms)
Kir’yalov, N.P. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1973,
HO H 9, 277; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
O O 1973, 9, 268 (isol)
Kitagawa, I. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988,
36, 3710 (Licoricesaponin E2)

3,24-Dihydroxy-11-oxo-12- D-603
oleanen-29-oic acid

C30H46O5 486.69 C30H46O5 486.69 COOH

(3b,18a)-form (3b,21a)-form [22327-86-2]
29/ 0 18 lactone: [10376-64-4] 3b-Hydroxy- Glabric acid
11-oxo-12-oleanen-29,18a-olide. Isoglab- Isol. from Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice).
rolide Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 329-3338. [a]D -26
C30H44O4 468.675 (c, 1 in Py). [a]D +23 (EtOH). H
Constit. of Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice). Me ester:
Cryst. (2-propanol). Mp 318-3258 dec. Needles (Me2CO/petrol). Mp 277-2808.
D +46 (c, 1.2 in CHCl3). [a]D +16 (c, 1.3 in CHCl3). HO
Canonica, L. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1966, 96, 3-O-[b-D-Glucuronopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b- HOH 2C
843 D-glucuronopyranoside]: [256441-31-3]
Macedonoside A C30H46O5 486.69
C42H62O17 838.942
Di-Ac, Me ester: 24-Hydroxyliquiritic acid
3,18-Dihydroxy-11-oxo-12- D-600 Plates (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 319-3238. Isol. from Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice).
oleanen-30-oic acid [a]D +43 (c, 1.7 in CHCl3). Mp 282-2868 dec. [a]D +79 (CHCl3/
Beaton, J.M. et al., J.C.S. , 1956, 2417 (isol) MeOH).
COOH Kir’yalov, N.P. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1975,
11, 105; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , Di-Ac, Me ester:
123 (pmr, ms) Mp 218-2208. [a]D +53 (CHCl3).
Shibano, M. et al., Nat. Med. (Tokyo) , 1999, Canonica, L. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1968, 98,
O 53, 166-172; CA , 132, 119875y 712
(Macedonoside A)
3,24-Dihydroxy-11-oxo-12- D-604
2 3,22-Dihydroxy-11-oxo-12- D-602
3 oleanen-30-oic acid
oleanen-30-oic acid
C30H46O5 486.69
(3b,18b)-form H
30/ 0 18 Lactone, 3-Ac: [67463-79-0] 3b- O OH
Acetoxy-11-oxo-12-oleanen-30,18b- H
olide. Echinolactone A
C32H46O5 510.712
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 2458. HO
30/ 0 18 Lactone, 3-ketone, 2,2-dibromo: CH 2OH
[94354-98-0] 2,2-Dibromo-3,11-dioxo-
12-oleanen-30,18b-olide. Echinolactone C30H46O5 486.69
B C30H46O5 486.69
C30H40Br2O4 624.452 3b-form [20528-69-2]
30/ 0 22 Lactone: [10401-33-9] 3b-Hydro- 24-Hydroxyglycyrrhetic acid
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 2258.
xy-11-oxo-12-oleanen-30,22b-olide. Isol. from Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice).
(3b,18a)-form [17991-67-2] 18a-Hydroxygly-
cyrrhetic acid Me ester: [18184-26-4]
C30H44O4 468.675
Constit. of Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chi- C31H48O5 500.717
Constit. of Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice)
nese licorice) and Glycyrrhiza glabra Cryst. (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 247-2488.
and Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chinese li-
(licorice). Cryst. (CHCl3/petrol). Mp
corice). Cryst. Mp 360-3658. [a]20 [a]20
D +142.5.
D +80.
252-2558 dec. [a]20D +60 (c, 0.17 in Di-Ac:
Me2CO). 30/ 0 22 Lactone, 3-O-[b-D-
glucuronopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- Cryst. (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 255-2578.
Canonica, L. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1967, 97,
glucuronopyranoside]: [119418-01-8] Li- [a]20
D +123.5.
769 (18a-Hydroxyglycyrrhetic acid)
Sandiya, R. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1984, 1091 coricesaponin E2 Di-Ac, Me ester: [18061-38-6]
C42H60O16 820.926 Cryst. (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 2278. [a]20 D
Isol. from roots of Glycyrrhiza uralensis +123.
(Chinese licorice). Dihydrate. Mp 216- 3-O-[b-D-Glucuronopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-
2198. [a]23
D +68 (MeOH). MF incorr. D-glucuronopyranoside]:Licoricesaponin
given as C44. G2
Canonica, L. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1966, 96, C42H62O17 838.942
772 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms, deriv) Constit. of Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chi-

3,24-Dihydroxy-22-oxo-12-oleanen-... / 2,5-Dihydroxy-3-pentadecyl-... D-605 / D-609

nese licorice). Mp 229-2308. [a]20

D +34 C30H46O5 486.69 O
(MeOH). 3b-form [56061-86-0]
28-Hydroxyglycyrrhetic acid
HO 5 (CH 2)14CH 3
Isol. from Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice).
Russo, G. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1967, 97, OH
1359; 1968, 98, 602; 712 (isol, synth) Me ester:
Canonica, L. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1967, 97, Needles (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 2658. [a]D O
1359 +132.5 (CHCl3).
Kir’yalov, N.P. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1972,
Di-Ac, Me ester: C21H34O4 350.497
8, 395; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , lmax 292 (log e 4.27); 425 (log e 2.47)
1972, 8, 393 (isol) Mp 303-3058. [a]D +133 (CHCl3).
(3b,18a)-form [75281-84-4] Lonchoterpene (EtOH).
Shu, Y. et al., CA , 1985, 103, 119932 (isol)
Kitagawa, I. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1991, Me ester: [75281-82-2] 5-Me ether: [21551-64-4] 2-Hydroxy-5-
39, 244 (Licoricesaponin G2) Cryst. (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 3008. methoxy-3-pentadecyl-1,4-benzoquinone.
Elgamal, M.H.A. et al., Planta Med. , 1975, 27, Dihydromaesanin
159 (isol, pmr, ms) C22H36O4 364.524
3,24-Dihydroxy-22-oxo-12- D-605 Orange-yellow prisms (Et2O/hexane).
Iwu, M.M. et al., Can. J. Pharm. Sci. , 1980, 15,
oleanen-29-oic acid 39 (isol) Mp 102-1038 (1008). lmax 289 (log e
Iwu, M.M. et al., Fitoterapia , 1982, 53, 25 (isol) 4.22); 420 (log e 2.64) (EtOH).
COOH Di-Me ether: [21551-66-6] 2,5-Dimethoxy-
C23H38O4 378.551
2,20-Dihydroxy-3-oxo-12-ur- D-607 Cryst. (hexane). Mp 72-748.
O sen-28-oic acid
8?,9?-Didehydro(Z-): [188414-99-5] 2,5-
H Dihydroxy-3-(8-pentadecenyl)-1,4-ben-
OH zoquinone
C21H32O4 348.481
HO Orange cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 116-
1198. lmax 288 (log e 4.33); 419 (log e
H 2.48) (MeOH/HCl).
C30H46O5 486.69 HO 10?,11?-Didehydro(Z-): [132362-27-7] 2,5-
3b-form [114702-59-9] zoquinone
Melilotigenin. Yunganogenin K O C21H32O4 348.481
Constit. of Melilotus officinalis (sweet
clover). Plates (MeOH). Mp 318-3198. 10?,11?-Didehydro, 5-Me ether: [82380-21-
[a]18 0] 2-Hydroxy-5-methoxy-3-(10-pentade-
D +57.1 (c, 0.04 in MeOH). C30H46O5 486.69
cenyl)-1,4-benzoquinone. Maesanin
3-O-[b-D-Glucuronopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b- (2j,20b)-form C22H34O4 362.508
D-glucuronopyranoside]:Yunganoside K2 Constit. of apple skin. Yellow needles. Sol. MeOH, hexane;
C42H62O17 838.942 2-Ac, Me ester: poorly sol. hexane. Mp 778. lmax 289 (e
Amorph. powder. [a]20 D -30.4 (c, 0.67 in Cryst. (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 248-2498. 30200); 425 (e 631) (EtOH) (Derep).
MeOH). [a]D +93.2 (c, 1.26 in CHCl3). 10,11-Didehydro(Z-), di-Me ether: [87746-
3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- Lawrie, W. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1967, 851 51-8] 2,5-Dimethoxy-3-(10-pentadece-
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- nyl)-1,4-benzoquinone
glucuronopyranoside]: [263398-47-6] C23H36O4 376.535
Melilotussaponin O2 Yellow oil.
C47H72O19 941.074 2,4-Dihydroxy-6-(8-pentade- D-608
Constit. of Melilotus officinalis (sweet 8?,9?,11?,12?,14?,15?-Hexadehydro(all-Z),
cenyl)benzoic acid 5-Me ether: [105018-76-6] 2-Hydroxy-5-
clover). Amorph. powder. [a]14D -45.7 (c,
0.5 in Py). methoxy-3-(8,11,14-pentadecatrienyl)-
COOH 10 ′
1,4-benzoquinone. Sorgoleone 358
3-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- HO
C22H30O4 358.477
glucuronopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-glucur- Constit. of the etiolated seedlings of
onopyranoside]:Yunganoside K1 OH
Sorghum bicolor (sorghum). Yellow
C48H72O21 985.084 cryst. Mp 50-518 (37-398). +Sorgoleone+
Amorph. powder. [a]20 D -10.7 (c, 0.55 in
C22H34O4 362.508
is the name given to the unstable
MeOH). (Z )-form [62071-06-1] hydroquinone form lmax 283 (e 7300);
Kang, S.S. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1988, 51, 335 Constit. of Ginkgo biloba (ginkgo). 288 (e 7300); 411 (e 400) (CH2Cl2).
(isol, pmr) 10?-Acetoxy: [120727-07-3] 6-(10-Acetoxy-
Ohtani, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 36, 139 8?,9?,11?,12?,14?,15?-Hexadehydro(all-Z),
8-pentadecenyl)-2,4-dihydroxybenzoic 5-Et ether: [210708-13-7] 5-Ethoxysor-
(Yunganosides) acid
Hirakawa, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2000, goleone 358
48, 286-287 (Melilotussaponin O2)
C24H36O6 420.545 C23H32O4 372.503
[120727-09-5] Constit. of Sorghum bicolor (sorghum).
Gellerman, J.L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, Amorph. yellow powder. lmax 285 (log e
3,28-Dihydroxy-11-oxo-12- D-606 4.33); 289 (log e 4.19); 413 (log e 2.89)
1959 (isol, uv, pmr)
oleanen-30-oic acid Barrero, A.F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, (CH2Cl2).
161 (isol, cmr)
[26915-11-7, 116138-78-4]
Ogawa, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1968, 16,
1709-1720 (synth, uv, ir, pmr)
O 3β-form 2,5-Dihydroxy-3-pentadecyl- D-609 Khurana, S.K. et al., Curr. Sci. , 1972, 41, 331;
H CH 2OH 1975, 44, 11 (occur, ms)
1,4-benzoquinone Reinaud, O. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1985, 26, 3993-
[21551-65-5] 3996 (synth, Dihydromaesanin)
HO 2,5-Dihydroxy-3-pentadecyl-2,5-cyclohexa- Kubo, I. et al., Tetrahedron , 1987, 43, 2653-
diene-1,4-dione, 9CI. Homorapanone 2660 (struct, synth, Maesanin)

4-[(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)azo]benzenesulfonic acid, 9CI  / 3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-3,4-... D-610  / D-614

Midiwo, J.O. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. , balm). Amorph. pale purple powder. Mp Methylenedioxyphenyl)-2-butanone,
1990, 4, 71-73 (10?,11?-didehydro, isol) 131-1378 dec. lmax 204 (e 2712); 230 (e 9CI. Piperonylacetone. Heliotropylace-
Sargent, M.V. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1990, 1429- 2030); 280 (e 1628); 310 (e 1340) (no tone. FEMA 2701
1434 (synth, derivs)
Danheiser, R.L. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1990, 31,
solvent reported). C11H12O3 192.214
1527-1530 (synth, Maesanin) Tagashira, M. et al., Planta Med. , 1998, 64, Used in food flavouring. Cryst. with
Marner, F.J. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1992, 75, 555-558 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr) intense floral odour. Mp 558 (47-488).
1557-1562 (isol, Dihydromaesanin) Bp2 130-1318.
Yadav, J.S. et al., J.O.C. , 1992, 57, 3242-3245 3,4-Didehydro, 3-Me ether: [1080-12-2] 4-
(synth, Maesanin)
1-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-1- D-612
butanone, 9CI (4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-3-buten-
Fukuyama, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1993,
2-one. Dehydrozingerone. Vanillylidene
41, 561-565 (isol, synth, Maesanin) [4390-92-5]
Muhammad, I. et al., Saudi Pharm. J. , 1993, 1, acetone. FEMA 3738
2,4-Dihydroxybutyrophenone. 4-Butyrylre- C11H12O3 192.214
7; CA , 121, 104078 (isol, Dihydromaesanin) sorcinol. Resobutyrophenone
Janik, I. et al., Fitoterapia , 1994, 65, 476 (isol) Flavouring ingredient. Mp 120-1248 Mp
Pfeifer, J. et al., Annalen , 1995, 131-137 (synth, 129-1308.
Maesanin, ir, pmr, cmr) COCH 2CH 2CH 3 -EM9960000
Lund, A.-K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 44, OH Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
679-681 (8?,9?-didehydro, isol, uv, pmr, cmr, Spectra , 1992, 2, 800A (nmr)
activity) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Rimando, A.M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, OH 1989, 3, 1228A (ir)
927-930 (isol) Lapworth, A. et al., J.C.S. , 1917, 777-799
Suzuki, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 47, 997- C10H12O3 180.203 (Zingerone, isol, struct)
1001 (hexadehydro deriv) Chen, Y.-L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1953, 75, 4287-4289
Podolak, I. et al., Phytother. Res. , 1998, 12,
Preservative for food. Needles (CHCl3/
C6H6). Mp 738. (methylene ether, synth)
S70-S73 (activity) Arctander, S. et al., Perfume and Flavor
Poigny, S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1998, 54, 14791- Oxime: [22919-59-1] Chemicals , Steffen Arctander, 1969, No. 3101
14802 (synth, Maesanin) C10H13NO3 195.218 (Zingerone)
Pale-yellow needles. Mp 188-1898. Banno, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1976,
49, 1453-1454 (Zingerone, synth, ir, pmr)
4-[(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)azo]- D-610 Brewster, C.M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1930, 52, 4866
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
benzenesulfonic acid, 9CI (synth)
(Suppl.) , 1976, 14, 847 (methylene ether, rev,
Price, P. et al., J.O.C. , 1964, 29, 2800 (synth)
[2050-34-2] props)
Desai, M.N. et al., Microchem. J. , 1968, 13, 500
De Bernardi, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976,
2?,4?-Dihydroxyazobenzene-4-sulfonic acid. (use)
15, 1785-1786 (Dehydrozingerone)
Resorcinol yellow. C.I. Acid orange 6. C.I. Gandhi, M.H. et al., Indian J. Appl. Chem. ,
Higuchi, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16,
Food yellow 8. Chrysoine S. Tropaeolin O. 1969, 32, 360 (photometric detn)
1587-1590 (Zingerone glucoside)
C.I. 14270. E 103 Gandhi, M.H. et al., J. Prakt. Chem. , 1969, 311,
Reyes, A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1986, 49, 318-320
171 (spot test)
Desai, M.N. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , 1973,
U.S. Pat. , 1987, 4701541; CA , 108, 21874b
HO 50, 369 (titrim)
(methylene ether, synth)
Gandhi, R.B. et al., Talanta , 1979, 26, 425 (use)
Roscher, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1993,
HO3S N N OH 41, 1452-1457 (Zingerone glucoside)
4-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2- D-613 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
C12H10N2O5S 294.287 butanone, 9CI 1117; 1780; 1807 (Piperonylacetone,
The name Resorcinol yellow strictly [61152-62-3] Dehydrozingerone, Zingerone)
applies to the sodium salt. Food dye; no Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
C10H12O3 180.203 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
longer permitted in the EU. Prisms (Et2O/petrol). Mp 88-908 (85.5- Reinhold , 1992, VFP100
Na salt: [547-57-9] 868). Bp8 220-2218 Subl.0.05 110.
Sol. H2O, EtOH, 2-ethoxyethanol;
insol. C6H6 Me2CO, CHCl3. lmax 490 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [101705-37-7]
3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-3,4- D-614
(no solvent reported). Myzodendrone
C16H22O8 342.345 dihydro-8-hydroxyisocoumarin
[57303-52-3] Isol. from raspberries. Pale yellow cryst. [480-46-6]
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, (EtOH/EtOAc). Mp 120-1238. 3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-3,4-dihydro-8-hy-
2, 977B (ir) 3-Me ether: [122-48-5] 4-(4-Hydroxy-3- droxy-1H-2-benzopyran-1-one, 9CI. Thun-
Perlmutter-Hayman, B. et al., Inorg. Chem. , methoxyphenyl)-2-butanone, 9CI, 8CI. berginol G
1976, 15, 2932 (use)
McEwan, C.N. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1977, 49,
Vanillylacetone. Zingerone. [0]Paradol.
922-926 (ms) FEMA 3124 OH
Sigma-Aldrich Library of Stains, Dyes and C11H14O3 194.23
Indicators, 719 Reputed pungent principle of ginger
(Zingiber officinale ). Flavour material OH (R)-form
used in imitation fruit flavours, ginger O
2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-1,3- D-611 beer, ginger ale etc. Also present in
benzodioxole-5-carboxaldehyde cranberry, raspberry and mango. Cryst. OH O
[213903-67-4] (petrol). Mp 418. Bp 185.58. Contrary to
3,4-(3,4-Dihydroxymethylenedioxyphenyl)- common assumption, free zingerone is C15H12O5 272.257
benzaldehyde probably not present in ginger and is (R )-form [80394-88-3]
certainly not its pungent principle. It is Powder.
however a valuable flavouring agent. 4?-Me ether: [21499-23-0] 3,4-Dihydro-8-
OH -Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 2580 mg/kg.
OHC hydroxy-3-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphe-
O EL8900000 nyl)-1H-2-benzopyran-1-one. 3,4-Dihy-
OH 3-Me ether, O-b-D-glucopyranoside: dro-3-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)-8-
O [64703-96-4] Zingerone glucoside hydroxyisocoumarin. Phyllodulcin. Phyl-
C17H24O8 356.372 lodulcinol
C14H10O5 258.23 Isol. from Riesling vine leaf. Oil. [a]22
D Natural sweetener approx. 600-800
(/9)-form +31.4 (c, 0.35 in MeOH). times sweeter than sucrose. Cryst. Mp
Constit. of Melissa officinalis (lemon 3,4-Methylene ether: [55418-52-5] 4-(3,4- 1208. [a]D +67.7. Most samples are

3-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-8,9-...  / 2-(3,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)-5,6-... D-615 / D-618

partly racemic. Shin, K.H. et al., Arch. Pharmacal Res. , 1988, 2-(3,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)-5,6- D-618
11, 240-243 (isol) dihydroxybenzofuran
[37568-82-4] Benevides, P.J.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999,
Asahina, H. et al., Ber. , 1931, 64, 1253 52, 339-343 (isol, uv, ir, cd, pmr, cmr, ms) [156098-99-6]
(Phyllodulcin, isol) 2-(3,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)-5,6-benzofuran-
Arakawa, H. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1968, diol, 9CI. Alfafuran
41, 2451 (Phyllodulcin, config)
Yagi, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, 1098
C14H10O5 258.23
2-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-5,6- D-617 Stress metab. of Medicago sativa (alfalfa).
Takeuchi, N. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1983, dihydroxybenzofuran Pale yellow solid.
31, 4360 (synth) 5-Me ether, 3?-O-b-D-glucopyranosi-
Takeuchi, N. et al., Heterocycles , 1993, 35, 289
(synth) HO de:Schoenoside
Yoshikawa, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1996, OH C21H22O10 434.399
44, 1440 (Phyllodulcin, isol, cmr, activity)
HO Amorph. powder. [a]21 D -84.2 (c, 0.48 in
Ramacciotti, A. et al., J.O.C. , 1996, 61, 5371 MeOH).
(synth) OH 6-Me ether: [73338-89-3] 2-(3,5-Dihydrox-
3-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-8,9- D-615 C14H10O5 258.23 an. Moracin J
dihydro-5-hydroxy-8-(1-methylethe- C15H12O5 272.257
6-Me ether:2-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-5-hy-
nyl)-4H -furo[2,3-h ]-1-benzopyran-5- Isol. from Morus alba (white mulberry)
droxy-6-methoxybenzofuran. Ebenfuran
infected with Fusarium solani . lmax 218 ;
one, 9CI I
294 ; 325 (MeOH) (Berdy).
[112147-37-2] C15H12O5 272.257
Yellow solid. lmax 211 (log e 4.55); 231 5,6-Di-Me ether: [73338-85-9] 2-(3,5-Di-
(sh) (log e 4.27); 243 (sh) (log e 4.03); hydroxyphenyl)-5,6-dimethoxybenzofur-
274 (log e 4.17); 283 (sh) (log e 4.18); an. Moracin F
312 (sh) (log e 4.2); 326 (log e 4.45); 341 C16H14O5 286.284
HO OH (log e 4.45) (EtOH). From Morus alba (white mulberry)
OH infected by Fusarium solani . lmax 217 ;
4?,6-Di-Me ether: [90664-32-7] 2-(2-Hy-
282 ; 291 ; 321 ; 334 (MeOH) (Berdy).
methoxybenzofuran. Sainfuran 3?,5-Di-Me ether:2-(3-Hydroxy-5-methox-
O C16H14O5 286.284 yphenyl)-5-methoxy-6-benzofuranol. 6-
O Hydroxy-2-(3-hydroxy-5-methoxyphe-
Cryst. Sol. MeOH, Et2O; poorly sol.
H2O. Mp 150-1528. lmax 213 ; 275 ; 284 nyl)-5-methoxybenzofuran
; 291 ; 326 ; 342 (EtOH) (Berdy). lmax C16H14O5 286.284
213 ; 257 ; 284 ; 346 (EtOH-NaOH) Brown paste (EtOAc). Mp 82-858. lmax
(Berdy). 216 (log e 3.45); 285 (log e 3.74); 293
C20H16O6 352.343 (log e 4.04); 324 (log e 4.21) (MeOH).
5,6-Di-Me ether: [67492-33-5] 2-(2,4-Di-
Isol. from seedlings of Cajanus cajan 3?,6-Di-Me ether: [67259-16-9] 2-(3-Hy-
(pigeon pea). droxy-5-methoxyphenyl)-6-methoxy-5-
Dahiya, J.S. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1987, 409, C16H14O5 286.284 benzofuranol. Moracin B
355 (isol) Isol. from trunkwood of Myroxylon C16H14O5 286.284
balsamum (Tolu balsam). Mp 178-1808. Phytoalexin from diseased Morus alba
2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2,3- D-616 (mulberry). Mp 184-1858. lmax 218 (e
2?,4?,6-Tri-Me ether: [94190-37-1] 2-(3,4-
29300); 285 (e 12400); 294 (e 13900); 325
dihydro-3-methyl-5-(1-propenyl)benzo- Dimethoxyphenyl)-5-hydroxy-6-methox-
(e 27300) (EtOH) (Berdy).
furan ybenzofuran. Methylsainfuran
C17H16O5 300.31 3?,6-Di-Me ether, di-Ac:
Cryst. Sol. MeOH, Et2O; poorly sol. Mp 82-848.
H2O. Mp 147-1488. lmax 211 ; 275 ; 284 Tetra-Me ether:
8' (7'R,8'R)-form
7' 4' OH ; 298 ; 326 ; 342 (EtOH) (Berdy). lmax Mp 104-1058.
O 211 ; 291 ; 317 ; 346 (EtOH-NaOH) Takasugi, M. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1978, 797; 1979,
(Berdy). 4675 (Moracins)
C18H18O3 282.338 5,6-Methylene ether: See 2-(2,4- Binh, V. et al., Annalen , 1984, 734 (synth)
Lignan numbering shown. Burke, J.M. et al., J. Chem. Res., Synop. , 1985,
Dihydroxyphenyl)-5,6- 34 (synth)
(7?R ,8?R )-form methylenedioxybenzofuran in The Noguchi, A. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol.,
3?-Me ether:2,3-Dihydro-2-(4-hydroxy-3- Combined Chemical Dictionary. Biochem. , 1994, 58, 2312 (isol)
methoxyphenyl)-3-methyl-5-(1-prope- 5,6-Methylene, 4?-Me ether:2-(2-Hydroxy- Kanchanapoom, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. ,
nyl)benzofuran 4-methoxyphenyl)-5,6-methylenedioxy- 2002, 50, 863-865 (Schoenoside)
C19H20O3 296.365 benzofuran Wanjala, C.C.W. et al., Planta Med. , 2002, 68,
Cryst. Mp 105-1078. [a]21 640-642 (3?,5-Di-Me ether)
D +94 (c, 1.1 in C16H12O5 284.268
MeOH). Needles (MeOH). Mp 179-1818.
3?,4?-Methylene ether:2,3-Dihydro-2-(3,4- [67236-31-1]
Komatsu, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1978,
nyl)benzofuran. Regnelline
26, 1274 (isol, uv, pmr, struct)
C19H18O3 294.349 Braga de Oliviera, A. et al., Phytochemistry,
Amorph. [a]21D +85.5 (c, 0.06 in MeOH). 1978, 17, 593 (isol, ir, uv, pmr, ms, struct)
lmax 232 (e 11250); 265 (e 8750); 290 (e Gottlieb, O.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17,
7500) (MeOH). 593 (5,6-di-Me ether)
(7?S,8?S )-form Russell, G.B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23,
1417 (Sainfuran, Methylsainfuran)
3?-Me ether: [119555-99-6]
Burke, J.M. et al., J. Chem. Res., Synop. , 1987,
Constit. of the seed of Myristica 179 (Sainfuran, synth)
fragrans (nutmeg). Halabalaki, M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2000, 63,
Achenbach, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26, 1672-1674 (Ebenfuran I)
1159-1166 (isol)

3-(3,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)-5-... / 1-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2,3-... D-619  / D-623

3-(3,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)-5-[2- D-619 (E )-form [29700-22-9] Constit. of Rheum undulatum (rhu-

(3,5-dihydroxyphenyl)ethenyl]-2,3-di- Mp 2058. barb).
hydro-2-(4-hydroxyphenyl)benzofuran 2-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: 4?-Me ether: [500-65-2] 1-(3,5-Dihydroxy-
Resveratrol dehydrodimer C20H22O9 406.388 phenyl)-2-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxypheny-
Amorph. powder. [a]21D -59.1 (c, 2.1 in l)ethylene. 3,3?,5-Trihydroxy-4?-
HO MeOH). methoxystilbene. Rhapontigenin. Ponti-
OH 3?-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [144525-40-6] genin
OH C20H22O9 406.388 C15H14O4 258.273
Isol. from Morus alba (white mulberry). Isol. from rhizomes of Rheum undula-
Powder (H2O). Mp 155-1578. [a]22 D -5.5
tum (rhubarb). Mp 186-1878.
2 4' OH (c, 0.3 in MeOH). Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
O 1, 1161A (ir)
3?,4-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [102841-
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
42-9] Mulberroside A Spectra , 1992, 2, 405A (nmr)
C26H32O14 568.53 Grassman, W. et al., J.C.S. , 1965, 4579 (isol,
Amorph. powder. [a]25D -78 (c, 0.88 in struct)
C28H22O6 454.478
MeOH). Kashiwada, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988,
(2S,3R )-(E )-form [204076-78-8] 36, 1545-1549 (4?-glucosides)
Isol. from Vitis vinifera (wine grape). Ko, S.K. et al., Arch. Pharmacal Res. , 2000, 23,
Mp 1428.
Oil. [a]D -1.7 (c, 0.2 in MeOH). lmax 308 159-162 (3??,4?-diglucoside)
(MeOH). Tetra-Me ether:
(2S,3R )-(Z)-form [204076-79-9] Mp 848.
(Z )-form 2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-4,6- D-622
lmax 281 (MeOH). dihydroxy-5-prenylbenzofuran
(2S,3S )-(E )-form 3?,4-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [166734-
3??-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [328090-92-2] 06-1] cis-Mulberroside A
C34H32O11 616.62 C26H32O14 568.53
Constit. of the cell cultures of Vitis Constit. of Morus alba (white mulber-
vinifera (wine grape). Powder. [a]20 ry).
D -18.9 OH HO
(c, 0.38 in MeOH). lmax 204 (log e 4.73); Barnes, R.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1955, 77, 3259 4
221 (log e 4.58); 309 (log e 4.43); 320 (isol) OH
Mongolsuk, S. et al., J.C.S. , 1957, 2231 (isol)
(log e 4.39) (MeOH). HO O
Reimann, E. et al., Annalen , 1971, 750, 109
3???-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [328090-94-4] (synth)
C34H32O11 616.62 Takasugi, M. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1978, 1241 C19H18O5 326.348
Constit. of the cell cultures of Vitis (isol, deriv)
4-Me ether: [118524-14-4] 2-(3,4-Dihy-
vinifera (wine grape). Powder. [a]20
D -12
Hirakura, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1985,
(c, 0.05 in MeOH). lmax 206 (log e 4.88); 33, 1088 (cmr, deriv)
Hirakura, K. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1986, 49, 218 prenylbenzofuran. 4-[6-Hydroxy-4-
309 (log e 4.23); 322 (log e 4.21) methoxy-5-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-2-ben-
(MeOH). Hanawa, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, zofuranyl]-1,3-benzenediol, 9CI. Lico-
(2R ,3R )-(Z )-form 3005 (3-glucoside) coumarone
Maximol B Qiu, F. et al., Planta Med. , 1996, 62, 559 C20H20O5 340.375
Amorph. brown powder. [a]25 D +99.4 (c, (glucosides) Isol. from roots of Glycyrrhiza uralensis
0.34 in MeOH). lmax 205 (log e 4.9); 298 Kanchanapoom, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. ,
(Chinese licorice). Needles (EtOH aq.).
(log e 4.5) (MeOH). 2002, 50, 863-865 (cmr, 2-glucoside)
Mp 183-1858.
(2R ,3S )-(E )-form
Maximol A 4,6-Di-Me ether: [126716-36-7] 2-(3,4-Di-
Amorph. brown powder. [a]25 1-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2- hydroxyphenyl)-4,6-dimethoxy-5-prenyl-
D -16.3 (c, D-621
0.75 in MeOH). lmax 211 (log e 4.8); 310 benzofuran. 4-[4,6-Dimethoxy-5-(3-
(log e 4.6) (MeOH). methyl-2-butenyl)-2-benzofuranyl]-1,3-
[4339-71-3] benzenediol, 9CI. Gancaonin I
Breuil, A.-C. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1998, 39, 537-540 4-[2-(3,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)ethenyl]-1,2-
(isol, pmr, cmr)
C21H22O5 354.402
benzenediol, 9CI. 3,3?,4,5?-Stilbenetetrol, Isol. from Glycyrrhiza uralensis (Chi-
Cichewicz, R.H. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2000, 63,
8CI. 3,3?,4,5?-Tetrahydroxystilbene. Picea- nese licorice) and other Glycyrrhiza
29-33 (isol, pmr)
Waffo-Teguo, P. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2001, 64, tannol. Astringenin. NSC 365798 spp.. Prisms + 1H2O (CHCl3/petrol).
136-138 (glucosides, isol) C14H12O4 244.246 Mp 67-708 Mp 125-1278 (Double Mp).
Shikishima, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 56, Demizu, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988, 36,
377-381 (Maximols) (E )-form [10083-24-6]
Needles (EtOAc/hexane). Sol. MeOH, 3474 (Licocoumarone)
Fukai, T. et al., Heterocycles , 1989, 29, 1761
CHCl3; poorly sol. H2O. Mp 231-2328 (Gancaonin I)
1-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2- D-620 (2168). lmax 221 ; 240 (sh) ; 306 ; 326 (e Hwang, J.O. et al., Nat. Prod. Sci. , 1998, 4, 130-
(3,5-dihydroxyphenyl)ethylene 27600) (EtOH). 135; CA , 130, 63528b (activity)
-LD50 (mus, ipr) 217 mg/kg.
4-[2-(3,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)ethenyl]-1,3- 4?-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [116181-54-5] 1-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2,3- D-623
benzenediol, 9CI. 2,3?,4,5?-Stilbenetetrol, C20H22O9 406.388
Isol. from Chinese rhubarb (Rheum
8CI. 2,3?,4,5?-Tetrahydroxystilbene. Oxy- 2,3,3?,4?-Tetrahydroxypropiophenone
resveratrol. Cudranin sp.). Amorph. powder + 11=2H2O. [a]22 D -
35.8 (c, 0.84 in Me2CO).
4?-O-[3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzoyl-(/ 0 6)-b- OH
HO 4
OH D-glucopyranoside]: [116107-19-8] COCHCH 2OH
2 3′ C27H26O13 558.495
OH 5′
Isol. from Chinese rhubarb (Rheum 3′
OH sp.). Off-white powder + 11=2H2O. [a]22
D - OH
73.2 (c, 0.7 in Me2CO). OH
C14H12O4 244.246 3??,4?-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [282736-
lmax 218 (e 25000); 301 (e 19700); 330 (e 93-0] Piceatannol 3,4?-diglucoside C9H10O5 198.175
27100) (EtOH) (Berdy). C26H32O14 568.53 3?-Me ether: [168293-10-5] 2,3-Dihydroxy-

/ 2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)ethanol D-624 / D-627

1-(4-hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1-pro- 4-(1,2-Dihydroxyethyl)-1,2-benzenediol, Indicator of maturity in olives which

panone. 2,3,4?-Trihydroxy-3?-methoxy- 9CI. 3,4-Dihydroxyphenylglycol increases as the fruit ripens. Oil. Bp0.02
propiophenone. C-Veratroylglycol 170-1758 part. dec.. Previously incorrectly
C10H12O5 212.202 descr. as cryst., Mp 81-838.
Constit. of Riesling wine. Gum. lmax
1-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [76873-99-9]
207 ; 231 ; 279 ; 306 (MeOH). H C OH
Kijjoa, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40, 191- [123078-38-6, 147731-98-4] 3,4-Dihydroxy-
(R)-form phenethyl glucoside
193 (isol, pmr)
Jones, L. et al., Fitoterapia , 2000, 71, 580-583 C14H20O8 316.307
(isol, pmr, cmr) Constit. of Prunus sp.. Pale yellow pow-
Baderschneider, B. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , OH der. Mp 40.5-428 (as hexa-Ac). [a]15 D -23.8
2001, 49, 2788-2798 (isol, pmr, cmr)
OH (c, 1 in MeOH). [a]20D -12.3 (c, 7.1 in
CHCl3) (hexa-Ac).
2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-5- D-624 C8H10O4 170.165 1-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-b-D-
(1,2-dihydroxypropyl)-2,3-dihydro-6- (R )-form [109835-90-7] glucopyranoside]: [61548-34-3] Verbaso-
hydroxy-3-methylbenzofuran 4?-Me ether: [213466-88-7] 1-(3-Hydroxy- side. Dicaffeoylacteoside
4-methoxyphenyl)-1,2-ethanediol C20H30O12 462.45
OH C9H12O4 184.191 Isol. from Stachys sieboldii (Chinese
Constit. of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare ). artichoke). Powder. [a]24
D -49.3 (c, 0.34 in
8 7 8' Amorph. powder (nat.); cryst. (syn- MeOH).
7' 4' OH thetic). Mp 97-988 (synthetic). [a]23
D - 1-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[3,4-
OH 5
O 22.5 (c, 0.2 in MeOH) (natural). [a]D - dihydroxy-E-cinnamoyl-(/ 0 4)]-b-D-
34.2 (c, 0.54 in MeOH) (synthetic). glucopyranoside]: [61276-17-3] Acteo-
4?-Me ether, 3?-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: side. Verbascoside. Kusaginin
[217972-13-9] C29H36O15 624.594
(7R,7'S,8R,8'S)-form C15H22O9 346.333 The main hydroxycinnamic deriv. in
Constit. of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare ). olives. Yellow powder. [a]20
D -84.9 (c, 1.15
C18H20O6 332.352 Amorph. powder. [a]23 D -52 (c, 0.3 in in MeOH).
MeOH). 1-O-[a-L-Arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L-
Lignan numbering shown.
(7j,7?R ,8j,8?R )-form 3?,4?-Di-Me ether, 1-O-b-D- rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[4-hydroxy-3-
glucopyranoside: [251905-98-3] methoxy-E-cinnamoyl-(/ 0 4)]-b-D-
3?,5,7-Tri-Me ether: [114394-19-3] Fra-
C16H24O9 360.36 glucopyranoside]: [140147-66-6] Leono-
gransol A
Constit. of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare ). side A. Stachyoside C. Stachyoside B
C21H26O6 374.433
Amorph. powder. [a]24 D -87 (c, 0.1 in C35H46O19 770.737
Constit. of Myristica fragrans (nutmeg).
MeOH). Constit. of Stachys sieboldii (Chinese
3?,4?-Di-Me ether, 2-O-b-D- artichoke). Amorph. [a]26 D -49.3 (c, 1.05
Hada, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 563- in MeOH). Application of names Sta-
568 (Fragransols) glucopyranoside: [251913-30-1]
Juhasz, L. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2000, 63, 866- C16H24O9 360.36 chyoside C and Stachyoside B is con-
870 (Fragransol A, synth, pmr, cmr) Constit. of fennel (Foeniculum vulgare ). fused. See 1991 paper for clarification.
Amorph. powder. [a]24 D -45 (c, 0.1 in 1-O-[a-L-Arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-a-L-
1-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-3-[2- D-625 MeOH). rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[3,4-
(3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl)-3,4-di- (j)-form dihydroxy-E-cinnamoyl-(/ 0 4)]-b-D-
Constit. of the fruit of Olea europeae glucopyranoside]: [117895-00-8] Lavan-
hydroxyphenyl]-1-propanone, 9CI (olives). dulifolioside. Stachyoside A
[118026-33-8] C34H44O19 756.71
[55254-51-8, 64998-12-5, 64998-13-6]
Constit. of Stachys sieboldii (Chinese
Benigni, J.D. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1963, 6, 607 artichoke). Amorph. [a]20D -40.3 (c, 0.6 in
OH (synth)
OH H2O).
Bianchi, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 35,
1335 (isol) 4?-Me ether, 1-O-[a-L-arabinopyranosyl-(1/
De Tommasi, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 0 2)-a-L-rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)-[4-
42, 163 (b-Hydroxy-3?,4?- hydroxy-3-methoxy-E-cinnamoyl-(/
dimethoxyphenylethyl glucoside) 0 4)]-b-D-glucopyranoside]: [140147-
O Kitajima, J. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998, 67-7]
46, 1587-1590; 1999, 47, 1448-1450 (isol, 4?-
OH Me derivs, 3?,4?-di-Me glucosides) [135010-56-9] Leonoside B. Stachyoside D$.
Fisher, A.J. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1998, 28, Stachyoside C$
2959-2968 (4?-Me ether) C36H48O19 784.764
OH Isol. from tubers of Stachys sieboldii
(Chinese artichoke). Amorph. [a]26D -42 (c,
2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)etha- D-627
C25H30O5 410.509 0.52 in MeOH). In some lit. erroneously
nol referred to as Stachyoside C.
(E )-form [113866-89-0]
2-Geranyl-2?,3,4,4?-tetrahydroxydihydro- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
4-(2-Hydroxyethyl)-1,2-benzenediol, 9CI.
chalcone. AC-5-1 1, 1169C; 1169D (ir)
3,4-Dihydroxyphenethyl alcohol, 8CI. 3,4-
Constit. of Artocarpus communis Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Dihydroxybenzeneethanol. Hydroxytyrosol Spectra , 1992, 2, 412A; 412B (nmr)
(breadfruit). Powder. Mp 132-1368.
Nakano, J. et al., Heterocycles , 1989, 29, 427- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
430 (synth) 1 1989, 3, 1087B; 1087C (ir)
McLean, S. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1996, CH 2 CH 2 OH Kudo, K. et al., Planta Med. , 1980, 40, 250 (1-
34, 719-722 (isol, pmr, cmr) glucoside)
Miyase, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1982, 30,
OH 2732 (Acteoside)
1-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-1,2- D-626 Andary, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21,
ethanediol, 8CI 1123; 1985, 24, 362 (Acteoside, Poliumoside)
[3343-19-9] C8H10O3 154.165

2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)ethenol  / 6-[2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)ethenyl]-... D-628 
/ D-631

Baraldi, P.G. et al., Annalen , 1983, 684 (synth, 2,4-Dihydroxy-6-(2-pheny- D-629 OH

ir, pmr, bibl) lethenyl)benzoic acid, 9CI
Karasawa, H. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1986,
106, 562; 721 (Verbasoside, Cistanoside H)
2,4-Dihydroxy-6-styrylbenzoic acid. 3,5- 4

Basaran, A.A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1988, Dihydroxy-2-stilbenecarboxylic acid. Pino-
sylvic acid
71, 1483; 1989, 72, 631 (Lavandulifolioside) 11 O O
Bianco, A. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1988, 15, 12
1765 (synth) COOH HO
Calis, I. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 1253- Ph OH
1257; 1992, 31, 357-359 (Phlinosides,
Leonosides) C13H10O5 246.219
Nishimura, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, (E )-form
3303; 1991, 30, 965 (Verbasoside) OH Yellow needles (EtOH aq.). Sol. MeOH,
Miyase, T. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1990, 110, Me2CO, CHCl3; poorly sol. acids, H2O,
652; 932 (Stachyosides) C15H12O4 256.257
hexane. Mp 2598. lmax 223 ; 248 ; 367
Nishimura, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, (E )-form [38232-09-6]
965 (Stachyosides)
(MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 206 (e 30200); 223
Mp 162-1658. (e 31620); 253 (e 13800); 366 (e 17380)
Esti, M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1998, 46,
32-35 (occur) 4-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [38232-08-5] (EtOH) (Berdy). lmax 257 (e 19050); 373 (e
Benkrief, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 47, Gaylussacin 11750) (EtOH/NaOH) (Berdy).
825-832 (Acteoside 6-cinnamate, Acteoside) C21H22O9 418.399 4,11-Di-Me ether: [77900-31-3] 6-[2-(4-
Park, H.-J. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1999, 47, Constit. of the leaves of Gaylussacia Hydroxy-3-methoxyphenyl)ethenyl]-4-
1029-1031 (1-glucoside) baccata (black huckleberry) and Gay-
Duynstee, H.I. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. , 1999,
methoxy-2H-pyran-2-one. 6-(4-Hydro-
lussacia frondosa (dangleberry). Mp xy-3-methoxystyryl)-4-methoxy-2-pyr-
2623-2632 (synth, pmr, cmr) 235-2368. [a]22
D -95.8 (MeOH/Py). one. 11-Methoxynoryangonin
Hara, R. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1999, 121, 3072-3082
(synth, derivs) 4-Me ether: [149697-30-3] 2-Hydroxy-4- C15H14O5 274.273
methoxy-6-styrylbenzoic acid. 4-O- Isol. from a Piper sp. from New Guinea.
Methylpinosylvic acid Yellow cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 218-2198.
C16H14O4 270.284 4,12-Di-Me ether: [77900-30-2] 11-Hydro-
2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)ethe- D-628 Constit. of the leaves of Cajanus cajan xyyangonin
(pigeon pea). C15H14O5 274.273
2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)vinyl alcohol. 3,4- Askari, A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1972, 35, 49 Found in kava (Piper methysticum ).
(synth, Gaylussacin) FDA advises against use of kava in food
Dihydroxystyryl alcohol Miyaichi, Y. et al., CA , 1989, 110, 141364y
due to potential risk of severe liver
Ohwaki, Y. et al., CA , 1993, 119, 135604 (deriv) damage (2002).
1 Tri-Me ether: [2743-14-8]
[56070-89-4] 6-[2-(3,4-Dimethoxypheny-
H 7-[2-(2,4-Dihydroxypheny- D-630 l)ethenyl]-4-methoxy-2H-pyran-2-one. 6-
(E)-form l)ethenyl]-2,2-dimethyl-2H -1-benzo-
HO (3,4-Dimethoxystyryl)-4-methoxy-2-pyr-
pyran one. 11-Methoxyyangonin
HO 7-(2,4-Dihydroxystyryl)-2,2-dimethyl-2H- C16H16O5 288.299
1-benzopyran Isol. from Piper methysticum (kava). FDA
C8H8O3 152.149 advises against use of kava in food due to
Enol-form of 3,4- potential risk of severe liver damage
Dihydroxyphenylacetaldehyde. OH 5
(2002). Yellow needles (EtOH). Mp 166-
(E )-form 1678 (162-1648).
1-O-3,4-Dihydroxycinnamoyl(E-): [99816- O
5,6-Dihydro, tri-Me ether:5,6-Dihydro-11-
39-4] methoxyyangonin
C17H14O6 314.294 HO
C16H18O5 290.315
Isol. from the callus cultures of Isol. from Piper methysticum (kava).
Lavandula angustifolia (lavender). Oil. C19H18O3 294.349
FDA advises against use of kava in food
(Z )-form (E )-form
due to potential risk of severe liver
1-O-3,4-Dihydroxycinnamoyl(E-): [55486- Di-Me ether: [106009-66-9] 7-[2-(2,4-Di- damage (2002). Yellow semisolid. [a]25D
06-1] methoxyphenyl)ethenyl]-2,2-dimethyl- +70 (c, 0.02 in CHCl3). lmax 228 (log e
Isol. from Perilla frutescens (perilla) 2H-1-benzopyran 4.04); 266 (log e 3.87) (MeOH).
and the callus cultures of Lavandula C21H22O3 322.403
5,6S,7,8-Tetrahydro, 4,12-di-Me ether:
angustifolia (lavender). Yellow cryst. Needles (EtOH). Mp 1088.
[38146-59-7] 4-Methoxy-6-[2-(3-hydro-
Mp 183-1858 (dec.). lmax 213 (e 20900); 5-Hydroxy: [194144-02-0] 7-(2,4-Dihy- xy-4-methoxyphenyl)ethyl]-5,6-dihydro-
250 (e 15900); 340 (e 19100) (EtOH) droxystyryl)-5-hydroxy-2,2-dimethyl- 2H-pyran-2-one. 11-Hydroxy-12-meth-
(Berdy). 2H-1-benzopyran. Artocarbene oxydihydrokawain
[157961-35-8, 157961-40-5, 158080-70-7] C19H18O4 310.349 C15H18O5 278.304
Constit. of Artocarpus incisus (bread- Constit. of Piper methysticum (kava).
Banthorpe, D.V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985,
fruit). Yellow powder. FDA advises against use of kava in food
24, 2677-2680 (caffeoyl derivs)
Nakanishi, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990, Garcia, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, due to potential risk of severe liver
38, 1772-1774 (caffeoyl derivs) 2425 (isol) damage (2002). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp
Shimizu, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 45, 165-1678. [a]20
D +35 (c, 0.2 in CHCl3).
1297-1298 (Artocarbene)
5,6S,7,8-Tetrahydro, tri-Me ether: [38146-
60-0] 6-[(3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)ethyl]-
6-[2-(3,4-Dihydroxypheny- D-631 5,6-dihydro-4-methoxy-2H-pyran-2-one.
l)ethenyl]-4-hydroxy-2H -pyran-2-one, 11,12-Dimethoxydihydrokawain. 5,6,7,8-
9CI Tetrahydro-11-methoxyyangonin. 7,8-Di-
[555-55-5] C16H20O5 292.331
6-(3,4-Dihydroxystyryl)-4-hydroxy-a-pyr- Constit. of Piper methysticum (kava).
one. Hispidin$

2-[2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)ethyl]tetrahydro-... / 2-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-6-... D-632 / D-636

FDA advises against use of kava in food 6-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-3,5- D-633 Ingham, J.L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17,
due to potential risk of severe liver hexadien-2-one 535; 1980, 19, 289 (Demethylvignafuran)
damage (2002). Needles (Et2O); plates Miyase, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1981, 29,
2205; 1984, 32, 3267 (isol, uv, ms)
(C6H6). Mp 124-1258 (121-1238). [a]20 D Jurd, L. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1984, 37, 1127
+32 (c, 0.32 in CHCl3) (+27.7). (Centrolobofuran)
Edwards, R.L. et al., J.C.S. , 1961, 4995; 5003 Watanabe, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1991,
(Hispidin, isol, struct, synth) O 39, 579 (synth)
Bu’Lock, J.D. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1962, 2085 Miyase, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 52, 303-
(Hispidin, isol) 310 (isol, cmr)
Ueno, A. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1964, 112, OH Hiroya, K. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 2000, 4339-
376 (Hispidin, isol) OH 4346 (synth, Vignafuran)
Haensel, R. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim,
Ger.) , 1966, 299, 503; 507 (11-
Hydroxyyangonin, 11-Methoxynoryangonin, C12H12O3 204.225 2-(3,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)-6-hy- D-635
11-Methoxyyangonin) Methylene ether: [17172-93-9] 6-(3,4- droxybenzofuran
Adam, W. et al., Synthesis , 1994, 1133 Methylenedioxyphenyl)-3,5-hexadien-2- [56317-21-6]
(Hispidin, synth)
one, 8CI. 3,4-Methylenedioxycinnamyli- 5-(6-Hydroxy-2-benzofuranyl)-1,3-benze-
deneacetone nediol, 9CI. Moracin M. Veraphenol
C13H12O3 216.236
Found in kava (Piper methysticum ). OH
2-[2-(3,4-Dihydroxypheny- D-632 FDA advises against use of kava in food
l)ethyl]tetrahydro-6-(3,4,5-trihydroxy- due to potential risk of severe liver
phenyl)-2H -pyran-4-ol damage (2002). Mp 898. HO O
7-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-1,5-epoxy-3-hy- Jossang, P. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1967, 31, 375-
droxy-1-(3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)heptane 383 (isol)
C14H10O4 242.231
Isol. from Morus alba (white mulberry)
OH infected with Fusarium solani . Light pink
2-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-6-hy- D-634
cryst. Mp 2758 (238-2408). lmax 217 (e
droxybenzofuran 30200); 316 (e 33400); 330 (e 27900)
6 2 [67736-22-5]
HO OH (MeOH) (Berdy).
O 4-(6-Hydroxy-2-benzofuranyl)-1,3-benze-
4'' 4' 3?-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [152041-26-4]
nediol, 9CI
HO OH C20H20O9 404.373
OH Pale yellow cryst. Mp 2848.
(2S,4R,6S)-form 3?,6-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:Mulberro-
OH side F
HO O C26H30O14 566.515
C19H22O7 362.379
Constit. of the leaves of Morus alba
(2S,4R ,6S )-form OH (white mulberry). Yellowish powder. Mp
3?,3??-Di-Me ether: [182227-93-6] 231-2348. [a]22
D +75. lmax 210 ; 271 (sh) ;
C21H26O7 390.432 C14H10O4 242.231 313 (MeOH).
Constit. of Zingiber officinale (ginger). Brownish needles. Mp 207-2088. Takasugi, M. et al., CA , 1980, 92, 160540 (isol,
Amorph. [a]25D -61.6 (c, 1 in EtOH). lmax Tri-Ac: struct)
226 (sh) (log e 4.2); 280 (log e 3.65) Mp 154-1568. Watanabe, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1991,
(EtOH). 39, 579 (synth)
2?-Me ether: [74048-90-1] 6-Hydroxy-2-(4- Mann, I.S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1991, 47, 7981;
3?,3??-Di-Me ether, 4-Ac: [182227-92-5] hydroxy-2-methoxyphenyl)benzofuran. 7991 (synth)
C23H28O8 432.469 6-O-Demethylvignafuran Basnet, P. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1993, 41,
Constit. of Zingiber officinale (ginger). C15H12O4 256.257 1238-1243 (isol)
Oil. [a]25
D -31.2 (c, 1.3 in EtOH). lmax lmax 212 ; 282 ; 321 ; 337 (EtOH) Zhou, C.X. et al., Planta Med. , 1999, 65, 480-
226 (sh) (log e 4.32); 280 (log e 3.75) (Berdy). lmax 217 ; 299 ; 343 ; 359 482 (Veraphenol, pmr, cmr)
(EtOH). (EtOH/NaOH) (Berdy).
Lee, S.H. et al., Biol. Pharm. Bull. , 2002, 25,
3?,3??,5??-Tri-Me ether: [182227-94-7] 1045-1048 (Mulberroside F)
4?-Me ether: [67685-33-0] 6-Hydroxy-2-(2-
C22H28O7 404.459 hydroxy-4-methoxyphenyl)benzofuran.
Constit. of Zingiber officinale (ginger). Centrolobofuran 2-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-6-hy- D-636
D -48.6 (c, 0.6 in EtOH). lmax 226 C15H12O4 256.257 droxy-3-benzofurancarboxylic acid
(sh) (log e 4.09); 280 (log e 3.59) Glistening needles (C6H6). Mp 165-
(EtOH). 1668.
(2S,4S,6S )-form COOH
2?,6-Di-Me ether: [57800-41-6] 2-(4-Hy-
3?,3??-Di-Me ether: [182369-54-6] droxy-2-methoxyphenyl)-6-methoxyben- 6 OH
C21H26O7 390.432 HO 2′
zofuran. Vignafuran O
Constit. of Zingiber officinale (ginger). HO
C16H14O4 270.284
Oil. [a]25
D -41.6 (c, 0.9 in EtOH). lmax Constit. of Lablab niger (hyacinth
225 (sh) (log e 4.03); 280 (log e 3.51) C15H10O6 286.24
bean). Glass. Sol. MeOH, C6H6; poorly
(EtOH). sol. H2O. lmax 210 (e 30200); 282 (e 2?,6-Di-Me ether, Me ester: [151228-01-2]
3?,3??-Di-Me ether, 4-Ac: [182369-53-5] 14800); 320 (e 39000); 335 (e 33200) C18H16O6 328.321
C23H28O8 432.469 (EtOH) (Berdy). lmax 336 ; 347 (EtOH/ Isol. from the root exudates of iron-
Constit. of Zingiber officinale (ginger). NaOH) (Berdy). deficient Medicago sativa (alfalfa).
Oil. [a]25
D -23.3 (c, 0.5 in EtOH). lmax 2?,6-Di-Me ether, Ac: [57800-42-7] Aldehyde, 4?,6-di-Me ether:2-(2-Hydroxy-
226 (sh) (log e 4.33); 280 (log e 3.76) Needles (MeOH). Mp 94-94.58. 4-methoxyphenyl)-6-methoxy-3-benzo-
(EtOH). furancarboxaldehyde. Melimessanol C
Preston, N.W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14,
Kikuzaki, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 43, 1843 (isol, struct, uv, ms, pmr, synth, C17H14O5 298.295
273-277 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) Vignafuran) Amorph. solid. lmax 241 ; 344 (MeOH).
Duffley, R.P. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1977, 802 Koshino, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 33,
(synth, pmr, uv) 1075 (isol, deriv)

/ 1-(3,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2-... D-637 / D-640

Macias, F.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 50, Hashimoto, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, Piceid. Polydatin
35-46 (Melimessanol C) 1179-1184 (Batatasin IV, isol, synth) C20H22O8 390.389
Hiroya, K. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 2000, 4339- Fagboun, D.E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26, Present in grapeskins and red wine. Isol.
4346 (synth) 3187-3189 (Batatasin IV, isol, cmr)
Adensanya, S.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989,
from Polygonum cuspidatum (Japanese
28, 773-774 (isol) knotweed). Pale yellow needles. Mp
1-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-3-[8- D-637 Pacher, T. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2002, 65, 820-827 130-1408 (resolidifies at 1708, remelts at
hydroxy-2-methyl-2-(4-methyl-3-pen- (Stilbostemin A) 228-2308). [a]19
D -65.26 (c, 0.19 in

tenyl)-2H -1-benzopyran-5-yl]-1-pro- MeOH). lmax 211 (e 17000); 304 (e

17800); 315 (e 14800) (isomeric form
panone, 9CI 1-(3,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2-(3- D-639
recorded) (Derep). lmax 217 (e 2000);
[116207-29-5] hydroxyphenyl)ethane 306 (e 16200); 314 (e 13200); 320 (e
3,3?,5-Trihydroxybibenzyl. 5-[2-(3-Hydro- 13800) (EtOH) (Derep).
OH O 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 4?-O-sulfate:
C14H14O3 230.263 C20H22O11S 470.453
3-Me ether: [56684-87-8] 3-[2-(3-Hydro- Constit. of Polygonum cuspidatum
xyphenyl)ethyl]-5-methoxyphenol, 9CI. (Japanese knotweed). Amorph. powder
HO 3,3?-Dihydroxy-5-methoxybibenzyl. Ba- + 1 H2O (as K salt). [a]24D -70.6 (c, 0.08
tatasin III in MeOH) (K salt). lmax 211 ; 229 (sh) ;
OH C15H16O3 244.29 301 ; 312 (MeOH) (K salt).
Constit. of Dioscorea batatas (Chinese 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 5-O-sulfate:
O yam). Rods (CHCl3/CCl4). Mp 93.5- C20H22O11S 470.453
94.58. Constit. of Polygonum cuspidatum
3-Me ether, 5-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: (Japanese knotweed). Amorph. powder
C25H28O5 408.493 + 2H2O (as K salt). [a]24
C21H26O8 406.432 D -67 (c, 0.07 in
Constit. of Artocarpus communis (bread- MeOH) (K salt). lmax 207 ; 232 (sh) ;
Powder. lmax 238 (log e 4.07); 269 (log e
fruit). 305 ; 320 (MeOH) (K salt).
4.04); 286 (log e 3.88) (MeOH).
Koshihara, Y. et al., Biochem. Pharmacol. , 3,3?-Di-Me ether:3-Hydroxy-5-[2-(3-meth- 3-O-(2-O-Sulfo-b-D-glucopyranoside):
1988, 37, 2161-2165 (isol, props) C20H22O11S 470.453
oxyphenyl)ethyl]phenol. 1-(3-Hydroxy-
McLean, S. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1996,
34, 719-722 (isol, pmr, cmr) 5-methoxyphenyl)-2-(3-methoxypheny- Constit. of Polygonum cuspidatum
l)ethane. 3?-O-Methylbatatasin III (Japanese knotweed). Amorph. powder
C16H18O3 258.316 + 31=2 H2O (as K salt). [a]24
D -60 (c, 0.19
1-(3,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2-(2- D-638 Viscous solid. in MeOH) (K salt). lmax 215 ; 233 (sh) ;
hydroxyphenyl)ethane 3,3?-Di-Me ether, 5-O-b-D- 306 ; 319 (MeOH) (K salt).
[113276-63-4] glucopyranoside: 3-O-(4-O-Sulfo-b-D-glucopyranoside):
5-[2-(2-Hydroxyphenyl)ethyl]-1,3-benze- C22H28O8 420.458 C20H22O11S 470.453
nediol. 2?,3,5-Trihydroxybibenzyl. De- Needles (MeOH). Mp 154-1558. lmax Constit. of Polygonum cuspidatum
methylbatatasin IV 225 (log e 3.2); 272 (log e 2.53); 280 (log (Japanese knotweed). Amorph. powder
e 2.5) (MeOH). + 1 H2O (as K salt). [a]24D -59.5 (c, 0.08
Hasegawa, K. et al., Planta , 1972, 108, 369 in MeOH) (K salt). lmax 212 ; 236 (sh) ;
HO HO 306 ; 322 (MeOH) (K salt).
CH2 CH2 Hasegawa, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1974, 13, 3-O-(6-O-Sulfo-b-D-glucopyranoside):
2849 (synth) C20H22O11S 470.453
HO Sachdev, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, 499
(isol, activity)
Constit. of Polygonum cuspidatum
Bai, L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 44, 1565 (5- (Japanese knotweed). Amorph. powder
C14H14O3 230.263 (as K salt). [a]24
glucosides, isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr) D -105 (c, 0.13 in MeOH)
Isol. from Dioscorea alata (greater yam), (K salt). lmax 215 ; 236 (sh) ; 306 ; 322
Dioscorea bulbifera (air potato) and Dios- (MeOH) (K salt).
corea rotundata (white guinea yam) in- 1-(3,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2-(4- D-640
fected with Botryodiplodia theobromae. 4?-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [38963-95-0]
hydroxyphenyl)ethylene Resveratroloside
lmax 267 ; 272 (sh) ; 275 ; 282 (sh)
[36469-58-6] C20H22O8 390.389
5-[2-(4-Hydroxyphenyl)ethenyl]-1,3-ben- Constit. of Rhizoma rhei. Mp 235-2388.
2?-Me ether:5-[2-(2-Methoxypheny- zenediol, 9CI. 3,4?,5-Stilbenetriol, 8CI. [a]20
D -72 (c, 0.125 in EtOH).
l)ethyl]-1,3-benzenediol. 1-(3,5-Dihy- 3,4?,5-Trihydroxystilbene. Resveratrol 4?-O-[3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzoyl-(/ 0 2)-b-
droxyphenyl)-2-(2-methoxypheny- D-glucopyranoside]: [105304-51-6] Re-
l)ethane. 3,5-Dihydroxy-2?- sveratrol 4?-(2-galloylglucoside)
methoxybibenzyl. Stilbostemin A OH
HO C27H26O12 542.495
C15H16O3 244.29 (E)-form Isol. from commercial rhubarbs (Rheum
lmax 214 (log e 4.17); 224 (sh) (log e spp.). Amorph. powder + 1H2O. [a]27 D
4.04); 274 (log e 3.48); 278 (log e 3.47) OH +25.2 (c, 0.69 in Me2CO).
C14H12O3 228.247 4?-O-[3,4,5-Trihydroxybenzoyl-(/ 0 6)-b-
3-Me ether: [60347-67-3] 1-(2-Hydroxy- D-glucopyranoside]: [64898-03-9] Re-
phenyl)-2-(3-hydroxy-5-methoxypheny- (E )-form [501-36-0]
sveratrol 4?-(6-galloylglucoside)
l)ethane. 3-[2-(2- Phytoalexin from the wine grape (Vitis
C27H26O12 542.495
Hydroxyphenyl)ethyl]-5-methoxyphe- vinifera ) and peanut (Arachis
hypogaea ). Resveratrol in red wines has Isol from coml. Japanese rhubarbs
nol, 9CI. 2,3?-Dihydroxy-5?-methoxybi- (Rheum spp.). Pale brown needles +
benzyl. Batatasin IV been postulated to be associated with 1= 20
2H2O (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 2588. [a]D -
C15H16O3 244.29 beneficial health effects. Nutriceutical
with a positive influence on blood lipid 86 (c, 1.0 in MeOH).
Constit. of the bulbs of Dioscorea
profile. Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Sol. EtOH, 3-Me ether, 4?-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
batatus (Chinese yam). Needles
(CHCl3/CCl4). Sol. MeOH, C6H6; Me2CO; poorly sol. H2O. Mp 265-2678. [58762-96-2] Pinostilbenoside
poorly sol. H2O. Mp 99.5-100.58. lmax lmax 218 (e 21400); 227 (sh) (e 14800); C21H24O8 404.416
209 (e 4000); 274 (e 600) (EtOH) 307 (e 27500); 320 (e 26900) (EtOH). Isol. from the bark of Picea koraiensis
(Berdy). 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [27208-80-6] (Korean pine). Needles (MeOH/

