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Lesson Title/Focus Santa Claus Trap Date Tuesday, December 14th,


Subject/Grade Level Kindergarten Time 1 hour; 1:10-2:15pm


Unit Discovery Time Teacher Arsheen Makhani


General Learning The child listens, speaks, reads, writes, views and represents to respect, support
Outcomes: and collaborate with others. (Early Literacy; GLE 5)

The child contributes to group activities. (Personal & Social Responsibility; GLE 6)

The child demonstrates curiosity, interest and a willingness to learn about the
environment and community. (Environment & Community Awareness; GLE 1)

Specific Learning - participates in class and group activities (Early Literacy; Cooperates with
Outcomes: others)
- finds ways to be helpful to others. (Early Literacy; Cooperates with others)
- works cooperatively with a partner or in a group (Personal & Social
Responsibility; SLE 3)
- becomes aware of the relationship between cause and effect (Environment
& Community Awareness; SLE 5)

SMART LEARNING OBJECTIVES (specific, measurable, action word, relevant, timely)

Children will work together in groups to create a trap that will catch Santa Claus.


Key Questions: - How do we work together as a team?

Observations, - Children will collaborate with one another

Products, and/or - Children will listen to the shared ideas of others
Performances: - Children will use their imagination and creativity to build a trap


- “My First How to Catch Santa Claus” by Alice Walstead

- Paper
- Crayons
- Various materials found in the classroom (undecided until planning stage)


Introduction Time

Set the objective, purpose, Transition from recess to classroom: 5 min


- At 1:10 children will come back in the classroom from

lunch recess
- Have them take their winter gear off, wash their
hands, grab their masks, and go sit on their dot
- Ask the helper of the day to choose a winter
brain break activity from the pile. Children will
perform the action and do what the card says
Body Time

Scaffold the steps to the end - Tell children that today we are going to read a story 5 min (story)
called “How to Catch Santa Claus”
- Read the story 5-10 min (plan)
- Ask if anyone can guess what we are going to do today
(work together to build a Santa Claus trap) 20 min (build)
- Tell children we have 3 steps (plan, build, present)
10 min
- Ask how can we work together as a team (listen to our
friend’s ideas, create one trap, share materials)
- Have children pair up with someone they do not
normally work with (7 groups of 2; 1 group of 3)
- Benjamin will be working with the EA on
alternate activities/materials in the classroom
- Tell children to make a plan with their partner on how
they are going to trap Santa (what materials will you
need, what is your strategy). “
- After you make a plan show either Mrs.
Cormican or myself”
- Hand out a sheet of paper to each group and a crayon
to each child
- Circulate to each group ensuring they are working as a
- At 1:50 set a timer for 5 min to indicate they have 5 min
left to build and then have each group present to the
- Approach Dante individually beforehand
allowing him to tell me his ideas and ask him if
he can say that to the class when we present
- When presenting have each memeber of the group
speak and be given the opportunity to share ideas.
Have children give a round of applause to each group
that shares

Closure Time
Celebrate - After each group presents have children clean up their 5min
materials and go wash up for snack

Sponge Activity/Activities - Go for snack a few minutes early

- Put out materials for children to explore/play with. Circulate and ask
open ended questions, engaging in play with the children

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