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Writing workshop #1:

Once upon a time there was a girl named lucy who lived in Europe with her aunt. Lucy was left with her
aunt at a young age due to her parents being financially unstable. They left her when she was three
years old and never spoke to her sense. She had never communicated with her parents for her whole
life. This has made her feel abandoned and cold. Her aunt raised her on her own. She did everything she
could to give Lucy a great life. Lucy grew up with strong ambition to be succussed and earn a good
paying job due to her family leaving her because of that. However, the aunt own a small business art
studio, and this was her passion. Although she did not get paid a lot that is what she always wanted to
do. This left lucy with poor feelings towards her because she didn’t understand why she would pursue a
job that did not make a lot of money. Overtime lucy earned straight A’s and flew through college to get a
really good job, only for the sole purpose to earn a lot of money. However, after getting the perfect job
she always wanted, she never felt satisfied. She ended up getting her big girl job to take time to pursue
art because she never appreciated that enough when she was younger. She realized that she loved
painting and ended up working with her aunt in the shop and eventually let go of the grudge from
childhood. She realizes that money should never get in the way of what really matters in life.

Writing Workshop #2:

Being an older sister is something that looks easier than it is. Sometimes it feels like I am second mother,
but I wouldn’t change that for the world. My sister and I are four years apart and it feel like where we
are almost identically identical in age, .and Also, everyone says that we almost look like it too. Our
relationships has always been very close, and I view her as my best friend. She is at the age where she
wants nothing to do with me, because she is too cool for me but However, I will continue to I still always
bug her because I care. She is 17 and is currently applying for college for next year. Currently we are
both seniors: ERASE She is a high school senior, and I am a senior in college. I think it’s crazy how much
she has grown over the years, and that make me sad. I can’t wait to see how many amazing things that
she does in life. I don’t know what I would do without my sassy, funny, intelligent sister (she gets that
from me). No matter what anyone says being the older sister is something that is not for the weak. I
hope that I have done my best job so far being a good role model and influence on her (.)and I am
looking forward to seeing everything that will happen throughout life.

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