3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2-... / 3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2-... D-641  / D-641

CHCl3). [a]22D -52.5 (c, 2.0 in MeOH). Ingham, J.L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, 2-O-(3,4-Dihydroxy-E-cinnamoyl), Me
1791 (isol, uv, ms) ester: [99353-00-1]
4?-Me ether, 3-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: Aritomi, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15,
C21H24O8 404.416 2006 (isol, uv) [179462-75-0] Methyl rosmarinate
Constit. of rhubarb (Rheum Nonaka, G.-I. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1977, C19H18O8 374.346
rhaponticum ) root. Cryst. (EtOH aq.). 25, 2300 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, derivs) Isol. from Salvia (sage) spp.. Amorph.
Mp 226-2288. lmax 307 (e 31000); 320 (e Langcake, P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, [a]18
D +138 (c, 0.6 in MeOH). lmax 287 ;
30700) (MeOH). 1193 (biosynth) 326 (MeOH).
(Z )-form [61434-67-1] Nakajima, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1978,
Phytoalexin from hypocotyls of 26, 3050 (isol, ir, uv, pmr) 2-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(/ 0 3)-3,4-
Moreno-Mañas, M. et al., An. Quim. , 1985, 81, dihydroxy-E-cinnamoyl]: [178895-25-5]
germinating peanuts (Arachis
157 (synth) Salviaflaside
hypogaea ). Powder (MeOH aq.). Mp Kashiwada, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1986,
170-1748. lmax 210 ; 220 (sh) ; 286 34, 3237 (2-galloylglucoside)
C24H26O13 522.462
(EtOH). Etoh, H. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1990, 54, Isol. from Salvia (sage) spp.. Amorph.
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [148766-36-3] 2443 (6-Coumarylpiceid, Polydatin, yellow powder. [a]D +18.5 (c, 0.065 in
cis-Piceid Rhaponticin) MeOH).
Jayatilake, G.S. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1993, 56, 2-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(/ 0 3)-3,4-
C20H22O8 390.389
1805 (pmr, props, synth, cis-isomers) dihydroxy-E-cinnamoyl], Me ester:
Constit. of the wine grape (Vitis vini- Sotheeswaran, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993,
fera ). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 126-1298. 32, 1083 (rev, bibl)
[178860-70-3] Salviaflaside methyl ester
3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside, 5-O-sulfate: Powell, R.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 35, C25H28O13 536.488
Constit. of Polygonum cuspidatum 335 (occur) Constit. of sage (Salvia flava ). Amorph.
(Japanese knotweed). Amorph. powder Lamuela-Raventós, R.M. et al., J. Agric. Food yellow powder. [a]D -9.1 (c, 0.12 in
+ 3 H2O (as K salt). [a]24 Chem. , 1995, 43, 281-283 (Piceid, occur) MeOH). lmax 205 (log e 4.55); 287 (log e
D -31 (c, 0.4 in
Mattivi, F. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1995, 4.07); 320 (log e 4.11) (no solvent
MeOH) (K salt). lmax 216 ; 232 (sh) ; 43, 1820 (cis-4?-glucoside)
290 ; 322 (sh) (MeOH) (K salt). reported).
Waffo Teguo, P. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1996, 59,
3-O-(2-O-Sulfo-b-D-glucopyranoside): 1189 (cis-Piceid) [42085-50-7, 67810-33-7, 67920-52-9, 69339-96-
Constit. of Polygonum cuspidatum Waffo Teguo, P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 42, 4, 81075-52-7]
(Japanese knotweed). Amorph. powder 1591 (Piceid, uv, ir, pmr, cmr) Kelley, C.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1975, 40, 1804; 1976,
Orsini, F. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1997, 60, 1082-
+ 2 H2O (as Na salt). [a]24D -44 (c, 0.3 in
41, 449-455 (pmr, cmr, Rosmarinic acid)
1087 (Piceid, synth, isol, pmr, cmr) Razzaque, A. et al., Planta , 1977, 137, 287
MeOH) (Na salt). lmax 217 ; 234 (sh) ; Xiao, K. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2000, 63, 1373- (biosynth, Rosmarinic acid)
290 ; 321 (sh) (MeOH) (Na salt). 1376 (Polygonum sulfoglucosides) Ellis, B.E. et al., Planta , 1979, 147, 163
3-O-(3-O-Sulfo-b-D-glucopyranoside): Likhitwitayawuid, K. et al., Planta Med. , 2000, (biosynth, Rosmarinic acid)
C20H22O11S 470.453 66, 275-277 (activity) Parnham, M.J. et al., Drugs of the Future , 1985,
Constit. of Polygonum cuspidatum Decendit, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 2002, 60, 10, 756 (rev, Rosmarinic acid)
795-798 (cis-3,4?-diglucoside) Englberger, W. et al., Int. J. Immunopharmacol. ,
(Japanese knotweed). Amorph. powder Guiso, M. et al., Tet. Lett. , 2002, 43, 597-598
+ 2H2O (as K salt). [a]24 1988, 10, 729 (pharmacol, Rosmarinic acid)
D -40 (c, 0.2 in (synth) Peake, P.W. et al., Int. J. Immunopharmacol. ,
MeOH) (K salt). lmax 217 ; 235 (sh) ;
1991, 13, 853 (pharmacol, Rosmarinic acid)
286 ; 322 (sh) (MeOH) (K salt). Pabsch, K. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R. Neth.
3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2-hy- D-641
3-O-(4-O-Sulfo-b-D-glucopyranoside): Chem. Soc.) , 1991, 110, 199 (synth,
droxypropanoic acid
Constit. of Polygonum cuspidatum Rosmarinic acid)
(Japanese knotweed). Amorph. powder [23028-17-3] Mahmood, N. et al., Antiviral Chem.
+ 1 H2O (as K salt). [a]24 D -32.3 (c, 0.18
a,3,4-Trihydroxybenzenepropanoic acid, Chemother. , 1993, 4, 235 (anti-HIV activity,
9CI. 3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)lactic acid nmr, ms, Rosmarinic acid)
in MeOH) (K salt). lmax 216 ; 232 (sh) ;
Zou, Z.W. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1993, 28, 241
288 ; 322 (sh) (MeOH) (K salt). (pharmacol, Rosmarinic acid)
3-O-(6-O-Sulfo-b-D-glucopyranoside): COOH Zhao, L.M. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1996, 7,
Constit. of Polygonum cuspidatum OH 449-452 (Salviaflaside)
(Japanese knotweed). Amorph. powder H C OH (R)-form Abraham, S.K. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. ,
+ 11=2 H2O (as Na salt). [a]24 1996, 34, 15-20 (activity, Rosmarinic acid)
D -33.6 (c,
0.25 in MeOH) (Na salt). lmax 215 ; 233 CH2 OH Binutu, O.A. et al., Planta Med. , 1996, 62, 352-
353 (activity, Rosmarinic acid)
(sh) ; 284 (MeOH) (Na salt). Robinson, W.E. et al., Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci.
4?-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [151716-27-7] C9H10O5 198.175 U.S.A. , 1996, 93, 6326-6331 (activity,
C20H22O8 390.389 Rosmarinic acid)
(R )-form [76822-21-4] Eicher, T. et al., Synthesis , 1996, 755 (synth,
Constit. of the wine grape (Vitis
Prisms (EtOAc/C6H6). Mp 84-878. [a]18 D Rosmarinic acid)
vinifera ). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 140-
+10.8 (c, 3.7 in MeOH). Bogucki, D.E. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1997, 75,
Amide:2-Hydroxy-3-(3,4-dihydroxyphe- 1783-1794 (synth, Rosmarinic acid)
3,4?-Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: Reimann, E. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1997, 128,
nyl)propanamide. 3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphe-
C26H32O13 552.531 995-1008; 1998, 129, 187-193 (synth,
Isol. from cell suspension cultures of Rosmarinic acid)
C9H11NO4 197.19 Kusano, G. et al., Biol. Pharm. Bull. , 1998, 21,
Vitis vinifera (wine grape). Amorph.
Isol. from rhizomes of sage plant. 997-999 (activity, Rosmarinic acid)
powder. [a]25D -42 (c, 1 in MeOH). lmax
Amorph. yellow powder. [a]20D +15.8 (c, Kuo, Y.-H. et al., J. Chin. Chem. Soc. (Taipei) ,
282 (log e 4.14) (MeOH).
0.1 in MeOH). lmax 208 (log e 4.04); 280 2000, 47, 241-246 (Methyl rosmarinate)
[33626-08-3, 54443-64-0] (log e 3.54) (MeOH). Choi, J.S. et al., Fitoterapia , 2001, 72, 30-34
Späth, E. et al., Ber. , 1941, 74, 189 (synth) 2-O-(3,4-Dihydroxy-E-cinnamoyl): [537- Hou, Z.-F. et al., J. Chin. Chem. Soc. (Taipei) ,
Banks, H.J. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1971, 24, 2427 15-5] 2002, 49, 255-258 (Ethyl rosmarinate)
(isol, derivs)
Murakami, T. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1972, 2965 (isol, [20283-92-5] Rosmarinic acid. Labiatenic
uv) acid. Rosemarinic acid
Kumar, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1974, 13, 633 C18H16O8 360.32
(isol) Isol. from rosemary, mint, sage, thyme,
Gromova, A.S. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1975, lemon balm and other plants. Cryst. +
11, 677; 1977, 13, 275; Chem. Nat. Compd. 2H2O. Mp 2048 dec. [a]20D +145. Log P 1.01
(Engl. Transl.) , 1975, 11, 715; 1977, 13, 236 (calc). lmax 230 ; 329 (MeOH) (Berdy).
(Pinostilbenoside, Resveratroloside)
-LD50 (mus, ivn) 561 mg/kg. GD8990000

2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-4-...  / 3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)propanoic acid D-642 / D-647

2-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-4- D-642 3-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-1,2- D-644 COOH

methyl-1,3-dioxolane propanediol 2
4-(4-Methyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-yl)-1,2-benze- H C OH
nediol, 9CI H C OH
O OH C9H10O4 182.176
(2R ,3R )-form [70094-91-6]
O OH (-)-erythro-form
Cryst. Mp 97-988. [a]20
D -25.6 (H2O).

OH OH 2-Phenylethylamide: [140848-74-4]
[151670-52-9, 151670-53-0, 157366-45-5] Seco-
C10H12O4 196.202 C9H12O4 184.191
3?-Me ether: [68527-74-2] 2-Methoxy-4-(4- 2?-Me ether, 4?-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: C17H19NO3 285.342
methyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-yl)phenol, 9CI. [455947-72-5] Alkaloid from Clausena lansium (wam-
Vanillin propylene glycol acetate C16H24O9 360.36 pee). Mp 151-1528. [a]28 D +38 (c, 0.3 in
C11H14O4 210.229 Constit. of the fruit of Anethum MeOH). Abs. config. revised in 1994 lmax
Present in food as an artifact arising graveolens (dill). Amorph. powder. [a]24
D 255 (log e 2.6) (MeOH).
from reaction of Vanillin (see D-382) -29 (c, 1.1 in MeOH). Isol. as a mixt. of
stereoisomers. 2-Phenylethylamide, N-Me: [140848-73-3]
flavouring and 1,2-Propanediol, P-471
solvent. Ishikawa, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2002, [157332-69-9] Secoclausenamide
50, 501-507 (isol, pmr, cmr) C18H21NO3 299.369
3?-Et ether: [68527-76-4] 2-Ethoxy-4-(4-
Alkaloid from Clausena lansium (wam-
methyl-1,3-dioxolan-2-yl)phenol, 9CI.
pee). Mp 145-1478. [a]22D -65.8 (c, 0.2 in
Ethyl vanillin propylene glycol acetal
CHCl3). Abs. config. revised in 1994 lmax
C12H16O4 224.256
3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-1,2- D-645 256 (log e 2.8) (MeOH).
Present in food as an artifact arising
from reaction of Ethylvanillin (see D- propanediol
[60209-23-6, 65870-46-4, 65870-48-6, 65870-49-
382) flavouring and 1,2-Propanediol, P- 4-(2,3-Dihydroxypropyl)-1,2-benzenediol 7, 73610-80-7]
471 solvent.
Yang, M.H. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1991, 2,
Shu, C.K. et al., CA , 1997, 126, 6734j (occur) CH2OH 775-776 (Secoclausenamides)
Woefel, K. et al., ACS Symp. Ser. , 1998, 705, 2 Du, J.F. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1994, 5, 179-
193-210 (ms)
OH 180; 269-270 (Secoclausenamides)

1-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-1,2- D-643 OH 3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)pro- D-647

propanediol panoic acid
C9H12O4 184.191 3,4-Dihydroxybenzenepropanoic acid, 9CI.
HO (j)-form 3,4-Dihydroxyhydrocinnamic acid, 8CI.
OH Hydrocaffeic acid
3?-Me ether: [220006-74-6]
[27391-18-0] 3-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxyphe-
HO C10H14O4 198.218 6 1 2
Constit. of allspice (Pimenta dioica ). [a]D - 5 3
6. [a]D -12 (c, 1 in EtOH). Both isolates
were a mixt. of stereoisomers.
C9H12O4 184.191
3?-Me ether, 2-O-[(3,4,5- C9H10O4 182.176
3?,4?-Methylene ether: [189067-47-8] 1- Leaflets (H2O). Mp 1398. pKa1 4.56; pKa2
(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)-1,2-propanediol, trihydroxybenzoyl)(/ 0 6)-b-D-
glucopyranoside]: 9.36; pKa3 11.6 (308, 0.1M NaClO4).
9CI. 1-(3,4-Methylenedioxyphenyl)-1,2- -MW5143500
propanediol C23H28O13 512.466
C10H12O4 196.202 Constit. of the fruit of allspice (Pimenta 4-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
Oil. [a]D +12.9 (c, 0.6 in CHCl3). dioica ). Viscous liq. [a]20
D -27.7 (c, 0.15 glucopyranoside], Me ester: [134860-04-
in MeOH). 1] Citrusin F
3-Chloro, 3?-Me ether:3-Chloro-1-(4-hy- C22H32O14 520.486
Kikuzaki, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 52,
droxy-3-methoxyphenyl)-1,2-propane- 1307-1312 (isol, config) Isol. from lemon peel oil (Citrus limon ).
diol Kikuzaki, H. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2000, 63, 749- Oil. [a]22
D -4.68 (c, 0.1 in MeOH).
C10H13ClO4 232.663 752 (3?-Me, 2-6-galloylglucoside)
Constit. of the fruit of Pimenta dioica 3-Me ether, 4-O-b-D-glucopyranoside, Me
(allspice). Needles (CHCl3). Mp 1218. ester: [134860-03-0] Citrusin E
[a]25 Isol. from oil of lemon peel (Citrus
D -2 (c, 0.52 in EtOH). Possesses
threo -config.. limon ). Mp 1088. [a]17
D -35.68 (c, 0.1 in
2,3-Dihydroxy-3-phenylpropa- D-646 MeOH).
Sy, L.-K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 44, 1099- noic acid, 9CI
1108 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms) Matsubara, Y. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1991,
Kikuzaki, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 52, [5695-95-4] 55, 647 (Citrusins)
1307-1312 (chloro deriv) a,b-Dihydroxybenzenepropanoic acid, 9CI.
3-Phenylglyceric acid, 8CI. a,b-Dihydrox-
yhydrocinnamic acid

1-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2-...  / 3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2-... D-648 / D-653

1-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2- D-648 3?-Me ether: [2503-46-0] 1-(4-Hydroxy-3- (E )-form [38481-04-8]

propanol methoxyphenyl)-2-propanone, 9CI. Identified in Anthemis nobilis (Roman
4-(2-Hydroxypropyl)-1,3-benzenediol Guaiacylacetone. Methyl vanillyl ketone chamomile). Mp 2188 dec.
C10H12O3 180.203 3-Me ether: [3626-94-6] 3-(2-Hydroxy-3-
Oil. Bp4 1558 Bp0.2 1158. methoxyphenyl)-2-propenoic acid, 9CI.
3?-Me ether, 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazone: 2-Hydroxy-3-methoxycinnamic acid. o-
CH2CHCH3 Orange needles (EtOH). Mp 1258. Ferulic acid. Orthoferulic acid
OH Di-Me ether: [776-99-8] 1-(3,4-Dimethox- C10H10O4 194.187
yphenyl)-2-propanone Present in wheat shoots. Mp 183-1848.
C11H14O3 194.23 Di-Me ether: [7345-82-6]
Yellow oil. Bp0.15 938. n20
D 1.5358. [7461-60-1] 3-(2,3-Dimethoxyphenyl)-2-pro-
OH 5?-Methoxy, 3?-Me ether: [19037-58-2] 1- penoic acid, 9CI. 2,3-Dimethoxycinnamic
(4-Hydroxy-3,5-dimethoxyphenyl)-2- acid, 8CI
C9H12O3 168.192 propanone. Syringylacetone C11H12O4 208.213
(j)-form C11H14O4 210.229 Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 182-1848.
4?-Me ether: [212516-43-3] 1-(2-Hydroxy- Not to be confused with syringalace-
4-methoxyphenyl)-2-propanol. Verimol J tones A and B. Di-Me ether, Me ester: [15854-60-1]
C10H14O3 182.219 Freudenberg, K. et al., Ber. , 1943, 76, 997 C12H14O4 222.24
Constit. of Illicium verum (Chinese star (synth, 3?-Me ether) Cryst. Mp 53-548.
anise). Oil. Skurikhin, I.M. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1967, Methylene ether: [38489-70-2] 3-(2,3-
3, 339; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , Methylenedioxyphenyl)propenoic acid.
Sy, L.K. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 987-992 1967, 3, 286 (uv, 3?-Me ether)
(Verimol J) 3-(1,3-Benzodioxol-4-yl)-2-propenoic
Chang, C.-F. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1975, 39,
573 (isol)
acid, 9CI. 2,3-Methylenedioxycinnamic
Morgan, P.H. et al., Tetrahedron , 1975, 31, 2595 acid, 8CI
3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-1- D-649 C10H8O4 192.171
(di-Me ether)
propanol Lim, H.K. et al., Cryst. Res. Technol. , 1988, 1, Prisms (MeOH aq. or EtOAc). Mp
[46118-02-9] 370 (synth, pmr, 3?-Me ether) 1948.
4-(3-Hydroxypropyl)-1,2-benzenediol, An, Z.W. et al., Synthesis , 1992, 1229 (di-Me Perkin, W.H. et al., J.C.S. , 1926, 2925
9CI. 4-(3-Hydroxypropyl)catechol ether) (methylene ether)
Brozla, D. et al., Pharmazie , 1994, 49, 573 El-Basyouni, S. et al., Can. J. Biochem. , 1964,
C9H12O3 168.192 (synth, ir, pmr, ms) 42, 493 (deriv)
3?-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: Hevisset, A. et al., CA , 1971, 74, 50555 (occur)
C15H22O8 330.334 3-(2,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2- D-651 Santavy, et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
Constit. of the fruit of Carum ajowan 1972, 37, 1825 (methylene ether)
propenal Mathison, I.W. et al., J.O.C. , 1974, 39, 2852
(ajowan). Amorph. powder. [a]23 D -41 (c, 2,4-Dihydroxycinnamaldehyde (synth)
0.2 in MeOH). Dupin, J.F.E. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1985, 15,
3?-Me ether, 4?-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: CHO 581-586 (synth, pmr)
[17609-06-2] Dihydroconiferin Peterson, J.R. et al., J. Chem. Eng. Data , 1988,
C16H24O8 344.361 33, 534-537 (di-Me ether, synth, pmr)
Constit. of Pinus sylvestris (Scotch
pine). Needles (MeOH/Me2CO). Mp OH
1438 (130-1328). [a]18
D -52.2 (c, 0.5 in
3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2- D-653
MeOH). propenoic acid, 9CI
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR [331-39-5]
Spectra , 1992, 2, 413A (nmr) OH
Higuchi, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, [2316-26-9]
1007 (Dihydroconiferin) C9H8O3 164.16 3,4-Dihydroxycinnamic acid, 8CI. Caffeic
Cram, D.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1978, 43, 2758 (synth) acid
Fang, J.M. et al., J. Chin. Chem. Soc. (Taipei) , (j)-form
1985, 32, 75; 477 (isol) 2?-Me ether: [127321-19-1] 3-(4-Hydroxy- C9H8O4 180.16
Cordona, M.L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 2-methoxyphenyl)-2-propenal. 4-Hydro- Sol. MeOH, EtOAc; fairly sol. H2O;
629 (isol, pmr, cmr) xy-2-methoxycinnamaldehyde poorly sol. CHCl3, hexane. Log P 0.82
Ishikawa, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2001, C10H10O3 178.187 (calc). lmax 217 (e 20100); 300 (e 20700);
49, 840-844 (3?-glucoside) 332 (e 24500) (as Me ester) (Derep). lmax
Constit. of sunflower and vanilla. Yel-
lowish powder. 219 (e 14700); 235 (e 10100); 244 (e 10500);
1-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2- D-650 Sun, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2001, 49, 300 (e 13500); 329 (e 17100) (EtOH)
propanone 5161-5164 (isol, pmr, ms) (Derep). lmax 235 ; 290 ; 320 (MeOH)
[2503-44-8] (Berdy).
3,4-Dihydroxyphenylacetone -GD8950000
3-(2,3-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2- D-652
(E )-form [501-16-6]
propenoic acid, 9CI Widespread in plants, free and as
CH2COCH3 [31082-90-3] glycosides. Present in fruits, cereals,
2,3-Dihydroxycinnamic acid. Anthenobilic wine and coffee in free and conjugated
acid forms. Yellow cryst. Mp 223-2258 dec.
pKa1 4.62; pKa2 9.07 (258). Log P 0.82
OH COOH (calc). Forms a monohydrate.
OH Pharmacol. active isomer.
-Mod. allergen.
C9H10O3 166.176 Vinyl ester:Vinyl caffeate
Component of wood smokes, present in OH C11H10O4 206.198
smoked meats. Metabolite of 2-Amino-3- Constit. of Perilla frutescens var. crispa .
(3,4-dihydroxyphenyl)-2-methylpropanoic OH Cryst. Mp 133-1408. lmax 221 (e 17000);
acid and N,a-Dimethyl-3,4-(methylene- 247 (e 13000); 339 (e 22000) (EtOH).
dioxy)phenethylamine. C9H8O4 180.16 [b-D-Apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-

3-(3,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2-...  / 3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2-... D-654  / D-656

glucopyranosyl] ester: Stuart, J.G. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1987, 24, 1589 (j)-form
C20H26O13 474.418 (synth, ir, pmr, deriv)
Bankova, V. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1990, 53, 821
3?-Me ether, 4?-(2-methylpropanoyl), 1-Ac:
Constit. of Salvia officinalis (sage). [142824-99-5] 1?-Acetoxy-4-O-isobutyry-
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 69-718. [a]23 D -21.8 Saha, M.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991, 30, leugenol
(c, 0.15 in MeOH). 3834 (isol, esters) C16H20O5 292.331
4?-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [17093-82-2] IARC Monog. , 1993, 56, 115 (Caffeic acid, rev, Dark yellow oil. Bp0.005 1308. [a]25
D -81
Glucocaffeic acid. Linocaffein tox) (c, 0.7 in CHCl3). lmax 219 (e 7080); 273
C15H18O9 342.302 Mellidis, A.S. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1993, 56, 949 (e 2344) (MeOH) (Berdy).
Isol. from flax (Linum usitatissimum ). (isol, esters)
Wang, M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1999, 62, 454-456 3?-Me ether, 1,4?-bis(2-methylpropanoyl):
Needles (MeOH). Mp 2088 Mp 133- [55249-41-7]
(apiosylglucosyl ester)
1358. [a]25
D -87.3 (MeOH). Some doubt Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of C18H24O5 320.385
about the identity of Linocaffein and Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Oil. Bp0.005 1308.
Glucocaffeic acid in view of the widely Reinhold , 1992, CAK375 3?-Me ether, 4?-(2-methylpropanoyl), 1-(2-
differing Mp’s reported. methylbutanoyl): [120692-49-1]
4?-Me ether: [537-73-5] C19H26O5 334.411
3-(3,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2- D-654
[24276-84-4] 3-(3-Hydroxy-4-methoxyphe- 3?-Me ether, 4?-(2-methylpropanoyl), 1-(3-
nyl)-2-propenoic acid, 9CI. 3-Hydroxy-4-
propenoic acid, 9CI
methylbutanoyl): [120692-50-4]
methoxycinnamic acid. Isoferulic acid. He- [28374-93-8] C19H26O5 334.411
speretic acid. Hesperetinic acid 3,5-Dihydroxycinnamic acid, 8CI Oil. [a]25
D -150 (c, 1 in CHCl3). lmax 218
C10H10O4 194.187 C9H8O4 180.16 (log e 3.9); 273 (log e 3.4) (MeOH).
Used as a food additive; listed in the Isol. from peach buds. Needles (H2O). Mp 3?,4?-Di-Me ether:1-(3,4-Dimethoxyphe-
EAFUS Food Additive Database (Jan 245-2468. nyl)-2-propen-1-ol
2001). Plates. lmax 241 (sh) (e 25100); 291 C11H14O3 194.23
(e 26900); 322 (e 27500) (MeOH) (Derep). 3-Me ether, 5-O-b-D-glucopyranoside, Me
ester:Linusitamarin Pale yellow oil. [a]25
D +1.46 (c, 1 in
-UD3365400 C17H22O9 370.355 MeOH).
4?-Me ether, octacosyl ester: [102607-46-5] Constit. of Linum usitatissimum (flax). Tri-Me ether: [84744-55-8] 1,2-Dimethoxy-
Octacosyl (E)-isoferulate. Erythrinasi- Amorph. powder. 4-(1-methoxy-2-propenyl)benzene. 1,2-
nate A. Erythrinassinate A Di-Me ether: [16909-11-8] 3,5-Dimethoxy- Dimethoxy-4-(1-methoxyallyl)benzene.
C38H66O4 586.937 cinnamic acid 3-(3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)-3-methoxy-1-
Isol. from the stem bark of Erythrina C11H12O4 208.213 propene. Morinin G
glauca (gallito). Cryst. (CH2Cl2/hex- Needles (H2O). Mp 175-1768. pKa1 4.36 C12H16O3 208.257
ane). Mp 75-768. (258). Yellowish oil. [a]25 25
D +6.5. [a]D -1.2 (c,
Di-Me ether: [14737-89-4] 3-(3,4-Di- 1.38 in CHCl3). lmax 243 (log e 3.59);
Di-Me ether, pyrrolidide: [102934-29-2] N- 280 (log e 3.35) (CHCl3).
methoxyphenyl)-2-propenoic acid, 9CI. (3,5-Dimethoxycinnamoyl)pyrrolidine.
3,4-Dimethoxycinnamic acid, 8CI. Di- 3,5-Dimethoxycinnamic acid pyrrolidide [20665-84-3]
methylcaffeic acid C15H19NO3 261.32 Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1968, 101, 3243
Found in kava (Piper methysticum ). (isol, synth)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
FDA advises against use of kava in food 2, 184A (ir) Noro, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988, 36,
due to potential risk of severe liver Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 244-248 (1?-Acetoxyeugenol acetate)
damage (2002). Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp Spectra , 1992, 2, 1057B (nmr) Thron, U. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1989, 44, 7;
180-181.58. Mauthner, F. et al., J. Prakt. Chem. , 1925, 110, 573 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms)
(Z )-form [4361-87-9] 126 (synth) Pistelli, L. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1995, 58, 112
Isocaffeic acid Altree-Williams, S. et al., Aust. J. Plant Physiol. , (tri-Me ether, isol)
1975, 2, 105; CA , 83, 40204 (isol) Fuzzati, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 39, 409
Found in olive oil, peanuts and other (isol, uv, pmr, cmr, ms)
Mukherjee, J. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1975, 13,
plant sources. Ikeda, R. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998, 46,
859 (deriv)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Achenbach, H. et al., Planta Med. , 1986, 52, 875-878 (3?,4?-di-Me ether)
2, 184B; 184D (ir) 12-18 (pyrrolidide) Su, B.N. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1999, 47, 1363-
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Luyengi, L. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1993, 56, 2012 1366 (Morinin G)
Spectra , 1992, 2, 1057C; 1058B (nmr) (Linusitamarin) Mata, R. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2002, 65, 1030-
Hermann, F.X. et al., Pharmazie, 1956, 11, 433 1032 (Cosmos pringlei esters)
Bate-Smith, E.C. et al., Sci. Proc. R. Dublin
Soc. , 1956, 27, 165 (occur)
1-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2- D-655
propen-1-ol 3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2- D-656
Klosterman, H.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1959, 81, 2188
Jizba, J. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. , 1967, [3598-26-3]
32, 2867 (Glucocaffeic acid) OH 4-(3-Hydroxy-1-propenyl)-1,2-benzenediol,
Dewick, P.M. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1968, 673 OH 9CI. Caffeyl alcohol. 3,4-Dihydroxycinna-
(biosynth) 4'
S-form myl alcohol
Swain, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1970, 9, 2115
(biosynth) C9H10O3 166.176
Achenbach, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1971, 104, 1 (E )-config. assumed for derivs. except
1468 (isol, deriv)
OH where (Z )-config. is certain.
Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen
der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn., (E )-form
Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 957 Mp 144-1458.
Bowden, B.F. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1975, 28, 91 C9H10O3 166.176 3?-Me ether, 1-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
(derivs) [65995-51-9] Citrusin D. Isoconiferin
Kelley, C.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 449 (cmr) (S )-form
C16H22O8 342.345
de Silva, S.O. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1979, 57, 3?-Me ether, 1,4?-di-Ac: [52946-23-3] Isol. from Citrus limon (lemon), Citrus
1598 (synth, deriv)
Fomum, Z.T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, [53890-24-7, 108093-85-2] 1?-Acetoxyeugenol unshiu (satsuma mandarin), Fortunella
757 (Erythrinasinate A) acetate japonica (round kumquat) and Pinus
Garcá-Granda, S. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1987, C14H16O5 264.277 sylvestris (Scotch pine). [a]20
D -16.9 (c,
43, 683 (cryst struct) Constit. of Alpinia galanga (greater ga- 4.1 in MeOH). lmax 275 (e 5000)
langal). Oil. [a]20
D -17.8 (c, 0.44 in EtOH). (MeOH).

N -(2,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)pyridinium(1+) 
/ 2,6-Dihydroxy-7,15-pimaradien-... D-657 / D-663

3?-Me ether, 4?-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: Kincl, F.A. et al., J.C.S. , 1956, 4163 (isol, uv, Penta-Ac: [52961-90-7]
[531-29-3] Abietin$. Coniferin. Coni- Eduline) C24H22O10 470.432
feroside. Laricin$ Beyerman, H.C. et al., CA , 1961, 55, 10488b Plates. Mp 1748.
(struct, synth, Eduline)
C16H22O8 342.345 Dreyer, D.L. et al., J.O.C. , 1968, 33, 3577 (isol, 4??-Me ether: [89946-11-2] 5-[2-(3,5-Dihy-
Isol. from Scorzonera hispanica (scor- pmr, Eduline) droxyphenyl)ethenyl]-2-methoxy-1,3-
zonera). Needles + 2H2O. Mp 1858. Boyd, D.R. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1970, 556 (isol, benzenediol. 3,3?,5,5?-Tetrahydroxy-4-
D -66.9 (Py aq.). pmr, ms, Eduline) methoxystilbene
[18604-50-7, 77355-78-3, 81532-11-8, 113349-27- Sato, S. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1999, 36, 1189- C15H14O5 274.273
2, 115330-92-2, 125164-73-0] 1193 (synth, ir, pmr) Isol. from Phoenix dactylifera (date).
Plouvier, V. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Cryst. (MeOH/CHCl3). Mp 165-1688.
Sci. , 1954, 238, 1835 (isol, Coniferin) 4,7-Dihydroxy-2-phenylquino- D-659 Penta-Me ether: [52961-88-3]
Sawabe, A. et al., Nippon Kagaku Kaishi , 1988, line C19H22O5 330.38
62, 1067 (Citrusin D) 7-Hydroxy-2-phenyl-4(1H)-quinolinone. 2- Pale-yellow needles. Mp 134-1358.
Daubresse, N. et al., Synthesis , 1998, 157-161 Phenyl-4,7-quinolinediol (Z )-form [52961-87-2]
(Coniferin, synth)
C15H11NO2 237.257 Pale-brown needles (EtOH aq.). Mp
Mp 200-2018. 128-1308.
N -(2,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)pyri- D-657 NH -form 4??-Me ether: [89946-10-1]
dinium(1+) 7-Me ether, N-Me: [483-51-2] 7-Methoxy- Isol. from Phoenix dactylifera (date).
1-methyl-2-phenyl-4(1H)-quinolinone. Oil.
Eduleine King, F.E. et al., J.C.S. , 1956, 4477 (isol, derivs)
C17H15NO2 265.311 Hathaway, D.E. et al., Biochem. J. , 1962, 83, 80
Alkaloid from Casimiroa edulis (Mex-
Drewes, S.E. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1974, 961
ican apple). Needles (EtOH). Mp 200- (isol, ms, pmr, synth)
N 2018. Fernandez, M.I. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983,
7-Me ether, N-Me, hydrochloride: 22, 2819 (isol)
OH Needles (5% HCl). Mp 248.58 dec.
7-Me ether, N-Me, picrate:
Yellow needles (EtOH). Mp 220-220.58
(191-1928). 3,13-Dihydroxy-1,6,10,14- D-662
C11H10NO2 188.205 phytatetraen-16-oic acid
Isol. from the leaves of Punica granatum Johnstone, R. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1958, 11,
562 (isol, uv, ir, struct, synth) 4,14-Dihydroxy-2,6,10,14-tetramethyl-
(pomegranate). Needles (as chloride). Sondheimer, F. et al., J.O.C. , 1958, 23, 762 (isol, 2,6,10,15-hexadecatetraenoic acid
CAS no. refers to chloride. ir, struct)
Nawwar, M.A.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, HO OH
37, 1175 (isol, uv, pmr, cmr, struct) 3-(3,4-Dihydroxyphenyl)- D-660
4,6-Dihydroxy-2-phenylquino- D-658 dione, 9CI C20H32O4 336.47
line [55692-59-6] (3S,6E ,10E ,13j,14E )-form
[147197-84-0] Cyclovariegatin 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl(1/ 0 2)-D-
6-Hydroxy-2-phenyl-4(1H)-quinolinone. 2- glucopyranoside]: [121924-04-7] Capsia-
Phenyl-4,6-quinolinediol O noside I. Capsianside I
C32H52O14 660.754
O HO OH Constit. of Capsicum annuum var. fas-
OH cuilatum . Powder. [a]23
D -7.6 (c, 0.5 in
Ph Ph O Izumitani, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990,
H 38, 1299-1307 (isol, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)

C15H11NO2 237.257 C18H10O8 354.272

Red powder + 0.9 AcOH (AcOH). Mp The name Cyclovariegatin not used by the
243-2458. original authors. Isol. from sporophores 2,6-Dihydroxy-7,15-pimara- D-663
NH -form of Suillus grevillei (larch bolete). Dark- dien-19-oic acid
red needles. Mp 3008.
O,N-Di-Me: [6878-08-6] 6-Methoxy-1-
methyl-2-phenyl-4(1H)-quinolinone, Edwards, R.L. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1975, 351-
354 (isol, uv, ir, ms)
9CI. Eduline
C17H15NO2 265.311
Alkaloid from seeds of Casimiroa edulis 1-(3,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2- D-661 HO
(Mexican apple). Plates (Me2CO/Et2O). (3,4,5-trihydroxyphenyl)ethylene H
Mp 187-1888. 5-[2-(3,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)ethenyl]-1,2,3-
O,N-Di-Me, perchlorate: benzenetriol, 9CI. 3,3?,4,5,5?-Pentahydrox-
Needles (Me2CO/Et2O). Mp 250-2528. ystilbene HOOC OH
O,N-Di-Me, picrate:
Golden-yellow plates (MeOH). Mp 225- OH C20H30O4 334.455
2278 dec. HO (2b,6b,9bH )-form
OH -form 19/ 0 6 Lactone: [62394-07-4] 2-Hydroxy-
Di-Me ether: [22680-65-5] 4,6-Dimethoxy- OH (E)-form 7,15-pimaradien-19,6-olide. Momilac-
2-phenylquinoline HO tone C
C17H15NO2 265.311 C20H28O3 316.439
Mp 1188. C14H12O5 260.246 Constit. of Oryza sativa (rice). Cryst.
Dziewoński, K. et al., CA , 1935, 29, 1092 (E )-form [35154-48-4] (CHCl3/hexane). Mp 227-2288.
(synth) Prisms (MeOH aq.). Mp 243-2458. Kato, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, 45

/ 3,9-Dihydroxy-2-prenylpterocarpan D-664 / D-670

3,12-Dihydroxy-8(14),15-pi- D-664 15,20-Dihydroxypregn-4-en-3- D-667 Yellow cryst. (Me2CO/hexane). Mp 121-

maradien-2-one one 1228.
8-Me ether: [72963-64-5] 7-Hydroxy-8-
OH HO methoxy-6-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-2H-1-
benzopyran-2-one. 7-Hydroxy-8-meth-
oxy-6-prenylcoumarin. Apigravin
H (15α,20R)-form C15H16O4 260.289
O Isol. from Apium graveolens. Granules.
H OH Mp 167-1698.
O Di-Me ether: [72963-65-6] 7,8-Dimethoxy-
HO H 6-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-2H-1-benzopyr-
C21H32O3 332.482 an-2-one. 7,8-Dimethoxy-6-prenylcou-
C20H30O3 318.455 (15a,20R )-form marin
Constit. of the aglycone from Carthamus C16H18O4 274.316
(ent -3b,12b)-form [119642-82-9]
tinctorius (safflower). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp Mp 93-948.
Yucalexin P17
Constit. of cassava roots (Manihot 132-1348. 7-Me ether, 8-O-(3-methyl-2-butenyl):
esculenta ). 20-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-6-O- [40046-39-7] O-Prenylbrosiparin
Sakai, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 3769 acetyl-b-D-glucopyranoside]: C20H24O4 328.407
C35H54O14 698.803 Oil.
Constit. of Carthamus tinctorius Braz Filho, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, 11,
(safflower). Cryst. Mp 145-1468. [a]18D 3307
+57.9 (c, 0.6 in MeOH). lmax 241 (e Gottlieb, O.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, 11,
3,14-Dihydroxy-7,9(11),15-pi- D-665
15700) (MeOH). 3479
maratriene-2,12-dione (15a,20S )-form Garg, S.K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18,
1580 (Apigravin)
20-O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-4- Raizada, M.B. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
O hydroxy-3-methoxybenzoyl-(/ 0 6)-b-D- 1981, 20, 918 (synth)
glucopyranoside]: [212624-67-4] Mali, R.S. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1994, 251
Moschatine (synth)
O C41H58O15 790.9
OH Gum. lmax 218 (log e 4.3); 246 (log e 5,7-Dihydroxy-6-prenylflava- D-669
4.1); 255 (log e 4.02); 290 (log e 3.97) none
HO (MeOH).
H [72018-32-7]
(15b,20R )-form [55487-66-6]
Cryst. Mp 188-1908. [a]24D +44 (c, 0.8 in
C20H26O4 330.423 butenyl)-2-phenyl-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one,
9CI. 6-Prenylpinocembrin
(ent -3b,14a)-form [119626-52-7] (15b,20S )-form [34783-65-8]
Yucalexin P15 Cryst. (EtOAc/petrol). Mp 210-2128.
Constit. of cassava roots (Manihot [a]18
D +60 (c, 0.4 in CHCl3).
esculenta ). [34783-64-7] O
Sakai, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 3769 HO
Schildknecht, H. et al., Naturwissenschaften ,
1969, 56, 37 (isol)
Palter, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1972, 11, 819 7
(isol, struct)
3,16-Dihydroxypregnan-20- D-666 Holland, H.L. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1975, 53,
one, 9CI 845 (synth) C20H20O4 324.376
Smith, K.E. et al., J. Steroid Biochem. , 1989, 33, (S )-form [55051-77-9]
927 (synth, pmr, 15a,20R-form) Constit. of Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice).
COCH 3 Nagatsu, A. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998,
Cryst. (C6H6). Mp 212-2148.
46, 1044-1047 (6?-acetylcellobioside, cryst
struct) 7-Me ether: [55051-79-1] 5-Hydroxy-7-
H OH Sarker, S.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 48, methoxy-6-prenylflavanone
1039-1043 (Moschatine) C21H22O4 338.402
Cryst. (petrol). Mp 90-928.
7,8-Dihydroxy-6-prenylcou- D-668 [57943-33-6, 59718-54-6]
H marin
Gottlieb, O.R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14,
7,8-Dihydroxy-6-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-2H- 1454; 1674 (isol)
C21H34O3 334.498 1-benzopyran-2-one, 9CI Braz Filho, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14,
(3b,5a,16b)-form [20745-29-3] 261 (isol)
Lycopersiconol Manchanda, V.P. et al., Curr. Sci. , 1976, 45, 322
Isol. from Lycopersicon esculentum (to- (synth)
Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1979, 18,
mato). Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 255-2588 1851; 1980, 19, 873; 1983, 22, 2877 (isol)
(dec.)(202-2048). [a]27
D +51.3 (c, 0.95 in Bohlmann, F. et al., Planta Med. , 1984, 50, 271
MeOH/CHCl3). [a]18 D +58.3 (c, 0.309 in (isol)
CHCl3). HO Batirov, E.K. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1986,
O O 22, 111; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. Transl.) ,
Yoshihara, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, HO
3982 (Lycopersiconol) 1986, 22, 107 (isol)
C14H14O4 246.262
7-Me ether: [34211-17-1] 8-Hydroxy-7- 3,9-Dihydroxy-2-prenylptero- D-670
methoxy-6-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-2H-1- carpan
benzopyran-2-one, 9CI. 8-Hydroxy-7- [53802-77-0]
methoxy-6-prenylcoumarin. Brosiparin. 6a,11a-Dihydro-2-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-
Arnottianol 6H-benzofuro[3,2-c][1]benzopyran-3,9-
C15H16O4 260.289 diol, 9CI. Calopocarpin

3,9-Dihydroxy-4-prenylpterocarpan / 1,2-Dihydroxy-1,2,3-propanetricarboxylic acid, 8CI D-671 / D-675

O OH Perrin, D.R. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1972, 1673 (struct, COOH

H nmr, uv, ms) 1
Burden, R.S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1972, 4175 (isol, H C OH
struct) 2
H Perrin, D.R. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1974, 27, HO C COOH
HO (1R,2S)-form
O 1607 (struct)
Ingham, J.L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19, CH 2COOH
C20H20O4 324.376 1203-1205 (Sandwicensin, activity)
This struct. was prev. given to
Ingham, J.L. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1980, 35, C6H8O8 208.124
384 (Sandwicensin) 9CI numbering starts from the other end
Homoedudiol. Sol. MeOH, EtOAc; Ingham, J.L. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat.
poorly sol. H2O. Mp 1808. lmax 211 ; Prod. , 1983, 43, 1 (rev, occur)
of the chain.
288 (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 211 ; 241 ; McKee, T.C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1997, 60, 431 (1R ,2S )-form [6205-15-8]
300 (MeOH-NaOH) (Berdy). (isol, cmr, Sandwicensin) L-threo-form

3-Me ether:9-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-2-pre- g-Lactone:

nylpterocarpan. 3-O-Methylcalopocar- C6H6O7 190.109
pin. Orientanol B Mp 179-180.58. [a]25D +106.4 (H2O).
C21H22O4 338.402 2,4-Dihydroxy-3-prenyl-6- D-673 (1S,2R )-form [27750-11-4] D-threo-form.
Constit. of Erythrina glauca (gallito). styrylbenzoic acid (+)-allo-form. Hibiscus acid
Amorph. solid. [a]D -235 (c, 0.3 in 2,4-Dihydroxy-3-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-6- [a]D +44 (c, 0.16 in H2O).
CHCl3). lmax 214 (log e 4.59); 230 (sh) (2-phenylethenyl)benzoic acid. 1-Carboxy- g-Lactone:
(log e 4.15); 287 (log e 3.88) (MeOH). 2,4-dihydroxy-3-prenylstilbene [a]25
D +110 (c, 1.37 in H2O).
Ingham, J.L. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1985, 40, (1S,2S )-form [27750-10-3] D-erythro-form.
482 COOH Garcinia acid
McKee, T.C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1997, 60, 431 Ph OH Isol. from Garcinia atroviridis (gelugor),
(3-O-Methylcalopocarpin) Garcinia indica (kokam) and Garcinia
Nkengfack, A.E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, cambogia . [a]25
4 D -20 (H2O).
46, 573-578 (isol, cmr)
Tanaka, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 47, OH a,v-Dibutyl, g-Me ester:1,5-Dibutyl methyl
475-477 (Orientanol B) hydroxycitrate
Yenesew, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 48, C20H20O4 324.376 C15H26O8 334.366
1439-1443 (isol, uv, ir, cd, cmr) Constit. of the fruit of Garcinia atrovir-
(E )-form
idis (gelugor). Cryst. (hexane). [a]D
3,9-Dihydroxy-4-prenylptero- D-671 4-Me ether: [87402-84-4] 2-Hydroxy-4- +150 (c, 0.01 in MeOH). Poss. artifact.
methoxy-3-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-6-(2- Abs. config. not certain lmax 217 (log e
carpan phenylethenyl)benzoic acid. 2-Hydroxy- 2.5) (MeOH).
C20H20O4 324.376 4-methoxy-3-prenyl-6-styrylbenzoic acid
1-O-(4-Hydroxy-E-cinnamoyl): [62345-85-
9-Me ether: [202815-29-0] 3-Hydroxy-9- C21H22O4 338.402
1] 2-O-p-Coumaroylhydroxycitric acid
methoxy-4-prenylpterocarpan. Licoagro- Constit. of Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea).
C15H14O10 354.27
carpin Pale yellow needles (MeOH aq.). Mp
Constit. of Zea mays (sweet corn).
C21H22O4 338.402 150-1658.
Cryst. + 1=2H2O (EtOAc/C6H6). Mp
Isol. from the hairy root cultures of [86660-10-8] 1558 dec. [a]22
D +27 (c, 0.73 in H2O).
Glycyrrhiza glabra (licorice). Powder.
Cooksey, C.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, 1-O-(3,4-Dihydroxy-E-cinnamoyl):
D -78.6 (c, 0.5 in MeOH). lmax 284 2935 [62345-87-3] 2-O-Caffeoylhydroxycitric
(log e 3.87); 290 (sh) (log e 3.71)
C15H14O11 370.269
Asada, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 47, 389- Constit. of Spondias mombin (yellow
392 (isol, uv, ir, cd, pmr, cmr, ms)
4,6-Dihydroxy-3-prenyl-2- D-674 mombin) and Zea mays (sweet corn).
styrylbenzoic acid Cryst. (EtOAc aq.). Mp 1588 dec. [a]D
3,9-Dihydroxy-10-prenylpter- D-672 4,6-Dihydroxy-3-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-2- +40 (H2O).
ocarpan (2-phenylethenyl)benzoic acid. 1-Carboxy- 1-O-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-E-
[37831-70-2] 2,4-dihydroxy-5-prenylstilbene cinnamoyl): [62345-86-2] 2-O-Feruloyl-
6a,11a-Dihydro-10-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)- C20H20O4 324.376 hydroxycitric acid
6H-benzofuro[3,2-c][1]benzopyran-3,9- C16H16O11 384.296
(E )-form
diol, 9CI. Phaseollidin Constit. of Zea mays (sweet corn).
4-Me ether: [87402-83-3] 6-Hydroxy-4- Cryst. (H2O). Mp 1548 dec. [a]22
C20H20O4 324.376 D +25 (c,
methoxy-3-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-2-(2- 1.06 in H2O).
Isol. from kidney bean Phaseolus vulgaris, phenylethenyl)benzoic acid. 6-Hydroxy-
mung bean Phaseolus aureus, rice bean 4-methoxy-3-prenyl-2-styrylbenzoic acid g-Lactone: [27750-13-6]
Phaseolus calcaratus, papadi Dolichos bi- C21H22O4 338.402 Mp 1788. [a]25D +100 (H2O).
florus, and hyacinth bean Lablab niger. Constit. of Cajanus cajan (pigeon pea). g-Lactone, di-Me ester:
Sol. MeOH, Et2O; fairly sol. hexane; Pale yellow needles (MeOH aq.). Mp C8H10O7 218.163
poorly sol. H2O. Mp 67-698. lmax 208 (e 144-1468. [a]25
D +92.1 (c, 0.3 in MeOH).
39800); 237 (sh) (e 19100); 281 (e 7940); g-Lactone, dibutyl ester:
286 (e 8910) (EtOH) (Derep). lmax 230 ; C14H22O7 302.324
248 ; 289 ; 291 (EtOH-NaOH) (Berdy). Cooksey, C.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, Constit. of the fruit of Garcinia
9-Me ether: [74515-46-1] 3-Hydroxy-9- atroviridis (gelugor). Yellow oil. [a]D -60
methoxy-10-prenylpterocarpan. Sandwi- (c, 0.02 in MeOH). Abs. config. not
censin certain lmax 220 (log e 2.5) (MeOH).
C21H22O4 338.402 (1RS,2RS )-form (/9)-erythro-form
[a]D -190 (c, ca. 0.02 in MeOH). lmax 1,2-Dihydroxy-1,2,3-propane- D-675
214 (e 37100); 281 (e 5890); 287 (e 630) tricarboxylic acid, 8CI Cryst. (Et2O). Mp 1758.
(MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 212 ; 252 ; 290 [6205-14-7] Lewis, Y.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1965, 4, 619
(EtOH-NaOH) (Berdy). 3-C-Carboxy-2-deoxypentaric acid, 9CI. (isol)
Scheffer, T.C. et al., Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. , Hydroxycitric acid Boll, P.M. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1969, 23,
1966, 4, 147 (rev) 286 (synth)

2,3-Dihydroxypropanoic acid, 9CI / 3,9-Dihydroxypterocarpan D-676 / D-679

Glusker, J.P. et al., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. , 5-(2,4-Dihydroxy-6-methylbenzoyl): 3930) (MeOH) (Berdy).
1969, 13, 573 (cryst struct, abs config) [82869-08-7] Melleolide Midland, S.L. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1982, 2515 (isol,
Brandange, S. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. B , C23H28O6 400.471 cryst struct)
1977, 31, 307 (synth) Junshan, Y. et al., Planta Med. , 1984, 50, 288
Ozawa, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1977, 41,
Isol. from Armillaria mellea (honey
mushroom). Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Sol. (isol)
359 (isol esters) Yang, J. et al., Planta Med. , 1984, 50, 288
Perry, C.W. et al., Synthesis , 1977, 492 (resoln) MeOH, CHCl3; poorly sol. H2O, hex-
Corthout, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, ane. Mp 198-2008. [a]D +183.3 (c, 0.93
Donnelly, D.M.X. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1985, 48,
1979 (caffeoyl ester) in CHCl3). lmax 218 (e 37000); 240 (e 10; 1986, 49, 111 (4-O-Methylmelleolide)
Jena, B.S. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2002, 50, 22000); 313 (e 24000) (MeOH/NaOH) Arnone, A. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1988, 118,
10-22 (rev, chem, biochem) (Derep). lmax 218 (e 31000); 267 (e 517 (bibl)
Mackeen, M.M. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 2002, 16500); 305 (e 6700) (MeOH) (Derep). Hayek, E.W.H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,
57, 291-295 (dibutyl Me ester)
lmax 218 (e 31000); 267 (e 16500); 305 (e 2229 (rev)
6700) (MeOH) (Berdy). lmax 218 (e Donnelly, D.M.X. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990,
2,3-Dihydroxypropanoic acid, D-676 37000); 240 (e 27000); 313 (e 24000) 29, 179 (derivs)
Obuchi, T. et al., Planta Med. , 1990, 56, 198
9CI (MeOH-NaOH) (Berdy).
(Armillaric acid)
[473-81-4] 5-(2-Hydroxy-4-methoxy-6- Wunder, A. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1996, 51,
Glyceric acid. Glyceronic acid methylbenzoyl): [83329-14-0] Armillarin 493 (Lentinellone)
C24H30O6 414.497 Momose, I. et al., J. Antibiot. , 2000, 53, 137-143
Isol. from Armillaria mellea (honey (Melleolide K)
COOH Cremin, P. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 2325-2329 (iso,
mushroom). Cryst. Mp 1228. [a]30 D +228
H C OH (R)-form (c, 0.49 in CHCl3).
CH 2OH methylbenzoyl): [96684-80-9] Armillari- 5,9-Dihydroxy-7-protoilluden- D-678
din 14-al
C3H6O4 106.078 C24H29ClO6 448.942
(R )-form [6000-40-4] From Armillaria mellea (honey mush- OH
D-form room). Needles (Et2O/petrol). Mp 132- OHC
Isol. from various plants, e.g. Vicia faba 1348. [a]18
D +151 (c, 0.23 in CHCl3).
and cress. Thick gum. Dec. on dist. 5-(3-Chloro-4,6-dihydroxy-2-methylben- H
Laevorotatory. zoyl):Melleolide K H
(j)-form HO
C23H27ClO6 434.915
2-O-(E-p-Hydroxycinnamoyl): [154639- Isol. from Armillariella mellea (honey
C15H22O3 250.337
28-8] mushroom). Powder. Mp 71-748. [a]D
C12H12O6 252.223 +121.9 (c, 1 in MeOH). lmax 219 (log e (5b,9b)-form
Constit. of Eleusine coracana (finger 4.39); 262 (log e 3.93); 310 (log e 3.66) 5-(2,4-Dihydroxy-6-methylbenzoyl):
millet). [a]24
D -55 (c, 1.5 in MeOH). (MeOH). [135247-96-0] Armillaritin
2-O-(Z-p-Hydroxycinnamoyl): [154639- 6-Me ether, 5-(2,4-dihydroxy-6- C23H28O6 400.471
27-7] methylbenzoyl): [96627-13-3] 4-O- Metab. of Armillaria mellea (honey
C12H12O6 252.223 Methylmelleolide mushroom). Gum. [a]D +136.5 (c, 0.52
Constit. of Eleusine coracana (finger C24H30O6 414.497 in CHCl3).
millet). [a]24
D +70 (c, 1.5 in MeOH). From Armillaria mellea (honey mush- 5-(2-Hydroxy-4-methoxy-6-
Config. not confirmed. room). Prisms (EtOAc/hexane). Sol. methylbenzoyl): [129741-56-6] Armillar-
MeOH, Et2O; poorly sol. H2O, hexane. ipin
Mp 189-1918. [a]21D +71 (c, 0.31 in C24H30O6 414.497
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR CHCl3). lmax 215 (e 32000); 262 (e Constit. of Armillaria mellea (honey
Spectra , 1992, 1, 855C (nmr) mushroom). Mp 202-2048. [a]15
16800); 299 (e 6405) (MeOH) (Berdy). D +130 (c,
Karrer, P. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1924, 7, 931
6-Me ether, 5-(3-chloro-6-hydroxy-4- 0.05 in CHCl3).
Sallach, et al., J.A.C.S. , 1952, 74, 2415 (synth, methoxy-2-methylbenzoyl): [126006-70- Yang, J.S. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1990, 25, 353
bibl) 0] 6-O-Methylarmillaridin. 4-O-Methy- Yang, J.S. et al., Yaoxue Xuebao , 1991, 26, 117;
Isherwood, F.A. et al., Biochem. J. , 1954, 56, 15 CA , 115, 89082s
(isol) C25H31ClO6 462.969
Ballou, C.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1954, 76, 3188- 3,9-Dihydroxypterocarpan D-679
Metab. of Armillaria mellea (honey
3193 (R-form, 3-phosphate)
mushroom). Cryst. (EtOAc/hexane). 6a,11a-Dihydro-6H-benzofuro[3,2-
Ashworth, J.M. et al., J.C.S. , 1963, 2563
Biochem. Prep. , 1966, 11, 50 (synth) Sol. MeOH, hexane; poorly sol. H2O. c][1]benzopyran-3,9-diol, 9CI. Demethyl-
Barton, D.H.R. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1967, 128 Mp 132-1368. [a]21D +74 (c, 0.2 in medicarpin
(synth) MeOH). lmax 261 (e 29030); 310 (e
Kim, C.-S. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. , 20179) (MeOH) (Berdy). O OH
1994, 58, 380 (2-hydroxycinnamates) H
5-Ketone, 14-alcohol: [181644-53-1] 6,14-
Popek, T. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1996, 52, 2716
(cryst struct, salts) Dihydroxy-7-protoilluden-5-one. Lenti- (6aR,11aR)-form
nellone 3
C15H22O3 250.337
5,6-Dihydroxy-7-protoilluden- D-677 Oil. [a]23
D +286 (c, 0.36 in CHCl3). lmax
14-al 208 (e 3600); 310 (e 195) (MeOH) C15H12O4 256.257
(Berdy). lmax 211 ; 284 (EtOH) (Berdy). lmax 215 ;
248 ; 297 (EtOH/NaOH) (Berdy).
H 14-Carboxylic acid, 5-(2,4-dihydroxy-6-
OHC methylbenzoyl): [129251-06-5] Armilla- (6aR ,11aR )-form [61135-91-9]
ric acid Pale yellow amorph. powder. lmax 282
HO 6 1 C23H28O7 416.47 (sh) ; 286 (MeOH).
5 Isol. from Armillaria mellea (honey 3-Me ether: [74560-05-7] 9-Hydroxy-3-
HO H methoxypterocarpan. Isomedicarpin
mushroom). Brown powder. Sol.
MeOH, EtOAc; poorly sol. H2O. lmax C16H14O4 270.284
C15H22O3 250.337 222 (e 25200); 266 (e 15198); 302 (e Constit. of Psophocarpus tetragonolobus
(5b,6a)-form (winged bean). Cryst. Mp 1068. [a]18
D -

2,6-Dihydroxy-4-pyrimidinecarboxylic acid / 3,6-Dihydroxyspirostane-2,12-... D-680 
/ D-686

201 (CHCl3). lmax 283 (sh) (log e 3.78); 2,6-Dihydroxy-4-quinolinecar- D-681 C11H9NO4 219.196
286 (log e 3.82); 292 (sh) (log e 3.63) boxylic acid Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 298-3008 dec. (294-
(EtOH) (Berdy). [4363-99-9] 2958 dec.).
[70144-19-3, 129262-45-9] 1,2-Dihydro-6-hydroxy-2-oxo-4-quinoline- [3778-29-8, 52980-07-1]
Preston, N.W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, carboxylic acid. 2,6-Dihydroxycinchoninic Macnicol, P.K. et al., Biochem. J. , 1968, 107,
2044-2045 (Isomedicarpin) acid. b-Acid 473 (isol, struct, synth, ir, pmr, uv, occur)
Ingham, J.L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19, Hall, C.M. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1974, 17, 685
1203-1207 (Isomedicarpin) COOH COOH (synth, 6-Methoxykynurenic acid)
Ingham, J.L. et al., Prog. Chem. Org. Nat. HO HO Mendez, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14, 1136
Prod. , 1983, 43, 1-266 (rev, occur) (isol)
N OH N O Schennen, A. et al., Planta Med. , 1986, 235
(isol, cmr)
Starratt, A.N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 42,
1477 (isol, 6-Methoxykynurenic acid)
2,6-Dihydroxy-4-pyrimidine- D-680 C10H7NO4 205.17
carboxylic acid Mp 3268 (browns at 3008).
Me ester: [66416-75-9]
5,11-Dihydroxy-8(14),15-ro- D-684
1,2,3,6-Tetrahydro-2,6-dioxo-4-pyrimidine- C11H9NO4 219.196 sadien-7-one
carboxylic acid, 9CI. Orotic acid, BAN, Alkaloid from the aleurone layer of rice
INN. Uracil-6-carboxylic acid. Vitamin Oryza sativa cv. heugjinmi . Pale yellow HO
B13. Whey factor. Many other names needles. Mp >3208 lmax 242 (log e 4.8);
280 (log e 4.4); 382 (log e 4.2) (MeOH).
COOH COOH Sahashi, Y. et al., Biochem. Z. , 1927, 189, 208
Makino, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1944,
N 3 NH
19, 95 O
Chung, H.S. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2001, 64, OH
O 1579-1580 (Me ester, isol)
H C20H30O3 318.455
2,8-Dihydroxy-4-quinolinecar- D-682 (5b,11b)-form [62574-18-9]
C5H4N2O4 156.098 Ineketone
boxylic acid
Intermediate tautomers also possible. Isol. from Oryza sativa (rice). Cryst.
Exists as the dioxo tautomer in the [30536-55-1] (EtOH/hexane). Mp 206-2098.
cryst. state. Occurs in milk and other Kato, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, 45
carboxylic acid. 2,8-Dihydroxycinchoninic
biol. systems. Salts used as dietary and
acid. 8-Hydroxy-2(1H)-quinolinone-4-car-
mineral supplements. Cryst. + 1H2O
(H2O). Mp 322-3258 Mp 345-3468. pKa1
boxylic acid. Zeanic acid 2,12-Dihydroxyspirosta-4,7- D-685
1.8; pKa2 9.55 (258). Log P -0.75 (calc). C10H7NO4 205.17 dien-3-one
-LD50 (mus, orl) 2000 mg/kg. RM3180000 Isol. from corn steep liquor. Needles
[154-85-8, 5266-20-6, 22454-86-0, 24598-73-0, (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 3408 dec. O
50887-69-9] O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [113202-67-8]
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Zeanoside B O
2, 834A (ir) C16H17NO9 367.312 HO
Sadtler Standard C-13 NMR Spectra , 16598 Isol. from immature corn kernels (Zea
(cmr) mays ) (Gramineae). Sl. yellow needles.
Nyc, J.F. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1947, 69, 1382 (synth)
Mp 297-3028. [a]23
D -69.4 (c, 0.1 in O
Deghenghi, R. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1960, 38,
1255 (synth) NH4OH).
Kokko, J.P. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1962, 84, 1042 (pmr) Me ether: [37749-17-0] 1,2-Dihydro-8- C27H38O5 442.594
Rambacher, P. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , methoxy-2-oxo-4-quinolinecarboxylic (2b,12a,25R )-form [197080-19-6]
1968, 7, 383 (synth) acid. 2-Hydroxy-8-methoxy-4-quinoline- Muzanzagenin
Takusagawa, F. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , carboxylic acid Constit. of the wild asparagus (Aspar-
1973, 46, 2011 (cryst struct) agus africanus ). Pale yellow needles
C11H9NO4 219.196
Ivin, B.A. et al., Zh. Org. Khim. , 1976, 12, 1836;
Mp 3108 dec. (MeOH aq.). Mp 2308. [a]21 D -99.9 (c, 0.8
J. Org. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.) , 1976,
12, 1802 (synth) Matsushima, M. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , in MeOH). lmax 237 (log e 4.18)
Walther, H. et al., Pharmazie, 1979, 34, 309 1970, 34, 1430 (MeOH).
(pharmacol) Fukumi, H. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1974, 94, Oketch-Rabah, H.A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1997,
Cihak, A. et al., Orotic Acid , MTP: Lancaster, 768 60, 1017-1022 (isol, pmr, cmr, cryst struct)
U.K., 1980, (book) Tateishi, K. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1987, 51,
Falk, M. et al., Pharmazie , 1985, 40, 377 (rev, 3445 (Zeanoside B)
props) Shibata, H. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1989, 53, 3,6-Dihydroxyspirostane-2,12- D-686
Ullmann’s Encycl. Ind. Chem. , 5th Ed., VCH, 849; 2545 (Zeanoside B) dione
Weinheim, 1985, A12, 156 (synth)
Negwer, M. et al., Organic-Chemical Drugs and 4,6-Dihydroxy-2-quinolinecar- D-683
their Synonyms, 6th edn., Akademie-Verlag , O
boxylic acid O
1987, 261
Mirzoyan, V.S. et al., Khim. Geterotsikl. 1,4-Dihydro-6-hydroxy-4-oxo-2-quinoline-
Soedin. , 1990, 520; Chem. Heterocycl. carboxylic acid, 9CI. 6-Hydroxykynurenic O
Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , 1990, 446 (ms) acid O
Párkányi, C. et al., Struct. Chem. , 1992, 3, 277 C10H7NO4 205.17
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
Alkaloid from Ginkgo biloba (ginkgo). Mp
2878 dec. HO
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1396 H
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of OH
6-Me ether: [52980-06-0] 1,4-Dihydro-6-
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand methoxy-4-oxo-2-quinolinecarboxylic
Reinhold , 1992, OJV500
acid. 4-Hydroxy-6-methoxy-2-quinoline- C27H40O6 460.609
carboxylic acid. 6-Methoxykynurenic (3b,5a,6b,25R )-form
acid 3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D-

3,6-Dihydroxyspirostan-2-one / 3,5-Dihydroxystilbene D-687 / D-692

xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- 3,24-Dihydroxyspirostan-6- D-689 O

glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D- one 5 OH
galactopyranoside]: [289690-77-3] 11 12
C50H78O25 1079.151 H CH2OH
Constit. of Allium porrum (leeks). [a]25
D - O OH
13 (c, 0.003 in MeOH). C15H24O3 252.353
Fattorusso, E. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , (4R ,5S,7R ,11R )-form
2000, 48, 3455-3462 (isol, pmr, cmr) O
H Constit. of potato tubers infected with
Phoma foveata and Fusarium spp.. [a]D -
72 (c, 0.4 in MeOH). lmax 242 (MeOH).
3,6-Dihydroxyspirostan-2-one D-687 (4R ,5S,7R ,11S )-form
HO Constit. of potato tubers infected with
O Phoma foveata and Fusarium spp.. [a]D -
O 120 (c, 0.9 in MeOH). lmax 242 (MeOH).
C27H42O5 446.626 11-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside:
O (3b,24S,25R )-form C21H34O8 414.495
H Constit. of potato tubers infected with
O 3-O-[a-L-Arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
glucopyranoside], 24-O-b-D- Phoma foveata and Fusarium spp.. [a]D
glucopyranoside: [200483-13-2] Chineno- -84 (c, 0.5 in MeOH). lmax 242
HO side VI (MeOH).
OH C44H70O19 903.026 (4R ,5S,7R ,11j)-form
Constit. of Allium chinense (rakkyo). Constit. of potatoes infected with Phoma
C27H42O5 446.626 Amorph. powder. Mp 219-2218. exigua . Amorph. [a]23
D -55 (c, 0.1 in

Jiang, Y. et al., Chin. Chem. Lett. , 1997, 8, 965- EtOH). lmax 242 (EtOH).
(3b,5a,6b,25R )-form [196607-73-5]
Porrigenin B 966 (isol, pmr, cmr) 12-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [62574-29-2]
Constit. of Allium porrum (leeks).
Jiang, Y. et al., Stud. Plant Sci. , 1999, 6, 212- C21H34O8 414.495
219 (isol, pmr, cmr) Isol. from potatoes infected with Phoma
Powder. [a]25
D -28 (c, 0.03 in CHCl3/
MeOH). exigua . Amorph. [a]23
D -75.7 (c, 0.1 in

(3b,5a,6b,25S )-form [196607-74-6] EtOH). Obt. as a mixture of

Neoporrigenin B 2,3-Dihydroxy-11-spiroveti- D-690 diastereoisomers.
Constit. of Allium porrum (leeks). ven-14-al [62623-86-3, 62623-87-4, 65634-25-5, 76648-57-
Powder. [a]25
D -42 (c, 0.003 in CHCl3/ [55784-90-2] 2]
MeOH). Oxylubimin. 4-Hydroxylubimin Anderson, R.C. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1977, 27-
Carotenuto, A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1997, 60, 28 (isol, abs config, cmr)
1003-1007 (isol, pmr, cmr) HO CHO Malmberg, A.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980,
19, 1739-1742 (isol)
Afzal, M. et al., Heterocycles , 1986, 24, 2943-
2961 (pmr, cmr)
3,6-Dihydroxyspirostan-12- D-688 Engström, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 47,
one 985-990 (isol, pmr, cmr)
C15H24O3 252.353 3,5-Dihydroxystilbene D-692
H O Isol. from potato tubers infected with [102-61-4]
(3β,5α,6β,25R)-form Phytophthora infestans. Cryst. Mp 96-988 5-(2-Phenylethenyl)-1,3-benzenediol, 9CI.
(85-868). [a]32
D +55 (c, 0.5 in EtOH). 1-(3,5-Dihydroxyphenyl)-2-phenylethylene.
OH 10-Epimer: [69350-60-3] Epioxylubimin 5-Styrylresorcinol. 3,5-Stilbenediol. Pino-
C15H24O3 252.353 sylvin
C27H42O5 446.626 Isol. from potato tubers infected with
(3b,5a,6b,25R )-form [189014-45-7] Phytophthora infestans. Cryst. (diiso- OH
12-Ketoporrigenin propyl ether). Sol. H2O; poorly sol.
Constit. of Allium porrum (leek). [a]25
D -
MeOH, hexane. Mp 123-1248. [a]D -12.1
13 (c, 0.03 in CHCl3). (CHCl3). OH
3-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-[b-D- Birnbaum, G.I. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1976, 330
xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 3)]-b-D- (biosynth)
Matsunaga, A. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , Ph
glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D- 1977, 50, 1217 (struct)
galactopyranoside]: [289690-76-2] Birnbaum, G.I. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1977, 55, C14H12O2 212.248
C50H80O24 1065.168 1619 (cryst struct) (E )-form [22139-77-1]
Constit. of Allium porrum (leek). [a]25
D - Stoessl, A. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1978, 56, 645 Needles (AcOH). Sol. EtOH, Me2CO,
13 (c, 0.003 in MeOH). (biosynth) Et2O; fairly sol. H2O. Mp 1608 (155.5-
Diketone: [214681-60-4] Spirostane-3,6,12- Katsui, N. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1982, 1568). Log P 3.1 (calc). lmax 305 (e
55, 2424 (Epilubimin)
trione Murai, A. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1984,
30900) (MeOH) (Berdy).
C27H38O5 442.594 57, 2286; 2291 (synth) -LD50 (mus, ipr) 20 mg/kg ; LD50 (mus, ipr)
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 267-2698. Iwata, C. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990, 38, 20 mg/kg. WJ5580000
(3b,5a,6b,25S )-form [189007-91-8] 361 (synth) Di-Ac:
Constit. of Allium porrum (leek). [a]25
D - C18H16O4 296.322
31 (c, 0.003 in CHCl3). Mp 100-1018.
Carotenuto, A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1997, 53, 11,12-Dihydroxy-1(10)-spiro- D-691 Mono-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [119600-62-
3401-3406 (isol, pmr, cmr) vetiven-2-one 3]
Xu, Y.X. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49, 199-
201 (trione) [62574-30-5] C20H22O7 374.39
Fattorusso, E. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2-(1,2-Dihydroxy-1-methylethyl)-6,10-di- Di-O-b-D-glucopyranoside: [156302-22-6]
2000, 48, 3455-3462 (Allium porrum constit) methylspiro[4.5]dec-6-en-8-one, 9CI Pinosylvin diglucoside

2,3-Dihydroxy-14-taraxeren-... / 7,20-Dihydroxy-3,11,15,23-... D-693 / D-697

C26H32O12 536.532 3?,5-Dihydroxy-3,4?,6,7-tetra- D-694 Ohno, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20, 2393
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 178-1808 (syn- methoxyflavone (isol)
thetic). [a]D -82.7 (c, 0.1 in Me2CO aq.) Zakharova, O.I. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. ,
[479-91-4] 1982, 18, 652; 1983, 19, 645; Chem. Nat.
(synthetic). 5-Hydroxy-2-(3-hydroxy-4-methoxyphe- Compd. (Engl. Transl.) , 1982, 18, 619; 1983,
Mono-Me ether: [5150-38-9] 3-Methoxy-5- nyl)-3,6,7-trimethoxy-4H-benzopyran-4- 19, 611 (isol)
(2-phenylethenyl)phenol, 9CI. 3-Hydro- one, 9CI. Casticin. Vitexicarpin Herz, W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, 2021
xy-5-methoxystilbene. 5-Methoxy-3-stil- (isol)
benol Voirin, B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, 2107
C15H14O2 226.274
O (uv)
OH Schilling, E. et al., Biochem. Syst. Ecol. , 1985,
Cryst. Mp 122-1238. MeO OMe 13, 403 (isol)
Di-Me ether: [21956-56-9] Chen, J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1998, 46,
C16H16O2 240.301 MeO O OH 1235-1238 (isol, uv, pmr, cmr, ms)
Isol. from wood of Pinus palustris (pitch
pine). Prisms (MeOH). Sol. MeOH, OMe
C6H6; fairly sol. hexane; poorly sol.
H2O. Mp 56-578. lmax 305 (e 24550) C19H18O8 374.346 7,12-Dihydroxy-3,11,15,23- D-696
(MeOH) (Berdy). Originally thought to be 3,5-Dihydroxy-
(Z )-form [106325-78-4] 3?,4?,7,8-tetramethoxyflavone. Struct. acid
Mono-Me ether: revised in 1989. Constit. of Vitex agnus-
Gum. castus (agnus castus) seeds. Prisms O
Di-Me ether: [21956-55-8] (C6H6/petrol). Mp 186-1878. lmax 233
Bp0.02 1238. (sh) (e 11500); 268 (e 14800); 335 (e COOH
6760); 375 (e 5750) (MeOH/NaOH) OH
Erdtman, H. et al., Annalen , 1939, 539, 116
(isol, struct) (Derep). lmax 257 (e 10200); 267 (sh) (e O
Cox, R.F.B. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1940, 62, 3512 (isol, 8710); 347 (e 11000) (MeOH) (Derep).
struct) 3?-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [71827-14-0]
Liebherr, E. et al., Ber. , 1941, 74, 869 (synth)
Erdtman, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1966, 5, 927
C25H28O13 536.488 O
(isol) Pale yellow needles (MeOH aq.). Mp
Rowe, J.W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1969, 8, 235
(isol, derivs)
Belič, I. et al., J.C.S. , 1961, 2523
Bachelor, F.W. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1970, 48, Hörhammer, L. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1964, 323
1554 (synth) (struct) C30H40O8 528.641
Cardona, L. et al., Tetrahedron , 1986, 42, 2725 Hansel, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1965, 4, 19 (7b,12b,20(22)E )-form [110241-23-1]
(synth, pmr, cmr) (isol) Ganoderenic acid E
Miyaichi, Y. et al., CA , 1989, 110, 141364y Djermanović, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, Constit. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi).
(monoglucoside) 14, 1873 (isol, uv, ms, pmr) Cryst. (EtOAc/MeOH) (as Me ester).
Zhang, J.-Z. et al., Planta Med. , 1994, 60, 190 Rodriguez, E. et al., Biochem. Syst. Ecol. , 1977,
Mp 227-2298 (Me ester).
5, 207 (isol)
Iinuma, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1980, 28, Nishitoba, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26,
708 (cmr) 1777
Collins, F.W. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1981, 36,
2,3-Dihydroxy-14-taraxeren- D-693 730 (uv, pmr, ms, glycoside)
Voirin, B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, 2107
28-oic acid (uv) 7,20-Dihydroxy-3,11,15,23- D-697
2,3-Dihydroxy-D-friedoolean-14-en-28-oic Esteban, M.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25,
acid, 9CI
tetraoxolanost-8-en-26-oic acid
1502 (isol)
The Flavonoids: Advances in Research since
1980 , (Ed. Harborne, J.B.), Chapman and HO COOH
Hall, London, 1988,
Horie, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, 2869 O O
(isol, struct)
You, K.M. et al., Planta Med. , 1998, 64, 546-
H COOH 550 (activity)
HO Ragasa, C. et al., Philipp. J. Sci. , 1999, 128, 21-
29 (isol, activity) O OH
Ko, W.G. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , 2000, 38,
HO 861-865 (activity)
C30H42O8 530.657
(7b,20j)-form [110241-19-5]
C30H48O4 472.707 Ganoderic acid N
5,7-Dihydroxy-3?,4?,6,8-tetra- D-695
(2a,3b)-form [94390-09-7] Constit. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi).
methoxyflavone Cryst. (EtOAc/cyclohexane) (as Me
Sebiferenic acid. 2a-Hydroxymaprounic
acid. 2a-Hydroxyaleuritolic acid [56003-01-1] ester). Mp 164-1678 (Me ester). [a]24
Constit. of Sapium sebiferum (Chinese 2-(3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy- +153 (c, 0.2 in MeOH) (Me ester).
tallowtree). Cryst. Mp 297-2998 Mp 6,8-dimethoxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one, 7-Ketone: [110241-21-9] Ganoderic acid
3258 dec. [a]D +25 (c, 0.18 in Py). [a]D 9CI. Hymenoxin O$. 20j-Hydroxy-3,7,11,15,23-pentaox-
+32 (CHCl3). C19H18O8 374.346 olanost-8-en-26-oic acid
Wani, M.C. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1983, 46, 537 Isol. from Mentha piperita (peppermint). C30H40O8 528.641
(isol) Yellow cryst. (MeOH). Mp 215-2168. lmax Constit. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi).
Pradhan, B.P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1984, 23, 281 (e 17400); 340 (e 20300) (MeOH) Pale yellow needles (Et2O/hexane) (as
2593 (Berdy). lmax 253 ; 378 (MeOH/NaOH) Me ester). Mp 168-1718 (Me ester). Not
McPhail, A.T. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1989, 52, 212
(Berdy). the same as Ganoderic acid O in
Pengsuparp, T. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1994, 57, Thomas, M.B. et al., J.O.C. , 1967, 32, 3254 3,7,15,22-Tetrahydroxylanosta-8,24-
415 (isol) (isol, synth, uv, ir, pmr) dien-26-oic acid, T-228.
Chaudhuri, S.K. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1995, 58, 1 Waddell, T.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1973, 12, Nishitoba, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26,
(isol, pmr, cmr) 2061 (isol, pmr, ms) 1777

15,19-Dihydroxy-7-trachylobanone  / 2,5-Dihydroxy-3-undecyl-1,4-... D-698  / D-705

15,19-Dihydroxy-7-trachylo- D-698 3,20-Dihydroxy-7,11,15-triox- D-700 Koyama, K. et al., Planta Med. , 1997, 63, 224-
banone olanosta-8,24-dien-26-oic acid 227 (activity)
Lee, S. et al., Planta Med. , 1998, 64, 303-308
5,7-Dihydroxy-2-tritriacontyl- D-703
OH 4H -1-benzopyran-4-one
H 5,7-Dihydroxy-2-tritriacontylchromone
C20H30O3 318.455 C30H42O7 514.658
(ent -15b)-form [137648-01-2] HO (CH 2)32CH 3
(3b,20j,24E )-form [150033-91-3] O
Constit. of Helianthus annuus Ganoderic acid V1
(sunflower). Metab. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi). C42H72O4 641.028
Alfatafta, A.A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, Cryst. Mp 234-234.58. [a]21
D +100 (c, 7-Me ether: [144049-68-3] 5-Hydroxy-7-
4109 (isol, pmr, cmr) 0.12 in CHCl3). methoxy-2-tritriacontyl-4H-1-benzopyr-
Hirotani, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 33, an-4-one, 9CI. 5-Hydroxy-7-methoxy-2-
379 (isol, pmr, cmr) tritriacontylchromone
C43H74O4 655.055
5,7-Dihydroxy-3?,4?,6-tri- D-699 3,7-Dihydroxy-11,15,23-triox- D-701 Constit. of the famine food Agave
methoxyflavone olanost-8-en-26-oic acid americana . Needles (CHCl3/petrol). Mp
[22368-21-4] 838. lmax 251 (MeOH) (Berdy).
2-(3,4-Dimethoxyphenyl)-5,7-dihydroxy-6- Parmer, V.S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1992, 48, 1281
methoxy-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one, 9CI. Eu-
patilin O O COOH 2,3-Dihydroxy-5-undecyl-1,4- D-704
OH [145040-57-9]
MeO O 2,3-Dihydroxy-5-undecyl-2,5-cyclohexa-
HO OH diene-1,4-dione, 9CI. Myrsinone
C30H44O7 516.673 O
OMe (3b,7b)-form [81907-61-1] OH
Ganoderic acid B
C18H16O7 344.32 Constit. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi). H 3C(H 2C)10 OH
Not to be confused with Eupalitin. Isol. Amorph. powder. Sol. MeOH, bases,
from Tanacetum vulgare (tansy). Cryst. CHCl3; poorly sol. H2O, hexane. O
(EtOAc). Mp 241-2428 (234-2368). lmax
Me ester:
243 (e 20500); 277 (e 17000); 340 (e Cryst. (EtOAc). Mp 202.5-2038. C17H26O4 294.39
26300) (EtOH) (Berdy). Constit. of Myrsine africana (cape myrtle).
Kubota, T. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1982, 65,
-Cytotoxic. Orange-red cryst. (CH2Cl2/hexane). Mp
Di-Ac: Kohda, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1985, 33, 120-1228.
Cryst. (C6H6/petrol); needles (MeOH). 1367-1374 (isol) Midiwo, J.O. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Ethiop. ,
Mp 154-1558 Mp 165-1678 Mp 220- Koyama, I.K. et al., Planta Med. , 1997, 63, 224- 1992, 6, 15 (isol, pmr, cmr)
2218. 227 (activity)
Kupchan, S.M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1969, 25,
1603 (isol, struct)
2,5-Dihydroxy-3-undecyl-1,4- D-705
7,15-Dihydroxy-3,11,23-triox- D-702
Horie, T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1971, 44, benzoquinone
olanost-8-en-26-oic acid
3198 (synth) [550-24-3]
Wagner, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1974, 107, 1049 2,5-Dihydroxy-3-undecyl-2,5-cyclohexa-
diene-1,4-dione, 9CI. Embelin. Embelic
Midge, M.D. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1975, 13,
O O COOH acid. Embeliaquinone
541 (synth)
Goudard, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17,
145 (ms) O
Gupta, S.R. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , OH (7β,15α)-form
1979, 17, 37 (synth) O OH OH
Voirin, B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, 2107
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Horie, T. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1985, 105, C30H44O7 516.673
232 (synth) O
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Nakasugi, T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2000,
48, 3256-3266 (activity) Ganoderic acid A
Constit. of Ganoderma lucidum (reishi). C17H26O4 294.39
Amorph. powder. Sol. MeOH, bases, Orange cryst. (MeOH or hexane/EtOH).
CHCl3; poorly sol. H2O, hexane, acids. Insol. H2O. Mp 145-1468. Log P 5.14
[a]27 (calc). lmax 292 (e 16200); 424 (e 280) (95%
D +153.8 (c, 0.156 in CHCl3).
EtOH) (Derep). lmax 292 (e 17400); 426 (e
Me ester:
340) (MeOH) (Berdy).
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 196-1978.
-Exp. reprod. effects (male and female).
Kubota, T. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1982, 65,
Hirotani, U. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, Di-Ac:
2055-2061 (isol) C21H30O6 378.464

2,3-Dihydroxy-12,18-ursadien-... / 2,3-Dihydroxy-12-ursen-28-... D-706 / D-710

Yellow cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 548 Mp Younes, M.E. et al., Egypt. J. Chem. , 1999, 42, 2,3-Dihydroxy-12-ursen-24- D-709
598. 573-586; CA , 133, 28459v (di-Ac) oic acid
5-Me ether: [56005-10-8] 2-Hydroxy-5-
methoxy-3-undecyl-1,4-benzoquinone. 5-
C18H28O4 308.417 3,23-Dihydroxy-12,19(29)-ur- D-707
Constit. of Myrsine africana (cape sadien-28-oic acid
myrtle). Orange cryst. Mp 95-968. lmax
285 (e 398) (95% EtOH) (Derep). H
Di-Me ether:
C19H30O4 322.444
Cryst. (MeOH aq.). Mp 588. HO
Merian, M. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1948, 31,
2237 (isol) H COOH COOH
Fieser, L.F. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1948, 70, 71 (synth)
Rao, C.B. et al., Fresenius’ Z. Anal. Chem. , C30H48O4 472.707
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(detn, Th, U, Al, Be, Ba, Ca, Mg, Sr) HO
Constit. of Boswellia serrata (Indian
Natori, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1964, 12, CH2OH olibanum). Cryst. (EtOAc/petrol). Mp
236 (ir, uv)
Dallacker, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1972, 105, 614
(synth) C30H46O4 470.691 Mahajan, B. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 39,
Desai, H.K. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 3b-form 453 (isol, pmr, cmr)
1975, 13, 97; 1977, 15, 291 (isol) 3-O-a-L-Arabinopyranoside, 28-O-b-D-
Joshi, B.S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1975, 327 (isol,
glucopyranosyl ester: [356785-73-4] 2,3-Dihydroxy-12-ursen-28- D-710
ms, pmr)
C41H64O13 764.949
Thappa, R.K. et al., Indian J. Pharm. , 1976, 38, oic acid
17 (synth, pharmacol) Constit. of Sanguisorba officinalis
Gupta, O.P. et al., Indian J. Physiol. (burnet bloodwort). Amorph. solid.
Pharmacol. , 1977, 21, 31 (pharmacol) [a]25
D +24 (c, 0.1 in MeOH).
Gomez, E. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1989, 52, 649 (5- Mimaki, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 57,
O-Methylembelin) 773-779 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
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Pfeifer, J. et al., Annalen , 1995, 131 (synth, deriv,
ir, pmr, cmr)
Poigny, S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1998, 54, 14791- 3,13-Dihydroxy-28-ursanoic D-708 HO (2α,3α)-form
14802 (synth) acid
Miles, D.H. et al., Tetrahedron , 2001, 57, 5769-
5772 (5-O-Methylembelin) C30H48O4 472.707
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Reinhold , 1992, EAJ600 3-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-E-cinnamoyl):
OH H [351333-71-6]
C40H56O7 648.878
COOH Constit. of Eriobotrya japonica (loquat).
2,3-Dihydroxy-12,18-ursa- D-706 Amorph. powder. [a]22 D +7.2 (c, 0.12 in
dien-28-oic acid MeOH). lmax 217 (log e 4.14); 237 (log e
4.04); 297 (sh) (log e 4.04); 324 (log e
HO 4.18) (MeOH).
(2a,3b)-form [4547-24-4]
Corosolic acid. 2a-Hydroxyursolic acid
C30H50O4 474.723
COOH (2α,3α)-form Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 243-2458 dec. [a]D
HO 3b-form +42.1 (c, 1 in Py).
28/ 0 13 Lactone: [29428-70-4] 3b-Hydro- 3-(4-Hydroxy-Z-cinnamoyl):
HO xy-28,13-ursanolide. Ursolic acid lactone C39H54O6 618.852
C30H48O3 456.707 Constit. of Leptospermum scoparium
Isol. from Helichrysum italicum (curry (red tea). Amorph. powder (MeOH).
C30H46O4 470.691 plant). Cryst. Mp 2538. [a]20
D +13 Mp 200-2038.
(2a,3a)-form [138771-34-3] (CHCl3).
Powder (CHCl3). Mp 1788. [a]28 2-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-E-cinnamoyl):
D +89 (c, 28/ 0 13 Lactone, 3-Ac: [28290-51-9] 3b-
0.5 in CHCl3). C40H56O7 648.878
Acetoxy-28,13-ursanolide. Ursololactone Constit. of Leptospermum scoparium
(2a,3b)-form [129058-59-9] C32H50O4 498.745 (red tea).
[138771-35-4] Isol. from Helichrysum italicum (curry
Goreishic acid I plant). Mp 252-2538. [a]25
D +12 (CHCl3).
C40H56O7 648.878
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 189-1998. [a]26
D +161 Barton, D.H.R. et al., J.C.S. , 1952, 78 (synth) Constit. of Leptospermum scoparium
(c, 0.6 in MeOH). Mezzetti, T. et al., Boll. Chim. Farm. , 1969, 108,
540; CA , 72, 121740m (isol)
(red tea). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 186-1888.
(2j,3j)-form Schiaffella, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14, 3-(4-Hydroxy-3-methoxy-E-cinnamoyl):
Di-Ac: [273379-39-8] 584 (isol) C40H56O7 648.878
C34H50O6 554.765 Katai, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1983, 31, Constit. of Leptospermum scoparium
Constit. of Pyrus communis (pear). 1567 (pmr, cmr) (red tea). Amorph. powder.
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Yang, S.-C. et al., J. Chin. Chem. Soc. (Taipei) , Bowden, B.F. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1975, 28, 91
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3,6-Dihydroxy-12-ursen-28-...  / 3,13-Dihydroxy-11-ursen-28-... D-711  / D-715

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Seo, S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1975, 7 (cmr)
11-Me ether, 3-Ac, Me ester: [189139-96-6]
+65 (MeOH). C34H54O5 542.798
Ogura, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, 286
(deriv) 3-Ketone: [94662-96-1] 7a-Hydroxy-3-oxo- Constit. of Eucalyptus globulus
Manzoor-i-Khuda, M. et al., Z. Naturforsch., 12-ursen-28-oic acid. Rubinic acid (Tasmanian blue gum). Cryst. Mp
B , 1979, 34, 1320 (deriv) Constit. of Rubus fruticosus (blackber- 140.5-1418. [a]D -82 (c, 0.25 in CHCl3).
Kojima, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, ry). Cryst. (MeOH/CHCl3). Mp 259- 3-Ketone: [240473-11-4] 11-Hydroxy-3-
729; 1989, 28, 1703 (cmr) 2618. [a]25
D +72 (MeOH). oxo-12-ursen-28-oic acid
Siddiqui, S. et al., Planta Med. , 1987, 53, 424
Sarkar, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17, 1983 C30H46O4 470.691
Kojimo, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,
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D +10 (c, 0.32 in
2581 CHCl3).
1703 (pmr, cmr)
Yang, M.-H. et al., Planta Med. , 1992, 38, 227 11-Ketone: [105870-59-5] 3-Hydroxy-11-
(cmr) 3,11-Dihydroxy-12-ursen-24- D-713 oxo-12-ursen-28-oic acid. Obtusilin
Begum, S. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1993, 46, 1067
(synth) oic acid C30H46O4 470.691
Häberlein, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 35, Needles (MeOH) (as Me ester). Mp 159-
765 (derivs) 1618 (Me ester).
Monte, F.J.Q. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1997, 11-Ketone, 3-Ac:
35, 802-805 (pmr, cmr) C32H48O5 512.728
Ahn, K.-S. et al., Planta Med. , 1998, 641, 468- Cryst. (MeOH) (as Me ester). Mp 235-
470 (activity)
H 2378 (Me ester).
Ito, H. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2001, 64, 737-740
(Eriobotrya japonica ester) 11-Ketone, 3-benzoyl: [205699-23-6] 3-
Benzoyloxy-11-oxo-12-ursen-28-oic acid
C37H50O5 574.799
3,6-Dihydroxy-12-ursen-28- D-711 HO Constit. of the famine food Momordica
oic acid COOH dioica . Cryst. (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 248-
2498. lmax 250 (MeOH).
C30H48O4 472.707
3,11-Diketone, 28-alcohol: [184092-59-9]
(3a,11a)-form 28-Hydroxy-12-ursene-3,11-dione. Kru-
3-Ac: kovine B
H C32H50O5 514.744 C30H46O3 454.692
Cryst. (as Me ester). Mp 210-2148 (Me Amorph. solid. Mp 239-2418. [a]25 D
COOH ester). [a]D +24 (c, 1 in CHCl3) (Me +85.7 (c, 0.65 in CHCl3). lmax 250 (log e
ester). 3.78) (MeOH).
11-Ketone: [17019-92-0] 3-Hydroxy-11- Siddiqui, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29,
HO oxo-12-ursen-24-oic acid. 11-Keto-b- 3615 (isol, pmr, cmr, Obtusilin)
boswellic acid Syamasundar, K.V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991,
OH C30H46O4 470.691 30, 362 (isol, pmr, cmr, Obtusilin)
Shirota, O. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1996, 59, 1072-
Constit. of Boswellia serrata (Indian 1075 (Krukovine B)
C30H48O4 472.707
olibanum). Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 190- Honda, T. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1997, 60, 1174-
(3b,6b)-form [89786-85-6] 1918. [a]D +77.8. 1177 (synth)
6-Hydroxyursolic acid Santos, G.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 44,
11-Ketone, 3-Ac: [67416-61-9]
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 230-2358. [a]D 1309-1312 (isol, pmr, cmr, deriv)
C32H48O5 512.728
+36.7 (c, 1.25 in MeOH). Luo, L. et al., Yunnan Zhiwu Yanjiu , 1997, 19,
Isol. from Boswellia serrata (Indian
6-Ketone, 3-benzoyl: [205699-24-7] 3-Ben- 316-320; CA , 128, 268191s (11-ketone 3-
olibanum). Cryst. (C6H6/hexane). Mp benzoyl)
zoyloxy-6-oxo-12-ursen-28-oic acid 2718. [a]D +87.3 (c, 4.2 in CHCl3). Luis, J.G. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 1999, 13, 187-
C37H50O5 574.799
11-Ketone, 3-Ac, Me ester: [17019-95-3] 194 (3-ketone)
Constit. of the famine food Momordica
C33H50O5 526.755
dioica . Cryst. (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 256-
Isol. from Olibanum. Mp 188-1908.
Sakakibara, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22,
Corsano, S. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1964, 94, 3,13-Dihydroxy-11-ursen-28- D-715
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2553 Savoir, R. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. , 1967,
Luo, L. et al., Yunnan Zhiwu Yanjiu , 1997, 19, 76, 368
316-320; CA , 128, 268191s (6-ketone-3- Snatzke, G. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1967, 98,
benzoyl) 121
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oic acid
3,11-Dihydroxy-12-ursen-28- D-714 H COOH
oic acid


H COOH C30H48O4 472.707

(3b,13b)-form [180005-32-7]
H COOH Needles. Mp 2388.
HO OH 28/ 0 13 Lactone: [35959-05-8] 3b-Hydro-
xy-11-ursen-28,13-olide. 11,12-Dehy-
HO droursolic acid lactone
C30H48O4 472.707 C30H46O3 454.692
(3b,7a)-form [28348-90-5] Cryst. Mp 2788 (262-2658) dec. [a]10
Rubitic acid C30H48O4 472.707 +44.

3,19-Dihydroxy-12-ursen-28-... / 3,23-Dihydroxy-12-ursen-28-... D-716 / D-718

28/ 0 13 Lactone, 3-Ac: [35959-08-1] 3-O-a-L-Arabinopyranoside, 28-O-[3,4,5- 3,23-Dihydroxy-12-ursen-28- D-718

C32H48O4 496.729 trihydroxybenzoyl-(/ 0 6)-b-D- oic acid
Cryst. (EtOAc). Mp 2528. [a]20
D +46 glucopyranosyl] ester: [356785-75-6]
(CHCl3). C48H70O17 919.071
28/ 0 13 Lactone, 3-formyl: [208997-68-6] Constit. of Sanguisorba officinalis
Camaldulin (burnet bloodwort). Amorph. solid.
C31H46O4 482.702 [a]25
D +10 (c, 0.1 in MeOH). H
Needles (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 280-2818. 3-O-b-D-Arabinopyranoside, Me ester:
28/ 0 13-Lactone, 3-O-(p- [243470-00-0] COOH
hydroxycinnamoyl): [149725-21-3] Tere- C36H58O8 618.849
ticornate B Constit. of Dendrocalamus strictus
C39H52O5 600.837 (male bamboo). Cryst. (CHCl3). Mp
2788. HO
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 270-2748. [a]D
+37.3 (c, 1 in CHCl3). 3-Ketone: [13849-90-6] 19-Hydroxy-3-oxo- CH 2OH
28/ 0 13 Lactone, 3-O-(4-hydroxy-3- 12-ursen-28-oic acid. Pomonic acid
methoxycinnamoyl): [149751-81-5] Ter- C30H46O4 470.691 C30H48O4 472.707
eticornate A Isol. as the Me ester from apple (Pyrus 3b-form
C40H54O6 630.863 malus ). Mp 2048 (Me ester). [a]20
D +50 Mp 180-181.58 Mp 266-2688.
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 267-2708. [a]D +27 (c, 2.0 in CHCl3) (Me ester). Di-Ac, Me ester: [94492-28-1]
(c, 1 in CHCl3). Tandon, A.S. et al., Indian J. Chem. , 1966, 4, Needles (EtOH). Mp 180-181.58. [a]21 D
483 (isol) +64.1 (c, 0.22 in CHCl3).
28/ 0 13 Lactone, 3-ketone: [105870-60-8]
Brieskorn, C.H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1967, 100,
3-Oxo-11-ursen-28,13-olide. Camarolide 1252 (isol) 3-O-a-L-Arabinopyranoside, 28-O-[a-L-
C30H44O3 452.676 Takahashi, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1974, rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-b-D-
Needles (MeOH). Mp 204-2058. lmax 72, 650 (isol) glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
210 (MeOH). Nakanishi, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, glucopyranosyl] ester: [160669-29-4]
28-Alcohol, 3-ketone, 28-Me ether:Mo- 1373 (isol) Scheffursoside C
Cheng, D.-L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, C53H86O22 1075.249
1317 (28-glycosyl ester) Amorph. powder. [a]18
C31H50O3 470.734 D +2.3 (c, 0.47 in
Kakuno, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31,
Constit. of Momordica charantia (bitter 3553 (cmr)
melon). Needles. Mp 121-1228. [a]27
D +62 Rai, R. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 1999, 38, 28-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
(c, 0.12 in CHCl3). 518-520 (3-arabinoside Me ester) glucopyranosyl] ester, 23-O-sulfate:
Horn, D.H.S. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1964, 17, Mimaki, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 57, [120190-30-9] Sulfapatrinoside I
477 (isol) 773-779 (Sanguisorba officinalis saponin) C42H68O17S 877.055
Mezzetti, T. et al., Planta Med. , 1970, 18, 326; Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 239-2428. [a]20 D
1971, 20, 244 (isol, synth) +19.2 (c, 0.33 in Py).
Schiaffella, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14,
584 (isol) 3-O-b-D-Glucuronopyranoside, 28-O-b-D-
Katai, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1983, 31,
3,20-Dihydroxy-12-ursen-28- D-717 glucopyranosyl ester: [117804-11-2] Cy-
1567 (isol) oic acid narasaponin E
Wang, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 33, 151 C42H66O15 810.974
(Tereticornates) OH Constit. of Cynara cardunculus (car-
Hao, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 42, 1665 doon). Powder + 2H2O (as Me ester).
(isol, pmr, cmr) [a]25
D +3.7 (c, 0.95 in MeOH) (Me ester).
Begum, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 44, 1313
(Momordicin) 3-O-[a-L-Arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D-
Siddiqui, B.S. et al., Heterocycles , 2000, 53, 681- glucuronopyranoside], 28-O-b-D-
687 (Camarolide) H COOH glucopyranosyl ester: [117804-10-1] Cy-
Begum, S. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 2000, 63, 1265- narasaponin D
1268 (Camaldulin) C47H74O19 943.09
Constit. of Cynara cardunculus (car-
3,19-Dihydroxy-12-ursen-28- D-716 doon). Powder + 2H2O (as Me ester).
oic acid [a]25
D +7.6 (c, 1.16 in MeOH) (Me ester).
C30H48O4 472.707 3-Ketone:23-Hydroxy-3-oxo-12-ursen-28-
3b-form [58213-73-3] oic acid
20b-Hydroxyursolic acid C30H46O4 470.691
HO Cryst. (EtOAc). Mp 1708.
Constit. of apple skin and elder blos-
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20-Ac:Camaldulic acid. 20b-Acetoxyurso- 2589 (isol)
Furuya, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26, 715
lic caid
C30H48O4 472.707 (isol, pmr, cmr)
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Pomolic acid. Benthamic acid. Randialic [a]D +71 (c, 0.1 in CHCl3). lmax 205 Inada, A. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988, 36,
acid A (MeOH). 4269 (Sulfapatrinoside I)
Constit. of apple peel. Cryst. Mp 301- Lawrie, W. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1967, 851 (isol) Mata, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 1887
3038. [a]20
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C36H58O9 634.849 Maeda, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 37, 1131
Constit. of Sanguisorba officinalis (Scheffursoside C)
(burnet bloodwort). Cryst. (MeOH).
Mp 279-2808.

1,5-Dihydroxyxanthone / 2,4-Diisopropyl-5-methylphenol D-719 / D-727

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8 9 1 Claus, A. et al., Ber. , 1875, 8, 532 (synth)
7 2
6 3 O OH HO O Cumper, C.W.N. et al., J.C.S.(A) , 1966, 239;
5 4 323 (synth, uv)
O Golovnya, R.V. et al., Nahrung , 1983, 27, 237-
H2N NH2 249 (occur)
C13H8O4 228.204
Constit. of Garcinia spp., Mammea amer- 5,5-Diisopropyl-2,2?-dimethyl- D-724
icana (mamey). Yellow needles (C6H6 or C36H38N4O12 718.716 biphenyl-3,3?,4,4?-tetrone
EtOAc/petrol). Mp 2868 (265-2668). lmax Isol. from hydrolysate of cell walls of
203 ; 248 ; 309 ; 355 (MeOH) (Berdy). [122548-31-6]
tomato cell cultures.
1-Me ether: [27770-13-4] 5-Hydroxy-1- Brady, J.D. et al., Biochem. J. , 1996, 315, 323-
methoxyxanthone 327 (isol, struct)
C14H10O4 242.231 O
Needles (MeOH). Mp 250-2528. lmax
246 ; 304 ; 352 (MeOH) (Berdy). Diisopropyl disulfide D-722
[4253-89-8] O O
5-Me ether: [15069-45-1] 1-Hydroxy-5-
methoxyxanthone Bis(1-methylethyl) disulfide, 9CI. Isopro-
C14H10O4 242.231 pyl disulfide. FEMA 3827 O
Yellow needles (Me2CO aq.). Mp 2158. (H3C)2CH-S-S-CH(CH3)2
Di-Me ether: [14869-88-6] 1,5-Dimethox- C6H14S2 150.309
yxanthone Flavour ingredient. Constit. of fruit and
C15H12O4 256.257 seeds of Nigella sativa (black cumin). Poss. C20H22O4 326.391
Plates (petrol). Mp 206-2088 (194-1968). isol. from Brassica oleracea var. capitata , Constit. of the leaves of thyme Thymus
durian Durio zibethinus, guava and fried vulgaris. Shows antioxidant activity.
Jackson, B. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1967, 785; 1968,
foods. Bp 1778 Bp56 958. Brown oil.
2579 (isol, synth)
Locksley, H.D. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1971, 1332 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Nakatani, N. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1989,
(isol, struct) 1, 268A (ir) 53, 1375 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Quillinan, A.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 1382 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
(isol, synth) Spectra , 1992, 1, 430C (nmr)
Finnegan, R.A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 2,3-Diisopropyl-5-methylphe- D-725
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
1896 (isol, synth) 1989, 3, 351D (ir) nol
Gunasekera, S.P. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1975, Cumper, C.W.N. et al., J.C.S. , 1965, 5323; [76138-68-6]
2447; 1977, 1505 (isol) J.C.S.(A) , 1966, 239 (props)
Westermann, P.W. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. ,
Aida, T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1976, 49, 9CI. 5,6-Diisopropyl-m-cresol
1977, 9, 631 (cmr) 1441 (synth)
Patel, G.N. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1989, 19, Cohen, V.I. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1976, 59,
1641 (synth) 840 (synth, bibl) OH
Uemura, S. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1977,
50, 220 (synth) 1
6 2
Masaki, M. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1977, 151 5 3
1,7-Dihydroxyxanthone D-720 (synth) 4
Jonczyk, A. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1979, H3C CH(CH3)2
[529-61-3] 18, 217 (synth)
1,7-Dihydroxy-9H-xanthen-9-one, 9CI. Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd C13H20O 192.3
Euxanthone. Eyxanthone. Purrenone edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Constit. of the essential oil of Coridothy-
4, 430
C13H8O4 228.204 Naef, R. et al., Fragrance J. , 1996, 11, 295-303
mus capitatus (Spanish oregano).
Occurs in Mammea americana (mamey), (occur) Sendra, J.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19,
Platonia insignis (bakuri) and Mangifera 1513 (isol)
indica (mango). Yellow needles (toluene).
Mp 2408. Diisopropyl sulfide D-723
[625-80-9] 2,4-Diisopropyl-3-methylphe- D-726
Antonaccio, L.D. et al., Ann. Acad. Bras. nol
Ci&eenc. , 1965, 37, 229; CA , 65, 2622 (isol, 2,2?-Thiobispropane, 9CI. Isopropyl sulfide,
deriv) 8CI [76138-69-7]
Locksley, H.D. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1966, 430; (H3C)2CHSCH(CH3)2 3-Methyl-2,4-bis(1-methylethyl)phenol,
1969, 1567; 1971, 1332 (isol, synth)
C6H14S 118.243 9CI. 2,4-Diisopropyl-m-cresol
Finnegan, R.A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972,
1896 (isol, synth) Present in simulated meat flavours derived C13H20O 192.3
Bandaranayake, W.M. et al., Phytochemistry, from autolysed baker’s yeast. d20
4 0.81. Bp Constit. of the essential oil of Coridothy-
1975, 14, 265; 1878 (isol) 120-1218. n20
D 1.4381. mus capitatus (Spanish oregano).
Westermann, P.W. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. ,
1977, 9, 631 (cmr)
S-Oxide: [2211-89-4] 2,2?-Sulfinylbispro- Sendra, J.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19,
pane, 9CI. Diisopropyl sulfoxide 1513 (isol)
Daroust, D. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1978, 11,
547 (pmr) C6H14OS 134.242
Gunatilake, A.A.L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, Bp0.9 598. 2,4-Diisopropyl-5-methylphe- D-727
21, 1751 (isol) -NW3325000
Patel, G.N. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1989, 19,
S,S-Dioxide: [595-50-6] 2,2?-Sulfonylbis-
1641 (synth) propane, 9CI. Diisopropyl sulfone [40625-96-5]
C6H14O2S 150.241 5-Methyl-2,4-bis(1-methylethyl)phenol,
Cryst. (Et2O). Sol. H2O. Mp 368. Bp0.5 9CI. 4,6-Diisopropyl-m-cresol
788. C13H20O 192.3

2,5-Diisopropyl-3-methylphenol / 1,2-Dimethoxybenzene, 9CI D-728  / D-735

Constit. of the essential oil of Coridothy- (EtOH aq.). Mp 95.58. nillin. FEMA 3109
mus capitatus (Spanish oregano). Oil. Dewar, M.J.S. et al., J.C.S. , 1960, 959 (synth)
Sendra, J.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19, Shrewsbury, D.D. et al., Spectrochim. Acta , CHO
1513 (isol) 1960, 16, 1294 (ir)
Ramanamma, C.V. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. Sendra, J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19, 1513
B , 1989, 28, 517 (synth) (isol) OMe
2,5-Diisopropyl-3-methylphe- D-728 Dillapiol D-732
nol C9H10O3 166.176
[484-31-1] Isol. from peppermint, raspberry, ginger
[76138-70-0] 4,5-Dimethoxy-6-(2-propenyl)-1,3-benzo- and Bourbon vanilla. Used in vanilla
3-Methyl-2,5-bis(1-methylethyl)phenol, dioxole, 9CI. 1-Allyl-2,3-dimethoxy-4,5- flavours. Needles (Et2O, petrol, CCl4 or
9CI. 2,5-Diisopropyl-m-cresol methylenedioxybenzene. Dill apiole toluene) with woody vanilla odour. Mp
C13H20O 192.3 448 Mp 588. Bp18 172-1758.
Constit. of the essential oil of Coridothy- OMe -Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 2000 mg/kg.
mus capitatus (Spanish oregano). Mp 59-
OMe YX5088000
608. Oxime: [39627-82-2]
O CH 2 CH CH 2
Sendra, J.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19, C9H11NO3 181.191
1513 (isol) Cryst. (petrol). Mp 94-958.
Baeckstroem, P. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 3728 C12H14O4 222.24
Constit. of Japanese, Indian (Anethum 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone:
(synth, pmr)
sowa ) and European (Anethum graveolens ) Orange prisms (EtOAc). Mp 264-2658.
dill oils and Piper spp. Also from seeds of Semicarbazone:
2,5-Diisopropyl-4-methylphe- D-729
Mp 1778.
Bunium persicum (black caraway). Mp
nol 29.58. Bp 2858 Bp11 1628 Bp0.8 1008. n25
D Di-Me acetal: [59276-33-4] 4-(Dimethox-
[15269-16-6] 1.5278. Log P 1.95 (calc). ymethyl)-1,2-dimethoxybenzene
4-Methyl-2,5-bis(1-methylethyl)phenol, -CY2490000 C11H16O4 212.245
9CI. 2,5-Diisopropyl-p-cresol, 8CI Bp0.05 948.
C13H20O 192.3 Mp 81.58. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Constit. of the essential oil of Coridothy- Baker, W. et al., J.C.S. , 1934, 1682 (synth) 2, 118B (ir)
mus capitatus (Spanish oregano). Mp Dallacker, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1969, 102, 2663 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
52.78 (51-528). (synth) Spectra , 1992, 2, 955B (nmr)
Fujita, H. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1973, 46, Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Bassus, J. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1974, 3031 1989, 3, 1299B (ir)
3553 (synth)
Sendra, J.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19, Barger, G. et al., J.C.S. , 1928, 133, 2924 (synth)
Bernhard, H.O. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1978,
1513 (isol) Org. Synth. , 1936, 14, 91 (synth)
61, 2273 (isol)
Baeckstroem, P. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 3728 Weijlard, J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1947, 69, 2070
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
(synth, pmr) (synth)
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
Ramanamma, C.V. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. de Kowalewski, D.G. et al., J. Mol. Struct. ,
1, 112 (rev)
B , 1989, 28, 517 (synth) 1973, 16, 395 (nmr)
Martins, A.P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49,
2019-2033 (isol) Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
2,6-Diisopropyl-3-methylphe- D-730 Benevides, P.J.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 1975, 13, 923 (rev, tox)
52, 339-343 (isol, pmr, cmr) Napolitano, E. et al., J.O.C. , 1983, 48, 3653
nol (deriv, ir, pmr)
Farediah, A. et al., ACGC Chem. Res.
[28434-93-7] Commun. , 2000, 10, 63-66; CA , 133, 293544v Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
3-Methyl-2,6-bis(1-methylethyl)phenol, (activity) edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
9CI. 2,6-Diisopropyl-m-cresol, 8CI 2, 795
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
C13H20O 192.3 Dillapional D-733 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2906-2907
Constit. of essential oils of Spanish [38971-74-3] Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
oregano (Coridothymus capitatus ) and Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
2,3-Dimethoxy-4,5-methylenedioxycinna- Reinhold , 1992, VHK000
Origanum spp.. Oil. Bp50 1618 Bp 70-728. maldehyde. 3-(2,3-Dimethoxy-4,5-methyle-
Phenylurethane: nedioxyphenyl)-2-propen-1-al
Mp 1578. 1,2-Dimethoxybenzene, 9CI D-735
Stroh, R. et al., Angew. Chem. , 1957, 69, 699 CH CHCHO [91-16-7]
(synth) OMe Veratrol. Veratrole. Catechol dimethyl
James, R. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1980, 23, 1350
ether. FEMA 3799
(synth) OMe
Sendra, J.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19, 89 O
(isol, pmr) OMe
Benjilali, B. et al., Lebensm.-Wiss. Technol. ,
2 OMe
1986, 19, 22 (isol) 6
Ramanamma, C.V. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect.
C12H12O5 236.224 5 3
B , 1989, 28, 517 (synth) Minor constit. of Anethum sowa (Indian
dill) oil. Needles (C6H6). Mp 101-1028.
C8H10O2 138.166
2,5-Diisopropylphenol, 8CI D-731 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: Food additive listed in the EAFUS Food
[35946-91-9] Orange cryst. Mp 213-2158. Additive Database (Jan 2001). Found in
2,5-Bis(1-methylethyl)phenol, 9CI Tomar, S.S. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , raw and cooked foods, e.g. cheeses, grapes
1981, 20, 723
and asparagus. Cryst. (petrol). Mp 22.58.
OH Bp759 2068 Bp10 88-908.
CH(CH 3)2 3,4-Dimethoxybenzaldehyde, D-734 -Fl. p. 878. LD50 (rat, orl) 890 mg/kg.
9CI CZ6475000
(H 3C)2CH [120-14-9] Picrate:
Veratric aldehyde. Protocatechuic aldehyde Red plates. Mp 56-578.
C12H18O 178.274 dimethyl ether. Vanillin methyl ether. Vera- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Occurs in Spanish origanum oil. Cryst. traldehyde. Veratrumaldehyde. Methylva- 1, 1037C (ir)

1,3-Dimethoxybenzene, 9CI / Dimethyl disulfide, 9CI D-736 / D-742

Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 6,7-Dimethoxy-1(3H )-ben- D-738 Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
Spectra , 1992, 2, 180B (nmr) zoxazolone 1979, 17, 361 (rev, tox)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
1989, 3, 965B (ir)
2-Hydroxy-6,7-dimethoxybenzoxazole Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Perkin, W.H. et al., J.C.S. , 1906, 89, 1649 Reinhold , 1992, MIF000
King, H. et al., J.C.S. , 1939, 1168 (synth) H Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive
Antoniades, H.N. et al., Chemist-Analyst , 1955, N Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths,
44, 34 (detn, Ce) O 1990, 1158
Wright, G.E. et al., Tetrahedron , 1973, 29, 3775 MeO Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical
(nmr) O Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of
Starkov, S. et al., CA , 1974, 82, 43030 (synth)
MeO Chemistry, 1992, 504
Lille, V. et al., CA , 1976, 85, 46138 (glc)
Marczenko, Z. et al., Separation and C9H9NO4 195.174
Spectrophotometric Determination of Constit. of the dried tissues of Zea mays Dimethyl diselenide, 9CI D-741
Elements , Horwood, Chichester, 1986, (sweet corn). Amber cryst. (H2O). Mp [7101-31-7]
Emsley, J.W. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1991, 583 1808. Methyl diselenide, 8CI. Diselenobismethane
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th 4-Chloro:4-Chloro-6,7-dimethoxy-2-ben- Me/  Se/  Se/  Me
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001, zoxazolinone C2H6Se2 187.989
436 C9H8ClNO4 229.619 Constit. of Allium sp.. Orange oil. Bp 156-
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Isol. from light-grown sweet corn shoots 1588 Bp15 63-658.
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand (Zea mays ).
Reinhold , 1992, DOA200 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Klun, J.A. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1970, 18, Spectra , 1992, 1, 425C (nmr)
663 (isol, struct, synth) Bird, M.L. et al., J.C.S. , 1942, 570 (synth)
1,3-Dimethoxybenzene, 9CI D-736 Anai, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1996, 42, 273- Lardon, M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1970, 92, 5063
275 (deriv) (nmr)
D’Antonio, P. et al., J. Chem. Phys. , 1971, 55,
C8H10O2 138.166 1071 (struct)
Present in fungi. Mushroom odorant 2,3-Dimethoxy-4,5-methylene- D-739 McFarlane, W. et al., J.C.S. Dalton , 1972, 1397
substance. d25
25 1.05. Mp -528 approx. Bp dioxy-1-propenylbenzene (nmr)
216.5-217.78. pKa -6.4. Gladysz, J.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1978, 43, 1204
[23731-63-7] (synth)
-Fl. p. 888. LD50 (mus, ipr) 900 mg/kg. 4,5-Dimethoxy-6-(1-propenyl)-1,3-benzo- Syper, L. et al., Synthesis , 1984, 439 (synth)
CZ6474000 dioxole, 9CI. Isodillapiole Clarembeau, M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1985, 41,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, 4793 (synth)
1, 1040D (ir) Barton, D.H.R. et al., Tetrahedron , 1986, 42,
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR CH CHCH3 4983 (synth, pmr)
Spectra , 1992, 2, 183C (nmr) OMe Luthra, N.P. et al., J. Organomet. Chem. , 1988,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , 354, 51 (Se-77 nmr)
1989, 3, 968D (ir) OMe Anderson, J.A. et al., Organometallics , 1988, 7,
Wright, G.E. et al., Tetrahedron , 1973, 29, 3775 O 267 (cmr)
(nmr) O Krief, A. et al., Synthesis , 1988, 131 (synth)
Kuznetsov, V.A. et al., Dokl. Akad. Nauk McKillop, A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1990, 31, 5007
SSSR , 1974, 216, 812 (ir) C12H14O4 222.24 (synth)
Messer, C. et al., CA , 1999, 131, 71415y (isol) Present in Crithmum maritimum (rock Cai, X.J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1994, 42,
samphire). Leaflets or needles (EtOH). 2081 (occur)
1,4-Dimethoxybenzene, 9CI D-737 Mp 55-568.
[150-78-7] Sahdev, R. et al., J. Inst. Chem. (India) , 1975, Dimethyl disulfide, 9CI D-742
Hydroquinone dimethyl ether. FEMA 2386 47, 234 (synth) [624-92-0]
C8H10O2 138.166 Methyl disulfide. 2,3-Dithiabutane. FEMA
Flavouring ingredient. Plates. Mp 55-568. 3536
Dimethyl carbonate D-740
Bp 212-2168 Bp20 1098. Me/  S/  S/  Me
-Fl. p. >668. Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) Carbonic acid dimethyl ester, 9CI. Methyl C2H6S2 94.201
3600 mg/kg. CZ6650000 carbonate. E242 Isol. from garlic oil (Allium sativum ), also
1,3,5-Trinitrobenzene complex: in onion (Allium cepa ), ramsons (Allium
O/ . C(OMe)2 ursinum ), morello cherry, melon, pine-
Bright red prisms. Mp 86.58.
C3H6O3 90.079 apple, strawberry, wheat bread, cocoa,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
1, 1042D (ir)
Used for cold sterilisation of beverages. roasted barley, roasted filberts, roasted
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Effective against typical beverage-spoiling peanuts, crispbread, American potato
Spectra , 1992, 2, 184C (nmr) microorganisms, like yeasts and fermen- chips, soybean and other foodstuffs. Fla-
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , tative bacteria. Liq. Sol. EtOH, Et2O, vouring ingredient.. Liq. d164 1.06. Mp -
1989, 3, 971A (ir) insol. H2O. d20
4 1.07. Mp 0.58. Bp 90-918. 988. Bp 1108 (116-1188) Bp12 408. n16 D
Dyson, G.M. et al., J.C.S. , 1927, 440 (synth) n20
D 1.3687. 1.5219.
Santavy, F. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
-Highly flammable, fl. p. 198. Reacts -LC50 (rat, ihl) ca. 16 mg m-3 (2h exposure).
1972, 37, 1825 (uv)
Ger. Pat. , 1973, 2 148 589; CA , 78, 159200 violently with potassium tert -butoxide. Highly flammable, fl. p. / B 218. JO1927500
(synth) FG0450000 S-Oxide: [13882-12-7]
Wright, G.E. et al., Tetrahedron , 1973, 29, 3775 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
(nmr) Spectra , 1992, 1, 928A (nmr) [85085-08-1, 111769-09-6, 133773-40-7] S-
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Methyl methanesulfinothioate. Methyl
1976, 16, 715 (rev) 1, 610D (ir) methanethiosulfinate
Konz, E. et al., Synthesis , 1979, 603 (synth) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , C2H6OS2 110.201
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd 1989, 3, 633C (ir) Constit. of Allium spp.. Bp1.1 658.
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Hood, H.P. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1919, 23, 508
2, 170 (synth) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Kling, A. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci. , 1, 264C (ir)
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 840-841 1920, 170, 111 (synth) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Kondo, K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1971, 4885 (synth) Spectra , 1992, 1, 425B (nmr)
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Reinhold , 1992, DOA400 Synthesis, Wiley, 1975, 5, 234 1989, 3, 347C (ir)

Dimethyl peroxide / Dimethyl trisulfide, 9CI D-743  / D-747

McAllan, D.T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1951, 73, 3627 Needles. Mp 92-948 (in sealed capillary). [2206-27-1]
Cumper, C.W.N. et al., J.C.S. , 1965, 5323; 5860
Se,Se-Dioxide: [22089-69-6] Selenonylbis- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
methane. Dimethyl selenone 1, 879A (ir)
(synth, props)
C2H6O2Se 141.028 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Schultz, O.E. et al., Pharmazie, 1965, 20, 441
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 147-1488. Spectra , 1992, 1, 1417A (nmr)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Cumper, C.W.N. et al., J.C.S.(A) , 1966, 239 Bird, M.L. et al., J.C.S. , 1942, 570-574 (synth) 1989, 3, 831A (ir)
(synth) Dransfield, P.B. et al., J.C.S. , 1955, 1153-1160 U.S. Pat. , 1952, 2 581 050; CA , 46, 8669 (synth)
Moore, T.L. et al., J.O.C. , 1966, 31, 3587-3592 (synth) Martin, D. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , 1967,
(oxide, synth) Tideswell, N.W. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1957, 79, 1031- 6, 318 (rev)
Beagley, B. et al., Trans. Faraday Soc. , 1971, 67, 1033 (uv) Jacob, S.W. et al., Arzneim.-Forsch. , 1967, 17,
3216 (struct) Paetzold, R. et al., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. , 1968, 1553 (pharmacol, tox)
Block, E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1974, 96, 3921-3929 360, 293-299 (oxide, dioxide, synth) Allan, G.G. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1967,
(oxide, synth) McFarlane, W. et al., J.C.S. Dalton , 1972, 1397- 1706 (haz)
Zack, N.R. et al., J. Fluorine Chem. , 1975, 5, 1402 (pmr) Dimethyl Sulfoxide , (eds. Jacob, S.W. et al ) M.
153 (ms) Rebane, E. et al., Chem. Scr. , 1973, 4, 219-230 Dekker, New York, 1971, (tox, pharmacol)
Dauphin, G. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1979, (oxide, ms) Jacob, S.W. et al., Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. , Eds.,
12, 557 (cmr) Price, C.C. et al., J.O.C. , 1973, 38, 615-616 1975, 243, (book)
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic (pmr) Large, R. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1976, 11,
Synthesis, Wiley, 1980, 8, 189; Fieser and v. Loon, J.C. et al., Chem. Can. , 1976, 28, 15; 582 (ms)
Fieser’s Reagents for Organic Synthesis, CA , 85, 41651 (anal) Frolov, Y.L. et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR, Ser.
Wiley, 1980, 9, 91; 281; 473 (use) McFarlane, W. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. , Khim. , 1978, 1042; Bull. Acad. Sci. USSR,
Connell, R.J. et al., Anal. Chem. Symp. Ser. , 1977, 86, 457-463 (cmr, Se-77 nmr, oxide) Div. Chem. Sci. (Engl. Transl.) , 901 (uv)
(Chem. Sens.), 1990, 6, 725 Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic
Casida, J.E. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1992, Synthesis, Wiley, 1977, 6, 224; 8, 197 (oxide, Synthesis, Wiley, 1980, 8, 198; 1981, 9, 189;
40, 1425 (pmr, cmr) use) 1982, 10, 166; 1984, 11, 214; 1986, 12, 212;
Meyer, M. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , 1992, 273, 99 Micolajczyk, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1978, 43, 2132- 1988, 13, 124; 1992, 16, 149 (use)
(ir, Raman, microwave) 2138 (oxide, use) Pearson, T.W. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1981,
Block, E. et al., Pure Appl. Chem. , 1993, 65, Odom, J.D. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1979, 101, 5815- 29, 1089 (occur)
625-632 (oxide, occur) 5822 (use) Mancuso, J. et al., Synthesis , 1981, 165 (rev,
Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis , Syper, L. et al., Synthesis , 1984, 439-442 (oxide, bibl)
(ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 3, 2067- synth, props) Kharasch, N. et al., Ann. N.Y. Acad. Sci. , 1983,
2070 (use) Krief, A. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1985, 569-570 411, 391 (rev, struct, props)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. (dioxide, synth) Swanson, B.N. et al., Rev. Clin. Basic
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1755-1756 Ip, C. et al., Cancer Res. , 1991, 51, 595-600 Pharmacol. , 1985, 5, 1 (rev, pharmacol)
(use, occur) (oxide, synth, activity) Cataliotti, R.S. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A ,
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Block, E. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1994, 42, 1986, 42, 855 (ir, Raman)
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 2081-2084 (isol) Negwer, M. et al., Organic-Chemical Drugs and
Reinhold , 1992, DRQ400 Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis , their Synonyms, 6th edn., Akademie-Verlag ,
(ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 3, 2130- 1987, 64
2131 (Se-oxide, use)
Dimethyl peroxide D-743
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Martin, G.F. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1987, 17,
1667 (purifn)
[690-02-8] Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Itoh, S. et al., Z. Naturforsch., A , 1987, 42, 858
Me/  O/  O/  Me Reinhold , 1992, DUB200 (struct)
C2H6O2 62.068 Casida, J.E. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1992,
Constit. of Basella rubra (Malabar spi- 40, 1425 (cmr, pmr)
Dimethyl sulfoxide, BAN, D-745 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
nach). Gas or liq. Bp 108. edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
-Heat and shock sensitive explosive. INN, USAN 1223
Rieche, A. et al., Ber. , 1928, 61, 951 (synth) [67-68-5] , (bibl)
Hanst, P.L. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1959, 63, 104 Sulfinylbismethane, 9CI. Methyl sulfoxide. Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive
(synth) Methylsulfinylmethane. DMSO. Dermavet. Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths,
Baker, G. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1964, Iduridine. NSC 763. FEMA 3875. Many 1990, 0867
1988 Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical
other names
Shanley, E.S. et al., Organic Peroxides , (ed. Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of
Swern, D.), 1972, 341 (haz, rev) MeSOMe Chemistry, 1992, 524
Kameoka, H. et al., J. Food Compos. Anal. , C2H6OS 78.135 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
1991, 4, 315-321 (isol) Found in broad bean Phaseolus vulgaris, Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive Reinhold , 1992, DUD800
alfalfa Medicago sativa and many other
Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths , Patty’s Ind. Hyg. Toxicol. , 4th edn., Vol. 2,
1990, 0869
plants. Flavouring agent. Liq. Misc. H2O, Wiley, 1993, 2087
Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical org. solvs. d20
4 1.1. Mp 18.58. Bp 1898
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of Bp0.37 208. n25
D 1.4790 ((1.4775)). Log P -
Chemistry, 1992, 516 1.38 (calc). Dielectric constant e 46.45. Dimethyl tetrasulfide, 9CI D-746
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Dipole moment 4.3d. Viscosity 1.991 cP. [5756-24-1]
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Virtually odourless when pure, most coml. Methyl tetrasulfide, 8CI. 2,3,4,5-Tetrathia-
Reinhold , 1992, DTJ000 samples contain traces of odorous Bis(- hexane
methylthio)methane, B-150. Stable to MeS-S-S-SMe
Dimethyl selenide D-744 1508, sl. dec. above this temp. requiring
C2H6S4 158.333
[593-79-3] addn. of an acid scavenger, e.g NaHCO3.
Constit. of various Allium spp. and
Selenobismethane, 9CI. Methyl selenide, Forms a Na deriv., Dimsyl sodium.
Lentinus sp.. Bp0.07 708.
8CI -Fl. p. 958 (oc), autoignition temp. 2158.
Can decompose exothermically at 1508. Milligan, B. et al., J.C.S. , 1963, 3608 (synth)
SeMe2 Morel, G. et al., Synthesis , 1980, 918 (synth)
May dec. explosively in presence of high
C2H6Se 109.029 Barany, G. et al., J.O.C. , 1983, 48, 4750 (pmr)
concs. of halide ions. Can cause redness,
Constit. of Allium spp.. d25 1.43. Mp - itching and scaling of skin and damage to
Mott, A.W. et al., Sulfur Lett. , 1984, 2, 137
87.28. Bp 57.78. (synth)
eyes. Low oral toxicity, but readily
-LD50 (rat, ipr) 2200 mg/kg. VS6880000 absorbed by skin with adverse systemic
Se-Oxide: [4371-90-8] Seleninylbismethane, effects reported. Can act as a carrier for Dimethyl trisulfide, 9CI D-747
9CI. Dimethyl selenoxide skin absorption of other chemicals. [3658-80-8]
C2H6OSe 125.029 PV6210000 Methyl trisulfide, 8CI. 2,3,4-Trithiapen-

2?,4?-Dimethylacetophenone, 8CI  / 3-(2-Dimethylaminoethyl)-4-... D-748  / D-751

tane. FEMA 3275 Uzarewicz, A. et al., CA , 1969, 70, 3468q 9CI. N,N-Dimethyl-p-(phenylazo)aniline,
(synth) 8CI. Butter yellow. Dimethyl yellow. Methyl
Me-S-S-S-Me Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
C2H6S3 126.267 yellow. C.I. Solvent yellow 2. C.I. 11020.
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
Found in essential oil of hop (Humulus 2, 172
Many other names
lupulus ), garlic (Allium sativum ), shallot Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
(Allium cepa ) and ramsons (Allium ursi- Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 844-845 N NPh
num ). Also found in pineapple, raw
cabbage, kohlrabi, roasted filberts, roasted Dimethylamine D-749
peanuts, edible mushrooms, brussel
[124-40-3] NMe2
sprouts, fermented radish, Chinese cab-
N-Methylmethanamine, 9CI
bage, parsnips, scallop and squid. The
major off-flavour principle of overcooked Me2NH C14H15N3 225.293
brassicas. Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with C2H7N 45.084 Formerly used as a food dye, use discon-
powerful onion-like odour. Bp 165-1708 Aminating agent in the manuf. of ion- tinued. Yellow leaflets (EtOH). Sol. EtOH,
Bp30 70-718. n20 exchange resins for food processing. Gas Me2CO, C6H6; insol. H2O. Mp 1158 Mp
D 1.6010.
at r.t. V. sol. H2O, sol. EtOH, Et2O. d04 1178. pKa1 3.34 (208). pKa1 3.25.
Milligan, B. et al., J.C.S. , 1963, 3608-3614
(synth) 0.68. Mp -968. Bp 78. pKa 3.28 (258). -Possible human carcinogen. Can cause
Armitage, D.A. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1971, 2840- -Extremely flammable, fl. p. -68, contact dermatitis. LD50 (rat, orl) 200 mg/
2842 (synth, pmr, glc) autoignition temp. 4008. Eye, skin and kg. Exp. carcinogen. Exp. reprod. and
Schreyen, N. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1976, respiratory tract irritant (gas or aq. solns.) teratogenic effects. BX7350000
24, 336-341 Prolonged exposure can cause dermatitis Aldrich Library of Infrared Spectra, 3rd edn. ,
Peppard, T.L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, 1981, 1452G (ir)
and conjunctivitis. IP8750000
2020-2021 (isol, ms, glc) Sigma-Aldrich Library of Stains, Dyes and
Snyder, J.P. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1978, 197-200 Hydrochloride: [506-59-2] Dimethylammo- Indicators, 472
(conformn) nium chloride Möhlau, G. et al., Ber. , 1884, 17, 1491 (synth)
Dauphin, G. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1979, C2H8ClN 81.545 Cray, I.M. et al., Trans. Faraday Soc. , 1925, 21,
12, 557-560 (cmr) Volatile cryst. Sol. H2O, EtOH, CHCl3; 326
Whitfield, F.B. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , insol. Et2O. Mp 1718. Rosenhauer, E. et al., Ber. , 1928, 61, 396 (synth)
1981, 692-693 (isol) -IQ0220000 Kotthoff, I.M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1938, 60, 2516
Capozzi, G. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1989, 30, 2991- Guss, L.S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1940, 62, 249
2994 (synth) DMSO complex (1:1):Dimsulf IARC Monog. , 1975, 8, 125; Suppl . 7, 62 (rev,
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. C4H13NOS 123.219 tox)
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 881-882 Distillable liq. Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
(use, occur) N-Benzoyl: See N,N -Dimethylbenzamide Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Kubec, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1998, 46, Reinhold , 1992, DOT300
in The Combined Chemical Dictionary.
4334-4340 (formn) Chemical Hazards of the Workplace, 3rd edn.,
[17000-01-0] (eds. Proctor, N.H. et al ), Van Nostrand
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Reinhold , 1991, 245
2?,4?-Dimethylacetophenone, D-748 Lewis, R.J. et al., Reproductively Active
1, 294B; 294C (ir)
8CI Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Chemicals , Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991,
[89-74-7] Spectra , 1992, 1, 470A (nmr) DOT300
1-(2,4-Dimethylphenyl)ethanone, 9CI. 4- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Acetyl-m-xylene. FEMA 2387 1989, 3, 378C (ir)
Werner, E.A. et al., J.C.S. , 1917, 111, 850 3-(2-Dimethylaminoethyl)-4- D-751
(synth) hydroxyindole
COCH3 Ger. Pat. , 1929, 468 895; CA , 23, 846 (synth)
U.S. Pat. , 1948, 2 456 599; CA , 43, 3440g
CH3 (manuf) 3-(2-Dimethylaminoethyl)-1H-indol-4-ol,
Gohlke, R.S. et al., Acta Chim. Hung. , 1962, 34, 9CI. N,N-Dimethyl-4-hydroxytryptamine.
1281 (ms) Psilocine. CX 59
Suhr, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1963, 96, 1720 (pmr)
CH3 Serban, S. et al., Rev. Chim. (Bucharest) , 1963,
14, 451; CA , 60, 5097b (synth) CH 2 CH 2 NMe2
Audier, H. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1964,
C10H12O 148.204 3034 (use)
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. d20 1.01. Bp Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic N
2288 Bp27 122-1238. Bp also given as 234- Synthesis, Wiley, 1979, 7, 119
2358. Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. H
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 846-847
Oxime: Chemical Hazards of the Workplace, 2nd edn., C12H16N2O 204.271
C10H13NO 163.219 (eds. Proctor, N.H. et al ), J.B. Lippincott , Sol. MeOH, butanol; fairly sol. H2O. Mp
Needles (petrol). Mp 63-648. Bp15 153- 1988, 207 173-1768 dec. Log P 1.16 (calc). lmax 222
1548. Ethel Browning’s Toxicity and Metabolism of (e 39800); 260 (e 5000); 267 (e 6300); 283 (e
2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: Industrial Solvents, 2nd edn., (ed. Snyder, R.), 5000); 293 (e 4000) (MeOH) (Berdy).
Elsevier, Volume 2 , 1990, 73 (tox)
Mp 174-1758 (169-1708). Bretherick, L. et al., Handbook of Reactive -LD50 (rat, ivn) 75 mg/kg. NM2625000
Semicarbazone: Chemical Hazards, 4th edn., Butterworths , O-Phosphate: [520-52-5] Psilocybine, BAN,
Mp 185-1878 Mp 192-1938. 1990, 0887 INN. Indocybin. CY 39
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical C12H17N2O4P 284.251
Spectra , 1992, 2, 820C (nmr) Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of Cryst. (MeOH or H2O). Sol. MeOH,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Chemistry, 1992, 492 H2O, butanol. Mp 220-2288 (185-1958).
1989, 3, 1238B (ir) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand lmax 221 (e 18620); 268 (e 6920); 280 (e
Aldrich Library of Infrared Spectra, 3rd edn. , 5500); 290 (e 4360) (MeOH) (Berdy).
1981, 859A (ir) Reinhold , 1992, DOQ800; DOR000;
DOR600 lmax 220 (e 39800); 267 (e 6300); 290 (e
v. Auwers, K. et al., Ber. , 1925, 58, 36 (synth)
Perkin, W.H. et al., J.C.S. , 1925, 2275 (synth) 4000) (EtOH) (Berdy).
Mecke, R. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1960, 93, 210 (uv, -Human adverse systemic effects by
4-(Dimethylamino)azobenzene D-750 ingestion and intraperitoneal routes incl.
Dhami, D.S. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1965, 43, 479 [60-11-7] toxic psychosis. LD50 (rat, ivn) 280 mg/kg ;
(cmr) N,N-Dimethyl-4-(phenylazo)benzenamine, LD50 (mus, ivn) 275 mg/kg , LD50 (mus,

4-[2-(Dimethylamino)ethyl]imidazole, 8CI 
/ 2,4-Dimethylbenzaldehyde D-752  / D-756

ipr) 420 mg/kg. NM3150000 82, 278 (isol) L-form

Garforth, B. et al., J.C.S. , 1935, 489 (synth) Isol. from broad bean (Vicia faba ) seed
N-De-Me, O-phosphate: [21420-58-6] Huebner, C.F. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1949, 71, 3942
Baeocystine proteins. Cryst. (H2O) (as diflavianate).
C11H15N2O4P 270.224 List, P.H. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim, Ger.) ,
Mp 237-2398 (diflavianate).
Mp 254-2588 dec. 1958, 291, 502 (isol) Kakimoto, Y. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1970, 245,
Major, R.T. et al., J.O.C. , 1958, 23, 1564 (isol) 5751 (isol, struct, synth, pmr)
Di-N-de-Me, O-phosphate: [21420-59-7]
Ling, J.S.L. et al., J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther. , Baldwin, G.S. et al., Biochem. J. , 1971, 123, 69
Norbaeocystine (isol)
1958, 122, 44A (pharmacol)
C10H13N2O4P 256.197 Erspamer, V. et al., Experientia , 1963, 19, 346 Nakajima, T. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta ,
Mp 188-1928 dec. (occur) 1971, 230, 212 (isol, struct)
Hofmann, A. et al., Experientia , 1958, 14, 107; Ingle, P.H.B. et al., J. Pharm. Pharmacol. , 1963, Deibler, G.E. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1973, 248,
397; 1959, 15, 101 (isol, synth, ir, uv) 15, 620 (synth) 2387 (anal)
Julia, M. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. Sci. Erspamer, V. et al., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. , Paik, W.K. et al., Amino Acids , 1993, 4, 267 (rev,
Ser. C , 1959, 269, 51 (synth) 1964, 105, 620 (occur) biosynth, metab)
Leung, A.Y. et al., J. Pharm. Sci. , 1967, 56, 146; German, V.F. et al., J. Pharm. Sci. , 1971, 60,
1968, 57, 1667 (derivs) 495 (isol, pmr, ms) NG,NG-Dimethylarginine D-755
Agurell, S. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1968, 22, Roseghini, M. et al., Comp. Biochem. Physiol.,
1210 (biosynth)
C: Comp. Pharmacol. , 1976, 54, 31 (occur)
Hofmann, A. et al., Bull. Narc. , 1971, 23, 3 (rev) Roseghini, M. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1976, nithine, 9CI. N5-(N,N-Dimethylamidi-
Aboul-Enein, H.Y. et al., Am. J. Pharm. , 1974, 31, 118 (occur) no)ornithine, 8CI
146, 91 (rev, Psilocybine) Ferrigni, N.R. et al., J. Ethnopharmacol. , 1982,
Weber, H.P. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1974, 942; 5, 359 (isol)
946 (cryst struct)
Wagner, H. et al., Planta Med. , 1982, 45, 95
Repke, D.B. et al., J. Pharm. Sci. , 1977, 66, 113; (isol) H2 N C H
743 (isol, glc, ms, derivs) Romero, M.L. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1983, 281,
Unger, S.E. et al., Anal. Lett. , 1979, 12, 1157 245 (hplc) CH2 CH2 CH2 NHCNMe2
(ms) Ferrigni, N.R. et al., Rev. Latinoam. Quim. ,
White, P.C. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1979, 169, 453 1984, 14, 131; CA , 101, 23790a (pmr, cmr) NH
Weeks, R.A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1979, 49, 469 C8H18N4O2 202.256
(isol, uv, ms) 3-(Dimethylaminomethyl)in- D-753
Chilton, W.S. et al., J. Psychedelic Drugs , 1979, dole (S )-form [30315-93-6]
11, 61 (rev) [87-52-5] [65005-57-4]
Repke, D.B. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1981, 18, 175 L-form
(synth, bibl) Isol. from broad bean seeds (Vicia faba ).
Seeger, R. et al., Dtsch. Apoth. -Ztg. , 1985, 125, 9CI. Gramine. Donaxine. Doranine
Cryst. (EtOH aq.) (as hydrochloride). Mp
65 (rev, Psilocybine)
Brenneisen, R. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim, 198-2018 (hydrochloride).
CH 2 NMe2
Ger.) , 1988, 321, 487 (synth, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, Hempel, K. et al., Naturwissenschaften , 1968,
P-31 nmr, ms, bibl, Baeocystine) 55, 37 (isol)
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th N Kakimoto, Y. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1970, 245,
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1407 5751 (isol, synth)
Sakagami, H. et al., Heterocycles , 1999, 51, H Nakajima, T. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta ,
1131-1135 (synth) 1971, 230, 212; 243, 31 (isol)
Nichols, D.E. et al., Synthesis , 1999, 935-938 C11H14N2 174.245 Deibler, G.E. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1973, 248,
(Psilocine, Psilocybine) 2387 (anal)
Gathergood, N. et al., Org. Lett. , 2003, 5, 921-
Isol. from cabbage and barley shoots. Mp
138-1398. pKa 16 (258,NH, aq. KOH). Kasai, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1976, 40,
923 (synth) 2449 (isol, synth, pmr, ir)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of -LD50 (mus, ipr) 122 mg/kg ; LD50 (mus, Paik, W.K. et al., Amino Acids , 1993, 4, 267 (rev,
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand ipr) 122 mg/kg. NL7525000 biosynth, metab)
Reinhold , 1992, HKE000; PHU500
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 2,4-Dimethylbenzaldehyde D-756
4-[2-(Dimethylamino)ethyl]i- D-752 Spectra , 1992, 3, 131B (nmr) [15764-16-6]
midazole, 8CI Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, m-Xylylaldehyde. FEMA 3427
2, 660B (ir)
[673-46-1] Kühn, H. et al., Ber. , 1937, 70, 567 (synth)
N,N-Dimethyl-1H-imidazole-4-ethanamine, Marion, L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1951, 73, 305 (ir) CHO
9CI. Na,Na-Dimethylhistamine. Jamieson, W.D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1970, 9,
Hippospongine$ 2029 (ms) CH3
Leete, E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1975, 14, 471
Me2 NCH 2 CH 2 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
N Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand CH3
Reinhold , 1992, DYC000
C9H10O 134.177
H NG,N ?G-Dimethylarginine D-754 Flavouring ingredient. Liq. Mp -98. Bp
N5-[(Methylamino)(methylimino)methy- 215-2168 Bp10 998. n20
C7H13N3 139.2 D 1.5490.
l]ornithine, 9CI. N5-(N,N?-Dimethylami-
The application of the name dino)ornithine, 8CI (E)-Oxime:
Hippospongine to this compound is C9H11NO 149.192
tentative. Alkaloid from Coprinus Prisms (petrol). Mp 84-858 Mp 888.
comatus (shaggy ink cap) and Casimiroa (Z)-Oxime:
edulis seeds (Mexican apple). H2 N C H C9H11NO 149.192
-NI4840000 Small needles (EtOH). Mp 1268.
Hydrochloride (1:2): CH2 CH2 CH2 NHCNHMe
Dimethylhydrazone: [134172-79-5]
Mp 182-1848. NMe C11H16N2 176.261
Dipicrate: Liq. Bp5 85-878.
Mp 229-2308. C8H18N4O2 202.256 Phenylhydrazone: [86726-05-8]
Ackermann, D. et al., Z. Biol. (Munich) , 1924, (S )-form [30344-00-4] Leaflets (AcOH aq.). Mp 888.

2,6-Dimethyl-1,4-benzenediol, 9CI / 2,6-Dimethylbenzoic acid, 9CI, 8CI D-757 
/ D-761

2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Picrate:

Cryst. (C6H6/xylene). Mp 228-2298. Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Yellow needles (EtOH). Mp 90-918.
Reinhold , 1992, DSG700
Semicarbazone: Gaertner, R. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1952, 74, 5319
Lewis, R.J. et al., Reproductively Active
Mp 225-2278. (synth)
Chemicals , Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1991,
Bisagni, M. et al., J.C.S. , 1955, 3688
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, DSG700
Wilhalm, B. et al., Tetrahedron , 1964, 20, 1185
2, 115D (ir)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Spectra , 1992, 2, 950B (nmr) 2,6-Dimethylbenzenethiol, D-758 Veselovskaya, T.K. et al., Zh. Obshch. Khim. ,
9CI 1964, 34, 560 (synth)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Binon, F. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. , 1965, 74,
1989, 3, 1295D (ir) [118-72-9] 306 (ir)
Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra , 6, 87D (pmr) 2,6-Xylenethiol, 8CI. m-Xylene-2-thiol. Platzer, N. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1974, 906
Sadtler Standard C-13 NMR Spectra , 3634
2,6-Dimethylthiophenol. 2,6-Thioxylenol. (synth, cmr)
2-Mercapto-m-xylene. FEMA 3666 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
Gattermann, L. et al., Annalen , 1906, 347, 347
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
174 (props, use)
Hinkel, L.E. et al., J.C.S. , 1932, 2793 (synth) SH
Weygand, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1955, 88, 301
(synth) H3C CH3 3,6-Dimethyl-2(3H )-benzofur- D-760
Ryang, M. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1964,
37, 341 (synth) anone, 9CI
Smith, W.E. et al., J.O.C. , 1972, 37, 3972 (synth) [65817-24-5]
Venkoji, P. et al., Proc. Indian Acad. Sci., Chem. Furaminton. FEMA 3863
Sci. , 1984, 93, 105 (ir, Raman) C8H10S 138.233
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd Present in boiled beef. Flavouring ingre-
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, dient. Liq. with a strong odour. d25
4 1.04.
2, 173 Bp50 1228 Bp25 1108. n20D 1.5753. Bp also
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 847-848
given as 918/50 mm. O
S-Me: [4163-79-5] 1,3-Dimethyl-2- H 3C O
(methylthio)benzene, 9CI. Methyl 2,6-
xylyl sulfide C10H10O2 162.188
2,6-Dimethyl-1,4-benzenediol, D-757 C9H12S 152.26
9CI Bp 217-2188. (/9)-form
Flavouring agent for candies etc.. Mp 398.
[654-42-2] S-Ph: [54088-93-6] 1,3-Dimethyl-2-(phe- Bp0.3 768.
2,6-Dimethylhydroquinone, 8CI. 2,5-Dihy- nylthio)benzene, 9CI. Phenyl 2,6-xylyl
droxy-m-xylene. 2,6-Dimethylquinol. m- Piccolo, O. et al., J. Chem. Res., Synop. , 1985,
sulfide 258-259 (synth, pmr)
Xylohydroquinone. 2,6-Xylohydroquinone C14H14S 214.331 Eur. Pat. , 1999, 953 294; CA , 131, 310543x
Bp3 137-1388. (synth, use)
OH [25550-52-1] Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
H 3C CH 3 edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 1142 (use)
Spectra , 1992, 2, 425B (nmr)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
OH 1989, 3, 1097A (ir) 2,6-Dimethylbenzoic acid, D-761
Al-Kazimi, H.R. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1955, 77, 9CI, 8CI
C8H10O2 138.166 2479-2482 (synth)
Claimed isoln. from Pisum sativum (pea). Campaigne, E.E. et al., J.O.C. , 1957, 22, 561- [632-46-2]
Cryst. (xylene). Mp 149-1518. Steam- 562 (synth) vic-m-Xylylic acid
volatile. Isoln. as nat. prod. unconfirmed. Bartkus, E.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1957, 22, 1185-1186
-Human and exp. reprod. effects (reduced (synth)
Baliah, V. et al., Tetrahedron , 1963, 19, 455-464 COOH
fertility). Exp. teratogenic effects. LD50 (S-Me, synth)
(mus, orl) 186 mg/kg. MX5900000 H 3C CH3
van der Laan, R. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R.
1-Me ether:4-Methoxy-3,5-dimethylphenol Neth. Chem. Soc.) , 1985, 104, 220 (pmr)
C9H12O2 152.193 Dupont, J. et al., J.C.S. Dalton , 1989, 1715-
Plates. Mp 84-858. Incorrectly named as 1720 (S-Me, synth, pmr)
"2,6-dimethyl-4-methoxyphenol" and Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd C9H10O2 150.177
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Cryst. (H2O). Mp 115-1168. pKa1 3.35
incorrect formula of C9H14O3 given. 2, 195
4-Me ether: [2431-91-6] 4-Methoxy-2,6- Perumal, S. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1995,
dimethylphenol 33, 779-790 (S-Ph, synth, pmr, cmr) -DG8734010
C9H12O2 152.193 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Me ester: [14920-81-1]
Needles (petrol). Mp 778. pKa1 10.84 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 880-881 C10H12O2 164.204
(258). Sridhar, M. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1997, 27, Oil. Bp19 1098.
1347-1350 (synth)
Di-Me ether:1,4-Dimethoxy-2,6-dimethyl- b-D-Glucopyranosyl ester: [97400-73-2] b-
benzene D-Glucopyranosyl 2,6-dimethylbenzoate.
C10H14O2 166.219 2,3-Dimethylbenzofuran D-759 Moringyne
Oil. [3782-00-1] C15H20O7 312.319
FEMA 3535 Constit. of the seeds of Moringa oleifera
(horseradish tree).
Bamberger, E. et al., Annalen , 1901, 316, 302
(synth) CH 3 Chloride: [21900-37-8]
4 3
Bruice, T.C. et al., J.O.C. , 1953, 18, 83 (1-Me 5 C9H9ClO 168.622
6 12 CH 3 Liq. Bp 2178 Bp0.3 40-418.
ether) 7
Nilsson, J.L.G. et al., Acta Pharm. Suec. , 1968,
Amide: [55321-98-7]
5, 215; CA , 69, 106132 (synth) C9H11NO 149.192
Carpino, L.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1989, 54, 3303 C10H10O 146.188
(synth, pmr) Present in coffee and roasted onion. Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 1398.
Elix, J.A. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1993, 46, 95 (di- Flavorant. Oil. d20 1.55. Bp19 101-1028 Nitrile: [6575-13-9] 2,6-Dimethylbenzoni-
Me ether) Bp8 86-86.58. trile. 2-Cyano-1,3-dimethylbenzene

3,4-Dimethylbenzoic acid, 9CI, 8CI / 1,1?-Dimethyl-4,4?-bipyridinium(2+), 9CI, 8CI D-762 
/ D-768

C9H9N 131.177 Metab. of Lactarius deliciosus. Cryst. 5,6-Dimethyl-5-norbornen-2-ol, 8CI

Needles (MeOH). Mp 90-918. (hexane/C6H6). Mp 1608.
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Me ester: [34818-57-0]
2, 203A (ir)
C13H14O3 218.252
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR CH 3
Spectra , 1992, 2, 1091A (nmr) Cryst. Mp 43-458 (synthetic). 1
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Nitrile: [33143-29-2] 6-Cyano-2,2-di-
1989, 3, 1329A (ir)
Hufferd, R.W. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1921, 43, 929 C12H11NO 185.225 H
(synth) Cryst. (hexane). Mp 48-49.58 (36-378).
Anca, R. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1967, 23, 110 (cryst C9H14O 138.209
struct) Shima, K. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1971, 91,
1124 (isol, synth) (1R +,2S +)-form
Hojo, M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1971, 27, 2713
Ahluwalia, V.K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1982, 38, exo-form
Smeyers, Y.G. et al., Theor. Chim. Acta , 1973, 3673 (synth) Constit. of the oil of East Indian sandal-
28, 355 (uv) Yamaguchi, S. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , wood (Santalum album ). Food flavouring.
Guilleme, J. et al., An. Quim. , 1976, 72, 35 (pmr) 1984, 57, 442 (synth, uv, pmr) Liq. Bp10 878.
Morcillo, J. et al., An. Quim. , 1977, 73, 334 (ir, Dáz, D.P.P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26, 809
Demole, E. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1976, 59,
Raman) (isol)
737 (isol, synth)
Memon, G.M. et al., Pak. J. Sci. Ind. Res. , Alberola, A. et al., Heterocycles , 1994, 38, 819
Swiss Pat. , 1978, 600 799; CA , 89, 414992m
1985, 28, 7-9; CA , 103, 51180m (Moringyne) (synth, pmr, ms)
Drew, M.G.B. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1991, 47, Ayer, W.A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1994, 57, 839
221 (nitrile, cryst struct) (isol, cmr)
Bell, D. et al., Synthesis , 1995, 707 (nitrile)
Behringer, C. et al., J. Prakt. Chem. , 1997, 339,
Cristina, D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1999, 51,
1,5-Dimethylbicyclo[3.2.1]oc- D-767
184 (nitrile) tan-8-one, 9CI
899-902 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr)
3,4-Dimethylbenzoic acid, D-762 2,3-Dimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]hep- D-764
9CI, 8CI tan-2-ol H3C
[619-04-5] [59432-92-7]
unsym-o-Xylylic acid Santene hydrate O
C9H10O2 150.177
Isol. from Eryngium foetidum (culantro).
Prisms. Mp 1668. pKa 4.5 (258). Sublimes. H 3C
Me ester: [38404-42-1] C10H16O 152.236
C10H12O2 164.204 Bp10 72-748.
Liq. Bp38 1328. Oxime: [75147-23-8] Buccoxime
Chloride: [21900-23-2] C9H16O 140.225 C10H17NO 167.25
C9H9ClO 168.622 Constit. of the famine food Santalum Fragrance ingredient with a blackcur-
Liq. Bp10 1228. album (sandalwood). Flavouring ingredi- rant-like aroma.
ent. Cryst. Mp 102-1038. Mp refers to Ger. Pat. , 1980, 2 945 812; CA , 93, 167745d
Amide: [5580-33-6] synthetic racemate. No indication of opt. (synth)
C9H11NO 149.192 rotn. of nat. prod. All 4 racemates are Ger. Pat. , 1983, 3 129 934; CA , 98, 197671x
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 1318 (113-1148). known synthetically. (oxime)
Nitrile: [22884-95-3] 3,4-Dimethylbenzoni- Haufe, G. et al., Tetrahedron , 1986, 42, 4719-
Beckman, S. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1961, 94, 1905
trile. 4-Cyano-1,2-dimethylbenzene (synth)
4728 (synth, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
C9H9N 131.177 Demole, E. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1976, 59,
Cryst. Mp 668. Bp 231-2328. 737 (isol)
-DI4357500 1,1?-Dimethyl-4,4?-bipyridi- D-768
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, nium(2+), 9CI, 8CI
2, 208D (ir) 2,3-Dimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]- D-765 [4685-14-7]
Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra, 2nd edn. , 1983, hept-2-ene N,N?-Dimethyl-4,4?-bipyridyl(2+). Para-
2, 205A (nmr) [529-16-8] quat, ANSI, BSI, ISO, JMAF, WSSA.
Laham, S. et al., Mikrochim. Acta , 1969, 654 MV(2+)
(uv, ir)
2,3-Dimethyl-2-norbornene. Santene
Yeh, P.-H. et al., J. Chin. Chem. Soc. (Taipei) ,
1974, 21, 139; CA , 82, 34950t (isol)
Guilleme, J. et al., An. Quim. , 1976, 72, 35; MeN NMe
1977, 73, 93 (pmr, cmr) CH 3
Morcillo, J. et al., An. Quim. , 1977, 73, 334 (ir,
Raman) C12H14N22  186.256

Mukherjee-Müller, G. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , CH 3

1977, 60, 1758 (synth)
C9H14 122.21
Flavouring ingredient. Constit. of sandal- Dichloride: [1910-42-5] Paraquat dichlor-
2,2-Dimethyl-2H -1-benzopyr- D-763 wood oil. Oil. Bp 140-1418. n17 ide. N,N?-Dimethylviologen. Methyl vio-
D 1.4688.
an-6-carboxylic acid logen. Dextrone X. Gramoxone. Esgram
Ryhage, R. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1963, 17, C12H14Cl2N2 257.161
[34818-56-9] 2025 (ms)
2,2-Dimethyl-6-chromenecarboxylic acid. Degny, E. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1972, 4770
Constit. of numerous proprietary her-
Anofinic acid (synth) bicides. V. air-sensitive needles (MeOH/
Bohlmann, F. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1975, Me2CO). V. sol. H2O; sl. sol. MeOH,
7, 426 (cmr) EtOH; insol. nonpolar solvs. Mp 3008
HOOC approx. dec.
-OES: long-term 0.1 mg m-3 (respirable
O 5,6-Dimethylbicyclo[2.2.1]- D-766 dust). Conc. commercial formulations
hept-5-en-2-ol, 9CI irritate skin, eyes and mucous membranes,
C12H12O3 204.225 [59300-41-3] and can injure eyes by direct contact.

1,2-Dimethyl-3,4-bis(2,4,5-...  / 4,14-Dimethyl-9,19-cyclocholest-... D-769  / D-772

Many fatalities are associated with 1,2-Dimethyl-3,4-bis(2,4,5-tri- D-769 Constit. of onion (Allium cepa ). Solid.
ingestion of 20% w/v solns., with death methoxyphenyl)cyclobutane Mp 488 dec.
delayed for up to 2-3 weeks. Effects of 1,1?-(3,4-Dimethyl-1,2-cyclobutanediyl)- Block, E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1990, 112, 4584-4585;
ingestion incl. oesophageal ulceration, bis[2,4,5-trimethoxybenzene], 9CI. 1996, 118, 2799-2810 (isol, synth, pmr, cmr,
severe gastrointestinal effects, and damage 2,2?,4,4?,5,5?-Hexamethoxy-7,7?-cyclo- ms)
to kidneys, liver, lungs and pancreas. The lignan
lung is a particular target organ for 2,3-Dimethyl-2-butenoic acid, D-771
paraquat. LD50 (rat, orl) 57 mg/kg. LD50
(rat, skn) 80 mg/kg. Exp. reprod. and 8 8′
MeO 7 7′ OMe [4411-97-6]
teratogenic effects. DW2275000
(7α,7′α,8β,8′β)-form Trimethylacrylic acid. 2,3-Dimethylcro-
Bis(methylsulfate): [2074-50-2]
MeO OMe tonic acid
C14H20N2O8S2 408.453 OMe OMe
Mp 3008 approx. dec.
-DW2010000 C24H32O6 416.513
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Lignan numbering shown.
Spectra , 1992, 3, 238A (nmr) (7a,7?a,8b,8?b)-form [70280-35-2] COOH
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Heterotropan
2, 731A (ir)
Michaelis, L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1933, 55, 1481
Constit. of Piper cubeba (cubeb pep- C6H10O2 114.144
(synth) per). Viscous liq. Opt. inactive (meso -). Long needles (H2O). Mod. sol. H2O. Mp
Brian, R.C. et al., Nature (London) , 1958, 181, (7a,7?b,8a,8?b)-form [81861-74-7] 70-718. pKa 4.4 (258).
446 (rev) Magnosalin
Et ester: [13979-28-7]
Haque, R. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1969, 91, 3822 (pmr) Cryst. (Et2O/hexane). Mp 98-998. [a]23D -
Russell, J.H. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1972, 28, 1527 C8H14O2 142.197
4.6 (c, 0.25 in CHCl3). Chiral molecule,
(cryst struct) Liq. Bp59 93-948.
may be racemic. Config. revised in 1993
Bishop, E. et al., Indicators , Pergamon, Oxford, lmax 208 (e 40738); 231 (e 16980); 298 (e tert-Butyl ester:
1972, 520 (use) C10H18O2 170.251
Verhoeven, J.W. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1974,
10715) (MeOH) (Berdy).
(7a,7?b,8b,8?a)-form [130323-08-9] Liq. Bp20 81-828.
57, 2503 (uv)
Petersen, J.D. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1977, 99, 8417 Andamanicin Benzyl ester: [7492-69-5] FEMA 2143
(cmr) Powder. Mp 110-1128. [a]20 D +2.8 (c, 0.5 C13H16O2 204.268
Carey, J.G. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1977, 2429; in CHCl3). Chiral molecule, may be Flavouring agent.
2431 (synth) racemic. Config. revised in 1993. Chloride:
Lott, P.F. et al., J. Chromatogr. Sci. , 1978, 16, (7j,7?j,8j,8?j)-form [73036-51-8] C6H9ClO 132.589
390 (rev, detn) Acoradin. Bisasaricin
Ross, J.H. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1980, 28, Liq. Bp50 818. Contd. ca. 5% benzene.
1026 (synth, pmr)
Constit. of Acorus calamus (sweet flag). Nitrile:2-Cyano-3-methyl-2-butene
Summers, L.A. et al., The Bipyridinium Prisms (Et2O/petrol). Mp 1018. [a]D 0 C6H9N 95.144
Herbicides , Academic Press, London, 1980, (CHCl3). Yellow oil.
(book) [84172-46-3, 113349-60-3] Perkin, W.H. et al., J.C.S. , 1896, 69, 1479
Hester, R.E. et al., J. Raman Spectrosc. , 1982,
Niwa, M. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1978, 4891 (isol, (synth)
12, 36 (ir, Raman)
struct, synth) Huston, R.C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1946, 68, 2504
Barofsky, D.F. et al., Int. J. Mass Spectrom. Ion
Patra, A. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 1979, (deriv)
Phys. , 1983, 46, 359 (ms)
17, 412 (Acoradin) Braude, E.A. et al., J.C.S. , 1955, 3331 (synth)
Poizat, O. et al., J. Chem. Soc., Faraday Trans. ,
Yamamura, S. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , McCollough, J.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1982, 104,
1984, 80, 3257 (ir, Raman)
1982, 55, 3573 (isol, Heterotropan) 4644 (deriv)
Smith, L.L. et al., Rev. Biochem. Toxicol. , (ed.,
Kikuchi, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1983, 31, Freeman, F. et al., J.O.C. , 1986, 51, 1654 (synth,
Hodgson, E., et al ), Elsevier, New York,
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1987, 8, 37 (tox)
Badheka, L.P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, 26, Ceccherelli, P. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1991, 21,
Dangerous Prop. Ind. Mater. Rep. , 1988, 8, 67
2033-2036 (isol) 17 (synth)
Kadota, S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1987, 28, 2857 Hansen, J.F. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1994, 31, 105
Bockman, T.M. et al., J.O.C. , 1990, 55, 4127
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Kimura, M. et al., Int. Arch. Allergy Appl. Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
Kochi, J.K. et al., J.O.C. , 1990, 55, 4127 (props)
Immunol. , 1990, 93, 365-370 (activity) edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
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Malhotra, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29, 1, 59 (benzyl ester)
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2733-2734 (Andamanicin) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Society of Chemistry, 1992, A310
Mahindru, R.N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 266-267
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32, 1073-1075 (cryst struct) (benzyl ester)
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Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
2002, 12, 649-651 (isol, pmr, cmr) 1282 (nitrile, pmr, cmr)
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1129
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 4,14-Dimethyl-9,19-cyclochol- D-772
Reinhold , 1992, PAI990; PAI995; PAJ000;
2,3-Dimethyl-1,4-butane- D-770
PAJ250 dithial est-20-en-3-one
Handbook of Pesticide Toxicology, (Eds. Hayes,
W.J. et al ), Academic Press, 1991, 1356 (tox,
Chemical Hazards of the Workplace, 3rd edn., H C CH3
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Reinhold , 1991, 452 H 3C C H H

C6H10S2 146.277 H
(2RS,3RS )-form
(/9)-form C29H46O 410.682
S,S?-Dioxide(Z,Z-): [127793-93-5] Bissul- (4a,5a)-form [83118-62-1]
fine Constit. of Musa paradisiaca (banana).
C6H10O2S2 178.276 Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 138-1398. [a]30

4,14-Dimethyl-9,19-cycloergost-...  / 2,9-Dimethyl-2,9-diazatricyclo[,8]octadeca-... D-773 / D-779

+51.2. Cryst. Mp 121-1228. O

Banerji, N. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 1982, (3a,4b,5a)-form [92694-03-6]
21, 387 (isol) 24-Methyl-28-norcycloart-25-en-3-ol O
Constit. of Musa sapientum (banana).
4,14-Dimethyl-9,19-cycloer- D-773 3-Ketone: [2315-18-6] 4,14-Dimethyl-9,19- H 3C CH 3
gost-23-en-3-ol cycloergost-25-en-3-one. 24-Methyl-28-
4,14,24-Trimethyl-9,19-cyclocholest-23-en- norcycloart-25-en-3-one. 4-Epicyclomu-
C7H10O2 126.155
3-ol salenone
Constit. of coffee. Flavouring additive
C30H48O 424.709
with sugary/maple/caramel taste. Mp 71-
Constit. of Musa sapientum (banana).
728. Config. not known (1994).
Cryst. Mp 125-1278.
(3b,4a,5a)-form [2464-44-0] Gianturco, M.A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1963, 19,
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[107439-26-9] Nishimura, O. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
31-Norcyclolaudenol. 24-Methyl-29-norcy- 1990, 38, 1038-1041 (detn, ms, coffee)
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Constit. of Musa sapientum (banana). edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
Also from the mushrooms Clitocybe neb- 446
HO ularis (clouded agaric) and Hydnum re-
H pandum (hedgehog fungus). Mp 137-1398.
Ac: [10376-46-2] 3,5-Dimethyl-1,2-cyclopenta- D-778
C30H50O 426.724 C32H52O2 468.762
(3b,4a,5a,23E )-form [77704-67-7] nedione, 9CI
3-Ketone: [30452-60-9]
Isol. from olive oil and sweet corn (Zea [13494-07-0]
mays ). [107439-27-0] 24-Methyl-29-norcycloart-25- 2-Hydroxy-3,5-dimethyl-2-cyclopenten-1-
Itoh, T. et al., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. , 1981, 58,
en-3-one. 31-Norcyclolaudenone. Cyclomu- one, 9CI. FEMA 3269
545 (isol) salenone
Scheid, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, 1959 C30H48O 424.709
(isol) Constit. of Musa sapientum (banana).
Knapp, F.F. et al., Steroids , 1970, 16, 329-351
4,14-Dimethyl-9,19-cycloer- D-774 (ketone, isol)
gost-24-en-3-ol Itoh, T. et al., Steroids , 1976, 27, 275-285 (pmr)
4,14,24-Trimethyl-9,19-cyclocholest-24-en- Morelli, I. et al., Fitoterapia , 1981, 52, 45-47
3-ol C7H10O2 126.155
Akihisa, T. et al., Lipids , 1986, 21, 494-497
(Cyclomusalenone) Constit. of coffee and cooked cured pork.
Ageta, H. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1990, 53, 325-332 Flavouring agent. Mp 91-928.
(isol) Gianturco, M.A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1963, 19,
Akihisa, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1997, 45, 2039; 2051 (isol, synth, struct)
744-746 (4-Epicyclomusalenone) Sato, K. et al., J.O.C. , 1973, 38, 551 (synth)
Cookson, R.C. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1976, 804
H (synth)
2,3-Dimethyl-2-cyclohexen-1- D-776
Nishimura, O. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
one, 9CI 1990, 38, 1038-1041 (detn, ms, coffee)
HO [1122-20-9]
C30H50O 426.724 2,9-Dimethyl-2,9-diazatricy- D-779
CH 3 clo[,8]octadeca-
(3b,4a,5a,9b)-form [64543-35-7]
Constit. of rapeseed (Brassica napus ). CH 3 5,7,12,14,15,17-hexaene-3,10-diol,
Ac: 9CI
Cryst. Mp 159-1608. C8H12O 124.182 [124190-18-7]
Itoh, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, 1448 Has been used in food flavouring. Liq. N,a?,N?,a-Cyclodi(4-methylaminobenze-
Bp12 118-1198. neethanol)
4,14-Dimethyl-9,19-cycloer- D-775 Semicarbazone:
gost-25-en-3-ol, 9CI Mp 2258 dec. Me
4,14,24-Trimethyl-9,19-cyclocholest-25-en- 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: N
3-ol Mp 199-2008 (1708).
Bergmann, E. et al., J.O.C. , 1939, 4, 266 (synth)
Smith, L.I. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1943, 65, 631 (synth) N
Fenselau, C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1969, 91, 112 (ms)
Ramage, R. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1971, 649 (synth) Me
Pletcher, D. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1975, 948
(synth) C18H22N2O2 298.384
H Corey, E.J. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1978, 111, 1337 Alkaloid from peelings of Citrus unshiu
(synth) (satsuma mandarin).
Harding, C.E. et al., J.O.C. , 1992, 57, 883
(synth, pmr, ir, ms) Matsubara, Y. et al., CA , 1990, 112, 73757; 113,
HO (3α,4α,5α)-form 17474 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms, struct)
3,4-Dimethyl-1,2-cyclopenta- D-777
C30H50O 426.724 nedione, 9CI
(3a,4a,5a)-form [207850-20-2] [13494-06-9]
3-Epicyclomusalenol 2-Hydroxy-3,4-dimethyl-2-cyclopenten-1-
Constit. of Musa sapientum (banana). one. FEMA 3268

2,3-Dimethyl-5,6-dithiabicyclo[2.1.1]hexane  / 4,25-Dimethylergosta-7,24(28)-... D-780 / D-788

2,3-Dimethyl-5,6-dithiabicy- D-780 3,3-Dimethyl-1,2-dithiolane, D-782 C30H50O 426.724

clo[2.1.1]hexane 9CI (3b,4a,5a,23E )-form [84886-39-5]
[58384-57-9] Isol. from etiolated corn coleoptiles
S (Zea mays ).
Scheid, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, 1959
(isol, ms)
S (2R*,3R*)-form
S 4,14-Dimethylergosta-8,24- D-786
C5H10S2 134.266 4,14,24-Trimethylcholesta-8,24-dien-3-ol
C6H10S2 146.277 Detected in aroma of coffee. Yellow oil.
(2R +,3R +)-form Bp14 688. Rapidly polymerizes.
trans-form Schoeberl, A. et al., Annalen , 1958, 614, 66
5a-Oxide: [120709-22-0] Zwiebelane B (synth)
C6H10OS2 162.276 Crump, D.R. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , 1980, 6, 837
Constit. of onion (Allium cepa ). There Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1981, 29,
1078 (occur)
are two possible isomeric mono-S -
Schildknecht, H. et al., Chem.-Ztg. , 1983, 107,
oxides of the trans -form but only this 267 (occur)
isomer was detected. Buglass, A.J. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1991, 46,
(2RS,3SR )-form 166 HO
cis-form H
5a-Oxide: [120637-81-2] Zwiebelane A
2,4-Dimethyldodecane D-783
C6H10OS2 162.276 C30H50O 426.724
Constit. of onion (Allium cepa ). Oil. [6117-99-3]
(3j,4a,5a,14a)-form [64543-34-6]
There are four possible isomeric mono- (H3C)2CHCH2CH(CH3)CH2(CH2)6CH3 Constit. of rapeseed (Brassica napus ).
S -oxides of the cis -form but only this C14H30 198.391 Ac:
one was detected. Constit. of the flowers of Viola odorata Cryst. Mp 139-1408.
Bayer, T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1989, 111, 3085; 1990, (sweet violet). d20 0.76. Bp13 1158.
Itoh, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, 1448
112, 4584 (isol, struct, synth)
Petrov, A.A. et al., CA , 1960, 54, 1257g (synth)
Block, E. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1992, 40,
Zil’berg, G.A. et al., CA , 1966, 64, 11046d
2431 (glc, ms)
Block, E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1996, 118, 2791; 2799
(synth) 4,14-Dimethylergosta- D-787
Cu, J.Q. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, 571 9(11),24(28)-dien-3-ol
(synth, pmr, cmr, ms)
(occur) 4,14-Dimethyl-24-methylenecholest-9(11)-
4,4-Dimethylergosta-8,24(28)- D-784
2,5-Dimethyl-1,4-dithiane-2,5- D-781 dien-3-ol
diol, 9CI 4,4-Dimethyl-24-methylenecholest-8-en-3-
[55704-78-4] ol
FEMA 3450

H 3C
CH 3 C30H50O 426.724
HO (3b,4a,5a)-form [77704-66-6]
C6H12O2S2 180.292
Isol. from seeds of Phaseolus vulgaris
Flavouring ingredient.
(kidney bean). Mp 105-1078 (as
(2RS,5SR )-form [146511-93-5] C30H50O 426.724
trans-form (3b,5a)-form [14250-23-8]
Metab. of Marasmius oreades (fairy ring [105097-80-1, 108944-19-0]
Cryst. (C6H6). Mp 117-1188 Mp 136-
1388 (dimorph.). Cryst. form depends mushroom). Cryst. Mp 163-1648. [a]D Akihisa, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,
on method of prepn. meso -. +14 (c, 0.03 in CHCl3). 1219 (isol)
[90200-29-6] Fattorusso, E. et al., Steroids , 1992, 57, 119
(isol, pmr, cmr)
Haberl, R. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1955, 86, 551 4,25-Dimethylergosta- D-788
(synth, ir, cryst struct) 7,24(28)-dien-3-ol, 9CI
Brown, M.D. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1985, 1623 4,14-Dimethylergosta-8,23- D-785 4,25-Dimethyl-24-methylenecholest-7-en-3-
(synth, ir, pmr, ms, use) dien-3-ol ol
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
2, 176
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 853-854


1,4-Dimethyl-7-ethylazulene  / S -2,5-Dimethyl-3-furanyl 3-... D-789  / D-796

C30H50O 426.724 Yu, T.H. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1989, 37, 5,5-Dimethyl-2(5H )-furanone, D-793
725-730 (isol) 9CI
(3b,4a,5a)-form [123086-79-3] Ancerewicz, J. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1996,
25-Methylgramisterol 79, 1393 (synth, pmr) [20019-64-1]
Constit. of bean (Phaseolus vulgaris ) 4,4-Dimethyl-2-butenolide
C6H8O2 112.128
Akihisa, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,
Aroma component of hop extract, and of
2,5-Dimethylfuran, 9CI D-791 lavender, sagebrush, narcissus and salmon
[625-86-5] oils. Liq. with burnt camphor-menthol
1,4-Dimethyl-7-ethylazulene D-789 odour. Bp 2108 Bp14 948 Bp10 808. n18D
C6H8O 96.129 1.4470.
[529-05-5] Maillard product. Mp -638. Bp 93-948. n20
Chamazulene. Camazulene. Lindazulene. 1.4363. Haynes, L.J. et al., J.C.S. , 1946, 954 (synth)
Dimethulene Nobuhara, A. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1970,
-Highly flammable, fl. p. 168. LU0875000 11, 1745 (synth, props)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR King, G.S. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1974, 1499
Spectra , 1992, 3, 15C (nmr) (synth, pmr, ms, gc)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Torii, S. et al., J.O.C. , 1974, 39, 2486 (synth)
3 2, 580B (ir) Barluenga, J. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1986, 183
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , (synth, cmr)
1989, 3, 1450C (ir) Tanikaga, R. et al., Synthesis , 1986, 416 (synth)
Reddy, G.S. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1961, 65, Alper, H. et al., J.O.C. , 1991, 56, 5357 (synth)
1539 (nmr)
C14H16 184.28 Reddy, G.S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1961, 83, 5020
Isol. as artifact from various sesquiterpene (nmr)
Hillers, S. et al., Khim. Geterotsikl. Soedin. ,
oils, e.g. from Achillea and Artemisia spp.. 2,5-Dimethyl-3-furanthiol D-794
1966, 487 (ir, Raman)
Blue oil. Bp12 1618. Log P 5.34 (calc). Heyns, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1966, 22, 2223 [55764-23-3]
-LD50 (rat, orl) 10000 mg/kg. CO4780000 (ms) 3-Mercapto-2,5-dimethylfuran. FEMA
Picrate: Scott, L.T. et al., Synthesis , 1973, 4, 209 (synth) 3451
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 1168. Kiewiet, A. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1974, 6,
461 (nmr)
3,6-Dihydro: [18454-88-1] 7-Ethyl-3,6-di- Scharf, H.-D. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1978, 111, 639 SH
hydro-1,4-dimethylazulene (synth)
C14H18 186.296 Hashimi, A.S.K. et al., Angew. Chem., Int. Ed. , H 3C CH 3
Minor constit. of Artemisia absinthium 1995, 34, 1581 (synth) O
(wormwood). Pale-yellow unstable oil. Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand C6H8OS 128.195
5,6-Dihydro: [18454-89-2] 7-Ethyl-5,6-di- Reinhold , 1992, DSC000
hydro-1,4-dimethylazulene Component of chicken volatiles. Flavour-
C14H18 186.296 ing agent. Red liq. Bp10 80-1508 (bulb).
Minor constit. of Artemisia absinthium -LU6230000
(wormwood). Orange-black unstable S-Me: [63359-63-7] 2,5-Dimethyl-3-
oil. 3,5-Dimethyl-2(5H )-furanone, D-792 (methylthio)furan
Takeda, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1953, 75,
9CI C7H10OS 142.221
3865 (struct) [5584-69-0] Occurs in coffee aroma. Faintly yellow
Bertelli, D.J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1968, 24, 2079 2,4-Dimethyl-2-buten-4-olide. 4-Hydroxy- liq. Bp1 718.
(isol, struct) 2-methyl-2-pentenoic acid g-lactone Huber, U.A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1993, 76,
Mukherjee, D. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1979, 101, 251 2528 (synth, pmr, bibl)
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th CH 3
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 755 (R)-form
Roth, L. et al., Roth Collection of Natural H 3C O
Product Data , VCH, Weinheim, 1995, (bibl) O S -(2,5-Dimethyl-3-furanyl) 2- D-795
Adam, K.-P. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 48, furancarbothioate, 9CI
953-959 (biosynth) C6H8O2 112.128
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of (R )-form [59417-65-1] [55764-31-3]
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Liq. Bp16 1208. 2,5-Dimethyl-3-(2-thiofuroyl)furan
Reinhold , 1992, DRV000 (S )-form [127418-12-6]
Liq. [a]25
D +91.5 (c, 1.24 in CHCl3).
2,4-Dimethylfuran, 9CI D-790 (/9)-form
Liq. Bp45 100-1038 Bp0.05 308. n22
D 1.4532.
Flavour component of the edible miller
H3C mushroom (Coprinus comatus ), cooked H 3C O CH3
4 3 bacon and smoke condensates.
512 Volger, H.C. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R. Neth. C11H10O3S 222.264
O CH3 Chem. Soc.) , 1965, 84, 1203 (synth, pmr, ms, Flavouring agent with hydrolysed vegeta-
glc) ble-type aroma and flavour.
C6H8O 96.129 Gorewit, B. et al., J.O.C. , 1973, 38, 2257 (synth,
pmr) U.S. Pat. , 1975, 3 922 288; CA , 84, 721636e
Found in garlic and leek oil. Flavouring Hussain, S.A.M.T. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1975, (synth, ms, pmr, use)
ingredient. Bp 94-988. 1480 (synth, pmr)
Gilman, H. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R. Neth. Kawamata, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1980,
Chem. Soc.) , 1932, 51, 672 28, 277 (synth, pmr, ir)
Morel, T.H. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R. Neth. Guntrum, E. et al., Synthesis , 1986, 921 (synth, S -2,5-Dimethyl-3-furanyl 3- D-796
Chem. Soc.) , 1951, 70, 35 pmr, cmr, ir)
Corbera, J. et al., J.O.C. , 1988, 53, 4393 (synth,
methylbutanethioate, 9CI
Heyns, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1966, 22, 2223
(ms) pmr, cmr, R-form) [55764-28-8]
Scharf, H.-D. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1978, 111, 639 Chiarello, J. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1989, 19, 2,5-Dimethyl-3-(thioisovaleryl)furan.
(synth) 3379 (synth, pmr, ir, S-form) FEMA 3482

2,6-Dimethyl-2,4-heptadiene  / 2,6-Dimethyl-5-heptenal, 9CI D-797 / D-803

SCOCH2CH(CH3)2 28, 870-872 (ms) Flavouring ingredient. Oil. Sl. sol. H2O,
Kula, J. et al., Parfuem. Kosmet. , 1995, 76, 368 sol. EtOH. Bp 165-1668 Bp11 568. n20 D
(synth) 1.4128.
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
H3C O CH3 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 613 (use, -Flammable, fl. p. 49/518, autoignition
props) temp. 3888. Eye, skin and respiratory tract
C11H16O2S 212.312 U.S. Pat. , 1997, 5 626 852 (use) irritant. High vapour conc. narcotic.
Flavouring agent. Liq. with creamy, co- Sharma, A. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1998, Lower conc. may cause headache, nausea.
46, 654-656 (synth, props) LD50 (rat, orl) 5750 mg/kg. OES: long-
coa-like sweet aroma. d20
4 1.03. Bp6 124-
1258. term 25 ppm. MJ5775000
3,4-Dimethylheptane, 9CI D-800 Oxime: [52435-41-3]
U.S. Pat. , 1973, 3 910 966; CA , 84, 30860g (use,
ms, pmr) [922-28-1] C9H19NO 157.255
U.S. Pat. , 1976, 3 958 029; CA , 85, 159857m Bp 205-2108 Bp20 114-1168.
(synth, use) 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone:
Moran, E.J. et al., Drug Chem. Toxicol. , 1980, C9H20 128.257 Mp 928.
3, 249-258 (tox) Constit. of the flowers of Osmanthus
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd fragrans (sweet osmanthus) and Viola Semicarbazone:
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, odorata (sweet violet). Bp 140.18. Mixt. of Mp 1268 (1108).
2, 195 (props, use) diastereoisomers. Registry of Mass Spectral Data , Wiley, 1974,
321-6 (ms)
[52896-82-9, 57031-63-7, 57031-64-8, 75110-09- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
2,6-Dimethyl-2,4-heptadiene D-797 7, 75110-10-0] 1, 409D (ir)
[4634-87-1] Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Henne, A.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1944, 66, 392 Spectra , 1992, 1, 638B (nmr)
(H3C)2CHCH/ . CHCH/ . C(CH3)2 (synth) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
C9H16 124.225 Dvoretsky, I. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1963, 35, 545
1989, 3, 493D (ir)
Constit. of Osmanthus fragrans (sweet (synth) Aldrich Library of IR Spectra , 2nd Ed., 218C (ir)
Beierbeck, H. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1977, 55,
osmanthus). Bp 139-1438. Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra , 2, 109B (pmr)
771; 1980, 58, 1258 (conformn, cmr) Sadtler Standard C-13 NMR Spectra , 806 (cmr)
(E )-form [62716-22-7] Yaws, C.L. et al., Hydrocarbon Process. Int. Ed. ,
Sadtler Standard Ultraviolet Spectra , 10135 (uv)
Liq. 1989, 68, 61 (props)
Hammell, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1950, 15, 1628
Kizhner, N. et al., CA , 1912, 7, 3965 (synth)
Nakada, Y. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1971, Davis, R. et al., J.O.C. , 1962, 27, 854 (synth)
44, 1724 (synth)
2,6-Dimethyl-4-heptanol, 9CI D-801
Carlson, B.A. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1973, 95, 6876
Otieno, D.A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1977, 196 [108-82-7] (synth)
(synth) Diisobutylcarbinol. FEMA 3140 Karimov, M. et al., CA , 1976, 85, 77589 (synth)
Ding, D. et al., J. Essent. Oil Res. , 1989, 1, 295 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
(occur) edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
C9H20O 144.256 2, 179
Flavouring ingredient. Insol. H2O, sol. Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
2,6-Dimethyl-2,5-heptadienoic D-798 EtOH, Et2O. d20 0.81. Bp 1798 Bp14 728. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 857-858
acid n20
D 1.4238. Patty’s Ind. Hyg. Toxicol. (3rd Rev. edn.) , Vol.
-Eye, skin and respiratory tract irritant. 2, Wiley, 1980, 4770 (tox)
Luxon, S.G. et al., Hazards in the Chemical
Adverse hepatic and CNS effects reported
Laboratory, 5th edn., Royal Society of
by ingestion. LD50 (rat, orl) 3160 mg/kg. Chemistry, 1992, 476
COOH LD50 (rbt, skn) 4600 mg/kg. MJ3325000 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
1-Naphthylurethane: Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
C9H14O2 154.208 Mp 71-748. Reinhold , 1992, DNI800
(E )-form [261949-42-2] Ac:
Constit. of Passiflora quadrangularis C11H22O2 186.294
(giant grandilla). Oil. Bp60 125-1268. 2,6-Dimethyl-5-heptenal, 9CI D-803
b-D-Glucopyranosyl ester: [261949-43-3] Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR [106-72-9]
C15H24O7 316.35 Spectra , 1992, 1, 188A (nmr) Melonal. FEMA 2389
Constit. of Passiflora quadrangularis Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
(giant grandilla). Oil. [a]25
D +12.6 (c, 0.78
1989, 3, 180A (ir)
in MeOH). Ipatieff, V.N. et al., J.O.C. , 1942, 7, 189-198 C9H16O 140.225
(synth) Oil.
Osorio, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 53, 97- Sarel, S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1956, 78, 5416-5420
101 (isol, pmr, cmr) -Skin and eye irritant. MJ8797000
Sokolova, E.B. et al., CA , 1962, 56, 8652 (synth)
Brown, H.C. et al., Synthesis , 1978, 676-677 Perfumery and flavouring ingredient. Liq.
2-(2,6-Dimethyl-1,5-heptadie- D-799 with melon-like odour and taste. Bp100
nyl)-4-methyl-1,3-dioxolane, 9CI, 8CI Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd 116-1248.
[10444-50-5] edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Oxime: [22457-24-5]
2, 178 C9H17NO 155.239
[170556-22-6, 170556-23-7, 170556-24-8, Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
170556-25-9, 197718-75-5, 197719-38-3] Bp0.9 80-818.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 856-857
Citral propylene glycol acetal Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Semicarbazone:
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Mp 1358.
Reinhold , 1992, DNH800 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone:
Mp 878.
O 2,6-Dimethyl-4-heptanone, D-802 1-Carboxylic acid:2,6-Dimethyl-5-hepte-
9CI noic acid
[108-83-8] C9H16O2 156.224
Flavouring ingredient. Oily liq. with citrus Diisopropylacetone. Isovalerone. Diisobutyl Oil.
orange-lemon odour and lemon flavour in ketone. Isobutyl ketone. FEMA 3537 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Spectra , 1992, 1, 737C (nmr)
aq. media. Bp0.5 828. (H3C)2CHCH2COCH2CH(CH3)2 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Welch, R.C. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1980, C9H18O 142.241 1989, 3, 561A (ir)

2,6-Dimethyl-6-hepten-1-ol, 9CI / 2,4-Dimethyl-1H -indole, 9CI D-804  / D-811

Dominguez, X.A. et al., CA , 1956, 50, 8445 1988, 37, 2161-2165 (isol, props) C26H50O2 394.68
(synth) McLean, S. et al., Magn. Reson. Chem. , 1996,
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , 34, 719-722 (isol, pmr, cmr)
1975, 13, 793 (rev, tox) C26H48O2 392.664
Ayer, S.W. et al., Experientia , 1983, 39, 255-256
2,3-Dimethylhexane D-807 Eicosanoyl:
(isol) C28H56O2 424.749
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , [584-94-1] (2j,4j)-form
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New Isopropylmethylpropylmethane Aroma and taste producing constit. of
York, 1989, DSD775 (H3C)2CHCH(CH3)CH2CH2CH3
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand C8H18 114.23 [111675-63-9, 139684-73-4, 159346-50-6]
Reinhold , 1992, (-)-form Lardicci, L. et al., Tetrahedron , 1966, 22, 1991-
Liq. Bp 113-1148. [a]25
D -0.92. 2001 (synth)
2,6-Dimethyl-6-hepten-1-ol, D-804 (/9)-form Chenyaga, B.S. et al., Prikl. Khromatogr. , 1984,
9CI Liq. d 0.71. Bp 115.88. 157-167; CA , 102, 130376n (glc)
-Highly flammable, fl. p. 78 (oc), White, J.D. et al., J.O.C. , 1994, 59, 3347-3358
[40326-01-0] (synth, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
autoignition temp. 4388. High vapour
a-Melonol. FEMA 3663 Stoermer, D. et al., J.O.C. , 1996, 61, 9115-9125
conc. prob. narcotic.
(j)-form (S,S-form, synth, ir, pmr, cmr)
Nakamura, S. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1999,
Volatile component of starfruit.
(S)-form 47, 1330-1333 (synth, ir, pmr, cmr)
Clark, L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1911, 33, 529 (synth) Sakata, T. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. ,
CH2OH Levene, P.A. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1933, 100, 2001, 65, 919-927 (esters, isol, synth)
769 (synth)
C9H18O 142.241 Beierbeck, H. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1977, 55,
771 (cmr)
(S )-form [138381-56-3] Dimov, N. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1987, 201,
Liq. [a]20
D -11.8 (c, 1.0 in CHCl3). 217 (detn) 3,7-Dimethyl-5-indanecar- D-810
(/9)-form [36806-46-9] Daub, R.J. et al., HRC & CC, J. High Resolut. boxylic acid
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with Chromatogr. Chromatogr. Commun. , 1988, 2,3-Dihydro-3,7-dimethyl-1H-indene-5-car-
pleasant melon odour. d20 0.86. Bp1 628. 11, 649 (gc, rev) boxylic acid, 9CI
n20 MacLeod, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990, 29,
D 1.4515.
165 (isol)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of CH3
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
[138381-57-4] Reinhold , 1992, DSE509
Wu, J. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1991, 55, 2667- (R)-form
2668 (synth) 3,3-Dimethylhexane, 9CI D-808 HOOC
Shanghnessy, K.H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1995, 117, [563-16-6] CH3
5873-5874 (synth)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. H3CCH2CH2C(CH3)2CH2CH3
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 859 C8H18 114.23 C12H14O2 190.241
Schinzer, D. et al., Chem. Eur. J. , 1999, 5, 2492- Constit. of the oil of Osmanthus fragrans (R )-form [217802-61-4]
2500 (synth, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) (sweet osmanthus) and ginseng. d204 0.71. Constit. of Curcuma zedoaria (zedoary).
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th Bp 111-1128. n20
D 1.4008. Needles (hexane). Mp 153-1558. [a]25
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
452 Noller, C.R. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1929, 51, 598 +18 (c, 1 in C6H6).
(synth) Syu, W.-J. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 1531-
Marker, R.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1938, 60, 2598 1534 (isol, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
2?-(3,6-Dimethyl-2-heptenyl)- D-805 (synth)
3?,4?,7-trihydroxyflavanone Khromov, S.I. et al., CA , 1959, 53, 2149 (synth)
Pines, H. et al., J.O.C. , 1965, 30, 3540 (synth)
Beierbeck, H. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1977, 55,
771 (conformn, cmr) 2,4-Dimethyl-1H -indole, 9CI D-811
2,4-Dimethyl-1-hexanol, 9CI D-809
O [3965-59-1] CH 3
CH 3
OH CH2 (2R,4R)-form C10H11N 145.204
H C CH3 Alkaloid from fruit bodies of the unpala-
C24H28O5 396.482 table mushrooms Tricholoma sciodes and
(S )-(E )-form [116207-28-4] CH2CH3 Tricholoma virgatum . Liq. Bp0.5 94-968.
Constit. of Artocarpus communis
(breadfruit). C8H18O 130.23 Cryst. Mp 164.58.
Koshihara, Y. et al., Biochem. Pharmacol. , (2R ,4R )-form [130322-50-8] Marion, L. et al., Can. J. Res., Sect. B , 1947, 25,
1988, 37, 2161 (isol, props) Oil. [a]22
D +3.7 (c, 1.67 in CHCl3). 1 (synth)
(2S,4S )-form [139684-72-3] Gassman, P.G. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1974, 96, 5495
8-(3,6-Dimethyl-2-heptenyl)- D-806 Oil. [a]27
D -456 (c, 1.64 in CHCl3). [a]D - (synth)
4?,5,7-trihydroxyflavanone 3.9 (c, 1.63 in CHCl3). McDonald, B.G. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1975,
1446 (synth)
C24H28O5 396.482 Hexadecanoyl: Bard, R.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1980, 45, 1546 (synth)
(S )-(E )-form [116207-30-8] C24H48O2 368.642 Garlaschelli, L. et al., Tetrahedron , 1994, 50,
Constit. of Artocarpus communis Octadecanoyl: 3571 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
(breadfruit). Cryst. Mp 146-1488. C26H52O2 396.696 Söderberg, B.C. et al., J.O.C. , 1999, 64, 9731-
9734 (synth)
Koshihara, Y. et al., Biochem. Pharmacol. , 9Z-Octadecenoyl:

1,3-Di-O -methyl-myo -inositol, 9CI, 8CI 
/ 1,2-Dimethyl-4-(6-methyl-4-... D-812 / D-820

1,3-Di-O -methyl-myo -inosi- D-812 Hückel, W. et al., Annalen , 1963, 664, 31 1,4-Dimethyl-7-(1-methylethe- D-818
tol, 9CI, 8CI Kokke, W.C.M.C. et al., J.O.C. , 1973, 38, 2989 nyl)azulene, 9CI
[523-94-4] [489-85-0]
Dambonitol. Dambonite 7-Isopropenyl-1,4-dimethylazulene. Lactar-
1-(1,9-Dimethyl-5-methylene- D-815
MeO OH [6089-98-1]
OMe ar-Artemisene
C8H16O6 208.211 H 3C
Latex used for manuf. of chewing gum.
Cryst. (EtOH) with sweet taste. Mp 2108. C20H30 270.457 C15H16 196.291
Exhibits polymorphism. Opt. inactive Constit. of Wormwood oil (Artemisia Constit. of Lactarius deliciosus. Blue liq.
(meso -). absinthium ). Oil. [a]D -19.2. Bp0.01 85-908.
Tetra-Ac: [109338-68-3] 2,4,5,6-Tetra-O- [19907-39-2] Šorm, F. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
1954, 19, 357
acetyldambonitol Sorm, F. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
C16H24O10 376.36 1951, 16, 268 (isol)
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 1958. Vig, O.P. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , 1965, 42,
Comollo, A.J. et al., J.C.S. , 1953, 3319 (isol, 773 (synth)
constit) Crawford, R.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1972, 37, 3543 2,6-Dimethyl-3-[(2-methyl-3- D-819
Kiang, A.K. et al., J.C.S. , 1956, 480-483 (synth, pmr) furanyl)thio]-4-heptanone, 9CI
(struct) [61295-51-0]
Angyal, S.J. et al., J.C.S. , 1957, 1417-1422 (isol,
FEMA 3538
8,8-Dimethyl-2-methylene-6- D-816
Kindl, H. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1966, 97,
1778 (biosynth)
Dorman, E.D. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1970, 92, 1351 [28449-87-8] O
(cmr) Karahana lactone
Anderson, L. et al., The Carbohydrates ,
Academic Press, 1972, 1A, 519 (rev) S
Paart, E. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1973, 85, 93
(chromatog) O
Sakurai, K. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol.,
Biochem. , 1992, 56, 975 (isol, pmr, cmr, props) (±)-form O CH3

O C14H22O2S 254.393
2,5-Dimethyl-3-(methyl- D-813 Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with meat-like
dithio)furan, 9CI C10H14O2 166.219
odour. d25 20
4 1.02. Bp0.2 90-928. nD 1.4925.
Constit. of hops.
[61197-06-6] Ger. Pat. , 1976, 2 600 707; CA , 86, 29610k
2,5-Dimethyl-3-furanyl methyl disulfide (-)-form
(synth, use)
Cryst. (hexane). Mp 57.5-58.58. [a]25
D -295 Oser, B.L. et al., Food Technol. (Chicago) , 1978,
(c, 1 in CHCl3). The nat. prod. is nearly 32, 60-62; 64-66; 68-70 (tox)
S SMe racemic (1.3% ee). Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
Naya, Y. et al., CA , 1970, 73, 43892 edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
Mori, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1985, 41, 5487 2, 182 (props, use)
H 3C CH 3 (synth)
Galano, J.-M. et al., Tetrahedron , 2000, 56,
C7H10OS2 174.287 7477-7481 (synth, cryst struct)
Component of coffee aroma. Red liq. 1,2-Dimethyl-4-(6-methyl-4- D-820
Bp0.75 548. heptenyl)-1,3-cyclohexadiene
Huber, U.A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1993, 76,
6,10-Dimethyl-9-methylene-5- D-817
2528-2536 (synth, bibl) undecen-2-one methyl-3-heptene
7,7-Dimethyl-2-methylenebi- D-814
a-Fenchene O
C14H24O 208.343
(E )-form [64854-44-0] CH3
Constit. of Costus root oil (Saussurea CH3
Relative lappa ). Oil.
con®guration [64854-46-2] C16H26 218.381
Maurer, B. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1977, 353 (isol, Constit. of the oil of turmeric, Curcuma
synth) longa .
C10H16 136.236 Maurer, B. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1977, 60,
6191 Jayaprakasha, G.K. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C ,
(-)-form [7378-37-2] Dubs, P. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1978, 61, 984 2001, 56, 40-44
Constit. of Valeriana officinalis (isol, synth)
(valerian). Oil. Bp 155-1608. [a]D -42.62 Morizur, J.-P. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1982, 23, 5275
(EtOAc). n20D 1.4742. (synth)

4,8-Dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene  / 2,6-Dimethyl-2,7-octadiene-... D-821  / D-826

4,8-Dimethyl-1,3,7-nonatriene D-821 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Milburrow, B.V. et al., Plant Sci. (Limerick,
1,2,3,15-Tetranor-4,6,10-farnesatriene Spectra , 1992, 1, 743A (nmr) Irel.) , 1988, 56, 49-53 (isol)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Wenkert, E. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1999, 82,
1989, 3, 565B (ir) 511-514 (synth, bibl)
Org. Synth. , 1943, 23, 78 (synth)
8 7 Simonsen, J.L. et al., The Terpenes , 2nd Ed.,
Cambridge Univ. Press, 1947, 1, 83 (rev) 2,6-Dimethyl-2,6-octadiene- D-825
Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 3 , 1955, 747
Ohtsura, M. et al., J.C.S.(B) , 1967, 1033 (pmr) 1,8-diol
C11H18 150.263
Kogami, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1968,
(E )-form 41, 2508 (synth) HOH2C 2
Constit. of essential oil of Elettaria Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen CH2OH (2E,6E)-form
cardamomum (cardamom). Oil. der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn.,
7R,8-Epoxide: [406214-57-1] 7,8-Epoxy- Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 371
4,8-dimethyl-1,3-nonadiene (occur) C10H18O2 170.251
Vortkevich, S.A. et al., Parfums, Cosmet. Savons (2E ,6E )-form
C11H18O 166.263 Fr. , 1972, 2, 407 (rev)
7S,8-Epoxide: [162460-30-2] Robacker, D.C. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , 1977, 3,
D +17.8 (c, 0.045 in Et2O). 563 8-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside:
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , C16H28O7 332.393
1979, 17, 259 (rev, tox) Constit. of fresh ginger (Zingiber
Pattenden, G. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1968, 1984 Akhila, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, 2585 officinale ).
(synth) (biosynth) (2E ,6Z )-form
Maurer, B. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1986, 27, 2111 Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
(struct, synth) Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New 8-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside:
Boland, W. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1989, 72, York, 1989, DTC800 Constit. of fresh ginger (Zingiber
247 (biosynth, bibl) Bauer, K. et al., Common Fragrance and Flavor officinale ).
Boland, W. et al., Tetrahedron , 1998, 54, 14725- Materials, Preparation, Properties and Uses , (2Z ,6E )-form [32663-40-4]
14736 (biosynth) 2nd Ed., VCH Weinheim, 1990, 29 (rev) 9-Hydroxygeraniol
Wegener, R. et al., Tetrahedron , 2002, 58, 315- Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th Constit. of tarragon (Artemisia dracun-
319 (epoxide) edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1386
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
culus ).
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Bis(3-methylbutanoyl):
3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienal D-822 2, 121-122 C20H34O4 338.486
[5392-40-5] Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Oil.
Citral. FEMA 2303 Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 610-613 Jakupovic, J. et al., Planta Med. , 1991, 57, 450
Picquet, M. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. , 2000, (isol, pmr)
2361-2366 (synth, ir, pmr, cmr) Abdel-Kader, M.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993,
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 34, 1367 (isol, pmr, cmr)
CHO (E)-form Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Jaensch, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 34,
Reinhold , 1992, DOE000; DTC800 1367 (isol, pmr)
C10H16O 152.236 Otsuka, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 37, 461
-Fl. p. 918. Human and exp. skin irritant. (isol, pmr, cmr)
LD50 (rat, orl) 4960 mg/kg. Exp. reprod.
3,7-Dimethyl-3,6-octadienal D-823 Sekiwa, Y. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. ,
effects (large dose). RG5075000 [1754-00-3] 1999, 63, 384-389 (8-glucosides)
(E )-form [141-27-5] Isocitral. b-Isogeranial
Geranial. Citral a C10H16O 152.236
Occurs in lemon grass oil (Cymbopogon 2,6-Dimethyl-2,7-octadiene- D-826
Constit. of Melissa officinalis (lemon
citratus ), lemon, orange and many other balm) and Origanum spp.. Bp4 708. n20
essential oils; flavouring ingredient. Bp 1.4685. [64142-78-5]
2298 Bp20 1198. n20 D 1.4898. 9-Hydroxylinalool
-RG5075100 [55722-59-3, 72203-97-5, 72203-98-6]
Semicarbazone: Bedoukian, P.Z. et al., CA , 1960, 54, 46536 9
Cryst. Mp 1648. (synth) OH
Cant, P.A.E. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1975, 28, (2E,6R)-form
Di-Me acetal: [7549-37-3] 1,1-Dimethoxy- HOH 2 C 6
621-630 (synth, ir, pmr) 1
3,7-dimethyl-2,6-octadiene, 9CI. FEMA Sendra, J.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19,
2305 89-92 (isol) C10H18O2 170.251
C12H22O2 198.305
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with a fresh Numbering systems vary.
lemon-like odour. Coml. product is a 2,7-Dimethyl-2,4-octadiene- D-824 (2E ,6R )-form [61434-50-2]
mixt. of (E )- and (Z )-isomers. Oil. [a]25
D -12.8 (c, 1.08 in MeOH).
dioic acid
Di-Et acetal: [7492-66-2] 1,1-Diethoxy-3,7- 1-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [64776-96-1]
dimethyl-2,6-octadiene. FEMA 2304 Betulalbuside A
C14H26O2 226.358 C16H28O7 332.393
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with woody- Constit. of Chaenomeles japonica
citrus odour and a green, oily, citrus- HOOC (dwarf quince). Oil.
peel flavour. Bp15 140-1428. n20
COOH (2Z ,6R )-form
D 1.4503.
Props. prob. refer to a mixt. with the Z - 1-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [64813-08-7]
isomer. Betulalbuside B
-RG5080000 C10H14O4 198.218 C16H28O7 332.393
(Z )-form [106-26-3] (2E ,4E )-form [110107-15-8] Constit. of Chaenomeles japonica
Neral. Citral b Prod. by a mutant tomato variety (dwarf quince). Oil.
Sol. Me2CO, hexane; poorly sol. H2O. ’flacca’ deficient in abscisic acid. Cryst. [74984-70-6, 75991-61-6, 103619-06-3, 162302-
Bp12 1038. n20 D 1.4809. (hexane/Et2O). Mp 124-1268. 46-7]
Semicarbazone: Di-Me ester: [110107-18-1] Tschesche, R. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1977, 110,
Cryst. Mp 1718. Bp0.1 180-1908. 3111-3117 (Betulalbusides)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Linforth, R.S.T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1987, Caliş, İ. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 38, 163-
1, 475D (ir) 26, 1631-1634 (isol, synth, pmr, cmr, ms) 165 (Betulalbuside A)

2,6-Dimethyl-3,7-octadiene-...  / 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-... D-827 / D-832

2,6-Dimethyl-3,7-octadiene- D-827 Constit. of quince fruit (Cydonia 3,7-Dimethyl-1,6-octadien-3- D-832

2,6-diol, 9CI oblonga ). Viscous yellow oil. [a]21
D -15.5 ol
[13741-21-4] (c, 0.31 in MeOH). [78-70-6]
Lutz, A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1991, 32, 5943 (isol, Linalool. Linalol. Linalyl alcohol. Licareol.
pmr, cmr) Coriandrol. b-Linalool. FEMA 2635
OH Kitahara, T. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 551-
HO 4
554 (synth)
3 HO
C10H18O2 170.251
Detected in many fruits and aromatic oils 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadiene-1- D-830
and in wines. Oil. [a]24
D +3.6 (c, 0.38 in
C10H18O 154.252
thiol, 9CI Flavouring agent. Widespread natural
[38237-00-2] occurrence as the optically active and
2-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: racemic forms in over 200 essential oils.
C16H28O7 332.393 Also present in numerous fruits.. Log P
3,4-Dihydro:2,6-Dimethyl-7-octene-2,6- CH 2SH 2.55 (calc). Natural enantiomeric compo-
diol. 3,7-Dimethyl-1-octene-3,7-diol sition of the various esters of Linalool is
C10H20O2 172.267 C10H18S 170.318 mostly not well documented. The phys.
Constit. of the wine grape (Vitis vini- props. are given here under the racemates
fera ). Cryst. Mp 51-528. (E )-form [39067-80-6] but some props. may refer to opt. active
2-Hydroperoxide, 6-O-[3,4-di-O-angeloyl- samples.
Flavouring and perfumery ingredient.
b-D-glucopyranoside]: [358721-99-0] -Fl. p. 71/768. Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl)
Mantegani, A. et al., Eur. J. Med. Chem. (Chim.
C26H40O10 512.596 2790 mg/kg. RG5775000
Ther.) , 1972, 7, 411 (synth)
Oil. [a]20
D -13.1 (c, 0.48 in CHCl3). lmax Ger. Pat. , 1972, 2 221 626; CA , 78, 71402 (synth, (R )-form [126-91-0]
216 (log e 4.29) (MeOH). use) Constit. of many essential oils including
[51276-34-7, 76540-50-6, 112420-84-5] U.S. Pat. , 1976, 3 975 311; CA , 86, 55594c Melissa officinalis (lemon balm), rose,
(synth, use) neroli and lavender. Major component
Takaoka, D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, 15, of oil of field mint (Mentha arvensis ).
330 (isol, pmr)
Williams, P.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19,
Oil. Bp756 197-2008. [a]20D -17. Log P

1137 (dihydro) 2.55 (calc).

Bruno, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, 1871 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienoic D-831 -LD50 (mus, ivn) 180 mg/kg. RG5800000
(isol) acid O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [99096-59-0]
Manns, D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 39, 1115 C16H28O6 316.394
(glycoside) [459-80-3]
Geranic acid. Geranoic acid Constit. of wine grape (Vitis vinifera ).
Jung, C.M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 2001, 49,
912-914 (Aster scaber constit) 3-O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
glucopyranoside]: [134553-54-1] Neo-
COOH hancoside A
2,6-Dimethyl-5,7-octadiene- D-828 (E)-form C21H36O10 448.509
2,3-diol Aroma precursor from tea (Camellia
[87563-25-5] C10H16O2 168.235 sinensis var. sinensis ). Cryst. (EtOAc).
6,7-Dihydro-6,7-ocimenediol Present in petitgrain, lemongrass and Mp 92-948. [a]25D -26 (c, 0.47 in MeOH).
other essential oils. (S )-form [126-90-9]
(E )-form [4698-08-2] Constit. of coriander and other essential
HO Geranic acid a oils. Oil. Bp 198-2008 Bp20 85-908.
(S,E)-form Oil. Bp0.02 85-878. 3-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [104154-37-2]
OH Me ester: [1189-09-9] C16H28O6 316.394
Oil. Bp0.35 638. Aroma precursor of Linalool from the
C10H18O2 170.251 Nitrile: [5146-66-7] Geranonitrile flower buds of Arabian jasmine
C10H15N 149.235 (Jasminum sambac ). Oil. [a]22 D -160 (c, 4
(S,E )-form [261917-31-1] in MeOH).
Isol. from Passiflora quadrangularis Bp10 1108. Bp refers to a mixt. of (E )-
(giant grandilla). Oil. [a]23 and (Z )-forms. O-(6-O-Malonyl-b-D-glucopyranoside):
D -19.7 (c, 0.62
in CH2Cl2) (80% o.p.). Obt. as a partial (Z )-form [4613-38-1] C19H30O9 402.441
racemate. Geranic acid b. Nerolic acid Constit. of Arabian jasmine (Jasminum
(Z )-form Oil. Bp0.08 908. sambac ) buds.
Oil. Me ester: (j)-form
Tsankova, E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1983, 22, Oil. Bp0.4 588. O-[a-L-Arabinofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
1285 (Z-form) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, glucopyranoside]: [84543-11-3]
Osorio, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 53, 97- 1, 844C (ir) C21H36O10 448.509
101 (S,E-form) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Constit. of wine grapes (Vitis vinifera ).
Spectra , 1992, 1, 1360A (nmr)
O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
Burrell, J.W.K. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1966, 2144
2,7-Dimethyl-2,4-octadiene- D-829 (synth, pmr) glucopyranoside]: [84534-33-8]
1,8-diol Albright, J.A. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. , C22H38O10 462.536
1972, 4, 215 (synth, derivs) Constit. of wine grapes (Vitis vinifera ).
Kabayashi, S. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1974, 705 (/9)-form [22564-99-4]
HOH 2C 8
(synth) Bp 1988. n20D 1.4616.
CH 2OH Campbell, R.V.M. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1975,
Formyl: [115-99-1] Linalyl formate. FEMA
897 (synth)
Fujita, Y. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1978, 533 (nitrile) 2642
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , C11H18O2 182.262
C10H18O2 170.251 1979, 17, 785 (rev, tox) Found in oils of lavender, peach, apri-
(2E ,4E ,7R )-form Free, J.B. et al., Bee World , 1984, 65, 175 cot, lime, clary and petitgrain. Present
8-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: Kadas, I. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. , 1998, in Prunus spp.. Used in perfumery and
30, 79-85 (synth) food flavouring. d 0.91. Bp 2028 Bp0.07
C16H28O7 332.393

3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-...  / 3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-... D-833 / D-833

45-478. [82928-12-9] (Berdy).

Ac: [115-95-7] Linalool acetate. Linalyl Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, -Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 3600 mg/kg.
acetate. FEMA 2636 1, 148C (ir) RG5830000
C12H20O2 196.289 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [22850-13-1]
Isol. from numerous plants and essential Spectra , 1992, 1, 225B; 967C (nmr) C16H28O6 316.394
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Isol. from Rosa spp., rose geranium
oils, e.g. clary sage, lavender, lemon etc. 1989, 3, 218D; 669B (ir)
Flavouring ingredient. Persistent sweet U.K. Pat. , 1957, 774 621; CA , 51, 16517f (esters)
(Pelargonium graveolens ) and wine
acrid taste. d 0.9. Bp 2208 Bp0.2 448. Ohloff, G. et al., Tetrahedron , 1962, 18, 37 (abs grapes (Vitis vinifera ).
-RG5910000 config) O-[a-L-Arabinofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
Propanoyl: [144-39-8] Linalyl propionate. Naves, Y.R. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1963, 46, glucopyranoside]: [84534-32-7]
FEMA 2645 1056; 2551 (isol, uv) C21H36O10 448.509
C13H22O2 210.316 Wilhalm, B. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1964, 18, Constit. of wine grapes (Vitis vinifera ).
1573 (ms)
Found in lavender and sage oils in an O-[a-L-Arabinopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
Nair, G.V. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1966, 5097 (synth)
enantiomeric form. Used in perfumery Suga, T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1972, 45, glucopyranoside]: [152520-94-0] Kenpo-
and food flavouring. d 0.89. Bp 2268 1480 (biosynth) side A
Bp0.1 52-548. Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen C21H36O10 448.509
Butanoyl: [78-36-4] Linalyl butyrate. der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn., Constit. of Chinese raisin tree leaves
FEMA 2639 Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 120 and damask rose (Rosa damascena var.
C14H24O2 224.342
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. ,
bulgaria ).. Oil. [a]22
D -50 (c, 4 in MeOH).
Used in perfumery and food flavouring. 1975, 13, 827; 833; 835; 839; 1976, 14, 459; O-[b-D-Xylopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
Present in oils of kumquat peel, laven- 461; 463; 465; 1978, 16, 811 (rev, bibl, esters) glucopyranoside]: [150995-11-2]
der and Artemesia porrecta var. coer- Bohlmann, F. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1975, C21H36O10 448.509
ulea . d 0.9. Bp 2388 Bp0.2 80-828. n25
D 7, 426 (cmr) Constit. of tea (Camellia sinensis )
1.4483. Takabe, K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1975, 3005 (synth) leaves. [a]20
D -51 (c, 0.69 in MeOH).
Julia, M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1976, 513
2-Methylpropanoyl: [78-35-3] Linalyl iso- O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
butyrate. FEMA 2640 Scarborough, R.M. et al., J.O.C. , 1979, 44, glucopyranoside]: [84534-31-6]
C14H24O2 224.342 1742 (synth) C22H38O10 462.536
Used in perfumery and food flavouring. Japan. Pat. , 1980, 80 36 417; CA , 93, 94821p Constit. of wine grapes (Vitis vinifera ).
Found in lavender and Ceylon cinna- (esters)
Tange, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1981, 54,
O-[b-D-Apiofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D-
mon oils. d 0.88. Bp 2308 Bp0.1 63-658.
2763 (biosynth) glucopyranoside]: [120163-17-9] Acumi-
3-Methylbutanoyl: [1118-27-0] noside
Williams, P.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21,
[50649-12-2] Linalyl isovalerate. FEMA 2013 (isol, glycosides) C21H36O10 448.509
2646 Ohwa, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1986, 51, 2599 (synth) Constit. of damask rose (Rosa damas-
C15H26O2 238.369 Zdero, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, 1949 cena ) and wine grapes (Vitis vinifera ).
Used in perfumery and food flavouring. Uchiyama, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, Amorph. Mp 39-418. [a]19 D -94.6 (c, 0.9
3369 (isol) in MeOH).
Present in Salvia spp. e.g. sage (Salvia Howell, A.R. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1990, 2715
officinalis ). (synth) Formyl: [105-86-2] FEMA 2514
Konda, Y. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1992, 55, 1447; C11H18O2 182.262
Hexanoyl: [7779-23-9] Linalyl hexanoate. 1993, 56, 1437 (Neohancoside A) Constit. of geranium oil, orange peel
Linalyl caproate. FEMA 2643 Guo, W. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., Biochem. , oil, lemon peel oil, hop oil, white wine
C16H28O2 252.396 1994, 58, 1532 (primeveroside) and black tea. Flavouring agent. Oil
Food flavorant. d 0.9. Bp 2528. Poorly Moon, J.-H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1994, 36, with rose odour. Bp15 113-1148.
documented. 1435 (glucopyranoside)
-Skin and eye irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) >6000
Octanoyl: [10024-64-3] Linalyl octanoate. Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
mg/kg. RG5925700
Linalyl caprylate. FEMA 2644 1, 431-439 (acyl derivs) Ac: [105-87-3] Geranyl acetate. FEMA
C18H32O2 280.45 Manns, D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 39, 1115 2509
Used in perfumery and food flavouring. (glucoside, isol) C12H20O2 196.289
Present in lemongrass. Oil with sweet Fujii, N. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1996, 865 (synth) Constit. of citronella, orange and other
apricot/plum taste. d 0.88. Bp 2648. Konda, Y. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1996, 37, 4015 oils. Flavouring agent. Oil with fragrant
Poorly documented. (Neohancoside A, synth)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
odour. Bp22 130-1328.
Benzoyl: [126-64-7] Linalyl benzoate. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1585-1587; -Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 6330 mg/kg.
FEMA 2638 1588-1590; 1590-1591; 1591-1592; 1592-1593; RG5920000
C17H22O2 258.36 1593-1594; 1594-1595; 1595-1596; 1596-1597; Propanoyl: [105-90-8]
Found in ylang-ylang and tuberose 1597-1598; 1598-1599; 1599-1600; 1600-1601
essential oils and mushrooms. Used in (use, occur, props, acyl derivs, esters) [105-89-5] Geranyl propionate. FEMA 2517
perfumery and food flavouring. d 0.98. Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of C13H22O2 210.316
Bp 2638 Bp0.05 988. Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Found in citrus peel oils, kumquat peel oil,
Reinhold , 1992, LFX000; LFY000; LFY100 muscadine grape (Vitis rotundifolia ), hop
2-Aminobenzoyl: [7149-26-0] Linalyl an- oil and cardamon (Ellettaria cardamo-
thranilate. FEMA 2637 mum ). Flavouring agent. d30
3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadien-1- D-833 30 0.92. Bp8
C17H23NO2 273.374 118-1208. n30
ol D 1.4583.
Used in food flavouring. Liq. with sweet
orange-like flavour. d 1.06. Bp >3208. [624-15-7] -RG5927906
Cinnamoyl: [78-37-5] Linalyl cinnamate. Butanoyl: [106-29-6] Geranyl butyrate.
C10H18O 154.252 FEMA 2512
FEMA 2641
(E )-form [106-24-1] C14H24O2 224.342
C19H24O2 284.397
Geraniol. Geranyl alcohol. Lemonol. b- Found in citrus peel oils, kumquat peel
Used in perfumery and food flavouring.
Geraniol. FEMA 2507 oil, celery leaves/stalks, tomato, yellow
d 0.99. Bp 3538. n20
D 1.5330.
Found in free state and as esters in passion fruit, lavender oil and other
Phenylacetyl: [7143-69-3] Linalyl phenyla- many essential oils including geranium essential oils. Flavouring agent. Liq.
cetate. FEMA 3501 oil. Most prolific natural source is with fresh, fruity, rose-like odour and
C18H24O2 272.386 palmarosa oil. Flavouring agent. Oil apricot-like taste. Bp18 151-1538.
Flavouring ingredient. Viscous liq. with with sweet rose odour. Bp 2308. n30 -ES9990000
sweet Neroli-rose type odour. Bp 3718. 1.4777. lmax 195 (e 19000) (MeOH)

2,6-Dimethyl-1,7-octadien-... / 2-(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl)cyclopentanone, 9CI D-834  / D-835

2-Methylpropanoyl: [2345-26-8] Geranyl 2- 2776 Bohlmann, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19,

methylpropanoate. Geranyl isobutyrate. C11H18O2 182.262 149 (isol)
FEMA 2513 Food flavouring. d 0.92. Bp 2258. Mathew, K.K. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
1981, 20, 340 (synth)
C14H24O2 224.342 Ac: [141-12-8] Neryl acetate. FEMA 2773 Williams, P.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21,
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with sweet, C12H20O2 196.289 2013 (6-arabinosylglucosides, rutinosides)
apricot-like taste. d15 0.9. Bp 2458. n20
D Found in citrus, kumquat and pummelo Free, J.B. et al., Bee World , 1984, 65, 175 (b-
1.4576. peel oils, ginger, cardamon, clary sage, nerol)
3-Oxobutanoyl: [10032-00-5] Geranyl myrtle leaf and myrtle berries. Flavour- Bredenkamp, M.W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988,
acetoacetate. FEMA 2510 ing agent. Liq. with honey-like flavour 28, 263 (Acuminoside)
Ackermann, I.E. et al., Annalen , 1989, 79
C14H22O3 238.326 and raspberry undertones. d25 4 0.91. Bp
(synth, glucosides)
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. d25 0.96. n25 D 2318 Bp25 1348. Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
1.4670. -RG5921000 Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
Pentanoyl: [10402-47-8] Geranyl pentano- Propanoyl: [105-91-9] Neryl propionate. York, 1989, DTD000; DTD200; DTD800
ate. Geranyl valerate FEMA 2777 Voirin, S.G. et al., Carbohydr. Res. , 1990, 207,
C15H26O2 238.369 C13H22O2 210.316 39 (synth, glycosides, pmr, cmr)
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with sweet Voirin, S.G. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1990,
Isol. from sassafras oil. Mp 2918.
38, 1373 (Acuminoside)
3-Methylbutanoyl: [109-20-6] Geranyl 3- plumlike taste. d15 20
15 0.9. Bp 2338. nD
Howell, A.R. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1990, 2715
methylbutanoate. Geranyl isovalerate. 1.4550. (synth)
FEMA 2518 Butanoyl: [999-40-6] Neryl butyrate. Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
C15H26O2 238.369 FEMA 2774 edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1355; 1372
Constit. of various plant spp. including C14H24O2 224.342 Guo, W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 33, 1373
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with sweet (xylopyranosylglucopyranoside)
kumquat peel oil and lovage leaf and
Yoshikawa, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 1993, 34,
root. Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with cocoa-like taste. d15.5
15 0.9. Bp 239-2408.
1431 (Kenposide A)
rose odour and sweet apple-like taste. n20
D 1.4539. Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
Bp7 135-1388. n20 D 1.4538. 2-Methylpropanoyl: [2345-24-6] Neryl iso- edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
Hexanoyl: [10032-02-7] Geranyl hexanoate. butyrate. FEMA 2775 1, 184; 294-299; 590-594 (esters)
Geranyl caproate. FEMA 2515 C14H24O2 224.342 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with a Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1186-1197;
C16H28O2 252.396
864; 1181-1182; 1941-1942; 1945-1951
Found in kumquat peel and palmarosa sweet, strawberry taste. d15 0.89. Bp3 (geranyl esters, neryl esters, use, props)
oils, also in purple passion fruit and 2328. n20
D 1.4508. Oka, N. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 1997, 10, 187-
pawpaw. Flavouring agent. d15.5 4 0.89. 3-Methylbutanoyl: [3915-83-1] Neryl iso- 192 (Rosa damascena glycosides)
Bp 2908. n20 D 1.4500. valerate. FEMA 2778 Eisenreich, W. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1997, 38, 3889-
2-Ethylbutanoyl: [73019-14-4] Geranyl 2- C15H26O2 238.369 3892 (biosynth)
Constit. of numerous plant spp. Fla- Sy, L.-K. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1998, 61, 907-912
ethylbutyrate. FEMA 3339 (Geranyl benzoate)
C16H28O2 252.396 vouring agent. Liq. with fruity odour Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Flavouring ingredient. and berry-like flavour. d154 0.89. Bp 2528. Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Benzoyl: [94-48-4] Geranyl benzoate. n20
D 1.4531. Reinhold , 1992, DTD000; GCY000;
FEMA 2511 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, DTD200; DTD800
C17H22O2 258.36 1, 148D (ir)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Flavouring ingredient. d25 25 0.98. Bp15 2,6-Dimethyl-1,7-octadien-3- D-834
Spectra , 1992, 1, 224C; 225A; 968A; 968B
198-2008 Bp 3058. (nmr) one
Phenylacetyl: [102-22-7] Geranyl phenyla- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , [211303-27-4]
cetate. Phenylacetyl geranate. FEMA 1989, 3, 219A; 219B; 668D (ir)
2516 Erdmann, E. et al., J. Prakt. Chem. , 1852, 56,
C18H24O2 272.386 14 (benzoyl)
Erdmann, E. et al., Ber. , 1898, 31, 356 (esters)
Flavouring ingredient.
Morel, et al., Soap, Perfum. Cosmet. , 1952, 26,
(Z )-form [106-25-2] 174 (esters)
Nerol. Neryl alcohol. b-Nerol. FEMA Bates, R.B. et al., J.O.C. , 1963, 28, 1086 (struct) O
2770 Burrell, J.W.K. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1966, 2144
Constit. of many essential oils including (synth) C10H16O 152.236
neroli and bergamot oils. In essential Francis, M.J.O. et al., Phytochemistry, 1969, 8, Constit. of Tagetes minuta (Mexican
oils it is a minor component always 1339 (isol, glucoside) marigold). [a]18
D -17.5 (c, 0.75 in CHCl3).
accompanied by geraniol. Flavouring Kogami, K. et al., Kogyo Kagaku Zasshi , 1971,
74, 2304 (synth, pmr, ms, deriv) Garg, S.N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 48, 395-
agent. Oil with flowery odour. Bp 225- 396 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen
2268. n20D 1.4744. der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn.,
-Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 4500 mg/kg. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, nos. 118; 119
RG5840000 2-(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadie- D-835
O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [22850-14-2] Bohlmann, F. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1973, 106, 2904 nyl)cyclopentanone, 9CI
C16H28O6 316.394 (isol) [68133-79-9]
Isol. from Rosa spp., rose geranium Morris, W.W. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. , Decenylcyclopentanone
1973, 56, 1037 (ir)
(Pelargonium graveolens ) and grapes. Casey, C.P. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1973, 3, 321
Plates (EtOH aq.) (as tetra-Ac). Mp 68- (synth) O
708 (tetra-Ac). Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
O-[a-L-Arabinofuranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- 1974, 12, 881 (rev, tox, Geraniol)
glucopyranoside]: [84582-22-9] Tengo, J. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , 1975, 1, 253
C21H36O10 448.509 Pitzele, B.S. et al., J.O.C. , 1975, 40, 269 (synth)
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
Isol. from wine grapes (Vitis vinifera ). Suppl., 1976, 14, 783; 785 (revs, esters) C15H24O 220.354
O-[a-L-Rhamnopyranosyl-(1/ 0 6)-b-D- Banthorpe, D.V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1976, (/9)-(E )-form [74016-19-6]
glucopyranoside]: [84582-21-8] 15, 91; 1983, 22, 2459 (biosynth) Geranylcyclopentanone. Apritone.
C22H38O10 462.536 Derguini-Boumechal, F. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1977,
FEMA 3829
Isol. from wine grapes (Vitis vinifera ). 1181 (synth)
Pickett, J.A. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , 1980, 6, 425 Flavouring agent for baked goods and
Formyl: [2142-94-1] Neryl formate. FEMA candies. Liq. with apricot odour. Bp3

2-(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl)-...  / 2,6-Dimethyloctanal D-836 / D-843

1308. n21
D 1.4871. 8-(6-Hydroperoxy-3,7-dimethyl-2,7-oc- (E )-form [175617-23-9]
Dreux, J. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1955, 1312- tadienyloxy)psoralen 4-Geranyl-2,3,6,8-tetrahydroxy-1-prenyl-
1315 (synth) C21H22O6 370.401 xanthone. Dulciol A
Kurth, M.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 3846-3848 Gum. [a]D -13 (c, 0.3 in CHCl3). Constit. of Garcinia dulcis (mundu).
(synth, ir, pmr) Amorph. yellow solid. lmax 209 ; 240
6?,7?-Dihydro, 6?-oxo: [220391-49-1] 8-(3,7-
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th (sh) ; 253 ; 280 ; 328 (MeOH).
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001, Dimethyl-6-oxo-2-octenyloxy)psoralen
458 (use) C21H22O5 354.402 Iinuma, M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1996, 59, 472
Gum. [a]22
D -23 (c, 0.5 in CHCl3).
(isol, uv, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
Possesses unexplained opt. rotation.
2-(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadie- D-836
Sharma, Y.N. et al., Tetrahedron , 1966, 22, 2-(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadie- D-841
nyl)-4-hydroxy-6-methoxyacetophe- 3221-3225 (Geranyloxypsoralen) nyl)-1,3,5-trihydroxyxanthone
none Rashid, M.A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1992, 55,
[121379-44-0] 851-858 (D5?-Isomer-7?-hydroxy, Lansiumarin
1-[2-(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadienyl)-4-hy- B) O
Ito, C. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998, 46, 341- OH
droxy-6-methoxyphenyl]ethanone, 9CI
343 (Lansiumarins)
Kitajima, J. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998,
COCH 3 46, 1939-1940 O OH
MeO C23H24O5 380.44
3?-(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadie- D-838 (E )-form [166197-40-6]
OH nyl)-2?,3,4,4?-tetrahydroxychalcone 2-Geranyl-1,3,5-trihydroxyxanthone.
C19H26O3 302.413 OH O Constit. of the pericarps of Garcinia
Constit. of Dioscorea bulbifera (air pota- mangostana (mangosteen). Amorph.
to). Cryst. Mp 2258. yellow powder.
OH Asai, F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 39, 943
Gupta, D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, 947 HO
(isol, uv, pmr, cmr, ms)
9-[(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadie- D-837
nyl)oxy]-7H -furo[3,2-g ][1]benzopyr- 4-(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadie- D-842
C25H28O5 408.493
an-7-one, 9CI nyl)-1,3,5-trihydroxyxanthone
(E ,E )-form 4-Geranyl-1,3,5-trihydroxyxanthone
[7437-55-0] 3?-Geranyl-2?,3,4,4?-tetrahydroxychalcone
8-Geranyloxypsoralen. 9-Geranyloxypsora- C23H24O5 380.44
Constit. of Artocarpus incisus (breadfruit).
len Yellow powder. (E )-form [136364-54-0]
Shimizu, K. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 54,
Isol. from the root bark of Garcinia
737-739 livingstonei (imbe). Yellow plates. Mp
129-1308. lmax 244 (e 32300); 259 (e
26300); 320 (e 15500); 365 (e 3800)
O O O 3?-(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadie- D-839 (MeOH) (Berdy).
nyl)-2?,4,4?,6?-tetrahydroxychalcone Sordat-Diserens, I. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992,
O 7′
C25H28O5 408.493 31, 313 (isol, pmr, cmr)
(E,E )-form [189299-03-4]
3?-Geranyl-2?,4,4?,6?-tetrahydroxychal- 2,6-Dimethyloctanal D-843
C21H22O4 338.402 cone [7779-07-9]
Constit. of lemon oil. Needles (petrol). Mp Constit. of hops (Humulus lupulus ). Dihydrocitronellal. FEMA 2390
53-548. The 8-numbering derives from an Yellow powder. lmax 310 (sh) ; 367
obsolete system. (MeOH).
CHO (2R)-form
D5?-Isomer, 7?-hydroxy: [144398-34-5] 8-(7- Stevens, J.F. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997, 44,
Hydroxy-3,7-dimethyl-2,5-octadienylox- 1575 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms)
C21H22O5 354.402 4-(3,7-Dimethyl-2,6-octadie- D-840 C10H20O 156.267
Gum. nyl)-2,3,6,8-tetrahydroxy-1-prenyl- Both the 2R -form and the racemate are
D5?-Isomer, 7?-hydroperoxy: [205115-74-8] xanthone doubtless mixtures of diastereomers.
Lansiumarin B Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with
C21H22O6 370.401 powerful, sweet odour of fruit and
Constit. of Clausena lansium (wampee). somewhat green flavour. Enantiomeric
Pale yellow oil. lmax 207 ; 217 (sh) ; 243 ; form not designated by FEMA.
248 (sh) ; 263 (sh) ; 296 (MeOH). OH O (2R )-form
D7?-Isomer, 6?-oxo: [205115-73-7] Lansiu- d18 20 21
4 0.83. Bp4.5 678. [a]D +9 (neat). nD
OH 1.4253.
marin A
C21H20O5 352.386 Semicarbazone:
Constit. of Clausena lansium (wampee). HO O OH Mp 788.
Pale yellow oil. lmax 206 (sh) ; 218 ; 243 Di-Me acetal:1,1-Dimethoxy-2,6-dimethy-
(sh) ; 248 ; 264 (sh) ; 300 (MeOH). loctane
D7?-Isomer, 6?j-hydroxy: [205115-75-9] C12H26O2 202.336
Lansiumarin C d20 20 20
4 0.83. [a]D +3.48 (neat). nD 1.4270.
C21H22O5 354.402 (/9)-form
Constit. of Clausena lansium (wampee). Bp11 78-798.
Pale yellow oil. [a]D +8 (c, 0.06 in Semicarbazone:
CHCl3). lmax 207 ; 218 ; 242 (sh) ; 249 ; Mp 978.
265 (sh) ; 299 (MeOH). Rupe, H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1928, 11, 656-
D7?-Isomer, 6?S-hydroperoxy: [144398-35-6] C28H32O6 464.557 669 (synth)

3,7-Dimethyl-1,7-octanediol, 9CI, 8CI  / 2,6-Dimethyl-2,5,7-octatrien-... D-844  / D-848

Suzuki, K. et al., Chem. News , 1929, 139, 153 Sol. Et2O. Bp 212-2138 Bp15 1098. Corman, R.H. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1960, 29,
(R-form, synth) (/9)-form [59204-02-3] 133 (synth, pmr)
Mueller, A. et al., Ber., B , 1941, 74, 1745-1750 Oil with rose odour and bitter taste. Bp Verkade, P.E. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R.
(R-form, synth, di-Me acetal) Neth. Chem. Soc.) , 1964, 83, 367 (config)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
212-2138. Mehta, G. et al., Tetrahedron , 1973, 29, 1119
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001, Ac: [20780-49-8] (synth)
460 (use, props) Bp12 109-1108. Bohlmann, F. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1975,
-Skin irritant. RH0920000 7, 426 (cmr)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
3,7-Dimethyl-1,7-octanediol, D-844 1979, 17, 909 (rev, tox)
Spectra , 1992, 1, 175A (nmr)
9CI, 8CI Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
[107-74-4] 1989, 3, 165D (ir) edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
Jarolin, V. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. , 2, 746
Hydroxycitronellol. FEMA 2586
1974, 39, 596 (use) Schulz, S. et al., Annalen , 1996, 941 (pmr, cmr,
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , ms)
CH2CH2OH 1974, 12, 535 (rev, tox) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Nagai, K. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1976, 49, Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2763
H C CH3 (R)-form 265 (synth) Müller, P. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 2000, 2232-
Chan, K.-E. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 3497 2237 (S-form, synth, Me ether, Et ether, ir,
CH2CH2CH2C(CH3)2OH (synth, use) pmr, cmr)
Cohen, N. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 3505 (synth,
C10H22O2 174.283 use)
(R )-form [122612-23-1] Fuganti, C. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1979, 995 3,7-Dimethyl-1,3,7-octatriene D-847
(synth, use)
d20 10 20
4 0.94. Bp15 1568. [a]D +1.4. nD [502-99-8]
Schmidt, M. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1979, 62,
1.4610. (S )-form also known. 464 (synth, use)
(/9)-form [29714-87-2]
Zell, R. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1979, 62, 474 a-Ocimene
Flavouring ingredient. Oil with rose- (synth, use)
hyacinth odour. d20 25
4 0.93. Bp2 80-828. nD Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
1.4354. Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
York, 1989, DTE600
1-Ac: [33730-41-5]
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
C12H24O3 216.32 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Bp0.02 82-848. n25
D 1.4436. Reinhold , 1992, ; DTE800 C10H16 136.236
[98206-63-4] (E )-form [6874-10-8]
Meerwein, H. et al., J. Prakt. Chem. , 1937, 141, [27400-72-2]
225 (synth) 3,7-Dimethyl-3-octanol, 9CI D-846 Oil.
Désalbres, L. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1956,
761 (synth) [78-69-3] (Z )-form [6874-44-8]
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , Tetrahydrolinalool. 2,6-Dimethyl-6-octanol. [27400-71-1]
1974, 923 (rev, tox) FEMA 3060 Odour contributor to green odour of
Bohlmann, F. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1975, unripe mango and of mango ginger
C10H22O 158.283
7, 426 (cmr)
Beckwith, A.L.J. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1977, 30, -RH0905000 rhizome Curcuma amada used in oriental
2177 (synth, pmr, 1-Ac) (R )-form [56577-25-4] pickles. Oil.
Beckwith, A.L.J. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1979, Bp2.2 578. [a]D +0.96 (c, 15.5 in hexane). Thieme, H. et al., Pharmazie, 1972, 27, 255
690 (synth) 4-Nitrobenzoyl: [39998-98-6] Gholap, A.S. et al., J. Sci. Food Agric. , 1977, 28,
Borbaruah, M. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1987, 28, 5741 [a]D +1.67 (C6H6). 885 (isol)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
(S )-form
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Bp5 54-59.58. [a]D -0.63 (pentane).
2, 360 4-Nitrobenzoyl: [39999-20-7] 2,6-Dimethyl-2,5,7-octatrien- D-848
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Mp 39.5-408. [a]16.5
D -0.93 (c, 26.5 in 1-ol
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1365-1366 C6H6). [113378-77-1, 113378-78-2, 304443-48-9,
Me ether: 304443-49-0]
3,7-Dimethyl-1-octanol, 9CI D-845 C11H24O 172.31 8-Ocimenyl alcohol
[106-21-8] Liq. Bp10 708. [a]20D -2.7 (c, 56.6 in
Dihydrocitronellol. Tetrahydrogeraniol. CHCl3) (78% ee).
Perhydrogeraniol. FEMA 2391 Et ether:
CH2OH (E,E)-form
C12H26O 186.337
Liq. [a]20
D -1.6 (c, 25 in CHCl3) (80.0%
CH 2OH ee). C10H16O 152.236Synth. as (2E ,6E )-
(R)-form form.
Ph ether:
C10H22O 158.283 C16H26O 234.381 Ac:
-Skin irritant. RH0900000 Bp4 140-1458. [a]24.2
D -5.53. [223705-75-7, 223705-76-8, 223705-77-9,
(R )-form [1117-60-8] (/9)-form [57706-88-4] 223705-78-0] 8-Ocimenyl acetate. FEMA
Flavouring ingredient. Oil with rose Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with a 3886. Piperitanate
odour and bitter taste. Bp 212-2138 Bp10 sweet, oily, floral odour. Bp715 185-1868. C12H18O2 194.273
105-1068. Ac: [20780-48-7] Tetrahydrolinalyl acetate Flavouring ingredient for alcoholic or
Ac: C12H24O2 200.32 nonalcoholic beverages, chewing gum and
C12H24O2 200.32 Liq. candy with fruity aroma. Oil with pene-
Found in essential oil of Mentha spp.. Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR trating, fruity, pineapple-like odour. Geo-
Bp0.3 60-628. Spectra , 1992, 1, 192A (nmr) metrical form not specified by FEMA.
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Props. refer to a mixt. of all four
4-Methylbenzenesulfonyl: 1989, 3, 187A (ir) geometrical isomers. Characterised spec-
C17H28O3S 312.472 Stevens, P.G. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1939, 61, 1295 troscopically.
Oil. Bp0.05 588. [a]D +2 (c, 4.00 in (config)
C6H6). Cornforth, R.H. et al., Annalen , 1960, 634, 197 Strauss, C.R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1988,
(S )-form (abs config) 36, 569-573 (ms)

3,7-Dimethyl-1,5,7-octatrien-... / 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octenoic acid D-849 / D-856

Desai, S.R. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1990, 20, citriodora and Mauritius papeda (Citrus
523-533 (E,E-form, synth, pmr) hystrix ). [a]20 HO
D -13.1. CH2OH
Ger. Pat. , 1999, 19 748 774; CA , 130, 325271k (/9)-form [26489-02-1]
(Ac, synth, use, cmr)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
Major component (85%) of oil of the OH OH
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001, lemon-scent gum (Eucalyptus
1329-1330 (Ac, use) citriodora ). C10H20O4 204.266
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Constit. of Passiflora quadrangularis
Spectra , 1992, 1, 738B; 738C (nmr) (giant grandilla). Oil. [a]25
D -11.9 (c, 0.67 in
3,7-Dimethyl-1,5,7-octatrien- D-849 Arigoni, D. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1954, 37,
MeOH). Mixture of stereoisomers.
3-ol 881 (abs config)
O’Donnell, G.W. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1966, Osorio, C. et al., Tetrahedron: Asymmetry,
[29957-43-5] 19, 525 1999, 10, 4313-4319 (stereochem)
Dehydrolinalool Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen Osorio, C. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 53, 97-
der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn., 101 (isol, pmr, cmr)
HO Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 366; 367
Sokol’skii, D.V. et al., Dokl. Akad. Nauk SSSR , 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octene- D-854
1978, 242, 1126 (synth) 1,2,3,8-tetrol
C10H16O 152.236 Akhila, A. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, 421
Flavouring ingredient. (biosynth)
Chimirri, A. et al., Heterocycles , 1987, 26, 2469 OH
(R ,E )-form [20053-88-7] Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , CH2OH
Hotrienol. FEMA 3830 Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New HOH2C
Present in wine and kiwifruit. Flavour- York, 1989, CMS845
ing ingredient for beverages, confec- Bauer, K. et al., Common Fragrance and Flavor
tionery etc.. Oil. Bp2 628. [a]20
D -15.2.
Materials, Preparation, Properties and Uses ,
2nd Ed., VCH, Weinheim, 1990, 31 (rev) C10H20O4 204.266
[a]20 20
D -23 (c, 10 in EtOH). nD 1.4913.
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th (2j,3j,6E )-form [240495-79-8]
(S,E )-form [24278-80-6] edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1355
Constit. of black tea flavour. Oil. [a]D Constit. of Foeniculum vulgare (fennel).
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
+11.9. Syrup. [a]23
D -41.8 (c, 0.2 in MeOH).
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
(/9)-(E )-form 2, 124 (rev) Ishikawa, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1999,
Liq. Bp2 628. Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. 47, 805-808 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 619-621
[38818-60-9, 53834-70-1, 83541-43-9]
(occur, props)
Yoshida, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1969, 33, Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
2,6-Dimethyl-7-octene-2,3,6- D-855
343-352 (Hotrienol, isol) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand triol
Nakatani, Y. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1969, 33, Reinhold , 1992, CMS845 [73815-21-1]
967-968 (S,E-form, isol, abs config)
Moiseenkov, A.M. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1982,
109-110 (S,E-form, R,S-form, (/9)-form
2,6-Dimethyl-7-octene-1,6- D-851 OH
diol HO
Hotrienol, synth)
Böhmer, J. et al., Synthesis , 1997, 661-667 ((/
9)-form, synth, ir, pmr, cmr)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th OH OH
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
462 HOH2C C10H20O3 188.266
Constit. of Vitis vinifera (wine grape). Oil.
C10H20O2 172.267 Bp1 126-1288.
3,7-Dimethyl-6-octenal D-850
Williams, P.J. et al., Phytochemistry, 1980, 19,
8-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [219814-33-2]
[106-23-0] 1137
C16H30O7 334.409
Citronellal. Rhodinal. FEMA 2307 Manns, D. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 39, 1115
Constit. of Foeniculum vulgare (fennel). (isol, pmr, cmr)
Amorph. powder.
Ishikawa, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1998,
CHO (R)-form 46, 1748-1751 (isol, pmr, cmr) 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octenoic acid D-856
C10H18O 154.252 3,7-Dimethyl-5-octene-1,7- D-852 Citronellic acid. Rhodinic acid. Callitrol.
Isol. from essential oils, esp. citronella oils. diol FEMA 3142
Also present in citrus peel oil, kumquat
peel oil, parsley seed oil, ginger, pepper,
cocoa, lovage root and other foods. Prod. HO COOH
synthetically by hydrogenation of 3,7- CH2OH (R)-form
Dimethyl-2,6-octadienal, D-822 or hydro-
genation of 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-ol, D- C10H18O2 170.251
C10H20O2 172.267 Flavouring ingredient.
857. Flavouring ingredient. Oil with
powerful fresh herbaceous-citrus odour. (3R ,5E )-form -Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 2610 mg/kg.
Enantiomer composition of natural citro- 1-O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: LD50 (rbt, skn) 450 mg/kg. RH3230000
nellal varies widely, e.g. from 89% (S- ) in C16H30O7 334.409 (R )-form [18951-85-4]
lemon peel oil to 86.5% (R- ) in citronella Constit. of Rosa damascena (damask Oil. Bp 2578 Bp10 1438. [a]D +10.3 (c,
oil. Enantiomers have similar odour rose). [a]22
D -12.2 (c, 0.1 in H2O).
5.0 in CHCl3) (98% ee). n25
D 1.4520.
props.. Watanabe, N. et al., Nat. Prod. Lett. , 1998, 12, Nitrile: [35931-93-2] Citronellonitrile
(R )-form [2385-77-5] 5-10 (isol, pmr, cmr, synth) C10H17N 151.251
Constit. of citronella oil. Also in citrus, (S )-form [2111-53-7]
lavender, eucalyptus oils and others. 3,7-Dimethyl-3-octene- D-853 Bp0.6 1188. [a]24
D -6.6.
Flavouring agent. Bp 204-2058 Bp14 908. 1,2,6,7-tetrol (/9)-form [57030-77-0]
[a]18 20
D +13.1. nD 1.4477.
Bp4 1268.
[261949-44-4] (j)-form
(S )-form [5949-05-3]
Reported from oils of Backhousia [260355-82-6, 260355-87-1] Me ester: [2270-60-2]

3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-ol / 3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-ol D-857  / D-857

C11H20O2 184.278 Constit. of wine grapes (Vitis vinifera ). nellyl b-sophoroside

Present in pepper (Piper nigrum ) and (/9)-form [26489-01-0] C22H40O11 480.551
lemon balm (Melissa officinalis ). FEMA 2309 Constit. of flowers of damask rose
Flavouring ingredient. Bp 213-2158 Bp12 107-1088. (Rosa damascena var. bulgaria ). [a]22
D -

[51566-62-2] Ac: [67650-82-2] 16 (c, 0.1 in H2O).

[150-84-5] FEMA 2311 Formyl: [105-85-1] Citronellyl formate.
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Spectra , 1992, 1, 780C; 781A; 781B (nmr) Flavouring ingredient. Constit. of citro- FEMA 2314
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , nella oil, orange juice, lemon juice and C11H20O2 184.278
1989, 3, 587A (ir) peel, grapefruit peel, swangi (Citrus hy- Occurs in essential oils of geranium,
Lukeš, R. et al., Croat. Chem. Acta , 1957, 29, strix ), ginger, tarragon, myrtle leaf, West mandarin, satsuma, kumquat and other
201; CA , 53, 17898e (synth, abs config) spp. Also present in lovage root and
Indian lemongrass oil and beer. Bp 2298
Overberger, C.G. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1967, 89, 5640 honey. Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with
(synth) Bp15 119-1218.
rose-like odour and sweet fruity taste.
Valentine, D.V. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 62 (bibl)
Propanoyl: [141-14-0] Bp 2358 Bp11 97-988.
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. ,
1983, 20, 653 (rev, tox) [76444-23-0] Citronellyl propionate. FEMA [22850-15-3]
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd 2316. E410 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Flavouring ingredient. Constit. of tomato. 1, 145C (ir)
125 Liq. with rose-like odour and bittersweet Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
He, W. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1995, 78, 391
plum-like taste. Bp 2428 Bp14 122-1248. Spectra , 1992, 1, 216B; 216C; 217A (nmr)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Butanoyl: [141-16-2] 1989, 3, 213A; 213C; 213D (ir)
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 866-867;
Burrell, J.W.K. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1966, 2144
1755 [76444-24-1] Citronellyl butyrate. FEMA
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 2312. E275 Karrer, W. et al., Konstitution und Vorkommen
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Constit. of Ceylon citronella oil, tomato, der Organischen Pflanzenstoffe , 2nd edn.,
Reinhold , 1992, CMT125; CMU000 orange juice and passion fruit juice. Birkhäuser Verlag, Basel, 1972, no. 111
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with rose-like (occur)
odour and sweet plum-like taste. d44 0.9. Bp Suga, T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1973, 46,
3,7-Dimethyl-6-octen-1-ol D-857 2438 Bp12 134-1358. 3545-3548 (biosynth)
[106-22-9] Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
Citronellol. b-Rhodinol. b-Citronellol. Ya- 2-Methylpropanoyl: [97-89-2] 1973, 11, 1011-1081 (formyl)
carol. Rhodinol$ Morris, W.W. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. ,
[76444-25-2] Citronellyl isobutyrate. FEMA 1973, 56, 1037-1064 (ir)
2313 Wollmann, H. et al., Pharmazie, 1973, 28, 56
C14H26O2 226.358 (isol)
CH 2OH Constit. of Ceylon citronella oil. Flavour- Shono, T. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1974, 1295-1298
(R)-form (synth)
ing ingredient. Liq. with sweet, fruity,
rose-like odour and apricot-like taste. Bp Hidai, M. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1975, 170-171
C10H20O 156.267 (synth)
Occurs in many essential oils, usually as a 2498.
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
partial racemate. Obt. mainly from ger- Pentanoyl: [7540-53-6] 1975, 13, 757-758 (rev, tox)
anium oil or synthetically. Flavour for use Corey, E.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 380-381
in citrus compositions. Esters used in [76444-26-3] Citronellyl pentanoate. Citro- (synth)
foods etc. are mostly of unreported nellyl valerate. E469. FEMA 2317 Chan, K.-K. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 3497-3505
enantiomeric composition. They are given Flavouring ingredient. Constit. of Boronia (synth)
here under the racemate and the props. citriodora essence. Liq. with rose, herb, Lanza, E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, 1555-
reported presumably refer to the racemic honey-like odour. d15.5 0.89. Bp 2378. n20D
1560 (biosynth)
1.4435. Grundschuber, F. et al., Toxicology, 1977, 8,
forms. 387-390 (phenylacetyl, tox)
-Fl. p. >1008. Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 3-Methylbutanoyl: [68922-10-1] Citronellyl Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
3450 mg/kg. LD50 (rbt, skn) 2650 mg/kg. isovalerate 1978, 16, 693 (2-methylpropanoyl, rev)
RH3400000 Hiroma, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 127-129
C15H28O2 240.385
(R )-form [1117-61-9] (synth)
Used in food flavouring. Liq. d 0.88. Bp Soai, K. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1987, 1909-1904;
Constit. of black cumin (Nigella sativa ) 2538. 1988, 415 (synth)
seeds. A common constit. of plant oils, Ackermann, I.E. et al., Annalen , 1989, 79-81
Hexanoyl: [10580-25-3] Citronellyl hex-
esp. in the Rutaceae. Oil with sweet rose (synth, glucosides)
anoate. Citronellyl caproate
odour and bitter taste. d20 0.86. Bp 1088 Bauer, K. et al., Common Fragrance and Flavor
C16H30O2 254.412
Bp0.5 688. [a]D +5.45 (neat). n20
D 1.4558. Materials, Preparation, Properties and Uses ,
Used in food flavouring. Liq. Bp 2408.
O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [117895-55-3] VCH, Weinheim, 2nd. edn., 1990, 25 (rev)
Phenylacetyl: [139-70-8] Citronellyl pheny- Ford, R.A. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , 1992,
C16H30O6 318.409
lacetate. Citronellyl a-toluate. E 2157. 30, 113S-114S (rev, tox)
Constit. of wine grapes (Vitis vinifera ). Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th
FEMA 2315
Ac:Citronellyl acetate C18H26O2 274.402 edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1409
C12H22O2 198.305 Flavouring ingredient and flavour en- Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
Propanoyl: hancer for fruit flavours. Not reported
C13H24O2 212.331 in nature. Liq. with sweet, faintly honey, Org. Synth. , 1995, 72, 74-85 (S-form, synth, pmr)
Butanoyl: rose-like odour with a definite waxy Sharma, A. et al., Annalen , 1996, 529-531
C14H26O2 226.358 undertone. d15.5
4 0.99 d20 1.51. Bp 3428. (resoln, pmr, ir)
Pentanoyl: n20
D 1.5100. Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Cinnamoyl: [10482-79-8] Citronellyl cinna- Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 622-630
C15H28O2 240.385 Oka, N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 47, 1527-
(S )-form [7540-51-4] mate
1529 (Citronellyl b-sophoroside)
Constit. of geranium and citronella oils. C19H26O2 286.413 McDaniel, C.J. et al., Z. Naturforsch., C , 1998,
Oil with sweet odour, more delicate than Used in food flavouring. Liq. d 0.99. Bp 53, 932-934 (Caiman latirostris esters)
R -enantiomer, and sweet peach-like 3808. Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
taste. Bp0.5 68-708. [a]D -4.76. (j)-form edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001,
1-O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 2)-b-D- 317; 319; 320; 321; 322; 323; 324; 325 (esters,
O-b-D-Glucopyranoside: [99096-57-8] use, props, occur)
C16H30O6 318.409 glucopyranoside]: [209681-41-4] Citro-

3,7-Dimethyl-7-octen-1-ol, 9CI / 3-(3,7-Dimethyl-5-oxo-2,6-... D-858  / D-866

Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 396 (isol, pmr, cmr) Vitzthum, O.G. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1974, 39,
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 1210-1215 (isol, ms, pmr, coffee)
Reinhold , 1992, CMT250 Hartman, G.J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
[(3,7-Dimethyl-6-octenyl)ox- D-860 1983, 31, 1030-1033 (detn, roast beef)
y]acetaldehyde, 9CI
3,7-Dimethyl-7-octen-1-ol, D-858
9CI 2,2-Dimethyloxirane, 9CI D-864
6,10-Dimethyl-3-oxa-9-undecanal. Citro-
[141-25-3] nellyloxyacetaldehyde. Muguet aldehyde. [558-30-5]
Rhodinol. a-Citronellol. FEMA 2980 FEMA 2310 1,2-Epoxy-2-methylpropane, 8CI. Isobuty-
lene oxide
C10H20O 156.267 (H3C)2C/ . CHCH2CH2CH(CH3)CH2CH2OCH2CHO
Flavouring ingredient. d20
4 0.85. Bp1.8 68- C12H22O2 198.305
708. n20
D 1.4517. Flavouring ingredient. Liq. with powerful CH 3
(/9)-form green muguet-lily odour. Bp 2398 Bp12 CH 3
Formyl: [141-09-3] Rhodinyl formate. 128-1308.
FEMA 2984 [124932-08-7]
C11H20O2 184.278 C4H8O 72.107
Sabetay, S. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1929, 45,
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. Isol. from essential oil of Angelica glauca .
1161 (synth)
Ac: [141-11-7] Opdyka, D.L.J. et al., CA , 1977, 86, 145725a Liq. Bp 528.
[20777-37-1, 130980-16-4] Rhodinyl acetate. (rev, synth, props, tox) -TZ3580000
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
FEMA 2981 Fourneau, E. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad.
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
C12H22O2 198.305 Sci. , 1907, 145, 438 (synth)
2, 127
Flavouring ingredient. Bp 2378. Evseeva, L.A. et al., Zh. Fiz. Khim. , 1969, 43,
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
845; Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl. Transl.) ,
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 623
Propanoyl: [105-89-5] Rhodinyl propionate. 1969, 43, 468 (ir, Raman)
FEMA 2986 Whitham, G.H. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1975, 861
C13H24O2 212.331 2,4-Dimethyloxazole D-861 (cmr)
Collins, D.J. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1989, 42,
Flavouring ingredient. Oil. Bp14 1228. [7208-05-1]
1235 (synth, pmr)
Butanoyl: [141-15-1] Rhodinyl butyrate. Bouchoux, G. et al., Rapid Commun. Mass
FEMA 2982 H 3C Spectrom. , 1992, 6, 37 (ms)
N Zhang, H. et al., CA , 1993, 118, 219586j (isol)
C14H26O2 226.358 4 3
Flavouring ingredient. Liq.with sweet 5 12
CH 3 Liu, J. et al., J.O.C. , 1998, 63, 8565-8569 (synth,
blackberry-like taste. Bp13 1378. O pmr, cmr, ms, ir)

2-Methylpropanoyl: [138-23-8] Rhodinyl C5H7NO 97.116

isobutyrate. FEMA 2983 Constit. of Arabica coffee aroma. Liq. Sol. 4,8-Dimethyl-12-oxo- D-865
C14H26O2 226.358 H2O. Bp 1088. pKa 2.86 (208). 2,4,6,8,10-dodecapentaenoic acid
Flavouring ingredient. Oil. Bp 2608.
Oesterreich, M. et al., Ber. , 1897, 30, 2255
3-Methylbutanoyl: [7778-96-3] Rhodinyl (synth)
isovalerate. FEMA 2987 Vitzthum, O.G. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1974, 39,
C15H28O2 240.385 1210-1215 (isol, ms, pmr) OHC COOH
Flavouring ingredient. d15 0.88. Bp14 Prager, R.H. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1997, 2665-
1478. n20
D 1.4465. 2672 (synth, pmr, cmr)
Phenylacetyl: [10486-14-3] Rhodinyl phe- C14H16O3 232.279
nylacetate. FEMA 2985 2,5-Dimethyloxazole D-862 (2E ,4Z ,6E ,8E ,10E )-form
C18H26O2 274.402 [23012-11-5] Me ester: [201996-40-9]
Flavouring ingredient. Liq. Bp 3408. C15H18O3 246.305
C5H7NO 97.116 Constit. of the seeds of Bixa orellana
[5713-07-5] Constit. of Arabica coffee aroma. Liq. (annatto). lmax 350 ; 367 ; 387 (no
Eschinazi, H.E. et al., J.O.C. , 1961, 26, 3072- Misc. H2O. Bp 117-1188. solvent reported).
3076 (synth)
Rienaecker, R. et al., Chimia , 1973, 27, 97-99 Picrate: Mercadante, A.Z. et al., Phytochemistry, 1997,
(synth) Mp 1248. 46, 1379-1383 (isol, ester, pmr, cmr, ms)
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , Wredl, F. et al., Hoppe Seyler’s Z. Physiol.
1976, 14, 849-853; 1979, 17, 901 (esters, rev) Chem. , 1933, 218, 128 (synth)
Ford, R.A. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , 1988, Bowie, J.H. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1968, 1,
3-(3,7-Dimethyl-5-oxo-2,6-oc- D-866
26, 405 (phenylacetate, rev) 13 (ms) tadienyl)-2-hydroxy-6-(hydroxy-
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd Brown, D.J. et al., J.C.S.(B) , 1969, 270 (pmr, methyl)-4-methoxybenzaldehyde
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, uv)
716-720 Wiegand, E.E. et al., Synthesis , 1970, 648
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. (synth, pmr) O
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2422-2428 Vitzthum, O.G. et al., J. Food Sci. , 1974, 39,
1210-1215 (isol, ms, pmr)
2,6-Dimethyl-7-octen-3-one D-859 MeO CH 2OH
4,5-Dimethyloxazole D-863 1′
C19H24O5 332.396
C5H7NO 97.116
Constit. of Arabica coffee aroma, roasted 1?-O-Hexadecanoyl: [137592-03-1] Herice-
peanut and roast beef volatiles. Liq. Bp none C
129-1358. pKa 2.05 (208, HCl aq.). C35H54O6 570.808
O Isol. from the edible lion’s mane mush-
Bredereck, H. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1953, 86, 88 room (Hericium erinaceum ). Cryst. Mp
C10H18O 154.252 (synth) 38-408. lmax 225 (e 22800); 231 (sh) (e
Constit. of Tagetes minuta (Mexican Bowie, J.H. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1968, 1,
13 (ms)
21500); 236 (e 21900); 267 (sh) (e 5100);
marigold). [a]18
D +2.7 (c, 0.27 in CHCl3). 294 (e 14500) (MeOH) (Derep).
Brown, D.J. et al., J.C.S.(B) , 1969, 270 (uv,
Garg, S.N. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 48, 395- pmr) 1?-O-Octadecanoyl: [137592-04-2] Herice-

2,4-Dimethyl-3-pentanone, 9CI / 2,3-Dimethylphenol D-867 
/ D-872

none D Stadler, P.A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1960, 43, 8,11-Epoxy-9,10-dimethyl-8,10-hexadie-
C37H58O6 598.862 1601 (isol) noic acid. F0 acid
From the edible lion’s mane mushroom Dunn, P.J. et al., Mikrochim. Acta , 1975, 2, 129
(oxime, detn, Pd)
(Hericium erinaceum ). Cryst. Mp 41- Cooks, R.G. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1976, 98, 2011 (ms) H 3C CH 3
438. lmax 225 (e 22800); 231 (sh) (e Andrieu, C.G. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1978,
21500); 236 (e 21900); 267 (sh) (e 5100); 11, 528 (cmr) H 3 C(CH 2 )4 (CH 2 )6 COOH
294 (e 14500) (MeOH) (Derep). Boulton, A.J. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1987, 2073 O
1?-O-(9Z,12Z-Octadecadienoyl): [137592- (oxime)
05-3] Hericenone E Konaka, S. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1990, 94, 1793 C18H30O3 294.433
(ir, Raman, ed, conformn) Component of F acid fraction present in
C37H54O6 594.83
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of beef blood serum.
From the edible lion’s mane mushroom Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
(Hericium erinaceum ). Oil. lmax 225 (e Reinhold , 1992, DTI600 Okajima, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984,
22800); 231 (sh) (e 21500); 236 (e 32, 3281 (isol)
21900); 267 (sh) (e 5100); 294 (e 14500) Puchta, V. et al., Annalen , 1988, 25 (occur)
(MeOH) (Derep). 2,4-Dimethyl-2-pentenoic D-868 Hannemann, K. et al., Lipids , 1989, 24, 296
5?-Deoxo: [158314-36-4] 3-(3,7-Dimethyl-
acid, 9CI (occur)

2,6-octadienyl)-2-hydroxy-6-(hydroxy- [66634-97-7]
methyl)-4-methoxybenzaldehyde FEMA 3143 3,4-Dimethyl-5-pentyl-2-fura- D-870
Oil. (H3C)2CHCH/ . C(CH3)COOH nundecanoic acid, 9CI
5?-Deoxo, 1?-O-hexadecanoyl: [157207-54- C7H12O2 128.171 [57818-36-7]
0] Hericene A Flavouring ingredient. Liq. Bp15 115-1178. 12,15-Epoxy-13,14-dimethyleicosa-12,14-
C35H56O5 556.824 (E,Z )-mixt.. dienoic acid. F6 Acid
From the edible lion’s mane mushroom Me ester: [87117-10-0]
(Hericium erinaceum ). Oil. C8H14O2 142.197 H 3C CH 3
5?-Deoxo, 1?-O-octadecanoyl: [157207-56- Liq. Bp6 46-498.
2] Hericene C Et ester: [13979-26-5] H 3C(CH 2)4 O (CH 2)10COOH
C37H60O5 584.878 C9H16O2 156.224
From the edible lion’s mane mushroom Liq. C22H38O3 350.54
(Hericium erinaceum ). Oil.
Chloride: [134124-24-6] The most common member of a series of
5?-Deoxo, 1?-O-(9Z-octadecenoyl): furanoid acids varying in chain length
[157207-55-1] Hericene B [89609-13-2, 125427-95-4]
C7H11ClO 146.616 and in the number of methyl groups; see
C37H58O5 582.862 also 3-Methyl-5-pentyl-2-
From the edible lion’s mane mushroom Liq. Bp 160-1638 Bp2 378.
furannonanoic acid, M-568. Present in
(Hericium erinaceum ). Oil. Amide: fish lipids. Component of F acid
[34593-50-5] C7H13NO 127.186 fraction present in beef blood serum.
Kawagishi, H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1991, 32, 4561 Cryst. Mp 82-848. Glass, R.L. et al., Lipids , 1977, 12, 828
(Hericenones) (E )-form [3876-52-6] Gunstone, F.D. et al., J. Sci. Food Agric. , 1978,
Arnone, A. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1994, 57, 602 Bp1.5 88-928. 29, 539
(Hericenes) Puchta, V. et al., Annalen , 1988, 25 (occur)
(S)-1-Methylbutyl ester: [80510-16-3] Do- Batna, A. et al., Annalen , 1991, 861 (biosynth)
minicalure 2
C12H22O2 198.305
2,4-Dimethyl-3-pentanone, D-867 Liq. [a]D +10.9 (c, 1.26 in Et2O) (ca. 3,4-Dimethyl-5-pentylidene- D-871
9CI 98% op). 2(5H )-furanone, 9CI
[565-80-0] [3876-51-5, 20515-17-7, 20515-18-8, 21016-46-6,
Diisopropyl ketone. Isopropyl ketone. Iso- 21016-47-7, 89301-91-7, 134680-45-8]
butyrone McGreer, D.E. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1968, 46,
(H3C)2CHCOCH(CH3)2 2225 (synth, ir, pmr)
Williams, H.J. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , 1981, 7, O O
C7H14O 114.187 759 (Dominicalure 2)
Isol. from lavender oil (Lavendula offici- Larson, G.L. et al., J.O.C. , 1984, 49, 3385
nalis hybrid). Liq. d20
4 0.81. Bp 124-1258. (synth, pmr)
D 1.4001. Etemad-Moghadam, G. et al., Tetrahedron ,
-Highly flammable, fl. p. 158. LD50 (rat, orl) 1984, 40, 5153 (synth) C11H16O2 180.246
3536 mg/kg. SA8575500 Coutrot, P. et al., Synthesis , 1986, 790 (synth,
pmr) (Z )-form [774-64-1]
Oxime: [1113-74-2] Vyehara, T. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1987, 410 Bovolide
C7H15NO 129.202 (synth) Constit. of peppermint oil.
Needles (EtOH). Sol. alcohols. Mp 348. Henin, F. et al., Tetrahedron , 1989, 45, 6171 -Exp. neoplastigenic data. LU4025000
Bp 181-1858 Bp12 82-858. (chloride, esters) Demole, E. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1972, 55,
Lin-Yu, L. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , 1990, 16, 1921 1866 (isol)
2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: [7153-35-7]
(Dominicalure 2) Katsuhiro, T. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1980,
Mp 94-988. Rossi, R. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1992, 22, 603 44, 1535 (isol)
Semicarbazone: [5338-14-7] (synth) Wulff, W.D. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1986, 108, 520
Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 1608. Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd (synth)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Spectra , 1992, 1, 634C (nmr) 1, 186 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Razkin, J. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , 1996, 22, 673 Reinhold , 1992, BMK500
1, 407C (ir) (synth, Dominicalure 2)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
1989, 3, 489C (ir) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 867 2,3-Dimethylphenol D-872
Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra , 2, 106D (pmr) [526-75-0]
Pfeiffer, G.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1931, 53, 1043 3,4-Dimethyl-5-pentyl-2-fur- D-869
(props) [1300-71-6, 25155-23-1]
Hauser, C.R. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1937, 59, 1823 anheptanoic acid, 9CI o-3-Xylenol. 3-Hydroxy-o-xylene. 1,2,3-
(synth) [92745-17-0] Xylenol. 2,3-Xylenol. vic-o-Xylenol

2,4-Dimethylphenol  / 2,6-Dimethylphenol, 9CI D-873  / D-875

OH methylbenzene, 9CI. 2,4-Dimethylani- Gornostaeva, L.I. et al., CA , 1978, 88, 117789

1 CH 3 sole. FEMA 3828 (isol)
6 2 Netzel, D.A. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1978,
5 3 C9H12O 136.193
4 11, 58 (cmr)
CH 3 Food addiitive listed in the EAFUS Szczecinski, P. et al., Pol. J. Chem. (Rocz.
Food Additive Database (Jan 2001). Chem.) , 1978, 52, 1225 (pmr)
C8H10O 122.166 Found in camembert cheese. Food Ganguly, T. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1978,
Constit. of Valerianella locusta (corn flavour. Oil. Bp 1918 Bp13 73-758. 34, 617 (uv)
salad). Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 758. Bp Et ether: [35338-30-8] 1-Ethoxy-2,4-di- Minami, N. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1979,
2188 Bp20 1208. n20
D 1.5420. pKa 10.54 methylbenzene, 9CI. 2,4-Dimethylphene- 27, 816 (synth)
(258). Lau, C.K. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1989, 67, 1384
-ZE5500000 C10H14O 150.22 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
Ac: [22618-22-0] Oil. Bp 202-2038. edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
C10H12O2 164.204 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 2, 797
Oil. Bp 226-2288 Bp14 1078 Bp8 1048. Spectra , 1992, 2, 193C (nmr) Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2965-2966
Benzoyl: [5554-27-8] 1, 1047C; 1082B; 1087B (ir) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
C15H14O2 226.274 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Mp 55-578. 1989, 3, 976A; 1020B (ir) Reinhold , 1992, XKS000
Me ether: [2944-49-2] 1-Methoxy-2,3-di- Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra , 4, 122A (pmr)
methylbenzene, 9CI. 2,3-Dimethylanisole Lambooy, J.P. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1950, 72, 5327
C9H12O 136.193 2,6-Dimethylphenol, 9CI D-875
Adv. Chem. Ser. , 1955, 15, 278 (props)
Cryst. Mp 298. Bp 1998 Bp15 1108. Wessely, F. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1963, 94, [576-26-1]
Et ether: [61808-02-4] 1-Ethoxy-2,3-di- 227 (synth)
methylbenzene, 9CI. 2,3-Dimethylphene- Green, J.H.S. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1972, [1300-71-6, 25155-23-1]
tole 28, 33 (ir, Raman) 2,6-Xylenol, 8CI. m-2-Xylenol. 2-Hydroxy-
C10H14O 150.22 Norwitz, G. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1977, 89, m-xylene. 1,3,2-Xylenol. FEMA 3249
177; 1978, 98, 323; 1979, 105, 335; 109, 373
Low-melting cryst. Mp 108. Bp 212.58.
(use) C8H10O 122.166
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Netzel, D.A. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1978,
Spectra , 1992, 2, 191A; 256C (nmr)
Present in whisky and coffee. Flavouring
11, 58 (cmr) ingredient. Leaflets or flat needles. Sol.
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Yus, M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1992, 48, 2709
1, 1045D; 1080D (ir) (synth, ms, pmr)
EtOH, AcOH; mod. sol. H2O. Mp 498. Bp
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of 2038. pKa 10.62 (258).
1989, 3, 974C; 1013B (ir) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand -Eye irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 296 mg/kg.
Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra , 4, 117A (pmr) Reinhold , 1992, XKJ500 ZE6125000
Smith, L.I. et al., J.O.C. , 1941, 6, 427 (synth)
McLamoe, W.M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1951, 73, 2221 Ac: [876-98-2]
(synth) C10H12O2 164.204
Adv. Chem. Ser. , 1955, 15, 277 (props) 2,5-Dimethylphenol, 9CI D-874 Oil. Bp 215-2168 Bp0.3 608.
Green, J.H.S. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1972, [95-87-4] 4-Nitrobenzoyl:
28, 33 (ir, Raman) Cryst. Mp 998.
Neuman, A. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1973, 29, [1300-71-6, 25155-23-1]
1017 (cryst struct) Me ether: [1004-66-6] 2-Methoxy-1,3-di-
2,5-Xylenol, 8CI. p-2-Xylenol. Hydroxy-p-
Eisner, T. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , 1977, 3, 321 methylbenzene. 2,6-Dimethylanisole
xylene. FEMA 3595
Netzel, D.A. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1978, C9H12O 136.193
11, 58 (cmr) C8H10O 122.166 Liq. Bp 182-1838 Bp20 798.
Ganguly, T. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1978, Present in coffee and whisky. Flavouring
34, 617 (uv)
Et ether: [26620-08-6] 2-Ethoxy-1,3-di-
Box, V.G.S. et al., Heterocycles , 1990, 31, 1261
ingredient. Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 71-738. Bp methylbenzene. 2,6-Dimethylphenetole
(Me ether, synth) 2108 Bp10 89.38. pKa 10.41 (258). C10H14O 150.22
Knölker, H. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1993, 76, -LD50 (rat, orl) 444 mg/kg. ZE5775000 Liq. Bp 195.5-196.58.
2500 (Ac) Ac: [877-48-5] Ph ether: [22040-02-4] 1,3-Dimethyl-2-phe-
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of C10H12O2 164.204 noxybenzene, 9CI
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, XKJ000
Oil. Bp 2378. C14H14O 198.264
4-Nitrobenzoyl: [135838-96-9] Mp 55-56.58.
Cryst. Mp 888. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
2,4-Dimethylphenol D-873 1, 1045B; 1081D (ir)
Me ether: [1706-11-2] 2-Methoxy-1,4-di-
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
[105-67-9] methylbenzene, 9CI. 2,5-Dimethylanisole Spectra , 1992, 2, 190C; 258B (nmr)
C9H12O 136.193 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
[1300-71-6, 25155-23-1]
Liq. Bp 1948. 1989, 3, 974A; 1014B (ir)
2,4-Xylenol, 8CI. m-4-Xylenol. 4-Hydroxy-
Et ether: [61808-03-5] 2-Ethoxy-1,4-di- Cox, R. et al., J.O.C. , 1960, 25, 1083 (synth)
m-xylene Hartley, A.M. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1963, 35,
methylbenzene, 9CI. 2,5-Dimethylphene-
1207 (use)
C8H10O 122.166 tole
Andrews, D.W. et al., Analyst (London) , 1964,
Needles (EtOH aq. or C6H6). Sol. Me2CO, C10H14O 150.22 89, 730 (use)
EtOH; mod. sol. H2O. Mp 27-288. Bp 2108 Liq. Bp 1998. Green, J.H.S. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1972,
Bp14 97-988. pKa 10.6 (258). Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, 28, 33 (ir, Raman)
-LD50 (rat, orl) 3200 mg/kg; LD50 (rat, skn) 1, 1047D; 1087C (ir) Kuts, V.S. et al., Zh. Org. Khim. , 1972, 8, 142; J.
1040 mg/kg. ZE5600000 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Org. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.) , 1972, 8,
Spectra , 1992, 2, 194A; 265C (nmr) 145 (pmr)
Ac: [877-53-2] Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Odinokov, V.N. et al., Zh. Org. Khim. , 1972, 8,
C10H12O2 164.204 1989, 3, 976B; 1020C (ir) 2162; J. Org. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.) ,
Oil. Bp13 107.5-108.58. Adv. Chem. Ser. , 1955, 15, 279 (props) 1972, 8, 2206 (synth, Ac)
Benzoyl: [76048-43-6] Green, J.H.S. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1972, Antona, D. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1973, 29, 1372
C15H14O2 226.274 28, 33 (ir, Raman) (cryst struct)
Neuman, A. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1973, 29, Krokhin, A.V. et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR,
Cryst. (AcOH). Mp 37-388. Bp15 110.5- 1017 (cryst struct) Ser. Khim. , 1975, 2334; Bull. Acad. Sci.
1118. Rao, G.C. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1974, 584 USSR, Div. Chem. Sci. (Engl. Transl.) , 1975,
Me ether: [6738-23-4] 1-Methoxy-2,4-di- (synth) 2219 (ms)

3,4-Dimethylphenol, 9CI  / 3-(1,1-Dimethyl-2-propenyl)-... D-876  / D-880

Gornostaeva, L.I. et al., CA , 1978, 88, 117789 Stanger, A. et al., J.O.C. , 1996, 61, 2549 (Ac, COOH
(isol) synth, pmr, cmr)
Gerrard, D.L. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1978, Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Ph C H
34, 1225 (uv) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2967 (R)-form
Minami, N. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1979, Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of C(CH 3)3
27, 816 (synth) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Kitching, W. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1980, Reinhold , 1992, XLJ000 C12H16O2 192.257
14, 502 (cmr)
Encyclopaedia of Polymer Science and (R )-form
Engineering , Wiley-Interscience, New York, Mp 141-1428. [a]21D -61.45 (c, 0.31 in
2nd edn., 1988, 13, 1 (rev, polymers) 3,5-Dimethylphenyl methyl- D-877 CHCl3).
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd carbamate, 9CI Me ester: [82372-89-2]
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, C13H18O2 206.284
2, 798 [2655-14-3]
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. 3,5-Xylyl methylcarbamate. XMC, JMAF. Cryst. (hexane). Mp 33-348. Bp15 1228.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2966 Cosban. Macbal [a]D -58.32 (neat).
Reichardt, C. et al., Liebigs Ann./Recl. , 1997, (/9)-form
707-720 (Me ether) Cryst. (petrol). Mp 105-1088.
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of OOCNHMe Aaron, C. et al., J.O.C. , 1967, 32, 2797 (synth)
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Craig, J.C. et al., Tetrahedron , 1971, 27, 1173
Reinhold , 1992, XLA000 (abs config)
Lardicci, L. et al., J.O.C. , 1972, 37, 1060 (synth)
H3C CH3 Imajo, S. et al., J.O.C. , 1979, 44, 3587 (resoln)
Bright, D.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1982, 47, 3521
3,4-Dimethylphenol, 9CI D-876 (synth, bibl)
C10H13NO2 179.218
Agricultural insecticide, particularly for
[1300-71-6, 25155-23-1] rice and tea. Cryst. Sol. most org. solvs.; v.
3,4-Xylenol, 8CI. 4-Hydroxy-o-xylene. spar. sol. H2O. Mp 998. 3-(1,1-Dimethyl-2-propenyl)- D-880
1,2,4-Xylenol. asym-o-Xylenol. FEMA -LD50 (rat, orl) 542 mg/kg. FC8925000 6,7-dihydroxy-2H -1-benzopyran-2-
3596 Metcalf, R.L. et al., J. Econ. Entomol. , 1963, 56, one
862 3-(1,1-Dimethylallyl)-6,7-dihydroxycou-
C8H10O 122.166 Agrochemicals Handbook, 3rd edn., Royal marin
Present in coffee. Flavouring ingredient. Society of Chemistry, 1992, A922
Cryst. (H2O). Sol. EtOH; mod. sol. H2O. Pesticide Manual, 11th edn. , 1997, No. 755
Mp 62-648. Bp 2278. pKa1 10.36 (258). Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
-LD50 (rbt, orl) 800 mg/kg. ZE6300000 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand HO
Reinhold , 1992, DTN200
Ac: [22618-23-1] 7
C10H12O2 164.204 HO O O
Oil. Bp 2208 Bp80 1408.
Benzoyl: [3845-63-4] 1-[(2,5-Dimethylphenyl)azo]- D-878 C14H14O4 246.262
C15H14O2 226.274 2-naphthalenol, 9CI 6-Me ether: [19723-23-0] 3-(1,1-Dimethyl-
Mp 55-578. [85-82-5] 2-propenyl)-7-hydroxy-6-methoxy-2H-1-
4-Nitrobenzoyl: 1-(2,5-Xylylazo)-2-naphthol, 8CI benzopyran-2-one. 3-(1,1-Dimethylal-
Cryst. Mp 1288. lyl)scopoletin
Me ether: [4685-47-6] 4-Methoxy-1,2-di- C15H16O4 260.289
H3C Constit. of Ruta graveolens (rue). Yel-
methylbenzene, 9CI. 3,4-Dimethylanisole
C9H12O 136.193 low needles (petrol). Mp 132-1358.
Oil. Bp 204-2058 Bp17 96-978. CH3 6-Me ether, 7-O-b-D-glucopyranoside:
Et ether: [61808-04-6] 4-Ethoxy-1,2-di- [208333-72-6]
methylbenzene, 9CI. 3,4-Dimethylphene- N C21H26O9 422.431
tole Constit. of Ruta graveolens (rue). Cryst.
OH Mp 112-1148.
C10H14O 150.22
Oil. Bp 2188. 7-Me ether: [110209-94-4] 3-(1,1-Di-
oxy-2H-1-benzopyran-2-one. 3-(1,1-
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, C18H16N2O 276.337 Dimethylallyl)isoscopoletin. 6-De-O-
1, 1047A; 1086A (ir) Food dye; delisted for foods by FDA. methylrutacultin
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Needles with green highlights (EtOH). Mp C15H16O4 260.289
Spectra , 1992, 2, 193B; 264C (nmr) 150-1518.
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Di-Me ether: [31526-60-0] 3-(1,1-Di-
1989, 3, 975D; 1019B (ir) -QL5950000 methyl-2-propenyl)-6,7-dimethoxy-2H-
Adv. Chem. Ser. , 1955, 15, 281 (props) Bamberger, E. et al., Ber. , 1902, 35, 1874 (synth) 1-benzopyran-2-one, 9CI. 3-(1,1-Di-
Vitullo, V.P. et al., J.O.C. , 1970, 35, 3976 (synth) Gasparic, J. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. , methylallyl)-6,7-dimethoxycoumarin.
Green, J.H.S. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1972, 1960, 26, 2757 (synth) Rutacultin
28, 33 (ir, Raman) Smyth, R.H. et al., Chromatographia , 1961, 5,
395 (synth)
C16H18O4 274.316
Vandenborre, M.T. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1973,
29, 2488 (cryst struct) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Constit. of Ruta graveolens (rue). Pale
Marx, J.N. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1974, 96, 2121 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand yellow needles (petrol). Mp 103-1048.
(synth, pmr) Reinhold , 1992, FAG080 Steck, W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1971, 10, 191
Elton-Bott, R.R. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1977, (isol)
90, 215 (use) Ballantyne, M.M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1971, 27,
Netzel, D.A. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1978, 871 (synth)
11, 58 (cmr) 3,3-Dimethyl-2-phenylbuta- D-879 von Brocke, W. et al., Z. Naturforsch., B , 1971,
Osibanjo, O. et al., Analyst (London) , 1980, noic acid 26, 1252 (isol)
105, 908 (use) Bergenthal, D. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim,
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd [83357-74-8] Ger.) , 1978, 311, 1026 (cmr)
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, a-(1,1-Dimethylethyl)benzeneacetic acid, Borges del Castillo, J. et al., An. Quim., Ser. C ,
2, 798 9CI. tert-Butylphenylacetic acid 1987, 83, 15 (Dimethylallylisoscopoletin)

3-(1,1-Dimethyl-2-propenyl)-... / 2,3-Dimethyl-5-propylpyrazine, 9CI D-881  / D-891

Srivastava, S.D. et al., Fitoterapia , 1998, 69, 80- Farouk, A. et al., Nahrung , 2000, 44, 188-192 4-(1,1-Dimethyl-2-propenyl)-1,3,5,6-tetra-
81 (3-(1,1-Dimethylallyl)scopolatin 7- (occur) hydroxy-7-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)-9H-
glucoside) xanthen-9-one, 9CI
2,3-Dimethyl-5-(2-propenyl)- D-884
3-(1,1-Dimethyl-2-propenyl)- D-881 pyrazine, 9CI
7,8-dihydroxy-2H -1-benzopyran-2- [55138-68-6]
one 5-Allyl-2,3-dimethylpyrazine O
3-(1,1-Dimethylallyl)-7,8-dihydroxycou- OH
C9H12N2 148.207
Constit. of roasted peanut volatiles.
C14H14O4 246.262 Characterised spectroscopically. HO OH
7-Me ether: [61899-42-1] 3-(1,1-Dimethyl- Tas, A.C. et al., Riechst., Aromen,
2-propenyl)-8-hydroxy-7-methoxy-2H-1- Koerperpflegem. , 1974, 24, 326; 328; 331-332;
benzopyran-2-one. 3-(1,1-Dimethylal- CA , 82, 57645m (synth, ms, ir, pmr)
lyl)-8-hydroxy-7-methoxycoumarin Ku, K.-L. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1998, 46,
C15H16O4 260.289 3220-3224 (occur)
C23H24O6 396.439
Mp 98-1008.
Constit. of the root bark of Rheedia
Di-Me ether: [30310-54-4] 3-(1,1-Di- 2,5-Dimethyl-3-(1-propenyl)- D-885 brasiliensis (bakupari). Cryst. (Et2O/hex-
methyl-2-propenyl)-7,8-dimethoxy-2H- pyrazine, 9CI ane). Mp 173-1748.
1-benzopyran-2-one, 9CI. 3-(1,1-Di- [55138-73-3, 55138-77-7]
methylallyl)-7,8-dimethoxycoumarin Delle Monache, G. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1984,
47, 620 (isol, uv, pmr, ms)
C16H18O4 274.316 C9H12N2 148.207
Isol. from roots of Ruta graveolens Maillard product. Constit. of roasted
(rue). Cryst. (hexane). Mp 85-868. green tea. Characterised spectroscopically. 2-(1,1-Dimethylpropyl)cyclo- D-890
Reisch, J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1970, 4305 (isol) Tas, A.C. et al., Riechst., Aromen, hexanol
González, A.G. et al., An. Quim. , 1976, 72, 191 Koerperpflegem. , 1974, 24, 326; 328; 331-332; 2-tert-Pentylcyclohexanol. 2-tert-Amylcy-
(isol, synth, deriv) CA , 82, 57645m (synth, ms, ir, pmr) clohexanol
Wu, C.-M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2000,
48, 2438-2442 (occur)
3-(1,1-Dimethyl-2-propenyl)- D-882
8-(3-methyl-2-butenyl)xanthyletin OH CH 3
2,5-Dimethyl-3-(2-propenyl)- D-886 CCH 2CH 3
3-(1,1-Dimethylallyl)-8-(3,3-dimethylal- pyrazine, 9CI
lyl)xanthyletin [55138-69-7] CH 3
C9H12N2 148.207 C11H22O 170.294
Maillard product. Constit. of baked po- Bp2 76-798. Mixt. of stereoisomers.
tato. Characterised spectroscopically. Ac: [67874-72-0] Coniferan
O O O Tas, A.C. et al., Riechst., Aromen, C13H24O2 212.331
Koerperpflegem. , 1974, 24, 326; 328; 331-332; Listed in the EAFUS Food Additive
CA , 82, 57645m (synth, ms, ir, pmr) Database (Jan. 2001) but with no
Oruna-Concha, M.J. et al., J. Agric. Food current reported use. Bp2 768.
Chem. , 2001, 49, 2414-2421 (occur)
Mp 92-92.58.
C24H28O3 364.483 3,5-Dimethyl-2-(1-propenyl)- D-887
Kheifits, L.A. et al., Zh. Obshch. Khim. , 1962,
Isol. from roots of Ruta graveolens (rue). pyrazine 32, 1467; CA , 58, 8921h (synth, deriv)
lmax 226 (sh) (log e 4.39); 265 (log e 4.24); [55138-74-4, 55138-78-8] Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
335 (log e 4.11) (MeOH). (Suppl.), 1976, 14, 679; CA , 91, 198642f (rev)
C9H12N2 148.207
Reisch, J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1970, 4305 (isol)
Maillard product. Constit. of roasted
Sharma, R.B. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
1983, 22, 538 (synth) green tea. Characterised spectroscopically. 2,3-Dimethyl-5-propylpyra- D-891
Tas, A.C. et al., Riechst., Aromen, zine, 9CI
Koerperpflegem. , 1974, 24, 326; 328; 331-332; [32262-98-9]
2,3-Dimethyl-5-(1-propenyl)- D-883 CA , 82, 57645m (synth, ms, ir, pmr)
pyrazine, 9CI Hofmann, T. et al., Z. Lebensm.-Unters. - [97485-48-8]
[80033-12-1] Forsch. , 1998, 207, 229-236 (occur)

[55138-72-2, 55138-76-6]
3,5-Dimethyl-2-(2-propenyl)- D-888
pyrazine, 9CI
H3CCH CH N CH3 [55138-70-0]
5 4 3
6 1 2 2-Allyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazine
C9H14N2 150.223
N CH3 C9H12N2 148.207 Maillard product. Volatile constit. of
Claimed food uses are not well documen- cooked shrimp and roasted wheat germ.
C9H12N2 148.207 ted. Characterised spectroscopically. Flavouring ingredient. Bp10 79-828. Char-
Maillard product. Characterised spectro- Tas, A.C. et al., Riechst., Aromen, acterised spectroscopically.
scopically. Koerperpflegem. , 1974, 24, 326; 328; 331-332;
Riezebo, G. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1971, 1627-1632
CA , 82, 57645m (synth, ms, ir, pmr)
Tas, A.C. et al., Riechst., Aromen, (synth, pmr)
Koerperpflegem. , 1974, 24, 326; 328; 331-332; U.S. Pat. , 1975, 3 881 025; CA , 78, 109541p
CA , 82, 57645m (synth, ms, ir, pmr) 4-(1,1-Dimethyl-2-propenyl)- D-889 (synth, ms, use)
Flamont, I. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. , 1979, 1,3,5,6-tetrahydroxy-7-prenyl- Flament, I. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Belg. , 1979,
88, 941-950 (E-form, synth, ms, pmr) 88, 941-950 (synth, ms)
Ger. Pat. , 1981, 3 048 031; CA , 96, 6757f (E- xanthone Ger. Pat. , 1981, 3 048 031; CA , 96, 6757f (synth,
form, synth, ms, pmr) [92609-73-9] ms)

2,5-Dimethyl-3-propylpyrazine, 9CI / 2,6-Dimethylpyridine, 9CI D-892 / D-897

Kubota, K. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1986, 50, 2,5-Dimethylpyrazine, 9CI D-895 Prisms (hexane). Mp 57-588 (558).
2867-2873 (occur, shrimp)
El-Saharty, Y.S. et al., Adv. Food Sci. , 1998, 20,
[123-32-0] 1,4-Dioxide: [74428-43-6]
53-58 (occur, wheatgerm) FEMA 3272 C6H8N2O2 140.141
Prisms (hexane). Mp 2278 (224-2258).
C6H8N2 108.143
Used as flavour additive and odorant in Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
2,5-Dimethyl-3-propylpyra- D-892 foods. Present in asparagus, wheat bread, 2, 840C (ir)
zine, 9CI Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
crispbread, Swiss cheeses, black or green Spectra , 1992, 3, 398B (nmr)
[18433-97-1] tea, soya, malt, raw shrimp and squid. Liq. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
C9H14N2 150.223 or solid with potato chip flavour. Sol. 1989, 3, 1556B (ir)
Maillard product. H2O, EtOH, Et2O. Mp 158. Bp 1558. pKa1 Kamal, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1962, 27, 1355 (synth)
1.85; pKa2 -4.6 (278, H2SO4 aq.). pKa1 Paudler, W.W. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. ,
Cavill, G.W.K. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1974, 27, 1.99; pKa2 -4.42 (258, H2O). Steam-vola- 1970, 4, 513 (ms)
879-889 (occur) tile. Odour threshold 1800 ppb in H2O. Paudler, W.W. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1971,
3, 217 (nmr)
-Fl. p. 648 (oc). LD50 (rat, orl) 1020 mg/kg. Oertel, R.P. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1972, 44, 1589
3,5-Dimethyl-2-propylpyra- D-893 UQ2800000 (Raman)
zine, 9CI Picrate: Bus, J. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R. Neth.
Mp 1578. Chem. Soc.) , 1973, 92, 123 (ir)
[32350-16-6] Ohta, A. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1983, 20, 311
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
C9H14N2 150.223 (synth, bibl, oxides)
2, 840D (ir) Gumbley, S.J. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1985, 22,
Volatile constit. of roasted coconut, Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
1143 (props)
cooked shrimp, roast beef and cocoa. Spectra , 1992, 3, 398C (nmr)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
Characterised spectroscopically. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
1989, 3, 1556C (ir)
Flament, I. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1971, 54, York, 1989, DTU800
Langdon, W.K. et al., Ind. Eng. Chem. Prod. Eiermann, U. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1990, 123, 523
1911-1913 (synth, ms, occur, beef) Res. Dev. , 1964, 3, 8 (synth)
U.S. Pat. , 1975, 3 881 025; CA , 78, 109541p (uv)
Wilen, S.H. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1969, Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
(synth, ms) 8, 237 (synth)
Jinap, S. et al., J. Sci. Food Agric. , 1998, 77, Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 875 (occur)
Paudler, W.W. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. ,
441-448 (occur, cocoa) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
1970, 4, 513 (ms) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Paudler, W.W. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1971,
Reinhold , 1992, DTU800
3, 217 (nmr)
2,3-Dimethylpyrazine, 9CI D-894 Oertel, R.P. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1972, 44, 1589
[5910-89-4] (Raman)
Bus, J. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R. Neth.
2,6-Dimethylpyridine, 9CI D-897
FEMA 3271 [108-48-5]
Chem. Soc.) , 1973, 92, 123 (ir)
Gumbley, S.J. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1985, 22, 2,6-Lutidine, 8CI. FEMA 3540
N 1143 (props)
5 4 3 CH 3 von Stralendorff, F. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , 1987,
6 1 2 13, 655
N CH 3
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
C6H8N2 108.143 York, 1989, DTU600 H 3C N CH3
Flavour additive and odorant in foods, Boyer, M.L. et al., J. Chem. Ecol. , 1989, 15, 649
Present in papaya, crispbread, Swiss Eiermann, U. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1990, 123, 523 C7H9N 107.155
cheeses, black or green tea, asparagus, (uv) Present in bread, tea and whisky. Fla-
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. vouring agent. Liq. Sol. EtOH, Et2O, cold
kohlrabi, baked potato, French fries, bell Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 874 (use,
pepper, roasted filberts or pecans, roasted H2O; less sol. hot H2O. d20 0.92. Mp -68.
barley and other foodstuffs.. Sol. H2O, Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Bp 139-1418 (145.6-145.88). n20
D 1.4977.
org. solvs. d04 1.02. Bp 156-1588. pKa1 2.24; Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand pKa 6.6 (258).
pKa2 -4.17 (258, H2O). Steam-volatile. Reinhold , 1992, DTU600 -Flammable, fl. p. 338. Toxic. OK9700000
Odour threshold 2500 ppb in H2O. Hydrochloride: [15439-85-7]
-LD50 (rat, orl) 613 mg/kg. UQ2625000 2,6-Dimethylpyrazine, 9CI D-896 Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 230-2318 dec.
Picrate: [108-50-9] Picrate: [2798-38-1]
Mp 1508. FEMA 3273 Yellow needles (EtOH). Mp 163-1648.
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, N-Oxide: [1073-23-0]
2, 841A (ir) C6H8N2 108.143
C7H9NO 123.154
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Flavour additive and odorant in foods.
Liq. Bp18 115-1198.
Spectra , 1992, 3, 399A (nmr) Present in raw asparagus, baked potato,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , French fries, wheat bread, crispbread, N-Oxide; hydrochloride: [6890-58-0]
1989, 3, 1556D (ir) black or green tea, roasted barley, roasted Mp 219.58.
Das, B.K. et al., J. Indian Chem. Soc. , 1968, 45, filberts or pecans, malt, peated malt, wort, [27175-64-0]
1075 (uv)
wild rice (Zizania aquatica ) and squid.
Rizzi, G.P. et al., J.O.C. , 1968, 33, 1333 (synth) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
Oertel, R.P. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1972, 44, 1589 Prisms with sweet fried odour. Sol. H2O, 2, 740B (ir)
(Raman) EtOH, Et2O. Mp 47-488. Bp 155.68 Bp35 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Bus, J. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R. Neth. 78-908. pKa1 1.9; pKa2 -4.57 (278, H2SO4 Spectra , 1992, 3, 252C (nmr)
Chem. Soc.) , 1973, 92, 123 (ir) aq.). Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Gumbley, S.J. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1985, 22, -LD50 (mus, ipr) 1080 mg/kg. UQ2975000 1989, 3, 1520B (ir)
1143 Biddiscombe, D.P. et al., J.C.S. , 1954, 1957
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , Picrate: (synth, props)
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New Mp 175-1768. Červinka, O. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
York, 1989, DTU400 1-Oxide: [31396-37-9] 1962, 27, 567 (synth)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. C6H8N2O 124.142 Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 873 (use, Prisms (hexane). Mp 108-1108 (105- Synthesis, Wiley, 1967, 1, 626
occur) Green, J.H.S. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1970,
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
1068). 26, 2139 (ir, Raman)
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 4-Oxide: [31396-38-0] Hejda, Z. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
Reinhold , 1992, C6H8N2O 124.142 1978, 43, 3035 (ms)

2,5-Dimethyl-1H -pyrrole, 9CI  / 4,14-Dimethylstigmasta-8,24(28)-... D-898  / D-905

Schuster, I.I. et al., J.O.C. , 1979, 44, 2658 (cmr) Trofimov, B.A. et al., Synthesis , 2000, 1585- 1,3-Dimethylpyrrolo[1,2- D-902
Bedford, G.R. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1983, 1590 (synth, ir, pmr) a ]pyrazine, 9CI
21, 637 (pmr)
Yajima, H. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1986, 90, 2589 [64608-62-4]
(uv, fluor)
Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 6 , 1988, 611
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd 3,4-Dimethyl-2-(1-pyrrolidi- D-899 CH3
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, nyl)-2-cyclopenten-1-one
2, 192 [97826-62-5] N 1
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. 3
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 876-877
4 N
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of O
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, DTV089 N C9H10N2 146.191
Component of roast beef aroma. Yellow
oil. Bp10 1258. Obt. as mixt. with 1,4-
2,5-Dimethyl-1H -pyrrole, 9CI D-898 H3C CH3 Dimethylpyrrolo[1,2-a ]pyrazine, D-903.
[625-84-3] Flament, I. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1977, 60,
C11H17NO 179.261 1872 (occur, synth, ir, pmr, ms)
Proline-derived Maillard product. Char- Houminer, Y. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1981, 18, 445
acterised spectroscopically.
H3C N CH3 Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33,
1132-1137 (synth, ms, pmr, ir)
1,4-Dimethylpyrrolo[1,2- D-903
C6H9N 95.144 a ]pyrazine, 9CI
Listed in the EAFUS Food Additive [64608-63-5]
Database (Jan 2001) but with no reported 4,5-Dimethyl-2-(1-pyrrolidi- D-900
use. Oil. Prac. insol. H2O. d20
4 0.94. Bp760
nyl)-2-cyclopenten-1-one C9H10N2 146.191
1658 Bp8 50-538. n20D 1.5036. Steam-vola-
Component of roast beef aroma. Yellow
tile. oil. Bp10 1258. Obt. as a mixt. with 1,3-
-LD50 (rat, orl) 59 mg/kg. UX9465930 Dimethylpyrrolo[1,2-a ]pyrazine, D-902.
N-Ac: [5044-31-5] H 3C N Flament, I. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1977, 60,
C8H11NO 137.181 1872 (occur, synth, uv, pmr, ms)
Houminer, Y. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1981, 18, 445
Bp27 122-1258.
H3 C (synth)
N-Me: [930-87-0] 1,2,5-Trimethyl-1H-pyr-
C7H11N 109.171 C11H17NO 179.261
Maillard product. Liq. Bp746 1698 Bp9 (4R ,5R )-form [97826-63-6]
3,4-Dimethylpyrrolo[1,2- D-904
55-568. pKa -0.24. trans-form
Proline-derived Maillard product. a ]pyrazine, 9CI
N-Et: [5044-19-9] 1-Ethyl-2,5-dimethylpyr-
role Characterised spectroscopically. [64608-64-6]
C8H13N 123.197 Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33, C9H10N2 146.191
Liq. Bp739 1748 Bp45 103.5-104.58. n20
1132-1137 (synth, ms, pmr, ir) Component of roast beef aroma. Mp 508.
1.4884. Flament, I. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1977, 60,
N-Benzyl: [5044-20-2] 1872 (occur, synth, ir, pmr, ms)
C13H15N 185.268
Pale yellow cryst. solid. Mp 40-418. 2,5-Dimethyl-4-(1-pyrrolidi- D-901
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, nyl)-3(2H )-furanone
2, 566A; 566B (ir) [80873-59-2] 4,14-Dimethylstigmasta- D-905
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR DMPF
Spectra , 1992, 3, 2A; 2C (nmr)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , 24-Ethylidene-4,14-dimethylcholest-8-en-3-
1989, 3, 1445C; 1446A (ir) ol
Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 2 , 1943, 219 (synth)
Leonard, N.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1953, 75, 6249 N O
Abraham, R.J. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1959, 37,
1056 (pmr) H3C CH3
Budzikiewicz, H. et al., J.C.S. , 1964, 1949 (ms) O
Page, T.F. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1965, 87, 5333 (cmr)
Jones, R.A. et al., Aust. J. Chem. , 1966, 19, 107; C10H15NO2 181.234
289 (synth, ir, deriv) Proline-derived Maillard product. Fla- (3β,4α,5α,24(28)E)-form
Jones, R.A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1967, 23, 4469 HO
vouring agent. Constit. of dark malt. Pale H
(pmr) yellow oil with intense oral cooling action
Heaney, H. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1973, 499 (N-
and nutty odour. C31H52O 440.751
Cushley, R.J. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1975, 53, 148 Tressl, R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1985, 33, (3b,4a,5a,24(28)E )-form [123164-57-8]
(N-Me) 924-928 (occur, isol, ms) Constit. of Phaseolus vulgaris (kidney
Baldwin, J.E. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1982, 624 Debrauwer, L. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1991, bean).
(synth) 128, 244-254 (occur)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook , Japan. Pat. , 1995, 07 242 661; CA , 124, 254123q
(3b,4a,5a,24(28)Z )-form [73148-03-5]
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New (synth, use) Constit. of Phaseolus vulgaris (kidney
York, 1989, DTV300 Ottinger, H. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2001, bean).
Gangjee, A. et al., J. Med. Chem. , 1992, 35, 49, 1336-1344 (synth, ms, pmr, cmr) [123086-82-8, 123116-16-5]
3678 (N-benzyl)
Rousseau, B. et al., Synthesis , 1996, 1336 Akihisa, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28,
(synth) 1219

4,14-Dimethylstigmasta-8,25-...  / 2,3-Dimethylthiophene, 9CI D-906  / D-912

4,14-Dimethylstigmasta-8,25- D-906 N-Me:2,3,4-Trimethylthiazolium(1+) S

dien-3-ol, 9CI C6H10NS  128.218 (2R,3R)-form
24-Ethyl-4,14-dimethylcholesta-8,25-dien- Mp 2608 dec. (as iodide).
H 3C CH 3
3-ol Hantzsch, A. et al., Annalen , 1889, 250, 265
Steude, M. et al., Annalen , 1891, 261, 41
Fisher, N.I. et al., J.C.S. , 1930, 2509 C4H8S 88.173
Org. Synth. , 1945, 25, 35 (2R ,3R )-form [70095-46-4]
Kurkjy, R.P. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1952, 74, 5778 (+)-trans-form
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic n25
D 1.4390.
Synthesis, Wiley, 1974, 4, 202 (2S,3S )-form [64474-58-4]
Haag, A. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1976, 11,
511 (ms)
Hojo, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1988, 53, 2209 (synth, Liq. d25
4 0.89. Bp735 88-898 Bp180 54-558.
deriv, ir, pmr) [a]25 20
D -96.73 (neat). nD 1.4648.
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of (2RS,3RS )-form [5955-98-6]
HO Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand (/9)-trans-form
Reinhold , 1992, DUG200 Bp 88-898 Bp155 45-45.58. n20D 1.4640.
(2RS,3SR )-form [5954-71-2]
C31H52O 440.751 cis-form
2,5-Dimethylthiazole D-909 Component of food flavours. Bp735
(3b,4a,5a,24S )-form [80735-22-4] 98.58 Bp130 518. n20 25
[4175-66-0] D 1.4775. nD 1.4684.
Constit. of Lagenaria leucantha (bottle
gourd). Mp 129-1308 (as Ac). C5H7NS 113.183 S-Oxide: [10306-90-8]
Organoleptic agent. Food flavour/aroma C4H8OS 104.173
Itoh, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20, 1929-
1933 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms) component. Reported in roasted peanuts Oil.
and roasted sesame seeds together with S,S-Dioxide: [54697-52-8]
isomers. Liq. with meaty odour. Sol. C4H8O2S 120.172
4,14-Dimethylstigmasta- D-907
Long needles (EtOH). Mp 578 dec. Dec.
EtOH, Et2O. Bp80 868. pKa 3.91 (258).
9(11),24(28)-dien-3-ol, 9CI Steam-volatile. to 2-Butene.
en-3-ol. 24-Ethylidene-29-norlanost-9(11)- Picrate: [6668-16-2, 10306-89-5, 24302-63-4, 29027-23-4,
en-3-ol Mp 1728 (166-1678). 70492-83-0, 125125-34-0]
Gabriel, S. et al., Ber. , 1910, 43, 1283-1287 Price, C.C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1953, 75, 2396
(synth) (config)
Kurkjy, R.P. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1952, 74, 5778 Helmkamp, G.K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1957, 2,
(synth) 304 (synth)
Nishimura, O. et al., Koryo , 1990, 165, 91-101; Neureiter, N.P. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1959, 81, 578
CA , 113, 210350s (isol) (synth)
Helmkamp, G.K. et al., J.O.C. , 1960, 25, 1754
4,5-Dimethylthiazole D-910 Sidhu, K.S. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1966, 88, 254 (ms)
Hartzell, G.E. et al., J.O.C. , 1967, 32, 459
[3581-91-7] (synth, oxide)
HO FEMA 3274 Lautenschlaeger, F. et al., J.O.C. , 1969, 34, 3991
H (synth)
C5H7NS 113.183 Kondo, K. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1969, 2461 (oxide,
Flavouring agent. Sol. Et2O, EtOH. Mp dioxide)
C31H52O 440.751 83-848. Bp 1588 Bp47 758. pKa 3.73 (258). Fisher, N.H. et al., Synthesis , 1970, 393
(3b,4a,5a,24(28)Z )-form [123086-83-9] -XJ4380000 (dioxide)
Constit. of Phaseolus vulgaris (kidney Bucciarelli, M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1977, 33, 999
bean). (synth, abs config)
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 186-1878. Cohen, D. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1983, 87, 4585
(3b,4a,5a,24(28)E )-form [178275-58-6] N-Oxide: (uv)
Ac: [178275-63-3] C5H7NOS 129.182 Arad-Yellin, R. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1983, 105, 4561
Cryst. Mp 126-1288. Cryst. (EtOAc/hexane). Mp 116-1178. (synth, config)
Paradisi, C. et al., J. Het. Chem. , 1989, 26, 465
[123086-84-0] N-Me:3,4,5-Trimethylthiazolium (ms)
Akihisa, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, C6H10NS  128.218 Opitz, G. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1989, 30, 3131
1219 Cryst. (EtOH) (as iodide). Mp 223- (dioxide)
Akikisa, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1996, 44, 223.58 dec. (iodide). Opitz, G. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1990, 123, 1989
1202 (isol, pmr, ms) Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR (dioxide)
Spectra , 1992, 3, 109C (nmr) Dishington, A.P. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1997,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , 323-337 (dioxide, synth, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
2,4-Dimethylthiazole, 9CI D-908
1989, 3, 1492D (ir)
[541-58-2] Buchman, E.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1941, 6, 764
Kurkjy, R.P. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1952, 74, 5778 2,3-Dimethylthiophene, 9CI D-912
H 3C N Haag, A. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1976, 11,
4 3
512 511 (ms)
CH 3
S Begtrup, M. et al., Acta Chem. Scand. , 1992, 46, CH 3
372 (oxide) 4 3
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd 512 CH 3
C5H7NS 113.183
Constit. of beef aroma. Sol. EtOH, Et2O, edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, S
2, 194
cold H2O, less sol. hot H2O. d15
4 1.51. Bp50 C6H8S 112.195
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
70-738. pKa 3.92 (258). Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 879 Odorant used in food flavouring. Insol.
-LD50 (mus, ipr) 250 mg/kg. XJ4375000 H2O, v. sol. Et2O, EtOH, C6H6. d20
4 1. Fp -
Hydrochloride: 49. Bp 140-1418. n20
D 1.5192.
Mp 1898. 2,3-Dimethylthiirane, 9CI D-911
Grünewald, W. et al., Ber. , 1887, 20, 2586
Picrate: [4426-36-2] Shepard, A.F. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1932, 54, 2951
Yellow plates. Mp 140-1418. 2-Butene episulfide. 2,3-Epithiobutane Adv. Chem. Ser. , 1955, 15, 188 (props)

2,4-Dimethylthiophene / Dimeticone, INN, JAN D-913 
/ D-922

Nishimura, H. et al., J.O.C. , 1975, 40, 1567 (Brassica juncea ). 2,5-Dimethyl-3-vinyl-5-hex- D-919
(synth, ir, ms, pmr) Pichler, H. et al., Brennst.-Chem. , 1962, 43, 199 ene-2,4-diol
(synth) 3-Ethenyl-2,5-dimethyl-5-hexene-2,4-diol
2,4-Dimethylthiophene D-913 Costa Neto, A. et al., Ann. Acad. Bras.
Ci&eenc. , 1979, 51, 255 (pmr)
[638-00-6] Zhang, H. et al., CA , 1985, 103, 51202v (occur) OH
C6H8S 112.195 Lin, Z. et al., CA , 1986, 105, 189690a (occur)
Chen, Y. et al., Chromatographia , 1987, 23, 502
Constit. of Allium spp.. Also found in
various cooked foods. Odorant used in
food flavouring. Insol. H2O; sol. Et2O,
EtOH, C6H6. d20 1. Bp 140.78. n20
D 1.5104. OH
Zelinsky, N. et al., Ber. , 1887, 20, 2018 3,5-Dimethyl-1,2,4-trithiolane D-917
Adv. Chem. Ser. , 1955, 15, 189 (props) C10H18O2 170.251
Nishimura, H. et al., J.O.C. , 1975, 40, 1567 [23654-92-4] 2-Ac: [79507-90-7]
(synth, ir, ms, pmr) FEMA 3541 C12H20O3 212.288
Mubarak, A.M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1990,
29, 3351 (isol)
Constit. of Artemisia vulgaris
Takeshita, M. et al., J.O.C. , 1991, 56, 2837
CH 3 (mugwort). Mixt. of diastereoisomers.
(synth) S 4-Ketone, 2-Ac: [79507-89-4]
Sax, N.I. et al., Dangerous Properties of S C12H18O3 210.272
Industrial Materials, 5th edn., Van Nostrand
H 3C S Constit. of Artemisia vulgaris
Reinhold , 1979, 1030 (mugwort).
C4H8S3 152.305
Näf-Müller, R. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1981,
Occurs in roast or boiled pork, beef,
2,5-Dimethylthiophene, 9CI D-914 64, 1424-1430 (isol, pmr)
mutton and chicken. Also in roasted
[638-02-8] filberts and cooked potato, beans, shrimp
C6H8S 112.195 and clam. Flavouring ingredient.. Bp17 77- 3,5-Dimethyl-2-vinylpyrazine D-920
Odorant used in food flavouring. Insol. 788. Mixt. of cis- and trans- forms. [157615-33-3]
H2O; sol. Et2O, EtOH, C6H6. d20 0.99. Fp Chang, S.S. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) , 1968, 2-Ethenyl-3,5-dimethylpyrazine, 9CI
-62.6. Bp 136.88. n20
D 1.5129. 1659 (isol)
Brinkman, H.W. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , N CH CH2
S,S-Dioxide: [50590-79-9] 1972, 20, 177 (isol)
C6H8O2S 144.194 Dubs, P. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1978, 61, 1404
Cryst. Mp 888. (synth, bibl)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Ritzau, M. et al., Annalen , 1993, 871 (isol)
H 3C N CH3
Spectra , 1992, 3, 44C (nmr)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, C8H10N2 134.18
2, 592C (ir) Formed by thermal interaction of ribose
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , and cysteine. Odour constit. of roasted
1989, 3, 1467D (ir) 6,10-Dimethyl-9-undecen-2- D-918
coffee. Also present in fried beef volatiles.
Adv. Chem. Ser. , 1955, 15, 190 (props) one Odour threshold 0.012 mg/L in air.
Jean, G.N. et al., J.O.C. , 1955, 20, 1363 (synth) [4433-36-7]
Jeffery, G.H. et al., J.C.S. , 1961, 570 Dihydrogeranylacetone. Tetrahydropseu- [81352-79-6]
Lanum, W.J. et al., J. Chem. Eng. Data , 1969,
14, 93 (ms, ir, uv, Raman)
doionone. FEMA 3059 Specht, K. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1994,
Nishimura, H. et al., J.O.C. , 1975, 40, 1567 42, 2246-2253 (occur)
(synth, ms, ir, pmr) Czerny, M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1996,
Rozen, S. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1994, 1959 44, 3268-3272; 1999, 47, 695-699 (occur, synth,
(R)-form pmr, ms)
(dioxide) O
Hoffman, T. et al., Z. Lebensm.-Unters. -
C13H24O 196.332 Forsch. , 1998, 207, 229-236 (occur)
3,4-Dimethylthiophene D-915 Used in perfumery and food flavouring.
[632-15-5] (R )-form [114976-95-3] 2,4-Dimethyl-5-vinylthiazole D-921
C6H8S 112.195 Liq. Bp0.16 84-938. [a]23
D +0.5 (c, 1.02 in [65505-18-2]
Odorant used in food flavouring. d20 1.01. CHCl3). n23
D 1.4431. 5-Ethenyl-2,4-dimethylthiazole, 9CI.
Bp 1448. n20
D 1.5212. (S )-form [50718-54-2] FEMA 3145
Liq. Bp0.4 89-908. [a]23
D -0.6 (c, 1.02 in
CHCl3). n22.5
D 1.4425.
C6H8O2S 144.194 H3C
(/9)-form [93303-24-3]
Cryst. N
Liq. Bp 2348 Bp5 110-1138.
Shepard, A.F. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1934, 56, 1355
Adv. Chem. Ser. , 1955, 15, 191 (props) Semicarbazone: H2C HC CH3
Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 83.5-848.
Koenig, B. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1974, 107, 2931
(synth, spectra) Bhalerao, H.T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1971, 93, 105 C7H9NS 139.221
Nishimura, H. et al., J.O.C. , 1975, 40, 1567 (ms)
(synth, ir, ms, pmr) Szykula, J. et al., Annalen , 1987, 709 (synth,
Present in cooked beef volatiles. Flavour-
Houge-Frydrych, C.S.V. et al., Chem. Comm. , pmr) ing ingredient. No phys. props. reported.
1987, 1819 (dioxide) Mori, K. et al., Annalen , 1988, 717 (synth, R- Wilson, R.A. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1973,
form, S-form) 21, 873-876 (glc, occur)
Cane, D.E. et al., Biochemistry, 1990, 29, 5476 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
2,5-Dimethyltridecane D-916 (synth, pmr, cmr) edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
[56292-66-1] Ford, R.A. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , 1992, 2, 198 (use)
H3C(CH2)7CH(CH3)CH2CH2CH(CH3)2 30, 123S (rev, bibl)

C15H32 212.418 Dimeticone, INN, JAN D-922

(/9)-form [9006-65-9]
Mp -27.28. Bp 250.48. n20
D 1.4310. Dimethicone, BAN. Poly(dimethyl silox-
(j)-form ane). Dimethylpolysiloxane
Constit. of pickled mustard tuber Used in foods as a defoaming agent.

Dimoracin  / Dioctyl phosphate, 9CI D-923  / D-929

Component of Altacaps, Cobadex, Dio- Sheikh, Y.M. et al., Steroids , 1975, 26, 129 Mp 96-978.
vol, Siloxyl and Vasogen. (synth)
Mixt. with silicon dioxide: [8050-81-5] Mp 54-558.
Simethicone, USAN. Simeticone, BAN, 26,27-Dinorergosta-7,22-dien- D-925 (Z )-form [3879-26-3] Nerylacetone
INN. Mylicon. Silain 3-ol Semicarbazone:
Viscous oil. Component of Gelusil, 24-Norcholesta-7,22-dien-3-ol Mp 90-918.
Mylanta and Tricone. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
-LD50 (dog, ivn) 900 mg/kg. VW6200000 1, 416B (ir)
Ger. Pat. , 1971, 2 057 239, (Richardson-Merrell ); Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
CA , 75, 91 323v (synth, pharmacol) Spectra , 1992, 1, 647B; 647C (nmr)
Cox, H.L.M. et al., Pharm. Weekbl. , 1976, 111, Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
973 (activity) 1989, 3, 502B (ir)
Grape, W. et al., Parfuem. Kosmet. , 1986, 67, Isler, O. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1956, 39, 897-
326 (manuf, props) 904; 1958, 41, 786-807 (E-form, synth, use)
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th Trost, B.M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1977, 99, 6124-6126
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 1109 (E-form, synth)
Brečević, L. et al., J. Appl. Toxicol. , 1994, 14, HO Fujita, Y. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1978, 533-534
207 (Simethicone, pharmacol) H (synth, E,Z-isom)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Jorgenson, J.W. et al., Science (Washington,
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 871-873 C26H42O 370.617 D.C.) , 1978, 199, 796-798 (E-form, occur)
Shimizu, I. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1980, 21, 3199-3202
(3b,5a,22E )-form [30674-32-9] (synth)
Dimoracin D-923 Asterosterol Tsuji, J. et al., Pure Appl. Chem. , 1982, 54, 197-
[84323-11-5] Found in clams and oysters. Cryst. 206 (synth)
(MeOH). Mp 130-1318. [a]D -6.4 (c, 1 in Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
CHCl3). Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, GDE400
Kobayashi, M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1973, 29,
O 1193 (isol, struct)
Boll, P.M. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. B ,
1974, 28, 270 (synth)
HO H Kobayashi, M. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1974,
12,13-Dinor-8-oxo-6-eremo- D-928
22, 236 (synth) philen-11-al

C38H32O8 616.666 26,27-Dinorergosta-4,22-dien- D-926 H

Phytoalexin from Morus alba (white mul-
berry) infected with Fusarium solani .
Cryst. Poorly sol. hexane. Mp 238-2408. CHO
[a]D -5 (EtOH). lmax 220 (e 64200); 254 (e
21200); 261 (e 17600); 320 (e 76000); 334 (e
67200) (EtOH) (Berdy).
Takasugi, M. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1982, 1217 10b-form [348119-86-8]
Constit. of Petasites japonicus ssp.
26,27-Dinorergosta-5,22-dien- D-924 giganteus (Japanese butterbur). Oil. [a]D
3-ol, 9CI H +5.05 (c, 0.21 in CHCl3). lmax 235
24-Norcholesta-5,22-dien-3-ol (EtOH).
Goto, Y. et al., Phytochemistry, 2001, 57, 109-
O 113 (isol, pmr, cmr)

C26H40O 368.601
(E )-form Dioctyl phosphate, 9CI D-929
H Constit. of dried prawns [3115-39-7]
(Nematopalaemon tenuipes ). Dioctyl hydrogen phosphate. Dioctyl phos-
Indap, M.M. et al., Indian J. Exp. Biol. , 1996, phoric acid
34, 588-589; CA , 125, 270867y (isol, pmr)
HO [H3C(CH2)7O]2P(O)OH
C16H35O4P 322.424
C26H42O 370.617 1,2-Dinor-6,10-farnesadien-3- D-927 Oil or cryst. Mp 29-308. n20
D 1.4464
(3b,22E )-form [38788-81-7] one (supercooled). pKa 3.32 (75% v/v EtOH
Constit. of Mytilus edulis (blue mussel) [689-67-8] aq.).
and other crustaceans, molluscs and 6,10-Dimethyl-5,9-undecadien-2-one, 9CI Me4N salt:
sponges. Cryst. Mp 138-1408 (122-1248). Solid. Mp 1738.
[a]D -31 (CHCl3).
(3b,22Z )-form [52745-87-6] (E)-form Chloride:Dioctyl phosphorochloridate.
Needles (MeOH). Mp 163-1668. [a]D -63 O Dioctyl phosphoryl chloride. Dioctyl
C13H22O 194.316 C16H34ClO3P 340.869
[34428-92-7, 76250-41-4, 77880-46-7] -Skin irritant. YQ1190000 Liq. n25
D 1.4452.
Idler, D.R. et al., Steroids , 1970, 16, 451 (isol, (E )-form [3796-70-1] Chabrier, P. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad.
struct) Geranylacetone. FEMA 3542 Sci. , 1957, 244, 2730 (synth)
Fryberg, M. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1971, 1194 Constit. of many essential oils including Petrov, K.A. et al., Zh. Obshch. Khim. , 1961, 31,
(synth) peppermint (Mentha piperita ) and Car- 1709; J. Gen. Chem. USSR (Engl. Transl.) ,
Viala, J. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1972, 3626 olina vanilla (Carphephorus odoratissi- 1961, 31, 1596 (synth)
(pmr, ms) Grosse-Ruyken, H. et al., J. Prakt. Chem. ,
Sheikh, Y.M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1974, 30, 4095
mus ). Used in food flavouring. Bp10 1962, 18, 287 (synth, chloride)
(isol) 1248. Navratil, O. et al., Hydrometallurgy, 1981, 7,
Metayer, A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1974, 598 (synth) Semicarbazone: 289 (use)

Dioctyltin isooctylthioglycolate / 1,4-Dioxacycloheptadecane-... D-930 / D-936

Dioctyltin isooctylthioglyco- D-930 Diosbulbinoside D D-932 Me

late [66756-59-0] N
2-Ethylhexyl 10-ethyl-4,4-dioctyl-7-oxo-8- O
oxa-3,5-dithia-4-stannatetradecanoate, 4'

14CI. Dioctyltin bis(isooctylmercaptoace- O 5' Absolute Configuration

tate). Dioctyltin S,S?-bis(2-ethylhexylthio-
[H3C(CH2)7]2Sn[SCH2COOCH2CH(CH2- H H C13H19NO2 221.299
CH3)(CH2)3CH3]2 Alkaloid from the tubers of wild yam
C36H72O4S2Sn 751.804 O Dioscorea hispida . Mp 43.58 (34-358). [a]18
Used as a heat stabiliser for rigid PVC -35 (c, 3.4 in CHCl3). Log P 0.76 (calc).
used in food and drink applications. -LD50 (mus, ipr) 60 mg/kg. Exp. convulsant
Colourless viscous oil. Sol. common org. OGlc effects. JG5787500
solvs. n20 O
D 1.4992. Hydrochloride:
Schumann, H. et al., Organotin Compd. , (Ed. C25H30O11 506.505 Mp 210-2118 dec.
Sawyer, A.K.), Marcel Dekker, 1971, 2, 297- Isol. from Dioscorea bulbifera (air potato). Picrate:
508 (synth, props) Cryst. (CHCl3/MeOH). Mp 169-1738 dec. Mp 1878 dec.
Figge, K. et al., J. Chromatogr. , 1977, 131, 317-
327 (anal)
[a]D -31 (c, 0.8 in MeOH). N-Oxide:
Lequan, M. et al., Eur. Polym. J. , 1980, 16, Ida, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1978, 26, 435 [171432-58-9, 171595-79-2] Dioscorine N-
1109-1113 (synth, ir, use)
Allen, D.W. et al., J. Organomet. Chem. , 1980,
199, 299-310 (Mössbauer) C13H19NO3 237.298
Michel, A. et al., Polym. Degrad. Stab. , 1980, 2,
Diosbulbinoside F D-933 4?S,5?-Dihydro: [96552-66-8] Dihydrodios-
277-293 (pmr)
Senich, G.A. et al., Polymer, 1982, 23, 1385- corine
1387 (rev) C13H21NO2 223.314
Gmelin Handbook Inorg. Chem. , Syst. No. 46, Alkaloid from the tubers of the famine
1983, 10, 111-113 (rev, props) O food Dioscorea dumetorum . Oil. Sol.
Cooray, B.B. et al., Polym. Degrad. Stab. , 1984, H2O. [a]18
D -42.2 (c, 3.4 in CHCl3).
7, 1-12 (use) Dihydrodioscorine cannot be obt. by
Blunden, S.J. et al., J. Organomet. Chem. , 1985, hydrogenation of Dioscorine lmax 208
282, 9-16 (synth, pmr, ir)
Mueller, H.A. et al., Makromol. Chem.,
O (MeOH) (Berdy).
H H -Convulsive poison ; LD50 (mus, ipr) 0.65
Macromol. Symp. , 1989, 29, 197-207; CA , HO
112, 57374k (Sn-119 nmr) O mg/kg.
4?S,5?-Dihydro, hydrochloride:
Mp 2098.
OGlc 4?S,5?-Dihydro, picrate:
Diosbulbin B D-931 Mp 1898.
[20086-06-0] C26H34O12 538.547 Pinder, A.R. et al., J.C.S. , 1952, 2236 (isol, uv,
8b,12a:15,16-Diepoxy-19-nor-13(16),14- Isol. from Dioscorea bulbifera (air potato). ir)
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 193-1958 dec. [a]350 - Broadbent, J.L. et al., Br. J. Pharmacol. , 1958,
13, 213 (pharmacol)
25 (c, 0.3 in MeOH). Bevan, C.W.L. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) ,
Ida, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1978, 26, 435- 1958, 103 (Dihydrodioscorine, isol)
O 439 (isol, pmr) Davies, W.A.M. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) ,
1961, 1410 (struct)
Correia Alves, A. et al., CA , 1963, 59, 6452d
(Dihydrodioscorine, isol)
H O Beecham, A.F. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1969, 3745
Dioscoretine D-934 (config)
O O [128637-87-6] Leete, E. et al., Phytochemistry, 1977, 16, 1704
Absolute (biosynth, cmr)
H O con®guration Corley, D.G. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1985, 26, 1615
(Dihydrodioscorine, isol, struct, abs config)
O Goh, S.-H. et al., Malays. J. Sci. , 1994, 15, 23;
OH CA , 124, 25562b (Dioscorine N-oxide)
C19H20O6 344.363
Constit. of Dioscorea bulbifera (air pota- COOH
to). Cryst. (Me2CO). Mp 2858 dec. [a]20
D Me 1,4-Dioxacycloheptadecane- D-936
+92 (c, 0.75 in Py). 5,17-dione, 9CI
Kawasaki, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1968, C13H23NO3 241.33
Alkaloid from the tubers of the famine [105-95-3]
16, 2430 (isol) Ethylene brassylate. Astratone. Musk T
Komori, T. et al., Annalen , 1973, 978 (struct) food Dioscorea dumetorum .
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1701 (abs config) Iwu, M.M. et al., Planta Med. , 1990, 56, 119
Yonemitsu, M. et al., Planta Med. , 1993, 59, (isol, cmr, struct)
577 (isol, pmr, cmr)
Singh, A. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1999, 55, 559-
561 (cryst struct) O O

Dioscorine D-935 C15H26O4 270.368

[3329-91-7] Component of fragrances for soaps, de-
2,4?-Dimethylspiro[2-azabicyclo[2.2.2]oc- tergents, food etc.. Oil with sweetish
tane-5,2?-[2H]pyran]-6?(3?H)-one, 9CI musky odour. Mp 0-78. Bp 3328 Bp2.5 160-
1708 (lit. gives a pressure range). n20

Dioxibrassinin  / Diphenyl ether D-937 / D-944

1.4702. 1,4-Dioxo-2,5,7,10-bisabolate- D-939 2,5-Dioxo-3-hexenal D-942

-YQ1927500 traen-12-al 5-Hydroxy-2-oxo-3,5-hexadienal. Tamarin-
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , Glandulone B dienal
1975, 13, 91 (synth) H3CCOCH/ . CHCOCHO / U
U.S. Pat. , 1982, 4 331 603; CA , 97, 72395h
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U.S.S.R. Pat. , 1984, 1 077 893; CA , 104, 68894r
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CHO CCl4, Et2O. lmax 295 (EtOH).
Imbabi, E.S. et al., Fitoterapia , 1992, 63, 537-
C15H16O3 244.29 538 (isol, struct)
Dioxibrassinin D-937 Constit. of Helianthus annuus (sunflower).
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D -3.3 (c, 0.12 in MeOH). Diphenyl disulfide, 9CI D-943
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Spring, O. et al., Phytochemistry, 1992, 31, 1541 Phenyl disulfide, 8CI. Dithiobisbenzene.
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FEMA 3225
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N5-(3,4-Dioxo-1,5-cyclohexa- D-940 Flavouring ingredient. Needles (EtOH).
O dien-1-yl)glutamine Mp 62-638. Bp 2958 Bp 3108 Bp15 1928.
N g-Glutaminyl-3,4-benzoquinone Dec. on prolonged heating to Ph2S.
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2915 (isol, uv, ir, pmr, ms, struct, synth) bisporus (button mushroom). Red solid. Kresze, G. et al., Annalen , 1974, 847-852 (synth)
lmax 440 (no solvent reported). Sacerdoti, M. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1975, B31,
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Elem. , 1978, 5, 57-60 (ms)
Hiroi, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1979, 27,
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C6H8O4 144.127
HO O O Kagabu, S. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. , 1989,
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edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
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Diphenylamine, 8CI / 1,7-Diphenyl-6-hepten-3-ol, 9CI D-945 / D-951

FEMA 3667 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , 1,7-Diphenyl-4,6-heptadien-3- D-948
1989, 3, 1109B; 1109D (ir) ol
PhOPh Brownlee, R.C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1968, 90, 1757
C12H10O 170.21 Mellier, A. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1973, 276, 177
Present in muscat grapes, green tea, (cryst struct) . CHPh
vanilla, lemon balm, buckwheat, potato Mornon, J.-P. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad. C19H20O 264.366
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geranium-type odour. Mp 37-398 (288). Bp Bradamante, S. et al., J.O.C. , 1980, 45, 114 turmeric). Powder (hexane/Me2CO).
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Mp 38-398. Ngo, K.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 47,
C6H6; insol. H2O. Mp 52-548. Bp 3028. 1117-1123 (isol, 5-ketone, 4?-hydroxy-5-
pKa 0.78 (248, HCl aq.). pKa 22.73 (258, Dodson, R.M. et al., J.O.C. , 1967, 32, 28 ketone)
DMSO aq.). (synth, nmr)
Gross, M.L. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1969, 3875 (ms)
-Eye, skin and mucous membrane irritant.
Harpp, D.N. et al., J.O.C. , 1970, 35, 3256 1,7-Diphenyl-6-hepten-3-ol, D-951
Exp. teratogenic effects. Hepatotoxic and (synth, pmr)
nephrotoxic in chronic studies. JJ7800000 9CI
Kawamura, Y. et al., Shokuhin Eisegaku Zasshi , a-(4-Phenyl-3-butenyl)benzenepropanol,
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, 1998, 39, 110-119; 390-398; CA , 129, 42008w;
1, 1190B (ir) 130, 251409n (detn)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Ohyama, K. et al., Environ. Health Perspect. , PhCH2CH2CH(OH)CH2CH2CH/ . CHPh
Spectra , 1992, 2, 453B; 1361A (nmr) 2001, 109, 699-703 (tox) C19H22O 266.382

1,7-Diphenyl-4-hepten-3-one / Diphyllin D-952  / D-958

(3j,6E )-form [87095-76-9] Liq. d22

4 1.04. Bp18 1898. 2,3-Diphenylpyrazine, 9CI D-956
Constit. of seeds of Curcuma Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 4 , 1963, 101 (synth) [1588-89-2]
xanthorrhiza (Java turmeric). Plates Freunel, B. et al., Planta Med. , 1968, 123; CA ,
(Me2CO/hexane). Mp 47-498 (44-468). 70, 54869 (isol)
[a]23 Shemyakin, M.M. et al., Tetrahedron , 1971, 27, N Ph
D +7 (c, 1.2 in CHCl3). Described as 5 4 3
racemic. 2811 (synth) 6 1 2
Weber, F.G. et al., Tetrahedron , 1973, 29, 2479 N Ph
Ac: [155167-05-8] (synth, pmr)
C21H24O2 308.419 Yayli, N. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 1994,
Oil. 33, 556 (isol)
C16H12N2 232.284
Judas̆, N. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1995, 51, 2656 Food flavorant. Monoclinic cryst. (EtOH
Claeson, P. et al., Planta Med. , 1993, 59, 451-
454 (cryst struct) aq.). Sol. EtOH, Et2O, C6H6, spar. sol.
Jurgens, T.M. et al., J. Nat. Prod. , 1994, 57, Pande, P.P. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1998, 28, petrol, insol. H2O.
230-235 4193-4200 (synth, ir, pmr)
Wang, H. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1999, 29, 129-
Ngo, K.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 47, C16H12N2O 248.284
1117-1123 134 (synth, ir, pmr)
Needles (EtOH or petrol). Mp 179.5-
1808 (171-1728).
1,7-Diphenyl-4-hepten-3-one D-952 Dioxide:
[79559-59-4] 1,3-Diphenyl-2-propanone, D-955 C16H12N2O2 264.283
PhCH2CH2CH/ . CHCOCH2CH2Ph 9CI Platelets (EtOH). Mp 2628 dec.
C19H20O 264.366 Mason, A.T. et al., J.C.S. , 1893, 63, 1297
[102-04-5] Landquist, J.K. et al., J.C.S. , 1956, 1885
Isol. from rhizomes of Alpinia officinarum 1,3-Diphenylacetone. Dibenzyl ketone. (oxides)
(lesser galangal). Oil. Benzyl ketone. FEMA 2397 Shibamoto, T. et al., CA , 1976, 84, 149375t
Itokawa, H. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1981, PhCH2COCH2Ph (use)
29, 2383-2385 (isol, spectra) Kitano, Y. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1983, 39, 136
Kato, N. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1984, 32,
C15H14O 210.275 (cryst struct)
3323-3326 (synth) Flavouring agent. Cryst. (EtOH aq., Et2O Sato, N. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1994, 885
Tori, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 40, 1263- or petrol) with a fruity odour. Mp 35-368. (monoxide)
1264 (isol) Bp 3318 Bp0.1 112-1258.
Oxime: [1788-31-4]
1,3-Diphenylpropane, 8CI D-953 C15H15NO 225.29
N,N? -Diphenylurea, 9CI D-957
[1081-75-0] Mp 1258.
1,1?-(1,3-Propanediyl)bisbenzene, 9CI. Di- Phenylhydrazone:
benzylmethane. SD1 Needles or leaflets. Mp 128-1298. [26763-63-3]
PhCH2CH2CH2Ph 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: [1555-81-3] Carbanilide
C15H16 196.291 Orange cryst. (EtOH). Mp 1108. PhNHCONHPh
Styrene dimer. Present as an impurity in Semicarbazone: C13H12N2O 212.251
polystyrene food containers and other Mp 123-1248 Mp 1468. Isol. from coconut milk. Prisms. Mp 239-
products - liberated on heating. Mp - 4-Methylbenzenesulfonylhydrazone: 2408. Bp 2608.
20.788 Mp 68. Bp1.7 123-1248. [19816-88-7] Diphenylacetone tosylhy- -FD9800000
Tuot, M. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1947, 1087 drazone Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
(synth) C22H22N2O2S 378.494 2, 387A (ir)
Sarijan, K.T. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1951, 73, 4766 Mp 185-1868 dec. Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
(synth) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Spectra , 1992, 2, 1418C; 1420C; 1421A (nmr)
Gilman, H. et al., J.O.C. , 1959, 24, 821 (synth) 2, 1D; 983D (ir) Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 1 , 1932, 453 (synth)
Kawamura, Y. et al., Shokuhin Eisegaku Zasshi , Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Shantz, E.M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1952, 74, 6133;
1998, 39, 110-119; 390-398; CA , 129, 42008w; Spectra , 1992, 2, 790B; 3, 545C (nmr) 1955, 77, 6351 (isol)
130, 251409n (anal) Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Baker, J.W. et al., J.C.S. , 1957, 4652 (synth)
Ohyama, K. et al., Environ. Health Perspect. , 1989, 3, 1222C (ir) Novacek, A. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem. Comm. ,
2001, 109, 699-703 (tox) Hurd, C.D. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1933, 55, 2589; 1967, 32, 1712 (synth)
1936, 58, 1240 Deshapande, S.V. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1968, 24,
Ashley, J.N. et al., J.C.S. , 1942, 103 1396 (cryst struct)
1,3-Diphenyl-1-propanone, D-954 Knobler, Y. et al., Isr. J. Chem. , 1971, 9, 165
Rabjohn, N. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1953, 75, 2259
9CI Shapiro, E.L. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1953, 75, 4769 (synth)
[1083-30-3] MacKenzie, S. et al., J.O.C. , 1963, 28, 717 (uv) Norikov, E.G. et al., Zh. Prikl. Spektrosk. ,
v-Benzylacetophenone. Phenethyl phenyl Mislow, K. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1964, 86, 1710 (pmr) 1971, 14, 833 (uv)
Tagaki, W. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1965, Siti, M.P. et al., J.O.C. , 1979, 44, 3017 (cmr, N-
ketone. Dihydrochalcone. Hydrocinnamo-
38, 414 15 nmr)
phenone. Hydrochalcone Ayyangar, N.R. et al., Chem. Ind. (London) ,
Keana, J.F.W. et al., J.O.C. , 1973, 38, 3815
PhCOCH2CH2Ph (synth, tosylhydrazone) 1988, 599 (synth, bibl, derivs)
C15H14O 210.275 Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic Laufer, D.A. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. ,
Synthesis, Wiley, 1974, 4, 123 (use) 1989, 21, 771 (synth)
Isol. from Phallus impudicus (common
Casanova, J. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1977, 1773 (cmr, Cooper, C.F. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1995, 25,
stinkhorn). Leaflets (EtOH). Mp 72-738. 2467 (synth)
config, tosylhydrazone)
Bp 3608. Lipton, M.F. et al., J. Organomet. Chem. , 1980, Jimenez Blanco, J.L. et al., Synthesis , 1999,
Oxime: [5371-55-1] 186, 155 (synth, pmr, ms, use, tosylhydrazone) 1907-1914 (synth)
C15H15NO 225.29 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
Needles (EtOH aq.). Mp 878.
2, 200
2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: [5371-54-0] Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Diphyllin D-958
Mp 143-1458. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 888-889
Semicarbazone: [33745-39-0] 9-(1,3-Benzodioxol-5-yl)-4-hydroxy-6,7-di-
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 148-148.58. methoxynaphtho[2,3-c]-furan-1(3H)-one,
Di-Et acetal:1,1-Diethoxy-1,3-diphenylpro- 9CI. 7-Hydroxy-4,5-dimethoxy-3?,4?-
pane methylenedioxy-2,7?-cycloligna-7,7?-dien-
C19H24O2 284.397 9?,9-olide

Dipiperamide A  / Dipotassium phosphate, 9CI, 8CI D-959 / D-965

OH Dipiperamide D D-961 Diplosporin D-964

MeO [69199-05-9]
O 6-Ethyl-5,6,7,8-tetrahydro-5-hydroxy-3-
O (hydroxymethyl)-4H-1-benzopyran-4-one,
MeO O N 9CI. Diplodiol

Relative O OH
C21H16O7 380.353 O
Needles (EtOH). Mp 2918. lmax 230 ; 267 ; C12H16O4 224.256
358 (EtOH) (Berdy). Mycotoxin prod. by Diplodia macrospora
C36H40N2O6 596.722
isol. from infected maize. Cryst. (C6H6/
O-[b-D-Glucopyranosyl-(1/ 0 4)-2,3-di-O- Alkaloid from white pepper, Piper nigrum .
petrol). Mp 82.5-848. lmax 219 (e 5370);
methyl-b-D-xylopyranoside]: [133882- lmax 209 (log e 4.6); 266 (log e 4.3)
258 (e 5250) (MeOH) (Derep). lmax 217 (e
75-4] Ramontoside (EtOH).
7940); 251 (e 7940) (EtOH) (Berdy).
C34H38O16 702.665 Tsukamoto, S. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. , 2002, -LD50 (mus, orl) 88.4 mg/kg. DJ3100650
Isol. from Flacourtia ramontchii (gov- 10, 2981-2985 (isol, pmr, cmr)
ernor’s plum). Cryst. Mp 140-1428. lmax 5-Deoxy:5-Deoxydiplosporin
265 (e 126000); 320 (e 26400); 355 (e C12H16O3 208.257
11220) (MeOH) (Berdy). Mycotoxin prod. by Diplodia macro-
Dipiperamide E D-962 spora isol. from infected maize. Oil.
Satyanarayana, V. et al., Phytochemistry, 1991,
Poorly sol. H2O. [a]20
D +55 (c, 1.1 in
30, 1026 (Ramontoside)
MeOH). lmax 219 (e 5370); 258 (e 5250)
O (MeOH) (Derep).
Dipiperamide A D-959 N
O 5-Epimer: [109361-64-0] epi-Diplosporin
O C12H16O4 224.256
O Relative Metab. of Diplodia macrospora isol.
N Configuration from infected maize.
Chalmers, A.A. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1979,
O N 1481 (isol, struct)
1 O Probst, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1982, 65,
1543 (isol, pmr)
O O Gorst-Allman, C.P. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1983,
N 1357 (biosynth, struct)
O C34H38N2O6 570.684 Gorst-Allman, C.P. et al., S. Afr. J. Chem. ,
O Alkaloid from white pepper, Piper nigrum . 1987, 40, 116 (biosynth, epimer)
lmax 206 (log e 3.8); 242 (sh) (log e 4.1);
C34H38N2O6 570.684 266 (sh) (log e 4); 289 (log e 4.2) (EtOH).
Alkaloid from white pepper, Piper nigrum . Dipotassium phosphate, 9CI, D-965
Racemic lmax 203 (log e 4.9); 238 (sh) (log Tsukamoto, S. et al., Bioorg. Med. Chem. , 2002,
10, 2981-2985 (isol, pmr, cmr) 8CI
e 4.4); 287 (log e 4) (EtOH).
1,2-Diepimer:Dipiperamide B
C34H38N2O6 570.684 [16068-46-5]
Diplodiatoxin D-963
Alkaloid from white pepper, Piper Dipotassium monohydrogenphosphate. Po-
nigrum . Racemic lmax 204 (log e 4.8); [41060-01-9] tassium phosphate (K2HPO4). Potassium
237 (sh) (log e 4.4); 273 (sh) (log e 4.3); 1,2,4a,5,6,7,8,8a-Octahydro-1-(3-hydroxy- phosphate dibasic, JAN, USAN
289 (sh) (log e 4.2) (EtOH). 1-oxopropyl)-1,3,6,8-tetramethyl-2-
naphthalenecarboxylic acid, 9CI K2HPO4
Tsukamoto, S. et al., Tetrahedron , 2002, 58,
HK2O4P 174.176
1667-1671 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms)
COCH2 CH2 OH Used in foods as a sequestrant, a pH
H control agent, and a nutrient in fermenta-
Dipiperamide C D-960 Absolute tion processes. Deliquescent white powder.
con®guration V. sol. H2O (167 g per 100 cm3 at 208); v.
O H sol. EtOH. Undergoes a phase change at
315-3208 (3118), dec. / 0 Potassium di-
O C18H28O4 308.417 phosphate (K4(P2O7)), P-431 at 400-4508.
O Metab. of Diplodia maydis (parasite of
N Trihydrate: [16788-57-1]
sweet corn). Toxin causing diplodiosis Colourless cryst. Mp 538 (488)
disease of cattle and sheep. Cryst.
(incongr.). Loses H2O at ca . 1108 (1
(CHCl3). Sol. MeOH, C6H6, CHCl3;
H2O), 1328 (1H2O), and 1588 (1H2O). A
N poorly sol. H2O, hexane. Mp 1878. [a]28D
hexahydrate has also been reported.
O +101 (c, 4 in CHCl3). lmax 293 (e 50)
O Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
(EtOH) (Berdy).
2, 1267D (ir)
O -Toxic ; LD50 (mus, ipr) .05 mg/kg. Peterson, S.W. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1953, 6, 273
Steyn, P.S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1972, 28, 4775 (nd)
C33H36N2O6 556.657 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms, ir, uv) Miller, F.A. et al., Spectrochim. Acta , 1960, 16,
Alkaloid from white pepper, Piper nigrum . Kruger, G.J. et al., Cryst. Struct. Commun. , 135 (ir)
Racemic lmax 207 (log e 4.6); 268 (log e 1977, 6, 193 (cryst struct) Steger, E. et al., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. , 1964,
4.3); 278 (sh) (log e 4.2); 308 (log e 4.1); Ichihara, A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1986, 27, 1347 331, 169 (ir, Raman)
(synth, abs config, bibl) McDonald, J.L. et al., J. Dent. Res. , 1970, 49,
325 (sh) (log e 3.8) (EtOH).
Cole, R.J. et al., Handbook of Toxic Fungal 1042 (metab)
Tsukamoto, S. et al., Tetrahedron , 2002, 58, Metabolites, Academic Press, New York, Pelavin, M. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1970, 74,
1667-1671 (isol, pmr, cmr, ms) 1981, 916 1116 (pe)

Di-1-propenyl disulfide / Di-2-propenyl tetrasulfide, 9CI D-966 / D-973

Marshall, W.L. et al., J. Inorg. Nucl. Chem. , Hu, Q. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2002, 50, cooked beef. Formed by hydrol. dec. of
1981, 43, 449 1059-1062 (S,S-dioxide, isol) cabbage. Flavouring ingredient. Neutri-
Radzhnabov, R. et al., CA , 1982, 96, 45312 ceutical with anti-cancer props.. Oil with
(dta, ir, trihydrate)
Turner, G.L. et al., J. Magn. Reson. , 1986, 70,
Di-2-propenyl heptasulfide D-968 garlic odour. d27
4 0.89. Bp 1398 Bp4 27-288.
408 (P-31 nmr) [139693-24-6] n20
D 1.4880. Log P 1.99 (calc).
Mudrakovskii, I.L. et al., J. Phys. Chem. Solids , Allyl heptasulfide. Diallyl heptasulfide. -Eye, skin and mucous membrane irritant.
1986, 42, 335 (P-31 nmr) 4,5,6,7,8,9,10-Heptathia-1,12-tridecadiene LD50 (rat, orl) 2980 mg/kg. BC4900000
Baran, J. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , 1989, 195, 159 S-Oxide: [14180-63-3] 3,3?-Sulfinylbis[1-
(ir, cryst struct)
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 30th . CH2 propene], 9CI. Diallyl sulfoxide
edn., Pharmaceutical Press , 1993, 858 C6H10S7 306.607 C6H10OS 130.21
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Constit. of garlic Allium sativum . Antiox- Brownish-red liq. d20
4 1.03. Bp7 107-1098
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2311-2313 idant. Bp3 98-1028. n20D 1.5115.
S,S-Dioxide: [16841-48-8] 3,3?-Sulfonyl-
Horie, T. et al., Planta Med. , 1992, 58, 468-469
Di-1-propenyl disulfide D-966 (isol) bis[1-propene], 9CI. Diallyl sulfone
[53925-82-9] C6H10O2S 146.21
1,1?-Dithiobis-1-propene Liq. d20 20
4 1.12. Bp5 1148. nD 1.4891.
Di-2-propenyl hexasulfide D-969
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
H3CCH/ . CH/  S/  S/  CH/ . CHCH3 [137443-18-6] 1, 269C (ir)
C6H10S2 146.277 Allyl hexasulfide. Diallyl hexasulfide. Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
Bp10 78-848. 4,5,6,7,8,9-Hexathia-1,11-dodecadiene Spectra , 1992, 1, 432C (nmr)
(E ,E )-form [23838-23-5] H2C/ . CHCH2-S-S-S-S-S-S-CH2CH/ Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
1989, 3, 353D (ir)
Constit. of the essential oil of Allium . CH2 Cahours, A. et al., Annalen , 1857, 102, 291
spp.. Liq. C6H10S6 274.541 Levin, L.N. et al., J. Prakt. Chem. , 1930, 127,
(E ,Z )-form [121609-82-3] Constit. of garlic (Allium sativum ). Anti- 77 (oxide, dioxide)
Pale yellow liq. oxidant. Backer, H.J. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R. Neth.
(Z ,Z )-form [23838-22-4] Chem. Soc.) , 1948, 67, 451 (dioxide)
Constit. of Allium spp.. Yellow oil. Horie, T. et al., Planta Med. , 1992, 58, 468-469 Gabel’, Y.O. et al., Zh. Obshch. Khim. , 1951, 2,
Wijers, H.E. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R. Neth. 1649; CA , 46, 4471 (synth)
Chem. Soc.) , 1969, 88, 519 (synth) Di-2-propenyl pentasulfide D-970 Edwards, D. et al., J.C.S. , 1954, 3272 (oxide)
Block, E. et al., J.O.C. , 1992, 57, 5815 (synth, Bateman, L. et al., J.C.S. , 1955, 1596 (oxide)
[118686-45-6] Brandsma, L. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R.
pmr, cmr) Allyl pentasulfide. Diallyl pentasulfide.
Block, E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1996, 118, 2799 Neth. Chem. Soc.) , 1963, 82, 68 (synth)
(synth, pmr, cmr, ms)
4,5,6,7,8-Pentathia-1,10-undecadiene Bernhard, R.A. et al., Arch. Biochem. Biophys. ,
H2C/ . CHCH2-S-S-S-S-S-CH2CH/ . CH2 1964, 107, 137 (isol)
Prochazka, M. et al., Coll. Czech. Chem.
Di-2-propenyl disulfide, 9CI D-967 C6H10S5 242.475 Comm. , 1967, 32, 3149 (uv)
Constit. of garlic (Allium sativum ). Anti- Foa, M. et al., Gazz. Chim. Ital. , 1975, 105,
oxidant. 1199 (dioxide)
Diallyl disulfide. Allyl disulfide. 4,5-Dithia-
Horie, T. et al., Planta Med. , 1992, 58, 468-469 Nishimura, H. et al., J.O.C. , 1975, 40, 1567
1,7-octadiene. Garlicin$. FEMA 2028 (synth, ir, ms)
H2C/ . CHCH2-S-S-CH2CH/ . CH2 Schmidt, H. et al., J. Prakt. Chem. , 1977, 319,
Hu, Q. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 2002, 50,
C6H10S2 146.277 1059-1062 (isol) 979 (synth)
Principal constituent of oil of garlic Liv, K.-T. et al., J.O.C. , 1978, 43, 2717 (oxide)
Bock, H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1982, 104, 312 (use)
(Allium sativum ). Present in onion (Allium Di-1-propenyl sulfide D-971 Fujisaki, S. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1985,
cepa ), ramsons (Allium ursinum ), chive 58, 2429 (synth)
(Allium schoenoprasum ) and Chinese [33922-80-4]
Trifomov, B.A. et al., Sulfur Lett. , 1985, 3, 145
chives (Allium tuberosum ). Also present in [37981-36-5, 37981-37-6] (synth)
raw cabbage and seeds of herb-Sophia 1,1?-Thiobis-1-propene, 9CI. 4-Thia-2,5- Mishelanie, E.A. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1986, 58,
(Descurainia sophia ). Flavouring ingredi- heptadiene 918 (hplc)
ent. Potential nutriceutical. d154 1.01. Bp
Yu, H.T. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1989, 37,
138-1398 Bp16 78-808. n20 (H3CCH/ . CH)2S 725 (chromatog, ms)
D 1.5410.
C6H10S 114.211 da Silva Correa, C.M.M. et al., Tetrahedron ,
-BB1000000 1990, 46, 3061 (synth, ir, pmr)
Volatile constit. of garlic, onion and other
S-Oxide: See Allicin, A-176 Bartkouska, B. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1997, 53,
Allium spp.. d20
4 0.9. Bp28 60-618. nD
1064-1066 (cryst struct)
S,S-Dioxide:S-2-Propenyl 2-propene-1-sul- 1.5112. Props. refer to a mixt. of geom. Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
fonothioate isomers. Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
C6H10O2S2 178.276 Reinhold , 1992, AGS250
Constit. of garlic (Allium sativum ). Oil. Price, C.C. et al., J.O.C. , 1962, 27, 4639-4641
(synth, ir)
[72869-75-1] Brandsma, L. et al., Rec. Trav. Chim. (J. R.
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Neth. Chem. Soc.) , 1962, 81, 33-38 (synth) Di-2-propenyl tetrasulfide, D-973
Kuo, M.C. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1992,
1989, 3, 354A (ir)
40, 1906-1910 (occur)
Banerjee, M.N. et al., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. ,
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Twiss, D.F. et al., J.C.S. , 1914, 105, 36 (synth) 800-805 (occur) Allyl tetrasulfide, 8CI. Diallyl tetrasulfide.
Milligan, B. et al., J.C.S. , 1963, 3608 (glc) 4,5,6,7-Tetrathia-1,9-decadiene
Schultz, O.E. et al., Pharmazie, 1965, 20, 441 Di-2-propenyl sulfide D-972 H2C/ . CHCH2-S-S-S-S-CH2CH/ . CH2
[592-88-1] C6H10S4 210.409
Martin, D.J. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1966, 38, 1604
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Amonkar, S.V. et al., Science (Washington, propene. Diallyl sulfide. Allyl sulfide. 4- with penetrating odour. Bp16 1228.
D.C.) , 1971, 174, 1343 Thia-1,6-heptadiene. FEMA 2042
Nishimura, H. et al., J.O.C. , 1975, 40, 1567 H2C/ . CHCH2SCH2CH/ . CH2
(synth, ir, ms) Milligan, B. et al., J.C.S. , 1963, 3608 (synth)
Ford, R.A. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , 1988, C6H10S 114.211 Martin, D.J. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1966, 38, 1604
26, 297 Present in Allium spp., Japanese horse- (pmr)
Bartkowska, B. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1997, 53, radish (Wasabia japonica ) and black Apparao, M. et al., Phytochemistry, 1978, 17,
1064-1066 (cryst struct) mustard (Brassica nigra ) powder and 1660 (isol)

Di-2-propenyl trisulfide, 9CI  / Disodium phosphate, 9CI, 8CI D-974 / D-980

Block, E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1988, 110, 7813 (ms, Dipropyl trisulfide, 9CI D-976 Ethylenediaminetetraacetic acid disodium
cmr) salt. N,N?-1,2-Ethanediylbis(N-carboxy-
4,5,6-Trithianonane. FEMA 3276 methyl)glycine disodium salt, 9CI. (Ethy-
Di-2-propenyl trisulfide, 9CI D-974 lenedinitrilo)tetraacetic acid, disodium salt,
H3CCH2CH2/  S/  S/  S/  CH2CH2CH3
[2050-87-5] C6H14S3 182.375
Allyl trisulfide, 8CI. Diallyl trisulfide. Component of onion oil. Flavouring NaOOCCH2N(CH2-
4,5,6-Trithia-1,8-nonadiene. Allitridin. ingredient. Liq. with a powerful garlic-like COOH)CH2CH2N(CH2COOH)CH2-
FEMA 3265 odour. Bp8 86-908. n25 D 1.5382.
H2C/ . CHCH2-S-S-S-CH2CH/ . CH2 Decker, Q.W. et al., J.O.C. , 1957, 22, 145-146
C10H14N2Na2O8 336.209
C6H10S3 178.343 (synth, uv) Sequestrant, preservative and discoloura-
Volatile component from onion (Allium Oaks, D.M. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1964, 36, 1560- tion inhibitor for foods.
sativum ), garlic (Allium sativum ) and 1565 (synth, glc) -AH4375000
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
other commercial garlics. Potential nutri- edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
ceutical. d15 1.09. Bp 1408 Bp0.07 66-678. 1, 567B (ir)
2, 200 Novak, A. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1965,
-LD50 (mus, orl) 100 mg/kg. BC6168000 Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. 1440 (ir)
[72869-75-1] Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 889-890 Stolyarov, K.P. et al., CA , 1967, 66, 60467 (uv-
Milligan, B. et al., J.C.S. , 1961, 4850; 1963, Nuttall, R.H. et al., J.C.S. Dalton , 1977, 1884
3608 (synth) Diptocarpilidine D-977
Morel, G. et al., Synthesis , 1980, 918 (synth) [75272-86-5] Djordjevic, C. et al., J. Less-Common Met. ,
Banerji, A. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1980, 3003 (synth) 1983, 94, 355 (cmr, pmr)
Nishimura, H. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , [139450-85-4]
Sigma-Aldrich Library of Chemical Safety Data ,
1988, 36, 563 (isol) 7-(Methylsulfinyl)heptanenitrile, 9CI.
1988, 2, 1606D (haz)
Yu, T.H. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1989, 37, Dipthocarpilidine Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
725 (isol) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 916-920
Devlin, M.T. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , 1990, 238, NC(CH2)6SOMe
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
119 (Raman, conformn) C8H15NOS 173.279 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Lawson, L.D. et al., Planta Med. , 1991, 57, 363 Oil. Bp4 193-1948. [a]D -49 (CHCl3). lmax Reinhold , 1992, EIX500
(isol, hplc) 206 (log e 3.15) (no solvent reported).
Sax, N.I. et al., Dangerous Properties of
Industrial Materials, 5th edn., Van Nostrand S-Deoxo: [75272-78-5] 7-(Methylthio)hep-
Reinhold , 1979, 352 tanenitrile Disodium phosphate, 9CI, 8CI D-980
C8H15NS 157.279 [7558-79-4]
Constit. of Wasabia japonica (Japanese Disodium monohydrogenphosphate. Sodium
Dipropyl disulfide, 9CI D-975 horseradish). phosphate (Na2HPO4). Sodium phosphate
[629-19-6] Aripova, S.F. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1984, dibasic, USAN
Propyl disulfide, 8CI. 4,5-Dithiaoctane. 20, 84-86; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl.
FEMA 3228 Na2HPO4
Transl.) , 1984, 20, 79-81 (isol, pmr, ms)
H3CCH2CH2/  S/  S/  CH2CH2CH3 Tolstikov, A.G. et al., Khim. Prir. Soedin. , 1991, HNa2O4P 141.959
27, 261-263; Chem. Nat. Compd. (Engl. 32
P labelled compd. is used as an
C6H14S2 150.309 Transl.) , 1991, 27, 225-226 (synth, cmr)
Constit. of garlic, onion and other Allium antineoplastic and antipolycythermic
Kumagai, H. et al., Biosci., Biotechnol., agent and as a neoplasm diagnostic aid
spp. Also present in raw cabbage, roast Biochem. , 1994, 58, 2131-2135 (deriv, isol)
beef and roasted peanuts. Flavouring Pedras, M.S.C. et al., Phytochemistry, 1998, 49,
(Phosphote). Used in foods as a
agent. Liq. d20 1959-1965 (isol, ir, pmr, cmr, ms) sequestrant, emulsifier, buffering agent,
4 0.96. Bp754 1948 Bp60 105-
1078. absorbent, pH control agent, protein
modifier, source of alkalinity, stabiliser
S-Oxide: [1948-52-3] S-Propyl 1-propane- 5H ,10H -Dipyrrolo[1,2- D-978
and nutrient supplement. Hygroscopic
sulfinothioate, 9CI a :1?,2?-d ]pyrazine-5,10-dione, 9CI powder. Sol. H2O (6.4 g per 100 cm3 at
C6H14OS2 166.308 [484-73-1] 188; 12.1 g per 100 cm3 at 258).
Isol. from onions, garlic and other Pyrocoll Dehydrates to Sodium diphosphate
alliums. Liq. lmax 240 (no solvent (Na4(P2O7)), S-126 at 290-3808. DH8f -
reported). O 1746 kJ mol-1.
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, -Eye and skin irritant. WC4500000
1, 266B (ir) N Dihydrate: [10028-24-7] Sorenson’s sodium
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR phosphate. Sorenson’s salt
Spectra , 1992, 1, 428B (nmr) N
H5Na2O6P 177.989
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
1989, 3, 349D (ir) O V. sol. H2O (100 g per 100 cm3 at 508;
Carson, J.F. et al., J.O.C. , 1961, 26, 1467-1470 117 g per 100 cm3 at 808). Orthorhom-
(synth, oxide) C10H6N2O2 186.17 bic. Two independent distorted Na
Allum, K.G. et al., Spectrochim. Acta A , 1968, Obt. from gelatine. Plates (AcOH), cryst. polyhedra (coordination numbers 5(or
24, 927 (C6H6). Mp 272-2738 (sealed tube). Gives 6) and 6(or 7)) share corners, edges or
Ho, T.-L. et al., Synthesis , 1974, 872 (synth) faces. PO3(OH) tetrahedra are H-
Aida, T. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1976, 49,
1H -Pyrrole-2-carboxylic acid with KOH.
bonded and lie between the Na chains.
1441 (synth) Ciamician, G. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1880, 1, DH8f -2344 kJ mol-1. Loss 2H2O at 958.
Christensen, L.W. et al., Synthesis , 1978, 50 279; Ber. , 1884, 17, 105
(synth, pmr) Hale, W.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1916, 38, 1065 Heptahydrate: [7782-85-6]
Olah, G.A. et al., Synthesis , 1979, 721 (synth) Mold, J.D. et al., Tob. Int. , 1960, 4, 130; CA , H15Na2O11P 268.065
Gladysz, J.A. et al., Tetrahedron , 1979, 35, 2329 54, 25597 Colourless monoclinic prisms (H2O at
(synth, pmr) Johnson, A.W. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 1 , 1972, 2681 408). V. sol. H2O. DH8f -3821 kJ mol-1.
Gupta, D. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1981, 59, 543 Boatman, R.J. et al., J.O.C. , 1976, 41, 3050 The prominent structural feature is a
column of face- and edge-sharing
Tada, M. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1988, 52,
2383-2385 (isol, oxide) Disodium ethylenediaminete- D-979 [Na2(OH2)7]2 octahedra H-bonded to
Bayer, T. et al., Phytochemistry, 1989, 28, 2373- traacetate tetrahedral PO3(OH) groups. Mean Na/
2377 (isol, oxide) [139-33-3]  O 241.8, P/  O 155.1 pm, OPO 102.7-
Barton, D.H.R. et al., Tetrahedron , 1991, 47, 114.28. Loses 7H2O at 60-1408.
6127 (synth, ir, pmr, cmr) [6381-92-6] -WC4600000

Disodium pyrophosphate, 8CI / Dithallateditellurate(2-) D-981 
/ D-984

Dodecahydrate: [10039-32-4] Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
H25Na2O16P 358.141 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand 2, 1271A (ir)
Colourless efflorescent cryst. (H2O) or Reinhold , 1992, SJH090 Onak, T.P. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1959, 63, 1533
(B-11 nmr)
white powder; b-form cryst. / B 308, a- Gmelin Handbook Inorg. Chem. , Syst. No. 21,
form at 30-358. Sol. H2O (87 g per 100
Disodium pyrophosphate, 8CI D-981 1964, 1, 266; 1966, 3, 1271 (rev, bibl)
cm3 at 348); insol. EtOH. DH8f -5299 kJ Thomas, G. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1970,
mol-1. b-Form consists of close-packed [7758-16-9] 4202 (synth, dihydrate)
layers of [Na(OH2)6]  octahedra, 1=3 of Disodium diphosphate, 9CI. Disodium di- Krogh-Moe, J. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1974, 30,
which are replaced by PO4 tetrahedra, hydrogen diphosphate. Sodium phosphate 578 (cryst struct)
with no interstitial H2O molecules; the (Na2H2P2O7). Sodium acid pyropho- Bertoluzza, A. et al., CA , 1974, 81, 81583 (ir,
PO4 tetrahedra each lie at the centre of a sphate. E450a Raman)
Na2H2P2O7 Epperlein, B.W. et al., Z. Naturforsch., A , 1975,
pseudo-hexagonal mesh of Na
30, 955 (B-10 nmr, B-11 nmr, D nmr)
octahedra. Mean P/  O 153.6 pm. Loses H2Na2O7P2 221.938 Kirk-Othmer Encycl. Chem. Technol., 3rd edn.,
12H2O at / 5 1208. Employed in food processing as a pre- Wiley, 1978, 4, 90 (manuf, uses)
-TC5725000 servative, emulsifying agent and leavening Nies, N.P. et al., Mellor Compr. Treat. Inorg.
H2O2 complex (1:1): [25215-15-0] Diso- agent. Monoclinic lattice. Theor. Chem. , 1980, 383 (rev, bibl)
dium phosphate peroxohydrate. Phos- -UX6475000 Fedulov, S.A. et al., Inorg. Mater. (Engl.
phoric acid disodium salt compd. with Transl.) , 1983, 19, 445 (thermal anal)
Hexahydrate: [13510-98-0] Chase, M.W. et al., J. Phys. Chem. Ref. Data ,
H2O2 (1:1), 11CI H14Na2O13P2 330.03 1985, 14, 296 (thermodyn)
Colourless, hygroscopic solid. Sigma-Aldrich Library of Chemical Safety Data ,
Collin, R.L. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1971, 27, 291
Telluric acid (H6TeO6) complex (1:1), (cryst struct) 1988, 2, 3155B (haz)
monohydrate: [70929-99-6] De Sallier-Dupin, A. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic
Colourless, hexagonal-bipyramidal 1975, 1105; 1976, 417; 1977, 629 (synth, props) Synthesis, Wiley, 1990, 15, 295 (use)
cryst. Hexagonal. P/  O 154, Te/  Oav. 192 Griffiths, L. et al., J.C.S. Dalton , 1986, 2247 (P- Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis ,
31 nmr) (ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 7, 4631-
pm and OPO 109.3-109.78. 4632 (use)
Marshall, W.L. et al., J.C.S. Faraday 2 , 1989,
[7632-05-5, 118830-14-1] 85, 1963 (Raman)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2519 Distichonic acid A D-983
2, 1267A (ir)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of [84495-20-5]
1989, 3, 1480B (ir) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand N-(3-Carboxy-3-hydroxypropyl)-4-[(car-
Theimer, O. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1950, 81, Reinhold , 1992, DXF800 boxymethyl)amino]-L-allothreonine
301 (hydrates, Raman)
Miller, F.A. et al., Spectrochim. Acta , 1960, 16,
135 (ir, dodecahydrate) Disodium tetraborate, 11CI, D-982 COOH OH
Zsoldos, E. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1962, 15, 614 10CI, 9CI, 8CI 2′ 3
(dihydrate, cryst struct) HOOCCH 2NH N COOH
[1330-43-4] H
Gmelin Handbook Inorg. Chem. , Syst. No. 21, OH
1964, 1, 348; 1967, 4, 1582 (rev, bibl)
Borax (B4Na2O7), 10CI. Boron sodium
Chapman, A.C. et al., Spectrochim. Acta , 1964, oxide (B4Na2O7), 10CI. Boric acid, dis- C10H18N2O8 294.261
20, 937 (dihydrate, ir) odium salt, 8CI. Anhydrous borax. Borax, Prod. by Hordeum vulgare (barley). Mp
Steger, E. et al., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. , 1964, fused 220-2218.
331, 169 (ir, Raman) Na2O.2B2O3
Rommel, M.A. et al., Talanta , 1967, 14, 1205 2?-Epimer: [117858-19-2] 2?-Epidistichonic
(chromatog) B4Na2O7 201.219 acid
Nakatani, H. et al., CA , 1969, 71, 119082 (ir, Known in three forms, a- and metastable C10H18N2O8 294.261
xrd, tga) b- and g-forms. Contains [B8O14]4 Powder. Mp 215-2178 dec. [a]D -13.3 (c,
Baur, W.H. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1970, 26, 1584 anions consisting of linked B3O3 and
(cryst struct)
0.09 in CHCl3).
B5O6 groups. Listed in the EAFUS 2?-Deoxy, 3-hydroxy: [84495-21-6] Disti-
Berezkhina, L.G. et al., Zh. Fiz. Khim. , 1974,
48, 2935; Russ. J. Phys. Chem. (Engl.
Food Additive Database (Jan. 2001) but chonic acid B
Transl.) , 1974, 48, 1723 (props) with no reported use. Colourless solid. C10H18N2O8 294.261
Fluck, E. et al., Pure Appl. Chem. , 1975, 44, 373 Sol. H2O (1.1 g per 100 cm3 at 08, 8.8 g From Hordeum vulgare (barley). Mp
(pe) per 100 cm3 at 408), MeOH, ethylene 124-1288. Undetermined 3-config..
Catti, M. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1977, 33, 3449; glycol. Mp 7438 (a-form) Mp 7208 (b-
Japan. Pat. , 1982, 82 144 248; CA , 98, 69034
1978, 34, 369 (cryst struct) form) Mp 6638 (g-form). Bp 15758. DH8f (isol, pmr, cmr, ms)
Durif, A. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1979, 35, 1444 -3259 kJ mol-1; DG8f -3082 kJ mol-1; S8
(adduct, cryst struct) Tashiro, T. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988, 36,
189.5 J K-1 mol-1. 893 (2?-Epidistichonic acid)
Gerothanassis, I.P. et al., J. Magn. Reson. , 1982,
-Irritant. ED4588000
46, 423 (O-17 nmr)
Wiench, D.M. et al., Z. Anorg. Allg. Chem. , Monohydrate: [12447-36-8]
1983, 501, 95 (cryst struct) B4H2Na2O8 219.234 Dithallateditellurate(2-) D-984
Ramakrishnan, V. et al., Infrared Phys. , 1986, Colourless cryst. Sol. H2O / 0 [77321-81-4]
26, 293 (adduct, ir, Raman) Na2B4O7.5H2O. Correctly formulated
Turner, G.L. et al., J. Magn. Reson. , 1986, 70, as Na2B4O6(OH)2.
408 (P-31 nmr) 2
Dihydrate:Metakernite Te Te
Griffiths, L. et al., J.C.S. Dalton , 1986, 2247 (P-
31 nmr) B4H4Na2O9 237.25 Tl Tl
Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd Amorph. powder. Correctly formulated
edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American as Na2B4O5(OH)4.
Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical Te2Tl22 663.966

Tetrahydrate: See Disodium tetraborate

Press, 1994, 454-456 Butterfly shape (arises from square planar
Baldus, M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1995, 117, 5141 (Na-
tetrahydrate in The Combined Chemical
Dictionary. geometry with dihedral angle of 49.98)
23 nmr, powder struct)
(C2v symm.).
Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn., Pentahydrate: See Disodium tetraborate -Toxic.
Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1181 pentahydrate in The Combined Chemical
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Dictionary. Bis[(2.2.2)crypt potassium(1+)] salt:
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2586-2589 Dark brown cryst.
Decahydrate: See Borax, B-167
Burns, R.C. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1981, 103, 2627
[14312-40-4] (synth)

2,2?-Dithenyl sulfide 
/ 3,3?-Dithiobis[2-methylfuran], 9CI, 8CI D-985 
/ D-992

Cave, R.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1989, 111, 8105 -JO5069000 O

(theory) S-Oxide: S CN
C4H8OS2 136.239
2,2?-Dithenyl sulfide D-985 Mp 125.5-1278. CN
[15832-01-6] S1,S1-Dioxide:
2,2?-[Thiobis(methylene)]bisthiophene, C4H8O2S2 152.238 O
9CI. 2,2?-(Thiodimethylene)dithiophene, Mp 2008.
8CI. Bis(2-thienylmethyl) sulfide S1,S4-Dioxide (trans-): [10348-98-8] C14H4N2O2S2 296.33
Cryst. (EtOH aq.). Mp 261-2628 dec. Agricultural and horticultural fungicide.
Brown cryst. Mp 2258.
3′ 3 [10348-97-7, 57983-04-7]
2′ CH 2SCH 2 2 -LD50 (rat, orl) 638 mg/kg. QL0700000
S S Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, U.S. Pat. , 1957, 2 976 296; CA , 56, 3486c
1, 271D (ir) Flemming, H. et al., Z. Pflanzenkrankh.
C10H10S3 226.387 Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Pflanzenschutz. , 1963, 70, 4 (props, activity,
Flavouring agent. Liq. d25 Spectra , 1992, 1, 435C (nmr) use)
4 1.63. Bp1.5 129-
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase , Suzuki, K. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1974, 38,
1318 Bp0.05 1138. 1989, 3, 357A (ir) 1433 (glc)
S,S-Dioxide: [15832-04-9] 2,2?-Dithenyl Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 4 , 1963, 396 (synth) Pesticide Manual, 11th edn. , 1997, No. 258
sulfone. 2,2?-[Sulfonylbis(methylene)]- Hunter, G. et al., J.C.S. Perkin 2 , 1978, 712 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
bisthiophene, 9CI. 2,2?-(Sulfonyldi- (pmr) Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Sandell, E.A. et al., Photometric Determination Reinhold , 1992, DLK200
methylene)dithiophene, 8CI. Bis(2- of Traces of Metals , Wiley, New York, 1978,
thienylmethyl) sulfone (use)
C10H10O2S3 258.386 Juaristi, E. et al., Tetrahedron , 1984, 40, 1477
Cryst. (EtOH). Mp 147-1488. (S-oxide, synth, cmr) Di-2-thienyl disulfide D-990
Kipnis, F. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1949, 71, 3571 (synth) Fujihara, H. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1987, [6911-51-9]
Jones, E. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1967, 1443 (synth, ir, 60, 4451 (S-oxide, synth, ir, pmr) 2,2?-Dithiobisthiophene, 9CI. 2-Thienyl
uv, dioxide) Fujihara, H. et al., J.O.C. , 1987, 52, 4254 disulfide. FEMA 3323
(sulfoxide, synth, ir)
Clennan, E.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1992, 114, 3021
1,3-Dithiane, 9CI D-986 (dioxide, synth, pmr)
[505-23-7] Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th
m-Dithiane, 8CI. 1,3-Dithiacyclohexane edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001, S S S S
C8H6S4 230.399
Meat-like flavouring agent. Pale yellow
1,4-Dithiane-2,5-diol, 9CI D-988 needles (EtOH aq.). Mp 56-578.
[40018-26-6] U.S. Pat. , 1972, 3 706 577; CA , 78, 83062f (use)
C4H8S2 120.239 Mercaptoacetaldehyde dimer. 2,5-Dihy- Moran, E.J. et al., Drug Chem. Toxicol. , 1980,
Constit. of garlic and other Allium spp.. droxy-1,4-dithiane. FEMA 3826 3, 249-258 (tox)
Bock, H. et al., Phosphorus Sulfur Relat. Elem. ,
Cryst. (MeOH). Mp 548. Sublimes. 1983, 14, 211-223 (synth, pmr, epr)
-JO5070000 S OH Christensen, T.B. et al., Sulfur Lett. , 1989, 9,
[63865-78-1] 289-290 (pmr, cmr)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, HO S edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995,
1, 271C (ir) 2, 752 (use)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR C4H8O2S2 152.238 Vyas, R. et al., Chem. Lett. , 1998, 43-44 (synth)
Spectra , 1992, 1, 435A (nmr)
Two forms known, probably cis and trans.
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
1989, 3, 356D (ir) Food flavour component with meaty/
Adams, W.J. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , 1977, 37, toasted/sulfurous odour. 3,3?-Dithiobis[4,5-dihydro-2- D-991
261-274 (cryst struct) a-form methylfuran], 9CI
Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic Stout prisms. Mp 138-1438. [85196-66-3]
Synthesis, Wiley, 1980, 8, 217; 246; 1981, 9, b-form Bis(2-methyl-4,5-dihydro-3-furyl) disulfide
48; 235; 1982, 10, 231; 1984, 11, 285; 1986, 12, Clusters. Mp 138-1438.
573; 1992, 16, 161 (use)
Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 6 , 1988, 556-558 (synth) [28631-86-9, 87602-21-9, 87602-27-5]
Labiad, B. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1989, 19, 31- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
38 (synth, ir, pmr) 1, 272B (ir)
Patney, H.K. et al., Org. Prep. Proced. Int. , Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
1994, 26, 377-378 (synth) O CH3 H3C
Spectra , 1992, 1, 447B (nmr) O
Juaristi, E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1995, 116, 5796-5804 Hesse, G. et al., Chem. Ber. , 1952, 85, 924
(pmr) (synth) C10H14O2S2 230.351
Hromatka, O. et al., Monatsh. Chem. , 1954, 85, Component of meat aroma model systems.
1,4-Dithiane, 9CI D-987 1088; CA , 49, 15878f (synth) Cysteine-derived Maillard product. Char-
McIntosh, J.M. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1983, 61,
[505-29-3] 1872 (synth)
acterised spectroscopically.
p-Dithiane, 8CI. Tetrahydro-1,4-dithiin. Inamori, Y. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1990, 38, Hartman, G.J. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
Diethylene disulfide. 1,4-Dithiacyclohexane. 243 (pmr, biochem) 1984, 32, 1015-1018 (occur)
FEMA 3831 Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd Guentert, M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1990,
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, 38, 2027-2041 (synth, ms, pmr)
C4H8S2 120.239 429
Food additive listed in the EAFUS food
additive database (Jan. 2001). Flavouring
used in seasonings. Monoclinic prisms 3,3?-Dithiobis[2-methylfuran], D-992
with a seafood-like odour and onion taste. Dithianon, BSI D-989 9CI, 8CI
Sol. EtOH, Et2O, Me2CO, AcOH; spar. [3347-22-6] [28588-75-2]
sol. H2O. Mp 112-1138. Bp 199-2008. Subl. 5,10-Dihydro-5,10-dioxonaphtho[2,3-b]- Bis(2-methyl-3-furanyl) disulfide. FEMA
at r.t., volatile in steam and EtOH. 1,4-dithiin-2,3-dicarbonitrile, 9CI. Delan 3259

3,3?-Dithiobispropanoic acid, 9CI / Djenkolic acid D-993 / D-997

S S officinalis ). Mp 118-1208. 1, 882A (ir)

Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
1-Oxide(trans-): [42258-86-6] Spectra , 1992, 1, 1420C (nmr)
CH 3 H 3C C4H6O3S2 166.222 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Mp 127-128.58. 1989, 3, 832A (ir)
Alexander, J.R. et al., J.C.S. , 1931, 134, 1913
C10H10O2S2 226.32 Field, L. et al., J.O.C. , 1972, 37, 2710 (synth,
Cysteine derived maillard product. Occurs pmr)
Ford-Moore, A.H. et al., J.C.S. , 1949, 2126
in yeast autolysate, cooked beef and black Yanagawa, H. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1972, 2549 (isol)
(oxide, synth)
and green tea. Flavouring agent for meat Yanagawa, H. et al., Synthesis , 1973, 607; 1073
Overberger, C.G. et al., J.O.C. , 1954, 19, 1486
prods.. Yellow liq. with sulfurous roasted- (dioxide, synth)
Parry, R.J. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1985, 107, 2512
meat odour. Bp0.5 90-928 Bp0.15 908. Stackman, R.W. et al., J. Macromol. Sci., Part
Odour threshold 0.0006 - 0.0024 ng/l in A: Chem. , 1971, 5, 2101 (copolym, dioxide)
Teuber, L. et al., Acta Chem. Scand., Ser. B ,
air. Guaita, M. et al., Makromol. Chem. , 1971, 143,
1988, 42, 629 (synth, ir, uv, pmr, cmr)
1 (cyclopolym)
Blank, I. et al., Z. Lebensm.-Unters. -Forsch. , Nunn, E.E. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1976, 4199
1992, 195, 239-245 (detn, coffee) 3H -1,2-Dithiole-3-thione, D-995 (dioxide, use)
Huber, U.A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1993, 76, Annenkova, V.Z. et al., Vysokomol. Soedin., Ser.
2528-2536 (synth, uv, ir, pmr, bibl)
9CI, 8CI
B , 1976, 18, 144; CA , 85, 6439b (cationic
Mottram, D.S. et al., Dev. Food Sci. , 1998, 40, [534-25-8] polym)
483-492 (formn) 1,2-Dithia-4-cyclopentene-3-thione Trofimov, B.A. et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR,
Demir, A.S. et al., Tetrahedron , 1999, 55, 12399- Ser. Khim. , 1977, 340 (ir)
12404 (synth) Hargittai, I. et al., J.C.S. Dalton , 1978, 861
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th S (struct)
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001, Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic
1125 (use, occur) S Synthesis, Wiley, 1979, 7, 23 (use)
S Bzhezovskii, V.M. et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk SSSR,
Ser. Khim. , 1981, 2507 (cmr, pmr)
3,3?-Dithiobispropanoic acid, D-993 C3H2S3 134.247 Rooney, R.P. et al., Org. Magn. Reson. , 1981,
9CI Isol. from Brassica oleracea var. capitata 16, 266 (synth, cmr, oxide)
Trofimov, B.A. et al., Sulfur Rep. , 1984, 3, 323
[1119-62-6] and other crucifers. Potential nutriceutical. (rev)
3,3?-Dithiodipropionic acid. Diethyl disul- Cryst. (C6H6 or MeOH). Sol. EtOH, Wils, E.R.J. et al., Fresenius’ Z. Anal. Chem. ,
fide b,b?-dicarboxylic acid CHCl3; insol. H2O. Mp 81-828. 1985, 321 (ms)
HOOCCH2CH2SSCH2CH2COOH Methiodide: Sinegovskaya, L.M. et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk
SSSR, Ser. Khim. , 1985, 115 (uv)
C6H10O4S2 210.275 Mp 1758. Trofimov, B.A. et al., Zh. Org. Khim. , 1985, 21,
Cryst. (H2O) with strong unpleasant Jirousek, L. et al., Naturwissenschaften , 1958, 2324 (synth)
odour. Mp 157-1598. pKa1 3.88; pKa2 4.47 45, 386 Krivdin, L.B. et al., Zh. Org. Khim. , 1987, 23,
(208, 0.15M NaClO4). Busev, A.I. et al., Zh. Anal. Khim. , 1970, 25, 953 2070 (cmr)
(detn, Pd) Gusarova, N.K. et al., Sulfur Rep. , 1989, 9, 95
Di-Me ester: [15441-06-2] Meinetsberger, E. et al., Synthesis , 1977, 802 (rev, oxide)
C8H14O4S2 238.328 (synth, pmr, ir) Amosova, S.V. et al., Zh. Org. Khim. , 1989, 25,
Cryst. (H2O). Mp 87.5-888. Pedersen, C.T. et al., Adv. Heterocycl. Chem. , 302; 743 (synth, use)
Didodecyl ester: [5926-55-6] Dilauryl 3,3?- 1982, 31, 63 (rev) Afonin, A.V. et al., Izv. Akad. Nauk Kaz. SSR,
thiodipropionate Wei, C.H. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1985, 41, 1768 Ser. Khim. , 1990, 1978 (conformn, cmr, pmr)
(cryst struct) Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis ,
C30H58O4S2 546.918 Poleschner, H. et al., Phosphorus Sulfur Relat. (ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 4, 2314-
Food and polymer antioxidant. Elem. , 1985, 25, 193; 1987, 29, 187 (synth, 2315 (S,S-dioxide, use)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR cmr) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
Spectra , 1992, 1, 820B (nmr) Jeffery, E.H. et al., Handbook of Nutraceuticals Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, and Functional Foods , (ed. Wildman, R.E.C.), Reinhold , 1992, DXR200
1, 529D (ir) CRC Press, 2001, 169-191
Japan. Pat. , 1965, 12 171; CA , 64, 5262
(didodecyl ester)
Gibson, H.W. et al., J.O.C. , 1970, 35, 2994 Divinyl sulfide D-996 Djenkolic acid D-997
(synth) [627-51-0] S,S?-Methylenebiscysteine, 9CI
Stout, E.I. et al., J.O.C. , 1974, 39, 562 (synth) 1,1?-Thiobisethene, 9CI. Vinyl sulfide, 8CI.
Divinyl thioether. Diethenyl sulfide. 3-Thia- COOH COOH
1,2-Dithiolane-4-carboxylic D-994 1,4-pentadiene
acid, 9CI H2C/ . CHSCH/ . CH2 H 2N C H H 2N C H
[2224-02-4] C4H6S 86.157
H 2C S CH 2 S CH 2
Asparagusic acid Present in oil of Allium spp.. Liq. with
odour of garlic. Sl. sol. H2O; misc. EtOH,
Et2O. Mp 208. Bp 85-868. Undergoes C7H14N2O4S2 254.331
HOOC radical cyclopolym. and cationic polym.. (R ,R )-form [498-59-9]
S Needles (H2O or HCl). Mp 300-3508
S-Oxide: [1115-15-7] Divinyl sulfoxide.
S dec. [a]20.5
D -65 (c, 1 in HCl). Forms THF
1,1?-Sulfinylbisethene, 9CI. Vinyl sulf-
solvate, Mp 72-73.58.
C4H6O2S2 150.222 oxide, 8CI
C4H6OS 102.157 Hydrochloride: [4508-48-9]
Isol. from asparagus (Asparagus officina- Mp 250-3008 dec.
lis ). Yellow prisms (C6H6/cyclohexane). Liq. Bp18 86-878.
-YZ9800000 S-Oxide: [21631-29-8] 3-[[[(2-Amino-2-
Sol. MeOH, Et2O; poorly sol. H2O. Mp
S,S-Dioxide: [77-77-0] Divinyl sulfone. 1,1?- carboxyethyl)thio]methyl]sulfinyl]ala-
Sulfonylbisethene, 9CI. Vinyl sulfone nine, 8CI. Djenkolic acid sulfoxide
-JP0705000 C7H14N2O5S2 270.33
C4H6O2S 118.156
1-Oxide(cis-): [42258-87-7] d25 1.18. Mp -268. Bp 234.58 Bp8 90-928. S,S?-Dioxide: [20584-40-1] 3,3?-(Methyle-
[3083-96-3] n20
D 1.4765. nedisulfinyl)dialanine, 8CI. Djenkolic
C4H6O3S2 166.222 -Vesicant, mild lachrymator. KM7175000 acid disulfoxide
Isol. from asparagus (Asparagus Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, C7H14N2O6S2 286.329

4,7,10,13,16,19-Docosahexaenoic acid  / 11-Docosenoic acid D-998  / D-1007

Di-Et ester: Selivonchick, D.P. et al., Lipids, 1979, 14, 66 . CHCH2CH2CH/ . CHCH2CH2COOH
C11H22N2O4S2 310.438 (isol)
Dyerberg, J. et al., Nutr. Rev. , 1986, 44, 125 (rev)
C22H34O2 330.509
Cryst. (EtOH) (as dihydrochloride). Mp The name Clupanodonic acid was prev.
Bazan, N.G. et al., Prog. Clin. Biol. Res. , 1989,
171-1738 (dihydrochloride). [a]25
D -40 (c, 312, 95 (rev) applied to a mixt. with, 4,7,10,13,16,19-
1 in DMF). Forms THF solvate, Mp 72- Kim, H.Y. et al., Prostaglandins , 1990, 40, 539 Docosahexaenoic acid, D-998. It is now
73.58. (metab) applied to the hexaenoic acid alone.
N-Ac: Anderson, R.E. et al., Adv. Exp. Med. Biol. , Constit. of many fish oils e.g. sardine,
C9H16N2O5S2 296.368 1992, 318, 285 (rev)
Aursand, M. et al., Chem. Phys. Lipids , 1992,
mackerel and herring.
Isol. from Acacia farnesiana (sweet Me ester:
62, 239 (cmr)
acacia). Mp 1708 dec. [a]23
D -22 (c, 1 in d15 0.94. Bp0.07 169-1708. n15
Taber, D.F. et al., J.O.C. , 1995, 60, 139-142 (Et D 1.4933.
H2O). ester, synth, pmr, cmr, ir, ms) Tsujimoto, M. et al., Chem. Zentralbl. , 1923, 1,
N-Ac, S-oxide:N-Acetyldjenkolic acid sulf- Sandri, J. et al., J.O.C. , 1995, 60, 6627 (synth, ir, 38
oxide pmr, cmr) Toyama, Y. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1935,
C9H16N2O6S2 312.367 10, 433; 441 (isol, struct)
Dibenzoyl: 4,6-Docosanedione D-999 Baudent, P. et al., C. R. Trav. Fac. Sci. Univ.
Aix-Marseille, 1941, 1, 79; 1942, 86; 1943,
C21H22N2O6S2 462.547 H3C(CH2)15COCH2COCH2CH2CH3 127 (isol, struct)
Mp 858. C22H42O2 338.573 Varanasi, U. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta ,
N-Glutamyl: [21631-28-7] N-g-Glutamyld- Constit. of the pollen of Helianthus 1975, 409, 304 (isol)
jenkolic acid annuus (sunflower).
C12H21N3O7S2 383.446 7,10,13-Docosatrienoic acid D-1004
du Vigneaud, V. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1947, 168, C22H44O2 340.588 H3C(CH2)7CH/ . CHCH2CH/
373 (synth) . CHCH2CH/ . CH(CH2)5COOH
Gmelin, R. et al., Hoppe Seyler’s Z. Physiol.
Constit. of the pollen of Helianthus
Chem. , 1959, 316, 164 (isol) annuus (sunflower). C22H38O2 334.541
Gmelin, R. et al., Phytochemistry, 1961, 1, 233 Schultz, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 54, 325- (all-Z )-form [28874-30-8]
(deriv) 336 Metab. of Oleic acid prod. particularly
Warren, R.J. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. , under conditions of essential fatty acid
1966, 49, 1083 (ir)
5,7-Docosanedione D-1000 deficiency.
Bartle, K.D. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta ,
1968, 160, 106 (nmr) H3C(CH2)14COCH2CO(CH2)3CH3 Kunau, W.H. et al., Hoppe Seyler’s Z. Physiol.
Seneviratne, A.S. et al., Phytochemistry, 1968, C22H42O2 338.573 Chem. , 1971, 352, 1297
17, 1039 (sulfoxides) Constit. of the pollen of Helianthus
Bigoli, F. et al., Acta Cryst. B , 1982, 38, 498 annuus (sunflower). 13,16,19-Docosatrienoic acid D-1005
(cryst struct)
5-Alcohol:5-Hydroxy-7-docosanone [59708-86-0]
C22H44O2 340.588 H3CCH2CH/ . CHCH2CH/ . CHCH2CH/
4,7,10,13,16,19-Docosahexae- D-998 Constit. of the pollen of Helianthus . CH(CH2)11COOH
noic acid annuus (sunflower). C22H38O2 334.541
[2091-24-9] Schultz, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 54, 325- (all-Z )-form [28845-86-5]
336 Isol. from rape seed oil. Found in lipids
of egg yolk.
6,8-Docosanedione D-1001 [108698-01-7]
Haeffner, E. et al., Lipids, 1970, 5, 430 (isol,
C22H32O2 328.494 C22H42O2 338.573 struct)
-JR1230200 Constit. of the pollen of Helianthus Moreno, V.J. et al., Lipids , 1979, 14, 15; 313
(all -Z )-form [6217-54-5] annuus (sunflower). (biosynth)
Diaz, G.B. et al., Lipids , 1988, 23, 1125; 1990,
[32839-18-2] 6-Alcohol:6-Hydroxy-8-docosanone 25, 724 (occur)
Clupanodonic acid. Doconexent, INN. C22H44O2 340.588 Berger, A. et al., Lipids , 1990, 25, 473 (biosynth)
Cervonic acid Constit. of the pollen of Helianthus
Extensively marketed as a dietary supple- annuus (sunflower).
2,4,10-Docosatrienoic isobu- D-1006
ment in Japan. Log P 7.44 (uncertain 8-Alcohol:8-Hydroxy-6-docosanone tylamide
value) (calc). Component of Omega-3 C22H44O2 340.588 H3C(CH2)10CH/ . CH(CH2)4CH/
Marine Triglycerides, O-156. Constit. of the pollen of Helianthus . CHCH/ . CHCONHCH2CH(CH3)2
annuus (sunflower).
Me ester: [2566-90-7] C26H47NO 389.663
Schultz, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 54, 325-
[301-01-9] 336 (E ,E ,Z )-form [62726-18-5]
C23H34O2 342.52 Filfiline
Oil. Constit. of the fruits of Piper officinar-
7,9-Docosanedione D-1002
um (Javanese long pepper). Cryst. (pet-
Et ester: [81926-94-5] H3C(CH2)12COCH2CO(CH2)5CH3
rol). Mp 66-66.58.
C22H42O2 338.573 Gupta, O.P. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B ,
Constit. of the pollen of Helianthus 1976, 14, 912 (isol)
C24H36O2 356.547
annuus (sunflower). Gupta, O.P. et al., Indian J. Pharm. Sci. , 1978,
Schultz, S. et al., Phytochemistry, 2000, 54, 325- 40, 113 (use)
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 336
Spectra , 1992, 1, 786B (nmr) 11-Docosenoic acid D-1007
Hands, A.R. et al., Biochem. J. , 1963, 87, 263
Beach, D.H. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta , 4,8,12,15,19-Docosapentae- D-1003 [506-36-5]
1974, 369, 16 (biosynth) noic acid [25378-26-1]
Morales, R.W. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta ,
1976, 431, 206 (isol)
Sanders, T.A.B. et al., Am. J. Clin. Nutr. , 1978, [25448-00-4, 32839-34-2]
31, 805
C22H42O2 338.573
Moreno, V.J. et al., Lipids , 1979, 14, 15 H3CCH2CH/ . CHCH2CH2CH/ (E )-form [62600-37-7]
(biosynth) . CHCH2CH/ . CHCH2CH2CH/ Catelaidic acid

2,4-Dodecadienal, 9CI  / 1,12-Dodecanediol D-1008  / D-1015

Constit. of partially hydrogenated fish Dodecadienoic acid isobutylamide (Z ,Z )-form [29125-78-8]

oil. C16H29NO 251.411 Isol. from Jasminum sambac (Arabian
(Z )-form [1002-96-6] Mp 89-908. jasmine). Yellowish liq.
[28929-01-3] Pyrrolidide: [117137-69-6] 2,4-Dodecadie- [116264-83-6]
Cetoleic acid noic acid pyrrolidide. 1-(2,4-Dodecadie-
Carvalho, J.F. et al., J.O.C. , 1984, 49, 1251
Esters occur commonly in oil from marine noyl)pyrrolidine (synth, ir, pmr, cmr, bibl)
mammals and fish and rapeseed. Mp 33- C16H27NO 249.395 Wilson, S.R. et al., J.O.C. , 1988, 53, 4682
33.78. Constit. of pepper (Piper nigrum ) (Pi- (synth, pmr, cmr)
peraceae). Not obt. completely pure. Morisaki, N. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1992,
Toyama, Y. et al., CA , 1928, 22, 575 (isol) 40, 2945 (synth, pmr)
Holman, R.T. et al., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. ,
Ackman, R.G. et al., Fette, Seifen, Anstrichm. , Carpita, A. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1994, 24,
1955, 32, 356 (isol)
1977, 79, 15 2281 (synth, pmr, cmr, ms)
Burden, R.S. et al., J.C.S.(C) , 1969, 2477 (isol,
Gudbjarnason, S. et al., Biochim. Biophys. Acta , Hutzinger, M.W. et al., J.O.C. , 1995, 60, 4595
1977, 487, 10 (synth, ir, pmr, cmr, ms)
Greger, H. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20, 2579
Kirk, R.S. et al., J. Sci. Food Agric. , 1978, 29, Vasilev, A.A. et al., J. Chem. Res., Synop. , 1998,
(isol, ms, struct)
880 (glc) 706-707 (synth)
Kiuichi, F. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988, 36,
Loew, F.M. et al., Nutr. Metab. , 1978, 22, 207 Khanapure, S. et al., J.O.C. , 1998, 63, 337-342
2452 (pyrrolidide)
Thomas, D.C. et al., Arch. Microbiol. , 1978, (synth, pmr, cmr)
Abarbri, M. et al., Synthesis , 1996, 82 (synth, ir,
117, 239
pmr, cmr, ms)
Dodecanal D-1014
2,4-Dodecadienal, 9CI D-1008 2,6-Dodecadienoic acid D-1011 [112-54-9]
[13162-47-5] H3C(CH2)4CH/ . CHCH2CH2CH/ Lauric aldehyde. Laurylaldehyde. FEMA
. CHCOOH 2615
C12H20O2 196.289 H3C(CH2)10CHO
(2E ,6Z )-form C12H24O 184.321
C12H20O 180.289
Me ester: [28369-22-4] Occurs in peel oil from Citrus spp. and
Bp0.01 72-838. Bp data is for a 17:83 mixt.
C13H22O2 210.316 kumquat. Also present in ginger, corian-
of E ,Z - and E ,E -isomers.
Constit. of Bartlett pears. der, chervil and scallop. Flavouring agent.
(2E ,4E )-form [21662-16-8] Cryst. with fatty, woody taste. Poorly sol.
Et ester: [28380-08-7]
FEMA 3670 H2O. d25
C14H24O2 224.342 25 0.83. Mp 44.58. Bp100 184-1858
Flavouring ingredient esp. for fats and Bp22 142-1438.
Constit. of Bartlett pears.
oils. Reported in angelica root, oxidised
Creveling, R.K. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , -Skin and eye irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) 23000
soybean oil, oxidised milk, potato chips
1970, 18, 19 mg/kg. JR1910000
and cured ham. Oily liq. with oily fried Naf, F. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1972, 55, 82
meat aroma. Oxime: [13372-76-4]
(2E ,4Z )-form [21662-15-7] [106915-67-7, 106915-68-8]
Present in roasted chicken, roasted C12H25NO 199.336
guinea hen and citrus fruit peels.
2,8-Dodecadienoic acid D-1012
Mp 738.
H3C(CH2)2CH/ . CH(CH2)4CH/
Characterised spectroscopically.
. CHCOOH 2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: [1726-78-9]
U.S. Pat. , 1972, 3 664 851; CA , 73, 75860w (E-
E-form, use) C12H20O2 196.289 Mp 1068.
Naef, F. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1974, 57, 1309- (2E ,8E )-form Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra, 2nd edn. , 1983,
1317 (synth) Large plates. Mp 34-358. Bp0.8 1408. 1, 361B (nmr)
Noleau, I. et al., Lebensm.-Wiss. Technol. , 1987, Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
20, 37-41 (occur) S-Benzylthiouronium salt: 1, 469D (ir)
Kann, N. et al., J.O.C. , 1990, 55, 5312-5323 Plates (EtOAc). Mp 1598. Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
(synth, pmr, cmr, ir) 2-Methylpropylamide: 1989, 3, 556B (ir)
Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 4th Needles (petrol). Mp 538. Kraft, F. et al., Ber. , 1880, 13, 1413-1418 (synth)
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 2001, (2Z ,8E )-form Davies, R.R. et al., J.C.S. , 1943, 84-86 (synth)
491-492 (E,E-form, use, occur) Ikeda, R.M. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1962,
Bp1 127-1298. 10, 98-102 (isol)
Naef, R. et al., J. Essent. Oil Res. , 2001, 13,
154-157 (occur) S-Benzylthiouronium salt: Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
Plates (EtOAc). Mp 1488. 1973, 11, 483 (rev, tox)
2-Methylpropylamide: Boss, B.D. et al., Anal. Chem. , 1976, 48, 417-
2,6-Dodecadienal, 9CI D-1009 420 (glc, ms)
H3C(CH2)4CH/ . CHCH2CH2CH/ Bp0.6 1548 Bp0.03 1428. Tengoe, J. et al., Comp. Biochem. Physiol., B:
. CHCHO (2j,8j)-form Comp. Biochem. , 1976, 55, 179-188 (occur)
C12H20O 180.289 2-Methylpropylamide:N-Isobutyl-2,8-dode- Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
cadienamide. Herculin Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
Component of cooked chicken flavour. York, 1989, DXT000
C16H29NO 251.411
[21662-13-5, 21662-14-6] Isol. from Zanthoxylum clava-herculis Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1542-1543
Meijboom, P.W. et al., Fette, Seifen, Anstrichm. , (Hercules’ club). Pungent needles (hex- (occur, props)
1968, 70, 477 ane). Mp 59-608. Struct. doubtful. Aurell, M.J. et al., Tetrahedron , 1997, 53, 10883-
Harkes, P.D. et al., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. , 1974, Jacobson, M. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1948, 70, 4234 10898 (synth, pmr)
51, 356 (occur) (isol, struct) Sharma, A. et al., J.O.C. , 1999, 22, 8059-8062
Raphael, R.A. et al., J.C.S. , 1950, 115; 1951, (synth, ir, pmr)
2693 (synth) Singh, R.S. et al., Chem. Eur. J. , 2002, 8, 900-
2,4-Dodecadienoic acid D-1010 Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. , 1952, 2997 (synth, 909 (synth)
H3C(CH2)6CH/ . CHCH/ . CHCOOH struct) Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
C12H20O2 196.289 Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992,
(2E ,4E )-form [24738-48-5] 3,6-Dodecadien-1-ol D-1013
Cryst. (petrol). Mp 49-518. H3C(CH2)4CH/ . CHCH2CH/
Me ester: [24738-46-3] . CHCH2CH2OH 1,12-Dodecanediol D-1015
C13H22O2 210.316 C12H22O 182.305 [5675-51-4]
Bp0.3 106-1088. (E,E )-form [116264-82-5] Dodecamethylenediol
2-Methylpropylamide: [24738-51-0] 2,4- Oil. HOCH2(CH2)10CH2OH

Dodecanoic acid, 9CI  / 1-Dodecanol D-1016  / D-1018

C12H26O2 202.336 Butyl ester: [106-18-3] Butyl dodecanoate. Used in foods as a binder, emulsifier and
Cryst. (EtOH aq. or C6H6). Mp 80-818. Butyl laurate. FEMA 2206 anticaking agent. Needles. Mp 182-
Bp12 1898. C16H32O2 256.428 1838.
Di-Ac: Present in apple, papaya, cape goose- Al salt: [7230-93-5] Aluminium dodecano-
berry, spineless monkey orange and ate. Aluminium laurate
C16H30O4 286.411
malt whisky. Used in fruit flavouring. C36H69AlO6 624.919
Mp 36.5-37.58.
4 0.86. Mp -78. Bp30 1948 Bp4.5 153.58. Used in foods as a binder, emulsifier and
Di-Me ether: [73120-52-2] 1,2-Dimethoxy- n20
D 1.4362. anticaking agent.
C14H30O2 230.39 3-Methylbutyl ester: [6309-51-9] 3-Methyl- [629-25-4, 2437-23-2, 10124-65-9]
Mp 11.58. Bp15 155-1568. butyl dodecanoate. Isoamyl laurate.
FEMA 2077 Lomer, T.R. et al., Acta Cryst. , 1952, 5, 11-17
Di-Ph ether: [61575-03-9] 1,1?-[1,12-Do- (K salt, cryst struct)
C17H34O2 270.454
decanediylbis(oxy)]bisbenzene, 9CI. Gilmour, A. et al., J.C.S. , 1956, 1972-1976 (Al
Flavouring ingredient. Oil. salt)
[2224-49-9, 37811-72-6] Wood, D.E. et al., J. Appl. Chem. , 1958, 8, 237-
C24H34O2 354.531
246 (Al salt)
Isol. from the leaves of Arachis hypo- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985, Muller, B.W. et al., Arch. Pharm. (Weinheim,
gaea (peanuts) infected with Puccinia 1, 484A; 608C; 731A; 761B; 840A (ir) Ger.) , 1977, 310, 693-704 (Mg salt)
arachidis. Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR Amesubi, M. et al., J. Mol. Struct. , 1982, 81,
Spectra , 1992, 1, 755A; 924C; 1168C; 1196C; 61-67 (ir, salts)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
1245A; 1355B (nmr) Reichmuth, G. et al., Thermochim. Acta , 1985,
1, 137A (ir)
Vogel, A.I. et al., J.C.S. , 1948, 624-644 (butyl
Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR 85, 485-488 (synth)
ester) Seddon, A.B. et al., Thermochim. Acta , 1986,
Spectra , 1992, 1, 206B (nmr)
Org. Synth. , 1950, 30, 106 106, 341-344 (synth)
Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra: Vapor Phase ,
Warren, C.H. et al., Can. J. Chem. , 1973, 51, Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
1989, 3, 199A (ir)
3901 (Raman) Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 111-112;
Chuit, P. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1926, 9, 264
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. , 396-397; 1625-1626; 2304-2305; 2566-2567
1975, 13, 93 (rev, tox, Et ester) (salts)
Guyer, A. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1955, 38,
Kameoka, H. et al., Yukagaku , 1976, 25, 490
976-982 (synth)
Colonge, J. et al., Bull. Soc. Chim. Fr. , 1959,
Goto, M. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1978, 51,
1248 (synth)
70 (cryst struct)
White, R.W. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1971, 3587 (synth)
Rosen, M.J. et al., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. , 1976,
Barton, F.E. et al., J. Am. Oil Chem. Soc. , 1978, 1-Dodecanol D-1018
55, 574 (cmr)
53, 742 (di-Ph ether)
Shostenko, A.G. et al., CA , 1979, 90, 103343b
Rao, P.V.S. et al., Oleagineux , 1991, 46, 501; Dodecyl alcohol. Lauryl alcohol. FEMA
CA , 116, 252152 (di-Ph ether) 2617
Greenley, R.Z. et al., J. Macromol. Sci., Part A:
Nakamura, N. et al., Acta Cryst. C , 1997, 53,
Chem. , 1980, 14, 427 (Q/e values) H3C(CH2)10CH2OH
1883-1885 (cryst struct)
Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
C12H26O 186.337
Dodecanoic acid, 9CI D-1016 York, 1989, ELY700; LBL000 Present in apple, banana, morello cherry,
Yokoyama, I. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1993, melon, pawpaw, white wine, roasted pea-
[143-07-7] nut, coriander leaf, Bourbon vanilla, rice,
66, 400 (ir)
Lauric acid. Laurostearic acid. FEMA Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd licorice and crab. Flavouring agent. Cryst.
2614 edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, (EtOH aq.) with fatty, waxy flavour. Mp
H3C(CH2)10COOH 1, 381 (3-methylbutyl ester) 248 Mp 268. Bp 260-2628 Bp18 145-1488.
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
C12H24O2 200.32 -Severe skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) ca.
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 348-349;
For salts see Dodecanoic acid salts, D- 1003-1004; 1428-1429; 1540-1541; 1790-1791 13000 mg/kg. JR5775000
1017. Defoamer, lubricant. Used in fruit (occur, props, esters) Ac: [112-66-3] Dodecyl acetate. Acetate
coatings. Occurs as glyceride in coconut Kiessling, A.J. et al., Synth. Commun. , 1997, 27, C12. FEMA 2616
oil and palm kernel oil. Simple esters are 923-935 (esters) C14H28O2 228.374
flavour ingredients. Cryst. (EtOH). d20 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Present in morello cherry, citrus peel
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
0.88. Mp 448. Bp100 2258 Bp0.65 141- oils and cardamom. Flavouring agent.
Reinhold , 1992, DXT400; LBL000; ELY700
1428 (lit. gives a pressure range). pKa 5.3 Liq. with citrus-rose odour and flavour
(208). on dilution. Bp15 150.5-151.58.
-LD50 (rat, orl) 12000 mg/kg. OE9800000 Dodecanoic acid salts D-1017 -AH3525000
Me ester: [111-82-0] Methyl dodecanoate. Dodecanoates. Laurates [27342-88-7]
Methyl laurate. FEMA 2715 For parent acid see Dodecanoic acid, D- Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
C13H26O2 214.347 1016. 1, 112A; 603C (ir)
Found in concord grape (Vitis labrus- Na salt: [629-25-4] Sodium dodecanoate. Aldrich Library of 13C and 1H FT NMR
ca ), melon, pineapple, heated black- Sodium laurate Spectra , 1992, 1, 166C; 903C (nmr)
berry, red chilli (Capsicum frutescens ) Adkins, H. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1931, 53, 1095
C12H23NaO2 222.302
and other fruits. Also present in cheeses, Used in foods as a binder, emulsifier and
hop oil, white wine, spirits and other Salgues, R. et al., C. R. Hebd. Seances Acad.
anticaking agent.
foodstuffs. Flavouring agent. d20 4 0.87.
Sci. , 1956, 242, 2392 (isol)
Mp 58. Bp 261-2628 Bp15 1418. n20 K salt: [10124-65-9] Potassium dodecano- Hoshino, H. et al., Bull. Chem. Soc. Jpn. , 1973,
ate. Potassium laurate 46, 3043 (ms)
1.4320. Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Cosmet. Toxicol. ,
-OF0670000 C12H23KO2 238.411
Used in foods as a binder, emulsifier and 1973, 11, 109 (rev, tox)
Et ester: [106-33-2] Ethyl dodecanoate. Morris, W.W. et al., J. Assoc. Off. Anal. Chem. ,
Ethyl laurate. FEMA 2441 anticaking agent. 1973, 56, 1037 (ir)
C14H28O2 228.374 Mg salt: [4040-48-6] Magnesium dode- Nagai, T. et al., Yukagaku , 1974, 23, 43 (nmr)
Present in various fruits, eg. apple, canoate. Magnesium laurate Precht, D. et al., Fette, Seifen, Anstrichm. , 1976,
apricot, guava, melon, etc.. Also present C24H46MgO4 422.93 78, 145; 189 (cryst struct)
Used in foods as a binder, emulsifier and Ohashi, M. et al., Org. Mass Spectrom. , 1978,
in wheatbread, crispbread, ginger, 13, 642 (ms)
whisky, fruit brandies and wine. fla- anticaking agent. Mp 758 Mp 150.48.
Rossi, R. et al., Tetrahedron , 1982, 38, 639 (cmr)
vouring agent. Liq. with floral, fruity Ca salt: [4696-56-4] Calcium dodecanoate. Lewis, R.J. et al., Food Additives Handbook ,
odour. d254 0.86. Bp25 272-2738 Bp25 Calcium laurate Van Nostrand Reinhold International, New
1638. C24H46CaO4 438.703 York, 1989, DXV600

2-Dodecanone / 2-Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid, 9CI D-1019 / D-1025

Fenaroli’s Handbook of Flavor Ingredients, 3rd (2E ,6Z ,8E ,10E )-form [18744-21-3] Occurs in pears.
edn., (ed. Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press , 1995, Cryst. (hexane). Mp 93.5-958. Material (Z )-form [55928-65-9]
2, 428 contaminated with some all-E -isomer. Org. Synth., Coll. Vol., 4 , 1963, 398 (synth)
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
2-Methylpropylamide: [504-97-2] Neoher- Creveling, R.K. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. ,
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 1543-1544;
culin. N-Isobutyl-2,6,8,10-dodecatetrae- 1970, 18, 19 (ir, pmr, ms, uv)
1544-1545 (occur, props, Ac)
Bus, J. et al., Chem. Phys. Lipids , 1976, 17, 501;
Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of namide. Echinacein. a-Sanshool
1977, 18, 130 (cmr)
Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand C16H25NO 247.38 Muto, S. et al., Eur. J. Org. Chem. , 2001, 4635-
Reinhold , 1992, DXV400; DXV600 Constit. of Zanthoxylum spp.. Cryst. 4638 (Me ester)
(petrol). Mp 698 (61-638). Unstable in Popaj, K. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 2001, 84,
2-Dodecanone D-1019 air. 180-186 (Et ester, synth, ir, pmr, cmr)
[6175-49-1] 2-Hydroxy-2-methylpropylamide: [83883-
H3C(CH2)9COCH3 10-7] Hydroxy-a-sanshool
C16H25NO2 263.379
C12H24O 184.321 Constit. of Zanthoxylum piperitum (Ja- 1-Dodecyl sulfate D-1024
Constit. of essential oil of rue (Ruta panese pepper tree). Unstable oil. lmax
graveolens ). Also in hop oil (Humulus [151-41-7]
260 (e 22400); 269 (e 29200); 280 (e Monododecyl sulfate, 9CI. Lauryl sulfate
lupulus ) and tomato leaf oil. Mp 218. 23200) (EtOH).
Bp100 177-1788 Bp3.5 1018. n20 D 1.4340. H3C(CH2)11OSO2OH
[119719-30-1] C12H26O4S 266.401
2,4-Dinitrophenylhydrazone: [81874-90-0]
Mp 818. Crombie, L. et al., J.C.S. , 1952, 2997; 1955, Cryst. Sol. H2O.
995; 1957, 2760 (isol, uv, ir, struct) -LD50 (rat, orl) 1300 mg/kg. WT0700000
Semicarbazone: Crombie, L. et al., Nature (London) , 1954, 174,
Needles (EtOH). Mp 122-1238. 833 Na salt: [151-21-3] Sodium lauryl sulfate.
Pickard, R.H. et al., J.C.S. , 1911, 99, 57 (synth) Sonnet, P.E. et al., J.O.C. , 1969, 34, 1147 (synth, Sodium dodecyl sulfate. SDS. Numerous
Asinger, F. et al., Ber. , 1944, 77, 73 (synth) uv) proprietary names
U.S. Pat. , 1968, 3 365 499; CA , 69, 35440 Yasuda, I. et al., Phytochemistry, 1982, 21, 1295 Used in foods as an emulsifier, whipping
(manuf) (isol, pmr, cmr, ms, occur) agent, surfactant and wetting agent.
Yeo, A.N.H. et al., Chem. Comm. , 1970, 987 Mizutani, K. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988, Flakes (EtOH). Mp 204-2078.
(ms) 36, 2362 (isol, ir, pmr, cmr) -WT1050000
Cooke, M.P. et al., J.O.C. , 1973, 38, 4082 Nakamura, N. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1988,
36, 2647 (ir) Glycine salt:
Bente, P.F. et al., J. Phys. Chem. , 1975, 79, 713 Mp 1108.
(ms) Urea salt:
Kabalka, G.W. et al., J. Chem. Educ. , 1976, 53, 2-Dodecenal D-1022 Mp 1108.
549 (synth) [4826-62-4]
Hokanson, E.C. et al., J.O.C. , 1985, 50, 462 [2044-56-6, 2235-54-3, 3097-08-3, 4706-78-9,
FEMA 2402 7423-32-7]
(synth, pmr)
McDowell, P.G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1988, 27, H3C(CH2)8CH/ . CHCHO Aldrich Library of NMR Spectra, 2nd edn. , 1983,
2519 (isol) C12H22O 182.305 2, 805A (nmr)
-JR5150000 Aldrich Library of FT-IR Spectra, 1st edn. , 1985,
(E )-form [20407-84-5] 1, 904C (ir)
2,4,8,10-Dodecatetraenoic D-1020
Sadtler Standard C-13 NMR Spectra , 4458 (Na
acid Present in many foods including citrus
salt, cmr)
H3CCH/ . CHCH/ . CHCH2CH2CH/ peel, ginger, carrots, milk, roast peanuts, Sadtler Standard Proton NMR Spectra , 16888
. CHCH/ . CHCOOH roast beef and cured pork. Flavouring (Na salt, pmr)
agent. Oil with citrus-like odour and a Weber, K. et al., J. Biol. Chem. , 1969, 244, 4406
C12H16O2 192.257
mandarin taste. Bp10 125-1288 Bp0.5 (use)
N-Isobutylamide: 73.48. Schulten, H.R. et al., Anal. Chim. Acta , 1976,
C16H25NO 247.38The -Skin irritant. LD50 (rat, orl) >5000 mg/kg. 87, 103 (Na salt, ms)
(2E ,4E ,8Z ,10E )- and Semicarbazone: [16742-26-0] Jaeger, D.A. et al., J.O.C. , 1977, 42, 3298
(2E ,4E ,8Z ,10Z )-isomers were isol.. (synth)
Mp 165.5-1668. Hung, S.C. et al., Talanta , 1982, 29, 85 (detn,
N-2-Hydroxy-2-methylpropylamide:San- Bedoukian, P.Z. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1957, 79, 889 Ag)
shoamide Wheeler, J.W. et al., Science (Washington, Tan Zhe, et al., Talanta , 1984, 31, 624 (detn, Zn)
C16H25NO2 263.379 D.C.) , 1964, 144, 540 Surfactants in Cosmetics , (eds., Rieger, M.M.)
Alkaloid from fresh unripe fruits of Naves, Y.R. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1967, 50, M. Dekker, New York, 1985, (uses)
Zanthoxylum piperitum (Japanese pep- 1461 (ir) Fieser and Fieser’s Reagents for Organic
Opdyke, D.L.J. et al., Food Chem. Toxicol. , Synthesis, Wiley, 1988, 13, 281
per tree). Needles (C6H6). Mp 110-1118. 1983, 21, 849 (rev, tox) Handbook of Pharmaceutical Excipients , 2nd
Aihara, T. et al., Yakugaku Zasshi , 1951, 71, Chang, Y.H. et al., Synthesis , 1990, 1033 (synth) edn., (eds. Wade, A. et al ), American
1112 Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of Pharmaceutical Association/Pharmaceutical
Yasuda, I. et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull. , 1981, 29, Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand Press, 1994, 448-450
564 (isobutylamide) Reinhold , 1992, DXU280 Encyclopaedia of Reagents for Organic Synthesis ,
Herz, W. et al., Phytochemistry, 1985, 24, 173- (ed. Paquette, L.A.), Wiley, 1995, 7, 4557-
174 (isobutylamide) 4558 (Na salt, use)
2-Dodecenoic acid D-1023 Martindale, The Extra Pharmacopoeia, 31st edn.,
2,6,8,10-Dodecatetraenoic D-1021 [4412-16-2] Pharmaceutical Press , 1996, 1534
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed.
acid H3C(CH2)8CH/ . CHCOOH Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2567-2568
H3CCH/ . CHCH/ . CHCH/ C12H22O2 198.305 (Na salt)
. CHCH2CH2CH/ . CHCOOH (E )-form [32466-54-9] Lewis, R.J. et al., Sax’s Dangerous Properties of
C12H16O2 192.257 Mp 13-188. Bp3 155-1588 Bp0.15 127- Industrial Materials, 8th edn., Van Nostrand
Reinhold , 1992, MRH250; SOM500; SIB600
(all -E )-form 1308.
N-(2-Methylpropyl)amide:b-Sanshool Me ester: [6208-91-9]
Cryst. (hexane). Mp 100-1018. C13H24O2 212.331
2-Hydroxy-2-methylpropylamide: [97465- Occurs in volatile component of pears.
2-Dodecylbenzenesulfonic D-1025
69-5] Hydroxy-b-sanshool Oil. Bp3 1058.
acid, 9CI
C16H25NO2 263.379 Et ester: [28290-90-6]
Powder. C14H26O2 226.358 [1330-69-4, 1886-81-3, 27176-87-0]

3-Dodecylbenzenesulfonic acid, 9CI 
/ Dolineone D-1026 
/ D-1032

SO3H Pueschel, F. et al., Tenside Deterg. , 1970, 7, 249; From Dolichos biflorus (papadi). [a]D -
(CH 2)11CH 3 CA , 74, 99561 (synth, ir) 235 (c, 0.04 in MeOH). lmax 213 ; 282 ;
288 (EtOH) (Berdy). lmax 216 ; 248 ; 298
2-Dodecylcyclobutanone, 9CI D-1028 (EtOH-NaOH) (Berdy).
[35493-46-0] Ingham, J.L. et al., Phytochemistry, 1981, 20,
C18H30O3S 326.499 807 (struct, uv, nmr, ms)
The Na salt is likely to be a minor 2-DCB
component of sodium laurylbenzenesul- Dolicholide D-1031
fonate used as a detergent in food proces- O
sing. See D-1026 and D-1027. [85228-11-1]
S-Benzylisothiouronium salt: oxa-5a-ergost-24(28)-en-6-one, 9CI
Mp 100-1018. (CH2)11CH3
[1322-98-1, 25155-30-0, 26264-05-1, 26264-06-2, HO
27177-77-1, 27323-41-7] C16H30O 238.412
Truce, W.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1951, 73, 126 (/9)-form
(synth) Marker for g-irradiation of foodstuffs esp. OH
chicken, formed by dec. of palmitic acid
triglycerides. Mp 25-278. Bp0.075 88-968.
3-Dodecylbenzenesulfonic D-1026 HO
-Possesses genotoxic and cytotoxic activity
acid, 9CI in vitro.
[16577-13-2] Boyd, D.R. et al., J. Agric. Food Chem. , 1991, HO O
[1330-69-4, 1886-81-3, 27176-87-0] 39, 789-792 (formn, detn, synth, ms, pmr, cmr) O
Delincee, H. et al., Radiat. Phys. Chem. , 1998,
C18H30O3S 326.499 52, 39-42 (tox) C28H46O6 478.668
Horvatovich, P. et al., J. Chromatogr., A , 2000, Constit. of Dolichos lablab (hyacinth
Na salt: [19589-59-4] Sodium dodecylben- 897, 259-268 (detn, glc) bean). Cryst. (MeCN aq. or MeOH). Mp
zenesulfonate. Sodium laurylbenzenesul- Stewart, E.M. et al., J. Sci. Food Agric. , 2000,
234-2388. [a]22
D +56.3 (c, 0.405 in MeOH).
fonate 80, 121-130 (detn)
Surfactant for use in washing or lye Yokota, T. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1982, 23, 4965 (isol,
peeling of fruit and vegetables and in struct)
5-Dodecyldihydro-2(3H )-fura- D-1029 Okada, K. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1983, 47,
poultry scald solutions. White to light
yellow flakes, granules or powder. The
none, 9CI 925 (synth)
Takasuto, S. et al., Tet. Lett. , 1983, 24, 773
coml. prod. is a mixture of 1,2-, 1,3- and [730-46-1]
1,4-isomers.. 4-Hexadecanolide. g-Palmitolactone. 4-Do- Mori, K. et al., Tetrahedron , 1984, 40, 1767
S-Benzylisothiouronium salt: decyl-g-butyrolactone (synth)
Mp 97-988. Singh, H. et al., Indian J. Chem., Sect. B , 1986,
25, 989 (rev)
p-Toluidine salt: Adam, G. et al., Phytochemistry, 1986, 25, 1787
Mp 103-1048. H 3C(CH 2)11 O O (rev)
[1322-98-1, 25155-30-0, 26264-05-1, 26264-06-2, Takatsuto, S. et al., Agric. Biol. Chem. , 1988,
27176-87-0, 27177-77-1, 27323-41-7] 52, 2361 (synth)
C16H30O2 254.412
Truce, W.E. et al., J.A.C.S. , 1951, 73, 126 Found in pineapple essence and essential
(synth) oil of parsnip (Pastinaca sativa ). Mp 548. Dolineone D-1032
Chem. Eng. (N.Y.) , 1954, 61, 372-375 (manuf) Näf-Müller, R. et al., Helv. Chim. Acta , 1971, [10065-28-8]
Merck Index, 12th edn. , 1996, 8757 (bibl) 54, 1880 (isol) 6a,13a-Dihydro-1,3-dioxolo[6,7][1]benzo-
Encyclopedia of Food and Color Additives , (ed. Kubeczka, K.H. et al., Planta Med. , 1977, 31, pyrano[3,4-b]furo[3,2-g][1]benzopyran-
Burdock, G.A.), CRC Press, 1997, 2553-2554 173; CA , 86, 177157 (isol) 13(6H)-one, 9CI. Dolichone

Dolichin D-1030 O
4-Dodecylbenzenesulfonic D-1027 3,9-Dihydroxy-10-(2-hydroxy-3-methyl-3- O
acid, 9CI butenyl)pterocarpan O H
[1330-69-4, 1886-81-3, 27176-87-0]
13 a
C18H30O3S 326.499 6a O
Na salt: [121-65-3] 2′
Surfactant for use in washing or lye OH C19H12O6 336.3
peeling of fruit and vegetables and poultry O (2′R)-form CA numbering shown. Isol. from roots of
scald solutions. Mp 144-1458. The H Pachyrrhizus erosus (yam bean).
commercial prod. is a mixt. of 1,2-, 1,3- Needles (MeOH). Mp 233-2358. [a]20
and 1,4-isomers. See also, D-1026 and refs. H +135 (c, 1.3 in CHCl3).
given there. HO O 13a-Hydroxy: [28617-71-2]
S-Benzylisothiouronium salt: [28753-27-7] 13a-Hydroxydolineone. 12a-
C20H20O5 340.375
Mp 117-1188. Hydroxydolineone
(2?R )-form [78919-15-0] Constit. of Pachyrrhizus erosus (yam
p-Toluidine salt: Dolichin A
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